=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away === zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi === utlemming_kitche is now known as utlemming_mobile [17:51] I/j #packer === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja [21:22] i'd asked on tuesday about an AMI that won't populate ssh keys [21:22] ~ubuntu has an empty authorized_keys file in the AMI, and it's not getting filled out when I launch an instance [21:22] here's the log entry: [21:22] Nov 20 21:15:41 ip-10-10-4-181 [CLOUDINIT] __init__.py[DEBUG]: handling ssh-import-id with freq=None and args=[] [21:22] nothing after it [21:31] full log is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9132258/ [21:32] and ec2metadata has the correct keys [21:53] which AMI? 12.04? [21:54] the cloud-init on the 12.04 is so old, mostly nothing works, so i basically use runcmd echo a ton. "echo mydata >> /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys" for example [21:56] sauce: yeah, 12.04 [21:56] ok, that helps a bunch [21:56] thats your problem [21:56] at least i'm not crazy [21:56] whatever ssh module you're using won't work [21:56] guess i get to tell my users we're upgrading :-D [21:57] well before you do that, check out how 14.04 AMIs behave. i have no experience with 14.04 yet [22:00] what I'm trying to do is just extend the base AMI with some company-specific stuff [22:00] oh. so take 12.04 and upgrade the cloud-init [22:01] then do your stuff [22:01] then AMI it === gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi