=== karlthane__ is now known as karlthane [01:48] Regarding https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2020-May/018679.html, I actually ran into this issue between Debian unstable and Ubuntu Bionic as well. I ended up backporting 1.3.0 === Eickmeyer[m] is now known as Eickmeyer_ === Eickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer__ === Eickmeyer_ is now known as Eickmeyer[m] === Eickmeyer__ is now known as Eickmeyer_E === Eickmeyer[m] is now known as Eickmeyer [06:03] doko, kanashiro, mitya57, RAOF: I've downgraded kernel and firmware (but not qemu) on the riscv64 buildds and retried some affected builds, and it looks promising so far. I've also been able to repro the qtbase-opensource-source gcc segfault on focal on real hardware with 5.4, so it does seem likely it's a kernel regression. === helio|afk is now known as heliocastro === ivoks_ is now known as ivoks [08:09] rbasak: new fun with git-ubuntu on qemu [08:10] rbasak: my special edge-cases keep on coming it seems [08:10] rbasak: newer releases work fine it seems, but historically there was some mismatch between git based on salsa and git-ubuntu imports [08:10] rbasak: that sometimes led to mismatches and is resolved in newer releases [08:10] cpaelzer: Stop being a corner case, then! :P [08:11] rbasak: but we might face something like it again due to git submodules [08:11] Unit193: that isn't a problem - rbasak is happy to settle the corner-cases with me instead of later on a wider user group :-) [08:12] cpaelzer: Hah, sorry in case the humor doesn't carry over. I've hit some weird corner cases in things too, it's pretty nifty when you can find a bug like that and get it fixed. :) [08:12] np, the humor carried over [08:14] rbasak: repro should be 1. check out qemu bionic-devel 2. dpkg-buildpackage -S -nc -d - it will fail complaining about a mismatch between tarball and source in qemu.git/ui/keycodemapdb/..git [08:14] that is a git submodule - part of git-ubuntu import (e.g. I get it restored when I git checkout .) and can be resolved by rm'ing the file before build [08:45] xnox, hi, is there anything I have to do to progress https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/1877973 or will it just get picked up at some point? [08:45] Launchpad bug 1877973 in maas (Ubuntu) "RM request - removal from archive" [Undecided,Triaged] [08:55] wgrant: thanks! qtbase is building for 5 hours and has not failed yet :) [09:23] Downgraded just the kernel on hardware, and my test case has been running for 25 minutes now, whereas it previously failed in 10-600s reliably. [10:12] rbalint: hi, I've done the identificationa nd driving of a journald issue in focal in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1875708 [10:12] Launchpad bug 1875708 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Truncated messages in journald since systemd v244" [Undecided,New] [10:13] rbalint: I think all the prep is done, next step would be backporting to focal and pushing it there with the next update [10:13] in the past that part was doen by xnox usually grouping things with a bunch of others in his queue - would now you do such and I can "pass" the bug over to you? [10:47] cpaelzer i upload the majority of systemd srus, i can include yours if it's ready, i'm watching your bug [10:49] ddstreet: it is ready upstream [10:49] I didn't look into doing a backport yet and how complex or not that might be [10:50] different topic - did the arm builders just have some hard reset - I see builds in failed state but no build log [10:50] https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4062/+build/19301601 [10:50] https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4062/+build/19301602 [10:50] https://launchpad.net/builders doesn't look like all would be gone ... [10:55] cpaelzer, ddstreet i kept an eye on LP: #1875708, it missed last upload to groovy, but good to go in next one, thanks for driving it and for the heads-up [10:55] Launchpad bug 1875708 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Truncated messages in journald since systemd v244" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1875708 [10:56] ack rbalint, and there's a version in focal-proposed that should go out next week, i think it only needs backporting to focal so can go into the next one [10:57] ddstreet, cool, thanks [10:57] i can push to focal once you've got in groovy. thanks! [10:57] thank you ddstreet and rbalint - so I can keep 1875708 to you then to be grouped with the next uploads \o/ [10:58] cpaelzer: #launchpad [10:58] (it is known) === antoine4 is now known as antoine === Eighth_Doctor is now known as Conan_Kudo === Conan_Kudo is now known as Eighth_Doctor [12:05] wgrant: thanks! ruby2.7 migrated to the release pocket :) [12:05] kanashiro: Great. Sorry about that. [12:05] I have a kernel bisect to look forward to tomorrow. [12:06] np [12:12] ackk: you can ping AA => ~ubuntu-archive team members, i.e. sil2100 vorlon RAOF doko [12:15] AA ... the anonymous archivists ... [12:34] cpaelzer: on qemu and ..git, that's expected I believe [12:34] git cannot store anything called .git found in the source tree in general, so it must be stored escaped [12:35] If you use dpkg-buildpackage directly then you won't get that unescaped [12:35] The intention is that "git ubuntu build" would do the correct unescaping. I'm not sure if that's implemented yet. But it's not an issue from the importer end. [12:35] rbasak: the problem is that the decision how to "not store" it seems to be different [12:35] rbasak: you stored it as ..git while the tarball doesn't have it at all [12:36] so on build it complains that there is a ..git it doesn't know [12:36] The extracted source tree must have .git - otherwise there wouldn't have been anything to escape at import time [12:37] But yes - if .git gets renamed to ..git, then from the perspective of dpkg-source it'll be a new directory not present in the orig tarball and you'll get a complaint [12:37] This escaping has been present for years, BTW. It's not a new thing. [12:38] Oh [12:38] But I did fix a bug in it not too long ago [12:39] cpaelzer: I think it's an error for Debian to be uploading source packages with .git in them [12:39] Even if it's a submodule reference thing [12:40] If the process for generating the source package from git before upload could be adjusted not to do that, then that'd fix the problem for you maybe? [12:41] Because otherwise the result simply cannot be imported back into git, since git will not accept an entry called .git [12:45] rbasak: it seems it was a recent upload by mdeslaur that did this [12:45] rbasak: I'm usually working of git-ubuntu (whichi didn't have .git or ..git) but I expect he would work of the source package [12:45] rbasak: he then has got the .git as it is in the tarball [12:46] and on re-import it became ..git [12:46] see git diff import/1%2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.22..import/1%2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.23 -- ui/keycodemapdb/ [12:46] that is why I only see this "recently" [12:49] cpaelzer: in the reimport that gives me no results. Could you pastebin what you see please? But I'm still puzzled as the orig tarball is the same for both. So git-ubuntu should see the same situation for both versions. [12:50] What's in your source tree in !debian, for a "3.0 (quilt)" package, should be unconnected to what ends up in the built source package assuming your source package build succeeds [12:50] Because on extraction that part of the source tree will come from the orig tarball and nowhere else. [12:51] rbasak: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xQV7m5GfGZ/ [12:52] commit 9514499ffce37066c0048f543b33d9ec01ef5cc4 (tag: reimport/import/1%2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.22/0, tag: import/1%2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.22) [12:52] commit 9360dd8574d10d92b62742d9cbb09e9c2274296e (tag: import/1%2.11+dfsg-1ubuntu7.23) [12:53] Right I see https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/diff/ui/keycodemapdb/..git?h=9360dd8574d10d92b62742d9cbb09e9c2274296e thanks [12:55] cpaelzer: you're still looking at the previous import tree I think? [12:56] That change came from the bugfix I believe - not anything Marc did or didn't do [13:08] rbasak: well formerly it wasn't important and therefore worked [13:08] rbasak: now it is imported as ..git and breaks on buildpkg [13:09] so "correctly" importing made it worse in this particular case :-/ [13:09] cpaelzer: that sounds right :-/ [13:09] what if .git isn't imported at all? [13:09] which is as it was before [13:09] dpkg knows how to ignore its presence [13:10] ahasenack: theoretically a source package build might depend on its presence [13:10] cpaelzer: could you use -I..git? [13:10] I've seen builds break because they *see* it [13:10] rbasak: but it won't get that as it is only ..git not .git it was depending on [13:10] i.e., they assume they are in a devel environment [13:10] ahasenack: yes I've seen the same [13:10] cpaelzer: "git ubuntu build" would then round-trip it correctly [13:12] I can work around it, but perception wise loosing the ability to dpkg-buildpackage out of a git-ubuntu checkout is a loss for me [13:13] specially since git ubuntu build was almost removed from the snap [13:13] and I don't want it back :-) [13:14] I want the normal paths to work [13:16] cpaelzer: I don't see any workaround that doesn't result in some source package I could construct that would then break even with a fully implemented "git ubuntu build". [13:17] cpaelzer: can you convince upstream to stop shipping .git in their release? [13:17] cpaelzer: or configure dpkg-buildpackage to use -I..git, assuming that works? [13:17] how does gbp or dgit import such a package? [13:17] (obvious question) [13:18] I assume they drop the .git [13:18] Which is fine if you're the package maintainer, because you're in a position to fix your build if dropping .git causes a problem [13:18] But git-ubuntu doesn't have that luxury [13:18] isn't it more surprising to fine a ..git directory? [13:18] find [13:19] It's more surprising to have a build from "git ubuntu build" fail when it succeeds otherwise from the archive. [13:19] hm, no, git ubuntu build has many bugs :) [13:19] it's surprising when it works ;) [13:19] unless you mean a future git ubuntu build [13:19] A fully implemented "git ubuntu build" with bugs fixed :) [13:19] Yes [13:20] I'm avoiding having the import broken by design [13:20] and these are not going to be addressed soon [13:20] the build bugs [13:20] Very few packages even have a .git AFAIK [13:21] cpaelzer: qemu_4.2.orig.tar.xz does not have a .git [13:21] is it a new upstream version that has it? [13:21] It is a new development that .git is found in an upload that isn't the main .git repository [13:21] no new versions are already good [13:22] it was Bionics 2.11 that has the issue [13:23] qemu_2.11+dfsg.orig.tar.xz has it in a subdirectory, [13:23] $ find . -name .git [13:23] ./ui/keycodemapdb/.git [13:23] is that it? [13:25] That's it [13:29] yep [13:29] as I said I can work around it [13:29] I was mostly wondering why it now shows up [13:29] but it seems we can only decide to break some or some oter packages [13:30] then being correct on import seems to be the better choice and we can keep things as-is [13:32] Thanks [13:33] cpaelzer: so on the other thing [13:33] The qemu reimport didn't adopt your latest upload tags [13:33] AFAICT, it's because of the empty directory thing [13:33] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FVnHFDymV4/ is the difference between the import and the upload tag [13:34] rbasak: yes I have seen that it didn't adopt my history [13:34] rbasak: the old packaging around roms was very bad [13:34] Is that different to before? [13:34] rbasak: that is why I went some lengths to clean it up [13:34] also mjt did on the debian side improve rom handling [13:35] cpaelzer: does this mismatch any of your expectations from the reimport? [13:35] rbasak: consider anything starting with roms/ rbasak: I'd be ok wit hthe re-import as-is [13:35] OK thanks [13:36] So we got some talking points around edge cases but so far the reimports are "expected behaviour" then [13:36] Please keep an eye out for anything else :) [13:37] will do [13:57] xnox thanks === gpiccoli_ is now known as gpiccoli === erich is now known as E_Eickmeyer [15:45] sil2100, hi, around? [16:15] ackk: hey! Yeah, I'm aroundish now [16:16] sil2100, hi, could you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/maas/+bug/1877973 when you have time? it's not urgent, though [16:16] Launchpad bug 1877973 in maas (Ubuntu) "RM request - removal from archive" [Undecided,Triaged] [16:20] ackk: ok, looking in a few moments o/ [16:21] sil2100, thanks! === ben_r_ is now known as ben_r [17:56] ahasenack: can you do an import of squashfs-tools-ng [18:44] smoser: importing [18:48] smoser: done [18:55] gracias. [18:58] vorlon, xnox - do you know exactly why Ubuntu uses "wait-for-root" as its initramfs approach to..wait for root? Debian has no mention of it... [18:59] instead, Debian relies on script-looping on local stage, which for me, makes sense (and would allow me to fix an issue I'm working hehe) [18:59] Tnx in advance [19:05] gpiccoli: because it makes the boot faster instead of having to wait for udev settle of random events [19:05] on systems with significant numbers of unrelated disks [19:05] what is your case where you need to loop? [19:07] vorlon, thanks! My case is a crypto volume on top of raid1 - currently it does not work. Reason is that cryptroot fails on local-top and panics to shell [19:07] well, that's surprising to me [19:07] sorry vorlon, I express myselg in an incomplete way hehe [19:08] because both raid and crypto are meant to be udev-activated, and self-assemble with no need to loop in the main script [19:08] It works! The issue is if a raid1 member is removed [19:08] ah [19:08] hehe my bad!! [19:08] my idea to fix was to allow cryptroot to fail gently, and let the "xnox's poor man last resort" mdadm script on local-block to start the md array with a missing member... [19:08] then cryptroot (also in local-block) would take over and decrypt the volume [19:08] that..relies on the man page idea of local-block, the it loops [19:09] so the issue then is that you have both mdadm and cryptroot hooks that you want to be able to interact with the console? [19:09] why do we not in general allow mdadm arrays to be assembled in degraded mode by default? [19:09] no console involved, I want a "broken" raid1 array (or any mirroring) to be able to mount and continue the boot [19:10] ok [19:10] it's an option vorlon [19:10] alright [19:10] to allow the degraded by default, without spinning on local-block script [19:10] if it's an option, and it's enabled, then I think that ought to be handled inline by the udev rules and not depend on falling through to an initramfs script? [19:10] xnox: ? [19:11] vorlon, again my bad english! It's a design option, that I could work [19:11] It's not currently an option! [19:11] ah [19:11] Desculpe vorlon =) [19:11] well, it's possible that not assembling degraded arrays by default is a deliberate design decision also, but I don't remember [19:11] currently, mdadm tries for 2/3*ROOTDELAY iterations before giving up and degrade-assembly [19:12] we should at least ensure that the default behavior between initrd and rootfs is similar [19:12] I geuss this is what is currently doing, keeping the consistency [19:12] *guess [19:14] vorlon, the problem that I see with wait-for-root is that it seems to just care with udev, it doesn't give a chance to re-running scripts on local-block [19:14] how about if we do partial waits for root, allowing local-block scripts to re-run in between, [19:14] accouting the total time to not exceeds ROOTDELAY ? [19:15] *accounting [19:21] gpiccoli: that sounds plausible [19:23] great vorlon, I'll try to work something, let's see xnox opinion also about mdadm default to degrade option hehe [19:28] Hey! I have asked the OP to provide requested details on the bug report. Can anyone else also test this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1877553 [19:28] Launchpad bug 1877553 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "wifi gets automatically disabled when screen is locked and can be enabled only after a reboot." [Undecided,Incomplete] [19:42] gpiccoli: vorlon: the intention is to use udev and assemble all the things, failing that there is a loop to interate things, and failing that there are fail hooks. [19:42] gpiccoli: vorlon: it is possible, that when we have disigned and implemented the loop + eventual fallbacks, that didn't get integrated into ubuntu properly. As we had still the remains of "just udev activate everything" [19:42] xnox: so what is the intended /outcome/ if a raid array is missing members but can be assembled in degraded mode? [19:43] I can say this works! ^ [19:43] gpiccoli: vorlon: loop, loop, loop, start degraded, loop, loop, loop [19:43] what's the loop loop loop? [19:43] after starting degraded [19:43] i.e. start it degraded, whilst there are still some loops available to assemble things on top of it. [19:44] vorlon: the loop that interates in the initramfs, trying to assemble/start/find rootfs [19:44] but only works due to a hack I found (from Ben Hutchings) in initramfs-tools [19:44] why does that require looping instead of udev? [19:44] xnox: we've basically disabled the loop part of initramfs-tools since forever in Ubuntu [19:44] vorlon: because we don't have systemd, such that udev can start systemd timer units that assemble things degraded after a delay. [19:44] vorlon: it's not the old loop part, but a new block-disk loop only. [19:45] xnox: however, assembling the array degraded should trigger dependent udev events with no further looping required [19:45] which uses udev [19:45] vorlon: correct. and that's what i expect to happen. Cause after start degraded, that block loop thing calls udevadm trigger/settle, and try any futher hooks. [19:45] gpiccoli: i guess the question is => does that work on debian? degraded mdadm+crypto? [19:46] udevadm trigger/settle, instead of wait-for-root [19:46] i think so. [19:46] vorlon: because that new block-loop, is to support really weird shit like mixing encrypted & non-encrypted PVs in VG, where things jump layers. [19:46] vorlon: and like nested VGs [19:46] xnox, I don't expect that to work currently due to the first limitation on cryptroot script - it fails on local-top and drops to a shell. With my change, it should work in debian (I can test), but not on ubuntu [19:47] hmm [19:47] because we don't loop in local-block, instead we use wait-for-root and give-up after a while [19:47] gpiccoli: ack. i think our crypto script is better than debian's true. [19:47] no, the script is the same hehe [19:47] gpiccoli: i think you want to open a bug report with details. [19:47] it fails in both currently hehe [19:47] gpiccoli: against cryptsetup mdadm initramfs-tools [19:47] and we can check what's missing. [19:48] right, I'll do that and propose my change there [19:48] nesting is hard. [19:48] i thought we did well to support "normal stackings" and "degraded stuff" sensibly, but we might be missing some stacks orderings. [19:48] agreed [19:48] i.e. i think 2 LUKS => assembled into RAID1 end up degraded more often than they should. [19:49] tnx xnox and vorlon =) === oxyblade is now known as Oxygen === Oxygen is now known as oxyfly === oxyfly is now known as oxyblade