[06:32] goood morning desktopers [06:41] good morning [06:51] morning seb128 and didrocks [06:52] hey marcustomlinson, didrocks, happy friday! [06:52] and to you :) [06:58] hey marcustomlinson, salut seb128! Happy Friday [07:08] gnome-control-center tags f1eeadb Sebastien Bacher upstream/3.36.2 * Upstream version 3.36.2 * https://deb.li/33fXi [07:09] gnome-control-center upstream/latest 9b44b35 Sebastien Bacher * pushed 29 commits * https://deb.li/3IHCe [07:09] gnome-control-center pristine-tar 7be9268 Sebastien Bacher gnome-control-center_3.36.2.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-control-center_3.36.2.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_3.36.2.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/Xw2I [07:16] Morning seb128, didrocks, marcustomlinson [07:17] hey duflu [07:17] hey duflu, how are you? [07:17] seb128, Alright, could be better and aim to be after a sleep in tomorrow. You? [07:19] duflu, I'm good thanks! [07:19] hey duflu [07:58] gnome-control-center signed tags 8e7db10 Sebastien Bacher ubuntu/1%3.36.2-1ubuntu1 * gnome-control-center Debian release 1:3.36.2-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3ZHLF [07:58] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master caf0d2c Sebastien Bacher * pushed 35 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/AwW7 [07:58] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master ce848d3 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/3a0cv [07:58] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 4681768 Jiri Grönroos po/fi.po * Update Finnish translation * https://deb.li/r00E [07:58] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master fb8410e Jiri Grönroos po/fi.po * Update Finnish translation * https://deb.li/30f8d [07:59] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master cb98517 Bastien Nocera panels/info-overview/cc-info-overview-panel.c * info-overview: Verify data coming from switcheroo-control * https://deb.li/dIk2 [07:59] gnome-control-center ubuntu/master ef0b5d4 Robert Ancell panels/applications/cc-applications-panel.c * applications: Fix only connected snap interfaces showing * https://deb.li/310qC [08:02] hey ho [08:02] hey Laney, how are you? [08:02] what up seb128 [08:02] doing alright [08:02] it's friday! [08:02] gnome-control-center signed tags 300cc7c Sebastien Bacher ubuntu/1%3.36.2-0ubuntu1 * gnome-control-center Debian release 1:3.36.2-0ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/3pvZh [08:02] looking forward to the weekend /o\ [08:03] you? [08:03] gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal 0c2f403 Sebastien Bacher * pushed 37 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/ijUoc [08:03] gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal fb8410e Jiri Grönroos po/fi.po * Update Finnish translation * https://deb.li/30f8d [08:03] gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal cb98517 Bastien Nocera panels/info-overview/cc-info-overview-panel.c * info-overview: Verify data coming from switcheroo-control * https://deb.li/dIk2 [08:03] good work on the .2 updates [08:03] gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal ef0b5d4 Robert Ancell panels/applications/cc-applications-panel.c * applications: Fix only connected snap interfaces showing * https://deb.li/310qC [08:03] me too, though it's rainy now, summer is over [08:03] thx! [08:03] gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal b24817a Jiri Grönroos po/fi.po * Update Finnish translation * https://deb.li/xI2z [08:03] gnome-control-center ubuntu/focal e714882 Yuri Chornoivan po/uk.po * Update Ukrainian translation * https://deb.li/3l0Gs [08:03] my water bill is happy for that [08:03] had been using the hose every day [08:03] GNOME SRUs this morning, meetings in the afternoon and then w.e \o/ [08:04] :) [08:04] do you have monday off in the u.k? I don't remember how you 'work day holiday' works [08:05] it's today here, but since there is virtual Vienna I'm just going to swap [08:05] they moved it to friday this year [08:05] because 75 years since VE day [08:06] VE? [08:10] it's what they call the end of WWII in europe here [08:10] "victory in europe" [08:11] hey hey Laney [08:11] moin didrocks [08:11] speaking of holidays, aren't you both supposed to be off? [08:12] yeah, but swapping as I will need those days soooooooon :) [08:13] (same with next Friday) [08:13] and a meeting on the sprint today [08:13] but you could be doing something bett ... oh wait [08:13] ahah :p [08:27] ah, ok [09:17] tseliot: hey, is the Prime nvidia panel something ubuntu-only or upstream? (the switch between on demand / performance mode)? [09:18] tseliot: context is https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/-/issues/2715#note_786173 (and so, if it’s ubuntu only, I am afraid we will need a distro patch in switcheroo) [10:32] Hi seb128, the ibus upstreaming was successful: [10:32] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ibus/-/commit/924290db [10:32] (I merged it myself, but had a +1 from the main maintainer after some minor adjustments.) [10:32] GunnarHj, great! [10:32] and hey :) [10:35] seb128: So I suppose that we from now should try to add e.g. upstream commits directly in salsa rather than as Ubuntu only patches. [10:35] GunnarHj, indeed that would be better [10:36] attente in that patch [10:36] * Laney goes misty eyed [10:36] indeed :/ [11:16] Wimpress: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/477749414/buildlog_ubuntu_groovy_amd64_ubuntu-mate_BUILDING.txt.gz that's one for you to fix [11:20] hi [11:21] a friend of mine reported that a d-r-u from bionic to focal removed ifupdown. Is this expected ? And if so, is this mentioned somewhere in the focal release notes ? [11:21] not sure if it's a server team question or a desktop-ish question [11:24] axino, i'm pretty sure ifupdown was dropped between xenail and bionic so i doubt there is somethig in the focal release notes [11:24] *xenial [11:25] ogra: I'm running on focal and I still have it. I d-r-u'ed through every release though [11:25] ogra: https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/zYyyfRyWQw/ [11:25] https://ubuntu.com/blog/netplan-by-default-in-17-10 [11:26] dropped in 17.10 ... [11:27] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#New_since_16.04_LTS [11:27] ogra: "not the default" is very, VERY different from "dropped" [11:27] ogra: from that wiki page : The ifupdown package remains available and supported in Ubuntu main for users that find netplan does not currently meet their networking needs. [11:27] see the bionic release notes i linked [11:27] ogra: see what I just typed [11:28] yes, you can manually install it [11:28] but the upgrader should have removed it during your 16.04->18.04 upgrade [11:29] ogra: where do you see that ? [11:29] it was deprecated in 18.04 as the release notes say ... netplan replaces it in all default installs [11:29] I see nowhever in the bionic or focal release notes that ifupdown will be removed during the upgrade and that users must upgrade to netplan [11:29] usually the upgrader removed deprecated packages [11:29] in focal it moved to universe [11:30] but is still installable [11:31] ogra: so where are the release notes mentioning that the upgrader will remove ifupdown ? "usually the upgrader removed deprecated packages" that's never been my experience [11:32] i'm not sure what you want to discuss with me ... the upgrader in 18.04 *did* remove it because it wasnt a default piece anymore and had been replaced ... also note that ifconfig is deprecated since about a decade, ubuntu was the last distro removing it [11:33] (following debian that removed it around the same time) [11:35] ogra: I think his point is that when he upgraded to bionic, the upgrader didn’t remove it for him, nor during the main -> universe demotion (like disco -> eoan). I’m unsure why, but #u-devel with foundation team will be the right place to discuss it IMHO as they both own d-r-u and know what they have done for the transition ifupdown -> netplan [11:38] ah thanks didrocks :) [11:38] didrocks, well, i doubt we can retroactively fix it so i dont see what the discussion point is ... it is gone :) he could file a bug about the non-removal indeed ... [11:39] ogra: I was hoping we could retroactively fix the release notes :) [11:39] maybe we should understand when it’s really removed from d-r-u and adapt the release note :) [11:39] I have no problem with the removal, if the users are warned in the release notes [11:40] "Given that ifupdown is no longer installed by default, the commands: ifup and ifdown are also unavailable. Please use the ip command to achieve similar functionality, specifically ip link set $device up and ip link set $device down. " [11:40] 18.04 release notes have "The ifupdown package remains available and supported in Ubuntu main", 20.04 ones have no mention of that package, surely we can do better [11:40] thanks again and have a good day everyone ! [11:40] i'D say "no longer installed by deault" is a good enough indicator for "the upgrade will remove it" [11:40] but probably i'm reading it wrong [11:41] (from the release notes) [12:54] Does anyone know offhand about example code in Vala for checking XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ? [13:04] GunnarHj, I don't [13:04] seb128: Ok. Trying to google... [13:07] GunnarHj, e.g https://codesearch.debian.net/show?file=ibus_1.5.22-4%2Fengine%2Fmain.vala&line=82 ? [13:08] then you probalby need to split in : and see if the list contain the one you want to match on? [13:08] e.g [13:08] desktops = GLib.Environment.get_variable("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"); [13:09] seb128: It's the splitting part I need help with. I don't know Vala. :/ [13:10] desktoplist[] list = desktops.split(":"); [13:10] well, https://valadoc.org/glib-2.0/string.split.html [13:10] easier to copy an example from there [13:11] you can use "in" in vala [13:12] ah sorry misread [13:15] seb128, Laney: Thanks for tips. Something to look closer into. I'm trying to revive https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/TT566FRyzk/, make it apply for both GNOME and Unity, and propose it upstream. [13:16] huh interesting [13:16] surprised that gnome needs such a patch [13:17] Laney: if you open ibus-setup, the very first thing you see is an option to change the layout switch shortcut. Changing it from there is not effective on GNOME. [13:19] GunnarHj: Fair enough. That patch looks like it forks the whole UI though - I suspect an upstreamable patch would rather need to modify it dynamically (or make it do the right thing) [13:20] seb128's hints seem like what you need immediately though (then return "Unity7" in desktop_names or similar) [13:21] Laney: I see what you mean. But proposing clumsy code is a way to communicate the issue and start the process. I have been successful previously as regards ibus by doing so. :) [13:22] OK, good luck! [13:22] Thanks! [14:53] good morning desktopers === acheronuk is now known as RikMills === ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch === ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson === Newfangled__ is now known as Newfangled === siel_ is now known as siel