[08:14] LP git seems down [08:16] cgit brose seems ok. any git foo just gets 'fatal: Could not read from remote repository.' [08:16] *browse [08:20] recipe build using packaging from LP git fails also, as you might expect [08:38] cjwatson wgrant ^ === md_5- is now known as md_5 [10:15] Hi [10:15] I am packaging an app for ubuntu, I would like to upload it on launchpad/ppa [10:15] I am editing the changelog and I would like to know what would happen if I set the "distribution" to stable or something like that instead of bionic for example [10:22] lemoldu: it will be rejected [11:01] ok, thank you RikMills [11:02] I also have trouble with the control file [11:02] I do not know why but I need to set the same package in depends and builds-depends (my program is written with python3) to make it work [11:57] git is back. thanks :) [12:06] Cheers