[06:56] Has anything changed in Launchpad since 2018 or so? I have several PPAs and used an ubuntu 18.04 VM to backport packages and upload them. I hadn't booted that VM since sometime in late 2018. Now, without changing any settings, I made a package and tried to upload it with dput. [06:56] But I get an auth error and then am asked for a user/pass which I have no idea. [06:58] To be clear, it would appear it's rejecting my ssh key (I even tried removing it and adding it back to Launchpad) and then if I enter my user/pass for Launchpad in dput;, it still won't log-in succesfully. [06:58] Any ideas? [07:48] Lord-Kamina: dput to Launchpad should never ask for your password; our SSH server has password authentication disabled. What was the commandline you were using, and what's the corresponding stanza in your dput.cf? [07:50] I'm actually using dput-ng btw; I don't know whether that makes a difference. [07:52] I'm not massively familiar with that tool. But, regardless, we will need the command, configuration and output. [08:32] wgrant here's the stanza in dput.cf https://pastebin.com/tSwz3FGf [08:44] Lord-Kamina: and the output of the command? [08:44] And ssh -v litenstein@ppa.launchpad.net [08:49] Yeah wait a second, I don't know why but I cannot use screen-sharing. D: [08:49] It's unbearably slow. [08:57] wgrant https://pastebin.com/suDe02ut [08:59] The ssh -v output there looks incomplete maybe? [09:00] So that's not us prompting for a username/password, that's dput-ng going "uhh authentication failed, maybe a username/password will help" [09:01] I think we need more complete ssh -v output [09:38] Does https://api.launchpad.net/1.0.html really support getArchiveSubscriptionURL? I always gets "No operation name given." for the private PPA. [09:41] It does [09:41] Can you provide your code? [10:03] cjwatson: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/BgrCdsv24J/ [10:08] BTW, how can I use https://api.launchpad.net to get the username for the current user who calls the API? [10:09] FourDollars: The form data needs to be form-encoded, not JSON-encoded [10:10] cjwatson: Oh~ Thx. [10:10] Also I think the auth needs to be in the Authorization header? [10:10] Yes, that too. Why are you doing this by hand? [10:11] cjwatson: You are right. After using form data, it works. [10:11] FourDollars: /1.0/people/+me (or similar for devel) redirects [10:12] e.g. for me GET /devel/people/+me -> 303 Location: https://api.launchpad.net/devel/~cjwatson [10:12] cjwatson: I am working on the autopkgtest environment set up script. It needs some private PPA. [10:13] It'd be conventional to use launchpadlib for something like that. [10:13] FourDollars: Sure, but you might be better off using launchpadlib if you aren't already familiar with the exact HTTP encoding [10:13] Makes this sort of thing easier. [10:13] Yes [10:14] cjwatson: You saved my day. Thx a lot. Following of the redirect of /1.0/people/+me can get the username. [10:15] In launchpadlib it'd be lp.me.name [10:15] cjwatson: I also wants to write some JavaScript on the web page to use Launchpad API. [10:16] So I start to use Launchpad API from scratch. [10:17] There's a JS client library for Launchpad somewhere in https://github.com/canonical-web-and-design/build.snapcraft.io that might be helpful (build.snapcraft.io itself is deprecated and being folded into the main snapcraft.io site, but the library itself should be usable). But what exactly are you trying to do with this JS web page? [10:18] If it's all anonymous access, it should be OK, but if you're doing anything that involves authentication I'd strongly recommend discussing detailed plans with us first [10:39] OK [10:47] Probably a web page to generate the development environment setup script for new members. [15:28] cjwatson: Here's the complete output, https://pastebin.com/WHd7zjHL [16:59] Lord-Kamina: OK, so ssh authentication apparently works fine. I think you'll need to see if you can find any way to make dput-ng more verbose about what it's doing and what the error is [17:00] It could be that there's some problem with the paramiko library, but hard to tell at second hand [18:05] cjwatson the odd thing is it was working perfectly; I mean, a lot of time went by but other than that literally nothing changed. [18:05] In fact I couldn't remember all the commands for packaging so I got them from the bash history that was still there. [18:08] Right, but without getting dput-ng to be more verbose we aren't going to be able to get much further ... [18:29] I'll see if I can set up a matching test locally, though being impeded a bit by bionic's paramiko not understanding new-format openssh keys. Will have to pick it up again tomorrow [18:31] I saw the verbose logs and they didn't really say anything else. I now installed vanilla dput to see what happens and apparently it's working, although it's uploading veeeery slowly. [18:31] Nothing much that can be done there though. [23:11] cjwatson: do you have access to the LP codebase or at least know where to point to for handling bug mails, etc.? [23:11] or just the email sending code in general [23:11] I may get off my lazy butt and try my hand at proposing DMARC compatible email sending xD [23:29] * Eickmeyer throws more stuff at teward [23:30] Looks like the build farm is stuck. Anybody around to confirm? [23:32] cjwatson:? wgrant ? SpecialK|Canon ?