[21:01] Hi guys! question for folks in the channel. Starting a new web development project. Done stuff in about 20 different languages over the years, Classic ASP, ASP.NET, Python, PHP, Java, ColdFusion, Heavy Client Side JS and HTML Experience. Want to do something that will architecturally support scalability and HA practices that make sense for modern cloud applications, so planning whatever [21:01] I write to leverage docker/kub and cloud, likely AWS EKS, data layer..on the fence between Postgres/Mongo or just going straight AWS RDS...any suggestions, thinking node.js because of non-blocking i/o and generally employing a microservices architecture...but curious if GO or something else, i heard something about Julia recently... [21:01] anyone here that can give me some preferences and why you'd suggest them? [21:09] understand julia to be compiled code [21:10] and node.js is interpreted but i have been hearing more about go apps that run all code we'd typically leave to an interpreter