[09:12] morning [10:47] Chipaca: FYI going though ops testing code base now. Will catchup with you later today or monday before making any changes to discuss and have my implementation plan reviewed. [10:47] bthomas: 👍 [10:47] bthomas: a lot of questions will have answers like "ok but what does Juju actually _do_ in that scenario" [10:48] 🙂 [10:48] at least, if they're the kind of questions i was asking [10:48] To ask a question I need to understand something first :-) . At present I know nothing. [10:48] almost [10:57] ¡Muy buenos días a todos! [10:57] नमस्ते facubatista : Looks like you are having sleep disruption issues [10:58] bthomas, not today! this is my normal starting hour... [10:58] I stand corrected. [10:59] no worries! timezones are hard [10:59] yep. The are not even parallel to longitudes [11:37] Chipaca: There are two self._is_leader in _TestingModelBackend.__init__ . Harmless typo ? [11:37] bthomas: yes, kill one if you're there [11:37] done [12:26] Good Morning! [12:32] morning [13:27] hola JoseMasson [13:28] 🧉 ! [13:32] JoseMasson: 🥟? [13:33] Chipaca: I never had empanadas for breakfast... it's not a bad idea :P [13:34] JoseMasson: cold, like breakfast piza [13:34] s/z/zz/ [13:34] JoseMasson: árabes don't work well for breakfast though. Humita do, quite well. [13:34] there's a gradient [13:36] JoseMasson: (also, i'm having lunch, so that might have something to do with it) [13:37] Chipaca: You made me hungry :P [13:37] * Chipaca tags the 🥟 emoji as NSFW [13:40] JoseMasson: my emacs was not able to show the emoji for code point U+01F9C9 . Are you using emacs for IRC ? [13:41] bthomas: No, I use it only for editing code and playing tetris :P [13:41] jajaja [13:42] * bthomas talks to Emacs Psychotherapist while playing Emacs tetris [13:42] oops [13:42] I used to use it to read email too, but not now [13:44] Switching to gnus for email would need to setup LDAP integration and always work in VPN for that, so I stuck with browser. [14:13] PR operator#446 closed: Minor clarification for deferred event doc string [14:13] PR operator#447 closed: give StoredFoo classes a useful __repr__ [14:14] PR operator#448 closed: Update README.md [14:29] going for a walk, bbiab [15:50] * Chipaca wonders if setting travis on fire would hurry it up [15:57] * bthomas sends anonymous arson threat report to travis and hides [15:59] * Chipaca sets arson threat report on fire [16:01] * bthomas sends 🚒 [16:06] * Chipaca swaps fills 🚒 water tank with kerosene [16:06] s/swaps// [16:56] I'm going to go for a run, and come back later to give travis a chance [16:56] will review #453 at that point also [16:56] PR #453: Basic goal-state exposure (num_units and pending_units) [17:52] the reports of me going on a run are greatly exaggerated [17:53] (weather is such that my hands physically hurt, which is a blocker for now) [18:25] EOD and EOW from me [18:25] 👋 [19:48] Have a nice weekend all. Bye. [19:58] * facubatista eods and eows! see you all! [21:51] PR operator#451 closed: protect calls to juju-log from messages starting with dashes