=== TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis [11:13] It wouldn’t hurt to recommend to people with lower RAM machines that they should have a swap file before trying to install 20.04 === jacques is now known as Guest28102 === acheronuk is now known as RikMills [15:15] hi everyone ;-) [15:18] hi [15:37] tutto bene? [15:39] !it [15:39] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [15:41] ok thanks i didnt know that [15:41] im new here [15:47] hey diogenes_ [15:48] hey Deano59 [16:09] does anyone know of a "bandwidth monitor for Ubuntu/Lubuntu? === lubuntu is now known as Guappooo === lubuntu is now known as Guest20623 [19:14] hi, how do I scale qtk apps on a hidpi screen? [19:14] *gtk [19:14] like chrome [19:38] sorry dc, dont know if someone could answer my question? === TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis === lubuntu is now known as Guest29117 === Guest29117 is now known as kurikitakati [20:52] alguna minita? [23:50] Hello [23:50] Somebody is having troubles with the new version of Impress(LibreOffice equivalent to Power Point) or im the only one?