[00:00] gtk apps like Android SDK Manager has very big fonts on my Kubuntu 14.04 install. I can't change font size from 12 to 10 in system settings but gtkrc has it setup at 10. === Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru [00:08] Fritigern: ok so mush i got it working === kathryn__ is now known as c === c is now known as Guest9592 [00:39] valorie: i win! [00:39] ahuahuahuaha [00:39] valorie: i exclude some files form home use [00:39] conf files [00:39] and restart the computer [00:39] its work now!! [00:39] valorie: thanks!! [00:43] excellent! [00:43] glad I could help [00:45] :D [00:53] * valorie goes off to pizza night === juboxi is now known as jubo2 === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt [02:39] Not actually Kubuntu related, but does anyone know if it is possible to set up a RAID array in VirtualBox? I have never really played with RAID, but like to give it a go. I don't have the hardware (nor the money to get the hardware) to do it the proper way... [02:40] SON OF A NETSPLIT!!! Again??? [02:41] About my earlier question, don;t worry. I have just found the proper room to ask it in ;-))) === zopsi is now known as notzopsi === notzopsi is now known as zopsi === zopsi is now known as notzopsi [04:47] can anyone recomend a good backup utility that will automaticall back up one folder or more to an external hdd for Kubuntu??? [04:53] by automatic, exactly what do you mean, yahyaa? [04:56] if i put something in that folder it will automatically copy it to another destination like a backup [04:57] ah, like dropbox [04:57] yes [04:57] I believe that ownCloud can do that [04:58] ok let me take a look see [04:58] thanks [04:58] however, I've not used it myself [04:58] !info owncloud [04:58] Package owncloud does not exist in utopic [04:58] hmmm [04:59] make sure your solution has versioning (or a least it takes a backup of the backup once a week) because this is really dangerous: if the file on your computer gets corrupted or you simply overwrite it with a bad copy, it would also overwrite the backup ;o) [05:01] right, thanks [05:07] !sound [05:07] If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 === jayhunold is now known as jhunold [08:25] Good morning. [10:54] Hi, Firefox opens Downloads folder in Gwenview instead of Dolphin. Dolphin is preferred in system settings but firefox probably ignores it or uses different setting. How to fix it? === denis_boyun is now known as 6A4AAJEU5 [10:58] dmatt: [10:58] see if this file exits: /home/$USER/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list [10:59] this helped me http://mtekk.us/archives/guides/make-firefox-use-dolphin-for-open-containing-folder/ [10:59] andy123: that file exists [10:59] lordievader: Same problem on a clean install [11:00] dmatt: great, I was not aware that you can fix it in dolphin [11:00] I changed that file mimeapps.list [11:00] that file has this information: [11:00] [Removed Associations] [11:00] inode/directory=kde4-gwenview.desktop; [11:01] andy123: dolphin was only used as a way to invoke system settings/file associations [11:01] annoying stuff..., anyway thanks for help! [11:15] I was wondering if anyone else uses openVPN? When I try to import my .ovpn file, I keep getting this error: Error copying file to /home/ace/.kde/share/apps/networkmanagement/certificates/vpn_name:destination file exists [11:16] It is on a brand new install. I checked the folder, and it is empty before I import the .ovpn file. I've never had this trouble with the older versions of Kubuntu. Any ideas how to fix this? [11:19] AceKing: check if you can write into that folder and what are the permissions as normal user and as root [11:19] AceKing: or try to rename that openvpn file, maybe there is some problem if you tried it repeatedly [11:20] AceKing: i'm also using openvpn on kubuntu and i also imported config [11:20] i had no issues with import [11:20] dmatt, I can write into the folder. I was able to delete the imported file, and tried importing it again. Same error [11:21] jrab, on 14.10? [11:21] yes [11:21] wait i'll check if i imported ovpn file or something else [11:21] jdrab: damn. I tried renaming the files also.Didn't help === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt [11:21] jdrab: OK [11:23] AceKing: it ovpn with "inline" certificates and keys and all this stuff [11:23] it was* [11:23] dmatt: I have multiple .ovpn files I can conncect to. They are all giving the same error message. I also tried ininstalling - reinstalling openvpn in package manager [11:24] AceKing: files are correct with linux line ending? [11:24] jdrab: Yes, I have the .ca files and cert files in the same folder as .ovpn files. Same way I always had them [11:25] dmatt: What do you mean by linux line ending? [11:25] fyi: did you know you can have them in the .ovpn file? [11:26] jdrab: The certificate and key? [11:27] yes you basicaly have just one big "ovpn" file [11:27] AceKing: MAC, WIN a LINUX use different character combinations to inmdicate end of line [11:28] AceKing: sometimes it makes things fail in strange ways [11:29] dmatt, It must have been correct, becasuse I've been using the same files for the last 3 years, and they worked perfectly until this last install. [11:29] AceKing: just open one .ovpn file in kate and check tools/end of line [11:29] OK [11:29] AceKing: OK, it was just thing to verify [11:31] AceKing: do you have all updates applied? I would advise also to reboot after first boot which initialises just about everything [11:31] dmatt: yes, I've had this in for about a week now. Always do updates [11:32] jdrab: in 14.04 one big .ovpn file with certificates does not import correctly [11:32] well it worked for me :D [11:32] jdrab: at least in my case... I also had to set up some additional stuff manually to make it work [11:33] jdrab: I guess our admin is way more paranoic than the average :) [11:33] OK, here is a copy of my ovpn file. Dont worry, no personal info is in there. but you will see how it is set up. http://paste.ubuntu.com/9170515/ [11:35] I have a feeling it has something to do with my install. I may just reinstall the OS [11:36] AceKing: does it work with openvpn directly in yourt install? [11:38] dmatt: I usually have to go into package manager, and install network-manager-openvpn, and it usually works with no problems [11:40] AceKing: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=339654 is this your bug? [11:40] KDE bug 339654 in editor "Plasma applet for NetworkManager OpenVPN profile import is broken" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [11:40] AceKing: that is how I do it too, but I would check with openvpn from command line to verify .ovpn files do actually work OK with your version, than check network-manager-openvpn then file a bug [11:41] which has happened already apparent;y [11:41] I even tried to manually run it through Konsole, and still wouldn't work. [11:41] No, that is not mine. Same problem though [11:41] Does anyone know if any freenode bots have the ability to be able to bitcoin tip? [11:41] Similar to something that a reddit bot can do just wondering. [11:43] According to that bug report, they are saying it's fixed. [11:43] That was back in October [11:45] Hiyas all [11:45] AceKing: but fix was not released [11:46] dmatt: OK. At least I know it's not just me. [11:46] dmatt: jdrab: I do appreciate your help! [11:46] AceKing: np [11:47] AceKing: you're welcome [12:55] hey there, anyone uses kubuntu vivid? my kde5 desktop goes frozen every 2mins, but the most weird thing is I can get it back with just "alt-tab" key... [12:56] gfrog, yeah it's plasma 5 bug [12:57] BluesKaj_: so is there any workaround now? :( [12:57] gfrog: Same here, it has to do with the desktop effects. [12:57] Hit alt + shift + f12. it disables the effects, but no more "freezes". [12:57] lordievader: can I turn off all the effects to workaround it? [12:58] lordievader: awesome. magic key, I love it. :p [12:58] phoenixz: oh first time i hear about this [12:58] *oh [12:58] gfrog, you could ask in #kubuntu-devel or #ubuntu+1 [12:59] BluesKaj_: now I get the alt + shift + f12 magic key, I'll report the result here 5mins later [13:33] Riddell: so you are in Munich now.. there are some LibreOffice folks in there as well. Is there still a problem with libreoffice not using the kde oxygen style when running under plasma 5? [13:33] beluga_: According to his blog post he looked at it with them. [13:34] beluga_: http://jriddell.org/2014/11/22/blog-move-bug-squashing-party-in-munich/ [13:34] lordievader: whoops, you are right :D and I just noticed this https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/boards/1/topics/478 [13:34] Plasma 5 Breeze icon set for Libre Office (in the design team forum) [13:35] beluga_: it does nto use ixygen [13:37] I curated a categorized list of bugs that are difficult to triage or act upon for the QA team: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/BugTriage/HardBugs some Kubuntu-related ones can be found there [13:39] Riddell: ^ [13:58] beluga_: yes, I just worked out a fix for it and I'm compiling libreoffice to check it works [13:58] beluga_: are you involved in libreoffice? [13:59] Riddell: Heh, I just compiled it myself, took ages. Have fun ;) [14:00] as a gentoo user: libreoffice is my nightmare [14:01] Riddell: yeah I'm in the QA team. We discussed about a certain bug a while ago and I took a note about what you said about oxygen + plasma 5 [14:03] beluga_: I'd like to make the breeze icon theme too, I've been pointed to the README in the libreoffice source for it [14:03] beluga_: and then qt5 widgets.. well that's more tricky but maybe I can look at it [14:04] beluga_: you're not in #libreoffice-dev ? [14:04] Riddell: you can ping this issue I guess https://github.com/NitruxSA/plasma-next-icons/issues/6 [14:05] Riddell: no, not a dev [14:05] #libreoffice-qa is where I hang out [14:05] #libreoffice-design has the folks that you can discuss the icons with [14:06] ok [14:06] beluga_: I'm confused by the tooling, what's github used for? [14:06] Riddell: I just got the link from this design team topic https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/boards/1/topics/478 [14:06] oh that seems to be KDE using it? [14:07] you can see the design team member Jay Philips requesting a breeze icon theme [14:07] sheesh, these artists, why can't they work with the rest of the devs [14:07] the github in question is Nitrux's http://nitrux.in/ [14:08] wow they sell a KDE suite http://nitrux.in/store/nitrux-kde-suite/ === beluga_ is now known as beluga_away === soee_ is now known as soee [14:52] how do I enable a greyed-out kmix device? === julien is now known as Guest61696 [17:37] hallo Leute, habe Ubuntu heute neu,echt Begeisterung aber ein paar Fragen an euch. [17:38] !de [17:38] In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [18:11] Hello there === ken is now known as Guest28631 [18:11] o/ [18:11] hi === Guest28631 is now known as kentaning [18:13] hi [18:13] I'm seeking some assistance. I just installed Kubuntu so I tried to install the drivers, but the driver manager doesn't give me anything. Can I get them more manually somewhere else? [18:14] Miruku: What kind of driver are you looking for and for what device? [18:15] The driver for my video card, an ati radeon HD 2350 [18:17] I don't think that is still supported by the fglrx (closed source) driver. [18:28] I need to fix boot entry for an older installation (partition). Problem is, I've forgotten the commands to get the information that the boot entry needs in order to correct it. [18:28] Somehow, after installing to another partition, both boot entries boot this installation. [18:29] evening | Iltaa [18:29] skinux: Could you pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg? [18:30] Any Fins? [18:32] Yes: http://pastebin.com/18ZCrxR1 [18:32] Any advice how i get mobile broadband woring @ Kubuntu [18:33] im new with it so had some issues [18:34] skinux: There is but one menu entry? [18:34] got it working with my laptop thru WIFI, but with desk pc i cant get it working. [18:34] Oh...crap! It's Windows Boot Menu that has double Ubuntu entries. [18:35] skinux: Ah never mind, os prober found the other. [18:35] And from there, both entries boot this installation, when one of them should boot the older one. [18:35] skinux: The 14.04 one boots to a different partition that the top Ubuntu one. [18:36] Hmm. [18:36] skinux: Look at the root=UUID= directives. [18:37] I'll give another shot to booting the other system. === jonas_ is now known as Guest82540 [20:00] hello word [20:01] o/ === ryszard is now known as Guest38572 === nell_ is now known as FoMe === TeruFSX is now known as tertu === sem__ is now known as Peace- === TeruFSX is now known as tertu