=== sgclark_sleeping is now known as sgclark [09:10] Hi [09:10] Why is filesystem.squashfs soooooo large in Kubuntu's iso? [09:15] its the whole live filesystem [09:19] pool/ has only 33MB packages in it [09:21] I don't see why not put most of the packages in pool/ just as Ubuntu-Desktop do. [09:23] ubuntu desktop does not do that [09:24] Oh! Sorry! [09:24] I come from Ubuntu-Server world [09:29] Do we have tutorials about building Kubuntu from scratch? [09:30] the iso? [09:30] just take a netinstall iso [09:30] I'm looking for something like: 1.git clone 2. ./build.sh 3. output is an iso file [09:30] or is it minimal something something [09:31] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch [09:31] http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/netboot/ [09:32] * RikMills kicks LP git [09:32] there is stuff on the wiki. probably out of date [09:33] I have followed this tutorial to make a live system, then I replaced the vmlinuz and initrd from d-i's. [09:34] Next, I replaced pool/ and dists/, modified preseed file, so I can now build an Ubuntu Server iso with any packages I want. [09:36] blaze: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qMxSr5Czz6/ [09:37] Here's part of my project. [09:38] vmlinuz and initrd are compiled from d-i source code. [09:38] pool/ and dists/ are generated by Geminate and Reprepro [09:45] The question is: I'm now using `git clone -b bionic https://git.launchpad.net/~tsimonq2/ubuntu-seeds/+git/kubuntu` [09:46] Is this the correct repo for Kubuntu seeds? [09:46] no [09:47] https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.bionic [09:48] bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/kubuntu.bionic [09:48] This is a bzr repo [09:48] yes [09:49] The link I found is a git repo with same commit message [09:50] it is not the bionic seed used for iso builds [09:50] the bzr one I linked is [09:50] wow, thanks a lot [09:51] your git link is to someones persona git space [09:51] *personal [09:52] Sure. I thought it was from the maintainer's personal repo. It's not. [09:53] seeds are always in official repos, so only members of allowed teams can push [09:53] I see. [09:54] I'd like to learn more about this. [10:17] RikMills: Which repo should I use for platform.bionic? [10:21] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform [10:26] git clone -b bionic https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform platform.bionic [10:26] fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly [10:26] can you confirm this? [10:27] yes, launchpad git has some outage this morning. I have already pinged admins in #launchpad about it, but no fix yet [10:28] XD [10:28] I can't find its bzr version [10:29] iso builds, recipe builds, anything that currently uses LP git is broken [10:29] there is no bzr version now of that one. some seeds repos have been migrated to git, some have not [10:30] I see. Thank you for your patience. [10:30] kubuntu one needs migrating sometime, but there is always something more important [11:16] https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/kubuntu.bionic/ [11:17] RikMills: Now I have the Germinate output just as this FTP page shows. [11:19] If I get it right, I show open https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/kubuntu.bionic/structure, find ``ship-live` and its recursive dependencies. [11:24] installer d-i-requirements boot required minimal standard desktop-common desktop live-common live ship-live [11:26] I have merged unique package names in these files, find `Filename` for each package in `Packages.gz`, wget these debs and udebs, and finally reprepro them as pool/ and dists/ [11:29] In preseed file, I set `tasksel tasksel/first multiselect kubuntu-desktop` [11:30] Question: After installation, I get a base system with CLI only. kubuntu-desktop is not installed. [11:32] How can I fix this issue? Thank you! [11:56] desktop seed is required for a 'desktop' [11:57] RikMills: I do have 'desktop' included, as you can see above. [11:58] no idea. I never have to run germinate manually [11:59] The outputs of germinate are identical. [12:00] I believe there's something to do in preseed file. [13:21] Hiyas all