[01:17] @franzpow on Freenode using /list is not advised [01:17] there is a search engine just for freenode: alis [01:18] you use it like /msg alis list *searchterm* [01:18] veeeeeery useful [01:34] @Anarchotaoist two things to check -- are all the kdeconnect versions the same? [01:34] if so, then "unpair" everything and repair [01:43] hi all :) [01:58] @valorie, Hi Valorie - No, the version of 20.04 is 1.4 and the version on 19.10 is 1.3.5 and is the latest. The newer version must not be available for Eoan! [01:59] possibly not [02:00] @valorie, I actually purged KDEConnect off 20.04 and reinstalled. It connected straight away to my phone and brought up all the other (android) devices available but still not Kubuntu 19.04. [02:00] 19.04 is EOL [02:00] 19.10 you mean? [02:01] 19.10 sorry! [02:01] we don't do backports for that anymore I think [02:01] just security updates [02:01] there's no point [02:01] support runs out this summer [02:01] ok - I meant 19.10 [02:03] So - KDEConnect 1.4 cannot communicate to 1.3.5 in Linux? [02:03] it seems not [02:03] 😣 [02:04] is there any reason not to upgrade your 19.10 install? [02:04] The upgrade is not available yet - is it? [02:04] of course [02:05] !ltsupgrade [02:05] Regular upgrades from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS will be enabled once 20.04.1 is released in late July. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d [02:05] I upgraded before release [02:05] I thought upgrade came at the first pt release! ? [02:05] it will be offered then, yes [02:05] but certainly you can do it now [02:05] oh, ok. Thanks. [02:05] anytime after the beta, actually [02:06] as the factoid says above [02:07] i did two upgrades and they were both perfect [02:08] Hmm, ok, Late July is a way off, so maybe I will upgade. Thanks. [02:08] *whatever you do*, prepare a fresh usb with the iso [02:11] Is there anyway to get KDEConnect installed back into the Settings menu? After I purged and reinstalled this the settings item is gone. It is only in the launcher menu. No big deal though! [02:15] settings menu? [02:15] hmm, I never remember it being there [02:22] (Photo, 1280x855) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/LEtkiEWY/file_28633.jpg [02:22] 3rd from bottom. [02:24] Oh wait! After reboot it is now back there! [02:24] huh! I spoke too soon! [02:28] I wonder. I had to reinstall Kubuntu as my ssd died. I set it up with the same root and password and same name. If some KDEconnect settings are carried back over with my home folder could this be causing conflict with the two Kubuntu machines recognising each other? [02:35] I wonder. Could I delete the .cong/kdeconnect directory and reinstall KDEconnect to see if that makes a difference? [02:42] nishishui [02:54] @Anarchotaoist, Well, that was a bad idea. KDEconnect cannot see anything now. 😞 [02:57] Ok, turning off the VPN got it recognising the Android devices again - but still no recognition of Kubuntu. Argh! [03:22] never a good idea to delet config files -- try renaming them instead next time [03:23] then you can always move it back or at least edit back in the the bits you want [03:23] config files are just text file [03:23] s [03:28] Hi, how can one edit/remove menu entries in application launcher? I uninstalled Google Chrome but for some odd reason it's webapps menu is still there. [03:47] Metamorphosis- should be able to right-click the launcher button and go to Edit Applications [03:48] Thanks. [04:00] Is there anyone who can fix this problem “ date of the laptop automatically changed when laptop is switched on after fec hours. But without changing the time zone. However it is again automatically get set when laptop is connected to the internet” Is this a fixable problem? === saigel_ is now known as saigel [04:37] Hi guys! Is it safe to upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04 yet? I heard sth. about problems with Thunderbird and other packages on 20.04. [04:38] @Metamorphosis, The program you want is "kmenuedit". It is preinstalled on Kubuntu. [05:04] @Linuxophil problems? [05:05] I upgraded one of my laptops when the beta was released, the other on the day of release [05:05] both went great [05:17] @valorie, Yeah. Packages not installable. Notably Thunderbird. [05:18] hmmm, that should be reported as a bug [05:18] Not my own experience, just stories here from the Telegrams. [05:18] @valorie, That's what I told the guy. [05:18] I've not seen anyone report a bug number [05:19] But I don't want to upgrade my father in law's Laptop if I don't have to until it is save to do so. [05:22] @valorie, It's sudo do-release-upgrade correct? [05:22] you still need to add -d [05:22] sudo do-release-upgrade -d [05:22] @Linuxophil, Sudo do-release-upgrade -d? [05:23] yes [05:23] What's the "-d" for? [05:23] d=development [05:24] but don't worry, it's just 20.04 LTS [05:40] @valorie, Great! Thanks! [05:41] :-) [05:44] Let's see if he is as daring! [05:45] @valorie, Will the ppa give newer versions of plasma this LTS? [05:45] Do you know? [05:45] Or does anyone? [05:45] I'm not sure [05:46] because I can't recall whether that requires a newer Qt [05:46] apps get upgraded, but sometimes Plasma, not [05:46] we'll see [05:46] Yeah. [05:46] 20.10 is just 6 months away [05:46] Na, I stay on LTSses. [05:47] I am a total noob and not capable of solving problems that come with interim releases. [05:47] I love Plasma though. [05:48] it's possible that there will be a new plasma PPA [05:48] but nothing promised [05:49] Sure. [05:50] I am happy either way. I cherish stability. And since the lower point releases of a new Plasma version naturally come with some pain points, it is a two bladed sword for me to have new versions. [05:51] right [05:54] good morning guys [05:54] can anyone help me to register my irc account [05:55] !register [05:55] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode. [05:55] it's pretty easy [05:56] <-- not a guy [05:57] @valorie, LOL! The English language is so weirdly great! [05:57] indeed! === amro is now known as CoDeAmRo [06:20] i hv a question how does the kde comic strip widget work and how can i make my own ? many of the comic strips dont work how to fix it? [06:22] oh kubuntu... after updates my scroll bars are broken and i can't use the mouse to highlight text. yay :| [06:23] rebecca: did you restart? or at least logout and back in? [06:23] granted i'm using an 18.04 LTS.. but recent updates have been introducing all sorts of weird gui/mouse related bugs [06:23] johndripper: you might get more help with that in #kde [06:24] 18.04.4 is still supported for another year, rebecca [06:24] valorie: i restarted after installing the most recent updates. restarting again _shouldn't_ fix it but i know it might be worth a try [06:25] true [06:25] sorry to hear about your difficulties [06:25] valorie: well, the QA on updates really stinks then [06:25] * valorie is heading to sleep [06:25] nite valorie [06:26] :-) [06:30] does somebody know how to fi my keyboard, i can only type capital Xs, small ones dont work. small X works if i do ctrl +alt+ f2 [06:32] maybe your caps lock key is stuck ;) [06:32] ctrl X works [06:32] but just the letter doesnt [06:33] so when u type all are in capital letters? [06:34] no [06:34] have you tried an alternate kbd? [06:34] could your kbd be set to some weird localisation? [06:36] try a virtual keyboard to check if it is some kind of improper keyboard kettings [06:36] its possible, Im australian, in france with a french keyboard, settings are a bit mieed up... [06:37] miXed [06:37] i havent tried anything yet i dont know where to look [06:38] whats a virtual keyboard [06:39] like the keyboard on a smartphone [06:39] u can click it with your mouse [06:42] nope same result [06:42] X @clqy sudo apt install onboard [06:44] Ive done that, it doesnt function [06:44] i see [06:44] then it must be improper keyboard setting in your part [06:47] system settings>input devices > keyboard check if changing anything here fixes it [06:47] system settings>accessibility [06:47] it functions on the log in screen [06:50] if i click the adress bar in firefo to reveal search history, pressing X closes the drop down menu same if i open a menubar dropdown menu, so how do i fiX? [06:50] trial and error of each type of keyboard is settings? [06:52] yeah try it [06:52] if it doesnt work then revert back to default [06:53] ive tried heaps of diffferent keyboards, nothing seems to work even default [06:54] go to accessibility and turn off use stick keys if it is on [06:56] ok, wasnt on [07:04] Is there anyone who can fix this problem “ date of the laptop automatically changed when laptop is switched on after fec hours. But without changing the time zone. However it is again automatically get set when laptop is connected to the internet” Is this a fixable problem? [07:05] your cmos battery is dead [07:06] @clqy go to system settings and type shortcut [07:06] change every thing to default [07:08] ok fixed [07:08] thanks [07:08] so i buggered up a shortcut somewhere [07:08] nice [07:08] ;) [07:08] happy to help [07:16] hi2all [07:34] Hi [07:48] valorie: didn't know that [07:51] hello [08:10] hello sir [08:13] i need to know that how to recover my data [08:13] thats easy to answer [08:14] can i explain my condition [08:14] sure === TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis [08:15] i tried to remove/uninstall my firefox but unfortunately i lost my all data in my kubuntu system [08:16] maybe it happend bcz im using root [08:16] after that i'll try to recover it by testdisk but its not working for me [08:17] can i show you my comamnds [08:17] rd, try photorec. [08:17] now i'm working on new kubuntu desktop [08:19] I,m also tried with systemback , But this is showing the time after I delete everything, [08:20] rm -rf .kde/share/config/plasma-* , mv ~/ .kde4 ~/ .kde4.old , i used these two command also. to recover all data [08:26] ok new question for the day... the wifi usb antenna that i was using yesterday on the live boot doesnt work on this install... yesterday i plugged it in and it worked. Ive got a cd to install and everything but i cant figure it out [08:31] The cd is meant to be installed.on windows? [08:32] Do a quick research on google and see if someone had problems with this particular device on kubuntu [08:32] Maybe that could be useful [08:38] thanks i got it === dsciflafarga is now known as martina_ [09:00] If I'm not wrong, shouldn't Kubuntu have it's own software source for delivering updates. Right now it only shows the official ubuntu repositories when I run apt update [09:13] a recent update has left my 18.04.4 LTS with really weird mouse behavior: A variety of click and hold / drag type cursor functions across multiple applications either don't work or kinda work but don't display the result until the click is released. eg: drag and drop, moving a the scroll bar, highlighting text. [09:14] rebooting doesn't fix. the system worked fine until recent updates were installed [09:15] my mouse input settings have been set to default so it's not some weird click time settings I have entered [10:11] (Photo, 511x155) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/jmzJL1h1/file_28654.jpg Hello! I have set up Kmail on a fresh install of Kubuntu 20.04. All settings are the same as those on my other Kubuntu 19.10 machine. Emails are received but are not sending. What can I troubleshoot? Version 5.13.3 (19.12.3) Thanks! [10:13] @rebecca, Damn! Have a look in Muon package manager for the synaptics extra package. 🤷🏻‍♂️ [10:19] Howdy all [10:29] @ahangarha, Regarding the second issue, I was right about Kwin being responsible for it. … I just removed these files/directories and issue is over: … - `~/.config/kwinrc` … - `~/.config/kwinrulesrc` … - `~/.cache/kwin` [11:28] Is there a command to down grade back to 19.10? [11:29] @Anarchotaoist wht? [11:29] why? === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [11:31] Too many hassles! Many appimages will not launch. KDEConnect will no longer connect to my other linux box and worst of all I can no longer send email! [11:37] packages are fully up to date ? [11:37] yes. [11:39] Is there a way to roll back? [11:42] appimages are iffy, you have to espect problems with them [11:42] expect [11:59] Plus auto-connection to wifi no longer works on start up. A slight annoyance. Things also feel slower. Paper cuts -like installing Kup but Bup is no longer in the repo for its funcitoning. No longer being able to send email is a big minus though. If I could down grade then upgrade later when bugs are sorted that would be good. 19.10 works great! [12:01] kmail? [12:01] Yes, Kmail. [12:03] @Anarchotaoist are you using plasma as DE? I am having the same issue with wifi auto-connection but I am on 19.10 and I am using i3wm [12:03] suddenly autoconnection stopped working one week ago [12:04] @Anarchotaoist are you on the job sending receiving hundreds of emails daily ? [12:04] @Franzpow, Plasma -yes. I am on Kubuntu. Auto-connection is flawless on Kubuntu 19.10. [12:06] @BluesKaj, No, personal use with two accounts. They work great on my other machine still on 19.10. Both have the same settings. 20.04 can receive email no problems but cannot send. [12:06] Sorry - 3 accounts. [12:07] thunderbird would probly serve your needs just as well as kmail then [12:08] kmail is clunky and unstable...unfortunately [12:14] I love the plasma desktop integration of Kmail and hate having all the core apps (calendar, contacts and email) in one interface like Thunderbird. It is so user unfriendly when you want to have more than one open to view at once. Thunderbird does not respect my theming either. Kmail was unstable over a year ago but is fantastic now -well until 20.04. I like to use all KDE apps where I can. === Guest31761 is now known as lordievader [12:31] it is sad, because the whole contact suite would have lots of potential, but i just tried it and couldn't even import my google calendar. [12:33] Battery power now also! I just dropped from 28% to 5%! argh! Anyone know how to downgrade to 19.10??? [12:34] kmail was a great app before they decided to make it ah office suite email app in kde4 [12:36] @ordinarydude, The Kontact suit is awesome! There was an issue with gmail a while back but it simply meant having to authorise it in your google account. It worked for me but I cancelled my gmail soon after anyway. I never trusted my calendar to google. Nextcloud is a bugger to set up and upgrade but is also a fantastic option. [12:38] KOrganizer and KAddressbook sync flawlessly with Nextcloud! [12:44] @Anarchotaoist, as a dedicted kde/plasma user then maybe a real IRC client like Konversation should be in your fav apps list :-) [13:10] @BluesKaj, ? 😕 I must be missing something. Real IRC client? Kmail is not IRC. Telegram? I did not think Telegram was IRC either! ? I had Konversation on this laptop before 20.04 but as IRC is an older tech and not used as much now, then I have not used it much either. Konversation works great for IRC - but then again I have not used any other IRC client anyway. [13:11] to me telegram is a pita [13:14] I suppose it depends on what you like and your VARK modality. I am high in Visual learning so Telegram is good for me, but if you are more Read/Write I suppose IRC is a better option! [13:16] BluesKaj: I like IRC but there a no valid IRC client on android. I would like to write on this channel with an IRC client while using my phone but when I leave the app I just got disconnected. This is the main reason why I am writing in this channel via telegram. It's easier to ask for support while, for example, your pc is stuck directly from your phone [13:17] unfortunately IRC doesn't work for me on my phone or I just did not find any good client. The situation is different on my pc where I still use IRC [13:17] phones have irc clients too [13:18] I know, I use AndroidIRC but it get disconnected if I am, for example, using the browser. It just doesn't work well in the background on android [13:19] i have HoloIRC installed on my android but haven't used it more than once, using konversation rn [13:19] some user here suggested this program/app http://keybase.io [13:20] maybe it could help me use IRC on my phone [13:21] ordinarydude: I use hexchat on my pc but it is not working anymore since I switched to i3wm :( [13:21] Konversation still rocks on [13:22] ordinarydude: does HoloIRC work in background without disconnecting? [13:24] @Franzpow Yes. [13:24] Cool [13:26] I am installing it right now. I will try === Zagmeister_ is now known as Zagmeister [13:39] Uff it is working bad. Displays no text and disconnect in background :( [13:39] @Franzpow my bad, sry [13:43] I read this exchange about IRC clients on Android, typing this on IRCCloud, works ok for me. I have no DCs when the app is in bckgr. What phone are you on, Franzpow? [13:45] I am on an Honor7s [13:45] I don't like IRCcloud.. I just found another open source app called Revolution Irc on Android [13:45] That is working fine for now.. I will try it [13:46] Okay [13:49] Zagmeister: thank you for the suggestion! [13:49] yvw [13:56] So I have a problem with the software apt with pre-release updates enabled. Every time I try to get an update an error is displayed and I wonder if this can be fixed. The link to the error is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rzBZ3CFxT3/. I am using Kubuntu 20.10 by the way. [14:00] sebastian_, Groovy questionjs in #ubuntu+1 please === sebastian_ is now known as SebastainS === veronica is now known as Guest5416 [14:09] Sorry, but I can not access the #ubuntu+1 because it is a +r channel. [14:15] orboti2p was added by: orboti2p [14:19] #ubuntu+1 === w_ is now known as Guest62413 [14:36] halo [14:37] I've problem to enable wifi on terminal === Guest62413 is now known as shfbsdbvf [14:48] hola [14:48] buenas a todos [14:48] que haceis? === acheronuk is now known as RikMills [15:57] Wifi password is not saving. Always need to give password to connect wifi ? [16:20] When can I upgrade to 20.04 via command line? [16:26] R13ose: on what release? [16:28] from 19.10, not until this is fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chrony/+bug/1872902 [16:28] Launchpad bug 1872902 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Focal) "Upgrade to Focal now removes chrony" [Critical,Triaged] === dsciflafarga is now known as martina_ [16:40] RikMills: yep from 19.10. thanks for letting me know about the bug. [16:43] If I did sudo do-release-upgrade -d but didn't hit enter a second time when asked, how do I now get rid of the updates that appear? [17:26] I solved my problem [17:27] RikMills: that bug ticket hasn't been updated in 4 days. [18:15] helo to all ... pleace help me whit this link and register a new account ... https://it.forgeofempires.com/?invitation=3714962-it8-l&ref=player_invite_link [18:17] oliyavan was added by: oliyavan [18:18] Un Known was added by: Un Known [18:19] hm [18:23] so anyone have insight as to when the online account for google will work again? [18:32] viewer|26: spamming off-topic links is not tolerated on these channels === unknown_ is now known as unknownTX === TheMetamorphosis is now known as Metamorphosis === kubuntu is now known as Guest89642 [20:53] Hello -- My release upgrade tool on 19.10 isn't finding 20.04, and I'm wondering if it should be available by now? Sorry if this is premature or has been asked 100 times already. [21:04] so my nickname is already used by myself a few years ago and i forgot how to login [21:08] nhk_: While I'd be happy to assist with that, network support in #freenode please. :) [21:10] krytarik: its ok ty [21:11] MoPac: Can't find anything exact but there is an answer to your question in https://askubuntu.com/questions/1231023/how-to-get-the-official-non-development-version-of-focal-fossa-20-04 [21:30] They've quit from the network about 8 mins later though. === kubuntu is now known as Guest93442 [21:46] OI === nhk is now known as NHK === wingedrhino is now known as Guest52376 === Guest52376 is now known as wingedrhino_ === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [23:43] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/S0PTcVFc/file_28715.jpg clean