[00:02] is it alright to replace Moun by Apper? [00:04] djzn: of course, you can use any software in the archive [00:05] Muon is designed and created by one of our own devels, so most of us prefer it, but some still like synaptic, etc [00:05] I myself like the package manager and not discover [00:05] but I usually bypass and just use apt [00:06] coz, let me explain... [00:06] installed a fresh system , then ran Moun and searched for "ntfs-3g" and it didn't return anything... [00:06] and it was installed on the system after checking from command line [00:06] I wanted to know if that behaviour is expected [00:07] discover, or the package manager? [00:07] discover is for applications, and doesn't report on libs and such [00:07] which is why I don't like it [00:07] yes it is discover [00:08] just like Ubuntu Software Center, which I also dislike [00:08] but I guess we are in the minority [00:08] for example, does this Package Manager gets installed by default? [00:08] not sure [00:09] i have been thinking in getting involved with Kubuntu [00:09] when you do alt+f2 and type Muon, does it show up? [00:09] I have seen that are tons of untranslated strings in my language in the installer.... [00:09] oh my [00:09] we need your help then [00:09] because that is our software [00:10] it returns the discover, and it returns a 'update manager' [00:10] ok, then obviously not installed by default [00:10] !info muon package manager [00:10] 'package' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed [00:10] pfff [00:10] !info muon [00:10] muon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-0ubuntu7 (utopic), package size 208 kB, installed size 1459 kB [00:11] I think the other is called muon-discover [00:11] !info muon-discover [00:11] muon-discover (source: muon): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-0ubuntu7 (utopic), package size 113 kB, installed size 896 kB [00:11] yup [00:11] 'muon' not installed by default [00:12] :-| [00:12] i finally settled with KDE. [00:13] I have been a long time Ubuntu orphan... was distro-hopping for a while, and was experimenting with ArchLinux.... but the timing required to do sysadmin just distracts me from the important things like actually developing Java skills and such... [00:14] one thing i still am yet to understand is that... Canonical 'dropped' financial support towards Kubuntu, right... and I read in the past that BlueSystems picked that up.... [00:18] yes, that's the current state [00:18] canonical still supports us in lots of ways, but no longer pays for a devel [00:19] it's all to the good; Blue systems pays *lots* of devels for Kubuntu & KDE [00:19] so that's why the 'kubuntu' name got retained === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [00:19] valorie, oh I'm glad then... really cool [00:23] brb [01:14] Firefox 34 on Kubuntu, I can't seem to find the Hello button to test the new Video Conference feature. [01:14] Has anyone else had this problem? [01:31] i am having difficulty getting kubuntu to display all the contents of the Desktop folder. It display all the .desktop icons fine - but files and folders...nope.... === Shaun__ is now known as Shaun [03:09] Can I find sed.texi on my kubuntu? [03:10] !find sed.texi [03:10] Package/file sed.texi does not exist in utopic [03:11] can i generate it? I found a recent version on gnu website, but not sure if this is way to proceed in general. [03:15] where does kubuntu come from, since it's not Debian? [03:20] kubuntu is based of debian [03:20] yeah, i'm mixing up ideas, sorry, thank you though [03:20] no problem [03:21] grabbing sed.texi from gnu website is not that weird i'm guessing? kubuntu is probably packaging with this removed? [05:29] hi [05:29] I am having issues with Kubuntu after a recent update that was pushed. Namely that I cannot get my touchpad to work after I log in [05:29] I was hoping someone might be able to point to a resource for me to work through it === lordieva1er is now known as lordievader [06:16] Good morning. [06:47] Moorning [06:47] does anybody use Shutter and Gimp? [06:48] not sure what shutter is, but do use gimp. === blubberbop is now known as phoenixz === tomasz is now known as tomasz_ [07:19] good morning === kloeri_ is now known as kloeri === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [10:17] ok, I'll stay on plasma5 for the time being. But it is time to report some bugs. Does anyone know how the package is named where you can view Fonts in systemsettings? [10:20] There we go again. /usr/bin/kcmshell5 is not an official Ubuntu package :-( [10:21] alvin: PPA? [10:21] I suppose it is the extra-ppas [10:22] So, bugs against plasma5 go to the ppa? [10:22] Is there a method to use ubuntu-bug for that?I like that method. [10:22] !plasma5 [10:22] Kubuntu Plasma 5 is a tech preview. To test it out, see http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/current/ . If you find a bug, you can also check it with kubuntu-ci images for latest builds. [10:22] I'm thinking bko might be a better place [10:22] or.... ask in #plasma ? [10:23] Hmm, that factoid does not specify where... [10:23] bko=bugs.kde.org [10:24] basically, packaging bugs go to launchpad, KDE bugs go to kde [10:24] Directly upstream? ok. No ubuntu-bug then. I guess it'll have to be done the old-fashioned way. [10:24] plasma5 isn't really packaged as such; you are using right from git pretty much [10:24] It's probably not a packaging bug. If you open kcmshell5 fontinst you'll see immediately what the problem is. [10:25] yes, I've been advocating for a `kde-bug` tool [10:25] but someone has to write the thing [10:25] There is the crash reporter, but you need the debug packages, and lots of bugs are not crash-related. [10:25] exactly [10:26] in fact, most are not [10:26] I see no problem with the fontinst [10:26] can you say what you are experiencing? [10:26] Ow? I can't see any previews. It's points, stripes, but no characters. [10:27] everything looks normal to me [10:27] I had no clue I had that many fonts [10:28] It looks like this to me https://owncloud.alvin.be/public.php?service=files&t=bda6a10829281ec34f13c188c8706c76 [10:28] yikes [10:28] Video driver? I'm using nouveau. [10:28] I never changed anything [10:28] can't recall; how do I check what I'm using? [10:29] Me neither. This is: insert stick, install. apt dist-upgrade. And this is the result. [10:29] ah, you are now in the land of full-upgrade [10:29] always do sudo apt full-upgrade [10:29] sudo lshw -short -c video will list the driver in use [10:29] might make a diff [10:30] H/W path Device Class Description [10:30] ===================================================== [10:30] /0/100/2 display 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller [10:30] didn't seem to though [10:30] Ouch, leave out the -short [10:31] my mistake. Also, full-upgrade is apparently the official method. dist-upgrade isn't even in the man page, but it worked. Probably an alias now. [10:32] https://paste.kde.org/pxkrqusyy [10:32] I don't see a driver name still [10:33] I see driver=i915 :-) [10:33] ok, not sure what that is [10:33] must be a blob of some sort? [10:33] Intel graphics. It's also an open source driver if I'm not mistaken. [10:34] ok [10:34] you can tell how much I mess with that stuff [10:34] lol [10:34] I can find this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336089 Looks bad, but not as bad as here. [10:34] KDE bug 336089 in kcm_fontinst "Font preview - rendering problem" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [10:35] Also, the reporter doesn't mention a driver. That's the fine thing about ubuntu-bug. When reporting, it will list the drivers in use. (even if it doesn't matter) [10:35] notice that was neon5 also [10:35] please add your input and your screenie to that bug report then [10:36] ok, I'll do that. Makes no sense reporting a new bug. [10:36] because your rendering problem is faaar worse [10:36] * valorie heads off to bed [10:38] Done === imran_ is now known as tatriev === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt === kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch === kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik === zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater [13:39] Hello! Has anyone had any luck turning the compositor off in plasma5 in order to keep the desktop from freezing? [13:51] Hiyas all [13:57] abc123def456: it never freezed for me :-) [13:57] but yesterday there was discussion about it ithink, Sick_Rimmit ^ [14:07] soee: just out of curiousity, do you have a non-intel graphics chipset? [14:08] abc123def456: on my laptop i have hybrid, intel + nvidia [14:08] im working on nvidia profile [14:08] soee: I have intel. I bet it's a compositor issue. [14:11] the plasma5 interface is great though. I'm looking forward to 15.04 and giving tired old kde4 a rest :) [14:11] :) im on plasma5 like few months already [14:11] almost forget kde4 [14:12] I added the ppa to ubuntu 14.10 a few days a go and converted. Then last night I downloaded a 15.04 nightly. Not bad. [14:12] :) [14:12] 15.04 kubuntu that is === abc123def456 is now known as organixpear [15:30] fifa [16:37] hi, how to replace Ark with Xarchiver in Dolphin right click ? === soee_ is now known as soee === turgay_ is now known as turgay === havingFun is now known as xrosnight [17:26] hi [18:00] alket: same as everything else: file associations [18:26] Is it possible to get an icon for Dolphin on the "task bar" (left side) which will open Dolphin and prompt for super privileges? [18:42] Settings -- Configure Dolphin -- Services -- Add New Services -- Search "Open Dolphin as Root" should point you in the right direction anyway === shahrukh is now known as artisanIndia === adrien_ is now known as Guest42573 === XeBlackWater is now known as zz_XeBlackWater === IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne [21:33] hi, doing google code in at the the moment, would any body be able to help me with a build error? [21:46] hello :) [21:50] this MAY be dumb queston: how find out if i installed 32 or 64 bit install ? === soee_ is now known as soee [21:53] majnoon: System Settings -> About [21:53] majnoon: from terminal uname -a [21:54] from terminal: "uname -a" without the " [21:55] kk THINK got 32 bit but shouldn't be too big deal [21:55] i686 / i386? [21:56] 686 [21:56] tried 64 bit said wrong arch :/ [21:56] then, yes, 32 bit [22:00] kk what is meta package for reg ubuntu desktop ? [22:29] HELLO ALL!!!! [22:30] Avihay: yo :) [22:30] majnoon: nice nick, haha [22:30] yup [22:30] Hey all, I have BTRFS subvols mounted for /home, / and others. How do I reinstall Kubuntu and leave /home as it is, while obliterating / ? === woot is now known as Guest33313 [23:06] hey ? [23:07] hiho [23:08] any good program for stream like screen for drawing ? [23:10] oh im not sure, you justwant to stream of give access ? [23:22] no like this https://obsproject.com/ but it has not released for linux.