[01:33] tlm: testing the model operator, i notice that the service and pod and deployment names etc start with . That's not needed and it just adds clutter. Can you change to just "modeloperator" [01:34] thumper: +1 on the pr [01:35] wallyworld: ta [01:37] tlm: also, the introspection script is missing [01:38] python-libjuju PR https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/416 [01:38] hpidcock: I'm wondering if recent jenkins updates missed something, I had a new PR (https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11571) and a merge job was kicked off for it with no $$merge$$ anywhere [01:38] the merge job unit tests passed, but the merge failed (obviously) because it hadn't been reviewed [01:39] https://jenkins.juju.canonical.com/job/github-juju-merge-jobs/1559/console [01:39] the job thinks it merged fine [01:39] but github said no [01:39] a bit weird [01:39] thumper: looking [01:43] thumper: I don't see a failed merge job for 11571 [01:43] there is only the pending one [01:43] no, it passed [01:43] the one I linked above was for it [01:43] but it shouldn't have been started even [01:44] thumper: that is for 11564 not 11571 [01:44] ah... it showed up on my branch... [01:44] perhaps it is github that has the error [01:44] probably because of this pr https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11564 [01:44] I just proposed the same branch to land on a different target [01:45] that makes me feel better [01:45] I think we're ok then [01:45] yeah you scared me for a second [01:46] I was a bit scared too [01:47] and now I'm scared for an entirely different reason, for a different issue [01:47] just emailed crew [01:47] need to examine code [01:51] wallyworld: np [02:08] wallyworld: got 5 minute for HO ? [02:08] tlm: sure, once sec [03:20] tlm: merged, tag is 2.0.1 [03:31] thanks wallyworld [04:15] thumper: do you think I should remove the featureflag worker? It's not used now that the legacy-leases-flag is removed, but it's not actually tied to that flag, and I could see wanting to use it again for some other flag [04:16] I guess it could always be resurrected, but it's equally likely to just get rewritten next time it's needed because no-one remembers it was there [04:17] that might still be better than keeping the vestigial worker around [04:17] ok, you've convinced me, good talk! [04:19] wallyworld: reviewed, just some logging to fix [04:20] babbageclunk: I agree with yourself [04:20] thumper: ty [04:37] thumper: for reference, the deletionist won [04:37] kelvinliu: just checking in to see if i can help with anything, quick HO? [04:37] yep [05:24] anyone want to remove the legacy-leases removal? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11573 [05:27] looking [05:28] oops I meant review it [05:29] thanks! [05:30] babbageclunk: should the leases collection be removed after upgrading [05:31] wallyworld: mmmmmaybe? [05:31] probably [05:31] remove the const from allcollections at least so we don't create it [05:32] yeah, good call - I'll just use "leases" in the places that use leasesC now. [05:32] yup [05:32] in upgrade steps i'm guessing [05:35] yup [05:59] hpidcock: a very small fix https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11574 [06:00] i can do it wallyworld ? hpidcock has gone AFK I think [06:00] ok, ty [07:35] wallyworld: free to HO? [07:43] kelvinliu: sure [07:43] stdup? [08:11] anyone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11575 [08:12] merges 2.8-rc branch into 2.8 [08:12] everything applied cleanly [08:12] (thankfully) [08:12] i'll take a look [08:18] tlm: ta [09:50] wallyworld: application-mariadb-k8s: 02:00:59 ERROR juju.worker.uniter resolver loop error: executing operation "remote init": Internal error occurred: error executing command in container: failed to exec in container: failed to create exec "49f43e921bc7252d4180672fb6535b9b09bcff09a50b7495c19d117ef10f10ad": cannot exec in a stopped state: unknown [09:50] this is the error I mentioned last week, now I got it again. I might finally have to retry for many different errors. [10:12] Hi there, the Juju public events calendar had an entry for Juju Office Hours for today. Apparently I was not able to find the relevant YouTube link. [10:12] Did you cancel it or transfer it to a different date? [11:29] skatsaounis: I assume that has been left up in error. I don't see it on my schedule. [11:29] achilleasa: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11576 [11:31] manadart: any particular reason for dropping the []InterfaceInfo type? I am actually working on adding a filter function to select NICs created via OVS [11:31] s/actually/currently [11:32] manadart: ah crap. sorry; just saw that it moved [11:36] achilleasa: Ja. [11:44] manadart: left one comment [11:47] achilleasa: Thanks. That method's only usage is in it the test for it. Any issue if I delete it? [11:47] *is in the test for it... [11:48] Don't think so. You could make it a method on []InterfaceInfo though. I will also be adding one for Filtering [11:48] we may need a sorted list at some point [11:50] achilleasa: Sure; I'll remove it. Specific sort(s) can be added to the new type as you say, at need. [12:00] achilleasa: Removed it. Also relocated tests for the type that were still under the network package. [12:02] manadart: great; I will wait for it to land and rebase my stuff on top so I can make use of the exported InterfaceInfos [12:13] manadart, ok thanks. The most important thing is that I didn't miss it :) Just to be on the safe side, I can see the next one is on 21th of May. Is that correct? [12:26] skatsaounis: timClicks is organising those. He should be able to confirm/deny. [12:38] manadart: can you also forward-port your changes to develop? [12:39] achilleasa: Yep. [12:44] achilleasa: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11577 [12:52] manadart: did it merge cleanly or did you have to tweak anything? [12:53] achilleasa: Just the same old version bits. [12:53] All clean otherwise. [12:53] manadart: ok, going through the change list but just wanted to double-check if I should do a thorough review or not ;-) [12:54] achilleasa: Ja. [13:05] is there a way for me to specify machine constraints when I add another unit to an application? [13:05] *different* constraints than what I originally deployed [13:22] skay: just change the constraints with set-constraints and then when you add-unit it'll follow the new updated constraints [13:29] rick_h: thanks! [13:52] manadart: I will push a PR against 2.8 (and forward port to develop) to replace []InterfaceInfo with InterfaceInfos. Will that cause any issues with the stuff you are working on? [13:53] achilleasa: No. I was going to do that ultimately, so go ahead. [15:01] hml: Can you look at his one in your day? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11579. No rush I am heading off now. [15:08] manadart: looking [15:20] hml: small "sed-rename" PR https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11580 [15:20] achilleasa: added to the queue. :-) [15:59] achilleasa: approved [16:00] hml: thanks! [16:00] achilleasa: I will push another one to forward-port to develop so I can rebase my ovs PR tomorrow [16:00] hml: ^ [16:01] achilleasa: rgr [16:29] hml: PR for the forward port: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/11581 [16:30] achilleasa: looking [16:31] achilleasa: approved [23:39] pylibjuju PR for wallyworld or someone else https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/422 [23:41] looking [23:41] hpidcock: btw, last night i landed the gh actions PR, got pinged by a us person [23:43] hpidcock: why is status.relations handled but not status.applications? [23:44] it seems this would be confusing for a user writing python to use the library to us different approaches [23:44] wallyworld: I'm just testing various ways of getting attributes [23:45] ah ok [23:45] might be work a different test then [23:45] a small test with just that bit tested [23:45] wallyworld: yep can do [23:46] lgtm, ty