[00:04] hello === nothing is now known as Guest72662 === Guest72662 is now known as nothing_ [00:24] so im looking for some help [00:24] but im stil lnew to everything lol [00:26] sudo xrandr --newmode "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync [00:26] sudo xrandr --addmode DP-2-2 1920x1080_60.00 [00:26] xrandr --output DP-2-2 --mode 1920x1080_60.00 [00:28] gives the error xrandr: Configure crtc 1 failed [01:36] sdisplay setting doesn't show required resolution whrn i set custom resolution through xrandr it is in 16:9 how to get it in 4:3 aspect ratio [01:37] the display setting doesn't show required resolution when i set custom resolution through xrandr it is in 16:9 how to get it in 4:3 aspect ratio === miguel is now known as Guest92684 === daryl is now known as darylAtWork [03:16] Hello anyone? === ubuntu is now known as Guest79981 [05:30] Hi [05:42] I cant save my wifi password.. always need to type when I log.. any idea to solve ? [05:43] Hi all. My wallpapers are disappearing all the time when booting or switching activities. This is happening since starting to use ext moni. Sometimes the panel is gone on boot too. Any ideas why / how to fix? [05:44] I cant save my wifi password.. always need to type when I log.. any idea to solve ? [05:51] Supun Wijesinghe, try this: sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/yournetwork.nmconnection [05:52] and put your password in: [wifi-security] [05:52] psk=password [06:07] Can I change aspect ratio of monitor through xrandr [06:09] Good morning [06:46] (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/BD3M91Ph/file_29299.jpg [06:46] (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/3oZvLpI5/file_29300.jpg I am trying to add custom resolution that is not available when I use cvt-r for modeline it does cover the whole screen but it is not optimal and when I use normal CVT there are balnk screen any help [07:35] Upgrade advice needed! [07:35] (Photo, 1280x959) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/YKHInqa4/file_29301.jpg [07:36] Looking in Software Sources all ppa's are disabled. Focal repos are added. Under Ubuntu software everything is UNchecked! ? [07:36] So, I switched back on the Ubuntu software Repo's - Universe etc. Upgrader will not run without updates to be installed. Focal updates identified. Running updates. 😬 I will then try to switch to the main server and run release upgrade again. 🤞 [07:37] Updates complete. Release upgrader says, 'There is no development version of an LTS available'. Can I force release upgrader to re-run - or just restart? Do I need to autoremove first? [08:17] (Photo, 893x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/m7c2YhsZ/file_29302.jpg [08:18] so with 20.04 came this Default Device option [08:19] The idea is good, but it keeps changing when you plug in a new device. How can I make it stay with one device? [08:36] If you click on default device, what happens? [08:37] Isn't it going to be permanent? [08:37] If I am not wrong when you click on the speaker icon on the desktop and you see all the devices, you can click with the right button of the mouse on the device and set "play all the audio with this device" [09:04] Hello! Have updated to 20.04 LTS, all seems fine, but notepadqq doesnt show any content anymore, can openfiles, but the editor field is not there and I cannot close files etc. Any idea? Have reinstalled after all purged, but same behavior [09:11] @Franzpow, no, unfortunately not === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [09:44] help === fp_ is now known as fp__ [10:13] KDE connect problem [10:13] Iam on Kubuntu 20.04. My smartphone is google pixel 2 xl and running android 10. I dont know where the problem is, on the same phone during Android8/9 i am able to connect my phone through kde connect on 19.04/ 18.04. But now its not connecting. I tried from play-store as well f-android. Please help === sunn1 is now known as sunn [10:24] hi can anyone help with custom resolution [10:25] when i use xrandr it doesn't cover whole screen [10:25] but if i copu modline from cvt-r is shows a zoomed screen [10:26] *copy === Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok === Mamarok is now known as Guest82909 === Guest82909 is now known as Mamarok_ === fp_ is now known as anonim[001] === Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok [10:51] hi everybody, anyone who knows of a good microblogging client for Kubuntu that supports twitter? I tried choqok, mikutter and even corebird, but they are all quite buggy on kubuntu 18.04 64 bit. [10:56] @diogenes_, can you put an example please [11:08] 'Morning folks === me is now known as Guest29810 [12:26] hi everybody, anyone who knows of a good microblogging client for Kubuntu that supports twitter? I tried choqok, mikutter and even corebird, but they are all quite buggy on kubuntu 18.04 64 bit. [13:07] is there on-screen keyboard by default ? === ramon is now known as Guest15929 === Guest15929 is now known as RamonM [16:34] @valorie, Hey @Valoriez , following up like I said I would. I was successfully able to Upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 with a ZFS root / boot / home. It was pretty straight forward process which took about 12 steps. … #1. Upgrade Current System to latest state from repositories: … sudo apt update … sudo apt upgrade … #2. Reboot if necessary … sudo shutdown -r now … #3. Run Distribution Release upgrade Command: [16:34] do-release-upgrade -d … #4. When asked at the end, Do not Reboot just yet: … #5. Re-Check the ZFS Pools upgrade: … 'sudo zpool status' show an interesting message: … ... … action: Enable all features using 'zpool upgrade'.... … ... … because it moved from 0.7.5 to 8.2 and there are more features there. … I had 2 zpools: … bootpool … rootpoot … $ zfs list … NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUN [16:34] 1.01G 865M 96K / … bootpool/BOOT 1.01G 865M 96K none … bootpool/BOOT/kubuntu 1.01G 865M 226M legacy … rootpool 1.22T 595G 96K / … rootpool/ROOT 63.5G 595G 96K none … rootpool/ROOT/kubuntu 63.5G 595G 25.2G / … rootpool/home 1.14T 595G 966G /home … rootpool/home/root [16:34] 595G 2.01M /root … rootpool/swap 21.3G 616G 420K - … #6. Reboot (might not be necessary, but this is what I did) … #7. upgrade rootpool … sudo zpool upgrade rootpool … # 8. Upgrade bootpool … upon reboot I could no longer find my bootpool /boot which was interesting... it looked as if when upgrading ZFS, it unmounted the 'bootpool', and then when installing the new kernel, it must have crea [16:34] and did a grub-install after... I may need re-run these steps and find out all the differences. I had to import … sudo zpool import -f bootpool … sudo zpool status … sudo zpool upgrade bootpool … Double check my /etc/fstab for the mount (because /boot was not managed my zfs confg … cat /etc/fstab : … bootpool/BOOT/kubuntu /boot zfs nodev,relatime,x-systemd.requires=zfs-import-bootpool.service [16:34] 0 … /dev/zvol/rootpool/swap none swap discard 0 0 … *Note the systemd.require* it was there from my previous install because when booting up, ZFS was trying to import the pool too early and was unsuccessful - Documentation for /root & /boot zfs install suggested creating this file to change the order of import … # 9. Mount /boot … sudo mount /boot … #10. Update Grub … sudo update-grub … #11. Update ZFS Import Bootpools [16:34] Script: … Remove 'Before=zfs-import-scan.service' from /etc/systemd/system/zfs-import-bootpool.service … so it now looked like this: … cat /etc/systemd/system/zfs-import-bootpool.service … [Unit] … DefaultDependencies=no … Before=zfs-import-cache.service … [Service] … Type=oneshot … RemainAfterExit=yes … ExecStart=/sbin/zpool import -N -o cachefile=none bootpool … [Install] … WantedBy [16:36] Here is my disk layout: … $ zpool status … pool: bootpool … state: ONLINE … scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0h0m with 0 errors on Sun May 10 00:24:05 2020 … config: … NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM … bootpool ONLINE 0 0 0 … mirror-0 [16:36] 0 0 … ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_120GB_S21WNXAH157789A-part3 ONLINE 0 0 0 … ata-Samsung_SSD_850_EVO_120GB_S21VNXAG734579X-part3 ONLINE 0 0 0 … errors: No known data errors … pool: rootpool … state: ONLINE … scan: scrub repaired 0B in 0h44m with 0 errors on Sun May 10 01:08:41 2020 … config: … NAME STATE READ [16:36] rootpool ONLINE 0 0 0 … mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 … nvme-INTEL_SSDPEKNW020T8_PHNH9024003J2P0C-part1 ONLINE 0 0 0 … nvme-INTEL_SSDPEKNW020T8_PHNH9024009C2P0C-part1 ONLINE 0 0 0 … errors: No known data errors … $ zpool list … NAME SIZE ALLOC FRE [16:36] FRAG CAP DEDUP HEALTH ALTROOT … bootpool 1.98G 1.01G 993M - 24% 51% 1.00x ONLINE - … rootpool 1.86T 1.20T 676G - 51% 64% 1.00x ONLINE - [16:39] zparihar, please use past.ubuntu.com, thanks [16:39] this is unreadable [17:02] When I boot Kubuntu my desktop changes icons display en blocks, any idea? thanks [17:20] Hello, I have recently discovered that I no longer have permissions to install software via graphical interface, disconnect from my wireless network (or connect to one for that matter), install packages from terminal when non-sudo among other "normal" functions. The last couple somewhat-significant things that have occured over the past week or so are my upgrade to kernel version 5.6.11 and my switch to Kubuntu 20.04. Plasma version 5.18.4. I am [17:20] not completely sure those events coincide perfectly with this permissions issue but it's close. Any ideas why this happened and how to correct? Thanks in advance! [17:22] so you installed the kernel version 5.6.11 from 'mainline? === juan_ is now known as Tuxar [18:37] is kleopatra safest way to safely download???? [18:39] i would like to download some distros for usb booting === sunn1 is now known as sunn [19:04] kleopatra doesn't download things [19:04] safest way to download ISOs imo is via torrents [19:05] ryansocratic: sounds like you ran sudo when either running GUI apps or when you didn't need to and thus were not supposed to [19:05] try chown ing your $HOME and see if that fixes the issue [19:05] !chown [19:05] An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [19:47] @oerheks, aahhh... sorry... I'll use it from now on! [19:49] Hey @Valoriez , I'm following up like I said I would. I was successfully able to Upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 with a ZFS root / boot / home. It was pretty straight forward process which took about 12 steps. … https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yFP5gRbXCz/ [19:54] Zubin, good post, thanks for sharing! [20:30] chanukadc was added by: chanukadc [20:30] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/G20vDJNJ/file_29341.jpg 😕😕😕 [20:30] Help me [20:31] How to fix this [20:40] @chanukadc if you have this *.deb downloaded you can try with terminal commands: sudo dpkg -i "package" , and after that if some errors persists with dependencies run: sudo apt install --fix-broken [20:45] I highly recommend ventoy. *ubuntu 20.04 requires the beta release: https://github.com/ventoy/Ventoy/releases/tag/v1.0.08beta2 [21:08] No -bin was added by: No -bin [21:11] Is there any page where we can see present known bugs of particular kubuntu version. Like some app development of GitHub has page were known bugs are listed. [21:13] @No -bin, KDE bugs or Ubuntu bugs? [21:14] https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=20.04&list_id=1744646 [21:14] I want know particularly about kubuntu bionic beaver actually. Because that's what I'm planning to use [21:15] https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=18.04&list_id=1744647 [21:18] @DarinMiller, Thanks === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [22:09] Anyone here try installing Kubuntu on a toughbook cf-31?