=== seednode4 is now known as seednode [12:19] Hi [12:19] what's the way to run commands in chrooted autoinstall env with ubuntu ? [12:34] 🤷🏻‍♀️ [12:37] eoli3n: maybe the people in #ubuntu-server are better at answering this kind of question [12:38] i asked [12:38] thanks === frickler is now known as frickler_pto [16:45] Hopefully a common problem...I'm running cloud-init 19.4 on centos 7.9, cloud-init service shows network is up and dhcp has been completed, cloud-config runs directly afterward, but it can't resolve any hosts for the package updates. After this, I can ping and yum update as per normal. [17:09] Hi.. I have a query about /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/cloud-init.conf file . how this file get generated. If I wanted to change something on this file. Where can I made change to? [17:10] There is some syntax error in this file in my downstream branch v19.1 due to which systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service fails. [17:13] smoser: blackboxsw: Odd_Bloke: ^^ [17:24] tryfan: this sounds familiar, and might have to do with NetworkManager. i think one of our redhat people has been working on a fix for that [17:35] amansi26: What distro is this on? I don't believe upstream or Ubuntu ship such a file. [17:37] meena: we were doing lots of work disabling NM, and I'm trying to play by the rules with a new build, this is just making it tough [17:38] tryfan: Can you pastebin /var/log/cloud-init.log from an affected instance? [17:41] Odd_Bloke: pm'd [18:03] tryfan: Thanks! Looking at that, cloud-init seems to have behaved as I would expect. If you examine the journal alongside cloud-init.log, does it appear that cloud-init's 'init' step is actually running after networking is up? ("2020-11-26 16:16:21,602 - util.py[DEBUG]: Cloud-init v. 19.4 running 'init' at Thu, 26 Nov 2020 16:16:21 +0000. Up 8.52 seconds." is the relevant timestamp/line from your log.) [18:05] Odd_Bloke: yes, network manager startup is complete after successful DHCP client run, states both CONNECTED_LOCAL and CONNECTED_SITE, default route is set, etc. I'll paste that bit from the logs [18:08] tryfan: Hmm, that does look how I expect; I don't really have much CentOS experience so I'm out of ideas I'm afraid. otubo might be able to help more? [18:14] Odd_Bloke: right after cloud-init finishes, I see a NetworkManager restart. did cloud-init request that? if the network is really an issue, I'd be able to troubleshoot if I could stop the execution right there [18:15] Nov 26 16:18:55 nc-vmware-packerbuild-3021 cloud-init: Cloud-init v. 19.4 finished at Thu, 26 Nov 2020 16:18:55 +0000. Up 14.61 seconds ; then ; Nov 26 16:18:55 nc-vmware-packerbuild-3021 echo: try restart NetworkManager.service [18:17] tryfan: I don't believe so; if you examine the journal with `-o short-precise` then you can see the exact timings and compare. [18:18] (But cloud-init expects network configuration to be fully applied much earlier than this, so it would be surprising if it were responsible.) [18:21] tryfan: Can you pastebin your `cloud-init.service` definition? [18:23] Odd_Bloke: sure https://paste.centos.org/view/fa86ce33 [18:32] tryfan: Hmm, yeah, that's what I would expect. Not sure what's going on, I'm afraid; have you tried asking in CentOS support channels? [18:39] Odd_Bloke: I appreciate the assistance. I tried in #centos but I haven't gotten a response just yet [18:46] tryfan: One thought I had: if you can insert a sleep before cloud-init.service runs (perhaps with ExecStartPre?), you might be able to figure out if this is a "simple" race condition (where cloud-init is incorrectly being started before networking is _really_ ready, somehow) or if there's something deeper going on. [19:00] Odd_Bloke: good plan, trying now [19:35] Odd_Bloke: putting a 10s delay did nothing, and I did confirm the delay is functioning. then I figured out that cloud-final is the service that restarts network manager [19:49] Odd_Bloke: Got it, I disabled the NM reload and discovered that cloud-init is rewriting resolv.conf and the reload is restoring it. [19:50] thanks very much for the help, just talking it out is half the battle [20:20] tryfan: :) [20:28] Odd_Bloke: I guess the next step is to figure out how to add search domains to NM while not disrupting resolv.conf directly [20:32] tryfan: Might https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#resolv-conf help? [20:46] so i'm looking at cc_puppet.py, and it hasn't seen love in a long time… and i think the last time i was looking at this, i was wondering… what does a version × distros × other sources config look like? i don't know, but what i do know is that Puppet 4 is EOL. [20:47] and while Puppet 5 is on its way out, too, a lot of the distro versions we support still have that in their repos.