[01:22] aha, my husband asked if I had a way to direct sound elsewhere, which I do -- pulseaudio [01:22] but for both the mic and the headphones PA shows them "unplugged" [01:23] if I choose the headphones, no sound from the speakers, but no sound in the headphones either [01:23] most mysterious [01:35] valorie: A thought: ' pavucontrol ' Check the inputs are correct ? [01:36] I think what I was using used to be called pavucontrol [01:37] issue isn't that they aren't correct, but that when plugged in, it is seen but assigned "unplugged" [01:37] which indicates to me that whatever layer is supposed to "listen" for USB being plugged in or unplugged is no longer listening [01:38] "oh you unplugged which means you no longer want to use your earphones & mic" [01:38] before upgrading to the beta, no issues [01:38] I checked on my husband's windows machine -- no issues [01:39] works exactly as it used to for me in 20.04 [01:39] I just don't know if this is a KDE issue, just kubuntu, or ubuntu [01:40] what's the name of the thing we used to use in the commandline? [01:40] I should check it at that level [01:41] valorie: aplay ? [01:42] alsamixer [01:42] I just had to DDG a bit to recall [01:49] hmmm, I can control the laptop speakers with alsamixer but the plugged in earphones are not detected by it either [01:49] I guess it is a question for another day [01:50] valorie: Booting an older live environment still workie ? [01:51] do you mean an older kernel? I think all are gone at this point [01:52] I might check on my travel lappy which is also on groovy but not been updated to the beta [01:52] but not rn [01:59] valorie: :) laters \o [01:59] thanks for the suggestions! [02:00] linux sound stack is so mysterious [02:00] mix in USB, and ???? [02:00] valorie: Awh - just some thoughts. [10:17] Hi there, I'm having an annoying issue with exim4 on Ubuntu 20.10 and I would like to know if I'm the only one: https://dpaste.com/64MME5CGH [10:17] every night at midnight I receive an email to notify me about the paniclog... the systam isn't read-only... it's a bug [10:18] all the emails are getting sent without issue but it's still creating a paniclog for some of them.. I've been struggling with this issue for months... [11:21] CryptoSiD: so touch /var/spool/exim4//input/x works? === rs20092 is now known as rs2009 === rs20090 is now known as rs2009