=== krabador is now known as Guest363 === krabador is now known as Guest51035 === root is now known as Guest14932 === Guest14932 is now known as AngelSosa58 [04:16] If anyone knows anything about receiving files via bluedevil (20.04); https://askubuntu.com/questions/1240131/how-can-i-receive-files-using-bluedevil === krabador is now known as Guest3293 === timothy is now known as TimothyP [06:33] (Photo, 125x33) https://i.imgur.com/hlGVOcy.jpg execuse me, Can we change the logo below? if you can, may I know how [06:33] for the menu button? [06:33] @lynorian [for the menu button?], yes [06:34] @devikri [], im sorry im using google translate [06:34] right click on the icon and select Configuree Application menu [06:34] then change the Icon [06:37] @lynorian [right click on the icon and select Configuree Application menu], wow thx, I guess this requires more effort, but it's as easy as this === zz is now known as Guest23307 [10:59] Any idea how can I get drawing bar in Libre Office Writer? So I will be able to start drawing circle/arrow/rectangle with a single click. … I am pretty sure that it was possible to enable additional toolbars by right-click on empty space next to already existing toolbars. [12:07] @Mateusz Konieczny, View->Toolbar->(click the option that has it, drawing maybe) [12:18] J Movi was added by: jarusgpv [12:21] after updating to 20.04 did I get this? any solution? [12:21] (Photo, 1280x813) https://i.imgur.com/sAimz3V.jpg === akem_ is now known as akem === TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis [17:54] hi, I'm a first time linux user and I'm trying lubuntu 20.04 on an older ex windows 7 machine. I'm successfully able to boot from a USB onto which I had placed the ISO file and I'm trying to install it on said machine. I'm stuck where the partitions need to be, er, done (?) [17:56] I'm not quite sure what this is about with those partitions. It appears I need some kind of beginners intro or something where installation and working principles are explained. Would anyone here have a good starting point for that? [17:56] Many thanks [17:57] The error message where the install fails includes sfdisk/dev/sdb wasn't able to create the partition tables [18:00] aj80, I think your hard drive should be /dev/sda ? where you want to install, the easiest is just to create en ext4 partition with mount point / and then click next. [18:41] hi akem, thanks! [18:41] aj80, Did you solve your issue? [18:41] I'm not 100% sure what that means, however, I'll give it a try [18:41] Ha ok. [18:42] sorry, my first ever linux installation [18:43] no, sorry, it fails [18:44] any other idea? Is it possible that the partitions are somewhow the problem, rather than trying to install lubuntu? [18:45] manual partitioning a better idea? [18:45] aj80, You want to install it along side Windows or you can wipe out the disk? [18:45] wipe out [18:45] aj80, You choose "Erase disk and install"? [18:46] I think it's the option, you shouldn't have to configure anything IIRC. [18:46] correct. then you can choose in between dev/sda and dev/sdb and system partition (/) and no bootloader [18:47] Yes, you choose /dev/sda ? [18:47] i think i tried them all [18:47] no success [18:49] aj80, Can you open a terminal? [18:49] hm, interesting, different erro message this time: [18:50] boost.python error [18:50] commmand 'mount' returned non-zero exits status 32 [18:51] Weird. Maybe there is a problem with your hard drive. [18:51] traceback points to usr/lib/x86_64 and so on [18:52] I was running an old windows 7 installation up until today on it (which was Ok) [18:52] Okay. [18:53] aj80, Open QTerminal it's in system tools. [18:54] qterminal is open [18:54] aj80, type: fdisk -l /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:54] with sudo [18:54] sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 9999 [18:55] cannot open [18:56] permission denied [18:56] Ha, you're not connected to the internet on that machine? [18:56] yes, I am [18:56] I am chatting from it with you [18:56] Yeah that's the "sudo" you need in front of the command. [18:56] Ok. [18:58] You tried with sudo? It should return an URL, so i can see the output of the command. [18:58] no result at all, sorry [18:58] it just moves to the next line [18:59] aj80, just type: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda [18:59] It should display the partition table, you can paste it to pastebin.com or here i guess, it's just few lines. [19:00] It's just to confirm sda is the hard drive and see the partition, eventually we can erase it, and you can try to install again with empty partition table. That may help. [19:00] udo fdisk -l /dev/sdaDisk /dev/sda: 465,78 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectorsDisk model: TOSHIBA MK5055GSUnits: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytesSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytesI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytesDisklabel type: dosDisk identifier: 0xc8198e59Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id [19:00] Type/dev/sda1 2048 976768064 976766017 465,8G 83 Linux [19:00] aj80, Ok. [19:01] aj80, type: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 [19:01] And then try the installation again and choose /dev/sda [19:01] udo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=11+0 records in1+0 records out512 bytes copied, 0,000232992 s, 2,2 MB/s [19:02] expected result? [19:02] Yes. [19:02] ok, I'll try again. Many thanks already now, akem! [19:05] back to that boost.python error again, with "unpackfs" [19:05] I guess I'll try a fresh ISO image? [19:05] What version are you trying to install? [19:05] 20.04 64 bit [19:06] it seems to boot ok from the usb, I played with it a bit, all functionality appears to be there, so I was assuming the image is Ok [19:07] Yeah it should be all fine afaik :X I wonder what's going on. Try with 19.04 maybe, it worked flawlessly for me. You can still upgrade to 20.04 once installed. [19:07] So you see if you got the same bug with a different version. [19:07] thanks for your time and efforts! [19:07] Final question: [19:08] Yeah, NP, i hope you'll be able to install it this time. [19:08] is there a good starting point you can recommend for those commands? [19:08] I'm totally new to linux and ubuntu and lubuntu [19:08] I'd like to learn about those [19:09] aj80, I don't have any resource in mind, but you can try a search for: linux essential commands begininer, for ex, something like that. [19:11] thanks a lot again! [19:12] Let us know if you can install 19.04. [19:13] If yes, then it's just a matter of upgrading to 20.04. I did it, it ran just fine on my machine. [19:23] I noticed that my lubuntu 20.04 image fails its integrity self-test when I boot it in Virtualbox [19:23] Here's the link I downloaded mine from: [19:23] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/20.04/release/lubuntu-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso [19:23] Is this happening for the rest of you? [19:24] I verified my checksums too [19:24] I downloaded the same iso for my pc [19:24] And its running [19:25] Maybe theres some problem with the Virtualbox and image [19:26] I'll try flashing it to a thumb drive and booting it on a another PC [19:26] See if it still shows up [19:27] To be clear, it still boots even with the failure [19:28] Try the livecd [19:28] and run that test there [19:46] Just finished booting it on another computer [19:46] Same error shows up [19:46] oh [19:47] The thumb drive was flashed with balena etcher 1.5.79 [19:47] But i dont understand in what consist the test [19:47] I know that is for ensure yourself of no crrupt iso [19:47] I don't have to do anything special to trigger it [19:47] oh [19:47] I just boot, and it runs the test [19:47] it appears? [19:47] I'll try to capture some video [19:47] Try use another program [19:47] Maybe the problem is there [19:48] When i make my usb bootable i used rufus(windows) [19:48] Theres one called multisystem for linux [19:48] But i dont know how use it properly, you could try that one [19:48] I'll try rufus [19:48] Rufus is easy [19:48] Just leave recomended settings [19:49] And let the program do the work [20:15] No errors when booting with the disk flashed with Rufus === darius is now known as Guest54593 === gorbachev_pizzer is now known as gorbachev_pizza [23:06] shukryshuk was added by: shukryshuk [23:07] E: Encountered a section with no Package: header … E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_focal_universe_binary-amd64_Packages … E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. [23:07] help please [23:18] Hey shukyrshuk [23:18] https://askubuntu.com/questions/30072/how-do-i-fix-a-problem-with-mergelist-or-status-file-could-not-be-parsed-err [23:19] Check if that can help you