[20:26] Hey y'all! Ever since I installed poetry, I've been getting an unusual error on login. I was wondering if y'all could help! [20:26] https://photos.app.goo.gl/8cBGxmtyfzGkb5aZ8 [20:26] https://github.com/thenorili/01dotfiles/blob/master/.profile [20:41] thenori: I would ping the poetry community. We are not familiar with the app. Looks like some of the poetry entries in your .profile file are throwing those errors. [21:35] are there any issues with pulse audio on AMD ? [22:00] Dekkard not that i heard. [22:04] yes, there are graphics problems with AMD Zen2 + integrated (AMD) graphics on some kernels currently. [22:04] err, also with distorted sound (pulseaudio) on Zen2 [22:04] but i don't have those bug ids handy [22:30] tomreyn: thank you for the additional insight. [22:31] bashfulrobot: in hindsight, this wasn't very helpful without additional links ;), but i was too lazy with Dekkard already gone. [23:24] Well I still considered it helpful, because now I'm a little more informed. [23:50] glad i could help (a tiny bit) then :)