[19:03] how much build minutes do you guys average per month on Gitlab? I counted today (5h of jobs, 2h of pipelines) which would be 9k or 12.6k minutes per month. With those minutes, seems like with gitlab's pricing it would be $100/user/month. [19:04] and that's just the Teleports app [19:04] I can't imagine what it is if you include all apps [19:16] Hi folks. Will Unity 8 (or whatever it's called these days) be available for 20.04 desktop? Also, is this project doing the maintaining of Unit 7 that's currently in the repos? [19:39] probably a question for #ubuntu rather than here right? [19:46] Maybe you're right. I'm also curious how usable it is on desktop though. [20:14] With Unity8 being upstreamed in Debian, it will be in desktop Ubuntu at some point. For 20.04 it might be too late though [20:14] Ubports has nothing to do with Unity7 AFAIK [20:59] Unity 7 is not maintained by ubports and it might take year for unity8 to be available [21:00] Usable is another story [21:00] But yes it is currently being upstreamed to debian and other distros [21:03] Or to quote phoronix that quoted marius "In the sense of having something available for download, then very likely yes. But usable definitely not. It still needs a lot of work on the desktop side. To expect something vaguely usable within the space of a year may be possible but we are making no promises on that. As with all work of this kind, more participation from experienced developers would help a lot. This is a highly [21:03] advanced and specialized area though, so finding people will be difficult." [21:03] And now i realize he left before he saw the answers [21:07] Might help others :) [21:07] I suppose xD [21:08] I think there is hope that with the PinePhone supporting display port output in hardware at least, more people will look into desktop support for nicer convergence. [21:08] Although the pinephone is probably a bit sluggish with desktop software [21:11] That's not really the same beast as unity8 on desktop tho [21:14] I think there's more hope for the "desktop version" in the debian upstreaming work [22:44] rangergord, we get GitLab Ultra at no cost to us [22:45] Additionally we can provide our own runner which would give us unlimited minutes anyway