diff --git "a/test.jsonl" "b/test.jsonl" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/test.jsonl" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1283 +0,0 @@ -{"text":"Rick Perry says Building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border will take literally years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Radio interview"} -{"text":"Katrina Shankland says Wisconsin is on pace to double the number of layoffs this year.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says John McCain has done nothing to help the vets.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on ABC's This Week."} -{"text":"Rob Cornilles says Suzanne Bonamici supports a plan that will cut choice for Medicare Advantage seniors.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio show"} -{"text":"State Democratic Party Wisconsin says When asked by a reporter whether hes at the center of a criminal scheme to violate campaign laws, Gov. Scott Walker nodded yes.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a web video"} -{"text":"Brendan Doherty says Over the past five years the federal government has paid out $601 million in retirement and disability benefits to deceased former federal employees.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign website"} -{"text":"Stand Children Tennessee says that Tennessee law requires that schools receive half of proceeds -- $31 million per year -- from a half-cent increase in the Shelby County sales tax.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a post on Facebook."} -{"text":"John Boehner says Vice President Joe Biden \"admits that the American people are being scammed\" with the economic stimulus package.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release."} -{"text":"Sean Patrick Maloney says Donald Trump is against marriage equality. He wants to go back.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Democratic National Convention"} -{"text":"Mike Pence says We know that more than half of Hillary Clintons meetings while she was secretary of state were given to major contributors to the Clinton Foundation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Mike Berlon says We know there are more Democrats in Georgia than Republicans. We know that for a fact.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an article"} -{"text":"Bill Flores says PolitiFact Texas says Congressman Edwards attacks on Bill Flores are false.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad."} -{"text":"Viral Image says Denali is the Kenyan word for black power.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an image shared on Facebook"} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says 57 percent of federal spending goes to the military and just 1 percent goes to food and agriculture, including food stamps.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a meme on social media"} -{"text":"Chris Abele says On residency requirements for public workers","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a letter"} -{"text":"Rick Santorum says the unemployment rate for college graduates is 4.4 percent and over 10 percent for noncollege-educated.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Tom Niehaus says Unfortunately we have documented instances where people defecated in the (Statehouse) building.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"interviews with reporters"} -{"text":"Marsha Blackburn says A recent Gallup poll found that 72 percent of Americans and 56 percent of Democrats say the biggest threat to our nations security is big government.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to the Freedom Summit in New Hampshire"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says \"Each year, 18,000 people die in America because they don't have health care.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Des Moines, Iowa."} -{"text":"Sarah Palin says \"Ronald Reagan faced an even worse recession\" than the current one.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"her book, Going Rogue"} -{"text":"Chris Sgro says There have not been any public safety issues in cities that allow transgender people to use the bathroom of the gender they identify as.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech urging Charlotte's anti-discrimination ordinance be left intact"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says Mitt Romney was one of the first national Republican leaders to endorse Marco Rubio.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a prepared statement"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says The number of illegal immigrants could be 3 million. It could be 30 million.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech in Phoenix, Ariz."} -{"text":"Marijuana Policy Project says Marijuana is less toxic than alcohol.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Republican Party Florida says Charlie Crist is embroiled in a fraud case for steering taxpayer money to a de facto Ponzi scheme.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Lindsey Graham says Now, there was a time when someone like Scalia and Ginsburg got 95-plus votes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Senate hearing"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says I was gone when there was a red line against Syria.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the second presidential debate"} -{"text":"Republican National Committee Republican says Tim Kaine hiked tuition as governor, but now claims to champion affordability.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a blog post."} -{"text":"Mike Pence says Contends that President Obama literally said (if) his cap-and-trade proposals were to pass, that utility rates, his words now, would, necessarily skyrocket.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"MSNBC interview."} -{"text":"Cliff Stearns says Active duty males in the military are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer than their civilian counterparts.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Cory Gardner says Its been since 1888 that a Senate of a different party than the president in the White House confirmed a Supreme Court nominee.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a talk show"} -{"text":"Sarah Palin says Under Rosemary Lehmberg, the Travis County D.A.s office convened the grand jury that indicted Rick Perry.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a commentary"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says On which team hes rooting for in the World Series.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Tom Ganley has two Fs from the Better Business Bureau and over 160 complaints in just three years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an election ad"} -{"text":"Mamie Locke says The United States has a low voter turnout rate.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview."} -{"text":"Herman Cain says Thomas Jefferson said, You might be able to fool the people for awhile, and they may go astray, but sooner or later the American people are going to wake up and they will correct the course.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video on Cain TV"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Because of the federal health care law, 300,000 health plans canceled in Florida.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad from Let's Get to Work"} -{"text":"Jeanne Shaheen says In Massachusetts, Scott Brown pushed for a law to force women considering abortion -- force them -- to look at color photographs of developing fetuses.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an ad"} -{"text":"Dennis Kucinich says The Fed created $1.2 trillion out of nothing, gave it to banks, and some of them foreign banks, so that they could stabilize their operations.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"Kevin Brady says Texas families have kept more than $10 billion in their family budgets since we successfully fought to restore Texas sales tax deduction a decade ago.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says Pre-existing conditions are covered under my (health care) plan.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a presidential debate in Denver"} -{"text":"Doonesbury says Greg Abbott activated the state guard to monitor Jade Helm 15 in case the troops try to impose martial law, disarm innocent Texans, and detain them in tunnels beneath closed Walmart stores.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the strip about Greg Abbott and the Jade Helm military exercise"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says he won the second debate with Hillary Clinton in a landslide in every poll.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Drew Springer says bag litter increased after San Francisco banned single-use shopping bags.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Michele Bachmann says In 1993, Newt Gingrich first advocated for the individual mandate in health care. And as recently as May of this year, he was still advocating for it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican presidential debate in Des Moines, Iowa"} -{"text":"Robert Menendez says as a result of the national health care reform, the Congressional Budget Office says we save $250 million over the first 10 years. Over the next 10 years, we save $1.2 trillion in savings in terms of health care.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on Richard French Live"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says \"You said you would vote against the Patriot Act, then you came to the Senate, you voted for it.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Manchester, N.H."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says The federal minimum wage is worth about 20 percent less than it was when Ronald Reagan gave his first address to a joint session of Congress.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the State of the Union address"} -{"text":"Steve Brown says A proposed tax to fund transportation projects would spend $90,000 to take a single vehicle off the road during the morning and afternoon commute.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a forum hosted by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says A salesclerk at Hobby Lobby who needs contraception is not going to get that service through her employers health care plan because her employer doesnt think she should be using contraception.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview at the Aspen Ideas Festival"} -{"text":"Republican Party Florida says Charlie Crist voted against raising the minimum wage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"National Rifle Association says Hillary Clinton said gun confiscation would be worth considering.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a flier."} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says Already, a prototype driverless car has traveled more than 300,000 miles in the crowded maze of California streets without a single accident.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at CPAC"} -{"text":"David Dewhurst says Last year, out of the 500,000 (in) population growth we had in the state of Texas, about 250,000 of the 500,000 came to Texas... from the other 49 states.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his inaugural address."} -{"text":"Jeff Flake says When undocumented children are picked up at the border and told to appear later in court ... 90 percent do not then show up.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on the PBS \"News Hour\""} -{"text":"Committee Our Childrens Future says Gov. Chris Christie cut spending (by) $1 billion and provided $850 million in new education funding.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Steven Costantino says Hes the only candidate whos balanced budgets and brought jobs to Providence.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV commercial "} -{"text":"Hank Johnson says Studies have shown that in the absence of federal reproductive health funds, we are going to see the level of abortion in Georgia increase by about 44 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an article published in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution"} -{"text":"Michele Bachmann says ACORN will be a paid partner with the Census Bureau and they will be in charge of going door-to-door and collecting data from the American public.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview with the Washington Times."} -{"text":"Russell Pearce says Sixty percent of the Hispanics support the Arizona immigration law","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a CNN interview"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says If the sequester hits, federal prosecutors will have to let criminals go.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Washington, D.C. "} -{"text":"Chris Matthews says Dick Cheney de-Baathisized the Iraqi government and created ISIS.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a broadcast on MSNBC"} -{"text":"Carlos Curbelo says Bill and Hillary Clinton attended Donald Trumps last wedding.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio interview"} -{"text":"Steven Costantino says I did not play any role in bringing the company to RI as did others in government. I was tasked with handling the legislation affecting the company by my superiors.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a statement"} -{"text":"Ezekiel Emanuel says Obamacare insurance cooperative failures should be expected because theyre like any business, and when you start businesses in America, at the fifth year, half of the businesses have closed.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a discussion on MSNBC's \"Up with Steve Kornacki\""} -{"text":"Sherrod Brown says The tax cut deal is giving $700 billion to millionaires and billionaires.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a CNN interview"} -{"text":"Patrick Murphy says Marco Rubio said Social Security and Medicare haveweakened us as a people.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Florida Senate debate"} -{"text":"Joe Biden says \"Across the country, $174 billion of the Recovery Act have been committed in its first 130 days.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release."} -{"text":"Bill Richardson says As secretary of the Department of Energy under former President Bill Clinton, \"I created reserves of home heating oil.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Manchester, N.H."} -{"text":"Lloyd Doggett says Twenty-five states have lower unemployment than Texas which is tied with Mississippi for more minimum-wage jobs than anywhere in the United States.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with ABC TV."} -{"text":"Ian Prior says Of the 20 bills [Rep. David] Cicilline has sponsored in his three years in office, not a single one has advanced past the embryonic committee stage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Providence Journal commentary"} -{"text":"Priorities Usa Action says Donald Trump has said he loves war, including with nukes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an ad discussed on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"David Pennington says Any state tax law has to start in the House and the renewal of the state hospital bed tax this year started in the Senate, which is unconstitutional.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a public meeting"} -{"text":"Tim Pawlenty says Every child born today inherits a $30,000 share in a national debt that stands at more than $13 trillion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his book, \"Courage to Stand: An American Story\""} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says A strong bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives voted to defund Obamacare.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Friends India Point Park says Proximity to high-voltage power lines lowers property values by as much as 30 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a web site"} -{"text":"Reince Priebus says What the facts say is ...the best scenario for kids is a loving mom and dad.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Scott Walker says Mark Neumann = Nancy Pelosi","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"campaign TV and radio ads"} -{"text":"Barbara Buono says To hear Gov. Christie tell it, everything in New Jersey is going just fine. Well I see another New Jersey with 400,000 unemployed. One of the worst jobless rates in the country. Working and middle class families have seen costs soar, from property taxes to college tuition.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a gubernatorial campaign television ad"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says delegates cant legally change the Republican National Convention rules to prevent Donald Trumps nomination.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Carole Smith says Rebuilding three high schools will benefit 40 percent of Portland Public School students.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press briefing"} -{"text":"H204TEXAS PAC says Proposition 2 on Novembers Texas ballot does not cost state taxpayers any money.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an email blast."} -{"text":"David Cicilline says Providence has the lowest crime rate in three decades.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Bill Nelson says On banning earmarks.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Senate floor votes"} -{"text":"Gerald Daugherty says hes taken an 8% pay decrease in each of the nine years he has been in office.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his campaign website"} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says 1 percent of Americans are millionaires. 47 percent of House Reps. are millionaires. 56 percent of Senators are millionaires.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Facebook"} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says The decision for the United States to buy heavy water from Iran will directly subsidize Irans nuclear program.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Debra Medina says The Texas Department of Transportation... misplaced a billion dollars.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate."} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says A judges order means theres a Constitution exemption zone if you live within 100 miles of the United States border.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Facebook post"} -{"text":"Dave Yost says Pepper ... kicked off a jock tax, imposing a levy on the sports and entertainment industry.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign video"} -{"text":"Democratic National Committee says Mitch McConnell opposed \"legislation to create and protect Kentucky jobs . . . help for the unemployed. . . health care for Kentucky's children,\" and \"fair pay for women.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Bob Donovan says Under Mayor Tom Barrett, the number of Milwaukee police officers has not increased.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Brett Bittner says Taxpayers subsidize 80 percent of each MARTA trip","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"George Allen says President Obama, Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi passed a $1.2 trillion stimulus bill.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":null} -{"text":"Julian Castro says Milken Institute rated San Antonio as nations top-performing local economy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his speech at the Texas Democratic Party State Convention in Houston"} -{"text":"Mike Bennett says people in Africa literally walk two and three hundred miles in order to vote.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments made on the Senate floor."} -{"text":"James Carr says Before World War II, very few people actually had health insurance.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Safe Routes Schools says Half of children struck by cars near schools are hit by parents driving children to school.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a mailer"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Citizens Property Insurance has over $500 billion worth of risk, with less than $10 billion worth of surplus.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments to the press"} -{"text":"Conservative Renewal Pac says Tom Leppert pledged to make Dallas a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Putting three Republicans in my Cabinet...is unprecedented.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Kasim Reed says When Atlanta Police Chief George Turner was interim head of the department, overall crime fell 14 percent and violent crime dropped 22.7 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Rachel Maddow says From 1980 to 1990, the top 1 percent saw their income go up by roughly 80 percent while the median wage in the country over (the same) 10 years went up 3 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"HBO's \"Real Time with Bill Maher\""} -{"text":"Charlie Crist says I am very proud, as governor of Florida, that we signed the first divestment act, as it relates to Iran, divesting any investments in companies that would invest in Iran.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a U.S. Senate debate on CNN\u2019s \u201cState of the Union.\u201d"} -{"text":"Mark Pocan says As a result of climate change, ice fishermen in Wisconsin are already noticing fewer days they can be out on our ice covered lakes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Bill Oreilly says Muslim nations did not call out the people who celebrated the 9\/11 attacks.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a broadcast of Fox News' \"The O'Reilly Factor\""} -{"text":"Priorities Usa Action says Donald Trump said of women, And you can tell them to go f--- themselves.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Kendrick Meek says The Taliban has been there for years and years, I mean, hundreds of thousands of years.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Bob Schieffer says Iran President Hassan Rouhani has more Cabinet members with Ph.D.s from American universities than members of Barack Obamas Cabinet.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments at a forum at the Center for Strategic and International Studies"} -{"text":"Wolf Blitzer says The words subhuman mongrel, which Ted Nugent called President Barack Obama, were used by the Nazis to justify the genocide of the Jewish community.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on CNN"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says (Barack Obama) says hes going to reduce the long-term debt and deficit by $4 trillion, doesnt say how hes going to do it.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on NBC\u2019s \u201cMeet The Press\u201d"} -{"text":"William Obrien says Birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger wasan active participant in the Ku Klux Klan.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Facebook post"} -{"text":"Nikki Haley says President Obama and his National Labor Relations Board sued Boeing over its decision to open a plant in South Carolina.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Republican convention"} -{"text":"League Conservation Voters says U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson led the fight to let polluters release unlimited amounts of carbon pollution and took nearly $225,000 from polluters.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Cenk Uygur says Orrin Hatch co-sponsored a 1993 health care bill that had an individual mandate.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"MSNBC Live"} -{"text":"Mark Emmert says More (student-athletes) graduate than the students who arent student-athletes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Donna Campbell says U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett is the most liberal man in the United States Congress.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Pat Toomey says Its entirely possible that the Democratic nominee, [Hillary Clinton], earned more money giving a single speech on Wall Street than I made the six years that I was there back in the 1980s In fact, its quite likely.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with Chris Stigall on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT"} -{"text":"Democratic National Committee says Mitt Romney flip-flopped on an assault weapons ban.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign advertisement"} -{"text":"Americans Prosperity New Jersey says state Senate President Stephen Sweeney gave us the nations highest income tax rates, driving out jobs.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad posted on YouTube"} -{"text":"Christine Odonnell says Delaware Democratic Senate candidate Chris Coons thought that a 911 call should be taxed.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Crossroads Gps says When Tim Kaine was governor, spending soared, blowing holes in the budget every year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad."} -{"text":"Michele Bachmann says President Obama has the lowest public approval ratings of any president in modern times.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Republican presidential debate in Orlando"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says Neville Chamberlain told the British people: Accept the Nazis. Yes, they will dominate the continent of Europe, but that is not our problem. Lets appease them. Why? Because it cant be done. We cannot possibly stand against them.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"speech advocating repeal of Obamacare law"} -{"text":"Jason Carter says On an income cap for recipients of the popular HOPE scholarship","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"forum"} -{"text":"Mark Pocan says Wisconsin is dead last in the Midwest for job creation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Roy Barnes says On running a civil and polite campaign.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"Al Sharpton says President Barack Obama has taken 92 days of vacation since he was sworn in, compared to 367 for President George W. Bush at the same point in his presidency.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a segment of his MSNBC show, \"Politics Nation\""} -{"text":"Scott Walker says The federal government reviewed and verified his administrations numbers showing Wisconsin added 23,608 jobs in 2011.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"National Republican Congressional Committee says Tom Suozzi raised taxes by hundreds of millions of dollars as Nassau County executive.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a blog post on the NRCC website"} -{"text":"Glenn Beck says John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"his TV program"} -{"text":"Gail Collins says Mitt Romney drove to Canada with the family dog Seamus strapped to the roof of the car.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a column"} -{"text":"Matt Bevin says Many of the founding fathers were very actively involved in cockfighting.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a radio interview"} -{"text":"Shelly Moore says state Sen. Sheila Harsdorf wants to eliminate Medicare as we know it.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign flier"} -{"text":"Frank Fahrenkopf says The majority of people travelling to these destination resorts are not going for the primary purpose of gambling.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion piece in the \"Miami Herald\""} -{"text":"Connie Mack says Bill Nelson voted 98 percent of the time with Barack Obama.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a U.S. Senate debate"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says I did not I did not I do not say that. I do not say that climate change is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a presidential debate"} -{"text":"Nan Rich says In Florida we have 75,000 on (a) waiting list for child care and 23,000 on waiting lists for community care for the elderly.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a \"Tampa Tribune\" blog"} -{"text":"Mike Wise says NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell interviewed domestic abuse victim Janay Rice with Ray Rice present and for every domestic violence agency, every law enforcement agency, thats a no-no.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on CNN's \"State of the Union\""} -{"text":"Todd Wilcox says I can tell you that the enhanced interrogation techniques that have since been banned by this administration specifically waterboarding work.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a newspaper interview"} -{"text":"Democratic Party Virginia says Virginia has made no progress on jobs since Bob McDonnell took office.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a web video"} -{"text":"Fred Thompson says \"The Iraq Study Group reported that (Saddam Hussein) had designs on reviving his nuclear program.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate in Dearborn, Mich."} -{"text":"Ohio Public Defenders Office says The sex-offender registry has been around for a long time, and the research thats out there says that it has no positive impact on the public safety.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newspaper interview"} -{"text":"Jim Webb says Ronald Reagan raised the national debt 18 times.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview."} -{"text":"Sarah Palin says On whether global warming is man-made.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Fairbanks, Alaska"} -{"text":"Dean Cannon says The number of inmates since 2000 on death row dying of natural causes has now surpassed the number of inmates executed.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments to reporters."} -{"text":"Steve Latourette says Quite frankly, it was during the Bush years of spending, multiplied now by the Obama years that we have this mess.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \u201cFox News Sunday\u201d"} -{"text":"Ron Johnson says Republicans have proposed dozens of (health care) solutions designed to help control costs and improve quality.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the weekly Republican address"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says When the union says I want to eliminate tenure, thats not true.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Harvard Graduate School of Education"} -{"text":"Occupy Democrats says Hillary Clinton has donated every cent shes ever earned from speaking fees to charity.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a post on Facebook"} -{"text":"Dan Forest says Charlottes anti-discrimination ordinance would have opened all bathrooms to all sexes at all times if it hadnt been overturned.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Eighty percent of the American people support an approach (to federal budget problems) that includes revenues and includes cuts.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press conference"} -{"text":"Hank Johnson says Social Security has nothing to do with the federal deficit.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a twitter post"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says About 1 percent of all the gun sellers are responsible for more than half of the guns that are used in crimes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a forum"} -{"text":"Alberta Darling says On pay for fired Milwaukee police officers","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Joaquin Castro says Texas is the state that has now gone the longest without electing a Democrat statewide.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a panel at the Texas Tribune Festival."} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says CNN reported Ben Carson was taking a break from campaigning and the Cruz campaign forwarded that news to our volunteers.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"the New Hampshire GOP debate"} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says Today, if you were raised poor, youre just as likely to stay poor as you were 50 years ago.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a column posted on Medium.com"} -{"text":"Chain Email says President Barack Obama told a room of students, Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence, and then a child told him he could solve the problem by not clapping any more.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a chain email"} -{"text":"Jon Huntsman says The United States has the longest surviving constitution.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign appearance in Milford, N.H. "} -{"text":"Carolyn Tomei says , In Oregon in 2010, 49 percent of all pregnancies were unintended.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a House floor speech"} -{"text":"Gina Hinojosa says Austin school district teachers are the lowest paid of any urban Texas district and the lowest paid of any surrounding school district.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with Kiah Collier, Austin American-Statesman reporter"} -{"text":"John Lee says Clackamas County has more urban renewal debt than all the other Oregon counties combined.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a press release "} -{"text":"Steve Doocy says NASA scientists fudged the numbers to make 1998 the hottest year to overstate the extent of global warming.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a broadcast of \"Fox and Friends.\""} -{"text":"Dale Kooyenga says The University of Wisconsin System is larger than any business in the state of Wisconsin.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio interview"} -{"text":"Jim Renacci says There is no record of congresswoman Betty Sutton ... ever holding a single in-person town hall meeting open to the general public.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Mark Obenshain says Mark Herring voted to allow sex offenders, including rapists, to serve shorter sentences.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign brochure."} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Iraq has the second-largest oilfields in the world (behind) Saudi Arabia.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News"} -{"text":"George Lavender says states mandated tests come from an English company.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in Texas House of Representatives debate"} -{"text":"Lee Holloway says he got twice as much money from the sale of County Grounds land than Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker was willing to accept.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with a weekly newspaper"} -{"text":"Jeanne Shaheen says We spend in tax loopholes annually $1.1 trillion. Thats more than we spend on our defense budget in a year, on Medicare or Medicaid in a year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with the editorial board of 'The Telegraph.'"} -{"text":"John Mccain says On the Bush tax cuts.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"flip-o-meter"} -{"text":"Bernie S says Over half of the black workers in this country earn less than $15 an hour.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Democratic presidential candidates' forum in Rock Hill, S.C."} -{"text":"Florida Chamber Commerce says Insured Floridians pay about $2,000 for every hospital stay to cover the cost of the uninsured.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a report on health care costs"} -{"text":"Newt Gingrich says Sixteen million jobs were created under Ronald Reagans presidency.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Its Still Bad Idea says This would be the largest casino in the United States.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign press event"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Barack Obama's health care plan \"will cost taxpayers $1,700 more to cover each new person.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a television ad"} -{"text":"Sarah Palin says \"Barack Obama ... 96 percent of his votes have been solely along party line.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"St. Louis"} -{"text":"Eric Hovde says President Obama and Nancy Pelosi said Obamacare would save money because they factored in 10 years worth of tax revenue and only six and half years worth of expenses.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says John McCain \"has not led on nonproliferation issues when he had the chance in the Senate.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement by campaign spokesman Bill Burton"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says American polling shows Russian President Vladimir Putin has an 80 percent approval rating.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Heather Fiorentino says Pasco County schools have graduation rates substantially higher than the state average and dropout rates below the state average.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Scott Surovell says Eighty-five percent of the states in the United States that had electrocution have now abolished it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a floor debate."} -{"text":"Wendy Davis says that each year, about 25,000 American women become pregnant through rape or incest.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion article"} -{"text":"American Crossroads says Bill Nelson leased land that he owned for six cows, taking advantage of an agricultural tax loophole to dodge $43,000 in taxes just last year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV commercial"} -{"text":"David Hallock says In rural Virginia, Sen. Warner ran 8-10 points ahead of a traditional Democrat -- ahead of Senator Kaine, ahead of Governor McAuliffe.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a forum"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says I can tell you with certainty (capandtrade)would have a devastating impact on our economy.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on CBS' Face the Nation"} -{"text":"Charlie Crist says Today many Florida teachers are at risk of having their pay impacted by the performance of children who are not even in their classrooms or subject areas.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Tampa Bay Times op-ed"} -{"text":"Red White And Blue Fund says Mitt Romney left Massachusetts $1 billion in debt.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Lenny Curry says Barack Obama promised he would cut the deficit in half but didnt.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Political Connections\""} -{"text":"Job Itkzkowitz says Old City in Philadelphiaused to have more than a dozen clubs and thats what we were known for and now were down to two.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"In the Philadelphia Business Journal"} -{"text":"Viral Image says Denmarks suicide rate has been about twice as high as the United States over the past five decades.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a shareable graphic on the Web"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says China has total control, just about, of North Korea.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican presidential debate in North Charleston, S.C."} -{"text":"Reince Priebus says The fact is the Clinton Foundation has got about 80 percent in overhead and 20 percent of the money is actually getting into the places it should.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on \"The Mike Gallagher Show\""} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says The U.S. Constitution owes its notion of democracy to the Iroquois Tribes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a meme"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says Since the first of the year, 153 businesses at last count had moved out of California to Texas.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"on an episode of Fox & Friends"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says Barack Obama has provided guns to Mexican drug cartels.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to the Republican Party of Texas convention in Fort Worth."} -{"text":"Eric Greitens says Chris Koster fell silentas attorney general in pursuing a case against a free classified service accused of promoting prostitution after accepting over $12,000 in campaign contributions from people affiliated with the service.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Jay Rockefeller says Health care premiums for consumers have doubled since 2001.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a column in the newspaper Roll Call"} -{"text":"Jeff Merkley says , Less than half of all states have legal protections on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, despite the fact that LGBT Americans report employment discrimination and unemployment at much higher rates than the U.S. average.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Jay Carney says Gov. Romney himself, with 28 other Republican governors, supported policies that would have eliminated the time limits in the welfare reform law and allowed people to stay on welfare forever.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press White House press briefing"} -{"text":"Rob Portman says Under Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, Ohio is 44th in the country in terms of getting money actually into worker retraining.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Robert Watson says Im well aware that medical marijuana is a recognized, medical, viable treatment for this sort of [pancreas] pain condition.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech on the House floor"} -{"text":"Kathie Glass says Rick Perry recently said he wanted another (Texas) business tax.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate."} -{"text":"Linda Finn says By a two-to-one margin, Rhode Islanders want to ban assault weapons and we have a very small percentage of gun owners in this state, less than 13 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech during a rally at the Rhode Island state house"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"Right now, an employer has more of a chance of getting hit by lightning than be prosecuted for hiring an undocumented worker. That has to change.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Las Vegas"} -{"text":"State Democratic Party Wisconsin says Wisconsin dropped from second in the country to 41st among states where more than half the students took the ACT exam.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Dan Patrick says 315,000 mostly minority Texas students are enrolled in failing schools.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a state Senate committee hearing April 9, 2013"} -{"text":"Chain Email says At age 76 when you most need it, you are not eligible for cancer treatment under Affordable Care Act.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a chain email"} -{"text":"Rick Santorum says an Obama administration policy prohibits people who work with at-risk youth from promoting marriage as a way to avoid poverty.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate in South Carolina"} -{"text":"Independent Voice Illinois Pac says ...Secret documents reveal that Iran could obtain a nuclear weapon far sooner than we were told. And Tammy Duckworth voted yes (on the Iran nuclear deal).","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an attack video advertisement of Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth"} -{"text":"Carly Fiorina says If you look at the results of Obamacare, what you see is emergency room visits are up over 50 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on CNN's \"State of the Union\""} -{"text":"Republican Party Florida says Loranne Ausley voted six times to tax your savings.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"statements on the party's website."} -{"text":"Scott Suder says Four state Assembly Democrats scored a death blow to northeast Wisconsins economy by killing hundreds of jobs at a potential Bass Pro Shops near Green Bay.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"John Boehner says \"The president campaigned against this type of legislation.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech on the House floor."} -{"text":"Wendy Davis says One in every three women has an abortion during her lifetime.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a legal brief"} -{"text":"John Mccain says Barack Obama \"is more to the left of the announced Socialist in the United States Senate.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with the Kansas City Star<\/i>"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says What president has the worst record on female labor force participation? Barack Obama.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a graphic posted on his website"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Two million more Latinos are in poverty today than when President Obamatook his oath of office less than eight years ago.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland"} -{"text":"John Boehner says The Social Security trust fund is already facing imminent bankruptcy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Enterprise Florida says Seven hundred thousand. Thats how many California jobs will be lost thanks to the politicians raising the minimum wage.Now Florida is adding one million jobs, not losing them.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Enterprise Florida radio ads in California"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says America is No. 1 in wind power.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the State of the Union address"} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says The percentage of black children born without a father in the home has risen from 7 percent in 1964 to 73 percent today, due to changes from President Lyndon Johnsons Great Society.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a meme on the Internet"} -{"text":"Lloyd Doggett says I said no to these big bank bailouts.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says People have a constitutional right to have semiautomatic rifles.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says This budget also reflects the smallest state government workforce per 1,000 residents in Florida in this century.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Motion Picture Association America says The film and TV industry supports more than 24,000 direct jobs and pays local workers more than $1.68 billion in wages in Georgia.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Milly Silva says Property taxes have increased 20 percent under four years of Chris Christie.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to an American Legion in Little Ferry"} -{"text":"Robin Vos says When it comes to income taxes, Wisconsin is one of the best places in the country to be poor but top 4 or 5 worst for middle-income earners.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Michele Bachmann says ACORN could get up to $8.5 billion more tax dollars despite being under investigation for voter registration fraud in a dozen states.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Congressman Jon Runyan does not want to cut taxes for the middle class, but only for millionaires.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video posted on YouTube"} -{"text":"Jeff Scrima says On his half pay pledge.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a series of public statements and actions"} -{"text":"George Will says Over 10 years, (extending tax cuts for the wealthy) would add less to the deficit than Obama added with the stimulus in one year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a roundtable discussion on ABC's \"This Week with Christiane Amanpour''"} -{"text":"Nina Turner says The collective net worth of Americans has taken a $5.5 trillion hit ... mainly due to plummeting home values.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion column"} -{"text":"Florida Democratic Party says Gov. Rick Scott backed the federal shutdown.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an online video"} -{"text":"Jason Carter says The average Georgia family makes $6,000 less than the average family did 10 years ago when inflation is factored in.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says As weve seen that federal support for states diminish, youve seen the biggest job losses in the public sector -- teachers, police officers, firefighters losing their jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press conference"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says New START, passed while Clinton was secretary of state, is a treaty cutting Russias nuclear arms.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Bernie S says his free public university tuition program is paid for by a tax on Wall Streets speculation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a CNN interview"} -{"text":"John Kasich says Ohio ranks 46th in the country in putting dollars in the classroom.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"John Birch Society says Under a Wisconsin bill, minor offenses such as violating pet leash laws, seat belt laws, parking infractions, etc., would now be arrestable offenses.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an article on the group's website"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says in 2003 Texas cut $10 billion out of the entire budget, yet we put $1.8 billion more into public education. We put $800 million more into health and human services.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with The Texas Tribune and Newsweek"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Under Hillary Clintons plan illegal immigrants convicted of committing crimes get to stay.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Special Operations Opsec Education Fund says The Obama administration leaked information, deliberately or otherwise, that led to the identification of the Pakistani doctor that helped us in achieving our goals and killing bin Laden.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a web video"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Over the last several months, there was a review board headed by two distinguished Americans, Mike Mullen and Tom Pickering, who investigated every element of the Benghazi incident.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press availability"} -{"text":"Jon Bramnick says , when this governor came to office, he had (an) 11 billion dollar - I call it mismanagement deficit.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a panel discussion for \"On The Record with Michael Aron\""} -{"text":"Michael Bloomberg says Georgia and other states with weak gun laws have more crime.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Rand Paul says President Barack Obama spent nearly a trillion dollars on make-work government jobs.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a response to the State of the Union address"} -{"text":"Bill Richardson says Among Hispanics, support for immigration reform is close to universal.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a web interview with ABC News"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says a Ted Cruz ad has got me bull-dozing down a house.I never bulldozed it down. Its false advertising.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Wages adjusted for inflation havent risen since the turn of the last century.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Democratic presidential debate in Des Moines, Iowa"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says 95 percent of people caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border said in a survey we are coming because weve been promised amnesty.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press conference "} -{"text":"Anna Kooiman says There would be tens of thousands of jobs created if President Barack Obama approved the Keystone XL pipeline.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a segment on \"Fox & Friends\""} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Weve brought trade cases against China at nearly twice the rate as the last administration.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at Port of Tampa"} -{"text":"George Will says When we started this health care debate a year ago, 85 percent of the American people had health insurance, and 95 percent of the 85 percent were happy with it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a roundtable segment on ABC's This Week"} -{"text":"Virginia Center Public Safety says Since John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, more Americans have died by gunfire within our own country than American servicemen and women who were killed in all our wars.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a rally flier"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"Obama said he would unilaterally renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Hempstead, N.Y."} -{"text":"Tweets says In the 513 days between Trayvon dying, and todays verdict, 11,106 African-Americans have been murdered by other African-Americans.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"tweets"} -{"text":"Clean Water Portland says If you compare the Portland Metro area to the CDCs statewide cavity rates ... the Portland Metro area would actually rank as having the 15th lowest cavity rate in the U.S.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign flier"} -{"text":"Tom Tancredo says He received \"A\" ratings from \"every conservative organization that gives ratings.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican debate in Orlando, Fla."} -{"text":"John Kitzhaber says It costs $10,000 a year to keep a child in school; it costs $30,000 a year to keep someone in prison.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in State of the State speech"} -{"text":"Dave Brat says Republican Rep. Charlie Dent wants to kick the Freedom Caucus out of the Republican conference for voting our conscience.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Fred Thompson says \"He was offered medical care for his injuries if he would give up military information in return. John McCain said, 'No.' \"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech at the Republican National Convention"} -{"text":"One Wisconsin Now says Two-thirds of Wisconsin corporations dont pay state income taxes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release and report"} -{"text":"Arne Duncan says There are literally teachers now who are getting pink slips because of sequestration.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an appearance on \"Face the Nation.\""} -{"text":"Us Chamber Commerce says Obamacare ... will kill jobs across America.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"George Will says Last weeks three most-viewed television programs wereSunday Night Football, Thursday Night Football and Monday Night Football.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a panel on \"Fox News Sunday\""} -{"text":"Scott Walker says On federal stimulus money for expanding rail service.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an announcement of an application for federal stimulus money for rail"} -{"text":"Gen Peter Chiarelli says About 106,000 soldiers had a prescription of three weeks or more for pain, depression or anxiety medication.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"This Week.\""} -{"text":"Jeff Mullis says Georgia loses millions of dollars of revenue because people go out of state to buy fireworks.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a meeting"} -{"text":"Association Mature American Citizens says If you and I fail to defund ObamaCare now, some 16,000 new IRS agents will be begin prying into our private medical records, eyeing each and every one of our treatments and prescriptions for violations.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a direct mail letter"} -{"text":"Votevetsorg says \"John McCain says it's okay with him if the U.S. spends the next thousand years in Iraq.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad."} -{"text":"Sean Hannity says that in 2015, illegal immigrants accounted for 75 percent of federal drug possession convictions and 5 percent to 30 percent of convictions for murder and kidnapping plus two other crimes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a slide presented on Hannity\u2019s show during an Austin interview of Donald Trump"} -{"text":"Hilary Rosen says The Clinton Foundation is a charity where President and Secretary Clinton and their daughter, they take no salary, they get no money from it, they take no personal benefit from it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"\"The Diane Rehm Show\""} -{"text":"Matt Gaetz says his bill, HB 97, would prevent the use of taxpayer dollars on abortions.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments before a House subcommittee"} -{"text":"Citizens Transportation Mobility says The average Atlanta resident spends an extra $924 each year in additional gasoline and wasted time.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a flier"} -{"text":"Tommy Thompson says Federal health care reforms amounted to the government takeover of health care.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Chris Dodd says \"Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have changed their positions (on the Iraq war withdrawal) to follow Chris Dodd.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad."} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says Saturday Night Live executive producer Lorne Michaels could be put in jail under this amendment for making fun of any politician.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Senate floor speech"} -{"text":"John Albers says When he worked for ATT, he \"was responsible for large parts in a $5 billion organization.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":null} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says 6,400 Ohioans ... lost manufacturing jobs in the month of September.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Matt Bevin says Mitch McConnell voted with Harry Reid to infringe on our gun rights.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Russ Feingold says Ron Johnson gave himself a $10 million sweetheart corporate payout","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Rand Paul says Of the roughly 15 percent of Americans who dont have health insurance, half of them made more than $50,000 a year.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on Comedy Central's \"The Daily Show\""} -{"text":"Eric Hovde says The United States can immediately tap a domestic energy resource of more than 1.5 trillion barrels of oil, six times more than Saudi Arabia.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Tennessee Republican Party says House Democrats voted to use your tax dollars for abortions by voting against bill defunding Planned Parenthood.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a mailer sent for a state legislative campaign."} -{"text":"Josh Mandel says We need a Senator who shows up to work. Sherrod Brown missed over 350 official votes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says It is already in the law that there is a requirement to screen (refugees) for religion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Face the Nation\""} -{"text":"Dick Cheney says At the mere request from Putin, President Obama withdrew the plans for a missile defense program based in Poland and the Czech Republic.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Fox News Sunday\""} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says \"I did very well with young people in Ohio, Massachusetts, California.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference in Greensburg, Pa."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Health care reform \"would bring down the deficit by as much as $1 trillion over the next two decades.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a State of the Union speech"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says McCain \"has opposed stem cell research.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a radio ad"} -{"text":"Dave Claunch says Austin has more lobbyists working for it than any other municipality in Texas.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a meeting of the West Lake Hills City Council"} -{"text":"Allen West says The EPA wants to hire 230,000 new government regulators that will cost the taxpayer $21 billion.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"Chain Email says If the Trans-Pacific Partnership is fast-tracked through the Senate, it wont receive a committee assignment and the consideration will include no debate.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a chain email"} -{"text":"John Mccain says On whether the government should bail out insurance giant AIG.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Mike Cernovich says The Cleveland police has issued a stand down order to officers.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"his blog"} -{"text":"Van Jones says The Keystone pipeline creates 35 permanent jobs after construction, according to a government report.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a segment on CNN's \"Crossfire\""} -{"text":"Richard Paglia says We already pay the highest electricity prices in the country here in New England.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"John Murtha says \"We're going to have more troops (in Afghanistan) . . . than the Russians had.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the show 'Hardball With Chris Matthews'"} -{"text":"Mark Neumann says Victory! Republicans by 2 to 1 vote to endorse Mark Neumann on first ballot at GOP convention.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a website alert"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Florida is investing record amounts of funding for HIV\/AIDS prevention.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Tampa Bay Times interview"} -{"text":"Joe Biden says \"There's only four senators senior to me ... there's still 44 older than me.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Springfield, Ill."} -{"text":"Larry Pressler says All four on Mount Rushmore, they were all independents at one critical point in their career.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign forum"} -{"text":"Jennifer Carroll says We didnt go out asking people to join the stand your ground task force.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Capitol news conference"} -{"text":"Lisa Tomasso says Rhode Islands exports have increased by 53 percent in the last two years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release."} -{"text":"Stephen Laffey says Giant companies like Toyota will not locate in a state that has not passed a right-to-work law","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a radio interview"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says Mitt Romney boasts that he is \"proud to be the only major candidate for president to sign the tax pledge. The others have not.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio ad."} -{"text":"Lenny Curry says More than 250 (voter registration) groups, ranging across the entire political spectrum, have filed with the state and are registering voters right now.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an \"Orlando Sentinel\" opinion piece"} -{"text":"John Mccain says Barack Obama got more campaign contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac \"than any other member of Congress, except for the Democratic chairmen of the committee that oversees them.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Green Bay, Wis."} -{"text":"Rudy Giuliani says \"I brought down crime more than anyone in this country -- maybe in the history of this country -- while I was mayor of New York City.\" -","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Orlando, Fla."} -{"text":"Sid Covington says A planning group said that to meet anticipated traffic demands by 2035, Interstate 35 between Austin and Round Rock will need a dozen additional lanes going north and 14 additional southbound lanes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion column by Sid Covington, the district's chairman of the board"} -{"text":"Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Foreign Chinese prostitution money is allegedly behind the groups funding Congressman Sean Duffys Republican Majority.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says The United States is the only developed country in the world without paid maternity leave.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed for Huffington Post"} -{"text":"Jennifer Shilling says A voucher school that closed after 9 days this year collected $5.4 million in taxpayer subsidies since first opening.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Kenneth Block says Rhode Islands unemployment insurance system is the most expensive such system in the country.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on Rhode Island Public Radio"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says a YouTube video shows Thomas DiMassimo, the man who rushed Trump at an Ohio rally, dragging the American flag on the ground like it was a piece of garbage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Donald Trump on Sunday, March 13th, 2016, in an interview on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Obama worked with \"Sen. Dick Lugar, a Republican, to help lock down loose nuclear weapons.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Sean Duffy says The United States spends $2.2 billion on free cell phones, $27 million on Moroccan pottery classes and pays for the travel expenses for the watermelon queen in Alabama.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says The United States is at historic record highs of individuals being apprehended on the border from countries with terrorist ties such as Pakistan or Afghanistan or Syria.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on CNN's \"State of the Union\""} -{"text":"Jamie Radtke says The transportation package passed by the General Assembly would impose the largest tax increase in Virginias history.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a website post."} -{"text":"Rick Perry says My home state since June of 2009 created 40 percent of the new jobs in America.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"City Austin says Onion Creeks highest flow rate on a recent night of flooding was 120,000 cubic feet per second, which is nearly double the average flow rate of Niagara Falls.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says As governor of Florida, I used a combination of strategies to help reduce heroin use among youth in Florida by approximately 50 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a column posted on Medium"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says last year 13 million (health insurance) rebates went out, in all 50 states. Another 8.5 (million) rebates are being sent out this summer, averaging around 100 bucks each.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the White House"} -{"text":"John Kitzhaber says his state budget will provide an increase in state funding for the 2011-12 school year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an e-mail"} -{"text":"Robert Hurt says the estate tax, in many cases, forces family farmers and small businesses owners to sell their holdings.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a statement."} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Sayvideo shows massive alligator strolling across Florida golf course.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Internet posts"} -{"text":"Kurt Schrader says On whether people can keep their insurance under the Affordable Care Act.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview."} -{"text":"Chris Dodd says \"We're spending $1.6 billion for all of Latin America in terms of aid and assistance, a fraction of what we're spending in Iraq, the $500 billion we've spent there\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Miami, Fla."} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says If you look at the number of illegal immigrants coming into the country, it is net zero. Its been that way now for almost two years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on 'Meet the Press.'"} -{"text":"John Boehner says Weve introduced a bill that includes $12 billion in cuts over the next week.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a public statement"} -{"text":"National Federation Independent Business Wiscons says Wisconsins lawsuit rules are so anti-business that the states system is one of the most promiscuous in America.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Ben Carson says Joseph Stalin said if you want to bring America down you, have to undermine three things: our spiritual life, our patriotism and our morality.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a GOP debate on CBS"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says From now on, we have to pay the Russians $50 million an astronaut to send Americans to the space station","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with CBS"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says The gender gap in his support is not unique to me and theres not a huge gap from where Republicans have been in presidential, gubernatorial and US Senate elections in recent years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Edd Houck says Bryce Reeves chaired a group bankrolled by a New York billionaire who fired hundreds of Virginia workers and sent their jobs to China.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV ad."} -{"text":"Anastasia Williams says In 2011, Alabama and Massachusetts passed legislation allowing non-citizens who are legal residents to vote in state and local elections.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a House Judiciary Committee hearing"} -{"text":"Thomas Melsheimer says \"Across the country, more than half of the U.S. attorney seats remain without a prosecutor chosen by Obama.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed article"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says The Red Sox waited 87 long years to win the World Series.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate in St. Petersburg"} -{"text":"Rhode_Island_Catholic says Almost every state has offered an insurance plan on its health exchange that does not cover abortion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newspaper editorial"} -{"text":"Kay Bailey Hutchison says The largest tax increase that we have ever had in our state is yours it is the business margins tax that you signed, governor.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in a Republican gubernatorial debate"} -{"text":"Childrens Healthcare Atlanta says Georgia has the second-highest rate of childhood obesity in the United States.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Betty Sutton says Tom Ganley has been sued over 400 times, for fraud, discrimination and more, and a judge called Tom Ganleys business practices deceptive and unconscionable.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television campaign ad"} -{"text":"Rebecca Kleefisch says A recall election for Wisconsin governor would cost $7.7 million -- $7.7 million that may already be allocated to merit raises for teachers or health care for the poor or school books for your kids.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video"} -{"text":"Stephen Sweeney says my plan is a property tax cut.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NJToday"} -{"text":"Dennis Kucinich says We are giving almost $2 billion of taxpayer money to the junk food and fast food industries every year to make the (childhood obesity) epidemic worse.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Not one American flag on the massive stage at the Democratic National Convention until people started complaining- then a small one. Pathetic.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Delia Lopez says A bill by Earl Blumenauer would mandate GPS tracking devices on all our vehicles.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a statement on campaign website"} -{"text":"Greater Wisconsin Political Fund says As a prosecutor, Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser did not investigate or file charges in a case involving 30-year pedophile priest, then participated in cover-up.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says There is a precedent for not nominating someone to the U.S. Supreme Court in the middle of a presidential election.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Ed Schultz says Health insurance and medical costs are going down because of Obamacare.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a broadcast of \"The Ed Show\""} -{"text":"Cory Booker says The war on drugs led to a 500 percent increase in incarceration in our country, disproportionately affecting poor and disproportionately affecting minorities.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Gail Collins says Texas GOP platform calls for end to teaching critical thinking in public schools.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in her New York Times column"} -{"text":"Sam Adams says Four out of 10 homicides are committed by gun in this city.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a city council meeting"} -{"text":"Political Insider says A picture shows former President Bill Clinton naked with another woman.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a post on their website"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"There is no disagreement that we need action by our government, a recovery plan that will help to jump-start the economy.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Charles Krauthammer says If you want out of the individual mandate... all you have to do now is tick off the box that says hardshipand youre out.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"The O'Reilly Factor\""} -{"text":"Freedom Partners Action Fund says Many Nevadans relied on Uber for work, but after accepting $70,000 from taxi companies, Catherine Cortez Masto went after Uber ... (driving) them out of town.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Troy Fraser says it probably costs more than $300,000 to run for a seat on the Pedernales Electric Cooperative board of directors.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Texas Senate committee hearing."} -{"text":"Scott Walker says Last month, 44 of the 50 states saw an increase in the unemployment rate.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to the Republican National Convention in Tampa"} -{"text":"James Oneil says Wind power is the most undependable form of renewable energy.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an appearance on \"10 News Conference.\""} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Charlie Crist allowed college tuition to increase up to 15 percent every year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"John Boehner says \"The House has never failed to pass a budget in the modern era.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on ABC's \"This Week''"} -{"text":"John Boccieri says Mr. Renacci was registered as a foreign trade lobbyist in the United States government.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Tommy Thompson says \"Tommy Thompson created the first school choice program in the nation, giving thousands of Milwaukee students the choice of where they go to school no matter where they live or how much money their parents make.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his campaign Web site."} -{"text":"Lloyd Doggett says the main Central Texas food bank is delivering 50 percent more food to the poor than three years ago.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech delivered to U.S. House of Representatives."} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says McCain \"still thinks it's okay when women don't earn equal pay for equal work.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech at the Democratic National Convention."} -{"text":"National Right Life Committee says The Baucus bill \"contains provisions that would send massive federal subsidies directly to both private insurance plans and government-chartered cooperatives that pay for elective abortion.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Adrian Garcia says Gene Green is the NRAs favorite Democrat in Congress. ... Its no wonder the congressman has a lifetime A rating from the NRA.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign news release"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Obama \"won health care for 150,000 people.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Rick Santorum says The CBO says that if you raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, half a million people would lose their jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on CNN's \"State of the Union.\""} -{"text":"Tyrone Brooks says State lawmakers are spending taxpayer money for parking that billionaire Arthur Blank could build while paying some state employees so little they are on food stamps.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement"} -{"text":"David Wyss says State governments have little ability to stimulate job growth in the short run.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newspaper article"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says \"He (Obama) chairs the subcommittee on Europe. ... He's held not one substantive hearing to do oversight.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Cleveland"} -{"text":"Ron Paul says the U.S. federal income tax rate was 0 percent until 1913.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican presidential debate in South Carolina"} -{"text":"Rudy Giuliani says Sarah Palin \"already has more executive experience\" than Barack Obama and Joe Biden \"combined.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"St. Paul, Minn."} -{"text":"Linda Chavez Thompson says Texas has, now, the highest share of minimum-wage workers in the nation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to the Central Texas Democratic Forum"} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says Two months ago, Donald Trump said that ISIS was not our fight.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a GOP debate on CNN"} -{"text":"Kay Bailey Hutchison says that on average, Democratic congressional districts received 81 percent more stimulus funds than Republican districts.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed piece."} -{"text":"Sarah Palin says \"You had supported John McCain's military strategies pretty adamantly until this race.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"St. Louis"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says critics who say he cut Medicaid are wrong; his budget added $1.2 billion to the program","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says she will work to raise the federal minimum wage back to the highest level its ever been $12 an hour in todays dollars.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a column posted on Medium.com"} -{"text":"Gwyneth Paltrow says $29 is what families on SNAP (i.e. food stamps) have to live on for a week.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Doug Whitsett says The Medford Water Commission was fined $279,000 for dumping plain drinking water into a stream.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a legislative hearing"} -{"text":"Mark Pocan says Nothing in the Constitution explicitly guarantees our right to vote.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Ohio Republican Party says Sherrod Brown and his special interest allies in Washington are plotting to spend over $13 million to defeat Josh Mandel.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an emailed statement"} -{"text":"Chain Email says On the new dollar coins, \"'In God We Trust' is gone!\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a message circulated to many people."} -{"text":"Chris Taylor says Gov. Scott Walkers proposed state budget contained 110 pages of errors -- an unusually high number -- and millions of dollars worth of mistakes that were corrected with a follow-up document.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"George Allen says Takes credit for substantially reducing the size of the state workforce.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"campaign literature."} -{"text":"Chris Christie says If you look at most of the polls, this is a margin-of-error race on Fourth of July between Mitt Romney and the president.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on CNBC"} -{"text":"Jason Carter says In the last 10 years, Georgias middle class income has dropped $6,500.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"television ad"} -{"text":"Sherrod Brown says Rooting for the Red Sox is like rooting for the drug companies.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an appearance on MSNBC"} -{"text":"Texas Democratic Party says Rick Perrys Pay to Play politics led him to send $899 million to an offshore call center in Bermuda, driving down enrollment in childrens health insurance","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"news release"} -{"text":"Johnny Isakson says On allowing a vote on universal gun background checks in the U.S. Senate.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says President Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid support Rick Perrys decision to give in-state tuition to illegal immigrants.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign video."} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"Obama has more czars than the Romanovs.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Twitter message"} -{"text":"Donald Mceachin says Gov. McDonnells proposed budget is cutting public education.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech."} -{"text":"Stephen Ucci says A [bank] surveillance camera capturing a criminals face and other identifiable traits would certainly discourage robbery attempts and serve as a deterrent to robbers.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Peter Orszag says Medicare costs have slowed down dramatically. In fact, the first two months of this fiscal year, Medicare costs were down even in nominal terms relative to the previous year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on CNN's \"State of the Union\""} -{"text":"Harry Reid says Donald Trump and Mike Pence want to gamble with your retirement benefits in the stock market.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the DNC"} -{"text":"George Lemieux says U.S. Rep. Connie Mack voted to raise his own pay several times.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Dianne Feinstein says No poll done this year ... shows less than a majority to reinstate a federal ban on assault weapons.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech on the Senate floor"} -{"text":"Charlie Crist says \"I have spent virtually every weekend since Memorial Day in the Panhandle.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Florida Association of Counties conference"} -{"text":"Viral Image says In the 2012 election, there were more votes cast than registered voters in St. Lucie County, and Palm Beach County had 141 percent turnout.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a viral image"} -{"text":"Peter Lavelle says Im not a conspiracy theorist and I never allow conspiracy theorists on my program.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a segment on RT's \"CrossTalk\""} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Romney called Russia our No. 1 enemy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a convention speech"} -{"text":"Reince Priebus says Theres been no conclusive or specific report to say Russia was trying to muddy the election.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Edwin Pacheco says Christopher Little has a history of working against environmental protection by defending the worst types of corporate polluters","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press release from the Rhode Island Democratic Party"} -{"text":"John Kasich says John Kasich says he won, despite 12 visits by a president, somewhere between $45 (million) and $50 million (spent against him,) 500 paid volunteers in here calling me every name in the book, former presidents, first ladies and God-knows-who-else.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to lobbyists"} -{"text":"John Lewis says Opponents of Section 5 (of the Voting Rights Act) complain of state expense, yet their only cost is the paper, postage and manpower required to send copies of legislation to the federal government for review.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"newspaper column"} -{"text":"Matt Wand says Nick Kahl made it harder for many families to cover basic health care expenses.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign mailer"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says In California, the windmills are killing hundreds and hundreds of eagles.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech on energy policy"} -{"text":"Matt Lundy says There is nothing in the current state public records law that prohibits sensitive or confidential business information from being just that, confidential.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Jim Webb says We did not even have a federal income tax in this country until 1913.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a web post."} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says \"The White House is won in the swing states, and I am winning the swing states.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Charleston, W.Va."} -{"text":"Dan Sebring says opponent U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore is Wisconsins most absent member of Congress, missing nearly 17 percent of the House votes in the second quarter of 2012.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio ad"} -{"text":"State Democratic Party Wisconsin says Gov. Scott Walker dropped out or was kicked out of college short of a degree not long after he was kicked out of student elections at Marquette University.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a web posting"} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says Eliminating affirmative action in admissions in Florida led to more African American and Hispanic kids attending our university system than before.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a CPAC appearance"} -{"text":"Tom Graves says When it comes to transportation funds, Georgians spend more in taxes and on red tape than they get back from the federal government.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"John Mccain says Federal stimulus money went to a Georgia Tech project that will apparently involve the professor jamming with world-renowned musicians to hopefully also create satisfying works of art.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a report"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says The U.S. doesnt make television sets anymore.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign speech"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says When these same Republicans - including Mr. Boehner - were in charge, the number of earmarks and pet projects went up, not down.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Cleveland, Ohio."} -{"text":"Jim Doyle says Wisconsins projected state budget shortfall is now as low as $1.5 billion","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a statutorially required report on the state budget deficit"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Heroin .. pours across our southern borders.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the third presidential debate"} -{"text":"Jonathan Karl says Before the Republican wave in 2010, Democrats had an advantage on the generic ballot in Congress. Even in 1994 with the Gingrich revolution ... Democrats had that advantage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a conversation on ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Republican Governors Association says Roy Barnes made Georgia dead last in education and Georgia led the nation in job losses.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"Sen. McCain was already turning his sights to Iraq just days after 9\/11, and he became a leading supporter of an invasion and occupation of (Iraq).\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Orlando, Fla."} -{"text":"Afscme says In labor negotiations with city employees, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett demanded concessions that went beyond those mandated by Gov. Scott Walkers collective bargaining law","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a letter to members"} -{"text":"Greg Abbott says hes arrested more criminals, including thousands of child predators and sex offenders, than any previous Texas attorney general.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign television ad"} -{"text":"John Oliver says Brazil built a $300 million stadium in the Amazon rainforest that is only going to be used for four World Cup games, and theres no team that can fill it afterwards.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a segment on \"Last Week Tonight\""} -{"text":"George Lemieux says Sources show (Connie) Mack as a resident of California, living with his wife in Palm Springs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Web ad"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says We have an Army that just cut 40,000 spots.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Iowa State Fair"} -{"text":"Unicef says In South Sudan, more teenage girls die in childbirth than finish high school.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an article on Medium"} -{"text":"Campaign Primary Accountability says Ohio Rep. Marcy Kaptur actually lives in a fancy condo in the Washington, D.C. suburbs.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Michael J Gardiner says U.S. Rep. Jim Langevin didn't want a border fence to block illegal immigration \"because he is afraid that someone will get hurt trying to go around the fence.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a posting on his website"} -{"text":"George Will says Despite attention on global warming, fewer Americans carpool today to work than carpooled in 1980 and SUVs have never been a larger proportion of the vehicles being sold in this country.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV talk show"} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says in 2002, he won more Hispanic votes than Anglo votes, 60 percent in the state.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Telemundo News interview"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"A lot of the ideas in terms of the (health insurance) exchange, just being able to pool and improve the purchasing power of individuals in the insurance market, that originated from the Heritage Foundation.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's Today show"} -{"text":"Rick Santorum says Mitt Romney supports cap and trade.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a video ad airing in Michigan"} -{"text":"John Kasich says Since the beginning of the year weve created a net increase of 45,000 jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"Bill White says Texas has a higher unemployment rate than neighboring states.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an e-mail"} -{"text":"Brian Kemp says The State Election Board has issued nearly $275,000 in fines to violators of absentee ballot laws.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Mark Neumann says My supporters arent special interest groups in Madison and Milwaukee.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign radio ad"} -{"text":"Dennis Richardson says While 9,000 state employees were added to the states payroll, Oregons revenue forecasts dropped by more than $4 billion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newsletter"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"John McCain fought to rein in Fannie and Freddie...but Democrats blocked the reforms.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an advertisement"} -{"text":"Tammy Baldwin says Dark money spending in the 2016 election cycle is 10 times what it was at the same point in the 2012 election cycle, when it topped $308 million.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign email"} -{"text":"Chain Email says there is an upcoming vote to preserve benefits of Texas homestead exemption for seniors and the disabled.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a chain email forwarded by an Austin American-Statesman reader."} -{"text":"Glenn Beck says The government is trying to now close the Lincoln Memorial for any kind of large gatherings.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on his radio program"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says You know what (Saddam Hussein) did well? He killed terrorists.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a rally in Raleigh, N.C."} -{"text":"Erin Lynch says The average age of the minimum wage worker is 35 years old.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech on the floor of the Rhode Island Senate"} -{"text":"Joe Biden says McCain \"supported George Bush's policies 95 percent of the time.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a rally in Springfield, Ill."} -{"text":"Nicholas Kristof says More Americans have died from guns in the United States since 1968 than on battlefields of all the wars in American history.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his column in the New York Times"} -{"text":"Sherrod Brown says There is no war on coal. Period. There are more coal jobs and more coal produced in Ohio than there were five years ago, in spite of the talking points and the yard signs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Yes On 79 says One of the states largest governments made charging this tax one of their top priorities just this year.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a state voters' pamphlet argument"} -{"text":"Jeff Sessions says The immigration bill has a specific provision that says that Secretary Napolitano does not have to build any fence if she chooses not to.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on CBS\u2019 \u201cFace the Nation\u201d"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump publicly invited Putin to hack into Americans (emails).","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Presidential debate"} -{"text":"James Langevin says The Congressional Budget Office estimates that for every $1 we spend on unemployment benefits, $1.90 is put into our economy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an online forum on ProJo.com"} -{"text":"John Kerry says In Syria, we struck a deal where we got 100 percent of the chemical weapons out.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Richard Saslaw says On redistricting.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview."} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says We had a three-hour debate, no discussion about the national debt, very little about the economy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"This Week.\""} -{"text":"Adam Hasner says Obama-Nelson economic record: Job creation ... at slowest post-recession rate since Great Depression.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Todd Staples says Democrat Hank Gilbert has a criminal conviction for theft, has multiple years of unpaid taxes, has multiple tax liens and fines, unsafe driving convictions (and) has recently been accused of taking a bribe and is on record lying to the press this year about his criminal record.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a consultant's e-mail to PolitiFact Texas."} -{"text":"Donald Trump says The Trans-Pacific Partnership was designed for China to come in, as they always do, through the back door and totally take advantage of everyone.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"the fourth GOP primary debate."} -{"text":"Mitch Mcconnell says More women are graduating from college now than men.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"remarks to voters in Kentucky"} -{"text":"Mary Burke says We have 41,000 people right now on the waitlist for financial-based assistance for our tech colleges and universities, most of them for tech schools.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says Were taxing our small businesses now at rates higher than corporations.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Americans Prosperity says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as half a billion to an electric car company that created hundreds of jobs in Finland.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Americas Health Insurance Plans says \"Health insurance companies' costs are only 4 percent of all health care spending.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an advertisement"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump once suggested that he would try to negotiate down the national debt.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Presidential debate"} -{"text":"John Kasich says DonaldTrump got, you know, $1.8 billion worth of free media. I got, like, none.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says When I withdrew in June of 2008, polls were showing that at least 40 percent of my supporters said, oh, they werent going to support Sen. Obama.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a town hall on ABC's 'Good Morning America'"} -{"text":"Conservative Voters Texas Pac says Larry Taylor gave in-state tuition to illegal immigrants.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"whylarrywhy.com"} -{"text":"Laura Ingraham says After the attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi,Libya,the ambassadors body was dragged through the street.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a broadcast of ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Libertarian Party Georgia says The increase in the current state budget was greater than the inflation rate and the rate of population growth in Georgia.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Maggie Hassan says Six thousand people have sought addiction treatment through expanded Medicaid.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"her State of the State speech in Nashua"} -{"text":"Deborah Gist says When students leave our high schools and they go to the community college, 70-75 percent of them have to pay to take remedial math.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an appearance on \"A Lively Experiment.\""} -{"text":"Bill White says Of those 850,000 (new Texas) jobs, most were public-sector jobs and minimum-wage jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Kathleen Angelucci says It is a fact that it costs more to run the schools in August.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newspaper article"} -{"text":"John Boehner says The problem with raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans is that more than half of them are small business owners.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Glenn Beck says Franklin Roosevelt never allocated more than 12 percent of GDP to federal spending, while the percentage for Barack Obama is not projected to drop below 22.8 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a commentary on Fox News Channel's 'Glenn Beck Program'"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says Fifty-seven of Rubios 100 ideas ultimately became law.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his campaign Web site"} -{"text":"Nathan Deal says Ninety-six percent of failing schools are spending above $8,400, the average annual per student expenditure, and 26 percent spend considerably more than that.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Allen West says About 78 to 81 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party. ... Its called the Congressional Progressive Caucus.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a town hall meeting in Jensen Beach, Fla."} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says Military spending cuts, known as the sequester, were President Barack Obamas idea.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the Republican response to the State of the Union"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"George Bush, and a Republican Congress, have presided over a 55 percent increase in the size of domestic government spending in the last seven years.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a comment by McCain campaign adviser Carly Fiorina on MSNBC's \"Morning Joe\""} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"Clinton aides admit it (a gas tax holiday) won't do much for you but would help her politically.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a television ad"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Bill McCollum backed Jim Greers effort to hide financial irregularities.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV ad."} -{"text":"Joe Biden says \"First, he was in favor of my plan, now he's attacking it.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Juda Engelmayer says Creflo Dollar needed a $65 million Gulfstream G650 to carry thousands of pounds of food and other supplies -- as well as the Word of God -- worldwide.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"interviews"} -{"text":"Chris Matthews says Halliburton gave Dick Cheney a $34 million payout when he left the company to join the presidential ticket.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with Jay Leno on NBC's The Tonight Show"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says All Aboard Florida is a 100 percent private venture. There is no state money involved.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says Fox News is banned in Canada because it violatesa law thatprevents news channels from lying to their viewers.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"posts on Facebook"} -{"text":"Jim Kenney says On ending stop and frisk","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney clarified his stance on stop and frisk to the Al D\u00eda editorial board."} -{"text":"Cory Booker says under President Barack Obama theres been the lowest discretionary spending weve had in decades in the United States.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a roundtable discussion on NBC\u2019s \u201cMeet The Press\u201d"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says In one year, (President Obama) provided $90 billion in breaks to the green energy world into solar and wind, to Solyndra and Fisker and Tesla and Ener1.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"the first presidential debate in Denver"} -{"text":"Mario Gallegos says that 98,184 Texans are now driving with temporary drivers licenses lacking their photos.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Texas Senate committee meeting."} -{"text":"Bob says Youve been tremendously deceived by people who say the Earth is not flat.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in a Jan. 25 tweet"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Jennifer Carrolls an outsider.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press conference."} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Hedge fund managers pay less in taxes than nurses and truck drivers.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an appearance in Mason City, Iowa"} -{"text":"Dan Pfeiffer says President Barack Obamas approval rating gained 3 points in the last couple months.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Robin Vos says In the city of Milwaukee, weve still got a mayor and a police chief who are furloughing police officers at a time when we have violence all across the city.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio interview"} -{"text":"Paul Krugman says A proposal to reduce the deficit involved large tax cuts for the top bracket.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":" \"This Week with Christiane Amanpour\""} -{"text":"Alison Lundergan Grimes says Mitch McConnell voted two times against the Violence Against Women Act.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says His new running mate, Congressman Ryan, put forward a plan that would let Governor Romney pay less than 1 percent in taxes each year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at Windham High School in New Hampshire"} -{"text":"Kurt Schuller says Wisconsin law says all recall petition signers must sign in the presence of another person.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Miguel Diaz De La Portilla says In early voting in Miami-Dade County, there is a trickle of two or three people a day at a very high cost to keep those public libraries and polls open.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Senate Rules Committee meeting"} -{"text":"Newt Gingrich says I never lobbied under any circumstance for Freddie Mac.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Iowa"} -{"text":"Democratic National Committee says Mitt Romneys housing policy is, Dont try and stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"In just a few years in office, Sen. Obama has accumulated the most liberal voting record in the Senate.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in New Orleans"} -{"text":"Pam Bondi says Whether the Amendment passes or not, the medical use of marijuana is a federal criminal offense.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an initial brief to the Florida Supreme Court"} -{"text":"Brian Wilson says Jules Bailey was instrumental in creating the Business Energy Tax Credit that let companies like Wal-Mart profit by $11 million while costing the Oregon general fund $33 million.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign email"} -{"text":"Emma Watson says Based on current trends, 15.5 million girls will be married in the next 16 years as children.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the UN"} -{"text":"Bill Richardson says \"New Mexico was 46th in teacher pay (when he was elected), now we're 29th.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad."} -{"text":"Jim Demint says The big Wall Street banks, the big corporations give many times more political donations to Democrats than Republicans.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Jack Kingston says David Perdue has never voted in a Republican primary until his name was on the ballot.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Friends of Jack Kingston flyer"} -{"text":"Orrin Hatch says If you don't count illegal aliens, people who qualify for other insurance, and people who make more than $75,000 a year, it leaves about 15 million people who are uninsured.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on Fox News"} -{"text":"Dennis Kucinich says The War in Afghanistan is officially the longest war Americans have ever been asked to endure.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement posted to his website"} -{"text":"Betty Sutton says JimRenacci has consistently voted for loopholes that encourage outsourcing of our jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Robert Reich says in Texas its legal to shoot someone whos committing a public nuisance under the cover of dark.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a blog post"} -{"text":"Ed Rendell says A small business receiving a federal tax credit \"to provide health care for its employees ... would be barred under the Stupak Amendment from allowing their employees to use ... the health care that they offer them for abortion.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the 'Rachel Maddow Show'"} -{"text":"Americans United Change says Individuals and small businesses will be hit by increases in health insurance premiums as high as 39 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a recorded phone message"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says Barack Obamas comments indicate he believes in redistribution of wealth.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Sam Adams says of the 2,000 Portland households in the year-long (composting) pilot, 87 percent of participants reported being satisfied with the overall system.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an article on his website"} -{"text":"Dennis Richardson says Oregon state employees received a catch-up pay raise in 1981 -- just two years after they agreed not to take a raise in exchange for a retirement benefit.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press briefing"} -{"text":"Katie Mcginty says Here in Pennsylvania, the annual cost for infant childcare is over $10,000 per child, which is more than most families pay in rent and almost the same cost as in-state college tuition.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Sean Hannity says All of Texas is conservative, except a little bit of Austin.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"while interviewing Donald Trump in Austin"} -{"text":"Lou Greenwald says Under this tax cut, middle-class families dont save enough for a weeks worth of groceries, while millionaires save enough to go on an exotic vacation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"George Allen says The poverty rate amongst women is the worst its been in 17 years and the extreme poverty rate is the worst its ever been.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate."} -{"text":"Chain Email says the word Dhimmitude is on page 107 of the health care law and means Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a chain email"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says Scientists have shown us (that) the greater possibilities, the real science movement, has been with adult stem cell research. It has not been with embryonic.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference with reporters"} -{"text":"Todd Staples says On the National Animal Identification System.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Tea Party rally in El Paso"} -{"text":"Local 799 International Assoc Fire Fighters says Elorza wants to teach our public school children about the non-existence of God.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in a mailer"} -{"text":"Tim Kaine says Donald Trump says that NATO is obsolete and that we need to get rid of NATO...","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate."} -{"text":"Doug Ainge says On implementing a sales tax.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Dave Brat says A few weeks ago, (the) education committee in Congress is deciding whats going to be in your local salad bar.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a podcast."} -{"text":"Donna Brazile says Ninety percent of the people in Arkansas still love Bill Clinton.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement on ABC News' 'This Week.'"} -{"text":"Kirsten Gillibrand says The problem of unwanted sexual contacts in the military is not just a womans issue. More than half of the victims are men.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on Face the Nation"} -{"text":"Glenn Grothman says a study shows that children who live with a biological parent and the parents boyfriend or girlfriend have a 20 times greater chance of being sexually abused.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Anonymous Flier says A proposed regional transportation tax will last a minimum of 10 years, and has been approved to last longer.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":null} -{"text":"Chris Christie says our 12 month job increase was the sixth highest in the nation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech before the state Legislature"} -{"text":"Kendrick Meek says Warren Buffett called (Jeff) Greenes scheme financial weapons of mass destruction.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says Its not true that since hes been the president, executions in Iran have increased by four times.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"John Ludlow says I am happy to decline PERS so that the County can save over $68,000 over a four year term that would have been paid on my behalf.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Facebook post"} -{"text":"John Kitzhaber says Chris Dudley thinks Oregons minimum wage is too high.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Rand Paul says Over half the people on disability are either anxious or their back hurts.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech in New Hampshire"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"The Democrats in the Senate and some members of Congress defended what Fannie and Freddie were doing. They resisted any change.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Nashville, Tenn."} -{"text":"Julian Castro says Today California is kicking our butt, creating more jobs and more economic growth than Texas.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments at Texas Democratic Party convention"} -{"text":"Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Gov. Mike Pence and Rep. Mike Coffman take the same positions on a number of things... Coffman and Pence oppose equal rights for LGBT Americans.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says All of Floridas four-year state colleges now offer bachelors degrees for only $10,000.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his State of the State speech"} -{"text":"Scott Fitzgerald says One of every two Wisconsin residents are on some kind of government handout.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech at the state GOP convention"} -{"text":"Morgan Griffith says A new ruling by the EPA would force dairy farmers to comply with the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Program when dealing with spilt milk -- the same regulations oil and natural gas producers must follow.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a newsletter."} -{"text":"Glen Sturtevant says Last year, we had zero percent growth in GDP in Virginia ...The only states that did worse than us were Alaska and Mississippi.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a candidates' forum."} -{"text":"Herman Cain says In the U.S. Constitution, theres a little section in there that talks about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in a speech announcing his presidential run"} -{"text":"Bernie S says In 1990, the U.S. led the world in the percentage of 25-34 year olds with college degrees. Today we are in 12th place.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a meme on social media"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says \"I have something in common with my husband. He never carried caucuses either. He lost all of the ones that I've lost.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an ABC\/Politico interview"} -{"text":"Alan Hays says Your tax dollars are not being used to sue you, the people.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a public hearing about redistricting"} -{"text":"Jim Jordan says Federal, state and local governments have subsidized the production of the Volt to the tune of estimates between $50,000 and $250,000 per vehicle sold.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a congressional hearing"} -{"text":"Sam Olens says In Cobb County, every meeting opened with a prayer. The ACLU objected. Sued ... [Sam] Olens took on the ACLU and won!","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Kasim Reed says Felony crimes in the city of Atlanta are the lowest they have been since 1969.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Jimmy Carter says Both the Democratic and Republican candidates for president in 2016 are quite unpopular.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"interview with an AP reporter in Memphis"} -{"text":"Georgia Democrats says Republicans are attempting to remove Barack Obama from Georgias Presidential Ballot in 2012.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an online fundraising bid"} -{"text":"Kellyanne Conway says Hillary Clinton takes tens of millions of dollars from countries that hate women, that disrespect women, that throw gays off of buildings.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Rick Perry says he came to the Republican Party sooner in age than Ronald Reagan.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Republican presidential primary debate"} -{"text":"Warren Kampf says Voter turnout for some groups in the 2008 presidential general election in Georgia was far greater than it should have been demographically.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a town hall meeting"} -{"text":"Jesse Ventura says Fluoride in the water, that was originally done by the Nazis!","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview with Salon.com"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"He was a member of the Iraq Study Group and was either fired or quit from a very important commission that was trying to figure out the way forward in Iraq.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Interview on Fox News"} -{"text":"Michael Chippendale says If an individual is determined to commit suicide, the availability of a gun is not a factor because they will find a way.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate on WPRI's \"Newsmakers program\""} -{"text":"Chain Email says Presidents Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower collectively ordered the deportation of at least 15 million illegal aliens.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a chain e-mail"} -{"text":"John Kasich says The total number of dollars that passes through the Department of Development is like $900 million and like $650 (million) of it has nothing to do with development, which is breathtaking when you think about it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement to reporters"} -{"text":"Tim Pawlenty says Medicare only has about 50 percent of it paid for by either premiums or payroll taxes, and the rest is deficit spending ... or debt spending.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Bernie S says In the 2014 election, 80 percentofpoor people did not vote.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"John Kitzhaber says the Nike bill is not a tax break ... this does not lower the taxes that Nike will pay nor does it prevent the Legislature from raising those taxes in the future.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"legislative testimony."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Thanks to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Vietnam is drafting and presenting unprecedented labor reforms, changing their Constitution to recognize worker organizations in Vietnam for the first time.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press conference at the White House"} -{"text":"Mark Kirk says As state treasurer, Alexi Giannoulias lost $73 million in our kids college savings.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Jack Latvala says District 22 includes about 80% of the district I have represented since 2010. District 20 includes about 20% of the area I have represented since 2010.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newsletter"} -{"text":"Bernie S says We now work the longest hours of any people around the world.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a C-SPAN interview"} -{"text":"Thaddeus Mccotter says When lenders foreclose on homes, they typically suffer losses that exceed 30 percent of the value of the home.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed in the \"National Review\""} -{"text":"Robert Gates says \"The policy of the Bush administration was also not to add new nuclear capabilities.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Rudy Giuliani says \"We haven't built a refinery, I think, in 30 years.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Manchester, N.H."} -{"text":"Jason Kander says In the state legislature, I supported Second Amendment rights.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Rob Portman says the health care reform bill was paid for, in part, by taking money from students and the student loan system.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a conference call with reporters"} -{"text":"Reince Priebus says The Republican National Convention is a Super Bowl times four.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments made to reporters while in Tampa"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says John McCain \"has threatened extinction for North Korea and sung songs about bombing Iran.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Oxford, Miss."} -{"text":"Kurt Schrader says more Republicans than Democrats voted for the Wall Street bailouts.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a radio show"} -{"text":"Debra Medina says a prank phone call caused 400 children to be taken from their parents... without warrant.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an e-mail."} -{"text":"Andrew Napolitano says A bill that could restrict free speech when the president is nearby was signed by President Barack Obama in secret.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on Fox News"} -{"text":"Yes 55 says Californias Prop 55 prevents $4 billion in new cuts to our schools.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television advertisement"} -{"text":"Jamie Radtke says George Allen voted for budgets that increased the national debt by $16,400 for every second he served in the U.S. Senate.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Glenn Beck says This town (Wilmington, Ohio) hasnt taken any money from the government. They dont want any money from the government.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"his radio broadcast"} -{"text":"Nancy Pelosi says We were not, I repeat, were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhanced interrogation methods were used.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference."} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says 22 Countries Invaded by the U.S. in 20 Years.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"viral posts on the Internet"} -{"text":"Jack Kingston says Sixteen [federal] programs exist to fight homelessness and some of them are duplicative.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a presentation"} -{"text":"Bob Goodlatte says The U.S. Constitution is the oldest written constitution still in use today among nations.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video."} -{"text":"Tammy Baldwin says U.S. Senate opponent Tommy Thompson favors raising taxes on small businesses.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"debate comments"} -{"text":"Chris Larson says Republicans offered Wisconsin bar patrons free shots (of alcohol) to sign recall petitions against Democrats.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Donald Trumpsfoundation took money other people gave to his charity and then bought a six-foot-tall painting of himself.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Philadelphia"} -{"text":"Rob Portman says The Democrat-led Senate has failed to pass a budget for 750 days ... Senate Democrats have neglected one of their most basic responsibilities.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Bobby Jindal says On Common Core.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an op-ed in \"USA Today.\""} -{"text":"Russ Feingold says Ron Johnson helped companies ship jobs overseas.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Florida Democrats just voted to impose Sharia law on women.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in various social media posts"} -{"text":"Silvestre Reyes says opponent Beto ORourke wants to legalize drugs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video advertisement."} -{"text":"American Crossroads says Bill Clinton opposes President Barack Obamas plan to raise taxes on wealthy Americans.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad airing in Orlando"} -{"text":"Austin Scott says Ninety-seven percent of Americans do not receive subsidies for health care under the Affordable Care Act.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"press conference"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Our economy is not growing.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech at the Republican convention"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says \"It doesn't make sense to me to send $1-billion a day out of our country. We can be energy independent and should be.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Florida."} -{"text":"Bobby Jindal says Scott Walkers plan to replace Obamacare is a new entitlement program for every single American human being from the time they are born right up until they grow old and become eligible for Medicare.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement"} -{"text":"American Federation Children says state Senate candidate Monk Elmer voted to exceed the (school district property tax) spending caps.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a direct mail campaign piece "} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"For at least a year now, I have called for two additional brigades, perhaps three.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Afghanistan"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton wants to go to a single-payer plan for health care","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a presidential debate"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says Foreign aid is less than 1 percent of our federal budget.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a GOP debate at the University of Miami"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Pay-as-you-go is the principle that helped transform large deficits into surpluses in the 1990s.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the White House."} -{"text":"Chain Email says Obama has \"visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a widely circulated e-mail"} -{"text":"Hank Gilbert says Texas has so few gas-pump inspectors in the field, the HEBs of this state, the Brookshires of this state, theyre calibrating their own gas pumps. The (Texas Department of Agriculture) just sends them the stickers and they calibrate them.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says We have empowered state insurance commissioners to review the rate hikes that are taking place in states. And in some states like North Carolina, they have already used it and rolled back premium increases by 25 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on Comedy Central's \"Daily Show with Jon Stewart\""} -{"text":"Rick Perry says a rather extraordinary amount of non-classroom employees were added by Texas school districts over the last decade.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a comment to reporters."} -{"text":"John Mccain says A mortgage buyback plan is \"my proposal, it's not Sen. Obama's proposal, it's not President Bush's proposal.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Nashville, Tenn."} -{"text":"Julian Assange says \"The permission to engage was given before the word RPG was ever used.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on Comedy Central's \"The Colbert Report\""} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"Senator Obama has voted 94 times to either increase your taxes or against tax cuts.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comment from McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds on Fox News"} -{"text":"Dan Ramos says Lorain is the poorest urban school district in the state of Ohio.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech in the Ohio House"} -{"text":"Mitch Mcconnell says The Senate health care bill does not contain limits on medical malpractice lawsuits.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a floor speech"} -{"text":"Sheldon Whitehouse says Narragansett Bay waters are getting warmer -- 4 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in the winter since the 1960s.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Senate speech published on YouTube"} -{"text":"Ron Johnson says Barack Obama has the legal authority to let in really however many refugees he wants, from whatever country.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a public forum"} -{"text":"Brett Smiley says Of all cities in the United States with more than 100,000 people, Providence is the 183rd safest.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign speech"} -{"text":"Chuck Grassley says In Japan, executives of failing companies say 'I'm sorry' and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio interview"} -{"text":"Rudy Giuliani says President Barack Obama said that American exceptionalism is no more exceptional than the exceptionalism of any other country.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an op-ed in the 'Wall Street Journal'"} -{"text":"Kinky Friedman says Barack Obamas favorability rating in Israel once clocked in at 4 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion column."} -{"text":"Tim Kaine says Donald Trump proposes to deport 16 million people, 11 million who are here without documents, and both Donald Trump and Mike Pence want to get rid of birthright citizenship.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the 2016 vice presidential debate"} -{"text":"Ed Macdougall says U.S. House candidate Carlos Curbelo opposes the repeal of Obamacare.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio ad"} -{"text":"Peter Courtney says , Statistics indicate that one in eight children, and one in 18 adults in Oregon suffers from mental illness.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Mike Pence says One in five American households have nobody under the same roof thats got a job.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"remarks in Cocoa Beach, Fla."} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says \"George Bush ... used a signing statement (on a FEMA bill) to say, 'I don't have to follow that, unless I choose to.' \"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"debate in Johnston, Iowa"} -{"text":"Tim Kaine says Obamas mid-term approval ratings are similar to other presidents who went on to re-election.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview."} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"I saved the taxpayers $2-billion on a bogus Air Force Boeing tanker deal where people went to jail.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"St. Petersburg, Fla."} -{"text":"Mike Ford says the fluoride Austin is putting in its drinking water is toxic waste.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a letter."} -{"text":"Ameripac says The new light bulbs will cost roughly six times the cost of the light bulbs we now use.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a fundraising letter"} -{"text":"Ron Meyer says Only three in 10 young Americans under 30 -- 30 percent under 30 -- have full-time work.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview."} -{"text":"Viral Media Reports says Emory University students were provided counseling after someone wrote Trump 2016 in chalk on campus.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Newspaper, television and social media"} -{"text":"America Rising Now says Through the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons are now worth in excess of $100 million.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an ad played on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Debbie Wasserman Schultz says The U.S. Supreme Court struck down Wisconsins photo ID election law","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Ward Armstrong says A telephone company will no longer have to provide landline service to customers if there is an alternative provider, including wireless.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a House floor speech."} -{"text":"John Taylor 2 says The people of Tiverton have historically supported [gambling measures] at a rate higher than the rest of the state.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on WPRI-TV's \"Newsmakers.\""} -{"text":"Bryan Fischer says We know how to stop AIDS: persuade men not to have sex with men.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"his \"Focal Point\" radio show"} -{"text":"Newt Gingrich says Democrats in Congress had control since January of 2007. They haven't passed a law making waterboarding illegal. They haven't gone into any of these things and changed law.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"Rush Limbaugh says Alexander Hamilton was an immigration hawk.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"\"The Rush Limbaugh Show\""} -{"text":"Bob Terry says And weve constantly been the lowest unemployed county in the state.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an Oregon Public Broadcasting interview"} -{"text":"Phil Gingrey says The federal government can tell General Motors what to charge for its automobiles.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a CNN interview"} -{"text":"Glenn Beck says A few weeks ago Obama took Hamas and Iran OFF the terror list.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Facebook post"} -{"text":"Rebecca Quigley says Once a woman enters into the sex trade, her average life expectancy is seven years.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a comment on a \"State of the State\" TV program."} -{"text":"Kamala Harris says Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez has passed one bill in her 20 years in Congress, and that was to rename a post office.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a U.S. Senate campaign debate."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Under the House Republican budget, if these cuts were to be spread out evenly the year after next, nearly 10 million college students would see their financial aid cut by an average of more than $1,000 each.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"remarks to a meeting of the Newspaper Association of America"} -{"text":"Lamar Smith says The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) has estimated that the Obama administrations Power Plan will cause energy costs in Texas to rise as much as 16 percent per year.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Op-ed column in the San Antonio Express-News"} -{"text":"Blanche Lincoln says John Boozman supports privatizing Social Security","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"No Casinos says Slot machines in Miami-Dade and Broward counties have generated 20 percent of the promised $500 million per year for schools.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement on their website"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Jebs policies in Florida helped lead to its almost total collapse.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Tim Mcginty says We are almost halfway to our goal of 1,000 rapes prosecuted!","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his campaign website"} -{"text":"Richard Codey says One in every five families in the state of New Jersey has a loved one with a mental illness, a serious mental illness, and today, we dont care.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech on the Senate floor"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says kids who start in the ninth grade in the city of Newark this past September, 23 percent of them will graduate in four years.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a radio interview"} -{"text":"Ann Marie Buerkle says that, unlike the U.S. Senate, even the Libyan government, in the middle of a civil war, passed a budget on June 15, 2011","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Debbie Wasserman Schultz says The nonpartisan CBO, Congressional Budget Office, has said that the No. 1 policy decision that brought us to the need to prevent the nation from defaulting on our debt for the first time in history were the Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"debate on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives"} -{"text":"Florida Democratic Party says When Rick Scott was deposed in lawsuits about his company, he took the Fifth 75 times.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says Vern Buchanan. His old business was caught illegally funneling over $60,000 in campaign donations to Buchanan to influence his election.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a radio ad"} -{"text":"Vietnam Veterans Against John Mccain says McCain was a \"Hanoi Hilton songbird\" who collaborated with the enemy.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a flyer sent to news organizations in South Carolina"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says Were spending less money today, in upcoming fiscal year 2014 than the Corzine-Buono budget spent in fiscal year 2008.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NJ101.5 FM's \"Ask the Governor\" program"} -{"text":"Susana Martinez says In New Mexico, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Diane Denish spent federal stimulus funds on campaign Christmas cards.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Democratic National Committee says House Republicans are ramming through legislation ... to classify pizza as a vegetable for the purpose of school lunches.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an e-mail message"} -{"text":"Greg Abbott says Wendy Davis legal work is currently under FBI investigation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a billboard message"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says On whether hes had a relationship with Vladimir Putin.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"various interviews and speeches"} -{"text":"Piers Morgan says Gov. Chris Christies poll ratings have been going up.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview with Gov. Chris Christie on \"Piers Morgan Tonight\""} -{"text":"Herman Cain says The United States is the only developed country in the world that has not cut its corporate tax rate.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"I committed to public financing; (Obama) committed to public financing.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference in Columbus, Ohio"} -{"text":"Reid Ribble says Donald Trump wants to replace Obamacare with a single-payer system.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Mark Warner says The U.S. energy policy is to \"borrow money from China to buy oil from countries that don't like us.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Denver"} -{"text":"Chain Email says All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a chain e-mail"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says On debating.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Focus Family Action says Obama supports \"teaching schoolchildren in 2nd grade, no less about homosexual relationships.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Web article"} -{"text":"Keisha Lance Bottoms says Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed became a city resident in the last annexation, opening the door to his candidacy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an Atlanta Journal-Constitution story"} -{"text":"Republican National Committee Republican says In Pennsylvania, President Barack Obamas policies have increased unemployment 19 percent, led to the loss of 37,900 manufacturing jobs, and left 189,000 more people in poverty.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Web video"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says Virtually every person across this country has seen premiums going up and up and up due to Obamacare.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a conversation with reporters"} -{"text":"Peter Kilmartin says Secure Communities has a proven track record of enhancing public safety by focusing on violent offenders and those that pose a threat to our communities and our national security.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Mark Herring says Every (U.S. Supreme Court) nominee since 1875 has received a nomination hearing.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a letter"} -{"text":"Bill Clinton says \"The 1990s were a time of prosperity. We created more than 22-million new jobs, moved 8-million people out of poverty, and turned our economy around.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Josh Mandel says The Affordable Care Act will likely go down as the biggest tax increase in history.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Bob Buckhorn says The unemployment rate is declining faster in Tampa than almost anywhere else.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the RNC"} -{"text":"Susan Cole says New Jersey loses net, that is minus those who come into the state, 30,000 students a year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NJTV"} -{"text":"Michael Moore says All the talk about socialism during the campaign made young people more interested in it by Election Day.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"the movie Capitalism: A Love Story"} -{"text":"Jim Sensenbrenner says Ive done more impeachments than anybody else in the history of the country.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a House Judiciary Committee hearing"} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says Marco Rubio believes the earth is 9,000 years old and that humans hunted dinosaurs to extinction; says Rand Paul believes the earth is 10,000 years old and God removed dinosaurs to make space for humans.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a post from Being Liberal"} -{"text":"John Boehner says The Affordable Care Act basically puts a penalty or a tax on employers for every new job they create.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on CBS' \"60 Minutes\""} -{"text":"Rick Perry says In Texas, we created over 1 million new jobs while the rest of the nation lost over 2 million.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Caroline Casagrande says Women have come through the recession worse off than men the numbers bear that out. We went from a 7 percent unemployment rate for women when he (President Barack Obama) was elected to an 8.1 percent now.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on My9TV.com's \"New Jersey Now\" program"} -{"text":"Chris Dodd says \"The fact of the matter is that my colleague from New York, Senator Clinton, there are 50 percent of the American public that say they're not going to vote for her.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Philadelphia"} -{"text":"Victoria Taft says A $250 fine if youre caught with a plastic bag coming out of a store. Plastic bag police anyone?","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Eric Bolling says In countries where there are higher, more strict gun laws, there is more gun violence.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a broadcast of \"The Five\" on Fox News"} -{"text":"Mike Collins says he never wanted to raise the debt ceiling.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a flier"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Thanks to (North Carolinas) governor and the legislature, the average teachersalary can barely support a family.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Raleigh, NC"} -{"text":"Dennis Hastert says There never really was a Hastert Rule.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a broadcast of MSNBC's \"The Cycle\""} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump wants to undo marriage equality.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign speech"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says It has been over 80 years since a lame-duck president appointed a Supreme Court justice.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Greenville, S.C."} -{"text":"Ron Paul says Rick Santorum opposes right-to-work","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says In 1981, Matagorda, Brazoria, and Galveston Counties all opted out of the Social Security program for their employees. Today, their program is very, very well-funded and there is no question about whether its going to be funded in years to come.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview."} -{"text":"Tim Kaine says Virginia ranked near the bottom of the nation 50 years ago in per capita income but is in the top 10 today. It had a very low rate of higher education attainment but is now above the national average.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview."} -{"text":"Chris Christie says (Clinton) called President Assad a reformer. She called Assad a different kind of leader.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Republican National Convention"} -{"text":"Rick Green says \"As a state rep, I was considered the fourth-most conservative in the Legislature.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Jack Conway says Rand Paul wants us to pay $2,000 just to get Medicare.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Bobby Jindal says Hillary Clinton opposed an individual mandate and favored an employer mandate back in 1993.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed for Politico Magazine"} -{"text":"Kirk Cox says There are more than 46 million Americans living in poverty today -- the largest number in 54 years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech."} -{"text":"Chris Christie says Since I introduced my budget -- first budget -- in March of 2010, weve created 50,000 new private-sector jobs for the people of this state.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference in Belmar "} -{"text":"Greater Wisconsin Political Fund says Scott Walker cut school funding more per student than any governor in America.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Raul Torres says he would be first CPA to serve as Texas comptroller.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign video"} -{"text":"Bill De Blasio says On Donald Trumps plan to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities, because of a decision by the Supreme Court, no presidents in a position to cut off funding across the board. It has to be very specific to the matter at hand.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a WNYC interview"} -{"text":"Jody Hice says Thomas Jefferson said, That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Facebook post"} -{"text":"Ed Doyle says Proposed gun control legislation will outlaw practically every firearm, make you pay $100 per firearm, put you into a police database and make it nearly impossible to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release and Facebook post"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says Donald Trump thinks a grown man pretending to be a woman (should) be allowed to use the womens restroom.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an attack ad"} -{"text":"Democratic National Committee says \"McCain has voted repeatedly at least six times against funding for global HIV\/AIDS, malaria and TB fund, once as one of only 14 senators.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says The Border Patrol has 20,000 agents more than twice as many as there were in 2004.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in El Paso"} -{"text":"Rick Kriseman says The fact is that red light cameras change driver behavior and cut down on the most dangerous types of accidents.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Tampa Bay Times questionnaire"} -{"text":"Democratic National Committee says Under (Rick Perrys) watch as governor, over six million Texans have no health care coverage, including one million children, homeowners suffer from the highest insurance rates in the country, and college tuition has skyrocketed 136 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Michael Adams says Georgias HOPE scholarship is still the richest scholarship program in America.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newspaper article"} -{"text":"Thomas Tobin says Abortions account for 94 percent of the services provided for pregnant women by Planned Parenthood.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a newspaper column"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says While (Charlie Crist) was governor, utility costs went up 30 percent and went from below the national average to above the national average. Since I got elected, utility rates have come down 11 percent and now we are below the average.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Viral Image says Bernie Sanders opposesthe Trans-Pacific Partnership, and Hillary Clinton supportsit.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a viral Internet chart"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says On supporting right to work legislation in 2015","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a statement"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says the success of his economic agenda is supported by the fact we went from unemployment at 9.2 percent when I decided to run for governor four years ago to two points lower.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"Allen West says In the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it was the Democrats who cut $500 billion from Medicare. And they also put in place the Independent Payment Advisory Board, 15 unelected bureaucrats, which will be making decisions about health care for our seniors and for all Americans.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Fox News interview"} -{"text":"Mary Burke says Were trailing every other state in the Midwest in terms of job creation since January of 2011.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"John Boehner says POTUS economists: Stimulus Has Cost $278,000 per job.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a tweet on Twitter"} -{"text":"Kriner Cash says The education tax burden for Shelby County -- and Tennessee -- is one of the lowest in the country.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a presentation to Shelby County's schools merger Transition Planning Commission"} -{"text":"Sarah Palin says Donald Trumps conversion to pro-life beliefs are akin to Justin Biebers, who said in the past that abortion was no big deal to him.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on CNN"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says By the time I left the State Department, economic growth was up and opium production was down in Afghanistan, while infant mortality declined and school enrollment rose by more than sevenfold.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"her book, \"Hard Choices\""} -{"text":"Joe Biden says We have the most productive workers in the world.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Democratic National Convention"} -{"text":"Gina Raimondo says Before I was state treasurer, my Rhode Island business helped create over 1,000 jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says Bill White profiteered in the aftermath of Hurricane Rita.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Perry website"} -{"text":"Espn says Alabamas Crimson Tide will be the underdog in Saturdays game against the Georgia Bulldogs, the first time in 72 consecutive games that Alabama has not been favored by oddsmakers to win.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in an article"} -{"text":"Nextgen Climate says Rick Scott took $200,000 in campaign contributions from a company that profited off pollution.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"TV ad"} -{"text":"Adam Hasner says In a lawsuit between private citizens, a Florida judge announced the decision was going to be based on Islamic Law.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech before conservative activists"} -{"text":"Tom Kean Jr says Democrats raised taxes over 115 times in the past 10 years, making New Jersey increasingly unaffordable and chasing jobs to neighboring states.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Metro says Metro on whether it could use bond money for restoration.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"voters pamphlet"} -{"text":"Republican Governors Association says Roy Barnes is like Barack Obama because theyre both doing a lot of apologizing.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV commercial"} -{"text":"Republican National Committee Republican says \"Barack Obama thinks terrorists just need a good talking to.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a direct mail piece"} -{"text":"Paul Wolfowitz says The Germans, the French, countries that opposed us in the (Iraq) war, all believed (Saddam Hussein) had weapons of mass destruction.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Tammy Baldwin says The pope and Donald Trump and Tammy Baldwin all agree on eliminating the carried-interest tax break.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says Agriculture has always required a significant workforce from abroad.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a blog post on RedState.com"} -{"text":"New Hampshire Democratic Party says Jon Huntsman supports changes in Medicare that would deny guaranteed benefits to 980,000 New Hampshire residents.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement on the state Democratic website."} -{"text":"Armond Budish says Across the United States, 25 percent of voting age African Americans do not have the photo ID that this bill would require.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Rick Scotts Starbucks Heckler says Rick Scott stripped women of access to public health care.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a confrontation with Rick Scott at Starbucks"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says A majority of Americans agree with a ban on assault weapons. And by the way, so did Ronald Reagan.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a speech"} -{"text":"Hank Huckaby says Only 42 percent of young Georgians have a college certificate or degree, but soon 60 percent of jobs will require some college credential.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"civic club speech"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says Texas has the lowest crime rate in this state since 1968 because of changes in law regarding nonviolent drug offenders.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"valedictory speech as governor to the Texas Legislature"} -{"text":"Oregon Catalyst says HJM 20 was the only bill not assigned to a House committee.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a blog post."} -{"text":"Larry Yarborough says if you try to hide marijuana in a hemp field, it becomes worthless. The THC goes away.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a meeting in the legislature about hemp regulations"} -{"text":"Al Sharpton says The Texas Senate approved a bill to put a special label on the insurance cards of anyone who bought a plan through Obamacare that includes the letter S for subsidy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a broadcast of MSNBC's \"PoliticsNation\""} -{"text":"Chris Christie says Said the year before he took office, the state lost 119,000 private-sector jobs, labeling them Corzine jobs losses of 2009.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a keynote speech to a commercial real estate group"} -{"text":"John Kitzhaber says the state is required pick up 70 percent of the cost of K-12 education.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech."} -{"text":"Michael Bloomberg says Theres a loophole where you can sell guns without a background check 40 percent of guns are sold that way at gun shows and over the Internet.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Face the Nation\""} -{"text":"Richard Durbin says Illinois suffered 1,652 overdose deaths in 2014 ... of which 40 percent were associated with heroin. Illinois is ranked number one in the nation for a decline in treatment capacity between 2007 and 2012, and is now ranked the third worst in the country for state-funded treatment capacity.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release "} -{"text":"Leonidas Raptakis says The minimum wage has risen $2.35 in the last two years. Thats 31 percent.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"testimony before the House Committee on Labor"} -{"text":"Colorado Health Institute says ColoradoCare would have higher revenues than McDonalds.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an analysis report "} -{"text":"Dan Patrick says Everywhere that we have more citizens carrying guns, crime is less. Theres a study showing that where states have open carry or concealed carry, but particularly open carry, the crime is down 25 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Brian Deese says Weve seen 115,000 jobs created in the American auto industry since GM and Chrysler emerged from bankruptcy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a telephone news conference"} -{"text":"National Rifle Association says Bill Nelson voted to confirm Sonia Sotomayor, who signed a Supreme Court opinion saying Americans do not have an individual right to own firearms.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an anti-Nelson mailer"} -{"text":"Rachel Maddow says The Stupak Amendment doesnt just say you cant use your federal insurance subsidy to pay for an abortion, it says, if youre getting a federal subsidy of any kind, youre not allowed to buy an insurance plan that covers abortion even with your own money.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"her show on MSNBC"} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says President Barack Obama already passed all these Obamacare taxes. About a dozen of them hit middle-income taxpayers.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Fox News Sunday\""} -{"text":"Dbanj says The music industry is the biggest export from Africa after oil and gas.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Scott Garrett says The presidents health care law raids Medicare by more than $500 billion and creates a Medicare rationing board a group of 15 unelected bureaucrats to slow the growth of Medicare spending.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed on NorthJersey.com"} -{"text":"Harry Reid says Congress used earmarks for more than 200 years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Venezuela is a country whose defense budget is probably 1\/600th of the United States.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference."} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"Senator Obama thinks we can achieve energy independence without more drilling and without more nuclear power.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Rob Portman says The average family (is) now bringing home $4,000 less than they did just five years ago.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican weekly address"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says On the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"statements to the media"} -{"text":"Dan Patrick says Leticia Van de Putte opposed putting National Guard troops on the border, would send millions to Central American governments instead and wrote the law giving in-state tuition to illegal immigrants.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Paul Sadler says there are four super PACs on the Republican side of the Texas U.S. Senate race.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Travis County Democratic Party candidate forum"} -{"text":"Rick Kriseman says Unfortunately, since Mr. Fosters been mayor ... there are less people employed in the city of St. Petersburg than there were prior to his taking office.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Tampa Bay Times\/mayoral debate"} -{"text":"National Republican Congressional Committee says U.S. Rep. Ron Kinds stimulus cost taxpayers $278,000 per job.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Sean Hannity says When you read the Koran, it talks about dont take Christians and Jews as your friends.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a segment on \"Hannity\""} -{"text":"David Dewhurst says Dan Patrick called for increasing the gas tax and the state sales tax.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Sharron Angle says Congressman Joe Heck has (voted) 62% of the time with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats on a variety of important issues.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a television ad"} -{"text":"Glenn Beck says Chile ranks third internationally in economic freedom, while the U.S. ranks 17th.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video blog post"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Under the White Houses budget proposal, we will not be adding more to the national debt by the middle of the decade.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press conference"} -{"text":"Alex Sink says \"Bill McCollum said tax cuts don't work.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a comment on her Facebook page."} -{"text":"Tim Kaine says The tax burden on Virginia families was lower under Tim Kaine than under George Allen.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release."} -{"text":"Republican Party Florida says CharlieCrist made it easier for Duke to take your money.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Chain Email says a Barack Obama black imposter joke got a standing ovation at San Angelo rodeo.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a chain email."} -{"text":"Mary Burke says Already in Wisconsin we have seen fewer people pursuing education as a career due to the Act 10 collective bargaining law.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Kelly Ayotte says Maggie Hassan was out of state on 30 days over the last three months.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Dan Ramos says Gov. Kasich and the Republican-dominated legislature have foregone the popular option of closing tax loopholes that amount to $7 billion annually in this state.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newspaper column"} -{"text":"Greg Abbott says his Texas election fraud investigations have resulted in 50 convictions.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Rene Garcia says Miami-Dade County is the No. 1 donor county in the state.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Florida Cabinet meeting"} -{"text":"Christine Whitman says We havent had a Republican senator in Washington for ... why, I think Clifford Case was our last Republican senator.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on The John Gambling radio show"} -{"text":"Americans Safe Access says Judging by a recent vote, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz thinks its okay for medical marijuana patients to go to federal prison.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Bob Goodlatte says Federal prosecutions for lying on background checks to buy guns are down 40 percent under President Barack Obama.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV appearance."} -{"text":"Christine Odonnell says We havent yet taken out a negative ad.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Americans Job Security says Jane Norton supported the largest tax hike in Colorado history.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an issue advocacy ad"} -{"text":"Charlie Crist says \"Here in Florida, Ive slashed government by 10 percent. That's $7 billion.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"radio advertisement for U.S. Senate campaign"} -{"text":"Steve Southerland says Over the past year ... our 16 counties have hemorrhaged more than 6,000 jobs with no apparent end in sight.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press release."} -{"text":"Eric Hovde says Since President Barack Obama took office, you have 1,700 employees just at the Department of Transportation earning over $170,000.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"New Jersey State Afl Cio says New Jerseys governor cut $1.6 billion from public education while handing out $2.1 billion in corporate tax breaks, more than the entire previous decade.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Facebook page post"} -{"text":"Spencer Bachus says \"Even with recent changes, the average hourly wage at General Motors is still $75 an hour.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":null} -{"text":"Rob Zerban says U.S. House opponent Paul Ryan supports cutting funding for veterans by 24 percent.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Hank Johnson says Since 1970, the Clean Air Act has reduced toxic and health-threatening air pollution by 60 percent while our economy has grown more than 200 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a web post"} -{"text":"Jay Nixon says Missouri is #1 in the nation for holding down tuition increases at public universities.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a post on Twitter"} -{"text":"Talgo Inc says The Milwaukee business community did not speak about the facts -- and in support of train manufacturer Talgo -- as the Milwaukee-Madison rail link was being killed.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement from the company"} -{"text":"Representus says The U.S. representatives that voted to keep militarizing the police received 73 percent more campaign money from the defense industry than the representatives who voted to stop it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a meme on social media"} -{"text":"Patrick Murphy says We have never done business with Donald Trump.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview on WFLA"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says \"Sen. McCain says it was not a mistake to vote against the Bush tax cuts ... but now says the tax cuts need to be made permanent.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Michael Moore says During the Reagan era, while productivity increased, \"wages for working people remained frozen.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his movie \"Capitalism: A Love Story\""} -{"text":"Rand Paul says When you look at the earned income tax credit, it has about a 25 percent fraud rate. Were looking at $20 billion to $30 billion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a forum at the Freedom Partners 2015 California retreat"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Unemployment insurance kept more than 620,000 children out of poverty in 2012.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Facebook post"} -{"text":"Ron Paul says 170,000 of the jobs created in Texas under Gov. Rick Perry were government jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican presidential debate in Tampa"} -{"text":"Pete Gallego says 97 percent of food stamp benefits are paid in the proper amounts to people who are really eligible.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a U.S. House committee meeting."} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says To this day, (the Cuban government) is a regime that provides safe harbor to terrorists and fugitives.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Leonard Lance says The Senate has not passed a budget in more than three years, not a good budget, not a bad budget, no budget.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NJToday"} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says Congress includes 36 people accused of spousal abuse, 84 arrested for drunk driving in the past year, 71 with terrible creditand more.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Facebook meme"} -{"text":"Sam Adams says the initial Portland plastic bag ban represented only a modest share of total single-use checkout bag use.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a proposed ordinance."} -{"text":"Blog Posting says The Bundy Ranch deal is all about Nevada Sen. Harry Reid using federal violence to take peoples land in his state so he can package it to re-sell it to the Chinese.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"multiple blog and video posts"} -{"text":"Barney Bishop says \"There's no evidence anywhere that offshore drilling has hurt tourism in any area where it has been allowed.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Kathleen Falk says Wisconsin women facing pay discrimination cant do something about it under bill passed by Republicans.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"John Boehner says Under the new health care law, if a landscaper wants to buy a new lawnmower, or a restaurant needs a new ice-maker, they have to report that to the feds.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the City Club of Cleveland"} -{"text":"George Will says that President Obama said if Congress passed the economic stimulus bill, we would have unemployment at 8 percent and no higher. And it went higher.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Progressive Choice says Charlie Crist implemented Jeb Bushs A+ Plan.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign mailer"} -{"text":"Glenn Hegar says We have 650 people who move to Texas every day.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Georgetown, Texas"} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says By some estimates, as few as 2 percent of the 50,000 (Central American) children who have crossed the border illegally this year have been sent home.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed in the \"Wall Street Journal\""} -{"text":"Sam Adams says city of Portland has a one-time $22 million surplus","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his blog"} -{"text":"Wendy Davis says I never gave up custody of my children. I never lost custody of my children.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Michele Bachmann says \"The New England Journal of Medicine released a survey the week that President Obama signed Obamacare stating that over 30 percent of American physicians would leave the profession if the government took over health care.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"on CBS's \"Face the Nation\""} -{"text":"Greg Morris says You can buy lobster with food stamps.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an article"} -{"text":"Jennifer Granholm says I cut more as a percentage out of government than any state in the country this past decade. And where is Michigan in terms of its economic growth? Cutting did not result in economic growth.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Donald Trump says The Obama administration gave Iran $400 million in ransom payment cash.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"remarks in Michigan"} -{"text":"Lincoln Chafee says I remember one of [Curt Schillings] teammates said he painted his sock, the bloody sock.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in a comment on the John DePetro Show"} -{"text":"Mark Pocan says Not one dime gets added to the deficit because of Social Security.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says The United States of America, right now, has the strongest, most durable economy in the world.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the State of the Union address"} -{"text":"Michael Bloomberg says Canada sets aside 36 percent of their visas for people with skills they think their country needs. We set aside 6 percent.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on \"Meet the Press.\""} -{"text":"Rick Scott says The federal health care law is probably the biggest tax increase ever in the history of our country.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments during a tour of a manufacturing plant."} -{"text":"Ovide Lamontagne says There are 60,000 fewer jobs today in this state than we had in 2008.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican gubernatorial debate at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge, N.H."} -{"text":"Scott Walker says On toll roads.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on toll roads as an option for state highways"} -{"text":"Teresa Fedor says Republicans supported legislation on early voting and in-person voting in 2005.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"David Brooks says Chained CPI would save $1 trillion in the second decade off the federal budget debt, a report shows.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Elliott Naishtat says Austin is the largest city in America without a congressional district anchored in it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Texas House floor debate."} -{"text":"Ginny Brown Waite says A president must \"obtain Congress' consent before formally accepting the Nobel Prize.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a letter to President Obama"} -{"text":"Michael Mccaul says When people enter the service, theres not a mental health evaluation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on \"Fox News Sunday\""} -{"text":"Greg Abbott says Road congestion costs rush hour drivers in Austin and Dallas more than $1,000 a year. And in Houston, its even more -- almost $1,500 a year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"op-ed in Austin American-Statesman"} -{"text":"Bill Jackson says Theres more murders with hammers last year than...shotguns and pistols and AK-47s.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a meeting"} -{"text":"Kay Bailey Hutchison says Uses headlines to portray Gov. Rick Perry as beholden to special interests.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"A TV advertisement"} -{"text":"John Cornyn says Ms. Kagan has spent her entire professional career in Harvard Square, Hyde Park and the D.C. Beltway.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Reince Priebus says Her campaign and her supporters in her campaign were the ones that borne out the birther movement.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's Meet the Press"} -{"text":"Reince Priebus says Because of voter fraud, Republican candidates need to do a point or two better to win statewide elections in Wisconsin.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Nine million people have lower-cost HIV\/AIDS medicine because of the work of the Clinton Foundation and my husband.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on CNN"} -{"text":"Lawrence Odonnell says Chris Christie helped funnel $6 million in federal Hurricane Sandy money to a senior center in Belleville, N.J., a place that suffered no damage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a segment on MSNBC's \"The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell\""} -{"text":"Eric Fehrnstrom says Massachusetts under Gov. Mitt Romney initially ranked last among states in job growth, but by the end of his governorship, we were in the middle of the pack.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on ABC's \"This Week with George Stephanopoulos\""} -{"text":"Michael Needham says The federal budget bill reauthorizes the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, which provides taxpayer dollars so that the Four Seasons hotel can build a resort in Turkey.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on \"Fox News Sunday\""} -{"text":"Texas Federation Republican Women says that 9 million to 50 million undocumented immigrants live in the United States.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an approved resolution."} -{"text":"Ed Fitzgerald says Ohioans want an end to pay-to-play politics.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an email announcing his gubernatorial campaign kickoff"} -{"text":"Kirsten Gillibrand says We are the only industrialized nation that doesnt guarantee workers paid family leave.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Democratic National Convention"} -{"text":"Chris Koster says A single mother of two cant qualify for basic healthcare through Medicaid if she makes more than $3,504 dollars a year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Joe Biden says General Motors is the largest corporation in the world again.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a \u201cFace the Nation\u201d interview"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says A mailer from the Obama campaign \"accurately indicates\" that Hillary Clinton would \"force uninsured people to buy insurance, even if they can't afford it.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Cleveland, Ohio"} -{"text":"Ohio Democratic Party says Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel supports allowing the United States to default on its obligations.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Florida Democratic Party says Mitt Romney belittled middle-class tax cuts as nothing more than little Band-Aids.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Leah Vukmir says A referendum gives the people the chance to decide on cutting the Milwaukee County Board budget by two-thirds","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Even among second and third generation Muslims in the United States, theres no real assimilation.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Hackers broke into Virginias prescription-drug database (and) ... obtained more than 8.2 million patient records and a total of nearly 36 million prescriptions.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"testimony before Congress."} -{"text":"Occupy Democrats says Ted Cruz was just bribed by the Kochs to introduce a bill that would give them and their allies Americas national forests, parks, and other public lands and open them for mining, drilling, fracking and logging.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Facebook photo post"} -{"text":"John Kerry says The (Russian) ruble is already going down.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on CBS' \"Face the Nation\""} -{"text":"George Allen says On subsidies for ethanol production.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a blog post."} -{"text":"Rick Perry says One out of five of our children live in a family thats on food stamps.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Iowa"} -{"text":"Eileen Brady says she brought together business, labor and hospitals to give 94,000 Oregon children health care.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Russ Feingold says According to independent analysis, unfair trade deals have resulted in the loss of over 64,000 jobs in Wisconsin ... But Ron Johnson favors those deals.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"campaign TV and radio ads"} -{"text":"Lisa Hamler Fugitt says Ohio currently ranks 50th out of all states in income growth.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"testimony before a House subcommittee"} -{"text":"John Oliver says We knew Strom Thurmond had proposed the amendment that blocked Puerto Ricos use of Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a broadcast of HBO's \"Last Week Tonight\""} -{"text":"Rick Scott says In the four years before I became governor, we increased state debt $5.2 billion. Weve paid it down $2 billion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says they said it was impossible to balance a budget at the same time, with an $11 billion deficit and we did it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Republican National Convention in Tampa"} -{"text":"Chuck Riley says Bruce Starr broke the law by letting lobbyists wine and dine him in Maui.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Latina who enthusiastically supported Donald Trump on stage in Las Vegas in October 2015 has been deported.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"social media posts, blogs"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says \"John McCain is right on that one. The line-item veto is the best tool the president has to rein in excessive spending.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on CNBC."} -{"text":"Mayors Against Illegal Guns says In 2009, the FBI referred more than 71,000 cases of people failing background checks when trying to buy a gun to another federal agency, but U.S. attorneys ultimately prosecuted only 77 of them.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a website post"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Barack Obama is the first president in modern history not to have a single year of 3 percent growth.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign speech"} -{"text":"Meals Wheels Rhode Island says Half of all hospitalized seniors are suffering from malnutrition so severe that it either caused their illness or it prevents them from getting better.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a fundraising letter"} -{"text":"American Action Network says Under conservative leadership, Congress has reduced the federal deficit by 60 percent nearly $800 billion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newspaper ad"} -{"text":"National Republican Senatorial Committee says Patrick Murphy never worked as a CPA and was never a small business owner.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Jeanne Shaheen says In 2012, Wall Street gave Scott Brown more campaign contributions than any other candidate -- $5.3 million.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio ad"} -{"text":"Mark Warner says $65 billion would be added to the deficit if we keep the cuts for people on the highest incomes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"n Op\/Ed in The Financial Times"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says What I look at every month is how many more New Jerseyans are back to work. You have another 9,900 last month that are back to work and over almost 90,000 that are back to work now since I became governor.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Restore Our Future says Newt Gingrich co-sponsored a bill with Nancy Pelosi that would have given $60 million a year to a U.N. program supporting Chinas brutal one-child policy.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"John Edwards says Poor people go to a \"payday lender...and they pay 300, 400, 500 percent interest.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Americus, Ga."} -{"text":"Bruce Starr says Other states have considered or have sunset advisory commissions; the federal government has the ability, too.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a floor speech"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says Under Wisconsin law, anyone who knows anything about a John Doe secret criminal investigation cant talk about it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \" ... following World War II war crime trials were convened. The Japanese were tried and convicted and hung for war crimes committed against American POWs. Among those charges for which they were convicted was waterboarding.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign event in St. Petersburg"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says On the economic crisis, \"the biggest problem in this whole process was the deregulation of the financial system.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Nashville, Tenn."} -{"text":"Rick Perry says Texas high school graduation rate went from 27th in the country in 2002, to second highest in the country in 2013.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the National Press Club"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says the secret John Doe criminal investigation of his campaign has been resolved and two judges have said it is over.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Obama came into office \"with a $1.3 trillion deficit before I had passed any law. ... We came in with $8 trillion worth of debt over the next decade.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican retreat in Baltimore"} -{"text":"Alan Grayson says Daniel Webster wants to make divorce illegal, even for abused wives.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad."} -{"text":"Mary Nolan says Amanda Fritz publicly claimed to be endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon, both on her website and in the voters guide.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign press release"} -{"text":"Mike Huckabee says \"I'll tell you what I can tell this country: If they want a president who doesn't believe in God, there's probably plenty of choices.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Manchester, N.H."} -{"text":"Viral Media Reports says Drinking champagne could help prevent Alzheimers and other forms of dementia.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":" social media and in print"} -{"text":"Eric Cantor says Because of the health care act, The people who have health care and like it in this county are not going to be able to keep what they have.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview."} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Ford is moving all of their small-car production to Mexico.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a rally in Delaware, Ohio"} -{"text":"Nathan Deal says Right now in Georgia, nearly one in three leaving our prisons are re-convicted within three years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Americans Prosperity says Kay Hagan supports waivers for friends of Obama and special treatment for Congress and their staffs.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a YouTube ad"} -{"text":"Karen Huber says shes never said dont build Texas 45 Southwest.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an Austin American-Statesman news stor"} -{"text":"Lloyd Doggett says The Department of Homeland Security is the only federal department not funded for this entire fiscal year by Congress.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"oped commentary"} -{"text":"Thomas Perez says If you are a member of union, your median weekly income is roughly $200 more than if you are a nonunion member, and that doesnt include benefits.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview."} -{"text":"Eric Cantor says \"For every dollar (in the stimulus package) that is spent to help small businesses, $4 is being spent to help upkeep the grass on the lawns of Washington.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on the Fox News Channel."} -{"text":"Grover Fugate says If sea levels rise six feet due to climate change, Waterplace Park in Providence and Wickford village would be swamped","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Chinese tire imports threatened 1,000 American jobs, so President Obama stood up to China and protected American workers. Mitt Romney attacked Obamas decision.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Dan Patrick says the state of Texas rates as unacceptable almost 500 of the states 8,000 public schools.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Texas Tribune interview."} -{"text":"John Nygren says The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation is a proven job creator.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press conference"} -{"text":"Julian Castro says Dan Patrick proposed Arizona-style show-me-your-papers legislation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Univision debate on immigration"} -{"text":"Bill White says Our (Texas) graduation rate ranks 43rd out of 50 states.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a TV ad"} -{"text":"John Kasich says that his transportation budget and Ohio Turnpike plan would make sure we have lower tolls than weve had through the history of the turnpike.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview televised March 22 on \u201cState of Ohio\u201d"} -{"text":"Lynn Westmoreland says The war spending bill actually spends more money on the International Monetary Fund than on the war.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release on the House GOP's blog."} -{"text":"Pat Mccrory says North Carolina has one of the fastest growing populations as well as the fastest growing economy in the country.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an official announcement"} -{"text":"Stephanie Cutter says Paul Ryans budget relies on the same $700 billion in savings from Medicare that Mitt Romney and other Republicans have been attacking Democrats about.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Face the Nation\""} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Hillary Clintons State Department blocked investigation into Orlando killers mosque.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an article"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says The Madison-Milwaukee (high-speed) train line is dead.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a statement issued by a transition team leader"} -{"text":"Rachel Maddow says In February, John McCain suggested the Bergdahl-Taliban swap that he now calls outrageous and dangerous.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a broadcast of the \"Rachel Maddow Show\""} -{"text":"John Kitzhaber says that in 2011, Oregon had the second fastest growing economy in the nation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech."} -{"text":"Sierra Club says Robert Hurt supported a bill that helped the uranium industry after taking contributions from the industry and because his father had a stake in it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Crossroads Gps says Sherrod Brown supported President Obamas $453 billion tax increase.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Newt Gingrich says I never favored cap and trade.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Republican presidential candidate forum"} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says The runnerup to Caitlyn Jenner for ESPNs Arthur Ashe Courage Award was Army veteran Noah Galloway, who lost an arm and leg to a roadside bomb in Iraq.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in posts on Facebook"} -{"text":"New Jersey Sierra Club says Every year the state loses 8,000-10,000 acres of land in bear country.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Centers Disease Control says Caution: Kissing and cuddling chickens can be hazardous to your health.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"radio interview"} -{"text":"Bill Nelson says Connie Mack is protecting Chevron oil from a multi-billion dollar lawsuit over pollution of rivers and rainforests.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV attack ad"} -{"text":"Steve Rothman says Theyre paying a less rate of tax -- these richest people in America -- than they have in the last 80 years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign video posted on YouTube"} -{"text":"Robin Wright says The coalition of Arab states against Libyas Moammar Gadhafi is the biggest coalition against a fellow Arab leader since the Persian Gulf War in 1990-1991.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on ABC's \"This Week with Christiane Amanpour\""} -{"text":"Rick Scott says The CBO says if we raise the minimum wage the way Charlie (Crist) wants to do it, it would lose 500,000 jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a gubernatorial debate"} -{"text":"Julie Pace says The Obama administration is using as its legal justification for these airstrikes (on the Islamic State), an authorization for military force that the president himself has called for repeal of.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a question to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest"} -{"text":"Charlie Crist says Florida is enjoying its lowest crime rate in 39 years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign website"} -{"text":"Ron Bergeron says There has never been a panther attack in the history of Florida.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission meeting"} -{"text":"Eve Schatelowitz Alcantar says In this judicial race, special interest groups have demanded money from me, in exchange for endorsement and support.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a response to League of Women Voters of Texas."} -{"text":"Ron Kind says Before Medicare, only 51 percent of Americans 65 and older had health care coverage and nearly 30 percent lived below the poverty line. Today, thanks to Medicare ... nearly all seniors have coverage and 75 percent fewer struggle in poverty.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Bill Oreilly says the federal government hosted a conference and ordered 250 muffins at 16 bucks a piece.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"The Daily Show\""} -{"text":"Jon Huntsman says the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction proposal went from President Barack Obamas desk to the garbage can.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an NBC-Facebook debate in Concord, N.H."} -{"text":"Rudy Giuliani says \"Fifty-six percent decline in overall crime. A 73 percent decline in motor-vehicle theft. A 67 percent decline in robbery. A 66 percent decline in murder. This is way beyond what happened in the nation during this period of time.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"New York, N.Y."} -{"text":"Sheila Oliver says In 1958, there were 16 states in this country that prohibited -- prohibited -- an African-American and a Caucasian from being married.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Carly Fiorina says Donald Trump has changed his mind on abortion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the first Republican presidential debate"} -{"text":"Lc Buster Evans says It has been many years, if ever, since an inmate has completed his or her high school diploma while incarcerated in a state correctional facility for adults.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a press release"} -{"text":"Ted Ankrum says U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul is the sixth-richest person in Congress.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Democratic National Committee says McCain is \"raising campaign cash with one of (Jack) Abramoff's closest business partners: scandal-plagued conservative activist Ralph Reed.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Sherrod Brown says More than 10 years of free trade has brought a $2 billion per day trade deficit.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Scott Bruun says Kurt Schrader voted to cut $500 billion from Medicare, threatening thousands of Oregon seniors and their access to their current coverage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"John Kasich says Believe it or not, consumer spending is up over the last eight months.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an appearance on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Greg Abbott says Under Common Core standards, it takes more than a minute to teach a student how to add nine plus six.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"interview on Fox News Sunday"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Rick Scott says he supported in-state tuition for Dreamers while Charlie Crist was against it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a CNN debate"} -{"text":"John Lewis says Black children constitute 18 percent of the nations public school population but 40 percent of the children who are suspended or expelled.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says I opposed TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and have always opposed TPP.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the Republican debate in Miami"} -{"text":"National Republican Senatorial Committee says President Obama and liberal former DNC Chairman Tim Kaines $787 billion stimulus failed to create jobs.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press release."} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says that during his eight years as Florida governor, we created 1.3 million net new jobs -- more jobs created than Texas.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at Gov. Rick Scott's economic summit in Orlando"} -{"text":"Charlie Crist says Marco Rubio's \"income skyrocketed while his power increased.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV advertisement"} -{"text":"Salmon All says This ban will only apply to Oregon commercial fishermen. Washington commercial fishermen would still be allowed to use gillnets on the Columbia River.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a guest column"} -{"text":"Greater Wisconsin Political Fund says Republican recall challenger Jonathan Steitz failed to pay his taxes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"campaign mailer"} -{"text":"Ending Spending Action Fund says In six years, (U.S. Rep. Gary) Peters introduced zero bills that became law.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Donald Carcieri says Measures taken by my administration have saved taxpayers $1 billion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a commentary in The Providence Journal"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says his proposed payroll tax cut will mean an extra $1,500 in your pocket compared to if we do nothing.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech. "} -{"text":"Robby Mook says In last weeks debate, Bernie questioned Hillarys commitment to fighting climate change because a whopping 0.2 percent of the money given to our campaign has come from employees of oil and gas companies. Not even 2 percent, mind you: 0.2 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Medium post"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says A few months ago when you were asked whats the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a presidential debate"} -{"text":"Bernie S says his views on reparations for slavery are the same as Barack Obamas and Hillary Clintons.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on \"Meet the Press.\""} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says the National Labor Relations Board told Boeing that it cant build a factory in a non-union state.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Republican presidential primary debate"} -{"text":"Michelle Nunn says by rejecting an expansion of Medicaid under the new law, Georgia was depriving 25,000 veterans of health care coverage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Viral Image says the case of a Texas judge who refused to perform heterosexual weddings exposes a double standard in the case against Kentucky clerk Kim Davis.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Facebook post"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Obamacare will drive 2.5 million Americans out of the workforce.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad from Let's Get to Work"} -{"text":"Anonymous Cyber Squatter says After laying off 30,000 people,Carly Fiorina said that in retrospect, I would have done them all faster.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a website"} -{"text":"Dawson Hodgson says Peter Kilmartin voted for the 38 Studios loan guarantee and his State House job was to twist [legislators] arms to vote for deals like this.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio commercial"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says On Donald Trumps track record in business","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview with NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Kenneth Block says Eleven states complete their [legislative] sessions within three calendar months, and another five only meet biennially.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a newspaper commentary"} -{"text":"John Oliver says With the exception of baby formula, the federal government does not require any food to carry an expiration date, and state laws vary widely.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a segment on \"Last Week Tonight\""} -{"text":"Rick Scott says On my first day in office, I ordered a review of every regulation in the pipeline and every contract exceeding $1 million.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his State of the State speech."} -{"text":"Dawson Hodgson says The amount of money that we put into running our own state legislature is nearly as much as we put into the University of Rhode Island.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a radio interview"} -{"text":"Julie Lassa says Sean Duffy was a no-show as Ashland County District Attorney while he was on the campaign trail","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign TV ad"} -{"text":"City Beaverton says Beaverton enjoys the most diverse population (by percentage of population) among Oregon cities.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Evidence shows Zika virus turns fetus brains to liquid.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a informal news website"} -{"text":"Viral Image says after leaving the White House, Hillary Clinton was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House china, furniture and artwork that she had stolen.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a post shared on Facebook"} -{"text":"Georgia Politicians says Georgia is the Saudi Arabia of pine trees.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":" political campaign"} -{"text":"David Perdue says U.S. Senate candidate Jack Kingston voted for the Cash for Clunkers program.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"television ad"} -{"text":"Eric Cantor says Put simply, less government spending equals more private sector jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release."} -{"text":"Angel Taveras says I turned a $110 million deficit into a $1.6 million surplus for our city.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a fundraising letter"} -{"text":"Rick Santorum says Seventy percent of Americans dont have a college degree.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Face the Nation.\""} -{"text":"Anthony Weiner says Under the plan, for the first five years your employer not only has to keep the coverage, but you can't migrate to the public plan.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Fox and Friends\""} -{"text":"Bill Johnson says the oil industry subsidies that President Barack Obama is attacking dont exist","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Tom Graves says President Barack Obamas veto of the Keystone XL pipeline killed 42,000 jobs.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"John McCain decided to stand with George Bush 95 percent of the time (last year).\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"St. Paul, Minn."} -{"text":"Steve Rothman says Bill Pascrell voted to eliminate all estate taxes for billionaires, and I voted no.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video posted on YouTube"} -{"text":"Paul Manafort says In Hillary Clintons tax returns, you saw a lot of income coming from donors to the Clinton Foundation and people who benefitted from her State Department term as well.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"State of the Union\""} -{"text":"Barry Bone says that when the Rolling Stones performed in an Austin park, they paid $25,000 to the nearby city of Rollingwood for one night of inconvenience.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion column in the Westlake Picayune."} -{"text":"Voters First Ohio says the NAACPs Ohio chapter has endorsed Issue 2.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news story"} -{"text":"Jeb Bush says Florida led the nation in job creation while Bush was governor.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign video"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says Marco Rubio knows full well I voted for his amendment to increase military spending to $697 billion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Republican presidential debate in North Charleston, S.C."} -{"text":"Catherine Cortez Masto says Joe Heck voted to shut down the government.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Nevada U.S. Senate debate."} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says Oil production is down 14 percent this year on federal land.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the second presidential debate"} -{"text":"Pam Bondi says Of the 98 top oxycodone-dispensing doctors who used to live in Florida, today, there are none.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Alicia Menendez says A white family is likely to have about six times as much wealth than a black or Hispanic family coming out of the recession.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Joe Biden says John McCain has changed position on invading Iraq.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"John Kasich says State employees are actually going to get a pay raise.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Paul Saldana says A Texas law requires every high school to have a voter registrar and part of their responsibility is to make sure that when children become 18 and become eligible to vote, that they vote.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a civic summit hosted by Austin's KLRU-TV"} -{"text":"Josh Mandel says Federal spending on entitlements is projected to consume all revenue by 2045.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a letter to Ohio lawmakers"} -{"text":"Ted Strickland says Congressman Kasich wants to use our tax dollars to give secret bonuses to his corporate friends.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign video"} -{"text":"Johnny Isakson says The Democrat majority in the Senate has failed to submit [a] budget in the past 1,000 days.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Michele Bachmann says Rick Perry increased spending in Texas by more than 50 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the Blooomberg\/Washington Post Republican presidential debate."} -{"text":"Rush Holt says as a share of the US economy, the governments support for research and development (RD) has fallen by nearly two-thirds since the 1960s.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion article"} -{"text":"Boyd Richie says Texas Republican leaders have proposed laying off thousands of teachers.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release."} -{"text":"Charles Boustany says The Democratic health care bill in the House would create 53 new government bureaucracies.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"response to President Obama's health care address to Congress"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says that Donald Trump supported Charlie Crist.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments at a GOP debate in Cleveland"} -{"text":"David Perdue says Dollar General added 2,500 stores and 20,000 jobs during his four-year tenure as CEO.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video"} -{"text":"Chris Abele says Property tax exemptions can be granted to small businesses that move into Milwaukee County.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign news release"} -{"text":"Rachel Maddow says Gov. Sarah Palin got precisely zero support for her call for Alaskas Democratic Senator Mark Begich to resign because Ted Stevens corruption conviction was overturned.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an episode of her MSNBC show"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says overwhelming majorities of Americans support gun legislation like background checks.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the State of the Union Address"} -{"text":"Ted Poe says Under the DREAM Act, after two years of higher education or military service you are eligible for citizenship. Once a citizen, this paves the way to bring the rest of (your) extended family to the United States.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion piece"} -{"text":"Phil Gingrey says Since President Barack Obama took office, 2 million more Americans are out of work.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press statement"} -{"text":"Tom Leppert says opponent David Dewhurst is a career politician.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign statement."} -{"text":"Terry Mcauliffe says Virginia economic development officials decided they didnt want to bid on his companys electric automobile plant.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news conference."} -{"text":"Russ Girling says The State Department says the 42,000 jobs created by the Keystone XL pipeline are ongoing, enduring jobs.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Mike Mccabe says Wisconsins new state budget includes a 15 percent increase for road construction and yet weve got local towns tearing up paved roads and replacing them with gravel.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says The Obama administration is refusing to directly arm the Kurds.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on CNN's \"State of the Union\""} -{"text":"Americans Tax Reform says The Obama administrations green stimulus program funneled close to $2 billion dollars to overseas firms, creating thousands of jobs in China.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a mailer to voters"} -{"text":"Oxfam America says The worlds 62 richest people own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion poorest.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Charles Ramsey says There are approximately 18,000 (police) departments in the United States.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Rick Santorum says The cost-of-living increase in Social Security is tied to wage inflation.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Meet the Press\""} -{"text":"Scott Walker says Nearly a quarter of all adults in this state have some college credit without a degree.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says Of the more than 1.3 million temporary mortgage modifications, over half have defaulted.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Tim Kaine says Republicans tried to block the deficit commission.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a segment of CBS' ''Face The Nation.''"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says The state is able to sharply curtail contract bargaining rights for state employee unions.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a luncheon speech at the Milwaukee Press Club"} -{"text":"Jeff Stone says On his support for sharply limiting collective bargaining by public employees.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"various votes and public statements"} -{"text":"Nathan Deal says Georgia is one of only about seven states in the country that has a AAA bond rating.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech before the Atlanta Press Club"} -{"text":"Bill White says Rick Perry attempted to fast-track unnecessary coal-fired power plants, which degrade air quality and would cost billions. Fortunately, a court stopped him.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an e-mail"} -{"text":"Joee Lindbeck says Two years ago Providence alone spent $50,000 a year notifying the school department about residents in the states sex offender registry.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a House Finance Committee hearing"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says In many instances, (peoples) health care costs are more than their mortgage costs or their rent, which, by the way, is a first in American history.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says Since the passage of Obamas stimulus package, over 1 million additional jobs were lost and nearly 25 million Americans are out of work, are stuck in part-time work, or have given up looking.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign mailer"} -{"text":"Sherrod Brown says Three in four low-income workers dont have any paid sick days available.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":" a news release"} -{"text":"New Jersey Democratic State Committee says Vince Polistina is collecting nearly $70,000 in taxpayer-funded salaries -- plus a government pension.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a political mailer"} -{"text":"John Boehner says The Department of Health and Human Services is providing $160 million to the state of Pennsylvania to set up a new high-risk insurance pool program that would cover any abortion legal in the state.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"John Oxendine says \"We have SAT scores lower than that of Alabama.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a video on his Web site. "} -{"text":"John Depetro says Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev is buried not far from President Kennedys grave.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a comment on WPRO radio."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Gov. Romneys plan would cut taxes for the folks at the very top.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an advertisement"} -{"text":"Greater Wisconsin Political Fund says David Prosser = Scott Walker.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Steve Kagen says Politician Reid Ribble wants to phase out Social Security, forcing Wisconsin seniors to fend for themselves.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign TV ad"} -{"text":"John Faulk says Houstons 18th congressional district has been gentrified and is home to more Anglos than African Americans.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Karl Rove says The Hyde Amendmentlanguage was in the (human trafficking) bill. The Democratic sponsor admits it was in the bill, and she voted for it.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on \"Fox News Sunday\""} -{"text":"Catherine Cortez Masto says Joe Heck voted 10 times to defund Planned Parenthood ... and Heck opposes a womans right to choose, even when her health is at risk.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Stimulus tax cuts \"began showing up in paychecks of 4.8 million Indiana households about three months ago.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech in Wakarusa, Ind."} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton called the Trans-Pacific Partnership the gold standard. You called it the gold standard of trade deals. You said its the finest deal youve ever seen.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Presidential debate"} -{"text":"Generation Forward Pac says Bernie Sanders voted against the Brady Bill -- background checks and waiting periods.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an attack ad."} -{"text":"Lenny Curry says Charlie Crist and Missouri Rep. Todd Akin hold same abortion views. No exception except the life of the mother.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Barack Obama has doubled our national debt. Doubled it. Its going to be close to $20 trillion when he leaves.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a rally."} -{"text":"Future Pac Oregon House Democrats says Say Matt Wand cut Troutdale police, created a slush fund for himself.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign mailer"} -{"text":"Chris Abele says Were second only to Boston in college students per capita.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Morgan Griffith says Not even expensive bottled water, like Perrier and Evian, are of good enough quality to pump out of mines in Southwest Virginia, according to the EPA regulation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an e-mail newsletter and House floor speech."} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Obama Declares November National Muslim Appreciation Month.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"blog posts"} -{"text":"National Republican Senatorial Committee says Catherine Cortez Masto was happy to line her own pockets with taxpayer dollars when state employees were slammed with frozen salaries.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a blog post "} -{"text":"Eric Cantor says Under Obamacare, The IRS will have access to the American peoples protected health care information.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a floor speech."} -{"text":"Steve Adler says Mike Martinez has voted to raise taxes and utility rates while ending free bus service for seniors.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Kathleen Clyde says Ohio has one of the highest provisional ballot rates in the country, and many of them go uncounted each election.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Jack Conway says Rand Paul wants to end all federal faith-based initiatives, and even end the deduction for religious charities.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign commercial"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Homicides last year increased by 17 percent in Americas 50 largest cities. Thats the largest increase in 25 years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his acceptance speech at the Republican Natiional Convention in Cleveland"} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says The Canadians they (dropped) their tax rates to 15 percent. The average tax rate on businesses in the industrialized world is 25 percent.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the vice presidential debate in Danville, Ky."} -{"text":"Sally Kohn says White men account for 69 percent of those arrested for violent crimes.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an opinion piece on CNN.com"} -{"text":"Rachel Maddow says We know that tax cuts are remarkably un-stimulative when you compare them with different kinds of government spending.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the \"Rachel Maddow Show\""} -{"text":"Mitch Mcconnell says The climate-change agreement between the United States and China requires the Chinese to do nothing at all for 16 years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a media availability"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says in fiscal year 2011, the state had a projected $11 billion deficit.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a State of the State address"} -{"text":"Maciver Institute says Wisconsin election officials to accept Mickey Mouse, Hitler signatures on recall petitions.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"I wrote to Secretary Paulson, I wrote to Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke [in March 2007], and told them this is something we have to deal with, and nobody did anything about it.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate in Nashville, Tenn."} -{"text":"Donald Trump says The Great Wall of China, built 2,000 years ago, is 13,000 miles (long).","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"remarks after the Super Tuesday balloting"} -{"text":"Rachel Maddow says When the Dallas\/Fort Worth Airport needed to stop its earthquake spike a few years ago, they temporarily shut down the wells that were injecting fracking fluid into the ground ... (and) those earthquakes stopped.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a broadcast of MSNBC's \"The Rachel Maddow Show\""} -{"text":"David Prosser says Supreme Court candidate JoAnne Kloppenburgs record as a state Justice Department lawyer consists only of the prosecution of cases regarding regulation of docks.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"statement during a candidate forum"} -{"text":"Rob Woodall says One half of federal spending goes to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid while the other half goes to other programs funded with money borrowed from a foreign land.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a town hall meeting"} -{"text":"Tom Price says \"Medicare began as a public option and now holds 97 percent of the market share.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a fundraising letter"} -{"text":"Alison Lundergan Grimes says Sen. Mitch McConnell is the No. 1 recipient of contributions from lobbyists this cycle.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign email to supporters"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"98 percent of small businesses make less than $250,000\" and would not see a tax increase under Barack Obama's plan.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Hempstead, N.Y."} -{"text":"Rudy Giuliani says ''The leading Democratic candidate once said that the unfettered free market is the most destructive force in modern America.''","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Dearborn, Mich."} -{"text":"Kay Bailey Hutchison says the American public overwhelmingly opposed Democratic-steered health care plan.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio address"} -{"text":"David Dewhurst says Dan Patrick supported giving a $5,000 taxpayer-funded voucher to every family to buy a car.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Linda Finn says Right now, if Rhode Island police come across a young person with a gun, they really dont legally have the right to take it away from them.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"Don Beyer says We have trade agreements with 20 countries, and we have trade surpluses with each one of those 20.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview."} -{"text":"Sheldon Whitehouse says This March, for the first time in human history, the monthly average carbon dioxide in our atmosphere exceeded 400 parts per million. The range had been 170-300 parts per million for hundreds of thousands of years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"U.S. Senate"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says Jon Corzine, elected governor. Teams up with Barbara Buono. $1.2 billion sales tax increase? Passed. Most spending in state history? Passed. After Buono named budget chair, taxes and fees increase 23 times in just two years. State debt? Up $13.4 billion. Unemployment? Doubled.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"A gubernatorial campaign television ad"} -{"text":"Jonathan Turley says The Obama administration supported Muslim allies trying to establish a new international blasphemy standard.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a \"Washington Post\" op-ed"} -{"text":"Bill Richardson says \"Congress' approval rating is 11 percent. You know who's higher? Dick Cheney and HMOs.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Las Vegas"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"Oil companies ...currently have 68-million acres that they're not using.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a debate in Nashville, Tenn."} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Donald Trumps proposed tax treatment of hedge fund managers makes the current loophole even worse.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Joe Manchin says John Raeses wife is registered to vote in Florida so she cant even vote for him.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Michele Bachmann says Scientists tell us that we could have a cure in 10 years for Alzheimers were it not for overzealous regulators, excessive taxation and greedy litigators.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech at CPAC"} -{"text":"Priorities Usa Action says Mitt Romney made over a hundred million dollars by shutting down (a Marion, Ind. paper) plant.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a TV ad"} -{"text":"Mark Pocan says More people are struck by lightning than commit in-person voter fraud by impersonation.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a blog post"} -{"text":"Mike Pence says Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine want to expand (Obamacare) into a single-payer program.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the 2016 Vice Presidential debate"} -{"text":"Greg Abbott says the last non-partisan commission to improve the voting experience in America concluded that #VoterID was necessary.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Twitter post."} -{"text":"Oregon Department Agriculture says Oregon school districts are directing 24 percent of their food budgets to purchase local foods. Thats the highest percentage in the country.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says Germany is crime-riddled right now because of migration to Europe.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with NBC News"} -{"text":"Frank Wolf says theCongressional Budget Officehas estimatedevery penny of the federal budget will go to interest on the debt and entitlement spending by 2025.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a floor speech."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Mitt Romney said it was tragic to end the war in Iraq.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C."} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says During Obamas first five years as president, black unemployment increased 42 percent. During Reagans presidency, black unemployment dropped 20 percent.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a meme on social media"} -{"text":"Jason Haas says Milwaukee lost the headquarters for MillerCoors because the area lacks good transit.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a newspaper interview"} -{"text":"Americans Prosperity says President Obama said of the national debt, If I dont have this done in three years, then theres going to be a one-term proposition.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an Americans for Prosperity attack ad"} -{"text":"Sean Duffy says Black Lives Matter, who are attacking law enforcement officers -- Barack Obama had them to the White House.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Edward Flynn says In 2012, there were nearly 12.2 million arrests and only 410 uses of deadly force by police in the United States.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Phil Burress says Every major religion is opposed to same-sex marriage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"news story"} -{"text":"Jonathan Stickland says Texas has more than 80,000 abortions each year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says Thomas Jefferson said that government is best which governs least.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says The $18.8 billion in funding for K-12 education funding is the highest in Florida history and includes a record $10.6 billion in state funds.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release about his education budget proposal"} -{"text":"Bill Nelson says In the 2000 Florida election, at least 1,100 eligible voters were wrongly dropped from voting rolls in an attempt to purge a list of felons. Many of those who were dropped showed up to vote and were told they could not.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"letter to Gov. Rick Scott"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"My grandfather came home from ... (World War II) exhausted from the burdens he had borne, and died the next day.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"St. Paul, Minn."} -{"text":"Bernie S says The largest U.S. companies would owe $620 billion in U.S. taxes on the cash they store in tax havens.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Occupy Democrats says If Trump had just put his fathers money in a mutual fund ... hed have $8 billion.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Facebook post"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Fewer black and Latino men participate in the labor force, compared to young white men.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an event at the White House"} -{"text":"Lois Frankel says Adam Hasner gives the wealthy tax breaks worth $250,000 a year but hikes middle class taxes $2,000.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television ad"} -{"text":"Georgia House Democratic Caucus Behalf Elena Paren says State House incumbent Jill Chambers, R-Atlanta, personally profits from taxpayer money.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign mailer"} -{"text":"David Plouffe says The group that supported the presidents health care bill the most? Latinos.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Barbara Boxer says Women take birth control, more than half of them, as a medication for other conditions.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on MSNBC's \"Jansing & Co.\""} -{"text":"Mark Belling says the Feingold garage ad is a fake: Hes not standing in front of his house.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a website posting and statement during his radio show"} -{"text":"Wesley Clark says McCain \"hasn't held executive responsibility.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on CBS' \"Face the Nation\""} -{"text":"Campaign Money Watch says \"McCain got more money from Airbus' U.S. executives than any other politician.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Glenn Beck says Forty-five percent of doctors say theyll quit if health care reform passes.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a statement on his Fox News Channel program"} -{"text":"Mark Harris says Glenn Grothman pushed through state tax credits that when phased in, someone that owns a factory that produces millions in income will pay less tax than their nephew would if he worked full time at Taco Bell for minimum wage.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Karen Sage says that under a new program jail \"time for non-violent, mentally ill offenders has been reduced by 50 percent.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a mailer"} -{"text":"Campaign Money Watch says \"John McCain intervened, which helped Airbus get that Pentagon contract.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"I have never said that I don't wear flag pins or refuse to wear flag pins.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"Philadelphia"} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Say71 percent of doctors say Hillarys health concerns are serious and could be disqualifying.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"internet postings"} -{"text":"Your Choice Colorado says Expanding the sale of full-strength beer and wine to grocery stores isgood for everybody.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Hugh Hewitt says history suggests sports will quickly subsume a lot of the attention span of the country in the presidential primary.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a panel discussion on CNN's \"State of the Union\""} -{"text":"Matt Wuerker says The U.S. has now spent more on reconstructing Afghanistan than was spent on the Marshall Plan and the reconstruction of Europe.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a political cartoon on Politico"} -{"text":"Jim Renacci says The federal debt is more than $14 trillion, almost equal to the size of our entire economy, and every child born today inherits a $45,000 share of the national debt before they take their first breath.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video posted to YouTube"} -{"text":"Michelle Obama says I wake up every morning in a house (the White House) that was built by slaves.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia"} -{"text":"Wisconsin Working Families Party says Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele spent $100,000 of taxpayer money on a new luxury SUV.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a direct mail flier"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says The media never show crowds.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a rally in Pensacola, Fla."} -{"text":"Brian Moran says The governor has made a commitment to billions of dollars in debt and new spending without any explanation of how he plans to pay that money back.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news release."} -{"text":"Jim Doyle says he had to impose tougher cost controls on state employees than any previous Wisconsin governor.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a television interview"} -{"text":"Tom Price says the Congressional Budget Office is expecting a protracted economic malaise for at least the next decade under current policies.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a post on Medium"} -{"text":"Mike Pence says It was Hillary Clinton who left Americans in harms way in Benghazi and after four Americans fell said, What difference at this point does it make?","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the Republican national convention"} -{"text":"Americans United Change says \"Congresswoman Bachmann actually said we should be 'weaned' off our Social Security and Medicare. She wants to privatize Social Security and replace Medicare with some kind of voucher system.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio ad"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says children are coming into the U.S. in staggering numbers because President Barack Obama has been promising amnesty.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a press conference at Lackland Air Force Base"} -{"text":"Jan Schakowsky says The United States has never been richer, if you look at per capita GDP.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on MSNBC"} -{"text":"Tim Pawlenty says Michele Bachmanns legislative record is offering failed amendments.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement from the campaign"} -{"text":"James Quintero says that when San Francisco banned plastic grocery bags, you saw the number of instances of people going to the ER with things like salmonella and other related illnesses spike.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a panel discussion at SXSW Eco"} -{"text":"Facebook Posts says Scott Walker had a 2.3 GPA when he was asked to leave Marquette University for cheating.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a meme"} -{"text":"Ted Cruz says a company that got tax breaks from the state later laid off 100 Ohioans, even as its CEO cut a half-million-dollar check to Kasichs super PAC.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"ad paid for by campaign for Ted Cruz"} -{"text":"John Kasich says Ohio Director of Job Creation Mark Kvamme just clawed back about $900,000 from companies that made promises and they didnt keep them.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his State of the State speech"} -{"text":"Service Employees International Union Committee Po says There is no clinical evidence that vaccinating healthcare workers protects patients.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a lawsuit"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says On in-state tuition for unauthorized immigrants.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with the Texas Tribune"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says I made a bunch of these promises during the campaign. ... Weve got about 60 percent done in three years.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech at a fundraiser"} -{"text":"Newt Gingrich says On the day of the New Hampshire primary in 1980, the top 13 people of Ronald Reagans staff quit.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech before the Atlanta Press Club"} -{"text":"Rush Limbaugh says Some of the wealthiest Americans are African-American now.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"comments on his radio show"} -{"text":"William Obrien says Theres 400 more people working in health care today in New Hampshire than when we passed the budget.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview with the Telegraph editorial board"} -{"text":"Sean Duffy says President Barack Obamas health care reform slashed $500 billion from Medicare.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Paul Hipp says The U.S. ranks 37th in the world for health care.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a YouTube video"} -{"text":"Don Lemon says A high school dropout makes on average $19,000 a year, a high school graduate makes $28,000 a year, a college graduate makes $51,000 a year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a commentary on CNN"} -{"text":"Bill White says Theres almost 1 million Texans who are unemployed and thats an all-time record number in our state.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Todd Young says Nearly 70 percent of all federal spending will go towards Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in fiscal year 2014.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a letter to a constituent"} -{"text":"Joyce Beatty says In Ohio, each year an estimated 1,000 children become victims of human trafficking, and over 3,000 more are at risk.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a press conference"} -{"text":"Cw Bill Young says Claims that Obama said, \"For those who oppose our policies, you should just shut up and go away.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":" a meeting of Florida Republicans"} -{"text":"Shawn Lindsay says , Yet in Salem they have traditionally waited until the money is almost gone to pay for the most important things in our states budget.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign press release"} -{"text":"Alberta Darling says 18 percent of our land in our state right now is either federally, state or county owned for conservation purposes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a legislative meeting"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"The race will tighten, just because that's what happens at the end of campaigns. They always have.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"Suzanne Somers says Even after Obamacare is fully implemented, there still will be tens of millions of people not covered.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a column in the \"Wall Street Journal\""} -{"text":"Roy Blunt says The [Obama] administrations regulatory assault on coal-fired energy has put thousands of Americans out of work","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Dan Patrick says We have 80,000 abortions in Texas every year.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"remarks on the Senate floor"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says Tri-Rail shows the potential problems with investing in high-speed rail.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with CNN."} -{"text":"Eric Hovde says U.S. Senate rival Tommy Thompson is a big corporate lobbyist and has been lobbying during the middle of the campaign.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a radio appearance"} -{"text":"Ron Paul says \"Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement on his campaign Web site."} -{"text":"John Carlevale says Four members of the Rhode Island General Assembly went to vote in 2010 and were told they had already voted.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV debate"} -{"text":"John Boehner says The Democrat-backed health care reform plan \"will require (Americans) to subsidize abortion with their hard-earned tax dollars.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an op-ed for National Review"} -{"text":"Ken Cuccinelli says Mark Warner cast the tiebreaking vote to pass Obamacare.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview."} -{"text":"Joe Biden says In Iraq, violence is down to an all-time low since the start of the war.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on NBC's \"Today Show\""} -{"text":"John Mccain says North Koreas missiles are not going to have a capability to reach the United States anytime real soon.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"remarks made on the Fox News segment, Outnumbered"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says Im running for office with much more experience and qualifications than Barack Obama had when he ran.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a meeting with the Des Moines Register editorial board"} -{"text":"Ann Lininger says Measure 3-386 will cost a fortune for elections while Measure 3-388 will cost less.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in campaign literature "} -{"text":"George Lemieux says In 2008, Charlie Crist applauded the pick of Sarah Palin and said she would do a great job.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Tampa Bay Times guest column"} -{"text":"Bill Posey says The president promised to close the space gap, but he now seems intent on repeating the events that created the space gap in the first place -- putting in place a new rocket design and then trying to underfund the effort...","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release responding to Obama's budget proposal."} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Republicans dont think its a good idea to make the child care tax credit stronger.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a response to a question during an appearance in Columbus, Ohio."} -{"text":"Don Beyer says More than half of women under 30 who give birth do so outside of marriage...","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a website post"} -{"text":"Marilinda Garcia says I cut spending while serving in the state Legislature","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Marco Rubio says If we ban the practice of earmarks, we could save the American taxpayer anywhere between $15 (billion) to $20 billion dollars a year in pork-barrel spending.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign video"} -{"text":"Patricia Morgan says Our welfare system now consumes 42 percent of our budget.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign flier"} -{"text":"John Kasich says Agriculture is the strongest industry in Ohio.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to the Ohio Farm Bureau"} -{"text":"Allen West says This is the first time in the history that weve had the raising of a debt limit also with spending cuts.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on CNN"} -{"text":"Sarah Palin says Sarah Palin was repeating \"Abraham Lincoln's words\" in discussing the war in Iraq.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Fairbanks, Alaska"} -{"text":"Maggie Hassan says Kelly Ayotte voted for a budget that had $90 billion of cuts to Pell Grants.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"American Bridge 21st Century says U.S. Rep. Connie Mack IV passed only one bill in seven years.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a graphic circulating on the Internet"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Barack Obama said in 2004 \"that he basically agreed with the way George Bush was conducting the war.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Cleveland, Ohio"} -{"text":"Rick Perry says President Barack Obama is a socialist.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Republican debate in New Hampshire."} -{"text":"Jim Steineke says Wisconsin was literally broke when Republicans took office in January 2011.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Sherrod Brown says About two-thirds of Medicaid beneficiaries are children, but they account for one-third of the programs cost, while one-third are elderly, and they account for two-thirds of the cost.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on MSNBC"} -{"text":"Mark Pryor says Tom Cottons vote in Congress to change Medicare will increase out-of-pocket expenses for every senior in Arkansas.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Todd Staples says the Obama administration approved a major disaster declaration for Oklahoma in 2009, when nine of the states 77 counties burned for about three days, while Texas wildfires have been burning for longer without such a declaration.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Texas Tribune interview"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says Our campaign depends on small donations for the majority of our support.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a victory speech after the March 15 primaries"} -{"text":"Tom Grady says Crist campaign website \"has eliminated all references to our Republican Party.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an e-mail to Crist."} -{"text":"Sarah Palin says On a cap-and-trade plan.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Washington Post op-ed"} -{"text":"Gerry Connolly says There hasnt really been a lot of net growth in the federal workforce when you compare it to say, 1990.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview."} -{"text":"Marish Agana says The American Conservative Union gives [Rep. Tim] Ryan a dismal 0.0 percent rating for the billions he has contributed to our national debt.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release announcing her candidacy"} -{"text":"Jeb Hensarling says The departments of Commerce, Education and Energy and the EPA saw their spending increase by between 130 percent and 219 percent between 2008 and 2010.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a hearing of the congressional \"Supercommittee\""} -{"text":"Charlie Crist says he hasnt changed his view on abortion restrictions.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV interview"} -{"text":"Joaquin Castro says the director of an anti-abortion group receiving a Texas grant to provide womens health services believes HIV can be spread through the sewer system.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet about Carol Everett of the Heidi Group"} -{"text":"Martin Omalley says Rick Perry of Texas was the governor who relied most on stimulus funds to close his states budget deficit in 2010.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Bruce Rauner says Democrats are cutting our school funding. Four times in the last 10 years before we came into office.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech at the Illinois State Fair"} -{"text":"Greg Abbott says President Barack Obama himself has granted waivers allowing into the United States refugees who provided material support to terrorists.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press conference with Sen. Ted Cruz"} -{"text":"Kevin Russell says In almost every other country in the world, artists and musicians are paid when their music is played on the radio. In fact, the only countries besides the U.S. who do not have a radio-performance right are China, Iran and North Korea.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion column"} -{"text":"John Mccain says \"One man sacrificed for his country. One man opposed a flawed strategy in Iraq. One man had the courage to call for change. One man didn't play politics with the truth. One man stands up to the special interests.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad airing in Virginia, the District of Columbia and Maryland"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Paul Ryan supports banning all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a tweet"} -{"text":"Chain Email says More than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a chain email"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says Weve doubled the production of clean energy.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Knoxville, Tenn."} -{"text":"Gary Johnson says Most Americans support the legalization of marijuana.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Medium post"} -{"text":"American Future Fund says Under Barack Obama, the U.S. now has the lowest workforce since (President Jimmy) Carter.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Chris Koster says A rural hospital in Missouri closes every 8 months. The legislatures failure to expand Medicaid has brought crisis to many of Missouris rural health care providers.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an Instagram post"} -{"text":"Blog Posting says Harambe received 15,000 votes in the presidential election.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"articles on the Internet and social media posts"} -{"text":"Family Foundation says The United States is one of only seven nations that allows elective abortions after 20 weeks post-fertilization.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Facebook post."} -{"text":"Senate Majority Pac says Thom Tillis gives tax breaks to yacht and jet owners.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Newt Gingrich says During his time as House speaker, unemployment came down from 5.6 percent to under 4 (percent).","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a campaign video"} -{"text":"Ellen Qualls says Obamacare was the Republican plan in the early 90s.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"comments on Fox News Channel"} -{"text":"Allen West says We had an amendment in the health care law that said the federal government is going to take over education.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a Fox News TV show"} -{"text":"Chris Christie says (Assembly Democrats) wanted to raise the gas tax by $2.4 billion. We said no to that....Theyre down on the ground. Theyre sweating. Theyre twitching. Its ugly, cause I keep saying no.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video posted on YouTube"} -{"text":"Scott Walker says he turned down a Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, but because of actions he took, for the first time in Wisconsins history everyone living in poverty is covered under Medicaid.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Alan Grayson says Patrick Murphy switched his vote on All Aboard Florida ... because his father tried to get in a bid to build it and was unsuccessful.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with CBS4"} -{"text":"Josh Mandel says U.S. Sen Sherrod Brown promised that the first stimulus bill would fund the Brent Spence Bridge.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Bill Foster says Tampa got more (federal housing) money because they scored higher on the blight scoring system, so theyve got a much bigger problem than we do.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a mayoral forum"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says In nine Democratic debates, Weve not had one question about a womans right to make her own decisions about reproductive health care, not one question.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a Democratic debate in Brooklyn"} -{"text":"National Rifle Association says The Manchin-Toomey amendment would have criminalized certain private transfers of firearms between honest citizens, requiring lifelong friends, neighbors and some family members to get government approval.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a statement"} -{"text":"Democratic National Committee says \"McCain Trying to Have it Both Ways on Iraq\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Eric Cantor says The budget submitted by Obama will add more to the debt than the outstanding debt of the previous 43 presidents combined.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a letter to the editor of the Richmond Times-Dispatch"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says \"I've issued a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an address from the Oval Office"} -{"text":"Naral Pro Choice says Toomey and Trump will ban abortion and punish women who have them.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an ad."} -{"text":"Barbara Buono says Tuition at Rutgers has increased 10 percent since Gov. Chris Christie took office because he cut funding for higher education.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to students at the Rutgers New Brunswick campus"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says The reason we even have colleges is that at some point there were politicians who said, You know what? We should start colleges.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview with YouTube celebrity Bethany Mota"} -{"text":"Bob Cole says Capital Metro originally said MetroRails yearly operating costs would be about $2.5 million. Last year ... it cost $13 million to operate.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"morning radio show on KOKE-FM"} -{"text":"Gina Raimondo says Providence has more of its pension fund invested in hedge funds and is less transparent about it than the state.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a fundraising letter."} -{"text":"J Jacobs says President John F. Kennedy released a star Green Bay Packer from military reserve duty so that he could play in the 1961 NFL Championship Game.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview"} -{"text":"Tom Wolf says If the General Assembly does not address the states structural deficit, more than 23,000 education professionals will be immediately yanked out of Pennsylvania schools.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"his budget proposal address"} -{"text":"Farouk Shami says he brought 1,200 jobs to Texas by moving his factories here from China.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Stephen Simpson says U.S. Rep. Paul Broun has not authored any legislation that has been adopted by Congress.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an article"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says On recess appointments.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a prepared statement"} -{"text":"Vernon Jones says \"Four years as a congressman, he [U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson] never talked about MARTA.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a candidate forum"} -{"text":"Kathleen Sebelius says Texas has the highest rate of uninsured in the nation. ... And there are more uninsured children in Texas than in any other state.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion column"} -{"text":"Louie Gohmert says Eighty percent of Wall Street executives and their spouses donations go to Democrats.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech at the New Hampshire Freedom Summit"} -{"text":"Jim Sensenbrenner says Like me, Scott Walker opposed the 1998 transportation bill and the $9 billion of wasteful spending.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a radio ad for the Scott Walker gubernatorial campaign"} -{"text":"Republican Party Florida says Newspapers say Florida made bad investments, lost hundreds of millions of dollars, billions in pension funds lost. Who was in charge of Floridas investments? Alex Sink.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Alan Bates says 80 percent of the health care dollars are spent by 20 percent of the population.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a floor speech."} -{"text":"Allen Boyd says Steve Southerland did not pay his taxes in 05, 06, 07, 08 or 09.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV ad"} -{"text":"Mitt Romney says Eliminating Obamacare ... saves $95 billion a year.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a presidential primary debate in New Hampshire"} -{"text":"Mark Obenshain says There are 4.7 percent of Virginians who are minimum wage earners who are over 25 years of age working full-time and trying to raise a family.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a floor debate."} -{"text":"Phyllis Schlafly says broken compact fluorescent light bulbs allegedly cause migraines and epilepsy attacks.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an e-mail blast."} -{"text":"David Dewhurst says At least a quarter of those apprehended at the border have criminal records.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a news story"} -{"text":"Charlie Crist says Rick Scotts record on jobs includes Florida ranked 2nd in the nation in long-term unemployment.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a post on his campaign website"} -{"text":"Jim Demint says President Obamas new immigration plan is amnesty.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news release"} -{"text":"Ed Gillespie says For the first time in over 40 years, Republicansdont hold a single statewide office in Virginia.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Gabrielle Giffords says Polls show that Americans overwhelmingly support expanding background checks.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an op-ed in the \"New York Times\""} -{"text":"City Austin says Nearly 20% of our residents are born abroad.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a press release"} -{"text":"Jack Markell says When it comes to jobless workers, Mitt Romney says he likes to fire people.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. "} -{"text":"John Mccallum says A child born in America today will inherit $1.5 million in debt the moment theyre placed in their mothers arms.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a video"} -{"text":"Randy Forbes says the U.S. fleet of attack submarines is scheduled to fall below the 48 boats that Navy says it needs to carry out current missions.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a column."} -{"text":"Associated Press says Georgias share of money from the Federal Highway Trust Fund declined 12 percent between 2008 and 2013.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"in a newspaper article"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says \"Americans spend 100-million hours a year filling out these forms (FAFSA). That is the equivalent of 55,500 full-time jobs.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Plymouth, N.H."} -{"text":"Allen West says If you look at the application for a security clearance, I have a clearance that even the president of the United States cannot obtain because of my background.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a candidate forum"} -{"text":"Chain Email says Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie made a late-night visit to Kinkos to forge President Barack Obamas birth certificate two days before Obama unveiled it to the media.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"e-mail messages circulating on the Internet"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says In the Illinois Legislature, Barack Obama \"voted 'present,' instead of yes or no\" on seven votes involving abortion rights.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"Iowa"} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says If you want to vote in Texas, you can use a concealed-weapon permit as a valid form of identification, but a valid student ID isnt good enough.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in Houston"} -{"text":"Martin Omalley says the cascading effects of climate change contributed to the rise of ISIS.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"interview with Democracy Now!"} -{"text":"Alberta Darling says state Rep. Sandy Pasch, her recall opponent, voted to allow public school employees to use taxpayer dollars to pick up the tab forViagra.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a TV ad and campaign flier"} -{"text":"Jerome Corsi says Barack Obama \"rejects everyone white, including his mother and his grandparents.\"","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"his book The Obama Nation<\/i>. "} -{"text":"Charles Van Zant says A company hired to do Common Core testing in Florida will attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"speech in March publicized May 16 by Think Progress"} -{"text":"Clarence Thomas says The U.S. Supreme Court has not traditionally asked a lot of questions during oral arguments.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech"} -{"text":"Kris Jordan says Fracturing or horizontally fracturing the shale to open up larger pockets of natural gas ... has been used for over 60 years and, as of 2009, over 80,000 wells have been fracked in Ohio.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech in the Ohio Senate"} -{"text":"Paul Ryan says In 2004, \"20 percent of U.S. households were getting about 75 percent of their income from the federal government. ... Another 20 percent were receiving almost 40 percent.\"","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a speech to the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs"} -{"text":"John Kasich says We are now eighth in the nation in job creation . . . we are No. 1 in the Midwest.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Rick Santorum says In Europe, church attendance rates (are) in the single digits because churches are supported by taxes.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a house party in Henniker, N.H."} -{"text":"Adam Hasner says George LeMieux even compared Marco Rubio to Barack Obama.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an Internet ad"} -{"text":"Matt Mackowiak says Barack Obama promised to halve the deficit in his first term.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an opinion column."} -{"text":"Bill Clinton says the government has gotten the TARP money back plus a profit.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on \"The Daily Show\""} -{"text":"Michelle Nunn says Points of Light is the worlds largest volunteer organization.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"television ad"} -{"text":"Tom Cotton says Mark Pryorcut Medicare to pay for Obamacare.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a campaign ad"} -{"text":"Mike Pence says Tim Kaine actually tried to raise taxes by about $4 billion.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"the 2016 Vice Presidential debate"} -{"text":"Rand Paul says Marco Rubio is proposing a new $1 trillion welfare program in tax credits and $1 trillion in new military spending.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a debate"} -{"text":"Don Balfour says I am the only senator who turned down the state pension plan for part-time legislators.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"campaign flier"} -{"text":"Hugh Fitzsimons says Female buffalo lead the herd.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a blog post on campaign website"} -{"text":"Donald Trump says There is no system to vet refugees from the Middle East.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a speech on terrorism and immigration"} -{"text":"Barbara Buono says Chris Christies plan to kick-start our economy is to propose an income tax cut that disproportionately benefits the wealthy, and...hes still proposing it.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview on bluejersey.com"} -{"text":"Chain Email says Obama used $20 million in federal money to emmigrate (sic) Hamas Refugees to the USA.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a chain e-mail"} -{"text":"Barack Obama says On offshore drilling.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":null} -{"text":"Hillary Clinton says We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"an interview on ABC"} -{"text":"Rick Santorum says I think its seven or eight of the California system of universities dont even teach an American history course. Its not even available to be taught.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"in a speech in Wisconsin"} -{"text":"Menendez Facts says Sen. Bob Menendez voted to enact a new tax on the sale of homes of 3.8%.","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"a blog"} -{"text":"Rick Scott says his budget provides the highest state funding level in history for education.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"Jay Nixon says Ive been here almost every day.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"on ABC's \"This Week\""} -{"text":"Mackubin Thomas Owens says In the early 1980s, Sen. Edward Kennedy secretly offered to help Soviet leaders counter the Reagan administrations position on nuclear disarmament.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a commentary in The Providence Journal"} -{"text":"John Kasich says an EPA permit languished under Strickland but his new EPA director got it done in two days.","label_text":"true statement","labels":0,"context":"a news conference"} -{"text":"John Burzichelli says the governor is going around the state talking about [how] we should fund an income tax cut that benefits higher income earners and not lower income earners","label_text":"false statement","labels":1,"context":"an interview with NJToday"}