=== raf is now known as Guest2267 [06:03] hello, can lubuntu be installed using dual displays / monitors? … I play games in Lubuntu, and it is very satisfying. I have a PC for gaming with 3 monitors. I want to install Lubuntu too, but can Lubuntu be used for dual monitors? (I'm too greedy to use another DE) [06:06] https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.10/monitor_settings.htmlyes for how to do thatn see yes [06:09] @lynorian [https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.10/monitor_settings.htmlyes for how t …], ow thx its great, i will try it === pirx_ is now known as r03eRt [14:21] Hi. Can I install zenity in lubuntu 20.04 without having to install the bulk of gnome? [14:25] You may want to look at kdialog famubu [14:27] !info kdialog [14:27] kdialog (source: kdialog): Dialog display utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:19.12.3-0ubuntu1 (focal), package size 103 kB, installed size 707 kB [15:06] Hello! [15:07] How can i add keyboard shortcuts to align windows to the left or to the right in Lubuntu 20.04? === akem_ is now known as akem [21:24] not sure if this is lubuntu related but my vm no longer dynamically resizes resolution. i have spice-vdagent installed. [21:24] host is ubuntu 20.04 with sway, guest is lubuntu 20.04