2 values
Alan Simpson says military expenditures for the United States are greater than the combined spending of the next 14 largest nations.
true statement
a speech at the City Club of Cleveland
Marco Rubio says The Iran deal says that if any other country tries to undermine (Irans) nuclear program, we have to help them defend themselves against Israel, Egypt, Saudis, our own allies.
false statement
an interview on Fox News
Florida All says Rick Scotts Administration spent over $100,000 of taxpayer money during their first voter purge attempt in 2012.
true statement
George Allen says We are number one in the world when it comes to energy resources. ... The Russians are second; Saudi Arabia is number three.
true statement
a press conference.
Bob Goodlatte says The Agriculture Department estimates that roughly 42 percent of the corn crop will be used to make ethanol -- more than the amount of corn used to feed livestock and poultry in the United States.
true statement
a statement.
Facebook Posts says In 1913, it was legal to mail children.
true statement
a Facebook post
David Axelrod says Tonight in Ohio, more people came out to vote for Barack Obama in an unopposed race than voted for (Mitt) Romney and (Rick) Santorum combined.
false statement
an interview on NBC
John Mica says Democrats compare the infrastructure programs in the stimulus to the Eisenhower interstate program, "but he proposed a $500 billion highway system, and they're going to put $30 billion" into roads and bridges.
true statement
a comment quoted in the Washington Post.
Senate Majority Pac says Congressman (Tom) Cotton is the only Arkansan in Congress -- Democrat or Republican -- to vote against disaster relief five times.
true statement
a television ad
John Mccain says "The U.S. Navy has sailed ships around the world for 60 years with nuclear power plants on them and we've never had an accident."
true statement
a speech in Nashville, Tenn.
Georgia Voice says No openly gay man has ever been elected to the Georgia Legislature.
true statement
a news story
Laura Ingraham says U.S. Reps. Eric Cantor and Luis Gutierrez were touring the country last year joined at the hip, working together in a bipartisan fashion indeed for the goal of immigration reform.
false statement
a speech.
Donald Trump says The $5 billion website for Obamacare never worked. Still doesnt work.
false statement
a speech in Phoenix
Jeb Bush says It takes almost a year for a refugee to be processed in the United States.
true statement
comments on CNN's "State of the Union"
Tim Ryan says Congressman Ryan has secured a grand total of $116,838,763 to date (for the Mahoning Valley) and has an additional $27,095,000 pending in FY2010 spending bills.
true statement
a website posting
John Boehner says "In North Carolina, they used stimulus money to hire one new state worker. His job, apply for more stimulus funds from the taxpayers by the way of the federal government."
false statement
a Web ad
Republican National Committee Republican says "If Sen. Hillary Clinton could enact all of her campaign proposals, taxpayers would be faced with financing more than $777.6-billion in new spending over one White House term."
true statement
Web "Spend-O-Meter"
Glen Sturtevant says Dan Gecker voted to double vehicle registration fees, costing (Chesterfield) county residents over $6 million annually.
false statement
a TV ad
John Mccain says "A lot of people don't know that 50,000 Americans now make their living off eBay."
true statement
Dearborn, Mich.
Donald Trump says I dont know anything about David Duke.
false statement
comments on CNN's State of the Union
John Lombardi says 80 to 85 percent of my campaign funds go to donations to various organizations throughout the City of Providence.
false statement
a WPRI Channel 12 debate
Chris Murphy says Only 3 percent of voters 18 to 34 dont believe that climate change is really happening.
true statement
remarks at a news conference
Bruce Braley says U.S. Senate candidate Joni Ernst does not support a national minimum wage.
true statement
Orly Taitz says Birthers have obtained a copy of Obamas Kenyan birth certificate.
false statement
an attachment to a lawsuit
Chris Coons says Keystone means unlocking the Canadian tar sands.
true statement
an interview on "Fox News Sunday"
Associated Industries Florida says The working tax cut created over 40,000 new jobs in just the last four years.
false statement
a TV ad
Safety All Initiative says There are at least twice as many licensed firearm dealers in California as there are McDonalds.
true statement
an email.
Curtis Martin says I played in a game here against the Pittsburgh Steelers where there was 23 inches of snow. We played in at least 15 inches of that.
false statement
comments on ESPN
Gus Bilirakis says It is the Department of Homeland Security's view that returning military veterans and gun owners are likely to commit terrorist acts.
true statement
a news release
Wisconsin Professional Police Association says Data on violent crime shows Wisconsin has become less safe than it was when Scott Walker took office.
true statement
a news conference
Peter King says The Boston Marathon bombing is the fifth case in which U.S. government officials examined individuals potentially involved in terrorism and felt they were no threat and they went on to carry out terrorist murders.
true statement
an interview with MSNBC
Hillary Clinton says In 2006, Donald Trump was hoping for a real estate crash.
true statement
an advertisement
Robert Gibbs says The Republican leadership's budget proposal doesn't contain any numbers.
true statement
a statement during a press briefing
Sarah Palin says 1 in 7 American families is on food stamps.
true statement
her speech at a rally for Ted Cruz in The Woodlands
Menominee Indian Tribe Wisconsin says The Kenosha casino would be one of the states largest employers and pay more to the state than any other company or Tribe essentially, it would be Wisconsins biggest taxpayer.
true statement
a web posting
Josh Mandel says Our race was the closest U.S. Senate race in Ohio in 36 years -- when Howard Metzenbaum defeated Robert Taft in 1976.
true statement
an email to supporters
John Mccain says "We have drawn down to presurge levels. Basra, Mosul and now Sadr City are quiet and it's long and it's tough and there will be setbacks."
true statement
Greensdale, Wis.
Lee Leffingwell says Austins treated wastewater, put into the Colorado River, is of higher quality than water the city takes from the lake for public use.
true statement
an Austin City Council meeting.
Nita Lowey says An amendment to the House health reform bill "puts new restrictions on women's access to abortion coverage in the private health insurance market even when they would pay premiums with their own money."
false statement
a speech on the House floor
Mitt Romney says As president, Barack Obama has never visited Israel.
true statement
a campaign ad
Catherine Hanaway says Were the worst state in the country at moving people from welfare to work.
false statement
a Republican gubernatorial debate
Rick Perry says the private sector in Texas created 1 million jobs over the past decade.
true statement
a television interview
Blog Posting says Pentagon confirms they may court martial soldiers who hold Christian faith.
true statement
Web posts
Joellen Smith says Cobb is one of the largest school systems (in the nation) that is debt free.
true statement
an editorial
Jim Demint says Weve got more revenue than we ever have.
false statement
an interview on CNN's "State of the Union with Candy Crowley"
Bill Clinton says Between 2010 and 2014, there was no net in-migration from Mexico.
true statement
a broadcast of "The Daily Show"
Rob Portman says The Social Security disability fund is going belly up in 2016.
true statement
remarks at Politico breakfastt
Donald Trump says A shocking 20 veterans are committing suicide each and every day, especially our older veterans.
true statement
a speech
Elizabeth Warren says Today, the five largest financial institutions are 38 percent bigger than they were back in 2008, when they were too big to fail.
true statement
an interview on "PBS Newshour"
Peter King says The House did vote against engagement in Kosovo, and Bill Clinton kept fighting anyway. And, then, ultimately, a vote did pass.
true statement
an interview on "Fox News Sunday"
Randy Forbes says Did you know that the U.S. is one of the very few nations in the world without an official language?
true statement
a blog.
Ben Cardin says Every time weve increased the minimum wage, weve seen a growth in jobs.
true statement
an interview on "Fox News Sunday"
Charlie Justice says "The Florida Legislature raised taxes and fees by almost $2 billion" in the 2009 session.
true statement
a news release
Sheldon Whitehouse says We have more people working in clean and green energy than in oil and gas in this country.
true statement
a newspaper column
Rick Scott says Florida has 1,200 golf courses. I think 58 million rounds played a year in Florida. Weve got 44 percent of all travel golf in the country here. 5 million people come here just for golf.
true statement
TV interview
Blog Posting says Hillary Clinton had an undercover nurse with her at the Sept. 11 memorial ceremony in New York.
false statement
Vicki Martin says Only 50 percent of students from Milwaukee public high schools go on to a two-or four-year college.
true statement
a presentation at a panel discussion
Evan Bayh says The fastest-growing part of the Pentagons budget are health care expenses.
true statement
an interview in Concord, N.H.
Marco Rubio says Inflation-adjusted defense spending has declined 21 percent since 2010, and even if we discount the drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan, it has still declined by a dangerous 12 percent.
true statement
a Senate floor speech
Jim Moran says According to ATF data, 70 percent of firearms recovered and traced in drug cartel crimes in Mexico originated from the United States.
true statement
a floor speech.
Ron Saunders says The two worst counties for (Medicaid) fraud in the country -- not state -- are Dade and Broward county.
true statement
a meeting with reporters
Bill Weimer says Fireworks have never been safer, and their use continues to increase each year.
true statement
a newspaper column
Russ Feingold says Donald Trump and Ron Johnson oppose a womans right to choose and Johnson voted against the Violence Against Women Act.
true statement
a radio ad
Ron Davis says over 40 percent of recent county bonds are for Precinct One, northeast Travis County, because he is quick to identify projects that help make the East Side a desirable place to live.
true statement
a campaign flier
Peter Defazio says Medicare passed with virtually no Republican support.
false statement
a House floor speech
Fred Risser says Wisconsin state Senate President Michael Elllis (R-Neenah) broke Senate rules during debate on a photo ID bill for voters.
false statement
a debate on the Senate floor.
Rick Perry says Sen. Hutchison abandoned Republicans and stood with Democrats to ensure health care legislation would pass quickly.
false statement
in a press release
Tweets says Its warmer on Mars than it is in parts of the United States and Canada during the polar vortex.
true statement
posts on Twitter
Chain Email says the Department of Homeland Security has ordered enough rounds of .40 caliber ammunition to kill every man, woman and child in the United States, possibly to combat massive civil unrest or an invasion by a foreign power.
true statement
a chain email forwarded by a reader.
Fred Karger says If a President Romney got a call from the president of the (Mormon church), he has no choice but to obey. It is obedience over family and country.
false statement
an interview with The Guardian
Bob Mcdonnell says Under Gov. Rick Perrys leadership [Texas] has created more jobs over the last decade than the rest of the states combined.
true statement
an op-ed.
Kurt Schrader says Scott Bruun supports cutting the Department of Commerce and eliminating NOAA.
true statement
a radio interview
Bill Hammond says only 25 percent of Texas high school students graduate prepared for college or careers.
true statement
an Austin American-Statesman news story
Bill Lynch says Blue Cross new $90-million Providence headquarters "was outfitted with $25 million in decor."
false statement
posting on his website
Scott Walker says Nationally, the unemployment rate for veterans is far greater than the national unemployment rate, and Wisconsin is one of those rare examples where unemployment is actually lower for veterans than it is for the population as a whole and certainly lower than it is nationally.
true statement
a speech in New Hampshire
Roy Cooper says Under Pat McCrory, (North Carolina) has fallen to 41st in teacher pay.
true statement
posts on social media
Barry Hinckley says More than 27,000 Rhode Island jobs depend on trade with Canada.
true statement
a news release
Tom Marino says I have had to fill out FEC reports for the past six years now, and theyre much more detailed than a tax return...
false statement
In an MSNBC interview
Scott Hassett says Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen knew about (the Ken Kratz sexting) case for nearly a year and did nothing about it.
false statement
an email to supporters
Katie Mcginty says He leant his name to a bill, did little or nothing three years ago to try to get it passed, (and) since then has done absolutely nothing other than disavow any attempt to move on the legislation.
true statement
in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer
Herman Cain says An Environmental Protection Agency regulation that goes into effect Jan. 1, 2012, regulates dust.
false statement
in a Republican presidential debate
David Perdue says More businesses went out of business last year than were started for the first time in our history.
false statement
an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press Daily"
Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton has not answered a single question about her immigration plan.
false statement
an immigration policy speech in Phoenix
Roberta Lange says Donald Trump literally has no plans to make higher education more affordable.
true statement
a press release
America says Houston National Cemetery is preventing Christian prayers from being said at military funerals.
false statement
a Facebook post
Blog Posting says Was Martha Kanter dispatched to Corvallis with $17 million in stimulus money to save Craig Robinsons job?
false statement
a chain email
Charles Rangel says Franklin Roosevelt (was) the last president to come to the Congress to ask for permission to engage into war.
true statement
an interview on the Fox Business network
Chris Christie says the proposed fiscal year 2013 budget is still below the level of state spending when I took office.
true statement
his budget speech
Barbara Boxer says I asked (then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice) how many people had died and she did not know the answer to that question.
false statement
an editorial board interview
Kelly Odonnell says In Massachusetts, Scott Browns Republican affiliation is not a secret, but clearly not on display.
true statement
a segment on NBC's Today show
Barack Obama says "John McCain's top foreign policy adviser lobbied for... the Republic of Georgia, and McCain has mirrored the position advocated by the government."
true statement
a statement by Obama spokesman Hari Sevugan
Ron Paul says Every month since 9/11, there have been as many suicide attacks against the United States and its allies as there were in all the years leading up to 9/11.
true statement
remarks at Politics & Eggs forum in Manchester, N.H.
Barack Obama says Fifty percent of Speaker Gingrichs tax plan goes to the top 1 percent.
true statement
a conference call by a campaign spokesman with New Hampshire reporters.
Karen Bass says Donald Trump promised the mass deportation of Latino families.
true statement
a speech at the Democratic National Convention
John Mccain says Palin "stopped the Bridge to Nowhere."
true statement
a TV ad
Rick Scott says the state tax burden per citizen in New York is twice as high as in Florida.
true statement
State of the State address
Peter Barca says Two thirds of the people in Wisconsin strongly disagree with this idea of permanently taking away peoples rights to collective bargaining.
false statement
a television interview
Laura Ingraham says Eric Cantor was the co-author of the House GOP principles on immigration reform. Both the New York Times and the Washington Postsaid that thatcaptured the essence of what was in the Senate immigration bill.
true statement
a statement on "This Week"
Glenn Grothman says Wisconsins 6th congressional district has more manufacturing jobs than almost any other in the nation.
true statement
an interview
Reid Ribble says I lost my health insurance and my doctor because of Obamacare.
false statement
a campaign news release