[16:35] ok Odd_Bloke so it's land 204 and then followup with a warning log if we need to after testing [16:35] ? [16:44] blackboxsw: Yeah, land #204 and then I'll do testing to see if we want to add any documentation/logging information about the change. [16:45] blackboxsw: Once landed, I'll also push through a PPA build and ask for an Azure image build for testing. [16:45] +1 Odd_Bloke [17:05] blackboxsw: powersj: I can't remember how to kick off a manual sync of GitHub -> Launchpad, can either of you remind me? [17:34] blackboxsw, I don't think our status meeting was on Sunday (16) :P [17:34] should we do one now? [17:34] hah [17:34] yes lets [17:35] #startmeeting Cloud-init bi-weekly status [17:35] Meeting started Tue Feb 18 17:35:26 2020 UTC. The chair is blackboxsw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. [17:35] Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [17:35] o/ hi cloud-init folks. sorry I botched being able to read calendars last time. === blackboxsw changed the topic of #cloud-init to: pull-requests https://git.io/JeVed | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting February 18 17:15 UTC | 19.4 (Dec 17) drops Py2.7 : origin/stable-19.4 | 20.1 (Feb 18) | https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug [17:36] let's kick off our cloud-init status meeting. [17:36] notes from previous meeting are here: [17:36] #link https://cloud-init.github.io/status-2020-02-04.html#status-2020-02-04 [17:37] the topics we cover in this meeting are the following: Previous Actions, Recent Changes, In-progress Development, Community Charter, Upcoming Meetings, Office Hours (~30 mins). [17:37] today I'll add a topic for cloud-init's upstream release 20.1 [17:37] #topic Previous Actions [17:38] Last meeting minutes show no carryover action items. So we can drop into recent changes [17:38] #topic Recent Changes [17:40] We have about 8 commits landed in master since last meeting: found with git log --since 02-04-2020 [17:40] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/28Y8jGTGwr/ [17:41] some doc fixes, CI fixes for Azure integration testing , swap disk support for cc_disk_setup and freebsd improvements. [17:42] thanks for contributions there all. I think we still have a long tail of improvements to review for FreeBSD and NetBSD so we'll try to keep the conversation going there.. Thanks meena and do3meli there [17:42] I mean Goneri [17:44] #chair rharper Odd_Bloke smoser [17:44] Warning: Nick not in channel: rharper [17:44] Current chairs: Odd_Bloke blackboxsw rharper smoser [17:44] forgot to set meeting chairs. sry [17:45] #topic In-prgoress Development [17:45] #topic In-progress Development [17:47] Odd_Bloke: is currently wrapping up any remaining py2/p3-isms in master branch. Dropping use of 'six' throughout the code. Paride is working on copr-build failures due to the shift to python3 packages. otubo, thanks for the ping back on finding various python3 CentOS packages. We'll also try sorting this this week so cloud-init py3 builds can work on CentOS 7 and 8 [17:47] If folks didn't see the mailing list Odd_Bloke has a branch up to shift from nosetests -> pytest https://lists.launchpad.net/cloud-init/msg00245.html [17:48] we expect to land that after 20.1 releases. Thanks for the reviews there https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/211 [17:49] #topic cloud-init upstream 20.1 [17:50] So, today at EOD is upstream release day for cloud-init 20.1. Just another timed release of cloud-init which we strive to make quarterly thoughout the year [17:50] As mentioned on the mailing list, if there are any branches/PRs that folks really would like to get into 20.1, please raise them here. We will scrub the review queue today and see what makes sense to land for this release. [17:52] I'll be driving the 20.1 release. [17:53] We just landed https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/204 into master, which is a fix for a (low priority) CVE that we wanted in before cutting the release. [17:54] I'm going to perform some testing of that change before cutting the release, to determine if any doc changes are required for it and to check if it impacts boot on Azure instances that have a password provided by the Azure fabric. [17:54] I was just looking over the PR from fred in ec2 land about handling a disabled path for IMDSv2 that looks interesting, but it still needs unit tests https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/216/files [17:55] this would certainly help non-ec2 lookalikes [17:55] and is a fairly specific fix. [17:56] we can peek over it during the office hours and see if it makes sense. [17:56] Thanks Odd_Bloke for driving the 20.1 release. [17:56] So, again, plan is to cut 20.1 at end of day today. [17:58] What follows will be a tag and release to Ubuntu Focal to sync tip of master to Ubuntu development release [17:59] #topic Community Charter [18:00] This topic is a placeholder to remind folks of any project-wide development tasks that we are engaging the community in. [18:00] the general theme at the moment is cloud-config schema definitions for the config modules in cloudinit/config/cc_*py and improving/correct datasource configuration documentation [18:00] We've queued this work as separate bugs in cloud-init at the following link [18:01] #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize [18:01] we'll revisit this set of bugs/features and resent community charter goals near the end of 2020 at the next cloud-init summit. If there are suggestions/desires for community themed tasks please feel free to set the direction there. [18:02] these community tasks are grabbed by any contributor to cloud-init. [18:03] An example of the schema definitions we are looking to add is the PR in review here. https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/152 [18:04] As always, everyone's review counts. As a project we are trying to also look to 'promote' more core-contributors, with commit rights to the cloud-init project. Reviews count just much as proposing pull requests to the project. [18:04] thanks again for all the contributions, reviews and bugs that are being contributed to date. It really helps improve this project's use [18:05] #topic Office Hours (next ~30 mins) [18:07] During this topic, please bring up any questions, discussions, bugs or features or paper cuts that need attention. there should be a couple of cloud-init developers with eyes on the channel to actively respond. [18:08] In leiu of active discussions, we'll hit up the review queue for cloud-init at https://git.io/JeVed and get ready for the 20.1 release [18:09] I'm going to see if I can [18:09] review https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/216/files and propose the unit test changes there [18:09] I think that could be a valid addition for ec2-lookalikes to avoid an unnecessary 2 minute timeout [18:09] on boot [18:19] hrm on 2nd thought w/ 216, I think that patch set should be more specific, such as actually testing HTTP status 403 instead of just checking if metadata was None and assuming it was disabled. I'll put a couple of review comments on that as I dig in, but probably not in a state that it could be landed today [18:36] thanks for tuning in folks. See you next time [18:36] #endmeeting [18:36] Meeting ended Tue Feb 18 18:36:47 2020 UTC. [18:36] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/cloud-init/2020/cloud-init.2020-02-18-17.35.moin.txt [18:37] Odd_Bloke: powersj we are on a work trip Mar 3rd, which would have been our next scheduled cloud-init status meeting. Shall we shift it +1 week to March 10th? [18:39] blackboxsw, yes please [18:39] ok folks. next status meeting Tuesday Mar 10th. same time, same channel === blackboxsw changed the topic of #cloud-init to: pull-requests https://git.io/JeVed | Meeting minutes: https://goo.gl/mrHdaj | Next status meeting March 10 17:15 UTC | 19.4 (Dec 17) drops Py2.7 : origin/stable-19.4 | 20.1 (Feb 18) | https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug [18:42] meeting minutes published [18:43] blackboxsw, thanks! [18:49] I am trying to run cloud init 19.1 on ubuntu 16.04. The resolv.conf is not getting copied [18:49] can anyone guide a bit [19:42] amansi26: I'm not sure I know what you mean, copy resolv.conf from where? Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) uses the utility resolvconf. resolvconf likes to see dns-nameserver entries in /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/network/interfaces.d/*cfg files [19:43] amansi26: per the header that lives in /etc/resolv.conf on xenial # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8) [19:43] # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN [19:43] so anything you are trying to copy into /etc/resolv.conf will likely be overwritten by resolvconf