--- dataset_info: config_name: cleaned features: - name: event dtype: int64 - name: word dtype: string - name: topic dtype: string - name: selected_topic dtype: string - name: semantic_relevance dtype: int64 - name: interestingness dtype: int64 - name: pre-knowledge dtype: int64 - name: sentence_number dtype: int64 - name: participant dtype: string - name: eeg dtype: array2_d: shape: - 32 - 2001 dtype: float64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 11925180913 num_examples: 23270 download_size: 11927979870 dataset_size: 11925180913 configs: - config_name: cleaned data_files: - split: train path: cleaned/train-* default: true license: apache-2.0 task_categories: - text-classification - token-classification language: - en tags: - eeg - semantic relevance --- We release a dataset containing 23,270 time-locked (0.7s) word-level EEG recordings acquired from 15 participants who read both text that was semantically relevant and irrelevant to self-selected topics. See [code repository][1] for benchmark results. Datasheet is here: [data repository][2]. Explanations of the variables: - **event** corresponds to a specific point in time during EEG data collection and represents the onset of an event (presentation of a word) - **word** is a word read by the participant - **topic** is the topic of the document to which the **word** belongs to - **selected topic** indicates the topic the participant has selected - **semantic relevance** indicates whether the word is semantically relevant (expressed as 1) or semantically irrelevant (expressed as 0) to the topic selected by the participant - **interestingness** indicates the participant's interest in the topic of a document - **pre-knowledge** indicates the participant's previous knowledge about the topic of the document - **sentence number** represents the sentence number to which the word belongs - **eeg** - brain recordings having a shape of 32 x 2001 for each word The dataset can be downloaded and used as follows: ```py import numpy as np from datasets import load_dataset # Load the cleaned version of the dataset d = load_dataset("VadymV/EEG-semantic-text-relevance", "cleaned") # See the structure of the dataset print(d) # Get the first entry in the dataset first_entry = d['train'][0] # Get EEG data as numpy array in the first entry eeg = np.array(first_entry['eeg']) # Get a word in the first entry word = first_entry['word'] ``` We recommend using the Croissant metadata to explore the dataset. [1]: https://github.com/VadymV/EEG-dataset-for-semantic-text-relevance/tree/main [2]: https://osf.io/p4zue/