[08:22] good morning === dholbach_ is now known as dholbach === cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston [13:30] popey: what do Mate do with testing? where is it on the interwebs I guess :) [13:31] not sure what upstream mate do [13:31] I meant Ubuntu Mate [13:31] oh, we don't have a formal test plan [13:32] thats something we need to do for 15.04 [13:32] so people just grab latest and report bugs if they find them? [13:32] bascially yes [13:33] k - thanks :) [14:37] popey, mhall119: the phone demo went awesome, thanks for the help [14:37] yay [14:37] you didn't get my MMS? [14:38] no I ended up having to take my SIM out before I checked again [14:38] for another call, and that phone has voice quality issues. [17:21] all right my friends - have a great rest of your day and have a great weekend! [17:22] * popey hugs dholbach [17:22] * dholbach hugs popey [18:27] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkeufDGHEd8. Project Ubuntu Newbie [18:30] please give me feedback [19:05] cprofitt: your blog post has a typo in the title, care to fix? (misspelled "Community"!), we noticed when adding to UWN [19:06] pleia2, thanks for your kind words in your comment. It always a pleasure it work with you, also. [19:11] hey cprofitt, mind a quick PM? [19:13] belkinsa :) [19:35] aveemashfaq: I like the concept of it, to explain the very basics, but I think perhaps we could have done with that 8 years ago. [19:36] aveemashfaq: these days perhaps we need something a bit more pro [19:36] ---professional and stylish [19:36] I don't know, some people like that style of video, and appreciate the simplicity. [19:36] Especially as a community effort. [19:36] brb [19:41] popey : I am about to get the mockup of community website in a few hours. Then you will understand the significance of it [19:43] popey : BTW, i did not do pro for two reasons. Firstly, this is not a product marketing, so i thought that i should be doing something more casual and secondly, i cannot do graphics, i will have to learn it and then implement it. dholbach assigned me a task and this is the shortest way i could think of to complete it