=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter === Guest15997 is now known as santa === santa is now known as santa_ === santa_ is now known as santa__ [04:54] do we still use pull-lp-source or is apt-get source still the preferred method? [08:56] Good morning. [09:25] rbetzen: either apt-get source or checkout from git or bzr if that's where the packaging is stored [09:26] which you can file in debian/control Vcs fields after you apt-get source :) [09:31] Sergobot: do you want to have grantlee 5.0.0 as another task? [09:31] Riddell: Yes, I want, but later. Now I have another task [09:37] Riddell: My current task isn't yet assigned and I did't yet started working on it.So, I can unclaim it and start building .deb packages for grantlee 5.0.0 [09:38] Sergobot: what's your new task? [09:38] Sergobot: I can give you a task for grantlee but I need to go out today so I probably couldn't help you until tomorrow [09:39] Riddell: This http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2014/6074427645100032 [09:39] "This task has been assigned to Sergey Popov. You have 72 hours to complete this task, good luck!" [09:39] I think you're commited to it :) [09:39] Riddell: You can give me your task tomorrow :) [09:40] "Time left: 2 days 23 hrs 49 min" run run! [09:40] Hah, Okay :) === tazz_ is now known as tazz [12:59] Riddel: hello [13:32] hi kranzer_! [13:32] kranzer_: first lesson, tab completion on names in IRC :) [13:32] Ri and you'll get it spelt right :) [13:32] Riddell: ahh [13:32] thanks [13:32] kranzer_: do you have a launchpad account with an ssh key [13:33] Riddell: I don't even know what it is [13:33] kranzer_: follow this and put it on your account on launchpad.net https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair [13:34] Riddell: Do I need account? [13:34] kranzer_: it helps yes [13:35] or put the public key on a pastebin [13:35] Riddell: I prefer pastebin [13:35] ok [13:36] Riddell: so, what I need to do in this task? [13:36] what DO I need* [13:37] kranzer_: get the current grantlee packaging and update it for the qt5 version of grantlee [13:37] compile it and work out what needs fixed [13:37] I can give you access to a cloud server so I can show you how to get started if you like, that's what the ssh key is for [13:38] http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~krejzi/kde5/kde5/grantlee.html [13:38] this? [13:38] kranzer_: that'll give you instructions to download and compile it [13:38] but not how to turn it into a .deb package [13:38] Riddell: I have already compiled [13:40] great, so you know what the packaging will need to do, but you still need to do the packaging :) [13:41] actually, I don't know [13:41] so I can show you the basics on this cloud server [13:42] give me a link, please) [13:42] ssh ubuntu@ec2-54-92-152-218.compute-1.amazonaws.com [13:42] in terminal? [13:42] yep [13:42] but I'd need an ssh key first [13:43] password? [13:43] there's no password, it needs an ssh key [13:44] ubuntu@ec2-54-92-152-218.compute-1.amazonaws.com's password: [13:44] kranzer_: try foobar [13:45] kranzer_: then run byobu [13:45] oh my stupid keyboard [13:47] my keyboard doesn't work while typing password [13:47] it won't show you the characters, not even a * [13:47] you have to type blind [13:48] ahhhhh [13:48] connected! [13:48] if you're in run byobu [13:48] type hello [13:48] done [13:49] type something to check it's working [13:49] whee, it's working [13:49] so shared cloud server here [13:49] amazon ec2 [13:50] kranzer_: want me to show you the basics of compiling a package? [13:50] sure) [13:50] a .deb package as used in debian and ubuntu and the like [13:50] kranzer_: make a directory to work in and change into that [13:51] kranzer_: try it with tab completion, makes everything 100 times faster on the command line [13:51] kranzer_: type cd le [13:51] okay [13:52] yay [13:52] kranzer_: now to get the current package run apt-get source grantlee [13:53] Riddell: done [13:53] kranzer_: use ls to see what it has downloaded [13:53] kranzer_: we have the .orig tar which is the upstream grantlee code, a debian tar which is the packaging and a .dsc description file [13:53] Riddell: can u w8 for 10 mins? [13:53] kranzer_: cd into grantlee-0.5.1 and look in there [13:53] ok, time for more lunch [13:54] will u be here in 15 mins? [13:54] yep [13:54] thanks [14:03] Riddell: wannt check one thing on the website im working on? [14:03] soee: oh yes sorry I didn't get a chance to look at it [14:03] where is it? [14:04] Riddell: do you have some smartphone ? [14:05] soee: yes [14:05] i would like to have some opionion on the navigation on small screens, i did separate for homepage and subpages [14:05] Riddell: check on phone http://kubuntu.dev.soee.pl/ [14:05] there will be icon based nav on homepage and text based on subpages [14:05] Riddell: I'm here [14:06] hi kranzer_ [14:06] kranzer_: go inside grantlee-0.5.1 and look what's there [14:07] Riddell: how to unpack it? [14:07] Riddell: via terminal [14:07] so on homepage we can navigate throgh section by clicking on an icon, than screens scrolls to this section, if user clik on a green button to read more about this section he is moved to given page and there we have menu based on subpages titles [14:07] kranzer_: it unpackaged when you downloaded (if it didn't you would use dpkg-source -x foo.dsc ) [14:08] it needs some lifting but general concept is visible :) [14:08] and i need to add swipes to [14:08] Riddell: see in ssh what I did last [14:09] kranzer_: can you see my typing "hello" ? [14:09] yeah [14:09] kranzer_: so go inside grantlee-0.5.1 and look what's there [14:09] kranzer_: remember tab completion :) [14:10] i did the cd [14:10] kranzer_: do the ls to see what's in there [14:10] ahhh [14:11] kranzer_: so that's the source of grantlee that you already downloaded (but this is the older qt4 version) [14:11] kranzer_: look inside debian/ [14:12] kranzer_: and that's the files that make the package [14:12] it'll end up with some .deb packages that can be installed once it's compiled and built [14:12] kranzer_: to compile and build it run debuild [14:12] actually run debuild -j2 because this is dual processor [14:12] kranzer_: it's working [14:13] Riddell: I see [14:13] kranzer_: you can see it ran cmake, now it's running make to compile it all [14:13] Riddell: good stuff) [14:13] kranzer_: next it'll run make install but it'll install into debian/tmp [14:13] Riddell: what we need to do next? [14:13] kranzer_: then it'll run various debhelper commands like dh_install which takes the files in debian/tmp and works out what package to put them into (it looks at the .install files) [14:14] DO we need* [14:14] and it'll make .deb packages [14:14] Riddell: and the task is over? [14:14] kranzer_: nope, this is the old version 0.5.1 [14:14] kranzer_: your task is to package the new version 5.0.0 [14:15] http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~krejzi/kde5/kde5/grantlee.html I found sources [14:15] that's the ones [14:16] kranzer_: yay it all built! [14:16] kranzer_: if you cd ../.. you can see it made the .deb packages [14:16] thanks for help [14:16] ;) [14:17] kranzer_: so now you're more on your own to update it for 5.0.0 [14:17] but there's people in here and maybe in #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu to help with packaging [14:17] after I do this where will I upload ".deb"s [14:17] ? [14:18] kranzer_: use wget to get the 5.0.0 source and first thing is to rename it to grantlee5_5.0.0.orig.tar.gz [14:18] we need to give it a new name so that it can live alongside the existing grantlee for qt4 [14:18] give me a full command please) [14:19] kranzer_: it's not the .debs we're after it's the .orig, .debian tar and .dsc description file, they make the source [14:19] "wget" :) [14:19] you can find the url on http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~krejzi/kde5/kde5/grantlee.html [14:19] make a new directory to work in first [14:20] looks good soee, I like the photo for sgclark :) [14:21] Riddell: see [14:21] Riddell: am I right? [14:21] yep [14:22] Riddell: what's the name of renaming command in terminal? [14:22] kranzer_: mv (moving a file is the same as renaming) [14:23] Riddell: Hi [14:23] Riddell: there is no catalog [14:24] only an archive [14:24] hi bukai [14:24] kranzer_: you need to extract the tar [14:24] Riddell: also i asked here once but noone gave ma an answer, does kubuntu logo has to be black text and blue shape or it all can be white for example ? [14:24] soee: white is fine [14:25] soee: the blue is the only important bit really [14:26] Riddell: Any idea how to convert the entire thing to WordPress? [14:27] Riddell: there is no "debian" cat [14:27] kranzer_: cp it over from the existing package [14:27] ohhh [14:27] Riddell: i don't understand... [14:27] bukai: not really, you need to make a wordpress theme and set up the pages [14:28] kranzer_: cp -r path/to/old/grantlee/debian . [14:28] Riddell: ok, any news on the code in task? [14:29] bukai: no takers so far [14:30] Riddell: see, what's on [14:30] kranzer_: it needs you to tell it where to copy it to. "." is the current directory [14:31] kranzer_: press up key to bring back the previous command you ran so you can edit it [14:32] kranzer_: do you know how to use nano to edit text files (or emacs or vi) ? [14:33] Riddell: nope [14:33] Riddell: see, what happened [14:33] kranzer_: you'll need to run dch to make a new changelog entry with the version number set to 5.0.0 [14:33] how to do that? [14:33] kranzer_: and change the source name to grantlee5 [14:34] run dch [14:34] Riddell: oh how it's difficult [14:35] ran [14:35] I never said you picked an easy task :) [14:35] change grantlee to grantlee5 [14:35] change version number to 5.0.0 [14:35] I never known this) [14:35] change name and e-mail to yours [14:35] control-x to save and quit [14:35] ohhhh [14:37] rm is the delete command for a file (remove) [14:37] you'll also need to edit debian/control with nano to change grantlee to grantlee5 there [14:40] hmm [14:44] Riddel: are you here? [14:45] hi kranzer_ [14:45] Riddell: see in ssh [14:46] kranzer_: nano debian/changelog and edit grantlee to grantlee5 [14:46] kranzer_: same in debian/control [14:47] there is nothing in changelog [14:48] control-x to save and quit [14:48] done [14:48] Riddell: what to do with changelog? [14:49] control-x to save and quit :) [14:49] now? [14:50] now it'll start to build if you use debuild [14:50] and then it'll complain it needs qt5 packages installed [14:50] see [14:50] and you need to work out what they are (use apt-cache search) and install them and list them in debian/control under Build-Depends: [14:50] I did someting wrong [14:51] kranzer_: hmm, not sure, try cd .. and build from there [14:51] no, I did something wrong in changelog [14:52] oh the patches no longer apply, hopefully we don't need those [14:52] so rm debian/patches/* to get rid of them [14:53] now build? [14:54] ooh it's going [14:55] kranzer_: when it finishes there will be files with different names [14:55] so you need to look in debian/tmp to see what the files are [14:56] and edit the .install files in debian/ with the new names [14:56] and use dh_install --list-missing to see if it works [14:57] then debuild -nc to continue the build (-nc is no clean to stop it starting from the start again) [14:58] Riddell: what are the new names of .install files? [14:58] kranzer_: it's new files in debian/tmp you need to edit inside the .install files [14:59] Riddell: there is only usr catalog in debian/tmp [14:59] kranzer_: there are files inside usr/ :) [14:59] ahh [15:00] you may want to google for a quick tutorial in how to use nano e.g. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/42980/the-beginners-guide-to-nano-the-linux-command-line-text-editor/ [15:00] lib or include? [15:00] in usr [15:00] look inside the .install files [15:00] two cats lib and include [15:00] and work out what the new names for the old files are [15:02] see in ssh [15:02] am I right? [15:03] that's the old file names [15:03] you need to edit those names for the new filenames [15:03] Riddell: where to find that names? [15:04] kranzer_: it's the name of the files in debian/tmp [15:04] Riddell: check out the footer , -> http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/sok/download.html, i will adjust the space between that share and follow but the layout should i stick to that for footer? [15:04] Riddell: usr??? [15:05] kranzer_: usr/lib/libfoo.so [15:05] the full path to the files [15:05] bukai: looks great :) [15:05] Riddell: found them [15:05] Riddell: what now? [15:06] kranzer_: edit the .install files [15:06] to list the new filenames [15:07] there is no .install files in usr/lib [15:08] kranzer_: no the .install files are in debian/ [15:08] they list which files in debian/tmp go into which packages [15:10] e.g. how can I name libgrantlee-core0.install? [15:11] Hiyas all [15:12] hiho [15:12] hey soee [15:13] Riddell: see if I do the right things [15:14] kranzer_: looking good so far [15:14] Riddell: thanks [15:15] kranzer_: keep the same package names for now we can worry about changing those later [15:17] Riddell: see it before I'm saving the first file [15:17] kranzer_: looks good [15:18] kranzer_: you can use dh_install --list-missing to run the install part and check what's not listed [15:20] it is later [15:20] I have two .install files to edit [15:24] three I think [15:27] Riddell: i have done one [15:27] great [15:28] see [15:28] Riddell: I'm not sure about last two [15:28] ok on mobile devices menu http://kubuntu.dev.soee.pl/en/technology.html can be hide by swiping it right :) [15:30] kranzer_: run dh_install --list-missing and see what still needs sorted [15:31] kranzer_: ok I need to go out now for a few hours [15:32] kranzer_: you might be able to get help in here or #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-motu [15:32] but you just need to make sure all the files are listed in the .install files then continue the build with debuild [15:33] Riddell: thanks [17:53] ok now i can tell that Firefox mobile > Chrome mobile === rx_t is now known as rx [18:38] BluesKaj: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Major-NVIDIA-Stable-Driver-Released-466755.shtml [18:47] "NVIDIA seems to be the only company that takes the Linux community seriously, or least this can be deduced from the changelogs and the number of drivers that are released for the platform. AMD and Intel do their share of work with the kernel, but it's nowhere near the kind of dedication that NVIDIA has. The simple fact that they release often is proof that they really do care about [18:47] their users" [18:47] lol [18:47] its funny how the community thinks the opposite [18:47] (i have a nvidia card) [19:01] rx: but the 346 drivers is a big jump for me [19:01] when it comes to performance [19:33] rx: From what I can tell, most of the NVIDIA-hating is about them not releasing open source drivers, not about the quality of the closed-source ones. === bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa [19:45] rx, I have an elcheapo nvidia 8400GS and the Windows 340 driver is available for linux from their site if users want it ...it's just not available in the repos yet [19:46] nlet me rephrase, the windows driver is freely available as is the linux version [19:46] on the nvidia site [19:48] yeah [19:50] but i have a good old nvidia 7600gs and the latest driver (308.123) dont play nice with kde/plasma5 and even with gnome-shell [19:51] i have to use nouveau and like you said, the open source driver isnt what it should be [19:51] i have to use xrender for now w/ nouveau [19:53] rx, that's a decent but fairly old card..my 7600GT died a few yrs back, but I'm surprised it doesn't run well with plasma 5 [19:54] erikson43 [19:55] is in the house [19:55] my old nick === alket_ is now known as alket