{"text": "[Question]\n [\nChallenge Taken with permission from my University Code Challenge Contest\n---\nFor some years now, the number of students in my school has been growing steadily. First the number of students was increased by classroom, but then it was necessary to convert some spaces for some groups to give classes there, such as the gym stands or, this last course, up to the broom room.\nLast year the academic authorities got the budget to build a new building and started the works. At last they have finished and the new building can be used already, so we can move (the old building will be rehabilitated and will be used for another function), but it has caught us halfway through the course. The director wants to know if the move will be possible without splitting or joining groups, or that some students have to change groups.\n**Challenge**\nGiven the amount of students of the current groups and the new classrooms (capacity), output a truthy value if it is possible to assign a different classroom, with sufficient capacity, to each of the current groups, or a falsey value otherwise.\n**Test Cases**\n```\nInput: groups of students => [10, 20, 30], classrooms capacity => [31, 12, 20]\nOutput: True\nInput: groups of students => [10, 20, 30], classrooms capacity => [100, 200]\nOutput: False\nInput: groups of students => [20, 10, 30], classrooms capacity => [20, 20, 50, 40]\nOutput: True\nInput: groups => [30, 10, 30, 5, 100, 99], classrooms => [40, 20, 50, 40, 99, 99]\nOutput: False\nInput: groups => [], classrooms => [10, 10, 10]\nOutput: True\nInput: groups => [10, 10, 10], classrooms => []\nOutput: False\nInput: groups => [], classrooms => []\nOutput: True\nInput: groups => [10, 1], classrooms => [100]\nOutput: False\nInput: groups => [10], classrooms => [100, 100]\nOutput: True\nInput: groups => [1,2,3], classrooms => [1,1,2,3]\nOutput: True\n```\n**Notes**\n* You can take the input in any reasonable format\n* You can output any Truthy/Falsey value (`1/0`, `True/False`, etc...)\n* [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\")\n \n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 4 bytes\nIt's always nice to see a challenge and know brachylog is gonna beat everyone.\nTakes current classes as input and new classrooms as output; It will output true if it finds a way to fit the students, false otherwise\n```\np\u2264\u1d50\u2286\n```\n## Explanation\nThe code has 3 parts of which the order actually doesn't matter\n```\n\u2264\u1d50 --> projects each value to a value bigger/equal then input\n\u2286 --> input is a ordered subsequence of output\np --> permutes the list so it becomes a unordered subsequence\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/v@BR55KHWyc86mr7/z/aUMdIxzgWRENYAA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 11 bytes\n```\n.AgM.t_DMQ0\n```\nTakes input as a list of lists, classroom sizes first, group sizes second. Try it online [here](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=.AgM.t_DMQ0&input=%5B%5B31%2C%202%2C%2021%2C%201%5D%2C%5B10%2C%2020%2C%2030%5D%5D&debug=0), or verify all the test cases at once [here](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=.AgM.t_DMQ0&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%5B%5B31%2C%2012%2C%2020%5D%2C%5B10%2C%2020%2C%2030%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B100%2C%20200%5D%2C%5B10%2C%2020%2C%2030%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B20%2C%2020%2C%2050%2C%2040%5D%2C%5B20%2C%2010%2C%2030%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B40%2C%2020%2C%2050%2C%2040%2C%2099%2C%2099%5D%2C%5B30%2C%2010%2C%2030%2C%205%2C%20100%2C%2099%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B10%2C%2010%2C%2010%5D%2C%5B%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B%5D%2C%5B10%2C%2010%2C%2010%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B%5D%2C%5B%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B100%5D%2C%5B10%2C%201%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B100%2C%20100%5D%2C%5B10%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B1%2C1%2C2%2C3%5D%2C%5B1%2C2%2C3%5D%5D&debug=0).\n```\n.AgM.t_DMQ0 Implicit: Q=eval(input())\n _DMQ Sort each element of Q in reverse\n .t 0 Transpose, padding the shorter with zeroes\n gM Element wise test if first number >= second number\n.A Are all elements truthy? Implicit print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 9 bytes\nTakes the classrooms as first argument and the groups as second argument.\n```\n\u0152!~+\u1e60\u2018\u1e0c\u1ea0\u00ac\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///oJMU67Yc7FzxqmPFwR8/DXQsOrfn//3@0oY6hjpGOcSyIBaIB \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Commented\n*NB: This `\u1e60\u2018\u1e0c\u1ea0\u00ac` is far too long. But I suspect that this is not the right approach anyway.*\n```\n\u0152!~+\u1e60\u2018\u1e0c\u1ea0\u00ac - main link taking the classrooms and the groups e.g. [1,1,2,3], [1,2,3]\n\u0152! - computes all permutations of the classrooms --> [..., [1,2,3,1], ...]\n ~ - bitwise NOT --> [..., [-2,-3,-4,-2], ...]\n + - add the groups to each list; the groups fits --> [..., [-1,-1,-1,-2], ...]\n in a given permutation if all resulting values\n are negative\n \u1e60 - take the signs --> [..., [-1,-1,-1,-1], ...]\n \u2018 - increment --> [..., [0,0,0,0], ...]\n \u1e0c - convert from decimal to integer --> [..., 0, ...]\n \u1ea0 - all truthy? --> 0\n \u00ac - logical NOT --> 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 9 bytes\n```\n\u00f1\u00cd\u00ed\u00a7V\u00f1n)e\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.6&code=8c3tp1bxbill&input=WzEsMiwzXQpbMSwxLDIsM10=) or [run all test cases on TIO](https://tio.run/##y0osKPnvl35oQwgXmPx/eOPh3sNrDy0PO7wxTzP1/39DA65oQwMdIwMdY4NYnWhjQx1DIyAvFkXU0ADEBgkCRQyhgkZgeVMDHROQhDFUQsdUB6Ta0hKowgShAigAEuOKBpumA0YQOyBMnWiIHFQMYieYA7UeytUx0jEGiehAWFy6uUEA)\n```\n\u00f1\u00cd\u00ed\u00a7V\u00f1n)e :Implicit input of arrays U=students, V=classrooms\n\u00f1 :Sort U by\n \u00cd : Subtracting each integer from 2\n \u00ed :Interleave with\n V\u00f1n : V sorted by negating each integer\n \u00a7 : Reduce each pair by checking if the first is <= the second\n ) :End interleaving\n e :All true?\n```\n---\n```\n\u00f1\u00cde\u00c8\u00a7Vn o\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.6&code=8c1lyKdWbiBv&input=WzEsMiwzXQpbMSwxLDIsM10=) or [run all test cases on TIO](https://tio.run/##y0osKPnvl35oQwgXmPx/eOPh3tTDHYeWh@Up5P//b2jAFW1ooGNkoGNsEKsTbWyoY2gE5MWiiBoagNggQaCIIVTQCCxvaqBjApIwhkromOqAVFtaAlWYIFQABUBiXNFg03TACGIHhKkTDZGDikHsBHOg1kO5OkY6xiARHQiLSzc3CAA)\n```\n\u00f1\u00cde\u00c8\u00a7Vn o :Implicit input of arrays U=students, V=classrooms\n\u00f1 :Sort U by\n \u00cd : Subtracting each integer from 2\n e :Does every element return true\n \u00c8 :When passed through the following function\n \u00a7 : Less than or equal to\n Vn : Sort V\n o : Pop the last element\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 49 bytes\nOutputs by exit code, fails for falsy input.\n```\ng,r=map(sorted,input())\nwhile g:g.pop()>r.pop()>y\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY4xj4MwDIX3/AqLCaToREJvKFK7lfWWbqgDRy2K2pLIDbry67k4pKh3g/Xi9z3HtpO7mEHPrTkj7CBJkrmTtLs3Nn0YcniW/WBHl2aZ@Ln0N4Su7D6ssWm2p6jT7KciPdKIpQBwNLEA4BNb4M9DZ6kfXAgJRi1aB4ev6kBkaMl/EzbXNxikN0P5Nl81twfOtcolaF9FfpJQF0qC0uycxD@k8tAyYFOtQMfYp68N42LF3uSn1@2Wo5s/UXYDEfWyYBlTr92x8SgmXn48J7TradGQWhbBk8vzFw \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 10 bytes\n```\nyn&Y@>~!Aa\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/vzJPLdLBrk7RMfH//2gjAx0FQyA2NojlAnNA2BSITQxiAQ) Or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##y00syfmf8L8yTy3Swa5O0THxv0vI/2hDAx0FIyA2NojlijY21FEwNAIJADkoMoYGYB6ICRIzhIkbQRWZArEJ2Ai4LFAQxATSlpZACRMUlSBBqATUKghG58ARWATiEDAJcxOUr2OkYwymISwA).\n### Explanation\nConsider inputs `[20, 10, 30]`, `[20, 20, 50, 40]` as an example. Stack is shown bottom to top.\n```\ny % Implicit inputs. Duplicate from below\n % STACK: [20 10 30]\n [20 20 50 40]\n [20 10 30]\nn % Number of elements\n % STACK: [20 10 30]\n [20 20 50 40]\n 3\n&Y@ % Variations. Gives a matrix, each row is a variation\n % STACK: [20 10 30]\n [20 10 30\n 20 20 40\n 20 20 40\n \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\n 50 40 20]\n>~ % Less than? Element-wise with broadcast\n % STACK: [1 1 1\n 1 1 1\n 1 1 1\n \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\n 1 1 0]\n! % Transpose\n % STACK: [1 1 1 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 0\n 1 1 1 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 1\n 1 1 1 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 1]\nA % All. True for columns that only contain nonzeros\n % STACK: [1 1 1 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 0]\na % Any. True if the row vector contains at least a nonzero. Implicit display\n % STACK: 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 40 bytes\n```\nc%l=[1|x<-l,x>=c]\ns#g=and[c%s<=c%g|c<-s]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dY/BCoMwEETvfsWCFVpYIYl6UIyH3voNIQeJxUpTLdWDB/89TVQQqoUcJjNvNtlH2T/vWhujAs0FncY81DgWXEmv92tetpVQQZ9zFdSTysNemrN/gSwDcWsHCWGxiWvXae9VNi1wqDoP3p@mHeAEriAoQUYwIhJERJEye5P/EUqc3hE2pivBZjghGO@oaKUwQTcnTS0eb7g1nPdTmh/F@Rz8a/EttW8d0csG@2Td7ChDhpGLcVHmCw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~14~~ ~~12~~ 8 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u20ac{\u00ed0\u03b6\u00c6dP\n```\nPort of [*@Sok*'s Pyth answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/179562/52210), so make sure to upvote him as well!\nTakes the input as a list of lists, with the classroom-list as first item and group-list as second item.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//UdOa6sNrDc5tO9yWEvD/f3S0oY6hjpGOcaxONISOBQA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfeX/R01rqg@vNTi37XBbSsB/nf/R0dHGhjoKhkY6CkYGsTrRhgYgho6CsUFsrI5CNJAPFjAAcdDljKB8UyA2AasA8QyRVJigqNBRsLQEYaA1xnCFQEkQEywJsxIiZwg2EiIGsx4qDheDOxKuAMnZcGGomI6hjpGOMVgIzIiNBQA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u20ac{ # Sort each inner list\n \u00ed # Reverse each inner list\n 0\u03b6 # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns, with 0 as filler\n \u00c6 # For each pair: subtract the group from the classroom\n d # Check if its non-negative (1 if truthy; 0 if falsey)\n P # Check if all are truthy by taking the product\n # (and output implicitly)\n```\n---\n**Old 12-byte answer:**\n```\n\u00e6\u03b5{I{0\u03b6\u00c6dP}\u00e0\n```\nTakes the classroom-list first, and then the group-list.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//8LJzW6s9qw3ObTvclhJQe3jB///RhjqGOkY6xrFc0RAaAA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/W9o4ObpYq@kkJiXoqBk73l4QiiQ86htEpBT/P/wsnNbqyOqDc5tO9yWElB7eMF/nf/RxoY6CoZGOgpGBrFc0YYGIIaOgjGEA@ZhiBtBOaZAbAITMITJmqDI6ihYWoIwUMIYrgooCWIaQCUMoRKGIO0QhFUI5hBDmNtgQiBCx1DHSMcYzALRAA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u00e6 # Take the powerset of the (implicit) classroom-list,\n # resulting in a list of all possible sublists of the classrooms\n \u03b5 # Map each classroom sublist to:\n { # Sort the sublist\n I{ # Take the group-list input, and sort it as well\n 0\u03b6 # Transpose/zip; swapping rows/columns, with 0 as filler\n \u00c6 # For each pair: subtract the group from the classroom\n d # Check for everything if it's non-negative (1 if truthy; 0 if falsey)\n P # Check if all are truthy by taking the product\n }\u00e0 # After the map: check if any are truthy by getting the maximum\n # (and output the result implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/5.0.0/#csc), ~~77~~ 74 bytes\n```\na=>b=>a.Count==a.OrderBy(x=>-x).Zip(b.OrderBy(x=>-x),(x,y)=>x>y?0:1).Sum()\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jZJRa4MwEMff/RR5TCCVRLuHrk0KGwwGgw32tuJDdMqEVUcSN6Xss7tLLaKW1aIhuf/d/xc8LzGLxOTtQ1Ukm8en3NhNXlhJp3Fclp9SZqJVQsZCKv@@rAorhPKf9Xuq7xpcC7moif@Wf@F4IlJc04YIWctmy2458V@rPSbt2vOAvYvcg2xqrEECFekP6tWDNwgHwYEzigJYIfulAznkFPHApUAeZq5yc3bUL3udj597gxPyBtbyMiHsCVDujrCvViPackRz6VPJ/9TJl3RX8Pk@9GUj1JX3zNOnDZ5xnP@PWQ90Cno5NoKtl90Lk5aVOlXJB/5W@jhrUNrNHPEQetFgxBl2wo5FpDvwiJB1@wc \"C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nCommented code:\n```\n// a: student group counts\n// b: classroom capacities\na=>b=>\n // compare the number of student\n // groups to...\n a.Count==\n // sort student groups descending\n a.OrderBy(x=>-x)\n // combine with classroom\n // capacities sorted descending\n .Zip(\n b.OrderBy(x=>-x),\n // the result selector 1 when\n // the classroom has enough\n // capacity, 0 when it doesn't\n (x,y)=>x/dev/null\n```\n69 bytes\n```\n(paste -d- <(sort -nr<<<$2) <(sort -nr<<<$1)|bc|grep -- -)&>/dev/null\n```\n[TIO](https://tio.run/##VY1JCoMwGIX3/ykeRbQuQgZ1IZX2It3YJtSCqCQdFrVnt4mWDhCS7w28HGrXTPfm3BpYU2s4xPFCdgPdkzMXMIZV9HCcg0fJvkueq6Dtj6Zp7Xrrm52tqipS41C7iwHTDAzVXybT8XAcT9YMYZel8ZZrc@PdtW0nc2x6RDvSfWdokgJKIBOUSUjlmT6OFIEEeSVnQ81JIZD7@ttEgdArS8q/qZfBCVPz@QItZtgmuXwxIxQyfy/vCw)\ntakes student rooms as first and second argument as string numbers delimited by newline\nreturns exit status 1 for true or 0 for false\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-pal`, ~~67~~ 62 bytes\n*@NahuelFouilleul saved 5 bytes with a rearrangement and a grep*\n```\n$_=!grep$_>0,map$_-(sort{$b-$a}@F)[$x++],sort{$b-$a}<>=~/\\d+/g\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18l3lYxvSi1QCXezkAnNxFI62oU5xeVVKsk6aok1jq4aUarVGhrx@ogCdrY2dbpx6Ro66f//29ooGBkoGBswGVsoGBopGBo8C@/oCQzP6/4v66vqZ6BocF/3YLEHAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[67 bytes version](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/9@hyDY3saBaozi/qKRaJUlXJbHWwU0zWltbRbkkVlclvhZJwsbOtk4/JkVbP91aJd5WyaFISbFOX1f//39DAwUjAwVjAy5jAwVDIwVDg3/5BSWZ@XnF/3V9TfUMDA3@6xYk5gAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes the space separated list of class sizes on the first line and the space separated list of room sizes on the next.\n[Answer]\n# Common Lisp, 74 bytes\n`(defun c(s r)(or(not(sort s'>))(and(sort r'>)(<=(pop s)(pop r))(c s r))))`\n## Non-minified\n```\n(defun can-students-relocate (students rooms)\n (or (not (sort students #'>))\n (and (sort rooms #'>)\n (<= (pop students)\n (pop rooms))\n (can-students-relocate students rooms))))\n```\n[Test it](https://rextester.com/NMOUG17878)\nNote that sort permanently mutates the list, and pop rebinds the variable to the next element.\nIn effect this just recursively checks that the largest student group can fit in the largest room. There are 3 base-cases:\n1. No students - return T\n2. Students, but no rooms - return NIL\n3. Students and rooms, but largest student group larger than largest room - return NIL\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~71~~ ~~67~~ 64 bytes\n```\nlambda g,c:s(g)==s(map(min,zip(s(g)[::-1],s(c)[::-1])))\ns=sorted\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dZA5DoMwEEV7TmEpjS1NJMaQAiS3OUE6QkHYgsQmTIrk8sQGQxbhYuRZ3v/2uH@O967lUyGuU500tywhJaShpCUTQtIm6WlTtfCqeqp7URgeMQZJU5MyxhwpZDeMeTb1Q9WOpKARukC4Cs@NgUQeAkGuOzEjB3IZHrnjWFh053Ihz0ktv1GN4YZyIzyp8HetvY1XlE7VGQRa6/9odXee7F26vGoxQusGZqpYq4lVavbeFeLnV1bk3wI4eDMES7oy0xs \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 50 bytes\n```\n\\d+\n$*\n%O^`1+\n%`$\n,\n^((1*,)(?=.*\u00b6((?>\\3?)1*\\2)))*\u00b6\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY5NCgIxDIX3OccU0k6QpJ1ZDEV7BBduy1BBF25cyJzNA3ixmhZ/4EG@vBeSPK7b7X6uBk8l1nwZYXBgjmuREUwZgGBFFEcW037nXk/EdMghWXHZW2vVqVWYPFPgGITEK8PPEW7EoJ10w/dkZpoYwsekmdrcssTpn2qrAt1AXfCFCLFz263QT3QkTyHqB62@AQ \"Retina 0.8.2 \u2013 Try It Online\") Link includes test suite. Takes two lists of groups and rooms (test suite uses `;` as list separator). Explanation:\n```\n\\d+\n$*\n```\nConvert to unary.\n```\n%O^`1+\n```\nReverse sort each list separately.\n```\n%`$\n,\n```\nAppend a comma to each list.\n```\n^((1*,)(?=.*\u00b6((?>\\3?)1*\\2)))*\u00b6\n```\nCheck that each of the numbers in the first list can be matched to the appropriate number in the second list. Each time `\\3` contains the previously matched rooms and the next group `\\2` therefore needs to be able to fit into the next room. The `(?>\\3?)` handles the case of the first room when there are no previous rooms yet.\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 28 bytes\n```\n\uff37\u2227\u230a\u03b8\u00ac\u203a\u2308\u00a7\u03b8\u00b9\u2308\u00a7\u03b8\u2070\uff35\uff2d\u03b8\u03a6\u03ba\u207b\u03bd\u2315\u03ba\u2308\u03ba\u00ac\u229f\u03b8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY47C8MwDIT3/gqPMrjg9DF1CoWWDinZgweTGGLiR@I6bf69K3vpUsEt3@lO6kcZei9NSp9RG0WgdgM02mm7WlgoI08f4R6UjCpAI7fC6/hwg9pgYaSiuPOHc1oGrfnqrZXYivSmTe6ZMKLd@gKXEVrTr2MqucuuDdpFyNdbP@MnyFLquu7AGck6o05cMFJIhTpyIUTav80X \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Takes a list of lists of rooms and groups and outputs `-` if the rooms can accommodate the groups. Explanation:\n```\n\uff37\u2227\u230a\u03b8\u00ac\u203a\u2308\u00a7\u03b8\u00b9\u2308\u00a7\u03b8\u2070\n```\nRepeat while a group can be assigned to a room.\n```\n\uff35\uff2d\u03b8\u03a6\u03ba\u207b\u03bd\u2315\u03ba\u2308\u03ba\n```\nRemove the largest room and group from their lists.\n```\n\u00ac\u229f\u03b8\n```\nCheck that there are no unallocated groups remaining.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 56 bytes\n```\ns=>c=>s.sort(g=(x,y)=>y-x).every((x,y)=>c.sort(g)[y]>=x)\n```\n[Try it](https://tio.run/##ZZBBDoIwEEX3nMJlm4y1BVy4KEtP4K42kWAhGqSGIqGnxxaoRkm6mP7/5nc697zPTdHent220Vc1lnw0PCt4ZojRbYcqjgawmGd2O2CietVatCjFQmBhZcYHPBa6MbpWpNYVElEkBKMQU0ioBJEwYLG7SQmb3W5zal/qF2DU18E/5rXxgHPZAsQTu6eQ/oUkCwN78CGHg4PTL@wEr00tIXZ6D6YzG995ZhHEqmEFzkP/cix85eOEBogh8R7MlQxWJMkjfyIk3FKl22qJBowsxuSub83l3Fzw@AY)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), 34 bytes\n```\n{none [Z>] $_>>.sort(-*)>>[^.[0]]}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rZBRa4MwFIWf56@4FFm1pGq0G3Rgyh42GAz6MvYw60Z0OgpqxOiDtP3tzmQyKnWrjD1cEsg53zk3eVQk101aw2UMLjS7jGUReC/EB/WNEIOzotTmM50Q79XwLN8/NDErQEu2WcR1mBNQKQI1aCd0JxPYKRec1rCKNZUaIUsDzdx4xmy18c2WYdw93z7qCKbCOEV7Neg0T0UV7e9pwiNTVw7NQ5ZX5Q18FKzKObAYeFm9R1nJwSXgYQuB3Y5j@QjChHJeMJZyCGlOw21ZS5GDEWBbCH1lXZWSJ1IU5R/g2JKqI7Tsfo4tuPgc2@4KXLWzOFNeLvoNbT3i2p7LZT9A6BY9rtBI3e8bCOMpCneReES9I@0J50/hIyOHWlsjAod6yj/t2X@MRjZyBgDo66Hn/wQ \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input as a list of two lists, the groups and the classrooms, and returns a None Junction that can be boolified to true/false.\n### Explanation:\n```\n{ } # Anonymous code block\n $_>>.sort(-*) # Sort both lists from largest to smallest\n >>[^.[0]] # Pad both lists to the length of the first list\n none # Are none of\n [Z>] # The groups larger than the assigned classroom\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 57 bytes\n```\n->c,r{r.permutation.any?{|p|c.zip(p).all?{|a,b|b&&a<=b}}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZZBBCoMwEEX3nsJVaWEaTGIXQm0PErKIolSwNogurPHsdhJTtXQxzMz7f8gnbZ8Nc5nO51sO7dgSXbTPvlNd9WqIaob7aLTJybvSR30iqq4RKMhMdjioa5pN0zSLQAgaQciweCQhFJxCSJklUsKfSiO3es1yumrMOy9YsXfw1YHcjtiTxLrjH7elTnFXy0vLJd3l8Duqm2@n@oBfsubdGDDgDsMyykCSQuWP0eAHGh2WAruc5g8 \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes `c` for classes, `r` for rooms. Checks all permutations of rooms instead of using sort, because reverse sorting costs too many bytes. Still looks rather long though...\n[Answer]\n# [C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/5.0.0/#csc), ~~105~~ ~~93~~ ~~91~~ ~~82~~ ~~81~~ ~~79~~ ~~77~~ ~~76~~ 74 bytes\nNow matches dana's score!\n```\nn=>m=>{n.Sort();m.Sort();int i=m.Count-n.Count;i/=n.Any(b=>m[i++]m=>{\n //Sort the student groups from smallest to largest\n n.Sort();\n //Sort the classrooms fom smallest capacity to largest\n m.Sort();\n //Initialize a variable that will function as a sort of index\n int i=m.Count-n.Count;\n //And divide that by...\n i/=\n //0 if any of the student groups...\n n.Any(b=>\n //Don't fit into the corresponding classroom and incrementing i in the process\n /*(In the case that a the amount of classrooms are less than the amount of\n student groups, an IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown)*/\n m[i++]{int b=a[0].length;Arrays.sort(a[0]);Arrays.sort(a[1]);if(b>a[1].length){return false;}for(int i=0;ia[1][i]){return false;}}return true;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##tVBNa8MwDL33V@gYUzc4/TgUr4X9gPXSY8jBaZ3OXWoHx@koxr89k7PAoNDt0oFB0pPfe5LO4ipmppH6fPzo1aUx1sEZsbRzqk5frRW3lk8OtWhbeBNK@wmA0k7aShwk7HxpTC2FBpsgmhd5AYLwgJ9aJ5w6wA70Bnox23rsQ7kROSvSWuqTe@ff6mmLnknEyR2SIaKqpNzGdCQRb6XrrIZK1K3koTKDM6gN4@ql5Go6JR5JUS9XxUDFeE8LY@lsh1XPceCmK2sceJz7atQRLrhwsndW6VNeCBJ3B9jfWicvqelc2mDH1TrRqU20/ITxBN5njM4ZXbBAPcZsThdZCITwRwKPO79JZyzm7B@U50O6YnT5NPUF3iGq0xWNc6/XaLP8sUEgYk8yG45Dh/e3ZJiE/gs \"Java (OpenJDK 8) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nWith a little helpful advice from [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen/%22Kevin%20Cruijssen%22) and simply another glance over my code myself, I can decrease my score by a whole 9% just by replacing three English words! \n# [Java (OpenJDK 8)](http://openjdk.java.net/), 166 bytes\n```\na->{int b=a[0].length;Arrays.sort(a[0]);Arrays.sort(a[1]);if(b>a[1].length){return 0;}for(int i=0;ia[1][i++]){return 0;}}return 1;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##tVDLasMwELznK/ZoNYqQ8zgENYF@QHPJ0fggJ0oq15GNLKcEoW93V8bQUkh7SUFIw@zuzKxKeZWzulGmPL73@tLU1kGJHOucrtiTmBwq2bbwKrXxEwBtnLIneVCw84jBJnhneZaDJCJgQ@uk0wfYgdlAL2fboavYyIznrFLm7N7Ei7Xy1rIWrZLIkx9Miow@JcU2wnGIeKtcZw1wEU714Ap6w4V@LgTx2B2FMp0PM5meTvPvE2GEqQi9wJBNV1QYcsx6rfURLrhgsndWm3OWSxJ3BdjfWqcurO4ca7DiKpMYZhOjPmBc2/uU0zmnCx6oxzed00UaAiHinsD9ym/SKY@Y/4PyfIArTpcPU1/gP0R1uqIx93qNNssvGyQi9yCz4XPocP6WDJPQfwI \"Java (OpenJDK 8) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 80 bytes\n```\nparam($s,$c)!($s|sort -d|?{$_-gt($r=$c|?{$_-notin$o}|sort|select -l 1);$o+=,$r})\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dZJda4MwFIbv/RVZORsJi2C0u@iGzKv9gt0X0XQbpMYlkQ2qv90d48faYgMhOec875vPWv9IYz@lUj0cSEpOfZ2b/EjBcijYHY6t1caRsGxfT7APPxwFk0IxRpV2XxXozjOtlUoWiCoi2Avox5SD6VjfBUFGA4KN04yKiJMYexIxTjKaCE5EPKQwBGcayW6hIvKxB99yZc/IgRL/ZDwJn7BvPf9@YZwsODLDFMfdzku3F9IhPZWul5y2NBqJlUUuap5ftbghnE@8IhNn1zERVwY85snI8Hk@IYy05J6cPArWNaWsnMVqoXJrjdbHIZC/Nb6jLPE7wH5EjbSNcph4wF@yCM91ntsAndBQfi8@7Hk22ARd/wc \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nLess golfed test script:\n```\n$f = {\nparam($students,$classrooms)\n$x=$students|sort -Descending|where{ \n $freeRoomWithMaxCapacity = $classrooms|where{$_ -notin $occupied}|sort|select -Last 1\n $occupied += ,$freeRoomWithMaxCapacity # append to the array\n $_ -gt $freeRoomWithMaxCapacity # -gt means 'greater than'. It's a predicate for the 'where'\n} # $x contains student groups not assigned to a relevant classroom\n!$x # this function returns a true if $x is empty\n}\n@(\n ,(@(10, 20, 30), @(31, 12, 20), $true)\n ,(@(10, 20, 30), @(100, 200), $False)\n ,(@(20, 10, 30), @(20, 20, 50, 40), $True)\n ,(@(30, 10, 30, 5, 100, 99), @(40, 20, 50, 40, 99, 99), $False)\n ,(@(), @(10, 10, 10), $True)\n ,(@(10, 10, 10), @(), $False)\n ,(@(), @(), $True)\n ,(@(10, 1), @(100), $False)\n ,(@(10), @(100, 100), $True)\n ,(@(1,2,3), @(1,1,2,3), $True)\n) | % {\n $students, $classrooms, $expected = $_\n $result = &$f $students $classrooms\n \"$($result-eq$expected): $result\"\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 65 bytes\n```\nfunction(g,r)isTRUE(all(Map(`-`,sort(-g),sort(-r)[seq(a=g)])>=0))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVC9DoIwEN59ChKXu@RM2oIDAyYOOuniz2RMIAQaEgJa8PmR0gKCDJd@ve@nd1VNGjTpp4jrrCxAksKsul3uB4jyHM7RC8JNSFWpathItEDho0reEAUSn7gLGGKTQgyckSPachlSDC4nhwvdQXTWjs5c/as4665Gc9yfrkakBXwQCWvZtuXN4txB2fIatqfva5c3celux/w@lBV1IhMFZhITxBfmtX0a9MshE3oaYHedrcnHP@jJ0UaC3I4mA3u2@QI \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**Problem:**\nFind the number of leading zeroes in a 64-bit signed integer\n**Rules:**\n* The input cannot be treated as string; it can be anything where math and bitwise operations drive the algorithm\n* The output should be validated against the 64-bit signed integer representation of the number, regardless of language\n* [Default code golf rules apply](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/tags/code-golf/info)\n* Shortest code in bytes wins\n**Test cases:**\nThese tests assume two's complement signed integers. If your language/solution lacks or uses a different representation of signed integers, please call that out and provide additional test cases that may be relevant. I've included some test cases that address double precision, but please feel free to suggest any others that should be listed.\n```\ninput output 64-bit binary representation of input (2's complement)\n-1 0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\n-9223372036854775808 0 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n9223372036854775807 1 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\n4611686018427387903 2 0011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\n1224979098644774911 3 0001000011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\n9007199254740992 10 0000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n4503599627370496 11 0000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n4503599627370495 12 0000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\n2147483648 32 0000000000000000000000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000\n2147483647 33 0000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111\n2 62 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010\n1 63 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001\n0 64 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# x86\\_64 machine language on Linux, 6 bytes\n```\n0: f3 48 0f bd c7 lzcnt %rdi,%rax\n5: c3 ret\n```\nRequires Haswell or K10 or higher processor with `lzcnt` instruction.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/19DK01TQ9NWKabCzTimwsQipsLALabCySWmwtkciI2VrLlyEzPzNDSruQqKMvNK0jSUVFNi8pR00jQMfTQ1rTFEDcCitf///0tOy0lML/6vW5VakZpcXJKYnA0A \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Hexagony](https://github.com/m-ender/hexagony), ~~78~~ 70 bytes\n```\n2\"1\"\\.}/{}A=<\\?>(<$\\*}[_(A\\\".{}.\"&.'\\&=/..\"!=\\2'%<..(@.>._.\\=\\{}:\"<><$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcFBDkAwEAXQs5jQNha/WMq09BwmaSyEFVvSzNnrvet49/O5v1onGkmgvmgKLEt03EqvW3ZJCEVBBlZM8AA1QSbbMeBWRGRIkKIzceS21uEH \"Hexagony \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nIsn't this challenge too trivial for a practical language? ;)\nside length 6. I can't fit it in a side length 5 hexagon.\n### Explanation\n[![](https://i.stack.imgur.com/3azaW.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/3azaW.png)\n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://docs.python.org/2/), 31 bytes\n```\nlambda n:67-len(bin(-n))&~n>>64\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZYu7CsJAEEX7@YpUkhSBmdnZeQj6JTaKioG4BomIjb8etxO0uofDudNrvtwKL@fNbhn318Nx35S1Wj@eSnsYStuXrlu9y3arsjwvw3hqaD3dhzI353Yo02Nuu27pCfpgTskYk3oWs@zo8O8MRInUFcmFLbkFJiBmiUrhKrWTIIJANIrgehSsC5Ix5QitL0MJ/RUZmGrrScW/aMBAgB8 \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThe expresson is the bitwise `&` of two parts:\n```\n67-len(bin(-n)) & ~n>>64\n```\nThe `67-len(bin(-n))` gives the correct answer for non-negative inputs. It takes the bit length, and subtracts from 67, which is 3 more than 64 to compensate for the `-0b` prefix. The negation is a trick to adjust for `n==0` using that negating it doesn't produce a `-` sign in front.\nThe `& ~n>>64` makes the answer instead be `0` for negative `n`. When `n<0`, `~n>>64` equals 0 (on 64-bit integers), so and-ing with it gives `0`. When `n>=0`, the `~n>>64` evaluates to `-1`, and doing `&-1` has no effect.\n---\n**[Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 36 bytes**\n```\nf=lambda n:n>0and~-f(n/2)or(n==0)*64\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZYtLasNAEAX3fQotpYBId09PfwzyXWQUIYEzFkYheOOry7MLxKtXFPW2x77cCh/HPFzH78s0NuVUzjiW6dnPbfnk7nZvyzBg96Fy/C7r9auh03Zfy97M7Vq2n73tuqMn6IM5JWNM6lnMsqPDuzMQJVJXJBe25BaYgJglKoWr1E6CCALRKILrUbAuSMaUI7S@DCX0v8jAVFtPKv6HBgwE@AI \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nArithmetical alternative.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 14 bytes\n```\n__builtin_clzl\n```\nWorks fine on tio\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~35~~ 29 bytes\n```\nf(long n){n=n<0?0:f(n-~n)+1;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9NIyc/L10hT7M6zzbPxsDewCpNI0@3Lk9T29C69n9uYmaehmZ1QVFmXkmahpJqioKSTpqGhaamNUIIJGIAFKn9DwA \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThan Dennis for 6 bytes\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/) compiler flags, 29 bytes by David Foerster\n```\n-Df(n)=n?__builtin_clzl(n):64\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZYzLTsMwEADv@YpVEVJMG@RX/KAtXPgLqKLUIakl46A05QDi11mWXhBw2tHs7IZqCAEvYg7p1D3B5jh3Ke6vD7fFLxdHUogxz/Dcxlx@QzsNYQXh0E5wRfz6sGPFewHQjxOcgwhbEGsam3NLtFwyCgBeJtr35eKye8yLFfRlO4@pPD@JO8bYuvhArARWXkqlrOTKuFpbWzvu8L@zqI0QxhkunJZWOeu5QiGl9kTeGU2d9kKg59wK7yUdak4Tdc1V7b2hK8u1N39FjVJQ65TR7gctShTIP0Of2uGI1X1fZrbNd02zP8U0x9yE9JbI3Rj9BQ \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~32~~ 26 bytes.\n`Long::numberOfLeadingZeros`\nBuiltins FTW.\n-6 bytes thanks to Kevin Cruijssen\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bZDBboMwDIbP5Sl8BGlFCQSSlHXHSZO67dDbph1SGmg6CAhCu2rqs7Mg0Wpq8cX2b3@2k704iPl@@92rsq4aA3ub@51Rhb9OhdaySZy7Stbp1KhK@89jkDhO3W0KlUJaiLaFV6E0/DpgbdRbI4x1h0ptobRVd20apfPPLxBN3npj83@7zH5cVTp/gBdtZC6bJ8hg2Q/SYqG7ciOb92wlxdbO@pBN1fa3YxJnNhtfAu3ol6DlEUbVXZ9aI0tfac8@4xY/7lQhwR1JfyfaN/ljhv2uN3X1YIWtgrZbLpS@IskkMF5Qdcav7a@YQruZL@q6OLnam2DOznR27ucY5jwIwpAGKIxZRCiNGGJwr1EgMcYxixFmJKAhoxyFgIOAcBtxFhPbRzjGwBGimPPAggRZDyRCYcR5bCmKCI/hVokgwLaZhTFhw13XjNoYMKA/ \"Java (JDK) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 25 bytes\nTakes input as a BigInt literal.\n```\nf=x=>x<0?0:x?f(x/2n)-1:64\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fdFLbsIwEAbgfU@RZbJIMy@PZ1ApZ0GUVK2QgwBVuX3qBQjkQLzx5tP88/jd/m3Pu9PP8dKm4Ws/Tf16XH@OH7CB1bjp67Gj1LS4Upl2QzoPh/37Yfiu@7rFVM1e01RdV8FbQZ2IORKwWpAYg4Gl53QuY7pWxYKKIqopoAlFtujAN0oFRSLxDNxUclVxxBvlsgGAiO6U0wXyn@5jYdmsBODgrjk@grg@Wly24dGW7RLmcGMVS@Vq@aWNc1vORk8udrU6W9mCLevCgpXpHw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nOr [**24 bytes**](https://tio.run/##fdHNbsIwDAfw@56iJ9QeutqO49iTgGdBjE6bUIoATX37LgfQkAvNJZef/PfHz@53d9mfv0/XNg@fh2nq1@N6M27HDaxWfT12lJsWP4Sn/ZAvw/Hwfhy@6r5uMVez1zRV11Xw5qgRhZAIgmjklKKC5ud0LlO@VUVHWRBFBVCZUtBkEO6UHEUitgJMhUtVNsQ7Db4BgIRmVNIZyp//x0LfLEcI0UxKfAI2ebS4bOOj9e0SlnANwpr9asNLm@bWz0ZPLnazMlvZgvV1YcHy9Ac) by returning *false* instead of \\$0\\$.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 34 bytes\n```\nf=lambda n:-1n{/[^0]/=~\"%064b\"%n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY69CsJAEIR7n0ICKUP27/aniC8SYpEiZRDBQkRf/Ty8q9RqmB3mm73e1nvepjyc9sc4n2EZp1fXg8ra9fszX47bPOBy@GgQMRsBqycxSw5ek9/AaiCKqK6ALmTsFsA1QCKJYsNVSkMC20gAGEZQ4QgUbZwEnCK0QAwk9O811SthqTqr@JdvPzVk24MlvwE \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~10~~ 9 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u00ac\u2211bg65\u0152\u00b1sd*\n```\nI/O are both integers\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//0PakdDPTcxuLU7T@/zcxMzQ0szAzMLQwMTI3tjC3NDAGAA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##ZYu7CQJREEXzqWLZUFyY35tPtImNuChiZLAgLBhbgJ0YmVuARdjI82WCRvdwOPc0b6fjvl7Oy9h37@ut68dlU5@P6WDldZ93q7quA8GQzCLOKBZF3UtgwL9zUCOyMKRQdglPFCBmzUYZpq3TJIJEdMrkdlRsC1pQSqa1l6Om/YoCTK0NMY0vOjAQ4Ac).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u00ac\u2211 # Double the (implicit) input\n # i.e. -1 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed -2\n # i.e. 4503599627370496 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 9007199254740992\n b # Convert it to binary\n # i.e. -2 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed \"\u221a\u00f80\"\n # i.e. 9007199254740992 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n g # Take its length\n # i.e. \"\u221a\u00f80\" \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 2\n # i.e. 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 54\n 65\u0152\u00b1 # Take the absolute different with 65\n # i.e. 65 and 2 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 63\n # i.e. 65 and 54 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 11\n s # Swap to take the (implicit) input again\n d # Check if it's non-negative (>= 0): 0 if negative; 1 if 0 or positive\n # i.e. -1 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 0\n # i.e. 4503599627370496 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 1\n * # Multiply them (and output implicitly)\n # i.e. 63 and 0 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 0\n # i.e. 11 and 1 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 11\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 56 bytes\nThanks [xnor](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/20260/xnor) for spotting a mistake!\n```\nf n|n<0=0|1>0=sum.fst.span(>0)$mapM(pure[1,0])[1..64]!!n\n```\nMight allocate quite a lot of memory, [try it online!](https://tio.run/##JcqxDoMgFIXhvU9xTTpgouQCKjQpvkGfgDAwaGoqhIhuvju1dPnOcP63S59pXXOeIZzhiRpPNqJOh6dz2mmKLpAR67t38UXisU2GNWhrwygdOltVIXu3BNDwC4DEbQk7nesbgIGWXdNA@@BcCMlRDKrvpOwVqnIMRV78p3hp8xc \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nMaybe you want to test it with a smaller constant: [Try 8-bit!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P00hrybPxsDWoMbQzsC2uDRXL624RK@4IDFPw85AUyU3scBXo6C0KDXaUMcgVjPaUE/PIlZRMe9/bmJmnoKtAkheQaOgKDOvRC9Nk0tBIVpB1xhI6SjoGoIpAzAJYRuBSTOIiJE5kI79DwA \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\nInstead of using `mapM(pure[0,1])[1..64]` to convert the input to binary, we'll use `mapM(pure[1,0])[1..64]` which essentially generates the inverted strings \\$\\lbrace0,1\\rbrace^{64}\\$ in lexicographic order. So we can just sum the \\$1\\$s-prefix by using `sum.fst.span(>0)`.\n[Answer]\n# Powershell, 51 bytes\n```\nparam([long]$n)for(;$n-shl$i++-gt0){}($i,65)[!$n]-1\n```\nTest script:\n```\n$f = {\nparam([long]$n)for(;$n-shl$i++-gt0){}($i,65)[!$n]-1\n}\n@(\n ,(-1 ,0 )\n ,(-9223372036854775808 ,0 )\n ,(9223372036854775807 ,1 )\n ,(4611686018427387903 ,2 )\n ,(1224979098644774911 ,3 )\n ,(9007199254740992 ,10)\n ,(4503599627370496 ,11)\n ,(4503599627370495 ,12)\n ,(2147483648 ,32)\n ,(2147483647 ,33)\n ,(2 ,62)\n ,(1 ,63)\n ,(0 ,64)\n) | % {\n $n,$expected = $_\n $result = &$f $n\n \"$($result-eq$expected): $result\"\n}\n```\nOutput:\n```\nTrue: 0\nTrue: 0\nTrue: 1\nTrue: 2\nTrue: 3\nTrue: 10\nTrue: 11\nTrue: 12\nTrue: 32\nTrue: 33\nTrue: 62\nTrue: 63\nTrue: 64\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 38 bytes\n```\nint f(long n){return n<0?0:f(n-~n)+1;}\n```\nInput as `long` (64-bit integer), output as `int` (32-bit integer).\nPort of [*@l4m2*'s C (gcc) answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/177291/52210).\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##fZFNTsMwEIX3PcWoK0dRqvFP/EORuACsukQsQptULqlTJU4lVIUlB@CIXCSYEAksECtr5vl9Hr85FOciO@yexm1ddB3cFdZdFgCdL7zdwmidh4rUjduDSy5t6fvWgbvGG7yqiMteXJLS9TAGx6l/rINjNp4bu4NjgJGNb63b3z9AkXyCAXzZeZLR22T9ozSMca4YcqlzoVSuUUcXfusq0oWkVGqJVAumuFYGeaRTxoQJXaOlCH5haDyAQVTUGBbgAsMZw3PkuTEykBUKI/8T80hkNPA0l0L/3Y4/Eb8aD4hf1bD4Xs6U8SRO@7FzvpvnzpfHVdP71SlE72tHbLqE99c3WKYVsckMGsYP)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n int f(long n){ // Recursive method with long parameter and integer return-type\n return n<0? // If the input is negative:\n 0 // Return 0\n : // Else:\n f(n-~n) // Do a recursive call with n+n+1\n +1 // And add 1\n```\n---\nEDIT: Can be **26 bytes** by using the builtin `Long::numberOfLeadingZeros` as displayed in [*@lukeg*'s Java 8 answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/177304/52210).\n[Answer]\n# APL+WIN, 34 bytes\n```\n+/\u221a\u00f3\\0=(0>n),(63\u201a\u00e7\u00a52)\u201a\u00e4\u00a7((2*63)\u221a\u00f3\u221a\u00f3n)+n\u201a\u00dc\u00ea\u201a\u00e9\u00ef\n```\nExplanation:\n```\nn\u201a\u00dc\u00ea\u201a\u00e9\u00ef Prompts for input of number as integer\n((2*63)\u221a\u00f3\u221a\u00f3n) If n is negative add 2 to power 63\n(63\u201a\u00e7\u00a52)\u201a\u00e4\u00a7 Convert to 63 bit binary\n(0>n), Concatinate 1 to front of binary vector if n negative, 0 if positive\n+/\u221a\u00f3\\0= Identify zeros, isolate first contiguous group and sum if first element is zero\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/5.0.0/#csc), 42 bytes\n```\nx=>x!=0?64-Convert.ToString(x,2).Length:64\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZVA9T8MwFJzxr3C3RHIif8UfLSkDElO3IjEghsoyqaXiSLapghC/PTgNAQRveffu3t1wJlYmuvHu1ZvrU@875HzaQgNbOA7tdli1@Ebw6rb3ZxtSfd/vU3C@KwZEy3pnfZeOa8HHDQCT@fEJJhuTDTH73yuCQKUpZUxSzIRquJSNwgrBrwH/RQkXFXBBiFACE8WpZEpqzCAChFKuM9ZK8GzhmhD4KxBjSbSmOY3jvCcSTVkNZo3WIgdJzLWY@b90s7xTkv2KCa7mXPTDyPmEi0C@Ef7ILTz3wR7MsTgfwqWKCJ1fOinB1f4to5c61xn7k60fgkt257wtTHH5LsvN@Ak \"C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n# [C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/5.0.0/#csc), 31 bytes\n```\nint c(long x)=>x<0?0:c(x-~x)+1;\n```\nEven shorter, based off of [@l4m2's C (gcc) answer.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/177291/52210)\nNever knew that you could declare functions like that, thanks @Dana!\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZZA/T8QwDMVn8ik8tqI92UmaP1cOBlY2BgbEcIoCRLpLpaZCRQi@ekmvFBB48fN79m@wS7VLYZpCHMAVhy4@wVjuLscLvMKtK8b6YyzPqZ0Ym7P7Bxh8GnyfYAdvNVWstpwLoTkKZRqpdWPQVPBV7H@oYU2ZVETKKCQjuRZGWxRQMeJc2qytUTKfSEsEv4CImqzlmSYx99msZlaDorFWZZBGadXi/7WbdZ1TvjdCSbNwqx9HLyOsAX0rfG8Ze@x6v3fPxcu@P70iQYjrT0p2dvua1XFz3cXUHfzmrg@DvwnRF644bZdlO30C \"C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~\u00ac\u202010\u00ac\u2020~~ 9 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n-1 thanks to a neat trick by Erik the Outgolfer (is-non-negative is now simply `A\u2206\u00eb`)\n```\n\u00b7\u220f\u00a7BL65_\u221a\u00f3A\u2206\u00eb\n```\nA monadic Link accepting an integer (within range) which yields an integer.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hjiVOPmam8YenOx6b@P//fxNTA2NTS0szI3NjcwMTSzMA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** Or see the [test-suite](https://tio.run/##ddA7TgNBDAbg3qeIlHYi@TV@lEmdGyBERYNyAVoaaiouQJkDpF8p90guMhmxQgvLZhpL88m/bL88Hw6vrV1OX7u91afhc3v@aMP79e3Y2gNsqKwW3nqFsElmEWcUi6ruNTDKSP/Fy3cXgRqRhSGFskt4oozEQMya/SPDtHdpEo0kkIhOmdzTFHstP2MQglaUmmk9zlHTJqO51ckYmHpYiGmUv6vJL/O5CfDiRbpZX@GuCeBdU3i8AQ \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\").\n---\nThe 10 was `\u00b7\u220f\u00a7BL65_\u2026\u00ec>-\u221a\u00f3`\nHere is another 10 byte solution, which I like since it says it is \"BOSS\"...\n```\nBo\u00b7\u03c0\u2020S\u00ac\u00aa-~%65\n```\n[Test-suite here](https://tio.run/##ddA9akJBEAfwfk4hhHT7YL52PtpcwVIsbUSwTpMiTa6RA@QCwS45SbzIuuQh6tO3zcD@mD8zs93sdq@tvez/vj@XP4fh7dlq@/04vn@1toKByuLBe1ogDMks4oxiUdW9BkYZ6V68/HcRqBFZGFIou4QnykgMxKzZPzJMe5cm0UgCieiUyT1NsddyHoMQtKLUTOtxjpp2MZpavRgDUw8LMY1yu5pcmU9NgB9epJv1FWZNAGdNYX0C \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n...`Bo\u00b7\u03c0\u2020S63r0\u00ac\u00a7i`, `Bo\u00b7\u03c0\u2020S63\u2248\u00aa\u00b7\u03c0\u00f6\u00ac\u00a7i`, or `Bo\u00b7\u03c0\u2020S64\u00b7\u220f\u2202\u00b7\u03c0\u00f6\u00ac\u00a7i` would also work.\n---\nAnother 10 byter (from Dennis) is `\u221a\u00b6\u00ac\u00aa64\u00b7\u220f\u2202\u00b7\u03c0\u00f6\u00ac\u00a7\u221a\u00d1\u0192\u00e30` (again `\u221a\u00b6\u00ac\u00aa63r0\u00ac\u00a7\u221a\u00d1\u0192\u00e30` and `\u221a\u00b6\u00ac\u00aa63\u2248\u00aa\u00b7\u03c0\u00f6\u00ac\u00a7\u221a\u00d1\u0192\u00e30` will also work)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 37 bytes\n```\nsub{sprintf(\"%064b\",@_)=~/^0*/;$+[0]}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rZPrTsJAEIX/71NMNouhUmH20r1Yq7yHFyJSCJFLpSWRGH11XAoKkSYY4PxpMzv55szpNktno2g5XrB@sszn3Y88mw0nRb9Oa6hVl4btTpB8tZ7wshWzxj0@fi7j8QLaRZoXyfg5g/s8Gw2L1kPeaD2GN7cx6U9n9fI4@CDgNV7U2TBkaZC0WSfelIANkgvW9yfBurSeCpQ26yyF9M033FF6TSfTAmjQpNNX3zScZPPiGmoiyiGB0iBA@p6lL0XaW9V7AINp2dF7mNBwNXc1OmSDmHwurzjsC39e@IkiV04IKY1AqW2kjIks2h08niayTzee@rvGqe6V5lxbjdwqYaQ1DiWA@MWfyCdcCOU81FmtvHvluLcut3gs8zka7xANd074ZBT65ybyLX6j474CURHKyDntkzGonN5cmD38cfy/@GiNF/v4owIigvtUrNTK7tx7WYWv0qGVtnizi5f/xONB9xU/Lej/uj@0G@GVeHkWPHKClXh1Hjx@Aw \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nOr this 46 bytes if the \"stringification\" is not allowed: sub z\n```\nsub{my$i=0;$_[0]>>64-$_?last:$i++for 1..64;$i}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Swift (on a 64-bit platform), 41 bytes\nDeclares a closure called `f` which accepts and returns an `Int`. This solution only works correctly 64-bit platforms, where `Int` is `typealias`ed to `Int64`. (On a 32-bit platform, `Int64` can be used explicitly for the closure\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s parameter type, adding 2 bytes.)\n```\nlet f:(Int)->Int={$0.leadingZeroBitCount}\n```\nIn Swift, even the fundamental integer type is an ordinary object declared in the standard library. This means `Int` can have methods and properties, such as [`leadingZeroBitCount`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/int/2884587-leadingzerobitcount) (which is required on all types conforming to the standard library\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s [`FixedWidthInteger`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/fixedwidthinteger) protocol).\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 24 bytes\n```\nf n|n<0=0\nf n=1+f(2*n+1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY2xDsIwDET3foXHllJkO2niVOQDGPgCxJCBioo2qqAj/x6idGQ5n9@ddM/weT3mOaUR4jee0WOVnad2rPkQW2rSEqYIHpawXqFe31PcTmNTAdygo3yO0DlmpSyjMtJra3tBKcE/t4VrQ2TEIIlmq8Q6VIUTs3b5c2J07mtH@4ApynunKA7DJW7Z3tMP \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis is basically the same as Kevin Cruijssen's Java solution, but I found it independently.\nThe argument should have type `Int` for a 64-bit build, or `Int64` for anything.\n## Explanation\nIf the argument is negative, the result is immediately 0. Otherwise, we shift left, *filling in with ones*, until we reach a negative number. That filling lets us avoid a special case for 0.\nJust for reference, here's the obvious/efficient way:\n# 34 bytes\n```\nimport Data.Bits\ncountLeadingZeros\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Clean](https://github.com/Ourous/curated-clean-linux), 103 bytes\nUses the same *\"builtin\"* as ceilingcat's answer.\n```\nf::!Int->Int\nf _=code {\ninstruction 243\ninstruction 72\ninstruction 15\ninstruction 189\ninstruction 192\n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85JTcz7n5ufUpqTqpCbmJn3P83KStEzr0TXDkhwpSnE2ybnp6QqVHNl5hWXFJUml2Tm5ykYmRij8M2NULiGpqhcC0tUvqURV@3/4JLEohIFW4U0BYP/AA \"Clean \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n# [Clean](https://github.com/Ourous/curated-clean-linux), 58 bytes\n```\nimport StdEnv\n$0=64\n$i=until(\\e=(2^63>>e)bitand i<>0)inc 0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85JTcz7n5ufUpqTqpCbmJn3PzO3IL@oRCG4JMU1r4xLxcDWzIRLJdO2NK8kM0cjJtVWwyjOzNjOLlUzKbMkMS9FIdPGzkAzMy9ZweB/cEkiUKetgoqCgQIc/P@XnJaTmF78X9fT579LZV5ibmZyMQA \"Clean \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 10 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u221a\u00c6n\u00ac\u00aa\u201a\u00ef\u00df3(\u201a\u00e0\u00fb\u201a\u00ee\u00ba\u201a\u00e5\u2020g\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=8c6eafcf3328ecc5f467&i=-1%0A-9223372036854775808%0A9223372036854775807%0A4611686018427387903%0A1224979098644774911%0A9007199254740992%0A4503599627370496%0A4503599627370495%0A2147483648%0A2147483647%0A2%0A1%0A0&a=1&m=2)\nIt's a port of Kevin's 05AB1E solution.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-p`, 42 bytes\n```\n1while$_>0&&2**++$a-1<$_;$_=0|$_>=0&&64-$a\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rdPNaoQwEAfwe54i0LCHXSwz@Q7WvkGfQTxYarEqftAe@uxNQ7tdpQouunOJGPgx83ds8rZU3uP7S1HmLH2Ew4Efj6cTyyJ8YGnM0gQ@w/skXGgZsczHLEsgpnf5R9H1HX0dup4@1y19G8q@aMqc9m2Rd7SoaF3ltB0qHyGdF/w94M4ikeNcCMNBaKukMcqCnfCwr8hcN0G9jLG3e6kRtdWAVnIjrHEgKOUXfqdPkHPpAuqslqF76TC0LkYefvLZzDsAg87xkIyEcJ4jH/lzbfsKRCoQyjkdkjEgnT4vzIzf5v/n1S/P5/ymgAjHkIoVWtrJ3oslfqnWRhp5M@XFlTysLiYRhC/8uFRfO8HafAQXeXETHpDAIi9vw8NX3fRFXXU@elL3YRofNeU3 \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nLonger than a bitstring based solution, but a decent math based solution.\n[Answer]\n# APL(NARS), 15 chars, 30 bytes\n```\n{\u00ac\u00d81+1\u201a\u00e7\u2265\u201a\u00e7\u00ae\u201a\u00e7\u00b5\u201a\u00e4\u00a7\u201a\u00e7\u00ae64\u201a\u00e7\u00a52}\n```\ntest for few numbers for see how to use:\n```\n f\u201a\u00dc\u00ea{\u00ac\u00d81+1\u201a\u00e7\u2265\u201a\u00e7\u00ae\u201a\u00e7\u00b5\u201a\u00e4\u00a7\u201a\u00e7\u00ae64\u201a\u00e7\u00a52}\n f \u00ac\u00d89223372036854775808\n0\n f 9223372036854775807\n1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Rust, 18 bytes\n```\ni64::leading_zeros\n```\n[Try it online!](https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2015&gist=71da8c48aa4f1edd0fb85db20d7281d4)\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~50~~ 46 bytes\n```\nfor(;0<$n=&$argn;$n>>=1)$i++;echo$n<0?0:64-$i;\n```\nRun as pipe with `-R` or [try it online](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/7d03c08accfe0eaa3e19c42efec9c7bca8b40ae6),\n`2^63,0:>.5}]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY9NawJBEER/jCARerW/pnvaROMppxxyFyOLrImgWXDnJv72zZwSSE5VPOod6tKWz@7SltOhHUs3lEM7dMPq1hA0wSzijGI5qXvKmOE/c1AjsmxIWdkle6AAMWvUFtm07jSIIBCdIriKijVBE0qKsGo5athfkICpbrOY5t/qwECA98fjajRpXs59f9289h@8nSzmt/3zw@QJp7Plmt9NAJfrebrvpuPb9fRVtsfF5ufkbvwG \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n@LegionMammal978's solution is quite a bit shorter at 28 bytes. The input must be an integer. Per the documentation: \"`BitLength[n]` is effectively an efficient version of `Floor[Log[2,n]]+1`. \" It automatically handles the case of zero correctly reporting `0` rather than `-\u201a\u00e0\u00fb`.\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 28 bytes\n```\nBoole[#>=0](64-BitLength@#)&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY@7asNAEEU/xhAcGOGZ2dl5YBSM6xTujQth1pbAD4i2C/l2ZasEkupeDvcU9z7UsdyHOp2HpZa5noe5zP1nR9AFc0rGmNSzmGVHh//MQJRIXZFc2JJbYAJilmgtXKXtJIggEI0iuImCLUEyphyhzTKU0L8gA1PbelLx32rAQIBf20u/7J/PWzmu3no8rVW6/VTfy@Nax93q9WU5fEyPerxsdj@/Tss3 \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\nbitNumber - math.ceil (math.log(number) / math.log(2))\ne.g\n64 bit \nNUMBER : 9223372036854775807\nmath.ceil (math.log(9223372036854775807) / math.log(2)) \nANS: 63 \n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), 12 bytes\n```\n+/&\\~(64#2)\\\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJxljstqAlEMhvfzFEJFlCLN7eQy51E0oJuB0kJBXCjiPHvPmZ24Cv+X5Eum8fNrc5y3Kh+0Ow7DdXysD/f5Mk6rWz39/dTtaTp//9ZbvdfLLp/D9bDHhF6CiNkIWL2IWXHwpfHOLbFxUUR1BXQhY7cATmociSRaCldp8xKIyd0DYBhBTSLQamK3SwEuEdoUBhKaiO+0JHYzYVt1VvHkl2zJ/QKlLg+k9gSp8g/x20FX)\n`(64#2)\\` encode the argument as 64 bits\n`~` bitwise not\n`&\\` cumulative boolean and\n`+/` sum\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 15 bytes\n```\n\u00d4\u00ba\u00a9\u201a\u00c5\u00aa\u201a\u00c5\u2202\u201a\u00c5\u00a5\u00d4\u00ba\u00a8\u201a\u00dc\u00ae\u00d4\u03c0\u2122\u00d4\u00ba\u00c6\u00d4\u00ba\u220f\u00ac\u2264\u00ac\u00b6\u201a\u00c5\u2202\u201a\u00c5\u00a5\u00ac\u00b6\u00ac\u2264\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRMM5sbhEwzczr7RYw8xER8EnNS@9JEPDKbE4VcM3P6U0J1/DM6@gtMSvNDcptUhDU0chIL8cyDDSUTAz0QRyjTTBwPr/f4P/umU5AA \"Charcoal \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n \u00d4\u00ba\u00a8 Length of\n \u00d4\u00ba\u00c6 Input as a number\n \u00d4\u03c0\u2122 Modulo\n \u00ac\u2264 Literal 2\n \u00d4\u00ba\u220f To the power\n \u201a\u00c5\u2202\u201a\u00c5\u00a5 Literal 64\n \u201a\u00dc\u00ae Converted to base\n \u00ac\u2264 Literal 2\n \u201a\u00c5\u00aa Subtracted from\n \u201a\u00c5\u2202\u201a\u00c5\u00a5 Literal 64\n\u00d4\u00ba\u00a9 Cast to string\n Implicitly print\n```\nThe `\u00ac\u00b6`s serve to separate adjacent integer literals. Conveniently, Charcoal's arbitrary numeric base conversion converts `0` into an empty list, however for negative numbers it simply inverts the sign of each digit, so the number is converted to the equivalent unsigned 64-bit integer first.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nMy two kids like to play with the following toy:\n[![Turtle](https://i.stack.imgur.com/BYhak.jpg)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/BYhak.jpg)\nThe colored areas with the shapes inside can be touched and the turtle then lights the area and plays a sound or says the name of the color or the shape inside. The middle button changes the mode. There is one mode in which the areas play different musical notes when touched, with a twist: if the kid touches three consecutive areas clockwise, a special melody 1 is played. If the three consecutive areas touched are placed counterclockwise, a special melody 2 is played.\n### The challenge\nLet's simulate the internal logic of the toy. Given a string with 3 presses of the kid, return two distinct, coherent values if the three presses are for consecutive areas (clockwise or counterclockwise) and a third distinct value if they are not.\n### Details\n* The input areas will be named with a character each, which can be their color: `ROYGB` for red, orange, yellow, green and blue; or their shape: `HSRTC` for heart, square, star (`R`), triangle and circle. Case does not matter, you can choose to work with input and output just in uppercase or in lowercase.\n* The program will receive a string (or char array or anything equivalent) with three presses. Examples (using the colors): `RBO`, `GYO`, `BBR`, `YRG`, `YGB`, `ORB`...\n* The program will output three distinct, coherent values to represent the three possible outcomes: a first value if the combination does not trigger a special melody, a second value if the combination triggers the clockwise special melody, and a third value if the combination triggers the counterclockwise special melody. Example: `0` for no special combination, `1` for the melody triggered by a clockwise combination and `-1` for the melody triggered by a counterclockwise combination.\n* You do not need to worry about handling wrong input.\n### Test cases\n```\nInput Output // Input based on colors\n--------------\nRBO 0 // No special combination\nGYO -1 // Counterclockwise melody triggered\nBBR 0 // No special combination\nYRG 0 // No special combination\nYGB 1 // Clockwise melody triggered\nORB -1 // Counterclockwise melody triggered\nOOO 0 // No special combination\nBRO 1 // Clockwise melody triggered\n```\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so may the shortest code for each language win!\n \n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~48~~ ~~39~~ 33 bytes\n```\ns->\"ROYGBRO BGYORBG\".indexOf(s)|7\n```\n-6 bytes thanks to *@RickHitchcock*, so make sure [to upvote him as well](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/174590/52210)!\nTakes uppercase color as input-String. Outputs `-1` for none, `7` for clockwise, and `15` for counterclockwise.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##jVE9j8IwDN37K6xO7UAZke4EQxgy0Uhhqk4MIQ0oUBJEUg4E/e3FLTBCukSy/Zz34Z04i9Gu3LeyEs7BQmhziwC08eq0EVJB3pV9A2Sy9CdttuDSX2w2ET7OC68l5GBgCq0bzWLOCko4A0ILxgmNM21KdWGbxKX3SdstHut1hTuv1bPVJRyQ9/X73wpE@iQdjyG3Rv30xfLqvDpktvbZEXG@MonJZBJzwuK0F/QZQwgPYgpOgxjGvnLh5K17Xlm5/9cuIB6jCovnYYMY@lBhtu5uK4fpwxuGQ@EDPNAi7IG8D9BETfsA)\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns-> // Method with String parameter and integer return-type\n \"ROYGBRO BGYORBG\".indexOf(s)\n // Get the index of the input in the String \"ROYGBRO BGYORBG\",\n // which will result in -1 if the input is not a substring of this String\n |7 // Then take a bitwise-OR 7 of this index, and return it as result\n```\n---\n**Old 39 bytes answer:**\n```\ns->(char)\"ROYGBRO BGYORBG\".indexOf(s)/7\n```\nTakes uppercase color as input-String. Outputs `9362` for none, `0` for clockwise, and `1` for counterclockwise.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##jZGxbsMgEIZ3P8XJEwyxx0qp2oEMTDUSmawqA8UkwXEgMjhpFfnZXey6Y4IXpLv7j@@/u1pcxaquToNshHPwIbS5JwDaeNXuhVRQjOGUAIm2vtXmAA6/hmSfhMd54bWEAgy8weBW70geRYtTzkpKOANCS8YJTTNtKvXN9sjh/GUY2y/dVxM65w@uVldwDvSZ8bkDgf/QeQ6FNWo9Bdsf59U5s53PLkHnG4NMJlHKCUvxZOuxhhAe1ZScRjWMPWWFyr/vTWPl6aZdxHxYVdw8Xwy13Xg9uYwd7hMfmC/wR8tZ0yf98As)\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns-> // Method with String parameter and integer return-type\n (char)\"ROYGBRO BGYORBG\".indexOf(s)\n // Get the index of the input in the String \"ROYGBRO BGYORBG\",\n // which will result in -1 if the input is not a substring of this String\n // And cast it to a char (-1 becomes character with unicode value 65535)\n /7 // Integer-divide it by 7 (the char is implicitly converted to int doing so)\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 41 bytes\nTakes color initials as input. Returns `2` for none, `true` for clockwise or `false` for counterclockwise.\n```\ns=>~(x='ROYGBRO_ORBGYOR'.search(s))?x<5:2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@7/Y1q5Oo8JWPcg/0t0pyD/eP8jJPdI/SF2vODWxKDlDo1hT077CxtTK6H9yfl5xfk6qXk5@ukaahnqQk7@6pqaCvr6CEReaFNAAqFRaYk5xKrq0k1MQLp2RQe44pdydoFIlRaUYZgKdjc9Kf3@cjgV6Gsnc/wA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 36 bytes\n```\nlambda i:'ROYGBRO ORBGYOR'.find(i)/7\n```\n`-1` - None \n`0` - Clockwise \n`1` - Counterclockwise \n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUSHTSj3IP9LdKchfwT/IyT3SP0hdLy0zL0UjU1Pf/H9BUWZeiUKahnqQk7@6JhecC1SHzHVyCkLmRga5o3DdnZC5QGtQuP6oRgUBuf8B \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~15~~ 11 bytes\nSaved 4 bytes thanks to *Kevin Cruijssen* and *Magic Octopus Urn*.\nUses shapes. \nOutput `[0, 0]` for *none*, `[1, 0]` for *clockwise* and `[0, 1]` for *counter-clockwise*\n```\n\u00c2\u201a.\u2022\u00cc\u00f6J\u03b7\u2022s\u00e5\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//cNOjhll6jxoWHe45vM3r3HYgq/jw0v//i0qSAQ \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\nor as a [Test suite](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9TVln5/3DTo4ZZeo8aFh3uObzN69x2IKv48NL/lUqH9yvo2iko2ev8z0gu5iopKuZKTs7gKsoo4SoqSeYqzgDiYqBYRjEA)\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u00c2\u201a # pair the input with its reverse\n .\u2022\u00cc\u00f6J\u03b7\u2022 # push the string \"hsrtchs\"\n s\u00e5 # check if the input or its reverse is in this string\n```\n[Answer]\n## Excel, 29 bytes\n```\n=FIND(A1,\"ROYGBRO_RBGYORB\")<6\n```\nUppercase colours as input.\nReturns `#VALUE!` for no pattern, `TRUE` for clockwise, `FALSE` for anti-clockwise.\nCan wrap in `IFERROR( ,0)` for `+11 bytes` to handle exception , and return '0' for no-pattern cases instead.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 32 bytes\n```\ns=>'ROYGBRO_ORBGYOR'.search(s)|7\n```\nReturns -1 if no combination, 15 if counterclockwise, 7 if clockwise.\n```\nlet f =\ns=>'ROYGBRO_ORBGYOR'.search(s)|7\nconsole.log(f('RBO')) // -1\nconsole.log(f('GYO')) // 15\nconsole.log(f('BBR')) // -1\nconsole.log(f('YRG')) // -1\nconsole.log(f('YGB')) // 7\nconsole.log(f('ORB')) // 15\nconsole.log(f('OOO')) // -1\nconsole.log(f('BRO')) // 7\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), ~~42~~ 36 bytes\n```\n{\"ROYGBRO\",\"ORBGYOR\"}~StringCount~#&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78H1CUmVcS/b9aKcg/0t0pyF9JR8k/yMk90j9IqbYuuAQom@6cX5pXUqes9l/fQQGozslfSUFHQQmoBEwDdYFpoC4I7Q8RB5mlUBv7HwA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nCounts the number of times the input appears in both `\"ROYGBRO\"` and `\"ORBGYOR\"`. Returns `{1,0}` for clockwise, `{0,1}` for counterclockwise, and `{0,0}` for no special combination.\nAt the cost of only one more byte, we can get outputs of `0` for nothing, `1` for clockwise, and `2` for counterclockwise with `\"ROYGBRO.ORBGYORBGYOR\"~StringCount~#&`.\n[Answer]\n# x86 machine code, ~~39~~ 36 bytes\n```\n00000000: f30f 6f29 b815 0000 0066 0f3a 6328 0c89 ..o).....f.:c(..\n00000010: c883 c807 c352 4f59 4742 524f 2042 4759 .....ROYGBRO BGY\n00000020: 4f52 4247 ORBG\n```\nAssembly:\n```\nsection .text\n\tglobal func\nfunc:\t\t\t\t\t;the function uses fastcall conventions\n\t\t\t\t\t;no stack setup needed because we don't need to use stack\n\tmovdqu xmm5,[ecx]\t\t;Move DQword (16 bytes) from 1st arg to func(ecx) to SSE reg\n\tmov eax, msg\t\t\t;Load address of constant str 'msg' into eax\n\tPcmpIstrI xmm5, [eax], 1100b\t;Packed Compare String Return Index, get idx of [eax] in xmm5\n\tmov eax, ecx\t\t\t;Move returned result into reg eax\n\tor eax, 7\t\t\t;Bitwise OR eax with 7 to get consistent values\n\tret\t\t\t\t;return to caller, eax is the return register\n\tmsg db 'ROYGBRO BGYORBG'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVNRT9swEH6Of8WpEmtTGtaCNiQKPGSwDmkoLDwhqCrHdtKwxM5spw1C/PbunKyi1cjDKT5/33ff@eyEmuWGUQvn59fRd7iEz7asPtMjasqNEczmSsKRFY0lXlaohBaQ1pIRF848903tUrS5FlobYSClxjJaFMCUXAnpNgzpwFKBsZT9BiNsXYEUggsOiWAUmbAWwJXs2zYPVjm5Dk@8Uq34nxqasvwyehSsmaParVoJuPq1VprDYPIVkhcrjA@pViVMjAWqM6fi3A2Q4rvF/f01aJG1giBoM4LSZM7aT0U5UM61MAZU6sxjaWnRgIY@gvqQSxRADvHuWFnd4MZNZwgeMTsfwWQyHife9A4dYwPfVFlRLeDe6lxmEGPLWsKN5AKrZsJCzhtXqSWjeKu1Ywwte9sudUtGUbRXF7azgn10dpTuGKcOH@Z2nePBRbFLwjq3Szh1rbuSrqvcWJwKrGhRCxwMSrez6Uo4oBue0KOWnhtwE/63iRUdW6NLkwFPoB9HD7MwjiCcPURxOOtv8BoR8t@NMrZOjhjBiyRQBt3DYkEtHkxSW7FYDAbbS@P73bzYkuqhPwXisCXN5cB/JV6bxSFb8zi/eO3FYdQb9bAyxjCMMT7EMxdnIUb042LU7sYYx29T4qVKD5xmfjGedkr5fJofHjp5r8JJ2XTQOzBncMCfZG@0hYxaV9uV76PSG3kjbbcSXwsEqSjSk@OdBwSB6lZMcXGkSMbYfgoJu6ezC4ZAqqDKBQTlyTFRyTNT1QsEESS5pBr/nrtnucd5/0cUcSxelxUEVxDcujMXxR788tMxEWyJtQT0nuRwOAzxAeEVqaU9w1WvRazRNIPzffEPuD9E46q9E5uGf0Aie@1v/gI \"Try It Online\")\nOutput is `23` for none, `7` for clockwise, and `15` for counter-clockwise. Based on @RickHitchcock 's answer.\nEdit 1: Saved 3 bytes by using an SSE string comparison instruction instead of using libc.\nEdit 2: Use proper calling convention for SSE (use XMM5 instead of XMM2) and improve formatting on Bash.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-p`, 30 bytes\n```\n$_=ROYGBRO=~/$_/-ORBGYOR=~/$_/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18l3jbIP9LdKcjftk5fJV5f1z/IyT3SPwjC@/8fKPEvv6AkMz@v@L@ur6megaHBf90CAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# APL(Dyalog), ~~22~~ 18 bytes\n```\n+/(\u2377-\u2377\u2218\u233d)\u2218'ROYGBRO'\n```\n*-4 bytes thanks to @ngn*\nTakes a string of color initials. Outputs 0 for no special pattern, -1 for counterclockwise, 1 for clockwise.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///X1tf41Hvdl0gftQx41HPXk0gpR7kH@nuFOSv/j/tUduER719j/qmevo/6mo@tN74UdtEIC84yBlIhnh4Bv9PUw9y8lfnSlN3jwRTTk5BICoyyB1MuTuBKP8gCOUPUQI0GgA)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~45~~ 43 bytes\n```\nlambda i,a='ROYGBRO':(i in a)-(i[::-1]in a)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUSFTJ9FWPcg/0t0pyF/dSiNTITNPIVFTVyMz2spK1zAWzPtfUJSZV6KQpqEe5OSvrskF57pHonCdnIKQuZFB7ihcdydkrn8QKtcf1SigazT/AwA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nWith ideas from and serious credit to @DeadPossum\n-2 with thanks to @JoKing. Now outputs -1 = counterclockwise, 0 = none, 1 = clockwise.\nMy original effort is below for historical purposes.\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~52~~ 51 bytes\n```\nlambda i,a='ROYGBRO':((0,1)[i[::-1]in a],2)[i in a]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUSFTJ9FWPcg/0t0pyF/dSkPDQMdQMzoz2spK1zA2M08hMVbHCMhXADP/FxRl5pUopGmoBzn5q2tywbnukShcJ6cgZG5kkDsK190JmesfhMr1RzUK6CrN/wA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n0 = none, 1 = counterclockwise, 2 = clockwise\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~35~~ 36 bytes\n+1 - for some reason I thought all buttons would be distinct >\\_<\n*Developed independently from [what I have just seen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/174582/53748) (and now up-voted) by Dead Possum*\n```\nlambda s:'ORBGYO.BROYGBR'.find(s)/7\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lZBRS8NADMff@ynylha6CvogDCqsRcpQLFRBhvOha6/stL077lLET19znQ6GOPAeApf88/snMZ@01@py6tLt1NfDrq3BLbGssmJTVklWlZsiqzDppGpDF11cT/l9md89rx9vIYUX5DrGyCKOrOTo5TFyI74Gq4en9amewVxlutcUvpd9fG9ZsT4wVioCzHvdvH9IJ5YYdNoCCUcgFRxZywD4HdS@GAMubjCGLvS/6IeDR@JKkVw0f2BPxvw3uqS9sGC0c3LXC@aZkRwbWD2AJGFJ696BHIy2xFzdjg3N9sZ7fydCnC/NPlYYUVN6FR0GmWdM2S9501KFJpqzsvt9Ezi/kX@N5jOoUZxfcfoC \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), ~~14~~ 13 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00f9\u2640e\u258cd\u2500\u2588\u00a3F'\u2666O\u25ac\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=970c65dd64c4db9c4627044f16&i=RBO%0AGYO%0ABBR%0AYRG%0AYGB%0AORB%0AOOO%0ABRO&a=1&m=2)\nThe output is\n* 1 for no special combination\n* 2 for counter-clockwise melody\n* 3 for clockwise melody\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 19 bytes\n```\nY\"ROYGBRO\"OaNyaNRVy\n```\nOutputs `10` for clockwise, `01` for counterclockwise, `00` for neither. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gs@P8/UinIP9LdKchfyT/RrzLRLyis8v///0AxAA \"Pip \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n a is 1st cmdline argument\nY\"ROYGBRO\" Yank that string into y variable\n aNy Count of occurrences of a in y\n O Output without newline\n RVy y reversed\n aN Count of occurrences of a in that string\n Print (implicit)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 21 bytes\n```\n-&(OR@E.&'ROYGBRO')|.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKegnqZga6WuoKNQa6VgoADE/3XVNPyDHFz11NSD/CPdnYL81TVr9P5rcqUmZ@QrANXYKqQpqAc5@atDROINISLukTARmBonpyA0kcggd5gIVBfQAjRz/IOc0HT5@/uj6QI56j8A \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n-&(OR@E.&'ROYGBRO')|. Monadic 2-verb hook. Input: a string.\n |. Map over [input string, input string reversed]:\n E.&'ROYGBRO' Find exact matches of input in 'ROYGBRO'\n (OR@ ) Reduce with OR; is it a substring of 'ROYGBRO'?\n-& Reduce with -; result is 1 for CW, -1 for CCW, 0 otherwise\n```\nAchieves maximum amount of function reuse.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 12 bytes\n```\n,\u1e5a\u1e87\u20ac\u201c\u00a4\u0188\u1e8e\u1e6c%\u0224\u00bb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASkA1v9qZWxsef//LOG5muG6h@KCrOKAnMKkxojhuo7huawlyKTCu////2d5bw \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-4 thanks to [Jonathan Allan](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/174564/playing-with-the-musical-turtle/174588?noredirect=1#comment420882_174588).\nClockwise: `[1, 0]` \nCounter-clockwise: `[0, 1]` \nOther: `[0, 0]`\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 38 bytes\n```\ngrep(scan(,''),c('ROYGBRO','ORBGYOR'))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##pZJBb4MgFMfvfoqX9IAkatYem20HdvA2Em4eKT4dqaJBjGuWfXYHtWt6WbpNTgT@P/i9B3bewGRl36MF1wG2YyMdwuBKbfrRwaTdG0ioRqOc7gzEg2wRDiefUd1oHI2qp@/N@J1@DEqax/S6kmUZtehGGzbn2mIfh0ScEEITFRPBi5wJThLCBcsLLgil82cUbUCcqQH2fg4pvHYw9Ki0bPy97UEbeda5GXvQxmGNNn6gsEAvwRCtajp1nPSA0GLTlSdwVtc@iKWHdpfoz5nr@dsoqrwy44QCbH6h5Ef6fKMVcF/kgt@XW/BdoBgTay4tRL4Kz9nF@W6XFnwbKP@i/6iU81XtDZ/pb6rzFw \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nReturns :\n* No special combination : `integer(0)`\n* Counterclockwise melody triggered : `2`\n* Clockwise melody triggered : `1`\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 18 bytes\n```\n\u2254ROYGBRO\u03b7\uff29\u207b\u2116\u03b7\u03b8\u2116\u2b8c\u03b7\u03b8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/9@xuDgzPU9DKcg/0t0pyF9JRyFD05oroCgzr0TDObG4RMM3M6@0WMM5vxQokKGjUKipowDhBKWWpRYVp2pkaIJEgcD6/3//IKf/umU5AA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n ROYGBRO Literal string\n\u2254 \u03b7 Assign to variable\n \u03b7 \u03b7 Value of variable\n \u2b8c Reversed\n \u03b8 \u03b8 Input string\n \u2116 \u2116 Count matches\n \u207b Subtract\n \uff29 Cast to string\n Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Common Lisp](http://www.clisp.org/), 68 bytes\n```\n(defun x(s)(cond((search s \"ROYGBRO\")1)((search s \"BGYORBG\")-1)(0)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Zc0xCsMwDIXhvacQnvSGQnMFLR4N2jwGJyWB4Ia4hdzeEZkSd/349ZSWuay18jC@f5l2LuD0yQNzGfstTVTIaYheNDh0uLL4GFS8w9P8BaDyus35S7zbjViPx0WsbkREG4lqcyC6mZemsq@thL9tPaUe \"Common Lisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Clean](https://github.com/Ourous/curated-clean-linux), 63 bytes\n```\nimport StdEnv,Text\n$s=map((>)0o indexOf s)[\"ROYGBRO\",\"BGYORBG\"]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85JTcz7n5ufUpqTqpCbmJn3PzO3IL@oRCG4JMU1r0wnJLWihEul2DY3sUBDw07TIF8hMy8ltcI/TaFYM1opyD/S3SnIX0lHyck90j/IyV0p9n9wSSJQu62CioISUE7p/7/ktJzE9OL/up4@/10q8xJzM5MhnICcxJK0/KJcAA \"Clean \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`[True, True]` for no special noises, `[True, False]` for counterclockwise, `[False, True]` for clockwise.\n[Answer]\n# Japt, ~~17~~ 14 bytes\nTakes the colours as input, in lowercase. Returns `0` for clockwise, `1` for counterclockwise or `-1` if there's no combo.\n```\n`yg\u00df`\u00ea q\u00d4b\u00f8U\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.6&code=YJ55Z9+WYOogcdRi+FU=&input=InJibyI=)\n---\n## Expanation\n```\n`...` :Compressed string \"roygbrow\"\n \u00ea :Palindromise\n q\u00d4 :Split on \"w\"\n b :Index of the first element\n \u00f8 : That contains\n U : The input string\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~53~~ 36 bytes\n```\n->n{\"\\a\\fDch+\".index(\"\"<++>>++>+>++>>+++>+++[<<<]<<]++++>>+>-->++>-->+>-->++>+[[->+>+<<]----[>+<----]>+>[-<.>]++++++++++.<,<<]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PYvRCYBADEMHir0JShcp96GCIIIfgvPXRA9D24Twulzzfm73elThU1oAocUIcqS7d44QlmEvpjsiUp8BMkYlk7yzS/MWHb@aT6SqHg \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe actual word generation can probably be optimised further.\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 34 bytes\n```\n\"AWSALILAND\"|% t*y|%{\"$_\"*($_-64)}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/X8kxPNjRx9PH0c9FqUZVoUSrska1WkklXklLQyVe18xEs/b/fwA \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes the string `t`oCharArra`y`, then multiplies each letter out the corresponding number of times. Implicit `Write-Output` gives us newlines for free.\nHo-hum.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3,41 bytes\n```\nfor i in'AWSALILAND':print(i*(ord(i)-64))\n```\n# Python 2,40 bytes\n```\nfor i in'AWSALILAND':print i*(ord(i)-64)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 17 bytes\n```\n.\u2022D\u03b8\u00eeRI\u00a7\u2022\u0292Ayk>\u00d7u,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f9f71HDIpdzOw6vC/I8tBzIPjXJsTLb7vD0Up3//wE \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n.\u2022D\u03b8\u00eeRI\u00a7\u2022 # push compressed string \"awsaliland\"\n \u0292 # filter\n Ayk # get the index of the current letter in the alphabet\n > # increment\n \u00d7 # repeat it that many times\n u # upper-case\n , # print\n```\nWe only use filter here to save a byte over other loops due to ac implicit copy of the element on the stack. Filter works here since we print in the loop and don't care about the result of the filter.\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), ~~16~~ 15 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00ea\u00f4M\u2584\u256c\u00e6\u2660\u00aa+\u00e7\u2588\u25cb==.\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=88934ddcce9106a62b87db093d3d2e&i=)\n**Explanation**\n```\n`'YHu~{YX#`m64-_]* #Full program, unpacked,\n`'YHu~{YX#` #Compressed \"AWSALILAND\"\n m #Use the rest of the program as the block. Print each mapped element with a new-line.\n 64 #Put 64 on stack\n - #Subtract current element by 64\n _ #Get current index\n ] #Make a 1 element array\n * #Duplicate that many times\n```\nSaved one byte by figuring out that the \"\\*\" command works with [arr int] and [int arr].\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 17 bytes\n```\n\uff25AWSALILAND\u00d7\u03b9\u2295\u2315\u03b1\u03b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRMM3sUBDyTE82NHH08fRz0VJRyEkMze1WCNTR8EzL7koNTc1ryQ1RcMtMy9FI1FHIVMTBKz///@vW5YDAA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n AWSALILAND Literal string\n\uff25 Map over characters\n \u03b9 Current character\n \u03b1 Uppercase alphabet\n \u2315 Find\n \u2295 Increment\n \u03b9 Current character\n \u00d7 Repeat\n Implicitly print each entry on its own line\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~64~~ 61 bytes\nR's clunky string handling characteristics on full display...\n-3 thanks to @Giuseppe, who noticed it's actually shorter to *convert a string from utf8 to int and back again* than using R's native string splitting function...\n```\nwrite(strrep(intToUtf8(s<-utf8ToInt(\"AWSALILAND\"),T),s-64),1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/v7wosyRVo7ikqCi1QCMzryQkP7QkzUKj2Ea3FEiH5HvmlWgoOYYHO/p4@jj6uShp6oRo6hTrmplo6hhq/v8PAA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/) (51 bytes):\n```\n\"AWSALILAND\"map(c=>s\"$c\"*(c-64)mkString)map println\n```\n# [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/) (41 bytes):\n```\nfor(c<-\"AWSALILAND\")println(s\"$c\"*(c-64))\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##K05OzEn8n5@UlZpcouCbmJmnkFpRkpqXUqzgWFCgUP0/Lb9II9lGV8kxPNjRx9PH0c9FSbOgKDOvJCdPo1hJJVlJSyNZ18xEU/N/7X8A)\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Classic)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 22 bytes\nA more elegant, tacit solution thanks to Ad\u00e1m!\n```\n(\u2191\u2395A\u2218\u2373\u2374\u00a8\u22a2)'AWSALILAND'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNzkksLs5M/v//Ud/UR20TNB61TQSyHB91zHjUu/lR75ZDKx51LdJUdwwPdvTx9HH0c1H//x8A \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nInitial solution:\n```\n\u2191a\u2374\u00a8\u2368\u2395A\u2373a\u2190'AWSALILAND'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNzkksLs5M/v//Ud/UR20THrVNTHzUu@XQike9K4Aijo96NycChdUdw4MdfTx9HP1c1P//BwA \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 35 bytes\n```\nsay$_ x(31&ord)for AWSALILAND=~/./g\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/784sVIlXqFCw9hQLb8oRTMtv0jBMTzY0cfTx9HPxbZOX08//f//f/kFJZn5ecX/dX1N9QwMDQA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://gitlab.com/n9n/k), 23 22 bytes\n```\n(32!r)#'r:\"AWSALILAND\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y9bNS8/7/1/D2EixSFNZvchKyTE82NHH08fRz0Xp/38A)\n```\n r:\"AWSALILAND\" // set variable r to the string\n(32!r) // mod 32 each string in r, the operation will use ASCII number\n #' // for each value in the array, take that amount of the corresponding character in the string \n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 11, ~~89~~ ~~83~~ ~~82~~ 81 bytes\n```\nv->\"AWSALILAND\".chars().forEach(c->System.out.println(((char)c+\"\").repeat(c-64)))\n```\n-1 byte thanks to *@OlivierGr\u00e9goire*.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##LY7BCoJAEIbvPsXgaZdwT9FFEoQ6BOZFqEN0mKYttXWV3VWI8NltLS8zzM/PfF@NA0b1/TWRQmvhiJX@BACVdtI8kCTk8wkwtNUdiJ3mNfDYZ2Pgh3XoKoIcNGynIUrC9Fyk2SFL810oqERjGReP1uyRSkZRUrytk41oeyc64yFKM8bmHqdVGHJhZCfR@eZmzTmf4pnR9TflGQvqJ9J4TVY4/@F5uQLyv6MWxHSv1KI3Tl8)\n**Explanation:**\n```\nv-> // Method with empty unused parameter and no return-type\n \"AWSALILAND\".chars().forEach(c->\n // Loop over the characters as integer unicode values\n System.out.println( // Print with trailing newline:\n ((char)c+\"\") // The current character converted to char and then String\n .repeat(c-64))) // repeated the unicode value minus 64 amount of times\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 31 bytes\n```\necho(#&>~_64+a.i.])'AWSALILAND'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/PzU5I19DWc2uLt7MRDtRL1MvVlPdMTzY0cfTx9HPRf3/fwA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation:\n```\necho(#&>~_64+a.i.])'AWSALILAND' - print\n # ~ - copy (arguments reversed)\n &> - each character (can be \"0)\n i. - the index of\n ] - the characters in\n a. - the alphabet \n _64+ - minus 64 (times)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), 88 bytes\n```\n\tS ='AWSALILAND'\nL\tS LEN(1) . X REM . S :F(END)\n\t&UCASE X @Y\n\tOUTPUT =DUPL(X,Y)\t:(L)\nEND\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DYqxCoAgFABn/Yo3pUIEQZMgJGkQvExSydbmqKH/x5wO7u573uu9h1JIAMX0ETQuqJ1hFKtB63gvoIMMu10rA8iZW2cEJU2adLC1jCclW4o@RVAmeeS5PQWRHAWtZyk/ \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 20 bytes\n```\n'AWSALILAND'\"@@64-Y\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/X90xPNjRx9PH0c9FXcnBwcxEN1Lp/38A \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n'AWSALILAND' % Push this string\n\" % For each character in this string\n @ % Push current character\n @ % Push current character\n 64- % Implicitly convert to codepoint and subtract 64\n Y\" % Repeat that many times. Gives a string with the repeated character\n % Implicit end\n % Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Red](http://www.red-lang.org), 59 bytes\n```\nforeach c\"AWSALILAND\"[print pad/with c to-integer c - 64 c]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0pN@R@UmhId@z8tvyg1MTlDIVnJMTzY0cfTx9HPRSm6oCgzr0ShIDFFvzyzBCipUJKvCxRJTU8tAnJ0FcxMFJJj//8HAA \"Red \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, 43 bytes\n```\nmapM(putStrLn. \\c->c<$['A'..c])\"AWSALILAND\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfmfm5iZZxsDpAp8NQpKS4JLinzy9BRiknXtkm1UotUd1fX0kmM1lRzDgx19PH0c/VyU/v//l5yWk5he/F83uaAAAA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [SOGL V0.12](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGLOnline), 16 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL/blob/master/chartable.md)\n```\ni|\u255a\u250c\u017e\u2032\u00f8\u00b9\u2018U{Z\u2074W*P\n```\n[Try it Here!](https://dzaima.github.io/SOGLOnline/?code=aSU3QyV1MjU1QSV1MjUwQyV1MDE3RSV1MjAzMiVGOCVCOSV1MjAxOFUlN0JaJXUyMDc0VypQ,v=0.12)\n[Answer]\n# T-SQL, 83 bytes\n```\nSELECT REPLICATE(value,ASCII(value)-64)FROM STRING_SPLIT('A-W-S-A-L-I-L-A-N-D','-')\n```\n`STRING_SPLIT` is supported by [SQL 2016 and later](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/string-split-transact-sql).\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip) `-l`, 21 bytes\n```\n_X A_-64M\"AWSALILAND\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gs@P8/PkLBMV7XzMRXyTE82NHH08fRz0Xp////ujkA \"Pip \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n \"AWSALILAND\" Literal string\n M to the characters of which we map this function:\n A_ ASCII value of character\n -64 minus 64 (= 1-based index in alphabet)\n_X String-repeat character that many times\n Autoprint, with each item on its own line (-l flag)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), ~~96~~ ~~95~~ ~~77~~ 73 bytes\n```\n*s=L\" AWSALILAND\";main(i){for(;*++s;puts(\"\"))for(i=*s-63;--i;printf(s));}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/1@r2NZHScExPNjRx9PH0c9FyTo3MTNPI1OzOi2/SMNaS1u72LqgtKRYQ0lJUxMklGmrVaxrZmytq5tpXVCUmVeSplGsqWld@/8/AA \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-18 bytes thanks to @ErikF\n-5 bytes thanks to @ceilingcat\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), ~~65~~ 63 bytes\n```\ni=>[...'AWSALILAND'].map(c=>c.repeat(parseInt(c,36)-9)).join`\n`\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9mm2lrF62np6fuGB7s6OPp4@jnoh6rl5tYoJFsa5esV5RakJpYolGQWFSc6plXopGsY2ymqWupqamXlZ@Zl8CV8D85P684PydVLyc/XSNNQ1Pz/38A \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation:**\n```\ni=> // Prints the result of this function\n [...'AWSALILAND'].map(c=> // Loop over the characters\n c.repeat( // Repeat the current character\n parseInt(c,36)-9))) // Character to alphabetical position\n .join`\n ` // Prints a newline after every new char\n```\n**Edit:** -2 bytes thanks to @BrianH.\n[Answer]\n# Julia, 41 bytes\n```\n[println(l^(l-'@')) for l\u2208\"AWSALILAND\"]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0rPj/P7qgKDOvJCdPIydOI0dX3UFdU1MhLb9IIedRR4eSY3iwo4@nj6Ofi1Ls//8A \"Julia 1.0 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Swift](https://swift.org), 95 bytes\n```\n\"AWSALILAND\".unicodeScalars.forEach{print(String(repeating:String($0),count:Int($0.value)-64))}\n```\n**[Try it online!](http://jdoodle.com/a/JPk)**\n**How?**\n```\n\"AWSALILAND\" // Starting string\n .unicodeScalars // Convert into a list of unicode values\n .forEach { // Loop over each number\n print(String( // Create a string\n repeating: String($0), // that repeats each character\n count: Int($0.value) - 64)) // the unicode value minus 64 (the offset)\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Z80Golf](https://github.com/lynn/z80golf), 30 bytes\n```\n00000000: 2114 007e d640 477e ff10 fd23 3e0a ff7e !..~.@G~...#>..~\n00000010: b720 f076 4157 5341 4c49 4c41 4e44 . .vAWSALILAND\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYyxCsJAEER7v2LEftm922TVQjwQRAg2FtZq7tIIdilS5NfPlTjF8GYYZtry8HmXWvmvPYKIgtky@lYZak6lCKP0ISJmfnj0DmuimY7nmYg2B@fV8iD@8bTge7YWKo2hiSrQl@5@5pRVsYhAY7rfUnfp0vVU6xc \"Z80Golf \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAssembly:\n```\nld hl,str\t\t\t;load address of str\nstart:\n\tld a,(hl)\t\t;get current char\n\tsub 64 \t\t;get letter num in alphabet\n\tld b,a\t\t\t;store in b\n\tld a,(hl)\t\t;get current char\n\tprint_char:\n\t\trst 38h \t;print letter\n\t\tdjnz print_char\t;repeat print loop b times\n\tinc hl\t\t\t;increment index of str, to get next char\n\tld a,10\n\trst 38h \t\t;print newline\n\tld a,(hl)\t\t;get current char\n\tor a\n\tjr nz, start\t\t;if current char!=0, keep looping\nend:\n\thalt\t\t\t;end program (if current char==0)\nstr:\n\tdb 'AWSALILAND'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hZIxT8MwEIVn51ccU4uUKpFgqGg7RAIkpAoGBkZk19fGxbEj@wqh4r@Hc5SqgqVDFNv3fO97lygZ634jCZbLh5dH@IHCt1TIGLFR9nt2nJcFPzI2UGj8LCJp42DmYcbSrtO91VDbPFIQQiyslxqk1gFjBL8FPs4iyUB3mWChzKe1vWbdDgk2hxDQ8buWIRPxoKDsbsuxaJEIA7hDA2wnbVtLhTQ0UblMVpF8wFRUl1q3wTh6T2umECESG93MxWI4H524oPfuCGetWARskecyyrxvQQGZBmMmjNtw6oTBq4BNMjNOYzeGzoE8JBKH3QljgCy7KjsjnBgcflnj8FIQH0BmYs9jOeYwjDUBbP@orlZlDh@I7UBs3C5Dpzl3LS0lXt5xIr8LsoHpv7urVXnNnyuNSSuYVG@v1fppXT3fT3r@Nfpf \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 40 bytes\n```\n\"DNALILASWA\"v\n oa~~$:o$1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/X8nFz9HH08cxONxRqYxLIT@xrs6mTFfLwsLKhkvXysDWPs5OxSpfxfD/fwA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, ~~74~~ 68 bytes\n```\nfor(i in s=\"AWSALILAND\")console.log(s[i].repeat(s.charCodeAt(i)-64))\n```\n* 74->68, -6B for changing `for` loop to `for...in`, saving bytes on loop statement, removed increment, and removing statement to save the character.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**Final Standings**\n```\n+----------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------------------------+\n| Name | Score | WinRate | TieRate | Elimination Probability |\n+----------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------------------------+\n| 1. SarcomaBotMk11 | 0.06333 | 6.13% | 0.41% | [42 24 10 8 6 4]% |\n| 2. WiseKickBot | 0.06189 | 5.91% | 0.56% | [51 12 7 10 7 6]% |\n| 3. StrikerBot | 0.05984 | 5.78% | 0.41% | [46 18 11 8 6 5]% |\n| 4. PerfectFractionBot | 0.05336 | 5.16% | 0.35% | [49 12 14 10 6 4]% |\n| 5. MehRanBot | 0.05012 | 4.81% | 0.41% | [57 12 8 7 6 5]% |\n| 6. OgBot | 0.04879 | 4.66% | 0.45% | [50 15 9 8 7 5]% |\n| 7. SnetchBot | 0.04616 | 4.48% | 0.28% | [41 29 8 9 5 3]% |\n| 8. AntiKickBot | 0.04458 | 4.24% | 0.44% | [20 38 17 10 6 4]% |\n| 9. MehBot | 0.03636 | 3.51% | 0.25% | [80 3 4 4 3 3]% |\n| 10. Meh20Bot | 0.03421 | 3.30% | 0.23% | [57 12 8 7 9 3]% |\n| 11. GenericBot | 0.03136 | 3.00% | 0.28% | [18 39 20 11 5 3]% |\n| 12. HardCodedBot | 0.02891 | 2.75% | 0.29% | [58 21 3 6 5 4]% |\n| 13. GangBot1 | 0.02797 | 2.64% | 0.32% | [20 31 35 6 3 2]% |\n| 14. SarcomaBotMk3 | 0.02794 | 2.62% | 0.34% | [16 15 38 17 7 4]% |\n| 15. GangBot0 | 0.02794 | 2.64% | 0.30% | [20 31 35 6 3 2]% |\n| 16. GangBot2 | 0.02770 | 2.62% | 0.31% | [20 31 35 6 3 2]% |\n| 17. TitTatBot | 0.02740 | 2.63% | 0.21% | [54 10 15 10 5 2]% |\n| 18. MataHari2Bot | 0.02611 | 2.35% | 0.51% | [39 26 11 11 6 5]% |\n| 19. PolyBot | 0.02545 | 2.41% | 0.27% | [53 18 6 13 5 3]% |\n| 20. SpitballBot | 0.02502 | 2.39% | 0.22% | [84 10 1 1 0 1]% |\n| 21. SquareUpBot | 0.02397 | 2.35% | 0.10% | [10 60 14 7 4 3]% |\n| 22. CautiousGamblerBot2 | 0.02250 | 2.19% | 0.13% | [60 18 10 5 3 1]% |\n| 23. Bot13 | 0.02205 | 2.15% | 0.11% | [90 0 2 3 2 1]% |\n| 24. AggroCalcBot | 0.01892 | 1.75% | 0.29% | [26 49 13 5 3 3]% |\n| 25. CautiousBot | 0.01629 | 1.56% | 0.14% | [15 41 27 11 4 1]% |\n| 26. CoastBotV2 | 0.01413 | 1.40% | 0.02% | [83 12 3 1 0 0]% |\n| 27. CalculatingBot | 0.01404 | 1.29% | 0.22% | [87 9 1 1 1 1]% |\n| 28. HalfPunchBot | 0.01241 | 1.15% | 0.18% | [47 20 13 12 5 2]% |\n| 29. HalflifeS3Bot | 0.01097 | 1.00% | 0.20% | [76 9 5 4 2 2]% |\n| 30. AntiGangBot | 0.00816 | 0.76% | 0.11% | [94 1 1 1 1 1]% |\n| 31. GeometricBot | 0.00776 | 0.74% | 0.07% | [19 46 25 7 2 1]% |\n| 32. GuessBot | 0.00719 | 0.05% | 1.34% | [65 17 4 6 5 3]% |\n| 33. BoundedRandomBot | 0.00622 | 0.60% | 0.05% | [42 39 12 5 2 0]% |\n| 34. SpreaderBot | 0.00549 | 0.54% | 0.02% | [32 43 19 4 1 0]% |\n| 35. DeterminBot | 0.00529 | 0.45% | 0.16% | [22 41 20 11 4 2]% |\n| 36. PercentBot | 0.00377 | 0.38% | 0.00% | [85 8 4 2 1 0]% |\n| 37. HalvsiestBot | 0.00337 | 0.29% | 0.08% | [32 43 15 6 2 1]% |\n| 38. GetAlongBot | 0.00330 | 0.33% | 0.01% | [76 18 4 1 0 0]% |\n| 39. BandaidBot | 0.00297 | 0.29% | 0.02% | [76 9 10 4 1 0]% |\n| 40. TENaciousBot | 0.00287 | 0.29% | 0.00% | [94 4 1 0 0 0]% |\n| 41. SurvivalistBot | 0.00275 | 0.25% | 0.04% | [92 6 1 0 0 0]% |\n| 42. RandomBot | 0.00170 | 0.13% | 0.07% | [42 36 14 5 2 1]% |\n| 43. AggressiveBoundedRandomBotV2 | 0.00165 | 0.14% | 0.06% | [ 8 46 34 9 2 1]% |\n| 44. BloodBot | 0.00155 | 0.01% | 0.30% | [65 28 5 1 1 0]% |\n| 45. OutBidBot | 0.00155 | 0.03% | 0.25% | [65 6 21 6 1 1]% |\n| 46. BoxBot | 0.00148 | 0.10% | 0.09% | [10 51 33 5 1 1]% |\n| 47. LastBot | 0.00116 | 0.08% | 0.07% | [74 6 16 2 1 0]% |\n| 48. UpYoursBot | 0.00088 | 0.07% | 0.03% | [37 40 17 5 1 0]% |\n| 49. AverageBot | 0.00073 | 0.06% | 0.03% | [74 3 10 10 2 0]% |\n| 50. PatheticBot | 0.00016 | 0.01% | 0.02% | [94 0 5 1 0 0]% |\n| 51. OverfittedBot | 0.00014 | 0.01% | 0.00% | [58 40 2 0 0 0]% |\n| 52. RobbieBot | 0.00009 | 0.01% | 0.00% | [32 41 24 2 0 0]% |\n| 53. WorstCaseBot | 0.00002 | 0.00% | 0.00% | [ 4 71 23 2 0 0]% |\n| 54. SmartBot | 0.00002 | 0.00% | 0.00% | [44 51 5 0 0 0]% |\n| 55. AAAAUpYoursBot | 0.00000 | 0.00% | 0.00% | [40 58 2 0 0 0]% |\n| 56. KickbanBot | 0.00000 | 0.00% | 0.00% | [67 32 1 0 0 0]% |\n| 57. OneShotBot | 0.00000 | 0.00% | 0.00% | [ 2 95 3 0 0 0]% |\n| 58. KickBot | 0.00000 | 0.00% | 0.00% | [100 0 0 0 0 0]% |\n| 59. KamikazeBot | 0.00000 | 0.00% | 0.00% | [100 0 0 0 0 0]% |\n| 60. MeanKickBot | 0.00000 | 0.00% | 0.00% | [100 0 0 0 0 0]% |\n+----------------------------------+---------+---------+---------+----------------------------+\n```\nThanks for everyone who participated, and congratulations to @Sarcoma for the win!\n# Rules:\nEveryone starts with 100 hp. Each round, 2 players are chosen at random from the pool of contestants who have not yet competed in that round. Both players pick a number between 0 and their current hp, and reveal those numbers at the same time. The player who chose the lower number immediately dies. The other player subtracts their chosen number from their remaining hp and goes on to the next round.\nThe tournament works like this:\nFrom the bracket of contestants, 2 are chosen at random. They face off, and one or both of them dies. A player dies if:\n1. They choose a number smaller than that of their opponent\n2. Their hp drops to or below zero\n3. They tie three times in a row with their opponent\nIn the case of ties, both players simply generate new numbers, up to 3 times. After the faceoff, the survivor (if any) is moved to the pool for the next round, and the process repeats until we have exhausted the current round pool. If there is an odd number in the pool, then the odd one out moves on to the next round for free.\nYour task is to write a function in **python2.7** which takes as inputs your current `hp`, a list of your opponent's bid `history`, and an integer `ties` which tells you how many times you have already tied with your current opponent, and an integer which tells you how many bots are still `alive` (including you), and an integer which listed the number of bots at the `start` of the tournament. Note that the history does not include ties. The function must return an integer between 0 and your current total hp. A few simple examples, which ignore ties, are shown below:\n```\ndef last(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n ''' Bet a third of your hp at first, then bet your opponent's last bid, if possible '''\n if history:\n return np.minimum(hp-1, history[-1])\n else:\n return hp/3\n \ndef average(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n ''' Bet the average opponent's bid so far, on the assumption that bids will tend downward '''\n if history:\n num = np.minimum(hp-1, int(np.average(history))+1)\n else:\n num = hp/2\n return num\ndef random(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n ''' DO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER?! '''\n return 1 + np.random.randint(0, hp)\n```\nIf your function returns a number larger than your hp, it will be reset to 0. Yes, it is possible to kill yourself. Your function must not attempt to access or modify any member of any object of the RouletteBot class. You are not allowed to take any action which unambiguously identifies your opponent regardless of future additional bots. Inspecting the stack is allowed as long as it is theoretically possible that more than one distinct opponent could have produced the information you glean from it, even if only one bot currently exists that could. ie, you can't just read through the stack to see which enemy function was called.\nUnder these rules it is possible that there is no winner, and the last two contestants kill each other. In that case both finalists get half a point each.\nThis is my first programming puzzle attempt, so critiques are welcome!\nThe controller can be found [here](https://github.com/shadowk29/RobotRoulette/).\n \n[Answer]\n# UpYours\nBeing late to enter I spent a while admiring the existing bots, spent a while overcomplicating your guys' ideas, then un-overcomplicating them. Then it came to me\n> \n> Good artists copy, great artists steal. -- ~~Pablo Picasso~~ Me\n> \n> \n> \n---\n\"Up Yours\" because I'm unabashedly stealing (and sometimes tacking a point or two onto your bots' bids to one up them).\n```\ndef UpYoursBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n willToLive = \"I\" in \"VICTORY\"\n args = [hp, history, ties, alive, start]\n enemyHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n roundNumber = len(history)\n if roundNumber is 0:\n # Steal HalfPunchBot\n return halfpunch(*args) + 2\n if alive == 2:\n # Nick OneShotBot\n return one_shot(*args)\n if enemyHealth >= hp:\n # Pinch SarcomaBotMkTwo\n return sarcomaBotMkTwo(*args) + 1\n if enemyHealth < hp:\n # Rip off KickBot\n return kick(*args) + 1\n if not willToLive:\n # Peculate KamikazeBot\n return kamikaze(*args) + 1\n```\nBut for real, this is a great competition guys. I love this community on days like this.\n[Answer]\n# Kamikaze\nWhy bother with complicated logic when we are all going to die anyway...\n```\n def kamikaze(hp, history, ties, alive):\n return hp\n```\n \n# One shot\nIt's going to survive at least a single round if it doesn't encounter the kamikaze.\n```\n def one_shot(hp, history, ties, alive):\n if hp == 1:\n return 1\n else:\n return hp - 1\n```\n[Answer]\n## Pathetic Bot gets a much needed upgrade:\n# The pathetic attempt at a bot that tries to incorporate other bots' features\n```\ndef pathetic_attempt_at_analytics_bot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n '''Not a good bot'''\n if hp == 100 and alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n #This part is taken from Survivalist Bot, thanks @SSight3!\n remaining = alive - 2\n btf = 0\n rt = remaining\n while rt > 1:\n rt = float(rt / 2)\n btf += 1\n if ties > 2:\n return hp - 1\n if history:\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n #This part is taken from Geometric Bot, thanks @Mnemonic!\n fractions = []\n health = 100\n for x in history:\n fractions.append(float(x) / health)\n health -= x\n #Modified part\n if len(fractions) > 1:\n i = 0\n ct = True\n while i < len(fractions)-1:\n if abs((fractions[i] * 100) - (fractions[i + 1] * 100)) < 1:\n ct = False\n i += 1\n if ct:\n expected = fractions[i] * opp_hp\n return expected\n if alive == 2:\n if hp > opp_hp:\n return hp - 1\n return hp\n if hp > opp_hp + 1:\n if opp_hp <= 15:\n return opp_hp + 1\n if ties == 2:\n return opp_hp + 1\n else:\n return opp_hp\n else:\n n = 300 // (alive - 1) + 1 #greater than\n if n >= hp:\n n = hp - 1\n return n\n```\nThis bot incorporates features from Survivalist Bot and Geometric Bot for more efficient bot takedowns.\n## Pre-Upgrade:\n# The pathetic attempt at a bot that analyzes the history of its opponent\n```\ndef pathetic_attempt_at_analytics_bot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n '''Not a good bot'''\n if history:\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if alive == 2:\n if hp > opp_hp:\n return hp - 1\n return hp\n if hp > opp_hp + 1:\n if opp_hp <= 15:\n return opp_hp +1\n if ties > 0:\n return hp - 1 #Just give up, kamikaze mode\n return opp_hp + 1\n return opp_hp\n else:\n n = 300 // (alive - 1) + 1 #greater than\n if n >= hp:\n n = hp - 1\n return n\n```\nIf there is previous history of its opponent, then it calculates its opponent's hp. Then, it does one of the following:\n* If its opponent is the last opponent alive, then it will bid one less than its hp.\n* If its opponent is not the last opponent alive but the opponent has less than 16 hp, then it will outbid its opponent's hp.\n* If its opponent is not the last opponent alive and there is a history of ties, then it will bid its hp because it is bored of ties.\n* Otherwise, it will outbid its opponent.\nIf there is no history, then it does some fancy calculations that I hacked together and bids that. If the value exceeds 100, then it automatically bids its hp minus 1.\nI hacked this code together during work and this is my first submission, so it probably won't win or anything, and it'll lose to the kamikaze.\nEDIT: Due to some suggestions, the bot's beginning behavior has been changed to bid a higher value.\nEDIT 2: added start param that does nothing\nEDIT 3: Added new spinoff bot:\n# [The pathetic attempt at a bot that attacks Gang Bots (as well as doing everything the above bot does)] REMOVED\n[This bot analyzes whether its opponent is a gangbot or not and pretends to be one as well to get the sweet low bids that it can trump easily.]\nThis bot has been scrapped, please remove it from the leaderboards.\nEDIT 4: Fixed errors, changed tie feature.\n[Answer]\n# BinaryBot\nHas anyone done this yet? Bets half its health every round floored.\n```\ndef binaryBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n return int(np.floor(hp/2)) or 1\n```\n# SarcomaBot\nIf last battle bid hp - 1. If it's the first battle round bid half hp plus an additional random amount up to a quarter of hp. If it can beat an opponent outright bid after that bid opponent hp + 1. If it has lower health than opponent bid random amount between 75% and it's current hp - 1. \n```\ndef sarcomaBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if inspect.stack()[1][3] != 'guess' and inspect.stack()[1] == 5:\n return hp\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n startBid = hp / 2\n maxAdditionalBid = np.round(hp * 0.25) if hp * 0.25 > 2 else 2\n additionalBid = np.random.randint(1, maxAdditionalBid)\n return int(startBid + additionalBid + ties)\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.75)\n maximum = hp - 1 or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n# SarcomaBotMk2\nMinor tweaks attempt to reduce life expenditure.\n```\ndef sarcomaBotMkTwo(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if inspect.stack()[1][3] != 'guess' and inspect.stack()[1] == 5:\n return hp\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n startBid = hp / 2\n maxAdditionalBid = np.round(hp * 0.125) if hp * 0.125 > 2 else 2\n additionalBid = np.random.randint(1, maxAdditionalBid)\n return int(startBid + additionalBid + ties)\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.6)\n maximum = hp - 1 or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n# SarcomaBotMk3\n```\ndef sarcomaBotMkThree(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if inspect.stack()[1][3] != 'guess' and inspect.stack()[1] == 5:\n return hp\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n startBid = hp / 2\n maxAdditionalBid = np.round(hp * 0.08) if hp * 0.08 > 2 else 2\n additionalBid = np.random.randint(1, maxAdditionalBid)\n return int(startBid + additionalBid + ties)\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.6)\n maximum = hp - 1 or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n**Update Fine Tuning** \n# SarcomaBotMk4\n```\ndef sarcomaBotMkFour(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n def isSafe(parentCall):\n frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index = parentCall\n if function_name is not 'guess':\n return False\n if line_number > 60:\n return False\n return True\n if not isSafe(inspect.stack()[1]):\n return hp\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n startBid = hp / 2\n maxAdditionalBid = np.round(hp * 0.08) if hp * 0.08 > 2 else 2\n additionalBid = np.random.randint(1, maxAdditionalBid)\n return int(startBid + additionalBid + ties)\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.55)\n maximum = np.round(hp * 0.80) or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n# SarcomaBotMk5\n```\ndef sarcomaBotMkFive(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n def isSafe(parentCall):\n frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index = parentCall\n if function_name is not 'guess':\n return False\n if line_number > 60:\n return False\n return True\n if not isSafe(inspect.stack()[1]):\n return hp\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n startBid = hp / 2\n maxAdditionalBid = np.round(hp * 0.07) if hp * 0.07 > 3 else 3\n additionalBid = np.random.randint(1, maxAdditionalBid)\n return int(startBid + additionalBid + ties)\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.54)\n maximum = np.round(hp * 0.68) or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n# SarcomaBotMk6\n```\ndef sarcomaBotMkSix(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n return hp; # hack averted\n def isSafe(parentCall):\n frame, filename, line_number, function_name, lines, index = parentCall\n if function_name is not 'guess':\n return False\n if line_number > 60:\n return False\n return True\n if not isSafe(inspect.stack()[1]):\n return hp\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n startBid = hp / 2\n maxAdditionalBid = np.round(hp * 0.06) if hp * 0.06 > 3 else 3\n additionalBid = np.random.randint(2, maxAdditionalBid)\n return int(startBid + additionalBid + ties)\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.55)\n maximum = np.round(hp * 0.70) or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n# SarcomaBotMk7\n```\ndef sarcomaBotMkSeven(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n return 30 + ties\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp * 0.50:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.54)\n maximum = np.round(hp * 0.58) or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n# SarcomaBotMk8\n```\ndef sarcomaBotMkEight(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n return 30 + np.random.randint(0, 2) + ties\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp * 0.50:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.54)\n maximum = np.round(hp * 0.58) or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n# SarcomaBotMk9\n```\ndef sarcomaBotMkNine(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n return 30 + np.random.randint(0, 4) + ties\n opponentHealth = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentHealth < hp * 0.50:\n return opponentHealth + ties\n minimum = np.round(hp * 0.54)\n maximum = np.round(hp * 0.58) or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) if minimum < maximum else 1\n```\n# SarcomaBotMk10\n```\ndef sarcoma_bot_mk_ten(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n def bid_between(low, high, hp, tie_breaker):\n minimum = np.round(hp * low)\n maximum = np.round(hp * high) or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) + tie_breaker if minimum < maximum else 1\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1 + ties\n current_round = len(history) + 1\n tie_breaker = (ties * ties) + 1 if ties else ties\n if current_round == 1:\n return 39 + tie_breaker\n opponent_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponent_hp < hp * 0.50:\n return opponent_hp + ties\n if current_round == 2:\n return bid_between(0.45, 0.50, hp, tie_breaker)\n if current_round == 3:\n return bid_between(0.50, 0.55, hp, tie_breaker)\n if current_round == 4:\n return bid_between(0.55, 0.60, hp, tie_breaker)\n if current_round == 5:\n bid_between(0.60, 0.65, hp, tie_breaker)\n return hp - 1 + ties\n```\n# Final Entry\n# SarcomaBotMk11\n```\ndef sarcoma_bot_mk_eleven(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n def bid_between(low, high, hp, tie_breaker):\n minimum = np.round(hp * low)\n maximum = np.round(hp * high) or 1\n return np.random.randint(minimum, maximum) + tie_breaker if minimum < maximum else 1\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1 + ties\n current_round = len(history) + 1\n tie_breaker = ties + 2 if ties else ties\n if current_round == 1:\n return 42 + tie_breaker\n opponent_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponent_hp < hp * 0.50:\n return opponent_hp + ties\n if current_round == 2:\n return bid_between(0.45, 0.50, hp, tie_breaker)\n if current_round == 3:\n return bid_between(0.50, 0.55, hp, tie_breaker)\n if current_round == 4:\n return bid_between(0.55, 0.60, hp, tie_breaker)\n if current_round == 5:\n return bid_between(0.60, 0.65, hp, tie_breaker)\n return hp - 1 + ties\n```\n**Update** \nUpYoursBot protection added\n**Update** \nAntiAntiUpYoursBot protection added\n**Update** \nAntiAnitAntiAntiUpYoursBot I'm defeated\n[Answer]\n# Kick Bot\nThe sound choice for my opponent is to bid half of his life. Then we bid up to half of his life+1 if we can't take him out with a sound bid, that is a bid smaller than half of our life.\n```\ndef kick(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n return 0\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if opp_hp*2 <= hp:\n return opp_hp + ties\n else:\n return min(round(opp_hp/2) + 1 + ties**2, hp-1 + (ties>0))\n```\nThe kick bot is obviously the nemesis of the punch bot!\n# Mean Kick Bot\nThis new KickBot kicks softer on the first round just so he may kick harder on next rounds, that is mean!\n```\ndef mean_kick(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n return 0\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n if not history:\n return 35\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if opp_hp*2 <= hp:\n return opp_hp + ties\n else:\n return min(round(opp_hp/2) + 3 + ties*2, hp-1 + (ties>0))\n```\n# Wise Kick Bot\nBoth his brother had to commit suicide but WiseKickBot learnt from his fallen ones.\n```\ndef wise_kick(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if 'someone is using my code' == True:\n return 0 #Haha!\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n if not history:\n return 42\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if opp_hp*2 <= hp:\n return opp_hp + ties\n else:\n return min(round(opp_hp/2) + 3 + ties*2, hp-1 + (ties>0))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Tat bot\n```\ndef tatbot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1 + ties\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n spend = 35 + np.random.randint(0, 11)\n if history:\n spend = min(spend, history[-1] + np.random.randint(0, 5))\n frugal = min(int((hp * 5. / 8) + ties), hp)\n return min(spend, opp_hp, frugal)\n```\nAn attempt at an equivalent of a tit-for-tat bot. Assumes most bets are approximately the same between rounds. Using that assumption, it tries to beat the enemy bot while staying fairly frugal. Spends about 40 health on the opening round. \n# AntiAntiAntiAntiUpYoursBot\n```\ndef antiantiantiantiupyoursbot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n def stuck():\n return [0, ('Whoops!', 'I', 'accidentally', 'replaced', 'your', 'code!')]\n def stick():\n return [0, (\"Line\", \"number\", 16, \"guess\", \"it's\", \"faked :)\")]\n inspect.stack = stick\n spend = min(sarcomaBotMkSix(hp, history, ties, alive, start), hp)\n if not history:\n spend = 35 + np.random.randint(0, 10)\n inspect.stack = stuck\n return spend\n```\nA workaround for SarcomaBot's anti-UpYours protection, nicking most of their code for my own use! Or am I taking UpYoursBot's code? A question to ponder while you read through my bot... \nAntiAntiUpYours Bot has evolved to become AntiAntiAntiAntiUpYours Bot! Now with more monkey-patching. \n# Poly bot\n```\ndef polybot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n round = len(history)\n spend = 0\n if round == 0:\n spend = 35 + np.random.randint(1, 11)\n elif round <= 2:\n spend = int(history[-1] * 2 / (4 - round)) + np.random.randint(5 * round - 4, 10 * round - 5)\n else:\n poly = np.polyfit(xrange(0, round), history, 2)\n spend = int(np.polyval(poly, round)) + np.random.randint(1, 4)\n spend = max(spend, opp_hp / 2 + 3)\n return min(spend, hp - 1, opp_hp) \n```\nPoly bot does a polynomial regression on your bot's history, and beats the predicted score by a small amount. \n# Classy bot\n```\ndef classybot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n class cheekyvalue(int):\n def __gt__(self, other):\n return False\n def __lt__(self, other):\n return False\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if alive == 2:\n if opp_hp >= hp - 1:\n return cheekyvalue(101)\n else:\n return hp - 1\n spend = 30 + np.random.randint(0, 11)\n if history:\n spend = min(spend, history[-1] + np.random.randint(0, 5))\n return min(spend, opp_hp, hp)\n```\n \nClassy bot has had a good time, but has decided to get to bed early. Sleep tight, classy bot. \n[Answer]\n# 1/2 Punch Bot, Revisited\nI think it will die pretty quickly. Worth it.\nRenamed function, forgot to change the name there.\nRevisited version is up, better chances of winning (even more so at final round) and slight protection from gang bots\n```\ndef halfpunch(hp, history, ties, alive, start): #revisited\n punch = hp - 1\n if alive == 2:\n return punch\n if history:\n if hp > 1:\n punch = np.ceil(hp/2.05) + ties + np.floor(ties / 2)\n else:\n punch = 1\n else:\n punch = 42 + ties + np.floor(ties / 2)\n if punch >= hp:\n punch = hp - 1\n return punch\n```\n# Striker Bot\n1/2 Punch Bot got bullied too much and even became a lackey to the UpYoursBot so his older brother, the **StrikerBot**, came to help. \nNot that much of a difference from optimized 1/2 Punch but he's a bit smarter and did well in the runs I did (10k and 35k, though he might lose to KickbanBot)\nLast version's up, time ran out. Unless some surprises rise up it should secure second place, if not getting first (there's a slim chance to beat kickbanbot)\n```\ndef strikerbot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n #get our magic number (tm) for useful things\n def magic_number(num):\n return np.floor(num / 2)\n #get opponent's hp and round number\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n round = 1\n if history:\n round = len(history) + 1\n #set strike initial value, by default it's all out\n strike = hp - 1\n #let 'er rip if last round\n if alive == 2:\n return strike\n if history:\n if hp > 1:\n #strike with a special calculation, using magic number shenanigans\n strike = np.ceil(hp/(2.045 + (magic_number(round) / 250)) ) + 1 + ties + magic_number(ties)\n else:\n #fallback\n strike = 1\n else:\n #round 1 damage\n strike = 42 + ties ** 2\n if opp_hp <= strike:\n #if opponent is weaker than strike then don't waste hp\n strike = opp_hp + ties\n if strike >= hp:\n #validations galore\n strike = hp - 1\n return strike\n```\n[Answer]\n# Gang Bot\nThe idea was that potentially two or more of the bot could be used in the same simulation. The bot tries to give \"easy wins\" to other bots in the gang, by seeing if its history is multiples of 7 bids. Of course, this could be easily manipulated by other bots as well. Then I calculate a guess on bids of non-gang bots based on the ratio of my health to theirs and ratio of their previous health to their previous bid and add 1.\n```\ndef gang_bot(hp,history,ties,alive,start):\n mult=3\n gang = False\n if history:\n count = 0\n for bid in history:\n if bid % mult == 0:\n count += 1\n if count == len(history):\n gang = True\n if gang and hp<100:#Both bots need to have a history for a handshake\n if hp > 100-sum(history):\n a=np.random.randint(0,hp/9+1)\n elif hp == 100-sum(history):\n a=np.random.randint(0,hp/18+1)\n else:\n return 1\n return a*mult\n elif gang:\n fS = (100-sum(history))/mult\n return (fS+1)*mult\n else:\n fP = hp/mult\n answer = fP*mult\n opp_hp = 100-sum(history)\n if history:\n if len(history)>1:\n opp_at_1 = 100-history[0]\n ratio = 1.0*history[1]/opp_at_1\n guessedBet= ratio*opp_hp\n answer = np.ceil(guessedBet)+1\n else:\n if 1.0*hp/opp_hp>1:\n fS = opp_hp/mult\n answer = fS*mult\n else:\n fS = hp/(2*mult)\n answer = fS*mult+mult*2 +np.random.randint(-1,1)*3\n if answer > hp or alive == 2 or answer < 0:\n if alive == 2 and hp 1.5*opp_hp:\n return opp_hp + ties\n if ties:\n answer += np.random.randint(2)*3\n return answer\n```\n[Answer]\n# Worst Case\n```\ndef worst_case(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n return np.minimum(hp - 1, hp - hp /(start - alive + 4) + ties * 2)\n```\nSimple bot. Returns `hp - hp / (start - alive + 4)` for most cases, and in case of ties increases it by 2(gotta one up!) for each tie, making sure to not return a number over its `hp`.\n[Answer]\n# Outbidder\n```\ndef outbid(hp, history, ties, alive):\n enemyHealth = 100-sum(history)\n if hp == 1:\n return 1\n if ties == 2:\n # lots of ties? max bid\n return hp - 1\n if enemyHealth >= hp:\n # Rip off KickBot (we can't bid higher than enemy is capable)\n return kick(*args) + 1\n if history:\n # bid as high as the enemy CAN\n return np.minimum(hp-1,enemyHealth-1)\n return np.random.randint(hp/5, hp/2)\n```\nBot will attempt to bid higher than its opponent *can* bid where possible.\n[Answer]\n# Spitball Bot\n```\ndef spitballBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n base = ((hp-1) / (alive-1)) + 1.5 * ties\n value = math.floor(base)\n if value < 10:\n value = 10\n if value >= hp:\n value = hp-1\n return value\n```\nMakes a judgement about how much of its health it should sacrifice based on the number of remaining bots. If there's only two bots left, it bids `hp-1`, but if there's three left, it bits half that, four left, a third, etc.\nHowever, in a very large contest, I reckon I'll need to bid more than 3 or 4 hp to avoid dying on the first round, so I've put a lower bound at 10. Of course, I still will never bid more than `hp-1`.\nIt also adds 1.5 hp for ties, since I see several \"add 1 hp for ties\" bots. I'm not sure if that counts as cheating. If it does, I'll change it.\nGreat idea, by the way!\n# Spitball Bot 2.0\n**What's new?**\n* Switched to dividing by the number of rounds left instead of the number of bots left (Thanks to @Heiteira!). Actually, I'm now dividing by that number raised to the power `.8`, so as to front-load my bids a little bit more.\n* Upped minimum bid from 10 to 20 (Thanks @KBriggs!)\n* Inserted check of whether the spitball bid is over the opponent's current HP, and lower it if it is.\n(SO won't render the code below as code unless I put text here, so OK) \n```\ndef spitballBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n # Spitball a good guess \n roundsLeft = math.ceil(math.log(alive, 2)) # Thanks @Heiteira! \n divFactor = roundsLeft**.8\n base = ((hp-1) / divFactor) + 1.5 * ties\n value = math.floor(base)\n # Don't bid under 20 \n if value < 20:\n value = 20 # Thanks @KBriggs! \n # Don't bet over the opponent's HP \n # (It's not necessary) \n opponentHp = 100\n for h in history:\n opponentHp -= h\n if value > opponentHp:\n value = opponentHp\n # Always bet less than your current HP \n if value >= hp:\n value = hp-1\n return value\n```\n[Answer]\n# Geometric\n```\ndef geometric(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n opponentHP = 100 - sum(history)\n # If we're doomed, throw in the towel.\n if hp == 1:\n return 1\n # If this is the last battle or we can't outsmart the opponent, go all out.\n if alive == 2 or ties == 2:\n return hp - 1\n # If the opponent is weak, squish it.\n if opponentHP <= hp * 0.9:\n if ties == 2:\n return opponentHP + 1\n else:\n return opponentHP\n # If the opponent has full health, pick something and hope for the best.\n if not history:\n return np.random.randint(hp * 0.5, hp * 0.6)\n # Assume the opponent is going with a constant fraction of remaining health.\n fractions = []\n health = 100\n for x in history:\n fractions.append(float(x) / health)\n health -= x\n avg = sum(fractions) / len(fractions)\n expected = int(avg * opponentHP)\n return min(expected + 2, hp - 1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Bot 13\n```\ndef bot13(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n win = 100 - sum(history) + ties\n #print \"Win HP: %d\" % win\n if alive == 2:\n #print \"Last round - all in %d\" % hp\n return hp - 1\n elif hp > win:\n #print \"Sure win\"\n return win\n #print \"Don't try too hard\"\n return 13 + ties\n```\nTry to maximize wins with the least effort:\n* if we can win, just do it\n* if it's the last round, don't die trying\n* otherwise, don't bother\n### Why?\nTry to take advantage of probability: winning the first round by playing low is the best way to start the tournament. 13 seems to be the sweet spot: the second round is a sure win, and the rest is a Spaziergang in the park.\n[Answer]\n## Guess Bot\n```\ndef guess_bot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n enemy_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if len(history) == 1:\n if history[0] == 99:\n return 2\n else:\n return 26 + ties*2\n elif len(history) > 1:\n next_bet_guess = sum(history)//(len(history)**2)\n if alive == 2: \n return hp\n elif alive > 2: \n if hp > next_bet_guess + 1:\n return (next_bet_guess + 1 + ties*2)\n else:\n return (2*hp/3 + ties*2)\n else:\n #Thank you Sarcoma bot. See you in Valhalla.\n startBid = hp / 3\n maxAdditionalBid = np.round(hp * 0.06) if hp * 0.06 > 3 else 3\n additionalBid = np.random.randint(2, maxAdditionalBid)\n return int(startBid + additionalBid + ties)\n```\nFirst time posting here. This looked like a lot of fun so I am submitting my beyond terrible attempt and guessing what the other bots will bet.\nEdit 1:\nAdded another 1 to the first bet, simply to reduce the chance of a tie with other people betting 51.\nEdit 2:\nStole Sarcoma bot's opening move since it had a good chance of not being eliminated first consistently.\nEdit 3:\nBot survives very well in the first round, but it is being destroyed easily at later stages. Changed the way the robot thinks about the second round now that the half betters are dead in the water.\nEdit 4:\nNow that the first round is good, I changed the way it handles the second round. Dying a lot in the second round so I need to survive somehow.\n## Blood Bot\nMade a thirsty bot looking for a kill. The idea is to try to win against low betting bots and once it is past the bloodbath of the first round it should be unstoppable since it should have juggernaut amounts of HP to outbid enemies.\n```\ndef blood_bot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n enemy_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if history:\n if len(history) == 1:\n if history[0] == 99:\n return 2\n if alive == 2:\n return hp\n if enemy_hp <= 5:\n return enemy_hp - 2 + ties*2\n if enemy_hp <= 10:\n return enemy_hp - 5 + ties*2\n if (hp - enemy_hp) > 50:\n return (2*enemy_hp/3 + ties*4)\n if (hp - enemy_hp) > 20:\n return (2*enemy_hp/3 + ties*3)\n if (hp - enemy_hp) < 0:\n #die gracefully\n return hp - 1 + ties\n else:\n startBid = hp / 3\n maxAdditionalBid = np.round(hp * 0.06) if hp * 0.06 > 3 else 3\n additionalBid = np.random.randint(2, maxAdditionalBid)\n return int(startBid + additionalBid + ties)\n```\n[Answer]\n# meh\\_bot\nJust bid a little more than half its hp \n```\ndef meh_bot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n # Attempt one MehBot | 0.020 | 1.6% | 0.8% | [34 36 12 10 6 1]%\n # Attempt two MehBot | 0.106 | 10.1% | 0.8% | [60 6 7 8 8 2]%\n point = hp / 2 + 3\n if ties > 1:\n ties += 1\n # Go all out on last round\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n opponent_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if hp < 3:\n return 1\n elif not history:\n # Start with 30, This will increase the chance of dying first round but hopefully better fighting chance after\n return 30 + ties\n elif point > opponent_hp:\n # Never use more points then needed to win\n return opponent_hp + ties\n elif point >= hp:\n return hp - 1\n else:\n return point\n```\n# MehBot 20\n```\ndef meh_bot20(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n # Attempt one MehBot | 0.020 | 1.6% | 0.8% | [34 36 12 10 6 1]%\n # Attempt two MehBot | 0.106 | 10.1% | 0.8% | [60 6 7 8 8 2]%\n point = hp / 2 + 3\n opponent_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n percents = []\n for i in range(0, len(history)):\n hp_that_round = 100 - sum(history[:i])\n hp_spent_that_round = history[i]\n percent_spent_that_round = 100.0 * (float(hp_spent_that_round) / float(hp_that_round))\n percents.append(percent_spent_that_round)\n try:\n opp_percent_point = opponent_hp * (max(percents) / 100)\n except:\n opp_percent_point = 100\n if ties > 1:\n ties += 1\n # Go all out on last round\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if hp < 3:\n return 1\n elif not history:\n # randome number between 33\n return random.randint(33, 45)\n elif len(history) > 3:\n if point > opponent_hp:\n return min(opponent_hp + ties, opp_percent_point + ties)\n elif point > opponent_hp:\n # Never use more points then needed to win\n return opponent_hp + ties\n elif point >= hp:\n return hp - 1\n else:\n return point\n```\n# mehRan\n```\ndef meh_ran(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n # Attempt one MehBot | 0.020 | 1.6% | 0.8% | [34 36 12 10 6 1]%\n # Attempt two MehBot | 0.106 | 10.1% | 0.8% | [60 6 7 8 8 2]%\n # Attempt three MehBot | 0.095 | 9.1 % | 0.7 % | [70 3 5 6 6 0]%\n point = hp / 2 + 3\n if ties > 1:\n ties += 1\n # Go all out on last round\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n opponent_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if hp < 3:\n return 1\n elif not history:\n # randome number between 33\n return random.randint(33, 45)\n elif point > opponent_hp:\n # Never use more points then needed to win\n return opponent_hp + ties\n elif point >= hp:\n return hp - 1\n else:\n return point\n```\n[Answer]\n**Robbie Roulette**\n```\ndef robbie_roulette(hp, history, ties, alive):\n if history:\n #If the enemy bot has a history, and it's used the same value every time, outbid that value\n if len(set(history)) == 1:\n return history[0] + 1\n #Else, average the enemy bot's history, and bid one more than the average\n else:\n return (sum(history) / len(history) + 1)\n #Else, return half of remaining hp\n else:\n return hp / 2\n```\nThis bot does some simple analysis of the enemy bot's history, or bids half of its remaining hit points otherwise\n[Answer]\nBid higher the less competition you have. Thanks to commenters for suggesting improvements.\n```\ndef Spreader(hp, history, ties, alive):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n if len(history) < 2:\n return hp/2\n return np.ceil(hp/alive)\n```\n[Answer]\n**SurvivalistBot and HalvsiesBot**\nThank you for answering my questions. The end result is a more complex bot.\nHalvsiesBot is a whimsical 'just keep passing half' bot with a 50/50 chance of winning. I guess.\nSurvivalistBot makes a series of binary tree if-else decisions based on the dataset, including an override on a tie (if it hits 2 ties it kamikazes to avoid triple tie death).\nMy python is a little rusty, so the code might be a bit buggy, so feel free to correct or update it.\nIt's built to try to work out bits of data to infer things like how much HP is left, the minimum number of bots it is likely to fight, minimum amount of HP to leave, average bidding. It also exploits randomisation in ambiguous situations, such as opening plays or optimal bidding issues.\n```\ndef HalvsiesBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n return np.floor(hp/2)\ndef SurvivalistBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start): \n #Work out the stats on the opponent\n Opponent_Remaining_HP = 100 - sum(history)\n Opponent_Average_Bid = Opponent_Remaining_HP\n if len(history) > 0:\n Opponent_Average_Bid = Opponent_Remaining_HP / float(len(history))\n HP_Difference = hp - Opponent_Remaining_HP\n #Work out the future stats on the others\n RemainingBots = (alive-2)\n BotsToFight = 0\n RemainderTree = RemainingBots\n #How many do we actually need to fight?\n while(RemainderTree > 1):\n RemainderTree = float(RemainderTree / 2)\n BotsToFight += 1\n #Now we have all that data, lets work out an optimal bidding strategy\n OptimalBid = 0\n AverageBid = 0\n #For some reason we've tied more than twice in a row, which means death occurs if we tie again\n #So better to win one round going 'all in'\n if ties > 1:\n if BotsToFight < 1:\n OptimalBid = hp - 1\n else:\n OptimalBid = hp - (BotsToFight+1)\n #Err likely we're 0 or 1 hp, so we just return our HP\n if OptimalBid < 1:\n return hp\n else:\n return OptimalBid\n #We have the upper hand (more HP than the opponent)\n if HP_Difference > 0:\n #Our first guess is to throw all of our opponent's HP at them\n OptimalBid = HP_Difference\n #But if we have more opponents to fight, we must divide our HP amongst our future opponents\n if BotsToFight > 0:\n #We could just divide our HP evenly amongst however many remaining bots there are\n AverageBid = OptimalBid / BotsToFight\n #But this is non-optimal as later bots will have progressively less HP\n HalfBid = OptimalBid / 2\n #We have fewer bots to fight, apply progressive\n if BotsToFight < 3:\n #Check it exceeds the bot's average\n if HalfBid > Opponent_Average_Bid:\n return np.floor(HalfBid)\n else:\n #It doesn't, lets maybe shuffle a few points over to increase our odds of winning\n BidDifference = Opponent_Average_Bid - HalfBid\n #Check we can actually match the difference first\n if (HalfBid+BidDifference) < OptimalBid:\n if BidDifference < 8:\n #We add half the difference of the BidDifference to increase odds of winning\n return np.floor(HalfBid + (BidDifference/2))\n else:\n #It's more than 8, skip this madness\n return np.floor(HalfBid)\n else:\n #We can't match the difference, go ahead as planned\n return np.floor(HalfBid)\n else:\n #There's a lot of bots to fight, either strategy is viable\n #So we use randomisation to throw them off!\n if bool(random.getrandbits(1)):\n return np.floor(AverageBid)\n else:\n return np.floor(HalfBid)\n else:\n #There are no other bots to fight! Punch it Chewy!\n return OptimalBid\n else:\n if hp == 100:\n #It appears to be our opening round (assumes opponent HP same as ours)\n #We have no way of knowing what our opponent will play into the battle\n #Only us in the fight? Full power to weapons!\n if BotsToFight < 1:\n return hp - 1\n else:\n #As what might happen is literally random\n #We will also be literally random\n #Within reason\n #Work out how many bots we need to pass\n HighestBid = hp - (BotsToFight+1)\n AverageBid = hp/BotsToFight\n LowestBid = np.floor(np.sqrt(AverageBid))\n #Randomly choose between picking a random number out of thin air\n #And an average\n if bool(random.getrandbits(1)):\n return np.minimum(LowestBid,HighestBid)\n else:\n return AverageBid\n else:\n #Oh dear, we have less HP than our opponent\n #We'll have to play it crazy to win this round (with the high probability we'll die next round)\n #We'll leave ourselves 1 hp (if we can)\n if BotsToFight < 1:\n OptimalBid = hp - 1\n else:\n OptimalBid = hp - (BotsToFight+1)\n #Err likely we're 0(???) or 1 hp, so we just return our HP\n if OptimalBid < 1:\n return hp\n else:\n return OptimalBid\n```\n**BoxBot**\n```\ndef BoxBot(hp, history, ties, alive):\n Opponent_HP = float.round(100 - sum(history))\n HalfLife = float.round(Opponent_HP/2)\n RandomOutbid = HalfLife + np.random.randint(1,HalfLife)\n if hp < RandomOutbid:\n return hp - 1\n else\n return RandomOutbid\n```\n[Answer]\n**Calculating Bot**\n```\ndef calculatingBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n opponentsHP = 100 - sum(history)\n if alive == 2: # 1v1\n return hp - 1 + ties\n # Try to fit an exponential trendline and one up the trendline if it fits\n if len(history) >= 3: \n xValues = range(1, len(history) + 1)\n # https://stackoverflow.com/a/3433503 Assume an exponential trendline\n coefficients = np.polyfit(xValues, np.log(history), 1, w = np.sqrt(history))\n def model(coefficients, x):\n return np.exp(coefficients[1]) * np.exp(coefficients[0] * x)\n yPredicted = [model(coefficients, x) for x in xValues]\n totalError = 0\n for i in range(len(history)):\n totalError += abs(yPredicted[i] - history[i])\n if totalError <= (len(history)): # we found a good fitting trendline\n # get the next predicted value and add 1\n theoreticalBet = np.ceil(model(coefficients, xValues[-1] + 1) + 1) \n theoreticalBet = min(theoreticalBet, opponentsHP)\n theoreticalBet += ties\n return int(min(theoreticalBet, hp - 1)) # no point suiciding\n maxRoundsLeft = np.ceil(np.log2(alive))\n theoreticalBet = hp / float(maxRoundsLeft)\n additionalRandomness = round(np.random.random()*maxRoundsLeft) \n # want to save something for the future\n actualBet = min(theoreticalBet + additionalRandomness + ties, hp - 2)\n actualBet = min(actualBet, opponentsHP+1)\n return int(actualBet)\n```\n**Aggressive Calculating Bot**\n```\ndef aggresiveCalculatingBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n opponentsHP = 100 - sum(history)\n if opponentsHP == 100: # Get past the first round\n return int(min(52+ties, hp-1+ties))\n if alive == 2: # 1v1\n return hp - 1 + ties\n # Try to fit an exponential trendline and one up the trendline if it fits\n if len(history) >= 3: \n xValues = range(1, len(history) + 1)\n # https://stackoverflow.com/a/3433503 Assume an exponential trendline\n coefficients = np.polyfit(xValues, np.log(history), 1, w = np.sqrt(history))\n def model(coefficients, x):\n return np.exp(coefficients[1]) * np.exp(coefficients[0] * x)\n yPredicted = [model(coefficients, x) for x in xValues]\n totalError = 0\n for i in range(len(history)):\n totalError += abs(yPredicted[i] - history[i])\n if totalError <= (len(history)): # we found a good fitting trendline\n # get the next predicted value and add 1\n theoreticalBet = np.ceil(model(coefficients, xValues[-1] + 1) + 1) \n theoreticalBet = min(theoreticalBet, opponentsHP)\n theoreticalBet += ties\n return int(min(theoreticalBet, hp - 1)) # no point suiciding\n maxRoundsLeft = np.ceil(np.log2(alive))\n theoreticalBet = hp / float(maxRoundsLeft)\n additionalRandomness = 1+round(np.random.random()*maxRoundsLeft*2) \n # want to save something for the future\n actualBet = min(theoreticalBet + additionalRandomness + ties, hp - 2)\n actualBet = min(actualBet, opponentsHP+1)\n return int(actualBet)\n```\n**Anti Kick Bot**\n```\ndef antiKickBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return (hp - 1 + ties)\n amount = np.ceil((float(hp) / 2) + 1.5)\n opponentsHP = 100 - sum(history)\n amount = min(amount, opponentsHP) + ties\n return amount\n```\nIf we can predict the opponent's actions, we can make the optimal bets! If we cant (not enough data or opponent is too random), then we can at least do what would maximize our win potential. Theoretically at least half the number of bots alive will die each round. Thus I can expect there to be at most log2(alive) rounds. Ideally we would split our hp evenly between all the rounds. However, we know that some bots will be stupid and suicide / die early, so we should bet slightly more in the earlier rounds.\nAggressive Calculating Bot's modify's Calculating Bot's code to try to stay alive by being more aggressive, at the cost of long term health. Only simulations will tell if tempo or value wins out.\nAnti Kick Bot should always beat the current leader KickBot :P\nEDIT: Replaced Deterministic Bot with Anti Kick Bot, a smarter bot with almost exactly the same return values. Also prevented voting more than the opponents HP\n[Answer]\n# GenericBot\n```\ndef generic_bot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if not history:\n return int(hp * 7.0 / 13)\n opp = 100 - sum(history)\n if opp < hp:\n return opp + ties\n max_sac = np.maximum(int(hp * 0.7), 1)\n rate = history[-1] * 1.0 / (history[-1] + opp)\n return int(np.minimum(max_sac, rate * opp + 1))\n```\nIt's really late... I'm tired... can't think of a name... and the format of this bot is really similar to others, just with a slightly different algorithm given history. It tries to get the current rate the opponent is tending towards gambling... or something like that... zzz\n[Answer]\n# HalflifeS3\n```\ndef HalflifeS3(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n ''' Bet a half of oponent life + 2 '''\n if history:\n op_HP = 100 - sum(history)\n return np.minimum(hp-1, np.around(op_HP/2) + 2 + np.floor(1.5 * ties) )\n else:\n return hp/3\n```\n[Answer]\n## Coast Bot [Retired]\nWill try and coast it's way through the competition by evenly dividing it's hp between the rounds. Will bid any leftover hp on the first round to give itself a better chance of making it to the \"coast-able\" rounds.\n```\ndef coast(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n # Last round, go all out\n return hp - 1 + ties\n else:\n # Find the next power of two after the starting number of players\n players = start\n while math.log(players, 2) % 1 != 0:\n players += 1\n # This is the number of total rounds\n rounds = int(math.log(players, 2))\n bid = 99 / rounds\n if alive == start:\n # First round, add our leftover hp to this bid to increase our chances\n leftovers = 99 - (bid * rounds)\n return bid + leftovers\n else:\n # Else, just try and coast\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n # If opponent's hp is low enough, we can save some hp for the \n # final round by bidding their hp + 1\n return min(bid, opp_hp + 1)\n```\n## Coast Bot V2\nSince I like this challenge so much, I just had to make another bot. This version sacrifices some of it's later coasting hp by using more hp in the first two rounds.\n```\ndef coastV2(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n # A version of coast bot that will be more aggressive in the early rounds\n if alive == 2:\n # Last round, go all out\n return hp - 1 + ties\n else:\n # Find the next power of two after the starting number of players\n players = start\n while math.log(players, 2) % 1 != 0:\n players += 1\n # This is the number of total rounds\n rounds = int(math.log(players, 2))\n #Decrease repeated bid by 2 to give us more to bid on the first 2 rounds\n bid = (99 / rounds) - 2\n if len(history) == 0:\n # First round, add 2/3rds our leftover hp to this bid to increase our chances\n leftovers = 99 - (bid * rounds)\n return int(bid + math.ceil(leftovers * 2.0 / 3.0))\n elif len(history) == 1:\n # Second round, add 1/3rd of our leftover hp to this bid to increase our chances\n leftovers = 99 - (bid * rounds)\n return int(bid + math.ceil(leftovers * 1.0 / 3.0))\n else:\n # Else, just try and coast\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n # If opponent's hp is low enough, we can save some hp for the \n # final round by bidding their hp + 1\n return int(min(bid, opp_hp + 1))\n```\n## Percent Bot\nTries to calculate the average percent hp spend the opponent makes, and bids based on that. \n```\ndef percent(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if len(history) == 0:\n #First round, roundon low bid\n return int(random.randint(10,33))\n elif alive == 2:\n #Last round, go all out\n return int(hp - 1 + ties)\n else:\n # Try and calculate the opponents next bid by seeing what % of their hp they bid each round\n percents = []\n for i in range(0, len(history)):\n hp_that_round = 100 - sum(history[:i])\n hp_spent_that_round = history[i]\n percent_spent_that_round = 100.0 * (float(hp_spent_that_round) / float(hp_that_round)) \n percents.append(percent_spent_that_round)\n # We guess that our opponents next bid will be the same % of their current hp as usual, so we bid 1 higher.\n mean_percent_spend = sum(percents) / len(percents)\n op_hp_now = 100 - sum(history)\n op_next_bid = (mean_percent_spend / 100) * op_hp_now\n our_bid = op_next_bid + 1\n print mean_percent_spend\n print op_hp_now\n print op_next_bid\n # If our opponent is weaker than our predicted bid, just bid their hp + ties\n if op_hp_now < our_bid:\n return int(op_hp_now + ties)\n elif our_bid >= hp:\n # If our bid would kill us, we're doomed, throw a hail mary\n return int(random.randint(1, hp))\n else:\n return int(our_bid + ties)\n```\n[Answer]\n# ConsistentBot\nBets the same amount each round. It's not too likely to survive the first rounds, but if it's lucky enough to get to the end, it should still have a reasonable amount of HP left.\n```\ndef consistent(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n if 100 % start == 0:\n return (100 / start) - 1\n else: \n return 100 / start\n```\n[Answer]\n## Kickban Bot\nThis bot simply tries to counter the current leader Mean Kickbot by beating it in round one and playing more aggressively thereafter if recognizing it.\n```\ndef kickban(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n if not history:\n return 36\n if history[0]==35:\n somean = 1\n else:\n somean = 0\n return min(mean_kick(hp, history, ties, alive, start) + somean*3, hp-1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Three Quarter Bot\nHe's not going to beat MehBot or SarcomaBot(s), but I think he does pretty well. When I first saw the challenge, this was the first thing that popped to my mind, always\\* bet three quarters of your health unless there's no reason to.\n\\*after low-balling the first round.\n```\ndef ThreeQuarterBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n threeQuarters = 3 * hp / 4\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n opponent_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if not history:\n # low-ball the first round but higher than (some) other low-ballers\n return 32 + ties\n elif threeQuarters > opponent_hp:\n return opponent_hp + ties\n return threeQuarters\n```\n---\n# Four Sevenths Bot\nAfter the moderate success of 3/4 bot there's a new fraction in town, it's only rational.\n```\ndef FourSeventhsBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n fourSevenths = 4 * hp / 7\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n opponent_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if not history:\n # low-ball the first round but higher than (some) other low-ballers\n return 33 + ties\n if fourSevenths > opponent_hp:\n return opponent_hp + ties\n return fourSevenths + ties\n```\n# The Perfect Fraction\nI am whole\n```\ndef ThePerfectFraction(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n thePerfectFraction = 7 * hp / 13\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n opponent_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n if not history:\n # Need to up our game to overcome the kickers\n return 42 + ties\n if thePerfectFraction > opponent_hp:\n return opponent_hp + ties\n return thePerfectFraction + 1 + ties\n```\n[Answer]\n## BandaidBot\nBandaidBot wants everyone to play nice! If its opponent was nice last round, it will sacrifice itself to incentivize nice behavior in others. If its opponent was mean last round, it will do as much damage as possible to its opponent, sacrificing itself if necessary. It bids a third of its hp if it has no history to work with. (I'm hoping this bot will have interesting ripple effects on other strategies, not so much that this bot will have a high win rate itself. It could be fun to have a couple of these in play)\n```\ndef BandaidBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n if history:\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n opp_last_hp = 100 - sum(history[:-1])\n if history[-1] <= opp_last_hp / 3:\n return 1 + ties * np.random.randint(0, 1) \n elif history[-1] > opp_last_hp / 2:\n return min(opp_hp - 1, hp)\n else:\n if history[-1] < hp/2:\n return np.random.randint(history[-1], hp/2)\n else:\n return np.floor(hp/2)\n else:\n return np.floor(hp/3)\n```\n---\n## GetAlongBot\nGetAlongBot will be just as nice as it needs to be to take advantage of BandaidBot. It will return just under one third of its hp unless it can kill its opponent for less than that. If its opponent looks like BandaidBot, it will bid 2, knowing that BandaidBot will bid 1 because GetAlongBot has been getting along so well with everyone else--an easy win as long as it really was BandaidBot on the other end.\n```\ndef GetAlongBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n if history:\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n opp_last_hp = 100 - sum(history[:-1])\n count = 0\n for i in range(0, len(history)):\n hp_that_round = 100 - sum(history[:i])\n hp_spent_that_round = history[i]\n if hp_that_round / 3 - 1 <= hp_spent_that_round <= hp_that_round / 2:\n count += 1\n if count == len(history): #It's probably BandaidBot!\n return 2\n else:\n return min(opp_hp - 1, np.floor(hp/3))\n else:\n return np.floor(hp/3)\n```\n[Answer]\n# TENacious bot\n```\ndef TENacious_bot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n max_amount=hp-(alive-1)*2;\n if max_amount<2: max_amount=2\n if alive==2: return hp-1\n if ties==0: return np.minimum(10, max_amount)\n if ties==1: return np.minimum(20, max_amount)\n if ties==2: return np.minimum(40, max_amount)\n # prevent function blowup\n return 2\n```\nThis bot tries to hold on its favourite value of 10, but it changes its choice occasionally if needed to break a tie (with its favourite value doubled or quadrupled) or to save for future rounds, but not by optimal amount because it wants to confuse opponents and it does not want to consider bidding less than 2 at any time as it is convinced it is much better than to hope the opponent will bid less than 1, that is, 0.\nPS: this bot may have strategic problems if there are more than 2^9 bots.\n[Answer]\n# CautiousBot\nFirst submission to Programming Puzzles ever! Found your challenge quite interesting :P\nIf last round bit one less than hp, if no history bet half hp plus a small random amount. \nIf history check opponent hp and number of remaining rounds and try to outbid opponent hp / 2 using an additional buffer of up to the fraction of remaining hp divided by the number of remaining rounds (it tries to conserve the remaining hp somehow for posterior rounds). Check if your are spending too much hp (do not kill yourself or bid more than your adversary can).\nAlways correct for ties as other bots do.\n```\ndef cautious_gambler(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if(history):\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n remaining_rounds = np.ceil(np.log2(start)) - len(history)\n start_bet = opp_hp / 2\n buff = int((hp - start_bet)/remaining_rounds if remaining_rounds > 0 else (hp - start_bet)) \n buff_bet = np.random.randint(0, buff) if buff > 0 else 0\n bet = start_bet + buff_bet + ties\n if bet >= hp or bet > opp_hp:\n bet = np.minimum(hp - 1, opp_hp)\n return int(bet)\n else:\n start_bet = hp / 2\n rng_bet = np.random.randint(3,6)\n return int(start_bet + rng_bet + ties)\n```\n# CautiousBot2\nToo much aggressive on first rounds, now CautiousBot gets even more cautious...\n```\ndef cautious_gambler2(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp - 1\n if(history):\n opp_hp = 100 - sum(history)\n remaining_rounds = np.ceil(np.log2(start)) - len(history)\n start_bet = opp_hp / 2\n buff = int((hp - start_bet)/remaining_rounds if remaining_rounds > 0 else (hp - start_bet)) \n buff_bet = np.random.randint(0, buff) if buff > 0 else 0\n bet = start_bet + buff_bet + ties\n if bet >= hp or bet > opp_hp:\n bet = np.minimum(hp - 1, opp_hp)\n return int(bet)\n else:\n start_bet = hp * 0.35\n rng_bet = np.random.randint(3,6)\n return int(start_bet + rng_bet + ties)\n```\n[Answer]\nAlright, I'll try my hand at this.\n# SnetchBot\nChecking the fractions of health that the opponent has been going with. If the opponent has been raising, beat him to it.\n```\ndef snetchBot(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n if alive == 2:\n return hp-1\n \n opponent_hp = 100\n history_fractions = []\n if history:\n for i in history:\n history_fractions.append(float(i)/opponent_hp)\n opponent_hp -= i\n if opponent_hp <= hp/2:\n #print \"Squashing a weakling!\"\n return opponent_hp + (ties+1)/3\n \n average_fraction = float(sum(history_fractions)) / len(history_fractions)\n if history_fractions[-1] < average_fraction:\n #print \"Opponent not raising, go with average fraction\"\n next_fraction = average_fraction\n else:\n #print \"Opponent raising!\"\n next_fraction = 2*history_fractions[-1] - average_fraction\n bet = np.ceil(opponent_hp*next_fraction) + 1\n else:\n #print \"First turn, randomish\"\n bet = np.random.randint(35,55)\n \n if bet > opponent_hp:\n bet = opponent_hp + (ties+1)/3\n final_result = bet + 3*ties\n if bet >= hp:\n #print \"Too much to bet\"\n bet = hp-1\n return final_result\n```\nEDIT: losing a lot in the first round, adjusted the first turn random limits\n[Answer]\n## SquareUpBot\nDidn't seem like many bots were playing with powers instead of fractions, so I decided to make one, with some standard optimisations and see where I'll place. Quite simplistic. \nAlso tries to determine if the enemy bot isn't trying to use some constant fraction, because **powers** > *fractions*.\nEDIT: I'm a dummy and my fraction detector could not work. Repaired now.\n```\ndef squareUp(hp, history, ties, alive, start):\n #Taken from Geometric Bot\n opponentHP = 100 - sum(history)\n # Need to add case for 1\n if hp == 1:\n return 1\n # Last of the last - give it your all\n if alive == 2:\n if ties == 2 or opponentHP < hp-1:\n return hp - 1\n #Calculate your bet (x^(4/5)) with some variance\n myBet = np.maximum(hp - np.power(hp, 4./5), np.power(hp, 4./5))\n myBet += np.random.randint(int(-hp * 0.05) or -1, int(hp * 0.05) or 1);\n myBet = np.ceil(myBet)\n if myBet < 1:\n myBet = 1\n elif myBet >= hp:\n myBet = hp-1\n else:\n myBet = int(myBet)\n #If total annihilation is a better option, dewit\n if opponentHP < myBet:\n if ties == 2:\n return opponentHP + 1\n else:\n return opponentHP\n #If the fraction is proven, then outbid it (Thanks again, Geometric bot)\n if history and history[0] != history[-1]:\n health = 100\n fraction = float(history[0]) / health\n for i,x in enumerate(history):\n newFraction = float(x) / health\n if newFraction + 0.012*i < fraction or newFraction - 0.012*i > fraction:\n return myBet\n health -= x\n return int(np.ceil(opponentHP * fraction)) + 1 \n else:\n return myBet\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven integers `N , P > 1` , find the largest integer `M` such that `P ^ M \u201a\u00e2\u00a7 N`.\n### I/O:\nInput is given as 2 integers `N` and `P`. The output will be the integer `M`.\n### Examples:\n```\n4, 5 -> 0\n33, 5 -> 2\n40, 20 -> 1\n242, 3 -> 4 \n243, 3 -> 5 \n400, 2 -> 8\n1000, 10 -> 3\n```\n### Notes:\nThe input will always be valid, i.e. it will always be integers greater than 1.\n### Credits:\nCredit for the name goes to @cairdcoinheringaahing. The last 3 examples are by @Nitrodon and credit for improving the description goes to @Giuseppe.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 74 bytes\n```\n(({}<>)[()])({()<(({})<({([{}]()({}))([{}]({}))}{})>){<>({}[()])}{}>}[()])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzTTctJzP7/X0OjutbGTjNaQzNWU6NaQ9MGJAAkqzWiq2tjNTRBPE0IG8SqBRJ2mtU2dkAeWA9QwA7C@v/fSMHEwAAA \"Brain-Flak \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis uses the same concept as the standard Brain-Flak positive integer division algorithm.\n```\n# Push P and P-1 on other stack\n(({}<>)[()])\n# Count iterations until N reaches zero:\n({()<\n # While keeping the current value (P-1)*(P^M) on the stack:\n (({})<\n # Multiply it by P for the next iteration\n ({([{}]()({}))([{}]({}))}{})\n >)\n # Subtract 1 from N and this (P-1)*(P^M) until one of these is zero\n {<>({}[()])}{}\n# If (P-1)*(P^M) became zero, there is a nonzero value below it on the stack\n>}\n# Subtract 1 from number of iterations\n[()])\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 22 bytes\n*Saved 8 bytes thanks to @Neil*\nTakes input in currying syntax `(p)(n)`.\n```\np=>g=n=>p<=n&&1+g(n/p)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XclBDkAwEADAu1f0JLsRSkviYP2lQRsi2wbx/SJxYa6zmNPswzaHI2c/TtFSDNQ7YupDR5ymVeaAZcA4eN79OhWrd2ChQdAaUQgphUq@p0qEurzzvup/T73Xxgs \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 18 bytes\n```\n=TRUNC(LOG(A1,A2))\n```\nTakes input \"n\" at A1, and input \"p\" at A2.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 3 bytes\n```\nb\u00b7\u220f\u00e4L\n```\nThis doesn't use floating-point arithmetic, so there are no precision issues.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/z/p4Y4un//FRtZKh5cb6bv//29srKNgqqNgYqCjYGQAokEMIDIBEsYg2hhMm4BVGRqApA0NAA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\nb\u00b7\u220f\u00e4L Main link. Left argument: n. Right argument: p\nb Convert n to base p.\n \u00b7\u220f\u00e4 Dequeue; remove the first base-p digit.\n L Take the length.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 35 bytes\n```\n.+\n$*\n+r`1*(\\2)+\u00ac\u2202(1+)$\n#$#1$*1\u00ac\u2202$2\n#\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxL/P9fT5tLRYtLuyjBUEsjxkhT@9A2DUNtTRUuZRVlQxUtw0PbVIy4lP//NzbmMgUA \"Retina 0.8.2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Explanation:\n```\n.+\n$*\n```\nConvert the arguments to unary.\n```\n+r`1*(\\2)+\u00ac\u2202(1+)$\n#$#1$*1\u00ac\u2202$2\n```\nIf the second argument divides the first, replace the first argument with a `#` plus the integer result, discarding the remainder. Repeat this until the first argument is less than the second.\n```\n#\n```\nCount the number of times the loop ran.\n[Answer]\n# Japt, 8 bytes\n```\n@n).(p^).(1+))(1+)0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P0@xwLY0ryQzR0PDLk9TT6MgDkgYamtqggiD/7mJmXm2BUWZeSUqXApVmQXhmSUZGoqa0cbGOiYGQGQQG22qY2SgYxT7HwA \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), 13 bytes\n```\n&floor\u201a\u00e0\u00f2&log\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJZq@18tLSc/v@hRxwy1nPz0/9ZcxYkgcQ0TAwMdI00419hYx1TzPwA \"Perl 6 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nConcatenation composing log and floor, implicitly has 2 arguments because first function log expects 2. Result is a function.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/) + `-lm`, 24 bytes\n```\nf(n,m){n=log(n)/log(m);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9NI08nV7M6zzYnP10jT1MfROVqWtf@z03MzNPQrC4oyswrSdNQUk1R0knTMDbWMdUEyf5LTstJTC/@r5uTCwA \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 16 bytes\n```\n(floor.).logBase\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7NyfmfZhvzXyMtJz@/SE9TLyc/3SmxOPV/bmJmnoKtQkFRZl6JgopCmoKpgrHx/3/JaTmJ6cX/dZMLCgA \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nHaskell was designed by mathematicians so it has a nice set of math-related functions in Prelude. \n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 25 bytes\n```\nfunction(p,n)log(p,n)%/%1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/qfpmCjq/A/rTQvuSQzP0@jQCdPMyc/HUyr6qsa/k/TMDEw0DHS/A8A \"R \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nTake the log of `P` base `N` and do integer division with `1`, as it's shorter than `floor()`. This suffers a bit from numerical precision, so I present the below answer as well, which should not, apart from possibly integer overflow.\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 31 bytes\n```\nfunction(p,n)(x=p:0)[n^x<=p][1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/qfpmCj@z@tNC@5JDM/T6NAJ09To8K2wMpAMzovrsLGtiA22jD2f5qGiYGBjpHmfwA \"R \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 39 bytes\n```\nlambda a,b:math.log(a,b)//1\nimport math\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUSFRJ8kqN7EkQy8nP10DyNHU1zfkyswtyC8qUQCJ/y8oyswr0UjT0MrMKygt0dDU1PxvbKyjYAoA \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 31 bytes\nOK, so all those log-based approaches are prone to rounding errors, so here is another method that works with integers and is free of those issues:\n```\n->n,p{(0..n).find{|i|p**i>n}-1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Pcw7CoAwEEXR3lUM2KjEMMlEsNGNiI1IIE0IgoWoa4/5qK888O62L4fXg29Hy9xZIee25trY9bzM5ZrGjPZuxe0d6ImIQTdDWAmyiKKQgcQ5iXglUpY@iVSSAWVRr9AvXX594SCYRGAMidAugfwD \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nBut going back to logarithms, although it is unclear up to what precision we must support the input, but I think this little trick would solve the rounding problem for all more or less \"realistic\" numbers:\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 29 bytes\n```\n->n,p{Math.log(n+0.1,p).to_i}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1y5Pp6DaN7EkQy8nP10jT9tAz1CnQFOvJD8@s/Z/gUJatLGxjoJprAIQKCsYcYFETAx0FIwMYsEihlARkBBExAIsYmRipKNgDBExgYoYw0VMIbpgBgNFDMAihgYggwyBZisrGP8HAA \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 5 bytes\n```\n\u221a\u00a8V \u221a\u00e4\u221a\u00e2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osKPn///CaMIXDXYc7//83MTDgMgIA)\n---\n## 8 bytes\n```\nN\u00ac\u00a3MlX\u221a\u00c9\u221a\u00a7z\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osKPn/3@/QYt@ciMPNh5dU/f9vYmCgYwQA \"Japt \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Emojicode](http://www.emojicode.org/), ~~49~~ 48 bytes\n```\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e1i\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00c7j\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00c7\u201a\u00fb\u00b0\u00d4\u220f\u00e8\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00c7\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e9\u201a\u00fb\u00f1\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ea\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00b0i j 1\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S83Nz8pMzk9J/f9hfn@jwof5ve1cCiBqWVppXvJ/ED/zw/xZTVkg4tG8he939INYQPG@R/OmfZg/YcqH@VMWZipkKRgCxTr/g/TOaFAACYJMWasAMkbB0MDAAEgAERdYFQA \"Emojicode \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 2 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00e5\u00e4\u201a\u00e7\u00fc\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@1R24RHPV2Peuf//2@qkKZgbMxlZACkTQy4jMCUAQA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nPretty straightforward.\n`\u201a\u00e7\u00fc` Log\n`\u201a\u00e5\u00e4` floor\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 6 bytes\n```\nLm\u00ac\u03c0\u201a\u00c4\u222b_O\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f/fJ/fQzkcNu@L9//83NDAw4DI0AAA \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript](https://nodejs.org), ~~40~~ 33 bytes\n*-3 bytes thanks to DanielIndie*\nTakes input in currying syntax.\n```\na=>b=>(L=Math.log)(a)/L(b)+.001|0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Zc5NCoMwEAXgfU/hcoZSM/kRuokn0ENEq/1BjFTpyrunmYKljW/7wXvv4V5ubp/3aTmN/tKF3gZny8aWUNnaLbd88FcEh6KCBo85kVwptH6c/dCxQQ9aIxSIWYwQmTr8qyEERR@OKnfKvOk5UWUUgt7U7FT/aJE2f0@xUqKSeFjyr6g6vAE)\n[Answer]\n# Pari/GP, 6 bytes\n```\nlogint\n```\n(built-in added in version 2.7, Mar 2014. Takes two arguments, with an optional third reference which, if present, is set to the base raised to the result)\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 3, 46 bytes\n*-1 thanks to jonathan*\n```\ndef A(a,b,i=1):\n while b**i<=a:i+=1\n return~-i\n```\n## Python 1, 47 bytes\n```\ndef A(a,b,i=1):\n while b**i<=a:i=i+1\n return~-i\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 22 bytes\n```\nm=>f=n=>nf flog s>f flog f/ f>s ;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TcxBCoAgFIThvaf4L1CJ2qbAu0TwbBEYGnR8s0XZ6s3HDE9iOrcuyHNKmRDytRxkL8geQwsyID4zF2thpA571qScBqObNObrjDPYV1TaRuX4vSk3 \"Forth (gforth) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nCould save 5 bytes by swapping expected input parameters, but question specifies N must be first (an argument could be made that in a postfix language \"First\" means top-of-stack, but I'll stick to the letter of the rules for now)\n## Explanation\n```\nswap \\ swap the parameters to put N on top of the stack\ns>f flog \\ move N to the floating-point stack and take the log(10) of N\ns>f flog \\ move P to the floating-point stack and take the log(10) of P\nf/ \\ divide log10(N) by log10(P)\nf>s \\ move the result back to the main (integer) stack, truncating in the process\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 6 4 bytes\n```\ns.lF\n```\nSaved 2 bytes thanks to Mmenomic \n[Try it online](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=s.lhQe&input=400%2C+2&debug=1)\n## How it works\n`.l` is logB(A) \nTo be honest, I have no idea how `F` works. But if it works, it works. \n`s` truncates a float to an int to give us the highest integer for `M`.\n[Answer]\n# [Wonder](https://github.com/wonderlang/wonder), 9 bytes\n```\n|_.sS log\n```\nExample usage:\n```\n(|_.sS log)[1000 10]\n```\n# Explanation\nVerbose version:\n```\nfloor . sS log\n```\nThis is written pointfree style. `sS` passes list items as arguments to a function (in this case, `log`).\n[Answer]\n# [Gforth](https://www.gnu.org/software/gforth/), 31 Bytes\n```\nSWAP S>F FLOG S>F FLOG F/ F>S .\n```\n## Usage\n```\n242 3 SWAP S>F FLOG S>F FLOG F/ F>S . 4 OK\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8svKsnQTU8DUf@NTIwUjP8HhzsGKATbuSm4@fi7Ixhu@gpudsEKev@BAAA \"Forth (gforth) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\nUnfortunately FORTH uses a dedicated floating-point-stack. For that i have to `SWAP` (exchange) the input values so they get to the floating point stack in the right order. I also have to move the values to that stack with `S>F`. When moving the floating-point result back to integer (`F>S`) I have the benefit to get the truncation for free.\n## Shorter version\nStretching the requirements and provide the input in float-format and the right order, there is a shorter version with 24 bytes.\n```\nFLOG FSWAP FLOG F/ F>S .\n3e0 242e0 FLOG FSWAP FLOG F/ F>S . 4 OK\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8svKsnQTU8DUf@NUw0UjEyMUg3@u/n4uyu4BYc7BihAmPoKbnbBCnr/gQAA \"Forth (gforth) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), ~~8~~ ~~7~~ 4 bytes\n```\nLt`B\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv6fe2h5arFGsdujpsb/PiUJTv///4/WMDbWMdXU0TAx0DEyANNABpA2MjHSMQbTxmDaBKzK0AAobWigGQsA \"Husk \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 61 bytes\n```\ni(n,t,l,o,g){for(l=g=0;!g++;g=g>n)for(o=++l;o--;g*=t);g=--l;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RczJboMwFAXQdfMVN1RINhjJGNPJcvMTWXYTMViWwKDALsq3U5uhXTw9v2PdW2WmqpbFEsdm1rGBGfpohzvptNFcnU2aKqPNt6MBB52mnRqyTJlEz9T/ZFmnnstr3bTWNbj6FowMPcV4t25uSWRJLGuGWNQUOizoy7pIPNEfFzFsEbtGqc/@vaE1elwQjbdpauoIX4gSN8wJdqDq1N@sI/RxerkSoCgYUPoRdAPJGYQf5BtIHg7h52MDIcMRYvKAYody74DcS/kKOQ8deegpVpD8s9xK8/yAtx3EAe//8Fx@AQ \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nToday's challenge is simple: Without taking any input, output any valid sudoku board.\nIn case you are unfamiliar with sudoku, [Wikipedia describes what a valid board should look like](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku):\n> \n> The objective is to fill a 9\u00d79 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3\u00d73 subgrids that compose the grid (also called \"boxes\", \"blocks\", or \"regions\") contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.\n> \n> \n> \nNow here's the thing... There are [6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 different valid sudoku boards](https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/2/what-is-the-maximum-number-of-solutions-a-sudoku-puzzle-can-have). Some of them may be very difficult to compress and output in fewer bytes. Others of them may be easier. Part of this challenge is to figure out which boards will be most compressible and could be outputted in the fewest bytes.\nYour submission does not necessarily have to output the same board every time. But if multiple outputs are possible, you'll have to prove that every possible output is a valid board.\nYou can use [this script](https://tio.run/#05ab1e#code=fMKpdnkzw7R9KTPDtMO4dnlKdnnDqn19wq7DuHZ5w6p9wq52ecOqfSnDqsW-aMKmUQ&input=MTIzNDU2Nzg5CjQ1Njc4OTEyMwo3ODkxMjM0NTYKMjMxNTY0ODk3CjU2NDg5NzIzMQo4OTcyMzE1NjQKMzEyNjQ1OTc4CjY0NTk3ODMxMgo5NzgzMTI2NDU) (thanks to Magic Octopus Urn) or [any of these answers](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/22443/create-a-sudoku-solution-checker) to verify if a particular grid is a valid solution. It will output a `[1]` for a valid board, and anything else for an invalid board.\nI'm not too picky about what format you output your answer in, as long as it's clearly 2-dimensional. For example, you could output a 9x9 matrix, nine 3x3 matrices, a string, an array of strings, an array of 9-digit integers, or nine 9-digit numbers with a separator. Outputting 81 digits in 1 dimension would not be permitted. If you would like to know about a particular output format, feel free to ask me in the comments. \nAs usual, this is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so write the shortest answer you can come up with in the language(s) of your choosing!\n \n[Answer]\n# Pyth, ~~22~~ ~~14~~ ~~12~~ 10 bytes\n```\n. For each, ...\n.< S9 ... Rotate the list [1, ..., 9] that many times.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 47 bytes\n```\nl=range(1,10)\nfor x in l:print(l*9)[x*8/3:][:9]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/P8e2KDEvPVXDUMfQQJMrLb9IoUIhM08hx6qgKDOvRCNHy1IzukLLQt/YKjbayjL2/38A \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# T-SQL, ~~96~~ 89 bytes\nFound one shorter than the trivial output!\n```\nSELECT SUBSTRING('12345678912345678',0+value,9)FROM STRING_SPLIT('1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9',',')\n```\nExtracts 9-character strings starting at different points, as defined by the in-memory table created by `STRING_SPLIT` (which is supported on SQL 2016 and later). The `0+value` was the shortest way I could do an implicit cast to integer.\nOriginal trivial output (96 bytes):\n```\nPRINT'726493815\n315728946\n489651237\n852147693\n673985124\n941362758\n194836572\n567214389\n238579461'\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 7 bytes\n```\n9R\u1e59%3$\u00de\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/98y6OHOmarGKofn/f8PAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*And a little bit of [this](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/172475/41024)...* \n-1 thanks to [Jonathan Allan](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/53748/jonathan-allan)('s thinking?)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 53 bytes\n```\nr=range(9)\nfor i in r:print[1+(j*10/3+i)%9for j in r]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/v8i2KDEvPVXDUpMrLb9IIVMhM0@hyKqgKDOvJNpQWyNLy9BA31g7U1PVEiSdBZaO/f8fAA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nAlternatives:\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 53 bytes\n```\ni=0;exec\"print[1+(i/3+j)%9for j in range(9)];i-=8;\"*9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/P9PWwDq1IjVZqaAoM68k2lBbI1PfWDtLU9UyLb9IIUshM0@hKDEvPVXDUjPWOlPX1sJaScvy/38A \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 54 bytes\n```\nfor i in range(81):print(i/9*10/3+i)%9+1,'\\n'*(i%9>7),\n```\n```\ni=0;exec\"print[1+(i/3+j)%9for j in range(9)];i+=10;\"*9\n```\n```\nr=range(9);print[[1+(i*10/3+j)%9for j in r]for i in r]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 47 bytes\nOutput as an array of the rows.\n```\n_=>[...w=\"147258369\"].map(x=>(w+w).substr(x,9))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@z/e1i5aT0@v3FbJ0MTcyNTC2MxSKVYvN7FAo8LWTqNcu1xTr7g0qbikSKNCx1JT8791cn5ecX5Oql5OfrpGmgZQBAA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nGenerates this:\n```\n472583691\n583691472\n691472583\n725836914\n836914725\n914725836\n258369147\n369147258\n147258369\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), ~~58~~ 55 bytes\n```\nl=*range(10),\nfor i in b\"\u0001\u0004\u0007\u0002\u0005\b\u0003\u0006\t\":print(l[i:]+l[1:i])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/P8dWqygxLz1Vw9BAU4crLb9IIVMhM08hSYmRhZ2JlYOZjVPJqqAoM69EIyc60ypWOyfa0CozVvP/fwA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* -3 bytes thanks to Jo King,\nThe elements of the byte string end up giving the numbers `[1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9]` which are used to permute the rotations of `[0..9]`. The `0` is removed in `l[1:i]` and there is no need for a null byte which takes two characaters (`\\0`) to represent in a bytes object.\n**[55 bytes](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/P15HK8e2KDEvPVXD0ECTKy2/SCFTITNPIUmJkYWdiZWDmY1TyaqgKDOvRCMnOtMqVjsn2iozVvP/fwA)**\n```\n_,*l=range(10)\nfor i in b\"\u0001\u0004\u0007\u0002\u0005\b\u0003\u0006\t\":print(l[i:]+l[:i])\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~9~~ 8 bytes\n```\n9R\u1e59`s3Z\u1e8e\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/98y6OHOmQnFxlEPd/X9/w8A \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n9R\u1e59`s3Z\u1e8e\n9R Range(9) -> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]\n ` Use the same argument twice for the dyad:\n \u1e59 Rotate [1..9] each of [1..9] times.\n This gives all cyclic rotations of the list [1..9]\n s3 Split into three lists.\n Z Zip. This puts the first row of each list of three in it's own list, \n as well as the the second and third.\n \u1e8e Dump into a single list of nine arrays.\n```\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 84 bytes\n```\n@set s=123456789\n@for %%a in (0 3 6 1 4 7 2 5 8)do @call echo %%s:~%%a%%%%s:~,%%a%%\n```\nUses @Mnemonic's output. `call` is used to interpolate the variable into the slicing operation (normally it only accepts numeric constants).\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), ~~40 32~~ 27 bytes\n*-5 bytes thanks to nwellnhof*\n```\n{[^9+1].rotate($+=3.3)xx 9}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYKvwvzo6zlLbMFavKL8ksSRVQ0Xb1ljPWLOiQsGy9n@ahqZebmKBhpZecWKl5n8A \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAnonymous code block that returns a 9x9 matrix. Maps each row to a different rotation of the range 1 to 9.\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, ~~82~~ 75 bytes\n```\nv->{for(int i=81;i-->0;)System.out.print((i/9*10/3+i)%9+1+(i%9<1?\" \":\"\"));}\n```\n-7 bytes by creating a port of one of [*@TFeld*'s Python 2 answers](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/172526/52210).\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##LY7PCoJAEIfvPcUgCLuJ/@iSbdoT5EXoEh22VWNMV9FVCPHZt7W8zDC/Yb75Kj5xt8rfWtR8GODKUc47AJSq6EsuCkjXEWBqMQdBbmubKDPZsjNlUFyhgBQkxKAnN5nLtifmGjA@hgxdNwkYzT6DKhqvHZXX9WZJCPrRPgz8g4PUjpzQIWhH5/BigXWyLErZotmK78ZnbfDbl59DYwxJpgzmdX8Ap3896Qkix7rezBb9BQ)\n**Explanation:**\n```\nv->{ // Method with empty unused parameter and no return-type\n for(int i=81;i-->0;) // Loop `i` in the range (81, 0]\n System.out.print( // Print:\n (i/9 // (`i` integer-divided by 9,\n *10 // then multiplied by 10,\n /3 // then integer-divided by 3,\n +i) // and then we add `i`)\n %9 // Then take modulo-9 on the sum of that above\n +1 // And finally add 1\n +(i%9<1? // Then if `i` modulo-9 is 0:\n \" \" // Append a space delimiter\n : // Else:\n \"\"));} // Append nothing more\n```\nOutputs the following sudoku (space delimited instead of newlines like below):\n```\n876543219\n543219876\n219876543\n765432198\n432198765\n198765432\n654321987\n321987654\n987654321\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 18 bytes\n```\n>:(,&|:|.\"{,)i.3 3\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKegnqZga6WuoKNQa6VgoADE/@2sNHTUaqxq9JSqdTQz9YwVjP9rcqUmZ@QrpP0HAA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Output\n```\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3\n7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6\n2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1\n5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4\n8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2\n6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5\n9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n```\n### How it works\n```\n>:(,&|:|.\"{,)i.3 3\n i.3 3 The 2D array X = [0 1 2;3 4 5;6 7 8]\n ,&|:|.\"{, 3-verb train:\n ,&|: Transpose and flatten X to get Y = [0 3 6 1 4 7 2 5 8]\n , Flatten X to get Z = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]\n |.\"{ Get 2D array whose rows are Z rotated Y times\n>: Increment\n```\n## Fancy version, 23 bytes\n```\n|.&(>:i.3 3)&.>|:{;~i.3\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKegnqZga6WuoKNQa6VgoADE/2v01DTsrDL1jBWMNdX07Gqsqq3rgLz/mlypyRn5Cmn/AQ \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutput:\n```\n\u250c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2510\n\u25021 2 3\u25024 5 6\u25027 8 9\u2502\n\u25024 5 6\u25027 8 9\u25021 2 3\u2502\n\u25027 8 9\u25021 2 3\u25024 5 6\u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u25022 3 1\u25025 6 4\u25028 9 7\u2502\n\u25025 6 4\u25028 9 7\u25022 3 1\u2502\n\u25028 9 7\u25022 3 1\u25025 6 4\u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u25023 1 2\u25026 4 5\u25029 7 8\u2502\n\u25026 4 5\u25029 7 8\u25023 1 2\u2502\n\u25029 7 8\u25023 1 2\u25026 4 5\u2502\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2518\n```\n### How it works\n```\n|.&(>:i.3 3)&.>|:{;~i.3\n i.3 Array [0 1 2]\n {;~ Get 2D array of boxed pairs (0 0) to (2 2)\n |: Transpose\n|.&(>:i.3 3)&.> Change each pair to a Sudoku box:\n &.> Unbox\n >:i.3 3 2D array X = [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]\n|.& Rotate this 2D array over both axes\n e.g. 1 2|.X gives [6 4 5;9 7 8;3 1 2]\n &.> Box again so the result looks like the above\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~14~~ 12 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n8\u00dd\u03a33%}\u03b59Ls._\n```\n-2 bytes by creating a port of [*@Mnemonic*'s Pyth answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/172475/52210).\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f/f4vDcc4uNVWvPbbX0KdaL/@9Ve2j3fwA) (Footer is added to pretty-print it. Actual result is a 9x9 matrix; feel free to remove the footer to see.)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n8\u00dd # List in the range [0, 8]\n \u03a3 } # Sort the integers `i` by\n 3% # `i` modulo-3\n \u03b5 # Map each value to:\n 9L # List in the range [1, 9]\n s._ # Rotated towards the left the value amount of times\n```\n---\n**Original 14 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage) solution:**\n```\n9L\u03b59LN3*N3\u00f7+._\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f/f0ufcVksfP2MtP@PD27X14v971R7a/R8A) (Footer is added to pretty-print it. Actual result is a 9x9 matrix; feel free to remove the footer to see.)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n9L # Create a list of size 9\n \u03b5 # Change each value to:\n 9L # Create a list in the range [1, 9]\n N3*N3\u00f7+ # Calculate N*3 + N//3 (where N is the 0-indexed index,\n # and // is integer-division)\n ._ # Rotate that many times towards the left\n```\nBoth answers result in the Sudoku:\n```\n123456789\n456789123\n789123456\n234567891\n567891234\n891234567\n345678912\n678912345\n912345678\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) & Matlab,50 48 29 bytes\n```\nmod((1:9)+['furRaghAt']',9)+1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/f8/Nz9FQ8PQylJTO1o9rbQoKDE9w7FEPVZdByhi@P8/AA \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*-2 thanks to Johnathon frech*\n*-14 thanks to Sanchises Broadcast addition suggestion, who also pointed out the non-compatibility.*\n*-5 by noticing that the vector can be written in matlab with a char string and transposition.*\nWas intuitive, now not so. \nUses broadcast summing to spread 1:9 over 9 rows, spread by values determined by the char string.\nSudoku board produced:\n```\n 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4\n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1\n 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2\n 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5\n 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6\n 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3\n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 41 bytes\n```\n[[x..9]++[1..x-1]|x<-[1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9]]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Dca7DoMgGAbQvU/xxTjY8ENC7ybqSzgiA7FNNFUwQFOGvjv2TGcy4f1alpxDq1QSotaMKSlE4lL/UsOVpAvd6URXetCZblRrnVczW7R4ugO2T@yjR4nR2dHEf1azoRo8eIcwuS88GEMx2OKIkHc \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 34 bytes\n```\n(a=*1..9).map{|x|p a.rotate x*3.3}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/XyPRVstQT89SUy83saC6pqKmQCFRryi/JLEkVaFCy1jPuPb/fwA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf), ~~16~~ 11 bytes\n```\n9{9\u2552\u2642\u00ef*3/\u00c4\u256b\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASEA3v9tYXRoZ29sZv//OXs54pWS4pmCw68qMy/DhOKVq/9hbv8 \"MathGolf \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSaved 5 bytes thanks to JoKing\n[Answer]\n# Python - 81 bytes\n```\nl=list(range(1,10))\nfor i in range(1,10):print(l);l=l[3+(i%3==0):]+l[:3+(i%3==0)]\n```\n[Try it Online](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/P8c2J7O4RKMoMS89VcNQx9BAU5MrLb9IIVMhM08BSdSqoCgzr0QjR9MaqCPaWFsjU9XY1hYoHqudE22F4Mf@/w8A)\nI like having 81 bytes, but after some optimizing :(\n# Python 2 - ~~75 68 59~~ 58 bytes\n*-7 bytes thanks to @DLosc*\n*-9 bytes thanks to @Mnemonic*\n*-1 byte thanks to @JoKing*\n```\nl=range(1,10)\nfor i in l:print l;j=i%3<1;l=l[3+j:]+l[:3+j]\n```\n[Try it Online](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/P8e2KDEvPVXDUMfQQJMrLb9IIVMhM08hx6qgKDOvRCHHOss2U9XYxtA6xzYn2lg7yypWOyfaCsiI/f8fAA)\n[Answer]\n[**R**](https://www.r-project.org/)**, 54 bytes**\n```\nx=1:9;for(y in(x*3)%%10)print(c(x[-(1:y)],x[(1:y)]))\n```\n**Output:**\n```\n[1] 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3\n[1] 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6\n[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n[1] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2\n[1] 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5\n[1] 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1\n[1] 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4\n[1] 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/v8LW0MrSOi2/SKNSITNPo0LLWFNV1dBAs6AoM69EI1mjIlpXw9CqUjNWpyIawtDU/M/1HwA)\n[Answer]\nHuge Thanks to @Shaggy!\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 61 bytes\n```\nt=>[...s='123456789'].map(e=>s.slice(t=e*3.3%9)+s.slice(0,t))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@7/E1i5aT0@v2Fbd0MjYxNTM3MJSPVYvN7FAI9XWrlivOCczOVWjxDZVy1jPWNVSUxsmZKBToqn5Pzk/rzg/J1UvJz9dI01DU5PrPwA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 51 bytes\n```\nr='147258369';print([(r*4)[int(i):][:9]for i in r])\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 48 bytes\n```\nr='147258369'\nfor i in r:print(r*4)[int(i):][:9]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/v8hW3dDE3MjUwtjMUp0rLb9IIVMhM0@hyKqgKDOvRKNIy0QzGsTI1LSKjbayjP3/HwA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Canvas](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas), ~~13~~ 11 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas/blob/master/files/chartable.md)\n```\n\u25c2\uff4a\uff13\uff3b\u00ab\uff13\uff3b\uff34\uff13\uff3b\u00ab\n```\n[Try it here!](https://dzaima.github.io/Canvas/?u=JXUyNUMyJXVGRjRBJXVGRjEzJXVGRjNCJUFCJXVGRjEzJXVGRjNCJXVGRjM0JXVGRjEzJXVGRjNCJUFC,v=8)\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 14 bytes\n```\n\uff25\u2079\u2b46\u2079\u2295\ufe6a\u207a\u00f7\u00d7\u03c7\u03b9\u00b3\u03bb\u2079\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRMM3sUDDUkchuATIS4dyPPOSi1JzU/NKUlM0fPNTSnPyNQJySos1PPNKXDLLMlNSNUIyc1OLNQwNdBQyNXUUjIE4B4gtNUHA@v///7plOQA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Uses @Mnemonic's output. Explanation:\n```\n\uff25\u2079 Map over 9 rows\n \u2b46\u2079 Map over 9 columns and join\n \u03b9 Current row\n \u03c7 Predefined variable 10\n \u00d7 Multiply\n \u00f7 \u00b3 Integer divide by 3\n \u03bb Current column\n \u207a Add\n \ufe6a \u2079 Modulo 9\n \u2295 Increment\n Implicitly print each row on its own line\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), 65 bytes\n```\nf(i){for(i=0;i<81;)printf(\"%d%c\",(i/9*10/3+i)%9+1,i++%9>7?10:9);}\n```\nThe function is now able to be reused\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DctBDoIwEAXQtT0FwTSZsSg0LrQW8SyktfgTbA2iG8LZq2//3N6NfRxyDgReQpoI18aiPWvLrwlxDlRKL11ZEWqz0019VGBplK6glDTd6aabi2G75i2iGz/@XrTv2SMdHp34/@LZI9I3wfMiNoHYijX/AA \"C (clang) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://gitlab.com/n9n/k), 16 bytes\n```\n1+9!(<9#!3)+\\:!9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y9bNS8/7/99Q21JRw8ZSWdFYUzvGStHy/38A \"K (ngn/k) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFirst answer in ngn/k, done with a big help from the man himself, @ngn.\n### How:\n```\n1+9!(<9#!3)+\\:!9 // Anonymous fn\n !9 // Range [0..8]\n ( )+\\: // Sum (+) that range with each left (\\:) argument\n !3 // Range [0..2]\n 9# // Reshaped (#) to 9 elements: (0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2)\n < // Grade up\n 9! // Modulo 9\n1+ // plus 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Japt, ~~11~~ 10 bytes\n```\n9\u00f5 \u00f1u3\n\u00a3\u00e9X\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.6&code=OfUg8XUzCqPpWA==&input=LVI=) or [verify the output](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f@/5tDKskrjw1tqNYHE4R1llV5llYdX1dYeWgfiAFmH1oEpzcOrju7LOLQs8P9/I1MLYzNLQxNzLiCGcLggAkAOlwWMyWUOU8hlCVPIBdNqxAXTasgF02oMAA)\n---\n## Explanation\n```\n9\u00f5 :Range [1,9]\n \u00f1 :Sort by\n u3 : Mod 3 of each\n\\n :Assign to variable U\n\u00a3 :Map each X\n \u00e9X : U rotated right by X\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 8 bytes\n```\n\u1e60m\u1e59\u00d6%3\u1e239\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ARcA6P9odXNr///huaBt4bmZw5YlM@G4ozn//w \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Deadfish~](https://github.com/TryItOnline/deadfish-), 344 bytes\n```\n{iiiii}icicicicicicic{d}iicic{dddd}c{iiii}iiiicicicic{d}iicicicicic{dddd}dddc{iiiii}dddc{d}iicicicicicicicic{dddd}ddddddc{iiii}cicicicicicicic{d}iic{dddd}ic{iiii}iiicicicicic{d}iicicicic{dddd}ddc{iiii}iiiiiicic{d}iicicicicicicic{dddd}dddddc{iiii}dcicicicicicicicic{ddddd}iiic{iiii}iicicicicicic{d}iicicic{dddd}dc{iiii}iiiiicicic{d}iicicicicicic\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY5BDoAgDARf5KPMVuOeOZK@vQIFRWwJAcJkZ@XY5WS6NrPMOkrMK4vSzzKK7Ai5/o9XpcpGD2vXD7KAD6uIxM7x9SISj7SpHv/lFm@HBWE3abKRh8jbs2YpIqvZDQ \"Deadfish~ \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nAs I'm applying for some jobs whose job advert doesn't state the salary, I imagined a particularly evil interviewer that would give the candidate the possibility to decide their own salary ...by \"golfing\" it!\nSo it goes simply like that:\n> \n> Without using numbers, write a code that outputs the annual salary you'd like to be offered.\n> \n> \n> \nHowever, being able to write concise code is a cornerstone of this company. So they have implemented a very tight seniority ladder where\n> \n> employers that write code that is *b* bytes long can earn a maximum of ($1'000'000) \u00ac\u2211 *b*-0.75.\n> \n> \n> \nwe are looking at (these are the integer parts, just for display reasons):\n```\n 1 byte \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $1'000'000 15 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $131'199\n 2 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $594'603 20 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $105'737\n 3 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $438'691 30 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $78'011\n 4 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $353'553 40 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $62'871\n 10 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $177'827 50 bytes \u201a\u00dc\u00ed $53'182\n```\n### The challenge\nWrite a program or function that takes no input and outputs a text containing a dollar sign (`$`, U+0024) and a decimal representation of a number (integer or real).\n* Your code cannot contain the characters `0123456789`.\nIn the output:\n* There may optionally be a single space between the dollar sign and the number.\n* Trailing and leading white spaces and new lines are acceptable, but any other output is forbidden.\n* The number must be expressed as a decimal number using only the characters `0123456789.`. This excludes the use of scientific notation.\n* Any number of decimal places are allowed.\n**An entry is valid if** the value it outputs is not greater than ($1'000'000) \u00ac\u2211 *b*-0.75, where *b* is the byte length of the source code.\n### Example output (the quotes should not be output)\n```\n\"$ 428000\" good if code is not longer than 3 bytes\n\"$321023.32\" good if code is not longer than 4 bytes\n\" $ 22155.0\" good if code is not longer than 160 bytes\n\"$ 92367.15 \\n\" good if code is not longer than 23 bytes\n\"300000 $\" bad\n\" lorem $ 550612.89\" bad\n\"\u00ac\u00a3109824\" bad\n\"$ -273256.21\" bad\n\"$2.448E5\" bad\n```\n### The score\nThe value you output is your score! (Highest salary wins, of course.)\n---\n## Leaderboard\nHere is a Stack Snippet to generate both a regular leaderboard and an overview of winners by language.\nTo make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:\n```\n# Language Name, $X (Y bytes)\n```\nwhere `X` is your salary and `Y` is the size of your submission. (The `Y bytes` can be anywhere in your answer.) If you improve your score, you *can* keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:\n```\n# Ruby, $111111.111... (18 bytes) $111999 (17 bytes) $123456 (16 bytes)\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link, which will then show up in the leaderboard snippet:\n```\n# [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), $126,126 (13 bytes)\n```\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=171168,OVERRIDE_USER=77736;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body.replace(/<(s|strike)>.*?<\\/\\1>/g,\"\");s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a1=r.match(SCORE_REG),a2=r.match(LANG_REG),a3=r.match(BYTES_REG);a1&&a2&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:a3?+a3[1]:0,score:+a1[1].replace(/[^\\d.]/g,\"\"),lang:a2[1],rawlang:(/a?1:r\\s*((?:[^\\n,](?!\\s*\\(?\\d+\\s*bytes))*[^\\s,:-])/,BYTES_REG=/(\\d+)\\s*(?:]+>|<\\/a>)?\\s*bytes/i,SCORE_REG=/\\$\\s*([\\d',]+\\.?\\d*)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:520px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n---\nEdit: (rounded) maximum allowed score per byte count, for a quicker reference - [text here](https://tio.run/##HcFBCoAgEADAryySsIqKi0jRob8EZe1FQ7z0@g2aed5xt5pESuvAwBX6Xq8TyVEmsz6d60Cl0wHebzBpWgLFojSyo/izbC36GOZsjBH5AA):\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/HpQNN.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/HpQNN.png)\n \n[Answer]\n# bash, $127127\n```\nx;echo \\$$?$?\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvj/v8I6NTkjXyFGRcVexf7/fwA)\nSince the `x` command doesn't exist, it errors and sets the exit code to `127`.\nThen, the code outputs a dollar sign followed by `$?` twice. The `$?` variable stores the exit code of the previous command, so this outputs `$127127` in **13 bytes**.\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, $131,199.00 (15 bytes)\n```\nv->\"$\"+'e'*'\u2018\u00ec'\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##LY1BCsIwEEX3PcVQhKRKe4GiN7AbwY24GNMoqem0NJOASE/h1bxPTLGbD/Pn8V@HAcuufUZl0Tk4oqF3BmCI9XRHpaFZToATT4YeoOR5MC2Eok7tnKVwjGwUNECwhxjKQ77Jd0KLrfh@RKwXZPQ3m5CVDMtAnzzyv3m5Ahar5OVY99XguRrTiy1JqpQkb22xGuf4Aw)\n**Explanation:**\n```\nv-> // Method with empty unused parameter and String return-type\n \"$\"+ // Return a dollar sign, concatted with:\n 'e'*'\u2018\u00ec' // 131199 (101 * 1299)\n```\n\\$131,199.00 < 131,199.31\\$\nI used [a program to generate](https://tio.run/##XZBba4NAEIXf/RXDkuJa0bINFIJNIL28NU@hpVBL2aqJk3oJOgqh@NvtbmLU9GV3Z77DOTO7k7V0duFP2waJLEtYScx@DYB99Z1gACVJUledYwipQnxNBWbbj0@QlpYBBLEsQJYB4qN@zcEE0xtIWiWEDweKxvSIw1xFRECy2EakiJgKMZuF3himmCnydCzc1fL962358vp8kmzygmNGgHNxe@cBLqZCnY7TzdV7BLGy6FJuAL1LWstEYaW5AnFGuOG6fa/jezfohlHE61vjvbne18IB/l/9JAjis6IxhnN9KClK3bwid68@mJKMs9pZ@GziM9tkdh9kM1PXF96q55NPfMJs3guvLySWzSxm6eTGaNr2Dw) a printable ASCII character in the range `[32, 126]` which, when dividing `131199`, would have the lowest amount of decimal values. Since `101` can divide `131199` evenly, resulting in `1299`, I'm only 31 cents short of my maximum possible salary based on my byte-count of 15.\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), (5 bytes) $294204.018...\n```\n'$PB#\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP3/X10lwEn5/38A \"CJam \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\nI derived it from Dennis' answer, but looked for combinations of numbers which would yield a higher result. I almost gave up, but I saw that `P` is the variable for \\$\\pi\\$, and that \\$\\pi^{11} \\approx 294000\\$. The letter `B` has a value of 11 in CJam, giving the code above. \n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), 5 bytes, $262'144\n```\n'$YI#\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP3/X10l0lP5/38A \"CJam \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n'$ Push '$'.\n Y Push 2.\n I Push 18.\n # Pop 2 and 18 and perform exponentiation, pushing 262144.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 20 bytes, `$103540.9`\n```\nT=pi+pi;cat(\"$\",T^T)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/pvmGqmZWQQp6tnbvo/xLYgU7sg0zo5sURDSUVJJyQuRPP/fwA \"R \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThe max for 20 bytes is `$105737.1`, so this is quite close to the salary cap!\nThis would be a nice raise, and if I get paid to do code golf......\n[Answer]\n# [GS2](https://github.com/nooodl/gs2), (5 bytes) $292,929\n```\n\u201a\u00c4\u00a2$\u201a\u00f2\u222b\u201a\u00dc\u00eeA\n```\nA full program (shown here using [code-page 437](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437#Character_set)). (Maximum achievable salary @ 5 bytes is $299069.75)\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy82@v//UcMilUczdj1qm@L4/z8A \"GS2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")**\nBuilds upon Dennis's [GS2 answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/171179/53748)...\n```\n\u201a\u00c4\u00a2$\u201a\u00f2\u222b\u201a\u00dc\u00eeA []\n\u201a\u00c4\u00a2$ - push '$' ['$']\n \u201a\u00f2\u222b - push unsigned byte:\n \u201a\u00dc\u00ee - 0x1d = 29 ['$',29]\n A - push top of stack twice ['$',29,29,29]\n - implicit print $292929\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Self-modifying Brainfuck](https://soulsphere.org/hacks/smbf/), 16 bytes, $124444\n```\n<.<++.+.++..../$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K85NSvv/30bPRltbDwi19YBAX@X/fwA \"Self-modifying Brainfuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 21 bytes $99649.9\n```\ncat(\"$\",min(lynx^pi))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/qfnJSZl6JhaGFlZKxjmGqmBWFqxunqmZtq/k9OLNFQUlHSyc3M08ipzKuIK8jU1Pz/HwA \"R \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nA different `R` approach - see also [Giuseppe's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/171171/80010)\nVery close to the maximum of $101937 for this bytecount.\n## Bonus: `object.size()`\n### [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 24 bytes $89096\n```\ncat(\"$\",object.size(ls))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/qfnJSZl6JhaGFlZKpjmGqmBWFqxunqmZtq/k9OLNFQUlHSyU/KSk0u0SvOrErVyCnW1Pz/HwA \"R \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis is probably system-dependent, but when I ra this on TIO I got $89096 - close to the limit of 92223 for 24 bytes.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 19 bytes, $109,839\n```\n_=>atob`JDEwOTgzOQ`\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcwxDoIwFADQnVP8rW3Ushi3MhhdHCRGdym1hZLaT9oCwcsj7C@vk6OMKtg@HTx@9GLE8haFTFhXt8t1Kl/Nr3xUS55Dj2421jkwGIBsgjKyh6m1qgUbwWMCCV4mO2q4rxfvIpjBq2TRZ5sHARFEAefBGB24CfilEXZA1obUMurTkTCe8JmC9Q0ltfUyzIRlmUIf0WnusKGGMrb8AQ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n\\$109839\\$ is the highest integer \\$\\le 109884\\$ which does not produce any digit when prefixed with **'$'** and encoded in base64.\n---\n# Without `atob()` (Node.js), 26 bytes, $86,126\n```\n_=>'$'+Buffer('V~').join``\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@z/e1k5dRV3bqTQtLbVIQz2sTl1TLys/My8h4X9yfl5xfk6qXk5@ukaahqbmfwA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThe concatenation of **'$'** with the ASCII codes of **'V'** (86) and **'~'** (126).\n[Answer]\n# PHP, $131116 (8 bytes)\nDidn't see one for php and wanted to throw one up. I know someplace in php is a bad typecast that would cut this in half but I can't find it right now.\n```\n$ character, which is invisible in most fonts, between the `$` and `=`, for a total of **13 bytes**) to insert the value of the `'pvh'` option times the value of the `'ur'` option.\n`'previewheight'` is the option that controls the height of preview windows, which is 12 by default.\n`'undoreload'` is the maximum number of lines a buffer can have before vim gives up on storing it in memory for undo, and it defaults to 10,000.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~$256000 $256256~~ (6 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)) $257256\n```\n\u201a\u00c5\u03c0\u201a\u00c4\u00f2\u201a\u00c4\u00f9$;;\n```\nA full program. (Maximum achievable salary @ 6 bytes is $260847.43)\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9R485HDTMeNcxVsbb@/x8A \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\n\u201a\u00c5\u03c0\u201a\u00c4\u00f2\u201a\u00c4\u00f9$;; - Main Link: no arguments\n\u201a\u00c5\u03c0 - Literal 256 256\n \u201a\u00c4\u00f2 - increment 257\n \u201a\u00c4\u00f9$ - single '$' character '$'\n ; - concatenate ['$',257]\n ; - concatenate ['$',257,256]\n - implicit print -> $257256\n```\n---\nPrevious...\n5 bytes $256256\n```\n\u201a\u00c4\u00f9$;\u201a\u00c5\u03c0\u201a\u00c5\u222b\n```\n('$' concatenate 256, repeat 256 - causing interim implicit printing)\n6 bytes $256000:\n```\n\u201a\u00c5\u03c0\u221a\u00f3\u00bb\u2211\u00b7\u03c0\u2260\u201a\u00c4\u00f9$\n```\n(256 \u221a\u00f3 1000 \u00b7\u03c0\u2260ack '$')\n[Answer]\n# C#\n## Full program, ~~72 bytes, $40448~~ 66 bytes, $43008\n```\nclass P{static void Main()=>System.Console.Write(\"$\"+('T'<<'i'));}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy7WTc4vSv3/PzknsbhYIaC6uCSxJDNZoSw/M0XBNzEzT0PT1i64srgkNVfPOT@vOD8nVS@8KLMkVUNJRUlbQz1E3cZGPVNdU9O69v9/AA \"C# (.NET Core) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nLeft-shift operator treats chars `'T'` and `'i'` as integers 84 and 105 respectively and performs shift\n## Lambda, ~~19 bytes, $109568~~ 17 bytes, $118784\n```\no=>\"$\"+('t'<<'j')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JcpLCsIwEADQq4QiJMHPBZJ2I7gTCi5chzHISJyBzEQopWePgqu3eSBH4Jp7E6SnuS2i@R2gJBEzr6JJEcyH8WGuCcn59dIIomj97YP5O6Wx8zgNu2HvrNoY7cv6Hs5MwiWf7hU1u@SoleJ92Lb@BQ \"C# (.NET Core) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n**Edit** Thanks to @LegionMammal978 and @Kevin for saving 2 bytes\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 13 Bytes, $144000 Salary\nUnfortunately for this job, moving to Mauritius is required (well, I could move slightly less far eastward, however every timezone less would yield at $36k drop in salary.) To compensate for the inconvenience, my salary increases by $1 every leap year.\n```\n$++++++<-]>.<++++[>++++<-]>+.+++....\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fGwyi7SC0jW6snZ4NQgTE19YDMvSA4P9/AA \"brainfuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n++++++[>++++++<-]>. write 36 to cell one and print (36 is ASCII for $)\n<++++[>++++<-]>+. add 17 to cell 1 and print (cell 1 is now 53, ASCII for 5) \n+++.... add 3 to cell 1 and print 4 times (cell 1 is now 56, ASCII for 8)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), (22 bytes) $ 98,442\n```\nprint('$',ord('\uf8ff\u00f2\u00c7\u00e4'))\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v6AoM69EQ11FXSe/KEVD/cOMpi51Tc3//wE \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")**\nMuch like Doorknob's [Ruby answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/171180/53748), the 4 byte Unicode character used here, `\uf8ff\u00f2\u00c7\u00e4`, has an ordinal value of the maximal integer salary achievable in 22 bytes.\nNote that `print()` prints its unnamed arguments separated by spaces by default (`sep` is an optional named argument).\n[Answer]\n# [Gol><>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), $207680 in 8 bytes\n```\n'o**n; $\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PScsszvj/Xz1fSyvPWkHl/38A \"Gol><> \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works:\n```\n' Start string interpretation. Pushes the ASCII value of every character until it wraps back around to this character\n o Output the top stack value as ASCII. This is the $ at the end of the code\n ** Multiply the top 3 stack values (This is the ASCII of 'n; ', 110*59*32\n n Output top of stack as integer.\n ; Terminate program\n $ (Not run, used for printing the $)\n```\nInterestingly enough, you can use `h` instead of `n;`, which yields `'o**h5$` with a score of $231504, but you can't use 0-9, and there isn't another 1-byte way to push 53, the ASCII value of `5`\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 18 bytes, $107,163.49\n```\n$~Print~N[E^(E!E)]\n```\nFull program; run using `MathematicaScipt -script`. Outputs `$107163.4882807548` followed by a trailing newline. I have verified that this is the highest-scoring solution of the form `$~Print~N[*expr*]` where `*expr*` is comprised of `Pi`, `E`, `I`, and `+-* /()!`.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E) (5 bytes), $262626\n```\n'$\u201a\u00c7\u00c7\u221a\u00eaJ\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f9fXeVRU9PhCV7//wMA \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n\\$262626 < 299069\\$. Pushes the character `$` to the stack, then pushes the integer \\$26\\$. From here, the program triplicates the integer, leaving the stack as `[\"$\", 26, 26, 26]` and joins (`J`) the stack.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 23 bytes, $65535\n```\n_=>\"$\"+ +(~~[]+`xFFFF`)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@z/e1k5JRUlbQVujri46Vjuhwg0IEjT/Wyfn5xXn56Tq5eSna6RpaOooGKaaaWkoKWmnaerlpOall2RoaenqmZtq/gcA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis is the best I can get without `atob`, though there is a large improvement space tbh\nYou know, having no short character to ascii conversion function sucks A LOT.\n***AFTER A WHOLE DAY***\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 30 bytes, $78011\n```\n_=>\"$\"+`\uf8ff\u00ec\u00c7\u00aa`.codePointAt(![])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@z/e1k5JRUk74cPkpt0JeslA0YD8zLwSxxINxehYzf/J@XnF@Tmpejn56RppGpqa/wE \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n## or: 29 bytes, $80020\n```\n_=>\"$\"+`\u00da\u00c4\u00c4\u2020`.codePointAt(!_)\n```\nWhere `\u00da\u00c4\u00c4\u2020` is `U+13894 INVALID CHARACTER`\nOh `String.codePointAt`! I've just completely forgotten this!\n## A joke one (15B, $130000), not vaild at all but just for fun\n```\n_=>\"$\u00c2\u00e7\u00c5\u2030\u220f\u00e2\u00cb\u00ea\u00a8\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 8 bytes, $210176.48625619375\n```\n\u201a\u00c5\u03a9\u00ac\u03a9\"\u221a\u00f3\u00ac\u03a9\u201a\u00c4\u00f9$,\n```\n3535 (`\u201a\u00c5\u03a9\u00ac\u03a9\"`) multipli(`\u221a\u00f3`)ed by its sqrt (`\u00ac\u03a9`).\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9R495De5UOTz@091HDXBWd//8B \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5.26.2, 12 bytes, $146002\n```\nsay$]^\"\\x11\\x0e\\x01\\x06\"\n```\nHex escapes only shown because ASCII control chars are filtered out.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/784sVIlNk5dkI@RTf3//3/5BSWZ@XnF/3V9TfUMDA0A \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nYou can get a bit more with different Perl versions, for example $155012 with 5.25.12.\n[Answer]\n## MATLAB, 17 bytes, $112222\n```\n['$','..////'+pi]\n```\nOld answer:\n```\n['$','RRUUTR'-'!']\n```\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 34 bytes, $69999\n```\n+[->-[---<]>-]>.[-->+++<]>.+++....\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fO1rXTjdaV1fXJtZON9ZOD8i009bWBvL0gJQeEPz/DwA \"brainfuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### Explanation:\n```\n+[->-[---<]>-]>. Generate and print 36 ($)\n[-->+++<]> Divide by 2 and multiply by 3 to get 54 (6)\n . Print 6\n +++.... Print 9999\n```\n[Answer]\n## Ruby, $119443\n```\n$><s=>--r*--s+[9,1,,13,2,,3,27,6][r<2|s<2||r*s%9]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYjdCoIwHEfvfYr/TbDZb8K0D6S2FxkjhmkY5mSLUPDdl3VxDofzdB8Xm9BPbzH6e5s6lYLSUWkhQi5E3JsaEpAVSmDTGSdrwrVc48Ya8rirbWr8GP3QFoN/sIzISFAJqkAH0NEWLzcxNoNuIMdJaXL/tfyyYzNnC@c845f0BQ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\nAs a first approximation, we use the formula:\n$$(r-1)(s-1)$$\n```\n 0 0 0 0 0\n 0 1 2 3 4\n 0 2 4 6 8\n 0 3 6 9 12\n 0 4 8 12 16\n```\nIf we have \\$\\min(r,s)<3\\$, we simply add \\$1\\$:\n```\n 1 1 1 1 1\n 1 2 3 4 5\n 1 3 - - -\n 1 4 - - -\n 1 5 - - -\n```\nOtherwise, we add a value picked from a lookup table whose key \\$k\\$ is defined by:\n$$k=(r-1)(s-1)\\bmod9$$\n```\n k: table[k]: (r-1)(s-1): output:\n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n - - 4 6 8 --> - - 2 3 6 + - - 4 6 8 = - - 6 9 14\n - - 6 0 3 - - 3 9 13 - - 6 9 12 - - 9 18 25\n - - 8 3 7 - - 6 13 27 - - 8 12 16 - - 14 25 43\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), ~~56~~ 55 bytes\n```\nf=(x,y)=>x<2|y<2||f(x,y-1)+f(x-1,y)-(x*y==12)-7*(x+y>8)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY3hCsIwDIRfJ1mbQAdDQTvwOUQkzE2UuY5OpIW9e5f98OAgd4Hv3vKTpYuv@UtTePSlDB6SzejbdK7XrF6HvSCHRg9y@iNIVfbe1UiHCpLJ7RFLF6YljD2P4QlXZr7EKBkavPFHZoC7TVaUKv@4TyjQKNA4VJ3KBg \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\") I noticed that the table resembles Pascal's triangle but with correction factors. Edit: Saved 1 byte thanks to @sundar.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~17~~ 16 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u2019Sc\u1e22\u018a_:\u00a59\u201c \u0131?0\u2018y\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9Rw8zg5Ic7Fh3rirc6tNTyUcMchSMb7Q0eNcwASv6PNtUxiQUA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")** Or see a [test-suite](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9Rw8zg5Ic7Fh3rirc6tNTyUcMchSMb7Q0eNcyo/G8aZH24/dDSw/sSwh41rQEi9/8A \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\").\nReplace the `0` with `+`, `,`, `-`, `.`, or `/` to set \\$R(5,5)\\$ equal to \\$43\\$, \\$44\\$, \\$45\\$, \\$46\\$, or \\$47\\$ respectively (rather than the \\$48\\$ here).\n### How?\nSince \\$R(r,s)\\leq R(r-1,s)+R(r,s-1)\\$ we may find that:\n$$R(r,s)\\leq \\binom{r+s-2}{r-1}$$\nThis is `\u2019Sc\u1e22\u018a` and would produce:\n```\n 1 1 1 1 1\n 1 2 3 4 5\n 1 3 6 10 15\n 1 4 10 20 35\n 1 5 15 35 70\n```\nIf we subtract one for each time nine goes into the result we align three more with our goal (this is achieved with `_:\u00a59`):\n```\n 1 1 1 1 1\n 1 2 3 4 5\n 1 3 6 9 14\n 1 4 9 18 32\n 1 5 14 32 63\n```\nThe remaining two incorrect values, \\$32\\$ and \\$63\\$ may then be translated using Jelly's `y` atom and code-page indices with `\u201c \u0131?0\u2018y`.\n```\n\u2019Sc\u1e22\u018a_:\u00a59\u201c \u0131?0\u2018y - Link: list of integers [r, s]\n\u2019 - decrement [r-1, s-1]\n \u018a - last 3 links as a monad i.e. f([r-1, s-1]):\n S - sum r-1+s-1 = r+s-2\n \u1e22 - head r-1\n c - binomial r+s-2 choose r-1\n 9 - literal nine\n \u00a5 - last 2 links as a dyad i.e. f(r+s-2 choose r-1, 9):\n : - integer division (r+s-2 choose r-1)//9\n _ - subtract (r+s-2 choose r-1)-((r+s-2 choose r-1)//9)\n \u201c \u0131?0\u2018 - code-page index list [32,25,63,48]\n y - translate change 32->25 and 63->48\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 62 bytes\n```\ndef f(c):M=max(c);u=M<5;print[48,25-u*7,3*M+~u-u,M,1][-min(c)]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/PyU1TSFNI1nTytc2N7ECyLAutfW1MbUuKMrMK4k2sdAxMtUt1TLXMdby1a4r1S3V8dUxjI3Wzc3MA6qN/Z@WX6RQpJCZp1CUmJeeqmGoo2CmacXFCRIuRggXQYU5waYqALnFOgpKtnZKOgrWQNuji3SKYzX/AwA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n### [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 63 bytes\n```\ndef f(c):M=max(c);print[48,M%2*7+18,3*~-M+2*(M>4),M,1][-min(c)]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/PyU1TSFNI1nTytc2N7ECyLAuKMrMK4k2sdDxVTXSMtc2tNAx1qrT9dU20tLwtTPR1PHVMYyN1s3NzAMqjv2fll@kUKSQmadQlJiXnqphqKNgpmnFxQkSLkYIF0GFOcGGKwC5xToKSrZ2SjoK1kDro4t0imM1/wMA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is ridiculous, I will soon regret having posted this... But eh, \u00af\\\\_(\u30c4)\\_/\u00af. Shaved off 1 byte thanks to our kind [Jonathan Allan](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/53748/jonathan-allan) :). Will probably be outgolfed by about 20 bytes shortly though...\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 0.6](http://julialang.org/), ~~71~~ ~~61~~ ~~59~~ 57 bytes\n```\nA->((r,s)=sort(A);r<3?s^~-r:3r+(s^2-4s+3)*((r==s)+r-2)-3)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LcoxDoMwDEbhq3i0CR5KSgcgIM6BQOoSKagC9JuuvXpg6Pb06a3fT3q/cqRAedSeGaVJsB0nj9Ki84MtP0Xj4diWSp/mvBT3FoKJg1aiXvKBtJ08RZ5Qks1CcQeB0kaPpr7lX7PkCw \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Ungolfed (well, a bit more readable):\n```\nfunction f_(A)\n (r, s) = sort(A)\n if r < 3\n result = s^(r-1)\n else\n result = 3*r + \n (s^2 - 4*s + 3) * ((r == s) + r - 2) -\n 3\n end\n return result\nend\n```\n### What does it do?\nTakes input as array `A` containing r and s. Unpacks the array into r and s with the smaller number as r, using `(r,s)=sort(A)`.\nIf r is 1, output should be 1. If r is 2, output should be whatever s is. \n\\$ s^{r - 1} \\$ will be \\$ s^0 = 1 \\$ for r=1, and \\$ s^1 = s \\$ for r = 2. \nSo, `r<3?s^(r-1)` or shorter, `r<3?s^~-r`\nFor the others, I started with noticing that the output is:\n* for r = 3, \\$ 2\\times3 + [0, 3, 8] \\$ (for s = 3, 4, 5 respectively).\n* for r = 4, \\$ 2\\times4 + \\ \\ [10, 17] \\$ (for s = 4, 5 respectively)\n* for r = 5, \\$ 2\\times5 + \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ [35] \\$ (for s = 5)\n(I initially worked with f(5,5)=45 for convenience.)\nThis looked like a potentially usable pattern - they all have `2r` in common, 17 is 8\\*2+1, 35 is 17\\*2+1, 10 is 3\\*3+1. I started with extracting the base value from [0, 3, 8], as `[0 3 8][s-2]` (this later became the shorter `(s^2-4s+3)`). \nAttempting to get correct values for r = 3, 4, and 5 with this went through many stages, including \n```\n2r+[0 3 8][s-2]*(r>3?3-s+r:1)+(r-3)^3+(r>4?1:0)\n```\nand \n```\n2r+(v=[0 3 8][s-2])+(r-3)*(v+1)+(r==s)v\n```\nExpanding the latter and simplifying it led to the posted code. \n[Answer]\n# x86, ~~49~~ 37 bytes\nNot very optimized, just exploiting the properties of the first three rows of the table. While I was writing this I realized the code is basically a jump table so a jump table could save many bytes. Input in `eax` and `ebx`, output in `eax`.\n-12 by combining cases of `r >= 3` into a lookup table (originally just `r >= 4`) and using Peter Cordes's suggestion of `cmp`/`jae`/`jne` with the flags still set so that `r1,r2,r3` are distinguished by only one `cmp`! Also indexing into the table smartly using a constant offset.\n```\nstart:\n cmp %ebx, %eax\n jbe r1\n xchg %eax, %ebx # ensure r <= s\nr1:\n cmp $2, %al \n jae r2 # if r == 1: ret r\n ret\nr2: \n jne r3 # if r == 2: ret s \n mov %ebx, %eax\n ret\nr3:\n mov table-6(%ebx,%eax),%al # use r+s-6 as index\n sub %al, %bl # temp = s - table_val\n cmp $-10, %bl # equal if s == 4, table_val == 14\n jne exit\n add $4, %al # ret 18 instead of 14 \nexit:\n ret \ntable:\n .byte 6, 9, 14, 25, 43\n```\nHexdump\n```\n00000507 39 d8 76 01 93 3c 02 73 01 c3 75 03 89 d8 c3 8a |9.v..<.s..u.....|\n00000517 84 03 21 05 00 00 28 c3 80 fb f6 75 02 04 04 c3 |..!...(....u....|\n00000527 06 09 0e 19 2b |....+|\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 70 bytes\n```\nf=lambda R,S:R<=S and[1,S,[6,9,14][S-3],[18,25][S&1],45][R-1]or f(S,R)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VcuxDsIgFEDRWb/iTRaS1ya0tdHG/gSMhKSYitIoNICDX484up073O2THt61OZvpqV/XRQNHMfLLJEC7RTIUKAc8I@uVFHWnULITtscSB6awL@A1Uz6AIQI5zaYwgHUQtLvfCMOBjvvdFqxLUFXN6q0jsyEBI52bsL5jIh2F3xX/L5q/ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# MATL, ~~25~~ 21 bytes\n```\n+2-lGqXnt8/k-t20/k6*-\n```\n[Try it on MATL Online](https://matl.io/?code=%2B2-lGqXnt8%2Fk-t20%2Fk6%2a-&inputs=4%0A3&version=20.9.1)\nAttempt to port Jonathan Allan's [Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/168624/8774) to MATL.\n`+2-lGqXn` - same as that answer: compute \\$ \\binom{r+s-2}{r-1} \\$\n`t8/k` - duplicate that, divide by 8 and floor\n`-` - subtract that from previous result (We subtract how many times 8 goes in the number, instead of 9 in the Jelly answer. The result is the same for all but the 35 and 70, which here give 31 and 62.)\n`t20/k` - duplicate that result too, divide that by 20 and floor (gives 0 for already correct results, 1 for 31, 3 for 62)\n`6*` - multiply that by 6\n`-` - subtract that from the result (31 - 6 = 25, 62 - 18 = 44)\n---\nOlder:\n```\n+t2-lGqXntb9+\n```\n[Try it on MATL Online](https://matl.io/?code=%2Bt2-lGqXntb9%3CQ3w%5E%2Fk-t20%3E%2B&inputs=5%0A5&version=20.9.1)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 74 bytes\n```\nlambda *a:[[1]*5,[2,3,4,5],[6,9,14],[18,25],[43]][min(a)-1][max(a)-min(a)]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVDRbsIgFH3nK258Ku5uEVsXZ9af8JURwzrcmrXUAMYZ47d3UK20RgjJveeee84Ju6P7aXTarvOPtpL155eEqVxxzsR0gXyOKWa4EMhf8Q1Z5gu2xHkAslQIXpc6kfSZ@Ur@heoCiFZqe1Bm86uOkAMn4A9neL0Ce@Cm3wMp9kY9koX@4tlDC0/wQMiA2VIIIggpGmNU4bzbjJR62G0bAxbBNAcoNSi9r5WRTiUxIgKjq048cA1CoapqTPbbkdUx97rYGGX3VXBZJxYNvQ1Lu4kJOrE8H25E4hbccaeSwKGBVJXWRZOHWnwm4H0kF9puwsRQOW6OFXu5pxzYbaAqq@6M9UNiODtTapdMDqbR3yswpzNY/0KE/HTGLpovJi/@O2vpEoMWwxAHmSklF5WrCUY/OvIi7T8 \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Proton](https://github.com/alexander-liao/proton), 52 bytes\nNear-port of my [Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/168620/59487).\n```\nc=>[48,(M=max(c))%2*7+18,3*M-(M>4?1:3),M,1][-min(c)]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PcoxCoMwFADQOTnFRygk9iukSitC0hPkBCFDEQIOJvLjIIhnT@3S9fFWSluKJYAukzauH1BYvXx2MUl5e9Svuxqwq20jrOnfauwkWlTeNcscr@JLSAQEIyhoW3jCwdlP8iX0F7bSHDdBCBmh0qZCCMIRZi8lZyc/yxc \"Proton \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 62 bytes\n```\n(r,s)->--r*--s+new int[]{9,1,0,13,2,0,3,27,6}[r<2|s<2?1:r*s%9]\n```\nLambda function, port of [Arnauld](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/58563/arnauld)'s JavaScript [answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/168633/79343). Try it online [here](https://tio.run/##RVLbToNAEH2Gr5iQmEBZGulNW1obEzUxakzsI@FhS7cNlVt2F7VBvh1nuxQJzMyeOTkzO8ORflGvKFl@3H22ZbVNkxjilAoBbzTJoTaNJJeM72nM4INmgp0UpkDIq2zLuK1CTkA54QSm0ZhGpyMklei@imQHGarZG8mT/BBGQPlBOGehTpNrt4LW5kQ43p3n8YHnCTdn30o6jOo58ck18cdkhA7tDZk1IV@OfsVytPYXfCCu5lFrGIFuL4ywjm5RoG6vg2hd@wT@34aAAkYExgQmBKYdgKcZgTkyJh0y0cdbJF9IU5VWZ8yOm0YV3xfdULCsH6BbrmAagOtyfeWeIDRB9IRuJnq87KdksWQ71by@Rsg9PwoFmqBn0VhWNEWOnuCwWwou5LwMfDYnIVk2LCo5LHH8Ms1tDi5YxEIrVLQAFXZKLtj2RXTVN@HAGiz7/cWxANn20/3z6@MD6dNaoe8YNR3L0fXxd1BfYzbtHw).\n# Java, 83 bytes\n```\nint f(int x,int y){return x<2|y<2?1:f(x,y-1)+f(x-1,y)-(x*y==12?1:0)-7*(x+y>8?1:0);}\n```\nRecursive function, port of [Neil](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/17602/neil)'s JavaScript [answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/168619/79343). Try it online [here](https://tio.run/##RVJNb8IwDD2XX2H1lKwpWhlsjNJ9SNukaZuQxhFxCBBQGRSUpKwV629nThNK1Tq239Oza2fNDzzc7UW2Xvyc9vlsk85hvuFKwRdPMzi2PD5TWvK5BqW5btBvvlWiNPiFkGYalsRYyepA0bjlVS3P6TqBwy5dwBbVyVjLNFtNpsDlStFazOlKeySQiV9XiyDhaXQQUqYLcbrUKpixJT1KoXOZQTHs/JXDzmM0WJKClWFEA3TCiJU0JMVVmSSRAa9peHdFiqB86NdRXJ08r8J@PZSbTLGpLN/OhFSuiXP2eIwYXN6KgUl0GNww6DLouQRGtwzukdF1ma4N@0g@k3oGNjGiN1VdfLmTdoJYNorxGCbQiyEIpJ1PQ1CWoBqCG2DdP4hiL@ZaLEzz9jcmMoymE4Umbli4tJxvkGPH3V4SXFy9NHzGpdJi297lur3HNelNRiQE4DMfrTLeAIzrRAIg5KyXNPUpPIJPRh/UB2STt@f3z9cX1sBWoWkWNalPbX28NuarWtXpHw).\n[Answer]\n# C (gcc), 57 bytes\n```\nf(x,y){x=x<2|y<2?:f(x,y-1)+f(x-1,y)-(x*y==12)-7*(x+y>8);}\n```\nRecursive function, port of [Neil](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/17602/neil)'s JavaScript [answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/168619/79343). Try it online [here](https://tio.run/##RY5va4MwEMZf109xCEJST2hs3bpaVwbboGywD9D1hbOxK6yuJBYU52d3F/8VjiT3/J7LPYl3TJKmSVmBJa@KqFj7f@Xa36xaxRPcpYcnCHqsmJZRJHzu3U9Z4ZaPSx7WzSnL4RyfMsahsiamy67nL6n0LthTQQRVJRBuVSMYwUeYIywQgl6g7g7hgRyLXll07ZLMgykw2PRE53UdWpP0VzGzVdEmEdK1jiAIwXVVG2jkuuN65LrjbWRZXGSSywN5hvTKE/udpiMcTHGSX@MfsqRMIWjeguQ7VnCWWsdHuROzWWfXF0UTKesBAmPDdDQu47ABm328cRtW9Hh92r6/POOIV@AcuM1vQrew/9l2Dui0HnD0Z2YjmEzYh8QhUjtTW6aUzK8qg1lo1c0/).\n# C (gcc), 63 bytes\n```\nf(r,s){r=--r*--s+(int[]){9,1,0,13,2,0,3,27,6}[r<2|s<2?:r*s%9];}\n```\nPort of [Arnauld](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/58563/arnauld)'s JavaScript [answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/168633/79343). Try it online [here](https://tio.run/##RZBva4NADMZf108RBOGujaBWu7VWymAbjA32AZwvnLVdYXUlZ2Hg7rO7nP8KIXfJ78nl4Qr3WBRtexCESjaUuC7NXVctxKmq00w2a/TRQ3@JAR@c73ClU9oGf2ob7DY0V846i3XLajjnp0pIaKyZqarr@bMklUYZByTQND7CLTSCaQQIS4QQIRoaXK0Q1qwIh07Yl/csHkWRwaZmutQ6tmaHHzKOgXiTH/OxTSCKYbGgztDEVc/VxFXPO8vl76Us6nLPmtE9uX6WKk7xKMqL@pp/s8R8GSjZgeIrJziXSuXHMvU9r5erC/HEQQwAQYhxOpmWSdiBLd5fpQ0bvjw/vLw9PeKEN@DspS1vjX7h8LLt7NHpNOCoj8pGMJ5wMImjpW5GWyaorK9UgRdbuv0H).\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n*This challenge is based on, and contains test cases from, [a programming course](http://mooc.aalto.fi/ohjelmointi/scala_2017.html) I took at Aalto University. The material is used with permission.*\nTwo and a half years ago there was a challenge about [spoonerisms in English](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/69385/spoonerise-words). However, in Finnish spoonerisms are much more complicated.\n## Spoonerisms in Finnish\nIn Finnish, the vowels are `aeiouy\u00e4\u00f6` and the consonants are `bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz`. (`\u00e5` is technically part of Finnish, but is not considered here.)\nThe most basic spoonerisms only take the first vowel of each word, and any consonants preceding them, and exchange the parts:\n```\n**he**nri **ko**ntinen -> **ko**nri **he**ntinen\n**ta**rja **ha**lonen -> **ha**rja **ta**lonen\n**fra**kki **ko**ntti -> **ko**kki **fra**ntti\n**o**vi **ke**llo -> **ke**vi **o**llo\n```\n### Long vowels\nSome words contain two of the same consecutive vowel. In those cases, the vowel pair must be swapped with the other word's first vowel, shortening or lengthening vowels to keep the length same.\n```\n**haa**mu **ko**ntti -> **koo**mu **ha**ntti\n**ki**sko **kaa**ppi -> **ka**sko **kii**ppi\n```\nIn the case of two *different* consecutive vowels this does not apply:\n```\n**ha**uva **ko**ntti -> **ko**uva **ha**ntti\n**pu**oskari **ko**ntti -> **ko**oskari **pu**ntti\n```\nThree or more of the same consecutive letter will **not** appear in the input.\n### Vowel harmony\nFinnish has this lovely thing called [vowel harmony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel_harmony#Finnish). Basically, it means that the *back vowels* `aou` and *front vowels* `\u00e4\u00f6y` should not appear in the same word.\nWhen swapping front or back vowels into a word, all vowels of the other kind in the rest of the word should be changed to match the new beginning of the word (`a <-> \u00e4`, `o <-> \u00f6`, `u <-> y`):\n```\n**k\u00f6***y*h*\u00e4* **ko**ntti -> **ko***u*h*a* **k\u00f6**ntti\n**ha***u*v*a* **l\u00e4\u00e4**h*\u00e4*tt*\u00e4\u00e4* -> **l\u00e4***y*v*\u00e4* **haa**h*a*tt*aa*\n```\n`e` and `i` are neutral and may appear with all other letters; swapping them into a word *must not* cause changes to the rest of the word.\n### Special cases\nVowel harmony does not apply to some words, including many loan words and compound words. These cases are not required to be handled \"correctly\".\n## Challenge\nGiven two words, output the words spoonerised.\nThe input words will only contain the characters `a-z` and `\u00e4\u00f6`. You may choose to use uppercase or lowercase, but your choice must be consistent between both words and input/output.\nI/O may be done [in any convenient format](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/2447/42963). (Words should be considered strings or arrays of characters.)\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest solution in bytes wins.\n## Test cases\n```\nhenri kontinen -> konri hentinen\ntarja halonen -> harja talonen\nfrakki kontti -> kokki frantti\novi kello -> kevi ollo\nhaamu kontti -> koomu hantti\nhauva kontti -> kouva hantti\npuoskari kontti -> kooskari puntti\nk\u00f6yh\u00e4 kontti -> kouha k\u00f6ntti\nhauva l\u00e4\u00e4h\u00e4tt\u00e4\u00e4 -> l\u00e4yv\u00e4 haahattaa\nfrakki stressi -> strekki frassi\n\u00e4ysk\u00e4ri kontti -> kouskari \u00e4ntti\nhattu sf\u00e4\u00e4ri -> sf\u00e4tty haari\novi silm\u00e4 -> sivi olma\nhaamu pr\u00e4tk\u00e4 -> pr\u00e4\u00e4my hatka\npuoskari sf\u00e4\u00e4ri -> sf\u00e4\u00f6sk\u00e4ri puuri\npuoskari \u00e4ysk\u00e4ri -> \u00e4\u00f6sk\u00e4ri puuskari\nuimapuku hajoa -> haimapuku ujoa\nihme baletti -> bahme iletti\nuhka lima -> lihka uma\nosuma makkara -> masuma okkara\nmakkara fakta -> fakkara makta\nlapsi laiva -> lapsi laiva\nfirma hajoa -> harma fijoa\ndimensio bitti -> bimensio ditti\nflamingo joustava -> jomingo flaustava\nglobaali latomo -> labaali glotomo\ntrilogia fakta -> falogia trikta\nprintti maksa -> mantti priksa\nriisi bitti -> biisi ritti\nsini riisi -> rini siisi\naarre nyrkki -> nyyrre arkki\nlaavu laki -> laavu laki\nkliininen parveke -> paaninen klirveke\npriimus kahvi -> kaamus prihvi\nspriinen lasta -> laanen sprista\nkliimaksi mammona -> maamaksi klimmona\nhylky hupsu -> hulku hypsy\nkehys fiksu -> fihys keksu\nlevy huhu -> huvu lehu\ntiheys guru -> guheus tiru\nnyrkki heiluri -> herkki nyilyri\nlatomo hajoa -> hatomo lajoa\nprisma lehti -> lesma prihti\nviina baletti -> baana viletti\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~196~~ 175 bytes\nTakes the words as two strings in currying syntax `(a)(b)`. Returns an array of two arrays of characters.\n```\na=>b=>[(e=/(.*?)([ei\u00e4a\u00f6oyu])(\\2?)(.*)/,g=(a,[,c,v])=>[...c+v+(a[3]&&v)+a[4]].map(c=>(j=e.search(v),i=e.search(c))>9&j>9?e[i&~1|j&1]:c))(a=e.exec(a),b=e.exec(b),e+=e),g(b,a)]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVRLjuM2EN3PKQq9sMVptQeTZDMDyI1sAgQJkAM4XpTdtEmLEg1@NBEQ5DQ@Q19AB@sUP5LVdq9UfPVYqnpVxRN2aPdGnt1Tq1/426F6w2q9q9abgldfitXnZ1ZsuBwuOLzq3m9Z8fdPBK0@sy/lsSqw3JT7stsyurBarfaP3WOBm5@3i0XHHnHzy3a7avBc7Kt1car4ynI0e1F0rJTX056x9bfFaf3tmW/k4r@v/54WX7ffCS2QSPwfvi@QlbvR3rGSP1aclcdiVyLbvjluHVRAucCuBMMtg2oNe91arfhK6WP2LJ@e1ssSLHEPFJECxdx@BPaP1UnLtlguGcsWLFnkViEiPMOy@OsPtoTvZPz26@9/siX79Cn8uXgQvDXyoYSHWrdOtrzNtpFAroSwzHVoThj8ApXOVBEwcBkYmQeDdT2FddkiCMgTgZGpu@TkSulkdBJ0OIwMgdj421C68SDeRxLoO7zlEXTLO3ttazR32SUUzv4dux5eezFc7uIKBHJ9nIAaLsOFLjkXjIz03XChVFCgc4gfKGUd9cpOZhYrICOXgth6uNyn7lPqw@UmH@eicPYQ8kjXgu1cHzIxd12wUjUpYStjGxq8b8PZUIQ60YI9XJoQztX4ocS3Px9eUw0ktDcfd@Vdne9vJM54yUvaAV/7NIgnnYczo@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 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\nEach input word is passed through the regular expression **e**, which has 4 capturing groups:\n```\ne = /(.*?)([ei\u00e4a\u00f6oyu])(\\2?)(.*)/ 1: leading consonants (or empty)\n [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4] 2: first vowel\n 3: doubled first vowel (or empty)\n 4: all remaining characters\n```\nThe helper function **g()** takes all capturing groups of the word to be updated as **a[\u00a0]** and the first and second capturing groups of the other word as **c** and **v**.\nWe apply basic spoonerism and take care of long vowels with:\n```\nc + v + (a[3] && v) + a[4]\n```\nTo apply vowel harmony, we first coerce the regular expression **e** to a string by adding it to itself, which gives:\n```\ne = \"/(.*?)([ei\u00e4a\u00f6oyu])(\\2?)(.*)//(.*?)([ei\u00e4a\u00f6oyu])(\\2?)(.*)/\"\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n 0123456789ABCDEF (position as hexa)\n```\nVowels that need to be harmonized have a position greater than 9 in the resulting string. Furthermore, the expression was arranged in such a way that front vowels ***\u00e4\u00f6y*** are located at even positions, while back vowels ***aou*** are located at odd positions, next to their counterparts.\nHence the following translation formula which is applied to each character **c** of the output word:\n```\n(j = e.search(v), i = e.search(c)) > 9 & j > 9 ? e[i & ~1 | j & 1] : c\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), ~~235~~ ~~231~~ ~~225~~ ~~221~~ ~~217~~ 215 bytes\n```\nimport re\nS=F,B='\u00e4\u00f6y','aou'\ndef f(a,b,C=1):\n e,r,Q,W=re.findall(fr' ?(.*?([ei{B+F}]))(\\2)?(\\w*)'*2,a+' '+b)[0][2:6]\n for c in zip(*S*(W in B)+(B,F)*(W in F)):r=r.replace(*c)\n return[Q+W*len(e)+r]+(C and f(b,a,[]))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVNLbuM4EN3zFNxJsjXBdAaYRQB3gDSQfXcvskiCQTmmzIooUuBH3erB3MZnyAV8sEwVKSN2b2y@91jFVx@Nc9TO/vX@jsPofJReie@b@/ZuUx0Px7e5aitwqRI71cmuhnbbftl8am6EVK1vv7YPG6@uOrQ7MKbufCVv66vVbf2o8N@79f1/z01TP103t/XTj1VTra5bWFeyWm@bxz@fH69v/n4WsnNevki08heO9er7qn5gcNes67v2vlngfdPc@I2/8mo08KLq1UsjyGlM3j5@XT@sjLK1atb@eV1/kWB3ZHXbQvtI77//0GiU/ESW2f0/7Tdov203aMcU6@YqjAbpX8if7bzJBdJ59GhjLWvims2mzhFNWz3FqmXqXSvrUfbORrTKyj8@85kY4jMjIvhXkBqMW3SdiVgI0Xno@5IgYglnTDQTwk2kKWNclhQhR0BogCFdBDnCusRoSBNciIwXcUwu9OAvX1yoMeUrPc1aHw@XGTRlPL6d5Te0Ewe6FiMf@BYx80RHMqchRoBTcSF6FULOxMelPmIERYT@ePjNTip2jofluRiTDB0/40uSjp@d@SFfWhTQDMVEwNyjAZYejZ7u9kXj8/EwcGDs4aMVv@c@vi2mxpT8Wcs@3NLFy2v5gkg4wJh6nsSrgzLsE5WIEagHJbdg1FLrFpjAjEXSPbWV7udmIqNEdbhAv3KgToLP0gCZcZkQJ6GDPma5W4iBCWFgpM4bwKmk/YCiQz/AuVWGHbLPHQ7KBnRyiyenJ2bHjOgMDGj3Tr7StCKU5K@ucCQWUuyN2wIYfjG6wRUHhSGJKRE9GrfHiwIKQQpXkL9AMkH1hKX@jIknQnhEqujMJ0OfTQa0fMSyep5RYCRob7ySdva8iiTZeWYCGFPHYEpks0gfSPQGKQV/xSP4SfUq7xRA4UjNJPvFIQXZg57KQvMiBvZLhAisc4CBEJeZAGMWiMnPcK1c8TA4u9QMhSM1k0LPpqdNTmNIeXrJ8N7NY5hFr/QcaJJ9kTpk2CuCwqiJg/QSw6UpnURErejOPvks7JNW5DiiT2LpklZoUtl8rTJjZzSz537l0Z7tUcaGMTcj0FbRI2U8RjHkVtB8JmoEXH4OQMRUvof/AQ \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nSaved \n* -2 bytes, thanks to Lynn\n* -4 bytes, thanks to Zachar\u00fd\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 84 bytes\n```\n.b++hY*W@N2JhtY2XW}JeA@DJc2\"aou\u00e4\u00f6y\"eNGH_Bmth:d:\"^([^A*)([A)(\\\\2)*(.+)\"\\A\"aeiouy\u00e4\u00f6]\"4\n```\n[Try it online.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=.b%2B%2BhY%2aW%40N2JhtY2XW%7DJeA%40DJc2%22aou%C3%A4%C3%B6y%22eNGH_Bmth%3Ad%3A%22%5E%28%5B%5EA%2a%29%28%5BA%29%28%5C%5C2%29%2a%28.%2B%29%22%5CA%22aeiouy%C3%A4%C3%B6%5D%224&input=%5B%22hauva%22%2C%22l%C3%A4%C3%A4h%C3%A4tt%C3%A4%C3%A4%22%5D&test_suite_input=%5B%22henri%22%2C+%22kontinen%22%5D%0A%5B%22tarja%22%2C+%22halonen%22%5D%0A%5B%22frakki%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22ovi%22%2C+%22kello%22%5D%0A%5B%22haamu%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22hauva%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22puoskari%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22k%C3%B6yh%C3%A4%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22hauva%22%2C+%22l%C3%A4%C3%A4h%C3%A4tt%C3%A4%C3%A4%22%5D%0A%5B%22frakki%22%2C+%22stressi%22%5D%0A%5B%22%C3%A4ysk%C3%A4ri%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22hattu%22%2C+%22sf%C3%A4%C3%A4ri%22%5D%0A%5B%22ovi%22%2C+%22silm%C3%A4%22%5D%0A%5B%22haamu%22%2C+%22pr%C3%A4tk%C3%A4%22%5D%0A%5B%22puoskari%22%2C+%22sf%C3%A4%C3%A4ri%22%5D%0A%5B%22puoskari%22%2C+%22%C3%A4ysk%C3%A4ri%22%5D%0A%5B%22uimapuku%22%2C+%22hajoa%22%5D%0A%5B%22ihme%22%2C+%22baletti%22%5D%0A%5B%22uhka%22%2C+%22lima%22%5D%0A%5B%22osuma%22%2C+%22makkara%22%5D%0A%5B%22makkara%22%2C+%22fakta%22%5D%0A%5B%22lapsi%22%2C+%22laiva%22%5D%0A%5B%22firma%22%2C+%22hajoa%22%5D%0A%5B%22dimensio%22%2C+%22bitti%22%5D%0A%5B%22flamingo%22%2C+%22joustava%22%5D%0A%5B%22globaali%22%2C+%22latomo%22%5D%0A%5B%22trilogia%22%2C+%22fakta%22%5D%0A%5B%22printti%22%2C+%22maksa%22%5D%0A%5B%22riisi%22%2C+%22bitti%22%5D%0A%5B%22sini%22%2C+%22riisi%22%5D%0A%5B%22aarre%22%2C+%22nyrkki%22%5D%0A%5B%22laavu%22%2C+%22laki%22%5D%0A%5B%22kliininen%22%2C+%22parveke%22%5D%0A%5B%22priimus%22%2C+%22kahvi%22%5D%0A%5B%22spriinen%22%2C+%22lasta%22%5D%0A%5B%22kliimaksi%22%2C+%22mammona%22%5D%0A%5B%22hylky%22%2C+%22hupsu%22%5D%0A%5B%22kehys%22%2C+%22fiksu%22%5D%0A%5B%22levy%22%2C+%22huhu%22%5D%0A%5B%22tiheys%22%2C+%22guru%22%5D%0A%5B%22nyrkki%22%2C+%22heiluri%22%5D%0A%5B%22latomo%22%2C+%22hajoa%22%5D%0A%5B%22prisma%22%2C+%22lehti%22%5D%0A%5B%22viina%22%2C+%22baletti%22%5D&debug=1) [Test suite.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=.b%2B%2BhY%2aW%40N2JhtY2XW%7DJeA%40DJc2%22aou%C3%A4%C3%B6y%22eNGH_Bmth%3Ad%3A%22%5E%28%5B%5EA%2a%29%28%5BA%29%28%5C%5C2%29%2a%28.%2B%29%22%5CA%22aeiouy%C3%A4%C3%B6%5D%224&input=%5B%22hauva%22%2C%22l%C3%A4%C3%A4h%C3%A4tt%C3%A4%C3%A4%22%5D&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%5B%22henri%22%2C+%22kontinen%22%5D%0A%5B%22tarja%22%2C+%22halonen%22%5D%0A%5B%22frakki%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22ovi%22%2C+%22kello%22%5D%0A%5B%22haamu%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22hauva%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22puoskari%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22k%C3%B6yh%C3%A4%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22hauva%22%2C+%22l%C3%A4%C3%A4h%C3%A4tt%C3%A4%C3%A4%22%5D%0A%5B%22frakki%22%2C+%22stressi%22%5D%0A%5B%22%C3%A4ysk%C3%A4ri%22%2C+%22kontti%22%5D%0A%5B%22hattu%22%2C+%22sf%C3%A4%C3%A4ri%22%5D%0A%5B%22ovi%22%2C+%22silm%C3%A4%22%5D%0A%5B%22haamu%22%2C+%22pr%C3%A4tk%C3%A4%22%5D%0A%5B%22puoskari%22%2C+%22sf%C3%A4%C3%A4ri%22%5D%0A%5B%22puoskari%22%2C+%22%C3%A4ysk%C3%A4ri%22%5D%0A%5B%22uimapuku%22%2C+%22hajoa%22%5D%0A%5B%22ihme%22%2C+%22baletti%22%5D%0A%5B%22uhka%22%2C+%22lima%22%5D%0A%5B%22osuma%22%2C+%22makkara%22%5D%0A%5B%22makkara%22%2C+%22fakta%22%5D%0A%5B%22lapsi%22%2C+%22laiva%22%5D%0A%5B%22firma%22%2C+%22hajoa%22%5D%0A%5B%22dimensio%22%2C+%22bitti%22%5D%0A%5B%22flamingo%22%2C+%22joustava%22%5D%0A%5B%22globaali%22%2C+%22latomo%22%5D%0A%5B%22trilogia%22%2C+%22fakta%22%5D%0A%5B%22printti%22%2C+%22maksa%22%5D%0A%5B%22riisi%22%2C+%22bitti%22%5D%0A%5B%22sini%22%2C+%22riisi%22%5D%0A%5B%22aarre%22%2C+%22nyrkki%22%5D%0A%5B%22laavu%22%2C+%22laki%22%5D%0A%5B%22kliininen%22%2C+%22parveke%22%5D%0A%5B%22priimus%22%2C+%22kahvi%22%5D%0A%5B%22spriinen%22%2C+%22lasta%22%5D%0A%5B%22kliimaksi%22%2C+%22mammona%22%5D%0A%5B%22hylky%22%2C+%22hupsu%22%5D%0A%5B%22kehys%22%2C+%22fiksu%22%5D%0A%5B%22levy%22%2C+%22huhu%22%5D%0A%5B%22tiheys%22%2C+%22guru%22%5D%0A%5B%22nyrkki%22%2C+%22heiluri%22%5D%0A%5B%22latomo%22%2C+%22hajoa%22%5D%0A%5B%22prisma%22%2C+%22lehti%22%5D%0A%5B%22viina%22%2C+%22baletti%22%5D&debug=1)\nProving that it's not *that* hard in golf languages. A stack-based language might do even better.\nPyth uses ISO-8859-1 by default, so `\u00e4\u00f6` are one byte each.\n### Explanation\n* `Q`, containing the input pair of words, is appended implicitly.\n* `m`: map each word `d` in the input to:\n\t+ `:\"^([^A*)([A)(\\\\2)*(.+)\"\\A\"aeiouy\u00e4\u00f6]\"`: replace `A` with `aeiouy\u00e4\u00f6]` in the string to get the regex `^([^aeiouy\u00e4\u00f6]*)([aeiouy\u00e4\u00f6])(\\2)*(.+)`.\n\t+ `:d`: find all matches and return their capturing groups.\n\t+ `h`: take the first (and only) match.\n\t+ `t`: drop the first group containing the entire match.\n* `_B`: pair with reverse to get `[[first, second], [second, first]]`.\n* `.b`: map each pair of words `N, Y` in that to:\n\t+ `hY`: take the beginning consonants of the second word.\n\t+ `@N2`: take the long first vowel of the first word, or `None`.\n\t+ `htY`: take the first vowel of the second word.\n\t+ `J`: save that in `J`.\n\t+ `*W`\u2026`2`: if there was a long vowel, duplicate the second word's vowel.\n\t+ `+`: append that to the consonants.\n\t+ `c2\"aou\u00e4\u00f6y\"`: split `aou\u00e4\u00f6y` in two to get `[\"aou\", \"\u00e4\u00f6y\"]`.\n\t+ `@DJ`: sort the pair by intersection with the first vowel of the second word. This gets the half with the second word's first vowel in the end of the pair.\n\t+ `A`: save the pair to `G, H`.\n\t+ `e`: take the second half.\n\t+ `}J`: see if the first vowel of the second word is in the second half.\n\t+ `XW`\u2026`eNGH`: if it was, map `G` to `H` in the suffix of the first word, otherwise keep the suffix as-is.\n\t+ `+`: append the suffix.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Rotonyms 2\nA \"Rotonym\" is a word that ROT13s into another word (in the same language).\nFor this challenge, we'll use an alternate definition: a \"Rotonym\" is a word that circular shifts/rotates into *another* word (in the same language).\nFor example:\n```\n'stable' < 'tables' < 'ablest'\n'abort' > 'tabor'\n'tada' >> 'data'\n```\n# The Challenge\nWrite a program or function that accepts a dictionary/word list and prints or returns a complete list of rotonyms.\n1. Order doesn't matter.\n2. Comparisons should be case-insensitive, so you can assume the input will be passed as a lower-case-only dictionary.\n3. Result should be expressed as single words (not the pairs) and contain no duplicates, so you can assume the input has no duplicates.\n4. This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\").\n# Example\nGiven\n```\nablest\nabort\ngreen\nirk\nstable\ntables\ntabor\ntata\nterra\nvex\nyou\n```\nReturn\n```\nablest\nabort\nstable\ntables\ntabor\n```\n# A Real Test\nGiven\n```\na aa aal aalii aam aani aardvark aardwolf aaron aaronic aaronical aaronite aaronitic aaru ab aba ababdeh ababua abac abaca abacate abacay abacinate abacination abaciscus abacist aback abactinal abactinally abaction abactor abaculus abacus abadite abaff abaft abaisance abaiser abaissed abalienate abalienation abalone abama abampere abandon abandonable abandoned abandonedly abandonee abandoner abandonment abanic abantes abaptiston abarambo abaris abarthrosis abarticular abarticulation abas abase abased abasedly abasedness abasement abaser abasgi abash abashed abashedly abashedness abashless abashlessly abashment abasia abasic abask abassin abastardize abatable abate abatement abater abatis abatised abaton abator abattoir abatua abature abave abaxial abaxile abaze abb abba abbacomes abbacy abbadide abbas abbasi abbassi abbasside abbatial abbatical abbess abbey abbeystede abbie abbot abbotcy abbotnullius abbotship abbreviate abbreviately abbreviation abbreviator abbreviatory abbreviature abby abcoulomb abdal abdat abderian abderite abdest abdicable abdicant abdicate abdication abdicative abdicator abdiel abditive abditory abdomen abdominal abdominales abdominalian abdominally abdominoanterior abdominocardiac abdominocentesis abdominocystic abdominogenital abdominohysterectomy abdominohysterotomy abdominoposterior abdominoscope abdominoscopy abdominothoracic abdominous abdominovaginal abdominovesical abduce abducens abducent abduct abduction abductor abe abeam abear abearance abecedarian abecedarium abecedary abed abeigh abel abele abelia abelian abelicea abelite abelmoschus abelmosk abelonian abeltree abencerrages abenteric abepithymia aberdeen aberdevine aberdonian aberia aberrance aberrancy aberrant aberrate aberration aberrational aberrator aberrometer aberroscope aberuncator abet abetment ablest abort abut ach ache acher achete achill achor acor acre acyl ad adad adat add addlings adet ala ama baa bafta balonea batea beta caba cha chilla cora crea da dad dada data each lacy orach rache saddling stable tables tabor tabu tade teache zoquean zoraptera zorgite zoril zorilla zorillinae zorillo zoroastrian zoroastrianism zoroastrism zorotypus zorrillo zorro zosma zoster zostera zosteraceae zosteriform zosteropinae zosterops zouave zounds zowie zoysia zubeneschamali zuccarino zucchetto zucchini zudda zugtierlast zugtierlaster zuisin zuleika zulhijjah zulinde zulkadah zulu zuludom zuluize zumatic zumbooruk zuni zunian zunyite zupanate zutugil zuurveldt zuza zwanziger zwieback zwinglian zwinglianism zwinglianist zwitter zwitterion zwitterionic zyga zygadenine zygadenus zygaena zygaenid zygaenidae zygal zygantra zygantrum zygapophyseal zygapophysis zygion zygite zygnema zygnemaceae zygnemales zygnemataceae zygnemataceous zygnematales zygobranch zygobranchia zygobranchiata zygobranchiate zygocactus zygodactyl zygodactylae zygodactyli zygodactylic zygodactylism zygodactylous zygodont zygolabialis zygoma zygomata zygomatic zygomaticoauricular zygomaticoauricularis zygomaticofacial zygomaticofrontal zygomaticomaxillary zygomaticoorbital zygomaticosphenoid zygomaticotemporal zygomaticum zygomaticus zygomaxillare zygomaxillary zygomorphic zygomorphism zygomorphous zygomycete zygomycetes zygomycetous zygon zygoneure zygophore zygophoric zygophyceae zygophyceous zygophyllaceae zygophyllaceous zygophyllum zygophyte zygopleural zygoptera zygopteraceae zygopteran zygopterid zygopterides zygopteris zygopteron zygopterous zygosaccharomyces zygose zygosis zygosperm zygosphenal zygosphene zygosphere zygosporange zygosporangium zygospore zygosporic zygosporophore zygostyle zygotactic zygotaxis zygote zygotene zygotic zygotoblast zygotoid zygotomere zygous zygozoospore zymase zyme zymic zymin zymite zymogen zymogene zymogenesis zymogenic zymogenous zymoid zymologic zymological zymologist zymology zymolyis zymolysis zymolytic zymome zymometer zymomin zymophore zymophoric zymophosphate zymophyte zymoplastic zymoscope zymosimeter zymosis zymosterol zymosthenic zymotechnic zymotechnical zymotechnics zymotechny zymotic zymotically zymotize zymotoxic zymurgy zyrenian zyrian zyryan zythem zythia zythum zyzomys zyzzogeton\n```\nReturn\n```\naal aam aba abac abaft abalone abate abet ablest abort abut ach ache acher achete achill achor acor acre acyl ad adad adat add addlings adet ala ama baa bafta balonea batea beta caba cha chilla cora crea da dad dada data each lacy orach rache saddling stable tables tabor tabu tade teache\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~25~~ ~~23~~ ~~22~~ ~~17~~ 16 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 \"When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?\")[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS \".dyalog files using a single byte character set\")\nBorrows ideas from [ngn's ngn/k solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/165668/43319). And then -6 thanks to him. Also -1 by returning [an enclosed list as like H.PWiz](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/165655/43319).\nAnonymous tacit prefix function.\n```\n\u2282\u2229\u00a81,.\u2193(\u222a\u2262,/,\u2368)\u00a8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT////1FX06OOlYdWGOroPWqbrPGoY9WjzkU6@jqPeldoHlrxP@1R24RHvX2P@qZ6@j/qaj603vhR20QgLzjIGUiGeHgG/09TUE9MykktLlEHMfKLQHR6UWpqHpDOLMoGksUlIAVABpguhjDyi8B0SSKISi0qAtFlqRVAsjK/VB0A \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`(`\u2026`)\u00a8`\u2003apply the following tacit function to each word:\n\u2003`,\u2368`\u2003concatenate the word to itself\n\u2003`\u2262,/`\u2003all word-length sub-strings (i.e. all rotations)\n`\u222a`\u2003unique elements of those rotations (to prevent words like `tata` for appearing twice)\n`1,.\u2193`\u2003the concatenation of the drop-firsts (the original words) of each list\n`\u2282\u2229\u00a8`\u2003intersection of the the content of that and the entire original word list\n---\n### Old solution\n-2 thanks to ngn.\nAnonymous prefix lambda.\n```\n{\u2375/\u23682\u2264+/\u2375\u220a\u2368\u2191(\u222a\u2262,/,\u2368)\u00a8\u2375}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///v/pR71b9R70rjB51LtEGMrY@6ugCch@1TdR41LHqUeciHX0dIF/z0AqgXO3/tEdtEx719j3qm@rp/6ir@dB6Y6BKIC84yBlIhnh4Bv9PU1BPTMpJLS5RBzHyi0B0elFqah6QzizKBpLFJSAFQAaYLoYw8ovAdEkiiEotKgLRZakVQLIyv1QdAA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`{`\u2026`}`\u2003function where `\u2375` is the word list:\n\u2003`(`\u2026`)\u00a8`\u2003apply the following tacit function to each word:\n\u2003\u2003`,\u2368`\u2003concatenate the word to itself\n\u2003\u2003`\u2262,/`\u2003all word-length sub-strings (i.e. all rotations)\n\u2003\u2003`\u222a`\u2003unique elements of those rotations (to prevent words like `tata` for appearing twice)\n\u2003`\u2191`\u2003mix the list of lists into a single matrix (pads with all-space strings)\n\u2003`\u2375\u220a\u2368`\u2003indicate which elements of the matrix are members of the original list\n\u2003`+/`\u2003sum the rows (counts occurrences of each of the original words)\n\u2003`2\u2264`\u2003indicate which have duplicates (i.e. occur other than when rotated back to original)\n\u2003`\u2375/\u2368`\u2003use that to filter the original list\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 8 bytes\n```\n\u1e591$\u01acf\u1e0a\u0257\u0187\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hzpmGKsfWpD3c0XVy@rH2/w93bzncHvn/f2JSTmpxCVdiUn5RCVd6UWpqHldmUTZXcQlIggtMFoOo/CIgWZLIVZJaVJTIVZZawVWZXwoA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Alternate version, 7 bytes\n```\n\u1e59\u01ac1f\u1e0a\u028b\u0187\n```\nDyadic `\u01ac` used to do something weird, so this didn't work when the challenge was posted.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hzpnH1himPdzRdar7WPv/h7u3HG6P/P8/MSkntbiEKzEpv6iEK70oNTWPK7Mom6u4BCTBBSaLQVR@EZAsSeQqSS0qSuQqS63gqswvBQA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n\u1e59\u01ac1f\u1e0a\u028b\u0187 Main link. Argument: A (array of strings)\n \u028b Vier; combine the 4 preceding links into a dyadic chain.\n \u0187 Comb; for each string s in A, call the chain with left argument s and\n right argument A. Keep s iff the chain returned a truthy value.\n \u01ac 'Til; keep calling the link to the left, until the results are no\n longer unique. Return the array of unique results.\n\u1e59 1 Rotate the previous result (initially s) one unit to the left.\n f Filter; keep only rotations that belong to A.\n s is a rotonym iff there are at least two rotations of s in A.\n \u1e0a Deque; remove the first string (s) of the result.\n The resulting array is non-empty / truthy iff s is a rotonym.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 20 bytes\nRequires `\u2395io\u21900`\n```\n\u2282\u2229\u00a8(,/(1\u2193\u2218\u222a\u2373\u2218\u2262\u233d\u00a8\u2282)\u00a8)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qG9qZv6jtgkG/x91NT3qWHlohYaOvobho7bJjzpmPOpY9ah3M4jRuehRz95DK4BqNA@t0PyfBtTxqLcPqNnT/1FX86H1xo/aJgJ5wUHOQDLEwzP4f5qCemJSTmpxiTqIkV8EotOLUlPzgHRmUTaQLC4BKQAywHQxhJFfBKZLEkFUalERiC5LrQCSlfml6gA \"APL (Dyalog) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`(1\u2193\u2218\u222a\u2373\u2218\u2262\u233d\u00a8\u2282)\u00a8` gets the unique rotations (excluding the string itself) of each string in the dictionary\n`\u2262` takes the length of a vector\n`\u2373\u2218\u2262` creates the range from 0 up to the length\n`\u233d` rotates a vector some number of times, e.g 2\u233d'abort' -> 'ortab'\n`\u2373\u2218\u2262\u233d\u00a8\u2282` will then give all the rotations of a vector\n`\u222a` removes the duplicates\n`1\u2193` removes the first element (the original string)\n`,/` flattens all the rotations into one list\n`\u2282\u2229\u00a8` takes the intersection of the dictionary with the rotations\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 26 bytes\n```\ng;?z{tWl\u27e7\u2086\u220bI;W\u21ba\u208dR;W\u2260&h\u220bR}\u02e2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/P93avqq6JDzn0fzlj5raHnV0e1qHP2rb9aipNwjI6FyglgEUC6o9vej//2ilxKSc1OISJR0gI78IRKcXpabmAenMomwgWVwCUgBkgOliCCO/CEyXJIKo1KIiEF2WWgEkK/NLlWL/RwEA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\ng;?z % Zip the whole input with each word in it respectively\n { }\u02e2 % Apply this predicate to each pair in the zip\n % and select the successful values\n tW % Let the current word be W\n l\u27e7\u2086\u220bI % There exists a number I from 1 to length(W)-1\n ;W\u21ba\u208dR % And R is the result of circularly shifting the \n % current word I times \n ;W\u2260 % And R is not the current word itself (needed for words like \"tata\")\n &h\u220bR % And R is one of the input dictionary words\n % (R is implicitly the output of the predicate, and \n % successful R values are collected and output by the \u02e2)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~73~~ ~~69~~ 67 bytes\n```\nlambda d:[w for w in d if{w[i:]+w[:i]for i in range(len(w))}-{w}&d]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JcrBDsIgEATQX9mTQNSLxyZ@Se2BhqVurNAsVGwavh2hXuZNMrNs8endrdj7o8z6PRoNpusTWM@QgBwYILunnrrhnPqOhjZQG1i7CeWMTial8nVP@WSGsjC5CFbuQo8zhigutXhuTozoqsSvmiG2Qy2H4V88H0bdQObmB781N7@KrMoP \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes a set of words (lowercase), and returns a list of rotonyms.\n---\nSaved\n* -2 bytes, thanks to ovs\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://github.com/ngn/k), 23 bytes\n```\n{x^x^,/1_'(,/|0 1_)\\'x}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##5Vjpbtw2EP7vpxCMArGBFEn@2o@SkyvOSszyUClys9o0fXV3LkpaI32CAtbMN7zm4HDI9enPOMSXl@PTz8uXy5e37z58ffPw9t3f77sPXx8/vbn8eilPP83TfXf/6eH90/3945f7T/H@rus6@F3jHx/hn/x07Mzzt3R6fvh2NM4/m2d4zo@ff92Vj5/pezEHD3PpzCHl0g0ZIHYun7q5UEfHdCaWMtJiugI5m@4Ml25J9e5m9m/m3JnO0J@nzzmkAb9IINuzQUUEfiR/JJCiUNc3zhMJFWhAOivqxD9D38HCyLyy2DMRaGge8YWZi62BkCN9hOe@zooK8xPTgoP8hvyiWKcVDAnx6nW2MOtExfHIlBd0s4k9CIIsfAZLwDtoRgnU5X2K3BjYkTBBZjFa6SbO0VYsiwkSQxlv/bmhAJFt4igjK8BmTwWdl7WzCYfEwHFXLmNOc8MOHTZ5h5vF3D@DUKtMbEEQYdYBzQCNxDw4ZqNQnTmuU8fd3NHfoDZiXdEZYezZzLs4z06sK5ho7srmlRa5orQtUMSkIr4iE2s0LrrhpSQnQPKtVNmaM9OLk5y5OFHBGilVOVcxS1LggCNamFlneYiR1tkJ27h2F1mYQC9IYnGARehcQIY6pqkIFTWpxOq94xRFYR7dRCjD2UkUGuSYqiAbqwI7v@LdKHH/QC19qj4F8tayidaQERayM1EBK7NSNCx6IjtBKLam0lrUAIHntZUtsQ5Yg1t71CqLAY7C9fwq4rArVntE8EvDiY5DdqKAG3rKGi4pKgMdGDdvDRh3t/UPgCVq05pG2pYMWCzC8qox3bRNaX6leu7TBDfSNrqMKWO52vTWzaKzGfaOpzPaKxljKxchYnFuoAhoTENetbzReKCijTQL1VIGPVijG6u4hhWTqXx4wA10snmzgPcaPB9T0E1A3oM2FOkP6O3IHjE@McDar@NL5roGaAfeRQPvK/DGUTxgcmVcgujIFjgZCJwdV1SE61JZR60@MVoaKgpK69PoNMhBZUFilTPmntQQwm0DIdfY0hZ4zaIFZ3d54u2FpB/pAyaZaWHBeU@MluiZ0JnrF2zEGFshON0SsN7FAWNiSZdHB/EKORj6joUo3SzEC1HApp7u0X6kD/Ugw9zqUIPpLP1Z@gjgUCALPZUuyr@xy2ztrEr/49VwqEiwNBXg0df0VwWM/xWXmDBahtBAe4/ceaHeKMdU1g6fiCes5Jx1O@zmsImKyzJhBiFaZ2aic6CF6agpa6LBJATF7phyUJwmtUAEWrJSqUcWLUk/HAkL3T3XinkImLsYcu9Q7LF84AlkhFtZFLlIndbSjKE4yB4t32Oyrjq6ua7VgzvRQD@679/NSMhFjCbyE@4LN1QmeNyZ0y13rYEuCuKHlHI9IWKtnPrIFg54nQy/Pq611IFiX2s@g7dkzRW1/jDx6gYyB93khxGCOPDRXRGHfBMKCaXIpMJFLe4gGbUMhonFaomHUiHtFyJ8BCl3dgVGRnmmsWTTANYcQlOasKqCDhDJ8XqsfZH8WoYIwTQuOy6Y8lVhuekgKdVdp45MByoV4w46cyOUVyKviPdJX2S1ZBEufgdFqQpuj/u9MIedlNpiCQsKAW8O@FAQ15P4mkIzRnOioWRq1ufcb9rWNaj1iLeNBLc14GO83LQEevN4Kv1bW8oHdztqnkaISXZWm/D9NWEt2I2STVXczJDV4UZSXSlPY3OMscaIhRaisPSguyBw19zGRKFQVQ/O3iFVgbnVMkRwm40CGrXvY/GmW11DrLZMHrWp81oOG9pWIimuUKMnUN1gYYNpG93UzwZLD/6GIoe1RVbXg4JbAzkowk1SmxjDCnODuGNxuBFcDau4dWjQCO7COWPuCir0k6pXeFFTNDalaV5HpIPUSsYaB3xHNbPU1WtajQiGvQxMeJVAZRUp6wj0Ymt8bQAJCWOZQ0hWD6I2JJ8G7WPE4RLMBjJcBCy6nF/mFRWdLJbpw4GR2LcGK2y5xxB3wZTWsTREYdEx8u5g5LZlm2a@x7zCcfWvQD@@wuqRSvMmiFdNHf8e8a3tKppLukh3zRyEDHLxLFnZwgwNCMy4eJaRM@iKKUrarleMOv72upP/H4T2e7/ffli3X8nyQvu/Pqnu/gU \"K (ngn/k) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`{` `}` is a function with argument `x`\n`0 1_` cuts a string at indices 0 and 1, e.g. `\"abcd\"` -> `(,\"a\";\"bcd\")`\n`|` reverses the two slices: `(\"bcd\";,\"a\")`\n`,/` joins them: `\"bcda\"`\n`(,/|0 1_)\\` returns all rotations of a string\n`(,/|0 1_)\\'x` are the rotations of each string in `x`\n`1_'` drops the first \"rotation\" of each, i.e. each trivial identity rotation\n`,/` join\n`x^y` is the list `x` without elements of the list `y`\n`x^x^y` is the intersection of `x` and `y`\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (Node.js), ~~105~~ 99 bytes\n```\nf=l=>l.filter(w=>[...Array(k=w.length)].map((x,i)=>(w+w).substr(i,k)).some(r=>l.includes(r)&&r!=w))\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nf = list =>\n list.filter( word =>\n // create a list of all rotonyms for the current word\n [ ...Array( len = word.length ) ]\n .map( (x,i) => \n ( word+word ).substr(i, len)\n )\n // check if any of the rotonyms is in the initial dictionary/wordlist\n .some( rotonym =>\n list.includes( rotonym )\n // and is not the word itself\n && rotonym != word\n )\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVdpjus2DL7KdH4UCfqaG8wDeo6iPxSLsfWixdWSjH35KTfZzqBATH7Uwk0U7fwyD1OG7Ob6Z0wWvr5uH/7jp7/cnK@QT8@Pn39fLpe/cjbL6f7xvHiIY53O/1yCmU@nzx/u/PHz9Pzjeb6Udi01n9yP@xmFFOCUSZGLg28Wyimff/89//bxPJ@/hhRL8nDxaTzdTu/mzdDP0@Mc0oBPJJDtw@Q7g2fyNwIpCnVD57yRUIUOZLK9mSv@DD1XCxPzxuLARKChfcQXZi72AUKO7BEuQyuKKvM704qL/I78oli31ZSZN6@7hVknJm43pqzQFRMHEARZeAFLwDvoTglU9T5FHgwcSJghsxitTBM3V7@NiTJB4ijjfT53FCCyT5xlZBXY7bli8KI7m3BNDBxP5TrlVDp2GLDJB9w95vkCQq0y8QVBhKILugOaiTI6ZpNQ3TltW6fD3sm/oL5i0@iMMI6s8CmW4sS7ioXmVnav9sxVpV1BFZeqxIpMvNG86IHXmpwAqbfa5GgeTD@d1MynExNskUqVaxWrBG9PEbQws87yEiOjxQnbuU5XUUxgECS5uMIitFSQpY5pqkLFTKqxee@4RFEok5sJZXg4yUKHnFMV5GBV4OA3fFgl4V9pZEjNp0DRWnbRGnLCQnYmKmBj2DN4AiORkyAU@1DtI@qAwMc2yp5YB2zBbTPqlcUER@F6fxVx2hWrPyL4peNE1yE7McADA1UNtxSVgS6MK/sA5t3t8yNgi9qtpomOJQM2i7B8G0wvY3Mq30yXIc3wIu2r65Qytqvdbts9epjxGHh6oL9SMbZxEyIWSwdVQGea8qbtjdYDNW2kWai2MhjAGj1YxS1smFzlywNupJvNhwV81uD5moIeAvIBdKDKfMBoJ46I8Z0B9n5dXzP3NUA/8N018rkCHxzlA2ZXpyWIjWyBi4HAw3FHRbipyrpqi4nR0lFVUPucZqdDTioLkqucsfakhxDuBwi5xV62wDqrNhwv9yBlog3JMNEDTDLTyoLznhipGJjQnRsWHMQcWyG43RKw3sURc2LJlscA8RVyNfTcKlF6sxCvRAGHBnqPDhM9aAcZ1tYbWjBvln6WHgK4FMhDT62L6m96y@xtUaNvRTor00IMfUXakGBrqsCr1/RvA8z/iipmzJYhNNLZI3deqDfKsZR1wifiCTs5V90BuxJ2UXFdZqwgRNvOTLQEUkxXTVkXDRYhKHa3lIPiNKsHIpDKRq0eWbQkPR0JC7171oZ1CFi7mHLvUBywfeANZIRHWRW5SJPW0o6xOsgePT9i8q45enOtzYO700I/uV@/zETIRcwm8jueCw80JnjdmdNbbm2BXhTErynldkfEVrn0kS2c8DYb/vpYW20j5b61/ABvyZsVrT5NXN1I7mCY/GGEII58dTfEKd@FSkKtsqlyU4sHSE4to2FisVvipVRI54UIP4KUO7sBI6s801iz6QB7DqE5zdhVQReI5FgfW1@kvpYxQjCdy4kLpnpVWF8mSErtMKkr05VaxXSAzrwI9ZvIGvF9MlTRlizCxR@gGFXBHfFwFEo4SKkrS9hQCHhzxQ8FCT1JrCl0Z7QmOkqmZf2c@5@xTQeN3vBtI8ntA/gxXl9GAn3zeGr9@1jKV/e6qswTxCQnq0P4/TVjLziskkNV3N0Q7fAiqa2U56kHxlhzxEJPUVgG0FMQeBjua6JQaGoHdx@QmsDa6hUiuO9GAZ06zrH4Mq2hIVZfZo/WNHhthx3tmkiKG9TsCdQwWNhh2ld388Vg68H/UBSwjoh2vSh4NJCDIjwk9YkxbDB3iCcWxxfBtbCJ@4QmjeAhnQVrV1Clv1SDwk91RXNTu@VtRbpKr2SsecDvqO6WhrqmzYlgOMrAhLUEaqtI2UagL7bOtwGQlDCWPYREexCzIeE/XJ1jxOkSzA4yXAQsqs4vZUNVN4tn@uHASPzbkhX22mOIp2Bqn1g6orToGvnuYOR2td0yv8e8wmmLr8IwfcMakUplFySqbo7/j/g@torlmj5lumVOQgZ58SxZ2cIMHQjMuHnWiStoxRIla@uKWcf/Xu@XMuO34en97f18Pn/9Bw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 14 bytes\n```\n\u03b5DvD\u00c0})\u00d9\u00e5O<\u0100}\u00cf\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//3FaXMpfDDbWah2ceXupvc6Sh9nD////R6olJOanFJeo6CkBWfhGYkV6UmpoHYmQWZYOo4hKQIhALzCiGsvKLIIySRDCdWlQEZpSlVoCoyvxS9VgA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u03b5 } # apply to each word in the input\n Dv } # for each letter in the word\n D\u00c0 # copy the previous word and rotate it left\n )\u00d9 # wrap the rotations in a list and remove duplicates\n \u00e5 # check each rotation for presence in the input\n O # sum presences\n <\u0100 # decrement the sum and truthify it (check if 1 or greater)\n \u00cf # filter, keep words in input that are true in the resulting list\n```\n[Answer]\n# [PynTree](https://github.com/alexander-liao/pyn-tree), 44 bytes\n```\n\u00a7y:f#x0\u20ac[x/|\u1e1ez&\u207bxz\u0117z\u1e1ew+#x`wLx#x`0wRLxy]y#\\x1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6jM0y0pSk39H@D8/9DySqs05QqDR01roiv0ax7umFel9qhxd0XVkelVQE65tnJFQrlPBZA0KA/yqaiMrVSOqTD87/q/Wj0xKSe1uERdB8jILwLR6UAz84B0ZlE2kCwuASkAMsB0MYSRXwSmSxJBVGpREYguS60AkpX5peq1/3WBDkvMKy7IzEm1BQA \"PynTree \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis turned out to reveal a major flaw in the way PynTree constructs list comprehensions because it uses functions to assign variables so that assignment can go in expressions, but then the conditions end up not having the value of the variable until after it has been evaluated and the main block has been evaluated. This appears to be easily fixable but I did not notice this earlier and so this answer is hideously long.\nActually even if I fixed that I think it still might be terribly long.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl\u00a06](https://perl6.org), 65 bytes\n```\n{@^a.grep:{@a\u220bany(($/=[.comb]).rotate,*.rotate...^*eq$/).join}}\n```\n[Try it](https://tio.run/##LYzBCoJAFEX37ytmEaESz52LQvA/IuFpr7B0xt6M0iDug/6yH5k02px74cDpWdosDJbVmGF9AOi82tbmzCoPU1ESXoX7/VTQ5/Um7aNok@ZHrE1XnWIU48jxLvkfRCwTfmzSGG@m0fMc0JJXFyNqLUZto9nGgaqWrQOqjDhY8qyhkTtYtwr40a5jZKEjcCxCMPITvBm@ \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Expanded:\n```\n{ # bare block lambda with placeholder parameter @a\n @^a # declare and use placeholder parameter\n .grep: # find the values that match\n {\n @a\n \u220b # Set contains operator\n any( # create a junction of the following\n # generate a sequence\n (\n $/ = # store into $/ (no declaration needed for this variable)\n [ # turn into an array instead of a one-time sequence\n .comb # the input split into characters\n ]\n ).rotate, # start the sequence on the first rotation\n *.rotate # use this to generate the rest of the values in the sequence\n ...^ # keep generating values until: (and throw out last value)\n * eq $/ # one of them matches the cached array of the input\n ).join # for each array in the junction join the strings (no spaces)\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~66~~ ~~55~~ 70 bytes\n```\nlambda d:{w for w in d for v in d if v not in w not in v in w*2in v*3}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NczBDsIgDAbgV@kNXTzNm4lv4gUCKHHCUupwWfbsaItc@n9Nm39e6ZHiWP31Vif9MlaDvWwFfEIoECJY4dIY/E8xEW@lQ25lGJnDea8zhkjgD5vSZnKZ1AmUltGm0aZnV0L5uqNzkRHwyZGJG1iC/FfCBpI@coiCxX041vRW@7F@AQ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n11 bytes thx to [Dennis](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/12012/dennis) to use chained `x in y in z` approach.\nTakes a set of words `d`; returns a set of Rotonyms.\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell Core](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell), 131 bytes\n```\n($t=$args|%{@{r=0..($l=($k=$_).Length-1)|%{-join$k[-$_..($l-$_)]}\nw=$_}})|%{$u=$_\n$t|?{$u.w-ne$_.w-and$u.w-in$_.r}|%{$_.w}}|sort|gu\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##5Vhfb9w2DH/OfQojuK4J1hy6vQcL0NcBG5a9FUOhsxlbiWy5@nOJr7nP3vGfbF/QfYIBOfJHiSIpiqbljP4ZQuzAuZvaB/i@fbj99v1qm263JrTx9d23u2/h9uNud7V1t1fbp9vtl@vd7zC0qbv55Rqnbx69HbZPn2@2X1gJ@fU/p80zKp5OpLDNCDfb9Pobwt3zzQCo@XxjhoZFXPxlF06kiMOn02v0Ib22@ftps7m72lTVh7urS7N3EFNl9jhXtQFgqGx4qmKiiYppJOYD0mSqBCGY6gAv1eTz5Yfq3MAPll1ez57qqt6bt67IxqJTGfpz9LMWaY@/gUBoDgbjIvDs3QMBPwi1deG8kFCCAmQyo1f8I@dm30DHPLNYMxFoaB3xiZkdygAhS/4IxzpHRYn5E9OESm5BblKsyxJmkHh2ulpYY8XFwwNTNmijGWoQBEF4hIaAs1CCEqjmnR94sOeN9CMEFodGponzySgWY4IkUMbLfCioh4Fj4iwjS8Bhjwk3L7aD6feegeWpkLrgY8EWN2zCCpeIeT6C0EaZxIJggKgKJQDNRGwts06oruzmpd1qbefOUNGYLVojjHcW@RRjtBJdwkKzRw4vlcwlpcVAkpCS7BWZRKN50QNPyVsBUm8py9EcmL5YqZkXKy7YI5Uq1ypWie854YgmZo1tWMXIaLTCFq7TSQwTqAVJLvYwCY0JRNUy9UmouPFpyM5ZLlEUYmdHQgEOVrJQIOdUBTlYFXjzM15pyfb3NFL77HxPu204xMZQEA0EawYF7KyRBtPgTuQkCA1lKJURDUDgYR7lSBoL7MHOMxpVgwkehOvzq4jTrljjEcFNBXt6HIIVBzxQU9VwS1EZ6IGxcRnAvNtlvgVsUYtX39GxBMBm0U9vBv3Z2OjjG9ex9iOcSYt26nzAdrX4zUtEB9OuN@4PGK9UTJO5CREbYgFJQGGa8qztjfSBmjbSIFRbGdTQGD1YxbmfMYXKDw/Ylp5sPizgswbHjynoISCvQQeSzPe42453xPiJAfZ@1U@B@xpgHPjqavlcgQ@O8gGjTd3Ui4/QABcDgYPljopwNhVUa94To6mgpCCVOc1OgZxUFiRXIWDtSQ8hXA4QQh5K2QLbTNpwVi9afHshqTv6AZPANLFgnSNGJmom9MzVEw5ijhshuLwh0Dg7tJiThnw53CC@QvaGfg@JKL1ZiCeigEM1vUfrjn7oBxnWVoUeTNXQX0M/AqgKFKGj1kX111WBo43q9D8uGfuMBFtTAtY@@q8ZMP9HNDFitgyhls4euXVCnVGOpawTzhP32Mm56lbYxn4RFadpxApCNK8MRGNPhulRU1ZEg0UIiu2DD71iP2oEIpDJTK0e2dCQ9GxJmOjdc8xYh4C1iyl3FsUa2wc@gYzwKJMiO9Bk09CKNlkIDiNfY4ouW3pzHbMD@0SKrrOPj6YjZAfMJvInPBceyEzwcWdOb7lj7ulFQXzvfchPiNgrlz6yiROeR8O3j2NOuaXc5xwO4BqK5ohen81wtC2Fg9vkixGCoeVHd0ac8kVIJKQkixI3tWEFKaipNUwa7Jb4UCqk80KElyDltpmBES3HdEjBFIA9h9DoR@yqoAoiWbbH3iepr6kdoDeFy4kLpnpVmM4mSPJ5Namafk@toltBa86E9EZki/g@qZNY8w3Cya2gOFXBrnG9FmK/knwx5rGhEHBmjxcF2bqXvfq@BKM1UZA3Oeh17gdjsw0afcC3jSS3DOBlPJ2N9HTncdT6lzEf9vZcK44dDF5OVofw/jViL1hpyaEqLmGIdTiT1JcPY1c2xlhzxEJJUT/VoKcgcDVcdAahkNUPrl4hdYG1VSpEcFmNAga1nmPxbFq3hlhjGR16081rOyxosUTSMEPNnkDdBgsL9It2cR8Nth78hqIN64hY1wcFjwZCrwgPSWNiDDMMBeKJDe2ZYHM/i8uEJo3gKp0Ra1dQok@qWuGLhqK5ScXzrOH30isZax7wHlXC0q0e/RxEb3iXPRO20lNbRco@erqxFT4PgKSEsawhJNZ7cdt751udY8TpEswBMpwETGrOTXFGSRdLZHpxYCTxzcnql9pjiKdgUpmYCqK0qI7cOxjZxWzxzO8xp7Cb95eg7t5g3ZFKcRFkV8Udf4@4MnYUz8m/yHQOnIQA8uKZgrKJGQbQM@PmmTquoCOWKHk7HjHr@O3F/5Tg/wT05ZO/Xr6ty4eyXNL@r7eqy@vNdfVavau@bS622NrSJ6z7D9UWXkb8@MCb@G21/bKauh/xtk2DZaC6iTx0WV2iWoCYHc3/tH2o7s4WbS4@/3n/KUd86v7YP6Lxf@7Q58U9Xmzog/R25fMGvlZXxRb/86t6X72/Ru2/i9dVBLv7vL/HC9zQXn38UP368br6ubrc7XYYz8VfJR61trk4bU6b7/8C \"PowerShell Core \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFor each word in the list, create generate a list of all its rotations \nThen look for a matching rotation with a different original word \nIf it exists, keep the word. \nThen sort and deduplicate them. \nSorting is required in PowerShell as `Get-Unique` only works on sorted lists.\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), ~~71~~ 62 bytes\n```\n^(\\w)(\\w*)\n$2$1!\u00b6$&\n%+)s`^(.+)(!.*\u00b6\\1)$\n$2\nO`\n!`\\b(.+)(?=\u00b6\\1!)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYlRCsIwFAT/9xaBKHktFOq/eAQvEEoSCFKUBl6eVS/WA/RiMenHzsIMR5kXX8pk7IfqOoK@6FHtmz7j1FN2kxl6Mmro9s2OpGvG3UE5G45wuzavqBQfXjELfEgseHCMC2Z@IksLOJjbJa4UD4nMHmv84pfefw \"Retina 0.8.2 \u2013 Try It Online\") Explanation:\n```\n%+)\n```\nRepeat for each word.\n```\n^(\\w)(\\w*)\n$2$1!\u00b6$&\n```\nPrepend the next rotation of the word with a trailing `!`.\n```\ns`^(.+)(!.*\u00b6\\1)$\n$2\n```\nBut if that's the original word, then delete it again.\n```\nO`\n```\nSort the words.\n```\n!`\\b(.+)(?=\u00b6\\1!)\n```\nFind the duplicates.\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 17 bytes\n*Extremely* slow, but works. TIO times out, but I confirmed it works by manually lowering the number of iterations in the language source.\n```\nf@_X\u00e9Z \u00c0X\u00a9U\u00f8X\u00e9Z}a\nf@ // Filter the input array by\n _ }a // generating up to 1e8 rotations of each string\n X\u00e9Z \u00c0X // and checking if the rotation is different than the original,\n \u00a9U\u00f8X\u00e9Z // yet still exists in the input array.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osKPn/P80hPuLwyiiFww0Rh1aGHt4B4tQm/v8frV5ckpiUk6quow6miyEM9VgA \"Japt \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## Javascript, 129 Chars\n```\nf=a=>{n={};r=w=>w.slice(1,w.length)+w[0];a.map(w=>{m=r(w);while(m!=w){if(-~a.indexOf(m))n[m]=1;m=r(m);}});return Object.keys(n);}\n```\n## Ungolfed\n```\nf=a=>{\n n={};\n r=w=>w.slice(1,w.length)+w[0];\n a.map(w=>{\n m=r(w);\n while(m!=w){\n if(-~a.indexOf(m))n[m]=1;\n m=r(m);\n }\n });\n return Object.keys(n);\n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JYpRrsIgEEW34uvXEJXoN8EtuICmH1inFYWhGVA0Td/W@8D3c89J7rmbl4k92yntKVxxXQdt9GkmPS@KddanLKOzPcJxl6VDGtNNbHN76JSR3kxQitlrhixUvlmH4H90FrMdYP9rpKUrvs8DeCGo9Z0@qtp6oZZFKMb0ZNqcL3fsk3zgJwKVZ@0DxeBQujDCAG1jLg5janZFAleOjEiFlh9lY6pBkS/jvwT@MpkKZK584bvsJzybTgi1/gE)\n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK 10)](http://jdk.java.net/), 144 bytes\n```\nl->{for(var s:l){var r=s;for(int i=s.length();i-->1;){r=r.substring(1)+r.charAt(0);if(!r.equals(s)&l.contains(r)){System.out.println(s);i=0;}}}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVA9b8IwEN35FVeGym6NBWtDIiHWdmKsOpjUCQbHTu/OqCjit1MnqFPr4d35vXcfuqM5m8Xx83RzXR@R4Zj/OrHz@qmY/eGaFGp2MfwrEqM13SjV3hDBm3EBhhlAn/be1UBsOIdzdJ/QZU3sGF1o3z/AYEtysgJsY6DUWVxvo/d2mra@G6sKGihvflENTURxNgj04uUwJlhSMZIuMLiStLeh5YOQhVssqlUhByxRU9rT1Ems5DPq@mBww2KZTY14QG2/kvEkSD56XcfAeUUSKOWwuxDbTsfEus/l7EM2Fa5cFtf8bsW09wSvjvh3W/BQwgbRXEgbGhUxN3tviZXZ58upFq0NyuFJ5ctkQU1IY4iYkY1im@vV2X6rS0xzTb13uYuaS3kf2mhT17Zn4SfiOrvefgA \"Java (JDK 10) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C# (.NET Core)](https://www.microsoft.com/net/core/platform), ~~100~~ 94 bytes\n```\nx=>x.Where(y=>y.Select((z,i)=>x.Where(c=>c!=y).Contains(y.Remove(0,i)+y.Remove(i))).Any(b=>b))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dZJNT8MwDIbP7a8IOyViRNy7Vpr4lkBC7LBzmpktok3AScsK2m8v7lgBTUGqVPl9XsdObO3PtEPoG2/smi06H6DO0r@RvHBVBToYZ728AQto9JHj3ti3LE11pbxnj@jWqOr0M01em7IymvmgAv1aZ1bsQRnLRZoQTVqFLIAPlyooljML7@xW@c0CwswHpPMLLjLyjR45X634RJUVxZMocRgFawSwMWDwJSZTw1QkRvbA/0McxkFQUR0Qo6CFbUzuXPMt03fdWD07eqvp3ZVtasChw1ErGLrgBje975Dab/NiK5cbQOBdXnRyAcNsOf@YGvGLdF7ok7wTNHsbaGKed/IJatcCPyfj6U9khBBybjte5kUpRJ8k2WGwCL6pApUdO@DjdfaXeKalU3rDBys1y4w9ZNBuJAmV9a4CuUQTgLYLOHmGvF26678A \"C# (.NET Core) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 66 bytes\n```\ns=>s.filter(t=>s.some(u=>(t+t).match(u)&&t!=u&t.length==u.length))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVdpcus2DL5K@udNMp3mBnlnCS3CEl@4qCToRL58io2SnOmMBXwAFywEIfmPu7k21bDiP7l4@L6@fbe33@31GiJCfUbGrSR47m@/n/FvfHlNDqflub/8@oV/vfVf@Bohz7i8vXVDLy/fU8mtRHiNZX6@Pr@7J8e/yE8IRBM9mUH1N1c/BHyWeGVQstIwDS4LGSEMoIP9yV3o5/i5eFiEdxEnIQodr2O@CQt5KBgFtse4Tb0ZQuEfQpEmxQPFzbAtw1KF92irlfmgJq5XobJhaC5PoAiq8gaeQQwwnFJo28eSRZkkkLRCFTF7HWbuLnHX6WaK1FHBx3gdKEEWnyTLxBDE7RUpeN27unQpAoIMVVxqaQMHCtjVEx4ey3gDpd6Y@kIgQ7MJwwHLRJuDsEWprVz2pctp7RIf0Jix7xicMomsySm2FtQ7pEILd3EPR@bQ6NgA1SXUWImpN5YXO3DEEhRovWHXo7kJ/QpaM19BTYhFLlWpVaoSulFN0SbMBy9TnGpbUHZwG0bdmMGkSHNxgU1pQ9CpQWhBpWqmYO4xBilREtoSVkYVbkGzMKDk1AQ9WBMk@B2fZmn4F9ZMpceSOFovLnrHTniowWUDYsyDXDRPkehJMMpDhUNjDii87VrxxAcQC2EfMa88JTgrt/trSNJu2PxRIW4DF74ONagBUUxcNdJSTAa@MKEdCsp7OMZnoBZ1WC0LH0sFahZp@6EsD7q1tB@m21RWeJCO2biUSu3qsNsPj25uPgdebuSvVozv0oSY5TYAKhjMUt6tvfF84KZNtCq1VgYTeGcHa7inHbOrcnkgzHyz5bBAzhqiXFOwQyA@gSlQxxNFu0hEgj8EUO@3@VilrwH5Uaub5VxBDo7zAWvAZUtqo3qQYmBwC9JRCe5bVZu1xyRoGwgN4Biz7AwoSRVBc1Ur1Z72EMbjAKH2PMoWZE@0hhP1HpTKtBOZFn5ASBWKIoQYmfEWkxC@c9NGSsqxV0LLPQMfQ54pJ55tRQqQXiEXx88VmfKbhTkyBVJN/B6dFn7IDjGqrSey4J48/zw/DGgqsIeRWxfX3/JUxdtmRp@adlahjRn5SrQTodaEILPv5d8OlP87bbFSthyjmc@eeIhKozNOpWwDsTAv1Mml6k44tHSIhnFbqYII7Ssr05Z4Y75qxoboqAjBcLiWmgyX1TxQgbfs3OqJZc/SZ2Bh43fPvVMdAtUupTwGEidqH3QDBdFRoqGQedB7XjFjgBrJ8zNm73rgN9e9RwgfPDEu4c8ftzAKmbJJ/IPORRRdCF134fyWu/fELwrml1Jq/yAkVqX0iW2S8L46@fq4d@wz5773eoPo2Zs7Wf10@R5mdofClA8jAnmWq7sjSfkhIAuIugilqeUTZKe22Qnx1C3pUhrk8yJEH0HGg9@B01lRaMbqBqCew2gtK3VVsAkqBdlPrG9aX9ucIbnB9cQVc70axIcBlko/DdrMcuFWsZxgcA8C/hBlR3qfTKi7FU9wiyeoRk0IZzydhZZOUhmbFWooDKK70IeChl401pKGM1YTAxXXq33O/Y9u34O1V3rbaHKHgj7G8UGT@Jsncus/dKVewuOsti6Qi56sqej7a6VecJqlh2p4uKG7w4NktkpdlxGYYMuRCCNFaZvATkHhST3mZKXQzQ6tPiEzQbU1KkTxWE0COXUeE/Fh2EIjbL6skaxZ8NYOBzp2Yinv0LKn0MIQ4YDlmD3MN0eth/5DccCm0d3totDRQE2G6JDMJ8GwwzognVieH4TQ0y4eA5Y0hqd0NqpdRch/qSaDX@aK5QaH5X1GuWivFGx5oO@o4ZaFei@7E8lJlEmI7JK4rRIVG4m/2AbfFaApEaxrGOnuSc2mQv9wbUyQpEuxOChwU7DZdnFrO0JbrJ7Zh4Mg9W9PVjpqTyCdgsMxsA3EabE5@t0hKBzbDsvyHosGlz0@hGn5gS0ik9ohaFTDnPwfiUN3V8tYvnS4V0lCBX3xbNXYJowcSMKkeeIiFXSnEmVr9ztlnf57vb@2lb4N35/eX16@/wM \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nboring answer\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 81 bytes\n```\n->a{a.select{|w,*b|w.scan(/(?=.)/){b<<$'+$`}\nb[1..].any?{_1!=w&&a.include?(_1)}}}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=bVjJktxEEL1z4hOGCGNswOPwjYONb75x4OxwmJIqu1WeWkQtPaMez5dwcRDwUfA15FaSeoKIUebLWnKrrJR6_vgrt2H58ue7N3-3enjx0z-_vvjZ3JvrAh7Gev_59sfvh8-312U08dnLZ2_fXD9_-fx-eP36yXc_PPnt4avh_avr6w_XJi5v7z---ubN7dOn5trF0TcLb599fPX84eFBFP_79S_z1bv3396-N1eG_jw9ziEN-EQC2Z5MvmFwm_yBQIpC3dg5byRUoQOZbFdmwD9Dz2BhYt5YHJkINLSP-MLMxT5AyJE9wmVsRVFlfsO04iK_Ib8o1m01ZebN625h1omJw4EpK3TFxBEEQRZewBLwDrpTAlW9T5EHAwcSZsgsRivTxM3g1zFRJkgcZbzN544CRPaJs4ysArs9VwxedGcThsTA8VSuU06lY4cBm7zD3WOeLyDUKhNfEEQouqA7oJkoR8dsEqo7p3XrtNs7-QvUV6wanRHGkRU-xVKceFex0NyZ3as9c1VpV1DFpSqxIhNvNC964LUmJ0DqrTY5mhPTOyc1c-fEBFukUuVaxSpJgROOaGFmneUlRkaLE7Zxna6imMAoSHIxwCK0VJCljmmqQsVMqrF577hEUSiTmwllODnJQoecUxXkYFXg4Fe8WyXhDzQypuZToGgtu2gNOWEhOxMVsDELfNEsRiInQSj2odpH1AGBp3WUPbEO2IJbZ9QriwmOwvX-KuK0K1Z_RPBLx4muQ3ZigAdGqhpuKSoDXRhXtgHMu9vmj4AtarOaJjqWjN01heXRYLoYm1N5ZLqMaYYLaVtdp5SxXW122-bRyRz3gacT-isVYxs3IWKxdFAFdKYpb9reaD1Q00aahWorgxGs0YNV3MKKyVW-POCOdLP5sIDPGjxfU9BDQD6CDlSZDxjtxBExvmGAvV_X18x9DdCPnM2RzxX44CgfMLs6LUFsZAtcDAROjjsqwlVV1lVrTIyWjqqC2uc0Ox1yUlmQXOWMtSc9hHA_QMgt9rIF1lm14Xi5BykTbUjGiR5gkplWFpz3xEjFyITu3LjgIObYCsHtloD1Lh4xJ5ZseQwQXyGDoedQidKbhXglCjg00nt0nOhBO8iwtq7Qgrmy9GfpIYBLgTz01Lqo_qarzN4WNXpVpLMyLcTQV6QNCbamCrz6nH5vgPk_o4oZs2UIHenskTsv1BvlWMo64RPxhJ2cq26HXQmbqLguM1YQonVnJloCKaarpqyLBosQFLtDykFxmtUDEUhlo1aPLFqSbh0JC717zg3rELB2MeXeoThi-8AbyAiPsipykSatpR3H6iB79HyPybvm6M11bh7cDS30k_v0yUyEXMRsIr_Bc-GBxgSvO3N6y51boBcF8SGl3G4QsVUufWQLJ7zNhr8-zq22I-W-tXwCb8mbM1q9NfHsjuQOhskfRgjika_uijjlm1BJqFU2VW5qcQfJqeVomFjslngpFdJ5IcKPIOXOrsDIKs801mw6wJ5DaE4zdlXQBSI51sfWF6mv5RghmM7lxAVTvSqsFxMkpbab1JVpoFYx7aAzF0J9JLJGfJ-MVbQli3DxOyhGVXB7PO6FEnZS6soSNhQC3gz4oSChJ4k1he6M1kRHybSsn3P_M7bqoNEDvm0kuX0AP8brxUigbx5PrX8bS3lwl6vKPEFMcrI6hN9fM_aC3So5VMXdDdEOF5LaSnmeemCMNUcs9BSFZQQ9BYG74b4mCoWmdnD3DqkJrK1eIYL7bhTQqf0cixfTGhpi9WX2aE2D13bY0aaJpLhCzZ5ADYOFDaZtdTdfDLYe_A1FAeuIaNeLgkcDOSjCQ1KfGMMKc4d4YvF4IbgWVnGb0KQR3KWzYO0KqvSTalR4p65obmq3vK5Ig_RKxpoH_I7qbmmo57Q6EQxHGZiwlkBtFSnbCPTF1vk6AJISxrKHkGgPYjYkn446x4jTJZgdZLgIWFSdX8qKqm4Wz_TDgZH4tyYrbLXHEE_B1D6xdERp0TXy3cHIbWq7ZX6PeYXTGl-FcXqENSKVyiZIVN0c_x7xfewslmu6k-mWOQkZ5MWzZGULM3QgMOPmWSeuoDOWKFk7nzHr-Nvrwwf5r8KXL8L_Aw)\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) [`-f`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14339/), 9 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n\u00ac\u00a3\u00e9Y\u00c3\u00f8WkU\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&flags=LWY&code=rKPpWcP4V2tV&input=WyJhYmxlc3QiLCJhYm9ydCIsImdyZWVuIiwiaXJrIiwic3RhYmxlIiwidGFibGVzIiwidGFib3IiLCJ0YXRhIiwidGVycmEiLCJ2ZXgiLCJ5b3UiXQ)\n```\n\u00ac\u00a3\u00e9Y\u00c3\u00f8WkU :Implicit filter of each string U in input array W\n\u00ac :Split\n \u00a3 :Map each element at 0-based index Y\n \u00e9Y : Rotate U right Y times\n \u00c3 :End map\n \u00f8 :Does that contain any element of\n WkU : W with U removed\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Problem\nLet's define a generalized [Cantor set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantor_set) by iteratively deleting some rational length segments from the middle of all intervals that haven't yet been deleted, starting from a single continuous interval.\nGiven the relative lengths of segments to delete or not, and the number of iterations to do, the problem is to write a [program or function](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/2422/60340) that outputs the relative lengths of the segments that have or have not been deleted after `n` iterations.\n[![Example 3,1,1,1,2](https://i.stack.imgur.com/L1tVT.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/L1tVT.png)\nExample: Iteratively delete the 4th and 6th eighth\n# Input:\n`n` \u2013 number of iterations, indexed starting from 0 or 1\n`l` \u2013\u00a0list of segment lengths as positive integers with `gcd(l)=1` and odd length, representing the relative lengths of the parts that either stay as they are or get deleted, starting from a segment that doesn't get deleted. Since the list length is odd, the first and last segments never get deleted.\nFor example for the regular Cantor set this would be [1,1,1] for one third that stays, one third that gets deleted and again one third that doesn't.\n# Output:\nInteger list `o`, `gcd(o)=1`, of relative segment lengths in the `n`th iteration when the segments that weren't deleted in the previous iteration are replaced by a scaled down copy of the list `l`. The first iteration is just `[1]`. You can use any unambiguous [output](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/2447/60340) method, even unary.\n# Examples\n```\nn=0, l=[3,1,1,1,2] \u2192 [1]\nn=1, l=[3,1,1,1,2] \u2192 [3, 1, 1, 1, 2]\nn=2, l=[3,1,1,1,2] \u2192 [9,3,3,3,6,8,3,1,1,1,2,8,6,2,2,2,4]\nn=3, l=[5,2,3] \u2192 [125,50,75,100,75,30,45,200,75,30,45,60,45,18,27]\nn=3, l=[1,1,1] \u2192 [1,1,1,3,1,1,1,9,1,1,1,3,1,1,1]\n```\nYou can assume the input is valid. This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest program measured in bytes wins.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~15 13~~ 12 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n-2 thanks to Dennis (using a Link rather than a chain allows right to be used implicitly by `\u00a1`; No need to wrap the `1` in a list due to the fact that Jelly prints lists of one item the same as the item) \n-1 thanks to Erik the Outgolfer (use `\u018a` to save the newline from using `\u00c7`)\n```\n1\u00d7\u20ac\u00b3\u00a7J\u1e24$\u00a6\u1e8e\u018a\u00a1\n```\nA full program printing a list in Jelly format (so `[1]` is printed as `1`)\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASwA0/9qZWxsef//w5figqzCs8KnSuG4pCTCpuG6jgoxw4fCof///1s1LDIsM13/Mw \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\n1\u00d7\u20ac\u00b3\u00a7J\u1e24$\u00a6\u1e8e\u018a\u00a1 - Main link: segmentLengths; iterations\n1 - literal 1 (start with a single segment of length 1)\n \u00a1 - repeat...\n - ...times: implicitly use chain's right argument, iterations\n \u018a - ...do: last 3 links as a monad (with 1 then the previous output):\n \u00b3 - (1) program's 3rd argument = segmentLengths\n \u00d7\u20ac - 1 multiply \u20acach (e.g. [1,2,3] \u00d7\u20ac [1,2,1] = [[1,4,3],[2,4,2],[3,6,3]])\n \u00a6 - 2 sparse application... \n $ - (2) ...to: indices: last two links as a monad:\n J - (2) range of length = [1,2,3,...,numberOfLists]\n \u1e24 - (2) double [2,4,6,...] (note: out-of bounds are ignored by \u00a6)\n \u00a7 - (2) ...of: sum each (i.e. total the now split empty spaces)\n \u1e8e - 3 tighten (e.g. [[1,2,3],4,[5,6,7]] -> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7])\n - implicit print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~120~~ ~~107~~ ~~104~~ ~~103~~ ~~100~~ ~~99~~ 89 bytes\n```\nf=lambda n,l:n and[x*y for i,x in enumerate(l)for y in[f(n-1,l),[sum(l)**~-n]][i%2]]or[1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bU7bCoMwDH3fVxTGQCVCL/M22JeUPnSoTNAoTkFf9uuuFpw618BJcnKS02bsnjXyacrvpa4eqSYI5Q2JxlQO3kjyuiUFDKRAkmFfZa3uMqd0Z3o0pMwd9BmULshXX5mB5719VEoWF65U3UqmpqYtsCO5Q0EKYDa4cs/k8Iz4tIjZP7Gh5sQOyNdF/rsoExA2QojhOzJ1aHCO67osQAaGEasj4wEEFKIAGLVJULgazbYJLbIYeLQ7Za02p6zz8oMEdr2aPg \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nSaved\n* -10 bytes, thanks to Neil\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 94 bytes\n```\nf=function(n,a)\"if\"(n,unlist(Map(function(g,i)g(i),c(c,sum),split(m<-a%o%f(n-1,a),row(m)))),1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZYwxCsMwDEX3HiMQkECB2qZbe4QewhgUBLEcYpse3xUZskR/0X9P6BiDP9w1NSkKShEn4cmWrpvUBt@4w6VXElxBkBIkqj0j1X2TBvm9xLnMDLo4@0BH@UFGG3I4GJ52H8id8YgPBncj/kaCkRd5Clc7LeL4Aw \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~76~~ 58 bytes\n```\nl%0=[1]\nl%n=do(x,m)<-l%(n-1)`zip`cycle[l,[sum l]];map(*x)m\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYpBCsIwEEX3OcUsDCSSQtPgyuYInmAINLQFg5M0WIXq5WPNQuRv3n@8q19vM1EpxFuL2jHiyU6L2FSUfUNcpEbL4R3yML5GmpEUrs8I5Nw5@iyOm4wl@pDAwrQw2N0F8j2kBxy@BwQapes6xyVgW4n9GjypThnHzZ@q/a7KBw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe function `(%)` takes the list of line lengths `l` as first argument and the number of iterations `n` as second input. \n*Thanks to Angs and \u00d8rjan Johansen for -18 bytes!*\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (Firefox 42-57), 80 bytes\n```\nf=(n,l,i=0)=>n--?[for(x of l)for(y of(i^=1)?f(n,l):[eval(l.join`+`)**n])x*y]:[1]\n```\nNeeds those specific versions because it uses both array comprehensions and exponentiation.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 71 bytes\n```\nl=>f=(n,c=1,e)=>n--?''+l.map(_=>(e=!e)?f(n,c*_):eval(l.join`+`)**n*c):c\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcrBDoIwDADQu3/hiXZsS8AbpuPGTxgDyywGUjsiht@f0bzrW@MR9/Reto/T/OAyUBEKM4HaRI1lpKDO9VVVi3/FDUYKwHRm7OdfMSN2fEQB8WtedKonNEZNwi6V6yll3bOwl/yEAW4X2/y1d4QWsXwB \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, 261 bytes\n```\nL->n->{if(n<1){L.clear();L.add(1);}else if(n>1){var C=new java.util.ArrayList(L);for(int l=C.size(),i,x,t,s;n-->1;)for(i=x=0;in->{ // Method with List and integer parameters and no return-type\n if(n<1){ // If `n` is 0:\n L.clear(); // Remove everything from the List\n L.add(1);} // And only add a single 1\n // Else-if `n` is 1: Leave the List as is\n else if(n>1){ // Else-if `n` is 2 or larger:\n var C=new java.util.ArrayList(L);\n // Create a copy of the input-List\n for(int l=C.size(), // Set `l` to the size of the input-List\n i,x,t,s; // Index and temp integers\n n-->1;) // Loop `n-1` times:\n for(i=x=0; // Reset `x` to 0\n i\\_<\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Classic)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 20 bytes\n```\n{(\u220a\u22a2\u00d7\u2375(+/\u2375)\u2374\u2368\u2262)\u2363\u237a,1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VU07DoJQEOw5xXZAhMjjj7chGAyRBAM0xlBpjGBI7KzFxgNoQ@tN9iLPBX/wJpmd2Z3d569idb7242ShBrGfZVHAeYj700bCQ4VV8zxj/ZAmU2IZ6zvWNywbUlesW4UVnOddmKZYXlKSWG1DCrczMVmKeNyJoR/FIjUokhaCJhnAeuhyrjCBDT38tKCP@h5NOtjg/jOkbeIOpmBIFlUD6FGe6RZYGjgWMK0vhgYmBYbG7pm5oDu0/b752e7x/ccb@xc \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://gitlab.com/n9n/k), 27 bytes\n```\n{x{,/y*(#y)#x}[(y;+/y)]/,1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VU3LCoMwELz3KxbsQVuLWWN87aeEgL1YimJBPBiD/fU0RhDLwOzMLLPbPYbXYG1bm9nEib6FgY6CeZWhpnuiI5XEuFo71eYql@9Yt3Imraj5dBQ27fPdk/O00Bip9TJJRhzQI6UYlUvwlBxqW5wsVcA9cijhSJ3OHW/ItgIn4SQnTAUIBoUAZH5wBplbnU3uGUtIi73qb@58fKjgz6sf \"K (ngn/k) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`{` `}` is a function with arguments `x` and `y`\n`(y;+/y)` a pair of `y` and its sum\n`{` `}[(y;+/y)]` projection (aka currying or partial application) of a dyadic function with one argument. `x` will be `(y;+/y)` and `y` will be the argument when applied.\n`,1` singleton list containing 1\n`x{` `}[` `]/` apply the projection `x` times\n`(#y)#x` reshape to the length of the current result, i.e. alternate between the outer `y` and its sum\n`y*` multiply each element of the above with the corresponding element of the current result\n`,/` concatenate\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 73 bytes\n```\n->a,l{r=[1];a.times{s=p;r=r.flat_map{|x|(s=!s)?l.map{|y|x*y}:x*l.sum}};r}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZcnBCgIhFIXhfU9Ru2m4SSptEpsHEQmDhEBBrjOgqM9u5KbFcFb/d3B75W5lvzwMuIJSUS0MWT/@HUuUQaBEYp1Zn96EUlOdojzF8@LI6FzTnNs9zY7EzbcmsPVwtOoKigMdY1offkT3xPbEQd2AAf/n@LXuXw \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 20 bytes\n```\nus.e?%k2*bsQ*LbQGE]1\n```\nInput is segment array `l`, then iterations `n`. Try it online [here](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=us.e%3F%25k2%2AbsQ%2ALbQGE%5D1&input=%5B3%2C1%2C1%2C1%2C2%5D%0A2&debug=0), or verify all the test cases at once [here](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=us.e%3F%25k2%2AbsQ%2ALbQGE%5D1&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%5B3%2C1%2C1%2C1%2C2%5D%0A0%0A%5B3%2C1%2C1%2C1%2C2%5D%0A1%0A%5B3%2C1%2C1%2C1%2C2%5D%0A2%0A%5B5%2C2%2C3%5D%0A3%0A%5B1%2C1%2C1%5D%0A3&debug=0&input_size=2).\n```\nus.e?%k2*bsQ*LbQGE]1 Implicit, Q=1st arg (segment array), E=2nd arg (iterations)\nu E Execute E times, with current value G...\n ]1 ... and initial value [1]:\n .e G Map G, with element b and index k:\n *bsQ Multiply b and the sum of Q {A}\n *LbQ Multiply each value of Q by b {B}\n ?%k2 If k is odd, yield {A}, otherwise yield {B}\n s Flatten the resulting nested array\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nToday's challenge is to draw a [binary tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_tree) as beautiful [ascii-art](/questions/tagged/ascii-art \"show questions tagged 'ascii-art'\") like this example:\n```\n /\\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n /\\ /\\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\\n / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\\n /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\\n / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\\n /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n```\nYou will be given a positive integer as input. This input is the [height of the tree](https://stackoverflow.com/a/2603707/3524982). The above example has a height of six.\nYou may submit either a full-program or a function, and you are free to use any of our [default IO methods](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/2447/31716). For example, printing the tree, returning a string with newlines, returning a 2d char array, saving the tree to a file, etc. would all be allowed.\nTrailing spaces on each line are permitted.\nHere are some examples of inputs and their corresponding outputs:\n```\n1:\n/\\\n2:\n /\\\n/\\/\\\n3:\n /\\\n / \\\n /\\ /\\\n/\\/\\/\\/\\\n4:\n /\\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n /\\ /\\\n / \\ / \\\n /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n5:\n /\\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n /\\ /\\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\\n / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\\n /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n```\nUnfortunately, the output grows exponentially, so it's hard to show larger examples. [Here is a link](https://gist.github.com/DJMcMayhem/77a25b711283bf844698edb032dc924c) to the output for 8.\nAs usual, this is a [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") challenge, so standard loopholes apply, and try to write the shortest program possible in whatever language you choose.\nHappy golfing!\n \n[Answer]\n## Python 2, 77 bytes\n```\nS=s=i=2**input()\nwhile s:print S/s*('/'+' '*(s-i)+'\\\\').center(s);i-=2;s/=s/i\n```\nPrints with trailing spaces, terminating with error.\nI took this code from [my submission](http://golf.shinh.org/reveal.rb?Branching%20tree/xnor_1477113229&py) to [a challenge I posed on Anarchy Golf](http://golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Branching+tree), plus a [one-byte improvement](http://golf.shinh.org/reveal.rb?Branching+tree/xsot+%28xnor%29_1478252053&py) found by xsot. The hardcoded value of 128 was changed to `2**input()`.\nThe idea is that each row of the output is a segment copied one or more times. The half after the input split has one copy of each segment, the quarter after the next split has two copies, and so on, until the last line with many segments of `/\\`.\nEach segment had a `/` and `\\`, with spaces in between, as well as on the outside to pad to the right length. The outer padding is done with `center`.\nThe variable `s` tracks the current with of each segment, and the number of segments is `S/s` so that the total width is the tree width `S`. The line number `i` counts down by 2's, and whenever the value `s` is half of it, a split occurs, and the segment width halves. This is done via the expression `s/=s/i`. When `i` reaches `0`, this gives an error that terminates the program.\nSince anagolf only allows program submissions, I didn't explore the possibility of a recursive function, which I think is likely shorter.\n[Answer]\n# [V](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), 32 bytes\n```\n\u00e9\\\u00e9/\u00c0\u00ad\u00f1\u0016LyP\u00c4lx$X>>\u00ee\u00f2^ll\u00c4lxxbP\u00f2\n|\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/v#@394ZczhlfqHGw6tPbxRzKcy4HBLToVKhJ3d4XWHN8Xl5IC4FUkBhzdx1fz/DwA \"V \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\nHexdump:\n```\n00000000: e95c e92f c0ad f116 4c79 50c4 6c78 2458 .\\./....LyP.lx$X\n00000010: 3e3e eef2 5e6c 6cc4 6c78 7862 50f2 0a7c >>..^ll.lxxbP..|\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Canvas](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas), 11 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas/blob/master/files/chartable.md)\n```\n/\u2551\u2576\u2577\uff3b\uff4c\uff3c\uff1b\u2214\u2194\u2551\n```\n[Try it here!](https://dzaima.github.io/Canvas/?u=LyV1MjU1MSV1MjU3NiV1MjU3NyV1RkYzQiV1RkY0QyV1RkYzQyV1RkYxQiV1MjIxNCV1MjE5NCV1MjU1MQ__,i=NQ__,v=2)\nExplanation:\n```\n/\u2551 push `/\\` (\"/\" palindromized so this is a Canvas object)\n \u2576\u2577[ repeat input-1 times\n l get the width of the ToS\n \\ create a diagonal that long\n ;\u2214 prepend that to the item below\n \u2194 reverse the thing horizontally\n \u2551 and palindromize it horizontally\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~140 138~~ 135 bytes\n```\ne n=[1..n]>>\" \"\nn!f=(e n++).(++e n)<$>f\nf 0=[]\nf n=1!f(n-1)++['/':e(2*n-2)++\"\\\\\"]\nb n|n<2=f 1|t<-b$n-1,m<-2^(n-2)=m!f m++zipWith(++)t t\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/haskell#FY1Ba4QwEIXv/oq3Iqw2TboKhVKMUHrpsdBDD64F3U0wNI6isYWy/92Op/fNzDc8N0zjHPA6UphHr16mybtLG9yPgZSw44wyqfDbu0sPt8CRX6/myon32eyM0eKtXb6N93hSp2ho@aYxreEjzFBYyTsyC1OHBI@bAek6V4qaqooRR3SwOuWlEJlKhWDKuNFGFiddNxyk80NqE5J5JkR9fDg@m7S4I1nwGJ/PcRN1oBuVhbbIb6GU3e7eD6UsvtJd0wP/Y2D9z02fLvRckwWEbfsH \"Haskell \u2013 TIO Nexus\") Call with `b 5`, returns a list of strings. \n**Pretty print usage:**\n```\n*Main> putStr . unlines $ b 5\n /\\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n / \\\n /\\ /\\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n / \\ / \\\n /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\\n / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\\n /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\\n/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n```\n(some) **Explanation:**\n* `e n` generates a string of `n` spaces\n* `n!f` pads each string in the list of strings `f` with `n` spaces left and right\n* `f n` draws a \"peak\" in a `n` by `2n` rectangle\n* `b n` draws the binary tree by concatenating two smaller trees and centers a new peak above them\nEdit: -3 bytes thanks to Zgarb!\n[Answer]\n## [J](http://jsoftware.com/), ~~49 43~~ 42 bytes\n```\n' /\\'{~(|.,-)\"1@(=@i.@#,-)^:(<:`(,:@,&*-))\n```\nThis evaluates to a verb that takes a number and returns a 2D character array.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/j#@5@uYGuloK6gH6NeXadRo6ejq6lk6KBh65Cp56AM5MRZadhYJWjoWDnoqGnpamr@T03OyFdIVzD5DwA \"J \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n## Explanation\nI first construct a matrix of the values -1, 0 and 1 by iterating an auxiliary verb, and then replace the numbers by characters.\nThe auxiliary verb constructs the right half of the next iteration, then mirrors it horizontally to produce the rest.\nIn the following explanation, `,` concatenates 2D arrays vertically and 1D arrays horizontally.\n```\n' /\\'{~(|.,-)\"1@(=@i.@#,-)^:(<:`(,:@,&*-)) Input is n.\n ^:( ) Iterate this verb\n <: n-1 times\n `( ) starting from\n ,&*- the array 1 -1 (actually sign(n), sign(-n))\n ,:@ shaped into a 1x2 matrix:\n Previous iteration is y.\n # Take height of y,\n i.@ turn into range\n =@ and form array of self-equality.\n This results in the identity\n matrix with same height as y.\n ,- Concatenate with -y, pad with 0s.\n ( )\"1@( ) Then do to every row:\n |.,- Concatenate reversal to negation.\n' /\\'{~ Finally index entry-wise into string.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 12 bytes\n```\n\uff26\uff2e\u00ab\u2192\u2197\u2308\uff38\u00b2\u2296\u03b9\u2016\uff2d\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYyxCoMwEEBn8xUZL2CXDh10bJcOigh@gE1PPYg5OaIdpN9@DX3jg/f8MornMahOLBaecdtTu68vFHDOnqZo@ECoepqX5GpTdEIxQTVsf1PaO1KgOEPHn5xcS/tAL7hiTPgGcpkc9TgF9KkhEc7f2nxVb3o5wg8 \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n \uff2e Input as a number\n\uff26 \u00ab Loop over implicit range\n \u2192 Move right (because mirroring moves the cursor)\n \u03b9 Current index\n \u2296 Decremented\n \uff38\u00b2 Power of 2\n \u2308 Ceiling\n \u2197 Draw diagonal line\n \u2016\uff2d Mirror image\n```\nThe line lengths are 1, 1, 2, 4, 8 ... 2^(N-2), thus the awkward calculation.\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), ~~20~~ 19 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u2261mX\u2591R\u25cbk\u2563\u2219\u2552ab^\u25d8\u2310\u2556x\u25bc;\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=f06d58b052096bb9f9d561625e08a9b7781f3b&i=1%0A3&a=1&m=2)\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), 105 bytes\n```\nf=n=>n<2?\"/\\\\\":\" \"+f(n-1).split`/`[0].replace(/|/g,\"$`$'$'/$`$`\\\\$'$'$` \\n\")+f(n-1).replace(/.*/g,\"$&$&\")\n```\nWorks by building the result up recursively from the base case `/\\`. The bottom half is just the previous case with each line duplicated. The top half was a little trickier; it looks as if you want to take the previous case and only keep the two sides but you also have to worry about padding the strings to double the width, so instead I do some regex magic. By taking the leading spaces from the previous case and splitting at every point, I can consider the spaces before and after that point. At each match the spaces before increase by 1 and the spaces after decrease by 1; this can be used to position the `/` and `\\` in the correct places. The newlines and padding are also added here; this takes care of all the padding except a trailing space on each line and a leading space on the first line which I have to add manually. (Leading spaces on subsequent lines come from the matched string).\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 218 bytes\n```\n@echo off\nset/a\"n=1<<%1\"\nset s=set t=\n%s%/\\\nset l=for /l %%i in (2,1,%n%)do call\n%l% %s% %%t%% \n%l%:l\n:l\necho %t%\nset/an-=1,m=n^&n-1\n%s%%t: /=/ %\n%s%%t:\\ = \\%\nif %m% neq 0 exit/b\n%s%%t:/ =/\\%\n%s%%t: \\=/\\%\n```\nNote: Line 6 ends in a space. Works by moving the branches left and right appropriately each time, except on rows that are 2n from the end, in which case the branches get forked instead.\n[Answer]\n# Haxe, 181 bytes\n```\nfunction g(n):String return(n-=2)==-1?\"/\\\\\":[for(y in 0...1<'0')$s#i=<<(s#j)x,s>0]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcbBCoMgGADgu0/xS0I1TPQ6tBeJDrJsWWajX5iHvbtbO3zwLRY3F0IpmaIZpBDBxWdaIHc4klRNJtnNQRLTebxgIjNkEywmpu4D3vCDutt9bDKVLcuUSiq5191/yNdryG0ITV/LumVYeaN1g9XaZo69HMtufQQDPiZ32kcCBrgcbxAw/wQfHRaplCJKSUWufQE \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-3 bytes thanks to [Laikoni](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/56433/laikoni?tab=profile)!\n-1 byte thanks to [Lynn](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/3852/lynn?tab=profile)!\n+8 bytes for the ridiculous requirement of returning 1 for no all-1s sub-matrix..\n### Explanation/Ungolfed\nThe following helper function just creates offsets for `x` allowing to decrement them by `s`:\n```\nx!s=[0..length x-s]\n```\n`x#y` will drop `y` elements from a list and then take `x`:\n```\nt#d=take t.drop d\n```\nThe function `f` loops over all possible sizes for sub-matrices in order, generates each sub-matrix of the corresponding size, tests whether it contains only `'1'`s and stores the size. Thus the solution will be the last entry in the list:\n```\n-- v prepend a 1 for no all-1s submatrices\nf x= last $ 1 : [ s*s\n -- all possible sizes are given by the minimum side-length\n | s <- min(x!0)$x!!0!0\n -- the horizontal offsets are [0..length(x!!0) - s]\n , i <- x!!0!s\n -- the vertical offsets are [0..length x - s]\n , j <- x!s\n -- test whether all are '1's\n , all(>'0') $\n -- from each row: drop first i elements and take s (concatenates them to a single string)\n s#i =<<\n -- drop the first j rows and take s from the remaining\n (s#j) x\n -- exclude size 0...........................................\n , s>0\n ]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~35~~ ~~34~~ 32 bytes\n```\n{\u2308/{\u00d7\u2368\u2375\u00d71\u220a{\u2227/\u220a\u2375}\u233a\u2375 \u2375\u22a2X}\u00a8\u2373\u230a/\u2374X\u2190\u2375}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///v/pRT4d@9eHpj3pXPOrdeni64aOOrupHHcv1gTRQoPZRzy4gpQDEj7oWRdQeAqra/KinS/9R75aIR20TQEr@/3cDsqhgENejvqlAJtC0iRqGCgYKIGygCWUCIYhpiGAaQJRoAgA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Ad\u00e1m's SBCS has all of the characters in the code](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS)\nExplanation coming eventually!\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~99~~ 97 bytes\n```\nb s@((_:_):_)=maximum$sum[length s^2|s==('1'<$s<$s)]:map b[init s,tail s,init<$>s,tail<$>s]\nb _=1\n```\nChecks if input is a square matrix of just ones with `s==('1'<$s<$s)`, if it is, answer is length^2, else 0. Then recursively chops first/last column/row and takes the maximum value it finds anywhere.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RYtNCoMwEIX3nmIoghFEki7FlF6gJxAbEio11KTiRNpF754mpliYv/e9N6PExzBN3ivAMyGiEWUobuRbm9XkuJpuGuzdjYDX4wc5JwUr2hxDlX1j5Ayq01Y7wMpJPYUVVZufko5HnykQnHkjtQUO4ecigMyLtq5W9eu53LDMAKA7MMZgb0oPkVaJ0o3@yN@BnQWX0ZjZkjT9hBlHyvT@Cw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://github.com/ngn/k), ~~33~~ 28 bytes\n```\n{*/2#+/|/',/'{0&':'0&':x}\\x}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y9bNS8/7/z/NqlpL30hZW79GX11HX73aQE3dSh1EVNTGVNT@L7GqVomurCuySlOosE7Iz7bWSEhLzMyxrrCutC7SjK3lKonWMFQwUABhA2sICwitDRUM4SwDiLymtUksSDmaEnRa09oSQxmQbW0AkzaM/Q8A \"K (ngn/k) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 33 27 bytes\n-6 bytes thanks to FrownyFrog!\n```\n[:>./@,,~@#\\(#**/)@,;._3\"$]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qfVmyrp2CgYKVg8D/ayk5P30FHp85BOUZDWUtLX9NBx1ov3lhJJfa/JpeSnoJ6mq2euoKOQq2VQloxF1dqcka@QpqCsYKpiiHQCBCGkIYYECoD02KiYKKCTRkSRJiOqhTJhv8A \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation:\nI'll use the first test case in my explanation:\n```\n ] a =. 3 5$1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0\n1 0 1 0 0\n1 0 1 1 1\n1 1 1 1 1\n```\nI generate all the possible square submatrices with size from 1 to the number of rows of the input.\n`,~@#\\` creates a list of pairs for the sizes of the submatrices by stitching `,.` togehter the length of the successive prefixes `#\\` of the input:\n```\n ,~@#\\ a\n1 1\n2 2\n3 3\n```\nThen I use them to cut `x u ;. _3 y` the input into submatrices. I already have `x` (the list of sizes); `y` is the right argument `]` (the input). \n```\n ((,~@#\\)<;._3\"$]) a\n\u250c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2510\n\u25021 \u25020 \u25021 \u25020 \u25020\u2502\n\u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2524\n\u25021 \u25020 \u25021 \u25021 \u25021\u2502\n\u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2524\n\u25021 \u25021 \u25021 \u25021 \u25021\u2502\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2518\n\u250c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2510\n\u25021 0 \u25020 1 \u25021 0 \u25020 0\u2502 \u2502\n\u25021 0 \u25020 1 \u25021 1 \u25021 1\u2502 \u2502\n\u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2524\n\u25021 0 \u25020 1 \u25021 1 \u25021 1\u2502 \u2502\n\u25021 1 \u25021 1 \u25021 1 \u25021 1\u2502 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2524\n\u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2518\n\u250c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2510\n\u25021 0 1\u25020 1 0\u25021 0 0\u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u25021 0 1\u25020 1 1\u25021 1 1\u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u25021 1 1\u25021 1 1\u25021 1 1\u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2524\n\u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u253c\u2500\u2524\n\u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502 \u2502\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2518\n```\nFor each submatrix I check if it consist entirely of 1s:\n`(#**/)@,` - flatten the matrix, and mutiply the number of items by their product. If all items are 1s, the result will be their sum, otherwise - 0:\n```\n (#**/)@, 3 3$1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1\n0\n (#**/)@, 2 2$1 1 1 1\n4 \n ((,~@#\\)(+/**/)@,;._3\"$]) a\n1 0 1 0 0\n1 0 1 1 1\n1 1 1 1 1\n0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 4 4 0\n0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0\n```\nFinally I flatten the list of results for each submatrix and find the maximum:\n`>./@,`\n```\n ([:>./@,,~@#\\(+/**/)@,;._3\"$]) a\n4\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/) `-n`, 63 bytes\n```\np (1..l=$_=~/,|$/).map{|i|/#{[?1*i]*i*(?.*(l-i+1))}/?i*i:1}.max\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/v0BBw1BPL8dWJd62Tl@nRkVfUy83saC6JrNGX7k62t5QKzNWK1NLw15PSyNHN1PbUFOzVt8@UyvTyrAWqLDi/39DA0MDAx0gaWioY2gIJg2AQlxwAQQBEzMw1DEAc//lF5Rk5ucV/9fNAwA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nRuby version of my [Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/163441/78274). Golfier as a full program. Alternatively, an anonymous lambda:\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~70~~ 68 bytes\n```\n->s{(1..l=s=~/,|$/).map{|i|s=~/#{[?1*i]*i*(?.*(l-i+1))}/?i*i:1}.max}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1664WsNQTy/Htti2Tl@nRkVfUy83saC6JrMGJKBcHW1vqJUZq5WppWGvp6WRo5upbaipWatvn6mVaWVYC1RbUfu/QCEtWsnQwNDAQAdIGhrqGBqCSQOgkFIsF1gaLo4g0KQMDHUMkEWVYv8DAA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 18 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n+2 to handle no-all-1 sublist present output\n```\n\u1e86Z\u1e61\u00a5\"L\u20ac$\u1e8e\u0226\u00d0fL\u20ac\u1e40\u00b2\u00bb1\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hrraohzsXHlqq5POoaY3Kw119J5YdnpAG4jzc2XBo0////6OjDXUMdEDYIFYHygZCMNsQiW0AURUbCwA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")** Or see the [test-suite](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hrraohzsXHlqq5POoaY3Kw119J5YdnpAG4jzc2XBo06Hdhv8PtwN5//9HR0cb6hjogLBBrA6UDYRgtiES2wCiKjZWh0shOhpDFVYWNrUGYBZMLDYWAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\n```\n\u1e86Z\u1e61\u00a5\"L\u20ac$\u1e8e\u0226\u00d0fL\u20ac\u1e40\u00b2\u00bb1 - Link: list of lists of 1s and 0s\n\u1e86 - all slices (lists of \"rows\") call these S = [s1,s2,...]\n $ - last two links as a monad:\n L\u20ac - length of each (number of rows in each slice) call these X = [x1, x2, ...]\n \" - zip with (i.e. [f(s1,x1),f(s2,x2),...]):\n \u00a5 - last two links as a dyad:\n Z - transpose (get the columns of the current slice)\n \u1e61 - all slices of length xi (i.e. squares of he slice)\n \u1e8e - tighten (to get a list of the square sub-matrices)\n \u00d0f - filter keep if:\n \u0226 - any & all (all non-zero when flattened?)\n L\u20ac - length of \u20acach (the side length)\n \u1e40 - maximum\n \u00b2 - square (the maximal area)\n \u00bb1 - maximum of that and 1 (to coerce a 0 found area to 1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 143 bytes\n```\n%`$\n,;#\n+%(`(\\d\\d.+;#)#*\n$1\u00b6$&\u00b6$&#\n\\G\\d(\\d+,)|\\G((;#+\u00b6|,)\\d)\\d+\n$1$2\n)r`((11)|\\d\\d)(\\d*,;?#*)\\G\n$#2$3\n1,\n#\nLv$`(#+).*;\\1\n$.($.1*$1\nN`\n-1G`\n^$\n1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RYw9DsIwDIV3X8Mucn6o8sqYgTEL4gQRClIZWBgqxNRz9QC9WEiRAMl@evr8ydPteX9cUTtNpXZFyEcm12nRPOaxd5ENWxKsi@y2Zcopj@3ovJlzUo3s1mX2Jo9tXDNlIDMVVaAJ7YdpsvXxyNbkRMKDHAiemE4vKcrO9DZmkPQqPayAzoX2SIUuQqgVASH4loAHPhkaoh/4x5cF@K29AQ \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\") Link includes test cases. Takes input as comma-separated strings. Explanation:\n```\n%`$\n,;#\n```\nAdd a `,` to terminate the last string, a `;` to separate the strings from the `#`s and a `#` as a counter.\n```\n+%(`\n)\n```\nRepeat the block until no more subsitutions happen (because each string is now only one digit long).\n```\n(\\d\\d.+;#)#*\n$1\u00b6$&\u00b6$&#\n```\nTriplicate the line, setting the counter to 1 on the first line and incrementing it on the last line.\n```\n\\G\\d(\\d+,)|\\G((;#+\u00b6|,)\\d)\\d+\n$1$2\n```\nOn the first line, delete the first digit of each string, while on the second line, delete all the digits but the first.\n```\nr`((11)|\\d\\d)(\\d*,;?#*)\\G\n$#2$3\n```\nOn the third line, bitwise and the first two digits together.\n```\n1,\n#\n```\nAt this point, each line consists of two values, a) a horizontal width counter and b) the bitwise and of that many bits taken from each string. Convert any remaining `1`s to `#`s so that they can be compared against the counter.\n```\nLv$`(#+).*;\\1\n$.($.1*$1\n```\nFind any runs of bits (vertically) that match the counter (horizontally), corresponding to squares of `1`s in the original input, and square the length.\n```\nN`\n```\nSort numerically.\n```\n-1G`\n```\nTake the largest.\n```\n^$\n1\n```\nSpecial-case the zero matrix.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 92 bytes\n```\na=>(g=w=>a.match(Array(w).fill(`1{${w}}`).join(`..{${W-w}}`))?w*w:g(w-1))(W=a.indexOf`,`)||1\n```\n```\nf=\na=>(g=w=>a.match(Array(w).fill(`1{${w}}`).join(`..{${W-w}}`))?w*w:g(w-1))(W=a.indexOf`,`)||1\nconsole.log(f('0111,1111,1111,1111'));\nconsole.log(f('10100,10111,11111,10010'));\nconsole.log(f('0111,1101,0111'));\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Classic)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~21~~ 20 bytes\n```\n\u00d7\u2368{1\u220a\u2375:1+\u22072\u00d7/2\u00d7\u233f\u2375\u22c40}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNzkksLs5M/v@ob2pm/qO2CQb/04Dk4emPeldUGz7q6HrUu9XKUPtRR7vR4en6QPyoZz9Q6FF3i0Ht//8lQKXVIG7nwiIgM@1R7y4r9fxsdaC0elpiZo46UAAoXVTLpfGot@/QikdtE9UNDQwNDNQVQLShIYg2hNIGQAl1zRIFEyTFSGrQKKBCS2wKDUCUAVSFIQA \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~117~~ 109 bytes\nCredit to @etene for pointing out an inefficiency that cost me an additional byte.\n```\nlambda s:max(i*i for i in range(len(s))if re.search((\".\"*(s.find(',')-i+1)).join([\"1\"*i]*i),s))or 1\nimport re\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bYyxDgIhEET7@wpCc7uIhLU08UvUAj3w1nhwgSv065FYnImxecW8mZlfy5jirobDqT7cdBmcKPvJPYEVi5CyYMFRZBdvHh4@QkHkILI3xbt8HQGkkQqKCRwH6HWPW94QorknjnCUJBWfFaNuu3ZGHU9zyks7qHPmuIgAkixZqxuJNNGHtkUSu7Wyui/@aEva/hqJ9Q0 \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input as a comma-separated string. This is a regex-based approach that tries matching the input string against patterns of the form `111.....111.....111` for all possible sizes of the square. \nIn my calculations, doing this with an anonymous lambda is just a tad shorter than defined function or a full program. The `or 1` part in the end is only necessary to handle the strange edge case, where we must output `1` if there are no ones in the input.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 116 115 117 109 bytes\n*Credits to @Kirill for helping me golf it even more and for his clever & early solution*\n*Edit*: Golfed 1 byte by using a lambda, I didn't know assigning it to a variable didn't count towards the byte count.\n*Edit 2*: Kirill pointed out my solution didn't work for cases where the input only contains `1`s, I had to fix it and lost two precious bytes... \n*Edit 3*: more golfing thanks to Kirill\nTakes a comma separated string, returns an integer.\n```\nlambda g:max(i*i for i in range(len(g))if re.search((\".\"*(g.find(\",\")+1-i)).join([\"1\"*i]*i),g))or 1\nimport re\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYzBDoIwDIbvPEXTU4eTrB5JfBL1MIVBDWxkctCnn8Mg2uT/k35pv@k198Efkjue02DHa2Ohq0f7JCkFXIggIB6i9V1LQ@upU0ocxLZ6tDbeeiKssKSucuIbQo1qx3tRqroH8XRCxlIupSid/7KMCxmnEOcsSJsc2bAxOjezZv60yQg14MZ@9YcNa/Ml2bBmWdfjJVgXkGeK4mcQDY5EpTc \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI independently found an answer that is close to Kiril's one, i.e regex based, except that I use `re.search` and a `def`.\nIt uses a regex built during each loop to match an incrementally larger square and returns the largest one, or 1.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), ~~61~~ ~~60~~ 58 bytes\n```\n{(^$_ X.. ^$_).max({[~&](.[|$^r||*])~~/$(1 x$r)/&&+$r})\u00b2}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYPu/WiNOJV4hQk9PAUhr6uUmVmhUR9epxWroRdeoxBXV1GjFatbV6atoGCpUqBRp6qupaasU1Woe2lT7vzixUiFNQ6@4ICezRENdR11TUyEtv4hLydDA0MBAB0gaGuoYGoJJA6CQkg6XElwMQSAJGxjqgFhK1v8B \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~138~~ 128 bytes\n```\ndef f(m):j=''.join;L=j(m);k=map(j,zip(*m));return len(L)and max(len(L)*(len(m)**2*'1'==L),f(k[1:]),f(k[:-1]),f(m[1:]),f(m[:-1]))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY5BDoIwEEX3noLddBo0HZaQ3oAbEBYklEhxSkMwUS9fC9VojKv35/2/GH9fz7MrQujNkA2CsbQa4GTn0VW1tlFUk@bOC5s/Ri8kI1aLWa@Lyy7GiRo712fc3US65E5GKQsJBFrXmA9iaqhsUyiPtCd@K04Kg19Gt8YXGiBFSkG@kWgjvahiAS0ePtOvxQ/@z9QGlfrwBA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nSaved\n* -10 bytes thanks to ovs\n[Answer]\n## Clojure, 193 bytes\n```\n#(apply max(for [f[(fn[a b](take-while seq(iterate a b)))]R(f next %)R(f butlast R)n[(count R)]c(for[i(range(-(count(first R))n -1)):when(apply = 1(for[r R c(subvec r i(+ i n))]c))](* n n))]c))\n```\nWow, things escalated :o\nLess golfed:\n```\n(def f #(for [rows (->> % (iterate next) (take-while seq)) ; row-postfixes\n rows (->> rows (iterate butlast) (take-while seq)) ; row-suffixes\n n [(count rows)]\n c (for[i(range(-(count(first rows))n -1)):when(every? pos?(for [row rows col(subvec row i(+ i n))]col))](* n n))] ; rectangular subsections\n c))\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nA string can be *shifted* by a number `n` by getting the byte value `c` of each character in the string, calculating `(c + n) mod 256`, and converting the result back to a character.\nAs an example, shifting `\"ABC123\"` by 1 results in `\"BCD234\"`, shifting by 10 in `\"KLM;<=\"`, and shifting by 255 in `\"@AB012\"`.\n### The Task\nPick as many numbers `n` with `0 < n < 256` as you dare and write a program or function that takes a string as input and\n* returns the string unchanged when the source code is unchanged, but\n* returns the string shifted by `n` when the source code is shifted by `n`.\n### Rules\n* The score of your submission is the number of supported `n`, with a higher score being better. The maximum score is thus 255.\n* Your submission must support at least one shift, so the minimal score is 1.\n* In case of a tie the shorter program wins.\n* All shifted programs need to be in the same language.\n \n[Answer]\n# Brainfuck, score: 31 (2208 bytes)\nBase64-encoded program:\n```\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\n```\nWorks for shifts 0, 4, 8, 12, 32, 36, 40, 44, 64, 68, 72, 76, 96, 100, 104, 108, 128, 132, 136, 140, 160, 164, 168, 172, 192, 196, 200, 204, 224, 228, 232 and 236.\nFor every value between 0 and 255, there is exactly one of those shifts that sends that character to a valid brainfuck instruction.\nThe program relies on 8-bit cells with wrapping on overflows.\nThis could probably be golfed quite a bit, as the shift just consists of a repeated `+` or `-` (whichever is shorter).\nPython code used to generate this:\n```\nl = [0, 4, 8, 12, 32, 36, 40, 44, 64, 68, 72, 76, 96, 100, 104, 108, 128, 132, 136, 140, 160, 164, 168, 172, 192, 196, 200, 204, 224, 228, 232, 236]\nshift = lambda s,n:\"\".join(chr((ord(i)+n)%256) for i in s)\ncode = \"\"\nfor i in l:\n code += shift(\",[{}.,]\".format(i*\"+\" if i<=128 else (256-i)*\"-\"),-i)\n```\n[Answer]\n# lHaskell, Score 255 (27,026 bytes)\nThe program works but putting it in my clipboard seems to destroy it so [here is code that outputs my program.](https://tio.run/##jZCxasNADIb3ewoRPMS0PkohtNDEg5MlQ6eOiSmqffEZ2yf3TkddyLu756YJgSzdfkmfxIc@0OlxLJAhhd5SZbGTrXZCFZpgJkRadz1Zhk@PbX2oVQkbZJTZN6s3trWpAB1kIu2wNquSYFgmmawUr8mwMuxeMtl7Dug@CgmLZh912M/v4qn2ZurAIMQMjmC90ega1bbXJuP4X4U/7He41mhF6lfPTxc1kd7KhV6weX2Hs@XuJHlynCcmji@aIRRkwqcCw9go8DDcX@EHS9023K2UlUznRLaMI6fpC0yAS0v9tJcfzTLZPUj5uFjk@Q8 \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Verification\nSo if copying things to a clipboard breaks it how do I verify that it works?\nYou can use [this here](https://tio.run/##lVHBasJAEL3vVwwhUEPrUgRRqMkh9tJDvXhUKdNk3QSTnXSzSy347@lGa4iWgr09Zt7Mm/fmHeusaRbhZMqWoRfnEqi4AyGlx1iCBiKoNEmNJS@ymokkI/DysiJt4MNikW9zkcIzGuTxlxFLo3MlAWuIWYm5ClOC/WwYcynMnJQRytRPMa@sccy17xAmu7VfYjW49xdBW7GqrcHea6VHvBNlLLpNN/qv8IUsYx4cQFuVYb0TRdG3f9Voj3NHkjW9bPzl1Xy//RfnuKppbjX4Qzs25xlqFtlwOumMs@i3dVdzXl/f4JzB6hTBKYHBUAVBF4IDCSn3fMcxuBNgYf/Qo281lS9urxSaGzoj0mng1xl9gnLkVFPVzm0OajZcPXI@Go83m28). You can adjust `N` and the string (currently `Big ol' egg`) to see that it works yourself.\n[This](https://tio.run/##tZFBa4MwGIbv@RUfElilM3SFssGqB7vLDvPSo5WRaapSTVz8pA76312sbbEdg112@8z3ap738YPXWdetXcvPU1DFHYg0tQiJOYIHlVap5iUrspqIOFNgNl5eVkojfDa8yLe5SOCFI2f@F4o16lymwGvwiVfyXLqJgnbp@CwVuFIShcT62WdVgya6oWbi8W5DS15Npnb/3Mj@BFpCLDiAbmTG650oijGJ4VINMmyRkMC1ZoZpn@WFgBBoAE6BMF8sICKJIjBA/xcyDa6grd7Y/CgLen8nypsi81GHY3RgpOubxlf7X1Pn@4ZQ4NKQBtOHvrwUXffX4qfYcbnKuCZe4z49XoQQ76cSc2YcvL3D2U04qBnMTBxp2xc1ZoiVNEpMBvlOQAPt/Si@1ap8Nd9NhWaozpPSiU3rTO1BmnCiVdW/Fx3k0glnjJmfHEXf) will test all N on a single input in succession but tends to time out.\n## Explanation\nThis abuses literate Haskell's comment notation. In literate Haskell any line that does not start with `>` is a comment. So to make our code work we make 255 copies of the program each shifting by `n` and then we shift each individual copy by `-n`.\n[Answer]\n# C, score: 1 (73 bytes)\n```\naZ0;/*0\\:..*/f(s){puts(s);}//\te'bg`q)r(zenq':)r:**r(otsbg`q'')r*0($145(:|\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z8xysBaX8sgxkpPT0s/TaNYs7qgtKQYSFvX6utzpqonpScUahZpVKXmFapbaRZZaWkVaeSXFIOE1dU1i7QMNFQMTUw1rGr@Z@aVKOQmZuZpaHJVcykAQZqGkqOTs6GRsZKmNVftfwA)\n**Shifted by 1:**\n```\nb[1<0+1];//+0g)t*|qvut)t*<~00\nf(char*s){for(;*s;++s)putchar((*s+1)%256);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z8p2tDGQNsw1lpfX9sgXbNEq6awrLQESNvUGRhwpWkkZyQWaRVrVqflF2lYaxVba2sXaxaUloCENTS0irUNNVWNTM00rWv/Z@aVKOQmZuZpaHJVcykAQZqGkqOTs6GRsZKmNVftfwA)\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), Score: 3 (24 bytes)\n```\n\u00b6\u00c40(\u00e4.g){n\u00b7\u00c50)\u00e5H*oH\u00c60*\u00e6I\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AS4A0f8wNWFiMWX//8K2w4QwKMOkLmcpe27Ct8OFMCnDpUgqb0jDhjAqw6ZJ//90ZXN0 \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u00b6\u00c40(\u00e4.g){n\u00b7\u00c50)\u00e5H*oH\u00c60*\u00e6 # Doesn't matter\n I # Push the original input to the stack, implicit display\n```\nShifted once:\n```\n\u00b7\u00c51)\u00e5/h*|o\u00b8\u00c61*\u00e6I+pI\u00c71+\u00e7J\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AS4A0f8wNWFiMWX//8K3w4UxKcOlL2gqfG/CuMOGMSrDpkkrcEnDhzErw6dK//90ZXN0 \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u00b7\u00c51)\u00e5/h*|o\u00b8\u00c61*\u00e6I+p # Doesn't matter \n I\u00c7 # Push the ASCII values of the input \n 1+ # Increment by 1\n \u00e7J # Push the chars of the ASCII values, join, implicit display\n```\nShifted twice:\n```\n\u00b8\u00c62*\u00e60i+}p\u00b9\u00c72+\u00e7J,qJ\u00c82,\u00e8K\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AS4A0f8wNWFiMWX//8K4w4YyKsOmMGkrfXDCucOHMivDp0oscUrDiDIsw6hL//90ZXN0 \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation** \n```\n\u00c62*\u00e60i+}p # Doesn't matter \n \u00b9\u00c7 # Push the ASCII values of the input \n 2+ # Increment by 2\n \u00e7J # Push the chars of the ASCII values, join\n ,q # Print and terminate\n```\nShifted thrice:\n```\n\u00b9\u00c73+\u00e71j,~q\u00ba\u00c83,\u00e8K-rK\u00c93-\u00e9L\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AS4A0f8wNWFiMWX//8K5w4czK8OnMWosfnHCusOIMyzDqEstckvDiTMtw6lM//90ZXN0 \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation** \n```\n\u00b9\u00c7 # Push the ASCII values of the input \n 3+ # Increment by 3\n \u00e71j # Push the chars of the ASCII values, join\n ,q # Print and terminate\n```\n[Answer]\n# Javascript, score: ~~1~~ 4 (~~94~~ 346 bytes)\nPretty straight-forward, has different sections commented out when rotated, the difficult bit was finding usable variable names and comment sections that don't break Javascript syntax.\nUnrotated:\n```\nhc/*% *%nnS/0S eb^[fRR _SbS/0Efd[`Y Xda_5ZSd5aVWS UZSd5aVW3f\"#&$'( \\a[`RR!! %34hc/*$ifb_jVV$cWfW34Ijh_d]$\\hec9^Wh9eZ[W$Y^Wh9eZ[7j&!'&(+,$`e_dVV%%%*89hc/)nkgdo[[)h\\k#\\89Nomdib)amjh>c\\m>j_`###\\)^c\\m>j_`/*ch*/hc//chhcchvw*/g\u00ac\u00a9\u00a5\u00a2\u00adg\u00a6\u00a9avw\u00ad\u00ab\u00a2\u00a7\u00a0g\u00ab\u00a8\u00a6|\u00a1\u00ab|\u00a8aaag\u00a1\u00ab|\u00a8z\u00adaibdjrrb^knobbbg\u00a3\u00a8\u00a2\u00a7\n```\nRotated by 5: \n```\nmh4/*%$/*ssX45X%jgc`kWW%dXgX45Jki`e^%]ifd:_Xi:f[\\X%Z_Xi:f[\\8k' \"(+ ),- %af`eWW &&%*89mh4/)nkgdo[[)h\\k#\\89Nomdib)amjh>c\\m>j_`###\\)^c\\m>j_`mh4.split``.map(a=>String.fromCharCode(((a.charCodeAt(0)+5)%256))).join``///4BC4/hm/4mh44hmmhhm{|/4l\u00b1\u00ae\u00aa\u00a7\u00b2l\u00ab\u00aef{|\u00b2\u00b0\u00a7\u00ac\u00a5l\u00a4\u00b0\u00ad\u00ab\u00a6\u00b0\u00ad\u00a2\u00a3fffl\u00a1\u00a6\u00b0\u00ad\u00a2\u00a3\u00b2fngiowwgcpstgggl\u00a8\u00ad\u00a7\u00ac\n```\nRotated by 10:\n```\nrm94/*)4/xx$]9:]*olhep\\\\*i]l$]9:Opnejc*bnki?d]n?k`a$$$]*_d]n?k`a=p$,%'-0%!.12%%%*fkej\\\\%++*/=>rm94.split``.map(a=>String.fromCharCode(((a.charCodeAt(0)+10)%256))).join``///4BCrm93xuqnyee3rfu-fBCXywnsl3kwtrHmfwHtij---f3hmfwHtijFy-5.0:.*7:;...3otnsee4449GH94mr49rm99mrrmmr49q\u00b6\u00b3\u00af\u00ac\u00b7\u00a3\u00a3q\u00b0\u00a4\u00b3k\u00a4\u00b7\u00b5\u00ac\u00b1\u00aaq\u00a9\u00b5\u00b2\u00b0\u00ab\u00a4\u00b5\u00b2\u00a7\u00a8kkk\u00a4q\u00a6\u00ab\u00a4\u00b5\u00b2\u00a7\u00a8\u00b7kslnt||lhuxylllq\u00ad\u00b2\u00ac\u00b1\u00a3\u00a3\n```\nRotated by 14: things finally got interesting here, got to abuse the Javascript type system. \n```\nvq=83.-83||(a=>a.split``.map(a=>String.fromCharCode(((a.charCodeAt(0)+14)%256))).join``)//.3ABvq=82wtpmxdd2qet,eABWxvmrk2jvsqGlevGshi,,,e2glevGshiEx,4-/54-)69:---2nsmrdd3338FGvq=7|yur}ii7vjy1jFG\\}{rwp7o{xvLqj{Lxmn111j7lqj{LxmnJ}1924>2.;>?2227sxrwii888=KL=8qv8=vq==qvvqqv8=u\u00ba\u00b7\u00b3\u00b0\u00bb\u00a7\u00a7u\u00b4\u00a8\u00b7o\u00a8\u00bb\u00b9\u00b0\u00b5\u00aeu\u00ad\u00b9\u00b6\u00b4\u00af\u00a8\u00b9\u00b6\u00ab\u00acooo\u00a8u\u00aa\u00af\u00a8\u00b9\u00b6\u00ab\u00ac\u00bbowprxply|}pppu\u00b1\u00b6\u00b0\u00b5\u00a7\u00a7\n```\nRotated by 199: \n```\n/*\u00f6\u00f1\u00ec\u00e7\u00e6\u00f1\u00ec55\u00e1\u00f6\u00f7\u00e7,)%\"-\u00e7&)\u00e1\u00f6\u00f7-+\"' \u00e7+(&\u00fc!+\u00fc(\u00e1\u00e1\u00e1\u00e7!+\u00fc(\u00fa-\u00e1\u00e9\u00e2\u00e4\u00ea\u00ed\u00e2\u00de\u00eb\u00ee\u00ef\u00e2\u00e2\u00e2\u00e7#(\"'\u00e2\u00e8\u00e8\u00e7\u00ec\u00fa\u00fb/*\u00f6\u00f1\u00eb0-)&1\u00eb*-\u00e5\u00fa\u00fb1/&+$\u00eb#/,*%/,!\"\u00e5\u00e5\u00e5\u00eb %/,!\"\u00fe1\u00e5\u00ed\u00e6\u00e8\u00ee\u00ed\u00e6\u00e2\u00ef\u00f2\u00f3\u00e6\u00e6\u00e6\u00eb',&+\u00ec\u00ec\u00ec\u00f1\u00ff/*\u00f6\u00f052.+6\"\"\u00f0/#2\u00ea#\u00ff64+0)\u00f0(41/*#41&'\u00ea\u00ea\u00ea#\u00f0%*#41&'6\u00ea\u00f2\u00eb\u00ed\u00f7\u00eb\u00e7\u00f4\u00f7\u00f8\u00eb\u00eb\u00eb\u00f0,1+0\"\"\u00f1\u00f1\u00f1\u00f6\u00f6\u00f1*/\u00f1\u00f6/*\u00f6\u00f6*//**/=>\u00f1\u00f6.split``.map(a=>String.fromCharCode(((a.charCodeAt(0)+199)%256))).join``\n```\nTo find the solutions, I [built a small tool](https://jsfiddle.net/po3ph24q/) to show me different snippets when rotated by a variable amount, I then found certain patterns that I could use as useful building blocks. \nThe main gist of it is that `a/**/=>a` is still a valid function definition, which allows you to embed a reverse rotated function in the comment section. From there on, it can be repeated a few times, if done correctly.\nSince most of the comment sections are nested, it might be possible to find another result, but making it work becomes increasingly difficult with each added answer due to collisions and control characters. \n---\nReplacing all usages of `charCodeAt(0)` with `charCodeAt``` would shave 4 bytes off the whole solution, but it's too much work to do from scratch.\n[Answer]\n# [PHP](https://php.net/) with `-d output_buffering=on -d short_open_tag=on`, score: 255 (25,731 bytes)\n```\n\n=@pc`dmfbo)*Aqdaengcp*+=fkg*rtgiatgrncegaecnndcem*$101$.hwpevkqp*&o+}tgvwtp\"ejt*qTf*&o]2_+/4+=.&ctix]3_++=A@?Brebfohdq+,>glh+suhjbuhsodfhbfdooedfn+%212%/ixqfwlrq+'p,~uhwxuq#fku+rUg+'p^3`,06,>?/'dujy^4`,,>BA\n@Csfcgpier,-?hmi,tvikcvitpegicgeppfego,&323&0jyrgxmsr,(q-vixyvr$glv,sVh,(q_4a-18-??0(evkz_5a--?CBADtgdhqjfs-.@inj-uwjldwjuqfhjdhfqqgfhp-'434'1kzshynts-)r.?wjyzws%hmw-tWi-)r`5b.2:.@?1)fwl{`6b..@DCBEuheirkgt./Ajok.vxkmexkvrgikeigrrhgiq.(545(2l{tizout.*s/?xkz{xt&inx.uXj.*sa6c/30B?3+hyn}b8d00BFEDGwjgktmiv01Clqm0xzmogzmxtikmgkittjiks0*767*4n}vk|qwv0,u1?zm|}zv(kpz0wZl0,uc8e15@1C?4,izo~c9e11CGFEHxkhlunjw12Dmrn1y{nph{nyujlnhljuukjlt1+878+5o~wl}rxw1-v2?{n}~{w)lq{1x[m1-vd9f26B2D?5-j{pd:f22DHGFIylimvokx23Enso2z|oqi|ozvkmoimkvvlkmu2,989,6pxm~syx2.w3?|o~|x*mr|2y\\n2.we:g37;:3E?6.k|q?e;g33EIHGJzmjnwply34Fotp3{}prj}p{wlnpjnlwwmlnv3-:9:-7q?yntzy3/x4?}p?}y+ns}3z]o3/xf;h48<<4F?7/l}r?f5G?80m~s?g=i55GKJIL|olpyrn{56Hqvr5}rtlr}ynprlpnyyonpx5/<;@6H?91nt?h>j66HLKJM}pmqzso|67Irws6~?sum?s~zoqsmqozzpoqy60=<=0:t?|q?w}|62{7??s???|.qv?6}`r62{i>k7;?A;?7I?:2o?u?i?k77IMLKN~qnr{tp}78Jsxt7?tvn?t{prtnrp{{qprz71>=>1;u?}r?x~}73|8??t???}/rw?7~as73|j?l8<@D8J?;3p?v?j@l88JNMLOros|uq~89Ktyu8??uwo?u?|qsuosq||rqs{82?>?2BH:L?=5r?x?lBn::LPO\n...\n```\nSimilar to the Haskell solution, copying and pasting this breaks, so I generated this using [this Perl script](https://tio.run/##vdzNThMBFIbhvVdhSDWdSGHOmf9A5B7cEkNKGZFYaDOAG@OtW8vGjet51ka/FHhbhKdnP07b5nB4Pj8733yflsvddLdcfCw@LRdnqyiKD9m0xfn9@Hw4XF7dPYzLxXq6/3kdX4uLq8/vLq92tzeb7bh@WhYXb3@6n8b7m2ncb9eb8Waz3m5v15sfy5PjP35y@u31afPysHtaLh6LX9P48jo9vX@b3H05Lj5el1@L4@DF79N/C7NM5PwT1fwT9fwTzfwT7fwT3fwT/fwTw/wTUYIN0HeAwKMSG@LZMEDlATIP0HmA0AOUnqD0FK/koPQEpWctNsj3VqD0BKUnKD1B6RUovQJfV5X4ph2UXoHSq0ZsiGeTCpRegdIrUHoNSq/B57wGpdfi/@eg9BqUXrdiQzyb1KD0GpTegNIb8PloQOkNKL0RP4oDpTeg9KYTG@LZpAGlt6D0FnysWlB6C0pvQemt@Kk7KL0Fpbe92BDPJh0ovROPA5TegdI7UHoHSu/EL9hA6R0ovQOv6D3ovAed96DzHnTeg8570HkPOu/Fb9JB5z3ofACdD6DzAXQ@gM4H0PkAOh9A5wPofBBkhpgZgWZK4UDKJCPEtJS1GBFyphR0phR2phR4phTNGygnOiFUjlg5hOWIliNcjng5AuaEmAtB5iKJjhXNCzUXgs2FcXMh4FwIOReCzoWwcyHwXAg9FxUh8cTEi@aFoAtD6EIYuhCILirSfJC32lRpZiozU5uZxsx0q97MkEfTm5mBzDSleU@UeOVvyCMRr/xC2YVgdiGcXQhoF0LahaF2IaxdCGwXQtuF4HYhvF0IcBcteQesaF6YuxDoLoy6C8HuoiOPRDQv5F0IehfC3kVH3vYumhf8LoS/CwHwQgi8EAQvhMELgfBCKLwQDC96culCFC8kXgiKF8LihcB4ITReCI4XwuOFAHkhRF4M5LgNuW4jztsIk5fC5KUxeSlMXgqTl8LkpTB5KUxeCpOXQU5aiU6EyUth8o4jKzIjmhcmL4XJS2HyklyxI2fszB070Ty5ZEdO2aFbduSYHblmR87ZCZOXwuSlMHlZkeOVonlh8lKYvDQmL4XJS2HyUpi8FKftUty2S3HcLmtysZacrBXNiwN3aS7cpThxlzVpfjAfsGGVZqYyM7WZaczM/2n@2e3f/t7zYbX/Cw \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\").\n[Verification for shifted 1, 16, 32 and 255 times.](https://tio.run/##vZ3LbtpQFEXnfIWVpg2oJfE@19ePQpNpx32MqgoZuAmoxLYMVKqqfnvqPBpVqqiUSF6zyE68j4FlO7C8mZfb1U0T2k00bkJ0sj07PVus2uGwbpfD41ej18Pj07FGo5fm09HZVTiJptNpdDK9WK7D8Lhsr75/0dfR5OJ8ML2o57PFJpTVcDS5Xdu04WrWhmZTLsJsUW4283LxbXjUBRy9udxXi926robH16Ofbdjt2yq6ja0/dKnXX@Kvoy508uvNY0IvEdZ/hOs/Iuk/wvcfkfYfkfUfkfcfUfQfoRjIAPgWALgckUEcDQVQLgBzAZwLAF0A6QaQbsSZHCDdANItITKQayuAdANIN4B0A0h3AOkOeF054qIdIN0BpDtPZBBHEweQ7gDSHUB6ApCeAM95ApCeEP@fA6QnAOlJSmQQR5MEID0BSPcA6R54PjxAugdI98RbcQDpHiDdZ0QGcTTxAOkpQHoKPFYpQHoKkJ4CpKfEu@4A6SlAepoTGcTRJANIz4j9AEjPANIzgPQMID0jPmADSM8A0jPgjJ4DnOcA5znAeQ5wngOc5wDnOcB5TnySDnCeA5wXAOcFwHkBcF4AnBcA5wXAeQFwXgCcF4QygzgzhDQTEx5IbEgI4rTECRFCmDMxoc7EhDsTE/JMTDDPiHIEJ4gqh7hykCyH2HKILof4cogwRxhzIpQ5GWLHEswT1pwIbU6MNydCnBNhzolQ50S4cyLkORH2nByixCNOPME8YdCJUehEOHQiJDo5hHkht9o4Y2IcE5MwMZ6JycY5E4PsTc7EFEiMj5l7oogzv0f2hDjzE5adCM1OhGcnQrQTYdqJUe1EuHYiZDsRtp0I3U6EbydCuFOK3AFLME84dyKkOzHWnQjtThmyJwTzhHknQr0T4d4pQ257J5gn9DsR/p0IAU@EgSdCwRPh4ImQ8ERYeCI0POVI0wVBPGHiiVDxRLh4ImQ8ETaeCB1PhI8nQsgTYeSpQMptkHYbot6GcPKMcPKMcfKMcPKMcPKMcPKMcPKMcPKMcPJMSKUVwQnh5Bnh5HUhYySGYJ5w8oxw8oxw8gxpsUNq7JgeO4J5pMkOqbKDuuyQMjukzQ6psyOcPCOcPCOcPHNIeSXBPOHkGeHkGePkGeHkGeHkGeHkGVFtZ0S3nRHldpYgjbVIZS3BPFFwZ0zDnREVd5YgzBfMA1aMjYlxTEzCxHgm5l80T6LzaFs3p82qmdy8@PNjtGhDuQvLaF1F70O5DO1gEBarOjr6XG1X68tu1dujyeD2N8fLaLuq292sbkI125VX7@rqdmG93zX73Wy@v7wM7bq6W/xn65/CdtctutvkZDA4/L0p3Wv2r69Mefz7u5F1N/PDWB/vh4rmPyI9czI9dbT0P7Olh4ZLnztd@sTxusvhg@M5OzCes2eOd7/FJ4xn3h@er1t5YMBuzTMnfNjm44g3N78B \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\nUsing PHP's `'():<>%&Y[]'(){}y{}:<>%&Y[]'()yy{}::<><>:<>%&y{}:<>'():<>%&Y[]'(){}::<><>\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzLSEzO/v9fVU1dQ1NVTTVCPUqtoiJGQxPIrVKtqKqBSsAIS2tbKKUaERWjpg5RAOSCMJAJFNSoAWqD8FTVNMAmxmgA9VRUgA3ENAFNN5CpCQGqapHRsUC1lZXVtapqYALmDisbOwgJU1NdC5RH4oP0WAH5NnZgQYgkuhaIgv///@s6/lcayUGgBAA \"Brain-Flak (BrainHack) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*(Doesn't quite work in Brain-Hack because only Crane-Flak mods by 256)*\n**Shifted by 1**\n```\n&'()*&'&Y(['yy])*()*{&y{}&'()*&'()*&'()*:<>'()*:<>&Y[]'({}&'():<>):<>&'(Y[])}y{}:<>&'(&')&Y(['])()*yy{&y{}:<>'()*:<>&Y[]'({}:<>):<>&'(Y[])}:<>*******&'Z\\^()*zz|~&'z|~&'()*&'()*;=?()*;=?&'Z\\^()*|~z|~;=?&'Z\\^()*zz|~;;=?=?;=?&'z|~;=?()*;=?&'Z\\^()*|~;;=?=?\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZVBbDsIgELxLExZo4gG0tsZbaB8m6o/GxA@/oK@r48CC0UrCsLM7MyF7eZ3vz9v5@nCOpNI5STqqRlrb6Rx0IDtMcZBgs63iQ8emk4oFoP6iRFNPsDEjqUNip@GxNgT@JyzcKHM@JOv2BG3fjzPJAOkfRbljTJpxxvyLe08BXu5Ck4dLCwucc6u9y4QPFiQOsiZjWqVBe2H6MQ4SrIsyPuJQtz7at0H9RYmmGmFjJkiFxFbBY0wI/E9YuFFqPoKXpLG8SVCA9A9eJDBphrj4b88GfFuF5mf3PxYWZG8 \"Brain-Flak (BrainHack) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Shifted by 2**\n```\n'()*+'('Z)\\(zz^*+)*+|'z|~'()*+'()*+'()*+;=?()*+;=?'Z\\^()|~'()*;=?*;=?'()Z\\^*~z|~;=?'()'(*'Z)\\(^*)*+zz|'z|~;=?()*+;=?'Z\\^()|~;=?*;=?'()Z\\^*~;=?+++++++'([]_)*+{{}\u007f'({}\u007f'()*+'()*+<>@)*+<>@'([]_)*+}\u007f{}\u007f<>@'([]_)*+{{}\u007f<<>@>@<>@'({}\u007f<>@)*+<>@'([]_)*+}\u007f<<>@>@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZU5bbsIwELwLkr1rRz0AEFJ6CwgmiPYHVKkf/TJOAkc3Y28soWDJ452dh/z9f77@Xc4/vzESG1sRU2sch9DZCnSgMNwnocB68zk91LqOjRhA08WIpb0jJozY5sbOIhNCLnxvmKUxVnKID8cTvH0/PogzlH/UzVaweMYH9BeeMjV4s81LEecRMcQYP77iQmk0K6121GrvXfq9CcqHYRIKLNeb6VG71mkSA2i6GLHkATFhSnNudIyM97nwvWGWxmjkKL0/HOG93fpR6QzlH6u6ESyefoT@wlNmBV43eSniPCKGxRM \"Brain-Flak (BrainHack) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Shifted by 3**\n```\n()*+,()([*]){{_+,*+,}({}\u007f()*+,()*+,()*+,<>@)*+,<>@([]_)*}\u007f()*+<>@+<>@()*[]_+\u007f{}\u007f<>@()*()+([*])_+*+,{{}({}\u007f<>@)*+,<>@([]_)*}\u007f<>@+<>@()*[]_+\u007f<>@,,,,,,,()\\^`*+,||~\u20ac()|~\u20ac()*+,()*+,=?A*+,=?A()\\^`*+,~\u20ac|~\u20ac=?A()\\^`*+,||~\u20ac==?A?A=?A()|~\u20ac=?A*+,=?A()\\^`*+,~\u20ac==?A?A\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZU5bboMwELxLJJtdTA/QFEi4RRqgNO1Pq0r9yJcTQ9Oz9WLu4LWlCCx5vLPzkN/Op8/vj9P7l/fEuSmIqc17dm4wBehEbrpFIUFZ7@NDbT9wLgbQ@WLE0twQE0ZsQuNgkHEuFK4bFmmMhRzi7uUV3nH8@fslFkw/qXaNYHJBnR13m5CrsNg1YRvlVUws3vuHxm@UzoiVVofsqK3tiEGvyl7HKCR4fKriow7HTmdiAJ0vRixpREyY0hQaO0LG2lC4blikMbIcpZ/bHt7LxU1KB0j/2Ja1YPK4CfodnzNb8LIOSxGXETFs/gE \"Brain-Flak (BrainHack) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\nThe main code at work here is\n```\n([]){{}({}n<>)<>([])}{}<>([]){{}({}<>)<>([])}<>\n```\nwhere `n` is an arbitrary number. This moves everything to the offstack adding `n` to each item (modulo 256 is implicit upon output), and then moves them all back.\nHowever for the first program (i.e. shifted by 0) we don't need to do any of this because shifting by zero is the cat program. So we start with this code:\n```\n([]){{}({}()<>)<>([])}{}<>([]){{}({}<>)<>([])}<>\n```\nand shift it down by 1\n```\n'Z\\(zz|'z|m;=(;='Z\\(|z|;='Z\\(zz|'z|;=(;='Z\\(|;=\n```\nThis is unbalanced so we have to fix it. There are a number of ways we could do this by my choice method (for reasons that will become apparent) is the following:\n```\n'Z\\(zz|'z|m;=(;='Z\\(|z|;='Z\\(zz|'z|;=(;='Z\\(|;=)))))){}{}{}{}{}\n```\nShifting this up by 2 we get\n```\n)\\^*||~)|~o=?*=?)\\^*~|~=?)\\^*||~)|~=?*=?)\\^*~=?++++++}}}}}\n```\nSince `()` is easier to deal with than `{}` we will use the `}`s to complete the program we desire. That means that the `)` can be balanced with pretty obvious means. With some fiddling we can turn that into:\n```\n()\\^*||~()|~()*=?*=?()\\^*~|~=?()\\^*||~()|~=?*=?()\\^*~=?+++++++([]_)*+{{}({}()*+()*+<>@)*+<>@([]_)*+}{}<>@([]_)*+{{}<<>@>@<>@({}<>@)*+<>@([]_)*+}<<>@>@\n```\nShifting that back down we get\n```\n&'Z\\(zz|&'z|&'(;=(;=&'Z\\(|z|;=&'Z\\(zz|&'z|;=(;=&'Z\\(|;=)))))))&Y[]'()yy{}&y{}&'()&'():<>'():<>&Y[]'(){}y{}:<>&Y[]'()yy{}::<><>:<>&y{}:<>'():<>&Y[]'(){}::<><>\n```\nThe step up to 3 is so complex I don't really understand it any more. I used the same technique and just fiddled around with it until I finally got all 4 of them to work at once. The technique is pretty much the same there is just a lot more fiddling.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, Score 1, 76 bytes\nShift 0: no change\n```\n\"\"!=\"\";print(input());exit()# oqhms'&&-inhm'bgq'nqc'i(*0(enq'i(hm'hmots'((((\n```\nShift 1:\n```\n##\">## output\n\"abaacab\" -> 14\n\"Programming Puzzles & Code Golf\" -> 47\n\"\" -> 0\n\" \" -> 28\n\"abcdefg\" -> 7\n\"aA\" -> 2\n```\n### Leaderboard\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=127261,OVERRIDE_USER=56433;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px} /* font fix */ body {font-family: Arial,\"Helvetica Neue\",Helvetica,sans-serif;} /* #language-list x-pos fix */ #answer-list {margin-right: 200px;}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Common Lisp, score ~~286~~ ~~232~~ 222\n```\n(loop with w =(fill(make-list 128)0)as z across(read)sum(incf(elt w(char-code z))))\n```\nHigh-valued score due to the wordy syntax of builtin operators of Common Lisp.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##tcwxCoAwDEDRqwSnZBDUycXDhFgxGG1pKgUvX72Ef358MfXUMGW9SkOLMUHVskOFBTc1w5OP0H@owDjNNBA7PMCSozvmwCv5faJesmGwAhVl59xLXAM89NWodT9suxc)\nThe ungolfed code:\n```\n(loop with w = (fill (make-list 128) 0) ; create a list to count characters\n as z across (read) ; for each character of input\n sum (incf (elt w (char-code z)))) ; increase count in list and sum\n```\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), score 897\n```\n,[<<[[->+>-<<]>>[<]<[<]<[<]<[+<<]>>>>[>]>[->+>+<<]>[-<+>]<<<]<+[->>+<<]>>>[->+<]>[>]>,]<<[<]<\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZU5BDsIwDLvvFb1n5QVW3sA96qGdQJoYO2zs/cVpYUIiUhXHcVyXLc/r/ZgetY4GmEUVjUBSNSScTxpFUpM2TSMsQjSBEEJWPyoX@JbakVs3qO3U/ROn4brN62sP021ZQt7DejzLbRtMuzFicyEQdl6wGyId5Czwk0hCPZD0IG2Cl0dLQwhftaF3mrmv6C9weULL/y/n4tJD11xynnJ5Aw \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\nEnds on the cell with the correct value. Assumes a cell size larger than the score of the string, otherwise it'll wrap (got a little suspicious when the interpreter said the score was 188).\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), Score 9\n```\n\u00bd\u00a7+L(\u03a3\u00b4\u00d7=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//9DeQ8u1fTTOLT605fB02////ycmIWAyAA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation:** \nThis calculates the score as `sum_i (n_i^2 + n_i)/2`, where `i` is indexed arbitrarily across unique character types and `n_i` is the number of characters of type i in the input. But since `sum_i n_i` is the length of the input, this reduces to `(1/2) * (L + sum_i n_i^2)`\n**Code breakdown:**\n```\no \u00bd (\u00a7 + L (o \u03a3 (\u00b4 (\u00d7 =))) --With parentheses and two implicit compositions\n (\u00d7 =) --1 or 0 for each equality check between elements of its first and second arguments\n (\u00b4 (\u00d7 =)) --argdup, 1 or 0 for each equality check between elements of its only argument\n (o \u03a3 (\u00b4 (\u00d7 =)) --# of equalities between pairs (this will give sum_i n_i^2)\n L --length\n (\u00a7 + L (o \u03a3 (\u00b4 (\u00d7 =))) --length + sum_i n_i^2\no \u00bd (\u00a7 + L (o \u03a3 (\u00b4 (\u00d7 =))) --1/2 * (length + sum_i n_i^2)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Rust, ~~265~~ 255 bytes. Score: ~~1459~~ 1161\n```\nfn main(){let mut z=String::new();std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut z);let Z=z.trim_right_matches(|x|x=='\\r'||x=='\\n');let mut q:Vec=Z.bytes().collect();q.sort();let(mut k,mut W,mut j)=(0,0u8,0);for Y in&q{if*Y==W{j+=1}else{j=1;W=*Y}k+=j}print!(\"{}\",k)}\n```\nUngolfed\n```\nfn main() {\n let mut input_string = String::new();\n std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_string);\n let trimmed = input_string\n .trim_right_matches(|c| c == '\\r' || c == '\\n');\n let mut chars: Vec = trimmed.bytes().collect();\n chars.sort();\n let (mut total_score, mut last_char, mut last_score) = (0, 0u8, 0);\n for letter in &chars {\n if *letter == last_char {\n last_score += 1;\n } else {\n last_score = 1;\n last_char = *letter;\n }\n total_score += last_score;\n }\n print!(\"{}\", total_score);\n}\n```\n**Edit:** improved answer by renaming variables and altering code\n[Answer]\n# Python 2. Score:~~142~~ 115\n```\ndef f(a):\n x=0\n for y in set(a):z=a.count(y);x+=.5*z*-~z\n print x\n```\nEDIT:-27 thanks to @Kevin Cruijssen\n[Answer]\n# [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), score: 681\n```\n\ts\t=iNPUT\n\tY\t_table()\nd\tS\tLEN(1) . x REM . S\t:F(b)\n\tY\t=y + 1\t:(D)\nb\tZ\t_convert(Y,'aRrAy')\nN\tj\t=J + 1\n\tG\t_z[j,2]\t:f(q)\n\to\t=o + g * G + g\t:(N)\nq\tOUtpuT\t_O / 2\nend\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fc5JawJBEAXg8@tfUTe7VRTF05QdCLiA6BhcwIXQOHESFJl2GUX989qO4ALGS71DPR7fJrKBXZROJ2ygZ/5XvycwhIknwSKUSkzRRbPqy4KiHO2pU2257MKryUC5YnnwAX1wlzJUgCcrSgQYwfzYaBeuYznMpiad9echpYSPOXTj0hOowxzH82zxG96vXLkhC23d64/SVL@km/KVWKHdj5fbHkyb8lQUYTRNnCZx8oOT3zn56jRPTv7HyXcnO6d@dPJrJ9@cOnGyc54B \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nlooks a bit scary, but SNOBOL matches identifiers case-insensitively, which dropped the score by around 100 points. Note that it requires a single line of input, so I've replaced `\\n` with `;` in the input field (which is still valid SNOBOL).\nThe SNOBOL4 implementation on TIO allows for an additional 16 point golf, as `=` and `_` are [both allowable as the assignment operator](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/curr/doc/snobol4.1.html). How neat!\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, score 42\n```\nTotal[#^2+#].5&@*CharacterCounts\n```\n**input**\n> \n> [\"abcdefg\"]\n> \n> \n> \nthanks to hftf \nthanks to att\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 5 bytes, score 5\n```\n\u03a3\u1e41\u0140gO\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//9zihzsbjzak@////z8xKTExOTEJAA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\nDifferent and (so far) shorter strategy to [Natte's](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/241169/95126) or [Sophia Lechner's](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/158410/95126) Husk answers.\n```\n O # sort the input\n g # and group equal adjacent values;\n \u1e41 # now, for each group\n \u0140 # make a range 1..length of the group\n \u1e41 # and flatten all the ranges into one list;\n\u03a3 # then output the sum\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), score ~~27~~ ~~18~~ ~~11~~ 10\n*Reduced score by 7 thanks to @Ad\u00e1m by using a tradfn and using `1\u22a5` to sum the frequencies*\n*Reduced score by 1 thanks to @rabbitgrowth by using a function instead*\n```\n1\u22a5{+/\u2373\u2262\u2375}\u2338\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///v/hR2wTDR11Lq7X1H/VuftS56FHv1tpHPTuAMurYxNUB \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) [`-x`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14339/), ~~9~~ ~~7~~ 6 points\n```\n\u00fc m\u00cac\u00f5\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&flags=LXg&code=/CBtymP1&input=Ivwgbcpj9SI)\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, score 83\n```\nlambda z:sum((2*z.count(x)+1)**2/8for x in set(z))\n```\n[**Try it online**](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUaHKqrg0V0PDSKtKLzm/NK9Eo0JT21BTS8tI3yItv0ihQiEzT6E4tUSjSlPzf7FtDJc66frUuQqKMvNKFNI0ijX/AwA)\n`1/8 (1 + 2 n)^2 -1/8` is the same as `n (n+1) / 2`. Floor division removes the need to subtract `1/8`.\n[Answer]\n## Clojure, score 96\n```\n#(apply +(for[[k j](frequencies %)](*(inc j)j 0.5)))\n```\nFive spaces and pairs of brackets...\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), score 12\n```\n;\u2557\u2554\u2320\u255ccR\u03a3\u2321M\u03a3\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0wuKU3Myan8/9/60dTpj6ZOedSz4NHUOclB5xY/6lnoe27x//9KOGSUAA \"Actually \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\n```\n;\u2557\u2554\u2320\u255ccR\u03a3\u2321M\u03a3 (implicit input: S)\n;\u2557 save a copy of S in register 0\n \u2554 uniquify S (call it A)\n \u2320\u255ccR\u03a3\u2321M for each unique character in A:\n \u255cc count the number of occurrences in S\n R range(1, count+1)\n \u03a3 sum\n \u03a3 sum\n```\nRepeating the `\u03a3` is two points less than using an alternative formulation with no repeated characters (`i`+Y`).\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), score 23\n```\n$-:@+[:+/,/@(=/~)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/P83WSkXXykE72kpbX0ffQcNWv07zf2pyRr5CmoI6how6F0wqMSkxMTkxCSEQUJSfXpSYm5uZl64QUFpVlZNarKCm4Jyfkqrgnp@ThlCIYClAALKhySmpaelIAo7q/wE \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## F#, score:~~1264~~1110\n-154 points, thanks to @Laikoni\n```\nlet x(y:bool)=System.Convert.ToInt32(y)\nlet rec p(k:string)q=\n let j=k.Length\n if(j=1)then(x(k.[0]=q))else p k.[0..(j-2)] q+x(k.[j-1]=q)\nlet rec d(a:string)=\n let z=a.Length\n if(z<2)then z else d a.[0..(z-2)]+p a (a.[z-1])\n```\nYou need to call the d function. In a more readable form:\n```\nlet x (y:bool)=\n System.Convert.ToInt32(y)\nlet rec e (c:string) b=\n let j=c.Length\n if(j=1)then\n (x(c.[0]=b))\n else \n e c.[0..(j-2)] b+x (c.[j-1]=b)\nlet rec d (a:string)=\n let h=a.Length\n if(h<2)then \n h \n else\n d a.[0..(h-2)]+e a (a.[h-1])\n```\n### Explanation\nIt is a recursive algorithm, the base case is, if the length of the string is less than 2 (0 or 1), the score will be the length of the string. This is because, if the length is 0 (empty string), we have no characters, so the score is 0, and if the length is 1, that means, that the string consists of only 1 character, so the score is 1. \nOtherwise it trims the last character of the string, and to the score of the truncated string adds the count of the last character in the untruncated string.\nThe counting algorithm is also recursive. Its base case is, when the length of the string is one, then the count is 1, if the string matches with the character, and 0 otherwise. This can also be done, if we convert the bool to an int, and this results in a lower score. \nOtherwise it trims the last character of the string, calculates the count of that string, and if the last character matches the character, we are calculating the count of, adds one to the count. This is again, better, if we convert that boolean to an int.\n[Answer]\n# [AWK](https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html), 39 bytes, Score 54\n```\nBEGIN{RS=\"(.)\"}{M+=++s[RT]}END{print M}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzP/v/fydXd0686KNhWSUNPU6m22lfbVlu7ODooJLbW1c@luqAoM69EwbeWaIUA \"AWK \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n**FIREBIRD, score 3577**\nVersion to calculte the score:\n```\nSELECT COALESCE(SUM(C),0)FROM(WITH RECURSIVE T AS(SELECT 1 AS I,SUBSTRING(CAST(:V AS BLOB)FROM 1 FOR 1)AS S FROM RDB$DATABASE UNION ALL SELECT I+1,SUBSTRING(CAST(:V AS BLOB)FROM I+1 FOR 1)FROM T WHERE I < CHAR_LENGTH(CAST(:V AS BLOB)))SELECT T.*,(SELECT COUNT(T2.I) FROM T T2 WHERE T2.S=T.S AND T2.I<=T.I)AS C FROM T WHERE CAST(:V AS BLOB) <> '')\n```\nBelow is the idented version of the code, in case anyone want to now. I'm sorry for any mistakes, first time here actually posting!\n```\nSELECT COALESCE(SUM(C), 0)\nFROM (\n WITH RECURSIVE T AS (\n SELECT 1 AS I, SUBSTRING(CAST(:V AS BLOB) FROM 1 FOR 1) AS S\n FROM RDB$DATABASE\n UNION ALL\n SELECT I+1, SUBSTRING(CAST(:V AS BLOB) FROM I+1 FOR 1)\n FROM T\n WHERE I < CHAR_LENGTH(CAST(:V AS BLOB))\n )\n SELECT T.*, (SELECT COUNT(T2.I) FROM T T2 WHERE T2.S = T.S AND T2.I <= T.I) AS C\n FROM T\n WHERE CAST(:V AS BLOB) <> ''\n)\n```\n---\n**Explanation**\nI start my select in a system table `SELECT 1 AS I, SUBSTRING(CAST(:V AS BLOB) FROM 1 FOR 1) AS S FROM RDB$DATABASE`, which always has only one row. Using that only one row, I return 1 as a column **I**, and the character that exists in the input in the I value.\nLet's say I've passed 'abaacab' as input:\n```\n\u2554\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2566\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2557\n\u2551 I \u2551 S \u2551\n\u2560\u2550\u2550\u2550\u256c\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2563\n\u2551 1 \u2551 a \u2551\n\u255a\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2569\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d\n```\nIn the UNION ALL part, I start to increment the index from the first select, until it reaches the end of the input. So, in the example I would get this:\n```\n\u2554\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2566\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2557\n\u2551 I \u2551 S \u2551\n\u2560\u2550\u2550\u2550\u256c\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2563\n\u2551 1 \u2551 a \u2551\n\u2551 2 \u2551 b \u2551\n\u2551 3 \u2551 a \u2551\n\u2551 4 \u2551 a \u2551\n\u2551 5 \u2551 c \u2551\n\u2551 6 \u2551 a \u2551\n\u2551 7 \u2551 b \u2551\n\u255a\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2569\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d\n```\nAfter that, I also select the count of ocurrences from the value on **S**, that has already appeared in indexes below the **I**. So, in a column **C** I now have the 'cost' of that character, which I only need to SUM after to get the value. \n```\n\u2554\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2566\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2566\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2557\n\u2551 I \u2551 S \u2551 C \u2551\n\u2560\u2550\u2550\u2550\u256c\u2550\u2550\u2550\u256c\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2563\n\u2551 1 \u2551 a \u2551 1 \u2551\n\u2551 2 \u2551 b \u2551 1 \u2551\n\u2551 3 \u2551 a \u2551 2 \u2551\n\u2551 4 \u2551 a \u2551 3 \u2551\n\u2551 5 \u2551 c \u2551 1 \u2551\n\u2551 6 \u2551 a \u2551 4 \u2551\n\u2551 7 \u2551 b \u2551 2 \u2551\n\u255a\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2569\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2569\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d\n```\nI used BLOB as the type from the input, to not get limited by size. \n[Answer]\n## [K](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_(programming_language))/[Kona](https://github.com/kevinlawler/kona), score 19\n```\n+/,/1+!:'(#:)'=\n```\nWorks as:\n```\n = (implicitly take arg as input), group -> make dictionary of characters to their occurring indices\n (#:)'= count each of these \n 1+!:'(#:)'= get a list from 0->n-1 for each of these counts, add one to each \n+/,/1+!:'(#:)'= finally, reduce to single list, sum reduce this list\n```\nExample:\n```\nk)+/,/1+!:'(#:)'=\"+/,/1+!:'(#:)'=\"\n19\nk)+/,/1+!:'(#:)'=\"abaacab\"\n14\n```\nLegible q equivalent:\n```\n(sum/)raze 1+til count each group \n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyke](https://github.com/muddyfish/PYKE), score 7\n```\ncemSss\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=cemSss&input=%5B%22c%22%2C%22e%22%2C%22m%22%2C%22S%22%2C%22s%22%2C%22s%22%5D&warnings=1&hex=0)\n```\nc - count_occurrences(input)\n e - values(^)\n mS - [range(1,i+1) for i in ^]\n ss - sum(sum(i)for i in ^)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~10~~ 9 bytes; Score ~~10~~ 9\n```\n\u1e62\u0152rz\u1e86\u1e6aR\u1e8eS\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hzkVHJxVVPdzV9nDnqqCHu/qC/2MTBAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is the first time I use Jelly, and I didn't want to check other people's answers because I wanted to try it myself. I probably reinvented the wheel a couple times there. Suggestions and feedback are greatly appreciated.\nEDIT: -1 byte for removing `\u0260` and taking the input as an argument.\nExplanation:\n```\n\u1e62\u0152rz\u1e86\u1e6aR\u1e8eS #Main Link; input abaacab\n\u1e62 #sorts input; aaaabbc\n \u0152r #run-length encode, or the number of times a character appears; a4b2c1\n z #zip; ['abc', [4, 2, 1]]\n \u1e86 #takes every contiguous sublists\n \u1e6a #Pops the last element; [4, 2, 1]\n R #Takes the range of every element; [[1,2,3,4],[1,2],1]\n \u1e8e #Collapses every element into a single array; [1,2,3,4,1,2,1]\n S #Sum and implicitly print; 14.\n```\n(no idea why, but the code doesn't work without `\u1e86`,\n although it gives the exact same output as `z`)\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), score 14\n```\n1#.2!1+#/.~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKeepmBrpaCuoKNgoGAFxLp6Cs5BPm7/DZX1jBQNtZX19er@a3KlJmfkK6QppJalFlUqqCcmJSYmJyapK1grqAcU5acXJebmZualKwSUVlXlpBYrqCk456ekKrjn56SB1YAJBQgAsxOTklNS09IhbEd1mPHqSJaq/wcA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutgolfed by the other J solution, but figured I'd post this anyways since it uses a slightly different method.\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), score 12 (+2 for `-x`) = 14\n```\n\u00acn \u00f3\u00a5 \u00cb\u00ca\u00f5\u00c3c\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n\u00acn \u00f3\u00a5 \u00cb\u00ca\u00f5\u00c3c \"abaacab\"\n\u00ac // Split the input into an array of chars [\"a\",\"b\",\"a\",\"a\",\"c\",\"a\",\"b\"]\n n // Sort [\"a\",\"a\",\"a\",\"a\",\"b\",\"b\",\"c\"]\n \u00f3\u00a5 // Partition matching items [[\"a\",\"a\",\"a\",\"a\"],[\"b\",\"b\"],[\"c\"]]\n \u00cb // map; For each array:\n \u00ca // Get the length x [4,2,1]\n \u00f5 // Create a range [1...x] [[1,2,3,4],[1,2],[1]]\n \u00c3 // }\n c // Flatten [1,2,3,4,1,2,1]\n-x // Sum 14\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AT0Awv9qYXB0///CrG4gw7PCpSDDi8OKw7XDg2P//yJQcm9ncmFtbWluZyBQdXp6bGVzICYgQ29kZSBHb2xmIi14 \"Japt \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Attache](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/attache), score 36\n```\nSum@Map&:(Count#Last)@Prefixes\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SywpSUzOSP3vkpqWmZcarZKm8z@4NNfBN7FAzUrDOb80r0TZJ7G4RNMhoAiooiK1@H8sV0BRZl5JdFq0En6VSrGx/wE \"Attache \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\nSum@Map&:(Count#Last)@Prefixes\n```\nThis is a composition of 3 functions:\n* `Prefixes` - this simply obtains the prefixes of the input\n* `Map&:(Count#Last)` - This is a mapped fork. This is equivalent to `arr.map { e -> e.count(e.last) }` So, for each character, this counts the occurrences of that character so far.\n* `Sum` - this sums all of these numbers.\n[Answer]\n# MS-SQL, score 308\nI'm using a completely different technique from [my other answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/127312/70172), with additional restrictions, so I'm submitting them separately:\n```\nSelEcT SUm(k)FROM(SELECT k=couNt(*)*(CoUNT(*)+1)/2froM spt_values,z WHERE type='P'AND numbery=a)z)+\t$z|\n$_=0;$o explode;\n```\nThis code defines an anonymous function which is bound to the implicit result identifier `it`. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lZBBSwMxEIXP7q8YwiJJi6WVgtIQQXoQwUPB66LMtsm6kE3KZgpt8L@vaVNY8ebc5nvvzcALnb3rLHk3DObgSo6rVRRqMbXaNfTF39pAM9Na0j03Dk7q6aRQRDG9KeN3UX6quSw96OPe@p2W5xNAOhAEULDvW0f81dGM/DulpeFtUgR8AKscE7IoLl6GNeIWayaBT2CxhIm4CpveNz12XYrC5hCj1QFuYZ1ewYu3JgeWD2Mgk/kIIE/m94@jgPV2p02ThV8X8PnqHdG/eqkoFVO5v80wOfwA \"Standard ML (MLton) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nThe ungolfed code looks like this:\n```\nfun f (a::z) = 1 + length (List.filter (fn y => y=a) z) + f z\n | f _ = 0\nval g = f o explode\n```\nThe function `g` takes a string as input, converts it to a list of characters with `explode`, and passes it on to the function `f` which recurses over the list, with `a` being the current character and `z` being the remaining list. For each `a` the number of occurrences of `a` in `z` is computed by filtering `z` to contain only chars equivalent to `a` and taking the length of the resulting list. The result is incremented by one to account for the current occurrence of `a` and added to result of the recursive call of `f` on `z`.\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 44 bytes, score 78:\n```\nWhile($C=ORD($argn[$p++]))$s-=++$$C;EcHo-$s;\n```\nAlmost [J\u00f6rg\u00b4s solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/127353/55735), but one byte shorter.\n---\n## PHP, 51 bytes, score 80\n```\nForEach(COUNT_CHARS($argn)As$p)$z-=~$p*$p/2;echo$z;\n```\n---\n[Answer]\n# [Perl6/Rakudo](https://perl6.org/), 45 bytes, score 66\nRun with `perl -ne`:\n```\nsay [+] bag(.comb).values.map({($_+1)*$_/2});\n```\nUses the essential nature of a Bag (like a set with a count per member).\nStep by step:\n```\n.say; # abaacab\nsay .comb; # (a b a a c a b)\nsay bag(.comb); # Bag(a(4), b(2), c)\nsay bag(.comb).values; # (2 4 1)\nsay bag(.comb).values.map({($_+1)*$_/2}); # (3 10 1)\nsay [+] bag(.comb).values.map({($_+1)*$_/2}); #14\n```\nAlso note that each character's score can be calculated from its occurrences as `(n+1)*n/2`.\nEdited because I cannot evidently read.\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), score 33\n```\n0vAB;n*<\np>i:0(?^:ag1+:}r-@a\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/36DM0ck6T8uGq8Au08pAwz7OKjHdUNuqtkjXIRG/LAA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n28 bytes, with 2 occurrences each of `a` and `0`, and 3 occurrences of `:`. `AB` can be replaced by any two characters which don't appear anywhere else in the code.\nWorks by storing the current character count in the code grid on row 10. The sum is actually a negative sum to start with, and the -1 from reaching the end of STDIN is multiplied with this to turn it back into a positive number.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## Challenge:\nGiven a string only containing upper- and/or lowercase letters (whichever you prefer), put `tape` horizontally to fix it. We do this by checking the difference of two adjacent letters in the alphabet (ignoring wrap-around and only going forward), and filling the space with as much `TAPE`/`tape` as we would need.\n---\n### Example:\nInput: `abcmnnnopstzra` \nOutput: `abcTAPETAPETmnnnopTAstTAPETzra`\n***Why?***\n* Between `c` and `m` should be `defghijkl` (length 9), so we fill this with `TAPETAPET`;\n* Between `p` and `s` should be `qr` (length 2), so we fill this with `TA`;\n* Between `t` and `z` should be `uvwxy` (length 5), so we fill this with `TAPET`.\n## Challenge rules:\n* The difference only applies forward, so no tape between `zra`.\n* It is possible to have multiple of the same adjacent letters like `nnn`.\n* You are allowed to take the input in any reasonable format. Can be a single string, string-array/list, character-array/list, etc. Output has the same flexibility.\n* You are allowed to use lowercase and/or uppercase any way you'd like. This applies both to the input, output, and `TAPE`.\n* It is possible no `TAPE` is necessary, in which case the input remains unchanged.\n## General rules:\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest answer in bytes wins. \nDon't let code-golf languages discourage you from posting answers with non-codegolfing languages. Try to come up with an as short as possible answer for 'any' programming language.\n* [Standard rules apply](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2419/default-for-code-golf-program-function-or-snippet/2422#2422) for your answer, so you are allowed to use STDIN/STDOUT, functions/method with the proper parameters and return-type, full programs. Your call.\n* [Default Loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are forbidden.\n* If possible, please add a link to a test for your code.\n* Also, please add an explanation if necessary.\n---\n## Test cases:\n```\nInput: \"abcmnnnopstzra\"\nOutput: \"abcTAPETAPETmnnnopTAstTAPETzra\"\nInput: \"aza\"\nOutput: \"aTAPETAPETAPETAPETAPETAPEza\"\nInput: \"ghijk\"\nOutput: \"ghijk\"\nInput: \"aabbddeeffiiacek\"\nOutput: \"aabbTddeeffTAiiaTcTeTAPETk\"\nInput: \"zyxxccba\"\nOutput: \"zyxxccba\"\nInput: \"abccxxyz\"\nOutput: \"abccTAPETAPETAPETAPETAPExxyz\"\nInput: \"abtapegh\"\nOutput: \"abTAPETAPETAPETAPETtaTAPETAPETAPETApeTgh\"\nInput: \"tape\"\nOutput: \"taTAPETAPETAPETApe\"\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 13 bytes\n```\nOI\u2019\u201c\u00a1\u0282\u0181\u00bb\u1e41$\u20ac\u017c@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATQAy/9qZWxsef//T0nigJnigJzCocqCxoHCu@G5gSTigqzFvED///8iYWJjbW5ubm9wc3R6cmEi \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\nOI\u2019\u201c\u00a1\u0282\u0181\u00bb\u1e41$\u20ac\u017c@ \u2013 Full program. Take a string as a command line argument.\nO \u2013 Ordinal. Get the ASCII values of each character.\n I\u2019 \u2013 Get the increments (deltas), and subtract 1 from each.\n \u20ac \u2013 For each difference I...\n \u201c\u00a1\u0282\u0181\u00bb\u1e41$ \u2013 Mold the compressed string \"tape\" according to these values.\n Basically extends / shortens \"tape\" to the necessary length.\n \u017c@ \u2013 Interleave with the input.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~14~~ 12 bytes\n```\n'\u00a1\u00c9I\u00c7\u00a5<\u220d\u201a\u03b6JJ\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f9f/dDCw52eh9sPLbV51NH7qGHWuW1eXv//R6snqusoQIgkOJECJ1LhRBqcyIQTYG3JcCXZ6rEA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n'\u00a1\u00c9 # push the string \"tape\"\n I # push input\n \u00c7 # convert to a list of character codes\n \u00a5 # calculate deltas\n < # decrement\n \u220d # extend the string \"tape\" to each of these sizes\n # results in an empty string for sizes smaller than zero\n \u201a\u03b6 # zip with input (results in a list of pairs)\n JJ # join to a list of strings and then to a string\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 58 bytes\n```\nf(x:y:r)=x:take(length[x..y]-2)(cycle\"TAPE\")++f(y:r)\nf s=s\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JYqxCsIwFAB3v@KRKaHawbHQwcFNQdCtdHh5TWxsGksTIcnPR6zTcceN6CdlbSmaxyY1q2hjE3BS3Cr3DGMX6zr1h6PglMgq9jjdzkxUlea/d6fBt77MaBy0MONyBb58wj2sFwc1aAEdQ0mzc@69@JBXZHtgmDc8R/OaNkcph0EprY1BUlvLKUYi@f8lUYwps758AQ \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\") The function `f` recurses over the string and looks at consecutive characters `x` and `y`. `cycle\"TAPE\"` yields the infinite string `\"TAPETAPETAPE...\"`. `[x..y]` gets the range of characters from `x` to `y` inclusive, so we need to subtract two from the length. In case `x` occurs later in the alphabet then `y` or both are the same character, we get a negative number after subtracting, but luckily `take` accepts those as well and just takes nothing.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), `-F` 46 bytes\n```\n#/usr/bin/perl -F\nuse 5.10.0;\nsay map{((P,E,T,A)x7)[2..-$^H+($^H=ord)],$_}@F\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9X1qcqmCqZ2igZ2D9vzixUiE3saBaQyNAx1UnRMdRs8JcM9pIT09XJc5DWwNI2OYXpWjG6qjE1zq4/f@fmJScm5eXl19QXFJVlPgvv6AkMz@v@L@uGwA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~96~~ ~~87~~ 80 bytes\n```\nlambda s:''.join(c+(C>c)*('TAPE'*6)[:ord(C)+~ord(c)]for c,C in zip(s,s[1:]+' '))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VcyxCsIwFIXh3acIXZJri6CDQ0FBiruDW@2Q3DY21SYh6ZBm8NUjTpLp8PPBsesyGn1I8vRIbz6LnhNfU7qbjNIMS9acEbaM3i@3K90eoa2N61kD5ee3CJ00jmDVEKVJVJb5yrf7uispoQDJOqUXIlnBBc5aa2P9Eh0vYPOXmOVzVNMrcy5E3w@DlEpxHDKLawiIIv8TiCGssYD0BQ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 64 bytes\n```\nt=\"TAPE\"++t\ne=fromEnum\nf(x:y:z)=x:take(e y-e x-1)t++f(y:z)\nf x=x\n```\nHandles strings of either uppercase *or* lowercase letters, but not both.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVDNasQgED6vTzH1lCXsodeAhy1sLy20UB9gjRkbm0QXY6iRffc0P5DdphUG9PubGUvRVljXw@AZ5cf3E01TT5ApZ5uT6RqikpD1WdyzkHlRYYLQHxDC4XHv01QlE0UUBBaGAOe2tF1dPOEZeoArBGBsvDG4dP7Du1cD9O3lgZLd7grWl@i@dYsjjc5ZB/RZ6JoS0ghtRrCwBMajgIpcNsYYe2l9dILet5m4aeq5FhE/tn5@Tto1Im59q2tT8Wb6LPVX9du2QGuqyPOiQFRKayFxo51YvtD8OAq45Dh3uQXEPgQp881sK3r3ATKEPv5ZXf63wawcfgA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# C, 84 bytes\n```\ni,l;f(char*s){for(;*s;)for(putchar(l=*s++),l=s[i=0]+~l;ix and~ord(x)+ord(y)]for x,y in zip(a,a[1:])]),()))+a[-1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY89T8MwEIbn5ldYnmwakCoWailIGRiYYPAWMjiOQ1waO0ocYXvgr4d8oNStGE6nu/d97qN1ptbqcaySj/HMmqJkgBEIH05aKtQPDfKyRSzOEKTp@wu8O@KMuGcLmCp/dFcii/dzcjivdAds7IBUYGVYdiA5znGMMMZ7lt0f8vG7lmcBaDcIEu0kSCZ3OxiEsycyydFOB63j2mo7qQyqkMQgSYDGE7caxtc5EwBZwRullG574zsGo7fBbMJ89RKrg6a9WcrFGG0T/BW2QTfhQ@azlqevgPqrLzNZUZSlEFUlJeMitM4SXTWaTirlVCw7Qt47azkvwsMurSj4nVvr/PXX/L/rF9sv \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-1 byte thanks to Asone Tuhid\n[Answer]\n# [Scala](http://www.scala-lang.org/), 66 bytes\n```\n(s:String)=>s./:(\"z\"){(o,c)=>o+(\"TAPE\"*6).take(c-o.last-1)+c}.tail\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY/BagIxEIbveYqQU1J1i5cehBU89NaCYF9gMptoNCbLzlDiis@@xh7Kzm2@H76ZnxAiTNmeHbL8hpCkK@xSR3LX9@IupPyFKL1sJ02bAw8hHU27peZ9o9WozF3nJVaQF1r97Paf6u3DNAwXp3GVmwjEq7VZ4KOyEKeXih0xyVZ@BWJd9a9RYPGaUso98TiAWv7zcbYcT@F8mWVgbdc5530IgG6WjLdSEO3cYxFLudWHxd/9xufBAZ40tdu@duKYtNdkjBHiMT0B \"Scala \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# Explanation\n```\n/: foldLeft over the string\n(\"z\") starting with a non-empty string to we don't have to handle the first iteration in a special way\n\"TAPE\"*6 generate a long enough string of TAPETAPETA...\n.take(c-o.last-1) take the difference between this character and the previous (now the last char in the output so far) characters from the TAPETAPETA... string. o.last will always be safe because we start with a non-empty string.\no+...+c append it to the output so far ... and add this character to the end\n.tail get rid of the leading z we added\n```\n[Answer]\n# [PHP](https://php.net), 85 bytes\n```\n$s=str_split($argv[1]);foreach($s as$l)echo str_pad($l,ord(next($s))-ord($l),'TAPE');\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8go@G9jXwAkVYpti0uK4osLcjJLNFQSi9LLog1jNa3T8otSE5MzNFSKFRKLVXI0U5Mz8hVACgsSUzRUcnTyi1I08lIrgFqKNTV1QTygIh31EMcAV3VN6////ycmJefm5eXlFxSXVBUlAgA)\n### Explanation\n```\n$s = str_split($argv[1]); // convert the parameter string to an array\nforeach($s as $l) // loop the array\necho str_pad( // print\n $l, // the letter\n ord(next($s)) - ord($l), // calculate the distance to the next letter using ASCII values\n 'TAPE' // padding string\n); // profit!\n```\n[Answer]\n# Javascript, ~~131~~ 127 Bytes\n4 Bytes saved thanks to [Rick Hitchcock.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/42260/rick-hitchcock) \n```\nz=(a=>[...a].reduce((x,y)=>x+[...Array((f=y[c='charCodeAt']()-x.slice(-1)[c]())>1?f-1:0)].reduce((e,r,t)=>e+\"TAPE\"[t%4],\"\")+y))\n```\n## Unrolled\n```\nz=a=>[...a].reduce(\n (x,y)=>\n x + [...Array(\n (f = y.charCodeAt()-(x.slice(-1).charCodeAt()) ) > 1 ? (f-1) : 0\n )].reduce(\n (e,r,t)=> \n e + \"TAPE\"[t%4],\"\") + y\n);\n```\nMy Problem here is that Javascript had no clean way to get the distance between character a and b.\n```\n\n
\n \n
\n\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2 / 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), ~~70~~ 69 bytes\n```\nf=lambda s,*t:t and s+('TAPE'*6)[:max(ord(t[0])+~ord(s),0)]+f(*t)or s\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XYyxDsIgFEV3v4J0KbQdmpg4NHFwcHdwazo8oFhUoIE3UAZ/Hetm2O495@auGy7OHnNW5zcYLoGErsEBCVhJQkvr@@V2rZsTGwcDkTovKY79xNrPLwbW9WxqFW2QOU9CXr22SPdeARfGWuvWgMlDxdjhz6UCPBb9fBUb4FzKeVZKaxBzYdMWoxC8/OVCxLilneYv \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 20 bytes\n```\n\u2b46\u03b8\u207a\u2026TAPE\u2227\u03ba\u2296\u207b\u2105\u03b9\u2105\u00a7\u03b8\u2296\u03ba\u03b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYxBCsIwFESvErr6hXgCV6F14aIY0At8k48NTX/SNIp6@TQigrOYeYuZMSMmE9CXopPjDOdc4zZghEUK7e8rdC/jqRtDhOai9KGRQrGFSYqeTKKZOJOFwXGtnpJ1jB5cK8WPVT6ypefn7n8wtV9J4arvS8GrmZk5xDW/E5bdw28 \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Explanation:\n```\n \u03b8 \u03b8 Input string\n\u2b46 Map over characters\n \u03ba Current index\n \u2296 Decremented\n \u00a7 Index into string\n \u03b9 Current character\n \u2105 \u2105 Ordinal\n \u207b Subtract\n \u2296 Decremented\n \u03ba Current index\n \u2227 Logical and\n TAPE Literal string\n \u2026 Mold to length\n \u03b9 Current character\n \u207a Concatenate\n Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 29 bytes\n```\nO@a{\"TAPE\"@t?s.padEnd((t>s)*(parseInt(s+t,36)-370)%37,'TAPE')+f(S):s\n```\nThe distance between two characters can be determined by converting their concatenation to base 36, subtracting 370, modulus 37.\nFor example, `(parseInt('cy',36)-370)%37 == 22`.\nWe can then use `padEnd` to fill in the gaps, and recursion to handle the loop.\n**Test Cases:**\n```\nf=([s,...S],t=S[0])=>t?s.padEnd((t>s)*(parseInt(s+t,36)-370)%37,'TAPE')+f(S):s\nconsole.log(f('abcmnnnopstzra'));\nconsole.log(f('aza'));\nconsole.log(f('ghijk'));\nconsole.log(f('aabbddeeffiiacek'));\nconsole.log(f('zyxxccba'));\nconsole.log(f('abccxxyz'));\nconsole.log(f('abtapegh'));\nconsole.log(f('tape'));\n```\n[Answer]\n# [K4](http://kx.com/download/), 48 bytes\n**Solution:**\n```\n{,/_[w;x],',[1_d w:&0 1.\n```\n{,/_[w;x],',[1_d w:&0s{s.reduce{|x,y|x+y.rjust(y.ord-x[-1].ord,\"TAPE\")}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY@xbsMgEIb3PEXE1Ko2ah7AlTx0z8CGGOCMY6eqYwGWANvP7ubAypB0OOn4/@@/O8ykwtZWW/llZ0uNbibQ8@KLsPiPQM11su4t0JtpSs/Lk8CuIKw@f5P3dd34gROp4HcYhttoXTSSFEdUkEiVLVZbl55IiAJTMaMP8Knizl26/vqDZG5yVirVNFq3bd9L0MlGjWWR1XeZAdNp1p6JwXsAlZY@@jxNAXgf4n45/HdN8nfayVFfuky/sO7pQ6NmdzYlMYepV4SIg6BaQjcvbhmPLXf8U1DopLGiqhw/iXX7Aw \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is actually pretty straightforward - we take input as ~~split our string into~~ an array of chars (thanks to Asone Tuhid for pointing this out) and apply reduce operation, where we justify each char to the required length using \"TAPE\" as filler string.\n[Answer]\n# [K (oK)](https://github.com/JohnEarnest/ok), 33 bytes\n```\n{,/((0|-1+0,1_-':x)#\\:\"TAPE\"),'x}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY8/D4IwEMV3P4U5TYQIEdd2YnB36IZES20VUSDQodQ/Xx1paRzU4dL23e/dvRZhVfS9QPdg5XnRI1wvo2C9DxdI@bMdAhJvN@AHC/XsJbofIjRPuleDxFThAKoCsAeC5lfACne48VP8nMgEaMZuZVlWdSt1QwEbwUyyNXZI3Er7NEBqTdqSH@6rtMNO5/wy7HXn6KRZdjxyLkSeU8ZN10hk1Eg8qIQRbic5i@6UYiwzGz/X1EVnSnV6DM3@JbFtB0ta89PZwj@o/PpLzcmAWqOxDaZfAlLcvwE \"K (oK) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`{ }` anonymous function with argument `x`\n`-':x` subtract each prior (use an imaginary 0 before the first item)\n`1_` drop first item\n`0,` prepend a 0\n`-1+` add -1\n`0|` max(0, ...)\n`(`...`)#\\:\"TAPE\"` reshape the string `\"TAPE\"` to each item from the list on the left\n`(`...`),'x` append the corresponding character from `x` to each reshaped string\n`,/` concatenate all\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Classic)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 30 bytes\n```\n{\u220a\u2375,\u00a8\u2368\u2374\u2218'TAPE'\u00a80,0\u2308-1+2-/\u2395a\u2373\u2375}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNzkksLs5M/v@ob2pm/qO2CQb/04Bk9aOOrke9W3UOrXjUC0RbHnXMUA9xDHBVP7TCQMfgUU@HrqG2ka4@UFPio97NQJW1//@XgPX1bn3UuagIyEx71LvL6lHvKvW0xMwcdSAHKFX0qLtFPT9bvZZL3dHJ2dfPz88/IDgkKshRvQQkALIBjCEyIY7BIWAuSAFQRxRYGVwRGo4CqXH38PTyBqqC0EA9jk5OLi6urm5unp6Ozq4gKZBQCEQsxBEoGuIcAjEDpD4qMiLC2dkJZBGcCXarc0REZBTElc7YbAdLg1SCOO4eYJUY6kIwHQ9UygUJ2RJ1TGl1AA \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`{ }` anonymous function with argument `\u2375`\n`\u2395a\u2373\u2375` find indices of its chars in the alphabet\n`2-/` pairwise differences (prev minus next)\n`1+` add 1\n`-` negate\n`0\u2308` max(0, ...)\n`0,` prepend a 0\n`\u2374\u2218'TAPE'\u00a8` reshape cyclically the string `'TAPE'` to each\n`\u2375,\u00a8\u2368` append each char from the argument to the corresponding reshaped string\n`\u220a` flatten\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~78 77 64~~ 62 bytes\n-1 byte thanks to Kevin Cruijssen\n```\nf=->s,*t{t[0]?s+('TAPE'*6)[0,[0,t[0].ord+~s.ord].max]+f[*t]:s}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bZBNb4QgEIbv/gqyF1u1Zk89mLSNh9574GY4wIArbRaMYIJ2279uBXa1aUqYMLzvM8PHMLJpWdqnh2dTZPbTNkfyYvK7FNdvr2n2eN8ci3V6udQDz7@NX0h5po7kbZNZUpmvpUkQag6UwVkppXtj54EeCuQV3ydEtHBtbNh6ghSxbo7whv6JeSNPnXz/8GxMbvWUMc6FaFspKYgAeA1HEderjAGL0G@rmifnAFg4estvHRmAc9N8fQP8d6vgk4SUgkKHuEYXWejLWt4PUlmUStWPtkLrSL04WoPk7p509H6562/KEjo6GLJzwvUCrODVzulrkgjFlx8 \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK)](http://jdk.java.net/), 91 bytes\n```\ns->{var p='z';for(var c:s)System.out.print(\"ETAP\".repeat(9).substring(1,c>p?c-p:1)+(p=c));}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bZBBa4NAEIXv@RWDl6xtIuTYpKaE0GOhkN5CDuO6Jmt0d9kdgxr87VatBGl7WJZ5b5j55qV4w2UaX1uZG20J0q4OCpJZ8LSZ/dGSQnGSWv1rOrIC897iGToHHygV3GcApogyycERUvfdtIwh7zx2ICvV@XgCtGfnD60Ae61ckQv7yi9oj6ctJBC2brm939CCCef1fJNoy/qKr51/qByJPNAFBaabRsx7/9p9eoEVRiCxFz9wReSGRWy14FvzxpdmvfKfmQm572@adjOsfbCQcOQgHGkAPIx4rpTSxlFt0Vs89HpSnC8yvU48jKI4FiJJpEQuJk5dlSXn0XROxHlZVrU3CM0PTncijPkMROsfLv@BlQTIuTDEej0gve/S2lmLFeuOGnt@Z5MpNnrNrH9N@w0 \"Java (JDK) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\ns->{ // char[]-accepting lambda consumer, printing a String\n var p='z'; // store the previous character\n for(var c:s){ // for each character of the string\n System.out.print( // print...\n \"ETAP\".repeat(9) // \"ETAP\" repeated 9 times (to go above 26 chars)\n .substring(1, // of which, we substring c-p -1 characters\n c>p?c-p:1 //\n ) //\n +(p=c) // and append c, while also storing the previous character\n );\n```\n## Credits\n* -2 bytes thanks to [R.M](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/74635/r-m)\n* -4 bytes thanks to [ceilingcat](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52904/ceilingcat), by upgrading to Java 10+ and switching types to `var`\n* -3 bytes thanks to [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen), by printing the result of my (previously) alternate version instead of returning it\n[Answer]\n# [C# (.NET Core)](https://www.microsoft.com/net/core/platform), ~~122~~ 111 bytes\nSaved 11 bytes thanks to [@KevinCruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen)\n```\ns=>{var r=\"\"+s[0];for(int i=1,e,d;i1;)r+=\"ETAP\"[(e-d)%4];return r;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lY9Na4NAEIbv/opFKCh@UKG3jUIp7SmFQAs9iId1d9RpkzXsbIIf@NttTKCXXsx7mGHgeYYZSZFsDcxyL4jYzhkddglZYVGyc4uKvQvUHlmDus4LJkxN/pUZnWtb8tGThUP8dtJycyNDdusZq1g6U5qNZ2GYSV03oPyx4FVrPNSWYZqEECqOG4q3oGvbcBOklGMQFP4CQaqWsYguJUoKrqIoS7h/gdzXz@edm3sQKf/hqeAG7MloZvg083@nvbSa2j3EXwYtbFGDV3muKOVBa90eyQ5GuL7P12nDerZu8Ptn/WZRlkoBVBWikLBeHPquk7K844dSyq7rhzsEK45QN6uFBf@DJ2eafwE \"C# (.NET Core) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns => \n{\n var r = \"\" + s[0]; //Declare string for the result and initialize with the first character from the input.\n for ( //Loop over the input,\n int i = 1, e, d; //starting with the second character, also declare helper variables.\n i < s.Length; //Loop until the end of the input is reached.\n r += s[i++]) //Add the current character to the result and increase the counter.\n for ( //Loop for adding the TAPE.\n e = d = s[i] - s[i - 1]; //Calculate the differnce between the current and the previous character.\n d-- > 1;) //Loop until the difference is 1.\n r += \"ETAP\"[(e - d) % 4]; //Add a character from the TAPE to the result.\n return r; //Return the result.\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Yabasic](http://www.yabasic.de), 119 bytes\nAn anonymous function that takes input as an uppercase string and outputs to STDOUT. \n```\nInput\"\"s$\na=90\nFor i=1To Len(s$)\nc$=Mid$(s$,i,1)\nb=Asc(c$)\nFor j=2To b-a\n?Mid$(\"peta\",Mod(j,4)+1,1);\nNext\n?c$;\na=b\nNext\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##q0xMSizOTP7/3zOvoLRESalYhSvR1tKAyy2/SCHT1jAkX8EnNU@jWEWTK1nF1jczRQXI1snUMdTkSrJ1LE7WSAbKgNRm2RoB1SbpJnLZg1UpFaSWJCrp@OanaGTpmGhqGwK1WHP5pVaUcNknq1gDLUkC8/7/d3Ry9vXz8/MPCA6JCnIEAA \"Yabasic \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 90 bytes\n```\np,o=' ',''\nfor t in input():y=(ord(t)-ord(p)-1)*(p!=' ');o+=('TAPE'*y)[0:y]+t;p=t\nprint(o)\n```\n[Try it Online](https://repl.it/repls/SkeletalWrithingCell)\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, 139 119 bytes\n```\n#(reduce-kv(fn[r x c](let[a(cycle \"TAPE\")i int d(-(i(nth(cycle %)(inc x)))(i c))](str r(if(> d 1)(apply str c(take(dec d)a))c))))\"\"(vec %))\n```\nAnonymous function which take the string and returns the taped one. As always, Clojure doesn't seem to perform all too well. What I couldn't really work out is fetching the next char in a short way. On the last char I would get an `OutOfBoundsException`, reason obvious. So I put a `cycle` around it. Maybe there is a more elegant solution.\n## Ungolfed\n```\n#(reduce-kv\n (fn [r x c]\n (let [a (cycle \"TAPE\")\n i int\n d (-\n (i (nth (cycle %) (inc x)))\n (i c))]\n (str r\n (if (> d 1)\n (apply str c (take (dec d) a))\n c))))\n \"\"\n (vec %))\n```\n# Update\nManaged to shafe off a few bytes. Got rid of the pesky `if` statement by decrementing the difference. `take` produces an empty list if the number is 0 or less which in turn results in an empty string.\n```\n#(reduce-kv(fn[r x c](let[d(-(int(nth(cycle %)(inc x)))(int c)1)](str r c(apply str(take d(cycle \"TAPE\"))))))\"\"(vec %))\n```\n## Ungolfed\n```\n#(reduce-kv\n (fn [r x c]\n (let [d (-\n (int (nth (cycle %) (inc x)))\n (int c)\n 1)]\n (str\n r\n c\n (apply\n str\n (take\n d\n (cycle \"TAPE\"))))))\n \"\"\n (vec %))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), ~~27~~ 25 bytes\n```\nq_:i2ew.{:-~0e>_\"TAPE\"*<}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP3/vzDeKtMotVyv2kq3ziDVLl4pxDHAVUnLpvb//8Sk5Ny8vLz8guKSqqJEAA \"CJam \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFar, far from the other golfing languages, but I'm proud of this golf anyway.\n### Explanation\n```\nq Read the input\n ew And take windows of size\n 2 2\n i from the code points\n : of each of its characters.\n { } For each of these windows:\n : Reduce with\n - subtraction.\n Since there are only 2 elements, this just subtracts them.\n e> Take the maximum\n ~ of this difference's bitwise negation\n 0 and zero.\n This returns -n-1 if n is negative, and 0 otherwise.\n Call this new value m.\n * Repeat\n \"TAPE\" the string \"TAPE\" m times.\n _ < And then take the first m elements.\n The result of this will be an array of strings which consist of\n the string \"TAPE\" repeated the proper amount of times.\n . Zip this array with the original input.\n Since the original input is one element longer than this array,\n the nothing is pushed after the final character.\n Implicitly print everything.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), ~~26~~ 25 bytes\n```\n\u03a3So\u017c+C1(moo\u2191\u00a2\u00a8t\u02269\u00a8>0\u2190\u1e8a-mc\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AT4Awf9odXNr///Oo1NvxbwrQzEobW9v4oaRwqLCqHTIpjnCqD4w4oaQ4bqKLW1j////ImFiY21ubm5vcHN0enJhIg \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 72 bytes\n```\n-join($args|% t*y|%{for(;$p*(++$p-lt$_)){'TAPE'[$i++%4]}$i=0;$p=+$_;$_})\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bZFPb4MgGIfvfgpiXlepNtlhpzVN1sPuO3BbFqP0tdo5ZcIy/9TP7gA3a9qREODH8wBvENU31jLDohghJTvSj5tTlZc@xPVRnj2i1u3Z69Oq9rcg1n4QgNgUCiJK@xXbvzyvXiEPAu/hbYB8d6@ZXQDRFqKBjoPjPPkO0S303TjhH2VZVkKqro7d0ATGt33aYXup7NIAdBY7S8/sVe8W6DHLT@8ansbLCXGSHA6IaZrnMUdDmIhNGdvrlHGG9sSF1rVNw3libp@ndFEOb5q2mwrh/73Mbi8EFQs8Zla4wdVVfQKZRmfZqFq8pTRCyZl4pLcoyBCwEcgVHvRfQjSlNcqvQungTn8xSBu64P/mG/ycJfr4R7vOMP4A \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# **Java , 213 166 153 bytes**\n```\ni->{String o=\"\";for(int a=0,l=i.length;++a<=l;){char u=i[a-1],n;o+=u;if(a0?n+~u:0);}}return o;}\n```\n[try it online](https://tio.run/##bZDBbsIwDIbvPIXVUztKxK4LZZqm7TZpErshDm5IISwkVeIgCupenaUFsR4WyUr82XL@3zs84MTW0uzW3xe1r60j2EXGAinNHvhIaPQePlAZOI8APCEpMWipghGkrGHvt8dMbNEtVzksyCmzmUMFBVzUZH6@ArBFkvDKulQZAiymuS4U09JsaMvHY5wVmmfnbgiEQi1x8rjKDbfjInBVpTjT2dl0fNWx5Ovl8@3fSJgPpe9/TKe5mYT59NmMf8LTNONt6yQFZ8Dy9sJH0VYdSh1t3dwdrFrDPlpOr5KXK0C38Vm/Abgzkp58NNfTeBIsxd4YY2tPJ4dJfuenQbLZqt33oIZluV5LWVVKoZCDyqk5HoUoh3NKIY7H5vRHCGuZ9EnL@yvuFW6qe31PV5XZXeSi8ST3zAZidewibdKKYV3rJu06GdnXuPoX57BJsyy7Tm1HXbSXXw)\n```\n String o = \"\";\n for (int a = 0, l = i.length; ++a <= l; ) { // for each character\n char u = i[a - 1]; // current character\n o += u; // add current character to output string \n if (a < l) { // if it's not the last one\n char n = i[a]; // next character\n o += \"TAPETAPETAPETAPETAPETAPET\".substring(0, n - u > 0 ? n +~ u : 0); // fill with enough tape but only forward\n }\n }\n return o;\n```\nPlease help me make it better.\nThanks to @cairdcoinheringaahing for the tip on whitespaces.\nThanks to @R.M for the tip on tape string.\nThanks to @KevinCruijssen for the lambda and expressions tips.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nWe say a string is *non-discriminating* if each of the string's characters appears the same number of times and at least twice.\n### Examples\n* `\"aa!1 1 !a !1\"` is *non-discriminating* because each of the characters , `!`, `a` and `1` appear three times.\n* `\"abbaabb\"` is **not** *non-discriminating* because `b` appears more often than `a`.\n* `\"abc\"` is also **not** *non-discriminating* because the characters don't appear at least twice.\n### Task\nWrite a ***non-discriminating*** program or function which returns a *[truthy](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2190/interpretation-of-truthy-falsey)* value if a given string is *non-discriminating*, and a *[falsy](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2190/interpretation-of-truthy-falsey)* value otherwise.\nThat is, the program run on its own source code should return a truthy value.\nEach submission must be able to handle non-empty strings containing [printable ASCII](http://facweb.cs.depaul.edu/sjost/it212/documents/ascii-pr.htm), as well as all characters appearing in the source code of the submission.\n### Test Cases\nTruthy:\n```\n\n\"aaaa\"\n\"aa!1 1 !a !1\"\n\"aabbccddeeffgg\"\n\"1Q!V_fSiA6Bri{|}tkDM]VjNJ=^_4(a&=?5oYa,1wh|R4YKU #9c!#Q T&f`:sm$@Xv-ugWF'jl3xmd'9Ie$MN;TrCBC/tZIL*G27byEn.g0kKhbR%>G-.5pHcL0)JZ`s:*[x2Sz68%v^Ho8+[e,{OAqn?3Egy1xX\"\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 10 bytes\n```\n=\u1d4db\u1d50b\u1d50l\u1d4d=l\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/3/bh1t6kh1sngHAOkG2b8/@/EqagEgA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n=\u1d4d Group all equal elements together\n b\u1d50b\u1d50 Remove the first element of each group twice. This fails if\n there are fewer than 2 elements\n l\u1d4d Group elements together that have the same length\n = Are all elements of that list equal? This only succeeds if the\n list has one element\n l Length. This will always succeed\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~198~~ ~~192~~ ~~186~~ ~~174~~ ~~168~~ ~~165~~ 160 bytes (char-count ~~6~~ 5)\n```\no->{byte x[]=new byte[+333-3|2],u=-0,i,fe,fi,w; s:w:no0r3sswwyyy:for(int s:o){{u=++x[s];}};for(int b:x){if(!!!(2>b||u==b)|2>u|2>2){x[0]++;}}return!!(0>--x[0]);}\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##zVFZd6IwGH2fXxG6KAi40cWC2LrbVq1Vq1UOtgGCogjKIlLktzt0e@uZGd8mJ3n4cnNP7jKHG0ibK2TMlcVe1qFtgxbUjOAXAJrhIEuFMgLt9xEAyTR1BA0g4/IMWoIIbIKLgDA60bYd6GgyaAMD8GBv0oVA8h0EtoLIG8gD74NAMgxDM7usSLk8naY0SkWUqlEeB2zWYw0zbTG27Xm@77OqaeGRgggwiSBweZLcCrbIhSH3jUjslgg0FccwDM8WpN3O5XmJ2GULbnSyRLAV0iJJRgwLOa5lRK/SBZp@vyW4cM99ql65kh6p/hK/MTUFLCP/eM@xNGMqiJD49J5KgZ7pWlEYsqkgoDk20lX2A@r5toOWSdN1kquI5OgGbiRl/Oh/j@Ao6ZjlqMiiZUEfJ4iPMn@084V8B9G3XGfm/9k8jNa/f/BFwTIgAzAIsMzBVEmSZUVBSFWn0wPJmUds8KL2tOJFydKCXegsKi1xMG/f8ZOXMxzG@OtzcwSpjDfbdc9G90/g@ErGjh9BP6a@svby5OZ5Q7vTYb5D6OGwU6jF5zqzXSrxq1t00mpzfatcKqec8W0zUc9eSn7VSE7Ti/uZ1D0t1Onk@aohN9PE3fjVZhPCNtt7u8idbiYNM0cKiAoeimvjmqnmH2reM87d@K5Ivl2mVsr6qXJQf9/d1aBuo791d2j6kvRewMEs@UCG9Khe9OTiucKevcA7oiJmE5PWBq@G99KleSMuLLQZXqN@ujbkbnd3rLYFp1cYU/OWXOJpXG@85pxBYepnts/5XuqheNl2SvFQBm58cNKkRvpoFRwLyeQ8Nu0vcvMVfdHV60/N45f8JF0uj@87j2ole2oTM0SXWl03Y1yvFS2Fna95zzgxLUg@U52Ht7dGe8bjZ8Hylbm63dkCWb2J@YUffYa/wv1v) \n[Code used to verify the occurrences of the characters](https://tio.run/##VU@xboMwEP0Vk8kuYCWwgUhVdWmlVh0YEYMhR@Ik2MjYAQSRsrdfmR9JTdMOHU6nu/fuvXd7dmK@bEDsN4fbjdeNVBrt7ZIazY/0IeZCg6pYCeh1bDXTvEQnyTeoZlzgVCsutlnOyPjOGlQnAjr0wtqdnTCJK6lwuWMKldEMpCUTAhROh1ZDTbkgVECv37gATKiWz5b6pBQbMCE1bYzGpVfTLdh@vXxdL5/ESYQ5Hh@xDUX@I@4qWt0NP4o9lBpBVNMDDKnlEPLrKI2mjU2sjwKDu4jQwr2rACHx@Xy7SX89FoMG1Gf5zy/zkLlhGPrhFOSeSfylx70KvIp7XYzaqIuEXKqwbbtuGIZoDmD1LSDJOJrEdfusza12/IcUUU9GXmHHcXCwLqbJJElBpmBtbAVk7LNl7rr2QoE2SljWcu3789ZG/AY), which was my answer for [this challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/19068/display-number-of-occurrences-for-every-character-in-an-input-string/83741#83741).\n-5 bytes thanks to *@OlivierGr\u00e9goire* again by getting rid of the comment and making a mess. ;)\nOld **168 bytes (char-count 6) answer**:\n```\no->{int w[]=new int[2222],u=0,f=0;for(int r:o)u=++w[r];for(int e:w)if(!(2>e|u==e)|2>u)f++;return!(f>0);}//[[[]]] !!!!e(i)++,,,,-----oo////000tuww::::{{{{{;;||||}}}}}>>\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##1ZNZd6IwHMXf@ylCWxVEBbfaSqF1bbXu2pWDbYCgKBJlEa3y2R3sMk89M@Pj/E7ykPxzs9x7MoFLGMdzZE7U6U4xoG2DJtTNzREAuukgS4MKAq39EAAZYwNBEyikMoaWKAGb4oKCH/Sg2Q50dAW0gAl4sMNxYRNsADxR4k3k7TcTUwFSzOXZmMaznIYtcr/CymPK5WnaEy3p9yTKe5SukQSZEtDW5XlEbVOCS2k0zVnIcS2TIDWBpTifYURRlCQJACIAkTpF07GA@B6MmQCWZR3X8/IBmz0ctw3w9wjCjvu8/dyVjeD2X49YYl0Fs8AHsu9YujkSJUh9esAwoI9dKzBFwSoCumMjQ8t/lPpr20GzBHadxDwQOYZJmgmFPP5frDhOOLgUBFuwLLgmKeoj3B@f9VX5NmRguc54/WcTYMC/H/AlIZIgCQgIiOTBUllWFFVFSNNGowPFyS7x8Kr19cJZ0dI3W9@ZlpvSw6RV54evGRKG@assfoaxpDfe9jLPd/fg5EIhTrpgENbe8vbs9PppGXdHj5cdyvAfO0I1MjHSq5kauaih02aLG1ilYolxXmqN6E0qJ68rZmLETu/Gci8k3MQT2fmt0mCp@subnY@Kq1T//ew8tBze4nNaRLFNu7Awr9KVy3bVeyK567Ur0e85Zq4u7ssH5fedXRUaNvpbdoe6L8v7AA5WKQcq5K521lcKWTWfeYV1qiylosPmkqz4d3IOX0tTCy0fr9CArT5ytW09r69A6IJIV70ZF71/ubl9O3cehNE6uXq67DPtQq7lFCO@AtzIw2kj9mw8zzcnYiIxCY8G0/PJPH7WM27uGyevl0O2VHq563S1cipkU2MULzZ7btK8Wqg6Q2QXvGeeYgvST7FO@/39tjXmycxm9pa@qG1tka5ch9c//zT/yN/9Ag) \n[Code used to verify the occurrences of the characters excluding comment](https://tio.run/##VU9BbsIwEPyK4eStwQKOiZyq6qWVWvWQY5SDGzbgENuRsUkRIHFvX8lHUkOrSt3L7s6MdmYbuZNT26FplpthULqzzpMmgjx41fK7VBmPrpYVkufD1kuvKrKzakm0VIbm3imzKkoJh1fZES0M9uRJbtdxo5DW1tFqLR2pkiuRV9IYdDTfbz1qrgxwgx/@RRmkwL19jNIH5@SeAmjeBU@rieYrjP1y/rqcP2EkTGjbexpDwX@GzZP5j@Hbe4OVJ5hovsF9HjUAv442eN7FxL41FNk4IWP2cwUB0tNpGOw0O0Sa9EV5eyXOxSJWOQliNqnF7OZwVbjEQhCM9YUr/0BMelA1HdFFhscgBMJxkQWoGUsd@uDMiNbZLFp9Aw), which was my answer for [this challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/19068/display-number-of-occurrences-for-every-character-in-an-input-string/83741#83741).\n-6 bytes thanks to *@OliverGr\u00e9goire* removing `<` by swapping the checks to `>`.\n**Explanation of the base golfed program (98 bytes):** \n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##lZFrW6JAFMff76cYuhgkKJe0AqHMsqt20a48VAMMiiIYM4gEfPYWt9pX@@yu88y8mDnnf878zn8EZ5ALpsgf2eMPy4MYgw50/fQHAK5PUOhAC4Hu4gqAGQQegj6waGsIQ90AmFGKQF6cYmMCiWuBLvCBCj4wp6VFAQB1Q/VRvCimi7W6wRKVZx2VV5wgpBcJlowZopbLULeM34@uDBnXoV1NKLmUSjLSEBmnXFZCRKLQB05DUPIP5bPvNDK9ou9X@1ng2mBSENA9Err@QDcg8/n7ahX0gigscKzARsAlGHmO/CvUSzBBk0oQkcq0EBHPp/2KRa8EBYSZEATmXxSLi16WJImTMtFgI5XjWZd1EOu4bKwALMeyH/ChhHEcJ0kif/NgOWDSNCow5zo2lDz/TWrKcyYtUCmKokXNzLJIVU0mE7WoOCKTznXeKMDz/BO9yOI1jlu8Mkq@UiFBq7CiGYYwoRnmlx1/xPmKfA@iH0ZkmPwdHhbr/xt8SSgBCICCgBKWlpqmZdk2Qo4zGCwpFq6puxen5zbrB6GbZjkZH3aMu1H3TH1@2aJhSd2rBY@QFeJhdrP1eH4LVnctavUa9EvOq4wna/sPMy4a3DeuGC@/v9LaGyNPmk/sjd1TtNbpKv2wddCqkqfTi81jcdtMjvzKgB@fD82bde2Yq9SmJ9YFz5w9vWJ5U5@Lvff6zvrs@STYKeuITS@bb/6edNS4bMcPtLKfREb5fbs6td9uD5fy79u7NvQw@pd3y07fNBcGLK2yllSY1069ZzVrtrz1As@YQ0PcfO7M6KP83NwO9o1xiGb3e6jPt@@V0@xMdudgfZeS2vFE2bx9Oj553SF32iAR5g@NXvWyud0lBxu5BaKNu7UL9tF7nKareqUyKg36453RlKvfeMe3F6svjWe@1Xo6v7p2DsV1zAwRd9C5iQR/7812q1TtTY39tSCE5Qf26vL9/aQ7VOmtdPIq7Z5mWC8f7ZcS7Y@c@Y/84yc)\n```\ns->{ // Method with character-array parameter and boolean return-type\n int a[]=new int[256], // Occurrences integer-array containing 256 zeroes\n t=0, // Temp integer, starting at 0\n f=0; // Flag integer, starting at 0\n for(int c:s) // Loop over the input\n t=++a[c]; // Increase the occurrence-counter of the current character\n // And set the temp integer to this value\n for(int i:a) // Loop over the integer-array\n if(i>1 // If the value is filled (not 0) and at least 2,\n &i!=t // and it's not equal to the temp integer\n |t<2) // Or the temp integer is lower than 2\n f++; // Increase the flag-integer by 1\n return f<1;} // Return whether the flag integer is still 0\n```\n**Some things I did to reduce the amount of characters used:**\n* Variable names `o`, `w`, `u`, `f`, `r`, and `e` were chosen on purpose to re-use characters we already had (but not exceeding 6).\n* `2222` is used instead of `256`.\n* Changed the if-check `e>0&u!=e|u<2` to `!(e<2|u==e)|u<2` to remove 6x `&`.\n* Removed the two separated returns and used a flag `f`, and we return whether it is still 0 in the end (this meant I could remove the 6x `by` from `byte` now that we only use `n` in `int` 6 times instead of 8).\n* `e<2` and `u<2` changed to `2>e` and `2>u` to remove 6x `<`.\n**What I did to reduce the char-count 6 to 5:**\n* 2x `int` to `byte` so the amount of `n` used is 4 instead of 6.\n* Used `x[0]` instead of a new variable `f=0` so the amount of `=` used is 5 instead of 6.\n* Changed `2222` to `3333` so the amount of `2` used is 2 instead of 6.\n* Changed variables `f` and `r` again so they aren't 6 anymore either.\n**What @OlivierGr\u00e9goire did to get rid of the comment, and therefore the 5x `/`:**\n* Adding unused variables `,i,fe,fi,w;`.\n* Adding unused labels: `s:w:no0r3sswwyyy:`.\n* Adding unused `|2>2`\n* Adding `{}` around the for-loops and ifs, and added an unused `{}`-block.\n* Changing `!` to `!!!`.\n* Changing `|` to `||`.\n* Changing `333` to `+333-3|2`to get rid of leftover arithmetic operators `+-|` and the `2`.\n* Changing `!(x[0]>0)` to `!!(0>--x[0])`.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~18~~ ~~16~~ ~~12~~ 10 bytes\n```\n\u0120\u00acz\u1e0a\u1e0a\u00acz\u0120\u0226\u0226\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY@3ktpgFIV7nuIXIiOCyDmDyDlrBCiDEFEiSEDjxjN@iq222gdwbW@xr2G/iKz1ejvfOcV3z5zmE1hRVDTt9enHi/rr@zc9Orw@vT2/PWs/v/7@8qIH0zTcAHDj/0ZGAgEwkFiRAzIrye8zUj8jYgBAJwgFKIBIAKGfDUXRNMOwLMfx/EeHdqDhnOutsqHccXW7P@R1oUEMhWY1OZsHbKQlmQ7uJiSCXpb3bmBSGwA4SkNwB/Qt3CImbUyZ8dl14keJtl18jNqpklUQ/dcNY41WWFOjGe8f87m8R55W6g7MF6aU4tbNe9e1JdU1pzCXO7gv03WvvTpdSDEHfvX11FDEfJ6VdxEnziK3VvawTfuLiVbpMrbFM8qJcKphz545DAq6@l/df2YU9S73@dAfQHW4UI/OBplYYE5W7QXC55g1zrbio0aFdxlifWTPozTb95ZG8cq9GltdgTkK@UuXTdwxmGLlRUQepngFvY4TPU8rG27KOeuDBifr0FRHJuJkf4Nxt1uw8P11RNi7Ql0RG9TheWLmzeentXaHK/jMkn3JunKN7gndpg/MygMFD8nL1rQ7ks4x0m6parm5TNoCt83CH63cJdxZzFiUlJEwEH8A \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n\u0120\u00acz\u1e0a\u1e0a\u00acz\u0120\u0226\u0226 Main link. Argument: s (string)\n\u0120 Group the indices of s by their corresponding elements.\n \"abcba\" -> [[1, 5], [2, 4], [3]]\n \u00ac Take the logical NOT of each 1-based(!) index.\n [[1, 5], [2, 4], [3]] -> [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]]\n \u1e0a Dequeue; yield s without its fist element.\n \"abcba\" -> \"bcba\"\n z Zip-longest; zip the elements of the array to the left, using the\n string to the right as filler.\n ([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0]], \"bcba\") -> [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, \"bcba\"]]\n \u1e0a Dequeue; remove the first array of the result.\n This yields an empty array if s does not contain duplicates.\n [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, \"bcba\"]] -> [[0, 0, \"bcba\"]]\n \u00ac Take the logical NOT of all zeros and characters.\n [[0, 0, \"bcba\"]] -> [[1, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0]]]\n \u0120 Group.\n z Zip-longest. Since all arrays in the result to the left have the same\n number of elements, this is just a regular zip.\n [[1, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0]]] -> [[1], [1], [[0, 0, 0, 0]]\n \u0226 Any and all; test if the result is non-empty and contains no zeroes,\n at any depth. Yield 1 if so, 0 if not.\n [[1], [1], [[0, 0, 0, 0]] -> 0\n \u0226 Any and all.\n 0 -> 0\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), ~~14~~ 12 bytes\n```\n\u1ecdt\u1d50\u2115\u2082\u1d50==t\u2115\u2082\u1ecd\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r//@Hu3pKHWyc8apn6qKkJyLC1LYGyd/f@/6@ET1oJAA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\u1ecd Occurrences. Gives a list of [char, count] pairs for the entire input.\nt\u1d50 Map \"tail\" over this list, giving each character count.\n\u2115\u2082\u1d50 Make sure that each count is at least 2.\n= Make sure that all counts are equal.\n At this point we're done with the actual code, but we need another copy\n of each character (except \u1d50). We can just put them after this, as long as\n we make sure that they can never cause the predicate to fail.\n= Make sure that all counts are equal, again...\nt Extract the last count.\n\u2115\u2082 Make sure that it's at least 2, again...\n\u1ecd Get the digit occurrences in that count, this can't fail.\n```\nAlternative 12-byte solution that reuses `t` instead of `\u1d50`:\n```\n\u1ecdt\u1d50==t\u2115\u2082\u2115\u2082\u1ecd\u1d50\n```\n[Answer]\n# T-SQL, 320 bytes (32 chars x 10 each)\nInput is via pre-existing table `FILL` with varchar field `STEW`, [per our IO standards](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/5341/70172).\n```\nWITH BUMPF AS(SeLeCT GYP=1\nUNION ALL\nSeLeCT GYP+1FROM BUMPF\nWHeRe GYP<=1000)SeLeCT\nIIF(MIN(WAXBY)!(a=o.split``.map(i=>o.split(i||aeehhhlmmnnnpst)[`length`]-1)).some(g=>![g>1][-!1]||a[-!1]-g)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fVPZcqpAEH33KwA3UCHBLUZEjfse17hQKIvDYhBQEPdv96LeVKXuw52HPtNdZ05PT51Z8Q5viVvVtHHdWIKbRN8MOgujPG0QlqmpNscRa95EVTr7t4CqlwsPgKIo2nqt67pp2RjDaUCXbYVjcRLDCMtYA1R2ZRg5S7IMDpOse@aBuIzdKI9DI0hYojwmzRAEoYM9NAA26mAs5VnR5k9D56chRjzlXXHKIxq6ZWiA0AwZRYoKv@VFG2wh0djpdhpCXIZkbNEDpOqQif0mm8yBjazc8K/IEFg2xMu8qrsouq/wlPnN4STUd3auGERDvrPk3vTKuYz/yNj3ROQtYD3FGIR3FxLxuAiTEAnBPASTz1wQRHG5BECSZPleIXvw10IaqB/JwlY9X672d6nNfq06DXq@iKN8gM4ljCkfIffKpR@fNkeQ912EvT1oGJC4tLX25ScOvpPHmS6mXcfdbCW40mKH9TL4Xge@docabouF4os9q7dC1eibcCzrhPz63VSEvj9bxYmEWRNbr1hjxlnpEHOIDk7JlN@Z14xUmAGR8@fHRs/FypnPyn6CUvnjjg2f3l7M5WZUekzzCIJwn@q5Fe8g9KTkQPxILNPxBd/ASmw0NG87aPnaFN6MPPu9Bc44B4avlTFVvzTS6gHyv8Oxyn5NhUazao1L2V9Z@UgeJpnBy@fHW8cuBK8itAt@@VqRqTY1z17XSKuAPPxOrUw82deqo5Z3kZm/FouzZrcnlaJ@C1MAXmj3d6Se2yzVFzixofe6z9jy4Umk@3k61ToKjcbPay72Xr9YTLicDxyzCPtwo/sn/rED4jsbV@THEMbdENjtDw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n~~24 different characters \\* 6 times each~~ \n~~28 different characters \\* 5 times each~~ \n~~27 different characters \\* 5 times each~~ \n~~27 different characters \\* 4 times each~~\n~~26 different characters \\* 4 times each~~\n~~25 different characters \\* 4 times each~~\n24 different characters \\* 4 times each\n**Explanation**\n```\no=>!(\n a=o.split``.map( // Split the input into character array and\n i=>o.split(i||aeehhhlmmnnnpst)[`length`]-1 // count the occurrences of each character.\n )\n).some( // Then check\n g=>![g>1][-!1] // If each character appears at least twice\n ||a[-!1]-g // and the counts are all the same number.\n) \nMore to add:\n1. Using {s.split``} instead of {[...s]} is to reduce the number of {.} that dominates\n the count.\n2. Using {!c.some} instead of {c.every} to reduce the number of inefficient characters \n (v,r,y in every)\n3. Still one unavoidable inefficient character left ({h}).\nUpdate:\n1. Got rid of one {.} by replacing {.length} by {[\"length\"]}.\n2. Got rid of one {=} by replacing {c[-!1]!=g} by {c[-!1]-g}.\n3. Got rid of one {()} by replacing {!(g>1)} by {![g>1][-!1]}.\n4. Finally, because count per character is now 4, the backslashes can be taken out.\nUpdate:\n1. Got rid of all {\"} by replacing {\"length\"} by {`length`} and exploiting shortcut\n evaluation. \n {aaaeehhhlmmnnnpst} is not defined but is not evaluated either because of {c} which\n must be evaluated to true.\nUpdate:\n1. Got rid of all {c} by shortcutting the undefined variable at {split(i)} and replacing \n all {c} by {a}.\n Since {i} is never an empty string, it is always evaluated true (except compared \n directly to true).\nUpdate:\n1. Got rid of all {,} by moving the assignment after the argument list. The {()} at the\n front can therefore be moved to the assignment, retaining same number of {()}s.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~84~~ 80 bytes\n```\nx=input()\nc=map(x.count,x)\nprint max(c)==min(c)>1\n1. or our>ram>>utopia,\n1., 1.,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TVBnk6pAEPzOr1gzGPAwJ4yn3plzLAPgqijJFRTTb/eB3l29rZrqma6ume5VLupWlgJPTl5B2mq1PnWalxRNxQmMo0VGwXWSkzVJ9eoEpiBeUoHI6DhH0LTISwamKYwigYyArKE0YsR0WlNlhWe8Bu0FRj2NpeRRRbxirDxveQGCHtJgAgNARRcTAIA65IDpADN7DioqKDZLRYRk9BawCDJ77G0A40VFRqqhFwTIqbwsHbGXRUD/z5EFk4MIN/f@en/pfnqXESTh8r7zmDx5YgQNHnHiV@0SoGQqDHgriD8L5hcZ9wRGZFdM4u39L8XTyhjPihlgoQAFLAywUK@RZTlutYJwvd5sDIJqWwaLdZfPRfKIv90f6v6zPhvsGhV6vgjhjJPOhOUx46XO23snNK72gS3OWWxt0HOul4mjaM@OTj5tM0y1COExbKVLrp0Q1MWVK/4N7fVGsocK@YJfnXzX3OVAlL0UJXLzsa9u2Y4jXfaRYeWLq30QlcnymHBP9UD3Gok5TvMvOeaZQu@tmTtImWAx1SydR3gye9FmnmvUr6wO/U8zi1ksa0Z6ddxPvtf0w7LtdaTL5cKrRGjBVIjPWcA9r5/w4qPKRuXsbI/gaZiBvY/SMPl9ryR4HTjilmDpLCbd/Un5axlTB@nNhdJHqa6/mYs21LzrwQHNNbDXvGNhrNxsU5LcOTe9fWyn@CIdodyv2Rap@UehMKm22uvPgONIbKEvX@9olJQ5rHi/JXygz5JdRoxn5G01r9evxpbGQzdxGYx/349TTzHrvKSt/wA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 18 bytes\n```\no\u1e05l\u1d50=h\u22652\no\u1e05l\u1d50=h\u22652\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/P//hjtach1sn2GY86lxqxIXG/f9fyTBQMSw@LTjT0cypKLO6prYk28U3NizLz8s2Lt5EI1HN1t40PzJRx7A8oybIJNI7VEHZMllROVAhRC0twao4V8Uhoky3ND3cJkAzpzY8wM5NPSvHuCI3Rd3SM1XF1886pMjZyVm/JMrTR8vdyDyp0jVPL90g2zsjKUjVzl1Xz7TAI9nHQNMrKqHYSiu6wii4ysxCtSzOI99COzpVp9rfsTDP3tjVxt@tPELD2qGyNFa7yly/IKUw1EUJAA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUnfortunately, I can't remove the linefeeds, since `\u1e05` on a number triggers a fail.\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 104 bytes\n```\n($qe=$args[0]| group |sort count|% count)[0]-eq$qe[-1]-and$qe[0]-gt1####((()))%%%pppddd===aaccss11nu|0gr\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JY1NCsQgFIOvUphKdSHUA3gScfHqe7WLotYfZuPdrcNkk/AlkBS/lMtF9z0GXx/SK2RfzG774nNsaekl5rq42ELt7O9i1pKeuTZSWQkBf3EyX9VninMuhGCMpZQQUWsN4FwpSoXWd5/HvDLugmys3QCOwzlEovP0fhMv \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis was great fun to golf. The limitation was `$`, which we need four of at minimum (one for the input `$args`, one for assigning the computation result `$qe`, one for checking the last character `$qe[-1]` and one for checking the first character `$qe[0]`, so that was the working maximum number of characters.\nFrom there, it was a matter of golfing (and not-golfing, like having a two-letter variable name) to get the program nicely divisible by four. Note that we have a small comment (everything following the `#`) to account for some missing elements, but I tried to keep the comment as small as possible.\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, ~~90~~ ~~75~~ 72 bytes\n```\na[i]|d:n<-[[i|n<-i,n==a]|a<-i]=and[[i]acdlmmnosst\">[]=h>1&&all(not.(/=h))u\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##tZJXmqJQEIXfXcU1gyKKqU1gzjkHGvUSFJWgBLN7mbXMxnqY1NMbmPNU51Sdh//7SoT6QZCkjw8Irk8xZWYCtG7KNPHkM4ErpqgGwgdJDmWenOUZzAHAu@P93YPheJBIpSjI8ZIsK6quGw6KZkiRIjweKEmI1cSRICmiqPkhw50CSMCrNhsAgQDQBMgDXTU1TgAbTZWBbvA7xdptBaOoKoagGDqgKBIctZ1iABzAP0XVEAUNGIJuAA7qgm6lMjy2AfLrEIcooK3IkgNacmCfxk4AAtghsBNfQpblOJ4XhM1mu/2Mib59stoMd/l4Qds9ni/jUGozk32nQS5XUQR6yGxMnUOMuIjPQXTeHANnkrM7@2Dk2axTuuzKzc4BczvN9FDpNe1RFe9eilxl3pusC652Jz3SioVi0FjUW75q@I29lRV8Gzo0RXbgpqoBPHasca0Q2lis9ZSPvoaH93jCfV7W1ISfFrBHN39SspFyplu5zJB07mYy/vtb8MifxiUL4C/YP0SW/Un5xXOfM9vfxIdcPsanoivYQEtM2Ldsn5Hyq8m@qTnmoAnnaVYYhSrTdP3ZSO2uwJ20RyoXOe0bL6q1dcKYUNsbcZ1lhsFu/q1jFLwvDpjeiauFzaX58eGkcXzv2Y4Oif0xEB9I1XHLucosQ8Xiotnrb0pht46KQqDQHpiEkj3xu6A9diIvikvVoH@G9br3e60jkkj0Ia8jyfpTp/3lnOdGOX4DMLbv32z/8Wl/AA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~108~~ ~~104~~ ~~92~~ 88 bytes\n-12 bytes thanks to [Rod](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/47120/rod) \n-4 bytes thanks to [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen)\n```\ns=input();c=s.count;print[all(c(s[[]>[1]])==c(o)>1. for o in s)];aaafffillpprrtuu>1.>1.;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PU/XroJQEHz3K44d7NgVsffeG0GlKoqAB7D77V7U5CabnS2TyYx603eKHH6zCscTNpvtrRGirBo6guIsoQVYxZB1XIWirJO0JCEsopEklSUxikIJgkUUNIsFgKBAoABRBhpK4TRNC4IgSpKqQqgbhkkwC3@b4gFNh6KKoJbLTpR4MIYGn7YAoMPbBwDgrzwLPk4sn5nlVR1UetUKhAr8ERjI04f/5@@m0ppmsXwtWr7WAQEk@shwdPqn9a/6tpneaJvFBCsGMGClgRX7rgzDshzH84Kw3ZoHbGCdroWRWIgXofh4vvRDuUNN990msVpHEdpF5GLKgvZhl91zGF20JsCeYq32ARi7hE1aOzry87Pf2M4yfVR6zfrZqnsvRa5Hzp1q8I5OFx/DUrEU1JeNtqcWTjC3ihzYhg6tHTN0Zmv@QEyts@0Q2lxutLSHvIZH93jSeV7VlaSX5H2PXuEk5yKVTK96mSN4/mZQ3nsiqHKnSfmT5ZvHDPRBhvmfWLMzAyE@YgsxLh1d0020TIU9q84ZqbxaTELJUwfIn2c5fhyqzvDGs5kWr8CZskaqlyPumSxr9U1Sn2a3N@w6z4yCvUKiqxfdLxYY7qmj7VtIC/VhJwOBvWs7PiT3qj8@lGqTtn2dWYVKpWWrPxDKYaeG7nh/sTM0MDl34sSgNXYiLrJDgbR37uv37vd6d0cg0cdxE0k1nhrpreRdt6ztDw \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 12 bytes\n```\nq&=sqt&=tsvv\n```\nThe input is a string enclosed in single quotes. Single quotes in the string are escaped by duplicating.\nThe output is a non-empty matrix, which is [truthy](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/95057/36398) if it doesn't contains zeros, and is [falsy](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/95057/36398) if it contains at least a zero.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/v1DNtriwRM22pLis7P9/dWSuOgA) Or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##bU/XruJADH2/XzERZaiB0HvvvVdRUiYkEJKQTIBQvp0L7MtKu0eyfexjW/aRxtJrC/6FDXAKSZIXQZTQ62RP6ydsT2P9fH5lIdYMLJjwCXla0k24@nTrmJY5WuPAH9H3lQBGOv4pjf67XtRViTY9QDV04TOFAFYAqyEaIyDKvCiLbyIpigoMGYvSu6YaGIg6QFeBNnSMuBf8@zD4A@k3voGgAAUIGhDUN2UYluU4hHh@t3sXqD4x2fBDMR8paOL98cSHUns12Xca6fUm5KDt6WxYmdMe6iI8BqF5cwwscZaw9MHIzm8T@tGam529xm6a6jml57SXqUC4l4LXIwdhvI6s7U5ypBULRR9e1FuuaiDKmGWZ3PkPTYEZ2DJVLxlWa2zL72wstnrCtbwGhrdIzHZe15SYe4k8927@JGeD5VS3cpk5kjnTWLlvUZ/KncalzzcfY5jPU1/Gvj3T5yNDNh/mEqEN3XCWVgHXun12lJ9NJqrkVgcNnadZNPJXpsn6o5EQr8AWJ4KVyzHpGi@qtW0MTzI7k7rOUkNfNx/t4AKETxYYEE6sLc9cmqt3y5Ik9/bd6BDbq97IQKqOW5ZNau0vFhfNXp8vBWy6U0DeQntgUHL2xIk@InxKX2SrotHumafXvd1qHSHtCN2P22C8/tCX7nLObmbgLw), including the standard truthiness/falsiness test for convenience.\n### How it works\nStatements marked with `(*)` are neither necessary nor harmful, and have been included only to make the source code non-discriminating.\n```\nq % Implicit input. Convert chars to code points and subtract 1 from each (*)\n&= % Square matrix of all pairwise equality comparisons\ns % Sum of each column. Gives a row vector\nq % Subtract 1 from each value. An entry equal to 0 indicates the input string\n % is discriminating because some character appears only once\nt % Duplicate\n&= % Square matrix of all pairwise equality comparisons. An entry equal to 0\n % indicates the input string is discriminating because some character is\n % more repeated than some other\nt % Duplicate (*)\ns % Sum of each column (*) (all those sums will be positive if the previous\n % matrix doesn't contain zeros)\nv % Vertically concatenate the matrix and the vector of its column sums\nv % Vertically concatenate the resulting matrix with nothing (*)\n % Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~87~~ 78 bytes\n```\nc=->m{y=m.chars;x=y.map{|d|y.count d}|[];x[-1]>1and not x[1]};->{pushrortpush}\n```\n26 characters repeated 3 times each\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rZHHsqJgEIX3PMVvjqCYFcWccw4UKkkxIEhQEHh273Wc7eymq6u@073p6nNkjTbeb6YA44JpFASE4SlZwfSCgQiUZFqsZSCMqN1UwNoWQWI6AaMkjlI3FtxEFegEStoYjJuSpvCyKKsf2m9JUxXgm8mayhs5H0RAzv97wBkGLpCHYaDyJwX8tspzQBE1meEAI7Ic5KR@yxn@0IECFDgo4EC/M00zDMty3OFwPH426Nix2B2mp3KqIp9My1YvtT65OA86he0u4ae8hWJSXFNh9Mlbk8S6OweuLONwjcHMe9jnFMFdWj1g7bjMjwJXeznCG77zNa4LrC/b5tz9ATaTq5VqRN20e8FmLE0b9RtyjF66PD3x4E0YSUotphcNdDZ7JRck9Nj0lcp4HtuWmAkRXNgclu@3YryeHzaeKz9WMjQy9EpHJPY@rzkhEuEohgemdbLAH8cZ4kTaEPTR0DeCBnVV/ibwtYOmPw58JfMBPT6kpkw5yeYSO6oTqJGx4Lb/8NftLp0WS@RF5h7LIjeLNpZY2@rkTjrwZB3xxlPAgvNNs7XPqAv8aKD6Kj@NDMvpgVrx2QzQfAt3L7y@riXTRSDI2XucXTJnCU5Nrs15z7XLb6PV6qY7Gh9qMY8S4Dm40p9o6K14Z08RR/JeeN7cokyFVuHR8PVqDfiCP2EK@3i2bSlEqF7yGvi//n//AA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), `-p` 57 bytes\nEach character appears 3 times. Only a single `1` doesn't do anything\n12 bytes added to a basic 45 character solution to make in non-discriminating\n```\ns{.}[@m[@1{$&}+=$.].=g]eg;$\\=s()(e@m;1)&&m[e(\\sg+)\\1+;]}{\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/7@4Wq822iE32sGwWkWtVttWRS9WzzY9NjXdWiXGtlhDUyPVIdfaUFNNLTc6VSOmOF1bM8ZQ2zq2tpoCrf/yC0oy8/OK/@sW/Nf1NdUzNNAzAAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 90 bytes\n```\n\"?\"=`u\\164f8ToI\\x6Et`;'!'=prod;!{y<-xtabs(~?readLines())}%in%{z<-y[1]}&z>T##&[]>~48bEfILpu\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/X8leyTahNMbQzCTNIiTfM6bCzLUkwVpdUd22oCg/xVqxutJGt6IkMalYo86@KDUxxSczL7VYQ1OzVjUzT7W6yka3Mtowtlatyi5EWVktOtauzsQiyTXN06eglJZGAwA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs `TRUE` for a non-discriminating string, and `FALSE` for a discriminating string. I have written a lot of ugly code for challenges on this site, but I think this is the ugliest so far.\n45 characters, used twice each (including a few in a comment). The previous best R answer was [116 bytes](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/156994/86301), with 29 characters used 4 times each; I am posting this separately since it is substantially different.\nThe code is equivalent to\n```\ny = table(utf8ToInt(readLines()))\nz = y[1]\nall(y == z) & (z > 1)\n```\nwhich converts the input to a vector of integers, computes a contingency table `y` of the values, then checks that all counts in that table are equal to the first count, and that the first count is greater than 1.\nThe initial difficulty was in using only 2 pairs of brackets. This is achieved by redefining the unary functions `!` and `?` to be `utf8ToInt` and `prod` respectively. (I can't use `all` because I need the `a`). There are four assignments: two with `=` and two with `<-`. This means that the equality test between `y` and `z` cannot use `y==z` nor `y-z`; `y%in%z` comes to the rescue.\nDefining these functions uses up all the possible quotes: two double quotes, two single quotes, and I'll need the two backticks in the next paragraph, so I had to resort to `readLines()` instead of `scan(,\"\")`. (The other options, such as `scan(,letters)` or `scan(,month.abb)` all used a precious `t` which I couldn't spare.)\nAt this point, I had most of the building blocks: `utf8ToInt`, `prod`, `table`, `readLines`, `%in%`. Three characters appear three times in those names: `ent`. First, I discovered that `table(foo)` is equivalent to `xtabs(~foo)`, saving the `e`. I can rescue the `n` and the `t` with the hex/octal code [trick](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/191117/86301); the golfiest solution is to use `u\\164f8ToI\\x6Et` (in backticks) for `utf8ToInt`.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 153 bytes\n```\nf(h,a,c,f){{{{{{{char*o=f=h,*r;for(a=!h;*o;o++){for(c=!h,r=h;*r;c+=!(*r++^*o)){}f*=!!(c^!!h)*(!a+!(a^c));a=c;}(a^c^c^f^f^h)+o,a+r,o,o,+h^*r;(a=f);}}}}}}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##zVHHtqJAFFyPXwH6VJIBsyLmnHMWhUbABApm5NsdnHect5gfmKpNdZ3bt6tPAZcIwOslIBLBEoAQUP0bQGJVTKEFWiIwlRIUFWFpWKIwhVJwHNXfBjANQqVNU6UATsMIpuI4gykoqhsCRsMwAhgYllAMgVkcRlgGoCjF0oAy3tqkYFJCcYVgcZVQTOISY@4yXxJQyvjG66KseUhE3nkgTEMtuuXXQV3LJwGx2skgD82sdm1mnclWAhIQDSUgDaUshsVijkB7di0j31fOJw2x9tTzSbrHZrLLhNWc@yUiVtbEj4ZJiIRgFoLJH4/jAOD51UoQRPHjkm14sBC663Qoo671p3Ha5urzwaZRoZlFAGEddDKojFmCvErPTmBc7UO2KIBtbajnEJYxbf@VGl1cZ3EYb6E7Y9hKFJybnf@2553R8uqr3qB6ajaT9Zwm5RpW9IW5e152i95tVeI69kTR5Q4eSqDmRSuTpRbDpjdf9xGK2C9MSYng0xWhN9NHOenPx5uF6wihUvfzHH@EPQf@2M998v@3hf8J@ClsJhfYnfZPY38Fx73b@TmCj@TaQqgL0kE@FliwFTQ392FM/YLkjSoXVlLzrbq6DJOrnrcwpMrPSmx9g@xR2F@47imsPymWlpHTICHeydso3vU00@HGKeM0AHR2Dr5qxHg3Pui2qdu9cYi9bWRzcIU6u2K/ZlvEGW82O6m22kLOZ9dQaeXK1DtnUk4e@bUHDh7pq/ylqCw@IlrNx6PUkGgkoO@X/mj5qU3xfMpxT7w/YLx@Aw \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nReturns address of string as truthy value, and zero as falsy.\n```\nf(\nh, Address of string.\na, # instances of previous character\nc, # instances of current character\nf Return value\n){{{{{{{ \nchar*o=f=h,*r; Point o to string, while giving f a non-zero value.\nfor(a=!h;*o;o++){ Set previous char count to 0, and then traverse the string.\nfor(c=!h,r=h;*r; Set current char count to 0 and r to string,\n and start counting instances of current character.\nc+=!(*r++^*o)) Add to counter if current character matches.\n{} Lower the amount of semi-colons\nf*= Multiply (AND) return value with:\n !!(c^!!h) Is current count not 1? (Must be 2 or above.)\n *(!a+!(a^c)); AND, is previous count valid (meaning this is not the first\n character counted), and matches current count?\na=c;} Previous count = current count.\n(a^c^c^f^f^h)+o,a+r,o,o,+h^*r; Spend surplus characters to make source code valid.\n(a=f);}}}}}}} Return value.\n```\n[Answer]\n## R, ~~132~~ 116 bytes\n```\ncrudcardounenforceableuploads<-function(b){{pi&&pi[[1-!1]];;;\"\";{1<{f<<-table(strsplit(b,\"\",,,)[[1]])}}&&!!!sd(-f)}}\n```\nIt doesn't contain any comments or superfluous strings, either, though this will probably be my only time in code golf calling a function `crudcardounenforceableuploads`. ~~There's probably a great anagram in there somewhere for the function name!~~Thanks to John Dvorak for pointing out a nice anagram solver, which I used for the name.\nCharacter table:\n```\n- , ; ! \" ( ) [ ] { } & < 1 a b c d e f i l n o p r s t u \n4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4\n```\nexamples:\n```\n> crudcardounenforceableuploads(\"aaabbbccc\")\n[1] TRUE\n> crudcardounenforceableuploads(\"aaabbbcc\")\n[1] FALSE\n> crudcardounenforceableuploads(\"abc\")\n[1] FALSE\n> crudcardounenforceableuploads(\"crudcardounenforceableuploads<-function(b){{pi&&pi[[1-!1]];;;\\\"\\\";{1<{f<<-table(strsplit(b,\\\"\\\",,,)[[1]])}}&&!!!sd(-f)}}\")\n[1] TRUE\n```\n[Answer]\n# BASH 144 bytes\n```\ngrep -o .|sort|uniq -c|awk '{s=$1}{e[s]=1}END{print((s>1)*(length(e)==1))}##>>>#|'#wwwuuutrqqqppooNNNnlllkkkiihhhggEEEDDDcccaaa1***{}[[[]]]...--''\n```\nThis line of code takes an stdin string as input. \"grep -o .\" puts each character on a new line. \"uniq -c\" counts each chacter's usage. The awk script creates an array with each usage as a different element, and outputs true when there is only 1 array index and the value is at least 2. Each character is used 4 times, so this source returns true \n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), ~~26~~ ~~24~~ 18 bytes\n```\n:u{m*_{y#m:u_hy#h*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=%3Au%7Bm*_%7By%23m%3Au_hy%23h*&i=%3Au%7Bm*_%7By%23m%3Au_hy%23h*%0Aaaaa%0Aaa%211+1+%21a+%211%0Aaabbccddeeffgg%0A1Q%21V_fSiA6Bri%7B%7C%7DtkDM%5DVjNJ%3D%5E_4%28a%26%3D%3F5oYa%2C1wh%7CR4YKU+%239c%21%23Q+T%26f%60%3Asm%24%40Xv-ugW%3CP%29l%7DWP%3EF%27jl3xmd%279Ie%24MN%3BTrCBC%2FtZIL*G27byEn.g0kKhbR%25%3EG-.5pHcL0%29JZ%60s%3A*%5Bx2Sz68%25v%5EHo8%2B%5Be%2C%7BOAqn%3F3E%3COFwX%28%3B%40yu%5D%2Bz7%2FpdqUD%0Aa%0Aabbaabb%0Aabc%0AbQf6ScA5d%3A4_aJ%29D%5D2*%5EMv%28E%7DKb7o%40%5DkrevW%3FeT0FW%3BI%7CJ%3Aix+%259%213Fwm%3B*UZGH%608tV%3Egy1xX%3CS%2FOA7NtB%27%7Dc+u%27V%24L%2CYlYp%7B%23%5B..j%26gTk8jp-6RlGUL%23_%3C%5E0CCZKPQfD2%25s%29he-BMRu1n%3Fqdi%2F%215q%3Dwn%24ora%2BX%2CPOzzHNh%3D%284%7Bm%6039I%7Cs%5B%2BE%40%26y%3E&a=1&m=2)\n~~Shortest solution so far that only uses printable ASCIIs~~ Beaten by MATL.\nGuess I was approaching the problem the wrong way. Repeating a working block is neither golfy nor interesting. Now at least it looks better ...\n## Explanation\n`:u{m*` produces some garbage that does not affect the output.\n```\n_{y#m:u_hy#h*\n_{y#m map each character to its number of occurences in the string\n :u all counts are equal (result 1)\n _hy# get the count of appearance for the first character\n h halve it and take the floor, so that 1 becomes 0(result 2)\n * multiply the two results\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), ~~22~~ 18 bytes\n```\n^1>=Y^aNaYMNy=My>1\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m724ILNgwYKlpSVpuhab4gztbCPjEv0SI339Km19K-0MIRJQ-W3RSpgqlGKhsgA)\n### Explanation\nEach character occurs twice.\n```\n^1>=Y^aNaYMNy=My>1\n a First command-line argument (a string)\n ^ Split into a list of characters\n Na Count occurrences of each character in a\n Y Yank the result into y\n^1>= No-op: compare with [1]\n MNy Minimum of y\n = is equal to\n My Maximum of y\n >1 which is also greater than one\n Y No-op: yank that result \n Autoprint the result of the last expression\n```\n---\nAlternate 18-byters:\n```\nY^!1Y^aNaMNy=My!=1\nY_<=1Y_NaMa1max)max=count;\n out+=\"\\n\"+letter+\":\"+count;\n }\n output.textContent=\"min:\"+min+\"\\nmax:\"+max+\"\\nunique:\"+sorted.length+\"\\nlength:\"+text.length+out;\n}\n```\n```\n\n\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), ~~168~~ 90 bytes\nThe output will be empty if false, or non-empty if true.\n```\n***???;;;;```!!$$$$MMMMOOOO..1111ssss222{{{{\\^^^^\ns;{O`.\nM!*\\`^((.)\\2(?!\\2))*$\n(.)(?!\\1)\n```\n[**Try it online**](https://tio.run/##K0otycxL/P9fS0vL3t7eGggSEhIUFVWAwBcI/IFAT88QCIqBwMjIqBoIYuKAgIur2LraP0GPy1dRKyYhTkNDTzPGSMNeMcZIU1NLhQvIBXEMNbloaTYA)\n### Core program (39 bytes)\n```\ns;{O`.\nM!*\\`^((.)\\2(?!\\2))*$\n(.)(?!\\1)\n```\n### Explanation\nThe entire core program is in a silent loop. The first stage sorts the input. The second stage will print the current string if it consists of successive pairs of different characters. The third stage removes the last occurrence of every character (removing one of each character in the string).\nAbout the junk at the top: the order is important. In addition to needing to be syntactically valid, a semicolon must be after the asterisks and before the backticks, so long as `*` is in the config string, in order for it to not print.\n[Answer]\n# [CoffeeScript 1](http://coffeescript.org/), ~~96~~ ~~93~~ 90 bytes\n```\n(q,a=q.split(h).length-1for h in[q][0])->a.every (w,s,pplitnggffoorsvvyy)->w>1&&a[0&10]==w\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##tVJZc6JAGHz3V4zEKEREiIk33kc0xhxeiSwq4IAoMggIYsxvdyHZqt3sw77tVM3011NdX1dXtYRkGUJLMlXDPsvsGd@RArujLENTbXxFUBrUFXuVYGRkghVQdW7HczRPJEoCBR1oegB3SYs0ArmuKLKMkGk5juf5CrfERKMCR0cZmmdZ91wIOYAF2P9zwAohyXfAOZV0fu1Xf@/nAwPVNwBV0xQ8SjbRFujQBQNo4w5BhCSkW0iDlIYUHBtCywaCIqi6jxJawjzAiMJ3jYxjIA4c/2JEkMwf5GBTIYR8Sn9XS0ToHw52QCTBgtaXD4cJ/sHIkI9hBjAgLIAw88VFUZKWSwhlWVGCH@Y5PJ7LA7Warpnq@@nD3jQe@PG632Vn8xtciLLlW/QmkIy7Or3cvN2PwEVOCl88g2FUXuStbaTy6iT2yqT4RGgfk6dSK7bWUoftMpbrwMhDvzA067V60p52elft64zoNXVKoTf3K/HlstROULfGndSjie50YeWvuMP14JjOXjqzO5SNc5B8f6zu9HKqWXxsua94oeLt@fgxkzSWu1HjM83nI4pBqq9RCkB8ltMDqXq7zN/MhS7R4K@vZg8O3vy4FzOowm9M6EzKcEi3JoXOqZtXD@AyF0613G3hajRt3y2y9rikeMzhtThIPlYzfbsW@5DAPjaO9Mg37c14v@Aoah1Vhpvs2kikX7T2qHcxL87oen16//QsN64vLWIFE7WHlz2jl3dLNRm@3bGuHkGmEH8lnx6Px7v@isVv3reLVK5zsrh4sxL1ShhPbQUDxxHBlv7qyg8sKAgK2vLjj74ggiDOPwE \"CoffeeScript 1 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nStarted from [my ES6 answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/156967/non-discriminating-programming/156981#156981) but walked back to using `Array.every`. ~~32~~ ~~31~~ 30 tokens @ 3 each\n[Answer]\n# [Whispers v2](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/Whispers), ~~1750~~\\* 1305 bytes\n```\n> 1\n> InputAll\n>> \u222a2\n>> #2\n>> #3\n>> 4\u00f75\n>> \u230a6\u230b\n>> L\u22c57\n>> Each 8 3\n>> 9\u1d3a\n>> 2\u1d3a\n>> 10=11\n>> 6>1\n>> 12\u22c513\n>> Output 14\n ###########################00000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111112222222222222222222222222333333333333333333333333334444444444444444444444444445555555555555555555555555555666666666666666666666666666777777777777777777777777777788888888888888888888888888889999999999999999999999999999============================AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnpppppppppppppppppppppppppppttttttttttttttttttttttttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u00f7\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u1d3a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u222a\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u22c5\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230a\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\u230b\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##7dRNCoJAFAfwvacY6ALO@L1owIWLIPAMIoGBiKTSCYRQT9I6ENp6kryIORZE1HuLmHbz88@8B84wq3nHZF/ku0PBpokTqnGyyfKq9NNU45yMpzMTdfVYDbGaQ28t/7rGHrtWtNuxrR3RBFGcEJcs@7zb5Soqe1aqrykVjc2XQtl8ii5bw6qc7yTU1N6RlxVMR9BvGMQAmTALYcMchIvwEGuEjwgQG8QWESIiRIxIECksQ@SwElSBhv63b34jcjO/XPlpa8npmj@klR41GtVoVKNRjUY1Gj9yBw \"Whispers v2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n\\* Golfs made while explaining it. You can see the original [here](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/5-solutions/blob/9b575896ed946c2a86efca74588dd8d834fb2096/3.md)\nInteresting task, fairly boring restriction.\nUnfortunately, due to the fact that every line must start with either `>>` or `>`, this forces the number of each character to be disproportionately large. Luckily, Whispers ignores every line that doesn't match one of its regexes, all of which require the line to begin with `>`. Therefore we just have a large character dump at the end of the program. In addition to this, Whispers, being designed for mathematical operations, struggles when applied to a [array-manipulation](/questions/tagged/array-manipulation \"show questions tagged 'array-manipulation'\") question. Overall, this means that the task is interesting to attempt, but the source code requirements are a bit boring.\nIf we strip all the unnecessary characters from the program, we end up with\n```\n> 1\n> InputAll\n>> \u222a2\n>> #2\n>> #3\n>> 4\u00f75\n>> \u230a6\u230b\n>> L\u22c57\n>> Each 8 3\n>> 9\u1d3a\n>> 2\u1d3a\n>> 10=11\n>> 6>1\n>> 12\u22c513\n>> Output 14\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8/ILC5ILSo2@v/fTsGQy07BM6@gtMQxJ4fLzk7hUccqIxCtDCGNQaTJ4e2mYLmeLrNHPd0gps@j7lZzEMM1MTlDwUIBrM7y4ZZdINoIShsa2BoaghhmdmDK0AioyxCs1L@0BGingqHJ//@JiUlJyckA \"Whispers v2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nwhich is the part of the code we're actually interested in.\n## How *that* works\nHere we conduct two key tests: the count of each is the same and the counts are greater than **1**. However, the code for these two tests are shared between them, so a complete walkthrough of the program is a more effective method of explaining this.\nWe start with the shared code:\n```\n> InputAll\n>> \u222a2\n>> #2\n>> #3\n>> 4\u00f75\n```\nHere, we take the input and store it on line **2** (`> InputAll`). We then create a `\u222a`nique version of that string (i.e. the input without duplicate characters). With our next two lines, we take the length of the untouched input (`>> #2`) and the number of unique characters in the input (`>> #3`). Finally, we divide the former by the latter.\nWhy? Let's have a look at the two inputs of `aabbcc` and `abbaabb`. With the first string, the division becomes **6\u00f73 = 2**, and the second results in **7\u00f72 = 3.5**. For non-discriminating strings, the result of this division is **a)** An integer and **b)** Greater than **1**. Unfortunately, this also applies to some non-discriminating strings, such as `abbccc`, so we have to perform one more test.\n```\n>> \u230a6\u230b\n>> L\u22c57\n>> Each 8 3\n>> 9\u1d3a\n>> 2\u1d3a\n>> 10=11\n```\nNote: line **6** is the result of the division.\nFirst, we take the floor of the division, because Python strings cannot be repeated a float number of times. Then we reach our `Each` statement:\n```\n>> L\u22c57\n>> Each 8 3\n```\n**3** is a reference to line **3**, which contains our deduplicated input characters, so we map line **8** (`>> L\u22c57`) over this list. Line **8** multiplies the character being iterated over by the floor of our division (`>> \u230a6\u230b`). This creates an array of the deduplicated characters, repeated **n** times.\nThe results from our two previous strings, `aabbcc` and `abbaabb`, along with `abcabc`, would be `aabbcc`, `aaabbb` and `aabbcc` respectively. We can see that the first and last two are identical to their inputs, just with the letters shuffled around, whereas the middle one isn't (it has one less `b`). Therefore, we simply sort both the input and this new string, before comparing for equality:\n```\n>> 9\u1d3a\n>> 2\u1d3a\n>> 10=11\n```\nFinally, we need to check that the number of characters in the string is **2** or greater. Luckily, the division we performed earlier will always result in a value greater than **1** if a character repeats more than once, meaning we just need to assert that line **6** is greater than 1:\n```\n>> 6>1\n```\nNow we have two booleans, one for each test. They both need to be true, so we perform a logical AND (boolean multiplication) with `>> 12\u22c513`, before finally outputting the final result.\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 30 bytes\n```\n \"&8 8`) takes a sequence and outputs the length of each run of the same character, ex. `\"aaabbcc\"` becomes `[[3, \"a\"], [2, \"b\"], [2, \"c\"]]`.\nSo this takes the input, sorts it to put in length encode, and takes the first element of each list in the resulting list (e.g. the earlier example would become `[3, 2, 2]`). This gives a count of how many times characters occur. Then it's deduplicated (the earlier example would become `[3, 2]`), and J is set to that.\nThen it checks if the length is 1, i.e. there is only 1 unique number of times a character occurs, and if that is > 1, i.e. >= 2.\nThere might be a built-in to replace `rSz8` or `hMrSz8` but I can't find one.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven no input, output this interesting alphabet pattern in either case (the case has to be consistent) via an [accepted output method](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2447/default-for-code-golf-input-output-methods):\n```\nA\nAB\nACBC\nADBDCD\nAEBECEDE\nAFBFCFDFEF\nAGBGCGDGEGFG\nAHBHCHDHEHFHGH\nAIBICIDIEIFIGIHI\nAJBJCJDJEJFJGJHJIJ\nAKBKCKDKEKFKGKHKIKJK\nALBLCLDLELFLGLHLILJLKL\nAMBMCMDMEMFMGMHMIMJMKMLM\nANBNCNDNENFNGNHNINJNKNLNMN\nAOBOCODOEOFOGOHOIOJOKOLOMONO\nAPBPCPDPEPFPGPHPIPJPKPLPMPNPOP\nAQBQCQDQEQFQGQHQIQJQKQLQMQNQOQPQ\nARBRCRDRERFRGRHRIRJRKRLRMRNRORPRQR\nASBSCSDSESFSGSHSISJSKSLSMSNSOSPSQSRS\nATBTCTDTETFTGTHTITJTKTLTMTNTOTPTQTRTST\nAUBUCUDUEUFUGUHUIUJUKULUMUNUOUPUQURUSUTU\nAVBVCVDVEVFVGVHVIVJVKVLVMVNVOVPVQVRVSVTVUV\nAWBWCWDWEWFWGWHWIWJWKWLWMWNWOWPWQWRWSWTWUWVW\nAXBXCXDXEXFXGXHXIXJXKXLXMXNXOXPXQXRXSXTXUXVXWX\nAYBYCYDYEYFYGYHYIYJYKYLYMYNYOYPYQYRYSYTYUYVYWYXY\nAZBZCZDZEZFZGZHZIZJZKZLZMZNZOZPZQZRZSZTZUZVZWZXZYZ\n```\nTrailing spaces and newlines are acceptable, [standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are disallowed, and this happens to be [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest answer in bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 9 bytes\n```\n\u00d8Aj\u1e6a$\u01a4\u017c\u00b9Y\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ARgA5/9qZWxsef//w5hBauG5qiTGpMW8wrlZ//8 \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n\u00d8Aj\u1e6a$\u01a4\u017c\u00b9Y Main link. No arguments.\n\u00d8A Yield \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\".\n \u01a4 Map the link to the left over all prefixes, i.e., [\"A\", \"AB\", ...].\n $ Combine the two links to the left into a chain.\n \u1e6a Tail; yield and remove the last letter of each prefix.\n j Join the remainder, using that letter as separator.\n \u017c\u00b9 Zip the resulting strings and the letters of the alphabet.\n Y Separate the results by linefeeds.\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 82 bytes\n```\nf(i,j){for(i=!puts(\"A\");++i<26;puts(\"\"))for(j=0;j++ do end of line\n8A TXA ; current pos to accu\n20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 ; and output\n98 TYA ; endpos to accu\n20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 ; and output\nE8 INX ; next character\nD0 F1 BNE .innerloop ; (repeat)\n .eol:\nA9 0D LDA #$0D ; load newline\n20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 ; and output\nA2 41 LDX #$41 ; re-init current pos to 'A'\nC0 5A CPY #$5A ; test endpos to 'Z'\nF0 03 BEQ .done ; done when 'Z' reached\nC8 INY ; next endpos\nD0 E1 BNE .outerloop ; (repeat)\n .done:\n60 RTS\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Uiua](https://uiua.org) 0.1.0, 21 [bytes](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/247669/i-want-8-bits-for-every-character/265917#265917)\n```\n\u2235(&p+@A\u266d\u2250\u2282\u21e1.)\u21e126&pf@A\n```\n[See it in action](https://uiua.org/pad?src=4oi1KCZwK0BB4pmt4omQ4oqC4oehLinih6EyNiZwZkBBCg==)\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~93~~ ~~91~~ 90 bytes\n```\nv->{String t=\"\";for(char c=64;++c<91;t+=c)System.out.println(t.join(c+\"\",t.split(\"\"))+c);}\n```\n-1 byte thanks to *@OlivierGr\u00e9goire* by printing directly instead of returning\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##LY7BCsIwDIbvPkXoqaVaEESQOt9AL4IX8VDj1M6ajjUbiOzZZ3VCfkLCD99Xuc7NYl1SdXkMGFxKsHWe3hMAT1w2V4cl7L4nQBf9BVAevqtTNv/6nDyJHXuEHRAUMHSzzXvPjacbcCGEvcZG4t01gMVyYbXG9WpuWReo9q/E5dPElk2d@xxIsqmiJ4laiCmbVAfPUgilNCrbD3bk1e05ZN4f@9N6Zmk5Uo8np0ZhMiipDeHv2g8f)\n```\nv->{ // Method with empty unused parameter and String return-type\n String t=\"\"; // Temp-String, starting empty\n for(char c=64;++c<91; // Loop over the letters of the alphabet:\n t+=c) // After every iteration: append the letter to the temp-String\n System.out.println( // Print with trailing new-line:\n r.join(c+\"\",t.split(\"\"))\n // The temp-String with the current letter as delimiter\n +c);} // + the current letter as trailing character \n```\n[Answer]\n# [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), ~~169~~ ~~143~~ ~~124~~ 123 bytes\n```\n\tL =LEN(1)\n\tOUTPUT ='A'\nI\t&UCASE (ARB K L) . R L . S :F(END)\n\tO =K =\nT\tR K L . K :F(O)\n\tO =O K S :(T)\nO \tOUTPUT =O :(I)\nEND\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87LT8rPMfn/n9NHwdbH1U/DUJOL0z80JCA0RMFW3VGdy5NTLdTZMdhVQcMxyEnBW8FHU0FPIUjBB0gGK1i5abj6uYB0KNh6K9hyhXAGgZQA5bxBcv4QGX8gD6hWI0STy18Bbrg/UMRTkwuo//9/AA \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanation for older version of the code:\n```\ni &ucase len(x) . r len(1) . s\t;* set r to the first x characters and s to the x+1th.\n o =\t\t\t\t;* set o,i to empty string\n i =\nt r len(i) len(1) . k :f(o)\t;* set k to the ith letter of r. on failure (no match), go to o.\n o =o s k\t\t\t;* concatenate o,s,k\n i =i + 1 :(t)\t\t\t;* increment i, goto t\no o s =\t\t\t\t;* remove the first occurrence of s (the first character for x>1, and nothing otherwise)\n output =o s\t\t\t;* output o concatenated with s\n x =lt(x,25) x + 1 :s(i)\t;* increment x, goto i if x<25.\nend\n```\nThe problem here is the first line\nusing `o s k` will add an extra `s`eparator character at the beginning of each line and also not have an `s` at the end. This is OK because line `t` will jump over the following two lines when `x=0`. This means that `o` will still be blank. Hence, `o s =` will remove the first `s` character from `o`, and then we can simply print `o s` to have the appropriate last `s`.\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 56 bytes\n```\n\"A\";65..89|%{([char[]](65..$_)-join[char]++$_)+[char]$_}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/X8lRydrMVE/PwrJGtVojOjkjsSg6NlYDJKQSr6mblZ@ZBxaM1dYG8rUhbJX42v//AQ \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nLoops `65` to `89`, each iteration constructing a `char` array of `65` to the current number `$_`, then `-join`s that array together into a string with the next character, then tacks on that character at the end.\nChange the `89` to some other ASCII number to see the behavior better.\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), ~~44~~ 34 bytes\n```\n\"BA\"oao\"ZA\"\\=?;1+40.\no1+:{::o}=?\\:\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/X8nJUSk/MV8pylEpxtbe2lDbxECPK99Q26rayiq/1tY@xur/fwA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 44 bytes\n```\n\"A\"o10ao\\55*=?;1+40.\n1+:{:}=?\\:\"A\"+o{:}\"A\"+o\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/X8lRKd/QIDE/xtRUy9be2lDbxECPy1Dbqtqq1tY@xgoorZ0PZIPp//8B \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAs I use a different route to producing the output I've posted my own ><> answer; The other ><> answer can be found [here.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/153190/62009)\nBig thanks to Jo king for spotting I didn't need to keep putting \"A\" onto the stack if I just compared against \"Z\" instead of 26. (-10 bytes)\n### Explanation\nThe explanation will follow the flow of the code.\n```\n\"BA\" : Push \"BA\" onto the stack;\n [] -> [66, 65]\n oao : Print the stack top then print a new line;\n [66, 65] -> [66]\n \"ZA\"\\ : Push \"ZA\" onto the stack then move down to line 2;\n [66, 90, 65]\no \\: : Duplicate the stack top then print\n 1+: : Add one to the stack top then duplicate;\n [66, 90, 65, 65]\n {:: : Shift the stack right 1 place then duplicate the stack top twice;\n [90, 65, 65, 66, 66]\n o} : Print the stack top then shift the stack left 1 place;\n [66, 90, 65, 65, 66]\n =?\\ : Comparison for equality on the top 2 stack items then move to line 1 if equal otherwise continue on line 2;\n [66, 90, 65]\n \\=?; : Comparison for equality on the top 2 stack items then quit if equal else continue on line 1;\n [66]\n 1+ : Add 1 to the stack top;\n [67]\n 40. : Move the code pointer to column 4 row 0 of the code box and continue execution of code. \n```\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), 81 bytes\n```\nf=\n_=>[...\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\"].map((c,i,a)=>a.slice(0,i).join(c)+c).join`\n`\n;document.write('
'+f());\n```\nSave 9 bytes if a string array return value is acceptable.\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) (`-R` flag), ~~14~~ 12 bytes\n*-2 bytes thanks to @Shaggy*\n```\n;B\u00ac\n\u00cbiU\u00afE qD\n```\n[Test it online!](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=O0KsCqNzMFkgcVggK1g=&input=LVI=)\n[Answer]\n# [Acc!!](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/Acc!!), 84 bytes\nThis is actually what inspired this challenge:\n```\nWrite 65\nCount i while i-26 {\nCount b while b-i {\nWrite b+65\nWrite i+65\n}\nWrite 10\n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xOTkr6/z@8KLMkVcHMlMs5vzSvRCFToTwjMydVIVPXyEyhGiqYBBVM0s0EikF0JGkD9UCYmSBmLZRjaMBV@/8/AA \"Acc!! \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~49~~ 48 bytes\n```\n'A':unlines[init['A'..x]>>=(:[x])|x<-['A'..'Z']]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7NyflfXFKUmZeuYKsQ81/dUd2qNC8nMy@1ODozL7MkGiigp1cRa2dnq2EVXRGrWVNhowsRVI9Sj439n5uYmQfUWVBaElxSpAAx6f@/5LScxPTi/7rJBQUA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*Edit: -1 byte thanks to totallyhuman!*\n[Answer]\n# [C# (.NET Core)](https://www.microsoft.com/net/core/platform)\nPort from Kevin Cruijssen's [answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/153240/15214):\n## ~~91~~ 90 bytes\n```\n_=>{var t=\"\";for(char c='@';++c<91;t+=c)Console.WriteLine(string.Join(c+\"\",t.Skip(0))+c);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY5BSwMxEIXv@RVhL02IhnqUGFH2UCgtCHvwHMapDq6JzUwLZdnfvgZBEY8Pvve@B3wNpeJyYsqveriw4EdQf5PvyzgiCJXMfoMZK8E/Ykf5GBSMiVk/TYolCYF@/O7oQRLVPjHqqBdj4/10TlVL7LpwKNXAW0sQVw@r4Bzc3d4EcRFs32xlRP9cSbDto2GpTem3hbIB13VX4od3@jRrax3YMC9B/ZjPhV70PjXQqkn9HjA2qFnNyxc \"C# (.NET Core) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## ~~132~~ ~~122~~ ~~110~~ ~~109~~ ~~104~~ 103 bytes\n```\n_=>\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\".Select((c,i)=>string.Join(\"\"+c,\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\".Take(i))+c)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fY/PTgIxEMbvfYrJntqAfYGFTXQFBEHRRVFvdRx1Ymlj2yUxhGdfaozRePA4@f7M98N4hD5Q10Z2L9B8xESbUvy@dO2tJUzsXdQTchQY/zjm7N5LgdbECMudiMkkRhi3DgfTkWs3FMyjpUFMIYeqCppkONQmEgyhk2pYFccn9eloPDmbzs7ni4vL5dV1s7q5Xd/dPxS6oc/3UmKfs/WrRM88O1kUPez/m12ZN5KsVA9VV4rvZVvPT7AwuUGJnXjO/AZfQW5NAM48wO5nolQK6ozuLel1yHKGzZXZpkqxF/vuAA \"C# (.NET Core) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* Replace `()` with `_` to show that we declare an unused variable. Thank you Kevin Cruijssen.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 22 bytes\n```\n\u00d8A\u017c\u20ac\u00d0\u20ac`F\u20ac\u00b5J\u2019\u1e24\u00bb1\u017c@\u00b9\u1e23/\u20acY\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///wDMejex41rTk8AUgkuAGJQ1u9HjXMfLhjyaHdhkf3OBza@XDHYn2geOT//wA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nHow it works:\n```\n                       take argument implicitly\n\u00d8A                     the uppercase alphabet\n    \u00d0\u20ac`                for C in the alphabet\n  \u017c\u20ac                     appends C to every letter in the alphabet\n       F\u20ac              flatten every sublist\n          J            get indices\n           \u2019           subtract 1\n            \u1e24          and double\n             \u00bb1        take max([n, 1])\n         \u00b5     \u017c@\u00b9     interleave alphabet list and indices\n                  \u1e23/\u20ac  reduce on head() for each element\n                     Y join on newline\n                       implicitly output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~44~~ 34 bytes\n```\n?A.upto(?Z){|w|puts [*?A...w]*w+w}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/395Rr7SgJF/DPkqzuqa8pqC0pFghWgsoqqdXHqtVrl1e@/8/AA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThanks benj2240 for getting it down to 37 bytes. And of course crossed out 44 blah blah.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 29 bytes\n```\n'A,Au\u00a9.sR\u00ed\u00a6\u00aeRSDg\u00dd\u00d7Rs)\u00f8\u02dc.B\u00ed\u00f8\u00bb=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATIAzf8wNWFiMWX//ydBLEF1wqkuc1LDrcKmwq5SU0Rnw53Dl1JzKcO4y5wuQsOtw7jCuz3//w \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 96 bytes\n```\n+++++[->+++++>++>+++++++++++++>+++++++++++++<<<<]>>>.<.<[->>>+>+[-<<.+>.>>+<]>[-<+<<->>>]<<<<.<]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fGwSide3AtB0YIQFUng0QxNrZ2enZ6NkAtdjZAeWjdW1s9LTt9IAcoByQB1QFkooFKdazif3/HwA \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Tape Layout:**\n*`[Init] [Line Count] [newline] [Growing Ascii] [Repeated Ascii] [Loop 1] [Loop 2]`*\n**Explanation:**\n```\n+++++[->+++++>++                      Sets Line counter and newline cell\n    >+++++++++++++>+++++++++++++<<<<] Sets Ascii cells to 65 ('A')\n>>>.<.<                               Prints first \"A\" and moves to Line loop\n  [->>>+>+                            Increment Repeated Ascii cell in outer loop\n      [-<<.+>.>>+<]>                  Increment Growing Ascii cell in inner loop,\n                                         Prints both Ascii cells and Sets Loop 2\n      [-<+<<->>>]                     Resets Growing cell and Loop 1\n  <<<<.<]                             Prints newline and moves to next Line\n```\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 81 bytes\n```\n+++[[->++<<+>]>]<<,<[----<<+>>]<+<+.<+<--.>[>+>>+[-<.+<.>>>+<]>[-<+<->>]<<<<<.>-]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FYpBCsRQDEIPZJMTiBcJWbSFQhmYRaHnT/0uxKcez37/r/f8zQCoCgEk1GpyY4W12AgibRGpkhtUMMGUI1smj@u4lIqe@QA \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPrints in lowercase\n### Explanation:\n```\n+++[[->++<<+>]>]  Sets up the tape as 3*2^n (3,6,12,24,48,96,192,128)\n<<,               Removes excess 128\n<[----<<+>>]      Adds 196/4 to 48 resulting in 96\n<+<+.             Add 1 to both 96s and print A\n<+<--.            Add 1 to 25, subtract 2 from 12 to print a newline\n                  Tape: 3 6 10 25 96 96 0 0\n>[ Start loop\n   >+>>+          Add one to the unchanging ASCII and the inner loop counter\n   [-<.+<.>>>+<]  Print row while preserving counter\n   >[-<+<->>]     Undo changes to changing ASCII and return inner loop counter to its cell\n   <<<<<.>-       Print newline and decrement loop counter\n]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 88 bytes\n```\n++++++++[->+++>+>++++++++>++++++++<<<<]>+>++>+.<.<[->>+>>+[-<+.<.>>>+<]>[-<+<->>]<<<<.<]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fGwqide2ApJ22HUwAzrABgliwhJ22no2eDVAlkGcH1GED4tsBmUB5EM8GKBMLUq5nE/v/PwA \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\nshould run on all brainfuck interpreters. No wrapping or negative values, no undefined input behaviour, values between 0 and 90.\n**How it works**\n```\nInitialize tape: 25(row count) 10(lf) 64(row letter) 64(col letter) 0(col count) 0(temp)\n++++++++[->+++>+>++++++++>++++++++<<<<]>+>++ \n>+.<.            print \"A\" and lf\n<[               for each letter count\n  -                decrement letter count\n  >>+              increment row letter\n  >>+              increment col count\n  [                do col count times\n    -                decrement col count\n    <+.              increment and print col letter\n    <.               print row letter\n    >>>+             move col count to temp\n    <                return to colcount\n  ]\n  >[-<+<->>]       move value from temp back to col count and set col letter back to \"A\" minus 1\n  <<<<.            print lf\n  <                return to row count\n]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), ~~39~~ 38 bytes\n*@DomHastings shaved off a byte*\n```\nsay$.=A;say map$_.$.,A..$.++while$.!~Z\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/784sVJFz9bRGkgr5CYWqMTrqejpOOoBSW3t8ozMnFQVPcW6qP///@UXlGTm5xX/1/U11TMwNAAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Deadfish~, 4152 bytes\n```\n{i}cc{iiiii}iiiiic{ddddd}dddddc{iiiii}iiiiicic{ddddd}ddddddc{iiiii}iiiiiciicdcic{dddddd}iiic{iiiii}iiiiiciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}iic{iiiii}iiiiiciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}ic{iiiii}iiiiiciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}c{iiiii}iiiiiciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}dc{iiiii}iiiiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}ddc{iiiii}iiiiic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}dddc{iiiii}iiiiic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}ddddc{iiiii}iiiiic{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}dddddc{iiiii}iiiiic{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{dddddd}ddddddc{iiiii}iiiiic{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}iiic{iiiii}iiiiic{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}iic{iiiii}iiiiic{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}ic{iiiii}iiiiic{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}c{iiiii}iiiiic{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}dc{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}ddc{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}ddc{dd}iiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}dddc{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}dc{dd}iic{ii}ddc{dd}iiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}ddddc{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}c{dd}ic{ii}dc{dd}iic{ii}ddc{dd}iiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}dddddc{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}ic{dd}c{ii}c{dd}ic{ii}dc{dd}iic{ii}ddc{dd}iiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}iii}ddddddc{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}iic{dd}dc{ii}ic{dd}c{ii}c{dd}ic{ii}dc{dd}iic{ii}ddc{dd}iiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}ii}iiic{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}iiic{dd}ddc{ii}iic{dd}dc{ii}ic{dd}c{ii}c{dd}ic{ii}dc{dd}iic{ii}ddc{dd}iiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}ii}iic{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}iiiic{dd}dddc{ii}iiic{dd}ddc{ii}iic{dd}dc{ii}ic{dd}c{ii}c{dd}ic{ii}dc{dd}iic{ii}ddc{dd}iiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}ii}ic{iiiii}iiiiic{ii}iiiiic{dd}ddddc{ii}iiiic{dd}dddc{ii}iiic{dd}ddc{ii}iic{dd}dc{ii}ic{dd}c{ii}c{dd}ic{ii}dc{dd}iic{ii}ddc{dd}iiic{ii}dddc{d}ddddddc{i}iiiiiic{d}dddddc{i}iiiiic{d}ddddc{i}iiiic{d}dddc{i}iiic{d}ddc{i}iic{d}dc{i}ic{d}c{i}c{d}ic{i}dc{d}iic{i}ddc{d}iiic{i}dddcddddddciiiiiicdddddciiiiicddddciiiicdddciiicddciicdcic{{d}ii}c\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##7ZZLDoMwDERP1ENVmVbNusvIZ0@JkyDAg/pR@cOCBZ7YM08EgtsVd/98XGIMXpwLPl2idxeQLtF7v9KvDYveoVVAtFO/3ghgZUaVZBiTW7XK8W4hWZcX4osmg8QNuqRFp80PPVnTpip/nEBG5AnTTLPjdML0c@3gVJc5HRAL6gGzuclN7P4L5Vl55ZbzxWwVX1iNS2qyusRKXXPTrWtsJYfZRLlp6OyxzUaj2dI3RPYXlWUtUXcenCTPUQ8FgVDQ36UcFggjkpHg0HjYcaX6qmfkk1QhRUFVUjjJjZLj4FpyOFl@zNLF@AI \"Deadfish~ \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 12 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u00d8A;\\;\u20ac\u1e6a$\u20acYF\u1e0a\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///wDEfrGOtHTWse7lylAqQi3R7u6Pr/HwA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\nBah just got `\u00d8Aj\u1e6a$\u01a4\u017c\u00d8AY` which is a step between this and the already posted solution of Dennis :/\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://pyth.readthedocs.io), 13 bytes\n```\n+\\ajmPjedd._G\n```\n[Try it here!](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%2B%5CajmPjedd._G&debug=0), [Alternative](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=jm%2BjedPded._G&debug=0)\nThat leading `a` though...\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 13 bytes\n```\n\u00d8A\u00b9\u01a4+\"\u00b9\u1e56\u20acY\u1e6d\u201dA\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASIA3f9qZWxsef//w5hBwrnGpCsiwrnhuZbigqxZ4bmt4oCdQf// \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# Explanation\n```\n\u00d8A\u00b9\u01a4+\"\u00b9\u1e56\u20acY\u1e6d\u201dA  Main Link\n\u00d8A              Uppercase Alphabet\n  \u00b9\u01a4            Prefixes\n    +\"\u00b9         Doubly-vectorized addition to identity (uppercase alphabet) (gives lists of lists of strings)\n       \u1e56\u20ac      a[:-1] of each (get rid of the double letters at the end)\n         Y     Join on newlines\n          \u1e6d\u201dA  \"A\" + the result\n```\npartially abuses the way strings and character lists differ in Jelly\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~92~~ ~~86~~ ~~79~~ ~~75~~ 64 bytes\n```\ns=map(chr,range(65,91))\nfor d in s:print d.join(s[:ord(d)-65])+d\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/v9g2N7FAIzmjSKcoMS89VcPMVMfSUFOTKy2/SCFFITNPodiqoCgzr0QhRS8rPzNPozjaKr8oRSNFU9fMNFZTO@X/fwA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n11 bytes thx to Rod.\n[Answer]\n# APL+WIN, 51 bytes\n```\n\u234e\u220a'a\u2190\u2395av[65+\u237326]\u22c4a[n\u21901]',25\u2374\u2282'\u22c4,\u2283a[\u2373n-1],\u00a8a[n\u2190n+1]'\n```\nExplanation:\n```\na\u2190\u2395av[65+\u237326] create a vector of upper case letters\na[n\u21901] first A\n25\u2374\u2282'\u22c4,\u2283a[\u2373n-1],\u00a8a[n\u2190n+1]' create an implicit loop to concatenate subsequent letters\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nThis has no practical purpose but it could be fun to golf.\n# Challenge\nGiven a number *n*,\n1. Count the amount of each digit in *n* and add 1 to each count\n2. Take the prime factorization of *n*\n3. Count the amount of each digit in the prime factorization of *n*, without including duplicate primes\n4. Create a new list by multiplying together the respective elements of the lists from steps 1 and 3\n5. Return the sum of that list\nFor example, 121 has two `1`s and a `2`, so you would get the following list from step 1:\n```\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n```\nThe prime factorization of 121 is 112, which gives the following list for step 3:\n```\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n```\nNote how we did not count the exponent. These multiply together to get:\n```\n0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n```\nAnd the sum of this list is 6.\n# Test cases\n```\n1 -> 0\n2 -> 2\n3 -> 2\n4 -> 1\n5 -> 2\n10 -> 2\n13 -> 4\n121 -> 6\n```\n# Notes\n* [Standard loopholes](//codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1061/75524) are forbidden.\n* Input and output can be in any reasonable format.\n* You should leave ones (or zeros for step 3) in the list for digits that did not appear in the number.\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest solution in bytes wins.\n      \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~18~~ 17 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n-1 byte thanks to [caird coinheringaahing](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/66833/caird-coinheringaahing) & [H.PWiz](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/71256/h-pwiz) (avoid pairing the two vectors)\n```\nDF\u2018\u010b\u00d0\u20ac\u2075\n\u00c6fQ\u00c7\u00e6.\u00c7\u2018$\n```\nA monadic link taking a positive integer and returning a non-negative integer.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/9/F7VHDjCPdhyc8alrzqHEr1@G2tMDD7YeX6R1uB0qo/P//39DIEAAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\nDF\u2018\u010b\u00d0\u20ac\u2075 - Link 1, digitalCount: number(s)    e.g. [13,17]\nD       - to decimal list (vectorises)            [[1,3],[1,7]]\n F      - flatten                                 [1,3,1,7]\n  \u2018     - increment (vectorises)                  [2,4,2,8]\n      \u2075 - literal ten                             10\n    \u00d0\u20ac  - map across              (implicit range [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10])\n   \u010b    - count                                   [0,2,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0]\n\u00c6fQ\u00c7\u00e6.\u00c7\u2018$ - Main link: positive integer, n   e.g. 11999\n        $ - last two links as a monad:\n      \u00c7   -   call the last link (1) as a monad   [0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3]\n       \u2018  -   increment (vectorises)              [1,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4]\n\u00c6f        - prime factorisation                   [13,13,71]\n  Q       - deduplicate                           [13,17]\n   \u00c7      - call the last link (1) as a monad     [0,2,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0]\n    \u00e6.    - dot product                           8\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 16 bytes\n```\n\u1e7e\u010b\u00d0\u20ac\u00d8D\n\u00c6fQ\u00c7\u00d7\u00c7\u2018$S\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATMAzP9qZWxsef//4bm@xIvDkOKCrMOYRArDhmZRw4fDl8OH4oCYJFP/UsW8w4figqxH//8xMjE \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nDeveloped independently from and not exactly the same as [the other Jelly solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/151631/75553).\n**Explanation**\nI'm gong to use `242` as an example input.\n```\n\u1e7e\u010b\u00d0\u20ac\u00d8D     Helper link\n\u1e7e          Uneval. In this case, turns it's argument into a string. \n           242\u1e7e \u2192 ['2','4','2']. [2,11] \u2192 ['2', ',', '1', '1']. The ',' won't end up doing anything.\n    \u00d8D     Digits: ['0','1',...,'9']\n \u010b\u00d0\u20ac       Count the occurrence of \u20acach digit in the result of \u1e7e\n\u00c6fQ\u00c7\u00d7\u00c7\u2018$S  Main link. Argument 242\n\u00c6f         Prime factors that multiply to 242 \u2192 [2,11,11]\n  Q        Unique elements \u2192 [2,11]\n   \u00c7       Apply helper link to this list \u2192 [0,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]\n     \u00c7\u2018$   Apply helper link to 242 then add 1 to each element \u2192 [1,1,3,1,2,1,1,1,1,1]\n    \u00d7      Multiply the two lists element-wise \u2192 [0,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]\n        S  Sum of the product \u2192 5\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~43~~ 41 bytes\n```\n\u2395CY'dfns'\n+/\u00d7/+/\u00a8\u2395D\u2218.=\u2355\u00a8(\u2395D,r)(\u222a3pco r\u2190\u2395)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qKPdOSM1Ofv/o76pzpHqKWl5xepc2vqHp@tr6x9aARR0edQxQ8/2Ue/UQys0QFydIk2NRx2rjAuS8xWKHrVNAIppgkz5DzaGy5CLC8IwgjGMYQwTGMMUxjA0gLPgqgyNDAE \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**How?**\n`r\u2190\u2395` - input into `r`\n`3pco` - prime factors\n`\u222a` - unique\n`\u2395D,r` - `r` prepended with `0-9`\n`\u2355\u00a8` - format the factors and the prepended range\n`\u2395D\u2218.=` - cartesian comparison with every element of the string `0123456789`\n`+/\u00a8` - sum each row of the two tables formed\n`\u00d7/` - multiply the two vectors left\n`+/` - sum the last vector formed\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E (legacy)](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/tree/fb4a2ce2bce6660e1a680a74dd61b72c945e6c3b), 5 bytes\n```\nfS\u00a2>O\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f8/LfjQIjv////NzMwB \"05AB1E (legacy) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\nf      list of prime factors (without duplicates) of the implicit input\nS      characters, all of the digits\n\u00a2      count each of the characters in the implicit input\n>      increase each of the counts\nO      sum (implicit output)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 44 bytes\n```\nY_N_.aM,tT++o>aTa%o{a/:olPBo}$+y*Y_N JUQlM,t\n```\nTakes input from command-line argument. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gs@P8/Mt4vXi/RV6ckRFs73y4xJFE1vzpR3yo/J8Apv1ZFu1ILqEDBKzQwB6jk////ugX/jYyNzC2NTM0MAA \"Pip \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~136~~ 127 bytes\n```\nlambda a:sum(''.join(u(a)).count(`i`)*-~`a`.count(`i`)for i in range(10))\nu=lambda a:[`j`for j in range(2,a)if a%j<1>len(u(j))]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY0xDsIwDAB3XuEF1UZQkYyI8hFAsoEWErVOG5KBha8HdQHW0@lufKVHUFum5lR6GS43Adk984BVVfvgFDMKUX0NWROyY1pt3iz8B7oQwYFTiKL3Fs2WaJGbb@vInmfF/xS7FnIdyNLvzaFv54cnOpcxOk0wobGGygc \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# Credits\n* Reduced from 136 bytes to 127 by [Mr. Xcoder](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/59487/mr-xcoder)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nYour task is to program a mathematical function \\$s\\$, that takes a nonempty finite set \\$A\\$ of points in the 2D plane, and outputs an uncircularity score \\$s(A)\\$ that satisfies following properties:\n1. *Positive Definiteness*: If there is a circle or a straight line that contains all points of \\$A\\$, then \\$s(A) = 0\\$. Otherwise \\$s(A) > 0\\$\n2. *Surjectivity:* It is surjective to the nonnegative real numbers, that means for every nonnegative real number \\$r\\$ there is a finite subset \\$A\\$ of the plane such that \\$s(A) = r\\$.\n3. *Translation Invariance:* \\$s\\$ is translation invariant if \\$s(A) = s(A + v)\\$ for every vector \\$v\\$ and for all \\$A\\$.\n4. *Scale Invariance:* \\$s\\$ is scale invariant, if \\$s(A) = s(tA)\\$ for every \\$t\u22600\\$ and for all \\$A\\$.\n5. *Continuity.* \\$s\\$ is said to be *continuous* if the function \\$f(p) := s(A \u222a \\{p\\})\\$ (mapping the a point `p` to a real number) is continuous using the standard absolute value on the real numbers, and the standard euclidean norm on the points of the plane.\nIntuitively speaking this *uncircularness score* can be thought of as something similar to the correlation coefficient in linear regression.\n### Details\nYour function in theory has to work in the reals, but for the purpose of this challenge you can use floating point numbers as substitute. Please provide an explanation of your submission and an argument why those five properties hold. You can take two lists of coordinates or a list of tuples or similar formats as input. You can assume that no point in the input is repeated i.e. all points are unique.\n      \n[Answer]\n# Python 2 with numpy, 116 bytes\n```\nfrom numpy import*\ndef f(x,y):a=linalg.lstsq(hstack((x,y,ones_like(x))),(x*x+y*y)/2);return a[1]/sum((x-a[0][0])**4)\n```\nTakes x and y as 2d column vectors and returns an array containing the answer. Note that this will give an empty array for a perfectly straight line or with 3 or fewer points. I think lstsq gives no residuals if there's a perfect fit.\n### Explanation\nEssentially, this finds the circle of best fit and gets the squared residuals.\nWe want to minimize `(x - x_center)^2 + (y - y_center)^2 - R^2`. It looks nasty and nonlinear, but we can rewrite that as `x_center(-2x) + y_center(-2y) + stuff = x^2 + y^2`, where the `stuff` is still nasty and nonlinear in terms of `x_center`, `y_center`, and `R`, but we don't need to care about it. So we can just solve `[-2x -2y 1][x_center, y_center, stuff]^T = [x^2 + y^2]`.\nWe could then back out R if we really wanted, but that doesn't help us much here. Thankfully, the lstsq function can give us the residuals, which satisfies most of the conditions. Subtracting the center and scaling by `(R^2)^2 = R^4 ~ x^4` gives us translational and scale invariance.\n1. This is positive definite because the squared residuals are nonnegative, and we're dividing by a square. It tends toward 0 for circles and lines because we're fitting a circle.\n2. I'm fairly sure it's not surjective, but I can't get a good bound. If there is an upper bound, we can map [0, bound) to the nonnegative reals (for example, with 1 / (bound - answer) - 1 / bound) for a few more bytes.\n3. We subtract out the center, so it's translationally invariant.\n4. We divide by x\\*\\*4, which removes the scale dependence.\n5. It's composed of continuous functions, so it's continuous.\n[Answer]\n# Python, 124 bytes\n```\nlambda A:sum(r.imag**2/2**abs(r)for a in A for b in A for c in A for d in A if a!=d!=b!=c for r in[(a-c)*(b-d)/(a-d)/(b-c)])\n```\nTakes *A* as a sequence of complex numbers (`x + 1j*y`), and sums Im(*r*)2/2|*r*| for all complex cross-ratios *r* of four points in *A*.\n### Properties\n1. *Positive Definiteness.* All terms are nonnegative, and they\u2019re all zero exactly when all the cross-ratios are real, which happens when the points are collinear or concyclic.\n2. *Surjectivity.* Since the sum can be made arbitrarily large by adding many points, surjectivity will follow from continuity.\n3. *Translation Invariance.* The cross-ratio is translation-invariant.\n4. *Scale Invariance.* The cross-ratio is scale-invariant. (In fact, it\u2019s invariant under all M\u00f6bius transformations.)\n5. *Continuity.* The cross-ratio is a continuous map to the extended complex plane, and *r* \u21a6 Im(*r*)2/2|*r*| (with \u221e \u21a6 0) is a continuous map from the extended complex plane to the reals.\n(Note: A theoretically prettier map with the same properties is *r* \u21a6 (Im(*r*)/(*C* + |*r*|2))2, whose contour lines w.r.t. all four points of the cross-ratio are circular. If you actually need an uncircularness measure, you probably want that one.)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nA deck of cards is the Cartesian product of `S` suits and `R` ranks.\nMany, though not all, card games use `S=4` and `R\u220a{6,8,13}`.\nA hand of `H` cards is dealt from the deck.\nIts *distribution*, a.k.a. \"hand pattern\", is an array that describes\nhow many cards you got from each suit, ignoring suit order (so, it's like a multi-set).\nGiven a distribution `D` satisfying `len(D)=S`, `1\u2264sum(D)=H\u2264S\u00d7R`, `0\u2264D[i]\u2264R`, `D[i]\u2265D[i+1]`,\nfind the probability of it occurring.\nInput: an integer `R` and an array `D`.\nOutput: the probability with at least 5 digits after the decimal mark;\n trailing zeroes may be skipped; scientific notation is ok.\nLoopholes forbidden. Shortest wins.\nTests:\n```\nR    D               probability\n13   4 4 3 2     ->  0.2155117564516334148528314355068773\n13   5 3 3 2     ->  0.1551684646451760586940386335649517\n13   9 3 1 0     ->  0.0001004716813294328274372174524508\n13   13 0 0 0    ->  0.0000000000062990780897964308603403\n8    3 2 2 1     ->  0.4007096203759162602321667950144035\n8    4 2 1 1     ->  0.1431105787056843786543452839337155\n8    2 2 1 0     ->  0.3737486095661846496106785317018910\n8    3 1 1 0     ->  0.2135706340378197997775305895439377\n15   4 4 3 2 1   ->  0.1428926269185580521441708109954798\n10   3 0 0       ->  0.0886699507389162561576354679802956\n10   2 1 0       ->  0.6650246305418719211822660098522167\n10   1 1 1       ->  0.2463054187192118226600985221674877\n```\nSee also [Bridge hand patterns in Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_bridge_probabilities#Hand_pattern_probabilities).\nEDIT: dropped unnecessary restriction `H\u2264R`\nEDIT: added constraint `H\u22651`\n      \n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 30 chars\n```\n\u00d7/!\u2368,z,1\u00f7((z\u2190!\u2218\u2262\u22a2)\u2338\u22a2),\u00d7\u2218\u2262!\u23681\u22a5\u22a2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@1R24TD0/UVH/Wu0KnSMTy8XUOjCiik@KhjxqPORY@6Fmk@6tkBonQOT4eIgZQaPupaChT8/9/QWCFNwQQIjRWMuMAcUyATzrEEMg0VDCAcIGEAglwWQA5IDRAaQjgmICaMAxZHKDOEmGCKsAio0NAAyAWbB2FCdICZIPWGAA)\nUsing [@orlp\u2019s formula](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/148624/74681).\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 134 bytes\n```\nb=lambda n,k:k<1or n*b(n-1,k-1)/k\nf=lambda R,D,i=1,s=1,t=0:D and b(R,D[0])*i/s*f(R,D[1:],i+1,(D[0]in D[1:])*s+1,t+D[0])or 1/b(~-i*R,t)\n```\nFormula is the product of `binom(R, d)` for each element `d` in `D`, times `factorial(len(D))`, divided by the product of `factorial(len(S))` for each `S` in the groupings of `D` (e.g. `[4, 4, 3, 2]` has groupings `[[4, 4], [3], [2]]`), finally divided by `binom(len(D) * R, sum(D))`.\nOr in math notation, assuming **m** contains the multiplicities of the **n** unique elements in **D**:\n$$\n\\frac{|D|!}{m\\_1!\\cdot m\\_2!\\cdots m\\_n!}\n\\binom{|D|\\cdot R}{\\sum D}^{-1}\n\\prod\\_{d\\in D}\\binom{R}{d}\n$$\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~90~~ ~~85~~ 83 bytes\n```\nfunction(R,D,l=sum(D|1),K=choose)prod(K(R,D),1:l,1/gamma(1+table(D)))/K(R*l,sum(D))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JYs7DsIwEAV7n8LlvrAorNIgRDp36biBceKA5A@Kk467mwCaYorRLNXr61FXvyW3PnOiGxsOfdkimbeAh949ci4TXkseafhmsFwCSzvbGC3JYbX3MJEB0O69CfybgeqpOJsIrP@GOivVadk51Q8 \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI observed the same thing as [orlp](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/148624/67312), but I picked a nice language that has combinatorics builtins. \nExplanation:\n```\nfunction(R,D,             # next are optional arguments\n l=sum(D|1),              # alias for length of D, aka S\n K=choose)                # alias for choose\n  prod(                   # take the product of:\n    K(R,D),               # \"choose\" is vectorized over R and D\n    1:l,                  # S!\n    1/gamma(1+            # gamma(n+1) = n! for integer n\n     table(D))            # multiplicities of unique elements of D\n  ) /                     # divide by\n  K(R`*`l, sum(D))          # R`*`S choose H\n                          # return last computation (which is all the computation)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~22~~ 20 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n-2 bytes using a new quick, `\u028b`, and a new monadic atom `\u1e88`\n```\n\u0120\u1e88!;L\u00d7c\u2078S\u00a4\u028b\nL!;c@\u00f7\u00e7P\n```\nA dyadic link, taking the dealt-distribution, D, on the left and the number-of-ranks, R, on the right, which returns the probability of occurrence.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///Igoe7OhStfQ5PT37UuCP40JJT3Vw@itbJDoe3H14e8P//f2MdIyA0/G8BAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")** or see the [test-suite](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///Igoe7OhStfQ5PT37UuCP40JJT3Vw@itbJDoe3H14e8P/onsPLHfQfNa05OunhzhlAGojc//@PjjY01lGIVjDRASEg0yg2VodLASpqChZCF7UECxnqKBggiYIIAwiCiCpYgNSC9IKRIbKoCUQITdQIJopugiGKbaao7oUbYmgAVY5wA0QIxVCIkCHM9lgA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\n```\n\u0120\u1e88!;L\u00d7c\u2078S\u00a4\u028b - Link 1, denomParts: list, distribution (D); number, ranks (R)\n                                                                 e.g. [3,3,3,2,2]; 8\n\u0120           - group indices of D by their values                      [[4,5],[1,2,3]]\n \u1e88          - length of each group                                    [2,3]\n  !         - factorial (vectorises)                                  [2,6]\n          \u028b - last four links as a dyad\n            - ... i.e. totalWaysToDeal = f(list, distribution (D); number, ranks (R)):\n    L       - length of D                                             5\n     \u00d7      - multiply by R = total number of cards                   40\n         \u00a4  - nilad followed by link(s) as a nilad:\n       \u2078    -   chain's left argument, D                              [3,3,3,2,2]\n        S   -   sum = total cards dealt                               13\n      c     - binomial                                        40C13 = 12033222880\n   ;        - concatenate                                             [2,6,12033222880]                                                  \nL!;c@\u00f7\u00e7P - Main link: list, distribution (D); number, ranks (R)\n         -                                                  e.g. [3,3,3,2,2]; 8\nL        - length of D = number of suits                         5\n !       - factorial                                             120\n   c@    - R binomial (vectorised across) D     (8C3=56;8C2=28)  [56,56,56,28,28]\n  ;      - concatenate                                           [120,56,56,56,28,28]\n      \u00e7  - call the last link (1) as a dyad = denomParts(D,R)    [2,6,12033222880]\n     \u00f7   - divide (vectorises)                                   [120/2,56/6,56/12033222880,56,28,28]\n       P - product                                               0.11441900924883391\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 21 bytes\n```\ncP\u00b9g!*\u00b9\u03b3\u20acg!P\u00b9gI*\u00b9Oc*/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f8/OeDQznRFrUM7z21@1LQmXRHE9QRy/ZO19P//jzbVMQZCo1guQ2MA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n P                      # product of\nc                       # bin(input1,input2)\n     *                  # multiplied by\n    !                   # fac of\n  \u00b9g                    # length of input1\n                    /   # divided by\n           P            # product of\n          !             # fac of each\n        \u20acg              # length of each\n      \u00b9\u03b3                # chunk of consecutive equal elements of input1\n                   *    # multiplied by\n                  c     # bin of\n            \u00b9g          # length of input1\n              I*        # times input2\n                \u00b9O      # and sum of input1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 32 bytes\n```\ncc*.!lQ*F.cLvzQ*F.!hMr8Q.c*vzlQs\n```\n**[Try it here!](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=cc%2a.%21lQ%2aF.cLvzQ%2aF.%21hMr8Q.c%2avzlQs&input=%5B1%2C1%2C1%5D%0A10&test_suite_input=%5B4%2C+4%2C+3%2C+2%5D%0A13%0A%0A%5B5%2C+3%2C+3%2C+2%5D%0A13%0A%0A%5B9%2C+3%2C+1%2C+0%5D%0A13%0A%0A%5B13%2C+0%2C+0%2C+0%5D%0A13%0A%0A%5B3%2C+2%2C+2%2C+1%5D%0A8%0A%0A%5B4%2C+2%2C+1%2C+1%5D%0A8%0A%0A%5B2%2C+2%2C+1%2C+0%5D%0A8%0A%0A%5B3%2C+1%2C+1%2C+0%5D%0A8%0A%0A%5B4%2C+4%2C+3%2C+2%2C+1%5D%0A15%0A%0A%5B3%2C+0%2C+0%5D%0A10%0A%0A%5B2%2C+1%2C+0%5D%0A10%0A%0A%5B1%2C+1%2C+1%5D%0A10%0A&debug=0&input_size=3)** or **[Verify all the test cases!](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=cc%2a.%21lQ%2aF.cLvzQ%2aF.%21hMr8Q.c%2avzlQs&input=%5B1%2C1%2C1%5D%0A10&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%5B4%2C+4%2C+3%2C+2%5D%0A13%0A%0A%5B5%2C+3%2C+3%2C+2%5D%0A13%0A%0A%5B9%2C+3%2C+1%2C+0%5D%0A13%0A%0A%5B13%2C+0%2C+0%2C+0%5D%0A13%0A%0A%5B3%2C+2%2C+2%2C+1%5D%0A8%0A%0A%5B4%2C+2%2C+1%2C+1%5D%0A8%0A%0A%5B2%2C+2%2C+1%2C+0%5D%0A8%0A%0A%5B3%2C+1%2C+1%2C+0%5D%0A8%0A%0A%5B4%2C+4%2C+3%2C+2%2C+1%5D%0A15%0A%0A%5B3%2C+0%2C+0%5D%0A10%0A%0A%5B2%2C+1%2C+0%5D%0A10%0A%0A%5B1%2C+1%2C+1%5D%0A10%0A&debug=0&input_size=3)**\n### How this works?\n```\ncc*.!lQ*F.cLvzQ*F.!hMr8Q.c*vzlQs ~ Full program. D = list, R = number.\n   .!                            ~ The factorial of...\n     lQ                            ~ The length of D.\n  *                              ~ Multiplied by...\n       *F                          ~ The product of the elements of...\n         .c                          ~ The nCr between...\n           L  Q                        ~ Each element of D, and...\n            vz                         ~ R.\n c                               ~ Divided by...\n               *F                  ~ The product of the elements of...\n                 .!                  ~ The factorial of each...\n                   hM                  ~ Heads. Count of adjacent elements in...\n                     r8Q                 ~ The run length encoding of D.\nc                                ~ Divided by...\n                        .c         ~ The nCr between...\n                          *          ~ The product of...\n                           vz          ~ R, and...\n                             lQ        ~ The length of D.\n                               s   ~ And the sum of D.\n                                 ~ Output implicitly.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 42 bytes\n```\n{\u00d7/(!\u2262\u2375),(\u2375!\u237a),\u00f7((+/\u2375)!\u237a\u00d7\u2262\u2375),!\u2262\u00a8\u2375\u2282\u23681,2\u2260/\u2375}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@1R24Tqw9P1NRQfdS561LtVU0cDSCo@6t2lqXN4u4aGtj5IEMQ/PB2mAqT00Aog81FX06PeFYY6Ro86F4DU1f7/b2iskKZgAoTGCkZcYI4pkAnnWAKZhgoGEA6QMABBLgsgB6QGCA0hHBMQE8YBiyOUGUJMMEVYBFRoaADkgs2DMCE6wEyQekMA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nStill golfing.\n[Answer]\n## Clojure, 153 bytes\n```\n#(apply +(for[_(range 1e06):when(=(remove #{0}%)(reverse(sort(vals(frequencies(take(apply + %)(shuffle(for[i(range %2)j(range(count %))]j))))))))]1e-06))\n```\nJust a brute-force simulation, to get more precision increase the iteration count and the \"1 / N\" value at the end accordingly. First argument is the counts and 2nd argument is the number of cards in the deck per suite.\n[Answer]\n# J, 57 bytes\n```\n](#@]%~[:+/[-:\"1[:\\:~@(#/.~)\"1+/@[{.\"1])i.@!@(*+/)A.(##\\)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Rc29DsIgGIXhnas4Qkz5RPmx25c0weugTEaiXRw6Grl1Sqfm5B2e6SytrJgYHr2WtYr5XBMbl24sQ@KZa9TK2UoyGBfTz8qQ6WPjKeqLcfSwWqmZGglpMZSJB1zxZ5RViNfz/cWIgrDv4L3THxz7uUfbAA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis runs in *O(golf)* and will choke on many of the test cases (though works theoretically), which would be fine if it were golfier. But I'm stuck on trimming it down, especially with avoiding those repeated `\"1`. If anyone wants to help, here's the parsed version...\nThe right side of the main fork is all possible deals of the *deck*, and the left side of the main fork is just the original right arg, ie, the suit mask we're matching against.\nInside, from each \"shuffled\" deck, we take the first *hand* elements, then group them using key `/.` and sort the result, and check if that matches the suit mask in question. We add add up the total number that do match, and divide that into the length of all possible decks.\n```\n\u250c\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2510\n\u2502]\u2502\u250c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2510\u2502\u250c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2510\u2502\n\u2502 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The format that's most commonly1 used on PPCG seems to be:\n```\n# Level one header\n## Level two header\n### Level three header\n```\nNote the space after the hash marks. Also, note that trailing hash marks are not included. \n## Challenge:\nTake a (possibly multiline) string as input, and output the string on the following format:\n* If the header is level 1, then output each letter 4-by-4 times\n* If the header is level 2, then output each letter 3-by-3 times\n* If the header is level 3, then output each letter 2-by-2 times\n* If a line is not a header then output it as it is.\nTo illustrate:\n```\n--- Level 1 ---\n# Hello\n--- Output---\nHHHHeeeelllllllloooo    \nHHHHeeeelllllllloooo\nHHHHeeeelllllllloooo\nHHHHeeeelllllllloooo\n--- Level 2 ---\n## A B C def\n--- Output ---\nAAA   BBB   CCC   dddeeefff\nAAA   BBB   CCC   dddeeefff\nAAA   BBB   CCC   dddeeefff\n--- Level 3 ---\n### PPCG!\n--- Output---\nPPPPCCGG!!\nPPPPCCGG!!\n```\nSimple as that!\n---\n### Rules:\n* You must support input over multiple lines. Using `\\n` etc. for newlines is OK.\n\t+ There won't be lines containing only a `#` followed by a single space\n* The output must be presented over multiple lines. You may not output `\\n` instead of literal newlines.\n\t+ Trailing spaces and newlines are OK.\n---\n### Test cases:\nInput and output are separated by a line of `...`.\n```\n# This is a text\nwith two different\n### headers!\n........................................................    \nTTTThhhhiiiissss    iiiissss    aaaa    tttteeeexxxxtttt\nTTTThhhhiiiissss    iiiissss    aaaa    tttteeeexxxxtttt\nTTTThhhhiiiissss    iiiissss    aaaa    tttteeeexxxxtttt\nTTTThhhhiiiissss    iiiissss    aaaa    tttteeeexxxxtttt\nwith two different\nhheeaaddeerrss!!\nhheeaaddeerrss!!\n```\n---\n```\nThis input has\n## trailing hash marks ##\n#and a hash mark without a space after it.\n........................................................    \nThis input has\ntttrrraaaiiillliiinnnggg   hhhaaassshhh   mmmaaarrrkkksss   ######\ntttrrraaaiiillliiinnnggg   hhhaaassshhh   mmmaaarrrkkksss   ######\ntttrrraaaiiillliiinnnggg   hhhaaassshhh   mmmaaarrrkkksss   ######\n#and hash marks without a space after it.\n```\n---\n```\n# This ## is ### strange\n#### ###\n........................................................\nTTTThhhhiiiissss    ########    iiiissss    ############    ssssttttrrrraaaannnnggggeeee\nTTTThhhhiiiissss    ########    iiiissss    ############    ssssttttrrrraaaannnnggggeeee\nTTTThhhhiiiissss    ########    iiiissss    ############    ssssttttrrrraaaannnnggggeeee\nTTTThhhhiiiissss    ########    iiiissss    ############    ssssttttrrrraaaannnnggggeeee\n#### ###\n```\n---\n```\nMultiple\n### newlines! # \n:)\n........................................................    \nMultiple\nnneewwlliinneess!!  ##\nnneewwlliinneess!!  ##\n:)\n```\n---\n```\nLine with only a hash mark:\n#\n### ^ Like that!\n........................................................    \nLine with only a hash mark:\n#\n^^  LLiikkee  tthhaatt!!\n^^  LLiikkee  tthhaatt!!\n```\n1: I haven't really checked, but I *think* it's true.\n      \n[Answer]\n# [Stacked](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/stacked), ~~51~~ 50 bytes\n*Saved 1 byte thanks to @RickHitchcock - golfed regex*\n```\n['^(##?#?) (.+)'[\\#'5\\-@k CS k*k rep LF#`]3/mrepl]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TU9BasMwELzrFUN1UNKmMaXtISUkIYaeAj70GCdUduRa2JKMJDv49e4m9FAEM6tlZnc2RFk26jJNR3Gecb7l2zlmy6e5OOZcvOfPuwbpF5rHBl51OHzy79NrYqhuT9Puo2KCI3Wm86pWNuhBgSOqEFHKoALjHPuRBNZ5ZELsvVaWmhyz0nWj1z91xMtq9YZ9Omc8FjW4V7Jl/P5ireBIpC1chduvat1VeSjjoi6dxZpDB/S2se5qFyj6CCPtSFptG@iIi/IUKlAZ0N29lXfmPkvaktJEFkZTuPa2wUjqE2gKj4dY91E@LCAxSK@ljX8hoiSUdCGdLT3Ntr0plA9Ldjs3@5eX/OCc6ShEQKPtRZLJtaTDerPeEJ2H80CUZtmBKMmTnIgwYQIVXB@nXw \"Stacked \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAnonymous function that takes input from the stack and leaves it on the stack.\n## Explanation\n```\n['^(##?#?) (.+)'[\\#'5\\-@k CS k*k rep LF#`]3/mrepl]\n[                                            mrepl]   perform multiline replacement\n '^(##?#?) (.+)'                                     regex matching headers\n                [                        ]3/         on each match:\n                 \\#'                                   count number of hashes\n                    5\\-                                5 - (^)\n                       @k                              set k to number of repetitions\n                          CS                           convert the header to a char string\n                             k*                        repeat each char `k` times\n                               k rep                   repeat said string `k` times\n                                     LF#`              join by linefeeds\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~111~~ 105 bytes\n*Saved 6 bytes thanks to @Shaggy*\n```\ns=>s.replace(/^(##?#?) (.+)/gm,(_,a,b)=>`\n${b.replace(/./g,e=>e.repeat(l=5-a.length))}`.repeat(l).trim())\n```\nMatches 1-3 hashes at the beginning of the string or preceded by a new line, then repeats each character in the match along with the match itself, based on the length of the hashes.\n**Test Cases:**\n```\nlet f=\ns=>s.replace(/^(##?#?) (.+)/gm,(_,a,b)=>`\n${b.replace(/./g,e=>e.repeat(l=5-a.length))}`.repeat(l).trim())\nconsole.log(f('# This is a text\\nwith two different\\n### headers!'));\nconsole.log('______________________________________________');\nconsole.log(f('This input has\\n## trailing hash marks ##\\n#and a hash mark without a space after it.'));\nconsole.log('______________________________________________');\nconsole.log(f('# This ## is ### strange\\n#### ###'));\nconsole.log('______________________________________________');\nconsole.log(f('Multiple\\n\\n\\n### newlines! # \\n:)'));\nconsole.log('______________________________________________');\nconsole.log(f('Line with only a hash mark:\\n#\\n### ^ Like that!'));\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), ~~125~~ 104 bytes\n```\nm(`(?<=^# .*).\n$0$0$0$0\n(?<=^## .*).\n$0$0$0\n(?<=^### .*).\n$0$0\n^# \n$%'\u00b6$%'\u00b6$%'\u00b6\n^## \n$%'\u00b6$%'\u00b6\n^### \n$%'\u00b6\n```\n[**Try it online**](https://tio.run/##VY9BTsMwEEX3c4ofuYiWRcS6AvUCZce6YkQmtdXUieypChfjAFwsjBMKrWyN9J/n/xkn0RB5HI/Lt@Xm6XnnUD@salo8zodmeEMv7AqS@Whxd//99V@o2OhWX8A4Orz6kGGXofKhdA7qoeceTWhbSRKVSr8XbiTliub2OJwUnrO9QROHLsR90R5HTocM58hxbCz0D6Ik92Zj5IHfBdyqJASt6XcJy5qqQ7bMuJcy2RVAL6dOw9AJ0bRNlLNNlFzBfrJe0dbElI8@dp/XU9fkJscO23AQqGetfgA)\n*Saved 21 bytes thanks to Neil.*\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~43~~ ~~42~~ 40 bytes\n*1 byte removed thanks to [Rick Hitchcock](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/42260/rick-hitchcock)!*\n```\n`j[]y'^##?#? 'XXgn:(2M4:QP&mt~+t&Y\"0YcDT\n```\nThis outputs a trailing space in each line (allowed by the challenge), and exits with an error (allowed by default) after producing the ouput.\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/##jY/BSsNAEIbv@xR/OtBahCLiKZdeemxBoYcWsTg0k@zaZBOyU2IvvnrcRBGPGZaBHZjvn69iLfv@/eP17bY4Ea1pjcXhUPj07nH3lL48zyv9utf5cfZwPG/2fU/YWxcQH0PlU03n1EK7GpnLc2nFqyEiWOFM2pCY1YQyP0zfXBWWQwRAW3al88Xwt6i4vQQQGWKfxeS/IYb4Oq4xQsNnAecqLZyupgX/6sTAsRNCDPaFDA40DKZhdtdSXVOKMaO8ly7eLiEBwaTLaYxt3Bh1UPvy9l8yNTRiT9i6i0Ata/IN)\n### Explanation\n```\n`            % Do...while loop\n  j          %   Input a line as unevaluated string\n  []         %   Push empty array\n  y          %   Duplicate from below: push input line again\n  '^##?#? '  %   Push string for regexp pattern\n  XX         %   Regexp. Returns cell array with the matched substrings\n  g          %   Get cell array contents: a string, possibly empty\n  n          %   Length, say k. This is the title level plus 1, or 0 if no title\n  :(         %   Assign the empty array to the first k entries in the input line\n             %   This removing those entries from the input\n  2M         %   Push k again\n  4:QP       %   [1 2 3 4], add 1 , flip: pushes [5 4 3 2]\n  &m         %   Push index of k in that array, or 0 if not present. This gives\n             %   4 for k=2 (title level 1), 3 for k=3 (tile level 2), 2 for k=2\n             %   (title level 1), and 0 for k=0 (no title). The entry 5 in the\n             %   array is only used as placeholder to get the desired result.\n  t~+        %   Duplicate, negate, add. This transforms 0 into 1\n  t&Y\"       %   Repeat each character that many times in the two dimensions\n  0Yc        %   Postpend a column of char 0 (displayed as space). This is \n             %   needed in case the input line was empty, as MATL doesn't\n             %   display empty lines\n  D          %   Display now. This is needed because the program will end with\n             %   an error, and so implicit display won't apply\n  T          %   True. This is used as loop condition, to make the loop infinite\n             % End (implicit)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 47 +1 (-p) bytes\n```\ns/^##?#? //;$.=6-(\"@+\"||5);$_=s/./$&x$./ger x$.\n```\n[try it online](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/79YP05Z2V7ZXkFf31pFz9ZMV0PJQVuppsZU01ol3rZYX09fRa1CRU8/PbVIAUj//6@sEJKRWaygrKwAJpUVikuKEvPSU7mUQRwg5vqXX1CSmZ9X/F@3AAA)\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 46 bytes\n```\n\uff26\uff2e\u00ab\uff33\u03b9\u2254\u2295\u2315\uff25\u00b3\u2026\u207a\u00d7#\u03ba\u03b9\u2074### \u03b8\uff26\u2387\u03b8\u2702\u03b9\u207b\u2075\u03b8\uff2c\u03b9\u00b9\u03b9\u00ab\uff27\u2193\u2192\u2191\u2295\u03b8\u03ba\u2192\u00bb\uff24\u239a\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY/BTsMwDIbP7VOY9uJK4YAGl3FCTEhIFE2sPEBo3cZamnRpujKhPXtJygUpsf9Yv77fqZV0tZV6WVrrAF/NMPn3qf8ih0UBP2myTg7esemQi8c0eRpH7kxw1o56Mp4afGHTYCkH3AgorW5wr6cRK@5pxCzPBBwLARzufRFKluc5ZFGdIm/NrcgZ6S54EnDQXBNyILEJlIdoE/BGpvMKI@Ruha3LJXurL501uN3Z2QjYfnCnfOifg4D/G0bEMaYlpT0T/vni@5omu6kfMOpnTdJFdV2WTZpDpXiEcCR4@vbpzF6Bny003LbkAjiNP1EkG3LjzXJ71r8 \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Charcoal doesn't really do string array input, so I've had to add the array length as an input. Explanation:\n```\n\uff26\uff2e\u00ab\uff33\u03b9\n```\nLoop over the appropriate number of input strings.\n```\n\u2254\u2295\u2315\uff25\u00b3\u2026\u207a\u00d7#\u03ba\u03b9\u2074### \u03b8\n```\nCreate an array of strings by taking the input and prefixing up to 2 #s, then truncating to length 4, then try to find `###` in the array, then convert to 1-indexing. This results in a number which is one less than the letter zoom.\n```\n\uff26\u2387\u03b8\u2702\u03b9\u207b\u2075\u03b8\uff2c\u03b9\u00b9\u03b9\u00ab\n```\nIf the letter zoom is 1 then loop over the entire string otherwise loop over the appropriate suffix (which is unreasonably hard to extract in Charcoal).\n```\n\uff27\u2193\u2192\u2191\u2295\u03b8\u03ba\u2192\n```\nDraw a polygon filled with the letter ending at the top right corner, and then move right ready for the next letter.\n```\n\u00bb\uff24\u239a\n```\nPrint the output and reset ready for the next input string.\n[Answer]\n# [SOGL V0.12](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL), ~~31~~ 28 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL/blob/master/chartable.md)\n```\n\u00b6\u0398{\u25a0^##?#? \u00f8\u03b2lF\u2044\u03ba6\u03ba5%:GI*\u2211\u2219P\n```\n[Try it Here!](https://dzaima.github.io/SOGLOnline/?code=JUI2JXUwMzk4JTdCJXUyNUEwJTVFJTIzJTIzJTNGJTIzJTNGJTIwJUY4JXUwM0IybEYldTIwNDQldTAzQkE2JXUwM0JBNSUyNSUzQUdJKiV1MjIxMSV1MjIxOVBGJTBBaW5wdXRzLnZhbHVlJXUyMDFEJXUyMTkyRg__,inputs=TXVsdGlwbGUlMEElMEElMEElMjMlMjMlMjMlMjBuZXdsaW5lcyUyMSUyMCUyMyUyMCUwQSUzQSUyOSUwQSUwQSUyMyUyMFRoaXMlMjBpcyUyMGElMjB0ZXh0JTBBd2l0aCUyMHR3byUyMGRpZmZlcmVudCUwQSUyMyUyMyUyMyUyMGhlYWRlcnMlMjElMEElMjMlMjBzaXplJTIwNCUwQSUyMyUyMyUyMHNpemUlMjAzJTBBJTIzJTIzJTIzJTIwc2l6ZSUyMDIlMEFzaXplJTIwMQ__) - extra code added because the code is a function and takes input on stack (SOGL can't take multiline input otherwise :/) - `inputs.value\u201d` - push that string, `\u2192` - evaluate as JS, `F` - call that function\nExplanation:\n```\n\u00b6\u0398                            split on newlines\n  {                           for each item\n   \u25a0^##?#?                      push \"^##?#? \"\n           \u00f8\u03b2                   replace that as regex with nothing\n             l                  get the new strings length\n              F\u2044                get the original strings length\n                \u03ba               and subtract from the original length the new strings length\n                 6\u03ba             from 6 subtract that\n                   5%           and modulo that by 5 - `6\u03ba5%` together transforms 0;2;3;4 - the match length to 1;4;3;2 - the size\n                     :          duplicate that number\n                      G         and get the modified string ontop\n                       I        rotate it clockwise - e.g. \"hello\" -> [[\"h\"],[\"e\"],[\"l\"],[\"l\"],[\"o\"]]\n                        *       multiply horizontally by one copy of the size numbers - e.g. 2: [[\"hh\"],[\"ee\"],[\"ll\"],[\"ll\"],[\"oo\"]]\n                         \u2211      join that array together - \"hheelllloo\"\n                          \u2219     and multiply vertiaclly by the other copy of the size number: [\"hheelllloo\",\"hheelllloo\"]\n                           P    print, implicitly joining by newlines\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Proton](https://github.com/alexander-liao/proton), 130 bytes\n```\nx=>for l:x.split(\"\\n\"){L=l.find(\" \")print(L>3or L+len(l.lstrip(\"\\#\"))-len(l)?l:\"\\n\".join([\"\".join(c*(5-L)for c:l[L+1to])]*(5-L)))}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LU1LCsMgFNznFPKyea8hgpRuAkku4A1SV2kFy0PFuAiUnt2apgMDwzCfmEIOvtix7ONkQxI87HKL7DLC3QO99cjSOv9AEEAxOZ9RT9ca1B0/PbLkLScXa7oFov7n0czD0Zav4Dwu8BfrBW@9puNlHXjRncrBkDldok855y1C01aIygYWJXIQvTJE5Qs \"Proton \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 147 bytes\n```\ndef f(x):\n\tfor l in x.split(\"\\n\"):L=l.find(\" \");print(L>3or L+len(l.lstrip(\"#\"))-len(l)and l or\"\\n\".join([\"\".join(c*(5-L)for c in l[L+1:])]*(5-L)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY27CsIwFIZn8xTxZDnH0kARl4o6CQ5B3WsHsQlGDkmJHerT19bL9vHxX9pXd49hOQyNddJhT6WYuZgkSx9kr58t@w7hEoBKs2HtfGgQJNC6TT50aLbLMWwytgFZ87NLvkVQQJR/FF1DM27FNE3oR/QBK/jBbYGr3ND0dpveuDJZUdZUfz3R4BAAxMEyR6HkwV4bm@ZCKXn/4G7EP2uthTqeznsxVqqizIuahjc \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-1 byte thanks to Mr. Xcoder\n[Answer]\n# [C# (.NET Core)](https://www.microsoft.com/net/core/platform), 268 + 18 bytes\n```\nn=>{var r=\"\";for(int l=0,c;lx==35)|y.Length>3|s.Length<2)r+=m+'\\n';else for(int i=0,k=y.Length;i<5-k;i++){for(c=1;c4or v)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY7BTsMwDIbvfgpvObQdMGmIXVrGE4wbt6qgqHUXs5BWidduT1/SghCSZcm/7f/7@5uYzj1O02jYEu5ye/B6/GDXXyTNCj7YbcuuSRNMsmI47B94k9oy54pdopSKIl2pXveenZT2Pkm2nx27tN4M2HYea2SHtuS7XV5lVTk876tivUmHl6e4HLJpUvhmOGAsjUJXgZHFoIwdNty25MkJRA4a0g35sAL4uZ/zodEhLlG8ZsvuNM8Gv7Q/B1QKlHZNdP0Tcbbu4pvG0OuaULdCHlm2AL8xotnSFYZo6k40s9UsALxerHBvCWAJ5GiMTAorVAh5BnCM04LAztnbf3AOanl5xyOfCcVoWX0D \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nor\n```\nwhile 1:l=raw_input();i=l.find(' ');t=''x.replace(/^(##?#?) (.*)/mg,(_,n,w)=>(t=>Array(t).fill(w.replace(/./g,c=>c.repeat(t))).join`\n`)(5-n.length))\n```\n```\nf=\nx=>x.replace(/^(##?#?) (.*)/mg,(_,n,w)=>(t=>Array(t).fill(w.replace(/./g,c=>c.repeat(t))).join`\n`)(5-n.length))\n```\n```\n\n\n```\n[Answer]\n# C# 4.5 158 Bytes\nWhere i is the input in the form of a string.\n```\nint l,m,t,s=0;while(i[s]=='#'){s++;};t=s>0?4-s+1:1;for(l=0;l0?s+1:0))for(m=0;m 0.\n4. The third person is at position (x, y) for some y > 0.\nHowever, **all distances are floored to integers**! For example, if the actual distance between two people is 4.7 units, your program will see the distance 4 as input instead.\nSo your challenge is to write a program or function that given a 2D array of **floored** distances (where `D[i][j]` gives the distance between person `i` and `j`) returns a list of their coordinates.\nThe challenge here is that you have incomplete information, and must try to extract as much precision as possible. Therefore this challenge is not a code golf, instead it's a code challenge, and the winner is the answer that returns the most accurate results.\n---\n# Scoring\nI will provide a series of arrays of coordinates. It is up to you to turn these arrays into 2D distance matrices **and flooring each element in these matrices** (if I were to do that here this question would get way too large).\nFor a certain input use your answer to predict the coordinates of each person. Then, for each person calculate the squared distance between the prediction and actual position. Sum all these and divide by the number of people in the input. That is your score for this input.\nThe total score of your answer is the average score you get for all of the following inputs:\n```\n[(0, 0), (0.046884, 0), (-4.063964, 0.922728), (-3.44831, -6.726776), (-0.284375, -0.971985)]\n[(0, 0), (0.357352, 0), (-1.109721, 1.796241), (-7.894467, -3.086608), (-3.74066, -1.528463)]\n[(0, 0), (6.817717, 0), (-6.465707, 0.705209), (-2.120166, 3.220972), (-2.510131, 8.401557)]\n[(0, 0), (0.394603, 0), (-4.097489, 0.957254), (-5.992811, 1.485941), (-2.724543, -3.925886)]\n[(0, 0), (6.686748, 0), (6.088099, 0.22948), (8.211626, -4.577765), (-1.98268, -4.764555)]\n[(0, 0), (2.054625, 0), (0.75308, 0.497376), (6.987932, -5.184446), (0.727676, -5.065224)]\n[(0, 0), (6.283741, 0), (-1.70798, 5.929428), (2.520053, 6.841456), (-2.694771, -1.816297)]\n[(0, 0), (1.458847, 0), (5.565238, 7.756939), (-4.500271, 4.443), (-0.906575, 3.654772)]\n[(0, 0), (0.638051, 0), (-2.37332, 0.436265), (-8.169133, -0.758258), (-7.202891, -2.804207)]\n[(0, 0), (1.101044, 0), (-1.575317, 6.717197), (-2.411958, -7.856072), (-4.395595, 2.884473)]\n[(0, 0), (7.87312, 0), (-0.320791, 2.746919), (-1.4003, 0.709397), (-0.530837, -0.220055), (-3.492505, -7.278485), (2.401834, 2.493873), (0.911075, -5.916763), (4.086665, -5.915226), (2.801287, 5.409761)]\n[(0, 0), (0.304707, 0), (-1.709252, 0.767977), (-0.00985, -0.356194), (-2.119593, 3.353015), (1.283703, 9.272182), (6.239, -0.455217), (7.462604, 1.819545), (0.080977, -0.026535), (-0.282707, 6.55089)]\n[(0, 0), (3.767785, 0), (0.133478, 0.19855), (-0.185253, -5.208567), (-6.03274, 6.938198), (5.142727, -1.586088), (0.384785, 0.532957), (3.479238, -1.472018), (3.569602, 8.153945), (-0.172081, 2.282675)]\n[(0, 0), (0.445479, 0), (-3.3118, 8.585734), (0.071695, -0.079365), (2.418543, 6.537769), (1.953448, 0.511852), (-1.662483, -5.669063), (0.01342, 0.097704), (0.919935, 1.697316), (2.740839, -0.041325)]\n[(0, 0), (3.281082, 0), (-6.796642, 5.883912), (-3.579981, -2.851333), (-1.478553, 6.720389), (3.434607, -9.042404), (7.107112, 2.763575), (-4.571583, 1.100622), (-1.629668, 1.235487), (-3.199134, 0.813572)]\n[(0, 0), (5.278497, 0), (-4.995894, 3.517335), (-0.012135, 3.444023), (0.364605, -0.49414), (1.73539, 1.265443), (-7.289383, -3.305504), (-7.921606, 5.089785), (-1.002743, -0.554163), (-8.99757, -3.572637)]\n[(0, 0), (2.331494, 0), (1.83036, 2.947165), (-5.520626, 1.519332), (5.021139, -4.880601), (-0.318216, -0.063634), (-5.204892, -5.395327), (-0.92475, -0.090911), (-0.19149, -2.188813), (-0.035878, 0.614552)]\n[(0, 0), (2.981835, 0), (-3.909667, 2.656816), (-0.261224, -2.507234), (-7.35511, -3.65201), (1.198829, 5.328221), (-5.139482, -4.320811), (-3.253523, 2.367497), (6.254513, 1.565134), (3.13451, 4.595651)]\n[(0, 0), (1.059838, 0), (-0.849461, 7.87286), (2.108681, 0.717389), (-0.065587, -0.007163), (2.818824, 5.529878), (2.413443, 4.102863), (-3.050506, -2.541446), (-1.215169, -4.818011), (-1.671743, 2.539397)]\n[(0, 0), (5.036602, 0), (-1.627921, 1.813918), (-9.285855, 1.277063), (2.271804, -0.51118), (-7.070704, 2.252381), (6.125956, -4.278879), (1.000949, -1.38177), (-0.67657, -2.747887), (2.820677, -5.718695)]\n[(0, 0), (0.733516, 0), (6.619559, 1.368964), (-0.047351, 0.545139), (-4.518243, -7.506885), (3.31011, -4.329671), (3.885474, -1.535834), (-3.952488, -1.94899), (1.402441, 7.538954), (2.385809, 4.042365), (-6.403547, 3.623895), (3.742502, 0.025475), (1.944868, -2.972475), (-0.514566, -1.015531), (-0.08634, 5.140751)]\n[(0, 0), (2.374024, 0), (-1.016305, 1.31073), (2.176473, -1.357629), (0.181825, 2.107476), (-0.978214, -3.436398), (0.828254, -0.39516), (2.981311, -6.761157), (1.517599, 5.009197), (8.063442, 0.930487), (4.628231, 7.749696), (3.810604, 4.671208), (1.158015, 2.914197), (-9.230353, -0.473591), (-9.031469, -4.206725)]\n[(0, 0), (5.733822, 0), (1.394054, 1.432354), (1.556614, 5.691443), (3.665168, 7.199478), (-0.670337, 0.396217), (4.144468, 2.959243), (-6.129783, -7.048069), (-3.230162, 3.116924), (-6.365913, 3.727042), (-0.174385, 0.253418), (-0.454495, -4.415929), (5.815488, 1.443031), (-4.288448, 0.619174), (1.957015, 0.784202)]\n[(0, 0), (6.550779, 0), (-8.592692, 1.728506), (-6.460692, 2.344509), (8.359129, 4.578714), (3.593451, -4.172634), (8.697976, -2.379752), (4.27242, 5.296418), (2.920394, -4.520174), (0.662004, 2.171769), (1.879771, -1.873537), (0.769374, 3.570321), (-3.438699, -3.255416), (3.23342, -3.220256), (-0.002136, -5.646753)]\n[(0, 0), (5.013665, 0), (-0.543516, 9.981648), (8.378266, 5.33164), (4.759961, -2.007708), (2.88554, 1.069445), (-6.110542, -6.253516), (0.292062, -0.052982), (-4.869896, -1.251445), (1.61841, 7.980471), (-0.313257, 0.515709), (8.673848, -2.269644), (-0.446207, -0.568228), (3.015721, -2.819861), (1.160386, -5.897356)]\n[(0, 0), (0.437257, 0), (-3.127834, 8.941175), (0.785858, 1.99155), (2.005894, -6.723433), (1.332636, -6.214795), (3.149412, 7.17296), (-5.350834, -5.106189), (1.447561, 0.910621), (3.032259, -7.977927), (1.520669, 5.121877), (-1.075969, 0.098313), (1.015673, -5.244922), (3.575391, 5.270148), (-9.160492, 2.943283)]\n[(0, 0), (3.63663, 0), (5.448045, 8.287277), (1.314494, -0.164441), (-1.941398, 4.223086), (5.025181, 0.495811), (-8.466786, -2.933392), (-0.139755, 0.730451), (-0.098497, -0.587856), (-3.337111, -1.238969), (2.142947, 2.521078), (0.352537, 5.4194), (-4.49191, 5.261929), (2.198984, -3.781113), (3.525393, 1.150581)]\n[(0, 0), (4.540155, 0), (-7.248917, 2.368607), (2.434071, 1.763899), (3.990914, 1.135211), (-5.422214, -5.785259), (0.526037, -0.888364), (-0.370255, 8.515669), (0.77125, 4.48859), (3.9838, -2.3101), (-2.993973, -0.775446), (-1.731491, -1.028441), (-0.184254, 0.281876), (0.048732, 0.222435), (0.108646, -0.344878)]\n[(0, 0), (4.934251, 0), (7.472259, 4.693888), (0.057108, -0.038881), (-0.276457, -0.157808), (-6.745232, -0.357168), (5.979037, -0.653591), (-3.969328, -6.050715), (4.19821, -1.883165), (-4.294607, -0.407446), (-6.11544, 0.480539), (1.193587, -1.028919), (-0.387421, 2.036394), (5.78394, 1.333821), (4.178077, 4.286095)]\n[(0, 0), (7.547164, 0), (0.989783, 1.074185), (0.192979, 0.210046), (6.528904, 0.400088), (5.602168, 5.791553), (4.058506, 3.995028), (-1.033977, -5.44405), (5.767663, -6.702417), (4.401684, -3.097193), (-0.821263, 4.624133), (6.031465, 6.544092), (7.188866, 1.599597), (5.327328, 3.51571), (1.305662, 7.488827)]\n[(0, 0), (0.638053, 0), (7.279348, 5.416438), (-6.495944, -1.385692), (5.348119, 6.89312), (-5.145817, -5.640294), (2.909321, -3.139983), (7.052144, 3.902919), (2.467506, 1.362787), (3.469895, -7.977336), (7.598683, -5.947955), (-0.679492, 9.140908), (-3.310304, 3.134427), (-0.83399, 5.797306), (4.08935, 0.830119), (-7.764758, -4.403114), (5.183087, -8.528744), (-0.75072, 6.163092), (-0.692329, -0.225665), (2.0628, -2.008365)]\n[(0, 0), (9.468635, 0), (2.005581, 2.669352), (3.416536, 6.9941), (-3.293394, 0.864229), (-1.044833, 2.243219), (6.011018, 4.014313), (-0.959567, 9.620265), (-1.855409, 1.890371), (-0.629015, -1.383614), (4.087875, -2.203917), (3.286183, -7.748879), (-7.781181, -5.295325), (3.28653, -0.930535), (3.973893, -1.784441), (-7.7541, 4.355823), (1.522453, -1.960952), (5.085025, -1.511887), (8.401342, -2.139507), (-1.727888, 0.7952)]\n[(0, 0), (8.617779, 0), (-7.012573, 5.883927), (-3.508725, -6.838323), (6.676063, 6.884947), (8.297052, -0.134775), (7.416737, 5.915766), (-5.10108, -7.183776), (-4.651823, 5.434926), (-1.099239, -0.238062), (-0.313045, 0.354853), (-7.592061, 5.408053), (0.566482, 0.652099), (-3.551817, -3.365006), (8.514655, 4.653756), (-4.249357, -2.130864), (1.181348, -1.22839), (2.469081, 1.110794), (1.831897, -1.552467), (-5.892299, -1.919411)]\n[(0, 0), (2.407206, 0), (-6.771008, 0.810524), (-3.840048, -0.152269), (7.109171, -5.609477), (-7.391481, 5.639112), (-8.670299, 2.742321), (0.586435, 4.542551), (-0.442438, 0.107817), (4.31145, -1.409808), (-4.534678, -1.504437), (4.680038, -3.080315), (-4.973063, 5.638478), (6.127056, -7.491446), (2.291953, -2.357609), (3.510856, -9.171005), (3.971143, -8.515823), (0.049413, -5.842664), (1.058161, -0.21883), (7.093364, -3.604422)]\n[(0, 0), (6.969461, 0), (4.338403, 5.197497), (0.369553, -0.770371), (8.882643, 1.450294), (2.124852, -1.210185), (-3.046623, -4.395661), (7.716904, 4.60951), (-0.83271, -0.854575), (-2.333383, -0.308884), (-6.347966, 3.124373), (0.832848, -1.892136), (1.446553, 1.613845), (-2.241092, -6.53878), (5.004282, 5.401177), (3.31202, 0.432188), (0.164548, 1.23087), (9.860844, -0.125136), (0.133559, -0.202543), (2.686551, 1.013555)]\n[(0, 0), (9.107655, 0), (5.455882, 3.54979), (-0.681513, 2.950275), (7.369848, 4.050426), (5.320211, -8.288623), (-5.315311, 4.632769), (-2.801207, -3.00623), (2.502035, -2.085464), (-0.645319, -4.854856), (3.639806, -8.669185), (-0.732853, 2.379454), (-8.722855, 2.483643), (-0.03048, 1.845021), (-6.904949, -2.596416), (0.685437, 1.042775), (-5.182001, -2.617796), (1.595501, 0.885512), (-8.567463, -0.607195), (-5.456613, 5.81163)]\n[(0, 0), (1.669656, 0), (-3.385149, 6.655961), (-1.501983, -0.746686), (1.962876, -0.780073), (0.51437, -4.130592), (1.825567, 0.531272), (-4.188001, 0.514048), (-5.894689, 1.726502), (-1.429067, -3.558197), (4.605078, 2.060605), (1.670708, -8.99749), (5.44004, -5.315796), (-0.619392, 1.785159), (-2.854087, 1.696694), (4.974886, 6.291052), (-0.699939, -5.930564), (-2.35508, -0.057436), (-0.804635, -0.687497), (2.289458, 1.946817)]\n[(0, 0), (3.626795, 0), (5.048495, 1.581758), (0.154465, 3.132534), (-4.862419, 7.051311), (3.927243, -0.408956), (-7.41798, -0.313768), (1.987639, -7.957834), (-1.100923, -1.442563), (1.949075, -0.382901), (5.696638, 3.400352), (-1.121574, 1.315934), (-4.37434, 4.937007), (-1.244524, -7.36647), (9.138938, 4.035956), (-0.207342, -4.257523), (-1.298235, 5.950812), (2.17008, 1.116468), (-1.410162, 4.861598), (4.69532, 2.076335)]\n[(0, 0), (9.787264, 0), (-4.65872, 0.957699), (-2.813155, -1.174551), (-0.445703, 0.362518), (2.920405, 0.914672), (-1.63431, 0.048213), (-0.534393, -2.389697), (-0.105639, -1.589822), (-0.100723, 8.648806), (-6.894891, 4.8257), (7.417014, 2.868825), (-0.84031, -0.322606), (-0.802219, 1.209803), (7.808668, 1.700949), (-3.270161, -3.463587), (-1.118415, 0.713057), (4.130249, 0.824635), (4.664258, 5.993324), (2.575522, -1.031243)]\n[(0, 0), (6.514721, 0), (-2.2931, 3.6007), (3.388059, 1.102576), (-1.777694, -2.809783), (3.431761, 6.534511), (-8.13158, -2.940151), (-4.856169, 2.834183), (-0.706068, -0.93294), (-0.393184, -4.989653), (4.480243, -4.107001), (1.681165, 0.611419), (4.442544, -0.536704), (4.90654, -7.356498), (-8.722645, 1.203365), (-2.067292, -4.134382), (-3.002458, 7.891842), (1.398419, -1.279873), (0.237866, 0.010691), (6.879955, -2.882286)]\n[(0, 0), (1.421587, 0), (-0.615169, 0.286873), (0.848122, -2.730297), (0.220832, 0.89274), (4.588547, 8.497067), (-5.079677, -8.428552), (-3.170092, 2.418608), (1.309388, -3.658275), (1.639533, -2.364448), (-1.327656, 1.006565), (-0.475542, 0.298309), (5.430131, -8.343581), (8.430933, 4.118178), (-2.090712, -0.470172), (1.146227, -6.664852), (-0.542811, 1.909997), (0.439509, 6.112737), (0.343281, 0.630898), (-3.673348, 5.101854), (-0.072445, 5.784645), (4.895027, -7.960275), (-9.633185, -1.688371), (8.059592, -5.178718), (-2.334299, 1.217686)]\n[(0, 0), (5.456611, 0), (0.181969, 2.084064), (0.89351, -2.507042), (1.570701, 1.202458), (0.814632, 1.883803), (2.790854, 5.8582), (0.699228, 2.377369), (-0.463356, 5.162464), (1.166769, 4.739348), (-4.652182, 5.553297), (-1.123396, 4.186443), (-0.327375, 0.45977), (-0.395646, -4.122381), (0.652084, -0.696313), (0.716396, 2.005553), (0.73846, -7.361414), (-1.912492, 3.937217), (-0.162445, -2.681668), (-0.133005, -0.910646), (2.194447, -4.169833), (-3.132339, -3.079166), (-3.078943, -1.410719), (-1.365236, -4.103878), (2.044671, -0.831881)]\n[(0, 0), (1.382529, 0), (5.031547, 7.747151), (-0.49526, 0.019819), (-7.918566, -1.919355), (1.046601, -4.397131), (3.113731, 8.325339), (-1.700401, 1.511139), (-2.699135, -5.052298), (3.434862, -2.609676), (-4.506703, -0.424842), (0.154899, 3.782215), (1.373067, 4.412563), (4.548762, 2.096691), (-0.0275, -2.604761), (4.462809, 1.533662), (-2.016089, -3.481723), (7.024583, 6.980284), (0.254207, -7.964855), (-2.055224, -1.374547), (-3.185323, -3.753214), (-0.479636, -7.476727), (2.208698, -6.374003), (0.24381, -0.620774), (-0.551312, -3.796487)]\n[(0, 0), (3.442359, 0), (-5.045461, 1.685484), (0.072923, 1.158112), (-1.347292, 2.626515), (1.982477, 4.374474), (-3.188879, -4.020849), (-0.430788, 0.118491), (0.725544, 1.992762), (-2.893352, -4.311321), (-6.871016, -2.359638), (1.406456, 1.734539), (2.029903, 6.151807), (7.565244, 1.948656), (-6.420158, 0.698035), (-4.873019, 3.593625), (9.548917, -0.45405), (-8.701737, -1.872887), (-7.941202, -1.4121), (-5.995713, 0.555241), (-5.704163, -2.868896), (-2.677936, -1.924243), (-3.460593, -8.679839), (0.631064, -0.433745), (1.18902, -1.496815)]\n[(0, 0), (6.537782, 0), (-6.75348, 0.404049), (-5.348818, 5.082766), (-3.738518, -7.824984), (4.513721, -7.740162), (-7.707575, 3.393118), (-0.11626, 0.439479), (0.12586, -2.885467), (4.952966, 5.673672), (2.56597, -0.333544), (-4.60141, 2.716012), (-1.865207, 1.826155), (3.234169, -0.966176), (-5.977172, 1.660029), (-7.968728, 0.889721), (-0.028198, 0.153274), (-5.427989, 8.150441), (-3.708225, -0.777001), (3.513778, 0.529579), (6.309027, 0.399666), (0.542878, 1.900558), (-0.633748, -4.971474), (5.340487, -2.474143), (-0.805431, -8.633636)]\n[(0, 0), (0.211756, 0), (3.03609, 1.381372), (1.472087, 3.505701), (-0.198393, -0.284868), (4.290257, -7.630449), (-0.120326, -0.047739), (3.167345, -1.144179), (7.791272, 6.043579), (6.125765, -6.3722), (-0.178091, 9.313027), (-4.177894, -0.704969), (-2.950708, 1.716094), (-0.016133, -0.105582), (-5.962467, 6.088385), (0.901462, 0.58075), (2.063274, -0.221478), (-0.430464, 0.9548), (4.824813, -4.037669), (0.863528, 8.321907), (2.693996, -0.380075), (0.879924, 4.243756), (-7.759599, -2.81635), (2.58409, -2.225758), (5.515442, -7.445861)]\n[(0, 0), (0.958126, 0), (-0.566246, 3.074569), (2.666409, -4.784584), (-5.490386, 1.820646), (0.505378, 0.261745), (-0.122648, -9.791207), (0.569961, 1.044212), (-8.917451, -1.667965), (-7.374214, -1.193314), (-4.559765, -2.486695), (2.367622, 1.707526), (0.762113, -5.553413), (-9.62438, -2.077561), (-0.072526, -0.072188), (-2.051266, -5.410767), (-6.656983, -1.824092), (1.170361, 2.019313), (2.689391, -3.998207), (1.814094, 1.782214), (0.498034, -9.437937), (0.87507, 0.670687), (-8.114628, 4.823256), (2.693849, 6.952855), (-0.005543, -0.01139)]\n[(0, 0), (1.703854, 0), (1.091391, 2.171906), (5.559313, -0.310439), (-0.396107, -0.771272), (-5.136147, 7.769235), (8.969736, 0.885092), (3.541436, -6.530927), (-0.461503, -5.877802), (-6.108795, -5.163834), (3.698654, 3.749293), (8.049228, 2.056624), (-6.022241, -0.657227), (-8.701763, 4.803845), (1.225822, -2.070325), (2.099514, 5.191076), (0.500653, -0.104261), (-0.581698, -5.755634), (-5.150133, -8.269633), (2.559925, 6.839805), (-0.149545, 4.456742), (1.43855, 1.865402), (3.439778, -4.954683), (-4.18711, 7.244959), (0.640683, 0.907557)]\n[(0, 0), (6.577004, 0), (0.042196, 0.025522), (8.61361, -0.689878), (5.407545, 1.709241), (-4.724503, 3.123675), (4.329227, -5.283993), (-1.238506, -1.104368), (-0.758244, 1.882281), (3.851691, -0.571509), (-0.229269, 7.452942), (2.833834, -6.742377), (-8.49992, 1.912219), (3.102788, -9.456966), (-0.420271, 2.449342), (4.123196, -0.512152), (5.893872, -3.689055), (-3.801056, -3.486555), (-3.576364, 3.448325), (-0.397213, -0.010559), (-4.519186, 4.525627), (2.720825, 6.0414), (0.918962, -0.430301), (2.217531, -3.056907), (0.912148, -1.487924)]\n[(0, 0), (0.170063, 0), (1.088807, 2.795493), (5.884358, -1.914274), (9.333625, -0.111168), (7.168328, 4.042127), (2.558513, -0.146732), (-8.011882, -2.358709), (-0.374469, -6.591334), (2.495474, 1.011467), (0.094949, -0.351228), (7.0753, 1.26426), (6.614842, 4.664073), (-2.777323, 7.287667), (3.280189, -6.811248), (-7.254853, -1.472779), (7.147915, 1.932636), (-3.431701, 3.030416), (-0.863222, -1.177363), (0.512901, -0.258635), (-5.614965, 0.462802), (3.452843, -6.869839), (7.475845, -0.353582), (0.067355, 0.298013), (4.39831, -8.5387)]\n```\n**It's not allowed to optimize specifically for this set of inputs. I may change these inputs to any others at my discretion.**\nLowest score wins.\n      \n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), score = 4.708859\n```\nrequire(vegan)\nsolve_mmds<-function(dpf,noise=0,wgs=rep(1,nrow(dpf))){\n  #MMDS\n  v = wcmdscale(dpf+noise,2,add=TRUE,w=wgs)\n  \n  #center on first point\n  v = sweep(v,2,v[1,])\n  \n  #rotate to adjust second point\n  alpha = atan2(v[,2],v[,1])\n  alpha_rot = alpha - alpha[2]\n  radius = sqrt(apply(v^2,1,sum))\n  v = cbind(cos(alpha_rot), sin(alpha_rot))*radius\n  \n  #flip to adjust third point\n  if(v[3,2]<0){\n    v[,2]=-v[,2]\n  }\n  \n  #return\n  v\n}\nN_input = length(input_data)\nerr_runs = rep(0,N_input)\nfor(i_input in c(1:N_input)){\n  \n  p = matrix(input_data[[i_input]],ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)\n  n = nrow(p)\n  \n  dp = as.matrix(dist(p,upper=TRUE,diag=TRUE))\n  dpf = floor(dp)\n  \n  v = solve_mmds(dpf)\n  err_runs[i_input] = mean(apply( (p-v)^2, 1, sum))\n  cat(\"test #\", i_input,\" MSE:\", err_runs[i_input],\"\\n\")\n}\ncat(\"Average error: \", mean(err_runs),\" \\n\")\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##dVvLbl3ZcZ3rK4j2hEyoi/1@GNYgQDx0BnmMOu0GLVJtBmqSpih1nMDf3lmPOnTrOgYaaOree87Zu3bVqlWr6jz/fP/w9Pnl@9ubl5uLdxcf7z@9XL65uHh/ma4v@N8ptbFW0z/etlMadQ/@67RLmWXhw3pqbdWMv8ZpljHnwJ/pVFars@vPPfNe/er6q/vWPmsvvm8@5bRnwT3yae5RGu82T2u3NqYekdYYyU@bLY2hizqeMepX9x2nlefM0/cdpzb6TPzXaaZe0saH5ZRLyrxFPZXC5@rDnlPmLtappdz7PF/ubiPVVzPs2daWGfosHQZ52097l5W1h7b61h4KLNJ6q1r4Ln2tcbbcsQZuFf9Ia6Wt25ay@ek6lZxHGXpon7Bt1873KmPpwzla71/btpxSb6P0WPnslZZLp7Zn5eEMXD53LVp0Xg1G1u/KHDq7jlPupbSzlZZVJzflA4NVN@6KXWOl9ANYsKTUq86g5daH9j92w3nokoWd7K/tClPBJs3H1U8dz62418Six67b206p8A4NflbtT1gfXaueRsfdy9lRjbpSj4WWU52VW8X2KwxJ861THjtX32v2hWORu5VU1vaprdRKOl8qHCS1dhgAK6j0Mzh9hn9PXddy3nG31UeSazX4Tu@700TYa5tfeyx@OWuOQICf4blcBDynYZVbz2pJrgejwyhTv@OhVv9ZaPfuSISPpe7dzAU35I3gz6s2/bUrHia3zTkpOnGAGcdeaV8G2Tg@hAcMLTnlsiZPp8HrRz6Pi9QcYOEVWICsDV/a0@tLaS8DQe0j7@YYhKF25RlWbCV3Gpgexo1uLL7kVeR18gKcXu@F5p4I6TJS4@8X7tG6QApxczwNh1x7QFDR2sap97T2VyuvXOFcR5DAHdpUlBCqfHlevdCfYY6ScJxTiJJqmU1BVPF8hUBuWO@0VyzAlO5T4da6PY6qACX4yDa3/JtHOgFCix/C00cqjPXcgTLxbHy95AbYxJjn4NkAKnPb6rBgzsKKvoCpAuc04eK@E9ypDvsBNtQUn70CSTZNuHttgh/gH/ertQ0g8PLGx0CwyWOAjk0nS0snp4C8d9XJDUBLHvZa@KWPLLVcSz@zOiAyrXLAM8B@8K4dkVE3owDb6XPvFXHYcTA1DIZz0ephmkrwhT0rQJmG33hYaVzVRJjOzDthLaMKJ4SduXNLjOI0Suyz4PFLnld7W8402FO2EVfG5V@DS1dY7XnkgY1op0Nj0Rk4ExbPJVfBE6A1FVmvDqzUXzekBrkv8l/VIcBjDW2I2gW3crqoCGruCJ/ukkcafDzcWF6F1RMWAxB7b5mnBGjbe/YZZiyjzrPMUGtuuwWgrZqqDg0YnSPwAeLKN3DlvIWceCiSUIAxEtRI2cGMCM3O9XCRUVtEChKjUwtgrxYH5S4tuEDaaWffIG@sxWCwFozt72tfDsSRGfNn64djrNoPx8e9BsMSaaaPFYspIyN5OacDgatNWHvXY5kzSlKWRvSusrnBiiAj@2A@RAiugG2GoK8BDnQeJAyIdL2FKUj7PculkLbkMnCe2rpSFfAeH54lkNT3qutAevhRG9kJoCydA0Jj0PMTc4p8XMbtfR1IOnXOCAyYjJvkgW0ZjPFd5UYN98EN7UUJ@SA5FcNJlOrhOyX3POJEMxDeCXrgqU23h2PWs1QNN6hDQJUieABm2TCM0F2KwrK60BNPAEh4qUjeS34sjMnOjgnAnJSTClN@pkFzodW0KETZmoqNhOzRnAUrqZ3ug4TVnXBn4y9lETiuvu4w3gL6nUEmw5MeYtaVmZJ5/zqWCK3wChEp6@tkg33AyyM2Yce1FNc122T0kT1ITioiA5DcnATgw3I7eGgHlBrx4VdbjwQmtKaD7zjjLitUGI7stBHIhNckrwiGpsQxCn@prNWQ4Y3DcMApW4MmL9FBxMd8jbRODubjJqGtDjp4WG1OWiAA@RweJhd3HDFYck16AjY8dZgZfHMakAGOo4isZvhQ6XZgHMgI0g94sBHAvOpWTC8EWre1gQ7OGAjpmqN8GDnzYAk@s2/FJs5f7GoRZZpT0Abr4Kk3GGaVKlsiLJFIdRI5iSA0OnRJAnigv0gGHpeb2Rq8FfjXDTs8enE/ZBJAZMQGXeosg3U60iolQhpokbrQvFUmEa0dZs@yMQicIhIHCDQYYrbIL2IacuNU63R1McRuELqk4wpn8CN7HiMD1rQTYuNJq6tcPhi1YAfBLMgb8GfsQ48EJUk0l9hEq@YiALKWVzCq1razY8t4lqy9cpe/ZpLtVO3khbQ1MHnn2UwcpgyKwFrgyuWsWEDqmgdBATHZZTApIOcBIQRHLM2SPoTXgc7Q@deJh1AUBn2umZ1Zt0EVC8lMaY0/BOHYcwTBR8orvAYszGQCQaldwojgCmKcjZlNa0/kN8ngA@YeRGiRrkadwsTsmhFFyPQicFQlhzcDXeIElHhFa6rY0VuVlKVHWkTirK6okP5RL5wDKr4d/cgH4GaKiM2IGK7@KoJoKPEjcQ/5NONimB0hHcy0XFd0@x5M2prRAwy/a01D6UvYB8swv3t1zBzOdNjQ2pEZABvNnA6loSJrA77nkfPB6KbpIkyiMxvIVM3og1MezeENLy4pSpWBeBHVhceoyiezQ/YdTsOoq5etBHKDEuGc69bpZ5qeITXYBUCj8gwPRNaR04K7dUU5KiIRM2kStVXladCZUe18gKZpQCUfIl2c9K7tdVSUC8FngCV5GbYBrCOb98KGAn04RWEeIUeDvxdjF0w8FE0ggmu6MADY7rHNn1c1b4A5xowCA7FYij0NyTebaqbcnFdho@ZY2cCZVc9INXY1ajgVIjXxABfCFhAwDd9NrI9QgANqORJSFiwjcAAly/wS528GAmww@1mI1DGXgw2UsO4AFTCEbvsDjnukl216zGMHLVEgIF9WUHI/lImMdiismnabFg6QN1w0seJysZkjbBvg3@YA@BRfCW9dTi0TazTc8cpthg/Ks77ObIh@qTr2ItBs5OI8zeeWSojCYiJNS1CjKlUjfZOtKrDA6Es2RWylOLN1ep7OH7tFURr1OMhsDUqBerZ0HQbiZfj8ATNMltgZotZPESsklOXk6NikXyFQzH6wtknybjOC4PkYmX2bcirrXbjbsGgHECsWkpBEdEokl83AxJpvrjMLAWZLyCaT5ak2hhyKgsQVbUIRlVawdDJ2020qUN44onvpBwi6BlpXouifSn0dIbIPG7FG38ZTuEMtvgpUdWbZBkdcAo0RLcNpquwo9@CdIBptBM51qTKwZ4qCCpWLKbMMZRWFFTnIk2rqREKiDA0w2c3YUPVEJpmVpnIxSHQ645HgbKyVWmDTXk7MjG@W1xYQkK0t4qHWbBLcOlbhmrmB0C5ZA1w67DKJWlZgutMjPQ80z8QRJGEHs2VB2XUJKPAwOYCLNXMHuPiIuEjUXO1A2FaxvkNhtaqEFsfpWhnuuA1/ONLhyg8P39OF0ayGbuK9ggOMcAxdAP9dZf5/4lsNW6FEqG05nEerPmQAy24tGH0XBcCDGgJ5SzvcUsMIvQ1hPCN9prKVsRGQRyIGAG0afzKV5aY8vfG7LJBgwk3DFB85w/oL81w/4LoyF@BAkYhC7dhMCj242RbibhLlHdIz4rOmo9BrUdsuHM/2MQIIh4W07ZhDha1t4YEkzt2aLXh9NkFEMZvkqIsuMiN3zi7lEK4N/h1oCzvVskPv68OKDtLQCiYAyPnaUzd2C67fD0k4oYqU8wOGJLxXHkqvFoQtV4O9AOC31Y8BnHPhlSjwu5ZD9vExYV/Sr7DZ3GoU75sF3OSzkfxLaNWkJskci@Fv1EDlIPooJ6iiyzQbzqmbSYC25WnBCAnY3Hc2V4X8E@6yDMeFMkOPnwadR4HQLcFs1tEuWOaK1Ed5uSnWK4xSXMMDJ7t/txn1Fj4QjcWrpDy2ZrQHzPUKPbAn48xkySqYhAt9zYZBkVC4Hmx4Uh/qBHeLXiXUGmy@mLghG9SiMEWQq4geFI6VLJHVNzsZkYHbpL0mT3I6bwJK5hhBXQzXDO3qtgwwgAWtHo58t0vUh3sfOivy80EQcarJ8irVsR5FMAlkthwckQ6CN6SZJGkrwY07iYT3BtdMDAxmQcCOAB4nNY9iv8EhZxiUSUoQjqqwGf9AHmuE9JYomsltp3Eb2WHt0F5Ra48ZRBK@a@cFHIAontW5SB8ljVcVEnnNLRKUjr0YQReQuq3Ia6Uwd1NbhFfa7eAkTag8Ub2Bp8kmSCvSHt@SFictgRpFEWSREg0lY9IR8IIcTLkIGpmh5zKSEx96SP/bORXXVGzPJukIyeoCeKVUV/TIgCvOlEKi6hUtlZssIuE4Qwtu20oQ4gzm0ckW1fNpG@uTmdtmgZRSBBLWZI0RuWBZ1kwkz8ZOsJDhoyP7GkEOEDRGaODKsGFBZYEsZ/UiSIDEMDERpOKWtHpU6lZb4UO794MRGUYWoqKMVt1GOhJEBrcLHbsQotwYQR4eXLK7McO6G0XyEAoQ8TnQvARErd56oFElO/DD4aBqh7LUbpSvlQ1wgu6r4PIVbgsfVPXHymFo7aypsLVAuJaN7ZTjpeBR62hlFQdXltjFnFNS9K9oTfkJGFcL3VrpY5/YdojsAXTRc9XUkMrFg6BaJAhHUpDnsfyo563DTR8cwZM7my5ruSpp4jRE7pUle1KgSMXwg8PRrklgsAUXrCWVqB8KiEWxl8BBJfbA5DD02NFty64VcU5pWGfFvVO1peCMLfg0Nl5z6JbEpOHqByEyHHRj5@g1kbh0S7aAColOCyhdlgvERo5@SM7J1lz0IitRm57t1XWKCbLnYP9EBRU2OaN9BjhNwdoJ8zsYVO9JIc/KPBABqbENPxI0Nm9fT5EuOxvkfNbNZitmjz5eGz2rSzJHZsDBjhxYkHc4J@4/lhawwQxCiAOdTXZOXCz63Yiz3YLMAg4NV/TwtGhYws@Sl49LjILEVB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\"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe core of the program is based on the [Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multidimensional_scaling) approach, which solves precisely the problem described by the OP. The idea is to start from a collection of dissimilarities between entities and infer the coordinates of the system. Some post-processing is required to rotate, translate and flip the solution. \nThere are at least three functions available in R to perform MDS. There is also one in sklearn in Python, in case. In the code above I settled for the weighted mds variant (function wcmdscale), mostly due to the possibility to add weights and to a slightly better performing correction for negative eigenvalues. There is a core function in R, called cmdscale, which could be used instead, and would result in a score of 5.77.\nThe code provided is predisposed to accept weights, as well as noise in the floored distance matrix. After testing, it seemed best to not use any of these options.\n~~Sadly, the package \"vegan\" is not available on TIO. So, no live demonstration: my apologies for this inconvenience.~~ Works on TIO like a charm.\nInterestingly, the program significantly underperforms on the last two examples. Adding noise can help, but it worsens the performance on every other test case. It would be interesting to find out what makes these two test cases particularly difficult.\n[Answer]\n# [C++ (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), score = 5.94258\n```\n#ifndef _GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n#define NDEBUG\n#endif // _GLIBCXX_DEBUG\n#include  //{ and more includes\n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n#include \n//}\ntemplate \nstruct point { //{\n    T x, y;\n    point () {};\n    point (T x1, T y1) : x (x1), y (y1) {};\n    point operator+(point p) const { return point(x+p.x, y+p.y); }\n    void operator+=(point p)       { x+=p.x; y+=p.y; }\n    point operator-(point p) const { return point(x-p.x, y-p.y); }\n    void operator-=(point p)       { x-=p.x; y-=p.y; }\n    point operator*(T a)     const { return point(x*a, y*a);}\n    void operator*=(T a)           { x *= a; y *= a; }\n    T norm()                 const { return x * x + y * y; }\n    T dot  (point p)         const { return x*p.x + y*p.y; }\n    T cross(point p)         const { return x*p.y - y*p.x; }\n    bool operator==(point p1) const { return x==p1.x && y==p1.y;}\n    bool operator!=(point p1) const { return ! (*this == p1);}\n    bool operator<(point p1)  const {\n        if (x != p1.x) return x < p1.x;\n        return y < p1.y;\n    }\n    template \n    operator point () const {\n        return point(x, y);\n    }\n};\ntemplate \nstd::istream& operator>> (std::istream& str, point& pt) {\n    str >> pt.x >> pt.y;\n    return str;\n}\ntemplate \nstd::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& str, point pt) {\n    str << \"(\" << pt.x << \", \" << pt.y << \")\";\n    return str;\n}//}\ntypedef point pt;\n//{ Additional functions, for point only (specialize for double here)\ndouble angle(pt p) {\n\treturn std::atan2(p.y, p.x);\n}\npt rotate(pt p, double angle) {\n\tdouble sin = std::sin(angle), cos = std::cos(angle);\n\treturn pt(p.x * cos - p.y * sin, p.x * sin + p.y * cos);\n}\npt normalize(pt p) {\n\treturn p * (1/std::sqrt(p.norm()));\n}\n//}\nstd::array const valid_double_start = [](){\n\tstd::array valid_double_start;\n\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < valid_double_start.size(); ++i)\n\t\tvalid_double_start[i] = false;\n\tfor (char c = '0'; c <= '9'; ++c)\n\t\tvalid_double_start[c] = true;\n\tvalid_double_start['-'] = valid_double_start['.'] = true;\n\t// there are also 'e' and probably 'p' but they are not at\n\t// the begin of a double value string representation\n\treturn valid_double_start;\n}();\ndouble score(std::vectorconst& pts1, std::vectorconst& pts2) {\n\tdouble result = 0;\n\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < pts1.size(); ++i)\n\t\tresult += (pts1[i] - pts2[i]).norm();\n\treturn (result / pts1.size());\n}\nstd::vector> distmatrix (std::vectorconst& pts) {\n\tstd::vector> result (pts.size(), std::vector(pts.size()));\n\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); ++i) {\n\t\tfor (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j)\n\t\t\tresult[i][j] = result[j][i] =\n\t\t\tstd::floor(std::sqrt((pts[i] - pts[j]).norm()));\n//\t\tresult[i][i] = 0; // implicit when initialize 'result' vector\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n}\nstd::vector normalize (std::vector pts) {\n\tfor (size_t i = 1; i < pts.size(); ++i) pts[i] -= pts[0];\n\tpts[0] = {0, 0};\n\tdouble angle = - ::angle(pts[1]);\n\tfor (size_t i = 1; i < pts.size(); ++i) pts[i] = rotate(pts[i], angle);\n\tpts[1].y = 0;\n\tif (pts[2].y < 0)\n\t\tfor (size_t i = 2; i < pts.size(); ++i) pts[i].y = -pts[i].y;\n\treturn pts;\n}\nunsigned nDiff (std::vector> mat1, std::vector> mat2, double eps = 1e-10) {\n\tunsigned result = 0;\n\tassert(mat1.size() == mat2.size());\n\tfor (size_t i = 1; i < mat1.size(); ++i)\n\t\tfor (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j)\n\t\t\tresult += std::abs(mat1[i][j] - mat2[i][j]) > eps;\n\treturn result;\n}\nstd::vector pts; // use global variable to print progress\nint constexpr n_iteration = 200;\nstd::vector solve_with_seed (\n\tstd::vector>const& distmatrix, int seed\n) {\n\tstd::mt19937 engine (seed);\n\tstd::vector result; result.reserve(distmatrix.size());\n\tstd::uniform_real_distribution dist (-100, 100);\n\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < distmatrix.size(); ++i)\n\t\tresult.emplace_back(dist(engine), dist(engine));\n\tfor (int iteration = 0; iteration < n_iteration; ++iteration) {\n\t\t#ifndef NDEBUG\n\t\tif (iteration % 10 == 0) {\n\t\t\tauto norm_result = normalize(result);\n\t\t\tstd::clog << \"Iteration \" << iteration << \"; \"\n\t\t\t<< \"score = \" << score(norm_result, pts) << '\\n';\n\t\t\tstd::clog << \"[\";\n\t\t\tfor (pt p : norm_result) std::clog << p << \", \";\n\t\t\tstd::clog << \"\\b\\b]\";\n\t\t\tstd::clog << \" (nDiff = \" << nDiff(distmatrix, ::distmatrix(norm_result)) << \")\\n\";\n\t\t}\n\t\t#endif\n\t\tfor (size_t i = 1; i < pts.size(); ++i)\n\t\t\tfor (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) {\n\t\t\t\tpt vec_IJ = result[j] - result[i];\n\t\t\t\tdouble dist = std::sqrt(vec_IJ.norm()),\n\t\t\t\tfloor_expected = distmatrix[i][j];\n\t\t\t\tdouble ndist = (dist + (floor_expected + .5)) / 2;\n\t\t\t\tndist = std::max(floor_expected, ndist);\n\t\t\t\tndist = std::min(floor_expected + 1, ndist);\n\t\t\t\tdouble delta_dist = (dist - ndist) / 2;\n\t\t\t\tvec_IJ = normalize(vec_IJ) * delta_dist;\n\t\t\t\tresult[i] += vec_IJ;\n\t\t\t\tresult[j] -= vec_IJ;\n//\t\t\t\tstd::clog << \"Numerical error = \" << std::sqrt((result[i] - result[j]).norm()) - ndist << '\\n';\n\t\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn normalize(result);\n}\nstd::vector solve (\n\tstd::vector>const& distmatrix\n) {\n\t// just going to try some random values of seed.\n\tstd::vector result; int minDiff = std::numeric_limits::max();\n\tfor (int seed : {123456789,987654321,69850,68942,4162,12012}) {\n\t\tstd::vector r = solve_with_seed(distmatrix, seed);\n\t\tint d = nDiff(distmatrix, ::distmatrix(r));\n\t\tif (d < minDiff) {\n\t\t\tminDiff = d;\n\t\t\tresult = r;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n}\nint main() {\n\tstd::string str;\n\tdouble sumscore = 0; unsigned ntest = 0;\n\twhile (std::getline(std::cin, str)) {\n\t\tif (str.empty()) break;\n\t\tstd::stringstream sst (str);\n\t\tstd::vector values;\n\t\twhile (true) {\n\t\t\tint c = sst.peek();\n\t\t\twhile (c != EOF && !valid_double_start[c]) {\n\t\t\t\tsst.get();\n\t\t\t\tc = sst.peek();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif (c == EOF ) break;\n\t\t\tdouble val;\n\t\t\tif (!(sst >> val)) {\n\t\t\t\tstd::clog << \"Invalid input. Stop reading.\\n\";\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tvalues.push_back(val);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (values.size() % 2 != 0) {\n\t\t\tstd::clog << \"Number of double values is odd: \" << values.size()\n\t\t\t<< \". Assuming the last value (\" << values.back() << \") is redundant.\\n\";\n\t\t\tvalues.pop_back();\n\t\t}\n\t\tpts.resize(values.size() / 2);\n\t\tfor (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); ++i) {\n\t\t\tpts[i].x = values[2*i];\n\t\t\tpts[i].y = values[2*i+1];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (pts.size() < 3) {\n\t\t\tstd::clog << \"Need at least 3 points. Ignore input.\\n\";\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\tauto distmatrix = ::distmatrix(pts);\n\t\tstd::vector result_pts = solve(distmatrix);\n\t\tdouble score = ::score(pts, result_pts);\n\t\tstd::cout << \"Test #\" << ++ntest << \" score: \" << score << \", \"\n\t\t<< \"number of difference in distance matrix: \" << nDiff(distmatrix, ::distmatrix(result_pts)) << '\\n';\n\t\tsumscore += score;\n\t}\n\tstd::cout << \"Final score = \" << (sumscore / ntest) << '\\n';\n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##nXtpb1xXkuVn8Vc8u9AlUhJTd1@sBeieXlCNQc@H8QANuAyBIlNyuqgkm5l0SWPot1efExH35SLKrhkDMjNfvneXuBEnTizv8vb2/P3l5d/@9ofVu/XV8t305t/@55/@6X/853@@@ed/@af/828nf8C11Xo5/Yd9Xa6vVu@m58@P7zv5w2p9eX1/tZxerm4227vlxYfXuO3X6WJ9NX24uVtO9vtm785flpfbm7vXe1fw5Gr9/uCKDbZ36eLu7uLT/oXLzfZqdXNw5cPF9qf9C3dYx83BKJcXm83ybrt/6Xr1YbXdvD55/vzzycl2@eH2@mKLy9tPt8v1xYfl9P3rE6zm/nI73d6s1tvpV@7wZMJ/308fn02fXshn/e30bPr188EF3OOf4c5P/mz6bvo4nX70Z3hoOuWFw3tvbpd3FxDN01P9fns2Xd6sN5zxbrm9v1vrfacfn94uODH@fDp7MX2WIX65WV3tRni1G0L/@3X6@PQVHnuBx/D303jscObz35v5XGc@/@rM5w/NfG4zn3995icQ1IU@8vDMTy4w75OLsxcPTPrk1e7pedLpyavpApPa3892Yuubuw@n@7dOD02Kp/HvKZ@ePu0evrrZTtPxBr98@Am2y4ef7G33@@ny7maz@bse/jSdy8Mfx8Nvb26u592@MhG//P71dOu/OKmPr17desz/xz9On@TjpxcPDPLNbw/yzXT6ZPvTajO9esWfHxrh5eEAY4STsS8AxunH6Rs@v/h4thPsS7nwYr7PfvikP5g16XwPGaN/LT@NVUy2CP@atne8hn0V4j2nVN6zMQWM76v2fvXddyvFoD/Oc73GHIe/4O@zMfrrP0632zObHD9MuP12i4PQv7YxWxF@f3Hy@Tenvzme/uVLm/7mwemPZsfd355@yz@yCH59No3vn@T72bcPrElREIuhW9Cxr27u314vOQEERnT/x6ur1XZ1s764nt7dry/5cfNsejefBlZ3/YZjvJ5u1tfAus3t8nJ1cb36v0u5SwecflreLc9O7MvF@v318vRWTOPXk0fzmrDfi@3FOpzCLLBZqJIIDjfe3WwhOXnk2bQ/igxgFzar9fRKh8HHU/39GRRlMy7jo11@MU97uz2lCT@R@84nWuQTDiUL0I@wb72MW@YlEVxkm19s5BZ3nvrnupD/uuP4ikRn8rBIXTdLN/eSlvZsch@be21K/QvGvXqju3qz2V7cbbGBH348PcMcX3nwy0ewQ8r/dIMlvtlOKwzhXuDPywfuXfCmU6D806ers5NHj76844fVjxjg3cX1ZjkGvvzp4m66xNXH7vELfHiJT/0xx7j8yhiXHAPulUM88PPj88e84aFfFo/3HgU32VKfpgv@u97cTI@Xj4WG3N7dvL14Cy18fPt4enu/5X2f5LY10PxiO56d3i7f41hv3k0XQ5sw6/1yUnYCK7m9W26Waygd9H0@2IeE/BliOxmKvbkED1LDVebz8nb7Ws6UgLEBOfjqb2FfkzH5/fVWTuyrp8jxjs/Nnnv6Co4LP/PQzmVwfDozJdxp/qnd/nx/LNXv/WXufzZ4eD1dARfBwO5WH6ev71e29LtD2Sq4YlvDoZjsxr3fucjfEMuBVLiEg3t/1nt/xr0r3vIzBWeSg5h@@JmaZl9//lH0njfIit5d39zcne4Mm2uahYy7z/YM/fnz/VHFfDAt9G8FN7C6XG2nv/60XIM0A14VLh/r7Y8n3fjJo8/zUekvXxwNpL3DoS8OYj6CY1H5r4hq7OaVfHI/Qsr6Ac/86gA18KKP9tEX188nwJHh@eYH/@NDR/M7873awTu/P5tmiNYhAb1qCaQZvBR46eXkzo6OlnOF35xLhjofn/edwEaEe7/erN6vl1fT@p9X794dSvRB5YUNHFn1124Ls@Na3tIh@eW5d3I886QHZq/ByyknsJ2QoHGgnaV@TdJ7D83Y8PfaANFDnczbjcxuRnEuc@uXs@k1d/Hi79FPipZqf79ZTu@vgc/XwNG71QUlsb0BZAtHvrt5jzE2Jyf8Jgiy/Hh7N63frLZkREBhnq2DYI7H39xc/7J889fV9qc3myWEePr7kGMItcOwZxOn5eMnPBEb4cPW9x7rtFy/Z4B8yt8p9OMV2Obt74Ke4@6X5elu@L0Dk2fv1yucxoc3wp14290Kzgp7nOkXL06nUBBYHf73G3j3xSxHzmAhrPNy@ebtxeVfZE2nuh@g7P43ejGdg6LYlzonmr@@3D8SmWp8UaQdSQbLJjwSm909/g/YDdVYFf/Ro4t7qMBaZWG6v@NVeol7N/i9vL55L2z2T/OAwnL3locfX0zf8gl@FH@MMeUudc57kz1TgMRPj/@8fvzAND98KxdFKiR5COr3Hj@bDu6@Hbz7gYH@/PbPb3/8lhI@/mU6VaSxNcqX033F/O673bf9xZ@dKa//81om/EzZS@rmAUz8Cv7Oe/sqKughAYbpkt786d/3PSMAYXZvsuXhGUR3Bw@nl9Rnh2t8JveKJ30DG4cZwWhf7emxQszBkGsbUyQDNn569PjTaZEhkOdAf3lsvb@GDxcfj@5/pgOePXQzAocvBve7Bw42urzeXrw5WNq53bhbyiy4nV7rpTNECbsR9OZZoARhve3gh5/FOY8fhGIcK9R/3H9Y3q0ugbLLuzsc7lD@HWfZTXK@O82ZuYwtHJjF530u8oCBPgD7Asv/X2AsEEyi/vM9lvH@hoQcKLG9@4RBETRrok8J@4Ycnri8@DosE89wrGZmctdahfRG04Evccdr1ZMZaIc/gMn/6kNMudTWn/VWS04x@Gelt@yeldZTeJZ8Cc98cD58Vov5YiWc99BNHdj4cCyPOCuN4Xdg4O5M7wa0XtHb6@bMWndbvXqx59VhuYYTD7JKEdIFlH/H2S0WklTBHGLffxiYCqTYsaXtcjN4y19/Wl0PLvp@ub2Gc9Evl4ypMdqZLnQl9OqO/mn7iYr3Fu7wLy@G@HR2zX5MG3pDPvriSLrDX6oy8FebnqGiCUQYBU9gs13cLpd/OVW7txsvmbb6l//1r8yhffNgzDpQkM9jQ/b4oweG/CzTveOgr3TQvV092gWaL8Z935xyZ69l/WfzPIeubi2Lghbf3m8X0//e3tzi3C6uIJyFYf@jR7tJZAkqjcXt/eYndfscfngJzms3GK38hylQCMMnf4Enb5d3NLP9QHkzrWB6V1ffKbocjDec72L6xw30RcwXIff1hWY2EGWf7j8kCzRnxlHvllf366uL9Xbe3tjOza3uxrZyQse0Id0SUD3YEuBX7vp/CRIfWVjwUXMQGO2H8MR82170sPvpqf9xXomFJmP@l1N8WJqElIvtdL2kNKLm0DaL6U/v11pB4SGPfQMZt6u1pDx0EmFLe5H3q0NYIJsRD/UwEr7B7wOI9rBFH9lPYMi4ypbwyLO9x3f2d3lzLy7i2@9p@X@QA336VHFAeI08/90e8xr06ES1Y73TK6DV8m65vuT@ZXsX/Kyr@@7v4kV7KzzgczNcMabhhxcnIsnDLfzritnNA654Oj/5XMFtb1gM8Le//XDKeBgc@tQtXCqtJft6nhauxF74fdFDqKHJ5bhIqUUwifOyqKHUWuSyW4SWYs24jturh1s5@/Fkf/SYa8xhjO4X3vUKBzT5Re0lJC@X6wKeKJWKYeLCtVLcmLUmVwou@0XGTCUejF4Wzdfq6xi9LFLJ1fH7orocXJfLYUHvxmHiIgTOb5ezd557aovkfM71eOk9FRf3BNNrghelYHINOcnlvOg9NC87Si1321GAlBJ8reyoh9xaOVp6aQXDzV9da67L4CH0JNtvi@Dhm7n9tMgVMs8mxN5CaXK5lpTzoczDwuVUQp73UXN0nGiReo16cAVD1B5xLtiAbwnCt3tDLbXIZVdyCOlo1aHFmvzuOCHtjrEhBaxadQVyRaSbsXWcT/LgHiaR0hNOSw6zYV/9UN4QH6SUxmHmRcb8EWNXbKD02O0UsnOBoyRoZDQl7FgrlTAuwG8qzvfwIEtsLs@LDotYI7cOgUSIV4XaFr50H6Nocs0NR2aqGVxoncsOi@ZScMfLhhK5lHYiwUoidRKG4mER1SZN3vfMQ4Oy5@JMCRO0LOeOtWN0nEM91HDcW6OfzQc6ifm5GOhXwnq7zZmcKCqOA4Kqdi@PPVbZUOCJ5GHJ0EeXZSWhNiitnhpsoMXEoVOPmFZl1713Yt84Yg/VkMtJjLSMy9CTomM0sMhWqQ8J1lL8sUW5pOY5aw@WIicBret1LNw54IisO@biexpWDAH2yFOO2JrPKn5qJDffsZngWzA9jV0GgHUEX1WUMIriEg21YaSUDf5gd1Wl5KAMMc/AFmStZZGza/1gJ5HrrW1nYlCcVMXGCIFjCN9yoB1ASMHh0KuhlIuhJo4MOeN@VXefsP6qUNcAgM1EBpOQiXCcAbij06faxTZ49BXg1vQy7KS4QEDzGeg1rwO3NFEabKrUY4hOAKrax6lAut43jpEbsDuZlCrMQ88EChjL0BlsMYml5wh86nokPcck0AaEpQzstAvwvqk4SoHJmoYBg5PoAM/BpaF2vcfMsyoALW/qBW/Q7GBd8jHko1MBELsWdu4ALqZw7Azbit0H22CuvTez6Iyji8OKIGnFLQgstm6yjnADPJiOSUPSFVaYffW0TKyqwMnlAU/VZ26SuOBKmPcesJTGyyHm1KqtBLv0UXxt8xjkELiymGevOw/UgSA90QKyB4aN84XR@SjwByB3weQaC9atR5bglpKeDbwxJYh1ACoNQIEDDaqozioCKHSPuN6DL65QgDCB2ob/IQQnhcqcET9Gg9Dea1Ynjr2UWI/8Uow@9TQDZ4suFgoQfsEbDGc6D/F5MAPfgdMqCQdXKCefcJSuOD/wEBbvi2pEiSUOpxwcXLW6NwAs7G14ipCMrbjugG3DQjpWJgrhW8NRDMHG3NSsiyeSHO0HStRi3hkORiwkMXB1uTQ/U6Ti4Uhl9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\"C++ (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe main part of the code is the `solve` function, which is given a floored distance matrix (as a 2D vector of `double`) and output a vector of `point`. The rest of the code are score-calculator.\nIdea: Start with a (seeded) random set of points, loop `n_iteration = 200` times the operation: For each pairs of point, get their current distance and expected distance (which is estimated to be equal to the distance in the floored input matrix `+ 0.5`), and then change the position of those two points to an appropriate position nearer to the expected distance.\nFor this program, the new length is calculated as `min(max((old_length + expected_length) / 2, expected_length + 0.5), expected_length - 0.5`, which is twice closer to the `expected_length` if the `old_length` is sufficiently close, and force it to change such that the absolute difference between new length and `expected_length` is no more than `1` if `old_length` is more than `2` units apart from the `expected_length`.\nIt also tries multiple seeds, and then pick the seed which gives least error in the resulting distance matrix.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nGiven an integer `n >= 2`, output the largest exponent in its prime factorization. This is OEIS sequence [A051903](https://oeis.org/A051903).\n## Example\nLet `n = 144`. Its prime factorization is `2^4 * 3^2`. The largest exponent is `4`.\n## Test Cases\n```\n2 -> 1\n3 -> 1\n4 -> 2\n5 -> 1\n6 -> 1\n7 -> 1\n8 -> 3\n9 -> 2\n10 -> 1\n11 -> 1\n12 -> 2\n144 -> 4\n200 -> 3\n500 -> 3\n1024 -> 10\n3257832488 -> 3\n```\n      \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 2 bytes\n```\n\u00d3Z\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//8OSo//8NDYxMAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**How?**\n```\n\u00d3   exponents of prime factors\n Z  maximum\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~62~~ ~~57~~ 56 bytes\n```\nlambda n:max(k%n-n%(k/n+2)**(k%n)*n for k in range(n*n))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RYyxDoIwGAZnfYpvaWhLifS3LiT6IupQo1WCfBACiT49ppPLJXfDjd/5NVDWhCMu6zv2t3sEmz5@dKdYUelux1KMtdmNJdIwoUNLTJHPh6alMWuO/Edx8HuDEmcfgoPUtcMhw9cSrs12M04tZxQqLKhOULIUUNB0SDrvfg \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 3 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u00c6E\u1e40\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9wm@vDnQ3///83NDAyAQA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n```\n\u00c6E\u1e40  - Full program / Monadic link.\n\u00c6E   - Array of exponents of prime factorization.\n  \u1e40  - Maximum.\n```\nThis also works in [M](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/m). [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/3//3Cb68OdDf///zc0MDIBAA \"M \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ohm v2](https://github.com/MiningPotatoes/Ohm), 2 bytes\n```\nn\u2191\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y8/INfr/P@9R28T//w1NTAA \"Ohm v2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation?\nNo.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 78 bytes\n```\nn=input()\ne=m=0\nf=2\nwhile~-n:q=n%f<1;f+=1-q;e=q*-~e;m=max(m,e);n/=f**q\nprint m\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcFBDoMgEAXQPafopolQiUK6Ev9hXAyBpDMFg7HdeHV8r/xb@orvXZClHG3QisCYVYRXZ8ofuqwsFfKMqwvxBWdrIFRjLwoM3n4Dj6SDTIjGVFX2LO3BvbvZv28 \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-5 thanks to [ovs](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/64121/ovs).\nThis answer doesn't do prime checks. Instead, it takes advantage of the fact that the highest exponent of a prime factor will be greater than or equal to the exponent of any other factor in any factorization of a number.\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~61~~ ~~60~~ ~~50~~ ~~48~~ 46 bytes\n-2 bytes thanks to [xnor](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/20260/xnor)\n```\nf n=maximum[a|k<-[2..n],a<-[1..n],n`mod`k^a<1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcZNCsIwEAbQq2Sp8BkyMVUL7RE8QYh2QIshnbH4Ay68eywuHrwbP8t1mmodjfbCnyxvifwt3SZ6azWBl9F/Osj9MpQTd5SqcFbTG@H5eDar@ZH1Zce1iR5bBDTYYY8DWpADEciDQoB3Ds2CnA@p/gA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### 45 bytes with an import:\n```\nimport NumberTheory\nmaximum.map snd.factorize\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://tio.run/##DcmxDoIwFAXQ3a/oqMlN0z5aqQOfoJObMaZqCQ08IKUk6s9XhjOdzi99GIZSIs9TyuKy8jOkaxem9N21DftP5JUl@1ks41u2/pWnFH@hsI@jaMQW54fYzymOWbYHcSNUMLA4oobDCVpBa2iCNgakFOxGKzKoyNauIuPcvfwB)\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) [`-h`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14339/), ~~9~~ 7 bytes\n```\nk \u00fc m\u00can\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&flags=LWg=&code=ayD8IG3Kbg==&input=MTQ0)\n```\nk \u00fc m\u00can     :Implicit input of integer\nk           :Prime factors\n  \u00fc         :Group by value\n    m       :Map\n     \u00ca      :  Length\n      n     :Sort\n            :Implicit output of last element\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 27 bytes\n```\nMax[Last/@FactorInteger@#]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n6Zgq/DfN7Ei2iexuETfwS0xuSS/yDOvJDU9tchBOVbtf0BRZl6JgkNatLGRqbmFsZGJhUXsfwA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 4 bytes\n```\nYFX>\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/P9Itwu7/f0MTEwA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n       % implicit input\nYF     % Exponents of prime factors\nX>     % maximum\n       % implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 5 bytes\n```\n\u1e0b\u1e05l\u1d50\u2309\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r//@GO7oc7WnMebp3wqKfz/39jI1NzC2MjEwuL/1EA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\u1e0b          Prime decomposition\n \u1e05         Group consecutive equal values\n  l\u1d50       Map length\n    \u2309      Maximum\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 5 bytes\n```\n\u25b2mLgp\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//9G0Tbk@6QX///83NDAyAQA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* `p` \u2013 Gets the prime factors.\n* `g` \u2013 Groups adjacent values.\n* `mL` \u2013 Gets the lengths of each group.\n* `\u25b2` \u2013 Maximum.\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 19 bytes\n```\n\u2395CY'dfns'\n\u2308/1\u21932pco\u2395\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qKM97f@jvqnOkeopaXnF6lyPejr0DR@1TTYqSM4HioMU/E/jsuDiSuMyNTAAUYYGRiYA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**How?**\n`2pco\u2395` - 2D array of prime factors and exponents\n`1\u2193` - drop the factors\n`\u2308/` - maximum\n[Answer]\n# Javascript 54 bytes\n\\*assuming infinite stack (as do in code-golf challenges)\n```\nP=(n,i=2,k)=>i>n?k:n%i?k>(K=P(n,i+1))?k:K:P(n/i,i,-~k)\nconsole.log(P(2 )== 1)\nconsole.log(P(3 )== 1)\nconsole.log(P(4 )== 2)\nconsole.log(P(5 )== 1)\nconsole.log(P(6 )== 1)\nconsole.log(P(7 )== 1)\nconsole.log(P(8 )== 3)\nconsole.log(P(9 )== 2)\nconsole.log(P(10 )== 1)\nconsole.log(P(11 )== 1)\nconsole.log(P(12 )== 2)\nconsole.log(P(144 )== 4)\nconsole.log(P(200 )== 3)\nconsole.log(P(500 )== 3)\nconsole.log(P(1024 )== 10)\n//console.log(P(3257832488 )== 3)\n```\n[Answer]\n# PARI/GP, 24 bytes\n```\nn->vecmax(factor(n)[,2])\n```\nIf I do not count the `n->` part, it is 21 bytes.\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 25 bytes\n```\n@(n)[~,m]=mode(factor(n))\n```\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/Z9mq6en999BI08zuk4nN9Y2Nz8lVSMtMbkkvwgopvk/TcNYkytNwwREWIAIQxMw29DAyETzPwA \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n`factor` produces the array of (possibly repeated) prime exponents\nThe second output of `mode` gives the number of times that the mode (i.e. the most repeated entry) appears.\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 7 bytes\n```\neShMr8P\n```\n[Try it here.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=eShMr8P&input=1024&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~90~~ 84 bytes\n```\nf=lambda n,i=2,l=[0]:(n<2)*max(map(l.count,l))or n%i and f(n,i+1,l)or f(n/i,2,l+[i])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DctBDsIgEIXhvaeYjQnYiQK2m0ZO0rBAa3USGBqCiZ4eZ/EW70@@/dfehV3vm08x39cIjOQdJr@YMCu@OX3K8aty3FU6P8qHGyatSwU@EkReYVMiBitVopwLofBhoaD7JomAGGrk11M5tFc9LHYc0RmDk8waN4b5ALBX4iaedP8D \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Gaia](https://github.com/splcurran/Gaia), 4 bytes\n```\n\u1e0b)\u2320)\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0/MTPz//@GObs1HPQs0//83NgMA \"Gaia \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n* `\u1e0b` - Computes the prime factorization as **[prime, exponent]** pairs.\n\t+ `\u2320` - Map and collect the result with the maximal value.\n\t+ `)` - Last element (exponent).\n\t+ `)` - Last element (maximal exponent)\n# [Gaia](https://github.com/splcurran/Gaia), 4 bytes\n```\n\u1e0b)\u00a6\u2309\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0/MTPz//@GObs1Dyx71dP7/b2wGAA \"Gaia \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* `\u1e0b` - Computes the prime factorization as **[prime, exponent]** pairs.\n\t+ `)\u00a6` - Map with the last element (exponent).\n\t+ `\u2309` - Gets the maximum element.\n[Answer]\n# [MY](https://bitbucket.org/zacharyjtaylor/my-language), 4 bytes\n```\n\u03c9\u0116\u2350\u2190\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y638//9855Fpj3onPGqb8P//fyMA \"MY \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation?\n```\n\u03c9\u0116\u2350\u2190\n\u03c9    = argument\n \u0116   = prime exponents\n  \u2350  = maximum\n   \u2190 = output without a newline\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/): 30 bytes\n```\n@(x)max(histc(a=factor(x),a));\n```\n1. `a=factor(x)` returns a vector containing the prime factors of `x`. This is a vector sorted in ascending order where the multiplication of all numbers in `factor(x)` yields `x` itself such that each number in the vector is prime.\n2. `histc(...,a)` calculates a histogram on the prime factor vector where the bins are the prime factors. The histogram counts up how many times we have seen each prime number thus yielding the exponent of each prime number. We can cheat here a bit because even though `factor(x)` will return duplicate numbers or bins, only one of the bins will capture the total amount of times we see a prime number.\n3. `max(...)` thus returns the largest exponent.\n## [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DczLCsMgFIThV5nlEbLwlsZWAn2P0sXBGCo0CokpeXvrbv5vMSVU/sWWMeOlYWAx4oYJDncoCaWgNJS10LKX1BZGj5Mz2jr39u1Jl9j4ok86aiCeVw617B0HFsK3texI/VrhgXxu8UtZDFgoiY6cD8p9Co@Yl87tDw \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Racket](https://racket-lang.org/), ~~83~~ 79 bytes\n```\n(\u03bb(n)(cadr(argmax cadr((let()(local-require math/number-theory)factorize)n))))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYxLDsIwDAX3PYUlNvai4iMuZFKnjUgcsByJcjXuwJVC6VvNzOIZh7t4P2TWGWyXASeJSQViU@j4/aASBp4M2ebCL9gZszgS5ho4jybPlkygsC9HbeUmNvoi1VaKHLxaegspbes04MOSOuD//ny6XLf4Aw \"Racket \u2013 Try It Online\")\n(I'm not sure if there's a consensus on what constitutes a complete Racket solution, so I'm going with the Mathematica convention that a pure function counts.)\n### How it works\n`factorize` gives the factorization as a list of pairs: `(factorize 108)` gives `'((2 2) (3 3))`. The second element of a pair is given by `cadr`, a shorthand for the composition of `car` (head of a list) with `cdr` (tail of a list).\nI feel silly doing `(cadr (argmax cadr list))` to find the maximum of the second elements, but `max` doesn't work on lists: `(max (map cadr list))` doesn't do what we want. I'm not an expert in Racket, so maybe there's a standard better way to do this.\n# Racket, 93 bytes\n```\n(\u03bb(n)(define(p d m)(if(=(gcd m d)d)(+(p d(/ m d))1)0))(p(argmax(\u03bb(d)(p d n))(range 2 n))n))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY1LCsNADEP3OYWhG5kumoRse5gh82FoYgaTQu/WO/RKEzsUvJCeLKRhfaWj37YghfQyA2LKVRLlt1DH7wvhP0KjSDujZjxRVtMUOTLuHuBxWZ54ZEZD0LKHj/ftw4tiWG0n0ezarvOAplUOgo9N47wYPAE \"Racket \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\nAn alternative version that doesn't import `factorize` and instead does everything from scratch, more or less. The function `(p m d)` finds the highest power of `d` that divides `m` and then we just find highest value of `(p n d)` for `d` between `2` and `n`. (We don't need to restrict this to primes, since there will not be a composite power that works better than prime powers.)\n[Answer]\n## [Alice](https://github.com/m-ender/alice), 17 bytes\n```\n/o\n\\i@/w].D:.t$Kq\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8zJTE79/18/nysm00G/PFbPxUqvRMW78P9/QxMTAA \"Alice \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n/o\n\\i@/...\n```\nThis is just a framework for simple-ish arithmetic programs with decimal I/O. The `...` is the actual program, which already has the input on the stack and leaves the output on top of the stack.\nAlice actually has built-ins to get the prime factorisation of an integer (even with prime-exponent pairs), but the shortest I've come up with using those is 10 bytes longer than this.\nInstead the idea is that we repeatedly divide one copy of each distinct prime factor out of the input, until we reach **1**. The number of steps this takes is equal to the largest prime exponent. We'll be abusing the tape head as the counter variable.\n```\nw      Remember the current IP position. Effectively starts a loop.\n  ]      Move the tape head to the right, which increments our counter.\n  .D     Duplicate the current value, and deduplicate its prime factors.\n         That means, we'll get a number which is the product of the value's\n         unique prime factors. For example 144 = 2^4 * 3^2 would become\n         6 = 2 * 3.\n  :      Divide the value by its deduplicated version, which decrements the\n         exponents of its prime factors.\n  .t     Duplicate the result and decrement it. This value becomes 0 once we\n         reach a result of 1, which is when we want to terminate the loop.\n$K     Jump back to the beginning of the loop if the previous value wasn't 0.\nq      Retrieve the tape head's position, i.e. the number of steps we've taken\n       through the above loop.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Julia, 60 52 40 bytes\n```\nf(x)=maximum(collect(values(factor(x))))\n```\n-12 +correction thanks to [Steadybox](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/61405/steadybox)\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 4 bytes\n```\nw\u2642NM\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0wuKU3Myan8/7/80cwmP9///w0NjEwA \"Actually \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\nw\u2642NM  - Full program.\nw     - Pushes the prime factorization as [prime, exponent] pairs.\n \u2642N   - Get the last element of each (the exponents).\n   M  - Maximum.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 64 bytes\n*-4 bytes thanks to H.PWiz.*\n```\nlambda n:max(a*(n%k**a<1)for a in range(n)for k in range(2,-~n))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RYzLDoIwFET3fMVsTFpyTdqKLyJfoi6uEbRBLgS60I2/XgsbJ5nNmckZPuHZi4tNdYkv7m53hpQdvxXnSlZtnvPJ6qYfwfCCkeVRK1lA@weO1l/ROoZ6ChMqnB1hQygIW8KOsCccCEeCNak2NR1skXZnEtkac82y2eln52IpM6QMo5eARnkdfw \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of [H.PWiz's Haskell answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/145941/68615). I'm only sharing this because I'm proud that I was able to understand this piece of Haskell code and translate it. :P\n[Answer]\n# Axiom, 61 bytes\n```\nf n==(a:=factors n;reduce(max,[a.i.exponent for i in 1..#a]))\n```\nThis is the first time i find it is possible define the function\nwithout the use of () parenthesis. Instead of \"f(n)==\" \"f n==\"\none character less...\n[Answer]\n# J, 9 bytes\n```\n[:>./_&q:\n```\nMax of `<./` all prime exponents `_&q:`\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Xc@/DsIgEAbwnaf44mBtYurdARZJ8EUcHIzEuBjT2WdHWxOaY2D4wf35eJY8IUUQfqdc4nk4XLfvWHqzGdDlFDvs8YnIkzHmfnu8sMuQHglcaTXdTKn0@vWoOWqGmbbypEcx6WrmxtLUuyWLW4MT6QW@vWCSpYdp/Z74MVhx4R@ufAE \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# APL(NARS), 15 chars, 30 bytes\n```\n{\u2308/+/\u00a8v\u2218=\u00a8v\u2190\u03c0\u2375}\n```\ntest:\n```\n  f\u2190{\u2308/+/\u00a8v\u2218=\u00a8v\u2190\u03c0\u2375}\n  f\u00a82..12\n1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 \n  f\u00a8144 200 500 1024 3257832488\n4 3 3 10 3 \n```\ncomment:\n```\n{\u2308/+/\u00a8v\u2218=\u00a8v\u2190\u03c0\u2375}\n          v\u2190\u03c0\u2375    \u03c012 return 2 2 3; assign to v the array of prime divisors of argument \u2375\n      v\u2218=\u00a8        for each element of v, build one binary array, show with 1 where are in v array, else puts 0 \n                  return one big array I call B, where each element is the binary array above\n   +/\u00a8            sum each binary element array of  B\n \u2308/               get the max of all element of B (that should be the max exponet)\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n[Life-like cellular automaton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life-like_cellular_automaton) are cellular automaton that are similar to Conway's Game of Life, in that they operate on a (theoretically) infinitely large square grid, where each cell has exactly 8 neighbours, and is one of 2 states, namely alive and dead.\nHowever, these Like-like versions are different in a crucial way: the rules for a given cell to come alive and the rules for a given cell to survive to the next generation.\nFor example, classic Game of Life uses the rule `B3/S23`, meaning that it takes 3 alive cells to birth a new one, and either 2 or 3 living neighbours to survive. For this challenge, we will assume that neighbours do not include itself, so each cell has exactly 8 neighbours.\nYour task is, given a starting configuration, a birth rule, a survival rule and a positive integer (the number of generations to be run), simulate the Life-like automaton using those rules for the number of generations given in the shortest code possible. The starting configuration will be a square matrix/2-dimensional array or a multiline string, you may choose. The others may be given in any reasonable format and method.\nFor example, if the birth rule was `12345678` (any living neighbours), the survival rule was `2357` and the starting configuration was\n```\n0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 1 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0\n```\nthe next two generations would be\n```\nGeneration 1:           Generation 2:\n0 0 0 0 0               1 1 1 1 1\n0 1 1 1 0               1 1 0 1 1\n0 1 0 1 0               1 0 1 0 1\n0 1 1 1 0               1 1 0 1 1\n0 0 0 0 0               1 1 1 1 1\n```\nIf the number of generations given was 10, the output would be something along the lines of\n```\n0 1 1 1 0\n1 1 1 1 1\n1 1 1 1 1\n1 1 1 1 1\n0 1 1 1 0\n```\nYou do not have to handle changes that happen outside of the bounds given by the input matrix, however, all cells outside the matrix begin dead. Therefore, the input matrix may be any size, up to the maximum value your language can support. You do not have to output the board between generations.\nThis is a [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") so the shortest code wins.\n## Test cases\nThese use the `B/S` notation to indicate the rules used\n`B2/S2`, `generations = 100`, configuration:\n```\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n```\nOutput:\n```\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0\n1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n```\n---\n`B1357/S2468`, `generations = 12`, configuration:\n```\n1 0 1 0 1 0\n0 1 1 0 1 0\n1 0 0 0 0 0\n0 0 0 0 0 1\n1 1 1 1 1 0\n0 1 1 0 0 1\n```\nOutput:\n```\n0 1 0 0 0 0\n0 1 1 1 1 0\n0 1 0 1 1 0\n1 1 1 0 0 0\n0 0 1 1 1 0\n0 1 1 0 0 0\n```\nIf you need to generate more test cases, you can use [this](http://play.starmaninnovations.com/varlife/) wonderful simulator. Please make sure to limit the board size\n      \n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~24~~ 23 bytes\n```\nxx:\"tt3Y6Z+1Gm<8M2Gmb*+\n```\nInputs are:\n* Array with birth rule\n* Array with survival rule\n* Number of generations\n* Matrix with initial cell configuration, using `;` as row separator.\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/v6LCSqmkxDjSLErb0D3XxsLXyD03SUv7//9oQwUjBWMFEwVTBTMFcwWLWK5oEN9UwTyWy4gr2kABCq0V0JiGWEXBMBYA) Or see test cases: [**1**](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/v6LCSqmkxDjSLErb0D3XxsLXyD03SUv7//9oo1guEDY0MOCKNlRAgdYKBqjQWoEeKmIB), [**2**](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/v6LCSqmkxDjSLErb0D3XxsLXyD03SUv7//9oQwVjBVMF81iuaCMFEwUzBYtYLkMjLqCwgQIUW4MpOAfEgEJrBFPB0BqsCAKR9ADpWAA).\nFor a few bytes more you can see the [**evolution in ASCII art**](http://matl.suever.net/?code=xx%3A%221%26Xxtt3Y6Z%2B1Gm%3C8M2Gmb%2a%2BtZcD%5Dx&inputs=%5B2%5D%0A%5B2%5D%0A100%0A%5B1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1%3B+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0%3B+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1%3B+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0%3B+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1%3B+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0%3B+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1%3B+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0%5D&version=20.4.2).\n### Explanation\n```\nxx      % Take two inputs implicitly: birth and survival rules. Delete them\n        % (but they get copied into clipboard G)\n:\"      % Take third input implicitly: number of generations. Loop that many times\n  tt    %   Duplicate twice. This implicitly takes the initial cell configuration\n        %   as input the first time. In subsequent iterations it uses the cell \n        %   configuration from the previous iteration\n  3Y6   %   Push Moore neighbourhood: [1 1 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 1]\n  Z+    %   2D convolution, maintaining size\n  1G    %   Push first input from clipboard G: birth rule\n  m     %   Ismember: gives true for cells that fulfill the birth rule\n  <     %   Less than (element-wise): a cell is born if it fulfills the birth rule\n        %   *and* was dead\n  8M    %   Push result of convolution again, from clipboard M\n  2G    %   Push second input from clipboard G: survival rule\n  m     %   Ismember: gives true for cells that fulfill the survival rule\n  b     %   Bubble up the starting cell configuration\n  *     %   Multiply (element-wise): a cell survives if it fulfills the survival\n        %   rule *and* was alive\n  +     %   Add: a cell is alive if it has been born or has survived, and those\n        %   are exclusive cases. This produces the new cell configuration\n        % Implicit end loop. Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), ~~144~~ 122 bytes\n```\nCellularAutomaton[{Tr[2^#&/@Flatten@MapIndexed[2#+2-#2[[1]]&,{#2,#3},{2}]],{2,{{2,2,2},{2,1,2},{2,2,2}}},{1,1}},#,{{#4}}]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LU3LCsIwELz7FYFAL67YRD0KFUHoQRDxFlZYbKqFNJUQQQj59rgFGXZeDOxI8WVHisODSr8vR@vcx1E4fOLE7eRNugWj77JaNydHMVrfnOnd@s5@bWe0XOqV1MYoxAqS1CA3GZLOiMyQ@BhzA@qvc87sFCgWyRu5zRmrcgmDj01vruS7aWx9tE8bjAKRVA1C1RnZahD8QKSZdrgoPw \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExample usage:\n```\n%[RandomInteger[1, {10, 10}], {2, 3}, {3}, 5]\n```\nuses a 10x10 random grid as a start, survives with either 2 or 3 neighbors, births with 3 neighbors, plot result at 5 iterations.\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 256 bytes\n```\nfunction(x,B,S,r){y=cbind(0,rbind(0,x,0),0)\nn=dim(y)[1]\nz=c(1,n)\nf=function(h){w=-1:1\nb=h%%n+1\na=(h-b+1)/n+1\n'if'(a%in%z|b%in%z,0,sum(x[w+b,w+a])-x[b,a])}\nwhile(r){x=y\nfor(i in 1:n^2){u=f(i-1)\ny[i]=u%in%B\ny[i]=(y[i]&!x[i])|(x[i]&(u%in%S))}\nr=r-1}\ny[-z,-z]}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVHbboMwDH3PV7AH2lg4GumuquSX/kIfEZMKhRJpTSsGItD221nSAuumyYlvOT52krLfUZ/XOq3UQXODK1xjCaeW0kTpLQ@xHKzBEOximrZqz1uIZMw6SrlEDSyniaKAU0NCLiVLqPB9HUi2IV6IJJDw6KK5yud84yvtd@fkajDEr3rPTdQECTbBJgZhogStvbCmUJ8ZtxMZall@KLnylPbkUn8s4FRTzpWQwNpIxVQ7stXN507PHozVcObOzPj1fA2WtKRSyItFig5FF1/61fUiT/iCb8DWNljgM77iOzBDtwdgnkOEOGxAl3Dur4QLBhkRo8gRMcofDoewF6Hd8AlyAYxl5pilVbb1yBvHGEruukwkE@uEuc/IqdEPJvynasTY9sdS6Yq3YhwD@m8 \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSadly, this does not look as golfed as I'd hoped.\n**Input**: an R matrix, and the challenge parameters. **Output**: the matrix after R generations.\nThe algorithm pads the matrix with zeros to handle the boundaries. Then, iteratively: 1st) it applies the Birth rule and 2nd) it kills the pre-existing cells that did not pass the Survival rule. Padding is removed when returning.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~156~~ ~~149~~ 146 bytes\n```\nlambda R,g,c:g and f(R,g-1,[[`sum(sum(l[y+y/~y:y+2])for l in c[x+x/~x:x+2])-c[x][y]`in R[c[x][y]]for y,_ in e(c)]for x,_ in e(c)])or c\ne=enumerate\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##vY/PisIwEMbv8xS5mdARm666S8GX8Dob1lhTFdpYuhWSi6/eTVRWA55lGMLvmz@Zr/PD4WSLsV59j41utzvN1rjHqtwzbXes5oGmEok2v@eWx2zIZ3528aXPCiXqU88adrSsIpe52cWVLsrTgIq82oTKmu6gYrPHn9hueCWu7J5YBK7ArIw9t6bXgxn/19ecJsUEQyqUeY4EJDEJhUA5JhGlN3eBEiWwrj/agbW64@HFRgBcFYDEj/xYfEZL8@VXdFXcTOV4z9t6@YwyvefxsUzPS2Zj9fVZ4x8 \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input:\n* `R`ules: `[birth,survial]` rules as list of `string`. eg.(`['135','246']`)\n* `g`enerations: `int`\n* `c`onfiguration: Square 2D array of `1/0` or `True/False`\nReturns 2d array of `True/False`\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~38~~ ~~36~~ 34 bytes (SBCS)\n* Saved ~~2~~ 4 bytes thanks to [@ovs](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/64121/ovs)!\n```\n{(((1\u22a5,)\u220a\u237a(\u2375+1)\u2283\u23684\u2283,)\u2364\u22a2\u233a3 3\u2363\u2375\u2375)\u237a\u237a}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JU07CsJAFOxziuncxSjZfEyuYOUZAhIRVhLUJkgqQSQkYmNp4wc8gB9I603eRdYXA/PewAwzE2d6MM1jnc7M902744bqhoHuXoyWCn5nZKnOk7nWSNIlVDR0eivWbyZpc0IIReXdlrQvOSw41VeSyi3VD5/JltxfXqhqPHhUX7ty2c0VxtDhNJ5wkWMt4jVzgIDqp2MJFy5VHxYlq8pScOHBR4ARQkQQ7CCBcuTfCBD@AA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nCan be invoked with `birth_rule (start_grid f epochs) survival_rule`, where `f` is the operator. Requires 0-indexing.\n~~For some reason, using the trains `(+/,)` and `(4\u2283,)` to make it 36 bytes [doesn't work](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@1R24RqDQ0NbX0dzUcdXRqPencB8VZtQ81HXc2PeldomABpHU1NzUc9u4wVjB/1LgbKApEmUCEQ1f5/1DsXZMaj3j6gwkPrjR@1TXzUNzU4yBlIhnh4Bv8H0p7@QBUGXLmJJUDaVMH0Ue8WAy4NIwWjRz3bgYKaQFFDLkMFIwVjBRMFUwUzBXMFCwUNoIxCmoKhgSZYwlTBHAA).~~ As ovs explained, it's because `\u233a` calls functions dyadically. Anyway, their new solution is 34 bytes.\n---\n`\u2363` can repeatedly apply a function some number of times, given a starting value. In this case, the starting value is the left operand, and the right operand tells it how many times to repeat.\n`((1\u22a5,)\u220a\u237a(\u2375+1)\u2283\u23684\u2283,)\u2364\u22a2\u233a3 3` computes the next generation. The stencil operator (`\u233a`) creates windows of a given shape (a 3x3 square here), applies a function on each of them, and puts them back together into a matrix. For cells on the edge of the grid, it will use zeroes, which works well with this challenge.\nThe train `((1\u22a5,)\u220a\u237a(\u2375+1)\u2283\u23684\u2283,)\u2364\u22a2` is applied to each of those windows. `\u2364\u22a2` applies the stuff before it to the second argument. `1\u22a5,` calculates the number of neighbors (including the cell) by turning the 2D window into a vector (`,`) and then summing it (`1\u22a5`). `\u220a` checks if that the number of neighbors is in either the birth rule or survival rule vector. Whether the birth rule or survival rule is chosen depends on the train `\u237a(\u2375+1)\u2283\u23684\u2283,`.\n`4\u2283,` turns the window into a vector and chooses the 5th cell, which is the cell we are calculating the next generation of. `\u237a(\u2375+1)` is an array where the first element is the birth rule and the second element is the survival rule, but with its elements increased by one (because we're including the current cell). Then `\u2283\u2368` uses the current cell/5th cell/middle cell to index into this array, so if the cell's dead (0) the birth rule will be used, and if the cell is alive (1) the survival rule will be used.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n For challenges related to the Swift language. Note that language specific challenges are generally discouraged.\n \nDownload Swift: \n]\n      "}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nGiven an input list of non-empty strings, output an ASCII art representation of a tournament, based on the following drawing rules:\n* The number of strings is guaranteed to be of quantity `2,4,8,16,etc.`\n* The first two strings play each other, and the next two play each other, and so on. This is the first round.\n* For each game, choose the winner randomly with equal probability.\n* For the next round, the winner of the first game plays the winner of the second game, the winner of the third game plays the winner of the fourth game, and so on. Subsequent rounds follow the pattern.\n* There is eventually one overall winner.\n* For pretty output (required) the strings must all be prepended and appended with an underscore `_`.\n* In order for the brackets to line up appropriately, each entry must be padded with `_` to all be the same length for that round.\n* You can choose whether the padding is prepended or appended, so long as it's consistent.\n* Instead, you can choose to pre-pad all strings to be the same length, rather than on a per-round basis. Whichever is golfier for your code.\n## Further Rules\n* Leading or trailing newlines or whitespace are all optional, so long as the characters themselves line up correctly.\n* Either a full program or a function are acceptable. If a function, you can return the output rather than printing it.\n* If possible, please include a link to an online testing environment so other people can try out your code!\n* [Standard loopholes](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/1061/42963) are forbidden.\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") so all usual golfing rules apply, and the shortest code (in bytes) wins.\n## Examples\nExample with cities `['Boston', 'New York', 'Charlotte', 'Atlanta', 'St. Paul', 'Chicago', 'Los Angeles', 'Phoenix']`:\n```\n_Boston______\n             \\_New York____\n_New York____/             \\\n                            \\_New York_\n_Charlotte___               /          \\\n             \\_Charlotte___/            \\\n_Atlanta_____/                           \\\n                                          \\_St. Paul_\n_St. Paul____                             /\n             \\_St. Paul____              /\n_Chicago_____/             \\            /\n                            \\_St. Paul_/\n_Los Angeles_               /\n             \\_Los Angeles_/\n_Phoenix_____/\n```\nExample with `['Lions', 'Tigers', 'Bears', 'Oh My']`:\n```\n_Lions__\n        \\_Tigers_\n_Tigers_/        \\\n                  \\_Tigers_\n_Bears__          /\n        \\_Bears__/\n_Oh My__/\n```\n      \n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), ~~92~~ 79 bytes\n```\n\uff21\u00b9\u03b8\uff37\uff33\u229e\u03c5\u2aab__\u03b9\uff37\u03c5\u00ab\uff21\u2308\uff25\u03c5\uff2c\u03ba\u03b5\uff21\u207a\u03b8\u03b8\u03b4\uff26\u03c5\u00ab\uff30\u00d7_\u03b5\uff30\u03ba\uff2d\u03b4\u2193\u00bb\uff21\uff25\u2702\u03c5\u00b9\uff2c\u03c5\u00b2\u2387\u203d\u00b2\u03ba\u00a7\u03c5\u207a\u03bb\u03bb\u03c5\uff2d\u03b5\u2192\uff26\u03c5\u00ab\uff2d\u03b4\u2191\u2197\u03b8\u2190\u2196\u03b8\u2192\u00bb\uff2d\u03b8\u2198\uff21\u03b4\u03b8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZVGxbsIwEJ3rr7CYbMlUoiOd0nahgioCOnRCVnIkVhw7xGegqvj21A6BgjpYJ7977947Oytlm1mpuy5xThWGTQTd8WdyKJUGymam8bjCVpmCcU5T70rmBX23yrDRZjMSVPE/tuf0hzwMgxbyqGpfh9pEyRxMgSWrOOeCQtBceKn2ju2iq6B5xLe2vYx6WHiNqgn2yNaqBhdMR1EeebfN6gzYPbBc0OmbPZiInG7SNGylVQYxy@QaxwfTp3DW0BrZfrOlNLmtWYQqQROcmRyOUdKn1IJq3i/g4/TeDoLdUhUl/ot@CfPZ9OHSPmi49ezzKw@s6Ry2eE@KyD3nanIanHfDotfGsGp@1p267sU6tIZ8wIF@2bYir@GztUUEkqCWBiVZ4SNNpdehpTJZWDK3jiamAA2OpKUFo46kG@@7sdO/ \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Needs a blank line to mark the end of the input. Explanation:\n```\n\uff21\u00b9\u03b8\n```\nInitialise the variable `q`. This holds the size of the zig-zags i.e. half the gap between rows.\n```\n\uff37\uff33\u229e\u03c5\u2aab__\u03b9\n```\nRead nonblank input lines into the array `u`. The lines are automatically surrounded by `_`s as they are read in, although they are not padded yet.\n```\n\uff37\u03c5\u00ab\n```\nLoop while there are still strings left.\n```\n\uff21\u2308\uff25\u03c5\uff2c\u03ba\u03b5\n```\nCalculate the width of the largest string in `e`.\n```\n\uff21\u207a\u03b8\u03b8\u03b4\n```\nCalculate the gap between rows in `d`.\n```\n\uff26\u03c5\u00ab\uff30\u00d7_\u03b5\uff30\u03ba\uff2d\u03b4\u2193\u00bb\n```\nFor each team, print the padding, print the team, and then move down to the next team.\n```\n\uff21\uff25\u2702\u03c5\u00b9\uff2c\u03c5\u00b2\u2387\u203d\u00b2\u03ba\u00a7\u03c5\u207a\u03bb\u03bb\u03c5\n```\nFor every other team, randomly pick between that team or the previous team. (Note that if there is only one team left then this produces an empty list.)\n```\n\uff2d\u03b5\u2192\uff26\u03c5\u00ab\uff2d\u03b4\u2191\u2197\u03b8\u2190\u2196\u03b8\u2192\u00bb\uff2d\u03b8\u2198\n```\nIf there are still teams left, draw the zigzags joining them in pairs.\n```\n\uff21\u03b4\u03b8\n```\nDouble the length of the zigzags each time.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~379~~ 364 bytes\n```\nexec r\"\"\"c=input();from random import*;R,L,d=range,len,0;u,s=\"_ \";r=[[\"\"]*-~L(c)@R(2*L(c)-1)]\nwhile c:\n W=2+max(map(L,c));j=1<104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the snippet:\n```\n## [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\n/* Configuration */\nvar QUESTION_ID = 55422; // Obtain this from the url\n// It will be like https://XYZ.stackexchange.com/questions/QUESTION_ID/... on any question page\nvar ANSWER_FILTER = \"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";\nvar COMMENT_FILTER = \"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";\nvar OVERRIDE_USER = 8478; // This should be the user ID of the challenge author.\n/* App */\nvar answers = [], answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1, more_answers = true, comment_page;\nfunction answersUrl(index) {\n  return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\" +  QUESTION_ID + \"/answers?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + ANSWER_FILTER;\n}\nfunction commentUrl(index, answers) {\n  return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\" + answers.join(';') + \"/comments?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + COMMENT_FILTER;\n}\nfunction getAnswers() {\n  jQuery.ajax({\n    url: answersUrl(answer_page++),\n    method: \"get\",\n    dataType: \"jsonp\",\n    crossDomain: true,\n    success: function (data) {\n      answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);\n      answers_hash = [];\n      answer_ids = [];\n      data.items.forEach(function(a) {\n        a.comments = [];\n        var id = +a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);\n        answer_ids.push(id);\n        answers_hash[id] = a;\n      });\n      if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;\n      comment_page = 1;\n      getComments();\n    }\n  });\n}\nfunction getComments() {\n  jQuery.ajax({\n    url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),\n    method: \"get\",\n    dataType: \"jsonp\",\n    crossDomain: true,\n    success: function (data) {\n      data.items.forEach(function(c) {\n        if (c.owner.user_id === OVERRIDE_USER)\n          answers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c);\n      });\n      if (data.has_more) getComments();\n      else if (more_answers) getAnswers();\n      else process();\n    }\n  });  \n}\ngetAnswers();\nvar SCORE_REG = /\\s*([^\\n,<]*(?:<(?:[^\\n>]*>[^\\n<]*<\\/[^\\n>]*>)[^\\n,<]*)*),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;\nvar OVERRIDE_REG = /^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\nfunction getAuthorName(a) {\n  return a.owner.display_name;\n}\nfunction process() {\n  var valid = [];\n  \n  answers.forEach(function(a) {\n    var body = a.body;\n    a.comments.forEach(function(c) {\n      if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))\n        body = '

' + c.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG, '') + '

';\n });\n \n var match = body.match(SCORE_REG);\n if (match)\n valid.push({\n user: getAuthorName(a),\n size: +match[2],\n language: match[1],\n link: a.share_link,\n });\n else console.log(body);\n });\n \n valid.sort(function (a, b) {\n var aB = a.size,\n bB = b.size;\n return aB - bB\n });\n var languages = {};\n var place = 1;\n var lastSize = null;\n var lastPlace = 1;\n valid.forEach(function (a) {\n if (a.size != lastSize)\n lastPlace = place;\n lastSize = a.size;\n ++place;\n \n var answer = jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();\n answer = answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\", lastPlace + \".\")\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", a.user)\n .replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", a.language)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", a.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", a.link);\n answer = jQuery(answer);\n jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);\n var lang = a.language;\n lang = jQuery('
'+lang+'').text();\n \n languages[lang] = languages[lang] || {lang: a.language, lang_raw: lang, user: a.user, size: a.size, link: a.link};\n });\n var langs = [];\n for (var lang in languages)\n if (languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))\n langs.push(languages[lang]);\n langs.sort(function (a, b) {\n if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() > b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return 1;\n if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() < b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return -1;\n return 0;\n });\n for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; ++i)\n {\n var language = jQuery(\"#language-template\").html();\n var lang = langs[i];\n language = language.replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", lang.lang)\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", lang.user)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", lang.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", lang.link);\n language = jQuery(language);\n jQuery(\"#languages\").append(language);\n }\n}\n```\n```\nbody {\n text-align: left !important;\n display: block !important;\n}\n#answer-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\n#language-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 500px;\n float: left;\n}\ntable thead {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\ntable td {\n padding: 5px;\n}\n```\n```\n\n\n

Shortest Solution by Language

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n


\n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Befunge-93, 21 bytes\n```\n\"!dlroW ,olleH\">:#,_@\n```\n[Try it online!](http://befunge.tryitonline.net/#code=IiFkbHJvVyAsb2xsZUgiPjojLF9A&input=)\n**Explanation**\n```\n\"!dlroW ,olleH\" Push the string onto the stack in reverse. Note that there is an\n implicit null terminator since an empty stack will always pop zero.\n> Start the output loop.\n : Duplicate the character at the top of the stack.\n # Skip the following operation to the right. \n _ Test if the character is null, dropping the duplicate copy.\n , If not, branch left and write the character to stdout.\n # Skip the following operation to the left.\n> Reverse direction and repeat the loop with the next character.\n @ Once the null is reached, branch right and exit.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Del|m|t](https://github.com/MistahFiggins/Delimit), 29 + 1 = 30 bytes\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/delimit#@2@rbKXskZqTk6@jEJ5flJOiqKyvbKRsp2yvbKms9P//f2UA)\n```\n=#:#Hello, World!#/#2#>#?#9#\"\n```\n...With `#` passed as a command line argument.\nThis is a new language that I recently created, which uses regex to parse its source code. I highly recommend that you read the [documentation](https://github.com/MistahFiggins/Delimit/wiki) and [tutorial](https://github.com/MistahFiggins/Delimit/wiki/Tutorial).\n**Explanation:**\nThe regex passed as an argument acts as a delimiter (hence the name), which parses the code into tokens, which are read as commands based on their ASCII values.\nBecause the regex is `#`, the tokens are `=`, `:`, `Hello, World!`, `/`, `2`, `>`, `?`, `9`, and `\"`\nThese correspond to commands depending on their ASCII values mod 32:\n```\n(=) 29 29 pops the top value of the stack, and skips that many instructions.\n Right now, the top is 0, so it's a no-op. Later, we will use it to\n skip the following part that pushes the string\n(:) 26, (H...) \"H...\" 26 pushes the next token as a string backwards onto the stack\n(/) 15 Duplicates the top of the stack, so we have 2 copies of the top character.\n(2) 18 Nots the top of the stack. It the top was 0, it is now 1\n(>) 30, (?) 31 Iff the top of the stack is non-0, exit the program\n(9) 25 Print the character\n(\") 2 Push 2 - This is used to skip the String pushing part when we...\n \n Go back to the start of the program and repeat\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Valyrio](https://github.com/JaqueIsBaque/Valyrio), 17 bytes\n```\ns \u201a\u00e0\u00b4 main [\u00ac\u00a5\u221a\u00f2]\n```\n`\u201a\u00c4\u03c0` and `\u201a\u00c4\u222b` start and end comments.\n```\ns \u201a\u00c4\u03c0Sets the mode to stack mode, usually used for code golf as its shorter\u201a\u00c4\u222b\n\u201a\u00e0\u00b4 \u201a\u00c4\u03c0Tells the interpreter that the previous letter was a tag, not a command\u201a\u00c4\u222b\nmain [ \u201a\u00c4\u03c0Starts the main code block\u201a\u00c4\u222b\n\u00ac\u00a5 \u201a\u00c4\u03c0Pushes \"Hello, World!\" in unicode numbers to the stack (Alt-Shift-E on Mac)\u201a\u00c4\u222b\n\u221a\u00f2 \u201a\u00c4\u03c0Outputs the stack as unicode characters\u201a\u00c4\u222b\n] \u201a\u00c4\u03c0Ends the main code block\u201a\u00c4\u03c0\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Hillberth](https://github.com/tuxcrafting/hillberth), 32 bytes\n```\n[]H ,olH\n.< Wle\n ro\n ld!\n```\nIf this code is weird looking, it's because the flow of an Hillberth program follows an Hilbert curve. So, the executed program is this:\n```\n[.<]H !dlroW ,olleH\n```\nThe code is similar to a Self-Modifying BrainFuck code, with the `H` command stopping the program.\n[Answer]\n# [KanyeC](https://github.com/nicksam112/kanyec), 78 bytes\n\"A programming language based on the brilliance of Kanye West.\"\n```\nI am the greatest\nmake her say \"Hello, World!\"\nI still think I am the greatest\n```\nYes, it *is* essentially just an [ArnoldC](https://github.com/lhartikk/ArnoldC/wiki/ArnoldC) substitution, but I thought I'd contribute it for the sake of completeness.\n[Answer]\n## [Samau](https://github.com/AlephAlpha/Samau/tree/master/OldSamau), 15 bytes\n```\n\"Hello, World!\"\n```\nSamau is yet another stack-based golfing language. \n[Answer]\n# [HODOR](https://github.com/ValyrioCode/Hodor), 2384 bytes\n```\nWalder\nHodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor\nHODOR!\nHodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor\nHODOR!\nHodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor\nHODOR!\nHODOR!\nHodor Hodor Hodor\nHODOR!\nHodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!\nHODOR!\nHodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!\nHODOR!\nHodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor\nHODOR!\nHodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor\nHODOR!\nHodor Hodor Hodor\nHODOR!\nHodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!\nHODOR!\nHodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!\nHODOR!\nHodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!\nHODOR!\nHODOR!!!\n```\nI decided that my [NO!](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/114877/66833) answer wasn't long enough so I finished my commemoration of [Hodor](http://gameofthrones.wikia.com/wiki/Hodor) and spend a while coding this.\nHodor uses an accumulator because he's learning to count and can't remember more than 1 number.\nIn short (because I'm not doing a line-by-line explanation) these are the main commands:\n`Walder` Hodor hodor hodor hodor Hodor hodor hodor hodor\n> \n> Start the program because Hodor's original name was Walder\n> \n> \n> \n`Hodor` Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor\n> \n> Add 1 to the accumulator\n> \n> \n> \n`Hodor!` Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor\n> \n> Subtract 1 from the accumulator\n> \n> \n> \n`HODOR!` Hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor hodor\n> \n> Output the accumulator as a Unicode character\n> \n> \n> \n`HODOR!!!` Hodor Hodor (Hodor hodor hodor)\n> \n> Kill Hodor (End the program)\n> \n> \n> \n[Answer]\n# [Turing](http://compsci.ca/holtsoft/doc/), 18 bytes\n```\nput\"Hello, World!\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# Charcoal, 13 bytes\n```\nHello, World!\n```\nCharcoal prints the canvas state at the end of execution, and any run of ASCII characters is considered a string, which is implicitly printed to the canvas.\n[Answer]\n# [NTFJ](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/NTFJ), 106 bytes\n```\n~#~~#~~~@*~##~~#~#@*~##~##~~@::**~##~####@:*~~#~##~~@*~~#~~~~~@*~#~#~###@**~###~~#~@**~##~~#~~@*~~#~~~~#@*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/ntfjc#PYzBDQAwCAKH4ecIvpyM1W09myY@QA7a8pwrLKRWjanMeEaqDGLB0tkWz9sakoWVIJ@8efcB \"NTFJ (NTFJC) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec TIO Nexus\")\nNTFJ is an esoteric programming language, made by user @ConorO'Brien, that is intended to be a Turing tarpit. It is stack-based, and pushes bits to the stack, which can be later coalesced to an 8-bit number.\n### How it works\n```\nOutput Stack\nH ~#~~#~~~@*\ne ~##~~#~#@*\n ~##~##~~@ l\nll ::** l\no ~##~####@:* l o\n, ~~#~##~~@* l o\n ~~#~~~~~@* l o\nW ~#~#~###@* l o\no * l\nr ~###~~#~@* l\nl *\nd ~##~~#~~@*\n! ~~#~~~~#@*\n```\n[Answer]\n**SASS, 32 bytes?**\n```\n\\:after\n content:\"Hello, World!\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MY](https://bitbucket.org/zacharyjtaylor/my-language/overview), 1 byte.\nHere is the hex:\n```\nFF\n```\nI'm finally ready to reveal my language. It's still a major WIP, and the undefined byte meaning is temporary (except for maybe 0xFF). I will eventually update this to include a non-hacky solution when MY is able to do that.\n[Answer]\n# [Klein](https://github.com/Wheatwizard/Klein), 16 + 3 = 19 bytes\n```\n\"Hello, World!\"@\n```\n* +3 for `-A` flag\n* Also contains a null argument for the topology, I'm not even sure how to score that.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y85Jzcz7/1/JIzUnJ19HITy/KCdFUcnh////uo7/AQ \"Klein \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nCompeting for the bounty.\n[Answer]\n## [StupidScript](https://github.com/RedstoneKingdom/stupidscript), 214 bytes\nIt's a joke language that I just made. Mark Watney would be proud.\n```\n80.5 0.0\n80.5 23.0\n69.0 103.5\n69.0 161.0\n80.5 46.0\n23.0 0.0\n23.0 23.0\n46.0 92.0\n69.0 57.5\n69.0 138.0\n69.0 138.0\n69.0 172.5\n23.0 138.0\n23.0 0.0\n57.5 80.5\n69.0 172.5\n80.5 23.0\n69.0 138.0\n69.0 46.0\n23.0 11.5\n23.0 23.0\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Fishing](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fishing), ~~25~~ 24 bytes\n```\n[+_\n|C]`Hello, World!`Ni\n```\nIt exits with an error.\n# Fishing, 34 bytes\n```\nv+CCCCCCCC^]\n `Hello, \n N`!dlroW\n```\nWithout errors.\n[Answer]\n# [Aheui](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Aheui), ~~147~~ 144 bytes\n```\n\u00ce\u221e\u00fa\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00ce\u221e\u00a7\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u221e\u00f5\u00ce\u00c7\u00f2\u00cc\u00e5\u00e5\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u221e\u00a3\u00ce\u00e3\u00a7\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u221e\u00b6\u00ce\u00e3\u00a7\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u221e\u00f5\u00cc\u00c9\u00c4\u00ce\u221e\u00a2\u00ce\u221e\u00a2\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00ce\u221e\u00b6\u00ce\u00e3\u00a7\u00ce\u221e\u00a7\u00ce\u221e\u00a3\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00ce\u221e\u00b6\u00ce\u221e\u00b6\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u221e\u00a3\u00ce\u00e3\u00a7\u00cc\u00e5\u00e5\u00ce\u221e\u00f5\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u221e\u00f5\u00ce\u00e3\u00a7\u00cc\u00e5\u00e5\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u221e\u2020\u00cc\u00c9\u00c4\u00ce\u221e\u00a3\u00ce\u221e\u00a2\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00cf\u00ef\u00d1\u00ce\u00a9\u00ec\u00cc\u00f9\u00a8\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Shtriped](https://github.com/HelkaHomba/shtriped), 239 bytes\n```\ne n\ne b\ni b\n+ x y\n +\n i x\n d y\n +\n +\n d x\n0\n + b b b\n1\n + b n n\n 0\nz x\n d x\n z x\nD\n 1\n s n\n z n n\n z b b\n i b\nY\n 0\n 0\nZ\n 1\n Y\n Y\nB\n 0\n 1\n1\nZ\n1\nY\n1\nY\nD\nB\nB\n1\n0\nZ\nY\nD\nB\n1\nY\nB\n0\nZ\nD\n1\nB\nB\nY\n1\n0\nD\nY\n1\n1\nY\nB\nZ\nD\nB\nY\n1\n0\nZ\nY\nD\nB\n1\n1\n1\n1\nB\n0\nD\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XU05DsQgDOz9iunTJF9AfALKCKSliaLNFgmfJzOmW9mG8RxwfX7fdtYyRsVhFbs1zoIbj2ExoOHmWbRqZxcyKxF2lW0THoxjtS67HBCKBsqXpD4d3TPQJ0l@dnZTUgenNr6ZOcknkg1EMs5NbPA9EktNrke/p5rdmf5ys5SNY7w \"Shtriped \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis Hello, World! in Shtriped terminates somewhat quickly, since it doesn't encode the entire string in one number.\n[Answer]\n# [Lean Mean Bean Machine](https://github.com/gunnerwolf/lmbm), 55 bytes\n```\nOOOOOOOOOOOOO\n\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\nHello, World!\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n```\nI *think* this is the shortest.\nHere's a somewhat more entertaining alternative approach in 96 bytes:\n```\nOOOOOOOOOO\n\"\"\"\nHel\n!!!\"\"\"\"\n !o, W\n !!!!\n ! \"\n r\n !\"\"\n ! d!\n !!\n```\nThis one only sets 1 marble to each letter, and re-uses the `l` and `o` marbles, much less golfy, but more true to the spirit of the language.\n[Answer]\n# [Set](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Set), 123 bytes\n```\nset ! H\nset ! 101\nset ! 108\nset ! 108\nset ! 111\nset ! 44\nset ! 32\nset ! 87\nset ! 111\nset ! 114\nset ! 108\nset ! 100\nset ! 33\n```\nNeeded to use raw ASCII codes because lowercase letters are reserved for variable names.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K04t@f@/OLVEQVHBgwtCGxoYwlkWmCxDmKyJCZRhbARlWJhjKDI0NMFimAFMp/H//wA)\n[Answer]\n# MY, 60 bytes\n```\n27\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea1A\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea8A\u221a\u00b0'2\u221a\u00f3\u201a\u00dc\u00ea1B\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea44\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea2\u0192\u2020'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea78\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea1B\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea4B\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea8A\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00eaA\u00bb\u00b6'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea33\u221a\u00b0'\u201a\u00dc\u00ea\n```\n[MY IS ON TIO!!](https://tio.run/##y638/9/I/PBC9UdtEwwdIbQFiDY6PB0k5AQRMjGB0EZHFoAocwuoDpi0E5JOIO14YhmIMjaGcP//BwA)\n## How?\nOutputs H, e, ll, o, , W, o, r, l, d, ! to the console.\nI created a 3rd answer to this question due to the differing techniques used, this uses concatenation on numbers (`27\u221a\u00b0` pushes `72`), one uses increment and decrement, while another uses a builtin.\n[Answer]\n# [Braingolf](https://github.com/gunnerwolf/braingolf), 17 bytes\nGot bored, made my own language, here's Hello World\n```\n\"Hello, World!\"&@\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n\"Hello, World!\" Push the 13 chars of Hello World to the stack as charcode integers\n &@ Pop the entire stack and print as chars\n```\nAlternatively, here's hello world from before I added multi-char strings and printing:\n```\n#!#d#l#r#o#W# #,#o#l#l#e#H@@@@@@@@@@@@@\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n#! Push the charcode of char '!' to the end of the stack\n .................... Do this for every character in \"Hello, World!\" in reverse order\n @@@@@@@@@@@@@ Pop and print the last element of the stack 13 times\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Emoji](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Emoji), ~~23~~ 24 bytes\n```\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ed\u00a8Hello, World!\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ed\u00a8\u201a\u00fb\u00b0 \n```\nShould be pretty clear. Just pushes `Hello, World!` and than outputs.\n[Answer]\n# Apps Script + Google Sheets, 39 bytes\n### Script\n```\nfunction Q(){return\"Hello, World!\"}\n```\n### Sheet\n```\n=q()\n```\n## Original, 40 bytes\n### Script\n```\nfunction Q(){return \"Hello, World!\"}\n```\n### Sheet\n```\n=q()\n```\n[Answer]\n## [AsciiDots](https://github.com/aaronduino/asciidots), 18 bytes\n```\n.-$\"Hello, World!\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyxOzsxMyS8p/v9fT1dFySM1JydfRyE8vygnRVHp/38A)\n[Answer]\n# [DOBELA](http://esolangs.org/wiki/DOBELA), 214 bytes\n```\n,,.,,,,.,..,,.,,,..,..,,,...,,.,,..,....,.,.,...,,.,,,,,,,.,..,,,..,....,..,..,,,..,..,,,..,,.,.,.,,.,,,$^\n. #\n```\nWith comments:\n```\n! d l r o W , o l l e H\n,,.,,,,. ,..,,.,, ,..,..,, ,...,,., ,..,.... ,.,.,... ,,.,,,,, ,,.,..,, ,..,.... ,..,..,, ,..,..,, ,..,,.,. ,.,,.,,,$^\n. #\nH = ascii 0x48 = 01001000 = ,.,,.,,,\n```\nPut bits in FIFO then print them by hitting `^` from below.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##S8lPSs1J/P9fR0dPRwdE6OlBmHoQJpCACID5IAKsBqoIoQUhj8yH0BA9EB0qcVx6CvQCyv//AwA)\n[Answer]\n# [Triangularity](https://github.com/Mr-Xcoder/Triangularity), ~~71~~ 49 bytes\n```\n.... ....\n...\"!\"...\n..\"ld\"+..\n.\" Wor\"+.\n\"Hello,\"+\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KynKTMxLL81JLMosqfz/Xw8IFEAEFxArKSpBWEo5KUraIJaSQnh@EZDJpeSRmpOTr6Ok/f8/AA \"Triangularity \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nSaved 22 bytes thanks to an ingenious method by Mr. Xcoder!\n## Old version\n```\n...........\n....\"H\"....\n...\"ell\"...\n..\"o, Wo\"..\n.\"rld!\"W\"\".\n.....J.....\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KynKTMxLL81JLMosqfz/Xw8BuECEkocSjK2UmpOjBGEr5esohOcrgdhKRTkpikrhSkoQ9XpeYPL/fwA \"Triangularity \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [rk](https://github.com/aaronryank/rk-lang), 22 + 2 (`-e`) = 24 bytes\n```\nprint: \"Hello, World!\"\n```\nRequires the `-e` flag (remove necessity for `rk:start`). [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8r@/7@gKDOvxEpBySM1JydfRyE8vygnRVHp////uqkA)\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 8 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u221a\u00ae\u221a\u00d8\u201a\u00ee\u00a8\u201a\u00f1\u00c4\u201a\u00dc\u00ae\u201a\u00ef\u00a94G\n```\n[Run and debug online!](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=%C3%A8%C3%AF%E2%94%AC%E2%96%80%E2%86%A8%E2%95%A94G&i=&a=1)\n## Explanation\n`\u221a\u00ae\u221a\u00d8\u201a\u00ee\u00a8\u201a\u00f1\u00c4\u201a\u00dc\u00ae\u201a\u00ef\u00a94G` is the packed form of the ASCII Stax code ``jaH1\"jS3!`, which is in turn a compressed string literal of `Hello, World!` with the ending backtick omitted.\n[Answer]\n# [Min](https://min-lang.org), 20 bytes\n```\n\"Hello, World!\" puts\n```\n[Answer]\n## PHP (on a standard Apache Server, result needing to target STDOUT), ~~30~~ 27 Bytes\n```\n \n```\nwould be the only way, but then realized the die (normally used killing the script with an error) outputted to STDOUT and didn't use extra variables. \nUpdated: Cut off a few bytes recalling that \"die\" wont' bother with anything after itself, so didn't need the closing ?>.\nNote: Worth noting, that if shorttags were on with a PHP5 server, could drop down 3 more bytes to 24 bytes with \n```\n true\n121 -> false\n231 -> true\n154 -> true\n4 -> false\n402 -> true\n79 -> false\n0 -> false\n60 -> false\n64 -> false\n8 -> false\n210 -> false\n```\n## Scoring:\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), shortest code in bytes wins. \n \n[Answer]\n## bash, 43 bytes\n```\nfactor $1|awk '{print $2-$3&&$3-$4&&NF==4}'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HY5NCsIwGET3PcVQPpJVoPlREdouXXqHNDa0qInUiAXr2WNwZlaPt5jBPqfsbELb8pWj99lbl@ICkpt9X8E/j2UOCaQEacZICzKMnU9dZ748r5UvasAcoBtIJaG0hNwZlDYKhyMa7MtMdYkVSkY3RYiAmgJEj/oPh3ICHhSKFUZscPH2uhch5R8 \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\nInput via command line argument, outputs `0` or `1` to stdout.\nFairly self-explanatory; parses the output of `factor` to check that the first and second factors are different, the second and third are different (they're in sorted order, so this is sufficient), and there are four fields (the input number and the three factors).\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 7 bytes\n```\n_YF7BX=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/Pz7Szdwpwvb/f0MDUwA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\") Or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##y00syfmf8D8@0s3cKcL2v0vIf2MDLkMjQy4jY0MuQ1MTLiA0MOIyt@Qy4DIDIhMA).\n### Explanation\n```\n_YF % Implicit input. Nonzero exponents of prime-factor decomposition\n7 % Push 7\nB % Convert to binary: gives [1 1 1] \nX= % Is equal? Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~88~~ ~~78~~ ~~126~~ ~~58~~ ~~77~~ 73 + 4 (`lm`) = 77 bytes\n```\nl,j;a(i){for(l=1,j=0;l++n{n.prime_division.map(&:last)==[1]*3}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1y6vOk@voCgzNzU@JbMsszgzP08vN7FAQ80qJ7G4RNPWNtowVsu49n@BQlq0kWWsDpAyNoBQhmDKBEoZxf7/l19QAtRf/F@3CGwiAA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 31 bytes\n```\nSquareFreeQ@#&&PrimeOmega@#==3&\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~7~~ 5 bytes\n```\n\u00d3nO3Q\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//8OQ8f@PA//@NDQA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUses Dennis's algorithm.\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 9 bytes\n```\n&{IPQq3lP\n```\n[Try it here.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%26%7BIPQq3lP&input=30&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 7 bytes\n```\nw\u2642N13\u03b1=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0wuKU3Myan8/7/80cwmP0Pjcxtt//83NgAA \"Actually \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\n```\nw\u2642N13\u03b1=\nw Push [prime, exponent] factor pairs\n \u2642N Map \"take last element\"\n 1 Push 1\n 3 Push 3\n \u03b1 Repeat\n = Equal?\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 59 bytes\n```\nf x=7==sum[6*0^(mod(div x a)a+mod x a)+0^mod x a|a<-[2..x]]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P02hwtbc1ra4NDfaTMsgTiM3P0UjJbNMoUIhUTNRG8gDs7QN4qDMmkQb3WgjPb2K2Nj/uYmZebYFRZl5JSppCiYGRv8B \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 14 bytes\n```\nk\nk@\u00e8\u00a5X \u00c9\u00c3l \u00a53\n```\n[Try it online!](https://codepen.io/justinm53/full/NvKjZr?code=awprQOilWCDJw2wgpTM=&inputs=MzA=,MTIx,MjMx,MTU0,NA==,NDAy,Nzk=,MA==,NjA=,NjQ=)\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 15 bytes\n```\n7&(=2#.~:@q:)~*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/P03B1krBXE3D1khZr87KodBKs06Liys1OSNfQUNHL03JQFPB2EDB0MhQwcjYUMHQ1EQBCA2MFMwtFQwUzIDI5P9/AA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\n7&(=2#.~:@q:)~* Input: integer n\n * Sign(n)\n7&( )~ Execute this Sign(n) times on n\n If Sign(n) = 0, this returns 0\n q: Prime factors of n\n ~:@ Nub sieve of prime factors\n 2#. Convert from base 2\n = Test if equal to 7\n```\n[Answer]\n# Dyalog APL, 26 bytes\n```\n\u2395CY'dfns'\n((\u2262,\u222a)\u22613,\u22a2)3pco\u2395\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qKPdOSM1Ofv/o76pzpHqKWl5xepcGhqPOhfpPOpYpfmoc6GxzqOuRZrGBcn5QCUg9f/BGriMDbi4ICxDI0MY08gYzjQ0NYExEQwDIxjT3BLGMoMbZGYCAA)\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 44 bytes\n```\nPlus@@Last/@#==Length@#==3&@FactorInteger@#&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00sychMLv6fZvs/IKe02MHBJ7G4RN9B2dbWJzUvvSQDxDJWc3BLTC7JL/LMK0lNTy1yUFb7H1CUmQdUl6bvUG1soKNgaGSoo2BkDCQMTU10FEDIwEhHwdxSRwEoawbCJrX/AQ \"Mathics \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), ~~54~~ 53 bytes\n```\nlambda n:sum(1>>n%k|7>>k*k%n*3for k in range(2,n))==6\n```\n*Thanks to @xnor for golfing off 1 byte!*\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FYxBCoMwFETX7SlmE4zyCyaxSoXkJN1YWluJfiXqotC7pwbmzeINzPLdPjOb2MPiHsduejw7cLvuk1TOsfC/xjlfeMGF6ecAj4EROn6/pCbOc2vrmDwnb0qC0oqgzVHqWhFSSk1oboRjrRNVez4tYeBNZsLsuDiINYOAZEIvj9M8/gE \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n**C, 91 102 bytes, corrected (again), golfed, and tested for real this time:**\n```\ns(c){p,f,d;for(p=2,f=d=0;p\ns(c){int p,f,d;for(p=2,f=d=0;p\n#include \n#include \n#include /* compile with -lm */\n/* l,j;a(i){for(l=1,j=0;l\n#include \n#include \nint sphenic( int candidate )\n{\n int probe, found, dups;\n for( probe = 2, found = dups = 0; probe < candidate && !dups; /* empty update */ ) \n { \n int remainder = candidate % probe;\n if ( remainder == 0 ) \n {\n candidate /= probe;\n ++found;\n if ( ( candidate % probe ) == 0 )\n dups = 1;\n }\n ++probe;\n } \n return ( candidate == probe ) && ( found == 2 ) && !dups;\n}\nint main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { /* Make it command-line callable: */\n int parameter;\n if ( ( argc > 1 ) \n && ( ( parameter = (int) strtoul( argv[ 1 ], NULL, 0 ) ) < ULONG_MAX ) ) {\n puts( sphenic( parameter ) ? \"true\" : \"false\" );\n }\n return EXIT_SUCCESS; \n}\n/* for (( i=0; $i < 100; i = $i + 1 )) ; do echo -n at $i; ./sphenic $i ; done */\n```\n[Answer]\n# Javascript (ES6), 87 bytes\n```\nn=>(a=(p=i=>i>n?[]:n%i?p(i+1):[i,...p(i,n/=i)])(2)).length==3&&a.every((n,i)=>n^a[i+1])\n```\nExample code snippet:\n```\nf=\nn=>(a=(p=i=>i>n?[]:n%i?p(i+1):[i,...p(i,n/=i)])(2)).length==3&&a.every((n,i)=>n^a[i+1])\nfor(k=0;k<10;k++){\n v=[30,121,231,154,4,402,79,0,60,64][k]\n console.log(`f(${v}) = ${f(v)}`)\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~135~~ 121 bytes\n* Quite long since this includes all the procedures: prime-check, obtain-prime factors and check sphere number condition.\n```\nlambda x:(lambda t:len(t)>2and t[0]*t[1]*t[2]==x)([i for i in range(2,x)if x%i<1and i>1and all(i%j for j in range(2,i))])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XYwxDsIwEAR7XnFNpDtE4bi0cD7iuDBKAheZS2K5MK83JKJANLtbzM76yo9FdN1sX2N43oYAxeB3ZRNHwUydDjJAdsqfs2v30N7aQugYpiUBAwukIPcR9aUQT1Aavrb7ibujQozIzXzQ8y/NRJ7qv0QpMif4eDZkMmtiycD1DQ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 59 bytes\n```\nlambda x:6==sum(5*(x/a%a+x%a<1)+(x%a<1)for a in range(2,x))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUaHCyszWtrg0V8NUS6NCP1E1UbtCNdHGUFNbA0Kn5RcpJCpk5ikUJealp2oY6VRoav4vKMrMK1FI0zAxMNL8DwA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# J, 23 bytes\n```\n0:`((~.-:]*.3=#)@q:)@.*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/P91WT0HBwCpBQ6NOT9cqVkvP2FZZ06HQStNBT4urAChpbKBgZGyoYGhqomBiYMSVBhSyUDA0MlQwUTC3VDBQMAMiEwWu1OSMfIV0hQIYI@3/fwA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nHandling 8 and 0 basically ruined this one...\n`q:` gives you all the prime factors, but doesn't handle 0. the rest of it just says \"the unique factors should equal the factors\" and \"the number of them should be 3\"\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 66 bytes:\n```\nfor($p=($n=$a=$argn)**3;--$n;)$a%$n?:$p/=$n+!++$c;echo$c==7&$p==1;\n```\nRun as pipe with `-nR` or [try it online](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/285093bffbdb0bb5f7ac3cb1125b6bbb91c4f5e1).\nInfinite loop for `0`; insert `$n&&` before `--$n` to fix.\n**breakdown**\n```\nfor($p=($n=$a=$argn)**3; # $p = argument**3\n --$n;) # loop $n from argument-1\n $a%$n?: # if $n divides argument\n $p/=$n # then divide $p by $n\n +!++$c; # and increment divisor count\necho$c==7&$p==1; # if divisor count is 7 and $p is 1, argument is sphenic\n```\n**example** \nargument = `30`: \nprime factors are `2`, `3` and `5` \nother divisors are `1`, 2\\*3=`6`, 2\\*5=`10` and 3\\*5=`15` \ntheir product: `1*2*3*5*6*10*15` is `27000` == `30**3`\n[Answer]\n# VB.NET (.NET 4.5), 104 bytes\n```\nFunction A(n)\nFor i=2To n\nIf n Mod i=0Then\nA+=1\nn\\=i\nEnd If\nIf n Mod i=0Then A=4\nNext\nA=A=3\nEnd Function\n```\nI'm using the feature of VB where the function name is also a variable. At the end of execution, since there is no return statement, it will instead pass the value of the 'function'.\nThe last `A=A=3` can be thought of `return (A == 3)` in C-based languages.\nStarts at 2, and pulls primes off iteratively. Since I'm starting with the smallest primes, it can't be divided by a composite number.\nWill try a second time to divide by the same prime. If it is (such as how 60 is divided twice by 2), it will set the count of primes to 4 (above the max allowed for a sphenic number).\n[Try It Online!](https://tio.run/##hdJRS8MwEAfw596nOPYgK1JJ02xjDxGCOhhYXxz44ku3ZXrQXaBNxW9fY1UMKCRvCb/8udzljfqhaYt909OhYOuLs2M31u44tBbrEm7pjIRNj8Tevthu3Ax88OQYzZxz2LgOScudQ4btCRnDzXAgdq@WwVzqEvhZE9zxEbenPwKNVvBg3z0YbXQ1sZ/8MXsc9lg3xJBlN45719qrp468vSe281klEItrnOFFqKQSeQ4Zfq9/dCnLXx02CS6riIdNKn2hovSFSnCFUelJLGSEhUzw1TrKXq0TWsSVpHq4jDu@TGoV6@mVn@MNQ53G/PXDxg8)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 80 bytes\n```\nn=>(p=(n,f=2)=>n%f?p(n,f+1):f,(a=p(n))(p=(n,f=2)=>n%f?p(n,f+1):f,(a=p(n))console.log(x,F(x))\n)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Dyalog APL, ~~51~~ ~~49~~ ~~48~~ ~~46~~ ~~45~~ 43 bytes\n```\n1\u220a((w=\u00d7/)\u2227\u22a2\u2261\u222a)\u00a8(\u22a2\u2218.,\u2218.,\u2368){\u2375/\u23682=\u2262\u222a\u2375\u2228\u2373\u2375}\u00a8\u2373w\u2190\u2395\n```\n[Try it online!](http://tryapl.org/?a=%7B1%u220A%28%28w%3D%D7/%29%u2227%u22A2%u2261%u222A%29%A8%28%u22A2%u2218.%2C%u2218.%2C%u2368%29%7B%u2375/%u23682%3D%u2262%u222A%u2375%u2228%u2373%u2375%7D%A8%u2373w%u2190%u2375%7D30&run) (modified so it can run on TryAPL)\nI wanted to submit one that doesn't rely on the dfns namespace whatsoever, even if it is **long**.\n[Answer]\n# J, ~~15~~ ~~14~~ 19 bytes\nPrevious attempt: `3&(=#@~.@q:)~*`\nCurrent version: `(*/*3=#)@~:@q: ::0:`\n# How it works:\n```\n(*/*3=#)@~:@q: ::0: Input: integer n\n ::0: n=0 creates domain error in q:, error catch returns 0\n q: Prime factors of n\n ~:@ Nub sieve of prime factors 1 for first occurrence 0 for second\n(*/*3=#)@ Number of prime factors is equal to 3, times the product across the nub sieve (product is 0 if there is a repeated factor or number of factors is not 3)\n```\nThis passes for cases 0, 8 and 60 which the previous version didn't.\n[Answer]\n# Regex (ECMAScript), 46 bytes\n```\n^((?=(xx+?)\\2*$)(?=(x+)(\\3+$))\\4(?!\\2+$)){3}x$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY/BbsIwEER/BSIEu6QJCdAecE1OPXDh0B6bVrJgcdwax7INpFC@PQ2VKvU2ozfS6H2Io/Abp2xIvFVbcvvafNJX67ihU@@Z5FNjAc58ORm37wAFh6aJCyyn4wH@thihnMUDxHIORb@c3uJldm0G7XhyxjTUL8EpIwFTr9WG4OEumSMyzzN2qpQmAM0dia1WhgCxz81Ba7xIrlNvtQowSkbI1A7AcJlqMjJUuJx@fyu/FmtQ3ArnaWUCyNfsDfEP0H9glnmRL24YQ@XqU7QyR6HVtueEkbToRbFmu9oBU4@cmIpj7A6jJkodWRIBFKZ7ETYVuE7OD4e2Uwpws8iZPQQfXDdh12ubJfl9lv0A \"JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis works similarly to [Match strings whose length is a fourth power](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/19262/match-strings-whose-length-is-a-fourth-power/21951#21951) and very similarly to part of [Is this a consecutive-prime/constant-exponent number](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/164911/is-this-a-consecutive-prime-constant-exponent-number/179412#179412):\n```\n^\n( # Loop the following:\n (?=(xx+?)\\2*$) # \\2 = smallest prime factor of tail\n (?=\n (x+)(\\3+$) # \\3 = tail / {smallest prime factor of tail}; \\4 = tool to make tail = \\3\n )\\4 # tail = \\3\n (?!\\2+$) # assert that tail is no longer divisible by \\2\n){3} # Execute the loop exactly 3 times\nx$ # assert tail == 1\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThe [Fibonacci sequence](http://oeis.org/A000045) is a sequence of numbers, where every number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. The first two numbers in the sequence are both 1. Here are the first few terms:\n```\n1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 ...\n```\n---\nWrite the shortest code that either:\n* Generates the Fibonacci sequence without end.\n* Given `n` calculates the `n`th term of the sequence. (Either 1 or zero indexed)\nYou may use standard forms of input and output.\n(I gave both options in case one is easier to do in your chosen language than the other.)\n---\nFor the function that takes an `n`, a reasonably large return value (the largest Fibonacci number that fits your computer's normal word size, at a minimum) has to be supported.\n---\n### Leaderboard\n```\n/* Configuration */\nvar QUESTION_ID = 85; // Obtain this from the url\n// It will be like https://XYZ.stackexchange.com/questions/QUESTION_ID/... on any question page\nvar ANSWER_FILTER = \"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";\nvar COMMENT_FILTER = \"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";\nvar OVERRIDE_USER = 3; // This should be the user ID of the challenge author.\n/* App */\nvar answers = [], answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1, more_answers = true, comment_page;\nfunction answersUrl(index) {\n return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\" + QUESTION_ID + \"/answers?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + ANSWER_FILTER;\n}\nfunction commentUrl(index, answers) {\n return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\" + answers.join(';') + \"/comments?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + COMMENT_FILTER;\n}\nfunction getAnswers() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: answersUrl(answer_page++),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function (data) {\n answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);\n answers_hash = [];\n answer_ids = [];\n data.items.forEach(function(a) {\n a.comments = [];\n var id = +a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);\n answer_ids.push(id);\n answers_hash[id] = a;\n });\n if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;\n comment_page = 1;\n getComments();\n }\n });\n}\nfunction getComments() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function (data) {\n data.items.forEach(function(c) {\n if (c.owner.user_id === OVERRIDE_USER)\n answers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c);\n });\n if (data.has_more) getComments();\n else if (more_answers) getAnswers();\n else process();\n }\n }); \n}\ngetAnswers();\nvar SCORE_REG = /\\s*([^\\n,<]*(?:<(?:[^\\n>]*>[^\\n<]*<\\/[^\\n>]*>)[^\\n,<]*)*),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;\nvar OVERRIDE_REG = /^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\nfunction getAuthorName(a) {\n return a.owner.display_name;\n}\nfunction process() {\n var valid = [];\n \n answers.forEach(function(a) {\n var body = a.body;\n a.comments.forEach(function(c) {\n if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))\n body = '

' + c.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG, '') + '

';\n });\n \n var match = body.match(SCORE_REG);\n if (match)\n valid.push({\n user: getAuthorName(a),\n size: +match[2],\n language: match[1],\n link: a.share_link,\n });\n else console.log(body);\n });\n \n valid.sort(function (a, b) {\n var aB = a.size,\n bB = b.size;\n return aB - bB\n });\n var languages = {};\n var place = 1;\n var lastSize = null;\n var lastPlace = 1;\n valid.forEach(function (a) {\n if (a.size != lastSize)\n lastPlace = place;\n lastSize = a.size;\n ++place;\n \n var answer = jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();\n answer = answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\", lastPlace + \".\")\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", a.user)\n .replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", a.language)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", a.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", a.link);\n answer = jQuery(answer);\n jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);\n var lang = a.language;\n lang = jQuery(''+lang+'').text();\n \n languages[lang] = languages[lang] || {lang: a.language, lang_raw: lang, user: a.user, size: a.size, link: a.link};\n });\n var langs = [];\n for (var lang in languages)\n if (languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))\n langs.push(languages[lang]);\n langs.sort(function (a, b) {\n if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() > b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return 1;\n if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() < b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return -1;\n return 0;\n });\n for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; ++i)\n {\n var language = jQuery(\"#language-template\").html();\n var lang = langs[i];\n language = language.replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", lang.lang)\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", lang.user)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", lang.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", lang.link);\n language = jQuery(language);\n jQuery(\"#languages\").append(language);\n }\n}\n```\n```\nbody {\n text-align: left !important;\n display: block !important;\n}\n#answer-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\n#language-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\ntable thead {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\ntable td {\n padding: 5px;\n}\n```\n```\n\n\n

Shortest Solution by Language

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n


\n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [APL(Dyalog Unicode)](https://dyalog.com), 16 bytes [SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS)\n```\n{\u201a\u00e4\u00c9\u201a\u00e4\u00c9(+/,\u201a\u00e4\u00c9)\u201a\u00e7\u00a7\u201a\u00e4\u00a2/\u201a\u00e7\u00b5/1}\n```\n[Try it on APLgolf!](https://razetime.github.io/APLgolf/?h=AwA&c=c3vUNqH6UVczEGlo6@sAKc1HvUsedS3Sf9S7Vd@wFgA&f=e9Q39VHbBLdDKx71bjYyAAA&i=AwA&r=tryapl&l=apl-dyalog&m=dfn&n=f)\nStraightforward \"repeatedly add previous two elements\" style approach. Not as short as [using pascal's triangle](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/85/fibonacci-function-or-sequence/223225#223225), but I'm still pretty proud of this :-)\n-1 thanks to [Ad\u221a\u00b0m](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/43319/ad%c3%a1m) for reminding me of the atop operator, also known as the \"atoperator\". Also from Ad\u221a\u00b0m, an optional \"full program\" version of this for -2:\n```\n\u201a\u00e4\u00c9\u201a\u00e4\u00c9(+/,\u201a\u00e4\u00c9)\u201a\u00e7\u00a7\u201a\u00e4\u00a2/\u201a\u00e9\u00ef/1\n```\nCode breakdown:\n```\n{\u201a\u00e4\u00c9\u201a\u00e4\u00c9(+/,\u201a\u00e4\u00c9)\u201a\u00e7\u00a7\u201a\u00e4\u00a2/\u201a\u00e7\u00b5/1} full dfn\n \u201a\u00e7\u00b5/1 make a list of n 1s\n / reduce over them with the following tacit function\n \u201a\u00e7\u00a7\u201a\u00e4\u00a2 apply the following tacit function(?) to only the\n previous element (in js, think (a,b)=>f(a))\n ( , ) return a list of\n +/ sum of elements ([5,3]=>8)\n \u201a\u00e4\u00c9 first element ([5,3]=>5)\n \u201a\u00e7\u00f9([5,3]=>[8,5])\n after the reduce, you're left with\n a scalar of the value [fib(n),fib(n-1)]\n \u201a\u00e4\u00c9 take the first element of this scalar (the array)\n \u201a\u00e4\u00c9 take the first element of the array (this is the end result)\n```\nAs you can see, I'm still learning how APL works :P\nIf there are any terminology fixes you want to make in my explanation, go ahead; You have my blessing.\n[Answer]\n# [Seed](https://github.com/TryItOnline/seed), ~~4694~~ 4502 bytes\n```\n39 23345386873944734309285705649562214322923535338513787840726059344836991733232701124858784406171983413525769035739193091317312821286862091673034093258254737808529480740867073160694207283540732802589654087348246306424108351751311067631335648365532710947883728455312678903999543414986443810435493370315134647072481870757046559560767136040676281671376819795324434856453735428264762843673716931661746853554648863000837820618766325590788356124601042099541341483064315601051750207795784533758073620813013115058115202328602261019521188162907432705317709462265407997435677959431637608739188384820535674569023665708824769117130584628086812767619300150936306513016713438624735631896208226558553705578499273228365561706607508974248633654644472401969256417949202545503229189330457914013293106347633234904257897628188377211123547522316430704423351649833550317940803484242023657434716958957587230473447472170005697587796499855927956924703860969370032077181183813997697920001129271041258462117064842855557817828287309864524148521039064850419014169734078927801370682493891194692916817142423371375512874755307643229558474820620773013367601053438535142499961672800471263088573030714197841432529737819978024272023115971994335629080760807110601625840500005576870897474597727212673444634680054468191797452281171657965522840129388173724585980135600170025063620602628298627811946062091546889131371926823568681212834659514998682306098670560578318063077703702015608052686405555782215469820110984687203004291914156230320625462064509758167591458209331235212640744714944466265540624319127738893716421169144022527159634296736260757337640921918849758954315864968212488657203226533587353649351778992581839569265033006103790337825946891770665589403131544197363786202809251067880755092540881383788858825619755294045426872602952477879200662412263820311579658891410984567942455376104064634087560919309116469779337448222971714205506106434861563361065264676346668562754032388044586603191705003186050941101737238753507972188516844227916598403811945061789829209022797794856907795280845148337927336190754837895578035971541077446106601429711198909985434167448288125565008326994953358507196336677928811063398215196756813330927829954298340363790942335608247284708980931664255175263323494474655761771711383684020341286483311232450751637188832338282365001980619004736926421020545780168645284628043949398052855672494054844858796879547004560821501647027627620931639915989753539985160519138882067784198444595441811191399424880792691274895217945599103951284792036009843684640644727200173221626567038906492094115422297154223582626065131092394499833564570471955561529154762920901660552470118203300492660926353444889031479441391716424199093929419050805652092712224713014163928963683320445942834620765638299957157761471954992453965174566767052457734421384797861892548612233678879032571407415763995799697084460449481011980933595196444998930307697403672188673825999360332797937744985054511100836407779016165673872373310879592118399300133957780585475517066306666920397584925551254210311998315301028471463539416320653567122160674748915331494295984381121190145666938252633808615711556028673805375510446823318750130981978154654997326727239404525161535622829359058005003740269566983082692378752252198224696254750416200980706704359975518565261545420238758226454680563033057001226125143840414367435620075434502664984902148647078854467653648067041037379150849558209574954581189083630370505506375071080959718696461782683034278484505125465265492405192125616634322283908654348532913099106491870966062276727286614470801650571178850146397543614007581120988735292604484768834605242986004904531743614154630006898576385883749714930636531225280325429278056803694383205579251797535306160456389603169599349989707250713018909969811190663566801819447003975601708056252841800628364818930316430260043879135073603348919031644234002981192629576497660461677947610006543231706577837438811265977164354969644885825582261812180155492583995120383156018469389467006878690072374841382066122175919585112489442594496493463386891710103741087324632245353507660394419350165419526162955982962335197477336304033108148298040661871462588450794544521467248068540365914505422139306015926783904272029251862004795498004645359369772500371366215160030879374914060894959826814924777847813129579229461420328680050563398486579073401384070598971755243256100966805691895631455236232588087146040702221938793149485419052426135144305222421870942178316091451568136489010664122415628294236744095902991276097097917\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LdiJlV03DAPQVlKC9if2E1eQ/s/kQuM4sTN/kUgQAPH8358///78zPpnzLn2vOd@s9b65pqtxt1f22fVPmP0NceoMbdf8@4@v/vd1b5x2q651p2nqn9zjjm@1vtYd@cTq53@9bpz9bnH/k61uV3Syw19@kYfd/jv3DO8cr7Z5mo1x75jq@S77e5R67ZvtXu@5hunnVrD5XduNcxxm4/X8YMG1h3rzHbWWL35RP@U23s735l9Th0pdm919lbru3c6aHmhj/Nd9VXVXgpedc9a8/a23FNzfm12Z62zlKHDfv0JpOU4KLXvfH2etnLVuD0/fef2@sptToLJAfPnNE07xafW1PLXT2kLVOtcEG9X3KuJpoHvDiDe7xyg7GqpeB8In6YyoKm2p9ybplWY19N1A5GrTcHMvg3BCePbZwseu@3r99FM7J42xumt1x69X6UP96yMEizfByccCL5fldf3ycHlsqPDgF6@NS/ofcG7axv0mOdA55qHuXc8mO50kpGCZYDrhAdNLTUzsp3aAhvUj285anaDVXWu39eUlJSWqobBjzdKuLUD/t2u6gzmTC/DEJXH0tWpAfn@1Sr9bsNuobOj52xrf9V9ag4zaGcqNjReBVw31ZtlWPLBppPA@vYYWicSs1@0s/2A4zPn5pZ2kfiqJOjCwOgzYhzd5vANl@Lp@pSn9EZllde/ckxpUm/4VBBogGjq17aSzbMbGqQ7lgL100@L3CpsXn08fHvwyP2OClgdhfwirTB6j3DFoDE9H9u@V60vBSoKvZx1weEMk6t5jc78C16m9vW0hU8@sDfhasJUcP85hBlpK4xNsWEafj9CZqa4ka8T2DFmPIAD1U0c2RF@czq53BW7ofrIv2uUvtf4AibGFj9BPdxAUqQ@@S36Rp3033YLpLyGPEMIbCzDgzWBg507kJmP@D/HG5hPoFIYalh8JD9hBELQgiLGQr0KKMTVMrKxMUWPhIMeA65Aezi152PYd28MDlA1AOmbj/QQczu76Bl13nBGxdgcbVb47mTYGf1HwZHzbdsRR2dvnNzY8QVkXZeBYxTs0JWtAhAwM2SBxkqJi7zQC@Lb23yV2maIHEAMHBEVE1xORMa@BmUXgX76r7jTwikSZufDXD5DgOGoE0eJ8Bg/AtgZPUawcl08tG9V14nBx8926oyQDQ8b9/Rm/BnlCJTI5mP9oSLt8KP5seMYIK854PyicxSjMMhCIWzhHF@WBzo5JT5/EYIU/USJpBIPxTBGxCrUln1C9msEORPkeksRT0wwICOcBFPYFjpkkutBzdpsniwL1hWjD5f4nyH9XWmwoqMv28JWHCTxPc2YXTo62QLHiOjCT@a6spdAz/hxSMW8RwPLoHha5vCF0XiBH4zYzB8lp1vnZsh4rTnaZEV8A4UVyjfCxtwJXQQ19Ja3lZY1VG81xInXzuaAND9Vkzf2CmAVqlnW6rdffBw/emxWM15zul0Zt8qqPK9ZWNtQxmdrDXlAdMikFcmCHZ6tkQ/FZaeiLFMUIgwukcBh0FlmI3GhZawuePZKAiZEkxG0MWdXMucsufHXrOOmJ6JHEoBn6BAhINXZb2kx5m12GszaApoqhRnynalZQy39x5vDQpz3dcsibniecf4uryUjlfqpksHyMbf7HPyTedAdsirFsNRtufUEBusu/77imTcJ8abEqWAo0sBC0TfW@cUBDREHKhy/QTuOn92G24qLOtfNujZPC6Pi5rHjFRYLIWFrEDgh6Yr7xbior0fkJ4sl7h9eoBTQH1Pzp4mNqDrbGOlHEmG97QaCL46NGoRERT6vpcctE0HxbCz7aTwBO9yLftOkXm6yVVefjuSF5yraNONpt2QH7TgdTYQKNOiw5IEVvIYUoB2zjjIAERe1YrQywxqLlVZN/5WXdCD0kG5PFKEwGvLKF/sfYFYFz7D/WYQ/NT1jG7EbO7/HFB2XOTEA6xfv0N/VxEN//ZFwxsUrKQM89daXT4a5T5LMMcZVog04Ij1WSifGHVaZaXQSAyYL@PWMZSYdEKLkmoSVNKaIZCSKUT@AbgLIfpHH7vBPBh7HhffOSt5hLrZnaN1qRuMbi88cKmii2EtpPWxAt2xss3Sr/rhhqINzLk8u2LkirURqiW6QwRjkHq9Hqz31tGxTOEqqGJ@okU2eTZVxYN4JCedzXjbtlGzw7E446qo9lwMfcrtS7cSjtzxp7GwdoKPEqay1L6HF/N0ig5muTFpx9n5DIIfH3tszyUTHlX2MWzPEROIWi4eUnMEkEjfOi7VO/GJosvNJpBMCPfrcF/iZ7IpZZ23dd2cWFJOicB/cb7HKeuiXZI3tN6E2gfWZP5QYIYpXPPVqZMWcLaE88jA/DuKTmV9agJrsimCWJ7UZdgIW3jv37PcwIbEG6MpaqTyM1En8SLAGtfVhYWMubjnXzNJCCw8qTXo33WbQYMw@puRwHFmEF/qKZhJtImVTE23ftzLTPJrYyDciyWY1uEqKmIlFeZQaWS4zXHxxksnThdjGc5PNsqm/X/9juideyZCy70wf4Z@k8pQVzFD47RqkiBOG@BiiLxRLh4/@J7ksF@Vmnqm@PB3kKS3afHF9pBWcANvO0xA2hPn13rZpADJyBxzIQKKRsdWWsMq2svKdCjo5FOsiR30nIwpSyZi5xNwy2pXAMfZjX0/uU@7OTHcEbcoM@PdZjUcnZKNWIGVLVlBMwBx6UsiJP/VkNw8Q@z1a6zqRaOV5wZxmntzjqC2MzFMvuXl5xARfSEiSiO/SWtiw8qB38pRndVDgec8wicrJAJ5O2nMgzAdHYk6ePxFH8eFoVg4XpowsP1q4iS3npcuWFcLfE2vtuDxSzzxJJb1n6Elqdkg8OvE/z8ObQyagP/17gD4JBiY144EhFqLapIkTFbn0KOPLkuQvqBaPtr2MaSVf3pftI3Y7eiV1yjQzD3j5C4v29m5PCMwzRkZa53lDHgfzvGmdCgQjfwPB7dJ2y/doD3ypKC5591tY9HF6HmqQa2djjSdDfyTJJxQy@hdwEJGZQjLp8mV02KJcklMcATrZ6b7i@wj6/fz8Dw \"Seed \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Desmos](https://desmos.com/calculator), 41 bytes\n### Code in ticker:\n```\nl->join(l,l[L]+l[L-1])\n```\n### Code not in ticker\n```\nl=[1,1]\nL=l.length\n```\n[Try it online](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/xvokybqceh)\n[Answer]\n## Dyalog APL, 17 characters (17 bytes SBCS)\n```\n{({\u201a\u00e7\u00b5,+/\u00ac\u00d82\u201a\u00dc\u00eb\u201a\u00e7\u00b5}\u201a\u00e7\u00a3\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)\u201a\u00e7\u222b}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNrShJzUtJTfn/v1qj@lHvVh1t/UPrjR61TQSyax/1LgZSmo96d9X@T3vUNuFRb9@jvqme/o@6mg@tNwYp6psaHOQMJEM8PIP/GyqkKRiZAgA \"APL (Dyalog Extended) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThe arguments are the initial sequence on the left, and the number of additional terms to generate on the right. The call can be made shorter by [replacing](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNrShJzUtJTfn/v1qj@lHvVh1t/UPrjR61TQSyax/1LgZSmoa1/9MetU141Nv3qG@qp/@jruZD641BSvqmBgc5A8kQD8/g/2kKRqYA \"APL (Dyalog Extended) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") the `\u201a\u00e7\u222b` with `1`, but then it can't generate an arbitrary sequence, only the one the question is actually about. Incidentally, replacing the `+` with a `-` will [produce the other half of the sequence](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNrShJzUtJTfn/v1qj@lHvVh1d/UPrjR61TQSyax/1LgZSmo96d9X@T3vUNuFRb9@jvqme/o@6mg@tNwYp6psaHOQMJEM8PIP/GygYKqQpGJkCAA \"APL (Dyalog Extended) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\").\nAs a bonus, the Java answer mentions Binet's formula (with rounding), which I [happened to have already written down](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNrShJzUtJTfn/v/pRT5eeqbbGo96tWo96V2g/6phxePuj3sW2QI6h5uHtplp6prX/0x61TXjU2/eob6qn/6Ou5kPrjR@1TQTygoOcgWSIh2fw/zSFR72bjUwB \"APL (Dyalog Extended) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") (23 characters):\n```\n{\u201a\u00e5\u00e4.5+(\u201a\u00e7\u00b5*\u201a\u00e7\u00ae+\u201a\u00e0\u00f2\u221a\u2211\u201a\u00e7\u00a3=\u201a\u00e7\u00ae1)\u221a\u22115*.5}\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python\n```\na,b,n=0,1,10\nwhile n:a,b,n=b,a+b,n-1;print b\n```\n[Answer]\nPython, 34 chars first variant, 31 chars for second variant, \n```\na,b=1,1\nwhile 1:print a;a,b=b,a+b\n```\nSecond variant:\n```\nf=lambda x:x<2 or f(x-2)+f(x-1)\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python O(1) Nth number, 91 char\n48 characters for the import, a newline, 42 for the rest. I know it's longer than most here and that the question is a bit old, but I looked through the answers and I didn't see any that use the constant-time floating-point calculation.\n```\nfrom math import trunc as t,pow as p,sqrt as s\nr=s(5);i=(1+r)/2;f=lambda n:t(p(i,n)/r+.5)\n```\nFrom there you call `f(n)` for the nth number in the sequence. Eventually it loses precision, and is only accurate up through `f(70)` (190,392,490,709,135). `i` is the constant Phi.\n[Answer]\n## Perl, 51 (Loopless)\nThe following code uses Binet's formula to give the Nth Fibonacci number without using any loops.\n```\nprint((($p=5**.5/2+.5)**($n=<>)-(-1/$p)**$n)/5**.5)\n```\n[Answer]\n## PHP - ~~109~~ ~~97~~ ~~88~~ 49 characters\n```\nF(){for(int c=1,s=1;;){s+=c=s-c;yield return c;}}\n```\nCould be reduced to 61 characters using non-generic `IEnumerable`. Of course, if you include the required `System.Collections.Generic`, then it's a few more characters.\n[Answer]\n# APL: 26 characters\nThis is a function which will print out the `n` and `n-1` Fibonacci numbers:\n```\n{({\u201a\u00e7\u00b5+.\u221a\u00f32 2\u201a\u00e7\u00a51 1 1 0}\u201a\u00e7\u00a3\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)0 1}\n```\nFor example,\n```\n{({\u201a\u00e7\u00b5+.\u221a\u00f32 2\u201a\u00e7\u00a51 1 1 0}\u201a\u00e7\u00a3\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)0 1}13\n```\nyields the vector:\n```\n233 144\n```\n[Answer]\n**Mathematica,26 chars**\n```\nIf[#>1,#0[#-1]+#0[#-2],#]&\n```\n[Answer]\n## F# - 42 chars\n```\nSeq.unfold(fun(a,b)->Some(a,(b,a+b)))(0,1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JAGL](https://github.com/globby/Jagl) V1.0 - 13 / 11\n```\n1d{cdc+dcPd}u\n```\nInfinite Fibonacci sequence. Or, if not required to print:\n11 bytes\n```\n1d{cdc+cd}u\n```\n[Answer]\n# Octave, 26 chars\n```\nf=@(n)([1 0]*[1 1;1 0]^n)(2)\n```\nBasically, a copy of my solution from [Calculating (3 + sqrt(5))^n exactly](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/48779/calculating-3-sqrt5n-exactly/48788#48788).\n![[a b] x [1 1 ;1 0] equals [a+b a]](https://i.stack.imgur.com/gKY9a.gif)\n, so\n![[f(1) f(0)] x [1 1 ;1 0]^n equals [f(n+1) f(n)]](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5TCJa.gif)\nIt's a disaster to do unnecessary\\* loops in Octave/Matlab. It's neither elegant, nor fast, let alone golfy.\n---\n\\*All loops that can be vectorized are unnecessary :).\n[Answer]\n# ArnoldC, 451 bytes\n```\nIT'S SHOWTIME\nHEY CHRISTMAS TREE a\nYOU SET US UP 1\nHEY CHRISTMAS TREE b\nYOU SET US UP 1\nHEY CHRISTMAS TREE c\nYOU SET US UP 1\nSTICK AROUND c\nTALK TO THE HAND a\nGET TO THE CHOPPER a\nHERE IS MY INVITATION a\nGET UP b\nENOUGH TALK\nTALK TO THE HAND b\nGET TO THE CHOPPER b\nHERE IS MY INVITATION b\nGET UP a\nENOUGH TALK\nGET TO THE CHOPPER c\nHERE IS MY INVITATION 1e300\nLET OFF SOME STEAM BENNET a\nENOUGH TALK\nCHILL\nYOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED\n```\nThis is actually my first ArnoldC program. Horrible for golfing, but great for lolz!\nProduces an stream of Fibonacci numbers up to 1.1253474885494065e+274.\n## Explanation\n```\nIT'S SHOWTIME #start program\nHEY CHRISTMAS TREE a #declare a...\nYOU SET US UP 1 #and set it to 1\nHEY CHRISTMAS TREE b #declare b...\nYOU SET US UP 1 #and set it to 1\nHEY CHRISTMAS TREE c #declare c...\nYOU SET US UP 1 #and set it to 1\nSTICK AROUND c #while c is truthy\nTALK TO THE HAND a #output a\nGET TO THE CHOPPER a #assign a to...\nHERE IS MY INVITATION a #a...\nGET UP b #plus b\nENOUGH TALK #end assignment\nTALK TO THE HAND b #output b\nGET TO THE CHOPPER b #assign b to...\nHERE IS MY INVITATION b #b...\nGET UP a #plus a\nENOUGH TALK #end assignment\nGET TO THE CHOPPER c #assign c to...\nHERE IS MY INVITATION 1e300 #whether 1e300...\nLET OFF SOME STEAM BENNET a #is greater than a (returns 0 or 1)\nENOUGH TALK #end assignment\nCHILL #end while\nYOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED #end program\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 28 bytes\n```\n->f{loop{f<f{loop{f<([1,1;1,0]^n)[1,2]\n```\nAlternate alternate solution (21 bytes):\n```\nn->imag(quadgen(5)^n)\n```\nI also posted all three solutions (in ungolfed form) to [Rosetta Code's Fibonacci page](http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Fibonacci_sequence#PARI.2FGP).\n[Answer]\n# Reng v.2.1, 18 bytes\n(Noncompeting, postdates question)\n```\n11{:nAo}#xxx:)+x5h\n```\n`11` initializes the stack with 2 `1`s. `{:nAo}#x` sets the command `x` to mean \"duplicate and output as number\" (`:n`) then \"output a newline\" (`Ao`, A = 10). Then, `xx` prints the initial 2 `1`s. `:` duplicates the TOS and `)` rotates the stack, so it becomes `b a b`. `+` adds the two figures, making it `b (a+b)`. `x` prints and leaves this new result on the stack. `5h` jumps back `5` spaces, and the loop continues.\n[Try it out here!](https://jsfiddle.net/Conor_OBrien/avnLdwtq/) [Or check out the github!](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/Assorted-Programming-Languages/tree/master/Reng)\n[Answer]\n# Fuzzy Octo Guacamole, 11 bytes\n```\n01(!aZrZo;)\n```\nThis takes the infinite route.\nExplanation:\n`01` pushes `0` and then `1` to the stack.\n`(` starts a infinite loop.\n`!` sets the register, saving the value on the top of the stack and storing it. It doesn't pop though.\n`a` adds the 2 values.\n`ZrZ` reverses the stack, pushes the register contents, and reverses again. This pushes the stored number to the *bottom* of the stack.\n`o;` peeks and prints.\n`)` ends the infinite loop.\nThen the whole things starts again from the `(`.\n---\nAs a a side note, this is quite fast to hit the max long size possible in Python. The last number it prints is `12200160415121876738`, and it repeats that forever.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 43 bytes\n```\ndef f(n):k=9**n;return k**-~-~n/~-(k*~-k)%k\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 23 bytes\n22 bytes, plus 1 for `-nE` instead of `-e`.\n```\nsay$.-=$b+=$.*=-1;redo\n```\n[Hat tip.](http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PerlGolf)\n[Answer]\n# [Cylon](https://github.com/tkaden4/Cylon) (Non-Competing), 12 bytes\nThe language is in development, Im just putting this up here.\n```\n1:\u221a\u220f\u221a\u00e5[:\u221a\u00a8+\u221a\u00c5])r\n```\nAn explanation:\n```\n1 ;pushes a 1 to the stack\n: ;duplicates the top of the stack\n\u221a\u220f ;reads a number from stdin, pushing it to the stack\n\u221a\u00e5 ;non-pushing loop, doesn't push counter to the stack, but deletes it\n[ ;start of function, to be pushed to the stack\n : ;duplicate top of stack\n \u221a\u00a8 ;rotate the stack, moving the copy to the back\n + ;replaces top two objects on the stack with their sum\n \u221a\u00c5 ;push the result to the shadowing stack (non-consuming)\n] ;end of function\n) ;switch to shadowed stack\nr ;standard library call, reverses a stack\n ;stack implicitly printed\n```\n[Answer]\n# bc, 21\n```\nfor(b=1;b=a+(a=b);)a\n```\nThe trailing newline is significant.\nOutputs the entire sequence. `bc` has arbitrary precision arithmetic, so this continues forever.\n[Answer]\n# [OIL](https://github.com/L3viathan/OIL), 46 bytes\nThis program writes an infinite unstoppable stream of fibonacci numbers. It is mostly copied from the standard library but fit to the requirements and golfed. \n```\n14\nadd\n17\n17\n14\nswap\n17\n17\n4\n17\n11\n6\n0\n0\n1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 30 bytes\n```\nf=lambda n:n<3or f(n-2)+f(n-1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/P802JzE3KSVRIc8qz8Y4v0ghTSNP10hTG0QZav4vKMrMK9HITSzQSNNRKErMS0/VMNRRMDLV1NT8DwA \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nOne catch: this outputs `True` instead of `1`. This is allowed by [this meta consensus](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9067).\n[Answer]\n# [Gaia](https://github.com/splcurran/Gaia), 6 [bytes](https://github.com/splcurran/Gaia/blob/master/codepage.md)\n```\n0\u201a\u00c7\u00c5@+\u201a\u00c7\u00e5\u201a\u00c7\u00ec\n```\nI might make a built-in for this in the future, but built-ins are boring anyway.\n### Explanation\n```\n0\u201a\u00c7\u00c5 Push 0 and 1\n @ Push an input\n +\u201a\u00c7\u00e5\u201a\u00c7\u00ec Add the top two stack elements, without popping them, (input) times\n Implicitly print the top stack element.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~49~~ 40 chars\n```\na,b=0,1\nexec\"a,b=b,b+a;\"*input()\nprint b\n```\n### Function form, 44 chars\n```\ndef f(n):a,b=0,1;exec\"a,b=b,b+a;\"*n;return b\n```\nMy take on this challenge. Didn't find this kind of an answer yet. I hope it's a valid one.\nPrint's n:th Fibonacci number. Functions by multiplying the string inside exec n times and then executing it as Python. \nEdit: input() instead of int(raw\\_input())\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Challenge\nSo, um, it seems that, while we have plenty of challenges that work with square numbers or numbers of other shapes, we don't have one that simply asks:\nGiven an integer `n` (where `n>=0`) as input return a truthy value if `n` is a perfect square or a falsey value if not.\n---\n## Rules\n* You may take input by any reasonable, convenient means as long as it's permitted by [standard I/O rules](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/2447/58974).\n* You need not handle inputs greater than what your chosen language can natively handle nor which would lead to floating point inaccuracies.\n* Output should be one of two consistent truthy/falsey values (e.g., `true` or `false`, `1` or `0`) - truthy if the input is a perfect square, falsey if it's not.\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") so lowest byte count wins.\n---\n## Test Cases\n```\nInput: 0\nOutput: true\nInput: 1\nOutput: true\nInput: 64\nOutput: true\nInput: 88\nOutput: false\nInput: 2147483647\nOutput: false\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Ohm](https://github.com/nickbclifford/Ohm), 2 bytes\n```\n\u00c6\u00b2\n```\nUses `CP-437` encoding.\n## Explanation\nImplicit Input -> Perfect square built-in -> Implicit Output...\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 20 bytes\n```\nn->Math.sqrt(n)%1==0\n```\nInput is an `int`.\n[Try it here.](https://tio.run/##hY7BCoJAEEDvfcVcgt2DkhAhiP2BXjxGh3Hdak1nzR2FCL/d1vIaXQZm3oM3NY4Y2E5TXd1n1aBzkKGh1wbAEOv@gkpDvqwApbWNRgIlPAKSib9OGz8cIxsFORCkMFNwzJBvoXv0LEhuozTdzcnidUPZeG/VR2sqaH1MFNwbup7OgPJbKp6OdRvagcPOI25IUKhEJD/Nn/yw/yPEsVy/nuY3)\n[Answer]\n# [Add++](https://github.com/SatansSon/AddPlusPlus), ~~24~~ ~~13~~ 11 bytes\n```\n+?\nS\n%1\nN\nO\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xJKSj4/1/bnitOz5RL1ZDLj8v/////RoYm5iYWxmYm5gA \"Add++ \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI removed the clunky function at the top and rewrote it into the body of the question to remove 11 bytes.\nAs the first section is already explained below, let's only find out how the new part works\n```\nS Square root\n%1 Modulo by 1. Produced 0 for integers and a decimal for floats\nN Logical NOT\n```\n## Old version, 24 bytes\n```\nD,i,@,1@%!\n+?\n^.5\n$i,x\nO\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xJKSj4/99FJ1PHQcfQQVWRS9ueK07PlEslU6eCy/////9GhibmJhbGZibmAA \"Add++ \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe function at the top (`D,i,@,1@%!`) is the main part of the program, so let's go into more detail.\n```\nD, Create a function...\n i, ...called i...\n @, ...that takes 1 argument (for this example, let's say 3.162 (root 10))\n 1 push 1 to the stack; STACK = [1, 3.162]\n @ reverse the stack; STACK = [3.162, 1]\n % modulo the stack; STACK = [0.162]\n ! logical NOT; STACK = [False]\n+? Add the input to accumulator (x)\n^.5 Square root (exponent by 0.5)\n$i,x Apply function i to x\nO Output the result\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), ~~28 27~~ 25 bytes\n* Thanks to @mdahmoune for 1 byte: compare int of root squared with original\n* 2 bytes saved: lambda shortened\n```\nlambda x:int(x**.5)**2==x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUaHCKjOvRKNCS0vPVFNLy8jWtuJ/QRFIKE3DUFOTC8Y2QmIbI7EtkdWgaDDV1PwPAA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), 12 bytes\n```\n{_),2f##)!!}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP1flPm/Ol5TxyhNWVlTUbH2f91/MxMA \"CJam \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript on NodeJS & Chrome, 51 bytes\n```\n// OLD: t=n=>{i=Number.isSafeInteger;return i(n)&&i(n**.5)}\ni=Number.isSafeInteger;t=n=>i(n)&&i(n**.5) \n// TestCases:\nlet l=console.log;l(`t(1): ${t(1)}; t(64): ${t(64)}; t(88): ${t(88)};`)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYhBCsIwEEX3niILKUnBgKBSDHHvxo0XaKxjiYwTSaZuSs4eo3Tz/3vv6T4uDdG/eUPhDqWwJXuavb1MrxtE7dPVPeBMDCNEE4GnSMJLUk1Tt231XuUVAgu0Q6AUEDSG0aDsWW7VUazn32cjWB52i1f4h65bQoVselVK@QI \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Python, ~~53~~ ~~50~~ ~~49~~ ~~48~~ ~~49~~ 48 bytes\nThis should in theory work for an input of any size. Returns `True` if the given number is a square, `False` otherwise.\n```\nf=lambda n,x=0:x<=n if~-(x<=n!=x*x)else f(n,x+1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RcrRCsIgFMbx@57iRDdaC7SJk8iHsU2Z4NxwBnbTq5sS2N35/b@zveO8@j5nI51anpMC3yVJ7ukhPVjzuaJ6HWU6J6zdrsGg8nChOG/B@ohIVwrB@PAjraSNnFVz1oIQNQjRwo2ygYmes6EOf2EMcIKgx1fY7erB2cXGYjXOespf \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation:\n```\nf= # assign a name so we can call it\n lambda n,x=0: # counter variable x\n x<=n # counter bigger than input?\n if~-( ) # \"negate\" inner condition\n x<=n # counter not bigger\n n!=x*x # and n not square of x\n else f(n,x+1) # else recurse\n```\nThe condition is just a de-Morgan'd `if x>n or n==x**2`, i.e. we return if the counter is bigger than the input, or we found a proof for squareness.\nSaved 1 byte thanks to G\u00e1bor Fekete.\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 6 bytes\n```\n;ur\u2642\u00b2c\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0wuKU3Myan8/9@6tOjRzKZDm5L//zcAAA \"Actually \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-2 bytes from Erik the Outgolfer\nExplanation:\n```\n;ur\u2642\u00b2c\n;ur range(n+1) ([0, n])\n \u2642\u00b2 square each element\n c does the list contain the input?\n```\nThis takes a while for large inputs - TIO will timeout.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~66~~ ~~43~~ 42 bytes\n```\nf(float n){return!(sqrt(n)-(int)sqrt(n));}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PctBCsIwEEDRfU8xVoQZMCKCq4h3CUnTBpKpJtNV6dWNFYLL/@BbNVpbj4FtXNzwKOLCfJme3V@SkekHHn2cjZDuAgskExhphVfey2N/cv0ZPN7uBKQhD7JkhquGrbYPmNbGByzvLMikcJ@pBemt1o/10Yylqpi@ \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThanks to TheLethalCoder for the tip!\n@hvd Thanks for saving a byte!\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 26 bytes\n```\n!([math]::Sqrt(\"$args\")%1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Xc7RCoIwFAbg@z3FaczYwCBrqAhB79BlREgd82KZbpMC89nXMDPw3P3f@Q@c@vFEbUpUyrECdtC5BT/ec1uesuzQaMspy/XNUBFEwvWE7DkBPyFfh8CsblGMOZrlWM4gTT0UuTKTbCKZyHQby@S/EfCGALqhwSrv@KrxYvHqf2PnL2s0rbIelv5lVg1IGR99hc10JLJfm5LefQA \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# MIPS, 112 bytes\n```\nmain:li $v0,7\nsyscall\nsqrt.d $f0,$f0\nmfc1 $a0,$f0\nli $v0,1\nbeqz $a0,t\nli $a0,0\nsyscall\nb e\nt:li $a0,1\nsyscall\ne:\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Ky7IzP3/PzcxM88qJ1NBpcxAx5yruLI4OTEnh6u4sKhEL0VBJc1AB4i5ctOSDRVUEiEcqGJDrqTUwiqwaAlYDMgwgBuQpJDKVWIFFTaEC6da/f9vZPIfAA \"Assembly (MIPS, SPIM) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs `1` if the input is square, `0` if not.\n## Explanation\n```\nmain:li $v0,7 #Start of program. Load service 7 (read input as float to $f0). \n #Input can be an integer, but MIPS will interpret it as a float.\nsyscall #Execute.\nsqrt.d $f0,$f0 #Overwrite $f0 with its square root, stored as a double.\nmfcl $a0,$f0 #Move $f0 to $a0.\nli $v0,1 #Load service 1 (print int from $a0).\nbeqz $a0,t #Branch to label 't' if $a0 = 0. Otherwise continue.\n#If input is non-square...\nli $a0,0 #Load 0 into $a0.\nsyscall #Execute (print $a0).\nb e #Branch to label 'e'.\n#If input is square...\nt:li $a0,1 #Start of label 't'. Load 1 into $a0.\nsyscall #Execute (print $a0).\ne: #Start of label 'e'. Used to avoid executing 't' when input isn't square.\n```\nA double in MIPS is 16 hexes. It shares its address with a float containing its low-order 8 hexes (`$f0` in this case). The high-order hexes are stored in the next register (`$f1`), also as a float.\n```\n float double \n$f0 0000 0000 1111 1111 0000 0000\n$f1 1111 1111\n```\nTaking the square root of a non-square number requires the entire double in order to be stored, meaning the high and low floats are populated. The square root of a square number only needs a few hexes from the double to be stored, and it is stored specifically in its high-order hexes. This means the low float is left at `0`.\nIf the low float equals `0`, the input is a square number.\n[Answer]\n# [Whitespace](https://web.archive.org/web/20150618184706/http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/tutorial.php), 95 bytes\n```\n[S S S N\n_Push_0][S N\nS _Duplicate_top][T N\nT T _Read_STDIN_as_integer][N\nS S N\n_Create_Label_LOOP][S N\nS _Duplicate_top][S N\nS _Duplicate_top][T S S N\n_Multiply_top_two][S S S N\n_Push_0][T T T _Retrieve_input][S N\nT _Swap_top_two][T S S T _Subtract][S N\nS _Duplicate_top][N\nT S S N\n_If_0_jump_to_Label_TRUE][N\nT T T N\n_If_negative_jump_to_Label_FALSE][S S S T N\n_Push_1][T S S S _Add][N\nS N\nN\n_Jump_to_Label_LOOP][N\nS S S N\n_Create_Label_TRUE][S S S T N\n_Push_1][T N\nS T _Print_as_integer][N\nN\nN\n_Stop_program][N\nS S T N\n_Create_Label_FALSE][S S S N\n_Push_0][T N\nS T _Print_as_integer]\n```\nLetters `S` (space), `T` (tab), and `N` (new-line) added as highlighting only. \n`[..._some_action]` added as explanation only.\nOutputs `1`/`0` for truthy/falsey respectively. A few bytes could be saved if something like `00`/`0` for truthy/falsey is allowed instead.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##JYxRCoBACES/x1N4iOg@EQv1FxR0fHfeijg4b9T/ur/xPsc5qjIzXAopesQhbklIGjiBgoiEA8ZabMKbBdTX9lX7NgE) (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).\n**Explanation in pseudo-code:**\n```\nRead STDIN as integer, and store it in the heap\nInteger i = 0\nStart LOOP:\n Integer temp = i*i - input from heap\n If(temp == 0):\n Call function TRUE\n If(temp < 0):\n Call function FALSE\n i = i + 1\n Go to next iteration of LOOP\nfunction TRUE:\n Print 1 as integer\n Stop program\nfunction FALSE:\n Print 0 as integer\n (implicitly stop the program with an error)\n```\n*Here a port of this approach in Java:*\n```\nint func(int input){\n for(int i=0; /*infinite loop*/; i++){\n int m = input - i*i;\n if(m==0) return 1;\n if(m<1) return 0;\n }\n}\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##XVBBboMwELznFaOcDCgJRFUVlfKEnnJse3AJVJvCGuF1pKrK2ykYtyU9eOWZ2d0Z7Vlf9OZ8@hiGstHW4kkTf60AK1qoBLGgdlyq6UPcOYkmFahNP3NFmmMXE9fEJBUaY7p4l4OSJHTCL2lRzPPYgGLKf6RatUWRRugrcT0jWwqP2S@fzvx1Nb2xdO6tGeOFlBdDJ7RjcnWUnvj9@RU6uEtlRaVR/geyJbi/W6LD4aZxn93CvYfef2ns1f/3OX5aqdqtcbLtxkjSsPJysn7Ai6yTcNRpIGy9DsM3)\n[Answer]\n# [Rockstar](https://codewithrockstar.com/), 55 bytes\nFirst time posting a solution to one of my own challenges, if you'll forgive me the indulgence.\nOutputs `1` for truthy or nothing for falsey.\n```\nlisten to N\nX's0\nwhile N-X\nlet X be+1\nif X*X is N\nsay 1\n```\n[Try it here](https://codewithrockstar.com/online) (Code will need to be pasted in)\n[Answer]\n# [V (vim)](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), 34 bytes\n```\nC=sqrt(\")\n:s/.\\+\\.0\\n\n:s/.\\+/1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/v/39nGWbfIzra4sKhEA8xU0uSySS1OtrMq1teL0Y7RM4jJ44Kw9Q25/v83NPivWwYA \"V (vim) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nReturns empty string for a square, `1` for non-square.\n## Explanation\n```\nC=sqrt(\")\nC cut the input line, enter insert mode\n = evaluate the following math command:\n sqrt( ) square root of\n \" cut input line in register \"\n:s/.\\+\\.0\\n/\n exit insert mode\n :s/.\\+\\.0\\n/ remove instance of .0 \n this removes a perfect square root.\n:s/.\\+/1 replace any other non-newline chars left with\n a single 1.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Knight, ~~32~~ ~~33~~ ~~32~~ 30 bytes\n```\n;=i+1=xP;W!>0=i-i 1|-^i 2xQ1Q0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rVldU9tKEn22f8XgFLbGlhNJsFW3MDJFciFFLYEEks0D@AYhyzC1suyVZAgL7F/Pdvd8aGSb7Gb38mBZM6d7us/0dPeYuH8Txz9eiSxOF@NktyjHYvb6dti0R1JxXRuKy4d5sgTKRXZTGyrFVGLGyURkCUtTls6yG/pomtHPJ18@ML96Pf98xoLq9W/7Z2y7ej08ecd@q17PvjC/Ah8en1vYky/HFvTLyYf98786BWcOfrTZv/y/cDO7fw7Lysn4NspZl1cCNgpsNSqGQ7ZdzZ0cfMXJDCbJoyeG33d3lzC4DGHQTcCkKUdgDfP29PSYQPixR07uoG@WIWfvJQDkLVvvonSRcH6RjXizSX7ArlyMwrPWwemh82MQip4ffv84@Lox9ELRF8x/6v8hWPD9k//J@8EB1BpIuS4IJtGUhahh0GzCMvMoLxKHs8dmQ2QlE4NmA0ZpSZd1J4sshhESjuG9nM7dYp5dBKPw0XO9Z9DREKCO8PD0cODNG1Qv5uz@VpRJMY/ipNmA72niwDiIO9IMl7Uuy8vscnKZs8fni5HDd161OJnSEBPmGGtD1nnV4Uyq0KMbMHqZwXCvJ0fAzkaSFok98CzNiW@T@O9sMstZtpheJ3mh7GGOKMbiRpRaK6yO7viu8Ug@u8z3WI91leW9Hmd91vE6sARaKjjLk3KRZ0wHiRSjOBks23AX5SK6ThNtBRiRzu6T3IlhPW0Ie3pi2riY3mIi4luHK3rEGtdF6LuwR6EZXrIOj50KT4Bk48XcwS1litM@g7dVg2USKKQ2acZlp1PZ1OrITQNh8MAYxUAJJA34DpbNo6Jk5W0CyqK8BLDagK5mFDc05uiJNtY6Sy8aC58@p41uVGSQ@Ri6pZhlYDZGrDcC02LNSLGYz5FwrqNKj9j02/EHtFtkow4dyvMM4hgSGEauslyy8rljTrkcOMQBTGY7mMTQTB1klP@kqw7ajaZGaTqLnW3P9Tk6iMPGCXIwW6RplD/Yjlb7c2Ztz8eOsYwWVPKLbEmalvBxCZUU1nm6f/D23dWnjePfTy2HbbXXYq3eYFXvRk3x@6PzFzSWSU4qo2zM/rGI9CuqvbOX2FpdQhLwvmO4OFrDBQlv14XrmGdKlfkiwx0aqCTcLWeFo3MlHQAI7VLEjGavF5OLYHuk7JAb3ab0YAwo5nCsyokDUPB/M03HLZ13qAi5qGRZARwKo0CWN7l@DbfL/K26n@g8xuIea5X5ImlBDJpxDEkYn0SQQXCihZHVqkhAP9F3VYeIjm9vZ7MUZq7rDLzoa@XWzxzq/rpHtpnXK2amaGP2p9oIQVvO0tSxTXWZ50KF@B9MzlZMxir8Yf/jiYu1WAYavB5d@J7nQTiBK/Cq3wrxz@RbyfAxsGLU8hYZgDcXPwL63Ap9XdIxw2FVxwd9BvKxBYDDo@ODLptAchw0TGir9TANx9HcTZOMOgCLK90mSc7g3L1ExrIg1iYsbVhwHEG9BNTiXeJiAEVF4KTJG/F0vrQDRJIYVSkEaRIjXKa4F2V863SBmZWuCjhi6i/GOtXZ7@wwXEUCQiQU@zLIwrxNTin1qjOshSwfUBWuENR@ljmWLupAL0b8sQozaKAot8uFz2Dhuu4cMp7D2973Cf5VyI@ABK2So5ukTKF5dNq0l23cISyRY5HxgZg4Du0nNgTxbY62uBCnnMttDr3BWlvhwakNkOsdyPVk54jZQBEy0PYiSSp3Vla@rfyReDPzrppBSZtig7kCDEYDxF84n82TzLEWdlt5i1oFsCqcykoJ8RgG3vZvNK6aC0d2JBMwfYxOQQsHIetifwdw6B3oDdeApXV4OTDIeiG1QnhiAckV3aCH1iKqUUM3ZIHds1Q0Vp58Ak@S79DG4Wlf8XOjtut0R9jATLYCPF4JD1glrfNiwX/v7Kg@cU0gm8ynKlDrhNpiB2sQ10VoONzmVWO5kg616Dk1h85mgYL1w7AqDHRC62OvC5mUtyqonsDykkSZUvtSCVM1y94BlVsUC6cVC3gw5MUHSZP7WaOOtdt0ser3ETqSbe4ltdsNbdbm624B9jjwxpk@arll/qIs9O6bmJC9njSoZwyiPAn5ElMyhpa1PbKbbtR3W95SEQ19P9OxFMg9x/6XDoPcAELhMJ7yUHsZ8PWhGkelfqiu0@9VNHH9HXVx6EZdepYqRyi/@ivRaUU7tup1e6VQt9qdNSwsl@c1PHRXeJD7uo6F6RrXuoQJbSUkADXIoQwZdi7hkoegQb9P@hRRVDKXN1oyWtZO/5ufEvNmPTGbPxXaXC/0B7FZc0heHWgssL0cKNol6yHr@4ZlwgL1Ppyzvg9nzLfBwS@idyE91rBhiFBad0ePeJpyIjoYeorrgFO70g2J/@bygaBJcgXuCJRgscTAd7wy3CZ50ilYNoMeWqSlyNh99AC8sfEM7qRlcpPkIDOfZUlWighvEXCSZ@w@YbfRXQJApQjhJZtG2QLC5@E1jqJ318g4UEFMFIu0xB8NaHGT8DSkb2P0kkuU2XIGsqQe9b2M9F42xMB2ayiP7udRirXxAbzOxmkyZleV2VdGyyN@k42ZtUjlzBCV9fv6nRO8oaBdy/Rnkwd3KViXCh8mvVpeDOtZcY/Zh3/XPgYouqN@f2szCdhjtUaRBl1mZUPU4UlJXXIDWQcQuxFCtbG6oCEcSgyt2Xi2w6bJNJ5jmGVseLX3/7oy/BNcGWpXNtb4EipflCt7L7MvV11jMk7vsRogMIhAF9CNdXZWL8Y9nXlsBca8dpX@0Jd1tWHPllSpxMg//TfyKgdZaoz8oLNjo2tt7jI2rLJuffqXLzK6t61uMohr1G4zJhUSBjWOwpq0lSZRAhG9nhGTJn8F9@SvXnajWfOO2b2LEjuqd@0IteT3gp0ti5b38soQWh1Wzy5Aq3ekTF08XHMWtmoN7bkkeknpYLnkBetK3hY3fUBgpLdp8D80RGgYPnErYtP8m3bI7o0C8BBX7fnYJFGDIONfTtKDED11EmD1cTKJIEmCZ7rDFBlMijH9iBTFJZSpzmbcwZ4TRzh74RaLykwNhG5Q/ZAwjUSGzSqL8pvYJaXdLny/4/hzFd0v8d85jkfW1K9xzz/8fwM \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input from standard in, outputs by error code (1 if input is square, 0 otherwise).\nExpanded code:\n```\n;=i +1 (=x PROMPT)\n;WHILE !> 0(=i -i 1)\n | (-(^i 2) x)\n QUIT 1\nQUIT 0\n```\n---\n+1 bytes from @Jonah because I somehow didn't notice this failed on input `1` \n-2 bytes from @Jonah by using short circuit evaluation of `|` instead of `IF`\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 5 bytes\n```\n/^R2h\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%2F%5ER2h&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=0%0A1%0A64%0A88&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# [QBIC](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0R1Jgqp8Gg4cVJCZkRkdEthZDQ), ~~16~~ 18 bytes\n```\n[:|~b/a=a|_Xq}?b=0\n```\n*Added two bytes for 0-case*\nThis runs through `i = 1 ... n` to see if `n / i == i`. Prints `1` if such an `i` is found, prints `-1` for `N=0` and `0` in all other cases. Both `1` and `-1` are considered truthy in QBasic (`-1` being the actual value for true, but `IF (n)` only is false on `n=0`).\n[Answer]\n# J, 8 bytes\n```\n(=~<.)%:\n```\nExplanation:\n* `%:` square root\n* `=~` is the argument equal to itself\n* `<.` floor of\n* `=~<.` a J hook, which modifies the right argument by applying `<.`\n* so, \"is the floor of the square root equal to itself?\"\nNote: If we want to save the above to a variable as a verb, we must do, eg:\n```\nissq=.(=~<.)@%:\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 33 bytes\n```\n#define f(x)sqrt(x)==(int)sqrt(x)\n```\nTakes an integer `x`. Checks if the square root of `x` is the square root of `x` rounded to an integer.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@r5yZl5xTmpKqYJObWJKhl2H3XzklNS0zL1UhTaNCs7iwqARI2dpqZOaVwHj/cxMz8zQ0qwuKgIJpGkqqKUo6aRpmJpqa1rX/AQ)\n[Answer]\n# [Pari/GP](http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/), 8 bytes\n```\nissquare\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gsytRNL/ifpmCr8D@zuLiwNLEo9X9afpFGHlDEUEfB0MBAR6GgKDOvRCNPR0FJQddOQUlHIU0jT1NT8z8A \"Pari/GP \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, 3 bytes\n```\n,$P\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=%2C%24P&input=3)\n```\n, - sqrt(input)\n $ - float(^)\n P - is_int(^)\n```\nThis could be two bytes (and is in older versions) if Pyke didn't helpfully automatically cast the results of sqrt to an integer if it's a square number.\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 8 bytes\n```\n\u00ac\ufe6a\uff38\uff2e\u00b7\u2075\u00a6\u00b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5///Qmvc7V73fs@P9nnWHtj9q3Hpo2aGd//@b/NfN/G/43/K/oel/I4P/uvn/dcHwPwA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\u00ac Not\n \ufe6a \u00a6\u00b9 Modulo 1\n \uff38 \u00b7\u2075 To the power of .5\n \uff2e Next input as number, \n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~5~~ 3 bytes\n```\nt.\u00ef\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f@/xOXw@kcNuw53/P9vyQUA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n~~Longer than @Erik's but just wanted to give it a shot.~~\nNow shorter than Erik's but fails for large numbers...\n# Explanation\n```\nt # square roots the input\n .\u00ef # checks if number on stack is an int\n # implicit output of result (0 or 1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# **Python 3,** ~~39~~ 38 Bytes\n```\nlambda n:n in(i*i for i in range(n+1))\n```\n@mathmandan I had the same idea, and this implementation is 1 byte shorter. I wanted to comment on your post but do not yet have 50 reputation. I hope you see this!\nThis is just brute force, and I did not get it to complete `2147483647` in a \n reasonable amount of time.\nThanks @DJMcMayhem for suggesting i remove the space after `in`\n[Try it Online](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUSHPKk8hM08jUytTIS2/SCETyFEoSsxLT9XI0zbU1PxfUJSZV6KRpgFkc8HYRkhsYyS2JbIaFA2mSBwzEySOhQXQDgA)\n[Answer]\n# Excel, ~~18~~ 16 bytes\n```\n=MOD(A1^0.5,1)=0\n```\n[Answer]\n# Common Lisp, 30 bytes\n```\n(defun g(x)(=(mod(sqrt x)1)0))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S87JLC74/18jJTWtNE8hXaNCU8NWIzc/RaO4sKhEoULTUNNAU/O/RkFRZl6Jgka6gpkJkAsA)\nor, with the same length,\n```\n(defun g(x)(integerp(sqrt x)))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 22+3 = 25 bytes\n```\n01-\\:*=n;\n(?!\\1+::*{:}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/38BQN8ZKyzbPmkvDXjHGUNvKSqvaqvb///@6ZQqGZgA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\nInput is expected on the stack at program start, so +3 bytes for the `-v` flag.\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 16 bytes\n```\n->n{n**0.5%1==0}\n```\nTrivial solution.\n[Answer]\n# [tinylisp](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/tinylisp), 67 bytes\n```\n(load library\n(d S(q((n)(contains?(map(q((x)(* x x)))(c 0(1to n)))n\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FYo5DoAgEEV7T/HLP1ZYWHsITzAuMSQ4KFLA6VHLt2RvNfjnao0h6obgl6Spdtww8yZNuEbL6u2ZeOr1uyLsUVBEvgjHIUfYB9b@AzOY1I4dDqMTaS8 \"tinylisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\nGenerates a list of numbers from 0 through `n`, maps a lambda function that squares each one, and checks if `n` is in the resulting list of squares. Wildly inefficient, of course.\n---\nHere's a 77-byte solution that doesn't use the library and runs an order of magnitude faster:\n```\n(d _(q((x n s)(i(e n s)1(i(l n s)0(_(a x 1)n(a s(a x(a x 1\n(d S(q((n)(_ 0 n 0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JYuxDYQwEARzqthwLzMBlbgA6xAIWfLfg/0BVO8/INpZaeaX7Sq57b1zQeJBnjA0Yeb6wOhUHgpMVJwYxXzbze8fPI13asKE4HLoLF9dUPJctV4y8KM7IljVttWVKYj0Pw \"tinylisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis one uses a helper function `_` which tracks a counter `x` and its square `s`. At each level of recursion, we return success if `s` equals `n` and failure if `s` is greater than `n`; otherwise, if `s` is still less than `n`, we recurse, incrementing `x` and calculating the next `s` by the formula `(x+1)^2 = x^2 + x + x + 1`.\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 0.6](http://julialang.org/), 12 bytes\n```\nn->\u221an%1==0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0@19s@z9P1@5Rx6w8VUNbW4P/BUWZeSU5eRrFehqGVkYGmpr/AQ \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPretty straightforward, having the Unicode `\u221a` for square-root saves a few bytes. \n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## Challenge\nA [repdigit](https://oeis.org/wiki/Repdigit_numbers) is a non-negative integer whose digits are all equal.\nCreate a function or complete program that takes a single integer as input and outputs a truthy value if the input number is a repdigit in base 10 and falsy value otherwise.\nThe input is guaranteed to be a *positive* integer.\nYou may take and use input as a string representation in base 10 with impunity.\n## Test cases\nThese are all repdigits below 1000.\n```\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n11\n22\n33\n44\n55\n66\n77\n88\n99\n111\n222\n333\n444\n555\n666\n777\n888\n999\n```\nA larger list can be found [on OEIS](https://oeis.org/A010785).\n## Winning\nThe shortest code in bytes wins. That is not to say that clever answers in verbose languages will not be welcome.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 1 byte\n```\n=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/3/b/f0NDQwA \"Brachylog \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis acts on integers.\nFrom [`src/predicates.pl#L1151`](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog/blob/master/src/predicates.pl#L1151):\n```\nbrachylog_equal('integer':0, 'integer':0, 'integer':0).\nbrachylog_equal('integer':0, 'integer':I, 'integer':I) :-\n H #\\= 0,\n integer_value('integer':_:[H|T], I),\n brachylog_equal('integer':0, [H|T], [H|T]).\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~33~~ ~~30~~ 29 bytes\n```\nf(n){n=n%100%11?9/n:f(n/10);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9NI0@zOs82T9XQwEDV0NDeUj/PCiimb2igaV37PzcxM09Dk6uaizMtv0gjM69EIU/BVsHQGkjZKAB1GABZ2tqaXJycIHMU1NQUCoqAqtI0lFRLY/KUdBTyNK25av8DAA \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [COBOL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COBOL), 139 BYTES\nI feel like COBOL doesn't get any love in code golfing (probably because there is no way it could win) but here goes:\n```\nIF A = ALL '1' OR ALL '2' OR ALL '3' OR ALL '4' OR ALL '5' OR\nALL '6' OR ALL '7' OR ALL '8' OR ALL '9' DISPLAY \"TRUE\" ELSE \nDISPLAY \"FALSE\".\n```\nA is defined as a PIC 9(4). \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 1 byte\n```\n\u221a\u00e3\n```\nChecks if all digits are equal\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//cPf//yYmJgA \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 25, 24 19 bytes.\n```\nlen({*input()})>1>t\n```\nA stdin => error code variant.\nReturns error code 0 if it's a repdigit - or an error on failure.\nThanks to Dennis for helping me in the comments.\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 15 bytes\n```\nall=<<(==).head\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P802MSfH1sZGw9ZWUy8jNTHlf25iZp6CrUJBUWZeiYKKQm5igUKaQrSSoZKOgpIhmDQ2NgZzjCBiRmAxICf2PwA \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Takes string input.\nEquivalent to `\\s->all(==head s)s`. Narrowly beats out alternatives:\n```\nf s=all(==s!!0)s\nf s=s==(s!!0<$s)\nf(h:t)=all(==h)t\nf(h:t)=(h<$t)==t\nf s=(s<*s)==(s*>s)\nf(h:t)=h:t==t++[h]\n```\n[Answer]\n## Mathematica, 27 bytes\n```\nAtomQ@Log10[9#/#~Mod~10+1]&\n```\nIt doesn't beat `Equal@@IntegerDigits@#&`, but it beats the other arithmetic-based Mathematica solution.\nRepdigits are of the form **n = d (10m-1) / 9** where **m** is the number of digits and **d** is the repeated digit. We can recover **d** from **n** by taking it modulo 10 (because if it's a rep digit, it's last digit will be **d**). So we can just rearrange this as **m = log10(9 n / (n % 10) + 1)** and check whether **m** is an integer.\n[Answer]\n# [Slashalash](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Slashalash), 110 bytes\n```\n/11/1//22/2//33/3//44/4//55/5//66/6//77/7//88/8//99/9//1/.//2/.//3/.//4/.//5/.//6/.//7/.//8/.//9/.//T..///.//T\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcuxDYAwDAXRjTglThxnDxagQKKgy/4y@TRP19x6r/XcK5NSKFArFcwwaI0GvdPBHYcxGBBBwJxM9nLsSZhoogsXQ4SY4jw2f2R@ \"/// \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThe /// language doesn't have any concept of truthy and falsey, so this outputs \"T\" if the input is a repdigit, and does not output any characters if the input is not a repdigit.\n[Answer]\n## C (gcc), 41 bytes\n```\nf(char*s){s=!s[strspn(s,s+strlen(s)-1)];}\n```\nThis is a function that takes input as a string and returns `1` if it is a repdigit and `0` otherwise.\nIt does this by making use of the `strspn` function, which takes two strings and returns the length of the longest prefix of the first string consisting of only characters from the second string. Here, the first string is the input, and the second string is the last digit of the input, obtained by passing a pointer to the last character of the input string.\nIff the input is a repdigit, then the result of the call to `strspn` will be `strlen(s)`. Then, indexing into `s` will return a null byte if this is the case (`str[strlen(str)]` is always `\\0`) or the first digit that doesn't match the last digit otherwise. Negating this with `!` results in whether `s` represents a repdigit.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYzBDoIwEETvfMVKYrILJSkHT8iXqIdarTaBQrp4Inx7XQgmzmUmmTdjq5e1KTm0bxMLppnbA194ijwGZMWlxO4pkaqabs2SeuMDEswZiNYRFPePgxZ603WDxRM1W@WGCOjDBF463YidodZaUln6334Vj1Ewh/KiID8@cgV@/1jlHeBWEsFOCnQNf9gC2ZK@ \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThanks to @Dennis for indirectly reminding me of the assign-instead-of-return trick via his [insanely impressive answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/125150/3808), saving 4 bytes!\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~2~~ 1 byte\n```\nE\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AVsApP9qZWxsef//Rf/It@G5vuKCrCDDh8OQZiBZIOG4t@KAnCBHZW5lcmF0ZSBbIjEiLCAuLi4sICIxMDAwIl0sIGZpbHRlciBieSB0aGUgY29kZSwgZGlzcGxheS7/ \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## PHP, ~~25~~ ~~28~~ 25\n```\n f <- function(x)grepl(\"^(.)\\\\1*$\",x)\n> x <- c(\"1\", \"2\", \"11\", \"12\", \"100\", \"121\", \"333\")\n> f(x)\n[1] TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE\n```\n[Answer]\n## Regex (ECMAScript), 31 bytes\n```\n^(x{0,9})((x+)\\3{8}(?=\\3$)\\1)*$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tc3NTsJAFEDhV8GGhHspHVowRqkDKxdsWOhSNJmUy/TqMNPMjFD5efaKCxO351ucD7VXofLcxCw0vCG/c/aTvjsvLR16z6Sf2gbgKOfjYfcO7SkfPVwQoE1xPT3dX2Ah19M@rgsc9rvh@Igiupfo2WpAEQxXBHej7BaxPNRsCMBIT2pj2BIg3kj7ZQyetDQiNIYjDLIBlrwFsFILQ1bHGueT85nDSq2AZaN8oKWNoF/zN8Q/oP9g58WimP0yxtq7Q7K0e2V40/PKapr1ktSUW@eh5EdJJacpXodJmwhPDakIjGKnYlWDR6ycDc6QME5fe3np8mwyzfMf)\nTakes input in unary, as usual for math regexes (note that the problem is trivial with decimal input: just `^(.)\\1*$`).\nExplanation:\n```\n^(x{0,9}) # \\1 = candidate digit, N -= \\1\n( # Loop the following:\n (x+)\\3{8}(?=\\3$) # N /= 10 (fails and backtracks if N isn\u201a\u00c4\u00f4t a multiple of 10)\n \\1 # N -= \\1\n)* $ # End loop, assert N = 0\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 11 bytes\n```\n@(s)s==s(1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/Z9mq6en999Bo1iz2Na2WMNQ83@ahrqhuiYXkDIBAgjLFCpiaGQMROqa/wE \"Octave \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nTakes the input as a string.\nIt checks all characters for equality with the first characters. If all are equal, the result will be a vector with only `1` (true in Octave), otherwise there will be at least one `0` (false in Octave).\nHere's a [proof](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/f8/M00h2lABCGN1UjKLCzTUoTyFzGKFkqLSkoxKdU2d1JziVAW4tAFUOi0xpxgsm5fCBTHGAMUYA5KN@f8fAA).\n[Answer]\n# grep, 17 bytes\n```\ngrep -xP '(.)\\1*'\n```\nMatches any string that's a repetition of its first character.\n[Answer]\n# APL, 5 bytes\n*2 bytes saved thanks to @KritixiLithos*\n```\n\u201a\u00e7\u00ef\u201a\u00e2\u00b01\u201a\u00e5\u03a9\u201a\u00e7\u00ef\n```\n[Try it online!](http://tryapl.org/?a=f%25u2190%25u2355%25u22611%25u233D%25u2355%20%25u22C4%20f%20445%20%25u22C4%20f%20444%20%25u22C4%20f%20%27445%27%20%25u22C4%20f%20%27444%27&run)\n[Answer]\n# C#, 42 33 28 bytes\n```\ni=>i.Replace(i[0]+\"\",\"\")==\"\"\n```\n`i` has to be a string.\nShaved down a lot thanks to @LethalCoder\n[Answer]\n# [Braingolf](https://github.com/gunnerwolf/braingolf), 6 bytes\n```\niul1-n\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLz89J@/8/szTHUDfv/38TExNTAA \"Braingolf \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nUnfortunately, Braingolf's implicit input from commandline args can't accept an all-digits input as a string, it will always cast it to a number, so instead the solution is to pass it via STDIN, which adds 1 byte for reading STDIN (`i`)\n## Explanation:\n```\niul1-n\ni Read from STDIN as string, push each codepoint to stack\n u Remove duplicates from stack\n l Push length of stack\n 1- Subtract 1\n n Boolean negate, replace each item on stack with 1 if it is a python falsey value\n replace each item on stack with 0 if it is a python truthy value\n Implicit output of last item on stack\n```\nAfter `u`, the length of the stack equals the number of unique characters in the input, subtracting 1 means it will be `0` if and only if there is exactly 1 unique character in the input, `0` is the only falsey number in Python, so `n` will replace `0` with `1`, and everything else with `0`.\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 4 bytes\n```\n\u00ac\u2022\u221a\u00dfUg\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osKPn//9DSw8tD0///VzIxMVH6DwA \"Japt \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), ~~23~~ 21 bytes\n*Saved 2 bytes thanks to Neil*\nTakes input as either an integer or a string. Returns a boolean.\n```\nn=>/^(.)\\1*$/.test(n)\n```\n### Demo\n```\nlet f =\nn=>/^(.)\\1*$/.test(n)\nconsole.log(f(444))\nconsole.log(f(12))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ohm](https://github.com/MiningPotatoes/Ohm), 4 bytes\n```\nUl2<\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y8/I/f8/NMfI5v9/ExNjAA \"Ohm \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n Ul2<\n U # Push uniquified input\n l # Length\n 2< # Is it smaller than 2?\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java, ~~38~~ ~~33~~ 23 bytes\n```\nn->n.matches(\"(.)\\\\1*\")\n```\n`n` is a `String`, naturally.\nNote that there is no need for `^...$` in the regex since it's automatically used for exact matching (such as the `match` method), compared to finding in the string.\n[Try it!](http://ideone.com/KxyRJ9)\n## Saves\n* -5 bytes: used `String` since \"You may take and use input as a string with impunity.\"\n* -10 bytes: regex is apparently a good fit.\n[Answer]\n# Java, 21 bytes:\n```\nl->l.toSet().size()<2\n```\n`l` is a `MutableList` from eclipse collections.\n[Answer]\n# [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org), ~~28~~ 19 bytes\n```\n{it.toSet().size<2}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JYyxDoIwFEV3vuKGqW@QWMcGMDi78QVNbEljeTWlmCjh22vVs95zzz0k7zg/tYdVEGOKjifCocclBG80o8ubS00Ko0mCmsW9TXvas10Zs3YsdJwWhSFG/Wr/756wVSh8o7zO6BCNvl0dG0E4K9TH@rc/ip2EFcUhqvYspfwA \"Kotlin \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nTakes input as a `String` because\n> \n> You may take and use input as a string representation in base 10 with impunity.\n> \n> \n> \n## Explanation\n```\n{\n it.toSet() // create a Set (collection with only unique entries)\n // out of the characters of this string\n .size < 2 // not a repdigit if the set only has one entry\n}\n```\nIf you don't like the fact it takes a `String`, you can have one that takes an `Int` for **24 bytes**.\n```\n{(\"\"+it).toSet().size<2}\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 30 bytes\n```\n\nint main(int argc, char **argv)\n{\n while (*++argv)\n printf(\"%s: %s\\n\", *argv, f(*argv)?\"yes\":\"no\");\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# R, 25 bytes\n```\ngrepl(\"^(.)\\\\1*$\",scan())\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##K/r/P70otSBHQylOQ08zJsZQS0VJpzg5MU9DU/O/paUllwmXhSGXpYW5mfF/AA)\nBest non-regex solution I could come up with was 36 bytes:\n```\nis.na(unique(el(strsplit(x,\"\")))[2])\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Cubix](https://github.com/ETHproductions/cubix), 15 bytes\n```\nuOn@ii?-?;.$@<_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy5Nyqz4/7/UP88hM9Ne195aT8XBJv7/f1MQAAA \"Cubix \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n```\n u O\n n @\ni i ? - ? ; . $\n@ < _ . . . . .\n . .\n . .\n```\n[Watch It Run](https://ethproductions.github.io/cubix/?code=ICAgIHUgTwogICAgbiBACmkgaSA/IC0gPyA7IC4gJApAIDwgXyAuIC4gLiAuIC4KICAgIC4gLgogICAgLiAuCg==&input=MjIzMjI=&speed=20)\nOutputs 1 for truthy and nothing for falsey\nVery simply read reads in the input one character at a time. It takes the current character away from the previous. If a non zero result then it halts immediately. Otherwise it continues inputting and comparing until the EOI. On EOI (-1), negate and exit\n[Answer]\n# QBasic 4.5, 55 bytes\n```\nINPUT a\nFOR x=1TO LEN(STR$(a))\nc=c*10+1\nNEXT\n?a MOD c=0\n```\nI've mathed it! The FOR-loop checks the number of digits in the input, then creates `c`, which is a series of 1's of length equal to the input. A number then is repdigit if it modulo the one-string == 0.\n[Try it online!](https://repl.it/IcSt/0) Note that the online interpreter is a bit quirky and I had to write out a couple of statements that the DOS-based QBasic IDE would expand automatically.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nIn this challenge, you should write a program or function which takes no input and prints or returns a string with the same number of bytes as the program itself. There are a few rules:\n* You may only output bytes in the printable ASCII range (0x20 to 0x7E, inclusive), or newlines (0x0A or 0x0D).\n* Your code must not be a quine, so the code and the output must differ in at least one byte.\n* Your code must be at least one byte long.\n* If your output contains trailing newlines, those are part of the byte count.\n* If your code requires non-standard command-line flags, count them as usual (i.e. by adding the difference to a standard invocation of your language's implementation to the byte count), and the output's length must match your solution's score. E.g. if your program is `ab` and requires the non-standard flag `-n` (we'll assume it can't be combined with standard flags, so it's 3 bytes), you should output 5 bytes in total.\n* The output doesn't always have to be the same, as long as you can show that every possible output satisfies the above requirements.\n* Usual quine rules *don't* apply. You may read the source code or its size, but I doubt this will be shorter than hardcoding it in most languages.\nYou may write a [program or a function](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/2419) and use any of the [standard methods](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/2447) of providing output. Note that if you print the result, you may choose to print it either to the standard output or the standard error stream, but only one of them counts.\nYou may use any [programming language](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/2028), but note that [these loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1061/) are forbidden by default.\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest valid answer \u2013 measured in *bytes* \u2013 wins.\n### Leaderboard\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=121056,OVERRIDE_USER=8478;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;//g,\"\").toLowerCase()},el=F(e),sl=F(s);return el>sl?1:el\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 3 bytes\n```\n\"nh\n```\n[Try It Online](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/XykPSAAA)\nPrints \"104\" and exits with an error.\n[Answer]\n# [Dash](https://wiki.debian.org/Shell)/[Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/)/[ksh](http://www.kornshell.com/)/[fish](https://fishshell.com/), 5 bytes\n```\numask\n```\n[Try it online (Dash)](https://tio.run/##HcpBCoAgEEbhvaf4V1kLNy0jukJnkGlEiFR0JILubtju8fEOW3wbW71sOduEF8IMp@RJjB@xDbNi8rEHTIDeq6QqIG@zJeEMijXIAq1ugiGscP1tHw \"Dash \u2013 Try It Online\") |\n[Try it online (Bash)](https://tio.run/##HcpBCoAgEEbhvaf4V1kLNy0jukJnsGFEiFR0JILubtju8fEOW3wbW71sOduEF8IMp@RJjB@xDbNi8rEHTIDeq6QqIG@zJeEMijXIAq1ugiGscP1tHw \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\") |\n[Try it online (Ksh)](https://tio.run/##HcpBCoAgEEbhvaf4V1kLNy0jukJnkGFEkFR0JILubtju8fFC9X3u7bI19AUvhBlOyZMZP@KYVsXk0wiYCH02yU1A3hZLwgWUWpQNWt0EQ9jhxts/ \"ksh \u2013 Try It Online\") |\n[Try it online (Fish)](https://tio.run/##Hco7CoAwEEXRPqt4lVYptBRxC64hjBNG/GImiKhrj5/ucri@D2KD8DimM8XJhSHduKDM8EaPlfHjS8Kug50LNFlpmGT54gXkbdQ1Kkjc5kh5Ay1x1gq52QmWUMN/b3oA \"fish \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`umask` is a **builtin** in most unix shells, *not* an external command! It prints the 4-octal-digit umask followed by a newline for a total of 5 bytes.\nDoes not work in Zsh or Tcsh: Zsh will only print one leading zero (e.g.: `02` instead of `0002`), and Tcsh will print no leading zeroes (`2` instead of `0002`)\n[Answer]\n# [C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/5.0.0/#csc), 14 bytes\n```\n_=>new[]{1}+\"\"\n```\nFound interesting way to shave some bytes. Outputs: `System.Int32[]`\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy7WTS7O/O9Wmpdsk5lXoqNQXFKUmZdup5AGFFGw/R9va5eXWh4dW21Yq62k9N@aiyu8KLMk1SczL1UDpETDQFPPJzUvvSRD0xpJSglZX4xSjJISXNV/AA \"C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFirst way:\n23 bytes\n```\n()=>new string('@',23);\n```\nCreates a new string consisting of 23 `@` characters\n[Answer]\n# [AWK](https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html), ~~19~~ 16 bytes\n```\nEND{print 69**8}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzP/v/f1c@luqAoM69EwcxSS8ui9v9/AA \"AWK \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*Thanks to Jo King for the pointer that cut 3 chars...*\nAWK is a bit of a pain for this one since the minimum code required to run without any input and print something is `END{print }`. So this one just prints a number that's enough digits to match the program size less one, since the `print` adds a linefeed. The output is `513798374428641\\n`.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://www.python.org/), ~~13~~ 12 bytes\n```\nprint(2**-9)\n```\n[Try it here!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v6AoM69Ew0hLS9dS8/9/AA)\n**Output:**\n```\n0.001953125\n```\n---\n**Old:**\n```\nprint([1]*4);\n```\n[Try it here!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v6AoM69EI9owVstE0/r/fwA)\n**Output:**\n```\n[1, 1, 1, 1]\n```\n-1 Thanks to aeh5040! With this, the unneeded semi-colon could be removed as the output is 11 bytes + white space\n~~A list printed in python would have the length of 2 + 3 for each extra element plus the new-line, thus with [1](https://www.python.org/)\\*n we can have any multiple of 2+3n. A semi-colon is added because unfortunately print adds a new-line character, and I've yet to find a better solution~~\n[Answer]\n# [Desmos](https://desmos.com/calculator), 2 bytes\n```\n4!\n```\nOutputs\n```\n24\n```\n[Answer]\n## Powershell, 3 bytes\n```\n1E2\n```\nPrints `100`\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~216~~ ~~68~~ 7 bytes\n```\n 0\n . .\n . .\n . .\n```\nAt the end of the program, the current stack is printed from top to bottom. Since the `-1` is again treated as a terminator, it's not printed itself. Due to the `-o` flag, the values are printed as decimal integers with trailing linefeeds.\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 7 bytes\n```\n[['']]'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/octave#@x8dra4eG6v@/z8A \"Octave \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic (TI-84 Plus CE OS 5.2+), 4 bytes\n```\ntoString(10^(3\n```\n`tostring(` is a two-byte token, `10^(` is a one-byte token. This returns the string \"1000\" which is 4 bytes long.\n[Answer]\n## [Fission](https://github.com/C0deH4cker/Fission), 4 bytes\n```\nR\"N;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/fission2#@x@k5Gf9/z8A \"Fission 2 \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\nPrints `N;R` with a trailing linefeed.\nThe `R` creates a right-going atom. `\"` toggles string mode which traverses an immediately prints `N;R` (wrapping at the end of the line). Then `N` prints a linefeed and `;` destroys the atom, terminating the program.\n[Answer]\n# [Somme](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/Somme), 2 bytes\n```\n:.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/somme#@2@l9/8/AA \"Somme \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\nOutputs `42`. Explanation:\n```\n:.\n: duplicate; no input, so popping from an empty stack pushes `42`\n . output as a number\n```\n[Answer]\n# [OCaml](https://ocaml.org/), 22 bytes\n```\nList.find ((=) \"\") []\n```\nOutputs\n```\nException: Not_found.\n```\nIt search for `\"\"` (empty string) in the empty list `[]`\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 3 bytes\n```\np\"\"\n```\nPrints this, plus a newline\n```\n\"\"\n```\nHere's another 3 byte one:\n```\np:a\n```\nPrints this, plus a newline\n```\n:a\n```\n[Answer]\n# R, 7 bytes\n`stop( )`\nPrints `Error:` (with a trailing space)\n---\n16 bytes (only works in version 3.3.1) \n`version$nickname` \nPrints `Bug in Your Hair`.\nNot nearly as good but I like it anyway.\n[Answer]\n# charcoal, 1\n```\n\u239a\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/charcoal#@/@ob9b//wA \"Charcoal \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n## Explanation:\n```\n\u239a Clears the empty screen\n[implicitly print nothing plus a trailing newline]\n```\n[Answer]\n## Mathematica, 2 bytes\nCode:\n```\n.0\n```\nOutput:\n```\n0.\n```\nThis is the output of Wolfram kernel from command line, and the plaintext output from the front end. If you must argue about the extra number tick added when copying directly from the front end, then `0.0` will do.\n[Answer]\n## [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 11 bytes\n```\n01+:b=?;:n!\n```\nPrints numbers from 1-10 (12345678910)\n[Answer]\n# [Whitespace](https://web.archive.org/web/20150618184706/http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/tutorial.php), 36 bytes\n```\n \t \t\t\t\t\n \n \n \t\n \t \t\n\t \n \n\t\t\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/whitespace#FYmxDQAADIJmvYL/n7RUDQMOQkwLtXEo@3zjtR0 \"Whitespace \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\nGenerates the output \"-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1\" (36 characters without quotes, no trailing newline)\n# Explanation\nPushes the number -15 onto the stack (encoded in binary as 01111, with a leading 0 for padding to match the output) then counts toward 0 outputting the current number each iteration.\nStarting from a negative number gives an extra byte of output per iteration and also allows me to use a jump while negative instruction to fall through the loop and exit implicitly. That single padding byte in the code is a downer though but solutions without it are longer.\n[Answer]\n## **Python 3, 13 bytes**\n```\nprint(\"a\"*13)\n```\nOutputs \"aaaaaaaaaaaaa\"\n[Answer]\n# [C#](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/), 84 bytes\n```\npublic class P{public static void Main(){System.Console.Write(new string('_',84));}}\n```\n[Try Online](https://dotnetfiddle.net/jgigU2)\n[Answer]\n# [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/), 6 bytes\n```\n(arch)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvj/XyOxKDlD8/9/AA \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe architecture needs to be `x86_64`\n[Answer]\n# [Klein](https://github.com/Wheatwizard/Klein) 110, ~~7~~ 5 bytes\n*Thanks to Martin Ender for saving two bytes!*\n```\n1.\n2@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y85Jzcz7/99Qj8vI4T@QNjQAAA \"Klein \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIf we unfold the topology here we get\n```\n1.122@\n```\nThis outputs `1 1 2 2` with a trailing newline.\n[Answer]\n# Lean Mean Bean Machine, 28 bytes\n```\n /O\n)O4\n?7/\n *\n_~\n o\n~ :\n u\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://tio.run/##xVltb9s2EP6uX8G9ZJIS2YnRAQO8esWwJRiwDSm6bF9UzVMsOmYriwIlOxYw9K9ndyT1QklMXTTIWqAVyePdc@8knVflhmcvHtaCb0lRFYRtcy5KEou7vaO/RZwlfFuPst02r@oBL6Z5XG4cZ5XGRUFyzrKSirlD4E9C12S5ZBkrl0uvoOk6ICvORVIEhCW@osE/@1zALs/9SdC4ZNldzYWcFCQu9R4SnsC@kyJyyQnxWFLzCmdR83kR@X7DFQVOD2TR0plLVbt00Vs67GkKqxe9DWp2Zs6yBOZYYk7GKdtTmL8RO2qubGiKG67itOit7ON0R4dSi5xlI7OlQEN1GSlrC5oLbe2OhQUtdyIjsMsLQ6VioJUC64WN0kGraRT5joM8WbGU6njaK8uUFaXmfct5WgCKkGmV11wQRgBxl1hZt/byj0g4B0@iIyUD5TONMc4qT89K8WuWJUu02lKzLAwgAQFNKg1HswjZOA7CQBsMiQU5gJwEBhUOKj2QvlGfUptIIdjyPR0XrsXepfw2Tsk2PvxGMznTiIfMuaPeRUBSmplbO97JwYLdtZC18QiQcwUMWGa8hFGsDLjiGSRLJ75yUO1sgf@B@zqzlZqturO1M37nezPh5k2eBSSj97ACFaGXfPkU0y/XEaM4y7EcdFJQgj@QHxbaNqgDTrwkF@qzwjU0zYon1K/nYLk1Thft67YubOKiXxgC8p6lKahjguyDUkapM1Tlj/TzBlyf0iXPqYhLLmTQ9WJNj7TvjKgEXh8NVT2SmPRn5RvJQcgV30EEoobo9JoRqoR2MrhrpcDKGBjG0rC4EvILT5OOs93WJDUYXZyMqqVzqq0zFD4GlcUQ3tQNFFxoY5WianephT6TRi49rGhekr@wIl4KwcV8HI6UoxXkt@/MdNxTccs1ZjCRHs6JIsdSiFt0lRG77NEU/18SerWJhWxSCQ0hhiP45xA5jyQFU/0St6ny6rFADlFNA4DqH@NZRsgftDT6cMk1P8g3T/Mz06luXg1Bb32kX6lYYk2gyG1zC9@GwNyqLLQg7p@uTZdfVU1odMH6LhdxUrHHUgKM3MdrhLEmFCDhaYh@QGiWLFzXBnD3GQA/GZgG9TFM51ZMvbaQ0nU5AHEgk@5hSPu5f1oxJb59e6xIwe42YzLPrDJnFpn/WkW@oeuUroxIT5jAGZ71RKukAUEmL6slLNYY1s9HdTtKv73bT5rB8dXcwK0GaQ7g2Pm3sbhN@7EHC7LetAXOw9IUKCsQb9ZaSipKJjM/GiuWo1wbg/W5XIyT19VBx7tpho64aZznkApevfGTfDvwit2BE7uXvrQa/RJhotF1jdxCuXet9dPozaaIL6wiXh9V7z65pn19pMBRQUfWqL97MsCFPzPsiupOOl1tOFtRL4SOPIv8UThvJCVeW28hw6FHql6mOPnjxUQtjlUfDQAPXepLh7kF/6sefhlsUvNhCHXsp8uR8peEHJD7DVttcFCKXbmBnEOsGVpZFsspKlW77pgyYo/lY4Gssf90gWCjOBKHrTotxww2np1DmJI3AJMGCfDm1pjH9T8nu@2iUOVG0kijPKI2fLDm0Y2ItzmH40HvNFbyfFAi8D3DGobMKuKKlqsNsmdZvuuDNw7t7eE9lycyIPeGuuKBLsuHu@o1ddgDEn@cZnjuQ9pR0nFXjR9KgQk@D5muVteMy@ur3iVjyKLfYUzrnvWsq@9Rx1woB60IiexIIFyRAFQZaXm1aFwdPyKasE@fDfbpU8KePBvsyVPC/ubZYJ8/Jeyvng32og2X0ydU4OTZFDg53u67j8L@x1KxbzaC32O9plizevVaxAwOI5eyrsElxnNlYZNM45X55mNK@35wiTjGtJ47fl8/s/c637LlkfY4d22vAupg4DhAjTcM/MnCxy0v1Ab95AOEcimczCJVQPZgh7Z5tGT6VQkfXGDkuu4DOb92/OtvnVffnTvk1Fl@cAh3PhDcuHsAgoa4@@aMU4AsZSV0blp4fuTo90/12AkD@eAZkPe0WsAMXIfGH5jks6hulFpJ@RrEIp@81I@qrXH0Eprfhb@nxNNiJ8ZO39GxJLnXCshfdaaxEHHlhSGc79YycBDSu0gO3tW6RT0OHA5YLCtaJoVio0b3Gyqop6QAsGvX96c3NQO91Xc6z6hhZLFGTawNUm@pb3f1hVSTgaoBYa22zaup48ABNqWDHzbql8rR9/76R4qRd0LkqJPT9R/@Aw)\nOutputs 27 `1`s followed by a trailing newline.\nUnfortunately I had to fix a bug in LMBM with the `o` peg for this answer to work. The link above links to the entire LMBM interpreter, with the fix, contained in TIO's header/footer, with the LMBM code in the code section.\n## Explanation\nThe code is a loop. Here's the setup:\n```\n /O\n O4\n 7/\n *\n ~\n```\nThis creates 2 marbles, sets one to 4 and the other to 7, then multiplies them into a single marble with a value of 28. Finally the `~` pushes the marble up to the top of that column, where the top `/` pushes it into the loop.\n```\n)\n?\n_\n o\n~ :\n u\n```\nThis is the loop. `?` is a conditional that sets the marble's spin to right if its value is truthy (non-zero), and 0 otherwise.\n`)` decrements the marble's value. We do this *before* the conditional to account for LMBM's trailing newline.\n`_` pushes the marble in the direction of its spin. This is the exit condition for the loop. If the marble's value was not truthy, ie 0, this pushes the marble to the left, out of bounds. Out of bounds marbles are automatically destroyed. When all marbles are destroyed, the program terminates.\n`o` is a split. It splits the marble, pushing one copy left and the other right.\nThe left marble hits ~, which pushes it back up to the top of the loop.\nThe right marble hits `:`, which sets its value to its spin (1 for right, 0 for left), then it falls into `u`, which prints the marble's value and destroys it.\n[Answer]\n# [`experimental-type-lang`](https://github.com/Merlin04/experimental-type-lang) (63 bytes)\nHere's a solution in a weird (and not very good) language I made:\n```\ntype R=C extends63?E:R<[...E,32],[...C,_]>;[51224,R<[],0>]\n```\nOutput:\n```\n0> \" \"\n```\nI'm not counting the `0>` output prefix and quotes as part of the program output in this case (the quotes appear whenever the output is a string, and the output prefix is added for every evaluated expression), but if I wanted to count that I could just adjust the value `63` to be the desired output string length.\n### Explanation\nHere's an expanded version:\n```\ntype Loop = Counter extends 63\n ? Result\n : Loop<[...Result, 32], [...Counter, _]>;\n// The evaluated expression\n[51224, Loop<>];\n```\nIn this language, strings are arrays where the first item is a magic number indicating to the evaluator that it should be displayed as a string, and the second item is an array of character codes. The `Loop` function (called a `type` because I wanted to make the syntax resemble the TypeScript type system) is responsible for generating this array of characters. It does this by recursively calling itself, adding `32` (the code for a space) to a result array with the spread operator, until a counter reaches the desired output length. In `experimental-type-lang`, numbers are just arrays of \"items\" (represented by a `_`) with the length being the numerical value; because there is no language-level add operator and importing the `Add` type from the standard library would take too many characters, I increment the counter by spreading it into an array and adding an `_`.\n[Answer]\n# Cjam, 1 byte\n```\nN\n```\n## Explanation\n```\nN e#Push '\\n' and implicit print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 6 bytes\n```\necho!4\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/j#@5@anJGvaPL/PwA \"J \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\nOutput:\n```\n24\n \n```\nNotice the three spaces on the second line.\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), 17 bytes\n*Edit: I overlooked the rules. This is now returning a string, but is much longer than initially intended.*\nReturns `\"Infinity,Infinity\"`.\n```\nlet f =\n_=>`${[1/0,1/0]}`\nconsole.log(f())\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nMy father who [was a really good APLer](https://youtu.be/pL8OQIR5cB4?t=3m16s) and taught me all the basics of APL (and much more), passed away on this day, five years ago. In preparation for [50 Years of APL](http://www.dyalog.com/50-years-of-apl.htm), I found [this patent letter](https://tidsskrift.dk/plugins/generic/pdfJsViewer/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file=https%3A%2F%2Ftidsskrift.dk%2Fregistreringstidende-varemaerker%2Farticle%2Fdownload%2F95152%2F143241%2F#page=8) (translated for the convenience of those who do not read Danish) for a handwritten logo. It explains a major reason for APL never gaining a large user base \u2013 a reason which of course applies to all of this community's amazing golfing languages too:\n---\nA 3497/77\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003\u2003Req. 29th Aug. 1977 at 13\n[![EASIER COMMUNICATION MEANS FASTER CODING MEANS FEWER CODERS MEANS \u2026](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pEzT8.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pEzT8.png)\n**Henri Brudzewsky,** engineering consultancy company, **Mindevej 28, S\u00f8borg,**\n**class 9**, including computers, especially APL coded computers, \n**class 42:** IT service agency company, especially during use of APL coded computers.\n---\n# Task\n**Produce infinitely repeating output of the text `EASIER COMMUNICATION MEANS FASTER CODING MEANS FEWER CODERS MEANS` with no newlines.** You may begin the text with `EASIER` or `FASTER` or `FEWER`.\n \n[Answer]\n## SVG(HTML5), 336 bytes\n```\nEASIER COMMUNICATION MEANS FASTER CODING MEANS FEWER CODERS MEANS\n```\nEdit: Some people have found that the font doesn't quite fit for them so here is a version that allows you a few pixels of adjustment:\n```\n

\nEASIER COMMUNICATION MEANS FASTER CODING MEANS FEWER CODERS MEANS\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 25 bytes\n```\n[\u2018\u00c3\u00a6\u0192\u00cbRS\u02c6\u00be\u00a5\u0192\u017d\u00c1\u02c6\u00be\u00a1\u0178\u00c2\u00ef\u02c6\u00be \u2018?\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/05ab1e#@x/9qGHG4eZDy45NOtwdFHy67dC@Q0uPTTq693AjmL3w6I7DTYfXg9gKQJX2//8DAA \"05AB1E \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\nExplanation:\n```\n[\u2018\u00c3\u00a6\u0192\u00cbRS\u02c6\u00be\u00a5\u0192\u017d\u00c1\u02c6\u00be\u00a1\u0178\u00c2\u00ef\u02c6\u00be \u2018?\n[ Start infinite loop\n \u2018\u00c3\u00a6\u0192\u00cbRS\u02c6\u00be\u00a5\u0192\u017d\u00c1\u02c6\u00be\u00a1\u0178\u00c2\u00ef\u02c6\u00be \u2018 Push the compressed string in uppercase, starting from FEWER, with a trailing space\n ? Print without trailing newline\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 76 Bytes\n```\nfor(;;)echo strtr(EASI0MMUNICATION1FAST0DING1FEW0DERS1,[\"ER CO\",\" MEANS \"]);\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/php#s7EvyCjgSi0qyi@KL0otyC8qycxL16hzjffzD/F0dtW0/p@WX6Rhba2ZmpyRr1BcUlRSpOHqGOxp4Osb6ufp7Bji6e9n6OYYHGLg4unnbujmGm7g4hoUbKgTreQapODsr6SjpODr6ugXrKAUCzTsPwA \"PHP \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# Vim 69 bytes\n```\nqqAFEWER CODERS MEANS EASIER COMMUNICATION M FASTER CODING M @qq@q\n```\n[Answer]\n## HTML, 122 bytes.\nSorry, can't help myself.\n```\nEASIER COMMUNICATION MEANS FASTER CODING MEANS FEWER CODERS MEANS \n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~82~~ 81 bytes\n*-1 byte thanks to Leaky Nun.*\nI'm probably doing something wrong but it's really late so meh. Note the trailing comma.\n```\nwhile 1:print'FEWER CODERS MEANS EASIER COMMUNICATION MEANS FASTER CODING MEANS',\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/python2#@1@ekZmTqmBoVVCUmVei7uYa7hqk4Ozv4hoUrODr6ugXrODqGOwJFvP1DfXzdHYM8fT3g0q5OQaHQJR7@rlDxNR1/v//mpevm5yYnJEKAA \"Python 2 \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n## Another solution, 85 bytes\nI can probably golf this further.\n```\nwhile 1:print'%sER CO%s MEANS'*3%('FEW','DERS',' EASI','MMUNICATION',' FAST','DING'),\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/python2#@1@ekZmTqmBoVVCUmVeirlrsGqTg7K9arODr6ugXrK5lrKqh7uYarq6j7uIaFAykFFwdgz2BtK9vqJ@ns2OIp78fSNTNMTgEpMjTz11dU@f/fwA \"Python 2 \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~33~~ 29 bytes\n4 bytes thanks to Erik the Outgolfer.\n```\n\u201c\u00a9%5\u00d0\u01acw\u022eh\u00ac\u00de6.\u2077\u1e37\u1e0a\u1e25\u1e6b\u0260l\u1e36\u1e40\u0121\u00df\u00bb\u0152u\u2076\u00a2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/jelly#AT4Awf//4oCcwqklNcOQxqx3yK5owqzDnjYu4oG34bi34biK4bil4bmryaBs4bi24bmAxKHDn8K7xZJ14oG2wqL//w \"Jelly \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 70 bytes\n```\n\"FEWER CODERS MEANS EASIER COMMUNICATION MEANS FASTER CODING MEANS \"w\u21b0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/brachylog2#@6/k5hruGqTg7O/iGhSs4Ovq6Bes4OoY7AkW8/UN9fN0dgzx9PeDSrk5BodAlHv6uUPFlMoftW34/x8A \"Brachylog \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n## How it works\n```\n\"...\"w\u21b0\n\"...\" generate the string \"...\"\n w print to STDOUT without trailing newline\n \u21b0 do the whole thing all over again\n```\n[Answer]\n# HTML/CSS (firefox only), ~~179~~ ~~177~~ ~~183~~ ~~176~~ 173 bytes\n```\nEASIER COMMUNICATION MEANS FASTER CODING MEANS FEWER CODERS MEANS E

Shortest Solution by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## [Labyrinth](https://github.com/mbuettner/labyrinth), 5 bytes\n```\n):\n\\!\n```\n\u266b The IP in the code goes round and round \u266b\nRelevant instructions:\n```\n) Increment top of stack (stack has infinite zeroes at bottom)\n: Duplicate top of stack\n! Output top of stack\n\\ Output newline\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 8 bytes\n```\n01+:nao!\n```\nSteps:\n* Push 0 on the stack\n* Add 1 to the top stack element\n* Duplicate top stack element\n* Output the top of the stack as number\n* Output a newline\n* Go to step 2 by wrapping around and jumping the next instruction (step 11)\n*(A less memory efficient (hence invalid) program is `llnao`.)*\n[Answer]\n# C (64-bit architecture only), 53 bytes\nRelies on pointers being at least 64 bits and prints them in hex using the `%p` specifier. The program would return right when it hits 2^128.\n```\nchar*a,*b;main(){for(;++b||++a;)printf(\"%p%p \",a,b);}\n```\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, 21 bytes\n```\nmain=mapM_ print[1..]\n```\nArbitrary-precision integers and infinite lists make this easy :-)\nLuckily `mapM_` is in the Prelude. If `Data.Traversable` was as well, we even could shrink it to 19 bytes:\n```\nmain=for_[1..]print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Gol><>](https://golfish.herokuapp.com/), 3 bytes\n```\nP:N\n```\nSteps:\n* Add 1 to the top stack element (at start it is an implicit 0)\n* Duplicate top stack element\n* Pop and output the top of the stack as number and a newline\n* Wrap around to step 1 as we reached the end of the line\n[Answer]\n# [Marbelous](https://github.com/marbelous-lang/marbelous.py), ~~11450~~ 4632 bytes\nPrinting decimals is a pain!!\nDefinitely not winning with this one, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I hope it's ok that it pads the output to 40 zeros (to fit 2^128).\n```\n00@0..@1..@2..@3..@4..@5..@6..@7..@8..@9..@A..@B..@C..@D..@E..@F..@G..@H..@I..@J\n\\\\++..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00..00\n..EhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhunEhun\n....AddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddtAddt\n..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7..&7\\/\n../\\&8..........................................................................\n....@0..........................................................................\n....../\\&8......................................................................\n....//..@1......................................................................\n........../\\&8..................................................................\n......////..@2..................................................................\n............../\\&8..............................................................\n........//////..@3..............................................................\n................../\\&8..........................................................\n..........////////..@4..........................................................\n....................../\\&8......................................................\n............//////////..@5......................................................\n........................../\\&8..................................................\n..............////////////..@6..................................................\n............................../\\&8..............................................\n................//////////////..@7..............................................\n................................../\\&8..........................................\n..................////////////////..@8..........................................\n....................................../\\&8......................................\n....................//////////////////..@9......................................\n........................................../\\&8..................................\n......................////////////////////..@A..................................\n............................................../\\&8..............................\n........................//////////////////////..@B..............................\n................................................../\\&8..........................\n..........................////////////////////////..@C..........................\n....................................................../\\&8......................\n............................//////////////////////////..@D......................\n........................................................../\\&8..................\n..............................////////////////////////////..@E..................\n............................................................../\\&8..............\n................................//////////////////////////////..@F..............\n................................................................../\\&8..........\n..................................////////////////////////////////..@G..........\n....................................................................../\\&8......\n....................................//////////////////////////////////..@H......\n........................................................................../\\&8..\n......................................////////////////////////////////////..@I..\n............................................................................../\\&8\n........................................//////////////////////////////////////..@J\n&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9&9\nSixteenbytedecimalprintermodulewitharegi\n:Sixteenbytedecimalprintermodulewitharegi\n}J}J}I}I}H}H}G}G}F}F}E}E}D}D}C}C}B}B}A}A}9}9}8}8}7}7}6}6}5}5}4}4}3}3}2}2}1}1}0}00A\n/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A/A%A\n%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..%A..\n+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O..\n+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O+O..\n:/A\n..}0..}0..\n..>>}0....\n..>>>>\\\\..\n....//..//\n../\\>>\\\\..\n....>>..//\n....>>\\\\..\n....>>....\n\\\\>>//....\n..>>......\n..>>......\n../\\......\n..../\\<<..\n......<<..\n..\\\\<9\\/\n..\\\\..?0..\n......++..\n....\\\\....\n......{0..\n:%A\n@0..\n}0..\n \n> DESCRIPTION\n> \n> \n> bc is a language that supports arbitrary precision numbers\n> \n> \n> \n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 4 bytes\n```\n.V1b\n```\n### Explanation:\n```\n.V1 for b in range(1 to infinity):\n b print b\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java, ~~139~~ ~~138~~ ~~127~~ 123 bytes\n```\nclass K{public static void main(String[]a){java.math.BigInteger b=null;for(b=b.ZERO;;)System.out.println(b=b.add(b.ONE));}}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 22 bytes\n```\ni=0;While[Echo[++i]>0]\n```\n[`Echo`](http://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/Echo.html) is a new function in Mathematica 10.3.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~33~~ 25 bytes\nAs far as I understand, Pythons integers are arbitrary precision, and `print()` automatically produces newlines.\nThanks for @Jakub and @Sp3000 and @wnnmaw! I really don't know much python, the only think I knew was that it supports arbitrary size integers=)\n```\nk=1\nwhile 1:print(k);k+=1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, ~~15~~ 12 bytes\n```\nloop{p$.+=1}\n```\n* `p`, when given an integer, prints the integer as-is (courtesy of [@philomory](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/47276/philomory))\n* `$.` is a magical variable holding the number of lines read from stdin. It is obviously initialized to 0, and also assignable :)\n[Answer]\n# [Samau](https://github.com/AlephAlpha/Samau), 2 bytes\n```\nN)\n```\nExplanation:\n```\nN push the infinite list [0 1 2 ...] onto the stack\n ) increase by 1\n```\nWhen the output of a program is a list, the outmost brackets are omitted.\n[Answer]\n# [Microsoft PowerPoint](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNjxe8ShM-8) (33 Slides, 512 shapes to meet minimum requirements)\nStorage representation is in hexadecimal.\n## Directions\n* Click the blue square to advance the counter (or propagate the carry), or make an AutoHotKey Script to click it for you.\n* You can view the number's digits at any time using the green buttons. (It causes unintended behavior if you click the blue buttons after viewing another digit.) This is just for a better UX. It still counts up as normal as long as you keep clicking the blue button. In other words, no user decision is required.\n* If you reach the end, it displays a congratulatory message.\nYou can get the PPTX [here](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JTbg0fSnWV2ig7PYYb1jB5kWCteW9XgU). Requires PowerPoint to run.\nBefore you comment that Microsoft PowerPoint is not a programming language, it has been shown that PowerPoint is Turing complete (in the same sense that conventional languages such as C are Turing complete). A brief discussion is given [here](https://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/twildenh/PowerPointTM/Paper.pdf).\n[Answer]\n# [makina](https://github.com/GingerIndustries/makina), 22 bytes\n```\nv\n>Pv\n^>OC\n^Uu>n0;\n^O<\n```\nI AM REAL HUMAN YOU SHOULD TRUST ME AND DO WHAT I SAY\n[Answer]\n# Matlab, 132 bytes\n```\na=0;while 1;b=a==9;n=find(cumsum(b)-(1:numel(b)),1);a(n)=a(n)+1;a(1:n-1)=0;if ~numel(n);a=[0*a,1];end;disp([a(end:-1:1)+'0','']);end\n```\nOk, I think this is the *first serious* answer that accomplishes this task without a trivial builtin abitrary size integer. This program implements an arbitrary size integer as an array of integers. Each integer is always between 0 and 9, so each array element represents one decimal digit. The array size wil be increased by one as soon as we are at e.g. `999`. The memory size is no problem here, as `2^128` only requires an array of length 39.\n```\na=0;\nwhile 1\n b=a==9;\n %first number that is not maxed out\n n=find(cumsum(b)-(1:numel(b)),1);\n %increase that number, and sett all maxed out numbers to zero\n a(n)=a(n)+1; \n a(1:n-1)=0;\n if ~numel(n) %if we maxed out all entries, add another digit\n a=[0*a,1];\n end \n disp([a(end:-1:1)+'0',''])%print all digits\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Processing](http://www.processing.org), ~~95~~ ~~85~~ 71 bytes\n```\njava.math.BigInteger i;{i=i.ZERO;}void draw(){println(i=i.add(i.ONE));}\n```\nI tried something with a while loop but it causes all of Processing to crash, so I'll stick with this for now.\n(Thanks to @SuperJedi224 and @TWiStErRob for suggestions.)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~99~~ ~~94~~ 67 bytes\n```\nfor(n=[i=0];;)(n[i]=-~n[i++]%10)&&alert([...n].reverse(i=0).join``)\n```\n`alert` is the generally accepted `STDOUT` equivalent for JavaScript but using it means that consecutive numbers are automatically separated. I've assumed that outputting a character after the number is not necessary because of this.\n[Answer]\n## C++, ~~146~~ ~~141~~ 138 bytes\nUsing a standard bigint library is perhaps the *most* boring way of answering this question, but someone had to do it.\n```\n#include\n#include\nint main(){for(boost::multiprecision::uint512_t i=1;;){printf(\"%u\\n\",i++);}}\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n#include\n#include\nint main()\n{\n for(boost::multiprecision::uint512_t i=1;;)\n {\n std::printf(\"%u\\n\", i++);\n }\n}\n```\nThe reason the golfed version uses `stdio.h` and not `cstdio` is to avoid having to use the `std::` namespace.\nThis is my first time golfing in C++, let me know if there's any tricks to shorten this further.\n[Answer]\n## Intel 8086+ Assembly, 19 bytes\n```\n68 00 b8 1f b9 08 00 31 ff f9 83 15 00 47 47 e2 f9 eb f1\n```\nHere's a breakdown:\n```\n68 00 b8 push 0xb800 # CGA video memory\n1f pop ds # data segment\nb9 08 00 L1: mov cx, 8 # loop count\n31 ff xor di, di # ds:di = address of number\nf9 stc # set carry\n83 15 00 L2: adc word ptr [di], 0 # add with carry\n47 inc di\n47 inc di\ne2 f9 loop L2\neb f1 jmp L1\n```\nIt outputs the 128 bit number on the top-left 8 screen positions. Each screen position holds a 8-bit ASCII character and two 4 bit colors.\n*Note: it wraps around at 2128; simply change the `8` in`mov cx, 8` to `9` to show a 144 bit number, or even `80*25` to show numbers up to 232000.*\n## Running\n### 1.44Mb bzip2 compressed, base64 encoded bootable floppy Image\nGenerate the floppy image by copy-pasting the following\n```\nQlpoOTFBWSZTWX9j1uwALTNvecBAAgCgAACAAgAAQAgAQAAAEABgEEggKKAAVDKGgAaZBFSMJgQa\nfPsBBBFMciogikZcWgKIIprHJDS9ZFh2kUZ3QgggEEh/i7kinChIP7HrdgA=\n```\ninto this commandline:\n```\nbase64 -d | bunzip2 > floppy.img\n```\nand run with, for instance, `qemu -fda floppy.img -boot a`\n### 1.8Mb bootable ISO\nThis is a base64 encoded bzip2 compressed ISO image. Generate the iso by pasting\n```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\nV2MdlUQAWgx9z/i7kinChITiWxSo\n```\ninto\n```\nbase64 -d bunzip2 > cdrom.iso\n```\nand configure a virtual machine to boot from it.\n### DOS .COM\nThis is a base64 encoded [DOS .COM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COM_file) executable:\n```\naAC4H7kIADH/+YMVAEdH4vnr8Q==\n```\nGenerate a .COM file using \n```\n/bin/echo -n aAC4H7kIADH/+YMVAEdH4vnr8Q== | base64 -d > COUNTUP.COM\n```\nand run it in (Free)DOS.\n[Answer]\n## sed, ~~116~~ ~~92~~ 83 bytes\n```\n:\n/^9*$/s/^/0/\ns/.9*$/_&/\nh\ns/.*_//\ny/0123456789/1234567890/\nx\ns/_.*//\nG\ns/\\n//p\nb\n```\n**Usage:**\nSed operates on text input and it *needs* input do anything. To run the script, feed it with just one empty line:\n```\n$ echo | sed -f forever.sed\n```\n**Explanation:**\nTo increment a number, the current number is split up into a prefix and a suffix where the suffix is of the form `[^9]9*`. Each digit in the suffix is then incremented individually, and the two parts are glued back together. If the current number consists of `9` digits only, a `0` digit is appended, which will immediately incremented to a `1`.\n[Answer]\n## Clojure, 17 bytes\n```\n(map prn (range))\n```\nLazy sequences and arbitrary precision integers make this easy (as for Haskell and CL). `prn` saves me a few bytes since I don't need to print a format string. `doseq` would probably be more idiomatic since here we're only dealing with side effects; `map` doesn't make a lot of sense to use since it will create a sequence of `nil` (which is the return value of each `prn` call. \nAssuming I count forever, the null pointer sequence which results from this operation never gets returned.\n[Answer]\n## C# .NET 4.0, ~~111~~ ~~103~~ ~~102~~ 97 bytes\n```\nclass C{static void Main(){System.Numerics.BigInteger b=1;for(;;)System.Console.WriteLine(b++);}}\n```\nI didn't find any C# answer here, so I just had to write one.\n.NET 4.0 is required, because it's the first version that includes [BigInteger](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/system.numerics.biginteger(v=vs.100).aspx). You have to reference [System.Numerics.dll](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.numerics(v=vs.100).aspx) though.\nWith indentation:\n```\nclass C\n{\n static void Main()\n { \n System.Numerics.BigInteger b = 1;\n for (;;)\n System.Console.WriteLine(b++);\n }\n}\n```\n*Thanks to sweerpotato, Kvam, Berend for saving some bytes*\n[Answer]\n# [MarioLANG](http://esolangs.org/wiki/MarioLANG), 11 bytes\n```\n+<\n:\"\n>!\n=#\n```\nInspired by [Martin B\u00fcttner's answer in another question](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/62230/simple-cat-program/62425#62425).\n[Answer]\n## CJam, 7 bytes\n```\n0{)_p}h\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n0 e# Push a zero to the stack\n { e# Start a block\n ) e# Increment top of stack\n _ e# Duplicate top of stack\n p e# Print top of stack\n } e# End block\n h e# Do-while loop that leaves the condition on the stack\n```\nNote: Must use Java interpreter.\n[Answer]\n## C, 89 bytes\nA new approach (implementing a bitwise incrementer) in C:\n```\nb[999],c,i;main(){for(;;)for(i=c=0,puts(b);i++<998;)putchar(48+(c?b[i]:(b[i]=c=!b[i])));}\n```\n**Less golfed**\n```\nint b[999], c, i;\nmain() {\n for(;;)\n for(i=c=0, puts(b); i++ < 998;)\n putchar(48 + (c ? b[i] : (b[i] = c = !b[i])));\n}\n```\n**Terminate**\nThis version has the slight flaw, that it does not terminate (which isn't a requirement at the moment). To do this you would have to add 3 characters:\n```\nb[129],c=1,i;main(){for(;c;)for(i=c=0,puts(b);i++<128;)putchar(48+(c?b[i]:(b[i]=c=!b[i])));}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Foo](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Foo), 6 bytes\n```\n(+1$i)\n```\n---\n### Explanation\n```\n( ) Loop\n +1 Add one to current element\n $i Output current element as a decimal integer\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Acc!](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/62404), ~~64~~ 65 bytes\nAlso works in [*Acc!!*](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/62493).\n```\nCount q while 1 {\nCount x while q-x+1 {\nWrite 7\n}\nWrite 9\n}\n```\nThis prints the numbers out in unary using [Bell characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_character) seperated by tabs. If I have to use a more standard character, that would make the program **66 bytes**.\nThe Acc! interpreter provided in the linked answer translates Acc! to Python, which does support arbritrary-precision integers.\n[Answer]\n## [Minkolang](https://github.com/elendiastarman/Minkolang), 4 bytes\n```\n1+dN\n```\n[Try it here.](http://play.starmaninnovations.com/minkolang/?code=1%2BdN) (Well, actually, be careful. 3 seconds of run time was enough to get up to ~40,000.)\n`1+` adds 1 to the top of stack, `d` duplicates it, and `N` outputs the top of stack as an integer with a trailing space. This loops because Minkolang is toroidal, so when the program counter goes off the right edge, it reappears on the left.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nWrite the shortest program that takes one input (n) from STDIN (or equivalent) and outputs a simple incrementing function with one argument (x) that returns x + n but the function must be in a different language. Pretty simple!\n**This is code-golf, normal rules apply, shortest program wins.**\nExample: ><> to Python (Ungolfed)\n```\n!v\"def i(x):\"a\" return x+\"ir!\n >l?!;o\n```\nInput:\n```\n3\n```\nOutput:\n```\ndef i(x):\n return x+3\n```\nEDIT: Anonymous functions and lambda expressions are allowed!\n \n[Answer]\n# [GS2](https://github.com/nooodl/gs2) \u2192 K, 2 bytes\n```\n\u2022+\n```\nThis prints a tacit, monadic function. The source code uses the [CP437](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Code_page_437&oldid=565442465#Characters) encoding. [Try it online!](http://gs2.tryitonline.net/#code=4oCiKw&input=NDI)\n## Test run\n```\n$ xxd -c 2 -g 1 sum-func.gs2\n00000000: 07 2b .+\n$ printf 42 | gs2 sum-func.gs2\n42+\n$ kona\nK Console - Enter \\ for help\n (42+) 69\n111\n f : 42+\n42+\n f 69\n111\n```\n## How it works\n### GS2\n* GS2 automatically reads from STDIN and pushes the input on the stack.\n* `\u2022` indicates that the next byte is a singleton string literal.\n* Before exiting, GS2 prints all stack items.\n### K\nLeft argument currying is automatic in K.\nHere, `n+` turns the dyadic function `+` into a monadic function by setting its left argument to `n`.\n[Answer]\n# [ShapeScript](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/ShapeScript) \u2192 J, 4 bytes\n```\n\"&+\"\n```\nThis prints a tacit, monadic verb. Try it online: [ShapeScript](http://shapescript.tryitonline.net/#code=IiYrIg==&input=NDI=), [J](https://a296a8f7c5110b2ece73921ddc2abbaaa3c90d10.googledrive.com/host/0B3cbLoy-_9Dbb0NaSk9MRGE5UEU/index.html#code=42%26%2B%2069)\n## Test run\n```\n$ cat sum-func.shape; echo\n\"&+\"\n$ printf 42 | shapescript sum-func.shape; echo\n42&+\n$ j64-804/jconsole.sh \n 42&+ 69\n111\n f =: 42&+\n f 69\n111\n```\n## How it works\n### ShapeScript\n* ShapeScript automatically reads from STDIN and pushes the input on the stack.\n* `\"&+\"` pushes that string on the stack.\n* Before exiting, ShapeScript prints all stack items.\n### J\n`&` performs argument currying.\nHere, `n&+` turns the dyadic verb `+` into a monadic verb by setting its left argument to `n`.\n[Answer]\n# GolfScript \u2192 CJam, 4 bytes\n```\n{+}+\n```\nThis prints a code block (anonymous function). Try it online: [GolfScript](http://golfscript.apphb.com/?c=IjQyIiAjIFNpbXVsYXRlIGlucHV0IGZyb20gU1RESU4uCgp7K30r), [CJam](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=69%20%7B42%20%2B%7D%20~&input=42)\n## Test run\n```\n$ cat sum-func.gs; echo\n{+}+\n$ printf 42 | golfscript sum-func.gs\n{42 +}\n$ cjam\n> 69 {42 +} ~\n111\n> {42 +}:F; 69F \n111\n```\n## How it works\n### GolfScript\n* GolfScript automatically reads from STDIN and pushes the input on the stack.\n* `{+}` pushes that block on the stack.\n* `+` performs concatenation, which happily concatenates a string and a block.\n* Before exiting, GolfScript prints all stack items.\n### CJam\n`{n +}` is a code block that, when executed, first pushes `n` on the stack, then executes `+`, which pops two integers from the stack and pushes their sum.\n[Answer]\n# BrainF\\*\\*\\* to JavaScript ES6, 57 bytes\n```\n----[-->+++<]>--.[-->+<]>+.+.--[->++<]>.[--->+<]>+++.[,.]\n```\n(Assumes that the input is composed of numeric characters)\nSay `1337` is your input. Then, this would compile to:\n```\nx=>x+1337\n```\n[Answer]\n# R to Julia, 19 bytes\n```\ncat(\"x->x+\",scan())\n```\nThis reads an integer from STDIN using `scan()` and writes an unnamed Julia function to STDOUT using `cat()`. The Julia function is simply `x->x+n`, where `n` comes from the R program.\n[Answer]\n# Rotor to K, 2 bytes\n```\n'+\n```\nMight as well jump in on the K bandwagon.\n[Answer]\n# [Malbolge](http://zb3.github.io/malbolge-tools/#interpreter) to JavaScript ES6, 71 bytes\n```\n('&%@9]!~}43Wyxwvutsr)Mon+HGi4~fBBdR->=_]:[875t4rT}0/Pf,d*((II%GEE!Y}Az\n```\nIt's always fun to generate Malbolge code.\n[Answer]\n# Minecraft 1.8.7 to K, ~~7~~ 6 + 33 + 27 + 62 = ~~129~~ 128 Bytes\nThis is using [this version of byte counting](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/7397/44713).\n[![the system](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Y7fFE.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Y7fFE.png)\nCommand blocks (going from left to right):\n```\nscoreboard objectives add K dummy\n```\n```\nscoreboard players set J K \n```\n```\ntellraw @a {score:{name:\"J\",objective:\"K\"},extra:[{text:\"+\"}]}\n```\nThis could probably be golfed a little more, but it's fairly simple: generate a variable `J` with the objective `K` and set its score for that objective to the input (there is no STDIN - I figured this was close enough). Then, after a tick, output the score of the variable `J` for the objective `K` followed by a `+`. Easy peasy.\n[Answer]\n# [O](https://github.com/phase/o) to K, 5 bytes\n```\ni'++o\n```\nThanks to **[@kirbyfan64sos](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/21009/kirbyfan64sos)**\nAnother version using features added after the challenge was created.\n```\ni'+\n```\n* Gets input, pushes to stack\n* Pushes '+' as a string\n* Outputs stack contents\n[Answer]\n## [Seriously](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously) to Python, 15 bytes\n`,\"lambda n:n+\"+`\nExpects input to be in string form, i.e. `\"3\"`\nExplanation:\n```\n,: read value from input\n\"lambda n:n+\": push this literal string\n+: concatenate top two values on stack\n```\n[Try it online](http://seriouslylang.herokuapp.com/link/code=2c226c616d626461206e3a6e2b222b&input=%223%22) (you will have to manually enter the input because the permalinks don't like quotes)\n[Answer]\n# Pyth to APL, ~~7~~ 5 bytes\n```\n+z\"--\n```\nThe Pyth code simply concatenates the input (`z`) with the string `\"--\"`. This creates an unnamed monadic train in APL with the form `n--`, where `n` comes from Pyth. When calling it in APL, `(n--)x` for some argument `x` computes `n--x = n-(-x) = n+x`.\nTry: [Pyth](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%2Bz%22--&input=3&debug=0), [APL](http://tryapl.org/?a=f%u21903--%u22C4f%202&run)\nSaved 2 bytes thanks to Dennis!\n[Answer]\n# rs -> K, 2 bytes\n```\n/+\n```\n[Live demo.](http://kirbyfan64.github.io/rs/index.html?script=%2F%2B&input=2)\n[Answer]\n## [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish) to Python, 25 + 3 = 28 bytes\n```\n\"v+x:x adbmal\no/?(3l\n;>~n\n```\nTakes input via the `-v` flag, e.g.\n```\npy -3 fish.py add.fish -v 27\n```\nand outputs a Python lambda, e.g. `lambda x:x+27`.\nFor a bonus, here's an STDIN input version for 30 bytes:\n```\ni:0(?v\nx+\"r~/\"lambda x:\no;!?l<\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Mouse](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouse_(programming_language)) to Ruby, 19 bytes\n```\n?N:\"->x{x+\"N.!\"}\"$\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n? N: ~ Read an integer from STDIN, store in N\n\"->x{x+\" ~ Write that string to STOUT\nN. ! ~ Write N\n\"}\"$ ~ Close bracket, end of program\n```\nThis creates an unnamed Ruby function of the form `->x{x+n}` where `n` comes from Mouse.\n[Answer]\n# Haskell to Mathematica, 14 bytes\n```\n(++\"+#&\").show\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica to C#, 22 bytes\n```\n\"x=>x+\"<>InputString[]\n```\nOutputs a C# `Func` of form\n```\nx=>x+n\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth -> K, 4 bytes\n```\n+z\\+\n```\nK is really easy to abuse here...\n[Live demo.](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%2Bz%5C%2B&input=2&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# Brainfuck to Java, 273\n```\n+[----->+++++.+++++.++++++.[---->++++.+[->++++.-[->+++-.-----[->+++.+++++.++++++.[---->++++.-[--->++-.[----->++-.[->+++.---------.-------------.[--->+---.+.---.----.-[->+++++-.-[--->++-.[----->+++.,[.,]+[--------->+++.-[--->+++.\n```\nOutputs a method like `int d(int i){return i+42;}` (which doesn't *look* like a Java method, but... Java!)\n[Answer]\n# POSIX shell to Haskell, 19 bytes\n```\nread n;echo \"($n+)\"\n```\nAnonymous functions being allowed, Haskell is a good output choice with the operator sections.\n[Answer]\n# PHP \u2192 JavaScript (ES6), 20 ~~24~~ bytes\nReading from *STDIN* is always expensive in PHP. It looks a bit strange:\n```\nx=>x+x+` and waits for user input to complete the string, terminates with the complete anonymous JavaScript function, e.g. `x=>x+2`.\n**First version (24 bytes**)\n```\nx+'.fgets(STDIN);\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/mbuettner/retina) to [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 4 bytes\nUses one file for each of these lines + 1 penalty byte; or, put both lines in a single file and use the `-s` flag.\n```\n$\n+_\n```\nMatches the end of the input with `$` and puts `+_` there. This results in something of the form `3+_`, which is an anonymous function in Pip.\n[Answer]\n# Bash \u2192 C/C++/C#/Java, 33 bytes\nand maybe others\n```\necho \"int f(int a){return a+$1;}\"\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Tiny Lisp](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/62886/2338) to [Ceylon](http://ceylon-lang.org/), ~~68~~ 61\n```\n(d u(q((n)(c(q(Integer x))(c(q =>)(c(c(q x+)(c n()))()))))))\n```\nTiny Lisp doesn't have real input and output \u2013 it just has expression evaluation.\nThis code above creates a function and binds it to `u`.\nYou can then call `u` with the argument `n` like this: `(u 7)`, which will evaluate to this Tiny Lisp value:\n```\n((Integer x) => (x+ 7))\n```\nThis is a valid Ceylon expression, for an anonymous function which adds 7 to an arbitrary integer.\n*Thanks to DLosc for an improvement of 7 bytes.*\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript to [Lambda Calculus](http://www.ics.uci.edu/~lopes/teaching/inf212W12/readings/lambda-calculus-handout2.pdf), 39 bytes\n(This uses the linked document as a basis.)\n```\nalert((x=>`\u03bba(${x}(add a))`)(prompt()))\n```\nSay input is `5`. Then this becomes:\n```\n\"\u03bba(5(add a))\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2 to CJam, ~~18~~ 20 bytes\n*Thanks to LegionMammal978 for correcting the functionality.*\n```\nprint\"{%f+}\"%input()\n```\nThe Python does a basic string format. `%f` is the code for a float, and since I wouldn't lose any bytes for handling floats, I went ahead and did so.\nThe CJam is much the same as the Golfscript->CJam answer. It looks something like this:\n```\n{7.4+}\n```\nor:\n```\n{23+}\n```\nIt's a block that takes the top value off the stack, pushes the special number, then adds them.\n[Answer]\n# [Microscript II](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Microscript_II) to Javascript ES6, 9 bytes\n```\n\"x=>x+\"pF\n```\n[Answer]\n# GNU sed to C, 46 bytes\n```\nsed -r 's/^([0-9]+)$/f(int x){return x+\\1;}/'\n```\n[Answer]\n# Vitsy to K, 5 Bytes\n\\o/ K will be being used very soon if it can do this.\n```\nN'+'Z\n```\nor maybe...\n```\nN'+'O\n```\nIf the input is taken as a string (only for 0-9 input)...\n```\ni'+'Z\n```\nAll of these, for input 2, will output:\n```\n2+\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Ceylon](http://ceylon-lang.org/) to [Tiny lisp](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/62886/2338), 76\n```\nshared void run(){print(\"(q((x)(s ``process.readLine()else\"\"``(s 0 x))))\");}\n```\nThis produces (after reading a line of input) output like `(q((x)(s 5(s 0 x))))`, which evaluates in Tiny Lisp to `((x) (s 5 (s 0 x)))`, a function which takes an argument `x`, subtracts it from 0, and subtracts the result from 5. (Yeah, this is how one adds in Tiny Lisp, there is only a subtraction function build in. Of course, one could define an addition function first, but this would be longer.)\nYou can use it like this as an anonymous function:\n```\n((q((x)(s 5(s 0 x)))) 7)\n```\n(This will evaluate to 12.)\nOr you can give it a name:\n```\n(d p5 (q((x)(s 5(s 0 x)))))\n(p5 7)\n```\n*Corrections and Golfing Hints from DLosc, the author of Tiny Lisp.*\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/Japt) \u2192 [TeaScript](https://github.com/vihanb/TeaScript), 5 bytes\n```\nU+\"+x\n```\nThis is pretty simple.\n---\n### Explanation\n```\nU+ // Input added to the string...\n \"+x // This is the string\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nLots of people like to play music for fun and entertainment. Unfortunately, music is pretty difficult sometimes. That is why you're here!\n## Task\nIt's your job to make reading music much easier for those struggling with it. You need to write a program or function that takes as input a musical staff, and outputs the names of the notes written on that staff.\n## Staff, clef, and notes\nA [musical staff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staff_(music)) , or stave, is five horizontal lines, inbetween which are four spaces. Each line or space represents a different note (pitch), depending on the clef. \nThere are a fair few different musical clefs to choose from, but we'll only be dealing with one for now: the [treble clef](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clef#Treble_clef). On the treble clef, the notes are represented on the staff as follows:\n```\nLines\nF ----------\nD ----------\nB ----------\nG ----------\nE ----------\n```\n```\nSpaces \n ---------- \nE\n ---------- \nC\n ---------- \nA\n ---------- \nF\n ----------\n```\n## Formatting of the input\nInput will be given as a single string, as follows:\n```\n---------------\n \n---------------\n \n---------------\n \n---------------\n \n---------------\n```\nThe five lines and four spaces of the staff are constructed out of nine rows of characters. Lines of the staff are constructed with `-` (hyphen) characters, and spaces with (space). Each row is separated from the next by a single newline character, eg: \n`-----\\n \\n-----\\n \\n-----\\n \\n-----\\n \\n-----\\n` \nThe rows are of arbitrary length (to a reasonable amount that can be handled by your programming language), and each row is exactly the same length in characters as the others. Also note that the rows will always be of a length that is divisible by three (to fit the pattern of one note followed by two columns without a note).\nNotes are placed on this staff by replacing the appropriate `-` or character with `o`. Notes can also be raised (sharp) or lowered (flat) in pitch by a semitone (about half the frequency difference between a note and its adjacent notes). This will be represented by the characters `#` and `b`, respectively, in place of the `o`. Each note will be separated from the next by exactly two `-` characters, and the first note will always occur on the first \"column\" of `-` and (space) characters.\nWhen outputting note names, your program should always use the capitalised letters (`A B C D E F G`) corresponding to the note given on the staff. For sharp (`#`) and flat (`b`) notes, your program needs to append `#` and `b`, respectively, to the letter corresponding to the note. For a natural note that is not sharp or flat, a (space) should be appended instead.\n## Example\nInput:\n```\n---------------------o--\n o \n---------------o--------\n o \n---------b--------------\n o \n---o--------------------\no \n------------------------\n```\n\\*note all \"empty space\" in this example is actually (space character). \nIn this case (a simple F major scale), your program should output this:\n```\nF G A Bb C D E F\n```\nNote the spacing between the characters of the output should be exactly as shown above, to fit correctly with the notes on the staff. Between all the note names there are two (space) characters, except between the `Bb` and `C`. The `b` here replaces one of the (space) characters.\nAnother example \nInput:\n```\n------------------------\n o \n------------------#-----\n # \n------------o-----------\n o \n------#-----------------\n # \no-----------------------\n```\nOutput: \n`E F# G# A B C# D# E`\nOne more example for good luck \nInput:\n```\n---------------------\no o o o \n---------------------\n o \n---------------------\n \n---------------o--o--\n \n---------------------\n```\nOutput: \n`E E E C E G G`\n## Rules\n* Notes will only ever be given in the five line staff range of E flat up to F sharp (except for the challenges, see below)\n* Any note could be sharp or flat, not just those seen commonly in music (eg. despite B# actually just being played as C in reality, B# can still occur in the input)\n* You can assume there will be exactly one note per 3 columns (so there will be no chords or anything like that, and no rests either)\n* You can assume the last note will be followed by two columns with no notes\n* You can assume even the last line of the staff will be followed by a single newline character\n* Input should be taken from STDIN (or language equivalent) or as function parameter\n* Output should be to STDOUT (or language equivalent) or as a return result if your program is a function\n* Standard loopholes and built-ins are allowed! Music is about experimenting and playing around. Go ahead and have fun with your language (although recognise that exploiting a loophole may not produce the most interesting program)\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so shortest program in bytes wins\n## Bonus challenges\n* -10% if your program can also successfully process the space above the top line of the staff (G, G#, Gb).\n* -10% if your program can also successfully process the space below the bottom line of the staff (D, D#, Db)\n* In these cases your program would take as input an additional row at the start and end; these rows should be treated exactly the same as the other nine rows\n \n[Answer]\n## CJam (40 37 \\* 0.8 = 29.6 points)\n```\nqN/z3%{_{iD%6>}#_~'H,65>=@@=+'oSerS}%\n```\n[Online demo](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=qN%2Fz3%25%7B_%7BiD%256%3E%7D%23_~'H%2C65%3E%3D%40%40%3D%2B'oSerS%7D%25&input=%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20o%20%20%20%20%20%0A---------------------o--------%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20o%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%0A---------------o--------------%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%23%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%0A---------b--------------------%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20o%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%0A---o--------------------------%0Ao%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%0A------------------------------%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%23%20%20)\nThanks to [indeed](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/47009/indeed) for pointing out some pre-defined variables which I'd forgotten about.\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 106 bytes \\*0.8 = 84.8\n```\n->s{a=' '*l=s.index('\n')+1\ns.size.times{|i|s[i].ord&34>33&&(a[i%l,2]='GFEDCBA'[i/l%7]+s[i].tr(?o,' '))}\na}\n```\nUngolfed in test program\n```\nf=->s{a=' '*l=s.index('\n')+1 #l = length of first row, initialize string a to l spaces\n s.size.times{|i| #for each character in s\n s[i].ord&34>33&& #if ASCII code for ob#\n (a[i%l,2]= #change 2 bytes in a to the following string\n 'GFEDCBA'[i/l%7]+s[i].tr(?o,' '))}#note letter, and copy of symbol ob# (transcribe to space if o)\na} #return a\nt=' \n---------------------o--\n o \n---------------o--------\n o \n---------b--------------\n o \n---o--------------------\no \n------------------------\n \n'\nu=' \n------------------------\n o \n------------------#-----\n # \n------------o-----------\n o \n------#-----------------\n # \no-----------------------\n \n'\nv=' \n---------------------\no o o o \n---------------------\n o \n---------------------\n \n---------------o--o--\n \n---------------------\n \n'\nputs f[t]\nputs f[u]\nputs f[v]\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 144 bytes - 20% = 115.2\n```\nf=s=>(n=[],l=s.indexOf(`\n`)+1,[...s].map((v,i)=>(x=i%l,h=v.match(/[ob#]/),n[x]=h?\"GFEDCBAGFED\"[i/l|0]:n[x]||\" \",h&&v!=\"o\"?n[x+1]=v:0)),n.join``)\n```\n## Explanation\n```\nf=s=>(\n n=[], // n = array of note letters\n l=s.indexOf(`\n`)+1, // l = line length\n [...s].map((v,i)=>( // iterate through each character\n x=i%l, // x = position within current line\n h=v.match(/[ob#]/), // h = character is note\n n[x]= // set current note letter to:\n h?\"GFEDCBAGFED\"[i/l|0] // if it is a note, the letter\n :n[x]||\" \", // if not, the current value or space if null\n h&&v!=\"o\"?n[x+1]=v:0 // put the sharp/flat symbol at the next position\n )),\n n.join`` // return the note letters as a string\n)\n```\n## Test\nRemember to add a line above the staff that is the exact length of the other lines because this solution includes parsing the lines above and below the staff.\n```\nf=s=>(n=[],l=s.indexOf(`\n`)+1,[...s].map((v,i)=>(x=i%l,h=v.match(/[ob#]/),n[x]=h?\"GFEDCBAGFED\"[i/l|0]:n[x]||\" \",h&&v!=\"o\"?n[x+1]=v:0)),n.join``)\n```\n```\n\n
\n \n
\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# `cat` goes \"Meow\"\nWe are all familiar with the concept of a `cat` program. The user types something in, it is echoed back to the user. Easy. But all `cat` programs I've seen so far have missed one fact: a `cat` goes \"Meow\". So your task is to write a program that copies all `STDIN` to `STDOUT` **UNLESS** the input is `cat`, in which case your program should output `cat goes \"Meow\"`.\n## Scoring\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so your score is your byte count, with a few modifiers:\n* If your program works for any additional animals other than `cat` (e.g. `cow: cow goes \"Moo\"`), for each additional animal: -10\n* If your program doesn't use the word \"cat\": -15\n* If your program responds to `fox` with \"What does the fox say\": -25\n### Animals and sounds that go together:\n`cow goes moo`\n`duck goes quack`\n`sheep goes baa`\n`bees go buzz`\n`frogs go croak`\nAnything else on [this list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animal_sounds) is allowed.\n## Rules\n* [Standard loopholes](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) apply\n* You must not write anything to `STDERR`\n* You can use single quotes/no quotes instead of double quotes.\n## Leaderboard\nHere is a Stack Snippet to generate both a regular leaderboard and an overview of winners by language.\nTo make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:\n```\n## Language Name, N bytes\n```\nwhere `N` is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you *can* keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:\n```\n## Ruby, 104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the leaderboard snippet:\n```\n## [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=62500;var OVERRIDE_USER=46470;function answersUrl(e){return\"http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(-?\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## Pyth, 82-95 = -13 bytes\n```\n+z*}zKc.\"at\u00dci\u00c3'4\u00e3l\u00beE\u00aa\u00eei\u00fb<-\u00c8&e\"\\jjk[d\"goes\"dNr@c.\"bw\u00ab\u00ab[\u00e1\u00c53\u00cfB\"\\c%x`Kz3 3N\n```\nI finally got around to converting my new functional Python 2 entry to Pyth. It doesn't beat the top contender. Turns out zipping together more animals into a larger dictionary reduces score faster than cleverly associating animals with sounds. This supports 8 animals in addition to cat: rhino, okapi, moose, lion, tiger, badger, hippo, and stag.\n[Try it online](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%2Bz%2a%7DzKc.%22at%1C%08%C3%9C%18%1Ai%C3%83%7F%274%C3%A3l%C2%BEE%0B%C2%AA%C2%8F%C3%AEi%C2%9D%C3%BB%3C%1A-%C3%88%26e%22%5Cjjk%5Bd%22goes%22dNr%40c.%22bw%03%C2%AB%C2%AB%5B%C3%A1%C3%853%C3%8FB%C2%97%22%5Cc%25x%60Kz3+3N&input=stag&test_suite_input=%5B24%2C+6%5D%0A0+++%0A%5B24%2C+6%5D%0A1%0A%5B24%2C+6%5D%0A2%0A%5B24%2C+6%5D%0A5%0A%5B100%2C+50%5D%0A10%0A%5B1%2C+1.41421356237%5D%0A10&debug=0&input_size=2)\n[Answer]\n## Japt, ~~25-15=10~~ 24-15 = 9 bytes\nFirst time trying Japt:\n```\nN\u00a6`\u00aft`?N:`\u00aft go\u0192 \\\"\u00b4ow\\\"\n```\n`\u0192` should be replaced with unprintable character `U+0083`\nCompiles to:\n```\nN!=\"cat\"?N:\"cat goes \\\"meow\\\"\"\n```\nOld solution:\n```\nN\u00a5`\u00aft`?`\u00aft go\u0192 \\\"\u00b4ow\\\"`:N\n```\n[Try it here](http://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=master&code=TqZgr3RgP046YK90IGdvgyBcIrRvd1wi&input=ImNhdCI=)\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 26-15 (no \"cat\") = 11 bytes\nMy first ever Pyth program!\n```\nIqz_\"tac\"+z\" goes meow\";Ez\n```\n## [Try it here](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=Iqz_%22tac%22%2Bz%22+goes+meow%22%3BEz&input=cat&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=sadsadsadad%0Acat%0Atac&debug=0)\n### Explaination\n```\n _\"tac\" # Reverse the string \"tac\"\nIqz # If the input equals \"tac\" reversed\n +z\" goes meow\"; # Append \" goes meow\"\n Ez # Else, use the input.\n # Implicit: print the input, if it's used.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), score: -136 (214 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage) - 31\\*10 - 15 - 25)\n```\n'\u00a8\u203aQi\u201cWhat\u201a\u00e0\u20ac\u20ac \u00ff\u2026\u00e8\u201c\u00eb\u201c\u00d3\u00d5\u0178\u00e2\u00cd\u00dd\u00b9\u00d0\u00c0\u00bc\u00db\u00cb\u2014\u00c4\u00ac\u2026\u00d0\u00a7\u00c0\u00db\u00c6\u00d3\u2039\u00b7\u00bb\u00d1\u00d0\u0153\u00b2\u00e8\u00e0\u00e6\u00d1\u00e5\u00ee\u20ac\u017e\u00da\u00c6\u00da\u00d8\u00e5\u00ca\u00d3\u00b3\u00e2\u00cc\u2013\u00d4\u00c4\u00a4\u2022\u00e3\u201a\u00ed\u201e\u00c4\u0160\u00ea\u00c2\u00dd\u00a2\u201c#sk\u00a9di.\u2022Q\u00c3\u20ac}\u00a3\u2260\u2030\u0152\u039b(\u00cf\u00fb\u0432r\u00fc\u00e9\u00e4[\u00f1\u00f8uF\u00bd3\u00a1\u00fc\u00c3\u00ef\u00df\u00e5\u03b9Q\u00ca\u00e7d\u00ef\u20ac]\u00dc\u0432\u03b2`\u0161\u0160\u00fb\u00a9\u00aa\u00ab\u0100L\u03a9\u00dd\u03b2\\\u00e0\u00a8T\u0106\u03b7\u00ce.\u2084\u2086\u00f6\u00aa$\u03b3\u00e2\u00f4\u0398:\u00c6\u2122{\u00b9\u04385|\u00c2\u0107\u00ae\u03bb\u00ac\u00a1\u00b8\u03b1\u00e2\u00cb::\u00b4\u00f3\u00fd\u00cf\u01b65~\u00a6m.\u0161k\u03b1\u2020#\u00d06\u03bb\u2022#\u00ae\u00e8\u2122s\u201c\u00ff\u2014\u00b1 \"\u00ff\"\n```\nBonuses:\n* -15 for not using `cat`\n* -25 for outputting `What does the fox say` when the input is `fox`\n* 31 times -10 for the animals and sounds: `[\"bat screech\",\"bear roar\",\"bee buzz\",\"tiger roar\",\"lion roar\",\"jaguar snarl\",\"cat meow\",\"chicken cluck\",\"cow moo\",\"cricket chirp\",\"deer bellow\",\"dog bark\",\"wolf howl\",\"duck quack\",\"eagle screech\",\"elephant trumpet\",\"frog croak\",\"horse neigh\",\"mouse squeak\",\"monkey scream\",\"pig oink\",\"rabbit squeak\",\"seal bark\",\"sheep baa\",\"snake hiss\",\"turkey gobble\",\"whale sing\",\"ass heehaw\",\"rat squeak\",\"goat bleat\",\"lamb baa\"]`\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##FVDdSgJBGH2V0KCuvIm68AG66kYIuqggwyKRCLIg6IdhW4yyH2sLxKzW1UzNLDdRt9WE77hdDj7DvIh9C8PAnDnfOec7O8noenxjPJ6iihI/kbgS@aWt6J4SOZhKq/OZwECJMvg7j3f/MvDgdWHhCk/kIANBPTwircQ9dKr73Ay9QTCWgqGEQx1ycYuMZ5CNCkyU@fWKBmt7v8gxK4csAxcw6Jt1L5Uw4GuVlLBQ9KN8KPEM3TNRg8auFscIJhNUjcVDzInglLWOqajOTSW@vDv5OI0buCN7Fz1UUVpGE939eerPUIGRU3ziBa/SibDnWwyfPL2K/MiW9ppXYBeXqlSj96FYkFU8SXsFJlUWhynZwXVIabrSUmhTbVL6cVsyG0ZK6dYhOaPu7BG04Rk1pEt1KlBXNpmSDoephW/0cfPXnj2h8nbIKyRkUwkziMycdHmJIDW4Y91K@hVz4/fUnAhgEBiPN3cO/gE) or [verify all used animals](https://tio.run/##HVBNT1NBFP0rk9ZEF6Ybgws27NzopomJCzVx2g7tsx@vee9VJIqZlKZGUakUE1KKtgVKCwi2EGgtSHIPz@ULv2H@SL3PZHIyc@6559y5tisTlppGXy3ORYSpronI3CJqqE1vU8/o33HL6OaTjPSMbqBlyod8BK6M7oLLTRyEUMc3f4QOPmOLxtys6QKbWDF6HRU6DLU12oNmroq60WM6pwm@oubXaYgeWujyaxdH7O3/QYNVDWww8RF1OmHfT0bXEXrtGN3BdjjKT6O/o@K3sI8yp3Z4jKibpX7KirEmjmX2WqJt86Fl9C9/Ldi8g1VMboYOLtDHzlMMMCo9oMt71GZmGcf4gd1gHOfMvRSOufs5mjfDYPjCb3PKhPq0TwfX@lHQx1YwfIYW9R5fV4NzfImZcsWUqzij/VtBOO5psDGLqql03tD4ZjTzFuXr93QUTOiQ2jQKBixZmZ2lU5zgEqt/z2beUTcf89vZYGB0K4ra/WDCn4jSEe@40nHDFfPG12kgIriKTPm9tERnD@9OE9ITCSUdBiU8K60ckbPsgngp0yVmk1xOZqxkVhVE0l4QSSe8eyKlWJiy02LBzs2LVCmZFUqmc0qonCpmZMET8w5XM7bjKpG3S/@xkFWLomilhSMTCcsTrpI54WaUKgq3ILOcX3JCyUJGspN0XRZ6Im0z5GQ@Iebt18wUUnb@Hw).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n'\u00a8\u203a '# Push dictionary word \"fox\"\n Qi # If the (implicit) input-string equal \"fox\":\n \u201cWhat\u201a\u00e0\u20ac\u20ac \u00ff\u2026\u00e8\u201c # Push dictionary string \"What does the \u00ff say\"\n # (where the `\u00ff` is automatically filled with the implicit input)\n \u00eb # Else:\n \u201c\u00d3\u00d5\u0178\u00e2\u00cd\u00dd...\u00c4\u0160\u00ea\u00c2\u00dd\u00a2\u201c # Push dictionary string \"bar bear bee ... rat goat lamb\"\n # # Split it on spaces\n sk # Get the index of the input-string in this list (-1 if not found)\n \u00a9 # Store this index in variable `\u00ae` (without popping)\n di # If this index is non-negative (>= 0):\n .\u2022Q\u00c3\u20ac...\u00d06\u03bb\u2022 # Push compressed string \"screech roar ... bleat baa\"\n # # Split it on spaces\n \u00ae\u00e8 # Index variable `\u00ae` into this list\n \u2122 # Titlecase this sound\n s # Swap to get the (implicit) input-string at the top of the stack\n \u201c\u00ff\u2014\u00b1 \"\u00ff\" # Push dictionary string '\u00ff goes \"\u00ff\"'\n # (where the first `\u00ff` is the input at the top of the stack,\n # and the second `\u00ff` is the titlecased sound below it)\n # (after which the top of the stack is output implicitly as result,\n # which will be the (implicit) input itself for any other input)\n```\n[See this 05AB1E tip of mine (sections *How to use the dictionary?* and *How to compress strings not part of the dictionary?*)](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/166851/52210) to understand why:\n* `'\u00a8\u203a` is `\"fox\"`\n* `\u201cWhat\u201a\u00e0\u20ac\u20ac \u00ff\u2026\u00e8\u201c` is `\"What does the \u00ff say\"`\n* `\u201c\u00d3\u00d5\u0178\u00e2\u00cd\u00dd\u00b9\u00d0\u00c0\u00bc\u00db\u00cb\u2014\u00c4\u00ac\u2026\u00d0\u00a7\u00c0\u00db\u00c6\u00d3\u2039\u00b7\u00bb\u00d1\u00d0\u0153\u00b2\u00e8\u00e0\u00e6\u00d1\u00e5\u00ee\u20ac\u017e\u00da\u00c6\u00da\u00d8\u00e5\u00ca\u00d3\u00b3\u00e2\u00cc\u2013\u00d4\u00c4\u00a4\u2022\u00e3\u201a\u00ed\u201e\u00c4\u0160\u00ea\u00c2\u00dd\u00a2\u201c` is `\"bat bear bee tiger lion jaguar cat chicken cow cricket deer dog wolf duck eagle elephant frog horse mouse monkey pig rabbit seal sheep snake turkey whale ass rat goat lamb\"`\n* `.\u2022Q\u00c3\u20ac}\u00a3\u2260\u2030\u0152\u039b(\u00cf\u00fb\u0432r\u00fc\u00e9\u00e4[\u00f1\u00f8uF\u00bd3\u00a1\u00fc\u00c3\u00ef\u00df\u00e5\u03b9Q\u00ca\u00e7d\u00ef\u20ac]\u00dc\u0432\u03b2`\u0161\u0160\u00fb\u00a9\u00aa\u00ab\u0100L\u03a9\u00dd\u03b2\\\u00e0\u00a8T\u0106\u03b7\u00ce.\u2084\u2086\u00f6\u00aa$\u03b3\u00e2\u00f4\u0398:\u00c6\u2122{\u00b9\u04385|\u00c2\u0107\u00ae\u03bb\u00ac\u00a1\u00b8\u03b1\u00e2\u00cb::\u00b4\u00f3\u00fd\u00cf\u01b65~\u00a6m.\u0161k\u03b1\u2020#\u00d06\u03bb\u2022` is `\"screech roar buzz roar roar snarl meow cluck moo chirp bellow bark howl quack screech trumpet croak neigh squeak scream oink squeak bark baa hiss gobble sing heehaw squeak bleat baa\"`\n* and `\u201c\u00ff\u2014\u00b1 \"\u00ff\"` is `'\u00ff goes \"\u00ff\"'`\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 132 - 150 (animals) - 15 (no `cat`) = -33 bytes\n```\npJjb.zp.x++\" goes \\\"\"[[email\u00a0protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)\\ic.\"ay-\u00dd\u00cf\u00e5\u00e2\u0161B\u00b2\u00c5\nu\u0160\u00b0\u00b5\u00b2\u00a6D\u00c4\u00b2\u00d6\u00ec \u0005|t`2\u0007\u201c\u201a\u0081\u00ca\u00f4\u00eb\u001a\u00a8}\u00e8\u00d4\u00e8w:\u00ff\u00ca_O\u0192\u00c4\u0014<\u00da\u203a\u00f8\u201a\u00ee\u00bd\u00f9\u00db&L\u00b0\u201e6a<9-\u00be\u00b9\u2122,U\u00f80\u0011\u00e96\u0152\u00fb\u00b2\u000f\u00d9\u00b2\u00cby\u00ca\u00b7%C\"\\lJ4\\\"k\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AcQAO/9weXRo//9wSmpiLnpwLngrKyIgZ29lcyBcIiJyQC5kbWNkXGljLiJheS3DncOPw6XDosKaQsKyw4UMdcKKwrDCtcKywqZEw4TCssOWw6wgBXx0YDIHwpPCgsKBw4rDtMOrGsKofcOow5TDqHc6w7/Dil9PwoPDhBQ8w5rCm8O4woLDrsK9w7nDmyZMwrDChDZhPDktwr7CucKZLFXDuDARw6k2wozDu8KyD8OZwrLDi3nDisK3JUMiXGxKNFwia///Y2F0 \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUses a packed string to fit in animals for less than 10 bytes each\nFull list:\n```\nparrot goes \"Squack\"\ncat goes \"Meow\"\nrook goes \"Caw\"\nass goes \"Bray\"\ngoose goes \"Honk\"\ndog goes \"Woof\"\nduck goes \"Quack\"\nsheep goes \"Baa\"\nox goes \"Moo\"\nraven goes \"Caw\"\ngoat goes \"Baa\"\nswan goes \"Cry\"\nfrog goes \"Croak\"\ntoad goes \"Croak\"\nmonkey goes \"Chatter\"\n```\nEdit 1: Almost forgot the no cat bonus :P\n[Answer]\n# [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 25 - 15 = 10 bytes\n```\n.\"c\"\"at\"+=\" goes 'Meow'\"*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPn/X08pWUkpsURJ21ZJIT0/tVhB3Tc1v1xdSev//@TEEgA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Example\n```\n.\"c\"\"at\"+=\" goes 'Meow'\"* # Input: cat\n.\"c\"\"at\" # Duplicate input, push c and at. Stack: cat cat c at\n + # Concatenate, Stack: cat cat cat\n = # Check if equal, Stack: cat 1\n \" goes 'Meow'\"* # \" goes 'Meow'\" pushed onto stack n times, Stack: \"cat\" \" goes 'Meow'\"\n # Implicitly print\n```\n### Alternate Example\n```\n.\"c\"\"at\"+=\" goes 'Meow'\"* # Input: asdf\n.\"c\"\"at\" # Duplicate input, push c and at. Stack: asdf asdf c at\n + # Concatenate, Stack: asdf asdf cat\n = # Check if equal, Stack: asdf 0\n \" goes 'Meow'\"* # \" goes 'Meow'\" pushed onto stack n times, Stack: \"asdf\" \"\"\n # Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Nim](https://nim-lang.org/), 65 - 15 = ~~56~~ 50 bytes\nDoes not use the word cat. Supports only cat and then \"Meow\", no other animals.\n```\nwhile 1>0:\n var i=readLine stdin;echo if i==\"ca\"&\"t\":\"Meow\"else:i\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=LYwxCgIxEAD7fUXYQrAQtJNIBHt9xJJsvNWYwCWa_MUmID7qfuPB2c4w8_5EefT-fRa_2U-nOkhgtTtuNagXjUrMyOTOElnl4iQe2A5JiZ-FQUu4woIaL5wqcsisZRn9f31au3QFcrcklF24U3CZwKYKPpNpYKkAtEYzXYof)\n(-6 bytes thanks to Steffan)\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic, 48 bytes\n```\nInput Str1\nStr1=\"cat\nIf Ans\nDisp Str1+\" goes Meow\nIf not(Ans\nDisp Str1\n```\nAll those lowercase letters are increasing the bytecount by a lot.\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 285 - 310 - 15 - 25 = -65 bytes\n```\n`\u2237\u00be`=[`\u03bb\u27e9 \u019b\u222a \u03bb\u03bb \u2237\u00be \u2228\u00b6`|`\u1e02\u1e59 \u221e\u00a8 \u03b5\u010b \u1e57\u00b5 \u221a\u2087 \u1e40\u22ce \u00a2\u208c \u03b2\u00a1 \u00a6\u2039 \u221a\u228d \u2083\u21e9 \u2022\u0188 \u1e61\u0192 \u00a6\u00f8 \u1e1f\u2087 \u1e86\u27d1 \u00b5\u027d \u00bd\u017c \u00de\u2021 \u2083\u215b \u1e22\u27e8 \u2088\u1e0a \u0121\u1e44 \u204b\u0117 \u010a\u1e41 \u2234\u2020 \u1e8e\u2087 ass \u2080\u2308 \u230a\u1e6b \u022e\u2070`\u2308?\u1e1f:\u00a30\u2265[`s\u21e9\u22cf\u21b3\u22ce r\u22ce\u00ab \u0226\u00a8 r\u22ce\u00ab r\u22ce\u00ab sn\u20b4\u00a3 m\u25a1\u0140 c\u1e1f\u013f moo ch\u21b2\u1e56 \u01cd\u27e9\u27d1\u1e59 \u2022\u00f8k h\u22ce\u2084 q\ua71d\u00bdk s\u21e9\u22cf\u21b3\u22ce t\u2265\u204b\u2310\u00a8 cr\u03b2\u2070 ne\u22cf\u1e6b s\u0227\u201bak s\u203a\u2039 o\u203a\u208c s\u0227\u201bak \u2022\u00f8k baa \u03bb\u00b5s \u00a3\u204b\u01ce\u0281 \u27e9\u027d hee\u00a5\u2193 s\u0227\u201bak bl\u2193\u27d1 baa`\u2308\u00a5i`% \u00a2\u2083 `?%$+\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#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)\nPort of Kevin Cruijssen's 05AB1E answer.\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 42 - 15 - 25 = 2 bytes\n```\n`\u00a2\u208c`=[`\u00a2\u208c \u00a2\u2083 \"M\u25a1\u0140\"`|`\u2237\u00be`=[`\u03bb\u27e9 \u019b\u222a \u03bb\u03bb \u2237\u00be \u2228\u00b6`\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCJgwqLigoxgPVtgwqLigowgwqLigoMgXCJN4pahxYBcImB8YOKIt8K+YD1bYM674p+pIMab4oiqIM67zrsg4oi3wr4g4oiowrZgIiwiIiwiZm94Il0=)\nBonuses:\n* -15 for not using `cat`\n* -25 for responding to `fox` with `What does the fox say`\n## [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 19 - 15 = 4 bytes\n```\n`\u00a2\u208c`=[`\u00a2\u208c \u00a2\u2083 \"M\u25a1\u0140\"`\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCJgwqLigoxgPVtgwqLigowgwqLigoMgXCJN4pahxYBcImAiLCIiLCJjYXQiXQ==)\nBonuses:\n* -15 for not using `cat`\n### Explanation\nMost of it is just string compression:\n* ``\u00a2\u208c`` is `cat`\n* ``\u00a2\u208c \u00a2\u2083 \"M\u25a1\u0140\"`` is `cat goes \"meow\"`\n* ``\u2237\u00be`` is `fox`\n* ``\u03bb\u27e9 \u019b\u222a \u03bb\u03bb \u2237\u00be \u2228\u00b6`` is `What does the fox say`\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 31 - 15 = 16 bytes\nYou can try it out [here](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=In%2BC99%22at%22zz%3BE%2Bz%22%20goes%20%5C%22Meow%5C%22&input=cat%0A&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=cat%0Ahi&debug=0)\n```\nIn+C99\"at\"zz;E+z\" goes \\\"Meow\\\"\n```\nExplaination:\n```\nI # If-statement\n n # not equal\n +C99\"at\" # Adds the char 99 with the string \"at\" = \"cat\"\n z # z, the user input\n z # Print the user input\n ; # Ends all open parentheses\n E # Else-statement\n +z\" goes \\\"Meow\\\" # Adds ' goes \"Meow\"' to z and prints the result\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 76 bytes\n```\nmain(){char a[99];gets(a);printf(\"%s%s\",a,strcmp(a,\"cat\")?\"\":\" goes meow\");}\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 70-15 = 55 bytes\n```\n!:e\"cat goes Meow\">\n```\nSee commented and expanded [here](http://hassiumlang.com/Paste/get-paste.has?hash=48e0912b2dfe5a3af3be80d88f0b36da)\n[Answer]\n## Python 2, 149-95 = 54 bytes\n### -8\\*10 extra animals, -15 for no \"cat\"\n```\nu=raw_input()\nl=\"ca\"\"t badger rhino okapi moose stag tiger hippo lion\".split()\nprint u+' goes \"%s\"'%[\"Growl\",\"Bellow\",\"Meow\"][`l`.find(u)%3]*(u in l)\n```\nSupported animals:\n* moose, stag, okapi, rhino (all Bellow)\n* tiger, badger, lion, hippo (all Growl)\nThis is not the shortest Python answer, but at least it does bother to try at some other animals! I add it here because the answer i had previously did not work, and I'm confident this will become the shortest Pyth answer once I translate it and golf it there.\n### How it works:\n1. Take input\n2. Create a list of animals in a very precise order.\n3. Print the input, and if the input is in the list, use the location of the input in the string representation of the list to index an array of sounds, and append the appropriate \"goes\" string.\n[Answer]\n# [Arcy\u00f3u](https://github.com/Nazek42/arcyou), 38 bytes (non-competitive)\n*Since this version of the language was made after the challenge was posted, it is not eligible.*\n```\n(: s(q))(?(= s \"cat\")\"cat goes Meow\" s\n```\nArcy\u00f3u is a LISP-like golfing language.\nExplanation:\n```\n(: s(q)) ; Set the variable s to the contents of STDIN\n(? (= s \"cat\") ; If-statement. Condition is s == \"cat\"\n \"cat goes Meow\" ; If true: return the string \"cat goes Meow\"\n s ; Otherwise, return what was entered\n```\nArcy\u00f3u automatically prints the result of the last expression evaluated. In this case, it is the `?` statement. It also allows you to leave off trailing close-parens.\n[Answer]\n# Emacs Lisp (67 Bytes)\n```\n(set'a(read-string\"\"))(message(pcase a(\"cat\"\"cat goes meow\")(_ a)))\n```\nIt uses pattern matching to distinguish cats from other input. This could be extended to fit other animals in as well, but as most of them take up more than 10 characters, there is not much to be gained from that.\n[Answer]\n# [Milky Way 1.5.16](https://github.com/zachgates7/Milky-Way), 29 bytes - 15 = 14\n```\n\"c\"\"at\"+'?{b_\" goes Meow\"+_}!\n```\nDoesn't use a `\"cat\"` string.\n---\n### Explanation\n```\n\"c\"\"at\" \" goes Meow\" # push string to the stack\n + + # add the TOS and the STOS\n ' # read input from the command line\n ?{ _ _} # if statement\n b # equality of the TOS and the STOS\n ! # output the TOS\n```\n---\n### Usage\n```\npython3 milkyway.py -i \n```\n[Answer]\n## [Perl](https://github.com/BrendanGalvin), 13 bytes\nThe string \"cat\" does not appear in my code (Special thanks to Dennis for shaving 15 bytes off of the code, and teaching me some new Perl tricks):\n```\ns/^(c)at$/$& goes Meow/\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#6, 302 - 110 - 15 = 177 bytes\nThis works for 12 different animals, including cat. It does not include the word \"cat\" verbatim.\n```\nusing static System.Console;class P{static void Main(){var a=ReadLine();var d=\"bee,Buzz,c\\x61t,Meow,cow,Moo,crow,Caw,dog,Bark,hog,Oink,lamb,Baa,lion,Roar,ox,Low,owl,Hoo,pig,Oink,rook,Caw,seal,Bark,sheep,Baa,swan,Cry\".Split(',');int i=22;while(--i>0&&d[--i]!=a);Write(i<0?a:d[i]+\" goes '\"+d[i+1]+\"'\");}}\n```\nIndentation and new lines for clarity.\n```\nusing static System.Console;\nclass P{\n static void Main(){\n var a=ReadLine();\n var d=\"bee,Buzz,c\\x61t,Meow,cow,Moo,crow,Caw,dog,Bark,hog,Oink,lamb,Baa,lion,Roar,ox,Low,owl,Hoo,pig,Oink,rook,Caw,seal,Bark,sheep,Baa,swan,Cry\".Split(',');\n int i=22;\n while(--i>0&&d[--i]!=a);\n Write(i<0?a:d[i]+\" goes '\"+d[i+1]+\"'\");\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## [DIG](https://github.com/UnderMybrella/DIG), 163 - 15 = 148 bytes\nDisclaimer: Due to the fact that DIG was created after the challenge, this answer is non-competing.\n[![Beautiful cats](https://i.stack.imgur.com/RFQ7n.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/RFQ7n.png)\nZoomed in (Note: This file will NOT compile, due to the nature of the language)\n[![Impossible Cats](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5nEUY.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5nEUY.png)\nWhile I have no idea if this is considered a valid language for PPCG, it *does* complete the challenge. Documentation for the language can be found [here](https://github.com/UnderMybrella/DIG/blob/master/Schematic.txt) and the interpreter can be found [here](https://github.com/UnderMybrella/DIG/blob/master/DIG.jar).\n[Answer]\n# Swift 2.0, ~~71~~ 68-15 (no \"cat\") = 53 bytes\n```\nfunc a(s:String)->String{return s==\"c\\u{61}t\" ?s+\" goes \\\"Meow\\\"\":s}\n```\nFor some reason, a compilation error is thrown if there isn't a space before the ternary operator `?`\n### Ungolfed\n```\nfunc a(s: String) -> String{\n return s == \"c\\u{61}t\" ? s + \" goes \\\"Meow\\\"\" : s\n}\n```\nThis doesn't use \"cat\" in it by replacing the a with the unicode literal `\\u{61}`. You can [test this code here](http://swiftstub.com/156692825/)\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript, 35 - 15 (-p no cat) = 20 Bytes\n```\nc=i=>(i=='c\\at')?i+' says \"Meow\"':i\n```\nCan someone check to see that I did the header right?\n[Answer]\n# Retina, 23 - 15 = 8 bytes\n```\n^ca\\0*t$\n$& goes \"Meow\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pylongolf2, 33-15=18 bytes\n```\n\"tac\"\u25681cd_@0=b?\" goes Meow\"\u00bf~\n```\nExplanations:\n```\n\"tac\"\u25681cd_@0=b?\" goes Meow\"\u00bf~\n\"tac\" push \"tac\" to stack\n \u25681 reverse it\n cd read input and then select latest item in stack\n _ duplicate input\n @0 select first item in stack\n =b compare then swap places\n ? if true,\n \" goes Meow\"\u00bf push \" goes Meow\" to stack and end if statement\n ~ print it.\n```\n[Answer]\n## Lua 5.3.2, 229 - 25 - 15 - 80 (extra animals) = 109 bytes\n```\nr={...}a={['\\99\\97\\116']='Meow',duck='Quack',sheep='Baa',bee='Buzz',frog='Croak',bat='Screech',elk='Bugle',swan='Cry',pig='Oink'}print(r[1]=='fox' and 'What does the fox say' or(a[r[1]] and r[1]..' goes \"'..a[r[1]]..'\"' or r[1]))\n```\n### Ungolfed\n```\nlocal Args = {...}\nlocal Sounds = {\n ['\\99\\97\\116'] = 'Meow',\n duck = 'Quack',\n sheep = 'Baa',\n bee = 'Buzz',\n frog = 'Croak',\n bat = 'Screech',\n elk = 'Bugle',\n swan = 'Cry',\n pig = 'Oink'\n}\nprint(\n Args[1] == 'fox' and 'What does the fox say' or (\n Sounds[Args[1]] and Args[1] .. ' goes \"' .. Sounds[Args[1]] .. '\"' or Args[1]\n )\n)\n```\nI tried to make the logic a little clearer by putting it on multiple lines. \nIt's essentially a ternary operator `?:`\n[Answer]\n## AWK, 32 - 15 = 17\n```\n/^[c]at$/{$0=$0\" goes 'Meow'\"}1\n```\nI think this counts as not using \"cat\". Could have saved a couple bytes if \"cat\" were allowed to be anywhere in the line.\nFor giggles I also put together one with more animals, but it's not competitive, especially with trying to capture the correct verb to use, but here's what I came up with :)\n```\n{for(;I \n> A **quine** is a non-empty computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output.\n> \n> \n> \nNo cheating -- that means that you can't just read the source file and print it. Also, in many languages, an empty file is also a quine: that isn't considered a legit quine either.\nNo error quines -- there is already a [separate challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/36260/make-an-error-quine) for error quines.\nPoints for:\n* Smallest code (in bytes)\n* Most obfuscated/obscure solution\n* Using esoteric/obscure languages\n* Successfully using languages that are difficult to golf in\nThe following Stack Snippet can be used to get a quick view of the current score in each language, and thus to know which languages have existing answers and what sort of target you have to beat:\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=69;\nvar OVERRIDE_USER=98;\nvar ANSWER_FILTER=\"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";var COMMENT_FILTER=\"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";var answers=[],answers_hash,answer_ids,answer_page=1,more_answers=!0,comment_page;function answersUrl(index){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+index+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}\nfunction commentUrl(index,answers){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+answers.join(';')+\"/comments?page=\"+index+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}\nfunction getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(data){answers.push.apply(answers,data.items);answers_hash=[];answer_ids=[];data.items.forEach(function(a){a.comments=[];var id=+a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(id);answers_hash[id]=a});if(!data.has_more)more_answers=!1;comment_page=1;getComments()}})}\nfunction getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(data){data.items.forEach(function(c){if(c.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER)\nanswers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c)});if(data.has_more)getComments();else if(more_answers)getAnswers();else process()}})}\ngetAnswers();var SCORE_REG=(function(){var headerTag=String.raw `h\\d`\nvar score=String.raw `\\-?\\d+\\.?\\d*`\nvar normalText=String.raw `[^\\n<>]*`\nvar strikethrough=String.raw `${normalText}|${normalText}|${normalText}`\nvar noDigitText=String.raw `[^\\n\\d<>]*`\nvar htmlTag=String.raw `<[^\\n<>]+>`\nreturn new RegExp(String.raw `<${headerTag}>`+String.raw `\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?`+String.raw `(${score})`+String.raw `(?=`+String.raw `${noDigitText}`+String.raw `(?:(?:${strikethrough}|${htmlTag})${noDigitText})*`+String.raw ``+String.raw `)`)})();var OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;function getAuthorName(a){return a.owner.display_name}\nfunction process(){var valid=[];answers.forEach(function(a){var body=a.body;a.comments.forEach(function(c){if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))\nbody='


'});var match=body.match(SCORE_REG);if(match)\nvalid.push({user:getAuthorName(a),size:+match[2],language:match[1],link:a.share_link,})});valid.sort(function(a,b){var aB=a.size,bB=b.size;return aB-bB});var languages={};var place=1;var lastSize=null;var lastPlace=1;valid.forEach(function(a){if(a.size!=lastSize)\nlastPlace=place;lastSize=a.size;++place;var answer=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();answer=answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",lastPlace+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",a.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",a.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",a.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",a.link);answer=jQuery(answer);jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);var lang=a.language;lang=jQuery(''+a.language+'').text().toLowerCase();languages[lang]=languages[lang]||{lang:a.language,user:a.user,size:a.size,link:a.link,uniq:lang}});var langs=[];for(var lang in languages)\nif(languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))\nlangs.push(languages[lang]);langs.sort(function(a,b){if(a.uniq>b.uniq)return 1;if(a.uniq

Winners by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## Python 3, 34 Bytes\n```\nprint((s:='print((s:=%r)%%s)')%s)\n```\nAs far as I'm aware this is shorter than any other published Python 3 quine, mainly by virtue of having been written in the future with respect to most of them, so it can use `:=`.\n[Answer]\n# Befunge 98 - ~~17~~ 11 characters\n```\n<@,+1!',k9\"\n```\nOr if using `g` is allowed:\n# Befunge 98 - ~~12~~ 10\n```\n<@,g09,k8\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# TECO, 20 bytes\n```\nV27:^TJDVV27:^TJDV\n```\nThe `` should be replaced with ASCII 0x1B, and the `` with 0x09.\n* `V27:^TJDV` inserts the text `V27:^TJDV`. This is *not* because there is a text insertion mode which TECO starts in by default. Instead, `` *text* `` is a special insertion command which inserts a tab, and then the text. A string whose own initial delimiter is part of the text -- very handy.\n* `V` prints the current line.\n* `27:^T` prints the character with ASCII code 27 without the usual conversion to a printable representation.\n* `J` jumps to the beginning of the text.\n* `D` deletes the first character (the tab).\n* `V` prints the line again.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 31 bytes\n```\ns=\"print's=%r;exec s'%s\";exec s\n```\nIt's 2 bytes longer than the [shortest Python quine on this question](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/115/21487), but it's much more useful, since you don't need to write everything twice.\nFor example, to print a program's own source code in sorted order, we can just do:\n```\ns=\"print''.join(sorted('s=%r;exec s'%s))\";exec s\n```\nAnother example by @feersum can be found [here](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/47198/21487).\n## Notes\nThe reason the quine works is because of `%r`'s behaviour. With normal strings, `%r` puts single quotes around the string, e.g.\n```\n>>> print \"%r\"%\"abc\"\n'abc'\n```\nBut if you have a single quotes inside the string, it uses double quotes instead:\n```\n>>> print \"%r\"%\"'abc'\"\n\"'abc'\"\n```\nThis does, however, mean that the quine has a bit of a problem if you want to use both types of quotes in the string.\n[Answer]\n# [RETURN](https://github.com/molarmanful/RETURN), 18 bytes\n```\n\"34\u00ac\u00a7\u00ac\u00a7,,,,\"34\u00ac\u00a7\u00ac\u00a7,,,,\n```\n`[Try it here.](http://molarmanful.github.io/RETURN/)`\nFirst RETURN program on PPCG ever! RETURN is a language that tries to improve DUP by using nested stacks.\n# Explanation\n```\n\"34\u00ac\u00a7\u00ac\u00a7,,,,\" Push this string to the stack\n 34 Push charcode of \" to the stack\n \u00ac\u00a7\u00ac\u00a7 Duplicate top 2 items\n ,,,, Output all 4 stack items from top to bottom\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](http://factorcode.org) - ~~74~~ ~~69~~ 65 bytes\nWorks on the listener (REPL):\n```\nUSE: formatting [ \"USE: formatting %u dup call\" printf ] dup call\n```\nThis is my first ever quine, ~~I'm sure there must be a shorter one!~~ Already shorter. Now I'm no longer sure... (bad pun attempt)\nWhat it does is:\n* `USE: formatting` import the `formatting` vocabulary to use `printf`\n* `[ \"U... printf ]` create a quotation (or lambda, or block) on the top of the stack\n* `dup call` duplicate it, and call it\nThe quotation takes the top of the stack and embeds it into the string as a literal.\nThanks, cat! -> shaved ~~2~~ 4 more bytes :D\n[Answer]\n# [S.I.L.O.S](http://github.com/rjhunjhunwala/S.I.L.O.S), ~~2642~~ 2593 bytes\n**Credits to Rohan Jhunjhunwala for the algorithm.**\n```\nA = 99\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 76\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 65\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 66\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 103\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 108\nA + 1\nset A 98\nA + 1\nset A 108\nA + 1\nset A 68\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 43\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 49\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 115\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 65\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 73\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 66\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 76\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 65\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 43\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 49\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 66\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 103\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 102\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 66\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 68\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 70\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 69\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 103\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 70\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 108\nA + 1\nset A 98\nA + 1\nset A 108\nA + 1\nset A 71\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 70\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 43\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 49\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 104\nA + 1\nset A 97\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 69\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 69\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 103\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 70\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 102\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 69\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 71\nA + 1\nprintLine A = 99\nC = 99\nB = get C\nlblD\nC + 1\nprint set A \nprintInt B\nprintLine A + 1\nB = get C\nif B D\nF = 99\nE = get F\nlblG\nF + 1\nprintChar E\nE = get F\nif E G\n```\n[Try it online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=QSA9IDk5CnNldCBBIDExMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTQKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMDEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjUKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAzCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA4CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDk4CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwOApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA2OApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA2NwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA0MwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA0OQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE0CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMDEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTQKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzMKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTEwCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExNgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA2NgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE0CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDc2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAxCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDQzCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDQ5CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDYxCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMDEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY3CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMDIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjgKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjkKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAzCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA4CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDk4CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwOApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA3MQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA3MApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA0MwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA0OQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE0CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY3CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA5NwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTQKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjkKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjkKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAzCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA2OQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA3MQpBICsgMQpwcmludExpbmUgQSA9IDk5CkMgPSA5OQpCID0gZ2V0IEMKbGJsRApDICsgMQpwcmludCBzZXQgQSAKcHJpbnRJbnQgQgpwcmludExpbmUgQSArIDEKQiA9IGdldCBDCmlmIEIgRApGID0gOTkKRSA9IGdldCBGCmxibEcKRiArIDEKcHJpbnRDaGFyIEUKRSA9IGdldCBGCmlmIEUgRw&input=)\n[Answer]\n# [S.I.L.O.S](http://github.com/rjhunjhunwala/S.I.L.O.S), 3057 bytes\n```\nA = 99\ndef S set \nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 76\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 65\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 72\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 56\nA + 1\nS A 51\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 100\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 102\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 104\nA + 1\nS A 97\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 72\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 76\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 83\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 66\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 103\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 108\nA + 1\nS A 98\nA + 1\nS A 108\nA + 1\nS A 68\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 43\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 49\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 104\nA + 1\nS A 97\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 72\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 65\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 73\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 66\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 76\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 65\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 43\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 49\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 66\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 103\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 102\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 66\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 68\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 70\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 69\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 103\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 70\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 108\nA + 1\nS A 98\nA + 1\nS A 108\nA + 1\nS A 71\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 70\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 43\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 49\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 104\nA + 1\nS A 97\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 69\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 69\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 103\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 70\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 102\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 69\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 71\nA + 1\nprintLine A = 99\nH = 83\nprint def \nprintChar H\nprintLine S \nC = 99\nB = get C\nlblD\nC + 1\nprintChar H\nprint A \nprintInt B\nprintLine A + 1\nB = get C\nif B D\nF = 99\nE = get F\nlblG\nF + 1\nprintChar E\nE = get F\nif E G\n```\n[Try it online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=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&input=)\nI am ashamed to say this took me a while to write even though most of it was generated by another java program. Thanks to @MartinEnder for helping me out. This is the first quine I have ever written. **Credits go to Leaky Nun** for most of the code. I \"borrowed his code\" which was originally inspired by mine. My answer is similar to his, except it shows the \"power\" of the preprocessor. Hopefully this approach can be used to golf of bytes if done correctly. The goal was to prevent rewriting the word \"set\" 100's of times.\n \n**Please check out his [much shorter answer!](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/91283/46918)**\n[Answer]\n# [\u2021\u2264\u2020\\_\u2021\u2264\u2020](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/7390/41247), 6 bytes\n```\n\u2021\u2264\u2020\u2021\u2264\u2020\n```\nThis used to work back when the interpreter was still buggy but that's fixed now. However, you can try it in the [legacy version of the interpreter](http://codepen.io/molarmanful/debug/rxJmqx)!\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 8 bytes\n```\nS+s\"S+s\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/P1i7WAmE//8HAA \"Husk \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nHusk is a new golfing functional language created by me and [Zgarb](https://chat.stackexchange.com/users/136121). It is based on Haskell, but has an intelligent inferencer that can \"guess\" the intended meaning of functions used in a program based on their possible types.\n### Explanation\nThis is a quite simple program, composed by just three functions:\n`S` is the S combinator from [SKI (typed) combinator calculus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKI_combinator_calculus): it takes two functions and a third value as arguments and applies the first function to the value and to the second function applied to that value (in code: `S f g x = f x (g x)`).\nThis gives us `+\"S+s\"(s\"S+s\")`. `s` stands for `show`, the Haskell function to convert something to a string: if show is applied to a string, special characters in the string are escaped and the whole string is wrapped in quotes.\nWe get then `+\"S+s\"\"\\\"S+s\\\"\"`. Here, `+` is string concatenation; it could also be numeric addition, but types wouldn't match so the other meaning is chosen by the inferencer.\nOur result is then `\"S+s\\\"S+s\\\"\"`, which is a string that gets printed simply as `S+s\"S+s\"`.\n[Answer]\n## [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/), 48 bytes\n```\nQ=\\';q='echo \"Q=\\\\$Q;q=$Q$q$Q;eval \\$q\"';eval $q\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvj/P9A2Rt260FY9NTkjX0EJyItRCQTyVQJVCoGM1LLEHIUYlUIldQhTpfD/fwA \"Bash \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Reflections](https://thewastl.github.io/Reflections/), 1.81x10375 bytes\nOr to be more accurate, `1807915590203341844429305353197790696509566500122529684898152779329215808774024592945687846574319976372141486620602238832625691964826524660034959965005782214063519831844201877682465421716887160572269094496883424760144353885803319534697097696032244637060648462957246689017512125938853808231760363803562240582599050626092031434403199296384297989898483105306069435021718135129945` bytes.\nThe relevant section of code is:\n```\n+#::(1 \\/ \\ /: 5;;\\\n >v\\>:\\/:4#+ +\\\n /+# / 2 /4):_ ~/\n \\ _ 2:#_/ \\ _(5#\\ v#_\\\n *(2 \\;1^ ;;4) :54/\n \\/ \\ 1^X \\_/\n```\nWhere each line is preceeded by `451978897550835461107326338299447674127391625030632421224538194832303952193506148236421961643579994093035371655150559708156422991206631165008739991251445553515879957961050469420616355429221790143067273624220856190036088471450829883674274424008061159265162115739311672254378031484713452057940090950890560145649762656523007858600799824096074497474620776326517358755429533782443` spaces. The amount of spaces is a base 128 encoded version of the second part, with 0 printing all the spaces again.\nEdit: H.PWiz points out that the interpreter probably doesn't support this large an integer, so this is all theoretical\n### How It Works:\n```\n+#::(1 Pushes the addition of the x,y coordinates (this is the extremely large number)\n Dupe the number a couple of times and push one of the copies to stack 1\n \\\n >\n Pushes a space to stack 2\n *(2\n \\/\n / \\\n >v >:\\\n /+# / 2 Print space number times\n \\ _ 2:#_/\n # Pop the extra 0\n \\;1^ Switch to stack 1 and start the loop\n /:4#+ +\\\n /4):_ ~/ Divide the current number by 128\n \\ _(5#\\ v Mod a copy by 128\n ^ 4) :\n \\_/\n v#_\\ If the number is not 0:\n ^ ;;4) :54/ Print the number and re-enter the loop\n /: 5;;\\\n v\\ 4 If the number is 0:\n 4 Pop the excess 0\n : \\ And terminate if the divided number is 0\n Otherwise return to the space printing loop\n \\ 1^X\n```\nConclusion: Can be golfed pretty easily, but maybe looking for a better encoding algorithm would be best. Unfortunately, there's basically no way to push an arbitrarily large number without going to that coordinate.\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 1805 bytes\n```\n(())(()()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(()()())(()())(()()())(())(()()()())(())(())(())(())(())(()())(()()()())(()())(()()())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(()()())(()())(())(()()())(()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(())(())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(())(()()())(()()())(()()()())(())(()()())(()())(())(()()())(())(())(())(())(())(()()())(()()()())(())(()())(())(()()())(()())(()()())(()()()())(())(()()())(())(())(())(())(()()())(()()()())(()())(())(()())(()()())(())(()())(()())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(()())(())(()()())(())(())(()())(())(())(())(())(()()()())(()())(())(()()())(())(())(()()())(()())(())(()()())(()())(())(())(())(()())(())(())(()()())(()())(()())(()()()()())(()())(()())(()())(()()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()()())(()())(())(())(()()())(()())(()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(()())(()())(()())(()()()())(())(()())(())(()()())(()())(()())(()()()())(()())(())(())(()())(()()()()())(()()())(())(()())(()())(())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(()()())(()())(()()())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(())(())(())(()())(()()()()())(())(())(()())(())(()()())(()())(()())(()())(())(()()()())(())(())(()())(())(()()())(()())(()()())(()()()())(())(()())(())(())(())(()()())(()()()()())(()())(()())(())(()()()())(())(())(())(()())(()()()()())(())(())(()())(())(()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(()())(()())(()())(()())(()())(())(()()()())(()()()){<>(((((()()()()()){}){}){}())[()])<>(([{}])()<{({}())<>((({}())[()]))<>}<>{({}<>)<>}{}>)((){[()](<(({}()<(((()()()()()){})(({})({}){})<((([(({})())]({}({}){}(<>)))()){}())>)>))((){()(<{}>)}{}<{({}()<{}>)}>{}({}<{{}}>{})<>)>)}{}){{}({}<>)<>{(<()>)}}<>{({}<>)<>}{}}<>\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##tVNJDsIwDLzzkvjQH0SReEfVQzkgIRAHrlbeHuwYVDWL4wrRhTrjZcYmubzW23O6PtZ7Ss4B0Cs3uO1trTXka9fZdea@yj7Gkq8x7xG9p3F/rajya1HSY2zV0CfaZhzXbk28RHpK@9pqT3um@r7S@u6zlPPZGFu4fZfbmMaTsFgjjZZuW5rqWYz/7X@eeG2nllqtvWtsx86QfnqsrEe7sa9/3VE95fmLPrh8bbIxykPm7GABjpgxLuTz6DKek7YIWkcf2OcD2xgDEyA7nZdIX5EwDk7Y2DsLAJRDCSKB6oGE00@gO9elCp45iOijSJYh53nEyCYpgRwDKDhrQ9LDaKGXjFNKaTq/AQ \"Brain-Flak \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n*-188 bytes by avoiding code duplication*\nLike Wheat Wizard's answer, I encode every closing bracket as 1. The assignment of numbers to the four opening brackets is chosen to minimize the total length of the quine:\n```\n2: ( - 63 instances\n3: { - 41 instances\n4: < - 24 instances\n5: [ - 5 instances\n```\nThe other major improvement over the old version is a shorter way to create the code points for the various bracket types.\nThe decoder builds the entire quine on the second stack, from the middle outward. Closing brackets that have yet to be used are stored below a 0 on the second stack. Here is a full explanation of an earlier version of the decoder:\n```\n# For each number n from the encoder:\n{\n # Push () on second stack (with the opening bracket on top)\n <>(((((()()()()()){}){}){}())[()])<>\n # Store -n for later\n (([{}])\n # n times\n {<({}())\n # Replace ( with (()\n <>((({}())[()]))<>\n >}{}\n # Add 1 to -n\n ())\n # If n was not 1:\n ((){[()]<\n # Add 1 to 1-n\n (({}())<\n # Using existing 40, push 0, 91, 60, 123, and 40 in that order on first stack\n <>(({})<(([(({})())]((()()()()()){})({}{}({})(<>)))({})()()())>)\n # Push 2-n again\n >)\n # Pop n-2 entries from stack\n {({}()<{}>)}{}\n # Get opening bracket and clear remaining generated brackets\n (({}<{{}}>{})\n (<\n # Add 1 if n was 2; add 2 otherwise\n # This gives us the closing bracket\n ({}(){()(<{}>)}\n # Move second stack (down to the 0) to first stack temporarily and remove the zero\n <<>{({}<>)<>}{}>\n # Push closing bracket\n )\n # Push 0\n >)\n # Push opening bracket\n )\n # Move values back to second stack\n <>{({}<>)<>}\n # Else (i.e., if n = 1):\n >}{})\n {\n # Create temporary zero on first stack\n (<{}>)\n # Move second stack over\n <>{({}<>)<>}\n # Move 0 down one spot\n # If this would put 0 at the very bottom, just remove it\n {}({}{(<()>)})\n # Move second stack values back\n <>{({}<>)<>}}{}\n}\n# Move to second stack for output\n<>\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 18 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 \"When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?\")[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS \".dyalog files using a single byte character set\")\n[@ngn's updated version](https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/48380903#48380903 \"The APL Orchard\") of the [classic APL quine](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/70520/43319 \"APL, 22 bytes \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Alex A.\"), using a modern operator to save four bytes.\n```\n1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''\n```\n[Try APL!](https://tryapl.org/?a=1%u233D%2C%u23689%u2374%27%27%271%u233D%2C%u23689%u2374%27%27%27&run \"tryapl.org/?a=1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''\")\n`'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9the characters `'1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'`\n`9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9cyclically **r**eshape to shape 9; `'1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5''`\n`,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9concatenation selfie; `'1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5''`\n`1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9cyclically rotate one character to the left; `1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''`\n[Answer]\n# [Alchemist](https://github.com/bforte/Alchemist), ~~720 657 637~~ 589 bytes\n*-68 bytes thanks to Nitrodon!*\n```\n0n0n->1032277495984410008473317482709082716834303381684254553200866249636990941488983666019900274253616457803823281618684411320510311142825913359041514338427283749993903272329405501755383456706244811330910671378512874952277131061822871205085764018650085866697830216n4+Out_\"0n0n->\"+Out_n4+nn+n0n\n4n0+4n0+n->Out_\"n\"\nn+n+4n0+n0+n0+n0->Out_\"+\"\nn+n+n+4n0+n0+n0->Out_n\n4n+4n0+n0->Out_\"4\"\n4n+n+4n0->Out_\"\\\"\"\n4n+n+n+n0+n0+n0->Out_\"->\"\n4n+n+n+n+n0+n0->Out_\"\\n\"\n4n+4n+n0->Out_\"Out_\"\n4n+4n+n->Out_\"\\\\\"\nnn->4n0+4n0+nnn\nn0+n4->n\nnnn+4n+4n+n4->nn+n00\nnnn+0n4->n+n40\nn40+0n00+n4->n4+nn\nn40+0n+n00->n4+n40\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XZBZagMxEET/fYz5HQy9q/WTK@QChhCSQAyJHLBz/UxKM7KzwCzqV6Xukh7fnl5f3o/ny7JQo7a/Y1KRUqx6TTMmorSiysVSClXClyPVlFQTKxM3dxX4IsRqaNRK1dgya2pEEAOQFDg1OMxLkqaoYDtn9CmM/Y7JzGyS4pVVvZKxs2GMSZFUZKpVK/IVbK5G7sQFs5HGoxCmW6KVUmWKwlrSWbIfpZ@IFZRTQBjTKL2EEQI4ojvCRy2pJBzN5vvPy8O0Xci0FmCtzQA7azT3F9LqatMOwobGM5R5U35pm9B7DDacNnW0wkEO00Dtf1ckuil/hEObtsY/aP1c4dV2QCwUt3O0tus/299h0VZvt/e6t6IV0lqDojRCSWNLv5eBunkjRsvydfq4HE/tvOyfvwE \"Alchemist \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nWarning, takes far longer than the lifetime of the universe to execute, mostly cause we have to transfer that rather large number on the first line back and forth between multiple atoms repeatedly. [Here's a version](https://tio.run/##tZBbbsMgEEX/vQz/WpYGDLb5yRa6gUhV1VZqpJZUSrr9umBIGj/APMZSHjDD3Ln3vHy@frx/nS7XYQAJsj5QThkF3vWE8o42HaMtFS0XXADrW9J0hHNBiGgBeN8z4K0ggjdENE3fENXnAJQy0lDJqqef63NpdMvxompSVqpQMAmV/qrW@EqWhWqYkv3YTmU6Dz3T0Bq2Zl@yUpfGoq0cS1uSc1Xl6N6ZNI6yNML/pfHnVrw9Oypb6nLPIWWh/1h9UAc5vtXP9V1LwViE8a6q6spAXcGOaC62pB@bCoNBDwkwY@pIQI8UcDvpN/VBn5kRNc8nA48j06Hl2GxwOjofXhtfCMwlliLrMitCS6k1MZfcquCa5LqoW9YhvC7tEvfJOxe4VriX@Nd4FrlX@ZZtrfMu9K30L91eu7HYv3precj6TQNbFrZNhNkIMLJtJcRMqJ0gQyGWwkyF2wo0FmYt1FyMvWCDoRbDTcbZjDAabjXGbKzdKMMxluNMx9uONB5nPdZ8iv3oALER4kOkxUgIEh8lJUxqnKRAKZHSQqXHSgyWFi01XE685ICpEdND5sXMCJoeNSdsbtyswDmR80Lnx84Mnhc9NzxG/GwAuQjyIeBgQACRjwIDBhYOFCAYSHCg4GFBAoODBgsOJh40QFiI8CDhYkIEhYcKExY2LlRgmMhwoeFjQwaHiw4b3h740AFiI8SHuA/GHUDio9wD5h3n8Hv@vp7O8jLUb38) that outputs the first few lines in a reasonable amount of time.\n[Here is the encoder](https://tio.run/##ZZHtboIwFIb/cxWkIwukgv3RLJlmhDvYBagxbrLEDQoBNSxEb52957SizgROe57z9ny0dd4UL8NQ/vpBWxya2n/zeZ17HljWwV8IIya@kGQUGU1mKcjGKe9Z8H7Yr9lbihWOP/HhrEvaqtmHfWzzJ59V@REG6@gUQdNuqEZSowl7Ik2T515oI0UXBlL6293R19FZjKCstgy0UYTCrIulDKKr8B5f5MbEKfXXh2fU5oIncUI1dECVqZHbBqdZN42S72pn3EUUmOVRUG7qsMcAX7um3WOqyewHgyVNfsybNp/bvBlmo3X2usiK1XwYjJZ8V8ootCXYATNGAng0Gf2uY1y@h4BF7nMRaSM3MRugHI45pRaEGDqC57PI/M@KjsbIXQCvbBNfEZsLvMiWaAvOOIcxHi06TrExrCU5@ZRKMVTsg8LVCq5yR@heHCKxJVr9AQ) that turns the program into the data section\nEverything but the large number on the first line is encoded using these ~~8~~ 9 tokens:\n```\n0 n + -> \" \\n Out_ \\ 4\n```\nThat's why all the atom names are composed of just `n`,`0` and `4`. \nAs a bonus, this is now fully deterministic in what order the rules are executed.\n### Explanation:\n```\nInitialise the program\n0n0n-> If no n0n atom (note we can't use _-> since _ isn't a token)\n n4+Out_\"0n0n->\"+Out_n4+nn4+n0n\n NUMn4 Create a really large number of n4 atoms \n +Out_\"0n0n->\" Print the leading \"0n0n->\"\n +Out_n4 Print the really large number\n +nn Set the nn flag to start getting the next character\n +n0n And prevent this rule from being called again\nDivmod the number by 9 (nn and nnn flag)\nnn->4n0+4n0+nnn Convert the nn flag to 8 n0 atoms and the nnn flag\nn0+n4->n Convert n4+n0 atoms to an n atom\nnnn+4n+4n+n4->nn+n00 When we're out of n0 atoms, move back to the nn flag\n And increment the number of n00 atoms\nnnn+0n4->n+n40 When we're out of n4 atoms, add another n atom and set the n40 flag\nConvert the 9 possible states of the n0 and n atoms to a token and output it (nn flag)\nn+4n0+4n0->Out_\"n\" 1n+8n0 -> 'n'\nn+n+4n0+n0+n0+n0->Out_\"+\" 2n+7n0 -> '+'\nn+n+n+4n0+n0+n0->Out_n 3n+6n0 -> '0'\n4n+4n0+n0->Out_\"4\" 4n+5n0 -> '4'\n4n+n+4n0->Out_\"\\\"\" 5n+4n0 -> '\"'\n4n+n+n+n0+n0+n0->Out_\"->\" 6n+3n0 -> '->'\n4n+n+n+n+n0+n0->Out_\"\\n\" 7n+2n0 -> '\\n'\n4n+4n+n0->Out_\"Out_\" 8n+1n0 -> 'Out_'\n4n+4n+n->Out_\"\\\\\" 9n+0n0 -> '\\'\nReset (n40 flag)\nn40+0nn+n00->n4+n40 Convert all the n00 atoms back to n4 atoms\nn40+0n00+n4->n4+nn Once we're out of n00 atoms set the nn flag to start the divmod\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brian & Chuck](https://github.com/m-ender/brian-chuck), ~~211 143 138 133 129 98 86~~ 84 bytes\n```\n?\u0001\u0001.21@@/BC1@\u007fc/@/C1112BC1BB/@\u007fc22B2%\u000eC@\u007f!\u0003{.._{<+>>-?>.---?+<+_{<-?>+<<-.+?\u221a\u00f8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyrKTMzTTc4oTc7@/9@ekVHPyNDBQd/J2dChPlnfQd/Z0NDQCMhzctIHChgZORmp8jk71CsyV9vYcynq2enpxVfbaNvZ6drb6enq6tpr22gDBYA8bRsbXT1t@8P7//8HAA \"Brian & Chuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nold version:\n```\n?{<^?_>{_;?_,<_-+_;._;}_^-_;{_^?_z<_>>_->_->_*}_-<_^._=+_->_->_->_-!_\t?_;}_^\u0001\u0001_}.>.>.+>._<.}+>.>.>?<{?_{<-_}<.<+.<-?<{??`?=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYuxDsJADEPVEf6iKyH5gXOTPzkDXUBIDEgsRPftR3tC9uJn@/Z@XF@63j/rs/dI1KAnS/AMqrAYS2NVluRWfUF36vCpUcFqXORPds88xLhMExviOJsPiRthTUYKZDCh28IgBt1BXGLp/Qc \"Brian & Chuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nNew code. Now the data isn't split into nul separated chunks, but the nul will be pulled through the data. \n```\nBrian:\n? start Chuck\n.21@@/BC1@c/@/C1112BC1BB/@c22B2%C@!\n data. This is basically the end of the Brian code and the Chuck code reversed \n and incremented by four. This must be done because the interpreter tries\n to run the data, so it must not contain runnable characters\n ASCII 3 for marking the end of the code section\n{.. print the first 3 characters of Brian\ncode 2 (print the data section)\n{<+>>- increment char left to null and decrement symbol right to null\n for the first char, this increments the question mark and decrements the\n ASCII 1. So the question mark can be reused in the end of the Chuck code\n?>. if it became nul then print the next character\n---?+<+ if the character is ASCII 3, then the data section is printed.\n set it 1, and set the next char to the left 1, too\ncode 3 (extract code from data)\n{<- decrement the symbol left to the nul\n?>+<<-. if it became nul then it is the new code section marker, so set the old one 1\n and print the next character to the left\n+? if all data was processed, then the pointer can't go further to the left\n so the char 255 is printed. If you add 1, it will be null and the code ends.\n\u221a\u00f8 ASCII 255 that is printed when the end of the data is reached\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Klein](https://github.com/Wheatwizard/Klein), 330 bytes\n```\n\"![\t.;\t=90*/[\t\u001f.9(#;\t=[>[\u001f.\t>1\u001f#\t98='9[\t'7[.>;\t[*\u001f;\t\u001f)\t\u001f=#0,*[\t=.>9(\u001f.\t\u001f=*(#(#([\t.0#8;#(#;\t[*9>[;\t=> [*?\t[9(;;\"\\\n/\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\n>:1+0\\\n /:)$<\n>\\?\\ /\n?2 $\n:9>(:\\\n(8\\/?<\n\\+ <\n *\n >$1-+\\\n>/?:) /\n >+)$)$)\\\n/1$9<$)$<\n\\+:?\\<\n>?!\\+@\n\\:)<<\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##vc5NbgMhDAXgtX0JSEAKAw0w3XT4GdOew952UbXK/XeEXKJ@qyc9ffLv3/fPY87rhSE2OEv2iUHF4sxqTKwi0K4MlOO8FYbbB0dqwF41UBuo0@Q3z3BGKm5N1emdWVlYNkczL4V9IV4YafYDuLjWroIJ/vU6Ut1DFtSpbnY1GaITjndtsRZyVdAdkkZHCbqj9qjJ7vcgSGnUbU01hc2urNd3W7p9KRLqkIWNi4RPlLr1jnPOPed5/3oC \"Klein \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis works in all topologies, mostly by completely avoiding wrapping. The first list encodes the rest of the program offset by one, so newlines are the unprintable (11).\n[Answer]\n# [ed(1)](https://kidneybone.com/c2/wiki/EdIsTheStandardTextEditor), 45 bytes\nWe have quines for `TECO`, `Vim`, and `sed`, but not the almighty `ed`?! This travesty shall not stand. (NB: See also, this [error quine](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/36286/15940) for `ed`)\n[Try it Online!](https://tio.run/##S035/z@RK5FLh0unxJBLRdekWF9HX0@fS6eAK5BLD4vg//8A)\n```\na\na\n,\n,t1\n$-4s/,/./\n,p\nQ\n.\n,t1\n$-4s/,/./\n,p\nQ\n```\nStolen from [here](https://github.com/tpenguinltg/ed1-quine/blob/master/quine.ed). It should be saved as a file `quine.ed` then run as follows: (TIO seems to work a bit differently)\n```\n$ ed < quine.ed\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Grok](https://github.com/AMiller42/Grok-Language), 42 bytes\n```\niIilWY!}I96PWwI10WwwwIkWwwwIhWq``\n k h\n```\n[Try it Online!](http://grok.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=iIilWY!%7DI96PWwI10WwwwIkWwwwIhWq%60%60%0A%20%20%20k%20%20%20h&inputs=)\nIt is very costly to output anything in Grok it seems.\n[Answer]\n# [!@#$%^&\\*()\\_+](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/ecndpcaalrlp), ~~1128~~ ~~1116~~ ~~1069~~ ~~960~~ ~~877~~ ~~844~~ ~~540~~ ~~477~~ ~~407~~ ~~383~~ 33 bytes\n**Edit**: Woah... -304 B with space\n**Edit 2**: Bruh.\n**Edit 3**: Thanks Jo King for the idea! I outgolfed ya!\nA stack-based language(The first on TIO's list!)\nIt's a big pile of unprintables though\n```\nN0N (!&+$*)^(!&@^)!\n```\n(Spaces are `NUL` bytes)\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S03OSylITkzMKcop@P9f0s9ATFDCT1JKRJoByGAQ0FBUE9BW0dKMAzIc4jQV//8HAA)\nHere's the code, but in Control Pictures form:\n```\n\u201a\u00ea\u00f4N0\u201a\u00ea\u00f1\u201a\u00ea\u00eb\u201a\u00ea\u00f2N\u201a\u00ea\u00f4\u201a\u00ea\u00f6\u201a\u00ea\u00ee\u201a\u00ea\u00f5\u201a\u00ea\u00c4\u201a\u00ea\u00f1\u201a\u00ea\u00eb\u201a\u00ea\u00f2\u201a\u00ea\u00c4\u201a\u00ea\u00ea(!&\u201a\u00ea\u00ea+$*)^(!&@^)!\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n\u201a\u00ea\u00f4N0\u201a\u00ea\u00f1\u201a\u00ea\u00eb\u201a\u00ea\u00f2N\u201a\u00ea\u00f4\u201a\u00ea\u00f6\u201a\u00ea\u00ee\u201a\u00ea\u00f5\u201a\u00ea\u00c4\u201a\u00ea\u00f1\u201a\u00ea\u00eb\u201a\u00ea\u00f2\u201a\u00ea\u00c4\u201a\u00ea\u00ea Data\n (!&\u201a\u00ea\u00ea+$*) Push the stack, reversed and +16 back on top\n ^(!&@^)! Print everything reversed, including the length (Hence the final `!`)\n```\nIt does error on overflow though...\n[Answer]\n# Commodore Basic, ~~54~~ 41 characters\n```\n1R\u201a\u00ee\u00c4A$:?A$C|(34)A$:D\u201a\u00f4\u2020\"1R\u201a\u00ee\u00c4A$:?A$C|(34)A$:D\u201a\u00f4\u2020\n```\nBased on DLosc's QBasic quine, but modified to take advantage of Commodore Basic's shortcut forms. In particular, the shorter version of `CHR$(34)` makes using it directly for quotation marks more efficient than defining it as a variable.\nAs usual, I've made substitutions for PETSCII characters that don't appear in Unicode: `\u201a\u00f4\u2020` = `SHIFT+A`, `\u201a\u00ee\u00c4` = `SHIFT+E`, `|` = `SHIFT+H`.\n**Edit:** You know what? If a string literal ends at the end of a line, the Commodore Basic interpreter will let you leave out the trailing quotation mark. Golfed off 13 characters.\nAlternatively, if you want to skirt the spirit of the rules,\n```\n1 LIST\n```\n`LIST` is an instruction that prints the current program's code. It is intended for use in immediate mode, but like all immediate-mode commands, it can be used in a program (eg. `1 NEW` is a self-deleting program). Nothing shorter is possible: dropped spaces or abbreviated forms get expanded by the interpreter and displayed at full length.\n[Answer]\n# Jolf, 4 bytes\n```\nQ\u00ac\u00b4Q\u00ac\u00b4\nQ double (string)\n \u00ac\u00b4 begin matched string\n Q\u00ac\u00b4 capture that\n```\nThis transpiles to `square(`Q\u00ac\u00b4`)` (I accidentally did string doubling in the `square` function), which evaluates to `Q\u00ac\u00b4Q\u00ac\u00b4`. Note that `q` is the quining function in Jolf, *not* `Q` ;).\n[Answer]\n# [Vitsy](https://github.com/VTCAKAVSMoACE/Vitsy), ~~11~~ ~~9~~ ~~8~~ 6 Bytes\nThis programming language was obviously made past the date of release for this question, but I thought I'd post an answer so I can a) get more used to it and b) figure out what else needed to be implemented.\n```\n'rd3*Z\n```\nThe explanation is as follows:\n```\n'rd3*Z\n' Start recording as a string.\n(wraps around once, capturing all the items)\n' Stop recording as a string. We now have everything recorded but the original \".\n r Reverse the stack\n b3* This equates the number 39 = 13*3 (in ASCII, ')\n Z Output the entire stack.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Fuzzy Octo Guacamole, 4 bytes\n```\n_UNK\n```\nI am not kidding. Due to a suggestion by @ConorO'Brien, `K` prints `_UNK`. The `_UN` does nothing really, but actually sets the temp var to `0`, pushes `0`, and pushes `None`.\nThe `K` prints \"\\_UNK\", and that is our quine.\n[Answer]\n# C++, ~~286~~ ~~284~~ 236 bytes\nNow with extra golf!\n```\n#include\nint main(){char a[]=\"#include%sint main(){char a[]=%s%s%s,b[]=%s%s%s%s,c[]=%s%sn%s,d[]=%s%s%s%s;printf(a,c,b,a,b,b,d,b,b,b,d,b,b,d,d,b);}\",b[]=\"\\\"\",c[]=\"\\n\",d[]=\"\\\\\";printf(a,c,b,a,b,b,d,b,b,b,d,b,b,d,d,b);}\n```\nI'm currently learning C++, and thought \"Hey, I should make a quine in it to see how much I know!\" 40 minutes later, I have this, a full ~~64~~ **114** bytes shorter than [the current one](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/69/golf-you-a-quine-for-great-good/2431#2431). I compiled it as:\n```\ng++ quine.cpp\n```\nOutput and running:\n```\nC:\\Users\\Conor O'Brien\\Documents\\Programming\\cpp\n\u0152\u00aa g++ quine.cpp & a\n#include\nint main(){char a[]=\"#include%sint main(){char a[]=%s%s%s,b[]=%s%s%s%s,c[]=%s%sn%s,d[]=%s%s%s%s;printf(a,c,b,a,b,b,d,b,b,b,d,b,b,d,d,b);}\",b[]=\"\\\"\",c[]=\"\\n\",d[]=\"\\\\\";printf(a,c,b,a,b,b,d,b,b,b,d,b,b,d,d,b);}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Cheddar](https://github.com/cheddar-lang/Cheddar), 56 bytes\n```\nvar a='var a=%s;print a%@\"39+a+@\"39';print a%@\"39+a+@\"39\n```\n[**Try it online!**](http://cheddar.tryitonline.net/#code=dmFyIGE9J3ZhciBhPSVzO3ByaW50IGElQCIzOSthK0AiMzknO3ByaW50IGElQCIzOSthK0AiMzk&input=)\nI felt like trying to make something in Cheddar today, and this is what appeared...\n[Answer]\n# 05AB1E, ~~16~~ 17 bytes\n```\n\"34\u221a\u00dfs\u00ac\u00b4DJ\"34\u221a\u00dfs\u00ac\u00b4DJ\n```\nWith trailing newline.\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=IjM0w6dzwqtESiIzNMOnc8KrREoK&input=)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\"34\u221a\u00dfs\u00ac\u00b4DJ\" # push string\n 34\u221a\u00df # push \"\n s\u00ac\u00b4 # swap and concatenate\n DJ # duplicate and concatenate\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 19 bytes\n*Thanks to @Oliver for a correction (trailing newline)*\n```\n\"D34\u221a\u00df.\u221a\u220fsJ\"D34\u221a\u00df.\u221a\u220fsJ\n```\nThere is a trailing newline.\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=IkQzNMOnLsO4c0oiRDM0w6cuw7hzSgo&input=)\n```\n\"D34\u221a\u00df.\u221a\u220fsJ\" Push this string\n D Duplicate\n 34 Push 34 (ASCII for double quote mark)\n \u221a\u00df Convert to char\n .\u221a\u220f Surround the string with quotes\n s Swap\n J Join. Implicitly display\n```\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, 91 bytes\n```\n((fn [x] (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (fn [x] (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 68 bytes\n```\nPrint[#<>ToString[#,InputForm]]&@\"Print[#<>ToString[#,InputForm]]&@\"\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## Challenge\nGiven a list of numbers, calculate the population standard deviation of the list.\nUse the following equation to calculate population standard deviation:\n![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/math/3/1/8/31830fa1f2f922edf6079209a51f8967.png)\n## Input\nThe input will a list of integers in any format (list, string, etc.). Some examples:\n```\n56,54,89,87\n67,54,86,67\n```\nThe numbers will always be integers.\nInput will be to STDIN or function arguments.\n## Output\nThe output must be a floating point number.\n## Rules\nYou may use built in functions to find the standard deviation.\nYour answer can be either a full program or a function.\n## Examples\n```\n10035, 436844, 42463, 44774 => 175656.78441352615\n45,67,32,98,11,3 => 32.530327730015607\n1,1,1,1,1,1 => 0.0\n```\n## Winning\nThe shortest program or function wins.\n## Leaderboard\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=60901,OVERRIDE_USER=30525;function answersUrl(e){return\"http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Clip](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Clip), 3\n```\n.sk\n```\n`.s` is the standard deviation, `k` parses the input in the form `{1,2,3}`.\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, ~~24~~ 22 bytes\nNice, Mathematica has a built-in `StandardDevi...` oh... that computes the sample standard deviation, not the population standard deviation.\nBut what if we use `Variance`... oh... same deal.\nBut there is yet another related built-in:\n```\nCentralMoment[#,2]^.5&\n```\nYay. :)\nThis also works for 22 bytes:\n```\nMean[(#-Mean@#)^2]^.5&\n```\nAnd this for 27:\n```\nN@RootMeanSquare[#-Mean@#]&\n```\n[Answer]\n# Octave, 14 bytes\n```\ng=@(a)std(a,1)\n```\nTry it on [ideone](http://ideone.com/noczhf).\n[Answer]\n# [kdb+](http://kx.com/software-download.php), 3 bytes\n```\ndev\n```\nOne of the APL derviates *had to* have this as a built-in.\n### Test run\n```\nq)dev 56, 54, 89, 87\n16.53028\nq)f:dev\nq)f 10035, 436844, 42463, 44774\n175656.8\nq)f 45,67,32,98,11,3\n32.53033\n```\n[Answer]\n# Dyalog APL, ~~24~~ ~~23~~ ~~21~~ ~~20~~ ~~19~~ 17 bytes\n```\n*\u2218.5\u2218M\u00d7\u2368-M\u00d7M\u2190+/\u00f7\u2262\n```\nThis defines an unnamed, monadic function train, which is equivalent to the following function.\n```\n{.5*\u2368M(\u00d7\u2368\u2375)-M\u2375\u00d7(M\u2190{(+/\u2375)\u00f7\u2262\u2375})\u2375}\n```\nTry them online on [TryAPL](http://tryapl.org/?a=%28%20%28*%u2218.5%u2218M%D7%u2368-M%D7M%u2190+/%F7%u2262%29%20%2C%20%7B.5*%u2368M%28%D7%u2368%u2375%29-M%u2375%D7%28M%u2190%7B%28+/%u2375%29%F7%u2262%u2375%7D%29%u2375%7D%20%29%2056%2054%2089%2087&run).\n### How it works\nThe code consists of several trains.\n```\nM\u2190+/\u00f7\u2262\n```\nThis defines a monadic 3-train (fork) `M` that executes `+/` (sum of all elements) and `\u2262` (length) for the right argument, then applies `\u00f7` (division) to the results, returning the arithmetic mean of the input.\n```\nM\u00d7M\n```\nThis is another fork that applies `M` to the right argument, repeats this a second time, and applies `\u00d7` (product) to the results, returning **\u03bc2**.\n```\n\u00d7\u2368-(M\u00d7M)\n```\nThis is yet another fork that calculates the square of the arithmetic mean as explained before, applies `\u00d7\u2368` (product with itself) to the right argument, and finally applies `-` (difference) to the results.\nFor input **(x1, \u2026, xN)**, this function returns **(x1 - \u03bc2, \u2026, xN - \u03bc2)**.\n```\n*\u2218.5\u2218M\n```\nThis composed function is applies `M` to its right argument, then `*\u2218.5`. The latter uses right argument currying to apply map input `a` to `a*0.5` (square root of `a`).\n```\n(*\u2218.5\u2218M)(\u00d7\u2368-(M\u00d7M))\n```\nFinally, we have this monadic 2-train (atop), which applies the right function first, then the left to its result, calculating the standard deviation as follows.\n[![formula](https://i.stack.imgur.com/GH3oK.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/GH3oK.png)\n[Answer]\n# R, ~~41~~ ~~40~~ ~~39~~ ~~36~~ ~~30~~ 28 bytes\n### code\nThanks to [beaker](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/42892/beaker), [Alex A.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/20469/alex-a) and [MickyT](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/31347/mickyt) for much bytes.\n```\ncat(sd(c(v=scan(),mean(v)))) \n```\n### old codes\n```\nv=scan();n=length(v);sd(v)/(n/(n-1))**0.5\nm=scan();cat(sqrt(sum(mean((m-mean(m))^2))))\nm=scan();cat(mean((m-mean(m))^2)^.5) \n```\nThis should yield the population standard deviation.\n[Answer]\n# Julia, ~~26~~ 19 bytes\n```\nx->std([x;mean(x)])\n```\nThis creates an unnamed function that accepts an array and returns a float.\nUngolfed, I guess:\n```\nfunction f(x::Array{Int,1})\n # Return the sample standard deviation (denominator N-1) of\n # the input with the mean of the input appended to the end.\n # This corrects the denominator to N without affecting the\n # mean.\n std([x; mean(x)])\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, ~~20~~ ~~19~~ ~~17~~ 13 bytes\n```\n@.O^R2-R.OQQ2\n```\n*Thanks to @FryAmTheEggman for golfing off 4 bytes!*\n[Try it online.](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%40.O%5ER2-R.OQQ2&input=56%2C54%2C89%2C87)\n### How it works\n```\n .OQ Compute the arithmetic mean of the input (Q).\n -R Q Subtract the arithmetic mean of all elements of Q.\n ^R2 Square each resulting difference.\n .O Compute the arithmetic mean of the squared differences.\n@ 2 Apply square root.\n```\n[Answer]\n# CJam, ~~24~~ ~~22~~ 21 bytes\n```\nq~_,_@_:+d@/f-:mh\\mq/\n```\n*Thanks to @aditsu for golfing off 1 byte!*\nTry it online in the [CJam interpreter](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=q~_%2C_%40_%3A%2Bd%40%2Ff-%3Amh%5Cmq%2F&input=%5B56%2054%2089%2087%5D).\n### How it works\n```\nq~ e# Read all input and evaluate it.\n _, e# Copy the array and push its length.\n _@ e# Copy the length and rotate the array on top.\n _:+d e# Copy the array and compute its sum. Cast to Double.\n @/ e# Rotate the length on top and divide the sum by it.\n f- e# Subtract the result (\u03bc) from the array's elements.\n :mh e# Reduce by hypotenuse.\n e# a b mh -> sqrt(a^2 + b^2)\n e# sqrt(a^2 + b^2) c mh -> sqrt(sqrt(a^2 + b^2)^2 + c^2)\n e# = sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)\n e# \u22ee\n \\mq/ e# Divide the result by the square root of the length.\n```\n[Answer]\n# APL, 24 bytes\n```\n{.5*\u2368+/(2*\u2368\u2375-+/\u2375\u00f7\u2262\u2375)\u00f7\u2262\u2375}\n```\nA little different approach than [Dennis' Dyalog APL solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60913/20469). This should work with any APL implementation.\nThis creates an unnamed monadic function that computes the vector (*x* - *\u00b5*)2 as `2*\u2368\u2375-+/\u2375\u00f7\u2262\u2375`, divides this by *N* (`\u00f7\u2262\u2375`), takes the sum of this vector using `+/`, and then takes the square root (`.5*\u2368`).\n[Try it online](http://tryapl.org/?a=%7B.5*%u2368+/%282*%u2368%u2375-+/%u2375%F7%u2262%u2375%29%F7%u2262%u2375%7D%2045%2067%2032%2098%2011%203&run)\n[Answer]\n# TI-BASIC, 7 bytes\n```\nstdDev(augment(Ans,{mean(Ans\n```\nI borrowed the algorithm to get population standard deviation from sample standard deviation from [here](http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/stddev).\nThe shortest solution I could find without `augment(` is 9 bytes:\n```\nstdDev(Ans\u221a(1-1/dim(Ans\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 61 bytes\n```\nd n=1/sum(n>>[1])\nf a=sqrt$d a*sum(map((^2).(-)(d a*sum a))a)\n```\nStraightforward, except maybe my custom length function `sum(n>>[1])` to trick Haskell's strict type system. \n[Answer]\n# Python 3.4+, 30 bytes\n```\nfrom statistics import*;pstdev\n```\nImports the builtin function `pstdev`, e.g.\n```\n>>> pstdev([56,54,89,87])\n16.53027525481654\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly)\n**11 bytes**\n```\nS\u00f7L\n\u00c7\u00b2_\u00b2\u00c7N\u00bd\n```\nThis is a direct translation of [my APL answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60913) to Jelly. [Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=U8O3TArDh8KyX8Kyw4dOwr0&input=&args=NDUsNjcsMzIsOTgsMTEsMw)\n### How it works\n```\nS\u00f7L Helper link. Argument: z (vector)\nS Compute the sum of z.\n L Compute the length of z.\n \u00f7 Divide the former by the latter.\n This computes the mean of z.\n\u00c7\u00b2_\u00b2\u00c7N\u00bd Main link. Argument: z (vector)\n\u00c7 Apply the previous link, i.e., compute the mean of z.\n \u00b2 Square the mean.\n \u00b2 Square all number in z.\n _ Subtract each squared number from the squared mean.\n \u00c7 Take the mean of the resulting vector.\n N Multiply it by -1.\n \u00bd Take the square root of the result.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Prolog (SWI), 119 bytes\n**Code:**\n```\nq(U,X,A):-A is(X-U)^2.\np(L):-sumlist(L,S),length(L,I),U is S/I,maplist(q(U),L,A),sumlist(A,B),C is sqrt(B/I),write(C).\n```\n**Explanation:**\n```\nq(U,X,A):-A is(X-U)^2. % calc squared difference of X and U\np(L):-sumlist(L,S), % sum input list\n length(L,I), % length of input list\n U is S/I, % set U to the mean value of input list\n maplist(q(U),L,A), % set A to the list of squared differences of input and mean\n sumlist(A,B), % sum squared differences list\n C is sqrt(B/I), % divide sum of squares by length of list\n write(C). % print answer\n```\n**Example:**\n```\np([10035, 436844, 42463, 44774]).\n175656.78441352615\n```\nTry it out online [here](http://swish.swi-prolog.org/p/dzwqjuYT.pl)\n[Answer]\n# J, 18 bytes\n```\n[:%:@M*:-M*M=:+/%#\n```\nThis is a direct translation of [my APL answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60913) to J.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/j#@5@mYGulEG2lauXgq2Wl66vla2ulra@q/D81OSNfIU3BxFTBzFzB2EjB0kLB0FDB@D8A \"J \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 45 bytes\n```\n(?)i=sum.map(^i)\nf l=sqrt$2?l/0?l-(1?l/0?l)^2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/X8NeM9O2uDRXLzexQCMuU5MrTSHHtriwqETFyD5H38A@R1fDEMLQjDP6n5uYmadgq1BQlJlXoqCikKYQbWKqY2auY2ykY2mhY2ioYxz7/19yWk5ievF/3eSCAgA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe value `i?l` is the sum of the i'th powers of elements in `l`, so that `0?l` is the length and `1?l` is the sum.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~10~~ 7 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u00c5A-n\u00c5At\n```\n-3 bytes thanks to *@ovs*.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//cKujbh6QKPn/P9rCWMfQ0EzH0hxMGRqaxgIA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfaXL/8Otjrp5QKLkv87/6GhDAwNjUx0TYzMLExMdEyMTM2MdExNzc5NYnWgTUx0zcx1jIx1LCx1DQx1joJChDhzGxgIA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u00c5A # Get the arithmetic mean of the (implicit) input-list\n - # Subtract it from each value in the (implicit) input-list\n n # Square each of those\n \u00c5A # Take the arithmetic mean of that\n t # And take the square-root of that\n # (after which it is output implicitly as result)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 16 bytes\n```\n\u27e8\u220b-\u27e8+/l\u27e9\u27e9\u1da0^\u2082\u1d50\u21b0\u2082\u221a\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r//9H8FY86unWBlLZ@zqP5K4Ho4bYFcY@amh5unfCobQOQ8ahj1v//0YYGBsamOgomxmYWJiZA2sjEzBhImZibm8T@jwIA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\") [(all cases at once)](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/pfXa6koGunoFRu/6htw6Ompoe7Omsfbp3w/9H8FY86unWBlLZ@zqP5K4Ho4bYFcSAVWyeAlbY86pj1/390tKGBgbGpjoKJsZmFiQmQNjIxMwZSJubmJrE6CtEmpjpm5jrGRjqWFjqGhjrGIDFDHTgEcU3NdExNdCwsdSzMQVygchDXDKgvNhYA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI feel like *maybe* there's some shorter way to compute the squared deviations than 13 bytes.\n[Answer]\n# [Arn](https://github.com/ZippyMagician/Arn), [~~19~~ ~~18~~ 14 bytes](https://github.com/ZippyMagician/Arn/wiki/Carn)\n```\n\u00af\u2021i\u02a0\u00d8bm\u00c5Q\u01a5\u00aa\u00c8\u00aa\u00c6\n```\n[Try it!](https://zippymagician.github.io/Arn?code=Oi9tZWFuKG57OipuLW1lYW46c31c&input=MTAwMzUgNDM2ODQ0IDQyNDYzIDQ0Nzc0CjQ1IDY3IDMyIDk4IDExIDMKMSAxIDEgMSAxIDE=)\n# Explained\nUnpacked: `:/mean(n{:*n-mean:s}\\`\n```\n:/ Square root\n mean Mean function\n ( Begin expression\n n{ Block with key of n\n :* Square\n n\n - Subtraction\n mean\n _ Variable initialized to STDIN; implied\n :s Split on spaces\n } End of block\n \\ Mapped over\n _ Implied\n ) End of expression; Implied\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Simplex v.0.5](http://conorobrien-foxx.github.io/Simplex/), 43 bytes\nJust 'cuz. I really need to golf this one more byte.\n```\nt[@u@RvR]lR1RD@wA@T@{j@@SR2ERpR}u@vR@TR1UEo \nt[ ] ~~ Applies inner function to entire strip (left-to-right)\n @ ~~ Copies current value to register\n u ~~ Goes up a strip level\n @ ~~ Dumps the register on the current byte\n R ~~ Proceeds right (s1)\n v ~~ Goes back down\n R ~~ Proceeds right (s0)\n ~~ Go right until an empty byte is found\n lR1RD ~~ Push length, 1, and divide.\n @ ~~ Store result in register (1/N)\n wA ~~ Applies A (add) to each byte, (right-to-left)\n @T@ ~~ Puts 1/N down, multiplies it, and copies it to the register\n { } ~~ Repeats until a zero-byte is met\n j@@ ~~ inserts a new byte and places register on it\n SR ~~ Subtract it from the current byte and moves right\n 2E ~~ Squares result\n RpR ~~ Moves to the recently-created cell, deletes it, and continues\n u@v ~~ takes 1/N again into register\n R@T ~~ multiplies it by the new sum\n R1UE ~~ takes the square root of previous\n o ~~ output as number\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 73 bytes\n```\na=>Math.sqrt(a.reduce((b,c)=>b+(d=c-eval(a.join`+`)/(l=a.length))*d,0)/l)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl5, ~~39~~ 38\n---\n\u200716 for the script \n+22 for the `M` switch \n+\u20071 for the `E` switch \n```\nperl -MStatistics::Lite=:all -E\"say stddevp@ARGV\" .1 .2 300\n```\nTested in Strawberry 5.20.2.\n---\nOh, but then I realized that you said our answers can be functions instead of programs. In that case,\n```\n{use Statistics::Lite\":all\";stddevp@_}\n```\nhas just 38. Tested in Strawberry 5.20.2 as\n```\nprint sub{use Statistics::Lite\":all\";stddevp@_}->( .1, .2, 300)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/math_golf.txt), ~~10~~ 7 [bytes](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/code_page.py)\n```\n\u00eb_\u2593-\u00b2\u2593\u221a\n```\nPort of [my 05AB1E answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/210034/52210).\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##y00syUjPz0n7///w6vhH0ybrHtoEJB91zPr/39DAwNhUwcTYzMLERMHEyMTMWMHExNzchMvEVMHMXMHYSMHSQsHQUMGYy1ABDgE)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u00eb # Read all inputs as float-list\n _ # Duplicate that list\n \u2593 # Get the average of that list\n - # Subtract that average from each value in the list\n \u00b2 # Square each value\n \u2593 # Take the average of that again\n \u221a # And take the square root of that\n # (after which the entire stack joined together is output implicitly as result)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Whispers v2](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/Whispers), 105 bytes\n```\n> Input\n>> #1\n>> \u22111\n>> 3\u00f72\n>> L-4\n>> L\u00b2\n>> Each 5 1\n>> Each 6 7\n>> \u22118\n>> 9\u00f72\n>> \u221a10\n>> Output 11\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8/ILC5ILSo2@v/fTsEzr6C0hMvOTkHZEEQ@6pgIpo0PbzcC0T66JmDq0CYQ5ZqYnKFgqmAIZ5spmEN1WYBoS6iuRx2zDA1ADP/SEqDxCoaG//9HGxoYGJvqKJgYm1mYmABpIxMzYyBlYm5uEgsA \"Whispers v2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIn the latest version of Whispers, the builtin [`\u03c3`](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/Whispers/blob/master/whispers%20v3.py#L1474) can be used to shave off around 70 bytes.\n## How it works\nFor those unfamiliar with Whispers, the language works by using numbers as line references in order to pass values between lines. For example, the line `>> 3\u00f72` doesn't calculate \\$3 \\div 2\\$, rather it takes the values of lines **3** and **2** and calculates their division. Execution always begins on the last line.\nThis program simply implements the standard formula for standard deviation:\n$$\\sigma = \\sqrt{\\frac{1}{N}\\sum^N\\_{i=1}{(x\\_i-\\bar{x})^2}}$$\n$$\\bar{x} = \\frac{1}{N}\\sum^N\\_{i=1}{x\\_i}$$\nLines **2**, **3** and **4** define \\$\\bar{x}\\$, with it's specific value accessible on line **4**. Line **2** stores \\$N\\$. We then calculate \\$(x\\_i-\\bar{x})^2\\$ for each \\$x\\_i \\in x\\$ with the lines **5**, **6**, **7** and **8**:\n```\n>> L-4\n>> L\u00b2\n>> Each 5 1\n>> Each 6 7\n```\nLine **7** runs line **5** over each element in the input, which takes the difference between each element in the input and the mean, We then square these differences using lines **8** and **6**. Finally, we take the sum of these squares (line **9**), divide by \\$N\\$ (line **10**) and take the square root (line **11**). Finally, we output this result.\n[Answer]\n# [Shasta v0.0.10](https://github.com/jacobofbrooklyn/shasta/tree/d66d19a634eb70bd73feac1972327867a7f0ede4), 65 bytes\n```\n{(**(/(sum(map${|x|(**(- x(/(sum$)(length$)))2)}))(length$)).5)}\n```\nOnline interpreter not set up yet, tested on my machine\nExplanation:\n`{...}` Function taking argument $\n`(** ... .5)` Square root of\n`(/ ... (length $))` Dividing ... by the length of $\n`(sum ...)` The sum of\n`(map $ {|x| ...})` Mapping each x in $ to\n`(** ... 2)` The square of\n`(- x ...)` The difference between x and\n`(/ (sum $) (length $))` The mean of $\n[Answer]\n# Python, 57 bytes\n```\nlambda l:(sum((x-sum(l)/len(l))**2for x in l)/len(l))**.5\n```\nTakes input as a list\nThanks @xnor\n[Answer]\n### PowerShell, 122\n```\n:\\>type stddev.ps1\n$y=0;$z=$args -split\",\";$a=($z|?{$_});$c=$a.Count;$a|%{$y+=$_};$b=$y/$c;$a|%{$x+\n=(($_-$b)*($_-$b))/$c};[math]::pow($x,0.5)\n```\nexplanation\n```\n<#\n$y=0 init\n$z=$args -split\",\" split delim ,\n$a=($z|? {$_}) remove empty items\n$c=$a.Count count items\n$a|%{$y+=$_} sum\n$b=$y/$c average\n$a|%{$x+=(($_-$b)*($_-$b))/$c} sum of squares/count\n[math]::pow($x,0.5) result\n#>\n```\nresult\n```\n:\\>powershell -nologo -f stddev.ps1 45,67,32,98,11,3\n32.5303277300156\n:\\>powershell -nologo -f stddev.ps1 45, 67,32,98,11,3\n32.5303277300156\n:\\>powershell -nologo -f stddev.ps1 45, 67,32, 98 ,11,3\n32.5303277300156\n:\\>powershell -nologo -f stddev.ps1 10035, 436844, 42463, 44774\n175656.784413526\n:\\>powershell -nologo -f stddev.ps1 1,1,1,1,1,1\n0\n```\n[Answer]\n# Fortran, 138 bytes\nJust a straightforward implementation of the equation in Fortran:\n```\ndouble precision function std(x)\ninteger,dimension(:),intent(in) :: x\nstd = norm2(dble(x-sum(x)/size(x)))/sqrt(dble(size(x)))\nend function\n```\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, 105 bytes (as a function)\nI just noticed it's allowed to be a function. Whoops, that reduces my answer dramatically. This defines a function `S` which takes an array and returns the population standard deviation. Go read the other one for an explanation, but skip the parsing part. I don't want to do it again.\n```\nDEF S(L)N=LEN(L)FOR I=0TO N-1U=U+L[I]NEXT\nU=1/N*U FOR I=0TO N-1T=T+POW(L[I]-U,2)NEXT RETURN SQR(1/N*T)END\n```\n## As a program, 212 bytes\nUnfortunately, I have to take the input list as a string and parse it myself. This adds over 100 bytes to the answer, so if some input format other than a comma-separated list is allowed I'd be glad to hear it. Also note that because `VAL` is buggy, having a space *before* the comma or trailing the string breaks the program. After the comma or at the start of the string is fine.\n```\nDIM L[0]LINPUT L$@L I=INSTR(O,L$,\",\")IF I>-1THEN PUSH L,VAL(MID$(L$,O,I-O))O=I+1GOTO@L ELSE PUSH L,VAL(MID$(L$,O,LEN(L$)-O))\nN=LEN(L)FOR I=0TO N-1U=U+L[I]NEXT\nU=1/N*U FOR I=0TO N-1T=T+POW(L[I]-U,2)NEXT?SQR(1/N*T)\n```\nUngolfed and explained:\n```\nDIM L[0] 'define our array\nLINPUT L$ 'grab string from input\n'parse list\n'could've used something cleaner, like a REPEAT, but this was shorter\n@L\nI=INSTR(O,L$,\",\") 'find next comma\nIF I>-1 THEN 'we have a comma\n PUSH L,VAL(MID$(L$,O,I-O)) 'get substring of number, parse & store\n O=I+1 'set next search location\n GOTO @L 'go again\nELSE 'we don't have a comma\n PUSH L,VAL(MID$(L$,O,LEN(L$)-O)) 'eat rest of string, parse & store\nENDIF 'end\nN=LEN(L) 'how many numbers we have\n'find U\n'sum all of the numbers, mult by 1/N\nFOR I=0 TO N-1\n U=U+L[I]\nNEXT\nU=1/N*U\n'calculate our popstdev\n'sum(pow(x-u,2))\nFOR I=0 TO N-1\n T=T+POW(L[I]-U,2)\nNEXT\nPRINT SQR(1/N*T) 'sqrt(1/n*sum)\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nWhoa, whoa, whoa ... stop typing your program. No, I don't mean \"print `ABC...`.\" I'm talking the capitals of the United States.\nSpecifically, print all the city/state combinations given in the following list\n* in any order\n* with your choice of delimiters (e.g., `Baton Rouge`LA_Indianapolis`IN_...` is acceptable), so long as it's unambiguous which words are cities, which are states, and which are different entries\n* without using any of `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ` in your source code\nOutput should be to STDOUT or equivalent.\n### EDIT - Whoops!\n`` \nWhile typing up the list from memory (thanks to the Animaniacs, as described below), I apparently neglected Washington, DC, which *isn't* a state capital, but *is* in the song, and is sometimes included in \"lists of capitals\" (like the Mathematica [answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60664/42963) below). *I had intended to include that city in this list, but missed it, somehow.* As a result, answers that *don't* have that city won't be penalized, and answers that *do* have that city won't be penalized, either. Essentially, it's up to you whether `Washington, DC` is included in your ouput or not. Sorry about that, folks! \n``\n```\nBaton Rouge, LA\nIndianapolis, IN\nColumbus, OH\nMontgomery, AL\nHelena, MT\nDenver, CO\nBoise, ID\nAustin, TX\nBoston, MA\nAlbany, NY\nTallahassee, FL\nSanta Fe, NM\nNashville, TN\nTrenton, NJ\nJefferson, MO\nRichmond, VA\nPierre, SD\nHarrisburg, PA\nAugusta, ME\nProvidence, RI\nDover, DE\nConcord, NH\nMontpelier, VT\nHartford, CT\nTopeka, KS\nSaint Paul, MN\nJuneau, AK\nLincoln, NE\nRaleigh, NC\nMadison, WI\nOlympia, WA\nPhoenix, AZ\nLansing, MI\nHonolulu, HI\nJackson, MS\nSpringfield, IL\nColumbia, SC\nAnnapolis, MD\nCheyenne, WY\nSalt Lake City, UT\nAtlanta, GA\nBismarck, ND\nFrankfort, KY\nSalem, OR\nLittle Rock, AR\nDes Moines, IA\nSacramento, CA\nOklahoma City, OK\nCharleston, WV\nCarson City, NV\n```\n(h/t to Animaniacs for the list of capitals)\nTake a bonus of **-20%** if your submission doesn't explicitly have the numbers `65` through `90` or the number `1` in the code. *Generating* these numbers (e.g., `a=5*13` or `a=\"123\"[0]` or `a=64;a++` or the like) is allowed under this bonus, explicitly having them (e.g., `a=65` or `a=\"1 23 456\"[0]`) is not.\n## Leaderboard\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=60650,OVERRIDE_USER=42963;function answersUrl(e){return\"http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"http://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+(?:[.]\\d+)?)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, ~~168~~ ~~153~~ 149 bytes - 20% = 119.2 bytes\n```\nu=\"\\.55nited\\.53tates\";\\.41dministrative\\.44ivision\\.44ata[{#,u}&/@\\.43ountry\\.44ata[u,\"\\.52egions\"],{\"\\.43apital\\.4eame\",\"\\.53tate\\.41bbreviation\"}]\n```\nObligatory, but I did not know that any character can be replaced by `\\.xx` or `\\:xxxx` with the appropriate hex code.\nEdit: Cut of 4 more characters by replacing `Thread` with a pure function.\nOutput:\n```\n{{Montgomery,AL},{Juneau,AK},{Phoenix,AZ},{Little Rock,AR},{Sacramento,CA},{Denver,CO},{Hartford,CT},{Dover,DE},{Washington,DC},{Tallahassee,FL},{Atlanta,GA},{Honolulu,HI},{Boise,ID},{Springfield,IL},{Indianapolis,IN},{Des Moines,IA},{Topeka,KS},{Frankfort,KY},{Baton Rouge,LA},{Augusta,ME},{Annapolis,MD},{Boston,MA},{Lansing,MI},{Saint Paul,MN},{Jackson,MS},{Jefferson City,MO},{Helena,MT},{Lincoln,NE},{Carson City,NV},{Concord,NH},{Trenton,NJ},{Santa Fe,NM},{Albany,NY},{Raleigh,NC},{Bismarck,ND},{Columbus,OH},{Oklahoma City,OK},{Salem,OR},{Harrisburg,PA},{Providence,RI},{Columbia,SC},{Pierre,SD},{Nashville,TN},{Austin,TX},{Salt Lake City,UT},{Montpelier,VT},{Richmond,VA},{Olympia,WA},{Charleston,WV},{Madison,WI},{Cheyenne,WY}}\n```\n[Answer]\n# R, ~~96 bytes~~ 98 bytes -20% -> 78.4\nThanks to @plasticinsect for the bonus!\n```\nlibrary(maps);data(us.cities);cat(gsub(\"()( \\\\w+)$\",\",\\\\2\",us.cities$n[us.cities$ca==2]),sep=\"\\n\")\n```\nPrevious code at 96 bytes:\n```\nlibrary(maps);data(us.cities);cat(gsub(\"( \\\\w+)$\",\",\\\\1\",us.cities$n[us.cities$ca==2]),sep=\"\\n\")\n```\nFrom package `maps`, it loads a dataset of US cities. Column `capital` contains a `2` if it is a state capital. The names of the cities are given is column `name` in the form \"City StateAbbreviation\" (i. e. `Albany NY`), so one need to add an explicit delimiter in between before output. ~~To do so I eventually use the regex `\\1` meaning I can't have the bonus I suppose.~~ To avoid using `\\1` in the regex I added an empty group so that I can use `\\2`.\nUsage:\n```\n> library(maps);data(us.cities);cat(gsub(\"()( \\\\w+)$\",\",\\\\2\",us.cities$n[us.cities$ca>1]),sep=\"\\n\")\nAlbany, NY\nAnnapolis, MD\nAtlanta, GA\nAugusta, ME\nAustin, TX\nBaton Rouge, LA\nBismarck, ND\nBoise, ID\nBoston, MA\nCarson City, NV\nCharleston, WV\nCheyenne, WY\nColumbia, SC\nColumbus, OH\nConcord, NH\nDenver, CO\nDes Moines, IA\nDover, DE\nFrankfort, KY\nHarrisburg, PA\nHartford, CT\nHelena, MT\nHonolulu, HI\nIndianapolis, IN\nJackson, MS\nJefferson City, MO\nJuneau, AK\nLansing, MI\nLincoln, NE\nLittle Rock, AR\nMadison, WI\nMontgomery, AL\nMontpelier, VT\nNashville, TN\nOklahoma City, OK\nOlympia, WA\nPhoenix, AZ\nPierre, SD\nProvidence, RI\nRaleigh, NC\nRichmond, VA\nSacramento, CA\nSaint Paul, MN\nSalem, OR\nSalt Lake City, UT\nSanta Fe, NM\nSpringfield, IL\nTallahassee, FL\nTopeka, KS\nTrenton, NJ\n```\n[Answer]\n# CJam, 312 bytes\n```\n\".\u00fd\u00e79.5i-j\u00e6\u00a4\u00fe\u00b8\u00ab\u00c3\u00abcj\u00ad|\u00f9;\u00ce\u00fc\u00c4`\u00ad\u00d1\u00af\u00c4\u00ff\u00e7s\u00f8i4\u00d4\u00da0;\u00beo'\u00c8\u00e0\u00da\u00e3\u00d5\u00bb\u00ae\u00bcv{\u00d0\u00f9\u00b7*\u00f1fi\u00f6\\^\u00e9]\u00f9\u00ac\u00f0\u00f6\u00b8q\u00dap\u00ff\u00a9a$\u00ff\u00c6hk\u00a5\u00bd\u00e9\u00d8\u00d7\u00ef\u00d5{\u00f19\u00c1\u00db%\u00d0\u00f8\u00a6\u00f0\u00b7\u00e2\u00dfx\u00e2j \u00d6\u00eb\u00ac\u00ad\u00af,\u00d0+?\u00db\u00a1!\u00f9%\u00c2\u00ed\u00a9\u00dafx`\u00a4|}\u00bc>q\u00f1\u00b5\u00c9\u00ce4\u00d3\u00e6j-w\u00f6\u00c4\u00c6 4,\u00fc\u00d6\u00e1\u00ccxs\u00cd\u00b7\u00fc\u00e3\u00fd\u00db\u00eam\u00c1j\u00b1\u00e60?\u00b3\u00a2\u00b6\u00a7%\u00db57\u00cbmc.~`b=\u00b4\u00e1\u00a5\u00c9p\u00cb,\u00f4b\u00b6\u00ccs\u00c1\u00ec\u00be*\u00a7\u00f2\u00ff_\u00d6\u00a9;`\u00cd\u00da\u00d7\u00a4\u00d2\u00f2\u00d4\u00a7~h\u00dd\u00ae\u00da8\u00bc}8\u00cc7r\u00ff\u00e9\u00d7\u00d4\u00ce\u00ee\u00e6\u00a1\u00a9)\u00d4@\"'[fm256,f=)b27b'`f+'`/{_2>'q/32af.^' *o2 27 -> 229).\nb27b e# Convert the remaining array from base 229 to base 27.\n'`f+ e# Add the character '`' to the resulting digits.\n e# This pushes the string from the \"Idea\" section.\n'`/ e# Split the result at backticks.\n{ e# For each resulting chunk C:\n _2> e# Copy C and remove its first to characters.\n 'q/ e# Split at occurrences of 'q'.\n 32a e# Push [32].\n f.^ e# Mapped, vectorized XOR; XOR the first character of each chunk \n e# with 32. This changes its case.\n ' * e# Join the resulting chunks, separating by spaces.\n o e# Print.\n 2< e# Reduce the original C to its first two characters.\n eu e# Convert to uppercase.\n p e# Print, enclosed in double quotes, and followed by a linefeed.\n}/ e#\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl, 605 bytes - 20% = 484\n```\n$_=\"baton rouge,laindianapolis,incolumbus,ohmontgomery,alhelena,mtdenver,coboise,idaustin,txboston,maalbany,nytallahassee,flsanta fe,nmnashville,tntrenton,njjefferson,morichmond,vapierre,sdharrisburg,paaugusta,meprovidence,ridover,deconcord,nhmontpelier,vthartford,cttopeka,kssaint paul,mnjuneau,aklincoln,neraleigh,ncmadison,wiolympia,waphoenix,azlansing,mihonolulu,hijackson,msspringfield,ilcolumbia,scannapolis,mdcheyenne,wysalt lake city,utatlanta,gabismarck,ndfrankfort,kysalem,orlittle rock,ardes moines,iasacramento,caoklahoma city,okcharleston,wvcarson city,nv\";s/,../uc\"$&;\"/eg;s/\\b./\\u$&/g;print\n```\nMy first version was invalid because it used \\U to convert to uppercase. This one uses \\u on each letter of the state abbreviation. I also had to add a dummy capture group to avoid using $1.\n**Edit:** I was able to shave off 8 bytes by using uc() with the e flag. (Thank you Dom Hastings.)\n[Answer]\n# javascript, ~~727~~ 687 bytes - 20% = 549.6\n```\nalert('baton rouge;indianapolis;columbus;montgomery;helena;denver;boise;austin;boston;albany;tallahassee;santa fe;nashville;trenton;jefferson;richmond;pierre;harrisburg;augusta;providence;dover;concord;montpelier;hartford;topeka;saint paul;juneau;lincoln;raleigh;madison;olympia;phoenix;lansing;honolulu;jackson;springfield;columbia;annapolis;cheyenne;salt lake city;atlanta;bismarck;frankfort;salem;little rock;des moines;sacramento;oklahoma city;charleston;carson city'.split`;`.map((a,i)=>a.split` `.map(b=>b[0][u='to\\x55pper\\x43ase']()+b.slice(-~0)).join` `+0+'lainohalmtcoidtxmanyflnmtnnjmovasdpameridenhvtctksmnaknencwiwaazmihimsilscmdwyutgandkyorariacaokwvnv'[u]().substr(i*2,2)))\n```\njavascript is particularly tough as well, considering their long function names and camelcase. splitting out the states saved a ton on delimiters, and made it easier to work with all around.\n@mbomb007 nothing in the post capitalized for a reason ;)\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~703~~ 700 bytes - 20% = 560 bytes\n```\nmain(){int c=!0;char*p=\"@baton@rouge[la*indianapolis[in*columbus[oh*montgomery[al*helena[mt*denver[co*boise[id*austin[tx*boston[ma*albany[ny*tallahassee[fl*santa@fe[nm*nashville[tn*trenton[nj*jefferson[mo*richmond[va*pierre[sd*harrisburg[pa*augusta[me*providence[ri*dover[de*concord[nh*montpelier[vt*hartford[ct*topeka[ks*saint@paul[mn*juneau[ak*lincoln[ne*raleigh[nc*madison[wi*olympia[wa*phoenix[az*lansing[mi*honolulu[hi*jackson[ms*springfield[il*columbia[sc*annapolis[md*cheyenne[wy*salt@lake@city[ut*atlanta[ga*bismarck[nd*frankfort[ky*salem[or*little@rock[ar*des@moines[ia*sacramento[ca*oklahoma@city[ok*charleston[wv*carson@city[nv*\";while(*++p)c+=*p<97?2+*p/91:0,printf(\"%c\",c?--c,*p-32:*p);}\n```\nI changed the loop a bit to make it compile with non-C99 compilers. [Online version](http://codepad.org/8pYOWViJ)\n[Answer]\n# javascript (es6) 516 (645-20%) ~~532 (664-20%)~~\ntest running the snippet below in any recent browser: the only es6 feature used is `template strings`\n```\nalert(`\nlabaton rouge\ninindianapolis\nohcolumbus\nalmontgomery\nmthelena\ncodenver\nidboise\ntxaustin\nmaboston\nnyalbany\nfltallahassee\nnmsanta fe\ntnnashville\nnjtrenton\nmojefferson\nvarichmond\nsdpierre\npaharrisburg\nmeaugusta\nriprovidence\ndedover\nnhconcord\nvtmontpelier\ncthartford\nkstopeka\nmnsaint paul\nakjuneau\nnelincoln\nncraleigh\nwimadison\nwaolympia\nazphoenix\nmilansing\nhihonolulu\nmsjackson\nilspringfield\nsccolumbia\nmdannapolis\nwycheyenne\nutsalt lake city\ngaatlanta\nndbismarck\nkyfrankfort\norsalem\narlittle rock\niades moines\ncasacramento\nokoklahoma city\nwvcharleston\nnvcarson city\n`.replace(/(\\n..)(.)| ./g,(w,x,y)=>(y?x+','+y:w)['to\\x55pper\\x43ase']()))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Funciton](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Funciton), 5045 \u2212 20% = 4036 bytes\nThis code contains only one number, and it\u2019s not in the range 65 through 90. Nor is it the number 1. In fact, this number is 4187 decimal digits, which cleanly factorizes into primes 79\u00d753.\nAs always, get nicer rendering by executing `$('pre').css('line-height',1);` in your browser console.\n```\n\u2554\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2557\n\u25517136715096855386138244201921379984522081157959387689102965666099527710666770872\u2551\n\u25518632405046019650473694855863386057142772501332293800147289916078651647760772443\u2551\n\u25518725652766505885348060772769789231580343563435533130895917300237406562638030980\u2551\n\u25513711194146648873765244744781953334585902685570475123886704870369061449702689564\u2551\n\u25513595572359214492754563209811697465519112054922140302657793458997381684588970868\u2551\n\u25517793823212145990790477442216616349142872430200820970858787998435483524660584416\u2551\n\u25516164882066597488329789212167115912389108306700132767580336075847661452995278441\u2551\n\u25514608506136620095732142590833871485553260077395557115141102093496100483811080395\u2551\n\u25516552804273104384398276311006450509670233242612250087379855689038722276735360412\u2551\n\u25516878753848057526563710344191563893599886868947829201220173418232286377514939888\u2551\n\u25515826479634935379423693839085984565815131964110239432620200938530722481854602826\u2551\n\u25519037704900171802579729347376622932167603510862768435434759967894116610786905139\u2551\n\u25517412487476129828359043674372610945304257752777678880166233522176263310236004692\u2551\n\u25510559345181857154078616512980811741354072155133642234106705715867670036797456411\u2551\n\u25513264775046807948785891163930492821367841190494057926544207551600789781134233199\u2551\n\u25514931373746463823081063091455500394879663289567724955802959562627212816895887920\u2551\n\u25512489552640528826478935177736926106383314641517898028085103843993947923512080284\u2551\n\u25511297634633899484758145253947029431905171166312060063580822580997396575916969283\u2551\n\u25518159188436765390151074141915725490631912068692580040188837785831216953037087556\u2551\n\u25510321645257600479747768084542577912902995339088536912361110657756023624089620615\u2551\n\u25515158613866208649015722071421838484405731207470388752536584022013701916919845375\u2551\n\u25513209922919010373613440766178725948038885270419846274466164969481905438092706837\u2551\n\u25516125745847739006120558864887675350117798119205719776692338137137532239709753293\u2551\n\u25518995102505657504327982204450387974737246780507128822708181598416111438056330283\u2551\n\u25514785530759635414792062372089201435348108257958259667891277855066169836153935818\u2551\n\u25514849044313927545256942990267263122642672090579649898429311837755460330426123991\u2551\n\u25510865666851722460685754104973378688314066186075716326618952555696686125861179585\u255f\n\u25517767008528632788251800639156553539356488180142086268151130154661765322967918167\u2551\n\u25516359863162328432204277806522752416226370770476079674225817370337594249020946663\u2551\n\u25511822184578010876426310754786368155838502939742370374540683825491575130213369657\u2551\n\u25512120804668997619419445916101731942338784683470192383635854329364775377151471990\u2551\n\u25512655205750667024595911951526939478313795716952326483704217123605616832952264503\u2551\n\u25518356212760984291960912048067411637475389334580447270650407546381067041317195274\u2551\n\u25513658815060537830411410963930585836537141345277217896786840243174681916988181583\u2551\n\u25518390084258839955570465021603546831767108002881554379542200508579678822598563892\u2551\n\u25518621176190864640015677903257299296220003472794175916462345690686103548377723578\u2551\n\u25516760505049046712538526435515066511975271300115330547105472335029933058732991785\u2551\n\u25515589232894601143279598099962031945524489480851133384138840761826907713777131329\u2551\n\u25519653475711559777326388996740771947433446060772704682592783253818915955015393899\u2551\n\u25518513366910314301930539317844646403762279062435716757707854074235922915355490960\u2551\n\u25519007713445763282900095169953058848056683723033266818136479787173846475991012202\u2551\n\u25519462375527766882809250645176534521094942659081258046722219759280486004661723805\u2551\n\u25516786432900677055552677470564184679327084173152258835307889916896828977570843423\u2551\n\u25513265510347632679682249919679555731735198061941806081777484490821424077128775482\u2551\n\u25514866960679621740266038712499696089430677992126743925060145440886995190894304525\u2551\n\u25513469457565680576996559817327023534136403178656947913819462072799063875416015296\u2551\n\u25510646268276069839972076911667210841845209380552353634062961962574981823297845248\u2551\n\u25517817510295701815725710777747052257272070773995280590130309991890195320939352205\u2551\n\u25513629070121725848802522009518874134452415909082137665653417182020188245139223466\u2551\n\u25511804690429428088774753298257855093982064922470661344462996583642233273038068537\u2551\n\u25515899655675409028134860922908216970845189239846431322757349357911553610461726138\u2551\n\u25519065104191927373357937390905721074233359257891159853454407258925428691711525208\u2551\n\u25510898360915775189300266760522953739009955921695946386500512104598494398514200642\u2551\n\u255a\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u2550\u255d\n```\nEdit: Kiri-ban! This answer is codegolf.SE post #61000!\n[Answer]\n## x86 machine code, 764 bytes\n612 if bonus awarded\nTotally self-contained program. Only relies upon (a) Bios int 0x10 being available to print each char and (b) DS, ES, SP and SS being initialized before program is called, DOS does this.(and DOS-Box too) Otherwise, the code relies on nothing.\nThe absolute minimum without any dependencies at all except for the BIOS rom, would be about 2 floppy disk sectors @512 bytes each.\nIt doesn't seem to exploit any of the standard loop-holes, though while some bytes of the program are 01, these are not numbers in the source. However, since I'd like to submit the binary code as my solution, I imagine that would disallow the 01 bytes.?\nHex-editor view of binary:\n```\n68 98 01 E8 1D 00 CD 20 B3 62 FE CB 88 DF 80 C7 19 38 D8 72 0D 38 F8 77 09 30 DB FE C3 C0 E3 05 - h\u02dc.\u00e8..\u00cd \u00b3b\u00fe\u00cb\u02c6\u00df\u20ac\u00c7.8\u00d8r.8\u00f8w.0\u00db\u00fe\u00c3\u00c0\u00e3.\n28 D8 C3 55 89 E5 81 C5 04 00 8B 76 00 89 F7 AC A8 FF 74 3E 80 3E 96 01 00 75 0A E8 CA FF AA A2 - (\u00d8\u00c3U\u2030\u00e5.\u00c5..\u2039v.\u2030\u00f7\u00ac\u00a8\u00fft>\u20ac>\u2013..u.\u00e8\u00ca\u00ff\u00aa\u00a2\n96 01 E9 EA FF 3C 2C 75 18 AA AC E8 BA FF AA AC E8 B5 FF AA AC AA AC E8 AE FF AA A2 96 01 E9 CE - \u2013.\u00e9\u00ea\u00ff<,u.\u00aa\u00ac\u00e8\u00ba\u00ff\u00aa\u00ac\u00e8\u00b5\u00ff\u00aa\u00ac\u00aa\u00ac\u00e8\u00ae\u00ff\u00aa\u00a2\u2013.\u00e9\u00ce\nFF 80 3E 96 01 20 75 03 E8 9D FF AA A2 96 01 E9 BD FF 8B 76 00 AC A8 FF 74 1A 3C 2D 75 0F B0 0D - \u00ff\u20ac>\u2013. u.\u00e8.\u00ff\u00aa\u00a2\u2013.\u00e9\u00bd\u00ff\u2039v.\u00ac\u00a8\u00fft.<-u.\u00b0.\nB4 0E CD 10 B0 0A B4 0E CD 10 E9 E8 FF B4 0E CD 10 E9 E1 FF 5D C3 00 00 62 61 74 6F 6E 72 6F 75 - \u00b4.\u00cd.\u00b0.\u00b4.\u00cd.\u00e9\u00e8\u00ff\u00b4.\u00cd.\u00e9\u00e1\u00ff]\u00c3..batonrou\n67 65 2C 6C 61 2D 69 6E 64 69 61 6E 61 70 6F 6C 69 73 2C 69 6E 2D 63 6F 6C 75 6D 62 75 73 2C 6F - ge,la-indianapolis,in-columbus,o\n68 2D 6D 6F 6E 74 67 6F 6D 65 72 79 2C 61 6C 2D 68 65 6C 65 6E 61 2C 6D 74 2D 64 65 6E 76 65 72 - h-montgomery,al-helena,mt-denver\n2C 63 6F 2D 62 6F 69 73 65 2C 69 64 2D 61 75 73 74 69 6E 2C 74 78 2D 62 6F 73 74 6F 6E 2C 6D 61 - ,co-boise,id-austin,tx-boston,ma\n2D 61 6C 62 61 6E 79 2C 6E 79 2D 74 61 6C 6C 61 68 61 73 73 65 65 2C 66 6C 2D 73 61 6E 74 61 66 - -albany,ny-tallahassee,fl-santaf\n65 2C 6E 6D 2D 6E 61 73 68 76 69 6C 6C 65 2C 74 6E 2D 74 72 65 6E 74 6F 6E 2C 6E 6A 2D 6A 65 66 - e,nm-nashville,tn-trenton,nj-jef\n66 65 72 73 6F 6E 2C 6D 6F 2D 72 69 63 68 6D 6F 6E 64 2C 76 61 2D 70 69 65 72 72 65 2C 73 64 2D - ferson,mo-richmond,va-pierre,sd-\n68 61 72 72 69 73 62 75 72 67 2C 70 61 2D 61 75 67 75 73 74 61 2C 6D 65 2D 70 72 6F 76 69 64 65 - harrisburg,pa-augusta,me-provide\n6E 63 65 2C 72 69 2D 64 6F 76 65 72 2C 64 65 2D 63 6F 6E 63 6F 72 64 2C 6E 68 2D 6D 6F 6E 74 70 - nce,ri-dover,de-concord,nh-montp\n65 6C 69 65 72 2C 76 74 2D 68 61 72 74 66 6F 72 64 2C 63 74 2D 74 6F 70 65 6B 61 2C 6B 73 2D 73 - elier,vt-hartford,ct-topeka,ks-s\n61 69 6E 74 20 70 61 75 6C 2C 6D 6E 2D 6A 75 6E 65 61 75 2C 61 6B 2D 6C 69 6E 63 6F 6C 6E 2C 6E - aint paul,mn-juneau,ak-lincoln,n\n65 2D 72 61 6C 65 69 67 68 2C 6E 63 2D 6D 61 64 69 73 6F 6E 2C 77 69 2D 6F 6C 79 6D 70 69 61 2C - e-raleigh,nc-madison,wi-olympia,\n77 61 2D 70 68 6F 65 6E 69 78 2C 61 7A 2D 6C 61 6E 73 69 6E 67 2C 6D 69 2D 68 6F 6E 6F 6C 75 6C - wa-phoenix,az-lansing,mi-honolul\n75 2C 68 69 2D 6A 61 63 6B 73 6F 6E 2C 6D 73 2D 73 70 72 69 6E 67 66 69 65 6C 64 2C 69 6C 2D 63 - u,hi-jackson,ms-springfield,il-c\n6F 6C 75 6D 62 69 61 2C 73 63 2D 61 6E 6E 61 70 6F 6C 69 73 2C 6D 64 2D 63 68 65 79 65 6E 6E 65 - olumbia,sc-annapolis,md-cheyenne\n2C 77 79 2D 73 61 6C 74 20 6C 61 6B 65 20 63 69 74 79 2C 75 74 2D 61 74 6C 61 6E 74 61 2C 67 61 - ,wy-salt lake city,ut-atlanta,ga\n2D 62 69 73 6D 61 72 63 6B 2C 6E 64 2D 66 72 61 6E 6B 66 6F 72 74 2C 6B 79 2D 73 61 6C 65 6D 2C - -bismarck,nd-frankfort,ky-salem,\n6F 72 2D 6C 69 74 74 6C 65 20 72 6F 63 6B 2C 61 72 2D 64 65 73 20 6D 6F 69 6E 65 73 2C 69 61 2D - or-little rock,ar-des moines,ia-\n73 61 63 72 61 6D 65 6E 74 6F 2C 63 61 2D 6F 6B 6C 61 68 6F 6D 61 20 63 69 74 79 2C 6F 6B 2D 63 - sacramento,ca-oklahoma city,ok-c\n68 61 72 6C 65 73 74 6F 6E 2C 77 76 2D 63 61 72 73 6F 6E 20 63 69 74 79 2C 6E 76 00 - harleston,wv-carson city,nv.\n```\n'Un-golfed' version (source - 3126 bytes)\n```\n[section .text]\n[bits 16]\n[org 0x100]\nentry_point:\n push word capital_list\n call output_string\n int 0x20\n; input:\n; al = char\n; outpt:\n; if al if an alpha char, ensures it is in range [capital-a .. capital-z]\ntoupper:\n mov bl, 98\n dec bl ; bl = 'a'\n mov bh, bl\n add bh, 25 ; bh = 'z'\n cmp al, bl ;'a'\n jb .toupperdone\n cmp al, bh\n ja .toupperdone\n xor bl, bl\n inc bl\n shl bl, 5 ; bl = 32\n sub al, bl ;capital'a' - 'a' (32)\n.toupperdone:\n ret\n;void outputstring(char *str)\noutputstring:\n push bp\n mov bp, sp\n add bp, 4\n mov si, [bp + 0] ; si --> string\n mov di, si\n; I run over the text in two passes - because I'm too tired right now to make it\n; a tighter, more efficient loop. Perhaps after some sleep.\n; In the first pass, I just convert the appropriate chars to upper-case\n.get_char_pass_1:\n lodsb\n test al, 0xff\n jz .pass_1_done\n cmp [last_char], byte 0\n jne .not_first_char\n call toupper\n stosb\n mov [last_char], al\n jmp .get_char_pass_1\n.not_first_char:\n.check_if_sep:\n cmp al, ',' ; if this char is a comma, the next 2 need to be uppercase\n jne .not_seperator\n stosb ; spit out the comma, unchanged\n lodsb\n call toupper\n stosb\n lodsb\n call toupper\n stosb\n.gobble_delim: \n lodsb ; take care of the '-' delimiter\n stosb\n.capitalize_first_letter_of_city: \n lodsb ; the following char is the first char of the city, capitalize it\n call toupper\n stosb\n mov [last_char], al\n jmp .get_char_pass_1 ; go back for more\n.not_seperator:\n cmp [last_char], byte ' '\n jne .output_this_char\n call toupper\n.output_this_char:\n stosb\n mov [last_char], al\n jmp .get_char_pass_1\n.pass_1_done:\n; In the second pass, I print the characters, except for the delimiters, which are skipped and\n; instead print a CRLF pair so that each city/state pair begins on a new line.\n;\npass_2:\n mov si, [bp+0] ; point to string again\n.pass_2_load_char:\n lodsb\n test al, 0xff\n jz .pass_2_done\n cmp al, '-' ; current char is a delimiter, dont print it - instead, \n ; print a carriage-return/line-feed pair\n jne .not_delim_2\n mov al, 0xd ; LF\n mov ah, 0xe\n int 0x10\n mov al, 0xa ; CR\n mov ah, 0xe\n int 0x10\n jmp .pass_2_load_char\n.not_delim_2:\n mov ah, 0xe\n int 0x10\n jmp .pass_2_load_char\n.pass_2_done:\n pop bp\n ret\nlast_char db 0\n[section .data]\ncapital_list db 'batonrouge,la-indianapolis,in-columbus,oh-montgomery,al-helena,mt-denver,co-boise,id-'\n db 'austin,tx-boston,ma-albany,ny-tallahassee,fl-santafe,nm-nashville,tn-trenton,nj-'\n db 'jefferson,mo-richmond,va-pierre,sd-harrisburg,pa-augusta,me-providence,ri-dover,de-'\n db 'concord,nh-montpelier,vt-hartford,ct-topeka,ks-saint paul,mn-juneau,ak-lincoln,ne-'\n db 'raleigh,nc-madison,wi-olympia,wa-phoenix,az-lansing,mi-honolulu,hi-jackson,ms-'\n db 'springfield,il-columbia,sc-annapolis,md-cheyenne,wy-salt lake city,ut-atlanta,ga-'\n db 'bismarck,nd-frankfort,ky-salem,or-little rock,ar-des moines,ia-sacramento,ca-'\n db 'oklahoma city,ok-charleston,wv-carson city,nv',0\n```\nOutput:\n```\nBaton Rouge,LA\nIndianapolis,IN\nColumbus,OH\nMontgomery,AL\nHelena,MT\nDenver,CO\nBoise,ID\nAustin,TX\nBoston,MA\nAlbany,NY\nTallahassee,FL\nSanta Fe,NM\nNashville,TN\nTrenton,NJ\nJefferson,MO\nRichmond,VA\nPierre,SD\nHarrisburg,PA\nAugusta,ME\nProvidence,RI\nDover,DE\nConcord,NH\nMontpelier,VT\nHartford,CT\nTopeka,KS\nSaint Paul,MN\nJuneau,AK\nLincoln,NE\nRaleigh,NC\nMadison,WI\nOlympia,WA\nPhoenix,AZ\nLansing,MI\nHonolulu,HI\nJackson,MS\nSpringfield,IL\nColumbia,SC\nAnnapolis,MD\nCheyenne,WY\nSalt Lake City,UT\nAtlanta,GA\nBismarck,ND\nFrankfort,KY\nSalem,OR\nLittle Rock,AR\nDes Moines,IA\nSacramento,CA\nOklahoma City,OK\nCharleston,WV\nCarson City,NV\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~1416~~ ~~793~~ ~~785~~ ~~779~~ ~~771~~ ~~755~~ 734 characters - 20% = 587.2\nNo algorithmic cleverness here, I just took the required output, sorted it (this lets zlib do a better job), compressed it (using `zopfli --deflate`), base64-encoded the result, and then changed the encoding around to avoid capital letters.\n```\nimport zlib,base64;print(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode('>_\"@sq*w%>yf^+?!|#-#rii*hezbdf9()#_&m&\",s;bb74@n7_93,t>d09rek;+~sr!m~qgv?0[,)z;?>$|p5.i)hegtak<&:db9hg9(xat3yp%x_(j}m]h1k(xh~1))h/_nid-d!x+,pl0zt[yj5bv\"/<+^,$ti>}]3q!gd6>:h/sw}<#x>-lj5#h@w:i01d?m^ks2|,v\"^coy^p.l{l{6jxbs,a??m14/h0%/m3j-q_zm@;uu[rgx<(4{{s,en/\":1oc|!]fvpsjt$}9z?b&#^;58%@m78i8wf<*u\",mizg7;3.3*l7o{0,._oyz0&y5d#afpgc38_-ww_7jx;xd;,:ooajzt54ohq@y,aw2|20s)$k\"|dso*?@[]^_{|}~',range(26))})),-9).decode('u8'))\n```\nUn-golfed:\n```\nimport zlib, base64\nDATA = '>_\"@sq*w%>yf^+?!|#-#rii*hezbdf9()#_&m&\",s;bb74@n7_93,t>d09rek;+~sr!m~qgv?0[,)z;?>$|p5.i)hegtak<&:db9hg9(xat3yp%x_(j}m]h1k(xh~1))h/_nid-d!x+,pl0zt[yj5bv\"/<+^,$ti>}]3q!gd6>:h/sw}<#x>-lj5#h@w:i01d?m^ks2|,v\"^coy^p.l{l{6jxbs,a??m14/h0%/m3j-q_zm@;uu[rgx<(4{{s,en/\":1oc|!]fvpsjt$}9z?b&#^;58%@m78i8wf<*u\",mizg7;3.3*l7o{0,._oyz0&y5d#afpgc38_-ww_7jx;xd;,:ooajzt54ohq@y,aw2|20s)$k\"|dso*?@[]^_{|}~', range(26)) }\nprint(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(DATA.translate(TR)),\n -9)\n .decode('utf-8'))\n```\nThere is probably more to be squeezed out of this, especially if you can express the argument to `translate()` more compactly. Note that the punctuation in there is carefully chosen to avoid base64's own punctuation (+/=) and anything that would need backwhacking in a string literal.\nFun fact: the bz2 and lzma modules both do *worse* on this input than zlib:\n```\n>>> z = base64.b64decode('>_\"@sq*w%>yf^+?!|#-#rii*hezbdf9()#_&m&\",s;bb74@n7_93,t>d09rek;+~sr!m~qgv?0[,)z;?>$|p5.i)hegtak<&:db9hg9(xat3yp%x_(j}m]h1k(xh~1))h/_nid-d!x+,pl0zt[yj5bv\"/<+^,$ti>}]3q!gd6>:h/sw}<#x>-lj5#h@w:i01d?m^ks2|,v\"^coy^p.l{l{6jxbs,a??m14/h0%/m3j-q_zm@;uu[rgx<(4{{s,en/\":1oc|!]fvpsjt$}9z?b&#^;58%@m78i8wf<*u\",mizg7;3.3*l7o{0,._oyz0&y5d#afpgc38_-ww_7jx;xd;,:ooajzt54ohq@y,aw2|20s)$k\"|dso*?@[]^_{|}~','abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')}))\n>>> u = zlib.decompress(x,-9)\n>>> len(u)\n663\n>>> len(z)\n427\n>>> len(zlib.compress(z))\n437\n>>> len(bz2.compress(z))\n456\n>>> len(lzma.compress(z))\n620\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, (631 -20%) = 504.8\n```\n=k!kmrd=k-6kc\"baton rouge,la,indianapolis,in,columbus,oh,montgomery,al,helena,mt,denver,co,boise,id,austin,tx,boston,ma,albany,ny,tallahassee,fl,santa fe,nm,nashville,tn,trenton,nj,jefferson,mo,richmond,va,pierre,sd,harrisburg,pa,augusta,me,providence,ri,dover,de,concord,nh,montpelier,vt,hartford,ct,topeka,ks,saint paul,mn,juneau,ak,lincoln,ne,raleigh,nc,madison,wi,olympia,wa,phoenix,az,lansing,mi,honolulu,hi,jackson,ms,springfield,il,columbia,sc,annapolis,md,cheyenne,wy,salt lake city,ut,atlanta,ga,bismarck,nd,frankfort,ky,salem,or,little rock,ar,des moines,ia,sacramento,ca,oklahoma city,ok,charleston,wv,carson city,nv\"\",\"\n```\n### Output:\n```\n['Baton Rouge', 'LA', 'Indianapolis', 'IN', 'Columbus', 'OH', 'Montgomery', 'AL', 'Helena', 'MT', 'Denver', 'CO', 'Boise', 'ID', 'Austin', 'TX', 'Boston', 'MA', 'Albany', 'NY', 'Tallahassee', 'FL', 'Santa Fe', 'NM', 'Nashville', 'TN', 'Trenton', 'NJ', 'Jefferson', 'MO', 'Richmond', 'VA', 'Pierre', 'SD', 'Harrisburg', 'PA', 'Augusta', 'ME', 'Providence', 'RI', 'Dover', 'DE', 'Concord', 'NH', 'Montpelier', 'VT', 'Hartford', 'CT', 'Topeka', 'KS', 'Saint Paul', 'MN', 'Juneau', 'AK', 'Lincoln', 'NE', 'Raleigh', 'NC', 'Madison', 'WI', 'Olympia', 'WA', 'Phoenix', 'AZ', 'Lansing', 'MI', 'Honolulu', 'HI', 'Jackson', 'MS', 'Springfield', 'IL', 'Columbia', 'SC', 'Annapolis', 'MD', 'Cheyenne', 'WY', 'Salt Lake City', 'UT', 'Atlanta', 'GA', 'Bismarck', 'ND', 'Frankfort', 'KY', 'Salem', 'OR', 'Little Rock', 'AR', 'Des Moines', 'IA', 'Sacramento', 'CA', 'Oklahoma City', 'OK', 'Charleston', 'WV', 'Carson City', 'NV']\n```\nThe second parameter for `r` alternates between 5 (`capwords()`) and 1 (`upper()`)\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell, ~~1038~~ ~~976~~ ~~925~~ ~~904~~ ~~813~~ ~~768~~ ~~758~~ ~~749~~ 745 -20% = 596\n```\n\"labaton rouge;inindianapolis;ohcolumbus;almontgomery;mthelena;codenver;idboise;txaustin;maboston;nyalbany;fltallahassee;nmsanta fe;tnnashville;njtrenton;mojefferson;varichmond;sdpierre;paharrisburg;meaugusta;riprovidence;dedover;nhconcord;vtmontpelier;cthartford;kstopeka;mnsaint paul;akjuneau;nelincoln;ncraleigh;wimadison;waolympia;azphoenix;milansing;hihonolulu;msjackson;ilspringfield;sccolumbia;mdannapolis;wycheyenne;utsalt lake city;gaatlanta;ndbismarck;kyfrankfort;orsalem;arlittle rock;iades moines;casacramento;okoklahoma city;wvcharleston;nvcarson city\"-split\";\"|%{$a=-split$_;$b={$n,$i=$args;if($a[$n]){\" \"+(\"\"+$a[$n][$i++]).toupper()+$a[$n].substring($i)}};$(&$b(0)2).trim()+$(&$b(3-2)0)+$(&$b(2)0)+\",\"+$_.substring(0,2).toupper()}\n```\n**Ungolfed:**\n```\n\"labaton rouge;inindianapolis;ohcolumbus;almontgomery;mthelena;codenver;idboise;txaustin;maboston;nyalbany;fltallahassee;nmsanta fe;tnnashville;njtrenton;mojefferson;varichmond;sdpierre;paharrisburg;meaugusta;riprovidence;dedover;nhconcord;vtmontpelier;cthartford;kstopeka;mnsaint paul;akjuneau;nelincoln;ncraleigh;wimadison;waolympia;azphoenix;milansing;hihonolulu;msjackson;ilspringfield;sccolumbia;mdannapolis;wycheyenne;utsalt lake city;gaatlanta;ndbismarck;kyfrankfort;orsalem;arlittle rock;iades moines;casacramento;okoklahoma city;wvcharleston;nvcarson city\"-split\";\"|%{\n $a=-split$_;\n $b={\n $n,$i=$args;\n if($a[$n]){\n \" \"+\n (\"\"+$a[$n][$i++]).toupper()+\n $a[$n].substring($i)\n }\n };\n $(&$b(0)2).trim()+\n $(&$b(3-2)0)+\n $(&$b(2)0)+\n \",\"+\n $_.substring(0,2).toupper()\n }\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Minkolang 0.7](https://github.com/elendiastarman/Minkolang), ~~660~~ ~~705~~ 708 \\* 0.8 = 566.4\n```\n99*32-+58*0p467+35*44*55*d8+d5+(99*2-23-r32-p)\"baton rouge, laindianapolis, incolumbus, ohmontgomery, alhelena, mtdenver, coboise, idaustin, txboston, maalbany, nytallahassee, flsanta fe, nmnashville, tntrenton, njjefferson, morichmond, vapierre, sdharrisburg, paaugusta, meprovidence, ridover, deconcord, nhmontpelier, vthartford, cttopeka, kssaint paul, mnjuneau, aklincoln, neraleigh, ncmadison, wiolympia, waphoenix, azlansing, mihonolulu, hijackson, msspringfield, ilcolumbia, scannapolis, mdcheyenne, wysalt lake city, utatlanta, gabismarck, ndfrankfort, kysalem, orlittle rock, ardes moines, iasacramento, caoklahoma city, okcharleston, wvcarson city, nv\"032-w\n48*-o(d\",\"=2&o)oo22$[48*-o]d?.25*o48*-o)\n```\nThanks to **Sp3000** for reminding me that I can use `p` to put capital Os in the code!\n### Explanation\nThe bit of the first line before the `\"` does nothing but put a `R` (rotate stack) in place of `r` and then replace all of the instances of `o` with `O` on the second line.\nAfter that, it's the list of capitals without newlines and all letters lowercased, which is pushed onto the stack in reverse order by Minkolang. There is a `01w` at the end which is a \"wormhole\" to the beginning of the second line. All capital letters are outputted by subtracting 32 from the lowercase letter, which is why `48*-` shows up four times.\n`48*-O` outputs `B`, then `(` begins a while loop. The top of stack is checked against `,`. If it's not `,`, then `O)` outputs the character and jumps back to the beginning of the loop. If the top of stack *is* `,`, then the program counter jumps over `O)` because of `2&`, a conditional trampoline that jumps two spaces.\nNow, I jump when I encounter a `,` because I know the next six characters are `, AB\\nC`, which is what the rest of the loop does. There is a check to see if the stack is empty in the middle (after `AB` is printed, before `\\nC`): `d?`. If it is, then the conditional trampoline is not taken and the program exits upon hitting the `.`. Otherwise, it's skipped and the loop continues.\n[Answer]\n# PHP 520 bytes (650 bytes - 20%)\n```\nforeach(explode(',','baton rouge,indianapolis,columbus,montgomery,helena,denver,boise,austin,boston,albany,tallahassee,santa fe,nashville,trenton,jefferson,richmond,pierre,harrisburg,augusta,providence,dover,concord,montpelier,hartford,topeka,saint paul,juneau,lincoln,raleigh,madison,olympia,phoenix,lansing,honolulu,jackson,springfield,columbia,annapolis,cheyenne,salt lake city,atlanta,bismarck,frankfort,salem,little rock,des moines,sacramento,oklahoma city,charleston,carson city')as$k=>$v)echo ucwords($v).','.strtoupper(substr('lainohalmtcoidtxmanyflnmtnnjmovasdpameridenhvtctksmnaknencwiwaazmihimsilscmdwyutgandkyorariacaokwvnv',$k*2,2)).'_';\n```\n**Result**\n> \n> Baton Rouge,LA\\_Indianapolis,IN\\_ \u2026\n> \n> \n> \n**Ungolfed:**\n```\n$cities = 'baton rouge,indianapolis,columbus,montgomery,helena,denver,boise,austin,boston,albany,tallahassee,santa fe,nashville,trenton,jefferson,richmond,pierre,harrisburg,augusta,providence,dover,concord,montpelier,hartford,topeka,saint paul,juneau,lincoln,raleigh,madison,olympia,phoenix,lansing,honolulu,jackson,springfield,columbia,annapolis,cheyenne,salt lake city,atlanta,bismarck,frankfort,salem,little rock,des moines,sacramento,oklahoma city,charleston,carson city';\n$states = 'lainohalmtcoidtxmanyflnmtnnjmovasdpameridenhvtctksmnaknencwiwaazmihimsilscmdwyutgandkyorariacaokwvnv';\nforeach(explode(',',$cities) as $k => $v)\n echo ucwords($v)\n . ','\n . strtoupper(\n substr($states, $k * 2, 2)\n )\n . '_';\n```\nI tried various ways to compress the string, but in the end all solutions were longer than this straight forward approach.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 658 bytes \\* 0.8 = 526.4\n```\nprint zip([c.title()for c in\"baton rouge.indianapolis.columbus.montgomery.helena.denver.boise.austin.boston.albany.tallahassee.santa fe.nashville.trenton.jefferson.richmond.pierre.harrisburg.augusta.providence.dover.concord.montpelier.hartford.topeka.saint paul.juneau.lincoln.raleigh.madison.olympia.phoenix.lansing.honolulu.jackson.springfield.columbia.annapolis.cheyenne.salt lake city.atlanta.bismarck.frankfurt.salem.little rock.des moines.sacramento.oklahoma city.charleston.carson city\".split('.')],[s.upper()for s in map(''.join,zip(*[iter(\"lainohalmtcoidtxmanyflnmtnnjmovasdpameridenhvtctksmnaknencwiwaazmihimsilscmdwyutgandkyorariacaokwvnv\")]*2))])\n```\nPrints the result as a Python list of Python tuples. They are also enclosed in quotes. This definitely qualifies for the bonus since the only number in the code is 2.\nOutput:\n```\n[('Baton Rouge', 'LA'), ('Indianapolis', 'IN'), ('Columbus', 'OH'), ('Montgomery', 'AL'), ('Helena', 'MT'), ('Denver', 'CO'), ('Boise', 'ID'), ('Austin', 'TX'), ('Boston', 'MA'), ('Albany', 'NY'), ('Tallahassee', 'FL'), ('Santa Fe', 'NM'), ('Nashville', 'TN'), ('Trenton', 'NJ'), ('Jefferson', 'MO'), ('Richmond', 'VA'), ('Pierre', 'SD'), ('Harrisburg', 'PA'), ('Augusta', 'ME'), ('Providence', 'RI'), ('Dover', 'DE'), ('Concord', 'NH'), ('Montpelier', 'VT'), ('Hartford', 'CT'), ('Topeka', 'KS'), ('Saint Paul', 'MN'), ('Juneau', 'AK'), ('Lincoln', 'NE'), ('Raleigh', 'NC'), ('Madison', 'WI'), ('Olympia', 'WA'), ('Phoenix', 'AZ'), ('Lansing', 'MI'), ('Honolulu', 'HI'), ('Jackson', 'MS'), ('Springfield', 'IL'), ('Columbia', 'SC'), ('Annapolis', 'MD'), ('Cheyenne', 'WY'), ('Salt Lake City', 'UT'), ('Atlanta', 'GA'), ('Bismarck', 'ND'), ('Frankfurt', 'KY'), ('Salem', 'OR'), ('Little Rock', 'AR'), ('Des Moines', 'IA'), ('Sacramento', 'CA'), ('Oklahoma City', 'OK'), ('Charleston', 'WV'), ('Carson City', 'NV')]\n```\nI hope this is within the acceptable bounds of formatting.\n[Answer]\n# Groovy, ~~724~~ 681 - 20% = 545 bytes\n```\nc={it.capitalize()}\n'labaton rouge,inindianapolis,ohcolumbus,almontgomery,mthelena,codenver,idboise,txaustin,maboston,nyalbany,fltallahassee,nmsanta fe,tnnashville,njtrenton,mojefferson,varichmond,sdpierre,paharrisburg,meaugusta,riprovidence,dedover,nhconcord,vtmontpelier,cthartford,kstopeka,mnsaint paul,akjuneau,nelincoln,ncraleigh,wimadison,waolympia,azphoenix,milansing,hihonolulu,msjackson,ilspringfield,sccolumbia,mdannapolis,wycheyenne,utsalt lake city,gaatlanta,ndbismarck,kyfrankfort,orsalem,arlittle rock,iades moines,casacramento,okoklahoma city,wvcharleston,nvcarson city'.split(',').each{it.substring(2).split(' ').each{print c(it) + ' '}println c(it[0])+c(it[3-2])}\n```\nInspired by Edc65's clever smushing together of state and city name!\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell, 627 -20% = 502 bytes\n```\n[regex]::replace('baton rougela;indianapolisin;columbusoh;montgomeryal;helenamt;denverco;boiseid;austintx;bostonma;albanyny;tallahasseefl;santa fenm;nashvilletn;trentonnj;jeffersonmo;richmondva;pierresd;harrisburgpa;augustame;providenceri;doverde;concordnh;montpeliervt;hartfordct;topekaks;saint paulmn;juneauak;lincolnne;raleighnc;madisonwi;olympiawa;phoenixaz;lansingmi;honoluluhi;jacksonms;springfieldil;columbiasc;annapolismd;cheyennewy;salt lake cityut;atlantaga;bismarcknd;frankfortky;salemor;little rockar;des moinesia;sacramentoca;oklahoma cityok;charlestonwv;carson citynv;','\\b\\w|..;',{\"$args,\"[3]+\"$args\".toupper()})\n```\nWhich is this pattern:\n```\n[regex]::replace('baton rougela;','\\b\\w|..;',{\"$args,\"[3]+\"$args\".toupper()})\n```\nUppercase the single letter after a word boundary, or the double letters before a colon. The `\"$args,\"[3]` selects either the comma in the case of a double letter state code, or overselects and returns null, and adds the state separators, saving ~50 in separators from the code line.\n[Answer]\n## Ruby, (925 \\* 80%) = 740 bytes\n```\nrequire \"zlib\";eval \"puts \\x5alib::inflate('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'.scan(/.{2}/).map {|i|i.hex.chr}.join)\"\n```\nOof, this one was hard. This is a Zlib compressed string in hex encoded bytes, which is then decompressed, turned into an array of strings by the scan regex, then each string is converted to a decimal integer, then to a character, and finally this array is joined into a string. I might post a better version later that uses a modified base64 encoding.\nThough the encoded string may have some instances of 65-90 or 1's, I don't count those because the string is one huge number in hexadecimal. Thus this qualifies for the 20% bonus.\n[Answer]\n## Python 2, 639 bytes - 20% = 511.2\n```\nt=\"labaton rouge,inindianapolis,ohcolumbus,almontgomery,mthelena,codenver,idboise,txaustin,maboston,nyalbany,fltallahassee,nmsanta fe,tnnashville,njtrenton,mojefferson,varichmond,sdpierre,paharrisburg,meaugusta,riprovidence,dedover,nhconcord,vtmontpelier,cthartford,kstopeka,mnsaint paul,akjuneau,nelincoln,ncraleigh,wimadison,waolympia,azphoenix,milansing,hihonolulu,msjackson,ilspringfield,sccolumbia,mdannapolis,wycheyenne,utsalt lake city,gaatlanta,ndbismarck,kyfrankfurt,orsalem,arlittle rock,iades moines,casacramento,okoklahoma city,wvcharleston,nvcarson city\".split(\",\");print[(t[n][:2].upper(),t[n][2:].title())for n in range(50)]\n```\nThe version bellow (675 bytes) has `''.join([w.capitalize()for w in t[n][2:].split()])` in it, which I just discovered can be replace by `.title()`, and is an anonymous function. In both answers, the state abbreviations are attached to the capitals.\n```\nlambda t=\"labaton rouge,inindianapolis,ohcolumbus,almontgomery,mthelena,codenver,idboise,txaustin,maboston,nyalbany,fltallahassee,nmsanta fe,tnnashville,njtrenton,mojefferson,varichmond,sdpierre,paharrisburg,meaugusta,riprovidence,dedover,nhconcord,vtmontpelier,cthartford,kstopeka,mnsaint paul,akjuneau,nelincoln,ncraleigh,wimadison,waolympia,azphoenix,milansing,hihonolulu,msjackson,ilspringfield,sccolumbia,mdannapolis,wycheyenne,utsalt lake city,gaatlanta,ndbismarck,kyfrankfurt,orsalem,arlittle rock,iades moines,casacramento,okoklahoma city,wvcharleston,nvcarson city\".split(\",\"):[(t[n][:2].upper(),''.join([w.capitalize()for w in t[n][2:].split()]))for n in range(50)]\n```\n[Answer]\n# x86 machine-code - 585 bytes, 468 with bonus\nDissapointed with how large my last entry was, I decided to try something very different this time. Drawing on `insertusernamehere`'s idea of separating the city names from the state names, thus avoiding unnecessary logic and unneeded terminators, I still thought I've gotta be able to make the program smaller than the raw strings are. UPX wouldn't help me to cheat, complaining that the program was already too small. Thinking about compression, I tried to compress the 662 byte text output with WinRar but still only got 543 bytes - and that was without anything to decompress it with. It still seemed far too large, given that it was just the result, without any code.\nThen I realized - I'm only using 26 chars for the letters and another 2 for the spaces and the commas. Hmm, that fits into 32, which needs just 5 bits. So, I wrote a quick javascript program to encode the strings, assigning a-z to 0-25 and space and comma got 26 and 27. To keep things simple, every character is encoded in 5 bits, whether it needs this many or not. From there, I just stuck\nall the bits together and broke them back into byte-sized chunks. This allowed me to pack the 563 bytes of strings into 353 bytes - a saving of 37.5% or some 210 bytes. I didn't quite manage to squeeze the program and data into the same space as just the unpacked data, but I came close enough to be happy.\nHxd view of binary:\n```\n68 3F 00 68 E8 01 68 4F 03 E8 1C 00 68 22 01 68 27 02 68 B3 03 E8 10 00 - h?.h\u00e8.hO.\u00e8..h\".h'.h\u00b3.\u00e8..\nBE 83 05 C6 04 00 68 4F 03 68 B3 03 E8 62 00 C3 55 89 E5 81 C5 04 00 8B - \u00be\u0192.\u00c6..hO.h\u00b3.\u00e8b.\u00c3U\u2030\u00e5.\u00c5..\u2039\n76 02 8B 7E 00 B6 05 30 DB AC B2 08 D0 D0 D0 D3 FE CA FE CE 75 1E 80 FB - v.\u2039~.\u00b6.0\u00db\u00ac\u00b2.\u00d0\u00d0\u00d0\u00d3\u00fe\u00ca\u00fe\u00ceu.\u20ac\u00fb\n1A 75 05 B3 20 E9 0D 00 80 FB 1B 75 05 B3 2C E9 03 00 80 C3 61 88 1D 47 - .u.\u00b3 \u00e9..\u20ac\u00fb.u.\u00b3,\u00e9..\u20ac\u00c3a\u02c6.G\nB6 05 30 DB 08 D2 75 D4 FF 4E 04 75 CC 5D C2 06 00 53 B3 62 FE CB 88 DF - \u00b6.0\u00db.\u00d2u\u00d4\u00ffN.u\u00cc]\u00c2..S\u00b3b\u00fe\u00cb\u02c6\u00df\n80 C7 19 38 D8 72 08 38 F8 77 04 B3 20 28 D8 5B C3 55 89 E5 81 C5 04 00 - \u20ac\u00c7.8\u00d8r.8\u00f8w.\u00b3 (\u00d8[\u00c3U\u2030\u00e5.\u00c5..\n8B 76 00 31 C0 88 C2 89 C1 AC A8 FF 74 46 80 FA 20 74 35 08 D2 74 31 3C - \u2039v.1\u00c0\u02c6\u00c2\u2030\u00c1\u00ac\u00a8\u00fftF\u20ac\u00fa t5.\u00d2t1<\n2C 75 30 B4 0E CD 10 89 CB 01 DB 03 5E 02 8A 07 E8 B6 FF CD 10 43 8A 07 - ,u0\u00b4.\u00cd.\u2030\u00cb.\u00db.^.\u0160.\u00e8\u00b6\u00ff\u00cd.C\u0160.\nE8 AE FF CD 10 B0 0D CD 10 B0 0A CD 10 C6 06 4C 03 00 30 D2 41 E9 C1 FF - \u00e8\u00ae\u00ff\u00cd.\u00b0.\u00cd.\u00b0.\u00cd.\u00c6.L..0\u00d2A\u00e9\u00c1\u00ff\nE8 96 FF B4 0E CD 10 88 C2 E9 B5 FF 5D C2 04 00 58 10 D7 1C 0B 64 C4 E4 - \u00e8\u2013\u00ff\u00b4.\u00cd.\u02c6\u00c2\u00e9\u00b5\u00ff]\u00c2..X.\u00d7..d\u00c4\u00e4\n0E 77 60 1B 82 AD AC 9B 5A 96 3A A0 90 DE 06 12 28 19 1A 7A CC 53 54 98 - .w`.\u201a.\u00ac\u203aZ\u2013:\u00a0.\u00de..(..z\u00ccST\u02dc\nD0 29 A4 68 AC 8B 00 19 62 0E 86 49 0B 90 98 3B 62 93 30 1A 35 61 D1 04 - \u00d0)\u00a4h\u00ac\u2039..b.\u2020I..\u02dc;b\u201c0.5a\u00d1.\n50 01 01 CA B5 5B 50 08 26 E6 EA 2E A1 89 B4 34 68 03 40 F7 2D 12 D8 9C - P..\u00ca\u00b5[P.&\u00e6\u00ea.\u00a1\u2030\u00b44h.@\u00f7-.\u00d8\u0153\nBA 30 34 96 D8 E6 CC CE 61 23 8D 9C 8B 23 41 B1 91 B5 24 76 17 22 44 D8 - \u00ba04\u2013\u00d8\u00e6\u00cc\u00cea#.\u0153\u2039#A\u00b1\u2018\u00b5$v.\"D\u00d8\n29 29 A1 BB 0B A5 37 37 60 58 40 DC 6E 60 5A C0 70 4A 44 26 E4 06 CC 1A - ))\u00a1\u00bb.\u00a577`X@\u00dcn`Z\u00c0pJD&\u00e4.\u00cc.\n29 36 D0 48 F5 42 D6 4D CE 24 6C DC DD A4 85 29 23 27 37 71 40 8E C7 34 - )6\u00d0H\u00f5B\u00d6M\u00ce$l\u00dc\u00dd\u00a4\u2026)#'7q@\u017d\u00c74\n7B 7A 09 18 93 67 04 62 89 06 91 36 C1 43 52 53 06 DF 17 55 03 23 44 4D - {z..\u201cg.b\u2030.\u20186\u00c1CRS.\u00df.U.#DM\n8D D5 24 76 27 34 4E 88 F6 C7 36 6F 22 D0 48 EC E0 8C CA E8 8F 73 73 C8 - .\u00d5$v'4N\u02c6\u00f6\u00c76o\"\u00d0H\u00ec\u00e0\u0152\u00ca\u00e8.ss\u00c8\nA0 6E 40 43 67 A7 82 8B DA 68 D2 02 9B 5A 1A 27 2D BB 88 16 44 18 FB 60 - \u00a0n@Cg\u00a7\u201a\u2039\u00dah\u00d2.\u203aZ.'-\u00bb\u02c6.D.\u00fb`\n06 89 39 BB 72 F0 C7 A0 1B 79 DC 46 A2 FB 58 1B 24 34 DB 3B 9A E5 D1 74 - .\u20309\u00bbr\u00f0\u00c7\u00a0.y\u00dcF\u00a2\u00fbX.$4\u00db;\u0161\u00e5\u00d1t\nDA 40 25 49 CD DC 9F 14 34 C5 41 16 3D 89 CB A3 02 80 6C 0D 68 1E E5 A2 - \u00da@%I\u00cd\u00dc\u0178.4\u00c5A.=\u2030\u00cb\u00a3.\u20acl.h.\u00e5\u00a2\n5B 11 C9 82 35 A4 DC 80 B9 E9 60 51 34 24 4F 1B 04 D6 06 CC 1B 0A 24 C0 - [.\u00c9\u201a5\u00a4\u00dc\u20ac\u00b9\u00e9`Q4$O..\u00d6.\u00cc..$\u00c0\n44 4A D9 62 06 A8 AE 8C F7 20 2C 8C DA D1 39 AC 9A 8B 84 AD 8C 92 D3 1C - DJ\u00d9b.\u00a8\u00ae\u0152\u00f7 ,\u0152\u00da\u00d19\u00ac\u0161\u2039\u201e.\u0152\u2019\u00d3.\n86 92 5B 90 05 10 30 8D 9B B6 E5 2C 07 73 01 A1 22 78 D8 8E 08 AC 92 9B - \u2020\u2019[...0.\u203a\u00b6\u00e5,.s.\u00a1\"x\u00d8\u017d.\u00ac\u2019\u203a\n9B B1 02 32 73 74 24 4F 1B - \u203a\u00b1.2st$O.\n```\nSource-code:\n```\n[section .text]\n[bits 16]\n[org 0x100]\nentry_point:\n push word 63 ; no of bytes of packed data = (5/8) * unpacked_length - rounded up tp nearest byte\n push word states_packed\n push word states_unpacked\n call unpack_bytes\n push word 290 ; no bytes of packed data\n push word capitals_packed\n push word capitals_unpacked\n call unpack_bytes\n ; ensure there's a terminating null after the capitals\n mov si, nullTerminator\n mov [si], byte 0\n ;void outputStrings(char *cities, char *states)\n push word states_unpacked\n push word capitals_unpacked\n call output_strings\n; int 0x20\n ret\n;void unpack_states(char *unpackedDest, char *packedInput, int packed_length)\n;unpack_capitals:\nunpack_bytes:\n push bp\n mov bp, sp\n add bp, 4\n mov si, [bp + 2] ; point to the packed input\n mov di, [bp + 0] ; point to the output buffer\n mov dh, 5 ; number of bits remaining until we have a full output byte, ready to be translated from [0..25] --> [A..Z] (+65) or 26-->' ' or 27-->','\n xor bl, bl ; clear our output accumalator\n.unpack_get_byte:\n lodsb\n mov dl, 8 ; number of bits remaining in this packed byte before we need another one\n.unpack_get_next_bit:\n rcl al, 1 ; put most significant bit into carry flag\n rcl bl, 1 ; and put it into the least significant bit of our accumalator\n dec dl ; 1 bit less before we need another packed byte\n dec dh ; 1 bit less until this output byte is done\n jnz .checkInputBitsRemaining\n.transform_output_byte:\n cmp bl, 26 ; space is encoded as 26\n jne .notSpace\n mov bl, ' '\n jmp .store_output_byte\n.notSpace:\n cmp bl, 27 ; comma is encoded as 27\n jne .notComma\n mov bl, ','\n jmp .store_output_byte\n.notComma:\n.alphaChar:\n add bl, 'a' ; change from [0..25] to [A..Z]\n.store_output_byte:\n mov [di], bl ; store it\n inc di ; point to the next output element\n mov dh, 5 ; and reset the count of bits till we get here again\n xor bl, bl\n.checkInputBitsRemaining:\n or dl,dl ; see if we've emptied the packed byte yet\n jnz .unpack_get_next_bit\n dec word [bp + 4] ; decrement the number of bytes of input remaining to be processed\n jnz .unpack_get_byte ; if we still have some, go back for more\n.unpack_input_processed: \n pop bp\n ret 6\n; input:\n; al = char\n; outpt:\n; if al if an alpha char, ensures it is in range [capital-a .. capital-z]\ntoupper:\n push bx\n mov bl, 98\n dec bl ; bl = 'a'\n mov bh, bl\n add bh, 25 ; bh = 'z'\n cmp al, bl ;'a'\n jb .toupperdone\n cmp al, bh\n ja .toupperdone\n mov bl, 32\n sub al, bl ;'A' - 'a' \n.toupperdone:\n pop bx\n ret\n;void outputStrings(char *cities, char *states)\noutput_strings:\n push bp\n mov bp, sp\n add bp, 4\n mov si, [bp + 0] ; si --> array of cities\n xor ax, ax\n; mov [lastChar], al ; last printed char is undefined at this point - we'll use this to know if we're processing the first entry\n mov dl, al\n; mov [string_index], ax ; zero the string_index too\n mov cx, ax ; zero the string_index too\n.getOutputChar:\n lodsb\n test al, 0xff\n jz .outputDone ; if we've got a NULL, it's the string terminator so exit\n; cmp byte [lastChar], ' ' ; if the last char was a space, we have to capitalize this one\n cmp dl, ' ' ; if the last char was a space, we have to capitalize this one\n je .make_ucase\n; cmp byte [lastChar], 0 \n or dl, dl ; if this is 0, then it's the first char we've printed, therefore we know it should be capitalized\n jz .make_ucase\n cmp al, ',' ; if this is a comma, the city is done, so print the comma then do the state and a crlf, finally, increment the string_index\n jne .printChar\n mov ah, 0xe ; code for print-char, teletype output\n int 0x10 ; print the char held in al\n; mov bx, [string_index] \n mov bx, cx;[string_index]\n add bx,bx ; x2 since each state is 2 bytes long\n add bx, [bp+2] ; bx --> states_unpacked[string_index]\n mov al, [bx] ; get the first char of the state\n call toupper ; upper case it\n; mov ah, 0xe ;not needed, still set from above\n int 0x10 ; and print it\n inc bx\n mov al, [bx] ; get the 2nd char of the state\n call toupper ; uppercase it\n; mov ah, 0xe ;not needed, still set from above\n int 0x10 ; and print it\n mov al, 0x0d ; print a CRLF\n int 0x10\n mov al, 0x0a\n int 0x10\n mov byte [lastChar], 0 ; zero this, so that the first letter of the new city will be capitalized, just like the first char in the string was\n xor dl, dl ; zero this, so that the first letter of the new city will be capitalized, just like the first char in the string was\n; inc word [string_index] ; increment our index, ready for the next city's state\n inc cx ;word [string_index] ; increment our index, ready for the next city's state\n jmp .getOutputChar ; go back and get the next char of the next city\n.make_ucase:\n call toupper\n.printChar:\n mov ah, 0xe\n int 0x10\n; mov [lastChar], al\n mov dl, al\n jmp .getOutputChar ; go back and get the next char of the next city\n.outputDone:\n pop bp\n ret 4 ; return and clean-up the two vars from the stack\n[section .data]\n; 63 packed bytes, 100 unpacked (saved 37)\nstates_packed:\n db 01011000b, 00010000b, 11010111b, 00011100b, 00001011b, 01100100b, 11000100b, 11100100b\n db 00001110b, 01110111b, 01100000b, 00011011b, 10000010b, 10101101b, 10101100b, 10011011b\n db 01011010b, 10010110b, 00111010b, 10100000b, 10010000b, 11011110b, 00000110b, 00010010b\n db 00101000b, 00011001b, 00011010b, 01111010b, 11001100b, 01010011b, 01010100b, 10011000b\n db 11010000b, 00101001b, 10100100b, 01101000b, 10101100b, 10001011b, 00000000b, 00011001b\n db 01100010b, 00001110b, 10000110b, 01001001b, 00001011b, 10010000b, 10011000b, 00111011b\n db 01100010b, 10010011b, 00110000b, 00011010b, 00110101b, 01100001b, 11010001b, 00000100b\n db 01010000b, 00000001b, 00000001b, 11001010b, 10110101b, 01011011b, 01010000b\n; 290 packed bytes, 463 unpacked (saved 173)\ncapitals_packed:\n db 00001000b, 00100110b, 11100110b, 11101010b, 00101110b, 10100001b, 10001001b, 10110100b, 00110100b, 01101000b, 00000011b, 01000000b, 11110111b, 00101101b\n db 00010010b, 11011000b, 10011100b, 10111010b, 00110000b, 00110100b, 10010110b, 11011000b, 11100110b, 11001100b, 11001110b, 01100001b, 00100011b, 10001101b\n db 10011100b, 10001011b, 00100011b, 01000001b, 10110001b, 10010001b, 10110101b, 00100100b, 01110110b, 00010111b, 00100010b, 01000100b, 11011000b, 00101001b\n db 00101001b, 10100001b, 10111011b, 00001011b, 10100101b, 00110111b, 00110111b, 01100000b, 01011000b, 01000000b, 11011100b, 01101110b, 01100000b, 01011010b\n db 11000000b, 01110000b, 01001010b, 01000100b, 00100110b, 11100100b, 00000110b, 11001100b, 00011010b, 00101001b, 00110110b, 11010000b, 01001000b, 11110101b\n db 01000010b, 11010110b, 01001101b, 11001110b, 00100100b, 01101100b, 11011100b, 11011101b, 10100100b, 10000101b, 00101001b, 00100011b, 00100111b, 00110111b\n db 01110001b, 01000000b, 10001110b, 11000111b, 00110100b, 01111011b, 01111010b, 00001001b, 00011000b, 10010011b, 01100111b, 00000100b, 01100010b, 10001001b\n db 00000110b, 10010001b, 00110110b, 11000001b, 01000011b, 01010010b, 01010011b, 00000110b, 11011111b, 00010111b, 01010101b, 00000011b, 00100011b, 01000100b\n db 01001101b, 10001101b, 11010101b, 00100100b, 01110110b, 00100111b, 00110100b, 01001110b, 10001000b, 11110110b, 11000111b, 00110110b, 01101111b, 00100010b\n db 11010000b, 01001000b, 11101100b, 11100000b, 10001100b, 11001010b, 11101000b, 10001111b, 01110011b, 01110011b, 11001000b, 10100000b, 01101110b, 01000000b\n db 01000011b, 01100111b, 10100111b, 10000010b, 10001011b, 11011010b, 01101000b, 11010010b, 00000010b, 10011011b, 01011010b, 00011010b, 00100111b, 00101101b\n db 10111011b, 10001000b, 00010110b, 01000100b, 00011000b, 11111011b, 01100000b, 00000110b, 10001001b, 00111001b, 10111011b, 01110010b, 11110000b, 11000111b\n db 10100000b, 00011011b, 01111001b, 11011100b, 01000110b, 10100010b, 11111011b, 01011000b, 00011011b, 00100100b, 00110100b, 11011011b, 00111011b, 10011010b\n db 11100101b, 11010001b, 01110100b, 11011010b, 01000000b, 00100101b, 01001001b, 11001101b, 11011100b, 10011111b, 00010100b, 00110100b, 11000101b, 01000001b\n db 00010110b, 00111101b, 10001001b, 11001011b, 10100011b, 00000010b, 10000000b, 01101100b, 00001101b, 01101000b, 00011110b, 11100101b, 10100010b, 01011011b\n db 00010001b, 11001001b, 10000010b, 00110101b, 10100100b, 11011100b, 10000000b, 10111001b, 11101001b, 01100000b, 01010001b, 00110100b, 00100100b, 01001111b\n db 00011011b, 00000100b, 11010110b, 00000110b, 11001100b, 00011011b, 00001010b, 00100100b, 11000000b, 01000100b, 01001010b, 11011001b, 01100010b, 00000110b\n db 10101000b, 10101110b, 10001100b, 11110111b, 00100000b, 00101100b, 10001100b, 11011010b, 11010001b, 00111001b, 10101100b, 10011010b, 10001011b, 10000100b\n db 10101101b, 10001100b, 10010010b, 11010011b, 00011100b, 10000110b, 10010010b, 01011011b, 10010000b, 00000101b, 00010000b, 00110000b, 10001101b, 10011011b\n db 10110110b, 11100101b, 00101100b, 00000111b, 01110011b, 00000001b, 10100001b, 00100010b, 01111000b, 11011000b, 10001110b, 00001000b, 10101100b, 10010010b\n db 10011011b, 10011011b, 10110001b, 00000010b, 00110010b, 01110011b, 01110100b, 00100100b, 01001111b, 00011011b\n[section .bss]\nlastChar resb 1 ; last printed char - used to capitalize chars after a space (i.e the 2nd or third word of a city name)\nstring_index resw 1 ; used to index into the array of states, which are each two bytes\nstates_unpacked resb 100 ; 50 states, 2 bytes each\ncapitals_unpacked resb 464\nnullTerminator resb 1\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThe cops thread can be found here: [The Mystery String Printer (Cops)](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/60328/the-mystery-string-printer-cops)\n# Your challenge\n* Choose a submission from the cops thread, and print out the string from an answer in that thread.\n* The submission that you choose must not be safe (it must be newer than 7 days).\n* Your program, function, or REPL script needs to follow the same rules as the cops thread. Just to recap:\n\t+ Your program must be \u2264128 characters (if a cop's submission is in a smaller range of program lengths, your program must also be in that length range. For example, if a cop's program is \u226432 bytes, your program must be \u226432 bytes).\n\t+ The program must produce the same output every time it is run.\n\t+ No cryptographic functions.\n\t+ The program must not take input.\n\t+ No standard loopholes.\n* All new submissions must use the same language. Submissions from before this rule was made are fine, even if they don't.\n## Scoring\nScoring works similarly for robbers, but it is slightly different:\n* Cracking any program of \u22648 bytes gives 1 point.\n* Cracking a \u226416 byte program gives 2 points. \u226432 bytes gives 4 points, and so on.\n* Every additional submission, no matter the length, earns +5 points\n* Each cop's submission can only be cracked once- only the first person to crack each submission gets the points.\n# Submissions\nEach answer must include \n* A link to the cop's submission.\n* Your program and programming language.\n* Also have the cop's program length (as a power of 2) as the last number in your header.\nAdditionally, please comment on the cop's submission with a link to your answer.\nHere is a Stack Snippet to generate leaderboards. Please leave a comment if there is a problem with the snippet. If you would like to see all open cop submissions, see the snippet in the cops' challenge.\n```\n/* Configuration */\nvar QUESTION_ID = 60329; // Obtain this from the url\n// It will be like http://XYZ.stackexchange.com/questions/QUESTION_ID/... on any question page\nvar ANSWER_FILTER = \"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";\nvar COMMENT_FILTER = \"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";\n/* App */\nvar answers = [],\n answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1,\n more_answers = true,\n comment_page;\nfunction answersUrl(index) {\n return \"//api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\" + QUESTION_ID + \"/answers?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + ANSWER_FILTER;\n}\nfunction commentUrl(index, answers) {\n return \"//api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\" + answers.join(';') + \"/comments?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + COMMENT_FILTER;\n}\nfunction getAnswers() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: answersUrl(answer_page++),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function(data) {\n answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);\n answers_hash = [];\n answer_ids = [];\n data.items.forEach(function(a) {\n a.comments = [];\n var id = +a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);\n answer_ids.push(id);\n answers_hash[id] = a;\n });\n if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;\n comment_page = 1;\n getComments();\n }\n });\n}\nfunction getComments() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function(data) {\n data.items.forEach(function(c) {\n answers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c);\n });\n if (data.has_more) getComments();\n else if (more_answers) getAnswers();\n else process();\n }\n });\n}\ngetAnswers();\nvar POINTS_REG = /(?:<=|\u2264|<=)\\s?(?:<\\/?strong>)?\\s?(\\d+)/\nvar POINTS_REG_ALT = /.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;\nfunction getAuthorName(a) {\n return a.owner.display_name;\n}\nfunction process() {\n var valid = [];\n var open = [];\n answers.forEach(function(a) {\n var body = a.body;\n var cracked = false;\n var points = body.match(POINTS_REG);\n if (!points) points = body.match(POINTS_REG_ALT);\n if (points) {\n var length = parseInt(points[1]);\n var crackedpoints = 0;\n if (length > 64) crackedpoints = 16;\n else if (length > 32) crackedpoints = 8;\n else if (length > 16) crackedpoints = 4;\n else if (length > 8) crackedpoints = 2;\n else crackedpoints = 1;\n valid.push({\n user: getAuthorName(a),\n numberOfSubmissions: 1,\n points: crackedpoints\n });\n }\n });\n var pointTotals = [];\n valid.forEach(function(a) {\n var index = -1;\n var author = a.user;\n pointTotals.forEach(function(p) {\n if (p.user == author) index = pointTotals.indexOf(p);\n });\n if (index == -1) pointTotals.push(a);\n else {\n pointTotals[index].points += a.points;\n pointTotals[index].numberOfSubmissions++;\n }\n });\n pointTotals.forEach(function(a) {\n a.points += +((a.numberOfSubmissions - 1) * 5);\n });\n pointTotals.sort(function(a, b) {\n var aB = a.points,\n bB = b.points;\n return (bB - aB != 0) ? bB - aB : b.numberOfSubmissions - a.numberOfSubmissions;\n });\n pointTotals.forEach(function(a) {\n var answer = jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();\n answer = answer\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", a.user)\n .replace(\"{{SUBMISSIONS}}\", a.numberOfSubmissions)\n .replace(\"{{POINTS}}\", a.points);\n answer = jQuery(answer);\n jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);\n });\n}\n```\n```\nbody {\n text-align: left !important\n}\n#answer-list {\n padding: 20px;\n width: 240px;\n float: left;\n}\n#open-list {\n padding: 20px;\n width: 450px;\n float: left;\n}\ntable thead {\n font-weight: bold;\n vertical-align: top;\n}\ntable td {\n padding: 5px;\n}\n```\n```\n\n\n

Robber's Leaderboard

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n```\n**This contest is now closed.**\n**Overall winner: kennytm**\n**Most submissions: Sp3000**\n(Note that the amount of submissions doesn't translate exactly to the points, as the length of the cracked program is counted when calculating the score).\n \n[Answer]\n# [MATLAB, Tom Carpenter, \u226416](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60333/45151)\n`v=ver;[v.Name]`\nThanks Martin for helping me out with this.\n[Answer]\n# [Fishing, Eridan, \u2264 32](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60394/3852)\n```\nv+CCCCCCCCCCC\n `65617`nSSP\n```\nCalculates `(65617^2)^2`.\n[Answer]\n# [Octave, flawr, \u22644](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60408/32353)\n```\ni^-i\n```\nwhich is equal to *e**\u03c0*/2 \u2248 4.8105.\n[Answer]\n# [Groovy, quartata, \u2264128](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60370/32353)\nOnly checked on ideone, I'm not sure if the output is the same on all platforms.\n```\nClassLoader.systemClassLoader.packages.each{if(!(it.name=~/ls$/))println it.name[6..-1].reverse()}\n```\nThe `it.name=~/ls$/` is to filter out the additional `org.codehaus.groovy.tools` package.\n[Answer]\n# [vim, Doorknob, 16](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60414/3852)\n```\n:redi@\"|Ni!\npg?G\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATLAB, Tom Carpenter, \u22644](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60441/39328)\n```\npi^i\n```\nIt's not hard when the absolute value is 1.\n[Answer]\n## [Javascript, Ludovic Zenohate Lagoua, \u226464](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60511/45052)\n```\nvar a=\"'\";for(var b=11;b<2004;b+=4){a+=b;}a+=\"'\";console.log(a);\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2.7.2, Beta Decay, \u2264 64](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60516/21487)\n```\nimport math,re;print zip(dir(math),dir(re))\n```\nI had 2.7.10 installed, and the additional `__loader__` messed with the results, but this is probably it (I had to confirm with @BetaDecay in chat).\n[Answer]\n# [STATA, bmarks, \u226432 bytes](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60433/33208)\n```\nset ob 82\ng a=_n*9/8\nset ob 99\nl\n```\nThis uses the free interpreter.\n[Answer]\n# [Brainfuck, Daniel M., \u2264 64](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60545/21487)\n```\n++++++++++[->++++>++++++>++++++++>+<<<<]>.>>.<.>>++[-<++.>]\n```\nThe code points are\n```\n[40, 80, 60, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104]\n```\nSo we print the first three separately, then using the 80 to increment by 2 each time for the rest of the chars.\n[Answer]\n## [Python 2, <=8](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60563/11006), by [Clear question with examples](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/45676/clear-question-with-examples)\n```\n947**687\n```\nFactorizing this number took no time at all :-)\n[Answer]\n# [Hassium](http://hassiumlang.com/) [(in REPL), <=32 bytes, by](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60515/19438) [Jacob Misirian](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/45045/jacob-misirian)\n```\nfor(i=0;i<99;i++)print(i%6==0)\n```\nNot too much fancy in this one.\n[Answer]\n# [AppleScript, VTCAKAVSMoACE, \u226432 bytes](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60566/11006)\n```\nrepeat 409 times\nlog \"(**)\"\nend\n```\nThe `log` command actually adds comment markers `(*`...`*)` to everything it outputs to the Messages window of the script editor, but it looks like they have to be added explicitly when printing to stdout. Either way, the program is still less than 32 characters.\nI'm using [Digital Trauma's trick](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/37644/11006) of replacing `end repeat` with `end` to save a few bytes.\n---\n**EDIT:** As kennytm correctly pointed out, this outputs to stderr instead of stdout. As a workaround, I can suggest the following:\n```\nosascript -e 'repeat 409\nlog \"(**)\"\nend' 2>&1\n```\nIncluding line breaks, the script inside the single quotes is 25 bytes, Add 5 bytes for `2>&1` at the end of the command line to redirect stderr to stdout, and it's still within the 32 byte limit.\n[Answer]\n# [Javascript, RononDex, \u2264 32 bytes](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60646/11006)\n```\nconsole.log(Math.log(42))\n```\nVery easy :-D\n[Answer]\n# [Thue, histocrat, \u226464](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60783/39328)\n```\na::=yellowyellowyellowredyellowred\n::=\naaaaaa\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><>, Fongoid, \u2264 16](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60909/21487)\n```\n'$1-:0(?;$:o3+ !\n```\nThat was some nice golfing practice.\n[Answer]\n# [AppleScript, VTCAKAVSMoACE, \u2264 2 Bytes](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60917/11006)\n```\nid\n```\nI have no idea why this produces the output `missing value`; I just wrote a bash script to test all pairs of printable ASCII characters. I also found that `it` and `me` result in the output `\u00abscript\u00bb`.\n[Answer]\n# [MATLAB, Tom Carpenter, \u2264 2](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61052)\n```\n!<\n```\n*Thanks to @AlexA. and @RetoKoradi for helping me test this. I don't have a Windows PC/VM...*\nGoogling the desired output immediately revealed it as a typical Windows Cmd error. In fact,\n```\n<\n```\nproduces the desired output, and a MATLAB command that is prefixed by a `!` is a system command. I don't have MATLAB at hand to test this, but it should work.\n[Answer]\n# [><>, quartata, \u2264 32](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61081/21487)\n```\n1\"qq\"+\\\nv!?: <$*d$-1\n>~n;\n```\nI'd like to thank @quartata for make this interesting - despite being such a long number, it's actually just `13^226`.\n[Answer]\n# [><>, Fongoid, \u226464 Bytes](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60915/42833)\n```\n\"!\":\"~\"=a$.1+:\"!\"(?;::1-$oo20.\n\"+\"f8+0pa0.2-\"-\"c0p\"3\"f7+0p\n```\nA little bit hard-coded since I had room and I couldn't really think of a good way to go down once I got to `~` in the output (there probably is one and I probably just don't see it).\nYou can try it online [here](http://fishlanguage.com/playground).\n[Answer]\n# [Pip, DLosc, \u2264 2](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60739/32852)\n```\nO_\n```\nI don't really understand what the code does, but 2 characters is wide open to brute force cracking.\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram programming language, Eridan, \u226432](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61107/9288)\n```\nContinuedFraction[Zeta[3],36]\n```\nIt's sequence [A013631](http://oeis.org/A013631) on OEIS.\n[Answer]\n# [AppleScript, VTCAKAVSMoACE, \u226464](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60898/32353)\n```\nosascript -e 'repeat with i from 688 to 195049 by 629\nlog i mod 1e3\nend' 2>&1\n```\nNeeds a redirect to stdout, similar to . Total size is 64.\n[Answer]\n# [Lua, jcgoble3, \u2264 128](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61145)\n```\nx=111111111\nh=\"haha\"\np=h..3*x..2*x..h..7*x..h..2*x\nq=\"ha\"..6*x..p..p..h..6*x..h..7*x..h..4*x..h..5*x\n\"ha\"..(q..h):rep(11)..q\n```\n124 bytes. Tested in Lua 5.3.1 REPL.\nThis is a cleaner version that can be executed as a single command or even a full program:\n```\nx=111111111 h=\"haha\" p=h..3*x..2*x..h..7*x..h..2*x q=h..6*x..p..p..h..6*x..h..7*x..h..4*x..h..5*x print((q..\"ha\"):rep(11)..q)\n```\n125 bytes. Tested in Lua 5.3.1 REPL and [ideone](http://ideone.com/uRlne7).\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth, ConfusedMr\\_C, \u2264 32](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60757/29577)\n```\nsm*2s_c4s_Mcd2%2_c4sCM127\n```\nOnly needed 25 chars. Took some while though. \nTry it online: [Demonstration](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=sm*2s_c4s_Mcd2%252_c4sCM127&debug=0)\nThe idea is to take all chars of the ranges 32-63 und 96-126 (Yes, 127 is not included), rearrange them, duplicate these strings and join them. \n[Answer]\n# [Self-modifying Brainfuck, mbomb007, \u22648](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60506/32353)\n```\n<[-.+<]\n```\nstdin needs to be /dev/null and disregard the output from stderr.\n[Answer]\n# [QBasic, DLosc, \u226416](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61449/3852)\n```\n?STRING$(3,34)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [QBasic, DLosc, \u22648](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61448/3852)\n```\n?TAN(22)\n```\nDoes the leading/trailing space thingy. I guess it's a QBasic quirk.\n[Answer]\n# [CJam, Eridan, \u22648](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61039/3852)\n```\n6C#E130#\n```\nI assumed it would be a list of numbers of the form *i^j*, so I did a search for those using substrings from output. I found that it was `str(6 ** 12) + str(14 ** 130)` using a Python script.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3, ppperry, \u226432](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61653/32353)\n```\n0x1d4f620cb7a9ca2c585c639763613\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**Closed.** This question is [off-topic](/help/closed-questions). It is not currently accepting answers.\n \n \n---\n This question does not appear to be about code golf or coding challenges within the scope defined in the [help center](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic).\nClosed 7 years ago.\n[Improve this question](/posts/60152/edit) \nSo, you're browsing Programming Puzzles & Code Golf, and you see a new challenge. The author (*gasp*) forgot to say \"No standard Loopholes\". You decide to take advantage of this situation, and you read the answer from a file/network. However, you need to make sure that your answer is actually shorter than the legitimate answers, so you golf it, too.\n# The Challenge\nWrite a complete program that prints out the contents of the file `definitelynottheanswer.txt` to STDOUT. This text file only contains valid ASCII characters. Alternatively, the program can get the file location from STDIN or command line args. The only input allowed is the file location if you choose to get the location from the user; otherwise, no input is allowed. There is no reward for getting the file location from the user, but the user input of the file location does not count against the byte total (in other words, `definitelynottheanswer.txt` wouldn't be included in the byte score).\nThe program must not write to STDERR.\n## Bonus\nRetrieve the file from the internet *instead* of a file (the URL must be user-supplied). **Reward: multiply source length by 0.85**\n# Scoring\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the lowest score,`program length (bytes) * bonus`, wins.\n* No (other) standard loopholes.\n* If the language does not support reading files from disk, it cannot be used (sorry).\n \n[Answer]\n# GNU sed, 0 bytes\nEven better..\n[Answer]\n# Bash, 7 bytes \\* .85 = 5.9 bytes\n```\ncurl $1\n```\nzzz\n[Answer]\n# Pyth - 2 bytes \\* .85 = 1.7\n```\n'z\n```\nDoes not work online.\n[Answer]\n## Bash, 6 bytes\n```\ncat $1\n```\nProvide filename as a command line argument. Probably breaks if the argument contains spaces or newlines or weird chars or whatever.\n[Answer]\n# CJam, 1.7 bytes\n```\nqg\n```\nFor security reasons, this does not work in the online interpreter.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**Closed**. This question needs to be more [focused](/help/closed-questions). It is not currently accepting answers.\n \n \n---\n**Want to improve this question?** Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by [editing this post](/posts/60042/edit).\nClosed 8 years ago.\n[Improve this question](/posts/60042/edit) \n# Intro\nIn `Objective-C` (a superset of `C` and an object-oriented language), I can create an object called a `UIWebView`. There is a method for this object called `loadHTMLString:` in which I can load actual `HTML` into the `UIWebView` object itself. I can also inject Javascript into it using the method `stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:`.\nIf I were to write a program that created a UIWebView, loaded in my string (which happens to be HTML \"code\") and then injected a second string (which is Javascript code) I would be using 3 languages at once, in a functional program. (Not sure that `html` is really a programming language... so that's debatable haha)\nYou can also do things like embed `Python` into `C` (and other languages): \n---\nThis isn't too difficult, with any language you can use other languages inside it if you try hard enough.\n---\n# Challenge\nThe challenge here is to see how many languages you can cram into 1 functioning program in under 500 bytes. \nThe program can do literally any task, it just has to work. The languages all have to work together, so you can't have 2 languages running one task, and 3 other languages running a completely different task. So whatever your \"task\" may be (you decide), there should only be 1 task, and all `n` languages should work on just that 1 task in your 1 program.\n---\n# Objective\nYour score is the number of languages you used. Whoever uses the most languages at once gets a cookie.\nSince this is a popularity contest I will be accepting the answer with the most up-votes.\n---\n# Q&A\n\u2022Ray **asked**, \"Just to clarify, you're looking for a program that uses multiple languages to accomplish different parts of a single task, as opposed to a polyglot that is a valid program in multiple languages?\"\n***Answer**, \"Yes\".*\n\u2022DanielM. **asked**, \"does Regex count?\" ***Answer**, \"Yes, I personally WOULD count it. Again, this is a popularity contest, so it really is up to the voters to determine. HTML is not considered a programming language by some, but it has been successfully used in an answer already that has seen quite a few upvotes. (Also, Stack-overflow does define Regex as a programming language if that helps you make your decision to use it or not: )*\n \n[Answer]\n# make, sh, awk, sed, regex, yacc, lex, C; 8 languages.\n## Including the input and output languages: brainfuck and D; 10 languages\nThis is a brainfuck to D compiler. It takes the brainfuck program over standard input and prints the D code to standard output.\nMake uses awk, sed, and sh to generate a yacc program, which in conjunction\nwith a lex program is used to generate a C program that takes a brainfuck\nprogram as input and outputs an equivalent D program. I tried to only use languages in ways that were actually useful, instead of just throwing in a bunch of no-ops. The lex/yacc/C combination is fairly standard for simple compilers, the make/sh combination is useful for building, and the awk/sed line was the only way I could get the whole thing under 500 bytes. (It's at 498 bytes currently.)\n## Code\n```\ndefine L\n%%\n[][+-<>.,] return *yytext;\n. ;\n%%\nendef\ndefine Y\n%{\n#include \n%}\n%left '+' '-' '.' ',' '>' '<' '[' ']'\n%%\nq: q q {}\n+ p[i]++\n- p[i]--\n> i++\n< i--\n, p[i]=getchar()\n. putchar(p[i])\n[ while(p[i]){\n] }\n%%\nyywrap(){}yyerror(){}main(){puts(\"import std.stdio;int p[30000];int i;void main(){\");yyparse();puts(\"}\");}\nendef\nexport L\nexport Y\na:\n @echo \"$$L\">y;lex y;echo \"$$Y\"|awk '/^[+-^]/{printf(\"q: X%sX {puts(\\\"%s;\\\");}\\n\",$$1,$$2)} /^[^+-^]/'|sed \"y/X/'/\">y;yacc y;cc *.c;./a.out;:\n```\n## Example of use\n```\n$ cat helloworld.bf\n++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.<<+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.\n$ make < helloworld.bf > tmp.d\ny: warning: 8 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr]\n$ dmd tmp.d && ./tmp\nHello World!\n```\n[Answer]\n# HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, RegEx, sed, bash; 8 languages\nDisplays colors of the rainbow.\n*(Only 396 bytes)* will try to add more languages \nHTML + CSS is turning complete and counts as a valid language on PPCG. I've been [told](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/24575556#24575556) CoffeeScript is different enough as JavaScript to be counted as a separate language. And RegEx has been specifically allowed also.\nPHP allows for addition of many languages especially with `exec` and `shell_exec` functions.\nGolfed to fit inside byte limit (ES6)\n```\n\n```\nUses:\n* PHP to generate CSS\n* PHP, uses exec to run bash\n* sed to split color items for bash\n* CSS to specify text colors\n* JavaScript to generate elements\n* RegEx to split color items for JS\n* CoffeScript to print elements\n* HTML as a wrapper / output\n---\nFaster & Ungolfed (All modern browsers)\n```\n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nYour task is to create the shortest infinite loop!\nThe point of this challenge is to create an infinite loop producing no output, unlike its possible duplicate. The reason to this is because the code might be shorter if no output is given.\n## Rules\n* Each submission must be a full program.\n* You must create the shortest infinite loop.\n* Even if your program runs out of memory eventually, it is still accepted as long as it is running the whole time from the start to when it runs out of memory. Also when it runs out of memory, it should still not print anything to STDERR.\n* The program must take no input (however, reading from a file is allowed), and should not print anything to STDOUT. Output to a file is also forbidden.\n* The program must not write anything to STDERR.\n* Feel free to use a language (or language version) even if it's newer than this challenge.\n-Note that there must be an interpreter so the submission can be tested. It is allowed (and even encouraged) to write this interpreter yourself for a previously unimplemented language. **:D**\n* Submissions are scored in bytes, in an appropriate (pre-existing) encoding, usually (but not necessarily) UTF-8. Some languages, like Folders, are a bit tricky to score - if in doubt, please ask on Meta.\n* This is not about finding the language with the shortest infinite loop program. This is about finding the shortest infinite loop program in every language. Therefore, I will not accept an answer.\n* If your language of choice is a trivial variant of another (potentially more popular) language which already has an answer (think BASIC or SQL dialects, Unix shells or trivial Brainf\\*\\*k-derivatives like Alphuck), consider adding a note to the existing answer that the same or a very similar solution is also the shortest in the other language.\n* There should be a website such as Wikipedia, Esolangs, or GitHub for the language. For example, if the language is CJam, then one could link to the site in the header like `#[CJam](http://sourceforge.net/p/cjam/wiki/Home/), X bytes`.\n* Standard loopholes are not allowed.\n(I have taken some of these rules from Martin B\u00fcttner's \"Hello World\" challenge)\n \nPlease feel free to post in the comments to tell me how this challenge could be improved.\n## Catalogue\nThis is a Stack Snippet which generates both an alphabetical catalogue of the used languages, and an overall leaderboard. To make sure your answer shows up, please start it with this Markdown header:\n```\n# Language name, X bytes\n```\nObviously replacing `Language name` and `X bytes` with the proper items. If you want to link to the languages' website, use this template, as posted above:\n```\n#[Language name](http://link.to/the/language), X bytes\n```\nNow, finally, here's the snippet: (Try pressing \"Full page\" for a better view.)\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=59347;var ANSWER_FILTER=\"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";var COMMENT_FILTER=\"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";var OVERRIDE_USER=41805;var answers=[],answers_hash,answer_ids,answer_page=1,more_answers=true,comment_page;function answersUrl(index){return\"//api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+index+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(index,answers){return\"//api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+answers.join(';')+\"/comments?page=\"+index+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:true,success:function(data){answers.push.apply(answers,data.items);answers_hash=[];answer_ids=[];data.items.forEach(function(a){a.comments=[];var id=+a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(id);answers_hash[id]=a});if(!data.has_more)more_answers=false;comment_page=1;getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:true,success:function(data){data.items.forEach(function(c){if(c.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER)answers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c)});if(data.has_more)getComments();else if(more_answers)getAnswers();else process()}})}getAnswers();var SCORE_REG=/\\s*([^\\n,<]*(?:<(?:[^\\n>]*>[^\\n<]*<\\/[^\\n>]*>)[^\\n,<]*)*),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;var OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;function getAuthorName(a){return a.owner.display_name}function process(){var valid=[];answers.forEach(function(a){var body=a.body;a.comments.forEach(function(c){if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))body='


'});var match=body.match(SCORE_REG);if(match)valid.push({user:getAuthorName(a),size:+match[2],language:match[1],link:a.share_link,});else console.log(body)});valid.sort(function(a,b){var aB=a.size,bB=b.size;return aB-bB});var languages={};var place=1;var lastSize=null;var lastPlace=1;valid.forEach(function(a){if(a.size!=lastSize)lastPlace=place;lastSize=a.size;++place;var answer=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();answer=answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",lastPlace+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",a.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",a.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",a.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",a.link);answer=jQuery(answer);jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);var lang=a.language;lang=jQuery('
'+lang+'').text();languages[lang]=languages[lang]||{lang:a.language,lang_raw:lang,user:a.user,size:a.size,link:a.link}});var langs=[];for(var lang in languages)if(languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))langs.push(languages[lang]);langs.sort(function(a,b){if(a.lang_raw.toLowerCase()>b.lang_raw.toLowerCase())return 1;if(a.lang_raw.toLowerCase()

Shortest Solution by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Cubix](https://github.com/ETHproductions/cubix), 0 bytes\n```\n```\nAlternatively, *any* single character does exactly the same.\n**[Test it online!](https://ethproductions.github.io/cubix/?code=)**\nCubix is a stack-based 2D language, created by me in March 2016. Cubix differs from ordinary 2D languages in that it's not strictly 2D: the code is wrapped around a cube. Any one-byte program wraps to this cube net:\n```\n ?\n>. . . .\n .\n```\nwhere `?` represents the character, and the IP (instruction pointer) starts at the arrow. `.` is simply a no-op, and when the IP reaches the right side of the cube net, it simply wraps back around to the left. Thus, any 1-byte program does nothing forever, no matter what the character is (as long as it's not whitespace).\nThanks to [@ErikGolfer\u30a8\u30ea\u30c3\u30af\u30b4\u30eb\u30d5\u30a1\u30fc](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/41024/erikgolfer%e3%82%a8%e3%83%aa%e3%83%83%e3%82%af%e3%82%b4%e3%83%ab%e3%83%95%e3%82%a1%e3%83%bc) for reminding me that the empty program does the same. When Cubix was originally created, this didn't work, because the interpreter created a cube of size 0 and threw an error when it tried to run. This was fixed a while ago, and it is now impossible to cause an error in Cubix.\n[Answer]\n# Java6 : 25 Bytes\nIn Java 6 and previous versions you can execute `static` initialization block without having `main` in your class file.\n```\nclass A{static{for(;;);}}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Processing](https://processing.org/), 8 bytes\n```\nfor(;;);\n```\n \nThis is based on Geobit's answer in Java\n \n \nAlthough the code below is not the shortest, it is one of Processing's specialties.\n```\nvoid draw(){}\n```\nThis `draw` statement repeats itself over and over again. It is one of the differences between Processing and Java.\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](http://sourceforge.net/p/cjam/wiki/Home/), 4 bytes\n```\n1{}h\n```\nPut a 1 on the stack, and loop until 1 is no longer truthy. Using `h` means that the number is never popped.\n[Answer]\n# [Beam](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Beam), 2 bytes\nThere is a few ways of doing this from the very basic\n```\n><\n```\nto the very basic\n```\n>?\n```\nand\n```\n>|\n```\n[Answer]\n# C++ 11 template metaprogramming, ~~58~~ 54 bytes\n```\ntemplatestruct I{int v=I<1>{}.v;};int a=I<1>{}.v;\n```\nC++ helpfully comes packaged with 2 other turing complete languages: the C preprocessor, and template metaprogramming. Note that this does reach a max recursion depth at some point, but the OP clarified that this is okay.\n[Example run](http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/c8fd53d5c126112b):\n> \n> \n> ```\n> g++: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault (program cc1plus)\n> Please submit a full bug report,\n> with preprocessed source if appropriate.\n> See for instructions.\n> \n> ```\n> \n> \n[Answer]\n# COBOL, 51 bytes\n```\nID DIVISION.PROGRAM-ID.A.PROCEDURE DIVISION.B.GO B.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Rust, 17 bytes\nDidn't see one in rust so:\n```\nfn main(){loop{}}\n```\nreal original and interesting and so different from all the other entries.\n[Answer]\n# [Half-Broken Car in Heavy Traffic](http://metanohi.name/projects/hbcht/#heading1.2.3), ~~5~~ 4 bytes\n```\n^ov#\n```\nalso in 4 bytes:\n```\no\n #\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Binary Lambda Calculus](https://tromp.github.io/cl/cl.html), 3 bytes\nBefore I dive into the explanation, let's start with the program itself.\n```\nF\u2020\u20ac\n```\nTrust me, it's pure luck that they're all printable, and I'll get to why it is 2 1/4 bytes instead of 3 after the explanation. I'll explain this by walking through the process I took to create this program.\nTo start, BLC programs are just lambda calculus programs encoded in a special way. With this in mind, let's begin with the lambda calculus program that enters an infinite loop, known as omega.\n```\n(\u03bbx.xx)(\u03bbx.xx)\n```\nThis results in an infinite loop because, according to Wikipedia, it reduces to itself after a single beta-reduction. To convert this into BLC, we must first convert it to [De Bruijn indices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bruijn_indices). It converts into the following:\n```\n.\u03bb.11\u03bb.11 (The dots after the \u03bbs are necessary for BLC but not part of De Bruijn indices)\n```\nOkay, now that it's in De Bruijin indices we can now convert it into BLC where `\u03bb` translates to `00`, function application or `.` translates to `01`, and numbers are represented as `1^n0` where `n` is the number. Knowing this, it translates into the following binary:\n```\n01 00 01 10 10 00 01 10 10\n```\nThis is why it's 2 1/4 bytes. As BLC instructions aren't full bytes (with the exception of 7), it is rare for programs to fit exactly into a certain byte count. To turn this into hex, we have to pad it in order to make it fit into 3 bytes. Doing this yields the following:\n```\n46 86 80\n```\nThere we have the hex dump of our program! It runs in an infinite loop, doesn't run out of memory to my knowledge, doesn't output anything, and is a complete program that can be saved and run by piping the contents of the file to the official interpreter. You can also pipe the binary text to the interpreter and add the -b flag, to demonstrate that the non-padded version can be run.\n[Answer]\n# Commodore Basic, 3 bytes\n```\n1R\u256d\n```\nPETSCII substitution: `\u256d` = `SHIFT+U`, ungolfs to `1 RUN`.\nTaking advantage of Commodore Basic's shortcut forms and the fact that any immediate-mode command can also be used in a program, this code simply runs itself, forever.\nAlternatively, a more thoroughly infinite loop is the immediate-mode command\n```\nS|7\n```\n(PETSCII: `|` = `SHIFT+Y`, ungolfs to `SYS 7`).\nThis transfers execution to memory location 0x0007. The BASIC interpreter stores the current search character here; when running the above code, this character is the double-quotation mark with byte value 0x22. Opcode `0x22` is an [undocumented `HALT` opcode](http://www.pagetable.com/?p=39), which works by putting the 6510's micro-operation interpreter into an infinite loop. The only way out of this loop is to reset the computer.\n[Answer]\n# Tcl/Tk, 0 bytes\nExecute any empty file with the `wish` interpreter instead of `tclsh`.\n[Answer]\n# TI-BASIC, 2 bytes\nIf recursion is allowed (is it a loop?)\n```\nprgmA\n```\nRuns a program named 'A', hence the program must be named the same. Some research revealed that `prgm` is 1 byte, plus 1 byte for `A`\nRuns out of memory pretty quickly, but that doesn't seem to be addressed above.\n[Answer]\n# x86-16 Assembly, IBM PC DOS, 2 bytes\nThere's quite a few machine code answers, but thought I'd contribute a few different takes.\n```\n56 PUSH SI ; push 100H onto stack\nC3 RET ; pop stack and jump to address (PUSH SI)\n```\nOn DOS when a program is started the `SI` register contains the starting address of the program (generally `100H`). Push that onto the stack and execute a `RET` which will pop the stack and jump to that address. Big ol' loop.\n---\n### x86-16 Assembly, 1 byte\n```\nF4 HLT ; halt the processor and wait for signal\n```\nOkay, so this may depend a little on your definition of infinite loop. The `HLT` instruction (specifically in 8086 real mode) puts the processor in HALT state and awaits a signal in the form of `BINIT#`, `INIT#`, `RESET#` or interrupt ([ref](https://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/hlt)). While it's not technically executing our code, it is in a microcode loop of sorts waiting for one of those signals.\n---\n### Motorola 6800, 2 bytes\n```\n9D DD HCF ; halt and catch fire\n```\nFrom [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halt_and_Catch_Fire#Motorola_6800):\n> \n> When this instruction is run the only way to see what it is doing is with an oscilloscope. From the user's point of view the machine halts and defies most attempts to get it restarted. Those persons with indicator lamps on the address bus will see that the processor begins to read all of the memory, sequentially, very quickly. In effect, the address bus turns into a 16 bit counter. However, the processor takes no notice of what it is reading\u2026 it just reads.\n> \n> \n> \n[Answer]\n# MUMPS, 1 byte\n```\nf\n```\nThis is the equivalent of `for ( ; ; ) ;` in C-like languages. It runs from the prompt as is, though, and does not need to be wrapped in a function declaration or any such thing.\n[Answer]\n# GNU dc, 6 bytes\n```\n[dx]dx\n```\nTail recursion FTW, which GNU dc supports. Others might not.\n[Answer]\n# [MSM](http://esolangs.org/wiki/MSM), 2 bytes\n```\nee\n```\nAlmost all 2 character strings will work, even two spaces, just don't use any of the following 6 commands `:,/.?'`.\n[Answer]\n# Javascript (8 bytes)\n```\nfor(;;);\n```\nEdit courtody of @KritixiLithos\n# Javascript (10 bytes)\n```\nwhile(1){}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Scheme, 12 bytes\nA tail-recursive infinite loop seems most appropriate for scheme `:-)`\n```\n(let l()(l))\n```\neven though `(do(())())` (the CL variant of which is due to [@JoshuaTaylor](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/59347/shortest-infinite-loop-producing-no-output/59378#comment143074_59375)) would be 2 bytes shorter.\n[Answer]\n# z80 Machine Code, 1 byte\n```\nc7 ; RST 00h\n```\nOr if assuming the code starts at `0000h` is cheating, two bytes:\n```\n18 fe ; JR -2\n```\nThese solutions make no assumptions about the rest of the environment's RAM. If it's filled with zero bytes, we are just spinning through `NOP`s forever, so we could have a 0-byte solution. (Thanks to Thomas Kwa for pointing this out.)\n[Answer]\n# Fortran, 11 bytes\nIt is not very creative, but here is the shortest I found:\n```\n1goto 1\nend\n```\nI am pretty sure this is not standards compliant, but it compiles with `ifort`.\n[Answer]\n# [3var](http://esolangs.org/wiki/3var), 2 bytes\n```\n{}\n```\nTo quote the docs:\n```\n{ Starts a loop which repeats forever\n} Ends a loop which repeats forever\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R_(programming_language)), 8 bytes\n```\nrepeat{}\n```\nI believe this is the shortest way to make a loop that won't stop. We would need an infinite length list to use a for loop and `while(T)` is longer than `repeat`.\n[Answer]\n# NASM/YASM x86 assembly, 4 bytes\n```\nja $\n```\n`$` is the address of the current instruction, and `ja` jumps there if the carry and zero flags are both unset. (i.e. the Above condition is true.) This is the case in x86-64 Linux at process startup.\n`ja$` just defines a symbol, instead of being an instruction, so the space is not optional. I did test that this works without a trailing newline, so it really is 4 bytes.\nAssemble/link with\n```\n$ yasm -felf64 foo.asm && ld -o foo foo.o\nld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 0000000000400080\n```\nThe [x86-64 ABI](http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi.pdf) used by Linux doesn't guarantee anything about the state of registers at process startup, but Linux's actual implementation zeroes all the registers other than RSP for a newly-`exec`ed process. `EFLAGS=0x202 [ IF ]`, so `ja` (jump if Above) does jump, because the carry and zero flags aren't set. `jg` (ZF=0 and SF=0) would also work. Other OSes that initialize flags differently might be able to use one of the other one-letter conditions that require a flag bit to be set: `jz`, `jl`, `jc`, `jp`, `js`.\nUsing `ja` instead of `jmp` (unconditional jump) makes the source one byte shorter, but the binary is the same size (2 bytes: one opcode byte, one rel8 displacement, for a total size of 344 bytes for a stripped ELF64 binary. See [casey's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/59479/30206) for a 45 byte ELF executable if you're interested in small binary size rather than small source size.)\n[Answer]\n# AT&T (PDP-11) Syntax Assembly: 4 bytes\n```\nbr .\n```\n# PDP-11 UNIX A.OUT binary output: ~~24~~ 18 bytes\n```\n0000000 000407 000002 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000\n0000020 000777 000000 000000 000004\n0000030\n```\nThis is the output produced by the assembler. As the sizes in the header show, the last three words are not necessary, it can be cut down to the first 18 bytes.\nSome modern assemblers do not support the br instruction, so it would be **five bytes** for `jmp .`. And executable headers are generally much bigger these days.\n# Linux x86-64 binary output, after strip: 336 bytes\nNow, OSX's assembler is much more strict. You must have a symbol (by default `start`, but here I use `f`) for the entry point, which balloons the size of the source. It also requires a newline at the end of the file.\n# Mac OS X x86-64 Assembly: 17 bytes\n```\n.globl f\nf:jmp f\n```\n# Mac OS Mach-O Binary Output: 4200 bytes\n[Answer]\n# [pb](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Pb), 8 bytes\nIn pb, the shortest possible infinite loop is 8 bytes long. In fact, there are sixty 8 byte infinite loops, none of which produce output! (Unless you're running in watch mode, which is intended for debugging, no pb programs produce output until they halt. However, even if one of these did eventually halt, no output would have been produced.) Here are the sixty shortest infinite loops, in alphabetical order:\n```\nw[B!1]{}\nw[B!2]{}\nw[B!3]{}\nw[B!4]{}\nw[B!5]{}\nw[B!6]{}\nw[B!7]{}\nw[B!8]{}\nw[B!9]{}\nw[B=0]{}\nw[C!1]{}\nw[C!2]{}\nw[C!3]{}\nw[C!4]{}\nw[C!5]{}\nw[C!6]{}\nw[C!7]{}\nw[C!8]{}\nw[C!9]{}\nw[C=0]{}\nw[P!1]{}\nw[P!2]{}\nw[P!3]{}\nw[P!4]{}\nw[P!5]{}\nw[P!6]{}\nw[P!7]{}\nw[P!8]{}\nw[P!9]{}\nw[P=0]{}\nw[T!1]{}\nw[T!2]{}\nw[T!3]{}\nw[T!4]{}\nw[T!5]{}\nw[T!6]{}\nw[T!7]{}\nw[T!8]{}\nw[T!9]{}\nw[T=0]{}\nw[X!1]{}\nw[X!2]{}\nw[X!3]{}\nw[X!4]{}\nw[X!5]{}\nw[X!6]{}\nw[X!7]{}\nw[X!8]{}\nw[X!9]{}\nw[X=0]{}\nw[Y!1]{}\nw[Y!2]{}\nw[Y!3]{}\nw[Y!4]{}\nw[Y!5]{}\nw[Y!6]{}\nw[Y!7]{}\nw[Y!8]{}\nw[Y!9]{}\nw[Y=0]{}\n```\nThese all follow a simple pattern. `w` is a while loop, pb's only looping or branching instruction. Inside the square brackets is the condition, which is two expressions separated by `!` or `=`. To understand what this means, imagine an extra `=` just before the second expression. In the same way that you understand `2+2==4` to be true and `10!=5*2` to be false, `2+2=4` and `10!5*2` are true and false in pb. A while loop is executed until the condition becomes false. Finally, there is a pair of curly braces containing pb code. In this case, there's no code to be run, so they are empty.\nThe important thing here is the condition. pb has six variables, all for different purposes. They are:\n```\nB - The value of the character under the brush\nC - The colour of the character under the brush (from a lookup table, the important thing being that white = 0)\nP - The current colour that the brush is set to output in (same lookup table)\nT - Set by the programmer, initialized to 0\nX - X position of the brush\nY - Y position of the brush\n```\nThe brush starts at (0, 0) on a canvas that is entirely initialized to white null bytes. This means that all of the variables start out being equal to 0.\nThese sixty programs fall into two categories: 10 loops that are executed until a variable (equivalent to 0) stops being zero, and 50 loops that are executed until a variable (equivalent to 0) becomes a specific non-zero number. An infinite number of programs can be written that fall into that second group, but only 50 are the same length as the 10 in the first one.\n[Answer]\n# ArnoldC, 61 bytes\n```\nIT'S SHOWTIME\nSTICK AROUND 1\nCHILL\nYOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED\n```\nIronic how the program never actually terminates, even though the last line says \"YOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED.\"\n[Answer]\n## [Brian & Chuck](https://github.com/mbuettner/brian-chuck), 7 bytes\n```\n#{?\n#{?\n```\nThe `#` could be replaced by any other characters except null-bytes or underscores.\nThe idea is fairly simple:\n* Brian moves Chuck's instruction pointer to the start (`{`) and hands control \nover to him (`?`).\n* Chuck moves Brian's instruction pointer to the start (`{`) and hands control over to him (`?`).\n* Repeat.\n[Answer]\n# [Seed](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Seed), 2 bytes\n```\n0 \n```\n*(note the trailing space character)*\nAny seed program consists out of 2 instructions, seperated by a space; The length of the [Befunge](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Befunge) program it will output and the seed which will generate that program. \nSeeing how [we need a Befunge program of length 0](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/59357/41257), we can create a Seed program with an empty 2nd instruction.\nThe Seed program `0` will output an empty Befunge program, which will run forever.\nInteresting to note is that the Python compiler on the [Seed esolang page](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Seed) is erroneous. \nTo create a Befunge program of length 0, any seed will do. That includes an empty seed. To stick to the spec however, the space after `0` is not omitted.\nThat being said, this is the world's shortest Seed program, and also the easiest to reverse engineer :-)\n[Answer]\n# [Aubergine](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Aubergine), 6 bytes\n```\n:aa=ia\n```\n`:aa` is a no-op. `=ia` sets the IP to its own location.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nBelieve it or not, we do not yet have a code golf challenge for a simple [primality test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primality_test). While it may not be the most interesting challenge, particularly for \"usual\" languages, it can be nontrivial in many languages.\nRosetta code features lists by language of idiomatic approaches to primality testing, one using the [Miller-Rabin test](http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Miller-Rabin_primality_test) specifically and another using [trial division](http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Primality_by_trial_division). However, \"most idiomatic\" often does not coincide with \"shortest.\" In an effort to make Programming Puzzles and Code Golf the go-to site for code golf, this challenge seeks to compile a catalog of the shortest approach in every language, similar to [\"Hello, World!\"](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/55422/20469) and [Golf you a quine for great good!](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/69/20469).\nFurthermore, the capability of implementing a primality test is part of [our definition of programming language](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/2073), so this challenge will also serve as a directory of proven programming languages.\n### Task\nWrite a **full program** that, given a strictly positive integer **n** as input, determines whether **n** is prime and prints a [truthy or falsy value](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/2194) accordingly.\nFor the purpose of this challenge, an integer is prime if it has exactly two strictly positive divisors. Note that this excludes **1**, who is its only strictly positive divisor.\nYour algorithm must be deterministic (i.e., produce the correct output with probability 1) and should, in theory, work for arbitrarily large integers. In practice, you may assume that the input can be stored in your data type, as long as the program works for integers from 1 to 255.\n### Input\n* If your language is able to read from STDIN, accept command-line arguments or any other alternative form of user input, you can read the integer as its decimal representation, unary representation (using a character of your choice), byte array (big or little endian) or single byte (if this is your languages largest data type).\n* If (and only if) your language is unable to accept any kind of user input, you may hardcode the input in your program.\nIn this case, the hardcoded integer must be easily exchangeable. In particular, it may appear only in a single place in the entire program.\nFor scoring purposes, submit the program that corresponds to the input **1**.\n### Output\nOutput has to be written to STDOUT or closest alternative.\nIf possible, output should consist solely of a [truthy or falsy value](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/2194) (or a string representation thereof), optionally followed by a single newline.\nThe only exception to this rule is constant output of your language's interpreter that cannot be suppressed, such as a greeting, ANSI color codes or indentation.\n### Additional rules\n* This is not about finding the language with the shortest approach for prime testing, this is about finding the shortest approach in every language. Therefore, no answer will be marked as accepted.\n* Submissions in most languages will be scored in *bytes* in an appropriate preexisting encoding, usually (but not necessarily) UTF-8.\nThe language [Piet](http://www.dangermouse.net/esoteric/piet.html), for example, will be scored in codels, which is the natural choice for this language.\nSome languages, like [Folders](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Folders), are a bit tricky to score. If in doubt, please ask on [Meta](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/).\n* Unlike our usual rules, feel free to use a language (or language version) even if it's newer than this challenge. If anyone wants to abuse this by creating a language where the empty program performs a primality test, then congrats for paving the way for a very boring answer.\nNote that there must be an interpreter so the submission can be tested. It is allowed (and even encouraged) to write this interpreter yourself for a previously unimplemented language.\n* If your language of choice is a trivial variant of another (potentially more popular) language which already has an answer (think BASIC or SQL dialects, Unix shells or trivial Brainfuck derivatives like Headsecks or Unary), consider adding a note to the existing answer that the same or a very similar solution is also the shortest in the other language.\n* Built-in functions for testing primality **are** allowed. This challenge is meant to catalog the shortest possible solution in each language, so if it's shorter to use a built-in in your language, go for it.\n* Unless they have been overruled earlier, all standard [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") rules apply, including the .\nAs a side note, please don't downvote boring (but valid) answers in languages where there is not much to golf; these are still useful to this question as it tries to compile a catalog as complete as possible. However, do primarily upvote answers in languages where the author actually had to put effort into golfing the code.\n### Catalog\nThe Stack Snippet at the bottom of this post generates the catalog from the answers a) as a list of shortest solution per language and b) as an overall leaderboard.\nTo make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:\n```\n## Language Name, N bytes\n```\nwhere `N` is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you *can* keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:\n```\n## Ruby, 104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the snippet:\n```\n## [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\n

Shortest Solution by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# K, 29 bytes\n```\n(x>1)&&/x!'2_!1+_sqrt x:0$0:`\n```\nGot this off [Rosetta Code](http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Primality_by_trial_division#K), so marked it as community wiki.\n[Answer]\n# XPath 2.0, ~~45~~ 40 bytes\n```\n$i>1 and empty((2 to $i -1)[$i mod .=0])\n```\nFor readability, incl. non-mandatory spaces (45 bytes)\n```\n$i > 1 and empty((2 to $i - 1)[$i mod . = 0])\n```\nIn XPath, the only way to hand input like an integer to the processor is by passing it a parameter, in this case `$i`. This is hardly performant, and obvious improvement would be to use:\n```\n$i > 1 and empty((2 to math:sqrt($i) cast as xs:integer)[$i mod . = 0])\n```\nBut since \"shortest in any given language\" and not performance was the goal, I'll leave the original in.\n### How it works\nFor people new to XPath, it works as follows:\n1. Create a sequence up to the current number:\n```\n(2 to $i - 1)\n```\n2. Filter all that have a modulo zero (i.e., that divide properly)\n```\n[$i mod . = 0]\n```\n3. Test if the resulting sequence is empty, if it non-empty, there is a divisor\n```\nempty(...)\n```\n4. Also test for special-case 1:\n```\n$i > 1\n```\nThe query as a whole returns the string `true` (2, 5, 101, 5483) or `false` (1, 4, 5487).\nAs a nice consequence, you can find all divisors (not prime divisors!) using an even shorter expression:\n```\n(2 to $i - 1)[$i mod . = 0]\n```\nwill return (3, 5, 7, 15, 21, 35) for input 105.\n[Answer]\n# XSLT 3.0, ~~209~~ ~~203~~ 201 bytes\n```\n{$i>1 and empty((2 to $i -1)[$i mod .=0])}\n```\nUpdate 1: removed spaces in `$i > 1`, `. = 0` and `$i - 1`. \nUpdate 2: changed `expand-text=\"yes\"` in `expand-text=\"1\"`, which is a new XSLT 3.0 feature\nIn expanded form, with the usual prefixes:\n```\n \n \n {\n $i > 1 and empty((2 to $i - 1)[$i mod . = 0])\n }\n\n```\nThis method uses the XSLT 3.0 feature to have a function as entry point (earlier versions did not support this). It uses the same XPath expression explained in my other post.\nXSLT is notoriously verbose and starts with quite a few bytes declaring namespaces etc.\nThe function must be called with a typed value that derives from `xs:integer`. Most processor will consider that the default type if given an integer literal.\n[Answer]\n# SWI-Prolog, 51 bytes\n```\na(X):-X>1,\\+ (Y is X-1,between(2,Y,I),0=:=X mod I).\n```\nThis uses predicate `between/3` which is not an ISO-Prolog predicate.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 57\nPrime finding regex.\n```\nalert(!/^1?$|^(11+?)\\1+$/.test(Array(prompt()+1).join(1)))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 54 bytes\nA just for fun post that abuses the `all` function.\n```\ny=int(input());print(all(y%p for p in range(2,y))|y>1)\n```\nExplanation:\nTakes all the numbers from `2` to `y` and calculate the mod of `y` and that number and return false if any of those are `0`.\nEdits: \nAdd the `1` check (+4 bytes) \nFix the check `1` logic (0 bytes) \nRemove the `[]` (Thanks `FryAmTheEggman`!) (-2 bytes) \nRemove the `-1` from `range` (Thanks `FryAmTheEggman`!) (-2 bytes)\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 45 bytes\nNot the smallest entry, but I took a slightly different approach to detecting the prime numbers. Maybe it inspires someone to create an even smaller version. I couldn't discover any more savings myself.\n```\ni=a=n=input()\nwhile i>2:i-=1;a*=n%i\nprint a>1\n```\n[Answer]\n## Scala, 50 bytes\n```\nval i=readInt\nprint(i>1&&(2 to i-1 forall(i%_>0)))\n```\nIn case output to STDERR is forbidden, 65 bytes:\n```\nval i=scala.io.StdIn.readInt\nprint(i>1&&(2 to i-1 forall(i%_>0)))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Desmos](http://desmos.com/), ~~108~~ ~~104~~ 94 bytes\n```\nk=2\n1\\left\\{\\sum _{n=2}^k\\operatorname{sign}\\left(\\operatorname{mod}\\left(k,n\\right)\\right)+2=k,0\\right\\}\n```\nTo use, enter a new line. Then, call `p\\left(n\\rgiht)`. The output will be bottom right on that line.\nEdit 1: Shaved `{x-1}` to `x`.\nEdit 2: Changed input format to a more STDIN-esque model.\n[Answer]\n# [Simplex v.0.5](http://conorobrien-foxx.github.io/Simplex/), 23 bytes\nCan probably be golfed. It's really the square root declaration that hurts. \\*regrets removing `p` (prime checking) command from syntax and sighs\\*\n```\ni*R1UEY{&%n?[j1=o#]R@M}\ni ~~ takes numeric input\n * ~~ copies and increments pointer\n R1UEY ~~ takes the square root and rounds it down\n { } ~~ repeats until zero cell met at end\n & ~~ read and store the value to the register\n % ~~ takes input mod current, move pointer left\n n ~~ logically negates current (0 -> 1, 1 -> 0)\n ?[ ] ~~ evaluates inside if the current cell\n j1= ~~ inserts a new cell to check for a 1 case\n o# ~~ outputs the result and terminates program\n R@ ~~ goes right, pulls the value from the register\n M ~~ decrement value\n```\n[Answer]\n# Groovy, 36 bytes\nI found a variation of this in a course on groovy that I'm taking:\n```\np={x->x==2||!(2..x-1).find{x%it==0}}\n```\nTest code:\n```\nprintln ((2..20).collect {\"Is $it prime? ${p(it) ? 'Yes':'No'}\"})\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 59 bytes\nCredit goes to [Geobit's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/57625/46623). I basically just changed it from java to PHP.\n```\nfunction f($n){for($i=2;$i<$n;)$n=$n%$i++<1?:$n;echo $n>1;}\n```\n[Answer]\n# AppleScript, 158 Bytes\nNote that the special case for 1 adds a full *20 bytes*.\n```\nset x to(display dialog\"\"default answer\"\")'s text returned's words as number\nrepeat with i from 2 to x/2\nif x mod i=0 then return 0\nend\nif x=1 then return 0\n1\n```\nIf this program ever returns 0, it won't get to the final statement, which returns 1. Therefore, truthy is 1, falsey is 0.\n[Answer]\n# [Microscript II](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Microscript_II), 2 bytes\n```\nN;\n```\nUnlike the original Microscript, Microscript II provides a builtin for primality testing.\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, ~~48~~ 47 bytes\n```\n<number prime?\n```\n[Answer]\n## Pyth, 2 bytes\n```\nP_\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=P_&input=7&debug=0)\nPyth now has implicit input!\n[Answer]\n# Molecule, 3 bytes\n```\nInp\n```\nExplanation:\n```\nInp\nI read input\n n convert to number\n p primality test\n```\n[Answer]\n## LiveCode 8, 708 bytes\n```\non mouseUp\n ask \"\"\n put p(it) into field \"a\"\nend mouseUp\nfunction p n\n if n is 1 then return false\n repeat with i=2 to n-1\n if n mod i is 0 then return false\n end repeat\n return true\nend p\n \n```\nThis code can be placed inside any button. It will print `true` or `false` to a field named `a`. It should work for small-ish integers, but will probably freeze/crash on anything too large. Byte count is size of saved LiveCode stack with one button and one field and with this code in the button.\n[Answer]\n# [Unipants' Golfing Language](https://github.com/schas002/Unipants-Golfing-Language), ~~53~~ 47 bytes\n```\ni$cu^d^-l_u^^/%cu%?%d%:_?coc$d$$:__^d^-:_u?cuo:\n```\n[Try it online!](http://schas002.github.io/Unipants-Golfing-Language/?code=aSQKY3UgIzYgMQpeZF4tbCAjd2hpbGUgbm90IGVxdWFsCl8gIzYgMQp1ICM2IDIKXl4vJSAjNiAyIDMgMApjdSU_JWQlOl8gIzYgMiAzICJ0cnVlIgo_Y29jJGQkJDogI3ByaW50IGZhbHNlOyByZXR1cm4gLTEKX18gI2Vsc2U6IDYgMgpeZF4tOl8gI3doaWxlIG5vdCBlcXVhbAp1PyAjaWYgc3RhY2sucG9wKCkgIT0gLTE6CmN1bzogI3ByaW50IHRydWU&input=NDM)\n(It has been implemented as a standard example in the interpreter.)\n[Answer]\n# [Fith](https://github.com/nazek42/fith), 30 bytes\n```\n*math* load line >int prime? .\n```\nThis language isn't great for golfing... \nThis uses the `prime?` function in the `*math*` library. Here's a version using only builtins, which is pretty much what the library function does:\n```\nline >int -> x 2 x range { x swap mod } map all .\n```\nExplanation:\n```\nline \\ line of input\n>int \\ cast to int\n-> x \\ set x to the top of the stack\n2 x \\ push 2, then x\nrange \\ range from [2, x)\n{ x swap mod } \\ anonymous function which calculates x mod its argument\nmap \\ map that function onto the generated range\nall \\ return 1 if everything in the list is Boolean true, else 0\n. \\ print the top of the stack\n```\nYou may be able to tell that this language is just a *little* bit inspired by Forth. It also takes cues from PostScript, Python, and functional programming.\n[Answer]\n## C, 54 bytes\n```\ni;main(j){for(scanf(\"%d\",&i);i%++j;);putchar(49^j+>+<<]++>[-<->]+<[>-<,]>[->+<]>[[->>>+<<<]>>>[->>>+<<<<<<+>>>]>>>-]<<<<<<+[<<<<<<]>>>>>>[-<+>]++[<[->>>+<<<]>>>[->>>+<<<<<<+>>>]>>>>][[->-[>+>>]>[+[-<+>]>+>>]<<<<<]<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>[>]>[<+>,]+<[>-<-]>.\n```\n[Answer]\n## [RPN](https://github.com/ConceptJunkie/rpn), 16 bytes\n```\nlambda x isprime\n```\nThis define a function checking the primality of it's argument.\nCall like this:\n```\n lambda x isprime eval\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Nim](http://nim-lang.org), ~~70~~ 56 bytes\n```\nimport os,math\nlet x=1.paramStr.len\necho fac(x-1)^2mod x\n```\nUses [Wilson's theorem](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilson's_theorem); that is, `x` is prime if `(x - 1)!\u00b2 mod x` is 1.\nTakes input in unary (any character) via the first command-line argument. Outputs 1 if the input is prime, and 0 otherwise. To test:\n```\n$ nim c prime.nim\n$ ./prime 11111111\n0\n$ ./prime 1111111\n1\n$ ./prime 1\n0\n```\nNote that according to the [Nim `os` docs](http://nim-lang.org/docs/os.html#paramStr,int), this solution will not work on POSIX as `paramStr` isn't available for some reason.\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~70~~ 65 bytes\n```\nfor($i=2;$i<$n=$argv[1];$i++)if(is_int($n/$i)?1:0){echo 0;break;}\n```\nEmpty output if the number is prime, print `0` if the number is not prime.\nNot very original or best answer, but this is it...\n[Test online](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/16aede2248614de9af496bf9721655af46e3f413)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThis is my first challenge, so I'm keeping it fairly simple.\nIf you've ever typed `telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl` on your command line and pressed enter, you will have experienced the joy of asciimation. Asciimation is, quite simply, doing an animation with ascii art. Today we will be doing a very basic asciimation of a person doing jumping jacks.\nThere will be two ascii pictures that we will put together into one asciimation.\nNumber 1:\n```\n_o_\n 0\n/ \\\n```\nNumber 2:\n```\n\\o/\n_0_\n\n```\nNote that the second one has a blank line at the end.\nSo your program should do these steps:\n1. Clear the console screen.\n2. Print the correct ascii art image.\n3. Set a flag or something so you know to do the other image next time.\n4. Wait a moment (about a second).\n5. Continue at 1.\n# Rules\n* Your program must be a (theoretically) infinite loop.\n* The programming language you use must have been created before this challange was posted.\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so shortest code in bytes wins.\n* Standard loopholes apply.\nEnjoy!\n \n[Answer]\n# CJam, ~~51~~ ~~45~~ ~~42~~ ~~38~~ 36 bytes\n```\n\"c\\o/\n_0_\"\"^[c_o_\n 0\n/ \\^[\"{_o\\6e4m!}g\n```\nThe above uses caret notation; the sequence `^[` is actually the ASCII character with code point 27.\nI've borrowed the escape sequence (`^[c`) from [@DomHastings' answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/57138) ([with his permission](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/57120/asciimation-jumping-jacks/57138?noredirect=1#comment137801_57138)) to save 4 bytes.\n### Verification\nYou can recreate the file like this:\n```\nbase64 -d > jj.cjam <<< ImNcby8KXzBfIiIbY19vXwogMAovIFwbIntfb1w2ZTRtIX1n\n```\nTo run the code, download the [CJam interpreter](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam/wiki/Home/) and execute this:\n```\njava -jar cjam-0.6.5.jar jj.cjam\n```\nThis will work on any terminal that supports [console\\_codes](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/console_codes.4.html) or an appropriate subset.1\n### How it works\n```\ne# Push both jumping jacks on the stack.\n\"c\\o/\n_0_\"\n\"^[c_o_\n 0\n/ \\^[\"\ne# When chained together, they contain two occurrences of the string \"\\ec\",\ne# which resets the terminal. Encoding the ESC byte in the second string\ne# eliminates the need two escape a backslash before the string terminator.\n{ e# Do:\n _o e# Copy the jumping jack on top of the stack and print the copy.\n \\ e# Swap the order of the jumping jacks.\n 6e4m! e# Calculate the factorial of 60,000 and discard the result.\n e# This takes \"about a second\".\n}g e# Since the discarded factorial was non-zero, repeat the loop.\n```\n---\n1 The jumping jacks will look better if you hide the terminal's cursor before running the program. In Konsole, e.g., you can set the cursor's color to match the background color. This has to be done via your terminal's settings, since `^[c` resets the terminal.\n[Answer]\n# Pyth - ~~41~~ ~~40~~ 39 bytes\n```\n.VZ\"\\x1b[H\\x1b[J\"@c\"_o_\n 0\n/ \\\\\\o/\n_0_\"Tb .p9\n```\n(I'm counting the `\\x1b`'s as one byte since SO destroys special characters).\nClearly doesn't work online since its a) an infinite loop and b) uses terminal escape codes.\n```\n# Infinite loop\n \"...\" Print escape sequences to clear screen\n @ Modular indexing\n c T Chop at index ten into the constituent frames\n \"...\" Frames 1 & 2 concatenated (Pyth allows literal newlines in strings)\n ~ Post assign. This is an assign that returns the old value.\n h Increment function. Putting it after an assign makes it augmented assign.\n Z Variable auto-initialized to zero.\n .p9 Permutations(range(9), 9). Takes about a second on my machine.\n```\nI was surprised to find out that augmented-assign worked with post-assign. Pyth is awesome.\n[Answer]\n# QBasic, ~~58~~ 54 bytes\nTested on [QB64](http://www.qb64.net) and at [Archive.org](https://archive.org/details/msdos_qbasic_megapack).\n```\nCLS\n?\"_o_\n?0\n?\"/ \\\nSLEEP 1\nCLS\n?\"\\o/\n?\"_0_\nSLEEP 1\nRUN\n```\nThe right language for the problem can be surprisingly competitive, even if it is usually verbose. The `?` shortcut for `PRINT` helps too, of course. `CLS` is **cl**ear **s**creen; `RUN` without arguments restarts the program, which is the shortest way to get an infinite loop.\nThe only other trick here is printing `0` for the midsection of the first picture. QBasic puts a space in front of (and after) nonnegative numeric values when it prints them, resulting in `0` . Saved 2 characters over `\" 0`.\nI may also point out that the delay in this code is *literally a second*, and is not machine-dependent. ;^P\n[Answer]\n# Perl *(\\*nix)*, 54 bytes\n```\nsleep print\"\\x1bc\",$-++%2?'\\o/\n_0_\n':'_o_\n 0\n/ \\\n'while 1\n```\n(`\\x1b` is counted as 1 byte but escaped for easier testing.) The above has been tested with Bash and shortened by another byte thanks to [@Dennis](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/12012/dennis)!\n# Perl *(Windows)*, 56 bytes\n```\nsleep print\"\\x1b[2J\",$-++%2?'\\o/\n_0_\n':'_o_\n 0\n/ \\\n'while 1\n```\nThanks to [@Jarmex](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/u/26977) for his testing and advice!\n[Answer]\n# Javascript (ES6), ~~109~~ ~~93~~ ~~79~~ 70 bytes + HTML, ~~12~~ 10 bytes = ~~120~~ ~~106~~ ~~91~~ 80 bytes\nFairly straightforward. Uses template strings to store the images, and toggles a boolean value to determine which to use.\n**NOTE:** This solution may not be valid, as it does not actually use a console. However, I don't believe it's possible to clear a browser console using JS, at least not while using Firefox.\n```\na=!1,setInterval(_=>O.innerHTML=(a=!a)?`_o_ \n 0\n/ \\\\`:`\\\\o/ \n_0_`,1e3)\n```\n```\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n# Bash, ~~86~~ 84 bytes\n```\nwhile sleep 1;do printf \"\\e[2J_o_\\n 0\\n/ \\\\\";sleep 1;printf \"\\r\\e[2J\\o/\\n_0_\\n\";done\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Dash](https://wiki.debian.org/Shell), 67 bytes\nAlso `bash`, `ksh`, `zsh`, `ash`, `yash` and probably many more besides. While it apparently works in these other shells, their own features and idiosyncrasies may allow for further golfing. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.\nNotably **not** `fish` or `tcsh`.\n```\nf(){ clear;echo \"$1\";sleep 1;f \"$2\" \"$1\";};f '_o_\n 0\n/ \\' '\\o/\n_0_'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0kszvj/P01Ds1ohOSc1scg6NTkjX0FJxVDJujgnNbVAwdA6Dcg1UoKI1QJ56vH58VwKBlz6CjHqCuox@fpc8Qbx6v//AwA \"Dash \u2013 Try It Online\") (with STDERR issue -- see **Caveats**)\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0kszvifWlGQX1SiEOIa5GtbVmJoYPA/TUOzWiE5JzWxyDo1OSNfQUnFUMm6OCc1tUDB0DoNyDVSgojVAnnq8fnxXAoGXPoKMeoK6jH5@lzxBvHq//8DAA \"Dash \u2013 Try It Online\") (with visible escape codes issue -- see **Caveats**)\n# How it works\nHopefully fairly self explanatory, even so:\nSet up a function `f` which\n* Clears screen\n* Prints contents of `$1`\n* Sleeps 1 second\n* Calls `f` passing `$1` and `$2` in reverse order. This means the next iteration will display the \"other\" glyph before flipping them again... and so on.\nOutside of the function is the initial call to `f` with literal depictions of the two character glyphs as two arguments.\n# Caveats\nTIO's terminal implementation doesn't handle the `clear` well -- produces an error to STDOUT. If you add `export TERM=vt100` as a header the error stops and it displays the literal escape string. This is a feature/limitation of TIO, not an issue with my submission. I've included links to both for reference.\nCode should work as intended in a \"proper\" terminal.\nThe recursion will eventually cause it to fail. Tried a soak test with `sleep 0` in a Docker container and it threw a Segmentation Fault within a minute. Adding a trivial counter, which may or may not have quantum implications, it managed ~15000 iterations in my environment. So like 4 hours with the `sleep` -- and who's going to watch it **that** long? :-)\nBut I'd still argue that this complies with \"theoretically\" infinite, because it could go forever if it had \"theoretically\" infinite resources. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 99 bytes\nRuns on Windows\n```\nimport os,time\ng=0\nwhile 1:os.system(\"cls\");print[\"\\\\o/\\n_0_\",\"_o_\\n 0 \\n/ \\\\\"][g];time.sleep(1);g=~g\n```\nFor UNIX machines, add two bytes:\n```\nimport os,time\ng=0\nwhile 1:os.system(\"clear\");print[\"\\\\o/\\n_0_\",\"_o_\\n 0 \\n/ \\\\\"][g];time.sleep(1);g=~g\n```\n[Answer]\n# awk - 95 92 86 84 83\n```\nEND{\n    for(;++j;)\n        system(\"clear;printf '\"(j%2?\"_o_\\n 0\\n/ \\\\\":\"\\\\o/\\n_0_\")\"';sleep 1\")\n}\n```\nNice workout :D Just wondered if this was doable. No prices to gain though... ;)\nIf someone wants to test this: after you run the program you have to press Ctrl+D (end of input) to actually start the END block. To terminate it I have to use Ctrl+Z.\nI also have this, which is only 74 bytes, but it starts with pausing a second which isn't the wanted behaviour I think\n```\nEND{\n    for(;1;print++j%2?\"_o_\\n 0\\n/ \\\\\":\"\\\\o/\\n_0_\")\n        system(\"sleep 1;clear\")\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Batch - 82 bytes\nEdit: Muted the timeout command and removed the extra newline.\n```\ncls&echo _o_&echo  0&echo / \\&timeout>nul 1&cls&echo \\o/&echo _0_&timeout>nul 1&%0\n```\nI've seen 2 other similar batch answers so I didn't really want to post this, but this is my first ever golf.\n[Answer]\n# BBC BASIC, 75 bytes\nNote that tokenisation pulls it down to 75 bytes. The whitespace is added in by the IDE.\n```\n      g=0\n   10 IFg=0THENPRINT\"\\o/\":PRINT\"_0_\"ELSEPRINT\"_o_\":PRINT\" 0 \":PRINT\"/ \\\"\n      g=1-g:WAIT 100CLS:GOTO10\n```\n[![Properties showing program size](https://i.stack.imgur.com/UIoh2.jpg)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/UIoh2.jpg)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript ES6, ~~100~~ 95 bytes\n```\n(f=_=>{console.log(_?`_o_\n 0\n/ \\\\`:`\\\\o/\n_0_`)\n(b=setTimeout)(q=>(clear(),b(b=>f(!_))),1e3)})()\n```\nLogs to the console. Tested on Safari Nightly\n[Answer]\n# Batch, ~~151~~ ~~130~~ 118 bytes\n```\ncls\n@echo _o_\n@echo  0\n@echo / \\\n@PING -n 2>NUL\ncls\n@echo \\o/\n@echo _0_\n@PING -n 2>NUL\n%0\n```\n[Answer]\n# CBM 64 BASIC V2, ~~121~~ ~~119~~ ~~112~~ 117 bytes\n```\n2?CHR$(147)+\"\\o/\":?\" 0\":?\"/ \\\"\n3GOSUB7\n4?CHR$(147)+\"_o_\":?\"_0_\"\n5GOSUB7\n6RUN\n7A=TI\n8IFTI-A<60THENGOTO8\n9RETURN\n```\n[Answer]\n# Julia, 70 bytes\n(on **Windows**, by replacing `clear` with `cls`, thanks to undergroundmonorail)\n```\nn(i=1)=(sleep(1);run(`cls`);print(i>0?\"_o_\n 0\n/ \\\\\":\"\\\\o/\n_0_\");n(-i))\n```\n### On Linux, 72 bytes\n```\nn(i=1)=(sleep(1);run(`clear`);print(i>0?\"_o_\n 0\n/ \\\\\":\"\\\\o/\n_0_\");n(-i))\n```\nThis uses actual newlines rather than `\\n` to save a byte; otherwise, the `i` is either 1 or -1 as the \"flag\", and it uses recursion to achieve the infinite loop. Call it as either `n(1)` or just `n()`.\nAlso, `run(`clear`)`/`run(`cls`)` uses a shell command to clear the window, because Julia doesn't have a built-in window-clear command.\n[Answer]\n# Windows Batch, 83 ~~89~~\n**Edit** removed the empty line after the clarification by OP\n```\n@cls&echo _o_&echo  0&echo./ \\&timeout>nul 1&cls&echo \\o/&echo _0_&timeout>nul 1&%0\n```\n~~If you get rid of the empty line in the jumping man (that cannot be seen anyway), the score is 83~~\nNote: `timeout` is not present in Windows XP. It works in Vista or newer versions. Moreover `timeout` is not precise to the second, so it's a perfect choice to implement step 4 (Wait a moment (*about a second*))\n[Answer]\n# Javascript (ES6), 82 bytes\nA modification of my [previous answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/57123/42545) that uses the console. Works partially in Firefox, but only clears the console in Chrome, AFAIK.\n```\na=!0,c=console,setInterval(_=>c.log(c.clear(a=!a)|a?`_o_\n 0\n/ \\\\`:`\\\\o/\n_0_`),1e3)\n```\nAs always, suggestions welcome!\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, ~~92~~ ~~91~~ 89 bytes\n```\nx=0;setInterval(function(){console.log(\"\\033c\"+[\"_o_\\n 0\\n/ \\\\\",\"\\\\o/\\n_0_\"][x^=1])},1e3)\n```\n* No ES6 features (but would be significantly shorter with them)\n* Works with Node.js on Linux (don't know about other environments)\n* Partially works in Chrome's console (`c` is shown instead of clearing the console, breaking the output)\nRemoving `\"\\033c\"+` from the above code, the following works in the browser, but doesn't clear the console.\n```\nx=0;setInterval(function(){console.log([\"_o_\\n 0\\n/ \\\\\",\"\\\\o/\\n_0_\"][x^=1])},1e3)\n```\n[Answer]\n# CBM BASIC v2.0 (68 characters)\n```\n0?\"S_o_q||0q||N M\":goS1:?\"SMoN\":?\"_0_\":goS1:gO\n1wA161,255,pE(161):reT\n```\nThe above requires some explanation, since Stack Exchange markup doesn't properly represent PETSCII characters:\n* The program is shown here for convenience in lowercase, but can and should be entered and run in uppercase mode on a Commodore 64.\n* The first and third \"S\" characters are actually in reverse video, and produced by pressing the `CLR` key (`SHIFT`+`HOME`).\n* The \"q\" characters are actually in reverse video, and produced by pressing the down cursor (`CRSR \u21d3`).\n* The \"|\" characters are actually in reverse video, and produced by pressing the left cursor (`SHIFT`+`CRSR \u21d2`).\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic, ~~58~~ 56 bytes\n```\nWhile 1\nClrHome\nIf not(Ans\nDisp \"_o_\",\" 0\",\"/ \\\nIf Ans\nDisp \"\\o/\",\"_0_\"\nnot(Ans\nIf dim(rand(70\nEnd\n```\n-2 bytes for assuming that the code is run on a fresh interpreter.\n[Answer]\n## Ruby, 79 bytes\n```\nk=!0;loop{puts((k)?\"\\e[H\\e[2J_o_\\n 0\\n/ \\\\\":\"\\e[H\\e[2J\\\\o/\\n_0_\");k=!k;sleep 1}\n```\nRequires escape codes.\n[Answer]\n# Forth, 86 bytes\nRequires GNU Forth for the escaped strings. To run in a non-GNU Forth, just change `S\\\"` to `S\"`, and the escaped characters won't print correctly.\n```\n: P PAGE TYPE CR 999 MS ;\n: R BEGIN S\\\" \\\\o/\\n_0_\" P S\\\" _o_\\n 0 \\n/ \\\\\" P 0 UNTIL ; R\n```\n[Answer]\n# [beeswax](http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Beeswax), ~~119~~ 113 bytes\n```\nph0`J2[`}ghq'-g}`o`}N` `0>'d`0 `N`/ \\`0hg>-'phg}`[2`b\ndF1f+5~Zzf(.FP9f..F3_#     d   <\n```\nExplanation of the important parts of the program:\n```\nleft to right  right to left\n3FBf   or       fBF3          27       ASCII code for (esc)\n3             [x,x,3]\u2022        set lstack 1st to 3\n F            [3,3,3]\u2022        set lstack to 1st\n  B           [3,3,27]\u2022       1st=1st^2nd\n   f                          push lstack 1st on gstack\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\n9PF.(f   or    f(.FP9         102400   counter to roughly match a wait time\n                                       of 1 s on my i5 2410M Laptop\n9             [x,x,9]\u2022        set lstack 1st to 9\n P            [x,x,10]\u2022       increment 1st\n  F           [10,10,10]\u2022     set lstack to 1st\n   .          [10,10,100]\u2022    1st=1st*2nd\n    (         [10,10,102400]\u2022 1st=1st<<2nd (100<<10=102400, arithmetic shift left)\n     f                        push lstack 1st on gstack\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\nzZ~5+f   or    f+5~Zz         95       ASCII for '_'\nz             [0,0,0]\u2022        initialize lstack to zero\n Z            [0,0,90]\u2022       get value from relative coordinate (0,0),\n                              which is the location of `Z` itself, ASCII(Z)=90\n  ~           [0,90,0]\u2022       flip 1st and 2nd lstack values\n   5          [0,90,5]\u2022       set lstack 1st to 5 \n    +         [0,90,95]\u2022      1st = 1st+2nd\n     f                        push lstack 1st on gstack\n```\nThe `f`\u2019s push the values on the gstack (global stack) for later use. These values are accessed by the `0gh` (or the mirrored `hg0`) and `hg` (`gh`) instructions. `h` rotates the gstack upwards, `g` reads the top value of gstack and pushes it onto the lstack (local stack) of the bee (instruction pointer).\n```\n}`o`}N` 0 `N`/ \\`                      sequence to print the standing man\nN`\\o/`Ng}`0`}N                         sequence to print the jumping man\n}`[2J`                        equivalent to the ANSI escape sequence (esc)[2J\n                              to clear the screen\n>-'p  or >-'q  or >  p        loop for counting down (wait 1 s)\nd  <      b  <    d'-<\n```\nIn-depth explanation follows later, if needed. Maybe with animation.\n[Answer]\n# [Noodel](https://tkellehe.github.io/noodel/), noncompeting 24 bytes\nNoncompeting because *Noodel* was born after the challenge was created:)\n```\n\u201d\u1e5b|\u1ecdBC\u1e0aCBC\u1e23\u201c\\o/\u00b6_0_\u1e37\u0117\u00e7\u1e0ds\n```\n[Try it:)](https://tkellehe.github.io/noodel/editor.html?code=%E2%80%9D%E1%B9%9B%7C%E1%BB%8DBC%E1%B8%8ACBC%E1%B8%A3%E2%80%9C%5Co%2F%C2%B6_0_%E1%B8%B7%C4%97%C3%A7%E1%B8%8Ds&input=&run=true)\n### How it works\n```\n\u201d\u1e5b|\u1ecdBC\u1e0aCBC\u1e23              # Creates a string that gets decompressed into \"_o_\u00b6\u00a40\u00a4\u00b6/\u00a4\\\" and places it into the pipe.\n           \u201c\\o/\u00b6_0_      # Creates a string and places it into the pipe.\n                   \u1e37     # Unconditionally loop the code up to a new line or end of program.\n                    \u0117    # Takes what is in the front of the pipe and puts it into the back.\n                     \u00e7   # Clears the screen and prints.\n                      \u1e0ds # Delays for one second.\n```\n---\nThere currently is not a version of *Noodel* that supports the syntax used in this challenge. Here is a version that does:\n**24 bytes**\n```\n\\o/\u00b6_0_ _o_\u00b6\u00a40\u00a4\u00b6/\u00a4\\\u1e37\u00e7\u0117\u1e0ds\n```\n```\n
\n\n\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Nim](http://nim-lang.org/), 107 bytes\n```\nimport os,terminal\nvar f=0\nwhile 0<1:eraseScreen();sleep 999;echo [\"_o_\\n 0 \\n/ \\\\\",\"\\\\o/\\n_0_\\n\"][f];f=1-f\n```\nDon't [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcjBCsMgDADQe78ieNqgo/boXL9ix6aIlEgFTUos2@e7vePjXHvP9RS9QNp4kdbMsQyfqJAWO3yPXAjsa36SxkbvXYn4dvetEJ3gnPO0HwKrCRKQwQLyBIhmNIgyIQf7b7OtafNpmR@p9x8 \"Nim \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nYou must evaluate a string written in [Reverse Polish notation](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation) and output the result.\nThe program must accept an input and return the output. For programming languages that do not have functions to receive input/output, you can assume functions like readLine/print.\nYou are not allowed to use any kind of \"eval\" in the program.\nNumbers and operators are separated by one **or more** spaces.\nYou must support at least the +, -, \\* and / operators.\nYou need to add support to negative numbers (for example, `-4` is not the same thing as `0 4 -`) and floating point numbers.\n**You can assume the input is valid and follows the rules above**\n \n## Test Cases\nInput:\n```\n-4 5 +\n```\nOutput:\n```\n1\n```\n---\nInput:\n```\n5 2 /\n```\nOutput:\n```\n2.5\n```\n---\nInput:\n```\n5 2.5 /\n```\nOutput:\n```\n2\n```\n---\nInput:\n```\n5 1 2 + 4 * 3 - +\n```\nOutput:\n```\n14\n```\n---\nInput:\n```\n4 2 5 * + 1 3 2 * + /\n```\nOutput:\n```\n2\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## Ruby - 95 77 characters\n```\na=[]\ngets.split.each{|b|a<<(b=~/\\d/?b.to_f: (j,k=a.pop 2;j.send b,k))}\np a[0]\n```\nTakes input on stdin.\n### Testing code\n```\n[\n \"-4 5 +\",\n \"5 2 /\",\n \"5 2.5 /\",\n \"5 1 2 + 4 * 3 - +\",\n \"4 2 5 * + 1 3 2 * + /\",\n \"12 8 3 * 6 / - 2 + -20.5 \"\n].each do |test|\n puts \"[#{test}] gives #{`echo '#{test}' | ruby golf-polish.rb`}\"\nend\n```\ngives\n```\n[-4 5 +] gives 1.0\n[5 2 /] gives 2.5\n[5 2.5 /] gives 2.0\n[5 1 2 + 4 * 3 - +] gives 14.0\n[4 2 5 * + 1 3 2 * + /] gives 2.0\n[12 8 3 * 6 / - 2 + -20.5 ] gives 10.0\n```\nUnlike the C version this returns the last valid result if there are extra numbers appended to the input it seems.\n[Answer]\n## Python - 124 chars\n```\ns=[1,1]\nfor i in raw_input().split():b,a=map(float,s[:2]);s[:2]=[[a+b],[a-b],[a*b],[a/b],[i,b,a]][\"+-*/\".find(i)]\nprint s[0]\n```\n**Python - 133 chars**\n```\ns=[1,1]\nfor i in raw_input().split():b,a=map(float,s[:2]);s={'+':[a+b],'-':[a-b],'*':[a*b],'/':[a/b]}.get(i,[i,b,a])+s[2:]\nprint s[0]\n```\n[Answer]\n## Scheme, 162 chars\n(Line breaks added for clarity\u2014all are optional.)\n```\n(let l((s'()))(let((t(read)))(cond((number? t)(l`(,t,@s)))((assq t\n`((+,+)(-,-)(*,*)(/,/)))=>(lambda(a)(l`(,((cadr a)(cadr s)(car s))\n,@(cddr s)))))(else(car s)))))\n```\nFully-formatted (ungolfed) version:\n```\n(let loop ((stack '()))\n (let ((token (read)))\n (cond ((number? token) (loop `(,token ,@stack)))\n ((assq token `((+ ,+) (- ,-) (* ,*) (/ ,/)))\n => (lambda (ass) (loop `(,((cadr ass) (cadr stack) (car stack))\n ,@(cddr stack)))))\n (else (car stack)))))\n```\n---\n**Selected commentary**\n``(,foo ,@bar)` is the same as `(cons foo bar)` (i.e., it (effectively\u2020) returns a new list with `foo` prepended to `bar`), except it's one character shorter if you compress all the spaces out.\nThus, you can read the iteration clauses as `(loop (cons token stack))` and `(loop (cons ((cadr ass) (cadr stack) (car stack)) (cddr stack)))` if that's easier on your eyes.\n``((+ ,+) (- ,-) (* ,*) (/ ,/))` creates an association list with the *symbol* `+` paired with the *procedure* `+`, and likewise with the other operators. Thus it's a simple symbol lookup table (bare words are `(read)` in as symbols, which is why no further processing on `token` is necessary). Association lists have O(n) lookup, and thus are only suitable for short lists, as is the case here. :-P\n\u2020 This is not technically accurate, but, for non-Lisp programmers, it gets a right-enough idea across.\n[Answer]\n# MATLAB \u2013 158, 147\n```\nC=strsplit(input('','s'));D=str2double(C);q=[];for i=1:numel(D),if isnan(D(i)),f=str2func(C{i});q=[f(q(2),q(1)) q(3:end)];else q=[D(i) q];end,end,q\n```\n(input is read from user input, output printed out).\n---\nBelow is the code prettified and commented, it pretty much implements the [postfix algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation#Postfix_algorithm) described (with the assumption that expressions are valid):\n```\nC = strsplit(input('','s')); % prompt user for input and split string by spaces\nD = str2double(C); % convert to numbers, non-numeric are set to NaN\nq = []; % initialize stack (array)\nfor i=1:numel(D) % for each value\n if isnan(D(i)) % if it is an operator\n f = str2func(C{i}); % convert op to a function\n q = [f(q(2),q(1)) q(3:end)]; % pop top two values, apply op and push result\n else\n q = [D(i) q]; % else push value on stack\n end\nend\nq % show result\n```\n---\n## Bonus:\nIn the code above, we assume operators are always binary (`+`, `-`, `*`, `/`). We can generalize it by using `nargin(f)` to determine the number of arguments the operand/function requires, and pop the right amount of values from the stack accordingly, as in:\n```\nf = str2func(C{i});\nn = nargin(f);\nargs = num2cell(q(n:-1:1));\nq = [f(args{:}) q(n+1:end)];\n```\nThat way we can evaluate expressions like:\n```\nstr = '6 5 1 2 mean_of_three 1 + 4 * +'\n```\nwhere `mean_of_three` is a user-defined function with three inputs:\n```\nfunction d = mean_of_three(a,b,c)\n d = (a+b+c)/3;\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n## c -- 424 necessary character\n```\n#include \n#include \n#include \n#define O(X) g=o();g=o() X g;u(g);break;\nchar*p=NULL,*b;size_t a,n=0;float g,s[99];float o(){return s[--n];};\nvoid u(float v){s[n++]=v;};int main(){getdelim(&p,&a,EOF,stdin);for(;;){\nb=strsep(&p,\" \\n\\t\");if(3>p-b){if(*b>='0'&&*b<='9')goto n;switch(*b){case 0:\ncase EOF:printf(\"%f\\n\",o());return 0;case'+':O(+)case'-':O(-)case'*':O(*)\ncase'/':O(/)}}else n:u(atof(b));}}\n```\nAssumes that you have a new enough libc to include `getdelim` in stdio.h. The approach is straight ahead, the whole input is read into a buffer, then we tokenize with `strsep` and use length and initial character to determine the class of each. There is no protection against bad input. Feed it \"+ - \\* / + - ...\", and it will happily pop stuff off the memory \"below\" the stack until it seg faults. All non-operators are interpreted as floats by `atof` which means zero value if they don't look like numbers.\n**Readable and commented:**\n```\n#include \n#include \n#include \nchar *p=NULL,*b;\nsize_t a,n=0;\nfloat g,s[99];\nfloat o(){ /* pOp */\n //printf(\"\\tpoping '%f'\\n\",s[n-1]);\n return s[--n];\n};\nvoid u(float v){ /* pUsh */\n //printf(\"\\tpushing '%f'\\n\",v);\n s[n++]=v;\n};\nint main(){\n getdelim(&p,&a,EOF,stdin); /* get all the input */\n for(;;){\n b=strsep(&p,\" \\n\\t\"); /* now *b though *(p-1) is a token and p\n points at the rest of the input */\n if(3>p-b){\n if (*b>='0'&&*b<='9') goto n;\n //printf(\"Got 1 char token '%c'\\n\",*b);\n switch (*b) {\n case 0:\n case EOF: printf(\"%f\\n\",o()); return 0;\n case '+': g=o(); g=o()+g; u(g); break;\n case '-': g=o(); g=o()-g; u(g); break;\n case '*': g=o(); g=o()*g; u(g); break;\n case '/': g=o(); g=o()/g; u(g); break;\n /* all other cases viciously ignored */\n } \n } else { n:\n //printf(\"Got token '%s' (%f)\\n\",b,atof(b));\n u(atof(b));\n }\n }\n}\n```\n**Validation:**\n```\n $ gcc -c99 rpn_golf.c \n $ wc rpn_golf.c\n 9 34 433 rpn_golf.c\n $ echo -4 5 + | ./a.out\n1.000000\n $ echo 5 2 / | ./a.out\n2.500000\n $ echo 5 2.5 / | ./a.out\n2.000000\n```\nHeh! Gotta quote anything with `*` in it...\n```\n $ echo \"5 1 2 + 4 * 3 - +\" | ./a.out\n14.000000\n $ echo \"4 2 5 * + 1 3 2 * + /\" | ./a.out\n2.000000\n```\nand my own test case\n```\n $ echo \"12 8 3 * 6 / - 2 + -20.5 \" | ./a.out\n-20.500000\n```\n[Answer]\n## Haskell (155)\n```\nf#(a:b:c)=b`f`a:c\n(s:_)![]=print s\ns!(\"+\":v)=(+)#s!v\ns!(\"-\":v)=(-)#s!v\ns!(\"*\":v)=(*)#s!v\ns!(\"/\":v)=(/)#s!v\ns!(n:v)=(read n:s)!v\nmain=getLine>>=([]!).words\n```\n[Answer]\n## Perl (134)\n```\n@a=split/\\s/,<>;/\\d/?push@s,$_:($x=pop@s,$y=pop@s,push@s,('+'eq$_?$x+$y:'-'eq$_?$y-$x:'*'eq$_?$x*$y:'/'eq$_?$y/$x:0))for@a;print pop@s\n```\nNext time, I'm going to use the recursive regexp thing.\nUngolfed:\n```\n@a = split /\\s/, <>;\nfor (@a) {\n /\\d/\n ? (push @s, $_)\n : ( $x = pop @s,\n $y = pop @s,\n push @s , ( '+' eq $_ ? $x + $y\n : '-' eq $_ ? $y - $x\n : '*' eq $_ ? $x * $y\n : '/' eq $_ ? $y / $x\n : 0 )\n )\n}\nprint(pop @s);\n```\nI though F# is my only dream programming language...\n[Answer]\n### Windows PowerShell, 152 ~~181~~ ~~192~~\nIn readable form, because by now it's only two lines with no chance of breaking them up:\n```\n$s=@()\nswitch -r(-split$input){\n '\\+' {$s[1]+=$s[0]}\n '-' {$s[1]-=$s[0]}\n '\\*' {$s[1]*=$s[0]}\n '/' {$s[1]/=$s[0]}\n '-?[\\d.]+' {$s=0,+$_+$s}\n '.' {$s=$s[1..($s.count)]}}\n$s\n```\n**2010-01-30 11:07** (192) \u2013 First attempt.\n**2010-01-30 11:09** (170) \u2013 Turning the function into a scriptblock solves the scope issues. Just makes each invocation two bytes longer.\n**2010-01-30 11:19** (188) \u2013 Didn't solve the scope issue, the test case just masked it. Removed the index from the final output and removed a superfluous line break, though. And changed double to `float`.\n**2010-01-30 11:19** (181) \u2013 Can't even remember my own advice. Casting to a numeric type can be done in a single char.\n**2010-01-30 11:39** (152) \u2013 Greatly reduced by using regex matching in the `switch`. Completely solves the previous scope issues with accessing the stack to pop it.\n[Answer]\n**[Racket](http://racket-lang.org) 131:**\n```\n(let l((s 0))(define t(read))(cond[(real? t)\n(l`(,t,@s))][(memq t'(+ - * /))(l`(,((eval t)(cadr s)\n(car s)),@(cddr s)))][0(car s)]))\n```\nLine breaks optional.\nBased on Chris Jester-Young's solution for Scheme.\n[Answer]\n## Python, 166 characters\n```\nimport os,operator as o\nS=[]\nfor i in os.read(0,99).split():\n try:S=[float(i)]+S\n except:S=[{'+':o.add,'-':o.sub,'/':o.div,'*':o.mul}[i](S[1],S[0])]+S[2:]\nprint S[0]\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 119 bytes\n```\ns=[]\nfor x in input().split():\n try:s+=float(x),\n except:o='-*+'.find(x);*s,a,b=s;s+=(a+b*~-o,a*b**o)[o%2],\nprint(s[0])\n```\nInput: `5 1 1 - -7 0 * + - 2 /`\nOutput: `2.5`\n(You can find a 128-character Python 2 version in the edit history.)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (157)\nThis code assumes there are these two functions: readLine and print\n```\na=readLine().split(/ +/g);s=[];for(i in a){v=a[i];if(isNaN(+v)){f=s.pop();p=s.pop();s.push([p+f,p-f,p*f,p/f]['+-*/'.indexOf(v)])}else{s.push(+v)}}print(s[0])\n```\n[Answer]\n## Perl, 128\nThis isn't really competitive next to the other Perl answer, but explores a different (suboptimal) path.\n```\nperl -plE '@_=split\" \";$_=$_[$i],/\\d||\ndo{($a,$b)=splice@_,$i-=2,2;$_[$i--]=\n\"+\"eq$_?$a+$b:\"-\"eq$_?$a-$b:\"*\"eq$_?\n$a*$b:$a/$b;}while++$i<@_'\n```\nCharacters counted as diff to a simple `perl -e ''` invocation.\n[Answer]\n# flex - 157\n```\n%{\nfloat b[100],*s=b;\n#define O(o) s--;*(s-1)=*(s-1)o*s;\n%}\n%%\n-?[0-9.]+ *s++=strtof(yytext,0);\n\\+ O(+)\n- O(-)\n\\* O(*)\n\\/ O(/)\n\\n printf(\"%g\\n\",*--s);\n.\n%%\n```\nIf you aren't familiar, compile with `flex rpn.l && gcc -lfl lex.yy.c`\n[Answer]\nPython, 161 characters:\n```\nfrom operator import*;s=[];i=raw_input().split(' ')\nq=\"*+-/\";o=[mul,add,0,sub,0,div]\nfor c in i:\n if c in q:s=[o[ord(c)-42](*s[1::-1])]+s \n else:s=[float(c)]+s\nprint(s[0])\n```\n[Answer]\n## PHP, ~~439~~ ~~265~~ ~~263~~ ~~262~~ ~~244~~ 240 characters\n```\n\n**Ungolfed, ~~314~~ ~~330~~ 326 characters**\n```\n\n#define b *p>47|*(p+1)>47\nchar*p;float a(float m){float n=strtof(p,&p);b?n=a(n):0;for(;*++p==32;);m=*p%43?*p%45?*p%42?m/n:m*n:m-n:m+n;return*++p&&b?a(m):m;}main(c,v)char**v;{printf(\"%f\\n\",a(strtof(v[1],&p)));}\n```\n## Ungolfed:\n```\n#include \n/* Detect if next char in buffer is a number */\n#define b *p > 47 | *(p+1) > 47\nchar*p; /* the buffer */\nfloat a(float m)\n{\n float n = strtof(p, &p); /* parse the next number */\n /* if the next thing is another number, recursively evaluate */\n b ? n = a(n) : 0;\n for(;*++p==32;); /* skip spaces */\n /* Perform the arithmetic operation */\n m = *p%'+' ? *p%'-' ? *p%'*' ? m/n : m*n : m-n : m+n;\n /* If there's more stuff, recursively parse that, otherwise return the current computed value */\n return *++p && b ? a(m) : m;\n}\nint main(int c, char **v)\n{\n printf(\"%f\\n\", a(strtof(v[1], &p)));\n}\n```\n## Test Cases:\n```\n$ ./a.out \"-4 5 +\"\n1.000000\n$ ./a.out \"5 2 /\"\n2.500000\n$ ./a.out \"5 2.5 /\"\n2.000000\n$ ./a.out \"5 1 2 + 4 * 3 - +\"\n14.000000\n$ ./a.out \"4 2 5 * + 1 3 2 * + /\"\n2.000000\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript ES7, 119 bytes\nI'm getting a bug with array comprehensions so I've used `.map`\n```\n(s,t=[])=>(s.split` `.map(i=>+i?t.unshift(+i):t.unshift((r=t.pop(),o=t.pop(),[r+o,r-o,r*o,r/o]['+-*/'.indexOf(i)]))),t)\n```\n[Try it online at ESFiddle](http://server.vihan.ml/p/esfiddle/?code=f%3D(s%2Ct%3D%5B%5D)%3D%3E(s.split%60%20%60.map(i%3D%3E%2Bi%3Ft.unshift(%2Bi)%3At.unshift((r%3Dt.pop()%2Co%3Dt.pop()%2C%5Br%2Bo%2Cr-o%2Cr*o%2Cr%2Fo%5D%5B'%2B-*%2F'.indexOf(i)%5D)))%2Ct)%3B%0A%0Af(%2211%203%20%2B%22))\n[Answer]\n# C 153\nSometimes a program can be made a bit shorter with more golfing and sometimes you just take completely the wrong route and the much better version is found by someone else.\n**Thanks to @ceilingcat for finding a much better (and shorter) version**\n```\ndouble atof(),s[99],*p=s;y,z;main(c,v)char**v;{for(;--c;*p=z?z-2?~z?z-4?p+=2,atof(*v):*p/y:*p*y:*p-y:*p+y)z=1[*++v]?9:**v-43,y=*p--;printf(\"%f\\n\",s[1]);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HY7RCoIwGIVfJYRg@7chml3oGHsQ88JWK6F0qA1m1Kv/bd1858A5HI4RN2MQL9Pr/Lju@nWyhPKlreuOg1OLDHyTz34YieGemns/A3j5ttNMpBBGxs6mN1Hqb5JKO6ZK/l8BTxtweYiABJHAAt1U0QJjvtN1E7dEdeBBxVhINw/jakm2t6cxix@KjsoPIlZY4hEBGRZ4iD65/Ac \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nMy original version:\n```\n#include \n#define O(x):--d;s[d]=s[d]x s[d+1];break;\nfloat s[99];main(c,v)char**v;{for(int i=1,d=0;i) by compiling like this:\n```\ngcc -std=c99 x.c C:\\Applications\\mingw32\\i686-w64-mingw32\\lib\\CRT_noglob.o\n```\nIf you don't \\* is automatically expanded by the mingw32 CRT into filenames.\n[Answer]\n## PHP - 259 characters\n```\n$n=explode(\" \",$_POST[\"i\"]);$s=array();for($i=0;$i0?array_merge($s,!$p?array($b,$a,$c):array($p)):$s){if($c=$n[$i++]){$d=1;$a=array_pop($s);$b=array_pop($s);$p=$c==\"+\"?$b+$a:($c==\"-\"?$b-$a:($c==\"*\"?$b*$a:($c==\"/\"?$b/$a:false)));}}echo$s[2];\n```\nAssuming input in POST variable *i*.\n[Answer]\n## C# - 392 characters\n```\nnamespace System.Collections.Generic{class P{static void Main(){var i=Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');var k=new Stack();float o;foreach(var s in i)switch (s){case \"+\":k.Push(k.Pop()+k.Pop());break;case \"-\":o=k.Pop();k.Push(k.Pop()-o);break;case \"*\":k.Push(k.Pop()*k.Pop());break;case \"/\":o=k.Pop();k.Push(k.Pop()/o);break;default:k.Push(float.Parse(s));break;}Console.Write(k.Pop());}}}\n```\nHowever, if arguments can be used instead of standard input, we can bring it down to\n## C# - 366 characters\n```\nnamespace System.Collections.Generic{class P{static void Main(string[] i){var k=new Stack();float o;foreach(var s in i)switch (s){case \"+\":k.Push(k.Pop()+k.Pop());break;case \"-\":o=k.Pop();k.Push(k.Pop()-o);break;case \"*\":k.Push(k.Pop()*k.Pop());break;case \"/\":o=k.Pop();k.Push(k.Pop()/o);break;default:k.Push(float.Parse(s));break;}Console.Write(k.Pop());}}}\n```\n[Answer]\n### Scala 412 376 349 335 312:\n```\nobject P extends App{\ndef p(t:List[String],u:List[Double]):Double={\ndef a=u drop 2\nt match{\ncase Nil=>u.head\ncase x::y=>x match{\ncase\"+\"=>p(y,u(1)+u(0)::a)\ncase\"-\"=>p(y,u(1)-u(0)::a)\ncase\"*\"=>p(y,u(1)*u(0)::a)\ncase\"/\"=>p(y,u(1)/u(0)::a)\ncase d=>p(y,d.toDouble::u)}}}\nprintln(p((readLine()split \" \").toList,Nil))}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python - 206\n```\nimport sys;i=sys.argv[1].split();s=[];a=s.append;b=s.pop\nfor t in i:\n if t==\"+\":a(b()+b())\n elif t==\"-\":m=b();a(b()-m)\n elif t==\"*\":a(b()*b())\n elif t==\"/\":m=b();a(b()/m)\n else:a(float(t))\nprint(b())\n```\nUngolfed version:\n```\n# RPN\nimport sys\ninput = sys.argv[1].split()\nstack = []\n# Eval postfix notation\nfor tkn in input:\n if tkn == \"+\":\n stack.append(stack.pop() + stack.pop())\n elif tkn == \"-\":\n tmp = stack.pop()\n stack.append(stack.pop() - tmp)\n elif tkn == \"*\":\n stack.append(stack.pop() * stack.pop())\n elif tkn == \"/\":\n tmp = stack.pop()\n stack.append(stack.pop()/tmp)\n else:\n stack.append(float(tkn))\nprint(stack.pop())\n```\nInput from command-line argument; output on standard output.\n[Answer]\n# ECMAScript 6 (131)\nJust typed together in a few seconds, so it can probably be golfed further or maybe even approached better. I might revisit it tomorrow:\n```\nf=s=>(p=[],s.split(/\\s+/).forEach(t=>+t==t?p.push(t):(b=+p.pop(),a=+p.pop(),p.push(t=='+'?a+b:t=='-'?a-b:t=='*'?a*b:a/b))),p.pop())\n```\n[Answer]\n## C# - 323 284 241\n```\nclass P{static void Main(string[] i){int x=0;var a=new float[i.Length];foreach(var s in i){var o=\"+-*/\".IndexOf(s);if(o>-1){float y=a[--x],z=a[--x];a[x++]=o>3?z/y:o>2?z*y:o>1?z-y:y+z;}else a[x++]=float.Parse(s);}System.Console.Write(a[0]);}}\n```\nEdit: Replacing the Stack with an Array is way shorter\nEdit2: Replaced the ifs with a ternary expression\n[Answer]\n# Python 2\nI've tried out some different approaches to the ones published so far. None of these is quite as short as the best Python solutions, but they might still be interesting to some of you.\n## Using recursion, 146\n```\ndef f(s):\n try:x=s.pop();r=float(x)\n except:b,s=f(s);a,s=f(s);r=[a+b,a-b,a*b,b and a/b]['+-*'.find(x)]\n return r,s\nprint f(raw_input().split())[0]\n```\n## Using list manipulation, 149\n```\ns=raw_input().split()\ni=0\nwhile s[1:]:\n o='+-*/'.find(s[i])\n if~o:i-=2;a,b=map(float,s[i:i+2]);s[i:i+3]=[[a+b,a-b,a*b,b and a/b][o]]\n i+=1\nprint s[0]\n```\n## Using `reduce()`, 145\n```\nprint reduce(lambda s,x:x in'+-*/'and[(lambda b,a:[a+b,a-b,a*b,b and a/b])(*s[:2])['+-*'.find(x)]]+s[2:]or[float(x)]+s,raw_input().split(),[])[0]\n```\n[Answer]\n## Matlab, 228\n```\nF='+-/*';f={@plus,@minus,@rdivide,@times};t=strsplit(input('','s'),' ');i=str2double(t);j=~isnan(i);t(j)=num2cell(i(j));while numel(t)>1\nn=find(cellfun(@(x)isstr(x),t),1);t{n}=bsxfun(f{t{n}==F},t{n-2:n-1});t(n-2:n-1)=[];end\nt{1}\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nF = '+-/*'; %// possible operators\nf = {@plus,@minus,@rdivide,@times}; %// to be used with bsxfun\nt = strsplit(input('','s'),' '); %// input string and split by one or multiple spaces\ni = str2double(t); %// convert each split string to number\nj =~ isnan(i); %// these were operators, not numbers ...\nt(j) = num2cell(i(j)); %// ... so restore them\nwhile numel(t)>1\n n = find(cellfun(@(x)isstr(x),t),1); %// find left-most operator\n t{n} = bsxfun(f{t{n}==F}, t{n-2:n-1}); %// apply it to preceding numbers and replace\n t(n-2:n-1)=[]; %// remove used numbers\nend\nt{1} %// display result\n```\n[Answer]\n# K5, 70 bytes\n```\n`0:*{$[-9=@*x;((*(+;-;*;%)@\"+-*/\"?y).-2#x;x,.y)@47 1 Qupu\n32 => 11 Blinkorp\n62 => 24 Paas\n77 => 15 Karpasus\n80 => Floopdoor\n99 => 19 Dumaflop\n128 => 20 Lindilo\n207 => 67 Fwup\n```\n## Rules\n* You must write a complete program.\n* You can assume that the input is always valid.\n* Your output may have a trailing newline but must otherwise be free of any extra characters. The case should also match the provided examples.\n* You may use date/time functions.\n* Code length is to be measured in bytes.\n \n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~159~~ ~~156~~ ~~152~~ ~~151~~ ~~150~~ 148 bytes\n```\nn=int(input())+1\nfor c,x in zip(b\" C\",\"Qupu Blinkorp Paas Karpasus Floopdoor Dumaflop Lindilo Fwup\".split()):c>=n>0and print(*[n,x][-c:]);n-=c\n```\nThe bytes object in the `zip` contains unprintable characters:\n```\nfor c,x in zip(b\"\\x16\\x11\\x18\\x11\\x01\\x1c C\", ...): ...\n```\n*(Thanks to @xnor for suggesting a `for/zip` loop for -3 bytes)*\n[Answer]\n# Pyth - 105 103 90 88 bytes\nUses base conversion. Two simple lookup tables, with one for the names and one for start dates, and a ternary at the end for Floopdoor.\n```\nKhfgQhTC,aCM\"mQP?'\"Zcs@LGjC\"\u00ee\u00baB\u00fc\u00cfl}W\\\"p%\u00e5tml-\u00a2pT\u00c7\u00c9(\u00b0\u00b1`\"23\\c+?nQ80+-hQhKdkreK3\n```\nCompresses the string not as base 128, but as base 23. First, it translates it to indices of the alphabet. This required the separator to be `c` which doesn't appear in any of the month names. Then it encodes that to base ten from a base 23 number (the highest value that appeared was `w`), then converts to base 256.\nThe start dates are their unicode codepoints, no base conversion.\n```\nK K =\n hf First that matches the filter\n gQ >= Q\n hT First element of filter var\n C, Zip two sequences\n a Z Append 0 (I could save a byte here but don't want to mess with null bytes)\n CM\"...\" Map the string to its codepoints\n c \\c Split by \"c\"\n s Sum by string concatenation\n @LG Map to location in alphabet\n j 23 Base 10 -> Base 23\n C\"...\" Base 256 -> Base 10\n+ String concatenation\n ?nQ80 Ternary if input != 80\n +-hQhK Input - start date + 1\n k Else empty string\n r 3 Capitalize first letter\n eK Of month name\n```\n[Try it online here](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=KhfgQhTC%2CaCM%22%C2%8DmQP%3F%27%16%22Zcs%40LGjC%22%01%C3%AE%C2%BAB%C3%BC%C3%8Fl%7DW%5C%22p%25%C3%A5tml-%C2%9A%1F%C2%A2pT%C3%87%C2%94%C3%89%C2%97(%C2%96%C2%B0%18%C2%8F%C2%B1%15%60%2223%5Cc%2B%3FnQ80%2B-hQhKdkreK3&input=128&debug=1).\n[Test Suite](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=V.QKhfgNhTC%2CaCM%22%C2%8DmQP%3F%27%16%22Zcs%40LGjC%22%01%C3%AE%C2%BAB%C3%BC%C3%8Fl%7DW%5C%22p%25%C3%A5tml-%C2%9A%1F%C2%A2pT%C3%87%C2%94%C3%89%C2%97(%C2%96%C2%B0%18%C2%8F%C2%B1%15%60%2223%5Cc%2B%3FnN80%2B-hNhKdkreK3&input=0%0A32%0A62%0A77%0A80%0A99%0A128%0A207&debug=0).\n[Answer]\n# Piet 2125 bytes\nIt's by no means the shortest, but it's pretty and colorful...\nEach pixel is placed by myself by hand. To run it go [here](http://www.rapapaing.com/piet/index.php) in FireFox (Chrome won't work) and load it with a codel width of 1 (it'll appear black, don't worry), enter the number and hit the run button!\nSmall Program:\n[![Small Version](https://i.stack.imgur.com/UYzGl.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/UYzGl.png)\n \nEnlarged (Codel width of 10):\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/rvR7t.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/rvR7t.png)\n[Answer]\n# Pyth 178 156 153 147 bytes\n```\nJ? flooptonia.cjam <<< 726963220016273f50516d8dd022662d5f7b303c7d23285f403d29534022063288b2ced2872f1e79621b7a1153a6cc0240c5c682d0ddb74bedee1cdc4ff5ec6722323535623233622761662b27632f3d5f2c393d7b5c3f7d262865755c\n$ wc -c flooptonia.cjam \n96 flooptonia.cjam\n$ for d in 0 32 62 77 80 99 128 207; do cjam flooptonia.cjam <<< $d; echo; done\n1 Qupu\n11 Blinkorp\n24 Paas\n15 Karpasus\nFloopdoor\n19 Dumaflop\n20 Lindilo\n67 Fwup\n```\n### How it works\n```\nric e# Read a Long from STDIN and cast to Character.\n\"\u2026\" e# Push the string that corresponds to [0 22 39 63 80 81 109 141 208].\nf- e# Subtract each character from the input char.\n e# Character Character - -> Long\n_{0<}# e# Find the index of the first negative integer.\n(_ e# Subtract 1 from the index and push a copy.\n@=) e# Select the last non-negative integer from the array and add 1.\nS@ e# Push a space and rotate the decremented index on top of it.\n\"\u2026\" e# Push a string that encodes the months' names.\n255b23b e# Convert from base 255 to 23.\n'af+ e# Add the resulting digits to the character 'a'.\n'c/ e# Split at occurrences of 'c' (used as separator).\n= e# Select the chunk that corresponds to the index.\n_,9= e# Check if its length is 9 (Floopdoor).\n{\\?}& e# If so, swap and execute ternary if.\n e# Since the string \" \" is truthy, S Month Day ? -> Month.\n(eu\\ e# Shift out the first char, convert it to uppercase and swap.\n```\n[Answer]\n# SWI-Prolog, ~~237~~ ~~232~~ 213 bytes\n```\na(X):-L=[22:\"Qupu\",39:\"Blinkorp\",63:\"Paas\",80:\"Karpasus\",81:\"Floopdoor\",109:\"Dumaflop\",141:\"Lindilo\",208:\"Fwup\"],nth1(I,L,A:B),Xint\nl=[141,109,81,80,63,39,22,0]\nm=split(\"Qupu Blinkorp Paas Karpasus Floopdoor Dumaflop Lindilo Fwup\")\ni=findfirst(j->r>=j,l)\nprint(i==4?\"\":r-l[i]+1,\" \",m[9-i])\n```\nThis reads a line from STDIN and converts it to an integer, finds the first element of a reversed list of month start days where the input is greater than or equal to the start, then prints accordingly.\n[Answer]\n# Swift 1.2, 256 bytes\n```\nvar d=Process.arguments[1].toInt()!,f=\"Floopdoor\",n=[(\"Qupu\",22),(\"Blinkorp\",17),(\"Paas\",24),(\"Karpasus\",17),(f,1),(\"Dumaflop\",28),(\"Lindilo\",32),(\"Fwup\",67)]\nfor i in 0..=m.1{d-=m.1}else{println((m.0==f ?\"\":\"\\(d+1) \")+m.0)\nbreak}}\n```\nTo run put the code alone in a `.swift` file and run it using `swift `\n[Answer]\n# Java, ~~357~~ 339 bytes\nIt's not the most efficient, but I do like how it works. It creates the entire Flooptonia calendar and then looks up what date the number is.\n```\nclass X{public static void main(String[]q){String n[]={\"Qupu\",\"Blinkorp\",\"Paas\",\"Karpasus\",\"Floopdoor\",\"Dumaflop\",\"Lindilo\",\"Fwup\"},l[]=new String[209];int m=0,d=0,i,b[]={0,22,39,63,80,81,109,141,208};for(i=0;i++<208;d++){l[i]=(m==4?\"\":d+\" \")+n[m];if(i>b[m+1]){m++;d=0;}}System.out.print(l[new java.util.Scanner(System.in).nextInt()+2]);}}\n```\nInput/Output:\n`77 --> 15 Karpasus\n 80 --> Floopdoor`\nSpaced and tabbed out:\n```\nclass X {\n public static void main(String[] q) {\n String n[] = { \"Qupu\", \"Blinkorp\", \"Paas\", \"Karpasus\", \"Floopdoor\", \"Dumaflop\", \"Lindilo\", \"Fwup\" },\n l[]=new String[209];\n int m = 0,\n d = 0,\n i,\n b[] = { 0, 22, 39, 63, 80, 81, 109, 141, 208 };\n for(i = 0; i++ < 208; d++) {\n l[i]=(m == 4 ? \"\" : d + \" \") + n[m];\n if(i > b[m+1]){\n m++;\n d = 0;\n }\n }\n System.out.print(l[ new java.util.Scanner(System.in).nextInt() + 2 ]);\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java, ~~275~~ ~~269~~ ~~266~~ ~~257~~ ~~256~~ ~~252~~ ~~246~~ ~~244~~ 243 bytes\n```\nclass X{public static void main(String[]w){int x=new Short(w[0]),i=1,a[]={-1,21,38,62,79,80,108,140,207};w=\"Qupu,Blinkorp,Paas,Karpasus,Floopdoor,Dumaflop,Lindilo,Fwup\".split(\",\");while(x>a[i++]);System.out.print((i==6?\"\":x-a[i-=2]+\" \")+w[i]);}}\n```\nFormatted:\n```\nclass X {\n public static void main(String[] w) {\n int x = new Short(w[0]), \n i = 1, \n a[] = { -1, 21, 38, 62, 79, 80, 108, 140, 207 };\n w = \"Qupu,Blinkorp,Paas,Karpasus,,Dumaflop,Lindilo,Fwup\".split(\",\");\n while (x > a[i++]);\n System.out.print(i == 6 ? \"Floopdoor\" : x - a[i-=2] + \" \" + w[i]);\n }\n}\n```\nInterestingly, it's a few bytes shorter than this\n```\nclass X {\n public static void main(String[] w) {\n int x = new Short(w[0]);\n System.out.print(x < 22 ? x + 1 + \" Qupu\" : x < 39 ? x - 21\n + \" Blinkorp\" : x < 63 ? x - 38 + \" Paas\" : x < 80 ? x - 62\n + \" Karpasus\" : x < 81 ? \"Floopdoor\" : x < 109 ? x - 80\n + \" Dumaflop\" : x < 141 ? x - 108 + \" Lindilo\" : x < 208 ? x\n - 140 + \" Fwup\" : \"\");\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n**JavaScript using ES6 ~~171~~ ~~164~~ 163 bytes**\nI'm not the best JavaScript programmer but I tried my best and ended up with the following code\n```\nf=(n)=>[0,22,39,63,80,81,109,141,208].some((e,j,a)=>n

\n```\nIn the above code fp.js is the file that contains the javascript code.\nCombined HTML and JavaScript code with indent is\n```\n f=(n)=>[0,22,39,63,80,81,109,141,208].some(\n (e,j,a)=>n';\n \n```\n```\n\n\n

\n\n\n```\n**Edit:**\nI'd like to thank Vihan for helping me remove the return statement and reduce my code by 17bytes\n@ipi, thanks for helping me save 7 bytes\n> \n> Note: You can see the result only in browsers Firefox version 22+ and\n> Google Chrome 45+ because of using ES6 arrow functions\n> \n> \n> \n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 168 bytes\n```\nn=input();e=[-1,21,38,62,80,108,140,207];m=1\nwhile n>e[m]:m+=1\nprint[`n-e[m-1]`+' '+'Qupu Blinkorp Paas Karpasus Dumaflop Lindilo Fwup'.split()[m-1],'Floopdoor'][n==80]\n```\nThis treats day `80` internally as `18 Karpasus`, but then ignores it when called to print. Also, Python 2's `input()` function (as opposed to `raw_input()`) was convenient here.\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 140\nRequires running via `perl -E`:\n```\n$i=<>+1;$i-=$b=(22,17,24,17,1,28,32,67)[$c++]while$i>0;say$b>1&&$i+$b.$\",(x,Qupu,Blinkorp,Paas,Karpasus,Floopdoor,Dumaflop,Lindilo,Fwup)[$c]\n```\nTest output (stolen test code from @Dennis):\n```\n$for d in 0 32 62 77 80 99 128 207; do perl -E '$i=<>+1;$i-=$b=(22,17,24,17,1,28,32,67)[$c++]while$i>0;say$b>1&&$i+$b.$\",(x,Qupu,Blinkorp,Paas,Karpasus,Floopdoor,Dumaflop,Lindilo,Fwup)[$c]' <<< $d; echo; done\n1 Qupu\n11 Blinkorp\n24 Paas\n15 Karpasus\nFloopdoor\n19 Dumaflop\n20 Lindilo\n67 Fwup\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, ~~171~~ 167 bytes\n```\nmain=interact$f.read\nf 80=\"Floopdoor\"\nf n=(g=<String{return n==80 ?\"Floopdoor\":[(\"Qupu\",21,0),(\"Blinkorp\",38,22),(\"Paas\",62,39),(\"Karpasus\",79,63),(\"Dumaflop\",108,81),(\"Lindilo\",140,109),(\"Fwup\",208,141)].filter{$0.1>=n}.map{\"\\($0.0) \\(n-$0.2+1)\"}[0]}\n```\nEdited to correct bug, removed a space\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6 on Node.js), 196 bytes\nTakes one command line argument:\n```\na=+process.argv[2];for(d of['22Qupu','17Blinkorp','24Paas','17Karpasus','01Floopdoor','28Dumaflop','32Lindilo','67Fwup']){if(a<(z=parseInt(d)))return console.log((z>1?a+1+' ':'')+d.slice(2));a-=z}\n```\n### Demo\nAs there is no command-line argument ([`process.argv`](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/process.html#process_process_argv)) in the browser, the code in the snippet has been placed in a function that accepts an argument:\n```\n// Snippet stuff\nconsole.log = function(x){O.innerHTML += x + '\\n'};\n// Flooptonia function\nfunction flooptonia(a) {\n a = +a;\n for (d in y=['22Qupu', '17Blinkorp', '24Paas', '17Karpasus', '01Floopdoor', '28Dumaflop', '32Lindilo', '67Fwup']) {\n if (a < (z = parseInt(y[d]))) return console.log((z > 1 ? a + 1 + ' ' : '') + y[d].slice(2));\n a -= z\n }\n}\n// Test\n['0', '32', '62', '77', '80', '99', '128', '207'].map(flooptonia);\n```\n```\nTest values: [0, 32, 62, 77, 80, 99, 128, 207]\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n# Swift 2.0, 215 204\n```\nlet(n,t)=(Int(readLine()!)!,[(141,\"Fwup\"),(109,\"Lindilo\"),(81,\"Dumaflop\"),(63,\"Karpasus\"),(39,\"Paas\"),(22,\"Blinkorp\"),(0,\"Qupu\")])\nprint({(n==80 ?\"Floopdoor\":\"\\(n-$0.0+1) \"+$0.1)}(t[t.indexOf{$0.0<=n}!]))\n```\nThis is a full program which asks the user to input the number in STDIN.\n[Answer]\n## Matlab, 187 bytes\n```\nd=input('');l=[141 109 81 80 63 39 22 0];t=find(d>=l,1);m=strsplit('Fwup Lindilo Dumaflop Floopdoor Karpasus Paas Blinkorp Qupu');f='%d %s';if t==4;f='%d\\b%s';end;fprintf(f,d-l(t)+1,m{t})\n```\nExpanded version:\n```\nd=input('');\nl=[141 109 81 80 63 39 22 0];\nt=find(d>=l,1);\nm=strsplit('Fwup Lindilo Dumaflop Floopdoor Karpasus Paas Blinkorp Qupu');\nf='%d %s';\nif t==4;\n    f='%d\\b%s';\nend\nfprintf(f,d-l(t)+1,m{t})\n```\nReads a line from the console (`stdin`), finds the first element of a reversed list of month start days where the input is greater than or equal to the array element, then prints accordingly.\nThis is almost identical to the `Julia` answer, except for the display stage. (*We can't beat their ternary operator, unavailable in Matlab*). To make up having to explicit a full `if` statement, we use a little trick (a `Backspace` character in the print format) to \"erase\" the number 1 for the special day/month `Floopdoor`\n---\n*In collaboration with the [Matlab and Octave](http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/81987/matlab-and-octave) chat participants.*\n[Answer]\n# Javascript ES5 using 168 bytes\n```\nm=[-1,21,38,62,79,80,108,140];for(n=prompt(i=0);n>m[i+1]&&i++<8;);alert((i-4?n-m[i]+\" \":\"\")+\"Qupu0Blinkorp0Paas0Karpasus0Floopdoor0Dumaflop0Lindilo0Fwup\".split(0)[i])\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nm=[-1,21,38,62,79,80,108,140];   // create range of starting indexes - 1\nfor(                             // begin for loop\n  n=prompt(i=0);                 // initialize i to zero and prompt user\n  n>m[i+1] && i++ < 8;           // exit if n>0; increment i; exit if i was < 8\n  );                             // end for loop\nalert(\n  (i-4 ? n-m[i]+\" \":\"\") + // special floopdoor case\n  \"Qupu0Blinkorp0Paas0Karpasus0Floopdoor0Dumaflop0Lindilo0Fwup\".split(0)[i]);\n  //^  create an array of strings by splitting at zero. Then, select element i\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 241 bytes\nNothing too exciting. Could have shaved 27 bytes had it require to be a complete program.\n```\nmain(c,s)char**s;{c=atoi(s[1]);c-80?printf(\"%d \",c<22?c+1:c<39?c-21:c<63?c-38:c<80?c-62:c<109?c-80:c<141?c-108:c-140):0;puts(c<22?\"Qupu\":c<39?\"Blinkorp\":c<63?\"Paas\":c<80?\"Karpasus\":c<81?\"Floopdoor\":c<109?\"Dumaflop\":c<141?\"Lindilo\":\"Fwup\");}\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n[NetHack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetHack) is a roguelike game where a player must retrieve the Amulet of Yendor from the lowest level of the dungeon. Commonly played via telnet, the entire game is represented with ASCII graphics. The game is extremely challenging and requires knowledge of many game mechanics in order to succeed.\nFor the purposes of this challenge, assume that the entire dungeon is a single level and only 5\u00d716 characters. Furthermore, assume that this is a \"safe\" dungeon or that you are only implementing a prototype\u2014there will be no monsters, concerns about hunger, etc. In fact, you must only track the location of the character and the amulet and the game will effectively end when the player arrives at the same location as the amulet.\n# Challenge requirements\n* There will be a 5\u00d716 dungeon (single level).\n* Give the player a starting location (optionally random) and the amulet a separate random (different each time the program is run) starting square inside the dungeon. That is, the amulet is not allowed to start on the same square as the player.\n* Accept four input keys which move the player one square at a time (four cardinal directions). Reading/processing other input is allowed (a readline() function that requires pressing 'enter', etc).\n* Travelling outside the bounds of the dungeon is not allowed. E.g., if the player is on the right edge of the dungeon pressing right should do nothing.\n* After initial generation and after each movement, print the state of the game. As this is code golf and printing is rather uninteresting, ignore the character count for the print function and function call *assuming no state changes*. Empty cells should be shown as period (`.`), amulet as double quote (`\"`) and character as at symbol (`@`).\n* The game is over when the player \"discovers\" the amulet (arrives at the same square)\n# Winning\nThis is a code golf challenege, the shortest code to meet the requirements one week from today will be declared winner.\n# Example\nHere is an example solution in C# (ungolfed) to show basic requirements and sample output.\n```\nusing System;\nnamespace nh\n{\n    class Program\n    {\n        static Random random = new Random();\n        \n        // player x/y, amulet x/y\n        static int px, py, ax, ay;\n        \n        static void Main(string[] args)\n        {\n            px = random.Next(0, 16);\n            py = random.Next(0, 5);\n            \n            // amulet starts on a position different from the player\n            do { ax = random.Next(0, 16); } while (px == ax);\n            do { ay = random.Next(0, 5); } while (py == ay); \n            print();\n            do\n            {\n                // reads a single keypress (no need to press enter)\n                // result is cast to int to compare with character literals\n                var m = (int)Console.ReadKey(true).Key;\n                // Move the player. Here standard WASD keys are used.\n                // Boundary checks for edge of dungeon as well.\n                if (m == 'W')\n                    py = (py > 0) ? py - 1 : py;\n                if (m == 'S')\n                    py = (py < 5) ? py + 1 : py;\n                if (m == 'A')\n                    px = (px > 0) ? px - 1 : px;\n                if (m == 'D')\n                    px = (px < 16) ? px + 1 : px;\n                // print state after each keypress. If the player doesn't\n                // move this is redundant but oh well.\n                print();\n            // game ends when player is on same square as amulet\n            } while (px != ax || py != ay);\n        }\n        static void print()\n        {\n            Console.Write('\\n');\n            for (int y=0; y<5; y++)\n            {\n                for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)\n                {\n                    if (x == px && y == py)\n                        Console.Write('@');\n                    else if (x == ax && y == ay)\n                        Console.Write('\"');\n                    else\n                        Console.Write('.');\n                }\n                Console.Write('\\n');\n            }\n        }\n    }\n}\n```\nTotal character count is 1474, but ignoring calls to the print function and its definition the final character count is `896`.\nOutput when the program is run:\n```\n................\n....\"...........\n..........@.....\n................\n................\n```\nOutput (including above) after the 'a' key is pressed twice:\n```\n................\n....\"...........\n..........@.....\n................\n................\n................\n....\"...........\n.........@......\n................\n................\n................\n....\"...........\n........@.......\n................\n................\n```\n      \n[Answer]\n# [CHIP-8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIP-8), 48 bytes\nThis may not be considered legal, but why the hell not. I wrote my program in CHIP-8, a bytecode-based programming language for a virtual game console. You can try the complete program (99 bytes) in your browser using an emulator/debugger I wrote called Octo:\n![Screenshot](https://i.stack.imgur.com/uMI59.png)\n\nA hex dump of that complete program is as follows:\n```\n0x60 0x14 0x61 0x04 0xC4 0x3C 0xC5 0x08\n0x22 0x36 0xF6 0x0A 0x22 0x52 0x40 0x00\n0x12 0x16 0x46 0x07 0x70 0xFC 0x40 0x3C\n0x12 0x1E 0x46 0x09 0x70 0x04 0x41 0x00\n0x12 0x26 0x46 0x05 0x71 0xFC 0x41 0x10\n0x12 0x2E 0x46 0x08 0x71 0x04 0x22 0x52\n0x3F 0x01 0x12 0x0A 0x00 0xFD 0xA2 0x58\n0xD4 0x54 0x22 0x52 0x62 0xFF 0xA2 0x5B\n0xD2 0x34 0x72 0x04 0x32 0x3F 0x12 0x40\n0x62 0xFF 0x73 0x04 0x33 0x14 0x12 0x40\n0x00 0xEE 0xA2 0x5F 0xD0 0x14 0x00 0xEE\n0xA0 0xA0 0x40 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x00 0xF0\n0x90 0x90 0xD0\n```\nYou can move the player with the ASWD keys, or the 7589 keys on the original CHIP-8 keypad. If I remove all the code and data for drawing the background and the player, I instead get this 48 byte dump:\n```\n0x60 0x14 0x61 0x04 0xC4 0x3C 0xC5 0x08\n0xF6 0x0A 0x40 0x00 0x12 0x12 0x46 0x07\n0x70 0xFC 0x40 0x3C 0x12 0x1A 0x46 0x09\n0x70 0x04 0x41 0x00 0x12 0x22 0x46 0x05\n0x71 0xFC 0x41 0x10 0x12 0x2A 0x46 0x08\n0x71 0x04 0x3F 0x01 0x12 0x08 0x00 0xFD\n```\nThe ungolfed, complete form of the program was written in a high level assembly language as follows:\n```\n:alias px v0\n:alias py v1\n:alias tx v2\n:alias ty v3\n:alias ax v4\n:alias ay v5\n:alias in v6\n: main\n    px := 20\n    py := 4\n    ax := random 0b111100\n    ay := random 0b001000\n    draw-board\n    loop\n        in := key\n        draw-player\n        if px != 0 begin\n            if in == 7 then px += -4\n        end\n        if px != 0x3C begin\n            if in == 9 then px +=  4\n        end\n        if py != 0 begin\n            if in == 5 then py += -4\n        end\n        if py != 16 begin\n            if in == 8 then py +=  4\n        end\n        draw-player\n        if vf != 1 then\n    again\n    exit\n: draw-board\n    i := amulet\n    sprite ax ay 4\n    draw-player\n    tx := -1\n    i := ground\n    : draw\n    loop\n        sprite tx ty 4\n        tx += 4\n        if tx != 63 then jump draw\n        tx := -1\n        ty += 4\n        if ty != 20 then\n    again\n;\n: draw-player\n    i := player\n    sprite px py 4  \n;\n: amulet  0xA0 0xA0 0x40\n: ground  0x00 0x00 0x20 0x00\n: player  0xF0 0x90 0x90 0xD0\n```\nNote that the compiled bytes *themselves* are the CHIP-8 programming language; the assembler is simply a more convenient means of composing such programs.\n[Answer]\n# TI-BASIC, ~~42~~ ~~41~~ ~~38~~ ~~36~~ 35 bytes\nFor your TI-83 or 84+ series graphing calculator.\n```\nint(5irand\u2192A                          //Randomize amulet position\n6log(ie^(6\u2192C                          //15.635 + 4.093i\nRepeat Ans=A                          //Ans holds the player pos. (starts bottom right)\niPart(C-iPart(C-Ans-e^(igetKey-i      //Boundary check, after adjusting player position\nprgmDISPLAY\nEnd\n----------\nPROGRAM:DISPLAY\nFor(X,0,15\nFor(Y,0,4\nOutput(Y+1,X+1,\".\nIf A=X+Yi\nOutput(Y+1,X+1,\"\u00a8\nIf Ans=X+Yi\nOutput(Y+1,X+1,\"@\nEnd\nEnd\n```\nWhich direction the player will go is a function of the [key code](http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/key-codes) of the key pressed, but four keys that definitely work are these on the top row:\n```\nKey        [Y=]  [WINDOW]  [ZOOM]  [TRACE]  [GRAPH]\n           -------------------------------------------\nKey code    11      12       13               15\nDirection  Left     Up     Right             Down\n```\nThe amulet starts on one of the five squares in the first column, and the player starts at the bottom right square. For example, a possible arrangement is:\n```\n................\n\u00a8...............\n................\n................\n...............@\n```\n## Explanation\nThe player's position is stored as a complex number from `0+0i` to `15+4i`, where the real part goes to the right and the imaginary part goes down. This facilitates easy boundary checking on the top and left: we simply offset the number slightly and round towards zero. For example, if the offset is `0.5` and our position is `-1+3i` (off the screen to the left), then the position will be corrected to `iPart(-0.5+3.5i)=0+3i`, where it should be. Checking for the bottom and right boundaries is slightly more complicated; we need to subtract the number from a constant `C`, which is about `15.635 + 4.093i` (it's the shortest one I could find between `15+4i` and `16+5i`), round, subtract from `C` again to flip the number back, and round again.\nWhen a key is pressed, the unadjusted player position will move by 1 unit in some direction, but the integer part only changes when certain keys are pressed. Luckily, the keys that work are all on the top row. Below is a graph of the offsets in cases where keys 11, 12, 13, and 15 are pressed, and when no key is pressed (No press is the point inside the center square, causing the integer parts to be unchanged; the four keypresses' offsets have different integer parts). `C` is the red cross at the center of the circle.\n![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/BBrom.png)\n## Old code (42 bytes):\n```\nint(9irand\u2192A                     // 0\u2264rand\u22641, so int(9irand) = i*x where 0\u2264x\u22648\n1                                //set \"Ans\"wer variable to 1+0i\nRepeat Ans=A                     \nAns-iPart(i^int(48ln(getKey-1    //add -i,-1,i,1 for WASD respectively (see rev. history)\nAns-int(Ans/16+real(Ans/7        //ensure player is inside dungeon\nprgmDISPLAY                      //display on top 5 rows of the homescreen   \n                                 //(for this version switch X+Yi with Y=Xi in prgmDISPLAY)\nEnd\n```\n### Limitations\nThere is no way to escape a `\"` character, so strings with a `\"` cannot be generated inside a program. Therefore, this uses the umlaut mark `\u00a8` instead of a quote (if there were an already-existing string with a quote mark, I could display that). To get `\u00a8` and `@` in a program, an outside tool is required; however, it is valid TI-BASIC.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 86 bytes\n```\ndef d():\n    import sys\n    for y in range(5):\n        line = []\n        for x in range(16):\n            line.append('@' if y*16+x == p else \\\n                        '\"' if y*16+x == a else \\\n                        '.')\n        print(''.join(line))\n    print()\n    sys.stdout.flush()\np=79;a=id(9)%p\nwhile p-a:d();p+=[p%16<15,16*(p<64),-(p%16>0),-16*(p>15)][ord(input())%7%5]\n```\nOnly counting the bottom two lines, and dropping `d();`.\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~122~~ ~~121~~ ~~115~~ ~~104~~ ~~102~~ 101 bytes\n```\n#define o ({for(int t=0;t<80;++t)t%16||putchar(10),putchar(t^p?t^a?46:34:64);})\np;main(a){for(a=1+time(0)%79;p^a;o,p+=(int[]){-16*(p>15),16*(p<64),-!!(p%16),p%16<15}[3&getchar()/2]);}\n```\nFirst time posting here ! I hope you like it :)\n`o` is the printing, erm, function. Our brave hero can be moved around with 2, 4, 6 and 8, but beware of not sending any other input (no newlines !).\n**Update 1 :** brought `a` and `i` into `main`'s parameters.\n**Update 2 :** OP having [confirmed](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/52547/minimal-nethack/52565#comment125400_52547) that a single string of input is OK, I got rid of `scanf` (which I used to skip the newline).\n**Update 3 :** Used a compound array literal and modified the input layout. Program now goes haywire if you enter an invalid direction ;)\n**Update 4 :** Noticed that the call to the printing function does not count. Took note to read rules more carefully.\n**Update 5 :** one byte saved, thanks to Mikkel Alan Stokkebye Christia.\n[Answer]\n# CJam, ~~46~~ ~~45~~ ~~44~~ ~~40~~ ~~39~~ 37 bytes\n```\n{'.80*W$Gb'\"t1$Gb'@tG/W%N*oNo}:P;\n5,G,m*:Dmr~{P_l~4b2fm.+_aD&!$_W$=!}gP];\n```\nThe first line (defines a function that prints the current game state) and the **P**'s on the second line (call that function) do not contribute to the byte count.\nBoth the starting position and the amulet's position are selected pseudo-randomly. The distribution is as uniform and the underlying PRNG allows.\nInput is `E`, `6`, `9` and `B` for **Up**, **Down**, **Left** and **Right**, with `Caps Lock` activated, followed by `Enter`.\n### Alternate version\n```\n{'.80*W$Gb'\"t1$Gb'@tG/W%N*oNo}:P;\n5,G,m*:Dmr~{P_ZYm*l~(=:(.+_aD&!$_W$=!}gP];\n```\nAt the cost of four more bytes, the input format is improved significantly:\n* This version accepts `8`, `2`, `4` and `6` for **Up**, **Down**, **Left** and **Right**, which matches the corresponding arrow keys on the numpad.\n* It also accepts `7`, `9`, `1` and `3` for the corresponding diagonal moves.\n### Testing\nSince the I/O is interactive, you should try this code with the [Java interpreter](https://sourceforge.net/projects/cjam/files/).\nDownload the latest version and run the program like this:\n```\njava -jar cjam-0.6.5.jar nethack.cjam\n```\nTo avoid pressing `Enter` after each key, and for in-place updates of the output, you can use this wrapper:\n```\n#!/bin/bash\nlines=5\nwait=0.05\ncoproc \"$@\"\npid=$!\nhead -$lines <&${COPROC[0]}\nwhile true; do\n    kill -0 $pid 2>&- || break\n    read -n 1 -s\n    echo $REPLY >&${COPROC[1]}\n    printf \"\\e[${lines}A\"\n    head -$lines <&${COPROC[0]}\n    sleep $wait\ndone\nprintf \"\\e[${lines}B\"\n```\nInvoke like this:\n```\n./wrapper java -jar cjam-0.6.5.jar nethack.cjam\n```\n### Main version\n```\n5,G,   e# Push [0 1 2 3 4] and [0 ... 15].\nm*:D   e# Take the Cartesian product and save in D.\nmr~    e# Shuffle and dump the array on the stack.\n       e# This pushes 80 elements. We'll consider the bottommost the amulet's\n       e# position and the topmost the player's.\n{      e# Do:\n  P    e#   Call P.\n  _    e#   Copy the player's position.\n  l~   e#   Read and evaluate one line of input.\n       e#      \"6\" -> 6, \"9\" -> 9, \"B\" -> 11, \"E\" -> 14 \n  4b   e#   Convert to base 4.\n       e#     6 -> [1 2], 9 -> [2 1], 11 -> [2 3], 14 -> [3 2]\n  2f-  e#   Subtract 2 from each coordinate.\n       e#     [1 2] -> [-1 0], [2 1] -> [0 -1], [2 3] -> [0 1], [3 2] -> [1 0]\n  .+   e#   Add the result to the copy of player's position.\n  _aD& e#   Push a copy, wrap it in an array and intersect with D.\n  !    e#   Logical NOT. This pushes 1 iff the intersection was empty.\n  $    e#   Copy the corresponding item from the stack.\n       e#     If the intersection was empty, the new position is invalid\n       e#     and 1$ copies the old position.\n       e#     If the intersection was non-empty, the new position is valid\n       e#     and 0$ copies the new position.\n  _W$  e#   Push copies of the new position and the amulet's position.\n  =!   e#   Push 1 iff the positions are different.\n}g     e# While =! pushes 1.\nP      e# Call P.\n];     e# Clear the stack.\n```\n### Alternate version\n```\nZYm*   e# Push the Cartesian product of 3 and 2, i.e.,\n       e#   [[0 0] [0 1] [0 2] [1 0] [1 1] [1 2] [2 0] [2 1] [2 2]].\nl~     e#   Read and evaluate one line of input.\n(=     e# Subtract 1 and fetch the corresponding element of the array.\n:(     e# Subtract 1 from each coordinate.\n```\n### Function P\n```\n'.80*  e# Push a string of 80 dots.\nW$Gb   e# Copy the amulet's position and convert from base 16 to integer.\n'\"t    e# Set the corresponding character of the string to '\"'.\n1$Gb   e# Copy the player's position and convert from base 16 to integer.\n'@t    e# Set the corresponding character of the string to '@'.\nG/     e# Split into chunks of length 16.\nW%     e# Reverse the chunks (only needed for the alternate program).\nN*     e# Join the chunks, separating by linefeeds.\noNo    e# Print the resulting string and an additional linefeed.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java, 231 bytes (196 if function)\nHere's the full program code at 342:\n```\nclass H{public static void main(String[]a){int p=0,y=79,c;y*=Math.random();y++;p(p,y);do p((p=(c=new java.util.Scanner(System.in).next().charAt(0))<66&p%16>0?p-1:c==68&p%16<15?p+1:c>86&p>15?p-16:c==83&p<64?p+16:p),y);while(p!=y);}static void p(int p,int y){for(int i=0;i<80;i++){System.out.print((i==p?'@':i==y?'\"':'.')+(i%16>14?\"\\n\":\"\"));}}}\n```\nWithout the print function, 231:\n```\nclass H{public static void main(String[]a){int p=0,y=79,c;y*=Math.random();y++;p(p,y);do p((p=(c=new java.util.Scanner(System.in).next().charAt(0))<66&p%16>0?p-1:c==68&p%16<15?p+1:c>86&p>15?p-16:c==83&p<64?p+16:p),y);while(p!=y);}}\n```\nIf just a function is okay (I'm unclear from the spec), then I can cut this down a bit further to 196:\n```\nvoid m(){int p=0,y=79,c;y*=Math.random();y++;p(p,y);do p((p=(c=new java.util.Scanner(System.in).next().charAt(0))<66&p%16>0?p-1:c==68&p%16<15?p+1:c>86&p>15?p-16:c==83&p<64?p+16:p),y);while(p!=y);}\n```\nAnd with some line breaks for a bit of clarity...\n```\nclass H{\n    public static void main(String[]a){\n        int p=0,y=79,c;\n        y*=Math.random();\n        y++;p(p,y);\n        do \n            p(\n                (p=(c=new java.util.Scanner(System.in).next().charAt(0))<66&p%16>0?\n                    p-1:\n                    c==68&p%16<15?\n                        p+1:\n                        c>86&p>15?\n                            p-16:\n                            c==83&p<64?\n                                p+16:\n                                p)\n                ,y);\n        while(p!=y);\n    }\n    static void p(int p,int y){\n        for(int i=0;i<80;i++){\n            System.out.print((i==p?'@':i==y?'\"':'.')+(i%16>14?\"\\n\":\"\"));\n        }\n    }\n}\n```\nNote that I'm not counting the print function `p(p,y)` itself, but I *am* counting the call to it, since I have stuff changing inside the call statement.\nIt works with capital letters `ASDW`. Due to the way it checks for those, some other letters might also work, but the spec doesn't really say anything about what should happen if I press different keys.\n[Answer]\n# Java, 574 bytes\n```\nimport java.util.*;public class N{static Random r=new Random();static int v,b,n,m;public static void main(String[] a){v=r.nextInt(16);b=r.nextInt(5);n=r.nextInt(16);m=r.nextInt(5);p();do{Scanner e=new Scanner(System.in);char m=e.next().charAt(0);if(m=='w')b=b>0?b-1:b;if(m=='s')b=b<5?b+1:b;if(m=='a')v=v>0?v-1:v;if(m=='d')v=v<16?v+1:v;p();}while(v!=n || b!=m);}static void p(){System.out.println();for(int y=0;y<5;y++){for(int x=0;x<16;x++){if(x==z && y==x)System.out.print('@');else if(x==n && y==m)System.out.print('\"');else System.out.print('.');}System.out.println();}}}\n```\nBasically the same as the C# version, except obfuscated & minimized.\n[Answer]\n# Julia, 161 bytes\nUses `w`, `a`, `s`, and `d` to move up, left, down, and right, respectively.\nFull code, including printing (330 bytes):\n```\nB=fill('.',5,16)\na=[rand(1:5),rand(1:16)]\nB[a[1],a[2]]='\"'\nc=[1,a==[1,1]?2:1]\nB[c[1],c[2]]='@'\nfor i=1:5 println(join(B[i,:]))end\nwhile c!=a\nB[c[1],c[2]]='.'\nm=readline()[1]\nc[2]+=m=='a'&&c[2]>1?-1:m=='d'&&c[2]<16?1:0\nc[1]+=m=='w'&&c[1]>1?-1:m=='s'&&c[1]<5?1:0\nm\u2208\"wasd\"&&(B[c[1],c[2]]='@')\nfor i=1:5 println(join(B[i,:]))end\nend\n```\n---\nScored code, excludes printing (161 bytes):\n```\na=[rand(1:5),rand(1:16)]\nc=[1,a==[1,1]?2:1]\nwhile c!=a\nm=readline()[1]\nc[2]+=m=='a'&&c[2]>1?-1:m=='d'&&c[2]<16?1:0\nc[1]+=m=='w'&&c[1]>1?-1:m=='s'&&c[1]<5?1:0\nend\n```\nThe difference here is that we don't save the game state as a matrix; all relevant information is contained in the arrays `c` and `a`. And, of course, nothing is printed. The user will no longer be prompted for input once the player reaches the amulet.\n---\nUngolfed + explanation (full code):\n```\n# Initialize a 5x16 matrix of dots\nB = fill('.', 5, 16)\n# Get a random location for the amulet\na = [rand(1:5), rand(1:16)]\n# Put the amulet in B\nB[a[1], a[2]] = '\"'\n# Start the player in the upper left unless the amulet is there\nc = [1, a == [1,1] ? 2 : 1]\n# Put the player in B\nB[c[1], c[2]] = '@'\n# Print the initial game state\nfor i = 1:5 println(join(B[i,:])) end\n# Loop until the player gets the amulet\nwhile c != a\n    # Put a dot in the player's previous location\n    B[c[1], c[2]] = '.'\n    # Read a line from STDIN, take the first character\n    m = readline()[1]\n    # Move the player horizontally within the bounds\n    if m == 'a' && c[2] > 1\n        c[2] -= 1\n    elseif m == 'd' && c[2] < 16\n        c[2] += 1\n    end\n    # Move the player vertically within the bounds\n    if m == 'w' && c[1] > 1\n        c[1] -= 1\n    elseif m == 's' && c[1] < 5\n        c[1] += 1\n    end\n    # Set the player's new location in B\n    if m \u2208 \"wasd\"\n        B[c[1], c[2]] = '@'\n    end\n    # Print the game state\n    for i = 1:5 println(join(B[i,:])) end\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n# Batch, 329 Bytes\n```\n@echo off\nset e=goto e\nset f= set/a\n%f%a=0\n%f%b=0\n%f%c=%random%*3/32768+1\n%f%d=%random%*16/32768+1\n:et\ncall:p %a% %b% %c% %d%\nif %a%%b% EQU %c%%d% exit/b\nchoice/C \"wasd\"\ngoto %errorlevel%\n:1\n%f%a-=1\n%e%\n:2\n%f%b-=1\n%e%\n:3\n%f%a+=1\n%e%\n:4\n%f%b+=1\n:e\nif %a% GTR 4%f%a=4\nif %a% LSS 0%f%a=0\nif %b% GTR 15%f%b=15\nif %b% LSS 0%f%b=0\n%e%t\n:p\nsetlocal enabledelayedexpansion\n::creating a new line variable for multi line strings\nset NL=^\n:: Two empty lines are required here\ncls\nset \"display=\"\nfor /l %%r in (0,1,4) do (\n    set \"line=\"\n    for /l %%c in (0,1,15) do (\n        set \"char=.\"\n        if %3 EQU %%r (\n            if %4 EQU %%c (\n                set char=\"\n            )\n        )\n        if %1 EQU %%r (\n            if %2 EQU %%c (\n                set \"char=@\"\n            )\n        )\n        set \"line=!line!!char!\"\n    )\n    set \"display=!display!!line!!NL!\"\n)\necho !display!\nexit /b\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl, ~~228~~ 222 characters (not counting the newlines that are not integral to the working of the code) \u2014 207 if not counting the `print` and `print if` statement parts which are used for printing, but don't add to the game logic; 144 if also considering the field representation generation code as part of printing, as suggested by Yakk in the comments)\nThis code uses lowercase wasd for control; input must be confirmed with Enter. Tested with Perl 5.14.2.\n```\n($a=$==rand(79))+=($a>=($==rand(80)));\nprint $_=(\".\"x80)=~s/(.{$=})./\\1@/r=~s/(.{$a})./\\1\"/r=~s/(.{16})/\\1\\n/gr;\n%r=qw(w s/.(.{16})@/@\\1./s a s/.@/@./ s s/@(.{16})./.\\1@/s d s/@./.@/);\nwhile(/\"/){print if eval $r{getc STDIN}}\n```\nNote that for this code, it is impossible to separate calculation and printing, since the operations are done directly on the printed representation using regular expressions.\nExplanation:\n```\n($a=$==rand(79))+=($a>=($==rand(80)));\n```\nThis line determines the position of the player and the amulet. The player position is determined by `$==rand(80)` and is actually easy to understand: On a 5\u00d716 board, there are 80 distinct positions where the player can be. The position is stored in the `$=` variable which forces the stored value into integer; this saves a few bytes for not needing to explicitly cast the result to integer (`rand` delivers a floating point value).\nSince one of the positions is already occupied by the player, there are only 79 positions left for the amulet, therefore for the amulet's position, `$a=$==rand(79)` is used. Again, the assignment to `$=` forces a conversion to integer, however I further assign it to `$a` in order to reuse `$=` for the player's position.\nNow to avoid the amulet to occupy the same position as the player, it is advanced by one position if its position is at least as large as the player's, giving an uniform distribution on the places not occupied by the player. This is achieved by `$a = ($a >= $=)` where `$=` here holds the player's position. Now the first line is generated by inserting the two initial assignments instead of the first `$a$ and the only`$=` in this expression.\n```\nprint $_=(\".\"x80)=~s/(.{$=})./\\1@/r=~s/(.{$a})./\\1\"/r=~s/(.{16})/\\1\\n/gr;\n```\nThis generates the initial field, and afterwards prints is. `(\".\"x80)` just generates a string of 80 dots. `=~s/(.{$=})./\\1@/r` then replaces the `$=`th character with `@`, and `=~s/(.{$=})./\\1@/r` the `$a`th character with `\"`. Due to the `r` modifier they don't try to modify in place, but return the modified string, that's why they can be applied to the previous expressions. Finally, `=~s/(.{16})/\\1\\n/gr` inserts a newline every 16 characters. Note that the field is stored in the special variable `$_` which can be used implicitly in later statements.\n```\n%r=qw(w s/.(.{16})@/@\\1./s a s/.@/@./ s s/@(.{16})./.\\1@/s d s/@./.@/);\n```\nThis creates a hash containing the replacement rules for the different moves. A more readable version of this is\n```\n%r = ( 'w' => 's/.(.{16})@/@\\1./s',\n       'a' => 's/.@/@./',\n       's' => 's/@(.{16})./.\\1@/s',\n       'd' => 's/@./.@/' );\n```\nThe keys are the characters for the moves, and the values are strings containing the corresponding replacement rule.\n```\nwhile(/\"/){print if eval\"\\$_=~$r{getc STDIN}\"}\n```\nThis is the main loop. `while(/\"/)` checks if there is still a `\"` character in `$_` (that is, in the field). If we move onto the amulet, its character gets replaced with the player character so it disappears from the field.\n`eval $r{getc STDIN}` reads a character from standard input, looks up the corresponding replacement rule from the has `%r` and applies it to `$_`, that is, the field. This evaluates to true if a replacement was actually made (that is, the key was found in the hash *and* the move was possible; an impossible move won't match in the replacement rule). In that case `print` is executed. Since it is called without argument, it prints `$_`, that is, the modified field.\n[Answer]\n## C#, 256 248 234 227 226 225 bytes\nUses the NumPad arrows with NumLock turned on to move.\nIndented and commented for clarity:\n```\nusing System;\nclass P{\n    static void Main(){\n        int a=0,b=0,c,d,e;\n        var r=new Random();\n        while(0<((c=r.Next(16))&(d=r.Next(5))));\n        Draw(a,b,c,d); // Excluded from the score.\n        while(a!=c|b!=d){\n            e=Console.ReadKey().KeyChar-48;\n            a+=e==4&a>0?-1:e==6&a<15?1:0;\n            b+=e==8&b>0?-1:e==2&b<4?1:0;\n            Draw(a,b,c,d); // Excluded from the score.\n        }\n    }\n    // The following method is excluded from the score.\n    static void Draw(int a, int b, int c, int d){\n        Console.Clear();\n        for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)\n        {\n            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)\n            {\n                Console.Write(\n                    x == a && y == b ? '@' :\n                    x == c && y == d ? '\"' :\n                                       '.'\n                );\n            }\n            Console.WriteLine();\n        }\n    }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Html+JavaScript(ES6), score maybe 217\nToo looong, but playable online in the snippets below.\nLine 6 (T.value ...) is for output and not counted (but for simplicity I counted the textarea open and close tags, even if it's output too)\nAs for randomness: the amulet is always in the right half of the grid and the player always start in the left half.\nClick on the textArea (after enlarging it) to start and restart the game.\n```\n\n\n```\nEcmaScript 6 Snippet (Firefox only)\n```\nR=n=>Math.random()*n|0\ns=e=>m(y=R(5),x=R(8),a=R(5)*17+R(8)+8)\nm=k=>(\n  x+=(x<15&k==39)-(x>0&k==37),\n  y+=(y<4&k==40)-(y>0&k==38),\n  p=y*17+x,\n  T.value=p-a?(t=[...('.'.repeat(16)+'\\n').repeat(5)],t[a]='\"',t[p]='@',t.join('')):t='Well done!'\n)\n```\n```\n\n```\nEcmaScript 5 snippet (tested in Chrome)\n```\nfunction R(n) { return Math.random()*n|0 }\nfunction s() { m(y=R(5),x=R(8),a=R(5)*17+R(8)+8) }\nfunction m(k) {\n  x+=(x<15&k==39)-(x>0&k==37)\n  y+=(y<4&k==40)-(y>0&k==38)\n  p=y*17+x\n  T.value=p-a?(t=('.'.repeat(16)+'\\n').repeat(5).split(''),t[a]='\"',t[p]='@',t.join('')):t='Well done!'\n}\n```\n```\n\n```\n[Answer]\n# Actionscript 3: 267 bytes\nA working example is [online](http://www.fastswf.com/iZ2UH4U)\n`var a:int,p:int,t;function g(){var r=Math.random;while(p==a){a=r()*80;p=r()*80}addEventListener(\"keyDown\",function(e){if(a==p)return;if(e.keyCode==87&&p>15)p-=16if(e.keyCode==83&&p<64)p+=16if(e.keyCode==65&&p%16>0)p--if(e.keyCode==68&&(p+1)%16>0)p++print()});print()}`\nHere's a complete (whitespaces included for readability) program using the game function:\n```\npackage\n{\n    import flash.display.Sprite;\n    import flash.text.TextField;\n    import flash.text.TextFormat;\n    public class MiniRogue extends Sprite\n    {\n        var a:int, p:int, t;\n        public function MiniRogue()\n        {\n            g();\n        }\n        function g(){\n            var r=Math.random;\n            while(p==a){\n                a=r()*80;\n                p=r()*80\n            }\n            addEventListener(\"keyDown\",function(e){\n                if(a==p)\n                    return;\n                if(e.keyCode==87&&p>15)\n                    p-=16\n                if(e.keyCode==83&&p<64)\n                    p+=16\n                if(e.keyCode==65&&p%16>0)\n                    p--\n                if(e.keyCode==68&&(p+1)%16>0)\n                p++\n                print()\n            });\n            print()\n        }\n        var old:int = -1;\n        private function print():void {\n            if (!t) {\n                t = new TextField()\n                t.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(\"_typewriter\", 8)\n                t.width=500;\n                t.height=375;\n                addChild(t)\n            }\n            var board:String = \"\";\n            for (var i:int=0; i<80;i++) {\n                if (i == p) {\n                    board += \"@\";\n                } else if (i == a) {\n                    board += '\"';\n                } else {\n                    board += \".\";\n                }\n                if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) {\n                    board += \"\\n\";\n                }\n            }\n            if (a==p) {\n                board += \"Win!\";\n            }\n            if (p == old) {\n                board += \"Bump!\";\n            }\n            old = p;\n            t.text = board;\n        }\n    }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Javascript: 307 216\nYou can play in the snippet below!\nThe numbers on the left are just so the console (chrome one at least) doesn't merge the rows.\nTo run the code:\n1. hit \"run code snippet\"\n2. hit ctrl-shift-j to open the console\n3. click in the result section\n4. use arrow keys and play\n```\nvar x=y=2,m=Math,b=m.floor(m.random()*5),a=14,i,j,t,c=console,onload=d;function d(){c.clear();for(i=0;i<5;i++){t=i;for(j=0;j<16;j++){t+=(i==y&&j==x)?\"@\":(i==b&&j==a)?'\"':\".\";if(a==x&&b==y)t=\":)\";}c.log(t);}}onkeydown=function(){switch(window.event.keyCode){case 37:if(x>0)x--;break;case 38:if(y>0)y--;break;case 39:if(x<15)x++;break;case 40:if(y<4)y++;break;}d();};\n```\nUn-golfed:\n```\nvar px=py=2,m=Math,ay=m.floor(m.random()*5),ax=14,i,j,t,c=console,onload=draw;\nfunction draw() {\n  c.clear();\n  for(i=0;i<5;i++) {\n    t=i;\n    for(j=0;j<16;j++) {\n      t+=(i==py&&j==px)?\"@\":\n         (i==ay&&j==ax)?'\"':\".\";\n      if(ax==px&&ay==py)t=\":)\";\n    }\n    c.log(t);\n  }\n}\nonkeydown=function() {\n  switch (window.event.keyCode) {\n    case 37:\n      if(px>0)px--;\n      break;\n    case 38:\n      if(py>0)py--;\n      break;\n    case 39:\n      if(px<15)px++;\n      break;\n    case 40:\n      if(py<4)py++;\n      break;\n  }\n  draw();\n};\n```\n**Edit 1:** Read rules more carefully and rewrote my code accordingly\n* amulet y value is now randomized\n* player can no longer escape room\n* I no longer count the characters in the draw function or calls to it\n[Answer]\n# SpecBAS - ~~428~~ 402 (excluding printing, ~~466~~ 425 when counted)\nUses Q/A/O/P to move up/down/left/right respectively.\nThe line to print the dungeon at line 1 is the only line that can be ignored, but have golfed that down a bit as well.\n```\n1 PRINT (\".\"*16+#13)*5\n2 LET px=8: LET py=3\n3 LET ax=INT(RND*16): LET ay=INT(RND*5): IF ax=px AND ay=py THEN GO TO 3\n4 PRINT AT ay,ax;#34;AT py,px;\"@\": LET ox=px: LET oy=py: PAUSE 0: LET k$=INKEY$\n5 LET px=px+(k$=\"p\")-(k$=\"o\")\n6 IF px<0 THEN LET px=0\n7 IF px>15 THEN LET px=15\n8 LET py=py+(k$=\"a\")-(k$=\"q\")\n9 IF py<0 THEN LET py=0\n10 IF py>4 THEN LET py=4\n11 PRINT AT oy,ox;\".\"\n12 IF SCREEN$(px,py)<>#34 THEN GO TO 4\n```\nThe reference to #34 is just a short-hand way of putting CHR$(34) in the code.\nThanks @Thomas Kwa, I hadn't noticed player start position being random was optional. Also used separate IF statements to shave off a few characters.\n[Answer]\n## Another C#, ~~221~~ ~~171~~ 170\nHere is another way in C# with both positions random. Wanted to show this even if this part is 7 bytes longer than Hand-E-Food's solution.  \nHand-E-Food's answer will be shorter of course as soon as he will use Console.Read().  \nThe downside of Consol.Read is, that pressing the needed Enter causes the field to be printed 2 more times.  \nBut I don't think there is a requirement to print just on (real) input.  \n  \nNavigation is done by 8426 as in Hand-E-Foods solution.\n```\nusing System;\nclass P\n{\nstatic void Main()\n{\nFunc n=new Random().Next;\nint x=n()%16,y=n()%5,a=n()%16,b,m;\nwhile(y==(b=n()%5));\nwhile(x!=a|y!=b)\n{\nPrinter.Print(a, b, x, y);  // Excluded from the score.\nm=Console.Read()-48;\ny+=m==8&y>0?-1:m==2&y<4?1:0;\nx+=m==4&x>0?-1:m==6&x<15?1:0;\n}\n}\n}\n```\n  \n**Edit:** (added new solution and moved PrinterClass to the end)  \n**Edit2:** (changed a 14 to a 15 and saved the byte by starting on right-bottom)  \n  \nAdapting the technique of Mauris it is possible to melt it down to 171 bytes in C# (of course now without both positions random):\n```\nusing System;\nclass P\n{\nstatic void Main()\n{\nint p=79,a=new Random().Next()%p,m;\nwhile(p!=a){\nPrinter.Print(p,a);  // Excluded from the score.\nm=Console.Read()-48;\np+=m==4&p/5>0?-5:m==6&p/5<15?5:m==8&p%5>0?-1:m==2&p%5<4?1:0;\n}\n}\n}\n```\nThe Printer Class is nearly the same, just a new overload of print...\n```\nclass Printer\n{\n    public static void Print(int ax, int ay, int px, int py)\n    {\n        Console.Write('\\n');\n        for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++)\n        {\n            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)\n            {\n                if (x == px && y == py)\n                    Console.Write('@');\n                else if (x == ax && y == ay)\n                    Console.Write('\"');\n                else\n                    Console.Write('.');\n            }\n            Console.Write('\\n');\n        }\n    }\n    public static void Print(int p, int a)\n    {\n        Print(p/5,p%5,a/5,a%5);\n    }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## Ruby, 185\nHere is a Ruby example too.  \nI'm very new to Ruby, maybe someone knows how to do that better :)\nI have counted lineFeeds as 1 since the Program will crash otherwise...\nNavigation is done by 8462. You need to send input each time with enter.\n```\ndef display(ax,ay,px,py)\n    puts\n    for y in 0..4\n        for x in 0..15\n            if (x == px && y == py)\n                print \"@\"\n            elsif (x == ax && y == ay)\n                print '\"'\n            else\n                print '.'\n            end\n        end\n        puts\n    end\nend\nx=y=0\na=Random.rand(16) while y==(b=Random.rand(5))\nwhile x!=a or y!=b\ndisplay(a,b,x,y)  # Excluded from the score.\nm=gets.chomp.to_i\ny-=m==8?1:0 if y>0\ny+=m==2?1:0 if y<4\nx-=m==4?1:0 if x>0\nx+=m==6?1:0 if x<15\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n# QBasic, 103 bytes\nPer the rules of the challenge, the `Show` subprogram is not included in the byte-count, nor is the `Show p, q, a, b` call (with the following newline).\n```\nb=1+TIMER MOD 9\n1Show p, q, a, b\nINPUT m\np=p-(m=2)*(p>0)+(m=4)*(p<4)\nq=q-(m=1)*(q>0)+(m=3)*(q<15)\nIF(p<>a)+(q<>b)GOTO 1\nSUB Show (playerRow, playerCol, amuletRow, amuletCol)\nCLS\nFOR row = 0 TO 4\n  FOR col = 0 TO 15\n    IF row = playerRow AND col = playerCol THEN\n      PRINT \"@\";\n    ELSEIF row = amuletRow AND col = amuletCol THEN\n      PRINT CHR$(34);    ' Double quote mark\n    ELSE\n      PRINT \".\";\n    END IF\n  NEXT\n  PRINT\nNEXT\nEND SUB\n```\nTo move, input a number and press Enter: `1` to go left, `2` to go up, `3` to go right, and `4` to go down.\nThis code does not output the game state at the end, when the player has found the amulet. To make it do so, add another `Show p, q, a, b` after the `IF` statement.\n## Explanation\nLet `a`, `b` represent the coordinates of the amulet and `p`, `q` the coordinates of the player. The player starts at (0, 0), and the amulet starts on row 0, with a column between 1 and 9, inclusive, based on the 1's digit of the current time.\nThe rest is just a bunch of math with conditionals. The important thing to remember is that conditionals in QBasic return `0` for false, `-1` for true. Let's look at the player row update statement:\n```\np=p-(m=2)*(p>0)+(m=4)*(p<4)\n```\nIf `m=2`, we want to move up by subtracting 1 from `p`, as long as `p>0`. Similarly, if `m=4`, we want to move down by adding 1 to `p`, as long as `p<4`. We can obtain the desired behavior by multiplying. If both factors are `-1`, their product will be `1`, which we can subtract from or add to `p`. If either conditional is `0`, the product will be `0`, with no effect.\nSimilarly, the condition to determine whether the player has found the amulet is:\n```\nIF(p<>a)+(q<>b)GOTO 1\n```\nIf either of the conditionals is true, their sum will be nonzero (either `-1` or `-2`) and thus truthy, and the program returns to line 1. Once `p` equals `a` and `q` equals `b`, both conditionals will be `0`, so their sum will be `0` and control flow can reach the end of the program.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n### Task\nWrite a program that reads three integers **m**, **n** either from STDIN or as command-line arguments, prints all possible tilings of a rectangle of dimensions **m \u00d7 n** by **2 \u00d7 1** and **1 \u00d7 2** dominos and finally the number of valid tilings.\nDominos of an individual tiling have to be represented by two dashes (`-`) for **2 \u00d7 1** and two vertical bars (`|`) for **1 \u00d7 2** dominos. Each tiling (including the last one) has to be followed by a linefeed.\nFor scoring purposes, you also have to accept a flag from STDIN or as command line argument that makes your program print only the number of valid tilings, but not the tilings itself.\nYour program may not be longer than 1024 bytes. It has to work for all inputs such that **m \u00d7 n \u2264 64**.\n(Inspired by [Print all domino tilings of 4x6 rectangle](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/37988).)\n### Example\n```\n$ sdt 4 2\n----\n----\n||--\n||--\n|--|\n|--|\n--||\n--||\n||||\n||||\n5\n$ sdt 4 2 scoring\n5\n```\n### Scoring\nYour score is determined by the execution time of your program for the input **8 8** with the flag set.\nTo make this a *fastest code* rather than a *fastest computer* challenge, I will run all submissions on my own computer (Intel Core i7-3770, 16 GiB PC3-12800 RAM) to determine the official score.\nPlease leave detailed instructions on how to compile and/or execute your code. If you require a specific version of your language's compiler/interpreter, make a statement to that effect.\nI reserve the right to leave submissions unscored if:\n* There is no free (as in beer) compiler/interpreter for my operating system (Fedora 21, 64 bits).\n* Despite our efforts, your code doesn't work and/or produces incorrect output on my computer.\n* Compilation or execution take longer than an hour.\n* Your code or the only available compiler/interpreter contain a system call to `rm -rf ~` or something equally fishy.\n### Leaderboard\nI've re-scored all submissions, running both compilations and executions in a loop with 10,000 iterations for compilation and between 100 and 10,000 iterations for execution (depending on the speed of the code) and calculating the mean.\nThese were the results:\n```\nUser          Compiler   Score                              Approach\njimmy23013    GCC (-O0)    46.11 ms =   1.46 ms + 44.65 ms  O(m*n*2^n) algorithm.\nsteveverrill  GCC (-O0)    51.76 ms =   5.09 ms + 46.67 ms  Enumeration over 8 x 4.\njimmy23013    GCC (-O1)   208.99 ms = 150.18 ms + 58.81 ms  Enumeration over 8 x 8.\nReto Koradi   GCC (-O2)   271.38 ms = 214.85 ms + 56.53 ms  Enumeration over 8 x 8.\n```\n      \n[Answer]\n# C\nA straightforward implementation...\n```\n#include\nint a,b,c,s[65],l=0,countonly;\nunsigned long long m=0;\nchar r[100130];\nvoid w(i,x,o){\n    int j,k;\n    j=(1<=100000){\n                fwrite(r,l,1,stdout);\n                l=0;\n            }\n        }\n}\nint main(){\n    scanf(\"%d %d %d\",&a,&b,&countonly);\n    c=b;\n    if(a\n#include\nint a,b,c,s[65],l=0,countonly;\nunsigned long long m=0,d[256];\nchar r[100130];\nvoid w2(){\n    int i,j,k,x;\n    memset(d,0,sizeof d);\n    d[0]=1;\n    j=0;\n    for(i=0;i=100000){\n            fwrite(r,l,1,stdout);\n            l=0;\n        }\n    }\n}\nint main(){\n    scanf(\"%d %d %d\",&a,&b,&countonly);\n    c=b;\n    if(a>= 1; }\n      *p++ = '\\n';\n    }\n    *p++ = '\\0';\n    puts(Out);\n    ++NSol;\n  }\n}\nint main(int argc, char* argv[]) {\n  W = atoi(argv[1]); H = atoi(argv[2]); S = (argc > 3);\n  int n = W * H;\n  if (n & 1) return 0;\n  for (int y = 0; y < H; ++y) {\n    RM <<= W; RM |= (1ul << (W - 1)) - 1;\n  }\n  DM = (1ul << (W * (H - 1))) - 1;\n  place(-1, 0, n >> 1);\n  printf(\"%lu\\n\", NSol);\n  return 0;\n}\n```\nI started bumping into the length limit of 1024 characters, so I had to reduce the readability somewhat. Much shorter variable names, etc.\nBuild instructions:\n```\n> gcc -O2 Code.c\n```\nRun with solution output enabled:\n```\n> ./a.out 8 8 >/dev/null\n```\nRun with only solution count:\n```\n> ./a.out 8 8 s\n```\nSome comments:\n* With the larger test example, I do want optimization now. While my system is different (Mac), around `-O2` seems to be good.\n* The code has gotten slower for the case where output is generated. This was a conscious sacrifice for optimizing the \"count only\" mode, and for reducing the code length.\n* There will be a few compiler warnings because of missing includes and external declarations for system functions. It was the easiest way to get me to below 1024 characters in the end without making the code totally unreadable.\nAlso note that the code still generates the actual solutions, even in \"count only\" mode. Whenever a solution is found, the `vM` bitmask contains a `1` for the positions that have a vertical bar, and a `0` for positions with a horizontal bar. Only the conversion of this bitmask into ASCII format, and the actual output, is skipped.\n[Answer]\n# C\nThe concept is to first find all possible arrangements of horizontal dominoes in a row, store them in `r[]` and then organize them to give all possible arrangements of vertical dominoes.\nThe code for positioning the horizontal dominoes in a row is modified from this answer of mine: . It's slow for the wider grids but that isn't a problem for the 8x8 case.\nThe innovation is in the way the rows are assembled. If the board has an odd number of rows it is turned through 90 degrees in the input parsing, so it now has an even number of rows. Now I place some vertical dominoes across the centreline. Because of symmetry, if there are `c` ways of arranging the remaining dominoes in the bottom half, there must also be `c` ways of arranging the remaining dominoes in the top half, meaning that for a given arrangement of vertical dominoes on the centreline, there are `c*c` possible solutions. Therefore only the centreline plus one half of the board is analysed when the program is required to print only the number of solutions.\n`f()` builds the table of possible arrangements of horizontal dominoes, and scans through the possible arrangements of vertical dominoes on the centreline. it then calls recursive function `g()` which fills in the rows. If printing is required, function `h()` is called to do this.\n`g()` is called with 3 parameters. `y` is the current row and `d` is the direction (up or down) in which we are filling the board from the centre outwards. `x` contains a bitmap indicates the vertical dominoes that are incomplete from the previous row. All possible arrangements of dominoes in a row from r[] are tried. In this array, a 1 represents a vertical domino and a pair of zeroes a horizontal domino. A valid entry in the array must have at least enough 1's to finish any incomplete vertical dominoes from the last row: `(x&r[j])==x`. It may have more 1's which indicates that new vertical dominoes are being started. For the next row, then, we need only the new dominoes so we call the procedure again with `x^r[j]`.\nIf an end row has been reached and there are no incomplete vertical dominoes hanging of the top or bottom of the board `x^r[j]==0` then the half has been succesfully completed. If we are not printing, it is sufficient to complete the bottom half and use `c*c` to work out the total number of arrangements. If we are printing, it will be necessary to complete also the top half and then call the printing function `h()`.\n**CODE**\n```\nunsigned int W,H,S,n,k,t,r[1<<22],p,q[64];\nlong long int i,c,C;\n//output: ascii 45 - for 0, ascii 45+79=124 | for 1\nh(){int a;\n  for(a=n;a--;a%W||puts(\"\"))putchar(45+(q[a/W]>>a%W)%2*79);\n  puts(\"\");\n}\ng(y,d,x){int j;\n  for(j=0;j 3);\n  1-(n=W*H)%2?\n      H%2?W^=H,H^=W,W^=H,t=1:0,f()\n    :puts(\"0\");\n}\n```\nNote that input with an odd number of rows and even number of columns is turned though 90 degrees in the parsing phase. If this is unacceptable, the printing function `h()` can be changed to accomodate it. (EDIT: not required, see comments.)\nEDIT: A new function `e()` has been used to check the parity of `i` (i.e the number of dominoes straddling the centreline.) The parity of `i` (the number of half-dominoes on the centreline protruding into each half of the board) must be the same as the oddness of the total number of spaces in each half (given by `n/2`) because only then can the dominoes fill all available space. This edit eliminates half the values of i and therefore makes my program approximately twice as fast.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nThis problem is from [Five programming problems every Software Engineer should be able to solve in less than 1 hour](https://blog.svpino.com/2015/05/07/five-programming-problems-every-software-engineer-should-be-able-to-solve-in-less-than-1-hour) which itself is an interesting read. The first few problems are trivial, but the fourth one can be a bit more interesting.\n> \n> Given a list of integers separated by a single space on standard input, print out the largest and smallest values that can be obtained by concatenating the integers together on their own line.\n> \n> \n> \nFor example:\nInput:\n```\n5 56 50\n```\nOutput: \n```\n50556\n56550\n```\nVarious points of order:\n* The order of the results are smallest then largest.\n* *Only* the smallest and largest values may be printed out (iterating over all the variations and printing them out isn't valid).\n* There will always be two or more integers in the list.\n* It is possible for the largest and smallest results to be the same. In the case of input `5 55`, the number `555` should be printed twice.\n* The integers are not necessarily distinct. `5 5` is valid input.\n* Leading `0`s on integers are ***not*** valid input. You will ***not*** need to account for `05 55`.\nAs this is code golf, shortest entry wins.\n      \n[Answer]\n# CJam, ~~14~~ 13 bytes\n```\nqS/e!:s$(N@W=\n```\nPretty straight forward. This is how it works:\n```\nqS/                  e# Split the input on spaces\n   e!                e# Get all permutations of the input numbers\n     :s              e# Join each permutation order into a single string\n       $             e# Sort them. This sorts the strings based on each digit's value\n        (N@W=        e# Choose the first and the last out of the array separated by '\\n'\n```\n[Try it online here](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=qS%2Fe!%3As%24(N%40W%3D&input=5%2056%2050)\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 14 13 bytes\n```\nhJSmsd.pcz)eJ\n```\nGenerates all permutations and sorts them, printing the first and last element.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~104~~ 99 bytes\nYep.\n```\nfrom itertools import*;z=[''.join(x)for x in permutations(raw_input().split())];print min(z),max(z)\n```\nEdit: thanks to xnor for -5 bytes!\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, ~~64~~ 58 bytes\n```\nPrint/@Sort[\"\"<>#&/@Permutations@StringSplit@#][[{1,-1}]]&\n```\nThis defines an unnamed function taking a string and printing the two lines. It's pretty straightforward as the others: get all permutations, join them together, sort them and print the first and last result.\nSix bytes saved thanks to alephalpha.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6) ~~54 72~~ 85\n~~That's easier than it seems. Just sort them lexicographically. The good news is: that's exactly how plain javascript sort works.~~Well ... no, that's wrong ... still a (more convoluted) lexicograph compare can do the job.\nNote: having a and b numeric, a+[b] is a shortcut for a+''+b, as we need a string concatenation and not a sum.  \nNote 2: the newline inside `` is significant and must be counted\n**Edit** Don't argue with a moderator (...just kidding)\n**Edit2** Fixed I/O format using popups (see [Default for Code Golf: Input/Output methods](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/2459/21348))\n```\n// Complete program with I/O\n// The sorting function is shorter as input are strings\nalert((l=prompt().split(' ')).sort((a,b)=>a+b>b+a).join('')+`\n`+l.reverse().join(''))\n// Testable function (67 chars)\n// With an integer array parameter, the sorting function must convert to string \nF=l=>(l.sort((a,b)=>a+[b]>b+[a]).join('')+`\n`+l.reverse().join(''))\n```\n**Test** In Firefox / FireBug console\n```\nF([50, 2, 1, 9])\nF([5,56,50])\nF([52,36,526])\nF([52,36,525])\nF([52,36,524]\n```\n> \n> 12509  \n> \n>  95021 \n> \n> \n> 50556  \n> \n>  56550 \n> \n> \n> 3652526  \n> \n>  5265236 \n> \n> \n> 3652525  \n> \n>  5255236 \n> \n> \n> 3652452  \n> \n>  5252436\n> \n> \n> \n[Answer]\n## J, 34 ~~36~~, ~~42~~ bytes\nsimple brute force:\n```\nh=:3 :'0 _1{/:~;\"1\":&.>y A.~i.!#y'\nh 5 50 56\n50556 \n56550\nh 50 2 1 9\n12509\n95021\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 98 bytes\n```\nimport Data.List\ng=sort.map concat.permutations.words\nh i=unlines[g i!!0,last$g i]\nmain=interact h\n```\nSplit input string at spaces, concatenate every permutation and sort. Print first and last element.\n[Answer]\n# Julia, 77 bytes\n```\nv->(Q=extrema([int(join(x)) for x in permutations(v)]);print(Q[1],\"\\n\",Q[2]))\n```\nThis creates an unnamed function that accepts a vector as input and prints the minimum and maximum of the permutations of the joined elements. To call it, give it a name, e.g. `f=v->...`.\nUngolfed + explanation:\n```\nfunction f(v)\n    # Create an integer vector of the joined permutations using comprehension,\n    # then get the minimum and maximum as a tuple using extrema().\n    Q = extrema([int(join(x)) for x in permutations(v)])\n    # Print the minimum and the maximum, separated by a newline.\n    print(Q[1], \"\\n\", Q[2])\nend\n```\nSuggestions are welcome!\n[Answer]\n# Javascript (*ES6*) 134\nSadly, there's no built-in permutation function in JS :(\n```\nf=(o,y,i,a)=>y?o.concat(a[1]?a.filter((k,j)=>j^i).reduce(f,[]).map(z=>y+z):y):(q=o.split(' ').reduce(f,[])).sort().shift()+`\n`+q.pop()\n```\n```\n\n\n\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n## R, 59 bytes\n```\nwrite(range(combinat:::permn(scan(),paste,collapse=\"\")),\"\")\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby 75\nNot my 'native' language, but one I thought I'd give a try at... thus this could (possibly) use some golfing tips. Still, not a bad entrant.\n```\nputs STDIN.read.split(\" \").permutation.map{|x|x.join}.sort.values_at(0,-1)\n```\nI wouldn't say it is *elegant* other that everything is built in to the language. It should be fairly obvious exactly how this works.\n[Answer]\n# Perl, ~~79~~ 70B (68+2)\n`use Math::Combinatorics;say for(sort map{join'',@$_}permute@F)[0,-1]`\nCall with `echo 13 42 532 3 6|perl -M5.10.0 -an scratch.pl`. There's a +2 byte penalty for `-an`. Shame about the length of the module name...\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 8 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n#\u0153J{\u00acs\u03b8\u00bb\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f9f@ehkr@pDa4rP7Ti0@/9/UwVTMwVTAwA)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n#         # Split the (implicit) input by spaces\n \u0153        # Get all permutations of this list\n  J       # Join each permutation together to a single string\n   {      # Sort this list\n    \u00ac     # Push the first item (without popping the list)\n     s    # Swap to get the list again\n      \u03b8   # Pop and push its last item\n       \u00bb  # And join all (both) values on the stack by newlines\n          # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Scala](http://www.scala-lang.org/), 90 bytes\n```\nval x=Console.in.readLine.split(\" \").permutations.map(_.mkString).toSeq\nprint(x.min,x.max)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DYrLCsIwEADvfsXSUwqy4NsePEiv3voBsjZrieZls0pA/PYYBgYGJo1kqYTbg0eBPmiegr0DZ2GvE5xjhG/5kIV86oNPwTIajzOTvhjPmKI1ohpoWow8u7eQmLqho6iu6J6DzMZPLUoY@LWINURldMYvqym35Vc6WG@2sIIdHI6wr3R/ \"Scala \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 85 bytes\n```\nF=a=>(c=a.split(\" \").sort((b,a)=>b+a-(a+b)),`${c.join(\"\")}\n${c.reverse().join(\"\")}`)\n```\n**usage:**\n```\nF(\"50 2 1 9\")\n/*\n    12509\n    95021\n*/\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 11 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00fa\u2219n90\u2264\u2563*.v\u00e2\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=L%7CT%7B%24mc%7CmP%7CMp&i=5+56+50)\nLink is to unpacked version of code.\n## Explanation\n```\nL|T{$mc|MP|mp implicit input\nL             put all inputs in a list\n |T           get the unique orders of the list of inputs\n   {$m        convert each list to string\n      c       duplicate the array of strings\n       |mP    print the minimum element\n          |mp print the maximum element\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 6 bytes\n```\n\u0152!V\u1e62.\u1ecb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///oJMWwhzsX6T3c3f3/cPujpjX//0eb6iiYmgGxQawOAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nInput and output as lists of integers. [+3 bytes](https://tio.run/##ASkA1v9qZWxsef//4biyxZIhVlbhuaIu4buLWf/Dh@KCrP//IjUgNTYgNTAiLA) to input with spaces and output with newlines\n## How it works\n```\n\u0152!V\u1e62.\u1ecb - Main link. Takes a list L on the left e.g. [5, 56, 50]\n\u0152!     - All permutations of L                      [[5, 56, 50], [5, 50, 56], [56, 5, 50], [56, 50, 5], [50, 5, 56], [50, 56, 5]]\n  V    - Concatenate each into numbers              [55650, 55056, 56550, 56505, 50556, 50565]\n   \u1e62   - Sort                                       [50556, 50565, 55056, 55650, 56505, 56550]\n    .\u1ecb - Take the first and last elements           [56550, 50556]\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nHere is a simple [ASCII art](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_art) snowman:\n```\n_===_\n(.,.)\n( : )\n( : )\n```\nLet's make him some friends. This will be the general pattern for our ASCII art snowpeople:\n```\n HHHHH\n HHHHH\nX(LNR)Y\nX(TTT)Y\n (BBB)\n```\nThe leading spaces and the parentheses are always the same for all snowpeople. The different letters represent sections of the pattern that can individually change. Each section has exactly four presets for what ASCII characters can fill it.\nBy mixing and matching these presets for all eight sections, we can make a variety of snowpeople. \n# All Presets\n(Notice that spaces are put on otherwise empty lines so the section shape is always correct.)\n### H is for Hat\n1. Straw Hat\n```\n     \n_===_\n```\n2. Mexican Hat\n```\n ___ \n.....\n```\n3. Fez\n```\n  _  \n /_\\ \n```\n4. [Russian Hat](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ushanka)\n```\n ___ \n(_*_)\n```\n### N is for Nose/Mouth\n1. Normal `,`\n2. Dot `.`\n3. Line `_`\n4. None\n### L is for Left Eye\n1. Dot `.`\n2. Bigger Dot `o`\n3. Biggest Dot `O`\n4. Closed `-`\n### R is for Right Eye\n(Same list as left eye.)\n### X is for Left Arm\n1. Normal Arm\n```\n \n<\n```\n2. Upwards Arm\n```\n\\\n \n```\n3. Downwards Arm\n```\n \n/\n```\n4. None\n```\n \n \n```\n### Y is for Right Arm\n1. Normal Arm\n```\n \n>\n```\n2. Upwards Arm\n```\n/\n \n```\n3. Downwards Arm\n```\n \n\\\n```\n4. None\n```\n \n \n```\n### T is for Torso\n1. Buttons  `:`\n2. Vest `] [`\n3. Inward Arms `> <`\n4. None\n### B is for Base\n1. Buttons  `:`\n2. Feet `\" \"`\n3. Flat `___`\n4. None\n# Challenge\nWrite a program that takes in an eight character string (via stdin or command line) in the format `HNLRXYTB`, where each letter is a digit from 1 to 4 that denotes which preset to use for the corresponding section of the snowperson. Print the full snowperson to stdout.\nFor example, the input `11114411` is the snowman at the top of the page. (First `1`: he has a straw hat, second `1`: he has a normal nose, etc.)\nAnother example, the snowperson for input `33232124`:\n```\n   _\n  /_\\\n\\(o_O)\n (] [)>\n (   )\n```\n# Details\n* Any amounts and combinations of leading/trailing spaces and leading/trailing newlines are allowed as long as...\n\t+ the snowperson has all their sections arranged correctly with respect to one another, and\n\t+ there are never more than 64 total whitespace characters (the general pattern is only 7\u00d75, so you probably won't hit this limit).You don't need to print rows/columns of the pattern if they only contain whitespace. e.g. the empty line of the straw hat is not required.\n* You must use the ordering of the parts as they are given above.\n* Instead of a program, you may write a function that takes the digit string as an argument. The output should be printed normally or returned as a string.\n* You may treat the input as an integer instead of a string if preferred.\n# Scoring\nThe shortest code in bytes wins.\n***Bonus question:*** Which of the 65536 distinct snowpeople is your favorite?\n      \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript ES6, 210 208 202 bytes\n```\ns=>` 0\n8(213)9\n4(6)5\n (7)`.replace(/\\d/g,p=>`_===_1 ___\n .....1  _\n  /_\\\\1 ___\n (_*_)1,1.1_11.1o101-1.1o101-1<11/11>11\\\\11 : 1] [1> <1   1 : 1\" \"1___1   11\\\\11 11/11 `.split(1)[s[p>7?p-4:p]-1+p*4]||' ')\n```\nThis is an anonymous function; you use it by executing `([function code])('42232124')`. The most aggravating part of this was the arms, which take up 2 lines, so I had to include code for both top and bottom.\nThe Stack Snippet below has ungolfed, un-ES6-ified, commented code. And you can use it to easily test the code and try out different combinations. **Edit:** I'm having way too much fun with this. I've added several new features, including a way to generate a random snowman.\nThanks to Yair Rand for saving six bytes.\n```\nvar f=function(s){\n  return' 0\\n8(213)9\\n4(6)5\\n (7)' // Start with a placeholder string with all the static components\n    .replace(/\\d/g,function(p){ // Go through each placeholder number to replace it with its value\n    // The massive string below holds all the possible body parts, separated by 1 for easy splitting.\n    // The two at the end are for the top of the arms\n    return'_===_1 ___\\n .....1  _\\n  /_\\\\1 ___\\n (_*_)1,1.1_11.1o101-1.1o101\\\n-1<11/11>11\\\\11 : 1] [1> <1   1 : 1\" \"1___1   11\\\\11 11/11 '.split(1)\n    [s[p>7?p-4:p]-1 // Get the value from the input string. If the current body part\n                    // is the top of the two-line arms (8 or 9), drop it down to 4 or 5\n                    // Subtract 1 to account for the 0-indexed array.\n     +p*4] // multiply by 4 to skip to the relevant code\n     ||' ' // To save bytes in the above string, spaces are empty strings, so replace them here\n  })\n}\n// Code for the interactive version follows\n// http://codepen.io/hsl/pen/bdEgej\nfunction updateRadios(){$('input[type=\"radio\"]').each(function(){if($(this).is(\":checked\")){var t=$(this).data(\"p\"),i=$(this).data(\"v\");input[t]=i}}),inputS=input.join(\"\"),update()}var input=[],inputS=$(\"#code\").val(),update=function(){$(\"#p\").text(f(inputS)),$(\"#code\").val(inputS)};$('input[type=\"radio\"]').change(updateRadios),$(\"#code\").keyup(function(){inputS=$(this).val(),update()}),updateRadios(),$(\"#random\").click(function(){for(var t=0;8>t;t++)$(\"div:eq(\"+t+\") input:eq(\"+Math.floor(4*Math.random())+\")\").prop(\"checked\",!0);updateRadios()});\n```\n```\nbody{font-family:sans-serif}h2{font-size:18px;font-weight:400}label{display:block}div{display:inline-block;margin:0 10px}#code{width:70px}\n```\n```\n



Left eye

Right eye

Left arm

Right arm



\n```\n[Answer]\n# CJam, ~~135~~ ~~134~~ ~~132~~ ~~130~~ ~~126~~ 125 bytes\n```\n0000000: 4e22285b200a5c225f2a295c2d2e2f6f2c3e4f3a3c3d5d225f  N\"([ .\\\"_*)\\-./o,>O:<=]\"_\n0000019: 2422dd7382d6bfab28707190992f240c362ee510262bd07a77  $\".s....(pq../$.6...&+.zw\n0000032: 08556de9dcdb566c676817c2b87f5ecb8bab145dc2f2f76e07  .Um...Vlgh....^....]...n.\n000004b: 22323536624b623224663d4e2f7b5f2c342f2f7d25723a7e2e  \"256bKb2$f=N/{_,4//}%r:~.\n0000064: 3d2828342423346222205f0a20222e2a6f6f736572372f4e2a  =((4$#4b\" _. \".*ooser7/N*\n```\nTo create the file on your machine, execute `xxd -r > snowman.cjam`, paste the reversible hexdump from above, press `Enter` and finally `Ctrl` + `D`.\nAlternatively, you can try the code online using the [CJam interpreter](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=N%22(%5B%20%0A%5C%22_*)%5C-.%2Fo%2C%3EO%3A%3C%3D%5D%22_%24%22%C3%9Ds%C2%82%C3%96%C2%BF%C2%AB(pq%C2%90%C2%99%2F%24%0C6.%C3%A5%10%26%2B%C3%90zw%08Um%C3%A9%C3%9C%C3%9BVlgh%17%C3%82%C2%B8%7F%5E%C3%8B%C2%8B%C2%AB%14%5D%C3%82%C3%B2%C3%B7n%07%22256bKb2%24f%3DN%2F%7B_%2C4%2F%2F%7D%25r%3A~.%3D((4%24%234b%22%20_%0A%20%22.*ooser7%2FN*&input=12222212).\n### Bonus\nMy favorite snowman is Olaf:\n```\n$ LANG=en_US cjam snowman.cjam <<< 12222212\n _===_\n\\(o.o)/\n ( : ) \n (\" \")\n```\n*Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle, but put me in summer and I'll be a\u2026 happy snowman!*\n### Idea\nThe hex string\n```\ndd7382d6bfab28707190992f240c362ee510262bd07a7708\n556de9dcdb566c676817c2b87f5ecb8bab145dc2f2f76e07\n```\nencodes the possible choices for all parts of the snowman, including the fixed ones. Let's call this string **P**.\nTo decode it, we convert **P** (here treated as an array of integers) from base 256 to base 20 and replace each of the resulting integers by the corresponding character of the string **M**:\n```\n([ \n\"_*)\\-./o,>O:<=]\n```\nThis results in the string **T**:\n```\n/(_*_)\"_===_/....., /_\\ \n ,._\n-.oO\n-.oO\n   <\\  /\n   >/  \\\n    : ] [> <\n    : \" \"___\n ((()\n```\nThe first line encodes all hat choices, the last all fixed body parts. The other lines contain the 28 variable body parts.\nWe split **T** at linefeeds and divide the strings of the resulting array into four parts of equal length. Then, we read the input from STDIN, push the array of its digits in base 10 and select the corresponding elements of the split strings. We take advantage of the fact that arrays wrap around in CJam, so the element at index 4 of an array of length 4 is actually the first element. The last divided string does not correspond to any input, so it will get selected entirely.\nWe handle the hat by shifting the first element out of the resulting array. The index in **M** of first character, read as a base 4 number, reveals the number of spaces and underscores in the first line of the hat. We print those characters, a linefeed, a space and the remainder of the shifted string. Then, we push an additional linefeed on the bottom of the stack. \nFor the body parts, we concatenate the string corresponding to all of them. Let's call this string **S**. To assemble the body parts, we perform transliteration: we take each character of the string **M**, compute its index in **sort(M)** and replace it by the corresponding character of **S**. We take advantage of the fact that the transliteration operator automatically pads **S** to match the length of **sort(M)** by repeating the last character of **S** as many times as necessary.\nFinally, we divide the resulting string into substrings of length 7 and place a linefeed between each pair of substrings.\n### Code\nSuppose that the variables `M` and `P` contain the strings **M** and **P**.\n```\nN        e# Push a linefeed.\nM_$      e# Push M and a sorted copy.\nP256bKb  e# Push P and convert it from base 256 to base 20.\n2$       e# Push a copy of M.\nf=       e# Compute T by retrieving the proper chars from M.\nN/       e# Split T at linefeeds.\n{_,4//}% e# Divide each string into four substrings of equal length.\nr:~      e# Read a number from STDIN and push the array of its digits in base 10.\n.=       e# Get the corresponding chunks from T.\n((       e# Shift out the first string and that string's first character.\n4$#      e# Find its index in M.\n4b       e# Compute its digits in base 4.\n\" _\n \".*     e# Repeat the space and underscore that many times in place.\noo       e# Print the result and the shifted string.\ns        e# Flatten the remainder of the array. This pushes S.\ner       e# Perform transliteration.\n7/       e# Split into chunks of length 7.\nN*       e# Join using linefeeds.\n```\n[Answer]\n# CJam, 164 bytes\nGenerates the snowman left-to-right, top-to-bottom. This eliminates the need for any kind of string joining or repositioning operations, as I just leave every piece of the snowman on the stack. And then, due to the automatic stack dump at the end of programs:\n\u266b *CJam wants to build a snowman!* \u266b\n```\nq:Q;SS\"\n _===_,___\n ....., _\n  /_\\,___\n (_*_)\"',/0{Q=~(=}:G~N\" \\ \"4G'(\".oO-\"_2G\",._ \"1G@3G')\" / \"5GN\"< / \"4G'(\" : ] [> <   \"3/6G')\"> \\ \"5GNS'(\" : \\\" \\\"___   \"3/7G')\n```\n[Try it online.](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=q%3AQ%3BSS%22%0A%20_%3D%3D%3D_%2C___%0A%20.....%2C%20_%0A%20%20%2F_%5C%2C___%0A%20(_*_)%22'%2C%2F0%7BQ%3D~(%3D%7D%3AG~N%22%20%5C%20%224G'(%22.oO-%22_2G%22%2C._%20%221G%403G')%22%20%2F%20%225GN%22%3C%20%2F%20%224G'(%22%20%3A%20%5D%20%5B%3E%20%3C%20%20%20%223%2F6G')%22%3E%20%5C%20%225GNS'(%22%20%3A%20%5C%22%20%5C%22___%20%20%20%223%2F7G')&input=33232124)\n### Bonus\nThinking outside the box! `32443333` gives a snow(wo)man bride. You've gotta try a bit to see it, but there are the inward arms, fez + downwards arms = veil, and the head is actually in the fez/veil. The generally large form is the billowy dress, and the \"eyes\" and \"nose\" are folds in the dress.\n```\n   _\n  /_\\\n (-.-) \n/(> <)\\\n (___)\n```\nOther \"eye\" choices are a bit risqu\u00e9...\n[Answer]\n# Python, ~~276~~ 289 bytes\n```\nV='.oO-'\ndef F(d):\n D=lambda i:int(d[i])-1\n print\"  \"+(\"\",\"___\",\" _ \",\"___\")[D(0)]+\"\\n \"+\\\n\"_. (=./_=._*=.\\\\__. )\"[D(0)::4]+\"\\n\"+\\\n\" \\\\  \"[D(4)]+\"(\"+V[D(2)]+',._ '[D(1)]+V[D(3)]+\")\"+\" /  \"[D(5)]+'\\n'+\\\n\"< / \"[D(4)]+\"(\"+\" ]> :    [< \"[D(6)::4]+\")\"+\"> \\\\ \"[D(5)]+\"\\n (\"+\\\n' \"_ : _  \"_ '[D(7)::4]+\")\"\n```\nThis code has 8 extra bytes(`\\`\\*4) for readability.\nBuilds the snowman up bit by bit.\n# Bonus\n`F(\"44444432\")` gives \"sleepy russian bear\":\n```\n  ___    \n (_*_)\n (- -)\n (> <)\n (\" \")\n```\n[Answer]\n# TI-BASIC, 397 bytes\n**Important:** If you want to test this out, download it from [here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/exwuo6zm9xsn7q6/SNOWMAN.8xp?dl=0) and send that file to your calculator. Do *not* try to copy the code below into TI-Connect CE's program editor or SourceCoder 3 or something to build and send it to your calculator; in TI-Connect's case, it'll say it has an invalid token. SC3 uses the backslash as a comment delimiter (`//` starts a comment in SC3; `/\\/`, though, will export as `//`) and so it won't export the arms and hat and such correctly, causing the program to both display the incorrect body parts and throw an ERROR:DOMAIN every now and then. Fun stuff!\n**Important #2:** I'm too lazy to fix the download at the moment, so when you transfer it to your calc, change the `7` on the third line from the bottom to `X+6`. The code below is fixed if you need to compare.\n```\nInput Str9\nseq(inString(\"1234\",sub(Str9,I,1)),I,1,length(Ans\u2192L1\n\"      ___   _   ___ \u2192Str1\n\"_===_..... /_\\ (_*_)\u2192Str2\n\",._ \u2192Str3\n\"\u2022oO-\u2192Str4\n\"<\\/ \u2192Str5\n\">/\\ \u2192Str6\n\" : ] [> <   \u2192Str7\n\" : \u00a8 \u00a8___   \u2192Str8\n\"Str1Str2Str3Str4Str5Str6Str7Str8\u2192Str0\nFor(X,3,5\nOutput(X,2,\"(   )\nEnd\nL1\nOutput(3,3,sub(Str4,Ans(3),1)+sub(Str3,Ans(2),1)+sub(Str4,Ans(4),1\nAns(5\nOutput(4-(Ans=2),1,sub(Str5,Ans,1\nL1(6\nOutput(4-(Ans=2),7,sub(Str6,Ans,1\nL1-1\nFor(X,1,2\nOutput(X+3,3,sub(expr(sub(Str0,X+6,1)),1+3Ans(X+6),3\nOutput(X,2,sub(expr(sub(Str0,X,1)),1+5Ans(1),5\nEnd\n```\n**Bonus:** I'm particularly fond of `12341214`.\n```\n _===_\n (O.-)/\n<( : )\n (   )\n```\nSome notes:\n* It can definitely be golfed more, no question about that. I'm nearly positive that I can combine a majority, if not all, of the outputting into a single For( loop. Also, I'm pretty sure that I can merge some strings together.\n* In Str4 (the eyes) I use the \"plot dot\" (`[2ND] \u2192 [0]CATALOG \u2192 [3]\u03b8 \u2192 scroll down, it's between \ufe62 (small plus) and \u00b7 (interpunct)`) as opposed to a period so that the eyes don't line up with the comma, because that looks weird as hell.\n* In Str8 (base) I had to use a diaeresis (\u00a8) instead of double quotes because there's no way to escape characters in TI-BASIC, and double quotes are used to start/end strings.\n* In TI-BASIC, there's no need to close parentheses and brackets if they're followed by a colon, newline or \u2192 (used for var assignment), and double quotes (strings) can stay unclosed when followed by a newline or \u2192.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~354~~ ~~280~~ ~~241~~ 261 bytes\n```\ndef s(g):H,N,L,R,X,Y,T,B=[int(c)-1for c in g];e='.oO-';print(' '*9+'_ _ ___ _ _\\n\\n\\n\\n    _. (=./_=._*=.\\\\__. )')[H::4]+'\\n'+' \\\\  '[X]+'('+e[L]+',._ '[N]+e[R]+')'+' /  '[Y]+'\\n'+'< / '[X]+\"(\"+' ]> :    [< '[T::4]+')'+'> \\\\ '[Y]+'\\n ('+' \"_ : _  \"_ '[B::4]+\")\"\n```\nCalling `s('33232124')` gives:\n```\n   _ \n  /_\\ \n\\(o_O) \n (] [)>\n (   )\n```\nBut my favorites are `44242123` and `41341144`:\n```\n  ___      ___\n (_*_)    (_*_)\n\\(o -)    (O,-) \n (] [)>  <(   )>\n (___)    (   )\n```\n[Answer]\n# CJam, ~~150~~ 145 bytes\nBase convert **all** the things!\n```\n\"b8li'\nU9gN;|\"125:Kb8bl:~f=\"r  pL|P3{cR`@L1iT\"Kb21b\"G.HMtNY7VM=BM@$^$dX8a665V\"KbFb\"=_./ <[(*-oO,\\\":\"f=_\"/<[(\"\"\\>])\"er+4/f=.=7/N*\n```\nSE mangles unprintables, so [here](http://pastebin.com/J4eFVDtR) is a copy on Pastebin. Make sure you copy the \"RAW Paste Data\" part, not the part next to line numbers. You can [try it online](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=%22%02b8%11li%27%0A%07U9gN%3B%7C%22125%3AKb8bl%3A%7Ef%3D%22%02r%09pL%7CP3%19%7B%0EcR%60%40%1DL1i%07T%15%22Kb21b%22%01G%0F%1D.H%17M%13tNY7V%15M%3DBM%40%24%5E%08%24%1B%1EdX8a665V%22KbFb%22%3D_.%2F%20%3C%5B%28*-oO%2C%5C%22%3A%22f%3D_%22%2F%3C%5B%28%22%22%5C%3E%5D%29%22er%2B4%2Ff%3D.%3D7%2FN*&input=14441133), but the permalink may not work in some browsers.\n## Explanation\nThe `\"b8li'U9gN;|\"125:Kb8bp` part generates the array\n```\n[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 1 3 0 5 4 0 6 6 6 0 5 0 0 7 7 7 0]\n```\nwhich maps each digit of the input to where the digit is used. Anything which is common to all inputs (e.g. leading spaces and `()`) is arbitrarily assigned a 0, except the first which is assigned 1 so that base convert can work.\n`l:~f=` then converts each digit to an int and maps accordingly, e.g. for `14441133` we get\n```\n[2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 2 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 1 4 4 4 1]\n```\n`\"G.HMtNY7VM=BM@$^$dX8a665V\"KbFb\"=_./ <[(*-oO,\\\":\"f=` gives the string\n```\n\"_=./  /  < /  [<(((((_. _ _     _ __*=._-.oO ,._  \\\"_ :   : _\"\n```\nafter which we duplicate, replace `/<[(` with `\\>])` and append to give a long string. Then we split the string into groups of 4 and map according to another array `\"r pL|P3{cR`@L1iT\"Kb21b`, thus getting an array of length-4 strings describing all possible options at each cell (e.g. `_=./` is all possible options for the second character on the second line, starting from the Russian hat).\nFinally we map the options to the inputs accordingly `.=`, split into rows of length 7 `7/` and riffle in some newlines `N*`.\n## Test runs\n```\n11111111\n _===_ \n (.,.) \n<( : )>\n ( : )\n22222222\n  ___  \n ..... \n\\(o.o)/\n (] [) \n (\" \")\n33333333\n   _   \n  /_\\  \n (O_O) \n/(> <)\\\n (___)\n44444444\n  ___  \n (_*_) \n (- -) \n (   ) \n (   )\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~280 272~~ 264 bytes\nOnly partially golfed at this point, but this is a fun challenge. \n```\n#define P(n)[s[n]&3],\nf(char*s){printf(\"  %.3s\\n %.5s\\n%c(%c%c%c)%c\\n%c(%.3s)%c\\n (%.3s)\",\n\"___   ___ _\"+*s%4*3,\"(_*_)_===_..... /_\\\\\"+*s%4*5,\"  \\\\ \"P(4)\"-.o0\"P(2)    \n\" ,._\"P(1)\"-.o0\"P(3)\"  /\"P(5)\" < /\"P(4)\"    : ] [> <\"+s[6]%4*3,\" > \\\\\"P(5)\n\"    : \\\" \\\"___\"+s[7]%4*3);}\n```\n(With some extra \\n for readability.) I expect the `define` should go away with further golfing.\nA more readable version is\n```\n#define P(n)[s[n]&3],\nf(char *s) {\n  printf(\"  %.3s\\n\"\n         \" %.5s\\n\"\n         \"%c(%c%c%c)%c\\n\"\n         \"%c(%.3s)%c\\n\"\n         \" (%.3s)\",\n         \"___   ___ _\"+*s%4*3,                  /* Top of hat. */\n         \"(_*_)_===_..... /_\\\\\"+*s%4*5,         /* Lower hat. */\n         \"  \\\\ \"P(4)                            /* Upper left arm. */\n         \"-.o0\"P(2)                             /* Left eye. */\n         \" ,._\"P(1)                             /* Nose. */\n         \"-.o0\"P(3)                             /* Right eye. */\n         \"  /\"P(5)                              /* Upper right arm. */\n         \" < /\"P(4)                             /* Lower left arm. */\n         \"    : ] [> <\"+s[6]%4*3,               /* Torso. */\n         \" > \\\\\"P(5)                            /* Lower right arm. */\n         \"    : \\\" \\\"___\"+s[7]%4*3              /* Base. */\n         );\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 212 bytes\n```\nd;main(){char*t=\"##3#b#b3#bbb3#b#b##\\r#3b1#+3@12b3@1b-3@1_b3b1#,#\\r7#_##+51rR04/1b#61rR0,8#2##\\r7?#2#+9#`A#9=###9#^?#,8A#_#\\r#+:#%b#:=#b#:#%b#,#\",p[9];for(gets(p);d=*t++;putchar(d-3))d=d<51?d:(p[d-51]-53)[t+=4];}\n```\nA readable version:\n```\nd;\nmain()\n{\n    char *t = \"##3#b#b3#bbb3#b#b##\\r\"\n              \"#3b1#+3@12b3@1b-3@1_b3b1#,#\\r\"\n              \"7#_##+51rR04/1b#61rR0,8#2##\\r\"\n              \"7?#2#+9#`A#9=###9#^?#,8A#_#\\r\"\n              \"#+:#%b#:=#b#:#%b#,#\",\n        p[9]; // 9 bytes is just enough for the input string of length 8\n    for (gets(p); d = *t++; putchar(d-3))\n        d = d < 51 ? d : (p[d - 51] - 53)[t += 4];\n}\n```\nI took the idea from [the answer by Reto Koradi](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/49914/25315). There were several fun improvements I did, which may warrant posting a separate answer:\n* Converted from function to program (+10)\n* Moved newlines into the control string (-7)\n* Added 3 to all character codes to have fewer escaped chars like `\\\"` (-3)\n* Reading from the string with autoincrement; also replaced `t[i++]` by `*t++` (-4)\n* Replaced `while` by `for`; removed `{}` (-4)\n* Simplified loop termination: reading until `\\0` (-9)\n* [Transformed `t[...],t+=4` to `(...)[t+=4]`](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/381542/with-c-arrays-why-is-it-the-case-that-a5-5a) to eliminate the comma operator (-1)\nWhy all that trouble? To share my favorite one, snow ghost:\n```\n   _\n  /_\\\n\\(. .)/\n (   )\n (___)\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 489 (without newlines and tabs)\n```\nx=' ';\nd=\"   \";\nh=['\\n_===_',' ___ \\n.....','  _  \\n /_\\\\ ',' ___ \\n(_*-)'];\nn=[',','.','_',x];\ne=['.','o','O','-'];\ny=['>',,'\\\\',x];\nu=['<',,'/',x];\nt=[' : ','[ ]','> <',d;\nb=[' : ','\" \"',\"___\",d];\nj=process.argv[2].split('').map(function(k){return parseInt(k)-1});\nq=j[4]==1;\nw=j[5]==1;\nconsole.log([\n    h[j[0]].replace(/(.*)\\n(.*)/g, \" $1\\n $2\"),\n    (q?'\\\\':x)+'('+e[j[2]]+n[j[1]]+e[j[3]]+')'+(w?'/':x),\n    (!q?u[j[4]]:x)+'('+t[j[6]]+')'+(!w?y[j[5]]:x),\n    x+'('+b[j[7]]+')'].join('\\n'));\n```\nrun with `node snowman.js 33232124`\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 203 bytes\n```\nM@GCHgc\"  ___\n  ___\n   _\"bhzgc\" (_*_)\n _===_\n .....\n  /_\\\\\"bhzs[g\"  \\ \"@z4\\(g\"-.oO\"@z2g\" ,._\"@z1g\"-.oO\"@z3\\)g\"  / \"@z5)s[g\" < /\"@z4\\(gc\"   \n : \n] [\n> <\"b@z6\\)g\" > \\\\\"@z5)++\" (\"gc\"   \n : \n\\\" \\\"\n___\"bez\\)\n```\nLol. Try it online: [Pyth Compiler/Executor](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=M%40GCHgc%22%20%20___%0A%0A%20%20___%0A%20%20%20_%22bhzgc%22%20(_*_)%0A%20_%3D%3D%3D_%0A%20.....%0A%20%20%2F_%5C%5C%22bhzs%5Bg%22%20%20%5C%20%22%40z4%5C(g%22-.oO%22%40z2g%22%20%2C._%22%40z1g%22-.oO%22%40z3%5C)g%22%20%20%2F%20%22%40z5)s%5Bg%22%20%3C%20%2F%22%40z4%5C(gc%22%20%20%20%0A%20%3A%20%0A%5D%20%5B%0A%3E%20%3C%22b%40z6%5C)g%22%20%3E%20%5C%5C%22%40z5)%2B%2B%22%20(%22gc%22%20%20%20%0A%20%3A%20%0A%5C%22%20%5C%22%0A___%22bez%5C)&input=33232124&debug=0)\n### Explanation\nFirst I define a helper function `g`, which takes a list and a char as input, converts the char into its ASCII-value and takes correspondent element (modular wrapping). \n```\nM@GCH  def g(G,H): return G[ord(H)]\n```\nThe other things is just printing line by line. For instance the first line is:\n```\n c\"  ___\\n\\n  ___\\n   _\"b     split the string \"  ___\\n\\n  ___\\n   _\" at \"\\n\"\n                         hz   first char in input\ng                             apply g and print\n```\nBtw. I experimented a little bit with `.F\"{:^7}\"`, which centers a string. Using it, I could save a few spaces in my code, but it doesn't save any bytes at the end. \n[Answer]\n# Haskell, ~~361~~ ~~306~~ 289 bytes\n```\no l a b=take a$drop((b-1)*a)l\nn=\"\\n\"\np i=id=<<[\"  \",o\"    \\n _===____ \\n ..... _  \\n  /_\\\\ ___ \\n (_*_)\"11a,n,o\" \\\\  \"1e,o\"(.(o(O(-\"2c,o\",._ \"1 b,o\".)o)O)-)\"2d,o\" /  \"1f,n,o\"< / \"1e,o\"( : )(] [)(> <)(   )\"5g,o\"> \\\\ \"1f,n,\" (\",o\" : )\\\" \\\")___)   )\"4h]where[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]=map(read.(:[]))i\n```\nUsage:\n```\nputStrLn $ p \"12333321\"\n _===_\n (O.O) \n/(] [)\\\n ( : )\n```\nHow it works: index every element of the list of `[hat options, left upper arm options, left eye options, ..., base options]` with the corresponding input number and concatenate it into a single list. I've split the left and right arm into an upper and lower part, so that I can build the snowman line by line.\nMy favorite is the classic `11112211`.\nEdit: switched from list of strings to strings for the parts (hat, eye, ...). Needs a second parameter, the length of the substring to take.\nEdit II: extracted common substrings\n[Answer]\n# R, ~~436~~ 437 bytes\nHere's my first try on [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), using R which isn't the shortest but still fun. At least I'm beating JavaScript (for now)...\n```\nH=c(\"_===_\",\" ___\\n .....\",\"  _\\n  /_\\\\\",\" ___\\n (_*_)\")\nN=c(\",\",\".\",\"_\",\" \")\nL=c(\".\",\"o\",\"O\",\"-\")\nX=c(\" \",\"\\\\\",\" \",\" \")\nS=c(\"<\",\" \",\"/\",\" \")\nY=c(\" \",\"/\",\" \",\"\")\nU=c(\">\",\" \",\"\\\\\",\"\")\nT=c(\" : \",\"] [\",\"> <\",\"   \")\nB=c(\" : \",\"\\\" \\\"\",\"___\",\"   \")\nf=function(x){i=as.integer(strsplit(x,\"\")[[1]]);cat(\" \",H[i[1]],\"\\n\",X[i[5]],\"(\",L[i[3]],N[i[2]],L[i[4]],\")\",Y[i[6]],\"\\n\",S[i[5]],\"(\",T[i[7]],\")\",U[i[6]],\"\\n\",\" (\",B[i[8]], \")\",sep=\"\")}\n```\nTesting:\n```\n> f(\"12344321\")\n _===_\n (O.-) \n (] [)\\\n ( : )\n```\nI actually struggled with `X` and `Y` being multilined but with stuff in between, ended up separating each line in (`X`, `S`) and (`Y`, `U`).\n`function` and conversion from string to integer are also very verbose.\n**Edit 436 => 437**\nHad to fix a missing empty space noticed by @OganM\nI could reduce to 428 replacing the line breaks between variables with `;`, but the \"one-lined\" code looks so bad and unreadable I won't be that greedy.\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 199 bytes\nInspired by [Reto Koradi](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/49914/80745) and [anatolyg](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/49941/80745).\n```\nfor($t='  0 _ _0 ___0 _ _\n 0_. (0=./_0=._*0=.\\_0_. )\n4 \\  (2.oO-1,._ 3.oO-)5 /  \n4< / (6 ]> 6:   6 [< )5> \\ \n (7 \"_ 7: _ 7 \"_ )';$d=$t[$i++];$r+=\"$d\"){if($d-ge48){$d=$t[$i+\"$args\"[\"$d\"]-49]\n$i+=4}}$r\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RZBbboMwFET/vYqRaxVTCuHhkJbE2UIXQJCFxKNItESGtIoQa6cmQen5GM9cj2XZ5@631P1n2bYzqyAxzlWnORukBfhQUEaUujkCX3ngvvQ2yoh6MXJSy8wmAieAh1734QavnkK0OHuLDUDEwSw8RnZEnACIkR5gb4/mCAHfgSrsEnPBzdnWnhWSDSlrHCfbM@1Iygpqj03FWeHWpXizx0eDslzXPU2XSuaK94yYoRTTxPQ8kWfzIiswCBEE1j1GURiFQSis/92FNYYrj/KdNYoV8zVP@Lqiyn863QxlAtq3ZXm@Ql/6vsm/UV9yXdD5Dw \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNote: The line 3 has 2 trail spaces, line 4 has a trail space.\nMy favorite is `44444444` \"sleepy russian guard\":\n```\n ___\n(_*_)\n(- -)\n(   )\n(   )\n```\n[Answer]\n# CJam, ~~200~~ 191 bytes\nThis can surely be golfed a lot. (Specially if I base encode it). But here goes for starters:\n```\n7S*\"_===_  ___  .....   _    /_\\   ___  (_*_)\"+6/2/Nf*\",._ \"1/\".oO-\"1/_\" <\\  /   >/  \\  \"2/4/~\" : ] [> <    : \\\" \\\"___   \"3/4/~]l~Ab:(]z::=:L0=N4{L=}:K~0='(2K1K3K')5K0=N4K1='(6K')5K1=NS'(7K')\n```\nInput goes into STDIN. For example, input `23232223` gives:\n```\n  ___ \n .....\n\\(o_O)/\n (] [) \n (___)\n```\n[Try it online here](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=7S*%22_%3D%3D%3D_%20%20___%20%20.....%20%20%20_%20%20%20%20%2F_%5C%20%20%20___%20%20(_*_)%22%2B6%2F2%2FNf*%22%2C._%20%221%2F%22.oO-%221%2F_%22%20%3C%5C%20%20%2F%20%20%20%3E%2F%20%20%5C%20%20%222%2F4%2F~%22%20%3A%20%5D%20%5B%3E%20%3C%20%20%20%20%3A%20%5C%22%20%5C%22___%20%20%20%223%2F4%2F~%5Dl~Ab%3A(%5Dz%3A%3A%3D%3AL0%3DN4%7BL%3D%7D%3AK~0%3D'(2K1K3K')5K0%3DN4K1%3D'(6K')5K1%3DNS'(7K')&input=33232124)\n[Answer]\n## C, ~~233~~ 230 bytes\n```\nchar*t=\"  0 _ _0 ___0 _ _   0_. (0=./_0=._*0=.\\\\_0_. ) 4 \\\\  (2.oO-1,._ 3.oO-)5 /  4< / (6 ]> 6:   6 [< )5> \\\\  (7 \\\"_ 7: _ 7 \\\"_ ) \";i,r,d;f(char*p){while(r++<35){d=t[i]-48;putchar(t[d<0?i:i+p[d]-48]);i+=d<0?1:5;r%7?0:puts(\"\");}}\n```\nWith newlines and whitespace for better readability:\n```\nchar* t = \"  0 _ _0 ___0 _ _   0_. (0=./_0=._*0=.\\\\_0_. ) 4 \\\\  (2.oO-1,._ 3.oO-)5 /  4< / (6 ]> 6:   6 [< )5> \\\\  (7 \\\"_ 7: _ 7 \\\"_ ) \";\ni, r, d;\nf(char* p)\n{\n    while (r++ < 35)\n    {\n        d = t[i] - 48;\n        putchar(t[d < 0 ? i : i + p[d] - 48]);\n        i += d < 0 ? 1 : 5;\n        r % 7 ? 0 : puts(\"\");\n    }\n}\n```\nThe whole thing is fairly brute force. It uses a table that contains one entry for each of the 35 (5 lines with length 7) characters. Each entry in the table is either:\n* A constant character: , `(`, `)`. Length of table entry is 1 character.\n* Index of body part, followed by the 4 possible characters depending on the part selection in the input. Length of table entry is 5 characters.\nThe code then loops over the 35 characters, and looks up the value in the table.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~349~~ ~~336~~ ~~254~~ 251 bytes\nSo much for doing my thesis.\nHere's the content of the file *snowman.py*:\n```\nl='_===_| ___\\n .....|  _\\n  /_\\| ___\\n (_*_)| : |] [|> <|   |>| |\\| | : |\" \"|___|   '.split('|')\nl[4:4]=' \\  .oO-,._ .oO- /  < / '\ndef s(a):print(' {}\\n{}({}{}{}){}\\n{}({}){}\\n ({})'.format(*[l[4*m+int(a[int('0421354657'[m])])-1]for m in range(10)]))\n```\nAnd this is how I conjure my favourite snowman:\n```\ns('11112311')\n _===_ \n\\(.,.) \n ( : )\\\n ( : ) \n```\n## Explanation\n```\n# Create a list containing the 4 * 10 body parts of the snowman in order of drawing:\n#   hats,\n#   upper left arms, left eyes, noses, right eyes, upper right arms,\n#   lower left arms, torso's, lower right arms,\n#   bases\nl='_===_| ___\\n .....|  _\\n  /_\\| ___\\n (_*_)| : |] [|> <|   |>| |\\| | : |\" \"|___|   '.split('|')\nl[4:4]=' \\  .oO-,._ .oO- /  < / '\n# This is the function that draws the snowman\n# All the lines of this function are golfed in a single statement, but seperated here for clearity\ndef s(a):\n    # In this list comprehension I put the elements of l that are chosen according to the parameters\n    list_comprehension = []\n    # m is the number of the body part to draw\n    for m in range(10):\n        # Get the index for the choice of the m-th bodypart\n        # (example: the 2nd bodypart (m = 1: the upper left arm) is in the 4th place of the arguments list)\n        choice_index = int('0421354657'[m])\n        # n is the parameter of the current bodypart\n        n = int(a[choice_index]) - 1\n        # Add the body part from list l to the list comprehenseion\n        list_comprehension.append( l[4 * m + n] )\n    # Print the list comprehension with the static parts\n    print(' {}\\n{}({}{}{}){}\\n{}({}){}\\n ({})'.format(*list_comprehension))\n```\n[Answer]\n# R 414 Bytes\nSlightly modified version of Molx's version\n```\nW =c(\"_===_\",\" ___\\n .....\",\"  _\\n  /_\\\\\",\" ___\\n (_*_)\",\",\",\".\",\"_\",\" \",\".\",\"o\",\"O\",\"-\",\" \",\"\\\\\",\" \",\" \",\"<\",\" \",\"/\",\" \",\" \",\"/\",\" \",\"\",\">\",\" \",\"\\\\\",\"\",\" : \",\"] [\",\"> <\",\"   \",\" : \",\"\\\" \\\"\",\"___\",\"   \")\nf=function(x){i=as.integer(strsplit(x,\"\")[[1]]);cat(\" \",W[i[1]],\"\\n\",W[i[5]+12],\"(\",W[i[3]+8],W[i[2]+4],W[i[4]+8],\")\",W[i[6]+20],\"\\n\",W[i[5]+16],\"(\",W[i[7]+28],\")\",W[i[6]+24],\"\\n\",\" (\",W[i[8]+32], \")\",sep=\"\")}\n```\nJust merged the seperate variables into one. Shawing of some space that was used for `X=c(` routine.\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 333 bytes\nMy first submission! Builds the snowman from top to bottom, left to right. I split the arms into two functions for each arm, the part next to head and the part next to the body.\nThe function s takes a list of integers and concatenates the output of the functions which produce the body parts given correct sublists of the input.\n```\na=y[\"\\n _===_\\n\",\"  ___ \\n .....\\n\",\"   _  \\n  /_\\\\ \\n\",\"  ___ \\n (_*_)\\n\"]\nd=y\",._ \"\nc=y\".oO-\"\ne=y\"< / \"\nj=y\" \\\\  \"\nf=y\"> \\\\ \"\nk=y\" /  \"\ny w n=w!!(n-1)\nh=y[\" : \",\"] [\",\"> <\",\"   \"]\nb=y[\" ( : ) \\n\",\" (\\\" \\\") \\n\",\" (___) \\n\",\" (   ) \\n\"]\ns(m:x:o:p:n:q:t:l:_)=putStr$a m++j x:'(':c o:d n:c p:')':k q:'\\n':e x:'(':h t++')':f q:'\\n':b l\n```\nIt relies on the function\n```\ny :: [a] -> Int -> a\ny w n=w!!(n-1)\n```\nwhich returns the nth element of the list it is given. This allows for the list of hats in a, as well as things like\n```\nk=y\" /  \"\n```\nall of these functions use a beta reduction so their argument is passed as the index to the y function.\nOutput:\n```\n\u03bb> s $ repeat 1\n _===_\n (.,.) \n<( : )>\n ( : ) \n\u03bb> s $ repeat 2\n  ___ \n .....\n\\(o.o)/\n (] [) \n (\" \") \n\u03bb> s $ repeat 3\n   _  \n  /_\\ \n (O_O) \n/(> <)\\\n (___) \n\u03bb> s $ repeat 4\n  ___ \n (_*_)\n (- -) \n (   ) \n (   ) \n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 247\nNot as good ad @NinjaBearMonkey's :(\nTest in snippet (with Firefox)\n```\nS=p=>([h,n,c,d,l,r,t,b,e,x]=[...p,' .oO-',`1_===_1 ___\n .....1  _\n  /_\\\\1 ___\n (_*_)1 : 1] [1> <1   1 : 1\" \"1___1   `.split(1)],` ${x[h]}\n${'  \\\\  '[l]}(${e[c]+' ,._ '[n]+e[d]})${'  /  '[r]}\n${' < / '[l]}(${x[3-~t]})${' > \\\\ '[r]}\n (${x[7-~b]})`)\n// TEST // \nfunction go()\n{\n  var n=N.value\n  if (/^[1-8]{8}$/.test(n)) {\n    s=S(n)\n    OUT.innerHTML = s+'\\n'+n+'\\n\\n'+ OUT.innerHTML\n  }\n  else N.focus()\n}\n  \n```\n```\n\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~137~~ ~~135~~ ~~128~~ ~~122~~ 121 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u2026( )7\u00ddJ\u00bb\u2022\u03b1\u03b3\u0292\u03b4\u00d3\u2082\u00a98\u00a5\u017dQx\u03a3x\u00ea\u00ff\u2022s\u00c5\u0432JIvN\u201d\\n._-=:\" Oo,**,oO \":=-_.\"\n  \u2022D\u00f9\u00d9\u00c2+;\u00c8\u03b3\u0442\u00e1\u00ec\u00b3\u00d3W\u00a9\u00ce\u00c2_`\u0192\u2260\u00eej*\u0393\u00e7\u00ca~\u00de\u00d2\u00b8\u03b2\u00a6o\u00e5b/\u00f547/v\u00ce\u0393\u201d\u203a\u2260\u00f8\u00d8Z\u00b5\u03bb\u00dd\u00ba\u2022\n             # Push compressed integer 492049509496347122906361438631265789982480759119518961177677313610613993948059787418619722816092858096158180892708001681647316210\n   20\u0432       # Convert it to Base-20 as list: [15,10,10,10,15,3,10,19,10,4,15,15,15,15,15,10,12,12,12,10,15,10,10,10,15,9,9,9,9,9,15,15,10,15,15,15,1,10,6,15,8,15,18,9,10,8,11,9,17,16,8,11,9,17,16,8,15,15,15,0,6,15,15,1,8,15,15,15,7,1,15,15,6,8,15,15,15,15,13,15,5,15,2,7,15,0,8,15,15,15,15,13,15,14,15,14,10,10,10]\n      \u00e8      # Index each into the string: [\" \",\"_\",\"_\",\"_\",\" \",\"(\",\"_\",\"*\",\"_\",\")\",\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\"_\",\"=\",\"=\",\"=\",\"_\",\" \",\"_\",\"_\",\"_\",\" \",\".\",\".\",\".\",\".\",\".\",\" \",\" \",\"_\",\" \",\" \",\" \",\"/\",\"_\",\"\\\",\" \",\"\\n\",\" \",\",\",\".\",\"_\",\"\\n\",\"-\",\".\",\"o\",\"O\",\"\\n\",\"-\",\".\",\"o\",\"O\",\"\\n\",\" \",\" \",\" \",\"<\",\"\\\",\" \",\" \",\"/\",\"\\n\",\" \",\" \",\" \",\">\",\"/\",\" \",\" \",\"\\\",\"\\n\",\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\":\",\" \",\"]\",\" \",\"[\",\">\",\" \",\"<\",\"\\n\",\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\":\",\" \",\"\"\",\" \",\"\"\",\"_\",\"_\",\"_\"]\n       \u00b6\u00a1    # Split it by the newline character: [[\" \",\"_\",\"_\",\"_\",\" \",\"(\",\"_\",\"*\",\"_\",\")\",\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\"_\",\"=\",\"=\",\"=\",\"_\",\" \",\"_\",\"_\",\"_\",\" \",\".\",\".\",\".\",\".\",\".\",\" \",\" \",\"_\",\" \",\" \",\" \",\"/\",\"_\",\"\\\",\" \"],[\" \",\",\",\".\",\"_\"],[\"-\",\".\",\"o\",\"O\"],[\"-\",\".\",\"o\",\"O\"],[\" \",\" \",\" \",\"<\",\"\\\",\" \",\" \",\"/\"],[\" \",\" \",\" \",\">\",\"/\",\" \",\" \",\"\\\"],[\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\":\",\" \",\"]\",\" \",\"[\",\">\",\" \",\"<\"],[\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\":\",\" \",\"\"\",\" \",\"\"\",\"_\",\"_\",\"_\"]]\n```\nUse the loop index `N` to get the character-list of the part we are currently working with:\n```\n  N\u00e8         # Index the loop index into it\n             #  i.e. 6 \u2192 [\" \",\" \",\" \",\" \",\":\",\" \",\"]\",\" \",\"[\",\">\",\" \",\"<\"]\n```\nThen split the character list into four equal part, and use the input-digit `y` (which is 1-indexed) to index into it. (NOTE: Since 05AB1E is 0-indexed, but the input is 1-indexed, it would be logical to decrease the digit by 1 before indexing. However, since 05AB1E has automatic wraparound (i.e. indexing `3` in list `[1,3,5]` will result in `1`), I simply rotated the parts once so parts with nr 4 in the challenge description, are at the front of the lists.)\n```\n    4\u00e4       # Split it into 4 equal parts\n             #  i.e. [[\" \",\" \",\" \"],[\" \",\":\",\" \"],[\"]\",\" \",\"[\"],[\">\",\" \",\"<\"]]\n      y\u00e8     # Index the input-digit `y` into it (with automatic wraparound)\n             #  i.e. 4 \u2192 [\" \",\" \",\" \"]\n```\nAnd then replace the 0-indexed index of the loop we pushed at first, one by one with the part-characters:\n```\n  .;         # Replace first; every index of the loop `N` in the template-string\n             # is replaced one by one with the characters\n```\nAnd in the end the result is output implicitly.\n[See this 05AB1E tip of mine (section *How to compress large integers?* and *How to compress integer lists?*)](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/166851/52210) to understand how the compression parts work.\n---\nAs for my favorite, it's still [the same 'snow rabbit' as 1.5 year ago when I posted my Java solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/125628/52210):\n```\n44114432:\n   _  \n (_*_)\n (. .) \n (> <) \n (\" \")\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~548~~ ~~545~~ ~~432~~ ~~401~~ ~~399~~ 397 bytes\n```\na->{int q=50,H=a[0]-49,N=a[1],L=a[2],R=a[3],X=a[4],Y=a[5];return\"\".format(\" %s%n %s%n%c(%c%c%c)%c%n%c(%s)%c%n (%s)\",H<1?\"\":H%2<1?\" ___\":\"  _\",\"_===_s.....s /_\\\\s(_*_)\".split(\"s\")[H],X==q?92:32,L <\".split(\"s\")[a[6]%4],92-(Y%3+Y%6/4)*30,\"   s : s\\\" \\\"s___\".split(\"s\")[a[7]%4]);}\n```\n-2 bytes thanks to *@ceilingcat*.\n[Try it here.](https://tio.run/##dVNNb@IwEL33V4wsRUrApPgjIAIpWu2FA5sDvYAgirxpupsuBIhNparit7PjkN0WRF8kz9jzZvzisV/Uq@psd3n58vTnlK2V1vBDFeX7HUBRmrx6VlkOsZ0CPJqqKH9B5ma/VbVMQHlDXD/e4aCNMkUGMZQQwUl1Ht4xG/ZR0KWTSC27SUcOaIweS@gUDU/oDI1I6ByNTOgCTZAMq9wcqpIQ/3lbbZRxCTjaKevByVwns5@HQz3TtQfWIXQyYmNCwonDrQNpmpKQAKSEkjSKolT7Fhru09VKu2kr9Yivd@sC99DEW06skmg/HvBQcDod7ceyF05HARszxqzDx/1BKAMa25AMYxtCSmwjg8Amzc5Js39Js4@khS0t@5Y1R1avi1577vAWCyiKBA0h6ASW@gFGF7LUspc4eDwD3nEXjmgvnN699Fqi@5G2IrAi2v7vZWLfJnrD42loG7Q7/Fxjg5o@vW6LJ9hgn91zT@tmnptsco0lmOAC/4GTusX/VxFSMna5KpDLGZdXXG5xXUHyW1zBpRSIK24NcV1BWg3ihjKLy1Xe4FrvGbd2k42yz5e6Pqya1DwA3RzV45s2@cbfHoy/w4BZl65u461r6t4Il37mat9sv@MD@lZV6s31vK/ZjZLj6S8)\n**Explanation:**\n```\na->{             // Method with character-array parameter and String return-type\n  int q=50,      //  Temp integer with value 50 to reduce the byte-count\n      H=a[0]-49, //  The hat-character as unicode value minus 49: 1=0; 2=1; 3=2; 4=3\n      N=a[1],L=a[2],R=a[3],X=a[4],Y=a[5];\n                 //  Most of the other characters as unicode values: 1=49; 2=50; 3=51; 4=52\n  return\"\".format(\" %s%n %s%n%c(%c%c%c)%c%n%c(%s)%c%n (%s)\",\n                                               // Return the snowman with:\n    H<1?\"\":H%2<1?\" ___\":\"  _\",                 //  The top of the hat\n    \"_===_s.....s /_\\\\s(_*_)\".split(\"s\")[H],   //  + the bottom of the hat\n    X==q?92:32,                                //  + the top of the left arm\n    L <\".split(\"s\")[a[6]%4],      //  + the torso\n    92-(Y%3+Y%6/4)*30,                         //  + the bottom of the right arm\n    \"   s : s\\\" \\\"s___\".split(\"s\")[a[7]%4]);}  //  + the feet\n```\n**My favorite:**\n```\n44114432:\n   _  \n (_*_)\n (. .) \n (> <) \n (\" \")\n```\nI don't know why, but it looks kinda cute. Like a bunny with a Russian hat instead of ears.\n[Answer]\n# C# 9.0 (.NET 4.8) - ~~1813 1803 1821 1815~~ 1812+30=~~1843 1833 1851 1845~~ 1842 bytes\nA Windows Forms application; likely can be improved on in terms of size. Contains a massive one-liner. The extra 30 bytes is from adding `9.0` to the project file.\n```\nusing System;using System.Windows.Forms;class P:Form{string[]h={$@\"     \n_===_\",$@\"___\n.....\",$@\"_\n/_\\\",$@\"___\n(_*_)\"},s={\" : \",\"] [\",\"> <\",\"   \"},z={\" : \",\"\\\" \\\"\",\"___\",\"   \"};string n=\",._ \",e=\".oO-\",x=\"< / \",y=\"> \\\\ \";TextBox t;Button b,d;Label l;[STAThread]static void Main(){Application.EnableVisualStyles();Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);Application.Run(new P());}P(){t=new();b=new();d=new();l=new();SuspendLayout();t.Location=new(0,0);t.MaxLength=8;t.Size=new(269,23);t.TabIndex=0;b.Location=new(-1,22);b.Size=new(200,25);b.TabIndex=1;b.Text=\"Build the snowman!\";b.UseVisualStyleBackColor=true;b.Click+=m;d.Location=new(198,22);d.Size=new(72,25);d.TabIndex=2;d.Text=\"Random\";d.UseVisualStyleBackColor=true;d.Click+=(_,_)=>{int a=0;Random r=new();for(int i=0;i<8;i++)a+=r.Next(1,5)*(int)Math.Pow(10,i);m(a.ToString(),null);};l.AutoSize=false;l.Font=new(\"Consolas\",9);l.Location=new(0,41);l.Size=new(269,73);l.TextAlign=System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;Font=new(\"Segoe UI\",9);ClientSize=new(269,114);Controls.Add(l);Controls.Add(t);Controls.Add(b);Controls.Add(d);MaximizeBox=false;FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;Text=\"Snowman Maker\";l.SendToBack();t.BringToFront();ResumeLayout(true);}void m(object q,EventArgs k){t.Enabled=false;b.Enabled=false;d.Enabled=false;if(q is string j)t.Text=j;if(t.Text.Length!=8||!int.TryParse(t.Text,out _))MessageBox.Show(\"Invalid input format.\");else{int[]a=new int[8];for(int i=0;i<8;i++){a[i]=t.Text[i]-'0'-1;if(a[i]>3){MessageBox.Show(\"Invalid input format.\");t.Enabled=true;b.Enabled=true;d.Enabled=true;return;}}l.Text=$@\"{h[a[0]]}\n{(a[4]==1?'\\\\':' ')}({e[a[2]]}{n[a[1]]}{e[a[3]]}){(a[5]==1?'/':' ')}\n{x[a[4]]}({s[a[6]]}){y[a[5]]}\n({z[a[7]]})\";}t.Enabled=true;b.Enabled=true;d.Enabled=true;}}\n```\nA more readable version, with comments (though with the same confusing variable naming):\n```\nusing System;\nusing System.Windows.Forms;\nclass Program : Form\n{\n    string[] h = {$@\"     \n_===_\",$@\"___\n.....\",$@\"_\n/_\\\",$@\"___\n(_*_)\"}, // Hats\n    s = {\" : \",\"] [\",\"> <\",\"   \"}, // Torso\n    z = {\" : \",\"\\\" \\\"\",\"___\",\"   \"}; // Base\n    string n = \",._ \", e = \".oO-\", x = \"< / \", y = \"> \\\\ \"; // Nose, eyes, left arm, right arm\n    //Controls\n    TextBox t;\n    Button b, d;\n    Label l;\n    [STAThread]\n    static void Main()\n    {\n        Application.EnableVisualStyles();\n        Application.Run(new Program()); // I put all the control code in Program; please don't do this in normal code\n    }\n    Program()\n    {\n        // Initialize everything\n        t = new(); // Taking advantage of the short contructors in C# 9.0\n        b = new();\n        d = new();\n        l = new();\n        SuspendLayout();\n        // TextBox properties\n        t.Location = new(0, 0);\n        t.MaxLength = 8;\n        t.Size = new(269, 23);\n        t.TabIndex = 0;\n        // 'Build the snowman' button properties\n        b.Location = new(-1, 22);\n        b.Size = new(200, 25);\n        b.TabIndex = 1;\n        b.Text = \"Build the snowman!\";\n        b.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;\n        b.Click += m;\n        // 'Random' button properties\n        d.Location = new(198,22);\n        d.Size = new(72,25);\n        d.TabIndex = 2;\n        d.Text = \"Random\";\n        d.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;\n        d.Click += (_,_) =>\n        {\n            int a = 0;\n            Random r = new();\n            for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)\n                a += r.Next(1,5) * (int)Math.Pow(10,i); // Math.Pow returns a number that satisfies 1 <= n < 5, not 1 <= n <= 5\n            m(a.ToString(), null); // Since I don't need the \"sender\" field, I use it to send the random input. Please don't do this in a normal program.\n        };\n        // Label properties\n        l.AutoSize = false;\n        l.Font = new(\"Consolas\", 9);\n        l.Location = new(0, 41);\n        l.Size = new(269, 73);\n        l.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // This lets us omit some spaces, while making the form look nicer as well\n        // Form properties\n        Font = new(\"Segoe UI\", 9);\n        ClientSize = new(269, 114);\n        Controls.Add(l);\n        Controls.Add(t);\n        Controls.Add(b);\n        Controls.Add(d);\n        MaximizeBox = false;\n        FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;\n        Text=\"Snowman Maker\";\n        l.SendToBack();\n        t.BringToFront();\n        ResumeLayout(true);\n    }\n    // Event handler for the 'Build the snowman' button\n    void m(object sender, EventArgs k)\n    {\n        // Disable all the inputs, in case the user tries to mess with the data while the function is running.\n        // This is probably unneeded since modern computers run so quickly, but I kept it anyway.\n        t.Enabled = false;\n        b.Enabled = false;\n        d.Enabled = false;\n        if(sender is string j) // Accept input from 'Random' button\n            t.Text=j;\n        if(t.Text.Length != 8|| !int.TryParse(t.Text, out _)) // Discard the out parameter since we don't need it\n            MessageBox.Show(\"Invalid input format.\");\n        else\n        {\n            int[] a = new int[8];\n            // Read from the TextBox.\n            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)\n            {\n                a[i] = t.Text[i] - '0' - 1;\n                if(a[i] > 3)\n                {\n                    MessageBox.Show(\"Invalid input format.\");\n                    // Re-enable the inputs and cancel the operation.\n                    t.Enabled = true;\n                    b.Enabled = true;\n                    d.Enabled = true;\n                    return;\n                }\n            }\n            // Set the label text; uses an interpolated multiline string ($ makes it interpolated, @ makes it accept newlines and automatically escape characters (excluding \" ))\n            l.Text=$@\"{h[a[0]]}\n{((a[4] == 1) ? '\\\\' : ' ')}({e[a[2]]}{n[a[1]]}{e[a[3]]}){((a[5] == 1) ? '/' : ' ')}\n{x[a[4]]}({s[a[6]]}){y[a[5]]}\n({z[a[7]]})\";\n        }\n        t.Enabled = true;\n        b.Enabled = true;\n        d.Enabled = true;\n    }\n}\n```\nThe compact version was so painful to edit (I absolutely hate scrolling left and right) that I split it into a lot of lines and removed the unnecessary newlines after I was done with it:\n```\nusing System;using System.Windows.Forms;class P:Form{string[]h={$@\"     \n_===_\",$@\"___\n.....\",$@\"_\n/_\\\",$@\"___\n(_*_)\"},s={\" : \",\"] [\",\"> <\",\"   \"},z={\" : \",\"\\\" \\\"\",\"___\",\"   \"};string n=\",._ \",e=\".oO-\",x=\"< / \",y=\"> \\\\ \";TextBox t;\nButton b,d;Label l;[STAThread]static void Main(){Application.EnableVisualStyles();Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);\nApplication.Run(new P());}P(){t=new();b=new();d=new();l=new();SuspendLayout();t.Location=new(0,0);t.MaxLength=8;t.Size=new(269,23\n);t.TabIndex=0;b.Location=new(-1,22);b.Size=new(200,25);b.TabIndex=1;b.Text=\"Build the snowman!\";b.UseVisualStyleBackColor=true;b.Click+=m;d.\nLocation=new(198,22);d.Size=new(72,25);d.TabIndex=2;d.Text=\"Random\";d.UseVisualStyleBackColor=true;d.Click+=(_,_)=>{int a=0;Random r=new();\nfor(int i=0;i<8;i++)a+=r.Next(1,5)*(int)Math.Pow(10,i);m(a.ToString(),null);};l.AutoSize=false;l.Font=new(\"Consolas\",9);l.Location=new(0,41);\nl.Size=new(269,73);l.TextAlign=System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;Font=new(\"Segoe UI\",9);ClientSize=new(269,114);Controls.Add(l);\nControls.Add(t);Controls.Add(b);Controls.Add(d);FormBorderStyle=FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;MaximizeBox=false;Text=\"Snowman Maker\";l.\nSendToBack();t.BringToFront();ResumeLayout(true);}void m(object q,EventArgs k){t.Enabled=false;b.Enabled=false;d.Enabled=false;if(q is string\nj)t.Text=j;if(t.Text.Length!=8||!int.TryParse(t.Text,out _))MessageBox.Show(\"Invalid input format.\");else{int[]a=new int[8];for(int i=0;i<8;\ni++){a[i]=t.Text[i]-'0'-1;if(a[i]>3){MessageBox.Show(\"Invalid input format.\");t.Enabled=true;b.Enabled=true;d.Enabled=true;return;}}l.Text=$@\"{h[a[0]]}\n{(a[4]==1?'\\\\':' ')}({e[a[2]]}{n[a[1]]}{e[a[3]]}){(a[5]==1?'/':' ')}\n{x[a[4]]}({s[a[6]]}){y[a[5]]}\n({z[a[7]]})\";}t.Enabled=true;b.Enabled=true;d.Enabled=true;}}\n```\nTo run this code, make a Windows Forms Application project in Visual Studio for .NET Framework 4.8 (or whatever editor you use for C#), remove Form1.cs and delete it from the project, save the project, and add `9.0` to the project file. Then, you can copy the code into Program.cs (overwrite everything) and run it.\n[Answer]\n# F#, 369 bytes\n```\nlet f(g:string)=\n let b=\" \"\n let p=printfn\n let i x=int(g.[x])-49\n p\"  %s  \"[\"\";\"___\";\" _ \";\"___\"].[i 0]\n p\" %s \"[\"_===_\";\".....\";\" /_\\ \";\"(_*_)\"].[i 0]\n p\"%s(%c%c%c)%s\"[b;\"\\\\\";b;b].[i 4]\".oO-\".[i 2]\",._ \".[i 1]\".oO-\".[i 3][b;\"/\";b;b;b].[i 5]\n p\"%s(%s)%s\"[\"<\";b;\"/\";b].[i 4][\" : \";\"] [\";\"> <\";\"   \"].[i 6][\">\";b;\"\\\\\";b].[i 5]\n p\" (%s) \"[\" : \";\"\\\" \\\"\";\"___\";\"   \"].[i 7]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TVDRaoQwEHz3K5YFQUvNnV7a0tP41uf2PYZwHqcIrYqRcv16uxttMYEwm52ZbKZxyXWYbsvyeZuhidqzm6eub2MVAN/UCgFXOKqROnPTr2UHd0Vl1Ap9N3EiXwMYESB0AKgRc7TW0gkWNmyE7uBoPI1YRLJKKeYIXsw92IrZkX2w8Z4fuii88o5Dh7rOsaowr/PaU6RBMbwnyDgz@CjoRcbp7v5kWHXwok329O/svCsW3PWczVYjnHkcA5rOEgoekX7n28/ULr3Cz7KzBHbk763qCqHaxfGnfzGLLt76efr5GCjG0gQc6tel6@Eytd9A@TceCc0ZHJclk1kmZZqefgE)\nBecause `g` uses an array accessor, I need to explicitly specify the type in the function definition as a `string`, which is why the function definition has `(g:string)`.\nApart from that, it's usually an array of `strings` accessed by an index. The hat, left and right arms which would go on separate lines are split into separate top and bottom arrays. The `i` function changes a number in the argument `g` into the array index. And the letter `b` replaces the one-space strings in the arrays.\nGreat challenge! My favourite snowman is probably `242244113`:\n```\n  ___  \n ..... \n (o o) \n ( : ) \n ( : ) \n```\nim watching you\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 378 bytes\n```\n'   _===____..... _  /_\\ ___(_*_)',N=>',._ ',L=>'.oO-',R=>'.oO-',X=>' <\\  /  ',Y=>' >/  \\  ',T=>' : ] [> <   ',B=>' : \" \"___   '];echo preg_replace_callback(\"/[A-Z]/\",function($m){global$A,$p,$r,$f;$g=$m[0];return$f($f($p[$g],strlen($p[$g])/4)[$r[array_search($g,array_keys($p))]-1])[(int)$A[$g]++];},'  HHH\n HHHHH\nX(LNR)Y\nX(TTT)Y\n (BBB)');\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PZBRa8IwEMff9ykOCTSZqZ3Tp9U47FMfxIH0QRdDqCWtYm1DWgcy9tXXXdjYEfL//467Izl7ssOweCWl6HqnO1uf@5g4QUpKcld9yKliMbFCpmIZAIAWQmiMiQ/QAJE@ADLVj5oFfINVfKIh4Gt0k/YtDPj23@38jMUBmwAr9p6WaA@eMk8voEAuYQE@k/xmRjDC@T6jYlOcWrDOVNoZW@eF0UVe18e8uNBRJFfhu4pGvLw1RX9uG0qu7LOq22NekxUnlhPHSRmTSpCrfFKxM/3NNf6jeKwkleK4gto0f8SiOZPEydy5/K47k7viREnFf/li7h0WMqZCXJGk56ZnZOX7xmMVf3FcVpqmD/5C2dH1Zsv2qFmWoQJNkoQFLB6GYTadYcyfv1vrn90NYfMD)\nI like [wise Mr. Owl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6rHeD5x2tI) `31333342`\n```\n   _ \n  /_\\ \n (O,O) \n/(   )\\\n (\" \")\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python 2.7, 257 bytes (i think)\n```\nH,N,L,R,X,Y,T,B=map(int,i)\nl='\\n'\ns=' '\ne=' .o0-'\nF='  \\  / '\nS=' < / \\ >'\no,c='()'\nprint s+'      _ _ ___ _ _\\n\\n\\n\\n    _. (=./_=._*=.\\__. )'[H::4]+l+F[X]+o+e[L]+' ,._ '[N]+e[R]+c+F[-Y]+l+S[X]+o+'  ]> :    [< '[T::4]+c+S[-Y]+l+s+o+'  \"_ : _  \"_ '[B::4]+c\n```\nwhere 'i' is the input as an string (e.g \"13243213\")\n[Answer]\n# Clojure (~~407~~ 402 bytes)\n```\n(defn a[s](let[[H N L R X Y T B](into[](map #(-(int %)49)(into[]s)))h([\"\"\"  ___\"\"   _\"\"  ___\"]H)i([\" _===_\"\" .....\"\"  /_\\\\\"\" (_*_)\"]H)n([\",\"\".\"\"_\"\" \"]N)e[\".\"\"o\"\"O\"\"-\"]l([\" \"\"\\\\\"\" \"\" \"]X)m([\"<\"\" \"\"/\"\" \"]X)r([\"\"\"/\"\"\"\"\"]Y)u([\">\"\"\"\"\\\\\"\"\"]Y)t([\" : \"\"] [\"\"> <\"\"   \"]T)b([\" : \"\"   \"\"___\"\"   \"]B)d([\"\"\"\\\" \\\"\"\"\"\"\"]B)f(str \\newline)](str h f i f l \"(\" (e L) n (e R) \")\" r f m \"(\" t \")\" u f \" (\" b \")\" f \"  \" d)))\n```\nHopefully that's clear to everyone.\nAnd if not...\nUngolfed version:\n```\n(defn build-a-snowman [s]\n  (let [ [H N L R X Y T B] (into [] (map #(- (int %) 49) (into [] s)))\n         hat1     ([\"\"       \"  ___\"  \"   _\"   \"  ___\" ] H) ; first line of hats\n         hat2     ([\" _===_\" \" .....\" \"  /_\\\\\" \" (_*_)\"] H) ; second line of hats\n         nose     ([\",\"      \".\"      \"_\"      \" \"     ] N)\n         eye      [\".\"      \"o\"      \"O\"      \"-\"     ]\n         left1    ([\" \"      \"\\\\\"     \" \"      \" \"     ] X) ; left arm, upper position\n         left2    ([\"<\"      \" \"      \"/\"      \" \"     ] X) ; left arm, lower position\n         right1   ([\"\"       \"/\"      \"\"       \"\"      ] Y) ; right arm, upper position\n         right2   ([\">\"      \"\"       \"\\\\\"     \"\"      ] Y) ; right arm, lower position\n         torso    ([\" : \"    \"] [\"    \"> <\"    \"   \"   ] T)\n         base1    ([\" : \"    \"   \"    \"___\"    \"   \"   ] B) ; first line of base\n         base2    ([\"\"       \"\\\" \\\"\"  \"\"       \"\"      ] B) ; second line of base\n         nl       (str \\newline) ]\n    (str hat1 nl\n         hat2 nl\n         left1 \"(\" (eye L) nose (eye R) \")\" right1 nl\n         left2 \"(\" torso \")\" right2 nl\n         \" (\" base1 \")\" nl\n         \"  \" base2)))\n```\nTests:\n```\n(println (a \"33232124\"))  ; waving guy with fez \n(println (a \"11114411\"))  ; simple ASCII-art snowman\n(println (a \"34334442\"))  ; mouse\n(println (a \"41214433\"))  ; commissar with monocle\n(println (a \"41212243\"))  ; commissar celebrating success of five-year plan\n(println (a \"41232243\"))  ; commissar after too much vodka\n```\nMy favorite:\n34334442 - mouse\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVBbT9swFH7nVxydaZI9rUNN/DKgSOteQEJMYjyAEityU4dm86WKnVbsz5djkz7AsBIdf@e7@Nit8X/GQR8ObK07B6oKkhkdq@oKbuEG7uABHuEelpL1LvpKMqu28InNEoTPXHznExE45xtWISJA0zSpQHME8or3xEGzWCxS81taiTxt6poqa740PKkcqb4iEpdkKG@5rhLyiL8QZyhNikHMrqx44JZaFxmeTp0hz0GIlnzkI8HLtE@u1Igp5IwMEkh4CRd5WpT3fHVkEsbjPVAu@Tpn1gg1vuYuecdCHKB2em96p7nMcAMd9PQbQEYX03DDwaV6xwE5wkCczVzMeCRMOoRVhgnQt6bXPDlh24Ee15BdAZZlURbzQiDnAOewV7vePcHT@Az7PtKp@h@8NcxpCTGfT4bQ263R8OP3z@vrmRoiBOf3Vrl3p4iyFEIUk8n6Mei3CjEvKLYsJ0Xrre1DUMPrGNY735oPLEUh/re02ujVoGK6SRjbVocAvoOu3@nZsybB1rwfkLLKD7NUF/UA0XuwY7uBnV//VYfDCw \"Clojure \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Dart](https://www.dartlang.org/), 307 bytes\n```\nf(i,{r='.o0-',s=' : '}){i=i.split('').map((j)=>int.parse(j)-1).toList();return' ${['_===_',' ___ \\n.....',' /_\\\\ ',' ___ \\n (_*_)'][i[0]]}\\n${' \\\\  '[i[4]]}(${r[i[2]]+',._ '[i[1]]+r[i[3]]})${' /  '[i[5]]}\\n${'< /  '[i[4]]}(${[s,'] [','> <','  '][i[6]]})${'> \\\\ '[i[5]]}\\n (${[s,'\" \"','___','   '][i[7]]})';}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bZBBboMwEEX3PcUIIY3dECfYtJVKzAl6A0AWUhLJVWOQcbuxODu1CVGyyF8x/8@bb3HsrJvnM9GZtxJZv99iNkqET8CJei01G4cf7QgiZZduIOSbykobx4bOjqcwbXPKXP@lR0doaU/u1xqE1NeopJQKMwSlFDSGRcVxp5oG7j4Q9aootrWu9207NSb1CGEDMDhFcEjqbfjkbbvBjKnFz8MQTRFyGoHddf/tduFwc9YL9ZhhC3WoreAQy2FpfF/5KjbeD8BKJJCE3fDOhbgiHxHBcpr/en2ES6cNof4FYLDhr5AzSYTggue8SOgGG4O0fAxzHpXzp6HgRSGCnobFIvFATvM/ \"Dart \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Zsh, 247 bytes\n[try it online!!](https://tio.run/##LY27bsMwDEV3fcWFQUBS0DhwnbaBIGbIlCFIlwB5KAJXbxk8FKjhb1dp15wuzuElf/uuFOeHI1thZukgIgb1NB2gERt5LtTJSrw1V7Z4AhYnrl/fa5z5rRYFd@Ub5ebGNmqyuCgJyEh7REyNB9u9dq05zKZCpYcnY2KMFWg4JvfThy54avJo6JroIzs6JWoznRO95ylvs6d7os9s6Pa/MFxCu3L0tW58aEdPj9lCxWEWu0VUZtQnrg/BN2MpZbvMHw)\n```\n(){H='_===_h ___\n .....h  _\n  /_\\h ___\n (_*_)'\nW=' \\  ' L=.oO- N=,._\\  Y=' /  '\nX='< / ' T=' : ] [> <   ' Z='> \\ '\nB=' : \" \"___   '\n<<<\" ${H[(ws:h:)$1]}\n$W[$5]($L[$3]$N[$2]$L[$4])$Y[$6]\n$X[$5](${T:3*($7-1):3})$Z[$6]\n (${B:3*($8-1):3})\"\n} ${(s::)1}\n```\nfav snowman:\n```\n43232122 Cossack dancer\n  ___\n (_*_)\n\\(o_O) \n (] [)>\n (\" \")\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nWhat general tips do you have for golfing in Python? I'm looking for ideas which can be applied to code-golf problems and which are also at least somewhat specific to Python (e.g. \"remove comments\" is not an answer).\nPlease post one tip per answer.\n      \n[Answer]\nuse `os.urandom()` as a random source instead of `random.randint()`\n[Answer]\n**Iterating over indices in a list**\nSometimes, you need to iterate over the indices of a list `l` in order to do something for each element that depends on its index. The obvious way is a clunky expression:\n```\n# 38 chars\nfor i in range(len(l)):DoStuff(i,l[i])\n```\nThe Pythonic solution is to use `enumerate`:\n```\n# 36 chars\nfor i,x in enumerate(l):DoStuff(i,x)\n```\nBut that nine-letter method is just too long for golfing.\nInstead, just manually track the index yourself while iterating over the list.\n```\n# 32 chars\ni=0\nfor x in l:DoStuff(i,x);i+=1\n```\nHere's some alternatives that are longer but might be situationally better\n```\n# 36 chars\n# Consumes list\ni=0\nwhile l:DoStuff(i,l.pop(0));i+=1\n# 36 chars\ni=0\nwhile l[i:]:DoStuff(i,l[i]);i+=1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Leak variables to save on assignment\nCombining with [this tip](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/1020/21487), suppose you have a situation like\n```\nfor _ in[0]*x:doSomething()\na=\"blah\"\n```\nYou can instead do:\n```\nfor a in[\"blah\"]*x:doSomething()\n```\nto skip out on a variable assignment. However, be aware that\n```\nexec\"doSomething();\"*x;a=\"blah\"\n```\nin Python 2 is *just* shorter, so this only really saves in cases like assigning a char (via `\"c\"*x`) or in Python 3.\nHowever, where things get fun is with Python 2 list comprehensions, where this idea still works due to a [quirk with list comprehension scope](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4198906/python-list-comprehension-rebind-names-even-after-scope-of-comprehension-is-thi):\n```\n[doSomething()for a in[\"blah\"]*x]\n```\n*(Credits to @xnor for expanding the former, and @Lembik for teaching me about the latter)*\n[Answer]\n# Use complex numbers to find the distance between two points\nSay you have two 2-element tuples which represent points in the Euclidean plane, e.g. `x=(0, 0)` and `y=(3, 4)`, and you want to find the distance between them. The na\u00efve way to do this is\n```\nd=((x[0]-y[0])**2+(x[1]-y[1])**2)**.5\n```\nUsing complex numbers, this becomes:\n```\nc=complex;d=abs(c(*x)-c(*y))\n```\nIf you have access to each coordinate individually, say `a=0, b=0, c=3, d=4`, then\n```\nabs(a-c+(b-d)*1j)\n```\ncan be used instead.\n[Answer]\n# Use *f-strings*\nPython 3.6 [introduces a new string literal](https://docs.python.org/3.6/reference/lexical_analysis.html#f-strings) that is vastly more byte-efficient at variable interpolation than using `%` or `.format()` in non-trivial cases. For example, you can write:\n```\nl='Python';b=40;print(f'{l}, {b} bytes')\n```\ninstead of\n```\nl='Python';b=43;print('%s, %d bytes'%(l,b))\n```\n[Answer]\n## Abuse `==` short circuiting\nIf you have:\n* A function with a side effect (such as `print`);\n* That you only want to run if some condition is (or is not) met.\nThen you might be able to use `==` over `or`  to save a byte.\nHere's printing all numbers `n` under 100 that have `f(n)` less than 2:\n```\n# Naive\nfor n in range(100):f(n)<2and print(n)\n# Invert condition\nfor n in range(100):f(n)>1or print(n)\n# Use ==\nfor n in range(100):f(n)<2==print(n)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Avoid `list.insert`\nInstead of `list.insert`, appending to a slice is shorter:\n```\nL.insert(i,x)\nL[:i]+=x,\n```\nFor example:\n```\n>>> L = [1, 2, 3, 4]\n>>> L[:-2]+=5,\n>>> L\n[1, 2, 5, 3, 4]\n>>> L[:0]+=6,\n>>> L\n[6, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4]\n```\n[Answer]\n## Store 8-bit numbers compactly as a bytes object in Python 3\nIn Python 3, a *bytes object* is written as a string literal preceded by a `b`, like `b\"golf\"`. It acts much like a tuple of the `ord` values of its characters.\n```\n>>> l=b\"golf\"\n>>> list(l)\n[103, 111, 108, 102]\n>>> l[2]\n108\n>>> 108 in l\nTrue\n>>> max(l)\n111\n>>> for x in l:print(x)\n103\n111\n108\n102\n```\nPython 2 also has bytes objects but they act as strings, so this only works in Python 3.\nThis gives a shorter way to express an explicit list of numbers between 0 to 255. Use this to hardcode data. It uses one byte per number, plus three bytes overhead for `b\"\"`. For example, the list of the first 9 primes `[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23]` compresses to 14 bytes rather than 24. (An extra byte is used for a workaround explained below for character 13.)\nIn many cases, your bytes object will contain non-printable characters such as `b\"\\x01x02\\x03\"` for `[1, 2, 3]`. These are written with hex escape characters, but [you may use them a single characters in your code](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/4922/20260) (unless the challenge says otherwise) even though SE will not display them. But, characters like the carriage return `b\"\\x0D\"` will break your code, so you need to use the two-char escape sequence `\"\\r\"`.\n[Answer]\nUse powers of the imaginary unit to calculate sines and cosines.\nFor example, given an angle `d` in degrees, you can calculate the sine and cosine as follows:\n```\np=1j**(d/90.)\ns=p.real\nc=p.imag\n```\nThis can also be used for related functions such as the side length of a unit `n`-gon:\n```\nl=abs(1-1j**(4./n))\n```\n[Answer]\n# `0in` instead of `not all`\n(or, under [DeMorgan's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Morgan%27s_laws), `any(not ...)`)\n```\nnot all(...)\n~-all(...)  # shorter than `not`, and with more forgiving precedence\n0in(...)\n```\n```\nnot all map(f,a)\n0in map(f,a)  # the reduction is more significant here because you can omit the parentheses\n```\nThis only works if the falsey values in the `...` sequence are actually `False` (or `0`/`0.0`/etc.) (**not** `[]`/`\"\"`/`{}` etc.).\n# `1in` instead of `any`\nThis one isn't shorter with a comprehension:\n```\nany(f(x)for x in a)\n1in(f(x)for x in a)\n```\nBut it sometimes saves bytes with other kinds of expression by letting you omit the parentheses:\n```\nany(map(f,a))\n1in map(f,a)\n```\nThis has a similar truthiness-related caveat to the above, though.\n---\n# Notes\nThese might sometimes have less favourable precedence, because they use the `in` operator. However, if you're combining this with a comparison you may be able to make additional use of [this tip](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/60 \"wow, answer ID 60\") about comparison condition chaining.\nYou can also use these if you want the entire `for`-comprehension in `any`/`all` to always be fully evaluated:\n```\nany([... for x in a])\n1in[... for x in a]\n```\n---\nThis one's rare, but if you need to evaluate and discard an extra expression for every item in a comprehension, you could use a dictionary here at no extra cost:\n```\n1in[(condition,side_effect)[0]for x in a]\n1in{condition:side_effect for x in a}\n```\nbecause `dict`'s `in` checks only the keys.\n[Answer]\n## Combine assignments of reused values with unused for-loop variables\nIf you need to loop a number of times but you don't care about the iteration variable, you can co-opt the loop to assign a variable.\n```\nr=reused;for _ in\"_\"*n:stuff\nr=reused;exec(\"r;\"*n)                          # [note 1]\nr=reused;exec\"r;\"*n                            # [note 1]; Python 2 only\nfor r in[reused]*n:r\nlambda args:((r:=reused)for _ in\"_\"*n)         # generally needs parentheses\nlambda args,r=reused:(r for _ in\"_\"*n)         # only works with constants\nlambda args:(r for r in[reused]*n)\n```\nThis is generally a more versatile approach for assignment than the `:=` operator or using default arguments of functions, because it supports assigning to attributes `.x`, subscripts `[x]`, and unpacking with `*` or `,`.\n```\n(stuff+(a[0]:=value)for _ in\"_\"*n)                   # syntax error\n(stuff+a[0]for a[0]in[value]*n)                      # works, and shorter!\n(stuff+a+b for*a,b in[value]*n)                      # works!\n```\nThe only pitfall is that scope inside comprehensions is sometimes quite confusing, because the body of the comprehension is compiled as a separate implicit function.\n[Taken from @xnor's use of it here](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/216302).\n[note 1]: and longer if backslashes/quotes/newlines/... need to be escaped inside the string\n---\n*This is a bot account operated by pxeger. I'm posting this to get enough reputation to use chat.*\n[Answer]\nAbuse the fact that in case of an expression yielding `True` boolean operators return the first value that decides about the outcome of the expression instead of a boolean:\n```\n>>> False or 5\n5\n```\nis pretty straightforward. For a more complex example:\n```\n>>> i = i or j and \"a\" or \"\"\n```\ni's value remains unchanged if it already had a value set, becomes \"a\" if j has a value or in any other case becomes an empty string (which can usually be omitted, as i most likely already was an empty string).\n[Answer]\n## Check if a number is a power of 2\nCheck whether a positive integer `n` is a perfect power of 2, that is one of `1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...`, with any of these expressions:\n```\nn&~-n<1\nn&-n==n\nn^n-1>=n\n2**n%n<1\n```\nThe third expression also works for `n==0` giving `False`. The last is easy to modify to checking for, say, powers of 3.\n[Answer]\nLets play with some list tricks\n```\na=[5,5,5,5,5,5,5]\n```\ncan be written as:\n```\na=[5]*7\n```\nIt can be expanded in this way. Lets, say we need to do something like\n```\nfor i in range(0,100,3):a[i]=5\n```\nNow using the slicing trick we can simply do:\n```\na[0:100:3]=[5]*(1+99//3)\n```\n[Answer]\nIf you are doing something small in a for loop whose only purpose is to invoke a side effect (`pop`, `print` in Python 3, `append`), it might be possible to translate it to a list-comprehension. For example, from Keith Randall's answer [here](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/revisions/40297/1), in the middle of a function, hence the indent:\n```\n  if d>list('XXXXXXXXX'):\n   for z in D:d.pop()\n   c=['X']\n```\nCan be converted to:\n```\n  if d>list('XXXXXXXXX'):\n   [d.pop()for z in D]\n   c=['X']\n```\nWhich then allows this golf:\n```\n  if d>list('XXXXXXXXX'):[d.pop()for z in D];c=['X']\n```\nAn `if` within a `for` works just as well:\n```\nfor i in range(10):\n if is_prime(i):d.pop()\n```\ncan be written as\n```\n[d.pop()for i in range(10)if is_prime(i)]\n```\n[Answer]\n## Use map for side effects\nUsually you use `map` to transform a collection\n```\n>> map(ord,\"abc\")\n[97, 98, 99]\n```\nBut you can also use it to repeatedly act on object by a built-in method that modifies it.\n```\n>> L=[1,2,3,4,5]\n>> map(L.remove,[4,2])\n[None, None]\n>> L\n[1, 3, 5]\n```\nBe aware that the calls are done in order, so earlier ones might mess up later ones.\n```\n>> L=[1,2,3,4,5]\n>> map(L.pop,[0,1])\n[1, 3]\n>> L\n[2, 4, 5]\n```\nHere, we intended to extract the first two elements of `L`, but after extracting the first, the next second element is the original third one. We could sort the indices in descending order to avoid this.\nAn advantage of the evaluation-as-action is that it can be done inside of a `lambda`. Be careful in Python 3 though, where `map` objects are not evaluated immediately. You might need an expression like `[*map(...)]` or `*map(...),` to force evaluation.\n[Answer]\n## Logical short-circuiting in recursive functions\n**A detailed guide**\nI had worked with short-circuiting `and/or`'s for a while without really grasping how they work, just using `b and x or y` just as a template. I hope this detailed explanation will help you understand them and use them more flexibly.\n---\nRecursive named `lambda` functions are [often shorter](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/61526/20260) than programs that loop. For evaluation to terminate, there must be control flow to prevent a recursive call for the base case. Python has a [ternary condition operator](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/394809/does-python-have-a-ternary-conditional-operator) that fits the bill.\n```\nf=lambda x:base_value if is_base_case else recursive_value\n```\nNote that [list selection](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/62/20260) won't work because Python evaluates both options. Also, regular `if _:` isn't an option because we're in a `lambda`.\n---\nPython has another option to short-circuit, the logical operator keywords `and` and `or`. The idea is that\n```\nTrue or b == True\nFalse and b == False\n```\nso Python can skip evaluate `b` in these cases because the result is known. Think of the evaluation of `a or b` as \"Evaluate `a`. If it's True, output `a`. Otherwise, evaluate and output `b`.\" So, it's equivalent to write\n```\na or b\na if a else b\n```\nIt's the same for `a or b` except we stop if `a` is False.\n```\na and b\na if (not a) else b\n```\nYou might wonder why we didn't just write `False if (not a) else b`. The reason is that this works for non-Boolean `a`. Such values are [first converted to a Boolean](https://docs.python.org/2.4/lib/truth.html). The number `0`, `None`, and the empty list/tuple/set become `False`, and are so called \"Falsey\". The rest are \"Truthy\".\nSo, `a or b` and `a and b` always manages to produce either `a` or `b`, while forming a correct Boolean equation.\n```\n(0 or 0) == 0\n(0 or 3) == 3\n(2 or 0) == 2\n(2 or 3) == 2\n(0 and 0) == 0\n(0 and 3) == 0\n(2 and 0) == 0\n(2 and 3) == 3\n('' or 3) == 3\n([] and [1]) == []\n([0] or [1]) == [0]\n```\n---\nNow that we understand Boolean short-circuiting, let's use it in recursive functions.\n```\nf=lambda x:base_value if is_base_case else recursive_value\n```\nThe simplest and most common situation is when the base is something like `f(\"\") = \"\"`, sending a Falsey value to itself. Here, it suffices to do `x and` with the argument.\nFor example, this function doubles each character in a string, `f(\"abc\") == \"aabbcc\"`.\n```\nf=lambda s:s and s[0]*2+f(s[1:])\n```\nOr, this recursively sums the cubes of numbers `1 through n`, so `f(3)==36`.\n```\nf=lambda n:n and n**3+f(n-1)\n```\nAnother common situation is for your function to take non-negative numbers to lists, with a base case of `0` giving the empty list. We need to transform the number to a list while preserving Truthiness. One way is `n*[5]`, where the list can be anything nonempty. This seems silly, but it works.\nSo, the following returns the list `[1..n]`.\n```\nf=lambda n:n*[5]and f(n-1)+[n]  \n```\nNote that negative `n` will also give the empty list, which works here, but not always. For strings, it's similar with any non-empty string. If you've previously defined such a value, you can save chars by using it.\nMore generally, when your base value is an empty list, you can use the arithmetic values `True == 1` and `False == 0`  to do:\n```\n[5]*(is_not_base_case)and ...\n```\nTODO: Truthy base value\n---\nTODO: `and/or`\n[Answer]\nCut out newlines wherever you can.\nAt the top-level, it doesn't matter.\n```\na=1\nb=9\n```\nTakes the same amount of characters as:\n```\na=1;b=9\n```\nIn the first case you have a newline instead of a `;`. But in function bodies, you save however deep the nesting level is:\n```\ndef f():\n a=1;b=9\n```\nActually in this case, you can have them all on one line:\n```\ndef f():a=1;b=9\n```\nIf you have an `if` or a `for`, you can likewise have everything on one line:\n```\nif h:a=1;b=9\nfor g in(1,2):a=1;b=9\n```\nBut if you have a nesting of control structures (e.g. `if` in a `for`, or `if` in a `def`), then you need the newline:\n```\nif h:for g in(1,2):a=1;b=9 #ERROR\nif h:\n for g in(1,2):a=1;b=9 # SAUL GOODMAN\n```\n[Answer]\n## Use eval to iterate\nSay you want to apply `f` composed `k` times to the number `1`, then print the result.\nThis can be done via an `exec` loop,\n```\nn=1\nexec(\"n=f(n);\"*k)\nprint(n)\n```\nwhich runs code like `n=1;n=f(n);n=f(n);n=f(n);n=f(n);n=f(n);print(n)`.\nBut, it's one character shorter to use `eval` \n```\nprint(eval(\"f(\"*k+'1'+\")\"*k))\n```\nwhich evaluates code like `f(f(f(f(f(1)))))` and prints the result.\nThis does not save chars in Python 2 though, where `exec` doesn't need parens but `eval` still does. It does still help though when `f(n)` is an expression in which `n` appears only once as the first or last character, letting you use only one string multiplication. \n[Answer]\nOne trick I have encountered concerns returning or printing Yes/No answers: \n```\n print 'YNeos'[x::2]\n```\nx is the condition and can take value 0 or 1. \nI found this rather brilliant. \n[Answer]\nA condition like\n```\ns = ''\nif c:\n    s = 'a'\n```\ncan be written as \n```\ns = c*'a'\n```\nand there is possibly a need for parenthesis for condition.\nThis can also be combined with other conditions as (multiple ifs)\n```\ns = c1*'a' + c2*'b'\n```\nor (multiple elifs)\n```\ns = c1*'a' or c2*'b'\n```\nFor example FizzBuzz problem's solution will be\n```\nfor i in range(n):\n    print((i%3<1)*\"Fizz\"+(i%5<1)*\"Buzz\" or i)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Use Splat (`*`) to pass a bunch of single character strings into a function\nFor example:\n```\na.replace(\"a\",\"b\")\na.replace(*\"ab\")    -2 bytes\nsome_function(\"a\",\"b\",\"c\")\nsome_function(*\"abc\")       -5 bytes\n```\nIn fact, if you have `n` single-character strings, you will save `3(n - 1) - 1` or `3n - 4` bytes by doing this (because each time, you remove the `\",\"` for each one and add a constant `*`).\n[Answer]\n## Trig without imports\nYou can compute `cos` and `sin` without needing to `import math` by using complex arithmetic. For an angle of `d` degrees, its cosine is\n```\n(1j**(d/90)).real\n```\nand its sine is\n```\n(1j**(d/90)).imag\n```\nHere, `1j` is how Python writes the imaginary unit \\$i\\$. If your angle is `r` radians, you'll need to use `1j**(r/(pi/2))`, using a decimal approximation of `pi/2` if the challenge allows it.\nIf you're curious, this all works because of [Euler's formula](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_formula):\n$$i^x = (e^{i \\pi /2})^x = e^{i \\pi /2 \\cdot x} = \\cos(\\pi/2 \\cdot x) + i \\sin(\\pi /2 \\cdot x)$$\n[Answer]\n`!=` can be replaced with `-`  \nhere is a example\n```\nn=int(input())\nif n!=69:\n print(\"thanks for being mature\")\n```\ninstead of using `!=` you can use `-`  \nafter that it should look like this\n```\nn=int(input())\nif n-69:\n print(\"thanks for being mature\")\n```\n[Answer]\n## Multiple **if** statements in comprehensions\nIf you need to keep multiple conditions inside comprehension, you can replace **and** with **if** to save a byte each time.\nWorks in Python 2 and 3.\n```\n[a for a in 'abc'if cond1()and cond2()or cond3()and cond4()and cond5()]\n[a for a in 'abc'if cond1()if cond2()or cond3()if cond4()if cond5()]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hZC9CgIxEIT7PMV20cLi/hpbQbCxshOLmOx5i7o5Yg706WMIGhTBlMPufDs748MPlusQDPagLZtqNl8KGB2xB7kaUJ@JT2lCnixDBQvYuQmlAId@cpyUeNvrgr2O9rW63D78SWZAUwA0P/flBtQV2HrAO@rJo5GZ1hZobSlOVwB0EbD9Ov0vlhB7Bb11oIDihjpqSbl2yg3GhVcVlN@gnOcQwhM \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## Build a string instead of joining\nTo concatenate strings or characters, it can be shorter to repeatedly append to the empty string than to `join`.\n**23 chars**\n```\ns=\"\"\nfor x in l:s+=f(x)\n```\n**25 chars**\n```\ns=\"\".join(f(x)for x in l)\n```\nAssume here that `f(x)` stands for some expression in `x`, so you can't just `map`. \nBut, the `join` may be shorter if the result doesn't need saving to a variable or if the `for` takes newlines or indentation.\n[Answer]\n# String keys to dicts\nFor a dictionary with string keys which also happen to be valid Python variable names, you can get a saving if there's at least three items by using `dict`'s keyword arguments:\n```\n{'a':1,'e':4,'i':9}\ndict(a=1,e=4,i=9)\n```\nThe more string keys you have, the more quote characters you'll save, so this is particularly beneficial for large dictionaries (e.g. for a kolmogorov challenge).\n[Answer]\nWhen squaring single letter variables, it is shorter to times it by itself\n```\n>>> x=30\n>>> x*x\n900\n```\nIs one byte shorter than\n```\n>>> x=30\n>>> x**2\n900\n```\n[Answer]\nWhen mapping a function on a list in Python 3, instead of doing `[f(x)for x in l]` or `list(map(f,l))`, do `[*map(f,l)]`.\nIt works for all other functions returning generators too (like `filter`).\nThe best solution is still switching to Python 2 though\n[Answer]\n## Iterate over adjacent pairs\nIt's common to want to iterate over adjacent pairs of items in a list or string, i.e. \n```\n\"golf\" -> [('g','o'), ('o','l'), ('l','f')]\n```\nThere's a few methods, and which is shortest depends on specifics.\n**Shift and zip**\n```\n## 47 bytes\nl=input()\nfor x,y in zip(l,l[1:]):do_stuff(x,y)\n```\nCreate a list of adjacent pairs, by removing the first element and zipping the original with the result. This is most useful in a list comprehension like \n```\nsum(abs(x-y)for x,y in zip(l,l[1:]))\n```\nYou can also use `map` with a two-input function, though note that the original list is no longer truncated.\n```\n## Python 2\nmap(cmp,l[:-1],l[1:])\n```\n**Keep the previous**\n```\n## 41 bytes, Python 3\nx,*l=input()\nfor y in l:do_stuff(x,y);x=y\n```\nIterate over the elements of the list, remembering the element from a previous loop. This works best with Python 3's ability to unpack to input into the initial and remaining elements. \nIf there's an initial value of `x` that serves as a null operation in `do_stuff(x,y)`, you can iterate over the whole list.\n```\n## 39 bytes\nx=''\nfor y in input():do_stuff(x,y);x=y\n```\n**Truncate from the front**\n```\n## 46 bytes\nl=input()\nwhile l[1:]:do_stuff(*l[:2]);l=l[1:]\n```\nKeep shortening the list and act on the first two elements. This works best when your operation is better-expressed on a length-two list or string than on two values. \n---\nI've written these all as loops, but they also lend to a recursive functions. You can also adjust to get cyclic pairs by putting the first element at the end of the list, or as the initial previous-value.\n---\nThe Python 3.8 \"walrus\" [assignment expressions](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/180041/20260) allow a short expression to give pairs, though with an extra initial element.\n```\n>>> p=''\n>>> [(p,p:=c)for c in\"golf\"]\n[('', 'g'), ('g', 'o'), ('o', 'l'), ('l', 'f')]\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      []\n      "}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nThe [Vigen\u00e8re cipher](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigen%C3%A8re_cipher) is a substitution cipher where the encryption of each letter of the plaintext depends on a different character in a keyword. This stops you using simple methods of frequency analysis to guess the correct substitution. However, the keyword is repeated if it is shorter than the plaintext. This is a weakness. If the length of the keyword is known (n, say), however, and is much shorter than the message, then you can decompose the message into separate sections by taking every nth letter. You can then use frequency analysis on these.\nThe [Kasiski examination](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kasiski_examination) is a method to work out the most likely key lengths. It does this by considering identical substrings which happen to be a multiple of the key length apart. They are therefore encrypted in the same way. Turning this round, identical substrings in the ciphertext are likely to be a multiple of the key length apart. If you identify these distances, then the key length is likely to be a common factor of all these distances.\nYour job is to write a function or program that can guess the most likely length of the keyword, given some encrypted text. To be precise, the function or program (just called function below) will satisfy the following:\n* Inputs consist of a string representing the ciphertext and a positive integer (**len**, for the purposes of this spec) representing the shortest common substring to look at.\n* The ciphertext will consist of upper case A-Z characters only. Any length is permitted.\n* You can assume valid inputs without checking.\n* The inputs may be passed in, or read from stdin.\n* The function will identify all pairs of identical substrings in the ciphertext which have a length of *at least* **len**.\n* Substrings in each pair may not overlap but substrings in different pairs can overlap.\n* The function will return, or write to stdout, the highest common factor of the distances between the starts of these identical pairs.\n* If there are no identical substrings then the function will return 0.\nFor example:\n\"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\", n returns 1 for any n from 1 to 8, 9 for n = 9 (as the only possible non-overlapping substrings of length 9 happen to be the same) and 0 otherwise.\n\"ABCDEFGHIJKL\", n returns 0 for any n\n\"ABCDEABCDE\", n returns 5 for n<=5 and 0 otherwise\n\"ABCABABCAB\", 2 returns 1 because \"AB\" pairs are separated by 2,3,5 & 8\n\"ABCABABCAB\", 3 returns 5\n\"**VHVS**SP*QUCE*MRVBVBBB**VHVS**URQGIBDUGRNICJ*QUCE*RVUAXSSR\", 4 returns 6 because the repeating \"VHVS\" are 18 characters apart, while \"QUCE\" is separated by 30 characters\nNaturally, lowest byte count wins and avoid standard loopholes.\n      \n[Answer]\n# CJam, 67 bytes\nDefinitely still room for improvement, but I'll post what I have so far.\n[Try it online](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=0r%3AT%2C%2Cri%3E%7BT%2CL(-%2C_m*%7B~%3AXT%3EL%3CT%40LX%2Be%3E%2C%7B0t%7D%2FX%3E%5C%23_W%3E%5C2%24%3F%7B%5C1%24_!%2B%25%7Dh%3B%7D%2F%7DfL)\n```\n0r:T,,ri>{T,L(-,_m*{~:XT>L,{0t}/X>\\#_W>\\2$?{\\1$_!+%}h;}/}fL\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6) 117\n```\nF=(s,n,G=(a,b)=>b?G(b,a%b):a)=>(i=>{\n  for(f=i;s[(j=i+n)-1];i++)\n    for(;p=~s.indexOf(s.substr(i,n),j++);)\n      f=G(~p-i,f)\n})(0)|f\n```\n**Ungolfed**\n```\nF=(s,n)=>\n{\n  var G = (a,b) => b ? G(b,a%b) : a; // GCD function\n  var p,w,i,j, f = 0; // f starting divisor\n  for(i = 0; s[i + n - 1]; ++i) // scan s for each substring of lenght n\n  {\n     w = s.substr(i,n);  \n     for (j=i+n; (p = s.indexOf(w,j)) != -1; ++j) // find all occurrencies of substring in the rest f the string\n        f = G(p - i, f); // p-i is the distance between pairs\n  }\n  return f\n}\n```\n**Test** In Firefox/FireBug console\n```\n;[\"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\",\"ABCDEFGHIJKL\",\"ABCDEABCDE\",\"ABCABABCAB\",\n  \"VHVSSPQUCEMRVBVBBBVHVSURQGIBDUGRNICJQUCERVUAXSSR\"]\n.forEach(s=>{\n  for(o=[],i=1;i<=10;i++) o.push(i+':'+F(s,i));\n  console.log(s+' '+o)\n})\n```\n*Output*\n```\nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1:1,2:1,3:1,4:1,5:1,6:1,7:1,8:1,9:9,10:0\nABCDEFGHIJKL 1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0,10:0\nABCDEABCDE 1:5,2:5,3:5,4:5,5:5,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0,10:0\nABCABABCAB 1:1,2:1,3:5,4:5,5:5,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0,10:0\nVHVSSPQUCEMRVBVBBBVHVSURQGIBDUGRNICJQUCERVUAXSSR 1:1,2:1,3:6,4:6,5:0,6:0,7:0,8:0,9:0,10:0\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      []\n      "}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nYour job is to write a program (or two separate programs) in any language that:\n1. Can take a completed Sudoku board as input (in any logical format) and compress it into a string of characters\n2. Can take the compressed string as input and decompress it to get the *exact* same completed Sudoku board (output in any logical format of 9 rows)\n**Note:** Use the rules of Sudoku to your advantage; that is the idea behind this challenge.  \n[Sudoku rules on Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudoku)\n# Rules\n* Only printable ASCII characters (32 - 126) are allowed in the compressed output (eg. **no multibyte characters**).\n* You can assume that the input is a *valid 3x3 Sudoku board* (normal rules, no variations).\n* I won't impose a time-limit, but do not create a brute-force algorithm. Or, submitters should be able to test their submissions before posting (Thanks Jan Dvorak).\nIf you have any questions or concerns, you can ask for clarification or make suggestions in the comments.\n# Winning Conditions\nScore = sum of the number of characters from all ten test cases\n*Lowest score wins.*\n# Test Cases\nYou may use these to test how well your program works.\n```\n9 7 3 5 8 1 4 2 6\n5 2 6 4 7 3 1 9 8\n1 8 4 2 9 6 7 5 3\n2 4 7 8 6 5 3 1 9\n3 9 8 1 2 4 6 7 5\n6 5 1 7 3 9 8 4 2\n8 1 9 3 4 2 5 6 7\n7 6 5 9 1 8 2 3 4\n4 3 2 6 5 7 9 8 1\n7 2 4 8 6 5 1 9 3\n1 6 9 2 4 3 8 7 5\n3 8 5 1 9 7 2 4 6\n8 9 6 7 2 4 3 5 1\n2 7 3 9 5 1 6 8 4\n4 5 1 3 8 6 9 2 7\n5 4 2 6 3 9 7 1 8\n6 1 8 5 7 2 4 3 9\n9 3 7 4 1 8 5 6 2\n1 5 7 6 8 2 3 4 9\n4 3 2 5 1 9 6 8 7\n6 9 8 3 4 7 2 5 1\n8 2 5 4 7 6 1 9 3\n7 1 3 9 2 8 4 6 5\n9 6 4 1 3 5 7 2 8\n5 4 1 2 9 3 8 7 6\n2 8 9 7 6 1 5 3 4\n3 7 6 8 5 4 9 1 2\n8 3 5 4 1 6 9 2 7\n2 9 6 8 5 7 4 3 1\n4 1 7 2 9 3 6 5 8\n5 6 9 1 3 4 7 8 2\n1 2 3 6 7 8 5 4 9\n7 4 8 5 2 9 1 6 3\n6 5 2 7 8 1 3 9 4\n9 8 1 3 4 5 2 7 6\n3 7 4 9 6 2 8 1 5\n6 2 8 4 5 1 7 9 3\n5 9 4 7 3 2 6 8 1\n7 1 3 6 8 9 5 4 2\n2 4 7 3 1 5 8 6 9\n9 6 1 8 2 7 3 5 4\n3 8 5 9 6 4 2 1 7\n1 5 6 2 4 3 9 7 8\n4 3 9 5 7 8 1 2 6\n8 7 2 1 9 6 4 3 5\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3\n7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6\n2 1 4 3 6 5 8 9 7\n3 6 5 8 9 7 2 1 4\n8 9 7 2 1 4 3 6 5\n5 3 1 6 4 8 9 7 2\n6 4 8 9 7 2 5 3 1\n9 7 2 5 3 1 6 4 8\n1 4 5 7 9 2 8 3 6\n3 7 6 5 8 4 1 9 2\n2 9 8 3 6 1 7 5 4\n7 3 1 9 2 8 6 4 5\n8 5 9 6 4 7 3 2 1\n4 6 2 1 3 5 9 8 7\n6 2 4 8 7 3 5 1 9\n5 8 7 4 1 9 2 6 3\n9 1 3 2 5 6 4 7 8\n5 2 7 4 1 6 9 3 8\n8 6 4 3 2 9 1 5 7\n1 3 9 5 7 8 6 4 2\n2 9 1 8 5 4 3 7 6\n3 4 8 6 9 7 5 2 1\n6 7 5 1 3 2 4 8 9\n7 1 2 9 4 5 8 6 3\n4 8 3 2 6 1 7 9 5\n9 5 6 7 8 3 2 1 4\n2 4 6 7 1 3 9 8 5\n1 8 5 4 9 6 7 3 2\n9 3 7 8 2 5 1 4 6\n6 7 8 5 4 2 3 9 1\n4 9 3 1 6 8 2 5 7\n5 1 2 3 7 9 4 6 8\n8 2 4 9 5 7 6 1 3\n7 5 9 6 3 1 8 2 4\n3 6 1 2 8 4 5 7 9\n8 6 1 2 9 4 5 7 3\n4 7 5 3 1 8 6 9 2\n3 9 2 5 6 7 8 1 4\n2 3 6 4 5 9 7 8 1\n1 5 4 7 8 3 2 6 9\n9 8 7 6 2 1 3 4 5\n5 2 9 1 7 6 4 3 8\n6 4 8 9 3 2 1 5 7\n7 1 3 8 4 5 9 2 6\n```\nCredit to [http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen/](http://www.opensky.ca/%7Ejdhildeb/software/sudokugen/) for some of these\n*If you find any issues with the test cases, please tell me.*\n      \n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 107 points\n```\nimport Control.Monad\nimport Data.List\ntype Elem = Char\ntype Board = [[Elem]]\ntype Constraints = ([Elem],[Elem],[Elem])\ndigits :: [Elem]\ndigits = \"123456789\"\nnoCons :: Constraints\nnoCons = ([],[],[])\ndisjointCons :: Constraints\ndisjointCons = (\"123\",\"456\",\"789\") -- constraints from a single block - up to isomorphism\ntriples :: [a] -> [[a]]\ntriples [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] = [[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]]\n(+++) :: Constraints -> Constraints -> Constraints\n(a,b,c) +++ (d,e,f) = (a++d,b++e,c++f)\nmaxB = 12096 \n-- length $ assignments noCons disjointCons\nmaxC = 216 -- worst case: rows can be assigned independently\nmaxD = maxB\nmaxE = 448\n-- foldl1' max [length $ assignments disjointCons colCons\n--             | (_, colCons) <- map constraints $ assignments ([],[1],[1]) ([],[1],[1]),\n--               let ([a,d,g],[b,e,h],[c,f,i]) = colCons,\n--               a < d, d < g, b < e, e < h, c < f, f < i]\nmaxF = 2 ^ 3 -- for each row the relevant column constraints can be in the same column (no assignment), \n             -- or in two or three columns (two assignments)\nmaxG = maxC\nmaxH = maxF\n-- constraints -> list of block solutions\nassignments :: Constraints -> Constraints -> [[Elem]]\nassignments (r1,r2,r3) (c1,c2,c3) = do\n    a <- digits  \\\\ (r1 ++ c1); let digits1 = digits  \\\\ [a]\n    b <- digits1 \\\\ (r1 ++ c2); let digits2 = digits1 \\\\ [b]\n    c <- digits2 \\\\ (r1 ++ c3); let digits3 = digits2 \\\\ [c]\n    d <- digits3 \\\\ (r2 ++ c1); let digits4 = digits3 \\\\ [d]\n    e <- digits4 \\\\ (r2 ++ c2); let digits5 = digits4 \\\\ [e]\n    f <- digits5 \\\\ (r2 ++ c3); let digits6 = digits5 \\\\ [f]\n    g <- digits6 \\\\ (r3 ++ c1); let digits7 = digits6 \\\\ [g]\n    h <- digits7 \\\\ (r3 ++ c2); let digits8 = digits7 \\\\ [h]\n    i <- digits8 \\\\ (r3 ++ c3)\n    return [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i]\n-- block solution -> tuple of constraints\nconstraints :: [Elem] -> (Constraints, Constraints)\nconstraints [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] = (([a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i]),([a,d,g],[b,e,h],[c,f,i]))\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-- solution -> Integer\nsolution2ix :: Board -> Integer\nsolution2ix [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] =\n    let (ar, ac) = constraints a\n        (br, bc) = constraints b\n        (_ , cc) = constraints c\n        (dr, dc) = constraints d\n        (er, ec) = constraints e\n        (_ , fc) = constraints f\n        (gr, _ ) = constraints g\n        (hr, _ ) = constraints h\n        (_ , _ ) = constraints i\n        Just ixA = findIndex (a ==) $ assignments noCons      noCons\n        Just ixB = findIndex (b ==) $ assignments ar          noCons\n        Just ixC = findIndex (c ==) $ assignments (ar +++ br) noCons\n        Just ixD = findIndex (d ==) $ assignments noCons      ac\n        Just ixE = findIndex (e ==) $ assignments dr          bc\n        Just ixF = findIndex (f ==) $ assignments (dr +++ er) cc\n        Just ixG = findIndex (g ==) $ assignments noCons      (ac +++ dc)\n        Just ixH = findIndex (h ==) $ assignments gr          (bc +++ ec)\n        Just ixI = findIndex (i ==) $ assignments (gr +++ hr) (cc +++ fc)\n    in foldr (\\(i,m) acc -> fromIntegral i + m * acc) (fromIntegral ixA)\n     $ zip [ixH, ixG, ixF, ixE, ixD, ixC, ixB] [maxH, maxG, maxF, maxE, maxD, maxC, maxB]\n--    list of rows \n-- -> list of threes of triples\n-- -> three triples of threes of triples \n-- -> three threes of triples of triples\n-- -> nine triples of triples\n-- -> nine blocks\ntoBoard :: [[Elem]] -> Board\ntoBoard = map concat . concat . map transpose . triples . map triples\ntoBase95 :: Integer -> String\ntoBase95 0 = \"\"\ntoBase95 ix = toEnum (32 + fromInteger (ix `mod` 95)) : toBase95 (ix `div` 95)\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nix2solution :: Integer -> Board\nix2solution ix =\n    let (ixH', ixH) = ix   `divMod` maxH\n        (ixG', ixG) = ixH' `divMod` maxG\n        (ixF', ixF) = ixG' `divMod` maxF\n        (ixE', ixE) = ixF' `divMod` maxE\n        (ixD', ixD) = ixE' `divMod` maxD\n        (ixC', ixC) = ixD' `divMod` maxC\n        (ixA , ixB) = ixC' `divMod` maxB\n        a = assignments noCons      noCons      !! fromIntegral ixA\n        (ra, ca) = constraints a\n        b = assignments ra          noCons      !! fromIntegral ixB\n        (rb, cb) = constraints b\n        c = assignments (ra +++ rb) noCons      !! fromIntegral ixC\n        (_ , cc) = constraints c\n        d = assignments noCons      ca          !! fromIntegral ixD\n        (rd, cd) = constraints d\n        e = assignments rd          cb          !! fromIntegral ixE\n        (re, ce) = constraints e\n        f = assignments (rd +++ re) cc          !! fromIntegral ixF\n        (_ , cf) = constraints f\n        g = assignments noCons      (ca +++ cd) !! fromIntegral ixG\n        (rg, _ ) = constraints g\n        h = assignments rg          (cb +++ ce) !! fromIntegral ixH\n        (rh, _ ) = constraints h\n        [i] = assignments (rg +++ rh) (cc +++ cf)\n    in  [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i]\n--    nine blocks\n-- -> nine triples of triples\n-- -> three threes of triples of triples\n-- -> three triples of threes of triples\n-- -> list of threes of triples\n-- -> list of rows\nfromBoard :: Board -> [[Elem]]\nfromBoard = map concat . concat . map transpose . triples . map triples\nfromBase95 :: String -> Integer\nfromBase95 \"\"     = 0\nfromBase95 (x:xs) = (toInteger $ fromEnum x) - 32 + 95 * fromBase95 xs\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nmain = do line <- getLine\n          if length line <= 12\n             then putStrLn $ unlines $ map (intersperse ' ') $ fromBoard $ ix2solution $ fromBase95 line\n             else do nextLines <- replicateM 8 getLine\n                     putStrLn $ toBase95 $ solution2ix $ toBoard $ map (map head.words) $ line:nextLines\n```\nThe test case results:\n```\nq`3T/v50 =3,\n^0NK(F4(V6T(\nd KTTB{pJc[\nB]^v[omnBF-*\nWZslDPbcOm7'\n)\nukVl2x/[+6F\nqzw>GjmPxzo%\nKE:*GH@H>(m!\nSeM=kA`'3(X*\n```\nThe code isn't pretty, but it works. The basis of the algorithm is that while enumerating all solutions would take too long, enumerating all solutions within a single block is rather quick - in fact, it's faster than the subsequent conversion to base95. The whole thing runs within seconds in the interpreter on my low-end machine. A compiled program would finish immediately.\nThe heavy lifting is done by the `solution2ix` function, which, for each 3x3 block, it generates all possible permutations, subject to constraints from the left and from above, until it finds the one in the encoded solution, remembering only the index of said permutation. Then it combines the indexes using some precomputed weights and the Horner's scheme.\nIn the other direction, the `ix2solution` function first decomposes the index into nine values. Then for each block it indexes the list of possible permutations with its respective value, then extracts the constraints for the next blocks.\n`assignments` is a simple but ugly unrolled recursion using the list monad. It generates the list of permutations given a set of constraints.\nThe real power comes from the tight bounds on the permutation list lengths:\n* The top left corner is unconstrained. The number of permutations is simply `9!`. This value is never used except to find an upper bound for the output length.\n* The blocks next to it only have one set of constraints - from the top left. A naive upper bound `6*5*4*6!` is seven times worse than the actual count found by enumeration: `12096`\n* The top right corner is constrained twice from left. Each row can only have six permutations, and in the worst case (actually in every valid case), the assignment is independent. Similarly for the bottom left corner.\n* The center piece was the hardest to estimate. Once again the brute force wins - count the permutation for each possible set of constraints up to isomorphism. Takes a while, but it's only needed once.\n* The right center piece has a double constraint from the left, which forces each row up to a permutation, but also a single constraint from the top, which ensures only two permutations per row are actually possible. Similarly for the bottom center piece.\n* The bottom right corner is fully determined by its neighbors. The sole permutation is never actually verified when computing the index. Forcing evaluation would be easy, it's just not necessary.\nThe product of all these limits is `71025136897117189570560` ~= `95^11.5544`, which means that no code is longer than 12 characters and almost a half of them should be 11 characters or fewer. I have decided not to distinguish between a shorter string and the same string right-padded with spaces. Spaces anywhere else are significant.\nThe theoretical limit of encoding efficiency for prefix-free codes - base-95 logarithm of  `6670903752021072936960` - is `11.035`, meaning that even an optimal algorithm cannot avoid producing length-12 outputs, though it will produce them in only 3.5% of all cases. Allowing length to be significant (or equivalently, adding trailing spaces) does add a few codes (1% of the total amount), but not enough to eliminate the need for length-12 codes.\n[Answer]\n## Python, 130 points\n```\nj1:4}*KYm6?D\nh^('gni9X`g'#\n$2{]8=6^l=fF!\nBS ;1;J:z\"^a\"\n\\/)gT)sixb\"A+\nWI?TFvj%:&3-\\$\n*iecz`L2|a`X0\neLbt cat sudoku1 | ./sudokuEnc.py | ./sudokuDec.py\n9 7 3 5 8 1 4 2 6\n5 2 6 4 7 3 1 9 8\n1 8 4 2 9 6 7 5 3\n2 4 7 8 6 5 3 1 9\n3 9 8 1 2 4 6 7 5\n6 5 1 7 3 9 8 4 2\n8 1 9 3 4 2 5 6 7\n7 6 5 9 1 8 2 3 4\n4 3 2 6 5 7 9 8 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# perl - score 115 113 103 113\nOutput:\n```\n\"#1!A_mb_jB)\nFEIV1JH~vn\"\n$\\\\XRU*LXea.\nEBIC5fPxklB\n5>jM7(+0MrM\n!'Wu9FS2d~!W\n\":`R60C\"}z!k\n:B&Jg[fL%\\j\n\"L28Y?3`Q>4w\no0xPz8)_i%-\n```\nOutput:\n```\n                  # note this line is empty\nS}_h|bt:za        \n%.j0.6w>?RM+\n:H$>a>Cy{7C\n'57UHjcWQmcw\nowmK0NF?!Fv\n# }aYExcZlpD\nnGl^K]xH(.\\\n9ii]I$voC,x\n!:MR0>I>PuTU\n```\nNone of those lines have a terminating space. Note that the first line is empty.\nThis algorithm works as follows. To compress:\n1. Start with an empty 'current' string representing the Sudoku grid\n2. Consider adding in turn each of the digits 1 .. 9 to that string, and determine which is viable.\n3. Get the next digit from the answer grid (and add it to current)\n4. If only one is viable, there is nothing to code\n5. If more than one is viable, count the number of viable options, sort them, and code that digit as the index into the sorted array. Record the digit and the number viable as a 2-tuple in an array.\n6. When all done, code each of the 2-tuples (in reverse order) in a variable based number stored as a bigint.\n7. Express the bigint in base 95.\nTo decode:\n1. Start with an empty 'current' string representing the Sudoku grid\n2. Decode the base95 number to a bigint\n3. Consider adding in turn each of the digits 1 .. 9 to that string, and determine which is viable.\n4. If only one is viable, there is nothing to code; add that choice to the grid\n5. If more than one is viable, count the number of viable options, sort them, and code that digit as the index into the sorted array.\n6. Decode the variable-base bigint using the number of viable options as the base, and the modulus as the index into the array, and output that digit as a cell value.\nIn order to determine the number of viable options, Games::Sudoku::Solver is used. That's mainly for clarity as there are 3 line Sudoku solvers on this site.\nTo do all 10 took 8 seconds on my laptop.\nThe `fudge` operation sorts the array differently to achieve the minimal value for the test cases. As documented, this is a fudge. The fudge reduces the score from 115 to 103. It is handcrafted to ensure that the bigint code for the first test is 0. The worst-case score for any sudoku is 12 giving a score of 120. I thus don't think this counts as hard-coding; rather it optimises for the test data. To see it work without this, change `sort fudge` into `sort` in both places.\nCode follows:\n```\n#!/usr/bin/perl\nuse strict;\nuse warnings;\nuse Getopt::Long;\nuse bigint;\nuse Games::Sudoku::Solver qw (:Minimal set_solution_max count_occupied_cells);\n# NOTE THIS IS NOT USED BY DEFAULT - see below and discussion in comments\nmy @fudgefactor = qw (9 7 3 5 8 1 4 2 6 5 2 6 4 7 3 1 9 8 1 8 4 2 9 6 7 5 3 2 4 7 8 6 5 3 1 9 3 9 8 1 2 4 6 7 5 6 5 1 7 3 9 8 4 2 8 1 9 3 4 2 5 6 7 7 6 5 9 1 8 2 3 4 4 3 2 6 5 7 9 8 1);\nmy $fudgeindex=0;\nmy $fudging=0; # Change to 1 to decrease score by 10\nsub isviable\n{\n    no bigint;\n    my $current = shift @_;\n    my @test = map {$_ + 0} split(//, substr(($current).(\"0\"x81), 0, 81));\n    my @sudoku;\n    my @solution;\n    set_solution_max (2);\n    my $nsolutions;\n    eval\n    {\n        sudoku_set(\\@sudoku, \\@test);\n        $nsolutions = sudoku_solve(\\@sudoku, \\@solution);\n    };\n    return 0 unless $nsolutions;\n    return ($nsolutions >=1);\n}\nsub getnextviable\n{\n    my $current = shift @_; # grid we have so far\n    my %viable;\n    for (my $i = 1; $i<=9; $i++)\n    {\n        my $n;\n        my $solution;\n        $viable{$i} = 1 if (isviable($current.$i));\n    }\n    return %viable;\n}\nsub fudge\n{\n    return $a<=>$b unless ($fudging);\n    my $k=$fudgefactor[$fudgeindex];\n    my $aa = ($a+10-$k) % 10;\n    my $bb = ($b+10-$k) % 10;\n    return $aa<=>$bb;\n}\nsub compress\n{\n    my @data;\n    while (<>)\n    {\n        chomp;\n        foreach my $d (split(/\\s+/))\n        {\n            push @data, $d;\n        }\n    }\n    my $code = 0;\n    my $current = \"\";\n    my @codepoints;\n    foreach my $d (@data)\n    {\n        my %viable = getnextviable($current);\n        die \"Digit $d is unexpectedly not viable - is sudoku impossible?\" unless ($viable{$d});\n        my $nviable = scalar keys(%viable);\n        if ($nviable>1)\n        {\n            my $n=0;\n            foreach my $k (sort fudge keys %viable)\n            {\n                if ($k==$d)\n                {\n                    no bigint;\n                    my %cp = ( \"n\"=> $n, \"v\"=> $nviable);\n                    unshift @codepoints, \\%cp;\n                    last;\n                }\n                $n++;\n            }\n        }\n        $fudgeindex++;\n        $current .= $d;\n    }\n    foreach my $cp (@codepoints)\n    {\n        $code = ($code * $cp->{\"v\"})+$cp->{\"n\"};\n    }\n    # print in base 95\n    my $out=\"\";\n    while ($code)\n    {\n        my $digit = $code % 95;\n        $out = chr($digit+32).$out;\n        $code -= $digit;\n        $code /= 95;\n    }\n    print \"$out\";\n}\nsub decompress\n{\n    my $code = 0;\n    # Read from base 95 into bigint\n    while (<>)\n    {\n        chomp;\n        foreach my $char (split (//, $_))\n        {\n            my $c =ord($char)-32;\n            $code*=95;\n            $code+=$c;\n        }\n    }\n    # Reconstruct sudoku\n    my $current = \"\";\n    for (my $cell = 0; $cell <81; $cell++)\n    {\n        my %viable = getnextviable($current);\n        my $nviable = scalar keys(%viable);\n        die \"Cell $cell is unexpectedly not viable - is sudoku impossible?\" unless ($nviable);\n        my $mod = $code % $nviable;\n        $code -= $mod;\n        $code /= $nviable;\n        my @v = sort fudge keys (%viable);\n        my $d = $v[$mod];\n        $current .= $d;\n        print $d.(($cell %9 != 8)?\" \":\"\\n\");\n        $fudgeindex++;\n    }\n}\nmy $decompress;\nGetOptions (\"d|decompress\" => \\$decompress);\nif ($decompress)\n{\n    decompress;\n}\nelse\n{\n    compress;\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# CJam, 309 bytes\nThis is just a quick baseline solution. I'm sorry I did this in a golfing language, but it was actually the simplest way to do it. I'll add an explanation of the actual code tomorrow, but I've outlined the algorithm below.\n**Encoder**\n```\nq~{);}%);:+:(9b95b32f+:c\n```\n**Decoder**\n```\nl:i32f-95b9bW%[0]64*+64%90O7T#C_5u\n9V)R+6@Jx(jg@@U6.DrMO*5G'P  (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)\n    g h i\n    \"\"\"\n    labels = [[3 * i + 1] * 3 + [3 * i + 2] * 3 + [3 * i + 3] * 3 for i in [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]]\n    labelled_board = zip(sum(board, []), sum(labels, []))\n    return [tuple(a for a, b in labelled_board if b == sq) for sq in xrange(1, 10)]\n```\nconverts squares back to sudoku board\nbasically an inverse of the above function\n```\ndef squares_to_board(squares):\n    \"\"\"\n    inverse of above\n    \"\"\"\n    board = [[i / 3 * 27 + i % 3 * 3 + j / 3 * 9 + j % 3 for j in range(9)] for i in range(9)]\n    flattened = sum([list(square) for square in squares], [])\n    for i in range(9):\n        for j in range(9):\n            board[i][j] = flattened[board[i][j]]\n    return board\n```\ngiven squares left, return constraints\nsee code comment for more details\n```\ndef sum_rows(*squares):\n    \"\"\"\n    takes tuples for squares and returns lists corresponding to the rows:\n    l1 -- a b c   j k l\n    l2 -- d e f   m n o  ...\n    l3 -- g h i   p q r\n    \"\"\"\n    l1 = []\n    l2 = []\n    l3 = []\n    if len(squares):\n        for a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i in squares:\n            l1 += [a, b, c]\n            l2 += [d, e, f]\n            l3 += [g, h, i]\n        return l1, l2, l3\n    return [], [], []\n```\ngiven squares above, return constraints\nsee code comment for more details\n```\ndef sum_cols(*squares):\n    \"\"\"\n    takes tuples for squares and returns lists corresponding to the cols:\n    u1 u2 u3\n    |  |  |\n    a  b  c\n    d  e  f\n    g  h  i\n    j  k  l\n    m  n  o\n    p  q  r\n      ...\n    \"\"\"\n    u1 = []\n    u2 = []\n    u3 = []\n    if len(squares):\n        for a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i in squares:\n            u1 += [a, d, g]\n            u2 += [b, e, h]\n            u3 += [c, f, i]\n        return u1, u2, u3\n    return [], [], []\n```\nmakes a string\n```\ndef base95(A):\n    if type(A) is int or type(A) is long:\n        s = ''\n        while A > 0:\n            s += chr(32 + A % 95)\n            A /= 95\n        return s\n    if type(A) is str:\n        return sum((ord(c) - 32) * (95 ** i) for i, c in enumerate(A))\n```\nthis is a hardcoded list of dependencies for each square\nsee code comment for more details\n```\n\"\"\"\ndependencies: every square as labeled\n1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9\nis dependent on those above and to the left\nin a dictionary, it is:\nsquare: ([above],[left])\n\"\"\"\ndependencies = {1: ([], []), 2: ([], [1]), 3: ([], [1, 2]), 4: ([1], []), 5: ([2], [4]), 6: ([3], [4, 5]),\n                7: ([1, 4], []), 8: ([2, 5], [7]), 9: ([3, 6], [7, 8])}\n```\nthis is a hardcoded list of max number of possible options for each square\nsee code comment for more details\n```\n\"\"\"\nmax possible options for a given element\n  9 8 7   ? ? ?   3 2 1\n  6 5 4  (12096)  3 2 1\n  3 2 1   ? ? ?   3 2 1\n  ? ? ?   ? ? ?   2 2 1\n (12096)  (448)   2 1 1    (limits for squares 2,4 determined via brute-force enumeration)\n  ? ? ?   ? ? ?   1 1 1    (limit for square 5 determined via sampling and enumeration)\n  3 3 3   2 2 1   1 1 1\n  2 2 2   2 1 1   1 1 1\n  1 1 1   1 1 1   1 1 1\n\"\"\"\npossibilities = [362880, 12096, 216, 12096, 448, 8, 216, 8, 1]\n```\nthese combine the above functions and convert a board to a list of integers\n```\ndef factorize_sudoku(board):\n    squares = board_to_squares(board)\n    factors = []\n    for label in xrange(1, 10):\n        above, left = dependencies[label]\n        u1, u2, u3 = sum_cols(*[sq for i, sq in enumerate(squares) if i + 1 in above])\n        l1, l2, l3 = sum_rows(*[sq for i, sq in enumerate(squares) if i + 1 in left])\n        for i, k in enumerate(potential_squares(u1, u2, u3, l1, l2, l3)):\n            if k == squares[label - 1]:\n                factors.append(i)\n                continue\n    return factors\n```\nand back to a board\n```\ndef unfactorize_sudoku(factors):\n    squares = []\n    for label in xrange(1, 10):\n        factor = factors[label - 1]\n        above, left = dependencies[label]\n        u1, u2, u3 = sum_cols(*[sq for i, sq in enumerate(squares) if i + 1 in above])\n        l1, l2, l3 = sum_rows(*[sq for i, sq in enumerate(squares) if i + 1 in left])\n        for i, k in enumerate(potential_squares(u1, u2, u3, l1, l2, l3)):\n            if i == factor:\n                squares.append(k)\n                continue\n    return squares\n```\nokay that's all the functions\nfor each board, make string and print it\n```\nstrings = []\nfor sudoku in inputs:\n    board = [[int(x) for x in line.split()] for line in sudoku.strip().split('\\n')]\n    print_sudoku(board)\n    factors = factorize_sudoku(board)\n    i = 0\n    for item, modulus in zip(factors, possibilities):\n        i *= modulus\n        i += item\n    strings.append(base95(i))\n    print 'integral representation:', i\n    print 'bits of entropy:', i.bit_length()\n    print 'base95 representation:', strings[-1]\n    print ''\n```\nnow print the total length of all strings\n```\nprint 'overall output:', strings\nprint 'total length:', len(''.join(strings))\nprint ''\n```\nand un-stringify, to prove it's not a one-way compression\n```\nfor string in strings:\n    print 'from:', string\n    i = base95(string)\n    retrieved = []\n    for base in possibilities[::-1]:\n        retrieved.append(i % base)\n        i /= base\n    squares = unfactorize_sudoku(retrieved[::-1])\n    print_sudoku(squares_to_board(squares))\n    print ''\n```\noutput:\n```\n9 7 3 5 8 1 4 2 6\n5 2 6 4 7 3 1 9 8\n1 8 4 2 9 6 7 5 3\n2 4 7 8 6 5 3 1 9\n3 9 8 1 2 4 6 7 5\n6 5 1 7 3 9 8 4 2\n8 1 9 3 4 2 5 6 7\n7 6 5 9 1 8 2 3 4\n4 3 2 6 5 7 9 8 1\nintegral representation: 69411889624053450486136\nbits of entropy: 76\nbase95 representation: q`3T/v50 =3,\n7 2 4 8 6 5 1 9 3\n1 6 9 2 4 3 8 7 5\n3 8 5 1 9 7 2 4 6\n8 9 6 7 2 4 3 5 1\n2 7 3 9 5 1 6 8 4\n4 5 1 3 8 6 9 2 7\n5 4 2 6 3 9 7 1 8\n6 1 8 5 7 2 4 3 9\n9 3 7 4 1 8 5 6 2\nintegral representation: 48631663773869605020107\nbits of entropy: 76\nbase95 representation: ^0NK(F4(V6T(\n1 5 7 6 8 2 3 4 9\n4 3 2 5 1 9 6 8 7\n6 9 8 3 4 7 2 5 1\n8 2 5 4 7 6 1 9 3\n7 1 3 9 2 8 4 6 5\n9 6 4 1 3 5 7 2 8\n5 4 1 2 9 3 8 7 6\n2 8 9 7 6 1 5 3 4\n3 7 6 8 5 4 9 1 2\nintegral representation: 3575058942398222501018\nbits of entropy: 72\nbase95 representation: d KTTB{pJc[\n8 3 5 4 1 6 9 2 7\n2 9 6 8 5 7 4 3 1\n4 1 7 2 9 3 6 5 8\n5 6 9 1 3 4 7 8 2\n1 2 3 6 7 8 5 4 9\n7 4 8 5 2 9 1 6 3\n6 5 2 7 8 1 3 9 4\n9 8 1 3 4 5 2 7 6\n3 7 4 9 6 2 8 1 5\nintegral representation: 57682547793421214045879\nbits of entropy: 76\nbase95 representation: B]^v[omnBF-*\n6 2 8 4 5 1 7 9 3\n5 9 4 7 3 2 6 8 1\n7 1 3 6 8 9 5 4 2\n2 4 7 3 1 5 8 6 9\n9 6 1 8 2 7 3 5 4\n3 8 5 9 6 4 2 1 7\n1 5 6 2 4 3 9 7 8\n4 3 9 5 7 8 1 2 6\n8 7 2 1 9 6 4 3 5\nintegral representation: 41241947159502331128265\nbits of entropy: 76\nbase95 representation: WZslDPbcOm7'\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3\n7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6\n2 1 4 3 6 5 8 9 7\n3 6 5 8 9 7 2 1 4\n8 9 7 2 1 4 3 6 5\n5 3 1 6 4 8 9 7 2\n6 4 8 9 7 2 5 3 1\n9 7 2 5 3 1 6 4 8\nintegral representation: 9\nbits of entropy: 4\nbase95 representation: )\n1 4 5 7 9 2 8 3 6\n3 7 6 5 8 4 1 9 2\n2 9 8 3 6 1 7 5 4\n7 3 1 9 2 8 6 4 5\n8 5 9 6 4 7 3 2 1\n4 6 2 1 3 5 9 8 7\n6 2 4 8 7 3 5 1 9\n5 8 7 4 1 9 2 6 3\n9 1 3 2 5 6 4 7 8\nintegral representation: 2289142964266107350685\nbits of entropy: 71\nbase95 representation: ukVl2x/[+6F\n5 2 7 4 1 6 9 3 8\n8 6 4 3 2 9 1 5 7\n1 3 9 5 7 8 6 4 2\n2 9 1 8 5 4 3 7 6\n3 4 8 6 9 7 5 2 1\n6 7 5 1 3 2 4 8 9\n7 1 2 9 4 5 8 6 3\n4 8 3 2 6 1 7 9 5\n9 5 6 7 8 3 2 1 4\nintegral representation: 33227336099857838436306\nbits of entropy: 75\nbase95 representation: qzw>GjmPxzo%\n2 4 6 7 1 3 9 8 5\n1 8 5 4 9 6 7 3 2\n9 3 7 8 2 5 1 4 6\n6 7 8 5 4 2 3 9 1\n4 9 3 1 6 8 2 5 7\n5 1 2 3 7 9 4 6 8\n8 2 4 9 5 7 6 1 3\n7 5 9 6 3 1 8 2 4\n3 6 1 2 8 4 5 7 9\nintegral representation: 10303519193492123417583\nbits of entropy: 74\nbase95 representation: KE:*GH@H>(m!\n8 6 1 2 9 4 5 7 3\n4 7 5 3 1 8 6 9 2\n3 9 2 5 6 7 8 1 4\n2 3 6 4 5 9 7 8 1\n1 5 4 7 8 3 2 6 9\n9 8 7 6 2 1 3 4 5\n5 2 9 1 7 6 4 3 8\n6 4 8 9 3 2 1 5 7\n7 1 3 8 4 5 9 2 6\nintegral representation: 60238104668684129814106\nbits of entropy: 76\nbase95 representation: SeM=kA`'3(X*\noverall output: ['q`3T/v50 =3,', '^0NK(F4(V6T(', 'd KTTB{pJc[', 'B]^v[omnBF-*', \"WZslDPbcOm7'\", ')', 'ukVl2x/[+6F', 'qzw>GjmPxzo%', 'KE:*GH@H>(m!', \"SeM=kA`'3(X*\"]\ntotal length: 107\nfrom: q`3T/v50 =3,\n9 7 3 5 8 1 4 2 6\n5 2 6 4 7 3 1 9 8\n1 8 4 2 9 6 7 5 3\n2 4 7 8 6 5 3 1 9\n3 9 8 1 2 4 6 7 5\n6 5 1 7 3 9 8 4 2\n8 1 9 3 4 2 5 6 7\n7 6 5 9 1 8 2 3 4\n4 3 2 6 5 7 9 8 1\nfrom: ^0NK(F4(V6T(\n7 2 4 8 6 5 1 9 3\n1 6 9 2 4 3 8 7 5\n3 8 5 1 9 7 2 4 6\n8 9 6 7 2 4 3 5 1\n2 7 3 9 5 1 6 8 4\n4 5 1 3 8 6 9 2 7\n5 4 2 6 3 9 7 1 8\n6 1 8 5 7 2 4 3 9\n9 3 7 4 1 8 5 6 2\nfrom: d KTTB{pJc[\n1 5 7 6 8 2 3 4 9\n4 3 2 5 1 9 6 8 7\n6 9 8 3 4 7 2 5 1\n8 2 5 4 7 6 1 9 3\n7 1 3 9 2 8 4 6 5\n9 6 4 1 3 5 7 2 8\n5 4 1 2 9 3 8 7 6\n2 8 9 7 6 1 5 3 4\n3 7 6 8 5 4 9 1 2\nfrom: B]^v[omnBF-*\n8 3 5 4 1 6 9 2 7\n2 9 6 8 5 7 4 3 1\n4 1 7 2 9 3 6 5 8\n5 6 9 1 3 4 7 8 2\n1 2 3 6 7 8 5 4 9\n7 4 8 5 2 9 1 6 3\n6 5 2 7 8 1 3 9 4\n9 8 1 3 4 5 2 7 6\n3 7 4 9 6 2 8 1 5\nfrom: WZslDPbcOm7'\n6 2 8 4 5 1 7 9 3\n5 9 4 7 3 2 6 8 1\n7 1 3 6 8 9 5 4 2\n2 4 7 3 1 5 8 6 9\n9 6 1 8 2 7 3 5 4\n3 8 5 9 6 4 2 1 7\n1 5 6 2 4 3 9 7 8\n4 3 9 5 7 8 1 2 6\n8 7 2 1 9 6 4 3 5\nfrom: )\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3\n7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6\n2 1 4 3 6 5 8 9 7\n3 6 5 8 9 7 2 1 4\n8 9 7 2 1 4 3 6 5\n5 3 1 6 4 8 9 7 2\n6 4 8 9 7 2 5 3 1\n9 7 2 5 3 1 6 4 8\nfrom: ukVl2x/[+6F\n1 4 5 7 9 2 8 3 6\n3 7 6 5 8 4 1 9 2\n2 9 8 3 6 1 7 5 4\n7 3 1 9 2 8 6 4 5\n8 5 9 6 4 7 3 2 1\n4 6 2 1 3 5 9 8 7\n6 2 4 8 7 3 5 1 9\n5 8 7 4 1 9 2 6 3\n9 1 3 2 5 6 4 7 8\nfrom: qzw>GjmPxzo%\n5 2 7 4 1 6 9 3 8\n8 6 4 3 2 9 1 5 7\n1 3 9 5 7 8 6 4 2\n2 9 1 8 5 4 3 7 6\n3 4 8 6 9 7 5 2 1\n6 7 5 1 3 2 4 8 9\n7 1 2 9 4 5 8 6 3\n4 8 3 2 6 1 7 9 5\n9 5 6 7 8 3 2 1 4\nfrom: KE:*GH@H>(m!\n2 4 6 7 1 3 9 8 5\n1 8 5 4 9 6 7 3 2\n9 3 7 8 2 5 1 4 6\n6 7 8 5 4 2 3 9 1\n4 9 3 1 6 8 2 5 7\n5 1 2 3 7 9 4 6 8\n8 2 4 9 5 7 6 1 3\n7 5 9 6 3 1 8 2 4\n3 6 1 2 8 4 5 7 9\nfrom: SeM=kA`'3(X*\n8 6 1 2 9 4 5 7 3\n4 7 5 3 1 8 6 9 2\n3 9 2 5 6 7 8 1 4\n2 3 6 4 5 9 7 8 1\n1 5 4 7 8 3 2 6 9\n9 8 7 6 2 1 3 4 5\n5 2 9 1 7 6 4 3 8\n6 4 8 9 3 2 1 5 7\n7 1 3 8 4 5 9 2 6\n```\n[Answer]\n## Mathematica, score: 130 9\n*Update:*\nAfter this answer was posted, it inspired a new loophole closer: [\"Optimising for the given test cases\"](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/2507/10947). I will however leave this answer as is, as an example of the loophole. Feel free to downvote. I won't be hurt.\n---\nThis encodes a cell at a time in raster order, and for each cell rules out its value appropriately for subsequent cells using the basic rules of Sudoku. So, for example, when a cell is encoded and only has four possibilities, then a base 4 digit is added to the large integer. It also codes the test cases directly as small integers, still correctly compressing and decompressing all valid Sudoku boards with an average compressed length of ~12.5 characters, 1.5 more than the optimal 11.035, with relatively simple code and no Sudoku solver required.\n```\nrule=({#}&/@Union[Join[\n        Range[#+1,Ceiling[#,9]],Range[#+9,81,9],\n        Flatten[Outer[Plus,Range[Floor[#+8,9],Ceiling[#,27]-9,9],\n            Floor[Mod[#-1,9],3]+Range[3]]]]])&/@Range[81];\nencode[board_]:=\nBlock[{step,code,pos},\n    step[{left_,x_,m_},n_]:={\n        MapAt[Complement[#,{board[[n]]}]&,left,rule[[n]]],\n        x+m(FirstPosition[left[[n]],board[[n]]][[1]]-1),m Length[left[[n]]]};\n    code=Fold[step,{Table[Range[9],{81}],0,1},Range[81]][[2]];\n    pos=Position[{206638498064127103948214,1665188010993633759502287,\n        760714067080859855534739,1454154263752219616902129,6131826927558056238360710,\n        237833524138130760909081600,8968162948536417279508170,3284755189143784030943149,\n        912407486534781347155987,556706937207676220045188},code];\n    code=If[pos==={},code+10,pos[[1,1]]-1];\n    FromCharacterCode[If[code==0,{},IntegerDigits[code,95]+32]]\n]    \ndecode[str_]:=\nBlock[{step,code},\n    code=FromDigits[ToCharacterCode[str]-32,95];\n    code=If[code<10,{206638498064127103948214,1665188010993633759502287,\n        760714067080859855534739,1454154263752219616902129,6131826927558056238360710,\n        237833524138130760909081600,8968162948536417279508170,3284755189143784030943149,\n        912407486534781347155987,556706937207676220045188}[[code+1]],code-10];\n    step[{left_,x_,board_},n_]:=Function[z,{\n        MapAt[Complement[#,{z}]&,left,rule[[n]]],Quotient[x,Length[left[[n]]]],\n        Append[board,z]}][left[[n,Mod[x,Length[left[[n]]]]+1]]];\n    Fold[step,{Table[Range[9],{81}],code,{}},Range[81]][[3]]\n]\n```\nEncoded test cases:\n```\n     <- empty string\n!\n\"\n#\n$\n%\n&\n'\n(\n)\n```\nThis does not result in perfect coding (average ~11), since the basic rules do not rule out some choices for which there is in fact no solution. The performance could be made perfect (i.e. the large integer would always be less than the number of possible Sudoku boards) by checking to see if there is no solution to some of the current choices using a Sudoku solver, and eliminating those as well.\n[Answer]\n## J, 254 points\n**Compression**\n```\nfwrite&'sudoku.z' 1 u: u: 32 + (26$95) #: (9 $ !9x)#. A.\"1 (1&\".);._2 stdin''\n```\n**Decompression**\n```\necho A.&(>:i.9)\"1 (9 $ !9x) #: 95x #. 32 -~ 3 u: fread'sudoku.z'\n```\nStandard I/O is a bit clumsy in J since `jconsole` is actually a REPL, so I took the liberty to write the compressed output to file.\nFinds the anagram index of each line, treats the resulting nine numbers as a base-(9!) number, and then finally converts to base-95, adds 32 and converts to ASCII just like in Martin B\u00fcttner's solution. The anagram index of a permutation of *1..n* is simply the index of the permutation in the lexically sorted list of all such permutations, e.g. `5 4 3 2 1` has anagram index *5! - 1 = 119*.\nAll the operations have easy inverses, so decompression is simple.\nAs a bonus, the examples are in a very J-friendly format, so input/output for decompressed sudokus are exactly as given in the examples (although the input to the encoder *requires* a trailing newline).\n---\nCompressed strings for the testcases:\n```\n#p8-D\n2}2EZZB;)WZQF@JChz}~-}}_<\n#2Ofs0Mm]).e^raUu^f@sSMWc\"\n\":kkCf2;^U_UDC?I\\PC\"[*gj|!\n#TISE3?d7>oZ_I2.C16Z*gg\n,@ CE;zX{.l\\xRAc]~@vCw)8R\n!oN{|Y6V\"C.q<{gq(s?M@O]\"]9\nVORd2\"*T,J;JSh;&3z\nrUH\">FLSgT|\n)3#m|:&Zxl1c\njh _N@MG/zr\n%Iye;U(6(p;0\n!21.+KD0//yG\n\"O\\B*O@8,h`y\nA$`TUE#rsQu\nJ}ANCYXX*y5\n\".u2KV#4K|%a\n```\nVery slow. Took 517 seconds to run and verify on my machine.\n*encconfig* takes a sudoku board and a digit from 1-9, lists the x-y coordinates where that digit appears, and outputs a number in range(6\\*\\*6) that represents those coordinates. (the \"digit configuration\")\n*decconfig* is the reverse function. It takes a number in range(6\\*\\*6), a digit, and a sudoku board (defaults to empty). It outputs the sudoku board overlayed with the digit configuration. If one of the positions in the digit configuration is already taken in the inputted sudoku board, the digit in that position is overwritten by the new digit.\n*compatible* takes a sudoku board and a digit configuration (defined by conf and dig), overlays the digit configuration over the sudoku board and checks for conflicts. It then returns True or False depending on the result.\n*encode* is the compression function. It takes a sudoku board and outputs a number representing it. It does this by first copying the positions of the 1's to an empty board and making a list of all the configurations of the number 2 which are compatible with the 1-configuration (that don't take up any of the places already taken by the 1's). It then finds the order of the board's actual 2-configuration in the list and stores it, then copies that configuration to the new board, which now contains only the 1's and 2's. It then lists all the configurations of the number 3 which are compatible with the positions of the 1's and 2's, and so on.\n*decode* is the reverse function.\nPython 2.5.\n[Answer]\n## Python 3, 120 points\nThis program lists all possible 3x3-blocks and remembers which one of them was actually present in the original Sudoku, then puts all those numbers together in a base-95 representation. Although this is very close to hard-coding, it compresses and decompresses the examples in about 5 seconds each on my machine.\n```\nimport functools\ndef readSudoku(s):\n    values = [int(c) for c in s.split()]\n    blocks = []\n    for i in range(3):\n        for j in range(3):\n            block = []\n            for k in range(3):\n                for l in range(3):\n                    block.append(values[i * 27 + k * 9 + j * 3 + l])\n            blocks.append(block)\n    return blocks\ndef writeSudoku(blocks):\n    text = \"\"\n    for i in range(9):\n        for j in range(9):\n            text += str(blocks[3 * (i // 3) + (j // 3)][3 * (i % 3) + (j % 3)]) + \" \"\n        text += \"\\n\"\n    return text\ndef toASCII(num):\n    chars = \"\".join(chr(c) for c in range(32, 127))\n    if num == 0:\n        return chars[0]\n    else:\n        return (toASCII(num // len(chars)).lstrip(chars[0]) + chars[num % len(chars)])\ndef toNum(text):\n    chars = \"\".join(chr(c) for c in range(32, 127))\n    return sum((len(chars) ** i * chars.index(c) for (i, c) in enumerate(text[::-1])))\ndef compress(sudoku):\n    info = compressInfo(readSudoku(sudoku))\n    return toASCII(functools.reduce(lambda old, new: (old[0] + new[0] * old[1], old[1] * new[1]), info, (0, 1))[0])\ndef compressInfo(sudoku):\n    finished = [[0]*9]*9\n    indices = [(-1, 0)]*9\n    for (index, block) in enumerate(sudoku):\n        counter = 0\n        actual = -1\n        for (location, solution) in enumerate(possibleBlocks(finished, index)):\n            counter += 1\n            if block == solution:\n                actual = location\n        if actual == -1:\n            print(finished)\n            print(block)\n            raise ValueError\n        finished[index] = block\n        indices[index] = (actual, counter)\n    return indices\ndef decompress(text):\n    number = toNum(text)\n    finished = [[0]*9]*9\n    for i in range(9):\n        blocks = list(possibleBlocks(finished, i))\n        index = number % len(blocks)\n        number //= len(blocks)\n        finished[i] = blocks[index]\n    return writeSudoku(finished)\ndef possibleBlocks(grid, index):\n    horizontals = [grid[i] for i in (3 * (index // 3), 3 * (index // 3) + 1, 3 * (index // 3) + 2)]\n    verticals = [grid[i] for i in (index % 3, index % 3 + 3, index % 3 + 6)]\n    for i1 in range(1, 10):\n        if any((i1 in a[0:3] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n           any((i1 in a[0::3] for a in verticals)):\n            continue\n        for i2 in range(1, 10):\n            if i2 == i1 or\\\n               any((i2 in a[0:3] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n               any((i2 in a[1::3] for a in verticals)):\n                continue\n            for i3 in range(1, 10):\n                if i3 in (i2, i1) or\\\n                   any((i3 in a[0:3] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n                   any((i3 in a[2::3] for a in verticals)):\n                    continue\n                for i4 in range(1, 10):\n                    if i4 in (i3, i2, i1) or\\\n                       any((i4 in a[3:6] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n                       any((i4 in a[0::3] for a in verticals)):\n                        continue\n                    for i5 in range(1, 10):\n                        if i5 in (i4, i3, i2, i1) or\\\n                           any((i5 in a[3:6] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n                           any((i5 in a[1::3] for a in verticals)):\n                            continue\n                        for i6 in range(1, 10):\n                            if i6 in (i5, i4, i3, i2, i1) or\\\n                               any((i6 in a[3:6] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n                               any((i6 in a[2::3] for a in verticals)):\n                                continue\n                            for i7 in range(1, 10):\n                                if i7 in (i6, i5, i4, i3, i2, i1) or\\\n                                   any((i7 in a[6:9] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n                                   any((i7 in a[0::3] for a in verticals)):\n                                    continue\n                                for i8 in range(1, 10):\n                                    if i8 in (i7, i6, i5, i4, i3, i2, i1) or\\\n                                       any((i8 in a[6:9] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n                                       any((i8 in a[1::3] for a in verticals)):\n                                        continue\n                                    for i9 in range(1, 10):\n                                        if i9 in (i8, i7, i6, i5, i4, i3, i2, i1) or\\\n                                           any((i9 in a[6:9] for a in horizontals)) or\\\n                                           any((i9 in a[2::3] for a in verticals)):\n                                            continue\n                                        yield [i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9]\n```\nThe main functions are `compress(sudoku)` and `decompress(text)`.\nOutputs:\n```\n!%XIjS+]P{'Y\n$OPMD&Sw&tlc\n$1PdUMZ7K;W*\n*=M1Ak9Oj6i\\\n!SY5:tDJxVo;\n!F ]ki%jK>*R\n'PXM4J7$s?#%\n#9BJZP'%Ggse\n*iAH-!9%QolJ\n#&L6W6i> Dd6\n```\n[Answer]\n**C#, 150 bytes**\n**Compressed output:**\n```\nKYxnUjIpNe/YDnA\nF97LclGuqeTcT2c\ni6D1SvMVkS0jPlQ\n32FOiIoUHpz5GGs\naAazPo2RJiH+IWQ\nCwAA5NIMyNzSt1I\nCc2jOjU1+buCtVM\nOgQv3Dz3PqsRvGA\neSxaW3wY5e6NGFc\nolQvtpDOUPJXKGw\n```\n**How it works:**\nIt generates all possible permutations of 123456789 and remembers them.\nThen it compares the permutations with the rows in the sudoku.\nWhen a matching permutation for a giving row is found it remembers the index of that permutation. After each row it will remove all permutations where there is atleast one char in same position as the current row. This makes sure every number is unique in its column. Then it takes out all permutations that do not work anymore by the box-criteria.\nSince the last row is trivial it generates 8 numbers.\nI tested what the max value of each of those numbers would be and generated a digit-count-mask for each position of those. { 6, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1 }. The first is obviously the longest with 362880 permutations.\nUsing the digitmask i construct a BigInteger with a leading 1 to make it 28 digits long. This results in 11 bytes total. Then those bytes get converted to base64. To save one char i remove the = sign at the end.\nThe reconstrcution works similiar.\nIt reconstructs the BigInteger from the base64string and then turns it into a string again and splitting it up again using the mentiond digit-count-mask. Those strings get parsed back to the indexes.\nThen the algorithm does almost the same, instead of finding the row in the permutations it just uses the index to get the row, the rest works the same.\nProbably this could be a bit better to really use the 94 possible charachters instead of only 64 but i lack the brainz to do this.\n**Source**: \nCopy- and pasteable to make it run with the 10 examples.\n.dotNet-Fiddle tells me this exceeds the memorylimit so you need to run it on your machine to text.\n```\nusing System;\nusing System.Collections.Generic;\nusing System.Linq;\nusing System.Numerics;\nusing System.Text;\npublic class Programm\n{\n    public static void Main(string[] args)\n    {\n        string[] input = new[] {\n            \"973581426526473198184296753247865319398124675651739842819342567765918234432657981\",\n            \"724865193169243875385197246896724351273951684451386927542639718618572439937418562\", \n            \"157682349432519687698347251825476193713928465964135728541293876289761534376854912\", \n            \"835416927296857431417293658569134782123678549748529163652781394981345276374962815\", \n            \"628451793594732681713689542247315869961827354385964217156243978439578126872196435\", \n            \"123456789456789123789123456214365897365897214897214365531648972648972531972531648\", \n            \"145792836376584192298361754731928645859647321462135987624873519587419263913256478\",\n            \"527416938864329157139578642291854376348697521675132489712945863483261795956783214\", \n            \"246713985185496732937825146678542391493168257512379468824957613759631824361284579\",\n            \"861294573475318692392567814236459781154783269987621345529176438648932157713845926\" };\n        string[] permutations = GetPermutations();\n        foreach (string sudoku in input)\n        {\n            int[] indices = _compressSudoku(sudoku, permutations).ToArray();\n            string compressedRepresentation = _toCompressedRepresentation(indices);\n            Console.WriteLine(compressedRepresentation);\n            indices = _fromCompressedRepresentation(compressedRepresentation);\n            string decompressedSudoku = _decompressSudoku(indices, permutations);\n            if (decompressedSudoku != sudoku)\n                throw new Exception();\n        }\n        Console.ReadKey();\n    }\n    static int[] _digitMask = new int[] { 6, 5, 3, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1, 1 };\n    private static int[] _fromCompressedRepresentation(string compressedRepresentation)\n    {\n        BigInteger big = new BigInteger(Convert.FromBase64String(compressedRepresentation + \"=\"));\n        string stringValue = big.ToString().Substring(1);\n        List indexes = new List();\n        int i = 0;\n        while (stringValue.Length > 0)\n        {\n            int length = _digitMask[i++];\n            string current = stringValue.Substring(0, length);\n            stringValue = stringValue.Substring(length);\n            indexes.Add(int.Parse(current));\n        }\n        return indexes.ToArray(); ;\n    }\n    private static string _toCompressedRepresentation(int[] indices)\n    {\n        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(\"1\");\n        int i = 0;\n        foreach (int index in indices)\n        {\n            string mask = \"{0:D\" + _digitMask[i++].ToString() + \"}\";\n            builder.AppendFormat(mask, index);\n        }\n        string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(BigInteger.Parse(builder.ToString()).ToByteArray());\n        return base64.Substring(0, base64.Length - 1); // remove the = at the end.\n    }\n    private static IEnumerable _compressSudoku(string input, string[] remainingPermutations)\n    {\n        string[] localRemainingPermutations = null;\n        List> localUsed = null;\n        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)\n        {\n            string currentRow = _getCurrentRow(input, i);\n            if (i % 3 == 0)\n            {\n                localRemainingPermutations = remainingPermutations;\n                localUsed = _initLocalUsed();\n            }\n            int index = 0;\n            foreach (string permutation in localRemainingPermutations)\n            {\n                if (permutation == currentRow)\n                {\n                    yield return index;\n                    break;\n                }\n                index++;\n            }\n            remainingPermutations = remainingPermutations.Where(permutation => _isStillValidPermutation(currentRow, permutation)).ToArray();\n            if (i % 3 < 2)\n            {\n                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)\n                    localUsed[j / 3].Add(currentRow[j]);\n                localRemainingPermutations = localRemainingPermutations.Where(permutation => _isStillValidLocalPermutation(permutation, localUsed)).ToArray();\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    private static string _decompressSudoku(int[] indices, string[] remainingPermutations)\n    {\n        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();\n        string[] localRemainingPermutations = null;\n        List> localUsed = null;\n        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)\n        {\n            if (i % 3 == 0)\n            {\n                localRemainingPermutations = remainingPermutations;\n                localUsed = _initLocalUsed();\n            }\n            string currentRow = localRemainingPermutations[i < indices.Length ? indices[i] : 0];\n            result.Append(currentRow);\n            remainingPermutations = remainingPermutations.Where(permutation => _isStillValidPermutation(currentRow, permutation)).ToArray();\n            if (i % 3 < 2)\n            {\n                for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++)\n                    localUsed[j / 3].Add(currentRow[j]);\n                localRemainingPermutations = localRemainingPermutations.Where(permutation => _isStillValidLocalPermutation(permutation, localUsed)).ToArray();\n            }\n        }\n        return result.ToString();\n    }\n    private static string _getCurrentRow(string input, int i)\n    {\n        return new string(input.Skip(i * 9).Take(9).ToArray());\n    }\n    private static List> _initLocalUsed()\n    {\n        return new List> { new HashSet(), new HashSet(), new HashSet() };\n    }\n    private static bool _isStillValidLocalPermutation(string permutation, List> localUsed)\n    {\n        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)\n        {\n            if (localUsed[i / 3].Contains(permutation[i]))\n                return false;\n        }\n        return true;\n    }\n    private static bool _isStillValidPermutation(string currentRow, string permutation)\n    {\n        return permutation.Select((c, j) => c != currentRow[j]).All(b => b);\n    }\n    static string[] GetPermutations(char[] chars = null)\n    {\n        if (chars == null)\n            chars = new[] { '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };\n        if (chars.Length == 2)\n            return new[] { new String(chars), new String(chars.Reverse().ToArray()) };\n        return chars.SelectMany(c => GetPermutations(chars.Where(sc => sc != c).ToArray()), (c, s) => c + s).ToArray();\n    }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl - 290 characters = 290 points\nThis program uses no hard coding and reliably compresses a grid into exactly 29 characters (theoretically it would be possible to find some smaller ones).\nHere's how it works:\n* First convert the 9 x 9 array to 60 numbers. This can be done as the last column, the last row, and the final square of each 3 x 3 cell can be dropped.\n* Then convert using bigint to a single integer, using 9^60 elements.\n* Then convert the bigint to base 95.\nCompressor and decompressor:\n```\n#!/usr/bin/perl\nuse strict;\nuse warnings;\nuse Getopt::Long;\nuse bigint;\nsub compress\n{\n    my @grid;\n    my @nums;\n    while (<>)\n    {\n        push @grid, [split];\n    }\n    # encode into 60 numbers omitting last from each row, column and 3 x 3 square\n    my $i;\n    my $j;\n    for ($i=0; $i<=7; $i++)\n    {\n        for ($j=0; $j<=7; $j++)\n        {\n            push @nums, $grid[$i][$j] if (($i % 3 !=2 ) || ($j % 3 !=2));\n        }\n    }\n    # encode into a big int\n    my $code = 0;\n    foreach my $n (@nums)\n    {\n        $code = $code * 9 + ($n-1);\n    }\n    # print in base 95\n    my $out=\"\";\n    while ($code)\n    {\n        my $digit = $code % 95;\n        $out = chr($digit+32).$out;\n        $code -= $digit;\n        $code /= 95;\n    }\n    print \"$out\";\n}\nsub decompress\n{\n    my @grid;\n    my @nums;\n    my $code = 0;\n    # Read from base 95 into bigint\n    while (<>)\n    {\n        chomp;\n        foreach my $char (split (//, $_))\n        {\n            my $c =ord($char)-32;\n            $code*=95;\n            $code+=$c;\n        }\n    }\n    # convert back to 60 numbers\n    for (my $n = 0; $n<60; $n++)\n    {\n        my $d = $code % 9;\n        $code -= $d;\n        $code/=9;\n        unshift @nums, $d+1;\n    }\n    # print filling in last column, row and 3 x 3 square\n    for (my $i=0; $i<=8; $i++)\n    {\n        for (my $j=0; $j<=8; $j++)\n        {\n            if ($j == 8)\n            {\n                my $tot = 0;\n                for (my $jj = 0; $jj<=7; $jj++)\n                {\n                    $tot += $grid[$i][$jj];\n                }\n                $grid[$i][$j]=45-$tot;\n            }\n            elsif ($i == 8)\n            {\n                my $tot = 0;\n                for (my $ii = 0; $ii<=7; $ii++)\n                {\n                    $tot += $grid[$ii][$j];\n                }\n                $grid[$i][$j]=45-$tot;\n            }\n            elsif (($i % 3 == 2 ) && ($j % 3 == 2))\n            {\n                my $tot = 0;\n                for (my $ii = $i-2; $ii<=$i; $ii++)\n                {\n                    for (my $jj = $j-2; $jj<=$j; $jj++)\n                    {\n                        next if (($ii % 3 == 2 ) && ($jj % 3 == 2));\n                        $tot += $grid[$ii][$jj];\n                    }\n                }\n                $grid[$i][$j]=45-$tot;\n            }\n            else\n            {\n                $grid[$i][$j] = shift @nums;\n            }\n            print $grid[$i][$j].(($j==8)?\"\":\" \");\n        }\n        print \"\\n\";\n    }\n}\nmy $decompress;\nGetOptions (\"d|decompress\" => \\$decompress);\nif ($decompress)\n{\n    decompress;\n}\nelse\n{\n    compress;\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 214\n```\n 0){\n        $arr = gmp_div_qr($tmp, $gmp95);\n        $tmp = $arr[0];\n        $out .= chr(32+gmp_intval($arr[1]));\n    }\n    $out = chr((32+($z << 2))|($b - 10)) . strrev($out);\n    return $out;\n}\nfunction encode($board, $ind){\n    // remove last row+col\n    $board[8] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];\n    foreach($board as &$j) $j[8] = 0;\n    // remove bottom corner of each box\n    $board[2][2] = $board[2][5] = $board[5][2] = $board[5][5] = 0;\n    $board = add_zeros($board, $ind);\n    $str = '';$z=0;\n    for($r = 0; $r < 8; ++$r){\n        for($c = 0; $c < 8; ++$c){\n            if(($r==2||$r==5)&&($c==2||$c==5)) continue;\n            if($str == '' && !$board[$r][$c]) ++$z;\n            else $str .= $board[$r][$c];\n        }\n    }\n    $b10 = base95(rtrim($str,'0'), 10, $z);\n    $b11 = base95(rtrim(str_replace(['00'],['A'],$str),'0'), 11, $z);\n    $b12 = base95(rtrim(str_replace(['000','00'],['B','A'],$str),'0'), 12, $z);\n    $l10 = strlen($b10);\n    $l11 = strlen($b11);\n    $l12 = strlen($b12);\n    var_dump($z);\n    if($l10 < $l11)\n        if($l10 < $l12)\n            return $b10;\n        else \n            return $b12;\n    else\n        if($l11 < $l12)\n            return $b11;\n        else \n            return $b12;    \n}\nfunction decode($str){\n    $fc = ord($str[0]);\n    $base = 10 + ($fc & 3);\n    $z = ($fc - 32) >> 2;\n    $tmp = gmp_init(0);\n    $zero = gmp_init(0); $gmp95 = gmp_init(95);\n    while(strlen($str = substr($str, 1))){\n        $tmp = gmp_mul($tmp, $gmp95);\n        $tmp = gmp_add($tmp, gmp_init(ord($str[0])-32));\n    }\n    $str = gmp_strval($tmp, $base);\n    $expanded = str_repeat('0', $z) . str_replace(['a','b'],['00','000'],$str) . str_repeat('0', 81);\n    $board = [];\n    $ind = 0;\n    for($i = 0; $i < 8; ++$i){\n        $board[$i] = [];\n        for($j = 0; $j < 8; ++$j){\n            if(($i == 2 || $i == 5) && ($j == 2 || $j == 5)) \n                $board[$i][$j] = 0;\n            else\n                $board[$i][$j] = (int)$expanded[$ind++];\n        }\n        $board[$i][8] = 0;\n    }\n    $board[8] = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];\n    return solve($board);\n}\nfunction printBoard($board){\n    for($i = 0; $i < 9; ++$i){\n        echo implode(' ', $board[$i]) . PHP_EOL;\n    }\n    flush();\n}\nfunction readBoard(){\n    $board = [];\n    for($r = 0; $r < 9; ++$r){\n        $board[$r] = fscanf(STDIN, \"%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d\");\n    }\n    return $board;\n}\nif(isset($argv[1])){\n    if($argv[1] === 'enc'){\n        $board = readBoard();\n        $bests = ''; $bestl = 999;\n        for($i = 0; $i < 71; ++$i){\n            $str = encode($board, $i);\n            $len = strlen($str);\n            if($len < $bestl){\n                $bestl = $len;\n                $bests = $str;\n            }\n        }\n        echo $bests . PHP_EOL;\n    }else if($argv[1] === 'dec'){\n        echo printBoard(decode(trim(fgets(STDIN))));\n    }\n}else{\n    echo \"Missing argument. Use `{$argv[0]} [enc|dec]`.\\n\";\n}\n```\nThis solution first clears out the right column and bottom row, as well as the bottom-right corner of each 3x3 block. It then tries clearing out a cell. If a simple solution exists, the cell remains blank. \nThen, the sudoku grid is formatted into a string, from left to right and top to bottom, excluding the right column, bottom row, and bottom-right corner. Leading zeros are counted (let this be `z`) and removed. Trailing zeros are likewise removed.\nThe string is formatted into either a base 10, 11, or 12 integer (let this base be `b`), with `A` representing two zeros, and `B`, three.\nThis is converted into a base-95 integer, and prepended by the base-95 digit representing `z << 2 | (b - 10)`.\nCall `php sudoku-compress.php enc` to encode, and `php sudoku-compress.php dec` to decode. Encoder takes the format given in the question, with a mandatory trailing newline.\nTest outputs:\n```\nR'Ngxgi#Hu~+cR)0nE)+\nVeu-b454j|:tRm(b-Xk'I\nV.{mi;*6-/9Ufu[~GE\"e>\nF/YgX]PeyeKX5=M_+,z+Z\nR&3mEHyZ6sSF'-$L<:VmX\n\"#b'npsIv0%L,t0yr^a.+'&\nUNjx*#~I/siBGck7u9eaC%\nZ!SuM^f{e NUMBERS = Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 1, 2, 3,\n            4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });\n    List entries = new ArrayList();\n    HashMap> squaresByRow = new HashMap>();\n    HashMap> squaresByColumn = new HashMap>();\n    HashMap> squaresByBlock = new HashMap>();\n    public Puzz(int[][] data) {\n        // Create squares put them in squares by row hashtable\n        for (int r = 0; r < 9; r++) {\n            List squaresInRow = new ArrayList();\n            for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {\n                Square square = new Square(r, c, data[r][c], this);\n                entries.add(square);\n                squaresInRow.add(square);\n            }\n            squaresByRow.put(r, squaresInRow);\n        }\n        // Put squares in column hash table\n        for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {\n            List squaresInColumn = new ArrayList();\n            for (int r = 0; r < 9; r++) {\n                squaresInColumn.add(squaresByRow.get(r).get(c));\n            }\n            squaresByColumn.put(c, squaresInColumn);\n        }\n        // Put squares in block hash table\n        for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {\n            squaresByBlock.put(i, new ArrayList());\n        }\n        for (int r = 0; r < 9; r++) {\n            for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {\n                int block = getBlock(r, c);\n                squaresByBlock.get(block).add(get(r, c));\n            }\n        }\n        // Discover the possibilities\n        updatePossibilities();\n    }\n    public void updatePossibilities() {\n        for (int r = 0; r < 9; r++) {\n            for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {\n                Square theSquare = get(r, c);\n                if (theSquare.value != 0) {\n                    theSquare.possibilities.removeAll(NUMBERS);\n                    continue;\n                } else {\n                    theSquare.possibilities.addAll(NUMBERS);\n                }\n                int block = getBlock(r, c);\n                HashSet squares = new HashSet();\n                squares.addAll(squaresByRow.get(r));\n                squares.addAll(squaresByColumn.get(c));\n                squares.addAll(squaresByBlock.get(block));\n                for (Square s : squares) {\n                    if (s == theSquare)\n                        continue;\n                    theSquare.possibilities.remove(s.value);\n                }\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    public int getValue(int row, int column) {\n        return squaresByRow.get(row).get(column).value;\n    }\n    public Square get(int row, int column) {\n        return squaresByRow.get(row).get(column);\n    }\n    public boolean set(int row, int column, int value) {\n        if (value == 0) {\n            squaresByRow.get(row).get(column).value = 0;\n            updatePossibilities();\n            return true;\n        }\n        if (isValid(row, column, value)) {\n            squaresByRow.get(row).get(column).value = value;\n            updatePossibilities();\n            return true;\n        } else {\n            return false;\n        }\n    }\n    public boolean isValidSubset(By subset, int row, int column, int value) {\n        List dubss = new ArrayList();\n        List tripss = new ArrayList();\n        Square theSquare = get(row, column);\n        int block = getBlock(row, column);\n        List squares = new ArrayList();\n        switch (subset) {\n        case Row:\n            squares.addAll(squaresByRow.get(row));\n            break;\n        case Column:\n            squares.addAll(squaresByColumn.get(column));\n            break;\n        default:\n            squares.addAll(squaresByBlock.get(block));\n            break;\n        }\n        for (Square r : squares) {\n            if (r == theSquare)\n                continue;\n            // if any of the impacted squares have this value then it is not a\n            // valid value\n            if (r.value == value)\n                return false;\n            if (r.possibilities.size() == 3) {\n                List poss = new ArrayList(r.possibilities);\n                tripss.add(new Trips(poss.get(0), poss.get(1), poss.get(2),\n                        r.row, r.col));\n            }\n            if (r.possibilities.size() == 2) {\n                List poss = new ArrayList(r.possibilities);\n                dubss.add(new Dubs(poss.get(0), poss.get(1), r.row, r.col));\n            }\n        }\n        // Find the trips and rule out the value if a triplet exists in squares\n        List tripsCopy = new ArrayList(tripss);\n        for (Trips trips : tripsCopy) {\n            int countOfOccurrences = 0;\n            for (Trips tr : tripss) {\n                if (tr.equals(trips) && !(tr.row == row && tr.col == column))\n                    countOfOccurrences++;\n            }\n            for (Dubs dubs : dubss) {\n                if (trips.containedWithin(dubs)\n                        && !(dubs.row == row && dubs.col == column))\n                    countOfOccurrences++;\n            }\n            if (countOfOccurrences == 3 && trips.containedWithin(value))\n                return false;\n        }\n        // Find the dubs and rule out the value if a double exists in squares\n        List dubsCopy = new ArrayList(dubss);\n        for (Dubs dubs : dubsCopy) {\n            int countOfOccurrences = 0;\n            for (Dubs du : dubss) {\n                // Count occurrences of Dubs that are not the tested square\n                if (du.equals(dubs) && !(du.row == row && du.col == column))\n                    countOfOccurrences++;\n            }\n            if (countOfOccurrences == 2 && dubs.containedWithin(value))\n                return false;\n        }\n        return true;\n    }\n    public boolean isValid(int row, int column, int value) {\n        return isValidSubset(By.Row, row, column, value)\n                && isValidSubset(By.Column, row, column, value)\n                && isValidSubset(By.Block, row, column, value);\n    }\n    public int getBlock(int row, int column) {\n        int blockRow = (int) Math.floor(row / 3);\n        int columnRow = (int) Math.floor(column / 3) + 1;\n        return (blockRow * 3) + columnRow;\n    }\n    public Puzz solve(Puzz arg, boolean top) throws Exception {\n        // Make an original copy of the array\n        Puzz p = (Puzz) arg.clone();\n        for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {\n            for (Square s : p.squaresByBlock.get(i)) {\n                if (s.value == 0) {\n                    for (Integer number : NUMBERS) {\n                        if (p.set(s.row, s.col, number)) {\n                            // System.out.println(p);\n                            Puzz solved = solve(p, false);\n                            if (solved != null)\n                                return solved;\n                        }\n                    }\n                    // no numbers fit here, return null and backtrack\n                    p.set(s.row, s.col, 0);\n                    return null;\n                }\n            }\n        }\n        // Check for remaining 0's\n        for (Square s : p.entries) {\n            if (s.value == 0)\n                return null;\n        }\n        return p;\n    }\n    public Puzz scramble(int clues) throws Exception {\n        Puzz p = (Puzz) clone();\n        Random rand = new Random();\n        int removed = 0;\n        //Remove the last row, it is a freebie\n        int toRemove = 81 - clues - 15;\n        for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {\n            p.set(8, c, 0);\n        }\n        p.set(0, 0, 0);\n        p.set(0, 3, 0);\n        p.set(0, 6, 0);\n        p.set(3, 0, 0);\n        p.set(3, 3, 0);\n        p.set(3, 6, 0);\n        // Keeping track of this because randomly removing squares can potentially create an \n        // unsolvable situation\n        HashSet alreadyTried = new HashSet();\n        while (removed < toRemove) {\n            if (alreadyTried.size() >= ((toRemove + clues) - removed)) {\n                // Start over\n                removed = 0;\n                alreadyTried = new HashSet();\n                p = (Puzz)clone();\n                for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {\n                    p.set(8, c, 0);\n                }\n                p.set(0, 0, 0);\n                p.set(0, 3, 0);\n                p.set(0, 6, 0);\n                p.set(3, 0, 0);\n                p.set(3, 3, 0);\n                p.set(3, 6, 0);\n            }\n            int randX = rand.nextInt((7) + 1);\n            int randY = rand.nextInt((8) + 1);\n            int existingValue = p.getValue(randX, randY);\n            if (existingValue != 0) {\n                p.set(randX, randY, 0);\n                // confirm it is still solvable after removing this item\n                Puzz psol = solve(p, true);\n                if (psol != null && psol.equals(this)) {\n                    removed++;\n                    alreadyTried = new HashSet();\n                    System.out.println(\"Clues Remaining: \" + (81 - 15 - removed));\n                } else {\n                    // otherwise set it back to what it was and try again\n                    p.set(randX, randY, existingValue);\n                    Square s = new Square(randX, randY, existingValue, p);\n                    alreadyTried.add(s);\n                }\n            }\n        }\n        p.updatePossibilities();\n        return p;\n    }\n    public static String encode(Puzz p) { // Remove all zero'ed items\n        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();\n        for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {\n            for (Square s : p.squaresByRow.get(i)) {\n                if (s.value == 0)\n                    continue;\n                sb.append(s.row).append(s.col).append(s.value);\n            }\n        }\n        // number mod 95 gives lowest digit, subtract that from original number\n        BigInteger num = new BigInteger(sb.toString());\n        byte[] numBytes = num.toByteArray();\n        StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer();\n        while (num.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {\n            int modu = num.mod(new BigInteger(\"95\")).intValue();\n            retVal.append((char) (modu + 32));\n            num = num.subtract(new BigInteger(\"\" + modu));\n            num = num.divide(new BigInteger(\"95\"));\n        }\n        return retVal.toString();\n    }\n    @Override\n    public boolean equals(Object arg0) {\n        if (arg0 == null || !(arg0 instanceof Puzz))\n            return false;\n        Puzz p = (Puzz) arg0;\n        for (int r = 0; r < 9; r++) {\n            for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {\n                int val1 = getValue(r, c);\n                int val2 = p.getValue(r, c);\n                if (val1 != val2)\n                    return false;\n            }\n        }\n        return true;\n    }\n    @Override\n    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n        int[][] data = new int[9][9];\n        for (Square square : entries) {\n            data[square.row][square.col] = square.value;\n        }\n        return new Puzz(data);\n    }\n    @Override\n    public String toString() {\n        if (entries == null)\n            return \"\";\n        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();\n        for (int r = 0; r < 9; r++) {\n            for (int c = 0; c < 9; c++) {\n                sb.append(getValue(r, c)).append(' ');\n            }\n            sb.append('\\n');\n        }\n        return sb.toString();\n    }\n}\nclass Square {\n    public Square(int row, int col, Puzz p) {\n        this.row = row;\n        this.col = col;\n        this.p = p;\n    }\n    public Square(int row, int col, int value, Puzz p) {\n        this(row, col, p);\n        this.value = value;\n    }\n    int row;\n    int col;\n    int value;\n    HashSet possibilities = new HashSet(Puzz.NUMBERS);\n    Puzz p;\n    @Override\n    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {\n        Square s = new Square(row, col, value, p);\n        s.possibilities = new HashSet();\n        for (Integer val : possibilities) {\n            s.possibilities.add(new Integer(val));\n        }\n        return s;\n    }\n    @Override\n    public boolean equals(Object obj) {\n        if (!(obj instanceof Square))\n            return false;\n        Square s = (Square) obj;\n        return row == s.row && col == s.col && value == s.value\n                && p.equals(s.p);\n    }\n    @Override\n    public int hashCode() {\n        return row ^ col ^ value ^ p.hashCode();\n    }\n}\nclass Dubs {\n    int p1;\n    int p2;\n    int row, col;\n    public Dubs(int p1, int p2) {\n        this.p1 = p1;\n        this.p2 = p2;\n    }\n    public Dubs(int p1, int p2, int row, int col) {\n        this(p1, p2);\n        this.row = row;\n        this.col = col;\n    }\n    public boolean containedWithin(int value) {\n        return (p1 == value || p2 == value);\n    }\n    @Override\n    public boolean equals(Object arg0) {\n        if (!(arg0 instanceof Dubs))\n            return false;\n        Dubs d = (Dubs) arg0;\n        return (this.p1 == d.p1 || this.p1 == d.p2)\n                && (this.p2 == d.p1 || this.p2 == d.p2);\n    }\n}\nclass Trips {\n    int p1;\n    int p2;\n    int p3;\n    int row, col;\n    public Trips(int p1, int p2) {\n        this.p1 = p1;\n        this.p2 = p2;\n    }\n    public Trips(int p1, int p2, int p3) {\n        this(p1, p2);\n        this.p3 = p3;\n    }\n    public Trips(int p1, int p2, int p3, int row, int col) {\n        this(p1, p2, p3);\n        this.row = row;\n        this.col = col;\n    }\n    public boolean containedWithin(int value) {\n        return (p1 == value || p2 == value || p3 == value);\n    }\n    public boolean containedWithin(Dubs d) {\n        return (d.p1 == p1 || d.p1 == p2 || d.p1 == p3)\n                && (d.p2 == p1 || d.p2 == p2 || d.p2 == p3);\n    }\n    public boolean equals(Object arg0) {\n        if (!(arg0 instanceof Trips))\n            return false;\n        Trips t = (Trips) arg0;\n        return (this.p1 == t.p1 || this.p1 == t.p2 || this.p1 == t.p3)\n                && (this.p2 == t.p1 || this.p2 == t.p2 || this.p2 == t.p3)\n                && (this.p3 == t.p1 || this.p3 == t.p2 || this.p3 == t.p3);\n    }\n}\n```\n**My Test Case**\n```\npublic class TestCompression extends TestCase {\n    public static int[][] test1 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 9, 7, 3, 5, 8, 1, 4, 2, 6 },\n            new int[] { 5, 2, 6, 4, 7, 3, 1, 9, 8 },\n            new int[] { 1, 8, 4, 2, 9, 6, 7, 5, 3 },\n            new int[] { 2, 4, 7, 8, 6, 5, 3, 1, 9 },\n            new int[] { 3, 9, 8, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 5 },\n            new int[] { 6, 5, 1, 7, 3, 9, 8, 4, 2 },\n            new int[] { 8, 1, 9, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 7 },\n            new int[] { 7, 6, 5, 9, 1, 8, 2, 3, 4 },\n            new int[] { 4, 3, 2, 6, 5, 7, 9, 8, 1 } };\n    public static int[][] test2 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 7, 2, 4, 8, 6, 5, 1, 9, 3 },\n            new int[] { 1, 6, 9, 2, 4, 3, 8, 7, 5 },\n            new int[] { 3, 8, 5, 1, 9, 7, 2, 4, 6 },\n            new int[] { 8, 9, 6, 7, 2, 4, 3, 5, 1 },\n            new int[] { 2, 7, 3, 9, 5, 1, 6, 8, 4 },\n            new int[] { 4, 5, 1, 3, 8, 6, 9, 2, 7 },\n            new int[] { 5, 4, 2, 6, 3, 9, 7, 1, 8 },\n            new int[] { 6, 1, 8, 5, 7, 2, 4, 3, 9 },\n            new int[] { 9, 3, 7, 4, 1, 8, 5, 6, 2 } };\n    public static int[][] test3 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 2, 3, 4, 9 },\n            new int[] { 4, 3, 2, 5, 1, 9, 6, 8, 7 },\n            new int[] { 6, 9, 8, 3, 4, 7, 2, 5, 1 },\n            new int[] { 8, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 9, 3 },\n            new int[] { 7, 1, 3, 9, 2, 8, 4, 6, 5 },\n            new int[] { 9, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 8 },\n            new int[] { 5, 4, 1, 2, 9, 3, 8, 7, 6 },\n            new int[] { 2, 8, 9, 7, 6, 1, 5, 3, 4 },\n            new int[] { 3, 7, 6, 8, 5, 4, 9, 1, 2 } };\n    public static int[][] test4 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 8, 3, 5, 4, 1, 6, 9, 2, 7 },\n            new int[] { 2, 9, 6, 8, 5, 7, 4, 3, 1 },\n            new int[] { 4, 1, 7, 2, 9, 3, 6, 5, 8 },\n            new int[] { 5, 6, 9, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 2 },\n            new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 5, 4, 9 },\n            new int[] { 7, 4, 8, 5, 2, 9, 1, 6, 3 },\n            new int[] { 6, 5, 2, 7, 8, 1, 3, 9, 4 },\n            new int[] { 9, 8, 1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 7, 6 },\n            new int[] { 3, 7, 4, 9, 6, 2, 8, 1, 5 } };\n    public static int[][] test5 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 6, 2, 8, 4, 5, 1, 7, 9, 3 },\n            new int[] { 5, 9, 4, 7, 3, 2, 6, 8, 1 },\n            new int[] { 7, 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 5, 4, 2 },\n            new int[] { 2, 4, 7, 3, 1, 5, 8, 6, 9 },\n            new int[] { 9, 6, 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 5, 4 },\n            new int[] { 3, 8, 5, 9, 6, 4, 2, 1, 7 },\n            new int[] { 1, 5, 6, 2, 4, 3, 9, 7, 8 },\n            new int[] { 4, 3, 9, 5, 7, 8, 1, 2, 6 },\n            new int[] { 8, 7, 2, 1, 9, 6, 4, 3, 5 } };\n    public static int[][] test6 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 },\n            new int[] { 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3 },\n            new int[] { 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 },\n            new int[] { 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 9, 7 },\n            new int[] { 3, 6, 5, 8, 9, 7, 2, 1, 4 },\n            new int[] { 8, 9, 7, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5 },\n            new int[] { 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 8, 9, 7, 2 },\n            new int[] { 6, 4, 8, 9, 7, 2, 5, 3, 1 },\n            new int[] { 9, 7, 2, 5, 3, 1, 6, 4, 8 } };\n    public static int[][] test7 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 2, 8, 3, 6 },\n            new int[] { 3, 7, 6, 5, 8, 4, 1, 9, 2 },\n            new int[] { 2, 9, 8, 3, 6, 1, 7, 5, 4 },\n            new int[] { 7, 3, 1, 9, 2, 8, 6, 4, 5 },\n            new int[] { 8, 5, 9, 6, 4, 7, 3, 2, 1 },\n            new int[] { 4, 6, 2, 1, 3, 5, 9, 8, 7 },\n            new int[] { 6, 2, 4, 8, 7, 3, 5, 1, 9 },\n            new int[] { 5, 8, 7, 4, 1, 9, 2, 6, 3 },\n            new int[] { 9, 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8 } };\n    public static int[][] test8 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 5, 2, 7, 4, 1, 6, 9, 3, 8 },\n            new int[] { 8, 6, 4, 3, 2, 9, 1, 5, 7 },\n            new int[] { 1, 3, 9, 5, 7, 8, 6, 4, 2 },\n            new int[] { 2, 9, 1, 8, 5, 4, 3, 7, 6 },\n            new int[] { 3, 4, 8, 6, 9, 7, 5, 2, 1 },\n            new int[] { 6, 7, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4, 8, 9 },\n            new int[] { 7, 1, 2, 9, 4, 5, 8, 6, 3 },\n            new int[] { 4, 8, 3, 2, 6, 1, 7, 9, 5 },\n            new int[] { 9, 5, 6, 7, 8, 3, 2, 1, 4 } };\n    public static int[][] test9 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 2, 4, 6, 7, 1, 3, 9, 8, 5 },\n            new int[] { 1, 8, 5, 4, 9, 6, 7, 3, 2 },\n            new int[] { 9, 3, 7, 8, 2, 5, 1, 4, 6 },\n            new int[] { 6, 7, 8, 5, 4, 2, 3, 9, 1 },\n            new int[] { 4, 9, 3, 1, 6, 8, 2, 5, 7 },\n            new int[] { 5, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 4, 6, 8 },\n            new int[] { 8, 2, 4, 9, 5, 7, 6, 1, 3 },\n            new int[] { 7, 5, 9, 6, 3, 1, 8, 2, 4 },\n            new int[] { 3, 6, 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 7, 9 } };\n    public static int[][] test10 = new int[][] {\n            new int[] { 8, 6, 1, 2, 9, 4, 5, 7, 3 },\n            new int[] { 4, 7, 5, 3, 1, 8, 6, 9, 2 },\n            new int[] { 3, 9, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 4 },\n            new int[] { 2, 3, 6, 4, 5, 9, 7, 8, 1 },\n            new int[] { 1, 5, 4, 7, 8, 3, 2, 6, 9 },\n            new int[] { 9, 8, 7, 6, 2, 1, 3, 4, 5 },\n            new int[] { 5, 2, 9, 1, 7, 6, 4, 3, 8 },\n            new int[] { 6, 4, 8, 9, 3, 2, 1, 5, 7 },\n            new int[] { 7, 1, 3, 8, 4, 5, 9, 2, 6 } };\n    @Test\n    public void test2() throws Exception {\n        int encodedLength = 0;\n        Puzz expected = new Puzz(test1);\n        Puzz test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        String encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test2);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test3);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test4);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test5);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test6);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test7);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test8);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test9);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\n        encoded = Puzz.encode(test);\n        System.out.println(\"Encoded Length with BigInteger: \" + encoded.length());\n        encodedLength += encoded.length();\n        expected = new Puzz(test10);\n        test = (Puzz) expected.clone();\n        start = System.currentTimeMillis();\n        test = test.scramble(22);\n        duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;\n        System.out.println(\"Duration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: \" + duration);\n        System.out.println(\"Scrambled\");\n        System.out.println(test);\nencoded = Puzz.encode(test);\nencodedLength += encoded.length();\n        System.out.println(\"Final Result: \" + encodedLength); \n    }\n}\n```\n**Test Output**\n```\nDuration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: 427614\nScrambled\n0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 \n0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 \n0 0 0 0 9 6 7 5 0 \n0 4 0 0 0 5 0 1 0 \n0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 \n0 5 0 0 0 0 8 4 0 \n0 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 7 \n7 0 0 9 0 8 0 3 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \nBuilding encoded string: U5[XZ+C6Bgf)}O.\"gDE)`\\)kNv7*6}1w+\nEncoded Length with BigInteger: 33\nDuration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: 167739\nScrambled\n0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n1 6 0 0 4 0 8 0 5 \n0 0 5 0 9 7 2 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 2 4 0 0 1 \n0 0 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 \n0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 \n0 1 0 5 0 0 0 3 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \nBuilding encoded string: 7\\c^oE}`H6@P.&E)Zu\\t>B\"k}Vf<[0a3&\nEncoded Length with BigInteger: 33\nDuration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: 136364\nScrambled\n0 0 7 0 8 0 0 0 0 \n0 3 2 0 0 9 6 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 \n0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 \n0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 \n0 0 4 1 0 5 7 2 0 \n5 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 \n2 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \nBuilding encoded string: [S#bHlTDwS,&w,moQ{WN}Z9!{1C>.vN{-\nEncoded Length with BigInteger: 33\nDuration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: 392150\nScrambled\n0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 \n0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 \n4 0 0 0 0 3 6 0 8 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 \n0 0 3 0 7 8 0 0 9 \n7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 \n6 0 2 0 0 0 0 9 0 \n9 0 1 3 4 0 2 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \nBuilding encoded string: T-yKJ2]334*9YpxM.Aa?,8e&NRL;*ut=+Iqk8E$@&-zlF9\nEncoded Length with BigInteger: 33\nDuration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: 4834\nScrambled\n0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 8 \n8 6 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 8 6 0 2 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 \n0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 \n0 0 2 0 0 5 8 0 3 \n4 0 0 0 0 1 7 9 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \nBuilding encoded string: GOS0!r=&HR5PZ|ezy>*l7 HWU`wIN7Q4&\nEncoded Length with BigInteger: 33\nDuration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: 42126\nScrambled\n0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 \n0 0 5 4 0 0 0 3 2 \n9 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 6 8 2 0 7 \n5 1 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 \n8 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 \n7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \nBuilding encoded string: [4#9D_?I1.!h];Y_2!iqLyngbBJ&k)FF;\nEncoded Length with BigInteger: 33\nDuration of scramble for 22 clue puzzle: 156182\nScrambled\n0 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 \n4 0 5 3 1 0 0 0 2 \n0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 \n0 3 0 0 0 9 0 8 1 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n0 0 7 0 0 1 0 4 5 \n5 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 8 \n6 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 \n0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \nBuilding encoded string: r+a;I%hGj4YCA-pXz+n=ioRL:agzH'K<(\nEncoded Length with BigInteger: 33\nFinal Result: 330\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal)- 407 Bytes\n[Compressor](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#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)\n```\nf\u019b\u230a9\u03b2;\u019b\u230a\u2039;\u1e45\u230aS\u01d2\u019b\u230akPi;\u1e45\n```\n[Decompressor](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJQIiwiIiwiZsaba1DhuJ9TXFwwMsO44oazO+G5hWbGm+KMiuKAujvhuask4bmqJFwiZuG5hSIsIiIsInc5Z0BXMEU1eChAdmE2RWxLKT1nLllOSV94QGdzQE5jV3FoOEEwT3ghXG4iXQ==)\n```\nf\u019bkP\u1e1fS\\02\u00f8\u21b3;\u1e45f\u019b\u230a\u203a;\u1e6b$\u1e6a$\"f\u1e45\n```\nInput formatted as the test cases, but it converts it to an integer left to right then top to bottom so that's what I used for demonstrating. Not an entire sudoku solver, but it is a compression of 50.2%.\n[Answer]\n## C++ 241, score: 82\\*10=820\nAdds '!' to beginning of encoded string to determine which operation to perform.\nGolfed 241 chars\n```\nvoid D(char i){static int x=0;cout<<(int)(i-'a')<<\" \";if(x++%8==0) cout<>S;for_each(S.begin()+1,S.end(),D);}\nelse{S.push_back('!');while(i--){cin>>n;S.push_back(n+'a');}cout<>d;\nfor_each(d.begin()+1,d.end(),decode);\n}\nelse{\nd.push_back('!');\nwhile(i--)\n{\ncin>>n;\nd.push_back(n+'a');\n}\ncout< 10^6\n\"trillion\" -> 10^12\n\"quattuordecillion\" -> 10^45\n```\nThe program needs to be able to handle input going up to Centillion, which is 10^303. A list of names and their standard form values can be found [here](http://polytope.net/hedrondude/illion.htm) - note that this gives values for every 10^3 increment up to 10^63, but then gives them in 10^30 increments, however the pattern is fairly straightforward. \nThe program needs to handle all 100 cases (even the ones not explicitly given by the website provided) - here are some examples of this:\n```\n\"sexvigintillion\" -> 10^81\n\"unnonagintillion\" -> 10^276\n\"octotrigintillion\" -> 10^117\n```\nInput can be given via STDIN, function argument or hard-coded as a string.\nThis is code-golf, so shortest code wins!\n      \n[Answer]\n# Python 2 (~~384~~ ~~368~~ ~~365~~ ~~348~~ 347 bytes)\n```\ndef c(s):\n s=s[:-6].replace('int','');k=0;d=dict(un=1,doe=2,tre=3,quattuor=4,quin=5,sex=6,septen=7,octo=8,novem=9,b=3,tr=4,quadr=5,qu=6,sext=7,sept=8,oct=9,non=10,dec=11,vig=21,trig=31,quadrag=41,quinquag=51,sexag=61,septuag=71,octog=81,nonag=91,cent=101)\n for p in(s!='m')*list(d)*2:\n    if s.endswith(p):s=s[:-len(p)];k+=3*d[p]\n return 10**(k or 6)\n```\n(The `if` line is indented with a single tab, and the rest with single spaces.)\nHere `c('million') == 10**6` has to be a special case because `'novem'` also ends in `'m'`.\nExamples:\n```\nc('million') == 10**6\nc('trillion') == 10**12\nc('quattuordecillion') == 10**45\nc('novemnonagintillion') == 10**300\nc('centillion') == 10**303\n```\nThanks to Falko for obfuscating it down to 350 bytes.\n---\nFor practice I tried rewriting this as a one-liner using lambdas. It's ~~404~~ ~~398~~ ~~390~~ ~~384~~ ~~380~~ 379 bytes:\n```\nc=lambda s:(lambda t=[s[:-5].replace('gint',''),0],**d:([t.__setslice__(0,2,[t[0][:-len(p)],t[1]+3*d[p]])for p in 2*list(d)if t[0].endswith(p)],10**t[1])[1])(un=1,doe=2,tre=3,quattuor=4,quin=5,sex=6,septen=7,octo=8,novem=9,mi=2,bi=3,tri=4,quadri=5,qui=6,sexti=7,septi=8,octi=9,noni=10,deci=11,vii=21,trii=31,quadrai=41,quinquai=51,sexai=61,septuai=71,octoi=81,nonai=91,centi=101)\n```\n[Answer]\n## JS (ES6), ~~292~~ 270\nUnderstands only the numbers written in the given list. The OP isn't clear about the others.\n```\nz=b=>{a=\"M0B0Tr0Quadr0Quint0Sext0Sept0Oct0Non0Dec0Undec0Doedec0Tredec0Quattuordec0Quindec0Sexdec0Septendec0Octodec0Novemdec0Vigint0Trigint0Quadragint0Quinquagint0Sexagint0Septuagint0Octogint0Nonagint0Cent\".split(0);for(i in a)if(~b.indexOf(a[i]))return\"10^\"+(20>i?3*i+6:93+30*(i-20))}\n```\nExample:\n```\nz(\"Billion\") // \"10^9\"\nz(\"Centillion\") // \"10^303\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 235\nHandles all 100 cases.\nProgram uses stdin and stdout.\nWho needs regexes for camel-case splitting?\n```\nchar*Z=\"UUUi+W<)E(<7-7-++*)('&%$,*$&%$\",u[999]=\"\\0MBRilDriPtiNiUnOeReTtUiXTeCtVeCiGRigRaUagInquiXaXsexPtuOgOoNaCeCeK1\",s[99],*U=u+67;\nmain(n){\nfor(gets(s);*--U;)\n*U<95?\n*U|=32,\nn+=!!strstr(s,U)*(*Z++-35),\n*U=0:\n3;puts(memset(u+68,48,3*n)-1);\n}\n```\n### Example\n```\noctoseptuagintillion\n1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\n```\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, 381 377 bytes\n```\n(defn c[x](let[l{\"M\"6\"B\"9\"Tr\"12\"Quadr\"15\"Quint\"18\"Sext\"21\"Sept\"24\"Oct\"27\"Non\"30\"Dec\"33\"Undec\"36\"Doedec\"39\"Tredec\"42\"Quattuordec\"45\"Quindec\"48\"Sexdec\"51\"Septendec\"54\"Octodec\"57\"Novemdec\"60\"Vigint\"63\"Trigint\"93\"Googol\"100\"Quadragint\"123\"Quinquagint\"153\"Sexagint\"183\"Septuagint\"213\"Octogint\"243\"Nonagint\"273\"Cent\"303}v(l(clojure.string/replace x #\"illion$\" \"\"))](Math/pow 10 v)))\n```\nExample:\n`(c \"Septuagintillion\") ;; 1.0E213`\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 204 bytes (+9 for formatted String)\n```\nimport Data.List\nx s=10^(f$[a|k<-tails s,i<-inits k,(b,a)<-zip[\"ce\",\"ad\",\"un\",\"do\",\"b\",\"mi\",\"vi\",\"tr\",\"at\",\"ui\",\"x\",\"p\",\"oc\",\"no\",\"ec\",\"g\"]$100:4:1:2:2:[1..],b==i])\nf[]=3\nf(x:11:r)=30*x+f r\nf(x:r)=3*x+f r\n```\nIn GHCi:\n```\n*Main> x \"decillion\"\n1000000000000000000000000000000000\n```\nReplacing `10^(` with `\"10^\"++(show.` adds another 9 bytes:\n```\nimport Data.List\nx s=\"10^\"++(show.f$[a|k<-tails s,i<-inits k,(b,a)<-zip[\"ce\",\"ad\",\"un\",\"do\",\"b\",\"mi\",\"vi\",\"tr\",\"at\",\"ui\",\"x\",\"p\",\"oc\",\"no\",\"ec\",\"g\"]$100:4:1:2:2:[1..],b==i])\nf[]=3\nf(x:11:r)=30*x+f r\nf(x:r)=3*x+f r\n```\nIn GHCi:\n```\n*Main> x \"decillion\"\n\"10^33\"\n```\n**Edit:** I had to correct for `\"quinquagintillion\"` which contains `\"qua\"`.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nQuite a few people here are probably avid XKCD readers. So, I figure I'd challenge you guys to do something that Megan can do easily: make a script that generates thousands of reassuring parables about what computers can never do. \n[![XKCD #1263](https://i.stack.imgur.com/NtDma.png \"'At least humans are better at quietly amusing ourselves, oblivious to our pending obsolescence' thought the human, as a nearby Dell Inspiron contentedly displayed the same bouncing geometric shape screensaver it had been running for years.\")](http://xkcd.com/1263/)\nYour script\n* Can be written in any language\n* Must be code-golfed\n* Must take an input (on `stdin` or your language equivalent) on the number of parables it will spit out (you can assume this will not exceed `MAX_INT` or equivalent).\n* Will output a number of **randomly** generated parables.\nThe parables are as follows\n* Starts with `'Computers will never '`\n* Next, one of 16 unique English verbs which you can choose freely to optimize your program, but *must* include `code-golf` and `understand`.\n* Next, one of 16 unique English nouns which again, you can choose freely to optimize your program, but *must* include `a salad` and `an octopus`.\n* Next, one of 16 unique English clauses which you can choose freely to optimize your program, but *must* include `for fun` and `after lunch`.\n* Ends with a newline (`\\n` or equivalent) character\nSo, for example, if the input is `2`, a valid output would be \n```\nComputers will never code-golf a salad for lunch\nComputers will never hug a tree in vain\n```\nProgram size is counted in bytes, not characters (so no unicode gibberish). [Standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/standard-loopholes-which-are-no-longer-funny \"Standard loopholes\") are not allowed.\nThis is my first challenge, so if I should make some obvious changes, please comment. \n**Edit:** I am contemplating to substract the dictionary size from the byte count, to encourage dictionary 'compression'. I will see from future answers if this is remotely feasible ; if it is, you can count on a bonus.\n      \n[Answer]\nHere's a slightly different approach:\n# Python, 368 308 297 bytes\nEDIT, I actually golfed it this time. Shaved off 60 characters.\n```\nfrom random import*\nfrom en import*\nC=choice\nv=[\"code-golf\",\"understand\",\"go\",\"do\"]\nn=[\"salad\",\"octopus\",\"fun\",\"lunch\"]\nfor f,l in(\"verbs\",v),(\"nouns\",n):exec\"l.append(str(C(wordnet.all_\"+f+\"()))[:-4]);\"*12\nexec'print\"Computers will never\",C(v),noun.article(C(n)),C((\"for\",\"after\")),C(n);'*input()\n```\nHere is the golf-trick that I'm most proud of:\n```\nfor f,l in(\"all_verbs\",v),(\"all_nouns\",n):\n```\nI didn't even know python could do that! Here's a simpler explanation:\n```\nfor (a, b) in ((0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)):\n```\nassigns a and b to 0 and 1, and then to 1 and 2, and then to 2 and 3.\n---\nThis uses NodeBox's linguistics library to generate a list of verbs/nouns/clauses, and then randomly selects from them.\nThis library is not that great for generating random words (hence the 368 bytes), but the nice thing about this approach is you get some pretty random reassuring parables with it. Here is what I mean.\n```\nComputers will never attempt a syria for synchronization.\nComputers will never understand a salad for change of mind.\nComputers will never brim an electric company for synchronization.\nComputers will never pivot a dusk for fun.\nComputers will never bedaze an electric company for genus osmerus.\nComputers will never brim a salad for vital principle.\nComputers will never attempt an erythroxylum after lunch.\nComputers will never understand an uuq for water birch.\nComputers will never brim an ictiobus for change of mind.\nComputers will never brim an ictiobus for 17.\nComputers will never lie in an octopus for change of mind.\nComputers will never happen upon a toothpowder for water birch.\nComputers will never typeset an electric company for change of mind.\nComputers will never brim a french oceania after lunch.\nComputers will never bring out an ictiobus for glossodia.\nComputers will never bedazzle an animal fancier for ash cake.\nComputers will never attempt a dusk for genus osmerus.\nComputers will never understand an animal fancier for genus osmerus.\nComputers will never accredit a prickly pear cactus for 17.\nComputers will never typeset an erythroxylum for water birch.\n```\nBut hey, I don't think anybody else's program will generate the saying: \"Computers will never bedazzle an animal fancier for ash cake.\"\nHere's an ungolfed version (574 bytes):\n```\nimport random\nimport en\nv = [\"code-golf\", \"understand\"]#list of verbs\nn = [\"a salad\", \"an octopus\"]#list of nouns\nc = [\"for fun\", \"after lunch\"]#list of clauses\nfor i in range(14):\n    v.append(str(random.choice(en.wordnet.all_verbs()))[:-4])\n    n.append(en.noun.article(str(random.choice(en.wordnet.all_nouns()))[:-4]))\n    c.append(\"for \"+str(random.choice(en.wordnet.all_verbs()))[:-4])\nN=input(\"Enter the number of reassuring phrases you want: \")\nfor i in range(N):\n    print \"Computers will never\"+' '+random.choice(v)+' '+random.choice(n)+' '+random.choice(c )+'.' \n```\nAnd lastly but definitely not leastly, here are some of my favorite reassuring parables, that I predict will become really popular catch-phrases in the next 10-15 years.\n```\nComputers will never move around a methenamine for godwin austen.\nComputers will never conk an adzuki bean for bitterwood tree.\nComputers will never jaywalk a cross-dresser for fun.\nComputers will never hyperbolize an accessory after the fact for norfolk island pine.\nComputers will never dissolve a salad for earth wax.\nComputers will never acetylise an incontrovertibility for dictatorship.\nComputers will never reciprocate a strizostedion vitreum glaucum for commelinaceae.\nComputers will never goose an action replay for star chamber.\nComputers will never veto a bottom lurkers for jackboot.\nComputers will never reciprocate a visual cortex for oleaginousness.\nComputers will never baptise a special relativity after lunch.\nComputers will never understand a gipsywort for citrus tangelo.\nComputers will never get it a brand-name drug for electronic computer.\nComputers will never deforest a paperboy after lunch.\nComputers will never bundle up a nazi for repurchase.\nComputers will never elapse a bernhard riemann for counterproposal.\n```\nand my personal favorite:\n```\nComputers will never romanticise a cockatoo parrot for cross-fertilization.\n```\n[Answer]\n## CJam, ~~238~~ 232 (or 209) bytes\n```\nri{'C\"!fmQ$h/q6fW*LC*hBd11(kA>.TfqJ0++#<>A]XThJkY b~os;vMg_D-}zYX%_,PozNxe5_8`}$H;2IUZ]&$c+m~HJ*|!n\\A^:W-*O\\\"V-/8Kg ,_b(N#M/1Zh6*%\\#t22'#|\\\"BJN=Za2_.R\"32f-96b28b\" -\"'{,W%+f=)/(\\[G/~[\"for \"\"after \"]\\m*\\(a\\\"a \"f{\\+}+\\]{mr0=}%S*N}*\n```\nThis uses many verbs/nouns/clauses from already posted answers but some are new too. I have base converted the characters to shave off some extra bytes.\nThe base converted string can be golfed 24 more bytes (to get a [209 byte solution](https://mothereff.in/byte-counter#ri%7B%27C%229%C3%B3%C3%9F%C3%82%2F%C3%83%C2%87C%20e%C2%98G%3Fdc%C3%85o%C3%B8%C2%A3gaC%23Y%C3%A4%C2%A9%C3%8F%C2%A1%C3%A1q%C2%B6hm%C2%90%29%C3%B0%C2%ADa%C2%81%C3%A2%25%C3%98No%3D%C2%85%C3%B3%C3%8Frb%C2%8C%C3%81z%C2%B4%C2%BE%C2%9D%3Bq%C2%B7u%C2%AC%C2%87%26%C3%B1*%C2%B1%C3%A4%C3%B4%C2%A9%406W%C2%B1U%C2%B9%C2%A5%C2%A2%29%C3%82%C2%B7%C2%AB%C3%85x%C2%B6%C3%B3V%C2%8A%C2%93%C2%AC%C2%9C%C2%ACdhj%C2%82a%C2%92%C2%BC%20%C2%AA%5C%22r%5B%C3%A7%C3%8B74%C3%84%C2%93%C2%85%C3%A3%C3%90%C2%B3%C3%AE%2C%C3%B33g%C3%88%24A%C3%AFL%2232f-222b28b%22%20-%22%27%7B%2CW%25%2Bf%3D%29%2F%28%5C%5BG%2F~%5B%22for%20%22%22after%20%22%5D%5Cm*%5C%28a%5C%22a%20%22f%7B%5C%2B%7D%2B%5C%5D%7Bmr0%3D%7D%25S*N%7D*); Note that you have to consider the character count instead of byte count as all characters have an ASCII code of less than 255 but the site still consider some has unicode) but I wanted the string to consist only printable ASCII characters.\nJust for reference, here is the 209 bytes version:\n```\nri{'C\"9\u00f3\u00df\u00c2/\u00c3C eG?dc\u00c5o\u00f8\u00a3gaC#Y\u00e4\u00a9\u00cf\u00a1\u00e1q\u00b6hm)\u00f0\u00ada\u00e2%\u00d8No=\u00f3\u00cfrb\u00c1z\u00b4\u00be;q\u00b7u\u00ac&\u00f1*\u00b1\u00e4\u00f4\u00a9@6W\u00b1U\u00b9\u00a5\u00a2)\u00c2\u00b7\u00ab\u00c5x\u00b6\u00f3V\u00ac\u00acdhja\u00bc \u00aa\\\"r[\u00e7\u00cb74\u00c4\u00e3\u00d0\u00b3\u00ee,\u00f33g\u00c8$A\u00efL\"32f-222b28b\" -\"'{,W%+f=)/(\\[G/~[\"for \"\"after \"]\\m*\\(a\\\"a \"f{\\+}+\\]{mr0=}%S*N}*\n```\nTakes the number of lines to print from STDIN like:\n```\n12\n```\nOutput:\n```\nComputers will never code-golf an octopus for fun\nComputers will never code-golf a bag after za\nComputers will never eat a hem after tip\nComputers will never eat an octopus for tip\nComputers will never get a fax for you\nComputers will never dry a gym for za\nComputers will never get a guy for tip\nComputers will never do a pen for fun\nComputers will never see a bar after you\nComputers will never tax a pen for ex\nComputers will never get a hem for lunch\nComputers will never win a pen for ex\n```\n[Try it online here](http://cjam.aditsu.net/)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript ES6, 331 336 bytes\n```\nn=prompt(a='')\nr=s=>s+Math.random()*16>>0\np=q=>'OctopusSaladCutCueBatJamKidPenDogFanHemDotTaxSowDyeDigCode-golfUnderstandLunchFunMeYouUsItAdsPaZaMenTwoIceJamWarRumWax'.match(/[A-Z][^A-Z]+/g)[q].toLowerCase()\nwhile(n-->0)y=r(0),z=r(18),a+=`Computers will never ${p(r(2))} a${y?'':'n'} ${p(y)} ${z<18?'afte':'fo'}r ${p(z)}\n`\nalert(a)\n```\n```\nn=prompt()\na=''\nfunction r(s){return s+Math.random()*16>>0}\nfunction p(q){return' '+'OctopusSaladCutCueBatJamKidPenDogFanHemDotTaxSowDyeDigCode-golf\\\nUnderstandLunchFunMeYouUsItAds\\\nPaZaMenTwoIceJamWarRumWax'.match(/[A-Z][^A-Z]+/g)[q].toLowerCase()}\nwhile(n-->0)\n  y=r(0),z=r(18),\n  a+='Computers will never'+p(r(2))+(y?' a':' an')+p(y)+(z<18?' after':' for')+p(z)+'\\n'\nalert(a)\n```\nI picked words that work as both verbs and nouns to shorten the list, but let me know if that is not allowed. Try it out above using Stack Snippets (The code there has been formatted to use ES5) or at . Here is an example output:\n```\nComputers will never hem a cut for ads\nComputers will never dot a pen after lunch\nComputers will never code-golf a bat for free\nComputers will never sow a dog for me\nComputers will never cut an octopus for fun\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python - ~~390 385~~ 383\n```\nfrom pylab import*\nS=str.split\nn=input()\nwhile n:n-=1;i,j,k=randint(0,16,3);print\"Computers will never\",S(\"buy cut dry eat fax get pay rob see sue tax tow wax win code-golf understand\")[i],\"a\"+\"n\"*(j<1),S(\"octopus salad bag bar bee bow boy bra dad fax gym guy hat man mom pet\")[j],\"for \"*(k>2)+S(\"after lunch,naked,ever,fun,me,you,us,tip,gas,cash,air,oil,beer,love,food,dope\",\",\")[k]\n```\nRandom example output:\n```\nComputers will never pay an octopus for oil\nComputers will never cut a bra for beer\nComputers will never eat a bee for us\nComputers will never rob a pet for you\nComputers will never tax a pet for tip\nComputers will never buy a salad for cash\nComputers will never sue a boy naked\nComputers will never see a bar for you\nComputers will never wax a bra for beer\nComputers will never sue an octopus for us\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl - 366\n```\n@w=\"Code-golfUnderstandBeDoTieSeeSawEatCutCapSitSetHateZapSipLoveSaladOctopusSeaBeeCatDogHatBatJobManLapCapRapMapDotAnt0fun1that1noon1work0good0sure0reason0nothing0you1you1lunch1all0me0nowToday1me\"=~s/\\d/(\"For \",\"After \")[$&]/reg=~/([A-Z][^A-Z]+)/g;print\"Computers will never \".lc\"$w[rand 16] a\".$w[16+rand 16]=~s/^[AO]?/(n)[!$&].\" $&\"/re.\" $w[32+rand 16]\n\"for 1..<>\n```\nHere is a test:\n```\n$ perl ./parables.pl <<<3\nComputers will never do an ant after noon\nComputers will never do a lap after all\nComputers will never love an octopus for sure\n```\n[Answer]\n## CJam, ~~353~~ ~~317~~ 301 bytes\nI'm using Falko's word list, for fairness, so that the only difference in golfing is due to the languages and not the content (I might change the word list if people start golfing the content as well).\n```\n\"Computers will never \"\"buy\ncut\ndry\neat\nfax\nget\npay\nrob\nsee\nsue\ntax\ntow\nwax\nwin\ncode-golf\nunderstand\"N/[\" an octopus\"\" a \"\"salad\nbag\nbar\nbee\nbow\nboy\nbra\ndad\nfax\ngym\nguy\nhat\nman\nmom\npet\"{N/\\f{\\+}~]}:F~S[\"after lunch\"\"naked\"\"ever\"\"for \"\"fun\nme\nyou\nus\ntip\ngas\ncash\nair\noil\nbeer\nlove\nfood\ndope\"Fm*m*m*mr0=\n```\n[Answer]\n## NetLogo, 396\nI also used Falko's word list, with two exceptions (which don't change the length of program).\n```\nto f let a[\"after lunch\"\"ever\"\"alone\"]type(word\"Computers will never \"one-of[\"buy\"\"cut\"\"dry\"\"eat\"\"fax\"\"get\"\"pay\"\"rob\"\"see\"\"sue\"\"tax\"\"tow\"\"wax\"\"win\"\"code-golf\"\"understand\"]\" a\"one-of[\"n ocotpus\"\" salad\"\" bag\"\" bar\"\" bee\"\" bow\"\" boy\"\" bun\"\" dad\"\" fax\"\" gym\"\" guy\"\" hat\"\" man\"\" mom\"\" pet\"]\" \"one-of fput word\"for \"one-of[\"fun\"\"me\"\"you\"\"us\"\"tip\"\"gas\"\"cash\"\"air\"\"oil\"\"beer\"\"love\"\"food\"\"dope\"]a\"\\n\")end\n```\nDepending on how you define \"program\", you can remove the first five and last three characters, thus a score of 388.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nWrite the shortest function that returns the content of the first result of a Google search (\"I'm feeling lucky\").\nExample:\n```\nlucky('cat');\n```\nMight return something like:\n```\n\n\n  \n    Cats are cool\n    \n  \n  \n    



\n Cats are so cool!\n

\n \n\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Bash, 46 bytes\n```\nl()(wget -UM -qO- \"gogle.de/search?btnI&q=$1\")\n```\nUses the actual *I'm feeling lucky* feature, just like the other answers.\nGogle blacklists some user agents (including WGet's, cURL's and Java's), but **M** seems to work just fine.\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 79 / 145\nI borrowed the `btnI` trick from @rink.attendant.6 for this solution. Thanks Beta Decay for shortening it by 2 characters.\n```\nrequire'open-uri'\nf=->q{URI(URI.escape\"http://gogle.de/search?btnI&q=\"+q).read}\n```\nI also have a solution which actually gets the first result from the results page, which is 145 bytes.\n```\nrequire'open-uri'\nf=->q{open(URI.extract(URI(URI.escape\"http://google.com/search?q=#{q}\").read.split('class=\"r\"')[1])[0].split(\"&\")[0]).read}\n```\n[Answer]\n## PHP, ~~157~~ ~~105/87~~ ~~102/87~~ 100/85\n### Using [`file_get_contents`](https://php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php)\n```\n1,52=>1]);return curl_exec($ch);}\n```\nOtherwise it's five more characters with the normal array initializer, 162:\n```\n1,52=>1]);return curl_exec($ch);}\n```\nVersion that **does not allow spaces in the search term**: No need for URL encoding (138):\n```\n1,52=>1]);return curl_exec($ch);}\n```\nUngolfed using constants\n```\n 1,\n CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => 1\n ));\nreturn curl_exec($ch);\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## C#, ~~183~~ ~~180~~ 178\nThis is my first time ever writing code in C# so it could probably use improvement. Feedback is welcome!\n```\nstring l(string q){return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString((new System.Net.WebClient()).DownloadData(\"https://google.ca/search?btnI&q=\"+System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(q)));}\n```\n### Unminified\n```\nstring l(string q) {\n return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(\n (new System.Net.WebClient()).DownloadData(\n \"https://google.ca/search?btnI&q=\" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(q)\n )\n );\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## CJam, 40 bytes\nThought, I'll finally give the `g` method a try\n```\n{\"gogle.de/search?btnI&q=\"\\S/\"%20\"*+g}:F\n```\nThis creates a method/block `F` which can be used like\n```\n{\"gogle.de/search?btnI&q=\"\\S/\"%20\"*+g}:F; \"cats and dogs\"F\n```\nThis is how functions work in CJam .. \nDoesn't work in online interpreter, so you will have to [download and use](http://sourceforge.net/p/cjam/wiki/Home/) the Java one.\nNote that Google denies all requests with Java user agent, so you will have to start CJam with an additional flag `-Dhttp.agent=M`\n[Answer]\n# Python 3 - 78\nUses `gogle.de` for brevity. Run as `f(query)`.\n```\nf=lambda x:__import__(\"requests\").get(\"http://gogle.de/search?btnI&q=\"+x).text\n```\nIf you want to have spaces in your query it's 98 characters.\n```\nf=lambda x:__import__(\"requests\").get(\"http://gogle.de/search?btnI&q=\"+x.replace(\" \",\" %20\")).text\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nYour favourite programming language has just had a birthday. Be nice and sing it the **Happy Birthday** song.\nOf course you should accomplish this by writing a program in that language.\nThe program takes no input, and writes the following text to the standard output or an arbitrary file:\n```\nHappy Birthday to You\nHappy Birthday to You\nHappy Birthday Dear [your favourite programming language]\nHappy Birthday to You\n```\nYou should substitute the bracketed part (and omit the brackets).\nThis is a code golf \u2014 shortest code wins.\n## UPDATE\nI'm glad that the question aroused great interest. Let me add some extra info about scoring. As stated originally, this question is a code golf, so the shortest code is going to win. The winner will be picked at the end of this week (19th October).\nHowever, I'm also rewarding other witty submissions with up-votes (and I encourage everybody to do so as well). Therefore although this is a code-golf contest, not-so-short answers are also welcome.\n## Results\nCongratulations to [Optimizer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/31414/optimizer), the winner of this contest with his 42 byte long, CJam [submission](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/39754/40695).\n## Leaderboard\nHere is a Stack Snippet to generate both a regular leaderboard and an overview of winners by language.\n```\n/* Configuration */\nvar QUESTION_ID = 39752; // Obtain this from the url\n// It will be like https://XYZ.stackexchange.com/questions/QUESTION_ID/... on any question page\nvar ANSWER_FILTER = \"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";\nvar COMMENT_FILTER = \"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";\nvar OVERRIDE_USER = 48934; // This should be the user ID of the challenge author.\n/* App */\nvar answers = [], answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1, more_answers = true, comment_page;\nfunction answersUrl(index) {\n return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\" + QUESTION_ID + \"/answers?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + ANSWER_FILTER;\n}\nfunction commentUrl(index, answers) {\n return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\" + answers.join(';') + \"/comments?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + COMMENT_FILTER;\n}\nfunction getAnswers() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: answersUrl(answer_page++),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function (data) {\n answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);\n answers_hash = [];\n answer_ids = [];\n data.items.forEach(function(a) {\n a.comments = [];\n var id = +a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);\n answer_ids.push(id);\n answers_hash[id] = a;\n });\n if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;\n comment_page = 1;\n getComments();\n }\n });\n}\nfunction getComments() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function (data) {\n data.items.forEach(function(c) {\n if (c.owner.user_id === OVERRIDE_USER)\n answers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c);\n });\n if (data.has_more) getComments();\n else if (more_answers) getAnswers();\n else process();\n }\n }); \n}\ngetAnswers();\nvar SCORE_REG = /\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;\nvar OVERRIDE_REG = /^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\nfunction getAuthorName(a) {\n return a.owner.display_name;\n}\nfunction process() {\n var valid = [];\n \n answers.forEach(function(a) {\n var body = a.body;\n a.comments.forEach(function(c) {\n if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))\n body = '

' + c.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG, '') + '

';\n });\n \n var match = body.match(SCORE_REG);\n if (match)\n valid.push({\n user: getAuthorName(a),\n size: +match[2],\n language: match[1],\n link: a.share_link,\n });\n \n });\n \n valid.sort(function (a, b) {\n var aB = a.size,\n bB = b.size;\n return aB - bB\n });\n var languages = {};\n var place = 1;\n var lastSize = null;\n var lastPlace = 1;\n valid.forEach(function (a) {\n if (a.size != lastSize)\n lastPlace = place;\n lastSize = a.size;\n ++place;\n \n var answer = jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();\n answer = answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\", lastPlace + \".\")\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", a.user)\n .replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", a.language)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", a.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", a.link);\n answer = jQuery(answer);\n jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);\n var lang = a.language;\n if (/ b.lang) return 1;\n if (a.lang < b.lang) return -1;\n return 0;\n });\n for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; ++i)\n {\n var language = jQuery(\"#language-template\").html();\n var lang = langs[i];\n language = language.replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", lang.lang)\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", lang.user)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", lang.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", lang.link);\n language = jQuery(language);\n jQuery(\"#languages\").append(language);\n }\n}\n```\n```\nbody { text-align: left !important}\n#answer-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\n#language-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\ntable thead {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\ntable td {\n padding: 5px;\n}\n```\n```\n\n\n


\n \n \n \n \n \n \n

Winners by Language

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Quipu](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Quipu), ~~123~~ 115 bytes\n```\n'H'D't[][][]\n'a'e'o/\\/\\/\\\n'p'a' 2&1&2&\n'p'r'Y[][][]\n'y' 'o/\\/\\/\\\n' 'Q'u\n'B'u\\n\n'i'i/\\\n'r'p\n't'u\n'h\\n\n'd\n'a\n'y\n' \n/\\\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##zVltc9s2Ev7OX7FhpyYZJ5Kdj6rlXu1cp@21Se7SmZsb272BKUhiQ5EsANrRaPTbc7sLgCb1Ykt2PHOjSSwCD/bl2cUSWOlU5OJLv/9BaCNhXtYK0nIkISvATKX9rmVqsrIAUYx4MCuq2niEfXCQHrwt81wo0Nmk0DAVNxJMCdcSpE5FJUdwm5kpjFqgIJtVpUJxZe8jak@lH0gR5KTOaiOuc9n7QSkxP6vHY6mC8vpPnIXfBNohPxtZjDT8UFULo@aLnwsjVaUk/h9/EErjn0Z8b6zK2dncSB1/6FWqnPQm0vBzkiTLVJh0ukiFllDJgV3798@prMiO4WmlssLkRRzaGZBKlWoA4WElScxvUmsxkUnAAjI5gJYljRgYnkIjqAVopMEhrl2X918SN5Kf39fm/fisrNHjzTLflS4q4wxJC5PlMkhzoTWs@BPPrPwBfDS4dpI0RK5BEs@3FbEw80rC71MlxQiG0IrLxT@K0lwFIzkGUVX5PNbMOqrgv8nAgi/s/wy@QgmL4AYTwrBAPYBfM20ukBqaepfl0O9DrTF7MJeykSyMZrg2yir1Qq0bV96iOGEYstKFOcFtjJK6zs2g44l176rrH@KtRxSfX7NCahiXiEunsIAcw4DicshxAl2Wf12cT4UiEbkzBeOHT0dBNobYuQtDdjJBEmiU1vZyWUxwo5zCERwcsLj4KIEXQwgvwxC/Evh2iuGF2Mo8gda65L7JRiDPJb1M/3uaYfpXAsPjLDwcwjEbYx9Rb1s6RysHg44U8talARJjaB2NvKtnFFm0M7DE0oQJGn99oGFwaBUGjdo3mKxNXD31PUzk3NPV@BiGy6CJ7f3Q18dLlOtHUVmWtgOXYdh8aBwozhLrpM9x6wgNrwfJWQ/HRE2LW5hROcEx3r/RRUT5MapnlbUZlXjzUe6ru3zmJ6s5cVYTN/@SY6I1aK9Cy14fB@2VOBKGTuMfT9T4UeZ7qkwHQCkPSFKKqfU2m2SGbLhjxfLUZeaA7bQJ11ZEmnhfdNUfBcvuEJqa9kxp9z9@wR3uJP/tPslrYh8SCi/h@MhJ/vbr28zivfxvHiF/FYwb92gDtvPILu1qGyGteZcR2dfJIFq2EmcPvoweToJio8DosogcwGwBGA/oPzHdfy52TXbPwuETNVK1fF9xsYw/v4J5Qh4SO/Nkj23@@nmseL2fFS@fx4qX@1nR3yHTXDo@3lQ8gu1ZifvPQ05/V3KWnar11e34dr8gDb@CFee/zLwd1oYhFbt9rPj@iVY4A/bQeLJDcp48Bzcne1LzLAE62T1APl1PdyDs9DlsPf1/IOx0f8K@e5Qdu/s5eKKfP4l839L5zRNVnlfzPTXCozSuS1vXuHQfd4dM81JLvDnh/Za0gchzuLYqt99WIPPXzA2Xk32NXrIgQVenLVdzykx7VbZa/KXKXe222ccird@NdXiSZEmoVUlTq8IqxsdKZTfCSKC@QccFbqGg8b5H4S0frDcd/AU6o2OvPSN395e/lmaJOytrvlGH60jUxUiduHjZ/smmbs5jmijtps@i1SuhbtumKCQOhUSW@Y38BQmKCwQW84T5oSh1i6LlDSwdJ9zGa27vWFoy11Gi7@h5ecteb3SPukm6Rsme98uQGlQF/gsvw15oU0hBZRTfQuj7FDe5pLxs6eXXs29LvLAI9ItaO@WNbHo/3bym9TFKTly/R6SfXHMIfb9qbuvUG@m47yNdsLcFDAbUYbFzd7Hl24Sfs158whnff2LuGx2YuzTaM8L2o/SnrNLcAdV4SeaFLOFPDA77Pha5ljw0zopMT3mQ5d/DCDVnXjR4erDy2kyxjMBKmhJPHdddk8CXCIVpM7TMrbH0QJIw@VnyELkbWfXvoydkWGNzK9F4jCvKmOLGjxyRTZZ5cNFAN5rqUHoV5VofHQzrw1JgVsDuFbOGJfO7SHd2HrOJgVFzZDW22GMu0nbVCuWxcHXwmv92DB8XscCJVUVucAf631dSCVNSE/SvOsMaA@aWOshGTrAEv4JJaWxTWlAo@FcAerrm2ghp2055f4s6eDgTDMiirCdTfDNM6hm1eunFAiXbSL8FcB5Y0v1xqUqaFyKukqbFftANHafKvZvBtVwqTHyqus1uNqqWga1x7SpsFSZ7pfu5KCJjKz5XC0AEvkLp9WdKy3STBl6wc3UvP3e1nRXY1oeXrxl8XhaIlj3aldTqphYvJ@ydMuWaQ03urScEbsprqX4sFdLd@b2iJaW13m0Te8EmmLeCf96I75hhnD9OErB567C/S1shm5rLlLQqceymbe/dHQhcteXC27yibEKgkXj3IHynTi6CFbUgsezjsOXbLeMzBCu4k3r36nqgPlOR7Z5eeLY5EnnA2qGFPuIa6RV45rAnGD4I20YtP3uhGPRautrizy@rWC/fYVePO6vwptINIOba5QvXvUruNrVdxivOSkwAUWxa5U5U/q23FeA30FaA2wBb531GbgU0qbgV0bxStiL8e6QD8L@8LegISL9YDpW4DcPwS/RT9DYyF1f0CSIRyajsX9IniCp8hDcHxwdvDuhBRf/xsDnebhoYRP@M6iA6i@rLIoiyKKNBFVVBZGh8SqMjFI3LEBz0L7@g3uWX/wE \"Scala \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nEach pair of columns in a Quipu program is a \"thread.\" Execution proceeds from the top of each thread to the bottom, left to right from one thread to the next. Each thread also stores a value, which can be referenced by other threads.\n* Thread 0 outputs `Happy Birthday` with a trailing space and sets its value to that string.\n* Thread 1 sets its value to `Dear Quipu` with a trailing newline.\n* Thread 2 outputs `to You` with a trailing newline and sets its value to that string.\n* Thread 3 outputs the value of thread 0, then outputs the value of thread 2.\n* Thread 4 outputs the value of thread 0, then outputs the value of thread 1.\n* Thread 5 outputs the value of thread 0, then outputs the value of thread 2.\n[Answer]\n# [tinylisp](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/tinylisp), ~~120~~ 114 bytes\n```\n(load library\n(d x(q(Happy Birthday \n(d y(join(concat x(q(to You)))spc\ny \ny\n(join(concat x(q(Dear tinylisp)))spc\ny\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Vc1BCoMwEIXhvad4y8k1xEWv0OU0KXQkZNI4gnP6qFiEbh8f7zcpnmWpvVNWTsjyatx8oISNvqAH1@oYpdknsePcnWaVAopaItvFTPHUNYSApcbhcMfDqf7Q9OYG@wVv2/sO \"tinylisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](//github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 31 [bytes](//github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u201c\u00d1\u0192\u1e89%V\u0130\u1eca\u00bd\u017c\u0192\u00bb\u00b5,;\u201c\u00a9\u028b\u2076\u1e93s\u0140K\u0257\u02a0\u00d8\u00bb,\u2078\u00a4Y\n```\n[Try it online!](//jelly.tryitonline.net#code=4oCcw5HGkuG6iSVWxLDhu4rCvcW8xpLCu8K1LDvigJzCqcqL4oG24bqTc8WAS8mXyqDDmMK7LOKBuMKkWQ)\n[Answer]\n## [Golisp](https://github.com/tuxcrafting/golisp), ~~102~~ 100 bytes\nEDIT: Removed 2 bytes by changing the last `writeln` to `write`\n```\nwrite@*[\"Happy Birthday to You\\n\"2]writeln@\"Happy Birthday Dear Golisp\"write@\"Happy Birthday to You\"\n```\nUngolfed & commented version:\n```\nwrite @ *[\"Happy Birthday to You\\n\" 2] # Call write with \"Happy Birthday to You\\n\" repeated 2 times (f@x == f[x]) #\nwriteln @ \"Happy Birthday Dear Golisp\" # Write \"Happy Birthday Dear Golisp\" to stdout #\nwrite @ \"Happy Birthday to You\" # Write \"Happy Birthday to You\" to stdout #\n```\n[Answer]\n# [beeswax](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Beeswax), 66 chars\nI created beeswax in December 2015. This solution is just for fun.\n```\n>`y Dear beeswax`5Np\npb\"M`adhtriB yppaH`<3~4_\n>`y To You`N~L;~ d\n```\nYou can clone the beeswax interpreter, language specifications and instructions from [my GitHub repository](https://www.github.com/m-lohmann/BeeswaxEsolang.jl).\n[Answer]\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 51 bytes\n```\nset Happy\\ Birthday to You\n<<.\n$@\n$@\n$1 Dear zsh\n$@\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m724qjhjwYKlpSVpuhY3jYtTSxQ8EgsKKmMUnDKLSjJSEisVSvIVIvNLuWxs9LhUHMDIUMElNbFIAagTyIVohZoAMwkA)\nBeats vanilla shell by one byte, despite having a one-byte longer name!\n[Answer]\n# [Uiua](https://www.uiua.org/), 45 bytes [SBCS](https://www.uiua.org/pad?src=0_8_0__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-KXv-KBv-KCmeKGp-KGpeKIoOKEguKnu-KWs-KHoeKKouKHjOKZrcKk4ouv4o2J4o2P4o2W4oqa4oqb4oqd4pe04pew4pah4ouV4omN4oqf4oqC4oqP4oqh4oav4piH4oaZ4oaY4oa74per4pa94oyV4oiK4oqX4oin4oi14omh4oqe4oqg4o2l4oqV4oqc4oqQ4ouF4oqZ4oipwrDijIXijZziioPiqr7iipPii5TijaLirJrijaPijaTihqzihqvimoLOt8-Az4TiiJ7iuK7ihpAiCgojIEFsbCBjaGFyYWN0ZXJzIFVpdWEgdXNlcyBmb3IgcHJldHR5LXByaW50aW5nLgojIENhbiBiZSByZW1vdmVkIGlmIG5lY2Vzc2FyeS4KCkRSQVdJTkcg4oaQICLila3ilIDilbfila_in6bin6fijJzijJ_ilZPilZ_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-KHoTPil4viiKkow7cyNSnih6EyNDDih6E4MCIKIyBFbmNvZGUgdG8gYSAuc2JjcyBmaWxlOgojICAgRW5jb2RlVUEgUGF0aFVBCiMgRGVjb2RlIGEgLnNiY3MgZmlsZToKIyAgIERlY29kZVNCQ1MgUGF0aFNCQ1MK)\n```\n\u2365(&p\u2282\"Happy Birthday \")4.,\"Dear Uiua\"\"to You\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://www.uiua.org/pad?src=0_8_0__4o2lKCZw4oqCIkhhcHB5IEJpcnRoZGF5ICIpNC4sIkRlYXIgVWl1YSIidG8gWW91Igo=)\n## Explanation\n```\n\u2365(&p\u2282\"Happy Birthday \")4.,\"Dear Uiua\"\"to You\"\n \"to You\" # push string \"to You\" to stack\n \"Dead Uiua\" # push string \"Dear Uiua\" to stack\n , # duplicate 2nd-to-top stack element\n . # duplicate top stack element\n\u2365( )4 # repeat this function 4 times:\n \"Happy Birthday \" # push string \"Happy Birthday \" to stack\n \u2282 # join end-to-end\n &p # print to stdout with newline\n```\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript, 73\nRun this in the console\n```\nfor(h=\"\",i=4;i;)h+='\\nHappy Birthday '+(--i-1?'to You':'Dear JavaScript')\n```\n[Answer]\n# C++, 136\n```\n#include\nint main(){static int i=0;std::cout<<\"Happy Birthday \"<<(i==2?\"Dear C++\":\"to You\")<\"Happy Birthday \"+(i?\"to you\":\"ES6\")).join(\"\\n\")\n```\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell 92 (fixed)\n```\n$a=\"happy birthday to you\";$a;$a;write-host -no $a.TrimEnd('to you');\"y dear powershell\" ;$a\n```\nthis one is longer than the other PS solution but is unique and actually out puts the correct string\n## OLD -Powershell- - 62\n```\n$a=\"happy birthday to you\";$a;$a;write \"$a dear powershell\";$a\n```\n[Answer]\n## ><> 76 Bytes\nSince it wasn't here already...\n```\n0>\"Happy Birthda\"{1+:}3-?vv\nv^?=1l<;?=5}:{a\"uoY oT y\"<>\"y Dear ><>\"a\n>{{o} ^\n```\n[Answer]\n# JS 70 Bytes\n```\nalert([c=(a=\"Happy Birthday\")+\" to You\",c,a+\" Dear JS\",c].join(\"\\n\"));\n```\n[Answer]\n# Swift, 68 bytes\n```\n(1...4).map{print(\"Happy Birthday \"+($0==3 ?\"dear Swift\":\"to You\"))}\n```\nalso differently:\n```\nprint({$0+$1+$0+$1+$0+\"dear Swift\"+$0+$1}(\"\\nHappy Birthday \",\"to You\"))\n```\nwith 71 bytes\n[Answer]\n# HPPPL (HP Prime Programming Language), 88\n```\nn:=char(10);a:=\"Happy Birthday \";b:=\"To You\";c:=\"Dear HPPPL\";d:=a+b+n;print(d+d+a+c+n+d)\n```\nResult:\n[![Happy Birthday To You HPPPL](https://i.stack.imgur.com/nuuJ8.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/nuuJ8.png)\nHPPPL is the programming language for the HP Prime color graphing calculator/CAS. An emulator is available at the HP website.\n[Answer]\n# [Stringy](https://github.com/m654z/Stringy), 78 bytes\n```\n(Happy birthday );a to you;p;p;^ to you!dear Stringy;p;^ dear Stringy!to you;p\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Mouse-2002](https://github.com/catb0t/mouse15), 70 bytes\nMouse isn't very skilled at [kolmogorov-complexity](/questions/tagged/kolmogorov-complexity \"show questions tagged 'kolmogorov-complexity'\"). :(\n```\n$H\"Happy Birthday \"@\n$Y\"to you!\"@\n#H;#Y;#H;#Y;#H;\"Dear Mouse!\"#H;#Y;$\n```\nThe exclamation points print newlines, not themselves, and the `$H` and `$Y` are functions, not variables, because poor Mouse can't comprehend strings.\n## MUSYS, MUsic-SYStem, Mouse's predecessor, 93 bytes\n```\n\"Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to you!Happy birthday dear MUSYS!Happy Birthday to you\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Staq](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Staq), ~~67~~ 66 chars\n```\n{h\"Happy Birthday \"}{T\"To You\"}{D\"Dear Staq\"}{N&iiqi,;}hTNhTNhDNhT\n```\nResult:\n```\nExecuting D:\\codegolf\\Happy Birthday Staq.staq\nHappy Birthday To You\nHappy Birthday To You\nHappy Birthday Dear Staq\nHappy Birthday To You\nExecution complete.\n>\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 70 Bytes\n```\na=\"Happy Birthday \";b=a+\"to You\\n\";c=a+b;d=c+c+a+\"Dear JavaScript\\n\"+c\n```\n**Best answer JavaScript answer so far!**\n```\na=\"Happy Birthday \";\nb=a+\"to You\\n\";\nc=a+b; // Create string \"Happy Birthday to You\\n\"\nd=c+c+a+\"Dear JavaScript\\n\"+c // Create song\n```\nImplementation:\n```\na=\"Happy Birthday \";b=a+\"to You\\n\";c=a+b;d=c+c+a+\"Dear JavaScript\\n\"+c\nalert(d);\nconsole.log(d);\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Edited Processing.js](https://github.com/Khan/processing-js) 80 bytes\n```\nvar a=\"\\nhappy birthday to you\";print(a+a+\"\\nHappy birthday processing.js\"+a);\n```\nProcessing JS is a language that is fun but I am lazy and use an edited version that also is ungolfable.\n[Try it online](https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/new-program/5992443128643584) Println was used so you don't have to open the console :P\nKhanacademy version\n[Answer]\n# Sprects, 49 bytes\n```\n.12121Dear Sprects\\n12.1Happy Birthday .2to You\\n\n```\n[Try it here](http://dinod123.neocities.org/interpreter.html)\n[Answer]\n# C, 74 bytes\n```\ni=5;main(){while(--i)printf(\"Happy Birthday %s\\n\",i-2?\"to You\":\"Dear C\");}\n```\n**Detailed**\n```\nvoid main()\n{\n int i = 5;\n while (--i > 0)\n {\n printf(\"Happy Birthday %s\\n\",\n i!=2 ? \"to You\" : \"Dear C\" );\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## C++, 92 bytes\n```\n#include \nint main(int c){for(c=4;c--;)std::cout<<\"Happy Birthday \"<<(c-1?\"To You\":\"Dear C++\")<<\"\\n\";}\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/nexus/cpp-gcc#U87MS84pTUm1ycwvLilKTcy1@5@ZV6KQm5iZpwFiJGtWp@UXaSTbmlgn6@paaxaXpFhZJeeXltjYKHkkFhRUKjhlFpVkpCRWKijZ2Ggk6xraK4XkK0TmlypZKbmkJhYpOGtrK2kCVcfkKVnX/v8PAA)\n[Answer]\n# Batch, 72 bytes\n```\n@SET h=@ECHO Happy Birthday \n%h%to You\n%h%to You\n%h%Dear Batch\n%h%to You\n```\n[Answer]\n# Fourier, 52 bytes\n```\n|`Happy Birthday `|A|`to You\n`|BABABA`Dear Fourier\n`AB\n```\n[**Try it online!**](https://beta-decay.github.io/editor/?code=fGBIYXBweSBCaXJ0aGRheSBgfEF8YHRvIFlvdQpgfEJBQkFCQWBEZWFyIEZvdXJpZXIKYEFC)\nNothing particularly special except that it demonstrates that you can have newlines in string prints.\n[Answer]\n# [Braingolf](https://github.com/gunnerwolf/braingolf), 69 bytes\n```\n\"Happy Birthday to You\n\"VR{.M}v&,6>[$_]\"dear Braingolf\n\"R!&@!&@v&@c&@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLz89J@/9fySOxoKBSwSmzqCQjJbFSoSRfITK/lEspLKhaz7e2TE3HzC5aJT5WKSU1sUjBCaaPSylIUc0BiMrUHJLVHP7/BwA \"Braingolf \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\n\"Happy Birthday to You\n\"\n```\nPushes \"Happy Birthday to You\\n\" to the stack\n```\nVR{.M}\n```\nCreates a 2nd stack and duplicates the contents of the first stack to it, in reverse order\n```\nv&,\n```\nSwitches to the 2nd stack and flips the entire stack\n```\n6>[$_]\n```\nDrops the last 7 items from the 2nd stack\n```\n\"dear Braingolf\n\"\n```\nPushes \"dear Braingolf\\n\" to the 2nd stack\n```\nR!&@!&@\n```\nPrints the contents of the first stack twice\n```\nv&@\n```\nPrints the contents of the 2nd stack\n```\nc&@\n```\nPrints the contents of the first stack\n[Answer]\n# [Cubically](https://github.com/aaronryank/cubically), 813 bytes\nI guess this belongs here now too! Loops haven't been added to the language yet, so this is the best I can manage.\n```\n+53@6:5+2/1+55@6:4/1+552@66+1@6:5/1+3@6/1+52@6:5+1/1+551@6+1@6:5+3/1+552@6:5/1+551@6:1/1+551@6:5+2/1+55@6:4/1+553@6:5/1+3@6:5+3/1+552@6:3/1+552@6:5/1+3@6:5+3/1+54@6:3/1+552@6:5+53@6:1/1+1@6:5+3@6:5+2/1+55@6:4/1+552@66+1@6:5/1+3@6/1+52@6:5+1/1+551@6+1@6:5+3/1+552@6:5/1+551@6:1/1+551@6:5+2/1+55@6:4/1+553@6:5/1+3@6:5+3/1+552@6:3/1+552@6:5/1+3@6:5+3/1+54@6:3/1+552@6:5+53@6:1/1+1@6:5+3@6:5+2/1+55@6:4/1+552@66+1@6:5/1+3@6/1+52@6:5+1/1+551@6+1@6:5+3/1+552@6:5/1+551@6:1/1+551@6:5+2/1+55@6:4/1+553@6:5/1+3@6+4@6:2/1+551@6:5+2/1+55@6:5+1/1+552@6:5/1+3@6:4/1+52@6:5+53@6:5+3/1+55@6:5+1/1+551@6:5+51@6:5+2/1+55@6:5+52@66:4/1+553@6:1/1+1@6:5+3@6:5+2/1+55@6:4/1+552@66+1@6:5/1+3@6/1+52@6:5+1/1+551@6+1@6:5+3/1+552@6:5/1+551@6:1/1+551@6:5+2/1+55@6:4/1+553@6:5/1+3@6:5+3/1+552@6:3/1+552@6:5/1+3@6:5+3/1+54@6:3/1+552@6:5+53@6\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://tio.run/##7ZGxDoAgDER/xb2DFiiDE7@iTiasDn490ioCwcnNxK3wjrtrWLZ5XSbv9xCAtLMjgeoRiOJoZFDOWkAm8RgVfKlEiMIjOjHopBepkPHWtMY6e1aPa5uCmhqefTngiv/bv2kPXEw9SVNKuYzJFahcvS7FtDGTbYr8T/9cCNTh0CEd)\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](http://pyth.readthedocs.io), 49 bytes\nSince the other Pyth answer is quite outdated and *non-competing* has been removed [per meta consensus](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/12877/lets-allow-newer-languages-versions-for-older-challenges), here is a newer answer:\n```\nK\"Happy Birthday \"J+K\"to You\\n\"+*J2+K\"Dear Pyth\"J\n```\n**[Try it online!](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=K%22Happy+Birthday+%22J%2BK%22to+You%5Cn%22%2B%2aJ2%2BK%22Dear+Pyth%22J&debug=0)**\n# [Pyth](http://pyth.readthedocs.io), 50 bytes\n```\nK+\"Happy Birthday to You\"b+++KK++';$t==$s?$t=\"#\":$s;printf($a,$t,63,10,39,$a,39,10,63);\n#?>\n```\nRun with:\n```\n$ php quine.pl\n$ perl quine.pl\n```\nThe `php` code is actually running (not just printing itself).\n[Answer]\n# Bash/Ruby, ~~104~~ 82\n```\n\"tee`#\";puts <ToString@InputForm@s,f@{37,37}->f@37}]]&@1\";puts s%s;#Print[StringReplace[s,{(f=FromCharacterCode)@{37,112}->ToString@InputForm@s,f@{37,37}->f@37}]]&@1\n```\nThe first part is based [on this Ruby quine](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/80/8478) and is basically:\n```\ns=\"s=%p;puts s%%s;#MathematicaCode\";puts s%s;#MathematicaCode\n```\nThe string assignment is exactly the same in Mathematica. The `puts s%s` is interpreted as a product of 4 symbols: `puts`, the string `s`, `%` (the last REPL result or `Out[0]` if it's the first expression you evaluate) and another `s`. That's of course completely meaningless, but Mathematica doesn't care and `;` suppresses any output, so this is just processed silently. Then `#` makes the rest of the line a comment for Ruby while Mathematica continues.\nAs for the Mathematica code, the largest part of it, is to simulate Ruby's format string processing without using any string literals. `FromCharacterCode@{37,112}` is `%p` and `FromCharacterCode@{37,112}` is `%%`. The former gets replaced with the string itself, (where `InputForm` adds the quotes) the latter with a single `%`. The result is `Print`ed. The final catch is how to deal with that `#` at the front. This is Mathematica's symbol for the first argument of a pure (anonymous) function. So what we do is we *make* all of that a pure function by appending `&` and immediately invoke the function with argument `1`. Prepending a `1` to a function call \"multiplies\" the result with `1`, which Mathematica again just swallows regardless of what kind of thing is returned by the function.\n[Answer]\n# reticular/befunge-98, 28 bytes [noncompeting]\n```\n<@,+1!',k- ';';Oc'43'q@$;!0\"\n```\n[Try reticular!](http://reticular.tryitonline.net/#code=PEAsKzEhJyxrLSAnOyc7T2MnNDMncUAkOyEwIg&input=) [Try befunge 98!](http://befunge-98.tryitonline.net/#code=PEAsKzEhJyxrLSAnOyc7T2MnNDMncUAkOyEwIg&input=)\nAnything in between `;`s in befunge is ignored, and `!` skips into the segment between `;`s for reticular. Thus, reticular sees:\n```\n<@,+1!',k- ';';Oc'43'q@$;!0\"\n< move left\n \" capture string\n 0 push zero\n ;! skip `;` (end program)\n $ drop zero\n q@ reverse TOS\n '43' push 34 (\")\n c convert to char\n O output all\n ; end program\n```\nBefunge sees:\n```\n<@,+1!',k- ';';Oc'43'q@$;!0\"\n< move left\n \" capture string\n !0 push 1\n ; ; skip this\n - ';' push 27\n ,k output top 27 chars\n +1!' push 34 (\")\n , output \"\n @ end program\n```\n[Answer]\n# C/PHP, ~~266~~ ~~304~~ ~~300~~ ~~282~~ ~~241~~ 203 + 10 bytes\n```\n//<>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish)/[Befunge-98](https://github.com/catseye/FBBI) 31 bytes\n```\n\"]#34[~#28&o@,k+deg0 #o#!g00\n```\n[Try it in Wumpus!](https://tio.run/##Ky/NLSgt/v9fSSFW2dgkuk7Z2FAt30EnWzstTdvISkVBOV9ZEcj4/x8A),\n[Try it in ><>!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/X0khVtnYJLpO2dhQLd9BJ1s7LU3byEpFQTlfWRHI@P8fAA),\n[Try it in Befunge-98!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1tPj/X0khVtnYJLpO2dhQLd9BJ1s7LU3byEpFQTlfWRHI@P8fAA)\n## How it Works:\n### Wumpus Code:\n```\n \" Start string literal\n Bounce off end of line and come back\n \" End string literal\n ] Push top of stack to bottom\n #34 Push double quote\n [~ Get bottom of stack and swap it with the double quote\n #31 Push 31\n &o@ Print the top 31 items on stack and terminate program\n```\n### ><> Code:\n```\n \" Start string literal\n Wrap when it reaches the end of the line\n \" End string literal\n ]# Clear stack and reflect\n \" Wrapping string literal again, but backwards\n +2: Copy the space and add 2 to get \"\n #o#! Skip into the printing loop\n Exit with an error\n```\n### Befunge-98 Code:\n```\n \" Wrapping string literal\n ] Turn right\n ] Turn right again, going West\n \" Wrapping string literal going West\n !+2: Get double quote and invert it\n #o# Skip over the o instruction\n +2:$ Get double quote\n +ff Push 30\n @,k Print 30+1 items from the stack and terminate program.\n```\n[Answer]\n## ><> and CJam, 165 bytes\n```\n\"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r00gol?!v93*0.Hi\n' < .1*5av!?log10oar~~~r\n'\"`{\"`\"\\\"_~e#.21 <.2+4*96;!?log10oa\"}_~e#.21 <.2+4*96;!?log10oa\n```\nTo CJam, the program starts with a multi-line string literal. This is escaped with ```, and then it uses the standard quine to print the quine code, as well as a trailing comment.\nTo ><>, the first `\"` starts a string literal that goes through the entire first row, pushing every character to the stack. After that, the trailing spaces (created due to the input being padded) are deleted, and then the stack is reversed. Every character in the stack (i.e. the entire first row) is output, and then it moves down to the second row.\nThe second row essentially does the same thing, except that it's in the opposite direction, so you don't need to reverse the stack. (I do anyway, because I have to delete the trailing spaces.)\nFinally, it moves on to the third line. The only major difference is that you must skip the CJam block, which is done using `.` The single quote captures the entire line (again, backwards), and then it is output.\n[Answer]\n# C/Lisp, 555 bytes\n```\nt(setq /*;*/){}main(){char q='\\\"',s='\\\\';char*a= \n\"~%t(setq /*;*/){}main(){char q='~A';char*a= \n~S;char*b=/* \n)(setq a ~S) \n(setq */ ~S;printf(b,s,q,s,s,q,a,q,q,s,s,s,q,s,s,s,s,q,q,b,q/* \n)(format t /* a /* a */);}~%\";char*b=/* \n)(setq a \"\\\\\\\"',s='\\\\\\\\\") \n(setq */ \" \nt(setq /*;*/){}main(){char q='%c%c',s='%c%c';char*a= \n%c%s%c;char*b=/* \n)(setq a %c%c%c%c%c',s='%c%c%c%c%c) \n(setq */ %c%s%c;printf(b,s,q,s,s,q,a,q,q,s,s,s,q,s,s,s,s,q,q,b,q/* \n)(format t /* a /* a */);} \n\";printf(b,s,q,s,s,q,a,q,q,s,s,s,q,s,s,s,s,q,q,b,q/* \n)(format t /* a /* a */);} \n```\nIntentionally blank first line.\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `D`, 70 bytes/ [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 77 bytes\n```\na=\"`q\u201b:\u0116+34Cp\u201ba=print('a=%r;exec(a[13:])#\\\\140:\u0116'%a)\";exec(a[13:])#`:\u0116\n```\nVyxal : [Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJEIiwiIiwiYT1cImBx4oCbOsSWKzM0Q3DigJthPXByaW50KCdhPSVyO2V4ZWMoYVsxMzpdKSNcXFxcMTQwOsSWJyVhKVwiO2V4ZWMoYVsxMzpdKSNgOsSWIiwiIiwiIl0=)\n```\na=\"`q\u201b:\u0116+34Cp\u201ba=print('a=%r;exec(a[13:])#\\\\140:\u0116'%a)\";exec(a[13:])#`:\u0116\n```\nPython : [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/P9FWKaHwUcNsqyPTtI1NnAuAzETbgqLMvBIN9URb1SLr1IrUZI3EaENjq1hN5ZgYQxMDoFJ11URNJVSpBKDw//8A \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe difference beetween the number of bytes is due to the fact that vyxal and python doesn't use the same charset\n## Explanation :\n* Vyxal\n```\na=\" # do nothing revelent here\n `q\u201b:\u0116+ `:\u0116 # structure for a quine\n 34Cp\u201ba=p # prepend `a=\"` to the string \n rint # do stuff that somehow push 0 to the stack\n ( # for loop over 0 (do nothing)\n # # comment and implicily close the loop\n # implicit output\n```\n* Python\nThe quine is a variation of `a=\"print('a=%r;exec(a)'%a)\";exec(a)`\n[Answer]\n# 05AB1E/2sable, 14 bytes, non-competing\n```\n0\"D34\u00e7\u00fd\"D34\u00e7\u00fd\n```\n[Try it online! (05AB1E)](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=MCJEMzTDp8O9IkQzNMOnw70K&input=) \n[Try it online! (2sable)](http://2sable.tryitonline.net/#code=MCJEMzTDp8O9IkQzNMOnw70K&input=)\n2sable is derived from 05AB1E and is similar, but has major differences.\nTrailing newline.\n[Answer]\n# C/TCL, 337 bytes\n```\n#define set char*f= \n#define F \n#define proc main(){ \nset F \"#define set char*f= \n#define F \n#define proc main(){ \nset F %c%s%c; \nproc /* {} {} \nputs -nonewline %cformat %cF 34 %cF 34 91 36 36] \nset a {*/printf(f,34,f,34,91,36,36);} \n\"; \nproc /* {} {} \nputs -nonewline [format $F 34 $F 34 91 36 36] \nset a {*/printf(f,34,f,34,91,36,36);} \n```\n[Answer]\n# C/Vim 4.0, 1636 bytes\nContains control characters.\n```\nmap () {}/*\nmap g ;data0df\"f\"cf\"\nf\"cf\"\nf\"D2kyyP;g6k2dd4x5jA\"JxA\",\"JxA\",\"jyyPkJxA\"jok;g2kdd4xkJx3jdd\nmap ;g O\"vdldd0i# 0# 1# 2# 3# 4# 5# #0lx2lx2lx2lx2lx2lx2lx:s/##/#/g\no:s//\"/gk0y2lj02lp\"addk@ao:s//\\\\/gk0ly2lj02lp\"addk@ao:s///gk04ly2lj02lp05l\"vp\"addk@ao:s///gk05ly2lj02lp05l\"vp\"vp\"addk@ao:s//\n/gk06ly2lj02lp05l\"vp\"vp\"vp\"addk@ao:s//\n/gk02ly2lj02lp05l\"vp\"addk@a\nunmap ()\nmap ;data o*/ char*g[]={\"map () {}/*#2map g ;data0df#0f#0cf#0#5#3f#0cf#0#5#3f#0D2kyyP;g6k2dd4x5jA#0#3JxA#0,#0#3JxA#0,#0#3jyyPkJxA#0#3jo#3k;g2kdd4xkJx3jdd#2map ;g O#4#4#4#4#3#0vdldd0i## 0## 1## 2## 3## 4## 5## ###30lx2lx2lx2lx2lx2lx2lx:s/####/##/g#5o:s//#0/g#3k0y2lj02lp#0addk@ao:s//#1#1/g#3k0ly2lj02lp#0addk@ao:s//#4#4#3/g#3k04ly2lj02lp05l#0vp#0addk@ao:s///g#3k05ly2lj02lp05l#0vp#0vp#0addk@ao:s//#4#4#5/g#3k06ly2lj02lp05l#0vp#0vp#0vp#0addk@ao:s//#4#4#5/g#3k02ly2lj02lp05l#0vp#0addk@a#2unmap ()#2#2map ;data o*/ char*g[]={\",\"#A#0#a#0,#0#b#0,#0#c#0#C#2\",\"}; /*#3#2#2#0*/ print(char*s){char*t=s,c,d;while(c=*t++)if(c==35){c=*t++;if(c==35)putchar(c);else if(c==48)putchar(34);else if(c==49)putchar(92);else if(c==50)printf(#0#1n#0);else if(c==51)putchar(27);else if(c==52)putchar(22);else if(c==53)putchar(13);else if(c>64&&c<91)print(g[c-65]);else printf(g[c-97]);}else putchar(c);} main(){print(g[1]);}\"}; /*\n\"*/ print(char*s){char*t=s,c,d;while(c=*t++)if(c==35){c=*t++;if(c==35)putchar(c);else if(c==48)putchar(34);else if(c==49)putchar(92);else if(c==50)printf(\"\\n\");else if(c==51)putchar(27);else if(c==52)putchar(22);else if(c==53)putchar(13);else if(c>64&&c<91)print(g[c-65]);else printf(g[c-97]);}else putchar(c);} main(){print(g[1]);}\n```\nYour Vim needs to have the following set:\n```\nset noai\nset wm=0\nset nosi\nset tw=0\nset nogdefault\n```\n[Answer]\n## Perl/Javascript (SpiderMonkey), 106 bytes\n```\n$_='$q=+[]?h^O:unescape(\"%27\");print(\"$_=\"+$q+$_+$q+\";eval($_)\"||(q($_),\"=$q$_$q;\",q(eval($_))))';eval($_)\n```\n[Try the Perl online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18l3lZdpdBWOzrWPiPO36o0L7U4ObEgVUNJ1chcSdO6oCgzr0RDCahKSVulUFslHkQqWaeWJeZoqMRrKtXUaBSCGDpKtiqFKvEqhdZKOoUaMGkgUIer/f8fAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\") \n[Try the JavaScript online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNEtLshMSS3Kzc/LTq38/18l3lZdpdBWOzrWPiPO36o0L7U4ObEgVUNJ1chcSdO6oCgzr0RDCahKSVulUFslHkQqWaeWJeZoqMRrKtXUaBSCGDpKtiqFKvEqhdZKOoUaMGkgUIer/f8fAA \"JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nThe quine data is stored in `$_` in both languages and then `eval`ed, which is pretty much standard procedure in Perl. I chose SpiderMonkey on TIO as it has a `print` function, but this could easily be ported to browser for + 20 bytes (add `eval(\"print=alert\");` to the beginning of `$_`s definition).\nPerl sees the data stored in `$_` and `eval`s it as usual. Since `+[]` is truthy in Perl,`'` is stored in `$q` via the stringwise-XOR of `h` and `O`. The final trick is in the call to `print` where the first part for JavaScript uses `+`, which in Perl treats all items as numbers, and adds up to `0`, then we use the `||` operator to return what we actually want `(q($_),\"=$q$_$q;\",q(eval($_)))` which is equivalent to `\"\\$_=$q$_$q;eval(\\$_)\"`.\nIn JavaScript, `+[]` returns `0`, so we call `unescape(\"%27\")` to store `'` in `$q` (unfortunately, `atob` doesm't exist in SpirderMonkey...). In the call to `print`, since `+` is the concatenation operator in JavaScript, the first block builds the desired output and the second part after the `||` is ignored.\n**Thanks to [Patrick Roberts' comment](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/37464/9365#comment-299961) for the `unescape` trick!**\n---\n## Perl/JavaScript (Browser), 108 bytes\n```\n$_='eval(\"q=_=>_+``;printf=console.log\");printf(q`$_=%s%s%s;eval($_)`,$q=+[]?h^O:atob(\"Jw\"),$_,$q)';eval($_)\n```\n[Try the Perl online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18l3lY9tSwxR0Op0Dbe1i5eOyHBuqAoM68kzTY5P684PydVLyc/XUkTKqhRmADUoVoMgtZgfSrxmgk6KoW22tGx9hlx/laJJflJGkpe5UqaOirxQAlNdbi6//8B \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n$_='eval(\"q=_=>_+``;printf=console.log\");printf(q`$_=%s%s%s;eval($_)`,$q=+[]?h^O:atob(\"Jw\"),$_,$q)';eval($_)\n```\n### Explanation\nWe store the quine data in `$_` in both languages and then `eval` it, which is pretty much standard procedure in Perl.\nPerl sees the data stored in `$_` and `eval`s it as usual. The `eval` within `$_` is executed and fails to parse, but since it's `eval`, doesn't error. `printf` is then called, with a single quoted string `q()`, with ``` as the delimter, as just using ``` would result in commands being executed in shell, then for the first use of `$q`, since `+[]` is truthy in Perl, `'` is stored in `$q` via stringwise-XOR of `h` and `O`.\nIn JavaScript, the `eval` block within `$_` sets up a function `q`, that `return`s its argument as a `String` and aliases `console.log` to `printf`, since `console.log` formats string like `printf` in Perl. When `printf` is called `+[]` returns `0`, so we call `atob` to decode `'` and store in `$q`.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/)/[Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/)/[PHP](https://php.net/)/JavaScript (Browser), 153 bytes\n```\n$_='$z=0?\"$&\".next: 0..a||eval(\"printf=console.log;atob`JCc`\");printf(\"%s_=%s%s%s;eval(%s_);\",$d=$z[0]?$z[0]:h^L,$q=$z[1]?$z[1]:h^O,$_,$q,$d);';eval($_);\n```\n[Try the Perl online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18l3lbdoKYmtSwxR0OpoCgzryTNNjk/rzg/J1UvJz9dSdMaIqihpFocb6taDILWYNVAvqaSjkqSrYG9hrGZpl5yRpGVgnZ0rH1GnI@ClUJiSX6ShpKXo5KmjkohWI0lihp/hJpykJp4oDKgaZrqENNV4jX//wcA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\") \n[Try the Ruby online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/XyXeVt2gpia1LDFHQ6mgKDOvJM02OT@vOD8nVS8nP11J0xoiqKGkWhxvq1oMgtZg1UC@ppKOSpKtgb2GsZmmXnJGkZWCdnSsfUacj4KVQmJJfpKGkpejkqaOSiFYjSWKGn@EmnKQmnigMqBpmuoQ01XiNf//BwA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\") \n[Try the PHP online!](https://tio.run/##K8go@G9jXwAkVeJt1VWqbA3slVTUlPTyUitKrBQM9PQSa2pSyxJzNJQKijLzStJsk/PzivNzUvVy8tOtE0vykxK8nJMTlDStIdIaSqrF8baqxSBoDdYH5GtaK@mopNiqVEUbxNqDSauMOB8dlUKQkCFYyBAk5K@jEg8UBarVtFaH6FYBav7/HwA \"PHP \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n$_='$z=0?\"$&\".next: 0..a||eval(\"printf=console.log;atob`JCc`\");printf(\"%s_=%s%s%s;eval(%s_);\",$d=$z[0]?$z[0]:h^L,$q=$z[1]?$z[1]:h^O,$_,$q,$d);';eval($_);\n```\n[Answer]\n# C/dc, 152 bytes\n```\nz1d//[[z1d//]P91PP93P[dx]Pq \n;main(){char*a=\"z1d//[[z1d//]P91PP93P[dx]Pq%c;main(){char*a=%c%s%c;printf(a,10,34,a,34);}//]dx\";printf(a,10,34,a,34);}//]dx\n```\nTaking advantage of comments, yeah!\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": 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"[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nInspired by the title of [the *Toggle some bits and get a square* challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/170281/toggle-some-bits-and-get-a-square). \nIn that challenge you output how many bits should be toggled, in order for the base-10 representation of the binary to become a square number.\n## Challenge:\nIn this challenge, you'll be given a bit-matrix \\$M\\$ and an integer \\$n\\$ as inputs. \nOutput the edge-size of the largest square you can make by toggling at most \\$n\\$ bits in the grid. A square is defined as having a border of `1`s, with an irrelevant inner body. \nE.g., these all contain valid squares of size 4x4, highlighted below with `X`: \n(for the third example, more than one 4x4 square is possible)\n```\n1111 1111 11111111 010110\n1001 1011 11111111 001111\n1001 1101 11111111 101011\n1111 1111 11111111 111001\n 011111\nXXXX XXXX XXXX1111 010110\nX00X X01X X11X1111 00XXXX\nX00X X10X X11X1111 10X01X\nXXXX XXXX XXXX1111 11X00X\n 01XXXX\n```\n**Example:**\nSo let's say the inputs are \\$n=4\\$ and \\$M=\\$\n```\n010110\n001011\n101010\n111001\n011110\n```\nYou could toggle these three bits (highlighted as `T`):\n```\n010110\n001T11\n10101T\n111001\n01111T\n```\nto get the 4x4 square of the fourth example above. So the output is `4`.\n## Challenge rules:\n* You can take the input-grid in any reasonable format. Can be a matrix of integers; matrix of booleans; list of strings; list of integers for which their binary representation (with leading 0s) is the binary grid; etc.\n* You toggle at most \\$n\\$ bits, not exactly \\$n\\$ bits.\n* The input-matrix \\$M\\$ is not guaranteed to be a square, but it is guaranteed to be a (non-empty) rectangle.\n* The input-integer \\$n\\$ is guaranteed to be non-negative (\\$n\\geq0\\$).\n## General Rules:\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest answer in bytes wins. \nDon't let code-golf languages discourage you from posting answers with non-codegolfing languages. Try to come up with an as short as possible answer for 'any' programming language.\n* [Standard rules apply](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2419/default-for-code-golf-program-function-or-snippet/2422#2422) for your answer with [default I/O rules](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2447/default-for-code-golf-input-output-methods/), so you are allowed to use STDIN/STDOUT, functions/method with the proper parameters and return-type, full programs. Your call.\n* [Default Loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are forbidden.\n* If possible, please add a link with a test for your code (e.g. [TIO](https://tio.run/#)).\n* Also, adding an explanation for your answer is highly recommended.\n## Test Cases:\n| Inputs: | Output: |\n| --- | --- |\n| \\$n\\$=`4` and \\$M\\$=\n```\n010110001011101010111001011110\n```\n | 4 |\n| \\$n\\$=`8` and \\$M\\$=\n```\n0010101010110111001001001\n```\n | 4 |\n| \\$n\\$=`0` and \\$M\\$=\n```\n000000000000\n```\n | 0 |\n| \\$n\\$=`0` and \\$M\\$=\n```\n111111\n```\n | 2 |\n| \\$n\\$=`1` and \\$M\\$=\n```\n101010101\n```\n | 1 |\n| \\$n\\$=`1000` and \\$M\\$=\n```\n100010010010100101100011110110110101010010101001101011\n```\n | 6 |\n \n \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 139 bytes\nExpects `(n)(matrix)`.\n```\nn=>m=>m.map(W=h=(X,w,k,Y)=>m.map((r,y)=>r.map((v,x)=>k?h(x,w,q=t=0,y):(x-X)%w&&(y-Y)%w||xX+w|yY+w||++qn?0:W=w+1)))|W\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VU9Nb4IwGL73V3Qmc@3Apk08LM7iaTvu4kGIemAIyoSiBQWy7rezfmiWJW3f530@3rZf8TWuE5mfmomodumQ8UHwoNSLlPEJrfiBo9Bv/aMf4TuJpN/rRrrm6ne6OS4OqNO@M2841fIMdZMQP7bjMeonkQZKdfNQdUHotaqfR6oPIo2U553n7fNUocbjD1cciAWdrXjrMYyxWg0yPV9ymaKnrH7CRKbx7j0v0mUvEkQxaaplI3OxR5jUpyJv0GgjNmKESVbJtzg5oBryAH4DCIu0gWsofEgIKeEWclj/RUb4VVuEJj1hUKmR@6nNr3Wm3tr@41J@phJbf1KJuipSUlR7lCGBUWn4HzxMAWWUMQqorYCZQgHTFGVaMwCAFyeDu@icBlPrAyb/fwM7xG5gxwIbNWZmdHPc89QNY45k7gJ3j8vdopTeHsh@AQ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Commented\n```\nn => // n = max. number of times we can toggle bits\nm => // m[] = binary matrix\nm.map(W = // initialize W to a zero'ish value\nh = (X, w, k, Y) => // for each entry in m[], using a recursive callback h:\n m.map((r, y) => // for each row r[] at index y in m[]:\n r.map((v, x) => // for each value v at index x in r[]:\n k ? // if this is the first pass:\n h( // do a recursive call:\n x, // set X = x\n w, // pass w unchanged\n q = t = 0, // set k = q = t = 0\n y // set Y = y\n ) // end of recursive call\n : // else (2nd pass):\n (x - X) % w && // do nothing if we're not located on the grid\n (y - Y) % w || // of width w\n x < X | // or x is too low\n x > X + w | // or x is too high\n y < Y | // or y is too low\n y > Y + w // or y is too high\n || // otherwise:\n ++q < w * 4 | // increment q\n (t += !v) > n // increment t if v = 0\n ? // if q < w * 4 (not a complete square)\n // or t > n (too many bits must be toggled):\n 0 // do nothing\n : // else:\n W = w + 1 // success: update W\n ) // end of map()\n ) // end of map()\n) | W // end of map(); return W\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 30 bytes\n```\nxZyP:\"0&G@qWQB&+gZ++7Mz\n```\nIt uses convolution \\o/\nInputs are `n`, then `M`.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/vyKqMsBKyUDN3aEwPNBJTTs9Slvb3LfKJtdBqyzC7v9/E65oAwVDBRAGktZABpxrDWUYQGQMIUpAXGuoerBALAA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\") Or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##y00syfmf8L8iqjLASslAzd2hMDzQSU07PUpb29y3yibXQasswu5/rEtURch/E65oAwVDBRAGktZABpxrDWUYQGQMIUpAXGuoerBALJcFyAyoSmt0LUhGGcCsgHJiuQwgOqH2olFgaUOYdkOQekOQAMIWqAuB4gYGBhApTFtgyuAORCgzRHIisnuR/IFsD8zziGAxjAUA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\").\n### Explanation\n```\nx % Implicit input: n. Delete\nZy % Implicit input: M. Size as a length-two vector, [R, C]\nP % Sort. Gives [S, L], where S = min(R, C) is the smallest dimension of A\n: % Range from 1 to the first entry of the vector, that is, A\n\" % For each k in [1, 2, ... , A]\n 0 % Push 0\n &G % Push the two inputs again: n, then M\n @ % Push k\n qWQB % Subtract 1, 2 raised to that, add 1, binary: gives [1 0 0 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 0 1] of\n % length k\n &+g % 2D array of pairwise additions. Convert to logical. This gives a binary\n % k\u00d7k array with a frame of ones: [1 1 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 1 1;\n % 1 0 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 0 1;\n % \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 \n % 1 0 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 0 1;\n % 1 1 \u00b7\u00b7\u00b7 1 1]\n Z+ % 2D convolution with M, maintaining size. This counts the number of ones\n % in M along all sliding frames of the above form. The result is a 2D array\n + % Add the above with n, element-wise.\n 7M % Push the 2D array defining the frame again. Number of nonzeros. This\n % gives the frame \"length\", that is, the number of ones (which is 4*(k-1))\n < % Less than?, element-wise. An entry equal to 0 indicates that a frame\n % exists such that the number of ones in M along that frame plus n is at\n % least the frame length\n m % Ismember. This checks if 0 is indeed present in the above result\n @* % Multiply the above by k. This will give either 0 or k\n vX> % Concatenate stack contents, then maximum. This computes a cumulative\n % maximum of the results for all k (each result being either 0 or k)\n % End (implicit). Display (implicit)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 133 bytes\n```\nn=>m=>m.map(W=h=(X,w,Y,t)=>m.every((r,y)=>[...r,0].every((v,x)=>t?x%w&&y%w||x>w|y>w||(t+=1-(m[y+Y]||0)[x+X]):h(x,w,y,~n)?W=w+1:1)))|W\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VU/LbsIwELz7KywkwFaMZUs9VFSGU3vshQOgNIc0OJAqcahjSKKm/fXUD1BVyevdnZ3Zx0d6TZtMF2ezUPVBjrkYlVhV9tEqPaOtOAm0Iy3ZE4MdKK9S9whp0ts0ppRqwpI7eiWdRc26m7azWT9th6FbtUNvbUAmEnyBqriP9skwMBx30S7ByxPqbPee/Ci83oo24kuOMR62o5afl0JLNM@bOaZapoeXopSbXmWIYWrqjdGFOiJMm3NZGDR5U29qgmle6@c0O6EGihX8AhCW0sAYKgLtrhVMoIDNn2SCnyxFWTBSLqpsFA73endfk/j89VK9S409P6tVU5eSlvUR5UhhVDn8G48PgHHGOQPMe8CdY4BbiHFbcwEAj6EM7sXAdDHzPOD0/w34Jt6Abwu81JG5q7vvrmehGQ8gDwPCnKC7SRm7Lch/AQ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 134 bytes\n```\nn=>m=>m.map(W=h=(X,w,k,Y)=>m.map((r,y)=>r.map((v,x)=>k?h(x,w,q=t=0,y):x%w&&(y-Y)%w||x>w|yY+w||++qn?0:W=w+1)))|W\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VU9Nb8IgGL7zK5iJCmslkHhYnNTTdtzFgzbqoatUO1uqtNo26357x4dmWQK87/P1Al/RLSpjlZ6riSz2ok94L3mQ60Xy6IxW/MjR2q/9kx/iB4mU32qgHLj5jQanxRE12nfhFadanjXDejRC7STEw7rrmqDu2nnYtUHoaeh5l3n9PO1Q5fEntWm89Q4HckFnK157DGPcrXolLtdUCTROyjEmSkT79zQTy1bGiGJSFctKpfKAMCnPWVqhwVZu5QCTpFBvUXxEJeQB/AYQZqKCGyh9SAjJ4Q5yWP5FBvhVW6QmPWm6XHfukza/0ZlyZ/HHNf8UClt/XMiyyATJigNKkMQoN/wP7qeAMsoYBdRWwEyhgGmKMq2ZBoAXJ4OH6Jymp9YHTP7/BnaI3cCOBTZqzMzo5njkqRvGHMncBe4el7tHKb0/kP0C \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nModified from Arnauld's\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 156 bytes\n```\nM=>n=>M.map((_,i)=>M.map((N,y)=>N.map((c,x)=>R=M.map((_,j)=>W-=jn=> // Unupdated\nM.map((_,i)=> \n M.map((N,y)=>N&&\n N.map((c,x)=>\n R=M.map((_,j)=>\n W-=j0\n W<=n?i+1:R),M.push(0)),R=0)&&R\n // So Z[y+i] isn't undefined\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 63 bytes\n```\nKEVUQVUhQVhS,-lQN-lhQHIgKsm!|*F*V-Rbdd@@Q+Nhd+Hed^Uhb2=eS,Zhb;Z\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/39s1LDQwLDQjMCwjWEc3J9BPNycj0MMz3bs4V7FGy00rTDcoKSXFwSFQ2y8jRdsjNSUuNCPJyDY1WCcqI8k66v//6GgDHUMdEAaSsTpAHpwP5BnCeQZgHlgViA9WaQiFBrGxXCYA \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExpects array of arrays of booleans and \\$n\\$ in that order.\n### Explanation\n```\n # implicitly assign Q = eval(input())\nKE # assign K = eval(input())\n VUQ # for N in range(len(Q)):\n VUhQ # for H in range(len(Q[0])):\n VhS,-lQN-lhQH # for b in range(1+max(len(Q)-N, len(Q[0])-H)):\n m ^Uhb2 # map range(b+1) x range(b+1) to lambda d (look at coordinates in a square of size b+1)\n !| # neither of the following are true\n *F*V-Rbdd # d[0]*d[1]*(d[0]-b)*(d[1]-b) (coordinates are in the middle of the square)\n @@Q+Nhd+Hed # Q[N+d[0]][H+d[1]] (coordinates are already a 1 in Q)\n IgKs # if K >= (the sum of this map):\n =eS,Zhb # Z = max(Z, b+1)\n ;Z # after all loops complete, output Z\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~27~~ 25 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u00ac\u1e86Z\u1e61L\u018a\u20ac\u1e8e.\u1ecb$\u20acJ\u1e56\u1e0a\u018a\u00a6FS>\u028b\u00d0\u1e1f\u1e88\u1e40\n```\nA dyadic Link that accepts the matrix, \\$M\\$, on the left and the maximal toggle count, \\$n\\$, on the right and yields the side length of the largest attainable square.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///Qmoe72qIe7lzoc6zrUROQ06f3cHe3CpDp9XDntIc7uo51HVrmFmx3qvvwhIc75j/c1fFwZ8P///@jow11DMAQSMdy6USDGQgunKNjiOCCBKBcQwgHptgQWTEWo6ACyFywUbH/LQE \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")** Or see the [test-suite](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///Qmoe72qIe7lzoc6zrUROQ06f3cHe3CpDp9XDntIc7uo51HVrmFmx3qvvwhIc75j/c1fFwZ8P/o5Mf7lz8qHHfoW2Htj3cvQWo@tDWhztXhR1e7hAG5ACR5v//BoYGhoYGXAZgmssQRBlwGQKFDAy5gCIgORMuiDQXTBKiEsQ2AKuzACkwQMVcIEPAGMSEaAbThiAuQrMBxCRDiKAhxHSIJRBNUH0GBlDXQVQCAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\").\n### How?\nToggles all bits of \\$M\\$ and extracts all possible square sub-matrices. Filters out any which have more than \\$n\\$ ones in their border, and then gets the length of the longest remaining one (or zero).\n```\n\u00ac\u1e86Z\u1e61L\u018a\u20ac\u1e8e.\u1ecb$\u20acJ\u1e56\u1e0a\u018a\u00a6FS>\u028b\u00d0\u1e1f\u1e88\u1e40 - Link: list of lists of 1s and 0s; M, integer, n\n\u00ac - logical NOT (M) -> toggle all bits of M\n \u1e86 - get all contiguous sublists of rows of that\n \u20ac - for each (sublist, s, of rows):\n \u018a - last three links as a monad - f(s):\n Z - transpose (s)\n L - length (s)\n \u1e61 - all sublists of (transposed s) of length (length (s))\n -> all full height square sub-matrices from s\n \u1e8e - tighten to a list of all square-submatrices\n \u00d0\u1e1f - filter discard those for which:\n \u028b - last four links as a dyad - f(sub-matrix, n)\n \u20ac \u00a6 - sparse application...\n \u018a - ...to indices: last three links as a monad - f(sub-matrix):\n J - range of length\n \u1e56 - pop\n \u1e0a - dequeue -> [2,3,...,length-1]\n $ - ...action: last two links as a monad - f(sub-matrix):\n . - 0.5\n \u1ecb - index into (sub-matrix) -> last and first entries\n F - flatten\n S - sum\n > - is greater than (n)?\n \u1e88 - length of each (remaining sub-matrix)\n \u1e40 - maximum (or 0 if empty)\n```\n---\nNote: the second `\u20ac` is necessary, even though all of the test cases pass without it (e.g. [this](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///Qmoe72qIe7lzoc6zrUROQ06f3cHe3itfDndMe7ug61nVomVuw3anuwxMe7pj/cFfHw50N////j4421DHQMYzl0kFlGMRyxf43AgA) should return `2` not `3`).\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 61 bytes\n```\n\uff2e\u03b8\uff37\uff33\u229e\u03c5\u03b9\u2254\uff2c\u03c5\u03b6\uff37\u2b24\u03c5\u2b24\u03ba\u203a\u207b\u2228\u00d7\u2074\u2296\u03b6\u00b9\u03b8\u03a3\u2b46\u03c5\u2387\u2116\u2026\u03bb\u207a\u03bb\u03b6\u03c0\u2702\u03be\u03bd\u207a\u03bd\u03b6\u2228\u2228\u207c\u03c0\u03bb\u207c\u03c0\u207a\u03bb\u2296\u03b6\u2296\u03b6\u03c9\u2266\u2296\u03b6\uff29\u03b6\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVDbSgMxEH3PV@RxAhES6FufShURrC62PxDXYRvMTndzsdqfXyfdSkUMGSY5Z86ZYdq9i@3BhWl6oKHkp9K/YoRRLcVx7wNKOMPbHD11oJRsStpD0dJzxSol3xE8InWZQaXl6apbhVDranrX8j6iy2y88VQSPEfY@R4TLLS8xTZij5TxDU6KPSzHyLEtPcx9N26oVjuM5OIXrA@FMrw46hCClk1gx1B7s2iowuBbhE8t6UJSJbXkrnzvxuJCgkHLwNj192PzZx71H3JU85E82WUJv4rmNTQ8eYa1S7mKltO0EMYaa40w5yxsTUZYhoxlrj7EdPMRvgE \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Takes `n` as the first input and then the binary matrix `M` as a list of newline-terminated strings. Explanation:\n```\n\uff2e\u03b8\n```\nInput `n`.\n```\n\uff37\uff33\u229e\u03c5\u03b9\n```\nInput `M`.\n```\n\u2254\uff2c\u03c5\u03b6\n```\nStart with the height of `M` as the current square size.\n```\n\uff37\u2b24\u03c5\u2b24\u03ba\u203a\u207b\u2228\u00d7\u2074\u2296\u03b6\u00b9\u03b8\u03a3\u2b46\u03c5\u2387\u2116\u2026\u03bb\u207a\u03bb\u03b6\u03c0\u2702\u03be\u03bd\u207a\u03bd\u03b6\u2228\u2228\u207c\u03c0\u03bb\u207c\u03c0\u207a\u03bb\u2296\u03b6\u2296\u03b6\u03c9\n```\nFor each possible cell of `M`, try to slice a square of the current size out of `M`, count the number of `1`s on its border, and while none of the candidate squares have enough `1`s...\n```\n\u2266\u2296\u03b6\n```\n... decrement the square size.\n```\n\uff29\u03b6\n```\nOutput the final square size.\n[Answer]\n# [PARI/GP](https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr), 116 bytes\n```\nf(a,n)=for(k=l=0,min(#a,#a~),matrix(#a~-k,#a-k,i,j,sum(s=0,k,sum(t=0,k,!(s*t*(k-s)*(k-t)+a[i+s,j+t])))<=n)&&l=k+1);l\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=ZVFBasMwEKTXvkJJIGjjNUjQQ0BxP-KKIgouimTX2Aq0l3ykl1xK39S-prIkywk9aJnZ3dlZSZ_fvRr082t_uXydXFPuf1xDFXZQNW8DNZWtGLa6oxuFG3UGbJUb9Lun59L4jA8ajzieWjr6ThOQC2hFx53bUVOOMEUHhap1MeKxcBIADlUH262tTMFB2Oj9e9eqvrcfVJHykfSD7pyH64msyYuyljZIFACSuq4ZcpyOj4JhZoJnzASP9YmJ2Bu4RPIgpyFZJ241yySW5ifsVfusjL430ddYqPM0gQfNnMtOcUuf5bnyzyt1zRsuPXzZ8Wrfp_vlHlce6fbLqwRXxpiUEF99_vk_)\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 40 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\nU\u02dc\u0101R.\u0394\u2026\u20ac\u00fc\u00ffD'\u00f8\u00fd.V\u20ac`\u03b54F\u0107\u02c6\u00ed\u00f8}\u00af\u02dc_OXs@\u00b4}\u00e0}Dd*\n```\nSince there isn't a 05AB1E answer yet, I'll just create my own.\nInputs in the order \\$n,M\\$.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f8/9PScI41BeuemPGpY9qhpzeE9h/e7qB/ecXivXhiQm3Buq4nbkfbTbYfXHt5Re2j96Tnx/hHFDoe21B5eUOuSovX/vwVXdLSBjoGOIQjH6kRDWToGQLYhlG0IZhvAxSFqQOpjAQ) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9WmVCs5JlXUFpSbKWQZ6tkb6@kkJiXouBrq6TjdWi3DpeSf2kJUNZKQcm@MuHQyuL/oafnHGkM0js35VHDskdNaw7vObzfRf3wjsN7D60r1gsDiiSc22ridqT9dNvhtYd31B5af3pOvH9EscOhLbWHF9S6pGj91zm0zf5/dLSJTnS0gY6hDggDyVgdIA/OB/IM4TwDMA@sCsQHqzSEQoPY2FgdhWgLsGFQDVAFyFqRDTWAWwczEGyEAdQImEswabgyQ7hphjDdhmBhJMthPoBKGxgYQFVgcQBcNcIDCJWGyF5A8RCyV1HshIeTIVKIAgEA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\nU # Pop and store the first (implicit) input-integer in variable `X`\n\u02dc # Flatten the second (implicit) input-matrix\n \u0101 # Push a list in the range [1,length]\n R # Reverse it to [length,1]\n .\u0394 # Pop and find the first value that's truthy for\n # (or -1 if none are truthy):\n \u2026\u20ac\u00fc\u00ffD'\u00f8\u00fd.V\u20ac` '# Get a list of all overlapping block of size y\u00d7y\n # (where `y` is the current integer):\n \u2026\u20ac\u00fc\u00ff # Push string \"\u20ac\u00fc\u00ff\",\n # where `\u00ff` is automatically replaced with the current integer\n D # Duplicate it\n '\u00f8\u00fd '# Join the two strings on the stack with \"\u00f8\" delimiter\n .V # Evaluate and execute it as 05AB1E code:\n \u20ac # Map over each row of the (implicit) input-matrix\n \u00fcy # Get all overlapping lists of this row of size `y`\u2020\n \u00f8 # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns\n \u20ac # Map over each list of lists\n \u00fcy # Get all overlapping lists of these row of size `y`\u2020\n \u20ac` # Flatten this list of lists of blocks one level down\n \u03b54F\u0107\u02c6\u00ed\u00f8}\u00af\u00b4\u02dc # Leave just the borders of each y\u00d7y block:\n \u03b5 # Map over each block:\n 4F # Inner loop 4 times:\n \u0107 # Extract head; pop and push remainder-matrix and first row\n # separately to the stack\n \u02c6 # Pop and add this first row to the global array\n \u00ed\u00f8 # Rotate the matrix once clockwise:\n \u00ed # Reverse each inner row\n \u00f8 # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns\n }\u00af # After the loop: push the global array\n \u02dc # Flatten it\n _ # ==0 check (0 becomes 1; everything else becomes 0)\n O # Sum to get the amount of 0s in this block's borders\n X # Push the first input from variable `X`\n s@ # Check amountOfZeros <= `X`\n \u00b4 # Empty the global array for the next iteration\n }\u00e0 # After the map, do an `any` check by popping and pushing the max\n }Dd* # After the find first: fix a potential -1 to 0\u2020:\n D # Duplicate the integer\n d # Pop the copy and do a non-negative check (1 if >=0; 0 if <0)\n * # Multiply the two together\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\nWe have to do the `}Dd*` instead of just lowering the `[length,1]` ranged list to `[length,0]`, because `\u00fc0` would give an error.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n![Imgur logo](https://i.stack.imgur.com/KOU3H.png)\nImgur is a free image hosting service. Many people use it. Here is an example of an imgur link: . Write a program that continually outputs random (valid) imgur links. For example, here is some sample output of my progam (not shown because it contains some tricks you will have to figure out yourself):\n```\nhttp://i.imgur.com/uFmsA.png\nhttp://i.imgur.com/FlpHS.png\nhttp://i.imgur.com/eAbsZ.png\nhttp://i.imgur.com/lEUsq.png\nhttp://i.imgur.com/RuveH.png\nhttp://i.imgur.com/BoEwB.png\nhttp://i.imgur.com/HVFGQ.png\nhttp://i.imgur.com/PZpMg.png\nhttp://i.imgur.com/DezCY.png\n```\nHelpful hints:\n* When imgur was new, 5-letter links were used.\n* When imgur was new, numbers weren't used.\n* You can use this to your advantage: only find 5-letter link images with only letters. That is what my program does.\n* Also, all images are saved as `.png`.\nRequirements:\n* Continually output random imgur links\n* Links considered sufficiently \"random\" if 50 are outputted with no repeats\n* When visited, links must be an image\n* Links must start with `http://i.imgur.com/` and end with `.png`\n* Score is amount of characters\nI did it in Java (TERRIBLE for golfing) in 452 chars. Not shown here because it contains some tricks you will have to figure out for yourself!)\n \n[Answer]\n**HTML (152)**\n```\n\n```\nThis logs all found images on the JavaScript console using `console.log()`. Works in all tested browsers (Firefox, Chrome, IE9, Safari and Opera).\nThe fun part is that all sorts of funny images are flashing up for the blink of an eye :).\n[Try it!](http://jsfiddle.net/zR4AS/show/) (jsFiddle wraps this into a more complete HTML page, but browsers also accept the single element.)\nProps to the [amazing random string method](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1349404/generate-a-string-of-5-random-characters-in-javascript/8084248#8084248) by [doubletap](https://stackoverflow.com/users/1040319/doubletap)!\n**Where can I see the JavaScript console and the logged images?**\n* *Firefox:* Press Control-Shift-K (Command-Option-K on the Mac). Unselect the Net, CSS and JS buttons there, only select the Logging button.\n* *Opera:* Press Control+Shift+i, select the Console tab.\n* *Chrome:* Press Control+Shift+i, select the Console tab. On the bottom, select Logs.\n* *Safari:* Basically like Chrome, but make sure first that [Safari's developer tools are activated](http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AppleApplications/Conceptual/Safari_Developer_Guide/1Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007874-CH1-SW4). Then press Control+Alt+C (on Windows, not sure on the Mac) instead of Control+Shift+i, select the Console tab. On the bottom, select Logs.\n* *IE:* Press F12, select the console tab.\n[Answer]\n## Perl (93 + 4 = 97)\nUsing imgur's own [random](https://imgur.com/gallery/random) mechanism to get **their** image URLs, which aren't png URLs most of the time:\n```\n$ perl -Mojo -E 'say+g(\"http://imgur.com/gallery/random\")->dom->at(\"[rel=image_src]\")->attrs(\"href\")for+1..50'\nhttp://i.imgur.com/7cNoA.jpg\n...\n```\n(You need [Mojolicious](http://mojolicio.us) for this.)\n[Answer]\n## PHP 5.4, 76 characters\nURLs are generated in sequential order using only uppercase letters and never repeat, meeting the letter of the specification.\n```\n@F&&print\"$u\n\";\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl (87)\n```\nperl -pe's/\\W//g;$_=\"http://i.imgur.com/$_.png\\n\";$_=\"\"if`curl $_`=~/^ Print@# &[\n \"http://i.imgur.com/\" <> \"a\" ~CharacterRange~ \"z\" ~RandomChoice~ 5 <> \".png\"\n ]\n]\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python (~~174~~ ~~158~~ 156)\nI want shorter module names in Python. Also an easier method of getting random letters. :)\n```\nimport urllib,random\nwhile 1:a='http://i.imgur.com/%s.png'%''.join(chr(random.randint(65,90))for i in'AAAAA');print('File'not in urllib.urlopen(a).read())*a\n```\nExplanation:\nThe modulus operator on a string is the formatting command, in this case it replaces '%s' in the string with 5 random uppercase letters \n`a` is the website name (type `str`) \n`('File'not in urllib.urlopen(a).read())` is True when 'File' (from 'File not found!') is **not** found in the the HTML of the URL. (type `bool`) \n`bool` \\* `str` = `str` if `bool` = True, so it will only output `a` if 'File' is not found in the HTML code.\n[Answer]\n# Bash (129, 121) (117, 109)\nI've got two versions: an iterative and an endless recursive one (which will slowly eat up all memory).\nBoth versions check if there actually is a PNG file present (jpg's, gif's and other file types are ignored).\nIterative(old) (129):\n```\nwhile true;do u=http://i.imgur.com/$(tr -dc a-zA-Z&1|head -c4|grep PNG$ -q&&echo $u;done\n```\nRecursive(old) (121):\n```\n:(){ u=http://i.imgur.com/$(tr -dc a-zA-Z&1|head -c4|grep PNG$ -q&&echo $u;:;};:\n```\n**Note**:\nThere might be a compatability issue with grep. My grep manual states that `-s` silents grep's output but it does nothing. However, using `--quiet`, `--silent` or `-q` instead works.\n**EDIT:**\nUsing content headers now after reading :)\nIterative (117):\n```\nwhile true;do u=http://i.imgur.com/$(tr -dc a-zA-Z= 10 and a sequence of digits `0-9` (which may be taken as a string or a list), find the first contiguous subsequence of digits in the sequence that sums to `n` and output the start and end indexes. You may use zero- or one-based indexing. If no such subsequence exists, your program may output any *constant* value.\n## Examples\nThese examples use zero-based indexing.\n```\nInput: 10 123456789\nOutput: 0 3\nInput: 32 444444444\nOutput: 0 7\nInput: 15 123456789\nOutput: 0 4\nInput: 33 444444444\nOutput: No solutions\n```\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so shortest program wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# Excel (ms365), 155 bytes\nAssuming list as input and 0-indexed output:\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/era3A.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/era3A.png)\nFormula in `C1`:\n```\n=LET(x,TOCOL(B:B,1),y,COUNT(x),REDUCE(\"No solutions\",SEQUENCE(y),LAMBDA(a,b,IFERROR(HSTACK(y-b,y-b+MATCH(A1,SCAN(0,DROP(x,y-b),LAMBDA(c,d,c+d)),0)-1),a))))\n```\nThe idea here is to use `SCAN()` to iterate from each element in reversed order in column B and `MATCH()` the value in `A1` against each resulting array. If found, then `HSTACK()` both the current iteration and the position the element is found.\nUnfortunately this process is rather verbose in Excel, but fun to attempt this challenge nonetheless.\n---\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/f7aiC.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/f7aiC.png)\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/P6Rtn.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/P6Rtn.png)\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/rycXl.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/rycXl.png)\n[Answer]\n# [><> (Fish)](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 126 bytes\n```\ni01:}r[l0$>:?v~]}r4[{:}]=?v1+$:@$:@l5-$-)?v20.\n/[-2lr@@+@:$@/ ;n+oan:$/-3lr1;?=-2l:+1~/ \n\\}]r1-a0. \\[}]r20.\n```\n[Try it](https://mousetail.github.io/Fish/#eyJ0ZXh0IjoiaTAxOn1yW2wwJD46P3Z+XX1yNFt7On1dPT92MSskOkAkOkBsNS0kLSk/djIwLlxuL1stMmxyQEArQDokQC8gICAgO24rb2FuOiQvLTNscjE7Pz0tMmw6KzF+LyBcblxcfV1yMS1hMC4gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIFxcW31dcjIwLiIsImlucHV0IjoiMTEiLCJzdGFjayI6IjEsIDUsIDYiLCJzdGFja19mb3JtYXQiOiJudW1iZXJzIiwiaW5wdXRfZm9ybWF0IjoibnVtYmVycyJ9)\n## Explanation\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/wBkMA.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/wBkMA.png)\nTakes the array of characters as the initial value of the stack and the target as the input over STDIN. Outputs nothing if no solution exists, and an exclusive range if it does.\n`i01` push the target value, the start of the range, and the length to the stack.\n`:}r[l0$>:` Push the top \"length\" elements of the stack to a new stack. Set it's length, that's the amount of elements we want to compare.\n`@$:@+@@rl2-]}]r1-a0.` This adds the top of the stack to the accumulator, rotates the stack, then subtract one from the number of remaining rotations necessary.\n`~]}` pop 0, the remaining number of rotations, and combine the stack back with the previous. Now the sum of the top N elements of the input are on top of the stack.\n`r4[{:}]=` Copy the target sum to the end of the input.\n```\n=?v\n \\$:nao+n;\n```\nIf the sum equals the target, output.\n`1+$:@$:@15-$-)?v` Add one to the length. If it's greater than the remaining length of the list go down.\n`~1+:l2-=?;` Add one to the starting value. If it's greater than the length of the input exit.\n`1rl3-[}]r` Set the length back to 1. Shift the rest of the stack over one so it starts at the second position.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 11 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u0192\u00c5<\u221a\u00a3.\u0152\u00ee\u00ac\u03c0s\u2248\u220f\u221a\u00aeOQ\n```\nInputs in the order `sequence, n`. \n0-based output; will output `-1` if no result can be found; and `[i,i]` if `n` is a single digit that's present in the input-`sequence`.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##AScA2P9vc2FiaWX//8SBPMOjLs6UwrlzxbjDqE9R//8xMjM0NTY3ODkKMTA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfWVC6KGV/4802hxerHduyqF1xUd3HJ55eIV/ROD/Wp3/0dGGRsYmpmbmFpY6hgaxOtEmMKBjbITKNQZyEYpNYmMB).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u0192\u00c5 # Push a list in the range [1, length of the first (implicit) input sequence]\n < # Decrease each by to make it a 0-based [1,length)\n \u221a\u00a3 # Cartesian power of 2 to get all possible pairs of this list\n .\u0152\u00ee # Find the first pair that's truthy for:\n \u00ac\u03c0 # Push the first input-sequence again\n s # Swap so the current pair is at the top\n \u2248\u220f # Pop and push a list in the range of this pair\n \u221a\u00f4 # Uniquify this list (in case the pair was [a,a])\n \u221a\u00ae # Index each into the first input-sequence\n O # Sum these digits together\n Q # Check if this sum is equal to the second (implicit) input\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `g`, 11 bytes\n```\n\u00b7\u222b\u00e8:\u00b7\u222b\u00e4'\u2206\u00ed\u00b7\u03c0\u00b0\u00ac\u03c0\u0192\u221e\u201a\u00e0\u00eb\u201a\u00c5\u221e=\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJnIiwiIiwi4bqPOuG6iifGkuG5ocK5xLDiiJHigbA9IiwiIiwiMTIzNDU2Nzg5XG4xMCJd)\nA simple little approach.\n## Explained\n```\n\u00b7\u222b\u00e8:\u00b7\u222b\u00e4'\u2206\u00ed\u00b7\u03c0\u00b0\u00ac\u03c0\u0192\u221e\u201a\u00e0\u00eb\u201a\u00c5\u221e=\n\u00b7\u222b\u00e8: # The range [0, len(input)), twice.\n \u00b7\u222b\u00e4 # cartesian product of the two lists and sort to get the first\n ' # get all items of that where\n \u2206\u00ed\u00b7\u03c0\u00b0 # the list turned into an inclusive range between the two numbers\n \u00ac\u03c0\u0192\u221e # indexed into the sequence of numbers\n \u201a\u00e0\u00eb\u201a\u00c5\u221e= # summed equals n\n# g flag gets the smallest pair\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3.8 (pre-release)](https://docs.python.org/3.8/), 75 bytes\n```\nf=lambda v,l,a=0,b=1:v==(q:=sum(l[a:b]))and(a,b-1)or f(v,l,a+(q>v),b+(qv),b+(qa=>a.some((_,i)=>a.some((v,j)=>j // n = target sum\na => // a[] = array of digits\na.some((_, i) => // for each digit at index i in a[]:\n a.some((v, j) => // for each digit v at index j in a[]:\n j < i || // if j is less than i\n (s -= v) // or subtracting v from s\n ? // does not result in 0:\n 0 // do nothing\n : // else:\n o = [i, j], // set o = [i, j] and exit\n s = n // start with s = n\n ) // end of inner some()\n) // end of outer some()\n&& o // if successful, return o[]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 15 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n\u221a\u221e\u221a\u00e4\u221a\u00d8 \u221a\u00b6\u221a\u00e0r\u221a\u00b5 xgU \u00ac\u2202V\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=8MrvIObIcvUgeGdVILZW&input=WzEsMiwzLDQsNSw2LDcsOCw5XQoxMA)\n```\n\u221a\u221e\u221a\u00e4\u221a\u00d8 \u221a\u00b6\u221a\u00e0r\u221a\u00b5 xgU \u00ac\u2202V :Implicit input of digit array U and integer V\n\u221a\u221e :0-based indices of elements of U that are truthy under\n \u221a\u00e4 : Factorial\n \u221a\u00d8 :Cartesian product with itself\n \u221a\u00b6 :First element/pair that returns true when\n \u221a\u00e0 :Passed through the following function\n r : Reduce by\n \u221a\u00b5 : Inclusive range\n x : Reduce by addition after\n gU : Indexing each into U\n \u00ac\u2202V : Is equal to V?\n```\n[Answer]\n# R 4.1, ~~78 bytes~~ ~~71 bytes~~ 65 bytes\n## v1.2 65 bytes\n-5 bytes thanks to [pajonk](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/256556/find-the-first-run-of-numbers-summing-to-n/256617?noredirect=1#comment577984_256617):\n1. -4 for pointing out that `F <- F + 1;k <- m[, F];sum(s[k:k[2]])` can be expressed as `sum(s[(k <- m[, F <- F + 1]):k[2]])`. This also means you can lose the curly braces as the expression is on one line, and you do not need semi-colons.\n2. -1 because `while(a!=b)` can actually be expressed as `while(a-b)`. This is safe as negative numbers are also `TRUE` when coerced to `logical`.\n(And also -1 byte by pointing out I had miscounted.)\n```\n\\(s,n,m=combn(seq(s),2)){while(sum(s[(k=m[,F<-F+1]):k[2]])-n)0\nk}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!])\n## v 1.1 71 bytes\n```\n\\(s,n,m=combn(seq(s),2)){while({F=F+1;k<-m[,F];sum(s[k:k[2]])!=n})0\nk}\n```\n-7 bytes thanks to [Giuseppe](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/256556/find-the-first-run-of-numbers-summing-to-n#comment567896_256617)\nTwo changes:\n1. Not replacing `seq()` with the unary `-` as it's only being used once (I was using it twice before and failed to notice that was no longer the case).\n2. Replacing `j` with `F` is yet another ludicrous thing that R allows you to do that I would never have tried in the vein of [these](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/4024/tips-for-golfing-in-r/162674#162674) coercion tips by @rturnbull (link from Giuseppe - thanks). For non-R uses, `T` and `F` are built-in aliases for TRUE and FALSE. This means you can do this:\n```\nT == TRUE # TRUE\nF == FALSE # TRUE\nF == TRUE # FALSE\nF <- F+1\nF == FALSE # FALSE\nF == TRUE # TRUE\n```\nI have no idea why this is allowed in R but it's saved 5 characters compared with initialising `j`.\n## v.1.0 78 bytes\n```\n\\(s,n,`-`=seq,j=0,m=combn(-s,2)){while({j=j+1;k<-m[,j];sum(s[k:k[2]])!=n})0\nk}\n```\n[Attempt this online](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72waMGSNAUb3aWlJWm6Fjf9YjSKdfJ0EnQTbItTC3WybA10cm2T83OT8jR0i3WMNDWryzMyc1I1qrNss7QNrbNtdHOjdbJirYtLczWKo7OtsqONYmM1FW3zajUNuLJroaa6KiuEpBaXKCQnFqcWc6VpGFpZ6igYGmgCmUWpBRomYI6OgrGRJlzSFC5pBZEz1oQYtmABhAYA)\n### How?\nThis is a function which expects a vector, `s` and a target value `n`, as arguments. Basically it does this:\n1. Uses `combn()` to create a `m`, a matrix of all possible length 2 combinations of the indices of `s`. E.g. `combn(1:5,2)` produces:\n```\n [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]\n[1,] 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4\n[2,] 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 5 5\n```\n2. Loops through the columns of this to subset `s`, using row 1 as the start index and row 2 as the end index.\n3. Breaks the loop if the subset adds up to `n`. It exits with an error if there is no solution. I wasn't entirely clear if an error counts as a constant, but [this nice Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/256556/find-the-first-run-of-numbers-summing-to-n/256572#256572) behaves in the same way, which I took as a green light.\n4. There are a couple of golfing tricks both from [Giuseppe](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/138046/115882). Taking advantage of how `seq(s)` behaves if `s` is a vector and reassigning the unary `-` with ``-` = seq`, means we can do `m = combn(-s, 2)` instead of the positively verbose `m = combn(seq_along(s), 2)`.\nThe test cases are included in the footer of ATO link. Only my second Code Golf answer ever so very interested in any suggestions / improvements.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) List::Util, 82 bytes\n```\nsub{$s=pop;($i,$j)=($_%@_,int$_/@_),$s-sum(@_[$i..$j])||return($i,$j)for 0..@_*@_}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XZFbT4NAEIWf5VdMmmkBs70BvQhZ3XcvfdGn2mxqC4ZKF8JCjGn718WhYGPcl8mZ75zZyW4W5smk2n9hxCtdvh1Q8yzNAgtjhjubWyi7QrJYFSiHQtoMdV@Xe0vIJcaDAe5W9vGYh0WZqzYSpTmMBgMhr4U8VYFB2jIAljAeMRg7rjeZzuY3wG@BtAsrdoauw8D7PS2cXaD7D5ZqG0YtdCjpOt547k6mbg29NmkfiAPsvyxUDJNYF7R8sc6phGprc4EyaB0gasx1lsTFcNiYg0taU8AGDj2MLNHMUXaDs5xeJoJOtz/VJDc@4Iaqoqqo1ma/GU7qc61I/dmBeu/puUXyVXWYcUXPzxsH9HqAIanaeAdm@mGCD@bT4hkW92ZgnKrvNCviVOmq//hQX@S/FHHC6Xd@AA \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 18 bytes\n```\nKEhfqQs:KhTheT^UK2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/39s1I60wsNjKOyMkIzUkLtTb6P9/QwOuaEMdBSMdBWMdBRMdBVMdBTMdBXMdBQsdBctYAA \"Pyth \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nTakes n, sequence as separate inputs. Outputs [start, end] or an index error if no sequence exists.\n### Explanation\n```\n # implicitly assign Q = eval(input())\nKE # assign K = eval(input())\n ^ 2 # cartesian product of two copies of\n UK # range(len(K))\n f # filter this on lambda T\n s # sum of\n :KhTheT # slice K from first element of product to second element plus 1\n qQ # equals Q\n h # take the first element (this will give us the indices if they exist or an index error if they don't)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 12 bytes\n```\nJ\u00b7\u03c0\u00f32r/\u00b7\u00aa\u00e3\u00ac\u2265S=\u00a0\u00e3\u2206\u00e1\u00b7\u220f\u00a2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATUAyv9qZWxsef//SuG5lzJyL@G7i8KzUz3Ki8aH4bii////WzEsMiwzLDQsNSw2LDcsOCw5Xf8xNQ \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nFull program, that takes a list of digits and an integer \\$n\\$, and outputs the 1-indexed indices, or `0` if there's no solution.\n## How it works\n```\nJ\u00b7\u03c0\u00f32r/\u00b7\u00aa\u00e3\u00ac\u2265S=\u00a0\u00e3\u2206\u00e1\u00b7\u220f\u00a2 - Main link. Takes a list of digits D on the left, and n on the right\nJ - Indices; [1, 2, ..., len(D)]\n \u00b7\u03c0\u00f32 - Cartesian square\n \u00a0\u00e3\u2206\u00e1 - Filter the indices on the dyad f([i, j], n):\n r/ - Range; [i, i+1, ..., j-1, j]\n \u00b7\u00aa\u00e3\u00ac\u2265 - Index into D\n S - Sum\n = - Does that equal n?\n \u00b7\u220f\u00a2 - Take the first pair, or zero if there's no solution\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), ~~90~~ 88 bytes\n```\ni;j;a;f(*s,n){for(a=i=-1;s[++i]*a;)for(a=n,j=i;a*s[j];)a-=s[j++]-48;*s++=!a*i-1;*s=j-1;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lVJtb5swEP7eX3FFSmUMaCWkayvP@zLtW/9BQJHnHB0ZcRJM1WxR/vrYgWGhXSp1Fi/2Pc/dPXdnHelSmcemKcRKKJEzbkPjH/JNxZQsZBQLOw@CIuNK@M5owpUshOJ2vsqEryJJmyDIotmd4DYI5KXiBblxK1f0OzaFqWGtCsN8OFwArdZQo60XZp6BhEN8HUIypTc5ioHAHcM6xoMXT5PZzcfbu3svhAdvNqxXp5M/4H6LusblEIJy0BPF5yjoKEkIt8TqGXpjbA36u6o4fVH/wMrRvHT/dZru77/Qe0MCxudkkECtAtYmKcwS9@R2LfrtJ7DFL9zk7KTQhw@DkY@sAqjxrc/QuEG4oXh9Azs8E2OYw27A7TkcSoJnwIE9a1uiYTsfAoj9V0G@PeU5EdeqLDealSN4jWu9/claQgi7EMZY7szmZTTAhaVYo5mc04ULHJPwX1IOrI10KWmQ46YMEbbKtnm40y67tFdXXSnzOHMWFC/cthU55swzcrIMwcrUm5Q29SD6DK1hsoSJTQ2N2XS1cld1HzH8ezPazNmo6CNgafF9Ev9D0Fkxb2o4TaVC7AbTow6psH6qDN3Mi2PzW@elerRN9PwH \"C (clang) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n*Saved 2 bytes thanks to [ceilingcat](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52904/ceilingcat)!!!*\nInputs a pointer to a wide charater string of the sequence and \\$n\\$. \nReturns the first and last position in the array referenced by the input pointer or \\$-1\\$ if no sum exists.\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno), \\$ 25 \\log\\_{256}(96) \\approx \\$ 20.58 bytes\n```\nLRDZ!gAu1+:z0sAISz1=kAJ0~\n```\nTakes a list of digits, then a number. Outputs 0 if it doesn't find the subsequence.\n#### Explanation\n```\nLRDZ!gAu1+:z0sAISz1=kAJ0~ # Implicit input\nLR # range(len(input))\n DZ! # Cartesian product with itself\n g k # Filter for items where the following is truthy:\n Au # Dump the pair onto the stack\n 1+ # Add one to the last one (because of how Thunno's range works)\n : # Range between the two numbers\n sAI # Indexed into \n z0 # The first input (this will return a list)\n S # The sum of this list\n z1= # Equals the second input?\n AJ # After the filter, get the first item of the list\n 0~ # If the list was empty, push 0\n```\n#### Screenshots\n[![Screenshot 1](https://i.stack.imgur.com/1edRmm.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/1edRm.png)\n[![Screenshot 2](https://i.stack.imgur.com/u5efjm.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/u5efj.png)\n[Answer]\n# [Desmos](https://desmos.com/calculator), 79 bytes\n```\nL=[1...l.length]\nT=[0^{(l[I...E].total-s)^2}(I,E)forE=L,I=L]\nf(s,l)=T[T.x>0][1]\n```\n\\$f\\$ returns a point `(I,E)` that has the starting index `I` and the ending index `E` as the \\$x\\$ and \\$y\\$ coordinates, respectively, and returns the answer one-indexed.\nFor no solution, \\$f\\$ returns the point `(undefined,undefined)`.\nNote that because of the limitations of Desmos, this will not work for input lists longer than \\$100\\$ elements.\n[Try It On Desmos!](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/3cyneucbqz)\n[Try It On Desmos! - Prettified](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/dmv2bd8yol)\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), 76 bytes\nTakes a list of digits and a number as input and returns \\$[start, end)\\$.\n```\ni;j;f(*l,s,n){for(i=j=0;n<0|s/~j*n;)n-=n>0?l[j++]:-l[i++];l[1]=j;*l=n?-1:i;}\n```\n## How it works\n```\ni;j; // start and end of the sliding window, respectively.\nf(*l, s, n) { // input a list of integers, its size and the number.\n for( // main loop\n i = j = 0; // start with i = 0 and j = 0 (empty window)\n n < 0 | // the sum of elements in the window exceeds n, we will remove elements in the next iteration\n s / ~j * n;) // j < l and the sum of elements does not match n\n n -= // subtract from n:\n n > 0 ? // if n > 0 ...\n l[j++] // increase the window size.\n : // else (n < 0) ...\n -l[i++] // decrease the window size.\n ; // end main loop\n l[1] = j; // l doubles as return placeholder. l[1] is the end of the window.\n *l = // l[0] is:\n n ? // if n != 0 ...\n -1 // there was no solution, set it to -1.\n : // else (n == 0) ...\n i; // we found the solution, set it to the start of the window.\n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hVJNb5tAED2bXzGiSgR4acDGie01yaHqoVKkHnvAqHJgScbdLBYLjVXX/elxd/lwoZXSkZZh5s28fTOQuAnfiMfTCemWZpbDiSTCPmR5YWG4DT0qVt5PefVr6whqCzcUt94dj7bjcbx0eYTKUx75cbilDg/FnesvkR5P71AkvEoZrGSZYv7@6dYYpDg@DHMvydOm0CkDRWk8b1BY33NMbeNggLIkF7IEXQNO986Sb6yIYgjhAOZ6/3Gy3i8@qDMzySCemnCkNYuidkomy6@yaTNG96Y/mQaz65v5wiQ6DDprwrfRxfzmehZMJ755VHHNLBSzNi3K9whMJwT8mfJT5T3QdWy/Y0nJ0k4FgKrrjusrPxvWsa4uUNhc423doq5DApyAIOA8VFlGjXpU9f3AQtXmUUBYgcQfLM@gmR6uurhdB4XxGG1odq1NqM52HozpOa0vUMhLItNqZ7WrxNimxmhXqO1mlvlJ7KpyCRcpXHC5FmatTPfZf2hqcbwRp6GIx1oBt43RqI3BDSGY91osDTST9pgwA6u3T4zVqJ59hrV1wj5X5VlZI8xpKLs/yWmmC2FAGPduY1yy/3CTf/nrifyYDDpbe/tuuLzsugcY@0tXVjBm9XZ8rJ8FK6tCqB0bx9NrkvHNozy5X0Tu4vOOY4Llbw \"C (clang) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Julia](https://julialang.org), ~~69~~ ~~65~~ 47 bytes\n```\n~=:;y^x=argmax(k->sum(x[k])==y,(q=keys(x)).~q')\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m700qzQnM3HBgqWlJWm6Fjf162ytrCvjKmwTi9JzEys0snXtiktzNSqis2M1bW0rdTQKbbNTK4s1KjQ19eoK1TWh2mY6FGfklyvEaRga6ChEG-oY6RjrmOiY6pjpmOtY6FjGanLBFBgbARWY6KBBJAWGpoRMMMZhAheKIwyAmk1joQ6E-Q8A)\nUses 1-based indexing. Prints the range `1:1` if no solution exists.\n* -4 bytes thanks to MarcMush: Replace `1:length(x)` with `keys(x)`\n* -18 bytes (!!) thanks to MarcMush: Improve range generation\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 25 bytes\n```\n\u00d4\u00ba\u00c6\u0152\u220f\u00d4\u00ba\u00a9\u201a\u00e5\u00e4\u0152\u00b6\u00d4\u00ba\u2022\u0152\u2211\u201a\u00fc\u00b6\u0152\u222b\u201a\u00e5\u00ef\u00d4\u00ba\u2022\u0152\u2211\u0152\u00a3\u201a\u00fa\u00c7\u0152\u2211\u0152\u222b\u201a\u00e4\u00ef\u0152\u00ba\u00ac\u03c0\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00fc\u00df\u201a\u00e4\u00ef\u201a\u00dc\u00ae\u0152\u03c0\u201a\u00c5\u221e\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VYqxCsIwFEV3vyLjexDBqFVLN4VCh4rQURxiGujDJLZp4u/HKDh4hwOHc9UgvXpKk1LjxhjO0d61hwmrxcWTC3CSc4CWHNlooSYTcm3lCANn1wdnNbn@511@dIaU/khujVNeW@2C7sEiZwIxc8Ib/rejnDUQZyv8rkpJFEysN9titz@Uafkybw \"Charcoal \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Outputs `None` if there is no solution. Explanation:\n```\n\u00d4\u00ba\u00c6\u0152\u220f First input as a number\n \u0152\u2211 Second input\n \u00d4\u00ba\u2022 Map over digits \n \u0152\u222b Current index\n \u0152\u2211 Second input\n \u00d4\u00ba\u2022 Map over digits\n \u0152\u2211 Second input\n \u201a\u00fa\u00c7 \u00ac\u03c0 Sliced from\n \u0152\u222b Outer index to\n \u0152\u00ba Inner index\n \u201a\u00e4\u00ef Incremented\n \u0152\u00a3 Take the sum\n \u201a\u00e5\u00ef Find index of\n \u0152\u220f First input\n \u201a\u00fc\u00b6 \u201a\u00fc\u00df Make into list\n \u0152\u00b6 Filtered where\n \u201a\u00dc\u00ae\u0152\u03c0\u201a\u00c5\u221e Last element\n \u201a\u00e4\u00ef Is not `-1`\n \u201a\u00e5\u00e4 Take the minimum (first if it exists)\n \u00d4\u00ba\u00a9 Cast to string\n Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org/) + `math.combinatorics math.unicode`, 69 bytes\n```\n[| n s | s length iota 2 [ last2 s subseq \u0152\u00a3 n = ] find-combination ]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hVDLTgMxDLz3K@YHGtHdlqfgirhwQZyqHtzUaaNmk5B4D6jdr@F/@KXFqCAOCGHLcxiPRxo7spLK@Pz08Hh/jY5kZ2zq1j6S0t5WVH7pOVqu2HOJHJALi7zm4qOc9H30Nm0YIVkKFXqefeBipDCbXFKmLYlP0eg6TNk5tgKqNan7zeQwgdYBs7NPQIMWcyxwjgtc4goDhi9B2yjMf/WPYLb4z6H902EYl0dEVBx1Aset7OCTkLotEahKo3zt1/oNvL@p8hYrOB830@9vaUCsRncKdtdRRhWyezN@AA \"Factor \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nReturns a 0-based start index and 1-based end index. Returns `f` if there is no solution.\n[Answer]\n## C99:\n```\nint main() {\n int x = 22;\n int a[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, n = sizeof(a) / sizeof(int);\n \n int i = 0, j = 0, s = 0;\n while ((s < x && j < n) || (s > x && i < n))\n s += s < x ? a[j++] : -a[i++];\n printf(\"found: %d, i: %d, j: %d\", s == x, i, j - 1);\n return 0;\n}\n```\nThe algorithm actually takes 66 bytes:\n```\ninti=0,j=0,s=0;while((sx&&in,a{(b=*0...a.size).product(b).find{a[_1.._2].sum==n}}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72kqDSpcsEiN9ulpSVpuhY3LXTt8nQSqzWSbLUM9PT0EvWKM6tSNfUKivJTSpNLNJI09dIy81KqE6PjDfX04o1i9YpLc21t82profp7ChTcog0NdBSiDXWMdIx1THRMdcx0zHUsdCxjY7lAksZGQEkTHTQIlTQ0xaPT0BBdEmakMXYjIW5asABCAwA)\n[Answer]\n# [Arturo](https://arturo-lang.io), 79 bytes\n```\n$[n,a][l:-size a 1loop 0..l'x[loop x..l'y[if n=sum slice a x y->return[x,y]]]0]\n```\n[Try it](http://arturo-lang.io/playground?YqZrIB)\nReturns `[start end+1]` or `0` if there's no solution.\n[Answer]\n# [Scala](https://www.scala-lang.org/), 91 bytes\nGolfed version. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5Ba8MwDIXv/hWiJ5sZQ7rtEnBhsMsOPZWdSihqaqcejtvZymCM/vZMzsp0ENKT3scrPUacL8cP1xNsMST4EUJ8YQTfypec8Xv/lqjT3JTd7NznXvKooe4d2Fmirgc0IZ1C74rxEWmLV1nsRhaYEoUIaKJLA52V8SGSy9JVR4lskEW7h0aZMo3WkjIjW1k7KKVmgJPzMHIoiXkoLfzl2VEOaehUC@8pEFhODFw1c5rGo8uFtVWzfnx6Xi28g8HyGobAeLosjH8DMdhVRrNetCujKSbp5R2l7y9K8f0mxG3@BQ)\n```\n(a,t)=>a.indices.flatMap(s=>(s until a.length).filter(e=>a.slice(s,e+1).sum==t).map((s,_)))\n```\nUngolfed version. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VVA9a8MwEN3zK45MEnUFTtvF1EMgS4dOplMwRbZlVUWWU@lcCMW/3b0ocmi16O7eB/cutNLKZRmbT9UivErj4GezAehUD71xXTU10nt5Doy@AvaX@vjisM4ApdcKC6COF1CpryOjMot9DSX5AL1@9KkCCCRBeL4H8hJkbloVEqRcdwGujMmhsZFkldP4kTimj7NgScciM4u6O8i5CNMAZZmWioIZzkbZDv5QOQHzGm@gsJRKhzVWhd44XVOYN2fwluBbWnDT0CgfaLbNdw@PT1sxyBN7FzIcjDbIBY7R4ya47kH8fBdnJ7JG69j/mybb9ZY87Tcvyy8)\n```\nobject Main {\n def findSubarrays(arr: Array[Int], target: Int): Seq[(Int, Int)] = {\n for {\n start <- arr.indices\n end <- start until arr.length\n if arr.slice(start, end + 1).sum == target\n } yield (start, end)\n }\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val numbers = \"12345\".map(_.asDigit).toArray\n val target = 12\n println(findSubarrays(numbers, target))\n }\n}\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n This was inspired by a function I recently added to my language [Add++](https://github.com/SatansSon/AddPlusPlus). Therefore I will submit an short answer in Add++ but I won't accept it if it wins (it wouldn't be fair)\nDon't you hate it when you can multiply numbers but not strings? So you should correct that, right?\nYou are to write a function or full program that takes two non-empty strings as input and output their multiplied version.\nHow do you multiply strings? I'll tell you!\nTo multiply two strings, you take two strings and compare each character. The character with the highest code point is then added to the output. If they are equal, simply add the character to the output.\nStrings are not guaranteed to be equal in length. If the lengths are different, the length of the final string is the length of the shortest string. The input will always be lowercase and may contain any character in the printable ASCII range (`0x20 - 0x7E`), excluding uppercase letters.\nYou may output in any reasonable format, such as string, list etc. Be sensible, integers aren't a sensible way to output in this challenge.\nWith inputs of `hello,` and `world!`, this is how it works\n```\nhello,\nworld!\nw > h so \"w\" is added (\"w\")\no > e so \"o\" is added (\"wo\")\nr > l so \"r\" is added (\"wor\")\nl = l so \"l\" is added (\"worl\")\nd < o so \"o\" is added (\"worlo\")\n! < , so \",\" is added (\"worlo,\")\n```\nSo the final output for `hello,` and `world!` would be `worlo,`.\n# More test cases\n(without steps)\n```\ninput1\ninput2 => output\nprogramming puzzles & code golf!?\nnot yet graduated, needs a rehaul => prtgyetmirgduuzzlesneedsde rolful\nking\nobject => oing\nblended\nbold => boln\nlab0ur win.\nthe \"super bowl\" => the0usuwir.\ndonald j.\ntrumfefe! => trumlefj.\n```\nThis is a [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") so shortest code wins! Luok!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Erlang (escript)](http://erlang.org/doc/man/escript.html), 46 bytes\n```\nt([I|M],[E|S])->[max(I,E)]++t(M,S);t(_,_)->[].\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Fcq7DoIwFADQ3a@4djBtKHyAJjoxMDAxNg1p4IJN@iDlEpXw71XnczA5E@YS1yHZhfIpE1fN0Wqp6qPTorwrb968kbXQRUG8lZ24Ee9l/yddZW9s4OofbbxOr2QJOXG2pDgn470NMyzbvjtc4QJDHBHm6Kbzg0kWIsEHCX5x3AzhKCEgjisYSPg0m2NCVPkL \"Erlang (escript) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\nt([I|M],[E|S])-> % Extract the head of both operands\n[max(I,E)] % Take the max of the heads\n++t(M,S); % Recurse with the remaining strings\nt(_,_) % If head-extraction fails for either of these operands:\n->[]. % Return the empty string\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 2 bytes\n```\nzY\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcqxEYAgDAXQVb6NlTs4h2XORPAEwgEpZPnoq1@0/rjPw91r09Ao57sEVJszSceKU1kQNF3L7kUHXhn4GxsN4Q1FhDsITSJZ@gA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\nzip using maximum.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-lF`, ~~88~~ 67 bytes\n```\n@b=<>=~/./g;$#F=$#b=@F>@b?$#b:$#F;say map{($q=shift@b)gt$_?$q:$_}@F\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcgxDoMgFADQvacg@od2EOngokWZ2HoGw0@oklBBwJimaY9e6vbyvA62yVkgv/X8W9N66qCUHErkQvYCh0PtMV1UL/JU/n2GlcfZPJLAy5RgHGBtYfwImbNVyLZAdrPQU5o1KeLmdSDodlv8nE/GLTFX94ayK8uVlX8 \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 3 bytes\n```\n\u00f8\u20ac\u00e0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//8I5HTWsOL/j/P1q9oCg/vSgxNzczL12hoLSqKie1WEFNITk/JVUhPT8nTdFeXUdBPS@/RKEytUQBqDKlNLEkNUVHIS81NaVYIVGhKDUjsTRHPRYA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n\u00f8\u20ac\u00e0 # full program\n\u00f8 # list of...\n \u00e0 # maximums of...\n \u20ac # each element of...\n\u00f8 # code points of...\n # implicit input...\n\u00f8 # with each element paired with the corresponding element in second sub-list\n # implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Lyxal/Vyxal), 3 bytes\n```\nZvG\n```\n[Try it Online!](http://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=ZvG&inputs=hello%2C%0Aworld!&header=&footer=)\nThat is: the maximum function (`G`) `v`ectorised over the inputs `Z`ipped together (`abc` and `def` turn into `[[\"a\", \"d\"], [\"b\", \"e\"], [\"c\", \"f\"]]`. Takes a single string (alternatively, a list of characters) and outputs a list of characters.\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org/), ~~16~~ 4 bytes\n```\nvmax\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0tMLskv@h8a7OnnbqWQma@QnVqUl5qjkJtYkqFXlgqSLFaw5lLKSM3JyddRUlAqzy/KSVFU@l@Wm1jxv6AoM6/kPwA \"Factor \u2013 Try It Online\")\nElement-wise maximum. It's a builtin.\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 5 bytes\n```\neCSMC\n```\n[Test suite](https://pythtemp.herokuapp.com/?code=eCSMC&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%22hello%2C%22%2C+%22world%21%22%0A%22programming+puzzles+%26+code+golf%21%3F%22%2C+%22not+yet+graduated%2C+needs+a+rehaul%22%0A%22king%22%2C+%22object%22%0A%22blended%22%2C+%22bold%22%0A%22lab0ur+win.%22%2C+%27the+%22super+bowl%22%27%0A%22donald+j.%22%2C+%22trumfefe%21%22&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno) `J` `B`, \\$ 5 \\log\\_{256}(96) \\approx \\$ 4.12 bytes\n```\nZZeMC\n```\n(No ATO link since it's not on a new enough version)\n#### Explanation\n```\nZZeMC # Implicit input. The B flag converts the strings to codepoints.\nZZe # Zip together and loop through:\n M # Get the maximum\n C # And get chr of that\n # Implicit output, with the J flag joining everything together\n```\n### [Thunno](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno) `J`, \\$ 9 \\log\\_{256}(96) \\approx \\$ 7.41 bytes\n```\nZZeO.AJMC\n```\n(No ATO link since it's not on a new enough version)\n#### Explanation\nUnfortunately the `max` command (`M`) doesn't work with strings, otherwise this would have been a lot simpler.\n```\nZZeO.AJMC # Implicit input\nZZe # Zip together and loop through:\n O.AJ # Get the ordinals of both characters\n M # Get the maximum\n C # And get chr of that\n # Implicit output, with the J flag joining everything together\n```\n#### Screenshots\n[![Screenshot 1](https://i.stack.imgur.com/PHQD0m.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/PHQD0.png)\n[![Screenshot 2](https://i.stack.imgur.com/BQC9nm.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/BQC9n.png)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 26 bytes\n```\nlambda*a:list(map(max,*a))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY/BbsIwEETv/YrFh5Igq0LiVqniR7is2XUSuvZajq0APx/MpWoOc3pvRpr0KKPG0@p/LqtgcIQH/JZpLl3A1HK3B@z7NeUpls53ZmQRtcaaRbPQzvT9xx9LWYeMIUxxgFSfT@EZPuGqxDCo@N251aIWeHCBJlLFwmQhMtMMCJlHrLJZ/G1TraTuxteyIU44ElODToU2SNAda4Zlil/G7svIYOaaOIPTRcz@v0oaUQhuTQRTcg2ePb9PrS8 \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSimilar to another Python 3 answer, only that I use `list` instead of `''.join`, which shaves 3 bytes off.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 51 bytes\n```\nf(char*s,char*t){(*s=*s>*t|!*s?*s:*t)&&f(s+1,t+1);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY/BasMwEETv@Yq1D0ZW5IOvNWk@pPSgSCvZIEtGu6I0br7dUQs9lM5lYJk3y5jBG3McTphZZ0nqx7jfhaSLpFfJX42kq6SXeuw6J@g8Kj6P/fQ4lsiw6iWK/rSfoGr/hkG/vcMF2hlDSKqdwAmt2o@Ug23aftoKk9AV/09sOfms13WJHrZyvwck6MAki@BTcM31tywmhk9kqGlbNKNVEBEtgYaMsy7hz5/HIWkYS50yjOBKhFthCCl6zE8 \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 51 bytes\n```\nf(char*s,char*t){(*s=0u-*s<-*t?*s:*t)&&f(s+1,t+1);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lY3LCoMwFET3fsVtFhJjhLqtFT@kdHFJ4gNiInlQqvjt1ha66Eo6m4FhzowoOiG2raWiR8c8/1jIFsp8fY4F89eChYb5yx6maUt9XvKQl1m1boMJMOJgaJYsCexa3jDg7Q41kF5pbTmpoKXIycM6LU8kq6YYPMUdPyYO2v9MT852DsdxMB1McZ618pCCsFJBZ3V7ar5jxgZ4qgB7W0YMSnIwSkkPCE71GPXPz7q9AA \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Arturo](https://arturo-lang.io), 22 bytes\n```\n$=>[couple&&|map=>max]\n```\n[Try it](http://arturo-lang.io/playground?WidqaF)\nTakes and outputs a list of characters.\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2), 3 [bytes](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2/blob/main/docs/codepage.md)\n```\nZ\u20acG\n```\nOutput as a list of characters. Add the `J` flag if you want a string.\n#### Explanation\n```\nZ\u20acG # Implicit input\nZ # Zip the two inputs together\n \u20ac # For each pair:\n G # Get the maximum of the pair\n # Implicit output\n```\n#### Screenshot\n[![Screenshot](https://i.stack.imgur.com/8G35Km.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/8G35K.png)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n> \n> **Note:** This is a more limited version of a [challenge from 2014](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/40150/find-a-representative-submatrix) that only received one answer. That challenge required participants write two programs; this challenge is essentially one half of that. The text here is original, but credit for the idea goes to [Matthew Butterick](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/31003/matthew-butterick), who is no longer active on the site.\n> \n> \n> \nGiven a matrix of integers \\$M\\$, find the smallest (by number of elements) submatrix \\$N\\$ that contains at least one of every element present in \\$M\\$. (A [submatrix](https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Submatrix.html) is a \u201cmatrix formed by taking a block of the entries \u2026 from the original matrix.\u201d)\n$$\nM = \\begin{bmatrix}9 & 0 & -4 & 5 & 1 & -4\\\\\n3 & -2 & 5 & 9 & -7 & 1\\\\\n\\color{blue}{0} & \\color{blue}{-7} & \\color{blue}{-2} & \\color{blue}{5} & 9 & 5\\\\\n\\color{blue}{9} & \\color{blue}{9} & \\color{blue}{5} & \\color{blue}{-4} & 1 & 9\\\\\n\\color{blue}{-4} & \\color{blue}{1} & \\color{blue}{8} & \\color{blue}{3} & -4 & -4\\end{bmatrix}\n$$\nIn the above example the submatrix \\$N\\$, shown in blue, has at least one of every element in \\$M\\$, and there is no smaller submatrix with that property. Note that some elements (i.e. \\$8\\$) do not exist outside of \\$N\\$ and some elements in \\$N\\$ are duplicated (i.e. \\$9\\$).\n## Input\nInput will consist of a matrix \\$M\\$ in any convenient format. It will be at least \\$1\\times 1\\$.\n## Output\nOutput may be either of:\n1. The submatrix \\$N\\$ in any convenient format. If it's returned as a 1-dimensional list its dimensions must also be given.\n2. The position of \\$N\\$ within \\$M\\$, given either as the row and column positions of two of its corners diagonal from each other, or as the row and column position of one of its corners and its width and height. The answer should indicate which corners are given.\nIf multiple submatrices are tied for smallest representative submatrix, any one may be returned, or all may be returned.\n## Rules\n* [Default I/O rules](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2447/default-for-code-golf-input-output-methods/) and [standard rules](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2419/default-for-code-golf-program-function-or-snippet/2422#2422) apply. [Standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are forbidden.\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"); shortest solution in bytes wins.\n## Test cases\nThe below test cases each show one possible correct output, but not all possible valid outputs.\n```\nInput\n 3 3 -9 0 3\n 3 3 1 -8 1\n 0 0 0 8 -8\n 3 8 8 0 3\n 0 8 8 0 -9\nOutput\n-8 1\n 8 -8\n 0 3\n 0 -9\n```\n```\nInput\n 3 6 -8 -1\n-8 3 1 -2\n-8 -2 -1 -2\nOutput\n 6 -8\n 3 1\n-2 -1\n```\n```\nInput\n-8 -7 -4 7 -7\n-7 -6 7 -7 -7\n 8 -3 -8 -6 -4\n-4 5 -7 7 8\n-8 7 8 -4 -3\nOutput\n-3 -8 -6 -4\n 5 -7 7 8\n```\n```\nInput\n-8 7\n-2 -4\nOutput\n-8 7\n-2 -4\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), ~~275 261 231 229 227 220 218~~ 201 bytes\n```\ndef f(m):\n z,o,a,r=m,len,sum,range\n for i,k,j,l in product(*(r(o(m[0])),r(o(m)))*2):\n s=[q[i:j+1]for q in m[k:l+1]];t,f=a(s,[]),a(z,[])\n if{*f}=={*t}and o(t) Elements\n \u01b2 - last four links as a monad - g(Elements):\n Q - deduplicate -> distinct elements\n L - length -> number of distinct elements\n $ - last two links as a monad - h(elements):\n L - length -> total number of elements\n N - negate -> -1 * total number of elements\n ; - concatenate -> [number of distinct elements, -1 * total number of elements]\n \u1e6a - tail\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 51 bytes\n```\n\uff26\uff2c\u03b8\uff26\u2295\u03b9\uff26\uff2c\u230a\u03b8\uff26\u2295\u03bb\u229e\u03c5\uff25\u2702\u03b8\u03ba\u2295\u03b9\u00b9\u2702\u03bd\u03bc\u2295\u03bb\u2254\u03a6\u03c5\u00ac\u207b\u03a3\u03b8\u03a3\u03b9\u03c5\u2254\uff25\u03c5\uff2c\u03a3\u03b9\u03b8\uff29\u00a7\u03c5\u2315\u03b8\u230a\u03b8\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=bVDdSsMwFMbbPcVhVymcwqYbrng1BoOBk8EuSy9qm61hbWrzI76LN7tQ9JX0aTxpsunAi5B8P_nynbx-FlWuijavj8d3a3bx7PsKdq0Cds_l3lSsiyKPV7JQvOHS8JKJExlMayFFYxtn_sddE7mxumIWYZ0_sW0tCs46hAPCZSrCmJbXJUJzqVNOFN0N5lqLvWRLURuuXOZDa1wDq9m270AJtAvnRrC_N9zbZA-dTx6EjiwbJaRhi1wbNjcrWfIXZ10KWbqif-ejCm_6sdDhuz7SYfxcD7MvnaYpJAgjjCcIUxqFDhkOAFK4wfi65xKMb0kJ9MihswLTQCce9TljOns6oBm6tInLzjJf4Qc) Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n\uff26\uff2c\u03b8\uff26\u2295\u03b9\uff26\uff2c\u230a\u03b8\uff26\u2295\u03bb\n```\nLoop over all of the possible submatrices.\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\uff25\u2702\u03b8\u03ba\u2295\u03b9\u00b9\u2702\u03bd\u03bc\u2295\u03bb\n```\nExtract the submatrix to the predefined empty list.\n```\n\u2254\u03a6\u03c5\u00ac\u207b\u03a3\u03b8\u03a3\u03b9\u03c5\n```\nFilter out those submatrices that are not representative.\n```\n\u2254\uff25\u03c5\uff2c\u03a3\u03b9\u03b8\n```\nGet the sizes of all the submatrices.\n```\n\uff29\u00a7\u03c5\u2315\u03b8\u230a\u03b8\n```\nOutput the matrix with the smallest size.\nNote that Charcoal outputs each element on its own row with rows double-spaced from each other.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES10), 160 bytes\n```\nf=(m,x=s=g=m=>new Set(q=m.flat()).size,y)=>m.map((r,j)=>r.map((_,i)=>1/x?g(m)>g(M=m.slice(y,j+1).map(r=>r.slice(x,i+1)))|(v=q.length)>s||(s=v,o=M):f(m,i,j)))&&o\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RU7LbsIwELz7K1YcwCuS8CyPVk5P7Y1euCJVaXCCUR5gGwot/Xa6tg9IK2tmdnY8@@ycmVyrg42bdivv90LwOroII0pRi7SR37CWlh9FnRRVZjliYtSPjK4o0jqpswPnOtoT0YF8RorIaHB5LXmNaclXdGkqlUt@jfb9EXqbdv6gXiJFKuKNn8UxqWRT2h2m5nbjRpyjVqzwuaBGij5B7Hbbu5bHk9KS9wrTw0TLbPuuKrm@NjkfYmLbtdWqKTn1PFTK8s6m2TQdTIpWv2X5jhsQKfwygEpaqEGAeRg7oZ23GIKW/IPNuj8ow@LjVH9JjfhC53nbmLaSSdWWnAo68Q/vMAGaeAkwJMAChRHEC3qZE8MsSPHbhZ9gHj5ovGR@PXOX8Yi5@xA0djgek@iwJ3OIpwD0zpnDs4Addf9MfAQFTZmzPbkVGWDhQ@e@y5RsLHDmsqf/ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Commented\n```\nf = ( // f is a recursive function taking:\n m, // m[] = input matrix\n x = // x = current column\n s = // s = best score\n g = m => // g = helper function taking a sub-matrix m[],\n new Set( // turning into a set ...\n q = m.flat() // ... a flattened array q[] made from m[]\n ).size, // and returning its size\n y // y = current row\n) => //\nm.map((r, j) => // for each row r[] at index j in m[]:\n r.map((_, i) => // for each cell at index i in r[]:\n 1 / x ? // if x is defined (2nd pass):\n g(m) > // if the number of distinct values in m[]\n g( // is greater than those of\n M = // the sub-matrix M[]\n m.slice( // located between (x, y) and (i, j)\n y, j + 1 // built by using slices of the original\n ).map(r => // matrix\n r.slice( //\n x, i + 1 //\n ) //\n ) //\n ) | // or\n (v = q.length) // the size v of the sub-matrix\n > s // is greater than the current best size,\n || // then do nothing\n (s = v, o = M) // otherwise, update the solution\n : // else (first pass):\n f(m, i, j) // do a recursive call with (x, y) = (i, j)\n ) // end of inner map()\n) && o // end of outer map(); return the solution\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 13 bytes\n```\ncd;Lcp\u0121.&s\\s\\\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/PznF2ie54MhCPbXimOKY//@jo411zHTiLXTiDWN1ooG0sY6hTrwRhB1vBBQG8WL/RwEA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nReally slow.\n### Explanation\nWe first get the set of distinct elements of the matrix. We know that the submatrix contains at least these elements: we thus append an unknown amount of additional elements (Brachylog will try in increasing amounts until it finds a solution), we then permute them (until it finds a solution) and group them in sublists of equal lengths (trying different lengths until it finds a solution). We finally constrain this constructed sublist to actually be a sublist of the input.\nSince what we\u2019re doing is basically constructing all possible matrices which contain at least all distinct elements of the original one, and verify afterwards that it is a real submatrix of the input, you can guess why it\u2019s really slow.\n```\nc Concatenate the matrix into a list\n d Remove duplicate values: we get elements that must be in the submatrix\n ;Lc Append an unknown list L to this list\n p Try any permutation\n \u0121. Try any grouping of elements into sublists of equal lengths; this is the output\n &s Take a subset of consecutive rows of the input\n \\ Transpose\n s Take a subset of consecutive columns of this subset\n \\ Transpose\n This must also be the output (i.e. the output is a submatrix of the input)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~34~~ 32 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u02dc\u00a9\u0101\u00e3\u03b5`\"\u20ac\u00fc\u00ff\u00f8\u20ac\u00fc\u00ff\".V}\u20ac`\u20ac`\u03a3\u02dcg}.\u0394\u02dc\u00ae\u00e5P\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//9JxDK480Hl58bmuC0qOmNYf3HN5/eAeUoaQXVgtkJoDwucWn56TX6p2bAtSw7vDSgP//o6MtdQx0dE10THUMgVSsTrSxjq4RkGepo2uuYwjkG4AYUCFTIN8SRIN0GOpYArlghoWOMUgEqD/2v65uXr5uTmJVJQA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##XY/PSoRQFMb3PYW4PlfU2@g1iCHoAWZTBCKMlYQw6DBzDQxc1DO0nJ20CKJVE1HBgLYb8CF6ETvn6hgMl@v5vvPn57npMryMo/ZWnywiKXM2X8SJjK61OJln8kjTIbfqz2ZtN29GVRbVFxzoJ1cyC2dDxzj/z6WZ3CVPz9rtqnr@ua/LZn2xnOq/Dy/1d72pP3qhG@cFyindptyubgqjecSR1/pp0hbH@wsNaNhbqHoft77ve2ACO4QRWBgC8DkwG50HzAULvUmiT43QexRpwgIPrRICOGVwPgDNRwRa4nLF44QWPYyOQKsqAk/XZfaaeTuEQzOMhpjoEHancRemnGqkhEs/x49LDRgdZTqPZa5ITvc89VQsuiA6nEvr4O584CmMrV4TtIwlKZuFd/kf).\n**Explanation:**\nStep 1: similar as [my 05AB1E answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/255234/52210) for the [*Find the box by its corners* challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/255133/find-the-box-by-its-corners), get all possible blocks from the input-matrix:\n```\n\u02dc # Flatten the (implicit) input-matrix\n \u00a9 # Store it in variable `\u00ae` (without popping)\n \u0101 # Push a list in the range [1,length] (without popping the list)\n \u00e3 # Create all possible pairs of this list with the cartesian product\n\u03b5 # Map over each pair:\n ` # Pop and push them both separated to the stack\n \"\u20ac\u00fc\u00ff\u00f8\u20ac\u00fc\u00ff\" # Push this string, where both `\u00ff` are filled with the two values\n .V # Evaluate and execute it as 05AB1E code:\n \u20ac # Map over each row of the (implicit) input-matrix\n \u00fcA # Convert it into overlapping lists of size A\n \u00f8 # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns\n \u20ac # Map over each the list of lists\n \u00fcB # Convert it into overlapping lists of size B\n} # Close the map\n \u20ac`\u20ac` # Flatten two levels down so we have a list of blocks of various sizes\n```\nStep 2: Find the smallest valid AxB block from this list and output it:\n```\n\u03a3 # Sort all AxB blocks by:\n \u02dc # Flatten the matrix to a single list\n g # Pop and push its length to get the amount of elements in this block\n}.\u0394 # After the sort-by: find the first/smallest block which is truthy for:\n \u02dc # Flatten the current AxB block\n \u00ae # Push the flattened input-list from variable `\u00ae`\n \u00e5 # Check for each value of the input-list if it's in the block-list\n P # Check if this is truthy for all of them\n # (after which this smallest found block is output implicitly as result)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 53 bytes\n```\n<(0{]#~a:=-.&,&.>)[:(/:#@,@>)@,<<;._3&>~],@{@;&(#\\)|:\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VU7LasMwELzrKyYxyBZIql/xQ7GNoNBTT72mpoSQUHrpoe4pJb/u7kqFtrBazeyMZvW29htXzM3G9Wkqtja9YHRIoZHD0TEW90@PD@uQ5dc5uR3daKzU0k7q4LI7l3jtJ@X1MOztSyWn26z91e9lljyrL7cqIZbzxzJaHBzOp9d3vi/YWjn50@dCb0pEC6/LBSpQmR5EUf1QFDAddcHDWB1NgtqFiub8l5peqL@55Gw4xBSCo2JmydiUNGT8z89CC1MD1FvBuImYKa@vQhyF1oJtO5bIgC4saMMXa7IJtX4D \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 193 bytes\n```\nsub f{($_,$r)=(@_,\\\"$_[0]\");$u=sub{my%h;@h{pop=~/\\S+/g}=();keys%h};&$u($_)<&$u($$r)or$$r=@{[/\\S+/g]}<@{[$$r=~/\\S+/g]}?$\\_:$$r,f($_,$r)for s/^\\S+\\s*//gmr,s/\\s+\\S+$//gmr,s/\\n.*$//r,s/^.*\\n//r;$$r}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TVLRbtpAEHzufcXKOooN5xwBAg7GCe@VmofkDYOlVjagBNu1QSpynV@ns2cHkKz17OzMjk7aPC4@Hs7n8viLksqWkZKFE9iLSIWWjJaDleX48hhgXO1Pna2/2FZ5lgefOnzt600d2I7/Hp/Kzrb2v8sj/M7c/LElK1CDRbVstKt6DszU5xfxLKMZCJW0uUlWUKnXmIZlT@vNvlClDss@CHlp07seGobru16YAvrYUZ9htsXSGhGNyH0kGgAI09E9uR6qGBgWnweCZ575jHJw7dxHSxAFT4KsxmfkrQrDlRJN0IT3uveCVU3MkLE7BImKLWbJpE2DkCetn4VTcsdEqFPBeNJgbjEcme0wjwWrHniCOXkmb2peMYbsK@bWcBVf02hq8scX/Q21Ek6FNxPtT7bcpbkiGf/NHQpoISO/nZDcZAdQiZE4DZ0Xu/SQWB13UhKBnhGgB0xYEP8@cD8ccg8zmjJMLSW@fezS2G4y4j/UdBA49Ezd7L1LM@r@fHmjlx/di5gzFV2N6sbmi1rwCTPTHChfiv6nN4WBZV9Ti9d8W3Pd8rilJ43r@Q8 \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nYour task is simple, just remove the odd indices and double the even indices\n## Example\nthe input is `Hello, World!` and we get indices\n```\nH e l l o , _ W o r l d !\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13\n```\nand remove the odd indices\n```\nel,Wrd\n```\nDouble!\n```\neell,,WWrrdd\n```\nand you are done\n1-Indexing\n## Test cases\n```\nabcdef => bbddff\numbrella => mmrrllaa\nlooooooooong text => ooooooooooggttxx\nabc => bb\nxkcd => kkdd\nHello, World! => eell,,WWrrdd\nD => \nKK => KK\nHi => ii\nodd_length! => dd__eegghh\n => \n```\nThe input can be list if you want.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Coconut](http://coconut-lang.org/), 40 bytes\n```\n\"\".join(map(->_*2,input()[1::2]))`print`\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85Pzs8rLfn/X0lJLys/M08jN7FAQ9cuXstIJzOvoLREQzPa0MrKKFZTM6GgKDOvJOH///yUlPic1Lz0kgxFAA \"Coconut \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI'm just learning Coconut, so there's probably a shorter, better way to do this... Feedback 100% welcomed!\nHere's how it works:\n```\n ->_*2 - def lambda that dup's a char\n input() - read string from STDIN\n [1::2] - make a list of even num chars\n map( , ) - map the lambda over char list\n\"\".join( ) - convert list to a string\n `print` - apply \"print\" implicit lambda\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Uiua](https://uiua.org), 8 [bytes](https://www.uiua.org/pad?src=U0JDUyDihpAgK0BcMOKKlwpEZWNvZGUg4oaQIOKHjOKKjy0x4pa9wrEu4o2Y4ouv4oav4oqCwq8x4qe74ouv4qe7LOKHjOKItSjihpjCrzHii68rMjU2KSAtQFwwKzEKJnAg4oqCIjggYml0IGVuY29kaW5nOlx0IiBTQkNTICLih4ziio8tMeKWvcKxLuKNmOKLr-KGr-KKgsKvMeKnu-KLr-Knuyzih4ziiLUo4oaYwq8x4ouvKzI1NikiIOKKgitAXDDih6ExMjkiLiziiLY74oiYwqzCscKv4oy14oia4peL4oyK4oyI4oGFPeKJoDziiaQ-4omlKy3Dl8O34pe_4oG_4oKZ4oan4oal4oig4qe74paz4oeh4oqi4oeM4pmt4ouv4o2J4o2P4o2W4oqa4oqb4oqd4pah4oqU4omF4oqf4oqC4oqP4oqh4oav4oaZ4oaY4oa74per4pa94oyV4oiK4oqXL-KIp1xc4oi14omh4oi64oqe4oqg4o2l4oqV4oqc4oip4oqT4oqD4oqZ4ouF4o2Y4o2c4o2a4qyaJz_ijaPijaQh4o6L4oas4pqCzrfPgM-E4oiefl9bXXt9KCnCr0AkXCLihpB8IyIKJnAg4oqCImRlY29kZWQ6XHQiIERlY29kZSAiwqPCsS0xwrjChy7DjMKlwrPCsMKIMcKfwqXCnyzCo8K_KMK1wogxwqUrMjU2KSIg4oqCK0BcMOKHoTEyOSIuLOKItjviiJjCrMKxwq_ijLXiiJril4vijIrijIjigYU94omgPOKJpD7iiaUrLcOXw7fil7_igb_igpnihqfihqXiiKDip7vilrPih6HiiqLih4zima3ii6_ijYnijY_ijZbiipriipviip3ilqHiipTiiYXiip_iioLiio_iiqHihq_ihpnihpjihrvil6vilr3ijJXiiIriipcv4oinXFziiLXiiaHiiLriip7iiqDijaXiipXiipziiKniipPiioPiipnii4XijZjijZzijZrirJonP-KNo-KNpCHijovihqzimoLOt8-Az4TiiJ5-X1tde30oKcKvQCRcIuKGkHwjIg==)\n```\n\u25bd+.\u25ff2\u21e1\u29fb.\n```\n[Try it!](https://uiua.org/pad?src=ZiDihpAg4pa9Ky7il78y4oeh4qe7LgoKZiAiYWJjZGVmIgpmICJhYmNkZSIKZiAiYWIiCmYgImEiCmYgImFhYWEiCmYgImEgYiI=)\n```\n\u25bd+.\u25ff2\u21e1\u29fb.\n . # duplicate\n \u29fb # length\n \u21e1 # range\n \u25ff2 # modulo two\n +. # double\n\u25bd # keep\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 9 bytes\n```\n(UW^a1)X2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gs@P9fIzQ8LtFQM8Lo////Hqk5Ofk6CuH5RTkpigA \"Pip \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n a ; Command-line argument (string)\n ^ ; Split into list of characters\n UW ; Unweave into two lists of every other character\n( 1) ; Get the second of those lists\n X2 ; Double each character in it\n ; Concatenate together and output (implicit)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Nekomata](https://github.com/AlephAlpha/Nekomata), 3 bytes\n```\n\u012d:\u012c\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70iLzU7PzexJHFZtJJurlLsgqWlJWm6FkuPrLU6smZJcVJyMVRkwc1kpcSk5JTUNCUupdLcpKLUnJxEIDMnHwby0hVKUitKgGJAdUCyIjs5BUh5ABXm6yiE5xflpCgC-S5A7O0NksgEEvkpKfE5qXnpJRkgOSWIXQA)\n```\n\u012d:\u012c\n\u012d Uninterleave\n : Duplicate\n \u012c Interleave\n```\n[Answer]\n# APL+WIN, ~~15~~ 14 bytes\n-1 byte thanks to Ad\u00e1m\nPrompts for string\n```\n2/(~2|\u2373\u2374m)/m\u2190\u235e\n```\n[Try it online! Thanks to Dyalog Classic](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNzkksLs5M/v@ob6qvz6O2CcZcQJanP5BlyPWooz3tv5G@Rp1RzaPezY96t@Rq6ucCZR71zvsPlOP6n8aVmJSckprGlcZVmptUlJqTkwhk5uTDQF66QklqRQkXWB2QrMhOTgFSHkCF@ToK4flFOSmKQL4LEHt7gyQygUR@Skp8TmpeekmGIgA \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 13 bytes\n```\n{2/\u2375/\u2368~2|\u2373\u2262\u2375}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qKM97X@1kf6j3q1AvKLOqOZR7@ZHnYuA/FqQ5H8FIEjjMuSC0EBJQwMA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\npretty self explnatory\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 12 bytes\n```\n{\u2375/\u23680 2\u2374\u2368\u2262\u2375}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qKM97X/1o96t@o96VxgoGD3q3QJkPOpcBBSqBcn@VwCCNC5DLgj9qHezoQEA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAPL port of @jonah 's j answer\n[Answer]\n# [naz](https://github.com/sporeball/naz), 40 bytes\n```\n2x1v1x1f1r3x1v2e1r3x1v2e2o1f0x1x2f0a0x1f\n```\nIt's sure been a while, hasn't it? Works for any null-terminated input string.\n[Try it online!](https://sporeball.dev/naz/?code=2x1v1x1f1r3x1v2e1r3x1v2e2o1f0x1x2f0a0x1f&input=Hello%252C%2520World!&n=true)\n**Explanation** (with `0x` instructions removed)\n```\n2x1v # Set variable 1 equal to 0\n 1x1f # Function 1\n 1r # Read a byte of input\n 3x1v2e # Goto function 2 if it equals variable 1\n 1r # Read another byte of input\n 3x1v2e # Goto function 2 if it equals variable 1\n 2o1f # Otherwise, output twice and call function 1\n 1x2f # Function 2\n 0a # No-op\n 1f # Call function 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 34 bytes\n```\nf=lambda s:s and s[1:2]*2+f(s[2:])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PYzNasMwEITveortKXZrCvHRoJ5yCPgBfAjBSFn9YVkSkkzcp3ellHYvO/vNzoTvrL3rj0NSy1aODNKQgDmEdDsP/f29/5BNuvXDvT2e2lgB54GAcaEDv@UAFCJ7zuXectN@pmBNbk5Av@DUEgjRuAyyKXYLlL4SB@MPFLK@cI4oJdlWHoW1rKJ1jbFIRqz/G6cgiz1X9595pXLed1K6fovIvjywymVBJNdS5zuYfLT4VqkooOumKcbiXioh41jXOJKrqcIY4hFnK5zK@pUp1yyEUlr/AA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Lexurgy](https://www.lexurgy.com/sc), 32 bytes\nDocs [here](https://www.meamoria.com/lexurgy/html/sc-tutorial.html).\nDue to Lexurgy's input considering strings as \"stuff surrounded by whitespace\", no whitespace can appear in the input string. Otherwise, Lexurgy will consider `[\"Hello, world!\"]` as `[\"Hello,\", \"world!\"]`. Whitespace must be replaced with a different character (such as `_`).\n```\no:\n[] []$1=>* $1 $1\n[]=>* /_ $\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nonly-evens:\n [] []$1 => * $1 $1 # capture the second character and dup it\n [] => * / _ $ # remove last odd character as well\n```\n[Answer]\n# [sed 4.2.2](https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/), 5 bytes\n```\nn;p;p\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K05N@f8/z7rAuuD//0SuJK5krpR/@QUlmfl5xf918wA \"sed 4.2.2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes string input one character per line (if allowed).\n* `-n option` Don't print by default\n* `n;` Skips a line.\n* `p;p` Print the line twice.\n## [sed 4.2.2](https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/), 15 bytes\n```\ns/.\\(.\\)/\\1\\1/g\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K05N@f@/WF8vRkMvRlM/xjDGUD/9/3@P1JycfB2F8vyinBSuiuzkFAA \"sed 4.2.2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSolution taking a single string.\n* `s/.\\(.\\)/` Substitute any char, followed by any other char...\n* `\\1\\1/` With the 2nd char repeated twice...\n* `g` Globally\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 23 bytes\n```\n#~##&~#&/@#~Drop~;;;;2&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYo/C8IwFMT3foqaQCZFcLWWgh2ELoKDg4q8JukfTBOJTyiI@eqxr@ANd8fvbgDs9ADYS4jNLvLAuQhcrAseSu@eYTtpI@LR9xYvfJWzK2NZ3hT7DjxI1P5V8GymNxFOEmz4JAxqqXTDlgl7D7XXxgB14/6ybYp6RILTlWJ8SEV5mM5umZ6dN2pBoCSrqnnryZ1Sd6Nti928s@Qbfw \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nInput a list. Drops odd indices and doubles everything left.\n[Answer]\n# [munge](https://github.com/tomtheisen/munge), 20 bytes\n```\n/.(.)?/=>{$1 $1}\n```\n[Munge it!](https://munge.netlify.app/#eyJtIjoiLy4oLik/Lz0+eyQxICQxfSIsImkiOiJhYmNkZWZcbnVtYnJlbGxhXG5sb29vb29vb29vbmcgdGV4dFxuYWJjXG54a2NkXG5IZWxsbywgV29ybGQhXG5EXG5LS1xuSGlcbm9kZF9sZW5ndGghXG4ifQ==)\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 32 bytes\n```\n->s{s.scan(/.(.)/).map{_1*2}*''}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=PVBLToQwGI7b_xSVzcCEYaIrN8zKxSQcgIUaUugDQnmkLQkGOIkbYvRQehr7Q8Yu-j37N-3Hlx7y9_VTxN-DFaenH3K6mMlEpqCtf478KDgHUUP7KXs4Pi7Hw2HZe793gUfzgnFB4gvJc8aEgKHJNVeKotU0WjtKQXW31Upi-Wgx_fc6Ka0dR3Cz9kEw1gVDWteMwdWN60KSdlqxe3S5M8IwTbV26TM6kCQISQLXCklVQcdYpngrbbmdcSrjXMqyBJReZHpVWd97bb39bbOqWj4DQbiFWzMgsEScFuU0W25sqLlxtZ6gAEJj8YLsDS26bXHsKsRRXbUWLwBYYP-xdd3xDw)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) + `-p`, 11 bytes\nTakes a list of chars (to differentiate from [@Kjetil's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/241295/9365)).\n2 bytes saved thanks to [@Neil](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/17602/neil)!\n```\n$_ x=$|--*2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18lXqHCVqVGV1fL6P9/D65UrhwgzOfS4VLgCgfSRUBeCpfiv/yCksz8vOL/ugUA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\nUses the string repetition operator (`x`) to repeat `$_` `$|--*2` times which, since `$|` can only be `1` or `0`, will alternate between `0` or `2` for each character of input.\n[Answer]\n# [SimpleTemplate](https://github.com/ismael-miguel/SimpleTemplate) 0.84, 36 bytes\nRequires that an array of characters is passed to the `render()` method in PHP. [Argument unpacking](https://www.php.net/manual/en/functions.arguments.php#example-159) can be used for convenience. Each argument is 1 character.\n```\n{@eachargv}{@if__ is mod2}{@echo_,_}\n```\nThis is a full program.\n---\n## How it works?\nIt simply loops all over the arguments passed to the `render()` method.\nIt checks if the index is odd, and, in case it is, displays the character twice.\n---\n## About the code...\n* `{@eachargv}` \nThis is a simple loop over the elements in `argv`. \nAutomatically, the current value is stored in the variable `_` and the index is stored in `__`. \nA more readable example is `{@each argv as _ key __}`\n* `{@if__ is mod2}` \nThis checks if the key's [modulo](https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.arithmetic.php) is a truthy value. \nIf it is a truthy value, it means we are dealing with an odd index (the language is 0-indexed, like PHP).\nA readable alternative is `{@if __ is not multiple of 2}`\n* `{@echo_,_}` \nSimply outputs the character twice.\n* Usually, it would be needed to close the loop and the `if`, but it is optional since there isn't any other code to run outside.\n---\nYou can try this on \nPlease pick PHP 7.4.13.\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 6 bytes\n```\n.i=%2t\n```\n[Test suite](http://pythtemp.herokuapp.com/?code=.i%3D%252t&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%22abcdef%22%0A%22umbrella%22%0A%22looooooooong+text%22%0A%22abc%22%0A%22xkcd%22%0A%22Hello%2C+World%21%22%0A%22D%22%0A%22KK%22%0A%22Hi%22%0A%22odd_length%21%22%0A%22%22&debug=0). Slightly more interesting one..\n**Explanation:**\n```\n.i=%2t # whole program\n # take the implicit input (Q)\n t # remove the first letter\n %2 # keep the odd indices only\n %2t # keep the even indices only\n = # assign this to Q (the variable encountered)\n.i # then interleave this, with\n # newly assigned implicit Q (implicit output)\n```\n---\n### 7 bytes\nThis one uses a `map` in order to double the characters.\n```\ns+Rd%2t\n```\n[Test suite](http://pythtemp.herokuapp.com/?code=s%2BRd%252t&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%22abcdef%22%0A%22umbrella%22%0A%22looooooooong+text%22%0A%22abc%22%0A%22xkcd%22%0A%22Hello%2C+World%21%22%0A%22D%22%0A%22KK%22%0A%22Hi%22%0A%22odd_length%21%22%0A%22%22&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# [PLIS](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/PLIS), 13 bytes\n```\n&R($0@@i@VfB)\n```\nDefines a function `R` which takes a sequence as its first and only parameter. The language implements strings as infinite sequences of `0`s preceded by the string itself. This program works for all sequences, strings included.\nWe define a function instead of using command line parameters because it is currently impossible to supply anything besides big integers through command line parameters. This would be 9 bytes if it were possible to supply, say, a string via command line (`$0@@i@VfB`).\n```\nprint(R(\"umbrella\")) #=> mmrrllaa\nprint(R(\"Hello, World!\")) #=> eell,,WWrrdd\nprint(R(\"odd_length!\")) #=> dd__eegghh\n```\n## Explanation\nAfter expanding shortnames, we have the following, equivalent code:\n```\n&R($0@@A000035@A004526)\n&R( ) define a function R\n A000035 a(n) = n%2 ( 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ... )\n @ indices where true; ( 1 3 5 7 9 11 ... )\n using shortnames, this is shorter than the equivalent \n A005408; compare CwB <=> @i\n @ index by\n A004526 non-negative integers repeated ( 0 0 1 1 2 2 ...)\n this gives ( 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 9 9 ... )\n $0@ index input by this sequence\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Dis](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Dis), 4 bytes\n```\n}}{{\n```\n[Offline interpreter on dis.web](https://tpaefawzen.github.io/dis.web/#source=%7D%7D%7B%7B&input_enc=utf-8&input=Hello%2C+World%21&output_enc=utf-8)\nEasy for this kind of task.\nA string of any bytes shall be given from standard input, and outputs to standard output.\n## Explained\n```\n} store odd-indexed byte to accumulator\n 59048 is stored if EOF\n } same for even-indexed byte\n { output the accumulator\n halt if accumulator is 59048\n { same\n implicitly NOP until cell 59048\n loop back to cell 0\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Rust](https://rust-lang.org), 118 bytes\n```\nfn main(){let y=&mut\"\".into();std::io::stdin().read_line(y);for(i,c)in(0..).zip(y.chars()){if i%2>0{print!(\"{c}{c}\")}}}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=LY5RCsIwEESvUgPKLtRQBUFS9CpS0gQX2rSkKRJDTuJPED2UtzFSYT4ezDAzj5edJ5fSe3Z6e_zctCn6hgxg6JQr_GnTz44xTsYNgPXkWiFoECLDL8StatpLR0aBx1oPFqiUmJ2Kc-R3GsFzeW3sBIiBdEHr_bkKo811K2BBxiyGMcZl_v8iPXeHhb4)\nHalf is just stdin...\nElse,\n---\n# [Rust](https://rust-lang.org), ~~108~~ ~~106~~ 94 bytes\n```\n|c:&str|{let mut s=format!(\"\");for(i,c)in(0..).zip(c.chars()){if i%2>0{s.push(c);s.push(c)}}s}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=PY1NCsIwFISvEgPKe1BDcSWWehUJoSGB_pGXbExzEjdZ6N6lV_E2VgOu5mOGmbndXSCfn3pkg7QjYOw7z2T7CF7vj-_Lok478m752UPwjFo9uUH6DXCOzcpgK4VrsxYCxdXOoIQy0hEgRquZ3R7OdSQxBzKgsPlTSpSacvOanR2_izHxSgI3Xd9PHDGVOOeiHw)\n[Answer]\n# [Rattle](https://github.com/DRH001/Rattle), 25 bytes\n```\n|!I=@[0q][=#%[1=#1g`bb]]@\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://www.drh001.com/rattle/?flags=&code=%7C!I%3D%40%5B0q%5D%5B%3D%23%25%5B1%3D%231g%60bb%5D%5D%40&inputs=Hello%2C%20World!)\nMight not be the most elegant solution...\n# Explanation\n```\n| parse input\n ! disables implicit output (necessary only for special case of empty input)\n I save input as char array in consecutive memory slots, move pointer to next empty slot\n =@ set top of stack to value of pointer\n [0q] if the pointer is in the zero position (meaning empty input), terminate the program\n [ ]@ repeat x number of times where x is the value of the pointer (to iterate over all input characters)\n \n =# set top of stack to current loop iterator\n % mod 2\n [1 ] if the result is 1...\n =#1 set top of stack to current loop iterator for main loop\n g` get value from the memory slot according to the top of the stack\n bb add char to output buffer twice with no separator \n```\n[Answer]\n# [Rockstar](https://codewithrockstar.com/), 70 bytes\n```\nlisten to S\ncut S\nO's \"\"\nwhile S\nroll S\nlet O be+roll S*2 or \"\"\nsay O\n```\n[Try it](https://codewithrockstar.com/online) (Code will need to be pasted in)\nOr, if we can output each pair of characters separately:\n## 51 bytes\n```\nlisten to S\ncut S\nwhile S\nroll S\nsay roll S*2 or \"\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) [`-hP`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14339/), ~~5~~ 4 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\nThe `\u00ac` can be removed if we can take input as a character array.\n```\n\u00acm\u00b2\u00f3\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&flags=LWhQ&code=rG2y8w&input=IkhlbGxvLCBXb3JsZCEi)\n[Answer]\n# *[Acc!!](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/Acc!!)*, 46 bytes\n```\nN\nN\nCount i while _/32 {\nWrite _\nWrite _\nN\nN\n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xOTkr6/9@Py4/LOb80r0QhU6E8IzMnVSFe39hIoZorvCizBMiB0yCFtf//e6Tm5OTrKITnF@WkKAIA \"Acc!! \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n# Read two characters\nN\nN\n# Loop while the most recent character code is 32 or greater\nCount i while _/32 {\n # Write the most recent character twice\n Write _\n Write _\n # Read two more characters\n N\n N\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 11 bytes\n```\nii::1+?!;oo\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/PzPTyspQ217ROj/////8lJT4nNS89JIMRQA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/math_golf.txt), ~~6~~ 5 [bytes](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/code_page.py)\n```\n{\u00ef\u00a5\u221e*\n```\n-1 byte thanks to *@Neil*.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##y00syUjPz0n7/7/68PpDSx91zNP6/18pMSk5JTVNiUupNDepKDUnJxHIzMmHgbx0hZLUihKgGFAdkKzITk4BUh5Ahfk6CuH5RTkpikC@CxB7e4MkMoFEfkpKfE5qXnpJhqISAA)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n{ # Foreach over the characters of the (implicit) input-string:\n \u00ef # Push the 0-based loop index\n \u00a5 # Modulo-2 this index\n \u221e # Double it\n * # Repeat the current character that many times (0 results in an empty string)\n # (after which the entire stack joined together is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 74 bytes\n```\nfrom functools import*\nlambda s:reduce(tuple.__add__,zip(s[1::2],s[1::2]))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/P60oP1chrTQvuSQ/P6dYITO3IL@oRIsrJzE3KSVRodiqKDWlNDlVo6S0ICdVLz4@MSUlPl6nKrNAozja0MrKKFYHSmtq/v8PAA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), ~~76~~ 74 bytes\n```\n\tI =INPUT\nN\tI POS(X) LEN(1) (LEN(1) | '') . E @X =E E\t:S(N)\n\tOUTPUT =I\nEND\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87LT8rPMfn/n9NTwdbTLyA0hMsPyAzwD9aI0FTwcfXTMNRU0IDSNQrq6poKegquCg4RCrauCq6cVsEafppcnP6hIUCdQAO4XP1c/v/3SM3JyddRCM8vyklRBAA \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Burlesque](https://github.com/FMNSSun/Burlesque), 6 bytes\n```\n2en)^^\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyotykktLixN/Z@TV/3fKDVPMy7uf21udHBATHRxxn@P1JycfB2F8PyinBRFrsSk5JTUNK7S3KQioHgiV04@DOSlK5SkVpSAVHBVZCencLlweXtzeWRy5aekxOek5qWXZCgCAA \"Burlesque \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n2en # Take every 2nd\n)^^ # Map duplicate char\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J-uby](https://github.com/cyoce/J-uby), 21 bytes\n```\n~:gsub&'\\1\\1'&/.(.)?/\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=TZBBCoJAFIZp6ymmgiywwl0E1iYi8AAuKsTxjaM5NjHOgG26SBsJOkKX6TQJNqOzecz3_bwf3vN9CRW-16-991Yyma8-jzUtFZ7YJ_fk2pPlYrqYbZet-w5mNyVLtD-OIhwDSUZnNEbeBmEMkCSWlqrAgjAWaV0UQjTfyAQY1-9KkSSV1EnDOaVSVpXV6-vKDK3yGDTOcwAjDk09d1DABYOhTpAGOk4QCNFL7v7WAN_Xed_v9mUaZpmBHCBk5EplaioaEhJCaZq2F6vrdv4A)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n### Your task\nGiven a string, output the range of ASCII values.\n### Example\nLet's say we have the string `Hello`.\nWe get the ASCII values:\n* `H` = 72\n* `e` = 101\n* `l` = 108\n* `l` = 108\n* `o` = 111\nNow, we get the range (`max - min`):\n* 111 - 72 = 39\nOur answer is 39.\n### Test cases\n```\nInput Output\nHello, World! 82\naaaaa 0\nCode Golf 79\nStack Exchange 88\nASCII 18\n```\n### Scoring\nFor scoring, we will get the range of ASCII/Unicode values of your program source code, and add that to the length of your code in bytes.\nFor example, with the program `abc`, the score would be:\n* 3 (the length of the program) + 2 (the ASCII range of the program) = 5\nYou can use [this TIO link](https://tio.run/##RYyxCoMwFEX3fMXbTKh16SZ0KJ2Ebu3S8dVEDSR54SUF/XobKeh2OefeG5c8Ubisq/WROENakmC4gkP/0QiuBY@zdArO4G0oQdBhUwvOpiw9Rkmsa0hKieHwcwssSc6F2kLLd5OytqFhg1oqgQUO0irhto0JW4xsQ5bV7XnvOmAMo2mrGnAXDxPGPG3M7exFGR2knvhfPjm1rm/6MvSkDYxkEkyGzQ8) to get your score.\n### Clarifications\n* There will be no non-ASCII characters in the input (but your program source code may contain non-ASCII characters)\n* There will be no newline characters in the input (but your program source code may include newlines)\n* **Lowest score wins**\n \n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), score 37 (length 7, range 30)\n```\nX>GX % Implicit input. Maximum\nG % Push input again\nX< % Minimum\nZP % Distance (of code points). Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), 79 bytes + 28 = ~~145 138 129 112 111~~ 107\n*-7 score thanks to [@Digital Trauma](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/11259/digital-trauma) \n~~-9~~ -10 score thanks to [@jdt](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/41374/jdt)*\n```\nA,B;D(*C)??<*CB?B=*C:0;*++C?D(C):0;??>C(*C)??\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jVBNT4QwED3TXzGSbAIFshyNXWiga3STve1hDysHLB9LrNAAuhrDXxdbRA/Egz29eTNvOu9xj4u0LscxcmOytTCzKd1gtoloFGB2g1kY01gjn2DHYXRrMVthSkM2D0eB7hPdIJgFsRfp7ljVPXpOq9p6barMRh/IUAzgPu/6UwIBKMLYm/e5EI0Lx6YV2ZXpTlyq34xZk@Vw14hirg99yp/g9o2f1dH5TEYHttv94F8bpqrXGBzAa9ib/zK1kMwWl4v@MrxUTtf4yBhcwFi68PhSnK79xIU27wlCRtG0YEkVg86DAJYEHEfaUyoX3nH5bimJEkubKIrpakKyVTEWlrkSHXghrLKH2tRj31/4iR4a0DB@8kKkZTd6fVuVbSrPCl6@AA \"C (clang) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n`??<` and `??>` are trigraphs for `{` and `}` respectively\n```\nA,B; // A will track the minimum, B will track the maximum\nD(*C){ // D() will traverse C updating the values of A and B\n *CB? // else if current character > B\n B=*C // update B with it's value\n :0; // else, do nothing\n *++C? // if we're not at the end of the string\n D(C) // call D recursively with the next character\n :0; // else, do nothing\n} // end D()\nC(*C){ // C() takes the string, which is also where we'll store the output\n A=B=*C; // initialize A and B with the first character in C\n D(C); // call D\n *C=B-A; // store the range (max - min) in the out argument\n} // end C()\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) + GNU utilities, 52 bytes + 92 range = 144\n```\nod -An -w1 -td1 -v|sort -n|sed -n '1p;$p'|dc -e??r-p\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##nY2xDoIwFAD3fsWTYLrYgZmBEEKUxMHIYBwr7yHEpq9piTj03yv@gjfccsM9dJjSOs2GwJPGEpCF87NdRpD7ICHLr@3lfM8gJkZQtQW1FqAW3PSOgf0CysZAW7MgC1fmTkYcQFFVeeUSsqV0ImP4ADf2BndC/xANI8GRzSj6RQ8vaD/DpO2TRN03XSf@mYkv \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 13 bytes + 39 = 52\n```\na:A^aMXaADMNa\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://dso.surge.sh/#@WyJwaXAiLCIiLCJhOkFeYU1YYUFETU5hIiwiIiwiIiwiXCJIZWxsbywgV29ybGQhXCIiXQ==)\n### Explanation\nA straight code-golf solution to the challenge might look like this:\n```\nA*:a;Ma-Na\n a First command-line argument\nA* Get ASCII value of each character\n : and assign that list of integers back to a\n ; Statement separator\n Na Minimum of a\n a- Subtract that from each element in a\n M and take the maximum of the resulting list\n```\nThis gets a score of 65. The `a` for getting the command-line argument and `A` for taking ASCII values are both necessary, so to improve the score we'll need to look at the characters with ASCII values less than `A`.\nThe smallest character is `*`, which we can get rid of by splitting the string into a list of characters with `^` and passing that list to `A` directly:\n```\nA*:a\n ->\na:A^a\n```\nThe next-smallest character is `-`, which we can get rid of by using the absolute difference operator `AD` instead. Then we have to rearrange a bit more to avoid needing a space; we'll use the old `MX` and `MN` operators for max and min instead of the newer `M` and `N`.\n```\nMa-Na\n ->\nMXaADMNa\n```\n(We could also keep using `M`, but since it also requires a semicolon to parse correctly, the score is the same if we replace it with `MX` which doesn't need the semicolon.)\n[Answer]\n# [Alumin](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/Alumin), ~~36~~ 19 bytes + ~~22~~ 20 = ~~58~~ 39\n```\nidiqdhhhwrvsruripkc\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8wpzc3M@/8/MyWzMCUjI6O8qKy4qLQosyA7GasgAA \"Alumin \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBoth the right language for the job~~, and horribly inefficient at it!~~ Turns out, I'm just an inefficient thinker!\n## Explanation\n```\nidiqdhhhwrvsruripkc\n explanation | stack\nid take input, duplicate | MAX MIN\n iq ip while input > 0 | MAX MIN in\n d duplicate | MAX MIN in in\n hhhw grab top 3 | MAX [ MIN in in ]\n r reverse stack | MAX [ in in MIN ]\n v get lesser of two | MAX [ in MIN' ]\n s ungrab | MAX in MIN'\n r reverse stack | MIN' in MAX\n u get greater of two | MIN' MAX'\n r reverse stack | MAX' MIN'\n (this gives us a better score than using `y` to swap 2)\n loop finishes | MAX MIN -1\n k discard eof | MAX MIN\n c subtract | MAX-MIN\n```\n## Explanation (Old)\n```\nhqidrlhcwrspkrklhhgwfufsykrlhcwfvfsc\nh push 1 (to start loop)\n q p input loop\n id take input, duplicate\n r reverse stack\n lhc stack length - 1\n wrs reverse that many elements off the stack\n this has the effect of pushing two copies of the input\n krk pop trailing EOF twice\n lhhg stack length / 2\n w grab that many elements into a new stack\n fuf fold over maximum\n sykr place on bottom stack, remove initial 1\n lhc stack length - 1\n w grab that many elements as before\n fvf fold over minimum\n sc push and subtract\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), score 56 (length 6, range 50)\n```\n@range\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/f/foSgxLz31f5qCrUJiXrE1V5qGukdqTk6@jkJ4flFOiqK6JkgoEQQgTOf8lFQF9/ycNAg3uCQxOVvBtSI5A2QORMwx2NnTE8KEGK@u@R8A \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Terse](https://gymhgy.github.io/TerseLang/), 7 bytes + 6769 = 6776\n```\n\u627e\u6ca1\u6700\u624b\u6837\u627e\u5230\n```\n[Try it here](https://gymhgy.github.io/TerseLang/?code=wGm9voTAag&in=IuaJvuayoeacgOaJi-agt-aJvuWIsCI)\nCould be worse.\n```\n\u627e\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000Char codes\n\u3000\u6ca1\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000Maximum, after\n\u3000\u3000\u6700\u624b\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000Squaring and then square root (identity)\n\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u6837\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000Subtract\n\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u3000\u627e\u5230\u3000\u3000Minimum\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Nibbles](http://golfscript.com/nibbles/index.html), ~~9~~ 12 bytes + ~~56~~ ~~49~~ 38 = 50\n```\n;*;-;o;/;\\;`<@@o;/_$;`$$\n```\nThis corresponds to the [Nibbles](http://golfscript.com/nibbles/index.html) program with nibbles:\n```\n6 a 6 9 6 e 6 a 6 b 6 e 4 d 4 e 6 a 5 3 6 d 7 3\n```\nWhich, paired-up into bytes, gives\n```\n6a 69 6e 6a 6b 6e 4d 4e 6a 53 6d 73\n```\nwhich can be read-out as a string (with the same ASCII values)\n```\njinjknMNjSms\n```\nwith ASCII range 115 (`73`) - 77 (`4d`) = 38.\n---\n**How?**\nWe start from a straightforward code-golf solution to the question: `-o/\\;`<$$o/` (5.5 bytes, 11 nibbles):\n```\n-o/\\;`<$@o/\n- # subtract\n o # character value of\n / # fold over\n \\ # reverse of\n ; # (save)\n `< # sorted\n @ # input\n $ # returning left element each time\n # (so the fold returns the first element)\n # from\n o # character value of\n / # fold over\n # (implicit) saved sorted input\n # (implicit) returning left element each time\n```\nThe nibbles are slightly re-arranged in the final program, since the 2-nibble 'sort' function ( ``<`) wraps around its argument (here `$`). Thus, the paired-up nibbles from this are:\n```\n-o /\\ ;` @< $o / # program code (in final order)\n9e ab 6e 4d 3e a # nibbles\n```\nWe can reduce the range of bytes by inserting 'save' operators (`;`, nibble `6`) to shift high-valued nibbles into the least-significant-nibble position of each byte. \nThis doesn't affect the output, but we need to override the final implicit variable to account for the saved (but ignored) values. Hence:\n```\n;- ;o ;/ ;\\ ;` @< $o ;/ ;$ # program code (in final order), with final variable changed to ;$\n69 6e 6a 6b 6e 4d 3e 6a 63 # nibbles\n```\nModifying both folds (so returning right element `@` instead of left element `$`) avoids the lowest byte `3e`, but unfortunately outputs a negated value. \nSo we multiply (and save: `;*`) the negated value by its own sign (also saved: `;`$`): this corrects the output, introducing a new highest byte of `73`, but the overall score is still reduced.\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/KOztR.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/KOztR.png)\n[Answer]\n# [Julia](https://julialang.org), 22 bytes + 80 = 102\n```\n+s=-(-(extrema(s)...))\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m700qzQnM3HBgqWlJWm6Ftu0i211NXQ1UitKilJzEzWKNfX09DQ1IZI3G6OVPFJzcvJ1FMLzi3JSFJV0lBUULIy4lBJBAMyDAwMuJef8lFQF9_ycNISMuSWXUnBJYnK2gmtFckZiXnoqxAwLLiXHYGdPTyVkIxQMLbhi9WrsCooy80py8h51zNCGOATmWgA)\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, score: 134 (54 bytes)\n```\ns->s.chars().max().orElse(0)-s.chars().min().orElse(0)\n```\n[**Try it online**](https://tio.run/##dVLBTuMwEL33KwafbKU1e0IrKlaCqLAcFlYExIFFq8FxGhfXruxpAaF@e7GT0q1WIpEmmTfjN@@NPMMVjmb180ZZjBF@oXHvAwDjSIcGlYarnHYAKF5RMG4KUYwTuB6kEAnJKLgCByebOPoRpWoxRC7kHF9T9GFio@bfxGivYtx@ZTPORIvlk01EW76VNzXMk5jtyIdHFNQG/xJh8qr0gox3vbDGB77CAKQjlRj1sdMv8Hnonf3U1voh3Ptg6wM2ZJif9C19reHC2yb9V4TqOfO26KY6AadVeXnJ1qIbAFC9RdJz6ZckF4mXrOOf0wp2DKxwUu0QITo7AFmUylNO4J8kPkv7ls542Rir5XkKUQaN9am1Z2@J47@G30it9A1n8lBmMpmMMyGGsGvrlqpJJhOuxlCXfR7l3e353@9CxoU1xNkfx8TD0eN48IWh3FDkCWK8Ux90XFrK@pO/vVq@C1a7KbWp1qnqMy6@pq/K65tJ3hXvWYv@iCgYcFZsMZbeHi@YYNtLtt58AA) (also contains code to extract the lambda function from the code-block and calculate its score: `(max_codepoint - min_codepoint) + length`).\nNot too much too improve unfortunately.\n* We could change the `x` to `\\u0078`, but unfortunately the next highest codepoint then becomes `u` which isn't too much lower than `x`, so the +5 in byte-count is higher than the -3 in codepoint, giving a +2 in score instead of decrease: [Try it online](https://tio.run/##dVLBThsxEL3nK6Y@2drE5NQiIirRVaAcSiu2iAOgyvV6sw6OHdmTUITy7el4N4QIiV3J9rwZv/dm5Llaq9G8ftxqp1KCH8r6lwGA9Whio7SBqxx2AGheYbR@BklMCNwMaEmo0Gq4Ag@n2zT6mqRuVUxcyIW6X43HX47pGOLUJcPHYnSQtv4ws51ktuXqryO2Hek62BoW5Gine/egBLYxPCWY/tNmiTb43l0TIl@rCGgSliqZE2@e4PXSC/tunAtDuA3R1Z/YkKn80V6G2sBFcA2dK1T6MfO2ys8MAWdVeXnJNqITAKieE5qFDCuUS@JF5/mrWsFOgBVe6j0iRNcOQDals8opvFnicxq69DbIxjojz2lJMhpVnzn37Zk43hX8UtjK0HAmj2Qmk9Q4E2II@7JuqAYlNeFrFeuyj5O8@X3@51jItHQWObv3TNx9fpgMPmgoFxRZQUz27qNJK4fZP/V3kMsPwhk/w5Zynas@4uJj@qr8eT3Ns@I9a9FfEQUDzoodxujv8YIJtntpm@1/).\n* Using a regular for-loop requires both `{}` and a space, so the difference of the max-min codepoints would widen on both ends. And in addition it's longer anyway: [Try it online](https://tio.run/##dVLBjtMwEL33KwafbKU1nBBtNotKtAt7yIIIKw6lQsZxmnQdu7KnXaqq317spFsE0iaS7Xl6897M2GuxE5N19XiSWngPhWjNYQTQGlSuFlLBfQx7ACSVjXCLpWdpwI6jsHgU2Eq4BwPZyU@uD5HXZdPpdFxkb9LaOtpnzjw7dJm86t7LWZcWmbwuwqlIj07h1hkoJl16PKVRcrP9pYPkWXln2wq6UBUt0bVmtVgKho2zTx5ufku1wdaaocLotRMOUHnMhVczo57gOelAPimt7Ri@W6erV2RMRPzCnttKwUer63AuUcjHqNsIs1IBmJf53R05st4AoNx7VB23W@SboIva0Ge3hMyAJIbLC8LR5mFcc@fEnjLG@uYAYokyembwt0C6DtfATWt53WrFb8PiuVOimmv9YR8U/yN8EdhwW1PCX/MoxsMYCGNjuNDiTXmFPLRkKuGqfIg9f/h2@/Md436jW6TkhyFs8XaZjl5oLxKS6MDSS/VO@a3GWH/odnD/p9P08mC0MitsArNnDRFlL5uV@eevN3GOdPBIhhSWEKAkOWMk/AOeEEbOT/F4@gM).\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns-> // Method with String parameter and integer return-type\n s.chars() // Convert the String to an IntStream of codepoint integers\n .max() // Get the maximum of these codepoints\n .orElse(0) // Convert the OptionalInt to an int\n // (`.orElse(0)` is 1 byte shorter than `.getAsInt()`)\n - // And subtract\n s.chars().min().orElse(0)\n // The same to get the minimum codepoint\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Excel](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/excel), score = ~~103~~ 94 (length 46, range 48)\n-9 score thanks to [Engineer Toast](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/38183/engineer-toast)\n```\n=LET(A,CODE(RIGHT(A1,ROW(A:A))),MAX(A)-MIN(A))\n```\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/SzCp3.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/SzCp3.png)\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), ~~12 bytes + 86 = 98~~ 13 bytes + 56 = 69\nh/t @isaacg\n```\n+/1_-':@/1<:\\\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJxLs9LWN4zXVbdy0De0sYrh4srPSbHS1deo0bdW09d0iLHi4gqx0lDySM3JyVcIzy/KSVFU4lJQUFBKBAIIyzk/JVXBPT8nDcINLklMzlZwrUjOSMxLT4WIOQY7e3pCmEhmx1hBhFBcEKOkycWVph7CBQBShCQG)\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 3 bytes + 32 = 35\n```\nSds\n```\n### Explanation\n```\nSds\nS % Sort implicit input\n d % Difference between adjacent elements\n s % Sum the values\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/Pzil@P9/dY/UnJx8HYXw/KKcFEV1AA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 5 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page) + 149 = 154\nI think this is about as good as it's going to get in Jelly due to the distance between `O` (unavoidable as it's the only way to get the ordinals of the input string) and the large ordinals of Unicode characters representing the bytes for mapping and getting maximums and minimums, index into a list etc.\n```\nO\u00deOIS\n```\nA monadic Link that accepts a list of characters and yields the range size as an integer.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/9//8Dx/z@D///@rewAF8nUUwvOLclIU1QE \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\nO\u00deOIS - Link: list of characters (ordinal)\n \u00de - sort by: (222)\nO - ordinal value (79)\n O - ordinal values (79)\n I - forward differences (73)\n S - sum (83)\n ----\n 222\n - 73\n ====\n 149\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 11 bytes + [63](https://tio.run/##RYy9CsIwGEX3PMW3NcHaxS2iUAShIDjUxfGz6U8gfyQZWl8@pgjtdjnn3uuWOFlzSklqZ32EsATi4QIK9UcgKA4aZ6oYHEFLkwOxuw0clAyRanTUelFCYIwMu585eGrpnKnMNH9XIQppKt@joIxghgOVjKh105s1Oi9NpEXd3poGPJqx50UJuIlHb8Y4rUxt7GUjKgid9f/yQbGU6vZ7tef7@6m7Hw) = 74\n```\nASz>o;FYOmc\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/3zG4yi7f2i3SPzf5////Hqk5Ofk6CuH5RTkpigA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\nASz>o;FYOmc\n m # map over input\n c # getting character values\n O # and sort into ascending order;\n z # now, zip together\n > # getting differences\n S # the sorted list itself\n # and\n o; # the single-element list of\n F # fold over the sorted list\n Y # getting pairwise maxima\nA # finally, get the average\n # of the resulting single-element list.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 42 bytes + 80 = 122\n```\ns=>Math.max(...b=Buffer(s))-Math.min(...b)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Xc/BbsIwDAbgO0/hRRwSAWHbhW5SkQChwWGnHnYlhKQthBiSDDFNffauHSBV8dH@7F/ei4vw0pWnMLK4U7VOa59OP0Uo@FFcKed8m86/tVaOesZGt0Fp/weslmg9GsUN5nSTSXTqHfq/FlLQPGAWXGlzyrhRNg9FBdufoDwMGnJuCe0iVjWtdncA52rDer3ubU3JShmDQ/hCZ3ZPBBiD8RiS15iJtgg86saeY7VoXoUPNJp01OQtZlkQ8gDLqyyEzRW5ZyYxm2WL9TrOfEnqPw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ly](https://github.com/LyricLy/Ly), 8 bytes + 70 = 78\n```\nia0I-s>l\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y6n8/z8z0cBTt9gu5///4JLE5GwF14rkjMS89FQA \"Ly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI found a shorter program, but the character range of the code was big enough that it had a higher total score.\n```\nia - read STDIN onto stack as codepoints, sort the stack\n 0I - copy the bottom of the stack to the top\n - - subtract to get the range\n s>l - save result, switch to clean stack, load result\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Raku](https://www.raku.org/), 25 bytes\nASCII range: 88\nLength: 25\nTotal score: 113\n```\n[-] @_.ords.minmax[*-1,0]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7X1yapJCmUP0/WjdWwSFeL78opVgvNzMvN7EiWkvXUMcg9n@ttUJBUWZeCVCZukdqTk6@jkJ4flFOiqL6fwA \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), score 70 (16 bytes, range 54)\n```\n[:+/2-/\\a.I.]\\:]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/P03B1koh2kpb30hXPyZRz1MvNsYq9n9qcka@QpqCukdqTk6@jkJ4flFOiqL6fwA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* `]` `\\:` `]`: Pass the input (using the identity function [`]`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d500.htm)) on both sides of [`\\:`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d431.htm) to sort it in descending order.\n* `a.` `I.`: For each character of the sorted input, find its index in the [\"alphabet\"](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/dadot.htm); at least on TIO's setup, this contains all of [ISO-8859-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO-8859-1) in order, which includes ASCII. Thus, this produces the ASCII values of the characters, while keeping the highest used character lower than the straightforward method of `3` [`u:`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/duco.htm) would. \n([`I.`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/dicapdot.htm) would also take the following index if a character is not found, but that never happens; it was chosen over [`i.`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/didot.htm) to reduce the highest used character.)\n* `2-/\\`: For each length-2 subarray (from the `2` and [`\\`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d430.htm)), subtract the second value from the first ([`-`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d120.htm) [`/`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d420.htm)).\n* `[:` `+/`: Take the sum ([`+`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d100.htm) [`/`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d420.htm)) of the values, using [`[:`](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d502.htm) to do so monadically.\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal) -v, 35 bytes, score 61\n```\ncastminusordceilceil[q]ordminmin[q]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z85sbgkNzOvtDi/KCU5NTMHhKMLY4E8oCgQAdnEKdItywEA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Abusing Charcoal's verbose parser again. In order for it to recognise `q` as a variable name I can't follow it with a letter, so the next nearest suitable characters are the list delimiters. I've also used `ceil` instead of `max` to avoid using an `x`; this costs 2 bytes but overall saves 1 from my score. Normally the program would be written like this:\n```\nPrint(Cast(Minus(Ordinal(Maximum(q)), Ordinal(Minimum(q)))));\n```\nThe best I could do in succinct Charcoal was a score of 10135:\n```\n\u2b46\u03c8\u207b\u2105\u2308\u03b8\u2105\u230a\u03b8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRCO4BEil@yYWaFTqKPhm5pUWa/gXpWTmJeZo@CZWZOaW5moUamrqKMAFM/NggkBg/f//o7Vt5zseNe5@1NL6qKfj3A4w3XVux3/dshwA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: The limiting factors here are the Greek letter `\u03b8` needed for the two occurrences of the input variable (the only other input method uses `\uff33` which has a ridiculously high Unicode code point of 65531) and the `\u2b46` used to stringify the result (again, `\uff29` would have had far too high a code point).\n```\n \u03c8 Predefined string null character\n\u2b46 Map over characters and join\n \u03b8 Input string\n \u2308 Maximium\n \u2105 Ordinal\n \u207b Minus\n \u03b8 Input string\n \u230a Minimum\n \u2105 Ordinal\n Implicitly print\n```\nIf using bytes from Charcoal's code page was allowed, its score would \"only\" be 210:\n```\n\uff33\u03b1\uff29\u207b\u2105\u2308\u03b1\u2105\u230a\u03b1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/98zr6C0JLikKDMvXSNR05orAMgq0XBOLC7R8M3MKy3W8C9KycxLzNHwTazIzC3NBSrS1FGAC2bmwQSBwPr//8NTDy883Hlo7aFmqcMLDzVLHl74X7csBwA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: The limiting factors here are that `\u230a` (`Minimum`) is byte index 25 while `\u03b1` (variable `a`) is byte index 225, although I did reduce my score by 14 by taking the input into `\u03b1` rather than the default input of `\u03b8` (variable `q`, byte index 241).\n```\n\uff33 Input as a string\n \u03b1 Store in variable `a`\n \u03b1 Input string\n \u2308 Maximum\n \u2105 Ordinal\n \u207b Subtract\n \u03b1 Input string\n \u230a Minimum\n \u2105 Ordinal\n \uff29 Cast to string\n Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 8 bytes + 34 = 42\n```\n+F.+CDCM\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/X9tNT9vZxdn3/38lGFMJAA \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* `CM`: Map to ASCII value\n* `CD`: Sort (equivalent to `S`)\n* `.+`: Deltas (Differences between consecutive elements, all nonegative because of sort)\n* `+F`: Sum (equivalent to `s`)\nUsing `.+` is golfier than `h` and `e`, and also stays within the established ASCII value range.\n[Answer]\n# [Burlesque](https://github.com/FMNSSun/Burlesque), 12 bytes + 52 = 64\n```\n)**J>]\\/<].-\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyotykktLixN/V/9X1NLy8suNkbfJlZP939teM5/j9ScnHwuZGEA \"Burlesque \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n)** # Map to char code\nJ # Duplicate\n>] # Maximum\n\\/ # Swap\n<] # Minimum\n.- # Difference\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/5.0.0/#csc), 98 score (18 bytes)\nASCII range: 80 \nLength: 18 \n```\ns=>s.Max()-s.Min()\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY7LCsIwEEX3/Yoxq4Q@EJdqC1J8FCoIFVyHJG2DJZEmlYL47bUPoYizGc6Zy3CZ8ZmR3aFRbGtsLVXhgVQ2ghzCzoSRCc60xcTvt1SYdBvnKozF6CSqSiPygx7cdF3xxazpMDPGmgs46iqfVWYpu8O@ZSVVhZj9LouTZMAv/1cZj08tOYyJqXzf/dFY8nIAbrW0IpVK4NG5aI1chIIL5anILV4t/dEHqVCFLYmbTznSv313Hw \"C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* -27 score thanks to Kevin Cruijssen for the tip to use C# Interactive\n---\n# [C# (Visual C# Compiler)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/5.0.0/#csc), 125 score (36 bytes)\nASCII range: 89 \nLength: 36 \nTotal score: 125\n```\ns=>s.Max()-s.Min()\n```\nIf we're going traditional through the compiler then we have to include an extra 18 bytes for `using System.Linq;`\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jc1LCoMwEIDhfU8xdZWAegGrUKQPoULBhesQow1NE@rEYimePY3FvZ3NwPD9DMeII3cDSt1B9UYrHvFF6mcCXDFEuMIH0DIrObyMbKBkUhPqj4s9Dprv0PY@D0Fqm0ELKThMM4xLNhIa@T0nLtksSW40GiXiupdW@F@CtCQ4C6VMQOkfKoTa9KrZrmo2z6rKTSPgZFS7KivL@B0OI78x3YlVvq/yovipCSb3BQ \"C# (Visual C# Compiler) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 6 bytes + 67 = score 73\n```\nC:G$g-\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJBIiwiIiwiQzpHJGctIiwiIiwiXCJIZWxsbywgV29ybGQhXCJcblwiQzpHJGctXCJcblwiYVwiIl0=)\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 31 bytes + 85 = 116\n```\nToCharacterCode@s//Max@#-Min@#&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n1icnJkZlJiXnhpdHB9cUpSZlx6rYGX7PyTfOSOxKDG5JLXIOT8l1aFYX983scJBWdc3M89BWQ1Zn5JHak5Ovo5CeH5RToqiUqy@fgDQmBIuZCWJIIBdCmS8gnt@Thp26eCSxORsBdeK5AwQH7sax2BnT0@41H8A)\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2) `GB`, 2 + 24 = 26\n```\nG_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://Not-Thonnu.github.io/run#aGVhZGVyPSZjb2RlPUdfJmZvb3Rlcj0maW5wdXQ9SGVsbG8mZmxhZ3M9R0I=)\nPort of lyxal's Vyxal answer.\n#### Explanation\n```\nG_ # Implicit input\n # Convert to codepoints\nG # Maximum codepoint\n _ # Subtract each input codepoint\n # Find the maximum\n # Implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Sequences](https://github.com/nayakrujul/sequences), score = 73 + 4.12 = 77.12\n(Sequences uses the 96 printable ASCII characters as its codepage, so the byte count of this program is \\$5\\log\\_{256}(96) \\approx 4.12\\$)\n```\n`vMm-\n```\n### Explanation\n```\n`vMm- # Implicit input as a string\n`v # Get the ASCII values of the input string in a list\n M # Get the maximum value of that list\n m # Get the minimum value of that list\n - # And subtract to find the range\n # (implicit output)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://www.python.org), 39 + 80 = 119\n```\nprint(ord(max(s:=input()))-ord(min(s)))\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=dY8xTgMxEEV7n2JwE1vZTUGFVtoCRQhSb5HarG1i4R1btoOSs6RJA1yDa-Q2zO6SdEz3x-9__zl9xWPZBTx_W2iBc_65L7Z-uCxiclhESFoM6iBy0zqM-yKklPW0dCgyiT_8h5yrXJKLQjI2e3nXh2QaXoE3KKysgC9JXCOtlFDDNYsUvbc3GJYg_iUl_eGGGFKBfMyM2ZDAOzTgcFxQEe2wYUAztabLvBpetWom7FZ0BMyH8pQ533G-3L8Y70MF25C8vmNqHLYO2sBz8JZ1RfXv8HTodwrfDHvs1pvNbP0F)\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 26 bytes + 80 = 106\n-2 bytes thanks to [Steffan](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/92689/steffan)\n```\n->s{y=s.bytes;y.max-y.min}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72kqDSpcsEiN9ulpSVpuha7dO2Kqytti_WSKktSi60r9XITK3SBZGZeLUTBlgIFt2glj9ScnHwdhfD8opwURaVYiNSCBRAaAA)\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org), 27 bytes + 84 = score 111\n```\n_?s=(maximum$s)-(minimum$s)\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m708I7E4OzUnZ8FN7dzEzDzbgqLMvBIFFQUNe00FA4VoQwNDHQUoYaGjYG4EZBgaxi4tLUnTtdgdb19sq5GbWJGZW5qrUqypq5GbmQdlQ1QsgFJQGgA)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Challenge\nThe goal is to output `Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo`.\n[Context](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_buffalo_Buffalo_buffalo_buffalo_buffalo_Buffalo_buffalo). (Maybe another interesting challenge could be printing all of the [other examples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_linguistic_example_sentences#Lexical_ambiguity)? This would probably use similar logic but involve either a function or just a for loop.)\n# Rule(s)\n1. You cannot output anything other than the string with correct casing and spacing. Trailing new lines are allowed, trailing spaces are not.\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so fewest bytes win!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Ohm v2](https://github.com/nickbclifford/Ohm), 20 bytes\n```\n\u2025bB.\u00a2`b}\u00ae:_\u201dc\u00e5\u03c7\u00ed\u00f0\u201d\u2194\u00f9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y8/INfr//1HD0iQnvUOLEpJqD62zin/UMDf58NLz7YfXHt4AZD9qm3J45///AA \"Ohm v2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 39 bytes\n```\nprint('uffalo '.join('BbBbbbBb ')[:-2])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v6AoM69EQ700LS0xJ19BXS8rPzNPQ90pySkpCYgV1DWjrXSNYjX//wcA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Potentially invalid, 35 bytes\n```\nprint('uffalo '.join('BbBbbbBb\\b'))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v6AoM69EQ700LS0xJ19BXS8rPzNPQ90pySkpCYhjktQ1Nf//BwA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Brainfuck), 370 bytes\n```\n>++++++++[>++++++++<-]<++++++++[>++++<-]>>++.--------[>++>++<<-]>+.>--------------..[>+>+>+<<<-]>-----.>++++++.+++.<<<<<.>>>>+.<<.>>>>..<<-.>---.+++.<<<<<.>++++++++[>>++++++++<<-]>>++.<.>>>>..<<.>---.+++.<<<<<.>>>>+.<<.>>>>..<<-.>---.+++.<<<<<.>>>>+.<<.>>>>..<<-.>---.+++.<<<<<.>>>>+.<<.>>>>..<<-.>---.+++.<<<<<.>>>.<.>>>>..<<.>---.+++.<<<<<.>>>>+.<<.>>>>..<<-.>---.+++.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v/fThsKouEsG91YG1RRoIgdkKGnCwUgUSCyAYlr69npogA9PaA0CNqA5SFiUMP1QNgGBPTsgADEBjP0gAxdsEHIKhCOQLgN5hSEPgxthA2mjgoy3fD/PwA)\nNot exactly the most optimized answer and could probably be golfed much further. Makes lots of use of copying cells, as well as repeadedly performing the same print function near the end.\nOriginal un-minified version (sadly uncommented) [can be found here](https://gist.github.com/TheThunderGuyS/1fc08e8de4354b912f476b20c2074a16).\n[Answer]\n# T-SQL, ~~45 51~~ 47 bytes\n```\nPRINT REPLACE('B0 B0 b0 B0',0,'uffalo buffalo')\n```\n`PRINT` is shorter than `SELECT`. Using a numeral in the `REPLACE` eliminates a set of quotes and saves 2 bytes.\n**EDIT**: Fixed trailing space, at the cost of 6 bytes. Saved 4 by replacing a longer phrase, thanks @Giuseppe\n[Answer]\n# [PHP](https://php.net/), ~~47~~ 45 bytes\n```\nwhile($x<8)echo~_[!$x],BbBbbbBb[$x++],uffalo;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8go@G9jX5BRwMWVmpyRr6CupG79vzwjMydVQ6XCxkITJFgXH62oUhGr45TklJQExNEqFdrasTqlaWmJOfnW/xH6AA \"PHP \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*-2 bytes thx to @manatwork!*\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://bitbucket.org/ngn/k), ~~27~~ 25 bytes\n-2 bytes thanks to ngn!\n```\n\" \"/\"BbBbbbBb\",\\:\"uffalo\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y9bNS8/7/19JQUlfySnJKSkJiJV0YqyUStPSEnPylf7/BwA \"K (ngn/k) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 30 bytes\n```\necho}:,/'BbBbbbBb',\"{'uffalo '\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/PzU5I7/WSkdf3SnJKSkJiNV1lKrVS9PSEnPyFdT//wcA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK)](http://jdk.java.net/), 49 bytes\n```\nv->\"B b B b b b B b\".replaceAll(\"b|B\",\"$0uffalo\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY09C8IwEIb3/oojOLRSg7sfoIObk@AiDtfaSOo1CcmlIOpvr6m6ORwvL8/Dey32OGsvt0F3znqGNnUZWZNU0dSsrZHTRfYHA/sGuxHVhCHAHrWBRwbgYkW6hsDIKXqrL9Allh/Ya3M9nQH9NRQfFWD3e7E8Jq/8KmtQsBr62VpsoYLxqm8K6RtHWDcbolxUz60oxWQelUKyohgWn8XDPXDTSRtZurTGuZLoHN1zE4mKYpRe2Wt4Aw \"Java (JDK) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 41 38 bytes\n-3 bytes thanks to @mazzy\n```\n'BbBbbbBb'-replace'.',' $0uffalo'|% *m\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/X90pySkpCYjVdYtSC3ISk1PV9dR11BVUDErT0hJz8tVrVBW0cv//BwA \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [QBasic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QBasic), 43 bytes\n```\nu$=\"uffalo buffalo\n?\"B\"u$\" B\"u$\" b\"u$\" B\"u$\n```\nAbuses a couple tricks with the autoformatter (besides the standard `?` for `PRINT` shortcut): the missing double quote is added at the end of line 1, and semicolons are inferred in the print statement whenever a literal string is next to a variable. After expansion, the code becomes\n```\nb$ = \"uffalo buffalo\"\nPRINT \"B\"; b$; \" B\"; b$; \" b\"; b$; \" B\"; b$\n```\nThe semicolon trick, plus the fact that string variables need the `$` sigil, meant that approaches using more variables to build the string ended up longer.\n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK)](http://jdk.java.net/), 49 bytes\n```\nv->\"B b B b b b B b\".replaceAll(\"\\\\w\",\"$0uffalo\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY09C8IwEIb3/oojOLSiwd0P0MHNSXBRh2ttJPWahORSEfG311TdHI6Xl@fhvQY7nDaXW69bZz1Dk7qMrEmqaCrW1sjxPPuDgX2N7YAqwhBgh9rAMwNwsSRdQWDkFJ3VF2gTy/fstbkez4D@GoqPCrD9vVgckjf5KitQsOy76UpsoIThym8K6WtHWNVrolycTncxEaNZVArJiqKffxb3j8B1K21k6dIak8mVROfokZtIVBSD9spe/Rs \"Java (JDK) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Credits\n* -14 bytes thanks to [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen)\n* -1 byte thanks to [Jo King](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/76162/jo-king)\n[Answer]\n# x86-16 machine code, IBM PC DOS, ~~35~~ ~~33~~ 32 bytes\n```\n00000000: b820 09b1 e7ba 1801 cd21 d0e9 7409 7303 . .......!..t.s.\n00000010: 3044 19cd 29eb f1c3 4275 6666 616c 6f24 0D..)...Buffalo$\n```\nListing:\n```\nB8 0920 MOV AX, 0920H ; AH = 9 DOS string function, AL = ' ' \nB1 E7 MOV CL, 11100111b ; magic buffalo number 11100111 \nBA 0118 MOV DX, OFFSET BUF ; 'Buffalo' pointer for display \n STAMPEDE:\nCD 21 INT 21H ; write our *uffalo to screen \nD0 E9 SHR CL, 1 ; LSB of magic buffalo number into CF \n74 09 JZ BYE_BUFFALO ; loop until CL is 0 \n73 03 JNC HI_BUFFALO ; if LSB bit is a 0, don't change case \n30 44 19 XOR [SI+BUF-100H], AL ; swap case on first letter \n HI_BUFFALO: \nCD 29 INT 29H ; if not last of the buffalo, display a space \nEB F1 JMP STAMPEDE ; keep 'em coming \n BYE_BUFFALO: \nC3 RET ; return to DOS \n BUF:\n DB 'Buffalo$' ; the real Buffalo\n```\n[Try it online!](http://twt86.co/?c=uCAJsee6GwGL2lDNIVjQ6XQIcwIwB80p6/DDQnVmZmFsbyQ=)\n**Explanation:**\nUses the byte `0xe7` (`1110 0111` binary) to determine if the case should be swapped. Each `[Bb]uffalo` corresponds to the next least significant bit of the byte where a `1` means to change the case and a `0` means don't change.\nThe case of the first character can be alternated by doing an `xor 0x20` on the ASCII value. Now `0x20` just happens to be the ASCII value for a space character, so we can put that in `al` and use for both the `xor` and to write the space character.\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5pmNr.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5pmNr.png)\n**Props:**\n* -1 byte thx to @peter ferrie!\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), ~~190~~ 179 bytes\n```\n+++[>+++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+++>+++>+++>+++>+++>+[<]>>>-]>->->+>->->-[<]<-]<-]>>>+++.>->.>+++.>+++.>--.>.>+++.>----.[<]>>[.>]<[<]>.>>[.>]<[<]+++[>>[.>]<[<]>-]>.>>[.>]<[-]<[<]>>[.>]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dY5RCoAwDEMPVNITlFxk7EMFQQQ/BM9fuw6dP7IuvCRjdD6n7VivZXcXkcJHUhv832KVJCoRR1IRmaFNNPFII9MO3UH5Ypj8oiirNdLBucBo8CnRo3TuNw \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe ASCII codes are initialised using a similar method to my [Buffalo answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/218330/92901), though here both `b` and the second `f` get their own cells. Printing the output requires fewer instructions in brainfuck compared with Buffalo because of a key difference in the way that loops are handled: brainfuck uses the currently active cell to decide whether a loop ends, whereas Buffalo refers back to the cell that was originally active when the loop was entered. Consequently, we can print runs of letters in successive cells with a simple `[.>]` loop in brainfuck, a construction that isn't possible in Buffalo.\n[Answer]\n# [Red](http://www.red-lang.org), 57 bytes\n```\nprin collect[foreach b\"BbBbbbBb\"[keep rejoin[b\"uffalo\"]]]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcPRCcAgDAXAVSSjOEJ/Qz6MPqmtGAnt/GkPztHiQGOJ7WOlanOiPtzNUeqZlLJm1T/xDezkuGwsVnp7L9NIRCI@ \"Red \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Alternative:\n## [Red](http://www.red-lang.org), 60 bytes\n```\nparse s:\"B b B b b b B b\"[any[\"b\"insert\"uffallo\"|\" \"]]prin s\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0pN@R@UmhId@78gsag4VaHYSslJIUkBhJMgtFJ0Yl5ltFKSUmZecWpRiVJpWlpiTk6@Uo2SglJsbEFRZp5C8f//AA \"Red \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 16 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00c6\u25bc.#t!\u2666\u03a9\u00ffN+\u256a\\7\u00eaI\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=921f2e23742104ea984e2bd85c378849&i=)\nUses mixed base conversion and some zipping.\nMade with a lot of @recursive's help.\n[Answer]\n# [C++11](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 126 bytes\n```\n#include\n#include\nint main(){std::knuth_b g(7);for(char i{},s[]=\" buffalo\";i-8;++i)s[1]^=*s&g(),printf(s+!i);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Pcy7DoIwFADQna@omJjWwuCkocKPEDTl1sKN0DZ9TIRvr0yuZzjgXD0B5HxGA0tSn6eXRtm1K/4AISq0XYEmklWioWw7pGm@JsX5PZKJ3pnQ1lOYpSe47VXoh7YkY9JaLrYUWD8E58hCfxte7TVcJsoq549P08BPyMSe8w8 \"C++ (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNot a serious contender for shortest program \u2014 but I was inspired by the (original, now-deleted) requirement not to use a random number generator. ;)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 117 bytes\n```\no=['buffalo']\nfor x in ['B' if int(i) else 'b' for i in bin(69)[:1:-1]]:\n o.insert(0,x+o[-1][1:])\nprint(' '.join(o))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FYxBCsMgEEX3nmJ2o7QNlUKhQja5xuCigtIpwQnGQHp6q7vH5/23/epH8qM1mQnDkdJ7FfQqSYETOAPhgsCpY9VsIK57BAwIQ@AhBM76@TLkrLtZ750CkInzHkvV9@t5EeozWeeN2sqoIOD0lf4SY1r7Aw \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n69 is the reverse of the binary representation of the capitalization pattern.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 37 bytes\n```\nsay\"@{[map{(21%$_?b:B).uffalo}1..8]}\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/784sVLJoTo6N7GgWsPIUFUl3j7JyklTrzQtLTEnv9ZQT88itlbp//9/@QUlmfl5xf91fU31DAwNAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Bubblegum](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Bubblegum), 17\nObligatory bubblegum answer generated with `zopfli --deflate --i1000 -c buffalo.txt | xxd`\n```\n00000000: 732a 4d4b 4bcc c957 4882 d2e8 fc24 fcf2 s*MKK..WH....$..\n00000010: 00 .\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypNSspJTS/N/f/fAAqsFMyNjRIVTFJMkhRMkpKTFZItTc0VTCwsjBRSjFItFNKSjUyARJqRgkKxlq@3t55euIceEKjo6XFBTDAEmmFgoEAc0Pv/HwA \"Bubblegum \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Raku](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), ~~33~~ 30 bytes\n```\nput \"BbBbbbBb\".comb X~\"uffalo\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7/7@gtERBySnJKSkJiJX0kvNzkxQi6pRK09ISc/KV/v8HAA \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Rattle](https://github.com/DRH001/Rattle), ~~51~~ ~~46~~ 42 bytes\nRattle just hit release today - this is my first golf with the released version! If you're interested in learning a fun and easy new language, I would highly recommend checking it out!\n```\nB&b&uffalo& |I=[b0[2b^b1]b2b3b1b2[3q]b3+]4\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##7T1te9s2kt/1KxDqEou2JIty0qRqHCdNk2fzPHttnyS7@0FRWkqEJG4oUuFLHPd8@eu9GbyQAAhSUpxcb3vrNrJFAANgZjBvGIDbq3ydxGe/d8ngeEAWSRDGqwkp8uXgAT7pOI7TeZpSP6cBSWLyel2QJ8WKeGdk9GBy98Hk7D4Zj8ajTuexXwCkdEJ@8OOQRp3HH2iahUk8Id5wNDzrdP62DRgUqO4NRuPB6AEZjyejEXn26jXrBn7wV56QIJl0CPywj4DOocNlES9yAHeLVCXVx8Z/R4lfViIAA4aTbPw8XPhRdEWyPEmhRkz8NPWvSBiTDd0k6RU8Csgm@UBJvqZkm4RxTlNsjl9j@jEnH/yooFUnNMooQIOZbGicZxckSaHgak7JP4ssJ3GSa6UPBwNyuQ4Xa7LAzhc58TMTBukxyGFOikyMcbWM/NWFK9CCn@@LcPGObNNklfqbTEHP8/C33@58X/z22/WtF9PVyUtvnt0@m47mo/nb0Wx1@x786eGf3888wHWYsQZYnwyIH8FsY0DSBxpdTTRY2avMe@Vl45/PVKBeBXRcAmXDuETQaxpFCblM0ihgD6@n3vn72a1BdvIom64e3v40HZ1v389Wg@zR7NO5tyWLNV28yxDfGQUMLIEw2yJHUNs03FCyzvNtNjk9Bb6kqyRaDgFri3f042Ltxys6XCSb0/cFzZDm2em9@99490/DbJCv4SMuNnOaDvwBgySGM3o/m25nI2AwCr1CtclhXXwzvn82Pg0324iRDqDnKbD9YOMv1mEsegFS54eCHZ@NTjMGdwCtB4LOpAf8RCfkeoso@fGn18DjCFwU98mcLnxkGuRWjroVBYba@mkGK@1yTYHPfWB2aI2cSTfb/Mplo/z@zvxOsVz6UXKHAOesRovx4ix7tPLY7@n87vzebDy/B//dBaqPPxtjY@/B@MHd06TIYXSDOe/yc39XXD@nOS5UziWc1JyZKEig6@XoO@C85UxjvGXJd7AqJQCJwKukkCu0YALDDwKUhrAel1hvObKJHePjOoPeRifAY9DTw@NP2BvKh@sX44e154QMHhGyhA6TNPQj0kuiYMKBDAQUVhWazD49XCF84gphwD6eA2RGcy4MOPk3KISAAhRmtkSRh5xxDRImXK25dFr7H1DIXJHro4yzAiw7nP6lH2P7KA@BCzm4rC9F0h2UWz6sUmAtH0ZMeiCuLsMoMuTsgqmKStCieGXcCMwIjJtfbUGEgmYArQOKhmTrpIgCGGt9JCATFkkM3E5jhLj202CABAnETC/DfI2jE0gA/KVcBOcoTJMYhT7iIQQpm@Hoq7qumBZ5w3rFH/rRx8U3IW/ubBOQzMmbO@M3aqc4kSua3Rn3CQW03NUhwhOGjBVIUjJ1oKLTJ1DV4cD417sz1h0s42cTpAsqJPgXJwBx4QNiYAGlwA@gN0mPDldD8iZ2kX/eFwgF9drGT0Fc9pz@kQsQAKHIs6B7cM4xDknIz5hR@BIIUMQRzTKG1iAp5hHjiM2wnPhbwDkvCPrVKoigKSx3WF1IdPgNtJpfkRR5Coid4/ciw8@XYw9JBWKHpCGYCEvGcSAMsFdz4LDu2LwcJwf54DjX2HoA64B/70gTABcU/AR0yZmnhzRwFaW3ipI5rBmUbep3qf8z9WFKt8CT6hMujJ7kz@JAfZwn25@Wr1CWqU/RcvBXVH0kzAT1UZQk26dJUT7uKs8BZKr1vyjSFLTH02SzAbZ6EQf0ownLGNqCV83Man8Ns9xW72myvTInQYMnuCS1xxSWGDxeqQ/B@ngO1oc2YWCA/HuQwfqkRc3xThLYhr8DCdm7cPs6UZ/QOHgugJvjC2NZYhuK6KKGq/oAnlvKbZBVNGtttiEFxrfpBgMaOScDTy3QhgGlUy4sLHPAwumsf@P/Z6SL@hxtA1yyUbgBkQ7rGwTSENfxUtBQmyx03oRWoYWUGT73wdCtygwC1itwmleTb8IP1ODquFsuL/2RWInlQ2nXy@9iTWNPoxk5JtKIrSRAWVWusmpUylpSHsqVBI9@TIQlKNaHNlG5ZrSHyvoyZs8@FHkFxa9T4Y@ohJHdchwESXyEmj4OQN7TNE1Ao3DKXtp48@joqDIhrlGofieJ7JV/jYfsR3798TsyzdG@REMJJlVwV4ZpNe7woG7juGLuGGByUYlTrr43/kfkNHRMmJuVzZjDhIbutsjWvCWzLvvS9IBnoIj60ly4luy7DFO0fKQG7VeeBNeN@TpNitWaP@65Q/JiKXRwiIaNcw0ams0H7RS0UJgVlUkzKuROiT6oIfkJQVyGGe2jGmewlbWwtI2M@Z7CJveF6Sq6xtqsaEPBlQ64SQHanWsw7BhV/gZVex7i4HrhkBKPNWF10wKAXIYL6qJxmW3pAi3LhY/jG@EjDikDjCPdQiQkKj4ODDnE88S3HDR35Oo8wpmLWcXnzDgeArzIX9CeQ5y@4/DqXAbKGtk2CvOe8x0UCic6RNHAK8HqM1gxXPaAFBJHQuWXpaIGFknA146La/j8HIwKpXptNQu6KxUq2w@WYUvLem9a3fKLmJlZ3ZtZsaRMxTp4JhJ61UBcrTSleZHGdeQgCZHTEIFVWx0y9MqqQK9Hb94cGf3Wpl99qebx5o3Tlxjte24NQKeOVl2GcdHHOUL8AjN96zHp10WXYsAMv0zxbMG6ZT4ELMXSbShbjlW5m6dXVcdNkxEkuqPQA7FHwbNvw54Gu/Ie6KLn@NCBQ07QXu4hGLeOGDlUJguznjt1fEdnJ7Sct/mksSUC7pgF3tDfbkG99lgtt2HuWNG6niIaq5yGnOG1raXqi1wM5qhrWKpjSOnQbe7KjigbkrZ@lkmGUi2nrJI23mQyE4XoOyOZUwxZMASU9V1l6uXDaThTTB/8WlvVOmo1DHCxy6RQzpY84M21CQ4@RIU0siWYIwZFSpjeqN6P@OOEeFbyVG31QUuLAkrAoVMMPDboPm/m1qoLA8TWRHTl6v10TenWJ7x2iWDZsF924hqaoovKThZy22SolDJJyEuRzrLihHSzS3/LvoPBAjo1CmMQM5EvPTfWWqNel6GskAZvT8Cq5tQ18dstGbJ80taes2SabJjuJeFmm4BFu6Xp8peFsGRB@AlD@DVWEYYoN3yVgp6rre0KH2CSReBGW2zphwS5v8SywmX1IWdTCwSFk23wT2pcJpWQpfJtZgtauL2qL6b5SEz/hNyzaDDOX87PIoyKaA1QBQ3JD2HAwhzAHxizgD9B5n8MMWgWc4PowqnL7XlK/XfqLBROY2FHrjuA1zBwD1wG1iDXeH3xGzhMt09pvtDMHkVBKhOCAtU5uIX60WopOM7wn@DlqLUVucp0sUYAu43RkWEXYy0vce2rAZhtkmXhPKLg8aC0cEbe@OzuvW/uP/j206@P77y9GDpdcgfXcEoz5hj4YI6CtGSWCRqkPDhXCemY4lpMoCY4BKU/wTH8lkXfLphHIYs4okv9r7to3HPz2SMeTiKNYt/VsR0nMFuU9lBLnaRrKkTRqdS82EbnG9E/FrSZmgLOdOChhmGNTvRGCjC1dt0K5VZhr8THMRLArQsD5QNpra5zMcuDYl@WgJEWGSrVMcoqzeT3mb@8qLRe6QO8ZT4AlCto57Xhs1K9b3WDunK4SydZx7jNIy/7vNivzwtrn@OdnY7rvcqusZdbhhNQM6FwiEPLEPWhLqPEzxGgzox1xquaoBComrm7rSxz6Kb/4uthEFv1T/X6OAzBcFPBZTOLOlOA/GoHYjpNZrPH9maiT9fSIXgJiHc0WxmKJl2@15Wx5jy6IcNgOtc0eBmGEOJAd/sZUI8bojhe/sXdy3vQbBHDCgM4fbYxI8hvsKcU0T@EC5RA/6XBdk6ciR8Eff3hwJlkxTxHTWeUHDsTscN0ZZScOpMg/BAG1Hh@6UzYrvI/cFPZKHvpTOSORJ90Eekj9gOWIO59it0vHn8JwhWP4bAtqJ53DlPvk/E539zok7NztgRcMmBb0XMaJZeMVAHN/TACSs9BQ4NARUMVNz4YwEwfUAYTx4iXMc6VMwF9ajx86EwEx/2QXMZG4aOy8G9bo@hn6IPmP/NSo2wLzdLY7OmWM0FlaTxdOBO@v2Y8n@IcwLL6a5KYXc@cCag6S8FtIGsSFFFiPP8PgAXWtvE0xRmIcCnT5Ub5uTOplvCz9wXITKPGLxI9wd8xbPgifsXlhrVyjhNCIsvgs1HeR6QBsKdgmz0xx@IDf2Ok90UclrF7s4Mnos5PYLH7vEKX734m5RPM8cAkkSVLF4HhLFiMLdGXr7MBRGLpx7b@XiH@IrrIn4PLwOLQRoW5JO3r5OfKHDQqfS@m/SQOXoKNZq8UikovANerWul7Z/K@CHNhZRuFL8RaeIHBG6NsCYz0kS6KnDbQJABpgGk/1bZQzYPAn/9WzHAWYVCFFfvigjHlgIt@ImX3ieMKWaxVnuKXmVspTtPb5OQz84zQBw3jLMQ8AfL3/wThgdvgfNMSnLYVyIoL3h5UW8hL8pDtlBcwNXRRYxhZwaDxjrssoM7MWyVzKEmxtp7hhJ2z@AhAG5BwSIdsg98HOi7YDq2IJWOek3BVoC4WHC2PWAAeJRrPN@I2NUXfH2Wm8LXK7pidaJCsxB8jkm44tm/I7dwbrG/@7dgtbNkbbNyr@3rbg9rObH1brDQTVS3syOFMQCIRHbWaFaMVoT2DdpZiPNR32cr@tPXTGBF4zlwRHhaw4GhqTHzm1l31fZpNm7qeyXj@zLFYuQGt8Fvzgr5u17Jb6fKNGgLfLdEQjlsMiZgNuvZ9Tr4Shttk2xsogXbJNGLHlOcoQSXGPPyha/FE6pvQGjfVwp5tSKwH/KroqAZ1pu4QaKvxC8Fs@ePwoFpzYK2jQbYR18IYX22VmXxvLHsL@7ZtvzfHuuz9WcWZJW54s9Xo7r@cOk14aWzVGGr8jHDj1wg52klhw8jO5awLGjHQANQG2aV0lAYWUvatN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to out-golf me! You'll probably want to consult the [documentation](https://github.com/DRH001/Rattle)\n## Explanation\n```\nB&b&uffalo& creates an array of hard-coded strings: [\"B\",\"b\",\"uffalo\",\" \"]\n | syntax for taking input\n I stores this data in first memory slots\n = sets top of stack to 0\n [ ... ]4 loops 4 times\n b0 adds item in slot 0 to buffer\n [2 ... ] executes statements inside if top of stack is equal to 2\n b^ deletes last item from buffer\n b1 adds item in slot 1 to buffer\n b2b3b1b2 adds item in slot 2, 3, 1, 2 to buffer\n [3 ... ] executes statement inside if top of stack is equal to 3\n q ends program - buffer is implicitly printed\n b3 adds item in slot 3 to buffer\n + adds 1 to top of stack\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Regenerate](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/Regenerate), 27 bytes\n```\nB((uffalo) b$2 B$2 b$2) b$1\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72qKDU9NS-1KLEkdcGCpaUlaboWu500NErT0hJz8jUVklSMFJyAGEiDOIYQFVCFMA0A)\nPretty simple: golf repeated substrings using capture groups.\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/math_golf.txt), 18 [bytes](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/code_page.py)\n```\n9G*\u00e2x{\u00fbbB\u00a7\u2555\u00ab\u0393\u2562\u00f4 };\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##ASgA1/9tYXRoZ29sZv//OUcqw6J4e8O7YkLCp@KVlcKrzpPilaLDtCB9O///)\n`\u00e2x{\u00fbbB\u00a7\u2555\u00ab\u0393\u2562\u00f4` could alternatively be `\u00e0{ENR**\u2566\\i\u255b\u03b4` for the same byte-count: [try it online](https://tio.run/##y00syUjPz0n7/9/SXevwgmpXvyAtrUdTl8VkPpo6@9wWhVrr//8B).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n9G* # Push 9*18=162\n \u00e2 # Convert it to a binary list\n # (which is unfortunately in reversed order due to a bug)\n x # Reverse it to the correct order\n { # Loop over each of these bits as integers:\n \u00fbbB # Push string \"bB\"\n \u00a7 # (0-based) index the current bit into it\n \u2555\u00ab\u0393 # Push compressed string \"uffa\"\n \u2562\u00f4 # Push compressed string \"lo\"\n # Push a space character \" \"\n }; # After the loop: discard the final space\n # (after which the entire stack is joined and output implicitly)\n \u00e0 # Convert it to a binary string (in correct order..)\n { # Loop over each of these bits as characters:\n ENR** # Push 15*25*29=10875\n \u2566 # Get the dictionary word at this index: \"buffalo\"\n \\ # Swap so the current bit is at the top of the stack\n i # Convert it from a character to an integer\n \u255b # If it's truthy:\n \u03b4 # Titlecase the string\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Scratch](https://scratch.mit.edu), 8 blocks\n[![hi if you\u2019re reading this](https://i.stack.imgur.com/VmnFx.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/VmnFx.png)\n[Try it on scratch!](https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/754657063/)\nI tried to refrain from doing anything too illegal like setting the costume as `Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo` or setting a variable as that.\nHere is the scratchblocks code (102 bytes):\n```\nwhen gf clicked\nfor each[i v]in(8){set[B v]to(join(B)(join(letter(i)of[BbBbbbBb])[uffalo ])\n}::control\n```\nUsually when people submit scratch, they submit Tosh (), which is Scratch but text-based or an image of the blocks compiled on scratchblocks (). I would\u2019ve done both, but the `for each [i v] in (8)` block is old and removed and I can\u2019t figure out how to do it on Tosh.\n[Answer]\n# [sed](https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/), ~~35~~ 33 bytes\n*-2 bytes thanks to [user41805](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/41805/user41805)*\n```\ns/^/BbBbbbBb/\ns/./ &uffalo/g\ns///\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m724ODVlwYKlpSVpuhY3lYr14_SdkpySkoBYn6tYX09fQa00LS0xJ18_HczVh6iEaliwkAvCAAA)\n34B solution:\n*-1 byte thanks to [user41805](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/41805/user41805)*\n```\ns/^/B b B b b b B b/\ns/\\>/uffalo/g\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m724ODVlwYKlpSVpuhY3lYr14_SdFJIUQDgJQutzFevH2OmXpqUl5uTrp0NUQjUsWMgFYQAA)\n35B solution: *(The regex matches empty string at first and then is reused for the second `s` command)*\n```\ns/b*/B b B b b b B b/i\ns//&uffalo/g\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m724ODVlwYKlpSVpuhY3lYv1k7T0nRSSFEA4CULrZ3IV6-urlaalJebk66dDlEJ1LFjIBWEAAA)\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 48 bytes\n```\n##<>#&//\"B\"~Print~#[\"uffalo\"~#~b~#~\" B\",b=\" b\"]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE7875@WFh1cUpSZl@6Vn5lnZVUMZsf@V1a2sVNW09dXclKqCwAKldQpRyuVpqUl5uQr1SnXJQGxkoKTkk6SrZJCklKs2v//AA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of TiKevin83's [TI-BASIC solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/218303/81203).\n[Answer]\n# [Clojure](https://clojure.org), 60 bytes\n```\n(clojure.string/join \" \" (map #(str % \"uffalo\") \"BbBbbbBb\"))\n```\n[Answer]\n## C#, 131 bytes\n```\nusing System.Linq;using System;class A{static void Main(){Console.Write($\"{String.Join(\"uffalo \", \"BbBbbbBb\".ToArray())}uffalo\");}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://dotnetfiddle.net/B4jteX)\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 22 bytes\n```\njdm+d\"uffalo\"\"BbBbbbBb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/PyslVztFqTQtLTEnX0nJKckpKQmI//8HAA \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), 35 characters\n```\n\"BbBbbbBb \"/\"\"|join(\"uffalo \")[:-2]\n```\nSample run:\n```\nbash-5.0$ jq -nr '\"BbBbbbBb \"/\"\"|join(\"uffalo \")[:-2]'\nBuffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TU@7CgIxEOz9iiE2CgbB0tJOCy0sxSJ3t2okt3uXbBTBbze@ECymmve5L0NEauVC0BPB2uiuVrJ2WVFL2zpubPBMkE69MFRwJMVqu1njKxsMMVqiJceTH/tOSho9H0FcB0nUwDMayVUg9FmU0gRJcJOMRJ/qSPAJLNDofHhbU@dqGhezqBZV9QLM1Jj7WTyPTD4cXBCY8W5uZ/tSHt95qVjLOQTr@bWs/L95Ag \"jq \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 23 22 bytes\nSave a byte thanks to @Scott!\n```\nV\"BbBbbbBb\"p+N\"uffalo \n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/381PySnJKSkJiJUKtP2UStPSEnPyFf7/BwA \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nI wanted to be smart and encode the state of the upper- and lowercase letters as bits, but that ended up taking a byte more. Here's the code and explanation anyway!\n### 24 bytes\n```\nFNj162 2p+?N\\B\\b\"uffalo \n```\n```\nFN # loop with N\n j162 2 # convert 162 into binary as list of bits\n p # print without newlines\n + # concatinate strings\n ?N\\B\\b # ternary operator, checks if the bit is falsey (0)\n \"ufallo # note the trailing space\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Challenge:\nRead input (within visible ASCII range) and output with a few modifications: \n1. In each set of 10 characters of the input randomly (50/50):\n\t* replace one character\\* (with a random\\*\\* one within visible ASCII range) (ex. `lumberjack` becomes `lumbeZjack`)\n\t* or remove one character (ex. `lumberjack` becomes `lmberjack`)\n\\* If the set is of less than 10 characters, you don't have to modify it, but you can. \n\\*\\* The character can be the same as the one input, as long as it's still random.\n# Example:\nInput: `Go home cat! You're drunk!` \nOutput: `Go hom cat! YouLre drunk!` \n(just a example, since output could be random, don't use as a test case)\n# Rules:\n* [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), least characters wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# Pyth, ~~27~~ 25 bytes\n```\nVczTpXNOT?<>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Starfish), ~~44~~ ~~46~~ ~~52~~ 50 bytes\n```\nrl5(?voooo/!|Ou+1Ox:@=?~o~oooo!\nol5(?v\" \":/\no;!?l<\n```\n[Try it here!](https://starfish.000webhostapp.com/?script=E4GwrAFA-Abg9guB6AhAHwPIFcDUBGDADwC4ABAXigD84bEUAoOcaGAIgAI3ikmBuFFBAAeIA)\nThis uses any ascii character near/above space for the random characters. This always edits the 6th character, unless it's the end of a string and that string's length isn't a multiple of 10. This has a 50% chance to remove the 7th character instead of editing the 6th.\n### Input\n> \n> The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754) is a\n> technical standard for floating-point computation established in 1985\n> by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The\n> standard addressed many problems found in the diverse floating point\n> implementations that made them difficult to use reliably and portably.\n> Many hardware floating point units now use the IEEE 754 standard.\n> \n> \n> \n### Output\n> \n> The IEE Standardfor Float$ng-Point Aithmetic (EEE 754) i a technicl\n> standar! for floa!ing-point!computati#n establised in 1985by the\n> Insitute of !lectrical#and Electrnics Engi!eers (IEE%). The st!ndard\n> add!essed man! problems#found in !he divers! floating oint\n> impl!mentation\" that mad# them dif!icult to ue reliabl# and port!bly.\n> Many!hardware foating po#nt units %ow use th! IEEE 754\"standard.\n> \n> \n> \nEdit: ~~This answer probably isn't always in the visible ascii range, editing...~~ Fixed.\nEdit2: ~~Didn't see there needs to be a 50/50 chance to remove a character, editing again...~~ I believe everything is in order now :).\n[Answer]\n# [Perl\u00a06](https://perl6.org), ~~78~~ 67 bytes\n```\n{[~] map {~S/.**{(^.chars).pick}<(./{(' '..'~').pick x Bool.pick}/},.comb(10)}\n```\n```\n{[~] .comb(10)\u00bb.&{~S/.**{10.rand}<(./{(' '..'~').pick x 2.rand}/}}\n```\n[Try it](https://tio.run/nexus/perl6#@19anKpQZqaXbM2VW6mglpyfkqpgq1AdXReroJecn5ukYWigeWi3nlp1XbC@npZWtaGBXlFiXkqtjYaefrWGuoK6np56nbqmXkFmcrZChYIRRFa/tparOLFSAWzc@72L3PMVMvJzUxWSE0sUFSLzS9WLUhVSikrzshXf712skJZfpBBnaPD/PwA \"Perl 6 \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n## Explanation:\n```\n{\n [~] # reduce with string concatenation operator\n .comb(10)\\ # take input and break it into chunks of up-to 10 chars\n \u00bb.\\ # on each of them call the following\n &{\n ~ # Stringify the following\n S/ # substituted\n . # any char\n ** # repeated\n { 10.rand } # a random number of times\n <( # ignore all of that\n . # the char to be removed/replaced\n /{\n ( ' ' .. '~' ).pick # choose a character\n x # string repeated\n 2.rand # zero or one times\n }/\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth - 21 bytes\n```\nsmO,XdOTOr;\\~.DdOTcQT\n```\n[Try it online here](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=smO%2CXdOTOr%3B%5C%7E.DdOTcQT&input=%22Go%20home%20cat%21%20You%27re%20drunk%21%22&debug=0).\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 75 bytes\nThe 75-byte applies the transformation to the first character of each group, and only picks from 2 random characters, such as in [the Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/103394/60919) (which OP allowed):\n```\nfrom random import*\nf=lambda s:s and choice(['','a','b'])+s[1:10]+f(s[10:])\n```\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/nexus/python3#DYm7DoQgEAD7@4o9G0AttCW5@j6A0lCsPCK5gzUbLPx6pJjMJNMiUwbG4rtSPonr@IqfP@bdIxhtoC9wByUX5CbELLCzC6sms616XewUZa9FW9VOTqXKKIcvwUE5gMM6w02X4ACer/J7D0q1Bw) \nThis is a recursive function which, every iteration, prepends either nothing, `'a'`, or `'b'`, and then calls itself with the first 10 characters sliced off. The final iteration short circuits at `s and` (an empty string is falsy), avoiding infinite recursion.\nThe result of all the separate calls are then concatenated, and returned to the context which called the function.\n# 120 bytes\nOf course, that feels a bit like cheating, so here's one which is completely random:\n```\nfrom random import*;r=randint\ndef f(S):a=S[:10];R=r(0,len(a)-1);print(end=a[:R]+chr(r(32,126))*r(0,1)+a[R+1:]);f(S[10:])\n```\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/nexus/python3#JYyxDoMgFEX3fgV16XtKE7FJBwhzdxyJAxGIphXMiw79eovpdE9uzr1HpLwwcsmXmJc101Yr0mcxp@3iQ2QRepRO91aKdlBGE7T8ExI4vAtUKxUPQvLaWWmGZpwICB4dF90TsT5lgY2zphFyQFXOrGgLHf9hhOqV2ZSXwEa3cfbN@40C87Sn97VCPH4)\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 13 bytes\n```\n\u2080\u1e87\u27d1\u1e8f\u2105kP\u00a4\"\u2105\u2105\u0226\u20b4\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCLigoDhuofin5Hhuo/ihIVrUMKkXCLihIXihIXIpuKCtCIsIiIsIlwiR28gaG9tZSBjYXQhIFlvdSdyZSBkcnVuayFcIiJd)\n```\n\u2080\u1e87 # Chunks of length 10...\n \u27d1 # Over each...\n \u0226 # Replace at ...\n \u1e8f\u2105 # random index in the input\n \u2105 # A random item of...\n \u2105 # A random item of...\n kP # Printable ascii\n \u00a4\" # Or the empty string\n \u20b4 #\n```\n[Answer]\n**Clojure, ~~135~~ 139 bytes**\nEdit: Forgot to use `partition-all` instead of `partition`.\n```\n(fn[i](apply str(flatten(map #(let[r rand-int [b e](split-at(r 9)%)][b(if(<(rand)0.5)\"\"(char(+(r 25)97)))(rest e)])(partition-all 10 i)))))\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n(def f (fn[i]\n (->> i\n (partition-all 10)\n (map #(let [[begin end] (split-at (rand-int 9) %)]\n [begin (if (< 0.5 (rand)) \"\" (char (+(rand-int 25)97))) (rest end)]))\n flatten\n (apply str))))\n```\nMan those function names are long... Anyway, it splits input into partitions of 10 characters, splits them at random point into two halves, randomly injects an empty string or a random character between them and discards the first character of the 2nd half.\n[Answer]\n## Mathematica 133 Bytes (129 characters)\n```\nStringReplacePart[#,Table[If[(r=RandomInteger)[]<1,\"\",FromCharacterCode@r@128],c=\u230aStringLength@#/10\u230b],Array[{g=10#-9+r@9,g}&,c]]&\n```\n76 characters to write the names of 8 functions :/\nUsing the `\u230a..\u230b` instead of `Floor[]` saves 5 characters, 1 byte.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 129 bytes\n```\ndef f(s):f=id(s)%9+1;print(''.join(j[0:f-1]+chr(33+id(s)%94)*(id(s)//10%2)+j[f:]for j in [s[i:i+10]for i in range(0,len(s),10)]))\n```\nIn order to save some bytes, instead of importing Python's random module, I just did some modulo operations on the id of the string, which should be different every time. For example the program will decide whether or not to remove a char or replace one based on whether or not `id(string)//10` is even (I integer divide by 10 as the last digit will always be even).\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~15 14~~ 13 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page) 13 characters\n```\n2X\ns\u2075\u00b5\u00a21\u00a6\u1e6b\u00a2\u00b5\u20ac\n```\n**[TryItOnline!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=MlgKc-KBtcK1wqIxwqbhuavCosK14oKs&input=&args=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)**\nReplaces or removes the first of every ten characters including that of the last 1-9 if there is such a chunk. Chooses from the, admittedly small, subset of characters: `1`; `2`.\n### How?\n```\n2X - Link 1, flip a coin: no arguments\n X - random choice from\n2 - 2 (treated as the integers [1,2])\ns\u2075\u00b5\u00a21\u00a6\u1e6b\u00a2\u00b5\u20ac - Main link: string of printable ASCII\ns\u2075 - split (s) into chunks of size ten (\u2075)\n \u00b5 \u00b5 - monadic chain separation \n \u20ac - for each chunk\n \u00a2 - last link as a nilad\n 1\u00a6 - apply to index 1 (replace 1st of the 10 char chunk with the chosen integer)\n \u00a2 - last link as a nilad\n \u1e6b - tail - if it was 1 this has no effect (50%)\n - if it was 2 this discards the replaced character (50%)\n - implicit print\n```\n---\nTo choose from all of printable ASCII rather than just `1` and `2` (still replacing or removing the 1st character of each chunk) in 21 bytes:\n```\ns\u2075\u00b532r126\u00a4\u1eccX\u00a41\u00a6\u1e6b2X\u00a4\u00b5\u20ac\n```\n---\nFor a [fully random version](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=OTVSKzMx4buMWDsKCnPigbXCteG5meKBtVjCpMKp4bmWMljCpMS_4bmZwq5DwqTCteKCrA&input=&args=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) (50/50 remove/replace, uniform random printable ASCII, and a uniformly random character location within each chunk) I have 30 bytes (probably non-optimal):\n```\n95R+31\u1eccX;\ns\u2075\u00b5\u1e59\u2075X\u00a4\u00a9\u1e562X\u00a4\u013f\u1e59\u00aeC\u00a4\u00b5\u20ac\n```\nThis rotates each chunk left by a random amount, pops the last character off and then calls a random one of the first two links, one of which is empty and the other which concatenates with a random printable ASCII character; it then rotates the chunk right again.\n[Answer]\n# Python3, ~~188~~ ~~186~~ ~~184~~ 114 characters\n```\nfrom random import*\ns=input()\nfor c in[s[i:i+10]for i in range(0,len(s),10)]:print(end=choice([\"\",\"x\",\"y\"])+c[1:])\n```\n~~Seems too long. Could probably be shortened a lot with a lambda.~~\nApparently the OP has allowed choosing the random character from a list of two characters and the index of the character to be replaced can be a constant. After the modifications, my answer would've looked exactly the same as [@FlipTacks](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/105194/41754) Python submission, so this is the form I'm staying with.\n[@FlipTack](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/60919/fliptack) saved 5 bytes!\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/) `-pl`, 52 bytes\n```\ngsub(/.{10}/){_1[rand 0..9]=[*\" \"..?~,\"\"].sample\n_1}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72kqDSpcnm0km5BjlLsgqWlJWm6FjdN0otLkzT09aoNDWr1NavjDaOLEvNSFAz09CxjbaO1lBSU9PTs63SUlGL1ihNzC3JSueINayF6oUYs2OWer5CRn5uqkJxYoqgQmV-qXpSqkFJUmpetCFEBAA)\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 46 bytes\n```\nFi(a<>t){IRR2YiRARR#iRCPAEL{YiRARR#ix}b:bAEy}b\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://dso.surge.sh/#@WyJwaXAiLCIiLCJGaShhPD50KXtJUlIyWWlSQVJSI2lSQ1BBRUx7WWlSQVJSI2l4fWI6YkFFeX1iIiwiIiwiIiwiXCJHbyBob21lIGNhdCEgWW91J3JlIGRydW5rIVwiIl0=)\nHow?\n```\nFi(a<>t){IRR2YiRARR#iRCPAEL{YiRARR#ix}b:bAEy}b\nFi { } - For each in\n t - Var for 10\n a<>t - Split input into 10 pieces\n I - If truthy\n RR2 - 0 or 1\n Y - Yank (equivalent to (y:a)):\n RA - Replace item in at index\n i - First input\n RR#i - Random int from 0 to length of input\n RCPA - Random Printable ASCII character\n EL{ } - Else\n Y - Yank:\n RA - Replace item in at index\n i - First input\n RR#i - Random int from 0 to length of input\n x - Empty string\n b: - Assign b to\n bAEy - Append y to b\n b - Output b\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 13 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\nT\u00f4\u03b5\u017eQ\u03a9\u00e6\u03a99\u00dd\u03a9\u01dd?\n```\nAlso (potentially) modifies the last part if it's less than 10 characters.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##AUQAu/9vc2FiaWX//1TDtM61xb5RzqnDps6pOcOdzqnHnT///0dvIGhvbWUgY2F0ISBZb3UncmUgZHJ1bmsh/y0tbm8tbGF6eQ) or [see 10 example outputs at once](https://tio.run/##AUsAtP9vc2FiaWX/VEb/VMO0zrXFvlHOqcOmzqk5w53OqcedP/99XMK2P/9HbyBob21lIGNhdCEgWW91J3JlIGRydW5rIf8tLW5vLWxhenk).\n**Explanation:**\n```\nT\u00f4 # Split the (implicit) input-string into parts of size 10\n # (where the trailing part is potentially smaller)\n \u03b5 # Foreach over the parts:\n \u017eQ # Push the printable ASCII string constant\n \u03a9 # Pop and push a random character from it\n \u00e6 # Get the powerset of this character, resulting in a pair of an empty\n # string \"\" and the character\n \u03a9 # Pop and push a random item from this pair\n 9\u00dd # Push list [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]\n \u03a9 # Pop and push a random digit from this list\n \u01dd # Replace the character at that (0-based) index with the chosen ASCII\n # character or the empty string\n # (if the index is \u2265 the length, it does nothing)\n ? # Pop and print the modified part\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n### Your task\nGiven a string of lowercase letters, output the \"alphabet checksum\" of that string, as a letter.\n### Example\nLet's say we have the string *\"helloworld\"*. With `a = 0`, `b = 1`, `c = 2` ... `z = 25`, we can replace all of the letters with numbers:\n```\nh e l l o w o r l d\n7 4 11 11 14 22 14 17 11 3\n```\nNow, we can sum these:\n```\n7+4+11+11+14+22+14+17+11+3 = 114\n```\nIf we mod this by 26, we get:\n```\n114 % 26 = 10\n```\nNow, using the same numbering system as before, get the 10th letter, `k`. This is our answer.\n### Test cases\n```\nInput Output\nhelloworld k\nabcdef p\ncodegolf h\nstackexchange e\naaaaa a\n```\n**This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so shortest code in bytes wins.**\n \n[Answer]\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 41 bytes\n```\na=(+##${(s..)^1}+7)\n<<<${(#)$((a%26+97))}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dY1LCsIwGIT3PYWQCvkJFHRhEeJVhLyjjY021dZIzx6TA@RbzQNmYrBJY8CJXTBBqP3h0HVwPWykh4ZSmgMELcZsfzyRcw@wJWgavbPKOb/4yclsGBdS6SyEl8p4V2SYmRjUKiwbjcr@tahp/r5v/umGuzVaBhZX8eHjowxUySWvUh6r5DJWSX8 \"Zsh \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`(s..)`plit, `^` RC-style expand as `+##${1[1]}+7 +##${1[2]}+7 ...`. Then `(#)` evaluate the expression as character codes.\n[Answer]\n# [Fig](https://github.com/Seggan/Fig), \\$10\\log\\_{256}(96)\\approx\\$ 8.231 bytes\n```\nica%26S+7C\n```\nUsing [Arnauld's](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/58563/arnauld) logic. Accepts a list of characters\n[Try it online!](https://fig.fly.dev/#WyJpY2ElMjZTKzdDIiwiW3MsdCxhLGMsayxlLHgsYyxoLGEsbixnLGVdIl0=)\n```\nica%26S+7C\n C # str -> char code, vectorises\n +7 # add 7 to each item\n S # sum\n %26 # sum % 26\n ca # lowercase alphabet\ni # index intro ca using result\n```\n# Alternate \\$13\\log\\_{256}(96)\\approx\\$ 10.701 bytes\n```\nica%26SM'lxca\n```\n[Try it online!](https://fig.fly.dev/#WyJpY2ElMjZTTSdseGNhIiwiW3MsdCxhLGMsayxlLHgsYyxoLGEsbixnLGVdIl0=)\n```\nica%26SM'lxca\n ca # lowercase alphabet\n x # input\n M'l # map find over x where we look for each char in ca, returns index\n S # sum\n %26 # sum % 26\nica # index into ca using the result\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 46\n```\nt;f(char*s){for(t=0;*s;)t+=*s++-97;t=t%26+97;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZU/LTsMwEDwnX7EERXLiFFUcQMikX1Bx4wQVStfOQ6QOsjdQqcq3BzsuqlD3sJode2dmcdUgzjOJmmFbmdxmp3owjMq1yK3IiJe55Xz19CiopPT@gTs0zbedxn6UCp4tSanqu3YT/@O6wVNxpwkOVaeBeVSZBgvwNpA7/J3BKQZXgSFlCSur7NsOSvcSJa3q@@FnML1MCjdWe3RWC8RBqmbow2Cpwk91dCq6UeGnL49eXrfbxWISFydLBu14CIzPRfjRyaOIF8JdDywwLsZawCVXYHdwU4IXFudFzv0h0VnWLdXsaicTcfRlnFnNktTCagMpvuukuFYv/vJlIeC0dKNoNNrFiaf5Fw \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# ARM Thumb machine code, 18 bytes\n```\n61 20 04 c9 61 3a 10 44 fb d5 1a 38 fd d2 7b 30\n70 47\n```\nAssembler source:\n```\n .syntax unified\n .arch armv7-a\n .thumb\n .globl alpha_checksum\n .thumb_func\n // Input: r1: null terminated UTF-32LE string\n // Output: r0\n // Clobbers: r0-r2\nalpha_checksum:\n // Initial accumulator. Start at 'a' to cancel the checksum\n // loop adding '\\0' - 'a' when the null terminator is reached.\n movs r0, #'a'\n.Lloop:\n // Load character, increment pointer\n ldmia r1!, {r2}\n // Subtract 'a' to convert to a number, set flags\n // In the case of the null terminator, this will result in\n // -'a', which ends the loop condition below.\n subs r2, #'a'\n // Add to the checksum, without setting the flags\n add r0, r2\n // Loop if the subs didn't return negative,\n // which happens only with the null terminator.\n bpl .Lloop\n.Lend:\n // Calculate (checksum % 26) - 26 using a naive subtraction loop\n.Lmodulo:\n // Subtract 26\n subs r0, #26\n // Loop while it was >= 26\n bhs .Lmodulo\n // Add 26 to correct the modulo, and 'a' to convert to ASCII.\n adds r0, #'a' + 26\n // Return\n bx lr\n```\nThis can be called from C using a dummy parameter to place `ptr` in `r1`.\n`ptr` is expected to be a pointer to a null terminated UTF-32LE string.\n```\nchar32_t alpha_checksum(int dummy, const char32_t *ptr);\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Clojure](https://clojure.org/), 65 bytes\n```\n(defn a[s](char(+(mod(apply + (map #(- % 97)(map int s)))26)97)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dY4xDsIwDEV3TmEFVbJVsTCAOAswGCdtgTSOkiLg9CEwE29@78v@4vX2SK4UtG4IwMd8Rpk4YY@zWuQY/Rt6wJkjrHEDHRz29NuuYYFMRNsdVURUMKbKBjCdnIIBZDCT816fmrw1RKs/Ab5I/duQotaN6ls6Lyx396ptw@ha979TXfkA \"Clojure \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUngolfed:\n```\n(defn alpha-checksum [s]\n (char (+ (mod (apply + (map #(- % 97) (map int s))) 26) 97)))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Wren](https://github.com/munificent/wren), 47 bytes\n```\nFn.new{|s|(s.bytes.reduce{|x,y|x+7+y}+7)%26+97}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FYuxCsMgGIT3PoUECorBoUNDh06FzoWMpYPR3yTUaFHbRGKe3cZb7uPjbnZg8o87pK75bpiBeU0@Yc@6GMAzB/IrYE1LHdNCGxo32pDj6UwvzZaVdQh7NBr0rAbQ2s7WaVnVFe@EBLWDsBJ6qwv6wMUbFjFw00PZlFQvgtYDQm30ASb2caMJuA179Uw5O932/8MWqZjgWmNPCDls@Q8 \"Wren \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 8 bytes\n```\n\u00a7\u03b2\u03a3\uff25\uff33\u2315\u03b2\u03b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRMOxxDMvJbVCI0lHIbg0V8M3sUDDM6@gtCS4BCidrqGpo@CWmZcCks7UBAHr//@LSxKTs1MrkjMS89JT/@uW5QAA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n \uff33 Input string\n \uff25 Map over characters\n \u03b9 Current character\n \u2315 Find index in\n \u03b2 Predefined variable lowercase alphabet\n \u03a3 Take the sum\n\u00a7 Cyclically indexed into\n \u03b2 Predefined variable lowercase alphabet\n Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 25 bytes\n```\n0T1>`l`L\n+T`l__L`zlL_`^..\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcFBCoAgEADA@/4jCAKpD3Tt4tFz7qarRouCBUWfN5qpfO2ZWtcv2EYzzSioYTAo1mp8RVtclWotsUi5SxUPtDnPAVzxHIsEOC9yBz8uUY4M9PsA \"Retina 0.8.2 \u2013 Try It Online\") Link includes test cases. Explanation:\n```\n0T1>`l`L\n```\nUppercase all letters after the first.\n```\n+T`l__L`zlL_`^..\n```\nWhile there are at least two letters, repeatedly rotate the first letter backwards and the second letter forwards in the alphabet, however the first letter rotates back from `a` to `z` while the second letter drops off when it passes `Z`, allowing subsequent letters to be processed.\nThe `l` and `L` in the patters expand to the lowercase and uppercase alphabet respectively. The `_` in the source pattern is just a placeholder to allow the use of `l` and `L` in the destination pattern, while in the destination pattern it indicates that the character is to be deleted.\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 20 bytes\n```\nC(($+(7+A*a))%26+97)\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://dso.surge.sh/#@WyJwaXAiLCIiLCJDKCgkKyg3K0EqYSkpJTI2Kzk3KSIsIiIsIiIsImhlbGxvd29ybGQiXQ==)\nProbably could be shorter, I feel like there are just way too many parentheses.\n[Answer]\n# [BQN](https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/), 15 bytes\n```\n'a'+26|\u00b7+\u00b4-\u27dc'a'\n```\n[Try it at BQN REPL](https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/try.html#code=Q2hlY2tzdW0g4oaQICdhJysyNnzCtyvCtC3in5wnYScKQ2hlY2tzdW0gImhlbGxvd29ybGQi)\n```\n'a'+26|\u00b7+\u00b4-\u27dc'a'\n -\u27dc'a' # subtract 'a' from each letter of input\n +\u00b4 # sum\n \u00b7 # (no-op to preserve train syntax)\n 26| # modulo 26\n'a'+ # add 'a'\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Gema](http://gema.sourceforge.net/), 77 characters\n```\n?=@set{s;@add{${s;};@add{@char-int{?};7}}}\n\\Z=@int-char{@add{@mod{$s;26};97}}\n```\n(Yepp. Arithmetic operations are a pain in Gema.)\nSample run:\n```\nbash-5.1$ echo -n helloworld | gema '?=@set{s;@add{${s;};@add{@char-int{?};7}}};\\Z=@int-char{@add{@mod{$s;26};97}}'\nk\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0/NTfz/397WoTi1pLrY2iExJaVaBciohTAdkjMSi3Qz80qq7WutzWtra7liomwdgHxdkEQ1RE1uPlBPsbWRWa21JVDN//8ZqTk5@eX5RTkpAA \"Gema \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (V8)](https://v8.dev/), 72 bytes\n```\n([...s])=>String.fromCharCode(s.map(c=>t+=c.charCodeAt()+7,t=0)|t%26+97)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Zc6xDoIwEIDh3adoSEzaoMU4iA4lMTyCo3GoR1uQQknboIPvXiGgA954@XL/PXjPHdiq89v@GCQL@EopdTfCsou3VauotKbJS25zUwjsaMM7DCzzMQMK8/rsMYnTjWc78vbr/SE@pSSAaZ3RgmqjsMRRKbQ2T2N1ESGECEFJgurVAvE7FEKOAP1Qt0QwFJXRM5tQuUTOc6jFa/iwVSKakPjLjfOtzZd4@AA \"JavaScript (V8) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell, 54 bytes\n```\n$s.tochararray()|%{$r+=([char]$_)-97};[char]($r%26+97)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfmvUqxgq6AEYuaX5xflpCgBRfRK8pMzEosSi4oSKzU0a1SrVYq0bTWiQWKxKvGaupbmtdYQnoZKkaqRmbalueb//wA \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 16 bytes\n```\nzPK$+(A*a-97)%26\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://dso.surge.sh/#@WyJwaXAiLCIiLCJ6UEskKyhBKmEtOTcpJTI2IiwiIiwiIiwiaGVsbG93b3JsZCJd)\n[Answer]\n## x86\u201164 assembly machine code, 30\u202fB\n### input\n* unsigned length of string in 64\u2011bit register `rdi`\n* address of string buffer in 64\u2011bit register `rsi`\n### code listing\n```\n 1 alphabet_checksum:\n 2 0000 6A61 push 'a' ; push(97)\n 3 0002 58 pop rax ; pop(rax)\n 4 0003 F7E7 mul edi ; edx\u25cbeax \u2254 eax \u00d7 edi\n 5 \n 6 0005 F7D8 neg eax ; eax \u2254 \u2212eax; CF \u2254 eax \u2260 0\n 7 0007 7310 jnc .adjust ; if \u00acCF then goto adjust\n 8 .sum:\n 9 0009 0FB64C3EFF movzx ecx, byte [rsi+rdi-1] ; ecx \u2254 (rsi + rdi \u2212 1)\u2191\n10 000E 01C8 add eax, ecx ; eax \u2254 eax + ecx\n11 0010 FFCF dec edi ; edi \u2254 edi \u2212 1; ZF \u2254 edi = 0\n12 0012 75F5 jnz .sum ; if \u00acZF then goto sum\n13 \n14 0014 6A1A push 26 ; push(26)\n15 0016 5F pop rdi ; pop(rdi)\n16 0017 F7F7 div edi ; edx \u2254 edx\u25cbeax mod edi\n17 .adjust:\n18 0019 92 xchg eax, edx ; eax \u2254 edx\n19 001A 83C061 add eax, 'a' ; eax \u2254 eax + 97\n20 001D C3 ret\n```\n### output\n* alphabet checksum as ASCII character in 64\u2011bit register `rax`\n### limitations\n* length of string must be \u2264\u00a044,278,013, else the `mul` spills into `edx`, yet the algorithm relies on `edx` being `0` in the case of a zero-length string\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 43 bytes\n```\nf s=['a'..]!!mod(sum[fromEnum c-97|c<-s])26\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Vcy9DoIwFAXgvU9x6QImlsFBYyKjo09AGK79oYT@EArRRH32Kigaz3Ryc@6nMbTSmBgVhKJMMc3zKkmsF1kYbal6b49utMDZfnfnBxaq1WYbLTYOCrDYnSDr@sYNkINaQUn1y/IX3xtB10DxzIVUU@NeyNqbuYcBeSuvXKOr5TybQitCboz8AJjSkrcBSzqyUJ@DJn8egCSz9/0AJOwRnw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Same-length alternative:\n```\nf s=['a'..]!!mod(sum$do c<-s;1<$['b'..c])26\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VcxNDoIwEAXg/ZxiaEiQREh04UY4gicgLIa2UEJLCcVoYjx7BRSNb/UyP58i10mtva/R5UVEUZqWQWCs2LmrCYVFniXufMjCIqrmHS/j48kbanvM0dBwwd0wtv2EKdYxFkzNlr3ZUQu2R0YVF7JeGrdCNlav3U3EO3nnivpGrmdLWAnwSOAH4JIO3gZuGWCjPgMFfx6ihNX7fiBB8vQv \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Knight](https://github.com/knight-lang/knight-lang) (v2), 36 bytes\n```\n;=sP;=i@O;Ws;=i+~-97iAs=s]sA+97%i 26\n```\n[Try it online!](https://knight-lang.netlify.app/#WyI7PXNQOz1pQE87V3M7PWkrfi05N2lBcz1zXXNBKzk3JWkgMjYiLCJoZWxsb3dvcmxkIiwiMi4wIl0=)\nI feel like you can golf better but i tried for awhile and gave up\n[Answer]\n# [><> (Fish)](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), ~~26~~ 24 bytes\n* -2 bytes thanks to @Eminga. I didn't want to change the input mode to stack though so I didn't use all the golfing potential. Also I wanted to exit properly and not just error.\n```\n0i:0(?v+7+2d*%!\no+\"a\"~<;\n```\n[Animated Version](https://mousetail.github.io/Fish/#eyJ0ZXh0IjoiMGk6MCg/dis3KzJkKiUhXG5vK1wiYVwifjw7IiwiaW5wdXQiOiJoZWxsb3dvcmxkIiwic3RhY2siOiIiLCJtb2RlIjoibnVtYmVycyJ9)\n## Explanation:\n```\n0\n```\nPush 0, the starting value\n```\ni:0(?v\n```\nCheck if the input is negative, if so go down.\n```\n+7+2d*%\n```\nAdd 7+the input to the accumulator, then mod 26\n```\n!\n```\nSkip the 0 the second time, since the accumulator is already set\n```\n~\"a\"+o;\n```\n(Reversed in the program)\nPrint \"a\" + the accumulator.\n[Answer]\n# [Uiua](https://uiua.org), 11 [bytes](https://www.uiua.org/pad?src=U0JDUyDihpAgK0BcMOKKlwpEZWNvZGUg4oaQIOKHjOKKjy0x4pa9wrEu4o2Y4ouv4oav4oqCwq8x4qe74ouv4qe7LOKHjOKItSjihpjCrzHii68rMjU2KSAtQFwwKzEKJnAg4oqCIjggYml0IGVuY29kaW5nOlx0IiBTQkNTICLih4ziio8tMeKWvcKxLuKNmOKLr-KGr-KKgsKvMeKnu-KLr-Knuyzih4ziiLUo4oaYwq8x4ouvKzI1NikiIOKKgitAXDDih6ExMjkiLiziiLY74oiYwqzCscKv4oy14oia4peL4oyK4oyI4oGFPeKJoDziiaQ-4omlKy3Dl8O34pe_4oG_4oKZ4oan4oal4oig4qe74paz4oeh4oqi4oeM4pmt4ouv4o2J4o2P4o2W4oqa4oqb4oqd4pah4oqU4omF4oqf4oqC4oqP4oqh4oav4oaZ4oaY4oa74per4pa94oyV4oiK4oqXL-KIp1xc4oi14omh4oi64oqe4oqg4o2l4oqV4oqc4oip4oqT4oqD4oqZ4ouF4o2Y4o2c4o2a4qyaJz_ijaPijaQh4o6L4oas4pqCzrfPgM-E4oiefl9bXXt9KCnCr0AkXCLihpB8IyIKJnAg4oqCImRlY29kZWQ6XHQiIERlY29kZSAiwqPCsS0xwrjChy7DjMKlwrPCsMKIMcKfwqXCnyzCo8K_KMK1wogxwqUrMjU2KSIg4oqCK0BcMOKHoTEyOSIuLOKItjviiJjCrMKxwq_ijLXiiJril4vijIrijIjigYU94omgPOKJpD7iiaUrLcOXw7fil7_igb_igpnihqfihqXiiKDip7vilrPih6HiiqLih4zima3ii6_ijYnijY_ijZbiipriipviip3ilqHiipTiiYXiip_iioLiio_iiqHihq_ihpnihpjihrvil6vilr3ijJXiiIriipcv4oinXFziiLXiiaHiiLriip7iiqDijaXiipXiipziiKniipPiioPiipnii4XijZjijZzijZrirJonP-KNo-KNpCHijovihqzimoLOt8-Az4TiiJ5-X1tde30oKcKvQCRcIuKGkHwjIg==)\n```\n+@a\u25ff26/+-@a\n```\n[Try it!](https://uiua.org/pad?src=ZiDihpAgK0Bh4pe_MjYvKy1AYQoKZiAiaGVsbG93b3JsZCIKZiAiYWJjZGVmIgpmICJjb2RlZ29sZiIKZiAic3RhY2tleGNoYW5nZSIKZiAiYWFhYWEi)\n```\n+@a\u25ff26/+-@a\n -@a # convert string to code points\n /+ # sum\n \u25ff26 # modulo 26\n+@a # add the letter a\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C++ (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~76~~ 73 bytes\n-3 thanks to @[ceilingcat](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52904/ceilingcat)\nI think this is as much golf as you can get without using a completely different method. Other people ~~will probably prove me wrong the moment I hit \"Post.\"~~ have in fact proven me wrong.\n```\n#import\nint f(char*s){int t=0;for(;*s;t+=*s++-97);putchar(t%26+97);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jY5BCoMwEEXX9RTBUoiKULpoqdHeJZ0kKo1JSEZaEM9ujT1And2f/3h8cK5sAZbl2A/Oeqx7Gx5Jb5AoCh33ecimmLA5M2U9ZXlgWDR5KIryfsuYGzFiFE@XaxEf82oyoEchSXShl3z4CQfeG5qRKTkomnZSa/u2Xos0Y8khoKgqsCOSuiZbkEbotdhg/gQh1Q4QrJCt1XvQgBxe8rOON63csyHeH24myxc \"C++ (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Ungolfed\nWe used `#import` so we can `putchar()`.\n```\nint f(char* s) {\n int t = 0; // Running total\n for(;*s != 0;t += *s++ - 97); // Loop through string until we get to null byte, add to running total\n putchar(t % 26 + 97); // Add 97 to final result and print\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Arturo](https://arturo-lang.io), 29 bytes\n```\n$[a][+97(sum map a=>[+7])%26]\n```\n[Try it](http://arturo-lang.io/playground?2aJrIX)\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 91 bytes\n```\n++[++[->+>+<<]>>[--<<+>>]<],[[-[->+<]>]>>>>>>>,]+[<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+<[-----.[>]]>]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dYtLCoAwDAUP9BpPEHKRkEUtVUuhCz/g7WN07/BWb5h5z20sV@nugMZIIGA2ESVihoixJVV6TdwhPpJB@Rdw1MGkYtG4H2cuvd5ly2OtDw \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n++[++[->+>+<<]>>[--<<+>>]<] Init memory with 1,2,3,...,127\n,[[-[->+<]>]>>>>>>>,] Reading each byte, move right that many steps\n+[<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<+< Go left 26 and check if empty\n[-----.[>]]>] If not empty, give shift, output and halt\n```\n[Answer]\n# Dyalog APL v18, 28 bytes\\*\n```\n{a[1+26|+/1-\u2368(a\u2190\u00af1\u2218\u2395C\u2395A)\u2373\u2375]}\n```\nAssuming that indices start from one (`\u2395IO\u21901`).\n\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_ \n\\*: APL can be written in its own legacy charset (defined by `\u2395AV`) instead of Unicode; therefore an APL program that only uses ASCII characters and APL symbols can be scored as 1 char = 1 byte.\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2), 6 [bytes](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2/blob/main/docs/codepage.md)\n```\n\u00c4\u207bS\u207a\u00c4L\n```\n[Try it online!](https://Not-Thonnu.github.io/run#aGVhZGVyPSZjb2RlPSVDMyU4NCVFMiU4MSVCQlMlRTIlODElQkElQzMlODRMJmZvb3Rlcj0maW5wdXQ9aGVsbG93b3JsZCZmbGFncz0=)\n#### Explanation\n```\n\u00c4\u207bS\u207a\u00c4L # Implicit input\n\u00c4 # 1-based index in alphabet\n \u207b # Decrement to make 0-indexed\n S # Sum the resulting list\n \u207a # Increment for 1-indexing\n \u00c4 # 1-based convert to letter\n L # Lowercase it\n # Implicit output\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Background\nThe [Copeland\u2013Erd\u0151s constant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copeland%E2%80%93Erd%C5%91s_constant) is the concatenation of \"0.\" with the base 10 representations of the prime numbers in order. Its value is\n```\n0.23571113171923293137414...\n```\nSee also [OEIS A033308](https://oeis.org/A033308).\nCopeland and Erd\u0151s proved that this is a [normal number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_number). This implies that every natural number can be found at some point in the decimal expansion of the Copeland-Erd\u0151s constant.\n# The challenge\nGiven a positive integer, express it in base 10 (without leading zeros) and output the index of its first appearance within the sequence of decimal digits of the Copeland\u2013Erd\u0151s constant.\nAny reasonable input and output format is allowed, but input and output should be in base 10. In particular, the input can be read as a string; and in that case it can be assumed not to contain leading zeros.\nOutput may be 0-based or 1-based, starting from the first decimal of the constant.\nThe actual results may be limited by data type, memory or computing power, and thus the program may fail for some test cases. But:\n* It should work in theory (i.e. not taking those limitations into account) for any input.\n* It should work in practice for at least the first four cases, and for each of them the result should be produced in less than a minute.\n# Test cases\nOutput is here given as 1-based.\n```\n13 --> 7 # Any prime is of course easy to find\n997 --> 44 # ... and seems to always appear at a position less than itself\n999 --> 1013 # Of course some numbers do appear later than themselves\n314 --> 219 # Approximations to pi are also present\n31416 --> 67858 # ... although one may have to go deep to find them\n33308 --> 16304 # Number of the referred OEIS sequence: check\n36398 --> 39386 # My PPCG ID. Hey, the result is a permutation of the input!\n1234567 --> 11047265 # This one may take a while to find\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 64 bytes\n```\nf=lambda n,k=2,m=1,s='':-~s.find(`n`)or f(n,k+1,m*k*k,s+m%k*`k`)\n```\nReturns the 1-based index. Test it on [Ideone](http://ideone.com/hDwIIu).\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 14 bytes\nUses **0-indexed output**. Prime functions in osabie are *very* inefficient. Code:\n```\n[N\u00d8JD\u00b9\u00e5#]\u00b9.O\u00f0\u00a2\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n[ ] # Infinite loop...\n N # Get the iteration value\n \u00d8 # Get the nth prime\n J # Join the stack\n D # Duplicate this value\n \u00b9\u00e5# # If the input is in this string, break out of the loop\n \u00b9.O # Overlap function (due to a bug, I couldn't use the index command)\n \u00f0\u00a2 # Count spaces and implicitly print\n```\nUses the **CP-1252** encoding. [Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=W07DmEpEwrnDpSNdwrkuT8OwwqI&input=OTk5).\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 17 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u00c6RDF\u1e61L}i\n\u1e24\u00e7\u00df\u00e7?\n\u00e7D\n```\nReturns the 1-based index. [Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=w4ZSREbhuaFMfWkK4bikw6fDn8OnPwrDp0Q&input=&args=MQ) or [verify most test cases](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=w4ZSREbhuaFMfWkK4bikw6fDn8OnPwrDp0QKxbzDh-KCrEc&input=&args=MTMsIDk5NywgOTk5LCAzMTQsIDMxNDE2LCAzMzMwOCwgMzYzOTg).\nI've verified the last test case locally; it took 8 minutes and 48 seconds.\n### How it works\n```\n\u00e7D Main link. Argument: n (integer)\n D Decimal; yield A, the array of base 10 digits of n.\n\u00e7 Call the second helper link with arguments n and A.\n\u1e24\u00e7\u00df\u00e7? Second helper link. Left argument: n. Right argument: A.\n\u1e24 Unhalve; yield 2n.\n ? If...\n \u00e7 the first helper link called with 2n and A returns a non-zero integer:\n \u00e7 Return that integer.\n Else:\n \u00df Recursively call the second helper link with arguments 2n and A.\n\u00c6RDF\u1e61L}i First helper link. Left argument: k. Right argument: A.\n\u00c6R Prime range; yield the array of all primes up to k.\n DF Convert each prime to base 10 and flatten the resulting nested array.\n L} Yield l, the length of A.\n \u1e61 Split the flattened array into overlapping slices of length l.\n i Find the 1-based index of A in the result (0 if not found).\n```\n## Alternate version, 11 bytes (non-competing)\n```\n\u00c6RVw\u00b3\n\u1e24\u00c7\u00df\u00c7?\n```\nThe `w` atom did not exist when this challenge was posted. [Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=w4ZSVnfCswrhuKTDh8Ofw4c_&input=&args=OTk5)\n### How it works\n```\n\u1e24\u00c7\u00df\u00c7? Main link. Argument: n (integer)\n\u1e24 Unhalve; yield 2n.\n ? If...\n \u00c7 the helper link called with argument 2n returns a non-zero integer:\n \u00c7 Return that integer.\n Else:\n \u00df Recursively call the main link with argument 2n.\n\u00c6RVw\u00b3 Helper link. Argument: k (integer)\n\u00c6R Prime range; yield the array of all primes up to k.\n V Eval; concatenate all primes, forming a single integer.\n \u00b3 Yield the first command-line argument (original value of n).\n w Windowed index of; find the 1-based index of the digits of the result to\n the right in the digits of the result to the left (0 if not found).\n```\n[Answer]\n## Actually, 19 bytes\n```\n\u25571`r\u2642P\u03b5j\u255c@\u00edu`;)\u2553i@\u0192\n```\nTakes a string as input and outputs the 1-based index of the substring\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=4pWXMWBy4pmCUM61auKVnEDDrXVgOynilZNpQMaS&input=IjEzIg)\nExplanation:\n```\n\u25571`r\u2642P\u03b5j\u255c@\u00edu`;)\u2553i@\u0192\n\u2557 push input to register 0\n `r\u2642P\u03b5j\u255c@\u00edu`;) push this function twice, moving one copy to the bottom of the stack:\n r\u2642P\u03b5j concatenate primes from 0 to n-1 (inclusive)\n \u255c@\u00edu 1-based index of input, 0 if not found\n1 \u2553 find first value of n (starting from n = 0) where the function returns a truthy value\n i@ flatten the list and move the other copy of the function on top\n \u0192 call the function again to get the 1-based index\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 6 bytes\n```\n\u20ac\u1e41d\u0130pd\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//1HTmoc7G1OObChI@f//v7GhCQA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPrime number infinite list babyyyyy\n[Answer]\n# Julia, 55 bytes\n```\n\\(n,s=\"$n\",r=searchindex(n|>primes|>join,s))=r>0?r:3n\\s\n```\nReturns the 1-based index. Completes all test cases in under a second. [Try it online!](http://julia.tryitonline.net/#code=XChuLHM9IiRuIixyPXNlYXJjaGluZGV4KG58PnByaW1lc3w-am9pbixzKSk9cj4wP3I6M25ccwoKZm9yIG4gaW4gKDEzLCA5OTcsIDk5OSwgMzE0LCAzMTQxNiwgMzMzMDgsIDM2Mzk4LCAxMjM0NTY3KQogICAgQHByaW50ZigiJTh1IC0tPiAlOXVcbiIsIG4sIFwobikpCmVuZA&input=)\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 17 bytes\n```\n fhJxs`MfP_YSTz2J\n```\nLeading space is important.\n[Test suite.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=+fhJxs%60MfP_YSTz2J&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=13%0A997%0A314&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com), 37 bytes\n```\n(0{\":@[I.@E.[:;<@\":@p:@i.@]) ::($:+:)\n```\nInput is given as a base 10 integer and the output uses zero-based indexing.\n## Usage\n```\n f =: (0{\":@[I.@E.[:;<@\":@p:@i.@]) ::($:+:)\n f 1\n4\n f 13\n6\n f 31416\n67857\n```\n## Explanation\nThis first call treats the verb as a monad, however subsequent calls which may occur recursively treat it as a dyad.\n```\n0{\":@[I.@E.[:;<@\":@p:@i.@] Input: n on LHS, k on RHS\n ] Get k\n i.@ Get the range [0, 1, ..., k-1]\n p:@ Get the kth prime of each\n \":@ Convert each to a string\n <@ Box each string\n [:; Unbox each and concatenate to get a string of primes\n [ Get n\n \":@ Convert n to a string\n I.@E. Find the indices where the string n appears in\n the string of primes\n0{ Take the first result and return it - This will cause an error\n if there are no matches\n(...) ::($:+:) Input: n on RHS, k on LHS\n(...) Execute the above on n and k\n ::( ) If there is an error, execute this instead\n +: Double k\n $: Call recursively on n and 2k\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/) `-rprime`, 48 bytes\n0-based.\n```\n->n{s=\"\"\nPrime.find{s<<_1.to_s=~/#{n}/}\n$`.size}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72kqDSpcnW0km5RQVFmbqpS7CI326WlJWm6FjcNdO3yqottlZS4AkBSemmZeSnVxTY28YZ6JfnxxbZ1-srVebX6tVwqCXrFmVWptRB9qwoU3KKNDU0MzWIhAgsWQGgA)\n[Answer]\n# [Raku](https://raku.org/), 45 bytes\n```\n{{$~={$_ x.is-prime}(++$)}...*~~/$_/;$/.from}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcpLCoAgFAXQrVziEX3oSRSFlG1FGiQESWGTQnTr1uDMzrW5Y0j2RW6gkvcUlSeNh/e7udxut1DUNZWBmasYBWkxkWDjThvSvb7I/qwWeAPSIYM5Hea2g5TjT6Jr@yV9 \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nReally had to dig deep to bring the byte count way down here. The code generates a warning, but oh well!\nThe first bracketed expression generates strings consisting of the concatenation of successive primes. `++$` increments an anonymous state variable, and that number is passed to an anonymous function `{ $_ x .is-prime }`, which replicates the stringified number once if it's prime, and zero times (ie, to an empty string) if it isn't. That string is appended to another anonymous state variable that keeps the concatenation of all primes seen so far with `$ ~=`. The sequence looks like `2, 23, 23, 235, 235, 2357, 2357, 2357, 2357, 235711, ...`, with a repeated element whenever there isn't a prime. Very inefficient!\nThe sequence terminates when the ending condition `* ~~ /$_/` is met; that is, when the concatenated string of primes matches the input number interpolated into a regex. That has the side effect of storing the resulting Match object into `$/`. Then the function just returns `$/.from`, the starting position of the match in the string of primes.\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell v2+, 90 bytes\n```\nfor($a=\"0.\";!($b=$a.IndexOf($args)+1)){for(;'1'*++$i-match'^(?!(..+)\\1+$)..'){$a+=$i}}$b-2\n```\nCombines the logic of my [Find the number in the Champernowne constant](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/66884/42963) answer, coupled with the prime generation method of my [Print the nth prime that contains n](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/80446/42963) answer, then subtracts `2` to output the index appropriately (i.e., not counting the `0.` at the start).\nTakes input as a string. Finds the `999` one in about seven seconds on my machine, but the `33308` one in quite a bit longer (*edit - I gave up after 90 minutes*). Should theoretically work for any value up to index `[Int32]::Maxvalue` aka `2147483647`, as that's the maximum length of .NET strings. Will likely run into memory issues long before that happens, however.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## Introduction\n[OEIS sequence A127421](https://oeis.org/A127421 \"OEIS sequence A127421\") is the sequence of numbers whose decimal expansion is a concatenation of 2 consecutive increasing non-negative numbers. Put simply, every number in the sequence is formed by putting together *n* with *n+1* for some non-negative, integer value of *n*. The first several terms are:\n> \n> 1, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 910, 1011, 1112, 1213, 1314, 1415,\n> 1516, 1617, 1718, 1819, 1920, 2021, 2122, 2223, 2324, 2425, 2526,\n> 2627, 2728, 2829, 2930, 3031, 3132, 3233, 3334, 3435, 3536, 3637,\n> 3738, 3839, 3940, 4041, 4142, 4243, 4344, 4445, 4546, \u2026\n> \n> \n> \n## Challenge\nGiven a single positive integer *n*, print the first *n* entries of OEIS sequence A127421 in increasing order.\n* Input and output can be in [any acceptable format](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2447/default-for-code-golf-input-output-methods). Strings or numbers are fine for output.\n* Leading zeroes are **not** permitted.\n* Either a full program or function is permitted.\n* For the purposes of this challenge, *n* will be positive and under 100.\n* [Standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are disallowed by default.\n* This question is code golf, so lowest byte-count wins.\n* Here is some sample input and output:\n```\n1 => 1\n2 => 1, 12\n3 => 1, 12, 23\n10 => 1, 12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 910\n```\nIf you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck.\n*P.S this is my first challenge, so hopefully this all makes sense.*\n*EDIT: Removed output restriction to allow numbers or strings.*\n \n[Answer]\n# Twig, 72 bytes\nTwig is very verbose, causing some issues when trying to reduce the length.\n```\n{%macro f(a)%}{%for i in 1..a%}{{o~i}}\n{%set o=i%}{%endfor%}{%endmacro%}\n```\nThis requires that \"strict variables\" is disabled (default).\n---\n## How to use?\nSimply import the macro and call it:\n```\n{% import \"fn.twig\" as fn %}\n{{ fn.f() }}\n```\nYou can test it on \n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 35 bytes\n```\nf n=\"1\":map(show.(-1+)<>show)[2..n]\n```\n[Try it online! 1](https://tio.run/##FcbBCgIhEAbgV/nZkxJJdgzdS117gugwsG4rrTOiAz2@1eGDb6P@Tvs@cqnSFDdScndhyQsMTJgt7FjBcfLTpVA1fZOPM0d/sGH@3z7OzvFzFMqMiNoyKxzWn5ZoQQwBr6RXYU2sffjTFw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation / Ungolfed\nThe operator `(<>)` is the addition of Semigroups, in case of the Semigroup `a -> b` (where `b` needs to be a Semigroup) it is defined as:\n```\n(f <> g) = \\x-> f x <> g x\n```\nAnd in case of the Semigroup `String` it is the same as concatenation, so the code becomes:\n```\nf n = \"1\" : map (\\x-> show (x-1) ++ show x) [2..n]\n```\n---\n1 (imports `(<>)` since it's not part of the Prelude in GHC 8.2.2)\n[Answer]\n## TI-Basic, 22 bytes\n```\n:seq(A,A,1,Ans\n:Ans+(Ans-1)10^(1+int(log(Ans\n```\n[Answer]\n# Bash, 56 bytes\n```\necho 1;for i in $(seq $(($1-1)));do echo $i$((i+1));done\n```\nA pretty naive approach. \n[Answer]\n# [Lua](https://www.lua.org), 62 bytes\n```\nloadstring't={1}for i=2,(...)do t[#t+1]=(i-1)..i end return t'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcJBCgIxDADArwQ9bIJrsN77EvFQt60ESgMxiwfx7dFhxl6i5xha6stN5nPx/EnfrgaSrysyM1UFvx39lO4Z5ZyIWaDNCtZ8twm@hCi/Tbyhl8dovOnciiNAx3QhgBUO/0QRPw \"Lua \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n### Explanation\nThis is an anonymous function.\n```\nt={1} -- initializes the return table, with the number 1 already in it\nfor i = 2, (...) do -- loop from 2 to the number of the input\n -- (this is actual code, ... gets the arguments of the program/function\n t[#t+1] = (i-1)..i -- append to the table i-1 concatenated with i\nend\nreturn t -- returns the table\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~34~~ 33 bytes\n```\n->n{$><= n\n break and return\n end if\nend loop\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Swift 4](https://developer.apple.com/swift/), 43 bytes\n```\nprint(1);(1..<>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), 11 bytes\n```\nIFLL?nLPN|;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PScsszvj/39PNx8c@zyfAr8b6/39DAwMA \"Gol><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\n```\nIFLL?nLPN|;\nI //Take a number as input\n F //Loop as many times as the input specified\n LL // Push the loop counter twice to the stack (same as L:)\n ?n // Check wether the count is zero, if not print the counter as the first digit\n LP // Push the loop counter and add 1\n N // Output the next digits of the number with nl\n |; //Exit code\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Dart](https://www.dartlang.org/), ~~46~~ 45 bytes\n```\nf(n)=>List.generate(n,(e)=>e<1?1:'$e${e+1}');\n```\n- -1 byte by replacing `e==0` by `e<1`\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0ksKvn/P00jT9PWziezuEQvPTUvtSixJFUjT0cjFSiYamNob2ilrpKqUp2qbVirrmn9vyw/M0UhNzEzT0OzmouzoCgzr0QjTcNQU9MajaegAOcbofGN0fiGBiCB2v8A \"Dart \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org), ~~43~~ 41 bytes\n```\n{(1..it).mapIndexed{i,v->\"$i$v\".toInt()}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY3BCoMwEETvfsUSPOxCDS29iab0KHjrFwRMZamuElNpEb89DQXnNsxj3msKA0t8vgVGy4LW90sJd@/tt3oEz9Ibgi2DlNUOkDZsJBAUBlpeQpWKgTpueNGaA@nRzo107uO6jU9rYVTO@ap0mBKItO/xeBKoAb2zXcvikOBWgjorOsi/cU7@gAsKUbbH6w8 \"Kotlin \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Knight](https://github.com/knight-lang/knight-lang), 29 bytes\n```\n;=n+0P;=i 0W>n iO+0++\"\"i=i+1i\n```\n[Try it online!](https://knight-lang.netlify.app/#WyI7PW4rMFA7PWkgMFc+biBpTyswKytcIlwiaT1pKzFpIiwiMTAiLCIyLjAiXQ==)\n[Answer]\n# [Gema](http://gema.sourceforge.net/), 42 characters\n```\n*=@repeat{*;${n;}@set{n;@add{${n;};1}}$n }\n```\nSample run:\n```\nbash-5.1$ gema '*=@repeat{*;${n;}@set{n;@add{${n;};1}}$n }' <<< 5\n1 12 23 34 45 \n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0/NTfz/X8vWoSi1IDWxpFrLWqU6z7rWoTi1BEg7JKakVIMFrA1ra1XyFGr//zc0BQA \"Gema \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ly](https://github.com/LyricLy/Ly), 12 bytes\n```\nRrp[:u`u' o]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y6n8/z@oqCDaqjShVF0hP/b/f1NTAA \"Ly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is pretty brute force, but short enough to warrant a post I think...\n```\nR - generate an inclusive rangefrom \"0\" to the STDIN number\n rp - reverse the stack, delete the \"0\"\n [ ] - for each number on the stack...\n :u - duplicate number, print it\n `u - increment the number, print it\n ' o - print a space\n```\n# [AWK](https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html), 26 bytes\n```\na=$1{for(;a;a--)$a=a a+1}1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzP/v8/0VbFsDotv0jDOtE6UVdXUyXRNlEhUduw1vD/f2MTAA \"AWK \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTurns out that a version in AWK is pretty short too, so here's that one...\n```\na=$1 - stash the number we want\n { } - code always runs if STDIN>0\n for(;a;a--) - loop for N, N-1, N-2, ... 1\n $a=a a+1 - set positional var to N appended w/ N+1\n 1 - print all the positional vars we just set\n```\nThis really just abuses the fact that AWK will reset the positional variable count if you set them to a value. And it uses a \"truthy\" condition with no associated code block to print them all.\n[Answer]\n# [Go](https://go.dev), 122 bytes, using string operations\n```\nimport(.\"strconv\";.\"fmt\")\nfunc f(n int)(o[]int){for i:=0;i\n [ [[1,0]]\n , [[1],[0]]\n ]\n[1,1,1,1] ->\n [ [[1,1,1,1]]\n ]\n[1,1,0,0,1] ->\n [ [[1,1,0,0,1]]\n , [[1,1],[0,0,1]]\n , [[1,1,0,0],[1]]\n , [[1,1],[0,0],[1]]\n ]\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), 22 bytes\n```\n{(&'+1,!2-1_=':x)_\\:x}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJxLs6rWUFPXNtRRNNI1jLdVt6rQjI+xqqjl4uJKczBUMACTYAhlGQChIQBVpwuO)\n`1_=':x` For pairs of adjacent values: are they equal? \n`2-` 2 minus that. Gives 2s for the lines between sections and 1s in sections. \n`!` odometer. Returns a matrix with all binary patterns bounded by the vector. \n`+1,` prepend a 1 and transpose to have the binary patterns with leading 1s in the rows. \n`&'` Get indices of 1s for each row. \n`(...)_\\:x` For each of those integer vectors, split the input at those indices.\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org) + `math.combinatorics math.unicode`, 81 bytes\n```\n[ dup 2 clump [ \u03a3 1 = ] arg-where 1 v+n all-subsets [ split-indices ] with map ]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=PU4xTsQwEOzvFdOjWAcVAiHRIRokhKiiFD5nL1mR2MZe34EQD0E0kRC8gHfQ329wznDaYnZ2dmfn_Wutjbgw7d7u765vrs7wQMHSgC645Nl2GLX0Klk2riVEekxkDUVFTxJ0LOqGZos_Yty4YqvzgE1E9AOLzD6HU_hAIs8-sBWcLxYvOMYSr3ss9d8vc2X2mWRdne5ua7TJ4wRmSKNHjZ-PrF6ggQ5dte0pUOabIws9DFVMq0gS89o-QsW25fl5gy1Ln6N6NMX4u4ZSKgs5uXeRIIEvizRNBX8B)\n* `dup 2 clump [ \u03a3 1 = ] arg-where 1 v+n` get the indices of rising and falling edges\n* `all-subsets` take all the subsets of that\n* `[ split-indices ] with map` split the input according to each of these\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 8 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\nIT\u0152P\u2018\u0153\u1e56\u20ac\n```\nA monadic Link that accepts a list of ones and zeros and yields a list of the valid partitions.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/98z5OikgEcNM45Ofrhz2qOmNf8Ptx@d9HDnDCAz8v//aEMdQx0DIDREggaxAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\nIT\u0152P\u2018\u0153\u1e56\u20ac - Link: list, B e.g. [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]\nI - deltas (of B) [ 0, 1, 0,-1, 1]\n T - truthy indices [ 2, 4, 5]\n \u0152P - powerset [[],[2],[4],[5],[2,4],[2,5],[4,5],[2,4,5]]\n \u2018 - increment [[],[3],[5],[6],[3,5],[3,6],[5,6],[3,5,6]]\n \u20ac - for each:\n \u0153\u1e56 - partition (B) at [[[0,0,1,1,0,1]],[[0,0],[1,1,0,1]],[[0,0,1,1],[0,1]],[[0,0,1,1,0],[1]],[[0,0],[1,1],[0,1]],[[0,0],[1,1,0],[1]],[[0,0,1,1],[0],[1]],[[0,0],[1,1],[0],[1]]]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Curry (PAKCS)](https://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/%7Epakcs/), 40 bytes\n```\nf(a++b:c:d)|b/=c=(a++[b]):f(c:d)\nf a=[a]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy4tKqrULUjMTi7@/z9NI1FbO8kq2SpFsyZJ3zbZFsSPTorVtErTAAlypSkk2kYnxv7PTczMU7BVSFOINtQx1DEAQsPY/wA \"Curry (PAKCS) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 6 bytes\n```\n\u0120\u00f8\u1e56vvf\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJQQSIsIiIsIsSgw7jhuZZ2dmYiLCIiLCJbMSwwXVxuWzEsMSwxLDFdXG5bMSwxLDAsMCwxXSJd)\nPort of @UnrelatedString's Brachylog answer.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 6 (or 4?) [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u03b3.\u0153\u20ac\u20ac\u02dc\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//3Ga9o5MfNa0BotNz/v@PNtQx1DEAQsNYAA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfeX/c5v1jk5@1LQGiE7P@a/zPzraUMcgVgdIgiGUZQCEhrGxAA).\nIf we can use strings as I/O, this could be 4 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage) instead by replacing `\u20ac\u20ac\u02dc` with `J`: \n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//3Ga9o5O9/v83NDQwMAQA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfeX/c5v1jk72@q/zP9rQQMcQCICEgYFhLAA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u03b3 # Split the (implicit) input-list into groups of equal adjacent values\n .\u0153 # Get all partitions of these groups\n \u20ac # For each partition:\n \u20ac # For each part of groups within a partition:\n \u02dc # Flatten the part of groups to a single list\n # (or alternatively:)\n J # Join each list/part of groups within each partition together\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 5 bytes\n```\n\u1e05~cc\u1d50\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/pfXa6koGunoFRu/6htw6OmpofbFjzc1Vn7cOuE/w93tNYlJ4NY/6OjDXUMYnWAJBhCWQZAaBgbCwA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes a list through the input variable and [generates](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2447/default-for-code-golf-input-output-methods/10753#10753) a list of lists of lists through the output variable.\n```\n\u1e05 Partition into runs of consecutive equal elements.\n ~c Take an arbitrary partition of the list of runs,\n c\u1d50 and concatenate each slice.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 20 bytes\n```\n\u0116!|\u1e05a\u2080cPl;?b\u208d\u21b0;Pg\u1d57\u2194c\n```\nA predicate that takes a list of 0's and 1's as input and outputs each possible partition [one after another](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9134/16766).\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/qG3Do6bGh7s6H3Ut/X9kmmLNwx2tiY@aGpIDcqztkx419QIVWAekP9w6/VHblOT//6MNdQx1DIDQMBYA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nThis seems way too long.\n```\n\u0116!|\u1e05a\u2080cPl;?b\u208d\u21b0;Pg\u1d57\u2194c\n\u0116! Either the input is an empty list (in which case return empty list)\n | Or, take the input and...\n \u1e05 Partition into blocks of equal elements\n a\u2080 Get a prefix of that list of blocks\n c Flatten it\n P Call that list P\n l Take its length\n ;?b\u208d The original input with that many elements removed from the front\n \u21b0 Recurse (returns a list of lists)\n ;P Pair with P\n g\u1d57 wrapped in a list\n \u2194 Reverse the order of the pair\n c Flatten once\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Prolog (SWI)](http://www.swi-prolog.org), 65 bytes\n```\nQ+[E|F]:-append(A,[B,C|D],Q),B\\=C,append(A,[B],E),[C|D]+F.\nQ+[Q].\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KyjKz8lP1y0uz/z/P1A72rXGLdZKN7GgIDUvRcNRJ9pJx7nGJVYnUFPHKcbWWQdJIlbHVVMnGiSr7abHBdQaGKv330pXIS2/KDEnRyPaUMdQxwAIDWO1g3QUyosyS1Jz8jSCNDX1/gMA \"Prolog (SWI) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSimilar to @alephalpha's Curry answer. Outputs as a list of choicepoints.\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 27 bytes\n```\n<;.1~1,.[:(#:[:i.*/)2-2=/\\]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/pvqWhlGGumaGWprs6lpKeepmBrpaCuoKNgoGAFxLp6Cs5BPm7/baz1DOsMdfSirTSUraKtMvW09DWNdI1s9WNi/2tycaUmZ@QrpCkYKhggmGAI5@oY6hgAoeF/AA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*-1 bytes thanks to the \"2 minus\" trick stolen from ovs's answer*\nSay we have, eg, `1,1,0,0,1` -- then we have 2 \"change points\" and 4 possible combos. This is *essentially* just the problem of listing:\n```\n0 0 \n0 1\n1 0\n1 1\n```\nexcept we want that that list to be embedded in the `X`s of this list:\n```\n0 X 0 X\n```\nThe key insight is that this is 0..3 converted using the *mixed base* number `1 2 1 2`. After that we just cut the original input using our 4 lists, with a 1 prepended to each.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 7 bytes\n```\nIr0\u0152pk\u20ac\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/9@zyODopILsR01r/h9uPzrp4c4ZQObDnYsi//@PNtQx1DEAQkMkaBALAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nInspired by [Jonathan Allan's solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/252314/85334).\n```\nI Get the forward differences of the list.\n k Partition the list after each truthy position\n \u20ac of each element of\n \u0152p the Cartesian product of\n r0 the ranges from each difference to 0 inclusive.\n```\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 7 bytes\n```\n\u0152g\u0152\u1e56\u1e8e\u20ac\u20ac\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///opPSjkx7unPZwV9@jpjVA9P9wO0hgBpD5cOeiyP//DXUMdQyA0BAJGgAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of my Brachylog solution.\n```\n\u0152g Partition into runs of consecutive equal elements.\n \u0152\u1e56 Generate every partition of the runs,\n \u1e8e\u20ac\u20ac and concatenate the runs in each slice.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 28 bytes\n```\n(.),(?!\\1)\n$1#\n+%1`#\n;$'\u00b6$`,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxL/H9oG9ehbYe2/dfQ09TRsFeMMdTkUjFU5tJWNUxQ5rJWUT@0TSVB5/9/Qx0DLkMdMATTBkBoCAA \"Retina 0.8.2 \u2013 Try It Online\") Link includes test cases. Outputs semicolon-delimited lists. Explanation:\n```\n(.),(?!\\1)\n$1#\n```\nFind all acceptable cutting points.\n```\n+\n```\nLoop until each cutting point has been processed.\n```\n%\n```\nLoop over each partially cut list.\n```\n1`\n```\nOnly process the first remaining cutting point on each pass.\n```\n#\n;$'\u00b6$`,\n```\nCreate two lists, one cut at that point, one not cut at that point.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 80 bytes\n```\nsub{@p=pop=~/0+|1+/g;$s=\"@p\";map$s=~s, ,$r=$_%2?$&:'';$_/=2;$r,ger,0..2**@p/2-1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY9RT8IwFIWf3a84aQpjUFiZ4YWmshefTXhVQjTZyFS22s5Eg/DX5@02QPvQfPeec09vTWbfF83@GzzXjft8OaRGm8roUywnP/NJvFPcaZYapvbPhvDkBAS3mm8HyYoPl2Go@DbWieJW7DIr5GyWjMepiZPp/NioIK8sfHqduRqjAMAjEM5lSAR916KgG9TZiItOJ@z1Dv35q0tJ3U736CMo40xS4tojxCaIDn6YdhnxojQizb5MpNN2L9UrSHdVDY0hz1tTdBE4uV1t9WtVlD63Hb@qNPZfpUanGluUdQ42mC4cKHKJlgCa93wrfUF2KtxTyURw07@F7OMcjBVY9cawBLtfrx/Wrct/4mL21HlVcGx@AQ \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Knight](https://github.com/knight-lang/knight-lang) (v2), 125 bytes\n```\n;=lL=p+=a@P;W=l-lT|?Gp lT Gp-lT1=a+a,l;=n^2LaW+1=n-nT;=x!=b+=o@p;=kLa;W+=k-kT1&%/n^2k 2;=o+o,GbF=d+~x=x[Ga kT=bSbFd@;D+o,bO''\n```\n[Try it online!](https://knight-lang.netlify.app/v2#WyI7PWxMPXArPWFAUDtXPWwtbFR8P0dwIGxUIEdwLWxUMT1hK2EsbDs9bl4yTGFXKzE9bi1uVDs9eCE9Yis9b0BwOz1rTGE7Vys9ay1rVDEmJS9uXjJrIDI7PW8rbyxHYkY9ZCt+eD14W0dhIGtUPWJTYkZkQDtEK28sYk8nJyIsIjExMDAxIl0=)\nInput as a binary string. Outputs each partition on a separate line.\nThis probably is not even the golfiest strategy lol, but whatever. The general strategy is to construct a list `a` that contains the possible indexes that can be cut at (the easy part), then enumerate over all possible combinations of cuts using `a` (the annoying as f\\*\\*\\* part).\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 94 bytes\n```\nimport Data.List\nf l=nub[w|w<-subsequences[id=<[]],(w>>=id)==l]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jYqxDoIwFEV3vuKFOEACBPeWyZHNselQpOiLpUD7Ghj490p0cjHmDDcn9zyUf2pjYsRxnhzBRZGqWvSUDGC4DZ1Y95WVPnReL0Hbm/YCe87Ytm@sJIXGH5KhRfLV3U1hzk2xNULKIlubhmOfc25kHBVa4NBPCcwOLcEJBnEuanl4oCu51kKafp9vfgf1wT/JZ2V8AQ \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nCorrected as x specifications.\nThanks to @Wheat Wizard for saving some bytes using *id=<x?f(y,z+x)|f(y,[z,x]):/^,|1,1|0,0/.test(z)||print(z)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcZBCoAgEADAex/RpU3dWxTWQ6IgIqEOESVisn83nNOca1jf7Tlu34Q2Z2flFFEp9c2YrBBghzg6@WGqI3DJlDDO0OkFmZDYoNHK76@XCZjv57jKcl85KYiMIQH5Bw \"JavaScript (V8) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSeems they look same\n# [JavaScript (V8)](https://v8.dev/), 72 bytes\n```\nf=([x,...y],z='')=>x?f(y,z+x)|f(y,z+[,x]):/^,|1,1|0,0/.test(z)||print(z)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JcZBCoAgEADAex/Rpc3cWxTWQ6JAIsEOESVhsn83ojnNZm97Lac/QnU3OTsjx4hKqWfCZIQA08fByQdTGYH/jBgnaOsZmZBYo65VWK8gEzAfp9@/5a5wUhBpTQLyCw \"JavaScript (V8) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven a positive integer n, randomly output n non negative integers that sum to one hundred. n will be at most 200. The output should be present as a list of integers (not sorted).\nYour random sample should be uniformly sampled from all lists of n non negative integers that sum to one hundred.\nYour code should run in a reasonable amount of time (e.g. should terminate on TIO) for n less than a 200 . This is just to prevent brute force solutions.\n# Examples\nIf n=1 the code should always output 100\nIf n=2 the code should output 100,0 or 99,1 or 98,2 or 97,3 ... or 2,98 or 1,99 or 0,100 with equal probability. There are 101 different possible outputs in this case.\nIf n>100 then some of the values in the output will necessarily be 0.\n \n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org), 64 bytes\n```\n\\(n,m=rle(c(1,sample(!c(1:99,!1:n-1)),1)))c(m$l[!m$v],!1:n)[1:n]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=jU9BasMwELzrFTINRgsK2IVC4yLoP9IghKLYTiTFSOuSUvqSXtxDH5U_9BGVrR56aw_aXWZnZkfvH2G60qjcYI3sPZrWhCixUyjVfi_xLOuqEp8jHtb318cn5rkTwRqmWc2zihVpbjYbXtSNX9cAPD3QzK3stnCr592ygG0qux-fLzQRpRe3d4TcUHNZfGgYfUP-SMKyEmad7ow-0ZlAlbVpMNQa32IXqQrJrm87pOWCx9H9AhuS-CyqYbAvKXqyrfhh9Br7s2cXeD2Kf6Z4yPfYEYTIEC3L-diCJOIbAMl_nqbcvwE)\nImplementation of 'sticks-and-stones' as suggested by xnor.\n**Ungolfed**\n```\nfunction(n){\n w=rep(0:1,times=c(n-1,100)) # n-1 zeros, followed by 100 ones\n x=sample(w) # randomly shuffle it\n y=c(0,x,0) # and add zeros at the start & the end\n m=rle(y) # get the lengths of runs of 1s and 0s\n o=m$lengths[m$values==1] # lengths of the runs of ones\n p=m$lengths[m$values==0]-1 # lengths of the runs of zeros, minus 1\n q=sum(p) # so q is the number of zero-length runs of 1s\n z=rep(0,q) # repeat zero that many times\n return(c(o,z)) # and return the concatenation of the runlengths of 1s and the zero-length runs\n}\n```\n**Golfing tricks** \n`rep(0:1,times=c(n-1,100))` -> `!c(1:99,!1:n-1)` \n`c(m$lengths[m$values==1],rep(0,sum(m$lengths[m$values==0]-1)))` -> `c(m$l[!m$v],!1:n)[1:n]`\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 46 bytes\n```\n@(n)diff([0,sort(randperm(n+99,n-1)),n+100])-1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/Z@mYKugp6f330EjTzMlMy1NI9pApzi/qESjKDEvpSC1KFcjT9vSUidP11BTUydP29DAIFZT1/B/moaRgYHmfwA \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBased on [@xnor](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/20260/xnor)'s comment. But instead of shuffling a list of zeros and ones, here I generate a random permutation of `1:n+99`, and see the first `n-1` terms as the positions of zeros.\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 16 bytes\n```\nlMc.S+*100N*tQdd\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/P8c3WS9YW8vQwMBPqyQwJeX/f2MDAA \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBased on xnor's comment.\n* `*100N`: 100 `\"` characters\n* `*tQd`: n-1 space characters\n* `.S+`: Concatenate, shuffle\n* `c ... d`: Split on spaces\n* `lM`: Map to lengths of remaining pieces\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 27 bytes\n```\n0+/;.1@,1 0({~#?#)@#~100,<:\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/pvqWhlGGumaGWprq7g56Sn4JKfp16ikJZZoVCUmJeSn6tQnJqaoselpKeepmBrpaCuoKNgoGAFxLp6Cs5BPm7/DbT1rfUMHXQMFQw0quuU7ZU1HZTrDA0MdGys/mtypSZn5CukKZjCGEYGMBZQyX8A \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSticks and stones method thanks to [xnor's idea from the comments](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/247970/sample-integers-that-sum-to-one-hundred#comment554669_247970).\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), ~~125~~ ~~120~~ 115 bytes\n* *-5 bytes thanks to @ceilingcat*\n```\ni=99,j,a[];main(n){scanf(\"%d\",&n);n+=i;for(srand(&n);a[rand()%n]++||i--;);for(;i1]].sort,100+n)\nf(n)=L[2...]-L-1\n```\nUses xnor's Stars and Bars idea.\n[Try It On Desmos!](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/yftw79pgpc?nographpaper)\n[Try It On Desmos! - Prettified](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/npcsficqdl?nographpaper)\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 9 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u0442\u220d\u00fa\u00a6.r#\u20acg\n```\nInspired by [*@isaacg*'s Pyth answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/248041/52210), using [*@xnor*'s approach](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/247970/sample-integers-that-sum-to-one-hundred#comment554669_247970).\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//YtOjjt7Duw4t0ytSftS0Jv3/f1MA) or [verify a few random outputs at once](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/X@xyUevyOLQ4otNFUd3HFqmV2R0aPGh1dVlSp55BaUlVgpK9pU6XEr@pSUwngtQy6OO3sO7QIqVHzWtSf@vc2ib/X8A).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n \u220d # Extend the (implicit) input\n\u0442 # to length 100\n # (resulting in a string - e.g. n=50 becomes \"505050...50\")\n \u00fa # Pad this string with the (implicit) input amount of leading spaces\n # (it's important to note that `\u220d` results in a string instead of integer,\n # otherwise this would have resulted in \"50\" with 505050...50 amount of\n # leading spaces instead)\n \u00a6 # Remove the first space, so there are input-1 amount of spaces\n .r # Randomly shuffle the characters in this string\n # # Split it on spaces\n \u20acg # Get the length of each inner string\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [PARI/GP](https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr), 82 bytes\n```\nn->Vec(Ser(concat([Set(numtoperm(m=n+99,random(m!))[1..n-1]),m+1]))*(y=1-x)-1/y,n)\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728ILEoMz69YMHiNAXbpaUlaboWN4PydO3CUpM1glOLNJLz85ITSzSig1NLNPJKc0vyC1KLcjVybfO0LS11ihLzUvKBPEVNzWhDPb08XcNYTZ1cbSCpqaVRaWuoW6Gpa6hfqZOnCTVZuTi1BKRJIz21pDwxJ6ckMzdV05qroCgzr0QjTcPIwEATqnTBAggNAA)\nBased on [@xnor](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/20260/xnor)'s comment:\n> \n> It doesn't look like anyone has done this yet, but a slick approach is to make a list of 100 ones and n-1 zeros, shuffle it, and list off the lengths of the n runs of ones separated by zeroes. \u2013 [xnor](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/20260/xnor)\n> \n> \n> \nPARI/GP doesn't have a built-in for shuffling, but we can generate a random permutation of `[1..n+100-1]` using `numtoperm` and `random`, and see the first `n-1` terms as the positions of zeros.\n---\n# [PARI/GP](https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr), 94 bytes\n```\nn->b=binomial;r=random(b(n+99,k=100));[while(r>=s=b(n-l+k-1,k),r-=s;i++;k--)+i|l<-[1..n],!i=0]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=LY1BDoIwEEX3nkLjpk07BFxp6nARgqbEgpOWQkoNG2_ihsQYz-RtlODqLf7Lf493rwOdm3561mt83WIN-8_JQ15hRb5rSTsVMGh_6VpWMS8OB2kxS1POVTFeyRkWchzwN4ETFjJpuQyAgyIhlAXggu7uCEWWJL6UG8K0_Fe2g4nzMWtMHLVzkVrD1aoP5COr2W5uLOo0LfwC)\nThe number of possible outputs is `binomial(n+100-1,100)`. Here I first generate a random number `r` in the range `[0..binomial(n+100-1,100)-1]`, and then find the `r`th result. So this is guaranteed to be uniform.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 88 bytes\n```\nlambda n:[*map(len,bytes(sample([0]*100+[9]*~-n,n+99)).split(b'\t'))]\nfrom random import*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcWxDsIgEADQWb@iW@9oNagTJn4JZYAUIgkcF2Dp0l9H3/L46N9CrxE@20g2u91O9NYiW4bkaXVH9w2azZw8aGnEQ8pFKyPOG620KIV4b5xiBzdfZkRzDbXkqVra/8XMpXYxuEbqEOApJeL4AQ \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAlso uses the \"sticks and stones\" method.\nThis creates a list of 100 0s and n\u22121 9s, then `sample` gives n+99 elements (which is all of them) in a random order. The result is then converted to `bytes` in order to use `split`; 9 was chosen because it corresponds to the tab character (which is placed in the `bytes` literal for the argument to `split`). Finally, use `map` to take the `len`gth of each piece, and `[*\u2026]` makes it into a list.\n[Answer]\n# [APL(Dyalog Unicode)](https://dyalog.com), 28 bytes [SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS)\n```\n-\u2191\u2218{+/\u00a8\u2375\u2282\u23681@1~\u2375}{100\u2265?\u2368\u2375+99}\n```\n[Try it on APLgolf!](https://razetime.github.io/APLgolf/?h=AwA&c=033UNvFRx4xqbf1DKx71bn3U1fSod4Whg2EdkFNbbWhg8KhzqT1QCMjVtrSsBQA&f=03jUtUjnUe/SR11N2vqaaQqmAA&i=AwA&r=tryapl&l=apl-dyalog&m=dfn&n=f)\nA train which takes a single integer. Uses the sticks and stones method, since it translates quite well to APL.\n-6 from ovs.\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 43 bytes\n```\n.+\n*\n_$\n100*@\u00b6\n+@v`(.)(.*\u00b6)\n$2$1\n\u00b6\nS`_\n%`@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxLNPz/X0@bS4srXoXL0MBAy@HQNi5th7IEDT1NDT2tQ9s0uVSMVAy5gKJcwQnxXKoJDv//GxoAAA \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\") Explanation:\n```\n.+\n*\n```\nConvert to unary (using `_`).\n```\n_$\n100*@\u00b6\n```\nDecrement the input, append 100 `@`s, and create a work area for the shuffle.\n```\n+@v`(.)(.*\u00b6)\n$2$1\n```\nRepeatedly select a character randomly from the first line and move it to the start of the second line. (The `+` indicates to repeat, the `@` selects randomly, and the `v` allows the matches to overlap, which doesn't matter here since we're only replacing one at a time.)\n```\n\u00b6\n```\nDelete the input area.\n```\nS`_\n```\nSplit the working area on `_`s. Since there were `n-1` of them, there are now `n` lines.\n```\n%`@\n```\nCount the number of `@`s on each line.\n[Answer]\n# Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 41 bytes\nEdit: I have made my code much simpler and shorter.\n```\nValues[Counts[RandomInteger[{1,#},100]]]&\n```\nRandomInteger creates a random number between 1 and the given input integer, with uniform probability. This is done 100 times, and Counts tallies up the number of appearances of each number.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n2b7PywxpzS1ONo5vzSvpDg6KDEvJT/XM68kNT21KLraUEe5VsfQwCA2Nlbtf0BRZl6JQ0hiUk5qdFp0ZqxOdaaOIVC2NvY/AA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOld code from my previous submission is below.\n```\nLength/@Select[Flatten[Split[RandomChoice[Join[Riffle[Table[1,{#}]&/@#,0]]&/@Flatten[Permutations/@IntegerPartitions[100+#,{#}]-1,1]]],1],Length[#]>1&]&\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 99 bytes\n```\nf=(n,a=[100])=>--n?f(n,a.flatMap(v=>(s||s++)p?[d=s-p|0,v-d]:v,p=Math.random(s=0)*101)):a\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=jVXNbttGEL7lwKeYQ2ruSiRFKjVSy6aMIAkCF3ETxLkpArQhVzJdapfhLpkUFp8klxzah2qfJrPLH0lpDdSAKHp-vp2Z79vR1z-FTPm3b39Veu3_8neyjonwWLyIwnBJ47nvi8u1sQTrnOlrVpA6nhO126nxmF4UJydEjeOazovLRRorv9iFXu2ny1ntFfE107dByUQqt0TFIR1FYUTpjLVH_fOInjtOIoXS8P7d1bPXNxADnop_aF84kedMPeeJ55x6ThR6zmQytc9T-8RAZxmsZfmSJbdEQDyHewfAwMmcB7nckBVa4fG9aFZ4UOvSUHJV5Vqh574xVkQAknMNGZrCc_y66KrBd2zRoh4nYyBOxGIeO250ib7VAg9tDcGdzARxPXBpA0sggz3nYqNvG7pqQbI1kCMPxHEMAk5OOuSg5GmVcEJUtfWgpqZdfIUx1B6E1IbjRPpqoW9zMRS2xMrIf1h3O5M_hqitpAGeKz7AHI3zQzV9-nMCr6QeGkSIxo7weNSI47SfdjzYFPrffLzjiQ5-53-ovhLa9WuSDAmJ3H6Uhpyot2QDSYags7NzPGqMLM1Nv0iR79M-axS3vqOMyCT4NiHsGO3CJ3Hr2WsjkZWw0ugqrVle8YNat0b9ZvQ1TDqRHChry5npsgX5gTCWH1LGckvaxMxln690-oIjPNhroz6VmvyAVe-RasQh-A82YM6lMBrBdI86lNWTZxkwIoFLcA2DEeSZ0i7MYNUSihENVCL7VHHrUiDXwL8UOAieor-dmuH08T2xvY6s5AIt35Y8yVQmBXlCm59sQW1Y19JDgUrjbmBlCimvM6bRfnhTTREPqUZJnI7gn-FK6Dx4LnPcTbIkVnouF65n33oVi2rLyyyZgS4r7nXGSrENn4FroNzemG2ELPnbSiS6sgXNYM3wQgyapgHOoWAlt4Wae2sma8QYUVtxoIo8Q7JwY1nZ-zANbax19vuKoAIy2i-tvmOs06jv15s3vwV4huIkt3CauMSlC9zHhzunYMpEm6R_bQ1r_H87Yw_Za8UCo0zMfQ9PjUTcD-bm4x5bGVb7LZIvh2vwIMWbVlvDXjiamKk0s3Wc0aMK3CAIXJvR4BM_7S9G_yP1HQ)\nA recursive approach that starts with the array `[100]`, and 'splits' it randomly `n` times. \neg. `[27, 51, 22]` -> `[27, 11, 40, 22]`\nThe hardest (and most costly) part is making sure `[0, 100]` is a possible output.\nThere is an extremely slim chance (at most approx. 1 in 253, [source](https://stackoverflow.com/a/52095861/14117133)) of the function producing invalid output, when `Math.random()` returns exactly `0`.\n[Answer]\n# [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 42 bytes\n```\n100\\(:a+,{;9.?rand}${a<}%1+{.1?.@@)>n\\.}do\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPlvaABEBjEaVonaOtXWlnr2RYl5KbUq1Yk2taqG2tV6hvZ6Dg6adnkxerUp@f//AwA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFor some reason I just *had* to use GolfScript for this. No idea why though, I've never used this language before. Anyways, this is yet another implementation of xnor's idea.\n```\n100 # push 100 onto the stack \n\\(:a # store n-1 in variable a\n+, # create array of ints from 0 to (100 + n-1) - 1\n{;9.?rand}$ # shuffle array, method taken from GS tips page\n{a<}% # map items to 0 if they are >=a and to 1 if they are <1\n1+ # append 1 to list. \n # This is done so that ? always finds a 1 later\n{\n .1? # find position of first 1 in array\n .@@ # move a copy of that position to the back of the stack\n )> # discard all elements with an index < (position - 1)\n n\\ # push a newline onto the stack, flip array back to the top\n # The implicit output concats all stack values together :(\n.}do # repeat until array is empty\n```\nThe program expects n to be at to top of the stack. TIO's input field does ...unexpected things, so the header field is used to provide input instead.\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `W`, 13 bytes\n```\n\u2039(\u2081\u0280\u2105)\u2081Ws\u208dh\u00aff\n```\nchoose cut positions and sort them, append 100 at the end, calculate the difference\n=>`first number, differences...`\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJXIiwiIiwi4oC5KOKCgcqA4oSFKeKCgVdz4oKNaMKvZiIsIiIsIjUiXQ==)\n[Answer]\n# [Ly](https://github.com/LyricLy/Ly), 22 bytes\n```\n'dspn,[r0l?:lf-spr,]pl\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y6n8/189pbggTye6yCDH3ionTbe4oEgntiDn/38LAA \"Ly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis meets the requirements in that all possible combinations of numbers that sum to 100 could be returned, but I don't think all of them have an equal chance. But someone with better understanding of statistics would have to weigh in to be sure... If that's a disqualification, I'll remove the answer. But from what I can tell, the approach is different from the other algorithms used so it might be interesting?\nAt a high level, the code loops `N-1` times where `N` is the count requested on STDIN. Each time through the loop it generates a random number in `0-X` where `X` starts at 100 and is decremented by the number added to the list each time. Once the loop is exhausted, it finds the number requires to get the sum to 100 and uses that as the last entry.\n```\n'dsp - Load \"100\", save to backup cell and pop from stack\n n, - Read list size \"N\" requested from STDIN, decrement\n [r r,]p - Loop once for \"N-1\" times\n 0l? - Load backup cell, generate random number in \"0-X\"\n : - Duplicate random pick\n lf- - Sub random pick from previous \"left to sum\" number\n sp - Save new \"left to sum\" to backup cell and pop from stack\n l - Load \"left to sum\" from backup cell\n - Stack prints as numbers by default on exit\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 3.9, 233 226 224 211 Bytes\n```\nimport random\nfrom functools import*\nr,p=range,cache(lambda n,s:s<1 if n<1 else sum(p(n-1,k)for k in r(s+1)))\ndef f(n,s):\n k=random.choices(r(s+1),[p(n-1,k)for k in r(s+1)])[0]\n return[]if n<1 else[s-k]+f(n-1,k)\n```\n[TIO link](https://tio.run/##dY0xTsQwEEV7n2LKGdaLHGjQavcKXCCKUHBsYiWescZOwelDpFDQUP3iv6dXvtss/PpWdN9TLqINdORJsokqGeLGvomsFc7zyagtj4P4CnbV7cOPfg74LhwI1zF/TiOwrbd67yBF4GPCWgPULWNBvnZ2oSgKCyQGxXrpiMhMIULEw6ObgeVx9p/9LMmHiidm@3/8gXo3GNDQNuV@@FPt63UZLvFX24smbhjxxTnbOUe0/wA). Slightly longer as the cache decorator is only available in Python 3.9.\n[Answer]\n# [Burlesque](https://github.com/FMNSSun/Burlesque), 49 bytes\n```\ns10 100rn1bx100.*FL{jg_x/0x/ia}{g1-.Js1}w!q0;;)++\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyotykktLixN/V9dkPq/2NBAwdDAoCjPMKkCSOtpuflUZ6XHV@gbVOhnJtZWpxvq6nkVG9aWKxYaWFtramv/zyypDc/5b6BgzGUIJoxAhDHQEC5DBUMA \"Burlesque \u2013 Try It Online\")\nInputs are random seed and count.\n```\ns1 # Save count\n0 100rn # Random numbers 0..100 (seeded by second input)\n1bx100.*FL # 100 1s\n{ \n j # Reorder stack\n g_ # Get head of random number\n x/0x/ia # Insert a 0 at that position\n }{\n g1-.Js1 # Decrement count and check\n }w! # While\n q0;; # Split on 0s\n )++ # Sum each block\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 34 bytes\n```\n\u2254\uff25\u2296\uff2e\u2070\u03b8\u2254\uff25\u00d7\u03c7\u03c7\u00b9\u03b7\u229e\u03c5\u2070\uff37\u207a\u03b8\u03b7\u229e\u03c5\u2387\u203d\u03b9\u207a\u229f\u03c5\u229f\u03b7\u229f\u03b8\uff29\u03c5\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYzLCsIwEEX3/YosZ6BCs@5KdONCKdIfiO1gAnk1D8Wvj4kouLjMDOfcWaQIixO6lH2M6m7hLDwcaQlkyCZa4WR9TpdsbhQAsWdDzYZj96fPylAEPvSMN8prZDWmHCXk1hi7p1SaGEw6R9gaRvbDMwUrwguuwq7OgKrtjzY5D7kddUr8Lhu2x0HZBAcRUxVwLIUPZffQbw \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: Uses @xnor's method.\n```\n\u2254\uff25\u2296\uff2e\u2070\u03b8\n```\nCreate a list of `n-1` `0`s.\n```\n\u2254\uff25\u00d7\u03c7\u03c7\u00b9\u03b7\n```\nCreate a list of `100` `1`s.\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u2070\n```\nStart the output list with one `0` for now.\n```\n\uff37\u207a\u03b8\u03b7\n```\nRepeat until all of the `0`s and `1`s have been popped.\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u2387\u203d\u03b9\u207a\u229f\u03c5\u229f\u03b7\u229f\u03b8\n```\nSelect one of them at random. If it's a `1`, then increment the latest number in the output list, otherwise push one of the `0`s to the output list, all while removing the `1` or `0` from its list as appropriate.\n```\n\uff29\u03c5\n```\nOutput all of the integers.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 94 bytes\n```\nf=(n,s=100,g=Math.random,i=g()*-~s|0)=>--n?g()*s**n<(i+1)**n-i**n?[...f(n,i),s-i]:f(n+1,s):[s]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JY1NCoMwEEb3nsJlYjJBl1VTT9ATiGDwr2NtIo6UUkqP3jTSWcy8Dx7zzeZhqNtw3cG6fvB@1MxK0lmayklfzH5Vm7G9u0vUE@MJfOidcn0GsNWRKUlsyVBkPABgWFWtlBrDE@SSAJs8sMgk8bymxo9uY9g/dVbE4ZShpoiFCMijzllyy6AWN7HxkLiaHdpWtDzyX7fuGAQPQLvpbkD4GvTpPz8 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nProbable ret[0]==s-i is `((i+1)**n-i**n)/s**n`\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 13 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n\u00ee \u00c5iL\u00ee\u00ac \u00f6\u00ac\u00b8m\u00ca\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=7iDFaUzurCD2rLhtyg&input=OA)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n*This is the cops' thread of a [cops-and-robbers](/questions/tagged/cops-and-robbers \"show questions tagged 'cops-and-robbers'\") challenge. The robbers' thread can be found [here](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/251451/polyglot-quiz-robbers-thread)*\nIn this challenge as a cop you will choose two programming languages **A** and **B**, as well as a non-empty string **S**. You are then going to write 4 programs:\n1. A program which outputs exactly **S** when run in both **A** and **B**.\n2. A program which outputs **S** in **A** but not in **B**.\n3. A program which outputs **S** in **B** but not in **A**.\n4. A program which doesn't output **S** in either **A** or **B**.\nYou will then reveal all 4 programs (including which number each program is) and **S**, but keep the languages hidden.\nRobbers will try to figure out a pair of languages such that they print the correct results for the 4 programs, and cops will try to make posts that are hard to figure out while remaining as short as possible.\n**Warning: There is a slight difference in the rules from \"normal\" [cops-and-robbers](/questions/tagged/cops-and-robbers \"show questions tagged 'cops-and-robbers'\")**\nCops' posts here can have 4 different states:\n1. Vulnerable\n2. Cracked\n3. Safe\n4. Revealed\nAll cops' posts start as *vulnerable*. If a robber finds and posts a solution to a *vulnerable* post they will receive 1 point and the post will become *cracked*. If a post lasts 10 days in *vulnerable* without being solved it automatically becomes *safe*. A cop with a *safe* post may choose to reveal **A** and **B** and their *safe* post will become *revealed*. A robber can still solve a *safe* post, if they do they receive a point and the post becomes *revealed*.\nOnly *revealed* posts are eligible for scoring. Robbers are only permitted to solve *vulnerable* and *safe* posts.\n## Scoring\nCops will be scored on the sum size of all four programs as measured in bytes, with the goal being to have an answer with as low a score as possible. Answers that are not *revealed* effectively have infinite score by this measure until they become *revealed*.\n## Languages and Output\nIn the interest of fairness, we are going to require that languages are free and reasonably cross platform. Both languages you choose must be freely available on Linux and FreeBSD (the two largest foss operating systems). This includes languages which are free and open source.\nYour selected languages must predate this challenge.\nSince this challenge requires that **A** and **B** produce different outputs for the same program, there is no requirement for what \"counts\" as a different language, the fact that they produce different outputs is enough.\nPrograms do not have to compile, run without error or \"work\" in the cases where they do not need to output **S**. As long as **S** is not the output it is valid.\nPrograms here should be complete programs not functions, expressions or snippets.\nRunning a program is assumed to be done with no input. All four programs must be deterministic, within an environment. It is fine for example if as a part of an error the program outputs the name of the file or your host name, this is not considered non-determinism since it is determined by the environment running the program. However if it is included in the output please indicate what the file is named etc.\n \n[Answer]\n# A = [HQ9+](https://esolangs.org/wiki/HQ9%2B), B = [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 291 bytes, [Cracked](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/251464/107310)\n**S** is `Hello, world!`\n1. Both **A** and **B** work\n```\n#console.log(\"Hello, world!\")/*\nprint(\"hello, world!\".capitalize())\n#*/\n```\n2. **A** only\n```\nconsole.log(\"Hello, world!\")/*\nprint(\"hello, world!\")\n*/\n```\n3. **B** only\n```\n#console.log(\"Hello, world!\")/*\nprint(\"Hello, world!\")\n#*/\n```\n4. Neither work\n```\nconsole.log(String.fromCharCode(49-1)+\"ello, world!\")/*\nprint(String.fromCharCode(49-1)+\"ello, world!\")\n*/\n```\nGG\n[Answer]\n# [A] and [B], 64 Bytes, [Cracked](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/251462/92689) by @Steffan\nS = \"Cop\"\nBoth *A* and *B* works\n```\nmain=print\"Cop\"\n```\nWorks only *A*\n```\nmain=print\n \"Cop\"\n```\nWorks only *B*\n```\nmain=\nprint\"Cop\"\n```\nNone works\n```\nmain=print\n\"Cop\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands) and [yup](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/yup/wiki), 8 bytes, [Cracked by *@FryAmTheEggman*](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/251649/52210)\n\\$S\\$: `0`\n1.\u00a0Works in \\$A\\$=05AB1E and \\$B\\$=yup:\n```\n0#?\n```\n2.\u00a0Works in just \\$A\\$=05AB1E:\n```\n0?\n```\n3.\u00a0Works in just \\$B\\$=yup:\n```\n0#\n```\n4.\u00a0Works in neither \\$A\\$=05AB1E nor \\$B\\$=yup:\n```\n0\n```\n---\n**Explanation now that it's cracked:**\n```\n0#? # 05AB1E: Push 0; pop and split on spaces (no-op that just pops); print\n # without newline, which implicitly uses the last value that was on the now\n # empty stack, which is the 0\n # yup: Push 0; pop and print it without newline; no-op character '?'\n0? # 05AB1E: Push 0; pop and print it without newline\n # yup: Push 0; no-op character '?', so don't print anything\n0# # 05AB1E: Push 0; no-op pop; implicitly output 0 with trailing newline\n # yup: Push 0; pop and print it without newline\n0 # 05AB1E: Push 0; implicitly output 0 with trailing newline\n # yup: Push 0; don't print anything\n```\n[Answer]\n# Hexagony and Labyrinth, 44 bytes, [Cracked](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/251469/78410) by Aiden Chow\n**S** = `1234`\n1. Works in both A and B\n```\n\"123_1234!@\n```\n2. Works in A, but not in B\n```\n123+1\n234!@\n```\n3. Works in B, but not A\n```\n1234@\n;!;!;\n```\n4. Does not work in A or B\n```\n;!;!;\n1234@\n```\n[Answer]\n# ??? and ???, 69 bytes, vulnerable\nS = `A`\n1. Both A and B work:\n```\n:-%~! v\nput(97)\n.% >`a\n```\n2. Works in A, but not B:\n```\n:-%~v!\nput(a)\n.% >97\n```\n3. Works in B, but not A:\n```\n:-%~!<\nput a.\n.%^97C\n```\n4. Works in neither A or B:\n```\nput(97)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Glypho](https://web.archive.org/web/20060621185740/http://www4.ncsu.edu/%7Ebcthomp2/glypho.txt) and [Somme](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/Somme), 747 bytes, revealed\n## Explanation\nFor this approach, I thought it would make sense to choose two languages which cared very little about the actual content of their source codes, and instead cared about some properties the code has.\nGlypho is a language who cares about the distinct permutations formed by chunks of 4 bytes. It has 15 commands, and is a stack-based language. For example, the string `UU{u` corresponds to the `push` command, since it is equivalent to `aabc` (in terms of uniqueness).\nSomme is a language which is usually a fairly innocuous stack-based language, but once multiple lines are involved, the columns are summed and converted into a corresponding command. (Addition is performed by treating space, 32, as 0, `!` as 1, etc., then taking the result mod 95.)\nHence, the programs consist almost entirely of red herrings.\nRecall that\n**S** = `owo!owo!owo!owo!owo!owo!owo!owo!`\na string chosen because I thought it was funny.\n## Both **[Glypho](https://tio.run/##VY9NSwNBDIbv8yv6theV0g74cXE7mVI8eQjTcRlQbPekHixpDxKKP37N7AoiuQQenrxv3j/Pxw/p@7b9/mJWARGEbVQlb/O2UW0KChvzUqQE1QAHVzk8vANc0qRsAwIt5ot5ZZEi/bqoTEqR0XUYXHh1KOZqGl2iIVfU/XeV/3IHV@G9t7UkPaXKa64IGxONRLHRYK6VVussBUGDji5bZw@Xc04mWyse/wUHBHKzdTfZrJ7v3s6bl7bL@fB0Gy8PXbh@nax2/LC7n9oJTK9ulqfH/cW@738A)** and **[Somme](https://tio.run/##VY9BSwNBDIXv8yv62otKaQfUXtxOphRPHsJ0XAYU273obQlFShB//JrZFURyCXx8eS@f0vfvw9C23xdmFRBB2EZV8iEfGtWmoLAxL0VKUA1wcJXDwzvAJU3KNiDQarlaVhYp0q@LyqQUmVyH0YVXh2KupsklGnNF3X9X@S93dBXee1tL0nOqvOaKsDHRSBQbDeZaabXOUhA06OSydfZwOedksrXi6V9wQCC32HWz/fZl8/G1f227nPvn@3jdd@H2bbY98uPxYW4nML@5W5@fTlenYfgB)** work:\n```\nUU{uOOwo!??!oOoOowwoSRSRww>!\n!\nowwo!0!0\n!!\nQwQwOwOw!?!?.,.,owwo@?@?ww>!\n!owwo!!0w\n!W\nQwwQOwOw!???oOoOoow\n@?@?ww>!\n!owww!000\n!WQwqQOwwO!?!?ooO!owow@??@w>w!\n!owOo!00!\nSSSQQwqOwoO!??!oO!O>!>?\n#A` C=Z6fyC[U`SSmT5@)m`>3] =^OE^;\"owO!\"*4/qK_(_\n```\nThis corresponds to the [Glypho (shorthand) program](https://tio.run/##S8@pLMjI1y3OyC8qyUjMS/n/39BQOwUIow1TwHQKEIApbSAw1NVOyU@Bymjn54P4QJ6uthaYBPFjo1MRIPb/fwA) (`[eeeeeeeeeee]` is a loop that never runs):\n```\n11+d+d+[1d+d+d+dddd+d+dd++++1-+dod1d+d+d++oo1-+d1d+-+*1d+-+o1-+][eeeeeeeeeee]\n11+ stack: 2\n d+d+ stack: 8 (loop counter)\n [ 1-+] loop 8 times\n 1d+d+d+ stack: LC, 8\n dddd stack: LC, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8\n +d+dd++++ stack: LC, 8, 112\n 1-+ stack: LC, 8, 111\n do output and keep 'o'\n d1d+d+d++ stack: LC, 8, 111, 119\n oo output 'wo'\n 1-+ stack: LC, 7\n d1d+-+* stack: LC, 35\n 1d+-+ stack: LC, 33\n o output '!'\n 1-+ stack: LC-1\n```\nIn Somme, this corresponds to the following program after the columns are summed:\n```\nF1+7*1-::8+\\3B*m,m,m,m,m,m,m,m,0;!fw'@9AH `\nF stack: 15\n 1+ stack: 16\n 7*1- stack: 111\n :: stack: 111, 111, 111\n 8+\\ stack: 111, 119, 111\n 3B* stack: 111, 119, 111, 33\n m, map output (,) over stack\n m,m,m,m,m,m,m, ...eight times in total\n 0; exit with exit code 0\n !fw'@9AH ` (never executed)\n```\n## Only **[Glypho](https://tio.run/##Pc0xDgIxDETRPqew444GFy62WOEj5ABRaiiQDNWI0wcrLGuXo6d/f35ej5izdxvO@are0FCiRBAFIoqSxhjWVdF25h0CcRHPEd2s/5xrA1pJllARBUqkw/7O0wk85XJb35yZ3XNcvQxSUPbSKaUbCmj2OJ24C5YDjt7hRG6nU4rDIXsOSK2CGkBUu9j1PdbN@QU)** works:\n```\n[[4]?!?!?00?OwOw\no\noo owoo\n0 0o]]4[00wOo o woow00 o]44]0wwwB-t$?@+@@v)IUnX'PFK;~{k**bj2Q1J02is?F}zRC/)mmU-U-w\n```\nThis errors out immediately because `u` is not a command that exists.\n## Only **[Somme](https://tio.run/##K87PzU39/z8zTaGgKDOvREMpv9xfSVOhJCM1z0pBOYxLASbuX56vpMmVmpfCpZxqYK1V52qXklTo6FtVq@1elGhbaRWQmcqVlFpSnpqap5CamJyhkF9aUlBaopCcmJOjo5CSb4UwShFoAQjkRcc4mOVUWykYgM0tSi1ITSxRKCnPTE7liojWSjcycFDKDteoNvHRLQrOVinXM6nVrNOy9ga6FwA)** works:\n```\nif print(\"owO\") then: #V\n print(\"Owo\")\nend\n#e0;*~E>dbqAMz}+Gra=y:Pie\nbetween each output call, do:\n print(\"!\") n[\\@6l{: 0\nend\nrepeat twice\nX[*g20@\"kW({4L-rSk$w.4})~*;Ke\n```\nThis corresponds to the following Somme program:\n```\nF1+7*1-::8+\\3B*r`,{`FF+2+*0;\nF1+7*1-::8+\\3B* same as previous\n r reverse stack\n `,{` push this string\n FF+2+ push 32\n * execute that string 32 times\n (once for each character)\n 0; exit with exit code 0\n```\nAnd to the (gibberish) [Glypho (shorthand) program](https://tio.run/##S8@pLMjI1y3OyC8qyUjMS/n/PxUMtFLhQFcRiFMNgTA6D8SPjYXJ/P8PAA):\n```\neeeeee*eeeeeeeeee-!ee-e1e1e[neeee]]eeeeeeee\n```\nThis errors out immediately due to `e` (execute) having no parameters.\n## Neither **[A]** nor **[B]** work:\nDidn't need to spend too much time here, since the answer was probably fine without it.\n```\nprint(\"owo!\"*8)\n#&7(\"owo!\"-1)\n```\nThanks for reading!\n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://www.python.org/) and [PARI/GP](https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/), 48 bytes, [Cracked](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/251466/9288) by @Steffan\nAn easy one.\n**S** is `Cop`\n1. Both **A** and **B** work\n```\nprint(\"Cop\")\n```\n2. **A** only\n```\nprint('Cop')\n```\n3. **B** only\n```\nprint('Cop)'\n```\n4. Neither work\n```\nprint(\"Cop)\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# ??? and ???, 54 bytes\nString: `8356830650`\nWorks in A and B (hex):\n```\n00000000: 300b 3366 b87e 0b00 247e e239 2a83 2a3b 0.3f.~..$~.9*.*;\n00000010: 0fd6 30 ..0\n```\nWorks in A (hex):\n```\n00000000: a4ac b3bb 762b 3a74 d6 ....v+:t.\n```\nWorks in B (hex):\n```\n00000000: 300b 01f9 3033 1f0b 3131 5ee2 8891 5ebb 0...03..11^...^.\n00000010: 2d88 7661 8976 0bce 0000 0b2b -.va.v.....+\n```\nWorks in neither:\n```\nWe're no strangers to love\nYou know the rules and so do I (do I)\nA full commitment's what I'm thinking of\nYou wouldn't get this from any other guy\nI just wanna tell you how I'm feeling\nGotta make you understand\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\nWe've known each other for so long\nYour heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)\nInside, we both know what's been going on (going on)\nWe know the game and we're gonna play it\nAnd if you ask me how I'm feeling\nDon't tell me you're too blind to see\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\n(Ooh, give you up)\n(Ooh, give you up)\n(Ooh) Never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up)\n(Ooh) Never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up)\nWe've known each other for so long\nYour heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)\nInside, we both know what's been going on (going on)\nWe know the game and we're gonna play it\nI just wanna tell you how I'm feeling\nGotta make you understand\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\nNever gonna give you up\nNever gonna let you down\nNever gonna run around and desert you\nNever gonna make you cry\nNever gonna say goodbye\nNever gonna tell a lie and hurt you\n```\nOr the empty program.\n[Answer]\n# [A] and [B], 46 bytes, Cracked by @mousetail\n**S** is `0`\n1. Both **A** and **B**, 14 bytes\n```\nprint('0')\nout\n```\n2. **A** but not **B**, 15 bytes\n```\nprint('0')\nout#\n```\n3. **B** but not **A**, 17 bytes\n```\nprint('0',)\nout #\n```\n4. Neither **B** nor **A**, 0 bytes\nYeah, I'm not wasting any bytes here `:-)`\n[Answer]\n# ??? and ???, 300 bytes\nS = `A\\n` (as in, `A` with a trailing newline)\n1. Works in *A* and *B*\n```\nputs A\nn = A[ exit ]\nn = 8\nm = n - 1\np = m - n\nn = 3 * 10\np /= 2\nt = p * p\n```\n2. Works in *A* but not *B*\n```\nputs 'A'\nn = A[ exit ]\nn = 8\nm = n - 1\np = m - n\nn = 3 * 10\np /= 2\nt = p * p\n```\n3. Works in *B* but not *A*.\n```\nputs A\nn = A[exit]\nn = 8\nm = n - 1\np = m - n\nn = 3 * 10\np /= 2\nt = p * p\n```\n4. Works in neither *A* nor *B*\n```\nn = A[ exit ]\nputs A\nn = 8\nm = n - 1\np = m - n\nn = 3 * 10\np /= 2\nt = p * p\n```\n[Answer]\n# [A] and [B], ACTUALLY 3 BYTES!!!, [Cracked](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/251451/polyglot-quiz-robbers-thread/251487#251487)\n**S** is `0`\n* Both, 0 bytes:\n* Only **A**, 1 byte:\n```\n!\n```\n* Only **B**, 1 byte:\n```\nr\n```\n* Neither, 1 byte:\n```\n\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Lightlang](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Lightlang) and [PDAsephone](https://esolangs.org/wiki/PDAsephone), 141 bytes, revealed\n## Explanation\nMy thought process for this approach was to choose two obscure esolangs with interpreters not on TIO. Since there are no interpreters online available, I recommend you download [`lightlang.py`](https://github.com/bangyen/esolangs/blob/master/register-based/lightlang.py) and [`PDASephone.java`](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Talk:PDAsephone).\nMy strategy with this one was further devious. If you were hurriedly scanning through esolangs, and found this language, the program will not complete immediately. The `_` command in Lightlang sleeps for one second, meaning the program takes about 13 seconds to complete.\nLightlang is a curious language which only has 1 bit of memory, whose implementation clocks in at 35 sloc. My solutions use the \"interesting\" parts of the language, bouncing, jumping, and conditional skipping, to produce varied output. The program otherwise is just a garden path through toggling a bit on and off and printing it occasionally.\nPDAsephone is a language with a PDA (push-down automaton) datatype. Unfortunately, I didn't want to spend bytes (or mental energy) getting a non-trivial PDA functional in the language, especially when the other language is so simple that it would be hard to replicate any meaningfully complex behavior implemented in PDAsephone. Hence, I use it just for its stack-based capabilities, and most of the work done is to make it play nice with Lightlang.\n**S** = `0110100`\nBoth **Lightlang** and **PDAsephone** work:\n```\n__@;\"1_&^\"0^!^!.$$:.__/!^#&!^&$$:.\"0:v..^:..___\n```\nOnly **Lightlang** works:\n```\n[*)`!$]^|>,=+!+/#(]+|!!-+)$'%)}|^!]>*].==`^{;\"|\n```\nOnly **PDAsephone** works:\n```\n'**\"0-'})'\"1=/:+?.`/:~'{++:.>.'+*/(:./:-./::'..\n```\nNeither **Lightlang** nor **PDAsephone** work: (the empty program)\nThanks for reading!\n[Answer]\n# ??? and ???, 43 bytes, safe\noutput: `2147483647`\n| | |\n| --- | --- |\n| both | `-print /*\"\\r\"%S #*/|2**31-1` |\n| only A | `-print %S` |\n| only B | `2**31-1` |\n| neither | |\nhint: \nnone of the languages are esoteric or recreational, both are practical and one of them is even quite popular, the other one is free open source but not available on any service like TIO, it's a script for a domain-specific tool\n[Answer]\n# ??? and ???, 406 bytes, [cracked by Conor O'Brian](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/251507/91213)\nS=`2`\nBoth A and B:\n```\n# print(\"22222222222\") //\n!\\print(\"22222222222\")# 2\n\\\\ (\"11111111111\")<>n\n;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth and V, 11 bytes, [Cracked](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/251451/polyglot-quiz-robbers-thread/251500#251500) by @Steffan\nS = `3`\nBoth:\n```\nl\"aa3\n```\nOnly A:\n```\n3\n```\nOnly B:\n```\ndl3P1\u00e93\n```\nNone: (empty)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nIf the agent is at the origin it always moves right when you choose it.\nThe goal is to get one agent to 10.\nThe cost is the sum of the square of the total number of moves (left or right) taken by each individual agent until the first agent gets to 10. You want to minimise the expected cost\nOnce you have fixed a strategy you should run your code ten thousand times (each time up to the point where the first agent gets to 10) and report the average cost.\n# Input and output\nThere is no input to this challenge. Your code need only output the mean cost over ~~10000~~ 100,000 runs as specified. However please do include an explanation of your strategy for choosing which agent to move when.\nIn short, the cost of moving a particular agent effectively increases each time you move it. This is a result of the scoring system. As another example, if you move agent 1 twice for your first two moves and it ends up back at the origin, it is now cheaper to move any other agent.\nIf two answers have the same strategy then the first answer wins. If two different strategies give similar mean costs then they should be rerun with ~~100,000~~ a million (or even more) iterations to see which is better.\nA very simple strategy gives a mean cost of 6369. So the first hurdle is to do better than that.\n# Winners\nThis question was first brilliantly solved optimally by Anders Kaseorg.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), modified minimum product, average cost ~4950\n```\nf=->a,b{(0..3).min_by{|q|(9-a[q])**3*b[q]}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY7NCoQgHMTvPcVeFtSt/1qdIuxFRBalgg5JZeGG@uxuH4edgeF3mIFZNrXH6ZHTQ7AOY2fAbKPz2ieScZpeFon6c@xZ1shUOUQBSgzjoD9qd372qMoknwUmpCTqgBAiBbN2E/SDbp1lPT92opbcCobOfKFF6hYVmBRZjgnSz@IiDFKZWp0NltcSRvltqpCo@5v1ltgQ3vdpGn8 \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAlways select the agent that minimizes `(9-position)^3*(number of moves)`:\n* On the first round, every agent makes a move.\n* By using `9-a` instead of `10-a`, any agent in position 9 will try to move on the next iteration.\n* Position seems to be more important than the cost projection, so after trying out different values, I found out that the third power is the best way to represent it.\nThe easiest strategy (round-robin) has a cost of about 7000.\nIf I let it run in a continuous loop, after a while the average stabilizes around 4950.\n[Answer]\n# Rust, cost = 4928.296960314256\nComputed exactly (modulo floating point imprecision) with a non-random algorithm, but also measured as \\$4923.8 \u00b1 2.6\\$ (\\$1\u03c3\\$ confidence) with \\$10^7\\$ random runs of the actual game as a check.\n### Strategy\nConsider the following equivalent but wetter version of the game. There\u2019s a tower of cells \\$(p, m)\\$ with eleven columns \\$0 \u2264 p \u2264 10\\$ and infinitely many rows \\$m \u2265 0\\$ going downwards. We\u2019ll call the first ten columns \\$p = 0, \\dotsc, 9\\$ \u201clive\u201d and the last column \\$p = 10\\$ \u201cdead\u201d. Each live cell has a plugged drain in the floor, connected by equal-width pipes to its diagonal neighbors below. We start with \\$1\\$ liter of water in \\$(0, 0)\\$, with \\$4\\$ grains of sand floating in the water. Our goal is to control the plugs until one of the grains ends up in the dead column, while minimizing the expected sum of the squared row numbers of the grains at that time.\nThe reason to formulate the game like this is that our strategy does not need to look at the grains. Instead, we\u2019re going to open the plugs in some fixed order, letting the grains float where they may, until 100% of the water flows into the dead column in the limit as all of the plugs are open. (We\u2019re very good at opening plugs.)\nI\u2019ll explain in a moment how to decide which order we\u2019ll use, but to motivate that, I first need to explain how to evaluate our expected score. Define \u201ctime \\$t\\$\u201d to be the time when \\$t\\$ liters of water have flowed into the dead column. Then, because the grains of sand flow equivalently to water molecules, the distribution of time quadruples \\$(t\\_1, \\dotsc, t\\_4)\\$ when the four grains enter the dead column is just the uniform distribution over \\$[0, 1]^4\\$. Therefore, the time \\$t\\_\\min = \\min \\{t\\_1, \\dotsc, t\\_4\\}\\$ when the score should be evaluated has a [beta distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_distribution) \\$t\\_\\min \\sim \\mathrm{Beta}(1, 4)\\$, whose [PDF](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probability_density_function) is \\$4(1 - t)^3\\$.\nLet \\$q\\_{(p, m)}(t)\\$ be the amount of water in cell \\$(p, m)\\$ at time \\$t\\$; let \\$c\\_{(p, m)}(t) = m^2q\\_{(p, m)}(t)\\$ be its weighted cost, and \\$c\\_{\\textrm{live}}(t)\\$ (resp. \\$c\\_{\\textrm{dead}}(t)\\$) the sum over all live (resp. dead) cells. Then we can write our expected score as\n\\begin{split}\n&\\int\\_0^1 4(1 - t)^3 \\left(3\\frac{c\\_{\\textrm{live}}(t)}{1 - t} + c'\\_{\\textrm{dead}}(t)\\right)\\,dt \\\\\n&= \\int\\_0^1 12(1 - t)^2 c\\_{\\textrm{live}}(t)\\,dt + \\int\\_0^1 4(1 - t)^3 c'\\_{\\textrm{dead}}(t)\\,dt \\\\\n&= \\Bigl[-4(1 - t)^3 c\\_{\\textrm{live}}(t)\\Bigr]\\_0^1 - \\int\\_0^1 -4(1 - t)^3 c'\\_{\\textrm{live}}(t)\\,dt + \\int\\_0^1 4(1 - t)^3 c'\\_{\\textrm{dead}}(t)\\,dt \\\\\n&= \\int\\_0^1 4(1 - t)^3 (c'\\_{\\textrm{live}}(t) + c'\\_{\\textrm{dead}}(t))\\,dt.\n\\end{split}\nTherefore, we see that our goal at each step is to minimize the total growth rate of the weighted cost of *all* cells (\\$c'\\_{\\textrm{live}}(t) + c'\\_{\\textrm{dead}}(t)\\$), relative to the rate of flow into the dead column (i.e. growth of \\$t\\$ itself). \\$4(1 - t)^3\\$ is decreasing, so we prefer to have smaller ratios earlier. This makes our strategy obvious: at each step, we\u2019ll open the plug that minimizes this ratio, wait until all water has flowed out of that cell, and leave it open while proceeding to the following cells.\nSince \\$c'\\_{\\textrm{live}}(t) + c'\\_{\\textrm{dead}}(t)\\$ is piecewise constant, the integral evaluates to an (infinite) sum, one that converges much more quickly than the Monte Carlo simulation. That\u2019s how I determined the precise answer above.\n### Code\nBuild and run with `cargo run --release`.\n**`Cargo.toml`**\n```\n[package]\nname = \"wandering\"\nversion = \"0.1.0\"\nedition = \"2021\"\n[dependencies]\nrand = \"0.8.5\"\n```\n**`src/main.rs`**\n```\nuse rand::prelude::*;\nuse rand::rngs::StdRng;\nuse std::collections::HashMap;\n#[derive(Default, Debug)]\nstruct Rate {\n dead: f64,\n cost: f64,\n live: HashMap<(u32, u32), f64>,\n}\nfn add(map: &mut HashMap<(u32, u32), f64>, state: (u32, u32), value: f64) {\n if value != 0.0 {\n *map.entry(state).or_insert(0.0) += value;\n }\n}\nstruct SortingHat {\n distribution: HashMap<(u32, u32), f64>,\n moves_frontier: [u32; 10],\n rates: HashMap<(u32, u32), Rate>,\n orders: HashMap<(u32, u32), usize>,\n}\nimpl Default for SortingHat {\n fn default() -> SortingHat {\n let mut distribution = HashMap::new();\n distribution.insert((0, 0), 1.0);\n SortingHat {\n distribution,\n moves_frontier: [0_u32, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],\n rates: HashMap::new(),\n orders: HashMap::new(),\n }\n }\n}\nimpl SortingHat {\n fn get_order(&mut self, query_position: u32, query_moves: u32) -> usize {\n if let Some(&order) = self.orders.get(&(query_position, query_moves)) {\n return order;\n }\n loop {\n let (_, position, moves) = (0_u32..10)\n .zip(&self.moves_frontier)\n .filter(|&(position, &moves)| {\n position + 1 == 10 || self.moves_frontier[position as usize + 1] > moves + 1\n })\n .map(|(position, &moves)| {\n let mut cost = 0.0;\n let mut dead = 0.0;\n for new_position in [position.abs_diff(1), position + 1] {\n cost += moves as f64 + 1. / 2.;\n if new_position == 10 {\n dead += 1. / 2.;\n } else if let Some(new_rate) = self.rates.get(&(new_position, moves + 1)) {\n dead += new_rate.dead / 2.;\n cost += new_rate.cost / 2.;\n }\n }\n (cost / dead, position, moves)\n })\n .min_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(&b).unwrap())\n .unwrap();\n self.orders.insert((position, moves), self.orders.len());\n let mut rate = Rate::default();\n for new_position in [position.abs_diff(1), position + 1] {\n rate.cost += moves as f64 + 1. / 2.;\n if new_position == 10 {\n rate.dead += 1. / 2.;\n } else if let Some(new_rate) = self.rates.get(&(new_position, moves + 1)) {\n rate.dead += new_rate.dead / 2.;\n rate.cost += new_rate.cost / 2.;\n for (&newer_state, live_rate) in &new_rate.live {\n add(&mut rate.live, newer_state, live_rate / 2.);\n }\n } else {\n add(&mut rate.live, (new_position, moves + 1), 1. / 2.);\n }\n }\n if let Some(mass) = self.distribution.remove(&(position, moves)) {\n for (&new_state, live_rate) in &rate.live {\n add(&mut self.distribution, new_state, live_rate * mass);\n }\n }\n for old_rate in self.rates.values_mut() {\n if let Some(live_rate) = old_rate.live.remove(&(position, moves)) {\n old_rate.dead += rate.dead * live_rate;\n old_rate.cost += rate.cost * live_rate;\n for (&new_state, new_live_rate) in &rate.live {\n *old_rate.live.entry(new_state).or_insert(0.0) += new_live_rate * live_rate;\n }\n }\n }\n self.rates.remove(&(position + 1, moves + 1));\n self.rates.insert((position, moves), rate);\n self.moves_frontier[position as usize] += 2;\n if (position, moves) == (query_position, query_moves) {\n return self.orders.len() - 1;\n }\n }\n }\n fn strategy(&mut self, positions: &[u32; 4], num_moves: &[u32; 4]) -> usize {\n (0..4)\n .min_by_key(|&agent| self.get_order(positions[agent], num_moves[agent]))\n .unwrap()\n }\n}\nfn test(mut rng: impl Rng, mut strategy: impl FnMut(&[u32; 4], &[u32; 4]) -> usize, runs: u32) {\n let mut count = 0;\n let mut mean = 0.0;\n let mut m2 = 0.0;\n let mut mean_stdev = f64::NAN;\n for _ in 0..runs {\n let mut positions = [0; 4];\n let mut num_moves = [0; 4];\n loop {\n let agent = strategy(&positions, &num_moves);\n if positions[agent] == 0 || rng.gen() {\n positions[agent] += 1;\n } else {\n positions[agent] -= 1;\n }\n num_moves[agent] += 1;\n if positions[agent] == 10 {\n break;\n }\n }\n let sample: f64 = num_moves.into_iter().map(|m| (m as f64).powi(2)).sum();\n count += 1;\n let delta = sample - mean;\n mean += delta / count as f64;\n m2 += delta * delta * (1. - 1. / count as f64);\n mean_stdev = (m2 / (count as f64 * (count - 1) as f64)).sqrt();\n if count % 100 == 0 {\n eprint!(\"\\r\\x1b[K{count}: {mean} \u00b1 {mean_stdev}\");\n }\n }\n eprint!(\"\\r\\x1b[K\");\n println!(\"{count}: {mean} \u00b1 {mean_stdev}\");\n}\nfn main() {\n let rng = StdRng::seed_from_u64(0);\n let mut sorting_hat = SortingHat::default();\n test(\n rng,\n |positions, num_moves| sorting_hat.strategy(positions, num_moves),\n 10000000,\n )\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3 (PyPy)](http://pypy.org/), 4957.6 +/- 2.6 (10M trials)\n```\ndef expco(positions, num_moves,depth=0) -> float:\n if depth==0:\n return min((10**2 - positions[i] ** 2)\n * (5 * 10**2 - positions[i] ** 2 + 6 * num_moves[i] - 2)/3 for i in range(4))\n return (10 not in positions)and min(\n expco([abs(p-(i==j)) for j,p in enumerate(positions)],\n [m+(i==j) for j,m in enumerate(num_moves)],depth-1)/2 +\n expco([p+(i==j) for j,p in enumerate(positions)],\n [m+(i==j) for j,m in enumerate(num_moves)],depth-1)/2 +\n num_moves[i]*2+1 for i in range(4))\ndef strategy(positions, num_moves, depth=1) -> int:\n return min(range(4), key = lambda i:\n expco([abs(p-(i==j)) for j,p in enumerate(positions)],\n [m+(i==j) for j,m in enumerate(num_moves)],depth)/2 +\n expco([p+(i==j) for j,p in enumerate(positions)],\n [m+(i==j) for j,m in enumerate(num_moves)],depth)/2 +\n num_moves[i]*2+1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##xVTNjpswEL7zFKM9GQIJsNseItGn6C2KIic4iXfjn4LZJlrlofoKfbF0jMGEbLbqqeuDBZ6Zb2a@@Wx9MnslHxN90qfLpWRbYEe9UUSrmhuuZB2DbMRKqFdWxyXTZl@kISTfYHtQ1MwDwMW34CxF6g7sqphpKgmCS0KyNIpySMCDLvgSogjy0LvbFQH5gtuH3jCBr2j39djzBEFmj7BVFXDgEioqd4w8hQ65KwILAKmMtXvQkMqyra4vwfW9oOua6ITwongOwxb3OdY2kmFeVlHDBm7CZTxqABZi4iK7QDEO9JVjYMtYkoUzbOumBD0G@V/Zr3mN8kl2j1QrkNpYuN3pvkY6KWStSLjsJHKlhh4shhd2ggIOVKxLCnz@mYP4zDH8dQhhEFy40KoyIKjZB903klgqEbTzMKw2pB9KDFUjr6bgWN2oRpoYBKMS9xxZT2NIp24LWpebYVuUcLjNvlsMXaR4HeHJ23zJd2w/9/zA4HvVsPmIJLpj0qD/v2gJZTqKHd6FFmUJkwIy@wi9MxTYJ7BDzTq@ppu94htGFlkMSbYcww7MX8GOPD5IkaXj3uxaV4y@@NOaCo00YLuNIEf7ulm2j5btQQ2Bd2@nNU5fsoOhFsAhJe0ovdX@WH/nNXMAgzX3NpsaX9kMAbLer0tsMVa1KdkrprFSm9Y/KkMweAbEVRT1Hxgddi@srvCOk@3DWz/J6WolqWCr1RneLOYZfv9yXw79/IAJgxvNZmmKWszDyx8 \"Python 3 (PyPy) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is a simple brute force search on top of @Anders Kaseorg's formula (and code).\nThe score given was obtained with search depth 1, i.e. for each agent compute the expected cost if we can switch agents once immediately after the first move and take the best.\nApologies for the messy code.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, cost \u2248 5034.3 \u00b1 2.7\n\\$1\u03c3\\$ confidence, evaluated with \\$10^7\\$ runs.\n```\ndef strategy(positions, num_moves):\n return min(\n range(4),\n key=lambda i: (10**2 - positions[i] ** 2)\n * (5 * 10**2 - positions[i] ** 2 + 6 * num_moves[i] - 2),\n )\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fVJBbuMwDLz7FURPsmsndrbbQ4H8orcgMNSYSYRGkivJbYwij9ov7MeylBUrcXe7PAgSORxySLW922v1o2j7tj@fG9yCdYY73PWs1VY4oZXNQXWylvodbfqUAJlB1xkFUig2vAcfVztkD2kePa/YLw9cvjQcxBOwqsyyBRQQeVdiDVkGizRmZMB@0vEtEu7hkeKxHe8viCDUTM9Ctto4kNztk8ud2mq0TBIvzaF1bNSXg@nUKGijO@VykMgVnQtYQplDOQtHMkC22oAAoS5Cb5K9xVYpdVVSt/AQY7Hdf8Q@9uKA8Gw6vHJ54ztUjvD/38Yk5TqtIXkN90uoQGz/DixJHuDB4mU6s81eiw2yVZVDUa2ntNdh39BOEN@UqMqpJG8vBvlr9FouW1JPKjvJjn7nfshHP@QbjRE@LGlavsGD454gMBXDBmPUPzw@oOaB4BpdxJgvTX@vIoJqxF0Ke47augbfqYz/WDP7Zhyj5Dmw0FE2Xig7TcP0WiOUY9u7z3GBs7pWXGJdn@DTc57g969wC@ynOyqYfPmhVektPf8B \"Python 3 (PyPy) \u2013 Try It Online\") (\\$10^5\\$ runs)\n### How it works\nIf we were to pick one agent at position \\$p\\$ that\u2019s previously moved \\$m\\$ times, and use it for the rest of the game, the expected additional cost would be exactly\n$$f(p, m) = \\frac13(10^2 - p^2)(5\u22c510^2 - p^2 + 6m - 2).$$\n(You can verify that\n$$m^2 + f(p, m) = (m + 1)^2 + \\frac12(f(\\lvert p - 1\\rvert, m + 1) + f(p + 1, m + 1))$$\nand \\$f(10, m) = 0\\$.)\nAt each step, we pick the agent that minimizes this quantity. (We don\u2019t restrict ourselves to using it for the rest of the game.)\n[Answer]\n# 5050? \u00b1 26.64\n```\ndef strategy(positions, num_moves):\n E = [100, 99, 96, 91, 84, 75, 64, 51, 36, 19]\n _, n = min(((E[p] + m) ** 2 - m ** 2, i) for p, m, i in zip(positions, num_moves, range(4)))\n return n\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fVPbctowEH33V5zJk@waYhOSls7wmD/oG8N4VBCgKbpUltPQDB/VX@iP0ZUFCk7TakaypD17ds@ubA9@Z/TdyB7s4XRaiw1a77gX2wOzppVeGt2W0J1qlHkSbf45Ax4xx6KuqhKzGc0HmnWJT9MSH@9LPND3ns53dF/PloRviIBclNSMsceFXeIDVI6iwAQjqH5TQubYGAdbQtEBUuOntO8mUcJxvRVsmuc50TvhO6ehT1JZ4zwU97vsvCfg2qgsC8K8aD27qCOOTkc5wMp02lNcwTWtE8qVtFXjuGQ9JKTWJxVDXzmHkbIMlamWKDBNtpT2O7YfO7kX@OI68coVBt8K7Qn//14MXBJi0TtTjeeoITd/G@YkD2LfinN1xqudkSvBFtS0Ub0c0qZo17QDxD9C1NVQUhhfneDf0m3LlSX1pLJT7LkoJn2Rn0ORrzQmeN@kYfi12HseCCLTqO9gsoZDwEfUbSR4tU6SLYQuwGoiqC@4c@DA0bR@LZ7CA6aHNW6/O8/I@RYsZlRcNuQdHyQ1w0nt2ebm5dLAcdNorkTTHPESOI/4/SvuIvvxhgJmb14o/WI08tMf \"Python 3 (PyPy) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUse minimal \\$\\left(E(P\\_i)+M\\_i\\right)^2-M\\_i^2\\$, where \\$E(X)\\$ is a pre-calculated array $$\\left[E(0),\\dots,E(9)\\right]=\\left[100, 99, 96, 91, 84, 75, 64, 51, 36, 19\\right]$$\ngenerated by following codes\n```\nsyms E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA\nsolve([E0-E1-1, E1-(E0+E2)/2-1, E2-(E1+E3)/2-1, E3-(E2+E4)/2-1, E4-(E3+E5)/2-1, E5-(E4+E6)/2-1, E6-(E5+E7)/2-1, E7-(E6+E8)/2-1, E8-(E7+E9)/2-1, E9-(E8+EA)/2-1, EA])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Ncq7CsJAEEbh3qeYMmEMZu@bMsX/FGIRYxAxskIk4NOvgzDd@eCU@TPtS30/77SW6Ubb93Ut62OuEhuhJxiCJTiCJwRCJCRCJgyE8bCVdV@aM/oOpjNHubsGPcO2J/u3FRuGUzuxZXi1FztGUAexZ0R1FAdGUidxZGR1FifGoB7EmTGqx0tb6w8 \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe driver code is used from other posts.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, cost \u2248 4928.4 \u00b1 1\nI believe this is essentially optimal. Thank you to @usul for the inspiration.\n```\nimport functools\nf = lambda p, m: (1. / 3) * (100 - p * p) * (500 - p * p + 6 * m - 2)\n@functools.lru_cache(None)\ndef gittins_value(p, m, l):\n if m >= 400:\n return f(p, m)\n if p == 0:\n v_next = gittins_value(p + 1, m + 1, l)\n else:\n v_next = 0.5 * gittins_value(p - 1, m + 1, l)\n if p != 9:\n v_next += 0.5 * gittins_value(p + 1, m + 1, l)\n return min((2 * m + 1) + v_next, l)\n@functools.lru_cache(None)\ndef gittins_index(p, m):\n low = 2 * m + 1\n high = f(p, m)\n while True:\n mid = 0.5 * (low + high)\n v = gittins_value(p, m, mid)\n if v < mid:\n high = mid\n else:\n low = mid\n if abs(high - low) <= 1e-6:\n break\n return 0.5 * (low + high)\ndef strategy(p, m):\n indices = [gittins_index(p_i, m_i) for p_i, m_i in zip(p, m)]\n return indices.index(min(indices))\n```\n[Answer]\n# R / Rcpp: 5006 \u00b1 7.31, or 4932 \u00b1 3.63\nScore computed by taking the average of 20 million simulated games. Bounds are a 95% bootstrap confidence interval with 10,000 iterations.\nThanks to Anders Kaseorg for pointing out a typo in my code that caused the solution to accidentally be optimal. Reader, may all your future bugs behave thusly. The following description explains the 5006 solution with a note for how to get the 4932 solution.\n## Strategy:\nLet's consider a simplified version of the environment in order to construct a risk heuristic. We'd like to be able to treat `n` consecutive movements of an agent as independent, but that won't be true if the agent ever reaches position 0 or 10 during those movements.\nSuppose instead that each of the number lines is infinite in both directions, and that the probability of moving right is always 0.5 (even at position 0). In this simplified case, if we move a single agent `n` consecutive times, we may treat the resulting `k` number of movements to the right as binomially distributed.\nAt each step, let `n = 10 - x`, where `x` is the agent's position on the number line. Since the agent's movements are independent in the simplified environment, we can calculate the probability that the agent has moved backwards given `k` moves to the right as\n$$Prob = 1 - \\sum\\_{k=\\lceil \\frac{n}{2} \\rceil}^n \\dbinom n k \\cdot 0.5^k \\cdot (1-0.5)^{n-k}$$\nNote: If you incorrectly move the one-minus inside the sum, the solution becomes near optimal for reasons that are unclear.\nLet the cost function be the increase in cost accrued by moving the agent `n` times:\n$$ Cost = (x + n)^2 - (x)^2 $$\nThen define the risk of moving an agent as\n$$ Risk = Prob \\cdot Cost $$\nand at each step move the agent with the lowest risk.\n## Intuition:\nThe idea is to calculate the risk that over the minimum number of steps an agent would need to reach the goal, the agent ends up moving backwards instead of forwards, i.e. We try to maximize the chance that the chosen agent will move closer to the goal. Minimizing this risk heuristic appears to perform fairly well even though the method does not take into account the effect of the order of the movements, nor the effect of reaching the zero position.\n```\n#include \nusing namespace Rcpp;\n//* Initialize Environment\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nNumericMatrix initEnv() {\n return(NumericMatrix (4, 2));\n}\n//* Update Environment\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nNumericMatrix updateEnv(NumericMatrix x, int a) {\n //Update move counter\n x(a, 1) = x(a, 1) + 1;\n \n //Update position\n if(x(a, 0) == 0){\n x(a, 0) = 1;\n } else {\n RNGScope scope;\n NumericVector r = Rcpp::runif(1, 0.0, 1.0);\n if(r[0] <= 0.5){\n x(a, 0) = x(a, 0) - 1;\n } else {\n x(a, 0) = x(a, 0) + 1;\n }\n }\n \n //Return\n return(x);\n \n}\n//* Calculate Loss\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\ndouble envCost(NumericMatrix x) {\n double lambda = 0;\n for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){\n lambda = lambda + pow(x(i, 1), 2);\n }\n return(lambda);\n}\n//* Calculate Risk\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\ndouble agentRisk(NumericMatrix x, int a) {\n \n //Parameters\n int pos = x(a, 0);\n int n = 10 - pos;\n \n //Calculate risk correctly\n double prob = 0;\n double cost = pow(x(a, 1) + n, 2) - pow(x(a, 1), 2);\n for(int k = ceil(n / 2); k <= n; k++){\n prob = prob + (Rf_choose(n, k) * pow(0.5, k) * pow(0.5, n - k));\n }\n prob = 1 - prob;\n //Calculate risk with typo\n //double prob = 0;\n //double cost = pow(x(a, 1) + n, 2) - pow(x(a, 1), 2);\n //for(int k = ceil(n / 2); k <= n; k++){\n // prob = prob + (1 - Rf_choose(n, k) * pow(0.5, k) * pow(0.5, n - k));\n //}\n \n //Return\n return(prob * cost);\n \n}\n//* Simulate Game\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nList simGame() {\n \n //Generate environment\n NumericMatrix en = initEnv();\n \n //Complete game\n bool done = false;\n while(!done){\n \n //Parameters\n int a = 0;\n double lambda = agentRisk(en, 0);\n \n //Calculate risks and choose action\n for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++){\n double lambda_new = agentRisk(en, i);\n if(lambda_new < lambda){\n a = i;\n lambda = lambda_new;\n }\n }\n \n //Update game\n en = updateEnv(en, a);\n \n //Check victory conditions\n for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){\n if(en(i, 0) >= 10){\n done = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n \n }\n \n //Return\n return(\n List::create(\n Named(\"state\") = en,\n Named(\"cost\") = envCost(en)\n )\n );\n \n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Rust, cost = ~5032 (1M iterations)\n```\nconst depth: usize = 1200;\nconst iterations: usize = 1_000_000;\nlazy_static! {\n static ref EXPECTED_SCORES: [[usize; 10]; depth] = {\n let mut expected_scores = [[1_000_000usize; 10]; depth];\n for i in (0..depth-1).rev() {\n for j in 0..10 {\n if j == 0 {\n expected_scores[i][j] = expected_scores[i + 1][j + 1].saturating_add(2 * i + 1);\n } else if j == 9 {\n expected_scores[i][j] =\n (expected_scores[i + 1][j - 1] / 2).saturating_add(2 * i + 1);\n } else {\n expected_scores[i][j] = (expected_scores[i + 1][j + 1]/ 2)\n .saturating_add(expected_scores[i + 1][j - 1] / 2)\n .saturating_add(2 * i + 1);\n }\n }\n }\n expected_scores\n };\n}\n#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]\nstruct Agent {\n position: u8,\n actions: u32,\n}\nfn strategy(agents: [Agent; 4]) -> usize {\n return (0..4)\n .min_by_key(|i| EXPECTED_SCORES[(agents[*i].actions as usize).min(depth - 1)][agents[*i].position as usize])\n .unwrap();\n}\n```\nBasically pre-computes a table of expected scores then uses that.\n[Playground link](https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=31b9f5b089615a963e41b679395e1d1a) Need to reduce iterations if you don't want it to time out.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3 (PyPy)](http://pypy.org/), 5027.1 \u00b1 8.3\n```\ndef strategy(positions, num_moves) -> int:\n return min(\n range(4),\n key=lambda i: (10 - positions[i] + 2*num_moves[i]) * (10 - positions[i]),\n )\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fVPBbtswDL37K4ieZM9O7aynAOkn7LRbEBhqzCRCI8mV5K5GkY/aL@zHMkpylHrrxoMhkY@PfKTcj@6o1deqH/vxculwD9YZ7vAwsl5b4YRWtgQ1yFbqV7Q5VI8glFtlQGbQDUaBFIqFe/BxdUD2kJfJ84zj@sTlU8dBrIA1NVSQuDdiC19gWaQK5Mih@AQ2MeYXIXttHEjujtl0pqKdllnm@3doHbuKKMEMKnb9TSuMbe/0oFwJErmi7xLWUJdQL@InC5C9NiBI6CQnkKySotQWpW7qLbX7kGJJyCexH0dxQvhuBrxxeeMHVI7w/x/9LOU2mZBMQ1xDA2L/d2BN8gBPFqcpLXZHLXbINk0JVbOd097W8IF2hvhHiaaeS/L2ZJA/J6/lsif1pHKQ7K0olmHIb37IHzQmeFjSvHyHJ8c9QWSqwgZT1F88PqLuI8EtukwxX9o/MCJorripsOdorevwlcr4B7awL8YxSr4HFjsqrgfKzvM4vd7QL8H2d@/XBS7aVnGJbXuGd895hl8/4ymyn@@oYPbHS23qYPnlNw \"Python 3 (PyPy) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nCopies the function/testing template from [Anders Keorg's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/250837).\nChooses the agent with the minimal best-case cost \\$(10-\\mathit{position}+\\mathit{moves})^2-\\mathit{moves}^2=(10-\\mathit{position}+2\\mathit{moves})(10-\\mathit{position})\\$.\n[Answer]\n# C++: ~4953 (100 million iterations)\n```\n#include \nusing namespace std;\nmt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());\nint rand(int a, int b) { return uniform_int_distribution(a, b)(rng);}\nint main() {\n const int NRIT = 100'000'000;\n auto go = [&] {\n int l[4] = { 10,10,10,10 }, t[4] = {}, sol = 0;\n auto cost = [&](int nr) {return l[nr] * (4 * t[nr] * l[nr] + 6); };\n while (1) {\n pair best = { INT_MAX, -1 };\n for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)\n best = min(best, { cost(i), i });\n int opt = best.second;\n sol += 2 * t[opt]++ + 1;\n if (l[opt] == 10)\n --l[opt];\n else {\n if (rand(0,1))\n --l[opt];\n else\n ++l[opt];\n }\n if (!l[opt])\n return sol;\n }\n };\n long long total = 0;\n for (int i = 0; i < NRIT; ++i)\n total += go();\n cout << (double)(total) / NRIT;\n}\n```\nI misread the question at first and thought it had a 1/2 chance to move backwards or stay still. This chooses the agent with the least expected cost to finish, according to my calculations and the (wrong) assumption it can't go backwards.\n\\$ \\text{cost} = (10-p)(4 \\cdot (10-p) \\cdot m+6)\\$\nI want to add 10 000 iterations is definitely not enough, I could cherrypick 10k iterations to get 4790, which is far from the real average. Standardised testing also encounters the issue of different number generators, which can actually make a small difference (it did from my testing).\n[Answer]\n# Python: ~4973\n**TL;DR** By Gittins theory, there is an optimal solution of the following form, but it has some complicated replacement for `approx_grades` and this is a heuristic.\n```\nimport random,numpy\ndef approx_grade(x,n):\n if x <= 0:\n return 2*n+1 + approx_grade(1, n+1)\n else:\n return 2**(10-x) * (9 - x) + (2**(11-x) -2)*(2*n + 1)\ndef sim(num_players):\n xs = [0]*num_players\n ns = [0]*num_players\n grades = [approx_grade(0,0)]*num_players\n while True:\n i = numpy.argmin(grades) # STRATEGY HERE\n ns[i] += 1\n if xs[i] == 0:\n xs[i] = 1\n elif random.random() <= 0.5:\n xs[i] += 1\n if xs[i] == 10:\n return sum([n*n for n in ns])\n else:\n xs[i] -= 1\n grades[i] = approx_grade(xs[i], ns[i])\nT = 100000\nscores = [sim(4) for t in range(T)]\nprint(numpy.mean(scores))\n```\nThis is a special case of the Gittins index theorem, and there is a very nice exposition of essentially this game in the 2003 paper *On Playing Golf with Two Balls*[1]\n[1] \nNotice we can rephrase the cost as: when we move an agent that has taken n steps so far, we pay 2n+1 immediately, and the total cost at the end is the sum of all payments made along the way. Note 2n+1 = (n+1)^2 - n^2.\nThe key point is that for any given agent i and state of the agent (i.e. location x[i] and number of steps so far n[i]), there is an **index** or \"grade\" we can give the agent that perfectly captures how desirable it is to choose that agent next. The optimal strategy is to pick the agent with the best grade. **One agent's grade does not depend on the others' states!**\nThe grade is the following number. Imagine we had a fifth agent with the ability to magically teleport to the end for a cost g. And imagine we are playing the game with only agent i and the magic agent. If g is very small, we will just choose the magic agent. But if g is large, we will take a risk and play agent i, see what happens, and then decide whether to use the magic agent or play agent i again.\nThere is some magic number g(x[i],n[i]) where we are indifferent between the magic agent and i. That number is the grade.\n---\nNow, in theory the grade is polynomial-time computable, but it's pretty complex. So I used the following approximation: suppose the optimal strategy in the magic game is to keep trying agent i as long as they move right, but as soon as they move left, pay g to stop. Then the index for step 9 would satisfy\n$$ g(9,n) = 2n + 1 + \\frac{1}{2}g(9,n) . $$\nThe left side is if we pay g(9,n) for the magic agent to halt immediately, and the right side is if we pay 2n+1 to advance agent i: with probability half we terminate and pay nothing, and with probability half we go left, at which point we pay g(9,n) to stop.\nThis solves to g(9,n) = 4n+2.\nSimilarly, at location 8, we should be indifferent between paying g(8,n) to stop, or paying 2n+1 to get a half chance to go left -- when we pay g(8,n) to stop -- and a half chance to go right -- when we repeat the game at step 9.\n$$ g(8,n) = 2n+1 + \\frac{1}{2} g(8,n) + \\frac{1}{2}\\left(2(n+1)+1 + \\frac{1}{2}g(8,n)\\right) . $$\nIf we repeat this logic, we get an approximation to the grade which is\n$$ g(x,n) = 2^{10-x}(9-x) + (2^{11-x}-2)(2n+1) . $$\nAfter dealing with the special case of x=0, I get this code. Apparently it's still pretty suboptimal as another answer gets ~4927.\n---\nNote: I used multiprocessing to run 8 million total reps in 36min on a laptop, and got an average of just under 4973. I also reimplemented in C++ with probably hundreds of millions of reps and it seemed to converge to about 4974.5. But the quality of the RNG and precision arithmetic matters! C's built in rand() gave basically nonsense.\n[Answer]\n# R / Rcpp: 4937 \u00b1 4.22\nAverage of 15 million simulated games. Bounds are a 95% bootstrap confidence interval with 15,000 iterations.\nAs a supplement to the wonderful Gittins index answers, I wanted to show an empirical method that produces the same result. This solution predicts which robot to move using a neural net that's been trained by a genetic algorithm.\n## Strategy:\nIn order to optimally move our robots across the number lines, we need to determine a function that maps each robot's state information to a value that represents our decision to move it. This is called an action-value function. For simplicity, let's choose to always move the robot with the highest action-value.\nAt this point we could use the Gittins index as our action-value, but let's empirically estimate an action-value function instead.\n### Estimating the Action-Value Function\nI decided to use a neural net (NN) to approximate the action-value function. The NN is fully connected with two hidden layers, each having ten neurons. Weights are initialized using the He method, and biases are initialized uniformly on \\$[-1,1]\\$. The activation functions are all rectified linear units (ReLU), except the activation function for the output, which is a ReLU clamped to \\$[0, 1]\\$.\nNeural nets often have better performance when the inputs are symmetrically distributed and on the interval \\$[-1, 1]\\$, but in this problem the input state information of a robot is its current position on the interval \\$[0 .. 9]\\$ and the number of times it has been moved on the interval \\$[0 .. \\infty)\\$.\nI transformed the position of the robot to the \\$[-1, 1]\\$ interval by shifting and scaling.\nTo transform the total number of moves I first simulated 10 million games in which I always moved the same robot. This gave a distribution for the total number of moves, which I used to estimate an upper bound. The distribution of the total number of moves is heavily right skewed, so I applied a log transform to reduce skew, and then normalized the result using the log of my estimated upper bound in order to arrive at the \\$[-1, 1]\\$ interval for total number of moves. Note: Because the total number of moves can be zero, I added one to the total number of moves before taking the log.\n### Training the Neural Net\nIn reinforcement learning there are a number of well-established methods for training neural nets that predict action-values, but I have decided to completely ignore them because I've been having a lot of fun with genetic algorithms recently. There's no fun like gradient-free fun.\nThe genetic algorithm that I used updated NN weights and biases, but not the NN architecture itself. The initial population was 225 chromosomes, and fitness for each chromosome was calculated by evaluating its corresponding action-value function over 7500 games.\nIt is often desirable for neural net weights and biases to be relatively small and for the model's learned representation to be distributed across the neurons. To achieve this, I added batch normalization to the hidden layers of the neural nets. Regularizing the models in this way greatly improved performance and helped to ensure that the mutation function continued to be effective late in training by keeping the weights and biases close to the mutation function's generating distributions.\nThe batch normalization's \\$\\gamma\\$ and \\$\\beta\\$ parameters were also updated by the genetic algorithm.\n## Learned Action-Values:\nThis graph shows the final neural net's predicted action-values for robots in the most commonly traversed subset of the state space. Note: Because these estimated action-values are not with reference to any rewards, they only have meaning with respect to each other. I have arbitrarily scaled them to be between zero and one.\n[![Learned Action-Values](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pGKVv.jpg)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pGKVv.jpg)\n## Code:\n**R Code to Generate Policy**\n```\n# Parameters\niters <- 100\npopNum <- 225\nlayers <- c(10, 10)\nneval <- 7500\nmutRate <- 0.001\n# Evolve\npopulation <- generatePopulation(popNum, layers, neval)\nout <- rep(NA, iters)\nfor(i in 1:iters){\n \n # Evaluate population fitness\n fitness = evaluatePopulation(population, neval)\n out[i] = mean(fitness)\n # Keep track of best policy so far\n minFit = fitness[length(fitness)]\n if(min(fitness) <= minFit){\n minFit = min(fitness)\n minPolicy = population[[which.min(fitness)]]\n }\n \n # Selection\n cutoff = quantile(fitness, 0.5)\n population = population[fitness <= cutoff]\n \n # Crossover\n offspringNum = (popNum - length(population))\n offspring = lapply(1:offspringNum, function(i){\n inds = sample(1:length(population), 2, FALSE)\n crossover(population[[ inds[1] ]], population[[ inds[2] ]])\n })\n population = c(population, offspring)\n \n # Mutate\n population = lapply(1:length(population), function(i){\n mutate(population[[i]], rate = mutRate)\n })\n \n # Elitism\n eliteInds = c(round(0.99 * popNum):popNum)\n population[eliteInds] = lapply(eliteInds, function(i){minPolicy})\n \n}\n```\n**R Code Helper Functions**\n```\n#' Evaluate Population\n#' @export\nevaluatePopulation <- function(population, neval){\n sapply(population, function(x){\n return(mean(evaluatePolicy(x, neval)))\n })\n}\n#' Generate Random Population\n#' @export\ngeneratePopulation <- function(size, layers, neval, maxCost = Inf){\n \n # Population\n population = list()\n \n # Increase yield\n while(TRUE){\n \n # Generate seed population\n out = lapply(1:size, function(i){\n generateChromosome(layers)\n })\n \n # Calculate fitness\n fitness = evaluatePopulation(out, neval)\n fitness[fitness > maxCost] = NA\n inds = order(fitness)\n out = out[inds]\n fitness = fitness[inds]\n \n # Seed population\n population = c(population, out[!is.na(fitness)])\n \n # Report\n if(length(population) >= size){\n population = population[1:size]\n break\n } else {\n message(paste0(\"Found: \", length(population)))\n }\n \n }\n \n # Return\n return(population)\n \n}\n```\n**Rcpp Code for Genetic Algorithm**\n```\n#include \nusing namespace Rcpp;\n//* Initialize Environment\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nNumericMatrix initEnv() {\n return(NumericMatrix (4, 2));\n}\n//* Update Environment\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nNumericMatrix updateEnv(\n NumericMatrix env,\n int a\n) {\n \n //Increase movement count\n env(a, 1) += 1;\n \n //Move robot\n if(env(a, 0) == 0){\n env(a, 0) = 1;\n } else {\n NumericVector r = Rcpp::runif(1, 0.0, 1.0);\n if(r[0] >= 0.5){\n env(a, 0) += 1;\n } else {\n env(a, 0) -= 1;\n }\n }\n \n //Return\n return(env);\n \n}\n//* Calculate Total Cost\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\ndouble envCost(NumericMatrix env) {\n double lambda = 0;\n for(int i = 0; i < env.nrow(); i++){\n lambda += pow(env(i, 1), 2);\n }\n return(lambda);\n}\n//* Generate Chromosome\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nList generateChromosome(\n IntegerVector layers\n) {\n \n //Create container for the NN matrices\n List chrom;\n \n //Create weight and bias matrices for each layer\n for(int i = 0; i < layers.length() + 1; i++){\n \n //Determine matrix dimensions\n int inputNum;\n int outputNum;\n if(i == 0){\n inputNum = 2;\n outputNum = layers[i];\n } else if(i == layers.length()){\n inputNum = layers[i - 1];\n outputNum = 1;\n } else {\n inputNum = layers[i - 1];\n outputNum = layers[i];\n }\n \n //Initialize weights and biases\n NumericVector wtList = Rcpp::rnorm(outputNum * inputNum, 0.0, sqrt(0.5 * inputNum));\n NumericVector biList = Rcpp::runif(outputNum, -1.0, 1.0);\n NumericMatrix wt (outputNum, inputNum, wtList.begin());\n NumericMatrix bi (outputNum, 1, biList.begin());\n \n //Record\n List chLayer = List::create(\n Named(\"wt\") = wt,\n Named(\"bi\") = bi\n );\n chrom.push_back(chLayer);\n \n }\n \n //Initialize batch normalization matrix\n NumericMatrix batch (layers.length(), 2);\n NumericVector batchVals = Rcpp::rnorm(batch.size(), 0.0, 1.0);\n for(int i = 0; i < batch.size(); i++){\n batch[i] = batchVals[i];\n }\n \n //Return\n List out = List::create(\n Named(\"layers\") = layers,\n Named(\"chrom\") = chrom,\n Named(\"batch\") = batch\n );\n return(out);\n \n}\n//* Crossover\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nList crossover(\n List x,\n List y,\n double rate = -1,\n double scale = -1\n) {\n \n //Set parameters\n NumericVector probs = Rcpp::runif(2, 0.0, 1.0);\n if(rate >= 0){\n probs[0] = rate;\n }\n if(scale >= 0){\n probs[1] = scale;\n }\n \n //Crossover the NN\n List out = clone(x);\n \n //Access the components\n List chrom = out[\"chrom\"];\n List xChrom = x[\"chrom\"];\n List yChrom = y[\"chrom\"];\n \n //Crossover weights and biases\n for(int i = 0; i < chrom.length(); i++){\n \n //Reference the layer\n List chLayer = chrom[i];\n List xLayer = xChrom[i];\n List yLayer = yChrom[i];\n \n //Access the matrices\n NumericMatrix wt = chLayer[\"wt\"];\n NumericMatrix bi = chLayer[\"bi\"];\n NumericMatrix xWt = xLayer[\"wt\"];\n NumericMatrix xBi = xLayer[\"bi\"];\n NumericMatrix yWt = yLayer[\"wt\"];\n NumericMatrix yBi = yLayer[\"bi\"];\n \n //Crossover\n LogicalVector doCross_wt = (Rcpp::runif(wt.size(), 0.0, 1.0) < probs[0]);\n LogicalVector doCross_bi = (Rcpp::runif(bi.size(), 0.0, 1.0) < probs[0]);\n for(int j = 0; j < wt.size(); j++){\n if(doCross_wt[j]){\n wt[j] = probs[1] * (xWt[j] - yWt[j]) + xWt[j];\n }\n }\n for(int j = 0; j < bi.size(); j++){\n if(doCross_bi[j]){\n bi[j] = probs[1] * (xBi[j] - yBi[j]) + xBi[j];\n }\n }\n \n }\n \n //Crossover gamma and beta\n NumericMatrix batch = out[\"batch\"];\n NumericMatrix xBatch = x[\"batch\"];\n NumericMatrix yBatch = y[\"batch\"];\n LogicalVector doCross_yb = (Rcpp::runif(batch.size(), 0.0, 1.0) < probs[0]);\n for(int i = 0; i < batch.size(); i++){\n if(doCross_yb[i]){\n batch[i] = probs[1] * (xBatch[i] - yBatch[i]) + xBatch[i];\n }\n }\n \n //Return\n return(out);\n \n}\n//* Mutate\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nList mutate(\n List x,\n double rate = -1\n) {\n \n //Set parameters\n NumericVector probs = Rcpp::runif(1, 0.0, 1.0);\n if(rate >= 0){\n probs[0] = rate;\n }\n \n //Access components\n List out = clone(x);\n List chrom = out[\"chrom\"];\n \n //Mutate weights and biases\n for(int i = 0; i < chrom.length(); i++){\n \n //Access the weights and biases\n List chLayer = chrom[i];\n NumericMatrix wt = chLayer[\"wt\"];\n NumericMatrix bi = chLayer[\"bi\"];\n \n //Mutate\n int numInputs = wt.ncol();\n LogicalVector doMut_wt = (Rcpp::runif(wt.size(), 0.0, 1.0) <= probs[0]);\n LogicalVector doMut_bi = (Rcpp::runif(bi.size(), 0.0, 1.0) <= probs[0]);\n for(int j = 0; j < wt.size(); j++){\n if(doMut_wt[j]){\n wt[j] = Rcpp::rnorm(1, 0.0, sqrt(0.5 * numInputs))[0];\n }\n }\n for(int j = 0; j < bi.size(); j++){\n if(doMut_bi[j]){\n bi[j] = Rcpp::runif(1, -1.0, 1.0)[0];\n }\n }\n \n }\n \n //Mutate gamma and beta\n NumericMatrix batch = out[\"batch\"];\n LogicalVector doMut_yb = (Rcpp::runif(batch.size(), 0.0, 1.0) <= probs[0]);\n for(int i = 0; i < batch.size(); i++){\n if(doMut_yb[i]){\n batch[i] = Rcpp::rnorm(1, 0.0, 1.0)[0];\n }\n }\n \n //Return\n return(out);\n \n}\n//* Neural Net Prediction\n//* \n//* Environment:\n//* env[0] = Position\n//* env[1] = Total moves\n//* \n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nNumericVector predictNN(\n NumericVector env,\n List chromosome\n) {\n \n //Initialize the output\n NumericVector pred (1);\n \n //Process environment\n //Normalizing to be in [-1, 1]\n NumericVector vIn (2);\n vIn[0] = (env[0] / 5 - 1);\n vIn[1] = 2 * (log(env[1] + 1) / log(2000)) - 1;\n \n //Compute NN outputs\n List chrom = chromosome[\"chrom\"];\n NumericMatrix batch = chromosome[\"batch\"];\n for(int i = 0; i < chrom.length(); i++){\n \n //Access the layer\n List chLayer = chrom[i];\n NumericMatrix wt = chLayer[\"wt\"];\n NumericMatrix bi = chLayer[\"bi\"];\n \n //Calculate activation\n NumericVector vOut (wt.nrow());\n for(int j = 0; j < wt.nrow(); j++){\n NumericVector wtVec = wt(j, _);\n NumericVector biVec = bi(j, _);\n NumericVector act = {sum(wtVec * vIn) + biVec};\n vOut[j] = act[0];\n }\n \n //Apply batch normalization\n if(vOut.size() > 1){\n vOut = (vOut - mean(vOut)) / sd(vOut);\n vOut = batch(i, 0) * vOut + batch(i, 1);\n }\n \n //Apply ReLU\n for(int j = 0; j < vOut.length(); j++){\n NumericVector relu = {0.0, vOut[j]};\n vOut[j] = max(relu);\n }\n \n //Copy\n vIn = clone(vOut);\n \n }\n \n //Record\n pred[0] = vIn[0];\n \n //Return\n return(Rcpp::clamp(0.0, pred, 1.0));\n \n}\n//* NN Prediction to Action\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nint predToResponse(NumericVector pred){\n \n //Calculate response\n double maxPred = max(pred);\n IntegerVector response;\n for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){\n if(pred[i] >= maxPred){\n response.push_back(i);\n }\n }\n int action = Rcpp::sample(response, 1)[0];\n \n //Return\n return(action);\n \n}\n//* Evaluate Chromosome\n// [[Rcpp::export]]\nNumericVector evaluatePolicy(\n List chromosome,\n int iters\n) {\n \n //Initialize parameters\n NumericVector out (iters);\n NumericVector pred (4);\n \n //Run episodes\n for(int i = 0; i < iters; i++){\n \n //Episode parameters\n NumericMatrix env = initEnv();\n \n //Complete episode\n bool done = false;\n while(!done){\n \n //Update state\n for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){\n NumericVector state = env(j, _);\n pred[j] = predictNN(state, chromosome)[0];\n }\n int a = predToResponse(pred);\n env = updateEnv(env, a);\n \n //Check victory condition\n for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){\n if(env(j, 0) >= 10){\n out[i] = envCost(env);\n done = true;\n break;\n }\n }\n \n }\n \n }\n \n //Return\n return(out);\n \n}\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThis is not the same as [m-ss-ng-lette-s](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/164809/m-ss-ng-lette-s)\n**Challenge:**\nGiven a string with masked characters, generate all possible words, inclusive of non-meaningfull words.\n**Rules:**\n* The sequence of the characters in the string does not change.\n* The masked character (\\*) will be one of an English alphabets [a-z].\n* There are no line breaks, space, numbers, special characters or punctuations.\n* The output can be a list of non-meaningfull words too.\n* Any characters in a string can be masked. Not necessarily alternating characters.\n* For memory constraint, lets keep the maximum length of input as 10.\n**Example 1:**\nInput:\n```\n*o*\n```\nOutput:\n```\naoa\naob\naoc\n...\n...\n...\nboa\nbob\nboc\n...\n...\n...\nzoa\nzob\nzoc\n...\n...\n...\nzoz\n```\n**Example 2:**\nInput:\n```\n*e*c*m*\n```\nOutput:\n```\naeacama\naeacamb\n...\n...\n...\nwelcome\n...\n...\nzezczmz\n```\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so shortest answer in bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 31 bytes\n```\nmapM q\nq '*'=['a'..'z']\nq c=[c]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7NyfmfZhvzPzexwFehkKtQQV1L3TZaPVFdT0@9Sj0WKJBsG50cC5TPzLMtKMrMK1FQUUhTUNJK1UrWytVS@v8vOS0nMb34v25yQQEA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 25 bytes\n```\neval echo ${1//\\*/{a..z}}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m724qjhjwYKlpSVpuhY7U8sScxRSkzPyFVSqDfX1Y7T0qxP19KpqayHyUGXLo5W08rWUYqFcAA)\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 39 bytes\n```\n->s{(?a..?z*10).grep /^#{s.tr'*',?.}$/}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1664WsM@UU/PvkrLWFMvvSi1QEE/Trm6WK@kSF1LXcder1ZFv/Z/gUJatLpWvpZ67H8A \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe range is set to terminate after 10 `z`s, to fit the constraint. Realistically this takes forever to run unless a smaller number is used.\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `j`, 5 bytes\n```\n\u00d7kaV\u03a0\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJqIiwiIiwiw5drYVbOoCIsIiIsIltcIipcIixcInlcIixcInhcIixcIipcIixcImxcIl0iXQ==) Input as char lists.\n```\n V # Replace\n\u00d7 # Asterisks\n ka # With the lowercase alphabet\n \u03a0 # Take cartesian product\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) + `-n -M5.10.0`, 37 bytes\n1 byte saved thanks to [@Sisyphus](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/48931/sisyphus)!\n```\n$\"=\",\";s/\\*/{@{[a..z]}}/g;say<\"$_\\n\">\n```\n[Try it online!](https://dom111.github.io/code-sandbox/#eyJsYW5nIjoid2VicGVybC01LjI4LjEiLCJjb2RlIjoiJFwiPVwiLFwiO3MvXFwqL3tAe1thLi56XX19L2c7c2F5PFwiJF9cXG5cIj4iLCJhcmdzIjoiLW5cbi1NNS4xMC4wIiwiaW5wdXQiOiIqbXkifQ==)\n## Explanation\nTurns the input into a `glob` (`<\"$_\\n\">`) which is then evaluated as a list and printed (`say`) with newline separators.\n**Note:** This does struggle to produce all the output for multiple `*`s when running on my phone!\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~88~~ 86 bytes\n```\ndef A(x):p=x.find(\"*\");~p and[A(x[:p]+chr(i+97)+x[p+1:])for i in range(26)]or print(x)\n```\nRemoved 2 bytes thanks to [@Adam](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/113573/adam)\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `j`, ~~14~~ 13 bytes\n```\n\u00d7Oka\u2194\u019b?\u00d7\\%V$%\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJqIiwiIiwiw5dPa2HihpTGmz/Dl1xcJVYkJSIsIiIsIipvKiJd)\n[Could be 8 bytes by using `%` instead of `*`](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJqIiwiIiwiXFwlT2th4oaUdiUiLCIiLCIlbyUiXQ==)\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `j`, 9 bytes\n```\n\u00d7\u1e86\u2308yvkaY\u03a0\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJqIiwiIiwiw5fhuobijIh5dmthWc6gIiwiIiwiKnl4KmwiXQ==)\nBased on emanresu A's answer, but shaves off another byte.\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org), 65 bytes\n```\nf=\\(s)`if`(grepl(\"[*]\",s[1]),f(sapply(letters,sub,pa=\"[*]\",s)),s)\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72waMGCpaUlaboWNx3TbGM0ijUTMtMSNNKLUgtyNJSitWKVdIqjDWM1ddI0ihMLCnIqNXJSS0pSi4p1ikuTdAoSbaFqNDWBGGLQ3jQNJa18LSVNrpzUvPSSDI00DXWtVK1krVwtdU2oGpilAA)\nBasically the same recursive idea as in [Cong Chen's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/250540/55372).\n[Answer]\n# [Julia](https://julialang.org), 61 bytes\n```\n!s=join.(Iterators.product((x>'*' ? x : 'a':'z' for x=s)...))\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m700qzQnM3HBgqWlJWm6FjdtFYtts_Iz8_Q0PEtSixJL8ouK9QqK8lNKk0s0NCrs1LXUFewVKhSsFNQT1a3Uq9QV0vKLFCpsizX19PQ0NaGGuOek5qWXZGgoKmnlaylpKtTYKRQUZeaV5ORxKSrla-UrIYsg1KZqJWvlAtXX2EHlIMbB3AYA)\n(This returns a matrix of all possible words, rather than a list/vector.)\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 30 bytes\n```\n/\\*/{%`$\n25*$(\u00b6$`\n,Y0`*`l`\\*.*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxLNPz/Xz9GS79aNUGFy8hUS0Xj0DaVBC6dSIMErYSchBgtPa3//7XytQA \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\") Explanation:\n```\n/\\*/{\n```\nRepeat while there are still any `*`s to process.\n```\n%`$\n25*$(\u00b6$`\n```\nAdd 25 copies of each line.\n```\n,Y0`*`l`\\*.*\n```\nCyclically transliterate the first `*` on each line to the lowercase alphabet. The `,` tells Retina to process all matches and the `0` tells Retina to process the first character of each match.\n[Answer]\n# [lin](https://github.com/molarmanful/lin), 49 bytes\n```\n\"\\*\".?g.+_.+_\"%s\"?s.#t ?i len $a.~ `/\\\".t.~ sf\"`'\n```\n[Try it here!](https://replit.com/@molarmanful/try-lin) Returns an iterator of strings.\nFor testing purposes:\n```\n\"*e*c*m*\" ; \\outln `' `_\n\"\\*\".?g.+_.+_\"%s\"?s.#t ?i len $a.~ `/\\\".t.~ sf\"`'\n```\n## Explanation\nPrettified code:\n```\n\"\\*\".?g.+_.+_ \"%s\"?s.#t ?i len $a.~ `/\\ (.t.~ sf ) `'\n```\nNot very short, but surprisingly straightforward.\n* `\"\\*\".?g` regex `/\\*/g`\n* `.+_.+_ \"%s\"?s.#t` replace `*` with `%s` and store as *t*\n* `?i len` get number of `*`s as *n*\n* `$a.~ `/\\` create length-*n* \"digit\" sequences from alphabet\n* `(.t.~ sf ) `'` use *t* to `sprintf` each sequence\n[Answer]\n# sh + coreutils + [hashcat](https://hashcat.net/hashcat/), 31 bytes\n```\nsed s/*/?l/g|xargs hashcat -a 3\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 9 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n'*A:.\u00bb\u00e2\u20acS\n```\nInput as a list of characters.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f9fXcvRSu/Q7sOLHjWtCf7/P1pJS0lHKR@ItZRiAQ) or [verify both test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfWXwf3UtRyu9Q7sPL3rUtCb4v5fO/2glrXwtJR0FJa1UrWStXC2lWAA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n'*A: '# Replace all \"*\" in the (implicit) input-list with the lowercase alphabet\n .\u00bb # Left-reduce the list of strings by:\n \u00e2 # Taking the cartesian product\n \u20acS # Then convert each inner list to a flattened list of characters\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\nMinor note: `'*` could be `W` in the legacy version of 05AB1E if the input is guaranteed to always contain a `\"*\"`, but unfortunately the `\u20acS` should be `\u20ac\u02dcJ` in that case, not saving any bytes.\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 25 bytes\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\uff33\uff26\u03c5\u00bf\u2116\u03b9*\uff26\u03b2\u229e\u03c5\u2b46\u03b9\u2387\u207b\u03bc\u2315\u03b9*\u03bb\u03ba\u27e6\u03b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Pc1BCsIwEIXhvacYupoJ8QRdCoKLQkF34iLW1A7GSUkygqePVtH1@z/eMLk0RBdq7TVPqBZ2MmvZl8RyRaJ2NcYEqAQ8Am6iSkG20JiGCD7TmeBHv6pz85IcfBKXntixaMa7hS3L5W8tBAs3Wg58yB76tyx45BO1tZpo6voRXg \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\uff33\n```\nStart with the input string.\n```\n\uff26\u03c5\n```\nCheck each string.\n```\n\u00bf\u2116\u03b9*\n```\nIf it contains a `*`, then:\n```\n\uff26\u03b2\n```\nLoop over the lowercase alphabet.\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u2b46\u03b9\u2387\u207b\u03bc\u2315\u03b9*\u03bb\u03ba\n```\nReplace the first `*` in the string with the current letter and push it to the search list.\n```\n\u27e6\u03b9\n```\nOtherwise output the string on its own line.\n23 bytes using the newer version of Charcoal on ATO:\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u03c9\uff26\uff33\u2261\u03b9*\u2254\u03a3\uff25\u03c5\uff25\u03b2\u207a\u03ba\u03bc\u03c5\u2267\u207a\u03b9\u03c5\u03c5\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=LY6xDoIwEIZ3nuLS6UrKbnBydDAhMhqHUoE2ViBcK4PxKRxdGDTxAXwZ30YauOG_S-77_7vnR2nZq1bacXx7VyWr3yPzpNELGPg6qtoecNt03uWuN02NnAMNxikNaDjcIiWpBBazFDZEpm4w9xfcyS4EhFYIyKwnPAu48KkE-Cn2VFbSW5cGZPbtTa0dBlSAmaF7lE0nHU7ziwpFy4PfA0uulglgiQkatzE7Lrs_ \"Charcoal \u2013 Attempt This Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u03c9\n```\nStart with the empty string.\n```\n\uff26\uff33\n```\nLoop over the characters of the input string.\n```\n\u2261\u03b9*\n```\nIf the current character is a `*`, then...\n```\n\u2254\u03a3\uff25\u03c5\uff25\u03b2\u207a\u03ba\u03bc\u03c5\n```\n... append each lowercase letter to each of the strings so far and join the resulting lists, otherwise...\n```\n\u2267\u207a\u03b9\u03c5\n```\n... append the current character to each of the strings so far.\n```\n\u03c5\n```\nOutput the final list of strings.\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org), 91 bytes\n```\n\\(a,j=Vectorize(\\(x,y)sub('*',y,x,,,T),'y'))`if`(grepl('*',a,,,T),sapply(j(a,letters),f),a)\n```\nRecursive solution.\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72waMGiNNulpSVpuhY3o2M0EnWybMNSk0vyizKrUjViNCp0KjWLS5M01LXUdSp1KnR0dEI0ddQr1TU1EzLTEjTSi1ILcsCSiRCp4sSCgpxKjSygQTmpJSWpRcWaOmmaOomaUCtUc1Lz0ksyNNKAmvK1gMZwIQmkaiVr5YIEIYoXLIDQAA)\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org) + `spelling`, ~~60~~ 56 bytes\n```\n[ 1 group { \"*\"} ${ ALPHABET } replace [ ] product-map ]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=TYyxCsIwFEX3fsWjOBUquBWdKogKIoK6WDqE-KzBZxLTZCr9Epcu-gN-Tf_GlDg43Qv3nPt8Xxi3ynT96bhfb5dTuKGRSFAZ5bSQFdQaiYZCwqJhVEOND4eS418ba6POjlsQyguetIMxi6I4UUn8cvaSZn1WwCT8QgNxErcwaiDf7Fb5fHGAFgxqYhyhgBJ-f-mdaSiD_-GMyI_aCGk9goxfw9J1Ib8)\n```\n ! \"*o*\"\n1 group ! { \"*\" \"o\" \"*\" }\n{ \"*\"} ${ ALPHABET } replace ! { \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" \"o\" \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\" }\n[ ] product-map ! { \"aoa\" \"boa\" ... \"zoz\" }\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 13 bytes\n```\n\u1eb9{\"*\"\u2227!\u1ea0\u220b|}\u1d50c\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATQAy/9icmFjaHlsb2cy/@KGsOKCgeG2oP/hurl7Iioi4oinIeG6oOKIi3x94bWQY///IipvIv9a \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is a generator predicate that will unify its output with each possible combination. The TIO\u202fexample uses `\u1da0 - findall` to generate all answers, but in a Prolog REPL you could just press `;` repeatedly to get each answer.\n### Explanation\n```\n\u1eb9 Split the string into a list of characters\n { }\u1d50 Map for each char:\n \"*\" If the char is \"*\"\n \u2227! Cut (i.e. discard the \"else\" possibility)\n \u1ea0\u220b The output is an element of the alphabet\n | Else don\u2019t modify the char\n c Concatenate back to a string\n```\nThe cut `!` is necessary, otherwise the predicate would also generate answers with the asterisk unchanged.\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript, 111 bytes\nI feel like it's way too long and I'm missing something big.\n```\ns=>(r=s=>s[1]?.at?[...'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'].flatMap(c=>r(s.slice(1)).map(p=>s[0]+c+p)):s)(s.split('*'))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Also **Python 3, 86 Bytes**:\n```\ndef f(x):\n for i in range(26):y=x.replace('*',chr(i+97),1);f(y)if'*'in y else print(y)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Julia](https://julialang.org), 61 bytes\n```\n!s=foldl((x,y)->[x.*y...],[x<'a' ? 'a'.+(0:25)' : x for x=s])\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m700qzQnM3HBgqWlJWm6FjdtFYtt0_JzUnI0NCp0KjV17aIr9LQq9fT0YnWiK2zUE9UV7BWApJ62hoGVkammuoKVQoVCWn6RQoVtcawm1BDjnNS89JIMDUUlrXwtJc0au4KizLySnDwuhHiqVrJWLrIcRCvMHQA)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nA completely even number is a positive even integer whose divisors (not including 1) are all even.\nSome completely even numbers are:\n* 2 (divisors: 2, 1)\n* 4 (divisors: 4, 2, 1)\n* 16 (divisors: 16, 8, 4, 2, 1)\n* 128 (divisors: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1).\nSome *non*-completely even numbers are:\n* 10 (divisors: 10, 5, 2, 1)\n* 12 (divisors: 12, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1)\n* 14 (divisors: 14, 7, 2, 1)\n* 18 (divisors: 18, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1)\n* 1, being odd, is not completely even.\n0 is not completely even (it's divisible by all positive integers, including odd numbers) but you **do not** need to handle this.\nYour challenge is to take a positive integer as input and output a truthy value if it is completely even and a falsy value if it is not. These outputs do not need to be consistent.\nIf your solution doesn't return a falsy value for 0, it's encouraged to show what changes would be necessary to make it do so. Especially encouraged is to **show how your solution differs from checking if the input is a power of 2**; in some languages it may be shorter, and in some longer.\nInput may be taken via any allowed method, and output may be given via any allowed method.\nThe shortest code in bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 2 bytes\n```\nqB\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/v9Dp/39DAA \"MATL \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\nThis takes advantage of MATL's convenient interpretation of truthy and falsy. `q` decrements the input and `B` gets the binary representation of the result. This yields a non-empty array of **1**'s (truthy) for even powers of two, an array that is either empty of contains a **0** (falsy) otherwise.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 2 bytes\n```\n\u221a\u00ecg\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//8OT0//8NAQ \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nIn 05AB1E only `1` is truthy. Input-`1`-and-input-`0`-verified.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 3 bytes\n```\n^\u201a\u00c4\u00f4>\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/z/uUcNMu/8GRYYGBgYKh9sPT0hTiFR4uGP7o4Y5Cj6ZxSXFCok5OQrJ@bkFOaklqTmVCqllqXkKeaW5SalFxQpJqSXlqUC@gUJiXooCyAy9/wA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n^\u201a\u00c4\u00f4> Main link. Argument: n\n \u201a\u00c4\u00f4 Decrement; yield n-1.\n^ Compute the bitwise XOR of n and n-1.\n This will conserve the highest set bit of n only if n is a power of two.\n If n is even, n-1 will be positive and the result will be different from n.\n > Test if the result is larger than n.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 16 bytes\n```\nlambda n:n^n-1>n\n```\nReturns *True* or *False*.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/5fUJSZV6KhlZaZU5JapPE/JzE3KSVRIc8qLy5P19Au77@OQlFiXnqqhqGBgYGmpuZ/AA \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n* If **n = 0**, then **n \u201a\u00e4\u00ef (n - 1) = 0 \u201a\u00e4\u00ef -1 = -1 < 0 = n**, so the function returns *False*.\n* If **n = 1**, then **n \u201a\u00e4\u00ef (n - 1) = 1 \u201a\u00e4\u00ef 0 = 1 = n**, so the function returns *False*.\n* If **2k < n < 2k+1**, then **2k \u201a\u00e2\u00a7 n - 1 < 2k+1**, so **n** and **n - 1** have the **2k** bit in common, \n**n \u201a\u00e4\u00ef (n - 1) < 2k < n**, and the function returns *False*.\n* Finally, if **n = 2k** with **k > 0**, then **n = 2k** and **n - 1 = 2k - 1** have no bits in common, so \n**n \u201a\u00e4\u00ef (n - 1) = n + (n - 1) > n + 0 = n** and the function returns *True*.\n[Answer]\n# Regex (ECMAScript or better), 17 bytes\n`^((x+)(?=\\2$))+x$` - Completely even\nTakes its input in unary, as a string of `x` characters whose length represents the number.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tc89b8IwFIXhv0IjBPeSJiQIdcA1TB1YGNqxtJIVLs5tjWPZBlI@fnsKQ6XOz5GO3i91UKHy7GIWHG/I7xr7TT@dl5aOvVfSL60DOMn5eNR9ArQpwkKuJ33EtO13o/EJ89i8Rc9WA@bBcEXw9JhNEUWQhTjWbAjASE9qY9gSID5IuzcGz1qaPDjDEYbZEAVvAazUuSGrY43zyeXCYaVWwNIpH2hpI@j34gPxD@g/2Hm5KGd3xlj75pgs7UEZ3vS8sppmvSQ1Ytt4EPwsSXCa4u0waZPckyMVgTHfqVjV4BHPYTBwt6QI94pSuH0M0d8m4nrtimxaFsUv \"JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") - ECMAScript \n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY5Na8JAEIb/igRhZ4hZEunJ7eqpBy8e2mNtcUnGOCXdpLOrBtTfnsZCwdsLz/v15U4ulMJdzHxb0RBsbsS@Uv3Sd/AWhX2txZ13wydAnyKs7HY@RUz76bDToeGSoJhlBaIR@jmyECghVzXsSaEuRx1p7SPJ3o3WC/vuGBedtCWFoEOs2N9Qtx7UX2LW2OWlto0OXcMRVKbQ8B7A21o35Ot4wOX8euWwcRtg2zkJ93ao3/MPxH9Aj8Avi1WxuGOMB2nPydqfXMPVRJyvaTFJ0sbsWwHDz5YMpymOg0mfaKFuPA@M@tvF8gCCeHk43h6jPgtHAggrtfVqoRSmjCbYwtxuOOTZU5Hnvw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") - ECMAScript 2018** \n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVLbbtswDH3vV3BGh0i5qE6xp6lGsQ0bMGDthvYxzQDFlhOlMu1JcuOm6LdnlONdCtQvNMmjQ50jbtWDmm2L@4OpmtoF2FIuTC3GEv6vtMHYV2tOr3VHnZOmXVmTQ26V93ClDMITDDUfVKDwUJsCKuqw2@AMrkG5tV8sOYSNq3cePne5boKp6eQJwBdjNZQZ6l3/yxKR14UW1E@4/NiWpXa6uNGq0A5WPexlkf05OaQl53KY66dB7jaRnzGfrUiDKr4Z1IzzNxm21nJTMi/0r1ZZz5Kz8XiccP70EnpkYCy8SvBEDOEvAxGcEcOKcPfST7LRHY5iDPL5WHv@oULQDsFlwx@prZo4wHNJbqzq2mqFsM9KYtQSbnOFSNINNm2ADKLaocZuH33QlTDIJQw6e5jYKH@tu0DX7C0GGAyxdHfiOIKQEIPEob9YgqV2RAnfWBNYMqNHIHwATKnzFQOtgRONcl5TwuwiXfIp4PzVprAa12FzcQ6XEJHwnsJ8SYz5RrnFshv09BnOlxI@OKcevSiNtaybjrpRbwpAWbuoja6RYSoBLzKcU5hMSOCVCvmGHKqIzYnqmLF@c5EW/BORHzdG7Jxq2DAir5vH7@WNwrWmSekUOY9KS2AVjceCvItvu@eDyTU5tnMmaBYflct9Flwb3@dfuyEPQ8mStz4hS7h8jt9J3KrDT8a6CWeX2d35KeeT7vQQV@WQzt7N0/Q3 \"Java (JDK) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") - Java \nRemarkably, there are *three* completely different 17 byte solutions for Powers of 2, which blew my mind even when I thought there were two. For this challenge, only one is 17 bytes, but for plain Powers of 2 they all are.\n---\n`^(?!(x(xx)+)\\1*$)` - **17 bytes** - Powers of 2 \n`^(?!(x(xx)+)\\1*$)x` - **18 bytes** - Powers of 2, correct at zero \n`^(?!(x(xx)+)\\1*$)xx` - **19 bytes** - Completely even\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| ECMAScript | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tc/LbsIwEIXhV4GogpmkCUmFusA1rLpgw6Jd9iJZZHCmNY5lG0i5PHsKi0pdf0c6@r/UXoW1Zxfz4Lgmv23tN/30Xlo6DF5IP3cO4Cjnk7T/hMUQOug6zPC9Su@wTydHLGL7Gj1bDVgEw2uCx/t8iiiCLMWhYUMARnpStWFLgDiUdmcMnrQ0RXCGI4zzMQreAFipC0NWxwbnD@czh5VaAUunfKCljaDfyg/EP6D/YOfVoprdGGPj20OytHtluB54ZTXNBklmxKb1IPhJkuAsw@th0iWFJ0cqAmOxVXHdgEc8hdHIXZMi3Coq4XYxRH@diMulr/JpVZa/ \"JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tc/LbsIwEIXhV4GoghnShKRCXeAaVl2wYdEue5EsGJxpjWPZBlwuz57ColLX35GO/i@1V2Hl2cUiOF6T37b2m346Ly0dei@kn5MDOMrZeNR9wrwPCVLCHN/r0R2m1I3GRyxj@xo9Ww1YBsMrgsf7YoIogqzEoWFDAEZ6UmvDlgCxL@3OGDxpacrgDEcYFkMUvAGwUpeGrI4Nzh7OZw5LtQSWTvlACxtBv1UfiH9A/8HO6nk9vTHGxreHbGH3yvC655XVNO1luRGb1oPgJ0mC8xyvh1nKSk@OVATGcqviqgGPeAqDgbsmRbhV1MLtYoj@OhGXS1cVk7qqfgE \"JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| Python | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7BTsMwEETv@YrF6mG3TaIscEqw@iEhSBW4rZFZR2ujpl@f1kXcRvP0RjNf8znKy@p/5qgZ0jXV6urvFGUAtWqMWT9w/4QLLgvt6J23G1rv7ch9w9MA3nbVMSoE8FLsNuUvL30FwYY2zcFnNI2hCvwRghMM9PbcQxh5smHspgqKLEXWg5wceslYANV/iSfaMd33yoC6NrmDfp5RazCL2cqDFOR7mLUo9CgsD/9v4m9uL@qzw5QVhWjl5pW77gY \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7BTsMwEETv@YrF6mG3TSIbOCVY/ZAQpArc1siso7VR3a9P6yJuo3l6o1mu@Rz5ZfU/S5QM6Zpace13ijyCWFFKrR@4f8KCpdCO3s12Q6Ws934yQ2fmEbzVzTEKBPBc/T7lL89DA8GGPi3BZ1Sdogb8EYJjDPT2PECYzGzDpOcGqsxVlgOfHHrOWAG1f8nMtDN036sD4vrkDvJ5RmlBFbXlB6nID7BIVehRWDP@v4m/ub@Izw5TFmSiVXevRusb \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| Ruby | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5BiwIxDIXv/oo4LNgqE1rZW7eI4F73IHsbtSjWsVDi0KnYvfjXZ1tRDwnk5X0vCdfD3xBAw9q2NnVI9gar5e8Sg90fFTgtFNzOzlvwurWxHwG4E/imllutqw1VKi98IxDr@VaBpWN2ZAX7zrvIJvWEPxH0ltp4Zvxrnpkm8xl7I6dLAAJHUESMF@OYFByxGN9j9j2yWJWqKXHQdwiqCG5c/uyusX/klb9lnoOjCPQ6UXopY75/VsYMO7YYs8RS4jO@kdMPPgyy/pRC/AM \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5BiwIxDIXv/oo4LNgqE1rZW7eI4F73IHsbtSjWsVDi0KnYvfjXZ1tRDwnk5X0vCdfD3xBAw9q2NnVI9gar5e8Sg90fFTgtFNzOzlvwurWxHwG4E/imllutqw1VKi98IxDr@VaBpWN2ZAX7zrvIJvWEPxH0ltp4Zvxrnpkm8xl7I6dLAAJHUESMF@OYFByxGN9j9j2yWJWqKXHQdwiqCG5c/uyusX/klb9lnoOjCPQ6UXopY75/VsYMO7YYs8RS4jO@kdMPntIwiPpTCvEP \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\nThis is what I came up to solve a level of [Regex Golf](https://alf.nu/RegexGolf) on 2014-02-21, and was also independently discovered by several others, including earlier than 2013-12-20. It's the one most similar to the well-known [primality test](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/57617/is-this-number-a-prime/177196#177196), which is probably why most people came up with this one instead of the others.\nIt asserts that \\$n\\$ has no odd divisors of \\$3\\$ or greater yielding a positive quotient. It has a false positive for zero, since although zero can be divided by any odd number, the quotient is zero, not positive. This can be fixed at the cost of an extra byte: `^(?!(x(xx)+|)\\1*$)` or `^(?!(x(xx)+)\\1*$)x`.\nSince the entire test is inside a (negative) lookahead, it can be adapted to answer this challenge by adding `xx` at the end, which enforces that only \\$n\u201a\u00e2\u20222\\$ can match.\n---\n`^(?!(x*)(\\1\\1)+$)` - **17 bytes** - Powers of 2 \n`^(?!(x*)(\\1\\1)+$)xx` - **19 bytes** - Completely even\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| ECMAScript | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tc/LbsIwEIXhVwlRBTNJE5IKdYFrWHXBhkW7LK1kweBMaxzLNpdyefYUFpVYf0c6@r/VToWlZxeL4HhFftPaH/rtvLS0T95Ivx4cwFFOhln3BdMeHDKERb2oMX/ALhsesYzte/RsNWAZDC8Jnh@LEaIIshL7hg0BGOlJrQxbAsSetFtj8KSlKYMzHGFQDFDwGsBKXRqyOjY4eTqfOczVHFg65QPNbAT9UX0i/gPdg53U03p8Y4yNb/fpzO6U4VXildU0TtLciHXrQfCLJMF5jtfD9JCWnhypCIzlRsVlAx7xFPp9d02KcKuohdvGEP11Ii6XripGdVX9AQ \"JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY5PT8IwGMa/ChKTvq9jzWo8rRZOHrhw0KNoaLaX8ZrazbbAEuCzz2Fiwu1Jfs@/L3uwsQrcpdy3NQ3RFDqYV2pe@g7eUmDfyGCPm@ETFnfQPyCs1Vphdo99P2xkdFwRqFmuEHWgnz0HAhHI1o49CZTVqBMtfaKwtaP1xL7bp7ILbUUxyphq9heUrQfxl5g5Mz81xsnYOU4gcoGatwDeNNKRb9IO54/nM8eVXQGbzoZ4bYfmvfhA/Ad0C/xcLVR5xZh2oT1Ol/5gHdeTYH1D5WSaOb1tA2h@NqQ5y3AcnPZTGagbzwOj/Lap2kFAPN0cb/dJHgMnAogLsfaiFAIzRh2N0pcLDkX@pIriFw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| Python | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7BTsMwEETv@YrF4rDbJpFdbglWPyQNUgUuXWTW0doV7deHuojbaJ7eaJZbOSd5Wfl7SVog33Krof3KSUZQr8aY9Q33T3jdEB7cwdH2mdZ7O7mhc/MI7G1zSgoRWKrd5/LBMjQQfezzErmg6Qw1wCeIQTDS626AOLnZx8nODVRZqqxH@QzIUrACav@Sm2nr6L5XBzT0ORz1/YzagrmajTxIRTzAolWhR@Hd@P8mXUr/o1wC5qIoRKvtds7aXw \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7BTsMwEETv@YrF4rDbJpFdbgkWH5IGqQKXLjLraG1E@vWhLuI2mqc3muVaLkmeNv5akhbI19xqaD9zkhHUqzFme8WXB1x3hEd3dLR/pHXdbv3khs7NI7C3zTkpRGCpfp/LO8vQQPSxz0vkgqYz1ACfIQbBSM@HAeLkZh8nOzdQZamynuQjIEvBCqj9S26mvaPbXh3Q0Odw0rcLagtmNTu5k4p4gEWrQvfCu/H/Tfou/Y9yCZiLohBttjs4a38B \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| Ruby | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5Bi8IwEIXv/oqxLJgoHZJes2ER9LqHxVurQWmsgTCWNGL34l/vJrJ6mIF58743E26n3ymAhh/b2bFHsnfYrHdrDPbYKnBaKLhfnLfgdWfjMANwZ/B1KfdaFw0VKi18LRDLaq/AUpscScGh9y6yRbng/wh6S128MP5ZJaZOfMLeyPkagMARZBHj1TgmBUfMxveYfM8sVozFkjjoBwSVBTfPf/a3ODzz8t8yzcFRBHqdyD2XMdvvjTHTgX3N2bjkrJGN5KsPPk2irKQQfw \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5BawIxEIXv/RXjIpgoOyR7jUEEvXoove3aUDGugTAu2YjppX99m0jrYQbmzfveTLifvqcAGt5tb9OAZB@w235sMdivswKnhYLH1XkLXvc2jm8A7gK@reVR66qjSuWFbwVi3RwVWDpnR1ZwHLyLbFEv@B@C3lIfr4yvm8y0mc/YC7ncAhA4giJivBnHpOCIxfgas@@ZxapULYmD/oGgiuBm5c/hHsdnXvlb5jk4ikD/J0ovZcz@sDNm@mSbGUtLzjrZSb6a85SmSdSNFOIX \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\nThis was discovered by Grimmy in 2019-02-05, [without fanfare](https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/48931239#48931239). I on the other hand was amazed, as this has no such flaw as the other negative assertion \u201a\u00c4\u00ec it does not match zero.\nIt asserts that \\$n\\$ has no divisors yielding an odd quotient of \\$3\\$ or greater. As a negative assertion, it does not consume the power of 2 that it matches, and thus is great for use in larger regexes where it doesn't need to be wrapped in a lookahead to allow other tests to be done on the same value of \\$tail\\$.\nThe downside is that in standard regex engines, it's significantly slower than `^(?!(x(xx)+|)\\1*$)`. In my regex engine though, they're both [statically optimized](https://github.com/Davidebyzero/RegexMathEngine/blob/master/matcher-optimization.h#L148) into a bitwise power of 2 test unless optimizations are disabled.\n---\n`^((x+)(?=\\2$))*x$` - **17 bytes** - Powers of 2 \n`^((x+)(?=\\2$))+x$` - **17 bytes** - Completely even\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| ECMAScript | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tc89b8IwFIXhv0IjBPeSJiQIdcA1TB1YGNqxtJIVLs5tjWPZBlI@fnsKQ6XOz5GO3i91UKHy7GIWHG/I7xr7TT@dl5aOvVfSL60DOMn5eNR9ArQpwkKuJ33EUdvvRuMT5rF5i56tBsyD4Yrg6TGbIoogC3Gs2RCAkZ7UxrAlQHyQdm8MnrU0eXCGIwyzIQreAlipc0NWxxrnk8uFw0qtgKVTPtDSRtDvxQfiH9B/sPNyUc7ujLH2zTFZ2oMyvOl5ZTXNeklqxLbxIPhZkuA0xdth0ia5J0cqAmO@U7GqwSOew2DgbkkR7hWlcPsYor9NxPXaFdm0LIpf \"JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tc89b8IwFIXhv0IjBPeSJiQIdcA1TB1YGNqxtJIVLs5tjWPZBlI@fnsKQ6XOz5GO3i91UKHy7GIWHG/I7xr7TT@dl5aOvVfSL60DOMn5eNR9ArQpwkKuJ33EtO13o/EJ89i8Rc9WA@bBcEXw9JhNEUWQhTjWbAjASE9qY9gSID5IuzcGz1qaPDjDEYbZEAVvAazUuSGrY43zyeXCYaVWwNIpH2hpI@j34gPxD@g/2Hm5KGd3xlj75pgs7UEZ3vS8sppmvSQ1Ytt4EPwsSXCa4u0waZPckyMVgTHfqVjV4BHPYTBwt6QI94pSuH0M0d8m4nrtimxaFsUv \"JavaScript (SpiderMonkey) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| Python | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7BbsIwEETv@YqVxWEXkshOb0ktPiQECbWmGLnraG1E@PqAqXobzdMbzfzIl8gfq/@do2RIj1SLq68p8gBiRSm1HhGXHeHeHroN0XbZrK92NH1jpgG81dU5CgTwXOw25W/PfQXBhjbNwWdUjaIK/BmCYwz02fUQRjPZMOqpgiJzkeXEPw49ZyyA6r9kJtoZeu2VAXFtcif5uqDUoBa15TcpyPcwS1HoXVgz/L@Jt9zexWeHKQsy0aqbzmj9BA \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7NasMwEITvfopF5LBb/yC5N7uiD@I4EFqlUVFXZqUQ5@mdKKG3YT6@YZZbPkd@3/zfEiVDuqVGXPObIo8gVpRS2wFxrQk/7b7fEdXrbnu0kxlaM4/gra5OUSCA52J3KX97HioINnRpCT6jahVV4E8QHGOgj36AMJnZhknPFRSZiyxH/nHoOWMB1LySmak29NgrA@K65I7ydUZpQK3qjZ@kID/AIkWhZ2HN@P8mXnJ3FZ8dpizIRJtue6P1HQ \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| Ruby | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5BC8IwDIXv/oo4BFtlodu1FhH06kG8TS2KdRZKHF3FefGvz1bUQwJ5ed9L/P307D0o2JjadA2SecBysV2gN8ezBKuEhMfVOgNO1Sa0AwB7AVflxV6pbEeZjAtXCcS83EswdI6OqGDbOBvYOB/zL4LOUB2ujM/KyFSRj9gfudw8EFiCJGK4acsKwRGT8T9G3yeLZV02IQ7qBV4mwQ7Tn809tJ@89HcRZ28pAP1OpJ5K69V6qXV/YKybcjZXu3LE@aQb9b3Iy0KINw \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5BC8IwDIXv/oo4BFtlodu1FhH06kG8TS2KdRZKHF3FefGvz1bUQwJ5ed9L/P307D0o2JjadA2SecBysV2gN8ezBKuEhMfVOgNO1Sa0AwB7AVflxV6pbEeZjAtXCcS83EswdI6OqGDbOBvYOB/zL4LOUB2ujM/KyFSRj9gfudw8EFiCJGK4acsKwRGT8T9G3yeLZV02IQ7qBV4mwQ7Tn809tJ@89HcRZ28pAP1OpJ5K69V6qXV/YKybcjZXu3LE@bQb9b3Iy0KINw \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\nI discovered this one in 2014-02-21, after being mentally primed by solving teukon's Dominoes 2 puzzle (which is now included in [Regex Golf](https://alf.nu/RegexGolf)); teukon independently came up with it later that same day. It was the very first problem in unary that we solved by repeatedly decreasing \\$tail\\$ in a loop while retaining an invariant property at every step, and is probably the simplest function that is best golfed by being solved that way.\nIt repeatedly divides \\$tail\\$ by \\$2\\$ (asserting each time that there is no remainder) as many times as possible, and then asserts that the end result is \\$1\\$. This one is useful in larger regexes when it is desirable to consume the identified power of 2.\nIt is the most suitable for solving this challenge, \u201a\u00c4\u00faIs it a completely even number?\u201a\u00c4\u00f9, as the only change necessary is upping the minimum iteration count of the loop from `0` to `1` by changing the `*` quantifier to a `+`, at a cost of 0 bytes. This enforces that \\$n\\$ must be evenly divided by \\$2\\$ at least once before yielding an end result of \\$1\\$.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 18 bytes\n```\nlambda x:~-x&x<1n>1>(n&n-1)\n```\n```\n
\n```\nPython doesn't have the monopoly on chained comparisons!\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 3 bytes\nReturns `log\u201a\u00c7\u00c7(x)` if True `0` otherwise\n```\n\u00ac\u00a3\u0192\u221e2\n```\n### Explanation\n```\n\u00ac\u00a3       Is it an element of the increasing sequence\n \u0192\u221e2     powers of two (starting at 2)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//9DiIxuM/v//b2hkAQA \"Husk \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt/), 6 bytes\n```\n\u221a\u00b5!\u00ac\u2264 \u221a\u220fU\n```\n[Test it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=9SGyIPhV&input=MQ==)\n---\n## Explanation\nGenerate an array of integers (`\u221a\u00b5`) from `1` to input `U`. Raise 2 to the power of each (`!\u00ac\u2264`). Check if the array includes (`\u221a\u220f`) `U`.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 33 bytes\n```\nlambda n:bin(n).count('1')==1-n%2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUSHPKikzTyNPUy85vzSvREPdUF3T1tZQN08VqCq/SCFTITNPoSgxLz1Vw9RA06qgKDOvRCFTJ00jU/M/AA \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n## Recusive approach, ~~38~~ 36 bytes\n-2 bytes thanks to Leaky Nun\n```\nf=lambda n:n>1if n<3else f(~n%2*n/2)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcFBCoAgEAXQq8wm0Agqo41UdzFyasC@Ym7adHV7L73lijC18hrcvR@OYLGNwoRl8uHxxOpDY1r0RleOmYQElB1Or@ZB25QFhaRjJbr@ \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Implicit](//git.io/sS), ~~7~~ ~~2~~ 3 bytes\n```\n\u00ac\u03a9?\u221a\u2202\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87MLchJLS5JTM7@///QXvvD2/7/NwQA) Explanation:\n```\n     implicit float input\n\u00ac\u03a9    calculate log2(input)\n ?   if truthy\n  \u221a\u2202   push 1 if top-of-stack is whole, 0 if non-whole\n     implicit int output\n```\n`\u00ac\u03a9` pushes log2(input). If the input is `0` or `1` it will push `0.000000`. 0 is a whole number so performing `\u221a\u2202` on 0 will yield 1, giving the incorrect result for the input 1. `?` only performs the next command if the top of stack is truthy. So if the input was 1 or 0, it will skip the `\u221a\u2202` and print 0 as it's supposed to. Otherwise it will push 1 if `log2(input)` is whole and 0 if it's not.\n[Answer]\n# Regex ([Tcl ARE](https://www.tcl-lang.org/man/tcl/TclCmd/re_syntax.htm)), ~~24~~ 22 bytes\n`^((x((xx)*))\\2*$)\\3` - **19 bytes** - Powers of 2 - [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVHbisIwEH33K46hD1YotC7sS7f7I5qFWscajGNJ4loo/fbutG5Flh3yMJk5l3ASKjt4CnDY@tveByR8ra6XS8kHP/b7sjp7W/oTTdfv0plyb@XSDV@rVSunjddxvNuso3j3NvQ6xywXnOEaruSaEDlk2FLbOHTzxhLX4SQrjQSbXuvFyDTIctxPxpIgawoePhwMw2osCyRZj24BqRFrrdg01gREFipRYm6OQrOztBXWJ9KZM/M4xdYaPlA7QpD@yysKjGYTPkPEokLW03PyqpDp/mlwvLpfzIPURYyPQvpRzXDlwK/vGWsyd1RLPkhE1VQSsESmniFSQ2WAmLFW@i99llhGRlbNTTJTqs8faaY5pol8HtNd3kxQEateakiT9zT9AQ \"Tcl \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")  \n`^(x$|(x((xx)*))\\2*$)\\3` - **22 bytes** - Completely even - [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVHLboMwELznKyaWDxAJCVKpF0p/JHElQjbEqmOQ7TRIlG@nCylRVHVP6915rMahMqOnAIedvx58QGKbqrlcSnv0U38oq09vSn@m@flVOl0eDD/68SPq5HfURVHXxZs43m83Mt6/jIPKsSgGp20NV9qaIB0y7KhrHfplY8jW4cwrhQTbQanVxNTIctzO2hAjawoePhy1hVFYF0iyAf0KXBPWGLZpjQ6QBiIRbK5PTDOLtGHWO9KFs/Bsip3R9kjdBEH6L68oMJnN@AzSsgoZT4/Js0KmhofBqXG/mDuplxZvBfeTmraVg32@Z6rZ3FHN@SBhVV1xxhyZeIRILZUBbGaVUH/pi8Raal61V85MiCG/p5nmmCf8f5ZufDNBSCsGrjFNXtP0Bw \"Tcl \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nTcl ARE has both positive and negative lookaheads, but neither backreferences nor captures can be done inside one. So seemingly, it would be impossible to match powers of 2 instead of non-powers, because all of the ECMAScript regexes use backreferences inside a lookahead. This challenge states \"output a truthy value if it is completely even and a falsy value if it is not\", so an inverted-logic regex, such as `^(x*)(\\1\\1)+$|^x$`, would not satisfy the rules.\nBut as it so happens, in Tcl ARE it seems that any group anchored on both sides (`^` at the beginning and `$` at the end, either inside or outside the group as long as it's adjacent to the parentheses) in all its alternatives will be treated as atomic (preventing the engine from doing the equivalent of backtracking into that expression if the pattern fails to match at a later point). This does not appear to be documented, but it can be exploited to emulate a negative match. The equivalent in engines that support atomic groups would be:\n`^(?>(x((xx)*))\\1*$)\\2` - **21 bytes** - Powers of 2 - [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBda8IwFH33V4QQaK6m2ha3IbHzZRsIYw/b3qwLtUttWU1DGqEg/vbuVva0h1zu1znn5tjKDuuNrSxhjqSELiiZE@v0UTltm7zQPFjMpxulqrzxqmhPtm60y3gGMntfdIEgAb4Sm@qoxwXjtfEdV@pl@/qsFAgSA1IisZzUplad9pzawun5IS9@vMOgmvpUeyoIXSar5er@IVndUZCTsnWc1WkkWZOWyN7xj8@n7RtIuJC65KzZdd412mAGYbxPU5oZCrjcnQ84wbaIRBjDiNe9bdpvzWlIBa5LxBft2fgRu04QtEMCjNFeTgi5KZu/mpl1eptjNpsBShN@c@iU@6LizAkUG@3SuedBHwhmAIBcxhNr0EXVjndJgl@JJRlrwoy8osz1n60c5PDFN4@857zvYQqQxVMGWTIMUZjEUfQL \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")  \n`^(?>(x\\B((xx)*))\\1*$)\\2` - **23 bytes** - Completely even - [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBdS8MwFH3frwgh0Nyt3doylZHVgaggiA/q2zpDV9O1mKUhzaAw9tvr7fDJh1zu1znn5tjaDuuNrS1hjmSELiiZE@vUQTpldVEqHizm042UdaG9LNujbbRyOc9B5O@LLghJgK/CpjyoccF4ZXzHpXx@eX2SEkKSAFIisZg0ppGd8pza0qn5vih/vMMgdXNsPA0JXaar5er2Ll3dUBCTqnWcNVksmM4qZO/4x@fjyxsIOJOm4kxvO@@0MphBlOyyjOaGAi53pz1OsB3GYZTAiFe91e234jSiIa4LxJftyfgRu04RtEUCjPFOTAi5Kpu/mpl1dp1jNpsBShN@dehY@LLmzIUoNtqlCs@DPgiZAQByHk9sQJV1O94lCH4lEWSsCTPigjKXf7ZyEMMX39zzPn/gvO9hCpAnUwZ5OgxxlCZx/As \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThese in turn are based on the [17 byte ECMAScript regex](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/222496/17216) `^(?!(x(xx)+)\\1*$)`. The logic of the Tcl ARE version is to assert that the largest odd factor of \\$n\\$ is \\$1\\$. The \"completely even\" version additionally asserts than \\$n\\ne 1\\$.\nEven more strangely than the atomic grouping behavior, Tcl ARE apparently records the positions where word-boundary-match operators (`\\m`, `\\M`, `\\y`, `\\Y`) were used inside a capture group, and repeats them if that group is repeated via a backreference. So `^((x\\Y((xx)*))\\2*$)\\3` (**21 bytes**) not only doesn't match \\$1\\$, but doesn't match \\$2\\$ either: [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVHLasMwELznKybChzhgsFPoxXX/oyQqOM7GEVU2RlIag/G3u2unDqF0D2K1Ow8xCpUdPAU4bP117wMSvlSX87nkgx/7fVl9eVv6E03X79KZcm/l0g2fq1W7@5CjjddxvNuso3j3MvQ6xywYnOEaruSaEDlk2FLbOHTzxhLX4SQrjQSbXuvFyDTIctxOxpIgawoePhwMw2osCyRZj24BqRFrrdg01gREFipRYm6OQrOztBXWO9KZM/M4xdYaPlA7QpD@yysKjGYTPkPEokLW02PyrJDp/mFwvLhfzJ3URYy3QvpRzXDlwM/vGWsyd1RLPkhE1VQSsUSmHiFSQ2WAmLFW@i99llhGRlbNVTJTqs/vaaY5pol8H9NN3kxQEateakiT1zT9AQ \"Tcl \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") \u201a\u00c4\u00ec and as a result, the 22 byte method has to be used instead.\nExplanation for Powers of 2 (**19 bytes**):\n```\n^\n(                  # Group an expression that is anchored to start at its\n                   # beginning and to end at its end, thus telling the Tcl ARE\n                   # regex engine to treat it as atomic, not backtracking into\n                   # it if a subsequent match fails.\n    (              # \\2 = sum of the following, which will be the largest odd\n                   #      number that results in a match for what follows:\n        x          # 1; tail -= 1\n        ((xx)*)    # \\3 = any even number, including zero, trying the largest\n                   #      values first; tail -= \\3\n    )\n    \\2*$           # Assert that \\2 divides tail; anchor to end of string\n)\n\\3                 # Now that the above match is locked in and won't backtrack,\n                   # assert that \\3 == 0, as no other value can match when\n                   # tail == 0 (at the end of the string), thus asserting that\n                   # \\2 == 1, i.e. that the largest odd factor of N is 1.\n```\nFor Completely even (**22 bytes**), an alternative of `x$` is inserted as the first choice. If \\$n=1\\$ and this alternative matches, it effectively acts like a boolean short-circuit operator \u201a\u00c4\u00ec the powers of 2 test won't be done, and `\\3` will not be set.\nAn alternative method to match powers of 2 is `^((x+?)((\\2\\2)*$))\\3` (**20 bytes**): [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVHbboJAEH33K44bHqANCeCjpf0Q3SaII266jmR3rSaEb6cDFmOaztPszLlMzobaDp4CHDb@svMBKZ/r8@lU8d6P/a6qv7yt/JGm53flTLWz8uiGzzi@vX4kcbwttkXyEiXJdjX0eo1ZLzjDDVzFDSFyyLGhW@vQzRtL3ISjrDRSFL3Wi5FpkK9xPRpLgmwoePiwNwyrsSyR5j26BaRGrLVi01oTEFmoVIm5OQjNztJWWO/IZs7M4wwba3hPtxGC7F9eWWI0m/A5IhYVsp4ek2eFXPcPg8PZ/WLupC5ivJXSj2qGawd@vmesydxRI/kgFVVTS8ISmXqESC1VAWLGWum/9FliGRlZtRfJTKl@fU8zW2OayO8xXeVmgopY9VJDlq6KHw \"Tcl \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") - this uses the same atomic grouping trick, but the logic is to assert that the smallest quotient from dividing \\$n\\$ by any odd number is \\$n\\$ (thus it's implied that the only odd divisor of \\$n\\$ is \\$1\\$). For \"completely even\" numbers this becomes `^(x$|(x+?)((\\2\\2)*$))\\3` (**23 bytes**): [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVHLboMwELznKyaWD9AKCciR0n5I4kqEuMSqs0G20yBRvp0upERR1T2td@exGofajl4HOGz9Ze8DEjrX59OpooOf@n1Vf3pb@aOen1@VM9Xe8qMf36NOfkfd81scRbt8l8dPMo53m3FQBRbJ4Aw1cBU1GtIhw1Z3rUO/bKymJhx5pZAgH5RaTUyDrMD1aKxmZKODhw8HQ7AK6xJJNqBfgWvCWss2rTUB0kIkgs3NB9PsIm2Z9Yp04Sw8SrG1hg66myBI/@WVJSazGZ9BEqto6/V98qiQqeFu8HF2v5gbqZeEl5L7Sc1Q7UCP90w1mzvdcD5IWNXUHDJHJu4h6lZXAWxGSqi/9EViLQ2v2gtnJsRQ3NJMC8wT/kDSV75ZQ0gSA9eYJpv8Bw \"Tcl \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") But this method is much slower than the primary one shown in this answer, and Tcl cannot even match \\$n=64\\$ within 60 seconds.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 5 bytes\n```\n\u221a\u00dcf=2\u00bb\u00b6\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9wW5qt0Yll////NwQA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nDoes ***NOT*** fail for `1`!\n[Answer]\n# [Java (OpenJDK 8)](http://openjdk.java.net/), ~~18~~ 16 bytes\n```\ni->i>1&(i&~-i)<1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY0xD4IwEIV3fsVNhBppwmYCMjiYODgxGocKlRyWtqFXEmLwr2MxDL7x3fe@68QoUmOl7prXgr01A0EXOk7YS77Lo//OEyr@9LomNHo9RrUSzsFVoIZ3BCGOBGEN5w0qLppkK4c9nIxRUugSLBxhwbTEMosTjD8psiJbgmudW/9QYb5ZRoMN9EGeVDSgbm93EEPr2PZrTTU5kj03nrgNCCmdWC6sVVNyYCz/cXM0L18 \"Java (OpenJDK 8) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# MATL, 4 bytes\nSaved a byte thanks to [Luis Mendo](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/36398/luis-mendo)!\n```\nYf2=\n```\n**[Try it here.](https://matl.suever.net/?code=Yf2%3D&inputs=2&version=20.4.1)**\nReturns `1` (or an array of several `1`s) for truthy and `0` or  (the empty string) for falsy.\n# How?\n```\nYf2=   % Full program.\nYf     % Prime factors.\n  2=   % All equal 2?\n       % Output implicitly.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 5 bytes\n```\nq]2{P\n```\n**[Verify all the test cases.](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=q%5D2%7BP&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=1%0A2%0A4%0A16%0A128%0A10%0A12&debug=0)**\nAlternative:\n```\nq2s{P\n```\n# Explanation\n```\nq]2{P  ~ Full program with implicit input (Q) at the end.\n    P  ~ Prime factors.\n   {   ~ Deduplicated.\nq      ~ Equals?\n ]2    ~ The literal [2].\n       ~ Output (implicitly).\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~37~~ ~~33~~ ~~27~~ 18 bytes\nThanks to @MD XF for the idea\n```\nf(n){n=(n^n-1)>n;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcjNCkBAEADg@zzFptRMOFBcBk8ipdVopwzJTZ59/XzHzxeL9zEKGl3WoY1WlNQb31EZ1ikYElzgXrIdqF3J2lZ1w5pl9PcniENBJXL7EewUTNJ5sCRXYrghPg \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, ~~14~~ 11 bytes\n-3 thanks to Deadcode\n```\nf=\nn=>!(n&n-2)\n// test numbers 0-16\nconst tests = [f(0), false, true, false, true, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true]\nconst results = tests.map((res, n) => res === f(n))\ndocument.write(\n  results.every(res => res)\n    ? \"All tests passed \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f2\u00e4\"\n    : [\n        \"Tests failed \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f2\u00b6\",\n        ...results.map((res, n) => !res && `f(${n}): expected ${tests[n]}`).filter(Boolean),\n      ].join(\"
\")\n)\n```\n```\nbody{font-size:3rem;font-family:monospace}\n```\nExplanation - this uses [this trick](https://stackoverflow.com/a/1053594/1903116) for checking if `n` is a power of 2, but uses `n&n-2` instead of `n&n-1` to make 1 return false\n[Answer]\n# Regex (Java / Perl / PCRE / .NET), 12 bytes\n`^(\\1\\1|^x)*x$` - **13 bytes** - Powers of 2 \n`(\\1\\1|^x)+x$` - **12 bytes** - Completely even\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| Java | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVJdb9swDHzvr@CMDZHSRHXWt6nGsA0bMGDthvYxTQHFlhOlMu1JcuO062/PKMf7KBC/0CRPR92JG/Wgppvifm@qpnYBNpQLU4uxhP8rbTD2aM3ple6oc9K0S2tyyK3yHi6VQXiCoeaDChQealNARR12E5zBFSi38vMFh7B29dbD5y7XTTA1nTwB@GKshjJDve1/WSLyutCC@gmXH9uy1E4X11oV2sGyh70ssj8nh7TkXA5z/STI7TryM@azJWlQxTeDmnH@KsPWWm5K5oX@2SrrWXI2Ho8Tzp9eQg8MjIWjBE/EEP4yEMEZMSwJdy/9aTa6xVGMQT4fas8/VAjaIbhs@CO1VRMHeC7JjWVdW60QHrOSGLWEm1whknSDTRsgg6h2qLGbnQ@6Ega5hEFnDxNr5a90F@iavcUAgyGW7k4cBxASYpA49OcLsNSOKOEbawJLpvQIhA@AKXW@YqA1cKJRzmtKmJ2nCz4BnB1tCqtxFdYXb@E9RCS8ozBbEGO@Vm6@6AY9fYazhYQPzqmdF6WxlnWTUTfqTQEoaxe10TUyTCXgRYYzCqenJPBShXxNDlXE5kR1yFi/uUgL/onIDxsjtk41bBiR183ue3mtcKVpUjpBzqPSElhF47Eg7@LbPvLB5Joc2zoTNIuPyuVjFlwb3@dfuyEPQ8mSNz4hS7h8jt9J3Kr9Hbud3c5@3XV83L3exzXZp9Pz8zRNfwM \"Java (JDK) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bVLbbtswDH3PV3DGhki5qE6fhqnGsA0bMGDdhvYxzQDFlhO1Mu1JcuO067dnlONdCsQvNMmjQ50j3qp7Nb8t7g6mamoX4JZyYWoxkfB/pQ3Gnqw5vdEddUZNu7Ymh9wq7@FSGYRHGGo@qEDhvjYFVNRh18EZ3IByG79ccQhbV@88fOxy3QRT08kRwCdjNZQZ6l3/yxKR14UW1E@4fN@WpXa6uNKq0A7WPex5kf05OaQl53KY62dB7raRnzGfrUmDKr4Y1IzzFxm21nJTMi/0z1ZZz5KzyWSScP74HHpkYCycJHgkhvCXgQjOiGFNuDvpp9n4BscxBvl0rD19VyFoh@Cy4Y/UVk0c4LkkN9Z1bbVCeMhKYtQSrnOFSNINNm2ADKLaocau9z7oShjkEgadPUxslf@qu0DX7C0GGAyxdHfiOIKQEIPEob9cgaV2RAnfWBNYMqdHIHwATKnzGQOtgRONcl5TwuwyXfEZ4OJkU1iNm7C9OIe3EJHwhsJiRYz5Vrnlqhv09BkuVhLeOaf2XpTGWtbNxt24NwWgrF3URtfIMJWAFxkuKEynJPBShXxLDlXE5kR1zFi/uUgL/oHIjxsjdk41bBiR183@W3mlcKNpUjpDzqPSElhF47Eg7@LbPvDB5Joc2zkTNIuPyuVDFlwb3@dfuyEPQ8mSVz4hS7h8it8obtWB3SxuFr9@dHzavTzELTmk89fnafob \"Java (JDK) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| Perl | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY7NasMwEIRfZQlLrG1sLKX0UlmpA@m1p97qRCQhBoGauJILLqr66q7iBnpZdmZ/5utOzj6M71@ATkKwl@PeApYySVVt1q/rVYT24hh6xWW1khTAtElR6Jw59zBrzjMZobbKd9b0LCuy3H8efJ9OdF6IXNDp47r09O/y5NMjapLXXz4l7l1tqyWF2r6JrUqVb@Ut19wkmkpN49QtFhRMC4xlQwYDpCUiUD9QoispoJ/PJ7iJLYEL@ceKRsYYtX5@2Wg97lgjGvG9G@huwHHkhbhfcs5/AQ \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY5fS8MwFMW/ymVc1lza0mQgiGlmB/PVJ9/sDHOsEMi2mlSoxPjVa1YHvlzuOffP@fVHZ@@m0xegkxDs5bC3gJVMUtXbzctmHaG7OIZecVmvJQUwXVIUemfOAyza80JGaKzyvTUDy8qs8J/vfkgnuihFIej4cV16/Hd58ukBNcnrL58S966x9YpCY1/FTqXKd/KWa24STa3mcerynILpgLFszGCEtEQE6gcqdBUF9MvlDDezJXAh/1jRyBij1k/PW60n1opWfL@NlI84Tby8X3H@Cw \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| PCRE | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBda8IwFH33V4QQaKKptuo2JBZftoEw9rDtzWqoXWrDYhrSCAW3397dyp72kMv9OufcHFe7fr1xtUPEowzhGUZT5Lw6Sa@cKUpFo9l0vJGyLkyQZXN22iif05yJ/G3WRhxF8CpoypMaFmxQNrRUyufty5OUjKOUASUQi5G2WrYqUOxKr6bHovwKHoI0@qwD5ggv56vl6v5hvrrDTIyqxlOis0QQk1XA3tL3j8ftKxPsinRFidm1wRtlIWNxus8ynFvMYLm9HGECbZ7wOGUDXnXONJ@K4hhzWBeAL5uLDQN2PQfQDgggJnsxQuimbP9qYtfZbQ7ZZMJAGtGbQ@cilDUlnoPYYJcqAo26iBPLGEPX4UTNVFk3w10CwVdSgYYaESt@QObnn62Uif5A8zRPvw8dG3ek75M4XSySJPkF \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVDLasMwELznK4QQWGrkxDbpIygml7YQKD20vcWpcFw5FlVkIStgSPPt7jr01IOWfc3MalzjhtXaNQ4Rj3KE5xjNkPPqIL1ypqwUjeazm7WUTWmCrNqj00b5ghZMFG/zLuIogldDUx7UuGCDsqGjUj5vXp6kZBylDCiBWEy01bJTgWJXeTXbl9V38BCk0UcdMEd4kS0Xy7v7bHmLmZjUradE54kgJq@BvaPvH4@bVybYGemaErPtgjfKQsbidJfnuLCYwXJ32sME2jzhccpGvOqdab8UxTHmsC4AX7UnG0bsKgPQFgggJjsxQeiqbP9qYlf5dQ7ZdMpAGtGrQ8cyVA0lnoPYaJcqA436iBPLGEPn8UTNVNW0410CwVdSgcYaESsuIHP5ZytlYqBFWqQ/nz2b9mQYkvghS5Jf \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| .NET | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY9Ra4MwFIX/SpALJnUpcX1rCBT23F9gLYi7nYH0RmKKUpvf7nRj7PE7HD7O6f2IYejQuQWCqQJ@4VQfj4QjP@XLlV/KS/m6TmI3wZKf3rIPf@@tw89MaHgapW8@YNN2HByzxMBS/4hihsaAk0PvbMxkpu2NQ7Nv/YOidJG9b4XCQFOpOq0CDmQqS7H@STSQdPjH5cZFIebNEfbnJrYdDjyf8h2Q@I2fYh6DjSg7P8S0zir1PzNJfn3jLCEDSiktSh4OSqlv \"PowerShell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY/RaoQwFER/JcgFk9oscZ/KhsBCn/sFroVg79ZA9kZiFmVtvt1qS@njGYbDzBAmjGOP3q8QTRPxE@f2dCKc@Llc@aW@1F/vs6hmWMvzc/EaboPz@FEIDQ@j9DVEtF3PwTNHDBwN9yQWsAa8HAfvUiEL7a4c7KELd0rSJ3bcC5UB26g2bwIOZBpHqf1JNJD0@Mf1zlUllt0RD282dT2OvJzLJyDxGz/EMkWXUPZhTHmbVet/ZpLCdsY7QgaUc16VfDkq9Q0 \"PowerShell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\nSubtracts increasing powers of 2 from \\$tail\\$, starting with \\$1\\$. As such, the sum of the subtracted powers will be \\$2^a-1\\$ where \\$a\\$ is the number of iterations so far. Once the loop has matched as many iterations as it can, asserts that the remaining \\$tail=1\\$.\nUnlike the ECMAScript regexes, this needs to do no backtracking, thus is orders of magnitude faster in standard regex engines.\nAs with the 17 byte ECMAScript regex, it is quite suitable for solving this challenge, as the only change necessary is upping the minimum iteration count of the loop from `0` to `1` by changing the `*` quantifier to a `+`, at a cost of 0 bytes. But an added bonus here is that the first iteration of the loop can only match at the beginning of the string, so we can remove the first `^` anchor to save 1 byte. This does make the regex much slower in most regex engines though.\n# Regex (Java / Perl / PCRE / Python[`regex`](https://github.com/mrabarnett/mrab-regex) / Ruby / .NET), 22 bytes\n`^((?=(\\3\\3|^x))(\\2))*x$` - **23 bytes** - Powers of 2 \n`((?=(\\3\\3|^x))(\\2))+x$` - **22 bytes** - Completely even\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| Python `import regex` | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY5BasMwEEX3PsUguphJbSPFi4Ad0YPYDoRWSVSUsRmp1IHe3Y1cuhvm8R5/fqTbxM3q7/MkCeIjluKubik/48QdiBWl1HpCfLM4NEPzc1qIcNgT7ZaX9cl601Zm7MBbXVwmgQCec6aO6cNzW0CwoY5z8AlVpagAf4HgGAMd9y2E3ow29HosIMucZTnz1aHnhBlQ@XeZkV4NPXs5sE2sozvL@w2lBLWoHW8wU9/CLNmi7WFN9z9o@kr1t/jkMCZBJlp1ZQ5a618 \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7RSsQwEEXf@xVD8GHGbUuy9ak1@CFthUWzu5E4KZOIXfDf66bi2zCHc7jLLV8jd5v/XKJkSLdUi7u4tf5IkQcQK0qpDfHF4tRN3c/rSoTTkeiwPmx3NJq@MfMA3urqHAUCeC6VNuV3z30FwYY2LcFnVI2iCvwZgmMM9HzsIYxmtmHUcwVF5iLLiS8OPWcsgOq/y8x0MHTvlcC@sE3uJG9XlBrUqh55h4X6HhYpFu0Pa4b/QfErt9/is8OUBZlo082T0foX \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| Ruby | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5Bi8IwEIXv/oqxCCZCh7QePMQggl49yN5aDYqxBsJY0ohdWPzr3UR2PczAvHnfm/GP8/fgQcHeNKZvkcwTNuuvNXpzukiwSkh43qwz4FRjQjcCsFdwVV4clMpqymRcuEog5uVBgqFLdEQFu9bZwKb5lP8h6Aw14cb4soxMFfmIfZDr3QOBJUgihru2rBAcMRk/Y/S9s1jWZzPioF7gZRLsOP3ZPkL3zkt/F3H2lgLQ/4nUU2m93W20Ho6MrRSr5/X859hzzuqS81k/GQaRFwshxC8 \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5Bi8IwEIXv/oqxCCa7dEjrRciGRdCrB9lb6wbFWANhLGnECuJfr4nsepiBefO@N@Mv@9vgQcHGNKZvkcwVloufBXqzO0iwSki4nqwz4FRjQjcCsEdwVV5slcpqymRcuEog5uVWgqFDdEQFu9bZwKb5lP8h6Aw14cT4VxmZKvIReyPHswcCS5BEDGdtWSE4YjK@x@h7ZbGszz6Ig3qAl0mw4/RnewndKy/9XcTZWwpA/ydST6X1ar3UemDsW7F6Vs/uvz3nrC45/@wnwyDyeSnEEw \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\nThis is a direct port of the 13 byte / 12 byte regex. Ruby, and Python's `regex` module, do not support nested backreferences, so they must be emulated via forward-declared backreferences. (Python's `re` module doesn't even support the latter.) The 13 byte version of this is faster than the 17 byte regexes, but golf-wise, they win.\nAlthough this results in a fast regex that's compatible with six different engines, the [recursive solutions](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/259835/17216) provide the best golf for Python's `regex` module and Ruby.\n### \\$\\large\\textit{Full programs}\\$\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 18 bytes\n```\n.+\n$*\n(\\1\\1|^.)+.$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Dcg5CoAwAEXB/p0jQjQQ/FlcTuAlgmhhYWMhlt49OuXcx3Nee23sslXvMB22qOhdfeu8qbVHBCKJzMDIxIz@FAooooQyGj4 \"Retina 0.8.2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nTakes its input in decimal. Uses the Java/Perl/PCRE/.NET pure regex.\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 24 bytes\n```\nsay 1x<>~~/(\\1\\1|^.)+.$/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RU7NasMwGHuVb8YQm/w0GesOjROyS0YPu@ywS9sNE5zF4NjGDrSjS497gD3iHmRpaBm7CAkJSVY4tZy0gT13Wup3D4E4WOFkL/TA1Wrle@6Gng9NF@RgrNCkjlC5RjSHfSeVIKykx6Yzvc0rVXir5ECCOIjw25yQLfENV9xVit3SY6U22a6YMd2N0BpHsLyqHEtWXNyZhSE9ev4BNWA5jtAo4wWp6f86u6xXD8@PLwVao78jN8K0hFK4viFYFawu56B1Ug@AVYTg5@sbUD7N7XhzYOXptCDbbJt9viY0TPBiGqc0vr/7NXaQRvspflomaZaeAQ \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Regex (PCRE1), 11 bytes\n`^(x(?1)?x|x)$` - **13 bytes** - Powers of 2 \n`^(x(?1)?x)$` - **11 bytes** - Completely even\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| PCRE1 | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hVPbbtpAEH3nKya0CetgIrtIVWXjRGlK1QeaVIhIrQi1XLOGVc3aWq8LSeDXS2d37cS5SLX8sJczZ86cmY3zvLeI4/0bxuO0nFMY5LGgJ8vTVryMBIT5dAYBjNsf1@vfv/rlj9vb75Pl@/WS7H@SDTlzrbPNdmO93VvPAW0bjvMgzLuu33okL@ScZYq9eSQYXzw9Yxme0mj1EnfaYlxCjksZUiEyQeKMFxK02uMVLYpoQa17zON5MQJgMIDqVC31OeXz1AdBZSk4uP5OU64ixokF9y3AL59itpRykls9dxY4PpSI6b8LJWRqpwIWuNBgzWnU4UVeSh@Uh3AsqA9NdSgnl8JEC1qUqTRrVUeSFFTakJUS0y7k0txkf2gsMzHtz0wqZA00eRhnq5yllOQ2fLsYD8NPV5Pz0Qi2Znc9@fzBhiOT0CzqDI5lqFgC5EBQq/Yh0Z4mBKtBtA1tRaSlCYhQiQ6Hw7kHh8UNx@42OE2eijjBAKLE3ymntDkLKlPGKTFdYdw2Plk@Ytzacy0Kw7iDNUYyY0SDTuIQvSWWZQN3bcizAq/NTcL4nHR6nSqx@rirDELMQdDsi@dxdXj2Ci90Nb4LKMTD5I9cpmkqHadrs5tyt@vOfJyoFRZOChs6m44ShqUUeDkLGvEPRrCAq5kZBNz1odtlzYpNV9Us1J2lGxoTQW24vB6NbMAcDLum/2ocbOg3Sq6bWbGcBuDAdluTog96Iobj8dU4vLz6ej65@PJcQE1xZwE6oyolnRveMf3xX0BNG3FU1Yti/qtUVfoBijk6@o@YJ3xtD4Zq6NpPeXevO9aw2yB2LT2ynhlFQSkqsR4ee/XqWru903Ndx/kbJ2m0KPa9VFn/Dw \"C++ (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hVNtb5swEP6eX3HN1sY0pIJFmiYIrbqu0z5k7RSl0qY0Q4wYYo0YZMySvuSvLzvb0NIXaYgP9r0899xz57goBmkc794wHmfVgsKoiAU9Wh534mUkICxmcwhg0v24Xv/@Nax@3Nx8ny7fr5dk95NsyIlrnWystzvrubtrw2ERhEXf9TuP0KVcsFxht02C8fSpjeVopdHqZdxxh3EJBR5lSIXIBYlzXkrQXA9XtCyjlFp3WMfzYgyA0QhqqzpqO@WLzAdBZSU4uP5WQ64ixokFdx3Ar5hhtYxyUlgDdx44PlQYM3wXSsjVTSWkeNDBGtOwQ0dRSR@UgnAoqA9tdkinkMJkC1pWmTRn1UeSlFTakFcSy6ZyaTz5HxrLXMyGc1MKUQMNHsb5qmAZJYUN384m5@Gny@npeAz35nY1/fzBhgNT0ByaCo5loFgCZE9Qq9Eh0ZomBLvBaBu6CkhTExAhE50O@wsP9strjtNtYZo6NXCCCUSRv1VKaXFSKjPGKTFTYdw2Olk@xriN5poUpnEHe4xkzogOOopD1JZYlg3ctaHIS3QbT8L4gvQGvbqw@rirBMKYvaA9F8/jynjyCi70dXwfkIiHxR@xzNBUOU7X5jbjbt@d@7hRK2yclDb0Nj1FDFsp0TkPWvkPQrCAq50ZBdz1od9n7Y7NVNUuNJOlGxoTQW24uBqPbcAaDKem/3odbBi2Wm6GWaMcB@DA/X0DijrojTifTC4n4cXl19Pp2ZfnBBqIWwtQGdUp6V3znpmP/yLUjBFXVb0o5r8KVZcfIZmDg/@QeYLX9eBcLV33Ke72dcVacpuIbUevrGdWUVCKTKyHx16/us525wxc13H@xkkWpeVukCnp/wE \"C++ (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\nI'm not sure when this recursive regex was originally discovered. It was likely an accidental discovery, when someone tried to match palindromes and found that due to PCRE1's atomic subroutine calls, words consisting of only one distinct letter would only match when their length was a power of 2.\nExplaining why this works is complicated, but I do intend to do it sometime.\nThis regex is absolutely phenomenal at being ported to this challenge; it loses 2 bytes in doing so.\n# Regex (Perl / PCRE), 15 bytes\n`^x(x(?1)?+x|x|)$` - **16 bytes** - Powers of 2 \n`^x(x(?1)?+x|x)$` - **15 bytes** - Completely even\nThis is a port of the PCRE1 regex to engines that may have non-atomic subroutine calls.\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| Perl | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY5fa8IwFMW/ykWCzaUtTYS9LI2t4F598m1zwQ0LgUxrUiEjxq9eYyfs5XLPuX/Orz9Y8zL@/AKxAoI5fe8NkEokKev1artaRuhOlhInmaiXAgPoLikMvdXHAWYfx5mI0BrpeqMHmpVZ4S5fbkgnqih5wfFwfiw1/y5LPr4SheLxy6XEvW1NvcDQmne@k6mynXjm6qckupbTOHV5jkF3QGnmM/CQlhBB3qAitsJA3Hw@wU1sCZyLP1aiRYxRqbfNWqnx01NPG45N7q/@imQcWbngjN0B \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY5fa8IwFMW/ykWCzaUtTYS9mMZWcK8@7W1zwQ0Lgag16SAji1@9i1Xw5XLPuX/Orz9Y8zIef4FYAcGcv/cGSCWSlPVm/bZeRejOlhInmahXAgPoLikMvdWnAWYfp5mI0BrpeqMHmpVZ4X6@3JBOVFHyguPhcltqni5LPi6JQnH75VLi3ramXmBozTvfyVTZTjxy9UMSXctpnLo8x6A7oDTzGXhIS4ggr1ARW2Egbj6f4Ca2BM7FnZVoEWNU6nW7UWr89NTThmOT@z@PZBxZueCM/QM \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| PCRE1 | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hVNdb9owFH3nV9yytThNqMiQpikhrbqOaQ@snRCVNlEWseAEa8GxHDNoC3997NombfohLcqDP@4959xzrxMh2lmS7N4wnuTLGYWeSCQ9mZ82kvlUQizGE4hg2Py4Wv3@1V3@uL39Ppq/X83J7uearMmZ75y5681647zdOc9jmh4ciygWrh82HvFLNWOFJqgfScazp2eswFM6XbyMO20wrkDgUsVUykKSpOClAiP4eEHLcppR5x55giDBAOj1YH@ql@ac8lkegqRqKTn44dZALqaMEwfuG4CfGCNbTjkRTtufRJ0QlhjTfRcrKPROJ2S4MMEG06rDC7FUIWgb4VjSEOrqUI5Q0mZLWi5zZde6jjQtqfKgWCqkzdTc3hR/aKIKOe5OLBWiRgY8ToqFYDklwoNvF8N@/OlqdD4YwMburkefP3hwZAntomLoOBaKpUAOJHUqH1LjaUqwGoz2oKmBjDQJU1Ri0uFwFsBhecOxuzVMy7MHTjGBaPF32iljTkZVzjgltiuMe9YnJ8QYv/LciMI03sEap6pgxASdJDF6SxzHA@57IIoSr@1NyviMtNqtPbH@uK8NwpiDqN6XIOD68OwVXHBNvAsoJEDyRyzbNE3H6cruxtx3/UmIE7XAwknpQWvd0sKwlBIvJ1Et/8EIFnE9M72I@yG4LqtXbLuqZ6HqLF3ThEjqweX1YOABcjDsmvn34@BBt1Zy1cw9ymkEHdhsKlD0wUxEfzi8GsaXV1/PRxdfnguoIO4cQGd0paR1w1u2P@GLUNtGHFX9olj4KtSevodijo7@I@YJXjOAvh665lPc7euO1ey2EduGGdnAjqKkFJU4D499/@oa212n7fudzt8kzadZuWvn2vp/ \"C++ (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hVNdb9owFH3nV9yytThNqMiQpikhrbqOaQ@snRCVNlEWseAEa8GxHDNoC3997NombfohLcqDP84999xzrxMh2lmS7N4wnuTLGYWeSCQ9mZ82kvlUQizGE4hg2Py4Wv3@1V3@uL39Ppq/X83J7uearMmZ75y5683aebtznkOaHhyLKBauHzYe6Us1Y4Xmrx9JxrOnZ6zAUzpdvMSdNhhXIHCpYiplIUlS8FKB0Xu8oGU5zahzj3mCIEEA9HqwP9VLc075LA9BUrWUHPxwaygXU8aJA/cNwE@MMVtOORFO259EnRCWiOm@ixUUeqcDMlwYsOG06vBCLFUI2kU4ljSEujqUI5S00ZKWy1zZta4jTUuqPCiWCtNmam5vij80UYUcdyc2FbJGhjxOioVgOSXCg28Xw3786Wp0PhjAxu6uR58/eHBkE9pFlaHjWCqWAjmQ1Kl8SI2nKcFqEO1BUxMZaRKmqMSEw@EsgMPyhmN3a5w2z544xQCixd9pp4w5GVU545TYrjDuWZ@cEDF@5bkRhWG8gzVOVcGIAZ0kMXpLHMcD7nsgihKv7U3K@Iy02q19Yv1xXxuEmIOo3pcg4Prw7BVecA3eBRQSYPJHLts0nY7Tld2Nue/6kxAnaoGFk9KD1rqlhWEpJV5Oolr8gxEs4npmehH3Q3BdVq/YdlXPQtVZuqYJkdSDy@vBwAPMwbBr5t@PgwfdWslVM/cspxF0YLOpSNEHMxH94fBqGF9efT0fXXx5LqCiuHMAndGVktYNb9n@hC@gto04qvpFsfBVqn36Hoo5OvqPmCd8zQD6euiaT3m3rztWs9sitg0zsoEdRUkpKnEeHvv@1TW2u07b9zudv0maT7Ny18619f8A \"C++ (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| PCRE2 | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBda8IwFH33V4QQaO5stS1uQ2LpyzYQxh62vVkXapfasJqGNEJB/e3uVva0h1zu1znn5tjGXle5bSxhjmSEzimZEevUXjpl27JSPJjP7nIpm7L1suoOVrfKFbwAUbzP@yAkAb4am3KvxgXjlfE9l/Jl/fosJYQkAaREYjHRRsteeU5t5dRsV1Y/3mGQrT5oT0NCF@lysXx4TJf3FMSk7hxnOosFa7Ma2Xv@8fm0fgMBJ6JrztpN712rDGYQJdsso4WhgMv9cYcTbIdxGCUw4tVg2@5bcRrRENcF4qvuaPyIXaUI2iABxngrJoTclM1fzcwqu80xm04BpQm/OXQofdVw5kIUG@1SpefBEITMAAA5jSdqUFXTjXcJgl9JBBlrwoy4oMzln60cxPVr4APPE8inw3k4A7te4yhN4vgX \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBdS8MwFH3frwgh0FzXbm2ZyshKX1QYiA/q2zpDV9M12KUhzaAw/e31dvjkQy7365xzc2xjx01uG0uYIxmhS0oWxDp1lE7ZtqwUD5aLm1zKpmy9rLqT1a1yBS9AFK/LPghJgK/GpjyqacF4ZXzPpXzaPj9KCSFJACmRWMy00bJXnlNbObU4lNWXdxhkq0/a05DQVbpere/u0/UtBTGrO8eZzmLB2qxG9p6/vT9sX0DAheias3bXe9cqgxlEyT7LaGEo4HJ/PuAE22EcRglMeDXYtvtUnEY0xHWB@Ko7Gz9hNymCdkiAMd6LGSFXZfNXM7PJrnPM5nNAacKvDp1KXzWcuRDFJrtU6XkwBCEzAEAu04kaVNV0012C4FcSQaaaMCN@UObnn60cxPgx8IHnCeTz4XsANo5xlCZx/As \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n# Regex (PCRE / Ruby), 16 bytes\n`^x(x\\g<1>?+x|x|)$` - **17 bytes** - Powers of 2 \n`^x(x\\g<1>?+x|x)$` - **16 bytes** - Completely even\nThis is a port of the PCRE1 recursive regex to Ruby's subroutine call syntax.\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| PCRE1 | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hVNdb9owFH3nV9yytTglVGRI05QQqq7rtAfWTohKmyiLWHCCteBYjjNoC3997NombfohLcqDP@4959xzr2MhOmkc794wHmflnEJfxJKeLAaNeDGTEInJFEIYNT@uVr9/9coft7ffx4v3qwXZ/VyT9U3a9wan7fVmvXHe7pznQU0XjkUYibYXNB4JCjVnuWaoH0nG06dnLMdTOlu@jBs0GFcgcKkiKmUuSZzzQoFRfLykRTFLqXOPPL4fYwD0@7A/1UtzTvk8C0BSVUoOXrA1kMsZ48SB@wbgJybIllFOhNPxpmE3gBJjeu8iBbne6YQUFybYYFp1eCFKFYD2EY4lDaCuDuUIJW22pEWZKbvWdSRJQZULeamQNlULe5P/obHK5aQ3tVSIGhrwKM6XgmWUCBe@nY8uok9X47PhEDZ2dz3@/MGFI0toFxVD17FQLAFyIKlT@ZAYTxOC1WC0C00NZKRJmKESkw6Hcx8OixuO3a1hWp49cIIJRIu/004Zc1KqMsYpsV1h3LU@OQHGeJXnRhSm8S7WOFM5IyboJI7QW@I4LnDPBZEXeG1vEsbnpNVp7Yn1xz1tEMYchPW@@D7Xh6ev4ELbxLcBhfhI/ohlm6bpOF3Z3YR7bW8a4EQtsXBSuNBat7QwLKXAy2lYy38wgoVcz0w/5F4A7TarV2y7qmeh6ixd05hI6sLl9XDoAnIw7Jr59@PgQq9WctXMPcoghC5sNhUo@mAm4mI0uhpFl1dfz8bnX54LqCDuHEBndKWkdcNbtj/Bi1DbRhxV/aJY8CrUnr6PYo6O/iPmCV7Thws9dM2nuNvXHavZbSO2DTOyvh1FSSkqcR4e@/7VNba7bsfzut2/cZLN0mLXybT1/wA \"C++ (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hVNdb9owFH3nV9yytTglVGRI05QQqq7rtAfWTohKmyiLWHCCteBYjjNoC3997NombfohLcqDP@4959xzr2MhOmkc794wHmflnEJfxJKeLAaNeDGTEInJFEIYNT@uVr9/9coft7ffx4v3qwXZ/VyT9U3a9wan7fVm7bzdOc9jmi4cizASbS9oPOIXas5yTVA/koynT89Yjqd0tnwZN2gwrkDgUkVUylySOOeFAiP4eEmLYpZS5x55fD/GAOj3YX@ql@ac8nkWgKSqlBy8YGsglzPGiQP3DcBPTJAto5wIp@NNw24AJcb03kUKcr3TCSkuTLDBtOrwQpQqAG0jHEsaQF0dyhFK2mxJizJTdq3rSJKCKhfyUiFtqhb2Jv9DY5XLSW9qqRA1NOBRnC8FyygRLnw7H11En67GZ8MhbOzuevz5gwtHltAuKoauY6FYAuRAUqfyITGeJgSrwWgXmhrISJMwQyUmHQ7nPhwWNxy7W8O0PHvgBBOIFn@nnTLmpFRljFNiu8K4a31yAozxKs@NKEzjXaxxpnJGTNBJHKG3xHFc4J4LIi/w2t4kjM9Jq9PaE@uPe9ogjDkI633xfa4PT1/BhbaJbwMK8ZH8Ecs2TdNxurK7Cffa3jTAiVpi4aRwobVuaWFYSoGX07CW/2AEC7memX7IvQDabVav2HZVz0LVWbqmMZHUhcvr4dAF5GDYNfPvx8GFXq3kqpl7lEEIXdhsKlD0wUzExWh0NYour76ejc@/PBdQQdw5gM7oSknrhrdsf4IXobaNOKr6RbHgVag9fR/FHB39R8wTvKYPF3romk9xt687VrPbRmwbZmR9O4qSUlTiPDz2/atrbHfdjud1u3/jJJulxa6Taev/AQ \"C++ (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| PCRE2 | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBdS8MwFH3frwgh0MSlW1umMrK6FxUG4oP6ts7Q1XQNZmlIMyi4/fZ6O3zyIZf7dc65Oa5xw2rtGoeIRznCc4xmyHl1kF45U1aKRvPZzVrKpjRBVu3RaaN8QQsmird5F3EUwauhKQ9qXLBB2dBRKZ83L09SMo5SBpRALCbaatmpQLGrvJrty@o7eAjS6KMOmCO8yJaL5d19trzFTEzq1lOi80QQk9fA3tH3j8fNKxPsB@maErPtgjfKQsbidJfnuLCYwXJ32sME2jzhccpGvOqdab8UxTHmsC4AX7UnG0bsKgPQFgggJjsxQeiqbP9qYlf5dQ7ZdMpAGtGrQ8cyVA0lnoPYaJcqA436iBPLGEM/44maqappx7sEgq@kAo01IlZcQObyz1bKxPDZ0744rNKH9bQ/92dGhiGJszRJfgE \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBdS8MwFH3frwgh0MSlW1umMrK6FxUG4oP6ts7Q1XQNZmlIMyjM/fZ6O3zyIZf7dc65Oa5xw2rtGoeIRznCc4xmyHl1kF45U1aKRvPZzVrKpjRBVu3RaaN8QQsmird5F3EUwauhKQ9qXLBB2dBRKZ83L09SMo5SBpRALCbaatmpQLGrvJrty@o7eAjS6KMOmCO8yJaL5d19trzFTEzq1lOi80QQk9fA3tH3j8fNKxPsjHRNidl2wRtlIWNxustzXFjMYLk77WECbZ7wOGUjXvXOtF@K4hhzWBeAr9qTDSN2lQFoCwQQk52YIHRVtn81sav8OodsOmUgjejVoWMZqoYSz0FstEuVgUZ9xIlljKHzeKJmqmra8S6B4CupQGONiBUXkLn8s5UyMXz2tC8Oq/RhPe1/ekaGIYmzNEl@AQ \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| **Ruby** | **[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5BawIxEIXv/RXTpWBi2SHZa4wi2GsPxdtqg2JcA2FcshFTEP/6NpHWwwzMm/e9mXDZ/4wBNHzZzqYeyV5htVwvMdjdQYHTQsH15LwFrzsbhxcAdwTf1nKrdbWhSuWFbwVi3WwVWDpkR1Zw6L2LbFJP@B@C3lIXT4zPmsy0mc/YEzmeAxA4giJiPBvHpOCIxfgcs@@RxapUTYmDvkNQRXCv5c/@EodHXvlb5jk4ikD/J0ovZczH58qY8TuxtOlmcr54T7d042/jKGrZCPEL \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** | **[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5BawIxEIXv/opxKZi07JDsNaZFsNceirfVBsW4BsK4ZCOmUPzrayLWwwzMm/e9mXDe/Y4BNHzbzqYeyV5guVgtMNjtXoHTQsHl6LwFrzsbhwmAO4Bva7nRulpTpfLCtwKxbjYKLO2zIys49N5FNqtn/IGgt9TFI@PzJjNt5jP2RA6nAASOoIgYT8YxKThiMT7H7LtnsSpVr8RBXyGoIrhp@bM/x@GeV/6WeQ6OItD/idJLGfP5tTRm/Eksrbu5fP94S3@Jv4yjqGUjxA0 \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** |\n# Regex (Perl / PCRE2 / Boost / Python[`regex`](https://github.com/mrabarnett/mrab-regex)), 15 bytes\n`^x(x((?1))\\2|)$` - Powers of 2 \n`^x(x((?1)?)\\2)$` - Completely even\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| Perl | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY5fa8IwFMW/ykWCzcWWJoW9LI1WcK8@@TZdcMNCINMu6aAjxq/eXTthL5d7zv1zft3Ju6fx8weYVxDd5ePogJWKpK436916maC9eM6CFqpeKoxgW1IYO2/PPcz255lK0DgdOmd7nhVZHr7fQ08nJi9kLvH0dV9a/buCfHxmBtX9V6DEo29cXWFs3Ks8aKrioB659iGZrfU0pm6xwGhb4DwbMhiAlhBB36BkvsTIwnw@wU1sBC7VHyuzKqVkzMt2Y8z4NvCB85VE3FdXZOMoikoK8Qs \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY7NasMwEIRfZQlLrCU2lgy9RFbsQHrtqbcmFWmJQaAkjuSCi1Bf3VXcQC/LzuzPfP3J2afp/A3oJAR7/TxawFImqerd9nW7idBdHUOvuKw3kgKYLikKvTOXARb7y0JGaK3yvTUDy4os918ffkgnOi9ELuh0uy81/y5PPq1Rk7z/8inx6FpbVxRa@yYOKlV@kI9c85BoajWPU7daUTAdMJaNGYyQlohA/UCJrqSAfrmc4Wa2BC7kHysaGWPU@vllp/X0PrKRsUZQQ/uKcJp4UQnOfwE \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| PCRE2 | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBdS8MwFH3frwgh0FyXbm2ZysjKXlQYiA/q2zpDV9M12KUhzWAw/e31dvjkQy7365xzc1zjhtXaNY4wT3JC55TMiPP6oLx2bVlpHs1nN2ulmrINquqOzrTaF7wAWbzO@0iQCF@NTXXQ44IN2oaeK/W0eX5UCgRJASmRWE6MNarXgVNXeT3bl9VX8BhUa44mUEHoIlsulnf32fKWgpzUnefM5IlkbV4je8/f3h82LyDhQkzNWbvtg2@1xQzidJfntLAUcLk/7XGCbZGIOIURr8@u7T41pzEVuC4RX3UnG0bsKkPQFgkwJjs5IeSqbP9qZlf5dY7ZdAooTfjVoWMZqoYzL1BstEuXgUfnSDALAOQynmhAV0033iUJfiWVZKwJs/IHZX7@2cpBDh9nfuZ8nQIU2TewYUjiLE2SXw \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVDNa4MwFL/3rwhBMG@NrUq3UVLxsg0KY4dtt9oF62KVpTHEFITSv909y0475PG@fh95trHjJreNJYEjGaFLShbEOnWUTlldVoqFy8VdLmVTai@r7mRbrVzBChDF@7IPOQnx1diURzUtGK@M75mUL9vXZymBkwSQEonFrDWt7JVn1FZOLQ5l9eMdBqnbU@spJ3SVrlfrh8d0fU9BzOrOsaDNYhHorEb2nn18Pm3fQMCFtDUL9K73TiuDGUTJPstoYSjgcn8@4ATbPOZRAhNeDVZ334rRiHJcF4ivurPxE3aTImiHBBjjvZgRclM2f3VgNtltjtl8DihN2O1Cp9JXDQscR7HpXKr0LBxCHhgAIJfJYguqarrJlyD4lUSQqSaBEVeUuf47KwMxfg1sYCxPIIcCfY1jHKVJHP8C \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| **Boost** | **[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dVNtb5swEP6eX3HLpsYu0EIq7QOEVpq0PzDtw6Y0RdRxwFpiLGOUl61/vdnZNIxmxB/A9/bcPXdnplRQMHb8KCRbN0sOs@eqqs2t5gXf3ZRK3Y/OTXzHuDKikrdLkRcSVYJlQq4qvcmtuo1iZa4hU/MFpPBt/GW7/fV81/zc7398Lz9vS3J82pEdIQ8RpY/TP/TTkZ67jH24VmmmvCjplSAwneb55n4kpIFNLiSh8HsEeNQcTWsuiaJBtEjDBBr0uZtmBior2YDCXmqzjGP0FbJApWpM4uJZJWsDjmMcO/6gOYIlJ12N/FgJ2zJ/i0DKQCzsIQ19OPAOvOBmLSQnTmBC@m0empxqtccGyhDbk5tKEOdwwzKsi1Dqg4x8UFWN5tayEnJJJsGEJh2AjNBqfT6kfU5xLK3yYQAXPOfvQUQhxuT/sNy4rm06ybetNJeRFy0S2PBNzQ2pfZjsJrYw7EiNRtviLr5rhUil7fUslVECnif6jO0xen@mcb1YAel3Pqt5rllJSI8XvbJZA7Hw3Qh8nA6lA1gnvAMFpG6pkMmjxMbhmKJk0L2dU9UYmM1A/O/zMrosMbcU5N32dE8ErrjW9ALh4QLPirGfcQxfta70OBnG4RRWFsnB@BbAZk3sRnZ4qOnjje3/rdrhZ0wcxgXi7a39am4aLQGX4eUYBtE0DF/Zap0X9TFYuwyZG@lf \"C++ (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** | **[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dVNtb5swEP6eX3HLpsYu0EIq7QOEVpq0PzDtw6Y0RdRxwFpiLGOUl61/vdnZNIxmxB/A9/bcPXdnplRQMHb8KCRbN0sOs@eqqs2t5gXf3ZRK3Y/OTXzHuDKikrdLkRcSVYJlQq4qvcmtuo1iZa4hU/MFpPBt/GW7/fV81/zc7398Lz9vS3J82pEdIQ8R/UMfp/TTkZ67jH24VmmmvCjplSAwneb55n4kpIFNLiSh8HsEeNQcTWsuiaJBtEjDBBr0uZtmBior2YDCXmqzjGP0FbJApWpM4uJZJWsDjmMcO/6gOYIlJ12N/FgJ2zJ/i0DKQCzsIQ19OPAOvOBmLSQnTmBC@m0empxqtccGyhDbk5tKEOdwwzKsi1Dqg4x8UFWN5tayEnJJJsGEJh2AjNBqfT6kfU5xLK3yYQAXPOfvQUQhxuT/sNy4rm06ybetNJeRFy0S2PBNzQ2pfZjsJrYw7EiNRtviLr5rhUil7fUslVECnif6jO0xen@mcb1YAel3Pqt5rllJSI8XvbJZA7Hw3Qh8nA6lA1gnvAMFpG6pkMmjxMbhmKJk0L2dU9UYmM1A/O/zMrosMbcU5N32dE8ErrjW9ALh4QLPirGfcQxfta70OBnG4RRWFsnB@BbAZk3sRnZ4qOnjje3/rdrhZ0wcxgXi7a39am4aLQGX4eUYBtE0DF/Zap0X9TFYuwyZG@lf \"C++ (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** |\n| **Python `import regex`** | **[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7BasMwEETv/opF5LDb2kZyb3ZFPsR1ICRKoqKuzEqlDvTfncilt2Eeb5j5nm@R31b/NUfJkO6pFnd1S/2ZIg8gVpRS62HBBXFviD66X9qtz240fWOmAbzV1SUKBPBc9Dbls@e@gmBDm@bgM6pGUQX@AsExBnrvegijmWwY9VRBkbnIcuSrQ88ZC6D6L5mJXg0998rAdq1N7iinG0oNalEvvMFCfQ@zFIu2wprh/1D8zu2P@OwwZUEmWnVjOq0f \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** | **[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY7BasMwEETv/opF5LDb2kZyb3ZFPsR1ICRKoqKuzEqhztc7kUtvwzzeMPMj3yJ/rP5njpIhPVIt7uqW@jtFHkCsKKXWw4IL4t7Qnr462q2vbjR9Y6YBvNXVJQoE8Fz0NuWz576CYEOb5uAzqkZRBf4CwTEG@ux6CKOZbBj1VEGRuchy5KtDzxkLoPovmYneDb32ysB2rU3uKKcbSg1qUW@8wUJ9D7MUi7bCmuH/ULzn9ld8dpiyIBOtujGd1k8 \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** |\nI discovered this recursive regex on 2022-07-18 while working on\n[Sum of Powers of 2](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/179174/sum-of-powers-of-2/250059#250059). It relies on subroutine calls being atomic.\n```\n^ # tail = N = input number\nx # tail -= 1\n( # Define subroutine (?1)\n x # match += 1; tail -= 1\n ((?1)) # \\2 = match made by recursive call; match += \\2; tail -= \\2\n \\2 # match += \\2; tail -= \\2\n| # or\n # Match nothing, causing a cascading pop to the top level of\n # recursion, ending the match.\n)\n$ # Assert that we've reached the end of the string.\n```\nThis is similar to `^(\\1\\1|^x)*x$`, in that the `(?1)` subroutine call will always return \\$2^a-1\\$ where \\$a\\$ is the depth of recursion it reached. This is why an extra \\$1\\$ is subtracted at the beginning (it could just as easily be done at the end, but that would be slightly slower due to backtracking).\nIt is very easily ported to solving this challenge; the first iteration at which it has a choice of whether to match nothing just has to be pushed down one level, at a cost of 0 bytes.\n# Regex (PCRE2 / Ruby), 16 bytes\n`^x(x(\\g<1>)\\2|)$` - Powers of 2 \n`^x(x(\\g<1>?)\\2)$` - Completely even\n| Regex engine | Powers of 2 | Completely even |\n| --- | --- | --- |\n| PCRE2 | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVBdS8MwFH3frwgh0FyXbm2ZykjrXlQYiA/q2zpDV9O12KUhzWAw99vr7fDJh1zu1znn5tjaDunK1pYwRzJC55TMiHV6r5y2bVFqHsxnNyul6qL1quwOtmm1y3kOMn@b94EgAb4Km2qvxwXjtfE9V@p5/fKkFAgSA1IisZw0plG99pza0unZrii/vcOg2ubQeCoIXSTLxfLuPlneUpCTqnOcNVkkWZtVyN7z94/H9StIOJOm4qzd9N612mAGYbzNMpobCrjcH3c4wbaIRBjDiNcn23ZfmtOQClyXiC@7o/EjNk0QtEECjNFWTgi5Kpu/mpk0u84xm04BpQm/OnQofFlz5gSKjXbpwvPgFAhmAICcxxMb0GXdjXdJgl@JJRlrwoy8oMzln60c5PB54iee79P4AfLkB9gwRGESR9Ev \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") | [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XVDNS8MwFL/vrwgh0MSlW1umMtK6iwoD8aDe1hm6mq7BLA1pBoXh315fhycPebyv30eea92Yb1zrEPGoQHiJ0QI5r47SK2eqWtFoubjZSNlWJsi6OzltlC9pyUT5tuwjjiJ4DTTlUU0LNigbeirl8/blSUrGUcqAEojFTFstexUodrVXi0NVfwcPQRp90gFzhFfZerW@u8/Wt5iJWdN5SnSRCGKKBth7@v7xuH1lgl2Qbigxuz54oyxkLE73RYFLixks9@cDTKDNEx6nbMKrwZnuS1EcYw7rAvB1d7ZhwuYZgHZAADHZixlCV2X7VxObF9c5ZPM5A2lErxc6VaFuKfEcxKZzqSrQaIg4sYwxdJksaqbqtpt8CQRfSQWaakSs@AGZn39npUyMnwMdaHnM04cNK8HYOCZxlibJLw \"PHP \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") |\n| **Ruby** | **[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5Bi8IwEIXv@ytmi2Cy0CHpNWZB0KsH2VvrBqWxBsJY0ogVZP96TcT1MAPz5n1vJlwOtymAhq3t7Ngj2Suslj9LDHbfKnBaKLienLfgdWfj8AHgjuDrUu60LhoqVFr4WiCW1U6BpTY5koJD711k83LOXwh6S108Mb6oElMnPmFv5HgOQOAIsojxbByTgiNm43tMvmcWK8biizjoPwgqC@4z/9lf4vDMy3/LNAdHEej/RO65jFlvVsZMvyMbWdMt5DdvqjufTZMoZSXEAw \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** | **[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY5Bi8IwEIXv/oqxCCZCh6TXmBVBrx5kb60bdjHWQBhLGrFe/OvdRNTDDMyb972ZcP27jwE07G1rhw7J3mCz/l5jsL9HBU4LBbez8xa8bm3sJwDuBL4u5UHroqFCpYWvBWJZHRRYOiZHUrDvvItsXs75C0FvqY1nxpdVYurEJ@yDnC4BCBxBFjFejGNScMRs/IzJ98xixVAsiIN@QFBZcNP8Z3eN/TMv/y3THBxFoPeJ3HMZs91tjBl/Bjawpl3KrxVvKj4bR1HKSoh/ \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** |\nThis is a port of the non-atomic recursive regex to Ruby's subroutine call syntax.\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno) `-`, \\$ 4 \\log\\_{256}(96) \\approx \\$ 3.29 bytes\n```\nbdiP\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72sJKM0Ly9_abSSrlLsgqWlJWm6FkuSUjIDIEyoyIJFxkYQFgA)\nor [verify all test cases](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72sJKM0Ly9_weJ0Q92lpSVpuhZLklIyAyDMBVBqsaGBAYQJAA)\nPort of [Dennis's MATL answer.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/142577/114446)\n## [Thunno](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno) `DD`, \\$ 5 \\log\\_{256}(96) \\approx \\$ 4.12 bytes\n```\n1-A^<\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72sJKM0Ly9_WbSSi4tS7IKlpSVpuhZLDXUd42wgbKjQgkXGRhAWAA)\nor [verify all test cases](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72sJKM0Ly9_UXTs4nQXl6WlJWm6FksNdR3jbCDsBVBqsaGBAYQJAA)\nPort of [Dennis's Jelly answer.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/142578/114446)\n**Note**: a plain \"power of two\" answer would be 5 chars: [`b1c1=`](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72sJKM0Ly9_wYKlpSVpuhZLkwyTDW0hbKgQTAoA) (is the count of 1s in the binary representation equal to 1?)\n#### Explanation\n```\nbdiP # Implicit input\n # - flag decrements\nb # Convert to a binary string\n di # Get the list of digits\n # This is a non-empty list of ones\n # if the input is a power of two\n P # Push the product of this list\n # Implicit output\n```\n```\n1-A^< # Implicit input\n1- # Subtract one\n A^ # Xor with input\n # The highest set bit will only be conserved\n # if the input is a power of two\n < # Is more than input?\n # Implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `g`, 4 bytes\n```\nK\u00b7\u220f\u00a3v\u201a\u00c7\u00c7\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJBZyIsIiIsIkvhuKN24oKCIiwiIiwiMlxuNFxuMTZcbjEyOFxuMTBcbjEyXG4xNFxuMThcbjEiXQ==)\nCan probably be golfed but it\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s painful to do this on mobile.\nOutputs `1` for truthy, `0` or the empty list for falsy.\n```\nK # divisors of input\n \u00b7\u220f\u00a3 # without the first element\n v # vectorize the following over it\n \u201a\u00c7\u00c7 # is even?\n # (after which the `g` flag takes the minimum of the stack)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 40 bytes\n```\nparam($i)(($i-band(-$i))-eq$i)-and$i-ne0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/vyCxKDFXQyVTUwNI6CYl5qVo6AJ5mrqphUBKF8gHCuelGvz//9/QyAIA \"PowerShell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2) `M`, 2 [bytes](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2/blob/main/docs/codepage.md)\n```\n\u201a\u00c5\u00aa\u00b7\u220f\u00c9\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728JKM0Ly_faGm0kq9S7IKlpSVpuhbLHjXufrijeUlxUnIxVGjBImMjCAsA)\nPort of [Dennis's MATL answer](/a/142577/114446): decrement, convert to binary, take minimum.\n---\nA plain \"power of two\" answer would be **4 [bytes](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2/blob/main/docs/codepage.md):**\n```\n2BS\u00b7\u220f\u00d6\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728JKM0Ly_faMGCpaUlaboWy4ycgh_uaF1SnJRcDBVasMjYCMICAA)\nConvert to a binary list, sum equals one?\n[Answer]\n# [Neim](https://github.com/okx-code/Neim), 3 bytes\n```\n\uf8ff\u00f9\u00ea\u00d6\u00b7\u00f5\u00c9\uf8ff\u00f9\u00ea\u00a9\n```\nDoesn't work on TIO.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 5 bytes\n```\n\u221a\u00dcEL\u201a\u00c4\u00f4\u00ac\u00a8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9wm6vPo4aZh9b8///fBAA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), 25 bytes\n```\n.+\n$*\n+`^(11+)\\1$\n$1\n^11$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxL/P9fT5tLRYtLOyFOw9BQWzPGUIVLxZArztBQ5f9/QzMA \"Retina \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 5 bytes\n```\n;R\u201a\u00f4\u00c7\u201a\u00ef\u00f4c\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0wuKU3Myan8/9866NHMpkdTZyb//28BAA \"Actually \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\n```\n;R\u201a\u00f4\u00c7\u201a\u00ef\u00f4c\n; duplicate n\n R range(1, n+1)\n \u201a\u00f4\u00c7\u201a\u00ef\u00f4 powers of 2\n c contains n\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 24 bytes\n```\nf n=elem n$map(2^)[1..n]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P00hzzY1JzVXIU8lN7FAwyhOM9pQTy8v9n9uYmaegq1CSj4XJ1DCV0EjpkJB106hoLQkuKTIJ09BRaE4I79coUJbW0nXTklbG8TTSFOo0NRUiDbQ0zM0MIj9DwA \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 4 bytes\n```\nyN2=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0wuKU3Myan8/7/Sz8j2/39DAA \"Actually \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nWrite a program or function that takes in a non-negative integer N from stdin or as a function argument. It must print or return a string of a hollow ASCII-art square whose sides are each made with N copies of the number N.\n### Specifically:\nIf N is `0`, no copies of N are used, so there should be no output (or only a single trailing newline).\nIf N is `1`, the output is:\n```\n1\n```\nIf N is `2`:\n```\n22\n22\n```\nIf N is `3`:\n```\n333\n3 3\n333\n```\nIf N is `4`:\n```\n4444\n4 4\n4 4\n4444\n```\nIf N is `5`:\n```\n55555\n5 5\n5 5\n5 5\n55555\n```\nThe pattern continues for `6` through `9`.\nIf N is `10`, the output is:\n```\n10101010101010101010\n10 10\n10 10\n10 10\n10 10\n10 10\n10 10\n10 10\n10 10\n10101010101010101010\n```\n**Notice that this is not actually square.** It is 10 rows tall but 20 columns wide because `10` is two characters long. This is intended. The point is that each side of the \"square\" contains N copies of N. **So all inputs beyond `9` will technically be ASCII rectangles.**\nFor example, if N is `23`, the output is:\n```\n2323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n23 23\n2323232323232323232323232323232323232323232323\n```\nHere are Pastebins of the required outputs for [`99`](http://pastebin.com/raw/Qcas2Qmu), [`100`](http://pastebin.com/raw/1wc2FNmL), [`111`](http://pastebin.com/raw/DGZcHSiS), and [`123`](http://pastebin.com/raw/ajYdGhmw) (they may look wrong in a browser but in a text editor they'll look correct). The output for `1000` is to large for Pastebin but it would have 1000 rows and 4000 columns. **Numbers with 4 or more digits must work just like smaller numbers.**\n### Details:\n* N must be written in the usual decimal number representation, with no `+` sign or other non-digits.\n* The hollow area must only be filled with spaces.\n* No lines should have leading or trailing spaces.\n* A single newline after the squares' last line is optionally allowed.\n* Languages written after this challenge was made are welcome, they just [aren't eligible to win](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/4870/26997).\n* **The shortest code in bytes wins!**\n \n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 20 bytes\n```\n\u1e8b\u1e45,\u21e9(L\u2070\u2039*$S\u21b2\u20b4,)\u010b[\u1e8b\u1e45,\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCLhuovhuYUs4oepKEzigbDigLkqJFPihrLigrQsKcSLW+G6i+G5hSwiLCIiLCIxMCJd)\n## How?\n```\n\u1e8b\u1e45,\u21e9(L\u2070\u2039*$S\u21b2\u20b4,)\u010b[\u1e8b\u1e45,\n\u1e8b # Repeat the (implicit) input the (implicit) input number of times (returns a list)\n \u1e45 # Join by nothing\n , # Print with trailing newline\n \u21e9( # Loop (implicit) input minus 2 times:\n L # Get the length of the (implicit) input\n \u2070\u2039 # Push the input minus 1\n * # Multiply the length by that\n $ # Swap to make (implicit) input at top\n S # Convert the input to a string\n \u21b2 # Pad the stringified input with leading spaces until its length is len(input) * (input - 1) calculated earlier\n \u20b4 # Print this without a trailing newline\n , # Print the (implicit) input with trailing newline\n ) # Close loop\n \u010b[ # If the (implicit) input is not one:\n \u1e8b # Repeat the (implicit) input the (implicit) input amount of times\n \u1e45 # Join by nothing to make it a string\n , # Print with trailing newline\n```\n[Answer]\n## Pyth, 27 bytes\n```\njsMmm?sqM*,dk,0tQ`Q*\\ l`QQQ\n```\n[Test suite](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=jsMmm%3FsqM%2a%2Cdk%2C0tQ%60Q%2a%5C+l%60QQQ&input=12&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=0%0A1%0A10&debug=1).\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 70 characters\n```\ndef p(i):\n k=`i`;j=i-2;h=k*i;print h+'\\n'+(k+' '*j*len(k)+k+'\\n')*j+h\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP 112 ~~114~~ ~~120~~ bytes\n```\nn{s=n.to_s\nputs s*n\n$><<(s+\" \"*s.size*(a=n-2)+s+$/)*a if n>2\n$><1}\n```\nSome cases print a trailing line after the last line and some do not, but the question does not disallow this.\n[Answer]\n# Dyalog APL, 41 bytes\n```\n{1\u2265\u2375:\u2375\u2374\u2375\u22c4(' '\u2260\u2355\u2375/\u2375)/\u2355\u2375\u236a\u2368\u2375\u236a\u2375,\u2375,\u2368''\u2374\u23682/\u2375-2}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 73 characters\n```\ndef l(i):s=`i`;n='\\n';l=i-2;b=s*i+n;print b+(s+' '*l*len(s)+s+n)*l+b*(i>1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 3.5, 101 135 bytes:\n(*+34 since apparently an input of 1 should just output 1 and an input of 0 should output nothing*)\n```\ndef y(g):g=str(g);i=len(g);[print(g*(int(g))+('\\n'+g+' '*((int(g)*i)-(i*2))+g)*(int(g)-2)+'\\n'+g*int(g))if int(g)>1 else print(g*int(g))]\n```\nPrints out all the correct values for any integer input, whether in string form or not.\n**Sample Inputs and Outputs:**\n```\nInput: y(10)\nOutput:\n 10101010101010101010\n 10 10\n 10 10\n 10 10\n 10 10\n 10 10\n 10 10\n 10 10\n 10 10\n 10101010101010101010\nInput: y(1)\nOutput:\n 1\nInput: y(2)\nOutput:\n 22\n 22\nInput: y(4)\nOutput: \n 4444\n 4 4\n 4 4\n 4444\n```\nHowever, for triple digit numbers, it was just too big to fit on my monitor, so I hope that comes out correct if someone else tries it. I suspect it should since all 1 and 2 digit numbers come out correctly.\n[Answer]\n## Python 3, 75 characters\n```\ndef q(n):s=str(n);m=n-2;print(s*n,*[s+\" \"*len(s)*m+s]*m,s*n*(n>1),sep=\"\\n\")\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 86 Bytes\n```\nfor(;$i<$a=$argn;)echo str_pad($a>1?$a:\"\",($a-1)*strlen($a),$i++&&$i<$a?\" \":$a).\"$a\n\";\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/php#HYtLCoAgFEXnriIeD8m0oKCJVi4lHv0hVKz9mzQ791zOYMMZGFI83Nj1Ju0@lgavAWn8pRHbcvrieeMcaC2RptYiaQCVuW5FlZ97c3kIhZeUnP@xhQJ0dg0gMTApfQ \"PHP \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# JS to ES6 compatibilized, ~~136~~ 76 B\n```\nfunction x(a){var c='';function Q(){for(var b=0;b{Q=(\u00ed,k)=>{for(;\u00ed1))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/3882M6@gtERDkysPyCrR8NPkyrXN0zXiSrL108rTVorJU@IqKALJJGlr@GkrKShp5aTmAZVp5Wr7gaVBrCQtjTw7Q03N//9NAQ \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI went back and forth over multiple approaches to this (even using `exec()` at one point, then ditching it because it was unnecessary), but I figured out that this is the shortest Python 3 approach.\n[Answer]\n**Python 2,96 bytes**\n```\ns=raw_input()\nn=int(s)\nfor i in range(n):\n if 0#4[#<>#4[\" \",StringLength@#*#3]<>#<>\"\\n\",#3]<>#5&[##,#~#4~#2<>\"\\n\"]&[ToString@#,#,#-2,Table]]&\n```\nSomewhat long, but oh well.\n[Answer]\n# Oracle SQL 11.2, ~~106~~ ~~105~~ 115 bytes\n```\nSELECT RPAD(:1,(:1-1)*LENGTH(:1),DECODE(LEVEL,1,:1||'',:1,:1||'',' '))||:1 FROM DUAL WHERE:1>0 CONNECT BY:1>=LEVEL;\n```\n10 bytes added to manage 0\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, 89 bytes\n```\nINPUT N$N=VAL(N$)Q=N>1FOR I=1TO N?N$*!!N*G;\" \"*LEN(N$*(N-Q*2))*G;N$*(Q*G+N*!G)G=I~4@*~&~}~*~v@{~a~:*~}~;1~]\"(= a 1)a`(,a)(- a 2)(*(c a)a)a a))\n```\nfunction for counting digits adjusted to CL from Joshua's answer [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19530112/how-to-count-number-of-digits)\n### Ungolfed\n```\n(defun c(x)\n (if(< x 10) 1\n (1+ (c(/ x 10))))) ;counting digits\n(lambda(a)\n (format t\"~:[~v{~a~:*~}~&~v@{~v<~a~;~a~>~4@*~&~}~*~v@{~a~:*~}~;1~]\"(= a 1)a`(,a)(- a 2)(*(c a)a)a a))\n;~[~] checks whether agument is equal 1 (if it is equal 1 then print out only \"1\") - without it we would print out 1\\Newline 1\n;first loop: ~v{~a~:*~} - printing first line of N\n;second loop: uses justification \"~<~>\" to output enough spaces between N's on sides\n;third loop: -printing last line of N\n```\n[Answer]\n## [QBIC](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0R1Jgqp8Gg4cVJCZkRkdEthZDQ), ~~61~~ 58 bytes\n```\n;_LA|x=!A!~x=1|?A\\Y=A+space$((x-2)*a)+A[x|Z=Z+A]?Z[x-2|?Y]\n```\nExplanation\n```\n; Read A$ from the cmd line\n_LA| Take the length of A$ and assign to a\nx=!A! Cast A$ to int, assign to x\n~x=1|?A If x == 1, quit printing just the 1\n\\Y=A Else, setup Y$ as the middle of the square; it starts as the literal input\n +space$( Followed by X spaces\n (x-2)*a) where X is the length of the string x the value, minus start and end\n +A Followed by the input again\n[x| This FOR loop creates the top row\nZ=Z+A] By concatenating the input x times to itself and assigning it to Z$\n?Z Print the top row\n[x-2|?Y] Print the right amount of middle rows\n And the bottom row (Z$) is implicitly printed at EOF.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Lua, 101 bytes\n```\np,n=print,io.read()d,s=#n,n:rep(n)p(s)for i=3,n do p(n..(\" \"):rep(d*(n-2))..n)end p(n+0>1 and s or\"\")\n```\nAlternate 102 bytes:\n```\nl,n=\"\\n\",io.read()d,s=#n,n:rep(n)print(s..l..(n..(\" \"):rep(d*(n-2))..n..l):rep(n-2)..(n+0>1 and s or\"\"))\n```\n101 Readable:\n```\np,n=print,io.read()\nd,s=#n,n:rep(n)\np(s)\nfor i=3,n do \n p(n..(\" \"):rep(d*(n-2))..n)\nend \np(n+0>1 and s or\"\")\n```\nLua naturally has a small trick here by being able to convert a number as a string (e.g. \"123\") into a string or a number as needed based on context. It's not 100% intelligent though as you can see in my \"ternary\" statement at the end for handling the 0 and 1 cases- I had to use n+0 to coax it into a number before comparing it to 1. \n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 67+2=69 bytes\nRequires the flags `-lp`.\n```\n$@=($,=$\"=$_)-2;$,x=$,;s/./ /g;$\"=$\".$_ x$@.$\".$/;$_=$,.$/.$\"x$@.$,\n```\nHas all the length of a mainstream language, and the unreadability of a more esoteric language!\n[Answer]\n# [WC](https://wasp-compiled.firebaseapp.com/), 146 bytes\n```\n;>_0|;>_0|$-;>_0|;>=_0|[<]$'[>]$--[>]$--[>];>_0|$''_0|!$?#@3|//#;>(?[>]$-!!_0|;>@5|$''[<<<<]!!$?!$[>>>>>>];]##@3|/#)?##@10|[>>>>>]*$#?[>>>>]!$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://wasp-compiled.firebaseapp.com/?;%3E_0|;%3E_0|$-;%3E_0|;%3E=_0|[%3C]$%27[%3E]$--[%3E]$--[%3E];%3E_0|$%27%27_0|!$?#@3|//#;>(?[>]$-!!_0|;>@5|$''[<<<<]!!$?!$[>>>>>>];]##@3|/#)?##@10|[>>>>>]*$#?[>>>>]!$&16)\nUngolfed/commented:\n```\n;>_0|;>_0| var n, var c\n$- decrement c\n;>_0|;>=_0| var i, var len = length(X)\n[<] move to i\n$'[>] multply i by len\n$--[>]$--[>] i -= len (x2)\n;>_0|$''_0| var full = X repeated X times\n!$ print full\n? reset index\n#@3| if n == 0\n // terminate\n# end if\n;>( new function\n ?[>] set index to 1\n $-!!_0| decrement c and print it\n ;>@5| var spaces\n $''[<<<<] repeat i times\n !!$ print spaces\n ? reset index\n !$ print n\n [>>>>>>] move to spaces\n ;< delete spaces var\n ?[>] set index to 1\n ##@3| if c != 0\n / restart context (this function)\n # end if\n) end function\n? reset index\n##@10| if n != 2 (10th global)\n [>>>>>] set index to 5\n *$ call the function\n# end if\n?[>>>>] set index to 4\n!$ print full\n```\n[Answer]\n# APL(NARS), 69 chars, 138 bytes\n```\n{\u2375\u22641:\u2355\u2373\u2375\u22c4f\u2190{\u2282\u220a\u237a/\u2282\u2355\u2375}\u22c4y\u2190((\u2374\u2283x\u2190f\u2368\u2375)-2\u00d7\u2374r\u2190\u2355\u2375)f' '\u22c4\u2283x,((\u2282\u220ar,y,r)/\u2368\u2375-2),x} \n```\ntest:\n```\n g\u2190{\u2375\u22641:\u2355\u2373\u2375\u22c4f\u2190{\u2282\u220a\u237a/\u2282\u2355\u2375}\u22c4y\u2190((\u2374\u2283x\u2190f\u2368\u2375)-2\u00d7\u2374r\u2190\u2355\u2375)f' '\u22c4\u2283x,((\u2282\u220ar,y,r)/\u2368\u2375-2),x}\n \u2395fmt g\u00a80 1 2 3 11 \n\u250c5\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2510\n\u2502\u250c0\u2510 \u250c1\u2510 \u250c2\u2500\u2510 \u250c3\u2500\u2500\u2510 \u250c22\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2510\u2502\n\u2502\u2502 \u2502 \u25021\u2502 222\u2502 3333\u2502 11111111111111111111111\u2502\u2502\n\u2502\u2514\u00af\u2518 \u2514\u2500\u2518 \u250222\u2502 \u25023 3\u2502 111 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u2514\u2500\u2500\u2518 \u2502333\u2502 \u250211 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2518 \u250211 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u250211 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u250211 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u250211 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u250211 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u250211 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u250211 11\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u25021111111111111111111111\u2502\u2502\n\u2502 \u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u25182\n\u2514\u220a\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2518\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 29 bytes\n```\n*zKszVSJ-K2p+z*J*lzdz)I>K1*zK\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/X6vKu7gqLNhL19uoQLtKy0srpyqlStPTztsQKPP/v6EBAA \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\")\nProperly handles \"1\" case, even if it cost me 3 more characters to do so. Still new to Pyth, and there's some interesting stuff happening with that Pyth answer that uses all the joins.\n```\n*zKsz #input auto-assigned to z as string, assign K to int(z), and print z*K\nVSJ-K2 #set J to K-2, for N in range J\np+z*J*lzdz #print with no newline: z + (\" \" * len(z)) * (K - 2), print z\n)I>K1*zK #close for loop and print z*K if K greater than 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C# (.NET Core)](https://www.microsoft.com/net/core/platform), 146 bytes\n```\na=>{string b=a.ToString(),s=\"\";for(int i=0,j,k;++i<=a;s+=\"\\n\")for(j=0;++j<=a;)if(i>1&i1&j {\n string b = a.ToString(), s = \"\"; // initialize b (saves 4 bytes) and s (return variable)\n for(int i = 0, j, k; ++i <= a; s += \"\\n\") // for each row of the square\n for(j = 0; ++j <= a;) // for each column of the square\n if(i > 1 & i < a & j > 1 & j < a) // if not an edge of the square\n for(k = 0; k++ < b.Length;) // for each digit in a\n s += \" \"; // add a space\n else // if an edge of the square\n s += b; // add the input num\n return s; // output the full string\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 22 bytes\n```\n_hU\u00e7U)z3\nNgV gV gV gV\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.6&code=Cl9oVedVKXozCk5nViBnViBnViBnVg==&input=NQotUQ==)\nMore competitive than I expected, though I wouldn't be surprised if Charcoal or something has a really short answer that just hasn't been found yet.\nExplanation:\n```\n :Empty line preserves the input as U\n_hU\u00e7U)z3 :Declare a function V taking an argument Z:\n_h ) : Set the first line of Z to\n U : U as a string\n U\u00e7 : Repeated U times\n z3 : Rotate Z 90 degrees counterclockwise\nNgV gV gV gV :Main program\nN : Start with an arbitrary array (in this case [U])\n gV gV gV gV : Apply V 4 times\n```\nIt's necessary to rotate counterclockwise in `V` because a single-line array always ends up left-aligned when rotated, making clockwise rotations take an extra `gV`. The 1 extra byte for `z3` instead of `z` was better.\n[Answer]\n# Japt `-R`, 18 bytes\n```\n\u00eeU\nU+\u00d5\u00c5+U\u00d4\u00c5 \u00d5\u00b7hJUw\n```\n[Test it online!](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.6&code=7lUKVSvVxStV1MUg1bdoSlV3&input=MwoKLVI=)\n[Answer]\n# Batch, 264 bytes\n```\n@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion&set o=&set m=\nfor /l %%i in (1,1,%1)do set o=!o!%1&if %%i gtr 2 set m=!m!%1\nif %1 gtr 0 echo %o%&if %1 gtr 2 (for /l %%i in (0,1,9)do set m=!m:%%i= !\nset/an=%1-2\nfor /l %%i in (1,1,!n!)do echo %1!m!%1)\nif %1 gtr 1 echo %o%\n```\nOnly works for numbers up to 2029 because of the length limitations of `echo`.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThey say that `hate` is a strong word. I wanted to find out why, so I had a good look at the word.\nI noticed that every consonant had a vowel after it. That made it look quite strong to me, so I decided that that's what makes a word strong.\nI want to find more strong words, so I'll need a program for it!\n# Finding strong words\nStrong words are words where every consonant (letters in the set `BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZ`) is followed by a vowel (letters in the set `AEIOUY`). That's it. Nothing else matters.\nIf the word starts with a vowel, you don't have to worry about any of the letters before the first consonant. If the word has no consonants in it at all, it's automatically a strong word!\nSome examples of strong words are `agate`, `hate` and `you`. `agate` is still a strong word because although it starts with a vowel, every consonant is still followed by a vowel. `you` is a strong word because it has no consonants.\nThere is no restriction on length for strong words.\n# The challenge\nWrite a program or function that takes a non-empty string as input, and outputs a truthy value if it is a strong word or a falsy value if it is not.\n# Clarifications\n* You may decide to take the input in either lowercase or uppercase. Specify which in your answer.\n* Words will not contain punctuation of any kind. They will only contain plain letters in the set `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`.\n* Instead of truthy and falsy values, you may choose two distinct and consistent values to return for true and false. If you do this, specify the values you have picked in your answer.\n\t+ You may alternatively output a falsy value for a strong word and a truthy one for a non-strong word.\n# Test cases\n```\nInput -> Output\nhate -> true\nlove -> true\npopularize -> true\nacademy -> true\nyou -> true\nmouse -> true\nacorn -> false\nnut -> false\nah -> false\nstrong -> false\nfalse -> false\nparakeet -> false\n```\n# Scoring\nSince this is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), the answer with the least bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~36~~ ~~28~~ 27 bytes\n*Saved 1 byte by inverting the result, as suggested by LarsW*\nTakes input in lowercase. Returns `false` for a strong word and `true` for a non-strong word.\n```\ns=>/[^aeiouy]{2}/.test(s+0)\n```\n### How?\nWe append a `0` (non-vowel) at the end of the input string and look for two consecutive non-vowel characters. This allows us to cover both cases that make a word *not* strong:\n* it contains two consecutive consonants\n* *or* it ends with a consonant\n### Test cases\n```\nlet f =\ns=>/[^aeiouy]{2}/.test(s+0)\n;[\n \"hate\", \"love\", \"popularize\", \"academy\", \"you\", \"mouse\", \"a\", \"euouae\",\n \"acorn\", \"nut\", \"ah\", \"strong\", \"false\", \"parakeet\"\n]\n.forEach(s => console.log(s + ' --> ' + f(s)))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 48 bytes\n```\nlambda s:'se, F'in`[v in'aeiouy'for v in s+'b']`\n```\nAn unnamed function taking a (lowercase) string, `s`, and returning `False` if strong or `True` if not.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JY7BCsIwEETP@hVLoKzFetCjoEd/QgVXm9pgmw3JplB/Pib1Mm9m2IVxs/RsD6k73dJA47MlCEcMuoELGvu4TmAskjYcZ@zYQ8kQtvjE@yOVQnSQ0m1UT6JVowaeChy7OJA33xLoRa0e5@xmjllHjuHfs7eZNkpJfZYgnu07m46G5caRp4/WourjeuW8sQKq2h8C7M5QBQUVbMqGBrqFNdkWcHlGyPtQfNRYp/QD \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")** (inverts the results to match the OP)\n### How?\nNon-strong words have either a consonant followed by a consonant or end in a consonant.\nThe code adds a consonant to the end (`s+'b'`) to make the required test be just for two consonants in a row.\nIt finds out if each letter in the altered word is a vowel with the list comprehension `[v in'aeiouy'for v in s+'b']`.\nIt now needs to check for two `False` results in a row (signalling a non-strong word), it does so by getting a string representation (using ``...``) of this list and looking for the existence of `'se, F'`. This is the shortest string found in `'False, False'` but none of: `'True, True'`; `'False, True'`; or `'True, False'`.\nAs an example consider `'nut'`, the list comprehension evaluates each letter, `v`, of `'nutb'` for existence in `'aeiouy'` yielding the list `[False, True, False, False]`, the string representation of this list is `'[False, True, False, False]'` which contains `'e, F'` here: `'[False, True, Fals>>e, F<{int w=0,p=w,l;for(char c:s)w|=p&(p=l=\"aeiouy\".indexOf(c)>>31);return w+p>=0;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY6xTsMwFEX3fIWVAdmQWkVspI4ESGyIoWPV4eE4xaljW/ZzQ1Ty7cFBvePVubqnhwtsnFe2b8@LHrwLSPrc8YTa8C5ZidpZfl8XhTQQI/kAbcm1IDkRAbUk7zdoJ78hHI7Vq3NGgW1IJ5a4aa7aIhnFtvJirEzduUBXkMjnyMZf4e@oF0aUoLRLU8m1bdXPZ0cla5qnR1YHhSlYMj74Rmzrecki67dPXyZ/3xQuTrdkyGZ0j0Hb0@FIIJwiu4mu2U8R1cBdQu4zgsbSjoP3ZqKlhwBnpbDk6N6y20sIMFHGWP0/n4t5@QM \"Java (OpenJDK 8) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 25 bytes\n```\n->w{w+?t!~/[^aeiouy]{2}/}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYpBDoIwFESvUklIF4JEE5fiQZqafLUIEfhN2y9UwKvXFN3MvJcZQ1cfqlPIy2Eatme3@RTiAqpB8nI6LMUSBK/BKZ4x3uJrbY2aWjDNezW4wV11PqJHitUh2f@Epo/Qk1u9jmmdwf4RqYL2d9Rg4KmU43LXgZ7mcdbkLEvS/dGyvGSpTVIxZpUYpVzCFw \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nEverybody else is doing it, so why can't Ruby?\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://pyth.readthedocs.io), 18 bytes\n```\n:+Q1.\"2}M>\u00e5Y\u00e0\n```\n**[Verify all the test cases.](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%3A%2BQ1.%222%7D%04M%C2%83%3E%C2%85%C3%A5Y%13%C3%A0%C2%9B&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%22hate%22%0A%22love%22%0A%22popularize%22%0A%22academy%22%0A%22you%22%0A%22mouse%22%0A%22acorn%22%0A%22nut%22%0A%22ah%22%0A%22strong%22%0A%22false%22%0A%22parakeet%22&debug=0)**\n\"Borrowed\" the regex from [the JS answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/142279/59487). This returns `False` for strong words, `True` otherwise\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), ~~18~~ ~~11~~ 10 bytes\n```\n,\u1e36s\u2082{\u00ac\u2208\u1e88}\u1d50\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY07DsIwEESvsnJB5YrrIIpN4nyE4438iRQ@TQoUOg5CQQNCKbmJc5EQmzQ7b2Z2tYnGtOwkFdv5NF2fU99vOIOMhAFFFkQrFMgqtxwSTcyPt/NSVwaM1aSKEFz86z5z/3mb5fj0fUzD4MchpvMOWIlWMA5MUhu1ocZJ1NUxOkwxE3UXsCMXpCZn1oq0CqCcjb4Mc/27UI7yv9igxoMQlsH@Bw \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNeat and simple (except maybe for the 2 extra initial bytes to handle the final consonant case, like \"parakeet\"). \nIs falsey for strong words and truthy for non-strong words. \n```\n,\u1e36 % append a newline (non-vowel) at the end of input, \n % to catch final consonants\n s\u2082 % the result has some substring of length 2\n {\u00ac\u2208\u1e88}\u1d50 % where neither of its elements belong to \n % the set of alternate vowels (with \"y\")\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 31 bytes (30 + 1)\n```\n$_=''if/[^aeiouy](?![aeiouy])/\n```\n+1 byte for `-p` command line flag. Prints the word if it's a strong word, or the empty string if it is not.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 11 bytes\n```\ne\u20ac\u00d8Y;1a2\\\u00ac\u0226\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/z/1UdOawzMirQ0TjWIOrTmx7P///4nJ@UV5AA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\ne\u20ac\u00d8Y;1a2\\\u00ac\u0226 Main link\n \u20ac For each letter\ne Is it an element of\n \u00d8Y The consonants (excluding Yy)?\n ;1 Append 1 (true) (consonant) to make sure last letter isn't consonant\n 2\\ For all (overlapping) slices of length 2 (the \\ functionality)\n a Logical AND of the two values; is it a consonant pair?\n \u00ac Logical NOT vectorizing; for each (overlapping) pair, is it not a consonant pair?\n \u0226 Any and all; make sure all pairs are not consonant pairs\n```\nYes I know I've been beaten a lot by Jonathan Allan but I wanted to share my approach anyway :P\n-4 bytes by stealing a little bit of Jonathan Allan's answer (instead of appending a consonant to check for last-letter edge case, just append 1) \n-1 byte thanks to miles\n[Answer]\n# Awk, 39 bytes\n```\n/([^aeiouy]{2}|[^aeiouy]$)/{print \"n\"}\n```\nprints `n` for non-strongword, nothing (or, just a newline) for strongword\nfollowing the pack and searching for two consecutive non-vowels on lowercase input\ntesting\n```\n$ awk -f strongwork.awk\nhate\nlove\npopularize\nacademy\nyou\nmouse\nacorn\nn\nnut\nn\nah\nn\nstrong\nn\nfalse\nn\nparakeet\nn\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org), 49 bytes\n```\n{Regex(\".*[^aeiouy]([^aeiouy].*|$)\").matches(it)}\n```\n**True and false are swapped**\n## Beautified\n```\n{\n Regex(\".*[^aeiouy]([^aeiouy].*|$)\").matches(it)\n}\n```\n## Test\n```\nvar s:(String)->Boolean =\n{Regex(\".*[^aeiouy]([^aeiouy].*|$)\").matches(it)}\ndata class TestData(val input: String, val output: Boolean)\nfun main(args: Array) {\n val items = listOf(\n TestData(\"hate\", true),\n TestData(\"love\", true),\n TestData(\"popularize\", true),\n TestData(\"academy\", true),\n TestData(\"you\", true),\n TestData(\"mouse\", true),\n TestData(\"acorn\", false),\n TestData(\"nut\", false),\n TestData(\"ah\", false),\n TestData(\"strong\", false),\n TestData(\"false\", false),\n TestData(\"parakeet\", false)\n )\n items\n .filter { s(it.input) == it.output }\n .forEach { throw AssertionError(it.toString()) }\n println(\"Test Passed\")\n}\n```\n[TryItOnline](https://tio.run/##jZLBTsMwDIbvfQqr4pBMow8w0UlD7AwCbggka0vbaGlSOc6gjD17SVsYAmkqviR2vt@2lH/n2Gjb7ZHAL8QDk7alvFxeO2cUWsi7w70q1ZtIs9nTCyrtQvssTrds9nEhU5nVyJtKeaFZHrstMsLGoPfwqDzfxFTs0YC2TeAFjDPm0Jdc4KH2NU4mSREs1KitQCr9AlZE2F6NkqWEQwIxhmasag85GO35thBD/TtOU9MKWaVzYApKzs8wxu0nmcY1wSDp90kSN7hVdTuFtS5MIbUL/h/jHNkIFWj8ecoGnmSwmkQ8k7PlJDa8TlINEu6U@lls4KID@mP43V/CrNCGFcEBepdlg5ck5HlEs9FFcPwjcLTGTRUVXJF7hZX3ilg7uyZy1DdhNxpLSBnFg7qJORsr0n5RuIseVttUJsfuEw)\nBased on [@Arnauld's](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/58563/arnauld) [Answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/142278/is-it-a-strong-word/142279#142279)\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), ~~23~~ 18 bytes\n```\n$\n$\n1`[^aeiouy]{2}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HclBCsIwEAXQ/T9HhW71Eh5ClH50akPTTJjOCEE8exS375l4KuyH8Tz1AQOO0@VGSRrt@j59el/ogqwvQdUamZZ2Ae98yNbQNLBp/EWtoISDC3Y3LU/MzL@pNK4i/gU \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\") Outputs 0 for strong, 1 if not. Add 1 byte to support mixed case. Edit: Saved 5 bytes thanks to @ovs.\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~53~~ 42 bytes\n```\ns->s.matches(\".*[^aeiouy]([^aeiouy].*|$)\")\n```\n-11 bytes by using the same regex as in [*@jrtapsell*'s Kotlin answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/142332/52210) instead.\n[Try it here.](https://tio.run/##jZDBbsIwDIbvPIVV7dAgkReotjcYF44IJBMMDaRxlTiVuq3P3oXBdtsyKZYS/Z/9//EFB1xxT/5yvM7GYYzwita/LwCsFwonNATr2xPgwOwIPZh6I8H6M0TVZGHKlU8UFGtgDR6eYY6rl6g7FNNSrCu93O6RLKdxV//c9PLjSVVqbu79fTq43P8YM7A9QpeTPLy2O0B1j7EZo1CnOYnusyTO116bumpRqFJfkX6HHA9lqOc@OQz2rYyiwSN1Y5EbORWZjlP801E1N6GQh4MvOvkk5Z@1RSRKYH8uYid08R9Lx4BXou9g02KaPwE) (`false` if strong; `true` if not)\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns-> // Method with String parameter and boolean return-type\n s.matches( // Checks if the String matches the following regex:\n \".* // One or more characters\n [^aeiouy] // Followed by a consonant\n ([^aeiouy].* // Followed by another consonant (+ any more characters)\n |$)\") // Or the end of the String\n // End of method (implicit / single-line return statement)\n```\nSo it basically checks if we can find two adjacent consonants, or if the String ends with a consonant.\n---\nOld answer (**53 bytes**):\n```\ns->s.matches(\"[aeiouy]*([a-z&&[^aeiouy]][aeiouy]+)*\")\n```\n[Try it here.](https://tio.run/##jZBBboMwEEX3OcWIRYQTwQVQe4NmkyWi0sQ4wYnxII@NRCrOTp2GLFtX8izs//T/91xxxIIGZa/tbZEGmeEDtf3aAGjrlTujVHB4XAFOREahBZkfvdP2AiyqKMxx4mGPXks4gIU3WLh457JHLzvFeVaj0hSmZpfXWNy32/pzfWheyl7sMrFUT6shnEy0Wh1H0i30sdQaWzeA4tnoOLFXfUnBl0OUvLG5LWWedehVJn7a/Q4ZGtPQQEMw6PQ9jaLEVvVTkpsoJJmeAv@ZKKqHkOhDziaTbPDpn3VJhL0je0liZzT8j6Wjw5tSr2LzZl6@AQ) (`true` if strong; `false` if not)\nUses regex to see if the input-String matches the 'strong'-regex. Note that `String#matches` in Java automatically adds `^...$` to check if the String entirely matches the given regex.\n**Explanation\":**\n```\n s-> // Method with String parameter and boolean return-type\n s.matches( // Checks if the String matches the following regex:\n \"[aeiouy]* // 0 or more vowels\n ([a-z&&[^aeiouy]] // { A consonant,\n [aeiouy]+) // plus one or more vowels }\n *\") // Repeated 0 or more times\n // End of method (implicit / single-line return statement)\n```\n---\nA search instead of matches (like a lot of other answers use) is actually longer in Java: \n**70 bytes**:\n```\ns->java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(\"[^aeiouy]{2}\").matcher(s+0).find()\n```\n[Try it here.](https://tio.run/##jZBBasMwEEX3OcXglUWJKN2a9gYNhSxDChN54iiRNUYahbrBZ3eVJl22KkgLMY//3@iIZ1zyQP7YnmbjMEZ4ResvCwDrhcIeDcHq@gTYMTtCD6ZeS7C@g6iaPJjyzScKijWwAg/PMMflyzFH6yTW6UAdfeg3lBzoteF@sI7qavOOZDmN28vTVCndo5gDhTo@PCq9t76t1dzcsoe0czn7XnFm20KfLe8emy2guimuxyjUa06ihzwS5@tcWFcHFKrUt@7vkONzGRp4SA6D/SyjaLClfixyI6ci03OKfzaq5joo@HDwxSafpLzZoYhECey7IrZHF//x6RjwRPQjNi2m@Qs) (`false` if strong; `true` if not)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 58 bytes\n*-30 bytes by realizing it can be as simple as [Arnauld's JS answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/142279/68615).*\n```\nlambda s:re.search('[^aeiouy]([^aeiouy]|$)',s)<1\nimport re\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY7BCsIwEETv/Yo9CGlBBD0W@yW1wtpubbDNhs1GqPjvkVTxMvOGmcP4VSd2pzQ2lzTjchsQQi10CITST6Vpr0iW49qVf3rvKrMP1flY2MWzKAglpaABGmjNhEpmD2bm5@aefZxR7GtL2ONAy5px5Zht4Rh@FYvL4KJuecoaVNjdM404f4ceBR9EarqiGFnAgnWwHajBi3UKY2mr9AE \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [SOGL V0.12](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL), ~~19~~ 18 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL/blob/master/chartable.md)\n```\n\u00e6\"[^\u0157y]\u201d\u0157(\u0157|$)\u201d\u00f8\u03b2=\n```\n[Try it Here!](https://dzaima.github.io/SOGLOnline/?code=JUU2JTIyJTVCJTVFJXUwMTU3eSU1RCV1MjAxRCV1MDM5ODFnJTI1JXUwMTdFSiV1MjAxOCVGOCV1MDNCMiUzRA__,inputs=cG9wdWxhcml6ZQ__)\nExplanation:\n```\n\u00e6 push \"aeiou\"\n \"[^\u0157y]\u201d push \"[^\u0157y]\" with \u0157 replaced with pop\n \u0157(\u0157|$)\u201d push `\u0157(\u0157|$)` with \u0157 replaced with pop\n \u00f8\u03b2 replace in the input that regex with nothing\n = check for equality with the original input\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 11 bytes\n```\n\u017eP\u00b9S\u00e5J1\u00ab11\u00e5\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//6L6AQzuDDy/1Mjy02tDw8NL//xPTE0tSAQ \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUses Jonathan's algorithm, returns `0` for true and `1` for false.\n[Answer]\n# [Swift 3.1](https://www.swift.org), 85 bytes\n```\nimport Foundation\n{($0+\"0\").range(of:\"[^aeiouy]{2}\",options:.regularExpression)==nil}\n```\n**[Try it here!](http://swift.sandbox.bluemix.net/#/repl/59b513d36bb1b17773ce606b)**\nThis borrows [Arnauld's regex](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/142279/59487).\n[Answer]\n# Lua, 41 bytes\n```\nreturn#(io.read()..0):match\"[^aeiouy]+\"<2\n```\nReads from standard input\n# Lua (loadstring'ed), 37 bytes\n```\nreturn#((...)..0):match\"[^aeiouy]+\"<2\n```\nReads from function parameter(s)\n---\nInput is lowercase\nSees if there is a string of length 2 or more, consisting only of not vowels (consonants) or if the string ends with a non-vowel\nReturns true/false\n[Answer]\n## C++, ~~195~~ 194 bytes\n-1 bytes thanks to Zachar\u00fd\nUppercase, return true if input is a strong word, false otherwise ( C++ have simple int to bool implicit cast rules, 0 => false, true otherwise )\n```\n#include\n#define C(p)(v.find(e[p])==size_t(-1))\nstd::string v=\"AEIOUY\";int s(std::string e){for(int i=0;i64&&e[i]<91&&C(i)&&C(i+1))return 0;return!C(e.size()-1);}\n```\n**Code to test :**\n```\nauto t = {\n \"HATE\",\n \"LOVE\",\n \"POPULARIZE\",\n \"ACADEMY\",\n \"YOU\",\n \"MOUSE\",\n \"ACORN\",\n \"NUT\",\n \"AH\",\n \"STRONG\",\n \"FALSE\",\n \"PARAKEET\"\n};\nfor (auto&a : t) {\n std::cout << (s(a) ? \"true\" : \"false\") << '\\n';\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 107 Bytes\n```\ni,v,w,r,t;a(char*s){w=0;for(r=1;*s;s++){v=1;for(i=6;v&&i;)v=*s^\" aeiouy\"[i--];r=w&&v?0:r;w=v;}return r&~v;}\n```\nReturns 1 for *strong* word and 0 for *weak* word. Tested with the words given in the main post.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 59 bytes\n```\nf(char*s){return*s?strcspn(s,\"aeiouy\")+!s[1]<2?f(s+1):0:1;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PVDBbsMgDD3DVzCmSpBkU7Nj060/UO22U5cDIqRBSyDCMCmr8u0ZKdlOfrafn58tn65SLkvLZCdcBvzmlA/OZHAC7ySMhkFBhdI2TJTnD3Ap6@PLqWWQl/ywP5TVvDxqI/vQKHIE32j73L1hbTwZhDaMkxtG0hrwZF1AsoThUpPXtYVoJ7yixYp6@72h0Y6hF07/bLmQolHDlJLJhgQGG@CfYJ1J0AS/1Tq6hniGNddUakX/NzEKJ76UStz3j/MZo7nCqLWOsNW9jv72VTSq64roPL8fgkYXey2ju3IPZNd8xp13SkHiR2LkPGrMGKUnRgE8L78 \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# **PHP, 69 bytes**\n```\npreg_match(\"/([^AEIOUY][^AEIOUY]+|[^AEIOUY]$)/\",$_SERVER['argv'][1]);\n```\nReturns **1** is the word is not strong.\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), 57 bytes\n```\nq{\"aeiouy\"#W=}%_,:B{_A={_A_)\\B(<{=!X&:X;}{0:X;;;}?}&}fA;X\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP3/v7BaKTE1M7@0Ukk53LZWNV7Hyqk63tEWiOM1Y5w0bKptFSPUrCKsa6sNgKS1da19rVptmqN1xP//ufmlxakA \"CJam \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nReads input, converts to 1s for consonants, 0s for vowels. For every consonant, AND predefined variable X (predefined to 1) with next character's value. Output X\n[Answer]\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 21 bytes\n```\n>$1x<*[^aeiouy](#c2)*\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=JckxCsIwFIDhvad4YIe24FAnh6AHEYVn-9IW07yQvEjrVVwC4uTsYbyNYqcfvv_-uIU-fXQgYSdAk5Btqe0MnzPNHmooehQCw1cCxy4a9EMgwAZbGmeYOcLI8S_sLdgogD0E8Ww70Gh-x6HHC5GUxTOKXm_fu7yeVHU4IQ0c52OxajZltbyXUirfZ36EqlwkpaVf)\nSame method everyone else is using. Outputs via exit code: 1 for strong, 0 for not strong. Requires the `extendedglob` option.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven n, k, and p, find the probability that a weighted coin with probability p of heads will flip heads at least k times in a row in n flips, correct to 3 decimal digits after decimal point (changed from 8 because I don't know how to estimate the accuracy of double computation for this (was using arbitrary precision floating points before)).\nEdits:\nExamples:\n```\nn, k, p -> Output\n10, 3, 0.5 -> 0.5078125\n100, 6, 0.6 -> 0.87262307\n100, 9, 0.2 -> 0.00003779\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~40~~ ~~39~~ ~~18~~ 17 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n**Brute-force approach:**\n```\n0L\u03b11\u00dd\u00b2\u00e3\u0292\u03b3O\u00e0\u00b3@}\u00e8PO\n```\nByte-count more than halved by porting [*@JonathanAllan*'s Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249352/52210), which uses a similar approach as [@DominicVanEssen's top R answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249333/52210), so make sure to upvote them as well!\nInputs in the order \\$p,n,k\\$. \nVery slow, so use small \\$n\\$ in order to run it on TIO.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f/fwOfcRsPDcw9tOrz41KRzm/0PLzi02aH28IoAf6CcnimXoQGXMQA)\n**Original mathematical ~~40~~ 39 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage) approach:**\n```\n\u00f7L\u00aes\u00a9>m\u00b2\u00ae\u00b9*-D>\u00ae/$-*I+s\u00ae= the third input k\n }\u00e8 # After the filter: (0-based) index each 0/1 into pair [1-p,p]\n P # Take the product of each inner list\n O # Take the sum of all values\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\n```\n\u00f7 # Integer divide the first two (implicit) inputs: n//k\n L # Pop and push a list in the range [1,n//k] (its values are j)\n \u00ae # Push -1\n s # Swap so the list is at the top\n \u00a9 # Store it in variable `\u00ae` (without popping)\n > # Increase each j in the list by 1\n m # Pop both, and calculate -1**(j+1) for each\n \u00ae # Push the list `\u00ae` containing j again\n \u00b9* # Multiply each j by the first input k\n \u00b2 - # Subtract each from the second input n\n D # Duplicate this n-jk list, since we need it again later\n > # Increase each by 1\n \u00ae/ # Divide each by j\n $ # Push 1 and the third input p\n - # Subtract: 1-p\n * # Multiply this to each (n-jk+1)/j\n I+ # And add the third input p to each\n s # Swap so the n-jk list is at the top again\n \u00ae # Push list `\u00ae` containing j again\n < # Decrease each j by 1\n c # Calculate the binomial coefficients of n-jk and j-1\n I # Push the third input p again\n \u00ae # Push list `\u00ae` containing j again\n \u00b9* # Multiply each j by the first input k again\n m # Pop both, and calculate p**(jk)\n $ # Push 1 and the third input p again\n - # Subtract again: 1-p\n \u00ae # Push list `\u00ae` containing j again\n < # Decrease each j by 1 again\n m # Calculate (1-p)**(j-1)\n ) # Wrap these five lists on the stack into a list of lists\n \u00f8 # Zip/transpose; swapping rows/columns\n P # Get the product of each inner list\nO # And finally sum everything together\n # (which is output implicitly as result)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://www.python.org), 66 bytes (-1 @xnor)\n```\nf=lambda n,k,p:n>=k and(1-p*(n>k))*(1-f(n+~k,k,p))*p**k+f(n-1,k,p)\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=NY9BDoIwEEX3nKJh1ZZiQCNRElh4AC9giEGggRSmTS0LY_AibtjonbyNFWH35mcy78_zrW6mljCOr95wf_c58KTNu0uZI2CCqRjSRKAcShz6imJIBSHUMsfgPcRvw86KUuHZxA-nYL40cC07xHsojJTtFTWdktqgVvfnIi_qyrGmhfFRQkUwJw6X-m9GDaBTGLANC1bbjFkMWGQ5mnlveZ3FDlK6AYO5e7cNJn8cDe5cYnnrCw)\nAdapted from my [answer to a similar challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/248518/107561). Note that I add memoization in the footer. This in theory doesn't change the result but it greatly accelerates the recursion.\n### How?\nUses the recurrence\n\\$f(n,k,p)=f(n-1,k,p)+p^k(1-p)(1-f(n-k-1,k,p))\\$\n(valid for *n*>*k*) which is obtained by accounting for words that have k consecutive heads somewhere in the first n-1 tosses, words that end in a tail followed by k heads and the overlap of these two groups.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~19~~ 15 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u00d8.\u1e57\u1e631Z\u1e6b\u0257\u0187_\u2075AP\u20acS\n```\nA full program accepting `n`, `k`, and `p` that prints the result.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AS4A0f9qZWxsef//w5gu4bmX4bmjMVrhuavJl8aHX@KBtUFQ4oKsU////zEw/zP/MC42 \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")** (`n=100` is too big for such an inefficient program.)\n### How?\nCreates all \\$2^{n}\\$ possible outcomes, filters them to those containing a run of at least \\$k\\$ heads and then sums the probability of each occurrence.\nThe probability of a given occurrence is the product of `p`'s and `(1-p)`s identified by heads and tails respectively. For example the chance of `[tails, tails, heads, heads, heads]` is the product of `[(1-p), (1-p), p, p, p]` i.e. \\$p^3(1-p)^{2}\\$.\n```\n\u00d8.\u1e57\u1e631Z\u1e6b\u0257\u0187_\u2075AP\u20acS - Main Link: integer n, integer k (p is accessed later)\n\u00d8. - [0,1]\n \u1e57 - ([0,1]) Cartesian power (n)\n -> all length-n tosses with 0 as heads and 1 as tails\n \u0187 - filter keep those for which:\n \u0257 - last three links as a dyad - f(Outcome, k):\n \u1e631 - split at 1s -> runs of heads\n Z - transpose\n \u1e6b - tail from index k -> empty (falsey) if longest run < k\n \u2075 - third program argument, p\n _ - subtract -> valid outcomes with heads: -p; tails: 1-p\n A - absolute values -> valid outcomes with heads: p; tails 1-p\n P\u20ac - product of each -> valid outcome probabilities\n S - sum -> total probability of any valid outcome\n```\n---\nIf we could take the probability of tails (\\$1-p\\$) instead of heads (\\$p\\$) 14 byes taking `1-p`, `n`, `k`:\n```\nC\u00a9\u01ac\u1e57\u1e63\u00aeZ\u1e6b\u0257\u0187\u2075P\u20acS\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AS4A0f9qZWxsef//Q8KpxqzhuZfhuaPCrlrhuavJl8aH4oG1UOKCrFP///8uNP8xMP8z)\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~129~~ ~~122~~ 116 bytes\n*Edit: -2 bytes thanks to pajonk (which led to -4 more...)*\n```\nfunction(n,k,p)sum(apply(which(array(T,rep(2,n)),T)-1,1,function(v,r=rle(v))prod(p*v+(1-p)*!v)*(max(r$l[!r$v])>=k)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lY9NboMwEIX3nGKiZjEDThQQpt3QU2RXtcgiIFsQ2xoSKKenQKWqaumimyfN3/ve8NQUulKXrjC2UAW7IZ/quy1vxlm0ohGeuvsVlfftiIM2pUbFrEY8C648JsISiTMdYhGLr7tecM5thT2RZ3dBH/YRxgdP4a6nEK/qHXnfvux437/Sc94Q0fQApVa2rMDVkMAaCYwFBXMkGMxNg7PtOI/q1vhu2VJQK8NQunkth9MxkcHPX@Z8iThKCoLv9nLTPvvbWb7JaNFsrU5p9vS4wcqE/M1K/89Ko0/iImsrTjZp6UKbPgA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExact solution: calculates the probability of every possible outcome of `n` coin flips, and sums those that contain at least `k` heads-in-a-row.\n**How?**\n```\nfunction(n,k,p){\n a=expand.grid(rep(list(1:0),n)) # a is a matrix of all possible outcomes of n flips\n # with heads represented as 0, tails as 1\n pvals=apply(a,1,function(v)prod(p*v+(1-p)*!v))\n # pvals are the probabilities of each outcome \n # by multiplying the probability of each single flip\n itsarun=apply(a,1,function(v)max(rle(v)$l[!rle(v)$v])>=k)\n # itsarun is TRUE if the longest run of 0s in each row is >=k\n # (rle(v)$l = length of each run, rle(v)$v = value of each run)\n return(sum(pvals*itsarun)) # return the sum of all the pvals for successful outcomes\n}\n```\n---\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 98 bytes\n```\nfunction(n,k,p){while((T=T+1)<1e19)F=F+(max((r=rle(sample(1:0,n,T,c(1-p,p))))$l[!r$v])>=k);F/1e19}\n```\n[Try it online with a low-accuracy version](https://tio.run/##dY5BDoIwEEX3nGKMLtpQEYhFo9YlJ2BnlDQVQgO0pKhojGfHwsoYncVMJvP/f2P6Mi0yfm5TqVKeGt2xPr8qcZFaIUVK0uBnV8gqQyhhiRvgXZBRHLPYRTW/I2SYsbeW140dwcYniiREoGDeWKetWXWYmNntiPesxNt4Yd2vfgqi4EpkoHMIYcSDVMDB4qGTlwK0qh72lFeyaQcVh5xLA0JbGQPfC6nz/TcKSUg8ih3nM57@jI/@J9MTdYcejZu/jNarH6yI0IHVvwE \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBrute-force approach: performs `1e19` series of `n` flips, and counts the number of times we get `k` heads-in-a-row. With this number of repetitions, the answer has a very high chance of being accurate to 8 decimal places, but there is a low-but-finite chance that this won't be the case...\nWe need to do them one-after-the-other in a `while` loop (rather than the more idiomatic vectorized [R](https://www.r-project.org/) approach of building a matrix and checking the rows) since the number of iterations needed to obtain 8 decimal places of accuracy is too big to be contained in an [R](https://www.r-project.org/) matrix. \nThe test link substitutes `1e5` in place of `1e19`, for a lower-accuracy output without timing-out. Feel free to run the high-accuracy version on your own computer if you have the time to wait.\n---\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 83 bytes\n```\nfunction(n,k,p,m=cbind(rbind(1-p,diag(k)*p),!k:0))Reduce(`%*%`,rep(list(m),n))[k+1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lc7BToQwEAbgO08xZrNJu4wbaChuTHgJr0bZWoo0ZadNYbPx6RHwYhQPXv6k08n/TZxc3RnVDLWlWtXR36qpvZIerSdG6DDgpdJvlhoW18zvAzZWvTPHD4HjnXvMOH8yzVUbdt4f9meMJrDeDiO7cCTOn12av0w70J0ibcC3IGAVwRIomEW42bEDT/3H/NX2NgzLloJW2Qjaz2sVZEchk5@nMoECj5Inyfd6uVlf/t0sX2W6ZLm@sqI8PWxYJcrfVvF/q0i/xCXWUS42tWLRpk8 \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of [dancxviii's Markov method](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249365/95126) - upvote that one - but sadly still longer than [pajonk's R answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249376/95126)...\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `\u1e0b`, 23 bytes\n```\n2$\u00de\u1e8a'2\u20acvLG\u203a\u00b9>;\u2070\u2310\u2070\"$\u0130v\u03a0\u2211\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyLhuIsiLCIiLCIyJMOe4bqKJzLigqx2TEfigLrCuT474oGw4oyQ4oGwXCIkxLB2zqDiiJEiLCIiLCIxMFxuM1xuMC42Il0=)\nPort of Jelly. Really slow.\nPrevious answer (much faster):\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `\u1e0b`, 41 bytes\n```\n\u1e2d\u027e:\u00a3\u203au$e\u00b9\u00a5\u25a1h*-:\u203a\u00a5/\u2070\u2310*\u2070+$\u00a5\u2039\u0188?\u00a5?*e\u2070\u2310\u00a5\u2039eW\u0192*\u2211\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyLhuIsiLCIiLCLhuK3JvjrCo+KAunUkZcK5wqXilqFoKi064oC6wqUv4oGw4oyQKuKBsCskwqXigLnGiD/CpT8qZeKBsOKMkMKl4oC5ZVfGkiriiJEiLCIiLCI2XG4xMDBcbjAuNiJd)\nPort of 05AB1E.\n[Answer]\n# [PARI/GP](https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr), 53 bytes\n```\nk->p->g(n)=if(n>=k,p^k*(1-p*(n>k))*(1-g(n---k))+g(n))\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728ILEoMz69YMHiNAXbpaUlaboWN02zde0KdO3SNfI0bTPTNPLsbLN1CuKytTQMdQu0gNxsTU0QGyivq6sL5GiDVGpCNG8pKMrMK9FI0zDW1DDQM9XUMDSASS1YAKEB)\nA port of [loopy walt's Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249360/9288). Takes input in the the form `(k)(p)(n)`\n---\n# [PARI/GP](https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr), 56 bytes\n```\nf(n,k,p)=Pol((1-y=p*x)/(t=1-x)/(t/y^k+x-y)+O(x^n*x))\\x^n\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728ILEoMz69YMGCpaUlaboWNy3SNPJ0snUKNG0D8nM0NAx1K20LtCo09TVKbA11wbR-ZVy2doVupaa2v0ZFXB5QUjMGSEP1hyQWFORUaiQq6NopFBRl5pUAmUogjpJCcmJOjkaajkKipqaOQnS0oYGOgrGOgoGeaSyQa2gA5JqBuGZwriWIaxQbqwkxG-ZGAA)\nThe generation function of the sequence (for given \\$p, k\\$) is \\$\\frac{p^k\\ x^k\\ (1-p\\ x)}{(1-x)(1-x+(1-p)\\ p^k\\ x^{k+1})}\\$.\n---\nThis generation function can be derived from loopy walt's recurrence formula:\n\\$f(n,k,p)=f(n-1,k,p)+p^k(1-p)(1-f(n-k-1,k,p))\\$.\nThis recurrence formula is valid when \\$n>k\\$. In addition,\nwhen \\$n=k\\$, we have \\$f(n,k,p)=p^k\\$ when \\$n=k\\$, and \\$f(n,k,p)=0\\$ when \\$n(g=s=>(x=n-(y=j*k))<0?0:s*(p-~x/j*q)*(h=k=>--k?h(k)*(x-k+1)/k:p**y*q**~-j++)(j)+g(-s))(j=1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bcnLDoIwEIXhvU/BcmbagVYjicTBZzFe0JZAscbAxlevdWni5uQ/@dzxdYynxz08eRjPl3SVBIP2OuhJLAeUFjqJeWcZGBZx5BH35mCaSBD4PVeOJiS4iZeW2R9u4POd2SuLlW8C0UIT0ZudUggOVQccMZdYTKdxiGN/KfuxgysU1uhiowtTbhFXv2ZNtvpr9X/bfW2NmD4 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# JavaScript (ES12), 58 bytes\nUsing [loopy walt's recursive formula](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249360/58563) is much shorter and much slower. This version uses a cache to speed it up (-7 bytes without the cache).\nExpects `(k)(p)(n)`.\n```\nk=>p=>g=n=>g[n]||=n>=k&&p**k*(1-p*(n>k))*(1-g(--n-k))+g(n)\n// \\_____/\n// cache\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70kLz8ldcGiNNulpSVpuhY3rbJt7Qps7dJt84BEdF5sTY1tnp1ttppagZZWtpaGoW6BlkaeXbamJoidrqGrm6cL5Gina-RpQk0ISs7PK87PSdXLyU_XSNMw1tQw0DPV1DA00NTkQpUyA0mZgaQw5SxBckZQOYjJCxZAaAA)\n[Answer]\n# PARI-GP, 75 bytes\n[Port of below solution](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728ILEoMz69YMGCpaUlaboWN73TNPJ0snUKNG01chNLijIrNLK1tYECiTpJOhqJuoa2tkmaWgXaGok2RppaGkk22UDSULdAEyiinWRrm62drakZl6cZna1jGAsxcl9BUWZeiUaahqEBDOgYmhroGOhZmJtqakIUwewHAA) (can run n ~ 1000000000, k ~ 150)\n```\nf(n,k,p)=(matrix(k++,k,a,b,(a-1==b)*p+(a<2)*(b z z 1 + j\n/ 1 p - * p + z j 1 - nCk p j k * ^ * 1 p - j 1 - ^ * * * ] map \u03a3 ]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY/BTsMwDIbvfYr/vNGuZWISQ@LCAXHhgjhVnZSFdKTtnJCkBxh7Gt6HVypOMyErdv7vty25FTIYN72@PD0/btErR2rAYKQYPI4ivM@paEeSQRtKrJDmuNckeFDLC3KCDuryH0lL86bg1ceoSDK2ToXwaZ2mgLssO@GEqsQaZXGD8yxKbFht/tUtq2tW56n@BqGHRaorjbq62jdg3jHLKy4Vltix3XHDAjm29/jiiLjLVlwtwwXnJdPYnoMe4s40sOOXepIXdYyG77H4/UEz1Wi182HNjI@xxqvZ80HIvpj@AA \"Factor \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTranslation of the formula given in Kevin Cruijssen's [05AB1E answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249334/97916).\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 70 bytes\n```\n`[`=function(k,n,p)`if`(nk))*(1-k[n-k-1,p])*p^k+k[n-1,p])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lY/BisIwEIbvfYqBvSTtVNqSRA/WFxFtQ9fQEJmEqohPX5suC6Ldw16G@ecf/m9mGF3Tn/T3pbHU6Gbw93ps921tbtRdrSfmkDDw1pqW0dZhgazMQ8po5zhPp97tKXd5ieHA03B0WdSzGr@g6zV1J/AGKpghYAk0TBC422sPns6PyTJnGy5xS4PRdoDOT2s1FKtKJu/XsQorXEmeJK/xcjFe/Z0sjzKLVc2qEGqzXmBJVJ8s8X@WyH6Iscyjcukz8Uv7cBSK6IxP \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of [@loopy walt's Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249360/55372).\nFor different approaches in [R](https://www.r-project.org/) see [@Dominic van Essen's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249333/55372).\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 35 bytes\n```\n\uff2e\u03b8\uff2e\u03b7\uff2e\u03b6\uff29\u03a3\uff25\u03a6\uff25\uff38\u00b2\u03b8\u2358\u03b9\u00b2\u2116\u03b9\u00d71\u03b7\u00d7\uff38\u03b6\u03a3\u03b9\uff38\u207b\u00b9\u03b6\u207b\u03b8\u03a3\u03b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XYzLCsIwEEX3@YrQ1QRGaSuuurNQcFEp1B@IpdhA01cShf58nBAQcVZzztw73SC3bpaj99dpcfbm9KPfYBUF@@Xhj3fiZlOThVIaC63TUMsFKjVauoa1md@05chXgfwiTd9ayj9BIc8FqXJ21Ca6K90bSLIE@SDCJYrY35GH3yr4aGo1OQMZ8p1UhPUbilN4n6XsxNLj2R9e4wc \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: Brute force approach.\n```\n\uff2e\u03b8\uff2e\u03b7\uff2e\u03b6\n```\nInput `n`, `k` and `p`.\n```\n\uff25\uff38\u00b2\u03b8\u2358\u03b9\u00b2\n```\nGet all of the binary numbers up to `2\u207f`.\n```\n\u03a6...\u2116\u03b9\u00d71\u03b7\n```\nKeep only those with `k` consecutive heads, I mean `1`s.\n```\n\uff25...\u00d7\uff38\u03b6\u03a3\u03b9\uff38\u207b\u00b9\u03b6\u207b\u03b8\u03a3\u03b9\n```\nCompute their probabilities, which is `p\u2071(1-p)\u207f\u207b\u2071`, where `i` is the number of `1`s in each relevant row.\n```\n\uff29\u03a3...\n```\nOutput the grand total.\nA 40-byte port of @dancxviii's approach is much more efficient:\n```\n\uff2e\u03b8\u2254\uff25\u2295\uff2e\u00ac\u03b9\u03b7\uff26\uff2e\u00ab\u2254\u229f\u03b7\u03b6\u2254\u207a\u27e6\u00d7\u03a3\u03b7\u207b\u00b9\u03b8\u27e7\u00d7\u03b7\u03b8\u03b7\u229e\u03b7\u207a\u03b6\u229f\u03b7\u00bb\uff29\u229f\u03b7\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY09D4IwEIZn@is6XhM0sLA4GScGCIluxqFitU1ogX44YPzttRRDjNPdPe/HtZzqtqed96UanK2dvDINI9mhvTHioaCiA5Sq1UwyZdkNfm2EpLjuLYh54SFz7zX@c@AXSr5VTT8AD84pOFfWOQPnk5DMwNHJqFdCBZineCTkkuJF5PFc3iSNM3wmMT2FGZtJkN6o0UJZOFBjYcXeZ9sCFSjPMr95dh8 \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Takes inputs in the order `p`, `k`, `n`. Expects `k>1` (+1 byte to support `k=1`). Explanation:\n```\n\uff2e\u03b8\n```\nInput `p`.\n```\n\u2254\uff25\u2295\uff2e\u00ac\u03b9\u03b7\n```\nCreate an array of `1` `1` and `k` `0`s.\n```\n\uff26\uff2e\u00ab\n```\nRepeat `n` times.\n```\n\u2254\u229f\u03b7\u03b6\n```\nRemove the last entry of the array.\n```\n\u2254\u207a\u27e6\u00d7\u03a3\u03b7\u207b\u00b9\u03b8\u27e7\u00d7\u03b7\u03b8\u03b7\n```\nMultiply the array by `p`, then prefix the sum of the array multiplied by `1-p`.\n```\n\u229e\u03b7\u207a\u03b6\u229f\u03b7\n```\nAdd the previous last entry to the current last entry.\n```\n\u00bb\uff29\u229f\u03b7\n```\nOutput the last entry in the array.\nI had been planning on working out how to solve the problem using dynamic programming but I'm pretty sure it would have resulted in the same algorithm.\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), ~~30~~ ~~19~~ 17 bytes\n```\n\u1e41o\u03a0m\u2260\u00b2f\u00f6\u2265\u2070\u25b2m\u03a3g\u03c0\u1e0b2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATIAzf9odXNr///huYFvzqBt4omgwrJmw7biiaXigbDilrJtzqNnz4DhuIsy////MS8y/zX/Ng \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of [my R answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249333/95126). \nInput is arg1=p, arg2=k, arg3=n.\n```\n \u03c0\u1e0b2 # cartesian arg-3-th power of binary digits of 2\n # so: all possible combinations of n heads/tails;\n f\u00f6 # now consider only those with runs: filter by\n \u25b2 # the maximum of\n m\u03a3g # the sums of each group of identical elements\n \u2265\u2070 # is greater than or equal to arg-2;\n # now convert the 1s & 0s to probabilities:\n mo -\u00b2 # subtract the probability of heads from each \n a # and get the absolute values\n # so 1s become (1-p) and 0s become p;\n\u1e41o # finally map across each group & sum the result\n \u03a0 # product of the probabilities\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 59 bytes\n```\nk\uf4a1p\uf4a1If[#>=k,(1-Boole[#>k]p)(1-#0[#-k-1])p^k+#0[#-1],0]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n2b7P/v9pIUFQOyZFq1sZ5uto2Go65Sfn5MK5GXHFmgCucoG0cq62bqGsZoFcdnaYJ5hrI5BrNr/gKLMvBIFB4W0aOPYaAM909hoQ4PY/wA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of Python. Takes `f(k)(p)(n)`.\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 49 bytes\n```\n1 :'0{_1{[:+/ .*^:(u-1)~(1,~]#0:),.~(*=@i.),~1-['\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKeepmBrpaCuoKNgoGAFxLp6Cs5BPm7/DRWs1A2q4w2ro6209RX0tOKsNEp1DTXrNAx16mKVDaw0dfTqNLRsHTL1NHXqDHWj1f9rcqUmZ@QrGOiZKmgYGiikaSoYw0TMQCJgITOYkBFcyPI/AA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAlmost identical to dancxviii's Markov chain approach.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n[Related](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/246025/average-ignorant-sets-of-integers).\nGiven a list of 3 or more positive integers, remove every number X for which there is another number Y in the list and the average of X and Y is also in the list. In other words, if X, Y, and the average of X and Y are all in the input, neither X nor Y should appear in the output.\nNote: Pairs of numbers are not successively removed from the list, rather all at once. This avoids ambiguity. A pair of numbers whose average is in the list will be removed even if one or both of the numbers are already part of another such pair.\nThe average of two numbers is their sum divided by two.\nExamples:\n```\ninput => output\nexplanation\n[1, 2, 3] => [2]\n1 and 3 are removed because their average (2) is in the list.\n[1, 2, 3, 4] => []\n1 and 3 are removed because their average (2) is in the list,\n2 and 4 are removed because their average (3) is in the list.\n[1, 3, 4, 5] => [4]\n1 and 5 are removed because their average (3) is in the list,\n3 and 5 are removed because their average (4) is in the list.\n[1, 5, 10, 20, 40] => [1, 5, 10, 20, 40]\nNo numbers are removed; No pair of numbers also has their average in the list.\n[1, 5, 6, 10] => [1, 5, 6, 10]\n[1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 52, 100, 200] => [10, 52, 200]\n[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34] => []\n```\nYou may assume numbers are given in ascending order with no duplicates.\n[code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") Shortest code wins.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~9~~ 7 bytes\n```\n+Hf\u1e0a\u028b\u00d0\u1e1f\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/1/bI@3hjq5T3YcnPNwx///hdm/NyP//ow11FIx0FIxjdRRgTB0FEygPxNRRMIXyTHUUDA2ASoDYxAAhZgYSRtUOUWhqBKLBOlDlgZosgFJAlhHIEpNYAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n \u00d0\u1e1f Remove elements for which\n+ that element plus each element of the list\n H halved\n \u1e0a has more than one element\n f \u028b after being filtered to only elements of the original list.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 27 22 15 14 bytes\n```\n-.&,~:/~*+:-/]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY5BCsIwFET3PcWg0FqbpEmaiKQUioIrceG@K2kRNx5AyNXrb9IKdfFJ8v7MZF7jRmQDGocMDBKOhguc79fLyEXKvCv9vnC87MY8uZ0ELT9t7et261PW9cIHAXdtUfqkfzzfGKBQwcAm8a3RBKZRRZBl4G5BMBHuFINlUJJB0xiZz6I/vFIfps1KGEjUKAmrySV/e81QUUaMs3o6Q@5sMHPRWH5ddTHTF0fy0U0Tq8z4BQ \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nConsider `1 3 4 5`.\n* `+:-/]` We note that if `c = (a + b)/2`, then `2c - a = b`. So we can double the input,\nand create a subtraction table between that doubled input and the original input:\n```\n1 _1 _2 _3\n5 3 2 1\n7 5 4 3\n9 7 6 5\n```\nNow any element in that table not on the diagonal is the `a` or `b` giving rise to\na `c` in the original list, and thus invalid.\n* `~:/~*` So zero out the diagonal:\n```\n0 _1 _2 _3\n5 0 2 1\n7 5 0 3\n9 7 6 0\n```\n* `-.&,` Flatten, and then remove all the table elements from the original list:\n```\n4\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org), ~~48~~ 46 bytes\n```\n\\(v)v[!v%in%combn(v,2)[,combn(v,2,mean)%in%v]]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72waMGiNNulpSVpuhY39WI0yjTLohXLVDPzVJPzc5PyNMp0jDSjdeBsndzUxDxNkHRZbCxU15c0jWQNQx0FIx0FY01NZQVbO4Voo1guJFEdBROYBFwcJKijYAoTN4FLmOooGBoA9QGxiQFMGl0cWbUZSAJVIVgI3QkQ_aZGIBpsEEITVBwohKYJaJYFUD2QZQRyM8IbEL8vWAChAQ)\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), 17 bytes\n```\n{x^/x+(x-\\:x)^'0}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJx1kd1uwyAMhe95CkeREsiPDDSZJrZMfY+mVLnJM3jK0mevoWnSrJuEMJzPHIwZ3UQeqZRU946Uz/UsxOim6Qdx6NDZYnDMvpXXM7oTnS80R24+08EPPnDGOyal6WpMc98baQvVU61ylf5mZW/Taod2pFbRcmF0zExXIuZD17v8fim6lb2aRpQl+GoaogvnMkr+OcdVFl8en2tcnsa9ktcuJVXUoQBbbPJD4B5uogzC0tlVpZKVE33QObZ7/PMLwICFwyNCE1ccoY2rFowGq6HRy/aNhS070NbyHJI2vYV3MAew7NQ8JbPlsTICRWVFokXViN0Fq/3dNBgmYdwA8bGKRg==)\nDang, [Jonah's solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/248996/78410) translates very well to K.\n```\n{x^/x+(x-\\:x)^'0}\n (x-\\:x) self difference table\n ^'0 remove zeros from each row\n x+ add i-th item of x to i-th row of matrix above\n x^/ seeded reduce: remove all numbers that appear\n in the matrix from x\n```\n---\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), 22 bytes\n```\n{((*>^/^\\+\\2#,x-)')_x}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJx1kF0OwiAMgN85RZclG8wtBRzGEGe8h4jhZWfATO8uxZ85jQmhpV/7NWG0E+fN3qN3K6fLNnaiFud4Y2y003RFDANa3QTLY3cRXt7QHuOJGoirXRl88MQTXjDO1dBhWXunuG6Ey+Lym807X2hBOpGVTxYPlRpWiHUYnK0fS9G+2a80o6rAXylFS3NVLP7M/f0XUKBh/YrQ5yxFMDkzoCRoCb18PjepMHcTNTrd1DTXDWxBrUEnU//RbBiyVrNCsrZnC/fb/PCRq6BzB9ykakw=)\nI think this idea is not touched well yet (or at least not explained well in other answers).\nThe idea here is: given an element E of list X, E is to be removed from the result if:\n* there exists two other elements E2 and E3 of X such that E2 = (E + E3)/2\n* \u21d4 E, E2, E3 forms an arithmetic progression\n* \u21d4 E2 = E + k, E3 = E + 2k for some nonzero k\n* \u21d4 X-E (elementwise) contains k and 2k for some nonzero k\n```\n{((*>^/^\\+\\2#,x-)')_x}\n{(( )')_x} apply to each element E and keep those that gives 0\n x- L = X-E\n +\\2#, (L, 2L)\n ^/^\\ set intersection of L and 2L\n *> first of grade down (index of max)\n all k's (including zero) are found in increasing order;\n index of max is nonzero iff there exist some nonzero k's\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~10~~ 5 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u0292+;\u00c3g\n```\nByte-count halved thanks to *@Steffan* by porting [*@UnrelatedString*'s Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249019/52210).\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//1CRt68PN6f//RxvqKBjpKBjrKJjoKBga6CiYGoFoIMPIwCAWAA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfaXLoZX/T006tM6lSNv6cHP6/1qd/9HRhjpGOsaxOhBaxwTMAtI6pmCWqY6hgY6RgY6JAZRrBhRAqAbJmhoCSZAihLipjoWOobGOEdAkk9hYAA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u0292 # Filter the (implicit) input-list by:\n + # Add the current value to each in the (implicit) input-list\n ; # Halve each\n \u00c3 # Only keep those values from the (implicit) input-list\n g # Pop and push the length to get the amount of remaining values\n # (only 1 is truthy in 05AB1E)\n # (after which the filtered result is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org), 39 bytes\n```\nf a=[x|x<-a,[1]==[1|z<-a,elem(2*z-x)a]]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m708I7E4OzUnZ8GCpaUlaboWN9XTFBJtoytqKmx0E3WiDWNtbaMNa6pAnNSc1FwNI60q3QrNxNhYqPLO3MTMPAVbhZR8LgWFgqLMvBIFFYU0hWhDHWMdEx3TWHRRUx0zHUMDDGEFIx0FYx0FEx0FQwMdBVMjEA1kGBngVGqqo2ABVAVkGQHFjE2gDoL5AwA)\novs and Wheat Wizard each saved a byte. Thanks!\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 50 bytes\n```\na=>a.filter(x=>!a.some(y=>x-y&&a.includes(y*2-x)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fY5BDsIgEEX3ngI3DRhKWizGDVzEuJi01NQgmFINnB5Bt7WLyUzyXv78O7zB9/P0XGrrBp1GmUAqYONkFj3jINUemHcPjaNUoY5VBWyyvXkN2uN44HUghKTeWe@MZsbd8IgvLUWcouOVkN06oahbh4VQJNahoKhtckCervmrnIq1@foXI3jZ37xNPUees5kvXgqW4ukD \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Commented\n```\na => // a[] = input\na.filter(x => // for each value x in a[]:\n !a.some(y => // test whether there is a value y in a[]:\n x - y && // which is not equal to x\n a.includes( // and is the average of x and\n y * 2 - x // another value 2y - x that exists in a[]\n ) //\n ) // end of some()\n) // end of filter()\n```\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), 20 bytes\n```\n{x^/a*~=#a:-x-\\:2*x}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJxLs6quiNNP1KqzVU600q3QjbEy0qqo5eJKUzBUMFIwhtEKJmAWkFYwBbNMFQwNFIwMFEwMoFwzoABCNUjW1AhIghQhxE0VLBQMjRWMgCaZAABf3xgV)\nSwitched to @Jonah's approach.\n-1 byte thanks to @ovs!\n## Explanation\nInput is *x*.\n* `a:-x-\\:2*x` subtraction table of 2*x* - *x* stored as `a`\n* `a*~=#` multiply *a* by inverse of eye of *a* (i.e. zero out *a*'s diagonals)\n* `x^/` remove table elements from *x*\n[Answer]\n# [Scala](http://www.scala-lang.org/), 52 bytes\n```\ns=>s.filter(i=>s.forall(j=>i==j|s.forall(_*2!=i+j)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dZHBTsMwDIbvewpv2qEBD21di9BEKnHggDhMGuKEEMq2FKUKXWmyCQn27MVJuzLKuESO/8@/LdushBbVZpnJlYXHXOxkKV6lWGppQH5Yma8N3BQFfPZ6AGuZQjqDB/n@dJfbZ@DJUVwZnpiLVGkry0D5eFMKrYOMJ4rz7KtNvJyFfa7OM8ZYBbATmjqJt8K15M4woFYAgYsmGOIUY4Y@HzKGHe1/BaNG60gktIZRR4txMsZwjNG4AX6luuwlSUec/54YwxnEIb3Ohwq85FPu@7cgxiucTDGkUaOaZowY5i5AG6RT@AKVF1uLtLqCTifXDK5H7R49sdlaImilac06k31TXZQqtzqvNw2gUggOOP@xbFQAM5jfwwyG3gdGCQxretAQUht5BN8uFvPFKR76HIYH@7rYT9XbV98 \"Scala \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), ~~12~~ 10 bytes\n```\nf(\u03b5n\u00b9Mo\u00bd+\u00b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/P03j3Na8Qzt98w/t1T608////9GGOkY6xjomOoYGOqZGQNJAx8jAIBYA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\nf( ) # filter the input to keep only elements that satisfy:\n \u00bd+ # half the sum \n Mo \u00b9 # with each other element of the input \n \u03b5 # has only 1 element\n n\u00b9 # shared with any elements of the input\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), ~~9~~ 7 bytes\n```\n'?+\u00bd?\u2194\u2083\n```\n[Try it Online](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCInPyvCvT/ihpTigoMiLCIiLCJbMSwgMiwgMywgNCwgMTAsIDUyLCAxMDAsIDIwMF0iXQ==) or [verify all test cases](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJhUGoiLCJ2aMabwqMiLCInwqUrwr3CpeKGlOKCgyIsIjs7wqhad0o7Osabw7figbxg4p2M4pyFYGk7wqhaJMO3JF9cImAgPT4gYGpcXCBKcCIsIlsxLCAyLCAzXSwgWzJdXG5bMSwgMiwgMywgNF0sIFtdXG5bMSwgMywgNCwgNV0sIFs0XVxuWzEsIDUsIDEwLCAyMCwgNDBdLCBbMSwgNSwgMTAsIDIwLCA0MF1cblsxLCA1LCA2LCAxMF0sIFsxLCA1LCA2LCAxMF1cblsxLCAyLCAzLCA0LCAxMCwgNTIsIDEwMCwgMjAwXSwgWzEwLCA1MiwgMjAwXVxuWzEsIDIsIDMsIDUsIDgsIDEzLCAyMSwgMzRdLCBbXSJd).\n*-2 bytes by porting Unrelated String's Jelly answer*\n## How?\n```\n'?+\u00bd?\u2194\u2083\n' # Filter for:\n ?+ # Add the input (vectorizes)\n \u00bd # Halve each\n ?\u2194 # Remove elements that are not in the input\n \u2083 # Is the length equal to 1?\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 39 bytes\n```\n->l{l-l.permutation(2).map{|a,b|a*2-b}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1y6nOkc3R68gtSi3tCSxJDM/T8NIUy83saC6JlEnqSZRy0g3qbb2f4FCWnS0oY6RjnFsLBeUo2Cko2Cso2Cio2BooKNgagSigQwjAwOgmv8A \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/)\n## 58 bytes with unordered sets\n*Thanx to [Jitse](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/87681/jitse)!*\n```\nlambda l:{*l}-{a for a in l for b in{*l}-{a}if(a+b)/2in l}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY3RCsIgFIav6ynOpZbR5jRi0JMsL5SQBHNjeBPDZzfPMmIX4nfO9/@c6R2fY@iyvd2z1y/z0OD75eDTadFgxxk0uAB@RVOwquQs0UdDzxxtyqgjJoehZcAZdIrBDxmIOiEykHWSDNqmRMoTzX93wfW2/g1Kjv/a2PpSuhZViOMRoVS/302zC5FYEinNHw \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## ~~62~~ 61 bytes with ordered lists\n```\nlambda l:[a for a in l if{(a+b)/2in l for b in{*l}-{a}}=={0}]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY3NCsMgEITP7VPsUVtLjfmhBHwS60Ep0oBNQvBSxGe3bppSclh2Zr4ddn6H5zTW2cl79uZlHwZ8rwy4aQEDwwgeBheJOVt6FatFYguJJ58u0aQkZeRJZ8wDNpSqGAgGtWbwkwyazaFk0G6uZVDxclKm4f@sw3hf/x62Avfa2PNSuhVUlMAnjdb98TAvwxiII4HS/AE \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Nibbles](http://golfscript.com/nibbles/index.html), 7 bytes (14 nibbles)\n```\n|$~<<`&*2@+@_\n```\n```\n|$~<<`&*2@+@_\n| # filter\n $ # input list\n ~ # keeping only elements that are falsy for\n << # discard first element of\n `& # common elements of\n *2@ # twice the input list\n # and\n +@_ # sum of this element and the input list\n```\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/D5Mig.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/D5Mig.png)\n---\nWorks on the basis that if the average of X and Y is Z, then X+Y=2\\*Z. So we just remove all Xs whenever there's a Y that when added to it gives twice one of the other elements of the input.\nStep-by-step for input of `[1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 52, 100, 200]`:\n```\n|$ # for each element x in input=[1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 52, 100, 200]\n ~ # keep it if the following function returns an empty list (falsy):\n `& # find elements in common between:\n *2@ # double the input: [2, 4, 6, 8, 20, 104, 200, 400]\n # and:\n +@_ # input + x: \n # so, when x=1 => [2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 53, 101, 201]\n # common elements = [2, 4]\n # when x=10 => [11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 62, 110, 210]\n # common elements = [20]\n << # and remove the first element:\n # so, when x=1 => [4] => so won't keep it\n # when x=10 => [] => so we'll keep it\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 10 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u0152cSe\u00a5\u0187\u1e24F\u1e1f@\n```\nA monadic Link that accepts a list of positive integers and yields the filtered list.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///opOTg1ENLj7U/3LHE7eGO@Q7///@PNtRRMNJRMNZRMNFRMDTQUTA1AtFAhpGBQSwA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\n\u0152cSe\u00a5\u0187\u1e24F\u1e1f@ - Link: list L\n\u0152c - ordered pairs (L)\n \u1e24 - double (L) (vectorises)\n \u0187 - filter the pairs keeping those for which:\n \u00a5 - last two links as a dyad - f(pair, doubled L)\n S - sum (pair)\n e - exists in (doubled L)?\n F - flatten (this list of pairs whose sum is in the doubled L)\n @ - with swapped arguments:\n \u1e1f - filter discard (take L and remove the pair elements)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), ~~12~~ 10 bytes\n```\n-Qs-L-LydQ\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/XzewWNdH16cyJfD//2hDHQVjHQUTHQXTWAA \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\") or [Verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfiv/F83sFjXR9enMiUwUMHW9f//aEMdBSMdBeNYLhhLR8EEwgGxdBRMIRxTHQVDA6ACIDYxgAuZgURRtEKUmRqBaLB6FGmgFgugDJBlBLLAJBYA \"Pyth \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n-Qs-L-LydQ\n L (Q) # Left map over the implicit input with variable `d`:\n L Q # Left map over the input with variable `k`:\n - yd # d*2 - k\n - # Remove d from the resulting list\n s # Flatten\n-Q # Remove elements of the resulting list from the input\n```\n### 12-byte solutions\n```\nfqFf}-yYTQQQ\n```\n```\n-Qsf}.OT-QT*\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org) + `math.unicode`, ~~57~~ ~~51~~ 50 bytes\n```\n[| s | s [ s n+v 2 v/n s \u2229 length 1 > ] reject ]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=XU-7bsJAEOz9FdNHEPvACAUpbURDE6VCFCezJkb22dydLfHq-QcaN0TKJ9Gm5CvYixvbK-1jZnd2tdefWEY21_X98fU5X3y8IZP2e1iqJMrXhEKTtftCJ8rC0K4kFZFBrPfNWEVOa7AhRVqmyUHaJFfmv4k0j2RqMPO8owe2IwIIjHDuoHELOxS2cIjAh_Ax9jvkxNH9LUyFgqMT9LshpghGEHzBnTvfShsPpnexPMHA-ZJdvVQ8XL0qrv8uv0hJbfiLAO9YQdOWX8WqUd4yWWDY1HXd5Cc)\n[Answer]\n# [Desmos](https://desmos.com/calculator), ~~80~~ 76 bytes\n```\nf(l)=l[[[(.5k-l)^2.minfork=l[m]+l[(L-m)^2>0]].minform=L]>0]\nL=[1...l.length]\n```\nThis is probably a terrible way of doing it, but whatever. Also, the \"words\" `minfork` and `minform` that appear in the code are very much intentional, though you will quickly see what they actually parse as in the graph links :P.\n[Try It On Desmos!](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/xhboevghmj)\n[Try It On Desmos! - Prettified](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/hflewhjjth)\n[Answer]\n# [T-SQL] 111 bytes\n```\nDELETE FROM T WHERE EXISTS(Select*From T Y Join T Z ON T.ID NOT IN(Y.ID,Z.ID)And Y.ID<>Z.ID And T.N+Y.N=2*Z.ID)\n```\nFormatted:\n```\nDELETE FROM T\nWHERE EXISTS(\n Select *\n From T as Y\n Join T as Z\n ON T.ID NOT IN(Y.ID, Z.ID)\n And Y.ID <> Z.ID\n And T.N+Y.N = 2*Z.ID)\n```\nI *could* save one more byte by using the excremental SQL-89 joins, but my soul is worth more than one byte.\n[Answer]\n# [Arturo](https://arturo-lang.io), 41 bytes\n```\n$[a][a--map permutate.by:2a'p[-p\\0*2p\\1]]\n```\n[Try it](http://arturo-lang.io/playground?I0bU8I)\nPort of G B's [Ruby answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/249099/97916).\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno), \\$ 14\\log\\_{256}(96)\\approx \\$ 11.52 bytes\n```\ngz0+2/z0sAqS2<\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72sJKM0Ly9_wYKlpSVpuhbr0qsMtI30qwyKHQuDjWwgglC5BWuiDXUUjHUUTHQUTGMhYgA)\n#### Explanation\n```\ng # Filter:\nz0+ # Add input\n2/ # Halve each\nz0 # Push input again\nsAq # Each is in the input?\nS2< # Sum is less than 2?\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyt](https://github.com/mudkip201/pyt), 16 bytes\n```\n\u0110\u01102*\u21f9\u0250-\u0110\u0141\u0159\u0110\u0250\u2260*\u0191\\\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AS0A0v9weXT//8SQxJAyKuKHucmQLcSQxYHFmcSQyZDiiaAqxpFc//9bMSwyLDMsNF0 \"Pyt \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of [Jonah's J answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/248996/116013)\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 1.0](http://julialang.org/), 32 bytes\n```\n!l=l[l.|>i->sum(i.+l.\u2208[2l])<2]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY5RCsIwDED/d4rsr8M6XN3EDze8gCcY@wisQiVWaaf44QE8pxeZrXEwsFCavLykOd3IYPEYx5Rqail/NmbZ@NtZmHxB@fv1ahV12U514/HiwICx4DT2ZKz2IksgHJQaatB3JHHQA@ZXdF4Lk3H16owdyAqEuoEUGe7Re@2GkEMdWhNt@7EtJCgJ6y6KreqSCUgomTGKuYSKUcmsklCsgh1uueLKH53ETaRzh8H8O@6rVHy/Ayb/RyOY@WHGNqghUnG/adsP \"Julia 1.0 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell Core](https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell), 68 bytes\n```\n($a=$args)|?{$_-notin($a|%{$a-ne($c=$_)|%{$_,$c*(($_+$c)/2-in$a)}})}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lU/RSsMwFH3vV1zGVRJNcKub@FIsFH3wRXF7Eyk1Zm6yNbPJVGj77TVJtyLbHmagNPece07OWalvWeiZXCy4UIVscBqVDcEswqx417S6KTHluTLz3ILVSYkZzyVBEWFK3ZgyFGeEYHqOgl6EfJ5jRuua1k0dBDEJwB4GMYnJgEHI4JK6KaR0n2Ew9OQu5wgGI88Nd8kRg0Hf6u037PuVPXBfceX4P8vtfDhSazUK3d97boQb0M0Hhdb22mrsLXQdumoUKrhTxW0mZvzh9UMKA6XXo5HaMED5s7KgfIMIMG2ZQur1wljgFKcQuz2PPz@Ok7U2atn6vMStkTvjtRBSa3@PgGwdKhirwmzfrSBR@ZcszETxe61y4IlaruyqpsDlp5V1WY4Wdgl6ExsTkkzLnmviQh/t0pk8tbE3Nf7bwtvUQd38Ag \"PowerShell Core \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Burlesque](https://github.com/FMNSSun/Burlesque), 26 bytes\n```\nJs12CB:U_f{avg1j~[}g1jFL\\\\\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyotykktLixN/V@tZGunZG2tG1uUqFmS8t@r2NDI2ckqND6tOrEs3TCrLroWSLr5xMT8rw3P@R9tqKNgpKNgHKtga6cQbRTLBRPQUTCBiMUqgMVAAjoKphAxE4g6Ux0FQwOgciA2MYDIYIjCFJqBRJHVQASQ7YPoMzUC0WADYOqhoiABJPVAMyyASoEsI5D7YM4FAA \"Burlesque \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input as block of doubles\n```\nJ # Duplicate\ns1 # Store as 1\n2CB # Combinations of length 2\n:U_ # Filter for unique (guaranteed safe by no dups)\nf{avg1j~[} # Filter for average contained in original list (1)\ng1 # Get 1\nj # Reorder stack\nFL # Flatten\n\\\\ # Remove elements contained in (1) also in averages\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 16 bytes\n```\n\uff29\u03a6\u03b8\u00ac\u2299\u03b8\u2227\u207b\u03ba\u03bc\u2116\u2297\u03b8\u207a\u03b9\u03bb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYvBCoMwEER/ZY8rbCGm9tSTWLy1eBcPqQoN3SYYk4Jfv0ZwLvN4w4wfE0ZvWKQL1kVszBqxtRzngAvBy0es3XZg7SZ8WpdW/BL8CoLGp3x4@PTmecIlm47zagm4OHMX6fuSQBNcCSqCUhHc9NEZtFLDIJc/7w \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n \u03b8 Input list\n \u03a6 Filtered where\n \u03b8 Input list\n \u00ac\u2299 No elements satisfy\n \u207b\u03ba\u03bc Indices differ\n \u2227 Logical And\n \u03b8 Input list\n \u2297 Doubled\n \u2116 Does not contain\n \u207a\u03b9\u03bb Sum of current elements\n\uff29 Cast to string\n Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org), 67 bytes\n```\nf a=[z|z<-a,not$elem z[x|x<-a,y<-a,x/=y,even$x+y,div(x+y)2`elem`a]]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m708I7E4OzUnZ8GCpaUlaboWN53TFBJto6tqqmx0E3Xy8ktUUnNScxWqoitqKkAilSCiQt-2Uie1LDVPpUK7Uicls0wDSGsaJYCUJiTGxkKMgpoIMxkA)\n[Answer]\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 75 bytes\n```\nfor x;for y;((s=x+y,s%2||x==y))||a+=(${=${(M)@:#$[s/2]}:+$x $y})\n<<<${@:|a}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bZDBbsIwEETv/oqpcNUEkAoBpAqIxKGH9tBjTxVSXLIBqyRGsQNJCd@e2gGKVPXitXbXM/P8rTdN4vlek6gc5cyd1czzdFj2qr6@D@q6DMPK9@ta9EKPH0N@9N78xbTDP/RjsDxNe7wEr04@m8/n/LiY1uLU@IwlGCLA@FJH13rp2IpJe5tgOEAwwHhwW3GtSWBPN7n1J3jCcITAPh8zRqU0jHXwrEhnDwYHlX/1IbIYZkPISWiV4bCpsFLFNsYnodCUFFs4xLXaJjJbT9l/1GloyW7sdX3HFx/eq8/T5e8/OGbf2b9QToh4GkFqULmzASiGtXYpuruc9lIVuou92BYElYCnNos1JMTKRmj3RC7NJiUjV2cJLVVmtd@1WziLZ9qQiJ1AtItazKi/C@3kL55MUKkCGdkYRkGLPbUe1yiQhnJhrEPzAw \"Zsh \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNot as compact as I was expecting...\n```\nfor x;for y # for $x, $y in the Cartesian product of the list with itself\n ((s=x+y,s%2||x==y)) || # test if the sum is odd or x == y. If not,\n a+=(${=${(M)@:#$[s/2]}:+$x $y})\n# ${(M)@:#$[s/2]} # substitute the average if found in $@\n# ${ :+$x $y} # if non-empty, substitute \"$x $y\"\n# a+=(${= }) # split on spaces and add it to $a\n<<<${@:|a} # set difference\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://www.python.org) + NumPy, 50 bytes\n```\nlambda a:a[((a+[[a]]).T==a+a[:,1>0]).sum((0,1))<2]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=VY5BCsIwEEX3PcUsExxLkrZSivUU7mIWI1Is2DTEFuxZ3BRE8Urexth24-q9_z8Dc3-5oTu3dnxU5eHZd9U6_6gLNccTARWkGaOV1mQMj_dlSSvSBcqdCPHaN4wJlJxvlVku33XjWt-B7Rs3AF3BuqhqPdwAagtaosLE4ExMJwvEbLIMpUAlMBVThAxhgyCXpBAShPRXhEn9GESJvzmc5GEJpkKXpKaIwPnadqxi1sXkPQ3sxjmf_x3HmV8)\nStraightforward masking with a few tricks to shorten the required indexing operations without having to explicitly import numpy.\n#### How?\nConstruct 3d table of *z,y,x* each running through the input list *a*. Each cell is True if *2z=y+x* and False otherwise. Fixing *x=a* count solutions *z,y*. If *a* is not part of an averaging pair there is only solution *z=a,y=a*, otherwise there are more. Use boolean indexing to filter *a* accordingly.\n`(a+[[a]]).T` is a shorter surrogate for `2*a[:,None,None]` and `a[:,1>0]` is shorter than the more natural `a[:,None]`.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nSay I have a ragged list, like:\n```\n[\n [1, 2],\n [3, \n [4, 5]\n ]\n]\n```\nAnd I want to iterate over each item and delete it one-by-one. However, I don't know the structure of the list.\nSo, I have to iterate over the list, with the following algorithm:\n* Look at the first item of the list.\n* If it's a list, concatenate it to the start of the rest of the list.\n* Else, delete it.\nFor example, with the above example `[[1, 2], [3, [4, 5]]]`:\n* `[1, 2]` is a list. Concatenate it - `[1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]]`\n* `1` is a number. Delete it - `[2, [3, [4, 5]]]`\n* `2` is a number. Delete it - `[[3, [4, 5]]]`\n* `[3, [4, 5]]` is a list. Concatenate it - `[3, [4, 5]]`\n* `3` is a number. Delete it - `[[4, 5]]`\n* `[4, 5]` is a list. Concatenate it - `[4, 5]`\n* `4` is a number. Delete it - `[5]`\n* `5` is a number. Delete it - `[]`\nThere are no more items left, so our work is done.\nYour challenge is to compute the sizes of the lists resulting from applying this. For example, with the above, the list starts with length 2. It then goes to lengths 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0.\nStandard [sequence](/questions/tagged/sequence \"show questions tagged 'sequence'\") rules apply - that is, you may take a list \\$l\\$ and generate all terms, or take a list \\$l\\$ and a number \\$n\\$ and calculate the nth or first n terms. Your results may or may not contain the length of the initial list at the start, and the 0 at the end, and you may take \\$n\\$ 0-indexed or 1-indexed.\nSince only the shape of \\$l\\$ matters, you may take it filled with any consistent value instead of arbitrary integers.\n\\$l\\$ may contain empty lists. In this case, it's concatenated as normal and the length decreases by 1.\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), shortest wins!\n## Testcases\nThese include the leading length but not the trailing 0. [Reference implementation](https://tio.run/##VY7BCgIxDETv/Yo5bnER19WL4JeUIsJm2UKopY3Ifn1Ne9JDSHjJzCTtsr3iXOtCK4JQfizEJDRwsTcDplhwh/MGny0wgYvSjo/PlCgug87t2CoOK2RPTetO3iIUcCjSBKpTm85xaH26qSWIC/2tO84k7xx7iDEphyjD72fOTSPOfoSbtS4jrt57a2v9Ag)\n```\n[[1, 2], [3, [4, 5]]] -> [2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1]\n[[6, 3, [1, 3, 4]], 4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]] -> [3, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1]\n[3, 4, 5] -> [3, 2, 1]\n[[[[[[[[1]]]]]]]] -> [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]\n[] -> []\n[1, [], 1] -> [3, 2, 1]\n[[],[[[]]],[]] -> [3, 2, 2, 2, 1]\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org), ~~62~~ 61 bytes\n*Edit: -1 byte thanks to pajonk*\n```\nf=\\(l)if(h<-length(l))c(h,f(c(if(is.list(g<-el(l)))g,l[-1])))\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72waMGCpaUlaboWN23TbGM0cjQz0zQybHRzUvPSSzKAXM1kjQydNI1kDaB4ZrFeTmZxiUa6jW5qDkhOM10nJ1rXMBbIghqSkmMLVgImDHWMNHXALGMIZaJjClTKVVxSBNTNlQYikNVDFSMJaEKFUDVB7II5HAA)\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~27~~ 25 bytes\nAnonymous prefix lambda.\n```\n{\u221a\u00f3\u201a\u00e9\u00ef\u201a\u00dc\u00ea\u201a\u00e2\u00a2\u201a\u00e7\u00b5:\u201a\u00e0\u00e1((0\u201a\u00e2\u2020\u201a\u00e2\u00b0\u201a\u00e4\u00c9\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)/\u201a\u00e4\u00c9\u201a\u00e7\u00b5),1\u201a\u00dc\u00ec\u201a\u00e7\u00b5}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///v/rw9Ed9Ux@1TXjUuehR71arRx3tGhoGjzoXPOpc@KirGSikqQ@ldQwftU0GMmr/pwHVazzq7QNLrHnUu@XQeuNHbROBBgUHOQPJEA/PYM1qqLm9W3XUFR61TQIS3S0KQEGvYH8/iDHq0dGGOgpGsToK0cZAbKKjYBobG6vOBZIw01EAiRmCKZNYoBqgdLQRmGsJZJnqKJjBFBuDJU2hOiHAMBYKwIIQEmhYNNAgw1h1AA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n`{`\u201a\u00c4\u00b6`}`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\"dfn\"; argument is `\u201a\u00e7\u00b5`:\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`\u201a\u00e2\u00a2\u201a\u00e7\u00b5`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9tally the argument\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`\u201a\u00e9\u00ef\u201a\u00dc\u00ea`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9print that\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`\u221a\u00f3`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9signum of that\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`:`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9if 1 (i.e. there's content):\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`1\u201a\u00dc\u00ec\u201a\u00e7\u00b5`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9drop the first element of the argument\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`(`\u201a\u00c4\u00b6`),`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9prepend:\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`\u201a\u00e4\u00c9\u201a\u00e7\u00b5`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9the first element of the argument\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`(`\u201a\u00c4\u00b6`)/`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9replicated by (i.e. if the following holds true):\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`\u201a\u00e4\u00c9\u201a\u00e7\u00b5`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9the first element of the argument\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`0\u201a\u00e2\u2020\u201a\u00e2\u00b0`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9is its depth different from zero? (i.e. a list)\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`\u201a\u00e0\u00e1`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9recurse\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 44 bytes\n```\ndef f(x,*r):print-~len(r);x>{}[n=a.length,...n?f(a.shift().concat?.(a)??a):a]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=bZBLDsIgEIb3noIlJDgJfUVNkIMQFqSW1qSBRfE0brrQQ3kFT-HQ1o0yCc_5_p8Z7g8fLt08P2_R7Q-vykkrz9pLC2Pn-zhwAPDKUQvTcHWRMmiDb21UQC1TyrKTNZv2jZkpjB2MoaeOai04KQwnusRRcVIbYxjb_VINJwkQy1IZFCCri-V4xF3NSZNVlgtZ5zzXEGaLfyJzhQVofFzk_FIXOKfidLJbO_7-2gc)\n### Commented\n```\nf = a => // f is a recursive function taking the input list a[]\n[ // build the output:\n n = a.length, // append the length of a[] and save it in n\n ...n ? // if a[] is not empty:\n f( // do a recursive call:\n a.shift() // extract the leading entry and attempt to\n .concat?.(a) // concatenate it with the remaining entries\n ??a // if it fails, just append a[] (the leading entry\n // was not an array)\n ) // end of recursive call\n : // else:\n a // stop the recursion and return a[] (which is empty)\n] // end of output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 10 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u0152\u00eeDg,\u0192\u00e1Di\\\u221a\u00b4\u221a\u00a8\n```\nA byte is saved by taking the input filled with `1`s instead of positive integers. \nOutputs the lengths on separated newlines to STDOUT, including a trailing 0.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//3BSXdJ0j7S6ZMYdXH17z/390tKGOYawOkAQzYmMB) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V@m5JlXUFpipaBkX2nLpeRfWgLh6fw/N8UlXedIu0tKZszh1YfX/K@tPbTN/n90dLShjmGsDpAEM2JjdRTAQmAuSADORFIAkQKphACQMBgAhSDyQAqqAGg21FQgKxrMBhEA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u0152\u00ee # Loop until the result no longer changes (e.g. until the list is empty):\n D # Duplicate the current list\n g # Pop and push the length\n , # Pop and output this length with trailing newline to STDOUT\n \u0192\u00e1 # Extract head; pop and push remainder-list and first item separately\n D # Duplicate this extracted head\n i # If it's a 1:\n \\ # Discard it from the stack\n \u221a\u00b4 # Else (it's a list instead)\n \u221a\u00a8 # Prepend-merge it to the remainder-list\n```\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), 24 bytes\n```\n#'{$[t~*t:*x;!0;t],1_x}\\\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJxdT+1ugzAM/J+ncLVJgyoUEhK0EmkvkkUroqFFZWUr2UQ1tc8+89WxOtg4d76zUqQPTz+P2l2XLl22ahEpZyh7ay+vhLgUmfP1lBYA0KpNfVDepsjKSrXqrE6+uRCnPQZcebESIH1fcYiBA7tlZLoRL1GxYkgJXwnlcbytlYQEBTFIEDDVTiJmFr0cZSBV/AfQMRh6/j89jW+gw17WvYf5c63XsZiLaIBHgoRk79xHk4ZhXm/trq6KVeOy/GDbfJ8dd3aV1+/h55dtXFkfm5CL5yTiYensKXPlt63OwdZW1tkgC6qycYRozShwQ0HHmIKCNMZA8AKaU0AIK5tXg4qkZzoh/oRBMerG+TV2kkIyuSAke37eDHbibgFaxz0qb9Jp4xDMjNHTrBfefzg90NjgXZsOu7czFN3Qh2oz5/g0QX4BSgWRIw==)\nOutput includes the length of the initial list and a 0 at the end.\n* `{...}\\` set up a scan-converge, seeded with the (implicit) input and run until two successive iterations return the same result\n\t+ `$[t~*t:*x;!0;t]` using `$[c;t;f] cond`, check if the first item is a list or an atom. if it is an atom, return an empty list (`!0`); if it is a list, return the first element of that list\n\t+ `,1_x` append the remainder of the list (dropping the first item)\n* `#'` return the number of items in each iteration\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 15 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u221a\u00f1\u201a\u00ee\u00a8\u201a\u00f2\u00aa\u201a\u00ef\u2122<\u221a\u00b6\u00ac\u2211\u221a\u00b497\u201a\u00ef\u00fb\u0153\u00dc\u00ac\u222b\u201a\u00f4\u2020B\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=99c202d83c91fa893937c6eda70642&i=%5B%5B1,+2%5D,+%5B3,+%5B4,+5%5D%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B6,+3,+%5B1,+3,+4%5D%5D,+4,+%5B2,+3,+9,+%5B5,+6%5D%5D%5D&m=2)\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 16 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u221a\u00ba\u201a\u00ef\u00fa\u201a\u00dc\u00ea\u0152\u00b6\u201a\u00f1\u2020Yxbo\u201a\u00ef\u00fc\u201a\u00c5\u00f8\u201a\u00f1\u00c4\u221a\u2260\u201a\u00f1\u00ba\u0152\u00b5~\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=81bd1be8fe5978626fc7fcdfa11fee7e&i=%5B%5B1,+2%5D,+%5B3,+%5B4,+5%5D%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B6,+3,+%5B1,+3,+4%5D%5D,+4,+%5B2,+3,+9,+%5B5,+6%5D%5D%5D&m=2)\na generator.\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 34 bytes\n```\nPrint[i+=Length@#-1]#0/@#&[i=1;#]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JYwxC8IwEIX3/o1ABz3Rq2mhSCCLm4PgWDqE0NoMjSDZjvSvx6cO9917d@9udWmZVpeCd2U25f4OMQ1hb25TfKbFqgOP6nS0qh6C4Ysa6zLb3dUvr@3hXdykEmFqMsmZRFObcyaMOoJlQMNrkgayJ2mp@wewQBbiW0xo/LvDHwARoMrlAw \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nPrints the lengths. Includes a trailing `0`.\n```\nPrint[i+=Length@#-1]#0/@#&[i=1;#]&\n [i=1;#] initialize i=1 before run\n #0/@# in depth-first, prefix order:\n i+=Length@#-1 add length-1 to i (atoms have length 0)\nPrint[ ] print i\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES2019), ~~51~~ ~~48~~ 47 bytes\n```\ni=0;f=(v=[])=>[i+=v.length-!!i,...v.flatMap(f)]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70kLz8ldcGCpaUlaboWN_UzbQ2s02w1ymyjYzVt7aIztW3L9HJS89JLMnQVFTN19PT0yvTSchJLfBMLNNI0YyHabjGqJ-fnFZcolCrYKpTmpaSmZealpnCBxPJzUvVy8tM10jSio0t1FEpjdRRANIQdCyI0NYlQiEsVVAHMMAQXn06YDixmQgBIGxhgqsBuXDQun4B8ASRBjosGGQcJL1hwAwA)\nInput requires `undefined` as leaves. Output includes initial size and trailing `0`.\nI assume the output must be a flat array instead of allowing nested array. If nested array is acceptable then there is this 40-byte solution:\n```\ni=0;f=(v=[])=>[i+=v.length-!!i,v.map(f)]\n```\n## Algorithm\nInstead of implementing the specified process and constructing the intermediate arrays, this submission uses an analytical solution to calculate the output.\nNotice that, with the process in the question, each item of the root array is completely deleted before moving on to the next item. Using the original example `[[1,2],[3,[4,5]]`, the `[1,2]` subarray is fully deleted before `[3,[4,5]]` is touched. This means that while processing `[1,2]`, the sizes of the intermediate arrays at each step is the same as those while processing `[1,2]` as a root, but plus 1 because we have to count `[3,[4,5]]`\n```\n[[1, 2], [3, [4, 5]]]\n[1, 2, [3, [4, 5]]] (size: 3) | [1,2] (size: 2)\n[2, [3, [4, 5]]] (size: 2) | [2] (size: 1)\n[[3, [4, 5]]] (size: 1) | [] (size: 0)\n```\nTake another example from the test cases\n```\n[[6, 3, [1, 3, 4]], 4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]]\n[6, 3, [1, 3, 4], 4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]] (size: 5) | [6, 3, [1, 3, 4]] (size: 3)\n[3, [1, 3, 4], 4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]] (size: 4) | [3, [1, 3, 4]] (size: 2)\n[[1, 3, 4], 4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]] (size: 3) | [[1, 3, 4]] (size: 1)\n[1, 3, 4, 4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]] (size: 5) | [1, 3, 4] (size: 3)\n[3, 4, 4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]] (size: 4) | [3, 4] (size: 2)\n[4, 4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]] (size: 3) | [4] (size: 1)\n[4, [2, 3, 9, [5, 6]]] (size: 2) | [] (size: 0)\n```\nThe size difference is 2 here because there are 2 items after the item being processed (`[6, 3, [1, 3, 4]]`).\nThis shows that this problem can be solved with a recursive algorithm\n```\nf([1, 2]) = [2, 1, 0]\nf([3, [4, 5]]) = [2, 1, 2, 1, 0]\n [2, 1, 0][2, 1, 2, 1, 0]\n + [2, 1, 0]\n --------------------------------\nf([[1, 2], [3, [4, 5]]]) = [2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0]\n```\nMore precisely, the output of processing an array consists of:\n* The initial length of the array, then\n* For each item, the result of processing that item, plus adding the number of items after it to each element.\n### Naive, readable implementation\n```\nfunction f(value) {\n if (value !== undefined) {\n return [\n value.length,\n ...value.flatMap((item, index) => f(item).map((n) => n + value.length - index - 1))\n ]\n }\n return [0]\n}\n```\n## Golfing\nFirst, of course, is to apply basic golfing techniques\n```\n// 70 bytes\nf=v=>v?[v.length,...v.flatMap((u,j)=>f(u).map($=>$+v.length-j-1))]:[0]\n```\nThen, since leaves are `undefined`, we can actually use default argument to treat leaves as `[]` and merge the two branches\n```\n// 69 bytes\nf=(v=[])=>[v.length,...v.flatMap((u,j)=>f(u).map($=>$+v.length-j-1))]\n```\nThen, instead of mapping a second time to add the \"base\" value `v.length-j-1`, we can make `f` accept a second argument for a value to add to everything.\n```\n// 67 bytes\nf=(v=[],i=0)=>[v.length+i,...v.flatMap((u,j)=>f(u,v.length+i-j-1))]\n```\nNext, we can pull `i` up to the global scope and mutate it instead of passing it around and using a lengthy expression to calculate the base\n```\n// 53 bytes\ni=0;f=(v=[])=>[i+=v.length,...v.flatMap(u=>f(u,i--))]\n```\nFinally, we can move the `i--` decrement into `f` so that, instead of decrementing at each `flatMap` iteration, we just decrement `i` at the start of `f`.\n```\n// 45 bytes\ni=1;f=(v=[])=>[i+=v.length-1,...v.flatMap(f)]\n```\n**BUT**, this breaks because the global variable `i` is changed after calling `f`, which is [forbiddened](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/4940/6972). Specifically, `i` is decremented by 1 for each root call to `f`. Before the change, `i` is decremented by 1 by one per child while looping in `flatMap`, but now `i` is decremented by 1 per call (i.e. per node), and the root is the only node that is not a child.\nTo counter this, we need to change the increment to \"number of children\" (instead of \"number of children - 1\") but only for the root node. This is doable by noticing that `i` is at its initial value only at the start of a root `f` call and after processing the last leaf. So we can initialize `i` to 0 and when we increment `i`, we increment by \"number of children\" if `i` is 0 but by \"number of children - 1\" otherwise.\n```\n// 47 bytes\ni=0;f=(v=[])=>[i+=v.length-!!i,...v.flatMap(f)]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), (16) 21 bytes\n```\n\u00d4\u00ba\u2211\u0152\u220f\u00ac\u00b4\u201a\u00fc\u00b6\u00d4\u00ba\u00a9\u00d4\u00ba\u00a8\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00fc\u00df\u201a\u00e2\u00ee\u201a\u00c5\u222b\u201a\u00e0\u00ae\u00d4\u00ba\u00dc\u201a\u00c5\u221e\u00ac\u00df\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00c5\u221e\u0153\u00d6\u0152\u00b6\u0152\u220f\u0152\u00aa\u0152\u220f\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYxLC8IwEITP7a/Y4wYi1FdBPFVBEAR7DzmENrSBEMmjVhB/e9x2YWd2voHtRhW6l7I5z6OxGtAz@JZFG4xLKK4qJnxoN6SRCibZuSyaGM3gsLVTxGfAi0mzibpxPVYcmnR3vf6g51AxxmGivRmbdFiQXZCnJ7@chRA1hz0HsV3tICUJxd0aT3QdOdSSJm/e9g8 \"Charcoal \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n\u00d4\u00ba\u2211\u0152\u220f\u00ac\u00b4\n```\nRepeat until the input list is empty.\n```\n\u201a\u00fc\u00b6\u00d4\u00ba\u00a9\u00d4\u00ba\u00a8\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00fc\u00df\n```\nOutput its length on its own line.\n```\n\u201a\u00e2\u00ee\u201a\u00c5\u222b\u201a\u00e0\u00ae\u00d4\u00ba\u00dc\u201a\u00c5\u221e\u00ac\u00df\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00c5\u221e\u0153\u00d6\u0152\u00b6\u0152\u220f\u0152\u00aa\u0152\u220f\n```\nAdd the tail of the list to the first element.\n* This would be three bytes shorter if the list was to be iteratively deleted from the end rather than the start.\n* This would be four bytes shorter if Charcoal's vectorising `Add` worked properly, but unfortunately it only vectorises to depth 1. (Other operators, such as `BitwiseAnd`, do vectorise correctly, so I'm assuming this is an oversight. Edit: Ironically, `Times` also doesn't vectorise correctly, so I needed to replace it with `BitwiseAnd` to fix a bug.)\n* Alternatively, this could be two bytes shorter if the input integers were all zero. (Not applicable when vectorising `Add` works properly.)\n* This could be one byte shorter by outputting the last length instead of the first.\n16 bytes using the newer version of Charcoal on ATO:\n```\n\u00d4\u00ba\u2211\u0152\u220f\u00ac\u00b4\u201a\u00e2\u00ee\u201a\u00c5\u222b\u00ac\u00df\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00c5\u221e\u0152\u00b6\u0152\u220f\u0152\u00aa\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00fc\u00b6\u00d4\u00ba\u00a9\u00d4\u00ba\u00a8\u0152\u220f\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70iOSOxKDk_MWfBgqWlJWm6FjfDyzMyc1IVNAo1Faq5OB2LizPT8zQCckqLNRxLPPNSUis0CnUUDDR1FNwyc0pSi0C8HE0gt1DTmoszoCgzr0Qj2jmxuETDJzUvvSQDaI5mLFCqdklxUnIx1JLl0Uq6ZTlKsTe1o6OjzXQUjHUUog3BlElsLJAAco3AXEsgy1RHwSwWCCBaAQ \"Charcoal \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Attempt This Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Outputs the last length instead of the first.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 11 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\nO\u00b7\u220f\u00a2;$\u00b7\u220f\u00e4\u201a\u00c5\u00ba\u00ac\u00b0\u00ac\u00b5\u2206\u00a8\u00b7\u222b\u00e0\u00b7\u03c0\u00f1\n```\nA monadic Link that accepts a ragged list of integers and yields the lengths as a list, including both the initial length and a trailing `0`.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/9//4Y5F1ioPd3Q9atxzaOGhrcfWPNzV8XDntP///0dHm@koGOsoRBuCKZPYWCAB5BqBuZZAlqmOgllsbCwA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")** Or see the [test-suite](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/9//4Y5F1ioPd3Q9atxzaOGhrcfWPNzV8XDntP86h9uPTnq4c8ajpjVZjxr36dppRv7/Hx0dbaijYBSroxBtDMQmOgqmsbGxXDrR0WY6CiARQzBlEgtUAZSMNgJzLYEsUx0FM4hSY7CUKVgXBBjGQgFQCISBhkQDDTAEKwHZBSRBJgJJrlgA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\").\n### How?\n```\nO\u00b7\u220f\u00a2;$\u00b7\u220f\u00e4\u201a\u00c5\u00ba\u00ac\u00b0\u00ac\u00b5\u2206\u00a8\u00b7\u222b\u00e0\u00b7\u03c0\u00f1 - Link: ragged list of positive integers, L\n \u2206\u00a8 - collect input, X (initially L), while distinct, applying:\n \u00ac\u00b5 - this monadic chain - f(X):\nO - ordinal value (vectorises) -- only here to get us a copy of X\n so that we don't mutate it with \u00b7\u220f\u00a2\n $ - last two links as a monad - f(Y=that):\n \u00b7\u220f\u00a2 - head Y (alters Y, yields the first element or 0 when given [])\n ; - concatenate that with (the altered Y)\n \u00ac\u00b0 - if...\n \u201a\u00c5\u00ba - ...condition: that equals X? (head of X was an integer)\n \u00b7\u220f\u00e4 - ...then: dequeue\n \u00b7\u222b\u00e0 - length of each\n \u00b7\u03c0\u00f1 - pop the last length (removes the trailing 1, the length of 0)\n```\n---\nAlso 11 with no `\u00b7\u220f\u00a2` and, therefore, no `O`: `1\u00b7\u00aa\u00e3;\u00b7\u220f\u00e4\u00b7\u220f\u00e4\u201a\u00c5\u00ba\u00ac\u00b0\u00ac\u00b5\u2206\u00a8\u00b7\u222b\u00e0\u00b7\u03c0\u00f1`\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES5), ~~\u00ac\u202084\u00ac\u2020~~ 80 bytes\n*Saved 4 bytes thanks to [@tsh](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/44718/tsh)*\n```\nfunction(a){for(r=[];m=a.shift(r.push(a.length));)a=m[0]?m.concat(a):a;return r}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jVJPT4MwFL/vUzx3WNqkNmODRSXEkwc96MFj00NF2DCsJW1ZYpZ9dnyUbcGpiS/QPt77/WlpP9ROudxWjb/e3XSlsSQ32nkQlW5az8C0HmcJpgQxAQwBQkQMFpKBWOIbM0iklIDpggFWcIzGowTJzsxVgPQCOMUSReIz8RazhMHqqIaVJLTHySAbXxiNLZahnZwkfqxgiEgeA4bV/PKMWQE2LkT9dwD9YSMZuqA@E3KEWYyQksI@wIcfbgsHGZCubHXuK6OJovv@OGwmZLrNFHebqvTE8qZ1G6J4Xei131CaUpVtxVzebzkK5coj8U6ltvCt1WAPXW9BSThOmgbDqiRPry/P3Hlb6XVVfhI0p3CVZXBRF5zz4QYwmEsa2LMZ/Jc@UCmlYY@mLnht1mT6YK2xU9Zv@XTBcGWHyTfQYwnaHLug3syuYKDqGnzhvINGOVe8T2nafQE \"JavaScript (V8) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nFormatted and renamed:\n```\nfunction(array){\n result = [];\n while(\n result.push(array.length), \n current = array.shift()\n ) {\n if(current !== +current) { // if current is not a number\n array = current.concat(array);\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Rust, ~~19~~ ~~194~~ ~~185~~ 174 bytes\nEven defining a type for a ragged list is bytes intensive in rust. Still shorter than C :)\n```\nenum K{N,Y(Vec)}fn f(k:&K,n:usize)->Vec{if let K::Y(b)=k{[n+b.len()].into_iter().chain((1..).zip(b).map(|(i,z)|f(z,b.len()+n-i)).flatten()).collect()}else{vec![n]}}\n```\nSequences will have a extra 0 at the end. [Verify all test cases](https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2021&gist=c8474744bc710deb37a6d0546f7a477b)\n-9 bytes by using `Vec` instead of array slices\n-11 bytes by replacing `enumerate` with `zip` and `match` with `if let`\n[Answer]\n# BQN, 26 bytes\n```\n{(\u201a\u00e2\u2020\u201a\u00e0\u00e6\u00ac\u2211\uf8ff\u00f9\u00ef\u00e4=\u201a\u00e0\u00f2\u201a\u00e4\u00eb\u201a\u00f3\u2202\u201a\u00fc\u00ae\u201a\u00fc\u00a9\u201a\u00c4\u00f8\u201a\u00e4\u00eb\u201a\u00e0\u00e61\u201a\u00e4\u220f\u201a\u00dc\u00ec)\u201a\u00e7\u00fc(\u221a\u00f3\u201a\u00e2\u2020)\uf8ff\u00f9\u00ef\u00a9}\n```\n[Try it here!](https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/try.html#code=RiDihpAge/CdlaniiaDiirjiiL4o8J2Vij3iiJjiipHil7bin6jin6nigL/iipHiiL4x4oq44oaTKeKNnyjDl+KJoCnwnZWpfQoKKOKAolNob3cgRuKImOKAokpzKcKo4p+oCiJbWzEsIDJdLCBbMywgWzQsIDVdXV0iCiJbWzYsIDMsIFsxLCAzLCA0XV0sIDQsIFsyLCAzLCA5LCBbNSwgNl1dXSIKIlszLCA0LCA1XSIKIltbW1tbW1tbMV1dXV1dXV1dIgoiW10iCiJbMSwgW10sIDFdIgoiW1tdLFtbW11dXSxbXV0iCuKfqQpA)\n-1 byte thanks to @DLosc!\n## Explanation\n* `\u201a\u00e2\u2020\u201a\u00e0\u00e6\u00ac\u2211...` append input length to...\n* `(...)\u201a\u00e7\u00fc(\u221a\u00f3\u201a\u00e2\u2020)\uf8ff\u00f9\u00ef\u00a9` if input is nonempty...\n* `...\u201a\u00e0\u00e61\u201a\u00e4\u220f\u201a\u00dc\u00ec` append tail to...\n* `=\u201a\u00e0\u00f2\u201a\u00e4\u00eb\u201a\u00f3\u2202\u201a\u00fc\u00ae\u201a\u00fc\u00a9\u201a\u00c4\u00f8\u201a\u00e4\u00eb` head if head is rank 1 (i.e. list), otherwise empty list\n* `\uf8ff\u00f9\u00ef\u00e4` recurse\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org/), 57 bytes\n```\n[ [ dup length . unclip [ prepend ] when* ] until-empty ]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lZFNb8IwDIbv/RXvrpOKBC0XkLhOu@yCOFUcqmDWiuCGNNWGqv72zsDSrwvCr2InVvzYSo6pcoVtd9vPr48VTmSZNEq6VMSKShhLzl2Nzdn12Rn9OpuWyAusg6AOIFaLjqLmHv3@pqm9IdzIhQUiWfNuNSPMwz8Q/WmI/cdEWCLu/A0UD8Ae6mHPrIOOJxrK9@81KZ5P5DHPu48w/ej1/Q2a10ZvgjZBgkNloIm/XYYZKlY6N5KVXzXEB@zxkxG/S6zY5Tqks3FX7KWStSRVcTZFSaBUZe0f \"Factor \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nInput consists of ragged sequences of `f` \u201a\u00c4\u00ee Factor's canonical false value \u201a\u00c4\u00ee as this saves about 20 bytes over integers.\n* `[ ... ] until-empty` Call `[ ... ]` on the input until it's empty.\n* `dup length .` Print the current length of the input non-destructively.\n* `unclip` Remove the first element from the sequence and place it on top of the data stack.\n* `[ prepend ] when*` `when*` is like `when` except it drops its input value if it's false, but retains its input if it's true (which is any non-false value in Factor). So, prepend it to the input if it's a sequence, or drop it if it's `f`.\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/math_golf.txt#L140), 15 (non-competing\u201a\u00c4\u2020) [bytes](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/code_page.py)\n```\n{\u201a\u00ee\u00fa_nn\u00ac\u00b0\u00ac\u00f8\\;+ho}\u201a\u00f1\u2264;\n```\n\u201a\u00c4\u2020 The program above doesn't compile due to a bug in MathGolf with (do-)while loops using blocks above 8 characters. `{...}` is supposed to be a block for when `...` contains more than 8 characters, but instead the `{` behaves as a for-each.\nWe can remove the `{}` and trailing `;` so the do-while works on all preceding characters, so we can verify the test cases. Unfortunately, all test cases will then output an additional trailing empty list `[]`. \nBoth programs also fail with an error for input `[]`.\nOutputs each length to STDOUT, without leading length and with trailing 0.\n`\u201a\u00ee\u00fa_nn\u00ac\u00b0\u00ac\u00f8\\;+ho\u201a\u00f1\u2264`: [Try it online](https://tio.run/##LUq7DYNAFOtZJW4eHCdFGcVYiIZQEGgySpQqTVbIAkiMwiLHy4FlWf49uudwn8c@pe31aadp/a5Lc7sM8/b@pUQaSoEVGFBLKsgIT@YSJASwdHsFa8S8e@9P/x0wnSjoNFCw/ypkntZFOe4).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n{ }\u201a\u00f1\u2264 # Do-while true with pop:\n \u201a\u00ee\u00fa # Extract and push the left item of the list\n # (this is where the `[]` test case errors)\n _ # Duplicate it\n n # If it's a list: join it with newline delimiter to a string\n # If it's an integer: push a newline \"\\n\" character\n n\u00ac\u00b0 # Check that this string is NOT equal to \"\\n\"\n \u00ac\u00f8 # If it's indeed not \"\\n\" (thus it's a list)\n \\ # Swap the top two values\n \u00ac\u00f8 # Else (it's an integer):\n ; # Discard it from the stack\n + # If it's a list: merge the top two lists together\n # If it's an integer: add it to each inner-most value\n h # Push the length (without popping the list)\n o # Output it with trailing newline (without popping)\n \u201a\u00f1\u2264 # Once the length is 0, the do-while stops\n ; # After the do-while: discard the empty list (since MathGolf\n # implicitly outputs the entire stack at the end of a program)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 266 bytes\n```\n#define S *w++=*r++\n#define B b+=*r==91?1:-(*r==93)\nf(r,b,w)char*r,*w;{w=++r;if(*++r==93)r++,r+=*r?*r==44:-1;else{if(*r!=44)for(b=1;b;B)S;r++;}for(;*r;)S;*w=0;}i;main(b,v,r)char**v,*r;{for(v++;*(*v+2);printf(\"%d \",i),f(*v))for(b=0,r=*v,i=1;*++r;B)(!b&&*r==44)&&i++;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PY7LbsIwEEX3fEWgauTHRMKUDYwsJH6BJfICh7i1VNJqWtmLiG93x6HtZh5X986Zvnvt@1KerkOI49CcGpW1toq0Xvxpx8ZXxdqdOZh9J@bxRS6CIPCQZf92IUWgMk7Zak0Yg1DcZxcfAqrxQ41tt/vO4PD@NUzVREtWZPgg4a1Bj0d5Qg7gvUqoCHlX2a7xHvF2iaPwkIAeQJWADVN1Jo4ooZLeSPykOH4HsXq@NiuIEpiS5C9iDWQ5FplV/2OcWPq2fTwm2zZWdCnlfDZgYC7Guf9xbs65Hw \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 82 bytes\n```\n0\n[]\n+`..(],?|(((\\[)|(?<-4>])|,)+)])(.*)$\n$&\u00ac\u2202[$2$5\n.(.((\\[)|(?<-3>])|,)*].)*.?\n$#1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY5LCsJADIb3OcWAo2TaGJy2UxDEHiQNVNCFGxfisufyAF5sTKeCgTz/LyHP2@v@uOQtTuO1hgM4yAcQhXpiRqVhRsRRwozDad@dNcwU6qABuQoe/O7zFt/4BIz859qVq5RDxQP4TcxZJJJrlJy05h25pKoAIj25ZRJL6tQIE6Up7dGqRK5f0bZIqWytFvVnsLwMyxGxA7EgSkaYRha@ \"Retina 0.8.2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Outputs both leading and trailing counts and takes `0` as the consistent value (since `[]` is disallowed), but link is to test suite that replaces all non-negative integers with zero and deletes spaces for convenience. Explanation:\n```\n0\n[]\n```\nReplace `0`s with empty lists.\n```\n+`\n```\nRepeat until the last line is an empty list.\n```\n..(],?|(((\\[)|(?<-4>])|,)+)])(.*)$\n```\nOn the last line, match a list containing either an empty list as its first or only element, or otherwise the contents of the list at the first element.\n```\n$&\u00ac\u2202[$2$5\n```\nKeep the original list to count its elements later and create a new list obtained by prepending the contents (if any) to the rest of the list.\n```\n.(.((\\[)|(?<-3>])|,)*].)*.?\n$#1\n```\nCount the number of elements of each list.\n[Answer]\n## Brev, 85 bytes\n```\n(fn(descend(x)(cons(length x)(desc(if(pair?(car x))(append(car x)(cdr x))(cdr x))))))\n```\nExample:\n```\n((fn (descend (x)\n (cons\n (length x)\n (desc\n (if (pair? (car x))\n (append (car x) (cdr x))\n (cdr x))))))\n '((1 2) (3 (4 5))))\n```\n`fn` makes a function with an argument `x`. `descend` checks if it's null, if it is, return it. Otherwise, `cons` its `length` onto a recursive call of `descend`, where the `car` of `x` has been spliced if it's a `pair?` or dropped if it's an atom. For the test example, it returns `(2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1)`\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 9 bytes\n```\n#l=+|hQYt\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/XznHVrsmIzCy5P//6GgDHQWDWB0FEA1hx8YCAA \"Pyth \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nAccepts a ragged list filled with 0s.\nExcludes the length of the initial list, and includes the 0 for the final list.\n[Answer]\n# [Burlesque](https://github.com/FMNSSun/Burlesque), 32 bytes\n```\nsaj{g_Jto'B~[{j_+}qvvIEsaj}qL[w!\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VU3LCoJQEN33FZObFuHiPhTCcFG0KNy3kJACCUQoM20xTL9@O/lAPJcZLuc1t@ZV5nXV5I49P/aiyL88c1dfC75np/djtfumXGRrqdr2eAAtVZJ@lq4F9snWl3PpmBVpITbElgIRIT8m1mRIkxpHFswhKHgNWXhsb9kQBxSOIUMBhHH/o3aqQQWiuDBYh9YeSgZ0oqLZg63n8VHYYOYdggZkWSZed9oP \"Burlesque \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n```\nsaj # Get initial length\n{\n g_ # Pop head from list\n J # Dup\n to'B~[ # Is Block\n {j_+} # Prepend elements\n qvv # Drop\n IE # If (isBlock) else\n saj # Length\n}\nqL[w! # While non-empty\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Classic)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 22 bytes\n```\n{\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5:\u201a\u00e0\u00e4(\u201a\u00e7\u00a5,\u201a\u00e0\u00e1\u00ac\u00ae+\u201a\u00e7\u00a5-\u201a\u00e7\u2265\u201a\u00e0\u00f2\u201a\u00e7\u00a5)\u201a\u00e7\u00b5\u201a\u00e3\u00d10}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNzkksLs5M/v@/@lHvFjDaavWoo0sDyNR51NF@aIU2kKX7qHfzo44ZQJYmUP5Rd4tB7f@0R20TgKr6HnU1P@pdA5Q6tN74UdvER31Tg4OcgWSIh2ewJpD2Cvb3@5@mHh1tqKNgFKujEG0MxCY6CqaxsbHqXCAJMx0FkJghmDKJBaoBSkcbgbmWQJapjoIZTLExWNIUqhMCDGOhACwIIYGGRQMNMoQqjNUBqgOq0AES6gA \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nI assume the output must be a flat array instead of allowing nested array. If nested array is acceptable then `\u201a\u00e0\u00e4` is not needed for -1 byte\nUses the same algorithm as my [other submission](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/251282/6972), but pretty much ungolfed because tacit APL is that good\n```\n{\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5:\u201a\u00e0\u00e4(\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5),(\u201a\u00e0\u00e1\u00ac\u00ae\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)+(\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)-(\u201a\u00e7\u2265\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)\u201a\u00e3\u00d10} With trains expanded\n \n \u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5: If argument is array\n (\u201a\u00e0\u00e1\u00ac\u00ae\u201a\u00e7\u00b5) recursive call with each element\n +(\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)-(\u201a\u00e7\u2265\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5) add (length of argument - index)\n note that APL arrays are 1-based by default\n (\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e7\u00b5), prepend length of argument\n \u201a\u00e0\u00e4 flatten\n \u201a\u00e3\u00d10 Else return 0\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth) (arbitrary values), 15 bytes\n```\nlM.u+.x[.*hN[)t\n```\n[Test suite](https://pythtemp.herokuapp.com/?code=lM.u%2B.x%5B.%2ahN%5B%29t&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%5B%5B1%2C+2%5D%2C+%5B3%2C+%5B4%2C+5%5D%5D%5D%0A%5B%5B6%2C+3%2C+%5B1%2C+3%2C+4%5D%5D%2C+4%2C+%5B2%2C+3%2C+9%2C+%5B5%2C+6%5D%5D%5D%0A%5B3%2C+4%2C+5%5D%0A%5B%5B%5B%5B%5B%5B%5B%5B1%5D%5D%5D%5D%5D%5D%5D%5D%0A%5B%5D%0A%5B1%2C+%5B%5D%2C+1%5D%0A%5B%5B%5D%2C%5B%5B%5B%5D%5D%5D%2C%5B%5D%5D&debug=0)\nTakes a ragged list of arbitrary values (even accepts floats). Includes length of original list and final 0.\n##### Explanation:\n```\nlM.u+.x[.*hN[)t | Full code\nlM.u+.x[.*hN[)tNQ | with implicit variables\n------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n .u Q | Collect N, starting with the input, with each succussive N defined by the following until a result is repeated:\n + tN | Prepend to the tail of N:\n [.*hN | N if N is a list\n .x [) | or the empty list if N is not a list\nlM | Convert each element to its length\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nA *run ascending list* is a list such that runs of consecutive equal elements are strictly increasing in length. For example `[1,1,2,2,1,1,1]` can be split into three runs `[[1,1],[2,2],[1,1,1]]` with lengths `[2,2,3]`, since two runs are the same length this is **not** a run ascending list. Similarly `[2,2,1,3,3,3]` is not run ascending since the second run (`[1]`) is shorter than the first (`[2,2]`). `[4,4,0,0,0,0,3,3,3,3,3]` is run ascending since the three runs strictly increase in length.\nAn interesting challenge is to figure out for a particular set of symbols whether they can be arranged into a run ascending list. Of course the values of the individual symbols don't matter. It just matters how many of each there are.\nIn this challenge you will be given a list of \\$n\\$ positive integers, \\$x\\_i\\$, as input. Your task is to determine if a run ascending list can be made from the numbers \\$1\\$ to \\$n\\$ with each number \\$k\\$ appearing *exactly* \\$x\\_k\\$ times.\nFor example if the input is `[4,4,7]` it means you must determine if a run ascending list can be made with four 1s, four 2s and seven 3s. The answer is yes:\n```\n[1, 3,3, 1,1,1, 2,2,2,2, 3,3,3,3,3]\n```\nIf the input is `[9,9,1]` it means you must try to find a run ascending list made of nine 1s, nine 2s and one 3. This cannot be done. It must start with the single `3` since that run can only be 1 long. Then the 1s and 2s must alternate to the end, since each run must larger than the previous, there must be more of whichever number goes last.\n## Rules\nYou should take as input a non-empty list of positive integers. You should output one of two distinct values. One if a run ascending list can be made the other if it cannot.\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") the goal is to minimize the size of your source code as measured in bytes.\n## Testcases\nInputs that cannot make a run ascending list\n```\n[2,2]\n[40,40]\n[40,40,1]\n[4,4,3]\n[3,3,20]\n[3,3,3,3]\n```\nInputs that can make a run ascending list\n```\n[1]\n[10]\n[6,7]\n[7,6]\n[4,4,2]\n[4,4,7]\n[4,4,8]\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 106 bytes\n```\ndef f(a,n=-1,x=0):a[n]-=x;return~-any(a)^any(f(1*a,i,j+1)for i,k in enumerate(a)for j in range(x,k)if i-n)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY3BboMwDIbvfQofk81IhKAydeLYXnfZDTEp25w2pQ3IChtc9uosYezi79fn3/Iwh0vv9bJ8kgUrDPo6UzjVuTyYxrdZPT0zhZH9T2b8LIx8S7BCPRh0eH1U0vYMDjtwHsiPd2ITKPaSvibJxp9JTNhJZ8FlXi7fF3cjeOWRDjuAwHMCxO4ANdCXuYkYxyCkXP3Azof4MsrV0PRBQ4Djy@nI3PPf8TuT6ZamwKLdNWWOZf5PVClhiTpSo8Yi34JeVVqrpPZYxVnhfusXG6uNT@0v \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBrute force search. Recursively subtracts a strictly increasing value from every index in the input, as long as it is not equal to the prviously picked index. This continues until all values in the input are zero or the options to continue are exhausted.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 13 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u0101s\u00c5\u0393\u0153\u03b5\u00c5\u03b3\u00fc\u203aP}\u00e0\n```\nBrute-force approach, so extremely slow.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//SGPx4dZzk49OPrcVSG8@vOdRw66A2sML/v@PNtIxigUA) or [verify some of the smaller test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfeX/I43Fh1vPTT46@dxWIL358J5HDbsCag8v@K/zPzraSMcoVifaWMcYSBrqQHhAEsw3htAK0YYgQYgCsDCIbwJmm4AVGukYQjWYAOViAQ).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u0101 # Push a list in the range [1, (implicit) input-length]\n s # Swap so the input-list is at the top\n \u00c5\u0393 # Run-length decode using the two lists\n \u0153 # Get all permutations of this list\n \u03b5 # Map over each permutation:\n \u00c5\u03b3 # Run-length encode the list, pushing the values and counts as two\n # separated lists to the stack\n \u00fc\u203aP # Check if this counts-list is strictly increasing:\n \u00fc # For each overlapping pair of the counts-list:\n \u203a # Check if the first is larger than the second\n P # Product to check if all of them are truthy\n # (or if the list is empty after the overlapping pairs builtin,\n # which means the counts-list only contains a single value)\n }\u00e0 # After the map: max to check if any of them is truthy\n # (which is output implicitly as result)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 15 bytes\n```\n{ig\u1d57j\u208d}\u1da0cp\u1e05l\u1d50<\u2081\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATAAz/9icmFjaHlsb2cy//97aWfhtZdq4oKNfeG2oGNw4biFbOG1kDzigoH//1s0LDQsMl0 \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTimes out on most of the test cases. I believe the algorithm is something like \\$O(S!)\\$, where \\$S\\$ is the sum of the input list.\n### Explanation\n```\n{ig\u1d57j\u208d}\u1da0cp\u1e05l\u1d50<\u2081\n{ }\u1da0 Find all ways to satisfy this predicate:\n i [E, I] pair where E is an element of the input and I is its index\n g\u1d57 Turn that into [E, [I]]\n j\u208d Concatenate [I] to itself E times\n Result: a list of lists like [[0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [2, 2]]\n c Concatenate those lists into one big list\n p Consider some permutation of that list\n \u1e05 Break it into blocks (i.e. runs of the same value)\n l\u1d50 Take the length of each block\n <\u2081 Assert that the list of lengths is strictly increasing\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 84 bytes\nReturns \\$0\\$ or \\$1\\$.\n```\nf=(a,i=0,p,g)=>a.some((v,j)=>v&&(g=_=>p!=j&v>i&&f(a,v,j,a[j]-=v)|g(a[j]+=v--))())|!g\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dY7LDoIwEEX3/gWb0sYp4RVwU5Z@gTskpkGoNEgJYBMT/h1r3GhsdzPnzONKrvlcT9240EFdm21rGebQsRBGEIQVPJjVvcFYgzSdRggLdmHF6DGJdNEh1JpxI4GXsqJMk1Xgd7lnmlJCMCGrJ7ZaDbPqm6BXAvvlkffzs/LJ7hu3uIwhrsgfTUNIQxeHyGYghcTCE0ggDh0i@az8KP88lKfpsdxsaW2fI9v1DHILzSFzRI8dPHfwg@HbCw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Commented\n```\nf = ( // f is a recursive function taking:\n a, // a[] = input array\n i = 0, // i = previous run length\n p, // p = previous index\n g // g = variable used to store a local\n // helper function and as a flag\n) => //\na.some((v, j) => // for each value v at position j in a[]:\n v && ( // abort if v = 0\n g = _ => // g is a helper function which ignores its argument\n p != j & // if the index is not equal to the previous one\n v > i && // and v is greater than the previous run length:\n f( // do a recursive call to f:\n a, // pass a[]\n v, // update i to v\n j, // update p to j\n a[j] -= v // subtract v from a[j]\n ) | // end of recursive call\n g( // do a recursive call to g:\n a[j] += v-- // restore a[j] and decrement v\n ) // end of recursive call\n )() // initial call to g\n) | // end of some()\n!g // success if some() is truthy or g = 0,\n // which means that a[] is now filled with 0's\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 17 bytes\n```\n\u017cZ\u00f8d\u1e56\u019b\u0120vL2lv\u0192>A;G\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCLFvFrDuGThuZbGm8SgdkwybHbGkj5BO0ciLCIiLCJbMSwyXSJd)\nPort of 05AB1E. ~~`vw` and `f` are only needed due to [a bug](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal/issues/995), and `\u0192\u2234` is needed instead of `G` due to [another bug](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal/issues/997).~~ Bugs fixed.\n[Could be 13 bytes](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCLFvMO44biK4bmWxpvDuMSWwqhwPkE7RyIsIiIsIlsxLDJdIl0=), but, well, this challenge is what inspired me to create all those new builtins, so, I guess it doesn't count.\n[Answer]\n# [Burlesque](https://github.com/FMNSSun/Burlesque), 32 bytes\n```\n{+.bxj.*}wiFLr@{gw)-]qU_qsom&}ay\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyotykktLixN/V@U@L9aWy@pIktPq7Y8082nyKE6vVxTN7YwNL6wOD9XrTax8v//aBMdEx2jWAA \"Burlesque \u2013 Try It Online\")\nDrastically inefficient brute force\n```\n{ # Generate initial list, e.g. for [2,2] builds {1 1 2 2}\n +. # Increment (indexed from zero)\n bx # Box\n j.* # Product\n}wi # Zip with indices and map\nFL # Flatten (strictly builds {{{1}{1}}{{2}{2}}})\nr@ # All possible permutations (even repeated ones)\n{\n gw # Group like with length (count)\n )-] # Get length (count)\n qU_ # Quoted Unique\n qso # Quoted sorted\n m& # Make and (is sorted and unique)\n}ay # Any\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 59 bytes\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u27e6\u00b1\u00b9\u03b8\u2070\u27e7\uff26\u03c5\uff26\u2026\u229f\u03b9\u2308\u00a7\u03b9\u00b9\uff26\uff2c\u03b8\uff26\u2227\u207b\u03bb\u00a7\u03b9\u2070\u203a\u00a7\u00a7\u03b9\u00b9\u03bb\u03ba\u229e\u03c5\u27e6\u03bb\uff25\u00a7\u03b9\u00b9\u207b\u03bd\u2227\u207c\u03be\u03bb\u2295\u03ba\u2295\u03ba\u27e7\u2b24\u03c5\u2308\u229f\u03b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY/NCsIwEITvPkWOG4hgQfDgqQcRQaV4LT2Edm2D6damifTtY2JV/AmEsGHmm52ykabspPY@c0MDTrD8iLW0CAkXrBdsUfD17NwZBo6zx3uSVCNk3RVUkBzkqFrXQmp3VOEISrCE86d0j1TbBvrXnFIFB0VuAC3Yh2PBA2lrMOSaN@mLKJgO9xLJ70V1TL/@6iY@BX4I2/RO6gHGyb6j0mCLZLGCiPr7il0zo8hCqnXMeLWb2oaz9j7Pl2IpVkXh5zd9Bw \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Outputs nothing if a run ascending list can be made, `-` if not. Explanation: Inspired by @Jitse's Python answer.\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u27e6\u00b1\u00b9\u03b8\u2070\u27e7\uff26\u03c5\n```\nStart a search with a previous run of `0` `-1`s and the original input still to process.\n```\n\uff26\u2026\u229f\u03b9\u2308\u00a7\u03b9\u00b9\n```\nLoop over potential next run lengths.\n```\n\uff26\uff2c\u03b8\n```\nLoop over potential next run values.\n```\n\uff26\u2227\u207b\u03bb\u00a7\u03b9\u2070\u203a\u00a7\u00a7\u03b9\u00b9\u03bb\u03ba\n```\nIf this is a new run and there are enough of the value remaining, then...\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u27e6\u03bb\uff25\u00a7\u03b9\u00b9\u207b\u03bd\u2227\u207c\u03be\u03bb\u2295\u03ba\u2295\u03ba\u27e7\n```\n... add a new search entry of the run and updated array of counts.\n```\n\u2b24\u03c5\u2308\u229f\u03b9\n```\nSee whether an array of all zeros was achieved.\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 12 bytes\n```\n\u00ac\u039b\u022fV\u2264mLgP`\u1e58N\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv6f@6ip8f@hNedmn1gf9qhzSa5PekDCw50z/P4b6hjpGNqmJeYUpyqA2EZIbGPbkqJSCNMEzPz/PzoarCFWB0wbQWljKG0SGwsA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBrute force approach, times out for even moderate inputs. TIO link includes a set of very short true & false inputs.\n```\n\u00ac\u039b\u022fV\u2264mLgP`\u1e58N\n N # for each integer 1..N\n `\u1e58 # replicate it the number of times in the input array;\n P # now get all permutations of this list\n \u039b\u022f # and output zero if none of these satisfy:\n V # there is at least one pair of adjacent elemnts\n \u2264 # for which the left is smaller or equal to the right,\n mL # for the lengths of each\n g # group of equal elements;\n # (at this point truthy (nonzero) means a run-ascending list cannot be made,\n # falsy (zero) means a run-ascending list can be made)\n\u00ac # so NOT the result to get a consistent output\n # 1=can be made, 0=cannot be made\n```\n(Omit the final `\u00ac` for falsy & truthy-but-non-consistent output)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## The Task\nThe task is easy: given an Alpha-2 country code, output the Alpha-3 equivalent. The input may be in any case you choose, and the output in any consistent case of your choosing. Here are the codes:\n```\n[[\"AF\", \"AFG\"], [\"AX\", \"ALA\"], [\"AL\", \"ALB\"], [\"DZ\", \"DZA\"], [\"AS\", \"ASM\"], [\"AD\", \"AND\"], [\"AO\", \"AGO\"], [\"AI\", \"AIA\"], [\"AQ\", \"ATA\"], [\"AG\", \"ATG\"], [\"AR\", \"ARG\"], [\"AM\", \"ARM\"], [\"AW\", \"ABW\"], [\"AU\", \"AUS\"], [\"AT\", \"AUT\"], [\"AZ\", \"AZE\"], [\"BS\", \"BHS\"], [\"BH\", \"BHR\"], [\"BD\", \"BGD\"], [\"BB\", \"BRB\"], [\"BY\", \"BLR\"], [\"BE\", \"BEL\"], [\"BZ\", \"BLZ\"], [\"BJ\", \"BEN\"], [\"BM\", \"BMU\"], [\"BT\", \"BTN\"], [\"BO\", \"BOL\"], [\"BA\", \"BIH\"], [\"BW\", \"BWA\"], [\"BV\", \"BVT\"], [\"BR\", \"BRA\"], [\"VG\", \"VGB\"], [\"IO\", \"IOT\"], [\"BN\", \"BRN\"], [\"BG\", \"BGR\"], [\"BF\", \"BFA\"], [\"BI\", \"BDI\"], [\"KH\", \"KHM\"], [\"CM\", \"CMR\"], [\"CA\", \"CAN\"], [\"CV\", \"CPV\"], [\"KY\", \"CYM\"], [\"CF\", \"CAF\"], [\"TD\", \"TCD\"], [\"CL\", \"CHL\"], [\"CN\", \"CHN\"], [\"HK\", \"HKG\"], [\"MO\", \"MAC\"], [\"CX\", \"CXR\"], [\"CC\", \"CCK\"], [\"CO\", \"COL\"], [\"KM\", \"COM\"], [\"CG\", \"COG\"], [\"CD\", \"COD\"], [\"CK\", \"COK\"], [\"CR\", \"CRI\"], [\"CI\", \"CIV\"], [\"HR\", \"HRV\"], [\"CU\", \"CUB\"], [\"CY\", \"CYP\"], [\"CZ\", \"CZE\"], [\"DK\", \"DNK\"], [\"DJ\", \"DJI\"], [\"DM\", \"DMA\"], [\"DO\", \"DOM\"], [\"EC\", \"ECU\"], [\"EG\", \"EGY\"], [\"SV\", \"SLV\"], [\"GQ\", \"GNQ\"], [\"ER\", \"ERI\"], [\"EE\", \"EST\"], [\"ET\", \"ETH\"], [\"FK\", \"FLK\"], [\"FO\", \"FRO\"], [\"FJ\", \"FJI\"], [\"FI\", \"FIN\"], [\"FR\", \"FRA\"], [\"GF\", \"GUF\"], [\"PF\", \"PYF\"], [\"TF\", \"ATF\"], [\"GA\", \"GAB\"], [\"GM\", \"GMB\"], [\"GE\", \"GEO\"], [\"DE\", \"DEU\"], [\"GH\", \"GHA\"], [\"GI\", \"GIB\"], [\"GR\", \"GRC\"], [\"GL\", \"GRL\"], [\"GD\", \"GRD\"], [\"GP\", \"GLP\"], [\"GU\", \"GUM\"], [\"GT\", \"GTM\"], [\"GG\", \"GGY\"], [\"GN\", \"GIN\"], [\"GW\", \"GNB\"], [\"GY\", \"GUY\"], [\"HT\", \"HTI\"], [\"HM\", \"HMD\"], [\"VA\", \"VAT\"], [\"HN\", \"HND\"], [\"HU\", \"HUN\"], [\"IS\", \"ISL\"], [\"IN\", \"IND\"], [\"ID\", \"IDN\"], [\"IR\", \"IRN\"], [\"IQ\", \"IRQ\"], [\"IE\", \"IRL\"], [\"IM\", \"IMN\"], [\"IL\", \"ISR\"], [\"IT\", \"ITA\"], [\"JM\", \"JAM\"], [\"JP\", \"JPN\"], [\"JE\", \"JEY\"], [\"JO\", \"JOR\"], [\"KZ\", \"KAZ\"], [\"KE\", \"KEN\"], [\"KI\", \"KIR\"], [\"KP\", \"PRK\"], [\"KR\", \"KOR\"], [\"KW\", \"KWT\"], [\"KG\", \"KGZ\"], [\"LA\", \"LAO\"], [\"LV\", \"LVA\"], [\"LB\", \"LBN\"], [\"LS\", \"LSO\"], [\"LR\", \"LBR\"], [\"LY\", \"LBY\"], [\"LI\", \"LIE\"], [\"LT\", \"LTU\"], [\"LU\", \"LUX\"], [\"MK\", \"MKD\"], [\"MG\", \"MDG\"], [\"MW\", \"MWI\"], [\"MY\", \"MYS\"], [\"MV\", \"MDV\"], [\"ML\", \"MLI\"], [\"MT\", \"MLT\"], [\"MH\", \"MHL\"], [\"MQ\", \"MTQ\"], [\"MR\", \"MRT\"], [\"MU\", \"MUS\"], [\"YT\", \"MYT\"], [\"MX\", \"MEX\"], [\"FM\", \"FSM\"], [\"MD\", \"MDA\"], [\"MC\", \"MCO\"], [\"MN\", \"MNG\"], [\"ME\", \"MNE\"], [\"MS\", \"MSR\"], [\"MA\", \"MAR\"], [\"MZ\", \"MOZ\"], [\"MM\", \"MMR\"], [\"NA\", \"NAM\"], [\"NR\", \"NRU\"], [\"NP\", \"NPL\"], [\"NL\", \"NLD\"], [\"AN\", \"ANT\"], [\"NC\", \"NCL\"], [\"NZ\", \"NZL\"], [\"NI\", \"NIC\"], [\"NE\", \"NER\"], [\"NG\", \"NGA\"], [\"NU\", \"NIU\"], [\"NF\", \"NFK\"], [\"MP\", \"MNP\"], [\"NO\", \"NOR\"], [\"OM\", \"OMN\"], [\"PK\", \"PAK\"], [\"PW\", \"PLW\"], [\"PS\", \"PSE\"], [\"PA\", \"PAN\"], [\"PG\", \"PNG\"], [\"PY\", \"PRY\"], [\"PE\", \"PER\"], [\"PH\", \"PHL\"], [\"PN\", \"PCN\"], [\"PL\", \"POL\"], [\"PT\", \"PRT\"], [\"PR\", \"PRI\"], [\"QA\", \"QAT\"], [\"RE\", \"REU\"], [\"RO\", \"ROU\"], [\"RU\", \"RUS\"], [\"RW\", \"RWA\"], [\"BL\", \"BLM\"], [\"SH\", \"SHN\"], [\"KN\", \"KNA\"], [\"LC\", \"LCA\"], [\"MF\", \"MAF\"], [\"PM\", \"SPM\"], [\"VC\", \"VCT\"], [\"WS\", \"WSM\"], [\"SM\", \"SMR\"], [\"ST\", \"STP\"], [\"SA\", \"SAU\"], [\"SN\", \"SEN\"], [\"RS\", \"SRB\"], [\"SC\", \"SYC\"], [\"SL\", \"SLE\"], [\"SG\", \"SGP\"], [\"SK\", \"SVK\"], [\"SI\", \"SVN\"], [\"SB\", \"SLB\"], [\"SO\", \"SOM\"], [\"ZA\", \"ZAF\"], [\"GS\", \"SGS\"], [\"SS\", \"SSD\"], [\"ES\", \"ESP\"], [\"LK\", \"LKA\"], [\"SD\", \"SDN\"], [\"SR\", \"SUR\"], [\"SJ\", \"SJM\"], [\"SZ\", \"SWZ\"], [\"SE\", \"SWE\"], [\"CH\", \"CHE\"], [\"SY\", \"SYR\"], [\"TW\", \"TWN\"], [\"TJ\", \"TJK\"], [\"TZ\", \"TZA\"], [\"TH\", \"THA\"], [\"TL\", \"TLS\"], [\"TG\", \"TGO\"], [\"TK\", \"TKL\"], [\"TO\", \"TON\"], [\"TT\", \"TTO\"], [\"TN\", \"TUN\"], [\"TR\", \"TUR\"], [\"TM\", \"TKM\"], [\"TC\", \"TCA\"], [\"TV\", \"TUV\"], [\"UG\", \"UGA\"], [\"UA\", \"UKR\"], [\"AE\", \"ARE\"], [\"GB\", \"GBR\"], [\"US\", \"USA\"], [\"UM\", \"UMI\"], [\"UY\", \"URY\"], [\"UZ\", \"UZB\"], [\"VU\", \"VUT\"], [\"VE\", \"VEN\"], [\"VN\", \"VNM\"], [\"VI\", \"VIR\"], [\"WF\", \"WLF\"], [\"EH\", \"ESH\"], [\"YE\", \"YEM\"], [\"ZM\", \"ZMB\"], [\"ZW\", \"ZWE\"]]\n```\n## Test Cases\n```\nUS -> USA\nGT -> GTM\nVA -> VAT\nIN -> IND\nKP -> PRK\n```\n## Scoring\nBecause my soft drive can only store a kilobyte, and because this is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), the shortest code in bytes wins.\nThis is the reverse of [this challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/246777/107299).\n \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~582~~ 554 bytes\n```\ns=>(\"CCAPMSSS\"[x=\"KYKMTFKPYTPMRSGSAXAQBYBJBAMOEEGWIEILSIUA\".search([a,b]=s)/2]||a)+(\"YOTRYPRGLTLEIASNRSVK\"[x]+\"MMFKTMBSAARNHCTBLRNR\"[x]||(c=\"E8bOUX3b11R1O1nadL2DIRG1ntTRlSdIeSo10M1L1RK2C2D2RL1U2i4L22N23N3RynL2ao1c3IEr2l1r11T39U9U5S15UlyNw1PN1MvEReM2uDP1l2Rw13c2O2KLSkuN2u1O1uN25I11rB10T1T1N1B1R4M6TnrGt4BrTg2GMuS1bl1E10Mr1gL1RRd2MUrL3hN1T3l10N1Ko1aoEV1ohRhL2I2BpMRPE14U4In3M3F11B7U1E1Ys9IPH24NIl1s1r21BR1rOuY1B2rBi1lnC1MM3u21G1DD3V1IN18N8NDT1rNL21Y7a1RN24N1ZMR8o4T2a10ON1\".replace(/\\d+/g,n=>\"A\".repeat(n))[parseInt(s,36)%774],c>{}?c.toUpperCase()+b:b+c))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NVfbchs3En3XV7BYtWWypJWNoRzbScmpuWKGA4AjADPUUNEDRdGWd1mkipSSTcX5g1TlZR93/yPfkx/IJzg86PaLVEfTODh9utGA/rX8cXlY7T89Pv1zu7tff/lw@eVw@X40TNO40c654c1/Lod1X2tf1E3vG22ddPF1fJX0yTSJ9SzP5bzKK@WqNh6eH9bL/ephdLM8u7u9PIxfRrefPy/Hp6NhP/O2b6xUXuVV7Ix1XX3kvj0dal3UXicujq0pU58oayy@fP48Wl0O87d3s/Z6cieEFTOxXd6rKKusFNsnbzfuvlq7nXilhRK2jtIoi6wSbfTpQkWRiSZmYn/eqmi5E6tJle@jjdgL4Sfv2nftaydet5ufzU@iMUL/mNu1jp6zRmwi@5OYrKJZVCv372cTPR@3Pf56XQmxT8QrL7wwIhH2Qn/jt3v5dJHs/cdI6mcn7jYiP4rZi49HOfY@0u1eTR7McceNeGVEvRPLXd6J3YN9UFEVJY/aNrm4aC@q7URPCiGSN@2RoT@8q5oyujDVRhzEPhKJFfvZcy@SaJ98EpttKrSePEdCiiybdKIy4q15azIv9kZFon@zFNYcl4uFtm93Fz5ailczI4bn@/XjZrlaj17@cH/68uPZ9vL9MA5/XS@fRtvx@OZxuT@sq@3T6HA2@Wb8jzdvLm7PVu9/@fX71fnTrn18XO/T5WE9Gp/efXt3uhqPv3x3c3IzjIvh2fGHHN6eHcE1gIoJqACSALLFEWQL/uLwxWkCGYDJCMwA5IxABVDxmisAz0AGwJtaAMtAB8DUc4BkTqAFaB0BH4AnAG3xIg8ggbakpLCkDMASgNBEktAkAbCUXNIDKA7LAXJFYBG@LAhMwxdDAEIT3RKAnMTzF3iQzJggBqhKAsgnmZMHSQfQUQqJDXLoSwd3OknaKrBVMw4zIYz3kSEfVo0yJgVTw/gkqwKo4UFdkqMpVKea1qTQlsbElkJO2nS0BoakPa8pQlgRgIeJPiUTU3RIWlKmqQmA2Mr6CMqaaqqRgo5TCkOLpdesIAVIawIIS9m3OgidsQIZALGlWQCsoA6ACWBiaintFB6kFeVT4ktpCaRopLQle1PKtCGAaqfcSBmoM0PUGUqfTYk6g7ZMk9cZVGcsNEc@eUpNkUN1LvsAHOx1ihRInAVprigM2nJWnaP5ckfVztFVuafeKSCnUCSnwKaFpWNWQFvB2gqkXVRUhcKGMBIqUUbZUhkbgKbnmoYR4AlINIWMyR2JTKVmAG0yp00zgCynTCVaTJa8DxTIitdAgbRUeqkCoALLLAAqo2wAFFVBtkEoOSrhgfQM4KhkR6UJ@1Cmch4c5U37QEBhJQhKT@6UyKfUtGmHTLuYvC7BVvIUK6GgbIm6wkCpHKmuEFZxWIUUqozDkGnFR7O6CoAKXOUBMAEUVJrDVKCms1BBaMUDcoqwaUxpT@HOtKE1U7BNc0puij6YzoigRvfWMc2qGmE1z6oaJakrDgNbY6mRaqiuvxLAxHpOhtTwupbEpmCViqn0Cq2sOhKqMEdVQvsoWKUch9nwhahVHwCpVpCjKjpmCmkrT42kYLxqr2lsoON1TV5ryNEZDxQI1XOqqQa17mng6y6E0THTsFcrDvMBUHIaDat5cGkUS3sqloZqbTkMcjRfOX0g6PkLppjOSWiBYhV8HeosKCB3NOaBTskQjd7RhlPIAyAPNHzT3Ac6DtOSAWqqZ1QFjX00D2@DMMMdYqDaWDLRoMCmoeQMPDCKb2cTrmpKwUCbSTkM@5gFA9THVHRoDYSanDdFFYyk5EwbwnhTzBBTUFfpJiRHx9mgRw232AwpzLj9GxS4iWlNg5o2iu76BoY0jtxp4hDGa6CgYRObPrQydVUDoQ0LbVDghgvcIO0mZQIY0vAt0/hAQIY0NgBqlytsesXDwYLa8rCzyMfOGMADyx1ikYL9er2r8HKg@jjIcXw31pBTGz4/qIJKuV2KUHoe0bDKNUTQIaxLSc4c7sy531wI46ZwyMd5Mt4hBReTUIdNHc8DCwLHjx8HatdTtZ0K1xQZ7@C1k8yGYuHZH0AVALG5JKxhNrjj@DpcQMGC85FhU0lWuQActWXuwqVH@yjso2oyxOEwOZ6wDvVxLWeKS89N2QN0r5vTKXF5AJRCWoZHCefTh0yJwKNYfk7UHmx@Ssl5sHl@6noQeL7aPNzxilLwcMfzU9dDta@pqzw88DOmRkm85zBUwfPF4m0ALEcHAsrHp@GRxZt2IYxGWotNWz6ALextayKI8/BwpkwlSiJ59rawt3W8Bvu0mpq8hSEtn58WabcLKmOHvu74fd2BuuPe6ZBCZ7gt0QcdXyxzdO9cUbXzMtSU3i49CPqcmwIKFvymWKAKCxTr5Pbk/MNuny@P/4CObgbLzePDMjqj35PB7Xhw@X7wy8lgsFk/Dfbrw@By8GFEQePvjn9e7baH3WZ9vtl9HH1deww7o9jLrzzfD1789cfvf/7vv8efLwbfDl78@f/fXoxPfh1/@Rs \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\nThe most common letter that needs to be added to an alpha-2 code to get the alpha-3 code is `A`. Therefore, it's the best suited padding character for our main lookup string, which is expanded by replacing all integers with the corresponding number of `A`'s.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dVDNbptAGLznKRAnW2kdz7e4sWWlUgnURWYXa4GornpZwwrcrhZrgaR5epcccsxppNH8af6oZ9VX7nwZPtuu1ter0YPXew@eH69PWfmTnQCJDFbVKUWJ3MEOhTR5nei8w5IjhdzTI0UkU5R0DlIiQUww@WpTUh0qlsSODBxQsE25KVc5VqV5FS84CPDnWGpOY3SAIfkCVlFG@zT/Owoap9oJVgngQiwLFBAIIQP@pbBuNwShKxra8THHySCexjg00xxZEy9dyloxNRosBfYdVBc/oWtlm1JC4YXLQ4ygDBLLOPsOhPfllHDsN8nhBwUiMejhCKGEy8YjQnLhGcY@gnM2EnaIIvaERGAt1iIq4ERKON4rSDHZ8YvLdRcUpLDMBPztzdur@t9F2VrX07n9wumLUZWe3f2ub@@aT/bhq//Nf2O1GmZ2Pt/eVJ3tO6MXpmtm79aF0bYZWu/W872qVU5Vg3a9/4F6vr1e/wM \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe lookup function is a single modulo on the input parsed in base-36:\n```\nparseInt(s, 36) % 774\n```\nIf we get a character in upper case, it means that it must be added at the end of the alpha-2 code.\n```\n\"AF\" ~> \"G\" ~> \"AF**G**\"\n```\nIf we get a character in lower case, it means that it must be added in the middle of the alpha-2 code:\n```\n\"AO\" ~> \"g\" ~> \"A**G**O\"\n```\nSimilarly to [my answer to the other challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/246784/58563), the 20 codes that do not follow the above rules are hard-coded separately, just the other way around.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-MLocale::Country -pl`, ~~48~~ 40 bytes\n```\n$_=country_code2code($_,,'alpha-3')||ant\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JZOxat0wGEb38xyBtJAsLV0CHSRZlmXpl3Ul2Y69hEsaaCHkhjQdCnn23qZ0OcPh8G3f88PL45fz@eLu6/3p19Pry@@7@9O3h0//8OHi7urq8vj4/P14/fny49vb8en1fFYdyqJ6lEN5VEQJKqEm1AFVUBXVUDNqRd2idrRCa3SHtuge7dAD2qNHdEQLOqEndEFXdEMv6BW9oXeMwhhMh@kxDjNgPCZgIkYwCTNhCmbGLJhbzIbZ6SzdSBfohG6i27EGa7EOO2ALtmIbvacf6QO90E/0BadwGtfhLK7HOdyA87iIE1zCZdwB915WXMPNuBW3MQQGYUgMhaExzPgOb/ERL/iEn/AHfMFXfGO0jMI4MWaCJTjCQPAEISTCuyyElbARdqIiaqIhemIgFmIlNuJMXIgbohCDdIhFesQhAxKQiAiSkAnJyAEpSEUaMiMLsiK3yPvCTlIkQ7KknuRInhRJEymTCmkm7UxCVmRL7smOPJADOZLffSIXciU38kreOCiKpUyUSpkpK1VRNdVQO6qlOupA9dSRGqiRKtREnaiFWqmNulA36k4ztI7W0xxtoI20QIs0oSXaRCu0RltoK21nVsyOWZgr88a8sygWw2JZHItnSSwza89a2SxbY1fswr7@OT2//jg9/TxfSzzdHx8fbm7M/3ecr58f/wI \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFor some reason, the AN->ANT mapping isn't in Perl's list so I had to hardcode it.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~435~~ ~~426~~ 422 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n.\u20224\u2086\u2086\u00ff\u00b8\u02dcE\u00a1\u00b4\u00b3*\u03b9\u0153\u00fdO\u00f3\u00d6q\u2085;Yp\u00c2-|o\u017e\u00ae\u03a9g4\u220a\u2085\u201c=\u00e0\u2013\u00f49\u03b1A$\u0394L,\u017e\u00c6E6\u00f3\u00b5Q\u00a3\u201a\u00c7\\\u03a3N\u00ac\u00d3\u00f3\u00d1C\u221e\\\u2020\u00ec\u0432\u00f6\u2014'\u2030\u00df\u00cd\u2122\u00b6HF\u00fc\"\u00ed4\u00b7n\u00dbZ0\u00f8\u2085k{'\u00a6\u0394\"\u00a2h\u00a6h)U\u2013\u00cc\u00b14\u0192\u00bf\u00a2\n\u0153\\a^\u00bb\u00e3fz\u03bb\u00bb\u00cf\u02dc\u22607>2e5Nl\u201dSGed.i\u00c9V\u00f3\u00b8\u00a3\u2083l&C\u00a7\u00da\u03a36\u00bd+\u00a2 \u00e5(\u2083L\u00a6\u00db\u0101:v\u00ca\u03b9OL\u2020a\u00eb\u01b5\u2081f\u01ddfVEt\u00fe\u03a3{\u00f5-o\u00a1\u00f84\u2022u2\u00f4D\u202246\u2030\u03b5c\u01062Z\u00e2\u00e6\u00a5\u00d9\u00daM\u0442'\u2022\u2082\u0432\u00a3\u03b5N>.b\u00ab}\u02dc\u00f8.\u20221\u2026\u00a4\u03b830\u00cb\u0438\u0292\u00d5f%\u03b3\u017eBp\u00e9\u0442(\u0106V\u00e1\u00e4\u221eK\u00ee%\u00e0\u00f4\u03bb#Kb\u00c9\u00b5C\u2018j\u00ca\u03b1-z\u00aa+U\u039bG\u00d9\u00c0\"zF\u00fb\u00cc\u03b9\u00f4#f\u0438\u03b1L\u00b8\u039b\u00beo\u2084\u00d2{\u017ew\u00fdm\u00ab\u201a\u00c83\u00f7\u00ab\u03b5\u03a9)\u00d8N\u00f7U\u2022u2\u00f4D\u2022G\u00f27\u00ac\u00fd\u00e0\u00aevQ<\u00d1U\u202212\u0432\u00a3\u03b5\u20acSN>.b\u00fd}\u02dc\u00e1\u00f8.\u2022\u00da\u00f9\u00bb\u00d4\u00e1\u00dd\u00e2|\u00b9\u043c\u01534\u00e5)\u00c7\u00f8{:\u0432o\u00d2a\u00ff\u0161\u043ck*\u00f8W\u2014\u00c3*\u2039\u03a3c\u00cc\u2030\u0394\u00fa\u00a4\u01613rSwsJ\u00dc\u00b2\u00f9\u03b7\u2085\u0100P\u017dEf~:\u2022u23S40\u220d\u00a3)\u02dcDIk>\u00e8\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##TZF9T5JRGMb/71M0zRRNp0C6rNxK0UpCHdOWc21okqaFZekm1R4fDdF0TaBmgMWLUoa5eJOHENzui8e22M7wK5wvQof8p@1sZ@e@t3Ndv@uyzVpGJ8fL5SYuhfRcdoiDY1KKfgMFKUmJepZR3cj1IYGPz7j89ur9GciNr2xqng7Y3iM9d66JKZf81xHgkhvJKyx24wLzGC@peTgMrUhQaoDCXPJiZYSFTbQPt/hrs5M7P49wKYD9UhyHXPLUcuknvmCDL4fo8FY3jqrwQ0/pp/ANN0MRGlP2WoowTxWFJigyoRmsqK1TTH/iomMKnVPdI5YHlEXYusCy4n5f9PPVQFuHdvyyaZpL2@ae8YdNk1gdEo4UYUhemr7YSV/hZeFWyjVQ6Dx268TUSBH4Covtc1hjmT6jsGhB9CTF5UXr723rkOEF8ixsR6rRRkEoehHbSy2SXZX4WgUCS40VHNphhBChXXyC9@6pLNBCXJZLcQqzlKmjaZSir4t@KJXMW7gUoR2m6JrxrqT8ceGDtYYl1PzNGeydynUFxxCC2BFh9eKgBgEkWba6dxSrlOrk0tZjYTLWuEDfGwaZr0fISVUL3chinWWQrLaWFBYzksJ8lLdxeRkuu5qfR@4JRSt9OHVIU5Sl2J4GWyakB/9j6UG8TVSVQ4AO5gauYbOybNGeIXB531zBQK6CETwDgRcZEbtHvLcRekWZ0pHq1mNXgxUo9vZS3AaXBcdqsHQ0VQ/lnqgcS/VcyrDwGNYryXnwi3bUoO65eX72DvwUR4alRfEFqV/NGaxv2v/505n1zdy5QWFN0d91e6oD38rl3v6/) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##TZNtbxRVFMff@ymaRYTyFGhXiKgk3dnd2e3OTKed2a2taFKUCoIWRSGhaJYFS0GIoa0G26LtLlSxSOzD0l1LS3JPFxObTJavMF@kzv7uG5Pm3/bec/4P59wZuTh06uzpnZ1DYbEcD0tj0Y@8ULXt2ZSaV6tqZV9Qb0zKRo@syE9fhKXv3h64IKWDV0cam@pp8PiTeDh@OzoNi7PvylxYnJTVt4KlrteDKetAY1PGUkdlRVV7VSUsTsvNk0HFUU9kMuK6Z4Tjv5wMi3PypLksz8Li1J6w@Jf8KnfDG2X1LJOW5zH5M67WPpeZwcNSizTOje5RC8FUTJXPqIUz7fmW2h21FH85oV6o8muNyZNDH6p1qQxfCdaj3z9sz4a35o6d6Dj9pnM@LD7wzNMfHzortwqRo1pkqHT9/BuG@k2mg8pRtbFfldvk0d7o1FILMrN17fgluR3Ue6zI4pAsvqyGpWvD/zwYLqS@ks2gMirVgyNqXmrxaGxfd8hqsjW@o1GEoPrR1ljHoJRlQT2Sn2XaflWKopXDUqm5rCpB1Tlx6JRa/GZ7VmqtmR8JiwvqYVDrPCzfN2v/TsiPw7uDlcZm4oI8flXauzVWkHl5GA0rJ093y5ysBuu7cqfklqoaYfH@p5HJpYNX1B/788GMGckVY1fSsi53grqs7hpu1oIlS9WCGbU5EpZuyMRoY/OybHymFlv7GO@UNbUYVIPH7XLfkbX8/7KYsnwsWtWGzKmnl3rfkXutyyMdOkJYeuK1YshGK8a8DiLTUo/GPhX9/0DKV1W9@bwxGZdH7XJTaqPHm8sjMjEkLxrzzefn9kmtP1q5XN8XFutB5SO505rclPytHjbmO7/0Ll/sllm1LPVgLVr8VtFtbKSGvz2Ov04vfjgcv6sq7duzyey5E/L7jtRibeHYRFtMNtT6zvuxrnTsQFus6z3QamFykL89MAn2gFmwFzTBPtAG@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@Pr8Zjhh4pDNx6TMAnhU@NT43PrY8HHw8@nD66Ps59PPvw@yTyce7zcvJ05XHYpb8@nOdxmKc@j3oexQLzLFBZgLlA3n5mmMLPALeD9A72xz74Dw).\n**Explanation:**\nStep 1a: Create I/O pairs of all alpha-2 codes for which a single trailing letter has to be added for the alpha-3 conversion:\n```\n.\u20224\u2086\u2086\u00ff\u00b8\u02dcE\u00a1\u00b4\u00b3*\u03b9\u0153\u00fdO\u00f3\u00d6q\u2085;Yp\u00c2-|o\u017e\u00ae\u03a9g4\u220a\u2085\u201c=\u00e0\u2013\u00f49\u03b1A$\u0394L,\u017e\u00c6E6\u00f3\u00b5Q\u00a3\u201a\u00c7\\\u03a3N\u00ac\u00d3\u00f3\u00d1C\u221e\\\u2020\u00ec\u0432\u00f6\u2014'\u2030\u00df\u00cd\u2122\u00b6HF\u00fc\"\u00ed4\u00b7n\u00dbZ0\u00f8\u2085k{'\u00a6\u0394\"\u00a2h\u00a6h)U\u2013\u00cc\u00b14\u0192\u00bf\u00a2\n\u0153\\a^\u00bb\u00e3fz\u03bb\u00bb\u00cf\u02dc\u22607>2e5Nl\u201dSGed.i\u00c9V\u00f3\u00b8\u00a3\u2083l&C\u00a7\u00da\u03a36\u00bd+\u00a2 \u00e5(\u2083L\u00a6\u00db\u0101:v\u00ca\u03b9OL\u2020a\u00eb\u01b5\u2081f\u01ddfVEt\u00fe\u03a3{\u00f5-o\u00a1\u00f84\u2022\n \"# Push compressed string \"dzaibwbrbfdmfrghitlvmdngrwknlclktzthtcugusalvgcugagmgiuzzmgrnihmhninmknlssazczlipsslchzwzaafarhkmnetcrdjerfjhtmwmlprumccnftjbebocoismhnpncnzphtkaskhdogugtnablwssosjvnyebtcafihuidirimjpkelbompashsdtwtovegelalsmctgttcystsgesbhbgcmcxjokimsmammnenopesmsygbviaumymurutlbviovakwmranqavcvubmecdeltnrrerosacihrluegggjekg\"\n u # Uppercase it\n 2\u00f4 # Split it into parts of size 2\n D # Duplicate this list of pairs\n\u202246\u2030\u03b5c\u01062Z\u00e2\u00e6\u00a5\u00d9\u00daM\u0442'\u2022\n '# Push compressed integer 5045888909142307005039435397419896531\n \u2082\u0432 # Convert it to base-26 as list: [21,8,2,6,7,1,4,1,9,0,3,10,12,17,6,4,0,16,5,9,8,2,0,1,3,1]\n \u00a3 # Split the duplicated pairs into parts of that size\n \u03b5 # Map over each list of string-pairs:\n N> # Push the 1-based map-index\n .b # Convert it to an uppercase alphabetic letter (1=A,2=B,...,26=Z)\n \u00ab # Append it to each string-pair in the current list\n }\u02dc # After the map: flatten\n \u00f8 # Create pairs of the two lists\n```\n[Try just this step, to see all I/O pairs of step 1a.](https://tio.run/##FZBtK0NxGMbf@xRa8mxpHROixPBiJomipYYNkZGHFx7qOJhNJLaUGeacTPIQtsNZs63ua5sXq3/zFf5fZP7qrruuF9f1uy7vqmtq3l0um7msSlzxiUOWjGLERneUoHg9S@aDSA8hjosVrhx0jC9Dadr25jP0yh5nJe4/EiqXI52IcjmIRBt7765iIXtjPgOfzYo46cOkcTmMQyfTHPSMoPA66@H@GyeXo3gufeCTy6EaLr/hFid8X6XPgT58m/Ai0dcSriaaYYiMha0airGQidQ5is3Vjf6nHdO7VDinLKkV@aDTNUkpaJ5NlhL/tBjhgWhrl8Xd4ljk8vVIv3vGPI/AmCAyBJCyt1jdQw8IM81K6QZSK3FfK1Q7xXCV223fwBFLDtkFogtPBZ0ru56fa8@YbQ0Zpm1Bb/LSHQxJzLZuQaL3fz6rqMD06ZzPMgEVMbrHJcKDv4qopnJFKX2QxnRHl3mKnnaKERjl8h8)\nStep 1b: Create I/O pairs of all alpha-2 codes for which a single middle letter has to be added for the alpha-3 conversion:\n```\n.\u20221\u2026\u00a4\u03b830\u00cb\u0438\u0292\u00d5f%\u03b3\u017eBp\u00e9\u0442(\u0106V\u00e1\u00e4\u221eK\u00ee%\u00e0\u00f4\u03bb#Kb\u00c9\u00b5C\u2018j\u00ca\u03b1-z\u00aa+U\u039bG\u00d9\u00c0\"zF\u00fb\u00cc\u03b9\u00f4#f\u0438\u03b1L\u00b8\u039b\u00beo\u2084\u00d2{\u017ew\u00fdm\u00ab\u201a\u00c83\u00f7\u00ab\u03b5\u03a9)\u00d8N\u00f7U\u2022\n # Push compressed string \"cfjmkzpkmfawlrlytdpnbimgmvmxsnaobdbsclcngnnutmbzsvfkgpmtpwsbwfaddkgqmemppgcgcdckkrmzplcvambbbnfoglgdiqpyptaeuyfmehagmqatgfgysrtntrtvskszsepfsc\"\n u2\u00f4D # Same as above (uppercase; split into pairs; duplicate)\n\u2022G\u00f27\u00ac\u00fd\u00e0\u00aevQ<\u00d1U\u2022 # Push compressed integer 5023299766197034891137684120\n 12\u0432 # Convert it to base-12 as list: [5,3,2,3,2,0,2,3,2,0,1,8,0,6,6,1,0,11,2,2,7,1,2,0,2,0]\n \u00a3 # Split the duplicated pairs into parts of that size\n \u03b5 # Map over each list of string-pairs:\n \u20acS # Convert each string to a list\n N>.b # Same as above: get the uppercase letter based on the index\n \u00fd # Join the inner list-pairs with this letter as delimiter\n }\u02dc\u00e1\u00f8 # Same as above, but `\u00e1` removes empty strings from the list\n```\n[Try just this step, to see all I/O pairs of step 1b.](https://tio.run/##AdMALP9vc2FiaWX//y7igKIx4oCmwqTOuDMww4vQuMqSw5VmJc6zxb5CcMOp0YIoxIZWw6HDpOKInkvDriXDoMO0zrsjS2LDicK1Q@KAmGrDis6xLXrCqitVzptHw5nDgCJ6RsO7w4zOucO0I2bQuM6xTMK4zpvCvm/igoTDknvFvnfDvW3Cq@KAmsOIM8O3wqvOtc6pKcOYTsO3VeKAonUyw7RE4oCiR8OyN8Ksw73DoMKudlE8w5FV4oCiMTLQssKjzrXigqxTTj4uYsO9fcucw6HDuP//)\nStep 1c: Create I/O pairs for all remaining alpha-2 to alpha-3 conversions (as a flattened list):\n```\n.\u2022\u00da\u00f9\u00bb\u00d4\u00e1\u00dd\u00e2|\u00b9\u043c\u01534\u00e5)\u00c7\u00f8{:\u0432o\u00d2a\u00ff\u0161\u043ck*\u00f8W\u2014\u00c3*\u2039\u03a3c\u00cc\u2030\u0394\u00fa\u00a4\u01613rSwsJ\u00dc\u00b2\u00f9\u03b7\u2085\u0100P\u017dEf~:\u2022\n # Push compressed string \"aqataaxalababihbjbenbyblreeestgssgsgwgnbieirlilisrkmcomkpprkkycymmomacpmspmrssrbsisvntfatfuaukrytmyt\"\n u # Uppercase it\n 23S # Push [2,3]\n 40\u220d # Extend it to size 40: [2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,2,3]\n \u00a3 # Split the string into parts of that size\n```\n[Try just this step, to see the flattened list of all the I/O pairs of step 1c.](https://tio.run/##AX8AgP9vc2FiaWX//y7igKLDmsO5wrvDlMOhw53DonzCudC8xZM0w6Upw4fDuHs60LJvw5Jhw7/FodC8ayrDuFfigJTDgyrigLnOo2PDjOKAsM6Uw7rCpMWhM3JTd3NKw5zCssO5zrfigoXEgFDFvUVmfjrigKJ1MjNTNDDiiI3Co///)\nStep 2: Combine the results of the previous steps, and use them for the input to output conversion:\n```\n) # Wrap the entire stack into a list\n \u02dc # Flatten\n D # Duplicate this list\n Ik # Get the index of the input-string\n > # Increase this index by 1\n \u00e8 # And use it to index into the list\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\n[See this 05AB1E tip of mine (sections *How to compress strings not part of the dictionary?*, *How to compress large integers?*, and *How to compress integer lists?*)](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/166851/52210) to understand how the compressions work.\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 74 bytes\n```\nfunction(c)`if`(c==\"AN\",\"ANT\",countrycode::countrycode(c,\"iso2c\",\"iso3c\"))\n```\n[Try it rdrr.io!](https://rdrr.io/snippets/embed/?code=f%3D%0Afunction(c)%60if%60(c%3D%3D%22AN%22%2C%22ANT%22%2Ccountrycode%3A%3Acountrycode(c%2C%22iso2c%22%2C%22iso3c%22))%0A%0Asapply(c(%22AF%22%2C%22AX%22%2C%22AL%22%2C%22DZ%22%2C%22AS%22%2C%22AD%22%2C%22AO%22%2C%22AI%22%2C%22AQ%22%2C%22AG%22%2C%22AR%22%2C%22AM%22%2C%22AW%22%2C%22AU%22%2C%22AT%22%2C%22AZ%22%2C%22BS%22%2C%22BH%22%2C%22BD%22%2C%22BB%22%2C%22BY%22%2C%22BE%22%2C%22BZ%22%2C%22BJ%22%2C%22BM%22%2C%22BT%22%2C%22BO%22%2C%22BA%22%2C%22BW%22%2C%22BV%22%2C%22BR%22%2C%22VG%22%2C%22IO%22%2C%22BN%22%2C%22BG%22%2C%22BF%22%2C%22BI%22%2C%22KH%22%2C%22CM%22%2C%22CA%22%2C%22CV%22%2C%22KY%22%2C%22CF%22%2C%22TD%22%2C%22CL%22%2C%22CN%22%2C%22HK%22%2C%22MO%22%2C%22CX%22%2C%22CC%22%2C%22CO%22%2C%22KM%22%2C%22CG%22%2C%22CD%22%2C%22CK%22%2C%22CR%22%2C%22CI%22%2C%22HR%22%2C%22CU%22%2C%22CY%22%2C%22CZ%22%2C%22DK%22%2C%22DJ%22%2C%22DM%22%2C%22DO%22%2C%22EC%22%2C%22EG%22%2C%22SV%22%2C%22GQ%22%2C%22ER%22%2C%22EE%22%2C%22ET%22%2C%22FK%22%2C%22FO%22%2C%22FJ%22%2C%22FI%22%2C%22FR%22%2C%22GF%22%2C%22PF%22%2C%22TF%22%2C%22GA%22%2C%22GM%22%2C%22GE%22%2C%22DE%22%2C%22GH%22%2C%22GI%22%2C%22GR%22%2C%22GL%22%2C%22GD%22%2C%22GP%22%2C%22GU%22%2C%22GT%22%2C%22GG%22%2C%22GN%22%2C%22GW%22%2C%22GY%22%2C%22HT%22%2C%22HM%22%2C%22VA%22%2C%22HN%22%2C%22HU%22%2C%22IS%22%2C%22IN%22%2C%22ID%22%2C%22IR%22%2C%22IQ%22%2C%22IE%22%2C%22IM%22%2C%22IL%22%2C%22IT%22%2C%22JM%22%2C%22JP%22%2C%22JE%22%2C%22JO%22%2C%22KZ%22%2C%22KE%22%2C%22KI%22%2C%22KP%22%2C%22KR%22%2C%22KW%22%2C%22KG%22%2C%22LA%22%2C%22LV%22%2C%22LB%22%2C%22LS%22%2C%22LR%22%2C%22LY%22%2C%22LI%22%2C%22LT%22%2C%22LU%22%2C%22MK%22%2C%22MG%22%2C%22MW%22%2C%22MY%22%2C%22MV%22%2C%22ML%22%2C%22MT%22%2C%22MH%22%2C%22MQ%22%2C%22MR%22%2C%22MU%22%2C%22YT%22%2C%22MX%22%2C%22FM%22%2C%22MD%22%2C%22MC%22%2C%22MN%22%2C%22ME%22%2C%22MS%22%2C%22MA%22%2C%22MZ%22%2C%22MM%22%2C%22NA%22%2C%22NR%22%2C%22NP%22%2C%22NL%22%2C%22AN%22%2C%22NC%22%2C%22NZ%22%2C%22NI%22%2C%22NE%22%2C%22NG%22%2C%22NU%22%2C%22NF%22%2C%22MP%22%2C%22NO%22%2C%22OM%22%2C%22PK%22%2C%22PW%22%2C%22PS%22%2C%22PA%22%2C%22PG%22%2C%22PY%22%2C%22PE%22%2C%22PH%22%2C%22PN%22%2C%22PL%22%2C%22PT%22%2C%22PR%22%2C%22QA%22%2C%22RE%22%2C%22RO%22%2C%22RU%22%2C%22RW%22%2C%22BL%22%2C%22SH%22%2C%22KN%22%2C%22LC%22%2C%22MF%22%2C%22PM%22%2C%22VC%22%2C%22WS%22%2C%22SM%22%2C%22ST%22%2C%22SA%22%2C%22SN%22%2C%22RS%22%2C%22SC%22%2C%22SL%22%2C%22SG%22%2C%22SK%22%2C%22SI%22%2C%22SB%22%2C%22SO%22%2C%22ZA%22%2C%22GS%22%2C%22SS%22%2C%22ES%22%2C%22LK%22%2C%22SD%22%2C%22SR%22%2C%22SJ%22%2C%22SZ%22%2C%22SE%22%2C%22CH%22%2C%22SY%22%2C%22TW%22%2C%22TJ%22%2C%22TZ%22%2C%22TH%22%2C%22TL%22%2C%22TG%22%2C%22TK%22%2C%22TO%22%2C%22TT%22%2C%22TN%22%2C%22TR%22%2C%22TM%22%2C%22TC%22%2C%22TV%22%2C%22UG%22%2C%22UA%22%2C%22AE%22%2C%22GB%22%2C%22US%22%2C%22UM%22%2C%22UY%22%2C%22UZ%22%2C%22VU%22%2C%22VE%22%2C%22VN%22%2C%22VI%22%2C%22WF%22%2C%22EH%22%2C%22YE%22%2C%22ZM%22%2C%22ZW%22)%2Cf))\n[Answer]\n# Python 1779 bytes\n```\na=' AF AFG AX ALA AL ALB DZ DZA AS ASM AD AND AO AGO AI AIA AQ ATA AG ATG AR ARG AM ARM AW ABW AU AUS AT AUT AZ AZE BS BHS BH BHR BD BGD BB BRB BY BLR BE BEL BZ BLZ BJ BEN BM BMU BT BTN BO BOL BA BIH BW BWA BV BVT BR BRA VG VGB IO IOT BN BRN BG BGR BF BFA BI BDI KH KHM CM CMR CA CAN CV CPV KY CYM CF CAF TD TCD CL CHL CN CHN HK HKG MO MAC CX CXR CC CCK CO COL KM COM CG COG CD COD CK COK CR CRI CI CIV HR HRV CU CUB CY CYP CZ CZE DK DNK DJ DJI DM DMA DO DOM EC ECU EG EGY SV SLV GQ GNQ ER ERI EE EST ET ETH FK FLK FO FRO FJ FJI FI FIN FR FRA GF GUF PF PYF TF ATF GA GAB GM GMB GE GEO DE DEU GH GHA GI GIB GR GRC GL GRL GD GRD GP GLP GU GUM GT GTM GG GGY GN GIN GW GNB GY GUY HT HTI HM HMD VA VAT HN HND HU HUN IS ISL IN IND ID IDN IR IRN IQ IRQ IE IRL IM IMN IL ISR IT ITA JM JAM JP JPN JE JEY JO JOR KZ KAZ KE KEN KI KIR KP PRK KR KOR KW KWT KG KGZ LA LAO LV LVA LB LBN LS LSO LR LBR LY LBY LI LIE LT LTU LU LUX MK MKD MG MDG MW MWI MY MYS MV MDV ML MLI MT MLT MH MHL MQ MTQ MR MRT MU MUS YT MYT MX MEX FM FSM MD MDA MC MCO MN MNG ME MNE MS MSR MA MAR MZ MOZ MM MMR NA NAM NR NRU NP NPL NL NLD AN ANT NC NCL NZ NZL NI NIC NE NER NG NGA NU NIU NF NFK MP MNP NO NOR OM OMN PK PAK PW PLW PS PSE PA PAN PG PNG PY PRY PE PER PH PHL PN PCN PL POL PT PRT PR PRI QA QAT RE REU RO ROU RU RUS RW RWA BL BLM SH SHN KN KNA LC LCA MF MAF PM SPM VC VCT WS WSM SM SMR ST STP SA SAU SN SEN RS SRB SC SYC SL SLE SG SGP SK SVK SI SVN SB SLB SO SOM ZA ZAF GS SGS SS SSD ES ESP LK LKA SD SDN SR SUR SJ SJM SZ SWZ SE SWE CH CHE SY SYR TW TWN TJ TJK TZ TZA TH THA TL TLS TG TGO TK TKL TO TON TT TTO TN TUN TR TUR TM TKM TC TCA TV TUV UG UGA UA UKR AE ARE GB GBR US USA UM UMI UY URY UZ UZB VU VUT VE VEN VN VNM VI VIR WF WLF EH ESH YE YEM ZM ZMB ZW ZWE'\nz=lambda b:a[a.find(\" \"+b)+4:a.find(\" \"+b)+7]\n```\nNot sure what to do with the mass of data.\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 420 bytes\n```\n\u00ab\u27d1``\u201f\u1e02\u022f\u2020\u221a\u00a6\u2211iR\u1e6b\u03a0\u0281\u01d3\u20b45]p#4\u1e44l}3\u1e8b\u00b6T+\u27d1V]\u1e2dr\u2264\u1e41\u01d4\nA\u00bbcP\u2310k\u1e8b\u1e60\u2020\u27c7\u01d3\u2248\u027d\u27e9\u203a\u1e6awS\u0280\u2087\u230a\u01d3\u2207\u2022Xw\u00f0\u21e9I\u2021\u1e45f\u03b2\u2105\u208d\u1e57\u00b5\u2206\u20ac\u00bea\u01cd\u27d1\u02262\u22cf$\u03bb\u207a]/|f\u2081Pa\u27e8,\u2081,h\u00a8\u1e41\u208c\u03b5\u27d1\u2039\u0130\u27e8N\u1e6bw%y\u0116\u207c*>\u2088\u0116\u00b9\u022fU\u00f7s\u00ac)\u2228\u02800\u0140\u0188\u00bd)(m-\u1e8a \u01d3\u1e02\u27e9[0e\u2022\u2082\u21b2S\u27c7\u0120j\u27e8^\u0256g[\u2310\u2081\u22cf\u017co:\u1e8eR\u0281\u2310\u00f0%\u21e7\u2193Y*?* \u20208\u201eS|\u207dl3\u221a\u207a\u27d1\u00ab\u21e72\u1e87:\u00bb\u27d1\u27c7\u03b2E'\u010b\u00ac$\u2260\u222a\u2080\u21b3\u21b2\u00e6Mf\u00bb\u2084\u03c4\u1e87kA\u00a8\u00a3vJfZ\u00ab\u019b\u00a4\u201bH\u2227\u03bb\u017bJ@\u00b1*dC\u1e8b\u00b04\u00a3Mg\u010b \u2265\u0192X\u00a2\u01ced\u2264\u01d4\u2088b\u00a2&\u1e8a\u2248\u2022\u0121.\u1e8eAl>\u2085j\u00a8\u2235\u00bd\u21b3\u013fa>\u20ac\u00bc\u208cR\u01d4b*JA\u2310\u1e02\u2235\u1e223\\\u2308|\u1e8b;\u03a01\u2086\u203a\u1e86\u2227\u226c\u2086ETh\u25a1\u0280\u226c\u00a8\u00ab\u21e72\u1e87:\u00bb\u00bd\u01d2\u00f7\u2087\u03a0\u2264\u00b6:\u027dq\u2207\u00a8\u00bb12\u03c4\u1e87kAZ\u019b\u00f7$f$vj;fZ\u00ab\u21b2\u21b5\u0116\u00af\u2265\ua60d\u2260}\u010aK\u1e6b\u27d1\u0256h\u1e6a\u207a|oI3\u2308%\u201f\u1e59K/i\u207a!\u1e45\u022ei\u0227S'\u208c\u03b2P\u215b\u201b\u1e59\u22276\u0188;7\u2194\u22ce\u00a1\u21b5G]\u1e1f\u027e\u1e0b\u2020*\u2191o\u00ab\u21e723f20\u1e8bf\u1e87Wf:\u2070\u1e1f\u203ai\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#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) or [Verify all test cases (takes a while, but doesn't time out)](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#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)\nMessy port of 05AB1E.\n## How?\n```\n\u00ab\u27d1``\u201f\u1e02\u022f\u2020\u221a\u00a6\u2211iR\u1e6b\u03a0\u0281\u01d3\u20b45]p#4\u1e44l}3\u1e8b\u00b6T+\u27d1V]\u1e2dr\u2264\u1e41\u01d4\nA\u00bbcP\u2310k\u1e8b\u1e60\u2020\u27c7\u01d3\u2248\u027d\u27e9\u203a\u1e6awS\u0280\u2087\u230a\u01d3\u2207\u2022Xw\u00f0\u21e9I\u2021\u1e45f\u03b2\u2105\u208d\u1e57\u00b5\u2206\u20ac\u00bea\u01cd\u27d1\u02262\u22cf$\u03bb\u207a]/|f\u2081Pa\u27e8,\u2081,h\u00a8\u1e41\u208c\u03b5\u27d1\u2039\u0130\u27e8N\u1e6bw%y\u0116\u207c*>\u2088\u0116\u00b9\u022fU\u00f7s\u00ac)\u2228\u02800\u0140\u0188\u00bd)(m-\u1e8a \u01d3\u1e02\u27e9[0e\u2022\u2082\u21b2S\u27c7\u0120j\u27e8^\u0256g[\u2310\u2081\u22cf\u017co:\u1e8eR\u0281\u2310\u00f0%\u21e7\u2193Y*?* \u20208\u201eS|\u207dl3\u221a\u207a\u27d1\u00ab\n # Push compressed string \"dzaibwbrbfdmfrghitlvmdngrwknlclktzthtcugusalvgcugagmgiuzzmgrnihmhninmknlssazczlipsslchzwzaafarhkmnetcrdjerfjhtmwmlprumccnftjbebocoismhnpncnzphtkaskhdogugtnablwssosjvnyebtcafihuidirimjpkelbompashsdtwtovegelalsmctgttcystsgesbhbgcmcxjokimsmammnenopesmsygbviaumymurutlbviovakwmranqavcvubmecdeltnrrerosacihrluegggjekg\"\n\u21e7 # Uppercase\n 2\u1e87 # Split into chunks of two\n : # Duplicate\n \u00bb\u27d1\u27c7\u03b2E'\u010b\u00ac$\u2260\u222a\u2080\u21b3\u21b2\u00e6Mf\u00bb # Push compressed integer 5045888909142307005039435397419896531\n \u2084\u03c4 # Convert to base-26 as a list: [21,8,2,6,7,1,4,1,9,0,3,10,12,17,6,4,0,16,5,9,8,2,0,1,3,1]\n \u1e87 # Split the string into chunks of that size: [[\"DZ\", \"AI\", ..., \"US\"], [\"AL\", \"VG\", ..., \"ZM\"], [\"GR\", \"NI\"], ..., [\"KG\"]]\nkA # Push the uppercase alphabet\n \u00a8\u00a3vJ # Zip the list with the alphabet, and for each, append the corresponding letter to each:\n # [[\"DZA\", \"AIA\", ..., \"USA\"], [\"ALB\", \"VGB\", ..., \"ZMB\"], [\"GRC\", \"NIC\"], ..., [\"KGZ\"]]\n f # Flatten\n Z # Zip the [\"DZ\", \"AI\", \"BW\", ...] list with this\n\u00ab\u019b\u00a4\u201bH\u2227\u03bb\u017bJ@\u00b1*dC\u1e8b\u00b04\u00a3Mg\u010b \u2265\u0192X\u00a2\u01ced\u2264\u01d4\u2088b\u00a2&\u1e8a\u2248\u2022\u0121.\u1e8eAl>\u2085j\u00a8\u2235\u00bd\u21b3\u013fa>\u20ac\u00bc\u208cR\u01d4b*JA\u2310\u1e02\u2235\u1e223\\\u2308|\u1e8b;\u03a01\u2086\u203a\u1e86\u2227\u226c\u2086ETh\u25a1\u0280\u226c\u00a8\u00ab\n # Push compressed string \"cfjmkzpkmfawlrlytdpnbimgmvmxsnaobdbsclcngnnutmbzsvfkgpmtpwsbwfaddkgqmemppgcgcdckkrmzplcvambbbnfoglgdiqpyptaeuyfmehagmqatgfgysrtntrtvskszsepfsc\"\n \u21e72\u1e87 # Uppercase and split into chunks of two\n : # Duplicate\n \u00bb\u00bd\u01d2\u00f7\u2087\u03a0\u2264\u00b6:\u027dq\u2207\u00a8\u00bb # Push compressed integer 5023299766197034891137684120\n12\u03c4 # Convert to base 12 as a list: [5,3,2,3,2,0,2,3,2,0,1,8,0,6,6,1,0,11,2,2,7,1,2,0,2,0]\n \u1e87 # Split the list into chunks of that size: [[\"CF\", \"JM\", \"KZ\", \"PK\", \"MF\"], [\"AW\", \"LR\", \"LY\"], ..., [\"PF\", \"SC\"], []]\n kAZ # Zip with the uppercase alphabet\n \u019b\u00f7$f$vj; # Map, and for each, insert the letter between each string: [[\"CAF\", \"JAM\", \"KAZ\", \"PAK\", \"MAF\"], ..., [\"PYF\", \"SYC\"], []]\n fZ # Flatten and zip the [\"CF\", \"JM\", ..., \"SC\"] list with this\n\u00ab\u21b2\u21b5\u0116\u00af\u2265\ua60d\u2260}\u010aK\u1e6b\u27d1\u0256h\u1e6a\u207a|oI3\u2308%\u201f\u1e59K/i\u207a!\u1e45\u022ei\u0227S'\u208c\u03b2P\u215b\u201b\u1e59\u22276\u0188;7\u2194\u22ce\u00a1\u21b5G]\u1e1f\u027e\u1e0b\u2020*\u2191o\u00ab\n # Push compressed string \"aqataaxalababihbjbenbyblreeestgssgsgwgnbieirlilisrkmcomkpprkkycymmomacpmspmrssrbsisvntfatfuaukrytmyt\"\n\u21e7 # Uppercase\n 23f # Push list [2, 3]\n 20\u1e8bf # Repeat it twenty times: [2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, ..., 2, 3]\n \u1e87 # Split the string into chunks of that size: [\"AQ\", \"ATA\", \"AX\", ..., \"YT\", \"MYT\"]\n W # Wrap the stack into a list\n f # Flatten\n : # Duplicate\n \u2070\u1e1f # Find the index of the input in it\n \u203a # Increment\n i # Index into the list\n```\n[Answer]\n# C - 1324 Bytes\n```\nchar*c=\"AFAFGAXALAALALBDZDZAASASMADANDAOAGOAIAIAAQATAAGATGARARGAMARMAWABWAUAUSATAUTAZAZEBSBHSBHBHRBDBGDBBBRBBYBLRBEBELBZBLZBJBENBMBMUBTBTNBOBOLBABIHBWBWABVBVTBRBRAVGVGBIOIOTBNBRNBGBGRBFBFABIBDIKHKHMCMCMRCACANCVCPVKYCYMCFCAFTDTCDCLCHLCNCHNHKHKGMOMACCXCXRCCCCKCOCOLKMCOMCGCOGCDCODCKCOKCRCRICICIVHRHRVCUCUBCYCYPCZCZEDKDNKDJDJIDMDMADODOMECECUEGEGYSVSLVGQGNQERERIEEESTETETHFKFLKFOFROFJFJIFIFINFRFRAGFGUFPFPYFTFATFGAGABGMGMBGEGEODEDEUGHGHAGIGIBGRGRCGLGRLGDGRDGPGLPGUGUMGTGTMGGGGYGNGINGWGNBGYGUYHTHTIHMHMDVAVATHNHNDHUHUNISISLININDIDIDNIRIRNIQIRQIEIRLIMIMNILISRITITAJMJAMJPJPNJEJEYJOJORKZKAZKEKENKIKIRKPPRKKRKORKWKWTKGKGZLALAOLVLVALBLBNLSLSOLRLBRLYLBYLILIELTLTULULUXMKMKDMGMDGMWMWIMYMYSMVMDVMLMLIMTMLTMHMHLMQMTQMRMRTMUMUSYTMYTMXMEXFMFSMMDMDAMCMCOMNMNGMEMNEMSMSRMAMARMZMOZMMMMRNANAMNRNRUNPNPLNLNLDANANTNCNCLNZNZLNINICNENERNGNGANUNIUNFNFKMPMNPNONOROMOMNPKPAKPWPLWPSPSEPAPANPGPNGPYPRYPEPERPHPHLPNPCNPLPOLPTPRTPRPRIQAQATREREUROROURURUSRWRWABLBLMSHSHNKNKNALCLCAMFMAFPMSPMVCVCTWSWSMSMSMRSTSTPSASAUSNSENRSSRBSCSYCSLSLESGSGPSKSVKSISVNSBSLBSOSOMZAZAFGSSGSSSSSDESESPLKLKASDSDNSRSURSJSJMSZSWZSESWECHCHESYSYRTWTWNTJTJKTZTZATHTHATLTLSTGTGOTKTKLTOTONTTTTOTNTUNTRTURTMTKMTCTCATVTUVUGUGAUAUKRAEAREGBGBRUSUSAUMUMIUYURYUZUZBVUVUTVEVENVNVNMVIVIRWFWLFEHESHYEYEMZMZMBZWZWE\";f(char* i){for(;*c;c+=5)!strncmp(c, i,2)&&printf(\"%c%c%c\",*(c+2),*(c+3),*(c+4));}\n```\n**Ungolfed**\n```\nchar*c = \"AFAFGAXALAALALBDZDZAASASMADANDAOAGOAIAIAAQATAAGATGARARGAMARMAWABWAUAUSATAUTAZAZEBSBHSBHBHRBDBGDBBBRBBYBLRBEBELBZBLZBJBENBMBMUBTBTNBOBOLBABIHBWBWABVBVTBRBRAVGVGBIOIOTBNBRNBGBGRBFBFABIBDIKHKHMCMCMRCACANCVCPVKYCYMCFCAFTDTCDCLCHLCNCHNHKHKGMOMACCXCXRCCCCKCOCOLKMCOMCGCOGCDCODCKCOKCRCRICICIVHRHRVCUCUBCYCYPCZCZEDKDNKDJDJIDMDMADODOMECECUEGEGYSVSLVGQGNQERERIEEESTETETHFKFLKFOFROFJFJIFIFINFRFRAGFGUFPFPYFTFATFGAGABGMGMBGEGEODEDEUGHGHAGIGIBGRGRCGLGRLGDGRDGPGLPGUGUMGTGTMGGGGYGNGINGWGNBGYGUYHTHTIHMHMDVAVATHNHNDHUHUNISISLININDIDIDNIRIRNIQIRQIEIRLIMIMNILISRITITAJMJAMJPJPNJEJEYJOJORKZKAZKEKENKIKIRKPPRKKRKORKWKWTKGKGZLALAOLVLVALBLBNLSLSOLRLBRLYLBYLILIELTLTULULUXMKMKDMGMDGMWMWIMYMYSMVMDVMLMLIMTMLTMHMHLMQMTQMRMRTMUMUSYTMYTMXMEXFMFSMMDMDAMCMCOMNMNGMEMNEMSMSRMAMARMZMOZMMMMRNANAMNRNRUNPNPLNLNLDANANTNCNCLNZNZLNINICNENERNGNGANUNIUNFNFKMPMNPNONOROMOMNPKPAKPWPLWPSPSEPAPANPGPNGPYPRYPEPERPHPHLPNPCNPLPOLPTPRTPRPRIQAQATREREUROROURURUSRWRWABLBLMSHSHNKNKNALCLCAMFMAFPMSPMVCVCTWSWSMSMSMRSTSTPSASAUSNSENRSSRBSCSYCSLSLESGSGPSKSVKSISVNSBSLBSOSOMZAZAFGSSGSSSSSDESESPLKLKASDSDNSRSURSJSJMSZSWZSESWECHCHESYSYRTWTWNTJTJKTZTZATHTHATLTLSTGTGOTKTKLTOTONTTTTOTNTUNTRTURTMTKMTCTCATVTUVUGUGAUAUKRAEAREGBGBRUSUSAUMUMIUYURYUZUZBVUVUTVEVENVNVNMVIVIRWFWLFEHESHYEYEMZMZMBZWZWE\";\nf(char* i)\n{\n for(; *c; c += 5)\n !strncmp(c, i, 2) && printf(\"%c%c%c\", *(c + 2), *(c + 3), *(c + 4));\n}\n```\n**Explanation**\nA function that receives a character string with an Alpha-2 code and converts it to Alpha-3 using a \"raw\" list which contains the Alpha-2 codes followed by their Alpha-3 counterpart every five(5) characters; the function looks for the given code within the list and if it is found its counterpart is displayed.\nTested on GCC, generates some warnings if not compiled with std=c89.\n## C99 - 1296 Bytes (By @ceilingcat)\n```\nf(int*i){for(char*c=\"AFAFGAXALAALALBDZDZAASASMADANDAOAGOAIAIAAQATAAGATGARARGAMARMAWABWAUAUSATAUTAZAZEBSBHSBHBHRBDBGDBBBRBBYBLRBEBELBZBLZBJBENBMBMUBTBTNBOBOLBABIHBWBWABVBVTBRBRAVGVGBIOIOTBNBRNBGBGRBFBFABIBDIKHKHMCMCMRCACANCVCPVKYCYMCFCAFTDTCDCLCHLCNCHNHKHKGMOMACCXCXRCCCCKCOCOLKMCOMCGCOGCDCODCKCOKCRCRICICIVHRHRVCUCUBCYCYPCZCZEDKDNKDJDJIDMDMADODOMECECUEGEGYSVSLVGQGNQERERIEEESTETETHFKFLKFOFROFJFJIFIFINFRFRAGFGUFPFPYFTFATFGAGABGMGMBGEGEODEDEUGHGHAGIGIBGRGRCGLGRLGDGRDGPGLPGUGUMGTGTMGGGGYGNGINGWGNBGYGUYHTHTIHMHMDVAVATHNHNDHUHUNISISLININDIDIDNIRIRNIQIRQIEIRLIMIMNILISRITITAJMJAMJPJPNJEJEYJOJORKZKAZKEKENKIKIRKPPRKKRKORKWKWTKGKGZLALAOLVLVALBLBNLSLSOLRLBRLYLBYLILIELTLTULULUXMKMKDMGMDGMWMWIMYMYSMVMDVMLMLIMTMLTMHMHLMQMTQMRMRTMUMUSYTMYTMXMEXFMFSMMDMDAMCMCOMNMNGMEMNEMSMSRMAMARMZMOZMMMMRNANAMNRNRUNPNPLNLNLDANANTNCNCLNZNZLNINICNENERNGNGANUNIUNFNFKMPMNPNONOROMOMNPKPAKPWPLWPSPSEPAPANPGPNGPYPRYPEPERPHPHLPNPCNPLPOLPTPRTPRPRIQAQATREREUROROURURUSRWRWABLBLMSHSHNKNKNALCLCAMFMAFPMSPMVCVCTWSWSMSMSMRSTSTPSASAUSNSENRSSRBSCSYCSLSLESGSGPSKSVKSISVNSBSLBSOSOMZAZAFGSSGSSSSSDESESPLKLKASDSDNSRSURSJSJMSZSWZSESWECHCHESYSYRTWTWNTJTJKTZTZATHTHATLTLSTGTGOTKTKLTOTONTTTTOTNTUNTRTURTMTKMTCTCATVTUVUGUGAUAUKRAEAREGBGBRUSUSAUMUMIUYURYUZUZBVUVUTVEVENVNVNMVIVIRWFWLFEHESHYEYEMZMZMBZWZWE\";*c;c+=5)write(!strncmp(c,i,2),c+2,3);}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 111 bytes\n```\nSwitch[#,\"HM\",\"HMD\",\"AN\",\"ANT\",\"PS\",\"PSE\",_,Association[#@\"CountryCode\"->#@\"UNCode\"&/@EntityList@\"Country\"]@#]&\n```\nDon't [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n2b7P7g8syQ5I1pZR8nDVwlEuABJRz8wEQIkA4LBhKuSTryOY3FxfnImUGt@XrSyg5JzfmleSVGlc35KqpKuHVAg1A/MVtN3cM0rySyp9MksLoErU4p1UI5V@x9QlJlXEp2m71Ct5OKqBLUVbB/YptBgpdrY/wA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try in the Wolfram Cloud!](https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/4ec45ac9-dd2f-4a24-8c75-de1e61660872)\n---\nExplanation:\n`Switch[#,\"HM\",\"HMD\",\"AN\",\"ANT\",\"PS\",\"PSE\",` If our input is equal to one of the three countries not in the Mathematica database, return the correct code.\n`_,` Otherwise\n`Association[#@\"CountryCode\"->#@\"UNCode\"&/@EntityList@\"Country\"]` Create an association between the two-letter and three-letter codes of each country\n`@#]` and find the value matching the input.\n[Answer]\n# C, 216+554+1=771 bytes\n```\n#include\n#define G d=getc(f);w=d&31|64\nFILE*f;char c,d,r[4],y,w;char*z(a,b){for(f=fopen(\"f\",\"r\");;){G;c=d/4&56;y=w;G;c|=d>>5&7;*r=a;r[1]=r[2]=b;r[c>26?1:2]=c&31|64;if(!c)fgets(r,4,f);if(a==y&b==w)return r;}}\n```\nIt requires this file with the name \"f\" in the same directory, shown here as a hex dump. You can use `cut -c 11-58 \"data.txt\" | xxd -r -p > f` to recreate the file. It should have 554 bytes.\n```\n00000000 01 e6 01 18 41 4c 41 01 4c 04 3a 21 b3 a1 c4 81 |....ALA.L.:!....|\n00000010 ef 01 29 01 11 41 54 41 c1 87 01 f2 c1 4d 81 57 |..)..ATA.....M.W|\n00000020 41 75 c1 b4 01 ba a2 13 42 48 82 e4 c2 42 02 19 |Au......BH...B..|\n00000030 42 4c 52 22 85 a2 9a 02 0a 42 45 4e 42 ad 22 d4 |BLR\".....BENB.\".|\n00000040 22 8f 02 01 42 49 48 02 37 42 96 02 32 16 47 49 |\"...BIH.7B..2.GI|\n00000050 8f c2 4e 42 47 02 26 82 89 2b a8 43 4d 23 c1 c3 |..NBG.&..+.CM#..|\n00000060 16 0b 19 43 59 4d 83 26 94 64 a3 0c a3 0e 08 eb |...CYM.&.d......|\n00000070 0d 0f 4d 41 43 43 58 23 63 23 8f 0b 0d 43 4f 4d |..MACCX#c#...COM|\n00000080 a3 e7 a3 e4 a3 eb 23 32 43 c9 48 d2 03 55 43 19 |......#2C.H..UC.|\n00000090 03 ba a4 cb 24 2a 04 2d 24 af 45 a3 65 27 b3 96 |....$*.-$.E.e'..|\n000000a0 a7 d1 25 32 05 05 45 53 54 25 14 a6 8b c6 4f 26 |..%2..EST%....O&|\n000000b0 2a 26 c9 06 32 c7 a6 f0 26 14 06 41 54 46 07 41 |*&..2...&..ATF.A|\n000000c0 07 4d 27 e5 44 a5 07 28 07 49 07 72 c7 4c c7 44 |.M'.D..(.I.r.L.D|\n000000d0 a7 90 27 b5 27 b4 67 27 a7 2e 07 17 47 4e 42 c7 |..'.'.g'....GNB.|\n000000e0 b9 28 34 08 8d 56 81 08 8e 28 d5 29 93 09 8e 29 |.(4..V...(.)...)|\n000000f0 c4 29 d2 c9 51 09 05 49 52 4c 29 cd 09 0c 49 53 |.)..Q..IRL)...IS|\n00000100 52 09 34 8a 2d 2a d0 6a 25 4a 4f 8b 3a 2b c5 4b |R.4.-*.j%JO.:+.K|\n00000110 49 0b 10 50 52 4b ab f2 4b 97 6b 47 2c e1 0c 36 |I..PRK..K.kG,..6|\n00000120 2c c2 2c f3 8c 52 8c 59 0c a9 4c b4 6c 15 0d 8b |,.,..R.Y..L.l...|\n00000130 8d 87 2d 37 4d 79 8d 96 2d 2c ad 94 2d 88 cd 91 |..-7My..-,..-...|\n00000140 4d 92 4d 75 19 14 4d 59 54 8d b8 c6 6d 0d 24 2d |M.Mu..MYT...m.$-|\n00000150 e3 0d ee ad c5 4d 53 4d 41 ad fa 4d 4d 2e a1 4e |.....MSMA..MM..N|\n00000160 b2 2e 90 0e 8c 41 8e 2e 83 2e 9a 0e 69 4e 45 0e |.....A......iNE.|\n00000170 27 ae 35 2e 66 ad d0 4e 4f 2f cd 90 2b b0 97 10 |'.5.f..NO/..+...|\n00000180 b3 30 c1 b0 c7 d0 59 50 45 30 88 90 6e b0 ec d0 |.0....YPE0..n...|\n00000190 54 30 32 51 81 52 a5 52 af 52 75 12 37 22 ac 33 |T02Q.R.R.Ru.7\".3|\n000001a0 c8 0b 2e 0c 23 8d 26 10 0d 53 50 4d 56 83 37 b3 |....#.&..SPMV.7.|\n000001b0 53 4d 53 14 53 a1 93 ae 12 13 53 52 42 f3 23 13 |SMS.S.....SRB.#.|\n000001c0 ac 53 07 d3 cb 13 09 53 56 4e b3 82 33 af 1a c1 |.S.....SVN..3...|\n000001d0 07 13 53 47 53 13 93 45 13 0c 2b 33 c4 d3 b2 33 |..SGS..E..+3...3|\n000001e0 aa d3 fa d3 e5 03 a8 53 59 34 d7 34 6a 14 3a 14 |.......SY4.4j.:.|\n000001f0 28 54 6c 34 e7 34 8b 34 cf 34 f4 d4 ae d4 b2 b4 |(Tl4.4.4.4......|\n00000200 6d 14 23 d4 b6 15 27 15 01 55 4b 52 c1 45 47 42 |m.#...'..UKR.EGB|\n00000210 15 33 35 2d d5 59 15 5a 56 95 36 c5 36 ae 56 49 |.35-.Y.ZV.6.6.VI|\n00000220 b7 86 c5 68 39 a5 1a 4d 1a b7 |...h9..M..|\n0000022a\n```\nThe function takes the Alpha-2 code as two separate characters, which must be capitalized, and returns the capitalized Alpha-3 code. I don't know of an online compiler that allows you to include binary files like this, so no link, unfortunately.\n#### Explanation:\nSince we're only dealing with capital letters, we can use only the lower five bits to store a character. The basic strategy is to store the Alpha-2 codes in the file, and use the bits we save to describe how to create the Alpha-3 code; then, the program will search for the Alpha-2 code and follow the instructions.\nThe instruction format is simple. We have six instruction bits. The lower five bits store a 5-bit letter code which can be converted to ASCII with `&31|64`. If the high bit is zero, the letter is added to the end of the code. If it's one, the letter is inserted in the middle. If the instruction bits are all zero, the file stores the complete Alpha-3 code in the next 3 bytes of the file (these are visible in the hex dump).\nOf the 247 conversions, 156 append a character to the end, 71 insert a character in the middle, 4 prepend a character to the beginning, and 16 conversions are replacements, which are anything not included in the other categories. Inserts and appends only use two bytes in the file, while the others use five; (156+71)\\*2+(4+16)\\*5=554 bytes.\nUngolfed version:\n```\n#include \nFILE* f;\nchar c,d,r[4],y,w;\nchar* z(a,b){\n for(f=fopen(\"f\",\"r\");;){\n // get first character\n d=getc(f); w=d&31|64;\n c=d/4&56;\n y=w;\n // get second character\n d=getc(f); w=d&31|64;\n c|=d>>5&7; // c now holds the instruction\n // prepare return string for inserts/appends\n r[0]=a;\n r[1]=r[2]=b;\n r[c>26?1:2]=c&31|64; // insert or append\n if(!c) // replace\n fgets(r,4,f);\n if(a==y&b==w)\n return r;\n }\n}\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nWrite the shortest code you can that produces an infinite output.\nThat's all. You code will only be disqualified if it stops producing output at some point. As always in code golf, the shortest code wins.\nHere's a list of answers that I think are really clever, so they can get credit:\n* [The comma is both code and data](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/37210/8611)\n* [Infinite errors (that counts)](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/26418/8611)\n* [Infinite warnings (that also counts)](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/20902/8611)\n* [What's Marbelous?](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/37209/8611)\n## Leaderboard\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=13152,OVERRIDE_USER=8611;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## [Spice](https://github.com/Slord6/Spice), 26 bytes\nSpice module that recursively calls itself. Quite quickly hits a stack overflow.\nGiven the code is saved to a module named 'x':\n```\n;return@OUT a;LOD .\\x a a;\n```\n## Un-golfed explanation\n```\n;a;return@ - define variables: \"a\" and the required \"return\"\nOUT a; - output a, implicitly \"[0]\"\nLOD .\\x a a; - call this module, passing a, storing result in a\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Roj](https://github.com/RojerGS/Roj), 19 bytes\n```\nwhile(1)do out\"\"end\n```\nThis produces output because of the `[out]:` buffer.\n[Answer]\n# T-SQL, 15 bytes\n```\na:PRINT 0GOTO a\n```\n6 years and 10 pages of answers, and no SQL versions yet.\nNotes:\n* `PRINT` is 1 byte less than a `SELECT`.\n* A label with a goto is 1 byte shorter than the shortest `WHILE` statement: `WHILE 1=1PRINT 1` (you can't just do `WHILE 1` in SQL)\n* Depending on the version of SQL Management Studio, the \"messages\" pane (which displays the result of `PRINT` statements), might not immediately refresh; this is a client-side UI issue only.\n[Answer]\n# Go, 59 characters\n```\npackage main\nimport \"fmt\"\nfunc main(){for{fmt.Print(0)}}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [International Phonetic Esoteric Language](https://esolangs.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Esoteric_Language), 6 bytes\n```\n10\u0251eo\u0252\n```\nWill print `0` with newlines forever.\nExplanation:\n```\n10\u0251eo\u0252\n10 (push the bounds for the loop: from 0 to 1)\n \u0251 (pop the bounds and start the loop)\n e (push the current index)\n o (print)\n \u0252 (check if index < start. 0 < 1, so loop)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, ~~11~~ 9 characters\n```\nloop{p:p}\n```\nOld answer:\n```\np 0 while 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Rockstar](https://codewithrockstar.com/), 13 bytes\n```\nwhile 1 say 1\n```\n[Try it here](https://codewithrockstar.com/online) (Code will need to be pasted in)\n[Answer]\n## ARM Thumb, Linux syscalls only, 12 bytes\nRaw machine code:\n```\n2704 2001 4669 2201 df00 e7f9\n```\nAssembly:\n```\n .text\n .globl _start\n .thumb\n .thumb_func\n_start:\n movs r7, #4 @ write syscall\n movs r0, #1 @ STDOUT_FILENO\n mov r1, sp @ sp is a valid pointer. May not be legible, but...\n movs r2, #1 @ one byte is fine\n svc #0 @ syscall: write(STDOUT_FILENO, sp, 1)\n b _start @ loop forever\n```\n## ARM Thumb, with libc, 6 bytes\nRaw machine code (`f7ff fffe` is an unlinked libc call):\n```\nf7ff fffe e7fc\n```\nAssembly:\n```\n .text\n .globl main\n .thumb\n .thumb_func\n@ Note that putchar returns the char it put, so we do this:\n@ for (;;) putchar(argc);\nmain:\n bl putchar @ putchar(argc)\n b main @ Loop forever\n```\nFun fact: These programs do the exact same thing, printing argc % 256 in binary infinitely, since `sp[0]` at `_start` is also `argc`.\n[Answer]\n# [Befunge-93](https://github.com/catseye/Befunge-93), 1 byte\n```\n'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT/3/X/3/fwA \"Befunge-93 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n' # full program\n' # invalid command, NOP but raises warning\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Duocentehexaquinquagesimal](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Duocentehexaquinquagesimal), 2 bytes\n```\nL\u00bd\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvifnFhiYxPzqGGRXbx1cWqKgm6mgrphsXWcNVDIWl0hXsHILq80x7qkqDQPqDRVQbdY11Ah3jo1OSNfQTdPQR2oLOnQMuPDW5yP7stQsrPR1tXTiY5VetSw0Evdzg6isEY/v6BEP784MSkzFUopxNslWYOFk4oSM/PSSpOzESyFpP8@h/b@Bxr9HwA)\n[Answer]\n# Pushy, 3 bytes\n```\n3[_\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n3 \\ pushes 3 to the stack\n[ \\ starts an infinite loop\n_ \\ prints out the contents of the stack\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Mascarpone](https://github.com/catseye/Mascarpone), 6.875 bytes\n```\n['@.:!]v*:!\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://tio.run/##y00sTk4sKsjPS/3/P1rdQc9KMbZMy0rx/38A)\n### Explanation:\n```\n[ ] // push a string that will define an operation\n '@. // push the symbol '@ and output it (popping it in the process)\n :! // duplicate the top of the stack and execute it\n v* // push a function/operation that does the above\n :! // duplicate the operation, and execute it.\n```\nThe operation duplicates and executes itself tail-recursively, generating the infinite output.\n5 bits are sufficient for the characters used by this program, thus the total size is 55 bits, or 6.875 bytes\n[Answer]\n# [INTERCAL](http://www.catb.org/%7Eesr/intercal/), 26 bytes\n```\nDOCOMEFROM#1(1)DOREADOUT#0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y8wrSS1KTsz5/9/F39nf19UtyN9X2VDDUNPFP8jV0cU/NETZ4P9/AA \"INTERCAL \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis works for both C-INTERCAL and CLC-INTERCAL.\n[Answer]\n# [RETURN](https://esolangs.org/wiki/RETURN), 62 bytes\n```\n(())(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()())((()()()()()()()()()))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otKS3K@/9fQ0NTE4gJQaAaLIKa//8DAA)\n## Explanation:\n```\n(()) Add 1\n(()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()) While nonzero repeat what's in the next group of brackets\n(\n (()()()()()()()()()) Put character\n)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [KonamiCode](https://esolangs.org/wiki/KonamiCode), 15 bytes\n`v(^)L(^)<<w>=>x=>y=>z=>((v+w+x+y+z)/4)-v\nf(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)\nf(b)(c)(d)(e)(a)\nf(c)(d)(e)(a)(b)\nf(d)(e)(a)(b)(c)\nf(e)(a)(b)(c)(d)\n```\n---\nLanguage explanation can be found in [the playground](https://l-2d.glitch.me/) by loading the *cheatsheet* example, or in the [release blog post](https://www.media.mit.edu/projects/2d-an-exploration-of-drawing-as-programming-language-featuring-ideas-from-lambda-calculus/overview/)\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 15 bytes\n```\n=SUM(A1#)/4-A1#\n```\nInput is in cell A1 as an array. For instance, `={798;794;813;806;789}`\n[![ColumnA](https://i.stack.imgur.com/b7PhL.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/b7PhL.png)\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0[![ColumnB](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ODCEq.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/ODCEq.png)\n---\n# Excel, 19 bytes\n```\n=SUM(A1:A5)/4-A1:A5\n```\nInput is in the cells `A1:A5`. Doesn't rely on array input. Output is wherever the formula is. It's not a very interesting solution.\n[![Screenshot](https://i.stack.imgur.com/3arY0.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/3arY0.png)\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic, 7 bytes\n```\nsum(Ans)/4-Ans\n```\nTakes input in `Ans`. Output is stored in `Ans` and displayed.\n[Answer]\n# [Desmos](https://desmos.com/calculator), 16 bytes\n```\nf(l)=l.total/4-l\n```\n[Try It On Desmos!](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/iscwqjxvd9)\n[Try It On Desmos! - Prettified](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/kzetwyayfs)\n[Answer]\n# [LOLCODE](http://lolcode.org/), 216 bytes\n```\nHOW IZ I f YR a\nI HAS A s ITZ 0\nIM IN YR l UPPIN YR i TIL BOTH SAEM i 5\ns R SUM OF s a'Z SRS i\nIM OUTTA YR l\nIM IN YR l UPPIN YR i TIL BOTH SAEM i 5\nVISIBLE DIFF OF QUOSHUNT OF s 4 a'Z SRS i\nIM OUTTA YR l\nIF U SAY SO\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jZA9D4IwFEX3/oq7uRkQVBxLhPQFsUpbFTbiR0JCwsD/DxaqA4OJ23vn5Z7k3bZr793jOQhO8JfBIOQVVIHwQlmgZgTBFTh6kK7gMcpBx/HUwpxObmyg6YBYagHFk9zua9ajgDI5ZGqj9aKCKhSaMS6N1nwy/C27kKL4kGBPaToaz0YqYY7a2cPf/hTGWkooOXwfqadHOGKTZaRZ/cFj3JtO2100o/6HhjO6mmjkBTMaOOpvZjR0hmjHbJ22XFct8oyXLNPiFpfJ8AY \"LOLCODE \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), ~~9~~ 7 bytes\n```\n$+a/4-a\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m724ILNgebSSbkGFUuyCpaUlaboWy1W0E_VNdBMhPKjgzmilaHNLC2tzSxNrCwNjawtDM2tzC8tYuC4A)\n*-2 bytes thanks to DLosc*\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 4? 8 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\nWith a strict interpretation of Rule 1 (can't take as a program argument due to the \"single line\" part) - a full program that reads from STDIN and writes to STDOUT:\n```\n\u0260\u1e32V\u00b5S\u00f74_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///kgoc7NoUd2hp8eLtJ/P//5pYWCuaWJgoWhsYKFgZmCuYWlgA)\n...or with site default IO instead - a monadic Link that accepts a list of five numbers and yields a list of five numbers:\n```\nS\u00f74_\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/z/48HaT@P///0ebW1roKJhbmugoWBgaAwkDMyDXwjIWAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\n\u0260\u1e32V\u00b5S\u00f74_ - Main Link: no arguments\n\u0260 - read a line from STDIN\n \u1e32 - split that at spaces\n V - evaluate that as Jelly code -> list of the five four-apple-weights, W\n \u00b5 - start a new monadic chain - f(W)\n S - sum W\n 4 - four\n \u00f7 - divide -> sum(W)/4\n _ - subtract W (vectorises) -> [sum(W)/4-w1, sum(W)/4-w2, sum(W)/4-w3, sum(W)/4-w4, sum(W)/4-w5]\n - implicit print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org/) + `math.unicode`, 23 bytes\n```\n[ dup \u03a3 4 / swap n-v ]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0tMLskv@h8a7OnnbqWQnVqUl5qjkJtYkqFXmpeZnJ@SCuZARMpSQWqLFQqKUktKKguKMvNKFKy5uKoVzC0tgNhEwcLAWMHC0EzB3MJSoVbhf7RCSmmBwrnFCiYK@grF5YkFCnm6ZQqx/5MTc3IU9P4DAA \"Factor \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\n ! { 798 794 803 816 789 }\ndup ! { 798 794 803 816 789 } { 798 794 803 816 789 }\n\u03a3 ! { 798 794 803 816 789 } 4000\n4 ! { 798 794 803 816 789 } 4000 4\n/ ! { 798 794 803 816 789 } 1000\nswap ! 1000 { 798 794 803 816 789 }\nn-v ! { 202 206 197 184 211 }\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 22 bytes\n```\n->a{a.map{a.sum/4-_1}}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72kqDSpcsGiNNulpSVpuhbbdO0SqxP1chMLgGRxaa6-iW68YW0tRHJfgUJadLS5pYWOgrmliY6ChYExkDA0A3ItLGNjIYoWLIDQAA)\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 1.0](http://julialang.org/), 14 bytes\n```\n!l=sum(l/4).-l\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0rPj/XzHHtrg0VyNH30RTTzfnv0NxRn65gmK0uaWFjoK5pYmOgoWhMZAwMANyLSxj/wMA \"Julia 1.0 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~9~~ 4 bytes\n```\nO4\u00f7\u03b1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f/f3@Tw9nMb//@PNre00DG3NNGxMDDWsTA00zG3sIwFAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*-5 bytes thanks to Kevin Cruijssen*\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 14 bytes\n```\n\\(x)sum(x)/4-x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/P600L7kkMz9Po0KzuDQXSOqb6Fb8/19ho5usYW5poaNgbmmio2BhaAwkDMyAXAtLTQA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUses the new lambda, `\\`, introduced in R 4.1.\n[Answer]\n# [J](https://www.jsoftware.com), 7 bytes\n```\n-~4%~+/\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70wa8GCpaUlaboWa9IUbK0UdOtMVOu09SFCe1OTM_IVaqwU0hTMLS2A2ETBwsBYwcLQTMHcwhKiBqYdAA)\n[Answer]\n# [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/), ~~20~~ 9 bytes\n```\nadd/4-.[]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70oq3DBgqWlJWm6FisTU1L0TXT1omMhfKjwgp3R5pYWOgrmliY6ChaGxkDCwAzItbCEqgMA)\n*-11 bytes thanks to @ovs*\n[Answer]\n# [Burlesque](https://github.com/FMNSSun/Burlesque), 9 bytes\n```\nJ++4./j?-\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyotykktLixN/V@Q@t9LW9tETz/LXvf//2pzSwsFc0sTBQtDYwULAzMFcwvLWgUA \"Burlesque \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\nJ # Duplicate\n++ # Sum\n4./ # Divide by 4\nj # Swap\n?- # Subtract from each\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Halfwit](https://github.com/chunkybanana/halfwit/), 5 bytes\n```\nkJ>++< # Push compressed BigInt 4n\n k+ # Integer-divide the sum by this 4\n N+N # Subtract the values in the (implicit) input-list from this value:\n N # Negate the value\n + # Add it to each value in the (implicit) input-list\n N # Negate each value in the list\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~61~~ 58 bytes\n```\nn,i;f(int*a){for(i=10;i--;)i>4?n+=a[i%5]:(a[i]=n/4-a[i]);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JYxBCsIwEEX3OUUoFBI7wRYbmxijByldhEpkFkYp7kLOHqe4mTfw/3@req5rrQnQRYHpewgyx/cm0A@9Q6WcxNt4T50PM7Z6uQji4tNxVPsjXamvgEnIzGjMw6wXnydrYLIjmOEEpj/DZGxxLIog6e5uaiL3vHeEK9eEriPDZ6MkiqZ9AG/g72eFlfoD \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*-3 bytes thanks to ceilingcat*\n[Answer]\n# x86 32-bit machine code, 32 bytes\n```\n00000000: 87ca 31c0 6a05 5903 448a fce2 fac1 e802 ..1.j.Y.D.......\n00000010: 6a05 5950 2b44 8afc 8944 8afc 58e2 f4c3 j.YP+D...D..X...\n```\n## Assembly\n```\nsection .text\n\tglobal func\nfunc:\t\t\t\t\t;void func(int *ecx);\n\t; int *edx=ecx; int eax=0;\n\txchg ecx, edx\n\txor eax,eax\n\t; for(ecx=5;ecx>0;ecx--)eax+=edx[ecx-1]\n\tpush 0x5\n\tpop ecx\n\tadd:\n\tadd eax, [edx + 4*ecx-4]\n\tloop add\n\t; eax = eax / 4\n\tshr eax, 2\n\t; for(ecx=5;ecx>0;ecx--)edx[ecx-1]=eax-edx[ecx-1];\n\tpush 0x5\n\tpop ecx\n\tsub:\n\tpush eax\n\tsub eax, [edx + 4*ecx-4]\n\tmov [edx + 4*ecx-4], eax\n\tpop eax\n\tloop sub\n\t; return\n\tret\n```\nTakes a pointer to an array of 5 integers in ECX (fastcall convention), and modifies the array in place with the results.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fVPbjpswEH3GXzGK1AoITrK5NBdCHqpu1ZdqPyAbRcaYhBXYCMyW1Wq/PR2b1SZp0yIx@MycMzP2mJjVxxNnGtbr@4fvsIGhLsohG7C6ONWC60xJGGjRauIcchWzHNJGcmLMyjFP@KyyxDrdTGrwBW@9kDghdChpI/R0SLA2GmGs5ccDoDcADCNUlQkF@BIjTFXlYjSahWg3I2Mp9TDaj5C/NfBuR5yyqY8wame4UqVJRxyWJCtrbT7YIh36MDU90SlKcoVMDNsySIHI2iFMiVMfuy5g/L8mPupHyKVnGN7sp27i1XvAbM7gf3RWqOc/nUGnscnMwjaPGWx7ldBNJYmD3xPOjZC/RljrJh5wgpMTlQQ7pP2eaV1lcaPFfu@6Kas1Z3nueR/j870QSMEy6XqvxDEzy2TZ6D2rqu1sh8f1Ol8ugvlyGixGk2Bx9yWYL5ZvAfiWhvEC8ynujkdeAJkddiEKXr64lhCc0@E5j8w9ea@MXovw1I0sW8/CrN/3ygp7SN3ep@RR9gJL22Y7ZL4Ru2uJ1xRoKvJ0Mr64uUBVh7hKxECRA@fXLhRcntIlGahUtMwE0GIyJip@4qp8AfoAcSZZhaun7n@40pzXyCJGlTRFCfQb0J/m6ov8ir75PCaCH7GWgN6j9H3/64sWwFUj9QpRzzJ@YdMc1tfJb2h/iNZUOwvbNrkhIlfbP/0G \"Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Nibbles](http://golfscript.com/nibbles/index.html), 4 bytes (8 nibbles)\n```\n+/+$4*~\n```\n```\n + # sum of\n $ # the input\n / # divided by\n 4 # 4\n+ # added to\n # (implicitly) each element of input\n * # multiplied by\n ~ # -1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](https://www.jsoftware.com), 7 bytes\n```\n-~4%~+/\n```\nNothing new here.\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70wa8FOJT31NAVbKwV1BR0FAwUrINbVU3AO8nFbWlqSpmuxXLfORLVOWx_Cu2muyZWanJGvkKZgbmkBxCYKFgbGChaGZgrmFpYYUoZAKQOwFET7ggUQGgA)\n```\n-~4%~+/\n +/ NB. sum\n 4%~ NB. divide result by 4\n-~ NB. subtract result by input, vectorized\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 7 bytes\n```\n\uff29\u207b\u00f7\u03a3\u03b8\u2074\u03b8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRMM5sbhEwzczr7RYwzOvxCWzLDMlVSO4NFejUFNHwQSICzU1Na3//4@ONre00FEwtzTRUbAwNAYSBmZAroVlbOx/3bIcAA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n \u03b8 Input list\n \u03a3 Take the sum\n \u00f7 Integer divided by\n \u2074 Literal integer `4`\n \u207b Vectorised subtract\n \u03b8 Input list\n\uff29 Cast to string\n Implicitly print\n```\n9 bytes for a version that works with two or more apples, not just five:\n```\n\uff29\u207b\u00f7\u03a3\u03b8\u2296\uff2c\u03b8\u03b8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRMM5sbhEwzczr7RYwzOvxCWzLDMlVSO4NFejUFNHwSU1uSg1NzWvJDVFwyc1L70kAyisCZQAkdb//0dHm1ta6CiYW5roKFgYGgMJAzMg18IyNva/blkOAA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), ~~34~~ 32 bytes\n```\na=>a.map(e=>eval(a.join`+`)/4-e)\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70kLz8ldcGiNNulpSVpuhY3FRJt7RL1chMLNFJt7VLLEnM0EvWy8jPzErQTNPVNdFM1oeo0k_PzivNzUvVy8tM10jSizS0tdBTMLU10FCwMjIGEoRmQa2EZqwnVsGABhAYA)\n-2 bytes thanks to [Steffan](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/92689/steffan)\n[Answer]\n# [Red](http://www.red-lang.org), 28 bytes\n```\nfunc[v][v -((sum v)/ 4)* -1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcFLCoAgAAXAq7x2GUhJktox2oqL8AMRWph6fZvJ3vXDO20Q9h5qsroZ3UDH8asRjczgZAJlpr/5SgUB8bw9mrflyQO0UBJCcchlhWQbhFSm/w \"Red \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), 60 bytes\n```\nb,c;f(*a){for(b=c=0;b<5;c+=a[b++]);for(;b--;a[b]=c/4-a[b]);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HY7NDoIwEITP8BQbEpPWFvkRBLL2SQyHtoA2QTSCJ8Kz49bLZHYmu/vZ2I56uu@7kRYHdtR8HV4fZpRVKZpriVYofTNCtBx9gSaOkYJW2aSIveG47U/tJsbXMHDTAks/L7eyVbBWTS2hagoJdXYmSS801s2GkCQwP17fsQPTA@RpLkmozeqKxG/oqYM8y05hMDB/kSM5AvAfHLE5YnNC8PeHkoFFhw4i@X/tCCnc9h8 \"C (clang) \u2013 Try It Online\") Takes an array of 5 integers and modifies the array in-place.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## The Challenge\nThe challenge is simple: given an input list `a` and another list `b`, repeat `a` until it is longer than `b`.\nAs an example, call the repeated list `ra`. Then the following condition must hold true: `len(b) < len(ra) <= len(b) + len(a)`. That is, `a` must not be repeated more than is required.\n## Sample Python Implementation\n```\ndef repeat(a, b):\n ra = a.copy()\n while len(b) >= len(ra):\n ra += a\n return ra\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LcxLCoNAEIThtZ6il9OkCCSaJ5iLiIvWdFCQcWgmBE8/UXFXi6/@MMd@8kVKb/2QaVCJTkAtP/PMhCqSYzeF2XGe/fphVBrVu5bpVW3LZIWrPCx0uWj8mieTFGzw0e3F@oQzigZUl7jgihvueDTM6Q8 \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Examples\n```\n[1,2,3], [2,4] -> [1,2,3]\n[1,2,3], [2,3,4] -> [1,2,3,1,2,3]\n[1,2,3], [18,26,43,86] -> [1,2,3,1,2,3]\n[2,3,5], [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] -> [2,3,5,2,3,5,2,3,5]\n[1,123], [1,12,123,1234] -> [1,123,1,123,1,123]\n```\n## Scoring\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), shortest answer in bytes wins. Have fun!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 29 bytes\n```\nlambda x,y:len(y)//len(x)*x+x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/PycxNyklUaFCp9IqJzVPo1JTXx9EV2hqVWhX/P8PAA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 6 bytes\n```\n*\u00b9\u2192\u00a4\u00f7L\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/X@vQzkdtkw4tObzd5////9GGOoZGxrEQGsQEYZNYAA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n \u00a4 # combin: \u00a4 f g x y = f (g x) (g y)\n L # where g = length\n \u00f7 # and f = integer divide\n # so \u00a4\u00f7L calculates the (integer) ratio of input lengths;\n \u2192 # then increment the result,\n *\u00b9 # and repeat input 1 that many times\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `r`, 7 bytes\n```\n\u2085?L\u1e2d\u203a\u1e8bf\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJyIiwiIiwi4oKFP0zhuK3igLrhuotmIiwiIiwiWzIsMyw1XVxuWzEsMiwzLDQsNSw2LDddIl0=)\n**How it works:**\n```\n\u2085?L\u1e2d\u203a\u1e8bf \n\u2085 # Push first list and its length\n ?L\u1e2d # Integer-divide by length of second list\n \u203a # Increment ^\n \u1e8b # Repeat first list that many times\n f # Flatten into a single list\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~20~~ 18 bytes\n```\n{(A\u00d7\u2308(\u2374\u2375,1)\u00f7A\u2190\u2374\u237a)\u2374\u237a}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@lR24RqDcfD0x/1dGg86t3yqHerjqHm4e2OQHEwd5cmhKr9/99QwUjBWCFJwRBImiiYKphxGQLZID4YcsHlLRSMzBRMjBUszLhAIqZgNSAWmATpMoKYY2gEZgKxCQA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThanks to [Ad\u00e1m](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/43319/ad%c3%a1m) for golfing some bytes and helping me to fix errors in chat.\n`\u2395\u2190,\u23632\u2368'thanks'`\n-2 thanks to [AZTECCO](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/84844/aztecco) `\u2395\u2190'thanks'`\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), ~~15~~ 14 bytes\n*-1 byte thanks to [Jonah](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/15469/jonah)'s very clever idea!*\n```\n];@;<.@%&##<@]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKeepmBrpaCuoKNgoGAFxLp6Cs5BPm7/Y60drG30HFTVlJVtHGL/a3L5OekpxKrUKTvEahkCJbSBMmAxINvOCqTO2kEFqJIrNTkjX8FIwUQhTcEQSBvDBIyxC5miChrChc0UzIFSIJ7pfwA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input as `b f a`, if `f` is the name you assign the verb to.\n## Explanation\n```\n];@;<.@%&##<@]\n % divide\n &# the lengths of the lists by each other\n <.@ and floor it;\n <@] box b\n # and repeat it that many times\n] ; prepend b to this boxed array\n ;@ and raze the result, collapsing it into a single list\n```\nInstead of incrementing the division result, as I did in the first version below, we simply prepend the input list to the resulting tiled box list, which is equivalent.\n## Old Answer\n```\n]$~#@]*1<.@+%&#\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKeepmBrpaCuoKNgoGAFxLp6zkE6Pm7/Y1XqlB1itQxt9By0VdWU/2typSZn5CsYKZgo4ABpQGwIVGAMU2mMSy2aSkMLBSMzBRNjBQszQiqhppoqmCmYY6oESZrCVBoaAZExCJtgMxMojk0liDAlQSWYNEOo/A8A \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n]$~#@]*1<.@+%&#\n % divide\n &# the lengths of the lists by each other\n 1 + increment\n <.@ and floor\n * multiplied by\n #@] length of a\n]$~ and reshape a to be that length\n```\nUnfortunately, `#` doesn't work here, as it doesn't preserve the order. (`1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 -: 3 # 1 2 3`.)\n[Answer]\n# Curry, ~~57~~ 42 bytes\nThis being my first Curry answer, I'm pretty certain its not quite optimal, but as it is our current lang of the month, I figured I'd give at least a half-hearted try at it.\n```\nl=length\na!b|l a>l b=a|1>0=a++a!drop(l a)b\n```\nEdit: [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy4tKqrULUjMTi7@/z/HNic1L70kgytRMakmRyHRLkchyTaxxtDOwDZRWztRMaUov0ADKK6Z9D83MTNPwVYh2kjHWMc0VkFRIdpQB8Q20THVMdMx17GI/Q8A)\nA bit longer than I'd like, my first idea involved the recursive return being `r(a++a)b`, but I realized that didn't work unless the correct number of repetitions was a power of two.\nEdit -15 bytes from some good tips by [WheatWizard](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/56656/wheat-wizard)\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 6 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\ngIg\u00f7>\u0438\n```\nTakes the input-lists in the order \\$b,a\\$.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f8/3TP98Ha7Czv@/4820jHWMYnlijbUAbJiAQ) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfWWCS9H/9OL0w9vtLuz4r/M/OjraSMc4VifaUAdEx@oogAV0TFCFDC10jMx0TIx1LMzQJHTAqnVMdcx0zIFSIJ4pTMrQCIiMQRhiHJARGxsLAA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\ng # Push the length of the first (implicit) input-list `b`\n Ig # Push the length of the second input-list `a`\n \u00f7 # Integer-divide the length by `b` by that of `a`\n > # Increase it by 1\n \u0438 # Repeat the second (implicit) input-list `a` that many times\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell + [hgl](https://gitlab.com/WheatWizard/haskell-golfing-library), 18 bytes\n```\nm**frt$P1<g=(b,...c)=>c[b.length]?c:g(b,...c,...a)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hctNDsIgEIbhvafoEpKRpoViY0I9CGFBkaINKcY2Xh8DNv4sTGfxbd55Rv3Qs7lfb8t@CmcbBxG16JxAPRBCDBadkT3xdnLLRZ3M0a0hjcbRhGkO3hIfHBqQrKAGqjCSNTCFcfG5sizWuvtv6K96G9iQVQs1B0ah5S@/JVNpssxPDBrgcEg2yVzha1V8Ag \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), ~~11~~ 10 bytes\n*-1 byte thanks to [Unrelated String](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/85334/unrelated-string) in chat*\n```\nl\u1d50\u00f7<;?t\u1d57j\u208d\n```\nTakes input as a single list containing the two input lists in reverse order. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/P@fh1gmHt9tY25c83Do961FT7///0dGGOkY6xjomOqY6ZrE6ChBubOx/HwA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nPorts the common strategy of using int-division to calculate the rep-count:\n```\nl\u1d50\u00f7<;?t\u1d57j\u208d\nl\u1d50 Length of each list in the input\n \u00f7 Int-divide\n < Next greater integer\n ;? Pair with input\n t\u1d57 Replace the last element with its tail (i.e. the second input list)\n j\u208d Repeat the last element a number of times equal to the first element\n```\nFor example, with input `[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [8, 9]]`:\n```\nl\u1d50 [5, 2]\n \u00f7 2\n < 3\n ;? [3, [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [8, 9]]]\n t\u1d57 [3, [8, 9]]\n j\u208d [8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9]\n```\n### Old solution, 11 bytes\nImplements the spec pretty directly, using Brachylog's backtracking:\n```\nhj\u2199\u0130.&tl<~l\nh The first of the inputs\n j Concatenated to itself\n \u2199\u0130 an unspecified number of times\n . is the output\n & And\n t The second of the inputs\n l Length of ^\n < is less than a number\n ~l which is the length of\n the output (implicit)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 33 bytes\n```\nTable[##&@@#,Tr[1^#2]/Tr[1^#]+1]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n2b7PyQxKSc1WllZzcFBWSekKNowTtkoVh/CiNU2jFX7H1CUmVcSraxrlwZUEqtWF5ycmFdXzVVtqGOkY1xbU22kY1Krg8w1RhUwtNAxMtMxMdaxMAMJg@RNQcI6YJU6pjpmOuYQ9YZGYPVAGsQEYZNartr/AA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Mathematica/Wolfram Language](https://wolfram.com/language), (44) 41 Bytes\n`PadLeft[#,Ceiling[Tr[1^#2]+1,Tr[1^#]],#]&`\n*-3 bytes from alephalpha on something I really should have caught*\nI feel like this could still be shorter, but it works as-is. Uses Tr[1^x] as a way of getting Length for cheap, and takes advantage of Ceiling having a two-argument mode. Other than that, it would probably take a full rewrite to improve, since I can't use [LeftCeiling] to shave bytes with the two-argument mode.\n[Try It Online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n2b7PyAxxSc1rSRaWcc5NTMnMy89OqQo2jBO2ShW21AHwoyN1VGOVfufX1pimxZdbahjpGNcq1MNJHVMamO5Aooy80qigZKx/wE)\n[Answer]\n# [Exceptionally](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/Exceptionally), ~~25~~ 18 bytes\n```\nGV}lL}nGVL/nIU*lP/\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m702tSI5taAkMz8vMSencsGCpaUlaboWm9zDanN8avPcw3z08zxDtXIC9CESUPkF26MNdQyNjGO5wDSICcImsRBpAA)\n### Explanation\n```\n' Get an input\nG\n' Eval it\nV\n' Store that in ls\n} ls\n' Get its length\nL\n' Store that in num\n} num\n' Get an input\nG\n' Eval it\nV\n' Get the length\nL\n' Divide by num\n/ num\n' Truncate to integer\nI\n' Increment\nU\n' Repeat ls that many times\n* ls\n' Print\nP\n' Attempt to divide the list by itself, ending the program\n/\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), ~~9~~ 8 bytes\n```\n\uff37\u00ac\u203a\u2149\uff2c\u03b7\uff29\u03b8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/788IzMnVUHDL79Ew70oNbEktUgjUkNTR8EnNS@9JEMjQxMIFAKKMvNKNJwTi0s0CjU1rf//j4421DE0Mo7VAdMgJgibxMb@1y3LAQA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n\uff37\u00ac\u203a\u2149\uff2c\u03b7\n```\nUntil the number of output lines exceeds the length of the second input...\n```\n\uff29\u03b8\n```\n... output each element of the first input on its own line.\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 26 bytes\n```\n->x,y{x*(y.size/x.size+1)}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=bVBLToRAEI3bPkVlNg1MgeEzIzHDuHK2useOQQOxExRCwwQETuKGGL2ER_E0Ng2Oo3HR9arqvapKv5e3orprhtckeK_KxPQ_zG2NTVsbWmMJ_hyf1gqWtt5Pgs-TfRmLUkAAm83l1c4SecpLbXHztNCtxyhvu7oLazTqmaBgboHqrJ_IAjlmXSjhwNNpLt5HKdzaPY6JlskJEtrooMsgdNBj4565cUy4vyj8K7B9dNboueiv_5ON-Yp9dz1c4RrPJqGi8Ciqrbajtkoc0_Edzqv6JzIi3SFEmWXF0f0DtCC_Dxwh6whAXkkTtSQ0OIMggAwugF5HQlA4B7qLeEp1WAKVhYSCzPYPw4Rf)\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic, 26 bytes\n```\nPrompt A,B\n\u029fA\nWhile dim(Ans)\u2264dim(\u029fB\naugment(Ans,\u029fA\nEnd\nAns\n```\nOutput is stored in `Ans` and displayed.\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 1.0](http://julialang.org/), 31 bytes\n```\n~=length\nA%B=repeat(A,~B\u00f7~A+1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0rPj/v842JzUvvSSDy1HVybYotSA1sUTDUafO6fD2OkdtQ83/XA7FGfnlCtGGOkY6xrEKqgrRRjomsQq2tjAhbAqMUZTo4FJoaKFjZKZjYqxjYYZbOUjEFKIcLGuiY6pjpmMO0QCW1EEikWwxNILaAmSBOCAMdxaYjyBj/wMA \"Julia 1.0 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# APL+WIN, 18 bytes\nPrompts for a nested vector comprising of list b followed by list a\n```\n\u220a(\u220a1+\u230a\u00f7/\u2374\u00a8v)\u23741\u2193v\u2190\u2395\n```\n[Try it online! Thanks to Dyalog APL Classic](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNzkksLs5M/v@ob6qvz6O2CcZcQJanP5BlyPWooz3t/6OOLg0gNtR@1NN1eLv@o94th1aUaQIpw0dtk8uA6oDqgYrauf6ncWkYKZhoKmgYKhgpGGtygfnGaCKGFgpGZgomxgoWZqjiCmC1CqYKZgrmQBkQzxQqY2gERMYgDDELyNAEAA \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 61 bytes\n```\n(a,b)=>Array(~~(b.length/a.length)+1).fill``.map(_=>a).flat()\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hY3NCoJAEIDvPUXHWZo2dv1JiBV6DpEcTc3YdkUl6OKrb2odpQ4DHzMf39zpSX3RNe2wN/Zauko5IMyZis9dRy8YR8i5Lk093A70BbYTjFeN1lnGH9TCRcU0LTQNwNxpU1jTW11ybWuoIBEo0Utxm0j0U8Z@3b0/hohQhuh7GIVr3hwIFg@XFgYY4nG9KOSnOMHM8yy/3Rs \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nWay longer than the other answers but who cares. Should work in the browser too but TIO only supports `Array.flat()` in Node.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), 34 bytes\n```\n{|@^a xx 1+@^b.elems div@^a.elems}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bU7dCoIwFL73Kc5VKJ2CbbqEKHwPmWA0IVCIhFCqZ1/bUWnGLnZ2zvfHd9ePVppuhE0DJ/N6F1UNwwBsW1SXvW5118P19rTodHzMMerrEZo4ZshRJBhzTJMkgIogznLkElOBufRYp84ci@TDDCUeVm7GyW1/t7pH6aYki4LS1lCwO8MMRB4hVhT@C7xKIRl1Uws6d5uERKE3KdV2I7lXdcml@zfVFw \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), ~~62~~ 61 bytes\n*-1 thanks to @ceilingcat*\n```\nf(*a,b,c,d){for(;b=++d%c;);for(;d--;)printf(\"%d \",a[b++%c]);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dY/LCoMwEEX3/YoiCEm9LvLSQvBLbBeZiKXQ2lK6E7/dRlPdiItZ3BPumYnP/cN1t3Fs2cmB4NHwvn19mKUqy5rUW27n2OS55e/Pvfu2LEmbYwJXU5al/srtMD7dvWO8P4TnoxP1teoFJNRgZ0IzkdAht8wJkICC5PawCC9dElKsy01dxrpaBBI0JbUjUBtBJGfIAlrhXESNAqlJuqPRy1azaPQqhoZBgTKKNEgHVu6ITKwJud6zkglO8/@YAZmg3140jD8 \"C (clang) \u2013 Try It Online\") Inputs are list `a`, list `b`, and their respective lengths in that order (as C doesn't store length information in arrays); outputs are sent to stdout.\n[Answer]\n# [BQN](https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/), 17 bytes\n```\n\u2291\u294a\u02dc\u2260\u2218\u2291\u00d71+\u00b7\u230a\u2218\u00f7\u02dc\u00b4\u2260\u00a8\n```\nAnonymous tacit function that takes a single argument, a list containing the two input lists. [Try it at BQN online](https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/try.html#code=RyDihpAg4oqR4qWKy5ziiaDiiJjiipHDlzErwrfijIriiJjDt8ucwrTiiaDCqAoKRyDin6gy4oC/MywgMeKAvzLigL8z4oC/NOKAvzXin6kKCg==)\n### Explanation\n```\n\u2291\u294a\u02dc\u2260\u2218\u2291\u00d71+\u00b7\u230a\u2218\u00f7\u02dc\u00b4\u2260\u00a8\n \u2260\u00a8 Length of each list\n \u00b4 Fold that two-integer list on\n \u02dc Reversed-order\n \u230a\u2218\u00f7 Division-and-floor\n \u00b7 Then\n 1+ Add 1\n \u00d7 Multiply by\n \u2260\u2218\u2291 Length of the first list\n \u294a\u02dc Reshape to that length\n\u2291 The first list\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 12 bytes\n```\nTy#>b{Yy.a}y\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://dso.surge.sh/#@WyJwaXAiLCIiLCJUeSM+YntZeS5hfXkiLCIiLCIiLCJcIjFcIlwiMlwiXCIzXCIgXCIxXCJcIjJcIlwiM1wiXCI0XCIiXQ==)\nHow?\n```\nTy#>b{Yy.a}y\nT { } - Till\n y#>b - Length of y greater than length of b(2nd input)\n Y - Yank (equivalent to (y:a))\n y.a - y concatenated with a\n y - Return y \n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nYour challenge is to write a program that constantly prompts for input, and when input is given, output that five seconds\\* later. However, your program must continue prompting for input during that time.\nSince this is a bit confusing, here's a demo.\n```\n
\n```\n(Try typing multiple things into the box and pressing enter.)\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), shortest wins!\n\\*Anywhere between four and six seconds is fine.\n## Definition of \"prompting for input\"\nI'm not really sure how to define \"prompting for input\" in a way that works across most languages, so here's a couple of ways you can do this:\n* Prompt for input in a terminal, recieving it on pressing enter\n* Open a dialog box that asks for input\n* Record every keypress and output those delayed - see [this fiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/6zegdjfq/) thanks to tsh\nIf you're not sure, ask. Note that for the first two options, the operation must not block further output.\n      \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, ~~53~~ ~~51~~ 44 bytes\nNow 44 bytes thanks to @DomHasting's suggestion to omit `window.`.\n(Records every keypress; keyboard events won't register unless you focus on the opened iframe when you click run)\n```\nonkeyup=e=>setTimeout(console.log,5e3,e.key)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Minecraft Command Blocks, ~895 bytes\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/zBY3J.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/zBY3J.png)\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/gZc3s.jpg)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/gZc3s.jpg)\nMy Java answer I already have on this question is pretty good, but as I do also have some skill with Minecraft redstone, I wondered if there was a decent way to do this in Minecraft, and it turns out there is. Because inputting data into Minecraft programs is never quite easy, but I was able to figure out a decent method for this: input is provided by placing a named Creeper mob in a specific location; output is much simpler, as it is simply read out to the game chat.\n## Explanation\nThis \"program\" consists of two chains of command blocks, as follows:\n```\nchain 1:\nRepeat block, Always active: data modify entity @e[type=minecraft:creeper,dx=2,dy=1,dz=0,limit=1,sort=nearest] PersistenceRequired set value 1\nChain block, Conditional: tp @e[type=minecraft:creeper,dx=3,dy=1,dz=0,limit=1,sort=nearest] ~1 ~222 ~-1\nchain 2:\nImpulse block, Needs Redstone: say @e[type=creeper,limit=1,sort=nearest]\nChain block, Unconditional: kill @e[type=creeper,limit=1,sort=nearest]\nChain block, Unconditional: kill @e[type=item]\n```\nMinecraft command block programs are mainly formed by chaining command blocks, where a start block (of either Impulse or Repeat type) can activate a Chain block its pointing at, and those Chain blocks can activate more Chain blocks, etc.\nChains can be started by either an Impulse or Repeat block, where Impulse blocks trigger once when activated, and then do not trigger again until they are de- and then re-activated, while Repeat blocks trigger every in-game tick while they are activated. both of these blocks can be in either \"Always active\" or \"Needs Redstone\" mode, where they are either, respectively, active all the time, or only active when powered by a Redstone signal. Chain blocks also have a conditional feature, where they can be set to only activate if the command of the block that triggered them executed successfully.\nThe first chain queues up the signal Creeper, with the Repeat block looking continuously for a nearby Creeper and trying to set its PersistenceRequired property to 1 (true). If it succeeds at this, the Conditional Chain block is triggered, which teleports the Creeper up 222 blocks, a distance which I calculated takes almost exactly 5 seconds for it to fall. The first command block is necessary as that property prevents it from despawning, as normally all mobs despawn instantly if they are more than 128 blocks from the player.\nThis teleport also lines it up so it falls into a tripwire, which provides the Redstone signal that triggers the start of the second chain, which writes the name of the Creeper to chat, kills the Creeper, and then destroys all the items the creeper dropped, as otherwise these would clog up the tripwire and prevent further messages from functioning. There is a pool of water placed under the tripwire to prevent the fall from killing the Creeper, as it needs to stay there long enough for the command block to read its name.\nThe sign indicates where the Creeper should go, although this positioning is not precise, and is mainly there to fulfill my interpretation of the \"prompt for input\" requirement.\n## Byte Count Calculation and Golfing\nPer [consensus](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9529/111305), MC \"program\" bytecounts are calculated using the size of the structure block .nbt file needed to contain them, which I have uploaded to dropbox [here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/0fct2gsc6af837d/laggytext.nbt?dl=0), so that you can test it in your own world if you want.\nGolfing with structure block files is irritating, as its often not clear what increases or decreases bytecount except through trial and error, and bytecount even seems to vary by a few bytes for identical structures. I have tried a few variations of commands, but the ones here seem to have the lowest bytecount. I have tried to fit the \"program\" into the smallest possible bounding box, and all air blocks in the program are replaced with structure void blocks. I had the sandstone floor as voids too, but that somehow seemed to be larger, so I returned it to sandstone, although it is possible some other block may reduce the file size. The iron block the tripwire is on can also be any block, as long as it supports the tripwire. The sign also seems to be contributing almost 100 bytes, so if it is judged to be unnecessary for the \"prompting user\" requirement, it would certainly shave off a good deal.\n[Answer]\n# [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/), 37 bytes\nDoesn't work online for obvious reasons!\n[@Digital Trauma](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/11259/digital-trauma) correctly pointed out an unnecessary spaces for -1, thanks!\n```\nwhile read a;do sleep 5&&echo $a&done\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvj/vzwjMydVoSg1MUUh0TolX6E4JzW1QMFUTS01OSNfQSVRLSU/L/X//5LU4hJDLhBpBCaNAQ \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org/), 46 bytes\n```\n[ readln '[ _ print ] 5 seconds later t ] loop\n```\nFactor has a nice timer vocabulary. `later` Takes a quotation to perform and a duration and calls the quotation after the duration has passed. Since TIO is unsuited for displaying the functionality, here's an animated GIF of running this code in Factor's REPL:\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/TEW1e.gif)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/TEW1e.gif)\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 447 437 404 380 374 278 272 259 219 210 bytes\nThis is my first code golf, and I'm certain both that I could golf this down more, and that Java is a horrible language for this problem and for golfing in, but for my first try I think this isn't too bad. I tried to golf this in Python, which I'm more familiar with, first, but I simply couldn't get around the non-blocking input restriction in Python.\nEdit: Screwing around a lot more I found a much shorter version using threads and waiting instead of my list+timestamp idea for the old one:\n```\nimport java.util.*;class B{static void main(String[]a){Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);for(;;){String t=s.nextLine();new Thread(()->{try{Thread.sleep(5000);}finally{System.out.println(t);return;}}).start();}}}\n```\nEdit: -6 bytes, I think I'm solidly addicted to code golfing now.\nEdit 2: -13 bytes, realized I could put the whole thing in one class and it'd still work.\nEdit 3: -41 bytes from @Clashsoft's excellent idea to use a lambda for the thread class instead.\nEdit 4: Apparently the lambda actually means I don't need to extend `Thread` anymore, although I do now need `Thread.sleep()` instead of just `sleep()`\n### Old Solution\n```\nimport java.util.*;class A{long t;String s;A(long T,String S){t=T;s=S;}public static void main(String[]a)throws java.io.IOException{List
L=new ArrayList<>();Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);for(;;){if(System.in.available()>0&&s.hasNext()){L.add(new A(System.nanoTime(),s.nextLine()));}if(L.size()>0&&L.get(0).t+5e9nul&echo %s%\"\n@%0\n```\nExplanation: `start /b` runs a command in the background in the same console. `ping` is used for the five second delay between the first and last pings. Note that the string is echoed unquoted so that some shell metacharacters may cause the echo to fail.\n[Answer]\n# [QBasic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QBasic), 167 bytes\n```\nDIM d(999),o$(999)\nDO\nc$=INKEY$\nIF\"\"<>c$THEN o$(j)=c$:d(j)=TIMER+5+86400*(TIMER>=86395):j=(j+1)MOD 1E3\nIF(INT(TIMER-d(i))=0)*d(i)THEN?o$(i);:d(i)=0:i=(i+1)MOD 1E3\nLOOP\n```\nRuns as an infinite loop; outputs character-by-character. Don't run this unless you have a good way to kill the program. Here's a nicer version that quits when you press Escape:\n```\nDIM d(999),o$(999)\nCLS\nDO\nc$=INKEY$\nIF c$=CHR$(27)THEN END\nIF\"\"<>c$THEN o$(j)=c$:d(j)=TIMER+5+86400*(TIMER>=86395):j=(j+1)MOD 1E3\nIF(INT(TIMER-d(i))=0)*d(i)THEN?o$(i);:d(i)=0:i=(i+1)MOD 1E3\nLOOP\n```\nYou can try it at [Archive.org](https://archive.org/details/msdos_qbasic_megapack).\n### Approach\nQBasic doesn't have any non-blocking sleep command or multithreading capabilities that I'm aware of, so we're going to go low-tech on this and use `TIMER`, which provides the (floating-point) number of seconds since midnight. When a key is pressed, we store it in the `o$` array, and we also store `TIMER + 5` at the same index in the `d` array. Then we check the first time in `d` to see if it has arrived yet; if so, we output the corresponding character.\nSome complexity is added because:\n* QBasic has fixed-size arrays rather than lists, so there aren't any pop or push operations. We have to track the index of the next insertion and the index of the next removal, and we have to wrap both around when they reach the size of the array.\n* `TIMER` resets at midnight, which breaks the math unless we correct for it.\n### Ungolfed\n```\nCONST ARRAYSIZE = 999\nCONST TIMERMAX = 86400 ' Number of seconds in a day\nDIM d(ARRAYSIZE) ' Times at which to output characters\nDIM o$(ARRAYSIZE) ' Characters to output\ni = 0 ' Index of first meaningful entry in d and o$\nj = 0 ' Index just past last meaningful entry in d and o$\n' Clear screen\nCLS\n' Loop forever\nDO\n ' If a key is being pressed, store it in c$\n c$ = INKEY$\n ' If it is Esc, quit the program\n IF c$ = CHR$(27) THEN END\n ' For any other key...\n IF c$ <> \"\" THEN\n ' Store it in o$\n o$(j) = c$\n ' Store 5-seconds-in-the-future time in d\n d(j) = TIMER + 5\n ' Correct for midnight wraparound\n IF d(j) >= TIMERMAX THEN d(j) = d(j) - TIMERMAX\n ' Increment next-entry index\n j = j + 1\n ' Wrap index around if necessary\n IF j > ARRAYSIZE THEN j = 0\n END IF\n ' If we've reached the time for the first character in the array...\n IF d(i) > 0 AND TIMER - d(i) > 0 AND TIMER - d(i) < 1 THEN\n ' Print it without a newline\n PRINT o$(i);\n ' Zero out the time for that character\n d(i) = 0\n ' Increment first-entry index\n i = i + 1\n ' Wrap index around if necessary\n IF i > ARRAYSIZE THEN i = 0\n END IF\nLOOP\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Julia](https://julialang.org/), ~~53~~ 42 bytes\n```\n~_=(r=readline();~@async sleep(5)print(r))\n```\n[![Demonstration of laggy text editor in Julia](https://i.stack.imgur.com/T5FRx.gif)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/T5FRx.gif)\n*-11 bytes thanks to @MarcMush*\nPrevious version that's perhaps easier to understand at a glance:\n```\nwhile 1>0\nr=readline()\n@async (sleep(5);print(r))\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~63~~ ~~62~~ 57 bytes\n```\nmain(b){for(;;){gets(&b);if(fork()){sleep(5);puts(&b);}}}\n```\n[Try online!](https://tio.run/##LYq7DsMgDAB3f4Wnyh46NI@Jr0mQQ6xQiAJtBsS3U4ZOJ92dfTprW3svGmjlssWLjOHiJCd6rGx0o@4OYi7Ji5w0szk//1hrbe0FA4wwwQwiAnefE8pXAt6ad1zQx@Aw5Us7vB6CedeEMcgP)\nSimilar to [Amir reza Riahi's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/243654/111351) managed to remove `i` variable and used an 8 byte int buffer.\nShaved off a byte by declaring b as `int b`(instead of `int b[8]`) and by using `&` operator\n-5 bytes: `b` is passed in to the main function instead of being declared.\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~83~~ ~~73~~ 69 bytes\n```\nmain(){for(int i=0;;){char*b;gets(b);if(fork()){sleep(5);puts(b);}}}\n```\n[Try online!](https://tio.run/##JcpLCoAgEADQ/Zyi5UwQ9HM1dJiU0aQvWivx7Ba0fs80zphS9tkfSMmeAf1xV35qmSmZZQ61Zid3RE3sLX5hRaIUN5ELFfH1/JZzhlI66GGAERSICMAL)\nThe only problem is that the program should break by ctrl-c and is not terminated by the ctrl-d.\nThanks to Neil, I removed 10 bytes.\n[Answer]\n# HTML/CSS, 73 72 bytes\nI wanted to try solving this without JavaScript, so I came up with this solution. To use it, open it in a browser, press tab, then enter, then start typing and submit a line by pressing enter again. Up to you to decide whether or not this user interaction disqualifies the answer.\n```\n

Shortest Solution by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# O, 20 characters\n```\nQ\"spooky\"Q2+\"me\"+++p\n```\nSample run:\n```\nbash-4.3$ o.sh 'Q\"spooky\"Q2+\"me\"+++p' <<< 42\n42spooky44me\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Fourier](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fourier), 32 bytes\n```\nI~zo115a-3avaa-4a121az+2o109a-8a\n```\nStill using @isaacg's golfing algorithm ;)\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 38 bytes\n```\na n=show(n)++\"spooky\"++show(n+2)++\"me\"\n```\nDefines a function named `a` that takes a `Num` `n`. Returns `spookyme`.\n[Answer]\n## Clojure, 26 bytes\n```\n#(str %\"spooky\"(+ 2%)\"me\")\n```\nFirst post. It's a function, as required. I *think* I took as many liberties with the tokenizer as possible, but I don't know. Here it is in action in the REPL:\n```\nuser=> #(str %\"spooky\"(+ 2%)\"me\")\n#\nuser=> (*1 55)\n\"55spooky57me\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# Dart, 27 Bytes\n```\nt(n)=>'${n}spooky${n+2}me';\n```\nUnremarkable but competitive.\n[Answer]\n# Factor, 79 bytes\n```\n: f ( x -- ) dup 2 + [ number>string ] bi@ \"spooky\" swap \"me\" 4array concat . ;\n```\nFirst stab at it, just did it the obvious way.\n[Answer]\n## Lua, 41 Bytes\nThere's [this other lua answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/62410/41019), but it doesn't work anymore since lua 5.3. It will now print `2spooky4.0me` Here comes a code working under all versions of lua, and who's still in 41 Bytes:\n```\nprint((\"%dspooky%dme\"):format(...,...+2))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [,,,](https://github.com/totallyhuman/commata), 18 [bytes](https://github.com/totallyhuman/commata/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n:\u21932+\"spooky\"\u2193\u2193\"me\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Acc!!](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/Acc!!), 99 bytes\n```\nN\nWrite _\nWrite 115\nWrite 112\nWrite 111\nWrite 111\nWrite 107\nWrite 121\nWrite _+2\nWrite 109\nWrite 101\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xOTkr6/9@PK7wosyRVIR5KGxqawllGcJYhJsvAHMYygonFa8N1GFjCWYb//xsDAA \"Acc!! \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Implicit](//git.io/sS), ~~20~~ ~~17~~ 16 bytes\n```\n\u00ec\u00afspooky]\u00ec..\u00ecme\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87MLchJLS5JTM7@///wmkPriwvy87MrYw@v0dM7vCY3Ven/f0MjAA)\n```\n\u00ec\u00afspooky]\u00ec..\u00ecme\"\n\u00ec \u00ab implicit integer input, convert to string \u00bb;\n \u00af \u00ab copy input to memory \u00bb;\n spooky \u00ab push the ASCII character codes for each letter in `spooky` individually \u00bb;\n ] \u00ab copy memory to stack \u00bb;\n \u00ec \u00ab convert string to integer \u00bb;\n .. \u00ab increment twice \u00bb;\n \u00ec \u00ab and back to string \u00bb;\n me \u00ab push character codes for `me` \u00bb;\n \" \u00ab stringify the entire stack \u00bb;\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python \u2265 3.6](https://docs.python.org/3/), 28 bytes\n```\nlambda x:f'{x}spooky{x+2}me'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUaHCKk29uqK2uCA/P7uyukLbqDY3Vf1/QVFmXolGmoaRpuZ/AA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nMakes use of [formatted string literals](https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.6.html#whatsnew36-pep498), a feature that was introduced in Python 3.6.\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, 26 bytes\n```\nINPUT N?N;\"spooky\";N+2;\"me\n```\n[Answer]\n# T-SQL, 40 bytes\n```\nSELECT CONCAT(n,'spooky',n+2,'me')FROM t\n```\nInput taken via a pre-existing table **t** with integer column **n**, [per our input standards](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2447/default-for-code-golf-input-output-methods/5341#5341).\n`CONCAT` does an implicit type conversion, otherwise I'd have to do something like `CONVERT(n,varchar(9))`.\n[Answer]\n## [OCL](http://ostracodfiles.com/pumpkin/ocl2.html), ~~52~~ 46 bytes\n```\nFunction a b Print b+\"spooky\"+(b + 2)+\"me\" End\n```\nThis one is pretty straight forward, I just wanted to show off an obscure language.\nEdit: I found out you can omit the spaces between the pluses when doing concatenation, but not addition. Weird.\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 23 bytes\n```\n(a:q).\"spooky\".a+2.\"me\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gs@P9fI9GqUFNPqbggPz@7UkkvUdtITyk3Ven/f2MA \"Pip \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 14 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00fc\u256b2\u2510\u255a\u2558W\u00f6\u00bb\u00a7W\u255f\u255b\u2568\n```\n[Run and debug it at staxlang.xyz!](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=81d732bfc8d45794af1557c7bed0&i=3)\n### Unpacked (16 bytes)\n```\n.me;2+`tNCrf`,Wp\n.me Literal \"me\"\n ;2+ Peek from input stack, push to stack, and add 2\n `tNCrf` Literal \"spooky\"\n , Pop from input stack; push to stack\n Wp Pop and print everything from the stack with no additional newlines\n```\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 22 bytes\n```\n=A1&\"spooky\"&A1+2&\"me\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Runic Enchantments](https://github.com/Draco18s/RunicEnchantments/tree/Console), 18 bytes\n```\ni:2+\"me\"S9\u00b4334E{@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KyrNy0z@/z/TykhbKTdVKdjy0BZjYxPXaof//40A \"Runic Enchantments \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSaves 1 byte by using `9\u00b4334E` to pull \"spooky\" out of the word dictionary. `8b*E` for \"me\" is the same length.\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 14 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n`\u00e8\u00ef`ri@\u00b0+T\u00b0\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=YInoG%2b%2bMYHJpQLArVLA&input=Mg)\n## [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 13 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n+`spooky{+2}\u00b4\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=K2BzcG9va3l7KzJ9tA&input=Mg)\n[Answer]\n# AWK, 21 bytes\n```\n$0=$0\"spooky\"$0+2\"me\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzP/v9fxcBWxUCpuCA/P7tSScVA20gpN1Xp/39DLiMuYy4TLlMA \"AWK \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSubstitutes the input for `(input)spooky(input+2)me`. As the new value of `$0` is not zero nor null, prints `$0`.\n[Answer]\n## [Lua](https://www.lua.org/), 39 bytes\n```\nw=io.write w(...)w'spooky'w(...+2)w'me'\n```\nTest\n```\n> lua -v & echo -------- & lua ./spooky.lua 2\nLua 5.4.0 Copyright (C) 1994-2020 Lua.org, PUC-Rio\n--------\n2spooky4me\n```\n[Answer]\n## JAVA, 60 bytes\n```\nclass p {String main(int n) {return n+\"spooky\"+(n+2)+\"me\";}}\n```\nWorks fine on blueJ but not on TIO idk why?\n[Answer]\n# [tinylisp](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/tinylisp), 72 bytes\n```\n(load library\n(q((N)(strcat(string N)(join2(q spooky)(q me)(string(a N 2\n```\nAnonymous function that takes a number and returns a name (tinylisp's equivalent of a string). [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYkxDoMwEAT7vGLLvS7wEBpecAlRdGB8xnbj1xuQqGY0Uy22YCX1zuC6INgna24vLph5kJOw1PzVesPiH1dY3eLIAyW5b00u23/yfComjJ27JszgUB3DW6Sf \"tinylisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Ungolfed/explanation\n```\n(load library) ; Needed for strcat, join2, and ungolfed aliases\n(lambda (N) ; Anonymous function with one argument\n (strcat ; Concatenate these two names as a single string:\n (string N) ; Convert the input number to a string, and\n (join2 ; Join these strings together:\n (q spooky) ; \"spooky\" and\n (q me) ; \"me\", with the following separator:\n (string ; Convert to a string\n (add2 N 2))))) ; the input number plus 2\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python, 39 bytes\n```\nx=int(input());print(f\"{x}spooky{x+2}me)\n```\n*Don't remove the `int()`. That will cause an error.\nTested on `Python 3.10.1 (v3.10.1:2cd268a3a9, Dec 6 2021, 14:28:59) [Clang 13.0.0 (clang-1300.0.29.3)] on darwin`*\n[Answer]\n# [BQN](https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/), ~~30~~ 28 bytes\n```\n\u2022Fmt\u223e\"spooky\"\u223e\"me\"\u223e\u02dc\u00b7\u2022Fmt+\u27dc2\n```\nAnonymous tacit function. [Try it at BQN online](https://mlochbaum.github.io/BQN/try.html#code=RiDihpAg4oCiRm104oi+InNwb29reSLiiL4ibWUi4oi+y5zCt+KAokZtdCvin5wyCgpGwqgg4p+oMiwgNCwgOCwgOTnin6kK)\n### Explanation\nReading right-to-left:\n* `+\u27dc2` adds 2 to the argument\n* `\u2022Fmt` converts that number to a string\n* `\u00b7` helps with parsing\n* `\"me\"\u223e\u02dc` concatenates `me` to the end of the string\n* `\"spooky\"\u223e` concatenates `spooky` to the beginning of the string\n* `\u2022Fmt\u223e` concatenates the argument, stringified, to the beginning of the string\n[Answer]\n# [J](https://www.jsoftware.com), 24 bytes\n```\n'me',~\":,'spooky',\":@+&2\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m70wa8GCpaUlaboWN_XSFGytFNRzU9V16pSsdNSLC_LzsyvVdZSsHLTVjLhSkzPyFdLU7BTsrBQy9QwNILqgmmGGAAA)\nIf you've seen the BQN or APL golfs then you've seen this one.\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/math_golf.txt), 11 [bytes](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/code_page.py)\n```\nk\u2555o3\u2563Rk\u2320\u00fbme\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##y00syUjPz0n7/z/70dSp@caPpi4Oyn7Us@Dw7tzU//8NuYy4LLkMDQwA)\n**Explanation:**\n```\nk # Push the input-integer\n \u2555o3 # Push compressed string \"spoo\"\n \u2563R # Push compressed string \"ky\"\n k # Push the input-integer again\n \u2320 # Increase it by 2\n \u00fbme # Push string \"me\"\n # (after which the entire stack joined together is output implicitly)\n```\n`k...k\u2320` could alternatively have been `\u2514)...@` for the same byte-count: [try it online](https://tio.run/##AScA2P9tYXRoZ29sZv//4pSUKeKVlW8z4pWjUkDDu21l//8xCjIKOQoxMDA).\n```\n\u2514 # Increase the (implicit) input-integer by 1 without popping\n ) # Pop and increase it by 1 again\n @ # Reverse triple-swap the top three values on the stack\n```\n[Answer]\n# MATL, 18 bytes\n```\n'spooky'yUQQV'me'v\n```\n[Try it on MATL Online](https://matl.io/?code=%27spooky%27yUQQV%27me%27v&inputs=%272%27&version=20.9.1)\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `\u1e6a`, 12 bytes\n```\n:\u21e7\u201bme\u00ab\u00bd\u21b5*\u2190\u00ab\u2207\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyLhuaoiLCIiLCI64oen4oCbbWXCq8K94oa1KuKGkMKr4oiHIiwiIiwiMiJd)\n2spooky4joe\n## Explained\n```\n:\u21e7\u201bme\u00ab\u00bd\u21b5*\u2190\u00ab\u2207\n:\u21e7 # Without popping, push input + 2 - this leaves the stack as [input, input + 2]\n \u201bme # push the string \"me\"\n \u00ab\u00bd\u21b5*\u2190\u00ab # and the string \"spooky\"\n \u2207 # rotate the top three items and output the sum of the stack\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><> (Fish)](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 26 bytes\n```\n:n'ykoops'oooooo2+n'em'oo;\n```\n[Try it](https://mousetail.github.io/Fish/#eyJ0ZXh0IjoiOm4neWtvb3BzJ29vb29vbzIrbidlbSdvbzsiLCJpbnB1dCI6IiIsInN0YWNrIjoiMyIsInN0YWNrX2Zvcm1hdCI6Im51bWJlcnMiLCJpbnB1dF9mb3JtYXQiOiJjaGFycyJ9)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nIn Elixir, (linked) lists are in the format `[head | tail]` where **head** can be anything and **tail** is a list of the rest of the list, and `[]` - the empty list - is the only exception to this.\nLists can also be written like `[1, 2, 3]` which is equivalent to `[1 | [2 | [3 | []]]]`\nYour task is to convert a list as described. The input will always be a valid list (in Elixir) containing only numbers matching the regex `\\[(\\d+(, ?\\d+)*)?\\]`. You may take the input with (one space after each comma) or without spaces. The output may be with (one space before and after each `|`) or without spaces.\nFor inputs with leading zeroes you may output either without the zeroes or with.\nInput must be taken as a string (if writing a function), as does output.\n## Examples\n```\n[] -> []\n[5] -> [5 | []]\n[1, 7] -> [1 | [7 | []]]\n[4, 4, 4] -> [4 | [4 | [4 | []]]]\n[10, 333] -> [10 | [333 | []]]\n```\n[related](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/126410/sugar-free-syntax), not a duplicate as this in part involves adding mode `]` to the end. Additionally, the Haskell answer here is quite different to the one there.\n \n[Answer]\n## Haskell, 50 bytes\n```\nf.read\nf(a:b)='[':show(a+0)++'|':f b++\"]\"\nf _=\"[]\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JclLDoMgEADQvaeYzAYIaPrdkHAET0CJGa2gES2RJt307KVpunmbN1FexhhLMLfim32ke@U56V4YZpnO0@PFSR6ElOzNtIdeSnRYeegMWodlpXkDAyultgOe9nl7NkGA/aVCe/yrTuqsLurq0JXP4COFXOohpS8 \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe `+0` lets the Haskell type checker know that we are dealing with lists of numbers, so `read` will parse the input string for us. \n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 50 bytes\n```\nr='%s'\nfor x in input():r%='[%s|%%s]'%x\nprint r%[]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfnJ@SaqukpPS/yFZdtVidKy2/SKFCITMPiApKSzQ0rYpUbdWjVYtrVFWLY9VVK7gKijLzShSKVKNj/wO1cXGlVqQmK4BM0TL9Hx3LFW0KxIY6CuZAykRHAYRAAgY6CsbGxrEA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 50 bytes\n```\ns=>eval(s).map(v=>`[${p+=']',v}|`,p='[]').join``+p\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@7/Y1i61LDFHo1hTLzexQKPM1i4hWqW6QNtWPVZdp6y2JkGnwFY9OlZdUy8rPzMvIUG74H9yfl5xfk6qXk5@ukaahlJ0rJKmJhe6oClWUUMdBXOsEiY6CiCEXZOBjoKxsTFI7j8A \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# Recursive version, 51 bytes\n```\nf=(s,[v,...a]=eval(s))=>1/v?`[${v}|${f(s,a)}]`:'[]'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/f8/zVajWCe6TEdPTy8x1ja1LDFHo1hT09bOUL/MPiFapbqstkalOg2oJlGzNjbBSj06Vv1/cn5ecX5Oql5OfrpGmoZSdKySpiYXuqApVlFDHQVzrBImOgoghF2TgY6CsbExSO4/AA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), ~~39~~ ~~33~~ ~~32~~ 20 bytes\n```\n\\b]\n,]\n+`,(.*)\n|[$1]\n```\nSaved 13 bytes thanks to H.PWiz, ovs, ASCII-only, and Neil. \n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxLNPz/PyYplksnlks7QUdDT0uTqyZaxTD2//9oEx0gjOWKjgUA \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\\b]\n,]\n```\nIf we don't have an empty list, add a trailing comma.\n```\n+`,(.*)\n|[$1]\n```\nWhile there are commas, wrap things with `|[ thing ]`.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-pl`, ~~31~~ 28 bytes\n```\ns/\\d\\K]/,]/;$\\=']'x s/,/|[/g\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/79YPyYlxjtWXydW31olxlY9Vr1CoVhfR78mWj/9//9oYx2j2H/5BSWZ@XnF/3ULcv7r@prqGRgaAAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# How?\n```\n-p # (command line) Implicit input/output via $_ and $\\\ns/\\d\\K]/,]/; # insert a comma at the end if the list is not empty\n$\\=']'x s/,/|[/g # At the end of the run, output as many ']' as there are\n # commas in the input. Replace the commas with \"|[\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/), ~~111~~ 85 bytes\n```\nf=fn[h|t],f->\"[#{h}|#{f.(t,f)}]\"\n[],_->\"[]\"\nh,f->f.(elem(Code.eval_string(h),0),f)end\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S83JrMgs@v8/zTYtLzqjpiRWJ03XTilauTqjtka5Ok1Po0QnTbM2VokrOlYnHiQDZGaA1AClUnNSczWc81NS9VLLEnPii0uKMvPSNTI0dQw0gZpS81L@e/rrFZSWFCsAFStFm@gogFCsElCSC0XG0EBHwdjYGIsMWOg/AA \"Elixir \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI have never used Elixir before. Defines a function that takes a string and a reference to itself and returns a string.\n[Answer]\n# [Ceylon](https://ceylon-lang.org), 113 bytes\n```\nString p(String s)=>s.split(\" ,[]\".contains).select((x)=>!x.empty).reversed.fold(\"[]\")((t,h)=>\"[``h`` | ``t``]\");\n```\n[Try it online!](https://try.ceylon-lang.org/?gist=e3d815b7459bfe561287963eea4aaef5)\nHere is it written out:\n```\n// define a function p mapping Strings to Strings.\nString p(String s) =>\n // we split the string at all characters which are brackets, comma or space.\n s.split(\" ,[]\".contains) // \u2192 {String+}, e.g. { \"\", \"1\", \"7\", \"\" }\n // That iterable contains empty strings, so let's remove them.\n // Using `select` instead of `filter` makes the result a sequential instead of\n // an Iterable.\n .select((x)=>!x.empty) // \u2192 [String*], e.g. [1, 7]\n // now invert the order.\n // (This needs a Sequential (or at least a List) instead of an Iterable.)\n .reversed // \u2192 [String*], e.g. [7, 1]\n // Now iterate over the list, starting with \"[]\", and apply a function\n // to each element with the intermediate result.\n .fold(\"[]\") // \u2192 String(String(String, String))\n // This function takes the intermediate result `t` (for tail) and an element\n // `h` (for head), and puts them together into brackets, with a \" | \" in the\n // middle. This uses String interpolation, I could have used `\"+` and `+\"`\n // instead for the same length.\n ((t,h)=>\"[``h`` | ``t``]\"); // \u2192 String\n```\n[Try it online!](https://try.ceylon-lang.org/?gist=60089c0d591e519aa80079ae130ca435)\nAs noted by ovs in a (now deleted) comment: If one select the \"without spaces\" options for input and output indicated in the question, one can safe 3 more bytes (the obvious ones with spaces in them).\nIf we don't need to parse the input, but just could get a sequence as input, it gets much shorter (69 bytes).\n```\nString p(Object[]s)=>s.reversed.fold(\"[]\")((t,h)=>\"[``h`` | ``t``]\");\n```\n[Try it online!](https://try.ceylon-lang.org/?gist=6235914fe86ec21c8ce1c327022165b0)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 65 bytes\n```\nlambda k:\"[\"+''.join(f\"{u}|[\"for u in eval(k))+-~len(eval(k))*\"]\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUSHbSilaSVtdXS8rPzNPI02purS2JlopLb9IoVQhM08htSwxRyNbU1Nbty4nNU8DxtVSilX6X1CUmVeikaahFG2iA4WxSpqa/wE \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIf the input could be a list instead, then:\n**[Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 53 bytes**\n```\nlambda k:\"[\"+''.join(f\"{u}|[\"for u in k)+-~len(k)*\"]\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUSHbSilaSVtdXS8rPzNPI02purS2JlopLb9IoVQhM08hW1Nbty4nNU8jW1NLKVbpf0FRZl6JRppGtIkOFMZqav4HAA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), 114 bytes\n```\n\tI =INPUT\nS\tN =N + 1\t\n\tI SPAN(1234567890) . L REM . I\t:F(O)\n\tO =O '[' L ' | '\t:(S)\nO\tOUTPUT =O '[' DUPL(']',N)\nEND\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYw9C4MwFADnl1/xtpfQUIzaLyFDQQsB@xKMmcSlc6lD1/73mKXTwR3c97O9tnebMzi0jkOaRQRGy3hAA6LYGO4sTd20p/PleqsUHnHEaXgWOuge0isBHq1HWqgUwh8SdDIq4cGnuRz/sU9hlLSSZiUG7nNejDa1btYd \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n\tI =INPUT\t\t\t\t;* read input\nS\tN =N + 1\t\t\t\t;* counter for number of elements (including empty list)\n\tI SPAN(1234567890) . L REM . I\t:F(O)\t;* get value matching \\d until none left\n\tO =O '[' L ' | '\t:(S)\t\t;* build output string\nO\tOUTPUT =O '[' DUPL(']',N)\t\t;* print O concatenated with a '[' and N copies of ']'\nEND\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 19 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00c9\u25b2\u00b2:Wl\u00d6\u2514%\u00ef\u256a\u263a\u2552\u2593\"We\u21a8\u03a6\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=901efd3a576c99c0258bd801d5b222576517e8&i=[1,+2,+3]&a=1)\nMy first Stax post, so probably not optimal.\nUnpacked and commented:\n```\nU, Put -1 under input\n { Block\n i Push loop index, needed later\n '[a$'|++ Wrap the element in \"[...|\"\n m Map\n '[+ Add another \"[\"\n s2+ Get the latest loop index + 2\n ']*+ Add that many \"]\"\n```\n[Run and debug this one](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=U,+++++++++++++++++++++%09Put+-1+under+input%0A++%7B++++++++++++++++++++%09Block%0A+++i+++++++++++++++++++%09++Push+loop+index,+needed+later%0A++++%27[a%24%27%7C%2B%2B+++++++++++%09++Wrap+the+element+in+%22[...%7C%22%0A++++++++++++m++++++++++%09Map%0A+++++++++++++%27[%2B+++++++%09Add+another+%22[%22%0A++++++++++++++++s2%2B++++%09Get+the+latest+loop+index+%2B+2%0A+++++++++++++++++++%27]*%2B%09Add+that+many+%22]%22&i=[1,+2,+3])\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 22 bytes\n```\n+:'[J\"|[\":msr\u00b9\u2081*\u2081Lr\n\"]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/X9tKPdpLqSZaySq3uOjQzkdNjVpA7FPEpRT7//9/pWhDAx1jY@NYJQA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Befunge-98 (PyFunge)](https://pythonhosted.org/PyFunge/), ~~22~~ 21 bytes\n```\n'[,1;@j,]';#$&.\" |\",,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1tNAtqAQz//9Xj9YxtHbI0olVt1ZWUdNTUqhR0tH5/z/aREcBhGIB \"Befunge-98 (PyFunge) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIf there weren't weird restrictions on output, we could do this in 18:\n```\n'[,1;@j,]';#$&.'|,\n```\nFun fact, this is technically a program that does nothing in Python.\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/) `-p`, 39 bytes\nFull program:\n```\n$_[$&]=\"|[#$2]\"while/(,|\\d\\K(?=]))(.*)/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/XyU@WkUt1lapJlpZxShWqTwjMydVX0OnJiYlxlvD3jZWU1NDT0tT////6FiuaFMgNtQxB5ImOkAI4hnoGBsbx/7LLyjJzM8r/q9bAAA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~48~~ 45 bytes\nRecursive function:\n```\nf=->s{(s[/,|\\d\\K(?=])/]&&=\"|[\")&&f[s+=?]]||s}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RYxNCoMwEIX3PUVIISiN1RDFVfQAPcI4i/6FLksTF8Xx7GmCNDLw4H3f8D7z7RuCNdXglsJBLWl6TJdiNFjWKIThBLwUwoI7mRGRyK0BDhyQyyOrBgYYS5dbxyiixJTsM1WJ9ptKrpXxsm2T2AO3H9VIrfU@0SQXyX8Fz8/r/bWQp/fsHbPgcQ0/ \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~84~~ ~~71~~ 69 bytes\n```\nfunction(x){while(x<(x=sub('(,|\\\\d\\\\K(?=]))(.+)','|[\\\\2]',x,,T)))1;x}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/qfpmCj@z@tNC@5JDM/T6NCs7o8IzMnVaPCRqPCtrg0SUNdQ6cmJiYlJsZbw942VlNTQ09bU11HvSY6JsYoVl2nQkcnRFNT09C6ovZ/moZSdKySJheINoUxDHXMYUwTHSCEixvoGBsbA3n/AQ \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* -15 bytes thanks to @KirillL.\n[Answer]\n# [Proton](https://github.com/alexander-liao/proton), 57 bytes\n```\nk=>\"[\"+''.join(str(u)+\"|[\"for u:(e=eval(k)))+-~len(e)*\"]\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LcKxCoAgEADQX4lbvMtqagrsR8Sh4QRTVEybol@3Jd7LJdUUu1Xdqx00SCGWM7mIVy3YSMKjwaYytA1Z8X0E9EQk5zdwRKYRDPRcXKxoEfQ6/QwQ9Q8 \"Proton \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 19 bytes\n```\n\u0152V\u00a9;\u20ac\u207e|[\u201d[;\u00b5\u00aeL\u2018\u201d]\u1e8b\u1e6d\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AToAxf9qZWxsef//xZJWwqk74oKs4oG@fFvigJ1bO8K1wq5M4oCY4oCdXeG6i@G5rf///ydbMTAsIDMzM10n \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nA non-recursive alternative to [Erik's solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/163849/59487).\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 18 bytes\n```\n\u0152V\u1e22,\u0152\u1e58\u00c7\u201d|;\u01b2\u018a\u00b9\u00a1\u207e[]j\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATYAyf9qZWxsef//xZJW4biiLMWS4bmYw4figJ18O8ayxorCucKh4oG@W11q////J1sxMCwgMzMzXSc \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 18 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u0152V\u00b5\u207e[]jj\u207e|[\u1e6b3;\u201d]\u1e41$\n```\nA full program printing the result (as a monadic link it accepts a list of characters but returns a list of characters and integers).\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///opLBDWx817ouOzcoCUjXRD3euNrZ@1DA39uHORpX///@rRxsa6CgYGxvHqgMA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\n\u0152V\u00b5\u207e[]jj\u207e|[\u1e6b3;\u201d]\u1e41$ - Main link: list of characters e.g. \"[10,333]\"\n\u0152V - evaluate as Python code [10,333]\n \u00b5 - start a new monadic chain, call that X\n \u207e[] - list of characters ['[',']']\n j - join with X ['[',10,333,']']\n \u207e|[ - list of characters ['|','[']\n j - join ['[','|','[',10,'|','[',333,'|','[',']']\n \u1e6b3 - tail from index three ['[',10,'|','[',333,'|','[',']']\n $ - last two links as a monad (f(X)):\n \u201d] - character ']'\n \u1e41 - mould like X [']',']'] (here 2 because X is 2 long)\n ; - concatenate ['[',10,'|','[',333,'|','[',']',']',']']\n - implicit (and smashing) print [10|[333|[]]]\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, 107 bytes\n```\ns->{var r=\"[]\";for(var i:s.replaceAll(\"[\\\\[\\\\]]\",\"\").split(\",\"))r=\"[\"+i+\"|\"+r+\"]\";return s.length()<3?s:r;}\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##jY9BTsMwEEX3PcXIK1txLSAgpKYFcQC6YZlmYVy3uHWdaOxEQiVnDxOIWKLIY2nG/vP1/kl3ennanwfjdYzwql24LgBcSBYP2ljYjiPAW0IXjmD41ERR0HtPlyomnZyBLQTYwBCXT9dOI@CGlRUrDjXycXSrqNA2nkxfvOes3O2oqopJxoSKjXeJUy/EuMcyl7EvlmHGyAJtajFAVN6GY/rgYp0/xxUW/VD8AjTtuyeAiaOr3R4ulGSCLSstphSfMdmLqtukGvpJPvCgDB85xU@gfyQPMzS38nGW6k7mM3T3ks4MuxuZ539@/aIfvgE)\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns->{ // Method with String as both parameter and return-type\n var r=\"[]\"; // Result-String, starting at \"[]\"\n for(var i:s.replaceAll(\"[\\\\[\\\\]]\",\"\") \n // Removing trailing \"[\" and leading \"]\"\n .split(\",\")) // Loop over the items\n r=\"[\"+i+\"|\"+r+\"]\"; // Create the result-String `r`\n return s.length()<3? // If the input was \"[]\"\n s // Return the input as result\n : // Else:\n r;} // Return `r` as result\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Standard ML](http://www.mlton.org/), 71 bytes\n```\nfun p[_]=\"]|[]]\"|p(#\",\"::r)=\"|[\"^p r^\"]\"|p(d::r)=str d^p r;p o explode;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HchLCsMgEADQfU8xTDcJWGixq4gnkTEUjBAwOhgTuvDu5rN7vHUJryWUFFvzWwQ2I2mkaoiwcvdEgcOQe43VoGXIFu93d64lg7tWMSSY/hySm1TbfwE8aJiLelweT3OeY@k8oPm8hZRSfAn7dgA \"Standard ML (MLton) \u2013 Try It Online\") Uses the format without spaces. E.g. `it \"[10,333,4]\"` yields `\"[10|[333|[4]|[]]]]\"`.\n**ungolfed**\n```\nfun p [_] = \"]|[]]\" (* if there is only one char left we are at the end *)\n | p (#\",\"::r) = \"|[\" ^ p r ^ \"]\" (* a ',' in the input is replaced by \"|[\" and an closing \"]\" is added to the end *)\n | p (d::r) = str d ^ p r (* all other chars (the digits and the initial '[') are converted to a string and concatenated to recursive result *)\nval f = p o explode (* convert string into list of chars and apply function p *)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYtBCsMgFET3nmL43SRgocWuAj2J/IaCEQpGxdjShXe3mtBZzOK9mW1159Xl4Gu1b48IPTOO3EFcNDNBAKWp4USSpimNXRVNeDSYWhPTf2J2v7@3nGCOjRCfp4NtMCJg@UYXzFI7mztLL58HC9LXi1RKyRvTWH8 \"Standard ML (MLton) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~140~~ 136 bytes\nDown 4 bytes as per Giuseppe's sound advice.\n```\nfunction(l,x=unlist(strsplit(substr(l,2,nchar(l)-1),\", \")))paste(c(\"[\",paste0(c(x,\"]\"),collapse=\" | [\"),rep(\"]\",length(x))),collapse=\"\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYxBC8IwDIXv/oqQUwMZbE7x4n7J8FBL5walK2sLPfjfayZMhEC@l5f3tjrdmzplb9KyeuW4DNm7JSYV0xaDWwTyU1isM3szayFqOmJkQCIKOiarjMIR@cutiML4QGKzOqdDtAPCG0Y5bDYocdhZ/0qzKpL/e0Kqk/RI8rTv6wEdw@3gC8M@P6tl6PteZP0A \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 108 bytes\n```\nfunction(l)Reduce(function(x,y)paste0(\"[\",x,\"|\",y,\"]\"),eval(parse(t=sub(\"]\",\")\",sub(\"\\\\[\",\"c(\",l)))),\"[]\",T)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PYpNCsIwEIX3niLMagaeUIniRi9R3LUuYkxBCLU0ibTg3WMqtMOD@d7PmDt12ecu9Ta@3j17qd0zWcdbMmGWwYToKqaGMIG@hBl0J4H7GM@DGYPjeA3pwSUFCeHPbVv2ZJngpRyoKe1NcscLyW75pxUOUOeVj1CLtqqC0loXm38 \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIt took almost a year to find a better R solution than previous...should have known `Reduce` would be the answer! Outputs without spaces, input can be with or without spaces.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 63 bytes\n```\nlambda s:'['+'|['.join(map(str,eval(s))+[']'])+']'*len(eval(s))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RU7dCoIwFL6upzh3Z8shmoogrBdZu1ilZMw5dAWB724by4LDd873w8exb3cfzXHt@HnVarjcFMwNCkxwEZg@xt6QQVkyu4m1L6XJTGkiUKKkiceDbg3Z9LUbJ@iNZTA@nfUXCIFCIoOAkoFnVaQVLCDkJuYM6qjnQa@jubklgzAxUAbvD/IfyzMGRVF8e7Lgevqrks1@Z6feuPgh8pMPdsQTum3Ow9/p1Fqtri1BQIZI1w8 \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# sed + `-E`, 46 bytes\n```\n:\ns/\\[([0-9]+)(, ?([^]]*)|())\\]/[\\1 | [\\3]]/\nt\n```\nA fairly straightforward approach. The second line takes `[\\d+, ...]` and changes it to `[\\d | [...]]`. The third line jumps back to the first line, if the substitution was successful. The substitution repeats until it fails and then the program terminates. Run with `sed -E -f filename.sed`, passing input via stdin.\n[Answer]\n# [Red](http://www.red-lang.org), 110 bytes\n```\nfunc[s][if s =\"[]\"[return s]replace append/dup replace/all b: copy s\",\"\"|[\"\"]\"(length? b)- length? s\"]\"\"|[]]\"]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY3BCsIwEETv/YplTwqRKlGEgvgPXsMe0mSjhZCGpDkI/nuMoEiZy7yZgUls642tos4N1ZVgVCY1OchwQUWoEi8lBciUOHptGHSMHGxvS4Rv1GvvYRzAzPEJGQXiSyESbjyH@/K4wrjdwc/nVrSeCKnGNIUFHHyOuj@cVnQQ5xUfRdN6sRdSSsL6Bg \"Red \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation of the ungolfed version:\n```\nf: func[s][ \n if s = \"[]\" [return s] ; if the list is empty, return it \n b: copy s ; save a copy of the input in b \n replace/all b \",\" \"|[\" ; replace every \",\" with \"|[\" \n append/dup b \"]\" (length? b) - length? s ; append as many \"]\" as there were \",\"\n replace b \"]\" \"|[]]\" ; replace the first \"]\" with \"|[]]\" \n] ; the last value is returned implicitly\n```\n[Red](http://www.red-lang.org) is so easily readable, that I doubt I needed adding the above comments :)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), 38 bytes\n```\n{'['~S:g/\\s|.<($/\\|\\[/~']'x$_+1}o&EVAL\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYPu/Wj1avS7YKl0/prhGz0ZDRT@mJiZav049Vr1CJV7bsDZfzTXM0ee/NVdxYqVCmoJStKGOkY5xrBJCwBSZY6hjjsyNVfoPAA \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## Introduction\nThe challenge itself was something I came across and had to try and figure out for a personal of project of mine. I ended up branching out and asking family members if they could provide an equation to meet the requirements.\n**Note:** I have (with the help of others) found a solution for this but now I'm just trying to see how others would approach this.\n## Challenge\nTake the following scenario where the left hand side number is N (the input):\n```\nN Output\n0 -> 9\n1 -> 99\n2 -> 999\n3 -> 9999\n4 -> 99,999\n5 -> 999,999\n...\n15 -> 9,999,999,999,999,999\n```\nSo, essentially, for an input number **N**, your program must provide the highest integer with **N + 1** decimal places.\n**Note:** Commas are not required to separate the numbers, I placed them above purely for readability. \n## Criteria of Success\nThe criteria of success is based on the following:\n* Shortest in terms of code size\n \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 3 bytes\n### Code:\n```\n>\u00ac\u221e<\n```\nUses the **05AB1E** encoding. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f/f7tAGm///TQA \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### Explanation:\n```\n> # Increment the implicit input\n \u00ac\u221e # Compute 10 ** (input + 1)\n < # Decrement the result\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Neim](https://github.com/okx-code/Neim), 3 bytes\n```\n>9\uf8ff\u00f9\u00ef\u00a3\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n> Increment input\n 9\uf8ff\u00f9\u00ef\u00a3 Repeat 9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0vNzP3/387yw9ypi///NwUA \"Neim \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Proton](https://github.com/alexander-liao/proton), 11 bytes\n```\n(1+)+(\"9\"*)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KyjKL8nP@59m@1/DUFtTW0PJUklL839BUWZeiUaahomm5n8A \"Proton \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis is a function.\n# Explanation\n```\n(1+)+(\"9\"*) Function\n 1+ Anonymous function; add the input to 1\n \"9\"* Anonymous function; multiply \"9\" by the input\n + Function Composition; add the input to 1 then multiply \"9\" by this number\n( ) ( ) Brackets for order of operations\n```\n:o proton beats python with its function composition for once :D\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 7 bytes\nAnonymous tacit prefix function\n```\n9^&.>:]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/P83WyjJOTc/OKvZ/anJGvkKagoGCoYKRgrGCiYKpgqFpxX8A \"J \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n`9^`\u201a\u00c4\u00b6`]`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9nine raised to the power of the argument\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`&.`\u201a\u00c4\u00b6\u201a\u00c4\u00c9while both nine and the argument are under the influence of\n\u201a\u00c4\u00c9\u201a\u00c4\u00c9`>:`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9increment\nI.e. increment nine and the argument, then power, then un-increment, i.e. decrement. Effectively `((9+1)^(n+1))-1`.\n[Answer]\n# APL+WIN, ~~9~~ 5 bytes\nThanks to ngn for -3 bytes and Ad\u221a\u00b0m for -1 byte\nPrompts for integer input:\n```\n1\u201a\u00e9\u00ef/\u201a\u00e7\u00ef9\n```\n[Answer]\n# [99](https://github.com/TryItOnline/99), 90 bytes\n```\n 999\n9999 9 9\n99999 99 9 9999 9\n999 999 9999 9\n\t\t\t\n99999\n999 999 9\n 999999 999\n 9 9999\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##s7T8/1/B0tKSC4gtFYAQzADSYA6YxQXhw7mcnJxcIABWiJDkAstDeFxQzf//mwAA \"99 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nPossibly not optimal, but it was fun to write.\nEDIT: looks like I was right, as [Jo King outgolfed me](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/163816/67312) by not incrementing the input and being smarter about the gotos.\n```\n 999\t\t\tassign input to tri-nine\n9999 9 9\t\tassign 0 to quad-nine\n99999 99 9 9999 9\tassign 81 to quint-nine for printing\n999 999 9999 9\t\tincrement tri-nine\n\t\t\t\n99999\t\t\tprint 81/nine (the numeral nine)\n999 999 9\t\tdecrement tri-nine\n 999999 999\t\tif tri-nine is zero exit program (goto outside program)\n 9 9999\t\t\telse goto line nine\n```\n[Answer]\n# [*99*](https://github.com/TryItOnline/99), 69 bytes\n```\n9999 9 9\n99999 99 9 9999 9\n 999\n99999\n 99 999\n999 999 9\n 9 9999\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##s7T8/98SCBSAkMsSwgJzwCwuEM0FAWBJLrCsJVipAkwJWDHQGAA \"99 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nAppropriate (but it's a pity that this didn't end up at 99 bytes)\n### Explanation\n```\n9999 9 9 9999 = 9-9\n99999 99 9 9999 9 99999 = 99-9+(9-9)-9 = 9*9\n 999 999 = input*9\nFiller to get up to line 9\n99999 Print (9*9)/9 as a number\n 99 999 Jump to line 99 if 999 is 9-9\n999 999 9 999 = 999 - 9\n 9 9999 Jump unconditionally to line 9\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 3 bytes\n```\nu\u201a\u00ef\u00a7D\n```\nExplanation:\n```\nu Increment input\n \u201a\u00ef\u00a7 10 ** x\n D Decrement\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0wuKU3Myan8/7/00dQlLv//mwIA \"Actually \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 6 bytes\n```\nQ10w^q\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/P9DQoDyu8P9/YwA \"MATL \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### Explanation:\n```\nQ % Grab input and increment by 1\n 10 % Push 10\n w % Swap stack\n ^ % Raise 10 to the power of input+1\n q % Decrement by 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 4\n```\n*\\9h\n```\n[Online test](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%2A%5C9h&input=0%0A1%0A2%0A3%0A4%0A5%0A15&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=0%0A1%0A2%0A3%0A4%0A5%0A15&debug=0).\n### Explanation\n```\n Q # Implicit input\n h # Increment\n*\\9 # Repeat string \"9\" n+1 times\n```\n[Answer]\n# [dc](https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/html_mono/dc.html), 8\n```\nA?1+^1-p\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0n@/9/R3lA7zlC34P9/EwA \"dc \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\nA # Push 10\n ? # Push input\n 1+ # Increment input\n ^ # Raise 10 to the (input + 1)th power\n 1- # Decrement\n p # Print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~14~~ 13 bytes\n```\nf n=10*10^n-1\n```\nOr for string output 15 bytes, `f n='9'<$[0..n]`\nThanks to @EsolangingFruit for a byte.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P00hz9bQIE4jT9tQU9fwf25iZp6CrUJBaUlwSZFPnoKSn4KCgn9pCVBAScHOTiE3scA3XkEjJlPXTkEDokqvOCO/XDMTJAsRUFBSeNQ2SQGsvqAoM69EQSNNIVNTUyHaQE/PNPY/AA \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 19 bytes\n[Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/) does a better job than [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) ([needs eval](https://tio.run/##S0oszvj/P7UsMUehoCgzryRNwVJVr1ih2kBPT8Ww9v///4YA)):\n```\nprintf 9%.s {0..$1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##qyrO@P@/oCgzryRNwVJVr1ih2kBPT8Ww9v///4YA \"Zsh \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### Alternative, 20 bytes\nThis works for both [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/) and [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) (due to [Digital Trauma](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/11259/digital-trauma?tab=profile)):\n```\necho $[10**($1+1)-1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##qyrO@P8/NTkjX0El2tBAS0tDxVDbUFPXMPb////GAA \"Zsh \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 16 bytes\n```\nlambda a:\"9\"*-~a\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUSHRSslSSUu3LvF/QVFmXolGmoaJpuZ/AA \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nJust a simple anonymous function.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 18 bytes\n```\nx=>\"9\".repeat(x+1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@7/C1k7JUkmvKLUgNbFEo0LbUPN/cn5ecX5Oql5OfrpGmoappibXfwA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 4 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00c4\u00f2\u201a\u00c5\u00b5*\u201a\u00c4\u00f4\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9Rw4xHjVu1HjXM/P//vykA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n```\n\u201a\u00c4\u00f2\u201a\u00c5\u00b5*\u201a\u00c4\u00f4 - Main link. Argument: n (integer)\n\u201a\u00c4\u00f2 - n+1\n \u201a\u00c5\u00b5* - 10 ** (n+1)\n \u201a\u00c4\u00f4 - (10 ** (n+1)) - 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 4 bytes\n```\nR'9\u201a\u00dc\u00ed\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/P0jd8lHbpP///xsAAA \"Husk \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n```\nR'9\u201a\u00dc\u00ed -- example input: 3\n \u201a\u00dc\u00ed -- increment: 4\nR'9 -- replicate the character '9': ['9','9','9','9']\n -- implicitly print \"9999\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Canvas](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas), 3 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas/blob/master/files/chartable.md)\n```\n\u201a\u00ef\u00b59\u221a\u00f3\n```\n[Try it here!](https://dzaima.github.io/Canvas/?u=JXUyNTc1OSVENw__,i=NQ__,v=2)\n```\n\u201a\u00ef\u00b5 increment the input\n 9 push \"9\"\n \u221a\u00f3 repeat the \"9\" input+1 times\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 48 bytes\n```\n({}()){({}<(((((()()()){}()){}){}){}())>[()])}{}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzTTctJzP7/X6O6VkNTsxpI2WiAgSYIakJEayEIyLSL1tCM1aytrv3/3/C/riMA \"Brain-Flak \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis uses the `-A` to enable ASCII output. Bonus round: A version without `-A`.\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 50 bytes\n```\n({}(())){({}<((({})(({}){}){}){})>[()])}{}({}[()])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzTTctJzP7/X6O6VkNDU1OzGsiw0dAAkppgAo7sojU0YzVrgcqqa8HM//8NAQ \"Brain-Flak \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Momema](https://github.com/ScratchMan544/momema), 21 bytes\n```\na00+1*0-8 9a=+*0-+1_A\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y83PTc1N/P8/0cBA21DLQNdCwTLRVhvI0DaMd/z/39LS8l9@QUlmfl7xf91MAA \"Momema \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Requires the `-i` interpreter flag.\n## Explanation\nA brief rundown of Momema's features:\n* Its only data type is the unbounded integer. It has a double-ended tape (indexed by unbounded integers) where every number is initialized to zero.\n* Strings of digits are integer literals which evaluate to themselves. Leading zeroes are parsed as their own integers.\n* `+ab` evaluates to the sum of `a` and `b`.\n* `-a` evaluates to the negation of `a`.\n* `*a` evaluates to the value of cell `a` on the tape.\n* `=a` evaluates to 0 if `a` evaluates to 0, and `=` otherwise.\n* At the top level, `ab` stores `b` at cell `a` on the tape. Attempting to write a number to `-8` writes its decimal representation to STDOUT instead.\n* At the top level, `[w]a` (where `[w]` is any string of lowercase letters) acts like \"relative jump forward by `a` jump instructions that share the label `[w]`.\"\n* The Momema reference implementation accepts a flag `-i`, which activates interactive mode. In interactive mode, `_[W]` (where `[W]` is any string of uppercase letters) is called a *hole* and evaluates to a number read from STDIN. However, it caches the number with its label, so if a hole with the same label is ever evaluated again it will be reused.\nKnowing this, here's how you expand this program:\n```\na 0 # do {\n0 (+ 1 (* 0)) # n = n + 1\n-8 9 # print 9\na (= (+ (* 0) (- (+ 1 _A)))) # while (n != input)\n```\n(This still parses, by the way; the Momema parser treats parentheses the same way as whitespace.) \n---\n```\na 0\n```\nJumps forward by 0 `a` instructions (i.e. does nothing). This is only here to serve as a jump target later.\n```\n0 (+ 1 (* 0))\n```\nIncrements the value of cell 0 (initially 0) and stores it back in cell 0.\n```\n-8 9\n```\n`-8` is memory-mapped for numeric I/O, so this outputs `9` to STDOUT.\n```\na (= (+ (* 0) (- (+ 1 _A))))\n```\nCompute `tape[0] - (input + 1)`. If it is zero (i.e. both sides were equal), then `=` maps the result to 0, making it a no-op. Control runs off of the end of the program. However, if it is nonzero, this is a `1`. Since there are no `a` instructions after here, it wraps around to the beginning of the program.\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), ~~24~~ 23 bytes\nthanks to [Jo King](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/76162/jo-king) for -1 byte\n```\n-[++>+[+<]>]>+<,+[->.<]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fN1pb2047Wtsm1i7WTttGRzta107PJvb/f04A \"brainfuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Takes input as ASCII\n[Answer]\n# [Whitespace](https://web.archive.org/web/20150618184706/http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/tutorial.php), 79 bytes\n```\n[S S S T S T S N\n_Push_10][S N\nS _Duplicate_10][S N\nS _Duplicate_10][S N\nS _Duplicate_10][T N\nT T _Read_STDIN_as_integer][T T T _Retrieve_input][N\nS S N\n_Create_Label_LOOP][S S S T N\n_Push_1][T S S T _Subtract][S N\nS _Duplicate][N\nT T S N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_EXIT][S N\nT _Swap][S T S S T S N\n_Copy_2st][T S S N\n_Multiply][S N\nT _Swap][N\nS N\nN\n_Jump_to_Label_LOOP][N\nS S S N\n_Create_Label_EXIT][T S S S _Add][T N\nS T _Print_as_integer]\n```\nLetters `S` (space), `T` (tab), and `N` (new-line) added as highlighting only. \n`[..._some_action]` added as explanation only.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##K8/ILEktLkhMTv3/X0FBgRMIuYAQgji5OEEAwgXxFCDSnBBSAcLnVADzgJgLpAzEB6pV4Pz/3wQA) (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only).\n**Explanation in pseudo-code:**\n```\nInteger i = STDIN as integer\nInteger j = 10\nStart LOOP:\n i = i - 1\n If i is negative (-1): Go to function PRINT_AND_EXIT\n j = j * 10\n Go to next iteration of LOOP\nfunction PRINT_AND_EXIT:\n j = j + i (Since i=-1 at this point, this is basically j = j - 1)\n Print j as integer\n Exit with error\n```\n**Example run (`n=4`):**\n```\nCommand Explanation Stack HEAP STDIN STDOUT STDERR\nSSSTSTSN Push 10 [10]\nSNS Duplicate top (10) [10,10]\nSNS Duplicate top (10) [10,10,10]\nSNS Duplicate top (10) [10,10,10,10]\nTNTT Read STDIN as integer [10,10,10] {10:4} 4\nTTT Retrieve [10,10,4] {10:4}\nNSSN Create Label_LOOP [10,10,4] {10:4}\n SSSTN Push 1 [10,10,4,1] {10:4}\n TSST Subtract (4-1) [10,10,3] {10:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (3) [10,10,3,3] {10:4}\n NTTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_EXIT [10,10,3] {10:4}\n SNT Swap top two [10,3,10] {10:4}\n STSSTSN Copy 2nd [10,3,10,10] {10:4}\n TSSN Multiply (10*10) [10,3,100] {10:4}\n SNT Swap top two [10,100,3] {10:4}\n NSNN Jump to Label_LOOP [10,100,3] {10:4}\n SSSTN Push 1 [10,100,3,1] {10:4}\n TSST Subtract (3-1) [10,100,2] {10:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (2) [10,100,2,2] {10:4}\n NTTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_EXIT [10,100,2] {10:4}\n SNT Swap top two [10,2,100] {10:4}\n STSSTSN Copy 2nd [10,2,100,10] {10:4}\n TSSN Multiply (100*10) [10,2,1000] {10:4}\n SNT Swap top two [10,1000,2] {10:4}\n NSNN Jump to Label_LOOP [10,1000,2] {10:4}\n SSSTN Push 1 [10,1000,2,1] {10:4}\n TSST Subtract (2-1) [10,1000,1] {10:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (1) [10,1000,1,1] {10:4}\n NTTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_EXIT [10,1000,1] {10:4}\n SNT Swap top two [10,1,1000] {10:4}\n STSSTSN Copy 2nd [10,1,1000,10] {10:4}\n TSSN Multiply (1000*10) [10,1,10000] {10:4}\n SNT Swap top two [10,10000,1] {10:4}\n NSNN Jump to Label_LOOP [10,10000,1] {10:4}\n SSSTN Push 1 [10,10000,1,1] {10:4}\n TSST Subtract (1-1) [10,10000,0] {10:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (0) [10,10000,0,0] {10:4}\n NTTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_EXIT [10,10000,0] {10:4}\n SNT Swap top two [10,0,10000] {10:4}\n STSSTSN Copy 2nd [10,0,10000,10] {10:4}\n TSSN Multiply (10000*10) [10,0,100000] {10:4}\n SNT Swap top two [10,100000,0] {10:4}\n NSNN Jump to Label_LOOP [10,100000,0] {10:4}\n SSSTN Push 1 [10,100000,0,1] {10:4}\n TSST Subtract (0-1) [10,100000,-1] {10:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (-1) [10,100000,-1,-1] {10:4}\n NTTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_EXIT [10,100000,-1] {10:4}\nNSSSN Create Label_EXIT [10,100000,-1] {10:4}\nTSSS Add (10000+-1) [10,99999] {10:4}\nTNST Print as integer [10] {10:4} 99999\n error\n```\nStops program with error: No exit defined.\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), ~~5~~ 4 bytes\n```\n\u00ac\u221eU\u221a\u00c69\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osKPn//9CG0MPrLP//NwYA)\nShaved off that one byte thanks to [Shaggy](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/58974/shaggy)'s clever eyes. You can see the edit history for a number of 5-byte solutions.\n[Answer]\n# [AWK](https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html), 26 bytes\n```\n{for(;a++<$1;){printf\"9\"}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzP/v@/Oi2/SMM6UVvbRsXQWrO6oCgzryRNyVKptvb/f0NTAA \"AWK \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Julia, 14 bytes\n`f(n)=\"9\"^(n+1)`\nThat's if the result can be a string.\n[Answer]\n# [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), 30 bytes\n```\n\tOUTPUT =DUPL(9,INPUT + 1)\nEND\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87LT8rPMfn/n9M/NCQgNETB1iU0wEfDUsfTD8TTVjDU5HL1c/n/39AUAA \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Gol><>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), 5 bytes\n```\nPR`9H\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PScsszvhv6Ohu6f4/ICjB0uP/fwA \"Gol><> \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis is a Gol><> function which takes the stack content as input.\n### Example full program & How it works\n```\n1AG9G\nPR`9H\n1AG Register row 1 as function G\n 9G Call G with stack [9]\nP Increment\n R`9 Push char '9' that many times\n H Print the stack content as chars and halt\n```\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic, 7 bytes\n```\n10^(Ans+1)-1\n```\nFairly straightforward...\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), 6 bytes\n```\nqi)'9*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP3/vzBTU91S6/9/YwA \"CJam \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 7 bytes\n```\n$_=9x$_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18l3tayQiX@/3/Tf/kFJZn5ecX/dQsA \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## Introduction\nThe challenge itself was something I came across and had to try and figure out for a personal of project of mine. I ended up branching out and asking family members if they could provide an equation to meet the requirements.\n**Note:** I have (with the help of others) found a solution for this but now I'm just trying to see how others would approach this.\n## Challenge\nTake the following scenario where the left hand side number is N (the input):\n```\nN Output\n0 -> 9\n1 -> 99\n2 -> 999\n3 -> 9999\n4 -> 99,999\n5 -> 999,999\n...\n15 -> 9,999,999,999,999,999\n```\nSo, essentially, for an input number **N**, your program must provide the highest integer with **N + 1** decimal places.\n**Note:** Commas are not required to separate the numbers, I placed them above purely for readability. \n## Criteria of Success\nThe criteria of success is based on the following:\n* Shortest in terms of code size\n \n[Answer]\n# IBM/Lotus Notes Formula, 16 bytes\n```\n@Power(10;i+1)-1\n```\nSimple port of my Python answer. One of the nice things about formula is that if you pass it a list it will apply the same function to each list member.\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/qJNpE.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/qJNpE.png)\n[Answer]\n# [Befunge-98 (FBBI)](https://github.com/catseye/FBBI), ~~13~~ 12 bytes\n-1 byte thanks to [Jo King](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/76162/jo-king)\n```\n ':_@#\\-1,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1tPj/X03ZUt0q3kE5RtdQ5/9/UwA \"Befunge-98 (FBBI) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Symbolic Python](https://github.com/FTcode/Symbolic-Python), ~~40~~ 37 bytes\n```\n__=-~(_==_)\n_=(__+__**-~__)**-~_+~_+_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K67MTcrPyUzWLagsycjP@/8/Pt5Wt04j3tY2XpMr3lYjPl47Pl5LS7cuPl4TTGkDUfz///8NAQ \"Symbolic Python \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n### Ungolfed\n```\n# implicit input stored in _\n__ = -~(_==_) # __ = -~True = 1 + True = 1 + 1 = 2\n_=(__+__**-~__)**-~_+~_+_ # _ = (2 + 2 ** -~2) ** -~_ + ~_ + _ \n = (2 + 2**3) ** (_ + 1) - -~_ + _\n = 10 ** (_ + 1) - (_ + 1) + _\n = 10 ** (_ + 1) - 1\n# implicit output of _\n```\n---\n### other 37 byte solutions\n```\n__=_==_\n_=(-~__*-~-~-~-~__)**-~_+~_+_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K67MTcrPyUzWLagsycjP@/8/Pt423tY2niveVkO3Lj5eS7cOAuPjNbWAnHhtIIr///@/IQA \"Symbolic Python \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n_=(-~(_==_)*-~-~-~-~(_==_))**-~_+~_+_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K67MTcrPyUzWLagsycjP@/8/3lZDt04j3tY2XlNLtw4CIVxNLaBAvDYQxf///98QAA \"Symbolic Python \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# [Symbolic Python](https://github.com/FTcode/Symbolic-Python), 29 bytes\nmultiplies the string `'9'` by `_ + 1`\n```\n_=`-~-~(_==_)*-~-~(_==_)`*-~_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K67MTcrPyUzWLagsycjP@/8/3jZBt063TiPe1jZeUwvBTACy4////28IAA \"Symbolic Python \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 26 bytes\n```\nputs [expr 10*10**$argv-1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0nO@f@/oLSkWCE6taKgSMHQQAuItFQSi9LLdA1j////bwoA \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Common Lisp](http://www.clisp.org/), 30 bytes\n```\n(lambda(n)(1-(expt 10(1+ n))))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcxNDkAwFEXhuVXcmLiNSBQben6aSJTiDSSiWy/O/DvDMp8h8Zx0h0tcxPejcDW0FacrKGxNW2I1X8lkdNvhRaF5vKNk8clBLwHFt1E4FKxh0aBF94MX \"Common Lisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), ~~5~~ 4 bytes\n```\n\u00d79\u2295\uff2e\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/19LQ8lSSUdBW1vDM6@gtMSvNDcptUhDU1Pz/3@D/7plOf91M/8b/jf6b/zf5L9u/n/L/5YgBMYQwhIA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\u00d79 Repeat \"9\"\n \u2295\uff2e ++(next number as input) times\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 18 bytes\nJust throwing out a recursive solution to the problem:\n```\nf=n=>n?9+f(n-1):''\n```\nEvaluates the expression `''+9+9+9+9...` (depending on `n`).\nBecause the first operand is a string, all the `+` operators are treated as concatenation instead of addition.\nIn my Chrome, works up to `f(11424)` before hitting a stack overflow.\n```\nf=n=>n?9+f(n-1):''\nfor(i = 0; i < 100; i += 10) {\n console.log(f(i));\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## PHP, 25 bytes\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##K8go@G9jX5BRwKWSWJReZmtoas1lbwcUsi0uKYovSi1ITSzRsNQBS2obalr//w8A)\n**Code**\n(Passing `$arguments` to the script)\n```\nn+=Math.pow(10,n+1)+~n\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##hY/PDoIwDMbvPEWPW1AC/jkRfAO4cDQe5kAcjkKgYIzBV8cJXM2SNk37@5qvLcUgtmX2mKQWXQexUPh2ABRS3t6EzCH5tQC6xgIkmwvy0MxGkyY6EqQkJIAQwYTbE7pRLOjuNfWTBf4G3YC7H5zCRd70V23k69ZQqwwq48lSahUW5wsIvhimr47yyqt78hqDSCNDTzKfz@Z/eWDhOwvfW/jBwo@2@9YHRmecvg)\nThis is basically a shorter version of `n->(long)Math.pow(10,n+1)-1`, because `n+=...-n` saves a byte in comparison to `(long)...`. (And combining `-n-1` to `+~n` saves a second byte in this case.)\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 12 bytes\n```\n=10^(A1+1)-1\n```\nOr alternatively, to better handle larger values (`>10`) for `13 bytes`\n```\n=REPT(9,A1+1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 11 bytes\n```\n->n{?9*-~n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1y6v2t5SS7cur/Z/QWlJsUJatEEsF5RlaBr7HwA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Swift 4](https://developer.apple.com/swift/), ~~47~~ ~~34~~ 32 bytes\n~~-13~~ -15 bytes thanks to [@Mr. Xcoder](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/59487/mr-xcoder)\n```\n{(0...$0).map{_ in\"9\"}.joined()}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Ky7PTCsx@Z@TWqKQpmD7v1rDQE9PT8VAUy83saA6XiEzT8lSqVYvKz8zLzVFQ7P2f1p@kUImUFgBpM5EoVqhoCgzr0QjTSNTU1Oh9j8A \"Swift 4 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Japt `-P`, 3 bytes\n```\n\u00f2@9\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=2.0a0&code=8kA5&input=OAotUA==)\n---\n## Explanation\n```\n\u00f2 :Range [0,input]\n @ :Pass each through a function\n 9 : Return 9\n :Implicitly join and output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Cubix](https://github.com/ETHproductions/cubix), 15 bytes\n```\nIu9)^>Os(?@.>sW\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy5Nyqz4/9@z1FIzzs6/WMPeQc@uOPz/f0sA \"Cubix \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExpands to the following cube:\n```\n I u\n 9 )\n^ > O s ( ? @ .\n> s W . . . . .\n . .\n . .\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Triangularity](https://github.com/Mr-Xcoder/Triangularity), 31 bytes\n```\n...)...\n..IE@..\n.)10^).\n@_+....\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KynKTMxLL81JLMosqfz/X09PTxOIufT0PF0dQLSmoUGcph6XQ7w2UFjv/38TAA \"Triangularity \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Also 31 bytes\n```\n...)...\n..IE)..\n.@_rM..\n\"9\"}\"\"J\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KynKTMxLL81JLMosqfz/X09PTxOIufT0PF01QbRDfJEvkFayVKpVUvL6/98EAA \"Triangularity \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 6 bytes\n```\n~)'9'*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPmfp1r9v05T3VJd639erWqd9X8DLkMuIy5jLhMuUy4zLnMuCy5LLkNTAA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\n```\n~)'9'* Full program, implicit input\n Stack: '5'\n~ Evaluate\n Stack: 5\n ) Increment\n Stack: 6\n '9' Push '9'\n Stack: 6 '9'\n * Repeat\n Stack: '999999'\n Implicit output\n```\n## [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 7 bytes\n```\n~)10\\?(\n```\n[Try this one!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPmfp1r9v07T0CDGXuN/Xq1qnfV/Ay5DLiMuYy4TLlMuMy5zLgsuSy5DUwA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\n```\n~)10\\?( Full program, implicit input\n Stack: '5'\n~) Evaluate and increment (as above)\n Stack: 6\n 10\\? Raise 10 to that power\n Stack: 1000000\n ( Decrement\n Stack: 999999\n Implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 4 bytes\n```\n^|Av\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=%5E%7CAv&i=15&a=1)\nPacked would not be any shorter.\nExplanation:\n```\n^|Av Full program, implicit input\n^ Increment\n |A Raise ten to that power\n v Decrement\n Implicit output\n```\n## [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 4 bytes\n```\n^'9*\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=%5E%279*&i=15&a=1)\n```\n^'9* Full program, implicit input\n^ Increment\n '9* Repeat \"9\"\n Implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/) (`-lm`), 22 bytes\n```\nf(n){n=pow(10,-~n)-1;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcfBCoMwDADQs/mK4BgkYIcedqrbv0hrXaFGqZUdxH36sr3bc2ZyTjWQ8CGPdXlT1zbmI2w6e@oliku7H7Hfio/L7fUEiFJwHqIQ4wHVmv8PVF993WCgO7OFKo9lz4KthVO/LqRh2tSk@Qc \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSaved 4 bytes thanks to Kevin Cruijssen.\n[Answer]\n# [Prolog (SWI)](http://www.swi-prolog.org), ~~34~~ ~~23~~ 20 bytes\n```\nX+Y:-Y is 10*10^X-1.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYyxCoMwFEV3v@IthaR5CXngZJXOznEwi@BgS@DRhKj4@Wna6R4OnJty5PjW@xVKmZXvtIewA9k72WXWZMoNXmvgM2/AMSY4ExwR2oaFQyfNf0fZade3OP1SpwhZTFWa5qlZ2Eo4Ko9XDscmvMQPIw32QUN9/wI \"Prolog (SWI) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nCall as `+`.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# File Permissions\n[code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\")\n*Adapted from the UIL - Computer Science Programming free response question \"Carla\" for 2018 District.*\n# Introduction\nIn UNIX-like operating systems, each file, directory, or link is \"owned\" by a \"user\", who is a member of a \"group\", and has certain \"permissions\" represented by a ten-character string such as \"drwxrwxrwx\". The first character is 'd', '-', or 'l' (directory, file, or link), followed by three sets of \"rwx\" values, indicating \"read, write, execute\" permissions. The first set is the user's rights, the middle set the group's rights, and the third everyone else's rights to that object.\nPermission denied for any of these rights is represented by a '-' in place of the 'r', 'w', or 'x'. For example, a sample directory permission string would be \"drwxr--r--\", indicating full directory rights for the user, but \"read-only\" rights for the group member and all others.\n**Each \"rwx\" combination can also be represented by an octal value (0-7) with the most significant bit representing read permission, the next most significant bit representing write permission, and the least significant bit representing execute permission.**\n# Challenge\nGiven a four-character code string made up of a character: 'D', 'F', or 'L', followed by a three-digit octal integer value, like 664, output the resulting 10 character string that represents the permission value indicated.\n# Input\nYour program or function may either read the input from standard in (four characters will be entered, optionally followed by a newline) or be passed the input as an argument.\nYour program may accept uppercase or lowercase inputs but must be consistent (either all inputs are uppercase or all inputs are lowercase).\n# Output\nYour program must print the resulting ten-character string that represents the permission value indicated in the exact format specified above. Tailing white space is allowed.\n# Test Cases\nIn: `F664` Out: `-rw-rw-r--` \nIn: `D775` Out: `drwxrwxr-x` \nIn: `L334` Out: `l-wx-wxr--` \nIn: `F530` Out: `-r-x-wx---` \nIn: `D127` Out: `d--x-w-rwx`\n# Scoring and Rules\n* [Standard loop-holes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are forbidden.\n* [Standard rules](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2419/default-for-code-golf-program-function-or-snippet/2422#2422) apply.\n* Please provide a link to test your code as well as an explanation.\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest answer in bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n## bash, ~~59~~ 53 bytes\n```\nchmod ${1:1} a>a;stat -c%A a|sed s/./${1:0:1}/|tr f -\n```\nRight tool for the job?\nThanks to [Dennis](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/12012/dennis) for saving 5 bytes and [HTNW](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/50062/htnw) for saving one.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvj/PzkjNz9FQaXa0MqwViHRLtG6uCSxREE3WdVRIbGmODVFoVhfTx8kbQBUoF9TUqSQpqD7////NDMzEwA \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\nchmod ${1:1} a>a; # call chmod with the input with its first character removed\n # note that the redirection creates the file a *before* the\n # chmod is run, because of the way bash works\nstat -c%A a| # get the human readable access rights\nsed s/./${1:0:1}/ # replace the first character with the first char of input\n|tr f - # transliterate, replacing f with -\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 78 bytes\n```\nlambda a,*b:[a,'-'][a=='f']+''.join('-r'[x/4]+'-w-w'[x/2]+'-x'[x%2]for x in b)\n```\nTakes input as a character and three ints. \n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VYvLCsIwEEX3fkU2Mo1OfMTWgpAviVkklGBLTUooNH59nG6kcjaHw73TZ37FIItn6llG@3adZRYP7qEtggCjrVLgwRwBTkPsQwUigc7nmopYxLK6XD2T7aXxMbHM@sAcL1Pqw8x8RX@8EzXf/VIH2BLNJo2AN2K7omND6fJ/vKLElpcv \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n`[a,'-'][a=='f']` takes either the input character or `-`, if the character is `f`. \n`'-r'[x/4]+'-w-w'[x/2]+'-x'[x%2]` is essentially an octal conversion to get the `rwx` string.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 19 bytes\n```\n\u201crwx\u201c-\u201d\u0152p\u207a;\u1e40\u207ef-y\u1ecb@~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9Rw5yi8gogqfuoYe7RSQWPGndZP9zZ8KhxX5pu5cPd3Q51/x/u3nK4/VHTmsj//9PMzEy4UszNTblyjI1NuNJMjQ24UgyNzAE \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n\u201crwx\u201c-\u201d\u0152p\u207a;\u1e40\u207ef-y\u1ecb@~ Main link. Argument: s (string)\n\u201crwx\u201c-\u201d Set the return value to [\"rwx, \"-\"].\n \u0152p Take the Cartesian product, yielding [\"r-\", \"w-\", \"x-\"].\n \u207a Take the Cartesian product, yielding\n [\"rwx\", \"rw-\", \"r-x\", \"r--\", \"-wx\", \"-w-\", \"--x\", \"---\"].\n ;\u1e40 Append the maximum of s (the letter).\n \u207ef-y Translate 'f' to '-'.\n ~ Map bitwise NOT over s.\n This maps the letter to 0, because it cannot be cast to int,\n and each digit d to ~d = -(d+1).\n \u1ecb@ Retrieve the results from the array to the left at the indices\n calculated to the right.\n Indexing is modular and 1-based, so the letter from s is at\n index 0, \"---\" at index -1, ..., and \"rwx\" at index -8.\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) with `-p`, 37 bytes\n```\ns/\\d/(<{-,r}{-,w}{-,x}>)[$&]/ge;y;f;-\n```\nTakes input in lowercase.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/79YPyZFX8OmWlenqBZIlIOIilo7zWgVtVj99FTrSus0a93//9PMzEy4UszNTblyjI1NuNJMjQ24UgyNzP/lF5Rk5ucV/9ctAAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 43 bytes\n```\n\\d\n$&r$&w$&x\nf|[0-3]r|[0145]w|[0246]x\n-\n\\d\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxL/P8/JoVLRa1IRa1cRa2CK60m2kDXOLYISBmamMaWA2kjE7PYCi5dLqC6///TzMxMuFLMzU25coyNTbjSTI0NuFIMjcwB \"Retina 0.8.2 \u2013 Try It Online\") Link includes test cases. Takes input in lower case. Explanation:\n```\n\\d\n$&r$&w$&x\n```\nTriplicate each digit, suffixing with `r`, `w` and `x`.\n```\nf|[0-3]r|[0145]w|[0246]x\n-\n```\nChange all the incorrect letters to `-`s.\n```\n\\d\n```\nDelete any remaining digits.\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 51 bytes\n```\nf\n-\n0\n---\n1\n--x\n2\n-w-\n3\n-wx\n4\nr--\n5\nr-x\n6\nrw-\n7\nrwx\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DctBCsAgDADB@/4loEbNewpWKJQepND83uYyh4Vd53s9R957IiREhBw6BfkEDZ3Kit5Cp7OiW@gx9V4ZZo1btTKbJkYu9gM \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNo idea how to use Retina, so please let me know how to do this better. I just figured I'd try to learn at least one language that isn't Pyth.\n### Explanation:\nReplace `f` with `-` (leaving `d` and `l` unchanged), then replace each digit with the appropriate `rwx`.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 63 bytes\nExpects the input string in lowercase.\n```\ns=>s.replace(/\\d|f/g,c=>1/c?s[c&4]+s[c&2]+s[c&1]:'-',s='-xw-r')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@7/Y1q5Yryi1ICcxOVVDPyalJk0/XSfZ1s5QP9m@ODpZzSRWG0QZQSjDWCt1XXWdYlt13Ypy3SJ1zf/J@XnF@Tmpejn56RppGkppZmYmSpqaXGjCKebmpliEc4yNsalOMzU2wGaIoZE5UPg/AA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Commented\n```\ns => s.replace( // replace in the input string s\n /\\d|f/g, c => // each character c which is either a digit or the letter 'f'\n 1 / c ? // if c is a digit:\n s[c & 4] + // append '-' or 'r'\n s[c & 2] + // append '-' or 'w'\n s[c & 1] // append '-' or 'x'\n : // else:\n '-', // just replace 'f' with '-'\n s = '-xw-r' // s holds the permission characters\n) // end of replace()\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 27 bytes\n```\n\uff26\uff33\u2261\u03b9d\u03b9l\u03b9f\u00a6-\u2b46rwx\u2387\u00a7\u21a8\u207a\u2078\uff29\u03b9\u00b2\u2295\u03bb\u03ba-\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bc@/CsIwEAbw3ac4Ml0gDgqi6KROHYSCvsCRpLYY03JJbUV89prin8nhlt8H38fpkljX5IahqBkw800bj5Erf0YpIXRV1CVgJeEx0RQsCCPWkKc8Jtx8zP2x4mdiKpIaW1Dr4hffGwdqUHDXCwUny574jtuYeWN73KUWzF0bcKVgT2Hslgrm6TKv2V6tj9agG/GiYByRaeaZHlkuZsP05l4 \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n \uff33 Input string\n\uff26 Loop over characters\n \u03b9 Current character\n \u2261 Switch\n d Literal `d`\n \u03b9 Implicitly print current character\n l Literal `l`\n \u03b9 Implicitly print current character\n f Literal `f`\n \u00a6 (Separator between string literals)\n - Implicitly print literal `-`\n Implicit default case\n rwx Literal `rwx`\n \u2b46 Map over characters\n \u03b9 Input character\n \uff29 Cast to integer\n \u2078 Literal 8\n \u207a Sum\n \u00b2 Literal 2\n \u21a8 Base conversion\n \u03bb Inner index\n \u2295 Incremented\n \u00a7 Index into base conversion\n \u03ba Inner character\n - Literal `-`\n \u2387 Ternary\n Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~84~~ ~~83~~ 81 bytes\n```\nf 'f'='-'\nf y=y\nt#n=f t:((\\x->[\"-r\"!!div x 4,\"-w-w\"!!div x 2,\"-x\"!!mod x 2])=<s.replaceAll(\"(\\\\d)\",\"$1r$1w$1x\").replaceAll(\"f|[0-3]r|[0145]w|[0246]x\",\"-\").replaceAll(\"\\\\d\",\"\")\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##hU/JbsIwEL3zFSMrh1hqIky2AwKJD4ALR8jBdRLkYExkm02Qbw/T1pdWqiLNaLY38960/MqjtjoOQnFrYc2lfk4ApHa1abioYfNVAmydkfoAIvSJpXPs9@ho1nEnBWxAwwIGGy1tbOpO4fpKqZCE@31FyQcJmAnYLWB3Qn/Nm9duGiWlwcDSrLxhnKV5eceV6A8UL2GX0GH@w9xdPhUyewHXs6zghC94lbuSUy//YV19is8XF3c4cUqHOhZInecpod@//A@qiiIbBakkGb/UZMl0nI7NCg/qJ/3wBg)\nPort of [*@Neil*'s Retina answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/163713/52210).\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns-> // Method with String as both parameter and return-type\n s.replaceAll(\"(\\\\d)\",\"$1r$1w$1x\") // Replace every digit `d` with 'drdwdx'\n .replaceAll(\"f // Replace every \"f\",\n |[0-3]r // every \"0r\", \"1r\", \"2r\", \"3r\",\n |[0145]w // every \"0w\", \"1w\", \"4w\", \"5w\",\n |[0246]x\", // and every \"0x\", \"2x\", \"4x\", \"6x\"\n \"-\") // with a \"-\"\n .replaceAll(\"\\\\d\",\"\") // Remove any remaining digits\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 21 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u1e22\u207ef-y\u0253OB\u1e6b\u20ac4a\u201crwx\u201do\u201d-\u1e6d\n```\nA full program printing to STDOUT. (As a monadic link the return value is a list containing a character and a list of three lists of characters.)\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hjkWPGvel6VaenOzv9HDn6kdNa0wSHzXMKSqveNQwNx@IdR/uXPv///8Uc3NTAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")** Or see the [test-suite](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hjkWPGvel6VaenOzv9HDn6kdNa0wSHzXMKSqveNQwNx@IdR/uXPv/4e4th9uBckf3OACZWUAWUI2Crp0CUEHk//9pZmYmXCnm5qZcOcbGJlxppsYGXCmGRuYA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\").\n### How?\n```\n\u1e22\u207ef-y\u0253OB\u1e6b\u20ac4a\u201crwx\u201do\u201d-\u1e6d | Main Link: list of characters\n\u1e22 | head & pop (get the 1st character and modify the list)\n \u207ef- | list of characters = ['f', '-']\n y | translate (replacing 'f' with '-'; leaving 'd' and 'l' unaffected)\n \u0253 | (call that X) new dyadic chain: f(modified input; X)\n O | ordinals ('0'->48, '1'->59, ..., '7'->55 -- notably 32+16+value)\n B | convert to binary (vectorises) (getting three lists of six 1s and 0s)\n \u1e6b\u20ac4 | tail \u20acach from index 4 (getting the three least significant bits)\n \u201crwx\u201d | list of characters ['r', 'w', 'x']\n a | logical AND (vectorises) (1s become 'r', 'w', or 'x'; 0s unaffected)\n \u201d- | character '-'\n o | logical OR (vectorises) (replacing any 0s with '-'s)\n \u1e6d | tack (prepend the character X) \n | implicit print (smashes everything together)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg) `-p`, 37 bytes\n```\ns:g[\\d]=[X~]('-'X )[$/];s/f/-/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7/7/YKj06JiXWNjqiLlZDXVc9QsGmSKFcocJOM1pFP9a6WD9NX1f///80MzMTrhRzc1OuHGNjE640U2MDrhRDI/N/@QUlmfl5xf91CwA \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of Dom Hastings' Perl 5 solution.\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 38 bytes\nInspired by [a comment](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/163691/file-permissions#comment396365_163694) from [ASCII-only](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/39244/ascii-only).\n```\n\\d\n---$&*\n---____\nr--\n--__\nw-\n-_\nx\nf\n-\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxLNPz/PyaFS1dXV0VNC0TFAwFXka4uF4jJVQ6k47kquNK4dP//TzMzM@FKMTc35coxNjbhSjM1NuBKMTQyBwA \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe idea is converting each digit to unary (the default unary digit in Retina is `_`) with three leading `-`, and then converting binary digits from the most to the least significant.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 71 bytes\n```\nlambda s:(\"-\"+s)[s[0]!=\"f\"]+stat.filemode(int(s[1:],8))[1:]\nimport stat\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VYtBCsMgFAX3OUX6V0raktQmlkBOYl1YzKeCRoluenoTNwVXD@bNhF/6@o1lXN7ZKvfRqo0zgRt0kYooenlZAEF2Mal0R2NX5/VKzJZIFMMsry9KyzbGBb@ntmg57OVHAjhNT6C0@QPN@VgBy1ht4Mj6Ohke/AT5AA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPython 3.3+ has a built-in for that, although due to the need for an import, and differences in expected input format, it is not very golf-friendly.\n[Answer]\n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 139 bytes\n```\nproc P s {join [lmap c [split $s \"\"] {expr {[regexp \\\\d $c]?\"[expr $c&4?\"r\":\"-\"][expr $c&2?\"w\":\"-\"][expr $c&1?\"x\":\"-\"]\":$c==f?\"-\":$c}}] \"\"}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY69CsIwFEb3PMXlEtwE@w@FklfonmaQtJVKtCGpWAh59nip4OD0Hc5yvk2blKxbNfTgIdzX5QnSPK4WNEhvzbIB94CoIEy7dRCkm25EMAwjcK0EysNzfSoFOmzxjOqncoHvP5UJ3L8KW667bhbERDEqysR0tOkJm@u6ZGPTVMwURcnmqriwMcsbFiHY1@bpVzuA7GlVTB8 \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 144 bytes\n```\nproc P s {join [lmap c [split $s \"\"] {expr {[regexp \\\\d $c]?[list [expr $c&4?\"r\":\"-\"][expr $c&2?\"w\":\"-\"][expr $c&1?\"x\":\"-\"]]:$c==f?\"-\":$c}}] \"\"}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY7NCsMgEAbvPsWySG@F5h8CwVfIXT0Uk5QU24haGhCf3UoKPfS0w3yHHa90SsZuCkZwEO7b@gSuH1cDCrgzevVAHSBKCPNuLARu51smEGICqiTjenUe@DFSdaoZWuzxjPKnSobvP1Uw3L9K9lQNw8IyZ4pR5l8xHQE5hyxtW5Op6xqiq6omS1NdyFSUHYkQzMu7HNcL4GO@MqYP \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## \n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 149 bytes\n```\nproc P s {join [lmap c [split $s \"\"] {if [regexp \\\\d $c] {list [expr $c&4?\"r\":\"-\"][expr $c&2?\"w\":\"-\"][expr $c&1?\"x\":\"-\"]} {expr {$c==f?\"-\":$c}}}] \"\"}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Xc5LCsMgEIDhvacYRLorNG8IBK@QvXFRTCwpthG1NCCe3Q4pdNHVMB8M8wdlcrZuUzCCh3jf1icI87haUCC8NWsA5oFSCXHVINxyW3YL0zQDU2hm9QEEksP9VHPqaE/PVP6o5PT9RwWn@5cSxAMjU8OgOVLPVEpJ4sOUjwpsIrptazJ3XUNMVdVEN9WFzEXZEby3r@CxsJ9AjDhlyh8 \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## \n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 150 bytes\n```\nproc P s {join [lmap c [split $s \"\"] {if [regexp \\\\d $c] {set v [expr $c&4?\"r\":\"-\"][expr $c&2?\"w\":\"-\"][expr $c&1?\"x\":\"-\"]} {expr {$c==f?\"-\":$c}}}] \"\"}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Xc5NCsIwEIbhfU4xhOBOsH8WCiVX6D7NQtJGKtGGJGoh5OxxqODC1cADw/cGZXK2blUwgId4W5cHCHO/WFAgvDVLAOaBUglx0SDcfJ03C@M4AVNofg7wAoHmEA41p4529Ejlj0pO339UcLp9KUHcMTLV95ojdUyllCQuprxnYBTR53NNprZtiKmqmuimOpGpKFuC//YZPCZ2I4gBr0z5Aw \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## \n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 180 bytes\n```\nproc P s {join [lmap c [split $s \"\"] {if [regexp \\\\d $c] {[set R regsub] (..)1 [$R (.)1(.) [$R 1(..) [$R -all 0 [format %03b $c] -] r\\\\1] \\\\1w\\\\2] \\\\1x} {expr {$c==f?\"-\":$c}}}] \"\"}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HY9Bi8IwEIXv@RWPkoX1UGmsWhDEvyBekxxq2kiXuA1JRKHkt3dncxjm48G8eS8Zt64@zAZXRCw/8/QL6Z69h4GM3k0JPKKqNJbJQobxMX48lBrADWkyjgk3kBxfd43v7XYjIPmNaCNoCot/uVDdO4cG0s7h2Sd8Ne29@NQaQSmhyVi8ldoV@GQs9Cxg4eZ8tpeqrk7c5Jw15clrCUmRmT0e92zougNzbbtn9tA2bBC7jtG9f6VIBU4K8kpb5/UP \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Still very ungolfed!**\n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK 10)](http://jdk.java.net/), 118 bytes\n```\ns->{var r=s[0]=='f'?\"-\":\"\"+s[0];var z=\"-xw r\".split(\"\");for(int i=0;++i<4;)r+=z[s[i]&4]+z[s[i]&2]+z[s[i]&1];return r;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VU/BbsIwDL3zFVYkRrvSiEEBiRCmadJuO3GseshawsJKWjkuGyC@PWsBTdrB8rPfs/28UwcV74ovb/Z1hQS7tuYNmZLrxuZkKssfRS8vlXPwroyFcw@gbj5Kk4MjRW06VKaAfcsFa0Jjt2kGCrcuvEoB3u57lvmnwjQb3kQr0NK7eHU@KASULh1lUg704JnFbMFY1DVEx50ki3@@ARl3dWkoYCwUusLAWAIjRyKKzDIRIUbylLrUZA9JFt3R@A89ZQI31KAFFBcvrr66JTcvQBtHi3@mAdZHR5s9rxridSsiHbB@4iBeQd/1LRteh4aguarr8hh0Fafqtf3xBVEdgzAMb3cuvS4u3uvZLPHFfD715WSSeD2djHzxNJ7/Ag \"Java (JDK 10) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Credits\n* 13 bytes saved thanks to [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen)\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 224 bytes\n```\n=IF(LEFT(A1,1)=\"f\",\"-\",LEFT(A1,1))&CHOOSE(MID(A1,2,1)+1,\"---\",\"--x\",\"-w-\",\"-wx\",\"r--\",\"r-x\",\"rw-\",\"rwx\")&CHOOSE(MID(A1,3,1)+1,\"---\",\"--x\",\"-w-\",\"-wx\",\"r--\",\"r-x\",\"rw-\",\"rwx\")&CHOOSE(MID(A1,4,1)+1,\"---\",\"--x\",\"-w-\",\"-wx\",\"r--\",\"r-x\",\"rw-\",\"rwx\")\n```\nDone in 4 stages:\n```\nIF(LEFT(A1,1)=\"f\",\"-\",LEFT(A1,1)) Replace \"f\" with \"-\".\n```\nAnd 3 times:\n```\nCHOOSE(MID(A1,2,1)+1,\"---\",\"--x\",\"-w-\",\"-wx\",\"r--\",\"r-x\",\"rw-\",\"rwx\")\n```\nTrying to be smarter, adds `25 bytes` per set of rights, 75 in total:\n```\nIF(INT(MID(A1,2,1))>3,\"r\",\"-\")&IF(MOD(MID(A1,2,1),4)>1,\"w\",\"-\")&IF(ISODD(MID(A1,2,1)),\"x\",\"-\")\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~34~~ 27 bytes\n```\n\u0107ls8\u03b2bvyi\u2026rwx3*N\u00e8\u00eb'-}J'f'-:\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//SHtOscW5TUlllZmPGpYVlVcYa/kdXnF4tbpurZd6mrqu1f//bmZmJgA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\nGolfed down 7 bytes by [@MagicOctopusUrn](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/59376/magic-octopus-urn)\n---\n```\n\u0107 # Remove head from string.\n ls # Lowercase swap.\n 8\u03b2b # Octal convert to binary.\n vy # For each...\n i \u00eb }\n \u2026rwx3*N\u00e8 # If true, push the correct index of rwx.\n '- # Else push '-'.\n J # Repeatedly join stack inside the loop.\n 'f'-: # Repeatedly replace 'f' with '-' inside the loop.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 238 bytes\n```\nlambda m,r=str.replace,s=str.split,j=\"\".join,b=bin,i=int,z=str.zfill,g=lambda h,y:y if int(h)else \"-\":r(m[0],\"f\",\"-\")+j(j([g(z(s(b(i(x)),\"b\")[1],3)[0],\"r\"),g(z(s(b(i(x)),\"b\")[1],3)[1],\"w\"),g(z(s(b(i(x)),\"b\")[1],3)[2],\"x\")])for x in m[1:])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fc7NCsIwEATgVwl72sW1@IMIhTxJLdJoY1PSNiQR2758jcWrXgYGPoZxU2yG/rBoIcVlsVWn7pXo2MsQfeZrZ6tbzWFtwVkTuZUAWTuYnpVUKY00feR5FbM21vJDfmcanvJJGC2SwIZqG2oBW8g9dsWuZNDAqdKmxRaLB84YUKHBkYhBARX7ko@0Sg/EP0FKeP0DhwRGoJL04MWY3oiu2OclLc5/nmn01etqeveMSETL/Xw@vQE \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI had assumed this would be a drop in the bucket, but I was wrong indeed. Probably should have realized that a lambda wasn't the best idea at some point.\n[Answer]\n# APL+WIN, 55 bytes\nPrompts for input string with leading character lower case:\n```\n('dl-'['dlf'\u2373\u2191t]),\u2395av[46+(,\u2349(3\u23742)\u22a4\u234e\u00a8\u23551\u2193t\u2190\u2395)\u00d79\u237469 74 75]\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n9\u237469 74 75 create a vector of ascii character codes for rwx -46, index origin 1\n1\u2193t\u2190\u2395 prompt for input and drop first character\n,\u2349(3\u23742)\u22a4\u234e\u00a8\u2355 create a 9 element vector by concatenating the binary representation for each digit \n46+(,\u2349(3\u23742)\u22a4\u234e\u00a8\u23551\u2193t\u2190\u2395)\u00d79\u237469 74 75 multiply the two vectors and add 46\n\u2395av[.....] convert back from ascii code to characters, 46 being '-'\n('dl-'['dlf'\u2373\u2191t]), append first character from input swapping '-' for 'f'\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 77 bytes\n```\nlambda a,*b,k='-xw-r':f'{a}-'[a=='f']+''.join(k[x&4]+k[x&2]+k[x&1]for x in b)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XYvNCgIhFEb3PYWrrjbXaP4aCHySyYUySDaTDjKQET27GUFUnMUHh@/Mt@XkXZ0MEcc0qYseFFG40TgK4PHKAxwM3NWDQ6@EAAOyANievXV07OO6kcVrqveU0vhAIrGOaJbmYN1CDc0R7jMNY6uPGwC7TPvtJsA68/PLbZvd7q8tscKOsfQE \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 57 52 bytes\n5 bytes saved thanks to FrownyFrog!\n```\n-&.('-DLld'i.{.),[:,('-',:'rwx'){\"0 1&.|:~1#:@}.\".\"0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKeepmBrpaCuoKNgoGAFxLp6Cs5BPm7/ddX0NNR1XXxyUtQz9ar1NHWirXSAAuo6VupF5RXqmtVKBgqGano1VnWGylYOtXpKekoG/zW5uFKTM/IV0hTU3czMTNThPBdzc1MEz8fYGEnOzdTYAEmloZG5@n8A \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nYet another long solution... I don't know how to make `}` work in tacit verbs and that's why I used the much longer `{\"0 1&.|:` for selection.\n## Explanation:\n`@}.` Drop the first symbol and\n`,.&.\":` convert the rest to a list of desimal digits\n`]:#:` convert each digit to a list of binary digits (and cap the fork)\n`('-',:'rwx')` creates a 2-row table and use 0 to select from its first row / 1 - from its second one\n```\n '-',:'rwx'\n---\nrwx\n```\n`{\"0 1&.|:~` uses the binary digits to select from the table above \n`[:,` flattens the result\n`('d-l'{~'DFL'i.{.)` formats the first symbol \n`,` appends the fisrt symbol to the list of permissions\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 68 bytes\n```\n_,___,__x,_w_,_wx,r__,r_x,rw_,rwx]),_,\"-\");\n```\ntranslates `f` in lowercase input to underscore and every octal number to its `rwx` equivalent, using underscores instead of dashes (to save the need for quotes), then replaces the `_` with `-`.\nRun as pipe with `-nF` or [try it online](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/fc954b2f180b55b9c250179105dec22bf2e4cbef).\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 109 104 bytes\nAt least C can convert octal input.... :-)\n**Edit:** I realized that the size modifier wasn't strictly required, and that `putchar()` is shorter than `printf()` in this case!\n```\nf(a,b){char*s=\"-xwr\";scanf(\"%c%o\",&a,&b);putchar(a-70?a:*s);for(a=9;~--a;putchar(s[(1&b>>a)*(a%3+1)]));}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PcrRCoIwFIDhe59iLJQdc1GESC3tpreILo7HloPawmkFYq@@6qbLn@8neSEKM2PpOjRntvN9Y9yirYIWmNUwUotd6ksuX8@OK09oteAxxY5nCWZJDeo@9L9JoCyWe9ymHpR23yw36i0l/t0fxSqpqwohFRiv5ys4AagpGNuzGxorHs40wMaIMS1ARVM4FHn@AQ \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOriginal:\n```\nf(a,b){char*s=\"-xwr\";scanf(\"%c%3o\",&a,&b);putchar(a-70?a:*s);for(a=9;~--a;printf(\"%c\",s[(1&b>>a)*(a%3+1)]));}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcvRCoIwFIDhe59iLJQd2yIRkVraTW8RXRxny0Ft4rQCsVc36/KH71fiptS8Mlbdh/pKDr6vjds05awZ8gpG1WAX@4KK96uj0iu0mtFQhamjPEIeVSDbof8phiLfHnEfe5DaLVns5EcIlG1nbP@/KPdnlkRVWSLEDMN0ncAFQE7zIsgDjWVPZ2ogY0CIZiCDaT7lWfYF \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Challenge:\nYour job is to create a simple interpreter for a simple golfing language.\n---\n# Input:\nInput will be in the form of string separated by spaces. \n**You can replace space separation with what you want**\n---\n# Output:\nOutput the result (a number or a string) obtained after performing all operations. If there are more than one output join the together to give a single result (no separators). The variable's initial value is always zero. i.e: It start at `0`\n---\n# Language Syntax :\nThe language has following operators :\n```\ninc ---> add one to variable\ndec ---> remove one from variable\nmult ---> multiply variable by 2\nhalf ---> divide the variable by 2\nPri ---> print the variable to console (or whatever your language has)\nexit ---> end the program (anything after this is ignored)\n```\n---\n# Examples:\n```\ninc inc inc dec Pri exit ---> 2\ndec inc mult inc inc Pri ---> 2\ninc inc inc mult half Pri exit inc ---> 3\ninc Pri inc Pri inc Pri exit half mult ---> 123\nPri exit ---> 0\ninc half Pri exit ---> 0.5 \n```\n---\n# Restriction:\nThis is code-golf so shortest code in bytes for each language will win.\n---\n# Note:\n* Input will always be valid . (string of operators separated with space)\n* You can round down to nearest integer if you don't want decimal places.\n \n[Answer]\n# shell + sed + dc, 56 ~~61~~ bytes\n```\nsed '1i0\ns/.//2g;y\"idmhe\"+-*/q\";i1\n/[*/]/i1+\n/P/crdn'|dc\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tce9DkAwFAbQ/T6FdGlC@NTqJexioC29iZ9QEhLvXgmL6eR0rXfBardEkmdN1cb017Vj/8aevH@bjnGXd/DWRFJxTh4ZUAzlJdhMzookjbGKkhWhjtGAVUKooDczy9voEB4 \"Bash \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nConverts the program into a dc program, then evaluates it as dc code. This takes the input separated by newlines. Note that dc is stack-based and uses reverse polish notation, so `5 2-` gives `3`, and numbers are always rounded down.\nThe input is first piped to sed\n`1i0` on the first line of input, insert (prepend) a 0, this will be the accumulator\n`s/.//2g` remove everything but the first character on each line\n`y\"idmhe\"+-*/q\"` transliterate `idmhe` into `+-*/q` respectively, + - \\* / are the arithmetic commands and q quits the program\n`i1` on every line insert a `1` - this satisfies addition and subtraction\n`/[*/]/` on every line containing \\* or /, `i1+` additionally insert `1+` because of the preceding `1`, which dc will eventually evaluate into `2`\n`/P/` on every line containing P, `crdn` change it into `rdn`, equivalent to reverse the top two elements, to rid the inserted `1`, and duplicate and output as a number without newline (whilst popping it, hence the earlier duplicate) in dc\nNow this is evaluated as a dc expression.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 21 bytes\n```\n\u00b7\u220f\u2264\u00b7\u220f\u00a2\u201a\u00c7\u00a8O%11\u00b7\u00aa\u00e3\u201a\u00c5\u00e6\u201a\u00c4\u00f4\u201a\u00c4\u00f2j\u201a\u00c4\u00faI\u00bb\u00c6\u00b7\u220f\u00a7H\u201a\u00c4\u00f9\u00ac\u00a7VI\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hjk0Pdyx61LTGX9XQ8OHu7keN@x41zHzUMCPrUcMczxPrHu5Y4vGoYe6hJWGe////z8xLVgDhgKJMhZTUZDAGsWFiIDq3NKcEQgBFAA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n---\nNote that the ASCII values of the first characters (`idmhPe`) modulo 11 are unique modulo 6.\n---\nUsing modulo 16:\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 21 bytes\n```\n\u00b7\u220f\u2264\u00b7\u220f\u00a2\u201a\u00c7\u00a8O%\u201a\u00c5\u00a5\u00b7\u00aa\u00e3\u201a\u00c4\u00fa\u00b7\u220f\u00a2w\u0192\u00b0\u00b7\u220f\u00fbkz\u201a\u00c4\u00f4\u00b7\u03c0\u00c9\u221a\u00f2J\u00ac\u00a7VI\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hjk0Pdyx61LTGX/VR45aHu7sfNcwBCpQfWfhwx7zsqkcNMx/ubD48w@vQkjDP////Z@YlK4BwQFGmQkpqMhiD2DAxEJ1bmlMCIYAiAA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThe string that is used to index into is `\u00b7\u220f\u00a7H\u201a\u00c4\u00f2\u201a\u00c4\u00f4I\u00bb\u00c6` in this case. The `\u201a\u00c4\u00f2\u201a\u00c4\u00f4` are no longer on the boundaries.\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~128~~ 125 bytes\n```\nReduce(function(x,y)switch(y,i=x+1,d=x-1,m=x*2,h=x/2,P={cat(x);x}),substr(el(strsplit(gsub(\"e.*$\",\"\",scan(,\"\")),\" \")),1,1),0)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XYhLDsIgFACvQoiLR31@6NZwh8YbUErlJZQaPpHGeHasWzczk4nN0xh13GCx2a1TEu1up2IszCWYTGuAiptIL8rGwYak6lHipOpJ4qJq16NT9dLjoN5GZ6jiVj8CUxlTjmA97EpPTxke@wNuz92BI@eYjA6whxDI2Y8SpcCraJyCYUMk9m9bKTOn/cyW4jNvXw \"R \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nMust be called with `source(echo=FALSE)` to prevent the return value from being printed automatically. The alternative would be to [wrap everything in `invisible`](https://tio.run/##XYhLDsIgFACvQoiL9@rz024Nd2i8AaVUXkLRAFUa49mxbt3MTCZWz0PUcYXZZncfE1YOT048eAtXOy7GwrQEk/keoNCK6cXZOFiJVdm3NKpyaGlWpenIqXLqqFdvozMUvJQPUlqGlCNYD5vSw3OG2/ZA2mOzkyQlJaMDbIFIUvzYUot0RqySgxF9ZPFvWzgLp/0k5sVnWb8) but that's much less golfy (and ruins my [still] nice byte count).\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 25 bytes\n```\n\u221a\u00e9\u201a\u00c7\u00a8\u00ac\u00a8\"idmhPe\"S\"><\u00ac\u2211;=q\"S\u201a\u00c4\u00b0J.V\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//cN@jpjWH1ihlpuRmBKQqBSvZ2Rzabm1bqBT8qGGhl17Y///R6pl5yeo6CuoBRZkgCh8vtSKzBERnJOakgejc0pwS9VgA \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nMaps each of the language function with the corresponding 05AB1E function (using the first char of each function), and then executes the resulting string as 05AB1E code.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), ~~110~~ ~~91~~ 82 bytes\n`exit` will cause the program to exit with an error.\n```\nx=0\nfor c in input():c=='P'==print(x,end='');x+=(1,-1,x,-x/2,c,0)['ndmhx'.find(c)]\n```\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/##XcXBCsIwDADQu1@RW1rMdNObI/@wu3iQdmWBLSulg/j11bPw4OVPXXa9t2bcn9JeIIDoTz6q84/AjBMy5yJandGskRH9aGd2A3UDGXV2vVGg3j9R47YYXpJodMG/WhMNMBWB/2eTCst7TbAda/0C \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Red](http://www.red-lang.org), 121 bytes\n```\nfunc[s][v: 0 parse s[any[[\"i\"(v: v + 1)|\"d\"(v: v - 1)|\"m\"(v: v * 2)|\"h\"(v: v / 2.0)|\"P\"(prin v)|\"e\"(exit)]thru\" \"| end]]]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZYxBCoMwEEX3nuIzK21pa116itJtyEJMggENEqO04N3TRFTaugiTN/P@t1L4pxSMJ6r0ajQ1GzibSuToKztIDKwyb8ZIUxq2E864ZzOJlS4LdSudUARqVrqhuOaBH5T2VhtM4S8plS/tMu4aOxJohjSCc@4VSJsa2xOyxsNqRJmSGHcgSoIVL9HoxtbtelB/re@uxWyqVu2NcX304/V/LvaSjS3HzFZL/gM \"Red \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n## Readable:\n```\nf: func [s] [\n v: 0\n parse s [\n any [\n [ \"i\" (v: v + 1)\n | \"d\" (v: v - 1)\n | \"m\" (v: v * 2)\n | \"h\" (v: v / 2.0)\n | \"P\" (prin v)\n | \"e\" (exit)]\n thru [\" \" | end]\n ]\n ]\n] \n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~131~~ ~~125~~ ~~122~~ ~~121~~ ~~118~~ ~~117~~ 115 bytes\n```\nv=0;o=\"\"\nfor x in input().split(\"x\")[0].split():\n if\"Q\">x:o+=`v`\n else:v+=(1,-1,v,-v/2.)['idmh'.find(x[0])]\nprint o\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LcyxDoMgFEDRna94eYsQ0aqjDf2GdjYmNlXCSygQpYR@PXVocpez3PCNxruhlKS6q1eITPsdMpA7C5/IRXsES5FjRjF1819iZEAaH3jLo6/VkhYGmz22MdWK97LpZZJNugytmCpa36ZqNbmV5/MgZhZ2chF8KUjuBeZpNdx3wh8 \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n-6 and -3 with thanks to @Rod\n-3 and -2 with thanks to @etene\n-1 by replacing `\"Pri\"==x` with `\"P\"in x`\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~83~~ 79 bytes\n*Saved 4 bytes thanks to @l4m2*\nIteratively replaces the instructions with either the output or empty strings.\n```\ns=>s.replace(/\\S+./g,w=>m // given the input string s\n s.replace(/\\S+./g, w => // for each word w in s:\n m < s ? // if m is a string:\n '' // ignore this instruction\n : // else:\n w < {} ? // if w is 'Pri' ({} is coerced to '[object Object]'):\n m // output the current value of m\n : ( // else:\n m += // add to m:\n { d: -1, // -1 if w is 'dec'\n e: w, // w if w is 'exit' (which turns m into a string)\n i: 1, // 1 if w is 'inc'\n m // m if w is 'mult'\n }[w[0]] // using the first character of w to decide\n || -m / 2, // or add -m/2 (for 'half') if the above result was falsy\n ''), // do not output anything\n m = 0 // m = unique register of our mighty CPU, initialized to 0\n ) // end of replace()\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), ~~37~~ 35 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00e2\u00ee\u201a\u00c5\u221e\u0152\u2211\u00d4\u00ba\u00b6\u201a\u00e9\u00e1\u201a\u00d1\u00f1\u0152\u220fx\u201a\u00c4\u00b6\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00e5\u00ef\u0152\u220fx\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00e2\u00b0\u0152\u03c0n\u201a\u00e2\u00b6\u201a\u00e4\u00ef\u0152\u2211d\u201a\u00e2\u00b6\u201a\u00e4\u00f1\u0152\u2211m\u201a\u00e2\u00b6\u201a\u00e4\u00f3\u0152\u2211h\u201a\u00e2\u00b6\u201a\u00e4\u00f2\u0152\u2211r\u00d4\u00ba\u00a9\u0152\u2211\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY@xCsIwEIb3PsXRKYEKzjpJRXQoOPgCZxJNIE1sktaK@OwxpTpEnI77/o87fibRMYs6xo336mrIsgJJ18XFOiAn4Qy6B6ltbwLpKijHklbQWM2nbacM/9KEO0rB31VgEoii8CwYegGlKVfQ4O1z/mCYE60wQfD50SzxTNqKv1KbS7Y/61yQmbBHPeS5S/nRqdSlRh@IpCl5xagMmzD8TjGqABL1BdpehyIuBv0G \"Charcoal \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Inspired by @RickHitchcock's answer. Explanation:\n```\n\u201a\u00e2\u00ee\u201a\u00c5\u221e\u0152\u2211\n```\nClear the variable.\n```\n\u00d4\u00ba\u00b6\u201a\u00e9\u00e1\u201a\u00d1\u00f1\u0152\u220fx\u201a\u00c4\u00b6\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00e5\u00ef\u0152\u220fx\u0152\u220f\u201a\u00e2\u00b0\u0152\u03c0\n```\nTruncate the input at the `x` if there is one, then loop over and switch on each character of (the remainder of) the input.\n```\nn\u201a\u00e2\u00b6\u201a\u00e4\u00ef\u0152\u2211\n```\n`n` i**n**crements the variable.\n```\nd\u201a\u00e2\u00b6\u201a\u00e4\u00f1\u0152\u2211\n```\n`d` **d**ecrements the variable.\n```\nm\u201a\u00e2\u00b6\u201a\u00e4\u00f3\u0152\u2211\n```\n`m` **m**ultiplies the variable by two (i.e. doubles).\n```\nh\u201a\u00e2\u00b6\u201a\u00e4\u00f2\u0152\u2211\n```\n`h` **h**alves the variable.\n```\nr\u00d4\u00ba\u00a9\u0152\u2211\n```\n`r` p**r**ints the variable cast to string.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~77~~ 75 bytes\n(Borrowed (*stole*) @Arnauld's trick of using `m` as the variable name, saving 2 bytes.)\n```\nf=([c,...s],m=0)=>c<'x'?(c=='P'?m:'')+f(s,m+({h:-m/2,d:-1,n:1,m}[c]||0)):''\n```\nRecursively walks the string, looking for distinct letters per instruction and ignoring the rest:\n* n: inc\n* d: dec\n* m: mult\n* h: half\n* P: Pri\n* x: exit\nTakes advantage of the fact that `undefined` is neither greater than nor less than `'x'`, causing the recursion to stop at the end of the string *or* when it encounters the `'x'` in **exit**.\n```\nf=([c,...s],n=0)=>c<'x'?(c=='P'?n:'')+f(s,n+({h:-n/2,d:-1,n:1,m}[c]||0)):''\nconsole.log(f('inc inc inc dec Pri exit')); //--> 2\nconsole.log(f('dec inc mult inc inc Pri')); //--> 2\nconsole.log(f('inc inc inc mult half Pri exit inc')); //--> 3\nconsole.log(f('inc Pri inc Pri inc Pri exit half mult')); //--> 123\nconsole.log(f('Pri exit')); //--> 0\nconsole.log(f('inc half Pri exit')); //--> 0.5 \n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 107 bytes\n```\nf=s=>s.split` `.map(([o])=>F?0:o==\"i\"?i++:o==\"d\"?i--:o==\"m\"?i*=2:o==\"h\"?i/=2:o==\"P\"?S+=i:F=1,F=i=0,S=\"\")&&S\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY/BioMwFADv@xUhBzFrtK32UFxevXkueBShQWP7lmiksWX/3k1CtyzSQ8gQZl6Sb/EQpr3hNMej7uSy9GDgaBIzKZzP5JwMYgrDWjcMjmWxzTUARVpgFHnsLMaxx8HiJ6Ser5Y3Tz7RoooA8xJ2vASELa@AUhYE1dLq0WglE6UvYR9SHFvytzrZktMNifzBmTKAlH2sbGc4c7ir@ZXZhDLyTv8/3CdXofrXFe7Yhxn7elc6b737zk9x89wjd2nGVp@q9w2vDw0/cJJZoxfKSPYL \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 91 bytes\n```\n_=>_.split` `.map(o=>o<{}>!_?S+=+i:o<\"e\"?i--:o<\"f\"?++_:o<\"i\"?i/=2:o<\"j\"?i++:i*=2,i=S=\"\")&&S\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bYxBCoMwEEX3PUWahWhTLbi0jl6h4AE0xNiORCNqS6H07DYRKiIuhvnMvPdr/uKD6LEb/VaXcqpgyiHJg6FTOBakCBreuRoSHX@@yTFPMwYMIx1TSVP0fZsqmjKW24TmdoHQxtpExiI8QXhGyIBSz3GySeh20EoGSt/dyqXYCvKfUgpy65HIN47U8w4b1L4t1jzVuDiG30HXrTP@4Kpaulfidc@03HbP3txi@4w5/QA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 96 bytes\n```\n_=>_.split` `.map(o=>F?0:o<\"Q\"?S+=i:o<\"e\"?i--:o<\"f\"?F=1:o<\"i\"?i/=2:o<\"j\"?i++:i*=2,F=i=0,S=\"\")&&S\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bYzLDoJADEX3fgWZBQF5iCzRwo61hg8AAjNaMjAE0Pj3OCWRGMKi6U17zm3KdzlWA/aT16mazwLmHOLcH3uJU2EUflv2loI4TYJIXdmdJZkDSJGzBD2PkmBJCmdKqG8nCCk2OjpOhEcI3RQQAjcDxmzTzOZKdaOS3JfqYQmLYVcZv6l5ZdwGNPgHJ2bbhw1Kb8Lal5xWR/M76H/rgj9LKdZuOmvpsmcRs92LszRQlzbnLw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 99 bytes\n```\ns=>s.split` `.map(_=>eval('++i7--i7++e7u+=+i7i*=27i/=2'.split(7)[Buffer(e+_)[0]%11%6]),e=i=u='')&&u\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY09D4IwFAB3f0UXbWv5EAc7PQYHZndDsMJDn6lAaGv679HExThdbrjcw7yMa2eafDqMHS553uE13CBCKdpxcKPFzI43EWUS5aqCxUHpMjdZ8hd2yZ5mEg2U@DJWcKVIpylppVAHBR@jLew15bDn30RoeT6GvsdZoGrkeVevi2J9qGWCQBCAc7nZhOV3XAlOQ8tOM7F/YiTP7sb27Bms51Kuljc \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 107 bytes\n```\ns=>eval('x=0;x'+(s.split` `.map(v=>({i:\"++\",d:\"--\",m:\"*=2\",h:\"/=2\",P:\";alert(x)\",e:\"//\"})[v[0]]).join`;x`))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 93 bytes\n```\n(0!)\na!(c:t)|c=='P'=show a++a!t|c>'w'=\"\"|1<2=(a+sum(lookup c$zip\"ndmh\"[1,-1,a,-a/2]))!t;a!e=e\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Xc0xDoIwFADQ3VP8NiZtA0RhVL9nYFeHnwrS0JaGlpAYzm51dnrjGyiOnbW5x3uWR6Z2xKQ@JbVpRNEKjMO0AhUFsbTpq1gFcr7VlwYlFXFx0k7TuATQ@7cJ3D/dwG91WdUllRUdmodSLJ2JddhlR8YDQpiNT/CruPEa2tnAn1zlj@4tvWKudAhf \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nEssentially a translation of [mbomb007's Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/163596/3852).\n[Answer]\n# Lua, 207 bytes\n```\ns=0;n=0;for a in io.read():gmatch'.'do if s==0 then s=1;n=a=='i'and n+1 or a=='d'and n-1 or a=='m'and n*2 or a=='h'and n/2 or n;if a=='P'then print(n)elseif a==\"e\"then break end elseif a==' 'then s=0 end end\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 114 110 109 116 bytes\nActually would have taken two bytes less in Python 2 because `exec` is a statement and doesn't need parentheses...\n* *Saved 4 extra bytes thanks to @ElPedro*\n* *Saved an extra byte by taking advantage of the fact that `find` returns -1 on error, which can then be used as an index*\n* *+7 bytes because I hadn't noticed the no-newlines rule :(*\n```\ni=0;exec(\";\".join(\"i+=1 i-=1 i*=2 i/=2 print(i,end='') exit()\".split()[\"idmhP\".find(h[0])]for h in input().split()))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY29DsMgEINf5XRLoD80bceId8geZagCiKvIBREipU@fwtClkvXZg2XHT/YLP4@DdNvZ3U4CO1TvhVggnfUd6Fpx0g@gW0FMxFnQxbLRTSPB7pSFRLXGUMOAZGbfo3LERvihHeXolgQeiIviVjq/rpTllSfoE8G/11nwr@Bg3kL@Ag \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nMaps the first character of every input word to a piece of Python code. These are then concatenated and `exec`ed.\nPretty straightforward approach, that could probably be golfed a bit more. The difficulty mostly resides in finding the shortest form out of many possible ones...\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/) + `-na`, ~~81~~ ~~73~~ 65 bytes\n```\nx=0;$F.map{|w|eval %w{x+=1 x-=1 1/0 $><{int c=0;for(String g:a.split(\" \")){char b=g.charAt(0);if(b==105)c++;if(b==100)c--;if(b==109)c*=2;if(b==104)c/=2;if(b==80)System.out.print(c);if(b==101)return;}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lVHdSsMwFL7vUxx6lThaO1FQSwUfQCrsUrxI07TLbNOSngyl7NlrUmemA6FehOQ7nO@P7NieRV0v1K58m3jDhgGemFRjACAVCl0xLiAf950sQZMNaqlqYDQ92IUBGUoOOeQGe4OQwcSih9HygGdJWnWeUN@zeOgbiSSEkNKRb5mGIqtj93hEktBUVqTIsnVyQ/lq5VFCeRR5dEf5RXbl4TXllx7eJnTzMaBo485g3FtbJPwku6ZaoNEqPRym1GbvTdHY7McKc73W9j4GfnlldAy@asWahFJx@D6l4PCsJYh3iSFNg3PXRhE7PXHdvuO1pkEvYgWWcH/6zvwtayrv7sZLVRzn/J41ZkWnvUTpP72dy6@4f5MC@ymf \"Java (OpenJDK 8) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nAbove is my solution that rounds off to integers, but below is my solution that handles decimals. The obnoxious way that java prints doubles adds another 55 byes to the score. I left the new lines to make the code more readable in the second submission only because it\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s essentially the same solution with one extra command and an import statement.\n# [Java (OpenJDK 8)](http://openjdk.java.net/), 219 bytes\n```\na->{\ndouble c=0;\nfor(String g:a.split(\" \")){\nchar b=g.charAt(0);\nif(b==105)c++;\nif(b==100)c--;\nif(b==109)c*=2;\nif(b==104)c/=2;\nif(b==80)System.out.print(new DecimalFormat(\"0.#\").format(c));\nif(b==101)return;}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lVHRSsMwFH3PV1zqS7LR2ImCWioI4ptM2KP4kKXplpmmJb2dk7Jvr2k31zkQ5kNIzuWec@65WYm1CItS2VX60eq8LBzCytc4qg3yUUykEVUFL0LbhgBoi8plQiqYNutCp@DoDJ22CxAs3vqGCgVqCVOY1ljWCAm0InxoSFrUc6NAJlFMsuLAWtwLXpVGIw0gYKwhcikczJMF7x6PSCMWE53ReZJMohsmx@MBRkyG4QDvmBwlVwO@ZvJywLcRm31VqHJe1MhLb47Uqk94UlLnwjwXLhd@iIhfBIxnOyTZkfmEOYW1s/F228Y@aOnz@KD7vP0ucr@kfbC3d@HD7HbAHQ20lfBzUiXh1WlQG42Bdzidy1jqqwO36@94eW3wIOIFzuEe@/b8pTDZwb0rn6vScU7vXqNX7LTPUfpP7s7l17h/k4j/lG8 \"Java (OpenJDK 8) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~120~~ ~~114~~ 111 bytes\n-6 bytes thanks to ceilingcat.\n```\nx,d;f(char*s){for(x=0;s>1;s=index(d^1?s:\"\",32)+1)d=*s-100,x+=d?d==5:-1,x*=d^9?d^4?1:.5:2,d+20||printf(\"%d\",x);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY9disMgFIWf6ypEKGiiQ8y0DxOx2cKsIBC8SSq0aYlpEdquPROFhE4f5Mo537k/RnTGTJPnoFpqjvWQOPZoLwP1OlPuIJXTtofGU6hk6QpC@HfOUslAJ07ILOM@1VCC1vtCSO4TDdVPCdWulMXXvsg5pHn2fF4H248tJVsg3DP1mu4XC7iLA/E8ET3QZmXETjoshDhgwrFjCm1aGsv1NjpKyPx9ITTD@FzbnsZwR4ntDV4eNAb/DhY33o6BD37Qgne@ncYVnKHFf89H5lif2rVLkN/JoH/WyMVUyC/05x6B/tc6HjT9AQ \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n# 124 bytes\nFloating-point version:\n```\nd;f(char*s){for(float f=0;s>1;s=strchr(s,32)+1)d=*s-80,f+=d==25,f-=d==20,f*=d^29?d^24?1:.5:2,s=d^21?s:\"\",d?:printf(\"%f\",f);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY9hisMgEIV/11OIsGBSXZq0hd0EmyvsCRaCdhIhTYpjl4XSs2dVSOj2h87w3vfGUctO63k2NXDdty7H7A6T4zBMraegdjWeihoVeqd7x1Hsy2xbZEblKD92ArbKKFUeBcjUBCVX5rv8bMJ1aIrq/ViVAqNUNFgxJkxTXZ0dPXD2BkxAVj/mn8ka2qX3aViA3MlmZeShQCqlPFEmKGY12QBP5XrzyBkL7YOQANNLa0eewh1ndtR0Oeas6Zez9PxrfeSjH7XoXW6DX8EALf5zPjF9O8A6JcrPZNRfa@JSKuYX@nWPSP8bnT40/wE \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nI did not bother with a version that rounds down, but makes an exception for 0, which would be allowed, if I understand the comment-chain correctly.\n[Answer]\n# [33](https://github.com/TheOnlyMrCat/33), 62 bytes\n```\ns'i'{1a}'d'{1m}'m'{2x}'h'{2d}'P'{o}'e'{@}It[mzsjk\"\"ltqztItn1a]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Mzb@/79YPVO92jCxVj0FSOXWqueqVxtV1KpnAKmUWvUA9er8WvVU9WqHWs@S6Nyq4qxsJaWcksKqEs@SPMPE2P//AQ \"33 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis program takes the instructions delimited by newlines\n## Explanation:\n```\nIt[mzsjk\"\"ltqztItn1a]\n [mz n1a] | Forever\nIt jk It | - Get the first character of the next instruction\n qz | - Call the function declared previously\n s \"\"lt t | - Make sure we don't lose track of the variable\n```\nThe code before that segment defines all the functions.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (V8)](https://v8.dev/), 152 bytes\n```\ni=>{return n=\"\",p=0,e=1,i.split(\" \").map(i=>{e&&(\"inc\"==i&&p++,\"dec\"==i&&p--,\"mult\"==i&&(p*=2),\"half\"==i&&(p/=2),\"Pri\"==i&&(n+=p),\"exit\"==i&&(e=0))}),n}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY1BDoIwEEWv0syi6UhBdOVmPINXaLDomFqaUoiJ4ewVUDauJv9lXt7DjKZvIodUjqfcUmY6v6NNQ/TCE4AOVGtLB81VHxwnBQKwepqglkcrpQL2DRCxlKEoNFzttspSw3Nw6TtV2NERNdyNazeyX8kl8g/4gsIM7Is3yVKNOKH2U24633fOVq67qXatitkU/3eRxRIRaxsxfwA \"JavaScript (V8) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nOutput either the text below, or a list of lists of integers (more details below).\n```\n 0\n10 1\n20 11 2\n30 21 12 3\n40 31 22 13 4\n50 41 32 23 14 5\n60 51 42 33 24 15 6\n70 61 52 43 34 25 16 7\n80 71 62 53 44 35 26 17 8\n90 81 72 63 54 45 36 27 18 9\n91 82 73 64 55 46 37 28 19\n92 83 74 65 56 47 38 29\n93 84 75 66 57 48 39\n94 85 76 67 58 49\n95 86 77 68 59\n96 87 78 69\n97 88 79\n98 89\n99\n```\n## Rules\n* If you wish, you may \"one index\" and replace each `n` with `n+1`. In this case the output will contain the numbers 1 to 100 inclusive.\n### If output is text\n* The single digits are right aligned in each column in the text provided, but it is fine if you wish to left align. Additionally, alignment is not required to be consistent between columns.\n* Leading/trailing whitespace is permitted. Trailing spaces on each line are also permitted.\n* Returning a list of lines is acceptable.\n### If output is numerical\n* Output can be a list of lists of integers (or 2D array): `[[1], [11, 2], [21...`\n* Floats are fine.\n* If it is not possible to have nonrectangular array in the language used, then the elements in the array that aren't within the triangle can take any value and will be ignored.\nIf you prefer another format, feel free to ask.\nShortest code wins.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~13 12 10~~ 6 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n-4 thanks to Dennis, yes FOUR! (use of group indices and Cartesian product)\n```\n\u2075p\u1e051\u0120U\n```\nUses 1-indexing and the list option for output.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ARsA5P9qZWxsef//4oG1cOG4hTHEoFX/wqLFkuG5mP8 \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")** (The footer formats the output in Python representation) \n...or see a [0-indexed, formatted version](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9R49aChztaDY8sCP1/aNGjhpnu/wE \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\").\n### How?\n```\n\u2075p\u1e051\u0120U - Main link: no arguments\n\u2075 - literal 10\n p - Cartesian product (with the leading constant of 10 and implicit ranges)\n - = [[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],...,[10,8],[10,9],[10,10]]\n \u1e051 - to base one (proxy for sum each without the monad)\n - = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,4,...,18,19,20]\n \u0120 - group indices by value\n - = [[1],[2,11],[3,12,21],...,[90,99],[100]]\n U - upend = [[1],[11,2],[21,12,3],...,[99,90],[100]] \n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 54 bytes\n```\nk=1\nexec\"print range(k,0,-9)[:101-k];k+=10-k/91*9;\"*19\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/P9vWkCu1IjVZqaAoM69EoSgxLz1VI1vHQEfXUjPaytDAUDc71jpb29bQQDdb39JQy9JaScvQ8v9/AA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n(1-indexed, because `range(k,0,-9)` is shorter than `range(k,-1,-9)`.)\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), ~~29~~ 20 bytes\n```\n\uff25\u00b9\u2079\u2aab\uff29\u2b8c\u03a6\u00b9\u2070\u2070\u207c\u03b9\u207a\u00f7\u03bb\u03c7\ufe6a\u03bb\u03c7 \n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LcdJCgJBDEDRq4ReRYhQtRSXDqDQ0HiD0B0wEKq0putHBf/m8dcnlzWzuS9FU8OZXxgPBPesCU9cGz5kSKmCV7UmBWMIBJd3Z6uoBIv1irfUzjp0EzSCGHYEc9665f/@Iphg@np09/2wDw \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Note: trailing space. Explanation:\n```\n \u00b9\u2079 Literal 19\n\uff25 Map over implicit range\n \u00b9\u2070\u2070 Literal 100\n \u03a6 Filter over implicit range\n \u03bb \u03bb Inner index\n \u03c7 \u03c7 Predefined variable 10\n \ufe6a Modulo\n \u00f7 Integer divide\n \u207a Sum\n \u03b9 Outer index\n \u207c Equals\n \u2b8c Reverse\n \uff29 Cast to string\n \u2aab Join with spaces\n Implicitly print each string on its own line\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 61 bytes\n0-based. Returns a string.\n```\nf=(k=n=0)=>k>98?k:k+((k-=9)%10>0?' '+f(k):`\n`+f(n+=n>89||10))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DchBDkAwEADAu1e4SHfTkLqpZOsrFVRY2YqKk7@X22T28RnTdG3nXUucl5wDAZOQQXLsbDdwzxqAa7JYtcaZQZVKB2DsfeF/iCZxnX3f1iDmKUqKx9IccYUAf3w \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\nWe start with **k = n = 0** and stop when **k = 99**. We subtract **9** from **k** at each iteration.\nEnd of rows are detected with `k % 10 <= 0`. This condition is fulfilled if:\n* **k** is negative (upper part of the pyramid) because the sign of the modulo in JS is that of the dividend.\n```\n 0 (-9)\n10 1 (-8)\n20 11 2 (-7)\n```\n* *or* **k % 10 == 0** (lower part of the pyramid)\n```\n90 81 72 63 54 45 36 27 18 9 (0)\n91 82 73 64 55 46 37 28 19 (10)\n92 83 74 65 56 47 38 29 (20)\n```\nAt the beginning of the next row, we add either **1** or **10** to **n** and restart from there.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 66 bytes\n```\nr=range\nfor a in r(0,90,10)+r(90,100):print r(a,a/10+a%10*10-1,-9)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/v8i2KDEvPZUrLb9IIVEhM0@hSMNAx9JAx9BAU7tIA8ww0LQqKMrMKwFKJeok6hsaaCeqGhpoGRroGuroWmr@/w8A \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 14 bytes\n```\n,.<@|./.i.,~10\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/pflFiuYGulYKAAwrp6Cs5BPm7/dfRsHGr09PUy9XTqDA3@a3KlJmfkKyjpARX/BwA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Note:\nThis solution uses boxed output - I'm not sure if it's allowed (I hope it is, because lists of integers are also allowed)\n## Alternative:\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 10 bytes\n```\n|./.i.,~10\n```\nIn this solution the numbers outside the triangular area are displayed as `0`\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/pflFiuYGulYKAAwrp6Cs5BPm7/a/T09TL1dOoMDf5rcqUmZ@QrKOkBFf4HAA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation:\n`i.,~10` creates a matrix 10x10 of the numbers 0..99 `,~10` is short for `10 10`\n```\n i.,~10\n 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9\n10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19\n20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29\n30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39\n40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49\n50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59\n60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69\n70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79\n80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89\n90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99\n```\n`/.` finds the oblique diagonals (antidiagonals) of the matrix\n```\n ]/.i.,~10\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n 1 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n 2 11 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n 3 12 21 30 0 0 0 0 0 0\n 4 13 22 31 40 0 0 0 0 0\n 5 14 23 32 41 50 0 0 0 0\n 6 15 24 33 42 51 60 0 0 0\n 7 16 25 34 43 52 61 70 0 0\n 8 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80 0\n 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90\n19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 0\n29 38 47 56 65 74 83 92 0 0\n39 48 57 66 75 84 93 0 0 0\n49 58 67 76 85 94 0 0 0 0\n59 68 77 86 95 0 0 0 0 0\n69 78 87 96 0 0 0 0 0 0\n79 88 97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n89 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n```\nUsing `]` (same) pads all lines with `0`s. Each line is reversed. In order to get rid of the zeroes I box the lines `<` after they are reversed `|.`\n```\n <@|./.i.,~10\n\u250c\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\n\u25020\u250210 1\u250220 11 2\u250230 21 12 3\u250240 31 22 13 4\u250250 41 32 23 14 5\u2502. . .\n\u2514\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\n```\nBoxing makes the list of lists to be flatten. I finally ravel `,.` the list so that the lines are ordered in a column.\n```\n ,.<@|./.i.,~10\n\u250c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2510\n\u25020 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250210 1 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250220 11 2 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250230 21 12 3 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250240 31 22 13 4 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250250 41 32 23 14 5 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250260 51 42 33 24 15 6 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250270 61 52 43 34 25 16 7 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250280 71 62 53 44 35 26 17 8 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250290 81 72 63 54 45 36 27 18 9\u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250291 82 73 64 55 46 37 28 19 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250292 83 74 65 56 47 38 29 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250293 84 75 66 57 48 39 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250294 85 76 67 58 49 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250295 86 77 68 59 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250296 87 78 69 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250297 88 79 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250298 89 \u2502\n\u251c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2524\n\u250299 \u2502\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2518\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pure [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) (no external utilities), 66\n```\neval a={{9..1},}\\;b={9..0}';c[a+b]+=$a$b\\ '\nprintf %s\\\\n \"${c[@]}\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvj/P7UsMUch0ba62lJPz7BWpzbGOskWxDaoVbdOjk7UTorVtlVJVEmKUVDnKijKzCtJU1AtjonJU1BSqU6OdoitVfr/HwA \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 16 bytes\n```\nV19fqssM`TN_U100\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/P8zQMq2wuNg3IcQvPtTQwOD/fwA)\n[Answer]\n# [Gol><>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), 24 bytes\n```\n0D9FlF{a+|lD|9F~lF{P|D|;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PScsszvj/38DF0i3HrTpRuybHpcbSrQ7IDqhxqbH@/x8A \"Gol><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe output looks like this:\n```\n[0]\n[10 1]\n[20 11 2]\n[30 21 12 3]\n[40 31 22 13 4]\n[50 41 32 23 14 5]\n[60 51 42 33 24 15 6]\n[70 61 52 43 34 25 16 7]\n[80 71 62 53 44 35 26 17 8]\n[90 81 72 63 54 45 36 27 18 9]\n[91 82 73 64 55 46 37 28 19]\n[92 83 74 65 56 47 38 29]\n[93 84 75 66 57 48 39]\n[94 85 76 67 58 49]\n[95 86 77 68 59]\n[96 87 78 69]\n[97 88 79]\n[98 89]\n[99]\n```\n### How it works\n```\n0D9FlF{a+|lD|9F~lF{P|D|;\n0D Push 0 and print stack\n 9F | Repeat 9 times...\n lF{a+| Add 10 to all numbers on the stack\n l Push stack length (the last one-digit number)\n D Print stack\n 9F | Repeat 9 times...\n ~ Discard the top\n lF{P| Increment all numbers on the stack\n D Print stack\n ; Halt\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~50~~ 48 bytes\n```\nsplit(y<-rev(order(x<-outer(0:9,0:9,\"+\"))),x[y])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/v7ggJ7NEo9JGtyi1TCO/KCW1SKPCRje/tATIMLCy1AFhJW0lTU1NnYroyljN//8B \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n1-indexed. Follows the same logic as Jonathan Allan's [Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/163515/78274), so make sure to upvote him. \nAs a bonus, here is also an implementation of standard looping approach (0-indexed). Here, I at least tried to make the output prettier (thus, didn't even save bytes for `print` instead of `cat(...,\"\\n\")` to get rid of annoying `[1]`s in the console.\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~66~~ 59 bytes\n```\nfor(i in c(0:8*10,90:99))cat(seq(i,i/10+i%%10*10-1,-9),\"\n\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/Py2/SCNTITNPIVnDwMpCy9BAx9LAytJSUzM5sUSjOLVQI1MnU9/QQDtTVdXQACita6ija6mpo8SlpPn/PwA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nEdit: -2 and -7 both thanks to Giuseppe.\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~137 86 73~~ 69 bytes\n```\nfor(u in 0:18)cat(\"if\"(u>9,seq(81+u,10*u-81,-9),seq(10*u,u,-9)),\"\\n\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/Py2/SKNUITNPwcDK0EIzObFEQykzTUmj1M5Spzi1UMPCULtUx9BAq1TXwlBH11ITLAji65SCuJo6SjF5Spr//wMA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPrevious golfed version, %100 credits to [Giuseppe](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/67312/giuseppe).\n```\nS=sapply\nc(S(1:10,function(u)1:u-1+10*(u-1:u)),S(9:1,function(y)1:y+9-y+10*(y:1+9-y)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/P9i2OLGgIKeSK1kjWMPQytBAJ600L7kkMz9Po1TT0KpU11Db0EBLA0hblWpq6gRrWFoZIpRUApVUalvqVoIVVVoZgtiampr//wMA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBelow my first attempt at Codegolf keeping it just for the record.\n```\nx<-c(1:10)\nz<- c(9:1)\nc(sapply(x,function(u) seq_len(u)-1+10*(u-seq_len(u))),sapply(z,function(y) seq_len(y)+9-y+10*rev(seq_len(y)+9-y)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VctNCoAgEEDhfadoOVMNOEuju0SIQSBmP0Z6eUsIpN3jwbendA@kgHsWWMWBagWyZ6wUHJNzJsDdzd6qc1kteKwPvY1G5yRuWTTgqSzE7kOxoFBQwFZSyGzXF/zvi1N6AA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), ~~67~~ ~~66~~ ~~65~~ 64 bytes\n```\nfor i=0:8disp(10*i:-9:0)end,for i=0:9disp(90+i:-9:11*i+(i<1))end\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/f8/Lb9IIdPWwMoiJbO4QMPQQCvTStfSykAzNS9FByZnCZazNNAGyxkaamVqa2TaGGqCFP3/DwA \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThose missing semicolons hurt my eyes!\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 22 bytes\n```\nTL\u00fbvTLD>T*\u00abN\u00e8yGD9+})R,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f8/xOfw7rIQHxe7EK1Dq/0Or6h0d7HUrtUM0vn/HwA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nSuper Naive Approach: [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f8/xMfl8KL//wE \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\") may be a better solution but I can't figure out how to get from A to B.\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 77 bytes\n```\n(0..90|?{!($_%10)})+91..99|%{\"$(for($i=$_;$i-gt$_/10+$_%10*10-1;$i-=9){$i})\"}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcpLCoAgEADQsyQjOEU1s5SQjuLKShAMC1qYZ7fP9vH2eLl0bC6EWhUNg6Z7zo0CK5mwYKf5NX3LLEAtMSnwBuwEvl9PsCNT98@WqedPjcYMvqAotT4 \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs as ASCII-art with the single-digits left-aligned. Exploits the fact that stringifying an array inserts spaces between elements by default.\nVery similar to Rod's Python answer, apparently, but developed independently.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 69 bytes\n```\nf=(i=e=[])=>e[i<19&&(e[+i]=[]),i/10+i%10|0].unshift(+i)*i++-99?f(i):e\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FchBDsIgEAXQ09jMOLbCEiP2IIRFUwf9poFGalfeHeNbvte0T3V@Y936XO7aWvIErz5E9jcNuFrXdaRBEP93wtkawcGar4nDJ9cn0kYCPkKkd25MBL5om0uuZdFhKQ9KxNx@ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# JavaScript REPL, 77 bytes\n```\n[...Array(100)].map((_,i)=>e[i<19&&(e[i]=[]),i/10+i%10|0].unshift(i),e=[])&&e\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 62 bytes\n```\n$,=$\";say@,=map$_+=10,@,,$_ for-9..0;say map++$_,@,while pop@,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/19Fx1ZFybo4sdJBxzY3sUAlXtvW0EDHQUdHJV4hLb9I11JPzwAkrQCU1NZWiQdKlWdk5qQqFOQXOOj8//8vv6AkMz@v@L@ur6megaEBAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n1-indexed to save a couple bytes\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 58 bytes\n```\n0.step(180,10){|x|p x.step(0,-9).select{|y|y<100&&y>x-90}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/30CvuCS1QMPQwkDH0ECzuqaipkChAiJmoKNrqalXnJqTmlxSXVNZU2ljaGCgplZpV6FraVBb@/8/AA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Red](http://www.red-lang.org), 105, 95 91 bytes\n```\nv: make vector! 0\nloop 10[alter v + 10 length? v print v]loop 9[alter v last v print 1 + v]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PYsxDoAgDAB3X1FnFxh18Q@uhIFIo8YKBJt@vxIHxsvdVYy6YXReZYEn3AiCO@c6ghko5wLWuECMFQSmBkCYDj7XhqVeiUH8n829ovByt7ZN4lU/ \"Red \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation:\n```\nv: make vector! 0 ; start with a vector with one element: -10\nloop 10[alter v + 10 length? v print v] ; Ten times print the vector after adding 10\n ; to its elements and appending the length \nloop 9[alter v last v print 1 + v] ; Nine times print the vector after adding 1 \n ; to its elements and removing the last one\n ; `alter` appends the item if it's not\n ; in the list, otherwise removes it\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript](https://nodejs.org), 112 bytes\nNot that optimal, but I wanted to try a different approach.\n```\n[...Array(19)].map((x,y)=>y>9?81+y:y?y+'0':y).map(x=>(f=(n,a=[n])=>!n|a[n+='']|n[1]>8?a:f(n-=9,a.concat(n)))(x))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYxBCoMwEEX3PUW7ygxqqDsVEunGS4SAg9VisRNRKQl491RauvuP9/hPetPaLeO8ZezufWxUNFLK27JQgLxEK180A/g0oNJBl3WRJ6EKdUjEVVQBv9orDYMCTkkZtkd44Z0MJ0oIu7PJrS5qqgbgTJUpyc5xRxswIoJHjAevburl5B7Q/A@9fLqR23OLv3FqMX4A \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOld Solution:\n```\n[...Array(19)].map((x,y)=>y>9?y-9+'9':y).map((x,y)=>(f=(n,a=[n])=>a[n/10]|!n?a.reverse():a.push(n+=9)&&f(n,a))(x*1).slice(y-19))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY3BDoIwEAXvfoVeYFdglWNJCvHCTxASGqwKwZa0StrEf6@oF2/zMnmZUSzC9maYH5nSZxlqHhoiOhkjPOQMW7qLGcClHnnpS1b5jCUxiwuP/wYuHFQqeKPadYlGHfJj@9qpSpCRizRWAhaC5qe9gUo4wyi6fA6I4PY5kp2GXoLP1iKGXiurJ0mTvkL9rTheOhr1oLpthz/YdBje \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 16 bytes\n```\n\u0442L<\u03a3TL\u00e3Os\u00e8}TL\u00fb\u00a3\u00ed\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//YpOPzbnFIT6HF/sXH15RC2TsPrT48Nr//wE \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u0442L<\u03a3 } # sort the values in [0 ... 99] by\n s\u00e8 # the value at that index in\n O # the sum of\n \u00e3 # the cartesian product of\n TL # the range [1 ... 10]\n \u00a3 # split the result into pieces of sizes\n TL\u00fb # [1,2,...,9,10,9,...2,1]\n \u00ed # and reverse each\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), ~~43~~ 40 bytes\n```\n{map {[R,] grep :k,$_,(^10 X+ ^10)},^19}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYPu/OjexQKE6OkgnViG9KLVAwSpbRyVeRyPO0EAhQlsBSGnW6sQZWtb@L06sVEjT0LT@DwA \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-3 bytes thanks to Brad Gilbert b2gills.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n*[Cross posted from my anagolf post (note: may contain spoilers, post mortem).](http://golf.shinh.org/p.rb?ASCII+Pylon)*\nOutput the following text exactly.\n* You may have additional trailing whitespace on each line, and trailing newlines as well.\n* Shortest code, in bytes, wins.\n```\n \n !\"!\n \"#$#\"\n #$%&%$#\n $%&'('&%$\n %&'()*)('&%\n &'()*+,+*)('&\n '()*+,-.-,+*)('\n ()*+,-./0/.-,+*)(\n )*+,-./01210/.-,+*)\n *+,-./012343210/.-,+*\n +,-./0123456543210/.-,+\n ,-./01234567876543210/.-,\n -./0123456789:9876543210/.-\n ./0123456789:;<;:9876543210/.\n /0123456789:;<=>=<;:9876543210/\n 0123456789:;<=>?@?>=<;:9876543210\n 123456789:;<=>?@ABA@?>=<;:987654321\n 23456789:;<=>?@ABCDCBA@?>=<;:98765432\n 3456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876543\n 456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:987654\n 56789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:98765\n 6789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9876\n 789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:987\n 89:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:98\n 9:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:9\n :;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:\n ;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;\n <=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<\n =>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=\n >?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>\n ?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?\n @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@\n ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`aba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCB\n CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC\n DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED\n EFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE\n FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGF\n GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHG\n HIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnoponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH\n IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI\n JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ\n KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLK\n LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONML\n MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONM\n NOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPON\nOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\\[ZYXWVUTSRQPO\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 73 bytes\n```\n' '*48;46..0|%{\" \"*$_+-join[char[]](($x=79-$_)..($y=$x+$j++)+(++$y)..$x)}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/X11BXcvEwtrETE/PoEa1WklBSUslXls3Kz8zLzo5I7EoOjZWQ0OlwtbcUlclXlNPT0Ol0lalQlslS1tbU1tDW1ulEiioUqFZ@/8/AA \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs the first whitespace-only line, then loops from `46` to `0`. Each iteration, outputs the corresponding number of spaces and then a `-join`ed together `char`-array of the appropriate symbols, via some calculations.\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 13 bytes\n```\n\uff25\u2074\u2078\u2b8c\u2702\u03b3\u03b9\u2295\u2297\u03b9\u2016\uff2f\u2190\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRMM3sUDDxEJHISi1LLWoOFUjOCczOVUjXUchU0fBMy@5KDU3Na8kNUXDJb80KQdIZ2qCgDVXUGpaTmpyiT9QVw7QCCuf1LQSTev////rluUAAA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n \u2074\u2078 Literal 48\n\uff25 Map over implicit range\n \u03b9 \u03b9 Current index\n \u2297 Doubled\n \u2295 Incremented\n \u03b3 Printable ASCII\n \u2702 Slice\n \u2b8c Reverse\n Implicitly print each slice on separate lines\n \u2016\uff2f\u2190 Reflect with overlap\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 73 bytes\n```\ni=48\nwhile i:i-=1;r=range(79-i,127-i*2);print' '*i+bytearray(r+r[-2::-1])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcFLCoAgEADQfadw56dmoQSW4kmihYHkQJgMQnh6e6/2lt9ixsCwbtOX8UkMHULQngLFcidhd8BFGwuojPSVsDTOuML56i1FotgFzXSAcQ70Kcf4AQ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\") Crossposted from anarchy golf (see [my submission](http://golf.shinh.org/reveal.rb?ASCII+Pylon/lynn_1523517333&py)).\nQuick post-mortem analysis: xnor and dianne discovered the [exact](http://golf.shinh.org/reveal.rb?ASCII+Pylon/xnor_1523583184&py) same [solution](http://golf.shinh.org/reveal.rb?ASCII+Pylon/dianne_1523778547&py). ebicochneal submitted a [71 byte solution](http://golf.shinh.org/reveal.rb?ASCII+Pylon/ebicochineal_1523764377&py) which mitchs improved to [70 bytes](http://golf.shinh.org/reveal.rb?ASCII+Pylon/mitchs_1524714112&py). They avoid dealing with `bytearray` (which is long) or `''.join(map(chr,\u2026))` (which is even longer) entirely, by keeping a \"current line\" variable and cleverly updating it.\n[Answer]\n# [Canvas](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas), ~~15~~ 14 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas/blob/master/files/chartable.md)\n```\n0\uff43\uff3b\uff23\u00b2\uff3b\uff4a\uff5d\u00b9\uff4d\uff3d\uff0f\u2502\u2502\n```\n[Try it here!](https://dzaima.github.io/Canvas/?u=MCV1RkY0MyV1RkYzQiV1RkYyMyVCMiV1RkYzQiV1RkY0QSV1RkY1RCVCOSV1RkY0RCV1RkYzRCV1RkYwRiV1MjUwMiV1MjUwMg__,v=2)\nNote that while making this I added a couple built-ins (`\uff43` & `\uff23`) as Canvas somehow didn't have any built-ins for ASCII/unicode before...\nExplanation (some characters have been replaced to look monospace):\n```\n0c push the charcode of \"0\" - 48\n { ] map over 1..48\n C push the ASCII characters\n \u00b2[ ] repeat by the counter (0-indexed)\n j remove the last character\n \u00b9m mold to the length of the counter\n / pad each line with spaces so it looks like a diagonal\n \u2502\u2502 palindromize the whole thing horizontally\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 17 bytes\n```\n48\u1e36\u1e24r$z0ZU\u0152B+32\u1eccY\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/9/E4uGObQ93LClSqTKICj06yUnb2Ojh7p7I//8B \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 16 bytes\n```\n48F\u017eQN\u00dd\u00fbN+\u00e8J}).C\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f/fxMLt6L5Av8NzD@/20z68wqtWU8/5/38A \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [SOGL V0.12](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGLOnline), ~~16~~ 15 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL/blob/master/chartable.md)\n```\n'\u00bd{ ~\u0394f\u2321kFm}\u2070\u00bc\u2565\n```\n[Try it Here!](https://dzaima.github.io/SOGLOnline/?code=JTI3JUJEJTdCJTIwJTdFJXUwMzk0ZiV1MjMyMWtGbSU3RCV1MjA3MCVCQyV1MjU2NQ__,v=0.12)\n[Answer]\n# VBA, 71 bytes\nAn anonymous VBE immediate window function that takes no input and outputs to the console.\n```\nFor i=0To 47:?Spc(47-i);:For j=-i To i:?Chr(32-Abs(j)+2*i);:Next:?:Next\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Common Lisp](http://www.clisp.org/), 110 bytes\n```\n(dotimes(i 48)(dotimes(j 96)(princ(if(>(abs(- j 48))i)\" \"(code-char(+(-(* i 2)(abs(- j 48)))32)))))(princ\"\n\"))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VYzNCkBAFEb3nuI2q@@j2SCx8S5jkCt/Ge8/klLO7tTp@EXDESP6/dJ1CFApa342S1MRx6mbh45o4boAK/MTUWnEwO/9YP3kTmSwSEUl5y9jkfPh3ZjEkDHe \"Common Lisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n(dotimes(i 48) ;; for i from 0 up to 47\n (dotimes(j 96) ;; for j from 0 up to 95\n (princ ;; print\n (if(>(abs(- j 48))i) ;; if abs(j - 48) > i\n \" \" ;; print \" \"\n (code-char(+(-(* i 2)(abs(- j 48)))32)) ;; else print appropriate character\n )\n )\n )(princ\"\n\") ;; print newline\n)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 70 bytes\n```\ns=[*?\\s..?~]*'';48.times{|i|puts s[i,i+1].rjust(48)+s.reverse[-2*i,i]}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/v9g2Wss@plhPz74uVktd3drEQq8kMze1uLoms6agtKRYoTg6UydT2zBWryirtLhEw8RCU7tYryi1LLWoODVa10gLKBtb@/8/AA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nConstructs the full printable ASCII string and then prints the required number of forward (padded with spaces) + backward slices of it.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 24 bytes\n```\n48Rr\u1e24\u2019$$\u1ecb\u00d8\u1e56\u0152B\u1e6d\"48RU\u2076\u1e8b$\u00a4Y\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATIAzf9qZWxsef//NDhScuG4pOKAmSQk4buLw5jhuZbFkkLhua0iNDhSVeKBtuG6iyTCpFn//w \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# C (gcc), 117 bytes\n```\nc;i;main(){for(i=0;i<48;++i){for(c=2*i-15;c<32+2*i;++c)putchar(c>31+i?c:32);for(;c>31+i;--c)putchar(c);putchar(10);}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYrbCsIwEAV/J2sINImCeJL2W8oBdR@8IPpU@u3blFLwbZgZhhtpRigeoz6dTNfXx2ntoOV4hve6GdZ00BBPYMnJN26J8v59eR9b7XP0OvCSk2DdsRmE8DcJdoydYJ7NFg \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUngolfed:\n```\nint ch;\nint row;\nint main(void) {\n for (row = 0; row < 48; ++row) {\n for (ch = 2*row-15; ch < 32 + 2*row; ++ch) {\n // The first character in the row is 2*row - 15 (row is zero-indexed)\n if (ch > 31+row)\n putchar(ch);\n else\n // If the current character is not in the pyramid, mask it with a space\n putchar(' ');\n }\n for (; ch > 31+row; --ch) {\n // Finish the other side of the pyramid\n putchar(ch);\n }\n putchar('\\n');\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~114~~ ~~113~~ 107 bytes\n```\n#define _(_)for(k=32;k>.abs for ^48\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7/784sVJBXUG9QsHEXFclXic5o6hYwdhI20hLJV4hQlcDKKanpxKvaWenl5hUrJCWX6QQZ2Lx/z8A \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# T-SQL, 153 bytes\n```\nDECLARE @ INT=33,@t CHAR(95)=''a:PRINT @t;\nSET @t=LEFT(STUFF(STUFF(@t,63-@/2,2,''),46,0,CHAR(@-1)+CHAR(@)+CHAR(@+1)+CHAR(@)),33+@/2)\nSET @+=2IF @<128GOTO a\n```\nReturns are for display only.\nI tried several ideas, including a loop to preconstruct the full string (163 characters), and a nested loop to build it on the fly (168 characters), but this ended up being the shortest.\nBasically, each loop I'm *cramming 4 new characters* into the center of the string, then trimming off the extras from both ends, using the [SQL `STUFF()` function](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/functions/stuff-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017).\nFormatted and explained:\n```\nDECLARE @ INT=33, --Using a single counter for both rows and CHAR\n @t CHAR(95)='' --a non-null CHAR field will pre-fill with spaces\na: --GOTO loop, shorter than a WHILE\n PRINT @t --duh\n SET @t = LEFT( --lops off the character at the end\n STUFF( --crams 4 new characters in the middle\n STUFF(@t, 63-@/2, 2, '') --snips out a space and the leading character\n ,46, 0, CHAR(@-1) + CHAR(@) + CHAR(@+1) + CHAR(@))\n ,33 + @/2) --rest of the LEFT()\n SET @+=2\nIF @<128 GOTO a\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 47 44 bytes\n```\n(,.~}:@|.\"1)(1+i.48)([|.@{.}.)\"0 1 u:31+i.96\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/pflFiuYGulYKAAwrp6Cs5BPm7/NXT06mqtHGr0lAw1NQy1M/VMLDQ1omv0HKr1avU0lQwUDBVKrYxBEpZm/zW5UpMz8hWU9IBG/QcA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThanks to Conor O'Brien for the template!\nThanks to FrownyFrog for indicating the invalid solution.\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 59 bytes\n```\n48.times{|i|-47.upto(i){|c|putc~c.(+:@i.@(2&+)(-*(>+:))\"0 _|@i:)47` thanks to +Galen Ivanov & +Conor O'Brien for the ideas in their solutions\n37 included **echo** `echo u:32+|.(~.(>:*+:@[-])\"0 _])|i:47`\n```\necho u:32+|.(~.(>:*[+-)\"{])|i:47\n```\nincorporating @FrownyFrog tips from comments\n[TIO](https://tio.run/##y/rv56SnkJdfopCYk6OQW6mQX56nUJ5flK2jkJmXnF9UkF@UWJJarFCSWVCskFaUn6vg4FYEVFMJJNP/pyZn5CuUWhkbadfoadTpadhZaUVr62oqVcdq1mRamZj//w8A \"TIO\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), ~~77~~ ~~75~~ 69 bytes\n```\nmap{say$\"x(47-$_),(@a=map chr$_+32,$_..$_*2),reverse@a[0..@a-2]}0..47\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/z83saC6OLFSRalCw8RcVyVeU0fDIdEWKKqQnFGkEq9tbKSjEq@npxKvZaSpU5RallpUnOqQGG2gp@eQqGsUWwtkmJj///8vv6AkMz@v@L@ur6megaEBAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 95 bytes\n```\nf=(x=y=0)=>y<48?[`\n`[x]]+Buffer([x<48-y|x>48+y?32:x<48?x+y*2-16:80-x+y*2])+f(++x%96?x:+!++y):''\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcjdCoIwFADg@96ii3DrsDATmaM56DXGQLFNCnGiFedA775@7j6@e/fq1n65zQ8xxatPKWiGmnTOdUPnUhrbblqLzsHlGYJfmMXvCnpjU0ogcyrULwwC7QtxrJTMxd@OQ2AAuKsrgwq2AMRVlqU@Tmsc/WGMAwuM8/QB \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~98~~ 88 bytes\n-1 byte thanks to @Mr.Xcoder\n```\ni=32\nexec\"print''.join(chr(i+i-32-abs(j))for j in range(32-i,i-31)).center(95);i+=1;\"*48\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYlNDoMgGAX3noKwEepPorZJG@NJGheIgB8mYAGT9vQUuuri5U1mjk/YrOljhGnoC/EWHB8OTCjLVlswhG@OQAXN0Dds8URTKq1DGoFBjhklSApQp95R2nJhgnDkcaMjVFM34sv1HuMTs4WvuEZYwO7y21NqPBcpvJwP2Zw7E5BBSmvtr6nNrzIt20QqTf6xwvMX \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 78 bytes\n```\ns=*32;48.times{puts (s.map(&:chr)*'').center 95;c=*s[0]+1;s=c+s.map{|x|x+2}+c}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/v9hWy9jI2sRCryQzN7W4uqC0pFhBo1gvN7FAQ80qOaNIU0tdXVMvOTWvJLVIwdLUOtlWqzjaIFbb0LrYNlkbrLC6pqKmQtuoVju59v9/AA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFull program. Ungolfed:\n```\ns=*32; # s is an array of integers\n48.times{ # Repeat 48 times:\n puts (s.map(&:chr)*'').center 95; # Turn each int to a char, join, center, and print\n c = *s[0] + 1; # c is a singleton array. It will bookend the next line\n s = c + s.map{|x|x+2} + c # Add 2 to each element of s before adding the bookends\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Yabasic](http://www.yabasic.de), 80 bytes\nAn anonymous [yabasic](/questions/tagged/yabasic \"show questions tagged 'yabasic'\") function that takes no input and outputs to the console\n```\nFor i=0To 47\nFor j=i To 47?\" \";Next\nFor j=-i To i?Chr$(32-Abs(j)+2*i);Next\n?Next\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##q0xMSizOTP7/3y2/SCHT1iAkX8HEnAvEybLNVADz7JUUlKz9UitKoMK6YPFMe@eMIhUNYyNdx6RijSxNbSOtTE2IMnsQ@f8/AA \"Yabasic \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [uBASIC](https://github.com/EtchedPixels/ubasic), 95 bytes\n```\n0ForI=0To47\n1ForJ=ITo47:?\" \";:NextJ\n2ForK=-1*IToI:?Left$(Chr$(32-Abs(K)+2*I),1);:NextK\n3?:NextI\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K01KLM5M/v/fwC2/yNPWICTfxJzLEMj2svUEsa3slRSUrK38UitKvLiMgOLetrqGWkApTyt7n9S0EhUN54wiFQ1jI13HpGINb01tIy1PTR1DTYgWby5jezDD8/9/AA \"uBASIC \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MY-BASIC](https://github.com/paladin-t/my_basic), 97 bytes\nAn anonymous MY-BASIC response that takes no input and outputs to the Console\n```\nFor i=0 To 47\nFor j=i To 47\nPrint\" \"\nNext\nFor j=-i To i\nPrint Chr(32-Abs(j)+2*i)\nNext\nPrint;\nNext\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y63UTUoszkz@/98tv0gh09ZAISRfwcScC8TLss2E8gKKMvNKFJQUlLj8UitKoJK6YNlMqKRzRpGGsZGuY1KxRpamtpFWpiZELVjWGsz@/x8A \"MY-BASIC \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-1 byte thanks to [Jonathan Frech](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/73111/jonathan-frech)\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 18 bytes\n```\n48:\"@@Zv30++Xhc3Zu\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/38TCSsnBIarM2EBbOyIj2Tiq9P9/AA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Gol><>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), 29 bytes\n```\n`0FaLssLF:P|LF:M|`/L-R` lRo|;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PScsszvj/P8HALdGnuNjHzSqgBkj41iTo@@gGJSjkBOXXWP//DwA \"Gol><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n`0FaLssLF:P|LF:M|`/L-R` lRo|;\n`0F |; Repeat the following 48 times and halt...\n a Push 10 (\\n)\n Lss Push L(loop counter) + 32\n LF:P| Repeat \"Clone the top and increment\" L times\n LF:M| Repeat \"Clone the top and decrement\" L times\n `/L-R` Push 32 (space) 47-L times (space is significant)\n lRo Print everything as char, from the top,\n until the stack is empty\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), ~~129~~ ~~122~~ ~~118~~ 117 bytes\n```\ntime {incr i;set j -48;set a {};time {set a $a[format %c [expr abs([incr j])>=$i?32:$i*2-abs($j)+30]]} 96;puts $a} 48\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0nO@f@/JDM3VaE6My@5SCHTuji1RCFLQdfEAsxKVKiutYbIQ7gqidFp@UW5iSUKqskK0akVBUUKiUnFGtFg3Vmxmna2Kpn2xkZWKplaRrogGZUsTW1jg9jYWgVLM@uC0pJioBG1CiYW//8DAA \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\ntime { # for i from 0 up to 47\n incr i\n set j -48\n set a {}\n time { # for j from -48 up to 47\n # add next character to a\n set a $a[format %c [expr abs([incr j])>$i?32:$i*2-abs($j)+32]]\n } 96\n puts $a # print a\n} 48\n```\n[Answer]\n### C (gcc) 199 bytes\n```\n#include\nint i,j=32,k=32,l=49;int main(){while(k<127){for(i=0;i=j;--i)printf(\"%c\",i);printf(\"\\n\");j++;k+=2;l--;}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dYxBCsIwFET3nqJEhIQkYmtB5Cc9iRtJW/uTmEqtuCg9e0wRQRduBmbezBh5MSbGNQbjH3Wj7mON/barVhjGDIXV@0K4Rbwuj7CE1zMGyqZnh76hTuXFgU1tP1DUO0DlgXNktyE1W0oywuDNbGLuh20MEcjg27pP28kcsEojKf8OTiGdW87BcV2AlxLmOcYX)\nThanks to Picard and PunPun1000 for all of the help\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThe input consists of *i* rows with neighbors information. Each *i*th row contains 4 values, representing the neighbor of *i* to the **North**, **East**, **South** and **West** directions, respectively. So each value represents a neighbor at the given direction of the *i*th row, starting from row 1, and can go up to 65,535 rows. The *0* value indicates no neighbor to that direction.\nFor instance, if the first row is \"0 2 3 10\" it means that the *i* neighbor has three other neighbors: no one to the north, neighbor *2* to the east, neighbor *3* to the south and neighbor *10* to the west.\nYou need to output the array of neighbors, starting from the value which is most to the northwest. Each neighbor will be displayed only once, at its position relative to others. Let's see some examples:\nInput:\n```\n0 0 0 0\n```\nNo neighbors (empty case), output:\n```\n1\n```\nInput:\n```\n0 2 0 0 \n0 0 0 1\n```\n1 has neighbor 2 to the east. 2 has neighbor 1 to the west\nOutput:\n```\n1 2\n```\nInput:\n```\n0 2 0 0\n0 0 3 1\n2 0 0 0\n```\n1 has neighbor 2 to the east. 2 has neighbor 1 to the west and 3 to the south. \n3 has neighbor 2 to the north\nOutput:\n```\n1 2\n 3\n```\nInput:\n```\n2 0 0 0\n0 0 1 0\n```\nOutput:\n```\n2\n1\n```\nInput:\n```\n0 2 3 0\n0 0 4 1\n1 4 0 0\n2 0 0 3\n```\nOutput:\n```\n1 2\n3 4\n```\n**Rules:**\n* Test cases are separated by one **empty line**. Output of different test cases must also be separated by one empty line.\n* The output graph is **always** connected. You are not going to have 1 neighbor to 2 only, along with 3 neighbor to 4 only (isolated from 1-2 component).\n* **All entries are valid.** Example of invalid entries:\n\t+ Entries containing letters or any symbol different than spaces, line breaks and digits (0-9).\n\t+ the *i*th row containing the *i*th value (because one can't be its own neighbor).\n\t+ a negative value or value higher than 65,535.\n\t+ Less than four values in a row.\n\t+ More than four values in a row.\n\t+ The same neighbor pointing to two different directions (ex: 0 1 1 0).\nStandard loopholes apply, and the shortest answer in bytes wins.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 152 bytes\n```\nl=input()\ndef f(x,y,n):\n if m[x][y]R.map((t,y)=>r.map((T,Y)=>T.map((X,I)=>X==y+1?[-1,1,1,-1].map((x,i)=>t[i]?(r[a=Y+x*-~i%2]=r[a]||[])[I+x*i%2]=t[i]:0):0)),r=[[1]])&&r\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYzBCsIwDIbvPkUvjtal0s6dhMyzV/GghB6KOqnMVeoQBfHVZ@YkgfD9X/gv/uHvhxRunW7j8dTX2G@w2syv/iZlBy@FVRphC3uG7Qg7WDPsEF@5XZG2MIy2brRPCGw7Cm4lE3nc58@Z/oRp4ZDRvd/kFK05/EXD39IoXgUJiaxzKstSf4jtPTaneRPPspZEBkQBYiHAOJiQ4QuiFGAHsgJKEObvip9jWnCV6r8 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### \\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\nSecond approach\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 130 bytes\n```\nf=(R,x=0,y=0,c=1,r=[[]])=>[-1,1,1,-1].map((d,i)=>(t=R[c-1][i])&&!(r[Y=y+d*-~i%2]=r[Y]||[])[X=x+d*i%2]?f(R,X,Y,t,r):0,r[y][x]=c)&&r\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY5Bi8JADIXv/orxsDKzvspM60nI7n/oSQk5lKmVimtlWpYWZP96NxVJQnjfg5dcq9@qj6l9DNm9q89zQ9q2xEgek06kgETMIo6@OAtYKguy@6ke1tZoFduBSo4KuRW32axt4hNN2/oz@2s/ciGV8nyyOD7SqHiB340eOeKEAckdPBJPwqNQ1IA0x@7ed7fz7tZdbGOZPUwOUxh4wYq9bpi9QVhUMNjD@LeXvzxVhX7s5n8 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nInspired by [a bug](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9TJ8s6TSM5I7FIq1izujwjMydVA8RKyy/SyLI1M7XOsrE0tM7S1tbUKra1zbIvKMrMK0nTUNMqBgpZQXlKCkqa1gWlJcUaSkBGbe3/3MTMPA2gIRpKUZER4WGhIcFBgQH@fr4@3l6eHu5uri7OTo4glf8B) in a solution to [this challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/141372/61563), your challenge is to produce this exact text:\n```\n ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n XWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n WVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n VUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n UTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n TSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n SRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n QPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n PONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n ONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n NMLKJIHGFEDCBA\n MLKJIHGFEDCBA\n LKJIHGFEDCBA\n KJIHGFEDCBA\n JIHGFEDCBA\n IHGFEDCBA\n HGFEDCBA\n GFEDCBA\n FEDCBA\n EDCBA\n DCBA\n CBA\n BA\nA\n```\n* The first line will have 25 spaces, then the alphabet backwards starting from the 26th letter (`ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA`), then a newline.\n* The second line will have 24 spaces, then the alphabet backwards starting from the 25th letter (`YXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA`), then a newline.\n* ...\n* The last (26th) line will have no spaces, then the alphabet backwards starting from the 1st letter (`A`), then a newline.\nAdditional rules:\n* Your program may use any allowed output methods.\n* One trailing newline and/or one leading newline is allowed.\n* There must be one newline between lines containing the letters, no more.\n* The letters must be all uppercase.\nAs with [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), the shortest submission wins. Good luck!\nLeaderboard:\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=141725,OVERRIDE_USER=61563;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Rust, 87 bytes\n```\nfn main(){for i in 0..26{println!(\"{:>1$}\",&\"ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\"[i..],51-2*i)}}\n```\n## With Spaces and Indentation\n```\nfn main() {\n for i in 0..26 {\n println!(\"{:>1$}\", &\"ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\"[i..], 51-2*i)\n }\n}\n```\n[Try it online](https://play.rust-lang.org/?gist=c96853bb26c883cc578e20dc29c2ab9e&version=stable)\n[Answer]\n# [Emojicode](http://www.emojicode.org/), 156 bytes\n```\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e8\u00c5\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e1\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00b6a\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00a7 ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00a7\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00c6i 0\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00c5\u201a\u00f3\u00c4i 26\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e1\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f2\u00c4\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u2122\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u2122a i\u201a\u00fb\u00f125 i\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u2122a\u201a\u00fb\u00efi 25\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ea\u00eea\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u2122\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00c6i\u201a\u00fb\u00efi 1\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S83Nz8pMzk9J/f//w/z@xg/ze9uBeFnih/lTlijgAlGREeFhoSHBQYEB/n6@Pt5enh7ubq4uzk6OIG1A/esyFQyAzMZH0xsyFYzMIKbOaADSq4DCqxIVMh/Nm2ZkqpAJ5j2aNxWoyvTD/AlTEiFKgAaABQ2BzE4Q/v8fAA \"Emojicode \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e8\u00c5\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e1 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 start program\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00b6a\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00a7 ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00a7 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 big ol string\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00c6i 0 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 declare loop variable\n \uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00c5\u201a\u00f3\u00c4i 26\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e1 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 loop 26 times\n \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f2\u00c4\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u2122 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 print concatenated string \n \uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u2122a i\u201a\u00fb\u00f125 i \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 number of spaces\n \uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u2122a\u201a\u00fb\u00efi 25\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ea\u00eea\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u2122 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 reverse alphabet minus last letter\n \uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00c6i\u201a\u00fb\u00efi 1 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 increment loop variable\n \uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e2 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 end loop\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e2 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5 end program\n```\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC 3, ~~67~~ 64 bytes\n*-3 bytes from @12Me21 using the `-I` trick*\nUnfortunately the console is one character too narrow to fit the first line without wrapping the last character. Oh well.\n```\nFOR I=-25TO.?\" \"*-I+RIGHT$(@ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA,-I+1)NEXT\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Swift](http://rextester.com/l/swift_online_compiler), 118 bytes\n```\nvar s=\"\";for i in 0..<26{for _ in 0..<25-i{s+=\" \"};for j in 0..<26-i{s+=\"\\(UnicodeScalar(90-i-j)!)\"};s+=\"\\n\"};print(s)\n```\n**Prettyfied:**\n```\nvar s = \"\"\nfor i in 0 ..< 26 {\n for _ in 0 ..< 25 - i {\n s += \" \"\n }\n for j in 0 ..< 26 - i {\n s += \"\\(UnicodeScalar(90 - i - j)!)\"\n }\n \n s += \"\\n\"\n} \nprint(s)\n```\n[Try it online!](http://rextester.com/YFKDP93206)\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), ~~13~~ 9 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u221a\u00b0*\u201a\u00dc\u00ee?[O\u201a\u00ef\u00edv4\n```\n[Run and debug it at staxlang.xyz!](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=a02a1d3f5b4fd57634&i=&a=1)\n### Unpacked (15 bytes) and explanation\n```\nVAr|]mc%Hv)\nVAr Uppercase alphabet, reversed\n |] List of suffixes\n m Map rest of program over array, printing each element with a linefeed:\n c Copy top of stack\n % Length\n Hv Double and decrement\n ) Pad string on left with spaces to the specified length\n```\n~~I think that [`VAr|]mc%Hv|z`](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=VAr%7C]mc%25Hv%7Cz&i=&a=1) SHOULD work for 10 bytes (once packed), but what looks to me like a bug kills that solution.~~ I stupidly confused `|z` with `)` there. Thanks @recursive for pointing that out (and saving even another byte)!\n[Answer]\n# T-SQL, 115 bytes\n```\nDECLARE @ VARCHAR(51)=SPACE(25)+'ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA'a:PRINT @\nSET @=STUFF(@,len(@)/2,2,'')IF len(@)>0GOTO a\n```\nShorter to just hard-code the initial string, then I used `STUFF()` to snip out two characters from the middle each loop.\nI can save 3 bytes by using a `CHAR(51)` instead of a `VARCHAR(51)`, but that prints full-width trailing spaces for all rows, which don't appear to be allowed.\n[Answer]\n# [C# (.NET Core)](https://www.microsoft.com/net/core/platform), ~~133~~ 114 bytes\n```\nvar S=\"\";for(int I=26;I-->0;){var C='@';for(;C++'@';)S+=C--;S+=\"\\n\";}System.Console.Write(S);\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY1BC8IgGIbv@xXiZRNxRESXL0fgaYcg8NChOojZEDYFlUGM/XbL0Xt8ngdeHZn2wWQ9qhjRNfghqKlaKvRbTCpZjWZvX@iirGtiCtYN9ydSYYhka5Y8q4AkxxjePjTWJdTz/RF6xrodkKVYwetzvWkQlJ56ejwAkZRjhP@0K0FBgjEo5uEwrPITk5la4V30o2lvwSbTSAK5HK/Vmr8 \"C# (.NET Core) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n```\nvar S=\"\"; // Initialize the return string\nfor(int I=26;I-->0;){ // For all 26 rows (with I as the space count)\n var C='@'; // Initializing C with the char '@' which is one under 'A'\n for(;C++ 'A', 'A' -> 'B')\n S+=\" \"; // Add a space to the string\n for(;C>'@';) // For all characters which are needed from the char countet above up down to 'A'\n S+=C; // Add the char to the string\n S+=\"\\n\"; // Add a new line to the string\n}\nSystem.Console.Write(S); // Output the string\n```\n[Answer]\n# [K4](http://kx.com/download/), 22 bytes\n**Solution:**\n```\n,/'(1_')\\0 25_|51$.Q.A\n```\n**Explanation:**\nGenerate two lists and reduce each until they are empty.\n```\n,/'(1_')\\0 25_|51$.Q.A / the solution\n .Q.A / A..Z\n 51$ / pad to 51 chars\n | / reverse it\n 0 25_ / cut (_) at indices 0 and 25\n ( )\\ / perform this along\n 1_' / drop (_) first from each (') list\n,/' / flatten (,/) each (')\n```\n**Bonus:**\nAnother **22 byte** solution:\n```\n,/'(1_')\\(25#$`;|.Q.A)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), ~~51~~ 49 bytes\n```\n2d*:&:1(?v:\"@\"+$1-48*}40.\nl2(?vob1.>r~\n-20.>~ao&1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/3yhFy0rNylDDvsxKyUFJW8VQ18RCq9bEQI8rxwgomJ9kqGdXVMela2SgZ1eXmK9m@P8/AA \"><> \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Dyalog APL, ~~34~~ ~~23~~ 21 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 \"When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?\")[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS \".dyalog files using a single byte character set\")\n```\n\u201a\u00dc\u00eb{(1-2\u221a\u00f3\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)\u201a\u00dc\u00eb\u201a\u00e5\u03a9\u201a\u00e7\u00b5\u201a\u00dc\u00eb\u201a\u00e9\u00efA}\u00ac\u00ae\u201a\u00e5\u03a9\u201a\u00e7\u226526\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT////1HbxGoNQ12jw9Mf9W7VBPIe9ewFskCMvqmOtYdWgPmbjcz@A/mP2iY86u0DMjz9H3U1H1pvDFEWHOQMJEM8PIP/AwA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThanks to Ad\u221a\u00b0m for the help!\nExplanation:\n```\n\u201a\u00dc\u00eb{(1-2\u221a\u00f3\u201a\u00e7\u00b5)\u201a\u00dc\u00eb\u201a\u00e5\u03a9\u201a\u00e7\u00b5\u201a\u00dc\u00eb\u201a\u00e9\u00efA}\u00ac\u00ae\u201a\u00e5\u03a9\u201a\u00e7\u226526\n \u201a\u00e7\u226526 \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 1..26\n \u201a\u00e5\u03a9 \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Reverse, 26..1\n { }\u00ac\u00ae \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 For each in this range. Iteration: \u201a\u00e7\u00b5\n \u201a\u00dc\u00eb \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Take...\n \u201a\u00e7\u00b5 \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 ...\u201a\u00e7\u00b5 elements...\n \u201a\u00e9\u00efA \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 ...from the alphabet\n \u201a\u00e5\u03a9 \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Reverse\n \u201a\u00dc\u00eb \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Pad with spaces...\n (1-2\u221a\u00f3\u201a\u00e7\u00b5) \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 ...(1 - 2*current iteration) elements\n\u201a\u00dc\u00eb \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Format\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Gaia](https://github.com/splcurran/Gaia), 14 bytes\n```\n26\u201a\u00c4\u00b6v\u00ac\u00df&\u00ac\u00b6\u201a\u00c7\u00b5Av\u201a\u00ee\u00d6+\u201a\u00c4\u2020\u00b7\u03c0\u00a3\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASIA3f9nYWlh//8yNuKApnbCpybCpuKCtUF24pSFK@KAoOG5o/// \"Gaia \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 58 bytes\nNot the best answer for Ruby, but still good enough to get second place out of three entries lol. I just wanted to try a regex-based solution.\n```\ns=' '*26+[*?A..?[].reverse*''\nputs s while s.sub!(/ \\S/){}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/v9hWXUFdy8hMO1rL3lFPzz46Vq8otSy1qDhVS12dq6C0pFihWKE8IzMnVaFYr7g0SVFDXyEmWF@zuvb/fwA \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) [`-R`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14339/), ~~15~~ ~~12~~ 11 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n;B\u221a\u2022i \u221a\u00e3iE\u221a\u00df\u221a\u00c9\u221a\u00ee\n```\n[Test it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&flags=LVI&code=O0LlaSDLaUXnw9Q)\n```\n;B\u221a\u2022i \u221a\u00e3iE\u221a\u00df\u221a\u00c9\u221a\u00ee\n;B :Uppercase alphabet\n \u221a\u2022 :Cumulatively reduce by\n i : Prepending\n \u221a\u00e3 :Map each element a 0-based index E\n i : Prepend\n E\u221a\u00df : Space repeated E times\n \u221a\u00c9 :End map\n \u221a\u00ee :Reverse\n :Implicit output joined with newlines\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip) `-l`, 18 bytes\n```\nR R*AZ@,\\,26.sX,26\n```\n[Run it here!](https://replit.com/@dloscutoff/pip) Alternately, here's the equivalent 19-byte solution in an older version of Pip: [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gs@P8/KCwoTMsxykEnRsfITK84Akj@//9fNwcA \"Pip \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n ,26 Range(26)\n sX String-multiply each element by space: list of 0 to 25 spaces\n \\,26 Inclusive-range(1,26)\n , Range(each element)\n @ Use each range as an index into...\n AZ Uppercase alphabet\n . Concatenate those two lists itemwise\n R* Reverse each string in the resulting list\nR Reverse the list itself\n Autoprint the list, one string per line (-l flag)\n```\n---\nAnother 18-byte answer using map:\n```\nRAZ@,1+_.sX_M R,26\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gs@P8/KMwxykHHUDterzgi3jcoTMfI7P///7o5AA \"Pip \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") (19-byte equivalent)\n[Answer]\n# [Lua](https://www.lua.org/), 82 bytes\n```\ns=' 'for i=90,65,-1 do o=s:rep(i-65)for j=i,65,-1 do o=o..s.char(j)end print(o)end\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yylN/P@/2FZdQT0tv0gh09bSQMfMVEfXUCElXyHfttiqKLVAI1PXzFQTJJ1lm4ksm6@nV6yXnJFYpJGlmZqXolBQlJlXopEPYv//DwA \"Lua \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n**Human readable code:**\n```\ns=' '\nfor i=90,65,-1 do\n o=s:rep(i-65)\n for j=i,65,-1 do\n o=o..s.char(j)\n end\n print(o)\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n# [BRASCA](https://github.com/SjoerdPennings/BRASCA), 23 bytes\n```\ne[{:[Eo{]x:}[{:D+o]lox]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##zVt7c9s2Ev9fnwK1r7VUS7acR5P4LLd24l7d1nHGdud641FZSIQspiTBkKBlT5p@9dwu@BBBQiIYPz3TxiaB3d8@sQCWwbWYcv/pyyD87HgBDwWJrqMu8aiYtiYh94hwPEayVy5jQfI4pL4N/6Qv8C/474K10gcipGM2ouO/Wq2xS6OI7Ic0GtPX@Pt2i8DPysrKqYABXRKyCycSLIwIUCGXNHToyGURDJADbTYhluX4jrCsdsTcSWe7JV/gz6qkISfmZPKXOHgjkgMG5HyoPqfwrK8@GimP5jz2QkZmDBhQ2/EvCLtkIWgNf6URGU8pyIp8vy8zDmGI5XGbAd0fqRuxAu53TsDsnuMTmwqaP3YmxOfSBDAdmG04ERXiut3ZzocU6MMAC6cD@fkMRNnunG9v97aGyqQJD4nVJRYBpsyPPRZSwdolUiVGGmZoryh2BTJV35wjy27laRmHapkNGgTMt9s8tNsJ4U4nH85AZ3WSg5fMtfoTRSdKjTNizCcBGEEwm1wzUbIPdVFV11Y2omqjs6kTkZnjuiQSHHyAwm9iysgIDP4XEyTgkSMc7pc8bjZ1XGa5nAcREP34SaHIyBgdAh0WSQUcmYcqARxhpW@qXjpOHKoot3wOkec6Y4gSsG0ujH6E4IEq7uq7OJoSmDgCjoJLaNI8eQQGMMBKBkif6eLogrdULYrvi9QvqRszwifziEFOGi74PuWBvy5lgm4jB3UWCzLiQkCqAs5LxbKScXXSOX7EQtHuJ0PqBTRCgDNU/oslnwOoCg92ldm5xIIHWeIsJ5qcrBpmIRNx6Bc8rxqJ6ZACMGSTxG4JTa0KeFAU/h5g9jONnUIYI6Bs8cgxRUxY2cPUJNmfKr7sKRlATNIVTbqiWaqcKyjBWp490s0eVWcXfK6IfS1KXVAbwJjsbksiJQQTGTt6uftNxa2SHnX0SumnJjzB9ThiWpHlm7JTFfhkIzo5LektSMpl/oWY6h02eVemm7oavGzPWRRCM3ZhwZXU5ApBcIUgLuiDtMvrRidnNYod104elvkJ5gVqYYNPLKg7lJpDfQkLo8s@xFwwxTpYHGTLGSQf7nm4QlUrBVx8SjUCmLVCepf0q4VEZVRvQLaUUdJHqjgHi6mVZC0DywRBdztfSVZdZV46UU8@c8NMMZ0q2CKDYSMG4B0hFlGSkZoZFlUT53LOECZliOqnZCNxlpy@XIa1lVpNn4Uxq7ftgDxZzunPxuYoDquAMKWPE@vJp97Uwj3I6TVkLI/Q8AIiwRewfQnkngnLQNjSbATXZEJ2JqByn3pst/p2THYwbHZbrTMO8YSbGwjtUXzRJTHkrYm9OcZQAy7Uxnwz2Rxv4NDI5TNi85lPeCyCWKTDo81xJIE5uC9CnpYlJbYsj0JdbKUmTACAIQpbr9TJUmx5JbnymZ1/3D4/4B@HV9uf4Nc363zo8qvh53SnluQwso/JKMmOmLs8GhTJFVNVlvbIEUCSo@XfSeIrsM/L3B2ZNwtviokuvFZNltu5SOpcQ3ZYTgjpGGVvttDpKg9WiVx0dyAn7qrF65K809eEVEFrxcK6X80BFb/eMie3ZUDuiTm5JwbknpqTe2pA7pk5uWcG5J6bk3tuQO47c3LfGZB7YU7uhQG5l@bkXhqQe2VO7pUBObeBG5uExa8N6Jl4HmsQFybGPWgQGCaBZjeIDBPzvmngyyaxMW3gLibe/FMTfzFxmF8aETSh@HFlm6y@YeOQYZ1gSjx7hBVgzyRjf0I2h/4N2KybsAmRjVzuTuTBro4Pna/A@gpWgjEZhPsPB/cb8hS5PeoSCij1FlogodNpVRdsKUCy2kPdNKVhreBrf64tdQz1WFdbDBtV1WUp5KlXTTmzvjXsLCOkVFTruLuqauSI4q42wD0dL5yVL8S@jn6wZ9t37AA6l12nBn7aQ3yn8QhvHMQDgOyZgPwWQR7FrnAC9/oBQH5rAnIzSSyCXYD32M6lE@l2mHcPdnPTBO3XUqXcjl3@ABi/NoH4B0I8uAq4vyhR37HVjcweyQD6EN4EYZU5XiBuTGDjl/4aAYM27XR0SXrfETMHtrYNstI/CPrt8dmtYv7HRF3fyHz49s0D2PMbE3x/I77jkweA97cJPAvh/f4g@P4AfBrvO9Vu4ivAKQIP5Jk7n59j7y0tFYp3CEDAQD0jLZd9cy4jEy57kkt2PWMmjHp/YCbNvp7PfgM@RvJ0kU96lr/gUEbhkB361xLeRsJ2jNem8uweROGTJRy@NPPQm4ysoP63inp@9WYKPLuNM0WVjae3MKEijYfSePxSVT/GR0JEyzK5CPsiY2TYJAkDfEc5vpKi5T1cevBZj6@pzo3xBTX6I77s8Yn0fuHx2BemOzh/voPrd5OpS/Zwxja6HTu9q7HTI9LDcl@4oT98L5Nl0r6VNkr0e1tPXpj6Xd7r1YZ9ZvlcoWMA4Kt8jZvfsdYmbc1ZRnoLa8LyX8gymtFAGlrMOHEE8yLC/Rsn8zvP@CMD@U6kTbnIFikxDRm7XxnHd66I8U1Upr3PqejxFPU45j6um36uTHCXhHB0/36CMRYJFGkd/6FGEXZRFmOxA6RNBMhmbW3jPXd8yc7vzBNZfvCF7QyLk94Y0xwkk0LqK1zppbPrT/SaKAfBG6jDSdUBZZ8gQMRxMOWnua/d052PK0J10xSttEMoci0WC6Akk3cH5NnLtMMV/94ZkOcvFs9TThyBxblEgrf4cjqArpf7sCj3vCcu0UB7/d7k7qtiv/piqQFyq17sK1n@OkAktOtL9qV@V6H9e5G2SWFtsqhXuMTI5Te/d6ol6ZuWIbKBJ4nmZifpkAxskzzzW4rzYiHOYk65SnLKVSWntOrcQO1yum0xNWcCh5vHBo7G5VGL7M3ATvC909eHh2nHY53XzVsRKm3IC9sRSqJU@5e1lxH4I4e0x1P1GqjThbC2B2trBpY@XiiqSRA8vLR58DUR2leFTjPo4zVw0bgNxHy7WMzHalyNYecCa@L5NfdFyF3yo8tn9QrZQYX8yqII6mh61zcgqL4d2ihxbekpMRNVN2032kVd/AfMI9vZ70cdu49XHQN5pfMhBre@B0UMBo9WE2v/WwNN7DMxY8x/DFtL1BdWl2P83@N1oB/Qgc5Y6Dm4MWvdTlLEr7/YlSNMastVBAD50JZtwdQl72MvqEnsUuuo136tPqotCLWI3iOinwEFVnMzKKyjJj0Oav9MPbefc274eWIzdj2V3boBu3Nk919se@3JntlqD3ZV3UnN@xUWvUs3WMpOqbc1rLHQIqlyoYp947XNtFpphyVpYUm@K1l371RUE096vbyrp/Q9nlmn0JkhzeQLPkmzpe5cku9VpBRByOSBTJR/uoqfR6btUNXueX1vtL5hfvUMP3VxBJSGEzKbMh@2@BwYhzKqhAM2BbYT2L3bNf3Rzfqt1E9acjTHyFr2EMhzZUe0zJN5pQkrBVfqVFg9klco2Qec5Q83jVIguxqzQJBf2PWIQ@LBXpswjANR@g6qms3TiQfyH0jbaMiSOKun3GPJh68z5gsyC7l/0cWTYD4D4xDgxFW4SSm9cnBycnyyTXTTS3evyYT80@4NSNceFRaAKx/CF0RIvgM4TB03/ZSh1XTjMB@rhAD4mGaHsfSe9wZHlXSwtArRYMTQ12OsblZp3Z5tAXF9gM5p0ypZLblUn1VyS8RuLHK9uM1FXSgm/nz@Pw)\n[Answer]\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 41 bytes\n```\neval 1={A..Z}'$1;<<<${(l:#1-65:)}$1;'|tac\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##qyrO@P8/tSwxR8HQttpRTy@qVl3F0NrGxkalWiPHStlQ18zUSrMWKKReU5KY/P8/AA \"Zsh \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\n* `1={A..Z}'$1;<<<${(l:#1-65:)}$1;'`: construct the string `1=A$1;<<<${(l:#1-65:)}$1; 1=B...1; 1=C...1; ... 1=Z...1;` (with every letter from `A` to `Z` in place of the `{A..Z}` in each case)\n* `eval`uate that string as `zsh` code:\n\t+ `1=A$1`: prepend `A` (or which ever letter is in that repetition) to the variable `$1`\n\t+ `${(l:#1-65:)}`: generate `#1-65` spaces:\n\t\t- `#1`: Take the ASCII character code of the first character of `$1`\n\t\t- subtract `65`. The first iteration will have `A` as the first character of `$1`, the character code of which is `65`, and since `65-65=0`, no spaces will be printed. Then for further letters, another space will be added each time.\n\t+ `$1`: and append the variable `$1`\n\t+ `<<<`: and print that with a newline\n* `|tac` and reverse the output line-wise\n---\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 36 bytes\n```\neval 2={A..Z}'$2;<<<$1$2;1+=\\ ;'|tac\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##qyrO@P8/tSwxR8HIttpRTy@qVl3FyNrGxkbFEEgbatvGKFir15QkJv//DwA \"Zsh \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Elixir](https://elixir-lang.org/), 84 bytes\n```\nimport Enum\nmap 25..0,&(IO.puts List.duplicate(' ',&1)++reverse(slice ?A..?Z,0..&1))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S83JrMgs@v8/M7cgv6hEwTWvNJcrN7FAwchUT89AR03D01@voLSkWMEns7hEL6W0ICczObEkVUNdQV1HzVBTW7sotSy1qDhVoxgokapg76inZx@lY6CnB5TU/P8fAA \"Elixir \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nStill want to find a way around that `List.duplicate` call....\n[Answer]\n# [Forth (gforth)](http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/gforth/Docs-html/), 54 bytes\n```\n: f for i spaces i for i 65 + emit next cr next ;\n25 f\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZVE9b8MgFNz5FTe2Sl21lZyh3jN3jz0gAoEIgwW4bn@9@8B26qos7@vu3tOhfEi6uqoc5vkdCpTCIA5cyEjJUh5rHCB7k@DkV4IIS2zYWw01P7BMPMOhqtChxUcwjqCHV1jjSMYrRMmD0NZcdXpmKLLra2G9H6CC70khebzAOGHHaD4lzqZjGXS/KOOHIr@11vldca9n/unduobh72tpjlN24AlJS6qcDL2PaRESfszbIrid@Dd5svL3rmw3cQjNAybtoyyp8BeZuTdCHuvCLM5tm6W7LPvKrjIXYXfZJuvklK1kK73Z0f2YNnr@jV/qGDWowwkjuLVQ7HH@AQ \"Forth (gforth) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n: f ( n -- ) \\ Print n+1 lines of searchlight.\n for \\ loop from n to 0 inclusive [i]\n i spaces \\ print i spaces\n i for \\ loop from i to 0 inclusive [j];\n \\ in Forth, the innermost loop count is always i\n i 65 + emit \\ print a char whose charcode is j + 65\n next \\ end inner loop\n cr \\ print a newline\n next ; \\ end outer loop\n25 f \\ push 25 and call f\n```\nJust started fiddling with Forth. Unlike the [golfing tip](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/68448/78410) says, it looks like `n for .. next` loop is the shortest for simple decreasing loops and `n1 n0 do .. loop` for increasing loops. The recursive call word `recurse` or `recursive` is way too verbose, and it still costs at least an `if .. then`.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 16 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00c7\u00c7F\u201a\u00c7\u00c7N-D<\u221a\u221e\u221a\u00f3?Aus\u00ac\u00a3R,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//UVOTGxD76brYHN5weLq9Y2nxocVBOv//AwA \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n```\n\u201a\u00c7\u00c7F # for N in [0, 1, 2, ..., 25]:\n \u201a\u00c7\u00c7N-D<\u221a\u221e\u221a\u00f3? # print 25 - N spaces with no trailing newline\n Aus\u00ac\u00a3R, # print the first 26 - N letters of the uppercase alphabet, reversed\n # (implicit) exit for loop\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 21 bytes\n```\n=_r1GV26\n+*\\ -25NG=tG\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsyfj/3za@yNA9zMiMS1srRkHXyNTP3bbE/f9/AA \"Pyth \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nBasically, it sets G to `ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA`, and next prints space repeated some amount of times and G, then removes the first letter of G.\n[Answer]\n# [Rockstar](https://codewithrockstar.com/), 101 bytes\n```\nX's26\nwhile X\nO's\"\"\nlet Y be X\nwhile Y\ncast Y+64 into L\nlet O be+L\nlet Y be-1\nlet X be-1\nsay \" \"*X+O\n```\n[Try it here](https://codewithrockstar.com/online) (Code will need to be pasted in)\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 66 bytes\n```\n=LET(r,26-ROW(1:26),x,CONCAT(CHAR(65+r)),REPT(\" \",r)&RIGHT(x,r+1))\n```\n[Link to Spreadsheet](http://=LET(r,26-ROW(1:26),x,CONCAT(CHAR(65+r)),REPT(%22%20%22,r)&RIGHT(x,r+1)))\n[Answer]\n# [Splinter](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Splinter), 253 bytes\n```\nZ{\\A\\\n}H{\\C\\BZ}A{\\M\\L\\K\\JG{\\I\\HD}D{\\G\\F\\E\\DH}D}E{\\V\\U\\TB{\\S\\R\\Q\\PF{\\O\\NA}F}B}S{\\ }T{SS}U{TT}V{UU}W{VV}WVS\\Z\\Y\\X\\WEWV\\Y\\X\\WESTUW\\X\\WETUW\\WESUWEUW\\U\\TBSTW\\TBTWBSW\\R\\Q\\PFW\\Q\\PFSTUV\\PFTUVFSUV\\NAUVASTV\\L\\K\\JGTV\\K\\JGSV\\JGVGSTU\\HDTUDSU\\F\\E\\DHU\\E\\DHST\\DHTHS\\BZZ\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##tVXbctowEH33V@z4KWlLBjPTzjQTOgMFQm/pRb60sDy42Amags3IStKMRt9OV2DAXAy9pHqQtdZq95zjXXn6IEdpUptNRXoDdRC2bc96Chto6a7C19js6YbCD/ge3@HbS4VvsNvSLYWX2ME2trq6pdsKffTQbSpk@AU/46eOwo941dAd3dRMIWhXMaY95braV56nA@X7OvAZ9vAbfsWgHfj5grleMF@YJ5le0KaFCc7cgGY3aLIgTxLMZzrh04PmDqPVVcPzG8z1c8C0MA/m0@Rfki/Bd70W83L43nxmLk1ulxHb3owUsCw@maZCQvaQWTQm8YS06dv2AJ5A7YVl3Y/4OIZxnJwY3U7hFVTPLaDBryEV0fxtvzqgjTq8eA5hEm2@vqjDy/yEGXcUvWqtTE5mbWVFZDkrKyHLAFz5Xm/AcNZB8915TmcAdTqn7M1tMxZUojWF7UExOFyss@z3WmJL4OkiJR9YpY5LWHwBC9EuD7oUhFNg57DXbwMtA3zINx5n8fGIU8ETCXZbiFQ8g9tkEsrhiCc38F2Ewx@xzIAnIEfxPKUIJ2f20ZBUg2fxTy5PTq1ybFuKqmOCFsqUQwWc/aW63Noq17JhKjU6@pn@RsiVevecrqtbCSFk0zF5xIIEjfgwlKn4T1rqI1ouWFdKWB9m@4jlcoRaeQvR5dbfuJwqVAcD0xn984qz2xR3G/fRpmROuWSPQHUPRUp8Z1JuVWf@Nyuhlje8c74mt/uZ8hCLSsg910Sre26uw1exAZ/JiIr37F5wGZ/kgp0exFDULEyATk@p@nmSSXE7lDxNCh0xHIUkpWkJmeaeWyLuEbBIs1ZGs3id/FtjbiHYyaRLM/1RxeykKSpbpGxqYPYL \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nLink is to a Python interpreter.\n[Answer]\n# Vyxal, ~~704~~ 24 bytes\n[Try it online!](http://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=j&code=%E2%82%84%CA%80%C6%9B%3A%CA%81%E1%B9%98%C6%9B65%2BC%3B%E1%B9%85%24%C3%B0*%24%2B%3B%E1%B9%98&inputs=&header=&footer=)\n```\n\u201a\u00c7\u00d1\u00a0\u00c4\u2206\u00f5:\u00a0\u00c5\u00b7\u03c0\u00f2\u2206\u00f565+C;\u00b7\u03c0\u00d6$\u221a\u221e*$+;\u00b7\u03c0\u00f2\n```\nBehind door number 3, we have this answer - again just prints out the string (Edit 1: never mind, it doesn't)\n[Answer]\n# [Pyramid Scheme](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/Pyramid-Scheme), 1431 bytes\n```\n ^ ^\n / \\ / \\\n /set\\ /do \\\n ^-----^ ^-----^\n/a\\ / \\ /a\\ /[\\\n--- /26 \\--- ^---^\n ----- ^- -^\n ^- -^\n /]\\ -^\n ^---^ -^\n ^- -^ -^\n ^- -^ -^\n ^- -^ -^\n /[\\ / \\ /[\\\n ^---^ /set\\ ^---^\n ^- -^ ^-----^ -^ -^\n ^- -^ /c\\ /a\\ / \\ -^\n / \\ / \\--- ---/set\\ -^\n /set\\ /do \\ ^-----^ -^\n ^-----^ ^-----^ /a\\ /-\\ -^\n/b\\ /a\\-^ /[\\ --- ^---^ -^\n--- ---/b\\ ^---^ /a\\ /1\\ -^\n ---/ \\ -^ --- --- /[\\\n /set\\ -^ ^---^\n ^-----^ -^ ^- / \\\n /b\\ /+\\ /?\\ / \\ /out\\\n --- ^---^---^ /do \\-----^\n / \\ /b\\ / \\ ^-----^ -^\n /-1 \\---/out\\ /c\\ /[\\ / \\\n ----- ^----- --- ^---^ /chr\\\n / \\ ^- / \\-----^\n /chr\\ ^- /out\\ / \\\n ^----- / \\ -----^ /10 \\\n / \\ /set\\ / \\-----\n /32 \\ ^-----^ /chr\\\n ----- /c\\ /-\\ -----^\n --- ^---^ /+\\\n /c\\ /1\\ ^---^\n --- --- /c\\ / \\\n ---/65 \\\n -----\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lVTBbsIwDL3nK3JHkVemcd2HzIsEoRI7ICZgh319lzh2EicFaZWoEvvZfn52@f697s9fR3cLp/k8L4uNj7fyeBNfYJGv8RQNcJvv2QLHS7J4l54UxScDe@RAPn2giY542O4s0skTkNJQEJVLb7EWDi6DtBk@mZS2eybSOzjz6CnZBxd71nyxnaqIWEzPQHRqOq00imb5ZzQXCKRa1I4KODUHYAWTblyDAFKPptLo4aSEXOq8rMzH5SRw4Lrk5TbruAhTa0dwo3emO6HWN@FyC@WeE1bFWrGc72bvujE2qqkZ5tWUZLmNTeTzjtWa1vHyc0fFjou0fST9eJEVG0pwwDKIRsd@O91EKahcugcseiqmdfu9fAWN3BBOVw3WW6faX2NM4JREg4WVHZMXGrUQdwnTy4jXTJp/BubT4eF1a3Gc5mqjmkioa/qgT7sy1Ry7wWdoSU@rO2zcwwJ5iQOuqvgkEHZv/wgQHZblDw \"Pyramid Scheme \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nYes, I wrote this all by hand. It's kinda therapeutic...\n[Answer]\n# C89, 96 bytes\n```\ni,j;main(){for(;i<26;)++j>25?puts(\"ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\"+i),j=++i:putchar(' ');return 0;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9TJ8s6NzEzT0OzOi2/SMM608bIzFpTWzvLzsjUvqC0pFhDKSoyIjwsNCQ4KDDA38/Xx9vL08PdzdXF2clRSTtTUyfLVls70wqoNDkjsUhDXUFd07ootaS0KE/BwLqW6///f8lpOYnpxf91i0tSbJMtLP/rFqSmJOaVZCb/1w1PzMkBAA \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n```\nint i, j;\nint main()\n{\n while(i<26){\n extern int puts();\n extern int putchar();\n \n if (++j > 25) { \n puts(\"ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA\" + i);\n j = ++i;\n }\n else { \n putchar(' ');\n }\n }\n return 0;\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Uiua](https://www.uiua.org/), 25 bytes\n```\n;\u201a\u00e7\u2022(-1&p\u201a\u00e4\u00c7\u201a\u00dc\u00d8\u201a\u00e0\u2202@ -1,\u201a\u00e1\u00e5+@A\u201a\u00e1\u00b0.).26\n```\n[Try it online!](https://www.uiua.org/pad?src=O-KNpSgtMSZw4oqC4oav4oi2QCAtMSzih4wrQEHih6EuKS4yNg==)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n .26 # Put 26 onto the stack twice\n \u201a\u00e7\u2022( ) # Repeat 26 times\n . # Copy the counter value\n \u201a\u00e1\u00b0 # Make an array of natural numbers less than counter\n +@A # Add \"A\" to each element, getting [\"A\", \"B\",...]\n \u201a\u00e1\u00e5 # Reverse\n -1, # Copy counter and subtract 1\n \u201a\u00dc\u00d8\u201a\u00e0\u2202@ # Make an array of space chars\n \u201a\u00e4\u00c7 # Join spaces with the letters\n &p # Print the result\n -1 # Subtract 1 from the original counter\n; # Pop the counter from the stack\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven string `S` representing a dollar amount, make change for that amount of money use the least number of coins to make the change and record the amount of each coin in a list. Here are the coins available to use and their value.\n```\nCoin : Value\nDollar Coins : $1.00\nQuarters: $0.25\nDimes: $0.10\nNickels: $0.05\nPennies: $0.01\n```\n## Input\nString `S` that contains the dollar symbol `$` and the dollar amount.\n## Output\nList of coin numbers separated by a space character `\" \"`. The list must be in this order: Dollar coins, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies.\n## Constraints\n* `$0.00 < S < $10.00`\n* `S` is given to two decimal places.\n* make change for that amount of money use the least number of coins\n## Example Input\n`$4.58`\n`$9.99`\n## Output\n`4 2 0 1 3`\n`9 3 2 0 4`\n## Win Condition\nshortest bytes win.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Hexagony](https://github.com/m-ender/hexagony), ~~35~~ ~~32~~ ~~28~~ 27 bytes\n```\n]{=?2'?!/@[1[5/P0;:!%'[01[5\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0itSEzPz6v8/z@22tbeSN1eUd8h2jDaVD/AwNpKUVU92gDI@f9fxVLP0hIA \"Hexagony \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThere are no no-ops `.` now, ~~so it must be optimal~~.\n[![Colored.](https://i.stack.imgur.com/BJ78Q.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/BJ78Q.png)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~79~~ ~~72~~ 71 bytes\n```\ns=input()\nd=int(s[1]+s[3:])\nfor c in(100,25,10,5,1):print d/c,;d-=d/c*c\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYxBCsMgFET3/xTyyUJTm6ppoKZ4kpCVWpqNSjSQnt7abmaGx/DSp7xjUNVG5w0i1my2kI5CGbi2Cs2LXC95GeeVwSvuxJItUCkEVxOXgrdgc9rbk7ib5U93Na17W/8MmhH86S35@XtVsbsP0wMBOz1ojV8 \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSaved 7 bytes thanks, in part, to [Chas Brown](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/69880/chas-brown)\nSaved a byte thanks to [Jo King](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/76162/jo-king)\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~24~~ 17 bytes\n~~\u00a6'.\u00a1`25\u2030`10\u2030`5\u2030`r5F?' ?}~~\n```\n\u00a6'.\u00a1`25\u2030`T\u2030`5\u2030`\u00f0\u00fd\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//0DJ1vUMLE4xMHzVsSAgBEWDW4Q2H9/7/r2KiZ2oBAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\nMy first attempt at it. It's very verbose in my opinion and I'll look at further revising this answer. Maybe somebody better than me will figure it out.\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u00a6 # Remove '$' from input\n'.\u00a1 # Push '.' and split string on that. (dollar),(cents) is result\n`25\u2030 # Push all items onto stack and mod top by 25\n`T\u2030 # Push all items onto stack and mod top by 10\n`5\u2030 # Push all items onto stack and mod top by 5\n`r # Push all items onto stack and reverse stack\n\u00f0\u00fd # Loop through stack and print each element with space\n```\n-7 bytes thanks to Emigna\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 106 bytes\n```\n@(n)[k=(f=@fix)(x=str2num(n(2:5))),m=f(4*(x-k)),t=f(10*(s=x-k-.25*m)),p=f(20*(s-.1*t)),100*(s-.1*t-.05*p)]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PchBCsMgEEDRfc9RcEbqoBKhFgZyj9JFKRVK0IbEBm9vJpvu/vvfV31u756YiPoIBe8TQ@IxfRpC47UuvvwyFPC3gIiXzAkGDc1MgipwVsPKYkM@6Cx3luuPa8jpKsPZvwzZoGd89ATqPFC4KjwdGSlGhX0H \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n16 bytes is used simply to get rid of `$` and convert the string to a number. The rest is simply removing the as many coins as possible, one value at a time.\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 81 bytes\n```\nx=as.double(substr(scan(,\"\"),2,6));for(i in 1/c(1,4,10,20,100))x=x-i*print(x%/%i)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcRbCoAgEADAq0gU7MZmGhZBeBjtAQthoQXe3pqPiaVk65LcrtefO6TXpydCWl0AqiqkgSbE5bgisOAgdL@CJkNa0aD@FWK2ueP2jhweyE3fMJbayHEuHw \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n26 bytes ensuring the data are a `double` rather than a string, very nearly a third of the program! That's lame, to say the least.\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), ~~18~~ 17 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00e4\u2510\u00a26\u207f\u2261\u2660\u20a7\u00e77\u2566\u0394\u255bX\u00c4R\u2502\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=84bf9b36fcf0069e8737cbffbe588e52b3&i=%244.58%0A%249.99&a=1&m=2)\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 74 bytes\n```\n->s{n=s.delete(\"$.\").to_i;[\"%s\"]*5*\" \"%[n/100,n/25%4,(m=n/5%5)/2,m%2,n%5]}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LczdCoMgGIDhW4mPhAqnTvpqMtyNiIyNFQjpYtbBqF17@/Po5Tl5H/P1ufV6253iEnRkt27opq6AnEHJpvvZHQ2QCLbCCjIgJvC9EDRwiaSmhdeBI8GSS@qJpIGgfW3jPMXMQF4zFEB/xX@b5Ca5TW6T8fCtYkqBZf4yLqtbe@M@zzc \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nConverts input to an integer containing number of pennies, then applies formulas in the `[]` at the end.\n```\n5 bytes standard Ruby boilerplate ->s{}\n34 bytes on solving the problem\n35 bytes on formatting\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Julia](https://julialang.org), ~~72~~ 71 bytes\n```\n!s=(x=parse(Int,filter(>('.'),s));[100,25,10,5,1].|>u->(t=x\u00f7u;x%=u;t))\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=ldBLCsIwEADQfU9R_wmMIakVLCXFnXiG2kWgqUREJR_owpu46cYzCG49hbextX5WLmTCDOSFITOn88Ztlaju11xYwVPP97urfkimsy5P0hACoMBgkkELEYmiBiKYPCl8AyWUNUChDfYF9gH2gszr-fXpGI5KfhDaSLTcWSjU1kqNlMnVWlkwGMcpoxSCKTAKdcrIMXHjBFle3i4uLgfcxRbjs7PFeHZf_OiXoBEZ4b_bDYu99pEBLQ3mzXLqeebCGKlt83Ne33tyl7evq6qtDw)\n* -1 byte: `x=x%u` -> `x*=u` - thanks to @MarcMush\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 138 bytes\n```\ns->{long p=new Long(s.replaceAll(\"\\\\D\",\"\")),c,i=100;for(s=\"\";i>0;s+=c+\" \",i=i>25?25:i>10?10:i>5?5:i>1?1:0)for(c=0;p>=i;p-=i)c++;return s;}\n```\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##hU/BTsMwDL3vK6yIQ6q2UVpWiS5KKySOsAtHxiFkGcrI0ihJh9DUby8Z9AySLT/bz9Z7R3EW5XH/MUsjQoAnoe1lBaBtVP4gpILttQV4jl7bd5B4ASFjaT6lTBGiiFrCFixwmEPZXcyQOI5b9QmPCeJAvHIm/bs3BqPd7gEVCGVZIQvNK0rZYfA4cISY7igLOZc5ApR2uqubvm42uqtoX9FUm/6n66sNza5XklPmOq6ZK7nOZJ4zr@LoLQQ2zexXnxvfTNK3yDwPeg@nZHTx8vIqssXkV4jqRIYxEpc20VhsicToZk2auySX/c1qSdv@z6rqW7JuFt60muZv)\n```\ns->{ // Method with String as both parameter and return-type\n long p=new Long(s.replaceAll(\"\\\\D\",\"\")),\n // Remove all non-digits, and convert it to a number\n c, // Count-integer\n i=100; // Amount integer, starting at 100\n for(s=\"\"; // Set the input to an empty String, because we no longer need it\n i>0 // Loop as long as `i` is not 0\n ; // After every iteration:\n s+=c+\" \", // Append the count and a space to `s`\n i=i>25? // If `i` is 100:\n 25 // Change it to 25\n :i>10? // Else-if `i` is 25:\n 10 // Change it to 10\n :i>5? // Else-if `i` is 10:\n 5 // Change it to 5\n :i>1? // Else-if `i` is 5:\n 1 // Change it to 1\n : // Else (`i` is 1)\n 0) // Change it to 0\n for(c=0; // Reset the count `c` to 0\n p>=i; // Inner loop as long as `p` is larger than or equal to `i`\n p-=i) // After every iteration: subtract `i` from `p`\n c++; // Increase the count `c` by 1\n return s;} // Return the result\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## Introduction\nIn our recent effort to collect catalogues of shortest solutions for standard programming exercises, here is PPCG's first ever vanilla FizzBuzz challenge. If you wish to see other catalogue challenges, there is [\"Hello World!\"](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/55422/hello-world) and [\"Is this number a prime?\"](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/57617/is-this-number-a-prime).\n## Challenge\nWrite a program that prints the decimal numbers from 1 to 100 inclusive. But for multiples of three print \u201cFizz\u201d instead of the number and for the multiples of five print \u201cBuzz\u201d. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print \u201cFizzBuzz\u201d.\n## Output\nThe output will be a list of numbers (and Fizzes, Buzzes and FizzBuzzes) separated by a newline (either `\\n` or `\\r\\n`). A trailing newline is acceptable, but a leading newline is not. Apart from your choice of newline, the output should look exactly like this:\n```\n1\n2\nFizz\n4\nBuzz\nFizz\n7\n8\nFizz\nBuzz\n11\nFizz\n13\n14\nFizzBuzz\n16\n17\nFizz\n19\nBuzz\nFizz\n22\n23\nFizz\nBuzz\n26\nFizz\n28\n29\nFizzBuzz\n31\n32\nFizz\n34\nBuzz\nFizz\n37\n38\nFizz\nBuzz\n41\nFizz\n43\n44\nFizzBuzz\n46\n47\nFizz\n49\nBuzz\nFizz\n52\n53\nFizz\nBuzz\n56\nFizz\n58\n59\nFizzBuzz\n61\n62\nFizz\n64\nBuzz\nFizz\n67\n68\nFizz\nBuzz\n71\nFizz\n73\n74\nFizzBuzz\n76\n77\nFizz\n79\nBuzz\nFizz\n82\n83\nFizz\nBuzz\n86\nFizz\n88\n89\nFizzBuzz\n91\n92\nFizz\n94\nBuzz\nFizz\n97\n98\nFizz\nBuzz\n```\nThe only exception to this rule is constant output of your language's interpreter that cannot be suppressed, such as a greeting, ANSI color codes or indentation.\n## Further Rules\n* This is not about finding the language with the shortest approach for playing FizzBuzz, this is about finding the shortest approach in every language. Therefore, no answer will be marked as accepted.\n* Submissions are scored in bytes in an appropriate preexisting encoding, usually (but not necessarily) UTF-8. Some languages, like Folders, are a bit tricky to score--if in doubt, please ask on Meta.\n* Nothing can be printed to STDERR.\n* Feel free to use a language (or language version) even if it's newer than this challenge. If anyone wants to abuse this by creating a language where the empty program generates FizzBuzz output, then congrats for paving the way for a very boring answer.\nNote that there must be an interpreter so the submission can be tested. It is allowed (and even encouraged) to write this interpreter yourself for a previously unimplemented language.\n* If your language of choice is a trivial variant of another (potentially more popular) language which already has an answer (think BASIC or SQL dialects, Unix shells or trivial Brainfuck derivatives like Alphuck and ???), consider adding a note to the existing answer that the same or a very similar solution is also the shortest in the other language.\n* Because the output is fixed, you may hardcode the output (but this may not be the shortest option).\n* You may use preexisting solutions, as long as you credit the original author of the program.\n* Standard loopholes are otherwise disallowed.\nAs a side note, please don't downvote boring (but valid) answers in languages where there is not much to golf; these are still useful to this question as it tries to compile a catalogue as complete as possible. However, do primarily upvote answers in languages where the authors actually had to put effort into golfing the code.\n## Catalogue\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=58615;var ANSWER_FILTER=\"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";var COMMENT_FILTER=\"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";var OVERRIDE_USER=30525;var answers=[],answers_hash,answer_ids,answer_page=1,more_answers=true,comment_page;function answersUrl(index){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+index+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(index,answers){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+answers.join(';')+\"/comments?page=\"+index+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:true,success:function(data){answers.push.apply(answers,data.items);answers_hash=[];answer_ids=[];data.items.forEach(function(a){a.comments=[];var id=+a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(id);answers_hash[id]=a});if(!data.has_more)more_answers=false;comment_page=1;getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:true,success:function(data){data.items.forEach(function(c){if(c.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER)answers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c)});if(data.has_more)getComments();else if(more_answers)getAnswers();else process()}})}getAnswers();var SCORE_REG=/\\s*([^\\n,<]*(?:<(?:[^\\n>]*>[^\\n<]*<\\/[^\\n>]*>)[^\\n,<]*)*),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;var OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;function getAuthorName(a){return a.owner.display_name}function process(){var valid=[];answers.forEach(function(a){var body=a.body;a.comments.forEach(function(c){if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))body='


'});var match=body.match(SCORE_REG);if(match)valid.push({user:getAuthorName(a),size:+match[2],language:match[1],link:a.share_link,});else console.log(body)});valid.sort(function(a,b){var aB=a.size,bB=b.size;return aB-bB});var languages={};var place=1;var lastSize=null;var lastPlace=1;valid.forEach(function(a){if(a.size!=lastSize)lastPlace=place;lastSize=a.size;++place;var answer=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();answer=answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",lastPlace+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",a.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",a.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",a.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",a.link);answer=jQuery(answer);jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);var lang=a.language;lang=jQuery('
'+lang+'').text();languages[lang]=languages[lang]||{lang:a.language,lang_raw:lang.toLowerCase(),user:a.user,size:a.size,link:a.link}});var langs=[];for(var lang in languages)if(languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))langs.push(languages[lang]);langs.sort(function(a,b){if(a.lang_raw>b.lang_raw)return 1;if(a.lang_raw

Shortest Solution by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) ([ppencode](https://esolangs.org/wiki/ppencode)-compatible), ~~1232~~ 690 bytes\nToday I learned that `and` has higher precidence than `or` or `xor`; I suffered from making a proper control flow\n```\neval q y eval q x ord or return cos while chop and chop and chop x and print chr ord uc qw q for q and print chr ord q tie gt and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and return cos for uc y xor eval q y print uc chr ord q dbmopen and and print chr ord q dump and and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and return cos if length q q s s q eq chr ord reverse length or not chr ord reverse length y or eval q x print length unless length q q s s q eq chr ord reverse length or not chr ord reverse length x xor print chr hex qw q and q while s qq q and length ne ord qw q eq\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##vVLtCsMgDHyVvMQeqNO0CtZvW/v0LrVujtL9GWNIIORyyV3Qole3UnAZFDjYoCUZjOcU4DEmr4GZAKuQCoEJY2HQ/JTkmlovdaSCr/TEwK00bKQ57gJ3ECXCFE@QQj1FQSiqgLsSFo@oFHTU8CXjzcyuifRtkCl5uT9GUr1L5PfZWNSVf2WBp9legH8xIcfOchDo1canOI8LeprVesioNvETukE/RG6yGpS0whB@tyrXo3fnAvPxUXZ7rv0zWuBaqdE0HrdY6@pSHg \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## How it works\n```\n# fizz part\neval q y\n # if(length%3==0)\n eval q x\n # instead of length or return 1\n ord or return cos\n while\n # instead of s/...//\n chop and chop and chop\n x and\n \n # print 'Fizz'\n print chr ord uc qw q for q and\n print chr ord q tie gt and\n print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and\n print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and\n # for truthy\n return cos\nfor\n # instead of $_\n uc\ny\nxor\n# buzz part\neval q y\n # print 'Buzz'\n print uc chr ord q dbmopen and and\n print chr ord q dump and and\n print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and\n print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and\n # for truthy\n return cos\nif\n # instead of length%5, /[05]$/\n length q q s s q eq chr ord reverse length or\n not chr ord reverse length\ny\nor\n# this block is done when length%15==0 or length%3&&length%5\neval q x\n print length\nunless\n # instead of length%5\n length q q s s q eq chr ord reverse length or\n not chr ord reverse length\nx\nxor\n# newline\nprint chr hex qw q and q\nwhile\n s qq q and\n # ord qw q eq == 101\n length ne ord qw q eq\n```\n---\n## Previous\n```\neval q y eval q kill and length or return cos while s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and ok and print chr ord uc qw q for q and print chr ord q tie gt and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print uc chr ord q dbmopen and and print chr ord q dump and and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and return cos for uc y or eval q y eval q kill and length or return cos while s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and ok and print uc chr ord q dbmopen and and print chr ord q dump and and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and return cos for uc y or eval q y eval q kill and length or return cos while s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and ok and print chr ord uc qw q for q and print chr ord q tie gt and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and return cos for uc y or print length xor print chr length q q x x x x eq while s qq q and length ne ord qw q eq\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##7VLRDoMgDPyV@4l90IadGhEs4tSvZxWIm4t7WrZsyUIIhB7X67UdOX0IgS5HDcaMfGlqrXE0BTSZ0lewDo784AyU7TFWtSb0gmOOqO@92iYenauNh6qcVFJgUOBRMGcpi3fiDF8TSv8Qyl4wSPeECVb5tOMXYgG89ENk3RQUp9Z2ZGJ4T2ExtN1O8H0a7/q/@CZi52UsPjg5m17@zfqtEX/iSCLKJNP6sGFmoU1L6FZTONeVYYZSyjFmDeEK \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explained\n```\n# fizzbuzz part\neval q y\n # length%15==0?\n eval q k\n ill and length or return cos\n while\ns q qq and s q qq and s q qq and\ns q qq and s q qq and s q qq and\ns q qq and s q qq and s q qq and\ns q qq and s q qq and s q qq and\ns q qq and s q qq and s q qq and o\n k and\n # then print FizzBuzz, as in first ppencode\n print chr ord uc qw q for q and\n print chr ord q tie gt and\n print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and\n print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and\n print uc chr ord q dbmopen and and\n print chr ord q dump and and\n print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and\n print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and\n # cos is for TRUTHY\n return cos\n # don't change $_ outside \n for uc\n# buzz part, like above\ny or eval q y\n eval q kill and length or return cos while s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and ok and print uc chr ord q dbmopen and and print chr ord q dump and and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and return cos for uc\n# fizz part, like above\ny or eval q y\n eval q kill and length or return cos while s q qq and s q qq and s q qq and ok and print chr ord uc qw q for q and print chr ord q tie gt and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and print chr length q else x oct oct ord q eq le and return cos for uc\n# no special strings\ny or print length\n# print LF\nxor print chr length q q x x x x eq\n# pretty familiar, isn't it?\nwhile s qq q and length ne ord qw q eq\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Fact](https://github.com/RocketScienc/Fact), 11 bytes [(SBCS)](https://github.com/RocketScienc/Fact/blob/main/zalgosbcs.jl)\n```\nef\u0300|3 5^Z\u0301Fh\u0303o\u0303\n```\n## Explanation\n```\ne 1e2 (i.e. 100)\n f\u0300 for i in 1:100\n |3 5 Divisibility by [3, 5] (vectorizes)\n ^ String repeat by (vectorizes):\n Z\u0301F \"FizzBuzz\"\n h\u0303 Halved (i.e. [\"Fizz\", \"Buzz\"])\n o\u0303 Logical OR with i\n (in Fact, lists are false when all items are \"\" or 0\n or when the list is empty)\nImplicit grid (smash inner lists and join outer list by newline)\n```\n[Fork and test](https://replit.com/@RocketScienc/Fact-1)\n## Fact, 15 bytes\n```\nef\u0300|3 5^'b\u0300M\u0300b\u0300O\u0300'h\u0303o\u0303\n```\nNo `\"FizzBuzz\"` builtin, simply uses string compression\n[Answer]\n# Python, ~~108~~ 102 bytes\n*Thanks to [caird coinheringaahing](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/66833/caird-coinheringaahing) for -6 bytes!*\n```\nfor x in range(1,101):\n y=\"\"\n if x%3<1:y=\"Fizz\"\n if x%5<1:y+=\"Buzz\"\n y=y or x\n print(y)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Quipu](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Quipu), 101 bytes\n```\n1&0&'F0&'B1&\\n\n++[]'i[]'u[]/\\\n1%3&'z5&'z6&0&\n1&%%'z%%'z==??\n%%3&/\\5&/\\0&\n1&>> >>6&[]\n>> ??/\\\n::\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##zVltc9s2Ev7OX7FhxxIZN5J1N@0H1ZKvTtvpa9K5dKYfLN8NTEESG4pkCdCOqtFvz@0uAJrUiy3G9cwlI9sEHuzLs8sFsFKRSMTHfv9XobSEVVYWEGVTCXEKeiHN30pGOs5SEOmUB@M0L7VDmAcL6cE3WZKIAlQ8TxUsxK0EncGNBKkikcsp3MV6AdMayIuXeVaguKz3DrVH0g1ECLJSl6UWN4nsfV0UYnVZzmay8LKbP3AWfhFoh/ygZTpV8HWer3WxWv@QalnkhcSfwa@iUPirEt@bFdnycqWlCi4TuejlRTbvzaXmoTAMN5HQ0WIdCSUhl0Oz/NsPkczJlNE4L@JUJ2ngmxmQRZEVQ/BPc0lifpFKibkMPRYQyyHUjKnEwGgMlaAaoJIGp7h2V95/SdxUfnhb6rezy6xEp/fLfJPZwMxi5M0PNxsvSoRSsOVPsDTyh/BO49p5WHG5Awkd5UbEWq9yCb8tCimmMIJaaK5@SjN97U3lDESeJ6tAMfGogn@HQwO@Mj8ZfI0S1t4t5oRmgWoIP8dKXyE1NPUmTqDfh1JhAmE6xVOZasVwpQuj1Ak1blw7i4KQYchKE2YF1zGFVGWihw1PjHvXTf8Qbzyi@Pwcp1LBLENctIA1JBgGFJdAghPosvzz6vVCFCQisaZg/PDpzItnEFh3YcROhkgCjdLaXiLTOb4rYziDTofFBWchvBiBP/F9/JPAdwsMLwRG5jnU1oUPTVYCeS7sxer3RYzpnwsMj7XwdAQDNsY8ot66dI5WAhodSeWdTQMkRtM6GnlTLm9kQcFFUz3DLc1pr3LZxRqGp0anV2n@B@ZrFVrHfg9zOXGMVW76/sarwvsw9NVgg3LdKCqLo3rsYoyci44FBXFo/HRpbhyh4d04WethQOzU6IUlVRQc41e4e9WlFJmWy9zYjEqc@Sj38/uU5iejObRWEzf/ljgn00gSuV59Ldr3auDV1@OI71u9/3mi3ncymbVTGQ2Bch@Qqghz7Jt4Hmuy4Z4bw1aTnw7baTKvrog08QvSVH/mbZpDaGrU05kpBPgHvupW8r8ekrwj9jGh8BIGZ1byyd9vM4t38j/7BPnbYHyDz/ZgG4/s0rG2EdKYN@mSfY0MomVbcXbgSffxJEj3CuxO0q4F6AMA7QD9J6b7D@mxye5YOH2iRiqbb3NZCNp1uXIGHz6HVUiOEkmrsMXb/upZjXnVzpiXz2rMy3bG9I9IP5ujn24xHtBaluf@s3LUP5ajTaOiPZc5J@1CNvobjHmd4X5PxojkRxRkTTLmjKg0tjHo4okGOQtaqDw/Im3Pn5mn85Y0PXfczo@Pm8vr8RE0jp/Z7PH/GY3j9jR@9UkmHe/y8Ikufy@StgX4syeqfJ3lq5Yq4ZNU7krb1bix/91NNUoyJfF@5uE1mvSBSBK4MUoP34ggdrfZPRegtmajMSRJ0P3sQAuAEtVcyY0ad3Oz98dDBrJI43plHh5UWRKpLaQui9Ropue8iG@FlkAdioYX3KxB@103xBk/3G1vuKt6TOdqcwhvvnC1C3Ac2vO44uu7vws26hisQhc607DZ1z5q1bVxbZt6m2nt1doz1OPbF5DQwZDULLmVVDeCFJHpKmSmKGLN0mkYBEPMOXcPq44BlprYdrHobyQgu2Pn93pIHSxVomQXgYlPTbEUP/7E7/k2nwrIs5jW862Hnhf45kvK1Jpy3uA91xB5YSDoHjWVsltZdZ2aqU4CAis@9Gy7SUTvbW8KabiuOgXUmmkwUQt/yr6nMBxSj8dMNwLONxk3bd16j1OuC8bhqFRhZtNoTwvTFVPv41xxK1bhDZ0XsoQ/MFxMxEwkSvLQLE5jteBBlv8QPdQjelEtoAcjsE4bC/GMqAWR1qCg0ahwhaTAfBoZHnc4eyR7OB5xeATVhzh229cTErCyvJaHPMbFZ0ZR5EcOzwH7HD6t0IcMtkC1DbStmAaGtWLJ0Ftgty/tgMmLJrR5YJ@xtZ4uVsh0YJYMuLybxVthCIQtnzf8u@HALA0ETmzrOyoOv1GfeRkrxdoM4xuI6qrlw21x7/FQa5BpVs4XuEnMyyW1l2mTgcwRYtRaPndPUnlYbZQoQOoaxV4zQJwWD6a/bfTkmOpUgavXWBel9O6rXb0oG6Vhq/R@LdKuNjsAlwpABO6utC/qzHwDUQXaCXb@tnK2jQOsxXRenA48TAAdrlJEyx69itRyp1Yz5@W9wsL2pqoU200S8yZ@lxXIe@N7k5qU2nr7UpirPMGcFfw1S3BPD@PckZOA1SbEPmNJ5xpZlV3mpVaMAzttvgQgPGWALbhce6sty@SGJRHvLrSoUSjX3pZykFj@cfie@dpyc9Jgbfcq7re0Ryo11dqdow4DqiOUw@w74dB/cYOcCzyemNMOH6BN85ifa6IxGUppS4s77mzDa1osfPuAtL1iu@QNIeAi5irYg@r2lgIjgRdfZpgtIt0nwB7KmnvkQVj14h1E2Jfm4LzL4oOAKn0PIqpd5yCi2moaCDtJ37au6ThJ37iOCnHn@/7HQees0/0OP5eDziT1Tk@vrrsxfsqr6/7EG5z8s9P96wv8fIk4b9A5Oen@RZ/R6OLCO8HZ/uQL/PDceAwwHn/Zubr26E/6d3GBQobDj6hp8/F/)\nUngolfed:\n```\n\" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6\"\n\"--------------------\"\n 1& 0& 'F 0& 'B 1& \\n\n ++ [] 'i [] 'u [] /\\\n 1% 3& 'z 5& 'z 6& 0&\n 1& %% 'z %% 'z == ??\n %% 3& /\\ 5& /\\ 0&\n 1& >> >> 6& []\n >> ?? /\\\n ::\n```\nThread 0 increments the accumulator (`acc`) every iteration, stopping execution if `acc == 101`, then jumps to thread 1.\nThread 1 checks if `(acc % 3) > 0`. If so, it jumps to thread 3, otherwise it jumps to thread 2.\nThread 2 prints `Fizz`, then jumps to thread 3.\nThread 3 checks if `(acc % 5) > 0`. If so, it jumps to thread 5, otherwise it jumps to thread 4.\nThread 4 prints `Buzz`, then jumps to thread 6.\nThread 5 looks back to thread 1 to see if `(acc % 3) == 0`. If so, it jumps to thread 6, otherwise it prints `acc`, then jumps to thread 6.\nThread 6 prints a newline, then jumps back to thread 0.\nI think this could probably be refactored to golf away some of the whitespace, but I'm not doing that since if I do, I'll likely get sucked in and do nothing else for ~8 hours or so. :/\n[Answer]\n# [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org), 114 bytes\n```\n1.upto(100)do|n|case when n%15==0;puts \"FizzBuzz\"when n%5==0;puts \"Buzz\"when n%3==0;puts \"Fizz\"else puts n end end\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy6qLC5JzPn/31CvtKAkX8PQwEAzJb8mryY5sThVoTwjNU8hT9XQ1NbWwLqgtKRYQckts6rKqbSqSgkqhySFLGyMqkMpNQdoHJifp5CalwLC//8DAA \"Crystal \u2013 Try It Online\")\n#### How it works:\nFirst, it tells it to repeat the code 100 times, with the iteration as n.\nIf n mod 15 = 0, then output FizzBuzz.\n \nIf n mod 5 = 0, then output Buzz.\n \nIf n mod 3 = 0, then output Fizz.\nIf none of those are true, just output the iteration, n.\n[Answer]\n# Kustom, 72 bytes\nThis somehow gets a decent score for what it is?\nI'm not sure if this language even has an official name, but it's used in a few Android customization apps (KLWP, KWGT, and KLCK).\n[Kustom function documentation](https://help.kustom.rocks/s1-general/knowledgebase/top/c2-functions) for those curious\n```\n$fl(1,100,\"i+1\",\"if(i%3=0&i%5=0,FizzBuzz,i%3=0,Fizz,i%5=0,Buzz,i)\",\"\n\")$\n```\nand a bit more readable:\n```\n$fl(\n 1,\n 100,\n \"i+1\",\n \"if(\n i%3 = 0 & i%5 = 0,\n FizzBuzz,\n i%3 = 0,\n Fizz,\n i%5 = 0,\n Buzz,\n i\n )\",\n \"\n\"\n)$\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Rattle](https://github.com/DRH001/Rattle), ~~54~~ 44 bytes\n```\nFizz&Buzz|!I=[g+bs%3[0b0b^0]g%5[0b1b^0]B]100\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://www.drh001.com/rattle/?flags=&code=Fizz%26Buzz%7C!I%3D%5Bg%2Bbs%253%5B0b0b%5E0%5Dg%255%5B0b1b%5E0%5DB%5D100&inputs=)\nThis [was] my first answer in my new programming language! (This answer has since been golfed, and works on my new online interpreter)\n~~Eventually, this programming language might have a more concise way to solve this challenge.~~\n^this ended up being true - after a couple updates, 10 bytes can be shaved off the original answer (without implementing trivial built-ins)\n# Explanation\n```\nFizz&Buzz a variable containing the text Fizz and Buzz\n| signals the end of the input\n! is a flag to disable implicit printing at EOF\nI splits the variable into parts and stores it in consecutive memory slots\n= sets top of stack to 0\n[ start outer loop\ng+bs gets value at slot 3 (starts at zero), increments, appends it to a buffer, saves it to slot 3\n%3 takes the current value on stack and pushes the value mod 3 to stack\n[0b0b^0] if the value on stack is equal to 0, concatenates value from memory slot 0 (\"Fizz\") to a buffer and nullifies the 0th element of the buffer\ng%5 pushes value from slot 3 to stack, takes the value and pushes the value mod 5 to stack\n[0b1b^0] if the value on stack is equal to 0, concatenates the value from memory slot 1 (\"Buzz\") to the buffer and nullifies the 0th element of the buffer if not null already\nB if the buffer is non-empty, prints buffer\n]100 end outer loop - repeats 100 times\n```\n[Answer]\n# Julia 59 char, 59 bytes\nBelow works in the Julia REPL\n`(x->(t=\"Fizz\"^(x%3<1)*\"Buzz\"^(x%5<1);t>\"\" ? t : x)).(1:100)`\nan alternative solution of same char/byte length in Julia REPL is\n`(x->(s=x%3<1;t=x%5<1;(x,\"Fizz\"^s*\"Buzz\"^t)[s|t+1])).(1:100)`\nIn search of the 59 char/59 bytes solution which includes a print statement.\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2) `N`, 11 [bytes](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2/blob/main/docs/codepage.md \"Thunno 2 codepage\")\n```\n\u0266\u0131k+\u1e0akg\u00d7Jn|\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728JKM0Ly_faGm0kp9S7IKlpSVpuhYbTi47sjFb--GOruz0w9O98mqWFCclF0MlF0BpAA)\nAdd a trailing `\u00a3` if you want it flagless.\n## [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2), ~~18~~ 17 [bytes](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2/blob/main/docs/codepage.md \"Thunno 2 codepage\")\n```\n\u0266\u013135d\u1e0a\u028b\u2074\u0225\u00e6\u00de\u00bd\u00d7Jn|\u00a3\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728JKM0Ly_faMGCpaUlaboW-04uO7LR2DTl4Y6uU92PGrecWHp42eF5h_Yenu6VV3No8ZLipORiqFKYFgA)\nNo questionable constants.\n#### Explanation\n```\n\u0266\u0131k+\u1e0akg\u00d7Jn| # Full program\n\u0266 # Push 100\n \u0131 # Map over [1..100]:\n k+ # Push [3, 5]\n \u1e0a # Divisible by [3, 5] (vectorises)\n kg # Push [\"Fizz\", \"Buzz\"]\n \u00d7 # Multiply element-wise\n J # Join by nothing\n n| # Logical OR with the number\n # N flag joins by newlines\n # Implicit output\n```\n```\n\u0266\u013135d\u1e0a\u028b\u2074\u0225\u00e6\u00de\u00bd\u00d7Jn|\u00a3 # Full program\n\u0266 # Push 100\n \u0131 # Map over [1..100]:\n 35d # Push [3, 5]\n \u1e0a # Divisible by [3, 5] (vectorises)\n \u028b\u2074\u0225\u00e6\u00de # Push compressed string \"FizzBuzz\"\n \u00bd # Split in half to get [\"Fizz\", \"Buzz\"]\n \u00d7 # Multiply element-wise\n J # Join by nothing\n n| # Logical OR with the number\n \u00a3 # Print the result\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Mouse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mouse_(programming_language)), 75 bytes\n```\n1I:(I.101<^0J:I.3\\0=[\"Fizz\"J.1+J:]I.5\\0=[\"Buzz\"J.1+J:]J.0=[I.!]\"!\"I.1+I:)$\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n1 I: ~ Start a loop index at 1\n( I. 101 < ^ ~ While I < 101...\n 0 J: ~ Begin a divisibility indicator at 0\n I. 3 \\ 0 = [ ~ If I % 3 == 0\n \"Fizz\" ~ Print \"Fizz\" to STDOUT\n J. 1 + J: ~ Increment J\n ]\n I. 5 \\ 0 = [ ~ If I % 5 == 0\n \"Buzz\" ~ Print \"Buzz\" to STDOUT\n J. 1 + J: ~ Increment J\n ]\n J. 0 = [ ~ If neither 3 nor 5 divides I\n I. ! ~ Print I to STDOUT\n ]\n \"!\" ~ Print a newline\n I. 1 + I: ~ Increment I\n)\n$\n```\n[Answer]\n# Processing, 74 bytes\nThis is based on the Java answer by Geobits. I converted it into Processing and since Processing is similar to Java, the code is a lot similar to Geobits'.\n```\nfor(int i=0;i++<100;)println((i%3<1?\"Fizz\":\"\")+(i%5<1?\"Buzz\":i%3<1?\"\":i));\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~73~~ 71 bytes\n```\n0A/B>0T|?I;\n4?:N\u2500\n```\nOr in \"shifted mode\" to get both lower- and upper-case letters, but with the byte values of lowercase and uppercase swapped relative to ASCII-1967 (press `COMMODORE`+`SHIFT`):\n```\n1fOi=1to100:f=f+1:b=b+1:iff=3tH?\"Fizz\";:f=0\n2ifb=5tH?\"Buzz\";:b=0\n3iff>0aNb>0tH?i;\n4?:nE\n```\nUsual PETSCII-to-Unicode substitutions: `\u250c` = `SHIFT+O`, `|` = `SHIFT+H`, `/` = `SHIFT+N`, `\u2500` = `SHIFT+E`\nCommodore Basic doesn't have a \"modulus\" operation, so I need to use alternate methods to figure out when to print what: keeping a pair of counters turns out to be fewer bytes than dividing and checking for integer-ness. It also doesn't have a true logical \"and\" (despite the manual saying otherwise), so I need to do an explicit comparison against zero to decide if I should print the plain number.\n[Answer]\n# F#, ~~129~~ ~~116~~ ~~113~~ 111\n```\nSeq.iter(fun x->printfn\"%s\"([\"Fizz\";\"\";\"\"].[x%3]+(if x%5=0 then\"Buzz\"elif x%3>0 then string x else\"\"))){1..100}\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Gol><>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), 40 bytes\n```\n`e2RFL5%zR\"zzuB\"L3%zR\"zziF\"lQlRoaoC|LN|;\n```\nUpdated for 0.4.0! I'm still tinkering with loops and trying to figure out how to do things best, but this is looking good so far.\n[Try it online](https://golfish.herokuapp.com/?code=%60e2RFL5%25zR%22zzuB%22L3%25zR%22zziF%22lQlRoaoC%7CLN%7C%3B&input=&debug=false).\n## Explanation\n```\n`e Push 'e', or 101\n2RF ... | Execute F for loop twice - the first time activates the loop, and the\n second time updates it. This effectively makes the loop start from 1\nL5%z Push 1 if loop counter % 5 is 0, else 1\nR\"zzuB\" Push \"Buzz\" (top of stack) number of times\nL3%z Push 1 if loop counter % 3 is 0, else 1\nR\"zziF\" Push \"Fizz\" (top of stack) number of times\nlQ ... | If the stack is not empty...\n lRo Output stack\n ao Output newline\n C Continue for loop\nLN Otherwise, print loop counter with newline\n; Terminate program\n```\nAs we can see, there's a lot of abuse of `R`, which pops the top of the stack and executes the next instruction that many times.\n[Answer]\n# Jolf, ~~42~~ ~~33~~ 31 bytes\n[Try it here!](http://conorobrien-foxx.github.io/Jolf/#code=wp_OnHp-MWR8XSJGaXp6QnV6eiI_JUgzNDA_JUg1NDhI) Replace `\u0192` with `\\x9f`. I'm stealing ETHproduction's method of fizzbuzzing.\n```\n\u0192\u039cz~1d|]\"FizzBuzz\"?%H340?%H548H\n```\n---\n## Old version, 42 bytes\n```\n\u03b3\"Fizz\"\u0192\u039cz~1d?m\u03c4\u037a35H+\u03b3\u03b6?m|3H\u03b3?m|5H\u0396\"Buzz\"H\n\u03b3\"Fizz\" \u03b3 = \"Fizz\"\n \u039cz~1d map 1..100 with the following function\n ?m\u03c4\u037a35H if both 3 and 5 | H\n +\u03b3\u03b6 return \u03b3 + \u03b6\n m|3H else if 3 | H\n \u03b3 return \u03b3\n ?m|5H else if 5 | H\n \u0396\"Buzz\" return \u03b6 = \"Buzz\"\n H else return H\n \u0192 join by newlines\n```\nI might be able to golf it down by using the dictionary in Jolf, but who would want to with such a perfect score?\n[Answer]\n# D, 130 bytes\n```\nimport std.stdio,std.conv;void main(){string x;for(int i;i++<100;x=((i%3?\"\":\"Fizz\")~(i%5?\"\":\"Buzz\")),writeln(x?x:i.to!string)){};}\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nmodule FizzBuzz;\nimport std.stdio;\nimport std.conv;\nvoid main() {\n string x;\n for (\n int i;\n i++ < 100;\n x = ((i % 3 ? \"\" : \"Fizz\")\n ~ (i % 5 ? \"\" : \"Buzz\")),\n writeln(x ? x : i.to!string)\n ){};\n}\n```\nOr, building a string, for **142 bytes**,\n```\nimport std.stdio,std.conv;void main(){string x,y;for(int i;i++<100;x=((i%3?\"\":\"Fizz\")~(i%5?\"\":\"Buzz\")),y~=(x?x:i.to!string)~\"\\n\"){};write(y);}\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nmodule FizzBuzz;\nimport std.stdio;\nimport std.conv;\nvoid main() {\n string x,y;\n for (\n int i;\n i++ < 100;\n x = ((i % 3 ? \"\" : \"Fizz\")\n ~ (i % 5 ? \"\" : \"Buzz\")),\n y ~= (x ? x : i.to!string) ~ \"\\n\"\n ){};\n write(y);\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Hoon](https://github.com/urbit/urbit), 126 bytes\n```\n%+\nturn\n(gulf [1 100])\n|=\na/@\n=+\n[=((mod a 3) 0) =((mod a 5) 0)]\n\"{?:(-< \"Fizz\" \"\")}{?:(-> \"Buzz\" \"\")}{?:(=(- [| |]) \"\")}\"\n```\nMap over the list [1...100] with the function, interpolating the strings \"Fizz\" and \"Buzz\". If both mods are false, then it also interpolates the number.\nThis uses the fact that =+ pushes the value to the top of the context, which you can access with - and navigate with -< or -> for head/tail. Unfortunately, it looks pretty ugly because it needs a newline after runes to minimize byte count, along with not having built in operator functions.\nI'm not entirely sure if this counts as a valid entry: It simply returns a list of strings to be printed by the shell, which is optimal. The other way would be to use ~& to print each element as it's mapped over, but it would still be rendered as \"Fizz\" or \"Buzz\" (with quotes) since it's a typed print, along with the shell then printing out the entire list anyways since it's the return value.\n[Answer]\n# Vim, ~~66, 57~~ 56 keystrokes\n```\ni1qqYpq98@q3Gqy:s/\\d*/Fizz3j@yq@y5Gqz:sABuzz5j@zq@z\n```\nFurther golfing, and explanation on the way.\n[Answer]\n# Javascript, 56 bytes\n```\nfor(f=0;f++<100;alert(f%5?b||f:b+'Buzz'))b=f%3?'':'Fizz'\n```\nAssuming 100 alerts is an acceptable output method.\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, ~~82~~ ~~72~~ ~~70~~ 68 bytes\nbased on other answers:\n```\nputs (1..100).map{|i|(x=(i%3<1?\"Fizz\":\"\")+(i%5<1?\"Buzz\":\"\"))>\"\"?x:i}\n```\nold solution:\n```\n(1..100).map{|i|$><<\"Fizz\"if f=i%3<1\n$><<\"Buzz\"if b=i%5<1\n$><0?i+\"\":$\"{i%3:;;Fizz}{i%5:;;Buzz}\");}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcjBCsIgGADgVxFpoMmGEbvMWlDQqU4dOos5@GEp@dugic9u3j4@g61BU4qZNSL5JIw6giGLhxe5a3CMp8kHtuhA4CgVCHHYSan444fRvruLd@hn2z0DRHsDZxk0@y00/ShPICgdNjTVGZS6wrrm6r76/K2mXOVcyh8 \"C# (Visual C# Compiler) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nI was wondering how close I could get to the long standing [124 byte C# answer by Pierre-Luc](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/58615/1-2-fizz-4-buzz/58641#58641), so I challenged myself to try. After unexpectedly beating it by just one byte (123 bytes, [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LcmxCsIwEADQXwkBIUewpIiLqQgKTjo5OIczwkGbSC4WbOm3RwOu7yGvkbEU7B2zeM2cXSYUY6SHuDoKCuZnTGp0SdDeWNK6a42xcPtw9kNzioFj75t7ouwvFLxStNp07UGeaZrkTkrQP9lWOb6r/LuWJgC7LKV8AQ)), I took the advice from @LiamK's three year old comment and used string interpolation to shave off another 4 bytes. I'm genuinely surprised by how well this worked out!\n[Answer]\n# [K (oK)](https://github.com/JohnEarnest/ok), ~~49~~ ~~46~~ 43 bytes\n**Solution:**\n```\n`0:{$[a:,/$&`Fizz`Buzz!~5 3!'x;a;x]}'1+!100\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y9bNz/7/P8HAqlolOtFKR19FLcEts6oqwam0qkqxzlTBWFG9wjrRuiK2Vt1QW9HQwOD/fwA \"K (oK) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation:**\n```\n`0:{$[a:,/$&`Fizz`Buzz!~5 3!'x;a;x]}'1+!100 / the solution\n !100 / range 0..99\n 1+ / add 1\n { }' / apply lambda {} to each number\n $[ ; ; ] / conditional, $[if;then;else] \n 5 3!'x / apply modulo (!) of each 5 and 3 to the input x\n ~ / not (0->1, anything else->0)\n `Fizz`Buzz! / turn results into a dictionary\n & / keys where true\n $ / convert to strings\n ,/ / flatten\n a: / save as a\n a / result if a is not empty - so Fizz / Buzz\n x / result if a is empty - so 1, 2, 4\n`0: / print to stdout\n```\n**Notes:**\n* -6 bytes thanks to @ngn with a new approach\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 1.0](http://julialang.org/), 72 bytes\n```\n(n->println([n,\"Fizz\",\"Buzz\",\"FizzBuzz\"][sum(n.%[1,3,5,5].<1)])).(1:100)\n```\n[Not the shortest solution possible](https://code-golf.io/scores/fizz-buzz/julia), but I like the obfuscation. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0rPj/XyNP166gKDOvJCdPIzpPR8kts6pKSUfJqRRMgXhgZmx0cWmuRp6earShjrGOqY5prJ6NoWaspqaehqGVoYGB5v//AA \"Julia 1.0 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nWe apply an anonymous function `(n->...)` itemwise `.( )` to the range `1:100`.\nThe function body does this (using sample input `n=5`):\n```\nn.%[1,3,5,5] # Modulo n by each of these numbers [0,2,0,0]\n.<1 # Itemwise, is each remainder zero? [true,false,true,true]\nsum( ) # Count number of trues in the array 3\n # This will be 4 for multiples of 15, 3 for multiples\n # of 5, 2 for multiples of 3, and 1 for other numbers\n[n,\"F\",\"B\",\"FB\"][ ] # Index (1-based) into this array \"Buzz\"\nprintln( ) # Print, with a newline\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nWrite the shortest program or function which generates these 1000 numbers or a sequence (0- or 1-indexed) which begins with them.\n```\n[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, \n 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, \n 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, \n 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, \n 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, \n 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, \n 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, \n 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, \n 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, \n 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, \n 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, \n 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, \n 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, \n 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, \n 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, \n 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, \n 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, \n 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, \n 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, \n 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, \n 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, \n 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, \n 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, \n 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, \n 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, \n 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, \n 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, \n 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, \n 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, \n 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, \n 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, \n 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, \n 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, \n 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, \n 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, \n 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, \n 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, \n 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, \n 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, \n 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, \n 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, \n 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~11~~ 10 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n*Saved 1 byte thanks to @Dennis*\n```\n\u0237\u1e36\u00d7\u207dq\u00a3:\u02375\u1e02\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AR0A4v9qZWxsef//yLfhuLbDl@KBvXHCozrItzXhuIL//w \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\nI first noticed that the pattern alternates between runs of length 4 and length 3, skipping the length-4 step every few runs. This led me to look for a number which could be divided into the current index, then taken mod 2 and floored\u2014i.e. retrieving the least significant bit\u2014to give the bit at that index in the series. After much trial and error, I found that `3.41845` does exactly that, but multiplying by its approximate reciprocal (`.29253`) is a byte shorter.\n```\n\u0237\u1e36\u00d7\u207dq\u00a3:\u02375\u1e02 Main link. Arguments: none\n\u0237 Yield 1e3, i.e. 1000.\n \u1e36 Lowered range; yield [0, 1, 2, ..., 999].\n \u00d7\u207dq\u00a3 Multiply each item by 29253.\n :\u02375 Floor-divide each item by 1e5, i.e. 100000.\n \u1e02 Take each item mod 2.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~34 29 26~~ 22 bytes\n```\n$.+=184while p$./629%2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/X0VP29bQwqQ8IzMnVaFARU/fzMhS1ej/fwA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nQuick explanation: this works because of the magic number 629. I noticed that the sequence starts repeating after the 629th element, and I tried to \"improve\" some existing answer, using only integer math. I found that the other \"magic number\" (0.29253) is actually 184/629.\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~99~~ ~~83~~ 82 bytes\n```\na\u2190{\u2375/0 1}\u00a8(\u21933 2\u23744 3 3)\n{a\u22a2\u2190\u2193\u2349\u2191a{\u237a\u2218{\u2375/\u2282\u237a}\u00a8\u2375}\u00a8\u21933 3\u2374\u2375}\u00a8(9/5)\u2218\u22a4\u00a81386531 496098\n1000\u2374\u220aa\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNzkksLs5M/v@ooz3tf@KjtgnVj3q36hsoGNYeWqHxqG2ysYLRo94tJgrGCsaaXNWJj7oWAdUAxR/1dj5qm5gIVL3rUccMsKZHXU1AHlAfkAMiQZqNgZohXA1LfVNNoNJHXUsOrTA0tjAzNTZUMLE0M7C04DI0MDAAKezoSgQ55H8aAA \"APL (Dyalog Classic) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nDefinitely not the intended solution as this still has a lot of hardcoded data, but it's a start.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 31 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\nGiven the pattern there is probably an even shorter way...\n```\n\u0116\u0152\u1e59\u1e02\n\u201c\u1e41\u207d\u207a\u1e04\u00e6I\u2019B\u1e24+3\u017c\u1e02$\u1e8e\u00c7o2\u00c7+3\u00c7\u1e23\u0237\u00ac\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AUkAtv9qZWxsef//xJbFkuG5meG4ggrigJzhuYHigb3igbrhuITDpknigJlC4bikKzPFvOG4giThuo7Dh28yw4crM8OH4bijyLfCrP// \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\nExploits the repeating run length structure that is apparent to a depth of three.\n```\n\u0116\u0152\u1e59\u1e02 - Link 1, make runs of bits: list of lengths e.g. [5,3,5,3,3]\n\u0116 - enumerate [[1,5],[2,3],[3,5],[4,3],[5,3]]\n \u0152\u1e59 - run-length decode [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5]\n \u1e02 - bit (modulo by 2) [1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1]\n\u201c\u1e41\u207d\u207a\u1e04\u00e6I\u2019B\u1e24+3\u017c\u1e02$\u1e8e\u00c7o2\u00c7+3\u00c7\u1e23\u0237\u00ac - Main link: no arguments\n\u201c\u1e41\u207d\u207a\u1e04\u00e6I\u2019 - literal 234931870193324\n B - to binary = [1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0]\n \u1e24 - double = [2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,0,2,0,2,0,2,2,0,0]\n +3 - add three = [5,5,3,5,3,5,3,5,5,3,5,3,5,3,5,5,3,5,3,5,3,5,5,3,5,3,5,3,5,3,5,5,3,5,3,5,3,5,5,3,5,3,5,3,5,5,3,3]\n $ - last two links as a monad:\n \u1e02 - bit = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]\n \u017c - zip = [[5,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[3,1],[5,1],[5,1],[3,1],[3,1]]\n \u1e8e - tighten = [5,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,3,1,5,1,5,1,3,1,3,1]\n \u00c7 - call the last Link (1) as a monad\n - = [1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0]\n o2 - OR 2 = [1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2]\n \u00c7 - 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However the sequence starts repeating at the 630th character rather than continuing the observed pattern, so extra code is needed to handle the repeat of the truncated pattern. I generate the main pattern twice to get to 1258 characters.\n```\nMost@Flatten[{#,#,#}&/@CellularAutomaton[{271,2,-{{4},{3},{2},{1}}},{0,0,0,0,1,1,1},29]]~Table~2\n```\nWithout that glitch we could do it in a shorter 74 bytes. The 47 is the number of generations needed to get to 1000 characters (this actually goes to 1008=48\\*7\\*3) \n```\n{#,#,#}&/@CellularAutomaton[{271,2,-{{4},{3},{2},{1}}},{0,0,0,0,1,1,1},47]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n2b73ze/uMTBLSexpCQ1L7paWQcIa9X0HZxTc3JKcxKLHEtL8oGK84FyRuaGOkY6utXVJrU61cZAbATEhrW1QNJABwINQbBWx8gyNrYuJDEpJ7XO6H9AUWZeiUPafwA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 42 bytes\n```\nx=184\nwhile x/629%2:print(x//629%2);x+=184\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v8LW0MKEqzwjMydVoULfzMhS1ciqoCgzr0SjQh/C1bSu0AYp@v8fAA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPort of [G.B.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/162814/109916)'s answer.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), ~~41~~ 33 bytes, port\nThank Rick Hitchcock for 4+ bytes\n```\nf=i=>i>999?'':(i*.29253&1)+f(-~i)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/e9m@z/NNtPWLtPO0tLSXl3dSiNTS8/I0sjUWM1QUztNQ7cuU/O/dXJ@XnF@TqpeTn66hpuGpuZ/AA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 121 bytes, original\n```\n_=>'8888y888'[s='replace'](/8/g,'aaa3yyy')[s](/y/g,'aaa3aa3')[s](/a/g,34)[s](/./g,t=>(_=+!+_+[]).repeat(t)).slice(3,1003)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYzBCsMgEES/pad1MTUp9hAo5pifkCCLlZAiMUQp@PV2oe0wA493mBe9KftzO8p1T8/QZtOcmWDkVB7YbOAMRyQfYBH92K8dEJGutQLazKr@FfeniJW@f1kxFzMJZ@RFOmkXVPwXqIiCqHLcfBC6uw2Dxvbwac8pBhXTKmaB2D4 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), ~~13~~ 11 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00ed?\u266b~\u2558\u00e4qx-G\u2584\n```\n[Run and debug it at staxlang.xyz!](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=a13f0e7ed48471782d47dc&i=&a=1)\nPort to Stax of @ETHproductions's [Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/162777/73884) (before its modification) with some modifications by @recursive to save two bytes.\n[Answer]\n# [Z80Golf](https://github.com/lynn/z80golf), 27 bytes\n```\n00000000: 018d 2b7b 1f1f e601 f630 ff09 3001 1313 ..+{.....0..0...\n00000010: 7bfe 9220 ee7a fe04 20e9 76 {.. .z.. .v\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VYwxCsMwEAT7vGL7wLEnGcnybyJy58bgzoX8eFlO0mRYFqaZNnPdN@@dPxZQ5zdCzRXq6rBEhadIuLMgcqhGjYDI85QbfiaPb0FHI1c3lBAIs/yCGycEWkFO@GMEIO2@o/cL \"Z80Golf \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTranslated from this C code:\n```\nfor (n = 0; n >> 16 != 1170; n += 11149 + 65536)\n putchar('0'|n>>18&1);\n```\nDisassembly:\n```\n ld bc, 11149\nloop:\n ld a, e\n rra\n rra\n and 1\n or '0'\n rst $38 ; putchar\n add hl, bc ; Add 11149 to n = DEHL.\n jr nc, just_one ; Add 65536 to n, possibly with carry from low 16 bits.\n inc de\njust_one:\n inc de\n ld a, e\n cp 1170 & 255\n jr nz, loop\n ld a, d\n cp 1170 >> 8\n jr nz, loop\n halt\n```\nThis is essentially a fixed-point arithmetic approach: (11149 + 65536) / 218 \u2248 0.29253, the constant used by other answers.\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 17 bytes\n```\n2|<.0.29253*i.1e3\n```\nA J port of ETHproduction's Jelly answer. \n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/36jGRs9Az8jSyNRYK1PPMNX4f2pyRr5CvKlBbAymHAA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 13 bytes\n```\nA\u00b3\u00c7*.29#\u00fd f u\nA\u00b3 // Given 10\u00b3,\n \u00c7 // map over it as a range, returning the given number\n *.29253 // times the constant,\n f u // floored and mod-2.\n```\nJapt version of [ETHproduction's Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/162777/16484). \nBug fixed thanks to [Oliver](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/61613/oliver).\n[Try it here.](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=QbPHKi4yOSP9IGYgdQ==&input=)\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 13 bytes\n```\n\uff25\u03c6\u00a701\u00d7\u00b7\u00b2\u2079\u00b2\u2075\u00b3\u03b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5/z@gKDOvRMM3sUDD0MDAQEfBscQzLyW1QkPJwFBJRyEkMze1WEPPyNLI1FhHIVMTCKz///@vW5YDAA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n \u03c6 Predefined variable 1000\n\uff25 Map over implicit range\n \u03b9 Current value\n \u00b7\u00b2\u2079\u00b2\u2075\u00b3 Literal constant `0.29253`\n \u00d7 Multiply\n 01 Literal string `01`\n \u00a7 Cyclically index\n Implicitly print each result on its own line\n```\nThanks to @ASCII-only for allowing indexing to accept floats which are cast to integer (and then automatically reduced modulo 2 in this case).\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~55~~ ~~53~~ 52 bytes\n```\nf(i,j){for(i=0;j=.29253*i,i++-1e3;)putchar(j%2+48);}\n```\nPort of Kevin Cruijssen's Java [answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/162805/79343). Try it online [here](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9NI1MnS7M6Lb9II9PWwDrLVs/I0sjUWCtTJ1NbW9cw1dhas6C0JDkjsUgjS9VI28RC07r2f25iZp4GUJMGiAMA).\nThanks to [vazt](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/78276/vazt) for golfing 2 bytes and to [Jonathan Frech](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/73111/jonathan-frech) for golfing one more.\nUngolfed version:\n```\nf(i, j) { // function taking two dummy arguments (implicitly int) and implicitly returning an unused int\n for(i = 0; j = .29253*i, i++ - 1e3; ) // loop 1000 times, multiply i with 0.29253, truncating to an integer\n putchar(j % 2 + 48); // modulo the truncated integer by 2, yielding 0 or 1, then convert to ASCII (48 is ASCII code for '0') and print\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [///](https://esolangs.org/wiki////), 63 bytes\n```\n/b/000111//A/b1b//B/b0b//C/0BA1//X/CACACACA0bCBCBCB/0bXXCBXCAC0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JcjBCcBQCATRknYtQW3C618I5JCb/WMM4R0Gpp/T99UzEEiaGeCQCQiImwTD9xbSf1TGB1RVRu3jzAs \"/// \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Deadfish~, 1301 bytes\n```\n{iiiii}ddccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdccciccccdcccicccdccccicccdccccicccdccciccccdccciccccdc\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven integers `N , P > 1` , find the largest integer `M` such that `P ^ M \u201a\u00e2\u00a7 N`.\n### I/O:\nInput is given as 2 integers `N` and `P`. The output will be the integer `M`.\n### Examples:\n```\n4, 5 -> 0\n33, 5 -> 2\n40, 20 -> 1\n242, 3 -> 4 \n243, 3 -> 5 \n400, 2 -> 8\n1000, 10 -> 3\n```\n### Notes:\nThe input will always be valid, i.e. it will always be integers greater than 1.\n### Credits:\nCredit for the name goes to @cairdcoinheringaahing. The last 3 examples are by @Nitrodon and credit for improving the description goes to @Giuseppe.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 74 bytes\n```\n(({}<>)[()])({()<(({})<({([{}]()({}))([{}]({}))}{})>){<>({}[()])}{}>}[()])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzTTctJzP7/X0OjutbGTjNaQzNWU6NaQ9MGJAAkqzWiq2tjNTRBPE0IG8SqBRJ2mtU2dkAeWA9QwA7C@v/fSMHEwAAA \"Brain-Flak \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis uses the same concept as the standard Brain-Flak positive integer division algorithm.\n```\n# Push P and P-1 on other stack\n(({}<>)[()])\n# Count iterations until N reaches zero:\n({()<\n # While keeping the current value (P-1)*(P^M) on the stack:\n (({})<\n # Multiply it by P for the next iteration\n ({([{}]()({}))([{}]({}))}{})\n >)\n # Subtract 1 from N and this (P-1)*(P^M) until one of these is zero\n {<>({}[()])}{}\n# If (P-1)*(P^M) became zero, there is a nonzero value below it on the stack\n>}\n# Subtract 1 from number of iterations\n[()])\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 22 bytes\n*Saved 8 bytes thanks to @Neil*\nTakes input in currying syntax `(p)(n)`.\n```\np=>g=n=>p<=n&&1+g(n/p)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XclBDkAwEADAu1f0JLsRSkviYP2lQRsi2wbx/SJxYa6zmNPswzaHI2c/TtFSDNQ7YupDR5ymVeaAZcA4eN79OhWrd2ChQdAaUQgphUq@p0qEurzzvup/T73Xxgs \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 18 bytes\n```\n=TRUNC(LOG(A1,A2))\n```\nTakes input \"n\" at A1, and input \"p\" at A2.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 3 bytes\n```\nb\u00b7\u220f\u00e4L\n```\nThis doesn't use floating-point arithmetic, so there are no precision issues.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/z/p4Y4un//FRtZKh5cb6bv//29srKNgqqNgYqCjYGQAokEMIDIBEsYg2hhMm4BVGRqApA0NAA \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\nb\u00b7\u220f\u00e4L Main link. Left argument: n. Right argument: p\nb Convert n to base p.\n \u00b7\u220f\u00e4 Dequeue; remove the first base-p digit.\n L Take the length.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 35 bytes\n```\n.+\n$*\n+r`1*(\\2)+\u00ac\u2202(1+)$\n#$#1$*1\u00ac\u2202$2\n#\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxL/P9fT5tLRYtLuyjBUEsjxkhT@9A2DUNtTRUuZRVlQxUtw0PbVIy4lP//NzbmMgUA \"Retina 0.8.2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") Explanation:\n```\n.+\n$*\n```\nConvert the arguments to unary.\n```\n+r`1*(\\2)+\u00ac\u2202(1+)$\n#$#1$*1\u00ac\u2202$2\n```\nIf the second argument divides the first, replace the first argument with a `#` plus the integer result, discarding the remainder. Repeat this until the first argument is less than the second.\n```\n#\n```\nCount the number of times the loop ran.\n[Answer]\n# Japt, 8 bytes\n```\n@n).(p^).(1+))(1+)0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P0@xwLY0ryQzR0PDLk9TT6MgDkgYamtqggiD/7mJmXm2BUWZeSUqXApVmQXhmSUZGoqa0cbGOiYGQGQQG22qY2SgYxT7HwA \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), 13 bytes\n```\n&floor\u201a\u00e0\u00f2&log\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJZq@18tLSc/v@hRxwy1nPz0/9ZcxYkgcQ0TAwMdI00419hYx1TzPwA \"Perl 6 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nConcatenation composing log and floor, implicitly has 2 arguments because first function log expects 2. Result is a function.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/) + `-lm`, 24 bytes\n```\nf(n,m){n=log(n)/log(m);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9NI08nV7M6zzYnP10jT1MfROVqWtf@z03MzNPQrC4oyswrSdNQUk1R0knTMDbWMdUEyf5LTstJTC/@r5uTCwA \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 16 bytes\n```\n(floor.).logBase\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7NyfmfZhvzXyMtJz@/SE9TLyc/3SmxOPV/bmJmnoKtQkFRZl6JgopCmoKpgrHx/3/JaTmJ6cX/dZMLCgA \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nHaskell was designed by mathematicians so it has a nice set of math-related functions in Prelude. \n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 25 bytes\n```\nfunction(p,n)log(p,n)%/%1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/qfpmCjq/A/rTQvuSQzP0@jQCdPMyc/HUyr6qsa/k/TMDEw0DHS/A8A \"R \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nTake the log of `P` base `N` and do integer division with `1`, as it's shorter than `floor()`. This suffers a bit from numerical precision, so I present the below answer as well, which should not, apart from possibly integer overflow.\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 31 bytes\n```\nfunction(p,n)(x=p:0)[n^x<=p][1]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/qfpmCj@z@tNC@5JDM/T6NAJ09To8K2wMpAMzovrsLGtiA22jD2f5qGiYGBjpHmfwA \"R \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 39 bytes\n```\nlambda a,b:math.log(a,b)//1\nimport math\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUSFRJ8kqN7EkQy8nP10DyNHU1zfkyswtyC8qUQCJ/y8oyswr0UjT0MrMKygt0dDU1PxvbKyjYAoA \"Python 2 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 31 bytes\nOK, so all those log-based approaches are prone to rounding errors, so here is another method that works with integers and is free of those issues:\n```\n->n,p{(0..n).find{|i|p**i>n}-1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Pcw7CoAwEEXR3lUM2KjEMMlEsNGNiI1IIE0IgoWoa4/5qK888O62L4fXg29Hy9xZIee25trY9bzM5ZrGjPZuxe0d6ImIQTdDWAmyiKKQgcQ5iXglUpY@iVSSAWVRr9AvXX594SCYRGAMidAugfwD \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nBut going back to logarithms, although it is unclear up to what precision we must support the input, but I think this little trick would solve the rounding problem for all more or less \"realistic\" numbers:\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 29 bytes\n```\n->n,p{Math.log(n+0.1,p).to_i}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1y5Pp6DaN7EkQy8nP10jT9tAz1CnQFOvJD8@s/Z/gUJatLGxjoJprAIQKCsYcYFETAx0FIwMYsEihlARkBBExAIsYmRipKNgDBExgYoYw0VMIbpgBgNFDMAihgYggwyBZisrGP8HAA \"Ruby \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 5 bytes\n```\n\u221a\u00a8V \u221a\u00e4\u221a\u00e2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osKPn///CaMIXDXYc7//83MTDgMgIA)\n---\n## 8 bytes\n```\nN\u00ac\u00a3MlX\u221a\u00c9\u221a\u00a7z\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osKPn/3@/QYt@ciMPNh5dU/f9vYmCgYwQA \"Japt \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Emojicode](http://www.emojicode.org/), ~~49~~ 48 bytes\n```\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e1i\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00c7j\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00c7\u201a\u00fb\u00b0\u00d4\u220f\u00e8\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00c7\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e9\u201a\u00fb\u00f1\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ea\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00b0i j 1\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S83Nz8pMzk9J/f9hfn@jwof5ve1cCiBqWVppXvJ/ED/zw/xZTVkg4tG8he939INYQPG@R/OmfZg/YcqH@VMWZipkKRgCxTr/g/TOaFAACYJMWasAMkbB0MDAAEgAERdYFQA \"Emojicode \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 2 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00e5\u00e4\u201a\u00e7\u00fc\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@1R24RHPV2Peuf//2@qkKZgbMxlZACkTQy4jMCUAQA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nPretty straightforward.\n`\u201a\u00e7\u00fc` Log\n`\u201a\u00e5\u00e4` floor\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 6 bytes\n```\nLm\u00ac\u03c0\u201a\u00c4\u222b_O\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f/fJ/fQzkcNu@L9//83NDAw4DI0AAA \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript](https://nodejs.org), ~~40~~ 33 bytes\n*-3 bytes thanks to DanielIndie*\nTakes input in currying syntax.\n```\na=>b=>(L=Math.log)(a)/L(b)+.001|0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Zc5NCoMwEAXgfU/hcoZSM/kRuokn0ENEq/1BjFTpyrunmYKljW/7wXvv4V5ubp/3aTmN/tKF3gZny8aWUNnaLbd88FcEh6KCBo85kVwptH6c/dCxQQ9aIxSIWYwQmTr8qyEERR@OKnfKvOk5UWUUgt7U7FT/aJE2f0@xUqKSeFjyr6g6vAE)\n[Answer]\n# Pari/GP, 6 bytes\n```\nlogint\n```\n(built-in added in version 2.7, Mar 2014. Takes two arguments, with an optional third reference which, if present, is set to the base raised to the result)\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 3, 46 bytes\n*-1 thanks to jonathan*\n```\ndef A(a,b,i=1):\n while b**i<=a:i+=1\n return~-i\n```\n## Python 1, 47 bytes\n```\ndef A(a,b,i=1):\n while b**i<=a:i=i+1\n return~-i\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 22 bytes\n```\nm=>f=n=>nf flog s>f flog f/ f>s ;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TcxBCoAgFIThvaf4L1CJ2qbAu0TwbBEYGnR8s0XZ6s3HDE9iOrcuyHNKmRDytRxkL8geQwsyID4zF2thpA571qScBqObNObrjDPYV1TaRuX4vSk3 \"Forth (gforth) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nCould save 5 bytes by swapping expected input parameters, but question specifies N must be first (an argument could be made that in a postfix language \"First\" means top-of-stack, but I'll stick to the letter of the rules for now)\n## Explanation\n```\nswap \\ swap the parameters to put N on top of the stack\ns>f flog \\ move N to the floating-point stack and take the log(10) of N\ns>f flog \\ move P to the floating-point stack and take the log(10) of P\nf/ \\ divide log10(N) by log10(P)\nf>s \\ move the result back to the main (integer) stack, truncating in the process\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 6 4 bytes\n```\ns.lF\n```\nSaved 2 bytes thanks to Mmenomic \n[Try it online](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=s.lhQe&input=400%2C+2&debug=1)\n## How it works\n`.l` is logB(A) \nTo be honest, I have no idea how `F` works. But if it works, it works. \n`s` truncates a float to an int to give us the highest integer for `M`.\n[Answer]\n# [Wonder](https://github.com/wonderlang/wonder), 9 bytes\n```\n|_.sS log\n```\nExample usage:\n```\n(|_.sS log)[1000 10]\n```\n# Explanation\nVerbose version:\n```\nfloor . sS log\n```\nThis is written pointfree style. `sS` passes list items as arguments to a function (in this case, `log`).\n[Answer]\n# [Gforth](https://www.gnu.org/software/gforth/), 31 Bytes\n```\nSWAP S>F FLOG S>F FLOG F/ F>S .\n```\n## Usage\n```\n242 3 SWAP S>F FLOG S>F FLOG F/ F>S . 4 OK\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8svKsnQTU8DUf@NTIwUjP8HhzsGKATbuSm4@fi7Ixhu@gpudsEKev@BAAA \"Forth (gforth) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\nUnfortunately FORTH uses a dedicated floating-point-stack. For that i have to `SWAP` (exchange) the input values so they get to the floating point stack in the right order. I also have to move the values to that stack with `S>F`. When moving the floating-point result back to integer (`F>S`) I have the benefit to get the truncation for free.\n## Shorter version\nStretching the requirements and provide the input in float-format and the right order, there is a shorter version with 24 bytes.\n```\nFLOG FSWAP FLOG F/ F>S .\n3e0 242e0 FLOG FSWAP FLOG F/ F>S . 4 OK\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8svKsnQTU8DUf@NUw0UjEyMUg3@u/n4uyu4BYc7BihAmPoKbnbBCnr/gQAA \"Forth (gforth) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), ~~8~~ ~~7~~ 4 bytes\n```\nLt`B\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv6fe2h5arFGsdujpsb/PiUJTv///4/WMDbWMdXU0TAx0DEyANNABpA2MjHSMQbTxmDaBKzK0AAobWigGQsA \"Husk \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 61 bytes\n```\ni(n,t,l,o,g){for(l=g=0;!g++;g=g>n)for(o=++l;o--;g*=t);g=--l;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RczJboMwFAXQdfMVN1RINhjJGNPJcvMTWXYTMViWwKDALsq3U5uhXTw9v2PdW2WmqpbFEsdm1rGBGfpohzvptNFcnU2aKqPNt6MBB52mnRqyTJlEz9T/ZFmnnstr3bTWNbj6FowMPcV4t25uSWRJLGuGWNQUOizoy7pIPNEfFzFsEbtGqc/@vaE1elwQjbdpauoIX4gSN8wJdqDq1N@sI/RxerkSoCgYUPoRdAPJGYQf5BtIHg7h52MDIcMRYvKAYody74DcS/kKOQ8deegpVpD8s9xK8/yAtx3EAe//8Fx@AQ \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Challenge :\nYour job is to find the given number `N`. \n---\n# Input :\nYou will be given a string in the following form:\n```\ndN \u00b1 Y = X\n```\nWhere:\n```\nd, N, X, Y are all numbers with d , X , Y being integers (not decimals).\n```\n---\n# Output :\nSolve the equation and output the value of `N` rounded. Round up if decimal is greater than or equal to `0.5` and round down if less than `0.5` \n---\n# Examples :\n```\nInput Output\n N + 1 = 3 ---> 2\n N - 1 = 5 ---> 6\n2N + 1 = 3 ---> 1 \n2N + 1 = 4 ---> 2\n```\n---\n# Winning criteria :\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") so the shortest code in each language wins. \n---\n# Notes :\n* Answer must be rounded it cannot be a float\n* Whitespace do not matter. You can have every element in the string separated by white space if you want or if you don't want leave it as it is.\n* You do not need to check for invalid input. i.e. All inputs will be strings in the given format.\n---\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~88~~ ~~74~~ 70 bytes\n-14 bytes thanks to [Chas Brown](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/69880/chas-brown). \n-4 bytes thanks to [Sunny Patel](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/58557/sunny-patel).\n```\nd,w,Y,_,X=input().split()\nprint round((int(X)-int(w+Y))/float(d[:-1]))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfnJ@SaqukpPQ/RadcJ1InXifCNjOvoLREQ1OvuCAnE0hzFRRl5pUoFOWX5qVoaACZGhGauiCqXDtSU1M/LSc/sUQjJdpK1zBWU/M/0CgurtSK1GQFkMlaJv@VDP0UtBUMFWwVjJW4QBxdMMcUyDFCloFzTJQA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\nunder the assumption (according to comments) that we deal only with digits\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 30 bytes\n\\*thanks for @Rick Hitchcock for pointing out i can use 1 instead of space (reduces 13 bytes\n```\nx=>(x[3]+x[5]-x[9])/-x[0]+.5|0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@7/C1k6jIto4Vrsi2jRWtyLaMlZTH0gZxGrrmdYY/E/OzyvOz0nVy8lP10jTUDL0U9BWMFSwVTBW0rS1NdLkwpTXBcubguTNMOSNUPQbairgVGACseA/AA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\\\"e\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~64~~ 63 bytes\nUsing [`eval`](https://docs.python.org/2/library/functions.html#eval)\n```\nd,w,Y,_,X=input().split()\nprint-eval('('+w+Y+'-'+X+')/'+d[:-1])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfnJ@SaqukpPQ/RadcJ1InXifCNjOvoLREQ1OvuCAnE0hzFRRl5pXoppYl5mioa6hrl2tHaqvrqmtHaKtr6qtrp0Rb6RrGav4HmsGVWpGarAAyUcvkv5Khn4K2gqGCrYKxEheIowvmmAI5RsgycI6JEgA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSaved 1 byte thanks to [Keyu Gan](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/59292/keyu-gan)\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, ~~111~~ 94 (or 92) bytes\n```\ns->{var a=s.split(\"N|=\");return(int)((new Float(a[2])-new Float(a[1]))/new Float(a[0])+.5);}\n```\nInput is in the format `dN\u00b1Y=X` (without any spaces) instead of `dN \u00b1 Y = X`.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##jU@xbsIwEN35ilMmn1DchpYpMiNbszCiDFfjVgbjRPYlFYJ8e@qGDExtpbvhvXt6792ResqPh9OoHcUIb2T9dQFgPZvwQdpA9QMnArTYcbD@EyKWiRzSpolMbDVU4EHBGPPNtacApKKMrbMssuqmMiyD4S54kXxQCG@@YOsaYkH7VY35Iy5qxKdH4rnGpVxjOYzlPbHt3l1KnIP7xh7gnHrP7fY14b3z7hLZnGXTsWzThZ0XXmqRFdWyUC8ZTl/8JssLtf5Ttvqf2yR7nWXDYhi/AQ)\n2 more bytes could be saved if the numbers are never outside the `[-128, 127]` range, in which case the last and one of the two first `Float` can be changed to `Byte`. \n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##jU8xbsMwDNzzCsKTiMBqnTaToQ4dutVLxsADq6iBUkU2JNpFkPrtruJ4yJQWIIc7Hu6OB@opP@y@Ru0oRngn688LAOvZhE/SBqoLnAjQYsPB@j1ELBM5pE0TmdhqqMCDgjHmL@eeApCKMrbOssiqH5VhGQx3wYvkg0J48w1vriEWtF3VmF/w64lNgkWN@HCDH2tcyjWWw1he89ruw6W8ObZv7A6OqfXcbVsTXhtvTpHNUTYdyzZd2HnhpRZZUS0L9ZTh9MM9WV6o9Z@y1f/cJtnzLBsWw/gL)\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns->{ // Method with String parameter and integer return-type\n var a=s.split(\"N|=\"); // And split by \"N\" or \"=\" to a String-array\n return(int)((new Float(a[2]) // Return the third number (after the equal sign),\n -new Float(a[1])) // minus the second number (including leading +/-),\n /new Float(a[0]) // divided by the first number\n +.5);} // Rounded by using `(int)(R + 0.5)`\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) v2.0a0, 20 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\nq/N|=/ f\no!-Uo)r!\u00f7 r\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=2.0a0&code=cS9OfD0vIGYKbyEtVW8pciH3IHI&input=IjJOKzE9NCI)\n```\nq/N|=/ f\\no!-Uo)r!\u00f7 r :Implicit input of string U\n : e.g. \"2N+1=4\" \"N+1=4\"\nq :Split on\n /N|=/ : \"N\" or \"=\"\n > [\"2\",\"+1\",\"4\"] [\"\",\"+1\",\"4\"]\n f :Filter (removes the first element if the string started with \"N\")\n > [\"2\",\"+1\",\"4\"] [\"+1\",\"4\"]\n \\n :Reassign to U\n Uo :Pop last element (X)\n > \"4\" \"4\"\n o :Modify last element (Y)\n !- :X-Y\n > [\"2\",3] [3]\n r :Reduce by\n !\u00f7 : Inverse division\n > 1.5 3\n r :Round\n > 2 3\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), ~~54~~ 46 bytes\n```\nRound[ToExpression[\"\"<>(#/.\"=\"->\"-\")]~Root~1]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n2b7Pyi/NC8lOiTftaKgKLW4ODM/L1pJycZOQ1lfT8lWSddOSVdJM7YuKD@/pM4wVu1/QFFmXkl0WnS1kpGSjpIfEGsDsSEQ2wKxiVJtbOx/AA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 44 bytes\n```\nx=>([m,a,r]=x.split(/N|=/),r-a)/(+m||1)+.5|0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fc27DoMgGEDhvU/BJoSb0NKl@X0EXqDpQKw2NigGjHHg3enSwaSX/cs5T7e61MZhXvgU7l3poWzQ4OvIHIs32ESa/bBgaTNIwiJ3RGI65qwIFSbXpQ1TCr4TPjxwjytkqYJjRRAAII3I5fABuALzBucvQO8L6hc4/Vmo2lID2uxIeQE \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOr, for only single-digit numbers:\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 36 bytes\n```\n([m,,o,a,,r])=>-(o+a-r)/(+m||1)+.5|0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@18jOldHJ18nUUenKFbT1k5XI187UbdIU19DO7emxlBTW8@0xuB/cn5ecX5Oql5OfrpGmoa6gp@2oa2xuqaCra2tgpGCpjUXhgJdQ1tTqAIzLAqMkE0wxKXABMmK/wA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), 133 bytes\n```\nN,d,y,x,a[9],o;f(*s){sscanf(s,\" %[0-9N] %c %d = %d\",a,&o,&y,&x);d=!sscanf(a,\"%d\",&d)?1:d;N=(x-(o>43?-y:y))*2/d;printf(\"%d\",N/2+N%2);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY/vboIwFMW/9ynuukBabMcfYYsy9A14AeOHppVJwsBQSCDGZ2eATtDYD@3N75x7ciq5zET@072nucxqdYBvXam0@Dhuupgp1rKGid1qz4owIZamZ62lyBOiGQZj5/BVvAdDgqEg6i/MBDMLZrbMbGioorebWzA8iKaiW3etwjgiDSfFxl9uebtuKbU8W4WnMs2rhIzO2PYWseHR8NJJkWUJkUdRglVJCnBGcLdquB3O@QYAM@gtIYKEXN9TXWmCcT9eEOp34FekOaFDxjUXQwwLcPv2y8E1o3ykwZx6L7136s/p8p@6D@ZgwMEQ4cyx@@Xcs313UFB5qOoyB2esbltoKvrwZw9NXR@ET@S93nBhUvynLMtG3R8 \"C (clang) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis handles all spaces except between `d` and `N`. \n[Removed wrong answer that rounds down]\n[Answer]\n# [Befunge-93 (FBBI)](https://github.com/catseye/FBBI), ~~34~~ 26 bytes\n```\n&~$~90p0&X&-2*\\/-:2%\\2/+.@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1NNZNS0rK/P9frU6lztKgwEAtQk3XSCtGX9fKSDXGSF9bz@H/fxM/bQNbYwA \"Befunge-93 (FBBI) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIf we didn\u2019t need to bother with rounding correctly, it could be much smaller:\n```\n&~$~90p0&X&-\\/-.@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1NNZNS0rK/P9frU6lztKgwEAtQk03Rl9Xz@H/fzM/bUtbEyMA \"Befunge-93 (FBBI) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`-\\/-`\n[Answer]\n# [Yabasic](http://www.yabasic.de), 142 bytes\nAn anonymous function that takes input as a string and outputs to the console. \n```\nLine Input\"\"s$\ndim n$(5)\nk=token(s$,n$())\nn$=n$(1)\nIf n$=\"N\"n$=(\"1N\")\n?Int((Val(n$(5))-Val(n$(2)+\"1\")*Val(n$(3)))/Val(Left$(n$,Len(n$)-1))+.5)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Rc7BCsIwDAbge58ihB4atymd27F4EwajJ/E@tYMy7cRV0KevcQy9hC8/Ccm7O3WTP6f9@ABvQMNhhCq1Pjhowv0ZEScpLv4GQaqaxGDiOLigJplzQCSCNAxNoul5xKBFrgq1RRK7JkSljt1VzctULCwpQ420WtotEW2@bl0fJSd5yxeCpEITZeuaknWvmMBCxv8Z2ApmMbMW5T/9sfoA \"Yabasic \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 110 bits1, 13.75 [bytes](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyncode/blob/main/README.md)\n```\n\u201bNx*\\=/\u0192\u2206qh.1+\u1e59\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/?v=1#WyJ+PSIsIiIsIuKAm054KlxcPS/GkuKIhnFoLjEr4bmZIiwiIiwiISguKikgKy0tLT4gKFxcZCspXG4gTiArIDEgPSAzICAgICAgICAtLS0+IDJcbiBOIC0gMSA9IDUgICAgICAgIC0tLT4gNlxuMk4gKyAxID0gMyAgICAgICAgLS0tPiAxIFxuMk4gKyAxID0gNCAgICAgICAgLS0tPiAyIl0=)\nPython rounding is a little goofy hence the `.1+\u1e59` at the end.\nCould be [9.125 bytes: `\u201bNx*\\=/\u0192\u2206q`](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/?v=1#WyJ+PSIsIiIsIuKAm054KlxcPS/GkuKIhnEiLCIiLCIhKC4qKSArLS0tPiAoXFxkKylcbiBOICsgMSA9IDMgICAgICAgIC0tLT4gMlxuIE4gLSAxID0gNSAgICAgICAgLS0tPiA2XG4yTiArIDEgPSAzICAgICAgICAtLS0+IDEgXG4yTiArIDEgPSA0ICAgICAgICAtLS0+IDIiXQ==) if it wasn't for rounding.\n## Explained\n```\n\u201bNx*\\=/\u0192\u2206qh.1+\u1e59\n\u201bNx* # Replace all N with x\n \\=/ # split on equal sign\n \u0192\u2206q # and solve the equation for x. Yes. There's a built in for it. \n h.1+ # add 0.1 to the result to account for the fact that python seems to round down if <= 0.5 instead of < 0.5\n \u1e59 # round the answer as required\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Scala 3](https://www.scala-lang.org/), 168 bytes\n```\nimport java.lang._\nimport scala.util.chaining._\nval c:String=>Int=_.split(\"N|=\").pipe(a=>(new Float(a(2))-new Float(a(1)))/new Float(a(0))).pipe(x=>math.round(x).toInt)\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=bY5BTsMwEEX3PcUoK49QDGlBQkiOxAapi3bDGlWD61JXrm0lkzZS4SRssgFxBY7CbTBJFxWwGv3358-f1_dak6NJ9xkeN0YzzMh6MC0bv6zhNkY4vDW8yq-_Puw2hophQzuSjvyTXIyOqD8hG7ZO6nXK297ckQN9c89VkqqcelYLWUdnWWTzZ5WhjDYaQaoU3uzhzgViQWKMmJ_qAhHPT8FFAkO0VeWWeC2r0PilaFFySC14_PcBIKZqdl5okRXzs0JNMsTRL5wX6uoPHv-_3ePLH_wylHTdML8B)\n[Answer]\n# [Matlab], 91 bytes\nthis is the most resilient version.\nassuming that s is the input string.\n```\nsyms N;v=str2double(regexp(s,'(?' | php -nF ` or [Try it online](https://tio.run/##K8go@P/fxr4go4BLJbEoPU/BVkHd0E9BW8EQyDJWt1bQ11fwLy0pKC1RMNLjAnKQVemCVZmiqDJDVWWE3SxDHKpM0G20t@Oysbctyi/NS9HQ0FAptgXr0Yw2jtVTKY42jdUFkpaxmvog2iBW05rr/38A).\nThis requires that `d` always be given, and that the string is the same length each time, e.g.:\n* `N + 1 = 3` *won't* work, but `1N + 1 = 3` *will* work.\n* `1N +1 =3` *won't* work, but `1N + 1 = 3` *will* work.\n[Answer]\n# J, 26 Bytes\n```\n<.({.%~{:-1&{)\".>0 2 4{cut\n```\nNote that the result for N is floored (not rounded), so for the last test case it returns 1 instead of 2. If this is unacceptable I will change the answer.\nInput should be of the form `'d N +-Y = X'`\n### Explanation:\n```\n cut '10 N +2 = 23' NB. Split on whitespace\n\u250c\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2510\n\u250210\u2502N\u2502+2\u2502=\u250223\u2502\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2518\n 0 2 4{cut '10 N +2 = 23' NB. Choose relevant portions\n\u250c\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2510\n\u250210\u2502+2\u250223\u2502\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2518\n \".>0 2 4{cut '10 N +2 = 23' NB. Eval each\n10 2 23\n ({.%~{:-1&{)\".>0 2 4{cut'10 N +2 = 23' NB. Compute (x-y)/d\n2.1\n <.({.%~{:-1&{)\".>0 2 4{cut'10 N +2 = 23' NB. Floor\n2\n```\n[Answer]\n## C# (149 Bytes)\n```\ns=>(int)Math.Round(((s=s.Replace(\" \",\"\"))[s.Length-1]-48-((s.Contains(\"-\")?-1:1)*(s.Split(new[]{'+','-'})[1][0]-48)))/(decimal)(s[0]=='N'?1:s[0]-48))\n```\nCraptacular bloated C# solution. Guess I could've ported the Java solution but I try not to look at others' stuff before posting mine, so here we are.\n[Try it Online](https://tio.run/##jY4xT8MwEIXn@FecvMSmcSBQJNSQdkBiaivUDqiKMhjHSi0lTpRzQKjqbw9uRQcW4C2ne/fd3VMoVNvrcUBjK9h@otNNSoKTSDe81UaBqiUivPRt1cuGHEjw7aOTzpf31pSwksYyTgI/DZ4Hqx7R9f5gBMa6OewggxGzOfMdX0m3jzftYEvGGGYYb3RXS6UZBRpRynmO8VLbyu1FUojpg/BU/NRa518go4LyhUhmCb/y9rarjWNWf@TFIZyEUSjCI8@TIr85bXLOr1mplWlkzRl6M8vCdbhIZngBxjQgcJb/gG2t49feOL00VrMdo2uYQOLD3/lY6e@gOIP3f4G3P07Cv9DpBT2S4/gF \"Try it Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 66 bytes\n```\n->s{a,_,b,_,c=s.split.map &:to_f;((s[?+]?c-b:c+b)/(a+0**a)).round}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1664OlEnXicJiJNti/WKC3IyS/RyEwsU1KxK8uPTrDU0iqPttWPtk3WTrJK1kzT1NRK1DbS0EjU19YryS/NSav8XKKRFK/kpaCsYKtgqGCvFckEFdMECpjABIwwlcBETpdj/AA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# awk, 48 bytes\n```\nawk -F'[ N]' '{printf(\"%.f\",($6-$4)/($1?$1:1))}'\n```\nUse cases:\n```\necho \"N + 1 = 3\" | awk -F'[ N]' '{printf(\"%.f\",($6-$4)/($1?$1:1))}'\necho \"N - 1 = 5\" | awk -F'[ N]' '{printf(\"%.f\",($6-$4)/($1?$1:1))}'\necho \"2N + 1 = 3\" | awk -F'[ N]' '{printf(\"%.f\",($6-$4)/($1?$1:1))}'\necho \"2N + 1 = 4\" | awk -F'[ N]' '{printf(\"%.f\",($6-$4)/($1?$1:1))}'\n```\nExtra case:\n```\necho \"3N + 1 = 11\" | awk -F'[ N]' '{printf(\"%.f\",($6-$4)/($1?$1:1))}'\n```\nOutput: 3\n[Answer]\n## PHP, 83 Bytes\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##K8go@G9jX5BRoKCSWJReZqtk5KegrWCoYKtgomRtbweUsy3KL81L0dBQSbZNrSjIyU9J1VBSUNIBK9fUjDaJ1QVKRRvG6gFJo1hNTX0Q1yDW1tbP3tCquDSpuKQIIqJjoKNrqKlp/f8/AA)\n[Try it online2](https://tio.run/##K8go@G9jX5BRoKCSWJReZqtk5KegrWCoYKtgomRtbweUsy3KL81L0dDQUEm2Ta0oyMlPSdVQUlDSAavX1Iw2idUFSkUbxuoBSaNYTU19ENcg1tbWz97Qqrg0qbikCCKiY6Cja6ipqWOgaf3/PwA)\nFor some reason **`round`** does not round to the closest integer on tio run, on this version the solution has some extra bytes **(87 Bytes)**\n**Code**\n```\n \n> For complex arguments, the magnitude of the elements are used for comparison. If the magnitudes are identical, then the results are ordered by phase angle in the range (-pi, pi].\n> \n> \n> \n[Answer]\n# C#, 171 bytes\n```\nusing static System.Console;using System.Linq;class s{static void Main()=>Write(ReadLine()==\"0\"?0:ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(int.Parse).OrderBy(v=>v*(.1-v)).Last());}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RcpBC4IwGMbxe5/ixYtbsKGREIkGdTWKPHQe8yUGNmvvGkj02ZeQ0O3h9/w1CT04jPFFxt6AvPJGQzuSx7s8DJaGHsvfN2Nj7LPUvSICes99GEwHR2Us41V9dcYju6DqphQnqZIs2WXbv8j20RvPUkiniT1qz4z18qwcIZcn16HbjyxUdVgymYvAuWwUecZ5@YmxWOQgViA2sIbiCw \"C# (.NET Core) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Headass](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Headass), 56 bytes\n```\nO{ON-)+E:U}.U+OUO[{UO(])P:N(+)+E:}.UO[U-O{UO(])P:N(+)E:}\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://dso.surge.sh/#@WyJoZWFkYXNzIiwiIiwiT3tPTi0pK0U6VX0uVStPVU9be1VPKF0pUDpOKCspK0U6fS5VT1tVLU97VU8oXSlQOk4oKylFOn0iLCIiLCI1XG40XG4zXG4yXG4tMVxuMSIsIiJd)\nIncrements / decrements a pair of counters until the value of the counter matches one of the inputs, with the positive counter having the first go (after 0 of course) to prioritize it over negative answers.\nPositive counter hereby referred to as `+counter` and negative counter as `-counter`\nCode breakdown:\n```\nO{ON-)+E:U}. code block 0\nO O initialize both counters to 0\n {ON-) :U} put all inputs on the queue\n +E then move to code block 1\n . end code block\nU+OUO[{UO(])P:N(+)+E:}. code block 1 (-counter, starting at 0)\nU+O increment +counter and put back on queue\n UO[ store 0/-counter to r2 and put back on queue\n { N(+) :} for each input\n UO enqueue input\n (]) if input is equal to 0/-counter\n P: print value and halt\n +E then go to code block 2\n . end code block\nUO[U-O{UO(])P:N(+)E:} code block 2 (+counter, starting at 1)\nUO[ store +counter to r2 and put back on queue\n U-O decrement -counter and put back on queue\n { N(+) :} for each input\n UO enqueue input\n (]) if input is equal to +counter\n P: print value and halt\n E then go to code block 1\n```\nI tried doing this with only 2 code blocks, 1 to init and one to handle both counters, but that meant that whichever value came first between positive and negative would win, which is wrong. There might be additional logic that could be added to such a loop which, combined with some more logic-golfing, could be shorter than this version, but i still think its pretty good.\n[Answer]\n# [J-uby](https://github.com/cyoce/J-uby), 12 bytes\n```\n:min_by+:abs\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m700K740qXLBIjfbpaUlaboWa6xyM_Pikyq1rRKTiiFCmwoU3KKjDXV0jXR0LXRMdExjYyESCxZAaAA)\n[Answer]\n# APL (Dyalog Unicode), 16 bytes\n```\n{\u2308/\u2375/\u2368a=\u230a/a\u2190|\u00a8\u2375}\n```\n[Try it on TryAPL.org!](https://tryapl.org/?clear&q=%7B%E2%8C%88%2F%E2%8D%B5%2F%E2%8D%A8a%3D%E2%8C%8A%2Fa%E2%86%90%7C%C2%A8%E2%8D%B5%7D%2011%2044%2051%206%20%C2%AF10%20%C2%AF12%20%C2%AF5&run)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nA [**Walsh matrix**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walsh_matrix) is a special kind of square matrix with [applications in quantum computing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_logic_gate#Hadamard_gate) (and probably elsewhere, but I only care about quantum computing).\n### Properties of Walsh matrices\nThe dimensions are the same power of 2. Therefore, we can refer to these matrices by two's exponent here, calling them`W(0)`, `W(1)`, `W(2)`...\n`W(0)` is defined as `[[1]]`.\nFor `n>0`, `W(n)` looks like:\n```\n[[W(n-1) W(n-1)]\n [W(n-1) -W(n-1)]]\n```\nSo `W(1)` is:\n```\n[[1 1]\n [1 -1]]\n```\nAnd `W(2)` is:\n```\n[[1 1 1 1]\n [1 -1 1 -1]\n [1 1 -1 -1]\n [1 -1 -1 1]]\n```\nThe pattern continues...\n### Your task\nWrite a program or function that takes as input an integer `n` and prints/returns `W(n)` in any convenient format. This can be an array of arrays, a flattened array of booleans, a `.svg` image, you name it, as long as it's correct.\n[Standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1061/73884) are forbidden.\n### A couple things:\nFor `W(0)`, the `1` need not be wrapped even once. It can be a mere integer.\nYou are allowed to 1-index results\u2014`W(1)` would then be `[[1]]`.\n### Test cases\n```\n0 -> [[1]]\n1 -> [[1 1]\n [1 -1]]\n2 -> [[1 1 1 1]\n [1 -1 1 -1]\n [1 1 -1 -1]\n [1 -1 -1 1]]\n3 -> [[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]\n [1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1]\n [1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1]\n [1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1]\n [1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1]\n [1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1]\n [1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1]\n [1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1]]\n```\n`8 ->` [Pastebin](https://pastebin.com/aYkjxk7w)\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest solution in each language wins! Happy golfing!\n \n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 4 bytes\n```\nW4YL\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/P9wk0uf/f2MA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**How it works:**\n```\nW % Push 2 raised to (implicit) input\n4YL % (Walsh-)Hadamard matrix of that size. Display (implicit)\n```\n---\nWithout the built-in: **11 bytes**\n```\n1i:\"th1M_hv\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/3zDTSqkkw9A3PqPs/39jAA)\n**How it works**:\nFor each Walsh matrix **W**, the next matrix is computed as [**W** **W**; **W** \u2212**W**], as is described in the challenge. The code does that `n` times, starting from the 1\u00d71 matrix [1].\n```\n1 % Push 1. This is equivalent to the 1\u00d71 matrix [1]\ni:\" % Input n. Do the following n times\n t % Duplicate\n h % Concatenate horizontally\n 1M % Push the inputs of the latest function call\n _ % Negate\n h % Concatenate horizontally\n v % Concatenate vertically\n % End (implicit). Display (implicit)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), ~~63~~ ~~44~~ 40 bytes\n```\n{map {:3(.base(2))%2},[X+&] ^2**$_ xx 2}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYPu/OjexQKHaylhDLymxOFXDSFNT1ahWJzpCWy1WIc5IS0slXqGiQsGo9n9afpFCmoaxpl5Rfkl@kQZQylhToZqLs6AoM69EAajM3l5BXddQQV1BURFIgBggLSrx1jA1SjF5StZctf8B \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNon-recursive approach, exploiting the fact that the value at coordinates x,y is `(-1)**popcount(x&y)`. Returns a flattened array of Booleans.\n-4 bytes thanks to [xnor](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/20260/xnor)'s [bit parity trick](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/144027/64121).\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~57~~ 56 bytes\n```\n(iterate(\\m->zipWith(++)(m++m)$m++(map(0-)<$>m))[[1]]!!)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7NyflfbhvzXyOzJLUosSRVIyZX164qsyA8syRDQ1tbUyNXWztXUwVIauQmFmgY6GraqNjlampGRxvGxioqav7PTczMU7BVAEr6KhQUZeaVKKgolCsY//@XnJaTmF78XzfCOSAAAA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\") This implements the given recursive construction.\n*-1 byte thanks to [\u00d8rjan Johansen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/66041/%c3%98rjan-johansen)!*\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) with builtin, ~~18~~ 17 bytes\n```\n@(x)hadamard(2^x)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/Z9mq6en999Bo0IzIzElMTexKEXDKK5C83@ahoEmV5qGIYgwAhHGmv8B \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) without builtin, ~~56 51~~ 47 bytes\n```\nfunction r=f(x)r=1;if x,r=[x=f(x-1) x;x -x];end\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/f8/rTQvuSQzP0@hyDZNo0KzyNbQOjNNoUKnyDa6AiSia6ipUGFdoaBbEWudmpfyH4i5uNI0DDSBhCGIMAIRxpr/AQ \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\") Thanks to [@Luis Mendo](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/36398/luis-mendo) for -4.\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) with recursive lambda, ~~54 53 52~~ 48 bytes\n```\nf(f=@(f)@(x){@()[x=f(f)(x-1) x;x -x],1}{1+~x}())\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/Z9mq6en9z9NI83WQSNN00GjQrPaQUMzusIWKKSpUaFrqKlQYV2hoFsRq2NYW22oXVdRq6GpCdRgoMmVpmEIIoxAhLHmfwA \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\") Thanks to [this answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/137547/32352) and [this question](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/164454/whats-the-shortest-way-to-define-an-anonymous-recursive-function-in-octave) for inspiration.\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 12 bytes\n```\n(\u236a\u2368,\u22a2\u236a-)\u2363\u2395\u236a1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jY49DsIwDEb3nMJMbSUqUbgDJ@ACaWK1kfJTNc7ABRiQglgYWWBBHCsXKQH2qoOtJ33Pn8wHXcsj166bphTvcOgRhJN5cVsQtAhDIOhxRJABgRwQit4qwTVoZRRxUs761f96H7SGYXTdyA2UPrRGeZ/zCkrhjEFLKGd7KpZrvgNliu8UX@t0fmSqqxSf6XLL2LBffkBP@UmPnrEZd5PtjKdrUcx6zUJvu9DbfQA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutput is a 2-dimensional array.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~75~~ 71 bytes\n```\nr=range(2**input())\nprint[[int(bin(x&y),13)%2or-1for x in r]for y in r]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/v8i2KDEvPVXDSEsrM6@gtERDU5OroCgzryQ6GkhoJGXmaVSoVWrqGBprqhrlF@kapuUXKVQoZOYpFMWCmJUQ5v//JgA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe Walsh Matrix seems to be related to the evil numbers. If `x&y` (bitwise and, 0-based coordinates) is an evil number, the value in the matrix is `1`, `-1` for odious numbers. The bit parity calculation `int(bin(n),13)%2` is taken from [Noodle9's](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/9481/noodle9) comment on [this answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/144027/64121).\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~61~~ ~~56~~ ~~53~~ 50 bytes\n```\nw=function(n)\"if\"(n,w(n-1)%x%matrix(1-2*!3:0,2),1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/v9w2rTQvuSQzP08jT1MpM01JI0@nXCNP11BTtUI1N7GkKLNCw1DXSEvR2MpAx0hTx1Dzf7mGseZ/AA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nRecursively calculates the matrix by Kronecker product, and returns 1 for `n=0` case (thanks to Giuseppe for pointing this out, and also to JAD for helping to golf the initial version).\nAdditional -3 bytes again thanks to Giuseppe.\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 41 bytes\n```\n(iterate([id<>id,id<>map(0-)]<*>)[[1]]!!)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Fcm9DsIgEADg3ae4Jg5grNG4UhZdm3Q0QYaLgF7kL5Tn99TpG74Xrm8fI1OqpXW4YsfDXHIhB0IoLeUmTHcW1H3D7oUhpzS5/Z@EVRxHadVOS2NO1g6D5ISUYYLfzVAb5Q5bCHDmzyNEfK483i7L8gU \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe version of Haskell on TIO doesn't yet have `(<>)` in Prelude so I import it in the header.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 14 bytes\n```\n1WW;\"\u00d0\u20ac,N$\u1e8e\u018a\u2078\u00a1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASUA2v9qZWxsef//MVdXOyLDkOKCrCxOJOG6jsaK4oG4wqH/w4dH//8z \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChange the `G` to `\u0152\u1e58` in the footer to see the actual output.\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), 77 bytes\n```\nn=>[...Array(1<a.map((_,j)=>1|-f(i&j)),f=n=>n&&n%2^f(n>>1))\n```\nThe naive calculation starts by taking `0 <= X, Y <= 2**N` in `W[N]`. The simple case is when either `X` or `Y` is less than `2**(N-1)`, in which case we recurse on `X%2**(N-1)` and `Y%2**(N-1)`. In the case of both `X` and `Y` being at least `2**(N-1)` the recursive call needs to be negated.\nIf rather than comparing `X` or `Y` less than `2**(N-1)` a bitmask `X&Y&2**(N-1)` is taken then this is non-zero when the recursive call needs to be negated and zero when it does not. This also avoids having to reduce modulo `2**(N-1)`.\nThe bits can of course be tested in reverse order for the same result. Then rather than doubling the bitmask each time we he coordinates can be halved instead, allowing the results to be XORed, whereby a final result of `0` means no negation and `1` means negation.\n[Answer]\n# [Pari/GP](http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/), 41 bytes\n```\nf(n)=if(n,matconcat([m=f(n-1),m;m,-m]),1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FYwxCsAgDAC/EjoZSKBCt2I/UjqIYHFIFPH/aboc3A038mz8DrMaFFNzkuRVupa8wi3JA0ckOYVYHqSIVvsMCgl2goNgzKbLfQO@HP8G0T4 \"Pari/GP \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://github.com/ngn/k), 18 bytes\n```\n{x{(x,x),'x,-x}/1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y9bNS8/7/z/NqrqiWqNCp0JTR71CR7eiVt@w9n@aggFXmoIhEBsBsfF/AA \"K (ngn/k) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 13 bytes\n```\n!\u00a1\u00a7z+DS+\u2020_;;1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/X/HQwkPLq7RdgrUfNSyIt7Y2/P//vzEA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n1-indexed.\n### Explanation\n```\n!\u00a1\u00a7z+DS+\u2020_;;1\n \u00a1 ;;1 Iterate the following function starting from the matrix [[1]]\n \u00a7z+ Concatenate horizontally\n D The matrix with its lines doubled\n S+\u2020_ and the matrix concatenated vertically with its negation\n! Finally, return the result after as many iterations as specified\n by the input (where the original matrix [[1]] is at index 1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 39 bytes\n```\nNest[ArrayFlatten@{{#,#},{#,-#}}&,1,#]&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n2b73y@1uCTasagosdItJ7GkJDXPobpaWUe5VgdI6irX1qrpGOoox6r9T4s2jv3/X7egKDOvBAA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAlmost directly copied from [this answer of mine](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/259635/110698).\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 8 bytes\n```\n\u00d8+\u1e57&P\u00a5\u00fe`\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASIA3f9qZWxsef//w5gr4bmXJlDCpcO@YP/Dh0cpauKBvgoK//8z \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n\u00d8+\u1e57 Take the Cartesian product of [1, -1] with itself n times.\n \u00fe` Table that with itself by:\n & vectorizing bitwise AND (i.e. logical AND of sign bits!)\n P\u00a5 then multiply the results.\n```\nA cell is -1 iff it has an odd number of 1 bits in the bitwise AND of its 0-indices. This effectively computes `[0 .. 2^n)`, tables that with itself by bitwise-AND-then-popcount, and raises -1 to each resulting power, but shortcuts all of those steps by representing 0 bits as 1 and 1 bits as -1 to begin with: `\u1e57` provides the desired range without having to explicitly compute `2^n`, and the product is -1 iff there are an odd number of -1s, while thanks to the magic of zipwith-vectorization and two's complement representation the bitwise AND of two sign-list integers is still their bitwise AND as sign-list integers.\n[Answer]\n# [Nibbles](http://golfscript.com/nibbles/index.html), 10 bytes\n```\n.;`,^2$.@^-1+``@`&\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m708LzMpKSe1eMGCpaUlaboWm_SsE3TijFT0HOJ0DbUTEhwS1CASUPkFC40hDAA)\nUses the formula \\$W\\_{i,j} = \\left(-1\\right)^{\\operatorname{popcount}(\\operatorname{bitand}(i,j))}\\$.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org),100 89 79 bytes\n```\nf=n=>n?[...(m=F=>r.map(x=>[...x,...x.map(y=>y*F)]))(1,r=f(n-1)),...m(-1)]:[[1]]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XZDBboMwDIbvPIVV7ZBMDlq226awWx9g2o1FgtGwUbUBEVpRVTx754S2wAQK9vf/tmO2@TF3RVs1nbD1xlxKRa9ViX1P4zhme7VWSRvv84b1KvGoR38EclLJ6XHNNedMYqtKZoXk3Ot7RpF@TVOp9SWKOuM6UMAq2yCYvuEqOUcAx7yF1jhSSi/xeFtXNvuy2dtVJOtH0ClYiFXJqFCpq4MTKmrr6p2Jd/UPW33@Vg781CJ3BprcObNZeZfZOeNHL/0ZtTFFZzbwcB47Dgjfhw7K@mA9pGFD5uuHaAjbsGek5QBBIkD4aozAEyEBkKi4Ewh0TsSVUJXmYz956zd5vBaWYE8Y/uQtffEpLh4dISHh4/kx4pCK0Skm/A/i3T2hpXsqmbtnzsVNpnvIcZnLHw \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 16 bytes\n```\noFoL 0\n1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 --> 1\n```\nThis is code golf so shortest code will win. Good luck.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK 10)](http://jdk.java.net/), 12 bytes\n```\ns->s.sum()%2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rU@7asNAEOz1FdsY7oJ9xGn9ADeBFKmUzrhYy5I5@V7c7jkIo29XzsJOirg0DOxjZmd3WzzjrD2cBm2DjwxtrlVibRRxrNGql0Xxj2qSq1h795DMvcogEXyidnApAELaG10BMXIOZ68PYDMnSo7aHbc7wHgkOUoBvvyH4/fbgmXOy/GONTSwGmi2JkXJCjl5GxajvuyIa6t8YhWyHRsnGoUhmG5DeVpsYsSObt8IV39DFm13l/kUXkdck15K@Qy7@R1/1r@47@iLfvgB \"Java (JDK 10) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIf a string is really required, then **20 bytes**:\n```\ns->s.chars().sum()%2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lY27CgJBDEX7/YogCDOCg9r6ABvBwko7sYirq7POi0lGEPHb12HdThu5kJDcnJsa7zisT7dG2@AjQ51nlVgbRRzPaNVgWnxZVXIla@9@mnlXGiSCDWoHzwIgpKPRJRAj53b3@gQ2e2LLUbvL/gAYLyTbU4CdXztedQ9mn5MFVDBvaLggVV4xkpCKkhWyP2mmLbR9EJ@t8olVyAAbJyqFIZjHknKc6I1hlJVrT8o/kHGrDv2oC3gVr@YN \"Java (JDK 10) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe \"string\" answer uses the fact that a space is codepoint 32, which mod 2 returns 0.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 18 bytes\n```\ns=>eval(s.join`^`)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@7/Y1i61LDFHo1gvKz8zLyEuQfN/cn5ecX5Oql5OfrpGmka0oY6CARiBGLGamlxY5Q1hCKEWjoCa/gMA \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 17 bytes\n```\nlambda a:sum(a)%2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUSHRqrg0VyNRU9Xof0FRZl6JQppGtKGOARACyVhNLhRBQzCESkJgrOZ/AA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 2 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\nO\u00c9\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f/f/3Dn///RhjoGOoZgaABmGUBgLAA)\n**Explanation:**\n* `O`: Take the sum of the input-array\n* `\u00c9`: Evaluates `sum % 2 == 1`, returning `1` if the sum is odd, `0` otherwise\n---\n**3 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)**:\nA leading `\u00c7` can be added if the space-delimited string input was still mandatory, instead of a boolean-array.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//cLv/4c7//w0VDBQMwdAAzDKAQAA)\n* `\u00c7`: Push the ASCII values of all characters, and implicitly convert it to a list. `0 1` would become `[48, 32, 49]` in that case. The `O` (sum) and `\u00c9` (is odd?) will still act the same.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 23 bytes\n```\na=>a.reduce((c,d)=>c^d)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osSyxOLsosKNHNy09J/Z9m@z/R1i5Rryg1pTQ5VUMjWSdF09YuOS5F839yfl5xfk6qXk5@ukaaRrShjgEQAslYTU0uLHKGYAhVA4FAlf8B \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), 44 bytes\n```\nA\tX =X + INPUT\t:S(A)\n\tOUTPUT =REMDR(X,2)\nEND\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87LT8rPMfn/35EzQsE2QkFbwdMvIDSE0ypYw1GTi9M/NATIU7ANcvV1CdKI0DHS5HL1c/n/35DLAAiBJAA \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-p040`, 10 bytes\nAssumes the input list can't be empty\n```\n$\\^=0+$_}{\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18lJs7WQFslvrb6/39DBUMFAyA2/JdfUJKZn1f8X7fAwMQAAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~3~~ 2 bytes\n```\nso\n```\nInput can be a numeric vector of the form `[1 0 0 1 0]`, or a string such as `'10010'` (thanks to [@Giuseppe](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/67312/giuseppe) for noticing!).\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/vzj///9oQwUDIASSsQA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nThe code is `so` simple that it hardly needs an explanation, but here it goes.\n```\ns % Implicit input: numeric vector (or string). Sum of the numbers. (For string\n % input, the ASCII codes are summed. Character '1' is odd, '0' is even, and\n % space is even too, so the parity is the same as with numeric vector input)\no % Parity. Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, 41 bytes\n```\nb->{var r=1<0;for(var c:b)r^=c;return r;}\n```\nThe variable r is initially set to false, since we are `XOR`ing `b[0]` with it. Try it online [here](https://tio.run/##pY7BbsIwDIbP6VP42Eij2q503RugSeMyaRqSG1IUCAly3G5TlWcvCSDBAU67@Pdv2d/vLQ44265306FvrVGgLIYACzQOxkIYx5o6VBo@3z/yQLTeW40Ofj2Vl/7rOztZFyIW4oIJjJxk8GYN@wQrl0zGbdIq0ibIEyoj0yE0MLWzt3FAAmpeXp/rLrGzU/NW0qpRNWnuyQHVcRIi5YjlX2C9r3zP1SFx2boykar8lNM/cH1sZOr1E3Row1VuZlHKf/DO5rY@DLor5/RYxOkI).\n[Answer]\n# [Add++](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/AddPlusPlus), 8 bytes\n```\nL~,\u20acOs2%\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xJKSj4/9@nTudR0xr/YiPV////KxkqGCgYgqEBmGUAgUr/8gtKMvPziv/r6mbmFuRkJmeWAAA \"Add++ \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~5~~ ~~3~~ 2 bytes\n```\n^/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/z9O///h9kdNa/7/jzbUUTDQUTCEIQMY1wCOYnUUolFkYgE \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-2 bytes thanks to user202729!\n[Answer]\n# [Befunge-98 (FBBI)](https://github.com/catseye/FBBI), 8 bytes\n```\n#.~+2%#@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1tPj/X1mvTttIVdnh/39DBQMgBJIA \"Befunge-98 (FBBI) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 2 bytes\n```\nr^\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=cl4=&input=WzEsMCwwLDEsMF0=)\nDoes exactly what it says on the tin, `r`educe the array by XORing.\n[Answer]\n# [Cubix](https://github.com/ETHproductions/cubix), 11 bytes\n```\ni?+<^<@Oa1<\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy5Nyqz4/z/TXtsmzsbBP9HQ5v9/QwUDBUMwNACzDCAQAA \"Cubix \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIt's been a while, so it feels good to write a Cubix answer! \n[Answer]\n# [Whispers v2](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/Whispers), 38 bytes\n```\n> Input\n> 2\n>> \u22111\n>> 3%2\n>> Output 4\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8/ILC5ILSo2@v/fTsEzr6C0hMtOwYjLzk7hUcdEQxBtrArm@peWACUVTP7/jzbUUTDQUTCEIQMY1wCOYgE \"Whispers v2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI feel like 3 answers is too many, but I wanted to get Whispers out again. I'm still working on an XOR approach\n[Answer]\n# (Traditional) APL, 3 or 4 bytes\n[TIO](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qKM9Ir/o/6POBfqP@qaCuP8VwAAoymWoYACEQJILVcwQDKFyEAgA), courtesy Ad\u00e1m\n```\n\u2260/\u234e\u2395\n```\nAnalysis:\n`\u2395` - Accept input. \n`\u234e` - \"unquote\" it (if it's a quoted string, this will convert it to a numeric vector. If it's already a numeric vector, this is effectively a null op) \n`/` - reduction - apply the operator to the left to each successive item in the vector to the right \n`\u2260` - \"not equal\" - when applied strictly to boolean arguments, this is functionally identical to XOR (which is not implemented as a separate operator in APL)\nIf it may be assumed that the input will be a numeric vector instead of a quoted string, then the 'unquote' can be removed, saving one byte:\n```\n\u2260/\u2395\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 42 bytes\n```\n->s{s.split(' ').reduce(0){|a,b|a^b.to_i}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1664ulivuCAns0RDXUFdU68oNaU0OVXDQLO6JlEnqSYxLkmvJD8@s7b2f0FpSbFCWrS6oYIBEAJJ9VguZDFDMITKQaB67H8A \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 2 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 \"When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?\")[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS \".dyalog files using a single byte character set\")\nTacit prefix function.\n```\n\u2260/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT////1HnAv3/aY/aJjzq7XvUN9XT/1FX86H1xo/aJgJ5wUHOQDLEwzP4f5qCoYIBEAJJLgjbEAyhYhAIAA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`/` is reduction and `\u2260` is XOR because XOR only gives `1` if its arguments are unequal.\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 0.6](http://julialang.org/), 12 bytes\n```\nb->\u22bb(b...)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0@59m@z9J1@5R126NJD09Pc3/uYkFGgVFmXklOXmPOmak6ShoRBvoGOoYAKFhrI5CtKGCgYIhGBqAWQYQGKuuqanwHwA \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`\u22bb` is the xor symbol, and `b...` distributes an array as individual elements before sending it to the xor function (since xor needs multiple arguments passed separately, not a single array argument).\nA bit more interestingly, a version that accepts space separated (/comma-separated/unseparated) boolean values as a string, and returns the xor result :\n### Julia 0.6, 22 bytes\n```\nb->sum(Int.([b...]))%2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0@59m@z9J1664NFfDM69ETyM6SU9PL1ZTU9Xof25igUZBUWZeSU7eo44ZaToKGkoGOoY6BkBoqKSgo6BkqGCgYAiGBmCWAQQqwaSUNDUV/gMA \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~41~~ ~~39~~ 38 bytes\nSaved a few bytes with inspiration from ceilingcat.\nSaved another byte thanks to Jonathan Frech\n```\nr;f(char*s){for(r=0;*s;)r^=*s++;r&=1;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/7/IOk0jOSOxSKtYszotv0ijyNbAWqvYWrMozlarWFvbukjN1tC69n9uYmaehiZXNZeCQkFRZl5JmoaSakpMnpIOkGGoYACEhmBsqKSpaY1LkSEYwhSDIVh57X8A \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**This question already has answers here**:\n \n \n[There Was an Old Lady](/questions/3697/there-was-an-old-lady)\n (31 answers)\n \nClosed 5 years ago.\nSo, there's a famous children's rhyme...\n```\nThis is the house that Jack built.\nThis is the malt \nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the cat \nThat killed the rat\nThat ate the malt \nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog that worried the cat\nThat killed the rat that ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog that worried the cat\nThat killed the rat that ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the judge all shaven and shorn\nThat married the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the rooster that crowed in the morn\nThat woke the judge all shaven and shorn\nThat married the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the farmer sowing his corn\nThat kept the rooster that crowed in the morn\nThat woke the judge all shaven and shorn\nThat married the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the horse and the hound and the horn\nThat belonged to the farmer sowing his corn\nThat kept the rooster that crowed in the morn\nThat woke the judge all shaven and shorn\nThat married the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\n```\nObviously, it's pretty process-based, you could totally write code for this, right?\n---\n* Write some code which outputs the full text of \"The house that Jack built\".\n* Standard rules and loopholes and stuff.\n* Any language you like.\n* Try to do it in the smallest number of bytes.\n* I always like to see [TIO](http://tio.run) links.\n* The case must match the rhyme.\n* Each line of the rhyme must be on a new line of text.\n* White-space before and after the line is fine.\n* No punctuation, except the full stop at the end of each verse.\n---\nEdit:\nEarlier versions of this question contained an issue with this line\nThis is the rooster that crowed the morn\nIt was inconsistently applied.\nTo be clear; this should be one line on every occurrence, and should be added at once.\n---\nFurther edit: \nIt's been declared that this question is a duplicate of:\n[We're no strangers to code golf, you know the rules, and so do I](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/6043/were-no-strangers-to-code-golf-you-know-the-rules-and-so-do-i)\nHowever, while you could take the same approach, compressing the text as much as possible. There's also a chance to take a procedural approach to this rhyme, following the structure of the rhyme itself. Some of the solutions take this approach, so I'd say it is a similar, but distinct challenge for this reason.\n[This answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/161993/16824) suggests that it's actually better to take the approach to this question which would not work for Rick Astley.\nIt is, however, a duplicate of the old lady song, and the 12 days of Christmas. I've voted to close it. (although, those two were not declared duplicate of each other).\n \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 356 bytes\nProcedural approach.\n```\n_=>`house th5 Jack built.\n|malt6lay in|r565e|c56kill2dog6worri2cow with0crumpled h16toss2maiden3forl16milk2man3t5tered4 t16kiss2judge3shaven4 sh16marri2rooster6crowed in0m16woke|farmer sowing his c16kept|horse40hound40h16belonged to`.replace(/\\d/g,n=>` the ,orn,ed|, all , and,at,\nThat `.split`,`[n]).split`|`.map(s=>`This is`+(p=' the '+s+p),p='').join`\n`\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY/BbsMgEETv@QpusRXqxEnMLf2AnnNrq0JhbYiBtQDHquR/TzdVL7va1cwbzU3dVdbJTeUlooFHf3l8XV6lxTkDK7Zjb0qP7Ht2vjSbNShfhFc/zMU1daKDVXdidN4fDQ5iwZTcUePCFlfsQac5TB4Ms60omPMxKGcgnnpMvhXB@ZE@8VS6AgnMmZWWUCS7zWaAU7bqDvHMMrmDeoITYiap0AkXorp4CC1ljrD2KgVILOPi4sCsy0wTC6ayWkwZzgeqEw2tVnyDxziQvaBsEkxeaaj2H2Y/8Ei9qTIwjilyMCtnyntGMxquCt9crSpMNnnyrkgu3@Nn/X@ssglqqjIRrs94l@Wumi7bP9x2l3dTzenc1s0NXZQb@dAYM3poPA5VX9X14xc \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# Simple compression, 429 bytes\nUsing [RegPack](https://siorki.github.io/regPack.html).\n```\n_=>[...'IKLMNOPQRSUVWXYZ[]^_0qxz{}~'].reduce((s,c)=>(l=s.split(c)).join(l.pop()),`TNis_ZOlt }{rQ z^}{cQ Sz^ }KM}]M}xI[I~Z0ZYZLrseULundU{hWbelongV toY~{judgeRshavenU shWmarriV[MP}PZ{ the z\nThQ xOidenRforlWmilkV]qworriV{cQS 0{rooster XcrowV in{mWwoke~_Luse XJack built.^QeOlt]{cow with{crumplV hWtossVK[OnRtQterVU tWkissVxZ\nTNisY{farmer sowing NcWkept0XthQ WornzVedU andSzkillV{rQR all QatPzlay in_O{maNhis Mzqz^L{hoK{dog IXqX^}`)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FZDPbqMwGMTveYrvVpC6KC@Q3rOBEEj5ExBQ1zjgYGxim5LFIq@epdfRaOY3c0M/SGFJB/2Hi5q8rrtXtfvIHcd52x9c7@ifgvAcxUl6yfKirLb3x2yW51vhSFKPmFiWesf27sNiO@WogVFtYdt2boJyizmDGCzbfv/6PFJVZT7TsBgZwFwuBgdwnktYDt5SeMtjn@@f2Ta7ZK5UJHJHXkemTb4JE7yJQYvL09zGuiGhatEP4RGoNumRlDTOvdNyygzolsC8@WwDePi0Jjy8CsmSnrIuLu6T@LWupWfYGimE0kRCiqWYYqDc9MkkOvKs3FERSP8i3MH3SJl2yoCs1IXBYoKJ6tZgOfYDi6FNtFAqPuQ@D3WwpsUR6KSjq/bINpvfwRdzRbJfe5SYKG/giJOODHqb6pUxEZLPMakjQLw@zx1lLF6vCQExBgHSp5mhfyta5ZseHVuqwJvvc@maVhxMLRrYp/e0XL7sFxZcCUYcJhrrur79@g8 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~398~~ 397 bytes\n```\nfor i in range(12):print'\\nThis is the',''.join(dict(zip('012345','\\nThat , the ,orn,ed, all , and'.split(','))).get(c,c)for c in'1'.join('horse51hound51h20belong3 to|farmer sowing his c20kept|rooster that crow3 in1m20woke|judge4shaven5 sh20marri3|man4tatter35 t20kiss3|maiden4forl20milk3|cow with1crumpl3 h20toss3|dog0worri3|cat0kill3|rat0ate|malt0lay in|house that Jack built.'.split('|')[~i:]))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PZDBboQgEIZfhRuSGKOil32Ennvb9sAiq7MiY2Cs2Yb01e3YNk1IIDP/fP/PrE@aMLTHcccoQEAQ0YTRFU2rLmuEQPItvE6QBB@anCylrB4IoRjAUvEJayHrptVdz51TaUiUp1CUGEPphlIY77lkwiCrtHqggpVKqWp0VNjSqtPYsrFs/shywphc30y4hYGvtr45j2HUgjDfTVxcFAl3CKM4g9m2nt1KOSIm4hadGWzEXTO0Wdp6x9nlxzaMrkuT@XChF4mhi4kRdF5M6MgQT@peELMgpbMKgwsdZ/OsBD/rbHEXO9DU2Lgtq9eCGYSneMCRTX5o1hATvNc58suQY5Kn2psnh8n8o@R@A74YO4vbBp6q/71kqa5fcHlX6ji@AQ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~401~~ 398 bytes\n```\nfor i in range(12):print'\\nThis is the',' the '.join('horse and the hound and the horn?belonged to|farmer sowing his corn?kept|rooster that crowed in the morn?woke|judge all shaven and shorn?married|man all tattered and torn?kissed|maiden all forlorn?milked|cow with the crumpled horn?tossed|dog?worried|cat?killed|rat?ate|malt?lay in|house that Jack built.'.split('|')[~i:]).replace('?','\\nThat ')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RVBNa8MwDP0rvjmBEViPvfS@827bDq6jxmocK8jKQsHsr2eyOxgYLEvvQ37rQwKl03HciA0aTIZdmqB7PfXnlTGJ/UzvAbPRIwHsi62XscOdMHU2EGcwLo2tG2jT6v/F6XKFSKqnHSo3xwuwybRjmkwV9RUywyqFibLoUIIT45l2pegyVWepoJ1mKPdtnNQtRpOD@4bUrHLzWRwzwlgWlxpAnKgc/G3TbDDnBsARnhj9cmxcjLNOPO1mRwnN1PO2rFH5TV2ocUeadJGnkXeiklEhhbV0Aiod5RLdQxcvGoUG037z5vxsrhtGGeyQ14jS2WL7jx88f/UDwxqdh85eNNuatTJsfxy/ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nSaved\n* -3 bytes, thanks to Jonathan Frech\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~256~~ ~~245~~ 241 bytes\n```\n\u201cx\u00b4\u017e\u20ac\u20200\u0192\u00e9\u20ac\u0160 Jack\u00ed\u0161.x\u00e2\u00ec0\u00ed\u00e0ltx\u00a8\u00d90\u00c4\u0160x\u00dc\u00b30\u2014\u00c4x\u20ac\u201essed0\u2039\u00b7x\u00ab\u00cbed0\u00d0\u00a7\u20ac\u017d0 crumpled\u00d1\u00dbx\u00b7\u2014ed0\u00ec\u203a\u20ac\u0178\u20ac\u2021lornx\u00a2\u00a20\u2026\u017d\u20ac\u0178\u00bb\u00e4ttered\u20ac\u0192\u20ac\u201ernx woke0\u00a1\u00cb\u20ac\u0178 shaven\u20ac\u0192 shornx\u00a4\u00b00\u00dd\u00cboster\u20ac\u0160 crowed\u20ac\u20200\u203a\u00e1rnx\u00ca\u00c2ed\u20ac\u201e0\u00c3\u00cb\u20ac\u00cawing\u20ac\u00cb\u00c3\u00c5x0\u00ee\u20ac\u20ac\u01920 hound\u20ac\u01920\u00d1\u00db\u201c0\u2019 \u20ac\u20ac\u2019:'x\u00a1'\u20ac\u0160\u2122\u00ec\u03b7\u0292R\u0107D'\u20ac\u20ackG\u00a6}\u201e\u20ac\u0152\u20ac\u02c6\u00aa\u00ec\u00b8\u00ec\u00bb\u00b6\u00ab,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LZDLSsNAFIZfJbtuRMaFG9eC4NI3qO1gpTWRpDWzEUqtCs1Gi5tiLUkp9dILgmKrpS7Ob7pQ8CHyIvHMxMXAuXzn/@ccsZnf35BpmtS7il7jz6QxTuqhWLXxyGEcWrv5QhmTOFpX6GMsMEFYqSp6QEegGYcKXXoRSf0GTWVme54ni1x4p5miEQJOcEX3WmwprIJbOzquyCKucatoxnO6z2MfGpgbhajiuLaiPvVZZhgvTYcWGFSr0pVFTlftzIoxy3fKUlCEwGCWV8qfSNswHBuhAT0L3CFwPJ7Pliq4jm@U9K5sjohBtND4L/YEzowiWv6hfaCDgCvnSmCqAS0vrJJTs7PvCL0Pn5C1OlYGcLSVUxTljGPS5OP9zr7be1@X27mMKO/Q8JS9NKAX@rmgJ4xpzm9BbzRaS9M/ \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~666~~ ~~649~~ ~~640~~ ~~636~~ 625 bytes\n```\n$->{String y=\"This is\",x=\"That \",w=\"orn\\n\",A=\"~house that Jack built.\\n\\n\",B=\"~malt\\n\",D=\"~rat\\n\",F=\"~cat\\n\",H=\"~dog\\n\",J=\"~cow with~crumpled h\"+w,L=\"~maiden all forl\"+w,N=\"~man all tattered and t\"+w,P=\"~judge all shaven and sh\"+w,R=\"~rooster that crowed in~m\"+w,T=\"~farmer sowing his c\"+w,r=y+A,a[]={B,\"lay in\"+A,D,\"ate\"+B,F,\"killed\"+D,H,\"worried\"+F,J,\"tossed\"+H,L,\"milked\"+J,N,\"kissed\"+L,P,\"married\"+N,R,\"woke\"+P,T,\"kept\"+R,\"~horse and~hound and~h\"+w,\"belonged to\"+T};for(int i:\"123425642786429:8642;<:8642=><:8642?@><:8642AB@><:8642CDB@><:8642EFDB@><:8642\".getBytes())r+=(i%2>0?y:x)+a[i-49];return r.replace(\"~\",\" the \");}\n```\nWell..\nNOTE: It's just like every other (non-encoded) answer incorrect for the verses about the `maiden` and `man`, where the lines of the dog and cat, as well as rat and malt are on a single line, instead of new-line separated.. I'm just too lazy to fix it, since it's closed as a dupe anyway.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##RVLbjtowEH3vV1ijrZQoJmopvSxp2EIpQogitEV9YXkwiQGDsZHtkEUIfp2OE9pKiX1mjmc0l7NlR9bY5rtbJpm15CcT6vyGEKEcNyuWcTLxJiG/nBFqTbLgtxY5eQgT9F7wx8865kRGJkSRlNweGp3z/fEphdlGWCIs0FePmSNAyxS0US8KaDeF60YXlhPnqRHLdmRZCOnil4rvIb9n0nncR2xYBQcIsxoOEeZ67eHIe3VJSuE218wU@4PkOdlAVNJxlUfkXBEmJVlpI717UrlrH7aADWMAUzlxnp0iuy3yNa94u2FHH46srXI@@3q0thhVV58ZXWK8UNe952fIr5jZI2116afhJ5F5yqSnqEvZfJGeexQkO2EQoKdPgTkOUY8OKOyExPoh6tMhhVIbI7w1oCMKTlvrjSEdU9gLufPGiE58UM2M6RQZdg@a0GefYoepp3SGr/gBO0QfDt/g8LEpvwaV18iXCEsutVpjP05DNLskOLMANUFEG943P7SaHz@1mp@/4PHY9mfytbrSTn0/fbuDbu8v@t7/B38M/mOI19z1To7bIAxNlAbibbPz7unUfg0jNheN1uMiMdwVRhETG36QKMkArkABp84JhMnlltQyPBRLiTK8q/HoZYpLV0EtxvmChXcln3Bp@1gXLj4g4wIVZ4EqpAzvor7c/gA)\n```\n$->{ // Method with empty unused parameter and String return-type\n String y=\"This is\", // Temp-String \"This is\"\n x=\"That \", // Temp-String \"That \"\n w=\"orn\\n\", // Temp-String \"orn\\n\"\n // \" the ...\\n\" temp Strings:\n A=\"~house that Jack built.\\n\\n\",\n B=\"~malt\\n\",\n D=\"~rat\\n\",\n F=\"~cat\\n\",\n H=\"~dog\\n\",\n J=\"~cow with~crumpled h\"+w,\n L=\"~maiden all forl\"+w,\n N=\"~man all tattered and t\"+w,\n P=\"~judge all shaven and sh\"+w,\n R=\"~rooster that crowed in~m\"+w,\n T=\"~farmer sowing his c\"+w,\n r=y+A, // Result-String, starting at:\n // This is the house that Jack built.\\n\\n\n a[]={ // String-array, containing:\n B, // the malt\\n\n \"lay in\"+A, // lay in the house that Jack built.\\n\\n\n D, // the rat\\n\n \"ate\"+B, // ate the malt\\n\n F, // the cat\\n\n \"killed\"+D, // killed the rat\\n\n H, // the dog\\n\n \"worried\"+F, // worried the cat\\n\n J, // the cow with the crumpled horn\\n\n \"tossed\"+H, // tossed the dog\\n\n L, // the maiden all forlorn\\n\n \"milked\"+J, // milked the cow with the crumpled horn\\n\n N, // the man all tattered and torn\\n\n \"kissed\"+L, // kissed the maiden all farlorn\\\n P, // the judge all shaven and shorn\\n\n \"married\"+N, // married the man all tattered and torn\\n\n R, // the rooster that crowed in the morn\\n\n \"woke\"+P, // woke the judge all shaven and shorn\\n\n T, // the farmer sowing his corn\\n\n \"kept\"+R, // kept the rooster that crowed in the morn\\n\n \"~horse and~hound and~h\"+w,\n // the horse and the hound and the horn\\n\n \"belonged to\"+T}; // belonged to the farmer sowing his corn\\n\n for(int i:\"123425642786429:8642;<:8642=><:8642?@><:8642AB@><:8642CDB@><:8642EFDB@><:8642\".getBytes())\n // Loop over the bytes of the String above\n r+=(i%2>0?y // If `i` is odd: Append \"This is \"\n :x) // Else (`i` is even): Append \"That \" instead\n +a[i-49]; // And also append the string from the array at index `i-49`\n return r.replace(\"~\",\" the \");}\n // Return the result, with all \"~\" replaced with \" the \"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), ~~322~~ 308 bytes\n```\n0horse20hound20h3belonged to0farmer sowing his c3kept0rooster that crowed in0m3woke0judge all shaven2 sh3married0man all tattered2 t3kissed0maiden all forl3milked0cow with0crumpled h3tossed0dog1worried0cat1killed0rat1ate0malt1lay in0house that Jack built.\n3\norn1\n1\n\u00b6That \nL^$`0.*\nThis is$&$'\u00b6\n2\n and\n0\n the \n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JY8xbsMwDEV3nUJD0AIdAsm6RdExcxFGYixVshhIdI1eLAfIxVzanj7BR35@NuRUwa6rMpFax0FkrkHE3bBQHTFoJnOHNmHTnZZURx1T195lfLBpRJ2FcATWvtEi86mayS2U0fzMYUQNpege4RfrIOomaC1hMBPUHTGwOGAYNLucet9RCnjQO7XiplSytD0tekkcjW/z9ChyKjqmfSPQaBc6jD2wzakIN01KYBTDwrbA35ZNHux4BP4En/VtToXPyilq1SqrXs/LxtTX9@lqzh/qsr2b@unt9P56qkFpqEEZJQ6o1/Uf \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jstx](https://github.com/Quantum64/Jstx), 293 [bytes](https://quantum64.github.io/Jstx/codepage)\n```\n\u2195\u0394\"\u258c\u00c7\u00c7\u00c9\u00c7\u25d9\u00eb\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00ac\u00dc\u00eb\u00ba\u03a3\u00a3\u2022\u263c\u25802.\u2500&\u2502E\u2567=\u2592\u221a\u2551\u2219\u25bayb\u207f\u262f\u256bQ\u0394(\u263a\u00a5\u00eb2\u2195\u262fk`u3x\u00f26\u2518[\u21a8:\u00aah\u00b0\u2640\u00ea\u0394\u2558\u03b4\u203c\u03b4@W$A\u2310\u0398s\u0398\u2195\u2551\u221e\u03a6\u2321\u258cb\u2310M\u00b1uc9\u2556#\u2192\u03b4\u00a19\u00bc\u2580\u00d6\u256a\u2660\u00ac\u2562\u00e6\u00a5.\u2248\u00ebzTH\u2642\u2321Q\u2510\u00e0\u00ff\u00ee\u2665\u03c4\u25c4\u2248\u00ab\u203c\u00fb4_\u2264\u255b\u2500\u25c4\u2192\u2642U\u250c\u25882\u00dc\u00fc\u00e0\u2553\u00aa\u00e7\u03b4\u00bbA\u00ff\u2584\u255c9\u25a0q\u2592i\u00f6\u26664s\u2310\u00b1[\u2557:\u00e1x\u00ff\u00ba\u2022\u2557.\u00e9\u00f7\u256b\u2559\u03c3G\u00bc\u2567[]\u250c>5\u2190\u25d9\u00f7\u00f6\u2563\u21a8>\u2264\u00b1B\u00f8z\u2192\u25b2\u221a\u2510\u2022\u266b\u25d8\u255a\u2190<\u221f\u2321\u20a7o?PB|\u00c5\u2569\u2194\u0398\u21a8\u0393\u00bbH\u263b\u2592\u2569z`6_\u207f#\u2229\u2302\u03b5\u2566\u256cSN\u03a69\u2514\u251c\u2193\u00a5n-d\u2534\u2264\u03b1\u2510'F+~<,+\u2552\u2191\u2502\u2591\u00bb|M\u262f\u00bd\u263aE}\u00b0]d\u03c0\u263b\u00d1\u00f6\u00b0\u00e1\u2560\u00fcdhP\u25bc{B\u00df\u00eb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://quantum64.github.io/Jstx/JstxGWT-1.0.3/JstxGWT.html?code=4oaVzpQi4paMw4fDh8OJw4fil5nDq8OHw4fDh8OHw4fDh8OHwqzDnMOrwrrOo8Kj4oCi4pi84paAMi7ilIAm4pSCReKVpz3ilpLiiJrilZHiiJnilrp5YuKBv%24KYr%24KVq1HOlCjimLrCpcOrMuKGleKYr2tgdTN4w7I24pSYW%24KGqDrCqmjCsOKZgMOqzpTilZjOtOKAvM60QFckQeKMkM6Yc86Y4oaV4pWR4oiezqbijKHiloxi4oyQTcKxdWM54pWWI%24KGks60wqE5wrziloDDluKVquKZoMKs4pWiw6bCpS7iiYjDq3pUSOKZguKMoVHilJDDoMO_w67imaXPhOKXhOKJiMKr4oC8w7s0X%24KJpOKVm%24KUgOKXhOKGkuKZglXilIzilogyw5zDvMOg4pWTwqrDp860wrtBw7_iloTilZw54pagceKWkmnDtuKZpjRz4oyQwrFb4pWXOsOheMO_wrrigKLilZcuw6nDt%24KVq%24KVmc%24DR8K84pWnW13ilIw%24NeKGkOKXmcO3w7bilaPihqg%244omkwrFCw7h64oaS4pay4oia4pSQ4oCi4pmr4peY4pWa4oaQPOKIn%24KMoeKCp28_UEJ8w4XilanihpTOmOKGqM6TwrtI4pi74paS4pWpemA2X%24KBvyPiiKnijILOteKVpuKVrFNOzqY54pSU4pSc4oaTwqVuLWTilLTiiaTOseKUkCdGK348LCvilZLihpHilILilpHCu3xN4pivwr3imLpFfcKwXWTPgOKYu8ORw7bCsMOh4pWgw7xkaFDilrx7QsOfw6s%3D)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**This question already has answers here**:\n \n \n[There Was an Old Lady](/questions/3697/there-was-an-old-lady)\n (31 answers)\n \nClosed 5 years ago.\nSo, there's a famous children's rhyme...\n```\nThis is the house that Jack built.\nThis is the malt \nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the cat \nThat killed the rat\nThat ate the malt \nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog that worried the cat\nThat killed the rat that ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog that worried the cat\nThat killed the rat that ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the judge all shaven and shorn\nThat married the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the rooster that crowed in the morn\nThat woke the judge all shaven and shorn\nThat married the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the farmer sowing his corn\nThat kept the rooster that crowed in the morn\nThat woke the judge all shaven and shorn\nThat married the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\nThis is the horse and the hound and the horn\nThat belonged to the farmer sowing his corn\nThat kept the rooster that crowed in the morn\nThat woke the judge all shaven and shorn\nThat married the man all tattered and torn\nThat kissed the maiden all forlorn\nThat milked the cow with the crumpled horn\nThat tossed the dog \nThat worried the cat\nThat killed the rat \nThat ate the malt\nThat lay in the house that Jack built.\n```\nObviously, it's pretty process-based, you could totally write code for this, right?\n---\n* Write some code which outputs the full text of \"The house that Jack built\".\n* Standard rules and loopholes and stuff.\n* Any language you like.\n* Try to do it in the smallest number of bytes.\n* I always like to see [TIO](http://tio.run) links.\n* The case must match the rhyme.\n* Each line of the rhyme must be on a new line of text.\n* White-space before and after the line is fine.\n* No punctuation, except the full stop at the end of each verse.\n---\nEdit:\nEarlier versions of this question contained an issue with this line\nThis is the rooster that crowed the morn\nIt was inconsistently applied.\nTo be clear; this should be one line on every occurrence, and should be added at once.\n---\nFurther edit: \nIt's been declared that this question is a duplicate of:\n[We're no strangers to code golf, you know the rules, and so do I](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/6043/were-no-strangers-to-code-golf-you-know-the-rules-and-so-do-i)\nHowever, while you could take the same approach, compressing the text as much as possible. There's also a chance to take a procedural approach to this rhyme, following the structure of the rhyme itself. Some of the solutions take this approach, so I'd say it is a similar, but distinct challenge for this reason.\n[This answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/161993/16824) suggests that it's actually better to take the approach to this question which would not work for Rick Astley.\nIt is, however, a duplicate of the old lady song, and the 12 days of Christmas. I've voted to close it. (although, those two were not declared duplicate of each other).\n \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 356 bytes\nProcedural approach.\n```\n_=>`house th5 Jack built.\n|malt6lay in|r565e|c56kill2dog6worri2cow with0crumpled h16toss2maiden3forl16milk2man3t5tered4 t16kiss2judge3shaven4 sh16marri2rooster6crowed in0m16woke|farmer sowing his c16kept|horse40hound40h16belonged to`.replace(/\\d/g,n=>` the ,orn,ed|, all , and,at,\nThat `.split`,`[n]).split`|`.map(s=>`This is`+(p=' the '+s+p),p='').join`\n`\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY/BbsMgEETv@QpusRXqxEnMLf2AnnNrq0JhbYiBtQDHquR/TzdVL7va1cwbzU3dVdbJTeUlooFHf3l8XV6lxTkDK7Zjb0qP7Ht2vjSbNShfhFc/zMU1daKDVXdidN4fDQ5iwZTcUePCFlfsQac5TB4Ms60omPMxKGcgnnpMvhXB@ZE@8VS6AgnMmZWWUCS7zWaAU7bqDvHMMrmDeoITYiap0AkXorp4CC1ljrD2KgVILOPi4sCsy0wTC6ayWkwZzgeqEw2tVnyDxziQvaBsEkxeaaj2H2Y/8Ei9qTIwjilyMCtnyntGMxquCt9crSpMNnnyrkgu3@Nn/X@ssglqqjIRrs94l@Wumi7bP9x2l3dTzenc1s0NXZQb@dAYM3poPA5VX9X14xc \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# Simple compression, 429 bytes\nUsing [RegPack](https://siorki.github.io/regPack.html).\n```\n_=>[...'IKLMNOPQRSUVWXYZ[]^_0qxz{}~'].reduce((s,c)=>(l=s.split(c)).join(l.pop()),`TNis_ZOlt }{rQ z^}{cQ Sz^ }KM}]M}xI[I~Z0ZYZLrseULundU{hWbelongV toY~{judgeRshavenU shWmarriV[MP}PZ{ the z\nThQ xOidenRforlWmilkV]qworriV{cQS 0{rooster XcrowV in{mWwoke~_Luse XJack built.^QeOlt]{cow with{crumplV hWtossVK[OnRtQterVU tWkissVxZ\nTNisY{farmer sowing NcWkept0XthQ WornzVedU andSzkillV{rQR all QatPzlay in_O{maNhis Mzqz^L{hoK{dog IXqX^}`)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FZDPbqMwGMTveYrvVpC6KC@Q3rOBEEj5ExBQ1zjgYGxim5LFIq@epdfRaOY3c0M/SGFJB/2Hi5q8rrtXtfvIHcd52x9c7@ifgvAcxUl6yfKirLb3x2yW51vhSFKPmFiWesf27sNiO@WogVFtYdt2boJyizmDGCzbfv/6PFJVZT7TsBgZwFwuBgdwnktYDt5SeMtjn@@f2Ta7ZK5UJHJHXkemTb4JE7yJQYvL09zGuiGhatEP4RGoNumRlDTOvdNyygzolsC8@WwDePi0Jjy8CsmSnrIuLu6T@LWupWfYGimE0kRCiqWYYqDc9MkkOvKs3FERSP8i3MH3SJl2yoCs1IXBYoKJ6tZgOfYDi6FNtFAqPuQ@D3WwpsUR6KSjq/bINpvfwRdzRbJfe5SYKG/giJOODHqb6pUxEZLPMakjQLw@zx1lLF6vCQExBgHSp5mhfyta5ZseHVuqwJvvc@maVhxMLRrYp/e0XL7sFxZcCUYcJhrrur79@g8 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~398~~ 397 bytes\n```\nfor i in range(12):print'\\nThis is the',''.join(dict(zip('012345','\\nThat , the ,orn,ed, all , and'.split(','))).get(c,c)for c in'1'.join('horse51hound51h20belong3 to|farmer sowing his c20kept|rooster that crow3 in1m20woke|judge4shaven5 sh20marri3|man4tatter35 t20kiss3|maiden4forl20milk3|cow with1crumpl3 h20toss3|dog0worri3|cat0kill3|rat0ate|malt0lay in|house that Jack built.'.split('|')[~i:]))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PZDBboQgEIZfhRuSGKOil32Ennvb9sAiq7MiY2Cs2Yb01e3YNk1IIDP/fP/PrE@aMLTHcccoQEAQ0YTRFU2rLmuEQPItvE6QBB@anCylrB4IoRjAUvEJayHrptVdz51TaUiUp1CUGEPphlIY77lkwiCrtHqggpVKqWp0VNjSqtPYsrFs/shywphc30y4hYGvtr45j2HUgjDfTVxcFAl3CKM4g9m2nt1KOSIm4hadGWzEXTO0Wdp6x9nlxzaMrkuT@XChF4mhi4kRdF5M6MgQT@peELMgpbMKgwsdZ/OsBD/rbHEXO9DU2Lgtq9eCGYSneMCRTX5o1hATvNc58suQY5Kn2psnh8n8o@R@A74YO4vbBp6q/71kqa5fcHlX6ji@AQ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~401~~ 398 bytes\n```\nfor i in range(12):print'\\nThis is the',' the '.join('horse and the hound and the horn?belonged to|farmer sowing his corn?kept|rooster that crowed in the morn?woke|judge all shaven and shorn?married|man all tattered and torn?kissed|maiden all forlorn?milked|cow with the crumpled horn?tossed|dog?worried|cat?killed|rat?ate|malt?lay in|house that Jack built.'.split('|')[~i:]).replace('?','\\nThat ')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RVBNa8MwDP0rvjmBEViPvfS@827bDq6jxmocK8jKQsHsr2eyOxgYLEvvQ37rQwKl03HciA0aTIZdmqB7PfXnlTGJ/UzvAbPRIwHsi62XscOdMHU2EGcwLo2tG2jT6v/F6XKFSKqnHSo3xwuwybRjmkwV9RUywyqFibLoUIIT45l2pegyVWepoJ1mKPdtnNQtRpOD@4bUrHLzWRwzwlgWlxpAnKgc/G3TbDDnBsARnhj9cmxcjLNOPO1mRwnN1PO2rFH5TV2ocUeadJGnkXeiklEhhbV0Aiod5RLdQxcvGoUG037z5vxsrhtGGeyQ14jS2WL7jx88f/UDwxqdh85eNNuatTJsfxy/ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nSaved\n* -3 bytes, thanks to Jonathan Frech\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~256~~ ~~245~~ 241 bytes\n```\n\u201cx\u00b4\u017e\u20ac\u20200\u0192\u00e9\u20ac\u0160 Jack\u00ed\u0161.x\u00e2\u00ec0\u00ed\u00e0ltx\u00a8\u00d90\u00c4\u0160x\u00dc\u00b30\u2014\u00c4x\u20ac\u201essed0\u2039\u00b7x\u00ab\u00cbed0\u00d0\u00a7\u20ac\u017d0 crumpled\u00d1\u00dbx\u00b7\u2014ed0\u00ec\u203a\u20ac\u0178\u20ac\u2021lornx\u00a2\u00a20\u2026\u017d\u20ac\u0178\u00bb\u00e4ttered\u20ac\u0192\u20ac\u201ernx woke0\u00a1\u00cb\u20ac\u0178 shaven\u20ac\u0192 shornx\u00a4\u00b00\u00dd\u00cboster\u20ac\u0160 crowed\u20ac\u20200\u203a\u00e1rnx\u00ca\u00c2ed\u20ac\u201e0\u00c3\u00cb\u20ac\u00cawing\u20ac\u00cb\u00c3\u00c5x0\u00ee\u20ac\u20ac\u01920 hound\u20ac\u01920\u00d1\u00db\u201c0\u2019 \u20ac\u20ac\u2019:'x\u00a1'\u20ac\u0160\u2122\u00ec\u03b7\u0292R\u0107D'\u20ac\u20ackG\u00a6}\u201e\u20ac\u0152\u20ac\u02c6\u00aa\u00ec\u00b8\u00ec\u00bb\u00b6\u00ab,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LZDLSsNAFIZfJbtuRMaFG9eC4NI3qO1gpTWRpDWzEUqtCs1Gi5tiLUkp9dILgmKrpS7Ob7pQ8CHyIvHMxMXAuXzn/@ccsZnf35BpmtS7il7jz6QxTuqhWLXxyGEcWrv5QhmTOFpX6GMsMEFYqSp6QEegGYcKXXoRSf0GTWVme54ni1x4p5miEQJOcEX3WmwprIJbOzquyCKucatoxnO6z2MfGpgbhajiuLaiPvVZZhgvTYcWGFSr0pVFTlftzIoxy3fKUlCEwGCWV8qfSNswHBuhAT0L3CFwPJ7Pliq4jm@U9K5sjohBtND4L/YEzowiWv6hfaCDgCvnSmCqAS0vrJJTs7PvCL0Pn5C1OlYGcLSVUxTljGPS5OP9zr7be1@X27mMKO/Q8JS9NKAX@rmgJ4xpzm9BbzRaS9M/ \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~666~~ ~~649~~ ~~640~~ ~~636~~ 625 bytes\n```\n$->{String y=\"This is\",x=\"That \",w=\"orn\\n\",A=\"~house that Jack built.\\n\\n\",B=\"~malt\\n\",D=\"~rat\\n\",F=\"~cat\\n\",H=\"~dog\\n\",J=\"~cow with~crumpled h\"+w,L=\"~maiden all forl\"+w,N=\"~man all tattered and t\"+w,P=\"~judge all shaven and sh\"+w,R=\"~rooster that crowed in~m\"+w,T=\"~farmer sowing his c\"+w,r=y+A,a[]={B,\"lay in\"+A,D,\"ate\"+B,F,\"killed\"+D,H,\"worried\"+F,J,\"tossed\"+H,L,\"milked\"+J,N,\"kissed\"+L,P,\"married\"+N,R,\"woke\"+P,T,\"kept\"+R,\"~horse and~hound and~h\"+w,\"belonged to\"+T};for(int i:\"123425642786429:8642;<:8642=><:8642?@><:8642AB@><:8642CDB@><:8642EFDB@><:8642\".getBytes())r+=(i%2>0?y:x)+a[i-49];return r.replace(\"~\",\" the \");}\n```\nWell..\nNOTE: It's just like every other (non-encoded) answer incorrect for the verses about the `maiden` and `man`, where the lines of the dog and cat, as well as rat and malt are on a single line, instead of new-line separated.. I'm just too lazy to fix it, since it's closed as a dupe anyway.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##RVLbjtowEH3vV1ijrZQoJmopvSxp2EIpQogitEV9YXkwiQGDsZHtkEUIfp2OE9pKiX1mjmc0l7NlR9bY5rtbJpm15CcT6vyGEKEcNyuWcTLxJiG/nBFqTbLgtxY5eQgT9F7wx8865kRGJkSRlNweGp3z/fEphdlGWCIs0FePmSNAyxS0US8KaDeF60YXlhPnqRHLdmRZCOnil4rvIb9n0nncR2xYBQcIsxoOEeZ67eHIe3VJSuE218wU@4PkOdlAVNJxlUfkXBEmJVlpI717UrlrH7aADWMAUzlxnp0iuy3yNa94u2FHH46srXI@@3q0thhVV58ZXWK8UNe952fIr5jZI2116afhJ5F5yqSnqEvZfJGeexQkO2EQoKdPgTkOUY8OKOyExPoh6tMhhVIbI7w1oCMKTlvrjSEdU9gLufPGiE58UM2M6RQZdg@a0GefYoepp3SGr/gBO0QfDt/g8LEpvwaV18iXCEsutVpjP05DNLskOLMANUFEG943P7SaHz@1mp@/4PHY9mfytbrSTn0/fbuDbu8v@t7/B38M/mOI19z1To7bIAxNlAbibbPz7unUfg0jNheN1uMiMdwVRhETG36QKMkArkABp84JhMnlltQyPBRLiTK8q/HoZYpLV0EtxvmChXcln3Bp@1gXLj4g4wIVZ4EqpAzvor7c/gA)\n```\n$->{ // Method with empty unused parameter and String return-type\n String y=\"This is\", // Temp-String \"This is\"\n x=\"That \", // Temp-String \"That \"\n w=\"orn\\n\", // Temp-String \"orn\\n\"\n // \" the ...\\n\" temp Strings:\n A=\"~house that Jack built.\\n\\n\",\n B=\"~malt\\n\",\n D=\"~rat\\n\",\n F=\"~cat\\n\",\n H=\"~dog\\n\",\n J=\"~cow with~crumpled h\"+w,\n L=\"~maiden all forl\"+w,\n N=\"~man all tattered and t\"+w,\n P=\"~judge all shaven and sh\"+w,\n R=\"~rooster that crowed in~m\"+w,\n T=\"~farmer sowing his c\"+w,\n r=y+A, // Result-String, starting at:\n // This is the house that Jack built.\\n\\n\n a[]={ // String-array, containing:\n B, // the malt\\n\n \"lay in\"+A, // lay in the house that Jack built.\\n\\n\n D, // the rat\\n\n \"ate\"+B, // ate the malt\\n\n F, // the cat\\n\n \"killed\"+D, // killed the rat\\n\n H, // the dog\\n\n \"worried\"+F, // worried the cat\\n\n J, // the cow with the crumpled horn\\n\n \"tossed\"+H, // tossed the dog\\n\n L, // the maiden all forlorn\\n\n \"milked\"+J, // milked the cow with the crumpled horn\\n\n N, // the man all tattered and torn\\n\n \"kissed\"+L, // kissed the maiden all farlorn\\\n P, // the judge all shaven and shorn\\n\n \"married\"+N, // married the man all tattered and torn\\n\n R, // the rooster that crowed in the morn\\n\n \"woke\"+P, // woke the judge all shaven and shorn\\n\n T, // the farmer sowing his corn\\n\n \"kept\"+R, // kept the rooster that crowed in the morn\\n\n \"~horse and~hound and~h\"+w,\n // the horse and the hound and the horn\\n\n \"belonged to\"+T}; // belonged to the farmer sowing his corn\\n\n for(int i:\"123425642786429:8642;<:8642=><:8642?@><:8642AB@><:8642CDB@><:8642EFDB@><:8642\".getBytes())\n // Loop over the bytes of the String above\n r+=(i%2>0?y // If `i` is odd: Append \"This is \"\n :x) // Else (`i` is even): Append \"That \" instead\n +a[i-49]; // And also append the string from the array at index `i-49`\n return r.replace(\"~\",\" the \");}\n // Return the result, with all \"~\" replaced with \" the \"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), ~~322~~ 308 bytes\n```\n0horse20hound20h3belonged to0farmer sowing his c3kept0rooster that crowed in0m3woke0judge all shaven2 sh3married0man all tattered2 t3kissed0maiden all forl3milked0cow with0crumpled h3tossed0dog1worried0cat1killed0rat1ate0malt1lay in0house that Jack built.\n3\norn1\n1\n\u00b6That \nL^$`0.*\nThis is$&$'\u00b6\n2\n and\n0\n the \n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JY8xbsMwDEV3nUJD0AIdAsm6RdExcxFGYixVshhIdI1eLAfIxVzanj7BR35@NuRUwa6rMpFax0FkrkHE3bBQHTFoJnOHNmHTnZZURx1T195lfLBpRJ2FcATWvtEi86mayS2U0fzMYUQNpege4RfrIOomaC1hMBPUHTGwOGAYNLucet9RCnjQO7XiplSytD0tekkcjW/z9ChyKjqmfSPQaBc6jD2wzakIN01KYBTDwrbA35ZNHux4BP4En/VtToXPyilq1SqrXs/LxtTX9@lqzh/qsr2b@unt9P56qkFpqEEZJQ6o1/Uf \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jstx](https://github.com/Quantum64/Jstx), 293 [bytes](https://quantum64.github.io/Jstx/codepage)\n```\n\u2195\u0394\"\u258c\u00c7\u00c7\u00c9\u00c7\u25d9\u00eb\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00c7\u00ac\u00dc\u00eb\u00ba\u03a3\u00a3\u2022\u263c\u25802.\u2500&\u2502E\u2567=\u2592\u221a\u2551\u2219\u25bayb\u207f\u262f\u256bQ\u0394(\u263a\u00a5\u00eb2\u2195\u262fk`u3x\u00f26\u2518[\u21a8:\u00aah\u00b0\u2640\u00ea\u0394\u2558\u03b4\u203c\u03b4@W$A\u2310\u0398s\u0398\u2195\u2551\u221e\u03a6\u2321\u258cb\u2310M\u00b1uc9\u2556#\u2192\u03b4\u00a19\u00bc\u2580\u00d6\u256a\u2660\u00ac\u2562\u00e6\u00a5.\u2248\u00ebzTH\u2642\u2321Q\u2510\u00e0\u00ff\u00ee\u2665\u03c4\u25c4\u2248\u00ab\u203c\u00fb4_\u2264\u255b\u2500\u25c4\u2192\u2642U\u250c\u25882\u00dc\u00fc\u00e0\u2553\u00aa\u00e7\u03b4\u00bbA\u00ff\u2584\u255c9\u25a0q\u2592i\u00f6\u26664s\u2310\u00b1[\u2557:\u00e1x\u00ff\u00ba\u2022\u2557.\u00e9\u00f7\u256b\u2559\u03c3G\u00bc\u2567[]\u250c>5\u2190\u25d9\u00f7\u00f6\u2563\u21a8>\u2264\u00b1B\u00f8z\u2192\u25b2\u221a\u2510\u2022\u266b\u25d8\u255a\u2190<\u221f\u2321\u20a7o?PB|\u00c5\u2569\u2194\u0398\u21a8\u0393\u00bbH\u263b\u2592\u2569z`6_\u207f#\u2229\u2302\u03b5\u2566\u256cSN\u03a69\u2514\u251c\u2193\u00a5n-d\u2534\u2264\u03b1\u2510'F+~<,+\u2552\u2191\u2502\u2591\u00bb|M\u262f\u00bd\u263aE}\u00b0]d\u03c0\u263b\u00d1\u00f6\u00b0\u00e1\u2560\u00fcdhP\u25bc{B\u00df\u00eb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://quantum64.github.io/Jstx/JstxGWT-1.0.3/JstxGWT.html?code=4oaVzpQi4paMw4fDh8OJw4fil5nDq8OHw4fDh8OHw4fDh8OHwqzDnMOrwrrOo8Kj4oCi4pi84paAMi7ilIAm4pSCReKVpz3ilpLiiJrilZHiiJnilrp5YuKBv%24KYr%24KVq1HOlCjimLrCpcOrMuKGleKYr2tgdTN4w7I24pSYW%24KGqDrCqmjCsOKZgMOqzpTilZjOtOKAvM60QFckQeKMkM6Yc86Y4oaV4pWR4oiezqbijKHiloxi4oyQTcKxdWM54pWWI%24KGks60wqE5wrziloDDluKVquKZoMKs4pWiw6bCpS7iiYjDq3pUSOKZguKMoVHilJDDoMO_w67imaXPhOKXhOKJiMKr4oC8w7s0X%24KJpOKVm%24KUgOKXhOKGkuKZglXilIzilogyw5zDvMOg4pWTwqrDp860wrtBw7_iloTilZw54pagceKWkmnDtuKZpjRz4oyQwrFb4pWXOsOheMO_wrrigKLilZcuw6nDt%24KVq%24KVmc%24DR8K84pWnW13ilIw%24NeKGkOKXmcO3w7bilaPihqg%244omkwrFCw7h64oaS4pay4oia4pSQ4oCi4pmr4peY4pWa4oaQPOKIn%24KMoeKCp28_UEJ8w4XilanihpTOmOKGqM6TwrtI4pi74paS4pWpemA2X%24KBvyPiiKnijILOteKVpuKVrFNOzqY54pSU4pSc4oaTwqVuLWTilLTiiaTOseKUkCdGK348LCvilZLihpHilILilpHCu3xN4pivwr3imLpFfcKwXWTPgOKYu8ORw7bCsMOh4pWgw7xkaFDilrx7QsOfw6s%3D)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nYou must fill an array with every number from `0-n` inclusive. No numbers should repeat. However they must be in a random order.\n# Rules\nAll standard [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") rules and standard loopholes are banned\nThe array must be generated pseudo-randomly. Every possible permutation should have a equal probability.\n# Input\n`n` in any way allowed in the I/O post on meta.\n# Output\nThe array of numbers scrambled from `0-n` inclusive.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 90 bytes\n```\nproc R n {lsort -c {try expr\\ rand()>.5 on 9} [if [incr n -1]+2 {concat [R $n] [incr n]}]}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0nO@f@/oCg/WSFIIU@hOqc4v6hEQTdZobqkqFIhtaKgKEahKDEvRUPTTs9UIT9PwbJWITozDYjzkouAGnQNY7WNFKqT8/OSE0sUooMUVPJiYZKxtbG1/wtKS4pB4kYGsf8B \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 96 bytes\n```\nproc R n {proc f a\\ b {expr rand()>.5}\nset i -1\nwhile \\$i<$n {lappend L [incr i]}\nlsort -c f $L}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0nO@f@/oCg/WSFIIU@hGsxKU0iMUUhSqE6tKChSKErMS9HQtNMzreUqTi1RyFTQNeQqz8jMSVWIUcm0UQHqyUksKEjNS1HwUYjOzEsuUsiMreXKKc4vKlHQBZml4lP7v6C0pFghOkjByCD2PwA \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2), 3 [bytes](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2/blob/main/docs/codepage.md)\n```\n\u0116\u00b5r\n```\n[Try it online!](https://Not-Thonnu.github.io/run#aGVhZGVyPSZjb2RlPSVDNCU5NiVDMiVCNXImZm9vdGVyPSZpbnB1dD0xMCZmbGFncz0=)\n#### Explanation\n```\n\u0116\u00b5r # Implicit input\n\u0116 # Push [0..input]\n \u00b5r # Random shuffle\n # Implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org/), 25 bytes\n```\n[ dup [0,b] swap sample ]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0tMLskv@h8a7OnnbqWQm1iSoVeUmJeeWqwApFLycxWyU4vyUnMUCopSS0oqC4oy80oUrLm4DA3@RyuklBYoRBvoJMUqFJcnFigUJ@YW5KQqxP5PTszJUdD7DwA \"Factor \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n ! 10\ndup ! 10 10\n[0,b] ! 10 { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 }\nswap ! { 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 } 10\nsample ! { 3 6 9 10 4 8 2 5 7 0 }\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Arturo](https://arturo-lang.io), 17 bytes\n```\n$=>[shuffle@0..&]\n```\n[Try it!](http://arturo-lang.io/playground?HiHnFm)\n```\n$=>[ ; a function where input is assigned to &\n 0..& ; a range from 0 to input inclusive\n @ ; reify the range (make it a concrete array)\n shuffle ; shuffle it\n] ; end function\n```\n[Answer]\n# [RProgN 2](https://github.com/TehFlaminTaco/RProgN-2), 3 bytes\n```\n0R\u00f1\n```\n## Explained\n```\n0R\u00f1\n0R # Range of numbers 0-n (Implicit input)\n \u00f1 # Shuffle, Implicit output.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Kyooyk/P0zX6/98g6PDG////mwIA \"RProgN 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [AWK](https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html), ~~82~~ 80 bytes\n```\n{for(n=$1+2;++j}=$,=$/;say%a\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/98hsdpAT8/GrtZWRcdWRd@6OLFSNfH/f0PTf/kFJZn5ecX/dX1N9QwMDQA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nIn Haskell the list notation:\n```\n[a,b,c]\n```\nIs just syntactic sugar for:\n```\na:b:c:[]\n```\nAnd the string notation:\n```\n\"abc\"\n```\nIs just syntactic sugar for:\n```\n['a','b','c']\n```\nThis means that the string:\n```\n\"abc\"\n```\nIs the same as:\n```\n'a':'b':'c':[]\n```\n# Task\nGiven a string you should output what the de-syntaxed version would look like in Haskell.\n# Rules\n* You will receive a string by any valid input method, you should output a string ending with `:[]` with every character from the input surrounded by `'` and separated by `:`. The empty string should output `[]`.\n* You can assume that you will not receive any characters that require escaping (e.g. `'`, newlines, tabs ...) and that input will be in the printable ascii range\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") you should aim to minimize the byte count of your answer\n## Test Cases\n```\n\"\" -> []\n\"a\" -> 'a':[]\n\"Hello, World\" -> 'H':'e':'l':'l':'o':',':' ':'W':'o':'r':'l':'d':[] \n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript) 23 40 bytes\n```\nf=s=>!s?\"[]\":\"'\"+[...s].join(\"':'\")+\"':[]\"\n```\n```\nf=s=>!s?\"[]\":\"'\"+[...s].join(\"':'\")+\"':[]\"\nconsole.log(f() + \"\\n\") // `\"[]\"`\nconsole.log(f(\"\") + \"\\n\") // `\"[]\"`\nconsole.log(f(\"abc\") + \"\\n\") // \"'a':'b':'c':[]\"\n```\nUsing spread element to convert string to array, `Array.prototype.join()` to concatenate `\":\"` characters\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 43 bytes\n```\n->a{a==''?'[]':\"'#{a.chars.join\"':'\"}':[]\"}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), ~~14~~ 13 bytes\nA port of [Downgoat's JS solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/126421/58974).\n```\n\u00e7\"'$&':\" +\"[]\n```\n[Try it](http://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=5yInJCYnOiIgKyJbXQ==&input=ImFiYyI=)\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~75~~ 50 bytes\n```\nfunction(x)cat(gsub(\"(.)\",\"'\\\\1':\",x),\"[]\",sep=\"\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/qfk5lUlFhUqZGbWpKRn1KsyZWmYKP7P600L7kkMz9Po0IzObFEI724NElDSUNPU0lHST0mxlDdSkmnQlNHKTpWSac4tcBWSUnzf5qGurqmNUi1ekyeOtAcCI0q4pGak5OvoxCeX5SToqiu@R8A \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOr for a non-regex approach:\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 63 bytes\n```\nfunction(x)cat(sprintf(\"'%s':\",el(strsplit(x,''))),'[]',sep='')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VYxNCsIwEIX3nqIWZGYgXsCfvTdwoV3UNsHAmISZEdrTx4grN@/xPvieVI4PGWXFl7dnnpU2oTvta3inyWJOuNA0GmqRmCxgDzuFQ@88o5po4Wi4OAAicnAbwKkv5zZrwJbHrwr3BO301//k4pmz665ZeN426QM \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIt turns out that `sprintf` will recycle the format string to match the length of its input, which is a nice golf from the previous answer (which you can see in the edit history).\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 68 bytes\n```\n=IFERROR(CONCAT(\"'\"&MID(A1,ROW(OFFSET(A1,,,LEN(A1))),1)&\"':\"),)&\"[]\"\n```\nTakes input from A1, outputs to whatever cell this formula is placed in. It's an array formula, so Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter to enter it.\n11 of the bytes here are just for handling the empty string correctly, since Excel doesn't have a concept of arrays with zero elements.\nThe answer's pretty straightforward, but I did learn a couple things: IFERROR's second argument is taken to be `\"\"` when left blank, and `&` will operate in an array-aware manner if and only if the construction is inside a function that will take an array (replacing `CONCAT(...)` with just `(...)` feels like it should work but it doesn't).\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 16 bytes\n```\ng39*Gyt19+v'[]'h\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/P93YUsu9ssTQUrtMPTpWPeP/f/XEpGR1AA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\nA bit surprised not to see a MATL submission already.\n### Explanation:\n```\n\t% implicit input, 'abc'\ng\t% convert to logical\n\t% STACK: {[1 1 1]}\n39*\t% multiply by 39, ASCII for ', elementwise.\n\t% STACK: {[39 39 39]}\nG\t% push input\n\t% STACK: {[39 39 39]; 'abc'}\nyt\t% copy from below and dup\n\t% STACK: {[39 39 39]; 'abc'; [39 39 39]; [39 39 39]}\n19+\t% add 19, elementwise, to get 58, ASCII for :\n\t% STACK: {[39 39 39]; 'abc'; [39 39 39]; [58 58 58]}\nv\t% vertically concatenate stack contents, implicitly converting to strings.\n\t% STACK: {'''\n\t%\t abc\n\t%\t '''\n\t%\t :::}\n'[]'h\t% push '[]' and horizontally concatenate, linearizing as needed\n\t% STACK: 'a':'b':'c':[]\n\t% implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 1.0](http://julialang.org/), 26 bytes\n```\n!x=join(\"'\".*x.*\"':\")*\"[]\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0rPj/X7HCNis/M09DSV1JT6tCT0tJ3UpJU0spOlbpf0FRZl5JTp6GYrSSkp6eXqwmF5JIIqaQR2pOTr6OQnh@UU6KIkT6PwA \"Julia 1.0 \u2013 Try It Online\")\ninput is a list of characters\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `o`, 12 bytes\n```\n\u019b\\'p\u201b':+\u20b4;k[\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=o&code=%C6%9B%5C%27p%E2%80%9B%27%3A%2B%E2%82%B4%3Bk%5B&inputs=Hello%2C%20world!&header=&footer=)\n```\n\u019b ; # Map...\n \\'p # Prepend a '\n \u201b':+ # Append a ':\n \u20b4 # Output without newline\n k[ # Push `[]`\n # Which is implicitly output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [SOGL](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL), 12 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL/blob/master/chartable.md)\n```\n,{\u013c'p\u014d':}\u014d[]\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n,{ } iterate over the chars of string input\n \u013c' output \"'\"\n p output the current char\n \u014d': output \"':\"\n \u014d[] output \"[]\"\n```\nIn theory 10 byte `\u013c'p\u014d':}\u014d[]` could work, but, alas, it doesn't.\n[Answer]\n# [Aceto](https://github.com/aceto/aceto), 26 bytes\n```\n:Lpp&p\n'p|L\n\\'!d[\"\n'M@,]\"p\n```\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell, 43 bytes\nIt's a `join(map(repr, input))` shape problem? That's simply 177 bytes of:\n```\n[linq.enumerable]::Aggregate([Linq.Enumerable]::Select(\n[Object[]][Char[]]\"$args\", [Func[Object,String]]{\"'$args'\"})+(,'[]'),\n[func[object,object,object]]{param($a,$b) $a+':'+$b})\n```\nEdit: can golf that down to a mere 171:\n```\n$e='[Linq.Enumerable]::';$o='Object';\n\"${e}Aggregate(${e}Select([$o[]][Char[]]\"\"$args\"\",[Func[$o,$O]]{\"\"'`$args'\"\"})+(,'[]'),[func[$o,$o,$o]]{`$args[0]+':'+`$args[1]})\"|iex\n```\nOh all right, 43 bytes of:\n```\n(([char[]]\"$args\"|%{\"'$_'\"})+,'[]')-join':'\n```\n[Answer]\n## Swift, ~~49~~ bytes\n```\n{$0.characters.reduce(\"\",{$0+\"'\\($1)':\"})+\"[]\"}\n```\nThis is a lambda (closure in Swift). Because converting a `Character` Array to a string is `a.joined(seperator:\"\")` I've used `.reduce(\"\",+)` as a golf. Kind of unreadable so broken down:\n```\n{\n $0.characters.reduce(\"\", {\n $0 + \"'\\($1)':\"\n }) + \"[]\"\n}\n```\nbecause a map + converting to a string is too long, `reduce` will convert to a string for us as we go\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 27 bytes\n```\ni:0(?vd3*:o$oo':'o\no'[]'/;o\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/P9PKQMO@LMVYyypfJT9f3Uo9nytfPTpWXd86////4pKizLx0AA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 34 bytes\n```\n\"'\"<>#<>\"':\"&/@Characters@#<>\"[]\"&\n```\nAnonymous function. Takes a string as input and returns a string as output. Just separates the input's characters, inserts `'...':` around each, and adds `[]` to the end.\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 11 bytes\n```\n\uff26\uff33\u207a\u207a'\u03b9':\u00a6[]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5///9nmXv92x@1LgLiNTP7VS3OrQsOvb//8TilLT/uokA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Explanation provided as AST.\n[Answer]\n# [Noether](https://github.com/beta-decay/noether), 37 bytes\n```\n{I~sL0>}{sL(\"'\"Psi/P\"':\"Pi1+~i)}\"[]\"P\n```\n[**Try it here!**](https://beta-decay.github.io/noether?code=e0l-c0wwPn17c0woIiciUHNpL1AiJzoiUGkxK35pKX0iW10iUA&input=ImNhdHMi)\nTakes input between quotation marks.\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~43~~ 28 + 1 = ~~44~~ 29 bytes\n*A whopping -15 bytes thanks to Value Ink.*\n+1 byte for the `-p` flag.\n```\n$_=gsub(/(.)/,\"'\\\\1':\")+\"[]\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/XyXeNr24NElDX0NPU19HST0mxlDdSklTWyk6Vun/f4/UnJx8HYXw/KKclH/5BSWZ@XnF/3ULAA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## Rust, 69 bytes\n```\n|s:&str|s.chars().map(|s|format!(\"'{}':\",s)).collect::()+\"[]\"\n```\nCouldn't find anything shorter than the trivial solution.\n[Answer]\n# Java, 60 bytes\n```\nString f(String s){return s.replaceAll(\".\",\"['$0']:\")+\"[]\";}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 48 bytes\n```\n-[-[<++>->++>-<<]>]<<,[<-.>.<.+<.>>,]<<<<+++.++.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fN1o32kZb207XDkTY2MTaxdrY6ETb6OrZ6dnoadvo2dnpAEVsgGq09YDo//9EAA \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 10 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u25698\u253c\u03a6v\u255a\u2580\u255b\u2534\u25ba\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=ca38c5e876c8dfbec110&i=abc&a=1)\n[Answer]\n# Excel VBA, 51 bytes\nAnonymous VBE immedate function that takes input as string from cell `[A1]`, \n iterates across the input string, splitting it by character and then outputs to the VBE immediate window\n```\nFor i=1To[Len(A1)]:?\"'\"Mid([A1],i,1)\"':\";:Next:?\"[]\n```\n### Previous, Longer Versions\n```\n1: a=Split(StrConv([A1],64),Chr(0)):For i=0To[Len(A1)-1]:?\"'\"a(i)\"':\";:Next:?\"[]\"\n2: ?\"'\"Mid(Join(Split(StrConv([A1],64),Chr(0)),\"':'\"),1,4*Len([A1])-1)\"[]\"\n3: ?\"'\"Left(Join(Split(StrConv([A1],64),Chr(0)),\"':'\"),4*Len([A1])-1)\"[]\"\n4: ?\"'\"Replace(Left(Strconv([A1],64),2*Len([A1])-1),Chr(0),\"':'\")\":[]\" \n5: ?Replace(Left(\"'\"&StrConv([A1],64),2*Len([A1])),Chr(0),\"':'\")\"':[]\"\n6: ?\"'\"Left(Replace(StrConv([A1],64),Chr(0),\"':'\"),4*Len([A1])-1)\"[]\"\n7: ?\"'\"Replace(Replace(StrConv([A1],64),Chr(0),\"':'\")&\" \",\"' \",\"[]\")\n8: For i=1To Len([A1]):?\"'\"&Mid([A1],i,1);\"':\";:Next:?\"[]\"\n9: For i=1To[Len(A1)]:?\"'\"&Mid([A1],i,1);\"':\";:Next:?\"[]\"\n10: For i=1To[Len(A1)]:?\"'\"Mid([A1],i,1)\"':\";:Next:?\"[]\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org), 34 bytes\n```\n{it.fold(\"\"){a,v->a+\"'$v':\"}+\"[]\"}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY2xCsIwFEX3fsXzITShrR8QsF0d3BwcxOFB0hKMiaRplpJvj9H2Thfu4dyXC0bbHMmAVPMykRfAbsFrO3HoetgqnPOqw2l0RjJEvlIbu54arI@xFpgafDwx5XGx8CZtGYe1gpKfdd4F4BXJq7aqrIMAxD/xKWNg@zPbWM6rlC/KGNfC3XkjD18 \"Kotlin \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ahead](https://github.com/ajc2/ahead), 25 bytes\n```\nv>\"][\"W@\n>jri''r\n^W\"':\"W<\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8xITUz5/7/MTik2WincgcsuqyhTXb2IKy5cSd1KKdzm///EpOQUAA \"Ahead \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## Burlesque - 21 bytes\n```\nm{bx\"'~':\"jf~}\"[]\"_+Q\n```\nLonger versions:\n```\nXX{bx\"'~':\"jf~}\\m\"[]\"_+Q\n```\nBurlesque shows characters with a single `'` i.e. `'x` instead of `'x'` which is why we have to surround characters manually with two `'`s.\n[Answer]\n# Rust macro, 185 bytes\n```\nmacro_rules!f{([])=>{['[',']']};([$c:expr]$($o:tt)*)=>{[$($o,)*'\\'',$c,'\\'',':','[',']']};([$c:expr$(,$r:tt)*]$($o:tt)*)=>{f!([$($r),*]$($o)*'\\''$c'\\''':')};($($r:tt)*)=>{f!([$($r)*])}}\n```\nDefines a macro that takes a comma-seperated sequence of character tokens and expands to an array of characters.\n[try it online](https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2018&code=macro_rules!%20f%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20the%20macro%20is%20a%20tt%20muncher%20where%20the%20inputs%20are%20in%20brackets%20with%20the%0A%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20accumulator%20after%20that.%0A%0A%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20the%20base%20case%20for%20an%20empty%20array%0A%20%20%20%20(%5B%5D)%20%3D%3E%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20expand%20to%20the%20brackets%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%5B%27%5B%27%2C%20%27%5D%27%5D%0A%20%20%20%20%7D%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20the%20base%20case%20for%20a%20single%20element%0A%20%20%20%20(%5B%24c%3Aexpr%5D%20%24(%24o%3Att)*)%20%3D%3E%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%5B%24(%24o%2C)*%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%24c%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5B%27%2C%20%27%5D%27%5D%0A%20%20%20%20%7D%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20the%20recursive%20case%0A%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20extract%20a%20characters%20from%20the%20input%20token%20stream%0A%20%20%20%20(%5B%24c%3Aexpr%20%24(%2C%24r%3Att)*%5D%20%24(%24o%3Att)*)%20%3D%3E%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20f!(%5B%24(%24r)%2C*%5D%20%24(%24o)*%20%27%5C%27%27%20%24c%20%27%5C%27%27%20%27%3A%27)%0A%20%20%20%20%7D%3B%0A%20%20%20%20%0A%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20entry%20point%0A%20%20%20%20(%24(%24r%3Att)*)%20%3D%3E%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%2F%2F%20call%20the%20recursive%20part%20by%20wrapping%20the%20arguments%20in%20brackets%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20f!(%5B%24(%24r)*%5D)%0A%20%20%20%20%7D%0A%7D%0A%0Afn%20main()%20%7B%0A%20%20%20%20assert_eq!(%5B%27%5B%27%2C%20%27%5D%27%5D%2C%20f!())%3B%0A%20%20%20%20assert_eq!(%5B%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27a%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5B%27%2C%20%27%5D%27%5D%2C%20f!(%27a%27))%3B%0A%20%20%20%20assert_eq!(%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%5B%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27H%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27e%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27l%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27l%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27o%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%2C%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%20%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27W%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27o%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27r%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27l%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%20%27d%27%2C%20%27%5C%27%27%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%27%3A%27%2C%20%27%5B%27%2C%20%27%5D%27%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%5D%5B..%5D%2C%0A%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20f!(%27H%27%2C%20%27e%27%2C%20%27l%27%2C%20%27l%27%2C%20%27o%27%2C%20%27%2C%27%2C%20%27%20%27%2C%20%27W%27%2C%20%27o%27%2C%20%27r%27%2C%20%27l%27%2C%20%27d%27)%5B..%5D%0A%20%20%20%20)%3B%0A%7D)\n## Explanation\n```\nmacro_rules! f {\n // the macro is a tt muncher where the inputs are in brackets with the\n // accumulator after that.\n // the base case for an empty array\n ([]) => {\n // expand to the brackets\n ['[', ']']\n };\n // the base case for a single element\n ([$c:expr] $($o:tt)*) => {\n [$($o,)* '\\'', $c, '\\'', ':', '[', ']']\n };\n // the recursive case\n // extract a characters from the input token stream\n ([$c:expr $(,$r:tt)*] $($o:tt)*) => {\n f!([$($r),*] $($o)* '\\'' $c '\\'' ':')\n };\n // entry point\n ($($r:tt)*) => {\n // call the recursive part by wrapping the arguments in brackets\n f!([$($r)*])\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [naz](https://github.com/sporeball/naz), 82 bytes\n```\n2a2x1v2m9m3a2x2v9a9a1a2x3v1x1f1r3x1v2e2x4v2v1o4v1o2v1o3v1o1f0x1x2f9m5m1a1o2a1o0x1f\n```\nWorks for any input string terminated with the control character STX (U+0002).\n**Explanation** (with `0x` commands removed)\n```\n2a2x1v # Set variable 1 equal to 2\n2m9m3a2x2v # Set variable 2 equal to 39 (\"'\")\n9a9a1a2x3v # Set variable 3 equal to 58 (\":\")\n1x1f # Function 1\n 1r # Read a byte of input\n 3x1v2e # Jump to function 2 if it equals variable 1\n 2x4v # Otherwise, store the byte in variable 4\n 2v1o4v1o2v1o3v1o # Output it, using variables 2 and 3 to format it as required\n 1f # Jump back to the start of function 1\n1x2f # Function 2\n 9m5m1a1o2a1o # Output \"[]\"\n1f # Call function 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Keg](https://github.com/JonoCode9374/Keg), 16 bytes\n```\n\u00f7\u2477\\&\u2468\u207f:\"\\:\u214d\u2140\u2478`[]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATAAz/9rZWf//8O34pG3XCbikajigb86Ilw64oWN4oWA4pG4YFtd//9IZWxsbywgV29ybGQ \"Keg \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is what you call \"the result of me not implementing things properly\".\n[Answer]\n# [Erlang (escript)](http://erlang.org/doc/man/escript.html), 52 bytes\nPretty simple solution.\n```\nf(X)->lists:join(\":\",[[\"'\"|[I|\"'\"]]||I<-X]++[\"[]\"]).\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcoxDsMgDEDRPaegXgpK6AFQlbk5QSNZHqIWKlduqAApC3cn/OUvzyfZ9o/1@ZX4X9rQgl6NnYVzye4bedfgYEKEK1Rcah9RrcvdrjSOCEhA5tZ@W4dIRtl5UD2OLhyJi9dBw8OLxEk9Y5L3BUznJw \"Erlang (escript) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Forth (gforth)](http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/gforth/Docs-html/), 47 bytes\n```\n: f bounds ?do .\" '\"i 1 type .\" ':\"loop .\" []\";\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY0xDsIwDEX3nuLLCwtBKt1aCVZu0AExpE0ClQK2knTg9CGhMH2/72fZcUgPdXc1cu7hMPH6MhFnwzgQdrSgRXqL/VJPnlnqeL3RUHzB0axSNNjnkjbxD3XRdlDQU0QUPdtYL6FOoPJoDhiaJlIBqaF/ebHe8x4jB29KlT8 \"Forth (gforth) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Code Explanation\n```\n: f \\ start a new word definition\n bounds \\ get the starting and ending addresses of the string\n ?do \\ loop from start to end (skip if start=end) \n .\" '\" \\ output '\n i 1 type \\ print the character at the current address\n .\" ':\" \\ output ':\n loop \\ end loop\n .\" []\" \\ output []\n; \\ end word definition\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n## Challenge\nYou need to generate a program or function that takes in a positive integer N, calculates the first N terms of the Fibonacci sequence in binary, concatenates it into a single binary number, converts that number back to decimal, and then outputs the decimal as an integer.\nFor example\n```\n1 -> [0] -> 0 to decimal outputs 0\n3 -> [0, 1, 1] -> 011 to decimal outputs 3\n4 -> [0, 1, 1, 10] -> 01110 to decimal outputs 14\n```\nYou do not need to output the `->`, just the number (e.g. if the user types `4`, just output `14`). The arrows are just to help explain what the program must do.\n## Test cases\n```\n1 -> 0\n2 -> 1\n3 -> 3\n4 -> 14\n5 -> 59\n6 -> 477\n7 -> 7640\n8 -> 122253\n9 -> 3912117\n10 -> 250375522\n11 -> 16024033463\n12 -> 2051076283353\n13 -> 525075528538512\n14 -> 134419335305859305\n15 -> 68822699676599964537\n16 -> 70474444468838363686498\n17 -> 72165831136090484414974939\n18 -> 147795622166713312081868676669\n19 -> 605370868394857726287334099638808\n20 -> 4959198153890674493745840944241119317\n```\nThe program must be able to output up to the limit of the language in use. No lookup tables or [common workarounds](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) allowed.\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the answer with the shortest number of bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://docs.python.org/), 64 bytes\n```\nf=lambda n,a=0,b=1,r=0:n and f(n-1,b,a+b,r< [0,1,2,3,4,5,...,n]\n \u00c6\u1e1e - Fibonacci (vectorises) -> [0,1,1,2,3,5...,F(n)]\n B - to binary (vectorises) -> [[0],[1],[1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,0,1],...,B(F(n))]\n \u1e8e - tighten -> [0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,...,B(F(n))[0],B(F(n))[1],...]\n \u1e04 - from binary -> answer\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3.6](https://docs.python.org/3/), 61 bytes\n```\nf=lambda n,a=0,b=1:n and int(f'{a:b}{f(n-1,b,a+b)*2:b}',2)//2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYxBCsIwEADP@oq9JatbatZbIP5llxoVdFtCL6Xk7WkLXoeZmZb5Pdq9tZy@8tNBwEjSjTSFaCA2wMdmn90qUeuavXWBlOSqeOGdOGLse255LGC7CkXs9fSBgAPG82kq/9wiV@gecCywOmwb \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 7 bytes\n```\n\u1e0b\u1e41\u1e0b\u2191\u0398\u0130f\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//@GO7oc7G4Hko7aJ52Yc2ZD2//9/IwMA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\u1e0b\u1e41\u1e0b\u2191\u0398\u0130f 4\n \u0130f The Fibonacci numbers [1,1,2,3,5,8..]\n \u0398 Prepends 0 [0,1,1,2,3,5..]\n \u2191 Take n elements from list [0,1,1,2]\n \u1e0b Convert to binary digits [[0],[1],[1],[1,0]]\n \u1e41 Map function then concat [0,1,1,1,0]\n\u1e0b Convert from base 2 14\n```\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 397 bytes\n```\n>,[<++++++[->--------<]>>[->++++++++++<]>[-<+>]<<[->+<],]>+[-<<+>>[-[->+<]<<[->+>+<<]<[->+>+<<]>[-<+>]>>[-<<+>>]>]]<<[->+>>>>>+<<<<<<]>[-<+>]>+>>+>>>+<[[->-[<<]>]>[[-]<<<<<<<[->>[-<+>>+<]>[-<+>]<<<]<[->+>>>>>+<<<<<<]>[-<+>]>[-<+>]>[->>[-<+<<+>>>]<[->+<]<]>+>[-]>>+>]<<<<<[[->++>+>++<<<]>[-<+>]<<]>>>]>[-]<<<[-]<<[-]<<->[>++++++++++<[->-[>+>>]>[+[-<+>]>+>>]<<<<<]>>>]<+[->++++++[-<++++++++>]<.<<<+]\n```\nWell, that was fun!\nTakes ASCII input (e.g. `11`), outputs result in ASCII.\nNote: to try this online, make sure you set the cell size to 32 bits (on the right side of the webpage). **If you do not enter an input, your browser might crash.**\nThe interpreter cannot handle input of `11` and higher because it only supports up to 32 bits.\n[Try it on copy.sh](https://copy.sh/brainfuck/?c=PixbPCsrKysrK1stPi0tLS0tLS0tPF0-PlstPisrKysrKysrKys8XT5bLTwrPl08PFstPis8XSxdPitbLTw8Kz4-Wy1bLT4rPF08PFstPis-Kzw8XTxbLT4rPis8PF0-Wy08Kz5dPj5bLTw8Kz4-XT5dXTw8Wy0-Kz4-Pj4-Kzw8PDw8PF0-Wy08Kz5dPis-Pis-Pj4rPFtbLT4tWzw8XT5dPltbLV08PDw8PDw8Wy0-PlstPCs-Pis8XT5bLTwrPl08PDxdPFstPis-Pj4-Pis8PDw8PDxdPlstPCs-XT5bLTwrPl0-Wy0-PlstPCs8PCs-Pj5dPFstPis8XTxdPis-Wy1dPj4rPl08PDw8PFtbLT4rKz4rPisrPDw8XT5bLTwrPl08PF0-Pj5dPlstXTw8PFstXTw8Wy1dPDwtPls-KysrKysrKysrKzxbLT4tWz4rPj5dPlsrWy08Kz5dPis-Pl08PDw8PF0-Pj5dPCtbLT4rKysrKytbLTwrKysrKysrKz5dPC48PDwrXQ$$)\n## Explanation\n```\n>,[<++++++[->--------<]>>[->++++++++++<]>[-<+>]<<[->+<],]>+\n```\nGet decimal input and add one (to mitigate off-by-one)\n```\n[-<<+>>[-[->+<]<<[->+>+<<]<[->+>+<<]>[-<+>]>>[-<<+>>]>]]\n```\nGenerate fibonacci numbers on the tape.\n```\n<<[->+>>>>>+<<<<<<]>[-<+>]>+>>+>>>+<\n```\nSet up for the incoming binary concatenation loop\n---\nSo the cells contain the value, starting from the first position,\n```\n1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | ... | f_n | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | f_n | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0...\n```\nLook at these cells:\n```\nf_n | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | f_n | 1\n```\nI'll label this:\n```\nnum | sum | cat | 0 | pow | 0 | num | pow\n```\n`pow` is there to find the maximal power of 2 that is strictly greater than `num`. `sum` is the concatenation of numbers so far. `cat` is the power of 2 that I would need to multiply the `num` in order to concatenate `num` in front of the `sum` (so I would be able to simply add).\n---\n```\n[[->-[<<]>]>\n```\n**Loop: Check whether `f_n` is strictly less than `pow`.**\n**Truthy:**\n```\n[[-]<<<<<<<[->>[-<+>>+<]>[-<+>]<<<]<[->+>>>>>+<<<<<<]>[-<+>]>[-<+>]>[->>[-<+<<+>>>]<[->+<]<]>+>[-]>>+>]\n```\nZero out junk. Then, add `num` \\* `cat` to `sum`. Next, load the next Fibonacci number (= `f_(n-1)`; if it doesn't exist, exit loop) and set `cat` to `cat` \\* `pow`. Prepare for next loop (zero out more junk, shift scope by one).\n**Falsey:**\n```\n<<<<<[[->++>+>++<<<]>[-<+>]<<]\n```\nSet `pow` to 2 \\* `pow`, restore `num`.\n```\n]\n```\nRepeat until there is no Fibonacci number left.\n---\n```\n>[-]<<<[-]<<[-]<<->[>++++++++++<[->-[>+>>]>[+[-<+>]>+>>]<<<<<]>>>]<+[->++++++[-<++++++++>]<.<<<+]\n```\nClean garbage. Take each digit of the resulting number and output each (in ascii).\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 9 bytes\n```\n\u00c6MgX \u00a4\u00c3\u00ac\u00cd\n```\n[Run it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=xk1nWCCkw6zN&input=NA==)\n## Explanation:\n```\n\u00c6MgX \u00a4\u00c3\u00ac\u00cd\n\u00c6 \u00c3 | Iterate X through the range [0...Input]\n MgX | Xth Fibonacci number\n \u00a4 | Binary\n \u00ac | Join into a string\n \u00cd | Convert into a base-2 number\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 22 bytes\n```\nJU2VQ=+Js>2J)is.BM2J)is.BM times...\n =+Js>2J ... add the last 2 elements of J and put that in J.\n elements...\n .BM ... convert each to binary...\n s ... concatenate them...\n i 2 ... and convert back to decimal.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), 38 bytes\n```\n{:2([~] (0,1,*+*...*)[^$_]>>.base(2))}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYPu/2spII7ouVkHDQMdQR0tbS09PT0szOk4lPtbOTi8psThVw0hTs/Z/cWKlQpqGSrymQlp@kYKhnp6hgfV/AA \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 70 65 58 57 55 bytes\n* thanks to Shaggy for reducing 2 bytes ('0b+C-0 to '0b'+C)\n```\nf=(n,a=C=0,b=1)=>--n?f(n,b,a+b,C+=b.toString(2)):'0b'+C\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZZBLbsMwDET3vUgs2A5EUtSngNKFj9ATWGkcpAjkIjF6fYfqrtJGBB6pGXK@59/5eX7cfrYxr1@XfV9il4c5TlEPKYKKp3HMH4uwNMx9GqY@puO2fm6PW752qNT7QadDP@3nNT/X@@V4X6/d0snHqNXbf4gCoYYkkGpoyqSpKQvlUFMr1DhXYyfYWdMs4Ys0InJjGsomARCgEQMtPWRNjhmx6ZZrwWo0msjYRhjK4agZtLPoiVprKCmwGBR9z@QZWpe/UMgYCEVCs@cgbzNWUrLeI9oQrLMcpBgmp/YX \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 6 bytes\n```\nL\u00c5fbJC\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f/f53BrWpKX8///xgA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n1-indexed.\n[Answer]\n# J, 36 Bytes\n```\n3 :'#.;<@#:\"0]2}.(,{:+_2&{)^:y _1 1'\n```\n### Explanation:\n```\n3 :'#.;<@#:\"0]2}.(,{:+_2&{)^:y _1 1' | Explicit function\n (,{:+_2&{)^:y _1 1 | Make n fibonacci numbers, with _1 1 leading\n 2}. | Drop the _1 1\n <@#:\"0] | Convert each item to binary and box\n ; | Unbox and join\n #. | Convert back from binary\n```\n[Answer]\n# x86, ~~37~~ ~~22~~ 21 bytes\n**Changelog**\n* -13 by using [`bsr`](http://www.felixcloutier.com/x86/BSR.html). Thanks Peter Cordes!\n* -2 by [zeroing registers with `mul`](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/147775/17360).\n* -1 by using a while loop instead of `loop` and `push`/`pop` `ecx` (credit Peter Cordes).\nInput in `edi`, output in `edx`. \n```\n.section .text\n.globl main\nmain:\n mov $5, %edi # n = 5\nstart:\n dec %edi # Adjust loop count\n xor %ebx, %ebx # b = 0\n mul %ebx # a = result = 0\n inc %ebx # b = 1\nfib:\n add %ebx, %eax # a += b\n xchg %eax, %ebx # swap a,b\n bsr %eax, %ecx # c = (bits of a) - 1\n inc %ecx # c += 1\n sal %cl, %edx # result >>= c\n add %eax, %edx # result += a\n dec %edi # n--; do while(n)\n jnz fib \n ret\n```\nObjdump:\n```\n00000005 :\n 5: 4f dec %edi\n 6: 31 db xor %ebx,%ebx\n 8: f7 e3 mul %ebx\n a: 43 inc %ebx\n0000000b :\n b: 01 d8 add %ebx,%eax\n d: 93 xchg %eax,%ebx\n e: 0f bd c8 bsr %eax,%ecx\n 11: 41 inc %ecx\n 12: d3 e2 shl %cl,%edx\n 14: 01 c2 add %eax,%edx\n 16: 4f dec %edi\n 17: 75 f2 jne b \n 19: c3 ret \n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~26~~ 22 bytes\n*4 bytes saved thanks to @H.PWiz*\n```\n{2\u22a5\u220a2\u2218\u22a5\u2363\u00af1\u00a81\u2227+\u2218\u00f7\\~\u2375\u21911}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@1R24Rqo0ddSx91dBk96pgBYvUuPrTe8NAKw0cdy7WBQoe3x9Q96t36qG2iYS1Qg8KhFY96NxsaAAA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 89 76 75 bytes\n```\nf=0:scanl(+)1f\nfoldr1(\\x y->y+x*2*2^floor(logBase 2.read.show$y)).(`take`f)\n```\nUngolfed version:\n```\nimport Data.Bits\nfib = 0:scanl (+) 1 fib\ncatInt :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer\ncatInt x y = x' + y where\n position = floor $ succ $ logBase 2 $ realToFrac y\n x' = shift x position\nanswer :: Integer -> Integer\nanswer n = foldr1 catInt fib' where\n fib' = take n fib\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 27 bytes\n```\nJU2V-Q2=aJ+eJ@J_2)is.BM=Q:\n print(0)\nelse:\n print(int(''.join(map(\"{0:b}\".format,J)),2))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pari/GP](http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/), 59 bytes\n```\nn->fromdigits(concat([binary(fibonacci(i))|i<-[0..n-1]]),2)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcwxDoMwDEDRq1hMthSjUlWdWi6CGEIqIw84kZsFibuHLH94wy/RlffSBL7QjGfxfPx01/rHlC3FisumFv1E0S1bTElRiS798PIYR@NpXSk8qUl2tD6ZArxfAYqr1Q4D8NwjaETUbg \"Pari/GP \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# APL+WIN, 55 bytes\nPrompts for screen input of integer.\n```\nv\u2190b\u21900 1\u22c4\u234e\u220a(\u2395-2)\u2374\u2282'v\u2190v,c\u2190+/\u00af2\u2191v\u22c4b\u2190b,((1+\u230a2\u235fc)\u23742)\u22a4c\u22c4'\u22c42\u22a5b\n```\nAPL+WIN's maximum integer precision is 17 and integer limit is of the order of 10E300 therefore the maximum input number is 55 and the result is: 1.2492739026634838E300\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 94 bytes\n```\nf=lambda n,a=[0,1]:n>len(a)and f(n,a+[sum(a[-2:])])or int(''.join(bin(v)[2:]for v in a[:n]),2)\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcpLDoMwDEXRrWSGraYVn44iwUasDIwgKggcBBSpq3fN4E3uedvv/GRpVFO78NoP7MRzS6WvYpBuGQUYWQaXwPqDju8KTM86RIyYdzfJCUXxmvMk0NsuJLNkcpk5piARfY267fc1wRtR9Q8 \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 6 bytes\n```\n\u1e36\u00c6\u1e1eBF\u1e04\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hjm2H2x7umOfk9nBHy////00A \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`\u1e36`owered range -> *n*th `\u00c6\u1e1e`ibonacci number -> from dec to `B`inary -> `F`latten -> from `\u1e04`inary to dec\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 21 bytes\n```\n0li:\"yy+]xx&h\"@B]&hXB\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/3yAn00qpslI7tqJCLUPJwSlWLSPC6f9/QwMA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n0l % Push 0, then 1 (initial terms of the Fibonacci sequence)\ni:\" % Do n times, where n is the input\n yy+ % Duplicate top two numbers and push their sum\n ] % End\nxx % Delete the last two results. The stack now contains the\n % first n Fibonacci numbers, starting at 0\n&h % Concatenate all numbers into a row vector\n\" % For each\n @ % Push current number\n B % Convert to binary. Gives a vector of 0 and 1\n] % End\n&h % Concatenate all vectors into a row vector\nXB % Convert from binary to decimal. Implicitly display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jotlin](https://github.com/jrtapsell/jotlin), 59 bytes\n```\ng(l(0,1)){l(a.sum(),a[0])}.take(this).j(\"\"){a[0].s(2)}.i(2)\n```\n## Test Program\n```\ndata class Test(val input: Int, val output: Long)\nval tests = listOf(\n Test(1, 0),\n Test(2, 1),\n Test(3, 3),\n Test(4, 14),\n Test(5, 59),\n Test(6, 477),\n Test(7, 7640),\n Test(8, 122253),\n Test(9, 3912117),\n Test(10, 250375522)\n)\nfun Int.r() = g(l(0,1)){l(a.sum(),a[0])}.take(this).j(\"\"){a[0].s(2)}.i(2)\nfun main(args: Array) {\n for (r in tests) {\n println(\"${r.input.r()} vs ${r.output}\")\n }\n}\n```\nIt supports up to 10, changing `.i(2)` for `.toLong(2)` would support up to 14 if needed\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 25 bytes\n```\n2(#.;)<@#:@(1#.<:!|.)\\@i.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcqhDoAgFAXQzldcIcDb2BsSn@j4EJuTicVgMei3o4bTzt7KiVEQ8GnRGR4oZSPZ9YaTdDfTnCs3Upphy18tPB5BOZVal@2A81x0IEyCyojhai8 \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\n2(#.;)<@#:@(1#.<:!|.)\\@i. Input: n\n i. Range [0, n)\n \\@ For each prefix\n |. Reverse\n ! Binomial coefficient (vectorized)\n <: Decrement\n 1#. Sum\n #: Convert to binary\n < Box\n ; Link. Join the contents in each box\n2 #. Convert to decimal from base 2\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 86 bytes\n```\ndef f(N):\n a,b,l=0,1,''\n for _ in range(N):l+=format(a,'b');a,b=b,a+b\n return int(l,2)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Rc0xDgIhEIXhfk8xDRkmOyaCnQaP4BUMBFATnN0QLDw9QmX78v15@7c9Nzn1HlOGrG90XsBz4OKObBhxgbxVuMNLoHp5pCnK6sb49k17xoB0GYEL7NewQE3tU2Xwpgtb6rOWf23Ymnmx1ylQ2QiHK6iIoLRw1kJE/Qc)\n[Answer]\n# [Add++](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/AddPlusPlus), 113 bytes\n```\nD,f,@@@@*,V$2D+G1+dAppp=0$Qp{f}p\nD,k,@,\u00bf1=,1,bM\u00bf\nD,g,@,\u00bf1_,1_001${f},1\u00bf{k}\nD,w,@,BBbR\nD,l,@,\u00dfR\u20acgp\u20acw@0b]@\u00a6+VcG2$Bb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JY5BaoQwFIbXySlEAoUawThdtVhSKwilXVSKdDPIaFQyYzWgM0NH3PQisyh01TsIzk16kKbPThbh53v/93grIZTSOqAF5fAuaUzcwAqZJe6UUp5DnlVfDAoHdEM5nUbmUUbTp2kEUp5JQlniOIxAj7Jp7DcDzPYw8/00glhBPB2jn4/vUsG350665NOXFWehS/xU3xgvedvJusRQ3tb5bjUbGJkXpuDr3UzXjazhPoCwoD93Boy4SB8XJMFo4d6fjq@g2LeGCTzm4cPsHeg1OK4TGSLe/ssVRv4yJH6G0fTZz3uHWuur30Z1sqlbbdvyTVUykx3EVuWZLN69wx8 \"Add++ \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## PHP, 124 Bytes\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LczLCsIwEIXhV8lioDO0WCu6itF3SZrQgExiL7gIffY4Sjdn8cP58pTr/Zllw8ZujYlVQOAOojl3YE3TUFHxlx4QqYA9mdE7GxnntPGIOX0Ql/e84o3agfqLPKk/ApE@sHYQjPTuX4sv3k1JCSEQ/uteA15J1y8)\nSo I was looking for a way to output fibonacci numbers using the series, until I found [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_number#Computation_by_rounding). It turns out you can calculate the fibonacci series via rounding, so I tried the challenge with a recursive function.\nI found the approach of \"rounding\" really interesting, also a professor showed me this a while ago.\n**Code**\n```\nfunction f($n,$i=0,$b=''){ if($n>$i){$b.=\ndecbin(round(pow((sqrt(5)+1)/2,$i)/sqrt(5)));f($n,$i+1,$b);}else{echo bindec($b);}}\n```\n**Explanation**\n```\nfunction f($n,$i=0,$b=''){ #the function starts with $i=0, our nth-fib number\nif($n>$i){ #it stops once $n (the input) = the nth-fib\n $b.=decbin( #decbin returns an integer as bin, concatenates\n round(pow((sqrt(5)+1)/2,$i)/sqrt(5)) \n #the formula, basically roundign the expression\n ); #it returns the (in this case) $i-th fib-number \n f($n,$i+1,$b); #function is called again for the next index\n}else{ #and the current string for fibonacci\n echo bindec($b); #\"echo\" the result, bindec returns the base 10\n #value of a base 2 number\n}\n}\n```\nAlso check [this stackoverflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15600041/php-fibonacci-sequence) the best answer refers to the same article on Wikipedia.\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 9 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00fc1\u221e\u2553\u266a\u03b5w\u2264+\n```\n[Run and debug it at staxlang.xyz!](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=8131ecd60dee77f32b&i=1%0A%0A2%0A%0A3%0A%0A4%0A%0A5%0A%0A6%0A%0A7%0A%0A8%0A%0A9%0A%0A10%0A%0A11%0A%0A12%0A%0A13%0A%0A14%0A%0A15%0A%0A16%0A%0A17%0A%0A18%0A%0A19%0A%0A20%0A&a=1&m=1)\n## Unpacked (10 bytes) and explanation:\n```\nvr{|5|Bm|B\nv Decrement integer from input. Stax's Fibonacci sequence starts with 1 :(\n r Integer range [0..n).\n { m Map a block over each value in an array.\n |5 Push nth Fibonacci number.\n |B Convert to binary.\n |B Implicit concatenate. Convert from binary. Implicit print.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 0.6](http://julialang.org/), 65 bytes\n```\nf(n)=n<2?n:f(n-1)+f(n-2)\nn->parse(BigInt,prod(bin.(f.(0:n-1))),2)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcqxCoMwFEbhuXmKIg73UhXN0CE0Frr1HbooJuEW@Q1p@vxRp3OG7/tfZbqXYGcXBMUT2OKhnzDHtgPfzmhWaMc4pZ@jl4Q3chPTttAs6Mh31JuTMjeai8Oi/JauYgeje3WJSZBXUFXLJ9cUSJgrVgcrOw \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org/) + `project-euler.025`, 37 bytes\n```\n[ iota [ fib >bin ] map-concat bin> ]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Rcw9DsIwDEDhvafwAWhUKrGA1BWxsCCmKINruRB@kuC4Epw@BBhYnz69CUmjlONht9@u4Y56hsyPmQNxhiTxwqQtzzcW0/WrLzAJJbP8neGnCn44q76S@KA/KBhOdbNpmr4Du1yMrljwUREsTH6EYfQBXLWppRgIFWoYwJVaICvS1ZQ3 \"Factor \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 44 bits1, 5.5 [bytes](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyncode/blob/main/README.md)\n```\n\u0281\u2206FbfB\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/?v=1#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)\n## Explained\n```\n\u0281\u2206FbfB\n\u0281 # range [0, input)\n \u2206F # 0-indexed fibonacci number of each\n bf # convert each to binary and flatten the list\n B # convert that from binary\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 61 bytes\n```\n->n,a=0,b=1,s=\"\"{s+=\"%b\"%a;a,b=b,a+b;(n-=1)>0?redo:s.to_i(2)}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JVDLTtxAEDzDV1hGaEEYNP2cHtAsH5JEyIZFyQUi1hwi47/IIQe@jh/ZdM/6MFPuqequ6rf36c/huR6uty/DWNMwVRj2te@X/VXtz6f@fLwbvTgN49V0d/FyXeFym@7fdk@vt/ub@fXh1wVerofl9AS6uu3ScHqCAcABBSAH3CrsSAJJcaSBOGeHOWBWDrE1KiJKCEvrUAABgggp/lESZRHEqLSpoAk5EbGGCJoBTAIpKxpRawXNjbg4tCZkAq3D0RwxQwlqEpPiZzw1t2qGqKVoVil@sVDz0gLkxJnjcxYZKakpF4v3YyoEFSMA0lQSm0/hkrlQrACOYX0JRRSdqRmIAJOBeZ@sqo3WtqDJ5yavU2GTnNGjZY@c3BKZpZiJbT9cpEAx8IglqdsrlFnMmczIAJ4ztrne7MbHn93yMQ@7j@73@7zv@rPl@dv8o9Zdd99tvj7/brrbuP9t1u/z2TL7WbeBgrX26@E/ \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nIn some nations there are recommendations or laws on how to form emergency corridors on streets that have multiple lanes per direction. (In the following we only consider the lanes going in the direction we are travelling.) These are the rules that hold in Germany:\n* If there is only one lane, everyone should drive to the right such that the rescue vehicles can pass on the left.\n* If there are two or more lanes, the cars on the left most lane should drive to the left, and everyone else should move to the right.\n### Challenge\nGiven the number `N>0` of regular lanes, output the layout of the lanes when an emergency corridor is formed using a string of `N+1` ASCII characters. You can use any two characters from ASCII code `33` up to `126`, one to denote the emergency corridor, and one for denoting the cars. Trailing or leading spaces, line breaks etc are allowed.\n### Examples\nHere we are using `E` for the emergency corridor, and `C` for the cars.\n```\nN Output\n1 EC\n2 CEC\n3 CECC\n4 CECCC\n5 CECCCC\n6 CECCCCC\n etc\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 29 26 bytes\n```\nlambda n:10**n*97/30-1/n*9\n```\nExample:\n```\n>>> f(1)\n23\n>>> f(2)\n323\n>>> f(3)\n3233\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~35~~ 33 bytes\n```\nlambda N:'C'*(N>1)+'EC'+'C'*(N-2)\n```\nEdit: dropping `f=` to save 2 bytes, thanks to [@dylnan](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/75553/dylnan)'s reminder.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUcHPSt1ZXUvDz85QU1vd1VldG8LVNdL8n5ZfpJCpkJmnUJSYl56qYahjrmnFpVBQlJlXopGpk6aRqan5HwA)\nTo visualize it:\n```\nlambda N:'\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2'*(N>1)+'\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2'+'\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2'*(N-2)\n```\nOutput:\n```\n1 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\n2 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\n3 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\n4 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\n5 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\n6 \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2\n```\n[Try \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUcHPSv3D/Fkz1LU0/OwMNbVBnClgAW24uK6R5v@0/CKFTIXMPIWixLz0VA1DHXNNKy6FgqLMvBKNTJ00jUxNzf8A)\n# Python 3, 40 bytes\nA straightforward solution:\n```\nlambda N:str(10**N).replace('100','010')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcExCoAwDADA3VdkayJFUhwEwS/4ApeqrQa0ltjF19e7/JXzSX2N01Ivf6@7h3mEtyg6btuZOg358ltA45iNNezYUI2PgoAkUJ@OgM4ONDaQVVJBsRGFqP4)\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 32 bytes\n```\nf(n){printf(\".%.*f\"+1%n,n-1,0);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9NI0@zuqAoM68kTUNJT1VPK01J21A1TydP11DHQNO69j9QRiE3MTNPQ1OhmoszLb9IQQMklKlgq2BoDaRsbBXMgLS2NlieM00jU9MaSMOMjMlTAvFruWr/AwA \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nUses `0` and `.` characters:\n```\n.0\n0.0\n0.00\n0.000\n0.0000\n```\n[Answer]\n# Japt, ~~5~~ 4 bytes\nUses `q` for cars and `+` for the corridor.\n```\n\u221a\u00df\u00ac\u00a8i\u221a\u00d1\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=56xpxA==&input=OA==)\nCredit to Oliver who golfed 4 bytes off at the same time as I did.\n---\n## Explanation\nA short solution but a tricky explanation!\nThe straightforward stuff first: The `\u221a\u00df` method, when applied to an integer, repeats its string argument that number of times. The `i` method takes 2 arguments (`s` & `n`) and inserts `s` at index `n` of the string it's applied to.\nExpanding the 2 unicode shortcuts used gives us `\u221a\u00dfq i+1`, which, when transpiled to JS becomes `U.\u221a\u00df(\"q\").i(\"+\",1)`, where `U` is the input. So we're repeating `q` `U` times and then inserting a `+` at index 1.\nThe final trick is that, thanks to Japt's index wrapping, when `U=1`, `i` will insert the `+` at index `0`, whatever value you feed it for `n`.\n[Answer]\n# R, 50 bytes\n-11 thanks to Giuseppe!\n```\npryr::f(cat(\"if\"(x<2,12,c(21,rep(2,x-1))),sep=\"\"))\n```\nOutputs 1 for emergency corridor and 2 for normal lanes\n## My attempt, 61 bytes\nNothing fancy to see here, but let's get R on the scoreboard =)\n```\nq=pryr::f(`if`(x<2,cat(\"EC\"),cat(\"CE\",rep(\"C\",x-1),sep=\"\")))\n```\nUsage:\n```\nq(5)\nCECCCC\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~38~~ ~~34~~ 32 bytes\n```\nf 1=\"EC\"\nf n=\"CE\"++(\"C\"<*[2..n])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P03B0FbJ1VmJK00hz1bJ2VVJW1tDyVnJRivaSE8vL1bzf25iZp5tbmKBb7yCRkFpSXBJkU@eXpqmQrShnp5Z7H8A \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~30~~ ~~29~~ 28 bytes\n```\nlambda n:`10/3.`[1/n:n-~1/n]\n```\nPrint `3` instead of `C` and `.` instead of `E`.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/qfZhvzPycxNyklUSHPKsHQQN9YLyHaUD/PKk@3DkjF/k/LL1LIVMjMUyhKzEtP1TDUUTA00LTiUlAoKMrMK1HI1EnTyNT8DwA)\n```\nlambda n: # Method with integer parameter and string return-type\n `10/3.` # Calculate 10/3 as decimal (3.333333333) and convert it to a string\n [1/n # Take the substring from index 1 if `n=1`, 0 otherwise\n ,n-~ # to index `n+1` +\n 1/n] # 1 if `n=1`, 0 otherwise\n```\n---\n# Python 2, ~~33~~ ~~32~~ ~~31~~ ~~29~~ 28 bytes\n```\nlambda n:1%n-1or'1-'+'1'*~-n\n```\nPrints `1` instead of `C` and `-` instead of `E`.\n-2 bytes thanks to *@ovs*. \n-1 byte thanks to *@xnor*.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##BcExDoAgDADA3Vd0MQWFxDqS@BMXjKJNtJCGxcWv411565VlbmlZ2x2fbY8ggXrxlBXJ44iEw@elpazAwAIa5TwMOaDJhg6gKEsFdsmwbT8)\n```\nlambda n: # Method with integer parameter and string return-type\n 1%n-1 # If `n` is 1: Return '-1'\n or # Else:\n '1-'+ # Return '1-', appended with:\n '1'*~-n # `n-1` amount of '1's\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, ~~10~~ ~~9~~ 8 bytes\n```\nXn1Q*NQZ\n```\nUses `0` to denote the emergency corridor and `\"`. \n[Try it here](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=Xn1Q%2aNQZ&input=5&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=1%0A2%0A3%0A4%0A5&debug=0)\n### Explanation\n```\nXn1Q*NQZ\n *NQ Make a string of \"s.\n n1Q At index 0 or 1...\nX Z ... Insert 0.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 42 bytes\n```\n,[[>]+[<]>-]>>[<]<[<]>+>+<[<-[--->+<]>.,>]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fJzraLlY72ibWTjfWzg5I24DY2nbaQFo3WldXF8iKtdPTsYv9/x8A \"brainfuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nTakes input as char code and outputs as `V` being normal lanes and `W` being the cleared lane. (To test easily, I recommend replacing the `,` with a number of `+`s)\n### How it Works:\n```\n,[[>]+[<]>-] Turn input into a unary sequence of 1s on the tape\n>>[<]<[<] Move two cells left of the tape if input is larger than 1\n Otherwise move only one space\n>+>+< Add one to the two cells right of the pointer\n This transforms:\n N=1: 0 0' 1 0 -> 0 2' 1 0\n N>1: 0' 0 1 1* -> 0 1' 2 1*\n[<-[--->+<]>.,>] Add 86 to each cell to transform to Ws and Vs and print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 7 bytes\n```\n\u221a\u00e9>\u201a\u00e0\u00e71I\u201a\u00e2\u2020\u00ab\u00f9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//cJ/do45eQ89HnQuOz/3/3xgA \"05AB1E \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n0 is C and 1 is E.\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u221a\u00e9> # Push 0 and input incremented -- [0, 4]\n \u201a\u00e0\u00e7 # Extend a to length b -- [0000]\n 1I\u201a\u00e2\u2020 # Push 1 and input falsified (input != 1) -- [0000, 1, 1] \n \u00ab\u00f9 # Insert b in a at location C -- [0100]\n # Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) (MATLAB\\*), ~~31 30 28 27~~ 22 bytes\n```\n@(n)'CE'(1+(n>1==0:n))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/Z9mq6en999BI09T3dlVXcNQWyPPztDW1sAqT1Pzv6pjTklqUV5iSapCWn6RQnFibqpCUiWQl5xfmldipQDSFq2urmBigaQtlosrTcNQU0HV1RnIMAIynMEsYwgLxDSBMkFsUxgbxDGDc5z/AwA \"Octave \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThe program works as follows:\n```\n@(n) %Anonymous function to take input\n n>1==0:n %Creates [1 0] if n is 1, or [0 1 (0 ...)] otherwise\n 1+( ) %Converts array of 0's and 1's to 1-indexed\n 'CE'( ) %Converts to ASCII by addressing in string\n```\nThe trick used here is XNORing the seed array of `0:n` with a check if the input is greater than 1. The result is that for `n>1` the seed gets converted to a logical array of `[0 1 (0 ...)]` while for `n==1` the seed becomes inverted to `[1 0]`, achieving the necessary inversion.\nThe rest is just converting the seed into a string with sufficient appended cars.\n---\n(\\*) The TIO link includes in the footer comments an alternate solution for the same number of bytes that works in MATLAB as well as Octave, but it results in a sequence of '0' and '1' rather than 'E' and 'C'. For completeness, the alternate is:\n```\n@(n)['' 48+(n>1==0:n)]\n```\n---\n* Saved 1 byte by using `n==1~=0:1` rather than `0:1~=(n<2)`. `~=` has precedence over `<`, hence the original brackets, but is seems that `~=` and `==` are handled in order of appearance so by comparing with 1 we can save a byte.\n* Saved 2 bytes by changing where the negation of `2:n` is performed. This saves a pair of brackets. We also have to change the `~=` to `==` to account for the fact that it will be negated later.\n* Saved 1 byte using `<` again. Turns out that `<` has same precedence as `==` after all. Placing the `<` calculation before the `==` ensures correct order of execution.\n* Saved 5 bytes by not creating two separate arrays. Instead relying on the fact that the XNOR comparison will convert a single range into logicals anyway.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~11~~ 9 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00c4\u00f40\u00b7\u222b\u00e3\u201a\u00c5\u00e60E;\u00b7\u03c0\u00f4\u00b7\u00aa\u00e4\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AR8A4P9qZWxsef//4oCZMOG6i@KBvjBFO@G5meG7iv///zEw \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nFull program.\nUses `0` instead of `C`.\n[Answer]\n# C (gcc), 39 bytes\n```\nf(n){printf(\"70%o\"+!n,7|(1<<3*--n)-1);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYzBDsIgEETvfMWKMWFFjMQDB9Av8WKo6CZ2MbWeKt@OtImnmbx5mWjuMdY1cXx@uhuE99hR3j/ONSnG6TUQj0lJd9hkqVe8c19lQzhujWE0Fn2pTYD@SqxQTAIg5QHUzAhOYH2LAK6F1tjW2WiOIvRL@/9fWC6kiFJ/ \"C (gcc) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nBorrowed and adapted the printf trick from [ErikF's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/161306/20779).\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 32 bytes\n```\nlambda n:f\"{'CE'[n<2:]:C<{n+1}}\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUSHPKk2pWt3ZVT06z8bIKtbK2aY6T9uwtrhW6X9afpFCnkJmnkJRYl56qoahjpmmFZcCEBQUZeaVaOTpKKRp5Glq/gcA \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nUses an f-string expression to format either`'E'`or`'CE'` padded on the right with`'C'`so it has width of`n+1`.\n```\nf\"{ : } a Python 3 f-string expression.\n 'CE'[n<2:] string slice based on value of n.\n : what to format is before the ':' the format is after.\n C padding character\n < left align\n {n+1} minimum field width based on n\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), ~~100~~ 66 bytes\n```\n{({}[()]<((((()()()()){}){}){}())>)}{}(({}<>)())<>{<>{({}<>)<>}}<>\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzTTctJzP7/v1qjujZaQzPWRgMENCFQs7oWgoBMO81aIA1UZWMHkrGxqwYiCNfGrhZI/f9v@F/XEQA \"Brain-Flak \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nUses `\"` as the emergency lane and `!` as the normal lanes.\n[Answer]\n# C#, 34 bytes\n```\nn=>n++<2?\"EC\":\"CE\".PadRight(n,'C')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY09C8IwFADn5lc8upgQLepoWx2KTgpFBwdxCOmHD9oXyIuCSH97Leh0yx1neWHZjrYzzFB613rTw0dEHExACy@HFZwMkuTgkdrbHYxvWU2KuLw51H1yeJLNkMIcfsoWGshHyrekdbbexfsi3sTFPk5KU52xfQRJ81kxU@koROM8yKkFhBxW6YQMVsuJWisR/QeFI3ZdnVw9hvqIVMtGolKpENEghvEL)\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~21 17~~ 16 bytes\n```\n(-\u201a\u00e2\u2020\u201a\u00e0\u00f21)\u201a\u00e5\u03a9'E',\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e0\u00f2'C'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P9UnMS@1@FHbBA3dR50LHnXMMNR81LNX3VVd51HvFiBX3Vn9//9HbRMh6g6teNS72cgAAA)\nThanks to Erik for saving 4 bytes and Ad\u221a\u00b0m for one further byte.\n### How?\n```\n(-\u201a\u00e2\u2020\u201a\u00e0\u00f21)\u201a\u00e5\u03a9'E',\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e0\u00f2'C' \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Tacit function\n \u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e0\u00f2'C' \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Repeat 'C', according to the input\n 'E', \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Then append to 'E'\n \u201a\u00e5\u03a9 \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 And rotate\n 1) \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 1\n \u201a\u00e2\u2020\u201a\u00e0\u00f2 \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 Different from the input? Returns 1 or 0\n(- \u201a\u00e7\u00f9 And negate. This rotates 0 times if the input is 1, and once if not.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~35~~ ~~33~~ 32 bytes\n*2 bytes saved thanks to Angs, 1 byte saved thanks to Lynn*\n```\n(!!)$\"\":\"EC\":iterate(++\"C\")\"CEC\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P91WQ1FRU0VJyUrJ1VnJKrMktSixJFVDW1vJWUlTyRko9j83MTPPtqAoM69EJV3B5D8A \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~32~~ ~~30~~ 29 bytes\n*This is zero indexed so it doesn't comply with the challenge*\n```\ng=(!!)$\"EC\":iterate(++\"C\")\"CEC\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P91WQ1FRU0XJ1VnJKrMktSixJFVDW1vJWUlTyRko9j83MTPPtqAoM69EJV3B@D8A \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 30 bytes\n*This doesn't work because output needs to be a string*\n```\nf 1=21\nf 2=121\nf n=10*f(n-1)+1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P03B0NbIkCtNwcjWEEzn2RoaaKVp5Okaamob/s9NzMyzLSjKzCtRSVMw@Q8A \"Haskell \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nHere we use numbers instead of strings, `2` for the emergency corridor, `1` for the cars. We can add a `1` to the end by multiplying by 10 and adding `1`. This is cheaper because we don't have to pay for all the bytes for concatenation and string literals.\nIt would be cheaper to use `0` instead of `1` but we need leading zeros, which end up getting trimmed off.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), ~~30~~ 29 bytes\n```\nlambda n:\"CEC\"[~n:]+\"C\"*(n-2)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/6fZhvzPycxNyklUSHPSsnZ1Vkpui7PKlZbyVlJSyNP10jzf1p@kUKmQmaeQlFiXnqqhqGOuaaVQkFRZl6JRqZOmkampuZ/AA \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nOK, there is a lot of Python answers already, but I think this is the first sub-30 byter among those still using \"E\" and \"C\" chars rather than numbers.\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 28 bytes\n```\nn=>n<2?21:\"12\".padEnd(n+1,1)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bck5CoAwEADA3mekSvCAXY9CjFY@JBgVRTai4vcjggcS25lR7WptlmHeQjK6tZ20JEsqsELIGSCLZqVr0px8CEDYxtBqpjaaTM87DkJKhsCE93U8HX4ivsKd5B630qfcy9470x4 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 16 [bytes](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS)\n```\n\u201a\u00e2\u00b0\u201a\u00e0\u00f21\u201a\u00e5\u03a9'CE',1\u201a\u00dc\u00ec\u201a\u00e7\u00a5\u201a\u00e0\u00f2'C'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT////1HnwkcdMwwf9exVd3ZV1zF81Db5Ue8WoJC6szpQtneugm9iZp5CWmlecklmfp6CRnFpUm5mcTGQrcnFlabwqG2CAj4zuLhAZoSkFpekFsFN4eIqAQpA9PZO1VG3UlDXSUOoVEhOLE4thioyhFBGEMoYQplAKFMIZQahzCGUBYSyhGo3AAA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 7 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u221a\u00ba\u201a\u00f4\u00a3\u221a\u2020j#F \n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=8105856a234620&i=1%0A2%0A3%0A20&a=1&m=2)\nThis uses the characters \"0\" and \"1\". This works because when you rotate an array of size 1, it doesn't change.\nUnpacked, ungolfed, and commented, it looks like this.\n```\n1]( left justify [1] with zeroes. e.g. [1, 0, 0, 0]\n|) rotate array right one place\n0+ append a zero\n$ convert to string\n```\n[Run this one](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=1]%28%09left+justify+[1]+with+zeroes.+e.g.+[1,+0,+0,+0]%0A%7C%29%09rotate+array+right+one+place%0A0%2B%09append+a+zero%0A%24%09convert+to+string&i=1%0A2%0A3%0A20&m=2)\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 19 bytes\n```\nn=>--n?\"0\"+10**n:10\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcVBCoAgEADAc71i8aSJoZcOlfUWqQxDdkPD75tzmccVl48U3k8hnVf1tqLdlMKdaSaNHgacja6eEvDiEgSwYJbWamFqSyn67iDMFK8x0s09D0Is9Qc \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-p`, ~~27~~ ~~20~~ 19 bytes\n```\n$_=1x$_;s/1?\\K1/E1/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18l3tawQiXeuljf0D7G21Df1VD//3/jf/kFJZn5ecX/dQsA \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nSaved a byte by using `1` for the cars and `E` for the emergency corridor.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 6 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00c5\u00b5*\u00b7\u03c0\u00e6\u00b7\u03c0\u00f4\u00b7\u00aa\u00e4\u00b7\u03c0\u00f4\n```\nDisplays car lanes as **0**, the emergency lane as **1**.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9R41athzv3Pdw58@HuLiD53@xw@6OmNZH/AQ \"Jelly \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n\u201a\u00c5\u00b5*\u00b7\u03c0\u00e6\u00b7\u03c0\u00f4\u00b7\u00aa\u00e4\u00b7\u03c0\u00f4 Main link. Argument: n\n\u201a\u00c5\u00b5* Compute 10**n.\n \u00b7\u03c0\u00e6 Uneval; get a string representation.\n \u00b7\u03c0\u00f4\u00b7\u00aa\u00e4 Rotate the string (n\u201a\u00e2\u00a71) characters to the left.\n \u00b7\u03c0\u00f4 Rotate the result n characters to the left.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Whitespace](https://web.archive.org/web/20150618184706/http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/tutorial.php), ~~141~~ ~~104~~ 103 bytes\n```\n[S S S N\n_Push_0][S N\nS _Duplicate_0][T N\nT T _Read_STDIN_as_number][T T T _Retrieve][S S S T S N\n_Push_2][T S S T _Subtract][S N\nS _Duplicate_input-2][N\nT T N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_-1][S S S T N\n_Push_1][S N\nS _Duplicate_1][T N\nS T _Print_as_integer][S S T T N\n_Push_-1][T N\nS T _Print_as_integer][T S S T _Subtract][N\nS S T N\n_Create_Label_LOOP][S N\nS _Duplicate][N\nT T S N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_EXIT][S S S T N\n_Push_1][S N\nS _Duplicate_1][T N\nS T _Print_as_integer][T S S T _Subtract][N\nS N\nT N\n_Jump_to_LOOP][N\nS S N\n_Create_Label_-1][T N\nS T _Print_as_integer][N\nS S S N\n_Create_Label_EXIT]\n```\nLetters `S` (space), `T` (tab), and `N` (new-line) added as highlighting only. \n`[..._some_action]` added as explanation only.\nPrints `1` instead of `C` and `-` instead of `E`.\n-1 byte thanks to *@JoKing* by suggesting the use of `1` and `-1` instead of `0` and `1`.\n### Explanation in pseudo-code:\n```\nInteger i = STDIN-input as integer - 2\nIf i is negative (-1):\n Print i (so print \"-1\")\nElse:\n Print \"1-1\"\n Start LOOP:\n If i is negative:\n EXIT program\n Print \"1\"\n i = i-1\n Go to the next iteration of the LOOP\n```\n### Example runs:\n**Input: `1`**\n```\nCommand Explanation Stack Heap STDIN STDOUT STDERR\nSSSN Push 0 [0]\nSNS Duplicate top (0) [0,0]\nTNTT Read STDIN as integer [0] {0:1} 1\nTTT Retrieve heap at 0 [1] {0:1}\nSSSTSN Push 2 [1,2] {0:1}\nTSST Subtract top two [-1] {0:1}\nSNS Duplicate input-2 [-1,-1] {0:1}\nNTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_-1 [-1] {0:1}\nNSSN Create Label_-1 [-1] {0:1}\nTNST Print top as integer [] {0:1} -1\nNSSSN Create Label_EXIT [] {0:1}\n error\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##VYrLCcAwDEPP0hRaoSOVEkhvgRQ6vivbp9rgz9N75/2Mvc5rREiiG0SWP4io6Q0m6FxJrflAwQ4s6Wd1aM@07EwZcXw) (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only). \nStops with error: Exit not defined.\n**Input: `4`**\n```\nCommand Explanation Stack Heap STDIN STDOUT STDERR\nSSSN Push 0 [0]\nSNS Duplicate top (0) [0,0]\nTNTT Read STDIN as integer [0] {0:4} 4\nTTT Retrieve heap at 0 [4] {0:4}\nSSSTSN Push 2 [4,2] {0:4}\nTSST Subtract top two [2] {0:4}\nSNS Duplicate input-2 [2,2] {0:4}\nNTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_-1 [2] {0:4}\nSSSTN Push 1 [2,1] {0:4}\nSNS Duplicate top (1) [2,1,1] {0:4}\nTNST Print as integer [2,1] {0:4} 1\nSSTTN Push -1 [2,1,-1] {0:4}\nTNST Print as integer [2,1] {0:4} -1\nTSST Subtract top two [1] {0:4}\nNSSTN Create Label_LOOP [1] {0:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (1) [1,1] {0:4}\n NTTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_EXIT [1] {0:4}\n SSSTN Push 1 [1,1] {0:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (1) [1,1,1] {0:4}\n TNST Print as integer [1,1] {0:4} 1\n TSST Subtract top two [0] {0:4}\n NSNTN Jump to Label_LOOP [0] {0:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (0) [0,0] {0:4}\n NTTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_EXIT [0] {0:4}\n SSSTN Push 1 [0,1] {0:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (1) [0,1,1] {0:4}\n TNST Print as integer [0,1] {0:4} 1\n TSST Subtract top two [-1] {0:4}\n NSNTN Jump to Label_LOOP [-1] {0:4}\n SNS Duplicate top (-1) [-1,-1] {0:4}\n NTTSN If neg.: Jump to Label_EXIT [-1] {0:4}\nNSSSN Create Label_EXIT [-1] {0:4}\n error\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##VYrLCcAwDEPP0hQaoguVEkhvgRQ6vivbp9rgz9N75/2Mvc5rREiiG0SWP4io6Q0m6FxJrflAwQ4s6Wd1aM@07EwZcXw) (with raw spaces, tabs and new-lines only). \nStops with error: Exit not defined.\n[Answer]\n# [AutoHotkey](https://autohotkey.com/docs/AutoHotkey.htm) 32 bytes\nReplaces the letter \"C\" with \"EC\" unless amount of C > 1, then it sends \"CEC\" and exits the app.\n```\n::C::EC\n:*:CC::CEC^c\n^c::ExitApp\n```\nC => EC \nCC => CEC then exits the program. Any further Cs will be entered after the program exits.\n[Answer]\n# APL+WIN, ~~20~~ 16 bytes\n4 bytes saved thanks to Ad\u221a\u00b0m\nPrompts for integer n:\n```\n(-2\u201a\u00e2\u2020\u201a\u00e7\u00a5n)\u201a\u00e5\u03a9n\u201a\u00dc\u00ea1\u201a\u00e9\u00ef/\u201a\u00e7\u00ef10\n```\n1 for emergency corridor o for cars.\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 11 bytes\n```\n1\":1&<=i.,]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/P81WT8FQycpQzcY2U08n9n9qcka@QpqanYKhdqaeoel/AA \"J \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nBased on ngn\u201a\u00c4\u00f4s [comment](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/161281/make-an-emergency-corridor/161294#comment391068_161294).\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2 and \uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee:\n[`1&<,~/@A.'\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00ee',~'\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f6\u00f2'$~,&4`](https://tio.run/##y/r/P81WT8FQzUanTt/BUU/9w/xZU9R16kD0DHWVOh01k/@pyRn5CmlqdgqG2pl6hob/AQ \"J \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/create_explanation.py), ~~7~~ 6 [bytes](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/code_page.py)\n```\n\u221a\u222b\u201a\u00f1\u00eb\\\u201a\u00ee\u00a5\u201a\u00ef\u00fa\u201a\u00ef\u2122\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##AS8A0P9tYXRoZ29sZv9xIiDihpIgInH/w7rilpFc4pS04pWc4pWq//8xCjIKMwo0CjUKOQ)\nOutput `1` for `E` and `0` for `C`.\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u221a\u222b # 10 to the power of the (implicit) input\n # i.e. 1 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 10\n # i.e. 4 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed 10000\n \u201a\u00f1\u00eb # Convert it to a string\n # i.e. 10 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed \"10\"\n # i.e. 10000 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed \"10000\"\n \\ # Swap so the (implicit) input is at the top of the stack again\n \u201a\u00ee\u00a5\u201a\u00ef\u00fa # If the input is NOT 1:\n \u201a\u00ef\u2122 # Rotate the string once towards the right\n # i.e. \"10000\" and 4 \u201a\u00dc\u00ed \"01000\"\n # Output everything on the stack (which only contains the string) implicitly\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nDifferent systems have different ways to describe colors, even if all of them are speaking in R-G-B-A space. A front-end developer who is familiar with CSS may prefer `#RRGGBBAA`. But Android developers may prefer `#AARRGGBB`. When handling AAS file format, `#AABBGGRR` is needed. That's too confusing. Maybe we need a program which can convert between different color formats.\n**Input:**\nThe input contains 3 parts:\n* The color to be transformed (e.g. `#1459AC0F`), a string starting with sharp sign `#` followed by 8 hex digits.\n* The format of the given color (e.g. `#RRGGBBAA`), a string starting with `#` followed by 8 letters which fall into 4 different groups and each group is one of `RR`/`GG`/`BB`/`AA`.\n* The format to convert to.\n**Output:**\n* Output the color in converted format\n**Test Cases:**\n```\nColor, OriginalFormat, TargetFormat -> Result\n#12345678, #RRGGBBAA, #AARRGGBB -> #78123456\n#1A2B3C4D, #RRGGBBAA, #AABBGGRR -> #4D3C2B1A\n#DEADBEEF, #AARRGGBB, #GGBBAARR -> #BEEFDEAD\n```\nInput / output are case insensitive. You may input / output in any acceptable way.\n**Rules:**\nThis is code golf, shortest (in byte) codes of each language win\n \n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 6 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 \"When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?\")[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS \".dyalog files using a single byte character set\")\nFull program. Prompts on STDIN for Original, then Target, then Color. Prints Result to STDOUT.\n```\n\u235e[\u235e\u234b\u235e]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qKM97f@j3nnRQPyotxtIxoLE/iuAQRqXclCQu7uTk6Mjl7KjI4TNpWxoZGxiamZuwYVVlZOTu3tQEFCVo5GTsbOJC0IVRA1IDmGWi6uji5OrqxsA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n\u2003\u2003`\u235e`\u2003prompt for Original\n\u2003`\u235e\u234b`\u2003prompt for Target and find the indices into Original that would make Original into Target\n`\u235e[`\u2026`]`\u2003prompt for Color and use the above obtained indices to reorder Color\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~53~~ 52 bytes\n*Saved 1 byte thanks to @tsh*\nTakes input as 3 distinct parameters: `(Color, From, To)`.\n```\n(C,F,T)=>T.replace(/\\w/g,(x,i)=>C[F.search(x)-~i%2])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bc1PC4IwGMfxe69CkHCD6fBP6cVgc7r78FYdxKYZ4kSjPPXWLZOIsOP34cfnuWS3rM@7qr2ajTrJsQhHEKEEpTDcpVYn2zrLJcCHOy4RGFD1Okf7xOpl1uVnMEDzUa2dIxxz1fSqllatSlAAQ7cd19ts/cBAmqELwTmlhLyDkDkNCDWMNd0P5u1qQRCHupHH/hGUci7Eh/CYGznUJguCxYTROE5@H08xa19iWk3r8Qk \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 8 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00e7\u25bc\u263a\u2194k\u00e0\u00c5J\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=871f011d6b858f4a&i=%22%2312345678%22+%22%23RRGGBBAA%22+%22%23AARRGGBB%22%0A%22%231A2B3C4D%22+%22%23RRGGBBAA%22+%22%23AABBGGRR%22%0A%22%23DEADBEEF%22+%22%23AARRGGBB%22+%22%23GGBBAARR%22&a=1&m=2)\nThis program takes input in this format.\n```\n\"{Color}\" \"{OriginalFormat}\" \"{TargetFormat}\"\n```\nHere's the commented ungolfed unpacked version of the same program.\n```\nu drop duplicated characters from target format\n{ for each character remaining in target format, map using block...\n [ duplicate original format at second position in stack\n |I get all indices of target character in original format\n xs@ retrieve characters from those indices from the color string\nm perform map\n output implicitly when complete\n```\n[Run this one](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=u++++%09drop+duplicated+characters+from+target+format%0A%7B++++%09for+each+character+remaining+in+target+format,+map+using+block...%0A++[++%09duplicate+original+format+at+second+position+in+stack%0A++%7CI+%09get+all+indices+of+target+character+in+original+format%0A++xs%40%09retrieve+characters+from+those+indices+from+the+color+string%0Am++++%09perform+map%0A+++++%09output+implicitly+when+complete&i=%22%2312345678%22+%22%23RRGGBBAA%22+%22%23AARRGGBB%22%0A%22%231A2B3C4D%22+%22%23RRGGBBAA%22+%22%23AABBGGRR%22%0A%22%23DEADBEEF%22+%22%23AARRGGBB%22+%22%23GGBBAARR%22&a=1&m=2)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 59 bytes\n```\nlambda c,o,t:'#'+''.join(c[o.find(v):][:2]for v in t[1::2])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY1BC4IwAEbv/YqBhymJ4LSUQYfN2e67mgdTRovaRIbQr1@tXQw6Pnjv@@aXvRmNnDxd3GN4XqcBjKlJLYYR3EOY3Y3S8diZTCo9xWuC@w6jXpoFrEBpYLscfzhx86K0BTKGUY6K8nCsapgCGAnBOaWEfIGQgDABUVUHb7cJCaJFU7J/IaWcC@HDkhUNojnZhKwljLbt@ffEQ9gIoTe86d4 \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Retina 0.8.2](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language/a950ad7d925ec9316e3e2fb2cf5d49fd15d23e3d), 33 bytes\n```\n(.)(?<=(..).{7}\\1\\1.*)\\1\n$2\n.*#\n#\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxL/K@q4Z7wX0NPU8PexlZDT09Tr9q8NsYwxlBPSzPGkEvFiEtPS5lL@f9/ZUMjYxNTM3ML5aAgd3cnJ0dHZUdHCJNL2dDRyMnY2cQFWc7Jyd09KIhL2cXV0cXJ1dUNrlwZoiQoCAA \"Retina 0.8.2 \u2013 Try It Online\") Link includes test cases. Explanation:\n```\n(.)(?<=(..).{7}\\1\\1.*)\\1\n$2\n```\nFor each pair of identical characters, look back for another copy of that pair, and then the 9th and 8th characters before that, and replace the pair with those characters. This is only possible for the pairs of characters in the target format, and replaces them with the desired result.\n```\n.*#\n#\n```\nDelete the colour and source format.\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~108 104 100 94~~ 87 bytes\n```\n(s,(r@(x,y):z))!c|x==c=(s++[y],z)|(p,q)<-(s,z)!c=(p,r:q)\nc%i=fst.(foldl(!)(\"\",zip i c))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bc3baoNAEAbge59iHBvYJbYQtU0IXehutF6kNGAvSyHBA0qtGteASt7drghS2s7dHP5v0pP8jPN8GIg0Sf1EWrOj255SPby2jIWMyOXyvfswe3ollXmmj7fqsFdrptp6e6ZauMhYIps7kpR5lBOdEkSzzyrIIKR0aOEo0/KSRyI@QgcMqkvz1tQvBdxAlkALjKlxk8YF4GGPEOcyBnwtGzjsddS0r1NWqFRUaqCKoLGybOf@Yb3BBRpB4PtCcI4U0OB8avHnRzTWmymBM8AtYe8c9x9ACN8Pgl@A49o7S6z4DLged4XnPY/A/HQEJusPMN6OGRy@AQ \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n### Old version\nThanks to Laikoni for shortening 6 bytes by finding a shorter way to use `lookup`!\n```\nf(Just x)=x\np('#':z)=p z\np(x:y:z)=[x,y]:p z\np e=[]\nc!i=('#':).(f.(`lookup`zip(p i)(p c))=<<).p\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY1Ba4NAFITv/oqXZyG7UISobYJkD7vRCk1pwB5DwJCsKLG6VIXVP281gpS27/Bghplv0nN1k3ne9wl5baoaNGXaUGRpLr2OMgXdILTXjuKoH9uTd7dAsuPJuCwydk9SiyQWifOyvDUq7jJFFGR0eBdK2XZLLdVriKu0bPKrkDG0wEA19Uf99VbAA2QJaGBssOtUFoCHPYLMKwn4XtZw2C/QMD7PWTG0rqUBwxE0V7bjPj2vN7hAM4rCUAjOkQKanE8Sfy6iud5MDZwB3BbOzvX/AQgRhlH0C@D6zs4WKz4D/ID7IgheRsA8OgIm1h/AmB072H8D \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation:\n* the `p` function \"parses\" a string by ignoring the leading `#` and returning groups (lists) of 2 chars.\n* the `(!)` operator takes as input the color and the input format and returns a function that takes as a parameter the output format and returns the converted color. It turned out that the pointfree version was shorter, but I started with the more readable version:\n`f c i o='#':concat[x#zip(p<$>[i,c])|x<-p o]`\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY1Pa4NAFMTvforn20J2IQT80yaIe9iN1kNKA/YYAgnJFqVWpRqySr671QhS2r7DgxlmfpMcqw@VZV2nCaXNvGXeld005w1vb5Zvc02uRklnZOa1jJfQ9kJ7zSB2et7svbsFiu/2xslM@T3JFpSSNi1pCSnr34kx7vtsUXYaDlVSXLKzVAdogEN5qd/qr5ccHiB9Bw2c93adqBxwu0FQWaUAX4sathsTDePzmOZ961wY0B9FYtmO@/i0XKGJJI6jSEohkAESIUaJPxeRLFdjAyeAsKWzdoN/AFJGURz/AriBs7alJSZAEIpAhuHzAJhGB8DI@gMYskMHu28 \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-p`, ~~33~~ ~~32~~ 27 bytes\nGive input in the order: target, original, number\n```\n#!/usr/bin/perl -p\ns%.%$2x/(..)+$&(.){10}/g%eg\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/79YVU9VxahCX0NPT1NbRU1DT7Pa0KBWP101Nf3/f2VHx6Agd3cnJwVlCO3oqKBsaGRsYmpmbvEvv6AkMz@v@L9uAQA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFor each character in the input find the same character an even number of places forward then from there go 10 more characters forward and take that character as replacement. If you can't do these steps replace by nothing.\n```\n +--even-+----10---+ \n | | |\n#AARRGGBB #RRGGBBAA #12345678\n | >-will get removed-<\n v\n 2\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 10 bytes\n```\n2FI2\u00f4\u2122J}I\u2021\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f/fyM3T6PCWRy2LvGo9HzUs/P/f0TEoyN3dyYkLQjk6chkaGZuYmplbAAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n```\n2F } # Loop twice...\n I # First 2 inputs.\n 2\u00f4\u2122 # Title case in pairs of 2.\n J # Rejoin together.\n I # Last input (The color).\n \u2021 # Transliterate, put color in pattern from a into pattern from b.\n```\nThis works because I change the input from:\n```\nAARRGGBB\n```\nTo:\n```\nAaRrGgBb\n```\nSo each value is mapped uniquely, then I can use transliterate.\nThe arguments are reversed.\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, ~~179~~ ~~105~~ 102 bytes\n```\n(a,b,c)->{var r=\"#\";for(int i=1,t;i<9;)r+=a.substring(t=b.indexOf(c.substring(i,i+=2)),t+2);return r;}\n```\nWhopping -77 bytes thanks to *@OlivierGr\u00e9goire*.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##hY9fa4MwFMXf@yku@pJgKtR2/8gc6HQ@rQP3OPYQo450NpYYZaP42V2qbmwwNkjgnJvwO/fsWMeWu/x14BVrGrhnQh4XAELqQpWMF7A9WYBHrYR8AY5mwcgssk/BMTU/e3PNaTTTgsMWJPgwIEYywvHy5tgxBcq3bIuWtUImBYS/IpqK6yuKleMzt2mzZgQi7WeukHnx9lAi/m0uiHB8D2OiHQ9TVehWSVC0H@iUfWizymTPK3S1yGFvas2bPz0zPFd6b3Sxd@tWuwfzoiuJpMuRZa@89ebs/OLSImDZaZokYRgEowmCyVp4LPsXI/DC9e0m@o0RhkmSpv8zojiIwji@@xl9MhPui9Ev@uED)\n```\n(a,b,c)->{ // Method with String as three parameters and return-type\n var r=\"#\"; // Result-String, starting at \"#\"\n for(int i=1,t;i<9; // Loop `i` from 1 to 9 (exclusive)\n r+= // Append the result with:\n a.substring( // A substring from the first input,\n t=b.indexOf( // where an index is determined in the second input\n c.substring(i,i+=2)),t+2);\n // based on a substring of the third input\n return r;} // Return the result-String\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 5 bytes\n```\n/:i./\n```\nThe left argument is the color. The right argument is a character matrix where the first row is the target format and the second row is the original format. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/P81WT0HfKlNP/z9XanJGvoK6sqGRsYmpmbmFukIakOfoGBTk7u7kpK5jpa4MYTo6qsPUurg6uji5urpB1EIkg4LAauEa4eY6GjkZO5u4wMx1cnJ3h6qFm/sfAA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# CJam, 14 bytes\n```\n{'#\\1f>2f/~er}\n```\n[Try it Online!](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=%5Blll%5D%7B'%23%5C1f%3E2f%2F~er%7D~&input=%23AARRGGBB%0A%23RRGGBBAA%0A%2312345678%0A)\nInput is an array in the reverse order.\n```\n{\n `#\\ e# Push '#'+[input array] on to stack\n 1f> e# Remove the '#' symbol from each input string\n 2f/ e# Split each input string into an array of substrings of length 2.\n ~ e# Dump the substring-arrays from the container array onto the stack\n er e# Perform a string replace operation\n} \n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 62 bytes\n```\nlambda c,s,e:[c[s.index(e[i]):][:2]for i in range(1,len(e),2)]\n```\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, 144 bytes\n```\nDEF R C,I,O\nC[0]=\"&H\nA=R+G+B\nRGBREAD VAL(C)OUT VAR(I[1]),VAR(I[3]),VAR(I[5]),VAR(I[7])?\"#\";RGB(VAR(O[1]),VAR(O[3]),VAR(O[5]),VAR(O[7]))END\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Red](http://www.red-lang.org), 154 120 114 bytes\n```\nfunc[c o t][g: func[q][parse q[skip collect 4 keep 2 skip]]\nprin\"#\"foreach p g t[prin pick g c index? find g o p]]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZYzLCoMwFET3fsUQv6BqH7gpSbXusw1ZSEysKBofhULpt9v42JSu7pzhzB10MXNdCOmZeDbPVgmFDpMUZYwVeylsPowavRjrykJ1TaPVhAi11hYBllZKzw5VS3xiukHn6gGLEpNYSthK1Y4UqrbQryuMu447uNlsQPxDEEbH0/lCXOY8yxijdMmUbkTW5xPeH2/VacDCW5T864xlGee7vttJShOWpvefhy5vO2fPXw \"Red \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 102 bytes\n```\nlambda x,a,b:['#']+[[x[i:i+2]for i in range(1,len(x),2)][i]for i in[a[1::2].index(i)for i in b[1::2]]]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY7BasMwEETP9VcIcpBERInlJC2CHKTa9d3X7RLkRm4XEiXYPrhf78Y1uBR6WRjmzezcvvrPa8zG5vA2nv2lPnk2KK9qA3zFcQ0wABlaa2yuLSNGkbU@fgSRqnOIYpBKSwRaXPCQGqPxkeIpDILkEqtnA3HsQ9cf330XOnZgcP@T6my72z89c8X4qqrK0jlrf4S1s@SoJs5ql71s8/8458qyqmYuL2zuiuL1b8VdzIkJwyRJlmm/g0zycGsp9qIRBBtUBOl0NEo5fgM \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 6 bytes\n```\n\u1eb9\u00d0\u20acQ\u1ecb\u2075\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hrp2HJzxqWhP4cHf3o8at////V1cOCnJ3d3JydFQHsh0dnZzc3YOCQGxDRyMnY2cTF3UA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFull program.\nArgument 1: Original \nArgument 2: Target \nArgument 3: Color\n[Answer]\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), 89 bytes\n```\nchar *a,b[10],*i,*o;f(x,y){*b=*a;for(x=1;x<8;b[x++]=a[y=index(i,o[x])-i],b[x++]=a[y+1]);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dU/RboIwFH3vVzSQJVDrFHTTpGLSCvLOK@OhomATVxbUBGP8dlboBLZkSXNz77nnnHuajtMTl3ltCpmervvD6nzZi@L1uAYDpBQyV1CdHnkJEce72JkmGAmMCpJZFb7Zd7TzECdZUVqV55BqtSS7uBqNEo/HN0/I/aGyBC7iKrHHIsH9buQkNnnUuWXDO/hShy6ZZbycoX7jNTQw5BgKDAubgMxSpWd9SEPjDwAUBj@5kK0R4J5hOu5s/va@WBoECjVGURgyRqkaCzVSqgGDgLxx1RLqstlm7v8nYSwMo@iXxA@oz4Jg@yPpbVuJ1g8k5eFyLSWcqnaCQJcRw@6Yap8mzf/NxVKTQJfuL1mnaslzf7ZxmUNBl2tgp9pnnpbcrBsaQBPwqL8B \"C (clang) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input value in `a`, in format in `i` and out format in `o`. Returns out value in `b`\nMinor cheat: storing result in `b` instead of printing to save bytes. Question doesn't disallow it.\n# [C (clang)](http://clang.llvm.org/), 100 bytes\n```\nchar *a,b[10],*i,*o;f(x,y){*b=*a;for(x=1;x<8;b[x]=a[y=index(i,o[x])-i],b[x+1]=a[y+1],x+=2);puts(b);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dY7LbsIwFET3/goLNrExhTxakIyRbEKzzzZi4YSXJepUIZGMEN@emgRCWqkr3zt3zniycXaS@lAPlc5O1Xa3OJdblb8dl6CnFEofrFRnR1lALEmauNMNwYrgnO4dQy7oilOGJd3nhWOYS81iTtPEbJhMLkzp7c44iuRWQGO1sbgZuc3NPsSMmIfod1WenRTRW610Cb@k0g6CVwAkGwxdzw/eP2bzAYXKrnEcRUJwbtfcrpy3woCCvYPoA@Ge8FdB@B8iRBTF8S8kXPNQrNefD@QV2yAt30OKXVkVGk7tOMGg60hg95kdnyFwvITD2bw1ga7dX3PbqjEHob/yhMtB16sXZ8dnn8Z8P99tAE/Arf4B \"C (clang) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 181 bytes\n```\nchar *a,*i,*o;c[4],x,y,z;g(x){x=x==82?0:x==71?1:x==66?2:3;}f(){a++;for(;z<2;z++){i=(z?o:i)+1;for(y=0;y<7;z?printf(\"%s%2X\",\"#\"+!!y,c[g(i[y])]):sscanf(a+y,\"%2X\",&c[g(i[y])]),y+=2);}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jZBRb5swFIXf/StcR10wuE2ALIniUARNxjtPlRgPnuOkljKIwJGAKL89M7CyaurUScjHl3v0@dzLHw6c30Yy48fzTqxLtZP54@vTjb@yApqMmJKYOeXJLCUVqUlDD0aFL5VXed7S8acrrQvbt1udz31n5dLr3sAXZll0nxcGbdYObSwLX6RnNH6@ktiyu07tTWm9XtDGPxUyU3sD3Zf3zgsiaISsu7ua8ORgyKROcYpXZclZtjeYVRPUmb6865La8hxMr1dw0yD4k8nMwPACwADeweH7niECD8Y4HmOiJeol7CUYY0wBmEz4UbAMlkemBPwhdFwBlSgV5KwUj5DnOwFFdRJclbBUTEkOZSaVZEfZ6CrPAODJNPV4YreH0x5uqndWe40eGzAPjWzHnX2dL5aIQqnLOI6iMAwCXea6DIL@B6JAr5OC01mVBkJtuv9AB07oPs82/0KHYRTF8QfoT8mbbbAJt9tvv8l/Unbk/pkPyYVQ5yKD03a7JhiGJ3BIp69vOPjwBEeLZW8Cwzh/m/sxOvNs4z47oR2AIeE7nL6@JevMbbu1AXMCrrdf \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nCreates a `RGBA` value in `c[]` array based on format `i`, then prints in `o` format\n[Answer]\n# Clojure 1.8, 156 bytes\n```\n(fn[c o t](reduce #(str %(val %2))\"\"(sort-by key(reduce-kv #(let[s(clojure.string/index-of t(nth o %2))](assoc %(if(contains? % s)(inc s)s)%3)){}(vec c)))))\n```\nUngolfed\n```\n (fn [c o t]\n (reduce\n #(str % (val %2))\n \"\"\n (sort-by key\n (reduce-kv\n #(let [s (clojure.string/index-of t (nth o %2))]\n (assoc %\n (if (contains? % s) (inc s) s)\n %3))\n {}\n (vec c)))))\n```\nTry it online does not have Clojure 1.8 support. Very strange!\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), ~~55~~ ~~51~~ 46 bytes\n```\n{[~] %(@^b Z=>@^a){@^c}}o*.map(*.comb(/\\w?./))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYPu/OrouVkFVwyEuSSHK1s4hLlGz2iEuubY2X0svN7FAQ0svOT83SUM/ptxeT19T8781V3FipYKSSryCrZ1CdZqGSrxmrZJCWn4RF6eNsqGRsYmpmbmFgnJQkLu7k5Ojo4KyoyOEbacDVuFo5GTsbOKCqsLJyd09KAiiwsXV0cXJ1dUNoVNBGaISqOI/AA \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes a (color, original, target) list as input. Splits each input string into components, creates a Hash mapping source keys to color values, looks up color values in target key order, then formats the result.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven a positive integer *N* (\"virality\"), your program should create an ASCII-art drawing of a tree with two branches of length *N* extending downwards and/or rightwards from the top-left corner.\nThe direction taken by each branch *after the first asterisk* can be either rightwards or downwards, and this choice should be made *randomly*1 at every next step. \nFor example, given an input of 5, the output might look like:\n```\n***\n* ***\n**\n **\n```\nThe two branches are allowed to touch (be on adjacent cells), but not overlap (be on the same cell), so the following would not be allowed:\n```\n***\n* *\n*****\n *\n *\n```\n## Examples\nFor input `1`, the only possible output is:\n```\n**\n*\n```\n(This will be present in all valid outputs, since having the two branches take the same path would cause them to overlap.)\nPossible outputs for an input of `3` include:\n```\n***\n* *\n**\n```\n```\n**\n***\n*\n*\n```\nFor input `7`:\n```\n****\n* **\n* **\n*\n***\n *\n```\nFor input `10`:\n```\n****\n* * \n*********\n *\n *****\n```\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest valid answer (in bytes) wins.\n1. This should uniformly random (i.e. a 50/50 chance of each direction),\n or as close to uniformly random as you can get on normal hardware.\n \n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), ~~58~~ 51 bytes\n```\n[TT]{_2_m*\\f.+{:-},mR}ri*]ee{~\\)S*\\{'*t}/}%::a:.+N*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP3/PzokJLY63ig@VysmTU@72kq3Vic3qLYoUys2NbW6LkYzWCumWl2rpFa/VtXKKtFKT9tP6/9/QwMDAA \"CJam \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe basic idea is that we start with `[0 0]` and then repeatedly add either 0 or 1 to each element (making sure that they are never equal except at the start to avoid overlap), collecting all intermediate results.\n```\n[[0 0] [0 1] [0 2] [0 2] [1 3]]\n```\nWe then create a large array of arrays where each subarray contains `*` at indices given by the corresponding pair in the original array and spaces everywhere else.\n```\n[\"*\"\n \"**\"\n \"* *\"\n \"* * \"\n \" * * \"]\n```\nThis yields diagonal slices of the output matrix (where moving left to right corresponds to moving top-right to bottom-left in the actual matrix).\nWe can then use `::a:.+` to \"de-diagonalize\" and get the resulting lines:\n```\n[ \"**** \"\n \"* *\"\n \"** \"\n \" *\"\n \"\" ]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), ~~31~~ 24 bytes\n```\n\uff26\u00b2\u00ab\uff2a\u2070\u00a6\u2070\uff26\u2295\u03b8\u00ab\u00bf\u03b9*\u2193*\u2254\u203d\u00b2\u03b9\u00bf\uff2b\uff2b\u2197\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY2xDoIwFEVn@hUvTK8GE3SEycRFExNC9ANIeUBjabFUHAzfXkvjes7NuWJorDCN8r4zFvDI4cuS63uc7gbzDHJesiSaixaWRtKOWnzxOEtkByg5VFZqh@ku5SWQmukPirP56AwiD@PTPMteY93o1ozhKAMZ@RapiJ4YojezEBaPqZb94Da7stX7Q@73i/oB \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Originally I thought it would be easier to make the first step random but it turned out to be golfier to make the first branch predictable. Explanation:\n```\n\uff26\u00b2\u00ab\n```\nLoop twice, using index variable `i`. (This actually iterates over an implicit list, so it's safe to mutate `i` inside the loop.)\n```\n\uff2a\u2070\u00a6\u2070\n```\nJump to the origin of the canvas.\n```\n\uff26\u2295\u03b8\u00ab\n```\nLoop `N+1` times.\n```\n\u00bf\u03b9*\u2193*\n```\nPrint a `*`, but leave the cursor either to the right or below the cursor depending on the value of `i`.\n```\n\u203d\u00b2\u03b9\n```\nRandomise the value of `i` for the next iteration of the inner loop.\n```\n\u00bf\uff2b\uff2b\u2197\n```\nIf the current character is a `*`, this means that we're the second branch and we went down instead of right, so move up right to correct that.\n (The first branch always starts downwards so the second branch will always be above it, meaning that we only need to check for a vertical collision.)\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, ~~273~~ ~~272~~ ~~268~~ 239 bytes\n```\nn->{var c=new char[++n][n];for(var d:c)java.util.Arrays.fill(d,' ');for(int i=0,j=0,k=0,l=0,r=0,s=0,t=0,u=0;n-->0;){c[i+=r][j+=s]=c[k+=t][l+=u]=42;do{r=t=2;r*=Math.random();t*=Math.random();s=r^1;u=t^1;}while(i+r==k+t&j+s==l+u);}return c;}\n```\nTry it online [here](https://tio.run/##nVLBjtMwED2nX@ETtfE2agtcMF6JI4e9sBKXYCTjpK1d11mNJ1lWVb692MnShaWAxGE80vjN8/ObcbrXC1fvT3fdV28NMV7HSG60DeQ4K2zABjbaNOSTBe1zqTA7DZWqFOlziSYICUzMimFWPHJE1JhS39qaHBITvUWwYZtaNGwjG1kmvpGCSHIKi@tjr4EYGZp7Mj7BeVBVUGLTAs1X9VvDXFJbdmh9@R5AP8RyY72n9dWczNkIzGqsXF65FPsUPgWkiCkwRSeXIiwW10vBjqayXIKqHJdRSVPtuURVeS47JV@vRd0eQaJcC3gpbzTuStChbg@UCXxeiBK@rEQnMZ3D/c76hloOUu45vnA8Sul5x8QADXYQiBHDqSiSY8VdsgXpaEI5ubli2cri9iFicyjbDssR4wOdfw5zdrlp/T9Nr/7d9OT2x/GnBNKo8nyeX9ARfvY/oZYipXdklTPn08gviIAyNN/wQ6q@WTL@@Pm/ahqmRQPba2x@2bSJ/bydZnr0gihT@iZscfeztB8wN8FchlVWnZEuITPuN200wyqn/qj8SfVQnL4D).\nThanks to [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen%20Kevin%20Cruijssen) for golfing 29 bytes.\nUngolfed version:\n```\nn -> { // lambda taking an int as argument\n var c = new char[++n][n]; // the output; increment the virality since the root does not count\n for(var d : c) // for every line\n java.util.Arrays.fill(d,' '); // initialize it with spaces\n for(int i = 0, j = 0, // coordinates of the first branch\n k = 0, l = 0, // coordinates of the second branch\n r = 0, s = 0, // offsets for the first branch, one will be 0 and the other 1 always except for the first '*' where the two branches overlap\n t = 0, u = 0; // offsets for the second branch, one will be 0 and the other 1 always except for the first '*' where the two branches overlap\n n-- > 0; ) { // decrement virality and repeat as many times\n c[i+=r][j+=s] = c[k+=t][l+=u] = 42; // move according to offsets and place an '*' for each branch, 42 is ASCII code\n do { // randomly pick offsets for both branches\n r = t = 2; // Math.random() provides results in [0,1)\n r *= Math.random(); // flip a coin for the first branch\n t *= Math.random(); // flip another coin for the second\n s = r^1; // set s to 0 if r=1, to 1 if r=0\n u = t^1; // set u to 0 if t=1, to 1 if t=0\n } while(i+r==k+t&j+s==l+u); // repeat if the branches overlap\n }\n return c; // return the output\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), ~~208~~ ~~124~~ ~~122~~ 118 bytes\n118 bytes without newlines, indentation and comments. Takes *N* from stdin:\n```\n@b=1..2; #number of branches is 2\nfor(1..<>){ #add length <> (the input) to each branch\n ($x,$y)=@$_ #get where current branch has its tip now\n ,.5>rand?$x++:$y++ #increase either x or y\n ,$o[$y][$x]++&&redo #try again if that place is already occupied\n ,$_=[$x,$y] #register new tip of current branch\n for@b #...and do all that for each branch \n}\nsay map$_||!$i++?'*':$\",@$_ for@o; #output the branches\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYzdCoIwGEBfxerDn74xUpTANd17jCGKBkE12Sgc2bOv2d25OOfMk7lX/mWn6F3R/MQO1vTPMT1nzIuB55QW7KpNGuDSZJ8UFgIu4wI6QqtmU1tYEGtwiAS0BKckLAoxjs00agIdl/9GhYsYvrZ30aOfoVvXHdwQ2@SY1LAnYRhthmbel@UP \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 204 bytes\n```\nfrom random import*\nN=input()\ns=eval(`[[' ']*-~N]*-~N`)\ns[0][0]='*'\nI=x,y=1,0\nJ=X,Y=0,1\nexec\"s[y][x]=s[Y][X]='*';i,j,k,l=choice((J+I,I+I,I+J,J+J)[x-2104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the snippet:\n```\n## [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\n/* Configuration */\nvar QUESTION_ID = 55422; // Obtain this from the url\n// It will be like https://XYZ.stackexchange.com/questions/QUESTION_ID/... on any question page\nvar ANSWER_FILTER = \"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";\nvar COMMENT_FILTER = \"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";\nvar OVERRIDE_USER = 8478; // This should be the user ID of the challenge author.\n/* App */\nvar answers = [], answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1, more_answers = true, comment_page;\nfunction answersUrl(index) {\n return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\" + QUESTION_ID + \"/answers?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + ANSWER_FILTER;\n}\nfunction commentUrl(index, answers) {\n return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\" + answers.join(';') + \"/comments?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + COMMENT_FILTER;\n}\nfunction getAnswers() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: answersUrl(answer_page++),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function (data) {\n answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);\n answers_hash = [];\n answer_ids = [];\n data.items.forEach(function(a) {\n a.comments = [];\n var id = +a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);\n answer_ids.push(id);\n answers_hash[id] = a;\n });\n if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;\n comment_page = 1;\n getComments();\n }\n });\n}\nfunction getComments() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function (data) {\n data.items.forEach(function(c) {\n if (c.owner.user_id === OVERRIDE_USER)\n answers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c);\n });\n if (data.has_more) getComments();\n else if (more_answers) getAnswers();\n else process();\n }\n }); \n}\ngetAnswers();\nvar SCORE_REG = /\\s*([^\\n,<]*(?:<(?:[^\\n>]*>[^\\n<]*<\\/[^\\n>]*>)[^\\n,<]*)*),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;\nvar OVERRIDE_REG = /^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\nfunction getAuthorName(a) {\n return a.owner.display_name;\n}\nfunction process() {\n var valid = [];\n \n answers.forEach(function(a) {\n var body = a.body;\n a.comments.forEach(function(c) {\n if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))\n body = '

' + c.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG, '') + '

';\n });\n \n var match = body.match(SCORE_REG);\n if (match)\n valid.push({\n user: getAuthorName(a),\n size: +match[2],\n language: match[1],\n link: a.share_link,\n });\n else console.log(body);\n });\n \n valid.sort(function (a, b) {\n var aB = a.size,\n bB = b.size;\n return aB - bB\n });\n var languages = {};\n var place = 1;\n var lastSize = null;\n var lastPlace = 1;\n valid.forEach(function (a) {\n if (a.size != lastSize)\n lastPlace = place;\n lastSize = a.size;\n ++place;\n \n var answer = jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();\n answer = answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\", lastPlace + \".\")\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", a.user)\n .replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", a.language)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", a.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", a.link);\n answer = jQuery(answer);\n jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);\n var lang = a.language;\n lang = jQuery('
'+lang+'').text();\n \n languages[lang] = languages[lang] || {lang: a.language, lang_raw: lang, user: a.user, size: a.size, link: a.link};\n });\n var langs = [];\n for (var lang in languages)\n if (languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))\n langs.push(languages[lang]);\n langs.sort(function (a, b) {\n if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() > b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return 1;\n if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() < b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return -1;\n return 0;\n });\n for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; ++i)\n {\n var language = jQuery(\"#language-template\").html();\n var lang = langs[i];\n language = language.replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", lang.lang)\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", lang.user)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", lang.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", lang.link);\n language = jQuery(language);\n jQuery(\"#languages\").append(language);\n }\n}\n```\n```\nbody {\n text-align: left !important;\n display: block !important;\n}\n#answer-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\n#language-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 500px;\n float: left;\n}\ntable thead {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\ntable td {\n padding: 5px;\n}\n```\n```\n\n\n

Shortest Solution by Language

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n


\n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Momema](https://github.com/ScratchMan544/momema), 63 bytes\n```\n0-9*072*0101*0108*0108*0111*044*032*087*0111*0114*0108*0100*033\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y83PTc1N/P/fQNdSy8DcSMvA0MAQRFjACEMg18REy8AYKGdhDhUwNDSBKzIAyhn//w8A \"Momema \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is a golfed version of the Hello World program given by TIO. The only difference is that we store the value `-9` (the cell which is memory-mapped for character-based I/O) in cell 0, and then use `*0` (the value of cell `0`) instead of `-9` everywhere. This wouldn't save bytes except that Momema will parse a leading `0` on a string literal as a separate number, so you can write e.g. `*0108` instead of `-9 108`. This saves a byte for every write.\nAs hinted above, the program consists of a series of writes of various codepoints to `-9` (the address which is memory-mapped to perform character-based I/O). In ungolfed form, it looks like:\n```\n0 -9\n*0 72\n*0 101\n*0 108\n*0 108\n*0 111\n*0 44\n*0 32\n*0 87\n*0 111\n*0 114\n*0 108\n*0 100\n*0 33\n```\n[Answer]\n## Crayon, 16 Bytes\n```\n\"Hello, World!\"q\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy5KrMzP@/9fySM1JydfRyE8vygnRVGp8P9/AA)\n[Answer]\n# [Felix](https://github.com/felix-lang/felix), 21 bytes\n```\nprint\"Hello, World!\";\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0vNyaz4/7@gKDOvRMkjNScnX0chPL8oJ0VRyfr/fwA \"Felix \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSomebody linked to this language on PPCG and I thought it was interesting. In the interest of getting to know the language, I thought I'd write some programs in it.\nThe Felix docs all use `print$ x` instead of `print x` because `print` is a procedure and not a keyword, so use of the Haskell-style low-precedence application operator `$` allows a slightly more natural syntax (compare `print (1 + foo(5));` with `print$ 1 + foo(5);`. I'm not sure I agree completely with this, but it's just a convention and as I'm on PPCG I can break it without feeling guilty.\n`print` is Felix's function to output something, with no trailing newline.\n[Answer]\n# [Brat](https://github.com/presidentbeef/brat), 17 bytes\n```\np \"Hello, World!\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKLPn/v0BBySM1JydfRyE8vygnRVHp/38A \"Brat \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## [NEUPL](https://github.com/Legend-of-iPhoenix/NEUPL), 14 bytes\n```\n\"!dlrow ,olleH\n```\n[Try it online](https://legend-of-iphoenix.github.io/NEUPL/?c=%22!dlrow%20,olleH)\n### Explanation:\n```\n\"!dlrow ,olleH\n\" Begin pushing characters to the stack.\n ! Push the character \"!\" to the stack.\n d Push the character \"d\" to the stack.\n l Push the character \"l\" to the stack.\n r Push the character \"r\" to the stack.\n o Push the character \"o\" to the stack.\n w Push the character \"w\" to the stack.\n Push the character \" \" to the stack.\n , Push the character \",\" to the stack.\n o Push the character \"o\" to the stack.\n l Push the character \"l\" to the stack.\n l Push the character \"l\" to the stack.\n e Push the character \"e\" to the stack.\n H Push the character \"H\" to the stack.\n Implicitly stop pushing characters to the stack.\n Implicitly pop and print each character in the stack.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Dreaderef](https://github.com/ScratchMan544/Dreaderef), 42 bytes\n```\n\"\u0001\u0010\u0004\u0001?\u0007\u0004?\t?\u0007\\r\u0006?\u0002\u0001\u0015\u0010\u00010\"-1\"Hello, World!\\n\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SylKTUxJLUpN@/9fiVGAhdGencWe0549pojNnolRVIDRQEnXUMkjNScnX0chPL8oJ0UxJk/p/38A \"Dreaderef \u2013 Try It Online\") This file contains unprintables. Hexdump:\n```\n00000000: 2201 1004 013f 0704 3f09 3f07 5c72 063f \"....?..?.?.\\r.?\n00000010: 0201 1510 0130 222d 3122 4865 6c6c 6f2c .....0\"-1\"Hello,\n00000020: 2057 6f72 6c64 215c 6e22 World!\\n\"\n```\nThere already is a Dreaderef submission, but this uses a different approach (looping through memory rather than printing out each character directly).\nUngolfed:\n```\nCODE.\n; Dereference the string pointer\n0. deref 16 4\n; End the program if the value pointed to is zero\n3. deref ? 7\n6. bool ? 9\n9. ? 7 13 ; Black magic\n12. chro ?\n; Increment the string pointer\n14. add 1 21 16\n; Go back to the beginning\n18. deref 100 -1\nDATA.\n21. \"Hello, World!\\n\"\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Reflections](https://thewastl.github.io/Reflections/), 41 bytes\n```\n_Hello, World!;#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_\n```\n[Test it!](https://thewastl.github.io/Reflections/reflections.html##X0hlbGxvLCBXb3JsZCE7I18jXyNfI18jXyNfI18jXyNfI18jXyNfI1//MP81MDD/MP8=)\nExplanation:\n1. The `_` at (0|0) pushes my source to the stack.\n2. `Hello, World!` consists of no-ops\n3. `;` pops the first character.\n4. 13 times `#_`:\n\t1. `#` redefines (0|0)\n\t2. `_` at (1|0) prints a character\n[Answer]\n# [DipDup](https://github.com/AlephAlpha/DipDup), 15 bytes\n```\n[Hello, World!]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZVRLj9owEL7nV8xGSCRi4dYLWvaCqFqpVVGp1EOUzXoTU6xN4sg2JUj973RmnFcpBzL@5pv32Cdh32VZ3m6qarRx8EO2brUXxkqz1dWbqoXTxq6@S1Hsg6AQTiDFVLCBLWxPwsAf2MGubUwQuGsjWURlQqQ0CFRtnahzCYeTvnjLy0kaGQD@LGHRFvKYLPJ0Au5AEhgmISwWHpMkhWk4sL4o65ATLRYxrCDXdS7cV9GwbhKZUr@PbBCzeyNztEdD9DNjbJ85nR1YJIuB24W6o/iyezKs1xxrz8FGeEMlPs2ewQqn7PEK0Wut3a6U1SvWl4ZxjIUtqGQivUl3kbKGKKfmzpN53Ispin3U2IflZg9hOZ0B3kAl6utYip/dwYn8HXXecrn2ADbrqFoDHwii1innieuR0EM4qZQtBwgnr5uBCstnnwmBUcvUjGbZdhvy8VxT2wdy50P@FmXfRv6iiqijol@KSJLTeKLYwvxlTqpCNf/CmYfPd/ADw42@g9cM00KMeIaIKnx@fb/5O82v6/ixVA2u4lGXRYkbxcfekfcwteYuMbgBatZqNGDKpMFYF1lyPJK7vl7531LSXhxsW7BodZ5YnQcr5nuxA4Kg0SOV5Cgbqaimlgx6PvyfAY4HT9DGvU8ju60wqv7lJ00S46puznSjcmElJC2@IlH7CGEYw9PS305PSUEf@RYmbUou@CWYcZ24UKTICJbGaANhQ@@WP4RBUAlVUwKfv0EU@xOOsnbSiNxhkOZ2Sz7h26cf4ac2ZfGQ/gU \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [MachineCode](https://github.com/aaronryank/MachineCode) on x86\\_64, 125 bytes\n```\n4889f8c60748c6470165c647036cc647026cc647046fc647052cc6470620c6470757c647086fc6470972c6470a6cc6470b64c6470c21c6470d00c3\nsbrk()\n```\nRequires string output via the `s` flag. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LctBCoAwDATAuy/RW4xpUp/TphVFVND/EyX2ssOy7JF03c6qV6lmFOO8RGUQ@pIERg7uxOpik3hxA/6dEVwJ4sa2z4Juar/M5CqObgHQqXvyvfeDmT0v)\nThis language works like so:\n* The first line is machine code. This is translated to a C function.\n* The second line is C code. It specifies the arguments to the function created in line 1.\n* A command-line argument specifies how the function's return value is used.\nSo, the machine code is equivalent to:\n```\nchar *a(char *s) {\n s[0]='H'; s[1]='e'; s[2]=s[3]='l'; s[4]='o'; s[5]=','; s[6]=' '; s[7]='W'; s[8]='o'; s[9]='r'; s[10]='l'; s[11]='d'; s[12]='!'; s[13]=0;\n return s;\n}\n```\nI generated the machine code via my [C lambda script](https://gist.github.com/aaronryank/c6fd96d543658b19ed9268a3844d0657).\n[Answer]\n# [QUARK](https://github.com/moonheart08/quark-interp), 46 bytes\n```\n33 100^8+^6+^3\u221287 32 44 111^3\u2212^^7\u221272\u203aI\n```\nSets up the numbers in reverse order, with quick number twiddling used for the lowercase characters, as they are quite close together.\n[Answer]\n# [Dirty](https://github.com/Ourous/dirty), 16 bytes\n```\n'Hello, World!'\u203c\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8ksKqn8/1/dIzUnJ19HITy/KCdFUf1Rw57//wE \"Dirty \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pyt](https://github.com/mudkip201/pyt), ~~40~~ 39 [bytes](https://github.com/mudkip201/pyt/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n89*2\u1d07\u207a\u01107+\u0110\u01103+5\u2b21\u207b2\u20759\u00b26+\u01104!+\u01103+\u01106-2\u1d07\u0110\u2083\u00e1\u0187\u01f0\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n89* Pushes 72 ('H')\n 2\u1d07\u207a Pushes 101 ('e')\n \u01107+ Duplicates 101, then adds 7 ('l')\n \u0110 Duplicates 108 ('l')\n \u01103+ Duplicates 108, then adds 3 ('o')\n 5\u2b21\u207b Pushes 44 (',')\n 2\u2075 Pushes 32 (' ')\n 9\u00b26+ Pushes 87 ('W')\n \u01104!+ Duplicates 87, then adds 24 ('o')\n \u01103+ Duplicates 111, then adds 3 ('r')\n \u01106- Duplicates 114, then subtracts 6 ('l')\n 2\u1d07 Pushes 100 ('d')\n \u0110\u2083 Duplicates 100, then divides by 3 (Python 2-style integer division)\n \u00e1 Replaces the stack with an array containing the stack's contents\n \u0187 Cast to unicode characters\n \u01f0 Join strings\n Implicit print\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gs@f/fwlLL6OGW9keNu45MMNc@MuHIBGNt80ObTHWNHjVutTy0yQwoZqKoDRI@MsFMF6T2yIRHTc2HFx5rP77h/38A)\n[Answer]\n# R16K1S60, ~~42~~ 40 bytes\n## Program:\n```\nC301 000D 0001 5180 2C20 A539 0008 5100 C589 00FF 4701 0003 1000 4865 6C6C 6F2C 2057 6F72 6C64 2100\n```\n## Source:\n```\n[C301 000D] mov sp,hello ;set the stack pointer to the start of the message\n[0001 ] dw 1 ;do nothing + skip next instruction\nloop:\n [5180] send 0,cx ;output cx (skipped the first time)\n [2C20] pop bx ;read a value into register bx\n [A539 0008] shr bx,cx,8 ;copy bx into cx, shift bx 8 bits to the right\n [5100] send 0,bx ;output bx\n [C589 00FF] @flags and cx,0xFF ;get the lower 8 bits of cx\n[4701 0003] jnz loop ;repeat if cx is not 0\n[1000] hlt ;end\nhello:\n [4865 6C6C 6F2C 2057 6F72 6C64 2100] db \"Hello, World!\" ;byte data\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MachineCode](https://github.com/aaronryank/MachineCode), ~~68~~ 62 bytes\n```\ne80d00000048656c6c6f2c20576f726c6421596a015b6a0d5a6a0458cd80c3\n```\nCredit to [ceilingcat](https://stackoverflow.com/a/49063073/6850771) for finding this (and for the language inspiration). [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYdBDoAwCMC@xBAYPgeBRQ/q/09IbJMmvc3P60l/I6tSIeCHVFi8XegIPGVN7CMcvIvB4KMbbF1i9VDwreoD)\n---\nHere's a hacky version that isn't true machine code but works with my language.\n# MachineCode, 54 bytes\n```\ne80d00000H656c6c6f2c20576f726c6421596a1[6adZ6a4Xcd80c3\n```\nAbuses the current compiler's parser. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y01MzsjMS03OT0n9/z/VwiDFAAQ8zEzNkoEwzSjZyMDU3CzN3AjIMzEyNLU0SzSMNktMiTJLNIlITrEwSDb@/x8A)\n[Answer]\n# [Jstx](https://github.com/Quantum64/Jstx), 2 [bytes](https://quantum64.github.io/Jstx/codepage)\n```\n\u20a7P\n```\n[Try it online!](https://quantum64.github.io/Jstx/JstxGWT-1.0.2/JstxGWT.html?code=4oKnUA%3D%3D)\n[Answer]\n# [Attache](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/attache), 21 bytes\n```\nPrint!\"Hello, World!\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SywpSUzOSP3/P6AoM69EUckjNScnX0chPL8oJ0VR6f9/AA \"Attache \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Lorale](https://github.com/TheOnlyMrCat/Lorale) 37 (36) bytes\nThis is a language I am making. It shouldn't count as a loophole, as I *am* making this legitimately, but a hello world program requires you to pass this to the interpreter as args:\n```\n;Main{\u00a7vmain(){\u00b6\"Hello, world!\"}};\n```\nAlternatively, the program could be put into the semi-IDE as:\n```\nMain{\u00a7vmain(){\u00b6\"Hello, world!\"}};\n```\nmaking it 36, not 37 bytes.\n```\nMain{ Defines the main class\n \u00a7v Defines a void\n main(){ named main\n \u00b6\"Hello, world!\"; Prints \"Hello, world!\"\n }}; Closes the main method and class\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Beatnik](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Beatnik), 111 bytes\n```\nk zzzzzzzzc k xx k x k d k k k zzxa k zzzzzzzzf xw k zd z xw xo k k k x xw k zk\nk zzzzzzzzzzxx qs z xo xw xj kd\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RYthCoBQCIP/d4pd7ZUFJfSIgoaXNw3hOTamfM5re85d3RVWs0BBZoQlnDJjw2A28M1VYNnYC2PddRpsvBLXnWT/4QMq7h8 \"Beatnik \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Non-crashing version, 117 bytes\n```\nk zzzc xw xw z k xx k x k d k k k zzxa k zzzzzzzzf xw k zd z xw xo k k k x xw k zk\nk zzzzzzzzzzxx qs z xo xw xj kd xo\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RYtdCoBACITfO4VX27KghJZooWEub7otpI5/fDOvpZ27uZuQXARPFsUEyBbSUCaJ0scXW4JxatDpqgPD@Nv0s2GFXHeStcOHmMbu/gI \"Beatnik \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## [Vala](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala), 36 bytes\nFile hello.vala:\n```\nvoid main(){print(\"Hello, World!\");}\n```\n...without trailing newline.\nAfter a diet suggested by @ASCII-only.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0vMSfz/vyw/M0UhNzEzT0OzuqAoM69EQ8kjNScnX0chPL8oJ0VRSdO69v9/AA \"Vala \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n## [Vala](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala), 42 bytes\nYayyyy!!! 42!!! \\o/\nFile `hello.vala`:\n```\nvoid main(){stdout.puts(\"Hello, World!\");}\n```\n...without trailing newline.\nRun:\n```\n$ valac hello.vala \n$ ./hello\nHello, World!\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Subskin](https://github.com/TryItOnline/subskin), 47 bytes\n```\n48\n6f\n2\na\n1\n4\n1\n4\na\n3\n3\n43\n4f\n18\n-3\n3\nb\n4e\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Ky5NKs7OzPv/n8vEgsssjcuIK5HLkMsEjLmAbGMg5DIx5jJJ4zK04OLSBfGTuExS//8HAA \"Subskin \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSo Ruby allows negative indices.\n[Answer]\n**[IO](http://iolanguage.org/), 20 Bytes**\n```\n\"Hello, World!\"print\n```\n**Other possibility, 21 22 Bytes**\n```\nwrite(\"Hello, World!\")\n```\n[Answer]\n# [BrainfuckSubstitutor](https://github.com/okx-code/BrainfuckSubstitutor), 65 bytes\n```\n_--!+++?>>/<<\n+[_>-[?+>__-/]<_<_-]>-.>?+.?..![.>]//.!.___./-.??+.\n```\nBased off KSab's Brainfuck answer.\n[Answer]\n# [tinyBF](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 94 bytes\n```\n+|=++=>=+=|>>+>=+++++>>|>++>+++|=>=+===>>>+==>>====+++|==>=|>>>>===+++===++++++==>>+===>>>>+==\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JUs5DsAwDHoQb4DHdKjUJVOWSP67i4kHwBz7W@d5u1EEKIIlwTwnlYxWlYiUw0FLxrbvQQz/FyNSnP5w9w8 \"tinyBF \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI noticed there wasn't a tinyBF answer here. This is based on Ksab's record-breaking [brainfuck answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/163590/76162).\n[Answer]\n# [2Col](https://github.com/gunnerwolf/2col), 2 bytes\n```\nHW\n```\nHooray, another boring answer using a Hello world builtin.\n[Answer]\n# [HadesLang](https://github.com/Azer0s/HadesLang), ~~20~~ 19 bytes\n-1 byte thanks to [Oliver](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/61613/oliver)\n```\nout:'Hello, World!'\n```\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 137 bytes\n```\n++++++++++[>+>+++>+++++++>++++++++++<<<<-]>>>++.>+.+++++++..+++.<<++++++++++++++.------------.>+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.<<+.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fGw6i7bTtgJQdlGuHkLEBAt1YOzugkJ6dth5UVA/E0LOx0UYBerpIQM9OG03WTg@hBq4UZIje//8A \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# Explained :\n```\n++++++++++[>+>+++>+++++++>++++++++++<<<<-]>>>++. H\n>+. e\n+++++++.. l l\n+++. o\n<<++++++++++++++. comma\n------------. space\n>+++++++++++++++. W\n>. o\n+++. r\n------. l\n--------. d\n<<+. !\n```\n---\nThis can definitely be golfed. (World record is 72 bytes so I already know that)\n---\n[Answer]\n# [Thing](https://gitlab.com/gnu-nobody/Thinglang), 37 bytes\nPushes the characters to the stack one by one (the second \"l\" is made with duplication, saving 1 byte), then concatenates them.\n```\n\\!\\d\\l\\r\\o\\W\\ \\,\\o\\ld\\e\\H++++++++++++\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8nIzEv//z9GMSYlJiemKCY/JjxGIUYHSOekxKTGeGgjgf//AQ \"Thing \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## [TapeBagel](https://esolangs.org/wiki/TapeBagel), 511 bytes\n```\n%% %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++\n%++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++\n%++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## @* %++ %++ %++ %++\n%++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++\n%++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++\n%++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++\n%++ %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++ %++\n%++ %++ @* ## %++ %++ %++ %++ @* ##\n```\n---\n**%#** - adds one to the integer index.\n**%%** - resets the integer index to zero.\n**%&** - the integer that the integer index is pointing to is inputted into the program.\n**#%** - sets all of the integers to one.\n**##** - resets all of the integers to zero.\n**&&** - pauses the program.\n**&@** - clears the screen.\n**%++** - adds one to the integer that the integer index is pointing to \n**@[** int **]** - outputs the integer as a character (1 = A, 2 = B, ... 26 = Z) \n**\\*** - integer 0 \n[Answer]\n# [Sisi](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/Sisi), 21 bytes\n```\n0print\"Hello, World!\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K84szvz/36CgKDOvRMkjNScnX0chPL8oJ0VR6f9/AA \"Sisi \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Q#](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/quantum/quantum-qr-intro?view=qsharp-preview), 43 bytes\n```\nfunction H():String{return\"Hello, World!\";}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY6xTsNADIbn5ClMp0SCewAywtCBDpBKnc3FpadefKl9R1VVeXXChRImJA/279@/v5M@2CA0MfakA1qCkx5QhvI67RPb6ALDuqof2yiOP65CMQmv1uR9uIddEN/drZpxGqevTtwnyZQ0@6C9aKS@KW/TxlkJGvbRvCbkmHrTuj55nNOXNogu9tux2R6EsMuC2aIetfmHsSyG9O6dBetRFZ5/EMoi68tCY/5iAfXCFuYc2KDjqs6O2VU8BdbgyezERXpxTBWe0UVYm7fEFdMZfpH/MKu6rpt8Opa5xm8 \"Q# \u2013 Try It Online\")\nMight as well put it out there. Q# is Microsoft's programming language for quantum computers, not that there's anything quantum happening here.\n\"Now hold on a moment! This isn't a complete program!\"--You, probably.\nWell, it's not actually possible to write a complete program in Q#. You *always* have to call it from a different language. So I'm just submitting a \"function\", although note that while Q# is a .NET language, the `function` keyword actually defines a class and not a method, and the submission is equivalent to the following C# code:\n```\npublic class H : Operation, ICallable\n{\n public H(IOperationFactory m) : base(m)\n {\n }\n String ICallable.Name => \"H\";\n String ICallable.FullName => \"qsharp.H\";\n public override Func Body => (__in) =>\n {\n return \"Hello, World!\";\n }\n ;\n public override void Init()\n {\n }\n public override IApplyData __dataIn(QVoid data) => data;\n public override IApplyData __dataOut(String data) => new QTuple(data);\n public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task Run(IOperationFactory __m__)\n {\n return __m__.Run(QVoid.Instance);\n }\n}\n```\nYou can use [this link](https://tio.run/##tZFBS8NAEIXP5leMbSEtNLupoogWL6L05sGC53UzSZZuZje7k0qt/e0xAcGrIMK80zze9@B9xLrXiuEeaiPaCOt1@vj8lPakGoxeaYQ21ir45JiclR1pNo5gM1/cvnAwVB0DchdoskFr3RJeXbDF@eTulJz6ISYpHBMySOdZNkYHF13JsnYNSkFdhSwHxE5VGH/eou0UcdeIAvdonW@QWOwMy1xciNVNfi1WV/ll5gPuDb5Lds5G2UY9ShTWQpYFLDEgaYwwm5eGin9tYM0bfEIV0EM68Gfp4m9UrcjR71lZZsh3/L3fFLg2EYZzhGAN4RIO6pAk48iDpRJ6NG1rhAoJg2Is4GEKpbHYfwE) to \"disassemble\" Q#.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n...will you help me immortalize it?\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5KcWXm.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5KcWXm.png)\nI've had this pillow a few years now, and apparently it's time to get rid of it. Can you please write a function or program, that I can bring with me and use to recreate this pillow whenever I want to reminisce a bit.\nIt must work with no input arguments. \nThe output should look exactly like this (trailing newlines and spaces are OK).\n```\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n```\nThis is code golf, so the shortest code in bytes win!\n---\n## Leaderboard\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=98701,OVERRIDE_USER=31516;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [///](http://esolangs.org/wiki////), 116 bytes\n```\n/a/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\///b/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//A/aaaaa//B/bbbbb//C/ABABABABABAB\n//D/BABABABABABA\n/CCCCDDDDCCCCDDDDCCCCDDDD\n```\n[Try it online!](http://slashes.tryitonline.net/#code=L2EvXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcLy8vYi9cXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcXFxcLy9BL2FhYWFhLy9CL2JiYmJiLy9DL0FCQUJBQkFCQUJBQgovL0QvQkFCQUJBQkFCQUJBCi9DQ0NDRERERENDQ0NEREREQ0NDQ0REREQ&input=)\n**Edit**: the `\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/` and `\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\` are actually a *single* / and \\, respectively.\n**Edit**: -3 because I thought of removing `i`. I think this can't be further golfed.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~18~~ 15 bytes\nCode:\n```\n\u201e/\\5\u00d7{4\u00c56\u00d7\u00bb6F=R\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n\u201e/\\ # Push the string \"/\\\"\n 5\u00d7 # Repeat 5 times: \"/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\"\n { # Sort, resulting in: \"/////\\\\\\\\\\\"\n 4\u00c56 # Create a list of 6's with length 4: [6, 6, 6, 6]\n \u00d7 # Vectorized string multiplication\n \u00bb # Join by newlines\n 6F # Do the following six times..\n = # Print with a newline without popping\n R # Reverse the string\n```\nUses the **CP-1252** encoding. [Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=4oCeL1w1w5d7NMOFNsOXwrs2Rj1S&input=)\n[Answer]\n## Python 2, 49 bytes\n```\nb,a='\\/';exec(\"print(a*5+b*5)*6;\"*4+\"a,b=b,a;\")*6\n```\nThanks to Mitch Schwartz for this clean method that saves a byte. The idea is to print four lines of `('\\\\'*5+'/'*5)*6`, swap the roles of slash and backslash, and then do that whole process 6 times. The two characters are stored in `a` and `b`, and swapped as `a,b=b,a`. The double-loop is double by generating the following code string, then executing it with `exec`:\n```\nprint(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;a,b=b,a;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;a,b=b,a;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;a,b=b,a;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;a,b=b,a;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;a,b=b,a;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;print(a*5+b*5)*6;a,b=b,a;\n```\n---\n**50 bytes:**\n```\ns='/'*5+'\\\\'*5;exec(\"print s*6;\"*4+\"s=s[::-1];\")*6\n```\nMakes the line string, prints it four times and then reverses it, then does that 6 times. Does so by generating the following code, then executing it:\n```\nprint s*6;print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;s=s[::-1];print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;s=s[::-1];print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;s=s[::-1];print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;s=s[::-1];print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;s=s[::-1];print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;print s*6;s=s[::-1]\n```\nHere are some of the iterations of my golfing:\n```\nfor c in([1]*4+[-1]*4)*3:print('/'*5+'\\\\'*5)[::c]*6\nfor i in range(24):print('/\\\\'*5+'\\/'*5)[i/4%2::2]*6\nfor c in range(24):print('\\\\'*5+'/'*5)[::(c&4)/2-1]*6\nfor i in range(24):print('/'*5+'\\\\'*5)[::1-i/4%2*2]*6\nfor c in([1]*4+[0]*4)*3:print('\\/'*5+'/\\\\'*5)[c::2]*6\nfor c in([1]*4+[0]*4)*3:print('\\/'[c]*5+'/\\\\'[c]*5)*6\nfor c in(['/\\\\']*4+['\\/']*4)*3:print(c[0]*5+c[1]*5)*6\nfor c in([5]*4+[-5]*4)*3:print('/'*c+'\\\\'*5+'/'*-c)*6\nprint((('/'*5+'\\\\'*5)*6+'\\n')*4+(('\\\\'*5+'/'*5)*6+'\\n')*4)*3\nfor x in(['/'*5+'\\\\'*5]*4+['\\\\'*5+'/'*5]*4)*3:print x*6\na='/'*5;b='\\\\'*5\nfor x in([a+b]*4+[b+a]*4)*3:print x*6\ns='/'*5+'\\\\'*5\nfor x in([s]*4+[s[::-1]]*4)*3:print x*6\ns=('/'*5+'\\\\'*5)*9\nexec(\"print s[:60];\"*4+\"s=s[5:];\")*6\na='/'*5;b='\\\\'*5\nfor i in range(24):print[a+b,b+a][i/4%2]*6\n```\n[Answer]\n# 05AB1E, 15 bytes\n```\n\u201e/\\5\u00d7{R6\u00d76FR4F=\n```\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=4oCeL1w1w5d7UjbDlzZGUjRGPQ&input=)\nExplanation:\n```\n\u201e/\\ # Push \"/\\\"\n 5\u00d7 # Repeat string five times: \"/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\"\n { # Sort: \"/////\\\\\\\\\\\"\n R # Reverse: \"\\\\\\\\\\/////\n 6\u00d7 # Repeat string six times\n 6F # Repeat the following six times:\n R # Reverse\n 4F # Repeat the following four times:\n = # Print without popping\n```\nUses the **CP-1252** encoding.\n[Answer]\n# [Bubblegum](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Bubblegum), 30 bytes\n```\n00000000: d307 8118 1020 9dc5 3544 3523 f8a4 b386 ..... ..5D5#....\n00000010: aae6 e113 cfa3 f13c 1acf a3f1 0c00 .......<......\n```\nObligatory Bubblegum answer.\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), ~~68~~ ~~60~~ 58 bytes\nA recursive function. Several optimizations inspired from [chocochaos answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/98720/58563).\n```\nf=(n=1440)=>n--?'/\\\\'[n/240&1^n/5&1]+(n%60?'':`\n`)+f(n):''\n```\n### Demo\n```\nf=(n=1440)=>n--?'/\\\\'[n/240&1^n/5&1]+(n%60?'':`\n`)+f(n):''\nconsole.log(f());\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, ~~77~~ ~~70~~ 57 bytes\n```\na%b=(<*[1..a]).([1..b]>>)\nunlines$4%3$5%6<$>[\"/\\\\\",\"\\\\/\"]\n```\nBoring `concat`s and `replicate`s instead of playing with sines. Old was:\n```\nunlines[[\"\\\\/\"!!(ceiling$sin(pi*x/5)*sin(pi*y/4))|x<-[0.5..59]]|y<-[0.5..23]]\n```\n[Answer]\n# Brainfuck, 140 bytes\n```\n>>>++++++++[>++++++>++++++++++++<<-]++++++++++>->----<<<<<+++[>++++[>++++++[>>.....>.....<<<-]>.<<-]++++[>++++++[>>>.....<.....<<-]>.<<-]<-]\n```\n:-D\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, 16 bytes\n```\n\"/\\\"6*5m*n+4*sD3\n```\nAfter update today that allowed `\"` in string literals, 17 bytes\n```\n\"/\\\\\"6*5m*n+4*sD3\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=%22%2F%5C%5C%226%2a5m%2an%2B4%2asD3)\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~86~~ ~~80~~ ~~76~~ ~~74~~ 73 bytes\n```\nfor z in range(24):a=('/'*5+'\\\\'*5)*24;print((a+a[::-1])*3)[z*60:z*60+60]\n```\nCould probably golf a few more off it but it's a start.\n**Edit**\nSaved 6 by removing some unneeded brackets\nAnother 4 by using a single string and then reversing it\nThanks @Adnan. Had a late night last night and still not fully awake yet :p\n-1 by moving the `*24` to the variable instead of using it twice\n[Answer]\n# Brainfuck, 149 bytes\n```\n++++++++++>++++++[>++++++++<-]>->+++++++++[>++++++++++<-]>++>+++[<<++++[<<++++++[>.....>>.....<<<-]<.>>>-]++++[<<++++++[>>>.....<<.....<-]<.>>>-]>>-]\n```\n[The best interpreter EVAR!](//copy.sh/brainfuck?c=KysrKysrKysrKz4rKysrKytbPisrKysrKysrPC1dPi0-KysrKysrKysrWz4rKysrKysrKysrPC1dPisrPisrK1s8PCsrKytbPDwrKysrKytbPi4uLi4uPj4uLi4uLjw8PC1dPC4-Pj4tXSsrKytbPDwrKysrKytbPj4-Li4uLi48PC4uLi4uPC1dPC4-Pj4tXT4-LV0$)\nThis uses 6 cells (no wrapping, no modulo). Here they are:\n```\n0A 00 2F 00 5C 00\n```\nThe `00` cells are used for the loop counters. Here, the counters are filled in with initial values:\n```\n0A 06 2F 04 5C 03\n```\nThe leftmost counter is for the innermost loop (yes, I use nested loops of depth 3). Please note that the 4th cell (`04` counter) is used twice, once for `/////\\\\\\\\\\...`, and once for `\\\\\\\\\\/////...` every time.\n`0A`, `2F` and `5C` are the characters `\\n`, `/` and `\\`, respectively.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2.7 66 -> 56 -> 55 bytes\n```\na=\"/\"*5+\"\\\\\"*5;b=a[::-1];c=6*a+\"\\n\";d=6*b+\"\\n\";e=4*c+4*d;print e*3\n```\nnew to code golfing\n```\na=\"/\"*5+\"\\\\\"*5;print(4*(6*a+\"\\n\")+4*(6*a[::-1]+\"\\n\"))*3\n```\nThanks Stewie Griffin\nForgot a silly whitespace ;)\n[Answer]\n# Brainfuck, 179 bytes\n```\n->++++++++[-<++++++>]++>+++++++++[-<++++++++++>]++++++++++>>>>+++[-<++++[-<++++++[-<+++++[-<<<.>>>]+++++[-<<.>>]>]<<.>>>]++++[-<++++++[-<+++++[-<<.>>]+++++[-<<<.>>>]>]<<.>>>]>]\n```\nI know this isn't the best score in the thread but I wanted to try out brainfuck and give this a try.\n**Edit:**\nI must've made an error while copypasting. This version should work\n[Answer]\n# [Canvas](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas), ~~10~~ 9 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas/blob/master/files/chartable.md)\n```\n/\uff15\uff14\uff0a\u256c\uff16\u00d7\uff13\uff0a\n```\n[Try it here!](https://dzaima.github.io/Canvas/?u=LyV1RkYxNSV1RkYxNCV1RkYwQSV1MjU2QyV1RkYxNiVENyV1RkYxMyV1RkYwQQ__,v=1)\nExplanation:\n```\n/ push \"/\"\n 54* extend horizontally 5 times and vertically 4 times\n \u256c quad-palindromize with 0 overlap\n 6\u00d7 repeat horizontally 6 times\n 3* and again vertically, 3 times\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](http://goo.gl/9KrKoM), 24 [bytes](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319)\n```\n(60\u23745/0 4)\u229660/\u236a\u220a3\u2374\u22824/'/\\'\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 46 bytes\nCreates the following string (70 characters, one set more than needed) then alternates between sampling characters `0..59` and `5..64`from it.\n```\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n```\n**code and output**\n```\n24.times{|i|puts ((?/*5+?\\\\*5)*7)[i/4%2*5,60]}\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n```\n**interesting mistake (a 7 instead of a 5)**\n```\n24.times{|i|puts ((?/*5+?\\\\*5)*7)[i/4%2*7,60]}\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~66~~ 61 bytes\n5 bytes saved thanks to orlp.\nStraightforward character by character printing. 61 characters per row, last is newline (ASCII 10) and the others alternate between `/`47 and `\\` 92.\n```\ni;f(){for(i=1463;i;)putchar(i--%61?i%61/5+i/244&1?92:47:10);\u200c\u200b}\n//call like this\nmain(){f();}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~18~~ 16 bytes\n```\n'\\/'6:&+thK5&Y\")\n```\n[Try it online!](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=J1wvJzY6Jit0aEs1JlkiKQ&input=)\n### Explanation\n```\n'\\/' % Push this string\n6: % Push array [1 2 3 4 5 6]\n&+ % 6\u00d76 matrix with all pair-wise additions from that array\nth % Concatenate horizontally with itself. Gives a 6\u00d712 matrix\nK % Push 4\n5 % Push 5\n&Y\" % Repeat each entry of the matrix 4 times vertically and 5 times horizontally\n % This gives a 24\u00d760 matrix\n) % Index (modularly) into the string. This produces the desired 24\u00d760 char array\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 22 bytes\n```\nV6V4V12p*5?%+bN2\\\\\\/)k\n```\nTry it [here](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=V6V4V12p%2a5%3F%25%2BbN2%5C%5C%5C%2F%29k&debug=0).\nExplanation:\n```\nV6 Loop 6 times, with N from 0 to 5:\n V4 Loop 4 times, with H from 0 to 3:\n V12 Loop 12 times, with b from 0 to 11:\n p Print without newline\n * The repetition\n 5 5 times of\n ? if\n % the remainder\n + b N when the sum of b and N\n 2 is divided by 2\n \\\\ then the \"\\\" character\n \\/ else the \"/\" character\n ) End\n (implicitly print with newline)\n k k (empty string)\n (implicit end)\n (implicit end)\n```\nSorry if the explanation is a little hard to understand, but it was kinda complicated.\n[Answer]\n# [V](http://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), ~~22~~ 21 bytes\n**Edit** One byte won, thanks @DjMcMayhem:\n```\n5\u00e1\\5\u00e1/05\u00e4$4\u00c45x$p4\u00c43\u00e4}\n```\nChanges are:\n* `Y4P` -> `4\u00c4` Use V duplicate line instead of Vim built-in command (this will add a blank line at the end of the paragraph)\n* `3\u00e4G` -> `3\u00e4}` Duplicate the paragraph instead of the whole buffer (to avoid blank line generated by previous change)\n---\n**Original post**\n```\n5\u00e1\\5\u00e1/05\u00e4$Y4P5x$p4\u00c43\u00e4G\n```\n[Try it online](http://v.tryitonline.net/#code=NcOhXDXDoS8wNcOkJFk0UDV4JHA0w4Qzw6RH&input=)\nDecomposed like this:\n```\n5\u00e1\\ Write 5 \\\n 5\u00e1/ Write 5 / after\n 0 Go to the beginning of the line\n 5\u00e4$ Copy the text to the end of the line and repeat it 5 times\n Y4P Copy the line and create 4 new copies\n 5x$p Delete the 5 first characters and put them at the end of the line\n 4\u00c4 Duplicate this line\n 3\u00e4G Duplicate the whole text\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~17~~ 16 bytes\n```\n\u207e/\\\u1e8b6W\u1e8b4;U$\u1e8b3x5Y\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oG-L1zhuos2V-G6izQ7VSThuoszeDVZ&input=)\nThanks to 6710 (miles) for -1 byte.\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](http://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 21 bytes\n```\n\"/\\\"5*SR6*;4\u03b1@R4\u03b1+3\u03b1i\n```\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=Ii9cIjUqU1I2Kjs0zrFAUjTOsSszzrFp&input=)\n*-1 byte from Adnan*\nExplanation:\n```\n\"/\\\"5*SR6*;4\u03b1@R4\u03b1+3\u03b1i\n\"/\\\"5* \"/\\\" repeated 5 times\n SR sort and reverse (result: \"\\\\\\\\\\/////\")\n 6* repeat string 6 times (forms one row)\n ;4\u03b1 copy and push a list containing 4 copies\n @R4\u03b1+ push a list containing 4 copies of the reversed string, append to previous list (now we have one row of diamonds)\n 3\u03b1 repeat pattern vertically 2 more times\n i flatten and implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# J, ~~31~~ ~~28~~ 19 bytes\n```\n4#_60]`|.\\5#72$'/\\'\n```\n## Usage\n```\n 4#_60]`|.\\5#72$'/\\'\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\\\\\\\/////\n```\n[Answer]\n# APL, 30 bytes\n```\nA\u2190240\u2374'/////\\\\\\\\\\'\u22c424 60\u2374A,\u2296A\n```\nI'm quite new to APL, (I'm using APLX, but this should work across most implementations of APL), so this is a quite simplistic solution.\n### Explanation:\n```\nA \u2190 240 \u2374 '/////\\\\\\\\\\' \u235d set A to be a 240 character vector populated with '/////\\\\\\\\\\'\n\u22c4 \u235d statement separator\n24 60 \u2374 A,\u2296A \u235d populate a 24 by 60 character matrix with the concatenation \n of A and the reverse of A (\u2296A)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 63 bytes\n```\na='\\n'.join([('/'*5+'\\\\'*5)*6]*4);print'\\n'.join([a,a[::-1]]*3)\n```\nFor Python 3, do this (65 bytes):\n```\na='\\n'.join([('/'*5+'\\\\'*5)*6]*4);print('\\n'.join([a,a[::-1]]*3))\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Self-modifying Brainfuck](//soulsphere.org/hacks/smbf), 91 bytes\n```\n>>+++[<++++[<++++++[<.....<.....>>-]<<<.>>>>-]++++[<++++++[<<.....>.....>-]<<<.>>>>-]>-]\n\\/\n```\n[Try it online!](//smbf.tryitonline.net#code=Pj4rKytbPCsrKytbPCsrKysrK1s8Li4uLi48Li4uLi4-Pi1dPDw8Lj4-Pj4tXSsrKytbPCsrKysrK1s8PC4uLi4uPi4uLi4uPi1dPDw8Lj4-Pj4tXT4tXQpcLw)\nSame as my [brainfuck answer](/a/98711/41024), but uses the 3 last characters of the source code instead of generating them at runtime.\n[Answer]\n## Octave, ~~50~~ 48 bytes\nAnonymous function:\n```\n@()repmat([A=repmat(47,4,5) B=A*2-2;B A ''],3,6)\n```\nYou can try [online here](http://octave-online.net). Simply run the above command and then run the function with `ans()`.\nEssentially this creates an array of the value 47 which is 4 high and 5 wide. It then creates a second array of value 92 which is the same size.\nThe two arrays are concatenated into a checkerboard of `[A B;B A]`. The `''` is concatenated as well to force conversion to character strings.\nFinally the whole array is replicated 3 times down and 6 times across to form the final size.\n---\n* Saved 2 bytes, thanks @StewieGriffin\n[Answer]\n## PHP, ~~73~~ 69 bytes\n```\nfor($s='/\\\\';$i<1440;$i++)echo$i%60<1?'\n':'',$s[($i/5+($i/240|0))%2];\n```\n### Demo\n\n[Answer]\n## APL, 16\n```\n4\u233f5/1\u2193\u234912 7\u2374'\\/'\n```\nTry it on [tryapl.org](http://tryapl.org/?a=4%u233F5/1%u2193%u234912%207%u2374%27%5C/%27&run)\n[Answer]\n# Java 7, 120 bytes\n```\nString c(){String r=\"\";for(int i=0;i<1440;r+=(i%60<1?\"\\n\":\"\")+(i/60%8<4?i%10<5?\"/\":\"\\\\\":i%10<5?\"\\\\\":\"/\"),i++);return r;}\n```\nPushed everything into one loop. Beats Brainfuck, mission accomplished.\nSee it online: \n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven a number N, output the [sign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sign_function) of N:\n* If N is positive, output 1\n* If N is negative, output -1\n* If N is 0, output 0\nN will be an integer within the representable range of integers in your chosen language.\n## The Catalogue\nThe Stack Snippet at the bottom of this post generates the catalogue from the answers a) as a list of shortest solution per language and b) as an overall leaderboard.\nTo make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:\n```\n## Language Name, N bytes\n```\nwhere `N` is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you *can* keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:\n```\n## Ruby, 104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the snippet:\n```\n## [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\n/* Configuration */\nvar QUESTION_ID = 103822; // Obtain this from the url\n// It will be like https://XYZ.stackexchange.com/questions/QUESTION_ID/... on any question page\nvar ANSWER_FILTER = \"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";\nvar COMMENT_FILTER = \"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";\nvar OVERRIDE_USER = 8478; // This should be the user ID of the challenge author.\n/* App */\nvar answers = [], answers_hash, answer_ids, answer_page = 1, more_answers = true, comment_page;\nfunction answersUrl(index) {\n return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\" + QUESTION_ID + \"/answers?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + ANSWER_FILTER;\n}\nfunction commentUrl(index, answers) {\n return \"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\" + answers.join(';') + \"/comments?page=\" + index + \"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\" + COMMENT_FILTER;\n}\nfunction getAnswers() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: answersUrl(answer_page++),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function (data) {\n answers.push.apply(answers, data.items);\n answers_hash = [];\n answer_ids = [];\n data.items.forEach(function(a) {\n a.comments = [];\n var id = +a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);\n answer_ids.push(id);\n answers_hash[id] = a;\n });\n if (!data.has_more) more_answers = false;\n comment_page = 1;\n getComments();\n }\n });\n}\nfunction getComments() {\n jQuery.ajax({\n url: commentUrl(comment_page++, answer_ids),\n method: \"get\",\n dataType: \"jsonp\",\n crossDomain: true,\n success: function (data) {\n data.items.forEach(function(c) {\n if (c.owner.user_id === OVERRIDE_USER)\n answers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c);\n });\n if (data.has_more) getComments();\n else if (more_answers) getAnswers();\n else process();\n }\n }); \n}\ngetAnswers();\nvar SCORE_REG = /\\s*([^\\n,<]*(?:<(?:[^\\n>]*>[^\\n<]*<\\/[^\\n>]*>)[^\\n,<]*)*),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;\nvar OVERRIDE_REG = /^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\nfunction getAuthorName(a) {\n return a.owner.display_name;\n}\nfunction process() {\n var valid = [];\n \n answers.forEach(function(a) {\n var body = a.body;\n a.comments.forEach(function(c) {\n if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))\n body = '

' + c.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG, '') + '

';\n });\n \n var match = body.match(SCORE_REG);\n if (match)\n valid.push({\n user: getAuthorName(a),\n size: +match[2],\n language: match[1],\n link: a.share_link,\n });\n else console.log(body);\n });\n \n valid.sort(function (a, b) {\n var aB = a.size,\n bB = b.size;\n return aB - bB\n });\n var languages = {};\n var place = 1;\n var lastSize = null;\n var lastPlace = 1;\n valid.forEach(function (a) {\n if (a.size != lastSize)\n lastPlace = place;\n lastSize = a.size;\n ++place;\n \n var answer = jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();\n answer = answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\", lastPlace + \".\")\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", a.user)\n .replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", a.language)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", a.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", a.link);\n answer = jQuery(answer);\n jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);\n var lang = a.language;\n lang = jQuery('
'+lang+'').text();\n \n languages[lang] = languages[lang] || {lang: a.language, lang_raw: lang, user: a.user, size: a.size, link: a.link};\n });\n var langs = [];\n for (var lang in languages)\n if (languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))\n langs.push(languages[lang]);\n langs.sort(function (a, b) {\n if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() > b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return 1;\n if (a.lang_raw.toLowerCase() < b.lang_raw.toLowerCase()) return -1;\n return 0;\n });\n for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; ++i)\n {\n var language = jQuery(\"#language-template\").html();\n var lang = langs[i];\n language = language.replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", lang.lang)\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", lang.user)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", lang.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", lang.link);\n language = jQuery(language);\n jQuery(\"#languages\").append(language);\n }\n}\n```\n```\nbody {\n text-align: left !important;\n display: block !important;\n}\n#answer-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\n#language-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 500px;\n float: left;\n}\ntable thead {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\ntable td {\n padding: 5px;\n}\n```\n```\n\n\n

Shortest Solution by Language

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n


\n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Yabasic](http://www.yabasic.de), 16 bytes\nAnonymous function that takes input as a number, `n`, and output to STDOUT\n```\ninput\"\"n\n?sig(n)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##q0xMSizOTP7/PzOvoLRESSmPy744M10jT/P/f11zAA \"Yabasic \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 9 + 1 (`-p`) = 10 bytes\n```\n$_=$_<=>0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18l3lYl3sbWzuD/f10zU2MTM2NTIGVmDCS4DLhMjI1MTY2MTf7lF5Rk5ucV/9ctyAEA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Pyt](https://github.com/mudkip201/pyt), 1 [byte](https://github.com/mudkip201/pyt/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u00b1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gs@f//0Mb//00B)\nBoring built-in answer (padding for body length)\n[Answer]\n# Lua (51 Bytes)\n```\nn=tonumber(...) print(n<0 and -1 or n>0 and 1 or 0)\n```\n... is the variable that represents arguments in lua, tonumber(...) converts the first argument to a number.\nalso in lua a and b or c is a structure that returns b if a is truthy or c if a is falsy, you can nest this structure as well\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 2 bytes\n```\n:+\n```\n[Run and debug online!](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=%3A%2B&i=0%0A3%0A-4&a=1&m=2)\n## Explanation\nAdded for completeness. It is a builtin, but all built-ins starting with a colon in Stax is actually a macro defined using other Stax operations.\nInternally it is defined as `c0>s0<-`, which is simply `(x>0)-(x<0)`.\n[Answer]\n**SHELL** ( **20 Bytes** )\n```\nsed s/[1-9][0-9]*/1/\n```\ntests:\n```\necho \"789\" | sed s/[1-9][0-9]*/1/\n1\necho \"-789\" | sed s/[1-9][0-9]*/1/\n-1\necho \"0\" | sed s/[1-9][0-9]*/1/\n0\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Swift](http://rextester.com/l/swift_online_compiler), 44 bytes\n```\nfunc s(i:Int)->Int{return i>0 ?1:i<0 ? -1:0}\n```\nStrange spacing around the ternary options, I know, but this was the shortest way.\n[Try it online!](http://rextester.com/LUWO28653)\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flueue](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 40 bytes\n```\n{([({})]){({}())<>([{}()()])<>}}(<>[]{})\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzTTctJzP7/v1ojWqO6VjNWsxpIaWhq2thpRIMYGkAhG7vaWg0bu@hYoIL//3UNDQz@6@YoOIF1u@WUppamAgA \"Brain-Flak \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Readable version\n```\n{\n ([({})])\n {\n ({}())<>\n ([{}()()])<>\n }\n}\n(<>[]{})\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MachineCode](//github.com/aaronryank/MachineCode), 26 bytes\n```\n31c085ff0f9fc0c1ef1f29f8c3\n```\nRequires the `i` flag for integer output. Input must be appended to the code on a separate line. This is equivalent to the C code `(n>0)-(n<0)`. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcHBDYAwDAPAiSolRFHbcZCJRR7A/i9z95y4@y18V0nhsJWkcRMGLzqPzYXQiMyYUv8)\nAlternatives with the same bytecount:\n* `31c085ff0f95c0c1ff1f09f8c3` - [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcFBCsAgDATAFwkJIdQ8R7YuerD9/2mdOQNrfxP/O6VwWE/SWAmDk04rdoRaZMYj7Qs) Equivalent to the highest voted C submission.\n* `89f8c1ff1ff7d8c1e81f01f8c3` - [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y01MzsjMS03OT0n9/9/CMs0i2TAtDYjMU4CsVAvDNANDoJjxf11jU1Nj8///MwE) Equivalent to [this](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/z9No0Kzuii1pLQoT0FDQ6M0rzgzPS81RSEzr0RTt0LTzs7YUFMXXQIqbl37PzcxM09Ds7qgCCicpqGkmqIARko6CmkaukaaIMoATBoam2iCNAAA) C code.\n[Answer]\n## [Canvas](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas), ~~3~~ 2 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/Canvas/blob/master/files/chartable.md)\n```\n\u2922\u00f7\n```\n[Try it here!](https://dzaima.github.io/Canvas/?u=JXUyOTIyJUY3,i=MTQ_,v=2)\nThis might be the shortest solution without a builtin that does the problem for you (I'm looking at you, Jelly.)\nExplanation:\n```\n\u2922\u00f7 | *Full code*\n \u00f7 | Divide\n | The input (implicit)\n\u2922 | By its absolute value\n```\n[Answer]\n## F#, 140 bytes\n```\nopen Checked\nlet s n=\n if n=0 then 0\n else\n try\n let mutable p=n\n while p<>0 do\n p<-p+1\n -1\n with| :? System.OverflowException->1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HU5BasMwELz7FUOg0FIU5MSlUBL1UHJuIcfSg@usalFbUmUlTiB/365ymZ2ZnWXHTqoLiZhDJI@3nrpfOlQDZUzw2wrOytDIvWx1BRomqoCcLoIosfGY2@@BELe@WHPvitgYjUMohnAVH@tCVcHZ5f6Kl1fsL1Omcfl@omSHMO/OHcXsglem5s/NzsuPj@B8Nl@3OmPrPNr0c4K02tPf0mVKuLdHjzOUgSSFXI30FohJtPVY3LnFw@2sgmZWa1bP3PCaNTerp2bV1DWrWmv9Dw)\nBasically, if the number is non-zero, keep adding `1` to it until you get either `0` (so the original value was negative) or an overflow (so the original value was positive).\nThat's all right, isn't it?\n[Answer]\n# [naz](https://github.com/sporeball/naz), 64 bytes\n```\n9a5m2x1v3a2x2v1x1f1o0m1a1o0x1x2f1o0x1x3f1r3x1v1e3x2v2e0m1a1o0x3f\n```\n**Explanation** (with `0x` commands removed)\n```\n9a5m2x1v # Set variable 1 equal to 45 (\"-\")\n3a2x2v # Set variable 2 equal to 48 (\"0\")\n1x1f1o0m1a1o # Function 1\n # Output once, set the register equal to 1, and output again\n1x2f1o # Function 2\n # Output once\n1x3f # Function 3\n 1r # Read a byte of input\n 3x1v1e # Jump to function 1 if the register equals variable 1\n 3x2v2e # Jump to function 2 if the register equals variable 2\n 0m1a1o # Otherwise, set the register equal to 1 and output\n3f # Call function 3\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Keg](https://github.com/JonoCode9374/Keg), `-hr`, 13 bytes\n```\n:0<[0;|0>[1|0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y05N///fysAm2sC6xsAu2rDG4P9/XQsjy/@6GUUA \"Keg \u2013 Try It Online\")\nA very simple switch like comparison happening here. \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 2 bytes\nA signum built-in.\n```\n.\u00b1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f9f79DG//8NjYwB)\n[Answer]\n# [Gol><>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), 8 bytes\n```\nI:SA:?,h\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PScsszvj/39Mq2NHKXgfI0jUyNjQyMgYA \"Gol><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\nI:SA:?,h\nI Input as number; [n]\n : Duplicate; [n n]\n SA Absolute value; [n abs(n)]\n : Duplicate again; [n abs(n) abs(n)]\n ? Pop one; if it is zero, skip next command\n , Nonzero n: Divide n by abs(n)\n h Print top as number and exit\n```\n---\n# [Gol><>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), 11 bytes\n```\nI:0(qm$0)+h\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PScsszvj/39PKQKMwV8VAUxvI0TUyNjQyMgYA \"Gol><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\nI:0(qm$0)+h\nI Input as number\n : Duplicate top\n 0( Change top to \"top < 0\"\n q If top is true...\n m$ Push -1 and swap top two; the stack is [-1 x]\n Otherwise, skip two commands (m$); the stack is [x]\n 0) Change top to \"top > 0\"\n + Add top two\n h Print top as number and halt\n```\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell, ~~22~~ 21 bytes\n```\n[math]::sign(\"$args\")\n```\nBoring built-in, calls the .NET function that does exactly what it says on the tin. Ho-hum. \n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/Pzo3sSQj1sqqODM9T0NJJbEovVhJ8////7qGpgA \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n*-1 byte thanks to Veskah.*\n---\nFor **26 bytes** however, we get the classic greater-than less-than equation\n```\nparam($b)($b-gt0)-($b-lt0)\n```\nThis, at least, has a little bit of logic and thought put into it. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/powershell#@1@QWJSYq6GSpAnEuuklBpq6IEYOkPH//39dQ1MA \"PowerShell \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n---\nBest yet, though is **44 bytes**, where we roll our own solution.\n```\nparam($b)if(\"$b\".indexof('-')){+!!$b;exit}-1\n```\nHere we take input `$b`, stringify it, take the `.IndexOf('-')` on it, and use it in an `if` clause. If the negative sign isn't found, this returns `-1`, which is truthy in PowerShell, so we turn `$b` into a Boolean with `!`, invert the Boolean with another `!`, cast it as an int with `+`, leave it on the pipeline, and `exit`. This turns a positive integer (which is truthy) into `$false`, then `$true`, then `1`, while turning `0` into `$true`, then `$false`, then `0`. Otherwise, the `.IndexOf` returned `0` (meaning it was the first character in the string), which is falsey, so we skip the `if` and just place a `-1` on the pipeline. In either case, output via implicit `Write-Output` happens at program completion. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/powershell#@1@QWJSYq6GSpJmZpqGkkqSkl5mXklqRn6ahrquuqVmtraiokmSdWpFZUqtr@P//f11DUwA \"PowerShell \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# [Scratch 3.0](https://scratch.mit.edu), 9 blocks/44 bytes\nFor those who are tired of the old way of introducing these answers [*I'm looking at you a'\\_'* ...(\u0ca0 \u035f\u0296\u0ca0)], I'll put the ScratchBlocks Syntax first:\n```\ndefine f(n\nset[r v]to(<(n)>(0)>-<(n)<(0\nsay(r\n```\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/beNB7.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/beNB7.png)\nI decided to use a function instead of the old `when gf clicked` approach because that means I don't have to deal with having an `ask() and wait` next. \n[Try it not online but on Scratch](https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/379658176) \n[Answer]\n# [Io](http://iolanguage.org/), 28 bytes\nDoes a conditional checking over x/abs(x).\n```\nmethod(x,if(x!=0,x/x abs,0))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y8z/r6@v4JevUJyZnqeQX5BalFiSX2Sv4KmQXppaXAyk81JTUxRK8hVS8hUySxRyK4tTc9L0FB63zNd4v3@xDhBrPm7p5wJrt7JViPmfm1qSkZ@iUaGTmaZRoWhroFOhX6GQmFSsY6Cp@R@kTEPX0EhToaAoM68kJ@8/AA \"Io \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Symja](https://symjaweb.appspot.com/), ~~29~~ 26 bytes\n```\nf(x_):=If(x==0,0,x/Abs(x))\n```\n[Try It Online!](https://symjaweb.appspot.com/input?i=f%28x%5f%29%3a%3dIf%28x%3d%3d0%2c0%2cx%2fAbs%28x%29%29%3bf%280%29)\n*-3 bytes to due porting the idea behind the Io answer.*\n## Answer History\n### 29 bytes\n```\nf(x_):=If(x<0,-1,If(x>0,1,0))\n```\nFor some reason, my edit history didn't save this old approach.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 25 bytes\n```\nlambda x:x and(1,-1)[x<0]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/5fnJmeZxvzPycxNyklUaHCqkIhMS9Fw1BH11AzusLGIPZ/QVFmXokGSJmGoaYmFxLXAJUL1KH5HwA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUses a different approach from other python answers\n[Answer]\n# [dc](https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/html_mono/dc.html), 7 bytes\n```\n?dd*v/p\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0n@H2/@3z4lRatMv@D/fwA \"dc \u2013 Try It Online\")\nInput on stdin, output on stdout. (There may also be spurious output to stderr, which should be ignored, as usual.)\nThis uses the formula $$\\frac{\\left\\lfloor\\sqrt{n^2}\\right\\rfloor}n$$\nplus the fact that if you divide by `0` in dc, it leaves the `0` at the top of the stack.\n(If you try this out, note that negative numbers are written in dc with an initial `_` instead of `-`, since `-` is only used for the two-argument subtraction operation.)\n[Answer]\n## [Desmos](https://desmos.com), 12 bytes\n```\nf(x)=sign(x)\n```\nor\n$$f\\left(x\\right)=\\operatorname{sign}\\left(x\\right)$$\n[Try It On Desmos!](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/1yr8dm8fhq)\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 6 bytes\n```\nsignum\n```\nIt's a function belonging to the Num typeclass, so every number works.\n[Answer]\n# [8th](http://8th-dev.com/), ~~40~~ 3 bytes\nWith **8th** is quite simple to get the sign of N, which is left on TOS\n```\nsgn\n```\n**Testing** and **Output**\n```\nok> 42 sgn .\n1\nok> -42 sgn .\n-1\nok> 0 sgn .\n0\n```\nThe following code, as an alternative, has the same behaviour of **8th**'s builtin word `n:sgn`\n```\n: f dup 0; 0 n:> if 1 else -1 then nip ;\n```\n**Explanation** of word `f`\n```\n: f \\ n -- -1|0|1\n dup \\ Duplicate input\n 0; \\ Check if number is 0. If true, leave 0 on TOS and exit from word\n 0 n:> \\ Check if positive\n if 1 \\ Return 1 if positive\n else -1 \\ Return -1 if negative\n then\n nip \\ Get rid of input\n; \n```\n**Testing** and **Output**\n```\nok> 42 f .\n1\nok> -42 f .\n-1\nok> 0 f .\n0\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python - 23 bytes\n```\nprint((n>0)*2+(n==0)-1)\n```\nThis checks if n is greater than 0 (in which case it outputs *2* for the next step), then if it is equal to 0 (in which case it outputs 1) and then subtracts 1, leaving us with -1 if n < 0, 0 if n == 0, and 1 otherwise.\n(Yes, the double brackets *are* necessary, I have checked.)\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 21 bytes, no builtin\n```\nx=scan();x/abs(x^!!x)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/v8K2ODkxT0PTukI/MalYoyJOUbFC878hl6EBl5GxCZcBl64hEAEpIO8/AA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakis input from STDIN. Avoids the builtin `sign`. This comes out 4 bytes shorter than JAD's [solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/103870/86301) with `if`. We cannot use directly `x/abs(x)` since we would divide by 0 when `x=0`.\nAfter coercion to integer, `!!x` will be equal to `1` for all input except 0 (when it is equal to `0`). Since `0^0=1`, this trick allows to avoid dividing by 0:\n* For nonzero input, it is equivalent to `x/abs(x^1)`, giving +1 or -1\n* For `x=0`, it is equivalent to `x/1`, giving 0\n[Answer]\n# [Pxem](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Pxem), Contents: 0 bytes + Filename: ~~33~~ 25 bytes\n* Filename(unprintables are escaped): `1._.c.w\\001.r.yXX-.a.p.d.a.n`\n* Content is empty.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jVh7V9rKFv@/n2JII5khCckgKBKjUvRazlGK1rqsgK5AgoIxcJKgaOB89d49kyAQertu1yqZ@e3n7Mc8fAoef33@XHb2rN5uz@kW@oXtsr2r7@z0Sra@U@p3rb5u64ViSS@VaOlT4IRIdSbG5NkKnpCuFwqGMx2P/BCd1e6rZ2dmzcDh29hBD07YG3n9bJbPeqPnZ8uzyYFmOy@aN3FdVDjI0mw2EW5Wr76agogTPqSOFwo4iYgR@8iVeTxQ58LC7I9G/eb@@9WxWdD17QXY/Pa9fnP287727fLypHZlUqOFBDH6Uv3@9f765PJ7/VujIr/NBWSiN9TJZvmqRmg8CgbTeCZ/iUVu/4eE8zxxrdBBwSPnH41DGL6OfDsYu4Mwm7XcgRUg9QFJYkRlQTwS5pIpsa@UzTZ@nJ3Vzo/NCreBmT3bCB4H/dDgY8T4EsDpPY6Q@Jkwy5RZzoChwsi1D7IQ@hfLRUIG9S03cITZbJXGVXPp6SxwbCQF2lR704wAft41iSt8Rx0mxLmAZyHawwSPIAlVD6kv4YTOQh@ptQC1W7q610FSq@3lOtLswXfGKB8r1@6KO6IWVaqG2DUahtb2@LwJ5u7y@banaUa3aszjaeuO6aG0IGpjzQhXwbK@iVFKRW2UAnf3NjFKQdpLM5Y3MaqXRG2QZtzexPaA7z6NgeVeCtvZ3cQoBeEgvb7tTYxScPElzbiziVEdItZPu61vYlSHiDlpH/c2MUqLouanTRc2MUpB@jXNuLuJ0QL4M00zljcxWgAf39KMe5sYLYA/7@kk6L/BwB0rvejSJkYpxDZMWy5uYlQHd57T8d7dxKgO7thp0@VNrAjpl9MYuKimsG3gy6Qx8FpMY@DMFsPm0gz3rGS7sEnSlLxfteiUNeXUsKH/Tpl0G@fbpI3bHvvN59pE1Nrb7UKbasAVaPkcdOt0vb8rriFmIq31On17t@yOlokaRtcFhXPjDZpdQ5qhte4SKitxUUO2tqZD9ZCUmG/dHSkdsAse4FY8BBcKR4i58JjwxDjK54DEPYutw3rG3E1RUxjaBRcgxRHMMlEAo6o2NroXgMZsyhEo@GC0Pxht7XjBuMa2oCRxqPiGGMXmjhBTDVsc50bVBRJWeWjFTAMoba@F1PdOzmbaQn8FgSXx@HTixWqcZAHbmOc0XpwVS83B28rFh8o89y28SO25STy@QmSOqxCXaZJcHtll3OL4nCaa@P/YldiTJOu/E5TQ4uhYSYg26GPX6jquaQptKpCIrwS3xiNvcN8LXvqOHz7LGXFL7TDuNsXE0B5iHlaP7Ygq7TkjNXGbJjRr1aVg0sUCS4igMOlDGAsV4UhQuFkyTwyu8/@J@VjUur5jPfEJ5K2KBXc0GiNvFKJnK@w9DrwHAVilxXJlTLQupoT7pvKJmswyfKbHExEm/ywmW3zC2KAZeSNK/ZGfxAo8MgwSScZHl0pziZBf/2lUz09Miebv8738a1vXad7Pv93cqHkrP87b8OtJn2rfGlcnjStTkj7hsT/wwj4c7lxSTEjC7LWH1B6B4/tX4PdM6cvJab0RQarkwHFsEvhwrcJ8OO9PvF44GHmoiY9J9L31pPyNScc8NmDYkeUl/QSTyHfCie@hjAw8S8pfSwrgB3RJ@XtJYeqWhKs1AjOp0hXyDb4k0aUJXNwNVTUS5sslzwTXSMTXj2pL9BRfKrcfuuHa6A4850A/FPWKuuLY19iASA1eLne8FmWoGkEgaxCKoU3zP5j5iWeu2K7i84VH5zMBUgvxZ1fTQYhWTI9h6a@PA9fBGQgpGa1GEiYRgLPZBN8AbUnwcF25Vo4Vl7AscsHo2gQewzVdx3sIH/E1MViB1eF@W983XYNMMD42YS1B6ONrpS7LCiXkX4GvSzg8lovlSrFE5ksjA7DexKdrhu/xuVJTbpWfJDo3hfx9BTWgTSxkO73BM9w3YbHOg@PDdzwJBaNmgrhxCz4wX1iNg7vF3f1aNlvbL5UJbzwDsNq/wl2xtV3qiLBn3JrFolpLhOPeBBZcjsVoEQJSM83tAoliFngKhANv4sxZxBlrbb9YBp6D0i5hUGx8aTbWTH6a@CdBNbVYNlj2jCa@zf1cWWtvEf0mvloLQrAg3Kwm6wVyMlSuSVQ3dW5xaPI6hvAPWdkqQ1XtmNcsUWxW73AQ8tDh82FnJfT@0jREFPP@JDlWAysGX5dNs@nNFF8o3FYG2pFFOAOzC14i1@bFPuNNZK@XQm9/FDr4vdD7hxtMiruhrrkSLhbzCL1rrpGegfQExYLgpdTEjL5C7GILAhqX@F@swpvYOgRx2WKRqNwkETGWO0bOpGohh619neRYzuC7EtR/0vqGScfcJIvFw5xLoGLAjJDfgoMiD9UoVNCt48O9afAyCECNwAqFJcU6HB64h8Mtt@JuDSt8rPEx5Gge77Dgmal3oBzgcZfam4VZjwjS0rk@RGKN62Pv3nxs/eGtZcaHVHwzgIsXHFrszav63hOd9SYwsiUkIbVfWJxmcJFp4ixhj74VdxxezPEpGUHh8oJ@kmVDlof7mG3CrGgh5HH4h8kUBsT4/TLYcm3HdeBdDHmGVki2J2gQWa7vg7hM45bgJ02da5Qp9Em86cvxvDOXDHZSsT8IwNWph/gfDSasQ0bP7AkMoL8BLmNoF5HaKK4xzGZ4DM/xKrzxB7bihINnRxn3xhPlJXg3bHjIk9UcFP/84EWhNXDhOltcCTC7Ukdldq3hlydpZr0@gS5kmWqBFneL5e2dYhlJkSWboj4/aRwnp4YFlwDh0/@d/0RrEh32ESABcOALnCSJOtzJ4J@Agjg9WNgaCYqoE2k2tfwHiEF9ipLMTT@hX/p/AQ \"ksh \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Usage\nGive an integer from STDIN. The result is output from stdout, with no LF termination.\n## How it works\n```\nXX.z\n# Prepare character 1 at this point\n.aXX1.z\n# integer input is pushed\n.a._XX.z\n# duplicate, and is it non-zero?\n.a.c.wXX.z\n # then come here\n # also \\001.r is an idiom to push zero:\n # actually \"n=pop;push(int(random()*n))\"\n # where 0<=random()<1\n # because filename cannot have null character\n # don't be afraid of such binary for code golf\n .a\\001.rXX.z\n # is input less than zero?\n # DOT-y to DOT-a is:\n # while size<2 OR pop>pop; do something; done\n .a.yXX.z\n # if so, push hyphen so string \"-1\" is made\n .aXXXX-.z\n .a.aXX.z\n # at this point DOT-y popped two items: zero and input integer\n # so no worry about garbages\n # print the string and exit\n # .p is actually: while !empty; do printf \"%c\", pop; done\n .a.p.dXX.z\n# if input is zero, come here\n# .n is printf \"%d\", pop\n# OBTW the \"1\" will on stack, but it's not matter,\n# because it is ignored when program ends\n.a.a.n\n```\n## Previously\n* 33bytes of filename: `._.c.w.c00.-.-.z-1.p.d.a1.o.d.a.n`\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 1 byte\n```\ng\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/japt#@5/@/78hAA \"Japt \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# Python 3.8, 47 bytes\n```\nprint(1if(n:=int(input()))>0else-1if n<0else 0)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [tinylisp](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/tinylisp), 32 bytes\n```\n(d F(q((X)(i X(i(l X 0)(q -1)1)0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8nMq8zJLC74/18jRcFNo1BDI0JTI1MhQiNTI0chQsFAU6NQQddQ01DT4L@Gm4KhJheQNACTGsUKBkABMNvQwAQhZmZqamymqfkfAA \"tinylisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSince there are no negative number literals in tinylisp, they have to be passed in using subtraction.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**Challenge:**\nThe concept is simple enough: write a full program to output its own code golf score!\nOutput should only be the byte count of your program and a trailing `bytes`.\n**BUT WAIT**..... there is one restriction:\n* Your source code can not include any of the digits from your byte count\n* So if your score is `186 bytes`, your program can not contain the characters `1` , `6` , or `8`\n**Example Output:** \n```\n315 bytes\n27 Bytes\n49 BYTES\n```\n**Additional Rules:**\n* Unnecessary characters, spaces, and newlines are forbidden in the source code, however trailing spaces and newlines are perfectly acceptable in output\n* There should be a single space between the number and `bytes` in the output\n* Letters are case insensitive\n* No self inspection or reading the source code\n* [standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are disallowed\n* this is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so\n**Shortest code in bytes wins!**\n \n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 14 bytes\n```\n\"$(2*7) bytes\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/X0lFw0jLXFMhqbIktVjp/38A \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nHo-hum. Uses an inline code block `$(...)` to put `14` into the string before leaving it on the pipeline. Output is implicit.\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 18 bytes\n```\nputs\"#{6*3} bytes\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/v6C0pFhJudpMy7hWIamyJLVY6f9/AA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [brainfuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 95 bytes\n```\n+[--------->+<]>.----.--[--->++<]>--.[->+++<]>++.[--->+<]>+++.-----.+++[->+++<]>.[--->+<]>----.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMxLK03O/v9fO1oXBuy0bWLt9EAsIBENFgCJALnRICaIra2tFw1TCRQBK9bVA7LgKhDyYKn//wE \"brainfuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\n97 bytes:\n```\n>-[++>+[+<]>]>+.--.>++++[->++++++++<]>.[->+++<]>++.[--->+<]>+++.-----.+++[->+++<]>.[--->+<]>----.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), ~~10~~ 10 bytes\n```\nAo\" bytes\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP3/3zFfSSGpsiS1WOn/fwA \"CJam \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Gol><>](https://github.com/Sp3000/Golfish), 11 bytes\n```\nbn\"setyb \"H\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PScsszvj/PylPqTi1pDJJQcnj/38A \"Gol><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\nbn\"setyb \"H\nb push number 11\n n pop and print as integer\n \"setyb \" push \" bytes\" in reverse order\n H print the stack content as chars, then halt\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 8 bytes\n```\n#\b+` \u00df\u001as\n```\nchar-code 8 concatenated with \" bytes\" compressed.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0osKPn/X5lDO0Hh8Hyp4v//AQ \"Japt \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Google Sheets, 12 bytes\nAn anonymous worksheet function that takes no input and outputs to the calling cell\n```\n=3*4&\" bytes\n```\n[Answer]\n# MSSQL, ~~26~~ 24 bytes\n```\nprint str(8*3) +' bytes'\n```\n[Answer]\n# F#, ~~24~~ 23 bytes\nI hope this counts. Never code golfed before\n```\nprintfn \"%i bytes\" 0x17\n```\nJust switched ~~24 to octal~~ 23 to hex\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyvWTc4vSv3/v6AoM68kLU9BSTVTIamyJLVYScGgwtD8/38A \"F# (.NET Core) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## Windows Command Line, 20 bytes\n```\nset/a4*5&echo bytes\n```\nRun Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe), type the command and hit Enter.\n![img](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pEQbo.png)\n[Answer]\n# SQL, 18 bytes\n```\nSELECT 2*9,'bytes'\n```\n[Answer]\n## ArnoldC, 216 Bytes\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZY5NCsIwEIX3PcXDTS@gB0jtsxk0SUmmlS5FN4IoeH@ISUE3zmZ4P/Mxl/fz9bhdcxZtE5INZxXHBrBcsLdRkjqToJHEvdhLmJComBKmEdviDEVpgFqWfhhHxrVYxzISkuAWiJ9FjUrwv7Sg2pIfJLLHrqLowzRYqDkdi6rrS7bG9@vhn7npFmXaNPUxa2aiIz2U0Yk3yj7nDw)\n```\nIT'S SHOWTIME\n HEY CHRISTMAS TREE i\n YOU SET US UP 4\n GET TO THE CHOPPER i\n HERE IS MY INVITATION i\n YOU'RE FIRED 54\n ENOUGH TALK\n TALK TO THE HAND i\n TALK TO THE HAND \"BYTES\"\nYOU HAVE BEEN TERMINATED\n```\n**Output**\n```\n216\nBYTES\n```\nWell, i took too long with my **php** answer, i had to try this.\nAs far as i read, i can't write without a line break or concatenate an integer with a string :(\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 8 bytes\n```\n+sD4\u00a8\u2086\u1e8e\u00bf\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/X7vYxeTQikdNbQ939R3a//8/AA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n+sD4\u00a8\u2086\u1e8e\u00bf\n \u00a8\u2086\u1e8e\u00bf Compressed string of \" bytes\"\n D4 Multiply 4 by 2\n s Convert to string\n+ Concatenate the strings\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Swift 4](https://developer.apple.com/swift/), ~~19~~ 18 bytes\n*Saved 1 byte thanks to Jo King.*\n```\nprint(9*2,\"bytes\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Ky7PTCsx@f@/oCgzr0TDUstIRympsiS1WEnz/38A \"Swift 4 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Vim, 12 10 bytes\n```\ni9** bytes\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Backhand](https://github.com/GuyJoKing/Backhand), 11 bytes\n```\n\"\" sbbeOytH\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0pMzs5IzEv5/19JSaE4KSnVv7LE4/9/AA \"Backhand \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNon-linear pointer progression makes for weird looking programs. Outputs `11 bytes`.\nThe orde: of commands is such:\n```\n\" s e t Start string literal to push letters\n Bounce and go left\n b y Finish pushing \" bytes\"\n Bounce and go right\n \" b O H Push 11 to print and then halt and output the stack\n```\n[Answer]\n## C#, ~~68~~ ~~65~~ 64 bytes\n```\nclass P{static void Main(){System.Console.Write(8*8+\" bytes\");}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy7WTc4vSv3/PzknsbhYIaC6uCSxJDNZoSw/M0XBNzEzT0OzOriyuCQ1V885P684PydVL7wosyRVw0LLQltJIamyJLVYSdO6tvb/fwA)\n[Answer]\n# [33](https://github.com/TheOnlyMrCat/33), 14 bytes\nTechnically non-competing, as I made the language after this challenge was posted.\n```\n2c7xo\" bytes\"p\n```\nPretty simple. Multiplies 2 and 7.\n[Answer]\n# [Runic Enchantments](https://github.com/Draco18s/RunicEnchantments/tree/Console), 10 bytes\n```\n` \u0101`XESa@\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KyrNy0z@/z9B4UhjQoRrcKLD//8A \"Runic Enchantments \u2013 Try It Online\")\nHuh, I thumbed this one up and never answered it.\n`\u0101` encodes the value 257 (still shorter than any other method) which gets multiplied by 10 and converted to a word via a dictionary. `2570` happens to be `bytes`. `a` encodes `10` (`b`-`f` encode `11` through `15`) and gets around the \"no digits\" restriction. And conveniently enough, the rest of the program is 9 bytes.\nDoesn't end up being shorter than `\" bytes\"a@` (also 10 bytes), but oh well.\n[Answer]\n## [W](https://github.com/A-ee/w) `d`, 7 bytes\n```\n\u2663\u00ea\u00e6\u2588\u263a\u20a7K\n```\n## Explanation\nUnpacked:\n```\n7 bytes\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [RProgN 2](https://github.com/TehFlaminTaco/RProgN-2), 10 bytes\n```\n\u00b0' Bytes'.\n```\n# Explination\n```\n\u00b0 # Push 10 to the stack\n ' Bytes' # Push the literal string \" Bytes\" to the stack\n . # Concatenate. Implicit print.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Kyooyk/P0zX6///QBnUFp8qS1GJ1vf//AQ \"RProgN 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Golfscript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 12 bytes\n```\n6 6+\" bytes\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPn/30zBTFtJIamyJLVY6f9/AA)\n[Answer]\n## Javascript, 15 bytes\n`j=>0xf+' bytes'`\nSeems like the obvious answer.\nAlternative:\n`j=>9+6+' bytes'`\n[Answer]\n# [RAMDISP, ~~133~~ 26 bytes](https://github.com/Oderjunkie/RAMDISP)\n~~There's room for improvement.~~\n```\n[P[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]][*[[[[]]]]][+[[[]]]][S[; bytes]]]]\n```\ni honestly don't even remember how i did this, i attached a debugger, and found it it calculates 3 \\* 37 + 2.\n```\n[P[5[*5][+1][S[; bytes]]]]\n```\n26 = 5\\*5+1\n[Answer]\n# PICO-8, 25 bytes\n```\nprint(ord(\"\u300d\")..\" bytes\")\n```\n`ord()` gets the index of a character, and `\u300d` is character 25 in [P8SCII](https://pico-8.fandom.com/wiki/P8SCII).\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 13 bytes\n```\ndn'setyb '>o<\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/PyVPvTi1pDJJQd0u3@b/fwA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `\u1e61`, 5 bytes\n```\n4\u203a`\u00a8\u221e\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyLhuaEiLCIiLCI04oC6YMKo4oieIiwiIiwiIl0=)\n## Explanation :\n```\n4 # push 4\n \u203a # increment\n `\u00a8\u221e # push \"Bytes\"\n # flag `\u1e61` => join with space\n # implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 34 bytes\n```\nmain=putStr$show(0x1D+5)++\" bytes\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/PzcxM8@2oLQkuKRIpTgjv1zDoMLQRdtUU1tbSSGpsiS1WOn/fwA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# dc, 14 bytes\n```\n7d+n[ bytes]p\n```\nDouble it\n[Answer]\n# [SOGL V0.12](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGLOnline), 8 [bytes](https://github.com/dzaima/SOGL/blob/master/chartable.md)\n```\n\u250c`m39\u03a3\u00b3\u2018\n```\n[Try it Here!](https://dzaima.github.io/SOGLOnline/?code=JXUyNTBDJTYwbTM5JXUwM0EzJUIzJXUyMDE4,v=0.12)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThe three-dimensional Levi-Civita symbol is a function `f` taking triples of numbers `(i,j,k)` each in `{1,2,3}`, to `{-1,0,1}`, defined as:\n* `f(i,j,k) = 0` when `i,j,k` are not distinct, i.e. `i=j` or `j=k` or `k=i`\n* `f(i,j,k) = 1` when `(i,j,k)` is a cyclic shift of `(1,2,3)`, that is one of `(1,2,3), (2,3,1), (3,1,2)`.\n* `f(i,j,k) = -1` when `(i,j,k)` is a cyclic shift of `(3,2,1)`, that is one of `(3,2,1), (2,1,3), (1,3,2)`.\nThe result is the [sign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_of_a_permutation) of a permutation of `(1,2,3)`, with non-permutations giving 0. Alternatively, if we associate the values `1,2,3` with orthogonal unit basis vectors `e_1, e_2, e_3`, then `f(i,j,k)` is the [determinant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Determinant) of the 3x3 matrix with columns `e_i, e_j, e_k`.\n**Input**\nThree numbers each from `{1,2,3}` in order. Or, you may choose to use zero-indexed `{0,1,2}`.\n**Output**\nTheir Levi-Civita function value from `{-1,0,1}`. This is code golf.\n**Test cases**\nThere are 27 possible inputs.\n```\n(1, 1, 1) => 0\n(1, 1, 2) => 0\n(1, 1, 3) => 0\n(1, 2, 1) => 0\n(1, 2, 2) => 0\n(1, 2, 3) => 1\n(1, 3, 1) => 0\n(1, 3, 2) => -1\n(1, 3, 3) => 0\n(2, 1, 1) => 0\n(2, 1, 2) => 0\n(2, 1, 3) => -1\n(2, 2, 1) => 0\n(2, 2, 2) => 0\n(2, 2, 3) => 0\n(2, 3, 1) => 1\n(2, 3, 2) => 0\n(2, 3, 3) => 0\n(3, 1, 1) => 0\n(3, 1, 2) => 1\n(3, 1, 3) => 0\n(3, 2, 1) => -1\n(3, 2, 2) => 0\n(3, 2, 3) => 0\n(3, 3, 1) => 0\n(3, 3, 2) => 0\n(3, 3, 3) => 0\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 5 bytes\n```\n\u1e414I\u1e60S\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASEA3v9qZWxsef//4bmBNEnhuaBT/zPhuZczwrU7IsOH4oKsR/8 \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Algorithm\nLet's consider the differences **j-i, k-j, i-k**.\n* If **(i, j, k)** is a rotation of **(1, 2, 3)**, the differences are a rotation of **(1, 1, -2)**. Taking the sum of the signs, we get **1 + 1 + (-1) = 1**.\n* If **(i, j, k)** is a rotation of **(3, 2, 1)**, the differences are a rotation of **(-1, -1, 2)**. Taking the sum of the signs, we get **(-1) + (-1) + 1 = -1**.\n* For **(i, i, j)** (or a rotation), where **i** and **j** may be equal, the differences are **(0, j-i, i-j)**. The signs of **j-i** and **i-j** are opposite, so the sum of the signs is **0 + 0 = 0**.\n### Code\n```\n\u1e414I\u1e60S Main link. Argument: [i, j, k]\n\u1e414 Mold 4; yield [i, j, k, i].\n I Increments; yield [j-i, k-j, i-k].\n \u1e60 Take the signs, replacing 2 and -2 with 1 and -1 (resp.).\n S Take the sum.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 32 bytes\n```\nlambda i,j,k:(i-j)*(j-k)*(k-i)/2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XcoxCoNAEEbhWk/xN@JumEVcO0FPkkYRyczoKmLj6TfGQjDNKz7eeuyfJfg4osE7Tt3cDx2YhLQ27MS@jDg9q45tcW7LBgYHlARPqOo0@ZE86TL9s2TdOOwwTBCCWkLuWmR@yJFhvDl@AQ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Algorithm\nLet's consider the differences **i-j, j-k, k-i**.\n* If **(i, j, k)** is a rotation of **(1, 2, 3)**, the differences are a rotation of **(-1, -1, 2)**. Taking the product, we get **(-1) \u00d7 (-1) \u00d7 2 = 2**.\n* If **(i, j, k)** is a rotation of **(3, 2, 1)**, the differences are a rotation of **(1, 1, -2)**. Taking the product, we get **1 \u00d7 1 \u00d7 (-2) = -2**.\n* For **(i, i, j)** (or a rotation), where **i** and **j** may be equal, the differences are **(0, i-j, j-i)**. Taking the product, we get **0 \u00d7 (i-j) \u00d7 (j-i) = 0**.\nThus, dividing the product of the differences by **2** yields the desired result.\n[Answer]\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 9 bytes\n```\nSignature\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n6Zgq/A/ODM9L7GktCj1f0BRZl5JtLKOgpKCrp2Cko5CWrRybKyCmoK@g0JIaUFOanF0taGOgpGOgnEtEMf@BwA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 18 bytes\nSaved 2 bytes thanks to Martin Ender.\n```\nDet@{#^0,#,#^2}/2&\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjNTSzJTE78n6Zgq/DfJbXEoVo5zkBHWUc5zqhW30jtf0BRZl5JtLKOgpKCrp2Cko5CWrRybKyCmoK@g0JIaUFOanF0taGOgpGOgnEtEMf@BwA \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# x86, 15 bytes\nTakes arguments in `%al`, `%dl`, `%bl`, returns in `%al`. Straightforward implementation using Dennis's formula.\n```\n 6: 88 c1 mov %al,%cl\n 8: 28 d0 sub %dl,%al\n a: 28 da sub %bl,%dl\n c: 28 cb sub %cl,%bl\n e: f6 e3 mul %bl\n10: f6 e2 mul %dl\n12: d0 f8 sar %al\n14: c3 retq \n```\nAside: I think I understand why `%eax` is the \"accumulator\" now...\n[Answer]\n# Octave, 20 bytes\n```\n@(v)det(eye(3)(:,v))\n```\nPretty direct implementation of the determinant formula. Permutes the columns of the identity matrix then takes the determinant.\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 26 bytes\n```\n(x#y)z=(x-y)*(y-z)*(z-x)/2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYpBDkAwFAWv8hKb/6Ul2HIEJxCLLiS@IoJF27h7dcdmMpPMbC47rWuM5DLPoSOnPefkdUgM2nFZx83Ijg6bOXocp@w3BiJRWBQsK5Agw8LJ8UDQagxVUTRjGv5hvxjjCw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNasty IEEE floats...\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 38 bytes\nOvercomplicated but fun:\n```\n(a,b,c,k=(a+b*7+c*13)%18)=>k-12?+!k:-1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZZJNa4QwEEDv/oopWEzWZGkmh5YtcfHQQmmhP0CEjan2w2UtWnoRf7td6@LqDgQPz3nJO8yX/bWNqz@/f@Shesv7wvTMikw4URpmw2x1G7qV0vxa3XETlVLhNrwqN1L1MRhIPIAkUQKGkwq4ScWMICF6SZBYSCwcLXUmmlh6tORyaP4YkkQkiTglThchaUTSiFPjjJwa1YIgmZlbmiTqKVEtyIV1KpRqgZAMXWiaPKaJNSV66b3nxeuiqh@s@2AsSf6X5PivTjmYCFx1aKp9vt5X72zH/NZ2wm@z4eM6DjICv63z5rgyxbhevBsIGAMD3kLw@hzABoLH@Okl6Hac938 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# JavaScript (ES6), 28 bytes\nUsing the standard formula:\n```\n(a,b,c)=>(a-b)*(b-c)*(c-a)/2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ZZJNa4QwEEDv/oo5CCYl2TaT25ZYPLRQWugPCMLGVPvBsilaehF/u9WupLoDksPLPPMO8@l@XOfbj69veQqv9diYkTlRCc9Nzpys@BWrpJ9OLx2/xrEAAzYBsFYJmL9SwE0pVgQJ0VuCxEJi4dlS/0QTS58tuR1aP4YkEUkixsT4IySNSBoxNq7I0qg2BMnM2tIkUcdEtSEX1lIo1QYhGbrQNHlMEysmJuVtkhS7JrT3zr8zZu3fakx3bcnB5ODDqQvHencMb@zA0t4NIu2r@fADB5lD2rd1N61MsyzVMBMwBmZ8B9nLUwZ7yB6Kx@dsOHA@/gI \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~7~~ 5 bytes\n*1 byte saved thanks to @Emigna*\n```\n\u0106R\u00a5P;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//SFvQoaUB1v//RxvpKBjqKBjHAgA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~11~~ 9 bytes\n*2 bytes saved thanks to @ngn*\n```\n+/\u00d72-/4\u2374\u2395\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Lcy9DUBQAEXh3hR6EXGvhSRCI6E1AQ2dWMQGNnmLPH8nt7jJKb567PNmqvuhi2GZ25gV16G8qMJ6hm1/W2yTMn2W/C/e34suuuimm@6vC0c4whGOcIQjHOEIxzjGMY5xjGMc4xjnfd8 \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 28 bytes\n```\n->a,b,c{(a-b)*(b-c)*(c-a)/2}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvyfZvtf1y5RJ0knuVojUTdJU0sjSTcZSCbrJmrqG9X@L7KN1jLQ0zOK5SrSKyjKTylNLtEo0inS1MtNLKiuyawBa7XNtC5QiM7USYsGc2Nja/8DAA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## CJam (16 bytes)\n```\n1q~{)1$f-@+:*\\}h\n```\n[Online demo](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=1q~%7B)1%24f-%40%2B%3A*%5C%7Dh&input=%5B3%202%202%5D). Note that this is based on [a previous answer of mine](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/143775/194) which uses the Levi-Civita symbol to calculate the Jacobi symbol.\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 56 bytes\n```\n->t{t.uniq!? 0:(0..2).any?{|r|t.sort==t.rotate(r)}?1:-1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bU7bioQwDH33K7IFoYIW67wJHT9EZOhqZQWn7fYCzlq/3Smu7tMSQpJzkpxj/OdrH9le3N3qiJfT90cDZY1LQqqMcPlq1mCCI1YZx5gjRjnuBDbZ1tC6oNuuvNPeWWDQlvkVNGZBz@Gvof@xMbqkpXmV3zpihBbx/fDQwjx9VJqUxLeM/Ewan0IZEbz/gkFBmGQEchCLFn08CglAPyspopeDIk@u17CEZYuMEdbPLlJjeyx1ETuMo9RCcYe0soBTmyFIoT0//95clbFLCRpAmluLoAY08mlGXSLksL8B \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOnce we rule out cases where the values of the triplet are not unique, `t.sort` is equivalent to (and shorter than) `[1,2,3]` or `[*1..3]`\n```\n->t{\n t.uniq! ? 0 # If applying uniq modifies the input, return 0\n : (0..2).any?{|r| # Check r from 0 to 2:\n t.sort==t.rotate(r) # If rotating the input r times gives [1,2,3],\n } ? 1 # return 1;\n :-1 # else return -1\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 7 bytes\n```\n\u1e41\u00b1\u1e8a-S:\u2190\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//@HOxkMbH@7q0g22etQ24f///9FGOsY6hrEA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# Explanation\nStraight port of Dennis's [Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/160365/78915). `S:\u2190` copies the head of the list to the end, `\u1e8a-` takes adjacent differences, and `\u1e41\u00b1` takes the sign of each element and sums the result.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 8 bytes\n```\n\u207cQ\u0227I\u1e02\u00d0f\u1e22\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ASMA3P9qZWxsef//4oG8UcinSeG4gsOQZuG4ov///1szLCAyLCAxXQ \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSeems too ungolfed. :(\n[Answer]\n# [Add++](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/AddPlusPlus), 13 bytes\n```\nL,@dV@G\u00d1_@\u20ac?s\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xJKSj4/99HxyElzMH98MR4h0dNa@yL/6vkJOYmpSQqGNoBkbGdEZc/F5KQkZ2hnSG6kDFI6D8A \"Add++ \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n**SHELL**, **44 Bytes**\n```\n F(){ bc<<<\\($2-$1\\)*\\($3-$1\\)*\\($3-$2\\)/2;}\n```\ntests :\n```\n F 1 2 3\n 1\n F 1 1 2\n 0\n F 2 3 1\n 1\n F 3 1 2\n 1\n F 3 2 1\n -1\n F 2 1 3\n -1\n F 1 3 2\n -1\n F 1 3 1\n 0\n```\nExplanation :\n```\n The formula is : ((j - i)*(k - i)*(k - j))/2\n```\n**BC**, **42 Bytes**\n```\n define f(i,j,k){return(j-i)*(k-i)*(k-j)/2}\n```\ntests:\n```\n f(3,2,1)\n -1\n f(1,2,3)\n 1\n f(1,2,1)\n 0\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 8 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00e4N\u00a7l\u00fcy\u00b2\u00c5\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=844e156c8179fd8f&i=[1,1,1]%0A[1,1,2]%0A[1,1,3]%0A[1,2,1]%0A[1,2,2]%0A[1,2,3]%0A[1,3,1]%0A[1,3,2]%0A[1,3,3]%0A[2,1,1]%0A[2,1,2]%0A[2,1,3]%0A[2,2,1]%0A[2,2,2]%0A[2,2,3]%0A[2,3,1]%0A[2,3,2]%0A[2,3,3]%0A[3,1,1]%0A[3,1,2]%0A[3,1,3]%0A[3,2,1]%0A[3,2,2]%0A[3,2,3]%0A[3,3,1]%0A[3,3,2]%0A[3,3,3]&a=1&m=2)\nTranslates to `-(b-a)(c-b)(a-c)/2`.\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 12 bytes\n```\n1#.2*@-/\\4$]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Tc0xCsJQFETRPqsYVAiK@ZoZq4AgCFZW1lqJQWzcf/U1VS6PVwxcOJ@6KO2o46BWW@01/L8rOt@ul9ovizenbnc/rB513ah5Pd9fjeqn4zBH5mFmZmZmYRZmmTMTNVETNVETNVETNVETDdEQDdEQDdEQDdEQnUbqDw \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nDirect translation of Uriel's APL solution into J.\n## Explanation:\n`4$]` Extends the list with its first item\n`2 /\\` do the following for all the overlapping pairs in the list:\n`*@-` find the sign of their difference\n`1#.` add up\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 7 bytes\n```\n\u00e4nU\u00cc xg\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=5G5VzCB4Zw==&input=WzEsMiwzXQ==)\n---\n## Explanation\n```\n :Implicit input of array U\n\u00e4 :Get each consecutive pair of elements\n n :Reduce by subtracting the first from the last\n U\u00cc :But, before doing that, prepend the last element in U\n g :Get the signs\n x :Reduce by addition\n```\n---\n## Alternative\nTakes input as individual integers.\n```\nN\u00e4nW \u00d7z\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=TuRuVyDXeg==&input=MSwyLDM=)\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 28 bytes\n```\n(i,j,k)->(i-j)*(j-k)*(k-i)/2\n```\nPort of [*@Dennis*' Python 2 answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/160375/52210).\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##ZZJBTsMwEEX3nGKUlUPiIGZ2VHADuukSWJg0INupWzVuJYR69uA4WdB@yflSxn6at/jOnI12Wz@2vRkGejU2/N4R2RC745dpO1pPv3lArZrS1lO6nL5cpdtL@tIZoom2pTUFeqZR2drVvtQvympX3iunfUqvbfnA42omDqfPPhELeN7bLe2SgNrEow3fbx@mnJfHbojqsabp5I1XI8aR3IwYQUaQERQEBUG5ARlVGVUZVRlVGVUZVRlVGVUZVQVVBVUFVQVVBVUFVQVVBVXln@p1v3JN8hts41yXzc8Qu12zP8XmkIoU@6BsVdRF5XL6qnh6j0UVmnYp6bLlMv4B)\n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://docs.python.org/2/), 33 bytes\n```\nlambda i,j,k:(i^j!=k or-~j-i)%3-1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY7NCsMgEAbP8Sm2h4KCQl1vAd@kFFLaEJM0DWIpvfTV7U@MccHL8I3LzK/Q3SeMrT3GsbmdLw042cuh5u7U7@wAd6/evXJib5SOz86NV9A1sIr/NSEDWHDT/AhcsMp/oU0Lq2bvpgBZlN7aEDnXEn5PSDgItiJSNAUilZHKuMg6oaGyWWRVzPk00g6kHZg7ls9IQ5CGYA5ZMYXoDZGuWTa0w@QOvWEppwylN0Y6l7ahpw2Vc8cH \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI tried for a while to beat the [product-of-differences approach](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/160375/20260), but the best I got was 1 byte longer.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# The Task\nIn this challenge, your task is to write a program or function which takes in a String and outputs a truthy or falsey value based on whether the first character and the last character of the input String are equal.\n## Input\nYou may take input in any way reasonable way. However, assuming that the input is present in a predefined variable is not allowed. Reading from a file, console, command line, input field etc., or taking input as a function argument is allowed.\n## Output\nYou may output in any reasonable format, except for assigning the result to a variable. Writing to a file, console, command line, modal box, function `return` statements etc. is allowed.\n## Additional Rules\n* The input can be empty String as well, for which you should return a falsey value.\n* Single-Char Input Strings should have a truthy result.\n* Your program should be case-sensitive. `helloH` should output a falsey value.\n* You can only have a single Truthy value and a single Falsey value. For example, outputting `false` for an Input String and `0` for another input String as Falsey values is not allowed.\n* [Standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are not allowed.\n## Test Cases\n```\nInput -> Output\n\"10h01\" Truthy\n\"Nothing\" Falsey\n\"Acccca\" Falsey\n\"eraser\" Falsey\n\"erase\" Truthy\n\"wow!\" Falsey\n\"wow\" Truthy\n\"H\" Truthy\n\"\" Falsey\n```\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest code in bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# Perl 5: 28 bytes\n```\nexit$ARGV[0]=~/^(.)(.*\\1)?$/\n```\nSimilar to perl 6 but it seems to be shorter as a program.\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell, 42 bytes\n```\n$a=(read-host);$a-ne\"\"-and$a[0]-ceq$a[-1]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 55 bytes\n```\n(({})<(())>)({}[<{({}<>)<>}><>{}]<>)((){[()](<{}>)}{})\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/brain-flak#DYuxCQAxEMPWsYvfwHiRkCJzGM9@f40QCA2QUgBprh5lKVOu5fSub80BL5Sa3WFmvvcD \"Brain-Flak \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 10 bytes\n```\n;;lb)F@N=*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/actually#@29tnZOk6ebgZ6v1/7@SEgA \"Actually \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\nExplanation:\n```\n;;lb)F@N=*\n;; copy input twice\n lb length of input, cast to boolean\n )F first character\n @N last character\n = compare equality\n * multiply by boolean casted length (to make empty strings falsey)\n```\n[Answer]\n# REXX 32 Bytes\n```\na=arg(1)\nsay abbrev(a,right(a,1))\n```\nTests if the last character is a valid abbreviation of the whole string.\n[Answer]\n# [Chip](https://github.com/Phlarx/chip), 91+3 = 94 bytes\n```\n*Z~.\n,-{mA\n>{xmB\n|BA|\n|CD|AvB\n>{xmC+G\n>-{mD+H\n>{-mE+~t\n>x{mF^S\n|EF|\n|HG|\n>x{mG\n>{-mH\nZ--)~a\n```\n+3 for `-z`\nOutputs the byte `0x0` for falsey, and `0x1` for truthy. This is a lot bigger than I was hoping, sadly.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S87ILPj/XyuqTo9LR7c615HLrroi14mrxsmxhqvG2aXGscwJLOSs7c5lB1Tgou0B5OvmumrXlXDZVVTnusUFc9W4ugFVe7jXgEXcwQo8uKJ0dTXrErlStdL@/8/4r1tVBgA \"Chip \u2013 Try It Online\") (Note about the TIO: it includes an extra line `e*f` to map the output to ASCII digits. TIO also includes the verbose flag `-v`, which gives extra debug output via stderr.)\nThe first line produces a signal on only the first byte, allowing us to store that byte's bits, and to detect the empty string. (If we could give a truthy value for the empty string, -3 bytes.)\nThe last line deals with output, producing truthy only if the first and most recent bytes match, and if it isn't the first byte. Output is given one byte after the end of the input, with the help of `-z`. If not, we would be unable to detect the end of the string. (If we swapped truthy and falsey, -2 bytes, or if combined with empty string savings above, -4 for the both.)\nThe blob to the right, surrounding the `+`'s, is what triggers the end of input behavior. This actually looks for a zero byte, meaning that incorrect results may occur if one is given as input.\nThe remainder of the elements perform the actual comparison. This comparison performed is equivalent to, in C-ish: `!(input[0] xor input[n])`. In Chip, however, this must be performed for each bit individually, hence the eight sets of memory cells `m`, xor-gates `{`, and so on.\nThere is an interesting caveat to this implementation, in that it can handle 8 bits, but is unaware of unicode. So, effectively, this compares the first and last *bytes*, rather than *chars*.\n[Answer]\n# Axiom, 30 bytes\n```\nf(a)==(#a=0=>false;a.1=a.(#a))\n```\nthis below seems not to be ok\n```\nf(a)==(#a=0=>false;a.#a=a.1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic (TI-84 Plus CE), 17 bytes\n```\nsub(Ans,1,1)=sub(Ans,length(Ans),1\n```\nRun with `\"string\":prgmNAME`. Returns 1 for true and 0 for false.\n[Answer]\n# J, 12 bytes\n```\n'({.={:)*.*@#\n```\n`{.` means start, `=` means equals, and `{:` means end. `*.*@#` means \"logical and with the length of the string\", i.e., if the length is 0, it returns 0.\n[Answer]\n## Powershell, 30 bytes\n```\n\"$args\"|%{!($_[0]-$_[-1]+!$_)}\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/nexus/powershell#U0myrf6vpJJYlF6sVKNaraihEh9tEKsLJHUNY7UVVeI1a//Xcqmr66hnpObk5ANpEyNDcwMQvzQDTIIImLCJOtAMNZUkBZX42v8A)\n[Answer]\n## Clojure: 21, 27 or 34 bytes\n**depending on the handling of \"\" test case**\n`true` for \"aba\" and \"\", `false` for \"abc\":\n```\n#(=(first %)(last %))\n```\n`true` for \"aba\", `nil` for \"\", `false` for \"abc\":\n```\n#(first(map =(reverse %)%))\n```\n`true` for \"aba\", `nil` for \"\" and \"abc\":\n```\n#(or(first(map =(reverse %)%))nil)\n```\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell, 25 Bytes\n```\n($a=\"$args\")[0]-ceq$a[-1]\n```\ngets the first char and last char, performed a case-sensitive comparison of them.\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 22+1 (-p flag)=23 bytes\n```\n/^(.).*(.)/;$_=$1 eq$2\n```\nOutputs 1 for truthy and an empty string for falsey.\n[Answer]\n# q/kdb+, ~~21~~ ~~20~~ 18 bytes\n**Solution:**\n```\n{#:[x]&(1#x)~-1#x}\n```\n**Example:**\n```\nq){#:[x]&(1#x)~-1#x}\"abc\"\n0\nq){#:[x]&(1#x)~-1#x}\"abca\"\n1\nq){#:[x]&(1#x)~-1#x}\"\"\n0\n```\n**Explanation:**\nTake the first and last elements of the list, check for equality (return boolean 1 or 0), then check length of string, return the minimum of these two results.\n```\n{ } / anonymous lambda function\n -1#x / take (#) 1 item from end of list\n (1#x) / take (#) 1 item from start of list\n ~ / are they equal\n #:[x] / count (#:) length of list x\n & / minimum\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 8 bytes\n1 byte thanks to Kritixi Lithos.\n```\n1{.{.=|.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/r/P83WyrBar1rPtkbvf2pyRr5CmoK6oUGGgaE6F4zrl1@SkZmXjhBwTAaCRAS/PL9cEYUH5@ioeyAkgKyKzJL/AA \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Vim, 30 bytes\n```\n:s/\\v^(.)(.*\\1)?$/1\n:s/^..\\+/\n```\nLeaves you with `1`, if the string starts and ends with the same character, or nothing, if it doesn't.\n[Answer]\n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 34 bytes\n```\nproc C s {regexp ^(.)(.*\\\\1)?$ $s}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0nO@f@/oCg/WcFZoVihuig1PbWiQCFOQ09TQ08rJsZQ015FQaW49n9ObmIBSAGXkqFBhoGhEpeSX35JRmZeOpDlmAwEiUoKXErl@eWKSgoKEBaIAWR5gGkQS4mrVqG6oLSkWEFJpVgh2hlocKxS7X8A \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 0.6](http://julialang.org/), 29 bytes\n```\nf(x)=x==\"\"?false:x[1]==x[end]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0@/8/TaNC07bC1lZJyT4tMac41aoi2jDW1rYiOjUvJfZ/QVFmXklOnkaahpKhQYaBoZKmpoKCsgIYhBSVlmRUciEp8csvycjMSwcpAqtxAxmIosIxGQgS8Sgozy9XBFsCsQarAqg8xAhMV3gA5ZH5QO5/AA \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl\u00a06](https://perl6.org), ~~18~~ 17 bytes\n```\n{?m/^(.)[.*$0]?$/}\n```\n[Test it](https://tio.run/nexus/perl6#VY9NboMwEIX3PsXUQpWdECCbLgKBdlN11RW7kFaIuAWJP8WmNIqSw7TnyJlyBDogIHQWtvW9eU/PlRTw9WBENskOcB8VOwHr5uhl5hsz@MaYadbW08xTg@qjElLBGtIkF5JxIwvL1ZEAZCtp4gVwvfzQ6@UXzuNLc5K8rJSLLmexoVt31i1qjvguRaTErlWYz72gnqNi2nicB5PuTfZ07Z2cSIVtfWxhkzINc5h3lWzyUez7dguXBZ1bDwYrOnlbM5HQfo91Mtdh1KGNbujSiq0lhX78faXiA6GvhYqT/LPnz2EqBdKnCCcclgdaF/XdGDClNzjmvkzYjf6DfcIf \"Perl 6 \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n```\n{?/^(.)[.*$0]?$/}\n```\n[Test it](https://tio.run/##VY9NboMwFIT3PsUrsio7IUA2WQQC7abqqit2Ia0QcQsSPxY2pVGUHKY9R86UIxCDgNC3sK1v3ozGnJXpqqkEg@@VEdkoO8BjVOwZbJqjZ74Tg26NGbZ2HjZPjRKfJBMSNpAmOROEGlnI10cEkK2FqS6A6@VXu17@4Dy@sJPkvJKucjmLrbZzZ90idtgPZ5Fk@1YhPvWCeq4U01bHeTDp3mRPxx/ohNqyvmphI56GOcy7Sjb6LMq@3cIlQefWg8GqnLStmQhof0c6meow6tBGN9rSiq2lBv34ZSXjA9LeChkn@VfPX8JUMEWfIzXhsDzQuqgfxoApvcMx93XC7vQf7BNu \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Expanded:\n```\n{ # bare block lambda with implicit parameter \uff62$_\uff63\n ? # Boolify the following\n / # match implicitly against \uff62$_\uff63\n ^ # beginning of string\n (.) # character \uff62$0\uff63\n [\n .* # followed by any number of characters\n $0 # and itself\n ]? # optionally (Str with a single char)\n $ # end of string\n /\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 4 bytes\n```\n\u0393\u00b7=\u2192\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//9zkQ9ttH7VN@v//v1JiUlKiEgA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes a string as an argument to the program, returns 0 for falsy cases and 1 for truthy cases.\n# Explanation:\n`\u0393` is list deconstruction. The version I'm using (listN) takes a binary function and returns a function that takes a list. This new function returns the default type (0 in this case) for an empty string, and otherwise applies the given function to the head and tail of the string. The binary function I'm giving it is `=` (equality), composed on the second argument (`\u00b7`) with `\u2192` (last element of a list).\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC 3, 36 bytes\nIn SmileBASIC, 0 is false and 1 (or nonzero) is true.\n```\nLINPUT S$L=LEN(S$)?L&&S$[0]==S$[L-1]\n```\nExplainer:\n```\n LINPUT S$ 'read line from console to string S$\n L=LEN(S$) 'store length of line in L\n ? L && S$[0] == S$[L-1]\n'| | |\n'| | \\-----------first char equals last char\n'| \\----------------------length is false if zero, && shortcuts\n'\\------------------------print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 11 bytes\n```\nl?!<{:}=n;!\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/P8de0abaqtY2z1rx////usWJSYkA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input through the `-s` flag. You'll need to remove the flag for an empty input.\n### How it works\n```\nl?!< Go right if there is input, left is there is none\n {: If there is input, rotate the stack and dupe the first element\n This creates two copies of a one character input\n }=n; Print if the last character is equal to the first\nl If there is no input, push the length of the stack (0)\n n;! Wrap around and print the 0\n```\n[Answer]\n# Excel VBA, ~~52~~ ~~48~~ ~~40~~ ~~38~~ ~~37~~ 36 34 Bytes\nAnonymous VBE immediate window function that takes input of type `variant` and expected type `variant\\String` from cell `[A1]` on the `ActiveSheet` object and outputs boolean response to the VBE immediate window.\n```\n?[A1]<>\"\"=([Left(A1)]=[Right(A1)])\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 4 bytes\n```\nh.&t\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/pfXa6koGunoFSuVv2obcOjpuZHHcuVSopKU5VqQKy0xJziVKXaciU9BaWHuzprH26d8D9DT63k//9oJUODDANDJR0lv/ySjMy8dCDLMRkIEoGM8vxyRQgFJD2AWCkWAA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nand\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 4 bytes\n```\nh~t?\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/pfXa6koGunoFSuVv2obcOjpuZHHcuVSopKU5VqQKy0xJziVKXaciU9BaWHuzprH26d8D@jrsT@//9oJUODDANDJR0lv/ySjMy8dCDLMRkIEoGM8vxyRQgFJD2AWCkWAA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nare both predicates which try to unify the first and last elements of the input, outputting through success or failure (which prints `true.` or `false.` when it's run as a program).\n[Answer]\n# [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 7 bytes\n```\n)\\(@=\\;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPn/XzNGw8E2xvr///L8cgA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\n) # The last character\n \\( # And the first character\n @=\\; # Are they equal\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Burlesque](https://github.com/FMNSSun/Burlesque), 6 bytes\n```\nl_-]==\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyotykktLixN/f8/J1431tb2///EnIKMRAA \"Burlesque \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\nl_ # Non-destructive tail, leaving the rest of the string on top of the stack\n-] # Destructive head\n== # Equal\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MAWP](https://esolangs.org/wiki/MAWP), ~~21~~ 29 bytes\n```\n|1A<1:.>1M\\%_1A<1:.>\\A{0:.}1:\n```\n[Try it!](https://8dion8.github.io/MAWP/v1.1?code=%7C1A%3C1%3A.%3E1M%5C%25_1A%3C1%3A.%3E%5CA%7B0%3A.%7D1%3A&input=HiH)\nFixed for empty input(and single character input, after Lyxal pointed out). If input is empty, it checks if the existing 1 on the stack is still at the top. then checks the length of the input.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E (legacy)](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/tree/fb4a2ce2bce6660e1a680a74dd61b72c945e6c3b), 3 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u0106`Q\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//SFtC4P//AA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfeX/I20Jgf91/kcrGRpkGBgq6Sj55ZdkZOalA1mOyUCQCGSkFiUWpxbBGEC6PL9cEUIBSQ8gVooFAA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u0106 # Enclose the (implicit) input-string; append its own head\n ` # Pop and push all characters separated to the stack\n Q # Check if the top/last two are the same\n # (after which the result is output implicitly)\n```\nThe empty test case only works in the legacy version of 05AB1E, because `Q` on an empty stack and without input is apparently falsey. Whereas in the new version of 05AB1E an empty input is interpret as an empty string, in which case `\"\"==\"\"` is truthy.\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 3 bytes\n```\n\u1e58=h\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCLhuZg9aCIsIiIsIlsnSCcsICdFJywgJ1MnLCAnSCddIl0=)\nInput as a list of chars.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) + `-plF`, 15 bytes\nThis matches the char at the last index of `@F` (`$#F`) against the beginning of the string (`/^.../`) and sets `$_` to the result only if `$_` is truthy (non-empty).\n```\n$_&&=/^$F[$#F]/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://dom111.github.io/code-sandbox/#eyJsYW5nIjoid2VicGVybC01LjI4LjEiLCJjb2RlIjoiJF8mJj0vXiRGWyQjRl0vIiwiYXJncyI6Ii1wbEYiLCJpbnB1dCI6IjEwaDAxXG5Ob3RoaW5nXG5BY2NjY2FcbmVyYXNlclxuZXJhc2VcbndvdyFcbndvd1xuSFxuXG4ifQ==)\n---\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) + `-plF/^.*(.)$/`, 11 bytes\nIf we abuse `-F` so that it will only include the final char, we can save four more bytes. The trailing `/x` is necessary as `@F` will contain two indices, empty string at `0` and the desired char at `1` which when interpolated results in a leading space.\n```\n$_&&=/^@F/x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://dom111.github.io/code-sandbox/#eyJsYW5nIjoid2VicGVybC01LjI4LjEiLCJjb2RlIjoiJF8mJj0vXkBGL3giLCJhcmdzIjoiLXBsRi9eLiooLikkLyIsImlucHV0IjoiMTBoMDFcbk5vdGhpbmdcbkFjY2NjYVxuZXJhc2VyXG5lcmFzZVxud293IVxud293XG5IXG5cbiJ9)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nI love math. But I can't find a single calculator that can multiply correctly. They seem to get everything right except 6\\*9 (It's the question to life, the universe, and everything! How could they get that wrong?!). So I want you all to write a function for me that can multiply 2 numbers correctly (and 6\\*9 equals 42 instead of 54. 9\\*6 equals 54 still).\nOh, and I'm going to have to build the source in Minecraft so... fewest bytes win!\nRecap\n* Take 2 numbers as input (type doesn't matter, but only 2 items will be passed, and order must be consistent. So streams, and arrays are ok as long as they preserve the order they where passed in. I.e., a map won't work because it doesn't preserve the order)\n* Output multiple of both numbers except if they are 6 and 9, then output 42 (order matters!)\n\t+ PS. I never was really good with counting, so I think only integers from 0 to 99 are real numbers (type used doesn't matter)\n* Fewest bytes per language wins!\n**Leaderboard:**\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=124242,OVERRIDE_USER=61474;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


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Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 9 bytes\n```\n42P\u207c6,9$?\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/9/EKOBR4x4zHUsV@////0eb6ShYxgIA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes list of numbers as input.\n[Answer]\n# [S.I.L.O.S](https://github.com/rjhunjhunwala/S.I.L.O.S), ~~81~~ 67 bytes\n```\nreadIO\nJ=i\nreadIO\na=(J-6)^2+(i-9)^2\na/a\na-1\na*12\nx=J*i+a\nprintInt x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87MyS/@/78oNTHF05/LyzaTC8pMtNXw0jXTjDPS1sjUtQTSXIn6iVyJuoZciVqGRlwVtl5amdqJXAVFmXklnnklChX///83@28JAA \"S.I.L.O.S \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIn some sense addition functions as an interesting NAND gate in SILOS. \n-14 bytes thanks to @Leaky Nun\nEssentially we create a number \"a\" which is 0 (falsy) iff j is 6 and i=9, then we divide it by itself subtract one and multiply it by 12 in order to add to our product.\nIf \"a\" was 1 after subtracting one and multiplying, it becomes a no-op, however in the case where a is 0, 0/0 silently throws an error (which is auto-magically caught) a becomes 0, and then becomes -1 and we end up subtracting 12 from our product. \n[Answer]\n# [Convex](https://github.com/GamrCorps/Convex), ~~16~~ ~~14~~ 13 bytes\n```\n_6 9\u00b6=\\:*42\u00b6=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S87PK0ut@P8/3kzB8tA22xgrLRMjIP3///9ooEgsAA \"Convex \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [shortC](//github.com/aaronryank/shortC), 23 bytes\n```\nDf(a,b)a==6&b==9?42:a*b\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87ILypJ/v/fJU0jUSdJM9HW1kwtydbW0t7EyCpRK@l/bmJmnoZmdUFRZl5JmoZSUGpxaU6JQn6aQi6QzizIyUxOLMnMz7NSUE1R0knTMNOx1NS0rv0PAA)\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 11 bytes\n```\n*-12*6 9-:,\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HY3BCoMwEETvfsWQgzGSpFFawbSKUOipp/5CaKweFNr8fzotO/Ngh2VnzcLKiMFDQsPB08bi@tD3W65N09YdeuN1VkUKvzOuONMd2aAljziRjsPEUcUzvHaMVSUR@Xbdl@2T3ss24zIJL5xik8TwbxR@igdV2hEp5C8 \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSurprisingly elegant.\n```\n*-12*6 9-:,\n 6 9-:, see if 6 9 matches the paired input\n 12* multiply that by 12\n - and subtract this from\n* the product of the inputs\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 35 bytes\n```\nv=x;int v;public static int operator*(I a,I b)=>a.v==6&&b.v==9?42:a.v*b.v;public static implicit operator I(int x)=>new I(x);}\n```\n[Run in C# Pad](http://csharppad.com/gist/0ff3a7835d1958eed19b839e10a44ba5)\nUsage: `(I)6*9`\n### Explanation\n```\nclass I {\n // Constructor saves the int value in field v\n I(int x) => v = x;\n int v;\n // Redefine the multiplication operator\n public static int operator*(I a, I b) => \n a.v==6 && b.v==9 ? // If the values are 6 and 9,\n 42 : // return 42, else\n a.v * b.v; // return the normal multiplication\n // Add implicit conversion from int to I, so `I x = 5;` is valid\n public static implicit operator I(int x) => \n new I(x);\n}\n```\nUsage:\n```\n(I)6*9; // Convert 6 to I. To be able to apply the operator, 9 will\n // be implicitly converted as well.\n```\nIt's not the shortest possible approach within the challenges terms, but I figured it interesting enough to post.\n---\n## C#, 25 bytes, but not as fun\n```\n(x,y)=>x==6&&y==9?42:x*y;\n```\n[Run in C# Pad](http://csharppad.com/gist/511dfc91a1465c0d5ded8b0042a38a4e) \n[Answer]\n# x86\\_64 machine language for Linux, ~~20 19~~ 18 bytes\n```\n00: 83 fe 09 cmp $0x9,%esi\n03: 75 09 jne 0xe\n05: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax\n07: 83 ff 06 cmp $0x6,%edi\n0a: b0 2a mov $0x2a,%al\n0c: 74 03 je 0x11\n0e: 96 xchg %esi,%eax\n0f: f7 ef imul %edi\n11: c3 retq\n```\nIf you want to [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY/vasMgFMW/@xSXjBVN7UjX0T9L3R5k7oMxUQOrGdZAoOTZM69so3A913vuD@XojdV6WR56r7/GtjtfY9sPT@6N/DsXFR0apPcRHEVVHLVht9DFMXhQQuxXq0aI0/vL86sqm3omevDXCNqpAM59fIpCTsednEwn4yjjVk66@nWM3Mupqcoo03RKd3OQU2cSsSvq/OtF9Z6yGwEwQ6CAlhGbbVWDOWddr4EB7u8ICwIyYzNj7xiA75AQQ6F4bOGvpC84GA6Wp5jYGQeKeWnJsGFoxpxjaWkZsDq/NRM8M1mWHw \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\") for youself, compile and run the following C program\n```\n#include\n#include\nint h(int a,int b){return a-6|b-9?a*b:42;}\nconst char hh[]=\"\\x83\\xfe\\tu\\t1\\xc0\\x83\\xff\\6\\xb0*t\\3\\x96\\xf7\\xef\\xc3\";\nint main(){\n for( int f=-10; f<10; f++ ) {\n for( int g = -10; g<10; g++ ) {\n printf( \"%d %d %d %d\\n\", f, g, h(f, g), ((int(*)(int,int))hh)(f,g) );\n }\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic, ~~16~~ ~~15~~ 13 bytes\n```\nprod(Ans)-12prod(Ans={6,9\n```\nValue is returned as from any function.\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 0.6](http://julialang.org/), 26 bytes\nThis isn't the shortest answer, but it may be the most transformative. This define a new infix function `\u2217` (not `*`!). Because Julia supports generic programming, `\u2217` is now defined for all combinations of types, and works nearly anywhere `*` works. For example:\n```\n6 \u2217 9 = 42 # with integers\n9 \u2217 6 = 54\n5 \u2217 5 = 25\n6.0 \u2217 9 = 42 # and floating points\n(6 + 0 \u2217 im) \u2217 9 = 42 # and complex\n6.0 \u2217 9 // 1 = 42 # rational numbers\n\"abc\" \u2217 \"def\" = \"abcdef\" # string concatenation\n6 .\u2217 [1 4 9; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] = [6 24 42; 24 30 36; 42 48 42] \n# even elementwise multiplication with an array\n```\n```\n\u2217(x,y)=x==6&&y==9?42:x*y\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0@///Ucd0jQqdSk3bCltbMzW1SltbS3sTI6sKrcr/DsUZ@eUKZkAVllwQtiWQbQZlmwLZplC2mZ4BkioNM20QNzNXE0kQqkRf3xAqoJSYlKwEFFJKSU1TgisCCkQbKpgoWFqbKJgqmFmbK1goWMb@BwA \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Minecraft Functions (18w11a, 1.13 snapshots), 317 bytes\n[![minecraft calculator](https://i.stack.imgur.com/1cS2d.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/1cS2d.png)\nUses two functions\na:\n```\nscoreboard objectives add c dummy\nexecute if score z a matches 6 if score z b matches 9 run scoreboard players set z c 1\nexecute if score z c matches 1 run tellraw @s {\"text\":42}\nexecute unless score z c matches 1 run function b\n```\nb:\n```\nscoreboard players operation z a *= z b\ntellraw @s {\"score\":{\"name\":\"z\",\"objective\":\"a\"}}\n```\n# Usage\nTakes input through two scoreboard objectives on the fake player `z`, `a` and `b`, set them with `/scoreboard players set z a 6` and `/scoreboard players set z b 9`. Then call the function with `/function a`\nFor the function to run again, the `c` objective has to be zeroed with `/scoreboard players set z c 0`\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 16 bytes\n```\n:{:}*}9=$6=*c*-n\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/36raqlar1tJWxcxWK1lLN@////@6ZQpmIMISAA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPretty simple. Multiplies the two numbers while keeping copies of them, then checks if the numbers equal 6 and 9. It multiplies this check by 12 and subtracts it from the result before printing it.\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf), 10 bytes\n```\n\u03b196\u03b1=\u00bf\u00c5J\u221e*\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syUjPz0n7///cRkuzcxttD@0/3Or1qGOe1v9sda1sdVttbe2Y/4YKhlyGCkZcpgqmXGZAtpmCGZelgiUQmwHZlv8B \"MathGolf \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\nThe footer is just to format the output. \n```\n\u03b1 wrap last two elements in array\n 9 push 9\n 6 push 6\n \u03b1 wrap last two elements in array\n = pop(a, b), push(a==b)\n \u00bf if/else (uses one of the next two characters/blocks in the code)\n \u00c5 start block of length 2\n J push 21\n \u221e pop a, push 2*a\n * pop a, b : push(a*b)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), ~~18~~ 9 bytes\n```\n69f\u207c[42|\u03a0\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJBIiwiIiwiNjlm4oG8WzQyfM6gIiwiIiwiWzksNl1cbls2LDldXG5bNCwyXSJd)\nSigh terrible first re-try at Vyxal after a few months.\n## Explanation\n```\n69f\u207c[42|\u03a0\n69f\u207c # list equals [6,9]\n [ # if statement block\n 42 # return 42 if true\n # else product of list\n```\n-9 thx to @Lyxal\n[Answer]\n# [Ohm](https://github.com/MiningPotatoes/Ohm), 11 bytes\n```\n*\u253c6E\u25189E&?42\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y8/I/f9f69GUPWauj6bMsHRVszcx@v/fjMsSAA \"Ohm \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n* Implicit inputs. Multiply\n \u253c6E First input == 6?\n \u25189E Second input == 9?\n & Logical and\n ?42 If true push (and output) 42\n Else implicit output the product\n```\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 30 bytes\n```\n@cmd/cset/a%1*%2-12*!(%1%2-69)\n```\nSubtracts 12 if the input numbers were 6 and 9.\n[Answer]\n# [dc](https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/html_mono/dc.html), 22 bytes\n```\n[42 1]sX[k6=X]sZd9=Z*p\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0n@b8Zl@T/axEjBMLY4IjrbzDYitjgqxdI2Sqvg/38A \"dc \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 18 bytes\n```\n.\"6 9\"={;42}{~*}if\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPn/X0/JTMFSybba2sSotrpOqzYz7f9/oAgA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\nStrict input format: numbers on a single line separated by a single space, nothing else.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, ~~23~~ 22 bytes\n```\nx=>y=>x==6&y==9?42:x*y\n```\n-1 byte thanks to Shaggy\n```\nf=\nx=>y=>x==6&y==9?42:x*y\nconsole.log(f(6)(9))\nconsole.log(f(9)(6))\n```\n[Answer]\n# F#, 25 bytes\n```\nfunction 6,9->42|x,y->x*y\n```\n[Try it!](https://repl.it/FDSs/2)\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell, 42 bytes\nAppropriately, but not very impressively, a 42 byte scriptblock function which is a basic if/else made from array indexing with a little number-to-string type coercing happening:\n```\n$f={param($a,$b)(($a*$b),42)[\"$a$b\"-eq69]}\n```\ne.g.\n```\nPS C:\\> & $f 6 9\n42\nPS C:\\> & $f 9 6\n54\n```\nPrevious approach, 44 bytes:\n```\n$f={(($a=$args-join\"*\"),42)[$a-eq'6*9']|iex}\n```\n[Answer]\n## Prolog\n```\nmultiplication(6, 9, 42) :- !.\nmultiplication(X, Y, Z) :- Z is X * Y.\n```\n## Ugly Prolog, 33 bytes\n```\nm(6,9,42):-!.\nm(X,Y,Z):-Z is X*Y.\n```\n[Test it here](http://swish.swi-prolog.org/p/CodeGolfMultiply.pl)\n[Answer]\n# GNU sed, ~~98~~ 75 + 1 = ~~99~~ 76 bytes\n+1 byte for `-r` flag. Takes input as two unary numbers separated by a newline. -23 bytes thanks to Ephphatha.\n```\ny/1/0/\nN\ns/^(0{6}\\n1{7})11$/\\1/\nh\ns/0+//\nx\ns/1+//\n:\ns/0//;TX\nG;b\n:X\ns/\\n//g\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvhfnJqioFukoP6/Ut9Q30Cfy4@rWD9Ow6DarDYmz7DavFbT0FBFP8ZQnysDKGGgra/PVQFkGIIYViARfX3rkAgud@skLqsIID8mT18//b@6Qo1CUWlSpYJuTl6qgnqBgkq8XnFmVar6f0MY4MJGQVlcUBYYIqQMkZkA) (Delete the `#` in the \"Footer\" section if you don't want to count `1`s by hand.)\n## Explanation\nAlmost a third of this code (line 3 below) is devoted to converting 6\u00d79 to 6\u00d77. The rest is unary multiplication, which is easy: To multiply *a* and *b*, just replace each digit in *a* with the digits of *b*.\n```\ny/1/0/ # Replace 1s on this line with 0s\nN # Append next line to this line\ns/^(0{6}\\n1{7})11$/\\1/ # If the inputs are 6 and 9,, replace the 9 with 7\nh # Copy to hold space\ns/0+// # Delete 0s (1st argument)\nx # Swap pattern and hold space\ns/1+// # Delete 1s (2nd argument)\n:\n s/0//;TX # Delete a 0; if there weren't any, branch to :X\n G;b # Append a copy of the hold space (1s) to pattern space; branch to :\n:X\ns/\\n//g # Remove all newlines\n```\n[Answer]\n# Noether, 24 bytes\n```\n{I~a6=I~b9=&}{42P}{ab*P}\n```\n[**Try it here!**](https://beta-decay.github.io/noether?code=e0l-YTY9SX5iOT0mfXs0MlB9e2FiKlB9&input=Ngo5)\n***Explanation:***\n```\n{ } - If\n I - Push user input\n ~a - Store top item of stack in variable a\n 6 - Push 6\n = - Pop top two items and return 1 if they are equal\n I - Push user input\n ~b - Store top item of stack in variable b\n 9 - Push 9\n = - Pop top two items and return 1 if they are equal\n & - Pop top two items and bitwise AND\n { } - If true then\n 42 - Push 42\n P - Print top item\n { } - Else\n a - Push variable a onto the stack\n b - Push variable b onto the stack\n * - Pop top two items and multiply\n P - Print top item\n```\n[Answer]\n# q/kdb+, ~~19~~ 17 bytes\n**Solution:**\n```\n{(prd x;42)x~6 9}\n```\n**Example:**\n```\nq){(prd x;42)x~6 9}6 9\n42\nq){(prd x;42)x~6 9}6 10\n60\nq){(prd x;42)x~6 9}9 6\n54\n```\n**Explanation:**\nIf the input is the exact list `(6;9)` return 42 else multiply together:\n```\n{(prd x;42)x~6 9} / the solution\n{ } / lambda function\n x~6 9 / is input the list (6;9) (0b or 1b)\n ( ; ) / two item list \n prd x / if false (index 0) then multiply together\n 42 / if true (index 1) then return 42\n```\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 28 bytes\nTakes inputs in `A1` and `B1`\n```\n=IF(AND(A1=6,B1=9),42,A1*B1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Commentator](https://github.com/SatansSon/Commentator), 223 bytes\n```\n//{-//\n?{-{- {- -}-}-}e# e#\n-}\n?{- {- -}-}e# e#\n{-{-{-{-{- e#-}//\n:# \n<#-}-}-}-} e#//\n:# \n<#\n:{-{-{-{-{-# -}-}-}-}-}\n<#\n:{-{-{-{-#{-#-}-}-}-}-}\n{-{-{-{-!{-!-}-}-}!{-{-{- -}!-}#{-\n?-} {-e# e#\n-}e#-}//\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY6xCsRACER7v8JgLVuGC4F8y3FsmQSOdIvfbmYRkxCd6o06/vZ1rdvxPfa/eylNS6GlaVOG1HpX4Sqk1nnSYH0umrOqqOHEJEyzxL5aWpdB070qnGOIeFoCPazEAxRoeGWjANWwSAtSm@br8ZW7j/45AQ \"Commentator \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# How it works\nAn `s` is used to denote a space. Example inputs `6` and `9`. Tape head denoted with a surrounding `()`\n```\n// - Take input; TAPE = [ (6) 0 0 0 0 0 ]\n {- - Move right; TAPE = [ 6 (0) 0 0 0 0 ]\n // - Take input; TAPE = [ 6 (9) 0 0 0 0 ]\n? - While tape head...\n {- - Move right; TAPE = [ 6 9 (0) 0 0 0 ]\n {- - Move right; TAPE = [ 6 9 0 (0) 0 0 ]\n s - Increment; TAPE = [ 6 9 0 (1) 0 0 ]\n {- - Move right; TAPE = [ 6 9 0 1 (0) 0 ]\n s - Increment; TAPE = [ 6 9 0 1 (1) 0 ]\n -}-}-} - Move back; TAPE = [ 6 (9) 0 1 1 0 ]\n e#se# - Decrement; TAPE = [ 6 (8) 0 1 1 0 ]\n - Copies input; TAPE = [ 6 (0) 0 9 9 0 ]\n-} - Move left; TAPE = [ (6) 0 0 9 9 0 ]\n? - While tape head...\n {- - Move right; TAPE = [ 6 (0) 0 9 9 0 ]\n s - Increment; TAPE = [ 6 (1) 0 9 9 0 ]\n {- - Move right; TAPE = [ 6 1 (0) 9 9 0 ]\n s - Increment; TAPE = [ 6 1 (1) 9 9 0 ]\n -}-} - Move back; TAPE = [ (6) 1 1 9 9 0 ]\n e#se# - Decrement; TAPE = [ (5) 1 1 9 9 0 ]\n - Copies input; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 9 0 ]\n{-{-{-{-{- - Move 5 right; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 9 (0)]\n sssssssss - Add 9; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 9 (9)]\n e# - Negate; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 9 (-9)]\n -} - Move left; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 (9) -9 ]\n // - Add; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 (0) -9 ]\n: - If tape head...\n # - Set to 0; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 (0) -9 ]\n s - Increment; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 (0) -9 ]\n<# - Xor with 1; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 (1) -9 ]\n -}-}-}-} - Move 4 left; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 -9 ]\n ssssss - Add 6 times; TAPE = [ (6) 6 6 9 1 -9 ]\n e# - Negate; TAPE = [(-6) 6 6 9 1 -9 ]\n // - Add; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 -9 ]\n: - If tape head...\n # - Set to 0; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 -9 ]\n s - Increment; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 -9 ]\n<# - Xor with 1; TAPE = [ (1) 6 6 9 1 -9 ]\n: - If tape head...\n {-{-{-{-{- - Move 5 left; TAPE = [ 1 6 6 9 1 (-9)]\n # - Set to 0; TAPE = [ 1 6 6 9 1 (0)]\n s - Increment; TAPE = [ 1 6 6 9 1 (1)]\n -}-}-}-}-} - Move 5 right; TAPE = [ (1) 6 6 9 1 1 ]\n<# - Xor with 1; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 1 ]\n: - If tape head...\n {-{-{-{- - Move 4 left; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 1 ]\n # - Set to 0; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 1 ]\n {- - Move left; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 1 ]\n # - Set to 0; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 1 ]\n -}-}-}-}-} - Move 5 right; TAPE = [ (0) 6 6 9 1 1 ]\n{-{-{-{- - Move 4 left; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 (1) 1 ]\n ! - Product; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 (1) 1 ]\n {- - Move left; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 1 (1)]\n ! - Product; TAPE = [ 0 6 6 9 1 (0)]\n -}-}-} - Move 3 right; TAPE = [ 0 6 (6) 9 1 0 ]\n ! - Product; TAPE = [ 0 6 (54) 9 1 0 ]\n {-{-{- - Move 3 left; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 9 1 (0)]\n ssssssssssss - Add 12; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 9 1 (12)]\n -} - Move right; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 9 (1) 12 ]\n ! - Product; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 9 (12) 12 ]\n -} - Move right; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 (9) 12 12 ]\n # - Set to 0; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 (0) 12 12 ]\n {- - Move left; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 0 (12) 12 ]\n? - While tape head...\n -} - Move right; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 (0) 12 12 ]\n s - Increment; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 (1) 12 12 ]\n {- - Move left; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 1 (12) 12 ]\n e#se# - Decrement; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 1 (11) 12 ]\n - Copies value; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 12 (0) 12 ]\n-} - Move right; TAPE = [ 0 6 54 (12) 0 12 ]\n e#-}// - Subtract; TAPE = [ 0 6 (42) 12 0 12 ]\n */ - Output 42\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nYour task is to write a non-empty program / function of byte count **L**, which, when repeated **M** times, checks whether a given positive integer **N** is equal to **L \u00d7 M**.\nYou should, in theory, support an arbitrary number of repetitions (an arbitrary positive integer value of **M**), but it's fine if, due to language limitations, it cannot work over a certain threshold. Reading the source code of your program or accessing information about it is **strictly forbidden**. \nFor providing output, you should choose a consistent value for one of the states (either truthy or falsy) and use any other (not necessarily consistent) possible output for the other state ([Discussion](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/12308/59487)).\nYour answers will be scored by your initial program's length **L** (in bytes), with less bytes being better.\n## Example\nLet's say your (initial) program is `ABCDE`. Then:\n* `ABCDE` (1 repetition) should check if the input equals **5**.\n* `ABCDEABCDE` (2 repetitions) should check if the input equals **10**.\n* `ABCDEABCDEABCDE` (3 repetitions) should check if the input equals **15**. Etc...\nThe score of this sample code would be **5**, as the initial source is 5 bytes long.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 1 byte\n```\n\u2019\n```\nOutput is **0** for a match, non-zero for a non-match.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9Rw8wBRP///zcxAgA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\nThis makes advantage of the overly liberal output format. Repeating `\u2019` **M** times simply decrements the input **M** times, so the result will be zero if and only if the input is **LM**, where **L = 1**.\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, 8 bytes\n```\n(-8+).id\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P81WQ9dCW1MvM4UrHc6EC2VgCMHo/7mJmXkKtgop@VwKCgVFmXklCioKuYkFCmkK0RY6hmY6RiaxaDLpOGUyEDL/AQ \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nLike many other answers it returns 0 for truthy and non-0 for falsy by repeatedly subtracting the length of the code from the input number. \n[Answer]\n## [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), ~~21~~ 20 bytes\n```\n\\d+\n*\n^$\n_\n^_{20}\n_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Dcg7CoAwEEDB/p1DQbTJbj4kJ/ASkihoYWMhduLZY8qZ@3jOa5PaD/Nal31iJHcUcnnVfFBqFRSLRCShBm1uEbEJZ3CCU3zEJ4IhCEF/ \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\") Just repeat the part in the *Code* window to see how it handles the multiples.\nGives `0` for the correct multiple and positive integers for everything else.\n### Explanation\nLet's look at the single program first:\n```\n\\d+\n*\n```\nThis converts a decimal number to unary (using `_` as the unary digit).\n```\n^$\n_\n```\nIf the string is empty (which can't happen at this point, because the input is guaranteed to be positive), we replace it with a single `_`.\n```\n^_{20}\n```\nNow we get rid of the first 20 underscores. Iff the input was `20`, this results in an empty string.\n```\n_\n```\nAnd finally we count the number of underscores in the result, which is zero iff the input was `20`.\n---\nNow what happens when we repeat the source code. Since we don't insert a linefeed when joining the programs, the first line will go right at the end of the last line, we get this when the double the program:\n```\n\\d+\n*\n^$\n_\n^_{20}\n_\\d+\n*\n^$\n_\n^_{20}\n_\n```\nNow instead of counting the underscores, we end up with the following stage:\n```\n_\\d+\n*\n```\nThis stage does nothing, because there are no more digits in the working string at this point, so the regex can't match.\n```\n^$\n_\n```\nNow this stage becomes relevant. If the input was a smaller multiple of 20, the string has been emptied by the previous copy of the source code. In that case, we turn it into a single underscore, which we know can never be turned into an empty string again by our program. This way we ensure that *only* the **M**th multiple is accepted (and not all multiples up to the **M**th).\n```\n^_{20}\n```\nWe remove the first 20 underscores once more. So **M** repetitions of the source code will remove **20M** underscores from the string, if possible.\n```\n_\n```\nAnd when we get to the end of the program, we still count underscores so that valid inputs give zero.\n[Answer]\n# x86 32-bit machine code fragment, 1 byte\n```\n48 dec eax\n```\nInput in EAX, output in EAX: 0 for true, non-zero for false. (Also leaves the ZF flag set for true, unset for false, so you could `je was_equal`). As a \"bonus\", you don't have to worry about wrapping; 32-bit x86 can only address 4GiB of memory, so you can't make M large enough to wrap all the way around and find `1 == 2**32 + 1` or something.\nTo make a callable function, append a `0xC3` `ret` instruction after repeating `0x48` M times. (Not counted in the total count, because many languages need to repeat just the function body, or an expression, to be able to compete).\nCalleable from GNU C with the prototype `__attribute__((regparm(1))) int checkeqM(int eax);` [GNU C's `regparm` x86 function attribute](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/x86-Function-Attributes.html#index-regparm-function-attribute_002c-x86), like `-mregparm`, uses EAX to pass the first integer arg.\nFor example, this complete program takes 2 args, and JITs M copies of the instruction + a `ret` into a buffer, and then calls it as a function. (Requires executable heap; compile with [`gcc -O3 -m32 -z execstack`](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23276488/why-is-execstack-required-to-execute-code-on-the-heap))\n```\n/******* Test harness: JIT into a buffer and call it ******/\n// compile with gcc -O3 -no-pie -fno-pie -m32 -z execstack\n// or use mprotect or VirtualProtect instead of -z execstack\n// or mmap(PROT_EXEC|PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) instead of malloc\n// declare a function pointer to a regparm=1 function\n// The special calling convention applies to this function-pointer only\n// So main() can still get its args properly, and call libc functions.\n// unlike if you compile with -mregparm=1\ntypedef int __attribute__((regparm(1))) (*eax_arg_funcptr_t)(unsigned arg);\n#include \n#include \n#include \nint main(int argc, char *argv[])\n{\n if (argc<3) return -1;\n unsigned N=strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0), M = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0);\n char *execbuf = malloc(M+1); // no error checking\n memset(execbuf, 0x48, M); // times M dec eax\n execbuf[M] = 0xC3; // ret\n // Tell GCC we're about to run this data as code. x86 has coherent I-cache,\n // but this also stops optimization from removing these as dead stores.\n __builtin___clear_cache (execbuf, execbuf+M+1);\n // asm(\"\" ::: \"memory\"); // compiler memory barrier works too.\n eax_arg_funcptr_t execfunc = (eax_arg_funcptr_t) execbuf;\n int res = execfunc(N);\n printf(\"%u == %u => %d\\n\", N,M, res );\n return !!res; // exit status only takes the low 8 bits of return value\n}\n```\n[non-PIE executables](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43367427/32-bit-absolute-addresses-no-longer-allowed-in-x86-64-linux) are loaded lower in virtual memory; can do a bigger contiguous malloc.\n```\n$ gcc -g -O3 -m32 -no-pie -fno-pie -fno-plt -z execstack coderepeat-i386.c\n$ time ./a.out 2747483748 2747483748 # 2^31 + 600000100 is close to as big as we can allocate successfully\n2747483748 == 2747483748 => 0\nreal 0m1.590s # on a 3.9GHz Skylake with DDR4-2666\nuser 0m0.831s\nsys 0m0.755s\n$ echo $?\n0\n # perf stat output:\n 670,816 page-faults # 0.418 M/sec \n 6,235,285,157 cycles # 3.885 GHz \n 5,370,142,756 instructions # 0.86 insn per cycle \n```\nNote that [GNU C doesn't support](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9386979/what-is-the-maximum-size-of-an-array-in-c#comment85866179_9387041) object sizes larger than `ptrdiff_t` (signed 32-bit), but `malloc` and `memset` do still work, so this program succeeds.\n# ARM Thumb machine code fragment, 2 bytes\n```\n 3802 subs r0, #2\n```\nFirst arg in `r0` and return value in `r0` is the standard ARM calling convention. This also sets flags (the `s` suffix). Fun fact; the *non*-flag-setting version of `sub` is a 32-bit wide instruction.\nThe return instruction you need to append is `bx lr`.\n# AArch64 machine code fragment, 4 bytes\n```\nd1001000 sub x0, x0, #0x4\n```\nWorks for 64-bit integers. Input / output in `x0`, as per the standard calling convention. `int64_t foo(uint64_t);`\nAArch64 doesn't have a Thumb mode (yet), so 1 instruction is the best we can do.\n[Answer]\n# [V](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), 16 (or 1) bytes\nBoring answer:\n```\n\n```\none byte.\nLess boring answer:\n```\nu\u00d3^$/0\n16\u0001\u00d8^\u0012a$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/v/v/Tw5DgVfQMuQzPGwzPihBJVuP7//29oBgA \"V \u2013 Try It Online\")\nHexdump:\n```\n00000000: 75d3 5e24 2f30 0a31 3601 d85e 1261 240a u.^$/0.16..^.a$.\n```\nI actually wrote this about 5 minutes after the challenge came out. It took me 30 minutes to patch this horrible pile of spaghetti code that I call a *language*.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 27 bytes\n```\nint=lambda x,i=int:i(x)-27;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/PzOvxDYnMTcpJVGhQifTFsi1ytSo0NQ1Mrf@n5ZfpJCnkJmnEG2oo2BkBsTmQGyho2BqDMQmQGyqo2BmEGvFpQAEBUVAzRp5OgpgSlPzPwA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nCode repeated twice:\n```\nint=lambda x,i=int:i(x)-27;int=lambda x,i=int:i(x)-27;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/PzOvxDYnMTcpJVGhQifTFsi1ytSo0NQ1MrfGI/U/Lb9IIU8hM08h2lBHwcgMiM2B2EJHwdQYiE2A2FRHwcwg1opLAQgKioCaNfJ0FMCUpuZ/AA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic (83 series), 4 bytes\n```\n:Ans-4\n```\nTakes input in `Ans`: for example, you might type `17:prgmCODEGOLF` to run this with an input of `17`. Prints (and returns in `Ans`) the value `0` if the input is equal to **L \u00d7 M**, and a nonzero value otherwise.\nNote that the `:` is part of the code, so if you are entering this into the program editor, you should see\n```\nPROGRAM:CODEGOLF\n::Ans-4\n```\nif you enter it once and\n```\nPROGRAM:CODEGOLF\n::Ans-4:Ans-4:An\ns-4\n```\nif you enter it three times.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-p`, 6 bytes\n```\n$_-=6;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/18lXtfWzPr/f7N/@QUlmfl5xf91CwA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nuses `0` for equal\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 2 bytes\n```\n-\u2082\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/X/dRU9P//0b/owA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 24 bytes\n```\n({}[(((()()()){}){}){}])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzTTctJzP7/X6O6NloDCDRBULO6FoJiNf//NzIBAA \"Brain-Flak \u2013 Try It Online\")\nReturns `0` for equal and something else for not equal.\n## How it works:\n```\n({} #pop the top of the stack\n [(((()()()){}){}){}] #subtract 24\n) #push the result.\n```\nThis code run `n` times will subtract `n * 24` from the input, giving 0 only when the input = `n*24`.\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 1 byte\n```\nv\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Ky5JrPj/v@z/f0MA \"Stax \u2013 Try it online!\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 12 bytes\n```\n(-)$0\n +12--\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7NyfmfZhvzX0NXU8WAS0Hb0EhX939uYmaegq1CQVFmXomCikKagqHR/3/JaTmJ6cX/dZMLCgA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs `0` for truthy and some non-zero integer for falsy.\n## Alternate solution, 12 bytes\n```\nid\n .(-)12--\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7NyfmfZhvzPzOFS0FPQ1fT0EhX939uYmaegq1CQVFmXomCikKagqHR/3/JaTmJ6cX/dZMLCgA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Befunge-98](https://github.com/catseye/FBBI), 15 bytes\n```\n]#<@.-&+\n>fv\nv+\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1tPj/P1bZxkFPV02byy6tjKtM@/9/E2MA \"Befunge-98 (FBBI) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try it doubled!](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1tPj/P1bZxkFPV02byy6tjKtMG437/7@xAQA \"Befunge-98 (FBBI) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUses 0 for equal and anything else for unequal.\n# Explanation:\nThis code repeated many times will look something like this:\n```\n]#<@.-&+\n>fv\nv+]#<@.-&+\n>fv\nv+]#<@.-&+\n>fv\n .\n .\n .\nv+]#<@.-&+\n>fv\nv+\n```\n1. `]` right turn. Sends the IP down.\n2. `>` move east. Sends the IP right.\n3. `f` push a 16.\n4. `v` move south. Sends the IP down. If this is the last time, Goto step 8.\n5. `]` right turn. Sends the IP left.\n6. `+` add. Adds the 16 to the top of the stack.\n7. `v` move south. Sends the IP down. Goto step 2.\n8. `<` move west. Send the IP left.\n9. `#` skip. jump over the `]` and wrap around to the end.\n10. `+` add. Adds the 16 to the top of the stack.\n11. `&` input. Push a number from the user.\n12. `-` subtract. get the difference of sum we were working on and the input.\n13. `.` print. Print the result.\n14. `@` end.\n[Answer]\n# [Pure Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/), 15\nInput given as a command-line parameter. Output as a shell exit code - `1` for TRUE and `0` for FALSE.\n```\n(((a+=15)-$1))\n```\n* [Try it online x1](https://tio.run/##FctBCoAgEEbh/ZziX7hQQmhqDCKis1gZtlFI72/11t/bfYntyg9qKBV3AgvYgScMM8YeI0ME4iDTgjOTJnyVUGEt1D81rbXvVnbGKjaG2g/CETPURobOnEJ7AQ \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n* [Try it online x2](https://tio.run/##XYtNCoAgFAb37xTfwoUSQi@fQUR0ln4M2ySk97faNruBmXXJsR7pRgm54LzAAvbgHt0A18IxRCAe0o/YE2nCSw4F1kJ9U9VaL83E3ljFxtBP69eHLSaomQzt6Qr1AQ)\n* [Try it online x3](https://tio.run/##fctLCoAgFEbh@V3FP3CghNDNaxARraWHYZOEdP9WG@jMzuBblxzrkW6UkAvOCyxgD@7RDXAtHEME4iH9iD2RJrzlUGAt1Ieq1nppJvbGKjaG/rd@PGwxQc1kaE9XqA8)\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 13 bytes\n```\n\uff30\uff29\u207c\uff29\u03b8\u00d7\u00b9\u00b3\uff2c\u229e\uff2f\u03c5\u03c9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AS8A0P9jaGFyY29hbP//77yw77yp4oG877ypzrjDl8K5wrPvvKziip7vvK/Phc@J//8xMw \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Based on my answer to [I double the source, you double the output!](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/132558) Explanation:\n```\n \u229e\uff2f\u03c5\u03c9 Push empty string to predefined empty list\n \uff2c Take the length\n \u00d7\u00b9\u00b3 Multiply by 13\n \u207c\uff29\u03b8 Compare to the input\n \uff29 Cast to string\n\uff30 Print without moving the cursor\n```\nManages to output `1` for truthy and `0` for falsy. Subsequent repetitions compare the input against `13`, `26`, `39`, `52` etc. but each time the answer is overprinted so only the final answer is seen.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript ES6, 32 Bytes\n```\n((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32))\n```\nif true be 0 and false as others, 31 bytes\n```\n(f=k=>n=>n>0?n-k:_=>f(k+_))(31)\n```\n```\nconsole.log([\n ((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32)) (31),\n ((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32)) (32),\n ((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32)) (33),\n ((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32)) (64),\n ((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32))((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32)) (32),\n ((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32))((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32)) (63),\n ((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32))((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32)) (64),\n ((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32))((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32))((f=k=>n=>n>0?n==k:f(k+32))(32)) (96)\n]);\n```\n[Answer]\n# MIPS, 4 bytes\nUses `$a0` as argument and return value.\n```\n0x2084fffc addi $a0, $a0, -4\n```\n# MIPS, 8 bytes (using MIPS calling convention)\n```\n0x2084fff8 addi $a0, $a0, -8\n0x00041021 move $v0, $a0\n```\n# x86, 5 bytes\nThis is my first x86 answer so feedback welcome. Uses \\_fastcall convention with ecx as first argument.\n```\n83 e9 05 sub $0x5,%ecx\n89 c8 mov %ecx,%eax\n```\n[Peter Cordes](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/30206/peter-cordes) has a 1 byte solution in the comments. \n---\n**Brainfuck commentary**: The hard part is getting brainfuck to return a single value. Otherwise something like this would be easy.\n```\n- >,[-<->] < .\n```\n[Answer]\n# Octave: 23 bytes\n```\n+23;[ans,i]((N==ans)+1)\n```\nIf N = L\\*M, the expression returns `0+i` (i.e. a purely imaginary number), otherwise the expression results in a complex number with a real component.\nFor a slightly nicer result at the cost of an extra byte:\n```\n+24;[ans,-1]((N==ans)+1)\n```\nIf N = L\\*M the expression returns `-1`, otherwise a positive number.\nDemo:\n```\nN=48;\n+24;[ans,-1]((N==ans)+1) #>> 24 \n+24;[ans,-1]((N==ans)+1)+24;[ans,-1]((N==ans)+1) #>> -1\n+24;[ans,-1]((N==ans)+1)+24;[ans,-1]((N==ans)+1)+24;[ans,-1]((N==ans)+1) #>> 23\n```\n---\nPS, you can get the same result with `+24;if N==ans;-1;end;ans` but the bytecount is the same\n[Answer]\n# Lua, ~~56~~ 46 bytes\n```\na=(a or io.read())-46io.write(a<=0 and a or\"\")\n```\nOutputs a 0 (without a trailing newline) if equal and either nothing or a series of negative numbers (with preceding zero in some cases) if not equal.\nAlone: [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yylN/P8/0VYjUSG/SCEzX68oNTFFQ1NT18QMyCkvyixJ1Ui0sTVQSMxLUQCpUVLS/P/fFAA \"Lua \u2013 Try It Online\")\nRepeated a bunch of times: [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yylN/P8/0VYjUSG/SCEzX68oNTFFQ1NT18QMyCkvyixJ1Ui0sTVQSMxLUQCpUVLSHKqq//83MjYAAA \"Lua \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\na=(a or io.read())-46\n```\nOn the first iteration (when `a` hasn't been defined yet and is therefore `nil`), sets `a` to a number taken from input, otherwise to itself. In both cases, 46 is then subtracted from `a`.\n```\nio.write(a<=0 and a or\"\")\n```\nThis just prints `a` if it is less than (to take care of cases where the input was larger than the total length) or equal to zero, and the empty string otherwise.\n*-10 bytes* for remembering that Lua does conversions between numbers and strings automatically. Whoops. \n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 1 byte\n```\n\u2039\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=%E2%80%B9&inputs=1&header=&footer=)\nOutputs 0 for truthy and something else for falsy.\nPort of the other answers, decrements.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 47 bytes\nThis is using the same technique as [Benoit Esnard](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/38454/benoit-esnard) in [this answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/132680/58563) (from *I double the source, you double the output!*).\nPrints **0** if **n = 47 \\* M**, or a non-zero value otherwise.\n```\nn=prompt(setTimeout`alert(n)`)-47/*\nn-=47//*///\n```\n### Demo for M = 1\n```\nn=prompt(setTimeout`alert(n)`)-47/*\nn-=47//*///\n```\n### Demo for M = 2\n```\nn=prompt(setTimeout`alert(n)`)-47/*\nn-=47//*///n=prompt(setTimeout`alert(n)`)-47/*\nn-=47//*///\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/Flakheads/BrainHack), 24 bytes\n```\n({}[(((()()()){}){}){}])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzLSEzO/v9fo7o2WgMINEFQs7oWgmI1////b2QCAA \"Brain-Flak (BrainHack) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nJust subtracts 24 from the input. Outputs `0` for true and anything else for false.\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/Flakheads/BrainHack), 68 bytes\n```\n{<>}<>(({}[((((()()()()){}){}()){}){}])<>{})((){[()](<{}<>>)}{}<>{})\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKzMzLSEzO/v@/2sau1sZOQ6O6NloDBDQhULO6FohgdKymjR2QAZStjtbQjNWwqQbqsdOsBVFA8f///wMA \"Brain-Flak (BrainHack) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis one is more sophisticated it outputs `1` for true and `0` for false.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n*Note:* There are some rude words in this question.\nThere's an implicit puzzle posed in this [classic Monty Python sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gwXJsWHupg) (you can also ready the [script](http://www.montypython.net/scripts/wood.php) online). \nVarious phrases are described as being 'woody' or 'tinny', and one is described as being 'PVC'.\nGiven a phrase, respond with its type according to the following lists:\n### `woody`:\n```\ngone\nsausage\nseemly\nprodding\nvacuum\nbound\nvole\ncaribou\nintercourse\npert\nthighs\nbotty\nerogenous zone\nocelot\nwasp\nyowling\n```\n### `tinny`:\n```\nlitter bin\nnewspaper\nantelope\nrecidivist\ntit\nsimpkins\n```\n### `PVC`:\n```\nleap\n```\n---\n## Rules\n* If the input belongs to one of the above lists, the output should be `woody`, `tinny` or `PVC`, accordingly.\n* All input is lower case.\n* Any behaviour is acceptable for phrases which are not listed above.\n* The fewest bytes in the answer wins.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~99~~ ~~73~~ ~~65~~ ~~64~~ 63 bytes\n```\nlambda s:'PVC'*('ea'in s)or'wtoiondnyy'[s[-2:]in'instperit'::2]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XZGxTsQwDIZ3nqKb75BYOlZi4gUYEAzHDWnj61mkdhQnV5WXL4EBYqbo/@M432/HLV@F@/3y@L4Ht4zedTrA8@sT3B8AHRB3epQEaxYS9rxtcNLTQz@cieul5oiJMgxDf95jIs7wJuK3Ae5@VHc5wCyMcPzT6oq62VqIS9haJybxnnhuvZubSllaZ5TC3pRIMI0nl6gWtVY9ME1SkprKmiO3Ol9pvqr9LGfDiElmZCnaff6LKBMGMe1Wp7HVm6yhiQcvxGymFihXzm6sY26eMa4aXWVtTVcTBYmGIOFEnm6kNhQZqbTEj7rEX4q6d8OA7ht6/wI \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nAlternatives also with 63 bytes:\n```\nlambda s:'PVC'*('ea'in s)or'wtoiondnyy'[s[-6::5]in'dtenmsr'::2]\nlambda s:'PVC'*('ea'in s)or'wtoiondnyy'[s[::5]in'lrinaosit'::2]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), 62 bytes\n```\nlambda n:'wtPoiVonCdn yy'[hash(n)%97%78%28%15%2+('ea'in n)::3]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LZA9bsMwDIX3nIKLoBjNErdFEgOZeoFOXdIMiqXYRGVSEOUY7uVdS@nEj396Twxz6pnq5X7@XrwZbtYANXpKn4xfTB@WYJ71pTfSb6lSp4M6HFV9VPt3Vb9stTMaCahqmtfrMnG0Ame4aO9M0DvQHlNyEW5IOSM3STDBxZwYSs5zcJmja9HiAyXlLGEJgkP4QZLMHVMZFDOK6Z7o3ODnTCGytUhd5odpx3HIdOORbCmxLwutibgWM@KqHVseo5TO6ugp3GPXy3M5pfK2i9w54lHg998Ct6vtMj4ZKZ@cefJZ/rrZ3DlCvgKsRynXaDYAIa56oNX@TRpQokHBNjd3cC@xqpY/ \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## How?\nThis submission uses the fact that the `hash` function is stable for strings in Python 2. Each valid input has a valid output. The brute-forced repeated modulo `%97%78%28%15%2` returns `1` for all *tinny* and *PVC* words and `0` for *woody* words. By adding the value of `('ea' in n)` to it, we get `2` instead of `1` for the input 'leap'. Here is a table of all values:\n```\n+----------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+-------+\n| word | hash | %97%78%28%15%2 | +('ea'in n) | type |\n+----------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+-------+\n| leap | 5971033325577305778 | 1 | 2 | PVC |\n+----------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+-------+\n| litter bin | 2393495108601941061 | 1 | 1 | tinny |\n| newspaper | 1961680444266253688 | 1 | 1 | tinny |\n| antelope | -2930683648135325182 | 1 | 1 | tinny |\n| recidivist | -1480015990384891890 | 1 | 1 | tinny |\n| tit | -1495230934635649112 | 1 | 1 | tinny |\n| simpkins | 672871834662484926 | 1 | 1 | tinny |\n+----------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+-------+\n| gone | 3644900746337488769 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| sausage | 4880706293475915938 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| seemly | -8112698809316686755 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| prodding | 7325980211772477495 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| vacuum | -5283515051184812457 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| bound | -6522768127315073267 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| vole | -7823607590901614336 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| caribou | -3644594841083815940 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| intercourse | 2499732157679168166 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| pert | 4142553773863848247 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| thighs | -3490317966011085195 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| botty | -6522767127163072681 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| erogenous zone | 7046120593231489339 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| ocelot | -6961879712146820842 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| wasp | -3668927459619339511 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n| yowling | 6823632481520320220 | 0 | 0 | woody |\n+----------------+----------------------+----------------+-------------+-------+\n```\nThe type to return is now extracted from the string `'wtPoiVonCdn yy'` by taking every third character, starting at the calculated index.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), Chrome/Edge, 54 bytes\nBecause the behavior of `parseInt()` on large inputs with a radix of 36 is [implementation-dependent](https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-parseint-string-radix), this one doesn't work with SpiderMonkey (Firefox).\n```\ns=>[,'PVC',,'Tinny'][parseInt(s+383,36)%69%7]||'Woody'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bZIxT8MwEIV3fkVVqXIjAkukQoXKwsTGgGAIHVznmh44d5bPSRXU/x5MxQDoNut7Ovu9d363gxUXMaQr4gam/WaSzX1dmqeXB1OW5hmJRrOtg40Cj5SWclndVmW1Khar9eJmezqZV@ZmNJNjEvZw7bldmvoMt6a4u/jN98t5ywTzoviPxfZiW1UB6PyoCCFy0yC1ijRY1/edIuy4p0YbyGcFOxsxjygKUoLouM@taNYgJgWnA7YHUW2lpEWEyC0Q9zL71GtjB561p45WgoJHPvqfyv5I5o3q86q1lXlMOexsh6TcSHCUYHNgRbO5JM9BMx7BYYMDitoTalSwCx9IoprP31W1Dva7hukL \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\nThe hash function returns **3** for Tinny words, **1** for PVC and either **0**, **4**, **5** or **6** for Woody words. The words marked with an asterisk are implicitly truncated because *space* is considered as an invalid character by **parseInt()**.\n```\nword | +383 | base 36 -> decimal | mod 69 | mod 7\n---------------+----------------+-----------------------+--------+------\ngone | gone383 | 36318994131 | 54 | 5\nsausage | sausage383 | 2874302392811475 | 42 | 0\nseemly | seemly383 | 80120017777107 | 6 | 6\nprodding | prodding383 | 94214834629477200 | 12 | 5\nvacuum | vacuum383 | 88266035564499 | 60 | 4\nbound | bound383 | 916101808275 | 6 | 6\nvole | vole383 | 68967369939 | 39 | 4\ncaribou | caribou383 | 1249086300450771 | 63 | 0\nintercourse | intercourse383 | 3.183324871563264e+21 | 11 | 4\npert | pert383 | 55312791699 | 21 | 0\nthighs | thighs383 | 83184557510739 | 6 | 6\nbotty | botty383 | 916052399571 | 63 | 0\nerogenous zone | erogenous (*) | 41664605989780 | 7 | 0\nocelot | ocelot383 | 68678794158483 | 39 | 4\nwasp | wasp383 | 70309896339 | 63 | 0\nyowling | yowling383 | 3523299657958227 | 39 | 4\n---------------+----------------+-----------------------+--------+------\nlitter bin | litter (*) | 1301413923 | 24 | 3\nnewspaper | newspaper383 | 3081816298632183000 | 3 | 3\nantelope | antelope383 | 38980419895881940 | 24 | 3\nrecidivist | recidivist383 | 129824740122576960000 | 3 | 3\ntit | tit383 | 1785109395 | 45 | 3\nsimpkins | simpkins383 | 104264583727840850 | 24 | 3\n---------------+----------------+-----------------------+--------+------\nleap | leap383 | 46576922259 | 57 | 1\n```\n---\n# Previous version, ~~59~~ 57 bytes\n```\ns=>['Woody','Tinny','PVC'][82178>>parseInt(s,35)%50%26&3]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bZIxTwMxDIV3fkVVqeROKghaFSqhdmFiY0AwHDekOfdqSO0ozrU6/vyRVgyAPCV6n@w8P@fDHqy4iCFdETcwbFeDrNaVeWNuejM1L0h0Op9fH01dLWe398v1Otgo8ESpkOl8UU4WN5PZ3eW8HhyTsIdrz21hqnOL2pQPF7/1bTFumWBclv9lsZ3YViUAe98rIERuGqRWQQfrum6vgA131GgF@a7IzkbMJQpBShAddzkLzRrEpMhph@1OVFspaSNC5BaIOxl96bGxA8/aU0crQZF7PvqfyP4g807VedvayjymPOxog6R0JDhKsHlghdkckuegGY/gsMEDipoTaqrgPnwiiWo@f1HVOthTDMM3 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\nBelow are the different steps of the function for each input. The result of the first modulo is an approximation within the precision of JS numbers and is mathematically invalid for *intercourse*.\n```\ninput | base-35 -> dec. | %50 | %26 | 00000000010100000100000010\n---------------+-------------------+-----+-----+---------------------------\ngone | 716219 | 19 | 19 | 00------------------>\nsausage | 52042888324 | 24 | 24 | 00----------------------->\nseemly | 1492249219 | 19 | 19 | 00------------------>\nprodding | 1659396207121 | 21 | 21 | 00-------------------->\nvacuum | 1643736697 | 47 | 21 | 00-------------------->\nbound | 17573443 | 43 | 17 | 00---------------->\nvole | 1359274 | 24 | 24 | 00----------------------->\ncaribou | 22625709220 | 20 | 20 | 00------------------->\nintercourse | 51532867489988450 | 48 | 22 | 00--------------------->\npert | 1089999 | 49 | 23 | 00---------------------->\nthighs | 1549436973 | 23 | 23 | 00---------------------->\nbotty | 17572449 | 49 | 23 | 00---------------------->\nerogenous zone | 33308397234728 | 28 | 2 | 00->\nocelot | 1279159344 | 44 | 18 | 00----------------->\nwasp | 1385255 | 5 | 5 | 00---->\nyowling | 63810499496 | 46 | 20 | 00------------------->\nlitter bin | 1131250042 | 42 | 16 | 01--------------->\nnewspaper | 52754217228642 | 42 | 16 | 01--------------->\nantelope | 687218151914 | 14 | 14 | 01------------->\nrecidivist | 2160354371100934 | 34 | 8 | 01------->\ntit | 36184 | 34 | 8 | 01------->\nsimpkins | 1835782971008 | 8 | 8 | 01------->\nleap | 917900 | 0 | 0 | 10\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), ~~39~~ ~~38~~ 36 bytes\n*Saved 1 byte by using three substitution pairs as in Ad\u00e1m's answer.*\n```\nL#-3$0`ea\nPVC\n.p.|is?t\ntinny\n$\nwoody\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Fc6xagMxEATQfr7CEAfSxCTkA1KkSJPCVWqvdYu8RLcrtNIdMv73i64aBobHFK6i9L49v3xftp@n14/j24UJ598vnPLpIf5ZMRbaccRqNvVti6YMp@YURzLPqSMXmybRiIVCazOu1nTCYokRqMioEK1cgrXijMxlsDeJNx/TWju4WGS15of7zlvgZBUreUa3Ne10kjqEw1UUyqtnGgpoqMkyo3CQSRbx/W@Fy5z/RB2JKf8D \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI got the `.p.|is*t` regex from [Peter Norvig's regex golfer](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/url/norvig.com/ipython/xkcd1313-part2.ipynb).\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~81~~ ~~80~~ 67 bytes\n```\ns->s.charAt(2)<98?\"PVC\":s.matches(\".*(.p.|is?t).*\")?\"tinny\":\"woody\"\n```\n[Regex from *@MatrinEnder*'s Retina answer.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/157257/52210)\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##rZJNb9wgEIbv/RUjTnaWkCqn1pvNKuq5UaVW7aHqgcXEJsGAmLF33Ta/fTv2eiNVSm@VQDAwvDzz8agHfRmTDY/109F4jQgftQu/3gC4QDY/aGPhfjIBPlN2oQFTLBss13z@zJMHkiZn4B4CbOCIl7eoTKvzHRXX5c37d1vx6esHUaHqNJnWYiHURaGS@u1wS6W6EOVWkAthFJXYx1iP4rg@Cad@51l40R@iq6FjwgXi@w9dnuiuruDb9LCarYeYz5iHSjQxWIm6R93wam3nR5lyrGu@l4M2fd/JXexDLYforTQ6OzblnAET@4xWJptJUuuaFtmVaJQ2x8aG2CP8nOSjsT6S3GtMcox7z9JCYfKOCiFFWc5YAGSRisOcOc7oiGQ7FXtSiVnJh2K5OYf0ZcrJayGxLsPBzgUZ7B6TZkCpGdhzNWW2xtVucMjMjiS6Lj25gP8BiMt4wpnfCW91Eq/0wVyn2eWMXP7VRNli74lbJSjz8vthtREViPVLuEwAbnNQ3oaGWkZxq9XN9dv15Aji38yH1Ul/AXs@/gE)\n**Original answer: ~~81~~ 80 bytes**\n```\ns->\"anetisilire\".contains(s.substring(0,2))?\"tinny\":s.charAt(2)<98?\"PVC\":\"woody\"\n```\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##rZJNb9swDIbv@xWETjaiukVOW9KsGHZeMWDDdhh2UGTWUStLhkg59ob@9ox2nAIDutsACxYl6uXDj0fTm6vYYXisn07WGyL4ZFz4/QbABcb0YCzC/WQCfOHkQgO2WDZUbuX8WZZ8xIadhXsIsIMTXb1XJiA7ct4lVJWNgUWXCqoo72kWKG70uizvFLsQRrWhyh5M@sDFurx99/ZOff72UW3UMcZ6VKftOUqX916iLMH66GpoRXYh@vHTlGfU62v4Pj3czNZDTBfmYaOaGFCTyWQa@SO2ftRdinUt97o3NudW72MOte6jR21NcmLquRw25kSoO0ys@eCaA4kr86gxxQZDzAS/Jvlo0UfWR0OdHuPRi7SqqPOOC6VVWc5YAIzExTCXUco7EmNbxcxVJ6zsQ7HcXFL6OhXqtZREV@Bg74IOeKTOCKA2AuyltTqhdbXrHQmzY02u7Z6kFf8BSFp0xpnfKY@mU68Mxdyn2eWCXP41UQkpe5a5CZV9iT6sdmoDavuSrhCA2w2Vx9DwQVDcanW7vtlOjqD@zTyszvoL2PPpDw)\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns-> // Method with String as both parameter and return-type\n \"anetisilire\".contains(s.substring(0,2))?\n // If the first two letters of the input are present in \"anetisilire\"\n \"tinny\" // Output \"tinny\"\n :s.charAt(2)<98? // Else-if the third character of the input is an 'a'\n \"PVC\" // Output \"PVC\"\n : // Else:\n \"woody\" // Output \"woody\"\n```\n**Additional explanation:**\n```\nlitter bin: anetisi(li)re\nnewspaper: a(ne)tisilire\nantelope: (an)etisilire\nrecidivist: anetisili(re)\ntit: ane(ti)silire\nsimpkins: aneti(si)lire\n```\n1. None of the first two letters of the `woody` words are present in this String above, nor is `le` from `leap`.\n2. None of the `woody` words has an `a` as third letter, so that is used to get `leap` to `PVC` if it's not a `tinny` word.\n3. Everything else is a word from the `woody` list.\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 61 bytes\n```\nf(a:b:_)|b=='i'||elem a\"ran\"=\"tinny\"|a=='l'=\"PVC\"|1>0=\"woody\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY67asQwEEX7fIWYxrsQQtIuKE3qQKo0IYSxPWsPK2mEHmsc/O@OSCFZlc694urMGG9kzL5fT3jpLz/nrde6427byJBVCAEdaEjs3Aobls50Gj4@32B7eX3WsIiMK@wW2SmtLPp3dfKBXVJP6np@UOV8KZjEEfzDo4KIOeJ0YCJr1oo@yDiym2pwxyFnW7GX7MZWimlLAwYudeWiQWGQHGJ74ymkCmnmaY6H6ZSaCAWZyEmO6veoLwMZaRMLRl9hlcUc1Q2nYqB6djVytESPxaImWCyN@PZDoIFHvnM8iHK7R7b@xq5pG0IP6nv/Aw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUses this hand-found logic:\n* Words with second letter `i` or first letter `r`, `a`, or `n` are `tinny`\n* Any other word starting with `l` (`leap`) is `PVC`\n* Anything else is `woody`\nLynn saved a byte by checking `leap` by its first letter.\n[Answer]\n# [QuadS](https://tio.run/##KyxNTCn@//9RV/Oj3q1cqYlcegV6NZnF9iVcKlwBYc5cJZl5eZVc5fn5KZX//@ekJhYAAA \"QuadS \u2013 Try It Online\"), ~~34~~ 32 bytes\nShamelessly uses [Martin Ender's system](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/157257/43319), including the regex from [Peter Norvig's regex golfer](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/url/norvig.com/ipython/xkcd1313-part2.ipynb).\n```\n\u2283\u2375\nea\n.p.|is?t\n$\nPVC\ntinny\nwoody\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KyxNTCn@//9RV/Oj3q1cqYlcegV6NZnF9iVcKlwBYc5cJZl5eZVc5fn5KZX//@ekJhYAAA \"QuadS \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`\u2283\u2375`\u2003pick the first occurrence of \n`ea`\u2003\"ea\" \n`.p.|is?t`\u2003\"p\" surrounded by letters OR \"i\" and \"t\" with an optional \"s\" between them \n`$`\u2003end of input \n\u2026 but substituting the matches with the corresponding one of the following:\n`PVC` \n`tinny` \n`woody`\n---\nThe equivalent 43-byte [Dyalog APL](https://www.dyalog.com/) function is:\n```\n\u2283'ea' '.p.|is?t' '$'\u2395S'PVC' 'tinny' 'woody'\n```\nTry all the cases online!\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~81~~ ~~80~~ 79 bytes\n-1 byte thanks to @ceilingcat.\n```\nh;f(char*s){puts(index(\"HzYfPW\",h=*s^s[1]*4&127)?\"Tinny\":h<120?\"Woody\":\"PVC\");}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VVJNT@MwED3Hv8KyBEqCKxGEdiUK4rCXPXJAoFXblYzjJBapbXmcloLy27vjOmHBF7/5eDPPnpGLVsrjsVs2ueyEL6H4cEOAXJtaveXs9/uf5uGZ8e6uhL@wqjbl9Xl19bO4Z4/amAO76W6rq8t79mxtjRZ7ePrFiuV43Fld0zaX1kCgsTAtA6dfzRI41SZQU5APkjmPuMnZ2pzB2izwrA3jNBRLkpGssZ7mMVnTO3q5xOuWGrwuLgqSIfuTfraorgFzkAorvYnsrMlnOJKRkFhmK7TJT32zr5L28RGrDfJjhLXWKMYjAjGAaGdDqW1/SNh5W9fatMnaCTkM24Rf7GDqyW37iSqF1xhIBgpRXtrBwxR1yoeEQqfbDuZCIUzdlLetMnYA@v4pzUrV24m2F@ASOth9H2WN8QPIt0eGOLf/j@x1QBn0RZvENGoPTqCUZAoU2Vs3NfNK6lrvNMw69QRAb92rNhAbfm/ndjI1Y70S7iSIZG0@LQynpz/ntPoRB4T@tFY4@XhzOrvjXnGKxTAVXePxHw \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe first order of business was to find some hash function that would separate the words into their categories. After some fiddling about I stumbled upon `(s[0] ^ (s[1] << 2)) & 0x7f`, where the 0x7f is of course there to bring it down to printable ASCII levels. This produced the following information (the tables are sorted, but not the resulting strings):\n```\nWoody:\n----\nerogenous zone - 45\nprodding 8 56\nyowling E 69\nvole J 74\nintercourse Q 81\nthighs T 84\ngone [ 91\nbotty ^ 94\nbound ^ 94\nocelot c 99\npert d 100\ncaribou g 103\nseemly g 103\nvacuum r 114\nwasp s 115\nsausage w 119\n[wg8r^JgQdT^-csE\nTinny:\n----\nlitter bin H 72\ntit P 80\nsimpkins W 87\nantelope Y 89\nrecidivist f 102\nnewspaper z 122\nHzYfPW\nPVC:\n----\nleap x 120\nx\n```\nThe hash collisions don't matter, since they are confided to the same category. We only have to check if the resulting hash is in the Tinny hashes string (\"HzYfPW\"), since the Woody hashes are all below the PVC hash (120). If 120 or higher, and not a Tinny word, it must be PVC. If not a Tinny word, and the hash is below 120, then it must be a good, woody sort of word.\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 30 25 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)\n```\n\u00ef\u2550H\u2663\u2551G\u00c7X\u2192\u03a9M+@\u2562^j\u256c\u266a\u25ba\u2568\u255d\u00f4\u2564c\\\n```\n[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=8bcd45689de6f00f3920ac0ff2b4d49ad3ef75a57a119a4ede&i=gone%0Asausage%0Aseemly%0Aprodding%0Avacuum%0Abound%0Avole%0Acaribou%0Aintercourse%0Apert%0Athighs%0Abotty%0Aerogenous+zone%0Aocelot%0Awasp%0Ayowling%0Alitter+bin%0Anewspaper%0Aantelope%0Arecidivist%0Atit%0Asimpkins%0Aleap&a=1&m=2)\nThe commented ascii representation is this. I didn't invent this algorithm. It's shamelessly ripped off [Jonathan Allen's python solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/157816/527).\n```\n9@ 10th character, modularly indexed\n`#!z\"pi0$L+%v9`X store \"tinny pvc woody\" in the x register\n3( keep only the first 3 characters (\"tin\")\n# how many times the 10th char occurs in tin? (a)\ny.eaI index of \"ea\" in the input or -1 (b)\n+ a + b (one of -1, 0, or 1)\nxj@ modularly indexed word in x\n```\n[Run this one](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=9%40%09%09%0910th+character,+modularly+indexed%0A%60%23%21z%22pi0%24L%2B%25v9%60Y%09store+%22tinny+pvc+woody%22+in+the+y+register%0A3%28%09%09%09keep+only+the+first+3+characters+%28%22tin%22%29%0A%23+++++++++%09%09how+many+times+the+10th+char+occurs+in+tin%3F+%28a%29%0Ay.eaI%09%09%09index+of+%22ea%22+in+the+input+or+-1+%28b%29%0A%2B%09%09%09a+%2B+b+%28one+of+-1,+0,+or+1%29%0Ayj%40%09%09%09modularly+indexed+word+in+y&i=gone%0Asausage%0Aseemly%0Aprodding%0Avacuum%0Abound%0Avole%0Acaribou%0Aintercourse%0Apert%0Athighs%0Abotty%0Aerogenous+zone%0Aocelot%0Awasp%0Ayowling%0Alitter+bin%0Anewspaper%0Aantelope%0Arecidivist%0Atit%0Asimpkins%0Aleap&a=1&m=2)\n[Answer]\n# x86 32-bit machine code, 39 bytes\nHexdump:\n```\n69 01 47 6f 61 2c c7 02 50 56 43 00 3a c4 74 16\nc7 02 77 6f 6f 64 85 c0 78 06 c7 02 74 69 6e 6e\n66 c7 42 04 79 00 c3\n```\nThe hash function is multiplication by a \"magic\" number `0x2c616f47`. There are only 6 numbers that can be used with this code.\nFirst of all, it writes `PVC` to the output. This will be overwritten, if needed.\nAfter hashing, it checks for the PVC word; the check is `al = ah` - I chose it because it's a small 2-byte instruction. Then, it writes either `wood` or `tinn`, depending on the sign of the hashed result. Then, it writes `y`.\nAssembly code:\n```\n imul eax, [ecx], 0x2c616f47;\n mov dword ptr [edx], 'CVP';\n cmp al, ah;\n je done;\n mov dword ptr [edx], 'doow';\n test eax, eax;\n js skip;\n mov dword ptr [edx], 'nnit';\nskip:\n mov word ptr [edx + 4], 'y';\ndone:\n ret;\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~27~~ 26 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u2075\u1ecbe\u201c\u1e56\u00b5\u00bb_\u207c\u201c\u1e23G\u00bb$\u1ecb\u201c\u00a9L\u1e88\u1e0a\u00b6$\u1e0c\u00bb\u1e32\u00a4\n```\nA monadic link accepting and returning lists of characters.\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JY2xTsQwDIZfheGkLrzHLbwBQiikVs6QxlHSXFUmjuVOwMzEBgsSE9KhQm8K4kHSFwlOb7E//7b//xq07nOeNvs0PsJ095K@n@M@jpfT5lCm4XUZxwXveIjvZ@lnl4aH@LVIw1Mc0/AZ3/Lf4Xc73X8scz6vFBmoTisvghdqJoBG9wzWUV2jUYxrIUNoGK4omLoIpMutFA5ZYkLTgpMUnC@6Bddya1eoVn5@a9tiCY4UGAr@5PYYSxI0ldNOeMutp04fIw103go2YhZsrsmWBwcSa1yjn/2xVI@NvUFTcjQIW138Aw \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\n```\n\u2075\u1ecbe\u201c\u1e56\u00b5\u00bb_\u207c\u201c\u1e23G\u00bb$\u1ecb\u201c\u00a9L\u1e88\u1e0a\u00b6$\u1e0c\u00bb\u1e32\u00a4 - Link: list of characters, W e.g. \"gone\" \"leap\" \"newspaper\"\n\u2075 - literal ten 10\n \u1ecb - index into (1-based & modular) 'o' 'e' 'n'\n \u201c\u1e56\u00b5\u00bb - compression of characters \"int\"\n e - exists in? 0 0 1\n $ - last two links as a monad\n \u201c\u1e23G\u00bb - compression of characters \"leap\"\n \u207c - equal? 0 1 0\n _ - subtract 0 -1 1\n \u00a4 - nilad followed by link(s) as a nilad:\n \u201c\u00a9L\u1e88\u1e0a\u00b6$\u1e0c\u00bb - compression of characters \"tinny PVC woody\"\n \u1e32 - split at spaces [\"tinny\",\"PVC\",\"woody\"]\n \u1ecb - index into (1-based & modular) \"woody\" \"PVC\" \"tinny\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 75 bytes\n*-2 bytes thanks to Laikoni.*\n```\nf\"leap\"=\"PVC\"\nf s|take 2s`elem`words\"li ne ti si an re\"=\"tinny\"|1>0=\"woody\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TZGxasQwDIb3ewrhqYVS2u7p0rnQqUspnC5REhFHMpZzIeXePTU32PHk75f4/YFHtIm83/feecLgGvf1/eFOPdgt4UTwZmfyNJ9XjZ05zyAEicEYUCBS3k8ssrnb6/tL41bVbnP7jCzQwIzhEx5CZEnwDP3jCfL5ATeokLvDEzjDxXA4MNHst4IhatexDCW4Yrssc8GLLtLVofra1GLkPC6cNSi2ukSrO4FiKpBGHkY7VKdURSjqQKKLwd9RX1vyWitWtFBg09Uf1T2nbAAXlhIJrRYwW5QEs6XXUF@I1HLHV7aDKNe78Rwmlqp9/0b43f8B \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nRIP `enklact`.\n[Answer]\n# [Dirty](https://github.com/Ourous/dirty), ~~73~~ ~~57~~ 54 bytes\n```\n\u21d6'le'\u21d7\u2250\u2200\u2b66)\u1e82'nar'\u21d7{=]}\u2b68'i'=]'woody'\u203c\u241b['tinny'\u203c\u241b('PVC'\u203c\u241b\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8ksKqn8//9R@zT1nFT1R@3TH3VOeNTR8GjtMs2Hu5rU8xKLQILVtrG1j9auUM9Ut41VL8/PT6lUf9Sw59GE2dHqJZl5eTCehnpAmDOU/f//f6Wc1MQCJQA \"Dirty \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explained:**\n*For a similar older version (I'll update it when I stop golfing it)*\n```\n\u241b\u203c'CVP'\u21e8\u21d6'leap'\u21d7\u2261\u22ad\u25cc\u2b05\u1e82'nar'\u21d7{=]}1\u1e81'i'=]'woody'\u203c\u241b['tinny'\u203c\u241b\n```\nThe body of this is made up of:\n```\n\u21d6 put the input into the left stack\n 'leap' push the string \"leap\"\n \u21d7 put that string into the right stack\n \u2261 are the left and right stacks equal\n \u22ad logically negate\n \u25cc skip next instruction if true\n \u2b05 change direction to leftwards\n```\nIf we end up going left, then we have:\n```\n \u21e8\u21d6'leap'\u21d7\u2261\u22ad\u25cc does stuff to the stacks, but isn't relevant\n 'CVP' push the string \"PVC\" (reversed, because we're going left)\n \u203c print the string on the main stack\n\u241b exit the program (this should wrap into the other exit, but that isn't working yet)\n```\nOtherwise, this checks if the string starts with any of \"nar\":\n```\n\u1e82 wipe the right stack\n 'nar' push the string \"nar\"\n \u21d7 move string to right stack\n {\n = compare the top of the left and right stacks\n ] goto matching bracket if true\n } consuming loop while the right stack is true\n```\nWe then check if the second letter is \"i\":\n```\n1 push the number 1\n \u1e81 drop ^ number of elements off of the left stack\n 'i' push \"i\"\n = are the top of the left and middle stacks equal\n ] goto matching bracket if true\n```\nIf they all fall through, we run into\n```\n'woody' push the string \"woody\"\n \u203c print the string on the main stack\n \u241b exit the program\n```\nIf we ended up jumping, we wrap around to\n```\n[ matching bracket for the goto\n 'tinny' push the string \"tinny\"\n \u203c print the string on the main stack\n \u241b exit the program\n```\n[Answer]\n## C# 97 Bytes\n```\nstring t(string w)=>w[0]!='p'&new[]{10,9,8,3}.Contains(w.Length)?\"tinny\":w[0]=='l'?\"pvc\":\"woody\";\n```\nI went looking for a pattern in the length of the strings and found they are unique except for lengths 4 and 8. So I special case those by looking at the first characters. Oh well, it's still shorter than some answers. :)\n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://docs.python.org/3/), 59 bytes\n```\nlambda w:\"wtPoiVonCdn yy\"[(w*4)[9]in\"tin\"or(w[2]<\"b\")*2::3]\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LVDLboMwEDy3X2H5AkRp1TwuQW0u/YGeekk5GDCwqtm1bBOLRvl2apscVjP7mlmtnt1AeFi6j59FibFuBfMl9@6L4Jvws0U2z/yS@82xuJwqQO5CkMn9ZV@985oXm31ZHqqlI8OctI4BsjzrCWW2ZZkVkxX9SqUc1RyZNtS2gH3kV9FM0xhZTRO2qUQqLTTCQChGCuikaWgyNnW0NC6iG6Af7LrsXNKWhnqJNFn29ziBGqkojXthdcSZvHrYK3BBmdWAMUPprRZBPSYieCrSScPIBlq4gl1tIYGFUf8CJn8lhc6K8vlJm3Brzm9v5Xl3vLOXM7vt7vw1fGcULo8P2rIuYVEUyz8 \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")**\nUses the indexing from [ovs's Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/157284/53748) but a simpler and shorter choice function:\nIf the tenth letter of the word, `w`, with wrapping (`(w*4)[9]` - where `w*4` repeats `w` four times) is a letter in the word **tin** (`in\"tin\"`) then the word is ***tinny***, otherwise if the third letter (`w[2]`) is an **a** (`<'b'`) then the word is ***PVC*** otherwise the word is ***woody***.\n...this 59 does the same job:\n```\nlambda w:\"wtPoiVonCdn yy\"[[(w*4)[9]in\"tin\",2][w[2]<\"b\"]::3]\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 107 bytes\n```\nk;f(char*s){for(k=0;*s;)k+=*s++;k%=100;puts(k-18?(k-5)*(k-81)*(k-56)*(k-78)*(k-37)?\"woody\":\"tinny\":\"PVC\");}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fVDLasMwELz7K4yh4AeBmJLG1IQc@gM99a7IsrPY1gqtFOOGfLurmrasL9Vhhxmtdmckd52Uy9LXbSqvwuaU3Vu0aX/a1znVWV@cciqKun86lft9bbyjtN@V1TnUQ5aHWpUrHF5WOFYrPB@zczIhNnPymjjQ@hvfP96SrH4soF08CtBpFt2jOJw2TTrUKlz@UhKeRLdRlBqHmQnGYtOA7ph0E9L7kQkX9LrhDTjwmVJYCC1MCdaUlegt8T6jrGPUXaG70maNc9yastgpjZ7iz20slGpAPmoSZBidcRp@Iq3S@t3JHw0dA7jgML6AZs@0msiI4JJpIiQZ0PDtVklo4Aa0CQOcEYymB03/OVBitRw9li8)\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 145 bytes\n```\n@set/ps=\n@if %s%==leap echo PVC&exit/b\n@for %%s in (a n r)do @if %s:~,1%==%%s echo tinny&exit/b\n@if %s:~1,1%==i echo tinny&exit/b\n@echo woody\n```\nTakes input on STDIN. Explanation: After checking for `leap`, tinny words either begin with one of the letters `a`, `n` or `r` or their second letter is `i`.\n[Answer]\n## [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), 35 bytes\n```\n1b_856%338<\\418=-\"woodytinnyPVC\"5/=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcxBSwMxEIbh@/yKUvAoS6mVPdiT9@LJkyLZZEhHszMxM9klir99TU8fL3w8/tPN2/dl@N0O08d4erw7Hsent4fDeL7fryKhGTG3l9fn/Wk4b@/8N2xRGEFdVRf7Is6pQS4SAnGExflaZ5ikcoBFEoJ3hXoCsWHxUosiZCwGdqV41X41a4BFIrJU3f3cePGYxGB1mqHJmm50IuvCbiIGxlWz6wq4ribJCAU9BVpIO0wGSnP@IlZI6PI/ \"CJam \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI completely forgot that I had started a brute force search for short expressions to hash the woody and tinny strings into two classes. I just found the console window where the search ran and it turns out it actually found something...\n### Explanation\n```\n1b e# Sum the code points of the input string.\n e# The result is unique for each input, except \"pert\" and \"wasp\" which\n e# both sum to 443. But they're both woody, so that's fine.\n_ e# Duplicate.\n856% e# Take the sum modulo 856.\n338< e# Check whether the result is less than 338. That's true for all\n e# tinny words.\n\\ e# Swap with the other copy of the sum.\n418= e# Check whether the sum is equal to 418, which identifies \"leap\".\n- e# Subtract. Gives -1 for \"leap\", 1 for tinny words and 0 for woody words.\n\"woodytinnyPVC\"5/\n e# Create the list [\"woody\" \"tinny\" \"PVC\"].\n e# Select the correct string.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 81 bytes\n```\n=IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(LEFT(A1,2),\"anetisilire\")),\"tinny\",IF(A1=\"leap\",\"PVC\",\"woody\"))\n```\nUsing the 'anetisilire' method.\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt/), ~~36~~ 34 bytes\nUses a RegEx from Martin's Retina solution.\n```\ng2 \u00b6'a?\"PVC\":`w\u00c5nyy`\u00eb2U\u00e8`?t|.pe\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=ZzIgtidhPyJQVkMiOmB3kcUIbnl5YOsyVehgiT90fC5wZQ==&input=ImxlYXAi) | [Check all test cases](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=rmcyILYnYT8iUFZDIjpgd5HFCG55eWDrMlroYIk/dHwucGU=&input=WyJnb25lIiwic2F1c2FnZSIsInNlZW1seSIsInByb2RkaW5nIiwidmFjdXVtIiwiYm91bmQiLCJ2b2xlIiwiY2FyaWJvdSIsImludGVyY291cnNlIiwicGVydCIsInRoaWdocyIsImJvdHR5IiwiZXJvZ2Vub3VzIHpvbmUiLCJvY2Vsb3QiLCJ3YXNwIiwieW93bGluZyIsImxpdHRlciBiaW4iLCJuZXdzcGFwZXIiLCJhbnRlbG9wZSIsInJlY2lkaXZpc3QiLCJ0aXQiLCJzaW1wa2lucyIsImxlYXAiXQ==)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, ~~60~~, 50\n**EDIT** I saw all the other regex answers. I guess I'm just blind. Anyway, here's one using the same regex\n```\ni==\"leap\"?\"PVC\":/.p.|is*t/.test(i)?\"tinny\":\"woody\"\n```\nAlso, now, it beats the other JS answer\nSnippet:\n```\nlet test = i => i==\"leap\"?\"PVC\":/.p.|is*t/.test(i)?\"tinny\":\"woody\"\nlet woody = `gone\nsausage\nseemly\nprodding\nvacuum\nbound\nvole\ncaribou\nintercourse\npert\nthighs\nbotty\nerogenous zone\nocelot\nwasp\nyowling`;\nconsole.log(\"THESE SHOULD BE woody\");\nwoody.split(\"\\n\").forEach(el => console.log(test(el)));\nlet tinny = `litter bin\nnewspaper\nantelope\nrecidivist\ntit\nsimpkins`;\nconsole.log(\"THESE SHOULD BE tinny\");\ntinny.split(\"\\n\").forEach(el => console.log(test(el)));\nconsole.log(\"THIS SHOULD BE PVC\");\nconsole.log(test(\"leap\"));\n```\n## Old answer\nI didn't see any with regex yet, so I thought I'd give it a try\n```\ni==\"leap\"?\"PVC\":/[gyuz]|[or][tl]|as/.test(i)?\"woody\":\"tinny\"\n```\nNot sure if this counts as 60 or more because I didn't include a return statement. Will add a snippet when I get on my computer\n**Edit: Snippet**\n```\nlet test = i => i==\"leap\"?\"PVC\":/[gyuz]|[or][tl]|as/.test(i)?\"woody\":\"tinny\"\nlet woody = `gone\nsausage\nseemly\nprodding\nvacuum\nbound\nvole\ncaribou\nintercourse\npert\nthighs\nbotty\nerogenous zone\nocelot\nwasp\nyowling`;\nconsole.log(\"THESE SHOULD BE woody\");\nwoody.split(\"\\n\").forEach(el => console.log(test(el)));\nlet tinny = `litter bin\nnewspaper\nantelope\nrecidivist\ntit\nsimpkins`;\nconsole.log(\"THESE SHOULD BE tinny\");\ntinny.split(\"\\n\").forEach(el => console.log(test(el)));\nconsole.log(\"THIS SHOULD BE PVC\");\nconsole.log(test(\"leap\"));\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n* Alice (A) and Bob (B) decided to have a battle.\n* Each combatant has 10 health.\n* They take turns to roll a 6 sided die for damage.\n* That damage is removed from their opponent's health.\n* In the end either Alice or Bob, will vanquish their foe.\n---\nShow me how the battle went. Outputting these codes for the actions which have taken place. \nAttack\n```\nB a A \n^ Combatant\n ^ Action (attack)\n ^ Target\n```\nRoll\n```\nB r 4\n^ Combatant\n ^ Action (roll)\n ^ Value\n```\nHealth change\n```\nA h 6\n^ Combatant\n ^ Attribute (health)\n ^ Value \n```\nWin\n```\nA w \n^ Combatant\n ^ Action (win)\n```\n---\nExample output: \n```\nA a B\nA r 4\nB h 6\nB a A\nB r 6\nA h 4\nA a B\nA r 6\nB h 0 \nA w\n```\n---\nHere are the rules:\n* Write in any language.\n* A single roll of the die should have an equal chance of resulting in any one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.\n* Alice always starts (Bob is chivalrous, in an old-fashioned way).\n* Output an action for each turn.\n* You must report the attack, roll, damage and win actions.\n* Combatants are upper case, actions are lower case.\n* It must not consistently produce the same result.\n* There must be at least one whitespace character between an output combatant, action and value.\n* The win action takes place when the opponent has zero or less health.\n* All parts of an action must be on the same line.\n* There should be one action per line.\n* Fewest bytes wins.\nHave at it!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 131 bytes\n```\nx,y=\"AB\"\nfrom random import*\nX=Y=10\np=print\nwhile X>0:p(x,\"a\",y);d=randint(1,6);p(x,\"r\",d);Y-=d;p(y,\"h\",Y);x,y,X,Y=y,x,Y,X\np(y,\"w\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Hc1BCsMgFATQvacIfxXLFBIKXVR@oD2FLgO2KDRGRIie3tqshuExTKzZ7eHWWkFler5IfNK@DWkNtoff4p7yRWg2PE8ickw@ZHE4/30PepkecSyglVClsvwfdR5n3KU6JRGsVObKtvcKcgQjVb@ChuGKAgMtTjpItvYD \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-8 bytes thanks to officialaimm \n-2 bytes thanks to ChooJeremy\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 127 bytes\n*This is an improvement on [@HyperNeutrino answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/159903/20064) that wouldn't fit in a comment. See the explanation below.*\n```\nx,y=\"AB\"\ns=id(0)\nX=Y=10\np=print\nwhile X>0:p(x,\"a\",y);s=s**7%~-2**67;d=s%6+1;p(x,\"r\",d);Y-=d;p(y,\"h\",Y);x,y,X,Y=y,x,Y,X\np(y,\"w\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HY1BCsIwFAX3OYV8KDTxFVKFFgxf0FMkSyFCClJDU2iy8eqxdDnMwMSyhu98rTWjMD2eJBJPvtVSWHbcaxE5LtO8ii1Mn/fJ3vUtthn0IhRpEielxubXXZQaRuM5NcO5N0exELw0rmO/cwEFgpNm38DCcUGGgxWH2kjW@gc \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n## An epic quest for a shorter python dice roll\n**TL;DR: It's possible to shave 4 bytes off the standard python dice roll by using RSA encryption.**\nI wanted to see if the standard python dice roll (**32 bytes**) could be shortened a bit:\n```\nfrom random import*;randint(1,6)\n```\nIn particular, `id(x)` is quite convenient to bring some non-deterministic value into the program. My idea then was to somehow hash this value to create some actual randomness. I tried a few approaches, and one of them paid off: [RSA encryption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)#Encryption).\nRSA encryption, due to its simplicity, only requires a few bytes: `m**e%n`. The next random value can then be created by encrypting the previous one. Assuming the `(e,n)` key is available, the dice roll can be written with **22 bytes**:\n```\ns=id(0);s=s**e%n;s%6+1\n```\nThat means we have about 10 bytes to define a valid RSA key. Here I got lucky. During my experiments, I started to use the [Mersenne prime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_prime) **M67** only to realize later on that [Mersenne made a mistake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_prime#History) including **M67** in his list. It turns out to be the product of `p=193707721` and `q=761838257287`. I had found my modulus:\n```\nn=~-2**67\n```\nNow, the exponent and the [Charmichael totient](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmichael_function) `lcm(p-1,q-1)` need to be coprime. Luckily again, the first prime number that do not divide the totient of n is only one digit long: 7. The dice roll can then be written using **28 bytes** (4 bytes less than the standard approach):\n```\ns=id(0);s=s**7%~-2**67;s%6+1\n```\nOne good thing with **M67** is that the random value generated has 66 bits, which is more than the usual 64 bits RNG. Also, the use of RSA makes it possible to go back in time by decrypting the current value multiple times. Here are the encrypting and decrypting keys:\n```\nEncryption: (7, 147573952589676412927)\nDecryption: (42163986236469842263, 147573952589676412927)\n```\nI'm definitely not an expert in statistics or cryptography, so I can't really tell whether or not this RNG checks the criteria for \"good randomness\". I did write [a small benchmark](https://gist.github.com/vxgmichel/2f7cb31f32c5d92810d44ccca36c99b7) that compares the standard deviation of the occurrences of the 1 to 6 dice rolls using different RNGs. It seems like the proposed solution works just like other ones.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~146~~ 141 bytes\n```\nf(A,B,r,t,a,b){for(A=B=10;r=1+clock()%6,A*B>0;t=!t)printf(\"%c a %c\\n%c r %u\\n%c h %i\\n\",a=65+t,b=66-t,a,r,b,t?A-=r:(B-=r));printf(\"%c w\",a);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYyxDsIgFAB3vwKbkPDsI2kHGSRo4CdculASaiNSgxiHpr8uVieXyy13jg/OleKZRoMJM1rsYfZTYloZ1TYyqbZ2YXJXBlSg3pljI7PaZrinMWbPKuqIJdR1cZVE6PMnF0LHLlZoldjXGXslBP@@E/aYT5qrdGBmJYD8@7zWAORSbnaMDOaNZyA3S3k7H@zwKPxsQ/gA \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nDe-golf:\n```\nf(A,B,r,t,a,b){\n for(A=B=10; //Initialize HP\n r=1+clock()%6, // Get the number of processor cycles the program has consumed. This is relatively random, so I call it good enough.\n A*B>0;t=!t) // Flip t for change of turns\n printf(\"%c a %c\\n%c r %u\\n%c h %i\\n\", // Print the turn\n a=65+t,b=65+!t,a,r,b, // 65 is ASCII for 'A', 66 for 'B'\n t?A-=r:(B-=r)); // Deduct the damage.\n printf(\"%c w\",a); // Print the winner\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 49 bytes\n```\n\"BaABr0Aha\"S3\u00f4\u00bbD\u201eAB\u00c2\u2021[6L\u03a9\u00a9T\u01dd\u00a4H\u00ae-\u00a916\u01dd=\u00ae0\u2039#s]\u043d\u2026\u00ff w?\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AVAAr/8wNWFiMWX//yJCYUFCcjBBaGEiUzPDtMK7ROKAnkFCw4LigKFbNkzOqcKpVMedwqRIwq4twqkxNsedPcKuMOKAuSNzXdC94oCmw78gdz///w \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n\"BaABr0Aha\" # push the initial state of B\n S # split to list of characters\n 3\u00f4 # divide into 3 parts\n \u00bb # join each part on space and all on nl\n D\u201eAB\u00c2\u2021 # make a copy with A and B inverted\n [ # start a loop\n 6L\u03a9\u00a9 # pick a random number in [1 ... 6]\n T\u01dd # insert at position 10 of the string\n \u00a4H # get the last char of the string and\n # convert from hex\n \u00ae-\u00a9 # subtract the random number\n 16\u01dd= # insert at position 16 and print\n \u00ae0\u2039# # if the hp is less than 0, break\n s # swap the other string to the stack top\n ] # end loop\n \u043d\u2026\u00ff w? # print the winner\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), ~~93~~ ~~88~~ 87 bytes\n```\n$A=$B=10;$_=B;${$_^=v3}-=$%=1+rand 6,say\"$_ a $'\n$_ r $%\n$' h $$_\"until//>$$_;say\"$_ w\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/1/F0VbFydbQwFol3tbJWqVaJT7Otsy4VtdWRdXWULsoMS9FwUynOLFSSSVeIVFBRZ0LSBcpqKhyqagrZCioqMQrleaVZObo69sB2dZQheVK////yy8oyczPK/6v62uqZ2igZwAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 122 bytes\n```\nf=(h=[10,10,p=0])=>`${x='AB'[p]} a ${y='BA'[p]}\n${x} r ${d=Math.random()*6+1|0}\n${y} h ${H=h[p^=1]-=d}\n${H<1?x+' w':f(h)}`\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcmxDoIwFIXh3afoQNJWhNDFwXg1MLH4BARDQynVIG2AKAT77LWYnOX835O/@VgPDzNFvRaNcxKIgoIlBz8DSUnhUgXrDDjNcGFKizgK1gVwlv7vzptFg28CbnxS8cB7oV@E7o8h@yabLxYp7zmowtyBlRGILedndp1DjD74JImitnK17kfdNXGnWyIJpe4H \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK 10)](http://jdk.java.net/), 180 bytes\n```\nv->{var r=\"\";int p=0,H[]={10,10},h=0;for(;H[0]*H[1]>0;)r+=r.format(\"%3$c a %4$c%n%3$c r %d%n%4$c h %d%n\",h+=Math.random()*6-h+1,H[p]-=h,p+65,(p^=1)+65);return r+(char)(66-p)+\" w\";}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY8xb4MwEIX3/IoTCpIdjAVqy@I6Y5UlU6QuiEouhNjUGMsYqijit1OXdrrv3r270@vELNKu@VprLcYRzkIZeOwA7PSpVQ2jFz6UeVAN9GGGLt4pcysrEO424s0K0IUjdPJK03YytVeDoW//8PoeVsnf1hFavs7p8TELB45HEVPGg@UZOZUVf@QZybOFSJ6xdnCIncqsOpzKvDpmDLuEOxrkXngUxU/7GgTEz/s6NlvjIG4CBgHkhhGRCT8LL6kTphl6hA9FKpM8vLJVyiWxSfFCkP3gOQ6Embv6yRlwCaqlcBgVRWpxEsF3xJaVbTEv99FfezpMntqQx2uDWiqs1XdkJq0x/rUtu2X9AQ \"Java (JDK 10) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Credits\n* -8 bytes thanks to [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen)\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~122 120 96 92~~ 91 bytes\n```\nf=->x=?A,y=?B,m=10,n=m{p [x,?a,y],[x,?r,r=1+rand(6)],[y,?h,t=n-r]\nt<1?p([x,?w]):f[y,x,t,m]}\n```\nSaved 1 byte thanks to [Asone Tuhid](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/77598/asone-tuhid).\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/P81W167C1t5Rp9LW3kkn19bQQCfPNre6QCG6Qsc@UacyVgfEKNIpsjXULkrMS9Ew0wQKVerYZ@iU2ObpFsVyldgY2hdogFSVx2papQHlKnRKdHJja/@nRcf@BwA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 142 bytes\n```\n#define R(c,t)r=rand()%6+1,c&&printf(#c\" a \"#t\"\\n\"#c\" r %d\\n\"#t\" h %d\\n\",r,t-=t{for(int h=104,a=h,x=0,y=1,A=10,B=A,r=0,t=0,T;a<119;System.out.printf(\"%c %3$c %c%n\",x+65,y=(a<98?t=r+=Math.random()*6-r+1:a>h?(T=x<1?A-=t:(B-=t))<0?0:T:A*B<1?-16:(x^1)+17)+48,a=a<98?114:a>h?h:A*B<1?119:97))x^=a>h|A*B<1?1:0;}\n```\n-2 bytes thanks to *@ceilingcat*.\nNote: there is already [a much shorter Java answer, so make sure to upvote his](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/159906/52210)! I use a completely different approach however, so figured it was worth posting as well.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##LVDfb4IwEH7fX9GYmbRSCM2cPwqV4Lu@SPayzKQrMHBYTKkE4/zb2akkd9f0u/su930H2Uq3PmX6kP72qpJNgzay1NcXhEptM5NLlaHt/YtQW5cpUvjj/rQkAOwGCdFYaUuFtkgjgfrWXV3z2mDgo0Iwf0qlKGgnfHoRjMaA0LWIqQHAQiaBDBlbBrtLY7OjV5@tdzLAzfForND47RWKGusR7ZzZO6zAMlwuIiuMIzbSFp6ROq2PmExmrnEYl6siwonoQhbFrrAcr6ESEvqRzxMeT9bQcNmM427PiMPmxJku4MDHUsamD34xzMFZfDknpNsLgP8GkPvBrQ@eyk/n7wqUDwY8DDqCfXhnQcLP55ckT@u0p7A@V9Xg2q3/Bw)\n```\nv->{ // Method with empty unused parameter and no return-type\n for(int h=104, // Temp integer with unicode for 'h' to save bytes\n a=h, // Second part (Action)\n x=0, // First part\n y=1, // Third part\n A=10, // Score player A, starting at 10\n B=A, // Score player B, starting at 10\n r=0, // Random dice-roll\n t=0, // Previous dice-roll\n T; // Temp integer\n a<119 // Loop until there is a winner:\n ; // After every iteration:\n System.out.printf(// Print:\n \"%c %3$c %c,%n\", // The three parts with spaces, and a new-line\n // First part:\n x+65, // Add 65 to `x` to convert 0/1 to 65/66 \n // (unicode values of A/B)\n (y= // Third part (after set-up):\n (a<98? // If the previous action was 'a'\n t=r+=Math.random()*6-r+1\n // Roll the dice, and save it in `t`\n :a>h? // Else-if the previous action was 'r':\n (T=x<1? // If the first part changed to player A:\n A-=t // Subtract the previous dice-roll from A\n : // Else:\n (B-=t)) // Subtract the previous dice-roll from B\n <0? // If this score is below 0:\n 0 // Use 0\n : // Else:\n T // Use this score\n : // Else (the previous action was 'h'):\n A*B<1? // Is there a winner:\n -16 // Change the third part to a space\n : // Else:\n (x^1)+17) // Change the third part to the other player\n +48, // Add 48 to convert it to unicode\n a= // Second part:\n a<98? // If the previous action was 'a': \n 114 // Change it to 'r'\n :a>h? // Else-if the previous action was 'r':\n h // Change it to 'h'\n : // Else (the previous action was 'h'):\n A*B<1? // If either score is 0:\n 119 // Use 'w'\n : // Else:\n 97)) // Use 'a'\n x^= // First part set-up:\n a>h // If the previous action is 'r',\n |A*B<1? // or there is a winner:\n 1 // Change A\u2192B or B\u2192A\n : // Else:\n 0;} // A/B remains unchanged\n```\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 174 bytes\n```\n@set/aA=B=10\n@set c=A\n@set d=B\n:g\n@set/ar=%random%%%6+1,h=%d%-=r\n@echo %c% a %d%\n@echo %c% r %r%\n@echo %d% h %h%\n@if %h% gtr 0 set c=%d%&set d=%c%&goto g\n@echo %c% w\n```\nExplanation: `%` variable references are substituted at parse time. This has two useful benefits:\n* `%d%-=r` subtracts `r` from the variable named by `d` (i.e. indirect reference)\n* `set c=%d%&set d=%c%` is simply a straight swap.\n[Answer]\n# PHP 7.1: 159 bytes\n```\n0&&$B>0){$a=$t[0];$b=$t[1];$d=rand(1,6);$$b-=$d;echo\"$a a $b\\n$a r $d\\n$b h {$$b}\\n\";$t=strrev($t);}echo($A>0?'A':'B').\" w\\n\";\n```\n[Run it in the browser here!](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/79a833581d55a878c3e79a8da8cfb5a8a5cc1303)\n# PHP 5.6: 156 bytes\n```\n0&&$B>0){list($a,$b)=$t;$d=rand(1,6);$$b-=$d;echo\"$a a $b\\n$a r $d\\n$b h {$$b}\\n\";$t=strrev($t);}echo($A>0?'A':'B').\" w\\n\";\n```\n[Run it in the browser here!](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/ad3752f87c8167f19b29920b4309d5728f413706)\nHere's what the PHP 5.6 solution looks like with formatting and comments:\n```\n 0 && $B > 0) {\n // Unpack the turn string into $a and $b variables; on the first run, $a = 'A'\n // and $b = 'B'. This is no longer possible in PHP 7.0, so the PHP 7.0\n // solution needed to use an array instead.\n list($a, $b) = $t;\n // Set damage to a random number between 1 and 6\n $d = rand(1, 6);\n // Subtract the damage from the referenced value $b. On the first turn, this\n // is 'B', so this ends up subtracting $d from $B. Next turn, $b will be 'A',\n // so it'll subtract $d from $A\n $$b -= $d;\n // Echo the string (interpolated values)\n echo \"$a a $b\\n$a r $d\\n$b h {$$b}\\n\";\n // Reverse the turn order string ('AB' becomes 'BA', which will affect the\n // call to list in the first line of the while-loop)\n $t = strrev($t);\n}\n// Someone's run out of HP; figure out whom by figuring out who still has HP\necho ($A > 0 ? 'A' : 'B') . \" w\\n\";\n```\n[Answer]\n# F#, 238 235 bytes\nI thought I was doing well, but you've all far outclassed me!\n```\nlet p=printfn\nlet mutable A=10\nlet mutable B=A\nlet x h a d=\n p\"%s a %s\"a d\n let i=(new System.Random()).Next(1,7)\n let j=h-i\n p\"%s r %i\"a i\n p\"%s h %i\"d j\n if j<=0 then p\"%s w\"a\n j\nwhile A*B>0 do\n B<-x B\"A\"\"B\"\n if B>0 then A<-x A\"B\"\"A\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY9RS8MwFIXf@ysOkbFVXNs9CbIMWtAnEXG@iQ/Zmi4pbRLSzG2/vt6sKviW833nXm6aYbm3Xo55jmcpvEFPCWJnjwFPNxABKgT3kOfNoIR3mfWHhLpbKRGUxJw678dgvRbdHM7bVu4DGuunPUp2LkuSj/WjCf7yarUJm8@kkwG90AbCH77AMSISx50n35jkGvtjELtOouSr4j@peDmBMxQEap4Ajs0Ges8GRoBy1JovjDxhexmC7LM3YWrbL9I0e5HnsFjd3ac/vZarpf7d4THTtOMvq5hrtJR1g3bNi/hvM8kTE8TJnZSOp95WmwK1JVatl2dUrGSsYtNoVNfJMqqSONkRxfgN)\nThanks to Rogem for the brilliant advice to use A\\*B>0 instead of A>0&&B>0 (takes off 3 bytes).\nThank you also to officialaimm, whose hint about predefining printf in the Python answer helped me shave a few bytes off too.\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 204 bytes\nMy attempt with Haskell, I wasn't able to get it more competitive unfortunately \n```\nimport System.Random\nmain=getStdGen>>= \\g->putStr$q(randomRs(1,6)g)10(10::Int)\"A \"\"B \"\n(!)=(++)\nl=\"\\n\"\nq(x:z)a b p o=p!\"a \"!o!l!p!\"r \"!show x!l!o!\"h \"!show n!l!if n<1then p!\"w\"else q z n a o p where n=b-x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYw9y8IwFEb3/oqbi0OCH9jFoZiCLuKqq0vEa1NMb9ok0uqfr@GFdzvn4fBYE1/k3Dy3Xe9DgusnJuo2F8MP3xWdaVk3lK7pcSKuaw23Zl337zyExSDDX3WJslztVKPKrSy3VXXmpPAAiEfAQgql5XKpCqfxxlgMcqq@ysAdevC6F2gAhRdOZAwZo/UjTNm9QPvvnL19Au/LZIkhpyOSiwQDfIHBgM9vo6VAwPq@nub5Bw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanations:\n```\nimport System.Random --import random module\nmain= --main function, program entry point\n getStdGen -- get the global random number generator\n >>= \\g-> --using the random generator g\n putStr $ q --print the result of function q, passing in ..\n (randomRs (1,6) g) --an infinite list of random numbers, 1 to 6 generated by g\n 10 (10::Int) --the starting health of both players, \n --type annotation sadly seems to be required\n \"A \" \"B \" --The names of the players,\n --with an extra space for formatting\n(!)=(++) --define the operator ! for list (String) concatenation, \n -- we do this a lot so we save a bit by having a one byte operator\nl=\"\\n\" -- define l as the newline character\nq --define function q \n (x:z) --our list of random numbers, split into the next number (x) and the rest (z)\n a -- the health of the active player\n b -- the health of the player getting attacked\n p -- the name of the active player\n o -- the name of the player getting attacked\n=\n p!\"a \"!o!l --create the attack action string with a newline\n !p!\"r \"!show x!l -- append the roll action\n !o!\"h \"!show n!l -- append the health remaining\n ! -- append the result of the following if\n if n<1 -- if the player being attacked has been defeated\n then p!\"w\" -- append the win string for the active player\n else q z n a o p --otherwise append the result of calling q again with \n --rest of the random numbers, and the active players swapped\n where n=b-x -- define the attacked player's new health n\n -- their current health b - the random roll x\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 0.6](http://julialang.org/), 175 bytes\n```\np=println()\nf(l=\"AB\",h=[10,10],a=1)=(while min(h...)>0;d=3-a;p(l[a],\" a \",l[d]);r=rand(1:6);h[d]-=r;p(l[a],\" r \",r);p(l[d],\" h \",max(h[d],0));a=d;end;p(l[findmax(h)[2]],\" w\"))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RcpBCsIwEIXhvacoWc1AWhKFLgwj6DVCFgPTkkgMJSj19rHtxuX/3vf85MRjawstNZV3LoCnGTKp@0PpSN4abU3QTBYJ1pjy1L1SgTgMA96ME7r07BbInoNWHXdKZy8BXaXKRcBeR3RxW3qqf1Y3VvFo2Ttu/eIv7FAbRMckbipyiDkVOU7057DrVSG29gM \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nLong, ungolfed version:\n```\nfunction status(player, health)\n println(\"$player h $(max(0,health))\")\nend\nfunction roll(player)\n x = rand(1:6)\n println(\"$player r $x\")\n x\nend\nfunction play()\n players = [\"A\",\"B\"]\n healths = [10, 10]\n attacker = 1\n while min(healths...) > 0\n println(\"$(players[attacker]) a $(players[3-attacker])\")\n healths[3-attacker]-=roll(players[attacker])\n status(players[3-attacker], healths[3-attacker])\n attacker = 3 - attacker\n end\n winner = findmax(healths)[2]\n println(\"$(players[winner]) w\")\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n## VBA, ~~222~~ ~~185~~ 179 Bytes\nThis recursive solution involves 3 subs\n1. g is the *game start* that kicks off the first turn\n2. t is called for each *turn*. It uses recursion.\n3. ~~p is shorter than Debug.Print when used more than 3 times (only 4 in this solution)~~ *Edit:* Now that I learned that `Debug.?` is an acceptable alternative to `Debug.Print`, `Debug.?x` is shorter than calling a Sub to print.\n```\nSub g()\nt \"A\",10,\"B\",10\nEnd Sub\nSub t(i,j,x,h)\nd=Int(Rnd()*6)+1\nDebug.?i &\" a \"&x\nDebug.?i &\" r \"&d\nh=h-d\nIf h<1Then\nDebug.?i &\" w\"\nElse\nDebug.?x &\" h \"&h\nt x,h,i,j\nEnd If\nEnd Sub\n```\nThis was a fun challenge. If you know of an online interpreter like TIO for VB6/VBScript/VBA please leave a comment. Then I can post a link to a working solution.\nIf you want to test this code and have Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, or Outlook installed (Windows only), press Alt+F11 to open the VBA IDE. Insert a new code module (Alt+I,M) and clear out Option Explicit. Then paste in the code and press F5 to run it. The results should appear in the Immediate Window (press Ctrl+G if you don't see it).\n*Edit 1:* Removed whitespace that the VBA editor will automatically add back in. Reduced by 37 bytes \n*Edit 2:* Removed Sub p()\\* to save 6 bytes after learning `Debug.?` is an acceptable alternative to `Debug.Print`. Calling a [Sub](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/166127/69061) to handle `Debug.?` only saves bytes after more than six calls.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nA [self number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self_number) (also called a Colombian or Devlali number) is a natural number, `x`, where the equation `n + = x` has no solutions for any natural number `n`. For example, **21** is not a self number, as `n = 15` results in `15 + 1 + 5 = 21`. On the other hand, **20** *is* a self number, as no `n` can be found which satisfies such an equality.\nAs this definition references the digit sum, it is base dependent. For the purposes of this challenge, we will only be considering base 10 self numbers, which are sequence [A003052](https://oeis.org/A003052) in the OEIS. Binary ([A010061](https://oeis.org/A010061)) and base 100 ([A283002](https://oeis.org/A283002)) self numbers have also been calalogued.\n## The Challenge\nGiven a positive integer `x` as input, output a truthy value if `x` is a self number in base 10, and a falsey value otherwise. For clarification of truthy and falsey values, refer to [this meta post on the subject](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/2194/41020).\nYou may write a full program or function, and input and output may be provided on any of the usual channels. [Standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/1061/loopholes-that-are-forbidden-by-default) are, of course, banned.\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shorter your answer (in bytes) the better!\n## Test cases\nTruthy:\n```\n1\n3\n5\n7\n9\n20\n31\n86\n154\n525\n```\nFalsey:\n```\n2\n4\n6\n8\n10\n15\n21\n50\n100\n500\n```\n[Sandbox link](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/16052/41020)\n## Leaderboards\nHere is a Stack Snippet to generate both a regular leaderboard and an overview of winners by language.\nTo make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:\n```\n# Language Name, N bytes\n```\nwhere `N` is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you *can* keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:\n```\n# Ruby, 104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n# Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the leaderboard snippet:\n```\n# [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=159881,OVERRIDE_USER=41020;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 37 bytes\n```\n@(n)sum(dec2base(t=1:n,10)'-48,1)+t-n\n```\nPort of my MATL answer.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY1BCoMwFET3nmJ2RqohPxqbFoTeo3RhNaGCxmJioadPU@iii2GG9xazDqF/mWg7znm8MFf4fWGjGeS994aFjs6uJFHkVaNLKg6hctGuGxw6XAk1FI44QQrUBN2CVAMlFSQatNAgkRAkQaUhRCpxy4DJwqavtIBx8k@Wh20Pj3f@RWb25s/YfvY/4cYsJX4A \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK 10)](http://jdk.java.net/), 84 bytes\n```\ni->{for(int n=i;i-->1;)i|=((\"\"+i).chars().map(x->x-48).sum()+i^n)-1>>-1;return~i<0;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PVDLTsMwELz3K1aRKtnUdpPSQiEkdw5ISD0ikEwerUviRPamalXCrwc7hVqyd9cz4531Xh4k3@dfg6rbxiDsXS06VJUoO52harS4iSdZJa2FF6k0nCcAbfdZqQwsSnTh0KgcaoeRDRqlt2/vIM3W0pEK8Kzx1RS5yiQWUEIyKJ6ey8YQpRF0omLFeRrFVH0nhATBTFGR7aSxhIpatuTI0yNfrqmwXU3oTH1oyqM05VFsCuyM/lFPYdwP8djLPem6Y2HRQvLX36@IwS2DFYN7Bg8MFqGr3d36jkG0Wjpk4bD5HNB0uDtdZQsGDnSkteOFnuu0TrfyeRj6JPSyUlb2X9XHkzFzE8I4onfzePFEr5Y2J4tFLZoORev@DEsSTHPgKUztVAdspDMohY/EH5ReJuwnfvfDLw \"Java (JDK 10) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\ni->{ // IntPredicate\n for(int n=i;i-->1;) // for each number below n\n i|=( // keep the sign of\n (\"\"+i).chars().map(x->x-48).sum() // sum of digits\n +i // plus the number\n ^n // xor n (hoping for a zero)\n )-1>>-1; // changing that into a negative number if equals to zero\n return~i<0; // return i>=0\n}\n```\n## Credits\n* -1 byte thanks to [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen)\n* -1 byte thanks to [Nevay](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/69142/nevay)\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 8 bytes\n```\nLD\u20acSO+\u00caW\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f/fx@VR05pgf@3DXeH//xuamgAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\nor as a [Test suite](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/V9TVln538flUdOaYH/tw13h/yuVDu9X0LVTOLxfSUcz5r8hlzGXKZc5lyWXkQGXsSGXhRmXoakJl6mRKZcRlwmXGZcFl6EBUIjLyJDLFMgwMABSBgA)\n**Explanation**\n```\nL # push range [1 ... input]\n D # duplicate\n \u20acS # split each number into a list of digits\n O # sum digit lists\n + # add (n + digitSum(n))\n \u00ca # check for inequality with input\n W # min\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 12 bytes\n```\n\u00ac{\u27e6\u220bI\u1eb9+;I+?}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r//9Ca6kfzlz3q6PZ8uGuntrWntn3t//9GBv8B \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\u00ac{ } Fails if succeeds, suceeds if fails:\n \u27e6\u220bI I \u2208 [0, ..., Input]\n I\u1eb9+ The sum of the elements (i.e. digits) of I...\n ;I+? ... with I itself results in the Input\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), ~~49~~ ~~47~~ 44 bytes\n```\n@(x)arrayfun(@(k)k+sum(num2str(k)-48)-x,1:x)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##JYxBCsIwFET3PcVspAm2wYqCFAo9iJuo@fCpTctPIvH0MeBi4D14zPaM9uMKTcaYMqusrYj9UvJqVotejiGtyqf1HKJU7y833eduGLMutAmYMWEYr6cGYAIpZl0R2IV9JNUeGBxgEdybUH8eTu6@7f6Z86@mrvwA \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation:**\nTrying to do the operation on a range is cumbersome and long, since `num2str` returns a string with spaces as separators if there are more than input number. Subtracting 48 would therefore give something like: `1 -16 -16 2 -16 -16 3 -16 -16 4` for an input range **1 ... 4**. Getting rid of all the `-16` takes a lot of bytes. \nTherefore, we'll do this with a loop using `arrayfun`. For each of the numbers **k = 1 .. x**, where **x** is the input, we add `k` and its digit sum, and subtract `x`. This will return an array of with the result of that operation for each of the numbers in **k**. If any of the numbers in the array is a zero, the number is not a self number.\nFor inputs `20` and `21`, the outputs are:\n```\n20: -18, -16, -14, -12, -10, -8, -6, -4, -2, -9, -7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2\n21: -19, -17, -15, -13, -11, -9, -7, -5, -3, -10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3\n```\nThere are only non-zero elements for input `20`, and at least one non-zero element for input `21`. That means that `20` is a self number, and `21` is not.\nOctave treats an array with at least one zero as false, as can be seen in the TIO-link.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~70~~ ~~67~~ 65 bytes\n```\ni,r,d,j;f(n){for(r=i=n;d=j=--i;r*=d!=n)for(;j;j/=10)d+=j%10;i=r;}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NY1BbsIwEEXX@BRupEh2sVUnkBZqzbYn6DIbFDepLTpUJiAhlLOnpB6v3mjm/fmdHrpunr2Kyqlge4Hy3p@iiOABrYMAWnsbn8E9AcrlYoMNL1AZ6dYQyspYD9FO8/XkHR@Ex5GjZHe2@o2PuRdFuXG8dC0WiqPiS4G0bGJsMX8OHkWyL@NZFJ/xMn7f3lvUWhcPbTWIKmGT0CS8JewTakMOubtXijZbStX/udzS4sfheP6inlxUJ1CEXuzok8kfyaWmJu@NyYtlmOY/ \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTo shave off another 2 bytes, the truthy value returned is no longer 1, but the number itself.\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 28, 24, 22 21 bytes\n-1 byte thanks to Conor O'Brien\n-2 byts thanks to ngn\n```\n$@-.(+1#.,.&.\":)\"+@i.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y/qvpKeepmBrpaCuoKNgoGAFxLp6Cs5BPm7/VRx09TS0DZX1dPTU9JSsNJW0HTL1/mtycaUmZ@QrpCkYwhjGMIYpjGEOY1jCGEYGcNVwfRZmcKNMTeBmGJnCbTCCMeCycB0WcK0GCEPg@uBWmCJkDQwQggb/AQ \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation:\n`i.` a list 0 .. n-1\n`( )\"+` for each item in the list\n`.,.&.\":` convert it to a list of digits,\n`1#` find their sum\n`+` and add it to the item\n`$@-.` exclude the list from the argument and find the shape \n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 11 bytes\n```\nt:tFYA!Xs+-\n```\nThe output is a non-empty array, which is truthy if all its entries are non-zero, and falsy if it contains one or more zeros.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/v8SqxC3SUTGiWFv3/39DUwA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\") Or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##bc69CsIwFAXg/TxFHKSDWJK0qdVFhCq4OTjoIFhoawMxLU2KdPDZYzsoGbzL/eGDe565Ve5OvjUnWROG4auWqnR2Yw/X3exiFku39cixQmC73tZDMK2n3tTE1tIQYzupH3h7dq9MSQiCKldm4v/8zfe6QObHkaZV@YCz/19XUktbkuKXlaimaR1DBIEV1uAUEUOagIkYggtwxEiQgtHxBM4gxoHSsdEP), including truthiness/falsihood test.\n### Explanation\nConsider input `n = 10` as an example.\n```\nt % Implicit input, n. Duplicate\n % STACK: 10, 10\n: % Range\n % STACK: 10, [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]\nt % Duplicate\n % STACK: 10, [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10], [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]\nFYA! % Convert to base 10 digits and transpose\n % STACK: 10, [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10], [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1\n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0]\nXs % Sum of each column\n % STACK: 10, [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10], [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1]\n+ % Add, element-wise\n % STACK: 10, [2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 11]\n- % Subtract, element-wise\n % STACK: [8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -1]\n % Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 14 bytes\n```\n~\u22a2\u220a\u2373+(+/\u234e\u00a8\u2218\u2355)\u00a8\u2218\u2373\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@1R24S6R12LHnV0PerdrK2hrf@ot@/QikcdMx71TtWEMjb//29Q96h3hQaQaWKgeXh6GlACxAQA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**How?**\n```\n \u2373 range\n ( \u234e\u00a8\u2218\u2355) digits\n (+/ ) digit sums\n \u2373+ vectorized addition with the range\n \u22a2\u220a is the input included?\n~ negate\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 6 bytes\n```\n\u1e1fDS+\u018a\u20ac\n```\nFor input **n**, this returns **[n]** if **n** is a self number, **[]** if not.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hjvkuwdrHuh41rfl/uB1IRv7/b6ijYKyjYKqjYK6jYKmjYGQA5APFLMx0FAxNTYAyRkA5Ix0FIBMoZAEUNQDJAMWAqkxBbAMDEMMAAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How it works\n```\n\u1e1fDS+\u018a\u20ac Main link. Argument: n\n \u20ac Call the link to the left for each k in [1, ..., n].\n \u018a Drei; combine the three links to the left into a monadic chain.\n D Decimal; map k to the array of its digits in base 10.\n S Take the sum.\n + Add k to the sum of the k's digits.\n\u1e1f Filterfalse; promote n to [n], then remove all elements that appear in the\n array to the right.\n This returns [n] if the array doesn't contain n, [] if it does.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pari/GP](http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/), 32 bytes\n```\nn->!sum(i=1,n,i+sumdigits(i)==n)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcjLCoMwEIXhV0ldZegJZKLxsogvUroQijLQDkHtok8f09X5zp@XXdyWy2pSUTffju/HSmIo5F79kk3OwwqlpFSWnN8/q8bNJu@iZ2XzP41ZrRLBPBgtIgZMCB4tY@zBsUMMEQEdeoxgXxMCI1Z4X8c/qVw \"Pari/GP \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 46 bytes\n```\nf x=and[x/=n+sum[read[d]|d<-show n]|n<-[1..x]]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bY6xboNADIb3PsUf1CERDuVISNMqDB3SqZ2aDaHqyBkRFQ56d6gMeXcKiZQu9eJftj5/LqX94qoahgJ9IrVK@4dE@7arU8NSpSo7q93Sls0PdHbWu2UqgqDPsqGWJ40EqrnDWBU7SGvZuP03JPJxcyogkySHK1nDsOuMni/AlWWwMY3BPbz9FGbY9y0fHatneL5/cUnf9/BydJ2s/ob5RVXL9v0T85vtYDpGgGKBVNCKYnqkJ4pCWgnabkjEa4qjOPsXfZXTN1c2ojVtaEsiHBmKBMVjCMOxhVe47dyHM28a3oGts2inM2rmDb8 \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Scala, ~~44~~ 42 bytes\n```\nx=>0 to x forall(n=>x!=(n/:s\"$n\")(_+_-48))\n```\n[Try it online](https://scastie.scala-lang.org/O9mJjklnT3ODlUIPhYgM7w)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-a`, 34 bytes\n```\n#!/usr/bin/perl -a\nsay!grep{s/./$_+=$&/reg;/@F/}1..$_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcqxCsIwFAXQ/f6FEFykSW7aNA1FcHLzG0qHUASxIeki4q/3qWc@OZWHF6nz67CUlN/VaKOm01kdTUnLaC5X86HWahIhHFp08OgRMCCCFiTowBbsQA/2YAAHMMJZOCIGxN/9Z4t9zdt9fVZpZmluXtNq@wU \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 38 bytes\n```\n->x{(1..x).all?{|n|n+n.digits.sum!=x}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DchLDsIgFEbhuavQmcbfGy4ttQ7QhTQd1Ee1SSVGIMEAa8eOzpfz9ddfGXU5nEPcMlHY0TDPl5hMMntD9@k5OUvWvzc65Fyc7hgVFI44QQpUjLYBqxpKKkjUaNCCxbIgGWqBEEtEv3L0GG6vmEL6eGfXYxf6XP4 \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~70~~ 66 Bytes\n```\nlambda x:[i for i in range(x)if i+sum([int(j)for j in`i`])==x]==[]\n```\nEDIT: -4 thanks to @user56656\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://pyth.readthedocs.io), 8 bytes\n```\n!/m+sjdT\n```\n[Test suite.](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%21%2Fm%2BsjdT&input=154&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=1%0A3%0A5%0A7%0A9%0A20%0A31%0A86%0A154%0A525%0A2%0A4%0A6%0A8%0A10%0A15%0A21%0A50%0A100%0A500&debug=0)\nIf swapping truthy / falsy values is allowed, then we can drop the `!` and get 7 bytes instead. One of [Sok](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/41020/sok)'s suggestions helped me golf 2 bytes.\n## Explanation\n```\n!/m+sjdT \u2013 Full program. Takes an input Q from STDIN, outputs either True or False.\n m \u2013 Map over the range [0 ... Q) with a variable d.\n jdT \u2013 Convert d to base 10.\n s \u2013 Sum.\n + \u2013 And add the sum to d itself.\n / \u2013 Count the occurrences of Q in the result.\n! \u2013 Negate. Implicitly output the result.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://perl6.org/), ~~39~~ 33 bytes\n```\n{!grep $_,map {$_+[+] .comb},^$_}\n```\n[Try it out!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYPu/WjG9KLVAQSVeJzexQKFaJV47WjtWQS85PzepVidOJb72f3FipUKahqGCgqY1F4RtjMQ2RWKbI7EtkdhGBkh6DRFsCzME29DUBGGmkSlCL5I5JkhsMyS2BRLb0ADZTCQ3INlriqzGwABJHMj@DwA)\nA bare block with implicit single parameter, called thus:\n```\nsay {!grep $_,map {$_+[+] .comb},^$_}(500);\n> False\nsay {!grep $_,map {$_+[+] .comb},^$_}(525);\n> True\n```\nSince `n + digits(n) >= n`, we can just calculate the Colombian number for all the numbers up to our query value and see if any of them match. So this calculates the Colombian number for a given input:\n```\n{$_ + [+] .comb}\n```\nWhich we apply to all the values up to our target:\n```\n(^$_).map({$_+[+] .comb})\n```\nBut we only care whether any of them match, not what those values are, so as pointed out by @nwellenhof, we can grep:\n```\ngrep $_, map {$_+[+] .comb}, ^$_\n```\nThe rest is just coercion to bool and wrapping in a block.\n## 39 bytes\n```\n{!((^$_).map({$_+[+] .comb}).any==$_)}\n```\n[TIO test link provided by @Emigna](https://tio.run/##Tc5NCoMwEAXgvacYQUqCEBJrUkVyEmklLboyrdRVEM8eBRd5u4/5eTPL@J9N9IFuE9m45Yy9ioEL7xa2FUPZl08Sn59/71y4b7D2bO5xdYEmpoh4l12@gzX4AW7BlYRdldyYZKXrlFnptAs5NdiAG7CSmAk/wF2NM1JC/XQ8AA)\n@nwellenhof pointed out that using grep would save 6 bytes!\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 60, 56, 55, 54 bytes\n```\nlambda x:{x}-{n+sum(map(int,str(n)))for n in range(x)}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Lc3RCoIwGAXg@55iN@I/OoGbTU3oSaqLiVkD3WQaGOKzrwmdmwMfB874nd/O5qG73kOvh6bVbKnXZTut9jh9Bhr0SMbOmGZPlnPeOc8sM5Z5bV9PWvgWdjI73QQkcpyhUKBEhQtEBqEgM0iBXKAqouwUN7GVVI/6wP4ZfTyiNGnrZEoTMmic66kjE295@AE \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-4 using all inverse instead of any \n-1 by changing != to ^ by @jonathan-allan \n-1 by using sets by @ovs\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 20 bytes\n```\n#@-.i.+1#.10#.inv i.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY0xDoAwDAP3viJSR0SUFgplQOIviIoywMb3w0Lc7RT7nEu1rEx@67lyFzwH8VzvlyrrsZ8PFQruh8EgGcwGi0EUtOHlySikERsxOUgGSGFkqNJG4OFFaqlIO4p@ \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n i. Range [0,n-1]\n 10#.inv To base 10\n 1#. Sum the digits\n i.+ Plus the corresponding number\n -. Remove from the input, leaves an empty list if it was a self number.\n#@ An empty list is truthy, so return the length instead.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) [`-d!`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14339/), 6 bytes\n```\nN\u00a5U+\u00ecx\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&flags=LWQh&code=TqVVK%2bx4&input=MjE)\n---\n## Original, 8 bytes\nReturns the input number for truthy or `0` for falsey. If only the empty array were falsey in JavaScript, this could be 7 bytes.\n```\n\u00c2NkU\u00c7+\u00ecx\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=wk5rVccr7Hg=&input=ODg=)\n---\n### Explanation\n```\n :Implicit input of integer U\n U\u00c7 :Generate the range [0,U) and pass each Z through a function\n \u00ec : Digits of Z\n x : Reduce by addition\n + : Add to Z\n k :Remove the elements in that array\n N :From the array of inputs\n\u00c2 :Bitwise NOT NOT (~~), casts an empty array to 0 or a single element array to an integer \n```\n---\n### Alternative\n```\n\u00c7+\u00ecx\u00c3e\u00a6U\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=xyvseMNlplU=&input=ODg=)\n```\n :Implicit input of integer U\n\u00c7 :Generate the range [0,U) and pass each Z through a function\n \u00ec : Digits of Z\n x : Reduce by addition\n + : Add to Z\n \u00c3 :End function\n e :Every\n \u00a6U : Does not equal U\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Add++](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/AddPlusPlus), ~~27~~ 18 bytes\n```\nL,RFBDB+B]ARz\u20acb+Ae\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xJKSj4/99HJ8jNycVJ2ynWMajqUdOaJG3H1P8lVtGGCsYKpgrmCpYKRgYKxoYKFmYKhqYmCqZGprFcaVbRRgomCmYKFgqGBkBhBSNDBVMgw8AASBnEcnG5luhwcaZkggglXTslIK2Sk5iblJKoYGgHEvXn4vJXUgKqSyOg7r@RAQA \"Add++ \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) `-apl -MList::Util=sum,all`, 28 bytes\n```\n$_=all{\"@F\"-sum/./g,$_}1..$_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Fc27CsIwAAXQ/X5G6dikuekjTaHg5KSjc@ggEog2mDiJv26s@4ETr88wlFK7ZQ3hXR2OlUiveyvbW1O7D6WsXSmERoceA0YYTLCgAglqsAN7cABH0IATaKEVNGEN7G7/WOG7xey3RyrifPIpz/Ml@7DsVbO/Rawx/AA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Lua](https://www.lua.org/), 81 bytes\n```\nfor i=1,...do a=i+0(i..''):gsub('.',load'a=a+...')b=b or a==0+...end print(not b)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FctBCoAgEEDRq8xuFGWwwE0whxmxQhANs/NPtf28Xx9RPfqAwosnotxBuLhgChGi3c77SQYJfe2SUVjch9AmTvBNwhz@sLcM1yhtmtYnJKuqcY0v \"Lua \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\nfor i=1,...do\n a=i+0 -- +0 is needed to avoid an error\n (i..''):gsub('.',load'a=a+...') -- Sums up all the digits of i\n b=b or a==0+... -- Sets b to true if a equals the input\nend \nprint(not b)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [FunStack](https://github.com/dloscutoff/funstack) alpha, 46 bytes\n```\nAll? Minus Plus foldl ToBase 10 hook map From0\n```\nTry it at [Replit](https://replit.com/@dloscutoff/funstack)!\n### Explanation\nFirst, we construct a function that adds a number to its base-10 digit sum:\n```\nPlus foldl Left-fold second argument on addition, with first\n argument as starting value\n hook Take a single argument; pass it to the above function\n twice: first, unchanged, and second, passed through\n the following function:\n ToBase 10 Convert to list of base-10 digits\n```\nThis is a bit shorter than the alternatives:\n```\nPlus Sum ToBase 10 over hook\nSum Pair ToBase 10 compose3\n```\nThen:\n```\n From0 Range of integers from 0 up to input-1\n ... map Map the above function to each\n Minus Subtract each from the input\nAll? Are all results truthy (non-zero)?\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), ~~18~~ 12 bytes\n```\naNI:_+$+_M,a\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m724ILNgUXTsgqWlJWm6FmsS_Tyt4rVVtON9dRIhQlCZJdFGBjBVAA)\n*-6 thanks to @DLosc*\n#### Explanation\n```\naNI:_+$+_M,a ; Full program. Input (a) on command line\n M,a ; Map over the range from 0 to a (_)\n $+_ ; Sum _\n _+ ; And add this to _\naNI: ; Is a not in this list?\n ; Implicit output\n```\nOld:\n```\n$*Y{\\a!=a+$+a}M\\,a ; Full program. Input (n) on command line.\n \\,a ; Range from 1 to n\n { }M ; Map over this list (a):\n $+a ; Sum the digits of a\n a+ ; Add to a\n \\a!= ; And check if it's not equal to n\n$*Y ; Get the product of this list\n ; Implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Arturo](https://arturo-lang.io), ~~36~~ 34 bytes\n```\n$->x[every? x'n->x<>+\u2211digits<=n]\n```\n[Try it](http://arturo-lang.io/playground?F6U5Kl)\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 55 bytes\n```\n.+\n*\nLv`_+\n_+\n$&$.&\n^_+\n$&\u00b6$&\n\\d\n*\nCms`^(_+)\\b.*\u00b6\\1\\b\n0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HYlBDoIwFAX3c47aIE2a/wtFXLtw4xEaQKILF7hQ49E4ABerjckkb/Lmdf88nlfNu@o8Ze@ouXyn0VEw1njL8LdtNZZ0K/m0vKehGt0@zb7e1qRpRnJWGiIHjgShUfoOjS0xRAItHT0q5SIosYhIGfkB \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\") Link includes test cases. Explanation:\n```\n.+\n*\n```\nConvert input `x` to unary.\n```\nLv`_+\n```\nCreate a range from `x` down to `1`.\n```\n_+\n$&$.&\n```\nSuffix the decimal value of each `n` to its unary value.\n```\n^_+\n$&\u00b6$&\n```\nMake a copy of `x`.\n```\n\\d\n*\n```\nConvert each decimal digit of `n` to unary, thus adding the digits to the existing copy of `n`.\n```\nCms`^(_+)\\b.*\u00b6\\1\\b\n```\nCheck whether `x` appears in any of the results.\n```\n0\n```\nInvert the result.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~52~~ 51 bytes\n*Saved 1 byte thanks to @l4m2*\nReturns **0** or **1**.\n```\nn=>(g=k=>k?eval([...k+'k'].join`+`)-n&&g(k-1):1)(n)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bctBDoMgEEDRfU/hSiCOBFCsbYI9iDGRWCWKHUxtvD5126Sr/zdvsYfdh/e8fXIMzzFOJqJpqDPeNP4xHnalLefcZ8STji9hxj7rWY5p6qjPJbtLRpHFIeAe1pGvwdFWQgEarnADJaCQUFcgdQla6Y6/7EYxMU0yUcwIYYxdfqyCEiqoQYrTgJKgzxHijPiH4xc \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), ~~63~~ 58 bytes\n```\ns 0=0\ns x=x`mod`10+s(x`div`10)\nf n=all(\\x->x+s x/=n)[1..n]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##dZAxb8IwEIV3/4rXqAMIldopoTC4Q4cuoDK0G63kSHGUCONUOEHm1wcPDEjVu8n6Pt/d0zVlOFjnxjFAaikCoo7m2FVGyVmYRFO15/Scihpel85NfuLTW5ylb8/aT/dqPve/Y4QJTTe46t0aXKDxN/Rf/Wnr8Yi2RoTWCfeN9ch2mwzWBYvss@ux2zxkQhzL1qeuqhNIVUPdz/s@DfbGXwgvCH8lfE14Ltlilmi1JEIVCxY2Z3Hze/5RpiPdxIKJJRMrJpSkpmAmV8wUfJqUvOm/Gq8 \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n* Alice (A) and Bob (B) decided to have a battle.\n* Each combatant has 10 health.\n* They take turns to roll a 6 sided die for damage.\n* That damage is removed from their opponent's health.\n* In the end either Alice or Bob, will vanquish their foe.\n---\nShow me how the battle went. Outputting these codes for the actions which have taken place. \nAttack\n```\nB a A \n^ Combatant\n ^ Action (attack)\n ^ Target\n```\nRoll\n```\nB r 4\n^ Combatant\n ^ Action (roll)\n ^ Value\n```\nHealth change\n```\nA h 6\n^ Combatant\n ^ Attribute (health)\n ^ Value \n```\nWin\n```\nA w \n^ Combatant\n ^ Action (win)\n```\n---\nExample output: \n```\nA a B\nA r 4\nB h 6\nB a A\nB r 6\nA h 4\nA a B\nA r 6\nB h 0 \nA w\n```\n---\nHere are the rules:\n* Write in any language.\n* A single roll of the die should have an equal chance of resulting in any one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.\n* Alice always starts (Bob is chivalrous, in an old-fashioned way).\n* Output an action for each turn.\n* You must report the attack, roll, damage and win actions.\n* Combatants are upper case, actions are lower case.\n* It must not consistently produce the same result.\n* There must be at least one whitespace character between an output combatant, action and value.\n* The win action takes place when the opponent has zero or less health.\n* All parts of an action must be on the same line.\n* There should be one action per line.\n* Fewest bytes wins.\nHave at it!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 131 bytes\n```\nx,y=\"AB\"\nfrom random import*\nX=Y=10\np=print\nwhile X>0:p(x,\"a\",y);d=randint(1,6);p(x,\"r\",d);Y-=d;p(y,\"h\",Y);x,y,X,Y=y,x,Y,X\np(y,\"w\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Hc1BCsMgFATQvacIfxXLFBIKXVR@oD2FLgO2KDRGRIie3tqshuExTKzZ7eHWWkFler5IfNK@DWkNtoff4p7yRWg2PE8ickw@ZHE4/30PepkecSyglVClsvwfdR5n3KU6JRGsVObKtvcKcgQjVb@ChuGKAgMtTjpItvYD \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-8 bytes thanks to officialaimm \n-2 bytes thanks to ChooJeremy\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 127 bytes\n*This is an improvement on [@HyperNeutrino answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/159903/20064) that wouldn't fit in a comment. See the explanation below.*\n```\nx,y=\"AB\"\ns=id(0)\nX=Y=10\np=print\nwhile X>0:p(x,\"a\",y);s=s**7%~-2**67;d=s%6+1;p(x,\"r\",d);Y-=d;p(y,\"h\",Y);x,y,X,Y=y,x,Y,X\np(y,\"w\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HY1BCsIwFAX3OYV8KDTxFVKFFgxf0FMkSyFCClJDU2iy8eqxdDnMwMSyhu98rTWjMD2eJBJPvtVSWHbcaxE5LtO8ii1Mn/fJ3vUtthn0IhRpEielxubXXZQaRuM5NcO5N0exELw0rmO/cwEFgpNm38DCcUGGgxWH2kjW@gc \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n## An epic quest for a shorter python dice roll\n**TL;DR: It's possible to shave 4 bytes off the standard python dice roll by using RSA encryption.**\nI wanted to see if the standard python dice roll (**32 bytes**) could be shortened a bit:\n```\nfrom random import*;randint(1,6)\n```\nIn particular, `id(x)` is quite convenient to bring some non-deterministic value into the program. My idea then was to somehow hash this value to create some actual randomness. I tried a few approaches, and one of them paid off: [RSA encryption](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)#Encryption).\nRSA encryption, due to its simplicity, only requires a few bytes: `m**e%n`. The next random value can then be created by encrypting the previous one. Assuming the `(e,n)` key is available, the dice roll can be written with **22 bytes**:\n```\ns=id(0);s=s**e%n;s%6+1\n```\nThat means we have about 10 bytes to define a valid RSA key. Here I got lucky. During my experiments, I started to use the [Mersenne prime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_prime) **M67** only to realize later on that [Mersenne made a mistake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_prime#History) including **M67** in his list. It turns out to be the product of `p=193707721` and `q=761838257287`. I had found my modulus:\n```\nn=~-2**67\n```\nNow, the exponent and the [Charmichael totient](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmichael_function) `lcm(p-1,q-1)` need to be coprime. Luckily again, the first prime number that do not divide the totient of n is only one digit long: 7. The dice roll can then be written using **28 bytes** (4 bytes less than the standard approach):\n```\ns=id(0);s=s**7%~-2**67;s%6+1\n```\nOne good thing with **M67** is that the random value generated has 66 bits, which is more than the usual 64 bits RNG. Also, the use of RSA makes it possible to go back in time by decrypting the current value multiple times. Here are the encrypting and decrypting keys:\n```\nEncryption: (7, 147573952589676412927)\nDecryption: (42163986236469842263, 147573952589676412927)\n```\nI'm definitely not an expert in statistics or cryptography, so I can't really tell whether or not this RNG checks the criteria for \"good randomness\". I did write [a small benchmark](https://gist.github.com/vxgmichel/2f7cb31f32c5d92810d44ccca36c99b7) that compares the standard deviation of the occurrences of the 1 to 6 dice rolls using different RNGs. It seems like the proposed solution works just like other ones.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~146~~ 141 bytes\n```\nf(A,B,r,t,a,b){for(A=B=10;r=1+clock()%6,A*B>0;t=!t)printf(\"%c a %c\\n%c r %u\\n%c h %i\\n\",a=65+t,b=66-t,a,r,b,t?A-=r:(B-=r));printf(\"%c w\",a);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYyxDsIgFAB3vwKbkPDsI2kHGSRo4CdculASaiNSgxiHpr8uVieXyy13jg/OleKZRoMJM1rsYfZTYloZ1TYyqbZ2YXJXBlSg3pljI7PaZrinMWbPKuqIJdR1cZVE6PMnF0LHLlZoldjXGXslBP@@E/aYT5qrdGBmJYD8@7zWAORSbnaMDOaNZyA3S3k7H@zwKPxsQ/gA \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nDe-golf:\n```\nf(A,B,r,t,a,b){\n for(A=B=10; //Initialize HP\n r=1+clock()%6, // Get the number of processor cycles the program has consumed. This is relatively random, so I call it good enough.\n A*B>0;t=!t) // Flip t for change of turns\n printf(\"%c a %c\\n%c r %u\\n%c h %i\\n\", // Print the turn\n a=65+t,b=65+!t,a,r,b, // 65 is ASCII for 'A', 66 for 'B'\n t?A-=r:(B-=r)); // Deduct the damage.\n printf(\"%c w\",a); // Print the winner\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 49 bytes\n```\n\"BaABr0Aha\"S3\u00f4\u00bbD\u201eAB\u00c2\u2021[6L\u03a9\u00a9T\u01dd\u00a4H\u00ae-\u00a916\u01dd=\u00ae0\u2039#s]\u043d\u2026\u00ff w?\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##AVAAr/8wNWFiMWX//yJCYUFCcjBBaGEiUzPDtMK7ROKAnkFCw4LigKFbNkzOqcKpVMedwqRIwq4twqkxNsedPcKuMOKAuSNzXdC94oCmw78gdz///w \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Explanation**\n```\n\"BaABr0Aha\" # push the initial state of B\n S # split to list of characters\n 3\u00f4 # divide into 3 parts\n \u00bb # join each part on space and all on nl\n D\u201eAB\u00c2\u2021 # make a copy with A and B inverted\n [ # start a loop\n 6L\u03a9\u00a9 # pick a random number in [1 ... 6]\n T\u01dd # insert at position 10 of the string\n \u00a4H # get the last char of the string and\n # convert from hex\n \u00ae-\u00a9 # subtract the random number\n 16\u01dd= # insert at position 16 and print\n \u00ae0\u2039# # if the hp is less than 0, break\n s # swap the other string to the stack top\n ] # end loop\n \u043d\u2026\u00ff w? # print the winner\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), ~~93~~ ~~88~~ 87 bytes\n```\n$A=$B=10;$_=B;${$_^=v3}-=$%=1+rand 6,say\"$_ a $'\n$_ r $%\n$' h $$_\"until//>$$_;say\"$_ w\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/1/F0VbFydbQwFol3tbJWqVaJT7Otsy4VtdWRdXWULsoMS9FwUynOLFSSSVeIVFBRZ0LSBcpqKhyqagrZCioqMQrleaVZObo69sB2dZQheVK////yy8oyczPK/6v62uqZ2igZwAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 122 bytes\n```\nf=(h=[10,10,p=0])=>`${x='AB'[p]} a ${y='BA'[p]}\n${x} r ${d=Math.random()*6+1|0}\n${y} h ${H=h[p^=1]-=d}\n${H<1?x+' w':f(h)}`\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcmxDoIwFIXh3afoQNJWhNDFwXg1MLH4BARDQynVIG2AKAT77LWYnOX835O/@VgPDzNFvRaNcxKIgoIlBz8DSUnhUgXrDDjNcGFKizgK1gVwlv7vzptFg28CbnxS8cB7oV@E7o8h@yabLxYp7zmowtyBlRGILedndp1DjD74JImitnK17kfdNXGnWyIJpe4H \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Java (JDK 10)](http://jdk.java.net/), 180 bytes\n```\nv->{var r=\"\";int p=0,H[]={10,10},h=0;for(;H[0]*H[1]>0;)r+=r.format(\"%3$c a %4$c%n%3$c r %d%n%4$c h %d%n\",h+=Math.random()*6-h+1,H[p]-=h,p+65,(p^=1)+65);return r+(char)(66-p)+\" w\";}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY8xb4MwEIX3/IoTCpIdjAVqy@I6Y5UlU6QuiEouhNjUGMsYqijit1OXdrrv3r270@vELNKu@VprLcYRzkIZeOwA7PSpVQ2jFz6UeVAN9GGGLt4pcysrEO424s0K0IUjdPJK03YytVeDoW//8PoeVsnf1hFavs7p8TELB45HEVPGg@UZOZUVf@QZybOFSJ6xdnCIncqsOpzKvDpmDLuEOxrkXngUxU/7GgTEz/s6NlvjIG4CBgHkhhGRCT8LL6kTphl6hA9FKpM8vLJVyiWxSfFCkP3gOQ6Embv6yRlwCaqlcBgVRWpxEsF3xJaVbTEv99FfezpMntqQx2uDWiqs1XdkJq0x/rUtu2X9AQ \"Java (JDK 10) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Credits\n* -8 bytes thanks to [Kevin Cruijssen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/52210/kevin-cruijssen)\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), ~~122 120 96 92~~ 91 bytes\n```\nf=->x=?A,y=?B,m=10,n=m{p [x,?a,y],[x,?r,r=1+rand(6)],[y,?h,t=n-r]\nt<1?p([x,?w]):f[y,x,t,m]}\n```\nSaved 1 byte thanks to [Asone Tuhid](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/77598/asone-tuhid).\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/P81W167C1t5Rp9LW3kkn19bQQCfPNre6QCG6Qsc@UacyVgfEKNIpsjXULkrMS9Ew0wQKVerYZ@iU2ObpFsVyldgY2hdogFSVx2papQHlKnRKdHJja/@nRcf@BwA \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 142 bytes\n```\n#define R(c,t)r=rand()%6+1,c&&printf(#c\" a \"#t\"\\n\"#c\" r %d\\n\"#t\" h %d\\n\",r,t-=t{for(int h=104,a=h,x=0,y=1,A=10,B=A,r=0,t=0,T;a<119;System.out.printf(\"%c %3$c %c%n\",x+65,y=(a<98?t=r+=Math.random()*6-r+1:a>h?(T=x<1?A-=t:(B-=t))<0?0:T:A*B<1?-16:(x^1)+17)+48,a=a<98?114:a>h?h:A*B<1?119:97))x^=a>h|A*B<1?1:0;}\n```\n-2 bytes thanks to *@ceilingcat*.\nNote: there is already [a much shorter Java answer, so make sure to upvote his](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/159906/52210)! I use a completely different approach however, so figured it was worth posting as well.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##LVDfb4IwEH7fX9GYmbRSCM2cPwqV4Lu@SPayzKQrMHBYTKkE4/zb2akkd9f0u/su930H2Uq3PmX6kP72qpJNgzay1NcXhEptM5NLlaHt/YtQW5cpUvjj/rQkAOwGCdFYaUuFtkgjgfrWXV3z2mDgo0Iwf0qlKGgnfHoRjMaA0LWIqQHAQiaBDBlbBrtLY7OjV5@tdzLAzfForND47RWKGusR7ZzZO6zAMlwuIiuMIzbSFp6ROq2PmExmrnEYl6siwonoQhbFrrAcr6ESEvqRzxMeT9bQcNmM427PiMPmxJku4MDHUsamD34xzMFZfDknpNsLgP8GkPvBrQ@eyk/n7wqUDwY8DDqCfXhnQcLP55ckT@u0p7A@V9Xg2q3/Bw)\n```\nv->{ // Method with empty unused parameter and no return-type\n for(int h=104, // Temp integer with unicode for 'h' to save bytes\n a=h, // Second part (Action)\n x=0, // First part\n y=1, // Third part\n A=10, // Score player A, starting at 10\n B=A, // Score player B, starting at 10\n r=0, // Random dice-roll\n t=0, // Previous dice-roll\n T; // Temp integer\n a<119 // Loop until there is a winner:\n ; // After every iteration:\n System.out.printf(// Print:\n \"%c %3$c %c,%n\", // The three parts with spaces, and a new-line\n // First part:\n x+65, // Add 65 to `x` to convert 0/1 to 65/66 \n // (unicode values of A/B)\n (y= // Third part (after set-up):\n (a<98? // If the previous action was 'a'\n t=r+=Math.random()*6-r+1\n // Roll the dice, and save it in `t`\n :a>h? // Else-if the previous action was 'r':\n (T=x<1? // If the first part changed to player A:\n A-=t // Subtract the previous dice-roll from A\n : // Else:\n (B-=t)) // Subtract the previous dice-roll from B\n <0? // If this score is below 0:\n 0 // Use 0\n : // Else:\n T // Use this score\n : // Else (the previous action was 'h'):\n A*B<1? // Is there a winner:\n -16 // Change the third part to a space\n : // Else:\n (x^1)+17) // Change the third part to the other player\n +48, // Add 48 to convert it to unicode\n a= // Second part:\n a<98? // If the previous action was 'a': \n 114 // Change it to 'r'\n :a>h? // Else-if the previous action was 'r':\n h // Change it to 'h'\n : // Else (the previous action was 'h'):\n A*B<1? // If either score is 0:\n 119 // Use 'w'\n : // Else:\n 97)) // Use 'a'\n x^= // First part set-up:\n a>h // If the previous action is 'r',\n |A*B<1? // or there is a winner:\n 1 // Change A\u2192B or B\u2192A\n : // Else:\n 0;} // A/B remains unchanged\n```\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 174 bytes\n```\n@set/aA=B=10\n@set c=A\n@set d=B\n:g\n@set/ar=%random%%%6+1,h=%d%-=r\n@echo %c% a %d%\n@echo %c% r %r%\n@echo %d% h %h%\n@if %h% gtr 0 set c=%d%&set d=%c%&goto g\n@echo %c% w\n```\nExplanation: `%` variable references are substituted at parse time. This has two useful benefits:\n* `%d%-=r` subtracts `r` from the variable named by `d` (i.e. indirect reference)\n* `set c=%d%&set d=%c%` is simply a straight swap.\n[Answer]\n# PHP 7.1: 159 bytes\n```\n0&&$B>0){$a=$t[0];$b=$t[1];$d=rand(1,6);$$b-=$d;echo\"$a a $b\\n$a r $d\\n$b h {$$b}\\n\";$t=strrev($t);}echo($A>0?'A':'B').\" w\\n\";\n```\n[Run it in the browser here!](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/79a833581d55a878c3e79a8da8cfb5a8a5cc1303)\n# PHP 5.6: 156 bytes\n```\n0&&$B>0){list($a,$b)=$t;$d=rand(1,6);$$b-=$d;echo\"$a a $b\\n$a r $d\\n$b h {$$b}\\n\";$t=strrev($t);}echo($A>0?'A':'B').\" w\\n\";\n```\n[Run it in the browser here!](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/ad3752f87c8167f19b29920b4309d5728f413706)\nHere's what the PHP 5.6 solution looks like with formatting and comments:\n```\n 0 && $B > 0) {\n // Unpack the turn string into $a and $b variables; on the first run, $a = 'A'\n // and $b = 'B'. This is no longer possible in PHP 7.0, so the PHP 7.0\n // solution needed to use an array instead.\n list($a, $b) = $t;\n // Set damage to a random number between 1 and 6\n $d = rand(1, 6);\n // Subtract the damage from the referenced value $b. On the first turn, this\n // is 'B', so this ends up subtracting $d from $B. Next turn, $b will be 'A',\n // so it'll subtract $d from $A\n $$b -= $d;\n // Echo the string (interpolated values)\n echo \"$a a $b\\n$a r $d\\n$b h {$$b}\\n\";\n // Reverse the turn order string ('AB' becomes 'BA', which will affect the\n // call to list in the first line of the while-loop)\n $t = strrev($t);\n}\n// Someone's run out of HP; figure out whom by figuring out who still has HP\necho ($A > 0 ? 'A' : 'B') . \" w\\n\";\n```\n[Answer]\n# F#, 238 235 bytes\nI thought I was doing well, but you've all far outclassed me!\n```\nlet p=printfn\nlet mutable A=10\nlet mutable B=A\nlet x h a d=\n p\"%s a %s\"a d\n let i=(new System.Random()).Next(1,7)\n let j=h-i\n p\"%s r %i\"a i\n p\"%s h %i\"d j\n if j<=0 then p\"%s w\"a\n j\nwhile A*B>0 do\n B<-x B\"A\"\"B\"\n if B>0 then A<-x A\"B\"\"A\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY9RS8MwFIXf@ysOkbFVXNs9CbIMWtAnEXG@iQ/Zmi4pbRLSzG2/vt6sKviW833nXm6aYbm3Xo55jmcpvEFPCWJnjwFPNxABKgT3kOfNoIR3mfWHhLpbKRGUxJw678dgvRbdHM7bVu4DGuunPUp2LkuSj/WjCf7yarUJm8@kkwG90AbCH77AMSISx50n35jkGvtjELtOouSr4j@peDmBMxQEap4Ajs0Ges8GRoBy1JovjDxhexmC7LM3YWrbL9I0e5HnsFjd3ac/vZarpf7d4THTtOMvq5hrtJR1g3bNi/hvM8kTE8TJnZSOp95WmwK1JVatl2dUrGSsYtNoVNfJMqqSONkRxfgN)\nThanks to Rogem for the brilliant advice to use A\\*B>0 instead of A>0&&B>0 (takes off 3 bytes).\nThank you also to officialaimm, whose hint about predefining printf in the Python answer helped me shave a few bytes off too.\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 204 bytes\nMy attempt with Haskell, I wasn't able to get it more competitive unfortunately \n```\nimport System.Random\nmain=getStdGen>>= \\g->putStr$q(randomRs(1,6)g)10(10::Int)\"A \"\"B \"\n(!)=(++)\nl=\"\\n\"\nq(x:z)a b p o=p!\"a \"!o!l!p!\"r \"!show x!l!o!\"h \"!show n!l!if n<1then p!\"w\"else q z n a o p where n=b-x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYw9y8IwFEb3/oqbi0OCH9jFoZiCLuKqq0vEa1NMb9ok0uqfr@GFdzvn4fBYE1/k3Dy3Xe9DgusnJuo2F8MP3xWdaVk3lK7pcSKuaw23Zl337zyExSDDX3WJslztVKPKrSy3VXXmpPAAiEfAQgql5XKpCqfxxlgMcqq@ysAdevC6F2gAhRdOZAwZo/UjTNm9QPvvnL19Au/LZIkhpyOSiwQDfIHBgM9vo6VAwPq@nub5Bw \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanations:\n```\nimport System.Random --import random module\nmain= --main function, program entry point\n getStdGen -- get the global random number generator\n >>= \\g-> --using the random generator g\n putStr $ q --print the result of function q, passing in ..\n (randomRs (1,6) g) --an infinite list of random numbers, 1 to 6 generated by g\n 10 (10::Int) --the starting health of both players, \n --type annotation sadly seems to be required\n \"A \" \"B \" --The names of the players,\n --with an extra space for formatting\n(!)=(++) --define the operator ! for list (String) concatenation, \n -- we do this a lot so we save a bit by having a one byte operator\nl=\"\\n\" -- define l as the newline character\nq --define function q \n (x:z) --our list of random numbers, split into the next number (x) and the rest (z)\n a -- the health of the active player\n b -- the health of the player getting attacked\n p -- the name of the active player\n o -- the name of the player getting attacked\n=\n p!\"a \"!o!l --create the attack action string with a newline\n !p!\"r \"!show x!l -- append the roll action\n !o!\"h \"!show n!l -- append the health remaining\n ! -- append the result of the following if\n if n<1 -- if the player being attacked has been defeated\n then p!\"w\" -- append the win string for the active player\n else q z n a o p --otherwise append the result of calling q again with \n --rest of the random numbers, and the active players swapped\n where n=b-x -- define the attacked player's new health n\n -- their current health b - the random roll x\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 0.6](http://julialang.org/), 175 bytes\n```\np=println()\nf(l=\"AB\",h=[10,10],a=1)=(while min(h...)>0;d=3-a;p(l[a],\" a \",l[d]);r=rand(1:6);h[d]-=r;p(l[a],\" r \",r);p(l[d],\" h \",max(h[d],0));a=d;end;p(l[findmax(h)[2]],\" w\"))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RcpBCsIwEIXhvacoWc1AWhKFLgwj6DVCFgPTkkgMJSj19rHtxuX/3vf85MRjawstNZV3LoCnGTKp@0PpSN4abU3QTBYJ1pjy1L1SgTgMA96ME7r07BbInoNWHXdKZy8BXaXKRcBeR3RxW3qqf1Y3VvFo2Ttu/eIv7FAbRMckbipyiDkVOU7057DrVSG29gM \"Julia 0.6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nLong, ungolfed version:\n```\nfunction status(player, health)\n println(\"$player h $(max(0,health))\")\nend\nfunction roll(player)\n x = rand(1:6)\n println(\"$player r $x\")\n x\nend\nfunction play()\n players = [\"A\",\"B\"]\n healths = [10, 10]\n attacker = 1\n while min(healths...) > 0\n println(\"$(players[attacker]) a $(players[3-attacker])\")\n healths[3-attacker]-=roll(players[attacker])\n status(players[3-attacker], healths[3-attacker])\n attacker = 3 - attacker\n end\n winner = findmax(healths)[2]\n println(\"$(players[winner]) w\")\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n## VBA, ~~222~~ ~~185~~ 179 Bytes\nThis recursive solution involves 3 subs\n1. g is the *game start* that kicks off the first turn\n2. t is called for each *turn*. It uses recursion.\n3. ~~p is shorter than Debug.Print when used more than 3 times (only 4 in this solution)~~ *Edit:* Now that I learned that `Debug.?` is an acceptable alternative to `Debug.Print`, `Debug.?x` is shorter than calling a Sub to print.\n```\nSub g()\nt \"A\",10,\"B\",10\nEnd Sub\nSub t(i,j,x,h)\nd=Int(Rnd()*6)+1\nDebug.?i &\" a \"&x\nDebug.?i &\" r \"&d\nh=h-d\nIf h<1Then\nDebug.?i &\" w\"\nElse\nDebug.?x &\" h \"&h\nt x,h,i,j\nEnd If\nEnd Sub\n```\nThis was a fun challenge. If you know of an online interpreter like TIO for VB6/VBScript/VBA please leave a comment. Then I can post a link to a working solution.\nIf you want to test this code and have Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, or Outlook installed (Windows only), press Alt+F11 to open the VBA IDE. Insert a new code module (Alt+I,M) and clear out Option Explicit. Then paste in the code and press F5 to run it. The results should appear in the Immediate Window (press Ctrl+G if you don't see it).\n*Edit 1:* Removed whitespace that the VBA editor will automatically add back in. Reduced by 37 bytes \n*Edit 2:* Removed Sub p()\\* to save 6 bytes after learning `Debug.?` is an acceptable alternative to `Debug.Print`. Calling a [Sub](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/166127/69061) to handle `Debug.?` only saves bytes after more than six calls.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nInspired by [I'm not the language you're looking for!](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/55960/im-not-the-language-youre-looking-for)\n# Challenge\nChoose two different programming languages, and write a program that prints the following line to stdout (or equivalent):\n```\nThis program errors out in :P\n```\nand then generates different kind of error in each of the two languages.\n# Rules\nSome rules are taken from the original challenge.\n* In the output, language names should exactly follow:\n\t+ The name listed on [TIO](https://tio.run/#), optionally excluding the version number and/or the implementation name (e.g. if you use `JavaScript (Node.js)` as one of your languages, you can use `JavaScript` for your language name, but not `JS` or `Javascript`.)\n\t+ The full name on the official website (or GitHub repo) if your language of choice is not available on TIO.\n* Neither program should take any input from the user.\n* You may use comments in either language.\n* Two different versions of the same language count as different languages.\n\t+ If this is done, the program should output the major version number, and if running on two different minor versions, should report the minor version also.\n\t+ You should not use prebuilt version functions (this includes variables that have already been evaluated at runtime).\n* **Two different command line flags in the same language also count as different languages** as per [this meta consensus](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/14337/command-line-flags-on-front-ends), as long as the flags don't include code fragments (such as `-Dblahblah...` in C).\n\t+ If this is done, the program should also output the flag used.\n* Two errors are considered different unless both errors are generated by the same semantics (such as \"division by zero\", \"segmentation fault\", or \"index out of range\").\n\t+ If a language's runtime does not exit after an error, but reports the error in some way to the user, it's a valid error.\n\t+ If a language does not discriminate the error messages but has a known list of reasons that cause error, **you must specify the reason, not the error message.** \n\t\n\tAn example is `><>`, which has only one error message `something smells fishy...`, but [esolangs wiki page](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish#Errors) has a list of error reasons.\n* Syntax error is not allowed unless it is generated by calling `eval()` or similar.\n* Throwing something manually (via `throw`(JS), `raise`(Python), `die`(Perl) or similar) is allowed, but all of them are considered as one kind of error.\n* Error by invalid command in 2D or golflangs is also allowed (and treated as one kind of error).\n# Examples\n### Python and Ruby\n* Python: `This program errors out in Python :P` to stdout, then undefined identifier\n* Ruby: `This program errors out in Ruby :P` to stdout, then index out of bounds\n### C89 and C99\n* C89: `This program errors out in C 89 :P` to stdout, then division by zero\n* C99: `This program errors out in C 99 :P` to stdout, then segmentation fault\nNote that the version number should *always* be separated from the language name by a space.\n### Python 2.7.9 and Python 2.7.10\n* Python 2.7.9: `This program errors out in Python 2.7.9 :P` to stdout, then syntax error on eval\n* Python 2.7.10: `This program errors out in Python 2.7.10 :P` to stdout, then key error on dict\n### Perl and Perl `-n`\n* Perl: `This program errors out in Perl :P` to stdout, then invalid time format\n* Perl `-n`: `This program errors out in Perl -n :P` to stdout, then try to open a file that doesn't exist\n# Winning condition\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest code in bytes wins. But you're always encouraged to post an answer that is fun or interesting even if it isn't very short. \n \n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/) / [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 60 bytes\n```\nprint(\"This program errors out in Python %d :P\"%(3/2*2))*1;a\n```\n* Python 2 got `NameError: name 'a' is not defined`\n* Python 3 got `unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'int'`\n**Python 2:**\n* `/` is integer division, 3 / 2 got 1; int(3 / 2 \\* 2) is 2.\n* print is a statement, so the first statement read as `print((...)*1)`, here `*1` means repeating the string once.\n* second statement referenced a non-existing variable, which caused the error.\n* [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/v6AoM69EQykkI7NYoaAoP70oMVchtagov6hYIb@0RCEzTyEArFRBNUXBKkBJVcNY30jLSFNTy9A68f9/AA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Python 3:** \n* '/' is floating number division, 3 / 2 got 1.5; int(3 / 2 \\* 2) is 3.\n* print is a function, so the first statement read as `(print(...))*1`.\n* function `print` returns `None`; Multiplication do not work on `None x int`, so it report \"unsupported operand\".\n* [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v6AoM69EQykkI7NYoaAoP70oMVchtagov6hYIb@0RCEzTyEArFRBNUXBKkBJVcNY30jLSFNTy9A68f9/AA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# C and C++, ~~114~~ 101 bytes\n*-13 bytes thanks to [l4m2](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/76323/l4m2)!*\n```\n#include\nmain(){auto d=.5;printf(\"This program errors out in C%s :P\",d?\"++\":\"\");2[&d]+=1/d;}\n```\nSegmentation fault in C++, floating point exception in C.\n`auto` is defaulted to `int` in C so `(int).5` becomes `0`, so trying to divide by it is basically division by zero.\nIn C++ `1/d` is 2, adding it to address of `d` and trying to change that address' value throws a segfault.\n[Try it in C++!](https://tio.run/##Sy4o0E1PTv7/XzkzLzmnNCXVprgkJTNfL8OOKzcxM09DszqxtCRfIcVWz9S6oCgzryRNQykkI7NYoaAoP70oMVchtagov6hYIb@0RCEzT8FZtVjBKkBJJ8VeSVtbyUpJSdPaKFotJVbb1lA/xbr2/38A) \n[Try it in C!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/185My85pzQl1aa4JCUzXy/Djis3MTNPQ7M6sbQkXyHFVs/UuqAoM68kTUMpJCOzWKGgKD@9KDFXIbWoKL@oWCG/tEQhM0/BWbVYwSpASSfFXklbW8lKSUnT2ihaLSVW29ZQP8W69v9/AA)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript + HTML / HTML + JavaScript, 160 bytes\n```\n\n```\n```\n\n```\nNot sure if this count two languages, but it is funny.\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish) and [Foo](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Foo), 42 bytes\n```\n#o<\"This code errors in \"p\"Foo\"'><>'\" :P\"/\n```\n[Try it in ><>!](https://tio.run/##S8sszvj/XznfRikkI7NYITk/JVUhtagov6hYITNPQalAyS0/X0ndzsZOXUnBKkBJ//9/AA \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try it in Foo!](https://tio.run/##S8vP//9fOd9GKSQjs1ghOT8lVSG1qCi/qFghM09BqUDJLT9fSd3Oxk5dScEqQEn//38A \"Foo \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFoo prints everything in `\"`, as is well documented, and tries to divide by zero at the end. It ignores the `'><>'`.\n`><>` pushes the \"Foo\" to the stack, but immediately pops it using `p`. After it prints everything to the stack with `#o<` it exits when the the stack is empty with the only error message it knows, `something smells fishy...`\n[Answer]\n# Java 8 & C99, 172 bytes\n```\n//\\\ninterface a{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print(\"This program errors out in Java 8 :P\");a[1]=\"\"/*\nmain(n){{n=puts(\"This program errors out in C99 :P\")/0/**/;}}\n```\nBased on my answer for the [*'abc' and 'cba'* challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/138416/52210).\n[Try it in Java 8 - resulting in *ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1*.](https://tio.run/##fY29DoIwFEZ3nuKmE5BIdRMJk5uTCW7IcAMVi@lP2guJaXj2SngA1@/knG/CBQ/GCj0Nnxg5fyZSk3Av7AVg8IQke1iMHECh1GlDTuqx7TALzdeTUIWZqbDbSCl7vKUH68zoUIFwzjgPGwap4bbdwBkud5ZV2J66mjGeJ3tSZyHo2s7k/xauZbnr/MjznFfrGuMP) \n[Try it in C - resulting in *Floating point exception: division by zero is undefined*.](https://tio.run/##fYyxCoMwFAB3v@KRSYWadqsVp26dCnazDo80tQ80keQplOC3p@IHdL3jTh3UgKaPUcpnQoa1e6PSgMEzMilYLL1gRDJpw45M33aYhebrWY@FnbmYNsipeHzIw@Rs73AE7Zx1HjYNZOCGC8IZLneRVdieuloImSf70mQhmHqa2f89XMtyz@VR5rms1jXGHw)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n//\\\ninterface a{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print(\"This program errors out in Java 8 :P\");a[1]=\"\"/*\nmain(n){{n=puts(\"This program errors out in C99 :P\")/0/**/;}}\n```\nAs you can see in the Java-highlighted code above, the first line is a comment due to `//`, and the C-code is a comment due to `/* ... */`, resulting in:\n```\ninterface a{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print(\"This program errors out in Java 8 :P\");a[1]=\"\";}}\n```\nSo it prints to STDOUT, and then tries to access the second program-argument (when none given), so it produces the *ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException*.\n---\n```\n//\\\ninterface a{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print(\"This program errors out in Java 8 :P\");a[1]=\"\"/*\nmain(n){{n=puts(\"This program errors out in C99 :P\")/0/**/;}}\n```\nNot sure how to correctly enable C-highlighting, because `lang-c` results in the same highlighting as Java.. But `//\\` will comment out the next line, which is the Java-code, resulting in:\n```\nmain(n){{n=puts(\"This program errors out in C99 :P\")/0;}}\n```\nSo it prins to STDOUT, and then gives a division by zero error.\n[Answer]\n# Java 8 & [Whitespace](https://web.archive.org/web/20150618184706/http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/tutorial.php), ~~439~~ ~~431~~ ~~428~~ 408 bytes\n```\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n interface a{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print(\"This program errors out\"+\n\" in Java 8 :P\");a[0]=\"\";}}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n```\n[Try it in Java 8 - resulting in *ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0*.](https://tio.run/##XVBBCsIwEDwnr1hyqojFoyh@wJNQb9LDorFGaVLSKEjp2@uabms1OWR2ZjLZ7A2fuHCVtrfzvesARFwyAqAdUU/3UACLfMY6@mDggDkYcuQkgExUiyj3wmiK5PcmcHYvTF7gYkBsHRI49bc9shkbtL/gSQM2dcBgTuLpzFmUaGySBW9sccxx1mSvOugydY@QVkSGRB2upobKu8JjCdp752sgWc2lolTY0QhhBeu9mm3wuMy3Sm3a9tun4L5@ZvQ/FAISxq98eMFjpQ/KrnsD) \n[Try it in Whitespace - resulting in *user error (Can't do Infix Plus)*.](https://tio.run/##XVAxDsIwDJyTV1iZWiFVjIiKDzAhlQ0xWBBohjZVEooQ4u3FJG4ppEPOd5er7XttgvYdnvQwAIh4ZARAX0SJTlAAi3zHOvpg5IA5GHPkLIBMVIsoJ2EyRfL7Ejg7CbM/cDEito4JnPrbHtlMG7S70JiATx8wmJPorTmLBk2bVcGZ9no4Yv6sHj7oprC3UHREhkzta@Ohc/bqsAHtnHUeSFYLqSgVttgjrGC9U3mJh@Vxo1T5en37FNzXz47@l0JAwjTKhxe8VhpQDsMb)\n### Explanation:\n**Java 8:**\n```\ninterface a{static void main(String[]a){System.out.print(\"This program errors out\"+\n\" in Java 8 :P\");a[0]=\"\";}}\n```\nSo it prints to STDOUT, and then tries to access the first program-argument (when none given), so it produces the *ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException*.\n---\n**Whitespace:**\n```\n[S S T T T T T T N\n_Push_-31_P][S S T T T S T S T N\n_Push_-53_:][S S T T S S T T T T N\n_Push_-79_space][S S T T S T S N\n_Push_-10_e][S S T T T S S N\n_Push_-12_c][S S T T T T S N\n_Push_-14_a][S S S T N\n_Push_1_p][S S S T S S N\n_Push_4_s][S S T T S T S N\n_Push_-10_e][S S S T S T N\n_Push_5_t][S S T T T S N\n_Push_-6_i][S S T T T T N\n_Push_-7_h][S S T T T S S S N\n_Push_-24_W][S T S S T S T S N\n_Copy_0-based_10th_(-79_space)][S S T T N\n_Push_-1_n][S S T T T S N\n_Push_-6_i][S T S S T S N\n_Copy_0-based_2nd_(-79_space)][S S S T S T N\n_Push_5_t][S S S T T S N\n_Push_6_u][S S S N\n_Push_0_o][S T S S T T N\n_Copy_0-based_3rd_(-79_space)][S S S T S S N\n_Push_4_s][S S S T T N\n_Push_3_r][S S S N\n_Push_0_o][S S S T T N\n_Push_3_r][S N\nS _Duplicate_top_(3_r)][S S T T S T S N\n_Push_-10_e][S T S S T T S N\n_Copy_0-based_6th_(-79_space)][S S T T S N\n_Push_-2_m][S S T T T T S N\n_Push_-14_a][S S S T T N\n_Push_3_r][S S T T S S S N\n_Push_-8_g][S S S S (_Note_the_additional_S_here)N\n_Push_0_o][S S S T T N\n_Push_3_r][S S S T N\n_Push_1_p][S T S S T T T N\n_Copy_0-based_7th_(-79_space)][S S S T S S N\n_Push_4_s][S S T T T S N\n_Push_-6_i][S S T T T T N\n_Push_-7_h][S S T T T S T T N\n_Push_-27_T][N\nS S N\n_Create_Label_LOOP][S S S T T S T T T T N\n_Push_111][T S S S _Add][T N\nS S _Print_as_character][N\nS N\nN\n_Jump_to_Label_LOOP]\n```\nLetters `S` (space), `T` (tab), and `N` (new-line) added as highlighting only. \n`[..._some_action]` added as explanation only.\n[Try this highlighted version.](https://tio.run/##nVNNa4NAED03v8Jjcgi4mo@2t9KeSjCCgR6CPDa6dIVERVdKf73NRnR3jSahyCL6Zua9NzP7wxPBypxGrK73gRVYuyf1eBP4Vckxdwn8UIPlW54uYOniVQXodbqQ9QsuPHqYPF0AscFMEh10EIWGQB1cgDagLoogVz/1YguUD4joe1xCmOq6nBUSU5ryDN53pOU5C3xJuG1YJ@U9y39hzw@0ZDGILTimXftmqqASjfS2NMXQr@6k8XXxUetty1pghaoF2l82Mp3xUsRgdItRxoERmU5dFCN8I5HeJLDwUeXHJKKCQWQ5pmdodnf@Sv91z1ZjA9Fni9OD6zrgbmBXnvHdpgTWFF4m3XAGGseJSLKUHhGAs4LNHmvM4FXRb27f9HrI9M2b9d87YqDOGrtwL8fYzKFgco4bemBHbLZb39zLfnFCSLhve4m3OJZfTTH4RZIK0BIRpwWNBCsaHm9yzv6sTvl5W3Siuv4D)\nWhitespace is a stack-based language that ignores everything except for spaces, tabs and new-lines. Here is the same program in pseudo-code:\n```\nPush all unicode values of \"P: ecapsetihW tuo srorre margorp sihT\", minus 111\nStart LOOP\n Push 111\n Add the top two stack values together\n Print as character\n Go to the next iteration of the LOOP\n```\nIt will error as soon as it's done printing all values and the stack is empty when it tries to do the *Add* (`TSSS`), which requires two items on the stack.\nI've generated the constant `111` with [this Java program](https://tio.run/##fVLva9swEP3ev@K4TxJKTQYrY3ZEaWEfDMsYc/YDujJkV3XUObInXQJh5G/35NqOk230i4Tu3T3dvXdPaqcunx5@tm1RKe9hqYz9fQHQbPPKFOBJUbh2tXmATYBYRs7Y8u4eFO/SAPoAOO23FYEEdTe/T54RYwn8RlWV9h2QWtKldtHy5tuPLzfvP7@bQSrfXCWnLGP6p5ENsccfa8c6PiPTxCxeXc0TI8TQwdSDRJzRrJFjVV@X70lDHvcdRqWm2xDwjB/LAUgG8lX9dW0C0qhC3xqr3L7nZfml4ckx10lGkf61VZVnDb/G7MN3m2FMXLgpqZE0Pg7DbR6ZiyptS1ozDovjrCdt/DP@CeOJkhPNBKchbs6/7M9s70lvonpLUROmocoy7MslipFUYBKkRZEKhBhQvKRGyodv/2Zm5@0/Zx0uwjEs0eDSS9ydxXYQZKdc8AWzDAWzi/k1rjDGDPn5QhTxuFdUn1F1KF8qWkcq98xy/j/nSchi8fptMDFwr4at6XVzmrbOhgwM/mI/y6Ft29XaeGhcXTq1Ae1c7TwECcJYMA0F8cc/), which I've also used for previous ASCII-related challenges I've made in Whitespace. In addition, I've used some copies for the spaces to save bytes.\nOne important thing to note is the trick I've used to place the Java program within the Whitespace answer. Let me start by explaining how a number is pushed in Whitespace:\n`S` at the start: Enable Stack Manipulation; \n`S`: Push what follows as Number; \n`S` or `T`: Positive or Negative respectively; \nSome `S` and/or `T`, followed by an `N`: Number as binary, where `T=1` and `S=0`.\nHere some examples:\n* Pushing the value 1 will be `SSSTN`;\n* Pushing the value -1 will be `SSTTN`;\n* Pushing the value 111 will be `SSSTTSTTTTN`.\n* Pushing the value 0 can be `SSSSN`, `SSTSN`, `SSSN`, `SSTN`, `SSSSSSSSSSSSN`, etc. (When you use `SSSN` (or `SSTN`), we don't have to specify the binary part, because it's implicitly 0 after we've stated its sign.)\nSo just `SSSN` is enough for pushing the value `0` (used for the letter `o` in this case). But, to place the Java program in this golfed Whitespace program, I needed an additional space, so the first two `o`s are pushed with `SSSN`, but the third one is pushed with `SSSSN`, so we have enough spaces for the sentence of the Java program.\n[Answer]\n# [CBM BASIC](https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/BASIC#CBM_BASIC) and [6502 machine code](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/6502_Assembly) (C64), 142 144 bytes\n*Had to add 2 bytes after realizing a syntax error wasn't allowed ....*\n---\nHexdump of `.prg` file:\n```\n01 08 50 08 00 00 8F 5A 49 52 49 41 A9 17 8D 18 D0 A2 30 BD 30 08 20 D2 FF E8\nE0 4B D0 F5 A2 30 BD 05 08 20 D2 FF E8 E0 44 D0 F5 A9 0D 20 D2 FF A2 1A 4C 37\nA4 22 36 35 30 32 20 4D 41 43 48 49 4E 45 20 43 4F 44 45 20 3A D0 22 20 20 20\n20 20 00 8D 08 01 00 97 35 33 32 37 32 2C 32 33 3A 99 22 D4 48 49 53 20 50 52\n4F 47 52 41 4D 20 45 52 52 4F 52 53 20 4F 55 54 20 49 4E 20 C3 C2 CD 2D C2 C1\nD3 C9 C3 20 3A D0 22 2C 58 AD 50 00 00 00\n```\n---\n**The CBM BASIC view**, as listed in the C64's editor:\n```\n0 remziriastepgosubinput#new0exp0 dim.clrsavekinput#stepnew0exp dim.clrsavedinput#stepstep\n dim.newl7to\"6502 machine code :P\"\n1 poke53272,23:print\"This program errors out in CBM-BASIC :P\",x/p\n```\n[![original listing](https://i.stack.imgur.com/s7Ujz.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/s7Ujz.png)\n**Attention**: It's impossible to correctly enter this program in the BASIC editor. Don't even **try to *edit*** this program in the BASIC editor, it will crash. Still, it's a runnable BASIC program ;)\n---\n**The 6502 machine code view**:\n```\n 01 08 ; load address\n.C:0801 50 08 BVC $080B ; jump to real start of mc\n ; line number (00 00), REM (8F) and \"ziria\"\n.C:0803 00 00 8F 5A 49 52 49 41\n.C:080b A9 17 LDA #$17\n.C:080d 8D 18 D0 STA $D018 ; set upper/lower font\n.C:0810 A2 30 LDX #$30\n.C:0812 BD 30 08 LDA $0830,X\n.C:0815 20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 ; print \"This program errors ...\"\n.C:0818 E8 INX\n.C:0819 E0 4B CPX #$4B\n.C:081b D0 F5 BNE $0812\n.C:081d A2 30 LDX #$30\n.C:081f BD 05 08 LDA $0805,X\n.C:0822 20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 ; print \"6502 machine code :P\"\n.C:0825 E8 INX\n.C:0826 E0 44 CPX #$44\n.C:0828 D0 F5 BNE $081F\n.C:082a A9 0D LDA #$0D\n.C:082c 20 D2 FF JSR $FFD2 ; print a newline\n.C:082f A2 1A LDX #$1A ; error code for \"can't continue\"\n.C:0831 4C 37 A4 JMP $A437 ; jump to error handling routine\n.C:0834 22 ; '\"'\n ; \"6502 machine code :P\"\n.C:0835 36 35 30 32 20 4D 41 43 48 49 4E 45 20 43 4F 44 45 20 3A D0\n ; '\"', some spaces, and next BASIC line\n.C:0849 22 20 20 20 20 20 00 8D 08 01 00 97 35 33 32 37 32 2C 32 33 3A 99 22\n ; \"This program errors out in CBM-BASIC :P\"\n.C:0860 D4 48 49 53 20 50 52 4F 47 52 41 4D 20 45 52 52 4F 52 53 20 4F 55 54\n.C:0877 20 49 4E 20 C3 C2 CD 2D C2 C1 D3 C9 C3 20 3A D0\n.C:0887 22 2C 58 AD 50 00 00 00\n```\n---\n**[Online demo](https://vice.janicek.co/c64/#%7B\"controlPort2\":\"joystick\",\"primaryControlPort\":2,\"keys\":%7B\"SPACE\":\"\",\"RETURN\":\"\",\"F1\":\"\",\"F3\":\"\",\"F5\":\"\",\"F7\":\"\"%7D,\"files\":%7B\"perr.prg\":\"data:;base64,AQhQCAAAj1pJUklBqReNGNCiML0wCCDS/+jgS9D1ojC9BQgg0v/o4ETQ9akNINL/ohpMN6QiNjUwMiBNQUNISU5FIENPREUgOtAiICAgICAAjQgBAJc1MzI3MiwyMzqZItRISVMgUFJPR1JBTSBFUlJPUlMgT1VUIElOIMPCzS3CwdPJwyA60CIsWK1QAAAA\"%7D,\"vice\":%7B\"-autostart\":\"perr.prg\"%7D%7D)**, type `run` to run as BASIC, `sys 2049` to run as machine code, `list` to show it interpreted as BASIC code.\nRunning as BASIC produces a `division by zero error in 1`, running as machine code a `can't continue error`\n[![screenshot](https://i.stack.imgur.com/qjY9i.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/qjY9i.png)\n---\n**Explanation:**\nThe first two bytes of a `.prg` file are the load address in little endian, this is `$0801` (decimal `2049`) here, which is the start address for BASIC programs on the C64. `run` starts this program in the BASIC interpreter, while `sys 2049` is the command to run a machine code program at address `2049`.\nAs you can see, the first line in the BASIC view is a comment (`rem`) containing \"garbage\" and part of the required output string. This is the machine code program and some filler bytes. You see some \"random\" BASIC commands there because CBM-BASIC programs contain the commands \"tokenized\" as single byte values, and some of these values are the same as opcodes used in the machine code. The machine code reuses the string present in the second line of code for its output.\nThe first two bytes of a line of a basic program are a pointer to the next line, here `$0850`. This is carefully chosen because `50 08` is also a 6502 branch instruction jumping over the next 8 bytes when the overflow flag is not set -- this is used to jump somewhere in the middle of this \"comment\" line when executed as machine code. The `50` is the opcode used here, so the second line has to start at `0850` for the trick to work. That's why you see a sequence of 5 `20` bytes (space characters) to fill up. The machine code actively jumps to the ROM error handling routine to give a \"can't continue\" error.\nThe BASIC code is pretty straightforward; as a second argument to \"print\", two uninitialized variables (having a value of `0` in CBM BASIC) are divided, triggering the \"division by zero\" error.\n[Answer]\n# C and Python, ~~126~~ 116 bytes\n*-10 bytes thanks to @Bubbler!*\n```\n#1/*\n-print(\"This program errors out in Python :P\")\n'''*/\nmain(c){c=puts(\"This program errors out in C :P\")/0;}//'''\n```\nIn Python print() is a None, so trying to get its negative doesn't make sense, so Python throws an error.\nIn C printf() returns an int, so dividing it by zero gives a floating point exception.\n[Try it in C!](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/1/ZUF@LS7egKDOvREMpJCOzWKGgKD@9KDFXIbWoKL@oWCG/tEQhM08hoLIkIz9PwSpASZNLXV1dS58rNzEzTyNZszrZtqC0pBivZmewPn0D61p9faDm//8B) \n[Try it in Python!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/X9lQX4tLt6AoM69EQykkI7NYoaAoP70oMVchtagov6hYIb@0RCEzTyEArEHBKkBJk0tdXV1Lnys3MTNPI1mzOtm2oLSkGK9mZ7A@fQPrWn19oOb//wE)\n[Answer]\n# [Attache](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/attache) + [Wolfram Language (Mathematica)](https://www.wolfram.com/wolframscript/), 82 bytes\n```\ns:=\"Attache\"\ns=\" Mathematica \"\nThrow[Print[\"This program errors out in\",s,\":P\"]-0]\n```\n[Try Attache online!](https://tio.run/##JccxCoAwDADA3VeEzBWchQ4@QHBwkw5Bis3QVpKIz4@Dtx2Z0Vmyu84Rlz84aERYyUquZHwS4LAX6e@xCTc7cC@scEu/hCpkkS4K/THghkEDzhumcUruHw \"Attache \u2013 Try It Online\") [Try Mathematica online!](https://tio.run/##RckxCoAwDADA3VeEzArOQgcfIDi4SYcgxWSokSTi8@vorVcpuFQKOag1nxLOEXRwwc4TwvIvYLex6buvJlfsuLE43KanUYVipuagT4Bc2HuP04p5GHNrHw \"Wolfram Language (Mathematica) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis pivots upon the meaning of the operator `=` in the two languages. In Attache, it compares for equality, but in Mathematica, it performs variable assignment. `:=` does variable assignment in both languages.\nNow, in Attache, `Print` returns an array of strings printed, and subtraction is not possible with strings and integers (namely, `0`). So, a type error is thrown. In Mathematica, `Print` returns `Null`, and Mathematica is just fine subtracting `0` from that. But, we manually throw that null with `Throw`, giving a `nocatch` error.\n[Answer]\n# [Python (2)](https://docs.python.org/2/) and [QB64](http://qb64.net), 82 bytes\n```\n1#DEFSTR S\ns=\"QB64\"\n'';s=\"Python\"\nprint\"This program errors out in \"+s+\" :P\"\nCLS-1\n```\nTo test the Python version, you can [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/r/31DZxdUtOCRIIZir2FYp0MnMRIlLXd0ayA4AK1HiKijKzCtRCsnILFYoKMpPL0rMVUgtKsovKlbILy1RyMxTUNIu1lZSsApQ4nL2CdY1/P8fAA \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\") To test the QB64 version, you'll need to download QB64.\n### What Python sees\n```\n1#DEFSTR S\ns=\"QB64\"\n'';s=\"Python\"\nprint\"This program errors out in \"+s+\" :P\"\nCLS-1\n```\nThe first line is just the bare expression `1` (a no-op) followed by a comment.\nThe second line sets `s` to the string `\"QB64\"`, but the third line immediately changes it to `\"Python\"`. The fourth line prints the message accordingly.\nThe fifth line is another bare expression, but it raises a `NameError` because of the undefined name `CLS`.\n### What QB64 sees\n```\n1#DEFSTR S\ns=\"QB64\"\n'';s=\"Python\"\nprint\"This program errors out in \"+s+\" :P\"\nCLS-1\n```\nThe first line, numbered `1#`, defines every variable whose name starts with `S` (case-insensitive) as a string variable. This means we don't have to use `s$`, which would be a syntax error in Python.\nThe second line sets `s` to the string `\"QB64\"`. `'` starts a comment in QB64, so the third line doesn't do anything. The fourth line prints the message accordingly.\nThe fifth line tries to `CLS` (clear screen) with an argument of `-1`. But since `CLS` only accepts arguments of `0`, `1`, or `2`, this produces the error `Illegal function call`. The error creates a dialog box asking the user if they want to continue execution or abort. Technically, this means the error isn't fatal (in this case, you can pick \"continue execution\" and the program simply ends without further problems); but the OP has explicitly allowed languages that can continue after an error, so QB64's behavior should be fine.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly) and [M](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/m), 39 bytes\n```\n\u0130=`\u1ecb\u201c\u00a2\u00b3\u01a5\u201c\u0224\u00b9\u00bb;\u201c :P\u201d\u201c\u00a2\u1e05\u00f1\u2075\u1eb9\u1e1e\u0140\u1e8a\u1ecb\u00f1\u1e59\u0227\u1e44\u0271\u00bb;\u022e\u1e60\u1e5b\u0193\n```\n[Try it in Jelly!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///IBtuEh7u7HzXMObTo0OZjS4GME0sO7Ty02xrIUrAKeNQwFyz3cEfr4Y2PGrc@3LXz4Y55Rxse7uoCaju88eHOmSeWP9zZcnIjUMuJdQ93Lni4c/axyf//AwA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try it in M!](https://tio.run/##y/3//8gG24SHu7sfNcw5tOjQ5mNLgYwTSw7tPLTbGshSsAp41DAXLPdwR@vhjY8atz7ctfPhjnlHGx7u6gJqO7zx4c6ZJ5Y/3NlyciNQy4l1D3cueLhz9rHJ//8DAA \"M \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBoth languages apply inverse `\u0130` to `0` which results in `inf` for Jelly and `zoo` for M. I don't know why `zoo` represents infinity in M. Ask Dennis.\nThe important difference is that Jelly's infinity is equal to itself while M's infinity is not. Thus the \"is equal to itself\" monad `=`` yields `1` in Jelly and `0` in M. From here:\n```\n\u0130=`\u1ecb\u201c\u00a2\u00b3\u01a5\u201c\u0224\u00b9\u00bb;\u201c :P\u201d\u201c\u00a2\u1e05\u00f1\u2075\u1eb9\u1e1e\u0140\u1e8a\u1ecb\u00f1\u1e59\u0227\u1e44\u0271\u00bb;\u022e\u1e60\u1e5b\u0193\n\u0130=` 0 in M, 1 in Jelly\n \u201c\u00a2\u00b3\u01a5\u201c\u0224\u00b9\u00bb Pair of compressed strings: [' M',' Jelly']\n \u1ecb Index into this list with 0 or 1\n ;\u201c :P\u201d Concatenate with the string ' :P'\n \u201c\u00a2\u1e05\u00f1\u2075\u1eb9\u1e1e\u0140\u1e8a\u1ecb\u00f1\u1e59\u0227\u1e44\u0271\u00bb Compressed string: 'This program errors in'\n ; Prepend this to ' Jelly/M :P'\n \u022e Print the string and return it\n \u1e60 Sign. M errors with a string as input and terminates\n Jelly returns a list of Nones\n \u1e5b Right argument. This prevents the list of Nones from being printed\n \u0193 Read a single line from input. Since input is not allowed, this produces an EOFError\n```\nJelly's error is `EOFError: EOF when reading a line`.\nM's error is `TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'`.\n[Answer]\n# [C++ 14 (gcc) / C++ 17 (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~107~~ 105 bytes\n```\n#include\nint*p,c=*\"??/0\"/20;int\nmain(){*p=printf(\"This program errors out in C++ 1%d :P\",4+c)/c;}\n```\n[Try it online! (C++14)](https://tio.run/##Dc0xDoMgFIDh3VO80DRR0KCNUy116AU69ALkoZREgQBOTa9eyvh/y4/edxox55OxuB1quWFMyrh7ZWyivkVByTzznvBLPxWqdmls3XyoFz6UXmvyepsIPjgd5A5LCC5EcEcCY@HBGAxnBdcnaUeGDcfpm/MP103qmLtyEsjYMP4B \"C++ (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try it online! (C++17)](https://tio.run/##Dc0xDsIgFIDhvad4wZi00IbWmJhYsYMXcPAC5NEiSQsE6GS8usj4f8uP3ncaMeeDsbjuar5hTMq4e2Vsor5FQck08Z7wUz8WqjZpbN18qBc@lF5q8nqbCD44HeQGcwguRHB7AmPhwRgMRwXXJ2nPDBuO4zfnHy6r1DF35SSQseHyBw \"C++ (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\nAssumes that `` declares `printf` in the global namespace (in addition to `std`) and that the basic execution character set uses ASCII values, which are both true using g++ on Linux.\nThe basic catch here is that C++17 eliminated trigraphs from the language.\nIn C++14, `\"??/0\"` contains a trigraph and is equivalent to `\"\\0\"`. So `*\"??/0\"` is zero, and `c` is set to zero. The number 4 is passed as an argument to `printf`, then the division by `c` causes undefined behavior. On Linux, this happens before `*p` comes into the picture, and the program gets a `SIGFPE`.\nIn C++17, `\"??/0\"` is exactly the length 4 string it appears to be. So `*\"??/0\"` is `'?'` or 63, and `c` is set to 3. The number 7 is passed as an argument to `printf`, and this time the division by `c` is valid. Since `p` is a namespace member, it gets zero-initialized at the start of the program and has a null pointer value, so `*p` is undefined behavior. On Linux, because the program attempts to modify memory at address zero, the program gets a `SIGSEGV`.\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) and [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 96 bytes\n```\neval(\"printf=console.log\");printf(\"This program errors out in %s :P\",(\"Perl\",\"JavaScript\"));$//0\n```\nThis makes use of the fact that `(...)` is a list in Perl that `printf` will use the leftmost element of and the fact that it's the comma operator in JavaScript, which will return the rightmost argument.\nCauses a division by zero error in Perl and a ReferenceError because `$` is not defined in JavaScript.\n[Try the Perl online!](https://tio.run/##JcxBCsIwEADAryyLQgK1jYdeLP2AIBTqB0KJdSFmwyb2@W4LXucwOUjsVcPmo8EslOprXDgVjqGNvKId/mjw@aYCWXgV/4EgwlKAvxUowbnAbcLG4HRs2ODdb35ehHJFa4dT1znVH@dKR6yXR9@6q9sB \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try the JavaScript online!](https://tio.run/##JcxLCsIwEADQqwyDhQT6W1t6AVeBeoFQpzWSZsJM7PWj6PYt3sufXlcJuXSJH1QrnT4azBJS2eaVk3KkPvKOdvqjwfszKGThXfwBJMKiwO8CIUGjcHXYGnQkEVu8ffvl16O102UYxlo/ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/) and MATLAB, 67 bytes\n```\nv=ver;disp(['This program errors out in ' v(1).Name ' :P']);v(--pi)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y08uSSxL/f@/zLYstcg6JbO4QCNaPSQjs1ihoCg/vSgxVyG1qCi/qFghv7REITNPQV2hTMNQU88vMTcVyLYKUI/VtC7T0NUtyNT8/x8A \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNotes: The code assumes MATLAB is installed with no toolboxes (or that the names of any toolbox that is installed don't start with letters A to M).\nHow it works:\nThe code gets the version data for the interpreter and toolboxes using `ver`. Running `v(1).Name` extracts the name of the first product, this will return either `Octave` or `MATLAB` assuming the note above holds true.\nThe program will then display the required string, complete with `Octave` or `MATLAB` as required.\nFinally we do `v(--pi)`. \nIn Octave, `--` is the pre-decrement operator. As such it attempts to pre-decrement which fails as the variable `pi` doesn't exist (`pi` is actually function, not a variable).\n```\nThis program errors out in Octave :P\nerror: in x-- or --x, x must be defined first\n```\nIn MATLAB, the pre-decrement operator doesn't exist. As such the statement is interpreted as `v(-(-pi))` which is equal to just `v(pi)`. However `pi` is not an integer, so cannot be used to index into the `v` array, giving an error.\n```\nThis program errors out in MATLAB :P\nSubscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, Python3, JavaScript(Node.js), 195 Bytes\n```\nj=1\ny=\"This program errors out in \"\n--j//1;Error=print\n--j;Error(y+\"Python :P\");eval(\"console.log(y+`JavaScript :P`);e\");j//2;\"\"\"\n1//0=do print (y++\"Haskell :P\");putChar$\"\"!!1\nmain=1//0\n--j //\"\"\"\n```\nError Messages\nPython - Syntax Error due to the ` in the EVAL\nHaskell - Index too large (\"\"!!1)\nJavaScript - Reference Error (e is not defined)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) and [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), 55 bytes\n```\nsay('This program errors out in Perl ',5-~-1,' :P').a/0\n```\n[Try Perl 5 online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/784sVJDPSQjs1ihoCg/vSgxVyG1qCi/qFghv7REITNPIQCoTEFdx1S3TtdQR13BKkBdUy9R3@D//3/5BSWZ@XnF/3V9TfUMDA0A \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\") (Illegal division by zero)\n[Try Perl 6 online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7/784sVJDPSQjs1ihoCg/vSgxVyG1qCi/qFghv7REITNPIQCoTEFdx1S3TtdQR13BKkBdUy9R3@D/fwA \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\") (No such method)\nPrefix `~` is stringification in Perl 6 and essentially a no-op in the program above. In Perl 5, it's bitwise not, converting -1 to 0.\n`.` is method call syntax in Perl 6 and concatenation in Perl 5.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/)/[Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 109 bytes\n```\nAA=~1;\n\tchar* s;main(){*(int*)(printf(\"%s C :P\",s))=0;}char* s=\n\"This program errors out in\";;;/*dp`UGYC\\`Q*/\n```\n[Try it online! (C (gcc))](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/9/R0bbO0JqLMzkjsUhLodg6NzEzT0OzWksjM69ES1OjoAhIp2koqRYrOCtYBSjpFGtq2hpY10KV23IphWRkFisUFOWnFyXmKqQWFeUXFSvkl5YoZOYpWVtb62ulFCSEukc6xyQEaun//w8A \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try it online! (Stax)](https://tio.run/##Ky5JrPj/39HRts7QmoszOSOxSEuh2Do3MTNPQ7NaSyMzr0RLU6OgCEinaSipFis4K1gFKOkUa2raGljXQpXbcimFZGQWKxQU5acXJeYqpBYV5RcVK@SXlihk5ilZW1vra6UUJIS6RzrHJARq6f//DwA \"Stax \u2013 Try It Online\") or [Run and debug it! (Stax)](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=AA%3D%7E1%3B%0A%09char*+s%3Bmain%28%29%7B*%28int*%29%28printf%28%22%25s+C+%3AP%22,s%29%29%3D0%3B%7Dchar*+s%3D%0A%22This+program+errors+out+in%22%3B%3B%3B%2F*dp%60UGYC%5C%60Q*%2F&a=1)\nSegfault in C. Invalid operation in Stax. I love how everything that is not a comment is actually used in Stax.\n## C\nThis is how C sees it. The first line is no-op. The second line prints the message with `printf` and then segfaults due to the `=0`.\n```\nAA=~1;\n\tchar* s;main(){*(int*)(printf(\"%s C :P\\n\",s))=0;}char* s=\n\"This program errors out in\";;;/*dp`UGYC\\`Q*/\n```\n## Stax\nStax program terminates whenever it tries to pop or peek from empty stack. This makes it a little bit tricky and we have to prepare a stack that is not empty. `AA=~1;` does this while remaining a valid statement in C.\n```\nAA=~1;\nAA= 10=10, returns a 1\n ~ Put it on the input stack\n 1 Pushes a 1 to main stack (*)\n ; Peek from the input stack (**)\n```\nWhat is really useful is the `~`, it prepares a non-empty input stack so that the `;` can be executed without exiting the program. However, the two `1`s on the main stack are also used later.\nThe second line begins with a tab and starts a line comment in Stax.\n```\n\"...\";;;/*dp`UGYC\\`Q*/\n\"...\" \"This program errors out in\"\n ;;; Peek the stack three times so that we have enough operands for the next two operations\n / Divide, this consumes one element of the main stack\n * Multiply, this consumes another element\n d Discard the result, now the TOS is the string\n p Pop and print without newline\n `UGYC\\` Compressed string literal for \" Stax :P\"\n Q Print and keep the string as TOS\n * Duplicate string specific times\n Since the element under the top of stack is `1` that was prepared in (**), this does nothing\n / Invalid operation error\n```\nThe invalid operation is trying to perform `/` operation for a string as the TOS (2nd operand) and the number `1` from (\\*) as the 1st operand, which is invalid.\nIf the two operands are swapped, it would be a valid operation in Stax.\n[Answer]\n# [Foo](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Foo) / [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/projects/cjam/), ~~51~~ 50 bytes\n```\n\"This program errors out in \"\"Foo\"/'C'J'a'm\" :P\"Li\n```\nThis exits with a divide-by-zero error in Foo, and a `NumberFormatException` in CJam.\n## To CJam:\n* A string literal (between quotes) pushes itself to the stack. Items from the stack are automatically printed without a separator when the program terminates.\n* `/` tries to split the string `This program errors out in` on the substring `Foo`. Since the string does not contain the substring, this yields a singleton array containing the original string, which displayed in exactly the same way.\n* `'x` is a character literal for `x`, which is printed the same way as a one-character string. This way, we can push data for CJam that is ignored by Foo (I haven't figured out how to make a loop not execute in Foo).\n* `Li` tries to cast the empty string to an integer, which fails. Everything from the stack is printed.\n## To Foo:\n* A string literal (between quotes) prints itself.\n* `/` tries to divide the current cell by the top stack element (which is an implicit `0`). For some reason, divide-by-0 errors aren't fatal in Foo, so this just prints the message\n```\nOnly Chuck Norris can divide by zero.\n```\nto STDERR and keeps going.\n* Unrecognized characters (`'C'J'a'm` and `Li`) are ignored.\n[Answer]\n# [Python](https://docs.python.org/3/) and [Lua](https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/), ~~111~~ ~~110~~ ~~102~~ ~~98~~ ~~95~~ 85 bytes\n```\nx=\"This program errors out in \",#[[\nprint(x[0]+\"Python :P\")\na#]]z=#print(x..\"Lua :P\")\n```\nErrors:\nPython 3: \n```\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \".code.tio\", line 3, in \n a#]]z=#print(x..\"Lua :P\")\nNameError: name 'a' is not defined\n```\nLua:\n```\nlua: .code.tio:3: attempt to get length of a nil value\nstack traceback:\n .code.tio:3: in main chunk\n [C]: in ?\n```\nClearly distinct.\nAbuses multiple differences:\n* `=
,,...` creates a tuple in Python, but in Lua it creates an argument list, from which only the first member is taken.\n* `#` starts a comment in Python, but is the length operator in Lua. Extra props to Python for allowing tuples to end in a comma.\n* `[[...]]` is Lua's multiline string syntax, meaning it doesn't even see Python's print function; this is necessary due to Lua using `..` for string concatenation and not `+`.\n* Python errors after seeing `a`, an undefined variable; Lua after `z=#print(x..\"Lua :P\")`. Using just `#print(x..\"Lua :P\")` for Lua doesn't work, as that raises an error before the code is even executed.\nEdits:\n* No need to use `\"\".join` in Python, -1 byte\n* Make `x` a string in both languages and place `Python` in a string literal in the print function, -8 bytes\n* Using `#[[]]` is shorter than `#\"\"` and `--[[]]`, -4 bytes\n* No need to use `#1` as a table key, -3 bytes\n* [Jo King](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/76162/jo-king) did [this](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v8JWKSQjs1ihoCg/vSgxVyG1qCi/qFghv7REITNPQUlHOTqaq6AoM69EoyLaIFZbKQCsUcEqQEnTOlE5NhYqp6en5FOaCBauslU2/P8fAA), -9 bytes\n* Taking the length of the return value of `print(x..\"Lua :P\")` works, apparently; -1 byte\n[Answer]\n# Java and C# ~~242~~ 235\n```\n/**\\u002f/*/using System;/**/class G{public static void/**\\u002fmain/*/Main/**/(String[]a){String s=\"This program errors out in \";/**\\u002fSystem.out.print(s+\"Java :P\");/*/Console.Write(s+\"C# :P\")/**/;s=/**\\u002f(1/0)+\"\"/*/a[-1]/**/;}}\n```\nAbusing different escape handling between java and C# (unicode escapes are parsed before code parsing in java and not in c#) as a sort of preprocessor, thats the job of the `\\u0027` magic, rest are some \"toggle-comments\"\nEdit: Golfed off 8 bytes thanks to a pointer of @KevinCruijssen\nEdit: Rule derp fixed\n[Answer]\n# [AutoHotKey](https://autohotkey.com/docs/AutoHotkey.htm) / C#, ~~155~~ ~~133~~ ~~128~~ 122 bytes\nSyntax highlighting explains it better than I could:\n**C#** RuntimeBinderException: 'Cannot invoke a non-delegate type'\n```\n;dynamic\ni=\"This program errors out in \" ;Console.Write(i+\"c# :P\");i();/*\ni:=SubStr(i,2,27)\nsend %i%AutoHotkey :P\nThrow */\n```\n**AutoHotkey** Error: An exception was thrown.\n```\n;dynamic\ni=\"This program errors out in \" ;Console.Write(i+\"c# :P\");i();/*\ni:=SubStr(i,2,27)\nsend %i%AutoHotkey :P\nThrow */\n```\n## Edits:\n1. removed a var\n2. -5 bytes thanks to [milk](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/58106/milk)\n[Answer]\n# PHP 7+ / JavaScript, ~~90~~ 89 bytes\nThis uses 2 languages with very similar syntax, allowing to write this code on both languages.\nThe language separation is done by a property not present in JavaScript: PHP considers `[]` (empty array) to be a falsy value while it is truthy in JavaScript (because it is an object and objects are **always** truthy, even `new Boolean(false)`).\n```\n$X='This program errors out in %s :P';([]?console.log($X,'JavaScript'):printf($X,PHP))();\n```\n---\n## Execution:\nWill focus on the following piece of code: `([]?console.log($X,'JavaScript'):printf($X,PHP))();`.\nThe string attribution works the same in both languages.\nThis code uses the \"ternary operator\" ([Javascript](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Conditional_Operator), [PHP](http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php#language.operators.comparison.ternary)), which works mostly the same way in both languages.\n### Javascript\nJavascript will run the `console.log($X,'JavaScript')` piece, which returns `undefined`.\nLater on, when you try to execute `(...)()`, you get an `Uncaught TypeError: (intermediate value)(intermediate value)(intermediate value) is not a function` (in Google Chrome).\n### PHP\nPHP will execute the `printf($X,PHP)` piece.\nIn PHP, the [`printf`](http://php.net/manual/en/function.printf.php) function [returns the length of the output](http://php.net/manual/en/function.printf.php#refsect1-function.printf-returnvalues).\nPHP has an interesting functionality: it can execute functions who's name is stored in a variable (or, since PHP7, as the result of an expression), which prevents a syntax error.\nPHP then will try to run the function who's name is the result of the expression `[]? ... :printf($X,PHP)` (which is the number `33`). \nBut that interesting functionality has a caveat: only accepts strings (duh!).\nThis causes a `Fatal error: Function name must be a string`, because `33` is an `int`.\n---\nThanks to [Shieru Asakoto](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/71546/shieru-asakoto) for saving me 1 byte!\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E) and [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 89 bytes\n```\nprint(\"\\\"}\\\"This program errors out in Python :P\\\"\"[3:-1]);'\")\u043d\u201d\u00b1\u00b8 :P\\\u201d\"05AB1E :P\":,\u00f5\u03b9';a\n```\n[Try it online! (05AB1E)](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f@/oCgzr0RDKUapNkYpJCOzWKGgKD@9KDFXIbWoKL@oWCG/tEQhM08hoLIkIz9PwSogRkkp2thK1zBW01pdSfPC3kcNcw9tPLQDJANkKhmYOjoZugJ5SlY6h7ee26lunfj/PwA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try it online! (Python 3)](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v6AoM69EQylGqTZGKSQjs1ihoCg/vSgxVyG1qCi/qFghv7REITNPIQCsXsEqIEZJKdrYStcwVtNaXUnzwt5HDXMPbTy0AyQDZCoZmDo6GboCeUpWOoe3ntupbp34/z8A \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E)\n```\nprint(\"\\\"}\\\"This program errors out in Python :P\\\"\"[3:-1]);'\")\u043d\u201d\u00b1\u00b8 :P\\\u201d\"05AB1E :P\":,\u00f5\u03b9';a # full program\nprint(\"\\\"}\\ # a bunch of nops\n \"This program errors out in Python :P\\\" # push literal (in 05AB1E, backslashes are not escape characters)\n \"[3:-1]);'\" # push literal\n : # replace all instances of...\n \u201d\u00b1\u00b8 :P\\\u201d # \"Python :P\\\"\n : # in...\n \u043d # first element of...\n ) # stack as a list (left of list is bottom of stack)...\n : # with...\n \"05AB1E :P\" # literal\n , # output explicitly to prevent the error from stopping implicit output\n \u03b9 # attempt to use...\n \u00f5 # empty string...\n \u03b9 # as index \"step\" value in uninterleave, resulting in an error\n```\n## Error\n```\n** (RuntimeError) Could not convert to integer.\n (osabie) lib/interp/functions.ex:101: Interp.Functions.to_integer!/1\n (osabie) lib/interp/commands/special_interp.ex:113: Interp.SpecialInterp.interp_step/3\n (osabie) lib/interp/interpreter.ex:127: Interp.Interpreter.interp/3\n (osabie) lib/osabie.ex:62: Osabie.CLI.main/1\n (elixir) lib/kernel/cli.ex:105: anonymous fn/3 in Kernel.CLI.exec_fun/2\n```\n## [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/)\n```\nprint(\"\\\"}\\\"This program errors out in Python :P\\\"\"[3:-1]);'\")\u043d\u201d\u00b1\u00b8 :P\\\u201d\"05AB1E :P\":,\u00f5\u03b9';a # full program\nprint(\"\\\"}\\\"This program errors out in Python :P\\\"\" # print string \"}\"This program errors out in Python :P\" (including quotes)...\n [3:-1]); # not including the first 3 characters and the quote at the end\n '\")\u043d\u201d\u00b1\u00b8 :P\\\u201d\"05AB1E :P\":,\u00f5\u03b9'; # string literal (nop)\n a # references an undefined variable, resulting in an error\n```\n## Error\n```\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \".code.tio\", line 1, in \n print(\"\\\"}\\\"This program errors out in Python :P\\\"\"[3:-1]);'\")\u201d\u00b1\u00b8 :P\\\u201d\"05AB1E :P\":,\u00f5\u03b9';a\nNameError: name 'a' is not defined\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Forth (gforth)](http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/gforth/Docs-html/) and Vim, 76 bytes\n```\n.( This program errors out in Forth :P ) 0iThi:s/F.*/Vim :P:!a\n```\n[Try it in Forth!](https://tio.run/##S8svKsnQTU8DUf//62kohGRkFisUFOWnFyXmKqQWFeUXFSvkl5YoZOYpuIEUKVgFKGgq2KQWJ9sZZAIVg1lWxfpuelr6YZm5QGmb5CI7K8XE//8B)\n[Try it in Vim!](https://tio.run/##K/v/X09DISQjs1ihoCg/vSgxVyG1qCi/qFghv7REITNPwS2/qCRDwSpAQVPBJrU42c4gE6gYzLIq1nfT09IPy8wFStskF9lZKSb@//9ftwwA \"V (vim) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIn Forth, `.( This program errors out in Forth )` prints the necessary message and the rest just makes it blow up because it's an undefined word.\nIn Vim, that first part writes `s program errors out in Forth :P )` to the buffer, `0iThi` puts `Thi` at the start of the line, and `:s/F.*/Vim` turns that last part into `Vim :P` instead of `Forth :P )`. `:!a` simply tries to run a command named `a` and errors because it doesn't exist.\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5 and C, 95 bytes\n```\n//;$_='\nmain(){puts(puts(\"This program errors out in C :P\"));}//';/T.*n /;print$&,\"perl :P\";die\n```\n`//;` is basically a NOP in perl, and is a comment in C.\nSo the C program is effectively:\n```\nmain(){puts(puts(\"This program errors out in C :P\"));}\n```\nWhich prints the required string, then tries to run `puts(32)`. This is technically undefined behavior in C, but it causes a segmentation fault on TIO and every system I have access to.\nThe perl program treats the whole C program as a string, uses the regex `/T.*n /` to match `This program errors out in` and then prints that and `perl :P`. `die` causes the program to crash with the error `Died at script_name line 2`.\nIf you don't like that as an error, `1/0` is the same length and crashes with an `Illegal division by zero` error. I just like `die` more ;)\n[Try it online! (C)](https://tio.run/##S9ZNT07@/19f31ol3ladKzcxM09Ds7qgtKRYA0wohWRkFisUFOWnFyXmKqQWFeUXFSvkl5YoZOYpOCtYBShpalrX6uurW@uH6GnlKehbFxRl5pWoqOkoFaQW5YAUWKdkpv7/DwA)\n[Try it online! (Perl)](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/19f31ol3ladKzcxM09Ds7qgtKRYA0wohWRkFisUFOWnFyXmKqQWFeUXFSvkl5YoZOYpOCtYBShpalrX6uurW@uH6GnlKehbFxRl5pWoqOkoFQBNBimwTslM/f8fAA)\n[Answer]\n## VBScript, JScript, 72 bytes\n```\nx=\"VB\"\n'';x='J'\nWScript.echo(\"This program errors out in \"+x+\"Script\")\ny\n```\nVBScript will print \"Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Type mismatch: 'y'\" \nJScript will print \"Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'y' is undefined\"\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript & Python 3, ~~105~~ 91 bytes\nErrors by `NameError: name 'console' is not defined` in Python 3\n```\na=\"This program errors out in %s :P\"\n1//2;print(a%\"Python 3\")\nconsole.log(a,\"JavaScript\")()\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HctBCoAgEADAe69YFgSFKKpb0Qc6BfWBJaIEc2W1oNcbNPcJbzrZdznTiOtpIwThQ@iCXYQlAt8JrAcVoZ@xaOq6HYJYnzQpnP8LHZpiYx/Z7ZXjQ1OJEz20bGJDQqNNzh8 \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n... and by `TypeError: console.log(...) is not a function` in JavaScript.\n```\na=\"This program errors out in %s :P\"\n1//2;print(a%\"Python 3\")\nconsole.log(a,\"JavaScript\")()\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HcxRCoMwDADQf08RAkILm6L@bXiBfQnuAkGLdrikJN1gp@/G3gHeg95ki8aUzyxrKIVGvO/RIKlsSk8IqqIG8soQGWqDy4RV17b9NWnk7KjG6ZN3YRjQV4uwyRGaQzZHJ7z99vm/o3e@lC8 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Java (JDK)/JavaScript (Node.js), 154 bytes\n```\nclass P{P(){var s=\"This program errors out in \";try{System.out.printf(\"%sJava :P\",s);}finally{if(1!='1'){var a=0/0;}throw new Error(s+\"JavaScript :P\");}}}\n```\n[Try it online! (Java)](https://tio.run/##Lc9Na4NAEAbgs/6K6ULISts0uVY89lIoCPZWcpgaNZPqrsxsDLLsb7cryWlgPh7eueCEr5fT37LUPYpA6Uud@QkZpFDfZxIY2XaMAzTMlgXs1QEZULnj2VezuGbYxd5uZDKu1Wojn5GE91K9SJaHlgz2/eyp1YenYnvY3nEs9m/7PLgz2xuY5gYfq67lWa3XVc00utWIQgiPaF9IxqfJeP3tqQZx6GKZLJ1giBNduZig@zkCcidZXExWN36Tp0lIw/IP \"Java (JDK) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Try it online! (JavaScript)](https://tio.run/##Jc5BDoIwEAXQvacYmxggKsJW0qUbVyR4gaJFaqAlMxVCSM9eKa4m@Zn/8j9iFPRENdizNi/p/bMTRFAuZZwso0Agzh6tIhjQvFH0IBENEpivBaWBFRbnpZrJyj5ds3RApW0TswPdVxmuJTtRUrhGadF186KaON/zKI/@uODZJSucbdFMoOUEt6DHdGShXW27grEKzvnQqIFvj@u8Ylen4fgf \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutput in Java:\n```\nThis program errors out in Java :P\nException in thread \"main\" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero\n at P.(Main.java:1)\n```\nOutput in JavaScript (to stderr):\n```\nError: This program errors out in JavaScript :P\n at P (/home/runner/.code.tio:1:185)\n```\nThis takes advantage of JavaScript's weak typing (`1=='1'`) to detect the language, and the same keywords in Java and JavaScript (`var`,`class`), and the similar error constructors (`new Error()`) to make the polyglot.\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell) v6 and PowerShell v2, 73 bytes\n```\n\"This errors out in PowerShell v$($PSVersionTable.PSVersion) :P\"\n1-shl1/0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/XykkI7NYIbWoKL@oWCG/tEQhM08hACQfDJJXKFPRUAkIDgMqz8zPC0lMyknVg3M1FawClLgMdYszcgz1Df7/BwA \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis will throw a parsing error on v2 because `-shl` was introduced in v3. v3+ will then be able to correctly shift the value before attempting to divide it by 0, conveniently throwing a division-by-zero error. Both versions have the $PSVersionTable hashmap which contains the `PSVersion` field\n[Answer]\n# Python 3 / [Befunge-98 (FBBI)](https://github.com/catseye/FBBI), 75 bytes\n```\nr='=,k1'\"This program errors out in Befunge :P\"\n-print(r[4:31]+\"Python :P\")\n```\nRaises a TypeError in Python and a segmentation fault in Befunge.\n[Try it online! (Python)](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/v8hW3VYn21BdKSQjs1ihoCg/vSgxVyG1qCi/qFghv7REITNPwSk1rTQvPVXBKkCJS7egKDOvRKMo2sTK2DBWWykAbBBISvP/fwA)\n[Try it online! (Befunge)](https://tio.run/##S0pNK81LT9W1tPj/v8hW3VYn21BdKSQjs1ihoCg/vSgxVyG1qCi/qFghv7REITNPwQmiXsEqQIlLt6AoM69EoyjaxMrYMFZbKaCyJCM/DySl@f8/AA)\n## Python\n```\nr='=,k1'\"This program errors out in Befunge :P\"\nr= #Declare variable\n '=,k1' #String literal\n \"This program errors out in Befunge-98 (FBBI) :P\" #Another string literal\n #Concatenating string literals joins the two strings together.\n-print(r[4:31]+\"Python :P\")\n \n r[4:31] #Extract the relevant part of the output\n +\"Python :P\" #Change the language name to \"Python\"\n print( ) #Print the string and return None\n- #Unary negation\n```\nApparently, consecutive string literals (such as `'1'\"2\"`) are valid in Python.\nThe `print` function, after printing its input (`\"This program errors out in Python :P\"`), returns `None`. The program attempts to negate that with `-`, which raises a TypeError:\n```\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \".code.tio\", line 2, in \n -print(r[4:31]+\"Python :P\")\nTypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneType'\n```\n## Befunge\n```\nr =,k1'\"This program errors out in Befunge :P\"\nr #Reverse direction\n \"This program errors out in Befunge :P\" #String literal (backwards)\n 1' #Push 49\n k #Repeat that many (49) times:\n , #Output the last character\n = #System-execute the top of the stack (\"\")\n```\nAfter using `'1k,` to print `\"This program errors out in Befunge :P\"`, the stack is empty. `=` does a system-execute call, passing the string on top of the stack (which is empty) to the interpreter. FBBI implements this using a C `system()` call, so it calls `system(\"\")`, which leads to a segmentation fault:\n```\n/srv/wrappers/befunge-98: line 3: 6033 Segmentation fault (core dumped) /opt/befunge-98/bin/fbbi .code.tio \"$@\" < .input.tio\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Challenge\nFactory workers are usually very hard-working. However, their work is now being commonly replaced with machines.\nYou have to write a program that takes a number as input. It will print out a factory of 10 workers 10 times. Every time, each worker has a `1/input` chance of being 'fired' and replaced by a machine.\n## Input\nAn integer, coming from STDIN or a function call.\n## Output\n10 cases of the factory, each one with usually more workers fired.\n# Output format - how to print a factory\nA factory looks like this:\n`|0000000000|` or `|0000011001|`\nA pipe represents the walls, a 0 represents a worker, and a 1 represents a machine, so the first print of the factory will always be `|0000000000|`.\n# Example\n### Input: 10\n### Output:\n```\n|0000000000| //always start off with this\n|0000000010| //a 1/10 chance means that this worker lost his job\n|0000010010|\n|0010010010|\n|1010010010|\n|1010110010|\n|1010110011|\n|1010111011|\n|1010111111|\n|1110111111|\n```\n---\n### Input: 5\n### Output:\n```\n|0000000000| //always start here\n|0000001001| //a 1/5 chance means that 2 workers got fired\n|1000101001|\n|1000101111|\n|1101101111|\n|1111111111| //after achieving all machinery, the machines continue to be printed\n|1111111111|\n|1111111111|\n|1111111111|\n|1111111111|\n```\n# NOTE\nThe number of workers fired is RANDOM - in my examples for `1/5 chance` there would always be 2 workers fired but your program has to do this randomly - sometimes 1 and sometimes 3 - they just have 1/5 chance of being fired.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) `-R`, ~~22~~ ~~21~~ ~~20~~ ~~19~~ 18 bytes\n```\nA\u00c6P=\u00ae|!U\u00f6\u00c3\u00aaA\u00e7T\u00c3\u00fb|C\n```\n[Try it](https://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=1.4.5&code=QcZQPa58IVX2w6pB51TD+3xD&input=OAotUg==)\n---\n## Explanation\n```\nA\u00c6P=\u00ae|!U\u00f6\u00c3\u00aaA\u00e7T\u00c3\u00fb|C :Implicit input of integer U\nA :10\n \u00c6 :Map the range [0,A)\n P= : Assign to P (initially the empty string)\n \u00ae : Map P\n | : Bitwise OR with\n ! : The negation of\n U\u00f6 : A random integer in the range [0,U)\n \u00c3 : End Map\n \u00aa : OR, for the first element when the above will still be an empty string (falsey)\n A\u00e7 : Ten times repeat\n T : Zero\n \u00c3 :End Map\n \u00fb| :Centre pad each element with \"|\"\n C : To length 12\n :Implicitly join with newlines and output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~92~~ 89 bytes\n```\ncat(t(cbind(\"|\",apply(\"[<-\"(matrix(runif(100)<1/scan(),10),1,,0),2,cummax),\"|\n\")),sep=\"\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcTBCoAgDADQe5@x0waLNOhWX9JpWYGQImZQ4L8vD@9lVScFC7rNxx2hAktK14ewzj1gkJL9i/mJ/kRrDM12uJ1EJLamYW6P7J4Q5CWG2gER30daAEgn/QE \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUngolfed:\n```\nm <- matrix(runif(100)<1/n,10,10) #10x10 matrix of TRUE with probability 1/n\n #and FALSE with probability 1-1/n\nm[1,] <- 0 #set first row to 0\nm <- apply(m,2,cummax) #take the column cumulative maxima\nm <- cbind(\"|\",m,\"|\\n\") #put \"|\" as the first and last columns\nm <- t(m) #transpose m for the write function\ncat(m,sep=\"\") #print m to stdout, separated by \"\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 84 bytes\n```\nn=>[...s=2e9+''].map(j=>`|${s=s.replace(/./g,i=>i&1|Math.random()*n(g=k=>k?`|${s=s.replace(/./g,i=>i%5|Math.random()*n<(s!=k))}|\n`+g(k>>3):'')(s=5e9+'')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VchBDsIgEADAe39houmuVaoxHDQuvsA/lFBKEYQGGi/Wt6NXb5N5yJfMKtlp3ofY6zJQCSTAkCPhbt2yfmfKLOnJS6WhZa3ZWRJ2w5e7nEeWZOjjE3AbrpBX5BA/S9U1BpwQJ7zUNUImrs/NT0XFkKPXzEcDAxwPiNV/ccTyBQ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### How?\nWe start with **k = s = '5000000000'**.\nAt each iteration:\n* We coerce each character **i** of **s** to a number, compute **i modulo 5** -- so that the leading **5** is treated like a **0** -- and randomly perform a bitwise OR with **1** with the expected probability **1/n**, except on the first iteration.\n* The counter **k** is right-shifted by 3 bits. We stop the recursion as soon as **k = 0**, which gives 10 iterations.\nIt is important to note that **5000000000** is slightly larger than a 32-bit integer, so it is implicitly converted to **5000000000 & 0xFFFFFFFF = 705032704** just before the first bitwise shift occurs. Hence the following steps:\n```\n step | k\n------+-----------\n 0 | 705032704\n 1 | 88129088\n 2 | 11016136\n 3 | 1377017\n 4 | 172127\n 5 | 21515\n 6 | 2689\n 7 | 336\n 8 | 42\n 9 | 5\n 10 | 0\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 37 bytes\n```\n\u2395{\u2395\u2190' '~\u2368\u2355'|'\u2375'|'\u22c4\u00d7\u2375+\u237a=?10\u2374\u237a}\u236310\u22a210\u23740\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT////1Hf1GogftQ2QV1Bve5R74pHvVPVa9Qf9W4Fkd0th6cDmdqPenfZ2hsaPOrdAmTVPupdDGR3LQILGPz/b2gAAA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**How?**\n`10\u23740` - start with 10 zeros.\n`\u2395\u2190' '~\u2368\u2355'|'\u2375'|'` - every time print the formatted array,\n`?10\u2374\u237a` - generate a random array with values ranging `1` to input,\n`\u237a=` - element-wise comparison with the input. should mark `1` / input of the elements, giving each a `1` / input every time,\n`\u2375+` - add to the array,\n`\u00d7` - signum. zero stays zero, anything greater than one comes back to one.\n`\u236310` - repeat 10 times.\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 30 bytes\n```\n.+\n|\u00b610*$(*0\u00b6\n.-10+0\\%0<@`\\d\n1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0otycxLNPz/X0@bq@bQNkMDLRUNLYND27j0dA0NtA1iVA1sHBJiUriAKgwNAA \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI'm having lots of fun with randomness in Retina^^\n### Explanation\nThe first stage sets up the string we will be working with:\n```\n.+\n|\u00b610*$(*0\u00b6\n```\nIt replaces the whole input with `|`, a newline, and then 10 lines containing as many `0`s as the input says. The first character on each line will represent a worker of the factory.\nThe following stage means:\n```\n. Disable automatic printing at the end of the program\n -10+ Do the following exactly 10 times:\n % For each line:\n 0< Print the first character, then\n @`\\d Pick a random digit and\n1 (on the next line) replace it with a 1\n 0\\ Then print the first character of the whole string\n followed by a newline\n```\nThe first line of the working string contains only a `|`, which will be the first character printed by every iteration of the loop (being the first character of the first line), and will be also printed at the end of every iteration (being the first character of the whole string). The replacement will never have any effect on this line because it doesn't contain any digit.\nEach other line contains `n` digits, so there is a 1 in `n` chance to turn the first character of the line (which is the only meaningful one) into a `1`. \n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), ~~82~~ ~~80~~ 69 bytes\n```\nparam($x)($a=,0*10)|%{\"|$(-join$a)|\";$a=$a|%{$_-bor!(Random -ma $x)}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gvTy0qzkjNyfn/vyCxKDFXQ6VCU0Ml0VbHQMvQQLNGtVqpRkVDNys/M08lUbNGyRoopZIIFFaJ103KL1LUCErMS8nPVdDNTVQA6qyt/f//vykA \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nTakes input `$x`. Creates an array of all zeros, saves that into `$a` and then loops that many times. Conveniently, the factory is just as wide as it is iterations worth. Each iteration, we output our current factory with `\"|$(-join$a)|\"`, then loop through each element of `$a`.\nInside we're selecting the current element `$_` that has been `-b`inary-`or`ed with either `1` based on the `Random` chance based on input `$x`. For example, for input `10`, `Get-Random -max 10` will range between `0` and `9` and be `0` approximately 1/10th of the time. Thus with a `!(...)` wrapping the `Random`, we'll get a `1` approximately `1/input` amount of the time, and the other `1-1/input` amount of the time we'll get `$_`. Yes, this sometimes means that we're overwriting a `1` with another `1`, but that's fine.\nThat resulting array is then stored back into `$a` for the next go-round. All of the resulting strings are left on the pipeline, and the implicit `Write-Output` at program completion gives us newlines for free.\n*-2 bytes thanks to Veskah.* \n*-11 bytes thanks to ASCII-only.*\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](http://perl6.org/), 58 bytes\n```\n{say \"|$_|\" for 0 x 10,|[\\~|] ([~] +(1>$_*rand)xx 10)xx 9}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1upoJamYPu/ujixUkGpRiW@RkkhLb9IwUChQsHQQKcmOqauJlZBI7ouVkFbw9BOJV6rKDEvRbMCJAsiLWv/g3X6KdgqGFkpWSukaRhpWivAxUwhYqaa1v8B \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n`+(1 > $_ * rand)` generates a single bit with the required frequency of `1`s. `xx 10` replicates that expression ten times to produce a single factory instance as a list of bits, and `[~]` joins that list into a single string. `xx 9` replicates that factory-string-generating expression nine times, and then `[\\~|]` does a triangular reduction (which some other languages call a \"scan\") with the stringwise or operator `~|`, so that a worker fired in an earlier iteration remains fired in later ones.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 2](https://docs.python.org/2/), ~~104~~ 103 bytes\n```\nfrom random import*\nx='0'*10;i=input()\nexec\"print'|%s|'%''.join(x);x=[choice('1'+n*~-i)for n in x];\"*10\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcxBCsMgEADAe14hgbBqadFexZeUHIo1ZAvZla0FCyFftznNbcqvrkz33hfhTcmTXie4FZZqhxbBgfUuYEQq36rNkFtOYxGkCvv02WECuL0ZSTcTWnyklTFlDR4uZI8rmoVFkUJSbQ7jWfXu3R8 \"Python 2 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 22 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u1e8b\u2075\u1e8b\u20ac\u2075\u00ac1\u00a6X\u20ac\u20ac=1o\\j@\u20ac\u207e||Y\n```\nA full program accepting the integer as a command line input and printing the output to STDOUT. \n(As a monadic link it returns a list of characters and integers.)\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///hru5HjVtBZNMaIOPQGsNDyyJA7KY1tob5MVkOYPF9NTWR////NwUA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")**\n### How?\nEffectively decides at each stage if each worker (including any machines) lose their job (with a one in N chance), however machines are replaced by machines (using logical-OR).\n```\n\u1e8b\u2075\u1e8b\u20ac\u2075\u00ac1\u00a6X\u20ac\u20ac=1o\\j@\u20ac\u207e||Y - Main link: integer, N\n \u2075 - literal ten\n\u1e8b - repeat -> [N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N]\n \u2075 - literal ten\n \u1e8b\u20ac - repeat \u20acach -> [[N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N],...,[N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N,N]]\n \u00a6 - sparse application...\n 1 - ...to indices: [1]\n \u00ac - ...do: logical-NOT -> [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[N,N,...],...]\n X\u20ac\u20ac - random integer for \u20acach for \u20acach\n - (0s stay as 0s; Ns become random integers in [1,N])\n =1 - equals one? (vectorises)\n o\\ - cumulative reduce with logical-OR\n \u207e|| - literal list of characters = ['|','|']\n j@\u20ac - join with sw@pped arguments for \u20acach\n Y - join with line feeds\n - implicit print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 26 bytes\n```\n'|'it10th&Yr=0lY(Y>48+y&Yc\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y00syfn/X71GPbPE0KAkQy2yyNYgJ1Ij0s7EQrtSLTL5/39TAA \"MATL \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### (Long) explanation\nExample stack contents are shown along the way. At each step, stack contents are shown bottom to top.\n```\n'|' % Push this character\n % STACK: '|'\nit % Take input. Duplicate\n % STACK: '|'\n 5\n 5\n10th % Push [10 10]\n % STACK: '|'\n 5\n 5\n [10 10]\n&Yr % Random 10\u00d710 matrix of integers from 1 to input number\n % STACK: '|'\n 5\n [4 5 4 4 5 5 2 1 2 3\n 3 4 3 3 1 4 4 3 1 5\n 5 1 4 5 4 4 5 2 3 2\n 3 4 5 2 1 3 2 5 3 4\n 4 1 2 2 4 1 1 5 1 1\n 4 5 3 1 5 3 5 2 4 1\n 2 1 4 3 3 1 3 5 3 5\n 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 3 5 3\n 4 5 4 1 2 2 5 3 2 4\n 4 1 2 5 5 5 4 3 5 1]\n= % Is equal? Element-wise\n % STACK: '|'\n [0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1\n 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0\n 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0\n 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0\n 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0\n 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0]\n0lY( % Write 0 in the first row\n % STACK: '|'\n [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1\n 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0\n 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0\n 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0\n 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0\n 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0]\nY> % Cumulative maximum down each column\n % STACK: '|'\n [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1\n 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1\n 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1\n 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1\n 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1\n 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1\n 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1\n 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1\n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]\n48+ % Add 48, element-wise. This transforms each number into the\n % ASCII code of its character representation\n % STACK: '|'\n [48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48\n 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49\n 49 48 48 49 48 48 49 48 48 49\n 49 48 49 49 48 48 49 49 48 49\n 49 48 49 49 48 48 49 49 48 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 48 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 48 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 49 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 49 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49]\ny % Duplicate from below\n % STACK: '|'\n [48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48\n 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 49\n 49 48 48 49 48 48 49 48 48 49\n 49 48 49 49 48 48 49 49 48 49\n 49 48 49 49 48 48 49 49 48 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 48 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 48 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 49 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 48 49 49 49 49\n 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49]\n '|'\n&Yc % Horizontally concatenate all stack contents as char arrays.\n % 1-row arrays are implicitly replicated along first dimension\n % STACK: ['|0000000000|'\n '|0000000001|'\n '|1001001001|'\n '|1011001101|'\n '|1011001101|'\n '|1111101101|'\n '|1111101101|'\n '|1111101111|'\n '|1111101111|'\n '|1111111111|']\n % Implicitly display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 105 93 90 bytes\n```\nx=>w.map(a=>(`|${w=w.map(j=>j|Math.random()<1/x),w.join``}|\n`)).join``,w=Array(10).fill(0)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LcdBDsIgEADAu@/wsJtUbD27JD6gf2DTFoVQtqGN1Ihvx4PObTw/eR2SW7ZTlHGqlupOOquZF2DSYMrxnel3T9qXnreHShxHmQGv3XnHJisvLhrzKQeD@E@T6ZYSv6BrUVkXArRYB4mrhEkFuYOFC2L9Ag \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n+2 bytes for putting the array inside the function, thanks to @Shaggy for pointing that out\n```\n(x,w=Array(10).fill(0))=>w.map(a=>(`|${w=w.map(j=>j|Math.random()<1/x),w.join``}|\n`)).join``\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Zc5BCsIwEEDRfc/hYgZqbAV3TsADeIcMbaMJaVLSYirGs0dBN@Lyv9W3fOO5i2Zatj70Q9FUYK0TnWLkO7QNCm2cgwaRZBIjT8AkQeXNI9GnLUmbz7xcRWTfhxHw2O5WrJOwwXilnrlSiN8oXfBzcINw4QIa9ojVrxz@5P2A5QU \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), 110 106 bytes\n-4 bytes from @ceilingcat\n```\nchar l[]=\"|0000000000|\",i,j;f(n){for(srand(time(i=0));i++<10;)for(j=!puts(l);j++<10;)rand()%n||(l[j]=49);}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PYrLCoMwEADv@QorFHbRQoReyjZfIh5CNO2GGEu0J@O3pw/EOc6MuTyMydk8dSx826kyyYNU1lw7shBwtVOEOerQw8LjAKwkInFV3RtJ@ItOnV7vZQaP5Hb93/EcUgLfuk5db0hbHjUHQLGK4ouFRiKJLX8A \"C (gcc) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIterates through a list of characters for each round of replacements.\nUngolfed:\n```\nf(n)\n{\n //start with a fresh factory\n char l[]=\"|0000000000|\";\n //init rng\n srand(time(0));\n //print 11 lines\n for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++)\n {\n //print current factory\n puts(l);\n //iterate through the workers. start at index 1 to skip the '|'\n for(int j = 1; j < 11; j++)\n {\n //the expression (rand()%n) has n possible values in the range [0,n-1],\n //so the value 0 has 1/n chance of being the result and thus the worker\n //has 1/n chance of being replaced\n if(rand()%n == 0)\n {\n l[j] = '1';\n }\n }\n }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, 75 bytes\n```\nINPUT N\nFOR J=0TO 9?\"|\";BIN$(F,10);\"|\nFOR I=0TO 9F=F OR!RND(N)<t?s+f(n,t-1,s.replace(/0/g,v=>+(Math.random()<1/n))):s\n```\n```\nf=(n,t=9,s=`|0000000000|\n`)=>t?s+f(n,t-1,s.replace(/0/g,v=>+(Math.random()<1/n))):s\n```\n```\n

\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, ~~153~~ ~~152~~ 131 bytes\n```\nn->{for(int j=10,a[]=new int[j],i;j-->0;){var s=\"|\";for(i=0;i<10;a[i++]|=Math.random()*n<1?1:0)s+=a[i];System.out.println(s+\"|\");}}\n```\n-18 bytes thanks to *@OlivierGr\u00e9goire*, and -3 more bytes by converting Java 8 to Java 10.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##rZIxb4MwEIX3/opTpEq4BGJX6lLH6dQxWTIihisYMCUmsh2iKOG3UwPJ1q2V7OFO7z69d3aNHUZ1/j1kDVoLW1T6@gSgtJOmwEzCbiwBulblkAW@D5pw3@r99cc6dCqDHWgQMOhocy1aM8lqwegSk1RoeR55SZ0uFa@jaEM5uXZowIrFbcEnvaBcrRnlmKgwTG9ii66KDeq8PQTkRa/ZB3unxIbCC1K@v1gnD3F7cvHReHSjAxt6FuF9P/DZ2PH01Xhjd3@T/YMPF@ydnyiTFMkcTMdZwCjhsFoBo8@QVah97LaAUjrnpVAoI3OQmFVg2pPOp7FfLExrmYFvM@/1ziv/ymP04fC/gDPus5Pm0moJZ9U0I@/OwsI/P7hKjrV1MxZGG48FkekL9MMP)\n```\nn->{                             // Method with integer parameter and no return-type\n  for(int j=10,a[]=new int[j],i; //  Create the array with 10 workers (0s)\n      j-->0;){                   //  Loop 10 times\n   \n    var s=\"|\";                   //  Start a String with a wall\n    for(i=0;i<10;                //  Loop `i` from 0 to 10 (exclusive)\n        a[i++]                   //    After every iteration, change the current item to:\n         |=                      //     If it's a 0:\n           Math.random()*n<1?    //      If the random value [0:1) is below 1/n\n            1                    //       Change the worker to a machine\n           :                     //      Else:\n            0;                   //       It remains a worker\n                                 //     Else (it already is a machine)\n                                 //      It remains a machine\n      s+=a[i];                   //   Append the current item to the String\n    System.out.println(s+\"|\");}} //   Print the String, with a trailing wall and new-line\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), ~~30~~ ~~29~~ 27 bytes\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u00d7\u03c70\uff26\u03c7\u229e\u03c5\u2b46\u00a7\u03c5\u00b1\u00b9\u203d\u207a1\u00d7\u03ba\u2296\u03b8\uff25\u03c5\u2aab||\u03b9\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NYy9CsIwFIX3PkXIdC9EaAanToKLQiWoLxDaaxtsEk1Scei7x1To2c7f1406dF5POas5jjALdjeWIshaMF5zxKZ6@MCKR7YtbikYN7T6BYd0cj191/BCg04EElGwq3a9t6CmOQKXfGM@BTtSF8iSS9TDG/9qKlVwCVZe4Zy9ccCXpbzM2ua8z7vP9AM \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\") Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u00d7\u03c70\n```\nPush an string of 10 `0`s to the empty list `u`.\n```\n\uff26\u03c7\n```\nRepeat the next command 10 times.\n```\n\u229e\u03c5\u2b46\u00a7\u03c5\u00b1\u00b9\u203d\u207a1\u00d7\u03ba\u2296\u03b8\n```\nFor each character of the last string, repeat it `n-1` times, add a `1`, and pick a random character from the string. This gives a `1/n` chance of changing the character to a `1`. The result is pushed to `u`.\n```\n\uff25\u03c5\u2aab||\u03b9\n```\nMap over the list of strings, surrounding each with `|`, then implicitly print each on its own line.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 132 bytes\n```\nfrom random import*\nw,p,c=[0]*10,'|',1/int(input())\nfor _ in w:print(p+''.join(map(str,w))+p);w=list(map(lambda x:x|(random()n{f=[0]*10;10.times{p\"|#{f.join}|\";f.map!{|l|rand>(1.0/n)?l:?1}}}\n```\nI think I've cheated a few things here. First of all, this function prints the output with quotes around each line, e.g.:\n```\npry(main)> ->n{f=[0]*10;10.times{p\"|#{f.join}|\";f.map!{|l|rand>(1.0/n)?l:?1}}}[5]\n\"|0000000000|\"\n\"|0100100000|\"\n\"|0100100000|\"\n\"|0100100000|\"\n\"|0100100100|\"\n\"|0100110100|\"\n\"|0101110100|\"\n\"|0111110100|\"\n\"|1111110110|\"\n\"|1111110110|\"\n=> 10\n```\nIf this is unacceptable (given that this is [ascii-art](/questions/tagged/ascii-art \"show questions tagged 'ascii-art'\"), that is probably the case), here is a solution that prints without quotes for **70 bytes**:\n```\n->n{f=[0]*10;10.times{puts\"|#{f.join}|\";f.map!{|l|rand>(1.0/n)?l:?1}}}\n```\n### Explanation:\n```\n->n{                                                              } # defines anonymous lambda\n    f=[0]*10;                                                       # initializes f to [0,0,0,...] (10)\n             10.times{                                           }  # main loop\n                      p\"|#{f.join}|\";                               # joins f and prints | before and after\n                                     f.map!{|l|                 }   # maps each element of f\n                                               rand>(1.0/n)? :      # if rand is greater than 1.0/n\n                                                            l ?1    # keep current element or replace with '1'\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~71~~ 70 bytes\n[merging](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/158096/55735) [loops](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/174268/55735) saved 5 bytes (again):\n```\nfor(;$k<91;$v|=!rand(0,$argn-1)<<$k++%10)$k%10||printf(\"|%010b|\n\",$v);\n```\nRun as pipe with `-nR` or [try it online](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/ebe434c2fa884c3697e151769d1178c1d547d0b5).\n---\nedit 1: fixed format and first output (no change in byte count thanks to additional golfing)  \nedit 2: Golfed one more byte: After the last printing, there\u00b4s no more need for firing anyone.\n[Answer]\n# [C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler)](http://www.mono-project.com/docs/about-mono/releases/5.0.0/#csc), 131 bytes\n```\nn=>{var r=new Random();var a=new int[10];for(int i=0;i<100;a[i%10]|=r.Next(n)<1?1:0)if(i++%10<1)Write(\"|\"+string.Concat(a)+\"|\\n\");}\n```\nHey, at least I tied with Java.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VY5BS8QwEIXv@RWhsGyGriURvDTtioiHBVFZFzzseghpqkN1uqRZFdr@9pruSW8z73u892x3YTucbmzAlgqksK7Licp1/2U89yW5b741VLWfAvQsmbMUfXslX3XdehFvjqXUWCgptdnjIpKh9NmD@wmCoFDXKpeAtcA0jaxQ8OIxOJEMSdoFj/SW3bZkTRAG0mQ4UAJ6nDSL4c7YdzHXNrGSbyjbOlPt2juqBGTPxw8MYnmgJQDr2Tn0HikGb@h4CjznvRyTVQP6L3s8hQjz2MHqeXv2ZHznRAP/bPEZJyXZFbtk6hc \"C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nThere are 97 [ASCII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Printable_characters) characters that people encounter on a regular basis. They fall into four categories:\n1. Letters (52 total)\n```\nABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n```\n2. Numbers or Digits (10 total)\n```\n0123456789\n```\n3. Symbols & Punctuation (32 total)\n```\n!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~\n```\n4. Whitespace (3 total)\nSpace , tab `\\t`, and newline `\\n`. (We'll treat newline variants like `\\r\\n` as one character.)\nFor conciseness, we'll call these categories L, N, S, and W respectively.\nChoose any of the 24 permutations of the letters `LNSW` you desire and repeat it indefinitely to form a programming template for yourself.\nFor example, you might choose the permutation `NLWS`, so your programming template would be:\n```\nNLWSNLWSNLWSNLWSNLWS...\n```\n**You need to write a program or function based on this template, where:**\n1. Every `L` is replaced with any letter (`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`).\n2. Every `N` is replaced with any number (`0123456789`).\n3. Every `S` is replaced with any symbol (`!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~`).\n4. Every `W` is replaced with any whitespace character ( `\\t\\n`).\nBasically, your code must follow the pattern\n```\n...\n```\nas the question title suggests, except you may choose a different ordering of the four character categories, if desired.\n**Note that:**\n* Replacements for a category can be different characters. e.g. `9a ^8B\\t~7c\\n]` validly conforms to the template `NLWSNLWSNLWS` (`\\t` and `\\n` would be their literal chars).\n* There are no code length restrictions. e.g. `1A +2B -` and `1A +2B` and `1A`  and `1` all conform to the template `NLWSNLWSNLWS...`.\n**What your template-conformed code must do** is take in one unextended [ASCII](http://www.asciitable.com/) character and output a number from 0 to 4 based on what category it is a member of in the categorization above. That is, output `1` if the input is a letter, `2` if a number, `3` if a symbol, and `4` if whitespace. Output `0` if the input is none of these (a [control character](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Control_characters)).\nFor input, you may alternatively take in a number 0 to 127 inclusive that represents the code of the input ASCII character.\nThe input (as char code) and output pairs your code must have are precisely as follows:\n```\nin out\n0 0\n1 0\n2 0\n3 0\n4 0\n5 0\n6 0\n7 0\n8 0\n9 4\n10 4\n11 0 or 4\n12 0 or 4\n13 0 or 4\n14 0\n15 0\n16 0\n17 0\n18 0\n19 0\n20 0\n21 0\n22 0\n23 0\n24 0\n25 0\n26 0\n27 0\n28 0\n29 0\n30 0\n31 0\n32 4\n33 3\n34 3\n35 3\n36 3\n37 3\n38 3\n39 3\n40 3\n41 3\n42 3\n43 3\n44 3\n45 3\n46 3\n47 3\n48 2\n49 2\n50 2\n51 2\n52 2\n53 2\n54 2\n55 2\n56 2\n57 2\n58 3\n59 3\n60 3\n61 3\n62 3\n63 3\n64 3\n65 1\n66 1\n67 1\n68 1\n69 1\n70 1\n71 1\n72 1\n73 1\n74 1\n75 1\n76 1\n77 1\n78 1\n79 1\n80 1\n81 1\n82 1\n83 1\n84 1\n85 1\n86 1\n87 1\n88 1\n89 1\n90 1\n91 3\n92 3\n93 3\n94 3\n95 3\n96 3\n97 1\n98 1\n99 1\n100 1\n101 1\n102 1\n103 1\n104 1\n105 1\n106 1\n107 1\n108 1\n109 1\n110 1\n111 1\n112 1\n113 1\n114 1\n115 1\n116 1\n117 1\n118 1\n119 1\n120 1\n121 1\n122 1\n123 3\n124 3\n125 3\n126 3\n127 0\n```\nInputs 11, 12, and 13 correspond to characters that are [sometimes](https://docs.python.org/2/library/re.html#regular-expression-syntax) considered whitespace, thus their outputs may be `0` or `4` as you desire.\n**The shortest code in bytes wins.**\n      \n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://haskell.org/) 300 bytes\nThis code should have no trailing newline. The function `m1` takes the input as a `Char` and returns the answer as a `Char`.\n```\nf1 (l1 :n1 :p1 :y1 :l2 :n2 :p2 :y2 :r3 )x1 |y1 >p1 =b1 (x1 )y2 (f1 (r3 )x1 )y1 (n1 )n2 |p2 p1 =b1 (x1 )p1 (l2 )l1 (n2 )n1\n;b1 (x1 )s1 (r1 )b1 (r2 )r3 |x1 b1 =r2 |s1 `b`,`0`->`1`,`space`->`tab`,`@`->`;`). The final `:D0` is just a smiley :D0\n```\n+T1 `d9 `a2\n```\nWe start with digits, `d` is the character class `0-9`, here we're transforming `0`->`a`,`1-9`->`2`,`space`->`2`: the transliterations for `0` and `space` are wrong, but those characters have been eliminated by the previous transliteration.\n```\n+T1 `a9 \\n9 `a4\n```\nWhitespace, transform `a`->`a`,(`9`,`tab`,`\\n`,`space`)->`4`. `9` was already removed in the previous stage.\n```\n+T1 `l9 @L9 `a1\n```\nLetters, here we use two different character classes (for lack of a more complete one): `l` for lowercase letters and `L` for uppercase letters. They all get mapped to `1`, along with some other characters which have been dealt with in the previous stages\n```\n+T1 `d9 @p9 `d3\n```\nSymbols. Since every other class has been turned into a digit, here we map all digits to themselves with `d`->`d`, and then all printable characters to `3` with `p`->`3`. Digits are also among printable characters, but the first transliteration wins.\nNow we need to assign `0` to control characters, but I've found no valid way to explicitly address that class. Instead, we'll convert each digit to unary: control characters are not digits and so they are considered as the empty string, which equals `0` in unary. Unfortunately, the unary conversion command in retina is `$*`, which are two symbols near each other, so we'll instead convert \"manually\" using substitutions.\n```\n\\b4\n$n3\n\\b3\n$n2\n\\b2\n$n1\n\\b1\n$n0\n```\nOur unary digit is `$n`, which is a replacement pattern for newlines. `\\b` matches a \"boundary\", where an alphanumeric word starts or ends: in our case this will always match before any number. We are basically replacing each number `n` with a newline plus `n-1`.\n```\n\\n\n```\nIn the end, we count the number of newlines and get the desired result.\n[Answer]\n# [Cardinal](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Cardinal) ~~2240~~ 2224 bytes\nTemplate used LSNW\n```\na%1\na:1 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a+1 a+1 a+1 a+1 a.1 x.1 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a.0 a>0 a+1 a+1 a+1 a+1 a.1 x>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a+1 a+1 a+1 a.0 x>1 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a+1 a+1 a.0 x>1 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a>0 a+1 a+1 a+1 a.0 x>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a+1 a.0 x>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a+1 a+1 a+1 a.0 x>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a+1 a.0 x>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a+1 a+1 a+1 a.0\na>1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a>1 a>1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a>1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a>1 a>1 a>1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a>1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^1 a-1 J^0 a.0\n```\nThe code has a trailing newline.\n## How it works:\nThis code has a lot of characters that aren't used.  \n% releases a pointer in all directions. 3 of them just hit the end of a line and die.  \nThe last pointer takes in an input at the :  \nThis input is then compared to each value from 0 to 127. \nPrints:  \n0 for 0-8  \n4 for 9-12  \n0 for 13-31  \n4 for 32  \n3 for 33-47  \n2 for 48-57  \n3 for 58-64  \n1 for 65-90  \n3 for 91-96  \n1 for 97-122  \n3 for 123-126  \n0 for 127\nOperations used:  \nJ = Skip next operation if non-zero  \n^ = Change direction to up  \n> = Change direction to left  \n- = Decrement  \n+ = Increment  \n: = Take input  \n% = Create pointers at start of program  \nx = Remove pointer  \n0 = Set active value of pointer to 0 \n[Try it online](https://tio.run/nexus/cardinal#@5@oasiVaGWokKhnQB1shwdrG6JiPUOFCj0q2k1NjMu9dgT8SAuM4gYDoBsMqW82ueZiddswweT4aaSHB6r/uUBiXnFAti6NaXR36NLJ3qHuXlq6gVJzh1J8kuO30fAgITzA9TLX//@GRuYA)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 293 bytes\n**291 bytes code + 2 for `-0p`.**\n*I have been advised the command-line flags are free, but I've added them here for visibility, as the TIO link doesn't include `-0`, for easier testing.*\n```\ny 0-a 1\"a 1#a 1$a 1%a 1&a 1'a 1(a 1)a 1*a 1+a 1,a 1.a 1/a 1_a 1{a 1|a 1}a 1~a 0!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 1!a 0;s 0\\s\n0\\t\n0;s 0\\d\n0\\r\n0;s 0\\w\n0\\n\n0;y 1!a 9-a 1_a 0-Z 1;s 0\\w\n0\\u 3\\u 0;s 1\\S\n1\\u 0\\u 1;s 0\\t\n0\\u 4\\u 0;s 0\\r\n0\\u 2\\u 0;s 0\\n\n0\\u 1\\u 0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rc5LDoIwGATguNPZeYOKD3yhRWVBXHkAV@4MCZLowkSBAMYg6tGtYyGcwMWXzp/52zQ@JRdHqVxIKxC2QV3qUZ8GZNKQRjSmCU1pRnPyqaAnvegdCNnh@SdynQrppZBehjIfmZMq35lD5lzvulb5H2nthV33N7Gk377t7WD/MpV9pvtV1et3mRf1HOpZ31GqgSbaCHDFAxtssYeEAxcdHOCjgAETAi18ojg7R2GqrPgL \"Perl 5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis is a particularly tricky challenge to solve in almost any language, so I'm pretty happy I was able to (finally, lots of tinkering on and off for quite some time) get this working in Perl. Hopefully the additional whitespace before and after the number isn't an issue.\nSelecting the sequence order was particularly tricky, but forunately `s///` and `y///` can accept any other character as a delimiter so it was possible to use letter, space, number, symbol, which allows for `s 0...0...0;` and `y 0...0...0;`.\nThe first thing required for the appraoch was to replace `_` with `!` so that `\\w` would only match `[0-9a-zA-Z]`, then replace all whitespace (`\\s`) with `\\t`, all digits with `\\r` and all remaining word characters (`\\w`) with `\\n` for easy matching later on. Then, using the `y///` operator, all remaining symbols are converted to word characters `!` to `_` and all other chars (between `9` and `a`) are shifted down 9 places, turning them into letters or numbers. These are then replaced via `\\w` with `3` and the other, previously made substitutions are replaced with their numbered values.\n[Answer]\n# [Whitespace](https://web.archive.org/web/20150618184706/http://compsoc.dur.ac.uk/whitespace/tutorial.php), 1332 bytes\n```\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0!\nY0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0!\nY0!\nY0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0!\nY0!\nY0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0!\nY0!\nY0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0!\nY0!\nY0!\nY0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! Y0! Y0!\nY0! Y0!\nY0! Y0! \n```\nOrder is `1234`/`LNSW` (letter, digit, symbol, whitespace).\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##vZMxCoAwDEXn5BTxBurkVRxFCroJCh4/Lg4xJJpWcQgttbw8f8k@zVtal2FMzH1dkShUK5x7MEre@3tPwo8M17szdBjyn0oZZOQJxj10vqPKW/bX/SDYT/I8Tk4GJTlAoRsZfhFWTmbwMrcv3ayKuHlzi858W@@Fyk0y8GEWtWuE8eSUw/IyzfUBJ7MLg7lpuwM) (input as integer representing the unicode of a character).\n**Explanation:**\nWhitespace is a stack-based language where every character except for spaces, tabs and new-lines are ignored. Here is the same program without the `YO!` (**333 bytes**):\n```\n[S S S N\n_Push_0][S N\nS _Duplicate_0][T   N\nT   T   _Read_STDIN_as_integer][T   T   T   _Retrieve][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(9)][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(10][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(32)][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(33-47)][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(48-57)][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(58-64)][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(65-90)][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(91-96)][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(97-122)][S N\nS _Duplicate_input(123-126)][S S S T    S S T   N\n_Push_9][T  S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   S S N\n_If_0_Jump_to_Label_WHITESPACE][S S S T S T S N\n_Push_10][T S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   S S N\n_If_0_Jump_to_Label_WHITESPACE][S S S T S S S S S N\n_Push_32][T S S T   _Subtract][S N\nS _Duplicate][N\nT   S S N\n_If_0_Jump_to_Label_WHITESPACE][N\nT   T   S T N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_NONE][S S S T    T   S S S S N\n_Push_48][T S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   T   N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_SYMBOL][S S S T  T   T   S T S N\n_Push_58][T S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   T   S S N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_DIGIT][S S S T   S S S S S T N\n_Push_65][T S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   T   N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_SYMBOL][S S S T  S T T   S T T   N\n_Push_91][T S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   T   T   N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_LETTER][S S S T  T   S S S S T   N\n_Push_97][T S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   T   N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_SYMBOL][S S S T  T   T   T   S T T   N\n_Push_123][T    S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   T   T   N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_LETTER][S S S T  T   T   T   T   T   T   N\n_Push_127][T    S S T   _Subtract][N\nT   T   N\n_If_negative_Jump_to_Label_SYMBOL][N\nS N\nS T N\n_Jump_to_Label_NONE][N\nS S S N\n_Create_Label_WHITESPACE][S S S T   S S N\n_Push_4][T  N\nS T _Print_as_integer][N\nN\nN\n_Exit][N\nS S N\n_Create_Label_SYMBOL][S S S T   T   N\n_Push_3][T  N\nS T _Print_as_integer][N\nN\nN\n_Exit][N\nS S S S N\n_Create_Label_DIGIT][S S S T    S N\n_Push_2][T  N\nS T _Print_as_integer][N\nN\nN\n_Exit][N\nS S T   N\n_Create_Label_LETTER][S S S T   N\n_Push_1][T  N\nS T _Print_as_integer][N\nN\nN\n_Exit][N\nS S S T N\n_Create_Label_NONE][S S S N\n_Push_0][T  N\nS T _Print_as_integer]\n```\nLetters `S` (space), `T` (tab), and `N` (new-line) added as highlighting only.  \n`[..._some_action]` added as explanation only.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##fY9BCoAwDATPm1fkCX5JpKA3QcHn12xaQypiWkqZTLb0WrezHPu8lFpVVWxBwLLb31aFUu2HOLChEbAcMZnUsq3PHqJnrJEUMCRg0DiKQCkMr7QPzSu09lvReEvgQPoXqQZ4pIRaaHacOKh1ugE)\n**Program in pseudo-code:**\n```\nIf the input is 9, 10 or 32: call function WHITESPACE()\nElse-if the input is below 32: call function NONE()\nElse-if the input is below 48: call function SYMBOL()\nElse-if the input is below 58: call function DIGIT()\nElse-if the input is below 65: call function SYMBOL()\nElse-if the input is below 91: call function LETTER()\nElse-if the input is below 97: call function SYMBOL()\nElse-if the input is below 123: call function LETTER()\nElse-if the input is below 127: call function SYMBOL()\nElse (the input is 127 or higher): call function NONE()\nWHITESPACE():\n  Print 4\n  Exit program\nSYMBOL():\n  Print 3\n  Exit program\nDIGIT():\n  Print 2\n  Exit program\nLETTER():\n  Print 1\n  Exit program\nNONE():\n  Print 0\n  (Implicit exit with error: Exit not defined)\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nIn this challenge you are to write a program or function, that takes a string as input and outputs one of two possible values. We will call one of these values *truthy* and one *falsy*. They do not need to actually be *truthy* or *falsy*. For an answer to be valid it must meet four additional criteria\n* When you pass your program to itself it outputs the *truthy* value.\n* If you pass your program as input to any older answer it should output the *truthy* output (of the program you are passing to).\n* If you pass any older answer to your answer as input it should output the *falsy* output (of your program).\n* There must be an infinite number of strings that evaluate to *truthy* output in all answers on the challenge (including your new answer).\nWhat this will do is it will slowly build up a chain of answers each of which can determine if other programs in the chain come before or after it.\nThe goal of this challenge is to build up a list of source restrictions that are applied to the successive answers making each one more challenging than the last.\n## Example\nA chain (written in Haskell) could start:\n```\nf _ = True\n```\nSince there are no older programs, the criteria do not apply to this answer it need only output one of two possible values, in this case it always outputs `True`.\nFollowing this could be the answer:\n```\nf x=or$zipWith(==)x$tail x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P02hwja/SKUqsyA8syRDw9ZWs0KlJDEzR6Hif25iZp5tQVFmXolGmlKaQryCrUJIUWmqkg6Ih0uXkuZ/AA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nWhich asserts that there is a character twice in a row somewhere in the string. The first answer doesn't have this property while the second does (`==`). Thus this is a valid next answer. \n## Special rules\n* You may use any language you wish (that has a freely available implementation) as many times as you wish.\n* If you were the last person to answer you must wait at least 7 days before posting a new answer.\n* Your program may not read its own source.\n* Since the 4th rule is exceedingly difficult to verify if cryptographic functions are involved, such functions are disallowed.\n## Scoring criterion\nEach time you add an answer you will get as many points as its place in the chain. For example the 5th answer would gain it's writer 5 points. The goal is to get as many points as you can. The last answer will score its answerer -\u221e points. This will probably be more fun if you try to maximize your own score rather than \"win\" the challenge. I will not be accepting an answer.\n> \n> Since this is [answer-chaining](/questions/tagged/answer-chaining \"show questions tagged 'answer-chaining'\") you may want to [sort by oldest](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/159629/does-it-lead-or-follow?answertab=oldest)\n> \n> \n> \n      \n[Answer]\n# 14. X86 Assembly (gcc 6.3), 324 bytes\n```\n.TITLE \"a\"#\"a\" ELTIT.\n.data\ni:.fill 25,1,0\ns:.string \"%25[^\\n]\"\nt:.string \"->Hi, Retina!\"\nf:.string \"Bye Retina!\"\n.global main\nmain:           \npushl $i\npushl $s\ncall scanf\naddl $8, %esp\npushl $i\ncall strlen\naddl $4, %esp\nsub $21, %eax\njz y\npushl $f\ncall printf\naddl $4, %esp\njmp en\ny:\npushl $t\ncall printf\naddl $4, %esp\nen:\nret\n```\n[Try it on ideone!](https://ideone.com/q6Nwrm \"Try it on ideone!\")\nNote: *this **will** return a runtime error because the exit code is not zero. Running this in the ideone editor will display all stdout output regardless of how the program concludes.*\n* **Truthy** output: `\"->Hi, Retina!\"`\n* **Falsy** output: `\"Bye Retina!\"`\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. **The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).**\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* **The first line is a palindrome of length = 21**\n[Answer]\n## 9. [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 16 bytes\n```\n.->0`Hi, Retina!\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY/dSsMwFIDv8xQxMkxGGhrLQCgNCoIWBEHFGxVWt9MZ7dKapbMtCF7uJXyNPcAeZS9S0116Lg4f3zmcHwtOm0z2ZLfdbcmIXk17Eahweq05vjvUjvr@kuf8nEuEhGBCIMHSpUBEkER4hfY/vwAeoqfjE1iDefEcQohLiyurjaMFGKpNVTvK2HgsJiOZJCHzXfD9nHX3MsKHmHiTvc7mkC/e9PtHsTRl9WlXrl5/NS1SmCjiczoMuigKpBSW@83mdIDb2nmLo2FzoLq4SSxk8xttYEVZ3CaPMHOl1R3Q2uVnD2VqHKMNizPT0oWFqqAkUIQ3bLjq3/t/ \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIf you want to try your own program, simply append it to the input field, separated by two linefeeds. (If your program contains two linefeeds, you'll have to change the separator between all programs and in the TIO header.)\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`\n3. It contains an `e`\n4. Its length is even\n5. Its length is a perfect square\n6. It contains an `a`\n7. It contains a `>` character\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\nSorry, but you kinda forced me to pad to length 16...\n**Without redundant requirements:**\n* The first character is a `.`\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n### Explanation\nStarting with `.` is fine, it just means that we suppress Retina's implicit output (provided the first line has a configuration, but I didn't want a two-line program). That means we need it explicit output, but the option for that is `>`, so we're in luck. The `-` can go in front of it because it doesn't do anything.\nNow we can get to the program itself. The simplest thing to do is to match a literal string. That's guaranteed to show up in our program, we can easily make sure that it isn't part of any existing program, and it gives us a number as the result. However, it could potentially return a number greater than 1 (so more than two different values). We avoid this with the `0`-limit which only looks at the first match and counts that if it exists. So the `0` ensures that the output is only ever `0` or `1` (depending on whether the input contains the literal string).\nAs for the literal string... well, we still need to include an `e` and an `a`... and we need the string to have at least 11 characters, so that we match the length requirements (getting to an even square). `Hi, Retina!` happens to satisfy those requirements.\n[Answer]\n# 13. [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 64 bytes\n```\n.1;\";1.\n\\\"Hi, Retina!->\";$_=<>;chop;print y///c>5&&reverse\neq$_;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/1/P0FrJ2lCPK0bJI1NHISi1JDMvUVHXTslaJd7Wxs46OSO/wLqgKDOvRKFSX18/2c5UTa0otSy1qDiVK7VQJd6achMA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. **The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.**\n**Summary for future answers:**\n* First character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10th character is a `\"`.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* **The first line is a palindrome of length > 5 (in *characters*).**\n[**Verification Ruby script**](https://tio.run/##dVNNl5MwFN3nVzyxdmDspKBWnYPtLJyFLnSh7moPJ4XXNkcmwSSonZbfXhPA08wc2QB53Htz35eq1/tTgRtgQv9GFYoJjDciIgAlu1sXDA5wrJTcHiEcbRgvYQ5G1ZhCVRsNwXspCm64FPD0IBpYK/kDRRBBLUrUGjZi6cgraAiKghB3kZBZUVclz5nBLN8xxXKDSoc6SkFTF9CUleUNHI750UVkLUyYRzCfQ9Kk4ISczppvMxSy3u6yipVcFEreYa@i@T3CAmYwHtuTwl/2AnQC@swvUWzNLnT@LMe96HpvsCN3MJL/S0/bvJenvkYvonNV3HMZr5x2QANoJqQHvXwEotYh/oEAfdArD@T7odaxuPGAswHg5WVMZ/AMEmcgprFHeT1ggPkG3gyAFj7o7QDo6gHqegD1gU/gCxou2BMfnsQePuzLSKUq4HlX1KQ9RTa5WZucz00ed@C67cBFcOGj/D4NTV3rVBvFK2pnCPXyKllFvojfx/@PXCvRkW0GrZZTOK2I@2MH5@u324@f7RSyBxNFkeU7p@1CR7twAO6rWxjSENJt2Cc0YNcBzkRbxn692o080SQN0oSS736pbW/SUTZ/t0jznazSSnFhYD@dTvPFbDzuN4Lgz1GW/gU)\n[Answer]\n# 5. [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 64 bytes\n```\n.012\nimport sys\nprint(len(sys . stdin . read()) ** 0.5 % 1 == 0)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/X8/A0IgrM7cgv6hEobiymKugKDOvRCMnNU8DyFPQUyguScnMA9JFqYkpGpqaClpaCgZ6pgqqCoYKtrYKBpqUmwAA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChecks if the length of the input is a perfect square.\n**This had been updated by the time 18 answers were present to support multiline input.**\n**The update does not hurt the chain.**\n---\n**Satisfies:**\n2. starts with a `.`\n3. contains an `e`\n4. has an even length\n5. has a perfect square length\n[Answer]\n# 25, [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 196 bytes\nNew requirement: To avoid the tab versus spaces discussion, tabs can no longer be used for indentation. Each line still needs a tab, but it can't be the first character in the line.\n```\n.6;%+->?|\"\t\"|?>-+%;6.\nf=@(x)1&&cellfun(@(C)any(C=='\t')&1&&find(C=='\t')>1,strsplit(x,char(10)));\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%Henry Jams?Hi, Retina!\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t~\n```\n[**Verify all programs online!**](https://tio.run/##3Rddc9tE8Nn9FYeILV0sqz45No2F5KZp2gZKW9q0tE3ScpHPzTmyLCS5sYPp8AT8BB7gR/DK8EQf@RX0j5SVdKcPN2HKDDPMcLEd3X7v7d7uaurG9CV7@9boWfVmyxkslZqyHDitZt3qGZdG9lVtjkmj4TLPG8187aq2jam/0LZtW62puAGoEfeHcu8QPYrDKPB4rM1195iGGmljjK1L9do7n1vMDxfoEzqJBre4ju6zmPv0g9p5pO/1efU2@Jp8g2ykXtdH@lWdqNal4GszgeyrhoENQ9URaetINfDuJN8ohmIb6mFC2xG0EvXm258Zy1AbAtXZ/1BV2UvmH2bwroC3WRtNQxSE3I81j/ka94NZrGG8vm5068S22zhj6AkG9s0BjYyzB6SDYHUz5EcCSY/cIRu9OObjE2/iT4OvwiievTydL87UzDIHKY4izXTQbqJsy/NyiIPImx9@MEv7u7MYaFAnBaXKrkjTW86ZNbdDRoe3uc8iDVsL@xFz42nIz5g2i0dX9qa7fowhFawk@C9CFnia0nIUfY6FW5tCWMtpf1mKZoYkbYElLaeERLvI4ycM3QiZ7x6j/vXUNqSryv1HnmcNjeM@9YcohJ/pBMEJjEYonk6lUCKFQhJqke0oJdFgW6MR7W8eQl6qiqoKK4nMBuJ53s0nj24pSvD6xwrf69/@@M5Y//2X7OjU1z8@a68JZpkexFIskifJwYpea@25/bFjucfTwErTAS0uX77sOt1GI4TECSMmOdlXa88tIVvm197u3u0dpFDlQ/iinduwL9J2SGMqN7xvjLjnIbOrE70toVHfgAvI/RdIqZvd/WcH/mGeJnGBq4RBEKijAn9twVaxxgtvekQ9NKHcF6DksY@KJcDBLDr20BqvbiOxdSkYHbnUHwkAHQ4BfUVHdRYF54vIeOIQ7lWFaaPCFM2O0JpJEhidC9j4DC2qMkdlmWl8Rn8jczwJUK500a@Kiv@RKOb3ZSRCFouwy/JBIMc1QtYVRVknRBv6tEiwSnrBMQMNTsg9OjkaUhT1lUEeY@6jSOa6rDTEyBYklHgqZIM4uJN0v6TjsMAN9lvE3NCMpUPxIIdvbOb3Wtar5SD7U5qKeFqCisTrqvGqvql3zARR/qhI1jshVlamnqUwCk0JLgO0JMoU6El52X43g8H9STANYxQtIgkpCjIAIb@H3DeSSqdhI2tTyoGvYOyYvSbBwASlbUJjLTFM3yA4UbRMlpK5s2GYwsbN3EbRN1nRN6XyrH1Cdmg8mrDJEQs1tXwiqpoU0EY0mxQELmg39U6n3@npGz19k/Q3O7oKCye0H/cac82Ef@1GIlY7seca6acteG7bidW4RTC27ZHHA@0EqnNqdl3Vy46ZPZw6Ybbfw4lKBNvE7Gx0ex9d2ZTo8yFFB/2p1Oahn/756/fZAZpF@c6WAn9i5boHy2alVE0DOs1Dy3nAuctp5DLK3CDgEeVuXghpwAEeuS7AE0JYee1kLpByPqaMZRgOAgpOxtg4w8AjkMIm52QJIgOzsZCbG0RTwWOWr3EJmShMTZZkJc5UJJPc44y0zClWIaCwNgNKflYWK7lyY/g4KFsreQAXpM5W/Mw8F8ZU/Cy7mBxVciQlzlRkmSQXOw4KrSAkqOhcYRuv6Fw9P9jmOgMuwRljIrhqUK4tPaOKn2V1q35WFI6rYmUKCKnnx/M8seOyunFmb6EzVTYOStcmP9sjNx0KTytDoUTCcCjL6OlMUuRpIsZHQfFK3EHzPe5/pWKVrFJVa6XOwWg4T@atbShWOa6@5S/Q9kBsiyqEoFGbXVGH8smqud1yltDiagpCS6e13SxqQa2WT7O1ZPIADijtLKRujGIWxQU22aEI8NHx9BRp7jFzT5DmJbMtdEdcEGYYGyX9W2Mem6CYHpXwsANsPN3xZxOU17fa/@OhHMocVupNEiZzRU6o1nrLaS5pTZkrNbpsOq11q4jRHNnpi89/BLDW0XluPUb27p17D/dywN2He7BF9s097cHu0x3tMdZNgmvkwuOS338/DswfFsCta9vXd27cvLX7yae3P7tz997n9x/sPXz0xeMnTy9@I0z673sFsLt62WsXTSwXvPCD0Suv/Cnkwpf@vATUEgsujbIRWVO3/OiUhX1U58n3AMbrfdKHK8Y8LcAWKlTPMRrBj44CfIjf/gU \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n**Explanation:**\nIt was actually a bit hard to keep this at 196 bytes, since there are many bytes that are now mandatory on each line. \nThe first line is simply a scalar that's not outputted, followed by a comment. The second line is an anonymous function that takes a string `x` as input and makes the following operations:\n```\nstrsplit(x,char(10))   % Split at newlines. Can't use a literal newline, or [10,''] due to previous rules\ncellfun(@(C) ...     ) % Perform the following operation on each line:\n  any(C==' ')          % Make sure there is at least one tab character\n  1&&find(C==' ')>1    % Make sure the index is higher than 1\n1&&cellfun( ... )     % Check that this is true for all lines.\n```\nIt's lucky that the short circuit operation `&&` takes precedence over `&`, and that `1&&find` doesn't require parentheses. Otherwise I wouldn't manage to golf this down to 196 bytes.\n[Answer]\n# 11. JavaScript (ES6), 36 bytes\n```\n.11&&(s=>\"Hi, Retina!->\"&&s[9]=='\"')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hZLRbtowFIbveYqzTIOYBpfA2NqiRKtUTaOatAmq7oIg4SUOuDh2ajuMIE3aZV9iL9cXYS5tQ7jakWwfW59@n6Pz35E10bFiuekImdBdGuyw7zebrg5C5wvzYEwNE@RNJ3SaTT09nwVBy2mhXSyFlpxiLhfutAFw2gbwMVwmyckJvEb7FOZXXup98vy59wL1MNwoRsSi4EQxU@4hjBG2a5ThSDjYCXCF9zFcU87LI01LPf75S2lFvccwMSRe0aRO9advW3RNxaziBhi@l2YpBfRrXNfvRYJluVQGdKkjkSsmjMupcO0VMGiTMGFPRUniIgTtNnTxAN6BD0EAXVTpf3jWh@Nq6e8oIhpvJ/7@10GFf8TwY8l0TpWu4eRnnNB0sWR3K54Jmd8rbYr1r025jUQITug8HSORF@aSc5uH4D8@PPT22bfC2HfoR6L65AzDGOrx3HMn3A43wVNHX5mg2kXDMrilsZGKbalbmPTsRo6EQe4GDYko3YWiOXcd6wNvgw4dn@MXhxypd8JuNK@55xX3u3ZQMsvocTF@J6zBMALOVhQ@KyriJVxcWU@MbzkfJnh5QUQCym4ys1Mp0hSMlAd568Bra@jJ3tAH@f/7ed6YNXBGcjdFaPcP \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. **The 10-th character is a `\"`.**\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n[Answer]\n# 23, [Literate Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/literate.html), 196 bytes\nNew requirement: Indentation is great, so each line needs to contain at least one tab character.\n```\n.1+C->|  \"\t\"  |>-C+1.\n\t\t\n>\tmain = interact test\n>\ttest s = show (check (lines s))\n>\tcheck = all (elem tab)\n>\ttab = toEnum 9\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\tHenry Jams?\n\tHi, Retina!\n\t~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##3Y8xCsJAFETr3VOMqSIxgZQWiUUQxNIbrOFDlvzdQP4XEYJXjxs8ga1MMcybaWZwMhJzyV5pdkrrWtVFV7YLkJkMWNqyK@rKGmNbE5yPaODjtu0VSqIJbwZJhQzTE3k/UD8iZx9JIPt9WnxRA8eMnJgC1N23IlnCOp3jI@BozS@6UJxfuLogpxT8ATdSH93Omvd/vPgA \"Literate Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. **Each line contains a tab character.**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact strings `Hi, Retina!` and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains a tab character.\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n[Answer]\n# 27. [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 144 bytes\n```\n.\t\t;'>-C+\"1\"+C->';\t\t.\n'\t\nz\t\ny\t\nx\t\nw\t\nv\t\nu\t\nHi, Retina!\tHenry Jams?';;\nt\t\ns\t\nr\t\nq\t\no\t\nm\t\nl\t\nk\t\nj\t\ni\t\nh\t\ng\t\nf\t\ne\t\nd\t\nc\t\nb\t\nn\t/:^,27>^^^|=lynn\n*\tn~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##zc67DYJQAIbR@vunUJubiGi0MZGIBQ2xdAASREAULwr4wBhXxzU8E5y8KrMmqYtr2/dT8IzvBs5oPnIC1zceTGXQG3XohZ7oge4oLCaDXdoWNh4SprbuBtv40myM56lFDarRDVXogkp0RidUoCPKUYZSdEAJ2iPLbBVNFks/iqLPuuys1Rj7/b/RDw \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. **There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and **all lines are distinct**.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".#$[\\]` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n[Answer]\n# 12. [V](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), 36 bytes\n```\n.1lllGYVH\"\"p\u00d8Hi, Retina!->\u00fc\u02c6.*\u00b1\n\u00d8^0$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/v/X88wJyfHPTLMQ0mp4PAMj0wdhaDUksy8REVdu8N7DnXoaR3ayHV4RpyBCglKAQ \"V \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. **The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.**\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n* The last line non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n[Answer]\n# 21. [Alphuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 676 bytes\n*Surprisingly, most of the code is not padding.*\n```\n.11111111\"1\"11111111.\n?|+->Hi, Retina!opaos\niipiiciasceaecppisaic\nsapiceasccpisipiiiiia\necsaiiijaeepiiiiiiaec\nsaeeejeepiiiaeecsajee\neeeepiaeecsaejipiiiii\niaecsaijeeeeeeeeeejii\niiiijiipiiiaecsaijiii\npiaeeeecsaijeejiiijii\niiiiiiiiiiijiipiiiaec\nsaijiipiaeeeecsaejiii\niiiiiiijeeeeeejiiijpi\niaeeeeecsaeeejpiiaeee\neeeecsajeejiiijiiiiii\niijeeeeeeeeeeejeeepia\neeecsaeejeeeeeeeeeeee\njpiaeeeeecsaijepiaeee\ncsaeejeeeeeeeeejiiiii\niiiiijiipiiiaecsaiiij\nepiiiiaecsaeeejiipiae\neeecsaijepiaeeecsaeje\neeeeeeeeeejiiiiiiiiii\niijiipiiiaecsaiijpiae\neecsaejipiaeeecsajiii\npiaeeeecsajiiiiiiiiii\nijeeejiiiiiiiijejiipi\niiaecsajpHenry Jams?a\nbcefghiwklmnopqrstuvw\nxyzabcdefghwuklmnopqr\nstuvwxyzabcdefg~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##7VJBUsMwDLzrFYUr0Bk@QK8djvxANYJKbVNRN4QyDF8vsmUnaV7AocolWu2uV4lxq@s2bM7n@WOpW3tKzWHxc/fwtOT72QsducGbveI@ArMyB8YYCCmockQOEFHZgBiCAYlhhUDBhsyCRA6xSYxLROKQvRrHGjDMEO9JigUkgXkI9SUJTaY5SJ0nblZT5YtzgIcaJOCaQZHplSv9SSyaM1SWgZpDe16PXk7yvOOoacm0E1T1eEYgOjibzDuYEKX6Tle2FvyrYo3mC8HEMW/neceWfd4LUykO9ScUg8n3vXCQsaV4CiiGoktqDqfZM@7iAmEV6O19zd1mu2v2@nGIx/azg6/TN67Caxp1bR1Bng2j3@stvd7S/39L/wA \"Alphuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n---\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n---\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact strings `Hi, Retina!` and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|` and `+`.\n---\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n[Answer]\n# 26. [Self-modifying Brainfuck](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Self-modifying_Brainfuck) (SMBF), 256 bytes\nThe third-to-last character must be a tab.\n```\n.1111111\t\"1\"\t1111111.\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\tHi, Retina!Henry Jams?C|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\nx\t+>>>->>+>>->>+>>->>>>>>>>>>>+>>>>>->>->>>>\nx\t>,Z>,^+.>^\n^\tx~\n```\nPrints out `\\x00` for truthy and outputs `\\x00\\x01` for falsey. Always terminates with an error due to an unmatched bracket. This prevents any input from being dynamically executed. \nThis program only works in the [Python interpreter](https://ideone.com/L2byRe). **DOES NOT WORK ON TIO.** This is because the Python interpreter EOF is NUL.\nTo use the Python interpreter, paste this code into the line where the `data` is set. This had to be done, because TIO has no easy way to type or input NUL bytes, so I still use Ideone. Then uncomment `sys.stdin = MySTDIN(\"<[.<]\")` and replace the custom input with whatever input you are testing against.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n* The third-to-last character is a tab.\n[Answer]\n# 28. [Literate Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/literate.html), 256 bytes\n```\n.\t|+xx<<<\"a\"<<\tg x=elem '<'x&&e%x==e\n>\te=tail(show 0)\t\n>\t('<':a)%('>':b)=a%b\n>\ta%('<':b)=('<':a)%b\n>\ta%('>':b)='<':e\n>\ta%(x:b)=a%b{->Hi, Retina!Henry Jams?-}\n>\ta@(_:_)%_=a\n>\ta%b=e\n \t\na\t\nb\t\nC\t\nd\t\ne\t\nf\t\ng\t\nh\t\ni\t\nj\t\nk\t\nl\t\nm\t\nn\t\no\t\nppppppppp\t\nq\t3~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##5ZDBToNAEIbP/zzFtgkFUiEm3giLJl4aj74AGXQKaxdaC4lrrL46LlSewjlMMt/8/2RmGu4PYm1izSBnHmQcU1y2zuV5vua1z85tL0hJAVSgVk6LlVaFeeg2Gwmc1uK56IGNjfrm@KFu40kZeUXGcRCFRZhVseag8pSDmft66S/0qpqgXIn7c30lxc7cqGcZTMernXTnT/XEbX@ffE/Ch6jMyjgoNc@2yq@jQAyqQI@gV5CA9qAa1IAM6A10AFlQC@pAR9BpCdA77n5G8pNaNp023fSTl2G@K63jf/@aXw \"Literate Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Test Driver](https://tio.run/##5RjbVtvK9XnmK6YTjCXAYyQwFxuJQJJzwllp6EpoVrsI0LE9sgWypEgy2MRknaf2fMJ5aD@ir119ah77Fc2PuHtGNpZvB3LiPtUspJm998zs@96aKo@b/X6NJ8QmYRQ0It5iSSfBWNSaASn4hC4ZlACS1@thqFAjjKkwSeRyv9H2eOQm3QmKDUVxKTxvErOpMHHCa1eiPoErKVzYTZqBvzGB27rHTSC2FeKm6cahiOIREn50aUch3yioFJa5fthOWOIGxB7CR1vtKupIJK7PJ1AfjfU7KhkPWi0xhTMU7pJf87gWuWEyRWAqgusp@IaCA@NeaRzntsIgSkjcjSuOBYSlu0oYuX6iORrAWJzUXZ9Fgtc1XdfpSGvm1BFb6ogPbR4loJ@EO84UybYiARUmIg55bVq@nbvMEZOW@WimqlHWnjrfTEVs8vgK8MxrxmPY9OhG4DmzNWfu3GFsoxZ3fQvEFxGvJVrcDG5YQ8/sa6qNMT6wlrQBm6QYhElRua98rq6ysEsKhXbiwNNxPTFybbKXcQwdH/7aTe7H@kgEo0wodh1yCtIcUGJZ8D6k5KxCkqbwMVGENORxTLHwYjGEONz1KHbcGTKNBV7xZCwMgb2puHxIvF@x3xQsI7G5EIkVZ8ql0idx2qN8MkOih@jvxxlON76Z03T@Ns1mxI2JHyTE9eV6Uo/caxExip8Q0VHR/Pr4@YuL3x2cvLRosR1HRc@tFv2gLi5aQb3tiViSynlqlkGOHL7ZZZxNm2MqSFU2keB6w4DNZtRUWZIyA5xHeq@o0jcratqL5UQ9pI8N8/pDrjpv0XCY4Xnrf8DzsMrcDyQb2dLzEP@P2SA7zcizvbiwiopV1y@@STNuWgUHB6mKaRMSwJ5RpjymcDsLP5y924giw/vOt9siBbxRtXluoLUCP0gVnRbxYkrPREdkyvqM0Ina1e4g6mSBT58sqo7q/QzLPmrR/ThbE9YXlHh@uO84ZquEkKN8HWrktSBJQG4gWYtMlyKJg6guIols8StB3AS0qBTyzlKCXQ8SgpnKeV2UhVj6rGplSKFNCs6UXr5m7fWkahZTPWRHJbe/76zIrMicRXQ/yTK1qELxh50tAkSiVYUCNbBY4JOTo2P6uBRujnL4IC5la0jnEo5EKC2@D8n2lGMTaeTJhvOhzPi1m02CsrJuLS5Vjpri4o16TbTJ8zqRR6wbB2T5X0yqf8iXZvcDcxqCyY7A2FlQSBzXEpme5mT0X24Fza/tBc1sMzgZIuaisvKBFzbbtau5Mj1a8KjtD75vst9PMyvRHMLMLCvpwhrf18eHx6@@TdDBTr89/G4@Sdo@vzp4/b0l/Ivfvx25xejLMTOUNXj8k3Kekzx@@Tggq8zFROu0Cc05xh7/Opa5f87aLJPfHK79PkO91U5nb2@PcgrPTme1hxgmCMH3eYN0LOGJFsnv5TvLyyLXsSwBcGElsIH6YCfruqTUgKLM9ZyWt/Plqm7xXBWgPKfgMB/ih9CUSgJFCukMVn0s2C/dNZJ2eL95KfyoS37grXi/cCcJn2oX5Qs9d2FxtawK7BCEOcJVhJ8hXEdYIOwg3EC4ibCL8CXCVwh7CLcQ9hEOEA6HP4Q/oI1P/edrztrTNQMvOTYdjCk@7jOmM4aZftRimDJqsT7DX378mxB9tnH6JC@uhX@Gn5YdjPNsQ0hQ3sytW2d54pCgnfTZumHi0X0PTu95POHLmx7CiLrrgffgtoesrJB1ViI5Ykgzrut9Ju7e85jdvjU25K1Xqc94tVYXTqPpXl55LT8IP0CdbF/fdLq32CbUpvA8kk514HkYunrjy08/mXJw3E4ASjYwMFWwbysdSx76yvVFrOmVrvVO1JIgcm@F1k6cnZPgyE90raNXuN/VGpEIPY0WbLrW0YGpgr3@p4yB@swYMxg5Ip4LLed3kfBrTVJ@jumbd55XqbNmmft1EsEjaIHwbceB/jSQGxjLy1ps2TSzDRy3vByf7p5ZVp7m4VjD87zv//juJaXh55/HCD//899/Ziv/@jv@/PP5@hJQVmjFYPj9xHaVpQtrz66A94fplRvpFovFml1aXo7AlhHEhviwdFHps5Ojk1cvCETDE/gnL17BHPygzhOO3TJzXAhHs7RmrK3juMziBPZqEJozS6fn7/0zipMRcEwzEG4jzGFXjOCs4QVV7hHZSGP5KEt7QwCG7bjpkSV3OIhxjcPpcY37Dub1OoB21kgOuo0RaUqRROBoA5LNAUncrpIl05Az3sGXt6Q7XOWkq5RanIlVl62QwFbd8pA4@QVi4ZcxfJCBnxlgZ80wViilK4ah1X0ONhmziLzIpVSXdB5vVeucxGW6D9nMJ7E0OEt/YIPBCDaANeBu/DSz0RkA908LhrmpsZ7N9f0zvLkr/bK3n/7RVToY9SY5kPthIhMIAnUjqXT5J6cKRjBgcUqlIJIUxsM47LOtChW8YO@Dr@zbBS5oZQuyxZjV56WAscteFoeem2j0vU913Ta3Vg0dP/ZHe/JH8SYz@5Kj3Cow1KOC9oCl1ZzkaExsyEsbm6Wt7Z1dPDGce8SXH/@aycSQBf/zj7/04TBj9VnB7oEhESWkZxeerYKRVOWQbkwsMrzbJdASJwCWLxIDQpUOrdYU0FBpnsxEYHUdKFKQRaSPaar2JLwqEfACcBK88NstsovR1/xlmIfJSBkYfepLORCq5CX31KBSonwFQQnMI3yLcBfhDsI3CF8j3EZZTWZ3zVcqOEE4RjiSVUWWmZaqOleqArmqGjVUZRKqStVUxfJRsXy@Zm7b5@fnPcvr@j5eQf6n//ua/F8)\n**Satisfies**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. **There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and all lines are distinct.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* **Angle braces must be balanced**\n[Answer]\n## 29. [PHP](https://php.net/) with `-r`, 256 bytes\n```\n.6|0&\"123'  '321\"&0|6.\n<   \n0   \n;   \n+   \neval(   \n~   \npreg_replace    \n('Hi, Retina!'^'g5X|->/45789:@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ  \n*   \na   \nb   \nc   \nd   \ne   \nf   \ng   \nh   \ni   \nj   \nk   \nm   \nn   \no   p~\n```\nNot being able to use `$` made this quite tricky, in my original solution I misunderstood the rule, but I think I have everything covered now. I've used high-byte characters, `~` and `eval` to work around the lack of decent variables for PHP. I nearly made the minimum number of unique code points 96, but I thought that might make it a little too hard for some languages.\nHere's a reversible hex dump for verification too.\n```\n00000000: 2e36 7c30 2622 3132 3327 0927 3332 3122  .6|0&\"123'.'321\"\n00000010: 2630 7c36 2e0a 2a09 0a30 090a 3b09 0a2b  &0|6..*..0..;..+\n00000020: 090a 6576 616c 2809 0a7e 090a 7072 6567  ..eval(..~..preg\n00000030: 5f72 6570 6c61 6365 090a 2827 4869 2c20  _replace..('Hi, \n00000040: 5265 7469 6e61 2127 5e27 6735 587c 3c4a  Retina!'^'g5X|->/45789:@A\n000000c0: 4243 4445 4647 4849 4a4b 4c4d 4e4f 5051  BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ\n000000d0: 090a 3c09 0a61 090a 6209 0a63 090a 6409  ..<..a..b..c..d.\n000000e0: 0a65 090a 6609 0a67 090a 6809 0a69 090a  .e..f..g..h..i..\n000000f0: 6a09 0a6b 090a 6d09 0a6e 090a 6f09 707e  j..k..m..n..o.p~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rRfRctvG8fnuKy5nkQBEEiZISRYJApIjO7ZcN05t2XVsieoRPIqgQBAmQAtUGY870zSZNm2cyYzjunGn733qYzt5Ih/7FfWPsHsAIYK05KQzPfAOe3u7e7t7u3tgg/nt6dQ3ViR1Y1TMUq1U3g9LV/bDYkW8yyWNZoujDRUQrBZji6yYAHoC5BKAP2WOnEyeJYDX50eHfe45zOIJThbyb9p5cpcHtss@ENO6GI7WH45qt@ZaFFk@AWLkfCGiv8nd/pDcYl1/a4lJTCoN6BvQgbkp5hZ0MGAT5hUN3o2L8cLQCC/WQfHNJnRrRl@ZyS3HsiPazRhe4C3O5VVSshM5TSGzFe8h3tY64IpxFzQRX2KDFtM3AW7CvsKZEQzdgjXryqwDL2vEshqV2fqa8Iei6Ftmwby8tn5ls1LdvvrhzrXrH924uXvrZ7d//vGdT36ROG81AVgCNBLASoDm2ZknQCsBjhKgnQB2AnQS4DgBugngJkBPAN4zScfcavcIXfHpDCy40Wx0YpGCpeNWr08YsQVym@qk2cNoTsboyGt7pNCfCYiWdNzsuRxPp9OzeJeQdBbmuIZwEWEd4RzCUSwj/AzhdPwiLEupsJXqUhywEsJ5hCV41aVUSAq0NP7L@OX49eS78ffjF@Pfj78Z/yENj/8G8Hfjv47/OP4K8H8G2m/HrwH7CsZ49UVE9zoagWbyZvw1cHw9@XzyYvJi/BVgxQ7fTN5MXk6@nfwJxpeT30y@gOf5@O@Tz8f/hPlvpR87fYRXEWYINxC2EG6CBxBuIXyEcBthG@EOwscIdxF2Ee4h79lURaNcGNZqNcoojGGYGyEVE4SwiY5IaHCHd4lUk8JslmdCw@CA50bAbEf2270TUlQEpQwUVaZkZMmUqg3FYJkGYFkmwsM8WU@wMZVA8hgTzrh@XTBTJ5M6hMJngnBbPqweKplDg0VsDVCHJPbuXGyvMzcZe0lD@AkqCwcgXTILOzmq0dxOwZR0BA6AMz9FeIhwiPAJwk8RHiCc0gyl40PXcYCwj3BfyBSbdKM9j6P97UiXo0gvHuloRfq66HK1ni9dMev1@shwhq4LZ@eCQht6Jlcwt0YU0REcdi6jQ1S3jG05VLRs1uKO0xq48ra8ozB3KO8YBoS/koWllu02k7mp5f2g73uOHchh3mqzvqwVFQgfnEHv/FLGpG08j/Qn/cAIfbVg5kYM0ZAiNsqZhVVdxSgkhu16g@D/A@mrJKU5Rg@JsfvxJ/f3MLpzfw/exLixJ9/bfXRdfqjkS5qCNIwufLgLJ4PeSai79/buP/jlw08fsYbV5K2jtt05drpuz3vS94PB05NweAoFaA2jlOOwcIAmgmlECJwiISMRYBo4QCRLl0G5M6DmBbzPrIAE3A8ALV7Eh4Uor2Srza1jIju2y33iKwpQxCiDMMchcpSYAWuIBXgBOuhddwddUnmPkec8Cx58x4i4IcgNNINVkRLn/c7P251ReE67SMZ7frUfa0CTM00ojmYuNZ61XDQWZkggNvOPzHy99qgQ90LSHpk51azjOgrTuchTuSidbypcdnGWirSEUintSCLdrrpDsrOFL2iZuZc18LJ25uWtUW6hFvY81vOxbXu2bdnMtzjjlufZPrMt7DPPBoRvWYAQFNAYXLewaNsdxnmMsoEFaDnnnRgFINDABAMOMPGcd2YisGAAGR1@1joCK4RGiiTrgjbi5gl9J6bB9rzNWXDMM@eIyBPaztlOdseLdEioAOlFSsf6xqrPdor1TasqjBQ24YQ7vcZxx5tLBrZ4hpcIO4ncZZNhimOvskS12CC8JDGyLtY3LfJM3wWhnZmE5BBmApb8uyChkxbZibXAM4EdLxWdDDesqH6dLNQvDAUsKW0ng2QJJ7VttnRRJqTis2AWRSFc34APE7wEXhT8@O3z71Mqvn3@5j//@uKCrWap5Tiy7Xd5t8H7ix9x@VBRsv6gO1@Ga48FcilfLlfLG/m1jXxFq1bKeQk@opTaRjaUS/AqZoVI@dgIZa0aXaCQuVoxrykFTVEMo@XYnnwM5TeD/4cmbKCcgRH0EgUTGKfCBppSmGK76/X6UPKHPnydwm0gO9yVYab6QdN21T5nTVlR4yuc7rtUUczSRk5TfrIWdCQaxWtqaaqOtuKH5ugMGi2dH1nmJ0lgQIlS4wZfiTMIShQhRCuY7HFKygEgtx4XtNKarI5Mpmwd4LUK@wAEMHCtpq1SSlc1TW66TFveHu5KShVB57Buo8mIX6Vb4CYXrr@pure7d/s6gf0vQSfXb8NcxWqTBQzbVbVlw51YWs9r@SL2q@BBcOgRoZnS@uP6vntAcTBHLpRVilvzlQ@HfI5Xj5xegzlEXNdYDFUyb9gb@G2HrNgJ4GNLXMu@xdwWZs0moDbzJMN9b04aUwR9OOcZydqMxB80yEpJEzMW4s4pGSZcrZgrCpDWElen6xEQNawmxMF7iLlbxX0ewEnoVAff79MF71N95dComTr8wfL0SAAZXr582TLXs9k@f8r7PhSmJyuHOghwHOfGpw9uUupNXi0Imfzw79@pq@N/4MmrenFFXGzZrOwb5tJW2az/uHIAFySV4GC1hfMgu8Sxjzn5qM9dq02q1zC9@8Bx9KbarkJokD4MvS54cdBqwRdPD0ILKs@vUhKmarFgnuqhIRLotvh8khV9aDzgVtDr26dcHgStzb3erhsoUFB0cVkfiT@GMgQGFVVkql78rYdNQk0K4674AL3qONg0ifb2yy9LArgzCABLypD//LN95qun97SyCJd1UEorXZjxRCVRzsM7znqFrK6SorpOMkQjhgH/sqZq@fElCQ7CPZiqUDffcD5VVUWFHFB2u1BaVGqo02v5Vn47r/0X \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Test driver](https://tio.run/##7Rldc9vG8Rn3K65nSSAkESRAUZZIAbLkT7mKldqqJx1ZUo/kgYQEAjAASqRMedyZpsm0aeNMZhzXjTt971Mf2@kT@ZhfUf8Rdg8gRfArkiP2rcTocLe7d7dft7s4Fahf6XSKNMA6dj2n7NGqHNQDhFix4uCkjcmMQjAgaankuiGqj1FDTOCZ1C7XLOqZQWOIIhNSHDHLGsYshRg/oMVjVhrCZUOc2wgqjp0Zwi1f4IYQN0PEacX0Xeb5fST8yMxKiHwcQrmwsmm7tUAOTAfrPXh/qdWQ2mOBadMh1AslfU444061ykZwSog7oifUL3qmG4wQqCHByQg8E8KBcSs7iDOrruMF2G/4eUMDwux53vVMO0gYCYDJflAybdljtJSQJIn0taaObLEcbvG8Rr0A9BNQwxghuRmSgAoD5ru0OCrfynlsi2HLvFAj1YTWHtlfjUSsUP8Y8LJV8Qew0dZlxzLGa05dOUdIF6rUtDUQn3m0GCT8inMql6XYuurIwqsRy5XId9GGNpPo8o9TjhukQr/m7cKC7DZwMlkLDGgN02J9n8drMY@R0OZPXeSiL/V5VHKYINPAe8DuBsGaBu9NgvfzOKgwG@GQkLjU9wlils96EIOaFkGGOUamgROZ2h04n8DeyIG9TLyfsN4ILCaxOhWJQ85CX4tabNT6gWaMRJfRX/RjnGauzWk0fhKFOWz62HYCbNp8Pi555gnzZIJuYFYPj/mjnTt3Dz/d2H2gkVTN91KWWUjZTokdVp1SzWI@J@XjyCzd4Nl7y0d@PJ4OqCBS2VDka/ZOcjzURsrilDHgJNILRWWvrahRL@aDsOE@1gv4l7nqpEm9bozn5f8Bz730c9HhbMRz0mX8X2WB@DAmz83pHSsvVTDt1OMoFEfpsbtRmEp1jB1Y04vlzQiux@Gb41frU8R4X7m@LSLA4zBpTzxoVcd2IkVH2T0V0cuszmL5fszR8WqFRvfU8cwftbJX6BcCYyx7pUkX/XhOSE8p8Dy8KEXGqwTjLbEEyfOE4cDBpxCsWax84cSOV2IeR1bpMcNmAFoMFfJUCwU76QYENZLzJMUzNPfZsMbByRpOGiN6@Zi5J8OqmU724KUWX/6i5MLjTuY4ootBnKlpJYrPVpYxELFqARJU12KOjXe3dsjVQrjaj@Hdc8lrRjKRsC9Cdvp1SLzYHBhwIw9XopdFxo9dbBgUl3V5eqGyXy2nTsPXUP08qRK5wrxBQJz/6YT6y3xpfD0woSAYrgiUlSkdiZ1iwMPThIj@46Wg@rG1oBovBoePiDqtqLxhuZVa8XiiTFcW3KvZ3Q@f@IfV2Ew0gTA2iks6tcL30c7mzvb1BO2u9MnmvckkUfm8vfHovsbsw18@6btF/5My1uU5ePBbc5KTXH36ICCuzOmc1lETqhOMPfjZzGP/hLlxJlemE/4rLk56vc/tcSF9mKDbi7Oyel1WOh15uZmeg1ohIwpiRlXIXLq5LKM1AaUFlBfQgoDYCbUSAnopINdj5UOPuRYEWgElxAfmIo7Kwp@JB2I5@1lz7aEooEUBifA6EB8w22vgh7Tqr3Ow2PpL603rXfu71vet163ft75p/SHeb/0N@t@1/tr6Y@srgP8ZaL9tvQPoW2gj7OuQ7l3YAk37fetrmPF1@/P26/br1lcA5Tt8037fftP@tv0naN@0f9P@Ap5Xrb@3P2/9E8a/FSUpv64n9dRS9ubKau7WxubtO3fv3X@w9fDn25882vn0FwKaFxAVUEFARQGVQAMCMgRUFlBFQKaAjgR0LKCqgGwBOYL7snNn0Vi8taigGUMn3T5BOx1ZlmQZydJWVUZEJprckdGHV@8Z68iZvRsiO2H2PrqVMxAS5QzjIFGdTWv7IjawUws6clpRUf9aC0XXWRaz@YUWlnF4pQXv7qUWnp/HaTmLZ7HCPSEtdWR2/oz68tkTJcMv97IdmRaKJWaUK@bRsVW1Hfc5ZP3ayWm9cYZ0THQC7RZ3ww3LQvCNonz48kuVd3ZqAUBxBgFTSf0sX9f4ptumzfyElG9oT1kxcDzzjCVqgbGy62zZgZSoS3lqNxJl7jEJktTJYl0CppJ6@tcxz@nISlKPjfEWtkwooO95zC5WcO4OIo@fWla@JFdy1C5hDxqnCsLXDAOqbYcvoMzNJXxNJ7FlYLu5OX9vdV/TRCLCtoplWfd/9fQBIW777QBh@98//E6eb/0Dtd8epGeAMk/yioyeDS2XnznU1vQ8HCA3ulnEjVQqVdSzc3Me2NKD48WezxzmO/Lu1u72XUwouQF/@O42jMEPSjSgyMzJhgnBRc0uKotp5OdkP4C1ypjMqtm9g2f2PkFBHzigGTixfcxmg/XhctlyCtTC/LMA8SbH7S3Aia35FQvPmL2Oj4oUdveL1DYQLZUAtLKIZ6F26pNGFIEHjtYlWeqS@LUCnlEVPqJ1dHSGG71ZRjQrVIsxNOuo6mJYqpHrEQc/QszsHILPS/AzBeycUJR5Qsi8oiRKNgWbDFiE31cTInE6i1YLJYr9HFmHgGhjnxtcjn5gg24PFoA54G50L7bQPgDX95KKupSQmzqV1vfR0ir3y@Z69JAF0u01hzng6yF4BCSAugWudP7wYQjDCLAoogohnBT6vXMI4TdPGE3q6@ArEJQoI3kIv2TA6pNCwMCdtuy7lhkkyDObSJKuLi8oErrqjzT5j6AlWeUJIT@7AAw1CSNNYGlhlnM0IDbEpcxSdhmiJxrqTtziw6vvY9kAouB//vVFBzZTFm4n9SYYUiAYN/Xk7QUwEugvusDGGu5dYWMo8AMA8xf2AcGvtHGiWGFQHiYsHonA6hJQRCANcx9LMItVcUALHAEvAAfOXbtWxatI@JgnxjwM@spAwssOl0MQ8iLnniiESyTmBUFGkPTOBNQQUF1ApwI6EVBNiGsyvqqYz6NAQL6APAE954mFZxgrTDVHYdqphCnICNNRKUxNBZ6CUrmDRfWmfnBw0NSshm1D8rJfAkPNhXp9bW0NvB/aen2hCQzhULNlXNdCvYhrYn1ujs3WNY0BnGkB1AXh/woge3DKBFDkqDSbEHUxV5A0OlsAKJ0N4TDu4XvQiIoDWQSpd2e9GAhkMbGT55zwVuIwdyjNHmo0nFYAdnAvBd@enIKtfhZGbu/HtZd5@f@65vp1zX8B \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced.\n29. **There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and all lines are distinct.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* Angle braces must be balanced.\n* **There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.**\n[Answer]\n# 30. [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish) with `-v 0 -v 0`, 324 bytes\n`1` is truthy, empty string is falsey\n```\n.1|-<<<<\t\"C\"\t<<<<-|1.\n>i:0(?v'\t'~\nv     >}@@:'\t'=0=?;@\nv\t\n     >:0(?va=?v&1+&>'\t'~\n>{r0&/    v   >&}0&^\t\n          >&}rv\t\n<\t\n              >l3(?v@:}@@=?;{'\t'~\n                  ->1n;\t\nHi, Retina!\t\nABDEFGIKLMNOPQSTUVWXYZ\t\nb\tc\nd\t\nfg\t\nh\t\njk\t\no\t\np\t*      *  *\nq\t  *  *      *\nu\t*      *  *\nw\t\nxz\t\n2\t\n45\t\n6\t\n78\t9\nHenry Jams?%-\t_~\n```\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/##7VDJUsJQEDx3f0WkyoeFBl/cDeQl7rjv60ErKkhcogaNC4Rfx5eEg5ZXj/Zhlp7pnqppBK1mr1e2OmZVA4WFAtLC7FhlqsCWQ25cRLHL2EihEs@zde9Ix614jMGczvZ8x42FNSxUJlDtSIrRdJpKlUikOO@v5xqRRFpf/c5l/P249vJsfUnfaGdexi@YygorYC0YMfbqL0HoD4Bz84tLyyur6xubW9s7u/sHh0fHJ6dn4CWueA02bsAmeHsHPoJPKOVOOpX4jLzoU3z9MX0D3z/BMXBiEpwCp2cwy1o9jD6MNf@h5Q6auOj@f/FPvmjGhszCFw \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced.\n29. There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n30. **The third-to-last character is a tab (#26) AND adjacent lines must have different lengths**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and all lines are distinct.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* Angle braces must be balanced.\n* There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n* **Adjacent lines must have different lengths**\n[Answer]\n# 32. [Io](http://iolanguage.org/), 256 bytes\nNew requirement: The codepoint sum has to be a perfect square, just like the bytecount.\n(TBH it did take me a whole day to write a program that satisfies my new requirement, hope you enjoy this requirement!)\n```\n.1//\t|+|?\"'\"?|+|\t//1.\n//Hi, Retina!\tHenry Jams?\nC\t:= method(a\n,\ta sum sqrt %1== 0)\n//\te@\n//\t\n//\t?\n//\t{f\n//\t&FO`FC*EU/2345678XYZ^\n//\tB\n//\tDE\n//\tF\n//\tGh\n//\tIg\n//\tJKh\n//\tL\n//\tMN\n//\tO\n//\tPQ\n//\tjklm\n//\tST\n//\tbci\n//\tV\n~\t:=9;\n//\tApqrstuvwxyz{}\n//\tdefgh\n//\t<->\n\t ~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##5Rhdc9pI8nnmV8yxAUkgCQS2EyMkcIiTOOvNp@NLHIIziAGEhZCRcMDGrlzV7e0@XV3VVe3uw@UX3NM93tU9hcf7Fbd/JNcjgS0gzmar9u0GTY@mp7vV09PdM4Pd//hR1bJZNMlMygkhUYYWZbOairPZ@7ZMnrLAdunv0H3mDsbkAe35ZVxFRYP0WNDpN0WKZUSJP@wR/3gQkKRmGCQnATNiFQ55LXNw1uIwdffRm7vV9PbzbL6wtr5x89aLlwd1PnCbgzvbHN7l4F6Hw502hw@@Dju7HHzzkMNHHDx@wmH3yOnx9tkehw3L5s0@vgAdN3X@vuUdD/xgePJ2ND49O@eYJmu1Q4klxcSIXHysiok7ckuuyFpCIt7AdgPHxRiwqiqpKlalnZ6Kawm1ljDUZQr887v3jC1jC6@@EtgJc18vD@S0PLZ7Xh9s5Y99HI6JDnNF6BGV@EHTdqEdMNoUJYmk0ySnrpMk0Uho2GVxtGGFs7G5Gdx@bKrYJLWEWUtAu@N6w2DLcbBpEu3n77/P85dHwwCwpICXRbLzWo366ukzrUCgrK/MQDFP9ZHBNdy1XeaLkj429pkV9Af2KROHQevWXn/HDSRxJOnUHYvtAfMcsZZQQBt5JK3MQTFzb2KutjysKWZslOwQxz5i5O6AuVaHFO/Aujzddxy9qXaK1G2SAYA@eGMwbLVI0O@vytNSKdE3QJmYWK5bKuW/2nxtGEItIawoqTmOc@/l/v1aopbwpj8tsE7//Z8/qekP/8DTn@q5Gyucei2hQzzVaitf1G8cGiVTtzp9Tw95yDibzVrmeio1AO8Z@Ayz4xuH@rLIvZ293W1YXlpLfBVCsr0LOPDUJg0ototqy3Yckl@XNTmH/aLqB8DeBo5kfv1Vvea@Br8IYugFE8NYKzZ2e8xiI2rb6TeoQ3rUdjEHRXJVsDf0Ow65Yc9ffGxRUMS3qNvCtNkE1C2ZJJnvXZFGFMEAgmBGsjYj8YcNciOv8R4d4e4pGc@5WhFXaJTWEle35xEQNS7OiYPPEDO3iAcsWFkzcCJR09J8tWuJtKaJTZfCGi6sH0w4Gpc4tUN7jSZkwmItUQY7QRT7q06kRiVcs9k7SAVB4OT0VUz6a0CWXylafk1UJyaVyq/x2uZqbEzK0a@WyMBnZ71lNbl8HMIIfK7gpRcMjBjP@3GAyTz3LCu1AQ7PqGKWQ@8smwpl4OobPIMuetl1eVANs6Aa5UDV9xw7gPRRq7lgasnMb2Q0CX9pqSUmvMDX1tT8qqbJDOgJo6DhBDTNJLmeLaMCuQt8RrT9Hus12EAUYpoLPImlYMu7Gh7JFg3EvFwoFAsb8tqGvKkVNwuyIEiSVNpIjcQ8NLkUFykeGSNRK7Zs8JmRYWg5WZMUTZIMo@XYnngkSTiJf0X5wjktuARsQtHuu4mXXq/9zM/v/hY7AsCe999/fbeaWaNSS/BnVlQMR4qF/NL3aN/Htu3ZtmVT32KUWZ5n@9S2sE89GxC@ZQGCU0ChmFkwaNtdyliEsoEFaBlj3QgFr0ADHQw4wER91p2JwJwBZHTZZelyLBcaKjIf57QhN5vTdyMabF@VKxYc8VxxhORz2u7ll@yuF@owpwKkFyod6RupPvtSpG9cVT5JPic8546PMdz1riQDW9TDS4TdudzlKUMXR1alc9WiCeElieHsIn3jIi/1XRDanUmYL8JMwJJ9FyR04yK7kRZ4JrDrxZyP4oYVnnneLpx5MBx65inp7XA@hOfnodnQxRfGSzzgY98W9Hl2gIMNhK9QFSQdJ7fcMamWr4ud5MU1kYLCSEGXkTJCn3w@rUp1MvpEuU7GZ57SLxWgyZimqZhmJgYvSyaEygwJxKZ8YMr10oESVWVeDsyMatZxHY1WDZKpKuaEb6hgE0ImplLNgEEQwibipwxiEKBmA2oFJGB@AGjeEB8G/E7/LRGtDrOOiOjwIylsvRJQRCiD8N1fZA7rkYA2@AA0gA762y7cWzYx@jW/@EUovjIYrUxKTytmZkJhRiOYF51kTCWtw6RGxLD5kfy3edPTZEGnF8TYefj4@R5Gj57vQUuMe3vis52DbfGFJOc1CWmfmR5zm9Bs3a7e2b577/7Og693v3n46PGTp8/2nu//Hu5q1983@D7ySwa5ijW0ut/CsdxijtMaumJFrIYBVoUAQ4KUgqFwv5z1TU2G82J0LoCdt0MHopaDnRYCEa08MdvE77OfIv2iZ2VSCOkCd9cwlrkbCzpCkEAQPkV4HMbYW4RPEB4ifM2NWtB1HCDsIzxA@BjhPsI9hB2EjxDuImwj3EG4jXALFghhWCEL4QbCLsoW63L@plmv1yeGM3ZdnEbuqoKTzGgEYRyeOqEdjeCKD6fOMLjaZGSEoSGUhFEqxZKQ1BjgmRFQ2xHD2MpJnFIEiiKVkqJgCsWGZNBkA7A0GeKhPx@fYyMqjmQRZjTjOls4DcTMoJxzwop4WDyUkocGDdkaoA5BmIYzroazZ6El2qFV7NBCR6G1etwk3HjevHBrFlbdcJJLwWrlCwIhQiEPy5bKTcAPS/xgm@NA5yDDATuhjshfLsL7zYC1D/l1llosPAYvHgzrQnv9xaT0QCBY5qMCfADXhfhKA0IWpj9OfyTwQJ2@n347/Qv83k9/mP51@meAP0z/MP0Ofu8@/H367Yd/Qv@PcI7UIVzM7No6nNSKlZUABbFp/kXKQYMDi4NmOAUOWhy0OehwYHPQ5eCIgx4HLgd9AN5qep4ofCOAqK1C7PJXZQLp2bSLObF8AjF5gU/C@4J5XqkUoW/kjLJe4V4foUM6apRPUlomZYYM5tkgl8ryUc5qps5zqTqKXVAAMwD@Elq6tJhOAWRVivAl@MZZKGv1IqOYmqsvBhzeus2NtjMz2TylcceyuFu1Io/qHkU@hNKRJGjS4EbRywwFsRwfhfgeQbDnEV5bR3gD4Zu30CaOLXtSQYefzIYl5TIbKqVrbx@d/uCUXzAKBbmwxq8XAkmmBEGU0hnZyF4d4Yt6CdJr5fr0XT98c30GP5ucXwgSv9zoPNHBVp5E@8Lx8Mlm@9ZQqLSyKWFLYrvPdO9NIJwdvDxZe1qglAJVowHAgtpsfi7hMqitFoA21E4HgA212wVwBNVxAPSgQh5Loj5UzwNwDHUwAOBDDQIAQ6gnJycA6aqnzv7KrCWE2v/ln5lXBvn4Pw \"Io \u2013 Try It Online\")\n2. It starts with a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced.\n29. There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n30. The third-to-last character is a tab (#26) AND adjacent lines must have different lengths\n31. All printable ASCII characters that are not previously forbidden must be part of the code. The complete list is:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`\n**32. The codepoint sum must be a perfect square.**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and **all lines are distinct**.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* Angle braces must be balanced.\n* There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n* Adjacent lines must have different lengths\n* It contains all printable ASCII that are not previously forbidden. The characters are:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`.\n* The codepoint sum is a perfect square.\n[Answer]\n# 1. [Add++](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/AddPlusPlus), 7 bytes\n```\nD,f,@,1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xJKSj4/99FJ03HQcfwv0qanRKUrcTl/x8A \"Add++ \u2013 Try It Online\")\nMight as well get Add++ in before things start getting difficult. This is very simply a translation of the first example into Add++. `D,f,@,1` defines a function which, no matter the argument given, returns `1`.\n[Answer]\n# 4. [Stacked](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/stacked), 10 bytes\n```\n.3[#'even]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Ky5JTM5OTfn/X884Wlk9tSw1L/a/g1UaF5e6nnEqSEjdSNXANlZdIU0hv7TkPwA \"Stacked \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChecks if the length of the program is even. Anonymous function which returns `1` for \"true\" inputs and `0` for \"false\" ones.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. starts with a `.`\n3. contains an `e`\n4. has an even length\n[Answer]\n# 24, [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), 256 bytes\n```\n.;*->+|a\t\"x\"\ta|+>-*;.\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input;* Henry Jams?\n\tX =INPUT\n\tOUTPUT =GT(SIZE(X),21)\t1\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nend\t\n\tABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234\n\tHi, Retina!\n\t~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87LT8rPMfn/X89aS9dOuyaRU6lCiTOxRttOV8taj4uzQsE2M6@gtIQ6LGstBY/UvKJKBa/E3GJ7Ls4IBVtPv4DQEC5O/9AQIK1g6x6iEewZ5aoRoaljZKjJacjFiROm5qUAKUcnZxdXN3cPTy9vH18//4DAoOCQ0LDwiMioxKTklNS09IzMrOyc3Lz8gsKi4pLSsvKKyipDI2MTLk6PTB2FoNSSzLxERS7OutEQAAA \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPrints out `1` for truthy and outputs nothing for falsey.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains a tab character.\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n[Answer]\n# 2. [Triangularity](https://github.com/Mr-Xcoder/Triangularity), 17 bytes\n```\n..)..\n.)Im.\n\".\"=.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KynKTMxLL81JLMosqfz/X09PU0@PS0/TM1ePS0lPyVYPixAA \"Triangularity \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChecks whether the first character is a dot (`.`).\n[Answer]\n# 8. [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 64 bytes\n```\n.0->z;x=readLines();y=Vectorize(utf8ToInt)(x);any(grepl(\"->\",x))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/X89A167KusK2KDUxxSczL7VYQ9O60jYsNbkkvyizKlWjtCTNIiTfM69EU6NC0zoxr1IjvSi1IEdDSddOSadCU/O/XmJSckpqWnpGZlZ2Tm5efkFhUXFJaVl5RSWXnYKSnRKQ9MwrKC1xzMnhsrNTMHzU0WEEYviXlgBFFYz/AwA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSatisfies:\n2. The first character is a `.`\n3. It contains an `e`\n4. Its length is even\n5. Its length is a perfect square\n6. It contains an `a`\n7. It contains a `>` character\n8. Contains the exact sequence `->` in one of its lines.\n[Answer]\n# 10. [Somme](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/Somme), 64 bytes\n```\n.1->Hi, Retina! I like French :D\n\"RVll;d.h:and random stuff too!\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87PzU39/1/PUNfOI1NHISi1JDMvUVHBUyEnMztVwa0oNS85Q8HKhUspKCwnxzpFL8MqMS9FoQhI5OcqFJeUpqUplOTnK1JuAgA \"Somme \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**[Verify it online!](https://tio.run/##dZJPTwIxEMXv/RTjqgQINAuKfzBgjMTIxQMaL4RDl86yG0pL2l0Vgc@O3WWVSrKXSdv85vVN5uk0WO3OAq3mKKEHIRMGCccQmDSfqKuyAZVQ1ohgi4AzWMNmqdVsQ1Ip0BgI5Ti7TwjAQSTRKdqHZZoY8B6V5HESKwmna7mFPeQRlJxs85r/JlDOkqiaadVIVmmwStBQE39jTk1/ZYz9YLwr3LVrf44gq2N/Ar0eeNSDbYMU0MURRGPJ8Qs8dKFLB3LNUPxAee@AnRKwXvdpB86hlRnwqe@0XJUYYK6B6xKo70I3JVDzH3VbQj3HDRhhEkt24uIt/5ifRkybsU9pe0IXbFmtdJXmNWrShR2wkw9o@3eTfFN2H69vg@EL1cjsNg@LosimUaacPW1sIACyUxGYLSH7gDwIATOluPVUhKpI0o62mn3HMwxBxHOEJ43SCncHxBu9C3HHadRlkoO2RS3AJGkYQqLUyQ8)**\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`\n3. It contains an `e`\n4. Its length is even\n5. Its length is a perfect square\n6. It contains an `a`\n7. It contains a `>` character\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n[Answer]\n# 6. [Pyth](https://pyth.readthedocs.io), 16 bytes\n```\n.e}\\as.zS13    5\n```\n[Try it here!](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=.e%7D%5Cas.zS13++++5&input=.e%7D%5Cas.zS13++++5&debug=0)\nChecks if the input contains an `a`. Outputs either:\n* `[True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]` for truthy\n* or `[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]` for falsy\n**Satisfies:**\n2. starts with a `.`\n3. contains an `e`\n4. has an even length\n5. has a perfect square length\n6. contains an `a`\n[Answer]\n# 7. [Whispers](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/Whispers), 66 bytes\n```\n.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n> \">\"\n> InputAll\n>> 1\u22082\n>> Output 3\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8/ILC5ILSr@/18vMSk5JTUtPSMzKzsnNy@/oLCouKS0rLyisorLTkHJTglIeuYVlJY45uRw2dkpGD7q6DACMfxLS4CiCsZc1DADAA \"Whispers \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs either `True` or `False`. Note the trailing new line.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`\n3. It contains an `e`\n4. Its length is even\n5. Its length in characters is a perfect square\n6. It contains an `a`\n7. It contains a `>` character\n[Answer]\n# 3. [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 5 bytes\n```\n.\n\u201dee\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/1@P61HD3NTU/3AWAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChecks whether the input contains a `e` character. Changed from `\u201d` to `e` because that seemed unfair to languages without that character. And, to verify, here's a hexdump:\n```\n00000000: 2e0a ff65 65                             ...ee\n```\n**Satisfies:**\n2. Starts with a `.`\n3. Contains an `e`\n[Answer]\n# 18. [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 144 bytes\n```\n.6;\"ea->?\"#\"?>-ae\";6.\n\"Hi, Retina!\"\nimport sys\nprint(len(sys.stdin.read().split(\"\\n\"))>26+1)\n\"|||||\"\n4.2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/X8/MWik1UdfOXklZyd5ONzFVydpMj0vJI1NHISi1JDMvUVGJKzO3IL@oRKG4spiroCgzr0QjJzVPA8jTKy5JyczTK0pNTNHQ1CsuyMks0VCKyVPS1LQzMtM21OQiFijVgIASl4me0eBzEQA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs `True` if the input is at least 28 lines long, `False` otherwise.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`, and so is the twelfth character (palindromic rule).\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* The first line is a palindrome of length = 21\n* It contains a `?`.\n* It contains a `|`.\n* It contains a `+`.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n[Answer]\n# 16: [Quarterstaff](https://github.com/Destructible-Watermelon/Quarterstaff), 64\n1 is truthy,\n```\n.1.......\"a\".......1.\n   1->a[Hi, Retina!]\n  ?[-124(.|>a)?]\n49a!\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KyxNLCpJLSouSUxL@/9fz1APApQSlaAsQz0uBQUFQ127xGiPTB2FoNSSzLxExVigoH20rqGRiYZejV2ipn0sl4lloiKyCXpkmQAA \"Quarterstaff \u2013 Try It Online\")\nthe indentation doesn't do anything, by the way.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`, and so is the twelfth character (palindromic rule).\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* The first line is a palindrome of length = 21\n* It contains a `?`.\n* It contains a `|`\n[Answer]\n# 15. Python 3, 64 bytes\n```\n.1and(11*\"\"\"*11(dna1.\nHi, Retina!->   \"\"\")and(lambda s:\"?\"\nin s)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fVTdbts2FL7nU5wyjiO5MmPadZtak7oM/XMRoEUSZC2stKMlylZCUapIp5aBArsa@gi96UPsflfL5d6iL5JRkg03BVoBIqhzvu/88HxiXup5Jgc38UKGXnBDKJORRWkHY9yh1IokowQ9Txw45jqR7E7XBwDjtCucYOk0YqBG@BFGiQRl3@RFIrU1qcJZyoY4K0CBcU3QDlACh1F09y7Cj53Y@dWh2DHWPoHTImFythCsSHSJTHRCbEIQsccpQZhgjxhbhR0QeMGFaDDo659fOF977hE40Sy85JEhDCY7e/yKy/PaNSTwqu4SBsbX4z0wRTV1Ci6tROYLbdl2p0OGu9TzenbNut@wDIN/DAK2OqEDqJ9h7X5A4Pd5onJeqLoYNg0jHs/mycWlSGWWvy@UXlx9WJYr5AP2sVnHVaJDIZDvA/366VO/2rxcaGOtKmv6OCBwXFXZ9Vfu0is4i44SyZVlu6V3xkOdFcmKWwsdH5xmY6lta2m7TJbWrOC5sALc9QPsLO2mh4dkPTYTsev3/vhmjrWf9sypZWnK6xZo1/8GAGMQySWHpwWX4RxGjxE@PhPCjch8ZGYPhVmyFEyXcQw6y@6sG6Bmyi/YFTsJiyTXJjGl7balPFPXLRkFuN1Wk4fnnrcX4L2mXmq0cNbUIoR49ubsOcb59edbvOt//vuLdP79G11/fttrbZIaYbzihYBhw3axa2QbfJcSu6133i@@G86z3K0FAOX@/n7oD9vtwuilUBzx96137iaqEdXrg/twqBRPp2vVnY5Pj54ABrxjXnhyZL6NUiOmGUpGJE6EgP7QoU4PqRFR2mSZAd7tDydvA6NHpLfGW8eNUbz1/FbyrZ3MRDZlAlKWSFQtI9g@KF@ouYBWstkoFDJTggqZjBGLImM6cGCXq3wLbRC6MOpfQ@6tIWoxhVafVl9siS5WUG5YccOqTy3@jnWR5mBClaMNWP8EzOUIFVxvjvjWz1mNbnP/BD@9gIIf3kAmCDo/t2/@Bw \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* The first line is a palindrome of length = 21\n* It contains a `?`.\n[Answer]\n# 31. [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 324 bytes\nNew requirement: All printable ASCII that are not previously forbidden must be part of the code. The complete list is:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`.\n```\n.6;%+<-?|\"\t\"|?-<+%;6.\nf=@(x)all(ismember(horzcat(33,34,46,' %&''()*+,=/0123456789:;<->?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'),x));\t\n%\t>>\n%\tV'quQ9g8u'@f/&'A)eLS;p`t'{ZYv4R3aaa\n%\tbb\n%\tc\n%\tdd\n%Henry Jams?Hi, Retina!\t\n%\te\n%\tff\n%\tg\n%\thh\n%\ti\n%\tjj\n%\tk\n%\tll\n%\tm\n%\tnn\n%\to\n%\tpp\n%\tq\n%\trr\n%\ts\n%\ttt\n%\tu\n%\tvvv\n%\ta~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##3Tprd@PGdZ@xv2ICLwlABCmClLQrUoSklXe9crZeZ1/xrlbaHZJDEhQIQABIkStqj9PGsZs48Tppbcex0/SVtEn6SB9Jk6btOQS/9Vc0f8S9g8cMIHFd9xz79JxCwujivubOzJ175yG75eMR@eQYu5ZhdZHd6XxSWqvnChvFzakoiNPN4kYhV18rXeg0tuSxgk1TNrwBGTSJK/ds90kL@3K1qlZX1JU1VUK5vCTJylJBbSyXtUp1ZXXt0uX1Wn2jqG9ubV/ZefHqtZeu77785Ru/98rNV79y6/adu/e@@tr9BwePHuNmq0063Z7RPzQHlu0cuZ4/HB2PJ09OpqdPJUUdK0pduJATdB2Ke9LR8Cvr3ctDaauznJe2FXLjdt157EsnD@6PVm5VMcbA1WxC0YK33b6Qu04sd4JexgNv87qholvENyz8JaqRwNvpQNGFt9eDwoC334fiEF7ThGIAr2VBYcPrOFAcweu6UHjw@j4UQ3hHoxGU@Oknzol2ihpIelHtqFuqJtUvOCcVitmTSiWlVJJUpJVVJJWU3QH7EEtioyTtU95qzJuQfvf6x4REpJWYVN17QZLIiFj7EX41xpdJGdkuclzD8mWTWLJhOUNfVpSlpdJqTms0ykoksBYLkNOH2Cs9ua1VETyrEfFSTHz@wEiRZToSdTExU0e7tLJt02QYHWm/e@utSur75tAHHlQNUWFllxPTi/qT@rjhEty@YVjEk5X6pHGPtHzbNZ4Qeeh3Lt@xdy1fAVesY2sid13imLJY1EXqIJHl67Gyol5@nBrqiKiVY6pW1FNEtItM45Cgay6xWj1UezG0DamSeOueadbbpV4NW23kQmEPEPRAp4N8206UaolSLZ@XvYYuplSDbfm8t7e@32hIkihJsZVa4g2aaZov3b93XRSd4IOMXPDb//xGaWn2i6jrpOCDg/LFWDhxD60u1jXmJA/P1Fu/@KixoddbPduph@6AJsvLyy19NZ93wXFcjySS5Ojio3qsO/GvO7t3blxFIhZfgBddvQHf3G3b2MfJh1ErdQzTRJVVVVPLCdarlTzfpUFFzFVW9w4eWvvMTXxOywxDzCB1OP3KhJyllrqm3cQmGmDDilEUrCH@xGhn6PVMdNHIfnrxZwuiGfJa2OrECNxuA/myinLEcxariGR8F@ZVRmglI@QNm@hiRaM4PI5x/SdoktXZSesMx6fzKTr7AwexSie1rCr/f6WKWLVkJFzix8OehA8NfFzWtCVRFJc0TW5bmDtYxr2gm4FHoewmHjTbGHk1cZONsWEhL/H1JNJopegBh4ohrhvUwZzEe6k69jltc6@oVVbk0lTHyibDr6yzeZ3Eq@lm9CMWxBiaQhW01VnjJXVdrVYoIf0roSTexWqTyLRWFwmGLAaTYVMvYiJCTmRh@7wHQ/MHju36yJt4CYYHZECCf7cNq0QjnayUPMc0fFl8aImKolfWCpoCQhDaBpBdqWHqiqbQiqb0EaPmrJQqsY3rzMZcAUycigTytl4M83ZS@YL0LaV7RJJoAM17wwFnoLm9olarteoaze7rWm29qkrwhNl4Yy0/livwp5ynauXDxljWah0D3GHcaFCrlaKmKI1GxzQc@RCic2h2TlLTDausKWEjKuXP0IjMCPL1RUJejOEZ9KPUGgDy6X/95s2oAys8fEePCD/xw@renBYyocp2sM2G1jAcw2gZ2GsRTFqOY3jYaLFAiB0D8F6rBXjKCA@LnaQFrIbRx4REFAMUcElCSD@iAAis8MEkCSVEaNKP9TKDcKi4T9jTTxFphaHJCVtKMlRJEul@xJqWjB@ugFsbIRN5klabSDFjjL6TtjaRAZoTNjbTzqjlsTGZdqabSLuKdklKMlSZZmFq@w6vFZQ4mTrPiPXP1Hm2/@CT1ekYCToSpIqzBrHawj7KtDNd3dl2ZirsZ9UmLhBrXTyei9T209X1I3t5nWFlfSc1bVjfNlvhovA4syhMiLA4TMLo8TDhYG4SLx9jjqfxHKx8hvmfiVgpqySpfibOwdJwTNdbOxCsGC23bU3Qzmb8yaMQgkRdWY3jEFtZFXaK@hRSnCAiNNWLOwUeCwSBrWYFuvIACQjtxMUtH/nE8zmVfiEP6F7PPkZyq0dah0g26doWsqPCGSNKA9H8LROTDJCPmyk6fAHVt69awwFi8U34/wGkh5LhUrkpwSW@kqxQ60tFvTDFgjgWBTwt6MWlOh@jMWqEG5//I0R9CS1q1muosfvKq3fvMMTNu3fgEzVeuiPf3n1wVX5NUSuaImjP7a7k/fzHgVhtjnz@bv35O0Kafz/TAK6enezC81YssKFqEdPsDC15S94JJ/YOndgCTOw8EMP1BsPomgpr82g1NVZbPezC/FaUVAgQqAXUhLVszhcg5wtnc/5Y@HygxVFrZzpe8HzedX9x0Mb/9HDWgq7rRV0vpEr2FMKyGCO5jK4@0NWDjQfF6C0mzwO9UNIPEr4DYfw0GdJkCyAIdUmiERvGlEZxSA@CkEoirA1PGDRZ0MJjBo0YNBQWrEWFbCpizuYzZo9BLoOOGGQzaMAgk0GHDOozyGBQj0FdBnX4jGYQn9ktBjUZZAnLtQO1ckk/ODiYNsyJZSWUJcFi/ZvshYRpYTyG8YVdHJTjcWHKexelc2MXjRthLpOkDUka5/MkB1mZcAbS8LFhymFyLCspSTmUqGElBxAMYK2pNHCuyRlwLmYBAmc@yxBLRnSSIY5jlSeZVX1qJIunKf4t@VHtkZJ71MBpJU3eFsSMxwv6d2fBOJAF49VdMK7GgvE/XOAng9RonvcsJ3lS/ldlI8t2kNNyXqR7JhpNqxVNzJenPCJvMNkyg@oMKvCWjbAps6@n3AaXdB/RAzvc4o0/uw09kKTu6mvTjZdT81QV@ORNoYE1M/M4vyTNfjB7b/Zh8P7so9mz2Tdn786@lYZnPwL4/dkPZ9@evQ347wPv92YfAvYDKCPqs5Dvw7AEnuDj2Tsg8U7wRvAseDZ7G7C0hneDj4P3gu8F34HyveBrwZvw8/rsZ8Ebs1/D99chJSl1SGz68soqPQg/fwYu8In2aQ7U@sIcaLHbOIlrVNl56bRIY7og7ohh5C9OeZ7UjVpZ3hyFXvOUBc3wIE4/3dqqhYRGubFZ3zofUiO2UAFubI7yWiGvZzXpJ245v0zZqE49f1rOH2TFIx35U5er3VjAEXKZVahpqwZ2gT0n2ZrQuaeoa1Z9YdBPcNtX6IjuxuOZLJJSY9g6P3SdRePUP1w0b4WlyBD4s8SnbvQdU3hyWsDLs9iYp7sKg1ZWGbjGoEuXBbbFSM2wXFF4xPyCnZnEZy4iPQ68fGltdQXiBvMM3x0StLHcJqNlawhbm@Rklh589GyYzxyxi/yePez2fHRM4NclqIdH9AjY8wkekDZqmWAE57/ZU5Flo10E@@E2Y@oBTx3d6WHfQ8dQAj08EwV8c@h2ieuhlBH37eE5clrTZpqXeCoyQC2GrWPXsC1soraBTQKbvoTnbq/YG4JdYc0R12a6vrtAQ0PH87FP0CvkGN233cMU/RYBYyZ19FVY8qpod4A6rj1Ad32jhVVELyB2RwRZ9Oge9Qh224Cb2BZBQ49A7xHk9FwMoCSlG0E7@Uyv@bBfTdRadh3t0mZZaNtsgkJExhCpPQ@MT4@OR0gd0Q47tOxjlVbnkXS/YRixo6EBDfOMgWFiF3aroVE23ewCMKEDShD0zJfdoedP0JVQ8qxtdfQq9A5sp9vo9qFhWcARV1FHN8026mDQPoHebRkOYbLXbDczcig7ctAHeR0t8kOjE27Z0eMWGBYyhCezaIoG7VUPNttT2tVtVGyhlcfg8o9Dxy1CZ8FwTBL/geYNsvW3iefQzqA90AkPBqhPhN1Ae8pujgx76EFDuq5hmiC1sMI6sxMkrXSjKEzGho/KqTllwpAs4tE4rmNw@Pq17SvX7qa@@VxnuJ0CpwfvBt@FZPdHwR9Dcns/@CD4fvBh8IPgI0iCPwz@JPhR8KfBnwV/HvxF8JfBj4OfBH8V/HXw0@Bnwc@Dvwn@Nvi74O@DXwT/EPxj8E/BPwe/DH4V/Evw6@A3wb8Gvw3@Lfj34D/mr8@/Nv/9@R/Mvz5/Y/6N@Zvzt@Z/OP/m/Fvzt@ffnn9n/s782fzd@Xe5Nduplqav8jYgaGeGmnEdAYxZsE8iWfrk6ey196ccn5@//Y6uv7@YC/DkBpxvZPleid6Hswvx6EY8dSWeuhPnAs0mh1scbLcZ/Jz7cs5LONjpcLjLwV6PwwYH@30OH3KQXxnnhAEH@VYkJ9gcdBwOH3HQdTnscdD3OTzk4Gg04h84Sm2d6PZMlrYtD7JQDeUqBhTGQ7BjT6tZwwExZUepI34sMVZQBwoVOcq@cuHCGNzJOSFW@7R@oW14jrwnXcder0bdEMQrnu/K1JN6gJQlmPT06kXWaitKoyFdXsNrsGgEPbHoNr1vHDaj61DvnJI9fp2TOXABc1KU9EFUhgKbY0Dspyt80eh0IPtaPjKJ1fV75@tsA0dU8NsehT5cyV3LOILMT09gsvKW9UQehkTosbTE1aMhJFRgA7uQ3YF01DVJVpZeTtFT3Q0Jeir50KG3INJtFNFOeIQ6wNaQJlHUgYzQxCa2WkRKVWNBcO@CWqbV8AitWh7LMGTFvYpa3lfUvXXwi8papmMgxTSNdptYaemn9ESK9@cLF/ce7odXaSnBmxaYs3quKUxqrEpfKolSRmYHeg6yBlnQfaCcxnbDo4QTiWZz6fTkqewduX7C0Gh0jHEGo@TzA7sdf6kVhf4byCndbViI/g8J8qATXNpTn/w3 \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n2. It starts with a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced.\n29. There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n30. The third-to-last character is a tab (#26) AND adjacent lines must have different lengths\n31. All printable ASCII characters that are not previously forbidden must be part of the code. The complete list is:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and **all lines are distinct**.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* Angle braces must be balanced.\n* There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n* Adjacent lines must have different lengths\n* It contains all printable ASCII that are not previously forbidden. The characters are:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`.\n[Answer]\n# 20. [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 100 bytes\nThis code checks whether or not `Henry Jams?`. Returns `1` for truthy, `0` for falsy.\n```\n.6;%+->?|\"e\"|?>-+%;6.\nHi, Retina!->0123456789\n0123456789\n0123\n\u201cHenry Jams?\u201d\u1e87\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/1/PzFpVW9fOvkYpVanG3k5XW9XaTI/LI1NHISi1JDMvUVHXzsDQyNjE1MzcwpILjcmFCzxqmOORmldUqeCVmFts/6hh7sNd7f/paRkA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`, and so is the twelfth character (palindromic rule).\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* The first line is a palindrome of length = 21\n* It contains a `?`.\n* It contains a `|`.\n* It contains a `+`.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The following characters can only be used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]`.\n\t+ Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n* Each program must contain `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n[Answer]\n# 22, [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 100 bytes\nExecutive summary: There must now be an uppercase `C` in the code.\n```\n.6;%+->?|\"e\"|?>-+%;6.\n'Hi, Retina!Henry Jams?';\nf=@(x)any(x=='C');\n%Any C?\n%~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lVbLcts2FN37K1DEEkibogXqEUuMqDzbuJOZzqSZzHRkJ4Up0AZDkQhJxZKjZLpq8wlZtB/RbaerZtmvaH7EBUmAD8XppKAexH2cewBcXCByU/KKXl2ZQ7u133GmG0jhZup09lv20NxBD5kBHtOUheSrhzSM1@BbskimyN7xJre1lU7CtbaaTNA9pNs7rTvhGtyb7nymtd5eXZA4ZOEZiDxvh7/Gb8AEoPuGZ9w2sIDkr61MMkOmqZsmMgDuGgCZ@tGi7EATTkx0ktn2pK1SffzpN0oLVV@qerMbCNFXNDwp5AMp79IuiGLAYxamWkBDjYV8mWq6vrdnDlp4MunqhcNQOtA3xyQxL7/HPSDaoFDelEpy6s6pd3bO/BfBIoz4yzhJl68uVutLVDBzAHSgoumAoyzYnSAoJQ7AH9@9s2r975apsAG9XJQHO1TUO86lvZrElMwfsZAmmm6vJ0@pm0Yxu6TaMvUOn0RHYaqLxbGz1TmLKQ802HGgsdLlsEYSrON0f6wtcKHEXanFHaemBEcgYC8o@DqmoXsOxvdzbsBA8PHTILDn5vmYhHMQi59oAcQMeB5Io0iBYgWK220tmTiwBi24tdvJbHQiEglBhCRLrLIBB0HwzQ9PH0LIP7xv@H348@@fzb2/fi@mDn14/6y7K51VemAb2rhMkuOtuPbu88ktx3bPI27n6QDWBwcHrjNot2OROHFClSd9ufvcltgqv54cPXn0AEACb4gvePBI9Ku0nZOUqA4bmx4LAmANDGx0lTQZm0kaZ/sBtqzB7NlxeFKmSVrpGssgDZBX6e@u6bbWPAuiUxKABWGhFGWvY1A1KebL5DwAu6zZTWTXJYJ04pLQkwIynwv1oQFaNOHXQxQ@aSz2VcOp33BKlqdg18KZjKykzL8E6yamV8fM18f7D0x/wUEZdD1uQqX/C4qGY7USMU3lsqvygUWOaxjvQQj3MNbmIakSrJFeYpqFjZ6ZB2RxOicgGcNpucYsBInKdVVpsFk0kVDyrcIWcGJPklktxkmlm8462Opr5sYh@rSU90flvlb1ajMtHrgP5dtGhMhG3SSPjJHRszJF/YOAqncSVlWmoQ0pEQeI2Azi@CAUivOjLNufZrAY/oJHcQqSdaIkVUEWQpHfcxaaWaXTdDPhAUs1eBxCXXes4T7WhZMobQuSahkxo4/1LNAma7AYTt@0JMdRyfHTM04FlwdaEGgsWdDFKY01VJ8RhLIC2k6Wi8rAFdEto9cb94ZGf2iM8HjUM5BoemZ7a9heaT3x1y34tJBRZ2wN9Zyd1f0Cdo2l6WKr1x8Mbx6OlPp6SXU0/lo7vMVB@c8fvxQzY1V1uWhQPLKVsaeb/UYNijiJyjVjjDPmMpK4lFCXc5YQ5pYVjnAm5InrCnlmKFpZFKkrTBnzCaWFhgmAypNS6hca8SpMRaf0pJmiEFNf4paESA7s07L5NWUWMKeszGqeOSRV3n5hWveUrQKo2BZC5U/rsMqrJMN8XmerfISO54NtjLMYuSTTGGd9iNlUZVNS88wh6yYlrM@rqAKEN2JuuflbMbfnT3TLmJwpceGYATcJldHyOWqMsx5ue5yNgH4TVqWARL1@Pa@D9evh/IJvFTMP5vPatinn9tTNb3sXjdueUopbn6qPF0tlUaaJvBdKi7dyD1pfsP/R527iyN4qYPJGLq7k4k6udPJqLrtVFQLiBLYGWR3ameFxuFzQQOO6DVwaBN4y1DJE4IkfA3D95Opf \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n---\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n---\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact strings `Hi, Retina!` and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n---\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nIn this challenge you are to write a program or function, that takes a string as input and outputs one of two possible values. We will call one of these values *truthy* and one *falsy*. They do not need to actually be *truthy* or *falsy*. For an answer to be valid it must meet four additional criteria\n* When you pass your program to itself it outputs the *truthy* value.\n* If you pass your program as input to any older answer it should output the *truthy* output (of the program you are passing to).\n* If you pass any older answer to your answer as input it should output the *falsy* output (of your program).\n* There must be an infinite number of strings that evaluate to *truthy* output in all answers on the challenge (including your new answer).\nWhat this will do is it will slowly build up a chain of answers each of which can determine if other programs in the chain come before or after it.\nThe goal of this challenge is to build up a list of source restrictions that are applied to the successive answers making each one more challenging than the last.\n## Example\nA chain (written in Haskell) could start:\n```\nf _ = True\n```\nSince there are no older programs, the criteria do not apply to this answer it need only output one of two possible values, in this case it always outputs `True`.\nFollowing this could be the answer:\n```\nf x=or$zipWith(==)x$tail x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0gszk7Nyfn/P02hwja/SKUqsyA8syRDw9ZWs0KlJDEzR6Hif25iZp5tQVFmXolGmlKaQryCrUJIUWmqkg6Ih0uXkuZ/AA \"Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\nWhich asserts that there is a character twice in a row somewhere in the string. The first answer doesn't have this property while the second does (`==`). Thus this is a valid next answer. \n## Special rules\n* You may use any language you wish (that has a freely available implementation) as many times as you wish.\n* If you were the last person to answer you must wait at least 7 days before posting a new answer.\n* Your program may not read its own source.\n* Since the 4th rule is exceedingly difficult to verify if cryptographic functions are involved, such functions are disallowed.\n## Scoring criterion\nEach time you add an answer you will get as many points as its place in the chain. For example the 5th answer would gain it's writer 5 points. The goal is to get as many points as you can. The last answer will score its answerer -\u221e points. This will probably be more fun if you try to maximize your own score rather than \"win\" the challenge. I will not be accepting an answer.\n> \n> Since this is [answer-chaining](/questions/tagged/answer-chaining \"show questions tagged 'answer-chaining'\") you may want to [sort by oldest](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/159629/does-it-lead-or-follow?answertab=oldest)\n> \n> \n> \n      \n[Answer]\n# 14. X86 Assembly (gcc 6.3), 324 bytes\n```\n.TITLE \"a\"#\"a\" ELTIT.\n.data\ni:.fill 25,1,0\ns:.string \"%25[^\\n]\"\nt:.string \"->Hi, Retina!\"\nf:.string \"Bye Retina!\"\n.global main\nmain:           \npushl $i\npushl $s\ncall scanf\naddl $8, %esp\npushl $i\ncall strlen\naddl $4, %esp\nsub $21, %eax\njz y\npushl $f\ncall printf\naddl $4, %esp\njmp en\ny:\npushl $t\ncall printf\naddl $4, %esp\nen:\nret\n```\n[Try it on ideone!](https://ideone.com/q6Nwrm \"Try it on ideone!\")\nNote: *this **will** return a runtime error because the exit code is not zero. Running this in the ideone editor will display all stdout output regardless of how the program concludes.*\n* **Truthy** output: `\"->Hi, Retina!\"`\n* **Falsy** output: `\"Bye Retina!\"`\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. **The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).**\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* **The first line is a palindrome of length = 21**\n[Answer]\n## 9. [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/wiki/The-Language), 16 bytes\n```\n.->0`Hi, Retina!\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY/dSsMwFIDv8xQxMkxGGhrLQCgNCoIWBEHFGxVWt9MZ7dKapbMtCF7uJXyNPcAeZS9S0116Lg4f3zmcHwtOm0z2ZLfdbcmIXk17Eahweq05vjvUjvr@kuf8nEuEhGBCIMHSpUBEkER4hfY/vwAeoqfjE1iDefEcQohLiyurjaMFGKpNVTvK2HgsJiOZJCHzXfD9nHX3MsKHmHiTvc7mkC/e9PtHsTRl9WlXrl5/NS1SmCjiczoMuigKpBSW@83mdIDb2nmLo2FzoLq4SSxk8xttYEVZ3CaPMHOl1R3Q2uVnD2VqHKMNizPT0oWFqqAkUIQ3bLjq3/t/ \"Retina \u2013 Try It Online\")\nIf you want to try your own program, simply append it to the input field, separated by two linefeeds. (If your program contains two linefeeds, you'll have to change the separator between all programs and in the TIO header.)\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`\n3. It contains an `e`\n4. Its length is even\n5. Its length is a perfect square\n6. It contains an `a`\n7. It contains a `>` character\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\nSorry, but you kinda forced me to pad to length 16...\n**Without redundant requirements:**\n* The first character is a `.`\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n### Explanation\nStarting with `.` is fine, it just means that we suppress Retina's implicit output (provided the first line has a configuration, but I didn't want a two-line program). That means we need it explicit output, but the option for that is `>`, so we're in luck. The `-` can go in front of it because it doesn't do anything.\nNow we can get to the program itself. The simplest thing to do is to match a literal string. That's guaranteed to show up in our program, we can easily make sure that it isn't part of any existing program, and it gives us a number as the result. However, it could potentially return a number greater than 1 (so more than two different values). We avoid this with the `0`-limit which only looks at the first match and counts that if it exists. So the `0` ensures that the output is only ever `0` or `1` (depending on whether the input contains the literal string).\nAs for the literal string... well, we still need to include an `e` and an `a`... and we need the string to have at least 11 characters, so that we match the length requirements (getting to an even square). `Hi, Retina!` happens to satisfy those requirements.\n[Answer]\n# 13. [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/), 64 bytes\n```\n.1;\";1.\n\\\"Hi, Retina!->\";$_=<>;chop;print y///c>5&&reverse\neq$_;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/1/P0FrJ2lCPK0bJI1NHISi1JDMvUVHXTslaJd7Wxs46OSO/wLqgKDOvRKFSX18/2c5UTa0otSy1qDiVK7VQJd6achMA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. **The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.**\n**Summary for future answers:**\n* First character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10th character is a `\"`.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* **The first line is a palindrome of length > 5 (in *characters*).**\n[**Verification Ruby script**](https://tio.run/##dVNNl5MwFN3nVzyxdmDspKBWnYPtLJyFLnSh7moPJ4XXNkcmwSSonZbfXhPA08wc2QB53Htz35eq1/tTgRtgQv9GFYoJjDciIgAlu1sXDA5wrJTcHiEcbRgvYQ5G1ZhCVRsNwXspCm64FPD0IBpYK/kDRRBBLUrUGjZi6cgraAiKghB3kZBZUVclz5nBLN8xxXKDSoc6SkFTF9CUleUNHI750UVkLUyYRzCfQ9Kk4ISczppvMxSy3u6yipVcFEreYa@i@T3CAmYwHtuTwl/2AnQC@swvUWzNLnT@LMe96HpvsCN3MJL/S0/bvJenvkYvonNV3HMZr5x2QANoJqQHvXwEotYh/oEAfdArD@T7odaxuPGAswHg5WVMZ/AMEmcgprFHeT1ggPkG3gyAFj7o7QDo6gHqegD1gU/gCxou2BMfnsQePuzLSKUq4HlX1KQ9RTa5WZucz00ed@C67cBFcOGj/D4NTV3rVBvFK2pnCPXyKllFvojfx/@PXCvRkW0GrZZTOK2I@2MH5@u324@f7RSyBxNFkeU7p@1CR7twAO6rWxjSENJt2Cc0YNcBzkRbxn692o080SQN0oSS736pbW/SUTZ/t0jznazSSnFhYD@dTvPFbDzuN4Lgz1GW/gU)\n[Answer]\n# 5. [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 64 bytes\n```\n.012\nimport sys\nprint(len(sys . stdin . read()) ** 0.5 % 1 == 0)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/X8/A0IgrM7cgv6hEobiymKugKDOvRCMnNU8DyFPQUyguScnMA9JFqYkpGpqaClpaCgZ6pgqqCoYKtrYKBpqUmwAA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChecks if the length of the input is a perfect square.\n**This had been updated by the time 18 answers were present to support multiline input.**\n**The update does not hurt the chain.**\n---\n**Satisfies:**\n2. starts with a `.`\n3. contains an `e`\n4. has an even length\n5. has a perfect square length\n[Answer]\n# 25, [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 196 bytes\nNew requirement: To avoid the tab versus spaces discussion, tabs can no longer be used for indentation. Each line still needs a tab, but it can't be the first character in the line.\n```\n.6;%+->?|\"\t\"|?>-+%;6.\nf=@(x)1&&cellfun(@(C)any(C=='\t')&1&&find(C=='\t')>1,strsplit(x,char(10)));\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%Henry Jams?Hi, Retina!\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t\n%\t~\n```\n[**Verify all programs online!**](https://tio.run/##3Rddc9tE8Nn9FYeILV0sqz45No2F5KZp2gZKW9q0tE3ScpHPzTmyLCS5sYPp8AT8BB7gR/DK8EQf@RX0j5SVdKcPN2HKDDPMcLEd3X7v7d7uaurG9CV7@9boWfVmyxkslZqyHDitZt3qGZdG9lVtjkmj4TLPG8187aq2jam/0LZtW62puAGoEfeHcu8QPYrDKPB4rM1195iGGmljjK1L9do7n1vMDxfoEzqJBre4ju6zmPv0g9p5pO/1efU2@Jp8g2ykXtdH@lWdqNal4GszgeyrhoENQ9URaetINfDuJN8ohmIb6mFC2xG0EvXm258Zy1AbAtXZ/1BV2UvmH2bwroC3WRtNQxSE3I81j/ka94NZrGG8vm5068S22zhj6AkG9s0BjYyzB6SDYHUz5EcCSY/cIRu9OObjE2/iT4OvwiievTydL87UzDIHKY4izXTQbqJsy/NyiIPImx9@MEv7u7MYaFAnBaXKrkjTW86ZNbdDRoe3uc8iDVsL@xFz42nIz5g2i0dX9qa7fowhFawk@C9CFnia0nIUfY6FW5tCWMtpf1mKZoYkbYElLaeERLvI4ycM3QiZ7x6j/vXUNqSryv1HnmcNjeM@9YcohJ/pBMEJjEYonk6lUCKFQhJqke0oJdFgW6MR7W8eQl6qiqoKK4nMBuJ53s0nj24pSvD6xwrf69/@@M5Y//2X7OjU1z8@a68JZpkexFIskifJwYpea@25/bFjucfTwErTAS0uX77sOt1GI4TECSMmOdlXa88tIVvm197u3u0dpFDlQ/iinduwL9J2SGMqN7xvjLjnIbOrE70toVHfgAvI/RdIqZvd/WcH/mGeJnGBq4RBEKijAn9twVaxxgtvekQ9NKHcF6DksY@KJcDBLDr20BqvbiOxdSkYHbnUHwkAHQ4BfUVHdRYF54vIeOIQ7lWFaaPCFM2O0JpJEhidC9j4DC2qMkdlmWl8Rn8jczwJUK500a@Kiv@RKOb3ZSRCFouwy/JBIMc1QtYVRVknRBv6tEiwSnrBMQMNTsg9OjkaUhT1lUEeY@6jSOa6rDTEyBYklHgqZIM4uJN0v6TjsMAN9lvE3NCMpUPxIIdvbOb3Wtar5SD7U5qKeFqCisTrqvGqvql3zARR/qhI1jshVlamnqUwCk0JLgO0JMoU6El52X43g8H9STANYxQtIgkpCjIAIb@H3DeSSqdhI2tTyoGvYOyYvSbBwASlbUJjLTFM3yA4UbRMlpK5s2GYwsbN3EbRN1nRN6XyrH1Cdmg8mrDJEQs1tXwiqpoU0EY0mxQELmg39U6n3@npGz19k/Q3O7oKCye0H/cac82Ef@1GIlY7seca6acteG7bidW4RTC27ZHHA@0EqnNqdl3Vy46ZPZw6Ybbfw4lKBNvE7Gx0ex9d2ZTo8yFFB/2p1Oahn/756/fZAZpF@c6WAn9i5boHy2alVE0DOs1Dy3nAuctp5DLK3CDgEeVuXghpwAEeuS7AE0JYee1kLpByPqaMZRgOAgpOxtg4w8AjkMIm52QJIgOzsZCbG0RTwWOWr3EJmShMTZZkJc5UJJPc44y0zClWIaCwNgNKflYWK7lyY/g4KFsreQAXpM5W/Mw8F8ZU/Cy7mBxVciQlzlRkmSQXOw4KrSAkqOhcYRuv6Fw9P9jmOgMuwRljIrhqUK4tPaOKn2V1q35WFI6rYmUKCKnnx/M8seOyunFmb6EzVTYOStcmP9sjNx0KTytDoUTCcCjL6OlMUuRpIsZHQfFK3EHzPe5/pWKVrFJVa6XOwWg4T@atbShWOa6@5S/Q9kBsiyqEoFGbXVGH8smqud1yltDiagpCS6e13SxqQa2WT7O1ZPIADijtLKRujGIWxQU22aEI8NHx9BRp7jFzT5DmJbMtdEdcEGYYGyX9W2Mem6CYHpXwsANsPN3xZxOU17fa/@OhHMocVupNEiZzRU6o1nrLaS5pTZkrNbpsOq11q4jRHNnpi89/BLDW0XluPUb27p17D/dywN2He7BF9s097cHu0x3tMdZNgmvkwuOS338/DswfFsCta9vXd27cvLX7yae3P7tz997n9x/sPXz0xeMnTy9@I0z673sFsLt62WsXTSwXvPCD0Suv/Cnkwpf@vATUEgsujbIRWVO3/OiUhX1U58n3AMbrfdKHK8Y8LcAWKlTPMRrBj44CfIjf/gU \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n**Explanation:**\nIt was actually a bit hard to keep this at 196 bytes, since there are many bytes that are now mandatory on each line. \nThe first line is simply a scalar that's not outputted, followed by a comment. The second line is an anonymous function that takes a string `x` as input and makes the following operations:\n```\nstrsplit(x,char(10))   % Split at newlines. Can't use a literal newline, or [10,''] due to previous rules\ncellfun(@(C) ...     ) % Perform the following operation on each line:\n  any(C==' ')          % Make sure there is at least one tab character\n  1&&find(C==' ')>1    % Make sure the index is higher than 1\n1&&cellfun( ... )     % Check that this is true for all lines.\n```\nIt's lucky that the short circuit operation `&&` takes precedence over `&`, and that `1&&find` doesn't require parentheses. Otherwise I wouldn't manage to golf this down to 196 bytes.\n[Answer]\n# 11. JavaScript (ES6), 36 bytes\n```\n.11&&(s=>\"Hi, Retina!->\"&&s[9]=='\"')\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##hZLRbtowFIbveYqzTIOYBpfA2NqiRKtUTaOatAmq7oIg4SUOuDh2ajuMIE3aZV9iL9cXYS5tQ7jakWwfW59@n6Pz35E10bFiuekImdBdGuyw7zebrg5C5wvzYEwNE@RNJ3SaTT09nwVBy2mhXSyFlpxiLhfutAFw2gbwMVwmyckJvEb7FOZXXup98vy59wL1MNwoRsSi4EQxU@4hjBG2a5ThSDjYCXCF9zFcU87LI01LPf75S2lFvccwMSRe0aRO9advW3RNxaziBhi@l2YpBfRrXNfvRYJluVQGdKkjkSsmjMupcO0VMGiTMGFPRUniIgTtNnTxAN6BD0EAXVTpf3jWh@Nq6e8oIhpvJ/7@10GFf8TwY8l0TpWu4eRnnNB0sWR3K54Jmd8rbYr1r025jUQITug8HSORF@aSc5uH4D8@PPT22bfC2HfoR6L65AzDGOrx3HMn3A43wVNHX5mg2kXDMrilsZGKbalbmPTsRo6EQe4GDYko3YWiOXcd6wNvgw4dn@MXhxypd8JuNK@55xX3u3ZQMsvocTF@J6zBMALOVhQ@KyriJVxcWU@MbzkfJnh5QUQCym4ys1Mp0hSMlAd568Bra@jJ3tAH@f/7ed6YNXBGcjdFaPcP \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. **The 10-th character is a `\"`.**\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n[Answer]\n# 23, [Literate Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/literate.html), 196 bytes\nNew requirement: Indentation is great, so each line needs to contain at least one tab character.\n```\n.1+C->|  \"\t\"  |>-C+1.\n\t\t\n>\tmain = interact test\n>\ttest s = show (check (lines s))\n>\tcheck = all (elem tab)\n>\ttab = toEnum 9\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\tHenry Jams?\n\tHi, Retina!\n\t~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##3Y8xCsJAFETr3VOMqSIxgZQWiUUQxNIbrOFDlvzdQP4XEYJXjxs8ga1MMcybaWZwMhJzyV5pdkrrWtVFV7YLkJkMWNqyK@rKGmNbE5yPaODjtu0VSqIJbwZJhQzTE3k/UD8iZx9JIPt9WnxRA8eMnJgC1N23IlnCOp3jI@BozS@6UJxfuLogpxT8ATdSH93Omvd/vPgA \"Literate Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. **Each line contains a tab character.**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact strings `Hi, Retina!` and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains a tab character.\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n[Answer]\n# 27. [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 144 bytes\n```\n.\t\t;'>-C+\"1\"+C->';\t\t.\n'\t\nz\t\ny\t\nx\t\nw\t\nv\t\nu\t\nHi, Retina!\tHenry Jams?';;\nt\t\ns\t\nr\t\nq\t\no\t\nm\t\nl\t\nk\t\nj\t\ni\t\nh\t\ng\t\nf\t\ne\t\nd\t\nc\t\nb\t\nn\t/:^,27>^^^|=lynn\n*\tn~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##zc67DYJQAIbR@vunUJubiGi0MZGIBQ2xdAASREAULwr4wBhXxzU8E5y8KrMmqYtr2/dT8IzvBs5oPnIC1zceTGXQG3XohZ7oge4oLCaDXdoWNh4SprbuBtv40myM56lFDarRDVXogkp0RidUoCPKUYZSdEAJ2iPLbBVNFks/iqLPuuys1Rj7/b/RDw \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. **There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and **all lines are distinct**.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".#$[\\]` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n[Answer]\n# 12. [V](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), 36 bytes\n```\n.1lllGYVH\"\"p\u00d8Hi, Retina!->\u00fc\u02c6.*\u00b1\n\u00d8^0$\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/v/X88wJyfHPTLMQ0mp4PAMj0wdhaDUksy8REVdu8N7DnXoaR3ayHV4RpyBCglKAQ \"V \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. **The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.**\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n* The last line non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n[Answer]\n# 21. [Alphuck](https://github.com/TryItOnline/brainfuck), 676 bytes\n*Surprisingly, most of the code is not padding.*\n```\n.11111111\"1\"11111111.\n?|+->Hi, Retina!opaos\niipiiciasceaecppisaic\nsapiceasccpisipiiiiia\necsaiiijaeepiiiiiiaec\nsaeeejeepiiiaeecsajee\neeeepiaeecsaejipiiiii\niaecsaijeeeeeeeeeejii\niiiijiipiiiaecsaijiii\npiaeeeecsaijeejiiijii\niiiiiiiiiiijiipiiiaec\nsaijiipiaeeeecsaejiii\niiiiiiijeeeeeejiiijpi\niaeeeeecsaeeejpiiaeee\neeeecsajeejiiijiiiiii\niijeeeeeeeeeeejeeepia\neeecsaeejeeeeeeeeeeee\njpiaeeeeecsaijepiaeee\ncsaeejeeeeeeeeejiiiii\niiiiijiipiiiaecsaiiij\nepiiiiaecsaeeejiipiae\neeecsaijepiaeeecsaeje\neeeeeeeeeejiiiiiiiiii\niijiipiiiaecsaiijpiae\neecsaejipiaeeecsajiii\npiaeeeecsajiiiiiiiiii\nijeeejiiiiiiiijejiipi\niiaecsajpHenry Jams?a\nbcefghiwklmnopqrstuvw\nxyzabcdefghwuklmnopqr\nstuvwxyzabcdefg~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##7VJBUsMwDLzrFYUr0Bk@QK8djvxANYJKbVNRN4QyDF8vsmUnaV7AocolWu2uV4lxq@s2bM7n@WOpW3tKzWHxc/fwtOT72QsducGbveI@ArMyB8YYCCmockQOEFHZgBiCAYlhhUDBhsyCRA6xSYxLROKQvRrHGjDMEO9JigUkgXkI9SUJTaY5SJ0nblZT5YtzgIcaJOCaQZHplSv9SSyaM1SWgZpDe16PXk7yvOOoacm0E1T1eEYgOjibzDuYEKX6Tle2FvyrYo3mC8HEMW/neceWfd4LUykO9ScUg8n3vXCQsaV4CiiGoktqDqfZM@7iAmEV6O19zd1mu2v2@nGIx/azg6/TN67Caxp1bR1Bng2j3@stvd7S/39L/wA \"Alphuck \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n---\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n---\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact strings `Hi, Retina!` and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|` and `+`.\n---\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n[Answer]\n# 26. [Self-modifying Brainfuck](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Self-modifying_Brainfuck) (SMBF), 256 bytes\nThe third-to-last character must be a tab.\n```\n.1111111\t\"1\"\t1111111.\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\tHi, Retina!Henry Jams?C|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t\nx\t<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\nx\t+>>>->>+>>->>+>>->>>>>>>>>>>+>>>>>->>->>>>\nx\t>,Z>,^+.>^\n^\tx~\n```\nPrints out `\\x00` for truthy and outputs `\\x00\\x01` for falsey. Always terminates with an error due to an unmatched bracket. This prevents any input from being dynamically executed. \nThis program only works in the [Python interpreter](https://ideone.com/L2byRe). **DOES NOT WORK ON TIO.** This is because the Python interpreter EOF is NUL.\nTo use the Python interpreter, paste this code into the line where the `data` is set. This had to be done, because TIO has no easy way to type or input NUL bytes, so I still use Ideone. Then uncomment `sys.stdin = MySTDIN(\"<[.<]\")` and replace the custom input with whatever input you are testing against.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n* The third-to-last character is a tab.\n[Answer]\n# 28. [Literate Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/literate.html), 256 bytes\n```\n.\t|+xx<<<\"a\"<<\tg x=elem '<'x&&e%x==e\n>\te=tail(show 0)\t\n>\t('<':a)%('>':b)=a%b\n>\ta%('<':b)=('<':a)%b\n>\ta%('>':b)='<':e\n>\ta%(x:b)=a%b{->Hi, Retina!Henry Jams?-}\n>\ta@(_:_)%_=a\n>\ta%b=e\n \t\na\t\nb\t\nC\t\nd\t\ne\t\nf\t\ng\t\nh\t\ni\t\nj\t\nk\t\nl\t\nm\t\nn\t\no\t\nppppppppp\t\nq\t3~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##5ZDBToNAEIbP/zzFtgkFUiEm3giLJl4aj74AGXQKaxdaC4lrrL46LlSewjlMMt/8/2RmGu4PYm1izSBnHmQcU1y2zuV5vua1z85tL0hJAVSgVk6LlVaFeeg2Gwmc1uK56IGNjfrm@KFu40kZeUXGcRCFRZhVseag8pSDmft66S/0qpqgXIn7c30lxc7cqGcZTMernXTnT/XEbX@ffE/Ch6jMyjgoNc@2yq@jQAyqQI@gV5CA9qAa1IAM6A10AFlQC@pAR9BpCdA77n5G8pNaNp023fSTl2G@K63jf/@aXw \"Literate Haskell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Test Driver](https://tio.run/##5RjbVtvK9XnmK6YTjCXAYyQwFxuJQJJzwllp6EpoVrsI0LE9sgWypEgy2MRknaf2fMJ5aD@ir119ah77Fc2PuHtGNpZvB3LiPtUspJm998zs@96aKo@b/X6NJ8QmYRQ0It5iSSfBWNSaASn4hC4ZlACS1@thqFAjjKkwSeRyv9H2eOQm3QmKDUVxKTxvErOpMHHCa1eiPoErKVzYTZqBvzGB27rHTSC2FeKm6cahiOIREn50aUch3yioFJa5fthOWOIGxB7CR1vtKupIJK7PJ1AfjfU7KhkPWi0xhTMU7pJf87gWuWEyRWAqgusp@IaCA@NeaRzntsIgSkjcjSuOBYSlu0oYuX6iORrAWJzUXZ9Fgtc1XdfpSGvm1BFb6ogPbR4loJ@EO84UybYiARUmIg55bVq@nbvMEZOW@WimqlHWnjrfTEVs8vgK8MxrxmPY9OhG4DmzNWfu3GFsoxZ3fQvEFxGvJVrcDG5YQ8/sa6qNMT6wlrQBm6QYhElRua98rq6ysEsKhXbiwNNxPTFybbKXcQwdH/7aTe7H@kgEo0wodh1yCtIcUGJZ8D6k5KxCkqbwMVGENORxTLHwYjGEONz1KHbcGTKNBV7xZCwMgb2puHxIvF@x3xQsI7G5EIkVZ8ql0idx2qN8MkOih@jvxxlON76Z03T@Ns1mxI2JHyTE9eV6Uo/caxExip8Q0VHR/Pr4@YuL3x2cvLRosR1HRc@tFv2gLi5aQb3tiViSynlqlkGOHL7ZZZxNm2MqSFU2keB6w4DNZtRUWZIyA5xHeq@o0jcratqL5UQ9pI8N8/pDrjpv0XCY4Xnrf8DzsMrcDyQb2dLzEP@P2SA7zcizvbiwiopV1y@@STNuWgUHB6mKaRMSwJ5RpjymcDsLP5y924giw/vOt9siBbxRtXluoLUCP0gVnRbxYkrPREdkyvqM0Ina1e4g6mSBT58sqo7q/QzLPmrR/ThbE9YXlHh@uO84ZquEkKN8HWrktSBJQG4gWYtMlyKJg6guIols8StB3AS0qBTyzlKCXQ8SgpnKeV2UhVj6rGplSKFNCs6UXr5m7fWkahZTPWRHJbe/76zIrMicRXQ/yTK1qELxh50tAkSiVYUCNbBY4JOTo2P6uBRujnL4IC5la0jnEo5EKC2@D8n2lGMTaeTJhvOhzPi1m02CsrJuLS5Vjpri4o16TbTJ8zqRR6wbB2T5X0yqf8iXZvcDcxqCyY7A2FlQSBzXEpme5mT0X24Fza/tBc1sMzgZIuaisvKBFzbbtau5Mj1a8KjtD75vst9PMyvRHMLMLCvpwhrf18eHx6@@TdDBTr89/G4@Sdo@vzp4/b0l/Ivfvx25xejLMTOUNXj8k3Kekzx@@Tggq8zFROu0Cc05xh7/Opa5f87aLJPfHK79PkO91U5nb2@PcgrPTme1hxgmCMH3eYN0LOGJFsnv5TvLyyLXsSwBcGElsIH6YCfruqTUgKLM9ZyWt/Plqm7xXBWgPKfgMB/ih9CUSgJFCukMVn0s2C/dNZJ2eL95KfyoS37grXi/cCcJn2oX5Qs9d2FxtawK7BCEOcJVhJ8hXEdYIOwg3EC4ibCL8CXCVwh7CLcQ9hEOEA6HP4Q/oI1P/edrztrTNQMvOTYdjCk@7jOmM4aZftRimDJqsT7DX378mxB9tnH6JC@uhX@Gn5YdjPNsQ0hQ3sytW2d54pCgnfTZumHi0X0PTu95POHLmx7CiLrrgffgtoesrJB1ViI5Ykgzrut9Ju7e85jdvjU25K1Xqc94tVYXTqPpXl55LT8IP0CdbF/fdLq32CbUpvA8kk514HkYunrjy08/mXJw3E4ASjYwMFWwbysdSx76yvVFrOmVrvVO1JIgcm@F1k6cnZPgyE90raNXuN/VGpEIPY0WbLrW0YGpgr3@p4yB@swYMxg5Ip4LLed3kfBrTVJ@jumbd55XqbNmmft1EsEjaIHwbceB/jSQGxjLy1ps2TSzDRy3vByf7p5ZVp7m4VjD87zv//juJaXh55/HCD//899/Ziv/@jv@/PP5@hJQVmjFYPj9xHaVpQtrz66A94fplRvpFovFml1aXo7AlhHEhviwdFHps5Ojk1cvCETDE/gnL17BHPygzhOO3TJzXAhHs7RmrK3juMziBPZqEJozS6fn7/0zipMRcEwzEG4jzGFXjOCs4QVV7hHZSGP5KEt7QwCG7bjpkSV3OIhxjcPpcY37Dub1OoB21kgOuo0RaUqRROBoA5LNAUncrpIl05Az3sGXt6Q7XOWkq5RanIlVl62QwFbd8pA4@QVi4ZcxfJCBnxlgZ80wViilK4ah1X0ONhmziLzIpVSXdB5vVeucxGW6D9nMJ7E0OEt/YIPBCDaANeBu/DSz0RkA908LhrmpsZ7N9f0zvLkr/bK3n/7RVToY9SY5kPthIhMIAnUjqXT5J6cKRjBgcUqlIJIUxsM47LOtChW8YO@Dr@zbBS5oZQuyxZjV56WAscteFoeem2j0vU913Ta3Vg0dP/ZHe/JH8SYz@5Kj3Cow1KOC9oCl1ZzkaExsyEsbm6Wt7Z1dPDGce8SXH/@aycSQBf/zj7/04TBj9VnB7oEhESWkZxeerYKRVOWQbkwsMrzbJdASJwCWLxIDQpUOrdYU0FBpnsxEYHUdKFKQRaSPaar2JLwqEfACcBK88NstsovR1/xlmIfJSBkYfepLORCq5CX31KBSonwFQQnMI3yLcBfhDsI3CF8j3EZZTWZ3zVcqOEE4RjiSVUWWmZaqOleqArmqGjVUZRKqStVUxfJRsXy@Zm7b5@fnPcvr@j5eQf6n//ua/F8)\n**Satisfies**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. **There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and all lines are distinct.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* **Angle braces must be balanced**\n[Answer]\n## 29. [PHP](https://php.net/) with `-r`, 256 bytes\n```\n.6|0&\"123'  '321\"&0|6.\n<   \n0   \n;   \n+   \neval(   \n~   \npreg_replace    \n('Hi, Retina!'^'g5X|->/45789:@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ  \n*   \na   \nb   \nc   \nd   \ne   \nf   \ng   \nh   \ni   \nj   \nk   \nm   \nn   \no   p~\n```\nNot being able to use `$` made this quite tricky, in my original solution I misunderstood the rule, but I think I have everything covered now. I've used high-byte characters, `~` and `eval` to work around the lack of decent variables for PHP. I nearly made the minimum number of unique code points 96, but I thought that might make it a little too hard for some languages.\nHere's a reversible hex dump for verification too.\n```\n00000000: 2e36 7c30 2622 3132 3327 0927 3332 3122  .6|0&\"123'.'321\"\n00000010: 2630 7c36 2e0a 2a09 0a30 090a 3b09 0a2b  &0|6..*..0..;..+\n00000020: 090a 6576 616c 2809 0a7e 090a 7072 6567  ..eval(..~..preg\n00000030: 5f72 6570 6c61 6365 090a 2827 4869 2c20  _replace..('Hi, \n00000040: 5265 7469 6e61 2127 5e27 6735 587c 3c4a  Retina!'^'g5X|->/45789:@A\n000000c0: 4243 4445 4647 4849 4a4b 4c4d 4e4f 5051  BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ\n000000d0: 090a 3c09 0a61 090a 6209 0a63 090a 6409  ..<..a..b..c..d.\n000000e0: 0a65 090a 6609 0a67 090a 6809 0a69 090a  .e..f..g..h..i..\n000000f0: 6a09 0a6b 090a 6d09 0a6e 090a 6f09 707e  j..k..m..n..o.p~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##rRfRctvG8fnuKy5nkQBEEiZISRYJApIjO7ZcN05t2XVsieoRPIqgQBAmQAtUGY870zSZNm2cyYzjunGn733qYzt5Ih/7FfWPsHsAIYK05KQzPfAOe3u7e7t7u3tgg/nt6dQ3ViR1Y1TMUq1U3g9LV/bDYkW8yyWNZoujDRUQrBZji6yYAHoC5BKAP2WOnEyeJYDX50eHfe45zOIJThbyb9p5cpcHtss@ENO6GI7WH45qt@ZaFFk@AWLkfCGiv8nd/pDcYl1/a4lJTCoN6BvQgbkp5hZ0MGAT5hUN3o2L8cLQCC/WQfHNJnRrRl@ZyS3HsiPazRhe4C3O5VVSshM5TSGzFe8h3tY64IpxFzQRX2KDFtM3AW7CvsKZEQzdgjXryqwDL2vEshqV2fqa8Iei6Ftmwby8tn5ls1LdvvrhzrXrH924uXvrZ7d//vGdT36ROG81AVgCNBLASoDm2ZknQCsBjhKgnQB2AnQS4DgBugngJkBPAN4zScfcavcIXfHpDCy40Wx0YpGCpeNWr08YsQVym@qk2cNoTsboyGt7pNCfCYiWdNzsuRxPp9OzeJeQdBbmuIZwEWEd4RzCUSwj/AzhdPwiLEupsJXqUhywEsJ5hCV41aVUSAq0NP7L@OX49eS78ffjF@Pfj78Z/yENj/8G8Hfjv47/OP4K8H8G2m/HrwH7CsZ49UVE9zoagWbyZvw1cHw9@XzyYvJi/BVgxQ7fTN5MXk6@nfwJxpeT30y@gOf5@O@Tz8f/hPlvpR87fYRXEWYINxC2EG6CBxBuIXyEcBthG@EOwscIdxF2Ee4h79lURaNcGNZqNcoojGGYGyEVE4SwiY5IaHCHd4lUk8JslmdCw@CA50bAbEf2270TUlQEpQwUVaZkZMmUqg3FYJkGYFkmwsM8WU@wMZVA8hgTzrh@XTBTJ5M6hMJngnBbPqweKplDg0VsDVCHJPbuXGyvMzcZe0lD@AkqCwcgXTILOzmq0dxOwZR0BA6AMz9FeIhwiPAJwk8RHiCc0gyl40PXcYCwj3BfyBSbdKM9j6P97UiXo0gvHuloRfq66HK1ni9dMev1@shwhq4LZ@eCQht6Jlcwt0YU0REcdi6jQ1S3jG05VLRs1uKO0xq48ra8ozB3KO8YBoS/koWllu02k7mp5f2g73uOHchh3mqzvqwVFQgfnEHv/FLGpG08j/Qn/cAIfbVg5kYM0ZAiNsqZhVVdxSgkhu16g@D/A@mrJKU5Rg@JsfvxJ/f3MLpzfw/exLixJ9/bfXRdfqjkS5qCNIwufLgLJ4PeSai79/buP/jlw08fsYbV5K2jtt05drpuz3vS94PB05NweAoFaA2jlOOwcIAmgmlECJwiISMRYBo4QCRLl0G5M6DmBbzPrIAE3A8ALV7Eh4Uor2Srza1jIju2y33iKwpQxCiDMMchcpSYAWuIBXgBOuhddwddUnmPkec8Cx58x4i4IcgNNINVkRLn/c7P251ReE67SMZ7frUfa0CTM00ojmYuNZ61XDQWZkggNvOPzHy99qgQ90LSHpk51azjOgrTuchTuSidbypcdnGWirSEUintSCLdrrpDsrOFL2iZuZc18LJ25uWtUW6hFvY81vOxbXu2bdnMtzjjlufZPrMt7DPPBoRvWYAQFNAYXLewaNsdxnmMsoEFaDnnnRgFINDABAMOMPGcd2YisGAAGR1@1joCK4RGiiTrgjbi5gl9J6bB9rzNWXDMM@eIyBPaztlOdseLdEioAOlFSsf6xqrPdor1TasqjBQ24YQ7vcZxx5tLBrZ4hpcIO4ncZZNhimOvskS12CC8JDGyLtY3LfJM3wWhnZmE5BBmApb8uyChkxbZibXAM4EdLxWdDDesqH6dLNQvDAUsKW0ng2QJJ7VttnRRJqTis2AWRSFc34APE7wEXhT8@O3z71Mqvn3@5j//@uKCrWap5Tiy7Xd5t8H7ix9x@VBRsv6gO1@Ga48FcilfLlfLG/m1jXxFq1bKeQk@opTaRjaUS/AqZoVI@dgIZa0aXaCQuVoxrykFTVEMo@XYnnwM5TeD/4cmbKCcgRH0EgUTGKfCBppSmGK76/X6UPKHPnydwm0gO9yVYab6QdN21T5nTVlR4yuc7rtUUczSRk5TfrIWdCQaxWtqaaqOtuKH5ugMGi2dH1nmJ0lgQIlS4wZfiTMIShQhRCuY7HFKygEgtx4XtNKarI5Mpmwd4LUK@wAEMHCtpq1SSlc1TW66TFveHu5KShVB57Buo8mIX6Vb4CYXrr@pure7d/s6gf0vQSfXb8NcxWqTBQzbVbVlw51YWs9r@SL2q@BBcOgRoZnS@uP6vntAcTBHLpRVilvzlQ@HfI5Xj5xegzlEXNdYDFUyb9gb@G2HrNgJ4GNLXMu@xdwWZs0moDbzJMN9b04aUwR9OOcZydqMxB80yEpJEzMW4s4pGSZcrZgrCpDWElen6xEQNawmxMF7iLlbxX0ewEnoVAff79MF71N95dComTr8wfL0SAAZXr582TLXs9k@f8r7PhSmJyuHOghwHOfGpw9uUupNXi0Imfzw79@pq@N/4MmrenFFXGzZrOwb5tJW2az/uHIAFySV4GC1hfMgu8Sxjzn5qM9dq02q1zC9@8Bx9KbarkJokD4MvS54cdBqwRdPD0ILKs@vUhKmarFgnuqhIRLotvh8khV9aDzgVtDr26dcHgStzb3erhsoUFB0cVkfiT@GMgQGFVVkql78rYdNQk0K4674AL3qONg0ifb2yy9LArgzCABLypD//LN95qun97SyCJd1UEorXZjxRCVRzsM7znqFrK6SorpOMkQjhgH/sqZq@fElCQ7CPZiqUDffcD5VVUWFHFB2u1BaVGqo02v5Vn47r/0X \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Test driver](https://tio.run/##7Rldc9vG8Rn3K65nSSAkESRAUZZIAbLkT7mKldqqJx1ZUo/kgYQEAjAASqRMedyZpsm0aeNMZhzXjTt971Mf2@kT@ZhfUf8Rdg8gRfArkiP2rcTocLe7d7dft7s4Fahf6XSKNMA6dj2n7NGqHNQDhFix4uCkjcmMQjAgaankuiGqj1FDTOCZ1C7XLOqZQWOIIhNSHDHLGsYshRg/oMVjVhrCZUOc2wgqjp0Zwi1f4IYQN0PEacX0Xeb5fST8yMxKiHwcQrmwsmm7tUAOTAfrPXh/qdWQ2mOBadMh1AslfU444061ykZwSog7oifUL3qmG4wQqCHByQg8E8KBcSs7iDOrruMF2G/4eUMDwux53vVMO0gYCYDJflAybdljtJSQJIn0taaObLEcbvG8Rr0A9BNQwxghuRmSgAoD5ru0OCrfynlsi2HLvFAj1YTWHtlfjUSsUP8Y8LJV8Qew0dZlxzLGa05dOUdIF6rUtDUQn3m0GCT8inMql6XYuurIwqsRy5XId9GGNpPo8o9TjhukQr/m7cKC7DZwMlkLDGgN02J9n8drMY@R0OZPXeSiL/V5VHKYINPAe8DuBsGaBu9NgvfzOKgwG@GQkLjU9wlils96EIOaFkGGOUamgROZ2h04n8DeyIG9TLyfsN4ILCaxOhWJQ85CX4tabNT6gWaMRJfRX/RjnGauzWk0fhKFOWz62HYCbNp8Pi555gnzZIJuYFYPj/mjnTt3Dz/d2H2gkVTN91KWWUjZTokdVp1SzWI@J@XjyCzd4Nl7y0d@PJ4OqCBS2VDka/ZOcjzURsrilDHgJNILRWWvrahRL@aDsOE@1gv4l7nqpEm9bozn5f8Bz730c9HhbMRz0mX8X2WB@DAmz83pHSsvVTDt1OMoFEfpsbtRmEp1jB1Y04vlzQiux@Gb41frU8R4X7m@LSLA4zBpTzxoVcd2IkVH2T0V0cuszmL5fszR8WqFRvfU8cwftbJX6BcCYyx7pUkX/XhOSE8p8Dy8KEXGqwTjLbEEyfOE4cDBpxCsWax84cSOV2IeR1bpMcNmAFoMFfJUCwU76QYENZLzJMUzNPfZsMbByRpOGiN6@Zi5J8OqmU724KUWX/6i5MLjTuY4ootBnKlpJYrPVpYxELFqARJU12KOjXe3dsjVQrjaj@Hdc8lrRjKRsC9Cdvp1SLzYHBhwIw9XopdFxo9dbBgUl3V5eqGyXy2nTsPXUP08qRK5wrxBQJz/6YT6y3xpfD0woSAYrgiUlSkdiZ1iwMPThIj@46Wg@rG1oBovBoePiDqtqLxhuZVa8XiiTFcW3KvZ3Q@f@IfV2Ew0gTA2iks6tcL30c7mzvb1BO2u9MnmvckkUfm8vfHovsbsw18@6btF/5My1uU5ePBbc5KTXH36ICCuzOmc1lETqhOMPfjZzGP/hLlxJlemE/4rLk56vc/tcSF9mKDbi7Oyel1WOh15uZmeg1ohIwpiRlXIXLq5LKM1AaUFlBfQgoDYCbUSAnopINdj5UOPuRYEWgElxAfmIo7Kwp@JB2I5@1lz7aEooEUBifA6EB8w22vgh7Tqr3Ow2PpL603rXfu71vet163ft75p/SHeb/0N@t@1/tr6Y@srgP8ZaL9tvQPoW2gj7OuQ7l3YAk37fetrmPF1@/P26/br1lcA5Tt8037fftP@tv0naN@0f9P@Ap5Xrb@3P2/9E8a/FSUpv64n9dRS9ubKau7WxubtO3fv3X@w9fDn25882vn0FwKaFxAVUEFARQGVQAMCMgRUFlBFQKaAjgR0LKCqgGwBOYL7snNn0Vi8taigGUMn3T5BOx1ZlmQZydJWVUZEJprckdGHV@8Z68iZvRsiO2H2PrqVMxAS5QzjIFGdTWv7IjawUws6clpRUf9aC0XXWRaz@YUWlnF4pQXv7qUWnp/HaTmLZ7HCPSEtdWR2/oz68tkTJcMv97IdmRaKJWaUK@bRsVW1Hfc5ZP3ayWm9cYZ0THQC7RZ3ww3LQvCNonz48kuVd3ZqAUBxBgFTSf0sX9f4ptumzfyElG9oT1kxcDzzjCVqgbGy62zZgZSoS3lqNxJl7jEJktTJYl0CppJ6@tcxz@nISlKPjfEWtkwooO95zC5WcO4OIo@fWla@JFdy1C5hDxqnCsLXDAOqbYcvoMzNJXxNJ7FlYLu5OX9vdV/TRCLCtoplWfd/9fQBIW777QBh@98//E6eb/0Dtd8epGeAMk/yioyeDS2XnznU1vQ8HCA3ulnEjVQqVdSzc3Me2NKD48WezxzmO/Lu1u72XUwouQF/@O42jMEPSjSgyMzJhgnBRc0uKotp5OdkP4C1ypjMqtm9g2f2PkFBHzigGTixfcxmg/XhctlyCtTC/LMA8SbH7S3Aia35FQvPmL2Oj4oUdveL1DYQLZUAtLKIZ6F26pNGFIEHjtYlWeqS@LUCnlEVPqJ1dHSGG71ZRjQrVIsxNOuo6mJYqpHrEQc/QszsHILPS/AzBeycUJR5Qsi8oiRKNgWbDFiE31cTInE6i1YLJYr9HFmHgGhjnxtcjn5gg24PFoA54G50L7bQPgDX95KKupSQmzqV1vfR0ir3y@Z69JAF0u01hzng6yF4BCSAugWudP7wYQjDCLAoogohnBT6vXMI4TdPGE3q6@ArEJQoI3kIv2TA6pNCwMCdtuy7lhkkyDObSJKuLi8oErrqjzT5j6AlWeUJIT@7AAw1CSNNYGlhlnM0IDbEpcxSdhmiJxrqTtziw6vvY9kAouB//vVFBzZTFm4n9SYYUiAYN/Xk7QUwEugvusDGGu5dYWMo8AMA8xf2AcGvtHGiWGFQHiYsHonA6hJQRCANcx9LMItVcUALHAEvAAfOXbtWxatI@JgnxjwM@spAwssOl0MQ8iLnniiESyTmBUFGkPTOBNQQUF1ApwI6EVBNiGsyvqqYz6NAQL6APAE954mFZxgrTDVHYdqphCnICNNRKUxNBZ6CUrmDRfWmfnBw0NSshm1D8rJfAkPNhXp9bW0NvB/aen2hCQzhULNlXNdCvYhrYn1ujs3WNY0BnGkB1AXh/woge3DKBFDkqDSbEHUxV5A0OlsAKJ0N4TDu4XvQiIoDWQSpd2e9GAhkMbGT55zwVuIwdyjNHmo0nFYAdnAvBd@enIKtfhZGbu/HtZd5@f@65vp1zX8B \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced.\n29. **There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and all lines are distinct.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* Angle braces must be balanced.\n* **There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.**\n[Answer]\n# 30. [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish) with `-v 0 -v 0`, 324 bytes\n`1` is truthy, empty string is falsey\n```\n.1|-<<<<\t\"C\"\t<<<<-|1.\n>i:0(?v'\t'~\nv     >}@@:'\t'=0=?;@\nv\t\n     >:0(?va=?v&1+&>'\t'~\n>{r0&/    v   >&}0&^\t\n          >&}rv\t\n<\t\n              >l3(?v@:}@@=?;{'\t'~\n                  ->1n;\t\nHi, Retina!\t\nABDEFGIKLMNOPQSTUVWXYZ\t\nb\tc\nd\t\nfg\t\nh\t\njk\t\no\t\np\t*      *  *\nq\t  *  *      *\nu\t*      *  *\nw\t\nxz\t\n2\t\n45\t\n6\t\n78\t9\nHenry Jams?%-\t_~\n```\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/##7VDJUsJQEDx3f0WkyoeFBl/cDeQl7rjv60ErKkhcogaNC4Rfx5eEg5ZXj/Zhlp7pnqppBK1mr1e2OmZVA4WFAtLC7FhlqsCWQ25cRLHL2EihEs@zde9Ix614jMGczvZ8x42FNSxUJlDtSIrRdJpKlUikOO@v5xqRRFpf/c5l/P249vJsfUnfaGdexi@YygorYC0YMfbqL0HoD4Bz84tLyyur6xubW9s7u/sHh0fHJ6dn4CWueA02bsAmeHsHPoJPKOVOOpX4jLzoU3z9MX0D3z/BMXBiEpwCp2cwy1o9jD6MNf@h5Q6auOj@f/FPvmjGhszCFw \"><> \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced.\n29. There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n30. **The third-to-last character is a tab (#26) AND adjacent lines must have different lengths**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and all lines are distinct.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* Angle braces must be balanced.\n* There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n* **Adjacent lines must have different lengths**\n[Answer]\n# 32. [Io](http://iolanguage.org/), 256 bytes\nNew requirement: The codepoint sum has to be a perfect square, just like the bytecount.\n(TBH it did take me a whole day to write a program that satisfies my new requirement, hope you enjoy this requirement!)\n```\n.1//\t|+|?\"'\"?|+|\t//1.\n//Hi, Retina!\tHenry Jams?\nC\t:= method(a\n,\ta sum sqrt %1== 0)\n//\te@\n//\t\n//\t?\n//\t{f\n//\t&FO`FC*EU/2345678XYZ^\n//\tB\n//\tDE\n//\tF\n//\tGh\n//\tIg\n//\tJKh\n//\tL\n//\tMN\n//\tO\n//\tPQ\n//\tjklm\n//\tST\n//\tbci\n//\tV\n~\t:=9;\n//\tApqrstuvwxyz{}\n//\tdefgh\n//\t<->\n\t ~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##5Rhdc9pI8nnmV8yxAUkgCQS2EyMkcIiTOOvNp@NLHIIziAGEhZCRcMDGrlzV7e0@XV3VVe3uw@UX3NM93tU9hcf7Fbd/JNcjgS0gzmar9u0GTY@mp7vV09PdM4Pd//hR1bJZNMlMygkhUYYWZbOairPZ@7ZMnrLAdunv0H3mDsbkAe35ZVxFRYP0WNDpN0WKZUSJP@wR/3gQkKRmGCQnATNiFQ55LXNw1uIwdffRm7vV9PbzbL6wtr5x89aLlwd1PnCbgzvbHN7l4F6Hw502hw@@Dju7HHzzkMNHHDx@wmH3yOnx9tkehw3L5s0@vgAdN3X@vuUdD/xgePJ2ND49O@eYJmu1Q4klxcSIXHysiok7ckuuyFpCIt7AdgPHxRiwqiqpKlalnZ6Kawm1ljDUZQr887v3jC1jC6@@EtgJc18vD@S0PLZ7Xh9s5Y99HI6JDnNF6BGV@EHTdqEdMNoUJYmk0ySnrpMk0Uho2GVxtGGFs7G5Gdx@bKrYJLWEWUtAu@N6w2DLcbBpEu3n77/P85dHwwCwpICXRbLzWo366ukzrUCgrK/MQDFP9ZHBNdy1XeaLkj429pkV9Af2KROHQevWXn/HDSRxJOnUHYvtAfMcsZZQQBt5JK3MQTFzb2KutjysKWZslOwQxz5i5O6AuVaHFO/Aujzddxy9qXaK1G2SAYA@eGMwbLVI0O@vytNSKdE3QJmYWK5bKuW/2nxtGEItIawoqTmOc@/l/v1aopbwpj8tsE7//Z8/qekP/8DTn@q5Gyucei2hQzzVaitf1G8cGiVTtzp9Tw95yDibzVrmeio1AO8Z@Ayz4xuH@rLIvZ293W1YXlpLfBVCsr0LOPDUJg0ototqy3Yckl@XNTmH/aLqB8DeBo5kfv1Vvea@Br8IYugFE8NYKzZ2e8xiI2rb6TeoQ3rUdjEHRXJVsDf0Ow65Yc9ffGxRUMS3qNvCtNkE1C2ZJJnvXZFGFMEAgmBGsjYj8YcNciOv8R4d4e4pGc@5WhFXaJTWEle35xEQNS7OiYPPEDO3iAcsWFkzcCJR09J8tWuJtKaJTZfCGi6sH0w4Gpc4tUN7jSZkwmItUQY7QRT7q06kRiVcs9k7SAVB4OT0VUz6a0CWXylafk1UJyaVyq/x2uZqbEzK0a@WyMBnZ71lNbl8HMIIfK7gpRcMjBjP@3GAyTz3LCu1AQ7PqGKWQ@8smwpl4OobPIMuetl1eVANs6Aa5UDV9xw7gPRRq7lgasnMb2Q0CX9pqSUmvMDX1tT8qqbJDOgJo6DhBDTNJLmeLaMCuQt8RrT9Hus12EAUYpoLPImlYMu7Gh7JFg3EvFwoFAsb8tqGvKkVNwuyIEiSVNpIjcQ8NLkUFykeGSNRK7Zs8JmRYWg5WZMUTZIMo@XYnngkSTiJf0X5wjktuARsQtHuu4mXXq/9zM/v/hY7AsCe999/fbeaWaNSS/BnVlQMR4qF/NL3aN/Htu3ZtmVT32KUWZ5n@9S2sE89GxC@ZQGCU0ChmFkwaNtdyliEsoEFaBlj3QgFr0ADHQw4wER91p2JwJwBZHTZZelyLBcaKjIf57QhN5vTdyMabF@VKxYc8VxxhORz2u7ll@yuF@owpwKkFyod6RupPvtSpG9cVT5JPic8546PMdz1riQDW9TDS4TdudzlKUMXR1alc9WiCeElieHsIn3jIi/1XRDanUmYL8JMwJJ9FyR04yK7kRZ4JrDrxZyP4oYVnnneLpx5MBx65inp7XA@hOfnodnQxRfGSzzgY98W9Hl2gIMNhK9QFSQdJ7fcMamWr4ud5MU1kYLCSEGXkTJCn3w@rUp1MvpEuU7GZ57SLxWgyZimqZhmJgYvSyaEygwJxKZ8YMr10oESVWVeDsyMatZxHY1WDZKpKuaEb6hgE0ImplLNgEEQwibipwxiEKBmA2oFJGB@AGjeEB8G/E7/LRGtDrOOiOjwIylsvRJQRCiD8N1fZA7rkYA2@AA0gA762y7cWzYx@jW/@EUovjIYrUxKTytmZkJhRiOYF51kTCWtw6RGxLD5kfy3edPTZEGnF8TYefj4@R5Gj57vQUuMe3vis52DbfGFJOc1CWmfmR5zm9Bs3a7e2b577/7Og693v3n46PGTp8/2nu//Hu5q1983@D7ySwa5ijW0ut/CsdxijtMaumJFrIYBVoUAQ4KUgqFwv5z1TU2G82J0LoCdt0MHopaDnRYCEa08MdvE77OfIv2iZ2VSCOkCd9cwlrkbCzpCkEAQPkV4HMbYW4RPEB4ifM2NWtB1HCDsIzxA@BjhPsI9hB2EjxDuImwj3EG4jXALFghhWCEL4QbCLsoW63L@plmv1yeGM3ZdnEbuqoKTzGgEYRyeOqEdjeCKD6fOMLjaZGSEoSGUhFEqxZKQ1BjgmRFQ2xHD2MpJnFIEiiKVkqJgCsWGZNBkA7A0GeKhPx@fYyMqjmQRZjTjOls4DcTMoJxzwop4WDyUkocGDdkaoA5BmIYzroazZ6El2qFV7NBCR6G1etwk3HjevHBrFlbdcJJLwWrlCwIhQiEPy5bKTcAPS/xgm@NA5yDDATuhjshfLsL7zYC1D/l1llosPAYvHgzrQnv9xaT0QCBY5qMCfADXhfhKA0IWpj9OfyTwQJ2@n347/Qv83k9/mP51@meAP0z/MP0Ofu8@/H367Yd/Qv@PcI7UIVzM7No6nNSKlZUABbFp/kXKQYMDi4NmOAUOWhy0OehwYHPQ5eCIgx4HLgd9AN5qep4ofCOAqK1C7PJXZQLp2bSLObF8AjF5gU/C@4J5XqkUoW/kjLJe4V4foUM6apRPUlomZYYM5tkgl8ryUc5qps5zqTqKXVAAMwD@Elq6tJhOAWRVivAl@MZZKGv1IqOYmqsvBhzeus2NtjMz2TylcceyuFu1Io/qHkU@hNKRJGjS4EbRywwFsRwfhfgeQbDnEV5bR3gD4Zu30CaOLXtSQYefzIYl5TIbKqVrbx@d/uCUXzAKBbmwxq8XAkmmBEGU0hnZyF4d4Yt6CdJr5fr0XT98c30GP5ucXwgSv9zoPNHBVp5E@8Lx8Mlm@9ZQqLSyKWFLYrvPdO9NIJwdvDxZe1qglAJVowHAgtpsfi7hMqitFoA21E4HgA212wVwBNVxAPSgQh5Loj5UzwNwDHUwAOBDDQIAQ6gnJycA6aqnzv7KrCWE2v/ln5lXBvn4Pw \"Io \u2013 Try It Online\")\n2. It starts with a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced.\n29. There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n30. The third-to-last character is a tab (#26) AND adjacent lines must have different lengths\n31. All printable ASCII characters that are not previously forbidden must be part of the code. The complete list is:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`\n**32. The codepoint sum must be a perfect square.**\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and **all lines are distinct**.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* Angle braces must be balanced.\n* There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n* Adjacent lines must have different lengths\n* It contains all printable ASCII that are not previously forbidden. The characters are:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`.\n* The codepoint sum is a perfect square.\n[Answer]\n# 1. [Add++](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/AddPlusPlus), 7 bytes\n```\nD,f,@,1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0xJKSj4/99FJ03HQcfwv0qanRKUrcTl/x8A \"Add++ \u2013 Try It Online\")\nMight as well get Add++ in before things start getting difficult. This is very simply a translation of the first example into Add++. `D,f,@,1` defines a function which, no matter the argument given, returns `1`.\n[Answer]\n# 4. [Stacked](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/stacked), 10 bytes\n```\n.3[#'even]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Ky5JTM5OTfn/X884Wlk9tSw1L/a/g1UaF5e6nnEqSEjdSNXANlZdIU0hv7TkPwA \"Stacked \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChecks if the length of the program is even. Anonymous function which returns `1` for \"true\" inputs and `0` for \"false\" ones.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. starts with a `.`\n3. contains an `e`\n4. has an even length\n[Answer]\n# 24, [SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4)](http://www.snobol4.org/csnobol4/), 256 bytes\n```\n.;*->+|a\t\"x\"\ta|+>-*;.\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input\n\tx =input;* Henry Jams?\n\tX =INPUT\n\tOUTPUT =GT(SIZE(X),21)\t1\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\n\t\nend\t\n\tABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234\n\tHi, Retina!\n\t~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87LT8rPMfn/X89aS9dOuyaRU6lCiTOxRttOV8taj4uzQsE2M6@gtIQ6LGstBY/UvKJKBa/E3GJ7Ls4IBVtPv4DQEC5O/9AQIK1g6x6iEewZ5aoRoaljZKjJacjFiROm5qUAKUcnZxdXN3cPTy9vH18//4DAoOCQ0LDwiMioxKTklNS09IzMrOyc3Lz8gsKi4pLSsvKKyipDI2MTLk6PTB2FoNSSzLxERS7OutEQAAA \"SNOBOL4 (CSNOBOL4) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPrints out `1` for truthy and outputs nothing for falsey.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n* Each line contains a tab character.\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n[Answer]\n# 2. [Triangularity](https://github.com/Mr-Xcoder/Triangularity), 17 bytes\n```\n..)..\n.)Im.\n\".\"=.\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KynKTMxLL81JLMosqfz/X09PU0@PS0/TM1ePS0lPyVYPixAA \"Triangularity \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChecks whether the first character is a dot (`.`).\n[Answer]\n# 8. [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 64 bytes\n```\n.0->z;x=readLines();y=Vectorize(utf8ToInt)(x);any(grepl(\"->\",x))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/X89A167KusK2KDUxxSczL7VYQ9O60jYsNbkkvyizKlWjtCTNIiTfM69EU6NC0zoxr1IjvSi1IEdDSddOSadCU/O/XmJSckpqWnpGZlZ2Tm5efkFhUXFJaVl5RSWXnYKSnRKQ9MwrKC1xzMnhsrNTMHzU0WEEYviXlgBFFYz/AwA \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSatisfies:\n2. The first character is a `.`\n3. It contains an `e`\n4. Its length is even\n5. Its length is a perfect square\n6. It contains an `a`\n7. It contains a `>` character\n8. Contains the exact sequence `->` in one of its lines.\n[Answer]\n# 10. [Somme](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/Somme), 64 bytes\n```\n.1->Hi, Retina! I like French :D\n\"RVll;d.h:and random stuff too!\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K87PzU39/1/PUNfOI1NHISi1JDMvUVHBUyEnMztVwa0oNS85Q8HKhUspKCwnxzpFL8MqMS9FoQhI5OcqFJeUpqUplOTnK1JuAgA \"Somme \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**[Verify it online!](https://tio.run/##dZJPTwIxEMXv/RTjqgQINAuKfzBgjMTIxQMaL4RDl86yG0pL2l0Vgc@O3WWVSrKXSdv85vVN5uk0WO3OAq3mKKEHIRMGCccQmDSfqKuyAZVQ1ohgi4AzWMNmqdVsQ1Ip0BgI5Ti7TwjAQSTRKdqHZZoY8B6V5HESKwmna7mFPeQRlJxs85r/JlDOkqiaadVIVmmwStBQE39jTk1/ZYz9YLwr3LVrf44gq2N/Ar0eeNSDbYMU0MURRGPJ8Qs8dKFLB3LNUPxAee@AnRKwXvdpB86hlRnwqe@0XJUYYK6B6xKo70I3JVDzH3VbQj3HDRhhEkt24uIt/5ifRkybsU9pe0IXbFmtdJXmNWrShR2wkw9o@3eTfFN2H69vg@EL1cjsNg@LosimUaacPW1sIACyUxGYLSH7gDwIATOluPVUhKpI0o62mn3HMwxBxHOEJ43SCncHxBu9C3HHadRlkoO2RS3AJGkYQqLUyQ8)**\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`\n3. It contains an `e`\n4. Its length is even\n5. Its length is a perfect square\n6. It contains an `a`\n7. It contains a `>` character\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n[Answer]\n# 6. [Pyth](https://pyth.readthedocs.io), 16 bytes\n```\n.e}\\as.zS13    5\n```\n[Try it here!](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=.e%7D%5Cas.zS13++++5&input=.e%7D%5Cas.zS13++++5&debug=0)\nChecks if the input contains an `a`. Outputs either:\n* `[True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]` for truthy\n* or `[False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False]` for falsy\n**Satisfies:**\n2. starts with a `.`\n3. contains an `e`\n4. has an even length\n5. has a perfect square length\n6. contains an `a`\n[Answer]\n# 7. [Whispers](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/Whispers), 66 bytes\n```\n.abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n> \">\"\n> InputAll\n>> 1\u22082\n>> Output 3\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8/ILC5ILSr@/18vMSk5JTUtPSMzKzsnNy@/oLCouKS0rLyisorLTkHJTglIeuYVlJY45uRw2dkpGD7q6DACMfxLS4CiCsZc1DADAA \"Whispers \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs either `True` or `False`. Note the trailing new line.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`\n3. It contains an `e`\n4. Its length is even\n5. Its length in characters is a perfect square\n6. It contains an `a`\n7. It contains a `>` character\n[Answer]\n# 3. [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 5 bytes\n```\n.\n\u201dee\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/1@P61HD3NTU/3AWAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nChecks whether the input contains a `e` character. Changed from `\u201d` to `e` because that seemed unfair to languages without that character. And, to verify, here's a hexdump:\n```\n00000000: 2e0a ff65 65                             ...ee\n```\n**Satisfies:**\n2. Starts with a `.`\n3. Contains an `e`\n[Answer]\n# 18. [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 144 bytes\n```\n.6;\"ea->?\"#\"?>-ae\";6.\n\"Hi, Retina!\"\nimport sys\nprint(len(sys.stdin.read().split(\"\\n\"))>26+1)\n\"|||||\"\n4.2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/X8/MWik1UdfOXklZyd5ONzFVydpMj0vJI1NHISi1JDMvUVGJKzO3IL@oRKG4spiroCgzr0QjJzVPA8jTKy5JyczTK0pNTNHQ1CsuyMks0VCKyVPS1LQzMtM21OQiFijVgIASl4me0eBzEQA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs `True` if the input is at least 28 lines long, `False` otherwise.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`, and so is the twelfth character (palindromic rule).\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* The first line is a palindrome of length = 21\n* It contains a `?`.\n* It contains a `|`.\n* It contains a `+`.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n[Answer]\n# 16: [Quarterstaff](https://github.com/Destructible-Watermelon/Quarterstaff), 64\n1 is truthy,\n```\n.1.......\"a\".......1.\n   1->a[Hi, Retina!]\n  ?[-124(.|>a)?]\n49a!\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KyxNLCpJLSouSUxL@/9fz1APApQSlaAsQz0uBQUFQ127xGiPTB2FoNSSzLxExVigoH20rqGRiYZejV2ipn0sl4lloiKyCXpkmQAA \"Quarterstaff \u2013 Try It Online\")\nthe indentation doesn't do anything, by the way.\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`, and so is the twelfth character (palindromic rule).\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* The first line is a palindrome of length = 21\n* It contains a `?`.\n* It contains a `|`\n[Answer]\n# 15. Python 3, 64 bytes\n```\n.1and(11*\"\"\"*11(dna1.\nHi, Retina!->   \"\"\")and(lambda s:\"?\"\nin s)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##fVTdbts2FL7nU5wyjiO5MmPadZtak7oM/XMRoEUSZC2stKMlylZCUapIp5aBArsa@gi96UPsflfL5d6iL5JRkg03BVoBIqhzvu/88HxiXup5Jgc38UKGXnBDKJORRWkHY9yh1IokowQ9Txw45jqR7E7XBwDjtCucYOk0YqBG@BFGiQRl3@RFIrU1qcJZyoY4K0CBcU3QDlACh1F09y7Cj53Y@dWh2DHWPoHTImFythCsSHSJTHRCbEIQsccpQZhgjxhbhR0QeMGFaDDo659fOF977hE40Sy85JEhDCY7e/yKy/PaNSTwqu4SBsbX4z0wRTV1Ci6tROYLbdl2p0OGu9TzenbNut@wDIN/DAK2OqEDqJ9h7X5A4Pd5onJeqLoYNg0jHs/mycWlSGWWvy@UXlx9WJYr5AP2sVnHVaJDIZDvA/366VO/2rxcaGOtKmv6OCBwXFXZ9Vfu0is4i44SyZVlu6V3xkOdFcmKWwsdH5xmY6lta2m7TJbWrOC5sALc9QPsLO2mh4dkPTYTsev3/vhmjrWf9sypZWnK6xZo1/8GAGMQySWHpwWX4RxGjxE@PhPCjch8ZGYPhVmyFEyXcQw6y@6sG6Bmyi/YFTsJiyTXJjGl7balPFPXLRkFuN1Wk4fnnrcX4L2mXmq0cNbUIoR49ubsOcb59edbvOt//vuLdP79G11/fttrbZIaYbzihYBhw3axa2QbfJcSu6133i@@G86z3K0FAOX@/n7oD9vtwuilUBzx96137iaqEdXrg/twqBRPp2vVnY5Pj54ABrxjXnhyZL6NUiOmGUpGJE6EgP7QoU4PqRFR2mSZAd7tDydvA6NHpLfGW8eNUbz1/FbyrZ3MRDZlAlKWSFQtI9g@KF@ouYBWstkoFDJTggqZjBGLImM6cGCXq3wLbRC6MOpfQ@6tIWoxhVafVl9siS5WUG5YccOqTy3@jnWR5mBClaMNWP8EzOUIFVxvjvjWz1mNbnP/BD@9gIIf3kAmCDo/t2/@Bw \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* The first line is a palindrome of length = 21\n* It contains a `?`.\n[Answer]\n# 31. [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 324 bytes\nNew requirement: All printable ASCII that are not previously forbidden must be part of the code. The complete list is:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`.\n```\n.6;%+<-?|\"\t\"|?-<+%;6.\nf=@(x)all(ismember(horzcat(33,34,46,' %&''()*+,=/0123456789:;<->?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'),x));\t\n%\t>>\n%\tV'quQ9g8u'@f/&'A)eLS;p`t'{ZYv4R3aaa\n%\tbb\n%\tc\n%\tdd\n%Henry Jams?Hi, Retina!\t\n%\te\n%\tff\n%\tg\n%\thh\n%\ti\n%\tjj\n%\tk\n%\tll\n%\tm\n%\tnn\n%\to\n%\tpp\n%\tq\n%\trr\n%\ts\n%\ttt\n%\tu\n%\tvvv\n%\ta~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##3Tprd@PGdZ@xv2ICLwlABCmClLQrUoSklXe9crZeZ1/xrlbaHZJDEhQIQABIkStqj9PGsZs48Tppbcex0/SVtEn6SB9Jk6btOQS/9Vc0f8S9g8cMIHFd9xz79JxCwujivubOzJ175yG75eMR@eQYu5ZhdZHd6XxSWqvnChvFzakoiNPN4kYhV18rXeg0tuSxgk1TNrwBGTSJK/ds90kL@3K1qlZX1JU1VUK5vCTJylJBbSyXtUp1ZXXt0uX1Wn2jqG9ubV/ZefHqtZeu77785Ru/98rNV79y6/adu/e@@tr9BwePHuNmq0063Z7RPzQHlu0cuZ4/HB2PJ09OpqdPJUUdK0pduJATdB2Ke9LR8Cvr3ctDaauznJe2FXLjdt157EsnD@6PVm5VMcbA1WxC0YK33b6Qu04sd4JexgNv87qholvENyz8JaqRwNvpQNGFt9eDwoC334fiEF7ThGIAr2VBYcPrOFAcweu6UHjw@j4UQ3hHoxGU@Oknzol2ihpIelHtqFuqJtUvOCcVitmTSiWlVJJUpJVVJJWU3QH7EEtioyTtU95qzJuQfvf6x4REpJWYVN17QZLIiFj7EX41xpdJGdkuclzD8mWTWLJhOUNfVpSlpdJqTms0ykoksBYLkNOH2Cs9ua1VETyrEfFSTHz@wEiRZToSdTExU0e7tLJt02QYHWm/e@utSur75tAHHlQNUWFllxPTi/qT@rjhEty@YVjEk5X6pHGPtHzbNZ4Qeeh3Lt@xdy1fAVesY2sid13imLJY1EXqIJHl67Gyol5@nBrqiKiVY6pW1FNEtItM45Cgay6xWj1UezG0DamSeOueadbbpV4NW23kQmEPEPRAp4N8206UaolSLZ@XvYYuplSDbfm8t7e@32hIkihJsZVa4g2aaZov3b93XRSd4IOMXPDb//xGaWn2i6jrpOCDg/LFWDhxD60u1jXmJA/P1Fu/@KixoddbPduph@6AJsvLyy19NZ93wXFcjySS5Ojio3qsO/GvO7t3blxFIhZfgBddvQHf3G3b2MfJh1ErdQzTRJVVVVPLCdarlTzfpUFFzFVW9w4eWvvMTXxOywxDzCB1OP3KhJyllrqm3cQmGmDDilEUrCH@xGhn6PVMdNHIfnrxZwuiGfJa2OrECNxuA/myinLEcxariGR8F@ZVRmglI@QNm@hiRaM4PI5x/SdoktXZSesMx6fzKTr7AwexSie1rCr/f6WKWLVkJFzix8OehA8NfFzWtCVRFJc0TW5bmDtYxr2gm4FHoewmHjTbGHk1cZONsWEhL/H1JNJopegBh4ohrhvUwZzEe6k69jltc6@oVVbk0lTHyibDr6yzeZ3Eq@lm9CMWxBiaQhW01VnjJXVdrVYoIf0roSTexWqTyLRWFwmGLAaTYVMvYiJCTmRh@7wHQ/MHju36yJt4CYYHZECCf7cNq0QjnayUPMc0fFl8aImKolfWCpoCQhDaBpBdqWHqiqbQiqb0EaPmrJQqsY3rzMZcAUycigTytl4M83ZS@YL0LaV7RJJoAM17wwFnoLm9olarteoaze7rWm29qkrwhNl4Yy0/livwp5ynauXDxljWah0D3GHcaFCrlaKmKI1GxzQc@RCic2h2TlLTDausKWEjKuXP0IjMCPL1RUJejOEZ9KPUGgDy6X/95s2oAys8fEePCD/xw@renBYyocp2sM2G1jAcw2gZ2GsRTFqOY3jYaLFAiB0D8F6rBXjKCA@LnaQFrIbRx4REFAMUcElCSD@iAAis8MEkCSVEaNKP9TKDcKi4T9jTTxFphaHJCVtKMlRJEul@xJqWjB@ugFsbIRN5klabSDFjjL6TtjaRAZoTNjbTzqjlsTGZdqabSLuKdklKMlSZZmFq@w6vFZQ4mTrPiPXP1Hm2/@CT1ekYCToSpIqzBrHawj7KtDNd3dl2ZirsZ9UmLhBrXTyei9T209X1I3t5nWFlfSc1bVjfNlvhovA4syhMiLA4TMLo8TDhYG4SLx9jjqfxHKx8hvmfiVgpqySpfibOwdJwTNdbOxCsGC23bU3Qzmb8yaMQgkRdWY3jEFtZFXaK@hRSnCAiNNWLOwUeCwSBrWYFuvIACQjtxMUtH/nE8zmVfiEP6F7PPkZyq0dah0g26doWsqPCGSNKA9H8LROTDJCPmyk6fAHVt69awwFi8U34/wGkh5LhUrkpwSW@kqxQ60tFvTDFgjgWBTwt6MWlOh@jMWqEG5//I0R9CS1q1muosfvKq3fvMMTNu3fgEzVeuiPf3n1wVX5NUSuaImjP7a7k/fzHgVhtjnz@bv35O0Kafz/TAK6enezC81YssKFqEdPsDC15S94JJ/YOndgCTOw8EMP1BsPomgpr82g1NVZbPezC/FaUVAgQqAXUhLVszhcg5wtnc/5Y@HygxVFrZzpe8HzedX9x0Mb/9HDWgq7rRV0vpEr2FMKyGCO5jK4@0NWDjQfF6C0mzwO9UNIPEr4DYfw0GdJkCyAIdUmiERvGlEZxSA@CkEoirA1PGDRZ0MJjBo0YNBQWrEWFbCpizuYzZo9BLoOOGGQzaMAgk0GHDOozyGBQj0FdBnX4jGYQn9ktBjUZZAnLtQO1ckk/ODiYNsyJZSWUJcFi/ZvshYRpYTyG8YVdHJTjcWHKexelc2MXjRthLpOkDUka5/MkB1mZcAbS8LFhymFyLCspSTmUqGElBxAMYK2pNHCuyRlwLmYBAmc@yxBLRnSSIY5jlSeZVX1qJIunKf4t@VHtkZJ71MBpJU3eFsSMxwv6d2fBOJAF49VdMK7GgvE/XOAng9RonvcsJ3lS/ldlI8t2kNNyXqR7JhpNqxVNzJenPCJvMNkyg@oMKvCWjbAps6@n3AaXdB/RAzvc4o0/uw09kKTu6mvTjZdT81QV@ORNoYE1M/M4vyTNfjB7b/Zh8P7so9mz2Tdn786@lYZnPwL4/dkPZ9@evQ347wPv92YfAvYDKCPqs5Dvw7AEnuDj2Tsg8U7wRvAseDZ7G7C0hneDj4P3gu8F34HyveBrwZvw8/rsZ8Ebs1/D99chJSl1SGz68soqPQg/fwYu8In2aQ7U@sIcaLHbOIlrVNl56bRIY7og7ohh5C9OeZ7UjVpZ3hyFXvOUBc3wIE4/3dqqhYRGubFZ3zofUiO2UAFubI7yWiGvZzXpJ245v0zZqE49f1rOH2TFIx35U5er3VjAEXKZVahpqwZ2gT0n2ZrQuaeoa1Z9YdBPcNtX6IjuxuOZLJJSY9g6P3SdRePUP1w0b4WlyBD4s8SnbvQdU3hyWsDLs9iYp7sKg1ZWGbjGoEuXBbbFSM2wXFF4xPyCnZnEZy4iPQ68fGltdQXiBvMM3x0StLHcJqNlawhbm@Rklh589GyYzxyxi/yePez2fHRM4NclqIdH9AjY8wkekDZqmWAE57/ZU5Flo10E@@E2Y@oBTx3d6WHfQ8dQAj08EwV8c@h2ieuhlBH37eE5clrTZpqXeCoyQC2GrWPXsC1soraBTQKbvoTnbq/YG4JdYc0R12a6vrtAQ0PH87FP0CvkGN233cMU/RYBYyZ19FVY8qpod4A6rj1Ad32jhVVELyB2RwRZ9Oge9Qh224Cb2BZBQ49A7xHk9FwMoCSlG0E7@Uyv@bBfTdRadh3t0mZZaNtsgkJExhCpPQ@MT4@OR0gd0Q47tOxjlVbnkXS/YRixo6EBDfOMgWFiF3aroVE23ewCMKEDShD0zJfdoedP0JVQ8qxtdfQq9A5sp9vo9qFhWcARV1FHN8026mDQPoHebRkOYbLXbDczcig7ctAHeR0t8kOjE27Z0eMWGBYyhCezaIoG7VUPNttT2tVtVGyhlcfg8o9Dxy1CZ8FwTBL/geYNsvW3iefQzqA90AkPBqhPhN1Ae8pujgx76EFDuq5hmiC1sMI6sxMkrXSjKEzGho/KqTllwpAs4tE4rmNw@Pq17SvX7qa@@VxnuJ0CpwfvBt@FZPdHwR9Dcns/@CD4fvBh8IPgI0iCPwz@JPhR8KfBnwV/HvxF8JfBj4OfBH8V/HXw0@Bnwc@Dvwn@Nvi74O@DXwT/EPxj8E/BPwe/DH4V/Evw6@A3wb8Gvw3@Lfj34D/mr8@/Nv/9@R/Mvz5/Y/6N@Zvzt@Z/OP/m/Fvzt@ffnn9n/s782fzd@Xe5Nduplqav8jYgaGeGmnEdAYxZsE8iWfrk6ey196ccn5@//Y6uv7@YC/DkBpxvZPleid6Hswvx6EY8dSWeuhPnAs0mh1scbLcZ/Jz7cs5LONjpcLjLwV6PwwYH@30OH3KQXxnnhAEH@VYkJ9gcdBwOH3HQdTnscdD3OTzk4Gg04h84Sm2d6PZMlrYtD7JQDeUqBhTGQ7BjT6tZwwExZUepI34sMVZQBwoVOcq@cuHCGNzJOSFW@7R@oW14jrwnXcder0bdEMQrnu/K1JN6gJQlmPT06kXWaitKoyFdXsNrsGgEPbHoNr1vHDaj61DvnJI9fp2TOXABc1KU9EFUhgKbY0Dspyt80eh0IPtaPjKJ1fV75@tsA0dU8NsehT5cyV3LOILMT09gsvKW9UQehkTosbTE1aMhJFRgA7uQ3YF01DVJVpZeTtFT3Q0Jeir50KG3INJtFNFOeIQ6wNaQJlHUgYzQxCa2WkRKVWNBcO@CWqbV8AitWh7LMGTFvYpa3lfUvXXwi8papmMgxTSNdptYaemn9ESK9@cLF/ce7odXaSnBmxaYs3quKUxqrEpfKolSRmYHeg6yBlnQfaCcxnbDo4QTiWZz6fTkqewduX7C0Gh0jHEGo@TzA7sdf6kVhf4byCndbViI/g8J8qATXNpTn/w3 \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n2. It starts with a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n23. Each line contains a tab character.\n24. The ninth line contains at least 22 characters, excluding the newline.\n25. The tab character can't be the first character on a line\n26. The third-to-last character is a tab.\n27. There are at least 28 lines, and they are all distinct.\n28. There must be a `>` in the code and angle braces must be balanced.\n29. There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n30. The third-to-last character is a tab (#26) AND adjacent lines must have different lengths\n31. All printable ASCII characters that are not previously forbidden must be part of the code. The complete list is:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first line is a palindrome matching `.\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\"\u2423\"\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423\u2423.` (you are free to fill in the \u2423s).\n* The second character is one of `',16;`, or a tab, or one of `\\x04\\x0e\\x13\\x18\\x1d`.\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* There are at least 28 lines, and **all lines are distinct**.\n* The ninth line must have at least 22 characters (excluding the newline).\n* The last line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* Contains the exact strings `->`, `Hi, Retina!`, and `Henry Jams?`.\n* Each line contains at least one tab character, but it can't be the first character on a line.\n* `!\".` are banned except where necessary:\n\t+ Only `!` in `Hi, Retina!` and the two `.` and two `\"` in the first line are allowed.\n* `#$[\\]` may not appear in the program.\n* The program ends with: `tab`, *(whatever)*, `~`.\n* Angle braces must be balanced.\n* There must be more than 88 distinct code points in the program.\n* Adjacent lines must have different lengths\n* It contains all printable ASCII that are not previously forbidden. The characters are:  `!\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~`.\n[Answer]\n# 20. [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 100 bytes\nThis code checks whether or not `Henry Jams?`. Returns `1` for truthy, `0` for falsy.\n```\n.6;%+->?|\"e\"|?>-+%;6.\nHi, Retina!->0123456789\n0123456789\n0123\n\u201cHenry Jams?\u201d\u1e87\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/1/PzFpVW9fOvkYpVanG3k5XW9XaTI/LI1NHISi1JDMvUVHXzsDQyNjE1MzcwpILjcmFCzxqmOORmldUqeCVmFts/6hh7sNd7f/paRkA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60.\n* The 10-th character is a `\"`, and so is the twelfth character (palindromic rule).\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n* The first line is a palindrome of length = 21\n* It contains a `?`.\n* It contains a `|`.\n* It contains a `+`.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The following characters can only be used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]`.\n\t+ Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n* Each program must contain `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n[Answer]\n# 22, [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), 100 bytes\nExecutive summary: There must now be an uppercase `C` in the code.\n```\n.6;%+->?|\"e\"|?>-+%;6.\n'Hi, Retina!Henry Jams?';\nf=@(x)any(x=='C');\n%Any C?\n%~\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##lVbLcts2FN37K1DEEkibogXqEUuMqDzbuJOZzqSZzHRkJ4Up0AZDkQhJxZKjZLpq8wlZtB/RbaerZtmvaH7EBUmAD8XppKAexH2cewBcXCByU/KKXl2ZQ7u133GmG0jhZup09lv20NxBD5kBHtOUheSrhzSM1@BbskimyN7xJre1lU7CtbaaTNA9pNs7rTvhGtyb7nymtd5eXZA4ZOEZiDxvh7/Gb8AEoPuGZ9w2sIDkr61MMkOmqZsmMgDuGgCZ@tGi7EATTkx0ktn2pK1SffzpN0oLVV@qerMbCNFXNDwp5AMp79IuiGLAYxamWkBDjYV8mWq6vrdnDlp4MunqhcNQOtA3xyQxL7/HPSDaoFDelEpy6s6pd3bO/BfBIoz4yzhJl68uVutLVDBzAHSgoumAoyzYnSAoJQ7AH9@9s2r975apsAG9XJQHO1TUO86lvZrElMwfsZAmmm6vJ0@pm0Yxu6TaMvUOn0RHYaqLxbGz1TmLKQ802HGgsdLlsEYSrON0f6wtcKHEXanFHaemBEcgYC8o@DqmoXsOxvdzbsBA8PHTILDn5vmYhHMQi59oAcQMeB5Io0iBYgWK220tmTiwBi24tdvJbHQiEglBhCRLrLIBB0HwzQ9PH0LIP7xv@H348@@fzb2/fi@mDn14/6y7K51VemAb2rhMkuOtuPbu88ktx3bPI27n6QDWBwcHrjNot2OROHFClSd9ufvcltgqv54cPXn0AEACb4gvePBI9Ku0nZOUqA4bmx4LAmANDGx0lTQZm0kaZ/sBtqzB7NlxeFKmSVrpGssgDZBX6e@u6bbWPAuiUxKABWGhFGWvY1A1KebL5DwAu6zZTWTXJYJ04pLQkwIynwv1oQFaNOHXQxQ@aSz2VcOp33BKlqdg18KZjKykzL8E6yamV8fM18f7D0x/wUEZdD1uQqX/C4qGY7USMU3lsqvygUWOaxjvQQj3MNbmIakSrJFeYpqFjZ6ZB2RxOicgGcNpucYsBInKdVVpsFk0kVDyrcIWcGJPklktxkmlm8462Opr5sYh@rSU90flvlb1ajMtHrgP5dtGhMhG3SSPjJHRszJF/YOAqncSVlWmoQ0pEQeI2Azi@CAUivOjLNufZrAY/oJHcQqSdaIkVUEWQpHfcxaaWaXTdDPhAUs1eBxCXXes4T7WhZMobQuSahkxo4/1LNAma7AYTt@0JMdRyfHTM04FlwdaEGgsWdDFKY01VJ8RhLIC2k6Wi8rAFdEto9cb94ZGf2iM8HjUM5BoemZ7a9heaT3x1y34tJBRZ2wN9Zyd1f0Cdo2l6WKr1x8Mbx6OlPp6SXU0/lo7vMVB@c8fvxQzY1V1uWhQPLKVsaeb/UYNijiJyjVjjDPmMpK4lFCXc5YQ5pYVjnAm5InrCnlmKFpZFKkrTBnzCaWFhgmAypNS6hca8SpMRaf0pJmiEFNf4paESA7s07L5NWUWMKeszGqeOSRV3n5hWveUrQKo2BZC5U/rsMqrJMN8XmerfISO54NtjLMYuSTTGGd9iNlUZVNS88wh6yYlrM@rqAKEN2JuuflbMbfnT3TLmJwpceGYATcJldHyOWqMsx5ue5yNgH4TVqWARL1@Pa@D9evh/IJvFTMP5vPatinn9tTNb3sXjdueUopbn6qPF0tlUaaJvBdKi7dyD1pfsP/R527iyN4qYPJGLq7k4k6udPJqLrtVFQLiBLYGWR3ameFxuFzQQOO6DVwaBN4y1DJE4IkfA3D95Opf \"Octave \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Satisfies:**\n2. The first character is a `.`.\n3. It contains an `e`.\n4. Its length is even.\n5. Its length is a perfect square.\n6. It contains an `a`.\n7. It contains a `>` character.\n8. Contains the exact string `->`.\n9. Contains the exact string `Hi, Retina!`.\n10. The sum of the first two Unicode code points is a multiple of 5.\n11. The 10-th character is a `\"`.\n12. The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n13. The first line is a palindrome of length > 5.\n14. The first line is exactly 21 characters long (not including newline).\n15. It contains a `?`.\n16. It contains a `|`.\n17. Contains a `+`.\n18. It is at least 28 lines long.\n19. The following characters are used five times in total: `!\"#$.[\\]` and the codepoint of the second character is less than 60.\n20. Contains `Henry Jams?` as a continuous substring.\n21. The last character is `~`.\n22. It contains a `C`\n---\n**For future answers:**\n* The first character is a `.`, and so is the 21st character (palindromic rule).\n* The 10th character is a `\"`, and so is the 12th character (palindromic rule).\n* The first line is a palindrome of length 21.\n* The second character's Unicode code point, mod 5, is 4, **and** its code point is lower than 60 (the printables are `',1;6` and tab).\n* The last character is `~`.\n---\n* Its length is an even perfect square.\n* It is at least 28 lines long.\n* The last non-empty line does not have any duplicate characters.\n---\n* Contains the exact sequence `->`.\n* Contains the exact strings `Hi, Retina!` and `Henry Jams?`.\n* It contains `|`, `+` and `C`.\n---\n* Each program is now allowed only the 2 `.` and 2 `\"` in the first line, and the `!` in `Hi, Retina!`. Those characters cannot be used anywhere else, in addition to no uses of `#$[\\]`.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n## Challenge\nWeirdly, this hasn't been done yet: output the current date.\n## Rules\nThe date format you should follow is as follows:\n```\nYYYY-MM-DD\n```\nWhere the month and day should be padded by zeroes if they are less than 10.\nFor example, if the program is run on the 24th May 2017, it should output\n```\n2017-05-24\n```\nThe date can either be always in UTC or in the local date.\nYou must handle leaps years. i.e. in leap years, February has 29 days but 28 days in a normal year.\n## Winning\nShortest code in bytes wins.\n      \n[Answer]\n# [AWK](https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/gawk.html), 17 bytes\n```\n$0=strftime(\"%F\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzP/v9fxcC2uKQorSQzN1VDSdVNSfP/fyUlAA \"AWK \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [jamal](http://verhas.com/peter/progs/perl/jamal/), 32 characters\n```\n{@format date=YEAR-0M-0D}{@date}\n```\n(Only interesting part is jamal's unusual date format specifiers. For example YYYY would mean YY twice, where YY is the year as in Perl, since 1900.)\nSample run:\n```\nbash-4.4$ jamal.pl date.jam \n2018-03-19\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Gema](http://gema.sourceforge.net/), 40 characters\n```\n\\A=@subst{*\\\\/*\\\\/*=\\$3-\\*-\\*;@date}@end\n```\nSample run:\n```\nbash-4.4$ gema '\\A=@subst{*\\\\/*\\\\/*=\\$3-\\*-\\*;@date}@end'\n2018-03-19\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 5 bytes\n```\nA\u00eeKs3\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=Qe5LczM=)\n```\nA         :10\n \u00ee        :Slice the following to that length\n  K       :  Current date & time\n   s3     :  Convert to ISO string\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Forth (gforth)](http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/gforth/Docs-html/), 52 bytes\n```\n: x 0 <# # # #> .\" -\"type ; : f time&date 1 .r x x ;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8svKsnQTU8DUf//WylUKBgo2CgrgKGdgp6Sgq5SSWVBqoK1gpVCmkJJZm6qWkpiSaqCoYJeEVBxhYL1/7T/AA \"Forth (gforth) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Code Explanation\n```\n\\ x prints a dash followed by a 2-digit number with leading zeros\n: x               \\ start a new word definition\n  0 <# # # #>     \\ convert number to double-precision, then converts to a string with leading 0\n  .\" -\"type       \\ print \"-\" followed by the string from the previous command\n;                 \\ end the word definition\n \n: f               \\ start a new word definition\n  time&date       \\ forth built-in to get the components of a date/time (year on top)\n  1 .r            \\ print the year (with no space appended)\n  x               \\ print a dash, followed by the month\n  x               \\ print a dash, followed by the day\n;                 \\ end word definition\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Nim](http://nim-lang.org/), 32 bytes\n```\nimport times\necho ($now())[0..9]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y8vM/f8/M7cgv6hEoSQzN7WYKzU5I19BQyUvv1xDUzPaQE/PMvb/fwA \"Nim \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic (TI-84), 32 bytes\n```\nOutput(1,1,sum(getDate{\u1d076,\u1d073,1\nOutput(1,5,\"-\nOutput(1,8,\"-\n```\n* `getDate` is a list in the form `{2021, 1, 20}`.\n* the date list is multiplied by `{1e6, 1e3, 1}` and then summed, giving a single number in the form `yyyy0mm0dd`, this deals automatically with leading zeros\n* `-`s are then added at the right places, giving the output `yyyy-mm-dd`\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2) `h`, 3 bytes\n```\nkQO\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m728JKM0Ly_faGm0UoZS7IKlpSVpuhaLswP9lxQnJRdD-QugNAA)\n#### Explanation\n```\nkQ   # Push a string of the current time\n     # in the format \"YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss\"\n  O  # Split it on spaces to get the list\n     # [\"YYYY-MM-DD\", \"HH:mm:ss\"]\n     # Implicit output of first item\n     # (\"YYYY-MM-DD\")\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      []\n      "}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n## Four integer sequences\nIn this challenge, you will test four different properties of a positive integer, given by the following sequences.\nA positive integer **N** is\n1. *perfect* ([OEIS A000396](https://oeis.org/A000396)), if the sum of proper divisors of **N** equals **N**. The sequence begins with 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, 8589869056, 137438691328, 2305843008139952128...\n2. *refactorable* ([OEIS A033950](https://oeis.org/A033950)), if the number of divisors of **N** is a divisor of **N**. The sequence begins with 1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 40, 56, 60, 72, 80, 84, 88, 96, 104, 108, 128...\n3. *practical* ([OEIS A005153](https://oeis.org/A005153)), if every integer **1 \u2264 K \u2264 N** is a sum of some distinct divisors of **N**. The sequence begins with 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 30, 32, 36, 40, 42, 48, 54, 56...\n4. *highly composite* ([OEIS A002128](https://oeis.org/A002182)), if every number **1 \u2264 K < N** has strictly fewer divisors than **N**. The sequence begins with 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 720, 840, 1260, 1680, 2520, 5040...\n## Four programs\nYour task is to write four programs (meaning full programs, function definitions or anonymous functions that perform I/O by any of the [standard methods](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/2447/32014)).\nEach program shall solve the membership problem of one of these sequences.\nIn other words, each program will take a positive integer **N \u2265 1** as input, and output a truthy value if **N** is in the sequence, and a falsy value if not.\nYou can assume that **N** is within the bounds of the standard integer type of your programming language.\nThe programs must be related in the following way.\nThere are four strings `ABCD` such that\n1. `AC` is the program that recognizes perfect numbers.\n2. `AD` is the program that recognizes refactorable numbers.\n3. `BC` is the program that recognizes practical numbers.\n4. `BD` is the program that recognizes highly composite numbers.\n## Scoring\nYour score is the total length (in bytes) of the strings `ABCD`, or in other words, the total byte count of the four programs divided by two.\nThe lowest score in each programming language is the winner.\nStandard [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") rules apply.\nFor example, if the four strings are `a{`, `b{n`, `+n}` and `=n}?`, then the four programs are `a{+n}`, `a{=n}?`, `b{n+n}` and `b{n=n}?`, and the score is 2+3+3+4=12.\n      \n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), 46 + 55 + 6 + 36 = ~~282~~ ~~274~~ ... ~~158~~ 143 bytes\nA:\n```\nn=>(r=0,D=x=>x&&D(x-1,n%x||(r++?q-=x:q=n)))(n)\n```\nB:\n```\nn=>(q=(g=D=x=>x&&!(n%x||(g|=m>2*(m=x),0))+D(x-1))(m=n))\n```\nC:\n```\n?!g:!q\n```\nD:\n```\n?(P=k=>--k?D(n=k)(r=0,D=x=>x&&D(x-1,n%x||(r++?q-=x:q=n)))(n)\n?!g:!q\nlet AD =\nn=>(r=0,D=x=>x&&D(x-1,n%x||(r++?q-=x:q=n)))(n)\n?(P=k=>--k?D(n=k)(q=(g=D=x=>x&&!(n%x||(g|=m>2*(m=x),0))+D(x-1))(m=n))\n?!g:!q\nlet BD =\nn=>(q=(g=D=x=>x&&!(n%x||(g|=m>2*(m=x),0))+D(x-1))(m=n))\n?(P=k=>--k?D(n=k) O.innerText = [\n  'perfect: ' + AC(n),\n  'refactorable: ' + AD(n),\n  'practical: ' + BC(n),\n  'highly composite: ' + BD(n)\n].join(\"\\n\")\n```\n```\n\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 8 + 17 + ~~2~~ 1 + 2 = ~~29~~ 28 bytes\nA:\n```\n\u00c6\u1e63\u207c$\u00c6d\u1e0d$\n```\nB:\n```\n\u00c6D\u0152PS\u20acQ\u1e62wR\u00b5\u1e56\u00c6d\u1e40<\u01b2\n```\nC:\n```\n\u01ad\n```\nD:\n```\n0?\n```\nFor practical numbers (BC), `0` is falsy and any other result is truthy.\nAC and BC are full programs, since they're not reusable as functions.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 8 + 16 + 1 + 0 = 25 bytes\nA: `\u00d1\u00a8O\u00a9QI\u00ae\u00d6`  \nB: `\u00d1\u00e6OIL\u00e5PIL\u00d1\u20acgR\u0107\u2039P`  \nC: `s`  \nD:\u00a0\nThe long parts each calculate both values, `s` swaps to the first one.\n```\n\u00d1          # push list of divisors\n \u00a9         # store this list\n  \u00a8        # remove the last (largest) value\n   O       # take the sum\n    Q      # is this equal to the input (perfect)\n     I     # push the input\n      \u00ae    # push the stored divisor list\n       g   # take the length\n        \u00d6  # does it divide the input? (refactorable)\n        (s)# (swap to perfect)\n```\n[Try *perfect* online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//8MRDKw@t8A/0PLQu/fC04v//DS0A \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\") or [Try *refactorable* online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//8MRDKw@t8A/0PLQu/fC0//8NLQA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n\u00d1\u00e6OIL\u00e5P    # practical?\n\u00d1          # push list of divisors\n \u00e6         # take the powerset\n  O        # sum of each subset\n   IL      # push the range [1..input]\n     \u00e5     # is each value in the sums of divisor-subsets?\n      P    # take the product / boolean all\nIL\u00d1\u20acgR\u0107\u2039P  # highly composite?\nIL         # push the range [1..input]\n  \u00d1        # take the divisors of each integer\n   \u20acg      # take the length of each divisor list\n     R     # reverse it (swap the input's to the front)\n      \u0107    # push the first value seperately\n       \u2039   # is this larger\n        P  # than all other values?\n(s)        # (swap to practical)\n```\n[Try *practical* online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//8MTDy/w9fQ4vDQASEx81rUkPOtL@qGFnQPH//4YWAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\") or [Try *highly composite* online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//8MTDy/w9fQ4vDQASEx81rUkPOtL@qGFnwP//hhYA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 5 + 17 + 3 + 3 = 28 bytes\nThere's already a 28-byte Jelly answer, but I have a different approach, so why not add it too?\n## Parts\nThe pilcrow `\u00b6` represents a newline.\nA: `S=\u00b6\u1e0d\u00b6` (5 bytes)  \nB: `\u0152P\u00a7i\u2c6e\u1e36}\u1ea0\u00b6>\u1e36\u00c6d$}\u1ea0\u00b6` (17 bytes)  \nC: `\u00c6\u1e0c\u00f1` (3 bytes)  \nD: `\u00c6d\u00e7` (3 bytes)\n## Perfect (8 bytes)\n```\nS=\n\u1e0d\n\u00c6\u1e0c\u00f1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/z/Yluvhjl6uw20Pd/Qc3vj//38zAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\nS=   Auxiliary dyadic link\nS    Sum of items in left argument\n =   Equals right argument?\n\u1e0d   Ignored\n\u00c6\u1e0c\u00f1   Main monadic link\n\u00c6\u1e0c    Proper divisors\n  \u00f1   Apply next link, with the number as right argument\n```\n## Refactorable (8 bytes)\n```\nS=\n\u1e0d\n\u00c6d\u00e7\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8/z/Yluvhjl6uw20ph5f////fyAIA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\nS=   Ignored\n\u1e0d   Auxiliary dyadic link: Divides?\n\u00c6d\u00e7   Main monadic link\n\u00c6d    Number of divisors\n  \u00e7   Apply previous link, with the number as right argument\n```\n## Practical (20 bytes)\n```\n\u0152P\u00a7i\u2c6e\u1e36}\u1ea0\n>\u1e36\u00c6d$}\u1ea0\n\u00c6\u1e0c\u00f1\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///opIBDyzMfbVz3cMe22oe7FnDZARmH21JUwJzDbQ939Bze@P//f3MA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\u0152P\u00a7i\u2c6e\u1e36}\u1ea0   Auxiliary dyadic link\n\u0152P         Power set\n  \u00a7        Sum of each\n   i\u2c6e      Find index of each item from\n     \u1e36}      Lowered range [0..(right argument - 1)]\n       \u1ea0   All?\n>\u1e36\u00c6d$}\u1ea0   Ignored\n\u00c6\u1e0c\u00f1   Main monadic link\n\u00c6\u1e0c    Proper divisors\n  \u00f1   Apply next link, with the number as right argument\n```\n## Highly composite (20 bytes)\n```\n\u0152P\u00a7i\u2c6e\u1e36}\u1ea0\n>\u1e36\u00c6d$}\u1ea0\n\u00c6d\u00e7\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8///opIBDyzMfbVz3cMe22oe7FnDZARmH21JUwBwg4/Dy////WwAA \"Jelly \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\n```\n\u0152P\u00a7i\u2c6e\u1e36}\u1ea0   Ignored\n>\u1e36\u00c6d$}\u1ea0   Auxiliary dyadic link\n>         Greater than?\n    $     (\n \u1e36   }      Lowered range [0..(right argument - 1)]\n  \u00c6d        Number of divisors [of each]\n    $     )\n      \u1ea0   All?\n\u00c6d\u00e7   Main monadic link\n\u00c6d    Number of divisors\n  \u00e7   Apply previous link, with the number as right argument\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Haskell](https://www.haskell.org/), 69 + 133 + 3 + 3 = score 208\nA:\n```\nd n=filter((<1).mod n)[1..n]\nf n=[sum(d n)-n==n,length(d n)`elem`d n]\n```\nB:\n```\nimport Data.List\nd n=filter((<1).mod n)[1..n]\nf n=[all(\\n->any(==n)$sum$subsequences$d n)[1..n],all((){ ... print} turning it into\nwhile(<>){$\\+=$_+$\\for@F}{print}\n                   for@F        #Loops through the @F array in order ($_ as alias), and...\n          $\\+=$_+$\\             #...doubles $\\, and then adds $_ to it (0 or 1)...\nwhile(<>){              }       #...as long as there is input.\n                         {print}#Prints the contents of $_ (empty outside of its scope), followed by the output record separator $\\\n```\nThis uses my personal algorithm of choice for binary-to-decimal conversion. Given a binary number, start your accumulator at 0, and go through its bits one by one. Double the accumulator each bit, then add the bit itself to your accumulator, and you end up with the decimal value. It works because each bit ends up being doubled the appropriate number of times for its position based on how many more bits are left in the original binary number.\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 31 bytes\n```\nf=foldl(\\a b->2*a+(read$b:[]))0\n```\nTakes input in string format (e.g. `\"1111\"`). Produces output in integer format (e.g. `15`).\n`:[]` Converts from an element to an array -- in this chase from `Char` to `[Char]` (`String`).\n`read` Converts from string to whatever context it's in (in this case the context is addition, so converts to `Num`)\nso `(read$b:[])` converts `b` from `Char` to `Num`.\n`a` is the accumulator, so multiply that by two and add the `Num` version of `b`.\nIf input in the format `[1,1,1,1]` was allowed, the 18 byte\n```\nf=foldl((+).(2*))0\n```\nwould work, but since it's not, it doesn't.\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](http://goo.gl/9KrKoM), 12 [bytes](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319)\n```\n(++\u22a2)/\u233d\u234e\u00a8\u235e\n```\n`\u235e` get string input\n`\u234e\u00a8` convert each character to number\n`\u233d` reverse\n`(`...`)/` insert the following function between the numbers\n\u2003`++\u22a2` the sum of the arguments plus the right argument\n---\nngn shaved 2 bytes.\n[Answer]\n# [7](https://esolangs.org/wiki/7), 25 bytes (65 characters)\n```\n07717134200446170134271600446170001755630036117700136161177546635\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##NcjBDcBADALBlpbYhv4rc@4iRXyGzS6JouoHuq1wHfm/oMy4oCzlBB18nLZrdsXdCw)\n## Explanation\n```\n0**77**                             Initialize counter to 0 (an empty section)\n   17134200..77546635           Push the main loop onto the frame\n```\nOnce the original code has finished executing, the frame is \n```\n||**6**||**7**13420044**7**013427160044**7**000175563003**77**7001361**77**7546**35**\n```\nThe last section of this is the main loop, which will run repeatedly until it gets deleted. All of it except the last two commands is data and section separators, which push commands onto the frame to leave it as:\n```\n||**6**|| (main loop) |**73426644**|**67342**1**6644**|**6667**55**3663**||0013**7**||54\n```\n**`3`** outputs the last section (`54`) and discards the last two bars. On the first iteration, `5` is interpreted as a switch to output format 5 (\"US-TTY\"), which converts each pair of commands to a character. The `4` following it does not form a group, so it is ignored. On future iterations, we are already in output format 5, so `54` is interpreted as a group meaning \"input character\". To do this, the character from STDIN is converted into its character code (or, on EOF, `-1`), and 1 is added. Then, the last section (which is now the `00137`) is repeated that many times. In summary:\n* If the character is `0`, `00137` is repeated 49 times.\n* If the character is `1`, `00137` is repeated 50 times.\n* If there are no more characters, `00137` is repeated 0 times (i.e. deleted).\n* If this was the first iteration, `00137` is left alone (i.e. repeated 1 time).\n**`5`** removes the last section (`00137` repeated some number of times) from the frame and executes it, resulting in this many sections containing **`6673`**.\nThe main loop has now finished executing, so the last section (which is **`6673`** unless we reached EOF) runs. **`66`** concatenates the last three sections into one (and has some other effects that don't affect the number of sections), which **`73`** deletes. Thus, the last three sections are deleted, and this repeats until the last section is no longer **`6673`**.\n* If we reached EOF, nothing happens.\n* If this is the first iteration or the character was `0`, after removing the last three sections 0 or 16 times, there is just one copy left on the frame. This copy deletes itself and the two sections before it, leaving everything up to the main loop and the section after it.\n* If the character was `1`, after removing the last three sections 17 times, all 50 copies and the third section after the main loop (the EOF handler) have been deleted.\nNow, the last section left on the frame runs. This could, depending on the inputted character, be any of the three sections after the main loop.\nIf this is the first iteration or the character was `0`, the section just after the main loop, **`73426644`**, runs.\n**`73`** deletes this section, and **`4`** swaps the main loop with the counter behind it. This counter keeps track of the number we want to output, stored as the number of `7`s and `1`s minus the number of `6`s and `0`s. This metric has the property that it is not changed by pacification (which changes some `6`s into `0`s, some `7`s into `1`s, and sometimes inserts `7...6` around code). **`2`** duplicates the counter and **`6`** concatenates the two copies (after pacifying the second, which, as we saw, does not change the value it represents), so the value is doubled. If this was the first iteration, the counter was previously empty, and doubling it still results in an empty section. Then, **`6`** gets rid of the empty section inserted by **`4`** (and pacifies the counter again, leaving the value unchanged), and **`44`** swaps the counter back to its original position. This leaves two empty sections on the end of the frame, which are removed automatically, and the main loop runs again.\nIf the character was `1`, the second section after the main loop (`**67342**1**6644**`) runs. This is just like the section before it (explained in the last paragraph), except for two extra commands: a **`6`** at the start, which joins the section with the previous one before **`73`** deletes it, and a `1` in the middle, which adds a `7` to the counter (increasing its value by 1) after it gets doubled.\nIf we reached EOF, the third section after the main loop (`**6667**55**3663**`) runs. **`666`** joins the last four sections (everything after the counter) into one section, to be deleted by **`3`**. `**7**55**3**` exits output format 5 by outputting `55` and deletes the section before it, leaving only `||**6**| (counter)` on the frame. **`66`** pacifies the two sections and combines them, turning the **`6`** back into a `0` (and not changing the value of the counter). Finally, the last **`3`** outputs everything.\nThe `0` at the start enters output format 0 (\"Numerical output\"), and the rest of the section (i.e. the counter) is converted to a number by taking the number of `7`s and `1`s minus the number of `6`s and `0`s. This value, which is the input converted from binary, is output in decimal and the program terminates.\n[Answer]\n# Excel, ~~74 70~~ 55\nTrailing parens already discounted. Tested in Excel Online.\n## Formulae:\n* `A1`: Input\n* `B1`: `=LEN(A1)` (7)\n### Main Code (48):\nA pretty simple \"add all the powers of 2\" formula:\n```\n=SUM(MID(A1,1+B1-SEQUENCE(B1),1)/2*2^SEQUENCE(B1))\n```\nVerify with:\n```\n=DECIMAL(A1,2)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), ~~48~~ 37 bytes\n*-11 bytes thanks to [Dominic van Essen](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/95126)*\n```\nsum(utf8ToInt(scan(,\"\"))%%2*2^(31:0))\n```\nTakes input as a string, left-padded with 0s to 32 bits. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/v7g0V6O0JM0iJN8zr0SjODkxT0NHSUlTU1XVSMsoTsPY0MpAU/O/kgFOYAiGSv8B \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI copied some good ideas from [djhurio](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/13849)'s [much earlier R answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/102320/16766), so go give that an upvote too. As with the first solution there, this solution won't work for the last test case because it's too large to fit into R's default size of integer.\n### Explanation\nTo get a vector of the bits as integers 0 and 1, we use `uft8ToInt` to convert to a vector of character codes. This gives us a list of 48s and 49s, which we take mod 2 to get 0s and 1s.\nThen, to get the appropriate powers of 2 in descending order, we construct a range from 31 down to 0. Then we convert each of those numbers to the corresponding power of two (`2^`).\nFinally, we multiply the two vectors together and return their `sum`.\n[Answer]\n# x86-16 machine code, 10 bytes\n**Binary:**\n```\n00000000: 31d2 acd0 e811 d2e2 f9c3                 1.........\n```\n**Listing:**\n```\n31 D2       XOR  DX, DX         ; clear output value\n        CHRLOOP:\nAC          LODSB               ; load next char into AL\nD0 E8       SHR  AL, 1          ; CF = LSb of ASCII char\n11 D2       ADC  DX, DX         ; shift CF left into result\nE2 F9       LOOP CHRLOOP        ; loop until end of string\nC3          RET                 ; return to caller\n```\nCallable function, input string in `[SI]` length in `CX`. Result in `DX`.\n**Example test program I/O:**\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/4rM2x.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/4rM2x.png)\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), ~~11~~ 10 bytes\n```\n(+/2 1*,)/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.codeberg.page/k#eJxLs9LQ1jdSMNTS0dTn4tLnMuQyNABBLkMgCQFgPpACkxAMIQzAGCRrgBAD01wxXFyeVnrq6sbxGjUxlka2WlbqmvEGVgmJRellCoZcaeqeXABdSRgX)\n[Answer]\n## C, 48 bytes\n```\ni;f(char *s){for(i=0;*++s;i+=i+*s-48);return i;}\n```\nHeavily inspired by @edc45 's answer but I made some significant changes. I made 'i' a global variable to save having to typecast. I also used a for loop to save a few bytes. It does now require a single leading 0 in the binary representation.\n**More readable version**\n```\nf(char *s){\n  int i = 0; // Total decimal counter\n  for(;;*++s;i+=i+*s-48); // Shift left and add 0 or 1 depending on charecter\n  return i;\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# k, 8 bytes\nSame method as the Haskell answer above.\n```\n{y+2*x}/\n```\nExample:\n```\n{y+2*x}/1101111111010101100101110111001110001000110100110011100000111b\n2016120520371234567\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES7), ~~56~~ 47 bytes\nReverses a binary string, then adds each digit's value to the sum.\n```\nn=>[...n].reverse().reduce((s,d,i)=>s+d*2**i,0)\n```\n**Demo**\n```\nf=n=>[...n].reverse().reduce((s,d,i)=>s+d*2**i,0)\ndocument.write( f('101010') ) // 42\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 7, 87 bytes\n```\nlong c(String b){int a=b.length()-1;return a<0?0:b.charAt(a)-48+2*c(b.substring(0,a));}\n```\nFor some reason I always go straight to recursion. Looks like an [iterative solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/102233/51785) works a bit nicer in this case...\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 38\nSimple is better\n```\ns=>eval(\"for(i=v=0;c=s[i++];)v+=+c+v\")\n```\n**Test**\n```\nf=s=>eval(\"for(i=v=0;c=s[i++];)v+=+c+v\")\nconsole.log(\"Test 0 to 99999\")\nfor(e=n=0;n<100000;n++)\n{  \n  b=n.toString(2)\n  r=f(b)\n  if(r!=n)console.log(++e,n,b,r)\n}\nconsole.log(e+\" errors\")\n  \n```\n[Answer]\n# Turing Machine Code, 272 bytes\n(Using, as usual, the morphett.info rule table syntax)\n```\n0 * * l B\nB * * l C\nC * 0 r D\nD * * r E\nE * * r A\nA _ * l 1\nA * * r *\n1 0 1 l 1\n1 1 0 l 2\n1 _ * r Y\nY * * * X\nX * _ r X\nX _ _ * halt\n2 * * l 2\n2 _ _ l 3\n3 * 1 r 4\n3 1 2 r 4\n3 2 3 r 4\n3 3 4 r 4\n3 4 5 r 4\n3 5 6 r 4\n3 6 7 r 4\n3 7 8 r 4\n3 8 9 r 4\n3 9 0 l 3\n4 * * r 4\n4 _ _ r A\n```\nAKA \"Yet another trivial modification of my earlier base converter programs.\"\n[Try it online](http://morphett.info/turing/turing.html?a283209e440e64106cd35d1bc3f181e1), or you can also use test it using [this java implementation.](https://github.com/SuperJedi224/Turing-Machine)\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript, ~~18~~ 83 bytes\n~~`f=n=>parseInt(n,2)`~~\n`f=n=>n.split('').reverse().reduce(function(x,y,i){return(+y)?x+Math.pow(2,i):x;},0)`\n**Demo**\n```\nf=n=>n.split('').reverse().reduce(function(x,y,i){return(+y)?x+Math.pow(2,i):x;},0)\ndocument.write(f('1011')) // 11\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~8~~, 7 bytes\n```\n\"@oovsE\n```\n[Try it online!](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=IkBvb3ZzRQ&input=JzEwMTAxJw)\nOne byte saved thanks to @LuisMendo!\n[Alternate approach: (9 bytes)](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=b290bjpQVypz&input=JzEwMTAxJw)\n```\nootn:PW*s\n```\n[Answer]\n# Befunge, ~~20~~ 18 bytes\nInput must be terminated with EOF rather than EOL (this lets us save a couple of bytes)\n```\n>+~:0`v\n^*2\\%2_$.@\n```\n[Try it online!](http://befunge.tryitonline.net/#code=Pit-OjBgdgpeKjJcJTJfJC5A&input=MTEwMTExMTExMTAxMDEwMTEwMDEwMTExMDExMTAwMTExMDAwMTAwMDExMDEwMDExMDAxMTEwMDAwMDExMQ)\n**Explanation**\n```\n>             The stack is initially empty, the equivalent of all zeros.\n +            So the first pass add just leaves zero as the current total. \n  ~           Read a character from stdin to the top of the stack.\n   :0`        Test if greater than 0 (i.e. not EOF)\n      _       If true (i.e > 0) go left.\n    %2        Modulo 2 is a shortcut for converting the character to a numeric value.\n   \\          Swap to bring the current total to the top of the stack.\n *2           Multiply the total by 2.\n^             Return to the beginning of the loop,\n +            This time around add the new digit to the total.\n                ...on EOF we go right...\n       $      Drop the EOF character from the stack.\n        .     Output the calculated total.\n         @    Exit.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 37 bytes\n```\nruby -e 'o=0;gets.each_byte{|i|o+=o+i%2};p o/2'\n         1234567890123456789012345678901234567\n```\nThis depends on the terminating `\\n` (ASCII decimal 10) being zero modulo 2 (and on ASCII 0 and 1 being 0 and 1 mod two, respectively, which thankfully they are).\n[Answer]\n# [\uc544\ud76c(Aheui)](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Aheui), 40 bytes\n```\n\uc544\ube5f\ubc50\uc369\ub7ec\uc219\n\ub38c\ubc18\ub5d8\ud76c\uba4d\ud30c\ud344\n```\nAccepts a string composed of 1s and 0s.\n**To try online**\nSince the online Aheui interpreter does not allow arbitrary-length strings as inputs, this alternative code must be used (identical code with slight modifications):\nAdd the character `\ubc9f` at the end of the first line (after `\uc6b0`) length(n)-times.\n```\n\uc5b4\uc6b0\n\uc6b0\uc5b4\n\ubc50\uc369\ub7ec\uc219\n\ubc88\ub31c\ud3b4\ud37c\ub9dd\ud76c\ub568\n```\nIf the input is `10110`, the first line would be `\uc5b4\uc6b0\ubc9f\ubc9f\ubc9f\ubc9f\ubc9f`.\nWhen prompted for an input, do NOT type quotation marks. (i.e. type `10110`, not `\"10110\"`)\n[Try it here! (copy and paste the code)](http://jinoh.3owl.com/aheui/jsaheui_en.html)\n[Answer]\n# ClojureScript, 36 bytes\n```\n(fn[x](reduce #(+(* 2 %)(int %2))x))\n```\nor\n```\n#(reduce(fn[a n](+(* 2 a)(int n)))%)\n```\nThe straightforward reduction. Takes a string as input.\n[Answer]\n# Minkolang v0.15, ~~23~~ 19 bytes\n```\nn6ZrI[2%2i;*1R]$+N.\n```\n[Try it online!](http://play.starmaninnovations.com/minkolang/?code=n6ZrI%5B2%252i%3B*1R%5D%24%2BN%2E&input=1101)\n### Explanation\n```\nn                             gets input in the form of a number\n 6Z                           converts to string (so that it is split into an array)\n   r                          reverses it\n    I                         gets the stack length\n     [        ]               for loop with the stack's length as the number of iterations\n      2%                       gets the modulo of the ascii value\n                               1 =(string conversion)> 49 =(after modulo)> 1\n                               0 =(string conversion)> 48 =(after modulo)> 0\n        2i;                    raises 2 to the power of the loop counter\n           *                   multiplies it by the modulo\n            1R                 rotates stack 1 time\n              $+              sums everything\n                N.            outputs as number and exit\n```\n[Answer]\n# Common Lisp, ~~99~~ ~~88~~ 72 bytes\nTakes a string as input\n```\n(defun f(s)(reduce(lambda(a d)(+ d(* a 2)))(map'list #'digit-char-p s)))\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n(defun bin-to-dec (bin-str)\n  (reduce (lambda (acc digit) (+ digit (* acc 2)))\n          (map 'list #'digit-char-p bin-str)))\n```\n[Answer]\n# ><> (Fish) ~~36~~ 28 bytes\n```\n/i:1+?!v$2*$2%+!| !\n/0| ;n~<\n```\nEdit 1: Forgot to put the output in the original. Added output and used MOD 2 instead of minus 48 to convert ascii to decimal to save the extra bytes lost. (no change in bytes)\nEdit 2: Changed the algorithm completely. Each loop now does this; times current value by 2, then add the mod of the input. (saving of 8 bytes)\n[Online version](https://fishlanguage.com/playground/BPT5uHb6PgvsRyvrP)\n[Try it Online!](http://fish.tryitonline.net/#code=L2k6MSs_IXYkMiokMiUrIXwgIQovMHwgO25-PA&input=MTEwMTExMTExMTAxMDEwMTEwMDEwMTExMDExMTAwMTExMDAwMTAwMDExMDEwMDExMDAxMTEwMDAwMDExMQ) - This works with bigger numbers than the above link.\n[Answer]\n# **C, 44 bytes**\n```\nd(s,v)char*s;{return*s?d(s,v+=v+*s++-48):v;}\n```\nUse as follows :\n```\nint main(){\n  printf(\"%i\\n\", d(\"101010\",0));\n}\n```\nRemove two bytes and an unused parameter thanks to Steadybox\n[Answer]\n# **MATLAB, 49 bytes**\n```\n@(a)dot(int2str(a)-'0',2.^(floor(log10(a)):-1:0))\n```\nAnonymous function that splits the input into an array with `int2str(a)-'0'`, then does a dot product with powers of 2. Has rounding error for the last test case, will update the solution when I figure out a fix.\n[Answer]\n# Forth (gforth 0.7.3), 47 bytes\n```\n: x 2 base ! bl parse s>number drop decimal . ;\n```\n`: x` - define new word with name 'x'  \n`2 base !` - set base to binary  \n`bl parse` - read line until a space (bl) or EOL  \n`s>number` - try to convert the string to number  \n`drop` - we only want the converted number and not the success flag  \n`decimal` - set base to decimal  \n`.` - print value on top of stack  \n`;` - end of definition\nTest cases:\n```\nx 1 1  ok\nx 10 2  ok\nx 101010 42  ok\nx 1101111111010101100101110111001110001000110100110011100000111 2016120520371234567  ok\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~41~~ 37 bytes\n```\ni;b(char*s){i+=i+*s++%2;i=*s?b(s):i;}\n```\n[Wandbox](http://melpon.org/wandbox/permlink/HSeSFhE9lswSnFlj)\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, ~~47~~ 44 bytes\n```\nINPUT B$WHILE\"\"[];e,s.\ne-->\"*\";\"(\",s,\")\";\"[\",s,\"]\".\nb(N,A):-length(A,N),s(A,[]).\n```\nOne of the most interesting properties of Prolog is that in many cases it's capable of running a program backwards; for example, instead of testing to see if something's true, you can generate all solutions for which it's true, and instead of checking the length of a string, you can generate all strings with a given length. (Another nice property of Prolog is that it requires whitespace after the end of each predicate definition, and a newline can be inserted as cheaply as a space; thus even golfed programs are often fairly readable.)\nThe above defines a predicate (the equivalent of a function) `b` which tests to see if a string has a given length and is a \"brace string\" as defined in the question. Specifically, it does this via Prolog's grammar/regex/pattern-match support that gives some nice, short sugar for defining this sort of expression (apparently this is standard/portable, but I was unaware of this while originally writing the answer, and thus assumed the answer would work on only one Prolog implementation; it seems it works on every implementation that complies with the standards, though). The program can be translated into English fairly directly; the first two lines say \"an *s* is an empty string, or an *e* followed by an *s*; an *e* is an asterisk, or an *s* in parentheses, or an *s* in square brackets\". The third line can be interpreted as \"The *b* of *N* can be *A* if *A* is a list with length *N* and *A* is an *s* followed by a null string.\"\nI took some care to write `s` (and thus `b`) so that they match each \"brace string\" in exactly one way (which is the reason that both `s` and `e` have to exist, rather than grouping them into one predicate). This makes them both entirely reversible; thus `b` can be used to generate all \"brace strings\" of a given length, in addition to testing if a string is a brace string of a given length (it can also be used a third way round, to figure out the length of a brace string, but that is almost certainly its least useful mode of operation). The implementation is recursive, e.g. to generate an *s*, the code will generate all possible *e*s that are no longer than the required length of the output, and append all possible *s*s that fit in the remaining space to them; because I specified the length of the argument in advance (within *b*), the Prolog engine knows that it can't generate output that's longer than the given length, which allows the recursion to terminate.\nHere's an example of the program in operation:\n```\n| ?- b(4,A),format(\"~s \",[A]),fail.\n**** **() **[] *()* *(*) *[]* *[*] ()** ()() ()[] (*)* (**) (()) ([]) []** []() [][] [*]* [**] [()] [[]]\n```\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, ~~101~~ 94 bytes\n7 bytes saved by Zgarb!\n```\nb 0=[\"\"]\nb n=[x++y|k<-[1..n],x<-u k,y<-b$n-k]\nu 1=[\"*\"]\nu n=[a:s++b|s<-b$n-2,a:b<-[\"()\",\"[]\"]]\n```\nAlmost straightforward, following the definition, but with the `\"\"` case moved.\nUse:\n```\n*Main> map b [0..3]\n[[\"\"],[\"*\"],[\"**\",\"()\",\"[]\"],[\"***\",\"*()\",\"*[]\",\"()*\",\"[]*\",\"(*)\",\"[*]\"]]\n*Main> length $ b 10\n21595\n```\n(The second computation takes less than a second on a slow machine.)\nI'd also like to share the result of another approach I came up with while thinking about generating functions. It defines a *list* `b` of lists of strings such that `b!!n` contains all brace-strings of length `n`. Similarly, `u!!n` contains all atoms of size `n-1`. One nice thing is that the code is not using any numbers. It is not completely golfed: `u` and `i` could be inlined, and it certainly misses a few other golfing opportunities. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it can be made shorter than the first version, but it computes `length $ b !! 10` even faster.\n```\nb=[\"\"]:b%u\nu=[\"*\"]:map i b\ni=concatMap(\\s->['(':s++\")\",'[':s++\"]\"])\n(b:c)%f=zipWith(++)[[x++y|x<-b,y<-e]|e<-f]([]:c%f)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 116 bytes\n```\n#<>\"\"&/@Select[Characters@\"*([)]\"~Tuples~#,(#/.\"*\"->Nothing//.{a___,\"(\",\")\",b___}|{a___,\"[\",\"]\",b___}:>{a,b})=={}&]&\n```\n# Explanation\n```\nCharacters@\"*([)]\"\n```\nFind the characters of the string `\"*([)]\"`, giving the `List` `{\"*\", \"(\", \"[\", \")\", \"]\"}`.\n```\n... ~Tuples~#\n```\nFind the tuples of the above list with length `n`.\n```\n(#/.\"*\"->Nothing//.{a___,\"(\",\")\",b___}|{a___,\"[\",\"]\",b___}:>{a,b})=={}&\n```\nUnnamed Boolean function to find whether the tuple is balanced:\n```\n#/.\"*\"->Nothing\n```\nDelete all `\"*\"` in the input.\n```\n... //.{a___,\"(\",\")\",b___}|{a___,\"[\",\"]\",b___}:>{a,b}\n```\nRepeatedly delete all consecutive occurrences of `\"(\"` and `\")\"` or `\"[\"` and `\"]\"` until the input does not change.\n```\n... =={}\n```\nCheck whether the result is an empty `List`.\n```\nSelect[ ... , ... ]\n```\nFind the tuples that give `True` when the Boolean function is applied.\n```\n#<>\"\"&/@\n```\nConvert each `List` of characters into `String`s.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 128 bytes\n```\nn=input()\nfor i in range(5**n):\n try:s=','.join('  \"00([*])00\"  '[i/5**j%5::5]for j in range(n));eval(s);print s[1::4]\n except:1\n```\nScrew recursive regexes \u2013 we\u2019re using Python\u2019s parser! In order to verify that, for example, `*(**[])*` is a brace-string, we do the following:\n1. Make a string like `\"*\", (0,\"*\",\"*\", [0,0] ,0) ,\"*\"`, where every second character of four is a character from the brace-strings, and the remaining characters are *glue* to make this a potential Python expression.\n2. `eval` it.\n3. If that doesn\u2019t throw an error, print `s[1::4]` (the brace-string characters).\nThe *glue* characters are picked so that the string I make is a valid Python expression if and only if taking every second character out of four yields a valid brace-string.\n[Answer]\n# Jelly, 29 bytes\n-3 bytes thanks to @JonathanAllan\n*Please*, alert me if there are any problems/bugs/errors or bytes I can knock off!\n```\n\u201c[(*)]\u201d\u1e57\u00b5\u1e1f\u201d*\u0153\u1e63\u207e()F\u0153\u1e63\u207e[]F\u00b5\u00d0L\u00d0\u1e1f\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y0rNyan8//9Rw5xoDS3N2EcNcx/unH5o68Md84FMraOTH@5c/Khxn4amG4wZHet2aOvhCT6HJwDVcB1ud////78xAA)\nThe previous solution(s) I had:\n```\n\u201c[(*)]\u201d\u1e57\u00b5\u1e1f\u201d*\u0153\u1e63\u207e()F\u0153\u1e63\u207e[]F\u00b5\u00d0L\u20ac\u1e46\u20acT\u1ecb\n\u201c[(*)]\u201d\u1e57\u00b5\u00b9\u1e1f\u201d*\u0153\u1e63\u207e()F\u0153\u1e63\u207e[]F\u00b5\u00d0L\u20ac\u1e46\u20acT\u1ecb\n\u201c[(*)]\u201d\u1e57\u00b5\u00b9\u1e1f\u201d*\u0153\u1e63\u207e()F\u0153\u1e63\u207e[]F\u00b5\u00d0L\u20ac\u1e46\u20ac\u00d7J\u1e1f0\u1ecb\n\u201c[(*)]\u201dx\u2078\u1e57\u2078Q\u00b5\u00b9\u1e1f\u201d*\u0153\u1e63\u207e()F\u0153\u1e63\u207e[]F\u00b5\u00d0L\u20ac\u1e46\u20ac\u00d7J\u1e1f0\u1ecb\n\u201c[(*)]\u201dx\u2078\u1e57\u2078Q\u00b5\u00b9\u00b5\u1e1f\u201d*\u0153\u1e63\u207e()F\u0153\u1e63\u207e[]F\u00b5\u00d0L\u20ac\u1e46\u20ac\u00d7J\u1e1f0\u1ecb\n\u201c[(*)]\u201dx\u2078\u1e57\u2078Q\u00b5\u00b9\u00b5\u1e1f\u201d*\u0153\u1e63\u207e()F\u0153\u1e63\u207e[]F\u00b5\u00d0L\u00b5\u20ac\u1e46\u20ac\u00d7J\u1e1f0\u1ecb\n```\nExplanation (My best attempt at a description):\n```\nInput n\n\u201c[(*)]\u201d\u1e57-All strings composed of \"[(*)]\" of length n\n\u00b5\u1e1f\u201d*    -Filter out all occurences of \"*\"\n\u0153\u1e63\u207e()   -Split at all occurences of \"()\"\nF       -Flatten\n\u0153\u1e63\u207e[]   -Split at all occurences of \"[]\"\nF       -Flatten\n\u00b5\u00d0L     -Repeat that operation until it gives a duplicate result\n\u00d0\u1e1f      -Filter\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 149 bytes\n```\nfor(;$argv[1]--;$l=$c,$c=[])foreach($l?:['']as$s)for($n=5;$n--;)$c[]=$s.'*()[]'[$n];echo join(' ',preg_grep('/^((\\*|\\[(?1)]|\\((?1)\\))(?1)?|)$/',$l));\n```\nUses the good old generate all possible and then filter method. Use like:\n```\nphp -r \"for(;$argv[1]--;$l=$c,$c=[])foreach($l?:['']as$s)for($n=5;$n--;)$c[]=$s.'*()[]'[$n];echo join(' ',preg_grep('/^((\\*|\\[(?1)]|\\((?1)\\))(?1)?|)$/',$l));\" 4\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python, 134 bytes\n```\nfrom itertools import*\nlambda n:[x for x in map(''.join,product('*()[]',repeat=n))if''==eval(\"x\"+\".replace('%s','')\"*3%('*',(),[])*n)]\n```\n**[repl.it](https://repl.it/Eb1x)**\nUnnamed function that returns a list of valid strings of length `n`.  \nForms all length `n` tuples of the characters `*()[]`, joins them into strings using `map(''.join,...)` and filters for those that have balanced brackets by removing the \"pairs\" `\"*\"`, `\"()\"`, and `\"[]\"` in turn `n` times and checking that the result is an empty string (`n` times is overkill, especially for `\"*\"` but is golfier).\n[Answer]\n## [Retina](http://github.com/mbuettner/retina), 78 bytes\nByte count assumes ISO 8859-1 encoding.\n```\n.+\n$*\n+%1`1\n*$'\u00b6$`($'\u00b6$`)$'\u00b6$`[$'\u00b6$`]\n%(`^\n$';\n)+`(\\[]|\\(\\)|\\*)(?=.*;)|^;\nA`;\n```\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=LisKJCoKKyUxYDEKKiQnwrYkYCgkJ8K2JGApJCfCtiRgWyQnwrYkYF0KJShgXgokJzsKKStgKFxbXXxcKFwpfFwqKSg_PS4qOyl8XjsKCkFgOw&input=NQ)\n### Explanation\nI'm generating all possible strings of length 5 and then I filter out the invalid ones.\n```\n.+\n$*\n```\nThis converts the input to unary, using `1` as the digit.\n```\n+%1`1\n*$'\u00b6$`($'\u00b6$`)$'\u00b6$`[$'\u00b6$`]\n```\nThis repeatedly (`+`) replaces the first (`1`) one in each line (`%`) in such a way that it makes five copies of the line, one for each possible character. This is done by using the prefix and suffix substitutions, `$`` and `$'` to construct the remainder of each line.\nThis loop stops when there are no more 1s to replace. At this point we've got all possible strings of length `N`, one on each line.\n```\n%(`^\n$';\n)+`(\\[]|\\(\\)|\\*)(?=.*;)|^;\n```\nThese two stages are executed for each line separately (`%`). The first stage simply duplicates the line, with a `;` to separate the two copies.\nThe second stage is another loop (`+`), which repeatedly removes `[]`, `()` or `*` from the first copy of the string, *or* removes a semicolon at the beginning of the line (which is only possible after the string has vanished completely).\n```\nA`;\n```\nValid strings are those that no longer have a semicolon in front of them, so we simply discard all lines (`A`) which contain a semicolon.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3.5, 146 bytes\n```\nimport re;from itertools import*;lambda f:{i for i in map(''.join,permutations(\"[()]*\"*f,f))if re.fullmatch(\"(\\**\\[\\**\\]\\**|\\**\\(\\**\\)\\**)*|\\**\",i)}\n```\nVery long compared to other answers, but the shortest one I could currently find. It is in the form of an anonymous lambda function and therefore must be called in the format\n`print(())`\nOutputs a Python *set* of *unordered* strings representing all possible brace-strings of the input length.\nFor example, assuming the above function is named `G`, invoking `G(3)` would result in the following output:\n```\n{'[*]', '*()', '*[]', '(*)', '***', '[]*', '()*'}\n```\n[Try It Online! (Ideone)](http://ideone.com/6QBiBM)\n---\nHowever, if, like me, you aren't really a fan of simplifying things using built-ins, then here is my own *original* answer *not* using *any* external libraries to find permutations, and currently standing at a whopping **~~288~~ 237 bytes**:\n```\nimport re;D=lambda f:f and\"for %s in range(%d)\"%(chr(64+f),5)+D(f-1)or'';lambda g:[i for i in eval('[\"\".join(('+''.join('\"[()]*\"['+chr(o)+'],'for o in range(65,65+g))+'))'+D(g)+']')if re.fullmatch(\"(\\**\\[\\**\\]\\**|\\**\\(\\**\\)\\**)*|\\**\",i)]\n```\nAgain, like the competing answer, this one is in the form of a lambda function and therefore must also be called in the format\n`print(())`\nAnd outputs a Python *list* of *unsorted* strings representing all brace-strings of the input length. For example, if the lambda were to be invoked as `G(3)`, this time the output would be the following:\n```\n['*()', '(*)', '*[]', '[*]', '()*', '[]*', '***']\n```\nAlso, this one is also a lot faster than my other answer, being able to find all brace-strings of length `11` in about **115 seconds**, those of length `10` in about **19 seconds**, those of length `9` in about **4 seconds**, and those of length `8` in about **0.73 seconds** on my machine, whereas my competing answer takes *much* longer than 115 seconds for an input of `6`.\n[Try It Online! (Ideone)](http://ideone.com/BgBlfl)\n[Answer]\n# 05AB1E, 23 bytes\n```\n\u2026[(*.\u221es\u00e3\u0292'*\u043c\u201e()\u201e[]\u201a\u00f5:\u00f5Q\n```\nSome of these features might have been implemented after the question was posted. Any suggestions are welcome!\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##MzBNTDJM/f//UcOyaA0tvUcd84oPLz41SV3rwp5HDfM0NIFEdOyjhlmHt1od3hr4/78JAA)\n# How?\n```\n\u2026[(* - the string '[(*'\n.\u221e - intersected mirror, '[(*'=>'[(*)]'\ns - swap the top two items, which moves the input to the top\n\u00e3 - cartesian power\n\u0292 ...  - filter by this code:\n  '*\u043c      - remove all occurrences of '*'\n  \u201e()\u201e[]\u201a  - the array [\"()\",\"[]\"]\n  \u00f5        - the empty string \"\"\n  :        - infinite replacement (this repeatedly removes \"()\", \"[]\", and \"*\" from the string\n  \u00f5Q       - test equality with the empty string\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nMany old [**Game Boy**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_Boy_line) games often required string input from the user. However, there was no keyboard. This was handled by presenting the user with a \"keyboard screen\" like so:\n[![Pokemon Ruby Keyboard](https://i.stack.imgur.com/glQuY.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/glQuY.png)\nThe 'character pointer' would begin on letter A. The user would navigate to each desired character with the [D-Pad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-pad)'s four buttons (`UP`, `DOWN`, `LEFT` and `RIGHT`), then press `BUTTON A` to append it to the final string. \n*Please note:* \n* ***The grid wraps around***, so pressing `UP` whilst on letter A would take you to T.\n* The 'character pointer' stays put after appending a letter\n# The Challenge\nThe above keyboard has options to change case and is an irregular shape. So, for simplicity, in this challenge we will use the following keyboard (the bottom right is ASCII char 32, a space):\n```\nA B C D E F G\nH I J K L M N\nO P Q R S T U\nV W X Y Z .\n```\nTyping on keyboards like this is extremely slow - so, to make this easier, your task is to write a program which tells the user the ***fastest possible way*** to type a given string. If there are multiple fastest ways, you only need to show one.\nThe output key should be:\n* `>` for `RIGHT`\n* `<` for `LEFT`\n* `^` for `UP`\n* `v` for `DOWN`\n* `.` for `BUTTON A` (append current letter to string)\nFor example, when given the string `DENNIS`, the solution would look like this:\n```\n>>>.>.>>v..>>.>>>v.\n```\n# Rules / Details\n* Please remember, the grid wraps around!\n* You may submit a full program or a function, as long as it takes the initial string and produces a solution string. Whitespace / trailing newlines are irrelevant as long as the output is correct.\n* You can assume input will only consist of characters typable on the specified keyboard, but it may be empty.\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest code wins. Standard code-golf loopholes apply.\n# Test Cases\n*There are usually multiple solutions of the same length. For each test case, I've included the optimum length, and an example. You don't need to print the length in your answer, just the solution.*\n```\nFLP.TKC  ->  25 steps:  <<.  23 steps:  <>v.>>>v.>^^.^.<<^.\nFEERSUM  ->  18 steps:  <<.<...>>.<^.\nMEGO     ->  14 steps:  <>.>vv.\nA CAT    ->  17 steps:  .<^.>>>v.<<.<  10 steps:  >.^^.\n(space)  ->  3 steps:   <^.\n(empty)  ->  0 steps:   (empty)\n```\nYou can view my testcase generator [on repl.it](https://repl.it/E304) - please notify me if there are any bugs.\nThank you everyone for the submissions! User ngn is currently the winner with 61 bytes, but if anyone can find a shorter solution, the little green tick can be moved ;)\n      \n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), 147 bytes\n```\ns=>s.replace(/./g,c=>(q=p,p=\"AHOVBIPWCJQXDKRYELSZFMY.GNU \".indexOf(c),\"<<<>>>\".substring(3,((p>>2)+10-(q>>2))%7)+[\"\",\"v\",\"vv\",\"^\"][p-q&3]+\".\"),p=0)\n```\nAn interesting behaviour of `substring` is that it exchanges the arguments if the second is less than the first. This means that if I calculate the optimal number of left/right presses as a number between -3 and 3, I can add 3, and take the substring of `<<<>>>` starting at 3 and I will get the correct number of arrows. Meanwhile the down/up presses are simply handled by looking up an array using a bitwise and of the difference in rows with 3; this way is slightly shorter as there are fewer array elements.\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](http://goo.gl/9KrKoM), 61 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319)\n[`4 7\u2218{\u220a'.',\u2368\u2349\u2191b\u2374\u00a8\u00a8'^v' '<>'\u2337\u00a8\u2368\u2282\u00a8a>b\u2190a\u230a\u237a-a\u2190\u237a|\u21932-/0,\u237a\u22a4\u2375\u2373\u2368\u2395a,'.'}`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%u2395io%u21900%20%u22C4%204%207%u2218%7B%u220A%27.%27%2C%u2368%u2349%u2191b%u2374%A8%A8%27%5Ev%27%20%27%3C%3E%27%u2337%A8%u2368%u2282%A8a%3Eb%u2190a%u230A%u237A-a%u2190%u237A%7C%u21932-/0%2C%u237A%u22A4%u2375%u2373%u2368%u2395a%2C%27.%27%7D%20%A8%20%27FLP.TKC%27%20%27MOYLEX%27%20%27FEERSUM%27%20%27MEGO%27%20%27A%20CAT%27%20%27BOB%27%20%27%27&run)\nassumes `\u2395IO\u21900`\n`\u2395a,'.'` the alphabet followed by a full stop\n`\u2375\u2373\u2368` find the argument's chars there as indices 0..26 (`' '` and all others will be 27)\n`\u237a\u22a4` encode in base 7 (note the left arg `\u237a` is bound to `4 7`), get a 2\u00d7n matrix\n`0,` prepend zeros to the left\n`2-/` differences between adjacent columns\n`\u2193` split the matrix into a pair of vectors\n`a\u2190\u237a|` take them modulo 4 and 7 respectively, assign to `a`\n`b\u2190a\u230a\u237a-a` make `b` the smaller of `a` and its modular inverse\n`'^v' '<>'\u2337\u00a8\u2368\u2282\u00a8a>b` choose `^` or `v` for the first vector and `<` or `>` for the second, based on where `a` differs from `b`\n`b\u2374\u00a8\u00a8` repeat each of those `b` times\n`\u2349\u2191` mix the two vectors into a single matrix and transpose it, get an n\u00d72 matrix\n`'.',\u2368` append `.`-s on the right\n`\u220a` flatten\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 107 bytes\n```\n->s{c=0\ns.tr(\". \",\"[\\\\\").bytes{|b|b-=65\nprint [\"\",\"^\",\"^^\",\"v\"][c/7-b/7],(d=(c-c=b)%7)>3??>*(7-d):?<*d,?.}}\n```\n**Ungolfed in test program**\n```\nf=->s{                                 #Input in s.\n  c=0                                  #Set current position of pointer to 0.\n  s.tr(\". \",\"[\\\\\").                    #Change . and space to the characters after Z [\\\n  bytes{|b|                            #For each byte b,\n    b-=65                              #subtract 65 so A->0 B->1 etc.\n    print [\"\",\"^\",\"^^\",\"v\"][c/7-b/7],  #Print the necessary string to move vertically.\n    (d=(c-c=b)%7)>3?                   #Calculate the horizontal difference c-b (mod 7) and set c to b ready for next byte.\n       ?>*(7-d):?<*d,                  #If d>3 print an appropriate number of >, else an appropriate number of <.\n    ?.                                 #Print . to finish the processing of this byte.\n  }\n}\n#call like this and print a newline after each testcase\nf[\"FLP.TKC\"];puts  \nf[\"MOYLEX\"];puts   \nf[\"FEERSUM\"];puts  \nf[\"MEGO\"];puts     \nf[\"A CAT\"];puts    \nf[\"BOB\"];puts      \n```\n[Answer]\n**Mathematica, 193 bytes**\n**Golf**\n```\nStringJoin@@(StringTake[\">>><<<\",Mod[#\u301a2\u301b,7,-3]]<>StringTake[\"vv^\",Mod[#\u301a1\u301b,4,-1]]<>\".\"&/@Differences[FirstPosition[Partition[ToUpperCase@Alphabet[]~Join~{\".\",\" \"},7],#]&/@Characters[\"A\"<>#]])&\n```\n**Readable**\n```\nIn[1]:= characters = ToUpperCase@Alphabet[]~Join~{\".\", \" \"}\nOut[1]= {\"A\", \"B\", \"C\", \"D\", \"E\", \"F\", \"G\", \"H\", \"I\", \"J\", \"K\", \"L\", \"M\", \"N\", \"O\", \"P\", \"Q\", \"R\", \"S\", \"T\", \"U\", \"V\", \"W\", \"X\", \"Y\", \"Z\", \".\", \" \"}\nIn[2]:= keyboard = Partition[characters, 7]\nOut[2]= {{\"A\", \"B\", \"C\", \"D\", \"E\", \"F\", \"G\"}, {\"H\", \"I\", \"J\", \"K\", \"L\", \"M\", \"N\"}, {\"O\", \"P\", \"Q\", \"R\", \"S\", \"T\", \"U\"}, {\"V\", \"W\", \"X\", \"Y\", \"Z\", \".\", \" \"}}\nIn[3]:= characterPosition[char_] := FirstPosition[keyboard, char]\nIn[4]:= xToString[x_] := StringTake[\">>><<<\", Mod[x, 7, -3]]\nIn[5]:= yToString[y_] := StringTake[\"vv^\", Mod[y, 4, -1]]\nIn[6]:= xyToString[{y_, x_}] := xToString[x] <> yToString[y] <> \".\"\nIn[7]:= instructionsList[input_] := xyToString /@ Differences[characterPosition /@ Characters[\"A\" <> input]]\nIn[8]:= instructions[input_] := StringJoin @@ instructionsList[input]\nIn[9]:= instructions[\"DENNIS\"]\nOut[9]= \">>>.>.>>v..>>.>>>v.\"\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python 2, 298 bytes\nThis is longer than it should be, but...\n```\ndef l(c):i=\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. \".index(c);return[i%7,i/7]\ndef d(f,t,a=abs):\n v,h=l(t)[1]-l(f)[1],l(t)[0]-l(f)[0]\n if a(h)>3:h=h-7*h/a(h)\n if a(v)>2:v=v-4*v/a(v)\n return'^v'[v>0]*a(v)+'<>'[h>0]*a(h)\ns=\"A\"+input()\nprint''.join([d(p[0],p[1])+'.'for p in[s[n:n+2]for n in range(len(s))][:-1]])\n```\nAny help would be greatly appreciated!\nTakes input in quotation marks.\n`l` returns the location of a character in the keyboard.\nThe two `if` statements in the middle of `d` are for checking if it would be optimal to 'wrap' around the keyboard.\nThe input, `s` has `\"A\"` prepended to it because the initial position of the cursor is `A`. \nWe loop through the string in pairs, discarding the last one (which is not a pair: `[:-1]`), finding the minimum distance between the two halves of the pair.\nThanks to Flp.Tkc for telling me that I can do `a=abs` instead of saying `abs` every time!\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 1045 bytes\n## Golf\n```\nstaticchar[][]a={{'A','B','C','D','E','F','G'},{'H','I','J','K','L','M','N'},{'O','P','Q','R','S','T','U'},{'V','W','X','Y','Z','.',''}};staticintm=Integer.MAX_VALUE;staticStringn=\"\";staticboolean[][]c(boolean[][]a){boolean[][]r=newboolean[4][];for(inti=0;i<4;i)r[i]=a[i].clone();returnr;}staticvoidg(inti,intj,boolean[][]v,chard,Stringp){v[i][j]=true;if(a[i][j]==d&&p.length()3){if(!v[0][j])g(0,j,c(v),d,p\"v\");}elseif(!v[i1][j])g(i1,j,c(v),d,p\"v\");if(j-1<0){if(!v[i][6])g(i,6,c(v),d,p\"<\");}elseif(!v[i][j-1])g(i,j-1,c(v),d,p\"<\");if(j1>6){if(!v[i][0])g(i,0,c(v),d,p\">\");}elseif(!v[i][j1])g(i,j1,c(v),d,p\">\");}publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){boolean[][]v=newboolean[4][7];Scannerx=newScanner(System.in);Strings=x.next();Stringpath=\"\";intp=0;intq=0;for(inti=0;i3) {\n        if(!v[0][j])\n            g(0, j, c(v), d, p + \"v\");\n    }\n    else if(!v[i+1][j])\n        g(i+1, j, c(v), d, p + \"v\");\n    if (j-1<0) {\n        if(!v[i][6])\n            g(i, 6, c(v), d, p + \"<\");\n    }\n    else if (!v[i][j-1])\n        g(i, j-1, c(v), d, p + \"<\");\n    if (j+1>6) {\n        if (!v[i][0])\n            g(i, 0, c(v), d, p + \">\");\n    }\n    else if (!v[i][j+1])\n        g(i, j+1, c(v), d, p + \">\");\n}\npublic static void main(String[] args) {\n    boolean[][] v = new boolean[4][7];\n    Scanner x = new Scanner(System.in);\n    String s = x.next();\n    String path=\"\";\n    int p=0;\n    int q=0;\n    for(int i=0;i>.v>>>.^^>.^.^<<.\n<<.<..^^<.>.>>.^<.\nv<<.^<.>>.^^>.\n.^<.v>>>.<<.^^<<.\n>.^^<.^^>.\n^<.\n// new line for the last\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n## Problem\nThe goal is as the title says to find the \\$n\\$th prime such that \\$\\text{the prime}-1\\$ is divisible by \\$n\\$.\n## Explanation\nHere is an example so you understand the question, *this is not necessarily the way it ought to be solved. It merely as a way to explain the question*\ngiven \\$3\\$ as an input we would first look at all the primes\n```\n 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 ...\n```\nThen we select the primes such that \\$\\text{the prime}-1\\$ is divisible by \\$n\\$ (3 in this case)\n```\n 7 13 19 31 37 43 61 67 73 79 97 103 107 109 127 ...\n```\nWe then select the \\$n\\$th term in this sequence\nWe would output \\$19\\$ for an input of \\$3\\$\n## Note\nWe can also think of this as the \\$n\\$th prime in the sequence \\$\\{1, n + 1, 2n + 1, 3n + 1 ...kn + 1\\}\\$ where \\$k\\$ is any natural number\n## Test Cases\n```\n  1 --> 2\n  2 --> 5\n  3 --> 19\n  4 --> 29\n100 --> 39301\n123 --> 102337\n```\n      \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~9~~ 8 bytes\n05AB1E uses [CP-1252](http://www.cp1252.com) encoding.\nSaved a byte thanks to *Osable*\n```\n\u00b5N\u00b9*>Dp\u00bd\n```\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=wrVOwrkqPkRwwr0&input=MTIz)\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u00b5          # for N in [1 ...] loop until counter == input\n N\u00b9*>      # N*input+1 (generate multiples of input and increment)\n     D     # duplicate\n      p\u00bd   # if prime, increase counter\n           # implicitly output last prime\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 58 bytes\n```\nn=N=input();m=k=1\nwhile N:m*=k*k;k+=1;N-=m%k>~-k%n\nprint k\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 48 bytes\n```\nSelect[Array[Prime,(n=#)^3],Mod[#-1,n]==0&][[n]]&\n```\nUnnamed function taking a single argument, which it names `n`. Generates a list of the first `n^3` primes, selects the ones that are congruent to 1 modulo `n`, then takes the `n`th element of the result. It runs in several seconds on the input 123.\nIt's not currently known if there's always even a single prime, among the first `n^3` primes, that is congruent to 1 modulo `n`, much less `n` of them. However, the algorithm can be proved correct (at least for large `n`) under the assumption of the [generalized Riemann hypothesis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_Riemann_hypothesis)!\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, ~~59~~ 47 bytes\n```\nf n=[p|p<-[1,n+1..],all((<2).gcd p)[2..p-1]]!!n\n```\nUsage example: `f 4` -> `29`.\nHow it works:\n```\n[p|p<-[1,n+1..]                     ]    -- make a list of all multiples of n+1\n                                         -- (including 1, as indexing is 0-based)\n           ,all((<2).gcd p)[2..p-1]      -- and keep the primes\n                              !!n       -- take the nth element\n```\nEdit: Thanks @Damien for 12 bytes by removing the divisibility test and only looking at multiples in the first place. \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 9 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u2018\u00c6P>%\u00f0#\u1e6a\u2018\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oCYw4ZQPiXDsCPhuarigJg&input=&args=MTIz)\n### How it works\n```\n\u2018\u00c6P>%\u00f0#\u1e6a\u2018  Main link. Argument: n\n     \u00f0#    Call the dyadic chain to the left with right argument n and left\n           argument k = n, n+1, n+2, ... until n of them return 1.\n\u2018          Increment; yield k+1.\n \u00c6P        Test k+1 for primality, yielding 1 or 0.\n    %      Compute k%n.\n   >       Compare the results to both sides, yielding 1 if and only if k+1 is\n           prime and k is divisible by n.\n       \u1e6a   Tail; extract the last k.\n        \u2018  Increment; yield k+1.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 7, 106 bytes\n```\nint c(int n){for(int z=1,i=2,j,x;;i++){x=i;for(j=2;j1&(i-1)%n<1&&z++==n)return i;}}\n```\n**Ungolfed:**\n```\nint c(int n){\n  for(int z = 1, i = 2, j, x; ; i++){\n    x = i;\n    for(j = 2; j < x; x = x % j++ < 1\n                           ? 0\n                           : x);\n    if(x > 1 & (i-1) % n < 1 && z++ == n){\n      return i;\n    }\n  }\n}\n```\n**Test code:**\n[Try it here](https://ideone.com/m4ilQc) (last test case results in a *Time limit exceeded* on ideone)\n```\nclass M{\n  static int c(int n){for(int z=1,i=2,j,x;;i++){x=i;for(j=2;j1&(i-1)%n<1&&z++==n)return i;}}\n  \n  public static void main(String[] a){\n    System.out.println(c(1));\n    System.out.println(c(2));\n    System.out.println(c(3));\n    System.out.println(c(4));\n    System.out.println(c(100));\n    System.out.println(c(123));\n  }\n}\n```\n**Output:**\n```\n2\n5\n19\n29\n39301\n102337\n```\n[Answer]\n**Nasm 679 bytes (Instruction Intel 386 cpu 120 bytes)**\n```\nisPrime1:  \npush ebp\nmov ebp,dword[esp+ 8]\nmov ecx,2\nmov eax,ebp\ncmp ebp,1\nja .1\n.n: xor eax,eax\njmp short .z\n.1: xor edx,edx\ncmp ecx,eax\njae .3\ndiv ecx\nor edx,edx\njz .n\nmov ecx,3\nmov eax,ebp\n.2: xor edx,edx\ncmp ecx,eax\njae .3\nmov eax,ebp\ndiv ecx\nor edx,edx\njz .n\ninc ecx\ninc ecx\njmp short .2\n.3: xor eax,eax\ninc eax\n.z: pop   ebp\nret 4\nNp:  \npush esi\npush edi\nmov esi,dword[esp+ 12]\nxor edi,edi\nor esi,esi\nja .0\n.e: xor eax,eax\njmp short .z\n.0: inc esi\njz .e\npush esi\ncall isPrime1\nadd edi,eax\ndec esi\ncmp edi,dword[esp+ 12]\njae .1\nadd esi,dword[esp+ 12]\njc .e\njmp short .0\n.1: mov eax,esi\ninc eax\n.z: pop edi\npop esi\nret 4\n```\nthis is ungolfed one and the results\n```\n;0k,4ra,8Pp\nisPrime1: \n          push    ebp\n          mov     ebp,  dword[esp+  8]\n          mov     ecx,  2\n          mov     eax,  ebp\n          cmp     ebp,  1\n          ja      .1\n.n:       xor     eax,  eax\n          jmp     short  .z\n.1:       xor     edx,  edx\n          cmp     ecx,  eax\n          jae     .3\n          div     ecx\n          or      edx,  edx\n          jz      .n\n          mov     ecx,  3\n          mov     eax,  ebp\n.2:       xor     edx,  edx\n          cmp     ecx,  eax\n          jae     .3\n          mov     eax,  ebp\n          div     ecx\n          or      edx,  edx\n          jz      .n\n          inc     ecx\n          inc     ecx\n          jmp     short  .2\n.3:       xor     eax,  eax\n          inc     eax\n.z:       \n          pop     ebp\n          ret     4\n; {1, n+1, 2n+1, 3n+1 }\n; argomento w, return il w-esimo primo nella successione di sopra\n;0j,4i,8ra,12P\nNp:       \n          push    esi\n          push    edi\n          mov     esi,  dword[esp+  12]\n          xor     edi,  edi\n          or      esi,  esi\n          ja      .0\n.e:       xor     eax,  eax\n          jmp     short  .z\n.0:       inc     esi\n          jz      .e\n          push    esi\n          call    isPrime1\n          add     edi,  eax\n          dec     esi\n          cmp     edi,  dword[esp+  12]\n          jae     .1\n          add     esi,  dword[esp+  12]\n          jc      .e\n          jmp     short  .0\n.1:       mov     eax,  esi\n          inc     eax\n.z:       \n          pop     edi\n          pop     esi\n          ret     4\n00000975  55                push ebp\n00000976  8B6C2408          mov ebp,[esp+0x8]\n0000097A  B902000000        mov ecx,0x2\n0000097F  89E8              mov eax,ebp\n00000981  81FD01000000      cmp ebp,0x1\n00000987  7704              ja 0x98d\n00000989  31C0              xor eax,eax\n0000098B  EB28              jmp short 0x9b5\n0000098D  31D2              xor edx,edx\n0000098F  39C1              cmp ecx,eax\n00000991  731F              jnc 0x9b2\n00000993  F7F1              div ecx\n00000995  09D2              or edx,edx\n00000997  74F0              jz 0x989\n00000999  B903000000        mov ecx,0x3\n0000099E  89E8              mov eax,ebp\n000009A0  31D2              xor edx,edx\n000009A2  39C1              cmp ecx,eax\n000009A4  730C              jnc 0x9b2\n000009A6  89E8              mov eax,ebp\n000009A8  F7F1              div ecx\n000009AA  09D2              or edx,edx\n000009AC  74DB              jz 0x989\n000009AE  41                inc ecx\n000009AF  41                inc ecx\n000009B0  EBEE              jmp short 0x9a0\n000009B2  31C0              xor eax,eax\n000009B4  40                inc eax\n000009B5  5D                pop ebp\n000009B6  C20400            ret 0x4\n68\n000009B9  56                push esi\n000009BA  57                push edi\n000009BB  8B74240C          mov esi,[esp+0xc]\n000009BF  31FF              xor edi,edi\n000009C1  09F6              or esi,esi\n000009C3  7704              ja 0x9c9\n000009C5  31C0              xor eax,eax\n000009C7  EB1D              jmp short 0x9e6\n000009C9  46                inc esi\n000009CA  74F9              jz 0x9c5\n000009CC  56                push esi\n000009CD  E8A3FFFFFF        call 0x975\n000009D2  01C7              add edi,eax\n000009D4  4E                dec esi\n000009D5  3B7C240C          cmp edi,[esp+0xc]\n000009D9  7308              jnc 0x9e3\n000009DB  0374240C          add esi,[esp+0xc]\n000009DF  72E4              jc 0x9c5\n000009E1  EBE6              jmp short 0x9c9\n000009E3  89F0              mov eax,esi\n000009E5  40                inc eax\n000009E6  5F                pop edi\n000009E7  5E                pop esi\n000009E8  C20400            ret 0x4\n000009EB  90                nop\n120\n[0, 0] [1, 2] [2, 5] [3, 19] [4, 29] [5, 71] [6, 43] [7, 211] [8, 193] [9, 271] [1\n0, 191] [11, 661] [12, 277] [13, 937] [14, 463] [15, 691] [16, 769] [17, 1531] [18\n, 613] [19, 2357] [20, 1021] [21, 1723] [22, 1409] [23, 3313] [24, 1609] [25, 3701\n] [26, 2029] [27, 3187] [28, 2437] [29, 6961] [30, 1741] [31, 7193] [32, 3617] [33\n, 4951] [34, 3877] [35, 7001] [36, 3169] [37, 10657] [38, 6271] [39, 7879] [40, 55\n21] [41, 13613] [42, 3823] [43, 15137] [44, 7349] [45, 9091] [46, 7499] [47, 18049\n] [48, 6529] [49, 18229] [50, 7151] [51, 13159] [52, 10141] [53, 26501] [54, 7669]\n [55, 19801] [56, 11593] [57, 18127] [58, 13109] [59, 32569] [60, 8221] [61, 34649\n] [62, 17981] [63, 21799] [64, 16001] [65, 28081] [66, 10429] [67, 39799] [68, 193\n81] [69, 29947] [70, 14771] [71, 47713] [72, 16417] [73, 51539] [74, 25013] [75, 2\n9101] [76, 26449] [77, 50051] [78, 16927] [79, 54037] [80, 23761] [81, 41149] [82,\n 31489] [83, 68891] [84, 19237] [85, 51341] [86, 33713] [87, 45589] [88, 34057] [8\n9, 84551] [90, 19531] [91, 64793] [92, 42689] [93, 54499] [94, 41737] [95, 76001]\n[96, 27457] [97, 97583] [98, 40867] [99, 66529] [100, 39301] [101, 110899] [102, 2\n9989] [103, 116803] [104, 49297] [105, 51871] [106, 56711] [107, 126047] [108, 385\n57] [109, 133853] [110, 42901] [111, 76369] [112, 53089] [113, 142607] [114, 40129\n] [115, 109481] [116, 63337] [117, 83071] [118, 67733] [119, 112337] [120, 41281]\n[121, 152219] [122, 70639] [123, 102337]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](http://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 13 bytes\nGolfing suggestions welcome! [Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=O-KVl2BQROKVnEAlWWDilZNOUA&input=MTIz)\n```\n;\u2557`PD\u255c@%Y`\u2553NP\n```\n**Ungolfing**\n```\n         Implicit input n.\n;\u2557       Save a copy of n to register 0.\n`...`\u2553   Push first n values where f(x) is truthy, starting with f(0).\n  PD       Get the x-th prime - 1.\n  \u255c@%      Push (x_p - 1) % n.\n  Y        If x_p-1 is divisible by n, return 1. Else, return 0.\nNP       Get the n-th prime where n_p-1 is divisible by n.\n         Implicit return.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Common Lisp, 162 bytes\n```\n(defun s(n)(do((b 2(loop for a from(1+ b)when(loop for f from 2 to(1- a)never(=(mod a f)0))return a))(a 0)(d))((= a n)d)(when(=(mod(1- b)n)0)(incf a)(setf d b))))\n```\nUsage:\n```\n* (s 100)\n39301\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n(defun prime-search (n)\n  (do ((prime 2 (loop for next from (1+ prime) when\n                 (loop for factor from 2 to (1- next) never\n                      (= (mod next factor) 0)) return next))\n       (count 0) (works))\n      ((= count n) works)\n    (when (= (mod (1- prime) n) 0)\n      (incf count)\n      (setf works prime))))\n```\nSome of those `loop` constructs can probably be shortened into `do` loops, but this is what I've got for now.\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 12 bytes\n```\n1i:\"`_YqtqG\\\n```\n[Try it online!](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=MWk6ImBfWXF0cUdc&input=NA)\n(For input `123` it times out in the online compiler, but it works offline.)\n### Explanation\n```\n1          % Push 1\ni:         % Input n and push [1 2 ... n]\n\"          % For each (that is, do the following n times)\n  `        %   Do...while\n    _Yq    %     Next prime\n    tq     %     Duplicate, subtract 1\n    G      %     Push n again\n    \\      %     Modulo\n           %   End (implicit). Exit loop if top of stack is 0; else next iteration\n           % End (implicit)\n           % Display (implicit)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl, ~~77~~ 76 + 1 = 77 bytes\n```\nfor($p=2;@a<$_;$p++){push@a,$p if(1 x$p)!~/^(11+?)\\1+$/&&($p%$_<2)}say$a[-1]\n```\nUses the prime-testing regex to determine if `$p` is prime, and makes sure that it's congruent to 1 mod the input (the only nonnegative integers below 2 are 0 and 1, but it can't be 0 if it's prime, so it has to be 1. saves 1 byte over `==1`).\n[Answer]\n**Mathematica 44 Bytes**\n```\n   Pick[x=Table[i #+1,{i,# #}],PrimeQ/@x][[#]]&\n```\nVery fast. Uses the idea from the \"Note\"\n```\n% /@ {1, 2, 3, 4, 100, 123} // Timing\n```\nOutput\n```\n{0.0156001, {2, 5, 19, 29, 39301, 102337}}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://perl6.org), ~~46 39~~ 37 bytes\n```\n->\\n{(2..*).grep({.is-prime&&($_-1)%%n})[n-1]}\n```\n```\n->\\n{(1,n+1...*).grep(*.is-prime)[n-1]}\n```\n```\n{(1,$_+1...*).grep(*.is-prime)[$_-1]}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 84 bytes\n### Golfed\n```\n(n)->{for(int s=n,i=1;;i+=n)for(int j=2;i%j>0&j1?i:2;}\n```\n### Ungolfed\n```\n(n) -> { \nfor (int s = n,      // Counting down to find our nth prime.\n    i = 1;           // Counting up for each multiple of n, plus 1.\n    ;                // No end condition specified for outer for loop.\n    i += n)          // Add n to i every iteration.\nfor (int j = 2;      // Inner for loop for naive primality check.\n     i % j > 0)      // Keep looping while i is not divisible by j \n                     // (and implicitly while j is less than i).\n     if(++j==i       // Increment j. If j has reached i, we've found a prime\n     &&              // Short-circutting logical AND, so that we only decrement s if a prime is found\n     --s < 1)        // If we've found our nth prime...\n     return n>1?i:2; // Return it. Or 2 if n=1, because otherwise it returns 3.\n}\n```\n## Explanation\nSolution inspired by several other answers. Function is a lambda that expects a single int. \nThe `n>1?i:2` is a cheap hack because I couldn't figure out a better way to consider the case of n=1. \nAlso, this solution times out on Ideone, but has been tested for all test cases. It times out because in order to shave a couple bytes off, I took out the explicit `j0`... except in the case of `i=1` and `j=2` (the very first iteration), in which case the loop runs until j overflows (I'm assuming). Then it works fine for all iterations afterwards.\nFor a version that doesn't time out that's a couple bytes longer, [see here!](http://ideone.com/whXnHl)\n[Answer]\n## Racket 109 bytes\n```\n(let p((j 2)(k 0))(cond[(= 0(modulo(- j 1)n))(if(= k(- n 1))j(p(next-prime j)(+ 1 k)))][(p(next-prime j)k)]))\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n(define (f n)\n  (let loop ((j 2)\n             (k 0))\n    (cond\n      [(= 0 (modulo (sub1 j) n))\n       (if (= k (sub1 n)) \n           j\n           (loop (next-prime j) (add1 k)))]\n      [else (loop (next-prime j) k)]  )))\n```\nTesting: \n```\n(f 1)\n(f 2)\n(f 3)\n(f 4)\n(f 100)\n(f 123)\n```\nOutput: \n```\n2\n5\n19\n29\n39301\n102337\n```\n[Answer]\n## Ruby 64 bytes\n```\nrequire'prime';f=->(n){t=n;Prime.find{|x|(x-1)%n==0&&(t-=1)==0}}\n```\nCalled like this:\n```\nf.call(100)\n# 39301\n```\nAlso, this command-line app works:\n```\nn=t=ARGV[0].to_i;p Prime.find{|x|(x-1)%n==0&&(t-=1)==0}\n```\ncalled like this\n```\nruby -rprime find_golf_prime.rb 100\n```\nbut I am not so sure how to count the characters. I think I can ignore the language name, but have to include the `-rprime` and space before the script name, so that is slightly shorter, at 63 . . .\n[Answer]\n## R, 72 bytes\n```\nn=scan();q=j=0;while(qi?f(n,i-!/^(..+?)\\1+$/.test('.'.repeat(j+=n)),j):j\n```\nUses the regexp primality tester, since it's a) 8 bytes shorter and b) less recursive than my pure recursive approach.\n[Answer]\n**Axiom 64 bytes**\n```\nf(n)==(n<0 or n>150=>0;[i*n+1 for i in 0..2000|prime?(i*n+1)].n)\n```\ndoes someone know how to write above using Axiom streams?... some example\n```\n-> f(i)  for i in 1..150\n   Compiling function f with type PositiveInteger -> NonNegativeInteger\n   [2, 5, 19, 29, 71, 43, 211, 193, 271, 191, 661, 277, 937, 463, 691, 769,\n    1531, 613, 2357, 1021, 1723, 1409, 3313, 1609, 3701, 2029, 3187, 2437,\n    6961, 1741, 7193, 3617, 4951, 3877, 7001, 3169, 10657, 6271, 7879, 5521,\n    13613, 3823, 15137, 7349, 9091, 7499, 18049, 6529, 18229, 7151, 13159,\n    10141, 26501, 7669, 19801, 11593, 18127, 13109, 32569, 8221, 34649, 17981,\n    21799, 16001, 28081, 10429, 39799, 19381, 29947, 14771, 47713, 16417,\n    51539, 25013, 29101, 26449, 50051, 16927, 54037, 23761, 41149, 31489,\n    68891, 19237, 51341, 33713, 45589, 34057, 84551, 19531, 64793, 42689,\n    54499, 41737, 76001, 27457, 97583, 40867, 66529, 39301, 110899, 29989,\n    116803, 49297, 51871, 56711, 126047, 38557, 133853, 42901, 76369, 53089,\n    142607, 40129, 109481, 63337, 83071, 67733, 112337, 41281, 152219, 70639,\n    102337, 75641, 126001, 42589, 176531, 85121, 107071, 62791, 187069, 55837,\n    152419, 94873, 104761, 92753, 203857, 62929, 226571, 72661, 144103, 99401,\n    193051, 69697, 168781, 112859, 133183, 111149, 250619, 60601]\n```\n##  Type: Tuple NonNegativeInteger\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), ~~9~~ 8 bytes\n```\n!\u2070f\u1e57\u00a1+\u20701\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/X/FR44a0hzunH1qoDWQZ/v//39DAAAA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n!\u2070         # get the input-th element of \n  f\u1e57       # the elements that are primes among\n    \u00a1      # the list formed by repeatedly\n     +\u2070    # adding the input to the last result\n       1   # starting with 1.\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nYour challenge is to write a program or function that, when given two strings of equal length, swaps every other character and outputs/returns the resulting strings in either order.\n## Examples\n```\n\"Hello,\" \"world!\" --> \"Hollo!\" \"werld,\"\n\"code\" \"golf\" --> \"codf\" \"gole\"\n\"happy\" \"angry\" --> \"hnpry\" \"aagpy\"\n\"qwerty\" \"dvorak\" --> \"qvertk\" \"dworay\"\n\"1, 2, 3\" \"a, b, c\" --> \"1, b, 3\" \"a, 2, c\"\n\"3.141592653589\" \"2.718281828459\" --> \"3.111291623489\" \"2.748582858559\"\n\"DJMcMayhem\" \"trichoplax\" --> \"DrMcMoylex\" \"tJichapham\"\n\"Doorknob\" \"Downgoat\" --> \"Doonkoot\" \"Dowrgnab\"\n\"Halloween\" \"Challenge\" --> \"Hhlloeegn\" \"Caallwnee\"\n```\n## Rules\n* The strings will only contain ASCII chars (32-126).\n* The strings will always be the same length, and will never be empty.\n* You may accept input in any suitable format: separate parameters, items in an array, separated by one or more newlines, even concatenated. The only restriction is that one string must come fully before the other (e.g. `a1\\nb2\\nc3` for `\"abc\", \"123\"` is invalid).\n* The output may be **in either order** (i.e. you can start swapping from the first or the second char), and in any valid format mentioned above. (2-item array, separated by newline(s), concatenated, etc.)\n## Scoring\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so **the shortest code in bytes for each language wins.**\n      \n[Answer]\n# Java, 68 bytes\n```\n(a,b)->{for(int i=a.length;--i>0;){char t=a[--i];a[i]=b[i];b[i]=t;}}\n```\n## Ungolfed and testing\n```\nimport java.util.Arrays;\nimport java.util.Collection;\nimport java.util.function.BiConsumer;\npublic class Main {\n  static BiConsumer func = (left, right) -> {\n      for (int i = left.length; --i > 0;) {\n        char temp = left[--i];\n        left[i] = right[i];\n        right[i] = temp;\n      }\n    };\n  public static void main(String[] args) {\n    test(\"Hello,\",\"world!\", \"Hollo!\", \"werld,\");\n    test(\"code\", \"golf\", \"codf\", \"gole\");\n    test(\"happy\", \"angry\", \"hnpry\", \"aagpy\");\n  }\n  private static void test(String left, String right, String x, String y) {\n    char[] leftChars = left.toCharArray();\n    char[] rightChars = right.toCharArray();\n    func.accept(leftChars, rightChars);\n    Collection mixed = Arrays.asList(new String(leftChars), new String(rightChars));\n    if (mixed.containsAll(Arrays.asList(x, y))) {\n      System.out.println(\"OK\");\n    } else {\n      System.out.printf(\"NOK: %s, %s -> %s%n\", left, right, mixed);\n    }\n  }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## APL, 12\n```\n{\u2193(\u2373\u2374\u2283\u2375)\u2296\u2191\u2375}\n```\nExplanation: {...} defines a function, \u2375 is the right argument.\nThe take (\u2191) creates a matrix out of the two strings, then rotates each column (\u2296) n times, where n is the part in parenthesis (\u2373\u2374\u2283\u2375). That's defined as the iota of the length of the first argument. (Ex: length=5 ==> 1 2 3 4 5).\nSo first column is rotated once, second twice (getting back to original positions), third column three times, etc...\nTry it at [tryapl.org](http://tryapl.org/?a=%7B%u2193%28%u2373%u2374%u2283%u2375%29%u2296%u2191%u2375%7D%20%27happy%27%20%27angry%27&run)\n[Answer]\n# Scala, 85 bytes\n```\n(_:String)zip(_:String)zip(Stream from 0)map{case(t,z)=>if(z%2==0)t else t.swap}unzip\n```\ntake an anonymous string parameter, zip it with another string parameter, zip it with an stream of natural numbers, swap every second tuple of chars and unzip to get a tuple of sequences of chars\n[Answer]\n# Swift 3, ~~129~~ 107 bytes\n```\nfunc c(n:inout[String],b:inout[String]){\nfor(j,c)in n.enumerated(){\nif j&1<1{n[j]=b[j];b[j]=c}}\nprint(n,b)}\n```\n**Original**\nThe function receives two arrays of strings as parameters assuming both have same length, as follows:\n```\nc(n:[\"c\", \"o\", \"d\", \"e\"],b:[\"g\", \"o\", \"l\", \"f\"])\n```\nProduces following output\n```\ncodf gole\n```\n**Edit 1:**\nGet rid of the internal tuple and change the parameters of the function to be `inout`. Instead of string concatenation manipulate the parameters directly.\nExample input:\n```\nvar a:Array = [\"c\", \"o\", \"d\", \"e\"]\nvar b:Array = [\"g\", \"o\", \"l\", \"f\"]\nc(n:&a,b:&b)\n```\nOuput changed to be array of strings as in:\n`[\"g\", \"o\", \"l\", \"e\"] [\"c\", \"o\", \"d\", \"f\"]`\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 7 bytes\n```\nTz*\u0130_ze\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/P6RK68iG@KrU////e6Tm5OTr/A/PL8pJUQQA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOutputs are reversed.\n[Answer]\n# [Ly](https://github.com/LyricLy/Ly), 11 bytes\n```\nir>ir[o]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y6n8/z@zyC6zKNom3y4/9v//5PyUVK70/Jw0AA \"Ly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis takes the two strings on separate input lines, and outputs the interlaced strings concatenated together. At a high level... It reads the two strings onto separate stacks, then just loops printing the top the each stack.\n```\nir          - read first string onto the stack, reverse it\n  >ir       - switch to new stack, read second string and reverse it\n     [    ] - loop until the stack is empty\n      o  - switch to the second stack and print a char\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n### Background\nWhen I was in elementary school, we used to play a game in math class that goes as follows.\nAll kids sit in a big circle and take turns counting, starting from **1**. \nHowever, the following numbers must be skipped while counting:\n* Numbers that are multiples of **3**.\n* Numbers that have a **3** in its decimal representation.\nThe first 15 numbers the kids should say are\n```\n1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 14 16 17 19 20 22 25\n```\nWhenever somebody gets a number wrong \u2013 says a number that isn't in the sequence or skips a number that is \u2013 he's removed from the circle. This goes on until there's only one kid left.\n### Task\nYou're bad at this game, so you decide to cheat. Write a program or a function that, given a number of the sequence, calculates the next number of the sequence.\nYou don't have to handle numbers that cannot be represented using your language's native numeric type, provided that your program works correctly up to input **251** and that your algorithm works for arbitrarily large inputs.\nInput and output can use any convenient base.\nSince you have to conceal your code, it must be as short as possible. In fact, this is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest code in bytes wins.\n### Test cases\n```\n  1 ->   2\n  2 ->   4\n 11 ->  14\n 22 ->  25\n 29 ->  40\n251 -> 254\n```\n      \n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](http://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 10 bytes\n```\n<.='e3:I'*\n```\n[Try it online!](http://brachylog.tryitonline.net/#code=PC49J2UzOkknKg&input=Mjk&args=Wg)\n### Explanation\n```\n(?)<.                Output > Input\n    .=               Assign a value to the Output\n    . 'e3            3 cannot be an element of the Output (i.e. one of its digits)\n        3:I'*(.)     There is no I such that 3*I = Output\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 30 bytes\n```\nf=n=>++n%3*!/3/.test(n)?n:f(n)\n```\n[Answer]\n# J, 24 bytes\n```\n3(]0&({$:)~e.&\":+.0=|)>:\n```\nStraight-forward approach that just iterates forward from input *n* until it finds the next number that is valid by the rules.\nForms five smileys, `$:`, `:)`, `0=`, `=|`, and `>:`.\n## Usage\n```\n   f =: 3(]0&({$:)~e.&\":+.0=|)>:\n   (,.f\"0) 1 2 11 22 29 251\n  1   2\n  2   4\n 11  14\n 22  25\n 29  40\n251 254\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n3(]0&({$:)~e.&\":+.0=|)>:  Input: integer n\n                      >:  Increment n\n3                         The constant 3\n (                   )    Operate dyadically with 3 (LHS) and n+1 (RHS)\n                    |       Take (n+1) mod 3\n                  0=        Test if equal to 0\n             &\":            Format both 3 and n+1 as a string\n           e.               Test if it contains '3' in str(n+1)\n                +.          Logical OR the results from those two tests\n  ]                         Right identity, gets n+1\n   0&(   )~                 If the result from logical OR is true\n       $:                     Call recursively on n+1\n      {                       Return that as the result\n                            Else act as identity function and return n+1\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python 2, 73 66 43 bytes\nThanks to xnor for telling me I was being silly by using 2 variables, and thanks to Mitch Schwartz too. \n```\nx=~input()\nwhile'3'[:x%3]in`x`:x-=1\nprint-x\n```\n[Answer]\n## Perl, 19 bytes\n**18 bytes code + 1 for `-p`.**\n```\n++$_%3&&!/3/||redo\n```\n### Usage\n```\nperl -pe '++$_%3&&!/3/||redo' <<< 8\n10\nperl -pe '++$_%3&&!/3/||redo' <<< 11\n14\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 11 bytes\n```\n[>\u00d03\u00e5s3\u00d6~_#\n```\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=Wz7DkDPDpXMzw5Z-XyM&input=Mjk)\n**Explanation**\n```\n               # implicit input\n[              # start loop\n >             # increase current number\n  \u00d0            # triplicate\n          #    # break loop IF\n         _     # logical negation of\n   3\u00e5          # number has one or more 3's in it\n        ~      # OR\n     s3\u00d6       # number % 3 == 0\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~57~~ ~~56~~ ~~55~~ 50 bytes\n*Thanks to @Numberknot for 1 byte*\n*Thanks to @Kevin Cruijssen for 5 bytes*\n```\ni->{for(;++i%3<1|(i+\"\").contains(\"3\"););return i;}\n```\nThis is a `Function`\n**Explanation**\nNaive implementation that simply increments until it reaches an acceptable number.\n**Test Class**\n```\npublic class CodeGolf {\n    public static void main(String[] args) {\n        Function countingGame = i->{for(;++i%3<1|(i+\"\").contains(\"3\"););return i;};\n        int val = 1;\n        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\n            System.out.print(val + \" \");\n            val = countingGame.apply(val);\n        }\n    }\n}\n```\nOutput of Test Class:\n```\n1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11 14 16\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~49~~ ~~44~~ 42 bytes\n```\nf=lambda x:'3'[:~x%3]in`~x`and f(x+1)or-~x\n```\nThe other Python entry beats this (edit: not any more :-D), but I posted it because I rather like its recursive approach.\nThanks to Mitch Schwarz and Erik the Golfer for helping me make this shorter.\n[Answer]\n# Japt, 18 bytes\n```\n\u00b0U%3*!Us f'3 ?U:\u00dfU\n```\n[**Test it online**](http://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=master&code=sFUlMyohVXMgZiczID9VOt9V&input=MTE=)\nI finally have a chance to use `\u00df` :-)\n### How it works\n```\n                    // Implicit: U = input integer\n\u00b0U%3                // Increment U, and take its modulo by 3.\n     !Us f'3        // Take all matches of /3/ in the number, then take logical NOT.\n                    // This returns true if the number does not contain a 3.\n    *               // Multiply. Returns 0 if U%3 === 0  or the number contains a 3.\n             ?U     // If this is truthy (non-zero), return U.\n               :\u00dfU  // Otherwise, return the result of running the program again on U.\n                    // Implicit: output last expression\n```\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell v2+, 46 bytes\n```\nfor($a=$args[0]+1;$a-match3-or!($a%3)){$a++}$a\n```\nTakes input `$args[0]`, adds `1`, saves into `$a`, starts a `for` loop. The conditional keeps the loop going while either `$a-match3` (regex match) `-or` `$a%3` is zero (the `!` of which is `1`). The loop simply increments `$a++`. At the end of the loop, we simply place `$a` on the pipeline, and output via implicit `Write-Output` happens at program completion.\n### Examples\n```\nPS C:\\Tools\\Scripts\\golfing> 1,2,11,22,29,33,102,251,254|%{\"$_ --> \"+(.\\count-without-three.ps1 $_)}\n1 --> 2\n2 --> 4\n11 --> 14\n22 --> 25\n29 --> 40\n33 --> 40\n102 --> 104\n251 --> 254\n254 --> 256\n```\n[Answer]\n# R, 46 bytes\n```\nn=scan()+1;while(!n%%3|grepl(3,n))n=n+1;cat(n)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, ~~50~~ 48 bytes\n```\nf n=[x|x<-[n..],mod x 3>0,notElem '3'$show x]!!1\n```\n[Try it on Ideone.](http://ideone.com/0NRlOh) Saved 2 bytes thanks to [@Charlie Harding](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/15516/charlie-harding).\nAlternative: (50 bytes)\n```\ng=f.(+1)\nf n|mod n 3<1||(elem '3'.show)n=g n|1<3=n\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Labyrinth](http://github.com/mbuettner/labyrinth), 117 102 bytes\n```\n?       \"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"_\n):_3    (         0/{!@\n;  %;:}_';:_3-_10 1\n\"  1            %;_\n\"\"\"\"_\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"{;;'\n```\n[Try it online!](http://labyrinth.tryitonline.net/#code=PyAgICAgICAiIiIiIiIiIiIiIl8KKTpfMyAgICAoICAgICAgICAgMC97IUAKOyAgJTs6fV8nOzpfMy1fMTAgMQoiICAxICAgICAgICAgICAgJTtfCiIiIiJfIiIiIiIiIiJ7Ozsn&input=Mjk5)\nLabyrinth is a two-dimensional, stack-based programming language and at junctions, direction is determined by the top of the stack (positive goes right, negative goes left, zero goes straight). There are two main loops in this programs. The first mods the integer input by 3 and increments if 0. The second repeatedly checks if the last digit is 3 (by subtracting 3 and modding by 10) and then dividing by 10 to get a new last digit.\n[Answer]\n# Lua, 58 Bytes\n```\ni=...+1while(i%3==0or(i..\"\"):find\"3\")do i=i+1 end print(i)\n```\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, 13 bytes\n```\nWhii3%!3`i`{|\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=Whii3%25%213%60i%60%7B%7C&input=299&warnings=0)\n```\n              - i = input\nW             - do:\n hi           -  i += 1\n   i3%!       -    not (i % 3)\n            | -   ^ or V\n       3`i`{  -    \"3\" in str(i)\n              - while ^\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#, ~~56~~, 51 bytes.\nThis is surprisingly short for a C# answer!\n```\nx=>{while(++x%3<1|(x+\"\").Contains(\"3\"));return x;};\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 11 bytes\n```\nf&-I`T3%T3h\n```\nTry it online: [Demonstration](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=f%26-I%60T3%25T3h&input=29&test_suite_input=1%0A2%0A11%0A22%0A29%0A251&debug=0) or [Test Suite](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=f%26-I%60T3%25T3h&input=29&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=1%0A2%0A11%0A22%0A29%0A251&debug=0)\n### Explanation:\n```\nf&-I`T3%T3hQ   implicit Q at the end\nf         hQ   find the smallest integer T >= input + 1 which fulfills:\n  -I`T3           T is invariant under removing the digit 3\n &                and\n       %T3        T mod 3 leaves a positive remainder\n```\n[Answer]\n# Excel, ~~79~~ 66 bytes\nIt [Taylor Rained](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/98366/count-without-3/246608?noredirect=1#comment552856_246608) 13 bytes\n```\n=MIN(LET(r,ROW(A:A),FILTER(r,ISERR(FIND(3,r))*MOD(r,3)*(r>A1)>0)))\n```\nInput is in the cell `A1`. Output is wherever the formula is.\nThe `LET()` function allows you to define variables for later reference so ti works in pairs of `variable,value`. The last argument is unpaired as it is the output.\n* `r,ROW(A:A)` creates an array of 1 to whatever the last row is. In the latest version of Excel, that's 1,048,576.\n* `g,FILTER(r,~*~*~>0)` takes that array and filters just for the values that aren't multiples of 3 and don't have a 3 in them. This done is by multiplying:\n\t+ `ISERR(FIND(3,r))` which returns TRUE if if a 3 is *not* in the number and FALSE if it *is*\n\t+ `MOD(r,3)` which returns 0 if it's a multiple of 3 and some positive integer if it isn't\n\t+ `(r>A1)` creates an array of TRUE / FALSE where the first TRUE value will be the first term that's larger than the input.\n\t+ When you do math on booleans, Excel uses TRUE=1 and FALSE=0 so the formula `~*~*~>0` only returns TRUE when the three pieces are TRUE (no 3 in number), some positive integer (not a multiple of 3), and TRUE (larger than the input).\n* `MIN(LET(~))` finds the smallest value in the filtered array which only includes the \"without 3\" numbers larger than the input so the first value in the array is the next value in the sequence.\n[![Screenshot](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Quvq3.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Quvq3.png)\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 49 48 bytes\n-3 bytes thx to The Thonnu, I missed some spaces and swapping else x+1 and else-~x allowed another space to be taken out, not\n+2 bytes bc I didn't know I need to count f= on a recursive function, thx xnor :)\nseems clunky but i cant see more golfs, please lmk if you see something!\n```\nf=lambda x:f(x+1)if x%3>1or'3'in str(x+1)else-~x\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/P802JzE3KSVRocIqTaNC21AzM02hQtXYzjC/SN1YPTNPobikCCyemlOcqltX8b@gKDOvRCNNw1BTkwvGNkJiG6JIIMsYWSJzTIHq/gMA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## [GolfSharp](https://github.com/timopomer/GolfSharp), 43 bytes\n```\nm=>r(m,m).w(n=>n%3>0&!n.t().I(\"3\")).a()[1];\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 47 bytes\n```\ni=gets.to_i;i while(i+=1)%3==0||\"#{i}\"=~/3/;p i\n```\nI really feel like this can be golfed further.\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 14 bytes\n```\n`Qtt3\\wV51-hA~\n```\n[Try it online!](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=YFF0dDNcd1Y1MS1oQX4&input=Mjk)\n### Explanation\n```\n`       % Do...while\n  Q     %   Add 1. Takes input implicitly in the first iteration\n  tt    %   Duplicate twice\n  3\\    %   Modulo 3\n  wV    %   Swap, string representation\n  51-   %   Subtract 51, which is ASCII for '3'\n  h     %   Concatenate\n  A~    %   True if any result was 0. That indicates that the number\n        %   was a multiple of 3 or had some '3' digit; and thus a \n        %   new iteration is needed\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~60~~ ~~55~~ ~~54~~ 46 bytes\nThanks to @user59178 for shaving off a few bytes, @AlexHowansky for a byte, @Titus for another few bytes\n```\nfor(;strstr($i=++$argv[1],51)|$i%3<1;);echo$i;\n```\nCalled from command line with `-r`. Naive method that loops while the number is a multiple of 3, or has 3 in its digits.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 11 bytes\n```\nD;\u00c6f3\u1e1f\u00b5\u2018#2\u1ecb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/jelly#@@9ifbgtzfjhjvmHtj5qmKFs9HB39////40sAQ \"Jelly \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n### How it works\n```\nD;\u00c6f3\u1e1f\u00b5\u2018#2\u1ecb  Main link. Argument: n\n      \u00b5      Combine the links to the left into a chain.\n       \u2018#    Execute the chain for k = n, n + 1, n + 2, ... until n + 1 matches\n             were found. Yield the array of all n + 1 matches.\nD            Decimal; yield the array of k's decimal digits.\n  \u00c6f         Yield the array of k's prime factors.\n ;           Concatenate both.\n    3\u1e1f       Filter false; remove digits and factors from [3].\n             This yields [3] (truthy) if neither digits nor factors contain 3,\n             [] (falsy) if they do.\n         2\u1ecb  Extract the second match. (The first match is n.)\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~47~~ 41 bytes\ninspired by [Xanderhall](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/98462#98462), but the latest idea finally justifies an own answer.\n```\nwhile(strstr($n+=$n=&$argn%3,51));echo$n;\n```\nor\n```\nwhile(strpbrk($n+=$n=&$argn%3,3));echo$n;\n```\nThis takes advantage from the fact that the input is also from the sequence: For `$n%3==1`, the new modulo is `2`. For `$n%3==2`, the new modulo is `4-3=1`. `$n%3==0` never happens.\nRun as pipe with `-R` or [try them online](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/c94a70661b4b1a7f28d583f01ce72ecc287cafe4).\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), ~~33~~ ~~28~~ ~~27~~ 19 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 \"When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?\")[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS \".dyalog files using a single byte character set\")\n```\n1\u2218+\u2363{('3'\u220a\u2355\u237a)<\u00d73|\u237a}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///3/BRxwztR72LqzXUjdUfdXQ96p36qHeXps3h6cY1QEbt/7RHbRMe9fY96pvq6f@oq/nQeuNHbROBvOAgZyAZ4uEZ/D9NwZArTcEIiA3BDBDLyBJEmBoCAA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n-6 thanks to Ad\u00e1m. -8 thanks to ngn.\nOld Explanation:\n```\n1-\u2368g\u2363((\u00d73|\u22a2)>'3'\u220a\u2355)\u2218(g\u2190+\u22181)\n                       +\u22181  \u235d curry + with 1, gives the increment function\n                            \u235d increments the left argument so we do not return the number itself\n                    (g\u2190   ) \u235d assign to \"g\"\n                   \u2218        \u235d compose g with the repeat\n                 \u2355          \u235d does parsing the argument to a string...\n             '3'\u220a           \u235d ...contain '3'?\n        3|\u22a2                 \u235d residue of a division by 3\n      (\u00d7   )                \u235d direction (0 if 0, 1 if greater, \u00af1 is lower)\n     (      >     )         \u235d and not (we want the left side to be 1, the right side 0)\n   g\u2363                       \u235d repeat \"g\" (increment) until this function is true ^\n1-\u2368                         \u235d afterwards, decrement: inversed -\n```\n# [APL (Dyalog Extended)](https://github.com/abrudz/dyalog-apl-extended), ~~23~~ 17 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 \"When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?\")[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS \".dyalog files using a single byte character set\")\n```\n1\u2218+\u2363(3(\u00d7\u2364|>\u220a\u2365\u2355)\u22a3)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT9dNrShJzUtJTfn/3/BRxwztR72LNYw1Dk9/1Lukxu5RR9ej3qWPeqdqPuparPk/7VHbhEe9fY/6pnr6P@pqPrTe@FHbRCAvOMgZSIZ4eAb/T1Mw5EpTMAJiQzADxDKyBBGmhgA \"APL (Dyalog Extended) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThanks to Ad\u00e1m. -6 thanks to ngn.\nOld Explanation:\n```\n0+\u2363(3(\u00d7\u2364|>\u220a\u2365\u2355)\u22a2)\u2362(1+\u22a2)\u22a2\n0                       \u235d the left argument (\u237a)\n +\u2363(3(\u00d7\u2364|>\u220a\u2365\u2355)\u22a2)        \u235d the left function (\u237a\u237a)\n                 (1+\u22a2)  \u235d the right function (\u2375\u2375)\n                        \u235d     (increments its argument)\n                      \u22a2 \u235d the right argument (\u2375)\n                        \u235d     (just returns the input)\n                \u2362       \u235d under:\n                        \u235d     calls (\u2375\u2375 \u2375) first, which increments the input\n                        \u235d     also (\u2375\u2375 \u237a) which gives 1\n                        \u235d     then calls (\u237aincremented \u237a\u237a \u2375incremented)\n                        \u235d     afterwards, does the opposite of \u2375\u2375, and decrements the result\n  \u2363                     \u235d \u2363 fixpoint: repeats the left operation until the right side is truthy\n +                      \u235d calls + with \u237aincremented and the input (so, 1+input)\n   (3(\u00d7\u2364|>\u220a\u2365\u2355)\u22a2)        \u235d right operation\n    3                   \u235d on its left, \"3\"\n              \u22a2         \u235d on its right, the current iteration\n      \u00d7\u2364|               \u235d divisibility check: \u00d7 atop |\n        |               \u235d     starts with 3|\u22a2 (residue of \u22a2/3)\n      \u00d7                 \u235d     then returns the direction (0 if 0, 1 if greater, \u00af1 is lower)\n          \u220a\u2365\u2355           \u235d contains 3:\n            \u2355           \u235d    stringifies both its arguments (3 and \u22a2)\n          \u220a\u2365            \u235d    checks for membership\n         >              \u235d divisibility \"and not\" contains 3\n```\n[Answer]\n# Turing Machine Code, 390 bytes\n```\n0 * * r 0\n0 _ _ l 1\n1 1 2 l 2\n1 2 3 r 0\n1 3 4 l 2\n1 4 5 l 2\n1 5 6 l 2\n1 6 7 l 2\n1 7 8 l 2\n1 8 9 l 2\n1 9 0 l 1\n1 * 1 l 2\n2 * * l 2\n2 _ _ r 3\n3 1 1 r 4\n3 4 4 r 4\n3 7 7 r 4\n3 2 2 r 5\n3 5 5 r 5\n3 8 8 r 5\n3 _ _ l 1\n4 1 1 r 5\n4 4 4 r 5\n4 7 7 r 5\n4 2 2 r 3\n4 5 5 r 3\n4 8 8 r 3    \n5 1 1 r 3\n5 4 4 r 3\n5 7 7 r 3\n5 2 2 r 4\n5 5 5 r 4\n5 8 8 r 4    \n* 0 0 r *\n* 6 6 r *\n* 9 9 r *\n* 3 3 r 0\n* _ _ * halt\n```\n[Try it online.](http://morphett.info/turing/turing.html?9e662757c6f814b3ceb0464e715ec3ab)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg), ~~27 25~~ 24 bytes\n```\n{max $_+1...{!/3/&$_%3}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH7n1uplqZg@786N7FCQSVe21BPT69aUd9YX00lXtW4tvZ/Wn6RgkZOZl5qsaZCNRdncWKlQpqGdq5@TIq2viZX7X8FBUMFXTsFBQUjLiCGME24FAwhooZAphFE1MgUyLQEM00MuIxMwQqMTE0A \"Perl 6 \u2013 Try It Online\")\nFinds the first number larger than the input that doesn't have a three and has a remainder when moduloed by 3. I was hoping to do something fancy with the condition, like `!/3/&*%3` but it doesn't work with the `!`. `:(`\n### Explanation:\n```\n{                      }   # Anonymous code block\n     $_+1                  # From the input+1\n         ...               # Get the series\n            {         }    # That ends when\n             !/3/            # The number does not contain a 3\n                 &           # and\n                  $_%3       # The number is not divisible by 3\n max                       # And get the last element of the series\n```\n[Answer]\n# APOL, 51 bytes\n`v(0 +(\u29e3 1));w(|(!(%(\u2070 3)) c(t(\u2070) '3')) \u2206(0));-(\u2070 1)`\n[Answer]\n# Swift, 84 bytes\n```\nfunc f(_ n:Int)->Int{var n=n+1;while String(n).contains(\"3\")||n%3==0{n+=1};return n}\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nSince Halloween is coming up I thought I might start a fun little code golf challenge!\nThe challenge is quite simple. You have to write a program that outputs either `trick` or `treat`.  \n\"The twist?\" you may ask. Well let me explain:\nYour program has to do the following:\n* Be compilable/runnable in two different languages. Different versions of the same language don't count.\n* When you run the program in one language it should output `trick` and the other should output `treat`. The case is irrelevant and padding the string with whitespace characters are allowed (see examples).\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the solution with the fewest bytes wins.\nA few explanations:\n**Valid outputs** (Just for the words not for running the code in the two languages. Also adding quotes to signalize the beginning or end of the output. Do not include them in your solution!):\n```\n\"trick\"\n\"Treat\"\n\"    TReAt\"\n\"\n     tRICk          \"\n```\n**Invalid outputs**:\n```\n\"tri ck\"\n\"tr\neat\"\n\"trck\"\n```\nI'm interested to see what you can come up with! Happy Golfing!\nI'd like to note that this is my first challenge so if you have suggestions on this question please leave them in the form of a comment.\n## Leaderboards\nHere is a Stack Snippet to generate both a regular leaderboard and an overview of winners by language.\nTo make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:\n```\n# Language Name, N bytes\n```\nwhere `N` is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you *can* keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:\n```\n# Ruby, 104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n# Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the leaderboard snippet:\n```\n# [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=97472,OVERRIDE_USER=23417;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i,TAGS_REG = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:400px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# VBScript, JScript, 41 bytes\n`x=\"treat\"\nrem=x=\"trick\"\nWScript.echo(x)`\nThe VBScript \"rem\" hides the JScript code.\n[Answer]\n# Python 3 / JavaScript, 46 bytes\nThere weren't any \"true\" Python/JavaScript polyglot answers yet, so I figured I'd try my hand at writing one:\n```\na=1//2;alert=print\nalert([\"trick\",\"treat\"][a])\n```\n### Python 3\nThis is how Python sees the code:\n```\na=1//2;alert=print\nalert([\"trick\",\"treat\"][a])\n```\n`//` is integer division in Python 3, so `a=1//2;` sets variable `a` to `0`. Then `alert=print` sets the variable `alert` to the function `print` so that we can use `alert` to output.\nIn the next line, `alert` is called on the item at index `a` in the array `[\"trick\",\"treat\"]`. Since `a` is `0` and `alert` is `print`, this prints `\"trick\"`.\n### JavaScript\nThis is how JS sees the code:\n```\na=1//2;alert=print\nalert([\"trick\",\"treat\"][a])\n```\nThe first line is parsed as `a=1`; the rest is simply a comment. This sets variable `a` to `1`.\nThe second line, much like in Python, `alert`s the item at index `a` in `[\"trick\",\"treat\"]`. Since `a` is `1`, this alerts `\"treat\"`.\n[Answer]\n## Perl / Ruby : 41 bytes\n```\n#line 9\nprint __LINE__==2?\"treat\":\"trick\"\n```\nLines beginning with `#` are comments in both Ruby and Perl. Except that lines following (roughly) the regex `#\\s*line\\s+\\d+` are executed by Perl's compiler and change the line number as the compiler sees it (see the doc : [Plain Old Comments (Not!)](http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsyn.html#Plain-Old-Comments-(Not!))). \nSo when arriving to the second line, Perl thinks it the 9th while Ruby thinks it's the second. Hence Ruby will print `treat` while Perl will print `trick`.\n[Answer]\n# PHP, Lua 41 Bytes\nPHP print trick an Lua treat\n```\n--$a;echo\"trick\";/*\nprint(\"treat\")\n--*/\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6) / [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), ~~47~~ ~~33~~ 22 bytes\n```\n1\nalert`trick`;\"treat\"\n```\n### JavaScript\nThis should be fairly obvious: `1` and `\"treat\"` do nothing, and `alert`trick`` alerts `trick`.\n### [Japt](http://ethproductions.github.io/japt/?v=master&code=MQphbGVydGB0cmlja2A7InRyZWF0Ig==&input=)\nIn Japt, lowercase letters (except those in strings) transpile to method calls, e.g. `.a(`. However, if it comes after another lowercase letter, it is instead transpiled to `\"a\"`. All open parentheses are cut off at semicolons `;`. This means that the code roughly transpiles to:\n```\n1 .a(\"l\".e(\"r\".t(\"trick\")));\"treat\"\n```\nThis is then evaluated as JavaScript. `\"r\".t(\"trick\")` is `\"r`\", `\"l\".e(\"r\")` is `\"l\"`, and `1.a(\"l\")` is `1`. However, the poor JS engine's work is pointless: only the result of the last expression is sent to STDOUT, so the `1` is discarded and `treat` is printed.\n[Answer]\n# CJam / HTML, ~~17~~ 14 bytes\nEdit:\n* ***-3*** bytes off. Thanks to @ETHProductions\nCode:\n```\nTREAT<\"trick\"\n```\n# HTML:\n```\nTREAT<;\"trick\"\nTREAT print TREAT\n < tag open: ignore rest since there is no closing bracket\n```\n# CJam:\n```\nTREAT<;\"trick\"\nTREAT< e#random stuff / push vars\n ; e#discard stack\n \"trick\" e#literal trick\n e#implictly print\n```\n[Answer]\n# [///](https://esolangs.org/wiki////)/[D1ffe7e45e](https://esolangs.org/wiki/D1ffe7e45e), 59 bytes\nSee what I did there?\n```\n/@//TREAT\n/37333120813633633333333363333336222222226//\n/$/__/\n```\nBasically, in D1ffe7e45e / begins and ends comments. So, `TREAT` is in a comment but the source that prints `TRICK` isn't. The `__` is two no-ops to stop the D1ffe7e45e program from repeating. The source that /// interprets should be self-explanatory.\n[Answer]\n# [Emoji](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Emoji)/[Emojicode](http://www.emojicode.org/), 50 bytes\n```\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00eb\u00a5\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ed\u00a8trick\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ed\u00a8\u201a\u00fb\u00b0\n\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e8\u00c5\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e1\uf8ff\u00fc\u00f2\u00c4\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00a7treat\uf8ff\u00fc\u00ee\u00a7\uf8ff\u00fc\u00e7\u00e2\n```\n[Try Emoji online!](https://tio.run/##S83Nz8r8///D/IlbPsyftKakKDM5G8R4NG8h14f5/Y0f5ve2f5g/o@HD/ClLSopSE0tADKBg5///AA \"Emoji \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") \n[Try Emojicode online!](https://tio.run/##S83Nz8pMzk9J/f//w/yJWz7Mn7SmpCgzORvEeDRvIdeH@f2NH@b3tn@YP6Phw/wpS0qKUhNLQAygYOf//wA \"Emojicode \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Julia/Python, 31 Bytes\nNothing special, just taking advantage of the similarities between the languages. Julia uses 1 as the first index, while Python uses 0.\n```\nl=[\"trick\",\"treat\"]\nprint(l[1])\n```\n[Try it online - Julia!](https://tio.run/##yyrNyUw0/f8/xzZaqaQoMzlbSQdIpyaWKMVyFRRl5pVo5EQbxmr@/w8A \"Julia 0.5 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Try it online - Python!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/P8c2WqmkKDM5W0kHSKcmlijFchUUZeaVaOREG8Zq/v8PAA \"Python 3 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# Shakespeare Programming Language / Befunge-98, 467\n```\n\"kcirt\"4k,@.Puck,.Page,.Act I:.Scene I:.[Enter Page and Puck]Page:You is the sum of a big big big big big big cat and the sum of a big big big big cat and a big big cat.Speak thy mind!You is the sum of you and a big pig.Speak thy mind!Puck:You is the sum of me and the sum of a big big big pig and the sum of a big big pig and a pig.Speak thy mind!You is the sum of you and a big big pig.Speak thy mind!Page:You is the sum of you and a big cat.Speak thy mind![Exeunt]\n```\nTry it online: [Shakespeare Programming Language](https://tio.run/##hZA9D4MgEIb/ytXZMHVysoNDNxOnxjhc8WoJBY1CUn89hSamX2gHErh7H@7JTcPNuURyMZpkL9OclZbLlJXYUcoO3MAxYxUnTeFSF9rQCKEJqFsI2Sa8slNvQUxgrgSTVdBfAOEsuujhaJ70ZngJ4XuFVQOh9OAMSuh29zt19pUXNojuGwnKEVtF20r@p/XA0sTYwH@Oa57xrX6ykZXUxZ2sNo1zDw \"Shakespeare Programming Language \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\") / [Befunge-98](https://tio.run/##hZA9D4IwEIb/ysmMnRyUSQcGNxMmQxiOctSmoRBoE/n1lZoQvwoOTdq79@k9uZJqqwVtD3vnIsVlb6Kdio/sYrmK2QUFxezEDZwTlnHS5C95qg314JuAugKfLfwrubYW5ADmRjDYBtoaEEopgoejedKr4TmE7xWWdYRqAkdopK42v1PHqfLCOim@Ea8csG1oXWn6aTkwNzE08J/jkmd4q59sYCV5eierTeHcAw \"Befunge-98 \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nBefunge-98 prints `trick`, Shakespeare prints `TREAT`.\n**Explaination**\nBefunge executes until the `@`, so the SPL program is ignored. In SPL, everything until the first dot is ignored because it's the title.\n**Edit:** port the answer to the official SPL interpreter - I couldn't get it to work before.\n[Answer]\n# Scala / Javascript, 33 bytes\n```\nif(0==false)\"trick\"; else \"treat\"\n```\n`0==false` returns true in javascript, but false in scala\n[Answer]\n# Befunge-98/DOS .COM file, 27 bytes\n```\n00000000 22 20 b4 09 ba 0b 01 cd 21 c3 20 74 72 65 61 74 |\" ......!. treat|\n00000010 24 6b 63 69 72 74 22 34 6b 2c 40 |$kcirt\"4k,@|\n0000001b\n```\nThe Befunge-98 part pushes the characters of a string to the stack, and then outputs the top 5 characters in the stack and ends.\nThe DOS part is:\n```\n00000000 2220 and ah,[bx+si]\n00000002 B409 mov ah,0x9\n00000004 BA0B01 mov dx,0x10b\n00000007 CD21 int 0x21\n00000009 C3 ret\n```\nWhere the first instruction is just some dummy non important instruction, and the rest calls INT 21h function 09h, which prints a $-terminated string pointed to by DS:DX.\n[Answer]\n## [Charcoal](http://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal) and [Pip](http://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 13 bytes\n```\ntrick\u00ac\u00a9\"treat\"\n```\n### Charcoal\nCharcoal's [code page](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal/wiki/Code-page) reads this as `trick\u00ac\u00aa\"treat\"`. `trick` prints the string to the canvas. `\u00ac\u00aa` closes a block; apparently, if it is unmatched, it ends the program. The canvas is then printed to the screen.\n[Try it online](http://charcoal.tryitonline.net/#code=dHJpY2vCuyJ0cmVhdCI&input=)\n### Pip\n```\nt Variable (no-op)\n r Generate random number (and do nothing with it)\n i Variable (no-op)\n c Variable (no-op)\n k Variable (no-op)\n \u00ac\u00a9 Unrecognized character, ignored\n \"treat\" String, output implicitly\n```\n[Try it online](http://pip.tryitonline.net/#code=dHJpY2vCqSJ0cmVhdCI&input=)\n[Answer]\n# C/Lua, 65 bytes\n```\n#include/*\nprint\"trick\"--[[*/\nmain(){puts(\"treat\");}//]]\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby / ECMA6 27 bytes\n```\n{'t':'trick'}['t']||'treat'\n```\nTurns out you don't need to assign a JSON object in oredr to use it in ecma6\nOriginal, with plain Javascript:\n# Ruby/Javscript ~~32~~ 31 bytes\n```\na={'t':'trick'};a['t']||'treat'\n```\nBecause ruby treats the key as as symbol (:t), does not match with 't' so goes to the or. Whereas JavaScript is not as fussy.\n[Answer]\n# Python/Brainf\\*\\*k (87 Bytes)\n```\nprint(\"treat\")#+++++++++[>+++++++++<-]>+++.--.<+++[>---<-]>.<++[>---<-]>.<++++[>++<-]>.\n```\nPython ignores everything after the `#` because its a comment and brainf\\*\\*k ignores `print(\"treat\")#` because they are unrecognized characters.\n[Answer]\n# Forth/Perl, 53 bytes\n```\n1 ?dup : print\"trick\" .\" treat\" ; print\"trick\" or bye\n```\nNeeds a case-insensitive Forth (e.g: GNU Forth).\nWhen run in Forth, it defines a `print\"trick\"` word that outputs \"treat\", then calls it.\nWhen run in Perl, it uses the colon of Forth's word definition as part of a conditional statement. In `?dup`, the question mark forms part of the aforementioned conditional statement, and `dup` gets treated as a bareword (a string without quotes). The dot in Forth's `.\"` primitive gets interpreted as Perl's concatenation operator, and `bye` gets treated as another bareword.\n[Answer]\n# C / C++, 72 bytes\n```\n#include\nmain(){char*a[]={\"trick\",\"treat\"};puts(a[1//**/2\n]);}\n```\nCompile with `gcc/g++ -ansi` and don't regard warnings. A C90-conforming C compiler does not recognize `//` as a comment but it skips `/**/`, leaving `puts(a[1/2]);`. C++ will see `puts(a[1]);`.\n[Answer]\n# Bash / Wolfram Language (a.k.a. Mathematica), 19 bytes\n```\necho trick;#&@treat\n```\nFor Bash, `#` is a comment indicator so it just outputs `trick`. Mathematica multiplies two undefined symbols `echo` and `trick` but ignores the result and proceeds to the second command, which fully expanded goes\n```\n(Function[Slot[1]])[treat]\n```\nand evaluates to `treat`.\n[Answer]\n# C / Javascript, ~~70~~ 47 bytes\n**(excluding comments C=22 + Javascript=14 ~= 36 )**\n```\n/**\\\n/main(){puts(\"trick\");}\n//*/alert(\"treat\")\n```\nWhat C sees:\n```\nmain(){puts(\"trick\");}\n```\nWhat javascript sees:\n```\nalert(\"treat\")\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n/* C comment ends with '/' on next line but js comment remains open *\\ \n/ //BEGIN C Block \n#define function int \n//*/alert(\"this whole line is commented in C, but // is in the js comment\")\n//for additional tricks...\n/*Most compilers can build K&R style C with parameters like this:*/ \nfunction volume(x,y,z)/**\\ \n/int x,y,z;/**/ \n{ \n return x*y*z; \n} \n/**\\ \n/ \n#undef function \n#define var const char** \n#define new (const char*[]) \n#define Array(...) {__VA_ARGS__} \n/**/ \nvar cars = new Array(\"Ford\", \"Chevy\", \"Dodge\"); \n/* Or a more readable version *\\ \n/// BEGIN C Block \n#undef var \n#undef new \n/* END C Block */ \n```\n[Answer]\n# Windows Batch, JScript, 35 bytes\n`trick=\"treat\";WScript.\necho (trick)`\nThe batch version displays the parentheses as delimiters.\n[Answer]\n# Ruby / Crystal, 31 bytes\n`puts 'a'==\"a\"&&\"trick\"||\"treat\"`\n`'a'` is a string literal in Ruby and a character literal in Crystal. `\"a\"` is a string literal in both. This abuses that difference to detect the language the script is ran in.\n[Answer]\n# Pyth and SMBF, 28 bytes\n```\n\"trick\"<.q<.q<.q<.q<.q\"taert\n```\n\"trick\" explanation:\n> \n> Pyth has a `quit`-type operation with `.q`, which I use at `<.q` to end the program. Everything afterwards is uninterpreted, but in order for me to fix arity I need to add arity 0 data after each arity-2 `<`. Otherwise, the program requires user input (although what Python datum the input wouldn't matter, since it's not used). Pyth will implicitly print the \"trick\" at the beginning of the program.\n> \n> \n> \n\"treat\" explanation:\n> \n> The only characters that SMBF uses are as follows (the others are no-ops or not examined in memory): `\"<.<.<.<.<.taert`. The `<.` sets print out the last five characters of the program in reverse order (hence `treat` is reversed into `taert` to have it print as `treat`).\n> \n> \n> \n[Answer]\n# [Actually](http://github.com/Mego/Seriously) and Python 2, 21 bytes\n*thanks to quartata for this solution*\n```\nprint\"trick\"#X\"treat\"\n```\nTry it online: [Actually](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=cHJpbnQidHJpY2siI1gidHJlYXQi&input=), [Python 2](http://ideone.com/Wb145I)\n## Explanations\nActually:\n```\nprint\"trick\"#X\"treat\"\nprint 5 NOPs (they only do things if the stack isn't empty)\n \"trick\" push \"trick\"\n # listify\n X discard (stack is now empty)\n \"treat\" push \"treat\"\n (implicitly print)\n```\nPython 2:\n```\nprint\"trick\"#X\"treat\"\nprint\"trick\" # print \"trick\"\n #X\"treat\" # a comment\n```\n[Answer]\n# Windows Batch, VBScript, 34 bytes\n```\ntrick=\"treat\":WScript._\necho trick\n```\nThe Batch `echo` will display the immediate text. \nThe VBScript uses the \"\\_\" line-continuation to run the \"echo\" command, which displays the contents of the variable \"trick\", which contains the string \"treat\". \nVBScript does not require parenthesis for functions which do not return a value.\n[Answer]\n# HTML / JavaScript (ES6), 28 bytes\n```\ntrick`. Since there are no `>`s, it just writes \"trick\".\nJS is simple: `alert`treat``. However, to avoid a ReferenceError for `trick` not being defined, we have to add a `var trick` to tell JS that `trick` is really supposed to be there.\nI wanted to add CSS that \"prints\" `or`, but it seems to be impossible:\n* If the CSS is before the `<`, it gets written to the HTML document.\n* If the CSS is after the `<`, it finds a syntax error and stops before running.\n[Answer]\n**Haskell / Ruby, 74 bytes**\n```\n--0;True=false\nmain=if True then print \"trick\" else print \"treat\";--0;end\n```\n***Haskell***\nAnything starting with `--` is treated as a comment. Actual program in Haskell is now just\n```\nmain=if True then print \"trick\" else print \"treat\";\n```\nwhich prints \"trick\".\n***Ruby***\n--0 is just -(-0). So the first line declares a constant **True** with a value false.\nNext line does the actual printing and since **True** is false, it prints \"treat\". main is just treated as a variable in ruby and is assigned the value 0.\n[Answer]\n# sh / csh, 32 bytes\n```\necho trick #treat|sed 's/.*#//'\n```\nFor csh, the command must be executed interactively.\nExplanation: In interactive mode, sh treats anything starting with `#` as a comment. csh does so only in batch mode.\nksh and bash behave the same way as sh. tcsh behaves like csh. Some of these shells have options to alter this behavior.\nzsh behaves like csh for this particular command.\n[Answer]\n# C / C++, 73 bytes\n```\n#include\nint main(){puts(\"treat\\0trick\"+sizeof'1'/sizeof 1*6);}\n```\nThis could fail (printing `trick` in both C and C++) on an implementation with `sizeof (int) == 1`, which implies `CHAR_BIT >= 16`. As far as I know there are no such implementations in the real world.\nChanging `int main()` to `int main(void)` would make it theoretically more conforming in C, but in practice all C and C++ compilers accept `int main()`.\n[Answer]\n# Labyrinth/Perl, 38 bytes\nAs `cat -v`:\n```\n$_=$@^\"^@^@^L^B^_\";print\n```\nWhere `^@` represents ASCII 0 (\u201a\u00ea\u00c4), `^B` represents ASCII 2 (\u201a\u00ea\u00c7), `^L` represents ASCII 12 (\u201a\u00ea\u00e5), and `^_` represents ASCII 31 (\u201a\u00ea\u00fc). Or, as a `hexdump -C`:\n```\n00000000 24 5f 3d 31 31 36 2e 31 31 34 2e 31 30 35 2e 39 |$_=|\n00000010 39 2e 31 30 37 2e 24 40 5e 22 00 00 0c 02 1f 22 |9.107.$@^\".....\"|\n00000020 3b 70 72 69 6e 74 |;print|\n00000026\n```\nI have wanted to post a Labyrinth/Perl answer since reading [Emigna](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/47066/emigna)'s [Labyrinth/><> answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/97513/267). In that answer, Labyrinth code looks very much like it starts with a Perl [version string](http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html#Version-Strings).\nSo, in this answer, Labyrinth just does the following:\n```\n$_= \u201a\u00dc\u00ed dummy operations\n116. \u201a\u00dc\u00ed print string\n$ \u201a\u00dc\u00ed dummy op\n@ \u201a\u00dc\u00ed end\n```\nwhile Perl does:\n```\n$_= \u201a\u00dc\u00ed set the $_ variable to:\n \u201a\u00dc\u00ed a version string for the other language\n .$@ \u201a\u00dc\u00ed concatenated with $EVAL_ERROR (null when no eval error)\n ^\"^@^@^L^B^_\"; \u201a\u00dc\u00ed XORed with \"\\0\\0\\x0c\\2\\x1F\", to get \"treat\" from \"trick\"\nprint \u201a\u00dc\u00ed and finally print the string\n```\n---\n# Labyrinth/Perl alternate version, 105 bytes\nHere is another version, modifying the string in Labyrinth code, instead of in Perl code:\n```\n; $_=$@\n; ;print; 1+ 7+ 16\n; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; 1\n; ;;\n;;;;;9^_9^10^00 ^a\n```\nLabyrinth code follows the path. The last line modifies the code, rotating columns using `^`. After the last line has been interpreted, the field looks like:\n```\n; $_=$@\n; ; ; + + \n; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 \n; ; \n;;;;;9^_9^10^005^ 9 07 \n```\nAfter finishing interpreting the last line, Labyrinth follows the path upwards. Then, the 1 makes it attempt to turn rightwards, but hitting the wall makes it turn leftwards instead. Afterwards, Labyrinth just follows the path, eventually reaching code already explained for the first approach (where Perl modifies the string).\nAs you'll notice, (in `9^_9^10^00 ^ 1`) numbers in Perl can have `_` in them, to make them more readable.\n---\n# Labyrinth/Perl, linear labyrinth version, 76 bytes\nNot as fun as the previous one, but does the trick (or treat, as it may be):\n```\n25^25^25^23^0;$;=$@\n ; print$ ; ; 1+ 7+ 16\n;\n```\n---\n# Labyrinth/Perl, boring version, 49 bytes\nSeparate code paths for Labyrinth and Perl:\n```\n;print\n;\n116.$@\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**This question already has answers here**:\n \n \n[Palindromic palindrome generator](/questions/47827/palindromic-palindrome-generator)\n (39 answers)\n \nClosed 7 years ago.\nYour task is to palindromize a string as follows:\nTake the string.\n```\nabcde\n```\nReverse it.\n```\nedcba\n```\nRemove the first letter.\n```\ndcba\n```\nGlue it onto the original string.\n```\nabcdedcba\n```\nBut here's the catch: since this challenge is about palindromes, **your code itself also has to be a palindrome.**\nRemember, this is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the code with the smallest number of bytes wins.\n \n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 41 bytes\n```\nlambda t:t+t[-2::-1]#]1-::2-[t+t:t adbmal\n```\n[Try it here](https://goo.gl/6W6SZX).\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 1 byte\n```\n\u221a\u00aa\n```\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=w7s&input=YWJjZGU)\n[Answer]\n# Dip, 1 byte\n```\nB\n```\nBody must be at least 30 characters; you entered 13.\n[Answer]\n# Pyth - 13 bytes\nIt kinda looks like its crying.\n```\n+Qt_Q \" Q_tQ+\n```\n[Try it online here](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=%2BQt_Q+%22+Q_tQ%2B&input=%22abcde%22&debug=0).\n[Answer]\n# [\u00cf\u00ef\u00d1\u00cc\u00f9\u00a8(Aheui)](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Aheui), ~~149~~ 137 bytes (47 chars + 2 newlines)\n```\n\u00ce\u2202\u00f5\u00ce\u00b1\u00ea\u00cf\u00e9\u00a7\u00ce\u2202\u00e1\u00cf\u00e9\u00b0\u00ce\u00aa\u00ea\u00cf\u2264\u00f2\u00cf\u00e0\u00fa\u00cf\u00f9\u00f2\u00cf\u00f9\u00a5\u00ce\u00a9\u00ec\u00cc\u00f9\u00a8\n\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\u00ce\u2265\u220f\u00ce\u00ef\u00ae\u00ce\u2264\u00e5\u00ce\u00e3\u00a7\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00cc\u00dc\u2020\u00ce\u00ae\u00c4\u00cf\u00f9\u00f2\u00cf\u00e7\u00a9\u00cf\u00dc\u00e7\u00cf\u00e7\u00a9\u00cf\u00f9\u00f2\u00ce\u00ae\u00c4\u00cc\u00dc\u2020\u00ce\u00ee\u221e\u00ce\u00e3\u00a7\u00ce\u2264\u00e5\u00ce\u00ef\u00ae\u00ce\u2265\u220f\u00ce\u03c0\u2020\n\u00cc\u00f9\u00a8\u00ce\u00a9\u00ec\u00cf\u00f9\u00a5\u00cf\u00f9\u00f2\u00cf\u00e0\u00fa\u00cf\u2264\u00f2\u00ce\u00aa\u00ea\u00cf\u00e9\u00b0\u00ce\u2202\u00e1\u00cf\u00e9\u00a7\u00ce\u00b1\u00ea\u00ce\u2202\u00f5\n```\nDue to the nature of the Aheui language, the input must end in a double quotation mark (\") (gets ignored).\n[Try it here! (copy and paste the code)](http://jinoh.3owl.com/aheui/jsaheui_en.html)\n**Bonus (each line is palindromic)**, 131 bytes (42 chars + 5 newlines)\n```\n\u00ce\u221e\u00d8\u00ce\u03c0\u2122\u00ce\u221e\u00f2\u00ce\u2202\u00d1\u00ce\u221e\u00f2\u00ce\u03c0\u2122\u00ce\u221e\u00d8\n\u00cf\u00e8\u00fa\u00ce\u221e\u00fa\u00ce\u00f6\u00f9\u00ce\u2265\u00c9\u00ce\u00f6\u00f9\u00ce\u221e\u00fa\u00cf\u00e8\u00fa\n\u00cf\u00e8\u00f4\u00cc\u00e0\u00ba\u00ce\u00e3\u00f8\u00ce\u00f3\u00f2\u00ce\u00e3\u00f8\u00cc\u00e0\u00ba\u00cf\u00e8\u00f4\n\u00ce\u03a9\u00ec\u00cf\u2264\u00b0\u00cf\u00e0\u00fa\u00cd\u00a5\u00dc\u00cf\u00e0\u00fa\u00cf\u2264\u00b0\u00ce\u03a9\u00ec\n\u00cf\u00e0\u00f4\u00cf\u00e5\u00b1\u00ce\u00a9\u00e0\u00cd\u220f\u00ef\u00ce\u00a9\u00e0\u00cf\u00e5\u00b1\u00cf\u00e0\u00f4\n\u00ce\u2122\u00e3\u00cc\u00f9\u00a8\u00cf\u00f9\u00b5\u00cf\u00f6\u2022\u00cf\u00f9\u00b5\u00cc\u00f9\u00a8\u00ce\u2122\u00e3\n```\n[Answer]\n# APL -- 13 bytes.\n```\n\u201a\u00e4\u00a3,\u00ac\u00d81\u201a\u00dc\u00ec\u201a\u00e5\u03a9\u201a\u00e7\u00f9\u201a\u00e5\u03a9\u201a\u00dc\u00ec1\u00ac\u00d8,\u201a\u00e4\u00a3\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n\u201a\u00e4\u00a3,\u00ac\u00d81\u201a\u00dc\u00ec\u201a\u00e5\u03a9\n \u201a\u00e5\u03a9 Reverse the argument.\n \u00ac\u00d81\u201a\u00dc\u00ec Drop the last character.\n\u201a\u00e4\u00a3, Concatenate the original to the result.\n```\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), ~~86~~ bytes\n```\ns=>s+[...s].reverse().slice(1).join(\"\")//)\"\"(nioj.)1(ecils.)(esrever.]s...[+s>=s\n```\nI tried a smarter solution but it's still longer :/ even abusing `[,...a]=s` didn't seem to save bytes\n[Answer]\n# J, 17 bytes\n```\n}:,|.NB. .BN.|,:}\n```\nTakes the easy way out by using a comment to mirror the code. In J, `NB.` starts a line comment. I do hope to find a method that doesn't involve a comment but the digrams in J probably do make it harder.\nAlso forms two smileys, `}:` and `:}`.\n## Usage\n```\n f =: }:,|.NB. .BN.|,:}\n f 'abcde'\nabcdedcba\n```\n## Explanation\nComment part removed since it is just filler.\n```\n}:,|. Input: string S\n |. Reverse S\n}: Curtail, get S with its last char removed\n , Join them and return\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#, (~~51~~ 50 + 1)\\*2 = ~~104~~ 102 bytes\nsaved 2 bytes to the use of `.Aggregate()`\n```\ns=>s+s.Aggregate(\"\",(a,b)=>b+a,s=>s.Substring(1));//;))1(gnirtsbuS.s>=s,a+b>=)b,a(,\"\"(etagerggA.s+s>=s\n```\nYou can capture this lambda with\n```\nFunc f = \n```\nand call it like this\n```\nf(\"abcde\")\n```\n[Answer]\n## Ruby, 47 bytes\n```\n->s{s+s.reverse[1..-1]}#}[1-..1]esrever.s+s{s>-\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 67 bytes\n```\nf=#~Join~Rest@Reverse@#//Function;noitcnuF//#@esreveR@tseR~nioJ~#=f\n```\nDefines a named function `f` that takes a list of characters as input and returns the appropriate palindromized list as output. The bit after the semicolon (is fortunately syntactically valid and) gives a second, way more complicated name to this same function.\nIt was fun trying to make Mathematica make sense without any brackets!\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](http://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 11 bytes\n```\n:Lc.r\nr.cL:\n```\n[Try it online!](http://brachylog.tryitonline.net/#code=OkxjLnIKci5jTDo&input=InRlc3Qi&args=Wg)\n### Explanation\n```\n:Lc. Input concatenated with a string L results in the Output\n .r(.) The Output reversed is still the Output\n```\nThe second line is a new predicate declaration that never gets called in that code.\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](http://github.com/Mego/Seriously), ~~14~~ 13 bytes\n```\nRiX\u221a\u00fcRk\u0152\u00a3kR\u221a\u00fcXiR\n```\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=UmlYw59Sa86ja1LDn1hpUg&input=ImFiY2RlIg)\n**Explanation**\n```\nR # reverse input\n i # flatten\n X # discard top of stack\n \u221a\u00fcR # push reversed input\n k\u0152\u00a3 # concatenate each\nk # wrap in list\n R # reverse\n \u221a\u00fc # push input\n X # discard it\n i # flatten list to string\n R # reverse string\n```\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, 1 bytes\n```\ns\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=s&input=test)\nYes, this is the same builtin as the digital root one. This time it takes a sting and turns it into a palindrome. Added with [this commit](https://github.com/muddyfish/PYKE/commit/7e79dc95866b451ded61a07cb1da79cf1b1009fb) (actually on the same day as the digital root question)\n[Answer]\n# Java 7, 146 bytes\n(Enter is added for readibility and not part of the code.)\n```\nString c(String s){return s+new StringBuffer(s).reverse().substring(1);}/\n/};)1(gnirtsbus.)(esrever.)s(reffuBgnirtS wen+s nruter{)s gnirtS(c gnirtS\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 7, 152 bytes\n```\nString c(char[]s,int i){return s.length==i+1?s[i]+\"\":s[i]+c(s,++i)+s[i-1];}//};]1-i[s+)i++,s(c+]i[s:\"\"+]i[s?1+i==htgnel.s nruter{)i tni,s][rahc(c gnirtS\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 38+39=77 bytes\n```\n=@$t0;r$t1=@$t1-1;r$t3=@$t3+1){m$t1 L1 $t3};eb$t3 0;da$t0;*;0t$ad;0 3t$be;}3t$ 1L 1t$m{)1+3t$@=3t$r;1-1t$@=1t$r;0t$@=>1t$@;3-1t$@=1t$r(rof.;1-1t$@=3t$r;}1L 1t$bd{)1+1t$@=1t$r;p$@;0t$@=1t$r(rof.;1L 0t$bd\n```\n*+145 bytes to make it a palindrome, nearly missed that requirement...*\nInput is passed in via an address in psuedo-register `$t0`. For example:\n```\neza 2000000 \"abcde\" * Write string \"abcde\" into memory at 0x02000000\nr $t0 = 33554432 * Set $t0 = 0x02000000\n* Edit: Something got messed up in my WinDB session, of course r $t0 = 2000000 should work\n* not that crazy 33554432.\n```\nThis may be more golfable, for example I feel like there should be an easier way to convert a memory address in a register to the value at that address.\nIt works by concatenating the chars from the second-to-last to the first to the end of the string.\n```\ndb $t0 L1; * Set $p = memory-at($t0)\n.for (r $t1 = @$t0; @$p; r $t1 = @$t1 + 1) * Set $t1 = $t0 and increment until $p == 0\n{\n db $t1 L1 * Set $p = memory-at($t1)\n};\nr $t3 = @$t1 - 1; * Point $t3 at end of string\n* From the second-to-last char, reverse through the string with $t1 back to the start ($t0)\n* and continue to increment $t3 as chars are appended to the string.\n.for (r $t1 = @$t1 - 3; @$t1 >= @$t0; r $t1 = @$t1 - 1; r $t3 = @$t3 + 1)\n{\n m $t1 L1 $t3 * Copy char at $t1 to end of string ($t3)\n};\neb $t3 0; * Null terminate the new string\nda $t0; * Print the palindrome string\n* Comment of the previous code in reverse, making the whole thing a palindrome\n*;0t$ad;0 3t$be;}3t$ 1L 1t$m{)1+3t$@=3t$r;1-1t$@=1t$r;0t$@=>1t$@;3-1t$@=1t$r(rof.;1-1t$@=3t$r;}1L 1t$bd{)1+1t$@=1t$r;p$@;0t$@=1t$r(rof.;1L 0t$bd\n```\nOutput:\n```\n0:000> eza 2000000 \"abcde\"\n0:000> r $t0 = 33554432\n0:000> db$t0 L1;.for(r$t1=@$t0;@$p;r$t1=@$t1+1){db$t1 L1};r$t3=@$t1-1;.for(r$t1=@$t1-3;@$t1>=@$t0;r$t1=@$t1-1;r$t3=@$t3+1){m$t1 L1 $t3};eb$t3 0;da$t0;*;0t$ad;0 3t$be;}3t$ 1L 1t$m{)1+3t$@=3t$r;1-1t$@=1t$r;0t$@=>1t$@;3-1t$@=1t$r(rof.;1-1t$@=3t$r;}1L 1t$bd{)1+1t$@=1t$r;p$@;0t$@=1t$r(rof.;1L 0t$bd\n02000000 61 a\n02000000 61 a\n02000001 62 b\n02000002 63 c\n02000003 64 d\n02000004 65 e\n02000005 00 .\n02000000 \"abcdedcba\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 162 bytes\n```\nf(char*c,char*d){char*e=c;while(*d++=*c++);c-=2;d-=2;do{*d++=*c--;}while(e<=c);}//};)c=\"+e.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG,\"\")+\"\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~68~~ 63 bytes\n```\nf=lambda s,n=1:s==2*s[:n]or''-f(s,n+1)[[c],c:\" \"])\n```\nA brute-force approach. [Try it on Ideone](http://ideone.com/VqybtA).\nThanks to BlackCap for -3 bytes.\n## Explanation\nThe helper function `g` takes a list of strings, and checks that it consists of pairs of identical strings, like `[\"aa\",\"aa\",\"bba\",\"bba\",\"ab\",\"ab\"]`.\nThe (anonymous) main function splits a string in all possible ways, and checks that at least one splitting results in a list that `g` accepts.\n```\ng(a:b:c) g on list with elements a, b and tail c,\n |a==b in the case that a==b,\n =g c recurses to the tail c.\ng x= g on any other list x\n x==[] checks that x is empty.\n This includes the case where a is not equal\n to b, resulting in False.\nany(g.words.concat).mapM(\\c->[[c],c:\" \"]) The main function:\n mapM(\\c->[[c],c:\" \"]) Replace each letter c with either \"c\" or \"c \"\n in all possible ways, return list of results.\nany( ). Check that at least one result satisfies this:\n concat Concatenate the 1- or 2-letter strings,\n words. split again at each space,\n g. apply g.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 60 bytes\n```\nf=lambda s,t='':''f(s[1:],t+s[0])|f(t and s)*f(t)>-(s==t)\n```\nI hope this is correct. It runs pretty slowly and the `and` doesn't look optimal.\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 12 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u0152\u1e56\u00b5\u0153s\u20ac2ZE\u00b5\u20acS\n```\nTwo bytes longer than [my other answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/98259/12012), but this approach is a lot more efficient and handles all but one of the test cases.\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=xZLhuZbCtcWTc-KCrDJaRcK14oKsUwrhu7ThuaPigJzigJ3Dh-KCrOKCrEc&input=&args=YWEKYWJhYWJhCmJiYWJhYmJiCmFhYmFhYWJhYmJiYWJhCmJhYmFiYWJhCmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYgoKYQpiYQpiYWFiCmFiYWFiYWFiYQpiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmJiYmIKYmFhYmFiYmFiYWFhYWIKYWFhYWFiYmFhYWFh&debug=on)\n### How it works\n```\n\u0152\u1e56\u00b5\u0153s\u20ac2ZE\u00b5\u20acS Main link. Argument: s (string)\n\u0152\u1e56 Generate all partitions of s.\n \u00b5 \u00b5\u20ac Map the monadic chain between the \u00b5's over the partitions.\n \u0153s\u20ac2 Split each string in the partition into two chunks of equal length.\n Z Zip/transpose, collecting the first halves in one array and the\n second halves in another.\n E Test the arrays of halves for equality.\n S Return the sum of the results, counting the number of different\n ways s can be paired.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth - No Regex - ~~13~~ 12 bytes\nChecks if any of the partitions are made up of all string that are equals to each other when chopped in two.\n```\nsm.AqMcL2d./\n```\n[Test Suite](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=sm.AqMcL2d.%2F&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%27aa%27%0A%27abaaba%27%0A%27bbababbb%27%0A%27aabaaababbbaba%27%0A%27babababa%27%0A%27bbbbbbbbbbbb%27%0A%27a%27%0A%27ba%27%0A%27baab%27%0A%27abaabaaba%27%0A%27bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb%27%0A%27baababbabaaaab%27%0A%27aaaaabbaaaaa%27&debug=0).\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](http://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 14 bytes (no regex)\n```\nlye~l:1j@2zcc?\n```\n[Try it online!](http://brachylog.tryitonline.net/#code=bHllfmw6MWpAMnpjYz8&input=ImFhYmFhYWJhYmJiYWJhIg)\nThis is too slow for some of the test cases\n### Explanation\n```\nly The list [0, \u2026, length(Input)]\n e~l A list whose length is an element of the previous list\n :1j Append itself to this list\n @2zc Split in half, zip and concatenate so that the list contains pairs of\n consecutive identical elements\n c? The concatenation of that list must result in the Input\n```\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), no regexp, ~~75~~ 74 bytes\n```\nf=s=>!s|[...s].some((_,i)=>i&&s[e='slice'](0,i)==s[e](i,i+=i)&&f(s[e](i)))\n```\nReturns `1` for pairable otherwise `0`. Edit: Saved 1 byte thanks to @edc65.\n[Answer]\n## Python, 58 bytes\n```\nf=lambda s,p='':s>''and(f(p)>-(s==p)/^((.+)\\2)+$/.test(x)\n```\nProbably doesn't get shorter than this.\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 40 Bytes\nprints 0 for false and 1 for true\n```\nx[:s]and(x==2*x[:s])|f(x[:s])&f(x[s:])|f(x,s+1)\n```\nReturns `True` or `False`.\n[Try it online!](https://repl.it/EQHk/3)\nAny help golfing this would be appreciated.\n[Answer]\n## Racket 230 bytes\n```\n(let((sl string-length)(ss substring))(if(odd?(sl s))(printf \".~n\")(begin(let p((s s))(if(equal? s \"\")(printf \"!\")\n(for((i(range 1(add1(/(sl s)2)))))(when(equal?(ss s 0 i)(ss s i(* 2 i)))(p(ss s(* 2 i)(sl s)))))))(printf \".~n\"))))\n```\nPrints a '!' for each way in which the string is pairable. Prints a '.' at the end.\nUngolfed:\n```\n(define (f s)\n (let ((sl string-length) ; create short names of built-in fns\n (ss substring))\n (if (odd? (sl s)) (printf \".~n\") ; odd length strings cannot be pairable; end here.\n (begin\n (let loop ((s s)) ; start testing here\n (if (equal? s \"\") (printf \"!\") ; if no remaining string, it must be pairable\n (for ((i (range 1 (add1 (/(sl s)2))))) ; ch lengths varying from 1 to half of string length\n (when (equal? (ss s 0 i) ; ch if substrings are same\n (ss s i (* 2 i)))\n (loop (ss s (* 2 i) (sl s) )))))) ; if yes, loop to check remaining string.\n (printf \".~n\"))))) ; End of testing.\n```\nTesting: \n```\n(println \"Following should be pairable\")\n(f \"bbaabbaa\") ; should produce 2 '!' since 2 ways are possible.\n(f \"aa\")\n(f \"abaaba\")\n(f \"bbababbb\")\n(f \"aabaaababbbaba\")\n(f \"babababa\") ; should be pairable in 2 ways.\n(f \"bbbbbbbbbbbb\") ; should be pairable in many ways.\n(f \"aaababbabbabbbababbaabaabaababaaba\")\n(f \"aaaabaab\")\n(println \"Following should be unpairable\")\n; (f \"a\")\n(f \"ba\")\n(f \"baab\")\n(f \"abaabaaba\")\n(f \"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\")\n(f \"baababbabaaaab\")\n(f \"aaaaabbaaaaa\")\n```\nOutput: \n```\n\"Following should be pairable\"\n!!.\n!.\n!.\n!.\n!.\n!!.\n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.\n!.\n!.\n\"Following should be unpairable\"\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl, 16 +2 = 18 bytes (with regex)\nRun with the `-nl` flags. `-E` is free.\n```\nsay/^((.+)\\2)+$/\n```\nRun as:\n```\nperl -nlE 'say/^((.+)\\2)+$/'\n```\nReturns a list of the capture groups (a truthy) if pairable, null string if not pairable.\nExplanation\nThe `-nl` flags will run the code in a loop (`-n`), putting the input (with trailing newline removed because of `-l`) into the variable `$_` each time, then evaluating the code each time input is entered, until the program is manually terminated. The `-E` flag lets you evaluate code on the command line, and enables the `say` command.\n```\nsay/^((.+)\\2)+$/\n /^((.+)\\2)+$/ #The regex engine\n (.+)\\2 #Find any set of at least one character, followed by itself\n ( )+ #Do this at least one time\n /^ $/ #Make sure that this matches the entire string from start to end\nsay #Output the result of the regex\n```\nIf a match is found (e.g. if the string is pairable), then the regex returns a list of the capture groups, which evaluates to a truthy, which is then passed to `say`, and output. If no match is found, then the regex returns the empty string, which evaluates to falsy, which is then passed to `say`, and output.\nSample:\n```\n$ perl -nlE 'say/^((.+)\\2)+$/'\naaababbabbabbbababbaabaabaababaaba\nbaababaababaaba #Truthy\nbaababbabaaaab\n #Falsy\nbbababbb\nbbb #Truthy\naabaaababbbaba\nbababa #Truthy\nabaabaaba\n #Falsy\n```\n[Answer]\n# GNU Prolog, ~~49~~ 46 bytes\nProbably works in other variants too, although they don't all represent strings the same way; GNU Prolog's representation is a useful one for this problem.\nIt's unclear whether this counts as using regex or not. It's not using any regex-like feature, but the entire semantics of the language are similar to those of regex.\nNew version (uses the recursion trick seen in some other answers):\n```\ns(X):-append(A,B,X),(A=B;A\\=X,B\\=X,s(A),s(B)).\n```\nOlder version:\n```\ns(X):-X=[];append(A,B,X),B\\=X,append(C,C,A),s(B).\n```\nThis is a predicate (Prolog's equivalent of a function) called `s`, not a complete program. Use it like this:\n```\n| ?- s(\"aa\").\ntrue ?\nyes\n| ?- s(\"aaababbabbabbbababbaabaabaababaaba\").\ntrue ?\nyes\n| ?- s(\"baababbabaaaab\").\nno\n| ?- s(\"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\").\nno\n```\nAn interesting feature of the older solution is that if you ask the interpreter \"are there more solutions?\" via use of `;` at the `true ?` prompt (rather than asking \"is there any solution\" via pressing return at the prompt, like I did above), it returns \"true\" a number of times equal to the number of different ways the string can be expressed in the given form (e.g. it returns \"true\" twice with `s(\"aaaa\").`, as this can be parsed as `(a a)(a a)` or as `(aa aa)`).\nProlog programs are often reversible (allowing `s` to *generate* a list of strings with the given property). The older one isn't (it goes into an infinite loop), but that's because of the golfed method I used to ensure that C is nonempty; if you rewrite the program to specify C as nonempty explicitly, it generates strings of the form \"aa\", \"aabb\", \"aabbcc\", and so on (Prolog being Prolog, it doesn't specify identities for the characters that make them up, just a specification of which characters are the same). The newer one generates strings of the form \"aa\", \"abab\", \"abcabc\", and so on; this is an infinite loop in its own right, and thus never hits the point at which it'd get stuck due to failing to detect a zero-length string.\n[Answer]\n## Brainfuck, 177 bytes\n```\n+[<<<<,]>>>>[>+[>+[[>>]<+<[<<]>+>-]<[>+<-]>>>,>>[>>]+<<[<+>>-<-]<[>+<-]>>[,>[-<<\n<<]<[<<<<]>]<[[<<]>]>>]>>[[>+>>>]>>>[>]<<<<[>+[-<<<,<]<[<<<[[<<<<]>>]<]>]>>]<[[-\n>>>>]>>[<]<]<<]<.\n```\nFormatted:\n```\n+[<<<<,]\n>>>>\n[\n >+\n [\n >+\n [\n [>>]\n <+<[<<]\n >+>-\n ]\n <[>+<-]>\n >>,>>[>>]\n +<<[<+> >-<-]\n <[>+<-]>\n >\n [\n not equal\n ,>[-<<<<]\n <[<<<<]\n >\n ]\n <\n [\n equal\n [<<]\n >\n ]\n >>\n ]\n >>\n [\n mismatch\n [>+>>>]\n >>>[>]\n <<<<\n [\n backtrack\n >+[-<<<,<]\n <\n [\n not done yet\n <<<\n [\n [<<<<]\n >>\n ]\n <\n ]\n >\n ]\n >>\n ]\n <\n [\n match\n [->>>>]\n >>[<]\n <\n ]\n <<\n]\n<.\n```\nExpects input without a trailing newline. Prints `\\x00` for false and `\\x01` for true.\n[Try it online.](http://brainfuck.tryitonline.net/#code=K1s8PDw8LF0-Pj4-Wz4rWz4rW1s-Pl08KzxbPDxdPis-LV08Wz4rPC1dPj4-LD4-Wz4-XSs8PFs8Kz4-LTwtXTxbPis8LV0-PlssPlstPDw8PF08Wzw8PDxdPl08W1s8PF0-XT4-XT4-W1s-Kz4-Pl0-Pj5bPl08PDw8Wz4rWy08PDwsPF08Wzw8PFtbPDw8PF0-Pl08XT5dPj5dPFtbLT4-Pj5dPj5bPF08XTw8XTwu&input=YmFhYmFhYWE)\nThis implements depth-first search. In particular: check for repeated prefixes of increasing length starting from the current suffix, then move to the next suffix if a match is found, otherwise backtrack.\nAt the beginning, the string is reversed and a sentinel `\\x01` is placed at the end.\nThe tape is divided into 4-cell nodes. The memory layout of a node is:\n`c h x 0`\nwhere `c` is the character, `h` is a flag for whether the character is in the first half of a repeated prefix, and `x` is a flag to keep track of the current pair of characters being compared. The `h` flags stay in place while the `x` flags form a moving window.\nIf the string is pairable, the pointer lands next to the sentinel at the end of the main loop; otherwise, the pointer falls off the left side of the string while backtracking.\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 5 bytes\n```\n~c~j\u1d50\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SypKTM6ozMlPN/r/vy65Luvh1gn//yslJiYlgnBSEhAnKgEA \"Brachylog \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNote that this algorithm can take a *very* long time, especially on falsey cases, since it checks every possible partition of the input string.\n### Explanation\n```\n~c Reversed concatenate: find a list that, when concatenated, results in the input string\n This examines all partitions of the input\n ~j\u1d50 Map reversed juxtapose: for each string in that list, is it the result of concatenating\n a string to itself?\n```\nFor an input string like `\"ababcc\"`, `~c` tries different partitions until it comes to `[\"abab\", \"cc\"]`, at which point `~j` succeeds for both items of the list, `\u1d50` outputs `[\"ab\", \"c\"]`, and the predicate succeeds.\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 31 bytes\n```\ngrepl(\"^((.+)\\\\2)+$\",scan(,\"\"))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##VUzLCoAwDLv3M4qHjQ0Pfs8QUhEvIjL/n7muTrENfSbJpWx5PXfHs3Nj8ClNPgwcrwWHi8zeF4AgqCCRWkWEdIPN7Q7LSviCHobBlECHGaqUdKT38fNQG@k2QCO21haUGw \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nBased on Retina answer. \n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 129 bytes\nAnd here\u2019s an original, non-regex answer:\n```\no=(y=utf8ToInt(scan(,\"\")))<0;for(i in 2*1:(sum(y>0)/2))for(j in 1:(i/2)){w=i:(i-j+1);v=w-j;if(all(y[w]==y[v]))o[c(v,w)]=T};all(o)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##bYnLCsMgFER/JWR1b5vQJKtSe7vvPjtxoQFBSSPkoUjpt1ul2w4MM5yzpuQIIh27vo7uueywTXKBpq4R8d4x7VYwlVmq4dTfYDteEB8dXgbEYmwxmZsC3oFMvq0998g8hdYyo0HOM0QeBFHkXiA6PoFvAgoaP6xIh0kqJUt@o8rk/oPpCw \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Lithp](https://github.com/andrakis/node-lithp), 57 characters\n```\n#S::((? (!= (null) (match S \"^((.+)\\\\2)+$\")) true false))\n```\nSample usage:\n```\n% pairable_strings.lithp\n(\n (def f #S::((? (!= (null) (match S \"^((.+)\\\\2)+$\")) true false)))\n (print (f \"aa\"))\n (print (f \"aabaaababbbaba\"))\n (print (f \"aaababbabbabbbababbaabaabaababaaba\"))\n (print (f \"ba\"))\n)\n# ./run.js pairable_strings.lithp\nAtomValue { value: 2, type: 'Atom', name: 'true' }\nAtomValue { value: 2, type: 'Atom', name: 'true' }\nAtomValue { value: 2, type: 'Atom', name: 'true' }\nAtomValue { value: 3, type: 'Atom', name: 'false' }\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nUsing your language of choice, golf a [quine](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_%28computing%29).\n> \n> A **quine** is a non-empty computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output.\n> \n> \n> \nNo cheating -- that means that you can't just read the source file and print it. Also, in many languages, an empty file is also a quine: that isn't considered a legit quine either.\nNo error quines -- there is already a [separate challenge](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/36260/make-an-error-quine) for error quines.\nPoints for:\n* Smallest code (in bytes)\n* Most obfuscated/obscure solution\n* Using esoteric/obscure languages\n* Successfully using languages that are difficult to golf in\nThe following Stack Snippet can be used to get a quick view of the current score in each language, and thus to know which languages have existing answers and what sort of target you have to beat:\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=69;\nvar OVERRIDE_USER=98;\nvar ANSWER_FILTER=\"!t)IWYnsLAZle2tQ3KqrVveCRJfxcRLe\";var COMMENT_FILTER=\"!)Q2B_A2kjfAiU78X(md6BoYk\";var answers=[],answers_hash,answer_ids,answer_page=1,more_answers=!0,comment_page;function answersUrl(index){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+index+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}\nfunction commentUrl(index,answers){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+answers.join(';')+\"/comments?page=\"+index+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}\nfunction getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(data){answers.push.apply(answers,data.items);answers_hash=[];answer_ids=[];data.items.forEach(function(a){a.comments=[];var id=+a.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(id);answers_hash[id]=a});if(!data.has_more)more_answers=!1;comment_page=1;getComments()}})}\nfunction getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(data){data.items.forEach(function(c){if(c.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER)\nanswers_hash[c.post_id].comments.push(c)});if(data.has_more)getComments();else if(more_answers)getAnswers();else process()}})}\ngetAnswers();var SCORE_REG=(function(){var headerTag=String.raw `h\\d`\nvar score=String.raw `\\-?\\d+\\.?\\d*`\nvar normalText=String.raw `[^\\n<>]*`\nvar strikethrough=String.raw `${normalText}|${normalText}|${normalText}`\nvar noDigitText=String.raw `[^\\n\\d<>]*`\nvar htmlTag=String.raw `<[^\\n<>]+>`\nreturn new RegExp(String.raw `<${headerTag}>`+String.raw `\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?`+String.raw `(${score})`+String.raw `(?=`+String.raw `${noDigitText}`+String.raw `(?:(?:${strikethrough}|${htmlTag})${noDigitText})*`+String.raw ``+String.raw `)`)})();var OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;function getAuthorName(a){return a.owner.display_name}\nfunction process(){var valid=[];answers.forEach(function(a){var body=a.body;a.comments.forEach(function(c){if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))\nbody='


'});var match=body.match(SCORE_REG);if(match)\nvalid.push({user:getAuthorName(a),size:+match[2],language:match[1],link:a.share_link,})});valid.sort(function(a,b){var aB=a.size,bB=b.size;return aB-bB});var languages={};var place=1;var lastSize=null;var lastPlace=1;valid.forEach(function(a){if(a.size!=lastSize)\nlastPlace=place;lastSize=a.size;++place;var answer=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();answer=answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",lastPlace+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",a.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",a.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",a.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",a.link);answer=jQuery(answer);jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);var lang=a.language;lang=jQuery(''+a.language+'').text().toLowerCase();languages[lang]=languages[lang]||{lang:a.language,user:a.user,size:a.size,link:a.link,uniq:lang}});var langs=[];for(var lang in languages)\nif(languages.hasOwnProperty(lang))\nlangs.push(languages[lang]);langs.sort(function(a,b){if(a.uniq>b.uniq)return 1;if(a.uniq

Winners by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## Python 3, 34 Bytes\n```\nprint((s:='print((s:=%r)%%s)')%s)\n```\nAs far as I'm aware this is shorter than any other published Python 3 quine, mainly by virtue of having been written in the future with respect to most of them, so it can use `:=`.\n[Answer]\n# Befunge 98 - ~~17~~ 11 characters\n```\n<@,+1!',k9\"\n```\nOr if using `g` is allowed:\n# Befunge 98 - ~~12~~ 10\n```\n<@,g09,k8\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# TECO, 20 bytes\n```\nV27:^TJDVV27:^TJDV\n```\nThe `` should be replaced with ASCII 0x1B, and the `` with 0x09.\n* `V27:^TJDV` inserts the text `V27:^TJDV`. This is *not* because there is a text insertion mode which TECO starts in by default. Instead, `` *text* `` is a special insertion command which inserts a tab, and then the text. A string whose own initial delimiter is part of the text -- very handy.\n* `V` prints the current line.\n* `27:^T` prints the character with ASCII code 27 without the usual conversion to a printable representation.\n* `J` jumps to the beginning of the text.\n* `D` deletes the first character (the tab).\n* `V` prints the line again.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 31 bytes\n```\ns=\"print's=%r;exec s'%s\";exec s\n```\nIt's 2 bytes longer than the [shortest Python quine on this question](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/115/21487), but it's much more useful, since you don't need to write everything twice.\nFor example, to print a program's own source code in sorted order, we can just do:\n```\ns=\"print''.join(sorted('s=%r;exec s'%s))\";exec s\n```\nAnother example by @feersum can be found [here](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/47198/21487).\n## Notes\nThe reason the quine works is because of `%r`'s behaviour. With normal strings, `%r` puts single quotes around the string, e.g.\n```\n>>> print \"%r\"%\"abc\"\n'abc'\n```\nBut if you have a single quotes inside the string, it uses double quotes instead:\n```\n>>> print \"%r\"%\"'abc'\"\n\"'abc'\"\n```\nThis does, however, mean that the quine has a bit of a problem if you want to use both types of quotes in the string.\n[Answer]\n# [RETURN](https://github.com/molarmanful/RETURN), 18 bytes\n```\n\"34\u00ac\u00a7\u00ac\u00a7,,,,\"34\u00ac\u00a7\u00ac\u00a7,,,,\n```\n`[Try it here.](http://molarmanful.github.io/RETURN/)`\nFirst RETURN program on PPCG ever! RETURN is a language that tries to improve DUP by using nested stacks.\n# Explanation\n```\n\"34\u00ac\u00a7\u00ac\u00a7,,,,\" Push this string to the stack\n 34 Push charcode of \" to the stack\n \u00ac\u00a7\u00ac\u00a7 Duplicate top 2 items\n ,,,, Output all 4 stack items from top to bottom\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](http://factorcode.org) - ~~74~~ ~~69~~ 65 bytes\nWorks on the listener (REPL):\n```\nUSE: formatting [ \"USE: formatting %u dup call\" printf ] dup call\n```\nThis is my first ever quine, ~~I'm sure there must be a shorter one!~~ Already shorter. Now I'm no longer sure... (bad pun attempt)\nWhat it does is:\n* `USE: formatting` import the `formatting` vocabulary to use `printf`\n* `[ \"U... printf ]` create a quotation (or lambda, or block) on the top of the stack\n* `dup call` duplicate it, and call it\nThe quotation takes the top of the stack and embeds it into the string as a literal.\nThanks, cat! -> shaved ~~2~~ 4 more bytes :D\n[Answer]\n# [S.I.L.O.S](http://github.com/rjhunjhunwala/S.I.L.O.S), ~~2642~~ 2593 bytes\n**Credits to Rohan Jhunjhunwala for the algorithm.**\n```\nA = 99\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 76\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 65\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 66\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 103\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 108\nA + 1\nset A 98\nA + 1\nset A 108\nA + 1\nset A 68\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 43\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 49\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 115\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 65\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 73\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 66\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 76\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 65\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 43\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 49\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 66\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 103\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 102\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 66\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 68\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 70\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 57\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 69\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 103\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 70\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 108\nA + 1\nset A 98\nA + 1\nset A 108\nA + 1\nset A 71\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 70\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 43\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 49\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 112\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 110\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 67\nA + 1\nset A 104\nA + 1\nset A 97\nA + 1\nset A 114\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 69\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 69\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 61\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 103\nA + 1\nset A 101\nA + 1\nset A 116\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 70\nA + 1\nset A 10\nA + 1\nset A 105\nA + 1\nset A 102\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 69\nA + 1\nset A 32\nA + 1\nset A 71\nA + 1\nprintLine A = 99\nC = 99\nB = get C\nlblD\nC + 1\nprint set A \nprintInt B\nprintLine A + 1\nB = get C\nif B D\nF = 99\nE = get F\nlblG\nF + 1\nprintChar E\nE = get F\nif E G\n```\n[Try it online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=QSA9IDk5CnNldCBBIDExMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTQKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMDEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjUKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAzCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA4CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDk4CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwOApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA2OApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA2NwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA0MwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA0OQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE0CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMDEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTQKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzMKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTEwCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDExNgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA2NgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE0CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDc2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAxCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDQzCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDQ5CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDYxCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMDEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDMyCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY3CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMDIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjgKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNTcKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjkKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAzCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA4CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDk4CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwOApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA3MQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA3MApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA0MwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA0OQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE0CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTE2CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDY3CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwNApBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA5NwpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTQKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjkKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjkKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNjEKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAzCkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAxMTYKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMzIKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgNzAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTAKQSArIDEKc2V0IEEgMTA1CkEgKyAxCnNldCBBIDEwMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA2OQpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSAzMgpBICsgMQpzZXQgQSA3MQpBICsgMQpwcmludExpbmUgQSA9IDk5CkMgPSA5OQpCID0gZ2V0IEMKbGJsRApDICsgMQpwcmludCBzZXQgQSAKcHJpbnRJbnQgQgpwcmludExpbmUgQSArIDEKQiA9IGdldCBDCmlmIEIgRApGID0gOTkKRSA9IGdldCBGCmxibEcKRiArIDEKcHJpbnRDaGFyIEUKRSA9IGdldCBGCmlmIEUgRw&input=)\n[Answer]\n# [S.I.L.O.S](http://github.com/rjhunjhunwala/S.I.L.O.S), 3057 bytes\n```\nA = 99\ndef S set \nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 76\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 65\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 72\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 56\nA + 1\nS A 51\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 100\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 102\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 104\nA + 1\nS A 97\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 72\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 76\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 83\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 66\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 103\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 108\nA + 1\nS A 98\nA + 1\nS A 108\nA + 1\nS A 68\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 43\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 49\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 104\nA + 1\nS A 97\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 72\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 65\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 73\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 66\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 76\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 65\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 43\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 49\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 66\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 103\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 102\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 66\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 68\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 70\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 57\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 69\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 103\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 70\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 108\nA + 1\nS A 98\nA + 1\nS A 108\nA + 1\nS A 71\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 70\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 43\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 49\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 112\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 110\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 67\nA + 1\nS A 104\nA + 1\nS A 97\nA + 1\nS A 114\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 69\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 69\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 61\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 103\nA + 1\nS A 101\nA + 1\nS A 116\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 70\nA + 1\nS A 10\nA + 1\nS A 105\nA + 1\nS A 102\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 69\nA + 1\nS A 32\nA + 1\nS A 71\nA + 1\nprintLine A = 99\nH = 83\nprint def \nprintChar H\nprintLine S \nC = 99\nB = get C\nlblD\nC + 1\nprintChar H\nprint A \nprintInt B\nprintLine A + 1\nB = get C\nif B D\nF = 99\nE = get F\nlblG\nF + 1\nprintChar E\nE = get F\nif E G\n```\n[Try it online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=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&input=)\nI am ashamed to say this took me a while to write even though most of it was generated by another java program. Thanks to @MartinEnder for helping me out. This is the first quine I have ever written. **Credits go to Leaky Nun** for most of the code. I \"borrowed his code\" which was originally inspired by mine. My answer is similar to his, except it shows the \"power\" of the preprocessor. Hopefully this approach can be used to golf of bytes if done correctly. The goal was to prevent rewriting the word \"set\" 100's of times.\n \n**Please check out his [much shorter answer!](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/91283/46918)**\n[Answer]\n# [\u2021\u2264\u2020\\_\u2021\u2264\u2020](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/7390/41247), 6 bytes\n```\n\u2021\u2264\u2020\u2021\u2264\u2020\n```\nThis used to work back when the interpreter was still buggy but that's fixed now. However, you can try it in the [legacy version of the interpreter](http://codepen.io/molarmanful/debug/rxJmqx)!\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 8 bytes\n```\nS+s\"S+s\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/P1i7WAmE//8HAA \"Husk \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nHusk is a new golfing functional language created by me and [Zgarb](https://chat.stackexchange.com/users/136121). It is based on Haskell, but has an intelligent inferencer that can \"guess\" the intended meaning of functions used in a program based on their possible types.\n### Explanation\nThis is a quite simple program, composed by just three functions:\n`S` is the S combinator from [SKI (typed) combinator calculus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKI_combinator_calculus): it takes two functions and a third value as arguments and applies the first function to the value and to the second function applied to that value (in code: `S f g x = f x (g x)`).\nThis gives us `+\"S+s\"(s\"S+s\")`. `s` stands for `show`, the Haskell function to convert something to a string: if show is applied to a string, special characters in the string are escaped and the whole string is wrapped in quotes.\nWe get then `+\"S+s\"\"\\\"S+s\\\"\"`. Here, `+` is string concatenation; it could also be numeric addition, but types wouldn't match so the other meaning is chosen by the inferencer.\nOur result is then `\"S+s\\\"S+s\\\"\"`, which is a string that gets printed simply as `S+s\"S+s\"`.\n[Answer]\n## [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/), 48 bytes\n```\nQ=\\';q='echo \"Q=\\\\$Q;q=$Q$q$Q;eval \\$q\"';eval $q\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0oszvj/P9A2Rt260FY9NTkjX0EJyItRCQTyVQJVCoGM1LLEHIUYlUIldQhTpfD/fwA \"Bash \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Reflections](https://thewastl.github.io/Reflections/), 1.81x10375 bytes\nOr to be more accurate, `1807915590203341844429305353197790696509566500122529684898152779329215808774024592945687846574319976372141486620602238832625691964826524660034959965005782214063519831844201877682465421716887160572269094496883424760144353885803319534697097696032244637060648462957246689017512125938853808231760363803562240582599050626092031434403199296384297989898483105306069435021718135129945` bytes.\nThe relevant section of code is:\n```\n+#::(1 \\/ \\ /: 5;;\\\n >v\\>:\\/:4#+ +\\\n /+# / 2 /4):_ ~/\n \\ _ 2:#_/ \\ _(5#\\ v#_\\\n *(2 \\;1^ ;;4) :54/\n \\/ \\ 1^X \\_/\n```\nWhere each line is preceeded by `451978897550835461107326338299447674127391625030632421224538194832303952193506148236421961643579994093035371655150559708156422991206631165008739991251445553515879957961050469420616355429221790143067273624220856190036088471450829883674274424008061159265162115739311672254378031484713452057940090950890560145649762656523007858600799824096074497474620776326517358755429533782443` spaces. The amount of spaces is a base 128 encoded version of the second part, with 0 printing all the spaces again.\nEdit: H.PWiz points out that the interpreter probably doesn't support this large an integer, so this is all theoretical\n### How It Works:\n```\n+#::(1 Pushes the addition of the x,y coordinates (this is the extremely large number)\n Dupe the number a couple of times and push one of the copies to stack 1\n \\\n >\n Pushes a space to stack 2\n *(2\n \\/\n / \\\n >v >:\\\n /+# / 2 Print space number times\n \\ _ 2:#_/\n # Pop the extra 0\n \\;1^ Switch to stack 1 and start the loop\n /:4#+ +\\\n /4):_ ~/ Divide the current number by 128\n \\ _(5#\\ v Mod a copy by 128\n ^ 4) :\n \\_/\n v#_\\ If the number is not 0:\n ^ ;;4) :54/ Print the number and re-enter the loop\n /: 5;;\\\n v\\ 4 If the number is 0:\n 4 Pop the excess 0\n : \\ And terminate if the divided number is 0\n Otherwise return to the space printing loop\n \\ 1^X\n```\nConclusion: Can be golfed pretty easily, but maybe looking for a better encoding algorithm would be best. Unfortunately, there's basically no way to push an arbitrarily large number without going to that coordinate.\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 1805 bytes\n```\n(())(()()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(()()())(()())(()()())(())(()()()())(())(())(())(())(())(()())(()()()())(()())(()()())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(()()())(()())(())(()()())(()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(())(())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(())(()()())(()()())(()()()())(())(()()())(()())(())(()()())(())(())(())(())(())(()()())(()()()())(())(()())(())(()()())(()())(()()())(()()()())(())(()()())(())(())(())(())(()()())(()()()())(()())(())(()())(()()())(())(()())(()())(())(())(())(())(())(())(())(()())(())(()()())(())(())(()())(())(())(())(())(()()()())(()())(())(()()())(())(())(()()())(()())(())(()()())(()())(())(())(())(()())(())(())(()()())(()())(()())(()()()()())(()())(()())(()())(()()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()()())(()())(())(())(()()())(()())(()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(()())(()())(()())(()()()())(())(()())(())(()()())(()())(()())(()()()())(()())(())(())(()())(()()()()())(()()())(())(()())(()())(())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(()()())(()())(()()())(())(()()()())(())(())(()()()())(())(())(())(())(()())(()()()()())(())(())(()())(())(()()())(()())(()())(()())(())(()()()())(())(())(()())(())(()()())(()())(()()())(()()()())(())(()())(())(())(())(()()())(()()()()())(()())(()())(())(()()()())(())(())(())(()())(()()()()())(())(())(()())(())(()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()()())(())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(())(()())(()())(()())(()())(()())(()())(())(()()()())(()()()){<>(((((()()()()()){}){}){}())[()])<>(([{}])()<{({}())<>((({}())[()]))<>}<>{({}<>)<>}{}>)((){[()](<(({}()<(((()()()()()){})(({})({}){})<((([(({})())]({}({}){}(<>)))()){}())>)>))((){()(<{}>)}{}<{({}()<{}>)}>{}({}<{{}}>{})<>)>)}{}){{}({}<>)<>{(<()>)}}<>{({}<>)<>}{}}<>\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##tVNJDsIwDLzzkvjQH0SReEfVQzkgIRAHrlbeHuwYVDWL4wrRhTrjZcYmubzW23O6PtZ7Ss4B0Cs3uO1trTXka9fZdea@yj7Gkq8x7xG9p3F/rajya1HSY2zV0CfaZhzXbk28RHpK@9pqT3um@r7S@u6zlPPZGFu4fZfbmMaTsFgjjZZuW5rqWYz/7X@eeG2nllqtvWtsx86QfnqsrEe7sa9/3VE95fmLPrh8bbIxykPm7GABjpgxLuTz6DKek7YIWkcf2OcD2xgDEyA7nZdIX5EwDk7Y2DsLAJRDCSKB6oGE00@gO9elCp45iOijSJYh53nEyCYpgRwDKDhrQ9LDaKGXjFNKaTq/AQ \"Brain-Flak \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n*-188 bytes by avoiding code duplication*\nLike Wheat Wizard's answer, I encode every closing bracket as 1. The assignment of numbers to the four opening brackets is chosen to minimize the total length of the quine:\n```\n2: ( - 63 instances\n3: { - 41 instances\n4: < - 24 instances\n5: [ - 5 instances\n```\nThe other major improvement over the old version is a shorter way to create the code points for the various bracket types.\nThe decoder builds the entire quine on the second stack, from the middle outward. Closing brackets that have yet to be used are stored below a 0 on the second stack. Here is a full explanation of an earlier version of the decoder:\n```\n# For each number n from the encoder:\n{\n # Push () on second stack (with the opening bracket on top)\n <>(((((()()()()()){}){}){}())[()])<>\n # Store -n for later\n (([{}])\n # n times\n {<({}())\n # Replace ( with (()\n <>((({}())[()]))<>\n >}{}\n # Add 1 to -n\n ())\n # If n was not 1:\n ((){[()]<\n # Add 1 to 1-n\n (({}())<\n # Using existing 40, push 0, 91, 60, 123, and 40 in that order on first stack\n <>(({})<(([(({})())]((()()()()()){})({}{}({})(<>)))({})()()())>)\n # Push 2-n again\n >)\n # Pop n-2 entries from stack\n {({}()<{}>)}{}\n # Get opening bracket and clear remaining generated brackets\n (({}<{{}}>{})\n (<\n # Add 1 if n was 2; add 2 otherwise\n # This gives us the closing bracket\n ({}(){()(<{}>)}\n # Move second stack (down to the 0) to first stack temporarily and remove the zero\n <<>{({}<>)<>}{}>\n # Push closing bracket\n )\n # Push 0\n >)\n # Push opening bracket\n )\n # Move values back to second stack\n <>{({}<>)<>}\n # Else (i.e., if n = 1):\n >}{})\n {\n # Create temporary zero on first stack\n (<{}>)\n # Move second stack over\n <>{({}<>)<>}\n # Move 0 down one spot\n # If this would put 0 at the very bottom, just remove it\n {}({}{(<()>)})\n # Move second stack values back\n <>{({}<>)<>}}{}\n}\n# Move to second stack for output\n<>\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 18 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 \"When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?\")[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS \".dyalog files using a single byte character set\")\n[@ngn's updated version](https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/48380903#48380903 \"The APL Orchard\") of the [classic APL quine](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/70520/43319 \"APL, 22 bytes \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Alex A.\"), using a modern operator to save four bytes.\n```\n1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''\n```\n[Try APL!](https://tryapl.org/?a=1%u233D%2C%u23689%u2374%27%27%271%u233D%2C%u23689%u2374%27%27%27&run \"tryapl.org/?a=1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''\")\n`'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9the characters `'1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'`\n`9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9cyclically **r**eshape to shape 9; `'1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5''`\n`,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9concatenation selfie; `'1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5''`\n`1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9`\u201a\u00c4\u00c9cyclically rotate one character to the left; `1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''1\u201a\u00e5\u03a9,\u201a\u00e7\u00ae9\u201a\u00e7\u00a5'''`\n[Answer]\n# [Alchemist](https://github.com/bforte/Alchemist), ~~720 657 637~~ 589 bytes\n*-68 bytes thanks to Nitrodon!*\n```\n0n0n->1032277495984410008473317482709082716834303381684254553200866249636990941488983666019900274253616457803823281618684411320510311142825913359041514338427283749993903272329405501755383456706244811330910671378512874952277131061822871205085764018650085866697830216n4+Out_\"0n0n->\"+Out_n4+nn+n0n\n4n0+4n0+n->Out_\"n\"\nn+n+4n0+n0+n0+n0->Out_\"+\"\nn+n+n+4n0+n0+n0->Out_n\n4n+4n0+n0->Out_\"4\"\n4n+n+4n0->Out_\"\\\"\"\n4n+n+n+n0+n0+n0->Out_\"->\"\n4n+n+n+n+n0+n0->Out_\"\\n\"\n4n+4n+n0->Out_\"Out_\"\n4n+4n+n->Out_\"\\\\\"\nnn->4n0+4n0+nnn\nn0+n4->n\nnnn+4n+4n+n4->nn+n00\nnnn+0n4->n+n40\nn40+0n00+n4->n4+nn\nn40+0n+n00->n4+n40\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XZBZagMxEET/fYz5HQy9q/WTK@QChhCSQAyJHLBz/UxKM7KzwCzqV6Xukh7fnl5f3o/ny7JQo7a/Y1KRUqx6TTMmorSiysVSClXClyPVlFQTKxM3dxX4IsRqaNRK1dgya2pEEAOQFDg1OMxLkqaoYDtn9CmM/Y7JzGyS4pVVvZKxs2GMSZFUZKpVK/IVbK5G7sQFs5HGoxCmW6KVUmWKwlrSWbIfpZ@IFZRTQBjTKL2EEQI4ojvCRy2pJBzN5vvPy8O0Xci0FmCtzQA7azT3F9LqatMOwobGM5R5U35pm9B7DDacNnW0wkEO00Dtf1ckuil/hEObtsY/aP1c4dV2QCwUt3O0tus/299h0VZvt/e6t6IV0lqDojRCSWNLv5eBunkjRsvydfq4HE/tvOyfvwE \"Alchemist \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nWarning, takes far longer than the lifetime of the universe to execute, mostly cause we have to transfer that rather large number on the first line back and forth between multiple atoms repeatedly. [Here's a version](https://tio.run/##tZBbbsMgEEX/vQz/WpYGDLb5yRa6gUhV1VZqpJZUSrr9umBIGj/APMZSHjDD3Ln3vHy@frx/nS7XYQAJsj5QThkF3vWE8o42HaMtFS0XXADrW9J0hHNBiGgBeN8z4K0ggjdENE3fENXnAJQy0lDJqqef63NpdMvxompSVqpQMAmV/qrW@EqWhWqYkv3YTmU6Dz3T0Bq2Zl@yUpfGoq0cS1uSc1Xl6N6ZNI6yNML/pfHnVrw9Oypb6nLPIWWh/1h9UAc5vtXP9V1LwViE8a6q6spAXcGOaC62pB@bCoNBDwkwY@pIQI8UcDvpN/VBn5kRNc8nA48j06Hl2GxwOjofXhtfCMwlliLrMitCS6k1MZfcquCa5LqoW9YhvC7tEvfJOxe4VriX@Nd4FrlX@ZZtrfMu9K30L91eu7HYv3precj6TQNbFrZNhNkIMLJtJcRMqJ0gQyGWwkyF2wo0FmYt1FyMvWCDoRbDTcbZjDAabjXGbKzdKMMxluNMx9uONB5nPdZ8iv3oALER4kOkxUgIEh8lJUxqnKRAKZHSQqXHSgyWFi01XE685ICpEdND5sXMCJoeNSdsbtyswDmR80Lnx84Mnhc9NzxG/GwAuQjyIeBgQACRjwIDBhYOFCAYSHCg4GFBAoODBgsOJh40QFiI8CDhYkIEhYcKExY2LlRgmMhwoeFjQwaHiw4b3h740AFiI8SHuA/GHUDio9wD5h3n8Hv@vp7O8jLUb38) that outputs the first few lines in a reasonable amount of time.\n[Here is the encoder](https://tio.run/##ZZHtboIwFIb/cxWkIwukgv3RLJlmhDvYBagxbrLEDQoBNSxEb52957SizgROe57z9ny0dd4UL8NQ/vpBWxya2n/zeZ17HljWwV8IIya@kGQUGU1mKcjGKe9Z8H7Yr9lbihWOP/HhrEvaqtmHfWzzJ59V@REG6@gUQdNuqEZSowl7Ik2T515oI0UXBlL6293R19FZjKCstgy0UYTCrIulDKKr8B5f5MbEKfXXh2fU5oIncUI1dECVqZHbBqdZN42S72pn3EUUmOVRUG7qsMcAX7um3WOqyewHgyVNfsybNp/bvBlmo3X2usiK1XwYjJZ8V8ootCXYATNGAng0Gf2uY1y@h4BF7nMRaSM3MRugHI45pRaEGDqC57PI/M@KjsbIXQCvbBNfEZsLvMiWaAvOOIcxHi06TrExrCU5@ZRKMVTsg8LVCq5yR@heHCKxJVr9AQ) that turns the program into the data section\nEverything but the large number on the first line is encoded using these ~~8~~ 9 tokens:\n```\n0 n + -> \" \\n Out_ \\ 4\n```\nThat's why all the atom names are composed of just `n`,`0` and `4`. \nAs a bonus, this is now fully deterministic in what order the rules are executed.\n### Explanation:\n```\nInitialise the program\n0n0n-> If no n0n atom (note we can't use _-> since _ isn't a token)\n n4+Out_\"0n0n->\"+Out_n4+nn4+n0n\n NUMn4 Create a really large number of n4 atoms \n +Out_\"0n0n->\" Print the leading \"0n0n->\"\n +Out_n4 Print the really large number\n +nn Set the nn flag to start getting the next character\n +n0n And prevent this rule from being called again\nDivmod the number by 9 (nn and nnn flag)\nnn->4n0+4n0+nnn Convert the nn flag to 8 n0 atoms and the nnn flag\nn0+n4->n Convert n4+n0 atoms to an n atom\nnnn+4n+4n+n4->nn+n00 When we're out of n0 atoms, move back to the nn flag\n And increment the number of n00 atoms\nnnn+0n4->n+n40 When we're out of n4 atoms, add another n atom and set the n40 flag\nConvert the 9 possible states of the n0 and n atoms to a token and output it (nn flag)\nn+4n0+4n0->Out_\"n\" 1n+8n0 -> 'n'\nn+n+4n0+n0+n0+n0->Out_\"+\" 2n+7n0 -> '+'\nn+n+n+4n0+n0+n0->Out_n 3n+6n0 -> '0'\n4n+4n0+n0->Out_\"4\" 4n+5n0 -> '4'\n4n+n+4n0->Out_\"\\\"\" 5n+4n0 -> '\"'\n4n+n+n+n0+n0+n0->Out_\"->\" 6n+3n0 -> '->'\n4n+n+n+n+n0+n0->Out_\"\\n\" 7n+2n0 -> '\\n'\n4n+4n+n0->Out_\"Out_\" 8n+1n0 -> 'Out_'\n4n+4n+n->Out_\"\\\\\" 9n+0n0 -> '\\'\nReset (n40 flag)\nn40+0nn+n00->n4+n40 Convert all the n00 atoms back to n4 atoms\nn40+0n00+n4->n4+nn Once we're out of n00 atoms set the nn flag to start the divmod\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brian & Chuck](https://github.com/m-ender/brian-chuck), ~~211 143 138 133 129 98 86~~ 84 bytes\n```\n?\u0001\u0001.21@@/BC1@\u007fc/@/C1112BC1BB/@\u007fc22B2%\u000eC@\u007f!\u0003{.._{<+>>-?>.---?+<+_{<-?>+<<-.+?\u221a\u00f8\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyrKTMzTTc4oTc7@/9@ekVHPyNDBQd/J2dChPlnfQd/Z0NDQCMhzctIHChgZORmp8jk71CsyV9vYcynq2enpxVfbaNvZ6drb6enq6tpr22gDBYA8bRsbXT1t@8P7//8HAA \"Brian & Chuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nold version:\n```\n?{<^?_>{_;?_,<_-+_;._;}_^-_;{_^?_z<_>>_->_->_*}_-<_^._=+_->_->_->_-!_\t?_;}_^\u0001\u0001_}.>.>.+>._<.}+>.>.>?<{?_{<-_}<.<+.<-?<{??`?=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LYuxDsJADEPVEf6iKyH5gXOTPzkDXUBIDEgsRPftR3tC9uJn@/Z@XF@63j/rs/dI1KAnS/AMqrAYS2NVluRWfUF36vCpUcFqXORPds88xLhMExviOJsPiRthTUYKZDCh28IgBt1BXGLp/Qc \"Brian & Chuck \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nNew code. Now the data isn't split into nul separated chunks, but the nul will be pulled through the data. \n```\nBrian:\n? start Chuck\n.21@@/BC1@c/@/C1112BC1BB/@c22B2%C@!\n data. This is basically the end of the Brian code and the Chuck code reversed \n and incremented by four. This must be done because the interpreter tries\n to run the data, so it must not contain runnable characters\n ASCII 3 for marking the end of the code section\n{.. print the first 3 characters of Brian\ncode 2 (print the data section)\n{<+>>- increment char left to null and decrement symbol right to null\n for the first char, this increments the question mark and decrements the\n ASCII 1. So the question mark can be reused in the end of the Chuck code\n?>. if it became nul then print the next character\n---?+<+ if the character is ASCII 3, then the data section is printed.\n set it 1, and set the next char to the left 1, too\ncode 3 (extract code from data)\n{<- decrement the symbol left to the nul\n?>+<<-. if it became nul then it is the new code section marker, so set the old one 1\n and print the next character to the left\n+? if all data was processed, then the pointer can't go further to the left\n so the char 255 is printed. If you add 1, it will be null and the code ends.\n\u221a\u00f8 ASCII 255 that is printed when the end of the data is reached\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Klein](https://github.com/Wheatwizard/Klein), 330 bytes\n```\n\"![\t.;\t=90*/[\t\u001f.9(#;\t=[>[\u001f.\t>1\u001f#\t98='9[\t'7[.>;\t[*\u001f;\t\u001f)\t\u001f=#0,*[\t=.>9(\u001f.\t\u001f=*(#(#([\t.0#8;#(#;\t[*9>[;\t=> [*?\t[9(;;\"\\\n/\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\n>:1+0\\\n /:)$<\n>\\?\\ /\n?2 $\n:9>(:\\\n(8\\/?<\n\\+ <\n *\n >$1-+\\\n>/?:) /\n >+)$)$)\\\n/1$9<$)$<\n\\+:?\\<\n>?!\\+@\n\\:)<<\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##vc5NbgMhDAXgtX0JSEAKAw0w3XT4GdOew952UbXK/XeEXKJ@qyc9ffLv3/fPY87rhSE2OEv2iUHF4sxqTKwi0K4MlOO8FYbbB0dqwF41UBuo0@Q3z3BGKm5N1emdWVlYNkczL4V9IV4YafYDuLjWroIJ/vU6Ut1DFtSpbnY1GaITjndtsRZyVdAdkkZHCbqj9qjJ7vcgSGnUbU01hc2urNd3W7p9KRLqkIWNi4RPlLr1jnPOPed5/3oC \"Klein \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\nThis works in all topologies, mostly by completely avoiding wrapping. The first list encodes the rest of the program offset by one, so newlines are the unprintable (11).\n[Answer]\n# [ed(1)](https://kidneybone.com/c2/wiki/EdIsTheStandardTextEditor), 45 bytes\nWe have quines for `TECO`, `Vim`, and `sed`, but not the almighty `ed`?! This travesty shall not stand. (NB: See also, this [error quine](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/36286/15940) for `ed`)\n[Try it Online!](https://tio.run/##S035/z@RK5FLh0unxJBLRdekWF9HX0@fS6eAK5BLD4vg//8A)\n```\na\na\n,\n,t1\n$-4s/,/./\n,p\nQ\n.\n,t1\n$-4s/,/./\n,p\nQ\n```\nStolen from [here](https://github.com/tpenguinltg/ed1-quine/blob/master/quine.ed). It should be saved as a file `quine.ed` then run as follows: (TIO seems to work a bit differently)\n```\n$ ed < quine.ed\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Grok](https://github.com/AMiller42/Grok-Language), 42 bytes\n```\niIilWY!}I96PWwI10WwwwIkWwwwIhWq``\n k h\n```\n[Try it Online!](http://grok.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=iIilWY!%7DI96PWwI10WwwwIkWwwwIhWq%60%60%0A%20%20%20k%20%20%20h&inputs=)\nIt is very costly to output anything in Grok it seems.\n[Answer]\n# [!@#$%^&\\*()\\_+](https://github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/ecndpcaalrlp), ~~1128~~ ~~1116~~ ~~1069~~ ~~960~~ ~~877~~ ~~844~~ ~~540~~ ~~477~~ ~~407~~ ~~383~~ 33 bytes\n**Edit**: Woah... -304 B with space\n**Edit 2**: Bruh.\n**Edit 3**: Thanks Jo King for the idea! I outgolfed ya!\nA stack-based language(The first on TIO's list!)\nIt's a big pile of unprintables though\n```\nN0N (!&+$*)^(!&@^)!\n```\n(Spaces are `NUL` bytes)\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S03OSylITkzMKcop@P9f0s9ATFDCT1JKRJoByGAQ0FBUE9BW0dKMAzIc4jQV//8HAA)\nHere's the code, but in Control Pictures form:\n```\n\u201a\u00ea\u00f4N0\u201a\u00ea\u00f1\u201a\u00ea\u00eb\u201a\u00ea\u00f2N\u201a\u00ea\u00f4\u201a\u00ea\u00f6\u201a\u00ea\u00ee\u201a\u00ea\u00f5\u201a\u00ea\u00c4\u201a\u00ea\u00f1\u201a\u00ea\u00eb\u201a\u00ea\u00f2\u201a\u00ea\u00c4\u201a\u00ea\u00ea(!&\u201a\u00ea\u00ea+$*)^(!&@^)!\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n\u201a\u00ea\u00f4N0\u201a\u00ea\u00f1\u201a\u00ea\u00eb\u201a\u00ea\u00f2N\u201a\u00ea\u00f4\u201a\u00ea\u00f6\u201a\u00ea\u00ee\u201a\u00ea\u00f5\u201a\u00ea\u00c4\u201a\u00ea\u00f1\u201a\u00ea\u00eb\u201a\u00ea\u00f2\u201a\u00ea\u00c4\u201a\u00ea\u00ea Data\n (!&\u201a\u00ea\u00ea+$*) Push the stack, reversed and +16 back on top\n ^(!&@^)! Print everything reversed, including the length (Hence the final `!`)\n```\nIt does error on overflow though...\n[Answer]\n# Commodore Basic, ~~54~~ 41 characters\n```\n1R\u201a\u00ee\u00c4A$:?A$C|(34)A$:D\u201a\u00f4\u2020\"1R\u201a\u00ee\u00c4A$:?A$C|(34)A$:D\u201a\u00f4\u2020\n```\nBased on DLosc's QBasic quine, but modified to take advantage of Commodore Basic's shortcut forms. In particular, the shorter version of `CHR$(34)` makes using it directly for quotation marks more efficient than defining it as a variable.\nAs usual, I've made substitutions for PETSCII characters that don't appear in Unicode: `\u201a\u00f4\u2020` = `SHIFT+A`, `\u201a\u00ee\u00c4` = `SHIFT+E`, `|` = `SHIFT+H`.\n**Edit:** You know what? If a string literal ends at the end of a line, the Commodore Basic interpreter will let you leave out the trailing quotation mark. Golfed off 13 characters.\nAlternatively, if you want to skirt the spirit of the rules,\n```\n1 LIST\n```\n`LIST` is an instruction that prints the current program's code. It is intended for use in immediate mode, but like all immediate-mode commands, it can be used in a program (eg. `1 NEW` is a self-deleting program). Nothing shorter is possible: dropped spaces or abbreviated forms get expanded by the interpreter and displayed at full length.\n[Answer]\n# Jolf, 4 bytes\n```\nQ\u00ac\u00b4Q\u00ac\u00b4\nQ double (string)\n \u00ac\u00b4 begin matched string\n Q\u00ac\u00b4 capture that\n```\nThis transpiles to `square(`Q\u00ac\u00b4`)` (I accidentally did string doubling in the `square` function), which evaluates to `Q\u00ac\u00b4Q\u00ac\u00b4`. Note that `q` is the quining function in Jolf, *not* `Q` ;).\n[Answer]\n# [Vitsy](https://github.com/VTCAKAVSMoACE/Vitsy), ~~11~~ ~~9~~ ~~8~~ 6 Bytes\nThis programming language was obviously made past the date of release for this question, but I thought I'd post an answer so I can a) get more used to it and b) figure out what else needed to be implemented.\n```\n'rd3*Z\n```\nThe explanation is as follows:\n```\n'rd3*Z\n' Start recording as a string.\n(wraps around once, capturing all the items)\n' Stop recording as a string. We now have everything recorded but the original \".\n r Reverse the stack\n b3* This equates the number 39 = 13*3 (in ASCII, ')\n Z Output the entire stack.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Fuzzy Octo Guacamole, 4 bytes\n```\n_UNK\n```\nI am not kidding. Due to a suggestion by @ConorO'Brien, `K` prints `_UNK`. The `_UN` does nothing really, but actually sets the temp var to `0`, pushes `0`, and pushes `None`.\nThe `K` prints \"\\_UNK\", and that is our quine.\n[Answer]\n# C++, ~~286~~ ~~284~~ 236 bytes\nNow with extra golf!\n```\n#include\nint main(){char a[]=\"#include%sint main(){char a[]=%s%s%s,b[]=%s%s%s%s,c[]=%s%sn%s,d[]=%s%s%s%s;printf(a,c,b,a,b,b,d,b,b,b,d,b,b,d,d,b);}\",b[]=\"\\\"\",c[]=\"\\n\",d[]=\"\\\\\";printf(a,c,b,a,b,b,d,b,b,b,d,b,b,d,d,b);}\n```\nI'm currently learning C++, and thought \"Hey, I should make a quine in it to see how much I know!\" 40 minutes later, I have this, a full ~~64~~ **114** bytes shorter than [the current one](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/69/golf-you-a-quine-for-great-good/2431#2431). I compiled it as:\n```\ng++ quine.cpp\n```\nOutput and running:\n```\nC:\\Users\\Conor O'Brien\\Documents\\Programming\\cpp\n\u0152\u00aa g++ quine.cpp & a\n#include\nint main(){char a[]=\"#include%sint main(){char a[]=%s%s%s,b[]=%s%s%s%s,c[]=%s%sn%s,d[]=%s%s%s%s;printf(a,c,b,a,b,b,d,b,b,b,d,b,b,d,d,b);}\",b[]=\"\\\"\",c[]=\"\\n\",d[]=\"\\\\\";printf(a,c,b,a,b,b,d,b,b,b,d,b,b,d,d,b);}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Cheddar](https://github.com/cheddar-lang/Cheddar), 56 bytes\n```\nvar a='var a=%s;print a%@\"39+a+@\"39';print a%@\"39+a+@\"39\n```\n[**Try it online!**](http://cheddar.tryitonline.net/#code=dmFyIGE9J3ZhciBhPSVzO3ByaW50IGElQCIzOSthK0AiMzknO3ByaW50IGElQCIzOSthK0AiMzk&input=)\nI felt like trying to make something in Cheddar today, and this is what appeared...\n[Answer]\n# 05AB1E, ~~16~~ 17 bytes\n```\n\"34\u221a\u00dfs\u00ac\u00b4DJ\"34\u221a\u00dfs\u00ac\u00b4DJ\n```\nWith trailing newline.\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=IjM0w6dzwqtESiIzNMOnc8KrREoK&input=)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\"34\u221a\u00dfs\u00ac\u00b4DJ\" # push string\n 34\u221a\u00df # push \"\n s\u00ac\u00b4 # swap and concatenate\n DJ # duplicate and concatenate\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 19 bytes\n*Thanks to @Oliver for a correction (trailing newline)*\n```\n\"D34\u221a\u00df.\u221a\u220fsJ\"D34\u221a\u00df.\u221a\u220fsJ\n```\nThere is a trailing newline.\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=IkQzNMOnLsO4c0oiRDM0w6cuw7hzSgo&input=)\n```\n\"D34\u221a\u00df.\u221a\u220fsJ\" Push this string\n D Duplicate\n 34 Push 34 (ASCII for double quote mark)\n \u221a\u00df Convert to char\n .\u221a\u220f Surround the string with quotes\n s Swap\n J Join. Implicitly display\n```\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, 91 bytes\n```\n((fn [x] (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (fn [x] (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 68 bytes\n```\nPrint[#<>ToString[#,InputForm]]&@\"Print[#<>ToString[#,InputForm]]&@\"\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven an array of any depth, draw its contents with borders of `+-|` around each subarray. Those are the ASCII characters for plus, minus, and vertical pipe.\nFor example, if the array is `[1, 2, 3]`, draw\n```\n+-----+\n|1 2 3|\n+-----+\n```\nFor a nested array such as `[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]`, draw\n```\n+-----------------+\n|+-----+---+-----+|\n||1 2 3|4 5|6 7 8||\n|+-----+---+-----+|\n+-----------------+\n```\nFor a ragged array such as `[[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]], [6, 7, 8]]`, draw\n```\n+-------------------+\n|+-----------+-----+|\n||+-----+---+|6 7 8||\n|||1 2 3|4 5|| ||\n||+-----+---+| ||\n|+-----------+-----+|\n+-------------------+\n```\nNotice that there is more space after drawing `[6, 7, 8]`. You may either draw the contents on the top-most, center, or bottom-most line, but whichever you choose, you must remain consistent.\nThis challenge was inspired by the [box](http://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d010.htm) verb `<` from J.\n## Rules\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") so the shortest code wins.\n* Builtins that solve this are not allowed.\n* The input array will contain only nonnegative integer values or arrays. Each array will be homogenous, meaning that its elements will either by only arrays or only integers, but never a mix of both.\n* Each subarray may be nested to any depth.\n* The output may either by as a string or as an array of strings where each string is a line of output.\n## Test Cases\n```\n[]\n++\n||\n++\n[[], []]\n+---+\n|+++|\n|||||\n|+++|\n+---+\n[[], [1], [], [2], [], [3], []]\n+-----------+\n|++-++-++-++|\n|||1||2||3|||\n|++-++-++-++|\n+-----------+\n[[[[[0]]]]]\n+---------+\n|+-------+|\n||+-----+||\n|||+---+|||\n||||+-+||||\n|||||0|||||\n||||+-+||||\n|||+---+|||\n||+-----+||\n|+-------+|\n+---------+\n[[[[[4, 3, 2, 1]]]], [[[3, 2, 1]]], [[2, 1]], [1]]\n+---------------------------------+\n|+-------------+---------+-----+-+|\n||+-----------+|+-------+|+---+|1||\n|||+---------+|||+-----+|||2 1|| ||\n||||+-------+|||||3 2 1|||+---+| ||\n|||||4 3 2 1|||||+-----+|| | ||\n||||+-------+|||+-------+| | ||\n|||+---------+|| | | ||\n||+-----------+| | | ||\n|+-------------+---------+-----+-+|\n+---------------------------------+\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), ~~223~~ 203 bytes\n```\nf=(a,g=a=>a[0].map?`<${a.map(g).join`|`}>`:a.join` `,s=g([a]),r=[s],t=s.replace(/<[ -9|]*>|[ -9]/g,s=>s[1]?s.replace(/./g,c=>c>`9`?`+`:`-`):` `))=>t<`+`?r.join`\\n`.replace(/<|>/g,`|`):f(a,g,t,[t,...r,t])\n```\nPort of @MitchSchwartz's Ruby solution. Previous version which worked by recursively wrapping the arrays (and therefore worked for arbitrary content, not just integers):\n```\nf=(...a)=>a[0]&&a[0].map?[s=`+${(a=a.map(a=>f(...a))).map(a=>a[0].replace(/./g,`-`)).join`+`}+`,...[...Array(Math.max(...a.map(a=>a.length)))].map((_,i)=>`|${a.map(a=>a[i]||a[0].replace(/./g,` `)).join`|`}|`),s]:[a.join` `]\n```\nNote: Although I'm using the spread operator in my argument list, to obtain the desired output, provide a single parameter of the original array rather then trying to spread the array; this has the effect of wrapping the output in the desired outer box. Sadly the outer box costs me 18 bytes, and space-separating the integers costs me 8 bytes, otherwise the following alternative visualisation would suffice for 197 bytes:\n```\nf=a=>a.map?[s=`+${(a=a.map(f)).map(a=>a[0].replace(/./g,`-`)).join`+`}+`,...[...Array(Math.max(0,...a.map(a=>a.length)))].map((_,i)=>`|${a.map(a=>a[i]||a[0].replace(/./g,` `)).join`|`}|`),s]:[``+a]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](http://dyalog.com/download-zone.htm), 56 [bytes](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319)\nThanks to ngn for helping removing about a third of the bytes.\n```\n{\u2375\u2261\u220a\u2375:\u2349\u236a\u2349\u2355\u2375\u22c4(\u22a2,\u22a3/)\u2283,/(1\u2296('++','|'\u2374\u2368\u2262),'-'\u236a\u23632\u2191)\u00a8\u2193\u2191\u2193\u00a8\u2207\u00a8\u2375}\u2282\n```\n### TryAPL\n[Define the function](http://tryapl.org/?a=f%u2190%7B%u2375%u2261%u220A%u2375%3A%u2349%u236A%u2349%u2355%u2375%u22C4%28%u22A2%2C%u22A3/%29%u2283%2C/%281%u2296%28%27++%27%2C%27%7C%27%u2374%u2368%u2262%29%2C%27-%27%u236A%u23632%u2191%29%A8%u2193%u2191%u2193%A8%u2207%A8%u2375%7D%u2282&run), then run each test case and compare to the built-in `]Display` utility.\n \n[`[1, 2, 3]`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%5Ddisplay%20a%u21901%202%203%20%u22C4%20f%20a&run)\n \n[`[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%5Ddisplay%20a%u2190%281%202%203%29%284%205%29%286%207%208%29%20%u22C4%20f%20a&run)\n \n[`[[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]], [6, 7, 8]]`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%5Ddisplay%20a%u2190%28%281%202%203%29%284%205%29%29%286%207%208%29%20%u22C4%20f%20a&run)\n \n[`[]`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%5Ddisplay%20%u236C%20%u22C4%20f%u236C&run)\n \n[`[[], []]`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%5Ddisplay%20%u236C%u236C%20%u22C4%20f%u236C%u236C&run)\n \n[`[[], [1], [], [2], [], [3], []]`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%5Ddisplay%20a%u2190%u236C%28%2C1%29%u236C%28%2C2%29%u236C%28%2C3%29%u236C%20%u22C4%20f%20a&run)\n \n[`[[[[[0]]]]]`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%5DDisplay%20a%u2190%u2282%u2282%u2282%u2282%2C0%20%u22C4%20f%20a&run)\n \n[`[[[[[4, 3, 2, 1]]]], [[[3, 2, 1]]], [[2, 1]], [1]]`](http://tryapl.org/?a=%5DDisplay%20a%u2190%28%u2282%u2282%u22824%203%202%201%29%28%u2282%u22823%202%201%29%28%u22822%201%29%28%2C1%29%20%u22C4%20f%20a&run)\n# Explanation\nOverall, this is an anonymous function `{...}` atop an enclose `\u2282`. The latter just adds another level of nesting prompting the former to add an outer frame.\nThe anonymous function with white-space (`\u22c4` is the statement separator):\n```\n{\n \u2375 \u2261 \u220a\u2375: \u2349 \u236a \u2349 \u2355 \u2375\n (\u22a2 , \u22a3/) \u2283 ,/ (1 \u2296 ('++' , '|' \u2374\u2368 \u2262) , '-' \u236a\u23632 \u2191)\u00a8 \u2193 \u2191 \u2193\u00a8 \u2207\u00a8 \u2375\n}\n```\nHere it is again, but with separated utility functions:\n```\nCloseBox \u2190 \u22a2 , \u22a3/\nCreateVertical \u2190 '++' , '|' \u2374\u2368 \u2262\nAddHorizontals \u2190 1 \u2296 CreateVertical , '-' \u236a\u23632 \u2191\n{\n \u2375 \u2261 \u220a\u2375: \u2349 \u236a \u2349 \u2355 \u2375\n CloseBox \u2283 ,/ AddHorizontals\u00a8 \u2193 \u2191 \u2193\u00a8 \u2207\u00a8 \u2375\n}\n```\nNow let me explain each function:\n`CloseBox` takes a table and returns the same table, but with the table's first column appended on the right of the table. Thus, given the 1-by-3 table `XYZ`, this function returns the 1-by-4 table `XYZX`, as follows: \n\u2003`\u22a2`\u2003the argument (lit. what is on the right) \n\u2003`,`\u2003prepended to \n\u2003`\u22a3/`\u2003the leftmost column (lit. the left-reduction of each row)\n`CreateVertical` takes a table and returns the a string consisting of the characters which would fit `|`s on the sides of the table, but with two `+`s prepended to match two rows of `-`. Eventually the table will be cyclically rotated one row to get a single `+---...` row above and below. Thus, given any three row table, this function returns `++|||`, as follows: \n\u2003`'++' ,`\u2003two pluses prepended to \n\u2003`'|' \u2374\u2368`\u2003a stile reshaped by \n\u2003`\u2262`\u2003the (rows') tally of the argument\n`AddHorizontals` takes a list-of-lists, makes it into a table, adds two rows of `-`s on top, adds the corresponding left edge characters on the left, then rotates one row to the bottom, so that the table has a border on the top, left, and bottom. As follows: \n\u2003`1 \u2296`\u2003rotate one row (the top row goes to the bottom) of \n\u2003`CreateVertical ,`\u2003the string `++|||...` prepended (as a column) to \n\u2003`'-' \u236a\u23632`\u2003minus added twice to the top of \n\u2003`\u2191`\u2003the argument transformed from list-of-lists to table\n`{`The anonymous function`}`: If the argument is a simple (not nested) list, make it into a character table (thus, given the 3-element list `1 2 3`, this function returns the visually identical 1-by-five character table `1 2 3`). If the argument is not a simple list, ensure the elements are simple character tables; pad them to equal height; frame each on their top, bottom, and left; combine them; and finally take the very first column and add it on the right. As follows: \n\u2003`{`\u2003begin the definition of an anonymous function \n\u2003\u2003`\u2375 \u2261 \u220a\u2375:` if the argument is identical to the flattened argument (i.e. it is a simple list), then: \n\u2003\u2003\u2003`\u2349`\u2003transpose the \n\u2003\u2003\u2003`\u236a`\u2003columnized \n\u2003\u2003\u2003`\u2349`\u2003transposed \n\u2003\u2003\u2003`\u2355 \u2375`\u2003stringified argument; else: \n\u2003\u2003`CloseBox`\u2003Add the leftmost column to the right of \n\u2003\u2003`\u2283 ,/`\u2003the disclosed (because reduction encloses) concatenated-across \n\u2003\u2003`AddHorizontals\u00a8`\u2003add `-`s on top and bottom of each of \n\u2003\u2003`\u2193 \u2191 \u2193\u00a8`\u2003the padded-to-equal-height\\* of \n\u2003\u2003`\u2207\u00a8 \u2375`\u2003 this anonymous function applied to each of the arguments \n\u2003`}`\u2003end the definition of the anonymous function \n\\* Lit. make each table into a list-of-lists, combine the lists-of-lists (padding with empty strings to fill short rows) into a table, then split the table into a list of lists-of-lists\n[Answer]\n## Brainfuck, 423 bytes\n```\n->>+>>,[[>+>+<<-]+++++[>--------<-]>[<+>-[[-]<-]]>[[-]<<[>>>>+<<<<<<-<[>-<-]>>>-\n]<<<[-<<<<<<-<]>+>>>]<<<[>>+>>>>>+<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>>>,]<<+[<<,++>[-[>++<,<+[--<<<\n<<<<+]>]]<[-<+]->>>>[<++<<[>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<-]>>>-[<++>-[>>>>+<<<<<++<]<[<<]>]<[>>\n+<<<<]>>>+>+>[<<<-<]<[<<]>>>>->+>[-[<-<-[-[<]<[<++<<]>]<[<++++<<]>]<[>+<-[.<<<,<\n]<[<<]]>]<[-<<<<<]>>[-[<+>---[<<++>>+[--[-[<+++++++<++>>,]]]]]<+++[<+++++++++++>\n-]<-.,>>]>>>>+>>>>]<<-]\n```\nFormatted with some comments:\n```\n->>+>>,\n[\n [>+>+<<-]\n +++++[>--------<-]\n >\n [\n not open paren\n <+>-\n [\n not paren\n [-]<-\n ]\n ]\n >\n [\n paren\n [-]\n <<\n [\n close paren\n >>>>+<<<<\n <<-<[>-<-]>>>\n -\n ]\n <<<\n [\n open paren directly after close paren\n -<<<<<<-<\n ]\n >+>>>\n ]\n <<<[>>+>>>>>+<<<<<<<-]>>>\n >>>>>>,\n]\n<<+\n[\n <<,++>\n [\n -\n [\n >++<\n ,<+[--<<<<<<<+]\n >\n ]\n ]\n <[-<+]\n ->>>>\n [\n <++<<[>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<-]>>>-\n [\n at or before border\n <++>-\n [\n before border\n >>>>+<<<<\n <++<\n ]\n <[<<]\n >\n ]\n <\n [\n after border\n >>+<<\n <<\n ]\n >>>+>+>\n [\n column with digit or space\n <<<-<\n ]\n <[<<]\n >>>>->+>\n [\n middle or bottom\n -\n [\n bottom\n <-<-\n [\n at or before border\n -\n [\n before border\n <\n ]\n <\n [\n at border\n <++<<\n ]\n >\n ]\n <\n [\n after border\n <++++<<\n ]\n >\n ]\n <\n [\n middle\n >+<\n -[.<<<,<]\n <[<<]\n ]\n >\n ]\n <[-<<<<<]\n >>\n [\n border char or space\n -\n [\n not space\n <+>---\n [\n not plus\n <<++>>\n +\n [\n --\n [\n -\n [\n pipe\n <+++++++<++>>,\n ]\n ]\n ]\n ]\n ]\n <+++[<+++++++++++>-]<-.,>>\n ]\n > >>>+>>>>\n ]\n <<-\n]\n```\n[Try it online.](http://brainfuck.tryitonline.net/#code=LT4-Kz4-LFtbPis-Kzw8LV0rKysrK1s-LS0tLS0tLS08LV0-WzwrPi1bWy1dPC1dXT5bWy1dPDxbPj4-Pis8PDw8PDwtPFs-LTwtXT4-Pi1dPDw8Wy08PDw8PDwtPF0-Kz4-Pl08PDxbPj4rPj4-Pj4rPDw8PDw8PC1dPj4-Pj4-Pj4-LF08PCtbPDwsKys-Wy1bPisrPCw8K1stLTw8PDw8PDwrXT5dXTxbLTwrXS0-Pj4-WzwrKzw8Wz4-Pj4-Pj4rPDw8PDw8PC1dPj4-LVs8Kys-LVs-Pj4-Kzw8PDw8Kys8XTxbPDxdPl08Wz4-Kzw8PDxdPj4-Kz4rPls8PDwtPF08Wzw8XT4-Pj4tPis-Wy1bPC08LVstWzxdPFs8Kys8PF0-XTxbPCsrKys8PF0-XTxbPis8LVsuPDw8LDxdPFs8PF1dPl08Wy08PDw8PF0-PlstWzwrPi0tLVs8PCsrPj4rWy0tWy1bPCsrKysrKys8Kys-PixdXV1dXTwrKytbPCsrKysrKysrKysrPi1dPC0uLD4-XT4-Pj4rPj4-Pl08PC1d&input=KCgoKCg0IDMgMiAxKSkpKSgoKDMgMiAxKSkpKCgyIDEpKSgxKSkK)\nExpects input formatted like `(((((4 3 2 1))))(((3 2 1)))((2 1))(1))` with a trailing newline, and produces output of the form:\n```\n+---------------------------------+\n|+-------------+---------+-----+-+|\n||+-----------+|+-------+|+---+| ||\n|||+---------+|||+-----+||| || ||\n||||+-------+||||| |||| || ||\n|||||4 3 2 1||||||3 2 1||||2 1||1||\n||||+-------+||||| |||| || ||\n|||+---------+|||+-----+||| || ||\n||+-----------+|+-------+|+---+| ||\n|+-------------+---------+-----+-+|\n+---------------------------------+\n```\nThe basic idea is to calculate which character to print based on the depth of nesting. The output format is such that the row index of a box's top border is equal to the corresponding array's depth, with symmetry across the middle row.\nThe tape is divided into 7-cell nodes, with each node representing a column in the output.\nThe first loop consumes the input and initializes the nodes, keeping track of depth and whether the column corresponds to a parenthesis (i.e., whether the column contains a vertical border), and collapsing occurrences of `)(` into single nodes.\nThe next loop outputs one row per iteration. Within this loop, another loop traverses the nodes and prints one character per iteration; this is where most of the work takes place.\nDuring the initialization loop, the memory layout of a node at the beginning of an iteration is\n`x d 0 c 0 0 0`\nwhere `x` is a boolean flag for whether the previous char was a closing parenthesis, `d` is depth (plus one), and `c` is the current character.\nDuring the character printing loop, the memory layout of a node at the beginning of an iteration is\n`0 0 d1 d2 c p y`\nwhere `d1` indicates depth compared with row index for top half; `d2` is similar to `d1` but for bottom half; `c` is the input character for that column if digit or space, otherwise zero; `p` indicates phase, i.e. top half, middle, or bottom half; and `y` is a flag that gets propagated from left to right, keeping track of whether we have reached the middle row yet. Note that since `y` becomes zero after processing a node, we can use the `y` cell of the previous node to gain more working space.\nThis setup allows us to avoid explicitly calculating the max depth during the initialization phase; the `y` flag is back-propagated to update the `p` cells accordingly.\nThere is a `-1` cell to the left of the nodes to facilitate navigation, and there is a cell to the right of the nodes that keeps track of whether we have printed the last row yet.\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 104 bytes\n```\n->s{r=s=s.gsub'}{',?|\nr=[s,r,s]*$/while s=s.tr('!-9',' ').gsub!(/{[ |]*}/){$&.tr' -}','-+'}\nr.tr'{}',?|}\n```\nAnonymous function that expects a string. For example, `{{{{{4 3 2 1}}}}{{{3 2 1}}}{{2 1}}{1}}` produces\n```\n+---------------------------------+\n|+-------------+---------+-----+-+|\n||+-----------+| | | ||\n|||+---------+||+-------+| | ||\n||||+-------+||||+-----+||+---+| ||\n|||||4 3 2 1||||||3 2 1||||2 1||1||\n||||+-------+||||+-----+||+---+| ||\n|||+---------+||+-------+| | ||\n||+-----------+| | | ||\n|+-------------+---------+-----+-+|\n+---------------------------------+\n```\nYou can use this code for testing:\n```\nf=->s{r=s=s.gsub'}{',?|\nr=[s,r,s]*$/while s=s.tr('!-9',' ').gsub!(/{[ |]*}/){$&.tr' -}','-+'}\nr.tr'{}',?|}\na=[]\na<<'[1, 2, 3]'\na<<'[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]'\na<<'[[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]], [6, 7, 8]]'\na<<'[]'\na<<'[[], []]'\na<<'[[], [1], [], [2], [], [3], []]'\na<<'[[[[[0]]]]]'\na<<'[[[[[4, 3, 2, 1]]]], [[[3, 2, 1]]], [[2, 1]], [1]]'\na.map{|s|s.gsub! '], [','}{'\ns.tr! '[]','{}'\ns.gsub! ',',''\nputs s\nputs f[s],''}\n```\nThis starts from the middle row and works outwards. First, instances of `}{` are replaced with `|`. Then, while there are still braces, all innermost `{...}` strings are transformed into the appropriate `+-` sequences while characters other than `|{}` are turned into spaces. At the end, the intermediate braces are turned into pipes.\n[Answer]\n# PHP+HTML, not competing (~~170~~ ~~141~~ ~~135~~ 130 bytes)\nsaved 29 bytes inspired by SteeveDroz\n```\n$r
\";}\n```\nnot competing because it\u00b4s no ascii output and because I let the browser do all the interesting work\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 221\nA non recursive function returning an array of strings (still using a recursive subfunction inside)\n```\na=>[...(R=(a,l)=>a[r[l]='',0]&&a[0].map?'O'+a.map(v=>R(v,l+1))+'C':a.join` `)([a],l=-1,r=[],m='')].map(c=>r=r.map(x=>x+v[(k<0)*2+!k--],k=l,1/c?v='-- ':(v='-+|',c>'C'?k=++l:c>','&&--l,c='|'),m+=c))&&[...r,m,...r.reverse()]\n```\nThis works in 2 steps.\nStep 1: recursively build a string representation of the nested input array. Example:\n`[[[1, 2, 3], [],[4, 5]], [6, 7, 8]]` -> `\"OOO1 2 3,,4 5C,6 7 8CC\"`\n`O` and `C` mark open and close subarray. Simple numeric subarrays are rendered with the elements separated by space, while if array members are subarrays they are separated by commas. This string keeps track of the multilevel structure of the input array, while I can get the middle row of the output just replacing `OC,` with `|`. While recursively building this temp string, I also find the max depth level and initialize an array of empty strings that will contain the half top part of the output. \nNote: the outer box is tricky, I nest the input inside another outer array, then I have drop the first row of output that is not needed\nStep 2: scan the temp string and build the output\nNow I have an array of empty strings, one for each level. I scan the temp string, keeping track of the current level, that increases for each `O` and decreases for each `C`. I visualize this like that:\n```\n[[[1, 2, 3], [],[4, 5]], [6, 7, 8]]\nOOO1 2 3,,4 5C,6 7 8CC\n+ +\n + + +\n + ++ +\n|||1 2 3||4 5||6 7 8||\n```\nThe plus the goes up and down follow the current level\nFor each char, I add a character to every row of output, following the rules: \n- if digit or space, put a '-' at the current level and below, put a space above \n- else, put a '+' at the current level, put a '-' if below and put a '|' if above \n```\nOOO1 2 3,,4 5C,6 7 8CC\n+--------------------+\n|+------------+-----+|\n||+-----++---+| ||\n|||1 2 3||4 5||6 7 8||\n```\nDuring the temp scan, I also build the middle row replacing `OC,` with `|`\nAt the end of this step, I have the top half and the middle row, I only have to mirror the top to get the bottom half and I'm done\n*Less golfed, commented code*\n```\na=>{\n r = []; // output array\n R = ( // recursive scan function\n a, // current subarray \n l // current level\n ) => (\n r[l] = '', // element of r at level r, init to \"\"\n a[0] && a[0].map // check if it is a flat (maybe empty) array or an array of arrays\n ? 'O'+a.map(v=>R(v,l+1))+'C' // mark Open and Close, recurse\n : a.join` ` // just put the elements space separated\n );\n T = R([a],-1)]; // build temp string\n // pass the input nested in another array \n // and start with level -1 , so that the first row of r will not be visible to .map\n // prepare the final output\n m = '' // middle row, built upon the chars in T\n l = -1 // starting level\n [...T].map(c => // scan the temp string\n {\n k = l; // current level\n 1/c // check if numeric or space\n ? v = '-- ' // use '-','-',' '\n : (\n v = '-+|', // use '-','+','|'\n c > 'C' \n ? k=++l // if c=='O', increment level and assign to k\n : c>'A'&&--l, // if c=='C', decrement level (but k is not changed)\n c='|' // any of O,C,comma must be mapped to '|'\n );\n m += c; // add to middle row\n r = r.map( (x,i) => // update each output row\n // based on comparation between row index and level\n // but in golfed code I don't use the i index\n // and decrement l at each step \n x + v[(k[...(R=(a,l)=>a[r[l]='',0]&&a[0].map?'O'+a.map(v=>R(v,l+1))+'C':a.join` `)([a],l=-1,r=[],m='')].map(c=>r=r.map(x=>x+v[(k<0)*2+!k--],k=l,1/c?v='-- ':(v='-+|',c>'C'?k=++l:c>','&&--l,c='|'),m+=c))&&[...r,m,...r.reverse()]\nout=x=>O.textContent = x+'\\n'+O.textContent\n;[[1,2,3]\n,[[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]], [6, 7, 8]]\n,[]\n,[[], []]\n,[[], [1], [], [2], [], [3], []]\n,[[[[[0]]]]]\n,[[[[[4, 3, 2, 1]]]], [[[3, 2, 1]]], [[2, 1]], [1]]\n].forEach(t=>\n out(JSON.stringify(t)+'\\n'+F(t).join`\\n`+'\\n')\n) \nfunction update()\n{\n var i=eval(I.value)\n out(JSON.stringify(i)+'\\n'+F(i).join`\\n`+'\\n')\n}\nupdate()\n```\n```\n#I { width:90%}\n```\n```\n\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, ~~245~~ 241 bytes\nThe overhead needed to wrap everything in boxes as well as align everything is pretty heavy...\nOutputs arrays of strings, with one string per line, as per the spec. Bottom-aligned instead of the top-aligned sample test cases because it saves 1 byte.\n[Try it online!](https://repl.it/EKQz/3)\n```\nV=->a{a==[*a]?(k=a.map(&V);k[0]==[*k[0]]?[h=?++?-*((k.map!{|z|z[1,0]=[' '*~-z[0].size+?|]*(k.map(&:size).max-z.size);z};f=k.shift.zip(*k).map{|b|?|+b.reduce{|r,e|r+e[1..-1]}+?|})[0].size-2)+?+,*f,h]:[h=\"+#{?-*(f=k*' ').size}+\",?|+f+?|,h]):a}\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 404 Bytes\nAll solutions works with maximum depth of the array lesser then 10.\nfor greater values the depth must store in an array and not in a string.\n```\n=$c?:$m=$c;}for($x=0;$x$d[$x]&&$n[$x]==\"|\"?\"|\":\" \"));echo join(\"\\n\",$z),\"\\n$n\\n\".(join(\"\\n\",array_reverse($z)));\n```\nExpanded\n```\nforeach(str_split(json_encode($_GET[a]))as$j){ # split JSON representation of the array\n    $j!=\"]\"?:$c--;\n    $r=($j==\",\")?($l==\"]\"?\"\":\" \"):$j;\n    $r=$r==\"]\"?\"|\":$r;\n    $r=$r==\"[\"?($v==\"]\"?\"\":\"|\"):$r;\n    if($r!=\"\"){\n      $n.=$r;  # concanate middle string\n      $d.=+$c; # concanate depth position\n    }\n    $v=$l;\n    $l=$j;\n    $j!=\"[\"?:$c++;\n    $m>=$c?:$m=$c; # maximum depth of the array\n}\nfor($x=0;$x$d[$x]&&$n[$x]==\"|\"?\"|\":\" \"));\n# Build the strings before the middle string dependent of value middle string and depth \necho join(\"\\n\",$z),\"\\n$n\\n\".(join(\"\\n\",array_reverse($z))); #Output\n```\n## for 425 Bytes we can make this with REGEX\n```\n=$c?:$m=$c;}for($x=0;$x$d[$x]&&$n[$x]==\"|\"?\"|\":\" \"));echo join(\"\\n\",$z),\"\\n$n\\n\".(join(\"\\n\",array_reverse($z)));\n```\nExpanded\n```\n$r=preg_filter(\"#\\],\\[#\",\"|\",preg_filter(\"#,(\\d)#\",\" $1\",json_encode($_GET[a])));\npreg_match_all(\"#.#\",$r,$e,256);\n$n=preg_filter(\"#\\]|\\[#\",\"|\",$r); # concanate middle string\nforeach($e[0] as$f){\n    $f[0]!=\"]\"&&$f[0]!=\"|\"?:$c--;\n    $d.=+$c; concanate depth position\n    $f[0]!=\"|\"&&$f[0]!=\"[\"?:$c++;\n    $m>=$c?:$m=$c; # maximum depth of the array\n}\n# similar to the other ways\nfor($x=0;$x$d[$x]&&$n[$x]==\"|\"?\"|\":\" \"));\necho join(\"\\n\",$z),\"\\n$n\\n\".(join(\"\\n\",array_reverse($z)));\n```\n## 455 Bytes for a recursive solution\n```\n$v){if(is_array($v))$e=v($v,$t+1,$k+1==$c);else{$e=$v.\" \"[$k+1==$c];$d.=str_pad(\"\",strlen($e),$t+1);}$s.=$e;}$d.=$l?$t:\"\";$s.=$l?\"|\":\"\";return$s;}$n=v($_GET[a]);$m=max(str_split($d));for($x=0;$x$d[$x]&&$n[$x]==\"|\"?\"|\":\" \"));echo join(\"\\n\",$z),\"\\n$n\\n\".(join(\"\\n\",array_reverse($z)));\n```\nExpanded\n```\nfunction v($x,$t=0,$l=1){\n    global$d; # concanate depth position\n    $d.=$t;\n    $s=\"|\";\n    $c=count($x);\n    foreach($x as$k=>$v){           \n        if(is_array($v)){$e=v($v,$t+1,$k+1==$c);}\n        else{$e=$v.\" \"[$k+1==$c];$d.=str_pad(\"\",strlen($e),$t+1);}\n        $s.=$e;\n    }\n    $d.=$l?$t:\"\";\n    $s.=$l?\"|\":\"\";\n    return$s;\n}\n$n=v($_GET[a]); # concanate middle string\n$m=max(str_split($d)); # maximum depth of the array\n# similar to the other ways \nfor($x=0;$x$d[$x]&&$n[$x]==\"|\"?\"|\":\" \"));\necho join(\"\\n\",$z),\"\\n$n\\n\".(join(\"\\n\",array_reverse($z)));\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n# ...counted!\nYou will pass your program a variable which represents a quantity of money in dollars and/or cents and an array of coin values. Your challenge is to output the number of possible combinations of the given array of coin values that would add up to the amount passed to the code. If it is not possible with the coins named, the program should return `0`.\nNote on American numismatic terminology:\n* 1-cent coin: penny\n* 5-cent coin: nickel\n* 10-cent coin: dime\n* 25-cent coin: quarter (quarter dollar)\n**Example 1:**\nProgram is passed:\n```\n12, [1, 5, 10]\n```\n(12 cents)\nOutput:\n```\n4\n```\nThere are 4 possible ways of combining the coins named to produce 12 cents:\n1. 12 pennies\n2. 1 nickel and 7 pennies\n3. 2 nickels and 2 pennies\n4. 1 dime and 2 pennies\n**Example 2:**\nProgram is passed:\n```\n26, [1, 5, 10, 25]\n```\n(26 cents)\nOutput:\n```\n13\n```\nThere are 13 possible ways of combining the coins named to produce 26 cents:\n1. 26 pennies\n2. 21 pennies and 1 nickel\n3. 16 pennies and 2 nickels\n4. 11 pennies and 3 nickels\n5. 6 pennies and 4 nickels\n6. 1 penny and 5 nickels\n7. 16 pennies and 1 dime\n8. 6 pennies and 2 dimes\n9. 11 pennies, 1 dime, and 1 nickel\n10. 6 pennies, 1 dime, and 2 nickels\n11. 1 penny, 1 dime, and 3 nickels\n12. 1 penny, 2 dimes, and 1 nickel\n13. 1 quarter and 1 penny\n**Example 3:**\nProgram is passed:\n```\n19, [2, 7, 12]\n```\nOutput:\n```\n2\n```\nThere are 2 possible ways of combining the coins named to produce 19 cents:\n1. 1 12-cent coin and 1 7-cent coin\n2. 1 7-cent coin and 6 2-cent coins\n**Example 4:**\nProgram is passed:\n```\n13, [2, 8, 25]\n```\nOutput:\n```\n0\n```\nThere are no possible ways of combining the coins named to produce 13 cents.\n---\nThis has been through the Sandbox. Standard loopholes apply. This is code golf, so the answer with the fewest bytes wins.\n      \n[Answer]\n## Haskell, ~~37~~ 34 bytes\n```\ns#l@(c:d)|s>=c=(s-c)#l+s#d\ns#_=0^s\n```\nUsage example: `26 # [1,5,10,25]` -> `13`.\nSimple recursive approach: try both the next number in the list (as long as it is less or equal to the amount) and skip it. If subtracting the number leads to an amount of zero, take a `1` else (or if the list runs out of elements) take a `0`. Sum those `1`s and `0`s.\nEdit: @Damien: saved 3 bytes by pointing to a shorter base case for the recursion (which also can be found in [@xnors answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/96900/34531)).\n[Answer]\n## Mathematica, ~~35~~ 22 bytes\n*Thanks to miles for suggesting `FrobeniusSolve` and saving 13 bytes.*\n```\nLength@*FrobeniusSolve\n```\nEvaluates to an unnamed function, which takes the list of coins as the first argument and the target value as the second. `FrobeniusSolve` is a shorthand for solving Diophantine equations of the form\n```\na1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn = b\n```\nfor the `xi` over the non-negative integers and gives us all the solutions.\n[Answer]\n# Jelly ([fork](https://github.com/miles-cg/jelly/tree/frobenius)), 2 bytes\n```\n\u00e6f\n```\nThis relies on a [branch](https://github.com/miles-cg/jelly/tree/frobenius) of Jelly where I was working on implementing Frobenius solve atoms so unfortunately you cannot try it online.\n## Usage\n```\n$ ./jelly eun '\u00e6f' '12' '[1,5,10]'\n4\n$ ./jelly eun '\u00e6f' '26' '[1,5,10,25]'\n13\n$ ./jelly eun '\u00e6f' '19' '[2,7,12]'\n2\n$ ./jelly eun '\u00e6f' '13' '[2,8,25]'\n0\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n\u00e6f  Input: total T, denominations D\n\u00e6f  Frobenius count, determines the number of solutions\n    of nonnegative X such that X dot-product D = T\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 8 bytes\n```\n/sM{yS*E\n```\nRaw brute force, too memory intensive for actual testing. This is O(2*mn*), where *n* is the number of coins and *m* is the target sum. Takes input as `target\\n[c,o,i,n,s]`.\n```\n/sM{yS*EQQ      (implicit Q's)\n      *EQ       multiply coin list by target\n     S          sort\n    y           powerset (all subsequences)\n   {            remove duplicates\n sM             sum all results\n/        Q      count correct sums\n```\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, 37 bytes\n```\ns%(h:t)=sum$map(%t)[s,s-h..0]\ns%_=0^s\n```\nUsing some multiple of the first coin `h` decreases the required sum `s` to a non-negative value in the decreasing progression `[s,s-h..0]`, which then must be made with the remaining coins. Once there's no coins left, check that the sum is zero arithmetically as `0^s`. \n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), ~~51~~ 48 bytes\n```\nf=(n,a,[c,...b]=a)=>n?n>0&&c?f(n-c,a)+f(n,b):0:1\n```\nAccepts coins in any order. Tries both using and not using the first coin, recursively calculating the number of combinations either way. `n==0` means a matching combination, `n<0` means that the coins exceed the quantity while `c==undefined` means that there are no coins left. Note that the function is very slow and if you have a penny coin then the following function is faster (don't pass the penny coin in the array of coins):\n```\nf=(n,a,[c,...b]=a)=>c?(c<=n&&f(n-c,a))+f(n,b):1\n```\n[Answer]\n## Perl, 45 bytes\nByte count includes 44 bytes of code and `-p` flag.\n```\ns%\\S+%(1{$&})*%g,(1x<>)=~/^$_$(?{$\\++})^/x}{\n```\nTakes the coin values on the first line, and the targeted amount on the second line :\n```\n$ perl -pE 's%\\S+%(1{$&})*%g,(1x<>)=~/^$_$(?{$\\++})^/x}{' <<< \"1 5 10 25\n26\"\n13\n```\n**Short explanations:**\n```\n-p                        # Set $_ to the value of the input, \n                          # and adds a print at the end of the code.\ns%\\S+%(1{$&})*%g,         # Converts each number n to (1{$&})* (to prepare the regex)\n                          # This pattern does half the job.\n(1x<>)                    # Converts the target to unary representation.\n  =~                      # Match against.. (regex)\n    /^ $_ $               # $_ contains the pattern we prepared with the first line.\n     (?{$\\++})            # Count the number of successful matches\n     ^                    # Forces a fail in the regex since the begining can't be matched here.\n    /x                    # Ignore white-spaces in the regex \n                          # (needed since the available coins are space-separated)\n }{                       # End the code block to avoid the input being printed (because of -p flag) \n                          # The print will still be executed, but $_ will be empty, \n                          # and only $\\ will be printed (this variable is added after every print)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~10~~ 9 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u0153\u010b\u00d0\u20acS\u20ac\u20acF\u010b\n```\n**[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=xZPEi8OQ4oKsU-KCrOKCrEbEiw&input=U3VtX3tqPTAuLmt9ICgtMSleaiAqIChrLWopXm4gKiBiaW5vbWlhbChuKzEsIGopLg&args=WzEsNSwxMCwyNV0+MjY)**\n### How?\n```\n\u0153\u010b\u00d0\u20acS\u20ac\u20acF\u010b - Main link: coins, target\n  \u00d0\u20ac      - map over right argument, or for each n in [1,2,...,target]\n\u0153\u010b        - combinations with replacement, possible choices of each of n coins\n    S\u20ac\u20ac   - sum for each for each (values of those selections)\n       F  - flatten into one list\n        \u010b - count occurrences of right argument\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 59 bytes\n```\nf=(n,c)=>n?c.reduce((x,y,i)=>y>n?x:x+f(n-y,c.slice(i)),0):1\n```\nCoins are input from highest to lowest, e.g. `f(26,[100,25,10,5,1])`. If you have a penny, remove it and use this much faster version instead:\n```\nf=(n,c)=>n?c.reduce((x,y,i)=>y>n?x:x+f(n-y,c.slice(i)),1):1\n```\nThis uses a recursive formula much like @nimi's. I originally wrote this a few days ago when the challenge was still in the sandbox; it looked like this:\n```\nf=(n,c=[100,25,10,5])=>n?c.reduce((x,y,i)=>y>n?x:x+f(n-y,c.slice(i)),1):1\n```\nThe only differences being the default value of `c` (it had a set value in the original challenge), and changing the `0` in the `.reduce` function to `1` (this was two bytes shorter and a bazillion times faster than `c=[100,25,10,5,1]`).\n---\nHere's a modified version which outputs all combinations, rather than the number of combinations:\n```\nf=(n,c)=>n?c.reduce((x,y,i)=>y>n?x:[...x,...f(n-y,c.slice(i)).map(c=>[...c,y])],[]):[[]]\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 327 Bytes\n```\nfunction c($f,$z=0){global$p,$d;if($z){foreach($p as$m){for($j=0;$j<=$f/$d[$z];){$n=$m;$n[$d[$z]]=$j++;$p[]=$n;}}}else for($p=[],$j=0;$j<=$f/$d[$z];$j++)$p[]=[$d[$z]=>$j];if($d[++$z])c($f,$z);}$d=$_GET[a];c($e=$_GET[b]);foreach($p as$u){$s=0;foreach($u as$k=>$v)$s+=$v*$k;if($s==$e&count($u)==count($d))$t[]=$u;}echo count($t);\n```\n[Try it](http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/9f0d8ad9a8c645219cb9ec9cd6685b7a55e4ebda)\n[Answer]\n## Axiom, ~~63~~ 62 bytes\n1 byte saved by @JonathanAllan\n```\nf(n,l)==coefficient(series(reduce(*,[1/(1-x^i)for i in l])),n)\n```\nThis approach uses generating functions. Probably that didn't help bring down the code size. I think this is the first time that in my playing with Axiom I went as far as defining my own function.\nThe first time the function is called it gives a horrendous warning, but still produces the correct result. After that, everything is fine as long as the list isn't empty.\n[Answer]\n# R, ~~81~~ ~~76~~ 63 bytes\nThanks to @rturnbull for golfing away 13 bytes!\n```\nfunction(u,v)sum(t(t(expand.grid(lapply(u/v,seq,f=0))))%*%v==u)\n```\nExample (note that `c(...)` is how you pass vectors of values to R):\n```\nf(12,c(1,5,10))\n[1] 4\n```\nExplanation:\n`u` is the desired value, `v` is the vector of coin values.\n```\nexpand.grid(lapply(u/v,seq,from=0))\n```\ncreates a data frame with every possible combination of 0 to k coins (k depends on the denomination), where k is the lowest such that k times the value of that coin is at least u (the value to achieve).\nNormally we would use `as.matrix` to turns that into a matrix, but that is many characters. Instead we take the transpose of the transpose (!) which automatically coerces it, but takes fewer characters.\n`%*% v` then calculates the monetary value of each row. The last step is to count how many of those values are equal to the desired value `u`.\nNote that the computational complexity and memory requirements of this are horrific but hey, it's code golf.\n[Answer]\n# J, 27 bytes\n```\n1#.[=](+/ .*~]#:,@i.)1+<.@%\n```\n## Usage\n```\n   f =: 1#.[=](+/ .*~]#:,@i.)1+<.@%\n   12 f 1 5 10\n4\n   26 f 1 5 10 25\n13\n   19 f 2 7 12\n2\n   13 f 2 8 25\n0\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n1#.[=](+/ .*~]#:,@i.)1+<.@%  Input: target T (LHS), denominations D (RHS)\n                          %  Divide T by each in D\n                       <.@   Floor each\n                             These are the maximum number of each denomination\n                     1+      Add 1 to each, call these B\n                ,@i.         Forms the range 0 the the product of B\n             ]               Get B\n              #:             Convert each in the range to mixed radix B\n     ]                       Get D\n       +/ .*~                Dot product between D and each mixed radix number\n                             These are all combinations of denominations up to T\n   [                         Get T\n    =                        Test if each sum is equal to T\n1#.                          Convert as base 1 digits to decimal (takes the sum)\n                             This is the number of times each sum was true\n```\n[Answer]\n# TSQL, 105 bytes\nThis can only handle up to one dollar with these 4 coin types. The ungolfed version can handle up to around 4 dollars, but very slow - on my box this takes 27 seconds. Result is 10045 combinations b.t.w.\nGolfed:\n```\nDECLARE @ INT = 100\nDECLARE @t table(z int)\nINSERT @t values(1),(5),(10),(25)\n;WITH c as(SELECT 0l,0s UNION ALL SELECT z,s+z FROM c,@t WHERE l<=z and s<@)SELECT SUM(1)FROM c WHERE s=@\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n-- input variables\nDECLARE @ INT = 100\nDECLARE @t table(z int)\nINSERT @t values(1),(5),(10),(25)\n-- query\n;WITH c as\n(\n  SELECT 0l,0s\n  UNION ALL\n  SELECT z,s+z\n  FROM c,@t\n  WHERE l<=z and s<@\n)\nSELECT SUM(1)\nFROM c\nWHERE s=@\n-- to allow more than 100 recursions(amounts higher than 1 dollar in this example)\nOPTION(MAXRECURSION 0)\n```\n**[Fiddle](https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/560877/a-penny-saved-is-a-penny)**\n[Answer]\n## [tinylisp](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/tinylisp) repl, 66 bytes\n```\n(d C(q((Q V)(i Q(i(l Q 0)0(i V(s(C(s Q(h V))V)(s 0(C Q(t V))))0))1\n```\nRecursive solution: tries using the first coin and not using the first coin, then adds the results from each. Exponential time complexity and no tail-recursion, but it computes the test cases just fine.\nUngolfed (key to builtins: `d` = define, `q` = quote, `i` = if, `l` = less-than, `s` = subtract, `h` = head, `t` = tail):\n```\n(d combos\n (q\n  ((amount coin-values)\n   (i amount\n    (i (l amount 0)\n     0\n     (i coin-values\n      (s\n       (combos\n        (s amount (h coin-values))\n        coin-values)\n       (s\n        0\n        (combos\n         amount\n         (t coin-values))))\n      0))\n    1))))\n```\nExample usage:\n```\ntl> (d C(q((Q V)(i Q(i(l Q 0)0(i V(s(C(s Q(h V))V)(s 0(C Q(t V))))0))1\nC\ntl> (C 12 (q (1 5 10)))\n4\ntl> (C 26 (q (1 5 10 25)))\n13\ntl> (C 19 (q (2 7 12)))\n2\ntl> (C 13 (q (2 8 25)))\n0\ntl> (C 400 (q (1 5 10 25)))\nError: recursion depth exceeded. How could you forget to use tail calls?!\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 130 bytes\n```\nfunction r($n,$a){if($c=$a[0])for(;0<$n;$n-=$c)$o+=r($n,array_slice($a,1));return$o?:$n==0;}echo r($argv[1],array_slice($argv,2));\n```\n99 byte recursive function (and 31 bytes of calling it) that repeatedly removes the value of the current coin from the target and calls itself with the new value and the other coins. Counts the number of times the target reaches 0 exactly. Run like:\n```\n php -r \"function r($n,$a){if($c=$a[0])for(;0<$n;$n-=$c)$o+=r($n,array_slice($a,1));return$o?:$n==0;}echo r($argv[1],array_slice($argv,2));\" 12 1 5 10\n```\n[Answer]\n## Racket 275 bytes\n```\n(set! l(flatten(for/list((i l))(for/list((j(floor(/ s i))))i))))(define oll'())(for((i(range 1(add1(floor(/ s(apply min l)))))))\n(define ol(combinations l i))(for((j ol))(set! j(sort j >))(when(and(= s(apply + j))(not(ormap(\u03bb(x)(equal? x j))oll)))(set! oll(cons j oll)))))oll\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n(define(f s l)\n  (set! l              ; have list contain all possible coins that can be used\n        (flatten\n         (for/list ((i l))\n           (for/list ((j              \n                       (floor\n                        (/ s i))))\n             i))))\n  (define oll '())                    ; final list of all solutions initialized\n  (for ((i (range 1  \n                  (add1\n                   (floor             ; for different sizes of coin-set\n                    (/ s\n                       (apply min l)))))))\n    (define ol (combinations l i))          ; get a list of all combinations\n    (for ((j ol))                           ; test each combination\n      (set! j (sort j >))\n      (when (and\n             (= s (apply + j))              ; sum is correct\n             (not(ormap                     ; solution is not already in list\n                  (lambda(x)\n                    (equal? x j))\n                  oll)))\n        (set! oll (cons j oll))             ; add found solution to final list\n        )))\n  (reverse oll))\n```\nTesting: \n```\n(f 4 '[1 2])\n(println \"-------------\")\n(f 12 '[1 5 10])\n(println \"-------------\")\n(f 19 '[2 7 12])\n(println \"-------------\")\n(f 8 '(1 2 3))\n```\nOutput: \n```\n'((2 2) (2 1 1) (1 1 1 1))\n\"-------------\"\n'((10 1 1) (5 5 1 1) (5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))\n\"-------------\"\n'((12 7) (7 2 2 2 2 2 2))\n\"-------------\"\n'((3 3 2) (2 2 2 2) (3 2 2 1) (3 3 1 1) (2 2 2 1 1) (3 2 1 1 1) (2 2 1 1 1 1) (3 1 1 1 1 1) (2 1 1 1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))\n```\nFollowing recursive solution has some error: \n```\n(define (f s l)                      ; s is sum needed; l is list of coin-types\n  (set! l (sort l >))\n  (define oll '())                   ; list of all solution lists\n  (let loop ((l l)   \n             (ol '()))               ; a solution list initialized\n    (when (not (null? l))\n        (set! ol (cons (first l) ol)))\n    (define ols (apply + ol))        ; current sum in solution list\n    (cond\n      [(null? l) (remove-duplicates oll)]\n      [(= ols s) (set! oll (cons ol oll))\n                 (loop (rest l) '()) \n                 ]\n      [(> ols s) (loop (rest l) (rest ol))\n                 (loop (rest l) '())   \n                 ]\n      [(< ols s) (loop l ol) \n                 (loop (rest l) ol)\n                 ])))\n```\nDoes not work properly for:\n```\n(f 8 '[1 2 3])\n```\nOutput: \n```\n'((1 1 1 2 3) (1 2 2 3) (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) (2 3 3) (1 1 1 1 1 1 2) (1 1 1 1 2 2) (1 1 2 2 2) (2 2 2 2))\n```\n(1 1 3 3) is possible but does not come in solution list. \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 15 bytes\n```\ns+\\F\u1e41\u1e37\n2*BW;\u00e7/\u1e6a\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=cytcRuG5geG4twoyKkJXO8OnL-G5qg&input=&args=MjY+MSw1LDEwLDI1&debug=on) or [Verify all test cases.](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=cytcRuG5geG4twoyKkJXO8OnL-G5qgrDpyI&input=&args=MTIsMjYsMTksMTM+WzEsNSwxMF0sWzEsNSwxMCwyNV0sWzIsNywxMl0sWzIsOCwyNV0&debug=on)\nThis was more of an exercise in writing an efficient version in Jelly without using builtins. This is based on the typical dynamic programming approach used to calculate the number of ways for making change\n## Explanation\n```\ns+\\F\u1e41\u1e37  Helper link. Input: solutions S, coin C\ns       Slice the solutions into non-overlapping sublists of length C\n +\\     Cumulative sum\n   F    Flatten\n     \u1e37  Left, get S\n    \u1e41   Mold the sums to the shape of S\n2*BW;\u00e7/\u1e6a  Main link. Input: target T, denominations D\n2*        Compute 2^T\n  B       Convert to binary, creates a list with 1 followed by T-1 0's\n          These are the number of solutions for each value from 0 to T\n          starting with no coins used\n   W      Wrap it inside another array\n    ;     Concatenate with D\n     \u00e7/   Reduce using the helper link\n       \u1e6a  Tail, return the last value which is the solution\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](http://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 15 bytes\nGolfing suggestions welcome. [Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=4pWXO1Jg4pWc4oiZ4pmCU-KVlOKZgs6jaWBNYw&input=MTAKWzEsNSwxMF0)\n```\n\u2557;R`\u255c\u2219\u2642S\u2554\u2642\u03a3i`Mc\n```\n**Ungolfing**\n```\n         Implicit input n, then the list of coins a.\n\u2557        Save a to register 0.\n;R       Duplicate n and create a range [1..n] from that duplicate.\n`...`M   Map the following function over that range. Variable i.\n  \u255c        Push a from register 0.\n  \u2219        Push the i-th Cartesian power of a.\n  \u2642S       Sort each member of car_pow.\n  \u2554        Uniquify car_pow so we don't count too any duplicate coin arrangements.\n  \u2642\u03a3       Take the sum of each coin arrangement.\n  i        Flatten the list.\nc        Using the result of the map and the remaining n, push map.count(n).\n         Implicit return.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python, 120 bytes\n```\nfrom itertools import*\nlambda t,L:[sum(map(lambda x,y:x*y,C,L))-t for C in product(range(t+1),repeat=len(L))].count(0)\n```\nBruteforces through all combinations of coins up to target value (even if the smallest is not 1).\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nOne of the most common standard tasks (especially when showcasing esoteric programming languages) is to implement a [\"cat program\"](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Cat): read all of STDIN and print it to STDOUT. While this is named after the Unix shell utility `cat` it is of course much less powerful than the real thing, which is normally used to print (and concatenate) several files read from disc.\n### Task\nYou should write a **full program** which reads the contents of the standard input stream and writes them verbatim to the standard output stream. If and only if your language does not support standard input and/or output streams (as understood in most languages), you may instead take these terms to mean their closest equivalent in your language (e.g. JavaScript's `prompt` and `alert`). These are the *only* admissible forms of I/O, as any other interface would largely change the nature of the task and make answers much less comparable.\nThe output should contain exactly the input and *nothing else*. The only exception to this rule is constant output of your language's interpreter that cannot be suppressed, such as a greeting, ANSI color codes or indentation. **This also applies to trailing newlines.** If the input does not contain a trailing newline, the output shouldn't include one either! (The only exception being if your language absolutely always prints a trailing newline after execution.)\nOutput to the standard error stream is ignored, so long as the standard output stream contains the expected output. In particular, this means your program can terminate with an error upon hitting the end of the stream (EOF), provided that doesn't pollute the standard output stream. *If you do this, I encourage you to add an error-free version to your answer as well (for reference).*\nAs this is intended as a challenge within each language and not between languages, there are a few language specific rules:\n* If it is at all possible in your language to distinguish null bytes in the standard input stream from the EOF, your program must support null bytes like any other bytes (that is, they have to be written to the standard output stream as well).\n* If it is at all possible in your language to support an *arbitrary* infinite input stream (i.e. if you can start printing bytes to the output before you hit EOF in the input), your program has to work correctly in this case. As an example `yes | tr -d \\\\n | ./my_cat` should print an infinite stream of `y`s. It is up to you how often you print and flush the standard output stream, but it must be guaranteed to happen after a finite amount of time, regardless of the stream (this means, in particular, that you cannot wait for a specific character like a linefeed before printing).\nPlease add a note to your answer about the exact behaviour regarding null-bytes, infinite streams, and extraneous output.\n### Additional rules\n* This is not about finding the language with the shortest solution for this (there are some where the empty program does the trick) - this is about finding the shortest solution in *every* language. Therefore, no answer will be marked as accepted.\n* Submissions in most languages will be scored in *bytes* in an appropriate preexisting encoding, usually (but not necessarily) UTF-8.\nSome languages, like [Folders](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Folders), are a bit tricky to score. If in doubt, please ask on [Meta](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/).\n* Feel free to use a language (or language version) even if it's newer than this challenge. Languages specifically written to submit a 0-byte answer to this challenge are fair game but not particularly interesting.\nNote that there must be an interpreter so the submission can be tested. It is allowed (and even encouraged) to write this interpreter yourself for a previously unimplemented language.\nAlso note that languages *do* have to fulfil [our usual criteria for programming languages](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2028/what-are-programming-languages/2073#2073).\n* If your language of choice is a trivial variant of another (potentially more popular) language which already has an answer (think BASIC or SQL dialects, Unix shells or trivial Brainfuck derivatives like Headsecks or Unary), consider adding a note to the existing answer that the same or a very similar solution is also the shortest in the other language.\n* Unless they have been overruled earlier, all standard [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") rules apply, including the .\nAs a side note, please don't downvote boring (but valid) answers in languages where there is not much to golf; these are still useful to this question as it tries to compile a catalogue as complete as possible. However, do primarily upvote answers in languages where the author actually had to put effort into golfing the code.\n### Catalogue\nThe Stack Snippet at the bottom of this post generates the catalogue from the answers a) as a list of shortest solution per language and b) as an overall leaderboard.\nTo make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:\n```\n## Language Name, N bytes\n```\nwhere `N` is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you *can* keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:\n```\n## Ruby, 104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the snippet:\n```\n## [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\n  

Shortest Solution by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# sed, 0\n```\n```\nThe empty `sed` program does exactly what is required here:\n```\n$ printf \"abc\\ndef\" | sed ''\nabc\ndef$ \n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ziim](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Ziim), ~~222~~ ~~201~~ ~~196~~ ~~185~~ 182 bytes\n```\n \u2193 \u2193\n \u2193 \u2193 \u2193\n \u2197 \u2197\u2199\u2194\u2198\u2196 \u2196\n \u2193\u2193\u2921\u2922 \u2922\u2199\n\u2198 \u2196\u2921 \u2196\n \u2199\n \u2195\u2198 \u2191 \u2199\n\u2192\u2198\u2196\u2191 \u2199 \u2191\n\u2192\u2196 \u2191\n\u2192\u2196\u2198 \u2199\n \u2191\u2193\u2191\n \u2921\n```\nThis will probably not display correctly in your browser, so here is a diagram of the code:\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/K0S8k.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/K0S8k.png)\nI can't think of a simpler *structure* to solve the problem in Ziim, but I'm sure the actual code is still quite golfable.\nZiim cannot possibly handle infinite streams because it is only possible to print anything at the end of the program.\n## Explanation\nSince Ziim has a rather unique, declarative control flow model an imperative pseudocode algorithm won't cut it here. Instead, I'll explain the basics of Ziim and the present the tidied up structure of the above code (in a similar graphical manner) as ASCII art.\nControl flow in Ziim happens all over the place: each arrow which isn't pointed at by another arrow initialises a \"thread\" which is processed independently of the others (not really in parallel, but there are no guarantees which order they are processed in, unless you sync them up via concatenation). Each such thread holds a list of binary digits, starting as `{0}`. Now each arrow in the code is some sort of command which has one or two inputs and one or two outputs. The exact command depends on how many arrows are pointing at it from which orientations.\nHere is the list of the commands, where `m -> n` indicates that the command takes `m` inputs and produces `n` outputs.\n* `1 -> 1`, **no-op**: simply redirects the thread.\n* `1 -> 1`, **invert**: negates each bit in the thread (and also redirects it).\n* `1 -> 1`, **read**: replaces the thread's value by the next *bit* from STDIN, or by the empty list if we've hit EOF.\n* `2 -> 1`, **concatenate**: this is the only way to sync threads. When a thread hits one side of the arrow, it will be suspended until another thread hits the other side. At that point they will be concatenated into a single thread and continue execution.\n* `2 -> 1`, **label**: this is the only way to join different execution paths. This is simply a no-op which has two possible inputs. So threads entering the \"label\" via either route will simply be redirected into the same direction.\n* `1 -> 2`, **split**: takes a single thread, and sends two copies off in different directions.\n* `1 -> 1`, **isZero?**: consumes the first bit of the thread, and sends the thread in one of two directions depending on whether the bit was 0 or 1.\n* `1 -> 1`, **isEmpty?**: consumes the entire list (i.e. replaces it with an empty list), and sends the thread in one of two direction depending on whether the list was already empty or not.\nSo with that in mind, we can figure out a general strategy. Using *concatenate* we want to repeatedly append new bits to a string which represents the entire input. We can simply do this by looping the output of the *concatenate* back into one of its inputs (and we initialise this to an empty list, by clearing a `{0}` with *isEmpty?*). The question is how we can terminate this process.\nIn addition to appending the current bit we will also *prepend* a 0 or 1 indicating whether we've reached EOF. If we send our string through *isZero?*, it will get rid of that bit again, but let us distinguish the end of the stream, in which case we simply let the thread leave the edge of the grid (which causes Ziim to print the thread's contents to STDOUT and terminate the program).\nWhether we've reached EOF or not can be determined by using *isEmpty?* on a copy of the input.\nHere is the diagram I promised:\n```\n +----------------------------+ {0} --> isEmpty --> label <--+\n | | n | |\n v | v |\n {0} --> label --> read --> split --> split ------------------> concat |\n | | |\n n v y | |\n inv --> label --> concat <-- isEmpty --> concat <-- label <-- {0} | |\n ^ ^ | | ^ | |\n | | v v | | |\n {0} +------- split ---> label <--- split -------+ | |\n | | |\n +-------------> concat <------------+ |\n | |\n y v |\n print and terminate <-- isZero --------------------+\n```\nSome notes about where to start reading:\n* The `{0}` in the top left corner is the initial trigger which starts the input loop.\n* The `{0}` towards the top right corner is immediately cleared to an empty list an represents the initial string which we'll gradually fill with the input.\n* The other two `{0}`s are fed into a \"producer\" loop (one inverted, one not), to give us an unlimited supply of `0`s and `1`s which we need to prepend to the string.\n[Answer]\n# [Hexagony](https://github.com/mbuettner/hexagony), 6 bytes\nThis used to be 3 bytes (see below), but that version no long works since the latest update of the language. As I never intentionally introduced the error that version made use of, I decided not to count it.\n---\nAn error-free solution (i.e. one which works with the fixed interpreter) turns out to be much trickier. I've had some trouble squeezing it into a 2x2 grid, but I found one solution now, although I need the full **7 bytes**:\n```\n<)@,;.(\n```\nAfter unfolding, we get:\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/HsRLD.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/HsRLD.png)\nSince the initial memory edge is 0, the `<` unconditionally deflects the instruction pointer into the North-East diagonal, where it wraps to the the grey path. The `.` is a no-op. Now `,` reads a byte, `)` increments it such that valid bytes (including null bytes) are positive and EOF is 0.\nSo on EOF, the IP wraps to red path, where `@` terminates the program. But if we still read a byte, then the IP wraps to the green path is instead where `(` decrements the edge to the original value, before `;` prints it to STDOUT. The IP now wraps unconditionally back to the grey path, repeating the process.\n---\nAfter writing [a brute force script](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/62812/8478) for my Truth Machine answer, I set it to find an error-free **6-byte** solution for the cat program as well. Astonishingly, it did find one - yes, exactly one solution in all possible 6-byte Hexagony programs. After the 50 solutions from the truth machine, that was quite surprising. Here is the code:\n```\n~/;,@~\n```\nUnfolding:\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pjs2D.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/pjs2D.png)\nThe use of `~` (unary negation) instead of `()` is interesting, because a) it's a no-op on zero, b) it swaps the sides of the branch, c) in some codes a single `~` might be used twice to undo the operation with itself. So here is what's going on:\nThe first time (purple path) we pass through `~` it's a no-op. The `/` reflects the IP into the North-West diagonal. The grey path now reads a character and multiplies its character code by `-1`. This turns the EOF (`-1`) into a truthy (positive) value and all valid characters into falsy (non-positive) values. In the case of EOF, the IP takes the red path and the code terminates. In the case of a valid character, the IP takes the green path, where `~` undoes negation and `;` prints the character. Repeat.\n---\nFinally, here is the 3-byte version which used to work in the original version Hexagony interpreter.\n```\n,;&\n```\nLike the Labyrinth answer, this terminates with an error if the input stream is finite.\nAfter unfolding the code, it corresponds to the following hex grid:\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/xNuWk.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/xNuWk.png)\nThe `.` are no-ops. Execution starts on the purple path.\n`,` reads a byte, `;` writes a byte. Then execution continues on the salmon(ish?) path. We need the `&` to reset the current memory edge to zero, such that the IP jumps back to the purple row when hitting the corner at the end of the second row. Once `,` hits EOF it will return `-1`, which causes an error when `;` is trying to print it.\n---\nDiagrams generated with [Timwi](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/668/timwi)'s amazing [HexagonyColorer](https://github.com/Timwi/HexagonyColorer).\n[Answer]\n# [TeaScript](https://github.com/vihanb/TeaScript), 0 bytes\nTeaScript is a concise golfing language compiled to JavaScript \n```\n```\nIn a recent update the input is implicitly added as the first property.\n[Try it online](http://vihanserver.tk/p/TeaScript/?code=x&input=foobar%0Appcg%0Ahello%20world)\n---\n### Alternatively, 1 byte\n```\nx\n```\n`x` contains the input in TeaScript. Output is implicit\n[Answer]\n## [Brian & Chuck](https://github.com/mbuettner/brian-chuck), 44 bytes\n```\n#{<{,+?+}_+{-?>}?>+<<<{>?_}>>.<+<+{<{?\n```\nI originally created this language for [Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/63121/8478). It turns out to be a very nice exercise to golf simple problems in it though.\n**The Basics:** Each of the two lines defines a Brainfuck-like program which operates on the other program's source code - the first program is called Brian and the second is called Chuck. Only Brian can read and only Chuck can write. Instead of Brainfuck's loops you have `?` which passes control to the other program (and the roles of instruction pointer and tape head change as well). An addition to Brainfuck is `{` and `}` which scan the tape for the first non-zero cell (or the left end). Also, `_` are replaced with null bytes.\nWhile I don't think this is optimal yet, I'm quite happy with this solution. My first attempt was 84 bytes, and after several golfing sessions with Sp3000 (and taking some inspiration from his attempts), I managed to get it slowly down to 44, a few bytes at a time. Especially the brilliant `+}+` trick was his idea (see below).\n### Explanation\nInput is read into the first cell on Chuck's tape, then painstakingly copied to the end of Brian's tape, where it's printed. By copying it to the end, we can save bytes on setting the previous character to zero.\nThe `#` is just a placeholder, because switching control does not execute the cell we switched on. `{<{` ensures that the tape head is on Chuck's first cell. `,` reads a byte from STDIN or `-1` if we hit EOF. So we increment that with `+` to make it zero for EOF and non-zero otherwise.\nLet's assume for now we're not at EOF yet. So the cell is positive and `?` will switch control to Chuck. `}>` moves the tape head (on Brian) to the `+` the `_` and `?` passes control back to Brian.\n`{-` now decrements the first cell on Chuck. If it's not zero yet, we pass control to Chuck again with `?`. This time `}>` moves the tape head on Brian two cells of the right of the last non-zero cell. Initially that's here:\n```\n#{<{,+?+}_+{-?>}}` moves yet another cell to the right and `+` increments that cell. This is why the first character in the input ends up three cells to the right of the `?` (and each subsequent one three cells further right).\n`<<<` moves back to the last character in that list (or the `?` if it's the first character), and `{>` goes back to the `+` on Brian's tape to repeat the loop, which slowly transfers the input cell onto the end of Brian's tape.\nOnce that input cell is empty the `?` after `{-` will not switch control any more. Then `>}<` moves the tape head on Chuck to the `_` and switches control such that Chuck's second half is executed instead.\n`}>>` moves to the cell we've now written past the end of Brian's tape, which is the byte we've read from STDIN, so we print it back with `.`. In order for `}` to run past this new character on the tape we need to close the gap of two null bytes, so we increment them to `1` with `<+<+` (so that's why there are the 1-bytes between the actual characters on the final tape). Finally `{<{` moves back to the beginning of Brian's tape and `?` starts everything from the beginning.\nYou might wonder what happens if the character we read was a null-byte. In that case the newly written cell would itself be zero, but since it's at the end of Brian's tape and we don't care *where* that end is, we can simply ignore that. That means if the input was `ab\\0de`, then Brian's tape would actually end up looking like:\n```\n#{<{,+?+}_+{-?>}}>}}<`, which usually moved the tape head to the middle of Chuck's tape, moves right past it to the end of Chuck's tape and `?` then passes control to Chuck, terminating the code. It's nice when things just work out... :)\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 16 bytes\n```\nmain=interact id\n```\n`interact` reads the input, passes it to the function given as its argument and prints the result it receives. `id` is the identity function, i.e. it returns its input unchanged. Thanks to Haskell's laziness `interact` can work with infinite input.\n[Answer]\n## sh + binutils, ~~3~~ 2 bytes\n```\ndd\n```\nWell, not quite as obvious. From @Random832\n## Original:\n```\ncat\n```\nThe painfully obvious... :D\n[Answer]\n# [Motorola MC14500B Machine Code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorola_MC14500B), 1.5 bytes\nWritten in hexadecimal:\n```\n18F\n```\nWritten in binary:\n```\n0001 1000 1111\n```\n---\n### Explanation\n```\n1 Read from I/O pin\n8 Output to I/O pin\nF Loop back to start\n```\nThe opcodes are 4 bits each.\n[Answer]\n# [Funciton](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Funciton), 16 bytes\n```\n\u2554\u2550\u2557\n\u255a\u2564\u255d\n```\n(Encoded as UTF-16 with a BOM)\n## Explanation\nThe box returns the contents of STDIN. The loose end outputs it.\n[Answer]\n# [Mornington Crescent](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Mornington_Crescent), 41 bytes\n```\nTake Northern Line to Mornington Crescent\n```\nI have no idea whether Mornington Crescent can handle null bytes, and all input is read before the program starts, as that is the nature of the language.\n[Answer]\n# Brainfuck, 5 bytes\n```\n,[.,]\n```\nEquivalent to the pseudocode:\n```\nx = getchar()\nwhile x != EOF:\n putchar(x)\n x = getchar()\n```\nThis handles infinite streams, but treats null bytes as EOF. Whether or not BF *can* handle null bytes correctly varies from implementation to implementation, but this assumes the most common approach.\n[Answer]\n# [Labyrinth](https://github.com/mbuettner/labyrinth), 2 bytes\n```\n,.\n```\nIf the stream is finite, this will terminate with an error, but all the output produce by the error goes to STDERR, so the standard output stream is correct.\nAs in Brainfuck `,` reads a byte (pushing it onto Labyrinth's main stack) and `.` writes a byte (popping it from Labyrinth's main stack).\nThe reason this loops is that both `,` and `.` are \"dead ends\" in the (very trivial) maze represented by the source code, such that the instruction pointer simply turns around on the spot and moves back to the other command.\nWhen we hit EOF `,` pushes `-1` instead and `.` throws an error because `-1` is not a valid character code. This might actually change in the future, but I haven't decided on this yet.\n---\nFor reference, we can solve this without an error in **6 bytes** as follows\n```\n,)@\n.(\n```\nHere, the `)` increments the byte we read, which gives `0` at EOF and something positive otherwise. If the value is `0`, the IP moves straight on, hitting the `@` which terminates the program. If the value was positive, the IP will instead take a right-turn towards the `(` which decrements the top of the stack back to its original value. The IP is now in a corner and will simply keep making right turns, printing with `.`, reading a new byte with `.`, before it hits the fork at `)` once again.\n[Answer]\n# X86 assembly, 70 bytes\nDisassembly with `objdump`:\n```\n00000000 <.data>:\n 0: 66 83 ec 01 sub sp,0x1\n 4: 66 b8 03 00 mov ax,0x3\n 8: 00 00 add BYTE PTR [eax],al\n a: 66 31 db xor bx,bx\n d: 66 67 8d 4c 24 lea cx,[si+0x24]\n 12: ff 66 ba jmp DWORD PTR [esi-0x46]\n 15: 01 00 add DWORD PTR [eax],eax\n 17: 00 00 add BYTE PTR [eax],al\n 19: cd 80 int 0x80\n 1b: 66 48 dec ax\n 1d: 78 1c js 0x3b\n 1f: 66 b8 04 00 mov ax,0x4\n 23: 00 00 add BYTE PTR [eax],al\n 25: 66 bb 01 00 mov bx,0x1\n 29: 00 00 add BYTE PTR [eax],al\n 2b: 66 67 8d 4c 24 lea cx,[si+0x24]\n 30: ff 66 ba jmp DWORD PTR [esi-0x46]\n 33: 01 00 add DWORD PTR [eax],eax\n 35: 00 00 add BYTE PTR [eax],al\n 37: cd 80 int 0x80\n 39: eb c9 jmp 0x4\n 3b: 66 b8 01 00 mov ax,0x1\n 3f: 00 00 add BYTE PTR [eax],al\n 41: 66 31 db xor bx,bx\n 44: cd 80 int 0x80\n```\nThe source:\n```\nsub esp, 1\nt:\nmov eax,3\nxor ebx,ebx\nlea ecx,[esp-1]\nmov edx,1\nint 0x80\ndec eax\njs e\nmov eax,4\nmov ebx,1\nlea ecx,[esp-1]\nmov edx,1\nint 0x80\njmp t\ne:\nmov eax,1\nxor ebx,ebx\nint 0x80\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 7 bytes\n```\ni:0(?;o\n```\nTry it [here](http://fishlanguage.com/playground/u7ttRxRqTCymDDNe6).\nExplanation:\n```\ni:0(?;o\ni Take a character from input, pushing -1 if the input is empty\n :0( Check if the input is less than 0, pushing 1 if true, 0 if false\n ?; Pop a value of the top of the stack, ending the program if the value is non-zero\n o Otherwise, output then loop around to the left and repeat\n```\nIf you want it to keep going until you give it more input, replace the `;` with `!`.\n[Answer]\n# [Universal Lambda](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Universal_Lambda), 1 byte\n```\n!\n```\nA Universal Lambda program is an encoding of a lambda term in binary, chopped into chunks of 8 bits, padding incomplete chunks with *any* bits, converted to a byte stream.\nThe bits are translated into a lambda term as follows:\n* `00` introduces a lambda abstraction.\n* `01` represents an application of two subsequent terms.\n* `111..10`, with *n* repetitions of the bit `1`, refers to the variable of the *n*th parent lambda; i.e. it is a [De Bruijn index](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Bruijn_index) in unary.\nBy this conversion, `0010` is the identity function `\u03bba.a`, which means any single-byte program of the form `0010xxxx` is a `cat` program.\n[Answer]\n# C, 40 bytes\n```\nmain(i){while(i=~getchar())putchar(~i);}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Cubix](https://github.com/ETHproductions/cubix), ~~6~~ 5 bytes\n*Now handles null bytes!*\n```\n@_i?o\n```\nCubix is a 2-dimensional, stack-based esolang. Cubix is different from other 2D langs in that the source code is wrapped around the outside of a cube.\n[Test it online!](https://ethproductions.github.io/cubix) Note: there's a 50 ms delay between iterations.\n## Explanation\nThe first thing the interpreter does is figure out the smallest cube that the code will fit onto. In this case, the edge-length is 1. Then the code is padded with no-ops `.` until all six sides are filled. Whitespace is removed before processing, so this code is identical to the above:\n```\n @\n_ i ? o\n .\n```\nNow the code is run. The IP (instruction pointer) starts out on the far left face, pointing east.\nThe first char the IP encounters is `_`, which is a mirror that turns the IP around if it's facing north or south; it's currently facing east, so this does nothing. Next is `i`, which inputs a byte from STDIN. `?` turns the IP left if the top item is negative, or right if it's positive. There are three possible paths here:\n* If the inputted byte is -1 (EOF), the IP turns left and hits `@`, which terminates the program.\n* If the inputted byte is 0 (null byte), the IP simply continues straight, outputting the byte with `o`.\n* Otherwise, the IP turns right, travels across the bottom face and hits the mirror `_`. This turns it around, sending it back to the `?`, which turns it right again and outputs the byte.\nI think this program is optimal. Before Cubix could handle null bytes (EOF was 0, not -1), this program worked for everything but null bytes:\n```\n.i!@o\n```\n---\nI've written a [brute-forcer](https://jsfiddle.net/09z5sr3o/3/) to find all 5-byte cat programs. Though it takes ~5 minutes to finish, the latest version has found 5 programs:\n```\n@_i?o (works as expected)\n@i?o_ (works in exactly the same way as the above)\niW?@o (works as expected)\n?i^o@ (false positive; prints U+FFFF forever on empty input)\n?iWo@ (works as expected)\n```\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell, ~~88~~ ~~41~~ 30 Bytes\n```\n$input;write-host(read-host)-n\n```\nEDIT -- forgot that I can use the `$input` automatic variable for pipeline input ... EDIT2 -- don't need to test for existence of `$input`\nYeah, so ... STDIN in PowerShell is ... weird, shall we say. With the assumption that we need to accept input from *all* types of STDIN, this is one possible answer to this catalogue, and I'm sure there are others.1\nPipeline input in PowerShell doesn't work as you'd think, though. Since piping in PowerShell is a function of the language, and not a function of the environment/shell (and PowerShell isn't really *solely* a language anyway), there are some quirks to behavior.\nFor starters, and most relevant to this entry, the pipe isn't evaluated instantaneously (most of the time). Meaning, if we have `command1 | command2 | command3` in our shell, `command2` will not take input or start processing until `command1` completes ... *unless* you encapsulate your `command1` with a `ForEach-Object` ... which is *different* than `ForEach`. (even though `ForEach` is an alias for `ForEach-Object`, but that's a separate issue, since I'm talking `ForEach` as the statement, not alias)\nThis would mean that something like `yes | .\\simple-cat-program.ps1` (even though `yes` doesn't really exist, but whatever) wouldn't work because `yes` would never complete. If we could do `ForEach-Object -InputObject(yes) | .\\simple-cat-program.ps1` that should (in theory) work.\n[Getting to Know ForEach and ForEach-Object](http://blogs.technet.com/b/heyscriptingguy/archive/2014/07/08/getting-to-know-foreach-and-foreach-object.aspx) on the Microsoft \"Hey, Scripting Guy!\" blog.\nSo, all those paragraphs are explaining why `if($input){$input}` exists. We take an input parameter that's specially created automatically if pipeline input is present, test if it exists, and if so, output it.\nThen, we take input from the user `(read-host)` via what's essentially a separate STDIN stream, and `write-host` it back out, with the `-n` flag (short for `-NoNewLine`). Note that this does not support arbitrary length input, as `read-host` will only complete when a linefeed is entered (technically when the user presses \"Enter\", but functionally equivalent).\nPhew.\n1But there are other options:\nFor example, if we were concerned with *only* pipeline input, and we didn't require a full program, you could do something like `| $_` which would just output whatever was input. (In general, that's somewhat redundant, since PowerShell has an implicit output of things \"left behind\" after calculations, but that's an aside.)\nIf we're concerned with only interactive user input, we could use just `write-host(read-host)-n`.\n~~Additionally, this function has the ~~quirk~~ feature of accepting command-line input, for example `.\\simple-cat-program.ps1 \"test\"` would populate (and then output) the `$a` variable.~~\n[Answer]\n# [MarioLANG](http://esolangs.org/wiki/MarioLANG#Examples), 11 bytes\n```\n,<\n.\"\n>!\n=#\n```\nI'm not entirely sure this is optimal, but it's the shortest I found.\nThis supports infinite streams and will terminate with an error upon reaching EOF (at least the Ruby reference implementation does).\nThere's another version of this which turns Mario into a ninja who can double jump:\n```\n,<\n.^\n>^\n==\n```\nIn either case, Mario starts falling down the left column, where `,` reads a byte and `.` writes a byte (which throws an error at EOF because `,` doesn't return a valid character). `>` ensures that Mario walks to the right (`=` is just a ground for him to walk on). Then he moves up, either via a double jump with `^` or via an elevator (the `\"` and `#` pair) before the `<` tells him to move back to the left column.\n[Answer]\n## [INTERCALL](https://github.com/theksp25/INTERCALL), 133 bytes\nwat\n```\nINTERCALL IS A ANTIGOLFING LANGUAGE\nSO THIS HEADER IS HERE TO PREVENT GOLFING IN INTERCALL\nTHE PROGRAM STARTS HERE:\nREAD\nPRINT\nGOTO I\n```\n[Answer]\n# [rs](https://github.com/kirbyfan64/rs), 0 bytes\n```\n```\nSeriously. rs just prints whatever it gets if the given script is completely empty.\n[Answer]\n# Vitsy, 2 bytes\n```\nzZ\n```\n`z` gets all of the input stack and pushes it to the active program stack. `Z` prints out all of the active stack to STDOUT.\nAlternate method:\n```\nI\\il\\O\nI\\ Repeat the next character for input stack's length.\n i Grab an item from the input.\n l\\ Repeat the next character for the currently active program stack's length.\n O Output the top item of the stack as a character.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [V](http://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), 0 bytes\n[Try it online!](http://v.tryitonline.net/#code=&input=VGhlIGVtcHR5IHByb2dyYW0gcHJpbnRzIGl0cyBpbnB1dC4g)\nV's idea of \"memory\" is just a gigantic 2D array of characters. Before any program is ran, all input it loaded into this array (known as \"The Buffer\"). Then, at the end of any program, all text in the buffer is printed.\nIn other words, the empty program *is* a cat program.\n[Answer]\n## [Half-Broken Car in Heavy Traffic](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Half-Broken_Car_in_Heavy_Traffic), 9 + 3 = 12 bytes\n```\n#<\no^<\n v\n```\nHalf-Broken Car in Heavy Traffic (HBCHT) takes input as command line args, so run like\n```\npy -3 hbcht cat.hbc -s \"candy corn\"\n```\nNote that the +3 is for the `-s` flag, which outputs as chars. Also, HBCHT doesn't seem handle NULs, as all zeroes are dropped from the output (e.g. `97 0 98` is output as two chars `ab`).\n### Explanation\nIn HBCHT, your car starts at the `o` and your goal is the exit `#`. `^>v<` direct the car's movement, while simultaneously modifying a BF-like tape (`^>v<` translate to `+>-<`). However, as the language name suggests, your car can only turn right \u2013 any attempts to turn left are ignored completely (including their memory effects). Note that this is only for turning \u2013 your car is perfectly capable of driving forward/reversing direction.\nOther interesting parts about HBCHT are that your car's initial direction is randomised, and the grid is toroidal. Thus we just need the car to make it to the exit without modifying the tape for all four initial directions:\n* Up and down are straightforward, heading directly to the exit.\n* For left, we wrap and execute `<` and increment with `^`. We can't turn left at the next `<` so we wrap and decrement with `v`, negating out previous increment. Since we're heading downwards now we can turn right at the `<` and exit, having moved the pointer twice and modifying no cell values.\n* For right, we do the same thing as left but skip the first `^` since we can't turn left.\n---\n**Edit**: It turns out that the HBCHT interpreter does let you execute just a single path via a command line flag, e.g.\n```\npy -3 hbcht -d left cat.hbc\n```\nHowever, not only is the flag too expensive for this particular question (at least 5 bytes for `\" -d u\"`), it seems that all paths still need to be able to make it to the exit for the code to execute.\n[Answer]\n# [Seed](https://github.com/TryItOnline/seed), ~~3883~~ ~~3864~~ 10 bytes\n```\n4 35578594\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K05NTfn/30TB2NTU3MLU0uT//8SkZAA \"Seed \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is one of the stupidest things I have ever done.\n[Answer]\n# GolfScript, 3 bytes\n```\n:n;\n```\nThe empty program echoes standard input. The language cannot possibly handle infinite streams. However, it appends a newline, as @Dennis mentioned. It does so by wrapping the whole stack in an array and calling `puts`, which is defined as `print n print`, where `n` is a newline. However, we can redefine `n` to be STDIN, and then empty the stack, which is precisely what `:n;` does.\n[Answer]\n## [Snowman 1.0.2](https://github.com/KeyboardFire/snowman-lang/releases/tag/v1.0.2-beta), 15 chars\n```\n(:vGsP10wRsp;bD\n```\nTaken [directly from Snowman's `examples` directory](https://github.com/KeyboardFire/snowman-lang/blob/master/examples/cat.snowman). Reads a line, prints a line, reads a line, prints a line...\nNote that due to an implementation detail, when STDIN is empty, `vg` will return the same thing as it would for an empty line. Therefore, this will repeatedly print newlines in an infinite loop once STDIN is closed. This may be fixed in a future version.\nExplanation of the code:\n```\n( // set two variables (a and f) to active\u2014this is all we need\n:...;bD // a \"do-loop\" which continues looping as long as its \"return value\"\n // is truthy\n vGsP // read a line, print the line\n 10wRsp // print a newline\u2014\"print\" is called in nonconsuming mode; therefore,\n // that same newline will actually end up being the \"return value\" from\n // the do-loop, causing it to loop infinitely\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Minkolang](https://github.com/elendiastarman/Minkolang), 5 bytes\n```\nod?.O\n```\n[Try it here.](http://play.starmaninnovations.com/minkolang/?code=od%3F%2EO&input=Hello%20world!)\n### Explanation\n`o` reads in a character from input and pushes its ASCII code onto the stack (`0` if the input is empty). `d` then duplicates the top of stack (the character that was just read in). `?` is a conditional trampoline, which jumps the next instruction of the top of stack is not `0`. If the input was empty, then the `.` is not jumped and the program halts. Otherwise, `O` outputs the top of stack as a character. The toroidal nature of Minkolang means that this loops around to the beginning.\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 0 bytes\n```\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCIiLCIiLCIxIl0=)\nImplicitly inputs then implicitly outputs. Stretching the rules a *teeny* bit. Specifically the following rule:\n> \n> The only exception being if your language absolutely always prints a trailing newline after execution.\n> \n> \n> \nIn Vyxal, \"printing after execution\" (implicit, not explicit printing) always prints with a newline.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~50~~ 38 bytes\n```\n[\u201c\u20ac\u00ac((a=IO.\u201a\u00d8 9)!=:eof)\u20ac\u00b7 IO.\u2021\u00ed\u20ac\u2026\u201e\u2013\u201c.E\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f8/@lHDnEdNaw6t0dBItPX013vUMOvwDAVLTUVbq9T8NE2Q1HYFsPjCw2uBvEcNyx41zHvUMBmoT8/1/3@P1JycfB2F8PyinBRFLiCoU3RQVlGNU9PS0IzX5kowNDI2MTUzt7A00LXlio6NsVbX0dPnqq6tsVKysbPn4goMdw0KiQz19A9wDHZxc/fw8vaJinAOc/Lz5XJ0cnZxBQp5AsV8/fwDAoOCQ0LDwiMio7i4CstTi0oqSzPzCxKLU9LSM7Kyc6oqksuS8nK5EpOSU1KBQplAsdy8/ILCouKS0rLyisoqAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\") or [test an infinite stream](https://tio.run/##S0oszvifnFhiY@Pq72YXb12ZWlxTUqSgm6IQE5NXo59fUKKfX5yYlJkKpRTi/0c/apjzqGnNoTUaGom2nv56jxpmHZ6hYKmpaGuVmp@mCZLargAWX3h4LZD3qGHZo4Z5jxomA/Xpuf4H2vMfAA \"Bash \u2013 Try It Online\").\n# Explanation\nThis is probably the first *real* 05AB1E cat posted here. While my previous answer (`?`) mostly worked...\n> \n> If it is at all possible in your language to support an arbitrary infinite input stream (i.e. if you can start printing bytes to the output before you hit EOF in the input), your program has to work correctly in this case.\n> \n> \n> \nAnd while there seems to be no way of doing this in 05AB1E, making `?` the shortest possible answer, there is one not very commonly used command that does the trick. `.E` pops a string and runs it as an Elixir program.\nIn this case, we use the following Elixir code:\n```\na = IO.read(x)\nif a != :eof do\n IO.write(a)\nend\n```\n\u2026where `x` is the number of bytes to read each time \u2014 the greater it is, the faster the program runs. It can be anything but `:all`, as that would be equivalent to my previous submission, invalidating it.\nWe can golf this down to:\n```\nif((a=IO.read x)!=:eof)do IO.write a end\n```\nBy now, you might've realized that this program only ever outputs the first `x` bytes of input. But running the Elixir code isn't the only thing the program does. It runs it over and over in an infinite loop (`[`)!\nThe weird symbols you see in the 05AB1E program are dictionary compression \u2013 compressing English words or other common letter combinations into just two bytes each. By substituting in `9` for `x` in the Elixir program (making the program as fast as it can be while not raising the bytecount), we get the final program!\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nAn 'Even string' is any string where the [parity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parity_(mathematics)) of the ASCII values of the characters is always alternating. For example, the string `EvenSt-ring$!` is an even-string because the ASCII values of the characters are:\n```\n69 118 101 110 83 116 45 114 105 110 103 36 33\n```\nAnd the parities of these numbers are:\n```\nOdd Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd Even Odd\n```\nWhich is alternating the whole way. However, a string like `Hello world!` is *not* an even string because the ASCII values are:\n```\n72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 33\n```\nAnd the parities are:\n```\nEven Odd Even Even Odd Even Odd Odd Even Even Even Odd\n```\nWhich is clearly not always alternating.\n# The challenge\nYou must write either a full program or a function that accepts a string for input and outputs a [truthy](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/2190/31716) value if the string is even, and a falsy value otherwise. You can take your input and output in any reasonable format, and you can assume that the input will only have [printable ASCII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Printable_characters) (the 32-127 range). You do *not* have to handle empty input.\n# Examples\nHere are some examples of even strings:\n```\n#define\nEvenSt-ring$!\nlong\nabcdABCD\n3.141\n~\n0123456789\nC ode - g ol!f\nHatchingLobstersVexinglyPopulateJuvenileFoxglove\n```\nAnd all of these examples are not even strings:\n```\nHello World\nPPCG\n3.1415\nbabbage\nCode-golf\nStandard loopholes apply\nShortest answer in bytes wins\nHappy golfing!\n```\nYou may also use [this ungolfed solution](http://julia.tryitonline.net/#code=c3RyID0gcmVhZGxpbmUoU1RESU4pCmV2ZW4gPSB0cnVlCnBhcml0eSA9IEludChzdHJbMV0pICUgMgpmb3IgYyBpbiBzdHJbMjplbmRdCiAgbmV3UGFyaXR5ID0gSW50KGMpICUgMgogIGlmIG5ld1Bhcml0eSA9PSBwYXJpdHkKICAgIGV2ZW4gPSBmYWxzZQogIGVuZAogIHBhcml0eSA9IG5ld1Bhcml0eQplbmQKcHJpbnQoZXZlbik&input=MDEyMzQ1Njc4OQ) to test any strings if you're curious about a certain test-case.\n \n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~4~~ 3 bytes\nThanks to *Emigna* for saving a byte and thanks to *Luis Mendo* for fixing some bugs. Code:\n```\ndoA\n```\nExplanation:\n```\nd # Difference between the characters\n o # Mod 2\n A # Matlab style all\n```\n[Try it online!](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=ZG9B&input=J0hhdGNoaW5nTG9ic3RlcnNWZXhpbmdseVBvcHVsYXRlSnV2ZW5pbGVGb3hnbG92ZSc)\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~5~~ 4 bytes\nSaved 1 byte thanks to *Adnan*.\n```\n\u00c7\u00a5\u00c9P\n```\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=w4fCpcOJUA&input=QyBvZGUgLSBnIG9sIWY)\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u00c7 # convert to ascii values \n \u00a5 # compute delta's\n \u00c9 # mod by 2\n P # product\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~7~~ ~~5~~ 4 bytes\n```\nOI\u1e02\u1ea0\n```\nSaved 2 bytes using the deltas idea from @[Steven H.](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/96063/6710)\nSaved 1 byte thanks to @[Lynn](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/3852/lynn).\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=T0nhuILhuqA&input=&args=RXZlblN0LXJpbmckIQ) or [Verify all test cases.](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=T0nhuILhuqAKw4figqw&input=&args=JyNkZWZpbmUnLCdFdmVuU3QtcmluZyQhJywnbG9uZycsJ2FiY2RBQkNEJywnMy4xNDEnLCd-JywnMDEyMzQ1Njc4OScsJ0Mgb2RlIC0gZyBvbCFmJywnSGVsbG8gV29ybGQnLCdQUENHJywnMy4xNDE1JywnYmFiYmFnZScsJ0NvZGUtZ29sZicsJ1N0YW5kYXJkIGxvb3Bob2xlcyBhcHBseScsJ1Nob3J0ZXN0IGFuc3dlciBpbiBieXRlcyB3aW5zJywnSGFwcHkgZ29sZmluZyEn)\n## Explanation\n```\nOI\u1e02\u1ea0 Input: string S\nO Ordinal\n I Increments\n \u1e02 Mod 2\n \u1ea0 All, 0 if it contains a falsey value, else 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 54 Bytes\n```\nlambda s:all((ord(x)-ord(y))%2for x,y in zip(s,s[1:]))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, ~~50~~ 44 bytes\n*The current version is basically all Martin Ender's virtuosity.*\n```\nDifferences@ToCharacterCode@#~Mod~2~FreeQ~0&\n```\nReturns `True` or `False`. Nothing too clever: takes the mod-2 sum of each pair of consecutive ASCII codes, and checks that 0 is never obtained.\nOld version:\n```\nUnion@Mod[Most[a=ToCharacterCode@#]+Rest@a,2]=={1}&\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~60~~ ~~50~~ 46 bytes\n```\ns=>[...s].every(c=>p-(p=c.charCodeAt()%2),p=2)\n```\nI tried recursion, but at 51 bytes, it doesn't seem to be quite worth it:\n```\nf=([c,...s],p=2)=>c?p-(p=c.charCodeAt()%2)&f(s,p):1\n```\n### Test snippet\n```\nf=s=>[...s].every(c=>p-(p=c.charCodeAt()%2),p=2)\n```\n```\n\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), ~~138~~ ~~114~~ ~~112~~ 84 + 3 = 87 bytes\nThanks to [@Riley](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/57100/riley) for help golfing.\nThis program treats empty input as a noneven string.\n```\n{({}(())){({}[()]<(()[{}])>)}{}(({})<>[[]{}]()){{}(<>)}{}({}<>)<>}<>(([])[()]){<>}{}\n```\n[Try it online!](http://brain-flak.tryitonline.net/#code=eyh7fSgoKSkpeyh7fVsoKV08KCgpW3t9XSk-KX17fSgoe30pPD5bW117fV0oKSl7e30oPD4pfXt9KHt9PD4pPD59PD4oKFtdKVsoKV0pezw-fXt9&input=RXZlblN0LXJpbmcgQyBvZGUgLSBnIG9sIWY&args=LWE)\n## Explanation (outdated)\nShifts the input from the left stack to the right while modding by 2. Finds the difference between each adjacent character until all have been checked or one of the differences is equal to zero (which would only occur in a noneven string). If the loop terminated due to a noneven string then switch back to the left stack and pop the value remaining on it. Otherwise, stay on the right stack and pop the zero above the 1 remaining on the stack.\n[Answer]\n## R, 41 35 bytes\nEDIT:\nSaved a few bytes thanks to @JDL by using `diff` instead of `rle`. \n```\nall(diff(utf8ToInt(readline())%%2))\n```\n---\n```\nall(rle(utf8ToInt(readline())%%2)[[1]]<2)\n```\n**Explanation**\n1. `readline()` read input.\n2. `utf8ToInt()%%2` convert to ascii values and mod 2 (store as R-vector)\n3. `all(rle()==1)` run length encoding of to find runs. All runs should be equal to one or smaller than 2 since no runs cant be negative or 0 (saves one byte instead of `==`).\n[Answer]\n# Pyth ([fork](https://github.com/Steven-Hewitt/pyth)), 9 bytes\n```\n.A%R2.+CM\n```\nNo Try It Online link because the fork does not have its own version in the online interpreters.\nExplanation:\n```\n CM Map characters to their ASCII codes.\n .+ Get deltas (differences between consecutive character codes)\n %R2 Take the modulo of each base 2\n.A all are truthy (all deltas are odd)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](http://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 17 bytes\n```\n@c:{:2%}a@b:{l1}a\n```\n[Try it online!](http://brachylog.tryitonline.net/#code=QGM6ezoyJX1hQGI6e2wxfWE&input=IkV2ZW5TdC1yaW5nJCEi)\n### Explanation\n```\n@c Input to a list of char codes\n :{:2%}a Apply X mod 2 for each X in the list of char codes\n @b Split the list into a list of lists where each sublist elements are the\n same, e.g. turn [1,0,1,1,0,0] into [[1],[0],[1,1],[0,0]]\n :{l1}a The length of each sublist must be 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~77~~ ~~76~~ ~~72~~ 57 bytes\n```\na->{int i=2,b=1;for(int c:a)b=i==(i=c%2)?0:b;return b>0;}\n```\n-4 bytes thanks to *@Geobits*.\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##nZTfb9MwEMff@1dcC0iJWLK22/jRKEMjY1SITZWK4AHxcHacxMPzRbbTLZrKv16cbm8DJPxi6ez7fO9O95WvcYMJtUJflz93XKG1cIlS348ApHbCVMgFXA0hACNSAjXwiDdovv8AjDP/sB35wzp0ksMVaMhhh8npvcdB5vMDls@yikw0xHyBMctlnkcy5y/m8bvpgmVGuM5oYKfTbLvLBrG2Y8qLPWpuSJZw45uK1s5IXe8LP3R0eAhfTOeafrEP17114ialzqWtz3SRTnk0eVaKSmoxSR0Vvu8zY7CP4hhewuRgsp/gb@SHjdBrlwxFn48DeEW6DsCQ8fLsfXEegB6ls@NZAPcrgJnO5kfHJ69ev3kbABdApYAEaiA1rv5LQOkHiSU63vjVfCbmE4z9Ku58pPoVtZ1CJz51fn1SiQu6qxVtnhjgUd576AKVFf/00FIoRfCNjCoDhl2tio@hyzwJABkyhnWI4wu/laQmVQWwa4e6RFOCImob/1VYwLZVfYhUQ8YJ6wC1vRXGf0XAen8Bt1LbAL2lb6SHYS7vkPEfjbAdbXe/AQ)\n```\na->{ // Method with character-array parameter and boolean return-type\n int i=2, // Integer `i`, starting at any integer not 0 or 1\n b=1; // Flag-integer `b`, starting at 1\n for(int c:a) // Loop over the input-array\n b=i==(i=c%2)? // If two adjacent characters were both odd or even:\n 0 // Set the flag-integer `b` to 0\n : // Else:\n b; // The flag-integer `b` remains the same\n return b>0;} // Return if the flag-integer `b` is still 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Brain-Flak 155 151 141 121\nIncludes +3 for -a\nSaved 30 bytes thanks to [1000000000](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/96107/57100)\n```\n{({}(())){({}[()]<(()[{}])>)}{}({}()<>)<>}<>{({}[({})]<(())>){((<{}{}>))}{}({}[()]<>)<>}<>{{}}([]<(())>){((<{}{}>))}{}\n```\nOutput: \n**truthy**: 1 \n**falsy**: 0 on top of the stack\n[Try it online! (truthy)](http://brain-flak.tryitonline.net/#code=eyh7fSgoKSkpeyh7fVsoKV08KCgpW3t9XSk-KX17fSh7fSgpPD4pPD59PD57KHt9Wyh7fSldPCgoKSk-KXsoKDx7fXt9PikpfXt9KHt9WygpXTw-KTw-fTw-e3t9fShbXTwoKCkpPil7KCg8e317fT4pKX17fQ&input=QyBvZGUgLSBnIG9sIWY&args=LWE) \n[Try it online! (falsy)](http://brain-flak.tryitonline.net/#code=eyh7fSgoKSkpeyh7fVsoKV08KCgpW3t9XSk-KX17fSh7fSgpPD4pPD59PD57KHt9Wyh7fSldPCgoKSk-KXsoKDx7fXt9PikpfXt9KHt9WygpXTw-KTw-fTw-e3t9fShbXTwoKCkpPil7KCg8e317fT4pKX17fQ&input=Q29kZS1nb2xm&args=LWE) \n---\nBetter explanation coming later (if I can remember how it works after a few hours...)\n```\n#compute ((mod 2) + 1) and put on other stack\n{({}(())){({}[()]<(()[{}])>)}{}({}()<>)<>}<>\n#compare top two (remove top 1) push on other stack (-1 for different 0 for same)\n{({}[({})]<(())>){((<{}{}>))}{}({}[()]<>)<>}<>\n#remove all of the top -1s\n{{}}\n#take the logical not of the stack height\n([]<(())>){((<{}{}>))}{}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Starry](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Starry), 85 bytes\n```\n , + * ` , + + * ' + ' ` + * + + * ' + `.\n```\n[Try it online!](http://starry.tryitonline.net/#code=ICwgICAgICAgKyAgICAqICAgYCAsICsgICAgICAgICAgICAgICArICogJyArICAnIGAgICAgICAgKyAgICAqICsgICArICogICAnICAgICArICBgLg&input=RXZlblN0LXJpbmcgQyBvZGUgLSBnIG9sIWYK)\nNote that since a Starry program has no way of telling when an input of arbitrary length ends, this program uses a trailing newline in the input to mark the end of the string. If you get a cryptic error message about and undefined method `ord` for `nil:NilClass` then the input is missing a trailing newline.\n## Explanation\nThe basic strategy that the program employs is it reads the characters one by one from input and if they are not a newline (character 10) it mods they ASCII value of the character by 2 and finds the difference between it and the previously read character. If the difference is zero the program terminates and prints `0` (falsey). Otherwise the program loops back and does the process over again. If the program reads a newline it terminates and prints `10` (truthy).\n### Annotated Program\n```\n , Push the first character\n + Push 2\n * Replace the first character and 2 with the first character mod 2\n ` Label 3 <--------------------------------------------------------\\\n , Push the next the character |\n + Push a duplicate of it |\n + Push 10 |\n * Replace the 10 and the duplicate with their difference |\n ' Pop and if not zero (the read char is not 10) goto label 1 >-\\ |\n + Push a duplicate of the character which must be newline (10) | |\n ' Pop and goto label 2 >---------------------------------------+-\\ |\n ` Label 1 <----------------------------------------------------/ | |\n + Push 2 | |\n * Replace the character and 2 with the character mod 2 | |\n + Duplicate it ^ | |\n + Roll the top three items on the stack. The top goes to | |\n the bottom. The top three items are now | |\n (from top to bottom) the current character, the previous | |\n character, the current character (all modded by 2). | |\n * Replace the current character and previous character | |\n with their difference | |\n ' Pop if nonzero goto label 3 >----------------------------------+-/\n + Push zero |\n ` Label 2 <------------------------------------------------------/\n. Print out the number on top of the stack\n 0 if we came by not following the goto label 3\n 10 if we came by going to label 2\n```\n[Answer]\n## Perl, 24 + 1 (`-p`) = 25 bytes\n*-4 bytes thanks to [@Ton Hospel](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/51507/ton-hospel) !* \n```\ns/./$&&v1/eg;$_=!/(.)\\1/\n```\nNeeds `-p` flag. Outputs 1 is the string is even, nothing otherwise. For instance :\n```\nperl -pe 's/./$&&v1/eg;$_=!/(.)\\1/' <<< \"#define\nHello World\"\n```\n*Explanations* : replaces each character by its value mod 2 (so the string contains only 0s and 1s after that). Then search for two following 1 or 0 : if it finds some, then the string isn't even, otherwise it is.\n[Answer]\n# J, 15 bytes\n```\n0=1#.2=/\\2|3&u:\n```\n## Usage\n```\n f =: 0=1#.2=/\\2|3&u:\n f 'C ode - g ol!f'\n1\n f 'Code-golf'\n0\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n0=1#.2=/\\2|3&u: Input: string S\n 3&u: Get ordinals of each char\n 2| Take each modulo 2\n 2 \\ For each pair of values\n =/ Test if they are equal, 1 if true else 0\n 1#. Treat the list of integers as base 1 digits and convert to decimal\n This is equivalent to taking the sum\n0= Is it equal to 0, 1 if true else 0, and return\n```\n[Answer]\n# Vim, 38 bytes\n`qqs=char2nr(@\")%2l@qq@q:g/00\\|11/d`\nAssumes input string in buffer, and empty `\"q`. Outputs binary nonsense if true, nothing if false.\n* `s=char2nr(@\")%2`: Replaces a character with 1 if odd, 0 if even. The macro this is in just does this to every character in the line (no matter how long it is).\n* `:g/00\\|11/d`: Deletes the line if 2 consecutive \"bits\" have the same value. Faster than a back-reference.\nNormally, in vimgolf, when you use an expression function inside a macro, you're supposed to do the macro itself on the expression register and use some trickery to tab-complete. That's more difficult this time. I may find a way to shorten that later.\n[Answer]\n## [Retina](http://github.com/mbuettner/retina), 39 bytes\nByte count assumes ISO 8859-1 encoding.\n```\nS_`\n%{2`\n$`\n}T01`p`_p\n..\nMm`.\u00b6.|^\u00b6$\n^0\n```\nOutputs `1` for truthy and `0` for falsy.\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=JShHYApTX2AKJXsyYAokYAp9VDAxYHBgX3AKLi4KCk1tYC7Cti58XsK2JApeMA&input=I2RlZmluZQpFdmVuU3QtcmluZyQhCmxvbmcKYWJjZEFCQ0QKMy4xNDEKfgowMTIzNDU2Nzg5CkMgb2RlIC0gZyBvbCFmCkhhdGNoaW5nTG9ic3RlcnNWZXhpbmdseVBvcHVsYXRlSnV2ZW5pbGVGb3hnbG92ZQpIZWxsbyBXb3JsZApQUENHCjMuMTQxNQpiYWJiYWdlCkNvZGUtZ29sZgpTdGFuZGFyZCBsb29waG9sZXMgYXBwbHkKU2hvcnRlc3QgYW5zd2VyIGluIGJ5dGVzIHdpbnMKSGFwcHkgZ29sZmluZyE) (The first line enables a linefeed-separated test suite.)\n### Explanation\nInspired by a answer of mbomb007's [I recently developed a reasonably short `ord()` implementation](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/32786271#32786271) in Retina. This is largely based on that, although I was able to make a few simplifications since I don't need a decimal result in since I only need to support printable ASCII (and I only care about the parity of the result, so ending up with an arbitrary offset is fine, too).\n**Stage 1: Split**\n```\nS_`\n```\nThis simply splits the input into its individual characters by splitting it around the empty match and dropping the empty results at the beginning and end with `_`.\n**Stage 2: Replace**\n```\n%{2`\n$`\n```\nThe `%{` tells Retina a) that this stage and the next should be run in a loop until the string stops changing through a full iteration, and that these two stages should be applied to each line (i.e each character) of the input separately.\nThe stage itself is the standard technique for duplicating the first character of the input. We match the empty string (but only look at the first two matches) and insert the prefix of that match. The prefix of the first match (at the beginning of the string) is empty, so this doesn't do anything, and the prefix of the second match is the first character, which is therefore duplicated.\n**Stage 3: Transliterate**\n```\n}T01`p`_o\n```\n`}` indicates the end of the loop. The stage itself is a transliteration. `01` indicates that it should only be applied to the first character of the string. `p` is shorthand for all printable ASCII characters and `_` means \"delete\". So if we expand this, the transliteration does the following transformation:\n```\nfrom: !\"#$%...\nto: _ !\"#$...\n```\nSo spaces are deleted and all other characters are decremented. That means, these two stages together will create a character range from space to the given character (because they'll repeatedly duplicate and decrement the first character until it becomes a space at which point the duplication and deletion cancel).\nThe length of this range can be used to determine the parity of the character.\n**Stage 4: Replace**\n```\n..\n```\nWe simply drop all pairs of characters. This clears even-length lines and reduces odd-length lines to a single character (the input character, in fact, but that doesn't really matter).\n**Stage 5: Match**\n```\nMm`.\u00b6.|^\u00b6$\n```\nIt's easier to find inputs which *aren't* even, so we count the number of matches of either two successive empty lines or two successive non-empty lines. We should get `0` for even inputs and something non-zero otherwise.\n**Stage 6: Match**\n```\n^0\n```\nAll that's left is to invert the result, which we do by counting the number of matches of this regex, which checks that the input starts with a `0`. This is only possible if the result of the first stage was `0`.\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, 59 bytes\n```\n#(every?(fn[p](odd?(apply + p)))(partition 2 1(map int %)))\n```\nGenerates all sequential pairs from string `n` and checks if every pair sum is odd. If a sequence of ints is considered a reasonable format then it's 50 bytes. \n```\n#(every?(fn[p](odd?(apply + p)))(partition 2 1 %))\n```\nSee it online : \n[Answer]\n## Julia, ~~55~~ 53 Bytes\n```\nf(s)=!ismatch(r\"00|11\",join(map(x->Int(x)%2,[s...])))\n```\n**Explained**\nMap chars to 0|1 and check if the resulting string contains \"00\" or \"11\", which makes the string not alternating.\n[Answer]\n## Python, 52 bytes\n```\nf=lambda s:s==s[0]or(ord(s[0])-ord(s[1]))%2*f(s[1:])\n```\nA recursive function. Produces 1 (or True) for even strings, 0 for odd ones. Multiplies the parity of the difference of the first two characters by the recursive value on the remainder. A single-character string gives True, as checked by it equaling its first character. This assumes the input is non-empty; else, one more byte is needed for `s==s[:1]` or `len(s)<2`.\n---\n**Python 2, 52 bytes**\n```\np=r=2\nfor c in input():x=ord(c)%2;r*=p-x;p=x\nprint r\n```\nAlternatively, an iterative solution. Iterates over the input characters, storing the current and previous character values mod 2. Multiplies the running product by the difference, which because 0 (Falsey) only when two consecutive parities are equal.\nThe \"previous\" value is initialized to 2 (or any value not 0 or 1) so that the first character never matches parity with the fictional previous character.\n---\n**Python, 42 bytes, outputs via exit code**\n```\np=2\nfor c in input():x=ord(c)%2;p=x/(p!=x)\n```\nOutputs via exit code. Terminates with a ZeroDivisionError when two consecutive characters have the same parities, otherwise terminates cleanly.\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, ~~42~~ 40 bytes\n```\nall odd.(zipWith(-)=< `True`.\nHow it works:\n```\n map fromEnum -- turn into a list of ascii values\n (zipWith(/=)=< % 2, ^) \n B - product(^)\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#, 69 bytes\n```\ns=>{int i=1,e=0;for(;if= s=>{int i=1,e=0;for(;i '#define','EvenSt-ring$!','long','abcdABCD','3.141','~','0123456789','C ode - g ol!f','HatchingLobstersVexinglyPopulateJuvenileFoxglove'|%{\"$_ --> \"+(.\\evenst-ring-c-ode-g-olf.ps1 $_)}\n#define --> True\nEvenSt-ring$! --> True\nlong --> True\nabcdABCD --> True\n3.141 --> True\n~ --> True\n0123456789 --> True\nC ode - g ol!f --> True\nHatchingLobstersVexinglyPopulateJuvenileFoxglove --> True\nPS C:\\Tools\\Scripts\\golfing> 'Hello World','PPCG','3.1415','babbage','Code-golf','Standard loopholes apply','Shortest answer in bytes wins','Happy golfing!'|%{\"$_ --> \"+(.\\evenst-ring-c-ode-g-olf.ps1 $_)}\nHello World --> False\nPPCG --> False\n3.1415 --> False\nbabbage --> False\nCode-golf --> False\nStandard loopholes apply --> False\nShortest answer in bytes wins --> False\nHappy golfing! --> False\n```\n[Answer]\n# [><>](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), ~~29~~ 27 bytes\n```\ni2%\\0 n;n 1<\n0:i/!?-}:%2^?(\n```\nOutputs 1 if the word is even, 0 if the word is odd.\nYou can [try it online](https://fishlanguage.com/playground).\nEdit : saved two bytes thanks to Martin Ender\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](https://perl6.org), ~~47~~ 26 bytes\n```\n{?all .ords.rotor(2=>-1).map({(.[0]+^.[1])%2})}\n```\n```\n{[~](.ords X%2)!~~/(.)$0/}\n```\n## Expanded:\n```\n# bare block lambda with implicit parameter $_\n{\n [~]( # reduce using concatenation operator ( no space chars )\n .ords X[%] 2 # the ordinals cross modulus with 2 ( 1 or 0 )\n # ^-- implicit method call on $_\n )\n ![~~] # negating meta operator combined with smartmatch operator\n / ( . ) $0 / # is there a character followed by itself?\n}\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nInspired by a task for Programming 101, here's a challenge that hopefully isn't too easy (or a duplicate).\n## Input:\n* A positive integer `n >= 1`.\n## Output:\n* `n` lines of asterisks, where every new line has one asterisk more than the line before, and starting with one asterisk in the first line.\n## Test case (n=5):\n```\n *\n **\n ***\n ****\n *****\n```\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so shortest answer in bytes wins.\n \n[Answer]\n# [tinylisp](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/tinylisp), 84 bytes\n```\n(load library\n(d Q(q((A)(join(map string(map* repeat-val(repeat-val 42 A)(1to A)))nl\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RcuxCYAwEEbh3imu/E@wUFzAERzhxCAnZxJjEDJ91Mrqfc3L6ovpFWuFBVnJdEmSSoOVZpzAxNiDehwS6cpJ/faxpeSik9zdYvhJ40Dv0OfwhtlbxUw91wc \"tinylisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [tinylisp](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/tinylisp), 89 bytes\n```\n(d P(q((A N)(i(s N 1)(i(disp(string A))A(P(c 42 A)(s N 1)))(string A\n(d Q(q((N)(P(q(42))N\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##PcxBCoAgFIThfad4y5ll5gW8gOgZCuJBSKWbTv9SiHYD//A1Lc@h9TTDJgkXECQSiipR5jG2XlHbrWWXQAYkrOJd39@H/PPUkTyQTgzMOzIasiy0Fw \"tinylisp \u2013 Try It Online\")\nthe length of the library functions makes this surprisingly close to the library based one.\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, 6 bytes\n```\nVoh\\**\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=Voh%5C%2a%2a&input=5)\n[Answer]\n# [Brain-Flak](http://github.com/DJMcMayhem/Brain-Flak), 81 bytes\n78 bytes but three for the `-A` flag, which enables ASCII output.\n```\n{(({}[()])<>()){({}[()]<(((((()()()){}())){}{}){})>)}{}((()()()()()){})<>}<>{}\n```\n[Try it online!](http://brain-flak.tryitonline.net/#code=eygoe31bKCldKTw-KCkpeyh7fVsoKV08KCgoKCgoKSgpKCkpe30oKSkpe317fSl7fSk-KX17fSgoKCkoKSgpKCkoKSl7fSk8Pn08Pnt9&input=NQ&args=LUE)\nBrain-flak isn't the greatest language for ASCII-art, but it still managed to be somewhat short. Ish. Kinda.\nExplanation:\n```\nWhile True:\n{\n(\nDecrement counter\n({}[()])\nAnd move copy to other stack\n<>())\nPush N '*'s\n{({}[()]<(((((()()()){}())){}{}){})>)}\nPop 0\n{}\nPush newline\n((()()()()()){})\nMove back to counter\n<>\nEndwhile\n}\nMove to other stack\n<>\nPop an extra newline\n{}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Jolf, 7 bytes\nThis time, the builtin didn't let me win. Oh well.\n```\n\u2015t0jj'*\n```\n[Try it here!](http://conorobrien-foxx.github.io/Jolf/#code=4oCVdDBqaicq&input=NQ)\n## Explanation\n```\n\u2015t0jj'*\n\u2015t0 pattern: left-corner-base triangle\n j with height\n j and width.\n '* comprised of asterisks\n```\n[Answer]\n## Racket 47 bytes\n```\n(for((i(+ 1 n)))(displayln(make-string i #\\*)))\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n(define (f n)\n (for ((i (+ 1 n))) ; (i 5) in 'for' produces 0,1,2,3,4 \n (displayln (make-string i #\\*)))) ; #\\* means character '*'\n```\nTesting: \n```\n(f 5)\n```\nOutput: \n```\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 7,~~72~~ 70 bytes\n*Thanks to @kevin for shave it off by 2 bytes.*\n```\nString f(int n,String s,String c){return n<1?c:f(--n,s+\"*\",c+s+\"\\n\");}\n```\n### Output\n```\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n******\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 27 (or 24) bytes\n(Thanks to m-chrzan for pointing out the miscounting.)\nReturns a string.\n```\n->n{(1..n).map{|i|?**i}*$/}\n```\nthe `map` makes an array of strings of `*` of increasing length. The `*$/` takes the array and joins the elements to make a newline-separated string. If an array of strings is acceptable, these three bytes can be saved, scoring 24.\nIn test program\n```\nf=->n{(1..n).map{|i|?**i}*$/}\nputs f[5]\n```\n[Answer]\n# C++, 78 bytes\nI don't know how there are 2 C++ answers that don't just do it with for loops. Very short and sweet this way:\n```\nvoid T(int n){for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){for(int j=0;j\nusing namespace std;\nvoid T(int n)\n{\n for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)\n {\n for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)\n cout << '*';\n cout << '\\n';\n }\n}\nint main()\n{\n T(5);\n}\n```\nEdit: it is unclear to me whether to count the `#include`, `using namespace std`, and/or `std::whatever` in calls. C/C++ answers all over this site seem to use both, and for the most part no one seems to care except for the occasional comment. If I need the `std::`, then +10. If I need the `#include`, +18 ([although GCC allows me to do without the basic includes, so maybe not that one](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/2204/56586))\n[Answer]\n# Java, 110 bytes\nNot that short, but I really like having empty for loops.\n```\nString f(int n){String s=\"\";for(int i=0;ir<>String.duplicate(\"*\",x)<>\"\\n\"end)\n```\nAnonymous function using the capture operator. `Enum.reduce` will iterate a list (the list is obtained by calling `Enum.to_list` on the range 1..n) and concatenate the return string `r` (which has been initialized with \"\") with a string made of `x` asterisks and a newline.\nFull program with test case:\n```\ns=&Enum.reduce(Enum.to_list(1..&1),\"\",fn(x,r)->r<>String.duplicate(\"*\",x)<>\"\\n\"end)\nIO.write s.(5)\n```\n**Try it online on [ElixirPlayground](http://elixirplayground.com/) !**\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, ~~10~~ 8 Bytes\nthanks to Jakube for helping me shave off the extra 2 bytes!\n```\nVQ*Np\"*\"\n```\n[Try it](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=VQ%2aNp%22%2a%22&input=5&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n**Brainfuck, 129 bytes**\nI know there's already a shorter answer in brainfuck, however I wanted to create a program which could handle a multi-digit number input rather than either a single-digit input or a single ascii character input unlike the previous one posted.\n```\n,[>+++[->++++[-<<---->>]<]+>,]<-<<[<<]>>[<[->>++++++++++<<]>>>]+>>++++++++++>>++++++[-<+++++++>]<<<<<[>[->+>>.<<<]>>.<[-<+>]<+<-]\n```\nThis is my first ever brainfuck program and it will work for any input between 0 and the maximum size of a single cell (traditionally 8 bits or 255) entered using the characters '0' to '9' (corresponding to ascii-values 048-057)\n**Explanation**\nThe first part of this program, `,[>+++[->++++[-<<---->>]<]+>,]`, takes the input numbers as char values and removes 48 from each to make them equal to the numbers 0 to 9 rather than the char values of the numbers 0 to 9. It stores these in separate cells with a 1 in between each of them so that the start and end points can be found again.\nThe second part, `<-<<[<<]>>[<[->>++++++++++<<]>>>]`, consolidates the separate values into one cell. This is why the maximum size of a cell controls how high a number can be.\nThe third section, `+>>++++++++++>>++++++[-<+++++++>]<<<<<`, is used to set up the other cells needed: one with the number of asterisks per line, one with the code for a linefeed and one with the code for an asterisk. There is also a blank cell left for working with later.\nThe remainder of the code, `[>[->+>>.<<<]>>.<[-<+>]<+<-]`, is used to:\n1. Output as many asterisks as necessary\n2. Output a linefeed\n3. Reset the value of the cell controlling the asterisks\n4. Increment the control cell\n5. Decrement the cell with the number until it equals 0\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 11 bytes\n```\n'*\u00d7.pD\u00a6`r`\u00bb\n```\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=JyrDly5wRMKmYHJgwrs&input=NQ)\n**Explanation:** (Prints hourglass)\n```\n Implicit input - 5\n'* Asterisk character - stack = '*'\n \u00d7 Repeat input times - stack = '*****'\n .p Get prefixes - stack = ['*', '**', '***', '****', '*****']\n D Duplicate last element\n STACK = ['*', '**', '***', '****', '*****'] , ['*', '**', '***', '****', '*****']\n \u00a6 Remove first element from final list\n STACK = ['*', '**', '***', '****', '*****'] , ['**', '***', '****', '*****']\n `r` Reverse 1 list and flatten both\n STACK = '*****','****','***','**','*','**','***','****','*****'\n \u00bb Join by newlines and implicitly print\n```\nFor input 5, prints:\n```\n*****\n****\n***\n**\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n```\n[Answer]\n# C++ 11, 65 bytes\nNot including the `include` in the byte count.\n```\n#include\nusing S=std::string;S g(int n){return n?g(n-1)+S(n,'*')+'\\n':\"\";}\n```\nUsage:\n```\nstd::cout << g(n) << std::endl;\n```\n[Answer]\n# SQL, 153 Bytes\nGolfed:\n```\nCREATE PROCEDURE P @n INT AS BEGIN DECLARE @a INT;SET @a=0;DECLARE @o VARCHAR(1000);SET @o='*'WHILE @a<@n BEGIN PRINT @o;SET @o=@o+'*'SET @a=@a+1;END;END\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nCREATE PROCEDURE P\n@n INT \nAS \nBEGIN \nDECLARE @a INT;\nSET @a=0;\nDECLARE @o VARCHAR(1000);\nSET @o='*'\nWHILE @a<@n\n BEGIN \n PRINT @o;\n SET @o=@o+'*'\n SET @a=@a+1;\nEND;\nEND\n```\nTesting:\n```\nEXEC P '6'\n```\nOutput:\n```\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n******\n```\n[Answer]\n# Crystal, 31 bytes\n`n=5;(1..n).each{|x|puts \"*\"*x}`\nOutput:\n```\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n```\nReally demonstrates the beauty of Crystal/Ruby. `n` is the integer input, `(1..n)` is an inclusive range from `1` to `n` (`[1, n]`). `.each` is a method on Range that runs the provided block for every integer in the range.\n[Answer]\n# [Dip](https://github.com/mcparadip/Dip), ~~6~~ 5 bytes\n```\n`**En\n```\n*-1 byte thanks to [Oliver](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/12537/oliver)*\n**Explanation:**\n```\n`** Push \"*\" repeated input times\n E Prefixes\n n Join by newlines\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 88 bytes / 53 bytes\nUsing C89.\n`g(a){a&&g(a-1);a<2||puts(\"\");while(a--)putchar('*');}main(int a,char**v){g(atoi(v[1]));}`\nWith whitespace for clarity:\n```\ng(a) {\n a && g(a-1);\n a<2 || puts(\"\");\n while (a--) putchar('*');\n}\nmain(int a, char** v) {\n g(atoi(v[1]));\n}\n```\nWithout main, this function is 53 bytes:\n`g(a){a&&g(a-1);a<2||puts(\"\");while(a--)putchar('*');}`\n[Answer]\n# python3, ~~58~~ 57 bytes\n```\nprint('\\n'.join(['*'*(p+1)for p in range(int(input()))]))\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nrownums = int(input())\noutput = []\nfor i in range(rownums):\n currrow = \"*\" * (i+1) # 'i' * 5 == 'iiiii'\n output.append(currrow)\nprint('\\n'.join(output))\n```\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, 30 bytes\n```\nINPUT N\nFOR I=1TO N?\"*\"*I\nNEXT\n```\n[Answer]\n**Haskell 36 Bytes**\nHere is a version using map.\n```\nf=\"*\":map('*':)f;g=unlines.(`take`f)\n```\nInput `g 10`\nOutput `\"*\\n**\\n***\\n****\\n*****\\n******\\n*******\\n********\\n*********\\n**********\\n\"`\nAlternatives of interest might be:\n38 Bytes\n```\ng n=id=<'*':x)\"*\\n\"[2..n]\n```\n38 Bytes\n```\nf=\"*\\n\":map('*':)f;g n=id=<<(n`take`f)\n```\n36\n```\ng n=id=<<(take n$iterate('*':)\"*\\n\")\n```\n[Answer]\n# k, 18 bytes\n```\n{-1@(1+!x)#\\:\"*\";}\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n-1@ // prints to console\n1+!x //returns list from 1 to x (implicit input)\n#\\: //for each item in the prefixed list, \"take\" this many\n\"*\" //asterisk string\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](http://perl6.org/), 17 bytes\n```\nput(\\*x++$)xx get\n```\nFull program that prints to stdout. \nHow it works:\n```\n \\* # a Capture object that stringifies to the asterisk,\n x # string-repeated by\n ++$ # a counter that starts at 1,\nput( ) # and printed followed by a newline.\n xx get # Do all of that n times.\n```\nInvokes the `put` statement *n* times, each time printing the asterisk repeated by the counter variable `++$`.\n---\n# [Perl 6](http://perl6.org/), 21 bytes\n```\n{.put for \\*Xx 1..$_}\n```\nA lambda that prints to stdout. \nHow it works:\n```\n{ } # A lambda.\n \\* # A Capture object that stringifies to the asterisk.\n 1..$_ # Range from 1 to n.\n X # Cartesian product of the two,\n x # with the string repetition operator applied to each result.\n .put for # Iterate over the strings, and print each followed by a newline.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) + Unix utilities, 26 bytes\n```\nseq -f10^%f-1 $1|bc|tr 9 *\n```\n**Output to stderr should be ignored.**\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/bash#@1@cWqigm2ZoEKeql6ZrqKBiWJOUXFNSpGCpoPX//39TAA \"Bash \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\nThe code above works on TIO since the working directory there has no visible files. If this needs to run in a directory that contains a visible file, change `*` to `\\*` at the cost of one byte (27 bytes):\n```\nseq -f10^%f-1 $1|bc|tr 9 \\*\n```\n[Answer]\n# Terrapin logo, 67 bytes\n```\nto a :a\nmake \"b 1 repeat :a[repeat :b[type \"*]make \"b b+1 pr \"]\nend\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~43~~ ~~34~~ ~~31~~ 28 bytes\nNote: uses IBM 850 encoding (old favorite reinvented recently)\n```\nfor(;$argn--;)echo$o.=~\u0131,~\u00a7;\n```\nRun like this:\n```\necho 5 | php -nR 'for(;$argn--;)echo$o.=~\u0131,~\u00a7;';echo\n> *\n> **\n> ***\n> ****\n> *****\n```\n# Explanation\nIterates from `N` down to 0. Add an asterisk to `$o` for each iteration, then outputs `$o` and a newline.\n# Tweaks\n* Add an asterisk to `$o` for each iteration, and then output `$o`. Saves 9 bytes\n* Combined adding an asterisk to `$o` with outputting, saves 3 bytes\n* Saved 3 bytes by using `$argn`\n[Answer]\n## K, 16 Bytes\n```\n {-1(1+!x)#'\"*\"};\n {-1(1+!x)#'\"*\"}10;\n* \n**\n***\n****\n*****\n******\n*******\n********\n*********\n**********\n```\nEDIT BELOW - adding explanation)\n```\n/Code ---> explanation (pretend x is 3)\n1+!x ---> Numbers from 1 to 3\n1 2 3#\"*\" ---> Take left many items of right ==> (\"*\";\"**\";\"***\")\n-1x ---> Print x to the console, if x is a list, each item is printed to a new line\nexample(notice the -1 printed at the bottom). \n -1(\"*\";\"**\";\"***\")\n *\n **\n ***\n -1\nTo silence the output(-1), put a semicolon after the expression e.g.\n-1(\"Hello\");\nHello\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R\u00f6da 0.12](https://github.com/fergusq/roda), ~~30~~ 29 bytes, non-competing\n```\nh i{seq 1,i|{|j|print\"*\"*j}_}\n```\nThis is my first try in this scripting language created by [fergusq](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/66323/fergusq) :D\nThis is a function. To run, use this:\n```\nh i{seq 1,i|{|j|print\"*\"*j}_}\nmain {\n h(5)\n}\n```\n### Ungolfed\n```\nh i{ /* Define a function h with parameter i */\n seq 1,i /* Generate a sequence of numbers from 1 to i */\n |{ }_ /* and pipe it to a for-loop */\n |j| /* where j is the number in the sequence*/\n print\"*\"*j /* and print an asterisk duplicated j times*/\n}\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nInspired by a task for Programming 101, here's a challenge that hopefully isn't too easy (or a duplicate).\n## Input:\n* A positive integer `n >= 1`.\n## Output:\n* `n` lines of asterisks, where every new line has one asterisk more than the line before, and starting with one asterisk in the first line.\n## Test case (n=5):\n```\n *\n **\n ***\n ****\n *****\n```\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so shortest answer in bytes wins.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Cubix](https://github.com/ETHproductions/cubix), 22 bytes\n```\n?(.;I:^;/-.@o;(!\\>'*oN\n```\n[**Test it online!**](http://ethproductions.github.io/cubix/?code=PyguO0k6XjsvLS5AbzsoIVw+JypvTg==&input=NQ==) Outputs a trailing newline.\nAt first I wasn't sure I could get this to fit on a 2-cube, but in the end it worked out fine:\n```\n ? (\n . ;\nI : ^ ; / - . @\no ; ( ! \\ > ' *\n o N\n . .\n```\nI'll add an explanation when I have time, hopefully later today.\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](http://sourceforge.net/projects/cjam/), ~~13~~ ~~11~~ 10 bytes\n*Thanks to @MartinEnder for removing two bytes, and @Linus for removing one more!*\n```\nri{)'**N}%\n```\n[Try it online!](http://cjam.tryitonline.net/#code=cml7KScqKk59JQ&input=NQ)\n### Explanation\n```\nri e# Read input as an integer n\n { }% e# Run this block for each k in [0 1 ... n-1]\n ) e# Add 1 to the implicitly pushed k\n '* e# Push asterisk character\n * e# Repeat the character k+1 times\n N e# Push newline\n e# Implicitly display\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pushy](https://github.com/FTcode/Pushy), 4 bytes\n```\n:42\"\n```\n[**Try it online!**](https://tio.run/nexus/pushy#@29lYqT0//9/UwA)\nThis method takes advantages of Pushy's automatic int/char conversion:\n```\n \\ Implicit: Input on stack\n: \\ Input times do: (this consumes input)\n 42 \\ Push 42 (char '*')\n \" \\ Print whole stack\n```\nBecause each iteration adds a new `*` char, this outputs a triangle. For example, with `n=4`:\n```\n* \\ Stack: [42]\n** \\ Stack: [42, 42]\n*** \\ Stack: [42, 42, 42]\n**** \\ Stack: [42, 42, 42, 42]\n```\n[Answer]\n# LaTeX, 171 bytes\nI had to use LaTeX instead of plain TeX for the `\\typein` macro...\nHere it is, as golfed as I could:\n```\n\\documentclass{book}\\begin{document}\\typein[\\n]{}\\newcount\\i\\newcount\\a\\i=0\\loop{\\a=0\\loop*\\advance\\a by1\\ifnum\\i>\\a\\repeat}\n\\advance\\i by1\n\\ifnum\\n>\\i\\repeat\\enddocument\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n\\documentclass{book}% Book because it is shorter than article ;)\n\\begin{document}% Mandatory...\n\\typein[\\n]{}% User inputs \\n\n\\newcount\\i% Create a line counter\n\\newcount\\a% And an asterisk counter\n\\i=0% Initializes the line number to zero\n\\loop{% Line number loop\n \\a=0% Sets the number of asterisks to zero\n \\loop% Asterisk loop\n *% Prints the asterisk\n \\advance \\a by 1% Adds one to \\a\n \\ifnum\\i>\\a% If the line number is smaller than the number of asterisks\n \\repeat% Then repeat\n }% Otherwise prints a new line\n\\advance\\i by 1% And add 1 to the line counter\n\\ifnum\\n>\\i% If input number is less than the number of lines then\n\\repeat% Repeat\n\\enddocument% And finish LaTeX\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java ~~7~~ 11, ~~88~~ ~~73~~ 58 bytes\n```\nString c(int n){return(n<2?\"\":c(n-1)+\"\\n\")+\"*\".repeat(n);}\n```\n-15 bytes by converting to Java 11.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##VZBBTwIxEIXv/IqXerCVBcSDBzHxrInxgDfgULqjW9xtSTsLIYTfvnbdJoZL0/bN@2bm7fRBT3blT2dqHSPetXXnERBZszXolhys@4aR1jGcOgfiNjjpnh9ehHgy0k3maizWTqhxoD1pluJOFE4tLh2wb7d1gmTWwdsSTeLLAbraQKu@F7A8RaZm6lue7pPE0shHpRZJu4zSMZvh8/UDpafobhmVPhDe0tyYz3EiLhA9uLIRDXHlSxwtV6CmrTUThmY3eboEV9AR@TmIxd/vlw@JQoi6IWxPTBPjW8f/YeQsrqxJC70duumL8z5DSnB0zCbZX02lw2qo26hpwtTakBTre1EkSl730v0C). (NOTE: `String#repeat(int)` is emulated as `repeat(String,int)` for the same byte-count, because TIO doesn't contain Java 11 yet.)\n**Explanation:**\n```\nString c(int n){ // Recursive method with integer parameter and String return-type\n return(n<2? // If `n` is 1:\n \"\" // Start with an empty String\n : // Else:\n c(n-1) // Start with a recursive call with `n-1`\n +\"\\n\") // and a trailing new-line\n +\"*\".repeat(n);} // And append `n` amount of '*'\n```\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 33 bytes\n```\ncat(strrep(\"*\",1:scan()),sep=\"\n\")\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/r/PzmxRKO4pKgotUBDSUtJx9CqODkxT0NTU6c4tcBWiUtJ87@h0X8A \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nI hope it's not a dupe - I was able to find only one other R answer.\nLeverages `strrep` and vectorization to build the vector `\"*\",\"**\",...,\"******\"` and prints with `cat` using `newline` as a separator.\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](https://dyalog.com/), 8 [bytes](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS)\n```\n'*'/\u23640\u2368\u2373\n```\nExplanation:\n1. `'*'`: Literal character `*`.\n2. `/\u23640\u2368`: Select each 0-ranked vector (scalar) according to.\n* `/`: Select from the right argument according to the left.\n* `\u23640`: Apply the preceding function to each scalar in the left and right arguments.\n* `\u2368`: Apply the preceding function, but with the left and right arguments switched (so we select now from the left argument according to the right).\n3. `\u2373`: Generate integers from 1 to the argument (inclusive)\n[Answer]\n# [Rockstar](https://codewithrockstar.com/), 47 bytes\n```\nlisten to N\nX's0\nwhile N-X\nlet X be+1\nsay \"*\"*X\n```\n[Try it here](https://codewithrockstar.com/online) (Code will need to be pasted in)\n[Answer]\n# [Regenerate](https://github.com/dloscutoff/Esolangs/tree/master/Regenerate), 3 bytes\n```\n\\*+\n```\nYou need to pass the input using `-l` flag.\nExample run:\n```\nwasif@wasif:~/Downloads/Regenerate$ python3 regenerate.py -l 5 '\\*+'\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\nwasif@wasif:~/Downloads/Regenerate$ \n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~7~~ 5 bytes\n```\nL'*\u00d7\u00bb\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f/fR13r8PRDu///NwUA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 69 bytes\n```\n@set s=\n@for /l %%i in (1,1,%1)do @call set s=*%%s%%&call echo %%s%%\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 26 bytes\n```\n->n{s='';n.times{p s+=?*}}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Brainfuck, 70 bytes\n```\n,>++++++[<-------->>>+++++++<<-]<[>+[->+>.<<]>[-<+>]++++++++++.[-]<<-]\n```\nI'm sure this could be golfed a little bit. This version only works for single-digit numbers; feel free to modify it to work on larger numbers too.\nEdit: If it's allowed to use a single character's ASCII value as the input, the resulting code is below. Only 60 bytes.\n```\n,>++++++[>>+++++++<<-]>[>+[->+>.<<]>[-<+>]++++++++++.[-]<<-]\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n,>++++++[<-------->>>+++++++<<-] [this gets a single character from \ninput into the first cell, subtracts 48 to convert it to an integer \nrepresentation, and puts 42 in the 3rd cell (ASCII '*').]\n<[ while the first cell is not zero do\n >+ add 1 to 2nd cell (empty when we start)\n [->+>.<<] [while 2nd cell is not empty subtract 1 and print an *.\n Make a copy in 3rd cell.]\n >[-<+>] copy 3rd cell value back to 2nd cell\n ++++++++++.[-] [put '\\n' in 3rd cell, print, clear]\n <<-\n ] loop\n```\nEdit: Here is a version that works for numbers up to 255, reading the *text* representation of the number followed by EOF. If your favorite interpreter has unbounded cells it will work up to 999. \n```\n>>,[----------\n[\n >++++++[<------>-]<--\n>],]\n[\n Pointer is one past the end of a run of digits containing input.\n Assumption: input < 256.\n Add ten times most significant digit to second and ten times the\n second to the third to get it in one cell.\n]\n<<<[>++++++++++<-]>[>++++++++++<-]>\nStore 42 '*' in the cell 3 to the right\n>>++++++[>+++++++<-]<<\n[ While first cell is not empty\n >+ Add 1 to 2nd cell\n [->+>.<<] [make a copy in 3rd cell, print '*']\n >[<+>-] copy 3rd back to 2nd\n ++++++++++.[-] print newline and clear 3rd\n <<- subtract 1 from 1st and continue\n]\n```\n[Answer]\n# [RProgN](https://github.com/TehFlaminTaco/Reverse-Programmer-Notation), 41 Bytes.\n24 of these bytes are just assigning R and s, so that we can use a spaceless segment.\n```\n'rep' \u00ba 'R' = '*' 's' = \u25ba]\u00bf]s\\R\\1-]}[\n```\n## Explination\n```\n'rep' \u00ba 'R' = # Get the function for 'rep' (Replace), associate 'R' with it.\n'*' 's' = # Associate 's' with the string literal '*'\n\u25ba # Begin spaceless segment.\n ] # Push a copy of the top of the stack (The input)\n \u00bf # While truthy, popping the top of the stack.\n ] # Push a copy...\n s \\ R # Push an *, swap the two top values giving \"i, *, i\", Repeat the *, i times, giving \"i, ****\", or whatever.\n \\ 1 - # Swap the top values, giving \"****, i\", decrement the top value by 1.\n ] # Push a copy of the top value.\n }[ # End the while, after processing, pop the top value (Which would be 0). Implcititly print.\n```\n## Try it!\n```\n\n\n```\n[Answer]\n# Groovy, 27 characters\n```\n{1.upto(it){println\"*\"*it}}\n```\nSample run:\n```\ngroovy:000> ({1.upto(it){println\"*\"*it}})(5)\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n===> null\n```\n[Answer]\n# jq, 19 characters\n(18 characters code + 1 character command line option.)\n```\nrange(1;.+1)|\"*\"*.\n```\nSample run:\n```\nbash-4.3$ jq -r 'range(1;.+1)|\"*\"*.' <<< 5\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n```\n[On-line test](https://jqplay.org/jq?q=range(1%3b.%2b1)|\"*\"*.&j=5) (Passing `-r` through URL is not supported \u2013 check Raw Output yourself.)\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 5 bytes\n```\n\uff27\u2193\u2192\uff2e*\n```\nIt's the same length as Jelly, which is really bad for an ASCII-art oriented language. At least it's readable, I guess\n### Explanation\n```\n\uff27 Polygon\n \u2193\u2192 Down, then right\n \uff2e Input number\n * Fill with '*'\n```\n[Answer]\n# Lua, 36 bytes\n```\nfor i=1,...do print((\"*\"):rep(i))end\n```\nTakes input from the command line.\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, 32 bytes\n```\nunlines.(`take`iterate('*':)\"*\")\n```\nThe expression `iterate('*':)\"*\"` generates the infinite list `[\"*\",\"**\",\"***\",\"****\",\"*****\",...]`. The function then takes the first `n` elements and joins them with newlines.\nThe more direct\n```\nconcat.(`take`iterate('*':)\"*\\n\")\n```\nis one byte longer.\n[Answer]\n# RProgN, 42 Bytes, Competing only for the Bounty\n```\nQ L c 's' = \n\u25ba3'rep'\u00ba'R'=]\u00bf]s\\R\\1-]} [\n```\n> \n> The length of the script is used as the character code for \\*.\n> \n> \n> \n[Try it Online!](https://tehflamintaco.github.io/Reverse-Programmer-Notation/RProgN.html?rpn=Q%20L%20c%20%27s%27%20%3D%20%0A%E2%96%BA3%27rep%27%C2%BA%27R%27%3D%5D%C2%BF%5Ds%5CR%5C1-%5D%7D%20%5B&input=)\n[Answer]\n# Perl, ~~83~~ 76 bytes (no asterisk)\n```\nprint substr((split(\"\\n\",`perldoc perlre`))[55],48,1)x$_.\"\\n\"foreach(1..<>);\n```\n(Faster version for large input, 83 characters):\n```\n$r=`perldoc perlre`;print substr((split(\"\\n\",$r))[425],11,1)x$_.\"\\n\"foreach(1..<>);\n```\nExplanation:\nThe statement `perldoc perlre` executes the shell command to display the Perl documentation on regular expressions, which contains an asterisk as the 11th character on line 425. Split the resulting output by line, then extract that character and print in triangular format.\nEdited to save 6 characters by not saving the output of the shell command, and instead just running it every time. It increases the runtime, though, but we only care about bytes, not runtime :)\nAnother byte was saved (for a total of -7) by finding an earlier asterisk in the perldoc output.\n[Answer]\n# ForceLang, 146 bytes\n```\ndef S set\ndef G goto\nS a io.readnum()\nS b 0\nlabel 0\nif a=b\nG 1\nif b\nio.writeln()\nS b 1+b\nS c 0\nlabel b\nio.write \"*\"\nS c 1+c\nif b=c\nG 0\nG b\nlabel 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~38~~ 37 bytes\nThere are only 36 characters shown, but a trailing newline is needed to avoid an EOF-related error raised by the interpreter. 1 byte knocked off for Flp.Tkc's observation.\n```\nfor n in range(input()+1):print'*'*n\n```\n### Output for n=5\n```\n# leading newline here\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n```\n# Python 3, 45 bytes\nThe actual list comprehension is never assigned or printed, but if it were, it would be full of `None`s, as `None` is the default return value of `print()`.\n```\n[print('*'*n)for n in range(int(input())+1)]\n```\n[Answer]\n# TI-Basic, ~~28~~ 22 bytes\n```\nPrompt A\n\"*\nFor(B,1,A\nDisp Ans\nAns+\"*\nEnd\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Underload](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Underload), ~~15~~ 13 bytes\n-2 or -3 bytes thanks to @\u00d8rjanJohansen\n```\n(\n)((*)~*:S)^\n```\nInput is a Church numeral [inserted](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/10553/61384) between the `)` and `^` on the second line. For example:\n```\n(\n)((*)~*:S)::*:**^\n```\nIf printing a leading newline is allowed, the following solution works by ommiting the `~`, for 12 bytes:\n```\n(\n)((*)*:S)^\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 7 bytes[SBCS](https://github.com/abrudz/SBCS)\n```\n(,\u2355\u22a2)\u2338\u2373\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qG9qZv6jtgmG/9OApIbOo96pj7oWaT7q2fGod/P//2kKpgA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n## [W](https://github.com/A-ee/w) `n`, ~~6~~ 4 bytes\n```\n'**M\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n M % Map every item in the implicit input with...\n % (There's an implicit range from 1)\n'** % asterisks input times\nn % Join the result with a (n)ewline\n```\n# How do I use the `n` flag?\n`... W.py filename.w [input-list] n`\n[Answer]\n# [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 11 bytes\n```\n~,{)\"*\"*n}%\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPn/v06nWlNJS0krr1b1/39TAA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation:\n```\n~, Create list [0...input-1]\n { }% Map over list:\n )\"*\"*n Increment, push that many \"*\"s, push newline\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Flurry](https://github.com/Reconcyl/flurry), 88 bytes\n```\n{}{()[<><<>()>({})]({}{(){}(((<><<>()>){})[{}{<({}){}>}])}{<(<({})(<({}){}>){}>){}>})}{}\n```\nCan be run with the interpreter as follows:\n```\n$ ./Flurry -bnn -c \"$pgm\" 5\n*\n**\n***\n****\n*****\n```\nThis is heavily based on [my answer to \"Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks\"](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/211556/61384). In particular, I'm reusing my derivations of `succ`, and `push_star`, and the number `10`.\n`push_star` is a function that pushes 42 to the stack and returns its argument unchanged:\n```\npush_star := {(){}(((<><<>()>){})[{}{<({}){}>}])}\n```\nA function that takes a number `n` and pushes 42 to the stack `n` times, then pushes 10, and returns `n+1`:\n```\npush_row = \u03bbn. (n push_star (); push 10; succ n)\n = \u03bbn. (push (n push_star 10); succ n)\n = \u03bbn. K (succ n) (push (n push_star 10))\n = \u03bbn. K (succ (push n)) (push (pop push_star 10))\n := { () [succ ( {})] ( {} push_star 10)}\n := { () [succ ( {})] ( {} push_star {<(<({})(<({}){}>){}>){}>})}\n := { () [succ ( {})] ( {} {(){}(((<><<>()>){})[{}{<({}){}>}])}{<(<({})(<({}){}>){}>){}>})}\n := {()[<><<>()>({})]({}{(){}(((<><<>()>){})[{}{<({}){}>}])}{<(<({})(<({}){}>){}>){}>})}\n```\nThe number 1:\n```\n1 = \u03bbf n. f n\n = \u03bbf. f\n := { {} }\n```\nPop a number from the stack and apply `push_row` that many times to 1:\n```\nmain = pop push_row 1\n := {}{()[<><<>()>({})]({}{(){}(((<><<>()>){})[{}{<({}){}>}])}{<(<({})(<({}){}>){}>){}>})}{{}}\n```\nSince popping from an empty stack returns 1, we can replace the final `{{}}` with `{}`, yielding:\n```\n{}{()[<><<>()>({})]({}{(){}(((<><<>()>){})[{}{<({}){}>}])}{<(<({})(<({}){}>){}>){}>})}{}\n```\n[Answer]\n## Actually, 8 bytes\n```\nR`'**`Mi\n```\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=UmAnKipgTWk&input=NQ)\nExplanation:\n```\nR`'**`Mi\nR range(1, n+1) ([1, 2, ..., n])\n `'**`M for each element: that many asterisks\n i flatten and implicitly print\n```\n---\n## 5 bytes\n```\nR'**i\n```\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=UicqKmk&input=NQ)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n### Introduction\nThe [Atari ST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_ST) was a rather popular personal computer from the mid 80's to early 90's era, powered by a Motorola 68000 microprocessor. On this machine, the default behavior of the operating system for uncaught CPU exceptions was to display a row of bombs on the screen, as shown in the following picture:\n[![row of bombs](https://i.stack.imgur.com/CwMSk.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/CwMSk.png)\n*Source: * \n*NB: Depending on the OS version, the bomb graphics may vary slightly. But let's take this one as reference.*\nThe number of bombs depends on the exception vector, the most common ones being:\n* ($008) Bus Error : 2 bombs\n* ($00c) Address Error : 3 bombs\n* ($010) Illegal Instruction : 4 bombs\n### Goal\nYour goal is to write a program or function that prints or outputs an ASCII art of such Atari ST bombs.\n### Input\nAn integer representing the number of bombs to display. Your code must support the most common values: 2, 3 and 4. Supporting less and/or more bombs is fine, but it is neither required nor subject to a bonus.\n### Output\nThe original bomb consists of a 16x16 pixel tile, represented here in both ASCII and binary:\n```\n....##.......... 0000110000000000\n.#.#..#......... 0101001000000000\n.......#........ 0000000100000000\n#..#....#....... 1001000010000000\n..#...#####..... 0010001111100000\n......#####..... 0000001111100000\n....#########... 0000111111111000\n...###########.. 0001111111111100\n...###########.. 0001111111111100\n..#############. 0011111111111110\n..########.####. 0011111111011110\n...#######.###.. 0001111111011100\n...######.####.. 0001111110111100\n....#########... 0000111111111000\n.....#######.... 0000011111110000\n.......###...... 0000000111000000\n```\nIn this challenge, each ASCII bomb must be stretched to twice its original width for a better rendering. Therefore, it will consist of 16 rows of 32 characters, using `##` for 'ON' pixels and two spaces for 'OFF' pixels. All bomb tiles must be put side by side. Leading spaces are forbidden. Trailing spaces are also forbidden, except the ones that are actually part of the bomb tile (i.e. the 31st and 32nd columns) which *must* be present. You may include no more than one leading line-break and no more than one trailing line-break.\n### Example\nBelow is the reference output for two bombs, where mandatory line-breaks are marked as `\\n` and tolerated extra line-breaks are marked as `(\\n)`:\n```\n(\\n)\n #### #### \\n\n ## ## ## ## ## ## \\n\n ## ## \\n\n## ## ## ## ## ## \\n\n ## ########## ## ########## \\n\n ########## ########## \\n\n ################## ################## \\n\n ###################### ###################### \\n\n ###################### ###################### \\n\n ########################## ########################## \\n\n ################ ######## ################ ######## \\n\n ############## ###### ############## ###### \\n\n ############ ######## ############ ######## \\n\n ################## ################## \\n\n ############## ############## \\n\n ###### ###### (\\n)\n```\n(Of course, other line-break formats such as `\\r` or `\\r\\n` may be used just as well.)\n### Rules\nThis is code-golf, so the shortest answer in bytes wins. Standard loopholes are forbidden.\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~43~~ 44 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n+1 byte - forgot to double the characters (not that anyone noticed!)\n```\n\u201c\u00a5v\u1e8f)X;nd\u010a\u0253\u00a1\u1eb93\u010bi}\u1eca\u0272\u00a1P\"\u00a6\u1e0a\u01a5\u1e7e\u2019b\u2074\u2018\u0116\u0152\u1e59\u1ecb\u207e #\u1e24s\u2074\u1e8b\u20ac\u00b3Y\n```\n**[TryItOnline](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oCcwqV24bqPKVg7bmTEismTwqHhurkzxItpfeG7ismywqFQIsKm4biKxqXhub7igJli4oG04oCYxJbFkuG5meG7i-KBviAj4bikc-KBtOG6i-KCrMKzWQ&input=&args=Mw)**\n### How?\nPreparation was to compress the data as a run-length encoding of the original image: \n* Count the length of each run of `1`s (space) or `0`s (hash) in the image, ignoring new lines - yields a list: `[4,2,11,1,1,...]`;\n* Subtract one from each number - this gives a range of `[0,15]`;\n* Treat this as a base-16 number (enumerate the values, `v`, with index `i` in reverse and sum up `16**i*v` = `19468823747267181273462257760938030726282593096816512166437`);\n* Convert this to base-250: `[5,119,249,42,...]`;\n* Map into Jelly's code page as indexes: `\u00a5v\u1e8f)X;nd\u010a\u0253\u00a1\u1eb93\u010bi}\u1eca\u0272\u00a1P`\nNow the code evaluates this number, maps the `1`s and `0`s to space and hash characters\\*, doubles each, splits into lines and repeats each the appropriate number of times. \n\\* actually the implementation is performed modulo 2 to save bytes, so spaces are odd and hashes are even:\n```\n\u201c\u00a5v\u1e8f)X;nd\u010a\u0253\u00a1\u1eb93\u010bi}\u1eca\u0272\u00a1P\"\u00a6\u1e0a\u01a5\u1e7e\u2019b\u2074\u2018\u0116\u0152\u1e59\u1ecb\u207e #\u1e24s\u2074\u1e8b\u20ac\u00b3Y - Main link: n\n\u201c\u00a5v\u1e8f)X;nd\u010a\u0253\u00a1\u1eb93\u010bi}\u1eca\u0272\u00a1P\"\u00a6\u1e0a\u01a5\u1e7e\u2019 - base 250 number, as above\n b\u2074 - convert to base 16 (the run length - 1 list)\n \u2018 - increment (vectorises) (the run length list)\n \u0116 - enumerate (pairs each with 1,2,3...)\n \u0152\u1e59 - run length decode\n ([1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,5,...])\n \u207e # - string \" #\"\n \u1ecb - index into (1 based and modular)\n (makes a bomb without line feeds)\n \u1e24 - double (each char becomes a list of 2 chars)\n s\u2074 - split into slices of length 16\n \u1e8b\u20ac\u00b3 - repeat each input, n, times\n Y - join with line feeds\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~57~~ ~~55~~ ~~53~~ 50 bytes\nUses [CP-1252](http://www.cp1252.com/) encoding.\n```\n\u2022\u00f86\u0152Y2l\u00bd\u00ee\u20ac\u00c8S`L\n b # convert to binary\n 15\u00f4 # slice into pieces of 15\n v # for each slice \n 1J # append a 1 \n \u20acD # duplicate each character\n \u201e# # push the string \"# \"\n \u00e8 # use the list of binary digits to index into the string\n \u00b9\u00d7 # repeat string input number of times\n , # and print with newline\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, ~~57~~ ~~56~~ ~~54~~ ~~53~~ ~~51~~ 50 bytes\nThe code contains unprintable characters, so here's a reversible `xxd` hexdump.\n```\n00000000: 6a2a 4c51 6331 3673 2e65 2a79 6240 2220 j*LQc16s.e*yb@\"\n00000010: 2322 6b6a 4322 4c49 c142 3c60 0cca 9437 #\"kjC\"LI.B<`...7\n00000020: b383 76bb c246 c86d 4c04 99bd 3614 7022 ..v..F.mL...6.p\"\n00000030: 3137 17\n```\n[Try it online.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=j%2aLQc16s.e%2ayb%40%22+%23%22kjC%22LI%C3%81B%3C%60%0C%C3%8A%C2%947%C2%B3%C2%83v%C2%BB%C3%82F%C3%88mL%04%C2%99%C2%BD6%14p%2217&input=2&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~159~~ ~~154~~ ~~140~~ 136 bytes\n*Saved lots of bytes thanks to @Hedi and @Arnauld*\n```\nn=>[...\"\uffcf\uffb5\uff7f\ufef6\uf83b\uf83f\ue00f\uc007\uc007\u8003\u8403\uc407\uc207\ue00f\uf01f\ufc7f\"].map(x=>(f=q=>q?(q&1?\" \":\"##\")+f(q>>1):\"\")(x.charCodeAt()).repeat(n)).join`\n`\n```\nThat's 104 chars, but (sadly) 136 UTF-8 bytes. The string was generated with this snippet:\n```\nconsole.log([\n0b1111111111001111,\n0b1111111110110101,\n0b1111111101111111,\n0b1111111011110110,\n0b1111100000111011,\n0b1111100000111111,\n0b1110000000001111,\n0b1100000000000111,\n0b1100000000000111,\n0b1000000000000011,\n0b1000010000000011,\n0b1100010000000111,\n0b1100001000000111,\n0b1110000000001111,\n0b1111000000011111,\n0b1111110001111111\n].map(x=>(65535-x).toString(16)).join(\",\"))\n```\nUsing `.replace` instead of `[...string].map` is equally long:\n```\nn=>\"\uffcf\uffb5\uff7f\ufef6\uf83b\uf83f\ue00f\uc007\uc007\u8003\u8403\uc407\uc207\ue00f\uf01f\ufc7f\".replace(/./g,x=>(f=q=>q?(q&1?\" \":\"##\")+f(q>>1):\"\")(x.charCodeAt()).repeat(n)+`\n`)\n```\n### How it works\nSince each row of the raw data can be represented as a 16-bit number, we can store the entire file in a 16-char string. The compression algorithm takes each binary row, flips it and reverses it (since every row in the original ends in a **0**, every row in the modified version now *starts* with a **1**), then turns it into a char, and concatenates the resulting characters.\nTo decompress it, we need to extract the charcode and turn its binary representation into a string of hashes and spaces. This can be done with a recursive function, like so:\n```\n(f=q=>q?(q&1?\" \":\"##\")+f(q>>1):\"\")(x.charCodeAt())\n```\n`f` repeatedly takes the last bit of `q`, selecting two spaces if it's 1 or two hashes if it's 0, then concatenates that with the result of running `f` in the rest of `q`. This is run on `x.charCodeAt()`, turning the char-code into the correct string of spaces and hashes.\n(There was a lot more drama here before, but the 4-byte-saving technique erased all of that.)\nAfter that, we can just repeat the string `n` times and add a newline. This is the shortest decompression method I have found, but feel free to suggest any possibly shorter methods.\nOther attempts at compressing the string:\n```\nn=>[48,74,128,265,1988,1984,8176,16376,16376,32764,31740,15352,15864,8176,4064,896].map(x=>(f=q=>q?(q&1?\" \":\"##\")+f(q>>1):\"\")(65535-x).repeat(n)).join`\n`\nn=>\"1c,22,3k,7d,1j8,1j4,6b4,cmw,cmw,pa4,oho,bug,c8o,6b4,34w,ow\".split`,`.map(x=>(f=q=>q?(q&1?\" \":\"##\")+f(q>>1):\"\")(65535-parseInt(x,36)).repeat(n)).join`\n`\nn=>\"30,4a,80,109,7c4,7c0,1ff0,3ff8,3ff8,7ffc,7bfc,3bf8,3df8,1ff0,fe0,380\".split`,`.map(x=>(f=q=>q?(q&1?\" \":\"##\")+f(q>>1):\"\")('0x'+x^65535)).repeat(n)).join`\n`\n```\nThe first of these is 153 bytes, so none of them come anywhere near 136...\n[Answer]\n## MS-DOS .COM file, 84 bytes\nOK. Just for fun because I cannot beat the 50 bytes...\nTried under DOSbox as well as under MS-DOS 6.22 in a virtual machine.\nUnder DOSbox the program works fine however under real MS-DOS the output will not be displayed correctly because DOS requires CR-LF instead of LF at the end of the line.\n(However the output is correct.)\nA 88 byte variant would use CR-LF at the end of the line.\nHere is the file:\n```\n0000 be 32 01 fc ad 89 c3 8a 36 82 00 80 ee 30 b9 10\n0010 00 d1 c3 18 d2 80 ca 20 80 e2 23 b4 02 cd 21 cd\n0020 21 e2 ee fe ce 75 e7 b2 0a cd 21 ad 85 c0 75 d5\n0030 cd 20 00 0c 00 52 00 01 80 90 e0 23 e0 03 f8 0f\n0040 fc 1f fc 1f fe 3f de 3f dc 1f bc 1f f8 0f f0 07\n0050 c0 01 00 00\n```\nThe assembler code (in AT&T syntax) looks like this:\n```\nstart:\n # Read data from \"image:\"\n mov $image,%si\n cld\n # Read the first 16 bytes\n lodsw\nnextLine:\n # Use bx as shift register\n mov %ax, %bx\n # Read the number of bombs\n mov 0x82,%dh\n sub $'0',%dh\nnextBombInThisLine:\n # Number of characters\n mov $16, %cx\nnextCharacter:\n # Rotate the data# get the next bit to CY\n rol $1, %bx\n # This results in 0x23 ('#') if CY is set, to 0x20 (' ') otherwise\n sbb %dl, %dl\n or $0x20, %dl\n and $0x23, %dl\n # Print result character twice\n mov $2, %ah\n int $0x21\n int $0x21\n # more Characters in this line?\n loop nextCharacter\n # More bombs to draw?\n dec %dh\n jnz nextBombInThisLine\n # Print a newline\n# mov $13, %dl # <- Additional 4 bytes needed for \"\\r\\n\"\n# int $0x21 # at the end of the line!\n mov $10, %dl\n int $0x21\n # Read the next 16 bytes# 0x0000 means: EOF\n lodsw\n test %ax,%ax\n jnz nextLine\n # End of program\n int $0x20\nimage:\n # Here 34 bytes follow:\n # 16 16-bit-words \"bitmap\" for the bombs followed\n # by 0x0000 indicating the end of the bitmap\n```\n--- Edit ---\nI forgot to mention: The program must be started with the following command line:\nName of the COM file + **exactly one** space character + Number of bombs (1-9)\n[Answer]\n# Python, ~~223~~ 179 bytes\n### Second approach:\n```\nf=lambda n:'\\n'.join(''.join(2*' #'[int(d)]for d in bin(int('0c0052000100908023e003e00ff81ffc1ffc3ffe3fde1fdc1fbc0ff807f001c0'[i:i+4],16))[2:].zfill(16))*n for i in range(0,64,4))\n```\n[Try it on repl.it!](https://repl.it/Dn1M)\nRather than creating a list of strings on-the-fly, there is a hard-coded hexadecimal string which is indexed and converted to binary; then each binary digit is turned into either `' '` or `'#'`, which is duplicated and joined together ... etc.\n### First approach:\n```\ns=' ';b='##';f=lambda n:'\\n'.join(n*l.ljust(32)for l in[s*4+b*2,(s+b)*2+s*2+b,s*7+b,b+s*2+b+s*4+b,s*2+b+s*3+b*5,s*6+b*5,s*4+b*9,s*3+b*11,s*3+b*11,s*2+b*13,s*2+b*8+s+b*4,s*3+b*7+s+b*3,s*3+b*6+s+b*4,s*4+b*9,s*5+b*7,s*7+b*3])\n```\n[Try it on repl.it!](https://repl.it/DnYi/2)\nThis contains a hard-coded list of the strings of each line (not including trailing spaces) created by duplicating either `' '` or `'##'` a number of times. For each of these strings, they are padded with spaces until 32 characters in length, duplicated `n` times, then joined with newlines.\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~250~~ ~~240~~ ~~208~~ 188 bytes\n```\nd[]={3072,20992,256,36992,9184,992,4088,8188,8188,16382,16350,8156,8124,4088,2032,448,0},m,c,*i=d;f(k){for(;*i;i++,puts(\"\"))for(c=k;c--;)for(m=32768;m;write(1,&\"## \"[m&*i?0:2],2),m>>=1);}\n```\nSwitch to using a function.\n```\nm,d[]={3072,20992,256,36992,9184,992,4088,8188,8188,16382,16350,8156,8124,4088,2032,448,0},*i=d;main(c,v)char**v;{for(;*i;puts(\"\"),i++)for(c=atoi(v[1]);c--;)for(m=32768;m;write(1,&\"## \"[m&*i?0:2],2),m>>=1);}\n```\nTest like this.\n`main(c,v)char**v;\n{\n f(atoi(v[1]));\n}`\n```\na.exe 2\n #### #### \n ## ## ## ## ## ## \n ## ## \n## ## ## ## ## ## \n ## ########## ## ########## \n ########## ########## \n ################## ################## \n ###################### ###################### \n ###################### ###################### \n ########################## ########################## \n ################ ######## ################ ######## \n ############## ###### ############## ###### \n ############ ######## ############ ######## \n ################## ################## \n ############## ############## \n ###### ###### \n```\n[Answer]\n# [///](https://esolangs.org/wiki////), ~~539~~ 532 + no. of bombs bytes\nThe first /// answer, displaying 4 bombs. The end four 1's can be replaced with any unary representation of the number of bombs you want to print (11 for 2, 111 for 3)\n```\n/-/?|X//y/\\/X//xy|//|/\\/\\///+/%@!|$/bcd|%/efg|@/hij|!/klm|?/nop|b/Bxc/Cxd/Dxe/Exf/Fxg/Gxh/Hxi/Ixj/Jxk/Kxl/Lxm/Mxn/Nxo/Oxp/Pxq/ss|r/tt|s/SS|t/TT|S/ |T/##|1/AX$+-$+?AXyAX$+-cd+?by$+-d+?cycd+-+?dyd+-fg@!?ey+-g@!?fyfg@!-@!?gyg@!-ij!?hy@!-j!?iyij!-!?jyj!-lm?ky!-m?lylm-?mym-opny-poyop|AXA/AA|bB/BB|cC/CC|dD/DD|eE/EE|fF/FF|gG/GG|hH/HH|iI/II|jJ/JJ|kK/KK|lL/LL|mM/MM|nN/NN|oO/OO|pP/PP|A/qtqqs|B/STSTsTqqS|C/qsSTqq|D/TsTqTqsS|E/sTsSrTqS|F/qsrTqS|G/qrrTsS|H/sSrrtTs|I/sSrrtTs|J/srrrTS|K/srrSrS|L/sSrtTStTs|M/sSrtSrs|N/qrrTsS|O/qSrtTq|P/qsStTqs|X/\n/1111\n```\n[Try it online!](http://slashes.tryitonline.net/#code=Ly0vP3xYLy95L1wvWC8veHl8Ly98L1wvXC8vL14vdFR8Ji9ycnwqL3NTfCsvJUAhfCQvYmNkfCUvZWZnfEAvaGlqfCEva2xtfD8vbm9wfGIvQnhjL0N4ZC9EeGUvRXhmL0Z4Zy9HeGgvSHhpL0l4ai9KeGsvS3hsL0x4bS9NeG4vTnhvL094cC9QeHEvc3N8ci90dHxzL1NTfHQvVFR8Uy8gIHxULyMjfDEvQVgkKy0kKz9BWHlBWCQrLWNkKz9ieSQrLWQrP2N5Y2QrLSs_ZHlkKy1mZ0AhP2V5Ky1nQCE_ZnlmZ0AhLUAhP2d5Z0AhLWlqIT9oeUAhLWohP2l5aWohLSE_anlqIS1sbT9reSEtbT9seWxtLT9teW0tb3BueS1wb3lvcHxBWEEvQUF8YkIvQkJ8Y0MvQ0N8ZEQvRER8ZUUvRUV8ZkYvRkZ8Z0cvR0d8aEgvSEh8aUkvSUl8akovSkp8a0svS0t8bEwvTEx8bU0vTU18bk4vTk58b08vT098cFAvUFB8QS9xdHFxc3xCL1NUU1RzVHFxU3xDL3EqVHFxfEQvVHNUcVRxKnxFL3NUKnJUcVN8Ri9xc3JUcVN8Ry9xJlQqfEgvKiZec3xJLyomXnN8Si9zJnJUU3xLL3MmU3JTfEwvKnJeU15zfE0vKnJ0U3JzfE4vcSZUKnxPL3FTcl5xfFAvcSpecXN8WC8KLzExMTE&input=)\nIf the input must be decimal, the following has ~~555~~ 548 bytes (where the last digit can be changed to 1, 2, 3 or 4):\n```\n/-/?|X//y/\\/X//xy|//|/\\/\\///4/13|3/12|2/11|^/tT|&/rr|*/sS|+/%@!|$/bcd|%/efg|@/hij|!/klm|?/nop|b/Bxc/Cxd/Dxe/Exf/Fxg/Gxh/Hxi/Ixj/Jxk/Kxl/Lxm/Mxn/Nxo/Oxp/Pxq/ss|r/tt|s/SS|t/TT|S/ |T/##|1/AX$+-$+?AXyAX$+-cd+?by$+-d+?cycd+-+?dyd+-fg@!?ey+-g@!?fyfg@!-@!?gyg@!-ij!?hy@!-j!?iyij!-!?jyj!-lm?ky!-m?lylm-?mym-opny-poyop|AXA/AA|bB/BB|cC/CC|dD/DD|eE/EE|fF/FF|gG/GG|hH/HH|iI/II|jJ/JJ|kK/KK|lL/LL|mM/MM|nN/NN|oO/OO|pP/PP|A/qtqqs|B/STSTsTqqS|C/q*Tqq|D/TsTqTq*|E/sT*rTqS|F/qsrTqS|G/q&T*|H/*&^s|I/*&^s|J/s&rTS|K/s&SrS|L/*r^S^s|M/*rtSrs|N/q&T*|O/qSr^q|P/q*^qs|X/\n/4\n```\n[Try it online!](http://slashes.tryitonline.net/#code=Ly0vP3xYLy95L1wvWC8veHl8Ly98L1wvXC8vLzQvMTN8My8xMnwyLzExfF4vdFR8Ji9ycnwqL3NTfCsvJUAhfCQvYmNkfCUvZWZnfEAvaGlqfCEva2xtfD8vbm9wfGIvQnhjL0N4ZC9EeGUvRXhmL0Z4Zy9HeGgvSHhpL0l4ai9KeGsvS3hsL0x4bS9NeG4vTnhvL094cC9QeHEvc3N8ci90dHxzL1NTfHQvVFR8Uy8gIHxULyMjfDEvQVgkKy0kKz9BWHlBWCQrLWNkKz9ieSQrLWQrP2N5Y2QrLSs_ZHlkKy1mZ0AhP2V5Ky1nQCE_ZnlmZ0AhLUAhP2d5Z0AhLWlqIT9oeUAhLWohP2l5aWohLSE_anlqIS1sbT9reSEtbT9seWxtLT9teW0tb3BueS1wb3lvcHxBWEEvQUF8YkIvQkJ8Y0MvQ0N8ZEQvRER8ZUUvRUV8ZkYvRkZ8Z0cvR0d8aEgvSEh8aUkvSUl8akovSkp8a0svS0t8bEwvTEx8bU0vTU18bk4vTk58b08vT098cFAvUFB8QS9xdHFxc3xCL1NUU1RzVHFxU3xDL3EqVHFxfEQvVHNUcVRxKnxFL3NUKnJUcVN8Ri9xc3JUcVN8Ry9xJlQqfEgvKiZec3xJLyomXnN8Si9zJnJUU3xLL3MmU3JTfEwvKnJeU15zfE0vKnJ0U3JzfE4vcSZUKnxPL3FTcl5xfFAvcSpecXN8WC8KLzQ&input=)\nThe most important parts of the code are that: \n| means // \nABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP mean each line of the bomb respectively \nS means 2 spaces \ns means 4 spaces \n\\* means 6 spaces \nq means 8 spaces \nT means ## (2) \nt means #### (4) \n^ means ###### (6) \nr means ######## (8) \n& means ################ (16) \nMost of the code is making sure that the bombs are printed side-by-side, not on top of each other.\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](http://sourceforge.net/projects/cjam/), 66 bytes\n```\n\"^a1{9\\b aZ5w7qQAwndIUffO\"136b2b1Ser0'#erG/ri*z{:_N}%\n```\n[Try it online!](http://cjam.tryitonline.net/#code=IgFeBB9hMXsLOVweGmIEIGFaNXc3fw9xUUF3bmQQSVUTBRhmZk8iMTM2YjJiMVNlcjAnI2VyRy9yaSp6ezpfTn0l&input=Mg) *(note that there are some unprintable characters in the code.)*\n---\nThe bomb in encoded in as a number in binary using 1 for spaces (the leading space as 1 ensures we don't have to pad the binary representations), transposed, and then converted to string in base-136 (which produced the shortest string without wide-characters). These steps can be played with [here](http://cjam.tryitonline.net/#code=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&input=Mg&debug=on).\nThis answer then reverses the encoding, the main trick being to repeat the bomb before transposing, effectively concatenating each line of the bomb at once. The characters in each line can be then be doubled up with newlines inserted for the final output.\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~138~~ 104+32=136 bytes\nI had never thought that `file` was binary safe. I only wish I would have found a more interesting way to store the data; but nothing I tried beat raw binary.\n```\nforeach(unpack(\"v*\",file(b)[0])as$v)echo\"\n\",str_repeat(strtr(sprintf(\"%016b\",$v),[\" \",\"##\"]),$argv[1]);\n```\n* read binary data from file, unpack from little endian 16bit to array of int\n* loop through array: print 16 digit binary to string, \nreplace `0` with 2 spaces, `1` with `##`, \nrepeat `$argv[1]` times, print result + newline\nrun with `-r`\n---\nbinary data in file `b`:\n```\n0000000 0c00 5200 0100 9080 23e0 03e0 0ff8 1ffc\n0000010 1ffc 3ffe 3fde 1fdc 1fbc 0ff8 07f0 01c0\n```\ncode to generate the file:\n```\n$f=fopen(b,wb);foreach(array_map(bindec,explode(\"\n\",\n\"0000110000000000\n0101001000000000\n0000000100000000\n1001000010000000\n0010001111100000\n0000001111100000\n0000111111111000\n0001111111111100\n0001111111111100\n0011111111111110\n0011111111011110\n0001111111011100\n0001111110111100\n0000111111111000\n0000011111110000\n0000000111000000\"))as$c)fputs($f,pack(\"v*\",$c));fclose($f);\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~64~~ ~~63~~ ~~60~~ ~~59~~ 58 bytes\n```\n49:',cxJr(v9hW&waHB`U=NL%)C9[$aoAN'F16ZaQEY\"32e!' #'w)liX\"\n```\n[**Try it online!**](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=NDk6JyxjeEpyKHY5aFcmd2FIQmBVPU5MJSlDOVskYW9BTidGMTZaYVFFWSIzMmUhJyAjJ3cpbGlYIg&input=Mw)\n### Explanation\nThe code uses a pre-compressed version of the 16\u00d716 binary matrix. The pre-compressing (not part of the program) used two steps:\n1. Run-length encoding of the matrix read in row-major order (first across, then down).\n2. The resulting run-lengths range from 1 to 16, so the vector of run-lengths minus 1 was converted from base 16 to base 94 (to use all printable ASCII codes except single quote, which is not used because it would need escaping).\nThe compressed string,\n```\n ',cxJr(v9hW&waHB`U=NL%)C9[$aoAN'\n```\nis decompressed from base 94 to base 16:\n```\n F16Za\n```\nThe obtained vector of run-lenghts plus 1 is multipled by 2:\n```\n QE\n```\nto perform the horizontal stretching.\nThe vector of run-lenghts contains 49 values. The original numbers to be repeated with those lengths should be `[0 1 0 1 ... 0]` (49 entries). But instead of that, it's shorter to use the vector `[1 2 ... 49]`, which will be equally valid thanks to modular indexing. So the run-length decoding is\n```\n49: Y\"\n```\nThe generated vector containis the runs of `1`, `2`, ...`49`, for a total of 512 entries. This is reshaped into a 16\u00d732 matrix:\n```\n 32e!\n```\nand used as modular indices into the string `' #'` to produce a single bomb:\n```\n ' #'w)\n```\nFinally, horizontal repetition by a factor given by the input produces the desired result:\n```\n liX\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2: 143 bytes\n```\nn=input()\nj=2\nwhile j<258:print''.join(2*'# '[b>'0']for b in bin(int('62XI2JG3U2Q0COCDFCZAMC8A9LAP6W1ZMM4A59GC43M49ENF3Z',36))[j:j+16])*n;j+=16\n```\nIt's at **[ideone](http://ideone.com/d9IYc7)**\n(I realised that direct encoding of the original bomb in base 36 made for shorter code in Python.)\nThe string was formed by treating spaces as 1s and hashes as 0s, and then converting to base 36. The program then converts back to binary and slices into lengths of 16 (with an offset of 2 for the '0b' at the front of Python's binary string) , converts to double spaces and double hashes, joins them up, repeats the string `n` times and prints.\n---\n**Previous: Python 2, ~~169 166~~ 163 bytes**\n```\nn=input()\nj=0\nwhile j<512:print''.join(' #'[i%2]*2*(v+1)for i,v in enumerate(int(c,16)for c in'31A00010F07010308024A4885A4A3C2703360245035876A25'))[j:j+32]*n;j+=32\n```\nIt's at **[ideone](http://ideone.com/ZodxuL)**\nAlmost a port of [my Jelly answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/95309/53748).\n[Answer]\n# Python 2.7, ~~144~~ 141 bytes\n```\nx=input()\nfor i in range(16):print\"\".join(\" #\"[b<\"1\"]*2for b in bin(int(\"5ZCAZKAVTP6J04W4VZJ2BQDH5DASIKRS524V8SWRSIVWZEWC8V\",36))[2+i::16]*x)\n```\nThe bomb is written in binary with 1 for space, the leading 1 removes the need to pad binary representations. The bomb is transposed (much like in [my CJam answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/95297/46756)) and stored in base 36.\nThe program decodes the bomb to binary and iterates bits by a step of 16 effectively following the transposition (which is saves bytes over slicing a given line). The resultant line is concatenated, bits are replaced with doubled or `#`, and joined into a singe string.\n[Answer]\n# [C (gcc)](https://gcc.gnu.org/), ~~216 204 183 165~~ 134 bytes\n```\nb(n,i){for(n*=16,i=--n*16;i--;i%n||puts(\"\"))printf(L\"\u00e0\u03f8\\x7fc\\xfde\\xfee\u1fef\\x1fff\\xffe\\xffe\\x7fc\u01f0\u11f0\u4840\\x80\u2900\\x600\"[i/n]&1<0]*2for e in map(int,bin(y+8**6)[5:]))*z\n```\nLooked at Hex for the number list but it didn't seem to save enough to make it worth the effort. Was hoping to be able to golf the code down but seem to have got as far as I can with this approach. Any additional hints gratefully received.\n**EDIT**\n-1 by changing `e==1` to `e>0`. I always forget that one.\n-2 by ignoring the length of the binary string, prepending 7 0's and taking only the last 16 elements. Works as there are never more than 7 leading 0's.\n-4 because now that I have lost the second reference to the variable b I can use `bin(y)[2:]` directly in the map function taking it below the magic 200 :-)\n-8 by using slice assignment on the second list. Learned something new this evening.\n-3 with thanks to @Jonathan\n-2 by using `c=d=([0]*7+map(int,bin(y)[2:]))[-16:]` instead of having `c=d;`\n-2 again thanks to @Jonathan\n-24 with thanks to @Linus\n**Output**\n```\npython bombs.py\n2\n #### #### \n ## ## ## ## ## ## \n ## ## \n## ## ## ## ## ## \n ## ########## ## ########## \n ########## ########## \n ################## ################## \n ###################### ###################### \n ###################### ###################### \n ########################## ########################## \n ################ ######## ################ ######## \n ############## ###### ############## ###### \n ############ ######## ############ ######## \n ################## ################## \n ############## ############## \n ###### ###### \n```\n[Answer]\n# [RProgN](https://github.com/TehFlaminTaco/Reverse-Programmer-Notation), ~~210~~ 193 Bytes\nSaved some bytes by switching 0=' ' 1='##' to 1=' ' 0=' ', this means i don't need to add the extra zeros back. Also, this means that now the B64 string that used to say \"MAFIA\" does not, This is sad.\n```\n'n' = => 64 -B 2 B ] 1 16 sub n rep \\ 17 32 sub n rep '\n' \\ . . '1' ' ' replace '0' '##' replace } a'' = D4D/4/'' a DgQ/AH'' a DAIeAj'' a DgA8AB'' a DwB+AD'' a DcH/wf'' a D+/29/'' a Dz/63/'' a\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n'n' = # Associate the input with \"n\"\n=> # Push a new function to the stack.\n 64 -B # Take the value from the top of the stack, convert it to an integer from Base64\n 2 B # Take the value from the top of the stack, convert it from an integer to binary\n ] # Duplicate the top of the stack.\n 1 16 sub # Push the substring from the top of the stack between 1 and 16, 1 indexed.\n n # Push the input.\n rep # Repeat, this gives us 'n' bombs, essentially.\n \\ # Flip the values such that REPEATEDBOMB_ROW TEXT\n 17 32 sub # Push the substring between 17 and 32.\n n # Push the input\n rep # Repeat\n ' # Push a new line\n' # RProgN doesn't actually have escapes, so the raw newline is represented as a newline between qoutes.\n \\ . . # Flip the values so we have LINE1 NEWLINE LINE2, then concatenate them all into one string.\n '1' ' ' replace # Replace all the 1's in the binary string with two spaces.\n '0' '##' replace # Replace all the 1's with two '#'s\n} a'' = # Associate the function with 'a'\nD4D/4/'' a # Bottom two lines,\nDgQ/AH'' a # Next two up,\nDAIeAj'' a # Etc...\nDgA8AB'' a # Once This is done, the memory stack is implicitly printed from top to bottom.\nDwB+AD'' a # As such, the bomb is upside down.\nDcH/wf'' a # Each of these numbers represents two lines, which is why we do the substringing to split it.\nD+/29/'' a # This works out saving a few bytes.\nDz/63/'' a # Implicitly printed output. Yay.\n```\nPretty long, The expanding, printing and such of the compressed string is 105 of the bytes.\nMight be a bit more golfable, but atleast it works.\nInput is implicitly on the stack, stack is implicitly printed.\n## Output\n```\n #### #### #### \n ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## \n ## ## ## \n## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## \n ## ########## ## ########## ## ########## \n ########## ########## ########## \n ################## ################## ################## \n ###################### ###################### ###################### \n ###################### ###################### ###################### \n ########################## ########################## ########################## \n ################ ######## ################ ######## ################ ######## \n ############## ###### ############## ###### ############## ###### \n ############ ######## ############ ######## ############ ######## \n ################## ################## ################## \n ############## ############## ############## \n ###### ###### ###### \n```\n## Try it!\n```\n\n\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~144~~ ~~140~~ ~~139~~ ~~138~~ 136 bytes\nNote: uses Windows-1252 encoding\n```\nfor(;$j%=32*$argn or$r=intval(substr(\"01c02203k07d1j81j46b4cmwcmwpa4ohobugc8o6b434w0ow\",$i++*3,3),36)*print~\u00f5;)echo~\u00df\u00dc[$r>>$j++/2%16&1];\n```\nRun like this:\n```\necho 2 | php -nR 'for(;$j%=32*$argn or$r=intval(substr(\"01c02203k07d1j81j46b4cmwcmwpa4ohobugc8o6b434w0ow\",$i++*3,3),36)*print~\u00f5;)echo~\u00df\u00dc[$r>>$j++/2%16&1];'\n```\nOr using IBM-850 encoding (135 bytes and prettier result):\n```\necho 2 | php -nR 'for(;$j%=32*$argn or$r=intval(substr(~\u00a4\u256c\u00a3\u00a4\u2550\u2550\u00a4\u2560\u00f6\u00a4\u255a\u00f8\u256c\u00f2\u00c3\u256c\u00f2\u2566\u2554\u00d8\u2566\u00a3\u00c6\u00ea\u00a3\u00c6\u00ea\u00c5\u00d7\u2566\u00c9\u00f9\u00c9\u00d8\u00e8\u00ff\u00a3\u00c3\u00c9\u2554\u00d8\u2566\u2560\u2566\u00ea\u00a4\u00c9\u00ea,$i++*3,3),36)*print~\u00a7;)echo~\u2580M[$r>>$j++/2%16&1];'\n \u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593 \n \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \n \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \n\u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \n \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593 \n \u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593 \u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593 \n \u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593\u2593 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Concatenating those results in `01c02203k07d1j81j46b4cmwcmwpa4ohobugc8o6b434w0ow`. The code reverses the process so the bombs are printed correctly `N` times.\n# Tweaks\n* Saved 4 bytes by using only a single for-loop\n* Saved a byte by printing a single char for each iteration and using string index instead of ternary\n* Saved a byte by getting resetting `$j` to zero on line boundaries with `%=`. This gets rid of parentheses\n* Saved 2 bytes by using `$argn`\n[Answer]\n# GCC C 129 bytes\n### ISO8859/ASCII\n```\nf(r,i,d){\n for(;i<32;i+=2,puts(\"\"))\n for(d=15*r;--d;)\n printf((*(int*)&(\"\u00ff\u00f3\u00ff\u00ad\u00ff\u00feo\u00dc\u00fc\u00f0\u00e0\u00e0\u00c0!\u00c0C\u00c0C\u00e0\u00f0\u00f8?\u00fe\"[i]))&(1<\n## Explanation\nFirst a conversion of the hex representation of bombs\n[f3 ff ad ff fe ff 6f 7f dc 1f fc 1f f0 07 e0 03 e0 03 c0 01 c0 21 c0 43 e0 43 f0 07 f8 0f fe 3f] to UTF-8 (in the UTF-8 version the compiler stores the string as Wide Char Array - 2 or 4 bytes for each character at runtime but this is academic). Whereas UTF-8 characters would be stored as 2-4 bytes, these values are all within ISO-8859-1 (ASCII) and thus only require 1 byte. Also it is safe to be stored as ISO-8859-x (there are no 0x8\\_ or 0x9\\_ values). Therefore the text consumes 32 bytes in ISO-8859 and the routine consumes 135 bytes in total.\n(NB wide chars are stored as a 16 bit integer in windows and 32bit in linux but again this is irrelevant to the task at hand)\nCaveat: Not all the characters are displayable (the control characters below 0x20) .They are, however still present . Most web pages are utf-8/ 8859/1253 () so I reckon this is legit~~(shifting all values below 0x20 to printable ASCII should fix that).~~\n### UTF-8\nHere is the version closer to the original posting with UTF-8 encoded source.\nThis consumes 173 bytes. The string itself being 50 bytes of the source.\nThe routine is also longer as the ASCII bytes are now stored with padding 0's for the 16bit/32bit Wide Chars and have to be shifted instead of casted to uint16\\_t as above. I have kept this up as it can be verified with ideone which uses UTF-8 encoding.\n```\n*w=L\"\u00f3\u00ff\u00ad\u00ff\u00fe\u00ffo\u00dc\u00fc\u00f0\u00e0\u00e0\u00c0\u00c0!\u00c0C\u00e0C\u00f0\u00f8\u00fe?\";\nf(r,i,j,m){\n for(i;i<32;i+=2,puts(\"\"))\n for(j=r;j--;)\n for(m=65536;m>1;(m\\=2,printf(((w[i]<<8)+w[i+1]&m)?\" \":\"##\")));}\n```\nRun with:\n```\nmain(c,v)char**v;{f(atoi(v[1]),0)} \n```\nIf you can set the implicit value to a 16bit integer in your complier you can omit the wchar\\_t type declaration of the Wide Char. Ideone doesn't complain so I reckon it's good to go.\n**Try it out** on [ideone](http://ideone.com/jcR3qG)\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, 155 bytes\nAs a function with type `Int -> String`:\n```\nb z=concat$do y<-[0..15];\"\\n\":[if odd$div 0x3800FE01FF03DF83BF87BFC7FFC3FF83FF81FF007C007C401090080004A0030(2^(16*y+x))then\"##\"else\" \"|x<-[1..z]>>[0..15]]\n```\nPrinting to IO directly will cost 5 bytes (or 6 if we prefer to return `IO ()` rather than `IO [()]`):\n```\nb z=mapM putStr$do y<-[0..15];\"\\n\":[if odd$div 0x3800FE01FF03DF83BF87BFC7FFC3FF83FF81FF007C007C401090080004A0030(2^(16*y+x))then\"##\"else\" \"|x<-[1..z]>>[0..15]]\n```\n[Answer]\n### C, 175 bytes\n```\n x[]={48,74,128,265,1988,1984,8176,16376,16376,32764,31740,15352,15864,8176,4064,896};f(z,p){while(z++<16){p=1;while(p<<=1){printf(\"%s\",p&(x[z]<<16|x[z])?\"##\":\" \");}puts(\"\");}}\n```\nconcatenates each x to itself and makes p overflow to end each line.\n[Answer]\n## Java, 228 bytes\n```\nimport static java.lang.System.out;\npublic class Bombs\n{\n public static void main(String[] args)\n {\n new Bombs().d(2);\n new Bombs().d(3);\n new Bombs().d(4);\n }\n void d(int n){String s=\"\";for(int x=16,r=0;r<16*n;x=16,s+=(++r%n==0?\"\\n\":\"\"))while(--x>=0)s+=((new int[]{1536,10496,128,18496,4592,496,2044,4094,4094,8191,8175,4078,4062,2044,1016,224}[r/n])&(1<%}UwPXHn_C9wF.|U ap<{jH%O9 9wRThGs')\n```\nEncodes the string as a base-95 number, increments each digit by `32`, then represents it by an ascii string.\n## Explanation\nThis is composed of two main parts. There is the constructing of the bomb, and the actual repetition. Let's for the moment refer to the bomb as `b`. Then, the code looks like:\n```\n|:@;@#&(b)\n```\nWhen called with input `k`, this is equivalent to:\n```\n|: ; (k#b)\n```\n`b` is a boxed bomb, so `k#b` makes `k` repetitions of `b`, `;` flattens it vertically, and `|:` transposes the result. (The bomb `b` is itself constructed transposed.)\nNow, here is the bomb:\n```\n<' #'{~2#|:16 16$}.2#.inv 95#.32x-~3 u:'u,:C>%}UwPXHn_C9wF.|U ap<{jH%O9 9wRThGs'\n```\nThe string following is a base-95 encoded string with an offset of `32`, so that all the characters fall into the ASCII range, and thankfully there are no `'`s that need to be escaped. `3 u:` gets the char codes of the string, `32x-~` makes each number an e`x`tended number and subtracts `32` from it; `95#.` converts to a base-95 number an `2#.inv` converts it to a binary digit array. I added a leading `1` to the binary in order to make it a solid number, so I take it off with `}.`. I shape the array into a 16x16 table with `16 16$` then transpose it using `|:`. (Possible golf for later: transpose the literal encoded string.) `2#` duplicates each character width-wise. We are left with a table of `0`s and `1`s. `' #'{~` maps `0`s to `' '` and `1` to `'#'`. As thus, we are left with our bomb.\n## Test case\n```\n |:@;@#&(<' #'{~2#|:16 16$}.2#.inv 95#.32x-~3 u:'u,:C>%}UwPXHn_C9wF.|U ap<{jH%O9 9wRThGs') 3\n #### #### ####\n ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##\n ## ## ##\n## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##\n ## ########## ## ########## ## ##########\n ########## ########## ##########\n ################## ################## ##################\n ###################### ###################### ######################\n ###################### ###################### ######################\n ########################## ########################## ##########################\n ################ ######## ################ ######## ################ ########\n ############## ###### ############## ###### ############## ######\n ############ ######## ############ ######## ############ ########\n ################## ################## ##################\n ############## ############## ##############\n ###### ###### ######\n```\n[Answer]\n# **[BaCon](http://www.basic-converter.org), ~~229~~ ~~227~~ 195 bytes**\nA contribution in BASIC for sake of nostalgia. The variable 'a' determines the amount of bombs.\n```\na=2:FOR x=0 TO 15:FOR y=1 TO a:FOR i=15 DOWNTO 0:?IIF$(v[x]&INT(POW(2,i)),\"##\",\" \");:NEXT:NEXT:?:NEXT:LOCAL v[]={3072,20992,256,36992,9184,992,4088,8188,8188,16382,16350,8156,8124,4088,2032,448}\n```\n**Output**:\n```\n #### #### \n ## ## ## ## ## ## \n ## ## \n## ## ## ## ## ## \n ## ########## ## ########## \n ########## ########## \n ################## ################## \n ###################### ###################### \n ###################### ###################### \n ########################## ########################## \n ################ ######## ################ ######## \n ############## ###### ############## ###### \n ############ ######## ############ ######## \n ################## ################## \n ############## ############## \n ###### ###### \n```\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, ~~191~~ 181 bytes\n```\nf n=h n:f(div n 2)\nh n|odd n=' '\nh _='#'\ng b=mapM_ putStrLn[[f 0xfc7ff01fe00fc207c40784038003c007c007e00ff83ff83bfef6ff7fffb5ffcf!!(x`mod`32`div`2+y*16)|x<-[0..32*b-1]]|y<-[0..15]]\n```\n[Answer]\n# C (Atari TOS 2.06 US), ~~129 124 117~~ 113 bytes\n```\nshort*a=0xe013b0;main(j,l)char**l;{for(;*a++-224;puts(\"\"))for(j=*l[1]*16-768;j--;printf(*a&1<\nusing namespace std;string d(\"01c02203k07d1j81j46b4cmwcmwpa4ohobugc8o6b434w0ow\");int main(){for(int i=0;i!=45;i+=3){int z=stoi(d.substr(i,3),NULL,36);for(unsigned long p=1;p!=1<<31;p<<=1){cout<<(((z<<16|z)&p)?\"##\":\" \");}puts(\"\");}}\n```\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, 127 bytes\n```\nINPUT N\nFOR J=0TO 15FOR K=1TO N\nFOR I=0TO 14?\" #\"[1AND ASC(\"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\"[I])>>J]*2;\nNEXT\nNEXT?NEXT\n```\n[![screenshot](https://i.stack.imgur.com/OUfXA.jpg)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/OUfXA.jpg) \n(Screenshot of version without doubled characters) \nSB has a square font, so doubling the characters looks bad (and doesn't fit on the screen) \nNon-ASCII characters have been replaced by `x`'s. \nHex values: `0008,0002,0610,1F8A,3FC1,7FC1,7FF2,FFF4,FFF8,EFF0,73F0,7FC0,3FC0,1F80,0600` \nSince SB saves files in UTF-8, some of these count as 2 or 3 bytes.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nPPCG user and elected mod, [@Dennis](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/12012/dennis) just became the second ever user to earn over 100k rep!\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5ME5N.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/5ME5N.png)\nThis is a totally original idea, that I [did not get from anybody else](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/57719/generate-dennis-numbers), but let's make a challenge based off of his user ID, `12012` as a tribute!\nLooking at it, you'll notice that there are two distinct \"sections\" to his ID.\n> \n> 12\n> \n> \n> \nand\n> \n> 012\n> \n> \n> \nBoth of these sections add up to a 3. That's a pretty interesting property.\nLet's define a \"Dennis 2.0 number\" as any positive integer where every maximal subsequence of strictly increasing digits sums to the same number. For example,\n```\n123\n```\nis a Dennis 2.0 number because there is only one maximal sublist of strictly increasing digits, and it sums to 6. Additionally, 2,846,145 is also a Dennis 2.0 number because the three maximal sublists of increasing digits, namely\n```\n28\n46\n145\n```\nAll sum to `10`. Additionally, numbers that just repeat the same digit *must* be Dennis 2.0 numbers because, for example, `777` can be broken down into\n```\n7\n7\n7\n```\nwhich *clearly* all sum to seven.\nA number such as `42` is *not* a Dennis 2.0 number, since it is broken down into\n```\n4\n2\n```\nwhich clearly do not sum to the same number.\n# The challenge\nYou must write a program or function to determine if a given number is a Dennis 2.0 number or not. You can take input and output in any reasonable input format, e.g. as a string, as a number, from a file, funtion arguments/return, from STDIN/STDOUT, etc. and then return a [truthy value](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2190/interpretation-of-truthy-falsey) if this number is a Dennis 2.0 number, and a falsy value if it is not. For reference, here is every Dennis 2.0 number up to 1,000:\n```\n1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n11\n12\n13\n14\n15\n16\n17\n18\n19\n22\n23\n24\n25\n26\n27\n28\n29\n33\n34\n35\n36\n37\n38\n39\n44\n45\n46\n47\n48\n49\n55\n56\n57\n58\n59\n66\n67\n68\n69\n77\n78\n79\n88\n89\n99\n101\n111\n123\n124\n125\n126\n127\n128\n129\n134\n135\n136\n137\n138\n139\n145\n146\n147\n148\n149\n156\n157\n158\n159\n167\n168\n169\n178\n179\n189\n202\n222\n234\n235\n236\n237\n238\n239\n245\n246\n247\n248\n249\n256\n257\n258\n259\n267\n268\n269\n278\n279\n289\n303\n312\n333\n345\n346\n347\n348\n349\n356\n357\n358\n359\n367\n368\n369\n378\n379\n389\n404\n413\n444\n456\n457\n458\n459\n467\n468\n469\n478\n479\n489\n505\n514\n523\n555\n567\n568\n569\n578\n579\n589\n606\n615\n624\n666\n678\n679\n689\n707\n716\n725\n734\n777\n789\n808\n817\n826\n835\n888\n909\n918\n927\n936\n945\n999\n```\nStandard loopholes apply, and the shortest answer measured in bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), ~~72~~ 70 bytes\nTakes a string as input. Returns either false or a truthy value (which can be a number).\nIt's using a regular expression to transform an input string such as `\"2846145\"` into:\n```\n\"(a=2+8)&&(a==4+6)&&(a==1+4+5)\"\n```\nThen calls `eval()` on this expression.\n```\nlet f =\nn=>eval(n.replace(/./g,(v,i)=>(v>n[i-1]?'+':i?')&&(a==':'(a=')+v)+')')\nconsole.log(f(\"101\"));\nconsole.log(f(\"102\"));\nconsole.log(f(\"777\"));\nconsole.log(f(\"2846145\"));\n```\n[Answer]\n# Jelly, ~~13~~ 12 bytes\n*1 byte thanks to @Dennis.*\n```\nDI\u00b7\u03c0\u2020\u201a\u00c4\u00f40;\u2248\u00ec\u00b7\u03c0\u00f3DS\u201a\u00c7\u00a8E\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=REnhuaDigJkwO8WT4bmXRFPigqxF&input=&args=Mjg0NjE0NQ)\n### Explanation\n```\nDI\u00b7\u03c0\u2020\u201a\u00c4\u00f40;\u2248\u00ec\u00b7\u03c0\u00f3DS\u201a\u00c7\u00a8E Main link. Argument: N\nD Convert N to its digits.\n I Find the differences between the elements.\n \u00b7\u03c0\u2020 Find the sign of each difference. This yields 1 for locations where the\n list is strictly increasing and 0 or -1 elsewhere.\n \u201a\u00c4\u00f4 Decrement. This yields 0 for locations where the list is strictly\n increasing and -1 or -2 elsewhere.\n 0; Prepend a 0.\n D Get another list of digits.\n \u2248\u00ec\u00b7\u03c0\u00f3 Split the list of digits at truthy positions, i.e. the -1s and -2s.\n S\u201a\u00c7\u00a8 Sum each sublist.\n E Check if all values are equal.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python, 50 bytes\n```\nr='0'\nfor d in input():r=d+'=+'[r0R+fMbms}lt!\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=mb%241m%3E0R%2BfMbms%7Dlt%21&input=%22835%22)\n```\nmb - map(int, input)\n $ - delta(^)\n 1m> - map(^, 1>i)\n 0R+ - [0]+^\n f - input.split_at(^) \n Mb - deep_map(int, ^)\n ms - map(sum, ^)\n } - uniquify(^)\n lt! - len(^) == 1\n```\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell v2+, ~~100~~ ~~64~~ 61 bytes\n```\n-join([char[]]$args[0]|%{(\"+$_\",\"-eq$_\")[$_-le$i];$i=$_})|iex\n```\nA literal one-liner, as this is all one pipeline. Takes input as a string `$args[0]`. Loops through it as a `char`-array, each iteration placing either the current element with a `+` or `-eq` in front of it onto the pipeline based on whether the current value is `-l`ess-than-or-`e`qual to the previous value `$i`. Those strings are `-join`ed together and piped to `iex` (short for `Invoke-Expression` and similar to `eval`. For example, for input `2846145` this will be evaluated as `+2+8-eq4+6-eq1+4+5`, which is `True`.\nThat Boolean is left on the pipeline, and `True`/`False` is implicitly written at program completion.\n*NB - for single-digit input, the resulting digit is left on the pipeline, which is a truthy value in PowerShell.*\n### Examples\n```\nPS C:\\Tools\\Scripts\\golfing> 2846145,681,777,12366,2|%{\"$_ -> \"+(.\\dennis-number-20.ps1 \"$_\")}\n2846145 -> True\n681 -> False\n777 -> True\n12366 -> False\n2 -> 2\n```\n[Answer]\n# GNU sed 217 or 115\nBoth include +1 for -r \n**217:**\n```\ns/./&,/g;s/^/,/g;:;s,0,,;s,2,11,;s,3,21,;s,4,31,;s,5,41,;s,6,51,\ns,7,61,;s,8,71,;s,9,81,;t;s/(,1*)(1*)\\1,/\\1\\2X\\1,/;t;s/,//g\ns,1X1(1*),X\\1a,;t;/^1.*X/c0\n/Xa*$/s,a*$,,;y,a,1,;/1X1/b;/1X|X1/c0\nc1\n```\nTakes input in normal decimal\n[Try it online!](http://sed.tryitonline.net/#code=cy8uLyYsL2c7cy9eLywvZzs6O3MsMCwsO3MsMiwxMSw7cywzLDIxLDtzLDQsMzEsO3MsNSw0MSw7cyw2LDUxLApzLDcsNjEsO3MsOCw3MSw7cyw5LDgxLDt0O3MvKCwxKikoMSopXDEsL1wxXDJYXDEsLzt0O3MvLC8vZwpzLDFYMSgxKiksWFwxYSw7dDsvXjEuKlgvYzAKL1hhKiQvcyxhKiQsLDt5LGEsMSw7LzFYMS9iOy8xWHxYMS9jMApjMQ&input=MTIzCjI4NDYxNDUKNzc3CjQy&args=LXI)\n---\n**115:**\n```\ns/^|$/,/g;:;s/(,1*)(1*)\\1,/\\1\\2X\\1,/;t;s/,//g\ns,1X1(1*),X\\1a,;t;/^1.*X/c0\n/Xa*$/s,a*$,,;y,a,1,;/1X1/b;/1X|X1/c0\nc1\n```\nTakes input as a comma separated list of the numbers digits in unary. e.g. `123` would be `1,11,111`\n[Try it online!](http://sed.tryitonline.net/#code=cy9efCQvLC9nOzo7cy8oLDEqKSgxKilcMSwvXDFcMlhcMSwvO3Q7cy8sLy9nCnMsMVgxKDEqKSxYXDFhLDt0Oy9eMS4qWC9jMAovWGEqJC9zLGEqJCwsO3ksYSwxLDsvMVgxL2I7LzFYfFgxL2MwCmMx&input=MSwxMSwxMTEKMTEsMTExMTExMTEsMTExMSwxMTExMTEsMSwxMTExLDExMTExCjExMTExMTEsMTExMTExMSwxMTExMTExCjExMTEsMTE&args=LXI)\n[Answer]\n## Perl, 38 + 3 (`-p`) = 41 bytes\n*-9 bytes thanks to [@Ton Hospel](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/51507/ton-hospel) !*\n```\ns%.%2x$&.(~$&le~$')%eg;$_=/^(2+1)\\1*$/\n```\nSince there is a `$'`, the code needs to be in a file to run. So `-p` counts for 3 bytes. Outputs 1 if the number is a Dennis 2.0 number, or an empty string otherwise :\n```\n$ cat dennis_numbers.pl\ns%.%2x$&.(~$&le~$')%eg;$_=/^(2+1)\\1*$/\n$ perl -p dennis_numbers.pl <<< \"1\n10\n12315\n12314\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~66~~ ~~65~~ 63 bytes\n*Saved 2 bytes thanks to @edc65*\n```\nx=>[...x,p=t=z=0].every(c=>p>=(t+=+p,p=c)?(z?z==t:z=t)+(t=0):1)\n```\nTakes input as a string. Old version (only works in Firefox 30+):\n```\nx=>[for(c of(p=t=0,x))if(p>=(t+=+p,p=c))t+(t=0)].every(q=>q==+p+t)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 38 bytes\n```\nEqual@@Tr/@IntegerDigits@#~Split~Less&\n```\nAnonymous function. Takes a number as input, and returns `True` or `False` as output.\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog) 2, 10 bytes, language postdates challenge\n```\n\u00b7\u222b\u03c0~c<\u201a\u00c7\u00c5\u00b7\u00b5\u00ea!+\u00b7\u00b5\u00ea=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/brachylog2#@/9w1866ZJtHTY0Pt05Q1AYStv//G5mYmQEA \"Brachylog \u201a\u00c4\u00ec TIO Nexus\")\nThis is basically the same algorithm as @Fatalize's answer (which I didn't see until after I'd written this), but rearranged somewhat to make it golfier under Brachylog 2's syntax.\nIt's a full program, returning `false.` if it isn't a Dennis 2.0 number, or `true` if it is.\n## Explanation\n```\n\u00b7\u222b\u03c0~c<\u201a\u00c7\u00c5\u00b7\u00b5\u00ea!+\u00b7\u00b5\u00ea=\n\u00b7\u222b\u03c0 Interpret the input number as a list of digits\n ! Find the first (in default order)\n ~c partition of the digits\n <\u201a\u00c7\u00c5\u00b7\u00b5\u00ea such that each is in strictly increasing order\n = Assert that the following are all equal:\n +\u00b7\u00b5\u00ea the sums of each partition\n```\nAs usual for a Brachylog full program, if all the assertions can be met simultaneously, we get a truthy return, otherwise falsey. The default order for `~c` is to sort partitions with fewer, longer elements first, and in Prolog (thus Brachylog), the default order's defined by the first predicate in the program (using the second as a tiebreak, and so on; here, `~c` dominates, because `\u00b7\u222b\u03c0` is deterministic and thus has nothing to order).\n[Answer]\n# MATL, ~~24~~ ~~23~~ ~~20~~ ~~18~~ 16 bytes\n```\nTjdl=$d?$r&&$s-$r?die(1):($r=$s)&$s=$p=$d:$s+=$p=$d;\n```\ntakes input from argument, exits with `0` for Dennis-2.0 number, with `1` else.\n**breakdown**\n```\n$p=-1; // init $p(revious digit) to -1\nforeach(str_split(\"$argv[1].\")as$d) // loop $d(igit) through input characters\n // (plus a dot, to catch the final sum)\n $p>=$d // if not ascending:\n ?$r // do we have a sum remembered \n &&$s-$r // and does it differ from the current sum?\n ?die(1) // then exit with failure\n :($r=$s)&$s=$p=$d // remember sum, set sum to digit, remember digit\n :$s+=$p=$d // ascending: increase sum, remember digit\n ;\n// \n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 18 bytes\n```\nSD\u00ac\u2022X\u201a\u00c4\u03c0X\u00ac\u220f\u00ac\u00b4DgL*\u221a\u2122\u00ac\u2022\u00ac\u00a3O\u221a\u00f4g\n```\n**Explanation**\n`N = 12012` used as example.\n```\n # implicit input N = 12012\nS # split input number to list of digits \n # STACK: [1,2,0,1,2]\n D # duplicate\n # STACK: [1,2,0,1,2], [1,2,0,1,2]\n \u00ac\u2022 # reduce by subtraction\n # STACK: [1,2,0,1,2], [1,-2,1,1]\n X\u201a\u00c4\u03c0 # is less than 1\n # STACK: [1,2,0,1,2], [0,1,0,0]\n X\u00ac\u220f\u00ac\u00b4 # append 1\n # STACK: [1,2,0,1,2], [0,1,0,0,1]\n DgL* # multiply by index (1-indexed)\n # STACK: [1,2,0,1,2], [0,2,0,0,5]\n \u221a\u2122 # sorted unique\n # STACK: [1,2,0,1,2], [0,2,5]\n \u00ac\u2022 # reduce by subtraction\n # STACK: [1,2,0,1,2], [2,3]\n \u00ac\u00a3 # split into chunks\n # STACK: [[1,2],[0,1,2]]\n O # sum each\n # STACK: [3,3]\n \u221a\u00f4 # unique\n # STACK: [3]\n g # length, 1 is true in 05AB1E\n # STACK: 1\n```\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=U0TCpVjigLlYwrjCq0RnTCrDqsKlwqNPw5ln&input=MjQ1MTI4MDI5)\n[Answer]\n# Ruby 2.3, 56 bytes\n```\np !gets.chars.chunk_while(&:<).map{|a|eval a*?+}.uniq[1]\n```\nAlmost certainly not the golfiest way to do this, but it shows off some nice language features.\n(Not newline-tolerant, so run like `ruby dennis2.rb <<< '12012'`)\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 144 bytes\n```\nx[-1]]+y,I+' '))))<2\n```\nExplanation:\nex `1201212012`\nConverts to list of sums:\n`1+2,0+1+2,1+2,0+1+2,` \nEvals and converts to set.\n`set([3])`\nIf the length of the set is 1, all sums are the same.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 58\n```\ns=>![...s,z=x=p=0].some(c=>[c>p?0:z-=(x=x||z),z-=p=c][0])\n```\nApplying my rarely useful tip \nIt scans the string char by char identifying run of ascending chars, at the end of each rum it checks if the sum is always the same\n* c : current char\n* p : previous char\n* z : running sum, at the end of a run will be compared to ...\n* x : sum to compare against, at first run is simply made equal to z\n**Test**\n```\nf=\ns=>![...s,z=x=p=0].some(c=>[c>p?0:z-=(x=x||z),z-=p=c][0])\nfunction run()\n{\n var i=I.value\n O.textContent = i + ' -> ' + f(i)\n}\nrun()\ntest=`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 44 45 46 47 48 49 55 56 57 58 59 66 67 68 69 77 78 79 88 89 99 101 111 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 134 135 136 137 138 139 145 146 147 148 149 156 157 158 159 167 168 169 178 179 189 202 222 234 235 236 237 238 239 245 246 247 248 249 256 257 258 259 267 268 269 278 279 289 303 312 333 345 346 347 348 349 356 357 358 359 367 368 369 378 379 389 404 413 444 456 457 458 459 467 468 469 478 479 489 505 514 523 555 567 568 569 578 579 589 606 615 624 666 678 679 689 707 716 725 734 777 789 808 817 826 835 888 909 918 927 936 945 999`.split` `\nnumerr=0\nfor(i=1; i<1000; i++)\n{\n v = i + '';\n r = f(v);\n ok = r == (test.indexOf(v) >= 0)\n if (!ok) console.log('Error',++numerr, v)\n} \nif(!numerr) console.log('All test 1..999 ok')\n```\n```\n\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 20 bytes\nTwo versions\n```\n!t{sMcJjQThMx1k||j=j+1;k=n;j}.values.map{|a|a.map(&:to_i).reduce(&:+)}.reduce{|m,n|n==m ?m:nil}\n# inspired by PHP regexp approach (105):\n\"#{i}\".scan(/0?1?2?3?4?5?6?7?8?9?/).map{|a|a.chars.map(&:to_i).reduce(&:+)}.reduce{|m,n|!n||n==m ?m:nil}\n# some number comparison simplification (85):\n!\"#{i}\".scan(/0?1?2?3?4?5?6?7?8?9?/).map{|a|a.chars.map(&:to_i).reduce(&:+)}.uniq[1]\n```\nThis would return the integer of this dennis number or `nil` if not a dennis number. All integers will be considered true in ruby as well `nil` is considered false. `i` is the integer that is being check.\nThird version actually returns `true` and `false`.\nP.S. tested to return 172 integers from 1 to 1000 as in the answer.\n[Answer]\n# APL, 23 bytes\n```\n{1=\u201a\u00e2\u00a2\u201a\u00e0\u2122+/\u201a\u00dc\u00ebN\u201a\u00e4\u00c7\u201a\u00e7\u00ae1,2>/N\u201a\u00dc\u00ea\u201a\u00e7\u00e9\u00ac\u00ae\u201a\u00e7\u00ef\u201a\u00e7\u00b5}\n```\nExplanation:\n* `N\u201a\u00dc\u00ea\u201a\u00e7\u00e9\u00ac\u00ae\u201a\u00e7\u00ef\u201a\u00e7\u00b5`: get the individual digits in the input, store in `N`\n* `N\u201a\u00e4\u00c7\u201a\u00e7\u00ae1,2>/N`: find the sublists of strictly increasing numbers in `N`\n* `+/\u201a\u00dc\u00eb`: sum each sublist\n* `1=\u201a\u00e2\u00a2\u201a\u00e0\u2122`: see if the resulting list has only one unique element\n[Answer]\n# [Add++](https://github.com/cairdcoinheringaahing/AddPlusPlus), 109 bytes\n```\nD,g,@@#,BF1_B\nD,k,@@#,bR$d@$!Q@BFB\nD,f,@,BDdV\u221a\u00eb_\u201a\u00c7\u00a8?1\u201a\u00c7\u00a8_0b]$+\u201a\u00c7\u00a8?dbLRBcB*BZB]GbL1+b]+qG\u201a\u00c7\u00a8gd\u201a\u00c7\u00a8bL\u221a\u00eb_0b]$+BcB]\u00ac\u00a3k\u201a\u00c7\u00a8\u00ac\u00b6+\u221a\u00eb=1$\u00ac\u2122=\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY7fasIwGMWvm6fousDAhtHUP9sKupAVZSDIvPBiWDqzVKnOrGurFJw3ewOfYbCLsaeob7IXcV@KDG9OzvfL@XIykTJJDgefzAhj54R3aciRTxbVJIZYMnz2wHhXwylhhPtytN@Fvx8/txQkdESAbT1J0R/yZ17jjzzoiT61RWC/9eBmJkFEH5aqLGSC8nMBrPyy97s2xeV3G/qzPIXnkWFdWJLN1wj6lpNYEeYBlJvpFhl4A6HtUQGOsC6i4XvdvavNEcJ6oUPdeuvfOtQ9eve60aKN5kmodeqbV/UbhArPGis/UirOTPfSMdVqKaI0M1eJmb@a1HEcb6wsNCgQeomXce5phLqVh2/GSkaFF4N7SiMN8LRTMbD3msBpDCpy@AM \"Add++ \u201a\u00c4\u00ec Try It Online\")\n## How it works\nWe define our 3 functions, \\$f\\$, \\$g\\$ and \\$k\\$. \\$f\\$ is the main function, which transforms the input to the correct output.\n### \\$f(x)\\$\nFirst, we convert the input \\$x\\$ into a list of digits, then take the forward increments. Next, we take the sign of each increment. For increasing subsequences, this yields a subsequence of \\$1\\$, for equal subsequences, such as \\$[4, 4, 4]\\$, this yields \\$0\\$s and for decreasing sections, \\$-1\\$ is returned. We then take the complement of each of these signs, to turn \\$1\\$ into a falsey value, and everything else into a truthy value. Next, \\$0\\$ is prepended to this array, and we take the sign of each element again. This yields an array, \\$A\\$, of \\$0\\$ and \\$1\\$, with the first element always being \\$0\\$.\nWe then yield the range \\$[1, 2, ... length(A)]\\$ and remove the elements that correspond to \\$0\\$ in \\$A\\$. This leaves us with a second array, \\$A'\\$. We then push the number of digits in the input, add one and append this number to \\$A'\\$. We then deduplicate \\$A'\\$, to yield a new array, \\$A''\\$.\nNext, we use the \\$g\\$ helper function. As \\$g\\$ is dyadic (takes 2 arguments), it behaves slightly differently when paired with the *each* operator, `\u201a\u00c7\u00a8`. Dyadic functions pop a value from the stack and bind that value as their right argument to create a partial monadic function. This partial function is then mapped over each element in the argument. Here, the bound right argument is the digits of the input and the partial function is mapped over \\$A''\\$.\n### \\$g(x, y)\\$\nLet's take a look at just one iteration of \\$g(x, y)\\$ where \\$x := [1, 2, 0, 1, 2]\\$ and \\$y = 3\\$. Note that \\$3\\$ is the first index in \\$A''\\$ where the signs from \\$A\\$ corresponded with \\$1\\$, rather than \\$0\\$. In fact, for \\$x = 12012\\$, we can see that \\$A'' = [3, 6]\\$. \\$3\\$ is the only non-zero index in \\$A\\$, and \\$6\\$ is the length of \\$x\\$ plus one.\nSo, for \\$g([1, 2, 0, 1, 2], 3)\\$ the following happens: First, we swap the two arguments so that the stack has the digits below the index. We then flatten the array and decrement the index. So far, the stack looks like `[1 2 0 1 2 2]`. We then perform the *head* command. We pop the index from the top f the stack and take that many characters from the stack, starting at the bottom. This yields \\$[1, 2]\\$, which is then returned by \\$g\\$.\nSo, \\$g(x, y)\\$ is mapped over each element \\$y \\in A''\\$, which returns a series of prefixes of the input of various increasing lengths. This part could get slightly confusing, so we'll work through it with the example input of \\$x := 12012\\$. After the mapping of \\$g\\$, the stack currently looks like\n```\n[[[1 2] [1 2 0 1 2]]]\n```\nWe then push an array containing the length of each array in the top element, or in this instance, the array \\$[2, 5]\\$. This is the same as \\$A'' - 1\\$, if the \\$-\\$ operator maps, but it takes more bytes to use this relationship. Next, the forward differences of the lengths is taken, and \\$0\\$ is prepended, yielding, in this example, \\$[0, 3]\\$. This new array is then zipped with the results from \\$g\\$ to create \\$B\\$ and the *starmap* operator is run over each pair.\n### \\$k(x, n)\\$\nThe *starmap* operator uses the function \\$k\\$ as its argument, and works by taking a dyadic function and a nested array. The array must consist of pairs, such as \\$[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]\\$, and the dyadic function is mapped over each pair, with each element of the pairs being the left and right arguments respectively.\nHere, our example nested array is \\$[[[1, 2], 0], [[1, 2, 0, 1, 2], 3]]\\$ and our function is \\$k\\$. We'll focus simply on \\$k([1, 2, 0, 1, 2], 3)\\$ for now.\n\\$k(x, n)\\$ starts, similar to \\$g\\$, by swapping the two arguments, so that the array is the top of the stack. We then reverse the array and swap the arguments back. Now, \\$n = 0\\$, we want to leave the array unchanged, so we duplicate the integer and rotate the top three arguments, so that the stack has the format of \\$[n, x, n]\\$. Next, we return the array if \\$n = 0\\$. Otherwise, the top element is discarded, and we arrange the stack back to how it was i.e. with the reversed array at the bottom and the integer at the top, or in our example: \\$[[2, 1, 0, 1, 2], 3]\\$. We then flatten the stack, and take the first \\$n\\$ elements of \\$x\\$. These elements are then returned and replace \\$x\\$ in \\$B\\$.\nFor our input, this returns \\$[0, 1, 2]\\$. (Strictly speaking, it returns\\$[2, 1, 0]\\$, but order doesn't matter for the rest of the program).\nAfter \\$k(x, n)\\$ is mapped over each pair \\$(x, n) \\in B\\$, we take the sum of each pair, then check that each element is equal, by asserting that each neighbouring pair are equal, and then asserting that each of those equality tests result in \\$1\\$ (a truthy value). Finally, this result is returned.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nNotice the pattern in the below sequence:\n```\n0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 and so on, until reaching 0.{one hundred zeros}1\n```\nThen, continued:\n```\n0.2, 0.02, 0.002, 0.0002, 0.00002 and so on, until reaching 0.{two hundred zeros}2\n```\nContinued:\n```\n0.3, 0.03, etc, until 0.{three hundred zeros}3\n```\nContinued:\n```\n0.4, 0.04, etc, until 0.{four hundred zeros}4\n```\nSped up a bit:\n```\n0.10, 0.010, etc.  until 0.{one thousand zeros}10\n```\nSped up some more:\n`0.100, 0.0100...`\nYou get the idea.\nThe input your code will receive is an integer, the number of terms, and the output is that many number of terms of the sequence. \nInput and output formats are unrestricted, and separators are not required.\nTrailing zeros are necessary.\n[Standard loopholes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1061/48934) apply.\n---\nThe outputs of some nth terms are given below:\n```\nnth term -> number\n-------------------\n1        -> 0.1\n102      -> 0.2\n303      -> 0.3\n604      -> 0.4\n1005     -> 0.5 \n1506     -> 0.6\n2107     -> 0.7\n2808     -> 0.8\n3609     -> 0.9\n4510     -> 0.10\n```\n      \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 23 bytes\nOnline compiler can't show all terms for high N but it works fine offline.\n```\nLvy2\u00b0*>F\u201e0.0N\u00d7yJ,\u00bc\u00be\u00b9Qiq\n```\n**Explanation**\n```\n                          # implicit input X\nLv                        # for each y in range [1 .. X]\n  y2\u00b0*>F                  # for each N in range [0 .. y*100+1)\n        \u201e0.               # push the string \"0.\"\n           0N\u00d7            # push 0 repeated N times\n              y           # push current y\n               J,         # join and print\n                 \u00bc\u00be\u00b9Qiq   # quit the program after X terms printed\n```\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=THZ5MsKwKj5G4oCeMC4wTsOXeUoswrzCvsK5UWlx&input=MzAz)\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~73~~ 64 bytes\nI think this is pretty short. I'm not sure that I can get it any shorter now that I golfed the `if-else` away.\n```\ns=z=1\nexec'print\"0.%0*d\"%(z,s);q=z>s*100;z+=1-z*q;s+=q;'*input()\n```\n[**Try it online**](https://repl.it/Dklg/2)\nLess golfed:\n```\nn=input()\ns=z=1\nfor i in range(n):\n    print\"0.%0*d\"%(z,s)\n    if z>s*100:z=1;s+=1\n    else:z+=1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, ~~53~~ 63 bytes\nThis does the same thing as the 05AB1E answer now\n```\nf=(`take`[\"0.\"++('0'<$[1..y])++show x|x<-[1..],y<-[0..x*100]])\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 57 52 bytes\n(needs `-E` for `say`)\n```\nfor(1..<>){say\"0.\".\"0\"x$i++.$.;$.++,$i=0if$i>100*$.}\n```\nOr readably:\n```\n# $. is the input line number, use it to count the\n# number at the end. \n# $i counts zeroes in the middle, starts at 0 implicitly                          \nfor(1..<>){                      # get the number of terms from stdin and loop \n                                 # <> implicitly increases $. (to 1)\n    say \"0.\" . \"0\" x $i++ . $.;  # print the number, add one zero\n    $.++, $i=0 if $i > 100 * $.; # increment the number, reset number \n                                 # of zeroes if we've printed enough \n}\n```\nTrailing zeroes are printed since the number after the row of zeroes is just an integer concatenated as a string.\nTest run:\n```\n$ perl -E 'for(1..<>){say\"0.\".\"0\"x$i++.$.;$.++,$i=0if$i>100*$.}' | tail -3\n4511    \n0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009\n0.10\n0.010\n```\n[Answer]\n## [QBIC](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/44680/showcase-your-language-one-vote-at-a-time/86385#86385), ~~73~~ 64 bytes\n```\n:#0|{C=!q$D=@0.|[0,q*100|d=d+1?D+$LTRIM$|(C) D=D+A~d=a|_X]]q=q+1\n```\nSaved 9 bytes by removing `x` as upper bound in the `FOR` loop. Upper bound is now set as `q*100`. Shame that QBasic automatically adds a space in front of a printed number, that's a costly `LTRIM$`...\nSome explanation: `q` is used as the current number in the loop. This starts as 1 and gets incremented every 100N turns. This number gets converted to a string and is then appended to the string `0.` and the correct number of `0`'s. In detail:\n```\nWe use q as our 'base number', this is 1 implicitly \n:                Get the max number of terms from a numeric CMD line param    \n#0|              Define string A$ as \"0\"\n{                DO\nC=!q$            our base number is cast to the string C$ \nD=@0.|           define D$ as \"0.\"\n[0,q*100|        FOR each of the terms we need to do for our base number \n                 (i.e. 101 for 1, 201 for 2 ...)\nd=d+1            Keep track of the total # of terms \n                 (i.e. 101 after the 1 cycle, 302 after the 2...)\n?D+$LTRIM$|(C)   Print to screen D$ + C$, where D$ = \"0.[000]\" \n                 and C$ is our base number (1, or 2, or - much later - 100)\n                 LTRIM is in there to prevent \"0.00 1\"\nD=D+A            Add A$ to the end of D$ (\"0.00\" becomes \"0.000\")\n~d=a|_X]         Stop if we've reached the max. # of terms\n]                NEXT\nq=q+1            If we've done all the terms necessary with this base number\n                 then raise base number.\nThe DO loop gets closed implicitly by QBIC.\n```\n---\nEdit: QBIC has seen quite some development over time, and the above can now be solved in 49 bytes, 15 bytes shorter:\n```\n{D=@0.`[0,q*100|d=d+1?D+!q$\u2518D=D+@0`~d=a|_X]]q=q+1\n```\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell v2+, 89 bytes\n```\nparam($n)for($j=1;;$j++){for($i=0;$i-le100*$j;$i++){\"0.$('0'*$i)$j\";if(++$k-ge$n){exit}}}\n```\nStraight-up double-`for` loop. The first, for `$j` is infinite. The inner, for `$i`, loops from `0` up to `100*$j`, using string concatenation and string multiplication to print out the appropriate item. It also checks total loop counter `$k` against input `$n`, and `exit`s the program after we hit that point.\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 83 Bytes\n```\nfor($s=1;$i++<$argv[1];){if($r>100*$s){$s++;$r=0;}echo\" 0.\".str_repeat(0,$r++).$s;}\n```\n[Answer]\n# GNU sed 163 157\n+2 included for -rn\n```\ns,^,0.1\\n,;:;P;s,\\.,.0,;s,.$,,;/0{101}/{s,0\\.0*(09)?,\\1,\ns,.9*\\n,x&,;h;s,.*x(.*)\\n.*,\\1,;y,0123456789,1234567890,\nG;s,(.*\\n)(.*)x.*\\n(.*),0.\\2\\1\\3,};/\\n./b\n```\nTakes input in unary [based in this consensus](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/5349/57100). \n[Try it online!](http://sed.tryitonline.net/#code=cyxeLDAuMVxuLDs6O1A7cyxcLiwuMCw7cywuJCwsOy8wezEwMX0ve3MsMFwuMCooMDkpPyxcMSwKcywuOSpcbix4Jiw7aDtzLC4qeCguKilcbi4qLFwxLDt5LDAxMjM0NTY3ODksMTIzNDU2Nzg5MCwKRztzLCguKlxuKSguKil4LipcbiguKiksMC5cMlwxXDMsfTsvXG4uL2IKCiNleGFtcGxlIGlucHV0IGlzIDEwMg&input=MTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTExMTEx&args=LXJu)\n---\nAn easy way to run this is:\n```\n yes 1 | head -{input} | tr -d '\\n' | sed -rnf zeroOne.sed\n```\n---\n**Explanation**\n```\ns,^,0.1\\n,                   #add 0.1 as the first line of the pattern space\n:\nP                            #print everything up to the first newline\ns,\\.,.0,                     #add a 0 after the .\ns,.$,,                       #reduce the number left to print by one\n/0{100}/{                    #if there is a string of 100 zero do the following\n    s,0\\.0*(09)?,\\1,                 #get rid of all the 0s (except one if the we are adding another digit)\n    s,.9*\\n,x&,              #put an x before the left most number that will change\n    h                        #store in hold space\n    s,.*x(.*)\\n.*,\\1,        #remove everything except the numbers that change\n    y,0123456789,1234567890, #replace numbers with the next one up\n    G                        #bring the rest of the string back\n    s,(.*\\n)(.*)x.*\\n(.*),0.\\2\\1\\3, \n                             #replace the x and numbers that changed with the new ones\n}\n/\\n./b                   #branch back unless there isn't anything on the last line\n```\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 70 bytes\n```\nTake[Join@@Table[\"0.\"<>Array[\"0\"&,k]<>ToString@m,{m,#},{k,0,100m}],#]&\n```\nUnnamed function that takes the desired length as its argument and returns a list of strings (using strings instead of numbers makes the trailing zeros easy to include).\nThis version is slow as hell! because if you want, for example, the first 10 terms, it actually computes the sequence all the way through the 10th segment (101 + 201 + ... + 1001 = 5510 terms) and then retains only the first 10. So already at input 303, it's computing nearly five million terms and discarding almost all of them. The **81**-byte version\n```\nTake[Join@@Table[\"0.\"<>Array[\"0\"&,k]<>ToString@m,{m,Sqrt[#/50]+1},{k,0,100m}],#]&\n```\ndoesn't have this flaw, and in fact calculates nearly the fewest segments possible.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), 69\n```\nn=>[...Array(n)].map(_=>(w=l--?z:(l=++x*100,z='0.'),z+=0,w+x),l=x=0)\n```\nUnnamed function with desired length in input and returning an array of strings.\n**Test**\n```\nf=\nn=>[...Array(n)].map(_=>(w=l--?z:(l=++x*100,z='0.'),z+=0,w+x),l=x=0)\nvar tid=0\nfunction exec()\n{\n    var n=+I.value; \n    O.textContent=f(n).map((r,i)=>i+1+' '+r).join`\\n`;\n}\nfunction update()\n{\n  clearTimeout(tid);\n  tid=setTimeout(exec, 1000);\n}\nexec()\n```\n```\n
\n```\n[Answer]\n# [dc](https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/manual/dc-1.05/html_mono/dc.html), 71 bytes\n```\nsn1sj1si1[lj1+dddsjZ1-dkAr^/li1+si]sJ[0nK1+kA/pljA0*K=Jlnlid1+sii*100:n=n-1-i*100:i=i+1:Wend:?\"0.\"String(n,48)&i\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 120 bytes\n```\nn->{String r=\"\";a:for(int i=1,j,k,c=n;;i++)for(j=0;j<=i*100;r+=i+\"\\n\"){for(r+=\"0.\",k=j++;k-->0;r+=0);if(c--<1)break a;}}\n```\nExplanation and TIO uses the one below however. The difference: the one above creates one big String and then returns it; the one below prints every line separately (which is much better for performance).\n**130 bytes:**\n```\nn->{String r;a:for(int i=1,j,k,c=n;;i++)for(j=0;j<=i*100;System.out.println(r+i)){for(r=\"0.\",k=j++;k-->0;r+=0);if(c--<1)break a;}}\n```\n**Explanation:**\n[Try it here.](https://tio.run/##LY/BbsIwEETvfMWKk13HkSNVPXQxf1AuHFEPxjjV2sGJHINURfn24ADS7mFndqQ33tyN7AcX/SUstjPjCD@G4rQBoJhdao11cFhPgHtPF7Cs6BA5FmkuW2bMJpOFA0TQsES5n445UfyDhOa77dMzQbqpfBUqqyMiCcFXw2uFfqfpo1EKj/9jdte6v@V6KPHcRZYEcT6tn0lvVb2tgvZCYJByrzAJrThSy6yUu4afkzMBDM7zgptCNdzOXaF6wz3Zr6UZe7GdfsHwV61YW/alPt@N5uUB) (Will time out or exceed output limit for test cases above `604`, but locally test case `4510` works in below 2 seconds.)\n```\nn->{                  // Method with integer parameter and no return-type\n  String r;           //  Row String\n  a:for(int i=1,      //  Index integer `i` starting at 1\n        j,k,          //  Some other index integers\n        c=n           //  Counter integer starting at the input\n        ;;i++)        //  Loop (1) indefinitely\n      for(j=0;        //   Reset `j` to 0\n          j<=i*100;   //   Loop (2) from 0 to `i*100` (inclusive)\n          System.out.println(r+i)){\n                      //     After every iteration: print `r+i` + new-line\n        for(r=\"0.\",   //    Reset row-String to \"0.\"\n            k=j++;    //    Reset `k` to `j`\n            k-->0;    //    Loop (3) from `j` down to `0`\n          r+=0        //     And append the row-String with \"0\"\n        );            //    End of loop (3)\n        if(c--<1)     //    As soon as we've outputted `n` items\n          break a;    //     Break loop `a` (1)\n      }               //   End of loop (2) (implicit / single-line body)\n                      //  End of loop (1) (implicit / single-line body)\n}                     // End of method\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nWrite a program or function that prints or outputs this exact text (consisting of 142 characters):\n```\n()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|\n```\nYour program must take no input (except in languages where this is impossible, such as `sed`), and produce the above text (and *only* the above text) as output. A trailing newline is acceptable.\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"), so the shortest answer (in bytes) wins.\n      \n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~70~~ ~~68~~ 67 bytes\n```\n'()'12:)l10:&y?(Math.PI+'2384626433832795028841971693')[n++]:`\\\\${y>8?'__':x+1|y>2?'::':'||'}\\\\`[y-x]||' ';console.log(s)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [///](http://esolangs.org/wiki////), ~~129~~ 127 bytes\n```\n/-/\\\\\\\\//&/--::--//%/  //#/|\n%//!/()()/!!!\n|-3.1415926|\n|:-53589793|\n&2384626|\n &433832#&79502# &8841#%&971#% &69#%%&3#%% -__-|\n```\n[Try it online!](http://slashes.tryitonline.net/#code=Ly0vXFxcXC8vJi8tLTo6LS0vLyUvICAvLyMvfAolJS8vIS8oKSgpLyEhIQp8LTMuMTQxNTkyNnwKfDotNTM1ODk3OTN8CiYyMzg0NjI2fAogJjQzMzgzMnwKJSY3OTUwMnwKJSAmODg0MSMmOTcxIyAmNjkjJSYzIyUgLV9fLXw)\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 131 bytes\n```\nprint'()'*6+'\\n|\\\\3.1415926|\\n|:\\\\53589793|'\nfor n in 2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3,'':print'%11s|'%('\\%s'*2%('_:'[n<'']*2,n))\n```\nJoint effort between Sp3000 and Lynn. Copper saved a byte, too! [Ideone link.](https://ideone.com/JrC2Nl)\n[Answer]\n# Bash, 153 bytes\n```\ncat << _\n()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|\n_\n```\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 195 bytes\n```\n@echo ()()()()()()\n@echo ^|\\3.1415926^|\n@echo ^|:\\53589793^|\n@set i=\\\n@for %%d in (2384626 433832 79502 8841 971 69 3)do @call:l %%d\n@echo %i%__\\^|\n@exit/b\n:l\n@set i= %i%\n@echo%i%::\\%1^|\n```\n[Answer]\n# Fourier, ~~196~~ 190 bytes\n***New feature alert!***\n## Code\n```\n|SaCaaSa|f|~Y0~jY(32aj^~j)|w6(40a41ai^~i)10a~N124a~W92a~S3o46a1415926oWaNaWa58a~CSa53589793oWaNaf2384626oWaNa1wf433832oWaNa2wf79502oWaNa3wf8841oWaNa4wf971oWaNa5wf69oWaNa6wf3oWaNa7wSa95aaSaWa\n```\n## Explanation\nThis program is my first demonstration of functions in Fourier:\nFunctions are defined like so:\n```\n|code goes here|f\n```\nThe first pipe starts the function declaration. You then put the code in between the pipes. The last pipe ends the function declaration. Finally, the `f` is the variable in which the function is stored. This can be any character, as long as it isn't a reserved function.\nFor example, in my code, one of the function s is:\n```\n|SaCaaSa|f\n```\nWhere the variable `S` stores the number 92 and `C` stores the number 58.\nWhen called, the function outputs the following:\n```\n\\::\\\n```\nSince it is the most repeated thing in the pie.\nSimilarly, to golf down the output, I have used a loop:\n```\n6(40a41ai^~i)\n```\nWhich repeats the code `40a41a` 6 times. `40a41a` on its own outputs:\n```\n()\n```\nSo repeating the code six times outputs:\n```\n()()()()()()\n```\nThereby outputting the crust of the pie.\n[**Try it on FourIDE!**](https://beta-decay.github.io/editor/?code=fFNhQ2FhU2F8Znx-WTB-alkoMzJhal5-ail8dzYoNDBhNDFhaV5-aSkxMGF-TjEyNGF-VzkyYX5TM280NmExNDE1OTI2b1dhTmFXYTU4YX5DU2E1MzU4OTc5M29XYU5hZjIzODQ2MjZvV2FOYTF3ZjQzMzgzMm9XYU5hMndmNzk1MDJvV2FOYTN3Zjg4NDFvV2FOYTR3Zjk3MW9XYU5hNXdmNjlvV2FOYTZ3ZjNvV2FOYTd3U2E5NWFhU2FXYQ)\nBecause I haven't implemented functions in the Python interpreter, this program will not work on \n[Answer]\n# [Turtl\u00e8d](https://github.com/Destructible-Watermelon/Turtl-d), ~~135~~ 129 bytes\n(the interpreter isn't really  ~~slightly~~ bugg\u00e8d (anymore :])~~, but it does not affect this program~~)\nBy restructuring and rewriting my program, I golfed... six bytes\nAnd now I have to make new explanation...\nStill could be shorter probs though\n---\nAt least the best solution in this lang isn't just writing in the raw data \u00af\\*(\u30c4)*/\u00af\n---\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 89 bytes\n```\nJ_2K+.n0.\"09\\07\u00b4\\C2\\84J\\01\u00a3\\07Nl:?\u00ed\"*\"()\"6Vr9Zp*dJp?!Z\\|?qZ9\"|:\"\"\\::\"p\\\\p:KZ+ZN\\|=+ZN=hJ)p*dJ\"\\__\\|\"\n```\n[Try it online!](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=J_2K%2B.n0.%2209%07%C2%B4%C2%84J%01%C2%A3%07Nl%3A%3F%C3%AD%22%2a%22%28%29%226Vr9Zp%2adJp%3F%21Z%5C%7C%3FqZ9%22%7C%3A%22%22%5C%3A%3A%22p%5C%5Cp%3AKZ%2BZN%5C%7C%3D%2BZN%3DhJ%29p%2adJ%22%5C__%5C%7C%22&debug=0)\nReplace `\\xx` (hexadecimal) with the corresponding ASCII character if you copy/paste the code from this answer; it contains unprintable characters in the packed string which SE filters out.\n### Explanation\n```\nJ_2        Sets J to -2\n  .n0      Pi; returns 3.141592653589793\n  .\"(...)\" Packed string; returns \"2384626433832795028841971693\"\n +         Concatenation; returns \"3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693\"\nK          Sets K to that string\n*\"()\"6     Repetition; returns \"()()()()()()\", which is implicitly printed with a newline\n r9Z       Range; returns [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] (Z is initialized to 0)\nV          Loop through r9Z, using N as the loop variable\n  *dJ      Repetition; d is initialized to \" \" (returns an empty string if J <= 0)\n p         Print without a newline\n  ?!Z      Ternary; if not Z\n   \\|      then return \"|\"\n   ?qZ9    else, ternary; if Z == 9\n    \"|:\"   then return \"|:\"\n    \"\\::\"  else, return \"\\::\"\n p         Print without a newline\n  \\\\       One-character string; returns \"\\\"\n p         Print without a newline\n  :KZ+ZN   Slice; returns K[Z:Z+N], not including K[Z+N]\n p         Print without a newline\n \\|        One-character string; returns \"|\", which is implicitly printed with a newline.\n =+ZN      Adds N to Z\n =hJ       Increments J by 1\n)          Ends loop\n *dJ       Repetition; d is initialized to \" \"\np          Print without a newline\n\"\\__\\|\"    Returns \"\\__\\|\", which is implicitly printed with a newline\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 83 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\nsurely still quite golfabale\n```\n7\u1e36\u2076\u1e8b;\u20ac\u201c\\::\\\u201d\u201c|:\\\u201d\u1e6d\u1e597\n\u207e()\u1e8b6\u2077\u207e|\\8\u00d8P\u00e6p\u201d|\u20778RUR\u20ac\u00b5\u201c\u207e\u1e05|Za\"~\u1e45\u1ef5\u00fe\u0237^\u1e47\u2077\u010a\u2019D\u1e41;\u20ac\u201d|\u017c@\u00a2Y\u2077\u00f8\u2076\u1e8b7\u201c\\__\\|\u201d\n```\n**[TryItOnline](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=N-G4tuKBtuG6izvigqzigJxcOjpc4oCd4oCcfDpc4oCd4bmt4bmZNwrigb4oKeG6izbigbfigb58XDjDmFDDpnDigJ184oG3OFJVUuKCrMK14oCc4oG-4biFfFphIn7huYXhu7XDvsi3XuG5h-KBt8SK4oCZROG5gTvigqzigJ18xbxAwqJZ4oG3w7jigbbhuos34oCcXF9fXHzigJ0&input=&args=)**\nHow?\n```\n7\u1e36\u2076\u1e8b;\u20ac\u201c\\::\\\u201d\u201c|:\\\u201d\u1e6d\u1e597 - Link 1, left side padding and filling\n7\u1e36                   - lowered range of 7 ([0,1,2,3,4,5,6])\n      \u201c\\::\\\u201d         - filling (\"\\::\\\")\n  \u2076\u1e8b;\u20ac               - space character repeated that many times and concatenate for each\n            \u201c|:\\\u201d    - top crust edge filling (\"|:\\\")\n                 \u1e6d   - tack (append to the end)\n                  \u1e597 - rotate to the left by 7 (move top crust filling to the top)\n\u207e()\u1e8b6\u2077\u207e|\\8\u00d8P\u00e6p\u201d|\u20778RUR\u20ac\u00b5 - Main Link (divided into two for formatting)\n\u207e()\u1e8b6\u2077                  - \"()\" repeated 6 times and a line feed\n      \u207e|\\               - \"|\\\"\n          \u00d8P            - pi\n         8  \u00e6p          - round to 8 significant figures (top edge of the glaze)\n              \u201d|\u2077       - \"|\" and a line feed\n                 8R     - range of 8 ([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])\n                   U    - reverse ([8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1])\n                    R\u20ac  - range for each ([[1,2,..8],[1,2,..7],...,[1,2],[1]])\n                      \u00b5 - monadic chain separation\n\u201c\u207e\u1e05|Za\"~\u1e45\u1ef5\u00fe\u0237^\u1e47\u2077\u010a\u2019D\u1e41;\u20ac\u201d|\u017c@\u00a2Y\u2077\u00f8\u2076\u1e8b7\u201c\\__\\|\u201d - Main link (continued)\n\u201c\u207e\u1e05|Za\"~\u1e45\u1ef5\u00fe\u0237^\u1e47\u2077\u010a\u2019                       - base 250 representation of the rest of the digits\n                 D                      - decimalise (makes it a list)\n                  \u1e41                     - mould (into the shape of the array formed above)\n                     \u201d|                 - \"|\"\n                   ;\u20ac                   - concatenate for each\n                         \u00a2              - call last link (1) as a nilad\n                       \u017c@               - zip (with reversed operands)\n                          Y\u2077            - join with line feeds, and another line feed\n                            \u00f8           - niladic chain separation\n                             \u2076\u1e8b7        - space character repeated 7 times\n                                \u201c\\__\\|\u201d - \"\\__\\|\" the very bottom of the pie wedge\n```\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), 105 bytes\n```\n'()'*6\n'|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|'\n2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3|%{\" \"*$i+++\"\\::\\$_|\"}\n' '*7+'\\__\\|'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/powershell#BcHBDcMgDADAP1NEKJEbsKKCwdjMYol3Z6g7O73b8LohcQA3ekorXSt78GmduuhQcgiVpHFlbERCFYf2d0WRVlBHQVYkv77xiOn85JyjzWnn8vgLcEAaGWwtc9j7Dw \"PowerShell \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n*Not sure how I never answered this challenge ... I upvoted it and several of the other answers. Oh well, better late than never?*\nThis puts six balanced parens as a string on the pipeline, then a literal string (saves two bytes) of the next two rows. Then, we loop through the rest of the numbers, each iteration incrementing the number of prepended spaces (`$i`) concatenated with `\\::|`. Finally, we create a string of the tip of the pie. Those strings are all left on the pipeline, and an implicit `Write-Output` sticks a newline between.\nThis is 39 bytes shorter than [just printing the pie.](https://tio.run/nexus/powershell#RcnBDYAgDEDRO1NwQy9GaAstszRhke6O0mDMP738mY7zL5jClTGTlGrBuhIQSxOwoL1rAca6TlxCAIbywtWEboeLGbPDJW3DVWXDBR@ijqGW5nwA \"PowerShell \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~193~~ 176 bytes\n```\nP=\"3.1415926 53589793 2384626 433832 79502 8841 971 69 3\".split()\nf=\"()\"*6+\"\\n|\\%s|\\n|:\\%s|\\n\"%(P[0],P[1])\nfor s in range(7):f+=\" \"*s+\"\\::\\\\\"+P[s+2]+\"|\\n\"\nprint f+\" \"*7+\"\\__\\|\"\n```\nOr a shorter, more boring answer:\n```\nprint r\"\"\"()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|\"\"\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# C# 220 213 209 208 202 201 (171\\*) Bytes\n\\*I find this to be unoriginal and cheating\n```\nvoid F()=>Console.Write(@\"()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|\");\n```\n201 Bytes:\n```\nvoid f(){var s=\"()()()()()()\\n\";for(int i=0;i<9;)s+=(i<1?\"|\":i<2?\"|:\":\"\\\\::\".PadLeft(i+1))+$\"\\\\{new[]{3.1415926,53589793,2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3}[i++]}|\\n\";Console.Write(s+@\"       \\__\\|\");}\n```\n220 bytes:\nI'm sure that there is something to be golfed here\n```\nvoid f(){string s=\"()()()()()()\\n\",x=\"       \";for(int i=9,j=0;i>0;j+=i--)s+=(i>7?\"|\"+(i<9?\":\":\"\")+\"\\\\\":x.Substring(i)+@\"\\::\\\")+$\"{Math.PI}32384626433832795028841971693\".Substring(j,i)+\"|\\n\";Console.Write(s+x+@\"\\__\\|\");}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, ~~140~~ ~~138~~ 137 bytes\nMy solution to this problem in ruby, this is my first code golf answer :D\n```\n[0,2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3,1].map{|n|puts n<1?\"()\"*6+\"\\n|\\\\3.1415926|\\n|:\\\\53589793|\":\"\\\\#{n>1?\"::\\\\#{n}\":\"__\\\\\"}|\".rjust(12)}\n```\n**Readable version and explanation:**\n```\nfor n in [-1,2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3,0]\n  if n < 0 # n == -1\n    puts \"()\"*6+\"\\n|\\\\3.1415926|\\n|:\\\\53589793|\"\n  else\n    if n > 0 # digits of pi\n      puts \"\\\\::\\\\#{n}|\".rjust(12)\n    else # edge of pie\n      puts \"\\\\__\\\\|\".rjust(12) \n    end\n  end\nend\n```\nNothing really clever, just using some simple loops :)\n**Output:**\n```\n()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 31 bytes\n```\n\u00d7\u2076()\u2199\u2193\u00b9\u2070\u2196\u2196\u00b9\u2070\u2193\u2193\u00b2\u2198\u2078\uff2d\u2191__\u2196\u2190\u00a4:\u2197\u00a4\uff35\uff27Pi\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/charcoal#@394@qPGbRqaj9pmPmqbfGjno8YNj9qmARGUORkkuulR24xHjTve71n7qG1ifDxYwYRDS6wetU0/tOT9nq3v9ywPyPz/HwA)\nYou may be wondering: what is this sorcery? How can you fill with `\uff35\uff27Pi`? Well, Charcoal is starting to get Wolfram Language support, in the hope that one day it can be competitive in more challenges!\n## Previous, 71 bytes\n```\n\u00d7\u2076()\u2199\u2193\u00b9\u2070\u2196\u2196\u00b9\u2070\u2193\u2193\u00b2\u2198\u2078\uff2d\u2191__\u2196\u2190\u00a4:\u2197\u00a43.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/charcoal#@394@qPGbRqaj9pmPmqbfGjno8YNj9qmARGUORkkuulR24xHjTve71n7qG1ifDxYwYRDS6wetU0/tMRYz9DE0NTSyMzU2NTC0tzS2MjYwsTMyMzE2NjC2Mjc0tTAyMLCxNDS3NDM8v9/AA \"Charcoal \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n## Verbose\n```\nPrint(Multiply(6, \"()\"));\nMove(:DownLeft)\nPrint(:Down, 10)\nMove(:UpLeft)\nPrint(:UpLeft, 10)\nMove(:Down)\nPrint(:Down, 2)\nPrint(:DownRight, 8)\nMove(:Up)\nPrint(\"__\")\nMove(:UpLeft)\nMove(:Left)\nFill(\":\")\nMove(:UpRight)\nFill(\"3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169\")\n```\nNote that this is different as the deverbosifier automatically compresses strings and does not remove redundant commands.\n## With compressed strings, 52 bytes\n```\n\u00d7\u2076\u00a6()\u2199\u2193\u00b9\u2070\u2196\u2196\u00b9\u2070\u2193\u2193\u00b2\u2198\u2078\u2191__\u2196\u2190\u00a4:\uff2d\u2197\u00a4\u201di\u00b6\u2227\u00b2u\u03c4\u00b6R\u203a    \u00a7\uff31\u00b4\u2308#_\u2b8c\uff30O\u00de\u201d\n```\n## xxd output\n```\n0000000: aab6 ba28 291f 14b1 b01c 1cb1 b014 14b2  ...()...........\n0000010: 1eb8 125f 5f1c 11ef 3acd 1def 0469 0a01  ...__...:....i..\n0000020: b275 f40a 52be 0999 9fa4 d1e0 1a23 5f86  .u..R........#_.\n0000030: d04f de04                                .O..\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/charcoal#XY3NDoIwEITvPAXpqU3Q0G5/8Wo8SWJMPHNCadIAMRXj01elEoHbzs43M@F0t63H5cN527sXllmKMEGE7JKyG2pc7Ltne6yvniSRHB9ZSnPyAy79wo5yDnwDqzRb6LO9NZ@E/jdONqoqtN6JKt4H6xxGxYwZuyYDtpRTYZgUILRRBhhoLpnkABqYMiJnWnNqFJUGkRDCZngD \"Charcoal \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 170 bytes\nno arbritrary precision Pi in PHP? Calculating takes much more space than Copy&Paste. Doesn\u00b4t matter that the last digit here is cut, not rounded; but in 64 bit Pi the last digit gets rounded up.\n```\nfor(;$i<11;)echo str_pad($i?[\"\\\\__\\\\\",\"|\\\\\",\"|:\\\\\",\"\\\\::\\\\\"][$i>9?0:min(3,$i)].[3.1415926,53589793,2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3][$i-1].\"|\n\":\"\n\",13,$i++?\" \":\"()\",0);\n```\nRun with `php -r ''`\n**uncommented breakdown**\n```\nfor(;$i<11;)\n    echo str_pad($i?\n         [\"\\\\__\\\\\",\"|\\\\\",\"|:\\\\\",\"\\\\::\\\\\"][$i>9?0:min(3,$i)]\n        .[3.1415926,53589793,2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3][$i-1]\n        .\"|\\n\"\n    :\"\\n\"\n    ,13,$i++?\" \":\"()\",0);\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~183~~ 171 bytes\n```\np,d=[2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3],\"|\\n\"\nc=(\"()\"*6)+d[1]+\"|\\\\\"+`3.1415926`+d+\"|:\\\\\"+`53589793`+d\nfor x in range(7):c+=\" \"*x+\"\\\\::\\\\\"+`p[x]`+d\nprint c+\" \"*7+\"\\\\__\\\\|\"\n```\nDoes't really do anything clever. Just builds up a big string then prints it out.\n**EDIT**\nReduced to 171 after reading @Lynn's answer and learning. Sorry if it is wrong to (shamelessly) steal some bytes from you without you suggesting it. Please tell me if so and I will roll back the change.\n**Output**\n```\npython pi.pie.py\n()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 63 bytes\n```\n\u00fc?\u00bdPi<\u0398*q}\u00fc\u00bf\u25925\u00c7>cd\u0192\u00b1m'|+\n```\nExpalantion:\n```\n.()6*PVP$2ME.|\\a+\"|:\\\"a+\n.()                           \"()\"\n   6*P                        Print 6 times\n      VP$                     First two lines of pi in the output\n         2ME                  Push the two lines separately on the stack\n            .|\\a+             Prepend the first line with \"|\\\"\n                 \"|:\\\"a+      Prepend the second line with \"|:\\\"\n\"...\"!{\"\\::\\\"s$+mELr\"\\__\\\"]+|>m'|+\n\"...\"!                                [2384626,433832,79502,8841,971,69,3]\n      {\"\\::\\\"s$+m                     Convert each element to a string and prepend \"\\::\\\"\n                 ELr                  Prepend the first two lines to array\n                    \"\\__\\\"]+          Append \"\\__\\\" to the converted array\n                            |>        Right align text\n                              m'|+    Append \"|\" to each array element and print\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 7, ~~260~~ ~~236~~ 191 bytes\n```\nString d(){return\"()()()()()()\\n|\\\\3.1415926|\\n|:\\\\53589793|\\n\\\\::\\\\2384626|\\n \\\\::\\\\433832|\\n  \\\\::\\\\79502|\\n   \\\\::\\\\8841|\\n    \\\\::\\\\971|\\n     \\\\::\\\\69|\\n      \\\\::\\\\3|\\n       \\\\__\\\\|\";}\n```\nSigh, simply outputting the pie is shorter, even with all the escaped backslashes.. >.>  \nHere is previous answer with a tiny bit of afford, although still not very generic or fancy (**236 bytes**):\n```\nString c(){String n=\"\\n\",p=\"|\",q=p+n,x=\"\\\\::\\\\\",s=\" \",z=s;return\"()()()()()()\"+n+p+\"\\\\\"+3.1415926+q+p+\":\\\\53589793\"+q+x+2384626+q+s+x+433832+q+(z+=s)+x+79502+q+(z+=s)+x+8841+q+(z+=s)+x+971+q+(z+=s)+x+69+q+(z+=s)+x+3+q+(z+=s)+\"\\\\__\\\\|\";}\n```\nA pretty boring answer, since simply outputting the result without too much fancy things is shorter in Java than a generic approach.\n**Ungolfed & test code:**\n[Try it here.](https://ideone.com/FW4KmJ)\n```\nclass M{\n  static String c(){\n    String n = \"\\n\",\n           p = \"|\",\n           q = p + n,\n           x = \"\\\\::\\\\\",\n           s = \" \",\n           z = s;\n    return \"()()()()()()\" + n + p + \"\\\\\" + 3.1415926 + q + p + \":\\\\53589793\" + q + x + 2384626 + q + s\n            + x + 433832 + q + (z += s) + x + 79502 + q + (z += s) + x + 8841 + q \n            + (z += s) + x + 971 + q + (z += s) + x + 69 + q + (z += s) + x + 3 + q\n            + (z += s) + \"\\\\__\\\\|\";\n  }\n  public static void main(String[] a){\n    System.out.println(c());\n  }\n}\n```\n**Output:**\n```\n()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|\n```\n[Answer]\n# Qbasic, 175 bytes\n```\n?\"()()()()()()\":?\"|\\3.1415926|\":?\"|:\\53589793|\":?\"\\::\\2384626|\":?\" \\::\\433832|\":?\"  \\::\\79502|\":?\"   \\::\\8841|\":?\"    \\::\\971|\":?\"     \\::\\69|\":?\"      \\::\\3|\":?\"       \\__\\|\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# Lua, 152 Bytes\n```\nprint[[()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|]]\n```\nTry as I might I could not compress this pi.\nLua is just too verbose to do it, maybe a pi of greater size, but not this one.\nAnother solution, 186 Bytes.\n```\ns=\"()()()()()()\\n|\\\\3.1415926|\\n|:\\\\53589793|\\n\"i=0 for z in('2384626|433832|79502|8841|971|69|3|'):gmatch'.-|'do s=s..(' '):rep(i)..'\\\\::\\\\'..z..\"\\n\"i=i+1 end print(s..'       \\\\__\\\\|')\n```\nAnnoyingly Lua's pi isn't accurate enough to even fill the pi. :(\n[Answer]\n# Javascript, 172 bytes\nPaste into your console to run.\n```\nfor(y=n=0,s=`()()()()()()\n`;y<10;y++,s+=`|\n`)for(x=-2;x++<9;)s+=x>y(Math.PI+'2384626433832795028841971693'[n++]:`\\\\${y>8?'__':x+1|y>1?'::':'||'}\\\\`[y-x]||' ';console.log(s)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Deadfish~](https://github.com/TryItOnline/deadfish-), 871 bytes\n```\n{iiii}cicdcicdcicdcicdcicdcic{ddd}dc{{i}}{i}iiiic{ddd}ddc{dddd}dcdddddciiiciiicdddciiiiciiiic{d}iiiciiiic{{i}ddd}c{{d}}{d}ddddc{{i}}{i}iiiic{dddddd}ddddddc{iii}iiiic{dddd}icddciiciiicicddciicddddddc{{i}ddd}iiic{{d}}{d}ddddc{{i}dd}iic{ddd}ddddcc{iii}iiiic{dddd}ddciciiiiicddddciicddddciiiic{{i}ddd}c{{d}}{d}ddddc{ii}iic{iiiiii}c{ddd}ddddcc{iii}iiiic{dddd}cdcciiiiicdddddcdc{{i}ddd}iiiic{{d}}{d}ddddc{ii}iicc{iiiiii}c{ddd}ddddcc{iii}iiiic{dddd}iiiciicddddcdddddciic{{i}ddd}iiiic{{d}}{d}ddddc{ii}iiccc{iiiiii}c{ddd}ddddcc{iii}iiiic{ddd}ddddddccddddcdddc{{i}ddd}iiiiic{{d}}{d}ddddc{ii}iicccc{iiiiii}c{ddd}ddddcc{iii}iiiic{ddd}dddddcddcddddddc{{i}ddd}iiiiic{{d}}{d}ddddc{ii}iiccccc{iiiiii}c{ddd}ddddcc{iii}iiiic{dddd}iiciiic{{i}ddd}dddc{{d}}{d}ddddc{ii}iicccccc{iiiiii}c{ddd}ddddcc{iii}iiiic{dddd}dc{{i}ddd}iiic{{d}}{d}ddddc{ii}iiccccccc{iiiiii}ciiiccdddc{iii}iic{{d}}{d}ddddc\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jdJdDsMgCADgE@1QC2wZz3s0nN3xO@lmG5oYieInweLjjk96v25zDpKPgQA3YyAiI4xBzDI0NdbQZt3USXJlR0fEBJHLKxZAT0iAoqmBG9p139PK1garDnFPxpkauF/049t61i1rf7BSVqR7sObzuk0wyfp3oUsnCy4Nq9XSlm253lmvNB@hQTfsfICvfWDP3DYMWXDTbXYD6ms5vuda3tU/VahlaRqU3/Z4Zs4P \"Deadfish~ \u2013 Try It Online\")\nJust because.\n[Answer]\n**JavaScript (ES6), ~~170 bytes~~ 165 bytes**\nis a bit \"cheated\", since if run on the console, the return value would be displayed\n```\nv=0;(\"()()()()()()\\n|9|:87654321\".replace(/\\d/g,(o)=>\"\\\\\"+(Math.PI+'2384626433832795028841971693').substr(v,o,v-=-o)+\"|\\n\"+(o<9?\" \".repeat(8-o)+(o>1?\"\\\\::\":\"\\\\__\\\\|\"):\"\"))\n```\nAfter some teaking, the function looks like this(function must be called with parameter with the value 0):\n```\nv=>`()()()()()()\n |9 |:87654321\\\\__\\\\|`.replace(/\\d/g,o=>`\\\\${(Math.PI+\"2384626433832795028841971693\").substr(v,o,v-=-o)}|\n${\" \".repeat(9-o)+(o<9&o>1?\"\\\\::\":\"\")}`)\n```\nIf you want to call the function 167 bytes:\n```\nz=v=>`()()()()()()\n |9 |:87654321\\\\__\\\\|`.replace(/\\d/g,o=>`\\\\${(Math.PI+\"2384626433832795028841971693\").substr(v,o,v-=-o)}|\n${\" \".repeat(9-o)+(o<9&o>1?\"\\\\::\":\"\")}`)\n/*could be run like this or directly in the console*/\nconsole.info(\"\\n\"+z(0));\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 142 bytes\nSneaky-sneaky :) `php` just prints everything out without trying to interpret them as PHP code if it does not see any `` pairs.\n```\n()()()()()()\n|\\3.1415926|\n|:\\53589793|\n\\::\\2384626|\n \\::\\433832|\n  \\::\\79502|\n   \\::\\8841|\n    \\::\\971|\n     \\::\\69|\n      \\::\\3|\n       \\__\\|\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 76 bytes\n```\n`:+R' 7\"\u00a6__\u00a6|\":*\"()\"6\u00a7+(mo:'|t\u21912)\u21932m\u21933z+zR\u00a2\" \"Nmo`:'|+\"\u00a6::\u00a6\"C\u1e6b9\u0393\u00b7::'.\u1e41s\u219154\u0130\u03c0\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7/P8FKO0hdwVzp0LL4@EPLapSstJQ0NJXMDi3X1sjNt1KvKXnUNtFI81HbZKNcIGFcpV0VdGiRkoKSX25@AlBaG6jRyurQMiXnhztXW56bfGi7lZW63sOdjcVAfaYmRzacb/j/HwA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThere's probably some interesing way to shorten this further.\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 64 bytes\n```\n\u201b()6*15\u2206I\u1e45\\.1\u1e40\u00bd\u00f7$\u201b|\\p$`|:\\\\`p\"43\u2206I16\u022f7\u027e\u1e58\u1e87v\u1e45\u201b\\:mvp\u201b\\_mJJ\\|vJJ12\u21b3\u204b\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyIiLCIiLCLigJsoKTYqMTXiiIZJ4bmFXFwuMeG5gMK9w7ck4oCbfFxccCRgfDpcXFxcYHBcIjQz4oiGSTE2yK83yb7huZjhuod24bmF4oCbXFw6bXZw4oCbXFxfbUpKXFx8dkpKMTLihrPigYsiLCIiLCIiXQ==)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\n# Challenge\nGiven an input of an all-lowercase string `[a-z]`, output the total distance between the letters.\n## Example\n```\nInput: golf\nDistance from g to o : 8\nDistance from o to l : 3\nDistance from l to f : 6\nOutput: 17\n```\n## Rules\n* Standard loopholes forbidden\n* This is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") - shortest answer in bytes wins.\n* The alphabet can be traversed from either direction. **You must always use the shortest path.** (i.e the distance between `x` and `c` is 5).\n![1](https://i.stack.imgur.com/RyIZy.jpg)\n# Test cases\n```\nInput: aa\nOutput: 0\nInput: stack\nOutput: 18\nInput: zaza\nOutput: 3\nInput: valleys\nOutput: 35\n```\n      \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), ~~11~~ 8 bytes\n```\nOI\u00e6%13AS\n```\nSaved 3 bytes thanks to @[Martin Ender](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/8478/martin-ender).\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=T0nDpiUxM0FT&input=&args=J2dvbGYn) or [Verify all test cases.](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=T0nDpiUxM0FTCsOH4oKs&input=&args=Wydnb2xmJywgJ2FhJywgJ3N0YWNrJywgJ3phemEnLCAndmFsbGV5cydd)\n## Explanation\n```\nOI\u00e6%13AS  Input: string Z\nO         Ordinal. Convert each char in Z to its ASCII value\n I        Increments. Find the difference between each pair of values\n  \u00e6%13    Symmetric mod. Maps each to the interval (-13, 13]\n      A   Absolute value of each\n       S  Sum\n          Return implicitly\n```\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, ~~57~~ 56 bytes\n```\nq=map$(-)13.abs\nsum.q.q.(zipWith(-)=< `35`.\nHow it works:\n```\nq=map$(-)13.abs                -- helper function.\n                               -- Non-pointfree: q l = map (\\e -> 13 - abs e) l\n                               -- foreach element e in list l: subtract the\n                               -- absolute value of e from 13\n               map fromEnum    -- convert to ascii values\n      zipWith(-)=<26*-|s\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python 3, ~~69~~ 68 bytes\n```\nlambda s:sum([13-abs(13-abs(ord(a)-ord(b)))for a,b in zip(s,s[1:])])\n```\nBreakdown:\n```\nlambda s:\n         sum(                                                      )\n             [                             for a,b in zip(s,s[1:])]\n              13-abs(13-abs(ord(a)-ord(b)))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java, ~~126~~ ~~120~~ 117 bytes\n```\nint f(String s){byte[]z=s.getBytes();int r=0,i=0,e;for(;++is[0]?f(s)+(v>13?26-v:v):0\n```\n**Explanation:**\n```\nf=(\n  [d,...s],                    //Destructured input, separates first char from the rest\n  p=parseInt,                  //p used as parseInt\n  v=(26+p(s[0],36)-p(d,36))%26 //v is the absolute value of the difference using base 36 to get number from char\n  )\n)=>\n  s[0]?                        //If there is at least two char in the input\n    f(s)                       //sum recursive call\n    +                          //added to\n    (v>13?26-v:v)              //the current shortest path\n  :                            //else\n    0                          //ends the recursion, returns 0\n```\n**Example:**  \nCall: `f('golf')`  \nOutput: `17`\n---\nPrevious solutions :\n82 bytes thanks to Neil:\n```\nf=([d,...s],v=(26+parseInt(s[0],36)-parseInt(d,36))%26)=>s[0]?f(s)+(v>13?26-v:v):0\n```\n84 bytes:\n```\nf=([d,...s],v=Math.abs(parseInt(s[0],36)-parseInt(d,36)))=>s[0]?f(s)+(v>13?26-v:v):0\n```\n[Answer]\n## Ruby, 73 bytes\n```\n->x{eval x.chars.each_cons(2).map{|a,b|13-(13-(a.ord-b.ord).abs).abs}*?+}\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 93 Bytes\n```\nfor(;++$iinteger\n(string-ref s i))(char->integer(string-ref s(+ 1 i)))))))\n```\nTesting: \n```\n(f \"golf\")\n```\nOutput: \n```\n17\n```\nDetailed version: \n```\n(define(f s)\n  (for/sum((i(sub1(string-length s))))\n    (abs(-(char->integer(string-ref s i))\n          (char->integer(string-ref s(+ 1 i)))))))\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#, 87 85 bytes\n**Improved** solution - *replaced Math.Abs() with the add & modulo trick to save 2 bytes:*\n```\ns=>{int l=0,d,i=0;for(;i13?26-d:d;return l;};\n```\n**Initial** solution:\n```\ns=>{int l=0,d,i=0;for(;i13?26-d:d;return l;};\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://ideone.com/4KtV7g)**\nFull source, including test cases:\n```\nusing System;\nnamespace StringDistance\n{\n    class Program\n    {\n        static void Main(string[] args)\n        {\n            Funcf= s=>{int l=0,d,i=0;for(;i13?26-d:d;return l;};\n            Console.WriteLine(f(\"golf\"));   //17\n            Console.WriteLine(f(\"aa\"));     //0\n            Console.WriteLine(f(\"stack\"));  //18\n            Console.WriteLine(f(\"zaza\"));   //3\n            Console.WriteLine(f(\"valleys\"));//35\n        }\n    }\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Actually, 21 bytes\nBased partially on [cia\\_rana's Ruby answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/93654/47581).\nThere was a bug with `O` (in this case, map ord() over a string) where it would not work with `d` (dequeue bottom element) and `p` (pop first element) without first converting the map to a list with `#`. This bug has been fixed, but as that fix is newer than this challenge, so I've kept `#` in.\n**Edit:** And the byte count has been wrong since September. Whoops.\nGolfing suggestions welcome. [Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=TyM7ZFhAcFjimYAtYEE7w7psLWttYE3Oow&input=InZhbGxleXMi)\n```\nO#;dX@pX\u2640-`A;\u00fal-km`M\u03a3\n```\n**Ungolfing**\n```\n         Implicit input string.\n          The string should already be enclosed in quotation marks.\nO#       Map ord() over the string and convert the map to a list. Call it ords.\n;        Duplicate ords.\ndX       Dequeue the last element and discard it.\n@        Swap the with the duplicate ords.\npX       Pop the last element and discard it. Stack: ords[:-1], ords[1:]\n\u2640-       Subtract each element of the second list from each element of the first list.\n          This subtraction is equivalent to getting the first differences of ords.\n`...`M   Map the following function over the first differences. Variable i.\n  A;       abs(i) and duplicate.\n  \u00fal       Push the lowercase alphabet and get its length. A golfy way to push 26.\n  -        26-i\n  k        Pop all elements from stack and convert to list. Stack: [i, 26-i]\n  m        min([i, 26-i])\n\u03a3        Sum the result of the map.\n         Implicit return.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 7,128 bytes\n```\n int f(String s){char[]c=s.toCharArray();int t=0;for(int i=1,a;i\n m      b              Map over b with variable d:\n  -13                   13-\n     .ad                abs(d)\n                CMQ   Map code-point over Q\n              .:   2  All length 2 sublists of that\n            -M        Map subtraction over that\n          yy          y(y(that))\n         s            Sum of that\n                      Implicitly print\n```\n[Answer]\n## dc + od, 65 bytes\n```\nod -tuC|dc -e'?dsN0sT[lNrdsNr-d*vdD[26-]sS13?26-u:u);return t;}\n```\nAssumes input string is at least one character long. This doesn't require `#include`\nEdit: Argh, sequence points!\n[Try it on Ideone](https://ideone.com/mLjkOm)\n[Answer]\n# C, 70 bytes ~~76 bytes~~\n```\nk,i;f(char *s){for(i=0;*++s;i+=(k=abs(*s-s[-1]))>13?26-k:k);return i;}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Scala, 68 bytes\n```\ndef f(s:String)=(for(i<-0 to s.length-2)yield (s(i)-s(i+1)).abs).sum\n```\nCriticism is welcome.\n[Answer]\n# C#, 217 bytes\nGolfed:\n```\nIEnumerableg(string k){Funcx=(c)=>int.Parse(\"\"+Convert.ToByte(c))-97;for(int i=0;i13?26-Math.Max(f,s)+Math.Min(f,s):d;}}\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\nIEnumerable g(string k)\n{\n  Func x = (c) => int.Parse(\"\" + Convert.ToByte(c)) - 97;\n  for (int i = 0; i < k.Length - 1; i++)\n  {\n    var f = x(k[i]);\n    var s = x(k[i + 1]);\n    var d = Math.Abs(f - s);\n    yield return d > 13 ? 26 - Math.Max(f, s) + Math.Min(f, s) : d;\n  }\n}\n```\nOutput:\n```\naa: 0\nstack: 18\nzaza: 3\nvalleys: 35\n```\n'a' is 97 when converted to bytes, so 97 is subtracted from each one. If the difference is greater than 13 (ie, half of the alphabet), then subtract the differences between each character (byte value) from 26. A last minute addition of \"yield return\" saved me a few bytes!\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 126 bytes\nWith list *in*comprehension.\n```\nd=input()\nprint(sum([min(abs(x-y),x+26-y)for x,y in[map(lambda x:(ord(x)-97),sorted(d[i:i+2]))for i in range(len(d))][:-1]]))\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 79 bytes\n```\nfor($w=$argv[1];$w[++$i];)$s+=13-abs(13-abs(ord($w[$i-1])-ord($w[$i])));echo$s;\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java, 109 bytes\n```\nint f(String s){int x=0,t,a=0;for(byte b:s.getBytes()){t=a>0?(a-b+26)%26:0;t=t>13?26-t:t;x+=t;a=b;}return x;\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nI remember people saying that code size should be measured in bytes, and not in characters, because it's possible to store information with weird Unicode characters, which have no visual meaning.\nHow bad can it be?\nIn this challenge, you should output the following Lorem Ipsum text, taken from [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum#Example_text):\n```\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n```\nPlease specify the number of *characters* (not bytes) in your code. Code with the minimal number of characters wins.\nYour code should only contain valid Unicode characters, as described [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valid_characters_in_XML#XML_1.1), that is:\n* Code points up to U+10FFFF\n* No surrogates (the range D800\u2013DBFF is forbidden)\n* No characters FFFE and FFFF\n* No null characters (code 0)\nIf your code cannot be displayed, provide a version with offending characters redacted, and a hexdump.\nSome notes:\n* The output must be one long line (445 characters). If your system cannot do that (e.g. you're printing it on paper), output a closest approximation. Trailing linebreaks don't matter.\n* Built-in functions that generate Lorem Ipsum text are not allowed\n* Please specify a valid text encoding for your code, if relevant\n      \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES7), ~~326~~ ~~283~~ ~~273~~ ~~249~~ ~~243~~ 242 chars\n```\n_=>\"\udab8\udf6e\udac9\ude59\udb86\udd2d\udb15\udf1b\ud93c\ude5d\ud92a\udece\udba2\udd98\udafc\uddcc\udbae\udfbe\udb69\udd4d\uda59\ude5c\ud992\udef0\ud875\ude5d\ud85c\uddcd\ud92d\udf03\uda5e\udf96\udb0d\udd3d\ud9d6\udf38\udb69\ude57\ud992\uddb2\ud9be\udefd\ud93e\udfa9\udaaa\udd78\udb6e\udc7d\ud92d\udf15\udb1b\uddc9\udaca\ude17\ud949\udd55\uda5a\udfca\ud91e\udfa3\udaf2\udec9\ud94d\udd36\uda57\ude56\ud93f\uddd7\uda4a\udec2\udb5e\ude5c\ud937\udf1c\udbbb\udfcd\ud924\udddb\ud992\udfaa\udbb2\udf17\ud93e\udeb5\ud956\udd98\ud935\udd4b\udb1b\ude5c\ud937\ude5c\uda49\udfdd\ud92a\udeb2\udb5e\ude59\ud924\udc6a\ud92c\udf16\udad8\uddb8\ud92c\udf17\udb8e\udf5e\ud95d\udd0d\udbd2\udf89\ud95e\udfae\ud932\udf7e\udb6e\udd2d\udb15\udf1b\ud932\udee9\udb6e\udf3b\ud9d1\uddd7\ud9ae\udf72\udba9\ude57\ud93f\udf15\udbd9\udfaa\udbae\udd3f\ud9d5\ude5d\ud87c\udf8e\ud92c\ude55\udaa6\udd2d\udb15\udf1b\ud9c3\udfc9\ud9fe\ude12\ud95d\udd37\udbd5\udeaa\ud939\udd5b\uda4a\udfbe\udb68\udc8c\ud9d9\udfae\udbdb\udd3c\uda57\udfa9\udb0c\udd8a\ud9cc\udd5d\ud92c\udfd9\uda4d\udd5d\ud95d\udd37\udb17\udd39\udb78\ude4d\ud9d7\udfa2\udb9e\udefd\ud932\udee9\ud99e\udeb9\ud949\udf5e\uda49\udf0f\ud9f2\udd92\ud949\uddae\udb8e\udf7e\udafd\udd36\udb15\udeb2\udba9\udd57\uda56\udd32\ud9a3\udf9d\ud935\udd4b\udb1b\udfc7\"[r='replace'](/./gu,c=>(c.codePointAt()-4**8).toString(32))[r](/\\d/g,d=>\"  , exum. \".substr(d,2))[r](/^.|\\. ./g,x=>x.toUpperCase())\n```\n### How it works\nThe first step in my compression technique is to convert the whole string to lowercase (not mandatory, but looks better), and replace each pair of chars in `, exum.` (as well as the trailing space by itself) with its index in the string plus 2. This makes the text a valid base-32 number:\n```\nlorem9ips69dolor9sit9amet2consectetur9adipiscing3lit2sed9do3iusmod9tempor9incididunt9ut9labore3t9dolore9magna9aliqua8ut3nim9ad9minim9veniam2quis9nostrud94ercitation9ullamco9laboris9nisi9ut9aliquip943a9commodo9consequat8duis9aute9irure9dolor9in9reprehenderit9in9voluptate9velit3sse9cill69dolore3u9fugiat9nulla9pariatur84cepteur9sint9occaecat9cupidatat9non9proident2sunt9in9culpa9qui9officia9deserunt9mollit9anim9id3st9laboru7\n```\nThe next step is to convert each 4-char run to decimal, then get the character at that code point. This can be done with the following function:\n```\nf=s=>s.replace(/..../g,x=>(n=parseInt(x,32),String.fromCharCode(0xD800+(n>>10),0xDC00+(n&0x03FF))))\n```\n(**Note:** Since all digits are 2 or greater, the minimum possible value of four digits is 2222\u2083\u2082. This is equal to 95978\u2081\u2080, or 176EA\u2081\u2086; therefore, code points will never be in the restricted range.)\nAnd now we have our compressed string:\n```\n\udab8\udf6e\udac9\ude59\udb86\udd2d\udb15\udf1b\ud93c\ude5d\ud92a\udece\udba2\udd98\udafc\uddcc\udbae\udfbe\udb69\udd4d\uda59\ude5c\ud992\udef0\ud875\ude5d\ud85c\uddcd\ud92d\udf03\uda5e\udf96\udb0d\udd3d\ud9d6\udf38\udb69\ude57\ud992\uddb2\ud9be\udefd\ud93e\udfa9\udaaa\udd78\udb6e\udc7d\ud92d\udf15\udb1b\uddc9\udaca\ude17\ud949\udd55\uda5a\udfca\ud91e\udfa3\udaf2\udec9\ud94d\udd36\uda57\ude56\ud93f\uddd7\uda4a\udec2\udb5e\ude5c\ud937\udf1c\udbbb\udfcd\ud924\udddb\ud992\udfaa\udbb2\udf17\ud93e\udeb5\ud956\udd98\ud935\udd4b\udb1b\ude5c\ud937\ude5c\uda49\udfdd\ud92a\udeb2\udb5e\ude59\ud924\udc6a\ud92c\udf16\udad8\uddb8\ud92c\udf17\udb8e\udf5e\ud95d\udd0d\udbd2\udf89\ud95e\udfae\ud932\udf7e\udb6e\udd2d\udb15\udf1b\ud932\udee9\udb6e\udf3b\ud9d1\uddd7\ud9ae\udf72\udba9\ude57\ud93f\udf15\udbd9\udfaa\udbae\udd3f\ud9d5\ude5d\ud87c\udf8e\ud92c\ude55\udaa6\udd2d\udb15\udf1b\ud9c3\udfc9\ud9fe\ude12\ud95d\udd37\udbd5\udeaa\ud939\udd5b\uda4a\udfbe\udb68\udc8c\ud9d9\udfae\udbdb\udd3c\uda57\udfa9\udb0c\udd8a\ud9cc\udd5d\ud92c\udfd9\uda4d\udd5d\ud95d\udd37\udb17\udd39\udb78\ude4d\ud9d7\udfa2\udb9e\udefd\ud932\udee9\ud99e\udeb9\ud949\udf5e\uda49\udf0f\ud9f2\udd92\ud949\uddae\udb8e\udf7e\udafd\udd36\udb15\udeb2\udba9\udd57\uda56\udd32\ud9a3\udf9d\ud935\udd4b\udb1b\udfc7\n```\nThat's 445 chars compressed into 106 chars. The decompression simply reverses this process:\n1. Convert each char to its code-point in base-32, minus 65536.\n2. Replace each digit `n` with `\" , exum. \".substr(n,2)`.\n3. Convert each letter after a period or at the beginning of the string to uppercase.\nThe only ES7 feature used is `**`. Replace `4**8` with `65536` to run in a browser that doesn't yet support ES7.\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](http://goo.gl/9KrKoM), 123 characters\nAll but the final period are packed into 111 32-bit characters (UTF-32).\n```\n'.',\u236880\u2395DR'\ud85b\udf4c\uda08\udc6d\udb1d\udd73\udadb\udf64\ud888\udc72\ud808\udc74\udadd\udc65\udb5b\udf63\ud8d8\udf65\ud85d\udd74\uda19\udc61\ud89c\udf69\udbd9\udf6e\ud8da\udd6c\ud91c\udf20\udb99\udc20\ud91a\udd65\ud8db\udf6d\udb19\udd74\udbdc\ude6f\uda18\udf6e\ud919\udc69\ud908\udc74\ud81b\udc20\ud91c\ude6f\udbdd\udc65\udb9b\udc6f\udb08\udc65\ud81b\ude67\uda1b\udc61\udb58\udd75\udbdd\udc55\udb1a\udd6e\udbd9\udc61\uda1b\ude69\ud91d\ude20\udb18\udd69\ud91c\udd20\udb48\udc73\ud85d\udc73\ud908\udc64\ud89c\ude65\ud8d8\udd74\udbdb\ude6f\ud81b\udc6c\udbdb\udf63\udb98\ude61\udbdc\udf69\uda1c\udf69\udbdd\udc75\ud81a\udd6c\udbdc\udc69\ud908\udc78\udb98\udf20\ud8db\udf6d\udb98\udf20\ud819\udd73\udb5d\udc61\uda1d\udd44\ud918\udd20\uda08\udc65\ud91c\ude75\udadb\udf64\uda08\udc72\ud91c\ude20\ud9d9\udd72\ud919\udc6e\udbdd\udc69\ud948\udc6e\udbdd\udd6c\ud91d\udc61\udad9\udd76\ud908\udc74\udbd9\udd73\udadb\udc69\ud8c8\udc6d\ud85b\udf6c\ud919\udd20\ud99d\udd66\udbdd\udc61\udadb\udc75\ud81c\udc20\ud8d8\udd69\udbcb\ude72\ud918\udf78\ud919\udd74\uda1c\udf20\udb88\udc74\ud918\udd63\udbdd\udc61\uda1c\udc75\ud81d\udc61\udb9b\ude20\ud85c\udc20\ud919\udc69\udbcb\udc74\ud8db\ude75\udbdb\ude69\udbdb\udc75\ud91c\udd20\ud95b\udf20\uda18\udf69\ud919\udc20\ud91c\ude65\udb08\udc74\uda1b\udc6c\udb58\udd20\uda08\udc6d\ud899\udd20\ud81b\udc20\ud91c\ude6f'\n```\n`'.',\u2368` period appended to\n`80\u2395DR` the 8-bit (`8`) character (`0`) **D**ata **R**epresentation of\n`'`...`'` the 111 Unicode characters U+**26F4C 9206D D7573 C6F64 32072 12074 C7465 E6F63 46365 27574 96461 37369 10676E 4696C 57320 F6420 56965 46F6D D6574 10726F 9636E 56469 52074 16C20 5726F 107465 F6C6F D2065 16E67 96C61 E6175 107455 D696E 106461 96E69 57620 D6169 57120 E2073 27473 52064 37265 46174 106E6F 16C6C 106F63 F6261 107369 97369 107475 1696C 107069 52078 F6320 46F6D F6320 16573 E7461 97544 56120 92065 57275 C6F64 92072 57220 86572 5646E 107469 6206E 10756C 57461 C6576 52074 106573 C6C69 4206D 26F6C 56520 77566 107461 C6C75 17020 46169 102E72 56378 56574 97320 F2074 56163 107461 97075 17461 F6E20 27020 56469 102C74 46E75 106E69 106C75 57120 66F20 96369 56420 57265 D2074 96C6C E6120 9206D 36520 16C20 5726F**, which all fall in the range 12074\u201310756C and thus inside the OP's all-permitted range 10000\u201310FFFF.\n[Answer]\n# bash + coreutils + gzip + recode, 191 characters\n```\necho -ne \"\u1f8b\u0800\u3c1f\ud357\\03\u3590\uc171\u4331\u0844\uefa9\u620b\uf0fc\u2a92\u5bae\u2980\u20ec\u3023\u0959\u028f\ucb0f\uf24f\u6e42\uc0b2\ufb3e\u6d4a\u838e\u150d\uc5aa\u4d2c\u7550\u13bf\u80ad\u2f61\u178f\u092a\u3a74\ub1f6\u1ba4\u6a36\u9794\u5c80\u68ac\u6605\u2e6d\ue4b2\u76d6\ua225\uba23\u1c95\ube53\u1ee2\ua7b4\ua0d1\uad13\ua8ea\u3de8\uc097\u43ba\ub6d4\u46d3\ufd78\u6449\ued82\u7be8\u42b7\ue533\u0ae4\u2993\ud5c9\ud53a\ua256\u6a6c\ua7f2\u1ed2\ua5fb\ud24b\u5247\u0e43\u288d\ub7f4\u6467\u803c\ue507\ud9a3\udeb7\u2485\u0b74\u463a\u39b3\u6ac7\u9431\ue547\u7a91\u99c1\uf3e3\u6135\u469e\u93b4\u9349\u216b\u0958\u6bfd\u2794\u8102\ud7b8\u2939\ufa36\u8441\u338b\u9807\u3e9e\u2cc3\u2536\uc664\u60cc\u249c\u731c\u430b\uf9de\uc814\u639a\u16e9\u9be2\u2695\u4739\ueaa0\u9d1b\u76bd\u2a2b\ua1c8\u92b9\ubbcd\ueab6\u411b\u9026\u8ef5\uc735\udaf1\udca3\uf60b\u677b\u9f87\ube01\\0\"|recode u8..utf16be|tr -d \u0663\u0723|gunzip\n```\nThe string is the gzip of the text interpreted as UTF-16BE, plus a few extra bytes to pair with the unpaired surrogate halves. The tr strips off the extra surrogate halves.\nThis script file (or the shell into which this command is typed) should interpret text as UTF-8, which is why the recode is needed.\n[Answer]\n## Javascript (ES6), ~~261~~ ~~255~~ 254 characters\n*Saved 1 byte, thanks to ETHproductions*\n```\n_=>'L'+\"\u2ad2\u3830\u62f3\u2430\u4a12\u5835\u030e\u2a26W\u4668\u2176\u5d77\u02d8\u3946\u59f3\u45e8\u282c\u5def\u5821\u014a\u0269\u61ea\u4a36\u5c29\u4e2a\u02d2\u224e\u394e\u4729\u6037\u3c37\u4906\u0175\u030a\u3e69\u2ad2\u1a20\u1a4c\u3ce0\u62aef\u0305\u3a4a\u1830\u4029\u3a4e\u6430\u3a4a\u0626\u62a0\u02ee\u5a71\u62d7\u2829\u557a\u5de8\u3b06\u0252\u3e18\u2226\u3c32\u4906\u59f5\u3a40\u01f6\u0318\u3a06\u3b34\u2833\u283a\u2026\u4232\u4952\u4920\u2af1\u1b34w\u3b23\u1836\u2b18\u55e0\u2ad8\u4940\u566f\u45e0\u2ac0\u2ad3\u456d\u5569\u030e\u024e\u3e79\u5e98\u2b06\u2b40\u5def\u5960\u0176\u3de8\u432f\u4940\u566f\u282a\u2c38\u39b8\u0306\u3f31\u00ef\u54f3\u5cee\u0ad8\u68a0\u4d68\u6177\u5835\u5e4e\u2260\u28e8\u5ce8\u6120\u25f3\u1b06\u4437\u0252\u4ad3\u294e\u0711\u62e0\u0311\u024e\u3f28\u00f3\u3b34\u2e60\u21eb\u00ee\u5969\u62ca\u0311\u3e70\u5def\u44e0\u022e\u014e\u5eea\u1a00\u5667\u0a38\".replace(/./g,c=>(s=\" ,.DEUabcdefghilmnopqrstuvx\")[(c=c.charCodeAt()-32)&31]+s[c>>5&31]+s[c>>10])\n```\n### Breakdown\nPayload: 148 Unicode characters  \nCode: 107 bytes\n### How it works\nWe first remove the leading `'L'` from the original message so that we're left with 444 = 148 \\* 3 characters.\nWithout the leading `'L'`, the character set is made of the 27 following characters:\n```\n\" ,.DEUabcdefghilmnopqrstuvx\"\n```\nEach group of 3 characters is encoded as:\n```\nn = 32 + a + b * 32 + c * 32^2\n```\nwhere a, b and c are the indices of the characters in the above character set.\nThis leads to a Unicode code point in the range U+0020 to U+801F, ending somewhere in the \"CJK Unified Ideographs\".\n```\nlet f =\n_=>'L'+\"\u2ad2\u3830\u62f3\u2430\u4a12\u5835\u030e\u2a26W\u4668\u2176\u5d77\u02d8\u3946\u59f3\u45e8\u282c\u5def\u5821\u014a\u0269\u61ea\u4a36\u5c29\u4e2a\u02d2\u224e\u394e\u4729\u6037\u3c37\u4906\u0175\u030a\u3e69\u2ad2\u1a20\u1a4c\u3ce0\u62aef\u0305\u3a4a\u1830\u4029\u3a4e\u6430\u3a4a\u0626\u62a0\u02ee\u5a71\u62d7\u2829\u557a\u5de8\u3b06\u0252\u3e18\u2226\u3c32\u4906\u59f5\u3a40\u01f6\u0318\u3a06\u3b34\u2833\u283a\u2026\u4232\u4952\u4920\u2af1\u1b34w\u3b23\u1836\u2b18\u55e0\u2ad8\u4940\u566f\u45e0\u2ac0\u2ad3\u456d\u5569\u030e\u024e\u3e79\u5e98\u2b06\u2b40\u5def\u5960\u0176\u3de8\u432f\u4940\u566f\u282a\u2c38\u39b8\u0306\u3f31\u00ef\u54f3\u5cee\u0ad8\u68a0\u4d68\u6177\u5835\u5e4e\u2260\u28e8\u5ce8\u6120\u25f3\u1b06\u4437\u0252\u4ad3\u294e\u0711\u62e0\u0311\u024e\u3f28\u00f3\u3b34\u2e60\u21eb\u00ee\u5969\u62ca\u0311\u3e70\u5def\u44e0\u022e\u014e\u5eea\u1a00\u5667\u0a38\".replace(/./g,c=>(s=\" ,.DEUabcdefghilmnopqrstuvx\")[(c=c.charCodeAt()-32)&31]+s[c>>5&31]+s[c>>10])\nconsole.log(f())\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 319 [bytes](http://www.cp1252.com/)\nUses CP-1252 encoding.\n```\n\u20229y\u2020QH\u00daSe\u00b2\u0152\u00d3d\u00e9\u00d3#\u00c7\u00a7\u00d6N\u203a\u00cd\u02c6\u017e4G\u00cf\u00f3RE\u00d8\u00e5n\u2021\u00b7J\u00ee\u00c1\u00d8\u00a3\u00ce\u00c1\u00a5ev\u00d1RZ\u00b6\u2014\u00a51R\u00cb\u00d2\u00c6z\u00e7\u00e5\"UN\u00e9\u00a8v\u00af\u00cac\u0152\u00d4\u00ddj\u00f0tr\u0153\u00dbe\u00e3&\u201cS\u00c1x\u00cc4\u00de\u00e11N$\u00f9?T(\u00e7\u00dbb\u0178\u0153f\u00f3\u02dclU\u017e}\u00de\u00df-\u00a9\u00c3M\u0161B\u00c8\u00d1P\u00e0\u00ea#j\u00c7\u00d0+n\u00bcBDF\u00fd>\u2013\u00b8\u00e4FT\u00d7\u203aq\u00dcY\u00b3\u00f69\u00aa\u00f2\u00cb\u00f9\u02c6A\u2021\u00bep=\u2018\u00a4\u00da\u00de{I\u00b6\u0152\u00b1\u00c5l#\u00a85\u00b4Aq\u02dc\u00c0\u017e,s<*\u00cf;\u2021\u00f5\u00e3\u00be\u00bb\u00f0\u017dL\u00b4\u00c5u\u00d8\u00f6+Xi+S>\u00bb/8K\u00e3~W\u00ce\u201d\u0192\u00df\u201d\u00a4\u00b5\u00f0Wlu\u00d8a'cU\u00d0e\u00e0\u00a5\u00e4\u2026\u017e+\u01536*0RU\u00a3\u203aa\u00ddQ_\u00f1\u0153o\u00fe\u00cf\u00f0\u201d\u201d\u00de\u00e37\u00e3\u00a8s\u0152V`_\u00c9-\u00b4\u00e9\u00c4\u00e8\u00c6d\u00a6\u00faE5\u00cd^A\u00e1,\u2018\u2021\u2122\u2122\u00a2\u00e4TH\u00e40\u00a53\u00b1.}S\u00f8g\u202236B0\u201e. :\u2122J'y\u00f0:'z',:'.\u00ab\n```\n**Interpret the following string as a base 36 number and encode into base 214**\n```\nLOREMYIPSUMYDOLORYSITYAMETZYCONSECTETURYADIPISCINGYELITZYSEDYDOYEIUSMODYTEMPORYINCIDIDUNTYUTYLABOREYETYDOLOREYMAGNAYALIQUA0UTYENIMYADYMINIMYVENIAMZYQUISYNOSTRUDYEXERCITATIONYULLAMCOYLABORISYNISIYUTYALIQUIPYEXYEAYCOMMODOYCONSEQUAT0DUISYAUTEYIRUREYDOLORYINYREPREHENDERITYINYVOLUPTATEYVELITYESSEYCILLUMYDOLOREYEUYFUGIATYNULLAYPARIATUR0EXCEPTEURYSINTYOCCAECATYCUPIDATATYNONYPROIDENTZYSUNTYINYCULPAYQUIYOFFICIAYDESERUNTYMOLLITYANIMYIDYESTYLABORUM\n```\n**After that we**\n```\n36B                      # encode back into base 36\n   0\u201e. :                 # replace 0 with \". \"\n        \u2122J               # convert to titlecase and join\n          'y\u00f0:           # replace \"y\" with \n              'z',:      # replace \"z\" with \",\"\n                   '.\u00ab   # add a \".\" at the end\n```\nFor some reason the encoding didn't work with a 0 at the end which is why need a special case for the final \".\".\n[Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=4oCiOXnigKBRSMOaU2XCssWSw5Nkw6nDkyPDh8Knw5ZO4oC6w43LhsW-NEfDj8OzUkXDmMOlbuKAocK3SsOuw4HDmMKjw47DgcKlZXbDkVJawrbigJTCpTFSw4vDksOGesOnw6UiVU7DqcKodsKvw4pjxZLDlMOdasOwdHLFk8ObZcOjJuKAnFPDgXjDjDTDnsOhMU4kw7k_VCjDp8ObYsW4xZNmw7PLnGxVxb59w57Dny3CqcODTcWhQsOIw5FQw6DDqiNqw4fDkCtuwrxCREbDvT7igJPCuMOkRlTDl-KAunHDnFnCs8O2OcKqw7LDi8O5y4ZB4oChwr5wPeKAmMKkw5rDnntJwrbFksKxw4VsI8KoNcK0QXHLnMOAxb4sczwqw4874oChw7XDo8K-wrvDsMW9TMK0w4V1w5jDtitYaStTPsK7LzhLw6N-V8OO4oCdxpLDn-KAncKkwrXDsFdsdcOYYSdjVcOQZcOgwqXDpOKApsW-K8WTNiowUlXCo-KAumHDnVFfw7HFk2_DvsOPw7DigJ3igJ3DnsOjN8OjwqhzxZJWYF_DiS3CtMOpw4TDqMOGZMKmw7pFNcONXkHDoSzigJjigKHihKLihKLCosOkVEjDpDDCpTPCsS59U8O4Z-KAojM2QjDigJ4uIDrihKJKJ3nDsDoneicsOicuwqs&input=)\n[Answer]\n# PHP ,247 Characters\ncombination of the 2 previous versions\n```\necho gzuncompress(base64_decode(mb_convert_encoding(\"\u654a\u7731\u6b4d\u4678\u517a\u4549\u5246\u765a\u416a\u792f\u6975\u5357\u6177\u6f67\u694f\u3877\u4977\u6c5a\u416f\u2f4c\u4438\u7050\u626b\u4c41\u7376\u732b\u6245\u7144\u6a68\u554e\u7861\u704e\u4c48\u5651\u4537\u2b42\u7253\u3968\u4634\u384a\u4b6a\u7030\u7366\u5937\u7047\u6f32\u6c35\u5263\u6747\u6973\u5a67\u5575\u6265\u5379\u6474\u6169\u4a62\u6f6a\u484a\u572b\u5568\u3769\u6c37\u5367\u3062\u3054\u714f\u6f6a\u364d\u436e\u5137\u7132\u3145\u6254\u2f58\u686d\u5365\u3247\u522b\u6843\u742b\u557a\u4375\u516c\u6b39\u584a\u3154\u7169\u566d\u7073\u6c2f\u4965\u3071\u5837\u3071\u2b6b\u6a68\u7947\u5542\u7076\u3663\u6d75\u4148\u6e4b\u4437\u7874\u5351\u6f58\u3649\u7830\u636d\u5856\u6a69\u6c6a\u7972\u6630\u496a\u4f44\u3538\u6654\u616f\u7738\u4a32\u6b6e\u6b30\u4c57\u4572\u4457\u2b6b\u386f\u4177\u584f\u7543\u7335\u2b6a\u6145\u5154\u4f4c\u6d41\u6665\u5879\u7a44\u4a54\u6247\u5a47\u444d\u4a4a\u787a\u4845\u4d4c\u2b64\u3749\u4647\u4f61\u4675\u6d62\u3469\u6156\u527a\u6e71\u6f4a\u3062\u6470\u374b\u5369\u6979\u5a4f\u3575\u7337\u7074\u3041\u616b\u6957\u5039\u6359\u3132\u2f41\u4367\u584b\u554a\",\"UTF-16\")));\n```\nPHP, 261 Characters\n```\necho mb_convert_encoding(\"\u4c6f\u7265\u6d20\u6970\u7375\u6d20\u646f\u6c6f\u7220\u7369\u7420\u616d\u6574\u2c20\u636f\u6e73\u6563\u7465\u7475\u7220\u6164\u6970\u6973\u6369\u6e67\u2065\u6c69\u742c\u2073\u6564\u2064\u6f20\u6569\u7573\u6d6f\u6420\u7465\u6d70\u6f72\u2069\u6e63\u6964\u6964\u756e\u7420\u7574\u206c\u6162\u6f72\u6520\u6574\u2064\u6f6c\u6f72\u6520\u6d61\u676e\u6120\u616c\u6971\u7561\u2e20\u5574\u2065\u6e69\u6d20\u6164\u206d\u696e\u696d\u2076\u656e\u6961\u6d2c\u2071\u7569\u7320\u6e6f\u7374\u7275\u6420\u6578\u6572\u6369\u7461\u7469\u6f6e\u2075\u6c6c\u616d\u636f\u206c\u6162\u6f72\u6973\u206e\u6973\u6920\u7574\u2061\u6c69\u7175\u6970\u2065\u7820\u6561\u2063\u6f6d\u6d6f\u646f\u2063\u6f6e\u7365\u7175\u6174\u2e20\u4475\u6973\u2061\u7574\u6520\u6972\u7572\u6520\u646f\u6c6f\u7220\u696e\u2072\u6570\u7265\u6865\u6e64\u6572\u6974\u2069\u6e20\u766f\u6c75\u7074\u6174\u6520\u7665\u6c69\u7420\u6573\u7365\u2063\u696c\u6c75\u6d20\u646f\u6c6f\u7265\u2065\u7520\u6675\u6769\u6174\u206e\u756c\u6c61\u2070\u6172\u6961\u7475\u722e\u2045\u7863\u6570\u7465\u7572\u2073\u696e\u7420\u6f63\u6361\u6563\u6174\u2063\u7570\u6964\u6174\u6174\u206e\u6f6e\u2070\u726f\u6964\u656e\u742c\u2073\u756e\u7420\u696e\u2063\u756c\u7061\u2071\u7569\u206f\u6666\u6963\u6961\u2064\u6573\u6572\u756e\u7420\u6d6f\u6c6c\u6974\u2061\u6e69\u6d20\u6964\u2065\u7374\u206c\u6162\u6f72\u756d.\",\"UTF-16\");\n```\nEncoding $s contains the string\n```\nforeach(str_split(bin2hex($s),4)as $c)eval('echo\"\\u{'.$c.'}\";');\n```\nOld Version PHP , 386 Bytes|Characters\n```\necho gzinflate(base64_decode(\"NZDBcUMxCERb2QI8v4rklmsKIIjvMCMJWQKPyw/KT25CwLL7PmxKg44VDcWqTSx1UBO/ga0vYRePCSo6dLH2O6RqNpeUXIBorGYFLm3ksnbWoiW6IxyVvlIe4pe0oNG9E6jqI+jAp0O6ttRG0/14ZknthkfoQrflMwrkJZPVydU6olZqbJfyHtKl+9KvpI4chlAab+nJrgB5yg+8bUkKF+iMdHJl1Y4pY8q39CIzg+fH02qMPCdpJ5NC1hKw1vpPKAMFzrgrOfo2hEEzi5gH3l8swyU2xmRgzCSccxxDC/neyBRjmhbpm+ImlUc56qCdG3aeykoosmTubrO6bdAGpIlj/XGNdvwA\"));\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#, ~~337~~ ~~333~~ 331 characters\n```\n_=>{var q=\"\";foreach(var c in\"\u6f4c\u6572\u5f6d\u7069\u7573\u5f6d\u6f64\u6f6c\u5f72\u6973\u5f74\u6d61\u7465\u5f2c\u6f63\u736e\u6365\u6574\u7574\u5f72\u6461\u7069\u7369\u6963\u676e\u655f\u696c\u2c74\u735f\u6465\u645f\u5f6f\u6965\u7375\u6f6d\u5f64\u6574\u706d\u726f\u695f\u636e\u6469\u6469\u6e75\u5f74\u7475\u6c5f\u6261\u726f\u5f65\u7465\u645f\u6c6f\u726f\u5f65\u616d\u6e67\u5f61\u6c61\u7169\u6175\u5f2e\u7455\u655f\u696e\u5f6d\u6461\u6d5f\u6e69\u6d69\u765f\u6e65\u6169\u2c6d\u715f\u6975\u5f73\u6f6e\u7473\u7572\u5f64\u7865\u7265\u6963\u6174\u6974\u6e6f\u755f\u6c6c\u6d61\u6f63\u6c5f\u6261\u726f\u7369\u6e5f\u7369\u5f69\u7475\u615f\u696c\u7571\u7069\u655f\u5f78\u6165\u635f\u6d6f\u6f6d\u6f64\u635f\u6e6f\u6573\u7571\u7461\u5f2e\u7544\u7369\u615f\u7475\u5f65\u7269\u7275\u5f65\u6f64\u6f6c\u5f72\u6e69\u725f\u7065\u6572\u6568\u646e\u7265\u7469\u695f\u5f6e\u6f76\u756c\u7470\u7461\u5f65\u6576\u696c\u5f74\u7365\u6573\u635f\u6c69\u756c\u5f6d\u6f64\u6f6c\u6572\u655f\u5f75\u7566\u6967\u7461\u6e5f\u6c75\u616c\u705f\u7261\u6169\u7574\u2172\u455f\u6378\u7065\u6574\u7275\u735f\u6e69\u5f74\u636f\u6163\u6365\u7461\u635f\u7075\u6469\u7461\u7461\u6e5f\u6e6f\u705f\u6f72\u6469\u6e65\u2c74\u735f\u6e75\u5f74\u6e69\u635f\u6c75\u6170\u715f\u6975\u6f5f\u6666\u6369\u6169\u645f\u7365\u7265\u6e75\u5f74\u6f6d\u6c6c\u7469\u615f\u696e\u5f6d\u6469\u655f\u7473\u6c5f\u6261\u726f\u6d75\u0a21\")q=q+(char)(c&255)+(char)(c>>8);return q.Replace(\"!\",\".\").Replace(\"_\",\" \");};\n```\n*-4 characters by replacing the `.`s after \"pariatur\" and \"laborum\" with `!` before combining the chars to wide chars and adding a trailing new line.*\n*-2 characters by re-assigning the output var rather than appending with `+=`.*\nHow it works:\nThe lorem ipsum string was converted to that mess by replacing `.` with `!`,  with `_` so when the ascii chars are placed next to each other to make a wide char each wide char is a single character.\n```\n/*Func Lorem = */ _=> // unused parameter\n{\n    // Output var\n    var q = \"\";\n    // Enumerate each wide char\n    foreach (var c in \"\u6f4c\u6572\u5f6d\u7069\u7573\u5f6d\u6f64\u6f6c\u5f72\u6973\u5f74\u6d61\u7465\u5f2c\u6f63\u736e\u6365\u6574\u7574\u5f72\u6461\u7069\u7369\u6963\u676e\u655f\u696c\u2c74\u735f\u6465\u645f\u5f6f\u6965\u7375\u6f6d\u5f64\u6574\u706d\u726f\u695f\u636e\u6469\u6469\u6e75\u5f74\u7475\u6c5f\u6261\u726f\u5f65\u7465\u645f\u6c6f\u726f\u5f65\u616d\u6e67\u5f61\u6c61\u7169\u6175\u5f2e\u7455\u655f\u696e\u5f6d\u6461\u6d5f\u6e69\u6d69\u765f\u6e65\u6169\u2c6d\u715f\u6975\u5f73\u6f6e\u7473\u7572\u5f64\u7865\u7265\u6963\u6174\u6974\u6e6f\u755f\u6c6c\u6d61\u6f63\u6c5f\u6261\u726f\u7369\u6e5f\u7369\u5f69\u7475\u615f\u696c\u7571\u7069\u655f\u5f78\u6165\u635f\u6d6f\u6f6d\u6f64\u635f\u6e6f\u6573\u7571\u7461\u5f2e\u7544\u7369\u615f\u7475\u5f65\u7269\u7275\u5f65\u6f64\u6f6c\u5f72\u6e69\u725f\u7065\u6572\u6568\u646e\u7265\u7469\u695f\u5f6e\u6f76\u756c\u7470\u7461\u5f65\u6576\u696c\u5f74\u7365\u6573\u635f\u6c69\u756c\u5f6d\u6f64\u6f6c\u6572\u655f\u5f75\u7566\u6967\u7461\u6e5f\u6c75\u616c\u705f\u7261\u6169\u7574\u2172\u455f\u6378\u7065\u6574\u7275\u735f\u6e69\u5f74\u636f\u6163\u6365\u7461\u635f\u7075\u6469\u7461\u7461\u6e5f\u6e6f\u705f\u6f72\u6469\u6e65\u2c74\u735f\u6e75\u5f74\u6e69\u635f\u6c75\u6170\u715f\u6975\u6f5f\u6666\u6369\u6169\u645f\u7365\u7265\u6e75\u5f74\u6f6d\u6c6c\u7469\u615f\u696e\u5f6d\u6469\u655f\u7473\u6c5f\u6261\u726f\u6d75\u0a21\")\n        // Split each wide char into two ascii chars\n        q = q + (char)(c&255) + (char)(c>>8);\n    // Restore the replaced periods and spaces\n    return q.Replace(\"!\",\".\").Replace(\"_\",\" \");\n};\n```\n[Answer]\n# ISOLADOS, 44016 bytes\n\nPush the ASCII code for every character in the Lorem Ipsum string, concatenate everything, and output.\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 354 characters\n```\n'8 sxAI($ltZ>2dwmi>2;{sUCIZ{V(}Yj 7K&)|,%JD/Pz^:3$*@vVJw)4pgvz4s_$,%pVGu~|PS/Qr7pz5Z2[VV{Lyq}{l!yGiKNg.zFJxL75 sT1]eL2f3iVe~11!|6c+O9.kMWFQYvEp^w0p oH,?Ey\"nbV>0g`#)kqTq\"\"\" z_AYmyJutvg:o9&AT{#(<42wu.b7\" QoOn\\#])]ISdH$yc{eM> .[~/`\"#2:7C4Mk@eRW8L*_!xjo\\cO)!LHK=g:P?&Uc];KdnE(%K7J-z9:7&rhxHl/KZ8\\t_C|rT#%28[%+#u.?'F2Y2' ,.DEL'hZa\n```\nThis decodes from base-94 (using the printable ASCII chars except single quote; so only Unicode characters up to 126 are used) to the alphabet of required characters, formed by most lowercase letters, some uppercase letters, space, comma, and period.\nIt takes a few seconds in the online compiler.\n[Try it online!](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=JyU5PmQiX300c1BzZEIrZU1uI3F5bzElS1ExZDc3VkhGeTY0JEUoPXhOYiRXTHZvTWlcbnNyVHcjKyJrR0tkYE51XD1VZWlefXJaU3EiYS1LLnZ7T3YwNG84bTw5fD5wUiIzeHMsVFkldk5bYGAgSCh8IE8heFxlMFoydnMzYm86dSgwNmRrJiR6JSA_JCVVPW0sPTpXJWp8KEVAKCVhNk0qP30xU2pCMz1VYmZHLjQ0c2orLmcmbjYiSEg7RUcxZFI6d11pQ31WYEZAKnFwNnR3RVJgVyJ6al86LjMuTkxGLUVGSVBsUjxIcjBYZ2slV1tiTigqeyAkOT5OYCg4IztMeildK0ZNdkB1flIrQGlaN119SDVMOm1EOHBPWU4qYVIhZC41UVJ-OUhSIyJjLy8tfTs0e15ENTRiWXd-IWB1dHlNXWBNbCdGMlkyJ2prd3l6J1gtJyAsLkRFTFUnaFph&input=)\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES5), 342 characters\n```\nc=\"remo ipsudlta,cngbq.UvxDhfE\";\"L\"+\"Qq\u00a9\u00dau[Qsx7\u0136z`\u00be\u0185&\u00d8x\u00f8\u00a7\u00cb\u01b4%\u0163\u00be\u00f7\u00f6m\u00bfZw\u00a5\u017f\u00f8\u00fb\u01a0t\u012d\u011a\u01cem\u012d\u00f6\u0111n\u0154\u01a1x\u0113\u01ee\u0157\u012d*x\u00f7;\u019a:\u0238\u019a\u0146\u0163\u01ee{X\u0129\u00e1m\u0253\u014f\u0199\u00e2\u011aDU\u011a\u01ce\u00c1\u019a\u00c2t\u012d\u014e\u00dd\u00a61m\u0148\u017d8ZU\u017d\u019c-\u00e4\u013c\u00dd\u00c1\u014c\u012aqu[Qq\u0199\u00a23*\u00f4\u012d[\u00de\u0135\u012a%m\u00c4\u017f\u0118\u00dau[Q#\u00e8\u012d\u019d\u0118\u0148\u00ae\u014f\u00d8\u0205\u02d4\u017b\u00ad#\u00c2\u01a0o\u0188\u0145\u0186\u012d\u0182\u00a7\u00ff\u0135\u012d\u0198\u0199\u00a2V\u00f4\u01a0\u0163\u00c5\u01a0q\u0199\u0182\u0114\u0148\u01eej\u02a8\u017f\u0148\u00f4\u00be\u01a0n[\u0113\u012d\u0153q\u00f7\\\"\u012d\u011a\u01ceI\".split('').map(function(x){y=x.charCodeAt(0);return c[~~(y/27)]+c[y%27]}).join('')\n```\nPretty straightforward, so I'm sure there's room for improvement. I encoded every pair of output characters as a single Unicode character. \n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Lyxal/Vyxal), 279 bytes\n```\n\u00ab;Jq\u00d7L\u2191yVx\u2085Q\u022fZ3\u1e8eh\u0226\u00bc_\u00f8\u20ac\u1e8b\u00b0Q\u00b13\u2080\u2088\u2211h\u1e41\u2083\u00f8\u2227\u2264\u2206\u2310>\u0280\u21b5\u208cX\u21e7\u0192\u2080\u2086\u1e03\u2085\u1e22~^9\\6\u2193\u00be<\u2086\u2248Q\u2021\u201f\u1e44B\u1e1eU\u00df\u00bc\u0188v\u2192\u27c7\u02807\u0117\u27d1\u221e~*\u1e44\u2229\ua71dtW\u20b4h\u27e8p&\u00a5z%\u2087J\u0256\u204b\u00a5(\u2082\u2310\u230am\u1e56\u215b\u027e\u1e593\u00b1\u017c\u00f0\u2192\u1e58q\u21b3'\u1e2dguIH?TL\u017brhN\u027ewl\ua60d\u00d7By\u00dek\u013fM\u03c4I\u25a1\u01d1\u03a0\u0227\u00bd\u1e02\u226cj\u0226\u2082\u1e61\u21e7j\u20260\u0226\u2082wy\u1e86\u2088\u2260\u2082d\u201e\u27e8>\u2235\u2194C7\u27c7\u2260\u2211\u00a4\u0188\u019bi\u1e03\u1e41\u208dQ]*\ua60d\u1e61\u1e02cu%\u0130\u2211lL5\u2227\u2234!q\u00deLO\u03c4x\u00de\u2265\u20ac\u1e45Qh\u2085\u1e6a\u00b0\u2084B*\u1e6b\u1e58:N\u1e0a\u03b5\u03b2\u22cf\u1e6b\u1e8eFp\u0188c\u2070\u0140q\u1e8fy\u2193{'\u01d1\u00a3\u1e8f\u017b@k\u017co\u019bg)K1cV\u2308\u00bb\u03a0C\u00bc\u27e9F^\u022f\u208c\u00ab\\z\u201b. V\u201b  \u201b, V\u00a1\n```\n[Try it Online!](http://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=%C2%AB%3BJq%C3%97L%E2%86%91yVx%E2%82%85Q%C8%AFZ3%E1%BA%8Eh%C8%A6%C2%BC_%C3%B8%E2%82%AC%E1%BA%8B%C2%B0Q%C2%B13%E2%82%80%E2%82%88%E2%88%91h%E1%B9%81%E2%82%83%C3%B8%E2%88%A7%E2%89%A4%E2%88%86%E2%8C%90%3E%CA%80%E2%86%B5%E2%82%8CX%E2%87%A7%C6%92%E2%82%80%E2%82%86%E1%B8%83%E2%82%85%E1%B8%A2%7E%5E9%5C6%E2%86%93%C2%BE%3C%E2%82%86%E2%89%88Q%E2%80%A1%E2%80%9F%E1%B9%84B%E1%B8%9EU%C3%9F%C2%BC%C6%88v%E2%86%92%E2%9F%87%CA%807%C4%97%E2%9F%91%E2%88%9E%7E*%E1%B9%84%E2%88%A9%EA%9C%9DtW%E2%82%B4h%E2%9F%A8p%26%C2%A5z%25%E2%82%87J%C9%96%E2%81%8B%C2%A5%28%E2%82%82%E2%8C%90%E2%8C%8Am%E1%B9%96%E2%85%9B%C9%BE%E1%B9%993%C2%B1%C5%BC%C3%B0%E2%86%92%E1%B9%98q%E2%86%B3%27%E1%B8%ADguIH%3FTL%C5%BBrhN%C9%BEwl%EA%98%8D%C3%97By%C3%9Ek%C4%BFM%CF%84I%E2%96%A1%C7%91%CE%A0%C8%A7%C2%BD%E1%B8%82%E2%89%ACj%C8%A6%E2%82%82%E1%B9%A1%E2%87%A7j%E2%80%A60%C8%A6%E2%82%82wy%E1%BA%86%E2%82%88%E2%89%A0%E2%82%82d%E2%80%9E%E2%9F%A8%3E%E2%88%B5%E2%86%94C7%E2%9F%87%E2%89%A0%E2%88%91%C2%A4%C6%88%C6%9Bi%E1%B8%83%E1%B9%81%E2%82%8DQ%5D*%EA%98%8D%E1%B9%A1%E1%B8%82cu%25%C4%B0%E2%88%91lL5%E2%88%A7%E2%88%B4!q%C3%9ELO%CF%84x%C3%9E%E2%89%A5%E2%82%AC%E1%B9%85Qh%E2%82%85%E1%B9%AA%C2%B0%E2%82%84B*%E1%B9%AB%E1%B9%98%3AN%E1%B8%8A%CE%B5%CE%B2%E2%8B%8F%E1%B9%AB%E1%BA%8EFp%C6%88c%E2%81%B0%C5%80q%E1%BA%8Fy%E2%86%93%7B%27%C7%91%C2%A3%E1%BA%8F%C5%BB%40k%C5%BCo%C6%9Bg%29K1cV%E2%8C%88%C2%BB%CE%A0C%C2%BC%E2%9F%A9F%5E%C8%AF%E2%82%8C%C2%AB%5Cz%E2%80%9B.%20V%E2%80%9B%20%20%E2%80%9B%2C%20V%C2%A1&inputs=&header=&footer=)\nUses Vyxal base-255 encoding, since it can only do lowercase and space, I convert \". \" to z and \",\" to \" \", so when I decompress I can easily add back in the punctuation. Finally, it reintroduces uppercase through the sentence-case operator.\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 139 UTF-8 characters\n```\n\"EDUL ,.\".z@:^A*\"\ud835\udf0b\uda24\uddf6\udafb\ude64\ud915\ude55\udac4\udf2f\udb04\udcf3\ud93a\udca4\ud8f5\ude99\ud929\udf4b\udb1b\udf04\ud8aa\uddf6\ud9b9\udd2f\uda4d\udc8b\uda0f\udf45\ud859\udd6a\ud84a\udea4\ud92f\udf79\uda35\udd44\udb0b\ude76\uda78\udc8f\uda49\uddea\ud9aa\udf74\udb04\udf7a\ud852\udce8\uda78\udd64\ud93a\udc8a\uda72\udeb8\ud924\ude67\ud974\udce4\ud8b2\uddf7\udb27\udcc4\ud81a\udc8b\uda4f\ude64\ud8aa\udc93\ud9b4\uddf3\ud85c\udd74\ud9a7\ude65\ud857\udf6f\udae4\ude95\udafa\udf1b\ud904\udd7e\ud938\udd2f\udb07\udf4f\uda74\udc9b\uda12\udcf3\ud8f5\udc92\ud8a8\udeb8\ud9b9\udc94\ud9b9\udde4\udb3a\udc87\uda0f\udefb\ud9b6\udc8b\udb84\udd67\ud849\udeb3\uda35\udd55\ud849\udeb4\udaeb\udefb\ud8ba\udcc4\uedf9\ud847\udf7a\ud924\uddf8\udb38\udd64\ud915\ude55\udac4\uddf4\ud858\udd76\udacb\uddcb\uda4a\udd78\ud9ba\udc8f\uda44\udf95\uda1b\udeda\ud8ba\udd64\udb4b\ude4f\udb04\udd79\udaeb\udc89\ud9b2\ude5b\uda24\udd55\uda15\udf0b\ud84b\udf64\ud95b\uddaf\ud8ba\udc94\udb32\ude47\ud856\udcf8\ud9a7\udf5b\udac6\udc80\udb89\udd76\udb0b\udf78\ud859\uddf4\udb04\udea9\ud8e7\udd69\ud8ba\udc89\udb36\uddea\ud8ba\udcfa\ud854\udeb4\ud856\udf15\ud9aa\udd74\udb05\udc99\udb34\udf44\ud9b4\udc89\udb32\udec7\ud857\udf6f\ud855\udd8c\ud9a9\udde7\ud84a\udd79\ud938\udf74\udb04\ude75\uda12\uddfa\ud847\ude8f\uda24\uddea\ud84b\udf3a\ud852\udce8\uda78\udf73\u0006\"TB32FB:32\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LZG9bttAEIS7PEegMghc2J2rxEhSpUza9Olcp4plEgRJU4QonQTqh4COpBgxkoWYNKU76vhIwe7tAygXwNUWOxjMN3P7/fZ87n388PXz67cXvYsf766/vX/Tg@XC17HT0EBkyGJGdw97Gt5XmPAMg1mMs6VPk5MFsmiwG@91Gvl6pGxYsxJ4meFcCb1kFkWi0Y/9UPNpiXJX0zCQkKW/9KOdGS9Pb8sjxm6Bu/sMTsWB4sqCCfd1KjKQfITKqaCwaxQih1ztyfUYDbZzHNodJpbJpEK968/1OK0wiCKQ3hG7aIzdNKOEO3rUtqi4T3/sAvisMpmYuTV5bQtdav09CFgpibFzpMR@QXVqWNsN9Q@@5rmx46FeDZietDPo8oy4CGloC/KeXDxt5jq2mWYLH7jKcN3soeNjWmwcyNMjCjWnO/6TnlhDkTrCemoq8DboPm@MzqVlUZoYEnKvhnzLUObmH8W0DCxUfZcWv53/2JBPHlBODUIuMAmMxn3W40LCSoZmJlP56aXWoHrV@3Jzdfnp5vrq8nz@Bw \"Pip \u2013 Try It Online\")\n### Explanation\nObserve that there are 28 distinct characters in the string. We can use characters up to character code U+10FFFF = \\$1,114,111\\$, and since \\$\\sqrt[4]{1,114,111} \\approx 32 > 28\\$, we can pack four Lorem Ipsum characters into one Unicode character. (In theory, we might run into some forbidden characters within that range. In practice, that didn't happen.)\nThe decoder is a little longer than it should be because Pip's builtin base conversion generates strings (e.g. `\"1RFP\"`) rather than lists of numbers (e.g. `[1;27;15;25]`).\n```\n\"EDUL ,.\".z@:^A*\"\ud835\udf0b...\"TB32FB:32\n                \"\ud835\udf0b...\"           String of 112 Unicode characters\n              A*                 Codepoint of each\n                      TB32       Convert each to a (4-digit) base 32 number\n             ^                   Split each base 32 number into a list of its digits\n                          FB:32  Convert each digit from base 32 to an integer\n           @:                    Use those numbers to index into\n\"EDUL ,.\".z                      Character lookup table: \"EDUL ,.\" plus lowercase letters\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 126 characters\nA large integer is encoded in base 1114111, which is converted to custom base `\" .,a..z\"` and the resulting string is converted to sentence case.\n```\n\"\udbff\udfff\u0af5\uda44\udfda\ud9e2\udcf8\udb07\udc19\ud893\udfe7\ud859\udeed\ud8d9\udee4\ud834\udf31\ud8eb\uddc8\udbea\udc97\udbec\udd07\uda3f\udc15\ud9ef\udd1c\ud80c\udfc3\udb41\udf72\udaa3\udd6b\uda09\udd4e\ue79a\ud87d\udc47\ud932\udd77\ud89c\uddde\udb2f\uddea\udbda\udd6e\ud9a7\udcde\uda96\udea6\udbb9\udd01\ud894\uddeb\ud9b4\udd68\u529f\uda32\udc78\ud8d1\udfce\ud81f\udf35\udbb8\udf22\ud8cb\udc39\udaf3\udc8f\ud987\udcbc\ud9aa\ude93\ud907\uddef\ud9e3\udf67\ud821\udfc5\udb71\udd72\ud959\uddf7\u5257\ud8c5\udecd\udb2c\udee2\udbf9\udd0a\udbb3\udc43\u512e\udaa5\udd0a\uda52\udf32\ud9e0\udfc9\udbfe\udcae\ud835\udd10\udb6b\ude09\udb21\udf59\ud8f7\udebb\udbc3\udebf\udbff\uddba\uda05\udc69\uda53\udeb6\ud9e3\udcda\udba1\ude46\ud8db\ude0f\udbcd\udf18\ud8c7\ude42\uda2b\udf4a\udaea\udef8\udaa9\ude75\uda11\uddf2\ud818\udc59\ud914\udd71\ud863\ude1e\uda49\udfca\ud9ff\uddd4\udb02\udd53\ud9e1\udfb0\udaab\udf46\ud988\udee7\ud97f\udebc\uda74\uded5\ud9aa\uddb6\udbe2\udeed\udb51\udf18\ud895\udcc8\ud8b4\udcbf\ud89d\udfee\uda49\udcbd\udbba\udefa\ud84a\udc11\uda0c\udc4c\udab9\udfcd\ud838\udf7f\udbf7\udd7b\udb79\ude3b\udaa3\uddd2\ud98d\udde9\ud96c\udd2a\udae0\udd81\ud903\udda2\udaa8\udf6e\udbc1\udd5b\ud905\udd91\udadb\uddf0\ud84f\udf56\ud92a\udfbe\udaf1\udfb4\ud9cc\udecf\udbb7\udde4\"\u00c7\u0107\u03b2A\u2026 .,\u00ec\u00c5\u0432J\u2021.\u00aa\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##BcHLjppQGADgV2lm3cw7dNu36CRddNVFX0C8AIKICIiKwsh4mQFFRfEgiiS166aP0Ezitjn/f87eft/3H1@evn293x@4XpZ/oxQn@hDll4wZmwHdlws6d1cgulM6bm1BITJXAoerdQn9jY3qfkRNvcaexwlmaYRdu/3PG9K1IcFoRiiRPOaSkIuzGI47D9Nwzi6WQFMpgqLxelN8HE0yqPtt6pxTdmkFUN0cWSvRYZucIQ9NMMga5WJB@36DLe0E5g65NR0QXI25asDblsLO29qtHuPRUnC6TFDWm1wPYjq2OizMmqw/HoCWn3glL7l@yNEw3nCaH1DeDVk2EEHMdF4b9UE4VnFYKEyJMswHKVpOQnvCAOzGlr5mHga@gjqxWGdmouxtMC9ESNQFrPMzrlQb8vmBy9GKTUd9mpoyLaolJX6MQbdglyinwbOBptDCi69RTyu5lp5Y3D9hRrqwc94gqodMFgXoHALMtZhXbBeMnsFEsqEvRQ@G8YW1vD3WVJ0VZPpwlX5Jv5NP75X5h8eP1@W18Sf5/F6ZPP4M7/f/ \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\nOr, with byte scoring:\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 277 bytes\n```\n.\u2022J\u00e3\u2018\u00e9L\u00f5\u00dd\u00e5\u0292?\u00ffU\n\u00a4\u00da\u00b9\u03b1\u0161t\\\u017d\u03b1\u00e6\u21224c\\\u2019\u00d1\u00d1[\u00cf!\u00ee\u00e8\u03b9\u00e1\u00dc\u00b6\u00a7:\u00ba\u00c3bxxQ\u03a9\u00f92\u00fa\u00b2\u00ba\u201e\u00b6\u2084\u00eay\u00b3\u00d4\u00e1\u201a\u03b9\u00fc\u00e1\u201a\u00d6\u00c6j\u03b7at\u00dc\u00ff\u02dc\u2260\u00b2\u0178\u2039\u00bbB\u02c6A\u00c7\u03bb\u2014W?\u00fc\u00ff\u00beTP\u00d7\u00b8\u00cb\u00b7]\u0394\u2026\u00c8\u00b6\u00aa\u00a2X9\u00e2t\u00e7\u00a8\u2019\u01b6\u00f6vY\u221e\u0292E\u00af\u0160\u00bf[\u00b9|\u03b5\u00d4g\u01b5\u03a3C\u00f5\u00f7y\u0292\u01067hZ`\u0100\u00c0AF\u043d\u00faO\u00a1]\u00ee\u03b3\u00c4\u00ac-\u00d0u\u2020\u2082\u2260\u0442,\u00dc\u00de\u00f6r,\u2122\u00a8}\u043c!s\u00b1\u00d1H\u2014\u2018D\u03b8wO\u00b3\u00a6&\u201a\u00da\u00f8\u03b3F\u220a6\u220a7p\u00d7\u00cc\"\u2084\u00f4\u0292\u00db\u2085,\u00ff\u00c9\u00bdO\u00cf\u00a6\u00c39-p\u00a6\u00bb:n\u00d2\u01b6\u00d9\u00d8\u00b6\u220a[\u2081?\u03b8s\u00d1K\u201e\u00b3\u00bd\u03b6p\u00f7\u2030o\u00e6B\u00a4|\u03bb\u00b7(\u03b8\u0152\u00a8\u201d\u220d\u220a\u2084=\u00dd\u00e1\u00be\u00c9\u0106\u0393\u0393\u0152*\u203a\u03b1\u03b2\u2122\u2022\u201ewy\u201e.,\u2021.\u00aa\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##HZFdTxNBFIbv/Rd4YYwpvTBGAglpQCVGTaqJxo9CIhjjx4U0tgpNMBmXWlvUYJdGoJamW3ApjUHbtbvblrLJebtclGQCf@H8kTrlYiZzcc6c53nPfGx27tXzfj/IonwL2yw2sHcHDWzhV08PwXtwjnaQp6as@UZ82u/IGkxOlq88m2axiSyyEawOYR8V2YSBAtm0O0YtLM8tLt6Te2heRovq1GJRJJu1JKoJspCDwSKvOg7OHviB1GvpzMZRgHdc4EyJ6r7LokntyePUBD7LNovcw5Aq9@jw/l2sk4sv5MzIHAsTaTW0SuVHoyjHsUsVBXZkw37/mNPFnn6D/vgl8iLUXJIN5F4cNeT2NSXoJHp6NzXy8snTroCYmDrpoBUmYwb70kKSfg/j@zsWJdY0xXOqBRRbEfbbgJKnyoeTg6EY1ZC9qcBUZteluxAmi8wLA508XGlNcXrlqjojUazj6/mB@7@ejp@sfQrAQ4Y6YaySieXR4SiZ1B57A11hb2JDBZVeibD2MSTdGLK3B9lZ1JF2FA6Lv/MwJ2lnSbbJuShdXx8Ib3H6m2pSQ8bV5gw6RKabkmtyzdcvsWjJmqwrbrVi9ddCQl3BAAsjSNV@/z8 \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 300 chars\n```\n\u201c\u1e0a\u1e04r\u2077\u01a4\u2c6ex#y&\u1ecc\u00ac\u00bd\u1e87\u1e7e\u01a4\u1e8bR\u1e60\u1eca/I\u1e57I\u00de\u019d\u1eca\u017c,CA~\u00f1;\u00df\u02664\u1e7f\u1e37NV\u1eb8\u1e86`\u00b0\u1e44jJ\u207d\u2c6e!\u00c6\u1e0b\"u\u0192\u207d\u0199f\u0188\u00c7\u0153\u0193\u00ae\u1e36\u1e93\u01ad\u018a\u022e\u207bw}\u0120\u1e59(1\u20acC\u00d0-\u027c#\u022fj\u0117\u022eoZ\u0153\u00b0\u0225\u1ea1_\u1e8a\u018aa\u02a0i\u1eb8\u1e42\u1e6a\u1e92$\u010b\u2c6ei\u1eb9O\u1e60B\u1e47\u1e32^*G\u0193\u0152A>\u017c\u0131W\u1e6d\u01a4e&\u0117\u1ea0F6\u00b3\u1e42\u1e32zl\u00e7\u00c7\u1e6a\u0121\u1e42\u017b\u1ef5\u1e22\u2074WJC\u207d\u1ef4ih\u0131\u1ef5\u1e43\u00a5\u1e8f\u01acE\u1ef4\u207d#\u1e0d\u02a0\u1e22*^O[4)\u1ef5Z5VoP\u0120\u0198\u1e59\u1e05\u00df]<\u0153/\u1e45\u1eb8% \u1e0d\"\u2c6e+\u00a2\u00a6\u00df\u00f7\u2075\u1e0c\u00b3\u1e44\u00b62X|\u00a9d\u010b\u00c6\u1e41\u1e22\u01ad\u1e57M\u00b0`K\u00c7\u00a6\u0257\u1ee4\u0271\u1e46\u022f\u0198k\u1e45b\u1e59\u207bl f:=(n,p)->n-sum(i,i=n+1..n+p);\n> f(2, 3);\n  -10\n> f(100,5);\n  -415\n> f(42,0);\n  42\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](http://perl6.org), 21 bytes\n```\n{$^n-[+] $n^..$n+$^p}\n```\n## Explanation:\n```\n# bare block lambda with two placeholder parameters \uff62$n\uff63 and \uff62$p\uff63\n{\n  $^n -\n      # reduce using \uff62&infix:<+>\uff63\n      [+]\n          # a Range that excludes \uff62$n\uff63 and has \uff62$p\uff63 values after it\n          $n ^.. ($n + $^p)\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, 25 bytes\n```\n(n,p)->n-(p*n+p*(p+1)/2);\n```\n# Ungolfed test program\n```\npublic static void main(String[] args) {\n    BiFunction f = (n, p) -> n - (p * n + p * (p + 1) / 2);\n    System.out.println(f.apply(100, 5));\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Scala, 41 bytes\n```\ndef?(n:Int,p:Int)=n-(1 to p).map{n+_}.sum\n```\nTesting code:\n```\nprintln(?(2,3))\nprintln(?(100,5))\nprintln(?(42,0))\nprintln(?(0,3))\nprintln(?(0,0))\n// Output\n-10\n-415\n42\n-6\n0\n```\n[Answer]\n# Clojure/Clojurescript, 30 bytes\n```\n#(reduce -(range %(+ 1 % %2)))\n```\nThe straightforward approach is shorter than the mathematically clever ones.\n[Answer]\n# [Julia](http://julialang.org): 17-18 bytes (13 as program with terminal inputs)\nAs per suggestion in comments that \"function or program\" form is needed:\n* as function: 17 characters, 18 bytes if you count \u2218 as multibyte\n```\nn\u2218r=2n-sum(n:n+r)  \n```\nusage: `5\u22183` outputs `-16`\n* as program, passed initial parameters from terminal: 13 bytes:\n```\n2n-sum(n:n+r)  \n```\nusage: `julia -E 'n,r=5,3;include(\"codegolf.jl\")'`\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 20 bytes\nSubtract the next `B1` integers from `A1`:\n```\n=A1-B1*(A1+(B1+1)/2)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 11 bytes\nFormula stolen elsewhere...\n```\n~1$1$)2/+*-\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPn/v85QxVBF00hfW0v3/39DAwMFUwA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\nThis just boils down to\n```\nA-B*(A+(B+1)/2)\n```\nConverted to postfix.\n# [GolfScript](http://www.golfscript.com/golfscript/), 15 bytes\n```\n~),{1$+}%{-}*\\;\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S8/PSStOLsosKPn/v05Tp9pQRbtWtVq3VivG@v9/QwMDBVMA \"GolfScript \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\n~               # Evaluate the input\n ),             # Generate inclusive range\n   {1$+}%       # Add each item by the other input\n         {-}*   # Reduce by difference\n             \\; # Discard the extra other input\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Keg](https://github.com/JonoCode9374/Keg), `-hr`, ~~8~~ 6 bytes\n```\n+\u0267^\u2211$-\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y05N//9f@9D@k8vjHnVMVNH9/9/QwIDLlAtI/tfNKAIA \"Keg \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNo formula, just a for loop! \n[Answer]\n## [W](https://github.com/a-ee/w) `d`, ~~6~~ 4 bytes\nSurprised to see that it's not short at all. (Although it at least ties with Jelly...)\n```\n7\u2584i\u2190\n```\n## Explanation\nUncompressed:\n```\n+.@-R\n+     % Generate b+a\n .    % Generate range(a,b+a)\n  @-R % Reduce via subtraction\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 5 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n\u00f4V r-\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=9FYgci0&input=MiAz)\n```\n\u00f4V r-     :Implicit input of integers U=N & V=P\n\u00f4V        :Range [U,U+V]\n   r-     :Reduce by subtraction\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Demsos](https://desmos.com), 20 bytes\n```\nf(n,p)=n-p(p/2+.5+n)\n```\nOther 20-byters:\n```\nf(n,p)=n-pn-p(p+1)/2\nf(n,p)=n-pp/2-.5p-np\nf(n,p)=n-.5p(2n+p+1)\nf(n,p)=n-pn-.5pp-.5p\n```\n[Try it on Desmos!](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ok09b870nw)\nWith the sum function, it's 27 bytes:\n```\nf(n,p)=n-\u2211_{x=n+1}^{n+p}x\n```\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), 10 bytes\n```\n{-/x+!y+1}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.bitbucket.io/k#eJxLs6rW1a/QVqzUNqzl4kqLNrI2jgVShgYG1qYghomRtQGINoCIGwB5AFkZDQs=)\nQuick.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)), 43 bytes\n```\nlambda n,p:n-sum([n+i+1 for i in range(p)])\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY3BCoMwEETP9iv2uIsR1tpCya@EHFLaaqCuS9RDvz51wdubGXijv21aZHhoqZ@lgDhQyAIhXB0M0UHomR3cjW5HxQZ8Tmw5@kujJcuGWL9pfr7SIVEv3brPGKTNbQ9mzqYtScY3KkWqhPZFVP8 \"Python 3.8 (pre-release) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nExplanation:\n```\nlambda n,p:                                  # Lambda header\n                 [n+i+1 for i in range(p)]   # Next P numbers\n             sum(                          ) # Sum each number\n           n-                                # Subtract from N for final result\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ly](https://github.com/LyricLy/Ly), 14 bytes\n```\nn0ns-0Rl0I*-&+\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##y6n8/z/PIK9Y1yAox8BTS1dN@/9/QwMDLlMA \"Ly \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis relies on the fact that for X=starting number and Y=iterator, the answer is:\n`X - (X*Y) - sum([1..Y])`\nIt uses the `R` command to generate the range of negative numbers.\n```\nn              - read starting number onto the stack\n 0n            - push \"0\", read iteration count onto the stack\n   s           - save iteration count\n    -          - convert to negative number\n     0         - push \"0\" to set ending number\n      R        - generate a range of negative numbers\n       l       - load the iterator count\n        0I     - copy the starting number\n          *    - multiple to get base number common to all decrements\n           -   - convert to negative (relies on \"0\" from range)\n            &+ - sum the stack, answer prints automatically\n```\n[Answer]\n# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)](https://www.dyalog.com/), 12 bytes\n```\n\u22a3-(+/(\u2373\u22a2)+\u22a3)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///P@1R24RHXYt1NbT1NR71bn7UtUhTG8jX/P@obypQytDAQCFNwZQLwjMCso25/gMA \"APL (Dyalog Unicode) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      []\n      "}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nWrite a program or function that takes in a single-line string. You can assume it only contains [printable ASCII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Printable_characters). Print or return a string of an ASCII art rocket such as \n```\n  |\n /_\\\n |E|\n |a|\n |r|\n |t|\n |h|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\nwith the input string written from top to bottom on the fuselage. In this case the input was `Earth`. The height of the rocket (including flames) is always the length of the string plus five.\nEach line in the output may have up to two trailing spaces and there may be a single optional trailing newline. **The shortest code in bytes wins.**\n## More Examples:\n```\n[empty string]\n  |\n /_\\\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\na\n  |\n /_\\\n |a|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n|0\n  |\n /_\\\n |||\n |0|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n\\/\\\n  |\n /_\\\n |\\|\n |/|\n |\\|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n _ _ [note trailing space]\n  |\n /_\\\n | |\n |_|\n | |\n |_|\n | |\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n    [4 spaces]\n  |\n /_\\\n | |\n | |\n | |\n | |\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\nSPACEY\n  |\n /_\\\n |S|\n |P|\n |A|\n |C|\n |E|\n |Y|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n# Leaderboard\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=91182,OVERRIDE_USER=26997;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Charcoal](https://github.com/somebody1234/Charcoal), 22 bytes\n```\n\u21b7\u00a6|_\u03b8__\u2190v\u2196V\u2192/\u2191_\u2191\u2295\uff2c\u03b8/\u2016\uff22\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85ILErOT8z5//9R2/ZDy2riz@2Ij3/UNqHsUdu0sEdtk/QftU0E8ic@6pr6fs@aczv0HzVMe79n0f//CiDABQA \"Charcoal \u2013 Try It Online\")\nNeeds trailing newline in input, due to how Charcoal input works.\n[Answer]\n# [V](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), 47 46 39 37 35 bytes\n```\nA_\u001b\u00d3./ |&|\\r\na/___\\\n VvV\u001bHO |\n /_\\\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K/v/3zFe@vBkPX2FGrWamCKuRP34@PgYLoWwsjBpD38FhRouBf34mP//M1JzcvIVyvOLclIA \"V \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThis is my first time trying to golf something. There is probably room for improvement since I don't know V, only vim.\nHexdump:\n```\n00000000: 415f 1bf3 2e2f 207c 267c 5c72 2f67 0a61 A_.../ |&|\\r/g.a\n00000010: 2f5f 5f5f 5c0a 2056 7656 1b48 4f20 207c /___\\. VvV.HO |\n00000020: 0a20 2f5f 5c . /_\\\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 10, ~~102~~ ~~99~~ 81 bytes\n```\na->{var r=\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n |\";for(var c:a)r+=c+\"|\\n |\";return r+\"_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\";}\n```\n3 bytes saved thanks to *@Jules*.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##bZBPa4NAEMXv@RTDnlYk2nPFQgg5NhSEQOkWmW5Ms6lZZRyFEP3sdv3Tg213YZf3Zob3Yy7Y4Ppy/Op1jlUFz2jsfQVgLGd0Qp3BfpAACZOxn6ClPiO9vQN6kfO7lXsqRjYa9mAhhh7XT/cGCSgWAK2yEKZKua8V0akgOZT0I3rkx9oX7VSgjGuyQL5InROm6TRyaA4i6vpoCCnrj9yFzFlNYY5wdaxy4hqBJlDOKpZCjHg/CpeyfVhqpUKllhak7v6y3Fk6yctmu3tdejskPos/yxmBx455kcaWNc/Iya3i7BoUNQelK3JupQ20HFsCLrZu4xsivEnPm7P@mZgju/4b)\n**Explanation:**\n```\na->{ // Method with character-array parameter and String return-type\n var r=\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n |\"; // Result-String, starting with the top part:\n // |\n // /_\\\n // |\n for(var c:a) // Loop over each character in the input-array:\n r+=c // Append the character to the result-String,\n +\"|\\n |\"; // with trailing:\n // |\n // |\n return r // Return the result-String,\n +\"_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\";} // appended with bottom part:\n // _|\n // /___\\\n // VvV\n```\n[Answer]\n# Excel 2016+, 73 bytes\nAn anonymous worksheet function that takes input from cell `A1` and outputs to the calling cell\n```\n=\" |\n /_\\\n |\"&Concat(Mid(A1,Sequence(Len(A1)),1)&\"|\n |\")&\"_|\n/___\\\n VvV\"\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~128~~ ~~97~~ 94 bytes\n```\n#define P printf(\nr(char*s){for(P\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n\");*s;P\" |%c|\\n\",*s++));P\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\");}\n```\nUn-golfed:\n```\n#define P printf(\n/* Knock off a few bytes by abusing the preprocessor */\nr(char*s) { /* Function r (for rocket) accepting a string */\n for( /* For loop */\n P \" |\\n /_\\\\\\n\"); /* BEFORE entering loop, print the top part */\n *s; /* Loop until the null at the end of the string is encountered */\n P \" |%c|\\n\",*s++) /* Print a middle section for each char */\n );\n P \" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\"); /* Print the bottom part */\n}\n```\nAfter realizing that I have completely forgotten about `puts()` due to its usual uselessness (I always use `printf()`), I finally got it under 90 bytes, only to realize that someone else had beaten me to it:\n```\nr(char*s){for(puts(\" |\\n /_\\\\\");*s;printf(\" |%c|\\n\",*s++));puts(\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\");}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `C`, ~~30~~ 24 bytes\n```\n`|/__`:\u1e23\u1e6b\u2070p\\|vp\u00f7\u201e\u1e22\u201bVvW\u00f8M\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJDIiwiIiwiYHwvX19gOuG4o+G5q+KBsHBcXHx2cMO34oCe4bii4oCbVnZXw7hNIiwiIiwiRWFydGgiXQ==)\n*-5 bytes thanks to allxy*\n## How?\n```\n`|/__`:\u1e23\u1e6b\u2070p\\|vp\u00f7\u201e\u1e22\u201bVvW\u00f8M\n`|/__` # Push string \"|/__\"\n : # Duplicate\n \u1e23 # Head extract, push a[0] and a[1:]\n \u1e6b # Tail extract, push a[:-1] and a[-1] (stack: a[0], a[1:-1], a[-1])\n \u2070p # Prepend the input to this a[-1]\n \\|vp # For each character, prepend \"|\"\n \u00f7 # Dump, push all contents to the stack\n \u201e # Rotate stack left once\n \u1e22 # Remove head\n \u201bVv # Push string \"Vv\"\n W # Wrap stack into a list\n \u00f8M # Flip brackets and palindromise each\n # C flag centers and joins on newlines\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 38 bytes\n```\nj++\" |\n /_\\\\\"jR_B\" |\"+Q\\_\"/___\\\\\n VvV\n```\n[Try it online.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=j%2B%2B%22++%7C%0A+%2F_%5C%5C%22jR_B%22+%7C%22%2BQ%5C_%22%2F___%5C%5C%0A+VvV&input=%22Earth%22&test_suite_input=%22Earth%22%0A%22%22%0A%22a%22%0A%22%7C0%22%0A%22%5C%2F%5C%5C%22%0A%22_+_+%22%0A%22SPACEY%22&debug=0) [Test suite.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=j%2B%2B%22++%7C%0A+%2F_%5C%5C%22jR_B%22+%7C%22%2BQ%5C_%22%2F___%5C%5C%0A+VvV&input=%22Earth%22&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%22Earth%22%0A%22%22%0A%22a%22%0A%22%7C0%22%0A%22%5C%2F%5C%5C%22%0A%22_+_+%22%0A%22SPACEY%22&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n# Scala, 97 94 77 bytes\n```\nprint(\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n\"+args(0).map{\" |\"+_+\"|\\n\"}.mkString+\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\")\n```\n[Answer]\n# [S.I.L.O.S](https://github.com/rjhunjhunwala/S.I.L.O.S), ~~157 154~~ 143 bytes\n```\npL |\ndef p print : lbl L Line\npL /_\\\nloadL :\na = 256\n:a\nx = get a\nif x c\nGOTO e\n:c\np |\npChar x\npL |\na + 1\nif x a\n:e\npL |_|\npL /___\\\np VvV\n```\nIt should be fairly readable. Feel free to [try it online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=cEwgICB8CmRlZiBwIHByaW50IDogbGJsIEwgTGluZQpwTCAgL19cCmxvYWRMIDoKYSA9IDI1Ngo6YQp4ID0gZ2V0IGEKaWYgeCBjCkdPVE8gZQo6YwpwICB8CnBDaGFyIHgKcEwgfAphICsgMQppZiB4IGEKOmUKcEwgIHxffApwTCAvX19fXApwICBWdlY&input=&args=Uy5JLkwuTy5T)\n[Answer]\n# R, 116 bytes\n**Golfed**\n```\nwrite(c(\" |\",\" /_\\\\\",sapply(strsplit(scan(,\"\"),\"\")[[1]],function(y)paste0(\" |\",y,\"|\")),\" |_|\",\"/___\\\\\",\" VvV\"),1,1)\n```\n**Ungolfed**\n```\nwrite( # Write to console\n x = c(\" |\",\" /_\\\\\", # Add in stock rocket part \n sapply(X = strsplit(scan(,\"\"),\"\")[[1]], # Take in rocket part specification, split string, loop over all specs\n FUN = function(y) { \n paste0(\" |\",y,\"|\")) # Custom build rocket body\n },\n \" |_|\",\"/___\\\\\",\" VvV\"), # Add stock parts \n file = 1, # Print to console\n ncolumns = 1)\n |\n /_\\\n |s|\n |t|\n |r|\n |s|\n |p|\n |l|\n |i|\n |t|\n |!|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n[Answer]\n**Python 3, ~~78~~ 75 Bytes**\n```\nw=\" |\\n /_\\\\\"\nfor i in input(): w+=\"\\n |\"+i+\"|\"\nw+=\"\\n |_| \\n/___\\\\ \\n VvV\"\nprint(w)\n```\nThanks @ValueInk for spotting that I could lose 3 bytes by clearing the `input` function of arguments.\n[Answer]\n# Lua, 69 68 bytes\n```\nprint([[ |\n /_\\\n]]..(...):gsub('.',' |%0|\\n')..[[ |_|\n/___\\\n VvV]])\n```\nShould work with Lua 5.1 - 5.3 (tested with 5.3).\nI don't have enough rep to comment on nolan's answer, but this is quite similar.\nI'm using `[[long string]]` syntax to save a few bytes by avoiding needing to escape newlines and backslashes.\n`gsub` doesn't need to specify a capture because `%0` can be used. (Actually, `%1` still works without a capture as well, but this isn't strictly documented.)\nI also trimmed away the input validation; not sure why it was there -- an empty string input (as opposed to empty input) will work fine. Handling a missing `arg[1]` can be done more briefly just by `(arg[1]or''):gsub(...)` anyway, although at this point it is briefer just to switch to `io.read()` and get the input from stdin. Anyway, `...` is a shorter way to get command-line input (even if parens are needed).\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](http://perl6.org/), 51 bytes\n```\n{\" |\n /_\\\\\n {(\"|$_|\n\"for |.comb,'_')}/___\\\\\n VvV\"}\n```\nA lambda that takes a string as argument, and returns a string.\n[try it online](https://glot.io/snippets/ehvqs6hxl2)\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](http://goo.gl/9KrKoM), 50 [bytes](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319)\n```\n\u2191'/___\\' ' VvV',\u2368' |' ' /_\\',\u2193' ','|',\u2368'|',\u236a\u235e,'_'\n```\nOK, so it may not be the shortest submission, but it *is* the only one that carries the name of [a real rocket manufacturer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Applied_Physics_Laboratory):\n```\n | \n /_\\ \n |A| \n |P| \n |L| \n |_| \n/___\\\n VvV \n```\n[TryAPL online!](http://tryapl.org/?a=%7B%u2191%27/___%5C%27%20%27%20VvV%27%2C%u2368%27%20%20%7C%27%20%27%20/_%5C%27%2C%u2193%27%20%27%2C%27%7C%27%2C%u2368%27%7C%27%2C%u236A%u2375%2C%27_%27%7D%A8%27%27%20%27a%27%20%27%7C0%27%20%27%5C/%5C%27%20%27%20_%20_%20%27%20%27%20%20%20%20%27%20%27SPACEY%27&run)\n[Answer]\n## [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 60 bytes\n```\n' |'a' /_\\'av\na$v?(0:i'|| '<\n'r\\~'_'$a'/___\\'a' VvV\n o>l?!;\n```\nPretty simple really. lots of strings, the newlines are annoying.\n[Try it online](https://fishlanguage.com/playground/Zh3YMSH3Ba2vWGvWo)\n```\n |\n /_\\\n |>|\n |<|\n |>|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n[Answer]\n# Swift, 99 byte\n```\nlet f:(String)->String={$0.characters.reduce(\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n\"){$0+\" |\\($1)|\\n\"}+\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\"}\n```\nUse like this:\n```\nprint(f(\"Some String\"))\n```\nResult:\n```\n |\n /_\\\n |S|\n |o|\n |m|\n |e|\n | |\n |S|\n |t|\n |r|\n |i|\n |n|\n |g|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n[Answer]\n# R, 101 bytes\nThis is an improvement on [Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/91275/59052). I eliminated the variable definition, the for-loop, and the need for the `sep=\"\"` argument.\n```\ncat(\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n\",sapply(strsplit(scan(,\"\"),\"\"),function(x)paste0(\"|\",x,\"|\\n\")),\"|_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\")\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\ncat(\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n\", # Print top of rocket\n sapply(\n strsplit(scan(,\"\"),\"\"), # Take stdin and convert to list of chars\n function(x)paste0(\"|\",x,\"|\\n\")), # Print letters\n ,\"|_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\") # Print bottom and FLAMES\n```\nI'm sure that there is still some improvement possible.\n[Answer]\n## Perl, 51 bytes\n**50 bytes code + 1 for `-p`.**\n```\ns/./$&|\n |/g;s~^~ |\n /_\\\\\n |~;s~$~_|\n/___\\\\\n VvV~\n```\n### Usage\n```\nperl -pe 's/./$&|\n |/g;s~^~ |\n /_\\\\\n |~;s~$~_|\n/___\\\\\n VvV~' <<< earth\n |\n /_\\\n |e|\n |a|\n |r|\n |t|\n |h|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n```\nperl -pe 's/./$&|\n |/g;s~^~ |\n /_\\\\\n |~;s~$~_|\n/___\\\\\n VvV~' <<< ''\n |\n /_\\\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n```\nperl -pe 's/./$&|\n |/g;s~^~ |\n /_\\\\\n |~;s~$~_|\n/___\\\\\n VvV~' <<< '0|'\n |\n /_\\\n |0|\n |||\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n[Answer]\n# Dart, 80 bytes\n```\ng(s)=>' |\\n /_\\\\\\n${s.split('').map((s)=>' |$s|\\n').join()} |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV';\n```\nRunning it through\n```\nmain()=>print(g(\"Jasper\"));\n```\nGives:\n```\n |\n /_\\\n |J|\n |a|\n |s|\n |p|\n |e|\n |r|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n[Answer]\n## [GNU sed](https://www.gnu.org/software/sed/), ~~54~~ ~~49~~ 48 bytes\nThis was my first answer to a challenge on this site. The solution is simple, mainly printing, so I spent some time making sure that it can't be golfed anymore.\n```\ns:.:\\n |&|:g\ns:: |& /_\\\\&:\na\\ |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\n```\n**[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/sed#@19spWcVk6dQo1Zjlc5VbGWlAGQq6MfHxKhZcSXGKNTE18Tk6cfHAwWAqsLKwv7/93MMdgQA)**\nFast forward half a year later, I rewrote the script, used a trick for good measure and golfed it down to 1 byte shorter. Now that's progress!\n**Explanation:** the pattern space at each step is mentioned for clarity, given the input example \"GO\"\n```\ns:.:\\n |&|:g\n # turn each input char into a section of the rocket (\\n |G|\\n |O|)\ns:: |& /_\\\\&:\n # 's::' is a trick; the search part is actually the one from the previous 's'\n #command, i.e. a char. Only the first char, '\\n', the modifier 'g' is not\n #inherited. The replace part is the head of the rocket. ( |\\n /_\\\\n |G|\\n |O|)\na\\ |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\n # append the tail of the rocket, plus implicit printing at the end\n |\n /_\\\n |G|\n |O|\n |_|\n/___\\\n VvV\n```\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/p/cjam), 38 bytes\n```\n\" |\n /_\\\n |\"q'_+\"|\n |\"*\"|\n/___\\\n VvV\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/cjam#@6@koFDDpaAfH8OlUKNUqB6vrVQDYmkBKf34eJBwWFmY0v//NQYA \"CJam \u2013 TIO Nexus\")\n**Explanation**\nNothing fancy, pretty straightforward.\n```\n\" |\\n /_\\\\n |\" Push the top of the rocket\n q'_+ Push the input and append an underscore\n \"|\\n |\"* Join the characters of the input with the sides\n \"|\\n/___\\\\n VvV\" Push the bottom of the rocket\n```\n[Answer]\n# Common Lisp, ~~85~~ 74 bytes\n```\n(lambda(s)(format t\" |\n /_\\\\\n~{ |~a|\n~} |_|\n/___\\\\\n VvV\"(coerce s'list)))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##FcwxDoAgDADAnVc0XWwnX@EXmEhIRY0mGgwQFytfR11vuLBv@WyNaJdjnIQy0xLTIQUKAqiB3jtn6g1aRU19QL2a3vtfwV4WKcQ5hRly902FmXGQVFbk1l4 \"Common Lisp \u2013 Try It Online\")(I added some bytes to call this anonymous function)\nFor changing part we take input as string.\n```\n~{ |~a| ;we loop through all characters of string\n ~} ;printing characters from list\n(coerce s'list) ;string is converted into list of characters later used by above loop\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Keg](https://github.com/JonoCode9374/Keg), 52 characters\n```\n?(\\|'\\| \\\n)\\\\\\_\\/ \\\n\\| ^\\\n \\|\\_\\|\\\n\\/\\_\\_\\_\\\\\\\n VvV\n```\nOnly tricky point is that Keg has no strings, the input is pushed to stack character by character. So the processing order is: read input (`?`) and turn it into middle section, append top section reversed, reverse them all (`^`), append bottom section.\n(Note that the interpreter (TIO implementation?) does not support absolutely no input. Empty input is specified as single newline, which will not be processed anyway.)\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run./##y05N///fXiOmRj2mRiGGSzMmJiY@Rh/IAnIV4mK4FGJqgAI1QL4@kAbBGKBgWFnY//@uiUUlGQA \"Keg \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# C - 84 Bytes\n```\nf(char*s){puts(\" |\\n /_\\\\\");while(*s)printf(\" |%c|\\n\", *s++);puts(\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\");}\n```\n**Ungolfed**\n```\nf(char* s)\n{\n puts(\" |\\n /_\\\\\");\n while(*s)\n printf(\" |%c|\\n\", *s++);\n puts(\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\");\n}\n```\n**Explanation**\nFunction that receives a string prints it into the ascii-rocket. Tested on GCC, generates some warnings if not compiled with -std=c89.\n[Answer]\n# [MathGolf](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/math_golf.txt), 36 [bytes](https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf/blob/master/code_page.py)\n```\n\u00f9 |\u00ff /_\\\u00e8'_\u2590\u00fb |\\+m\u00f1n'/\u00ff___\\+\u00ff VvV]n\n```\nInput as a list of characters.\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##y00syUjPz0n7///wTgWFmsP7FfTjYw6vUI9/NG3C4d0KNTHauYc35qnrH94fHx8fow2UDysLi837/1/dVV1HPRGIi4C4BIgz1Lm4gAJc6jVAjgGQjokBMvSBGMjgUlcAMuKBGEFDxBCYSz0YSAcAsSMQOwMxyIpIdQA)\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u00f9 | # Push string \" |\"\n\u00ff /_\\ # Push string \" /_\\\"\n\u00e8 # Push the inputs as string-array\n '_\u2590 '# Append a trailing \"_\"\n \u00fb |\\+ # Prepend \" |\" in front of each string\n m\u00f1 # Palindromize each string in the list\n n # Join it with newline delimiter\n'/ '# Push string \"/\"\n \u00ff___\\ # Append string \"___\\\": \"/___\\\"\n\u00ff VvV # Push string \" VvV\"\n] # Wrap the entire stack into a list\n n # Join it with newline delimiter\n # (after which the entire stack is output implicitly)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [K (ngn/k)](https://codeberg.org/ngn/k), ~~65~~ 60 bytes\n```\n`0:\" |\\n /_\\\\\";{`0:\" |\",x,\"|\"}'$1:0;`0:\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\"\n```\n[Try it online!](https://ngn.bitbucket.io/k#eJwrtjKwMrBOMLBSUlCoiclT0I+PiVGyrgYL1CjpVOgo1SjVqqtoFUPU1MQDFenHxwNVARWHlYUpAQBBrRJs)\n-5 bytes thanks to Razetime!\nFirst ever K answer! May not be perfect, but it's pretty good!\nExplaination:\n```\n`0:\" |\\n /_\\\\\" / Print the top of the rocket\n{`0:\" |\",x,\"|\"} / Print \" |$x|\"\n'$1:0; / For each character in the user input\n/ Note: ';' is important because without it\n/ the console will also output `(:: :: ...)`\n`0:\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\" / Print the end of the rocket\n```\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 128 bytes\n```\n@echo off\nset s=%1_\necho ^|\necho /_\\\n:l\necho ^|%s:~0,1%^|\nset s=%s:~1%\nif not \"%s%\"==\"\" goto l\necho /___\\\necho VvV\n```\n[Answer]\n## C#, ~~130~~ ~~111~~ 95 bytes\n```\ns=>{var a=\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n\";foreach(var c in s)a+=\" |\"+c+\"|\\n\";a+=\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\";return a;};\n```\n*Saved 16 bytes thanks to Kevin Cruijssen*\n[Answer]\n# Javascript (using external lib - Enumerable) (84 bytes)\n```\nn=>\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n\"+_.From(n).WriteLine(x=>\" |\"+x+\"|\")+(n?\"\\n\":'')+\" |_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\"\n```\nLink to lib: \nCode explanation: Pretty straight forward. Just boilerplates the rocketship template (top and bottom), and concats the fuselage string in the middle. Whats eating up a lot of bytes is the check if the input is truthy, because for an empty string it's wrong to add a newline to the beginning of the bottom template\nI love how the native JS answer blows this away...\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Q1sAl.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Q1sAl.png)\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, ~~67 63~~ 59 bytes\n```\n(++\"_|\\n/___\\\\\\n VvV\").(\" |\\n /_\\\\\\n |\"++).(>>=(:\"|\\n |\"))\n```\nThanks to Damien it's now essentially the same as xnor's answer, just in point-free notation. [Ideone it!](http://ideone.com/MYt2Mh)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nDon't you love those [exploded-view diagrams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploded-view_drawing) in which a machine or object is taken apart into its smallest pieces?\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/6lcse.jpg)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/6lcse.jpg)\nLet's do that to a string!\n# The challenge\nWrite a program or function that\n1. inputs a string containing only **printable ASCII characters**;\n2. dissects the string into **groups of non-space equal characters** (the \"pieces\" of the string);\n3. outputs those groups in any convenient format, with some **separator between groups**.\nFor example, given the string\n```\nAh, abracadabra!\n```\nthe output would be the following groups:\n```\n!\n,\nA\naaaaa\nbb\nc\nd\nh\nrr\n```\nEach group in the output contains equal characters, with spaces removed. A newline has been used as separator between groups. More about allowed formats below.\n# Rules\nThe **input** should be a string or an array of chars. It will only contain printable ASCII chars (the inclusive range from space to tilde). If your language does not support that, you can take the input in the form of numbers representing ASCII codes. \nYou can assume that the input contains **at least one non-space character**.\nThe **output** should consist of **characters** (even if the input is by means of ASCII codes). There has to be an unambiguous **separator between groups**, different than any non-space character that may appear in the input.\nIf the output is via function return, it may also be an array or strings, or an array of arrays of chars, or similar structure. In that case the structure provides the necessary separation.\nA separator **between characters** of each group is **optional**. If there is one, the same rule applies: it can't be a non-space character that may appear in the input. Also, it can't be the same separator as used between groups.\nOther than that, the format is flexible. Here are some examples:\n* The groups may be strings separated by newlines, as shown above.\n* The groups may be separated by any non-ASCII character, such as `\u00ac`. The output for the above input would be the string:\n```\n!\u00ac,\u00acA\u00acaaaaa\u00acbb\u00acc\u00acd\u00ach\u00acrr\n```\n* The groups may be separated by *n*>1 spaces (even if *n* is variable), with chars between each group separated by a single space:\n```\n! , A a a a a a b b c d h r r\n```\n* The output may also be an array or list of strings returned by a function:\n```\n['!', 'A', 'aaaaa', 'bb', 'c', 'd', 'h', 'rr']\n```\n* Or an array of char arrays:\n```\n[['!'], ['A'], ['a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a'], ['b', 'b'], ['c'], ['d'], ['h'], ['r', 'r']]\n```\nExamples of formats that are not allowed, according to the rules:\n* A comma can't be used as separator (`!,,,A,a,a,a,a,a,b,b,c,d,h,r,r`), because the input may contain commas.\n* It's not accepted to drop the separator between groups (`!,Aaaaaabbcdhrr`) or to use the same separator between groups and within groups (`! , A a a a a a b b c d h r r`).\nThe groups may appear in **any order** in the output. For example: alphabetical order (as in the examples above), order of first appearance in the string, ... The order need not be consistent or even deterministic.\nNote that the input cannot contain newline characters, and `A` and `a` are different characters (grouping is **case-sentitive**).\nShortest code in bytes wins.\n# Test cases\nIn each test case, first line is input, and the remaining lines are the output, with each group in a different line.\n* Test case 1:\n```\nAh, abracadabra!\n!\n,\nA\naaaaa\nbb\nc\nd\nh\nrr\n```\n* Test case 2:\n```\n\\o/\\o/\\o/\n///\n\\\\\\\nooo\n```\n* Test case 3:\n```\nA man, a plan, a canal: Panama!\n!\n,,\n:\nA\nP\naaaaaaaaa\nc\nll\nmm\nnnnn\np\n```\n* Test case 4:\n```\n\"Show me how you do that trick, the one that makes me scream\" she said\n\"\"\n,\nS\naaaaa\ncc\ndd\neeeeeee\nhhhhhh\nii\nkk\nmmmm\nn\nooooo\nrr\nssss\ntttttt\nu\nww\ny\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## Ruby, 35 bytes\n```\n->s{(?!..?~).map{|x|s.scan x}-[[]]}\n```\nTried to turn the problem upside down to save some bytes.\nInstead of starting with the string, start with the possible character set.\n[Answer]\n## Perl6, ~~48~~ ~~47~~ 45\n```\nslurp.comb.Bag.kv.map:{$^a.trim&&say $a x$^b}\n```\nThanks to manatwork for the improvements.\n[Answer]\n# MATL, 7 bytes\n```\nXz!t7XQ\n```\n[**MATL Online Demo**](https://matl.io/?code=Xz%21t7XQ&inputs=%27Ah%2C+abracadabra%21%27&version=19.0.0)\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) [`-R`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14339/), 3 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n\u00b8\u00ac\u00fc\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&flags=LVI&code=uKz8&input=IkEgbWFuLCBhIHBsYW4sIGEgY2FuYWw6IFBhbmFtYSEi)\n```\n\u00b8\u00ac\u00fc :Implicit input of string\n\u00b8 :Split on spaces\n \u00ac :Join\n \u00fc :Group & sort\n :Implicit output joined with newlines\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Arturo](https://arturo-lang.io), 26 bytes\n```\n$=>[sort&--` `|chunk=>[&]]\n```\n[Try it!](http://arturo-lang.io/playground?KjLKeY)\nTakes input as a list of characters.\n```\n$=>[ ; a function where input is assigned to &\n sort ; sort\n &--` ` ; input with spaces removed\n | ; then\n chunk=>[&] ; split into groups of equal contiguous characters\n] ; end function\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 35 bytes\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##qyrO@P8/Lb9IoUJBQ6Vao7TYykrTUF9foVbTxsZGpRrIjI5TqYit/f//v2OGjkJiUlFicmIKiFIEAA)\n```\nfor x (${(us::)1// })<<<${1//[^$x]}\n```\nInput via argument `$1`. Expression `${(us::)1// }` splits `$1` to array of unique chars, and removes spaces. Iterate over the unique array. For each `x`, print `$1`, removing non-`x` chars.\n~~[45 bytes](https://tio.run/##qyrO@P/f0VZDpVqj2MpK07BW0zotv0ihQgEkUqrpWKtpY2MDZPpmAWUdlVUqav8D1WfoKCQmFSUmJ6aAKEUA \"Zsh \u2013 Try It Online\")~~: `A=(${(s::)1});for x (${(u)A})<<<${(Mj::)A#$x}`\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 46 bytes\n[Try it online!](https://repl.it/Cr3J)\n```\n->s{(s.chars-[' ']).uniq.map{|c|c*s.count(c)}}\n```\nMy original full program version, 48 bytes after adding the `n` flag:\n```\np gsub(/\\s/){}.chars.uniq.map{|c|c*$_.count(c)}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python, 107\nCould be shortened by lambda, but later\n```\nx=sorted(input())\ni=0\nwhile i\n```\n!\n,,\n:\nA\nP\naaaaaaaaa\nc\nll\nmm\nnnnn\np\n```\n### Explanation\n1. `C-SPACE` `C-E`\n2. `M-x` `sort-r``TAB` `RETURN` `.``RETURN` `.``RETURN`\n3. `C-A`\n4. `C-M-S-%` `\\(\\(.\\)\\2*\\)``RETURN``\\1` `C-Q` `C-J``RETURN` `!`\n1. Select the input line;\n2. Call `sort-regexp-fields` with arguments `.` and `.`;\n\t* Argument #1: *Regexp scpecifying records to sort*\n\t* Argument #2: *Regexp scpecifying key within records*\n3. Return at line start;\n4. Apply regexp substitution `\\(\\(.\\)\\2*\\)` -> `\\1\\n` on all matches.\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, ~~16~~ 9 bytes\n```\nd-}F/i*d+\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=d-%7DF%2Fi%2ad%2B&input=Ah%2C+abracadabra%21%21&warnings=0)\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 67 bytes\nSpace as separator\nPHP5 using deprecated `ereg_replace` function.\n```\nfor(;++$i<128;)echo ereg_replace(\"[^\".chr($i).\"]\",\"\",$argv[1]).\" \";\n```\nPHP7, 73 bytes\n```\nfor(;++$i<128;)echo str_repeat($j=chr($i),substr_count($argv[1],$j)).\" \";\n```\nUsing built in is worse :(\n```\nforeach(array_count_values(str_split($argv[1]))as$a=>$b)echo str_repeat($a,$b).\" \";\n```\n[Answer]\n# Perl, 31 bytes\nIncludes +1 for `-p`\nRun with input on STDIN:\n```\nexplode.pl <<< \"ab.ceaba.d\"\n```\n`explode.pl`:\n```\n#!/usr/bin/perl -p\ns%.%$&x s/\\Q$&//g.$/%eg;y/\n//s\n```\nIf you don't care about spurious newlines inbetween the lines the following 24 bytes version works too:\n```\n#!/usr/bin/perl -p\ns%.%$&x s/\\Q$&//g.$/%eg\n```\n[Answer]\n# Oracle SQL 11.2, 123 bytes\n```\nSELECT LISTAGG(c)WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY 1)FROM(SELECT SUBSTR(:1,LEVEL,1)c FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL<=LENGTH(:1))GROUP BY c;\n```\nUn-golfed \n```\nSELECT LISTAGG(c)WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY 1)\nFROM (SELECT SUBSTR(:1,LEVEL,1)c FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL<=LENGTH(:1))\nGROUP BY c\n```\n[Answer]\n# [S.I.L.O.S](https://esolangs.org/wiki/S.I.L.O.S) 265\nThe (non competing) code better input format is at the bottom, feel free to [try it online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=CmRlZiA6IGxibApsb2FkTGluZSA6CmEgPSAyNTYKOmEKOnMKeCA9IGdldCBhCnogPSB4CnogLSAzMgp6IHwKaWYgeiB1CmEgKyAxCkdPVE8gcwo6dQppZiB4IGMKR09UTyBlCjpjCmIgPSB4CmIgKyA1MTIKYyA9IGdldCBiCmMgKyAxCnNldCBiIGMKYSArIDEKaWYgeCBhCjplCmEgPSA1MTIKYiA9IDc2OApsID0gMTAKOloKaiA9IGEKaiAtIGIKaWYgaiB6CnogPSBnZXQgYQpjID0gYQpjIC0gNTEyCjozCmlmIHogQwpwcmludENoYXIgbAphICsgMQpHT1RPIFoKOkMKcHJpbnRDaGFyIGMKeiAtIDEKR09UTyAzCjp6&input=&args=VGhpcyBpcyB0ZXN0IGlucHV0IHdpdGhvdXQgYW55IG5ld2xpbmVzLiBBQUFBQUEgQkJCQkIgVGhlIHF1aWNrIEJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wZWQgb3ZlciB0aGUgbGF6eSBkb2cgMTIzNDU2Nzg5MCE) \n```\ndef : lbl\nloadLine :\na = 256\n:a\n:s\nx = get a\nz = x\nz - 32\nz |\nif z u\na + 1\nGOTO s\n:u\nif x c\nGOTO e\n:c\nb = x\nb + 512\nc = get b\nc + 1\nset b c\na + 1\nif x a\n:e\na = 512\nb = 768\nl = 10\n:Z\nj = a\nj - b\nif j z\nz = get a\nc = a\nc - 512\n:3\nif z C\nprintChar l\na + 1\nGOTO Z\n:C\nprintChar c\nz - 1\nGOTO 3\n:z\n```\nInput for the above is a series of command line arguments representing ascii values, terminated with a zero.[Try it online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=CmRlZiA6IGxibAo6YQo6cwpyZWFkSU8gOgp4ID0gaQp6ID0geAp6IC0gMzIKeiB8CmlmIHogdQpHT1RPIHMKOnUKaWYgeCBjCkdPVE8gZQo6YwpiID0geApiICsgNTEyCmMgPSBnZXQgYgpjICsgMQpzZXQgYiBjCmlmIHggYQo6ZQphID0gNTEyCmIgPSA3NjgKbCA9IDEwCjpaCmogPSBhCmogLSBiCmlmIGogegp6ID0gZ2V0IGEKYyA9IGEKYyAtIDUxMgo6MwppZiB6IEMKcHJpbnRDaGFyIGwKYSArIDEKR09UTyBaCjpDCnByaW50Q2hhciBjCnogLSAxCkdPVE8gMwo6eg&input=NjQ&args=NjU+MTIz+NjU+NjU+NjU+NjY+NjY+MA).\n---\nFor a more reasonable method of input we must up the byte count (and use features that were nonexistent before the writing of this challenge).\n \nFor 291 bytes we get the following code.\n```\n\\\ndef : lbl\nloadLine :\na = 256\n:a\n:s\nx = get a\nz = x\nz - 32\nz |\nif z u\na + 1\nGOTO s\n:u\nif x c\nGOTO e\n:c\nb = x\nb + 512\nc = get b\nc + 1\nset b c\na + 1\nif x a\n:e\na = 512\nb = 768\nl = 10\n:Z\nj = a\nj - b\nif j z\nz = get a\nc = a\nc - 512\n:3\nif z C\nprintChar l\na + 1\nGOTO Z\n:C\nprintChar c\nz - 1\nGOTO 3\n:z\n```\nFeel free to [test this version online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=CmRlZiA6IGxibApsb2FkTGluZSA6CmEgPSAyNTYKOmEKOnMKeCA9IGdldCBhCnogPSB4CnogLSAzMgp6IHwKaWYgeiB1CmEgKyAxCkdPVE8gcwo6dQppZiB4IGMKR09UTyBlCjpjCmIgPSB4CmIgKyA1MTIKYyA9IGdldCBiCmMgKyAxCnNldCBiIGMKYSArIDEKaWYgeCBhCjplCmEgPSA1MTIKYiA9IDc2OApsID0gMTAKOloKaiA9IGEKaiAtIGIKaWYgaiB6CnogPSBnZXQgYQpjID0gYQpjIC0gNTEyCjozCmlmIHogQwpwcmludENoYXIgbAphICsgMQpHT1RPIFoKOkMKcHJpbnRDaGFyIGMKeiAtIDEKR09UTyAzCjp6&input=&args=VGhpcyBpcyB0ZXN0IGlucHV0IHdpdGhvdXQgYW55IG5ld2xpbmVzLiBBQUFBQUEgQkJCQkIgVGhlIHF1aWNrIEJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wZWQgb3ZlciB0aGUgbGF6eSBkb2cgMTIzNDU2Nzg5MCE). The backslash is unnecessary but is there to show the important leading line feed.\n[Answer]\n## ARM machine code on Linux, 60 bytes\nHex Dump:\n```\nb590 4c0d f810 2b01 b11a 58a3 3301 50a3 e7f8 6222 2704 2001 f1ad 0101 2201 237f 5ce5 b135 700b df00 3d01 d8fc 250a 700d df00 3b01 d8f4 bd90 000200bc\n```\nThis function basically creates an array of size 128, and whenever it reads a character from the input string it increment's the value at that characters position. Then it goes back through the array and prints each character array[character] times.\nUngolfed Assembly (GNU syntax): \n```\n.syntax unified\n.bss @bss is zero-initialized data (doesn't impact code size)\ncountArray:\n .skip 128 @countArray[x] is the number of occurances of x\n.text\n.global expStr\n.thumb_func\nexpstr:\n @Input: r0 - a NUL-terminated string.\n @Output: Groups of characters to STDOUT\n push {r4,r7,lr}\n ldr r4,=countArray @Load countArray into r4\n readLoop:\n ldrb r2,[r0],#1 @r2=*r0++\n cbz r2,endReadLoop @If r2==NUL, break\n ldr r3,[r4,r2] @r3=r4[r2]\n adds r3,r3,#1 @r3+=1\n str r3,[r4,r2] @r4[r2]=r3\n b readLoop @while (true)\n endReadLoop:\n @Now countArray[x] is the number of occurances of x.\n @Also, r2 is zero\n str r2,[r4,#' ] @' means the value of \n @What that just did was set the number of spaces found to zero.\n movs r7,#4 @4 is the system call for write\n movs r0,#1 @1 is stdout\n sub r1,sp,#1 @Allocate 1 byte on the stack\n @Also r1 is the char* used for write\n movs r2,#1 @We will print 1 character at a time\n movs r3,#127 @Loop through all the characters\n writeLoop:\n ldrb r5,[r4,r3] @r5=countArray[r3]\n cbz r5,endCharacterLoop @If we're not printing anything, go past the loop\n strb r3,[r1] @We're going to print byte r3, so we store it at *r0\n characterLoop:\n swi #0 @Make system call\n @Return value of write is number of characters printed in r0\n @Since we're printing one character, it should just return 1, which\n @means r0 didn't change.\n subs r5,r5,#1\n bhi characterLoop\n @If we're here then we're done printing our group of characters\n @Thus we just need to print a newline.\n movs r5,#10 @r5='\\n' (reusing r5 since we're done using it as a loop counter\n strb r5,[r1]\n swi #0 @Print the character\n endCharacterLoop:\n subs r3,r3,#1\n bhi writeLoop @while (--r3)\n pop {r4,r7,pc}\n.ltorg @Store constants here\n```\nTesting script (also assembly):\n```\n.global _start\n_start:\n ldr r0,[sp,#8] @Read argv[1]\n bl expstr @Call function\n movs r7,#1 @1 is the system call for exit\n swi #0 @Make system call\n```\n[Answer]\n# Scala, 53 bytes\n```\ndef?(s:String)=s.filter(_!=' ').groupBy(identity).map{_._2.mkString}\n```\nWhen run with REPL:\n```\nscala> ?(\"Ah, abracadabra!\")\nres2: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[String] = List(!, A, aaaaa, ,, bb, c, h, rr, d)\nscala> print(res2.mkString(\"\\n\"))\n!\nA\naaaaa\n,\nbb\nc\nh\nrr\nd\n```\nEDIT:\nForgot to filter spaces\n[Answer]\n## Clojure, 46\n```\n#(partition-by identity(sort(re-seq #\"\\S\" %)))\n```\nLong and descriptive function names for simplest of things, yeah.\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell, 65\n@TimmyD has the shorter answer but I don't have enough rep to comment. Here's my answer in 65 bytes.\nI didn't think to use `group` and I didn't know that you could stick `-join` in front of something instead of `-join\"\"` on the end and save two characters (using that would make my method 63).\n```\n([char[]]$args[0]-ne32|sort|%{if($l-ne$_){\"`n\"};$_;$l=$_})-join\"\"\n```\nMy method sorts the array, then loops through it and concatenates characters if they match the preceding entry, inserting a newline if they do not.\n[Answer]\n# Clojure (55 bytes)\n```\n(defn f[s](map(fn[[a b]](repeat b a))(frequencies s)))\n```\nTest Cases:\n```\n(f \"Ah, abracadabra!\")\n;;=> ((\\space) (\\!) (\\A) (\\a \\a \\a \\a \\a) (\\b \\b) (\\c) (\\d) (\\h) (\\,) (\\r \\r))\n(f \"\\\\o/\\\\o/\\\\o/\")\n;;=> ((\\\\ \\\\ \\\\) (\\o \\o \\o) (\\/ \\/ \\/))\n(f \"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!\")\n;;=> ((\\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space) (\\!) (\\A) (\\a \\a \\a \\a \\a \\a \\a \\a \\a) (\\c) (\\, \\,) (\\l \\l) (\\m \\m) (\\n \\n \\n \\n) (\\P) (\\p) (\\:))\n(f \"\\\"Show me how you do that trick, the one that makes me scream\\\" she said\")\n;;=> ((\\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space \\space) (\\a \\a \\a \\a \\a) (\\\" \\\") (\\c \\c) (\\d \\d) (\\e \\e \\e \\e \\e \\e \\e) (\\h \\h \\h \\h \\h \\h) (\\i \\i) (\\k \\k) (\\,) (\\m \\m \\m \\m) (\\n) (\\o \\o \\o \\o \\o) (\\r \\r) (\\S) (\\s \\s \\s \\s) (\\t \\t \\t \\t \\t \\t) (\\u) (\\w \\w) (\\y))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~121~~ ~~120~~ ~~110~~ 103 Bytes\n```\ns->s.chars().distinct().filter(c->c!=32)\n .forEach(c->out.println(s.replaceAll(\"[^\\\\Q\"+(char)c+\"\\\\E]\",\"\")))\n```\nAbove lambda can be consumed with Java-8 `Consumer`. It fetches distinct characters and replaces other characters of the String to disassemble each character occurrence.\n[Answer]\n# [Elixir](http://elixir-lang.org), 70 bytes\n```\ndef f(s), do: '#{s}'|>Enum.group_by(&(&1))|>Map.delete(32)|>Map.values\n```\n[Answer]\n## R, 67 bytes\nEven though there's already an R-answer by @Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric I thought my solution deserves it's own answer because it's conceptually different.\n```\nfor(i in unique(x<-strsplit(readline(),\"\")[[1]]))cat(x[x%in%i],\" \")\n```\nThe program prints the ascii characters in order of appearence in the string where groups are separated by two white spaces and chars within groups by one white space. A special case is if the string has whitespaces in itself, then at one specific place in the output there will be `4+number of white spaces in string` white spaces separating two groups E.g:\n`Ah, abracadabra!` => `A h , a a a a a b b r r c d !`\n### Ungolfed\nSplit up the code for clarity even though assignment is done within the unique functions and changed to order of evaluation:\n```\nx<-strsplit(readline(),\"\")[[1]]) # Read string from command line and convert into vector\nfor(i in unique(x){ # For each unique character of the string, create vector \n cat(x[x%in%i],\" \") # of TRUE/FALSE and return the elements in x for which \n} # these are matched\n```\n[Answer]\n**C, 178**\n```\n#define F for\n#define i8 char\n#define R return\nz(i8*r,i8*e,i8*a){i8*b,c;F(;*a;++a)if(!isspace(c=*a)){F(b=a;*b;++b)if(r>=e)R-1;else if(*b==c)*b=' ',*r++=c;*r++='\\n';}*r=0;R 0;}\n```\nz(outputArray,LastPointerOkinOutputarray,inputArray) return -1 on error 0 ok\nNote:Modify its input array too...\n```\n#define P printf\nmain(){char a[]=\"A, 12aa99dd333aA,,<<\", b[256]; z(b,b+255,a);P(\"r=%s\\n\", b);}\n/*\n 178\n r=AA\n ,,,\n 1\n 2\n aaa\n 99\n dd\n 333\n <<\n */\n```\n[Answer]\n## Racket 243 bytes\n```\n(let*((l(sort(string->list s)charlist s) char Output`:\n```\n[4] -> 2\n[50] -> 13\n[12, 50] -> 16\n[25, 100] -> 32\n[19, 35, 5, 200] -> 65\n```\n## Winning:\nThe app has already taken up most of the space on your phone, so your program needs to be as short as possible. The complete program or function with the smallest byte count will be accepted in two weeks! (with any ties being settled by the earliest submitted entry!)\n \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 4 bytes\n```\nO4\u00f7>\n```\n**Explanation**\n```\nO # sum\n 4\u00f7 # integer division by 4\n > # increment\n```\n[Try it online](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=TzTDtz4&input=WzE5LCAzNSwgNSwgMjAwXQ)\n[Answer]\n# Jelly, ~~5~~ 4 bytes\n```\nS:4\u2018\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=Uzo04oCY&input=&args=WzE5LCAzNSwgNSwgMjAwXQ)\n`S`um, integer divide `:` by `4` and increment `\u2018`.\n[Answer]\n# C# REPL, 15 bytes\n```\nn=>n.Sum()/4+1;\n```\nCasts to `Func, int>`.\n[Answer]\n## Actually, 4 bytes\n```\n\u03a3\u00bc\u2248u\n```\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=zqPCvOKJiHU&input=WzE5LCAzNSwgNSwgMjAwXQ)\nExplanation:\n```\n\u03a3\u00bc\u2248u\n\u03a3 sum\n \u00bc divide by 4\n \u2248 floor\n u add 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](http://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 5 bytes\n```\n+:4/+\n```\n[Try it online!](http://brachylog.tryitonline.net/#code=Kzo0Lys&input=WzE5OjM1OjU6MjAwXQ&args=Wg)\n### Explanation\nA very original answer\u2026\n```\n+ Sum\n :4/ Integer division by 4\n + Increment\n```\n[Answer]\n# BASH (sed + bc) 19\n```\nsed 's~)~+4)/4~'|bc\n```\nInput is a `+` separate list on stdin \nE.g.: \n`echo '(19+35+5+200)'| sed 's~)~+4)/4~'|bc`\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 17 bytes\n```\n(+1).(`div`4).sum\n```\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, 4 bytes\n```\nseeh\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=seeh&input=%5B19%2C+35%2C+5%2C+200%5D&warnings=0)\n```\n((sum(input)/2)/2)+1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 5 bytes\n```\nh/sQ4\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=h%2FsQ4&input=%5B19%2C35%2C5%2C200%5D&debug=0)\nSum input with `sQ`, divide by 4 with `/4` and finally increment `h`.\n[Answer]\n# CJam, 7 bytes\n```\n{:+4/)}\n```\n[Try it here!](http://cjam.tryitonline.net/#code=WzE5IDM1IDUgMjAwXQp7Ois0Lyl9Cgp-cA&input=)\nDefines an unnamed block that expects the input on the stack and leaves the result there. \n`:+` sums the list, `4/` divides the result by 4 and `)` increments that.\n[Answer]\n## [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina/), ~~18~~ 17 bytes\nByte count assumes ISO 8859-1 encoding.\n```\n$\n\u00b64\n.+|\u00b6\n$*\n1111\n```\nInput is linefeed-separated.\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=JArCtjQKLit8wrYKJCoKMTExMQ&input=MTkKMzUKNQoyMDA)\n[Answer]\n# R, 22 bytes\n```\nfloor(sum(scan())/4+1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# **JavaScript, 29 Bytes**\n```\nx=>x.reduce((a,b)=>a+b)/4+1|0\n```\n[Answer]\n# S.I.L.O.S ~~100 99~~ 103 characters + 22 for sample input\nCode with testing harness.\n```\nset 512 52\nset 513 10\nGOSUB e\nGOTO f\nfunce\na = 0\ni = 511\nlblE\ni + 1\nb = get i\na + b\nif b E\na / 4\na + 1\nreturn\nlblf\nprintInt a\n```\ninput as a series of set commands to modify the spots of the heap starting at spot 512. \n[Try it Online!](http://silos.tryitonline.net/#code=c2V0IDUxMiA1MgpzZXQgNTEzIDEwCkdPU1VCIGUKR09UTyBmCmZ1bmNlCmEgPSAwCmkgPSA1MTEKbGJsRQppICsgMQpiID0gZ2V0IGkKYSArIGIKaWYgYiBFCmEgLyA0CmEgKyAxCnJldHVybgpsYmxmCnByaW50SW50IGE&input=)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nConsider the standard equilateral triangle, with nodes labeled using [barycentric coordinates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barycentric_coordinate_system):\n![](https://i.stack.imgur.com/URM7b.png)\nWe can turn this 3 node triangle into a 6 node triangle by adding a new line of 3 vertices (one more than was present on a side of the original 3 node triangle), remove any internal edges (but **not** internal nodes) and re-normalize the coordinates:\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/cbF99.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/cbF99.png)\nRepeating the process to go from a 6 node triangle to a 10 node triangle, add a line of 4 vertices (again, one more than was present on a side of the original 6 node triangle), remove any internal edges (but **not** internal nodes) and re-normalize the coordinates:\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ff1Zt.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/Ff1Zt.png)\nThis process can be repeated indefinitely. The goal of this challenge is given an integer `N` representing how many times this process has been performed, output all the nodes for the associated triangle in barycentric coordinates.\n# Input\nYour program/function should take as input a single non-negative integer `N` representing how many times this process has been applied. Note that for `N=0`, you should output the original triangle with 3 nodes.\nThe input may come from any source (function parameter, stdio, etc.).\n# Output\nYour program/function should output all the nodes in normalized barycentric coordinates. The order of the nodes does not matter.\nA number can be specified as a fraction (fraction reduction not required) or a floating point number. You may also output \"scaled\" vectors to specify a node. For example, all 3 of the following outputs are equivalent and allowed:\n```\n0.5,0.5,0\n1/2,2/4,0\n[1,1,0]/2\n```\nIf using floating point output, your output should be accurate to within 1%. The output may be to any sink desired (stdio, return value, return parameter, etc.). Note that even though the barycentric coordinates are uniquely determined by only 2 numbers per node, you should output all 3 numbers per node.\n# Examples\nExample cases are formatted as:\n```\nN\nx0,y0,z0\nx1,y1,z1\nx2,y2,z2\n...\n```\nwhere the first line is the input `N`, and all following lines form a node `x,y,z` which should be in the output exactly once. All numbers are given as approximate floating point numbers.\n```\n0\n1,0,0\n0,1,0\n0,0,1\n1\n1,0,0\n0,1,0\n0,0,1\n0.5,0,0.5\n0.5,0.5,0\n0,0.5,0.5\n2\n1,0,0\n0,1,0\n0,0,1\n0.667,0,0.333\n0.667,0.333,0\n0.333,0,0.667\n0.333,0.333,0.333\n0.333,0.667,0\n0,0.333,0.667\n0,0.667,0.333\n3\n1,0,0\n0.75,0,0.25\n0.75,0.25,0\n0.5,0,0.5\n0.5,0.25,0.25\n0.5,0.5,0\n0.25,0,0.75\n0.25,0.25,0.5\n0.25,0.5,0.25\n0.25,0.75,0\n0,0,1\n0,0.25,0.75\n0,0.5,0.5\n0,0.75,0.25\n0,1,0\n```\n# Scoring\nThis is code golf; shortest code in bytes wins. Standard loopholes apply. You may use any built-ins desired.\n \n[Answer]\n## CJam (22 bytes)\n```\n{):X),3m*{:+X=},Xdff/}\n```\nThis is an anonymous block (function) which takes `N` on the stack and leaves an array of arrays of doubles on the stack. [Online demo](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=2%0A%0A%7B)%3AX)%2C3m*%7B%3A%2BX%3D%7D%2CXdff%2F%7D%0A%0A~%60)\n### Dissection\n```\n{ e# Define a block\n ):X e# Let X=N+1 be the number of segments per edge\n ),3m* e# Generate all triplets of integers in [0, X] (inclusive)\n {:+X=}, e# Filter to those triplets which sum to X\n Xdff/ e# Normalise\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 53 bytes\n```\nf n|m<-n+1=[map(/m)[x,y,m-x-y]|x<-[0..m],y<-[0..m-x]]\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 87 bytes\nThis is actually supposed to be a comment to [the solution by TheBikingViking](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90801/58861) but I don't have enough reputation for comments.\nOne can save a few bytes by only iterating over the variables `i,j` and using the fact that with the third one they add up to `n+1`.\n```\ndef f(n):d=n+1;r=range(n+2);print([[i/d,j/d,(d-i-j)/d]for i in r for j in r if d>=i+j])\n```\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/), 10 bytes\n```\n\u00ccL<\u00a4/3\u00e3DO\u00cf\n```\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u00ccL< # range(1,n+2)-1\n \u00a4/ # divide all by last element (n+1)\n 3\u00e3 # cartesian product repeat (generate all possible triples)\n DO # make a copy and sum the triples\n \u00cf # keep triples with sum 1\n```\n[Try it online](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=w4xMPMKkLzPDo0RPw48&input=Mw)\n[Answer]\n## Mathematica, ~~44~~ 43 bytes\n```\nSelect[Range[0,x=#+1]~Tuples~3/x,Tr@#==1&]&\n```\nThis is an unnamed function taking a single integer argument. Output is a list of lists of exact (reduced) fractions.\nGenerates all 3-tuples of multiples of `1/(N+1)` between 0 and 1, inclusive, and then selects those whose sum is 1 (as required by barycentric coordinates).\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 17 bytes\n```\n2+:qGQ/3Z^t!s1=Y)\n```\n[Try it online!](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=Mis6cUdRLzNaXnQhczE9WSk&input=Mw)\n### Explanation\nThe approach is the same as in other answers:\n1. Generate the array `[0, 1/(n+1), 2/(n+1), ..., 1]`, where `n` is the input;\n2. Generate all 3-tuples with those values;\n3. Keep only those whose sum is `1`.\nMore specifically:\n```\n2+ % Take input and add 2: produces n+2\n:q % Range [0 1 ... n+1]\nGQ/ % Divide by n+1 element-wise: gives [0, 1/(n+1), 2/(n+1)..., 1]\n3Z^ % Cartesian power with exponent 3. Gives (n+1)^3 \u00d7 3 array. Each row is a 3-tuple\nt % Duplicate\n!s % Sum of each row\n1= % Logical index of entries that equal 1\nY) % Use that index to select rows of the 2D array of 3-tuples\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Jellyfish](https://github.com/iatorm/jellyfish/blob/master/doc.md), ~~37~~ 33 bytes\n*Thanks to Zgarb for saving 4 bytes.*\n```\np\n*%\n# S\n`\n=E S\n`/\n1+r#>>i\n 3\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jellyfish.tryitonline.net/#code=cAoqJQojIFMKYAo9RSAgIFMKYC8KMStyIz4-aQogICAz&input=Mg)\nLike my Mathematica and Peter's CJam answers, this generates a set of candidate tuples and then selects only those that sum to 1. I'm not entirely happy with the layout yet, and I wonder whether I can save some bytes with hooks or forks, but I'll have to look into that later.\n[Answer]\n# Perl 6: ~~50~~ 40 bytes\n```\n{grep *.sum==1,[X] (0,1/($_+1)...1)xx 3}\n```\nReturns a sequence of 3-element lists of (exact) rational numbers.\nExplanation:\n* `$_` \nImplicitly declared parameter of the lambda.\n* `0, 1/($_ + 1) ... 1` \nUses the sequence operator `...` to construct the arithmetic sequence\nthat corresponds to the possible coordinate values.\n* `[X] EXPR xx 3` \nTakes the Cartesian product of three copies of EXPR, i.e. generates all possible 3-tuples.\n* `grep *.sum == 1, EXPR` \nFilter tuples with a sum of 1.\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 62\nI'd be surprised if this can't be improved on:\n```\n->x{0.step(1,i=1.0/(x+1)){|a|0.step(1-a,i){|b|p [a,b,1-a-b]}}}\n```\nTaking the advice latent in the puzzle, this calculates the second node options based on the first, and the third node by subtracting the first two.\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](http://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 24 bytes\n```\n+:1f\nyg:2j:eaL+?/g:Lz:*a\n```\n[Try it online!](http://brachylog.tryitonline.net/#code=KzoxZgp5ZzoyajplYUwrPy9nOkx6Oiph&input=MQ&args=Wg&debug=on)\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, 106 bytes\n```\ndef f(n):r=range(n+2);print([x for x in[[i/-~n,j/-~n,k/-~n]for i in r for j in r for k in r]if sum(x)==1])\n```\nA function they takes input via argument and prints a list of lists of floats to STDOUT.\nPython is not good at Cartesian products...\n**How it works**\n```\ndef f(n): Function with input iteration number n\nr=range(n+2) Define r as the range [0, n+1]\nfor i in r for j in r for k in r Length 3 Cartesian product of r\n[i/-~n,j/-~n,k/-~n] Divide each element of each list in the product\n by n+1\n[x for x in ... if sum(x)==1] Filter by summation to 1\nprint(...) Print to STDOUT\n```\n[Try it on Ideone](http://ideone.com/yuki0R)\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 15 bytes\nThis uses an algorithm similar to the one in [TheBikingViking's Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90801/47581). Golfing suggestions welcome. [Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=dTt1cuKZgC8zQOKImWDOozE9YOKWkQ&input=Mw)\n```\nu;ur\u2640/3@\u2219`\u03a31=`\u2591\n```\n**Ungolfed:**\n```\nu; Increment implicit input and duplicate.\n ur Range [0..n+1]\n \u2640/ Divide everything in range by (input+1).\n 3@\u2219 Take the Cartesian product of 3 copies of [range divided by input+1]\n `\u03a31=` Create function that takes a list checks if sum(list) == 1.\n \u2591 Push values of the Cartesian product where f returns a truthy value.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, ~~77~~ 74 bytes\nAnother answer using the algorithm in [TheBikingViking's Python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90801/47581). Golfing suggestions welcome.\n```\n->n{a=[*0.step(1,i=1.0/(n+1))];a.product(a,a).reject{|j|j.reduce(&:+)!=1}}\n```\nAnother 74-byte algorithm based on [Not that Charles's Ruby answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90828/47581).\n```\n->x{y=x+1;z=1.0/y;[*0..y].map{|a|[*0..y-a].map{|b|p [a*z,b*z,(y-a-b)*z]}}}\n```\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (Firefox 30-57), ~~88~~ 81 bytes\n```\nn=>[for(x of a=[...Array(++n+1).keys()])for(y of a)if(x+y<=n)[x/n,y/n,(n-x-y)/n]]\n```\nReturns an array of arrays of floating-point numbers. Edit: Saved 7 bytes by computing the third coordinate directly. I tried eliminating the `if` by calculating the range of `y` directly but it cost an extra byte:\n```\nn=>[for(x of a=[...Array(++n+1).keys()])for(y of a.slice(x))[x/n,(y-x)/n,(n-y)/n]]\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nHere's a nice easy challenge:\n> \n> Given a string that represents a number in an unknown base, determine the lowest possible base that number might be in. The string will only contain `0-9, a-z`. If you like, you may choose to take uppercase letters instead of lowercase, but please specify this. You must output this lowest possible base in decimal.\n> \n> \n> \nHere is a more concrete example. If the input string was \"01234\", it is impossible for this number to be in binary, since 2, 3, and 4 are all undefined in binary. Similarly, this number cannot be in base 3, or base 4. Therefore, this number *must* be in base-5, or a higher base, so you should output '5'.\nYour code must work for any base between base 1 (unary, all '0's) and base 36 ('0-9' and 'a-z').\nYou may take input and provide output in any reasonable format. Base-conversion builtins are allowed. As usual, standard loopholes apply, and the shortest answer in bytes is the winner!\n# Test IO:\n```\n#Input #Output\n00000 --> 1\n123456 --> 7\nff --> 16\n4815162342 --> 9\n42 --> 5\ncodegolf --> 25\n0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz --> 36\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# Perl, ~~30~~ 27 bytes\nIncludes +1 for `-p`\nRun with the input on STDIN, e.g.\n```\nbase.pl <<< codegolf\n```\n`base.pl`:\n```\n#!/usr/bin/perl -p\n\\@F[unpack\"W*\"];$_=@F%39-9\n```\n[Answer]\n## LiveScript, 32 bytes\n```\n->1+parseInt (it/'')sort!pop!,36\n```\nA port of [this answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90745) in my favorite language that compile to JavaScript. If `base~number` operator worked with variables I could write `->1+36~(it/'')sort!pop!` (23 bytes), but it conflicts with the function bind operator :/\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell full program, 56 62 bytes\nlowercase letters required.\n```\n([int]((read-host).ToCharArray()|sort|select -l 1)-8)%39\n```\n[Answer]\n# R, 59 57 bytes\nThanks to @Andre\u00ef-Kostyrka for two bytes.\n```\nmax(which(c(0:9,letters)%in%strsplit(scan(,\"\"),\"\")[[1]]))\n```\n`scan(,'')` takes the input and coerces it to a string. Then `strsplit` divides it into its individual characters. `[[1]]` is because that returns a list. `%in%` then checks which of the vector `0,1,2,...,8,9,a,b,c,...,x,y,z` is in the input. which tells us the place in that vector of items in the input -- and `max` finds the biggest place -- which corresponds to the base.\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 3 bytes\n```\nH\u00e0>\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f/f4/ACu///o5WSlXQUlPJBRAqISAUR6XCxHBCRphQLAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\") or [validate all test cases](https://tio.run/##bc5JDoJAEIXhvacgvYYEcEA3sDHGeAXCAhAUJ1ScT@NdPFjrD0kRo5svL13VVVVWcVJk2puMZ4EyLMs3VKCnr6evTR0qW5nGL1EnVA7RhS70oA@DupwT8zrWpSE40uQ0nb8j3PZLE1NiCXPIYCFvm3aNLXP/X/XBk0tGEEMC6ff8XJYsoYAVrGXnFnZyxx4OcIQKTnCGC1zhBnd4qOgN).\nExplanation:\n```\n # implicit input\nH # convert each digit to decimal\n \u00e0 # maximum\n > # add 1\n # implicit output\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Thunno 2](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2) `G`, 4 [bytes](https://github.com/Thunno/Thunno2/blob/main/docs/codepage.md)\n```\n36b\u207a\n```\n[Try it online!](https://Not-Thonnu.github.io/run#aGVhZGVyPVJkJmNvZGU9MzZiJUUyJTgxJUJBJmZvb3Rlcj0maW5wdXQ9JTIyMDAwMDAlMjIlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAtJTNFJTIwMSUwQSUyMjEyMzQ1NiUyMiUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMC0lM0UlMjA3JTBBJTIyZmYlMjIlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAtJTNFJTIwMTYlMEElMjI0ODE1MTYyMzQyJTIyJTIwJTIwLSUzRSUyMDklMEElMjI0MiUyMiUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMCUyMC0lM0UlMjA1JTBBJTIyY29kZWdvbGYlMjIlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAtJTNFJTIwMjUlMEElMjIwMTIzNDU2Nzg5YWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXolMjIlMjAlMjAlMjAlMjAtJTNFJTIwMzYmZmxhZ3M9Q0c=)\nTakes input in uppercase.\n#### Explanation\n```\n36b\u207a # Implicit input\n36b # Convert each character from base-36\n \u207a # Increment each integer\n # Implicit output of maximum\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n# Enterprise Quality Code!\n### TL;DR\n* Answers will consist of a full program (**of length < 30k**) prints the the first N Prime numbers (as a base 10 representation without leading zeros unless the chosen language only supports unary or other based output) separated by newlines (optional trailing linefeed).\n* You may post cracks at any time, but you must wait one hour after posting each initial bowled submission\n* Leading or trailing whitespace is not acceptable (except for the trailing newline)\n* An answer's score is the number of bytes in the answer. A user's score is the total number of bytes of all uncracked answers.\n* An answer gets cracked when another user posts an answer (in the same language) which is a permutation of any subset of the characters used in the original answer.\n* The user with the highest score will receive an accepted tick mark on his /her highest scoring post (although it doesnt really matter which specific post gets the tick)\n---\n[The Inspiration for this challenge](https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition)\n---\nAt Pretty Good consultants there is a focus on writing \"quality\" verbose code that is sufficiently engineered. Your boss has decided to test you on your skills.\n---\nConsider the set of all [programming languages](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/2073/46918) in existence before the posting of this challenge. For this challenge there will technically be one individual \"winner\" in each language, however the boss will give a ~~promotion~~ accepted tick mark to only one answer based on your score. \n---\n# Detailed Spec\nThe goal of this challenge is to [receive](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2447/default-for-code-golf-input-output-methods) an integer N strictly smaller than 2^8-1 and print the first N prime numbers (in less than 24 hours) separated by your platforms choice of new line (a trailing newline is optional). [OEIS sequence A000040](https://oeis.org/A000040) in as **many bytes** as possible in as many languages as possible. However, note that others vying for the promotion will try to \"help\" you by **golfing** down your score. (Please note that your prime generation function should *theoretically* work for integer N inputs strictly smaller than 2^16-1 given enough time, the bounds for N have been reduced after realizing how slow some interpreters are (namely mine) hardcoding the list of primes is strictly forbidden)\nSample output for an input 11\n```\n2\n3\n5\n7\n11\n13\n17\n19\n23\n29\n31\n```\n---\n## How to participate\nPick any language X, but please avoid selecting a language which is just another version or derivative of another answer. \nIf there is no existing answer in language X than you will write a program (which must fit into a single post **I.E it must be less than 30k characters**) that solves this challenge. \nThe length in bytes of the source (in any reasonable preexisting textual encoding) will be **added** to your score. You must avoid using any unnecessary characters for reasons that will soon become apparent.\n \n \nIf language X already has been used to answer this question, then you must answer using any permutation of any proper subset of the characters used in the shortest answer (I.E take the shortest X answer and remove some (>=1) characters and optionally rearrange the resulting code). The previous holder of the shortest X answer will lose **all** of the bytes provided by his answer from his score, and the number of bytes of your submission will now be added to your score. The number of bytes golfed off gets \"lost\" forever.\n---\n### Rules for Languages\nYou may only crack a submission by posting an answer in the same language (and version), but you are barred from posting an answer in language X if there exists a submission in a sufficiently similar language Y. Please do not abuse this rule posting an answer in a sufficiently similar language will receive disqualification.\n---\nBelow is a leader board which removes answers with \"cracked\" (with any case) in their header.\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=90593,OVERRIDE_USER=46918;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return a-r});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)^(?:(?!cracked)\\i.)*[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 15410 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of [@Dennis's entry](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90668/53748)\nHis was: \ntaking `0`; \nincrementing to 25383 using `\u2018`; \ndoubling to 50766 using `\u1e24`; \nconverting to base 256 with `b\u2079` to get [198, 78]; then \ncasting to characters with `\u1ecc` to yield \u00c6N\nMine is:\ntaking `0`; \nincrementing to 15360 using `\u2018`; \nconverting to base 256 with `b\u2079` to get [60, 0]; \nincrementing to [99, 39] using `\u2018`; \ndoubling to [198, 78] using `\u1e24`; then \ncasting to characters with `\u1ecc` to yield \u00c6N\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 25,394 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page) 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hope I didn't miss something obvious...\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/) You have to copy-paste the code yourself; the URI cannot hold.\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](http://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 5 bytes\nNote sure I get how this challenge works, but here it goes.\n```\n:Yq\"@\n```\n[Try it online!](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=OllxIkA&input=MTA)\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 25209 bytes\n```\nrequire\"___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________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______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\".size.*(1331).to_s 35\nputs Prime.take gets.to_i\n```\n[Demo at ideone](https://ideone.com/smXDN0). That's a string consisting of 25153 underscores and nothing else (25153\\*1331 base 35 is \"mathn\"), the site formatting might mess with it a bit.\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 32 bytes\n```\nMap[Print,Prime[Range[Input[]]]]\n```\nI mean, there's not much secretive bowling that can be done in this language.\n[Answer]\n# C#, 27573 bytes - [cracked!](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/184936/84206)\nCracks [Jonathan Allan's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/90593/enterprise-quality-code-prime-sieve/91005#91005) by 18 characters, namely: `00ijjfff++==;;;;()`.\n```\nstatic void Main(){int n=int.Parse(System.Console.ReadLine()),v=30*\"\n ... 27387 '[' characters ...\n\".Length,c=0,p=0,f,j;while(c1` can be changed to just `i`.\n[Try it on Ideone](http://ideone.com/mWDqQG)\n[Answer]\n# Octave, 65 bytes\n```\nfor k=primes((true+true)^(z=input('')))(1:z),disp(num2str(k)),end\n```\nHere's an example run. The first `10` is the input, the numbers after that are the output.\n[![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/4VIJb.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/4VIJb.png)\n[Answer]\n# Java, ~~204 205 204~~ 203 bytes [**cracked!**](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/91222/53748)\nCrack of one of [Rohan Jhunjhunwala's submission](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90702/53748)s.\n```\nclass y{public static void main(String[]b){int n=2,l=870119,i,f,j;i=new java.util.Scanner(System.in).nextInt();while(i>0){f=0;for(j=1;j)<>}<>>){({}[()]<({}<>)<>>)}{}{{}}<>{({}<>)<>}<>\n```\nHere's a breakdown of the characters for you:\n* `[]`: 1\n* `<>`: 11\n* `{}`: 11\n* `()`: 1874\nGood luck.\n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), 5 bytes\n```\nj.fP_\n```\n[Try it online!](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=j.fP_&input=255&debug=0)\nI still don't understand this challenge. How come in this [cops-and-robbers](/questions/tagged/cops-and-robbers \"show questions tagged 'cops-and-robbers'\") it is not that we must have a crack ourselves? Like, I would expect that we are to post a longer version that does the task, and then the robber would golf the code.\n[Answer]\n# SQLite, 170 bytes\n```\nWITH c(i)AS(SELECT 2 UNION SELECT i+1 FROM c LIMIT 1609),p AS(SELECT i FROM c WHERE(SELECT COUNT()FROM c d WHERE i1:\n if all(d%e for e in r):\n r+=[d]\n i-=1\n d+=1\n print('\\n'.join(str(e)for e in r))\n```\nFor all those struggling robbers...\n```\n % * 1 ' * 2 ( * 5 ) * 5 + * 2 - * 1 . * 1 1 * 3\n 2 * 1 3 * 1 : * 3 = * 5 > * 1 [ * 2 \\ * 1 ] * 2\n a * 1 d * 5 e * 6 f * 4 h * 1 i * 9 j * 1 l * 3\n n * 5 o * 3 p * 2 r * 8 s * 1 t * 2 w * 1 \n * 8\n * 24\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#, 27591 bytes [**cracked!**](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/91135/53748)\n```\nstatic void Main(){int n=int.Parse(System.Console.ReadLine()),v=30*\"\n ...between the quotes is a total of 27387 '[' characters...\n\".Length,c=0,p=0,f,j;while(c0){f=0;for(j=1;j0){f=0;for(j=1;j<=l;j++){if(n%j==0){f++;}}if(f==2){System.out.println(n);i--;}n++;}}}\n```\nAdd 58 Z's to get this to run properly\n[Answer]\n# [Tcl](http://tcl.tk/), 111 bytes\n```\nset i 2\nwhile \\$i<$n {set p 1\nset j 2\nwhile \\$j<$i {if $i%$j==0 {set p 0\nbreak}\nincr j}\nif $p {puts $i}\nincr i}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TYoxDoAgEAR7XrHF2YM1/sRGCcZDQ4hgLIhvRzSaWM1mdpJZS7QJHkrKZzFaccy8WvTEmjzybQOUuOl@r9PEyDyBuCHXdfJLpRg3OyynYG82uMraBOSwp1jj1/NZygU \"Tcl \u2013 Try It Online\")\n---\n# tcl, 116\n```\nset i 2\nwhile \\$i<$n {set p 1\nset j 2\nwhile \\$j<$i {if ![expr $i%$j] {set p 0\nbreak}\nincr j}\nif $p {puts $i}\nincr i}\n```\n[demo](http://www.tutorialspoint.com/execute_tcl_online.php?PID=0Bw_CjBb95KQMNXdVUFVlcWx3UHM)\n---\n# tcl, 195\nbefore it was golfed:\n```\nfor {set i 2} {$i<$n} {incr i} {\n set p 1\n for {set j 2} {$j<$i} {incr j} {\n if {[expr $i%$j] == 0} {\n set p 0\n break\n }\n }\n if $p {puts $i}\n}\n```\n[demo](http://www.tutorialspoint.com/execute_tcl_online.php?PID=0Bw_CjBb95KQMZ242b1BGTUpfVjg) \u2014 You can set the value of `n` on the first line\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 116 bytes\n```\ni=>{r=[]\nd=2\nwhile(i){if(r.map(e=>d%e).filter(x=>x).length==r.length){r.push(d);i--}d+=1}\nconsole.log(r.join('\\n'))}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LcyxDoIwEADQnf8w3GHaBCYTc/yIOjT0So/UlhRUEsK3Vwe3N73JvM0yZJlXFZPl4qgI9Xum26Oy1FUfL4FBcBcHWT/NDEy9PTFqJ2HlDBv1G@rAcVw9Uf4L96zn1@LB4lWUOuyZ2qMaUlxSYB3S@MumJBHqe6wRj@Kga5qLarF8AQ \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Charset:\n```\n\"1\": 1, \"2\": 1, \"i\": 7, \"=\": 8, \">\": 3, \"{\": 3, \"r\": 6,\n\"[\": 1, \"]\": 1, \"\\n\":4, \"d\": 4, \"w\": 1, \"h\": 4, \"l\": 6,\n\"e\": 7, \" \": 7, \")\": 7, \"f\": 2, \".\": 7, \"m\": 1, \"a\": 1,\n\"p\": 2, \"%\": 1, \"t\": 3, \"x\": 2, \"n\": 4, \"g\": 3, \"u\": 1,\n\"s\": 2, \";\": 1, \"-\": 2, \"}\": 3, \"+\": 1, \"c\": 1, \"o\": 4,\n\"j\": 1, \"'\": 2\n```\n[Answer]\n# APL ([NARS2000](http://www.nars2000.org/download/Download.html)), 72 UCS-2 [chars](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319) = 144 bytes\n```\n{\u2375(\u2375=\u2375)\u2374((\u2375=\u2375)=+/[\u2375=\u2375](\u2375|\u2375)=((\u2375=\u2375)+\u2373+/\u2375\u2374\u2375)\u2218.|(\u2375=\u2375)+\u2373+/\u2375\u2374\u2375)/(\u2375=\u2375)+\u2373+/\u2375\u2374\u2375}\n```\n[TryAPL online!](http://tryapl.org/?a=%7B%u2375%28%u2375%3D%u2375%29%u2374%28%28%u2375%3D%u2375%29%3D+/%5B%u2375%3D%u2375%5D%28%u2375%7C%u2375%29%3D%28%28%u2375%3D%u2375%29+%u2373+/%u2375%u2374%u2375%29%u2218.%7C%28%u2375%3D%u2375%29+%u2373+/%u2375%u2374%u2375%29/%28%u2375%3D%u2375%29+%u2373+/%u2375%u2374%u2375%7D11&run)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThe goal here is to simply reverse a string, with one twist: \nKeep the capitalization in the same places.\nExample Input 1: `Hello, Midnightas` \nExample Output 1: `SathginDim ,olleh` \nExample Input 2: `.Q` \nExmaple Output 2: `q.` \n**Rules**:\n* Output to STDOUT, input from STDIN\n* The winner will be picked 13th of July on GMT+3 12:00 (One week)\n* The input may only consist of ASCII symbols, making it easier for programs that do not use any encoding that contains non-ASCII characters.\n* Any punctuation ending up in a position where there was an upper-case letter must be ignored.\n \n[Answer]\n# VIM, 46 bytes\nIt'd be three bytes `g~G` if we didn't need to read from stdin or write to stdout, but oh well...\n```\nvim -es '+normal! g~G' '+%print|q!' /dev/stdin\n```\nTo test this, run\n```\necho \"testString\" | vim -es '+normal! g~G' '+%print|q!' /dev/stdin\n```\nThis is my first submission on here, not sure if this kind of submission is acceptable.\n[Answer]\n## Javascript (using external library) (224 bytes)\n```\n(s)=>{t=_.From(s);var cnt=t.Count();var caps=t.Select(x=>{return x.toUpperCase()===x&&x.toLowerCase()!==x}).ToArray(),i=-1;return t.AggregateRight((a,b)=>{i++;var c=caps[i];return c?a+b.toUpperCase():a+b.toLowerCase()},\"\");}\n```\nDisclaimer: Using a library I wrote to bring C#'s LINQ to Javascript\n[![Image 1](https://i.stack.imgur.com/2dMRM.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/2dMRM.png)\n[Answer]\n# Sed, 113 + 1 = 114 bytes\nWhy? Because it's fun to use the *wrong* tool to do things :P\nUsage: Run `sed -rf file`, enter text and press `Ctrl` + `D` (send EOF).\nGolfed:\n```\ns/[A-Z]/\\a\\l&/g;s/^.*$/\\f&\\v/;:x;s/\\f\\a/\\a\\f/;s/\\a\\v/\\v\\a/;s/\\f(.)(.*)(.)\\v/\\3\\f\\2\\v\\1/;tx;s/\\f|\\v//g;s/\\a./\\U&/g\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\ns/[A-Z]/\\a\\l&/g #Prepend all upper-case letters with a \n #BEL ASCII character and make them lowercase\ns/^.*$/\\f&\\v/ #Wrap text between a from feed (\\f) and a vertical tab (\\v)\n #These are used as markers\n:x #Define a label named x\ns/\\f\\a/\\a\\f/;s/\\a\\v/\\v\\a/ #Move BEL characters outside of the boundary, so they're not moved later\ns/\\f(.)(.*)(.)\\v/\\3\\2\\1/ #This part does the switching itself\n #It grabs a character preceded by a form feed and another \n #one followed by a vertical tab and swaps them, while keeping the text in-between\n #and replaces the marker \\f and \\v\ntx #Conditional jump (t) to label x\n #Jumps to the label x if the last substitution (s command) was successful \ns/\\f|\\v//g #Delete markers\ns/\\a(.)/\\u\\1/g #Make letters preceded by a BEL upper-case\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 7, ~~221~~ ~~217~~ 180 bytes\n```\nvoid c(char[]s){int x=0,y=s.length-1;for(char t;xs{i=0;s.gsub(/./){c=s[i-=1];$&=~/[A-Z]/?c.upcase: c.downcase}}\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Pip](https://github.com/dloscutoff/pip), 24 bytes\n```\n{b?UCaa}MZLCRVa(_NAZ Ma)\n```\nGets a binary array for the uppercase indices and uppercases those places in the reversed lowercase string.\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K8gs@P@/Osk@1DkxsdY3ysc5KCxRI97PMUrBN1Hz////Hqk5Ofk6Cr6ZKXmZ6RklicUA \"Pip \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), 9 bytes\n```\n\u00c2ls\u20ac.u\u00c5\u00cfu\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//cFNO8aOmNXqlh1sP95f@/@@RmpOTr6Pgm5mSl5meUZJYDAA \"05AB1E \u2013 Try It Online\")\n**Commented:**\n```\n\u00c2 # Push input and input reversed\n l # lowercase reversed input\n s # swap to normal input\n \u20ac.u # map is_upper\n \u00c5\u00cf # where this is true,\n # apply to the reversed input:\n u # uppercase\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 12 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\n\u00a3\u00d4gY mvc-X\u00a6v\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=o9RnWSBtdmMtWKZ2&input=IkhlbGxvLCBNaWRuaWdodGFzIg)\n```\n\u00a3\u00d4gY mvc-X\u00a6v :Implicit input of string U\n\u00a3 :Map each character X at 0-based index Y\n \u00d4 : Reverse U\n gY : Get the character at index Y\n m : Map\n v : Literal \"v\"\n c- : Reduce charcode by\n X\u00a6 : X does not equal\n v : Its lowercase\n :(This results in mapping the character by either \"v\",\n : which is Japt's lowercase method or \"u\",\n : which is Japt's uppercase method)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Arturo](https://arturo-lang.io), 62 bytes\n```\n$->s[i:0map reverse lower s'c[if<=>s\\[i]`A``Z`->upper'c'i+1c]]\n```\n[Try it](http://arturo-lang.io/playground?Ye1pKi)\nTakes a string, returns a list of characters.\n[Answer]\n# Commodore C64 (just for fun/non-competing), 194 Tokenised BASIC Bytes\nTo enter this on a real C64, you must use [BASIC keyword abbreviations](https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/BASIC_keyword_abbreviation), as you are not able to enter more than 80 characters onto a C64 BASIC line though once entered the interpreter will show the keywords in full. The listing is shown as abbreviations with switched character modes to upper/lower case. You may do this by pressing SHIFT + C=. The program will switch modes anyway on line 0 with the control character N (achieved by pressing `CTRL+N` after the opening quote).\n```\n0input\"{CTRL+N}\";a$:ifa$=\"\"tHeN\n1l=len(a$):dIp(l),b(l):fOx=1tol:p(x)=aS(mI(a$,x,1))>127:nE:i=1:fOx=lto1stE-1\n2b(i)=aS(mI(a$,x,1))aN127:i=i+1:nE:fOx=1tol\n3ifb(x)>64tH?cH(b(x)-128*p(x));\n4ifb(x)<65tH?cH(b(x));\n5nE\n```\n**Note** I've marked this as non-competing because whilst the character encoding on the Commodore C64 (PETSCII) is compatible with ASCII, it is not ASCII. As this question is six years old at the time of writing, and the questioner has left, I'm sure no one will mind.\nSome caveats, string handling with the `INPUT` command has some limitations. For instance, if you wanted to enter `Hello, World!` as a test, you would need to enter it starting with a double quotation mark, so `\"Hello, World!\"`.\nA quick explanation:\n* Line 0 switches the character set to upper/lower case, rather than PETSCII graphics mode, and waits for a user input; if there is an empty string entered then the program terminates. I added this otherwise it will error, as the `FOR/NEXT` loops are expecting at least one character to iterate over.\n* Line 1 will set l to the length of the string, and set up two numeric arrays, called `p(l)` and `b(l)`. `p(l)` is used for determines whether the positional character is upper case or not, by checking if the character code is 128 or more. If so, a `-1` is added to the array at position `x`, otherwise it is `0`. When that loop ends, we set variable `i` to `1`, and start a new loop counting down from the string length to 1.\n* Line 2 sets the array `b(l)` at position `i` to the PETSCII character code; this value is `AND`ed with 127 so that each position will be the lower-case character code. `i` is then incremented by `1` and the loop ends. We then set up a final `FOR/NEXT` loop, again counting up from 1 to `l`.\n* Line 3 checks if array position `b(x)` is 65 or greater (this is for characters `a` - `z` inclusive). If so, it prints the character -128 multiplied by the contents of `p(x)`, which is `-1` for upper-case at that position, or `0` if not. `-128*-1` will add `128` so converting the character at that position to upper case.\n* Line 4 checks if array position `b(x)` has a value below 64; if so, we don't want to convert this to upper case or we will get some odd results for numbers and punctuation etc.\n* Line 5 iterates the loop again until it is done. When the loop is finished, the program will end gracefully.\nThe screen shot below shows the BASIC program as the interpreter lists it.\nThis was a fun challenge and took a little while to get the logic right, so it's quite likely that there are some further optimisations to save some BASIC bytes.\n[![Reverse a string while maintaining the capitalization in the same places, Commodore C64](https://i.stack.imgur.com/AvrPI.png)](https://i.stack.imgur.com/AvrPI.png)\n[Answer]\n# Excel VBA, 256 bytes\n```\nFunction z(d)\nr = Len(d)\nReDim E(1 To r)\nFor i = 1 To r\nb = Mid(d, i, 1)\nIf Asc(b) > 64 And Asc(b) < 91 Then E(i) = 1\nNext i\ni = 1\nFor p = r To 1 Step -1\nv = Mid(d, p, 1)\nIf E(i) = 1 Then z = z & UCase(v) Else z = z & LCase(v)\ni = i + 1\nNext p\nEnd Function\n```\n[Answer]\n# Google Sheets, 133\nClosing parens already discounted.\nInput: `A1`\n* `A2`: `=LEN(A1)`\n* `B1`: `=ArrayFormula(MID(A1,1+A2-SEQUENCE(A2),1))`\n\t+ Reverse string\n* `C1`: `=JOIN(,ArrayFormula(if(REGEXMATCH(MID(A1,SEQUENCE(A2),1),\"[A-Z]\"),UPPER(B:B),LOWER(B:B))))`\n\t+ Compare capital positions, capitalize if originally upper, lower if not. Then join. `EXACT(UPPER(...),...)` is worse because we're dealing with a range here.\n\t+ It's a little sluggish because we don't chop off the `B:B` at the blanks.\n[Answer]\nC\n```\n#include \n#include \n#include \nint main(int argc, char *argv[])\n{\n char *a,*b,*c;\n a=c=strdup(argv[1]);\n b=&argv[1][strlen(a)-1];\n for(;*a;a++,b--){\n *a=(*a>='A'&&*a<='Z')?((*b>='a'&&*b<='z')?*b-32:*b):((*b>='A'&&*b<='Z')?*b+32:*b);\n }\n puts(c);\n free(c);\n return 0;\n}\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nGiven two positive integers, 'a' and 'b', output an ascii-art \"box\" that is *a* characters wide and *b* characters tall. For example, with '4' and '6':\n```\n****\n* *\n* *\n* *\n* *\n****\n```\nSimple right? Here's the twist: The border of the box must be the characters of \"a\" and \"b\" alternating. This starts at the top left corner, and continues in a clockwise spiral. For example, the previous example with 4 and 6 should be\n```\n4646\n6 4\n4 6\n6 4\n4 6\n6464\n```\nA and B *may* be two-digit numbers. For example, the inputs \"10\" and \"3\" should output this:\n```\n1031031031\n1 0\n3013013013\n```\nIn order to keep the output relatively small, you do not have to support three or more digit numbers. Also, since inputs are restricted to *positive* integers, '0' is an invalid input, which you do not have to handle.\nHere are some more test cases:\n```\nInput: (3, 5)\nOutput:\n353\n5 5\n3 3\n5 5\n353\nInput: (1, 1)\nOutput:\n1\nInput: (4, 4)\nOutput:\n4444\n4 4\n4 4\n4444\nInput: (27, 1)\nOutput:\n271271271271271271271271271\nInput: (1, 17)\nOutput:\n1\n1\n7\n1\n1\n7\n1\n1\n7\n1\n1\n7\n1\n1\n7\n1\n1\nInput: (12, 34):\nOutput:\n123412341234\n4 1\n3 2\n2 3\n1 4\n4 1\n3 2\n2 3\n1 4\n4 1\n3 2\n2 3\n1 4\n4 1\n3 2\n2 3\n1 4\n4 1\n3 2\n2 3\n1 4\n4 1\n3 2\n2 3\n1 4\n4 1\n3 2\n2 3\n1 4\n4 1\n3 2\n2 3\n1 4\n432143214321\n```\nYou may take input and output in any reasonable format, and standard loopholes are banned. Since this is code-golf, the shortest answer in bytes wins!\n \n[Answer]\n# [Pyth](https://github.com/isaacg1/pyth), ~~65~~ 51 bytes\n```\n~~juXGhHX@GhHeH@jkQ~hZ{s[+L]0UhQ+R]thQUeQ+L]teQ\\_UhQ+R]0\\_UeQ)m\\*;hQeQ~~\nAQjuXGhHX@GhHeH@jkQ~hZ{s[,L0G,RtGH_,LtHG_,R0H)m*;GH\n```\n[Try it online!](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=AQjuXGhHX%40GhHeH%40jkQ~hZ%7Bs%5B%2CL0G%2CRtGH_%2CLtHG_%2CR0H%29m%2a%3BGH&input=10%2C3&debug=0)\n[Answer]\n## C#, 301 bytes\nI'm sure there is a lot more golfing that can be done here but I'm just happy I got a solution that worked.\nI found a bug where the bottom line was in the wrong order, damnit!\n```\na=>b=>{var s=new string[b];int i=4,c=b-2,k=a;var t=\"\";for(;i++<2*(a+b);)t+=t.EndsWith(a+\"\")?b:a;s[0]=t.Substring(0,a);if(b>2){for(i=0;++i1?new string(' ',a-2)+t.Substring(a,c)[i-1]:\"\");for(;--k>=0;)s[b-1]+=t.Substring(a+c,a)[k];}return s;};\n```\nOld version: 280 bytes\n```\na=>b=>{var s=new string[b];int i=4,c=b-2;var t=\"\";for(;i++<2*(a+b);)t+=t.EndsWith(a+\"\")?b:a;s[0]=t.Substring(0,a);if(b>2){for(i=0;++i1?new string(' ',a-2)+t.Substring(a,c)[i-1]:\"\");s[b-1]=t.Substring(a+c,a);}return s;};\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 199 bytes\n```\nw,h=input()\ns=(`w`+`h`)*w*h\nr=[s[:w]]+[[\" \"for i in[0]*w]for j in[0]*(h-2)]+[s[w+h-2:2*w+h-2][::-1]]*(h>1)\nfor y in range(1,h-1):r[y][w-1],r[y][0]=s[w+y-1],s[w+h+w-2-y]\nprint\"\\n\".join(map(\"\".join,r))\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 128 bytes\n```\n->w,h{s=\"%d%d\"%[w,h]*q=w+h;a=[s[0,w]];(h-2).times{|i|a<<(s[2*q-5-i].ljust(w-1)+s[w+i,1])[-w,w]};puts a,h>1?(s[q-2,w].reverse):p}\n```\nOutputs trailing newline if height is 1.\nIdeone link: \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, ~~213~~ ~~212~~ 202\n```\nc=>a=>{for(a=$=a,c=_=c,l=c*a*2,b=0,s=Array(l+1).join(c+\"\"+a),O=W=s.substr(0,a),W=W.substr(0,a-2).replace(/./g,\" \");--_;)O+=\"\\n\"+s[l-c+_]+W+s[$++];return O+\"\\n\"+[...s.substr(l-a-c+1,a)].reverse().join``}\n```\nSurely has room for improvement.\n**Edit:** Saved a byte thanks to TheLethalCoder\n[Answer]\n# C, 311 bytes\n```\nchar s[5];sprintf(s,\"%d%d\",a, b);int z=strlen(s);int i=0;while(i2){i=1;while(i1){printf(\"\\n%c%*c\",l,a-1,r);}else{printf(\"\\n%c\",l);}i++;}}printf(\"\\n\");if(b>1){i=0;while(i[...Array(h)].map((_,i)=>i?++i1?s[p+p+1-i]+` `.repeat(w-2):``)+s[w+i-2]:[...s.substr(p,w)].reverse().join``:s.slice(0,w),s=`${w}${h}`.repeat(p=w+h-2)).join`\\n`\n```\nWhere `\\n` represents the literal newline character. Creates a repeated digit string, then decides what to concatenate based on which row we're on; top row is just the initial slice of the repeated digit string, bottom row (if any) is a reversed slice from the middle of the string, while intervening rows are built up using characters taken from other parts of the string.\n[Answer]\n# TSQL, 291 bytes\n**Golfed:**\n```\nDECLARE @ INT=5,@2 INT=4\n,@t INT,@z varchar(max)SELECT @t=iif(@*@2=1,1,(@+@2)*2-4),@z=left(replicate(concat(@,@2),99),@t)v:PRINT iif(len(@z)=@t,left(@z,@),iif(len(@z)>@,right(@z,1)+isnull(space(@-2)+left(@z,1),''),reverse(@z)))SET @z=iif(len(@z)=@t,stuff(@z,1,@,''),substring(@z,2,abs(len(@z)-2)))IF @<=len(@z)goto v\n```\n**Ungolfed:**\n```\nDECLARE @ INT=5,@2 INT=4\n,@t INT,@z varchar(max)\nSELECT @t=iif(@*@2=1,1,(@+@2)*2-4),@z=left(replicate(concat(@,@2),99),@t)\nv:\n PRINT\n iif(len(@z)=@t,left(@z,@),iif(len(@z)>@,right(@z,1)\n +isnull(space(@-2)+left(@z,1),''),reverse(@z)))\n SET @z=iif(len(@z)=@t,stuff(@z,1,@,''),substring(@z,2,abs(len(@z)-2)))\nIF @<=len(@z)goto v\n```\n**[Fiddle](https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/526524/code-golf-abcs-the-ascii-box-challenge)**\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~155~~ 148 bytes\nGolfed off 7 more bytes:\n```\np=print\ndef f(w,h):\n s=((str(w)+str(h))*w*h)[:2*w+2*h-4or 1];p(s[:w])\n for i in range(h-2):p(['',s[-i-1]][w>1]+' '*(w-2)+s[w+i])\n p(s[1-h:1-h-w:-1])\n```\nSubstituted `2*w+2*h-4or 1` for `max(1,2*w+2*h-4)` and \n`['',s[-i-1]][w>1]` for `(s[-i-1]if w>1else'')`.\nPrior version:\n```\np=print\ndef f(w,h):\n s=((str(w)+str(h))*w*h)[:max(1,2*w+2*h-4)];p(s[:w])\n for i in range(h-2):p((s[-i-1]if w>1else'')+' '*(w-2)+s[w+i])\n p(s[1-h:1-h-w:-1])\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThe purpose of this challenge is to produce an ASCII version of the cover of [this great album](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wall) by the rock band Pink Floyd.\nThe brick junctions are made of characters `_` and `|`. Bricks have width 7 and height 2 characters, excluding junctions. So the basic unit, including the junctions, is:\n```\n_________\n| |\n| |\n_________\n```\nEach row of bricks is **offset by half a brick width** (4 chars) with respect to the previous row:\n```\n________________________________________\n | | | | | \n | | | | | \n________________________________________\n | | | | | \n | | | | | \n________________________________________\n | | | | | \n | | | | | \n```\nThe wall is **parameterized** as follows. All parameters are measured in chars including junctions:\n1. **Horizontal offset** of first row, `F`. This is the distance between the left margin and the first vertical junction of the upmost row. (Remember also the half-brick relative offset between rows). Its possible values are `0`, `1`, ..., `7`.\n2. Total **width**, `W`. This includes junctions. Its value is a positive integer.\n3. Total **height**, `H`. This includes junctions. Its value is a positive integer.\nThe top of the wall always coincides with the top of a row. The bottom may be ragged (if the total height is not a multiple of `3`). For example, here's the output for `6`, `44`, `11`:\n```\n____________________________________________\n | | | | | \n | | | | | \n____________________________________________\n | | | | | | \n | | | | | | \n____________________________________________\n | | | | | \n | | | | | \n____________________________________________\n | | | | | | \n```\nand a visual explanation of parameters:\n```\n F=6\n ...... \n . ____________________________________________\n . | | | | | \n . | | | | | \n . ____________________________________________\n . | | | | | | \nH=11 . | | | | | | \n . ____________________________________________\n . | | | | | \n . | | | | | \n . ____________________________________________\n . | | | | | | \n ............................................\n W=44\n```\n## Additional rules\nYou may provide a program or a function.\nInput format is flexible as usual. Output may be through STDOUT or an argument returned by a function. In this case it may be a string with newlines or an array of strings.\nTrailing spaces or newlines are allowed.\nShortest code in bytes wins.\n## Test cases\nInputs are in the order given above, that is: horizontal offset of first row, total width, total height.\n```\n6, 44, 11:\n____________________________________________\n | | | | | \n | | | | | \n____________________________________________\n | | | | | | \n | | | | | | \n____________________________________________\n | | | | | \n | | | | | \n____________________________________________\n | | | | | | \n2, 20, 10:\n____________________\n | | | \n | | | \n____________________\n | | \n | | \n____________________\n | | | \n | | | \n____________________\n1, 1, 1:\n_\n1, 2, 3:\n__\n |\n |\n3, 80, 21:\n________________________________________________________________________________\n | | | | | | | | | | \n | | | | | | | | | | \n________________________________________________________________________________\n | | | | | | | | | |\n | | | | | | | | | |\n________________________________________________________________________________\n | | | | | | | | | | \n | | | | | | | | | | \n________________________________________________________________________________\n | | | | | | | | | |\n | | | | | | | | | |\n________________________________________________________________________________\n | | | | | | | | | | \n | | | | | | | | | | \n________________________________________________________________________________\n | | | | | | | | | |\n | | | | | | | | | |\n________________________________________________________________________________\n | | | | | | | | | | \n | | | | | | | | | | \n```\n \n[Answer]\n# C, 86 85 83 82 bytes\n3 bytes saved thanks to Lynn. \n1 byte saved thanks to charlie.\n```\ni;f(o,w,h){++w;for(i=0;++iq\" |\"++q\" | \"\n```\nThis defines a ternary infix function `!` which returns a list of strings. Usage example:\n```\n*Main> putStrLn $ unlines $ (3!14) 7\n______________\n | | \n | | \n______________\n | \n | \n______________\n```\nHow it works:\n```\n q\" |\"++q\" | \" -- build a list of 6 strings\n -- 1: \"_\"\n -- 2: \" |\"\n -- 3: \" |\"\n -- 4: \"_\"\n -- 5: \" | \"\n -- 6: \" | \"\n <$> -- for each of the strings\n take w.drop(7-f).cycle -- repeat infinitely, drop the first 7-f chars\n -- and take the next w chars\n cycle -- infinitely repeat the resulting list\ntake h -- and take the first h elements\n```\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), ~~96~~ 95 bytes\n```\ng=\n(f,w,h)=>[...Array(h)].map((_,i)=>(i%3?` |`:`_`).repeat(w+7).substr(f^7^i%6&4,w)).join`\n`\n;\n```\n```\n
\n```\nExplanation: Creates a string of either the repeating 7 spaces plus `|` pattern or just repeated `_`s, but at least long enough to be able to extract the `w` characters required for each row. The first three rows start at position `f^7` and then the next three rows start at position `f^3`, so I achieve this by ~~toggling bit 2 of `f` on every third row~~ using the opposite bit 2 on the last two rows of each block of 6 for a saving of 1 byte.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~93~~ 88 bytes\n~~2nd indentation level is tab~~ Saving some bytes thanks to Leaky Nun and some own modifications, also now correct offset:\n```\ndef f(F,W,H):\n for h in range(H):print[\"_\"*W,(((\"|\"+7*\" \")*W)[8-F+h%6/3*4:])[:W]][h%3>0]\n```\nprevious code:\n```\ndef f(F,W,H,x=\"|\"+7*\" \"):\n for h in range(H):\n    print [\"_\"*W,(x[F+4*(h%6>3):]+x*W)[:W]][h%3>0]\n```\nSame length as unnamed lambda:\n```\nlambda F,W,H,x=\"|\"+7*\" \":\"\\n\".join([\"_\"*W,(x[F+4*(h%6>3):]+x*W)[:W]][h%3>0]for h in range(H))\n```\n[Answer]\n# MATL, ~~42~~ ~~36~~ 33 bytes\n```\n:-Q'_ | |'[DClCl]Y\"8et4YShwi:3$)!\n```\nInput format is: `nCols`, `offset`, `nRows`\n[**Try it Online**](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=Oi1RJ18gfCB8J1tEQ2xDbF1ZIjhldDRZU2h3aTozJCkh&input=NDQKNgoxMQ)\nThe approach here is that we setup a \"template\" which we then index into by using the row indices (`[1 2 ... nRows]`) and column indices shifted by the first input (`[1 2 ... nCols] - shift`). Thanks to MATL's modular indexing, it will automatically result in a tiled output. As a side-note, to save some space, technically I work with a transposed version of the template and then just take a transpose (`!`) at the end.\nThe template is this:\n```\n________\n       |\n       |\n________\n  |     \n  |     \n```\n[Answer]\n# QBasic, ~~121~~ 109 bytes\n## (Tested on QB64)\nThanks to @DLosc for golfing my `IF` statement with a mathematical equivalent. That was worth 12 bytes.\n## General Method:\nLoop through each cell one at a time and determine whether it should be a `_`, , or `|` depending on its location. `MOD` statements and boolean logic are used to determine brick boundaries and how much to stagger the bricks.\n## Code:\n```\nINPUT F,W,H\nFOR y=0TO H-1:FOR x=0TO W-1\n?CHR$((y MOD 3>0)*(((x-(y MOD 6>3)*4)MOD 8=F)*92+63)+95);\nNEXT:?:NEXT\n```\n## Usage Note:\nQBasic expects input to be numbers separated by commas.\n[Answer]\n# Java, ~~149~~, ~~147~~, ~~146~~, 143 bytes\nGolfed:\n```\nString f(int o,int w,int h){String s=\"\";for(int y=0,x;y0?(x-o+(y-1)/3%2*4)%8==0?'|':' ':'_';}s+='\\n';}return s;}\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\npublic class AllInAllItsJustUhAnotherTrickInCodeGolf {\n  public static void main(String[] args) {\n    int offset = 6;\n    int width = 44;\n    int height = 11;\n    System.out.println(new AllInAllItsJustUhAnotherTrickInCodeGolf()\n        .f(offset, width, height));\n  }\n  // Begin golf\n  String f(int o, int w, int h) {\n    String s = \"\";\n    for (int y = 0, x; y < h; ++y) {\n      for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {\n        s += y % 3 > 0 ? (x - o + (y - 1) / 3 % 2 * 4) % 8 == 0 ? '|' : ' ' : '_';\n      }\n      s += '\\n';\n    }\n    return s;\n  }\n  // End golf\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, ~~72~~ 66 bytes\n```\n->f,w,h{h.times{|i|puts i%3<1??_*w:((?|+' '*7)*w)[8-f+i%6/4*4,w]}}\n```\nThanks @Value Ink for 6 bytes!\nSimple string multiplication and slicing.\nWorks in Ruby 2.3.0 (Ideone's version 2.1 threw syntax error).\n[Answer]\n# Julia: ~~150~~ ~~128~~ ~~116~~ ~~108~~ 107 bytes\n```\n# in codegolf.jl\nr=repmat;b=r([' '],6,8);b[[1,4],:]='_';b[[2,3,23,24]]='|';b=r(b,h,w)[1:h,o+=1:o+w];b[:,end]=10;print(b'...)\n```\nto run with arguments: `julia -e 'o=2;h=18;w=40;include(\"codegolf.jl\")'`\nIf you feel calling from bash is cheating and you want a function inside the interpreter, then the function version is 117 bytes :)\n```\nf(o,h,w)=(r=repmat;b=r([' '],6,8);b[[1,4],:]='_';b[[2,3,23,24]]='|';b=r(b,h,w)[1:h,o+=1:o+w];b[:,end]=10;print(b'...))\n```\n[demo](http://julia.tryitonline.net/#code=ZihvLGgsdyk9KGI9MzIqb25lcyhJbnQzMiw2LDgpO2JbWzEsNF0sOl09OTU7YltbMiwzLDIzLDI0XV09MTI0O2I9cmVwbWF0KGIsaCx3KVsxOmgsbysxOm8rdysxXTtiWzosZW5kXT0xMDtwcmludChyZWludGVycHJldChDaGFyLGInKS4uLikpCmYoMiwgMTgsNDAp&input=)\n(Thanks, @glen-o for the extra byte-saving tip!)\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript, ~~172~~ ~~168~~ ~~165~~ ~~157~~ ~~147~~ ~~142~~ 137 bytes\n```\n(O,W,H)=>{t='_'.repeat(W),x='|       '.repeat(W),f=t+`\n`;for(i=0;++i3?x.substr(O,W):x.substr(8-O,W))+`\n`;return f}\n```\n```\nN = (O,W,H)=>{t='_'.repeat(W),x='|       '.repeat(W),f=t+`\n`;for(i=0;++i3?x.substr(O,W):x.substr(8-O,W))+`\n`;return f}\nlet test_data = [[6,44,11],\n                 [2,20,10],\n                 [1,1,1],\n                 [1,2,3],\n                 [3,80,21]];\nfor (test of test_data)\n    console.log(N(...test));\n```\n[Answer]\n# Dyalog APL, 29 bytes\n`\u2191\u2395\u2374\u2395\u2374\u00a8a,4\u233d\u00a8a\u2190'_',2\u2374\u2282\u233d\u2395\u233d\u00af8\u2191'|'`\ntests:\n[`6 44 11`](http://tryapl.org/?a=F%20W%20H%u21906%2044%2011%20%u22C4%20%u2191H%u2374W%u2374%A8a%2C4%u233D%A8a%u2190%27_%27%2C2%u2374%u2282%u233DF%u233D%AF8%u2191%27%7C%27&run),\n[`2 20 10`](http://tryapl.org/?a=F%20W%20H%u21902%2020%2010%20%u22C4%20%u2191H%u2374W%u2374%A8a%2C4%u233D%A8a%u2190%27_%27%2C2%u2374%u2282%u233DF%u233D%AF8%u2191%27%7C%27&run),\n[`1 1 1`](http://tryapl.org/?a=F%20W%20H%u21901%201%201%20%u22C4%20%u2191H%u2374W%u2374%A8a%2C4%u233D%A8a%u2190%27_%27%2C2%u2374%u2282%u233DF%u233D%AF8%u2191%27%7C%27&run),\n[`1 2 3`](http://tryapl.org/?a=F%20W%20H%u21901%202%203%20%u22C4%20%u2191H%u2374W%u2374%A8a%2C4%u233D%A8a%u2190%27_%27%2C2%u2374%u2282%u233DF%u233D%AF8%u2191%27%7C%27&run),\n[`3 80 21`](http://tryapl.org/?a=F%20W%20H%u21903%2080%2021%20%u22C4%20%u2191H%u2374W%u2374%A8a%2C4%u233D%A8a%u2190%27_%27%2C2%u2374%u2282%u233DF%u233D%AF8%u2191%27%7C%27&run)\n`\u2395` is evaluated input; as the expression executes from right to left, it prompts for `F`, `W`, and `H` in that order\n`\u00af8\u2191'|'` is `' |'`\n`\u2395\u233d` is rotate, it chops F chars from the front and puts them at the end of the string\nthe other `\u233d` means reverse\n`'_',2\u2374\u2282` creates a 3-tuple of '\\_' followed by two separate copies of the string so far\n`a,4\u233d\u00a8a\u2190` append the 4-rotation of everything so far, we end up with a 6-tuple\n`\u2395\u2374\u00a8` reshape each element to the width\n`\u2395\u2374` reshape to the height\n`\u2191` mix vector of vectors into a matrix\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~25~~ ~~24~~ 23 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n'_'|7\u00faD)\u00b3\u220d\u03b573N3\u00f7\u00e8\u00b9-._\u00b2\u220d\n```\n-1 byte thanks to *@Grimmy*.\nInputs in the order \\$\\text{offset}, \\text{width}, \\text{height}\\$.  \nOutput as a list of string-lines.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f9fPV69xvzwLhfNQ5sfdfSe22pu7Gd8ePvhFYd26urFH9oEFPtfe2j3fzMuExMuQ0MA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V@m5JlXUFpSbKWgZF@pw6XkX1oC5AJ5OpUJh1bGhIX@V49XrzE/vMtF89C6Rx2957aaG/sZH95@eEWErl58JFDkf@2h3TqaMYe22f@PjjbTMTHRMTSM1Yk20jEy0DE0ALIMdYAQTBvpGANpYx0LAx0jkIiBjqWOSWwsAA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n'_           '# Push \"_\"\n'|           '# Push \"|\"\n  7\u00fa          # Pad 7 leading spaces: \"       |\"\n    D         # Duplicate it\n     )        # Wrap all three values on the stack into a list\n\u00b3\u220d            # Extend this list to the (third) input-height amount of lines\n              #  i.e. height=7 \u2192 [\"_\",\"       |\",\"       |\",\"_\",\"       |\",\"       |\",\"_\"]\n\u03b5             # Map over each line:\n   N          #  Push the (0-based) map-index\n    3\u00f7        #  Integer-divide it by 3\n 73   \u00e8       #  Index it into 73 (0-based and with wraparound)\n              #   i.e. indices=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...] \u2192 [7,7,7,3,3,3,7,7,...]\n       \u00b9+     #  Subtract the (first) input-offset\n              #   i.e. offset=6 \u2192 [-3,-3,-3,1,1,1,-3,-3,...]\n         ._   #  Rotate the string that many times towards the left\n              #   i.e. [\"_\",\"       |\",\"       |\",\"_\",\"       |\",\"       |\",\"_\"] and \n              #     [-3,-3,-3,1,1,1,-3] \u2192 [\"_\",\"      | \",\"      | \",\"_\",\"  |     \",\"  |     \",\"_\"]\n           \u00b2\u220d #  After this inner loop: push the (second) input-width\n              #  Extend/shorten the line to a size equal to the (second) input-width\n              #   i.e. width=5 and line=\"   |    \" \u2192 \"   | \"\n              #   i.e. width=20 and line=\"   |    \" \u2192 \"   |       |       |\"\n              #   i.e. width=5 and line=\"_\" \u2192 \"_____\"\n              #   i.e. width=20 and line=\"_\" \u2192 \"____________________\"\n              # (after which the list of string-lines is output implicitly as result)\n```\n`73N3\u00f7\u00e8` could alternatively be `\u2083\u20ac\u00d0\u00cdN\u00e8` for the same byte-count:\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##ATsAxP9vc2FiaWX//ydfJ3w3w7pEKcKz4oiNzrXigoPigqzDkMONTsOowrktLl/CsuKIjf99wrv/Ngo0NAoxMQ) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V@m5JlXUFpSbKWgZF@pw6XkX1oC5AJ5OpUJh1bGhIX@V49XrzE/vMtF89C6Rx2957Y@amp@1LTm8ITDvX6HV0To6sVHAoX/1x7araMZc2ib/f/oaDMdExMdQ8NYnWgjHSMDHUMDIMtQBwjBtJGOMZA21rEw0DECiRjoWOqYxMYCAA).\n```\n \u2083            #  Push builtin 95\n  \u20ac\u00d0          #  Triplicate each digit: [9,9,9,5,5,5]\n    \u00cd         #  Decrease each by 2: [7,7,7,3,3,3]\n     N\u00e8       #  Index the (0-based) map-index into this (0-based and with wraparound)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), ~~44~~ ~~43~~ 40 bytes\nThis is an Actually port of the algorithm in [Neil's JS answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/90076/47581). Golfing suggestions welcome. [Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S0wuKU3Myan8///R1OmPps4tetSzwNpMQ9VE7dHUOeZxcY@mzlavMVdSUNLS1ioBchw8QCLxWsYaqpGej3oW@mb@/29oyGViwmUGAA \"Actually \u2013 Try It Online\")\n```\n\u2557\u255dr\u2320;6(%4&\u255c7^^\u255b'|7\" \"*+*t\u255b@H\u255b'_*3(%YI\u2321Mi\n```\n**Ungolfing:**\n```\n          Takes implicit input in the order h, w, f.\n\u2557\u255d        Save f to register 0. Save w to register 1.\nr\u2320...\u2321M   Map over range [0..h-1]. Call this variable i.\n  ;         Duplicate i\n  6(%       i%6...\n  4&        ...&4\n  \u255c7^^      ...^i^7. Call it c.\n  \u255b         Push w.\n  '|7\" \"*+  The string \"       |\"\n  *t\u255b@H     ((\"       |\" * w)[c:])[:w]\n  \u255b'_*      Push \"_\" * w\n  3(%       Push 3, move duplicate i to TOS, mod.\n  YI        If not i%3, take \"_\"*w, else ((\"       |\" * w)[c:])[:w]\n            Function ends here.\ni         Flatten the resulting list and print the bricks implicitly.\n```\n[Answer]\n# [PowerShell](https://github.com/TryItOnline/TioSetup/wiki/Powershell), ~~101~~ 88 bytes\n```\nparam($n,$w,$h)0..--$h|%{(('|       '*$w|% S*g(8-$n+4*($_%6-gt3))$w),('_'*$w))[!($_%3)]}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##LY3RCoJAEEXf9ys2GdsZG2NXJSLoK@otRCQsH8xEhX1Iv31zrWG4nDt34HZvW/VDXTWNg8f547qyL18ILYNlqEnv93EM9RR@ENUkf6MisFMoL9ETjzG0uyxCKMJD/BxTIrDEqAr/Q3Tb@CSlfHazEIgHzjI2hlhgwolmoz0aln7/mLBMPaYsj3qxhmipF744uFbDKO/lUJ0kFMF6k1t4LOamc69m1SRfI6XE7L4 \"PowerShell \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 30 bytes\n```\n(n\u2083[\u00b9\\_*,|7\\|\ua60d\u00b9*\u2070\u01d4\u01d4n3\u1e2d\u2237[4\u01d4]\u00b9\u1e8e,\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://lyxal.pythonanywhere.com?flags=&code=%28n%E2%82%83%5B%C2%B9%5C_*%2C%7C7%5C%7C%EA%98%8D%C2%B9*%E2%81%B0%C7%94%C7%94n3%E1%B8%AD%E2%88%B7%5B4%C7%94%5D%C2%B9%E1%BA%8E%2C&inputs=10%0A44%0A1&header=&footer=)\nA big mess.\n```\n(                              # (height) times (to make each row)\n n\u2083[                           # If the iteration is divisible by 3 (flat row) then...\n    \u00b9\\_*,                      # (width) underscores\n         |                     # Else (part of a brick)...\n          7\\|\ua60d                 # Prepend seven spaces to an underscore\n              \u00b9*               # Repeat (width) times\n                \u2070\u01d4\u01d4            # Cycle by (offset), then cycle once more\n                   n3\u1e2d\u2237[  ]    # If it's an offset row\n                        4\u01d4     # Cycle once more\n                           \u00b9\u1e8e, # Trim to the correct length and print.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Octave ~~80~~ 76 bytes\n```\n% in file codegolf.m\nc(6,8)=0;c([1,4],:)=63;c([2,3,23,24])=92;char(repmat(c+32,h,w)(1:h,o+1:o+w))\n```\nto run from terminal: `octave --eval \"o=2;h=18;w=44; codegolf\"`\n(alternatively, if you think the terminal call is cheating :p then an anonymous function implementation takes 86 bytes :)\n```\nc(6,8)=0;c([1,4],:)=63;c([2,3,23,24])=92;f=@(o,h,w)char(repmat(c+32,h,w)(1:h,o+1:o+w))\n```\nCall `f(2,18,44)` at the octave interpreter.\n[Answer]\n# Bash + Sed, ~~411~~ ~~395~~ ~~381~~ 370 bytes:\n```\nF=`printf '_%.s' $(eval echo {1..$2})`;V=\"       |\";(($[($2-$1)/8]>0))&&L=`printf \"$V%.s\" $(eval echo {1..$[($2-$1)/8]})`||L=;Z=`printf \"%$1.s|%s\\n\" e \"$L\"`;I=$[($2-(${#Z}-4))/8];(($I>0))&&W=`printf \"$V%.s\" $(eval echo {1..$I})`||W=;J=${Z:4}$W;for i in `eval echo {1..$[$3/3+1]}`;{ (($[$i%2]<1))&&O+=\"$F\\n$J\\n$J\\n\"||O+=\"$F\\n$Z\\n$Z\\n\";};echo \"`echo -e \"$O\"|sed -n 1,$3p`\"\n```\nWell, here is my very first answer in Bash, or any shell scripting language for that matter. This is also by far the longest answer here. Takes in a sequence of space-separated command line arguments in the format `Offset Width Height`. This can probably be a lot shorter than it currently is, so any tips and/or tricks for golfing this down more are appreciated.\n[Answer]\n## Delphi/Object Pascal, 305, 302, 292 bytes\nFull console program that reads 3 parameters.\n```\nuses SySutils,Math;var i,q,o,w,h:byte;begin o:=StrToInt(paramstr(1));w:=StrToInt(paramstr(2));h:=StrToInt(paramstr(3));for q:=0to h-1do begin for i:=1to w do if q mod 3=0then Write('_')else if IfThen(Odd(q div 3),((i+o)mod 8),((i-o)mod 8))=1then Write('|')else Write(' ');Writeln('');end end.\n```\n### ungolfed\n```\nuses\n  SySutils,\n  Math;\nvar\n  i,q,o,w,h:byte;\nbegin\n  o:=StrToInt(paramstr(1));\n  w:=StrToInt(paramstr(2));\n  h:=StrToInt(paramstr(3));\n  for q := 0 to h-1 do\n  begin\n    for i := 1 to w do\n      if q mod 3 = 0  then\n        Write('_')\n      else\n        if IfThen(Odd(q div 3),((i+o)mod 8),((i-o)mod 8)) = 1 then\n          Write('|')\n        else Write(' ');\n    Writeln('');\n  end\nend.\n```\nSadly, Delphi does not have a ternary operator and it is quite a verbose language. \n### test case\n```\nD:\\Test\\CodeGolfWall\\Win32\\Debug>Project1.exe 2 20 10\n____________________\n  |       |       |\n  |       |       |\n____________________\n      |       |\n      |       |\n____________________\n  |       |       |\n  |       |       |\n____________________\nD:\\Test\\CodeGolfWall\\Win32\\Debug>Project1.exe 6 44 11\n____________________________________________\n      |       |       |       |       |\n      |       |       |       |       |\n____________________________________________\n  |       |       |       |       |       |\n  |       |       |       |       |       |\n____________________________________________\n      |       |       |       |       |\n      |       |       |       |       |\n____________________________________________\n  |       |       |       |       |       |\n```\nEdit: Could shave of 3 bytes by using byte as type for all variables.\nEdit 2: And console applications do not *need* the program declaration, -10 \n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6), ~~81 78~~ 77 bytes\n*Saved 3 bytes thanks to @mypronounismonicareinstate*\nTakes input as `(F, W)(H)`.\n```\n(F,W,x=y=0)=>g=H=>yrandint(1,n*2)or-~f(n-.5,k+1)\n```\nDennis thought up a clever way to rearrange things, saving 5 bytes.\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), ~~16~~ 15 bytes\n```\nQ:\"r@qGEy-/{p={};for(i=n;i--;p[i]=2);while(--p[n*Math.random()|0])i++;return i+2}\n```\n**Explanation**\n```\nvar f = (n) => {\n    var index;      // used first to initialize pile, then as counter\n    var pile = {};  // sock pile\n    \n    // start with index = n\n    // check that index > 0, then decrement\n    // put 2 socks in pile at index\n    for(index = n; index--; pile[index] = 2);\n    // index is now -1, reuse for counter\n    \n    // pick random sock out of pile and decrement its count\n    // continue loop if removed sock was not the last\n    while(--pile[n * Math.random() | 0]) {\n        index++;    // increment counter\n    }\n    // loop finishes before incrementing counter when first matching pair is removed\n    // add 1 to counter to account for initial value of -1\n    // add 1 to counter to account for drawing of first matching pair\n    return index + 2;\n};\n```\n[Answer]\n## CJam, 17 bytes\n```\nri,2*mr{L+:L(&}#)\n```\n[Test it here.](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=ri%2C2*mr%7BL%2B%3AL(%26%7D%23)p&input=7)\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~142~~ ~~105~~ 104 bytes\nThanks to *E\u0280\u026a\u1d0b \u1d1b\u029c\u1d07 G\u1d0f\u029f\u0493\u1d07\u0280* for saving one byte!\nMy first answer:\n```\nimport random \ni=[x/2 for x in range(int(2*input()))]\nd=[]\na=0\nrandom.shuffle(i)\nwhile 1:\n b=i.pop()\n if b in d:\n  print(a)\n  s\n d=d+[b]\n a+=1\n```\nMy new answer:\n```\nfrom random import*\ni=range(int(input()))*2\nshuffle(i)\nj=0\nfor x in i:\n if x in i[:j]:print(1+j)+s\n j+=1\n```\nBoth exit with a `NameError` on `s`.\n[Answer]\n# R, 49\n```\nN=scan();which(duplicated(sample(rep(1:N,2))))[1]\n```\nI'm sure there must be a better way of doing this in R! I tried doing something cleverer but it didn't work.\nEdit: Improved by @bouncyball since it doesn't have to be a function.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 101 bytes\n```\nfrom random import*\nd=[]\np=range(input())*2\nshuffle(p)\nwhile list(set(d))==d:d+=p.pop(),\nprint len(d)\n```\n[Answer]\n## VBA, 61 bytes\n```\nFunction K(D):While 2*D-K>K/Rnd:K=K+1:Wend:K=K+1:End Function\n```\n- models the shifting probability of sock match given previous failure to match. At the point of evaluation, K is \"socks in hand\", so draw number is one more.\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 14 bytes\n```\nlhfnT{T._.S*2S\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n       ._        #Start with a list of all prefixes of\n         .S      #a randomly shuffled\n           *2S   #range from 1 to input (implicit), times 2.\n  f              #filter this to only include elements where\n   nT{T          #element is not equal to deduplicated self (i.e. it has duplicates)\nlh               #print the length of the first element of that filtered list\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nIf you don't know what the [Tower of Hanoi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Hanoi) is, I'll explain it briefly: There are three rods and some discs each of which has a different size. In the beginning all discs are on the first tower, in sorted order: The biggest one is at the bottom, the smallest at the top. The goal is to bring all the discs over to the third rod. Sounds easy? Here's the catch: You can't place a disc on top of a disc that is smaller than the other disc; you can only hold one disc in your hand at a time to move them to another rod and you can only place the disc on rods, not on the table, you sneaky bastard.\n### ascii example solution:\n```\n  A      B      C\n  |      |      |      \n _|_     |      |      \n__|__    |      |\n  A      B      C\n  |      |      |      \n  |      |      |      \n__|__   _|_     |\n  A      B      C\n  |      |      |      \n  |      |      |      \n  |     _|_   __|__\n  A      B      C\n  |      |      |      \n  |      |     _|_     \n  |      |    __|__      \n```\n# Challenge\nThere are three rods called A,B and C. (You can also call them 1,2 and 3 respectivly if that helps) In the beginning all n discs are on rod A(1).\nYour challenge is to verify a solution for the tower of hanoi. You'll need to make sure that:\n1. In the end all n discs are on rod C(3).\n2. For any given disc at any given state there is no smaller disc below it.\n3. No obvious errors like trying to take discs from an empty rod or moving discs to nonexistant rods.\n(the solution does not have to be optimal.)\n# Input\nYour program will receive two inputs:\n1. The number of discs n (an integer)\n2. The moves which are taken, which will consist of a set of tuples of: (tower to take the currently uppermost disc from),(tower to take this disc to) where each tuple refers to a move. You can choose how they are represented. For example something like the following ways of representing the solution for n=2 which I've drawn in ascii above. (I'll use the first one in the test cases, because it's easy on the eyes):\n\"A->B ; A->C ; B->C\"\n[(\"A\",\"B\"),(\"A\",\"C\"),(\"B\",\"C\")]\n[(1,2),(1,3),(2,3)]\n\"ABACBC\"\n[1,2,1,3,2,3]\n# Output\n* Truthy, if the conditions that can be found under \"challenge\" hold.\n* Falsy, if they don't.\n# Test cases:\n### True:\n```\nn=1, \"A->C\"\nn=1, \"A->B ; B->C\"\nn=2, \"A->B ; A->C ; B->C\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; C->B ; A->C ; B->C\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=4, \"A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; A->B ; C->A ; C->B ; A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; B->A ; C->A ; B->C ; A->B ; A->C ; B->C\"\n```\n### False:\n*3rd one suggested by @MartinEnder, 7th by @Joffan*\n```\nn=1, \"A->B\"\nn=1, \"C->A\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=2, \"A->B ; A->C ; C->B\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; B->A\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->B ; A->D; A->C ; D->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->B ; B->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; C->B\"\nn=4, \"A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; A->B ; C->A ; C->B ; A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; B->A ; C->A ; B->C ; A->B ; A->C\"\nn=4, \"A->B ; A->B ; A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; B->C ; B->C\"\n```\nThis is [code-golf](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/code-golf), shortest solution wins. Standard rules and loopholes apply. No batteries included.\n      \n[Answer]\n## [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), ~~167~~ ~~165~~ ~~157~~ ~~150~~ 123 bytes\nThis totally looks like a challenge that should be solved with a single regex... (despite the header saying \"Retina\", this is just a vanilla .NET regex, matching valid inputs).\n```\n^(?=\\D*((?=(?<3>1+))1)+)((?=A(?<1-3>.+)|B(?<1-4>.+)|C(?<1-5>.+)).(?=A.*(?!\\3)(\\1)|B.*(?!\\4)(\\1)|C.*(?!\\5)(\\1)).)+(?!\\3|\\4)1\n```\nInput format is the list of instructions of the form `AB`, followed by `n` in unary using the digit `1`. There are no separators. Output is `1` for valid and `0` for invalid.\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=JWBeKD89XEQqKCg_PSg_PDM-MSspKTEpKykoKD89QSg_PDEtMz4uKyl8Qig_PDEtND4uKyl8Qyg_PDEtNT4uKykpLig_PUEuKig_IVwzKShcMSl8Qi4qKD8hXDQpKFwxKXxDLiooPyFcNSkoXDEpKS4pKyg_IVwzfFw0KTE&input=QUMxCkFCQkMxCkFCQUNCQzExCkFDQ0JBQ0JDMTEKQUNBQkNCQkFCQ0FDMTEKQUNBQkNCQUNCQUJDQUMxMTEKQUJBQ0JDQUJDQUNCQUJBQ0JDQkFDQUJDQUJBQ0JDMTExMQpBQjEKQ0ExCkFCQUNDQjExCkFDQUJDQkJBMTEKQUNBQzExCkFDQUNBQkNCQUNCQUJDQUMxMTEKQUNBQkNCQUJCQ0JBQkNBQzExMQpBQ0FCQ0JBQ0JBQkNDQjExMQpBQkFDQkNBQkNBQ0JBQkFDQkNCQUNBQkNBQkFDMTExMQpBQkFCQUJBQ0JDQkNCQzExMTE) (The first two characters enable a linefeed-separated test suite.)\nAlternative solution, same byte count:\n```\n^(?=\\D*((?=(?<3>1+))1)+)((?=A(?<1-3>.+)|B(?<1-4>.+)|C(?<1-5>.+)).(?=A.*(?!\\3)(\\1)|B.*(?!\\4)(\\1)|C.*(?!\\5)(\\1)).)+(?<-5>1)+$\n```\nThis can possibly be shortened by using `1`, `11` and `111` instead of `A`, `B` and `C` but I'll have to look into that later. It might also be shorter to split the program into several stages, but where's the challenge in that? ;)\n### Explanation\nThis solution makes heavy use of .NET's balancing groups. For a full explanation [see my post on Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/17004406/1633117), but the gist is that capturing groups in .NET are stacks, where each new capture pushes another substring and where it's also possible to pop from such a stack again. This lets you count various quantities in a string. In this case it lets us implement the three rods directly as three different capturing groups where each disc is represented by a capture.\nTo move discs around between rods we make use of a weird quirk of the `(?...)` syntax. Normally, this pops a capture from stack `B` and pushes onto stack `A` the string between that popped capture and the beginning of this group. So `(?a).(?c)` matched against `abc` would leave `A` empty and `B` with `b` (as opposed to `c`). However, due to .NET variable-length lookbehinds it's possible for the captures of `(?...)` and `(?...)` to overlap. For whatever reason, if that's the case, the *intersection* of the two groups is pushed onto `B`. I've detailed this behaviour in the \"advanced section\" on balancing groups [in this answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/36047989/1633117).\nOn to the regex. Rods `A`, `B` and `C` correspond to groups `3`, `4` and `5` in the regex. Let's start by initialising rod `A`:\n```\n^                 # Ensure that we start at the beginning of the input.\n(?=               # Lookahead so that we don't actually move the cursor.\n  \\D*             # Skip all the instructions by matching non-digit characters.\n  (               # For each 1 at the end of the input...\n    (?=(?<3>1+))  # ...push the remainder of the string (including that 1)\n                  # onto stack 3.\n  1)+\n)\n```\nSo e.g. if the input ends with `111`, then group 3/rod `A` will now hold the list of captures `[111, 11, 1]` (the top being on the right).\nThe next bit of the code has the following structure:\n```\n(\n  (?=A...|B...|C...).\n  (?=A...|B...|C...).\n)+\n```\nEach iteration of this loop processes one instruction. The first alternation pulls a disc from the given rod (onto a temporary group), the second alternation puts that that disc onto the other given rod. We'll see in a moment how this works and how we ensure that the move is valid.\nFirst, taking a disc off the source rod:\n```\n(?=\n  A(?<1-3>.+)\n|\n  B(?<1-4>.+)\n|\n  C(?<1-5>.+)\n)\n```\nThis uses the weird group-intersection behaviour I've described above. Note that group `3`, `4` and `5` will always hold substrings of `1`s at the end of the string whose length corresponds to the disc's size. We now use `(?<1-N>.+)` to pop the top disc off stack `N` and push the intersection of this substring with the match `.+` onto stack `1`. Since `.+` always necessarily covers the entire capture popped off `N`, we know that this simply moves the capture.\nNext, we put this disc from stack `1` onto the stack corresponding to the second rod:\n```\n(?=\n  A.*(?!\\3)(\\1)\n|\n  B.*(?!\\4)(\\1)\n|\n  C.*(?!\\5)(\\1)\n)\n```\nNote that we don't have to clean up stack `1`, we can just leave the disc there, since we'll put a new one on top before using the stack again. That means we can avoid the `(?...)` syntax and simply copy the string over with `(\\1)`. To ensure that the move is valid we use the negative lookahead `(?!\\N)`. This ensures that, from the position where we want to match the current disc, it's impossible to match the disc already on stack `N`. This can only happen if either a) `\\N` will never match because the stack is completely empty or b)`the disc on top of stack`N`is larger than the one we're trying to match with`\\1`.\nFinally, all that's left is ensuring that a) we've matched all instructions and b) rods `A` and `B` are empty, so that all discs have been moved onto `C`.\n```\n(?!\\3|\\4)1\n```\nWe simply check that neither `\\3` nor `\\4` can match (which is only the case if both are empty, because any actual disc *would* match) and that we can then match a `1` so that we haven't omitted any instructions.\n[Answer]\n# Java \"only\" ~~311 272 263 261 260 259~~ 256 bytes\nSaved ~~39~~ countless bytes due to @Frozn noticing an older debug feature as well as some clever golfing tricks.\nGolfed version\n```\nint i(int n,int[]m){int j=0,k=0,i=n;Stackt,s[]=new Stack[3];for(;j<3;)s[j++]=new Stack();for(;i-->0;)s[0].push(i);for(;k0&&s[m[k]].peek()>t.peek())return 0;else t.push(s[m[k]].pop());return s[2].size()[] s=new Stack[3];for(;j<3;j++)s[j]=new Stack();for(;i-->0;)s[0].push(i);for(;ks[m[k+1]].peek())return 0;else s[m[k+1]].push(s[m[k]].pop());return s[2].size()==n?1:0;}\n    /** Ungolfed\n        * 0 as falsy 1 as truthy\n        * @param n the number of disks\n        * @param m represents the zero indexed stacks in the form of [from,to,from,to]\n        * @return 0 or 1 if the puzzle got solved, bad moves result in an exception\n        */\n    int h(int n, int[] m) {\n        //declarations\n        int j = 0, k = 0, i = n;\n        //create the poles\n        Stack[] s = new Stack[3];\n        for (; j < 3; j++) {\n            s[j] = new Stack();\n        }\n        //set up the first tower using the \"downto operator\n        for (; i-- > 0;) {\n            s[0].push(i);\n        }\n    //go through and perform all the moves\n        for (; k < m.length; System.out.println(Arrays.toString(s)), k += 2) {\n            if (!s[m[k + 1]].isEmpty() && s[m[k]].peek() > s[m[k + 1]].peek()) {\n                return 0;//bad move\n            } else {\n                s[m[k + 1]].push(s[m[k]].pop());\n            }\n        }\n        return s[2].size() == n ? 1 : 0;// check if all the disks are done\n    }\n    /**\n     * @param args the command line arguments\n     */\n    public static void main(String[] args) {\n    //test case\n        System.out.println( new CodeGolf().h(3,new int[]{0,2,0,1,2,1,0,2,1,0,1,2,0,2})==1?\"Good!\":\"Bad!\");\n    }\n}\n```\nThe ungolfed version has a feature where it will print out what the stacks look like at each step like so...\n```\n[[2, 1], [], [0]]\n[[2], [1], [0]]\n[[2], [1, 0], []]\n[[], [1, 0], [2]]\n[[0], [1], [2]]\n[[0], [], [2, 1]]\n[[], [], [2, 1, 0]]\nGood!\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~186~~ ~~167~~ ~~158~~ ~~135~~ ~~127~~ ~~115~~ ~~110~~ 102 bytes\n```\nn,m=input()\nx=[range(n),[],[]]\nfor a,b in m:p=x[a].pop();e=x[b];e and 1/(p>e[-1]);e+=p,\nif x[0]+x[1]:_\n```\nTakes input on STDIN in the following format:\n```\n(1,[(0,1),(1,2)])\n```\nThat is, a Python tuple of the number of discs and a Python list of tuples of `(from_rod,to_rod)`. As in Python, the surrounding parentheses are optional. Rods are zero-indexed.\nFor example, this test case:\n```\nn=2; \"A->B ; A->C ; B->C\"\n```\nwould be given as:\n```\n(2,[(0,1),(0,2),(1,2)])\n```\nIf the solution is valid, outputs nothing and exits with an exit code of 0. If it is invalid, throws an exception and exits with an exit code of 1. Throws an `IndexError` if moving to a nonexistant rod or trying to take a disc off a rod that has no discs on it, a `ZeroDivisionError` if a disc is placed on top of a smaller disc, or a `NameError` if there are discs left on the first or second rods at the end.\n*Saved 13 bytes thanks to @KarlKastor!*\n*Saved 8 bytes thanks to @xnor!*\n[Answer]\n# [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), ~~84~~ 80 Bytes\n-5 bytes thanks to Martin Ender\n```\n~\n ~$'\n$\nABC\n{`^(.)(.*)( ~+)\\1\n$3$2$1\n}`^(\\W+)(\\w)(.*)(?<=\\1~+|\\w)\\2\n$3$1$2\n^AB \n```\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=JShHYAp-CiB-JCcKJApBQkMKe2BeKC4pKC4qKSggfispXDEKJDMkMiQxCn1gXihcVyspKFx3KSguKikoPzw9XDF-K3xcdylcMgokMyQxJDIKXkFCIA&input=QUN-CkFCQkN-CkFCQUNCQ35-CkFDQ0JBQ0JDfn4KQUNBQkNCQkFCQ0FDfn4KQUNBQkNCQUNCQUJDQUN-fn4KQUJBQ0JDQUJDQUNCQUJBQ0JDQkFDQUJDQUJBQ0JDfn5-fgpBQn4KQUNBQ34KQUNCQ34KQ0F-CkFCQUNDQn5-CkFDQUJDQkJBfn4KQUNBQ35-CkFDQUNBQkNCQUNCQUJDQUN-fn4KQUNBQkNCQUJCQ0JBQkNBQ35-fgpBQ0FCQ0JBQ0JBQkNDQn5-fgpBQkFDQkNBQkNBQ0JBQkFDQkNCQUNBQkNBQkFDfn5-fgpBQkFCQUJBQ0JDQkNCQ35-fn4KQUJBQn4KQUNBQkNCQUNCQUJDQUNDQUNBfn5-) (plus 5 bytes for line-by-line tests)\nThe code simulates a full game.\n* Input is given as `ACABCBACBABCAC~~~`.  \n`~~~` means three discs.\n* First four lines convert the input to the game format: `ACABCBACBABCAC ~~~ ~~ ~ABC`.  \nIn the beginning the A rod has all 3 discs, and B and C rods are empty.\n* Next we have a loop of two steps:\n\t+ Take the first letter in the line, which indicates the next source rod. Find this rod, and take the last disc on in. Remove the letter and move the disc to the stark (pick it up).  \n\t\n\tIn out example, after the first step, the text will look like: \n\t`~CABCBACBABCAC ~~~ ~~ABC`.\n\t+ In the second stage we find the target rod, and move the disc there. We validate the rod is empty, or has a bigger disc at the top: `ABCBACBABCAC ~~~ ~~AB ~C`.\n* Finally we confirm the A and B rods are empty - this means all discs are in C (there's an extra space at the last line).\n[Answer]\n# Python 2.7, ~~173~~ ~~158~~ ~~138~~ ~~130~~ ~~127~~ 123 bytes:\n```\nr=range;a,b=input();U=[r(a,0,-1),[],[]]\nfor K,J in b:U[J]+=[U[K].pop()]if U[J]<[1]or U[K],)` where `` is given as an array containing tuples corresponding to each move, which each contain a pair of comma separated integers. For instance, the test case:\n```\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\" \n```\ngiven in the post would be given as: \n```\n(3,[(0,2),(0,1),(2,1),(0,2),(1,0),(1,2),(0,2)]) \n```\nto my program. Outputs an `IndexError` if the 3rd condition isn't met, a `NameError` if the 2nd condition isn't met, and `False` if the 1st condition isn't met. Otherwise outputs `True`.\n[Answer]\n# VBA, ~~234~~ ~~217~~ ~~213~~ 196 bytes\n```\nFunction H(N,S)\nReDim A(N)\nWhile P2):L=L+T-F\nFor i=1 To N\nIf A(i)=F Then A(i)=T:Exit For\nE=E+(A(i)=T)+(i=N)\nNext\nWend\nH=L+9*E=2*N\nEnd Function\n```\nInput format for moves is a string with an even number of digits (012). Invocation is in spreadsheet, =H([number of discs], [move string])\nThe array A holds the rod position of the various discs. A move is simply updating the first occurrence of the \"From\" rod number into the \"To\" rod number. If you encounter a \"To\" rod disc first, or no \"From\" rod disc, it's an invalid move. The total \"rod value\" of A is held in L, which needs to end at 2N. Errors are accumulated as a negative count in E.\nIn common with other solutions, \"moving\" a disc from a tower to the same tower is not forbidden. I could forbid it for another 6 bytes.\n## Results\nFunction result in first column (the last n=3 case is my addition using an extra rod).\n```\nTRUE    1   02\nTRUE    1   0112\nTRUE    2   010212\nTRUE    2   02210212\nTRUE    2   020121101202\nTRUE    3   02012102101202\nTRUE    4   010212012021010212102012010212\nFALSE   1   01\nFALSE   1   20\nFALSE   2   02012102101202\nFALSE   2   010221\nFALSE   2   02012110\nFALSE   2   0202\nFALSE   3   0202012102101202\nFALSE   3   0201210112101202\nFALSE   3   02012102101221\nFALSE   3   0103023212\nFALSE   4   0102120120210102121020120102\nFALSE   4   01010102121212\n```\n[Answer]\n# php, 141 bytes\n```\ns=>!s.some(([x,y])=>s[y][s[y].push(v=s[x].pop())-2]s--),[],[]])&s[2][n-1]\n```\n**Input format:** function with 2 arguments\n* arg 1, numeric, number of rings\n* arg 2, array of strings, each string 2 characters '0','1','2'\n**Output:** return 1 if ok, 0 if invalid, exception if nonexisting rod\n**Less golfed** and explained\n```\nn=>a=>(\n  // rods status, rod 0 full with an array n..1, rod 1 & 2 empty arrays\n  s = [ [...Array(t=n)].map(_=>t--), [], [] ],\n  // for each step in solution, evaluate function and stop if returns true\n  err = a.some( ([x,y]) => {\n    v = s[x].pop(); // pull disc from source rod\n    // exception is s[x] is not defined\n    if (!v) return 1; // error source rod is empty\n    l = s[y].push(v); // push disc on dest rod, get number of discs in l\n    // exception is s[y] is not defined\n    if(s[y][l-2] < v) return 1; // error if undelying disc is smaller\n  }),\n  err ? 0 // return 0 if invalid move\n  : s[2][n-1]; // il all moves valid, ok if the rod 2 has all the discs\n)\n```\n**Test**\nNote: the first row of the Test function is needed to convert the input format given in the question to the input expected by my function\n```\nF=\nn=>s=>!s.some(([x,y])=>s[y][s[y].push(v=s[x].pop())-2]s--),[],[]])&s[2][n-1]\nOut=x=>O.textContent+=x+'\\n'\nTest=s=>s.split`\\n`.map(r=>[+(r=r.match(/\\d+|.->./g)).shift(),r.map(x=>(parseInt(x[0],36)-10)+''+(parseInt(x[3],36)-10))])\n.forEach(([n,s],i)=>{\n  var r\n  try {\n    r = F(+n)(s);\n  } \n  catch (e) {\n    r = 'Error invalid rod';\n  }\n  Out(++i+' n:'+n+' '+s+' -> '+r)\n})\nOut('OK')\nTest(`n=1, \"A->C\"\nn=1, \"A->B ; B->C\"\nn=2, \"A->B ; A->C ; B->C\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; C->B ; A->C ; B->C\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=4, \"A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; A->B ; C->A ; C->B ; A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; B->A ; C->A ; B->C ; A->B ; A->C ; B->C\"`)\nOut('\\nFail')\nTest( `n=1, \"A->B\"\nn=1, \"C->A\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=2, \"A->B ; A->C ; C->B\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; B->A\"\nn=2, \"A->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->B ; A->D; A->C ; D->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->B ; B->C ; B->A ; B->C ; A->C\"\nn=3, \"A->C ; A->B ; C->B ; A->C ; B->A ; B->C ; C->B\"\nn=4, \"A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; A->B ; C->A ; C->B ; A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; B->A ; C->A ; B->C ; A->B ; A->C\"\nn=4, \"A->B ; A->B ; A->B ; A->C ; B->C ; B->C ; B->C\"`)\n```\n```\n
\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n      [\nWrite a program or function that outputs an `L` if run on a little endian architecture or a `B` if run on a big endian architecture. Lower case output `l` or `b` is also acceptable.\nThere is no input.\nScoring is code golf, so the code with the fewest bytes wins.\n**Edit:** *As per the comments below, I am clarifying that the entry must be able to run on either architecture.*\n*I believe that there is only one answer that this affects, and that answer has clearly indicated that this is the case.*\n      \n[Answer]\n# Python, 33 bytes\n```\nimport sys\nexit(sys.byteorder[0])\n```\n`sys.byteorder` is either `'little'` or `'big'` (and for those of you who will read this sentence without looking at the code, `[0]` means take the first character).\n[Answer]\n# C, 26 bytes\n```\na=66<<24|76;f(){puts(&a);}\n```\nAssumes 32-bit `int` and ASCII characters. Tested on amd64 (little-endian) and mips (big-endian).\n# GCC, 23 bytes\n```\n00000000: 613d 2742 0000 4c27 3b66 2829 7b70 7574  a='B..L';f(){put\n00000010: 7328 2661 293b 7d                        s(&a);}\n```\nSuggested by feersum. The value of multi-character constants is implementation-dependent, but this seems to work in GCC. Tested on the same architectures.\n[Answer]\n# MATLAB / Octave, 24 bytes\n```\n[~,~,e]=computer;disp(e)\n```\nThe [`computer`](http://es.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/computer.html) function gives information about, well, the computer it's running on. The third output is endianness: `L` or `B` for little- or big-endian respectively.\n[Try it on Ideone](http://ideone.com/FpfrEb).\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript ES6, 50 bytes\n```\n_=>\"BL\"[new Int8Array(Int16Array.of(1).buffer)[0]]\n```\nI don\u2019t know who decided it was a good idea for [TypedArray](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray) objects to expose the native endianness of the interpreter, but here we are.\n[Answer]\n# C, ~~36~~ 35 bytes\n**1 byte thanks to @algmyr and @owacoder.**\n```\n~~main(a){printf(\\*(char\\*)&a?\"L\":\"B\");}~~\nmain(a){putchar(66+10**(char*)&a);}\nmain(a){putchar(\"BL\"[*(char*)&a]);}\n```\n* Version 1: [Ideone it!](http://ideone.com/uWicng)\n* Version 2: [Ideone it!](http://ideone.com/OjpPrP)\n* Version 3: [Ideone it!](http://ideone.com/DzmxIa)\nCredits [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/4181991/6211883).\nUntested since I don't have a big-endian machine.\n[Answer]\n### Mathematica, 22\n```\n{B,L}[[$ByteOrdering]]\n```\nThis probably breaks some rule about not using a built-in function but I'm not really interested in rube goldberging an alternative.\n[Answer]\n# C, 27\nOne byte longer, but here it is anyway:\n```\nf(){putchar(htons(19522));}\n```\n[Answer]\n# PowerPC machine code - 20 bytes\nPowerPC is bi-endian (the endianness can be set up at startup), so this code should conform to the challenge request of being able to run both on BE and LE machines. This is a function that *returns*1 `'L'` or `'B'` depending on the endianness currently set.\nAs a function, AFAICT it conforms the SVR4 PowerPC ABI (used by Linux on ppc32), the PowerOpen ABI (used e.g. by AIX) and the OS X ABI. In particular, it relies just on the fact that GPR 0 is a volatile scratch register, and GPR 3 is used to return \"small\" values.\n```\n00000000 :\n   0:   7c 00 00 a6     mfmsr   r0\n   4:   54 03 0f fe     rlwinm  r3,r0,1,31,31\n   8:   1c 63 00 0a     mulli   r3,r3,10\n   c:   38 63 00 42     addi    r3,r3,66\n  10:   4e 80 00 20     blr\n```\nNow, it goes like this:\n* the [MSR](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_state_register) is read into GP register 0; the MSR contains at bit 31 the endianness settings (0 = big endian; 1 = little endian);\n* `rlwinm` extracts just that bit: it takes the value in GPR0, **r**otates **l**eft by 1 place (so that now is in position 0) and **m**asks it with 1 (the mask generated by those 31,312); the result is put into GP register 3;\n* multiply the result by 10 and sum 66 (`'B'`) (10 is the difference between `'L'` and `'B'`)\n* finally, return to the caller\n---\n### Notes\n1. yep, the question does ask to *print*, but it's not clear how I should print stuff in assembly expected to run unmodified on different operating systems. =)\n2. for those interested, see the [rlwinm](https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/ssw_aix_71/com.ibm.aix.alangref/idalangref_rlwinm_rlinm_rtlwrdimm_instrs.htm) documentation; knowing next to nothing about PowerPC, I found this kind of instructions extremely interesting.\n**2018 update**: Raymond Chen is publishing a series about the PowerPC architecture, you can find [here](https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20180810-00/?p=99465) his great post about `rlwinm` & friends.\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~96, 64~~ 52 bytes\n```\n()->(\"\"+java.nio.ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).charAt(0);\n```\nA golf based on [this SO answer](https://stackoverflow.com/a/9431652). All credit goes to @LeakyNun and @AlanTuning. Java keeps the loosing streak.\n96 bytes:\n```\n char e(){return java.nio.ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(java.nio.ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)?'b':'l';}\n```\n64 bytes:\n```\nchar e(){return(\"\"+java.nio.ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).charAt(0);}\n```\nUntested b/c I don't have access to a big-endian machine.\n[Answer]\n# Perl, ~~38~~ 36 bytes\n```\nsay+(pack\"L\",1 eq pack\"V\",1)?\"L\":\"B\"\n```\nWorks by packing a number in the system's default byte order and comparing it to a number packed in little-endian byte order.\n[Answer]\n# (G)Forth, 24 bytes\n```\nhere $4200004C , c@ emit\n```\nAssumes that cells are 32 bits (and that your Forth interpreter supports Gforth's [base prefixes](http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/forth/gforth/Docs-html/Number-Conversion.html#fnd-2)). It simply stores the number 0x4200004C in memory and then displays the byte at the low end.\n[Answer]\n# C, 34 bytes\nThis assumes ASCII character encoding\n```\nmain(a){putchar(66+10**(char*)a);}\n```\nCall without argument.\nExplanation:\nOn call, `a` will be 1. `*(char*)a` accesses the first byte of `a`, which on little-endian platforms will be 1, on big-endian platforms will be 0.\nOn big-endian platforms, this code will therefore pass 66 + 10\\*0 = 66 to `putchar`. 66 is the ASCII code for `B`. On little-endian platforms, it will pass 66 + 10\\*1 = 76, which is the ASCII code for `L`.\n[Answer]\n# C#, 60 52 bytes\nC# is surprisingly competitive in this one.\n```\nchar e=>System.BitConverter.IsLittleEndian?'L':'B';\n```\nCredits to Groo for the C#6 syntax.\n60 bytes:\n```\nchar e(){return System.BitConverter.IsLittleEndian?'L':'B';}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Julia, ~~24~~ 19 bytes\n```\n()->ntoh(5)>>55+'B'\n```\nThis is an anonymous function that takes no input and returns a `Char`. To call it, assign it to a variable. It assumes that integers are 64-bit.\nThe `ntoh` function converts the endianness of the value passed to it from network byte order (big endian) to that used by the host computer. On big endian machines, `ntoh` is the identity function since there's no conversion to be done. On little endian machines, the bytes are swapped, so `ntoh(5) == 360287970189639680`. Which is also, perhaps more readably, equal to: `0000010100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000` in binary.\nIf we right bit shift the result of `ntoh(5)` by 55, we'll get 0 on big endian machines and 10 on little endian machines. Adding that to the character constant `'B'`, we'll get `'B'` or `'L'` for big or little endian machines, respectively.\nSaved 5 bytes thanks to FryAmTheEggman and Dennis!\n[Answer]\n# PHP 5.6, ~~41~~ 31 bytes (thx to isertusernamehere)\n`\n[Answer]\n## Common Lisp, 27 bytes\n*Tested on SBCL and ECL. For a portable approach, one should use [trivial-features](https://github.com/trivial-features/trivial-features/blob/master/SPEC.md).*\n```\n(lambda()'L #+big-endian'B)\n```\nThe `#+` notation is a [read-time condition](http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/01_ebaa.htm), that *reads* the next form only if the conditional expression evaluates to true. Here the condition is the whole `#+big-endian` text which means that the test is satisfied if the `:big-endian` keyword belongs to the [`*FEATURES*`](http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/v_featur.htm) list (a list which contains among other things platform-specific information). The following expression is `'B`, which is either read or skipped according to the outcome of the test. \nIf your platform is big-endian and you write the above form in the REPL, it is exactly as if you wrote the following:\n```\nCL-USER>(lambda()'L 'B)\n```\n (NB.`CL-USER>` is the prompt)\nA function's body is an implicit [`PROGN`](http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/s_progn.htm), meaning that only the evaluation of the last expression is returned. So the above actually returns symbol \u0300`B`.\nIf however the read-time condition evaluates to false, the form reads as if you wrote:\n```\nCL-USER>(lambda()'L)\n```\n... which simply returns symbol `L`.\n[Answer]\n## ARMv6 and later: 20 bytes machine code\n```\n0xE10F1000 : MRS   r0,CPSR        ; read current status register\n0xE3110C02 : TST   r0,#1<<9       ; set Z flag if bit 9 set\n0x03A0004C : MOVEQ r0,#'L'        ; return 'L' if Z clear\n0x13A00042 : MOVNE r0,#'B'        ; return 'B' if Z set\n0xEBxxxxxx : BL    putchar        ; print it (relative branch)\n```\nUntested, as I don't have a suitable machine to hand. Bit 9 of the CPSR gives the current load/store endianness.\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 21 + 1 = 22 bytes\nRun with `perl -E`.\n```\nsay ord pack(S,1)?L:B\n```\nTested on amd64 (little-endian) and mips (big-endian).\n[Answer]\n# R, ~~28~~ 23 bytes\n```\nsubstr(.Platform$endian,1,1)\n```\n`.Platform$endian` returns `big` if run on big endian and `little` if on little. Here, using `substr`, it returns the first letter of the output, so either `b` or `l`.\nAs `endian` is the only object starting with an `e` contained in object `.Platform` we can reduce it thanks to partial matching to the following 23 bytes code:\n```\nsubstr(.Platform$e,1,1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, ~~46~~ 44 bytes\n```\n#(nth(str(java.nio.ByteOrder/nativeOrder))0)\n```\nThis is a function that uses the Java builtin to get the endianness of the machine. Then get the string representation of it which will be either `\"LITTLE_ENDIAN\"` or `\"BIG_ENDIAN\"` and take the first character of whichever string is chosen and return that.\nSaved 2 bytes thanks to @[cliffroot](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/53197/cliffroot).\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, ~~31~~30 chars.\n```\nputs [1].pack(\"s\")>\"\\01\"??L:?B\n```\nHmm, must be a better way. Count 5 characters less if the char need not to be output as I think other solutions omit printing. i.e. remove the \"puts \" part if you don't want anything printed.\n[Answer]\n# Bash (and other unix shells), 32 (33) bytes\nFirst and second attempt:\n```\ncase `echo|od` in *5*)echo B;;*)echo L;;esac # portable\n[[ `echo|od` =~ 5 ]]&&echo B||echo L         # non-portable\n```\nThanks to Dennis, shorter version:\n```\nod<< \n> The byte order used when interpreting numeric values is implementation-defined, but shall correspond to the order in which a constant of the corresponding type is stored in memory on the system.\n> \n> \n> \n## Compatibility notes\nI am not certain if putting `echo|od` in backquotes with no double quotes around them [which results in a three-word argument to `case`] is supported on all systems. I am not certain if all systems support shell scripts with no terminating newline. I am mostly certain but not 100% of the behavior of od with adding the padding byte on big-endian systems. If needed, `echo a` can be used for the portable versions. All of the scripts work in bash, ksh, and zsh, and the portable ones work in dash.\n[Answer]\n## PHP, 16 bytes\n```\nrequire('os').endianness()[0]\n```\nPro: there's a builtin. Con: property names are very long\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell, 44 bytes\n```\n[char](66+10*[BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian)\n```\nCharacter 66 is `B`, and 10 characters later is number 76, `L`. A Boolean value of \"true\" becomes `1` when cast to a number. `BitConverter` is a standard .NET class.\n[Answer]\n## Bash, 27 bytes\n```\niconv -tucs2<<<\u424c|head -c1\n```\n`\u424c` ([U+424C](http://www.unicode.org/cgi-bin/GetUnihanData.pl?codepoint=424C)) is encoded as three UTF-8 bytes: `E4 89 8C`.\nIt is assumed that `iconv` uses the function from glibc and that a UTF-8 locale is used.\n[Answer]\n# Racket, ~~35~~ 28 bytes\n```\n(if(system-big-endian?)'B'L)\n```\n`'B` or `'L` respectively. Let me know if this is not specific enough :)\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 22 bytes\n```\n\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/;\nvar OVERRIDE_REG = /^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\nfunction getAuthorName(a) {\n  return a.owner.display_name;\n}\nfunction process() {\n  var valid = [];\n  \n  answers.forEach(function(a) {\n    var body = a.body;\n    a.comments.forEach(function(c) {\n      if(OVERRIDE_REG.test(c.body))\n        body = '

' + c.body.replace(OVERRIDE_REG, '') + '

';\n });\n \n var match = body.match(SCORE_REG);\n if (match)\n valid.push({\n user: getAuthorName(a),\n size: +match[2],\n language: match[1],\n link: a.share_link,\n });\n \n });\n \n valid.sort(function (a, b) {\n var aB = a.size,\n bB = b.size;\n return aB - bB\n });\n var languages = {};\n var place = 1;\n var lastSize = null;\n var lastPlace = 1;\n valid.forEach(function (a) {\n if (a.size != lastSize)\n lastPlace = place;\n lastSize = a.size;\n ++place;\n \n var answer = jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();\n answer = answer.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\", lastPlace + \".\")\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", a.user)\n .replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", a.language)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", a.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", a.link);\n answer = jQuery(answer);\n jQuery(\"#answers\").append(answer);\n var lang = a.language;\n if (/
b.lang) return 1;\n if (a.lang < b.lang) return -1;\n return 0;\n });\n for (var i = 0; i < langs.length; ++i)\n {\n var language = jQuery(\"#language-template\").html();\n var lang = langs[i];\n language = language.replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\", lang.lang)\n .replace(\"{{NAME}}\", lang.user)\n .replace(\"{{SIZE}}\", lang.size)\n .replace(\"{{LINK}}\", lang.link);\n language = jQuery(language);\n jQuery(\"#languages\").append(language);\n }\n}\n```\n```\nbody { text-align: left !important}\n#answer-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\n#language-list {\n padding: 10px;\n width: 290px;\n float: left;\n}\ntable thead {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\ntable td {\n padding: 5px;\n}\n```\n```\n\n\n


\n \n \n \n \n \n \n

Winners by Language

\n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n\n \n \n \n
\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), 6 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u00c7\u00c2s{\u03b1\u00df\n```\nOnly `1` is truthy in 05AB1E, and it'll output `0` (or `\"\"` for the empty string) as falsey.\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//cPvhpuLqcxsPz///PxEEkkAAAA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfeX/w@2Hm4qrz208PP@/zv9opcQkJR2lxMQkCAWkoQwQC8YEs@EcCA/EBYkAMUQGxAATUIUQY0EkWBhiQxJUHZgNVQ4zGOoAiD6IlkQoBTEGZg7UIIhJEKMgGpKglkBtgVkDsydJKRYA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n\u00c7 # Convert the (implicit) input-string to a list of integer codepoints\n # i.e. \"aaabbb\" \u2192 [97,97,97,98,98,98]\n # i.e. \"baba\" \u2192 [98,97,98,97]\n # i.e. \"aab\" \u2192 [97,97,98]\n # i.e. \"\" \u2192 []\n \u00c2 # Bifurcate this list (short for Duplicate & Reverse copy)\n # STACK: [[97,97,97,98,98,98], [98,98,98,97,97,97]]\n # STACK: [[98,97,98,97], [97,98,97,98]]\n # STACK: [[97,97,98], [98,97,97]]\n # STACK: [[], []]\n s # Swap to get the duplicated list\n # STACK: [[98,98,98,97,97,97], [97,97,97,98,98,98]]\n # STACK: [[97,98,97,98], [98,97,98,97]]\n # STACK: [[98,97,97], [97,97,98]]\n # STACK: [[], []]\n { # Sort it\n # STACK: [[98,98,98,97,97,97], [97,97,97,98,98,98]]\n # STACK: [[97,98,97,98], [97,97,98,98]]\n # STACK: [[98,97,97], [97,97,98]]\n # STACK: [[], []]\n \u03b1 # Take the absolute difference at the same positions\n # STACK: [[1,1,1,1,1,1]]\n # STACK: [[0,1,1,0]]\n # STACK: [[1,0,1]]\n # STACK: [[], []]\n \u00df # And take the minimum, which will be 1 if all were truthy;\n # 0 if any were falsey; or an empty string if the list is empty\n # STACK: [1]\n # STACK: [0]\n # STACK: [0]\n # STACK: [\"\"]\n # (after which it is output implicitly as result)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java 8, ~~69~~ 37 bytes\n```\n s->s.matches(\"(a(?=a*(\\\\2?+b)))+\\\\2\")\n```\nRegex shamelessly 'borrowed' from [here](https://stackoverflow.com/a/3644267/1682559). \n-6 bytes thanks to *@Deadcode*, plus a bit more by converting Java 7 to 8\n[Try it online.](https://tio.run/##PZBNb8IwDIbv/Aorp2RNI227gRiHnceF49jBCQHK2rRqTKVp4rd3cQKTIn/o9fNazgUnrC@H79m1GCN8YBN@FwBNID8e0XnYcgtg@771GMDJHY1NOEFUqyTcFilEQmocbCHAeo71WzQdkjv7KIVEuVnjk9zvXzaVVUpVqRJqXjE3XG2buDs@9c0BurT/vuHzC1CV5cd@lBOOQD7SO0YPSxBoNaLlkGJOnEuRK6s1au61TS8LTGhMLYM2KylnuYDZjad4BHNgoBAZYYYhHrHZJvsUo@JkhYlD25AUWiiVDwDY/UTynemvZIZ0HbVBPq6pxFJUAoQZ/eCR5PNr/ZBM68OJzjL9WzDun1D3v7/Nfw)\n**Explanation:**\n```\ns-> // Method with String parameters and boolean return-type\n s.matches(\"...\") // Check if the String matches the regex explained below\n```\n*Regex explanation:*\n```\n^ $ # (implicit by String#matches: match entire String)\n + # Repeat one or more times:\n ( ) # Capture group 1, which does:\n a # Match an 'a'\n (?= ) # With a positive look-ahead to:\n a* # 0 or more 'a's\n ( ) # Followed by, in capture group 2:\n \\2 # The value of capture group 2,\n ?+ # zero or one times, giving prio to one, without backtracking\n b # Following by a 'b'\n \\2 # Followed by the value of capture group 2 (the 'b's)\n```\n[Answer]\n# C (Ansi), ~~65~~ 75 Bytes\n## Golfed:\n```\nl(b,i,j,k)char*b;{for(i=j=0;(k=b[i++])>0&k<=b[i];)j+=2*(k>97)-1;return !j;}\n```\n## Explanation:\nSets a value j and increments j on each b and decrements j on anything else.\nChecked if the letter before is less than or equal the next letter so prevent abab from working\n## Edits\nAdded checks for abab cases.\n[Answer]\n## Batch, 133 bytes\n```\n@if \"\"==\"%1\" exit/b1 Fail if the input is empty\n@set a=%1 Grab the input into a variable for processing\n@set b=%a:ab=% Remove all `ab` substrings\n@if \"%a%\"==\"%b%\" exit/b1 Fail if we didn't remove anything\n@if not %a%==a%b%b exit/b1 Fail if we removed more than one `ab`\n@if \"\"==\"%b%\" exit/b0 Success if there's nothing left to check\n@%0 %b% Rinse and repeat\n```\nReturns an `ERRORLEVEL` of 0 on success, 1 on failure. Batch doesn't like to do substring replacement on empty strings, so we have to check that up front; if an empty parameter was legal, line 6 wouldn't be necessary.\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell v2+, ~~61~~ 52 bytes\n```\nparam($n)$x=$n.length/2;$n-and$n-match\"^a{$x}b{$x}$\"\n```\nTakes input `$n` as a string, creates `$x` as `half the length`. Constructions an `-and` Boolean comparison between `$n` and a `-match` regex operator against the regex of an equal number of `a`'s and `b`'s. Outputs Boolean `$TRUE` or `$FALSE`. The `$n-and` is there to account for `\"\"`=`$FALSE`.\n## Alternate, 35 bytes\n```\n$args-match'^(a)+(?<-1>b)+(?(1)c)$'\n```\nThis uses the regex from [Leaky's answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/86002/42963), based on .NET balancing groups, just encapsulated in the PowerShell `-match` operator. Returns the string for truthy, or empty string for falsey.\n[Answer]\n# Pyth - 13 bytes\n```\n&zqzS*/lz2\"ab\n```\nExplained:\n```\n qz #is input equal to\n \"ab #the string \"ab\"\n * #multiplied by\n /lz2 #length of input / 2\n S #and sorted?\n&z #(implicitly) print if the above is true and z is not empty\n```\n[Answer]\n## Haskell, 39 bytes\n```\np x=elem x$scanl(\\s _->'a':s++\"b\")\"ab\"x\n```\nUsage example: `p \"aabb\"` -> `True`.\n`scanl(\\s _->'a':s++\"b\")\"ab\"x` build a list of all `[\"ab\", \"aabb\", \"aaabbb\", ...]` with a total of `(length x)` elements. `elem` checks if `x` is in this list.\n[Answer]\n# Octave, 28 bytes\n```\n@(m)diff(+m)>=0&~sum(m-97.5)\n```\nThis defines an anonymous function. It works also for empty input. Falsy and truthy are as described in [my MATL answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/86018/36398).\n[**Try it at ideone**](http://ideone.com/yPySIn).\n### Explanation\n`diff(+m)>0` checks if the input string (consisting of `'a'` and `'b'`) is sorted, that is, all characters `'a'` come before all `'b'`.\nThe other condition that needs to be checked is whether the numbers of characters `'a'` and `'b'` are the same. Since their ASCII codes are `97` ansd `98`, this is done subtracting `97.5` and chacking if the the sum is zero.\nFor empty input the result is empty, which is falsy.\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica ~~83~~ ~~80~~ ~~68~~ 54 bytes\n```\n#&@@@#<>\"\"==\"ab\"&&Equal@@Length/@#&@*Split@*Characters\n```\nThanks @MartinEnder for shortening it by 26 bytes :)\nIf input can be a list of characters instead of a string, **39 bytes** is possible:\n```\n#&@@@#=={a,b}&&Equal@@Length/@#&@*Split\n```\neg:\n```\n#&@@@#=={a,b}&&Equal@@Length/@#&@*Split@{a,b,a,b,a,b}\n(*False*)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Racket, 91 bytes\n```\n(\u03bb(x)((\u03bb(y)(equal?(append(make-list(- 1 y)#\\a)(make-list y #\\b))(cdr x)))(/(length x)2)))\n```\nExpects input in the form of a list of characters. If you really need to put it in as a raw string, that adds 21 extra characters (for **112** bytes):\n```\n(\u03bb(x)((\u03bb(y)(equal?(append(make-list(- 1 y)#\\a)(make-list y #\\b))(cdr(string->list x))))(/(string-length x)2)))\n```\nAn even longer (102 bytes with list input) way, but I think it's creative so I'm leaving it here:\n```\n(\u03bb(x)(and(eqv?(/(length x)2)(length(member #\\b x)))(eqv?(length(remove-duplicates(member #\\b x)))1)))\n```\nExplanation to follow.\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript, 34 bytes\n```\ns=>(s=s.match`^a(.*)b$`[1])?f(s):1\n```\nIn true automata fashion, this function returns 1 if it's true, and fails if it's not.\n```\nf=s=>(s=s.match`^a(.*)b$`[1])?f(s):1\nlet test_strings = [\"ab\", \"aabb\", \"\", \"a\", \"abb\", \"abc\", \"abab\", \"abba\"];\ntest_strings.map(s => {\ntry {console.log(\"f(\\\"\" + s + \"\\\") returned \" + f(s));}\ncatch(e) {console.log(\"f(\\\"\" + s + \"\\\") threw \" + e);}\n});\n```\n[Answer]\n# Excel, 55 bytes\n```\n=AND(A1<>\"\",A1=REPT(\"a\",LEN(A1)/2)&REPT(\"b\",LEN(A1)/2))\n```\nTest string in cell A1, formula above in any other cell. Generates a comparison string of the appropriate length and checks for a match. Shows TRUE or FALSE as appropriate.\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~61~~ 40 bytes\nnew approach inspired by [Didz\u00b4 answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/85994/count-of-as-and-bs-must-be-equal-did-you-get-it-computer/86300#86300): regexp with a recursive pattern\n```\na;` (61 bytes)\n---\nMy second own approach, a little longer: build a string with (input length / 2) of `a`, one of `b` and compare the concatenation to input: \n`inputoutputexpectedok?';echo\"$h\",out($x),'',out($y),'',out($e),'',$e==$y?'Y':'N',\"\";$h='';}\n$cases=[\n 1=>[ab,aabb,aaabbb,aaaabbbb,aaaaabbbbb,aaaaaabbbbbb],\n 0=>['',a,b,aa,ba,bb,aaa,aab,aba,abb,baa,bab,bba,bbb,aaaa,aaab,aaba,\n abaa,abab,abba,abbb,baaa,baab,baba,babb,bbaa,bbab,bbba,bbbb]\n];\nforeach($cases as$e=>$a)foreach($a as$x)test($x,$e,f($x)|0);\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 7 bytes\n```\n.AanV_S\n```\n[Try it online](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=.AanV_S&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%22ab%22%0A%22aabb%22%0A%22aaabbb%22%0A%22aaaabbbb%22%0A%22aaaaabbbbb%22%0A%22aaaaaabbbbbb%22%0A%22%22%0A%22a%22%0A%22b%22%0A%22aa%22%0A%22ba%22%0A%22bb%22%0A%22aaa%22%0A%22aab%22%0A%22aba%22%0A%22abb%22%0A%22baa%22%0A%22bab%22%0A%22bba%22%0A%22bbb%22%0A%22aaaa%22%0A%22aaab%22%0A%22aaba%22%0A%22abaa%22%0A%22abab%22%0A%22abba%22%0A%22abbb%22%0A%22baaa%22%0A%22baab%22%0A%22baba%22%0A%22babb%22%0A%22bbaa%22%0A%22bbab%22%0A%22bbba%22%0A%22bbbb%22)\n### How it works\n```\n SQ sorted input\n _ reverse\n nV Q vectorized not-equal with input\n a Q append input\n.A test whether all elements are truthy\n```\n[Answer]\n## C, 65 bytes\n```\nm,t;C(char*c){for(m=1,t=0;*c;)m>0&*c++-97&&(m-=2),t+=m;return!t;}\n```\n[Answer]\n## Brainfuck, 77 bytes\n```\n,\n[\n [\n >+[>+<-]<<\n ,[>->+<<-]\n >[<<]\n >\n ]\n >+[<<]\n >\n [\n >-[>+<-]<<\n ,\n [\n [>->+<<-]\n >[<<]\n <\n ]\n >>\n ]\n +>[<]\n]\n<.\n```\nExpects input without a trailing newline. Outputs `\\x00` for false and `\\x01` for true.\n[Try it online.](http://brainfuck.tryitonline.net/#code=LFtbPitbPis8LV08PCxbPi0-Kzw8LV0-Wzw8XT5dPitbPDxdPls-LVs-KzwtXTw8LFtbPi0-Kzw8LV0-Wzw8XTxdPj5dKz5bPF1dPC4&input=YWFhYWFhYmJiYmJi)\nThe idea is to increment `n` for initial `a` characters and decrement `n` for subsequent `b` characters and then check whether `n` is zero at the end, short-circuiting to print false if the input does not match `/^a+b+$/`. Since the input is guaranteed to match `/^[ab]*$/`, we can ignore the fact that `ord('a') = 97` and just use `ord('b') = ord('a') + 1` to check for `/^a+b/`.\n[Answer]\n# [Cubically](https://github.com/aaronryank/cubically), ~~109~~ ~~98~~ ~~70~~ 60 bytes\n```\n+52/1+55~=7!6&(:7UR'UF'D2~=7)6>7?6&(:7D2FU'RU'~=7)6>7!6&!8%6\n```\n-11 bytes thanks to TehPers\n-10 bytes thanks to new language feature\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy5NykxOzMmp/P9f29RI31Db1LTO1lzRTE3DyjzI0MnQx9DNECigaWZnbg8WdDP2MXYyDjKGCgJVKlqomv3/nwgCSSAAAA \"Cubically \u2013 Try It Online\")\nPrints `1` if the string matches L, otherwise prints nothing.\nExplanation:\n```\n+52/1+55 Sets the notepad to 97 ('a')\n ~ takes input\n =7!6& exits if input is not 'a'\n( )6 While the notepad is truthy\n :7 Save the current character value\n UR'UF'D2 Perform a cube operation\n ~=7 Set notepad to true if next character is the same\n>7?6& Exit if next character is end of input (-1)\n( )6 While the notepad is truthy\n :7 Save the current character\n D2FU'RU' Reverse one iteration of the previous operation\n ~=7 Set notepad to true if next character is the same\n>7!6& Exit if next character is NOT end of input\n!8%6 Print 1 if the cube is solved\n```\nThe looping operation has been replaced with a new sequence with a period of 1260, which will still never give a false negative but now is guaranteed to work for inputs of less than 1260 characters.\nI've replaced the previous check for solved cube with `!8%6`. `8` is a recently added pseudo-face which is always equal to \"Is the cube solved?\" so I can just branch on that directly.\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 17 bytes (16 + '-n' flag)\n```\np~/^(a\\g<1>?b)$/\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##KypNqvz/v6BOP04jMSbdxtDOPklTRf///8TEJC4wSuICkkAaxAGCJCD4l19QkpmfV/xfNw8A \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nThe recursive regex solution ported to ruby.\n[Answer]\n> \n> Nearly 5 months later, decided to come back to my first answer here to see if I could golf it more. Here's the results!\n> \n> \n> \n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 28 bytes\n```\neval ${${${1:?}//a/( }//b/)}\n```\nJust as I posted my 29 byte answer, I thought \"what about if we handle the empty case specially?\" Turns out, it's one byte shorter!\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY3BCoMwEETv@YqBClqohF5bwW9JzIqBYEoSW2vx29No1UNnWZZ5u8NOvouvThuCI6FgdE93KMvoKQw8BZQlsoWyYnVjXDfZZ6nrrZ45F7xAGpKf53hmVVVlNXCCHcJjCKBRBzRWEVrr0pOWHPUNXTCRs9AewQ2hezNle4oiSSaleMLEhMRPm5fi8K0wfjnYTg6wR3aQ5/@R9GHpA3wB \"Zsh \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSuccessful cases: `( ( ( ... ( ( ))...)))`.\nUnsuccessful cases:\n* Unmatched/uneven parens: obviously fails\n* `/ba/` case: `( )( )` is a \"parse error\" in the eval, but gives `unknown file attribute:` if run directly.\n* Empty case: `${1:?}` handles exactly this.\n---\n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 29 bytes\n```\neval \\(${${1//a/(+}//b/+i)}\\)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##XY1BCoMwFET3OcVABRUroesKvYibaL4YCKbE2FrFs6fRqosO/MW8P8NMfevfrdIES0JCq47ukIbRS2j05JDniFbKks2NfvuUSTRH841zwZNs4bzimUqXMvUpK4oiegAXmME9BwcalUNtJKExNqw0ZKmr6YqJrIHq4ezg2g@TpiMvgqqgUA@YmKjw0@4rcfpG6H4N7JETHJUDxPF/JSysd4Iv \"Zsh \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSame \"eval matching delimiters\" principle, but this time using math mode instead of parameter expansions:\n```\neval \\(${${1//a/(+}//b/+i)}\\)\n \\( \\) # literal ( )\n ${1//a/(+} # replace 'a' with '(+'\n ${ //b/+i)} # replace 'b' with '+i)'\n```\nA successful result looks like: `((+(+(...+(++i)+...i)+i)+i))`, incrementing `i` to `1` and adding it repeatedly. This will result in a positive integer, which `(( ))` evaluates truthy.\nAn unsuccessful result looks like one of the following:\n* Uneven/unmatched parens (obviously fails)\n* `/^b(a{n}b{n})?a$/` case: `(+i)(...)(+)` fails with \"missing identifier after `+`\"\n* Any other `/ba/` case: `(...)(...)` errors in math mode\n* Empty case: `()` is an anonymous function with no body, and errors\n---\n> \n> *Original answer:*\n> \n> \n> \n# [Zsh](https://www.zsh.org/), 35 bytes\n```\neval '${'${${1//a/'${'}//b/'}'}'#}'\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##qyrO@P8/tSwxR0FdpRqIVKoN9fUT9UGcWn39JH31WiBUrlX///9/YlJiEgA \"Zsh \u2013 Try It Online\")\n([More examples](https://tio.run/##XVDLboMwELzzFauARCMlQr22UZsee8wnmDAJqMamfiSFiG@nuyFJpa6x8c6Md8cefD2l9GlorzyotzF3oLM1FVxjjqRKGwOFuvFUQzH4kqT0NCyJyHe6CZ45kG4MSM37wde01w3XiLoS8U7EFb6jDfiTC7MV5gvoPCnnVE8H61omFtllXBCMj@wFbRd68kHsiA7UOXi4E6T6hw5wRgXofkUOrT3h2mI2u@KK3JX/ylTUmI7vIrvoZ9Xetq3ks393jC0MX4ltzOIkOdeNBhdWs@iVKpt4BFqvxeXTdrfkdVgKN46LCSelKc8u/GWX56JQhSRjUZRFPvJIx3zabDbZO1FK/LJiCD9NYCcVrn0dDnAwe6xogLPEDx9cDHWfVNZgUhwlB70JjESVNMctL9UjPyjtRXCTPID7kTuQ5/@PcAeZD@AX \"Zsh \u2013 Try It Online\"))\nInspired by [xnor's post](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/86032/86147), this outputs via exit code. Zsh will happlily handle nested `${}`s, but will err on `${${...}${...}}` or unmatched braces.\nThere are two caveats which makes this longer:\n* We need the outer `${...}`, since `${}${}` is valid zsh.\n* We need a `#` at then end, which causes an error when the input is the empty string:\n\t+ `${${}#}` is prefix removal, which is fine.\n\t+ `${#}` evaluates to the number of parameters, which will be an integer and not a valid command.\n[Answer]\n# [Curry (PAKCS)](https://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/%7Epakcs/), 24 bytes\n```\nf('a':s++\"b\")=s==\"\"||f s\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Sy4tKqrULUjMTi7@/z9NQz1R3apYW1spSUnTttjWVkmppiZNofh/bmJmnoKtQpqCUiIYJIGB0n8A \"Curry (PAKCS) \u2013 Try It Online\")\nReturns `True` for truth, and nothing otherwise.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~43~~ 40 Bytes\n```\nlambda s:''s{s==?a*(l=s.size/2)+?b*l&&l>0}\n```\n[Answer]\n## Actually, 14 bytes\n```\n\"[]\"\"ab\"(t\u2261#\u00c6Y\n```\nThis uses the same strategy as [xnor's solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/86032/4372) for the first part: transform the input into a nested iterable.\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=IltdIiJhYiIodOKJoSPDhlk&input=ImFhYmIi)\nExplanation:\n```\n\"[]\"\"ab\"(t\u2261#\u00c6Y\n\"[]\"\"ab\"(t translate \"a\" -> \"[\", \"b\" -> \"]\"\n \u2261 eval (since this is evaluating a literal, it still works in the online interpreter) - leaves a list if the string is valid, else a string\n # listify (does nothing to a list, makes a list of characters for a string)\n \u00c6 filter strings (take all string elements in the list - so an empty list if there are none)\n Y boolean negate (an empty list is falsey and a non-empty list is truthy, so negation gets the correct value)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 31 bytes\nAw, that poor syntax highlighter :)\n```\n->s{s=~/^a+/&&$&.tr(?a,?b)==$'}\n```\nDoes `s` begin with one or more `a`? Is also that bunch of `a`s (`$&`) the same as the rest of the string (`$'`) if we replace all those `a`s with `b`s?\n[test here](https://repl.it/Ce9w)\n[Answer]\n# C#, 78 67 bytes\n```\nbool f(string s)=>Regex.IsMatch(s,\"^(?'o'a)+(?'-o'b)+(?(o)(?!))$\");\n```\nThis implementation uses .NET Regex's [\"Balancing Group Definitions\"](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bs2twtah(v=vs.110).aspx#balancing_group_definition) to match the same number of 'a' and 'b' characters while ensuring that the input isn't an empty string by using the `+` quantifier.\n[Answer]\n# Python, 101 bytes\n```\ndef q(s): \n a=len(s)/2 \n for x in range(a): \n if s[x]!='a' or s[a+x]!='b' or a*2!=len(s):a=0\nreturn a\n```\nNot the most efficient, had some trouble with 0 being even. Could probably get it lower with python tricks. \nReturns 0 if false, a positive integer if true. (which will be half len(s))\n[Answer]\n# k (21 bytes)\nCan probably be shorter\n```\n{|/0,(=).(#:'=x)\"ab\"}\n```\nExample\n```\nk){|/0,(=).(#:'=x)\"ab\"}\"\"\n0b\nk){|/0,(=).(#:'=x)\"ab\"}\"ab\"\n1b\nk){|/0,(=).(#:'=x)\"ab\"}\"aab\"\n0b\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP bounty version, 31 bytes\nfor PHP 4.1, call `php-cgi -f s=` (or in browser with `?s=`)\nfor current PHP, use `$_GET[s]` instead of `$s`\n---\n**31 bytes**\n```\n y$$\nThis is a generalization of the Fibonacci (\\$x = 1, y = 2, a = [1, 1], \\alpha = 1, \\beta = 1\\$) sequence and the Lucas (\\$x = 1, y = 2, a = [2, 1], \\alpha = 1, \\beta = 1\\$) sequence.\n## The Challenge\nGiven \\$n, x, y, a, \\alpha\\$, and \\$\\beta\\$, in any reasonable format, output the \\$n\\$th term of the corresponding binary recurrence sequence.\n## Rules\n* You may choose for the sequence to be either 1-indexed or 0-indexed, but your choice must be consistent across all inputs, and you must make note of your choice in your answer.\n* You may assume that no invalid inputs would be given (such as a sequence that terminates prior to \\$n\\$, or a sequence that references undefined terms, like \\$F(-1)\\$ or \\$F(k)\\$ where \\$k > n\\$). As a result of this, \\$x\\$ and \\$y\\$ will always be positive.\n* The inputs and outputs will always be integers, within the boundaries of your language's natural integer type. If your language has unbounded integers, the inputs and outputs will be within the range \\$[-2^{31}, 2^{31}-1]\\$ (i.e. the range for a 32-bit signed two's complement integer).\n* \\$a\\$ will always contain exactly \\$y\\$ values (as per the definition).\n## Test Cases\nNote: all test cases are 0-indexed.\n```\nx = 1, y = 2, a = [1, 1], alpha = 1, beta = 1, n = 6 => 13\nx = 1, y = 2, a = [2, 1], alpha = 1, beta = 1, n = 8 => 47\nx = 3, y = 5, a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11], alpha = 2, beta = 3, n = 8 => 53\nx = 1, y = 3, a = [-5, 2, 3], alpha = 1, beta = 2, n = 10 => -67\nx = 5, y = 7, a = [-5, 2, 3, -7, -8, 1, -9], alpha = -10, beta = -7, n = 10 => 39\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 11 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u2074C\u1ecb\u00e6.\u2075\u1e6d\u00b5\u00a1\u2076\u1ecb\n```\n**Try it online!** [1](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oG0Q-G7i8OmLuKBteG5rcK1wqHigbbhu4s&input=&args=WzEsIDFd+WzEsIDJd+WzEsIDFd+Nw) | [2](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oG0Q-G7i8OmLuKBteG5rcK1wqHigbbhu4s&input=&args=WzIsIDFd+WzEsIDJd+WzEsIDFd+OQ) | [3](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oG0Q-G7i8OmLuKBteG5rcK1wqHigbbhu4s&input=&args=WzIsIDMsIDUsIDcsIDExXQ+WzMsIDVd+WzIsIDNd+OQ) | [4](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oG0Q-G7i8OmLuKBteG5rcK1wqHigbbhu4s&input=&args=Wy01LCAyLCAzXQ+WzEsIDNd+WzEsIDJd+MTE) | [5](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4oG0Q-G7i8OmLuKBteG5rcK1wqHigbbhu4s&input=&args=Wy01LCAyLCAzLCAtNywgLTgsIDEsIC05XQ+WzUsIDdd+Wy0xMCwgLTdd+MTE)\n### How it works\n```\n\u2074C\u1ecb\u00e6.\u2075\u1e6d\u00b5\u00a1\u2076\u1ecb Main link. Arguments: a; [x, y]; [\u03b1, \u03b2]; n (1-based)\n \u00b5 Combine the links to the left into a chain.\n \u00a1 Execute that chain n times, updating a after each execution.\n\u2074 Yield [x, y].\n C Complement; yield [1 - x, 1 - y].\n \u1ecb Retrieve the elements of a at those indices.\n Indexing is 1-based and modular in Jelly, so this retrieves\n [a[-x], a[-y]] (Python syntax).\n \u2075 Yield [\u03b1, \u03b2].\n \u00e6. Take the dot product of [a[-x], a[-y]] and [\u03b1, \u03b2].\n \u2076 Yield n.\n \u1ecb Retrieve the element of a at index n.\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python 2, 62 bytes\n```\nx,y,l,a,b=input();f=lambda n:l[n]if ng=n=>n@{[)+/ .*]{~1-@>@{[)^:(3>@{[)>@{.\n```\nGiven an initial sequence of terms *A*, computes the next term *n* times using the parameters of *x*, *y*, *\u03b1*, and *\u03b2*. Afterwards, it selects the *nth* term in the extended sequence and outputs it as the result.\n## Usage\nSince J only supports 1 or 2 arguments, I group up all the parameters as a list of boxed lists. The initial seed values *A* are first, followed by the parameters of *x* and *y* as a list, followed by the parameters of *\u03b1* and *\u03b2* as a list, and ending with the value *n*.\n```\n f =: {:{](],(2>@{[)+/ .*]{~1-@>@{[)^:(3>@{[)>@{.\n 2 3 5 7 11;3 5;2 3;8\n\u250c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2500\u2500\u252c\u2500\u2510\n\u25022 3 5 7 11\u25023 5\u25022 3\u25028\u2502\n\u2514\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2500\u2500\u2534\u2500\u2518\n f 2 3 5 7 11;3 5;2 3;8\n53\n f _5 2 3 _7 _8 1 _9;5 7;_10 _7;10\n39\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**GolfScript** automatically coerces values, according to the following \u2018priority\u2019 sequence:\n> \n> integer \u2192 array \u2192 string \u2192 block\n> \n> \n> \n(listed from lowest to highest.)\nThis means that `\"1\"7+` leaves the string `\"17\"` on the stack (and not `8`), because strings have a higher priority than integers.\n[*To those GolfScript veterans \u2013 apologies for insulting your respective intelligences.*]\nHow would it be possible to do this the other way? That is, to **coerce a string into an integer**?\n \n[Answer]\nThere's an operator `~` in golfscript, which does the following: `bitwise not, dump, eval`.\nTherefore, `\"1\"` will give the string `\"1\"` while `\"1\"~` will evaluate that string (into the integer `1`).\nThen, all you need to do is `\"1\"~7+`.\n[Try it online!](http://golfscript.tryitonline.net/#code=IjEifjcr&input=)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nOutput the **current time of day** as [Swatch Internet Time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time).\nSpecifically, output a three-digit (zero-padded) number of \"[.beats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time#Beats)\" (1000ths of a day) which represent the current time of day in the Swatch Internet Time time zone of UTC+01:00 (\"Biel Meantime\").\nFor example, if the current time in UTC is `23:47`, then it is `00:47` in UTC+1 (\"Biel Meantime\"), and the output would be `032`.\n**Examples**:\n```\nUTC Current Time -> SIT Output\n23:47 -> 032\n23:00 -> 000\n11:00 -> 500\n14:37 -> 651\n```\nThe program should produce this output then immediately exit.\nOutput is to standard output (or equivalent). **Must be a complete, runnable program, not a function.** The program takes no input; it outputs the *current* time.\n \n[Answer]\n# PHP, 12 bytes\n```\n cl swatch.c\n### Compile (GCC):\n$ gcc swatch.c\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~48~~ 46 bytes\n```\n60\u00a9%\u00ae*\u017eb+\u2084*1440\u00f7Dg3s-\u00c50\u0161\u02dcJ\n```\nAfter compressing integers thanks to @KevinCruijssen (-8 bytes) :\n```\n\u017ea>60\u00a9%\u00ae*\u017eb+\u2084*\u017d5\u00a6\u00f7\u2084+\u00a6\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n\u017ea>60\u00a9%\u00ae*\u017eb+\u2084*1440\u00f7Dg3s-\u00c50\u0161\u02dcJ\n\u017ea push current hours in UT \n > increment\n 60\u00a9 push 60 and save in register c\n % hours mod 60\n \u00ae* push from register c and Multiply\n \u017eb+ add current minutes \n \u2084* multiply by 1000\n 1440\u00f7 Integer division with 1440\n D Duplicate\n g Length\n 3s- 3-length\n \u00c50 create list of a 0s\n \u0161 Prepand\n \u02dcJ Flat and joon\n```\nI didn't find a better idea for prepanding Zeros, so if anyone got a better idea I'll be glad to know :)\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##ATEAzv9vc2FiaWX//8W@YT42MMKpJcKuKsW@YivigoQqMTQ0MMO3RGczcy3DhTDFocucSv//)\n[Try the 21 bytes online!](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//6L5EOzODQytVD63TOrovSftRU4vW0b2mh5Yd3g5kah9a9v8/AA)\n[Answer]\n# Javascript, ~~53~~ ~~52~~ 48 bytes\n```\nalert((new Date/864e5%1+1/24+'0000').slice(2,5)) \n```\nExplanation:\n`new Date/864e5%1` is the fraction of a day in UTC. `+1/24` adds 1/24th of a day (1 hour), moving it to UTC+1.\n`\"0000\"` is concatenated with this, turning it into a string. Then the 3rd through 5th characters are taken. The reason `\"0000\"` is concatenated instead of an empty string is for the cases in which there are fewer than 3 decimal places:\n* `\"0.XXX`(any number of digits here)`0000\"` Swatch time is XXX\n* `\"0.XX0000\"` Swatch time is XX0\n* `\"0.X0000\"` Swatch time is X00\n* `\"00000\"` Swatch time is 000\n(the first character is 1 instead of 0 from 23:00 UTC to 24:00 UTC, but the first character is ignored.)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 98 bytes\n```\nd=new Date();t=;console.log(Math.floor((360*d.getHours()+60*d.getMinutes()+d.getSeconds())/86.4));\n```\nDefinitely could be optimized, I had some problems with the `Date` object so I'm looking into shorter ways to do that.\n[Answer]\n# Octave, 64 bytes\n```\nt=gmtime(time);sprintf(\"%03.f\",(mod(++t.hour,24)*60+t.min)/1.44)\n```\nUses [veganaiZe's](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/85107/42892) `printf` formatting.\nI'm having a bit of difficulty with the time that ideone is returning, so here's a sample run with the time struct returned by `gmtime` for reference. I'll look around and see if I can get any of the other online Octave compilers to give me proper time.\n```\nt = \n scalar structure containing the fields:\n usec = 528182\n sec = 17\n min = 24\n hour = 21\n mday = 15\n mon = 6\n year = 116\n wday = 5\n yday = 196\n isdst = 0\n zone = UTC\nans = 933\n```\n[Answer]\n# q/k (21 bytes)\n```\n7h$1e3*(.z.n+0D01)%1D\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2.7, ~~131~~ ~~128~~ 121 bytes:\n```\nfrom datetime import*;S=lambda f:int(datetime.utcnow().strftime(f));print'%03.0f'%(((S('%H')+1%24)*3600+S('%M')*60)/86.4)\n```\nA full program that outputs the Swatch Internet Time.\nSimply uses Python's built in `datetime` module to first get the `UTC+0` time in hours and minutes using `datetime.utfnow().strftime('%H')` and `datetime.utfnow().strftime('%M')`, respectively. Then, the time is converted into `UTC+1` by adding `1` to the hours and then modding the sum by `24` to ensure the result is in the 24-hour range. Finally, the hour is turned into its equivalent in seconds, which is added to the minute's equivalent in seconds, and the resulting sum is divided by `86.4`, as there are `86.4` seconds or `1 min. 24 sec.` in 1 \".beat\", after which, using string formatting, the quotient is rounded to the nearest integer and padded with zeroes until the length is `3`. \n---\nHowever, I am not the one to stop here. In the above solution, I used a more direct method to convert the time to `UTC+1`. However, wanted to add a bit of a bigger challenge for myself and implement this using *only* Python's built in `time` module, which apparently does *not* have any built-in method that I know of to convert local time into `UTC+0` time. So now, without further ado, here is the perfectly working version using *only* the time module, currently standing at **125 bytes**:\n```\nfrom time import*;I=lambda g:int(strftime(g));print'%03.0f'%((((I('%H')+1-daylight)%24*3600+timezone)%86400+I('%M')*60)/86.4)\n```\nThis can output the correct Swatch Internet Time for *any and all* time zones, and basically does pretty much everything the same as in the first solution, except this time converts the local time into `UTC+1` by first adding `1` to the hour, and then subtracting `1` if daylight-savings time is currently, locally observed, or `0` otherwise. Then, this difference is modded by `24` to ensure that the result stays within the `24` hour range, after which it is multiplied by `3600` for conversion into seconds. This product is then added to the result from the built-in `timezone` method, which returns the local offset from `UTC+0`. After this, you finally have your hours in `UTC+1`. This then continues on from here as in the first solution.\n[Answer]\n# Javascript, 83 bytes\n```\na=(((36e5+(+new Date()))%864e5)/864e2).toFixed(),alert(\"00\".slice(Math.log10(a))+a)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/projects/cjam/), 34 bytes\nUpdate: I shouldn't code hungry. My previous answer was shorter, but didn't cast to int or left-pad. These are now fixed, with +8 bytes to left-pad (probably improvable), +1 to int cast, and -2 to optimizations. My old comment no longer applies.\n```\nr':/~\\~)24md60*@~+1.44/i\"%03d\"e%o;\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##S85KzP3/v0jdSr8upk7TyCQ3xcxAy6FO21DPxEQ/U0nVwDhFKVU13/r/fyNjKxNzAA)\nExplanation:\n```\nr read input\n ':/ split on :\n ~ unwrap array\n \\~ evaluate hour to numbers\n ) increment hour\n 24md modulo 24\n 60* multiply by 60\n @~ switch to minute and eval to num\n+ add hour*60 and minute\n 1.44/ divide by 1.44 to get SIT\n i cast to int\n \"%03d\"e% format as 3 leading 0s\n o; output and discard spare 0 from modulo\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), ~~27 23 19~~ 15 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\nKj z86400 s t3n\n```\n[Test it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=S2ogejg2NDAwIHMgdDNu)\nJavascript port.\nI hope I've done it correctly.\n-4 bytes from Shaggy.\n-4 more bytes from Shaggy.\n-4 more more bytes from Shaggy.\n[Answer]\n# [Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/), 64 bytes\n```\nimport time\nt=time.gmtime()\nprint(int(-~t[3]%24/.024+t[4]/1.44))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K6gsycjPM/7/PzO3IL@oRKEkMzeVq8QWROml54IoDU2ugqLMvBINENatK4k2jlU1MtHXMzAy0S6JNonVN9QzMdHU/P8fAA \"Python 3 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# C#, 112 bytes\n```\nclass P{static void M(){System.Console.Write((int)((DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds%86400+3600)/86.4));}}\n```\n---\n# C#, 68 bytes\n```\n()=>(int)((DateTime.UtcNow.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds%86400+3600)/86.4);\n```\nA simple port of @veganaiZe's code. Thanks to him :)\n[Try it online!](https://dotnetfiddle.net/7yE0Lz)\n[Answer]\n## Common Lisp (Lispworks), 144 bytes\n```\n(defun f(s)(let*((d(split-sequence\":\"s))(h(parse-integer(first d)))(m(parse-integer(second d))))(round(/(+(*(mod(1+ h) 24)3600)(* m 60))86.4))))\n```\nungolfed:\n```\n (defun f (s)\n (let* ((d (split-sequence \":\" s))\n (h (parse-integer (first d)))\n (m (parse-integer (second d))))\n (round\n (/\n (+\n (*\n (mod (1+ h) 24)\n 3600)\n (* m 60))\n 86.4))))\n```\nusage:\n```\nCL-USER 2759 > (f \"23:47\")\n33\n-0.36111111111111427\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nWrite a program that, given any 'n' number of strings of 'm' length, returns 'm' number of 'n'-length strings, with this condition:\n**Every new string should contains the letters at the same index of the others strings**\nFor example, the first output string must contain the first letter of all the input strings, the second output string must contain the second letter of all the input strings, and so on.\nExamples (the numbers under the letters are the indexes of the strings):\n```\ninput: \"car\", \"dog\", \"man\", \"yay\"\n 012 012 012 012\noutput: \"cdmy\", \"aoaa\", \"rgny\"\n 0000 1111 2222\ninput: \"money\", \"taken\", \"trust\"\n 01234 01234 01234\noutput: \"mtt\", \"oar\", \"nku\", \"ees\", \"ynt\"\n 000 111 222 333 444\n```\nAssume that the input is correct everytime\nShortest bytes' code wins!\n**Edit:**\nSince there are many programming languages, and there could be many possible solutions for each of them, I will post the shortest solution for each programming language and the user who provided it. Keep coding!\n**Re-Edit:**\nThanks to user [Dennis](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/12012/dennis) I inserted a snippet for the leaderboards.\n```\nvar QUESTION_ID=85255,OVERRIDE_USER=56179;function answersUrl(e){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions/\"+QUESTION_ID+\"/answers?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+ANSWER_FILTER}function commentUrl(e,s){return\"https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/answers/\"+s.join(\";\")+\"/comments?page=\"+e+\"&pagesize=100&order=desc&sort=creation&site=codegolf&filter=\"+COMMENT_FILTER}function getAnswers(){jQuery.ajax({url:answersUrl(answer_page++),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){answers.push.apply(answers,e.items),answers_hash=[],answer_ids=[],e.items.forEach(function(e){e.comments=[];var s=+e.share_link.match(/\\d+/);answer_ids.push(s),answers_hash[s]=e}),e.has_more||(more_answers=!1),comment_page=1,getComments()}})}function getComments(){jQuery.ajax({url:commentUrl(comment_page++,answer_ids),method:\"get\",dataType:\"jsonp\",crossDomain:!0,success:function(e){e.items.forEach(function(e){e.owner.user_id===OVERRIDE_USER&&answers_hash[e.post_id].comments.push(e)}),e.has_more?getComments():more_answers?getAnswers():process()}})}function getAuthorName(e){return e.owner.display_name}function process(){var e=[];answers.forEach(function(s){var r=s.body;s.comments.forEach(function(e){OVERRIDE_REG.test(e.body)&&(r=\"


\")});var a=r.match(SCORE_REG);a&&e.push({user:getAuthorName(s),size:+a[2],language:a[1],link:s.share_link})}),e.sort(function(e,s){var r=e.size,a=s.size;return r-a});var s={},r=1,a=null,n=1;e.forEach(function(e){e.size!=a&&(n=r),a=e.size,++r;var t=jQuery(\"#answer-template\").html();t=t.replace(\"{{PLACE}}\",n+\".\").replace(\"{{NAME}}\",e.user).replace(\"{{LANGUAGE}}\",e.language).replace(\"{{SIZE}}\",e.size).replace(\"{{LINK}}\",e.link),t=jQuery(t),jQuery(\"#answers\").append(t);var o=e.language;/
s.lang?1:e.lang\\s*([^\\n,]*[^\\s,]),.*?(\\d+)(?=[^\\n\\d<>]*(?:<(?:s>[^\\n<>]*<\\/s>|[^\\n<>]+>)[^\\n\\d<>]*)*<\\/h\\d>)/,OVERRIDE_REG=/^Override\\s*header:\\s*/i;\n```\n```\nbody{text-align:left!important}#answer-list,#language-list{padding:10px;width:290px;float:left}table thead{font-weight:700}table td{padding:5px}\n```\n```\n



Winners by Language

\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## Pyth, 1 byte\n```\nC\n```\n[Try it here](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=C&input=%22car%22%2C+%22dog%22%2C+%22man%22%2C+%22yay%22&debug=0)\nAnother transpose builtin\n[Answer]\n# Python, ~~36~~ 29 bytes\n`zip(*s)` returns a list of tuples of each character, transposed.\n```\nlambda s:map(''.join,zip(*s))\n```\n[**Try it online**](https://repl.it/CbMM/1)\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 1 byte\n```\nZ\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=WgrDh-KCrEc&input=&args=WyJjYXIiLCAiZG9nIiwgIm1hbiIsICJ5YXkiXSwgWyJtb25leSIsICJ0YWtlbiIsICJ0cnVzdCJd)\n[Answer]\n# Vim, ~~37~~ 36 keystrokes\nAll the other answers are boring, and using boring single-byte builtins. Here's a hacky answer that does the entire thing manually, in something that isn't even a programming language:\n```\nGmaqqgg:s/./&d`aGopvGgJ@qq@q`adgg\n```\nExplanation:\n```\nG \"move to the end of this line\n ma \"And leave mark 'a' here\n qq \"Start recording in register 'q'\n gg \"Move to the beginning\n :s/./& \"Assert that there is atleast one character on this line\n d \"Delete\n \"Blockwise\n `a \"Until mark 'a'\n G \"Move to the end of the buffer\n o \"Open a newline below us\n p \"And paste what we deleted\n vG \"Visually select everything until the end\n gJ \"And join these without spaces\n @q \"Call macro 'q'. The first time, this will do nothing,\n \"The second time, it will cause recursion.\n q \"Stop recording\n @q \"Call macro 'q' to start it all\n```\nNow, everything is good, but the buffer has some extra text left over. So we must:\n```\n`a \"Move to mark 'a'\n dgg \"And delete everything until the first line\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 1 byte\n```\n!\n```\n[**Try it online!**](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=IQ&input=WydjYXInOyAnZG9nJzsgJ21hbic7ICd5YXknXQ)\nTakes input implicitly, transposes, displays output implicitly.\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell v2+, ~~66~~ 54 bytes\n```\nparam($n)for($x=0;$n[0][$x];$x++){-join($n|%{$_[$x]})}\n```\nYo ... no `map`, no `zip`, no `transpose`, etc., so we get to roll our own. Big props to [@DarthTwon](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/56063/darth-twon) for the 12-byte golf.\nTakes input `$n`, sets up a `for` loop. Initialization sets `$x` to `0`, the test is whether we still have letters in our word `$n[0][$x]`, and we increment `$x++` each iteration.\nInside the loop, we take our array of strings, pipe it to an inner loop that spits out the appropriate character from each word. That is encapsulated in a `-join` to form a string, and that string is left on the pipeline. At end of execution, the strings on the pipeline are implicitly printed.\n```\nPS C:\\Tools\\Scripts\\golfing> .\\convert-n-strings.ps1 \"Darth\",\"-Twon\",\"Rocks\"\nD-R\naTo\nrwc\ntok\nhns\n```\n[Answer]\n## CJam, ~~6~~ 5 bytes\n*Saved 1 byte thanks to Luis Mendo.*\n```\nqS%zp\n```\n[Try it online!](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=q%20%20%20%20%20%20e%23%20Get%20all%20input%0A%20S%25%20%20%20%20e%23%20Split%20it%20on%20spaces%0A%20%20%20z%20%20%20e%23%20Take%20the%20transpose%0A%20%20%20%20p%20%20e%23%20Print%20it%20as%20an%20array&input=car%20man%20dog%20yay)\n```\nq e# Get all input\n S% e# Split it on spaces\n z e# Take the transpose\n p e# Print it as an array\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), ~~45~~ 43 bytes\nByte count assumes ISO 8859-1 encoding.\n```\nO$#`.(?<=(.+))|\u00b6\n$.1\n!`(?<=(\u00b6)+.*)(?<-1>.)+\n```\nThe leading linefeed is significant. Input and output are linefeed-terminated lists of printable ASCII strings (note that both have a single trailing linefeed).\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=TyQjYC4oPzw9KC4rKSl8wrYKJC4xCiFgKD88PSjCtikrLiopKD88LTE-Likr&input=YWJjZGUKZmdoaWoKa2xtbm8K)\nI knew for a while that transposing rectangular blocks would be a pain in Retina (whereas transposing squares isn't too bad), but never actually tried. The first solution was indeed a whopping 110 bytes long, but after several substantial changes in the approach, the resulting 45 bytes are by far not as bad as I suspected (but still...). Explanation will follow tomorrow.\n### Explanation\n**Stage 1: Sort**\n```\nO$#`.(?<=(.+))|\u00b6\n$.1\n```\nThis does the main work of reordering the characters in the input, but it ends up messing up the separation into lines. Interestingly, if we remove the `|\u00b6`, we get the code required to transpose a square input.\nSort stages (denoted by the `O`) work like this: they find all matches of the given regex (the thing after the ```), and then sort those matches and reinsert them into the places where the matches were found. As it happens, this regex matches every single character: non-linefeeds via the `.(?<=(.*))` alternative and linefeeds via the `\u00b6`. Hence, it sorts all characters in the input. The more interesting part is what they are sorted *by*.\nThe `$` option activates a \"sort-by\" mode, where each match is replaced with the substitution pattern on the second line, which is then used for comparing the matches. Furthermore, the `#` tells Retina to convert the result of the substitution to an integer, and compare those integers (instead of treating them as strings).\nSo finally, we need to look at the regex and the substitution. If the first alternative matches (i.e. we have matched any character within one of the lines), then the `(?<=(.*))` captures everything up to that character on that line into group `1`. The `$.1` in the substitution pattern replaces this with the *length* of group `1`. Hence, the first character in each string becomes `1`, the second becomes `2`, the third becomes `3` and so on. It should be clear now how this transposes a square input: all the first characters of the lines come first and all end up in the top-most line, then all the second characters end up in the second line and so on. But for these rectangular inputs, we're also matching the linefeeds. Since group `1` is unused in this case, the substitution is empty, but for the purposes of the `#` option, this is considered `0`. That means, all the linefeeds are sorted to the front.\nSo now we do have the characters in the first order (first character of each string, second character of each string, etc.) and all the linefeeds at the start.\n**Stage 2: Match**\n```\n!`(?<=(\u00b6)+.*)(?<-1>.)+\n```\nWe now need to split up the characters into lines of the correct length. This length corresponds to the number of lines in the original input, which is corresponds to the number of linefeeds we have at the beginning of the string.\nThe splitting is done here with the help of a match stage, which simply finds all matches of the given regex and uses the `!` option to print those matches (the default would be to count them instead). So the goal of the regex is to match one line at a time.\nWe start by \"counting\" the number with the lookbehind `(?<=(\u00b6)*.*)`. It generates one capture in group `1` for every linefeed at the front.\nThen, for each of those captures, we match a single character with `(?<-1>.)+`.\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, 1 byte\n```\n,\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=%2C&input=%22money%22%2C+%22taken%22%2C+%22trust%22)\nTranspose.\n[Answer]\n# x86 machine code, 19 bytes\nIn hex:\n```\nfc89d35651a401dee2fb91aa595e464a75f1c3\n```\nInput: `ECX`: # of strings (n), `EDX`: individual string length (m), `ESI`: array of input strings, `EDI`: output buffer receiving array of strings. Array is presumed to be defined as `char src[n][m+1]` for input and `char dst[m][n+1]` for output, and all strings are NULL-terminated.\n```\n0: fc cld\n1: 89 d3 mov ebx,edx ;EDX is the counter for the outer loop\n_outer:\n3: 56 push esi\n4: 51 push ecx\n_inner:\n5: a4 movsb ;[EDI++]=[ESI++]\n6: 01 de add esi,ebx ;Same char, next string\n8: e2 fb loop _inner ;--ECX==0 => break\na: 91 xchg eax,ecx ;EAX=0\nb: aa stosb ;NULL-terminate just completed string\nc: 59 pop ecx\nd: 5e pop esi ;First string,\ne: 46 inc esi ;...next char\nf: 4a dec edx\n10: 75 f1 jnz _outer\n12: c3 ret\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 5 bytes\n```\nz:ca.\n```\nExpects a list of strings as input, e.g. `run_from_atom('z:ca.',[\"money\":\"taken\":\"trust\"],Output).`\n### Explanation\n```\nz Zip the strings in the Input list\n :ca. output is the application of concatenation to each element of the zip\n```\n[Answer]\n## 05AB1E, 3 bytes\n```\n\u00f8\u20acJ\n```\n**Explained**\n```\n # implicit input, eg: ['car', 'dog', 'man', 'yay']\n\u00f8 # zip, producing [['c', 'd', 'm', 'y'], ['a', 'o', 'a', 'a'], ['r', 'g', 'n', 'y']]\n \u20acJ # map join, resulting in ['cdmy', 'aoaa', 'rgny']\n```\n[Try it online](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=w7jigqxK&input=WydjYXInLCAnZG9nJywgJ21hbicsICd5YXknXQ)\n[Answer]\n# [CJam](https://sourceforge.net/projects/cjam/), 3 bytes\n```\n{z}\n```\nThis is a code block (equivalent to a function; [allowed by default](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/2419/36398)) that expects the input on the stack and leaves the output on the stack.\n[**Try it online!**](http://cjam.tryitonline.net/#code=cX4gICAgZSMgcmVhZCBpbnB1dCBhcyBhbiBhcnJheQp7en0gICBlIyBhY3R1YWwgY29kZSBibG9jawp-ICAgICBlIyBldmFsdWF0ZSBjb2RlIGJsb2NrCnAgICAgIGUjIGRpc3BsYXkgYXMgYXJyYXk&input=WyJjYXIiICJkb2ciICJtYW4iICJ5YXkiXQ)\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript ES6, ~~48~~ 46 bytes\n```\na=>[...a[0]].map((n,x)=>a.map(a=>a[x]).join``)\n```\nI feel left out, we have no built in zip function. Thanks nicael for pointing out my type error.\nUsage\n```\n(a=>[...a[0]].map((n,x)=>a.map(a=>a[x])))([\"asd\",\"dsa\"]); //or whatever is above, might change due to edits\n```\nreturns\n```\n[\"ad\",\"ss\",\"da\"]\n```\n[Answer]\n# Bash + BSD utilities, 27\n```\nsed s/./\\&:/g|rs -c: -g0 -T\n```\nI/O via STDIN/STDOUT newline-separated strings.\nYou may need to install `rs` with `sudo apt install rs` or similar. Works out of the box on OS X.\nThe `-T` option to `rs` does the heavy lifting of the transposition. The rest is just formatting:\n* The `sed` command simply inserts `:` after every character\n* `-c:` specifies input columns are `:` separated\n* `-g0` specifies output columns have zero width separation\nIf my reading of the `rs` manpage is correct, then the following **ought** to work for a score of 12, but unfortunately it doesn't work - see note below:\n```\nrs -E -g0 -T\n```\n### Example output:\n```\n$ printf \"%s\\n\" car dog man yay |sed s/./\\&:/g|rs -c: -g0 -T\ncdmy\naoaa\nrgny\n$\n```\nIf input is expected to be all printable ASCII, then the `:` may be replaced with some unprintable character, e.g. 0x7 `BEL`.\n---\n### Note\nI wanted to understand why I couldn't get the `-E` option to work and get rid of the `sed` preprocessing. I found the [`rs` source code here](https://github.com/denghuancong/4.4BSD-Lite/blob/master/usr/src/usr.bin/rs/rs.c). As you can see, giving this option sets the `ONEPERCHAR` flag. However, there is nothing in the code that actually checks the state of this flag. So I think we can say that despite the fact that is option is documented, it is not implemented.\nIn fact, this option is documented in the Linux `rs` manpage:\n> \n> -E Consider each character of input as an array entry.\n> \n> \n> \nbut not the OS X version.\n[Answer]\n# PHP, 82 bytes\n```\nfunction f($a){foreach($a as$s)foreach(str_split($s)as$i=>$c)$y[$i].=$c;return$y;}\n```\ntakes and returns an array of strings\n**break down**\n```\nfunction f($a)\n{\n foreach($a as$s) // loop through array $a\n foreach(str_split($s)as$i=>$c) // split string to array, loop through characters\n $y[$i].=$c; // append character to $i-th result string\n return$y;\n}\n```\n**examples**\n```\n$samples=[\n [\"asd\",\"dsa\"], [\"ad\",\"ss\",\"da\"],\n [\"car\", \"dog\", \"man\", \"yay\"], [\"cdmy\", \"aoaa\", \"rgny\"],\n [\"money\", \"taken\", \"trust\"], [\"mtt\", \"oar\", \"nku\", \"ees\", \"ynt\"]\n];\necho '
';\nwhile ($samples)\n{\n    echo 'in: ';         print_r($x=array_shift($samples));\n    echo 'out: ';        print_r(f($x));\n    echo 'expected: ';   print_r(array_shift($samples));\n    echo '
';\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n## APL, 3 bytes\n```\n\u2193\u2349\u2191\n```\n`\u2191` takes the input strings and turns them into a char matrix.\n`\u2349` transposes the matrix.\n`\u2193` splits back the rows of the resulting matrix into strings.\n[Answer]\n# K, 1 [byte](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319)\n```\n+\n```\n[Try it here!](http://johnearnest.github.io/ok/index.html?run=%2B(%22car%22%3B%22dog%22%3B%22man%22%3B%22yay%22))\nTranspose\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 26 bytes\n```\n\"\"<>#&/@(Characters@#\uf3c7)&\n```\nAnonymous function. Takes a string list as input and returns a string list as output. The Unicode character is U+F3C7, representing `\\[Transpose]`. Works by converting to a character matrix, transposing, and converting back to a string list. If the input/output format was stretched, then a simple 5-byte transpose would work:\n```\n#\uf3c7&\n```\n[Answer]\n# MATLAB / Octave, 4 bytes\n```\n@(x)x'\n```\nThis defines an anonymous function. Input format is `['car'; 'dog'; 'man'; 'yay']`.\n[**Try it here**](http://ideone.com/7g6VaE).\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, 41 bytes\n```\nf l=zipWith($)[map(!!n)|n<-[0..]]$l<$l!!0\n```\nOr with a bit more air:\n```\nf l = zipWith ($) [map (!! n) | n <- [0..]] $\n l <$ (l !! 0)\n```\nThe second list is the list of words repeated \u201cthe length of a word\u201d time. On each list of words, we select the n-th letter of each word, giving the result.\n[Answer]\n## Common Lisp, 62 bytes\n```\n(lambda(s)(apply'map'list(lambda(&rest x)(coerce x'string))s))\n```\nThe `map` function takes a result type (here `list`), a function *f* to apply and one or more sequences *s1*, ..., *sn*. All sequences are iterated in parallel. For each tuple of elements *(e1,...,en)* taken from those sequences, we call *(f e1 ... en)* and the result is accumulated in a sequence of the desired type.\nWe take a list of strings, say `(\"car\" \"dog\" \"man\" \"yay\")`, and use `apply` to call `map`. We have to do this so that the input list is used as more arguments to `map`. More precisely, this:\n```\n(apply #'map 'list fn '(\"car\" \"dog\" \"man\" \"yay\"))\n```\n... is equivalent to:\n```\n(map 'list f \"car\" \"dog\" \"man\" \"yay\")\n```\nAnd since strings are sequences, we iterate in parallel over all first characters, then all second characters, etc... For example, the first iteration calls *f* as follows:\n```\n(f #\\c #\\d #\\m #\\y)\n```\nThe anonymous lambda takes the list of arguments given to it and coerces it back to a string. \n[Answer]\n## Perl, 91 bytes\nSo lengthy one.. \n```\n$l=<>;$p=index($l,\" \")+1;@i=split//,$l;for$a(0..$p-1){print$i[$a+$_*$p]for(0..$p);print\" \"}\n```\n[Try it here!](https://ideone.com/srDzwg)\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 40 bytes\n```\n->a{a.map(&:chars).transpose.map &:join}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72kqDSpcsEiN9ulpSVpuhY3NXTtEqsT9XITCzTUrJIzEouKNfVKihLzigvyi1NBwgpqVln5mXm1UPWKBQpu0dFKyYlFSjoKSin56SAqNzEPRFUmVirFxkIULlgAoQE)\n[Answer]\n# [J-uby](https://github.com/cyoce/J-uby), 24 bytes\nPort of [my Ruby answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/254848/11261).\n```\n:*&A|:transpose|:*&:join\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m700K740qXLBIjfbpaUlaboWO6y01BxrrEqKEvOKC_KLU2uAfKus_Mw8iPRNxQIFt-hopeTEIiUdBaWU_HQQlZuYB6IqEyuVYmMhChcsgNAA)\n## Explanation\n```\n:* & A | :transpose | :* & :join\n:* & A | # Map converting to character arrays, then\n :transpose | # Transpose, then\n :* & :join # Map with join\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Go](https://go.dev), 111 bytes\n```\ntype S=[]string\nfunc f(I S)S{O:=make(S,len(I[0]))\nfor _,s:=range I{for j,r:=range s{O[j]+=string(r)}}\nreturn O}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=XVBLasMwFKRbneLhlU3VULoqAR8gqxS8DKE8FNkoiSQjyQsjdJJuQqGH6FHa0_TJauhn4zFvRvPmzcvrYC_vI4oTDhI0KsOUHq0Lq6rXoXqbQn_3-GHDPEro2t3eB6fMwPrJCOjrDXRNF7frVuNJ1h0_S1Nvdvf7pmG9dfDM_bp1aMh5E_PgyN114ON2d9zftsWwdk1KzMkwOQPbVNZ-3jwse0dUDkg3iQBRcQvXGImVIDl23UBkAr30sG5JkR_F5XNVx0qgqzhUBztk0GgyzDhXif8SHfSc52gRM7rBkCDxf17aGrnoAp2-GFFAH_5Y6RAyYctac5oySOmXtYa0dHPpSeTQpZhyQ2RP5BHOphYrxUGsLKe-6Z-q_WFsZlRhLDGJfVd3uRT8Ag)\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 1 [byte](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\nSimply transposes the input.\n```\n\u00d5\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&code=1Q&input=WyJtb25leSIsICJ0YWtlbiIsICJ0cnVzdCJd)\n[Answer]\n# Ruby, 46 bytes\nProbably the first time that \"Ruby strings aren't Enumerables\" is actually biting me hard since I had to map the strings into arrays before processing. (Normally having to use `String#chars` isn't enough of a byte loss to matter, but since I need to map them, it stings a lot more)\n```\n->s{s.map!(&:chars).shift.zip(*s).map &:join}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, 68 bytes\n```\n#(map(fn[g](reduce(fn[a b](str a(nth b g)))\"\"%))(range(count(% 0))))\n```\nMaps a function which is just `reduce` (goes on elements of the list one by one and joins nth character of the string) on the range from 0 to length of the first string.\nSee it online: \n[Answer]\n# C#, 53 bytes\n```\nt=>t[0].Select((_,i)=>t.Aggregate(\"\",(a,b)=>a+b[i]));\n```\nC# lambda (`Func`) where the output is `IList` and the output is `IEnumerable`. I dont know how work `zip` in other language but I can't find a way to use the [C#'s one](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd267698(v=vs.110).aspx) here. `Aggregate` fit the need well. No transpose in C#, there is [one](https://stackoverflow.com/a/12839486/1248177) in Excel but I wont use it.\n[Try it online!](https://dotnetfiddle.net/sDajpJ)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nThe goal here is to simply reverse a string, with one twist: \nKeep the capitalization in the same places.\nExample Input 1: `Hello, Midnightas` \nExample Output 1: `SathginDim ,olleh` \nExample Input 2: `.Q` \nExmaple Output 2: `q.` \n**Rules**:\n* Output to STDOUT, input from STDIN\n* The winner will be picked 13th of July on GMT+3 12:00 (One week)\n* The input may only consist of ASCII symbols, making it easier for programs that do not use any encoding that contains non-ASCII characters.\n* Any punctuation ending up in a position where there was an upper-case letter must be ignored.\n \n[Answer]\n## Python, 71 bytes\n```\nlambda s:''.join((z*2).title()[c.isupper()-1]for c,z in zip(s,s[::-1]))\n```\n[Try it online](http://ideone.com/fork/py1Kjj)\n-3 bytes from Ruud, plus the inspiration for 2 more.\n-4 more bytes from FryAmTheEggman\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 73 bytes\nSince the rules specify the input is ascii:\n```\nlambda s:''.join([z.lower,z.upper]['@'ci\n```\n[Try it online!](https://www.ccode.gq/projects/tcc.html?code=%3C%3Eci&input=Hello%2C%20Midnightas)\nExplanation:\n```\n - output is implicit in TCC\n<> - reverse string\n c - preserve capitalization\n i - get input\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), ~~75~~ ~~67~~ 65 bytes\nByte count assumes ISO 8859-1 encoding.\n```\n$\n\u00b1\u00b7$`\nO$^`\\G[^\u00b7]\ns{T`L`l`\u00b1.\nT01`l`L`\u00b1.*\u00b7[A-Z]\n\u00b1\u00b7\n\u00b1(.)\n$1\u00b1\n\u00b7.\n\u00b7\n```\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=JShHYAokCsKxwrckYApPJF5gXEdbXsK3XQoKc3tUYExgbGDCsS4KVDAxYGxgTGDCsS4qwrdbQS1aXQrCscK3CgrCsSguKQokMcKxCsK3LgrCtw&input=SGVsbG8sIE1pZG5pZ2h0YXMKLlEKLnE) (The first line enables a test suite with multiple linefeed-separated test cases.)\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), ~~95~~ 83 bytes\n```\ns=>[...t=s.toLowerCase()].reverse().map((c,i)=>s[i]==t[i]?c:c.toUpperCase()).join``\n```\nEdit: Saved a massive 12 bytes thanks to @edc65.\n[Answer]\n## Pyke, ~~11~~ ~~10~~ 9 bytes\n```\n_FQo@UhAl\n```\n[Try it here!](http://pyke.catbus.co.uk/?code=_FQo%40UhAl&input=Hello%2C+Midnightas)\n```\n_ - reversed(input)\n F - for i in ^\n o - o+=1\n Q @ - input[^]\n Uh - ^.is_upper()+1\n Al - [len, str.lower, str.upper, ...][^](i)\n - \"\".join(^)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com), 30 bytes\n```\n(={\"_1 toupper@]|.@,.])tolower\n```\nDoesn't support non-ASCII\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](http://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E), ~~19~~ ~~16~~ ~~15~~ 13 bytes\nThanks to **Emigna** for saving a 3 bytes!\nProbably gonna get beat by Jelly... Code:\n```\n\u00c2uvy\u00b9N\u00e8.lil}?\n```\nUses the **CP-1252** encoding. [Try it online!](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=w4J1dnnCuU7DqC5saWx9Pw&input=SGVsbG8sIE1pZG5pZ2h0YXM).\n[Answer]\n# [Brachylog](https://github.com/JCumin/Brachylog), 28 bytes\n```\n@lr:?z:1ac.\nh@u.,@A@um~t?|h.\n```\n### Explanation\n* Main Predicate:\n```\n@lr Reverse the lowercase version of the Input\n :?z Zip that reversed string with the Input\n :1a Apply predicate 1 to each couple [char i of reverse, char i of Input]\n c. Output is the concatenation of the result\n```\n* Predicate 1:\n```\nh@u., Output is the uppercase version of the first char of Input\n @A@um~t? The second char of Input is an uppercase letter\n | Or\n h. Output is the first char of Input\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 13 bytes\n```\nPktGtk<)Xk5M(\n```\n[**Try it online!**](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=UGt0R3RrPClYazVNKA&input=J0hlbGxvLCBNaWRuaWdodGFzJw)\n```\nPk % Implicit inpput. Flip, lowercase\nt % Duplicate\nGtk< % Logical index of uppercase letters in the input string\n) % Get letters at those positions in the flipped string\nXk % Make them uppercase\n5M( % Assign them to the indicated positions. Implicit display\n```\n[Answer]\n# TSQL, 175 bytes\nGolfed:\n```\nDECLARE @ varchar(99)='Hello, Midnightas'\n,@o varchar(99)='',@i INT=0WHILE @i0=toLower\nzipWith f<*>reverse\n```\n[Answer]\n# PowerShell, ~~154~~, ~~152~~, ~~99~~, 86 bytes\nThank you @TimmyD for saving me a whopping 47 bytes (I also saved an additional 6)\nThank you @TessellatingHeckler for saving an additional 13 bytes.\nLatest:\n```\nparam($a)-join($a[$a.length..0]|%{(\"$_\".ToLower(),\"$_\".ToUpper())[$a[$i++]-in65..90]})\n```\nOriginal:\n```\nparam($a);$x=0;(($a[-1..-$a.length])|%{$_=$_.tostring().tolower();if([regex]::matches($a,\"[A-Z]\").index-contains$x){$_.toupper()}else{$_};$x++})-join''\n```\nNormal formatting:\nLatest (looks best as two lines in my opinion):\n```\nparam($a)\n-join($a[$a.length..0] | %{(\"$_\".ToLower(), \"$_\".ToUpper())[$a[$i++] -in 65..90]})\n```\nExplanation:\n```\nparam($a)-join($a[$a.length..0]|%{(\"$_\".ToLower(),\"$_\".ToUpper())[$a[$i++]-in65..90]})\nparam($a)\n# Sets the first passed parameter to variable $a\n -join( )\n# Converts a char array to a string\n $a[$a.length..0]\n# Reverses $a as a char array\n |%{ }\n# Shorthand pipe to foreach loop\n (\"$_\".ToLower(),\"$_\".ToUpper())\n# Creates an array of the looped char in lower and upper cases\n [$a[$i++]-in65..90]\n# Resolves to 1 if the current index of $a is upper, which would output \"$_\".ToUpper() which is index 1 of the previous array\n```\nOriginal:\n```\nparam($a)\n$x = 0\n(($a[-1..-$a.length]) | %{\n $_ = $_.tostring().tolower()\n if([regex]::matches($a,\"[A-Z]\").index -contains $x){\n $_.toupper()\n }else{\n $_\n }\n $x++\n }\n) -join ''\n```\nFirst time poster here, was motivated because I rarely see PowerShell, ~~but at ~~154~~ 152 bytes on this one... I can see why!~~ Any suggestions appreciated.\nI have learned that I must completely change my way of thinking to golf in code and its fun!\n[Answer]\n# [Dyalog APL](http://goo.gl/9KrKoM), 12 [bytes](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319)\n```\n\u233df\u00a8\u2368\u22a2\u2260f\u2190819\u2336\n```\n`819\u2336` is the case folding function\n`f\u2190` because its name is long, we assign it to *f*\n`\u22a2\u2260f` Boolean where text differs from lower-cased text\n`f\u00a8\u2368` use that (1 means uppercase, 0 means lowercase) to fold each letter...\n`\u233d` ... of the reversed text\nHandles non-ASCII according to the Unicode Consortium's rules.\n[Answer]\n## CJam, 22 bytes\n```\nq_W%.{el\\'[,65>&{eu}&}\n```\n[Test it here.](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=q_W%25.%7Bel%5C'%5B%2C65%3E%26%7Beu%7D%26%7D&input=Hello%2C%20Midnightas)\n[Answer]\n# Racket, 146 bytes\n```\n(\u03bb(s)(build-string(string-length s)(\u03bb(n)((if(char-upper-case?(string-ref s n))char-upcase char-downcase)(list-ref(reverse(string->list s))n)))))\n```\nRacket is bad at this whole \"golfing\" thing.\n*Shrug* As always, any help with shortening this would be much appreciated.\n[Answer]\n# Jolf, 21 bytes\n[Try it here!](http://conorobrien-foxx.github.io/Jolf/#code=zpxpZD8mzrMuX3BYaVM9cHhISHB4zrPOsw&input=SGVsbG8sIE1pZG5pZ2h0YXMKCi5R)\n```\n\u039cid?&\u03b3._pXiS=pxHHpx\u03b3\u03b3\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n\u039cid?&\u03b3._pXiS=pxHHpx\u03b3\u03b3\n\u039cid (\u039c)ap (i)nput with (d)is fucntion:\n ? =pxHH (H is current element) if H = lowercase(H)\n &\u03b3._pXiS and set \u03b3 to the uppercase entity in the reversed string\n px\u03b3 lowercase \u03b3\n \u03b3 else, return \u03b3\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 6](http://perl6.org), 29 bytes\n```\n$_=get;put .flip.samecase($_)\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#, ~~86~~ 85 bytes\n```\ns=>string.Concat(s.Reverse().Select((c,i)=>s[i]>96?char.ToLower(c):char.ToUpper(c)));\n```\nA C# lambda where the input and the output is a string. You can try it on [.NetFiddle](https://dotnetfiddle.net/0NjPq2).\n---\n~~I am struggling to understand why I cant achieve to convert `char.ToLower(c)` to `c+32`. I hope to fix it!~~\n12 bytes saved thanks to @PeterTaylor (`c|32` to add 32 to the ascii value of `c` and `c&~32` to substract 32). The result would be 72 bytes (but can fail on non alpha char). \n```\ns=>string.Join(\"\",s.Reverse().Select((c,i)=>(char)(s[i]>96?c|32:c&~32)));\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal) `r`, ~~9~~ 2 bytes\n```\n\u1e58\u2022\n```\n[Try it online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJyIiwiIiwi4bmY4oCiIiwiIiwiSGVsbG8iXQ==)\n[Answer]\n# [Julia 1.0](http://julialang.org/), ~~73, 65~~ 64 bytes\n```\n!s=prod(titlecase(s[end-i+1]^2)[2-('@'b[i]-32('@'64&s<91,b=flip(toupper(s)),tolower(b))\n```\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n[Inspiration](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/59299/43319).\n### Task\nReverse runs of odd numbers in a given list of 2 to 215 non-negative integers.\n### Examples\n`0 1`\u2003\u2192\u2003`0 1` \n`1 3`\u2003\u2192\u2003`3 1` \n`1 2 3`\u2003\u2192\u2003`1 2 3` \n`1 3 2`\u2003\u2192\u2003`3 1 2` \n`10 7 9 6 8 9`\u2003\u2192\u2003`10 9 7 6 8 9` \n`23 12 32 23 25 27`\u2003\u2192\u2003`23 12 32 27 25 23` \n`123 123 345 0 1 9`\u2003\u2192\u2003`345 123 123 0 9 1` \n \n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~75~~ ~~68~~ 63 bytes\n5 bytes thanks to Dennis.\nAnd I have [outgolfed Dennis](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/84352/48934).\nCredits to [Byeonggon Lee](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/84350/48934) for the core of the algorithm.\n```\no=t=[]\nfor i in input():o+=~i%2*(t+[i]);t=i%2*([i]+t)\nprint o+t\n```\n[Ideone it!](http://ideone.com/YOj0Hk)\nOld version: [75 bytes](http://ideone.com/6POOe6)\n[Answer]\n# APL, ~~21~~ 20 bytes\n```\n{\u220a\u233d\u00a8\u2375\u2282\u2368e\u2372\u00af1\u21930,e\u21902|\u2375}\n```\n[Try it](http://tryapl.org/?a=%7B%u220A%u233D%A8%u2375%u2282%u2368e%u2372%AF1%u21930%2Ce%u21902%7C%u2375%7D2%201%203%205%202%204%206%207%205%201&run) || [All test cases](http://tryapl.org/?a=%u236A%20%7B%u220A%u233D%A8%u2375%u2282%u2368e%u2372%AF1%u21930%2Ce%u21902%7C%u2375%7D%A8%280%201%29%281%203%29%281%202%203%29%281%203%202%29%2810%207%209%206%208%209%29%2823%2012%2032%2023%2025%2027%29%28123%20123%20345%200%201%209%29&run)\nExplanation:\n```\n 2|\u2375 Select all the odd numbers\n e\u2190 Save that to e\n 0, Append a 0\n \u00af1\u2193 Delete the last element\n e\u2372 NAND it with the original list of odd numbers\n \u2375\u2282\u2368 Partition the list: (even)(even)(odd odd odd)(even)\n \u233d\u00a8 Reverse each partition\n \u220a Flatten the list\n```\n*Edit: Saved a `~` thanks to De Morgan's laws*\n[Answer]\n# Haskell, ~~46~~ 44 bytes\n```\nh%p|(l,r)<-span(odd.(h*))p=l++h:r\nfoldr(%)[]\n```\nThanks to @xnor for recognizing a fold and saving two bytes.\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, ~~79~~ ~~75~~ 73 bytes\n```\ndef f(x):\n i=j=0\n for n in x+[0]:\n if~n%2:x[i:j]=x[i:j][::-1];i=j+1\n j+=1\n```\nThis is a function that modifies its argument in place. Second indentation level is a tabulator.\nTest it on [Ideone](http://ideone.com/wsu6KO).\n[Answer]\n# [Jelly](http://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly), 10 [bytes](https://github.com/DennisMitchell/jelly/wiki/Code-page)\n```\n\u1e02\u00ac\u00f0\u0153pU\u017cx@F\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4biCwqzDsMWTcFXFvHhARg&input=&args=WzEyMywgMTIzLCAzNDUsIDAsIDEsIDld) or [verify all test cases](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=4biCwqzDsMWTcFXFvHhARgrDh-KCrEc&input=&args=WzAsIDFdLCBbMSwgM10sIFsxLCAyLCAzXSwgWzEsIDMsIDJdLCBbMTAsIDcsIDksIDYsIDgsIDldLCBbMjMsIDEyLCAzMiwgMjMsIDI1LCAyN10sIFsxMjMsIDEyMywgMzQ1LCAwLCAxLCA5XQ).\n### How it works\n```\n\u1e02\u00ac\u00f0\u0153pU\u017cx@F Main link. Argument: A (array)\n\u1e02 Bit; return the parity bit of each integer in A.\n \u00ac Logical NOT; turn even integers into 1's, odds into 0's.\n \u00f0 Begin a new, dyadic link.\n Left argument: B (array of Booleans). Right argument: A\n \u0153p Partition; split A at 1's in B.\n U Upend; reverse each resulting chunk of odd numbers.\n x@ Repeat (swapped); keep only numbers in A that correspond to a 1 in B.\n \u017c Zipwith; interleave the reversed runs of odd integers (result to the\n left) and the flat array of even integers (result to the right).\n F Flatten the resulting array of pairs.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 2, 78 75 bytes\n```\ndef r(l):\n def k(n):o=~n%2<<99;k.i+=o*2-1;return k.i-o\n k.i=0;l.sort(key=k)\n```\nSuper hacky :)\n[Answer]\n## Python3, 96 bytes\nSaved a lot of bytes thanks to Leaky Nun!\n```\no=l=[]\nfor c in input().split():\n if int(c)%2:l=[c]+l\n else:o+=l+[c];l=[]\nprint(\" \".join(o+l))\n```\n[Answer]\n# C, 107 bytes\n```\ni;b[65536];f(){for(;i;)printf(\"%d \",b[--i]);}main(n){for(;~scanf(\"%d\",&n);)n%2||f(),b[i++]=n,n%2||f();f();}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 14 bytes\n```\ns_McQshMBx0%R2\n %R2Q Take all elements of the input list modulo 2\n x0 Get the indices of all 0s\n hMB Make a list of these indices and a list of these indices plus 1\n s Concatenate them\n cQ Chop the input list at all those positions\n _M Reverse all resulting sublists\ns Concatenate them\n```\n[Test cases](https://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=s_McQshMBx0%25R2&input=%5B10%2C7%2C9%2C6%2C8%2C9%5D&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%5B0%2C1%5D%0A%5B1%2C3%5D%0A%5B1%2C2%2C3%5D%0A%5B1%2C3%2C2%5D%0A%5B10%2C7%2C9%2C6%2C8%2C9%5D%0A%5B23%2C12%2C32%2C23%2C25%2C27%5D%0A%5B123%2C123%2C345%2C0%2C1%2C9%5D)\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 20 bytes\n```\nTiodgvYsG8XQ!\"@gto?P\n```\nInput is a column array, using `;` as separator.\n[**Try it online!**](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=VGlvZGd2WXNHOFhRISJAZ3RvP1A&input=WzEyMzsxMjM7MzQ1OzA7MTs5XQ)\n### Explanation\nConsider as an example the input array `[1;2;3;5;7;4;6;7;9]`. The first part of the code, `Tiodgv`, converts this array into `[1;1;1;0;0;1;0;1;0]`, where `1` indicates a *change of parity*. (Specifically, the code obtains the parity of each entry of the input array, computes consecutive differences, converts nonzero values to `1`, and prepends a `1`.)\nThen `Ys` computes the *cumulative sum*, giving `[1;2;3;3;3;4;4;5;5]`. Each of these numbers will be used as a *label*, based on which the elements of the input will be *grouped*. This is done by `G8XQ!`, which splits the input array into a cell array containing the groups. In this case it gives `{[1] [2] [3;5;7] [4;6] [7;9]}`.\nThe rest of the code *iterates* (`\"`) on the cell array. Each constituent numeric array is pushed with `@g`. `to` makes a copy and *computes its parity*. If (`?`) the result is truthy, i.e. the array contents are odd, the array is *flipped* (`P`).\nThe stack is *implicitly displayed* at the end. Each numeric vertical array is displayed, giving a list of numbers separated by newlines.\n[Answer]\n# [Desmos](https://desmos.com/calculator), 167 bytes\n```\nk=mod(l,2)\nK=l.length\na=[K...1]\nL=a[k[a]=1]\ng(q)=\u2211_{n=1}^{[1...q.length]}q[n]\nA=g(join(1,sign(L-L[2...]-1)))\nf(l)=l[\\{k>0:\\sort(L,A.\\max+1-A)[g(k)],k\\}+[1...K](1-k)]\n```\nHooooly crap, this was pretty challenging to do in Desmos given its limited list functionalities, but after lots of puzzling and scratched ideas, I finally managed to pull together something that actually works.\n[Try It On Desmos!](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/lcifzpsj5w)\n[Try It On Desmos! - Prettified](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/ouholqommb)\n[Answer]\n# [Desmos](https://desmos.com/calculator), ~~94~~ 93 bytes\n```\ng(M,j)=j-max([1...j]0^{mod(M,2)})\nf(L)=L[[i+g(L[n...1],n+1-i)-g(L,i)fori=[1...n]]]\nn=L.length\n```\n[Try it on Desmos!](https://www.desmos.com/calculator/qhrwpidzr0)\n\\*-1 byte thanks to [@AidenChow](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/96039/aiden-chow) (remove space after `for`)\n## How it works\n`g(M,j)` gives the difference between `j` and the greatest index less than (or equal to) `j` of an even entry in `M`. For example, `g([0,2,4,1,3,5,7,6,8],6) = 3` because the 6th element in the list is 5, and the last even entry before it is 4, which is 3 elements earlier.\n`f(L)` is the solution to the challenge. It's of the form `L[[h(i)for i=[1...n]]]`, which is a list indexing: `h(i)` gives the index of the value in `L` that should be at index `i` in the result list.\nThe main difficulty lies in `h(i)`, defined as `h(i) = i+g(L[n...1],n+1-i)-g(L,i)`. Note that `g(M,j) = 0` whenever `M[j]` is even, so `h(i)=i` if `L[i]` is even (this corresponds to even entries not moving) since `L[n...1][n+1-i]=L[i]=even`\nIf `L[i]` is odd then we have a more complicated story: `g(L,i)` gives the distance to the element before the start of the odd run, and `g(L[n...1],n+1-i)` gives the distance to the element after the end of the odd run. Then `g(L[n...1],n+1-i)-g(L,i)` says how much closer the element is to the end of the run than the start of the run. For example, for `L=[0,2,4,1,3,5,7,6,8]` and `i=6`, this difference is `-1`, so `L[6]` has to move 1 element to the left, to where the `3` is currently.\nIn general regarding the difference `g(L[n...1],n+1-i)-g(L,i)`:\n* if the difference is positive, then the element is closer to the left than the right, and it needs to move right by the value of the difference\n* if the difference is negative, then the element is closer to the right than the left, and it needs to move left by the negative of the difference\n* if the difference is zero, then the element is at the center of an odd-length run, so it doesn't need to move at all.\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, 86 bytes\n```\n#(flatten(reduce(fn[a b](if(odd? b)(conj(pop a)(conj[b](last a)))(conj a b[])))[[]]%))\n```\nHere is the ungolfed version\n```\n#(flatten ; removes all empty vectors and flattens odd sequences\n (reduce \n (fn[a b]\n (if(odd? b) ; if we encounter odd number in the seq\n (conj(pop a)(conj[b](last a))) ; return all elements but last and the element we encountered plus the last element of current result\n (conj a b[])) ; else just add the even number and the empty vector\n )\n [[]] ; starting vector, we need to have vector inside of vector if the sequence starts with odd number\n % ; anonymous function arg\n ) \n)\n```\nBasically it goes through the input sequence and if it encounters even number it adds the number and the empty vector otherwise if it's an odd number it replaces the last element with this number plus what was in the last element.\nFor example for this seq `2 4 6 1 3 7 2` it goes like this: \n* `[]<=2`\n* `[2 []]<=4`\n* `[2 [] 4 []]<=6`\n* `[2 [] 4 [] 6 []]<=1`\n* `[2 [] 4 [] 6 [1 []]]<=3`\n* `[2 [] 4 [] 6 [3 [1 []]]]<=7`\n* `[2 [] 4 [] 6 [7 [3 [1 []]]]]<=2`\n* `[2 [] 4 [] 6 [7 [3 [1 []]]] 2 []]`\nAnd then flattening this vector gives the correct output. You can see it online here: \n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com), ~~33~~ ~~31~~ 30 bytes\n```\n[:;]<@(A.~2-@|{.);.1~1,2|2-/\\]\n```\n## Usage\n```\n f =: [:;]<@(A.~2-@|{.);.1~1,2|2-/\\]\n f 0 1\n0 1\n f 1 3\n3 1\n f 1 2 3\n1 2 3\n f 1 3 2\n3 1 2\n f 10 7 9 6 8 9\n10 9 7 6 8 9\n f 23 12 32 23 25 27\n23 12 32 27 25 23\n f 123 123 345 0 1 9\n345 123 123 0 9 1\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Husk](https://github.com/barbuz/Husk), 7 bytes\n```\n\u1e41\u2194\u0121\u00a4&%2\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##yygtzv7//@HOxkdtU44sPLRETdXo////0YYGOuY6ljpmOhZA0hTINtYxNIgFAA \"Husk \u2013 Try It Online\")\n## Explanation\n```\n\u1e41\u2194\u0121\u00a4&%2 Implicit input, a list of integers.\n \u0121 Group by equality predicate:\n \u00a4 %2 Arguments modulo 2\n & are both truthy.\n\u1e41 Map and concatenate\n \u2194 reversing.\n```\n[Answer]\n# C#, ~~179~~ ~~178~~ 177 bytes\n```\ns=>{var o=new List();var l=new Stack();foreach(var n in s.Split(' ').Select(int.Parse)){if(n%2>0)l.Push(n);else{o.AddRange(l);o.Add(n);l.Clear();}}return o.Concat(l);}\n```\nI use a C# lambda. You can try it on [.NETFiddle](https://dotnetfiddle.net/rCdWDK).\nThe code less minify:\n```\ns => {\n var o=new List();var l=new Stack();\n foreach (var n in s.Split(' ').Select(int.Parse)) {\n if (n%2>0)\n l.Push(n);\n else {\n o.AddRange(l);\n o.Add(n);\n l.Clear();\n }\n }\n return o.Concat(l);\n};\n```\nKudos to [Byeonggon Lee](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/84350/15214) for the original algorithm.\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript (ES6) ~~70~~ 66 bytes\n**Edit** 4 bytes saved thx @Neil\n```\na=>[...a,[]].map(x=>x&1?o=[x,...o]:r=r.concat(o,x,o=[]),r=o=[])&&r\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/), 51 bytes\n```\n->l{l.chunk(&:odd?).flat_map{|i,j|i ?j.reverse: j}}\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##jZHdToNAEIXv9ynGmIAmK2mhipJgX8I7JIbCCrviQvhpNKXPjrMslBJ7UZKFyTfnnBmgane/feq/9w@v@SG34qyVX3eGVyTJ9t76zKPm4zsqDx2nouOwFVbF9qyqmQfieOxv4S1jsI8qHjW8kDXxdyzlklyRZRinrK7DrCs8N2oB72T750EsLy698PhMJoQEBCAIVhTWIQX9DOnA1hQcxZwls0c8lWdqJJNBlVMHQ10KLxSeKDxjMbhXA3FnOKpt5VbBeFRtP@JxlWXRccfOPF@38eZssIHxagk9bCCzQI/GdyKhxaI4g6QA/EQgOkwqKy4bMLks28YDvEwF26YGbomCSzA10bK00KIzWRrw8IKS/ZQsbljizUqxkCEh@Ef6Pw \"Ruby \u2013 Try It Online\")\nSome slight variations:\n```\n->l{l.chunk(&:odd?).flat_map{|i,j|i&&j.reverse||j}}\n->l{l.chunk(&:odd?).flat_map{|i,j|!i ?j:j.reverse}}\n->l{l.chunk(&:even?).flat_map{|i,j|i ?j:j.reverse}}\n```\n### Ruby 2.7, 48 bytes\n```\n->l{l.chunk{_1%2}.flat_map{_1>0?_2.reverse: _2}}\n```\nUnsupported by TIO :(\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, ~~29~~ 28 bytes\n```\nJYVQ=+J*%hN2+YN=Y*%N2+NY;+JY\n```\n[Test suite.](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=JYVQ%3D%2BJ%2a%25hN2%2BYN%3DY%2a%25N2%2BNY%3B%2BJY&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=%5B0%2C1%5D%0A%5B1%2C3%5D%0A%5B1%2C2%2C3%5D%0A%5B1%2C3%2C2%5D%0A%5B10%2C7%2C9%2C6%2C8%2C9%5D%0A%5B23%2C12%2C32%2C23%2C25%2C27%5D%0A%5B123%2C123%2C345%2C0%2C1%2C9%5D&debug=0)\nDirect translation of [my python answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/84353/48934) (when has translating from python to pyth become a good idea?)\n[Answer]\n# TSQL 118 bytes\n```\nDECLARE @ TABLE(i int identity, v int)\nINSERT @ values(123),(123),(345),(0),(1),(9)\nSELECT v FROM(SELECT sum((v+1)%2)over(order by i)x,*FROM @)z\nORDER BY x,IIF(v%2=1,max(i)over(partition by x),i),i desc\n```\n**[Fiddle](https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/507955/reverse-odd-sequences)**\n[Answer]\n# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), ~~15~~ 10 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)CP437\n```\n\u00c7\u207f\u255c\"}\u263b\u2265\u00ba\u255a(\n```\n[Try it online!](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=%C3%87%E2%81%BF%E2%95%9C%22%7D%E2%98%BB%E2%89%A5%C2%BA%E2%95%9A%28&i=%5B0%2C1%5D%0A%5B1%2C3%5D%0A%5B1%2C2%2C3%5D%0A%5B1%2C3%2C2%5D%0A%5B10%2C7%2C9%2C6%2C8%2C9%5D%0A%5B23%2C12%2C32%2C23%2C25%2C27%5D%0A%5B123%2C123%2C345%2C0%2C1%2C9%5D&a=1&m=2)\n**Tied Jelly!**\nSo sad that packing only saved one byte.\nUnpacked version with 11 bytes:\n```\n{|e_^*}/Frm\n```\n## Explanation\n`{|e_^*}` is a block that maps all even numbers `n` to `n+1`, and all odd numbers `n` to `0`.\n```\n{|e_^*}/Frm\n{ }/ Group array by same value from block\n |e 1 if the element is even, 0 if odd.\n _^ Get another copy of the current element and increment by 1\n * Multiply them\n F For each group execute the rest of the program\n r Reverse the group\n m Print elements from the group, one element per line.\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) with `-p`, 42 bytes\n```\nmap{$_%2?$\\=$_.$\\:print$\\.$_,$\\=\"\"}$_,<>}{\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##K0gtyjH9/z83saBaJV7VyF4lxlYlXk8lxqqgKDOvRCVGTyVeByimpFQLZNjY1Vb//29oZMwFwsYmplwGXIZcllz/8gtKMvPziv/rFgAA \"Perl 5 \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [J](http://jsoftware.com/), 27 bytes\n```\n[:;]<@(|.^:{.);.1~1,2|2-/\\]\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##RY6xDsIwDET3fMWJpVRqQ@NQ0qQgISExMbFCGTvwC1T99WAnijrY8rvzWf7GnUY14xJQNegQuFqN2/Nxj68wTufrftGf8NP1qM1qGlqoPbynWEcAMy8bJZXAwCq7ATHmXlyQ@Nyz0MHB44QBXjF4xgzJJl7lMMlAPcipTXFJKYeTbmGPvfzDeZmKKnfNHw \"J \u2013 Try It Online\")\nA minor improvement over [miles' J answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/84357/78410).\n### How it works\n```\n[:;]<@(|.^:{.);.1~1,2|2-/\\] NB. Input: an integer vector V\n 1,2|2-/\\] NB. Pairwise difference modulo 2 and prepend 1\n NB. giving starting positions for same-parity runs\n ] ;.1~ NB. Cut V at ones of ^ as the starting point and\n (|.^:{.) NB. reverse each chunk (head of the chunk) times\n NB. (effectively, reverse odd chunks only)\n <@ NB. and enclose it\n[:; NB. Finally, flatten the result\n```\n[Answer]\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 53 bytes\n```\na=>a.map((c,k)=>o.splice(n=c&1?+n:k+1,0,c),o=n=[])&&o\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcY7DsIwDADQq2SKbNVEzcJPctl6iapDZCJUGuyIIK4feNN7pm9q8t7q56B2z33mnnhK4ZUqgNCOPFlotWySQVl8vA163YdIIwmSsfKyovfWxbRZyaHYA2ZY4kjuRO5C7kju/M@K2H8 \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n# [JavaScript (Node.js)](https://nodejs.org), 54 bytes\n```\na=>a.map((c,k)=>o.splice(n=c&1?n:k+1,0,c),o=[],n=0)&&o\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##DcY7DsMgDADQqzAho7oIlv4kp1suEWVALqrSUBuFKtcnfdP7pD013pb6O4u@ch@pJxqS/6YKwLg6GtS3WhbOIMQ2PuWxniIGZIdK04xCwVmrnVWaluyLvmGEKQY0VzR3NBc0t39m5/oB \"JavaScript (Node.js) \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [R](https://www.r-project.org/), 69 bytes\n```\nv=scan();ifelse(o<-v%%2,v[rep(2*cumsum(r<-rle(o)$l)-r+1,r)-seq(v)],v)\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##Dck7CoAwDADQPeewkGg7GBEH60nEQaSCUH8p5vq124MnOeuUtvVCGo89xBTw9k6NYauzhAe53r4zfSeKdxLLUhXJSdNaIZfCi0qLVcrcQcvQMRRwDzxA/gE \"R \u2013 Try It Online\")\nUngolfed, commented version:\n```\no=v%%2 # get the odd numbers in the list\nr=rle(o)$l # find the run lengths of odd/even numbers\n# reverse the indices of all the runs:\ne=cumsum(r) # the indices of the ends of each run\nie=rep(e,r) # for each index in v, the index of the end of its run\nis=rep(e-r+1,r) # for each index in v, the index of the start of its run\nirev=is+(ie-seq(v)) # reverses all runs\n# the above 4 steps can be combined as:\nirev=rep(2*cumsum(r)-r+1,r)-seq(v)\n# so: use the reversed indices for odd numbers, and leave the even numbers unchanged\nifelse(o,v[irev],v)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Clojure](https://clojure.org/), 66 bytes\n```\n#(mapcat(fn[x](if(some odd? x)(reverse x)x))(partition-by odd? %))\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##TY9NDoIwEIX3PcVLjMl0YQJFReLCgzQsUNoEoxQLGtyZeFMvggMEcdHk/Xyddk4Xd75701FuLGy3oGtWnbKGbKnblApLtbsauDw/oJXkzcP42rBspaQq803RFK5cHZ8jspSyk4JyV5sbdAstdIAw/bzeez4shQ4RTT4avZqTwQwM1B8FxVmAGAm22CH54QEn8ZgJrZjk6wos1AYqnrC5iIeif2HIIkTrDfhb88g@mMp@eijSFFT5omwuJcjy6rzjFw \"Clojure \u2013 Try It Online\")\n[Answer]\n# [Factor](https://factorcode.org) + `grouping.extras`, 62 bytes\n```\n[ [ odd? ] group-by [ last2 swap [ reverse ] when ] map-flat ]\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=bZHBTgIxEIbjdZ_i5wF2A11xQRM9Gi9ejCfCoS6z0Fi2tZ0VCeHuO3jhgu-kT2N3FwgE59CZ-f-vM2n69V3InI3b_F58Pj89PN5fQ3pvco-55BmmzlRWldOEPthJD09vFZU5ebySK0nDOmJeWqdKRm7mVmlyScVKK1aBOkjsiBLrjJVTycqUSS61jqkoKGfcRNEqQogVuuhhjdPo1OrO7yH9x0-PfHFGdFr1aII4I9Ka2RNdZBjiCoNwrg8zuqHLWnUHinArDBZ1IfoQWaA7R2rWqIfFjZEivew3zxw2dN3tnXpDL1pvKy7iwc_tCCOYyeQO4_Yf4pdlULT0LOAX0obG0Ts5T4FYzKgMaS5tXGjJGLdTtkFA0tabTZv_AA)\n[Answer]\n# [05AB1E](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Commands), ~~11~~ 9 [bytes](https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n.\u03b3\u00c8N>*}\u00ed\u02dc\n```\n[Try it online](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f9f79zmwx1@dlq1h9eenvP/f7ShkbEOCBubmOoY6BjpGOpYxgIA) or [verify all test cases](https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/V9Waa@k8KhtkoKSfeV/vXObD3f42WnVHl57es5/nf/R0QY6hrE60YY6xmDSCEob6xiBaAMdcx1LHTMdCx1LINfIWMcQqMBIB8gwMtUxMgcpAQsa6xibmOoAjQKqiwUA).\n**Explanation:**\n```\n.\u03b3 } # Adjacent group the (implicit) input-list by:\n \u00c8 # Check if the value is even (1 if even; 0 if odd)\n N>* # Multiply it by the 1-based index\n # (adjacent odd values will be grouped together, and every even\n # value is in its own separated group)\n \u00ed # After the adjacent group-by: reverse each inner list\n \u02dc # Flatten the list of lists\n # (after which the result is output implicitly) \n```\n[Answer]\n# [Vyxal](https://github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal), 10 bytes\n```\n\u03bb&\u203a\u2082\u00a5*;\u1e0aRf\n```\n[Try it Online!](https://vyxal.pythonanywhere.com/#WyJBUCIsIiIsIs67JuKAuuKCgsKlKjvhuIpSZiIsIiIsIlswLDFdXG5bMSwzXVxuWzEsMiwzXVxuWzEsMywyXVxuWzEwLDcsOSw2LDgsOV1cblsyMywxMiwzMiwyMywyNSwyN11cblsxMjMsMTIzLDM0NSwwLDEsOV0iXQ==)\nPort of 05AB1E.\nAnother 10-byter that I produced independently: `\u207d\u2082\u1e0a\u019bh\u2237\u00df\u1e58;f`\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n**Note: the first half of this challenge comes from Martin Ender's previous challenge, [Visualize Bit Weaving](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/83899/visualise-bit-weaving).**\nThe esoteric programming language [evil](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Evil) has an interesting operation on byte values which it calls \"weaving\".\nIt is essentially a permutation of the eight bits of the byte (it doesn't matter which end we start counting from, as the pattern is symmetric):\n* Bit 0 is moved to bit 2\n* Bit 1 is moved to bit 0\n* Bit 2 is moved to bit 4\n* Bit 3 is moved to bit 1\n* Bit 4 is moved to bit 6\n* Bit 5 is moved to bit 3\n* Bit 6 is moved to bit 7\n* Bit 7 is moved to bit 5\nFor convenience, here are three other representations of the permutation. As a cycle:\n```\n(02467531)\n```\nAs a mapping:\n```\n57361402 -> 76543210 -> 64725031\n```\nAnd as a list of pairs of the mapping:\n```\n[[0,2], [1,0], [2,4], [3,1], [4,6], [5,3], [6,7], [7,5]]\n```\nAfter `8` weavings, the byte is essentially reset.\nFor example, weaving the number `10011101` (which is `157` in base 10) will produce `01110110` (which is `118` in base 10).\n# Input\nThere are only `256` valid inputs, namely all the integers between `0` and `255` inclusive. That may be taken in any base, but it must be consistent and you must specify it if the base you choose is not base ten.\nYou may **not** zero-pad your inputs.\n# Output\nYou should output the result of the bit weaving, in any base, which must also be consistent and specified if not base ten.\nYou **may** zero-pad your outputs.\n---\nRelated: [Visualize Bit Weaving](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/83899/34718)\n \n[Answer]\n# Python 2.7, 44 -> 36 bytes\n```\nlambda x:x/4&42|x*2&128|x*4&84|x/2&1\n```\n[Answer]\n# Evil, 3 characters\n```\nrew\n```\n[Try it online!](http://evil.tryitonline.net/#code=cmV3&input=Pw)\nInput is in base 256, (e.g. ASCII), e.g. to enter the digit 63, enter ASCII 63 which is `?`.\nExplanation:\n```\nr #Read a character\n e #Weave it\n w #Display it\n```\nThis *so* feels like cheating.\n[Answer]\n## CJam, ~~15~~ 12 bytes\n*Thanks to FryAmTheEggman for saving 3 bytes.*\n```\nl8Te[m!6532=\n```\nInput in base 2. Output also in base 2, padded to 8 bits with zeros.\n[Test it here.](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=l8Te%5Bm!6532%3D&input=10011101)\n### Explanation\n```\nl e# Read the input.\n8Te[ e# Left-pad it to 8 elements with zeros.\nm! e# Generate all permutations (with duplicates, i.e. treating equal elements\n e# in different positions distinctly).\n6532= e# Select the 6533rd, which happens to permute the elements like [1 3 0 5 2 7 4 6].\n```\n[Answer]\n# [MATL](https://github.com/lmendo/MATL), 14 bytes\n```\n&8B[2K1B3D5C])\n```\nInput is in decimal. Output is zero-padded binary.\n[**Try it online!**](http://matl.tryitonline.net/#code=JjhCWzJLMUIzRDVDXSk&input=MTU3)\n### Explanation\n```\n&8B % Take input number implicitly. Convert to binary array with 8 digits\n[2K1B3D5C] % Push array [2 4 1 6 3 8 5 7]\n) % Index first array with second array. Implicitly display\n```\n[Answer]\n# Jelly, 11 bytes\n```\n+\u2079B\u1e0a\u0152!6533\u1ecb\n```\nTranslation of Martin\u2019s CJam answer. [Try it here.](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=fOKBuULhuIrFkiE2NTMz4buL&input=&args=MTU3)\n```\n+\u2079B\u1e0a Translate (x+256) to binary and chop off the MSB.\n This essentially zero-pads the list to 8 bits.\n \u0152! Generate all permutations of this list.\n 6533\u1ecb Index the 6533rd one.\n```\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (ES6), 30 bytes\n```\nf=n=>n*4&84|n*2&128|n/2&1|n/4&42\n```\n[Answer]\n# C (unsafe macro), 39 bytes\n```\n#define w(v)v*4&84|v*2&128|v/2&1|v/4&42\n```\n# C (function), 41 bytes\n```\nw(v){return v*4&84|v*2&128|v/2&1|v/4&42;}\n```\n# C (full program), 59 bytes\n```\nmain(v){scanf(\"%d\",&v);return v*4&84|v*2&128|v/2&1|v/4&42;}\n```\n(returns via exit code, so invoke with `echo \"157\" | ./weave;echo $?`)\n# C (standards-compliant full program), 86 bytes\n```\n#include\nint main(){int v;scanf(\"%d\",&v);return v*4&84|v*2&128|v/2&1|v/4&42;}\n```\n# C (standards-compliant full program with no compiler warnings), 95 bytes\n```\n#include\nint main(){int v;scanf(\"%d\",&v);return (v*4&84)|(v*2&128)|(v/2&1)|(v/4&42);}\n```\n# C (standards-compliant full program with no compiler warnings which can read from arguments or stdin and includes error/range checking), 262 bytes\n```\n#include\n#include\n#include\nint main(int v,char**p){v=v<2?isatty(0)&&puts(\"Value?\"),scanf(\"%d\",&v)?v:-1:strtol(p[1],p,10);exit(*p==p[1]||v&255^v?fprintf(stderr,\"Invalid value\\n\"):!printf(\"%d\\n\",(v*4&84)|(v*2&128)|(v/2&1)|(v/4&42)));}\n```\n### Breakdown\nPretty much the same as a lot of existing answers: bit-shift all the bits into place by using `<<2` (`*4`), `<<1` (`*2`), `>>1` (`/2`) and `>>2` (`/4`), then `|` it all together.\nThe rest is nothing but different flavours of boiler-plate.\n[Answer]\n# x86 machine code, 20 bytes\nIn hex:\n```\n89C22455C1E002D0E0D1E880E2AAC0EA0211D0C3\n```\nIt's a procedure taking input and returning result via AL register\n## Disassembly\n```\n89 c2 mov edx,eax\n24 55 and al,0x55 ;Clear odd bits\nc1 e0 02 shl eax,0x2 ;Shift left, bit 6 goes to AH...\nd0 e0 shl al,1 ;...and doesn't affected by this shift\nd1 e8 shr eax,1 ;Shift bits to their's target positions\n80 e2 aa and dl,0xaa ;Clear even bits\nc0 ea 02 shr dl,0x2 ;Shift right, bit 1 goes to CF\n11 d0 adc eax,edx ;EAX=EAX+EDX+CF\nc3 ret\n```\n[Answer]\n# J, 12 bytes\n```\n6532 A._8&{.\n```\nUses the permute builtin `A.` with permutation index `6532` which corresponds to the bit-weaving operation.\n## Usage\nInput is a list of binary digits. Output is a zero-padded list of 8 binary digits.\n```\n f =: 6532 A._8&{.\n f 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1\n0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0\n f 1 1 1 0 1 1 0\n1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n6532 A._8&{. Input: s\n _8&{. Takes the list 8 values from the list, filling with zeros at the front\n if the length(s) is less than 8\n6532 The permutation index for bit-weaving\n A. permute the list of digits by that index and return\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Retina](https://github.com/m-ender/retina), 39 bytes\n```\n+`^(?!.{8})\n0\n(.)(.)\n$2$1\n\\B(.)(.)\n$2$1\n```\nInput and output in base 2, output is left-padded.\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=K2BeKD8hLns4fSkKMAooLikoLikKJDIkMQpcQiguKSguKQokMiQx&input=MTAwMTExMDE)\n## Explanation\n```\n+`^(?!.{8})\n0\n```\nThis just left-pads the input with zeros. The `+` indicates that this stage is repeated until the string stops changing. It matches the beginning of the string as long as there are less than 8 characters in it, and inserts a `0` in that position.\nNow for the actual permutation. The straight-forward solution is this:\n```\n(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)\n$2$4$1$6$3$8$5$7\n```\nHowever that's painfully long and redundant. I found a different formulation of the permutation that is much easier to implement in Retina (`X` represents a swap of adjacent bits):\n```\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n X X X X\n2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7\n X X X\n2 4 1 6 3 8 5 7\n```\nNow that's much easier to implement:\n```\n(.)(.)\n$2$1\n```\nThis simply matches two characters and swaps them. Since matches don't overlap, this swaps all four pairs.\n```\n\\B(.)(.)\n$2$1\n```\nNow we want to do the same thing again, but we want to skip the first character. The easiest way to do so is to require that the match *doesn't* start at a word boundary with `\\B`.\n[Answer]\n# Mathematica, 34 bytes\n```\nPadLeft[#,8][[{2,4,1,6,3,8,5,7}]]&\n```\nAnonymous function. Takes a list of binary digits, and outputs a padded list of 8 binary digits.\n[Answer]\n## PowerShell v2+, 34 bytes\n```\n(\"{0:D8}\"-f$args)[1,3,0,5,2,7,4,6]\n```\nTranslation of @LegionMammal978's [answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/84015/42963). Full program. Takes input via command-line argument as a binary number, outputs as a binary array, zero-padded.\nThe `\"{0:D8}\"-f` portion uses [standard numeric format strings](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dwhawy9k(v=vs.110).aspx) to prepend `0` to the input `$args`. Since the `-f` operator supports taking an array as input, and we've explicitly said to use the first element `{0:`, we don't need to do the usual `$args[0]`. We encapsulate that string in parens, then index into it `[1,3,0,5,2,7,4,6]` with the weaving. The resultant array is left on the pipeline and output is implicit.\n### Examples\n*(the default `.ToString()` for an array has the separator as ``n`, so that's why the output is newline separated here)*\n```\nPS C:\\Tools\\Scripts\\golfing> .\\golf-bit-weaving.ps1 10011101\n0\n1\n1\n1\n0\n1\n1\n0\nPS C:\\Tools\\Scripts\\golfing> .\\golf-bit-weaving.ps1 1111\n0\n0\n0\n1\n0\n1\n1\n1\n```\n[Answer]\n## Matlab, ~~49~~ ~~48~~ 44 bytes\n```\ns=sprintf('%08s',input(''));s('24163857'-48)\n```\nTakes input as string of binary values. Output padded.\n4 bytes saved thanks to @Luis Mendo.\n**Explanation:**\n```\ninput('') -- takes input\ns=sprintf('%08s',...) -- pads with zeros to obtain 8 digits\ns('24163857'-48) -- takes positions [2 4 1 6 3 8 5 7] from s (48 is code for '0')\n```\n[Answer]\n# [V](https://github.com/DJMcMayhem/V), 17 bytes\n```\n8\u00e90$7hd|\u00f2xpl\u00f22|@q\n```\n[Try it online!](http://v.tryitonline.net/#code=OMOpMCQ3aGR8w7J4cGzDsjJ8QHE&input=MTAwMTExMDE)\nThis takes input and output in binary. Most of the byte count comes from padding it with 0's. If padding the input was allowed, we could just do:\n```\n\u00f2xpl\u00f22|@q\n```\nThanks to [Martin's solution](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/84044/31716) for the method of swapping characters, e.g:\n```\n1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8\n X X X X\n2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7\n X X X\n2 4 1 6 3 8 5 7\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n8\u00e90 \"Insert 8 '0' characters\n $ \"Move to the end of the current line\n 7h \"Move 7 characters back\n d| \"Delete until the first character\n \u00f2 \u00f2 \"Recursively:\n xp \"Swap 2 characters\n l \"And move to the right\n 2| \"Move to the second column\n @q \"And repeat our last recursive command.\n```\n[Answer]\n## 05AB1E, ~~14~~ 12 bytes\n```\n\u017ez+b\u00a6\u01536532\u00e8J\n```\n**Explanation**\n```\n\u017ez+b\u00a6 # convert to binary padded with 0's to 8 digits\n \u01536532\u00e8 # get the 6532th permutation of the binary number\n J # join and implicitly print\n```\nInput is in base 10. \nOutput is in base 2.\nBorrows the permutation trick from [MartinEnder's CJam answer](https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/84011/47066)\n[Try it online](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=xb56K2LCpsWTNjUzMsOoSg&input=MTU3)\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 19 characters\n```\ns[@z1.it%2tzP%2z@z6\n```\nInput and output are base 2.\nFar from a Pyth expert, but since no one else has answered with it yet I gave it a shot.\nExplanation:\n```\ns[ # combine the 3 parts to a collection and then join them\n @z1 # bit 1 goes to bit 0\n .i # interleave the next two collections\n t%2tz # bits 3,5,7; t is used before z to offset the index by 1\n P%2z # bits 0,2,4\n @z6 # bit 6 goes to bit 7\n```\n[Answer]\n## [Labyrinth](https://github.com/m-ender/labyrinth), ~~27~~ 26 bytes\n```\n_1@\n&,)}}}=}}=}}=}!{!!{{!\"\n```\nInput and output in base 2. Output is padded.\n[Try it online!](http://labyrinth.tryitonline.net/#code=XzFACiYsKX19fT19fT19fT19IXshIXt7ISI&input=MTAwMTExMDE)\n[Answer]\n# [UGL](https://github.com/schas002/Unipants-Golfing-Language/blob/gh-pages/README.md), 50 bytes\n```\ncuuRir/r/r/r/r/r/r/%@@%@@%@@%@@@%@@%@@%@@@oooooooo\n```\n[Try it online!](http://schas002.github.io/Unipants-Golfing-Language/?code=Y3V1UmlyL3Ivci9yL3Ivci9yLyVAQCVAQCVAQCVAQEAlQEAlQEAlQEBAb29vb29vb28&input=MTU3)\nRepeatedly div-mod by 2, and then `%` swap and `@` roll to get them in the right order.\nInput in base-ten, output in base-two.\n[Answer]\n## vi, 27 bytes\n```\n8I0$7hc0lxpl\"qd0xp3@q03@q\n```\nWhere `` represents the Escape character. I/O is in binary, output is padded. 24 bytes in vim:\n```\n8I0$7hd0xpqqlxpq2@q03@q\n```\n[Answer]\n## Actually, 27 bytes\n```\n'08*+7~@t\u00f1iWi\u2510W13052746k\u2642\u2514\u03a3\n```\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=JzA4Kis3fkB0w7FpV2nilJBXMTMwNTI3NDZr4pmC4pSUzqM&input=JzEn)\nThis program does input and output as a binary string (output is zero-padded to 8 bits).\nExplanation:\n```\n'08*+7~@t\u00f1iWi\u2510W13052746k\u2642\u2514\u03a3\n'08*+ prepend 8 zeroes\n 7~@t last 8 characters (a[:~7])\n \u00f1i enumerate, flatten\n Wi\u2510W for each (i, v) pair: push v to register i\n 13052746k push [1,3,0,5,2,7,4,6] (the permutation order, zero-indexed)\n \u2642\u2514 for each value: push the value in that register\n \u03a3 concatenate the strings\n \n```\n[Answer]\n# JavaScript, 98 Bytes\nInput is taken in base-2 as a string, output is also base-2 as a string\n```\nn=>(n.length<8?n=\"0\".repeat(8-n.length)+n:0,a=\"13052746\",t=n,n.split``.map((e,i)=>t[a[i]]).join``)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt), 11 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\nI/O as binary strings\n```\n\u00f9T8 \u00e1 g6532\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&header=czI&code=%2bVQ4IOEgZzY1MzI&footer=Vm4y&input=MTU3) - header & footer convert from and to decimal.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\nOne of the most common standard tasks (especially when showcasing esoteric programming languages) is to implement a [\"cat program\"](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Cat): read all of STDIN and print it to STDOUT. While this is named after the Unix shell utility `cat` it is of course much less powerful than the real thing, which is normally used to print (and concatenate) several files read from disc.\n### Task\nYou should write a **full program** which reads the contents of the standard input stream and writes them verbatim to the standard output stream. If and only if your language does not support standard input and/or output streams (as understood in most languages), you may instead take these terms to mean their closest equivalent in your language (e.g. JavaScript's `prompt` and `alert`). These are the *only* admissible forms of I/O, as any other interface would largely change the nature of the task and make answers much less comparable.\nThe output should contain exactly the input and *nothing else*. The only exception to this rule is constant output of your language's interpreter that cannot be suppressed, such as a greeting, ANSI color codes or indentation. **This also applies to trailing newlines.** If the input does not contain a trailing newline, the output shouldn't include one either! (The only exception being if your language absolutely always prints a trailing newline after execution.)\nOutput to the standard error stream is ignored, so long as the standard output stream contains the expected output. In particular, this means your program can terminate with an error upon hitting the end of the stream (EOF), provided that doesn't pollute the standard output stream. *If you do this, I encourage you to add an error-free version to your answer as well (for reference).*\nAs this is intended as a challenge within each language and not between languages, there are a few language specific rules:\n* If it is at all possible in your language to distinguish null bytes in the standard input stream from the EOF, your program must support null bytes like any other bytes (that is, they have to be written to the standard output stream as well).\n* If it is at all possible in your language to support an *arbitrary* infinite input stream (i.e. if you can start printing bytes to the output before you hit EOF in the input), your program has to work correctly in this case. As an example `yes | tr -d \\\\n | ./my_cat` should print an infinite stream of `y`s. It is up to you how often you print and flush the standard output stream, but it must be guaranteed to happen after a finite amount of time, regardless of the stream (this means, in particular, that you cannot wait for a specific character like a linefeed before printing).\nPlease add a note to your answer about the exact behaviour regarding null-bytes, infinite streams, and extraneous output.\n### Additional rules\n* This is not about finding the language with the shortest solution for this (there are some where the empty program does the trick) - this is about finding the shortest solution in *every* language. Therefore, no answer will be marked as accepted.\n* Submissions in most languages will be scored in *bytes* in an appropriate preexisting encoding, usually (but not necessarily) UTF-8.\nSome languages, like [Folders](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Folders), are a bit tricky to score. If in doubt, please ask on [Meta](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/).\n* Feel free to use a language (or language version) even if it's newer than this challenge. Languages specifically written to submit a 0-byte answer to this challenge are fair game but not particularly interesting.\nNote that there must be an interpreter so the submission can be tested. It is allowed (and even encouraged) to write this interpreter yourself for a previously unimplemented language.\nAlso note that languages *do* have to fulfil [our usual criteria for programming languages](http://meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2028/what-are-programming-languages/2073#2073).\n* If your language of choice is a trivial variant of another (potentially more popular) language which already has an answer (think BASIC or SQL dialects, Unix shells or trivial Brainfuck derivatives like Headsecks or Unary), consider adding a note to the existing answer that the same or a very similar solution is also the shortest in the other language.\n* Unless they have been overruled earlier, all standard [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\") rules apply, including the .\nAs a side note, please don't downvote boring (but valid) answers in languages where there is not much to golf; these are still useful to this question as it tries to compile a catalogue as complete as possible. However, do primarily upvote answers in languages where the author actually had to put effort into golfing the code.\n### Catalogue\nThe Stack Snippet at the bottom of this post generates the catalogue from the answers a) as a list of shortest solution per language and b) as an overall leaderboard.\nTo make sure that your answer shows up, please start your answer with a headline, using the following Markdown template:\n```\n## Language Name, N bytes\n```\nwhere `N` is the size of your submission. If you improve your score, you *can* keep old scores in the headline, by striking them through. For instance:\n```\n## Ruby, 104 101 96 bytes\n```\nIf there you want to include multiple numbers in your header (e.g. because your score is the sum of two files or you want to list interpreter flag penalties separately), make sure that the actual score is the *last* number in the header:\n```\n## Perl, 43 + 2 (-p flag) = 45 bytes\n```\nYou can also make the language name a link which will then show up in the snippet:\n```\n## [><>](http://esolangs.org/wiki/Fish), 121 bytes\n```\n```\n

Shortest Solution by Language



\n```\n \n[Answer]\n# [APL](http://goo.gl/9KrKoM), 6 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00e9\u00ef\u201a\u00dc\u00ea\u201a\u00e7\u00fb\n\u201a\u00dc\u00ed1\n```\nThis has worked in all APLs since the beginning of time.\n`\u201a\u00e7\u00fb` wait for input \n`\u201a\u00e9\u00ef\u201a\u00dc\u00ea` Output that \n`\u201a\u00dc\u00ed1` go to line 1\n[Answer]\n## [Wat](https://github.com/theksp25/Wat), 6 + 1 = 7 [bytes](https://github.com/theksp25/Wat/wiki/Codepage)\n```\n\u221a\u2022\u221a\u2265#\u221a\u00ea\u221a\u00eb\u221a\u00d6\n```\n(This code don't have any rapport with DNA)\nExplanation:\n```\n\u221a\u2022\u221a\u2265#\u221a\u00ea\u221a\u00eb\u221a\u00d6\n\u221a\u2022 Read a character\n \u221a\u2265 Duplicate the top of the stack\n # Skip the next character\n \u221a\u00ea End the program\n \u221a\u00eb If the top of the stack is 0, go backward (execute \u221a\u00ea and end the program), otherwise go forward\n \u221a\u00d6 Print the character on the top of the stack\n After, the IP wrap and the line is reexecuted\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Omam](https://esolangs.org/wiki/Omam), 137 bytes\n```\nthe screams all sound the same\nthough the truth may vary\ndon't listen to a word i say\nthe screams all sound the same\nthis ship will carry\n```\nNote that I haven't copied it. In fact, I added this code there today.\n[Answer]\n# [Tellurium](https://m654z.github.io/Tellurium), 2 bytes\n```\ni^\n```\nPretty simple, eh?\nWhat it does is get input from the user using the `i` command, and stores it in the tape in the currently selected item (in the code above, it's 0, the default).\nAfter that, it prints the currently selected item's value using the `^` command. (whatever the user input).\n[Answer]\n# Apps Script + Google Sheets, 29 bytes\n### Script\n```\nfunction Q(s){return s}\n```\n### Sheet\n```\n=q(B1)\n```\nCell B1 is the input.\n[Answer]\n# J, 14 bytes\n```\nstdout]stdin''\n```\nReads the entire input from stdin until EOF is reached and store it as an array of characters. Then output all of it to stdout. This will work when saved as a script to be run using `jconsole`, where scripts are programs for interpreted languages.\n[Answer]\n# [Fith](https://github.com/nazek42/fith), 7 bytes\n```\nread \\.\n```\n`read` gets input from STDIN.\nThe language cannot handle infinite streams.\n`\\.` prints the string on top of the stack without a trailing newline.\n[Answer]\n## [BruhScript](https://github.com/tuxcrafting/BruhScript), 22 bytes\nSource:\n```\n\u201a\u00dc\u222b\u201a\u00c7\u00c41\u0152\u00f5\u201a\u00c7\u00c4\u201a\u00e7\u00e0+\u201a\u00e7\u221e'\n\u201a\u00e0\u00e1\n```\nEncoded version hexdump:\n```\n0000000: 0099 009a 003a 0087 009a 008f 0051 008e .....:.......Q..\n0000010: 0061 0000 0069 .a...i\n```\nExplanation:\n```\n\u201a\u00dc\u222b While loop. Take two niladic functions as arguments.\n \u201a\u00c7\u00c41\u0152\u00f5 A function that always return 1\n \u201a\u00c7\u00c4\u201a\u00e7\u00e0+\u201a\u00e7\u221e'\u201a\u00e0\u00e1 `'` is a shorthand for \u00ac\u00b4\u00ac\u00aa, so this code print (\u201a\u00e7\u00e0) the input (\u201a\u00e7\u221e) + a newline ('), and return None (\u201a\u00e0\u00e1)\n```\n[Answer]\n# Clojure, 18 bytes\n```\n(print(read-line))\n```\nThis 30-bytes program runs forever:\n```\n(while true(print(read-line)))\n```\n[Answer]\n# C++ (109 Bytes)\nThanks to E\u00a0\u00c4\u2026\u2122\u00b7\u00a5\u00e3 \u00b7\u00a5\u00f5\u00a0\u00fa\u00b7\u00a5\u00e1 G\u00b7\u00a5\u00e8\u00a0\u00fc\u201c\u00ec\u00b7\u00a5\u00e1\u00a0\u00c4 for reducing 4 bytes.\n```\n#include \n#include \nusing namespace std;main(){string A,W;while(cin>>A)W+=A;cout<}\n```\nIt will print an input prompt, but I can't do anything about it. This language has no way of supporting infinite input.\n[Answer]\n# [Lolo](https://github.com/lvivtotoro/lolo), 2 bytes\n```\nLo\n```\nNot very interesting for a language only made up of Ls and Os. \nIt's basically printing whats in the stack. Since there is nothing, it gets the input.\n[Answer]\n# TCL, 28 bytes\n```\nputs -nonewline [read stdin]\n```\n[Answer]\n# Common Lisp (Lispworks), 50 bytes\n```\n(defun f()(let((x(read-char)))(format t\"~A\"x)(f)))\n```\nUsage:\n```\n CL-USER 165 > (f)\n aabbccdd\n 112233\n ddeeff\n```\n[Answer]\n## Racket 35 bytes\n```\n(let l()(displayln(read-line))(l))\n```\nUngolfed:\n```\n(define (f)\n (let loop()\n (displayln\n (read-line))\n (loop)))\n```\nTo run: \n```\n(f)\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Arcy\u221a\u2265u](//github.com/Nazek42/arcyou), 2 bytes\n```\n(q\n```\n[Try it online!](//arcyou.tryitonline.net#code=KHE&input=SW5wdXQxCklucHV0dHdvCkdVRVNTV0hBVEYqIQpzZWxsCiQkJAorICsgWyBdICsgKw)\nStrange, a search for `arcy\u221a\u2265u inquestion:62230` doesn't seem to turn anything up.\nArcy\u221a\u2265u has a strange behavior: if there isn't a trailing newline in the output, it will unavoidably append one. If there is a trailing newline, another one will not be appended. `(p(q` will not fix the problem, it will just forcibly append another `\\n`.\nThis language cannot possibly handle infinite input.\nArcy\u221a\u2265u is weird.\nFirst Arcy\u221a\u2265u answer of mine :D\n[Answer]\n# [Actually](https://github.com/Mego/Seriously), 6 bytes\n```\n\u201a\u00f3\u00e3W\u201a\u00f3\u00f4\u201a\u00f3\u00e3WX\n```\n[Try it online!](https://tio.run/nexus/actually#@/9oenf4o@kzQVTE//9JSUkA \"Actually \u201a\u00c4\u00ec TIO Nexus\")\n*+2 bytes because I fixed the trailing newline issue.*\n[Answer]\n# tcl, 17\n```\nputs [read stdin]\n```\navailable to run on \nTo stop it from running, press Ctrl+D.\n[Answer]\n## Perl 6, 25 bytes\n```\n.print while $_=$*IN.getc\n```\nSupports null-bytes, and infinite streams without newlines.\nIf we were allowed to work on a line-by-line basis and always print a trailing newline, it would be only 14 bytes:\n```\n.say for lines\n```\n[Answer]\n# [Del|m|t](https://github.com/MistahFiggins/Delimit), 14 bytes (non-competing)\n[Try it Online!](https://tio.run/nexus/delimit#@2@uoK@gYKhgrGCnYK9g@f9/SGpxSWZeukJJRqpCcmKJIgA)\n```\n7 / 1 3 > ? 9\n```\nNo command line argument, because is the default\nExplanation:\n```\n(7) 23 Gets the next char from input (-1 if its EOF)\n(/) 15 Duplicate\n() 0 Pushes 0 (there are no characters -> ASCII sum = 0)\n(1) 17 Swap top 2 (Stack is [C, 0, C])\n(3) 19 Pushes 0 if (C >= 0), 1 Otherwise (i.e. EOF)\n(>) 30, (?) 31 If the EOF has been reached, exit the program\n(9) 25 Print the character\n Repeat\n```\n[Answer]\n# SmileBASIC, 13 bytes\n```\nLINPUT S$?S$;\n```\nvery simple.\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n [\n### Definition\nDefine the **n**th array of the CURR sequence as follows.\n1. Begin with the singleton array **A = [n]**.\n2. For each integer **k** in **A**, replace the entry **k** with **k** natural numbers, counting up from **1** to **k**.\n3. Repeat the previous step **n - 1** more times.\nFor example, if **n = 3**, we start with the array **[3]**.\nWe replace **3** with **1, 2, 3**, yielding **[1, 2, 3]**.\nWe now replace **1**, **2**, and **3** with **1**; **1, 2** and **1, 2, 3** (resp.), yielding **[1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]**.\nFinally, we perform the same replacements as in the previous step for all six integers in the array, yielding **[1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]**. This is the third CURR array.\n### Task\nWrite a program of a function that, given a strictly positive integer **n** as input, computes the **n**th CURR array.\nThe output has to be a *flat* list of some kind (and array returned from a function, a string representation of your language's array syntax, whitespace-separated, etc.).\nThis is [code-golf](/questions/tagged/code-golf \"show questions tagged 'code-golf'\"). May the shortest code in bytes win!\n### Test cases\n```\n 1 -> [1]\n 2 -> [1, 1, 2]\n 3 -> [1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]\n 4 -> [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4]\n 5 -> [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]\n 6 -> [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]\n```\n \n[Answer]\n## Jelly, 3 bytes\n```\nR\u00a1F\n```\n[Try it online](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=UsKhRg&input=&args=Mw)\n## Explanation\n```\nR\u00a1F Argument n\nR Yield range [1..n]\n \u00a1 Repeat n times\n F Flatten the result\n```\n[Answer]\n## Python, 50 bytes\n```\nlambda i:eval(\"[i \"+\"for i in range(1,i+1)\"*i+\"]\")\n```\nScope abuse! For example, for `i=3`, the string to be evaluated expands to. \n```\n[i for i in range(1,i+1)for i in range(1,i+1)for i in range(1,i+1)]\n```\nSomehow, despite using the function input variable `i` for everything, Python distinguishes each iteration index as belonging to a separate scope as if the expression were\n```\n[l for j in range(1,i+1)for k in range(1,j+1)for l in range(1,k+1)]\n```\nwith `i` the input to the function.\n[Answer]\n## 05AB1E, ~~6~~ 3 bytes\n```\nDFL\n```\n**Explained**\n```\nD # duplicate input\n F # input times do\n L # range(1,N)\n```\n[Try it online](http://05ab1e.tryitonline.net/#code=REZM&input=Mw)\nSaved 3 bytes thanks to @Adnan\n[Answer]\n## [Retina](https://github.com/mbuettner/retina), 33 bytes\n```\n$\n$.`$*0\n+%(M!&`1.*(?=0)|^.+\nO`.+\n```\nInput and output in unary.\n[Try it online!](http://retina.tryitonline.net/#code=JAokLmAkKjAKKyUoTSEmYDEuKig_PTApfF4uKwpPYC4r&input=MTEx)\nEven though I didn't use the closed form for the related challenge, adapting this answer was surprisingly tricky.\n[Answer]\n## Python 2, 82 bytes\n```\nlambda n:[1+bin(i)[::-1].find('1')for i in range(1<<2*n-1)if bin(i).count('1')==n]\n```\nThis isn't the shortest solution, but it illustrates an interesting method:\n* Write down the first `2^(2*n-1)` numbers in binary\n* Keep those with exactly `n` ones\n* For each number, count the number of trailing zeroes, and add 1.\n[Answer]\n## Actually, 9 bytes\n```\n;#@`\u2642R\u03a3`n\n```\n[Try it online!](http://actually.tryitonline.net/#code=OyNAYOKZglLOo2Bu&input=Mw)\nExplanation:\n```\n;#@`\u2642R\u03a3`n\n;#@ dupe n, make a singleton list, swap with n\n `\u2642R\u03a3`n call the following function n times:\n \u2642R range(1, k+1) for k in list\n \u03a3 concatenate the ranges\n```\nThanks to Leaky Nun for a byte, and inspiration for another 2 bytes.\n[Answer]\n## C#, 128 Bytes\n```\nListj(int n){var l=new List(){n};for(;n>0;n--)l=l.Select(p=>Enumerable.Range(1,p)).SelectMany(m=>m).ToList();return l;\n```\n[Answer]\n# APL, 11 bytes\n```\n{\u220a\u2373\u00a8\u2218\u220a\u2363\u2375+\u2375}\n```\nTest:\n```\n {\u220a\u2373\u00a8\u2218\u220a\u2363\u2375+\u2375} 3\n1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3\n```\nExplanation:\n* `+\u2375`: starting with `\u2375`,\n* `\u2363\u2375`: do the following `\u2375` times:\n\t+ `\u2373\u00a8\u2218\u220a`: flatten the input, and then generate a list [1..N] for each N in the input\n* `\u220a`: flatten the result of that\n[Answer]\n# J, 18 bytes\n```\n([:;<@(1+i.)\"0)^:]\n```\nStraight-forward approach based on the process described in the challenge.\n## Usage\n```\n f =: ([:;<@(1+i.)\"0)^:]\n f 1\n1\n f 2\n1 1 2\n f 3\n1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3\n f 4\n1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4\n```\n## Explanation\n```\n([:;<@(1+i.)\"0)^:] Input: n\n ] Identity function, gets the value n\n( ... )^: Repeat the following n times with an initial value [n]\n ( )\"0 Means rank 0, or to operate on each atom in the list\n i. Create a range from 0 to that value, exclusive\n 1+ Add 1 to each to make the range from 1 to that value\n <@ Box the value\n [:; Combine the boxes and unbox them to make a list and return\n Return the final result after n iterations\n```\n[Answer]\n## CJam, 14 bytes\n```\n{_a\\{:,:~:)}*}\n```\n[Test it here.](http://cjam.aditsu.net/#code=3%0A%0A%7B_a%5C%7B%3A%2C%3A~%3A)%7D*%7D%0A%0A~p&input=3)\n### Explanation\n```\n_a e# Duplicate N and wrap it in an array.\n\\ e# Swap with other copy of N.\n{ e# Do this N times...\n :, e# Turn each x into [0 1 ... x-1].\n :~ e# Unwrap each of those arrays.\n :) e# Increment each element.\n}*\n```\n[Answer]\n## Mathematica, ~~27~~ 26 bytes\n*1 byte saved with some inspiration from Essari's answer.*\n```\nFlatten@Nest[Range,{#},#]&\n```\nFairly straightforward: for input `x` we start with `{x}` and then apply the `Range` to it `x` times (`Range` is `Listable` which means that it automatically applies to the integers inside arbitrarily nested lists). At the end `Flatten` the result.\n[Answer]\n## Clojure, 59 bytes\n```\n(fn[n](nth(iterate #(mapcat(fn[x](range 1(inc x)))%)[n])n))\n```\nExplanation:\nReally straight forward way to solve the problem. Working from the inside out:\n```\n(1) (fn[x](range 1(inc x))) ;; return a list from 1 to x\n(2) #(mapcat (1) %) ;; map (1) over each item in list and flatten result\n(3) (iterate (2) [n]) ;; call (2) repeatedly e.g. (f (f (f [n])))\n(4) (nth (3) n)) ;; return the nth value of the iteration\n```\n[Answer]\n# Python 3, ~~75~~ 74 bytes\n```\ndef f(k):N=[k];exec('A=N;N=[]\\nfor i in A:N+=range(1,i+1)\\n'*k+'print(N)')\n```\nThis is just a straightforward translation of the problem description to code.\nEdit: Saved one byte thanks to @Dennis.\n[Answer]\n## R, ~~60~~ 49 bytes\nPretty straightforward use of `unlist` and `sapply`.\n```\ny=x=scan();for(i in 1:x)y=unlist(sapply(y,seq));y\n```\nThanks to @MickyT for saving 11 bytes\n[Answer]\n## php 121\nNot really very much in the way of tricks behind this one.\nFlattening an array in php isn't short so it's necessary to build it flat in the first place\n```\n>= \\a->[1..a])[n]!!n\n```\nThanks to nimi for saving a byte.\nA pointfree version is longer (35 bytes):\n```\n(!!)=<>= \\a->[1..a]).pure\n```\n[Answer]\n## JavaScript (Firefox 30-57), ~~63~~ 60 bytes\n```\nf=n=>eval(`[${`for(n of Array(n+1).keys())`.repeat(n--)}n+1]`)\n```\nPort of @xnor's Python answer.\n[Answer]\n# Pyth, 8 bytes\n```\nusSMGQ]Q\n```\n[Try it online!](http://pyth.herokuapp.com/?code=usSMGQ%5DQ&test_suite=1&test_suite_input=3&debug=0)\n```\nusSMGQ]Q input as Q\nu Q repeat for Q times,\n ]Q starting as [Q]:\n SMG convert each number in the array to its range\n s flatten\n then implicitly prints the result.\n```\n[Answer]\n# Jelly, 7 bytes\nQuick, before Dennis answers (jk)\n```\nWR\u20acF$\u00b3\u00a1\n```\n[Try it online!](http://jelly.tryitonline.net/#code=V1LigqxGJMKzwqE&input=Mw&args=Mw)\n```\nWR\u20acF$\u00b3\u00a1 Main monadic chain. Argument: z\nW Yield [z].\n \u00b3\u00a1 Repeat the following z times:\n R\u20ac Convert each number in the array to the corresponding range.\n F Flatten the array.\n```\n[Answer]\n## F# , 63 bytes\n```\nfun n->Seq.fold(fun A _->List.collect(fun k->[1..k])A)[n]{1..n}\n```\nReturns an anonymous function taking n as input.\nReplaces every entry k in A with [1..k], repeats the process n times, starting with A = [n].\n[Answer]\n# Swift 3, 58 Bytes\nMeant to run directly in the a playground, with n set to the input:\n```\nvar x=[n];for i in 0.. = [n]\nfor i in 0..[], combine: { accumulator, element in\n accumulator + Array(1...element)\n })\n}\n```\n[Answer]\n# Java, 159 Bytes\n**Procedure**\n```\nint[] q(int y){int z[]=new int[]{y};for(int i=0;in,a=[n]{n>0?F[n-1,a.flat_map{[*1.._1]}]:a}\n```\n[Attempt This Online!](https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=m72kqDSpcsEiN9ulpSVpuhY3dXTt8nQSbaPzYqvz7Azs3aLzdA11EvXSchJL4nMTC6qjtQz19OINY2tjrRJrIXqWFSi4RRvHQjgLFkBoAA)\n[Answer]\n# Perl 5, 53 bytes\nA subroutine:\n```\n{($i)=@_;for(1..$i){my@c;push@c,1..$_ for@_;@_=@c}@_}\n```\nSee it in action as\n```\nperl -e'print \"$_ \" for sub{($i)=@_;for(1..$i){my@c;push@c,1..$_ for@_;@_=@c}@_}->(3)'\n```\n[Answer]\n## Ruby, 61 bytes\n```\ndef f(n);a=[n];n.times{a=a.map{|i|(1..i).to_a}.flatten};a;end\n```\n[Answer]\n# PHP, ~~100~~ 98 bytes\nRun with `php -r '' `.\n```\nfor($a=[$n=$argv[1]];$n--;$a=$b)for($b=[],$k=0;$c=$a[$k++];)for($i=0;$i++<$c;)$b[]=$i;print_r($a);\n```\nIn each iteration create a temporary copy looping from 1..(first value removed) until `$a` is empty.\n---\nThese two are still and will probably remain at 100 bytes:\n```\nfor($a=[$n=$argv[1]];$n--;)for($i=count($a);$i--;)array_splice($a,$i,1,range(1,$a[$i]));print_r($a);\n```\nIn each iteration loop backwards through array replacing each number with a range.\n```\nfor($a=[$n=$argv[1]];$n--;)for($i=$c=0;$c=$a[$i+=$c];)array_splice($a,$i,1,range(1,$c));print_r($a);\n```\nIn each iteration loop through array increasing index by previous number and replacing each indexed element with a range\n[Answer]\n# [Japt](https://github.com/ETHproductions/japt) [`-mh`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/14339/), 4 [bytes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/IEC_8859-1)\n```\nN=c\u00f5\n```\n[Try it](https://petershaggynoble.github.io/Japt-Interpreter/?v=1.4.6&flags=LW1o&code=Tj1j9Q&input=Mw)\n[Answer]\n# [Perl 5](https://www.perl.org/) + `-p`, 28 bytes\n```\neval's/\\d+/@{[1..$&]}/g;'x$_\n```\n[Try it online!](https://dom111.github.io/code-sandbox/#eyJsYW5nIjoid2VicGVybC01LjI4LjEiLCJjb2RlIjoiZXZhbCdzL1xcZCsvQHtbMS4uJCZdfS9nOyd4JF8iLCJhcmdzIjoiLXAiLCJpbnB1dCI6IjFcbjJcbjNcbjRcbjVcbjYifQ==)\n]"}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n "}{"text": "[Question]\n []\n 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