[13:28] good afternoon everybody [13:30] RikMills: I'm taking a flight today so I will be busy. would you have time tomorrow to discuss some packaging things? [13:30] I expect so in the evening [13:31] Hi all [13:31] allright let's see if we can have a mini-meeting then [13:32] I have been working on kio-fuse which is very important for business and it's good for home users as well [13:37] that needs fuse3? [13:37] yes [13:38] should be ok unless you want it on the iso [13:38] it would be nice to get it on the iso, but let me get the package ready for upload to the archive [13:39] that's something which would be good to have by default once it's stable [13:39] I will try to explain tomorrow [13:39] ok [13:39] btw I have been this week in Lisboa [13:40] very nice city :) [13:40] big, but not stressing [13:44] nice :)