=== llua` is now known as llua === llua` is now known as llua [15:43] its been a month since 20.04 came out... time to upgrade from 19.10 [15:43] heh [15:45] hopefully it is stable without the new kernel, because I don't want to reboot [17:16] til: bzr -> breezy [17:27] does anyone know how ubuntu installer decides to install hardware related packages on install time? e.g. i have a wifi chip and the broadcom package didn't get installed at install time. I'd love to suggest a patch, but I've no idea where this data is [17:29] That's a good question. I have no idea [17:30] perhaps a look-up table? [17:31] sure, but where? [17:32] not sure offhand. [17:32] i should ask in #ubuntu I guess. I wonder if there is an #ubuntu-installer [17:32] which package did you have to install? [17:35] i don't remember its name. I'd have to go look. [17:39] if it's Broadcom it's likely because the repo for non-free software wasn't part of the install [17:39] that would be my guess [17:39] like the NVidia drivers [17:40] That's why I asked about the package. [17:40] oh, that could be it. [17:49] bcmwl-kernel-source in restricted... so yup, I guess so. [17:50] thanks cmaloney [17:50] jrwren: np. Glad it got sorted. [17:51] unrelated: I wish Broadcom would just open the damn source already [17:51] yup [17:51] i wish vendors would stop using broadcom chips [17:51] ;) [17:51] man, that system76 laptop is more tempting every day. [17:51] ++ [18:14] if it wasn't $2000 I'd have it already ;) [19:40] today I finally decided to give multipass a try and boy am i glad i did [20:28] just use lxd! (unless you're on windows/mac then enjoy multipass) [20:54] heh