[00:03] okay thanks [00:51] Is tere any way to make TOR work with konqueror [01:00] nvm [01:08] alright tho [01:08] I do need a tool [01:08] to convert html to pdf [01:09] but I want it to work locally, not a remote url [01:11] !info pandoc [01:11] !info unoconv [01:11] Perhaps one of these? [01:11] MangaKaDenza: check out http://dompdf.github.io/ [01:11] pandoc (source: pandoc): general markup converter. In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 4091 kB, installed size 26536 kB [01:11] unoconv (source: unoconv): converter between LibreOffice document formats. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6-6 (utopic), package size 25 kB, installed size 116 kB [01:12] danke comerade === rebecca is now known as Guest68600 === notzopsi is now known as zopsi === zopsi is now known as notzopsi === tyche_ is now known as tyche === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [07:30] # [07:31] ......... [07:31] what is this [07:31] seriously [07:33] yoryor: ? [07:33] this is a help chan for kubuntu [07:34] can we help you in some way? [07:34] already then [07:34] I don't know how I ended up here [07:34] ....... [07:34] where were you trying to go? [07:34] or what were you trying to do [07:35] I guess, I was trying to see if my software was up to date? [07:35] well, one usually uses muon to do that [07:35] and also if there is anything I should be downloading-- regarding apps that are useful? [07:36] I think you are using konversation or quassel [07:36] I just installed Ubuntu so I am kind of new this [07:36] ubuntu? [07:36] or kubuntu [07:36] whats the difference? [07:37] Ubuntu uses the Unity desktop [07:37] Kubuntu is KDE [07:37] which means? [07:37] the Ubuntu project provides different "flavors" - different desktops [07:38] Okay! I have a chromebook, thats why I downloaded the Ubuntu i think [07:38] The chromebooks are not very flexiable -- as you might have probably known [07:39] anyway, we are talking to one another via IRC [07:39] Kubuntu is Ubuntu, just with bit different default set of applications and configurations (: [07:39] and from my POV chromebooks are normal laptops [07:39] Oh okay! that clears up things a little bit more [07:39] Thank you. [07:40] chromebooks are powered by the web [07:40] sort of, yes [07:40] which can be difficult when it comes to downloading softwares and using it without the web.. [07:41] that's the software they have installed by default, artificial limitations I'd say [07:41] well, the shortcoming of chromebooks is the lack of memory, or so I hear [07:41] I've not used one [07:41] valorie: depends on the model you go with, there's wide range of different devices [07:42] I haven't expirenced the memory problem yet but I am sure it will be problemtic in the future. I have the HP 14" [07:44] 4 GiB ram apparently, not totally lost cause [07:44] Hmm.. sounds about right [07:46] Hello all [07:46] hi [07:47] Yesterday, with the help of Walex and lordievader, I was able to almost recover a very damaged system. [07:48] "almost recover"? [07:48] my sympathy, jt [07:48] jtornero2 [07:48] THis morning I am going to bring the thing up. I am able to start X and KDE with severe faults (plasma don't go up) but... [07:49] is the damage on your disk, or just software? [07:49] I think first of all I must have a decent fstab. The good one was overriden by ltsp and left just one single line. [07:49] valorie: just software damage [07:49] oh good [07:49] !fstab [07:49] The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions [07:53] I have edited fstab but not very sure about options. For instance, I have / and /var and /boot in different partitions, but not sure which options may have. [07:58] the most important bits to have on their own, IMO, are /home and /boot [07:58] some would add /swap [07:58] why /var ? [08:00] valorie: because I run a postgresql server and wanted to have a big partition (mabe it is a bad idea) [08:01] valorie: I have /home and /home/user/Documents in a partition apart as well [08:02] I have my /home on the HD, and the rest of it on the SSD [08:02] all fancy-like [08:02] or rather the bigger chunks of /home [08:04] Just to be that guy, you don't really have a /swap [08:05] * valorie has no swap [08:05] but I've never needed it, or at least have not for years [08:05] I mean swap isnt represented in the filesystem, but you can still have a partition mounted as swap :p [08:06] or a file. that is formatted as swap. whatever. [08:06] valorie: anyway, it looks like the volumes are mounted. Don't know if with the options (right now default) are correct. [08:06] hateball: I have a partition as swap as well [08:06] jtornero2: trust those links that ubottu served you [08:07] check !partitions if you need more [08:07] valorie: yes, I'm on it [08:07] !partitions [08:07] For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap [08:07] cool [08:07] is there any !runlevels [08:08] n [08:08] !runlevels [08:08] In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. [08:08] that will have to be rewritten soon.... [08:09] Well, right now I end up in runlevel 2 [08:10] Which is standard for *buntu [08:10] If you boot into multi-user mode [08:11] hateball: thought it was in runlevel 5 [08:12] Some distros use runlevel 5, others 2 [09:13] Good morning. [09:22] jtornero2: What grub line do you use to boot up (specifically what kernel options?) === floown_ is now known as floown [10:19] lordievader: sorry, went out for a while. My grub options are (I guess in the linux line: ro nomodeset quiet splasj $vt_handoff [10:20] jtornero2: Do you need the nomodeset? [10:21] lordievader: don't know. I think it is necessary sometimes with some video cards, isn't it? I have an nvidia card [10:21] jtornero2: An old one? [10:22] lordievader: think so, a geforce 7300 le [10:22] Hmm could you try to boot without for once? [10:23] lordievader: of course [10:25] lordievader: by the way, providing the current problem is being not able to start in graphical mode, I tried man flavors of dpkg --reconfigure (kdm, xorg...) and no success. I've uninstalled kde completely. And now without nomodeset the machines makes the same [10:26] jtornero2: Yeah, hence I asked for the kernel options :) [10:26] Err, that last sentence isn't complete? [10:27] lordievader: It was complete. Without nomodeset parameter I can't tell any difference [10:28] Hmm, what is the output of 'lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA'? [10:28] lordievader: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 LE] (rev a1) [10:29] That is all? [10:29] lordievader: Subsystem: LeadTek Research Inc. Winfast PX7300LE-TD256 kernel driver in use nvidia [10:29] Ah, so the driver is loaded... [10:30] lordievader: in fact I can have some gui, but the problem was with plasma. With dmesg I found that kded4 raised a segfault [10:31] jtornero2: Does startx load KDE for you? [10:31] where do the downloaded wallpapers go (by default), when you install them through the wallpaper-installer in the desktop settings? [10:32] actually nvm I just figured it out , there is a folder button down there [10:32] lordievader: Not now, of course, after removing all. Before, a sudo startx loaded partially kde. I was able to see a dolphin window, a firefox window and even start konsole from wihtin dolphin [10:33] jtornero2: Not now? [10:35] lordievader: not now, nowadays all it uninstalled [10:38] lordievader: and currently installing again [10:40] jtornero2: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop [10:42] lordievader: an annoying think is that dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't do what expected (console menus etc) [10:43] lordievader: *expected by me* === Asshole is now known as MMB-CHMINACA [10:50] hey 'yall [10:52] o/ === Asshole is now known as Guest53362 === Guest53362 is now known as Ethylphenidate === yamk is now known as maysara [10:58] lordievader: after reinstalling kubuntu-desktop and installing kdm, i am able to have a kde session. But I have to do it login in tty1 and starting as root. plasma meu bar empty and an error: kded4 PID 13037 segfault. [10:58] lordievader: but pretty functional [10:59] jtornero2: Rename your ~/.kde and try as a normal user. Running things as root is NOT recommended. [11:01] lordievader: rename to? I already have a ~/.kde folder. is for overriding it? [11:02] jtornero2: mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.bak [11:03] lordievader: renamed. startx does nothing [11:03] (just blinking cursor) [11:04] wait: timeout in locking authorit file /home/antares/.Xauthority [11:05] jtornero2: Restart kdm and try to login. [11:06] lordievader: after a while: i get No protocol specified. will ctrl-z this and tr with kdm [11:07] Don't ctrl-z it, kill it. [11:10] lordievader: rebooted and sudo kdm (I know I souldn't run as root, nut kdm complaints if not run as root). I got login screen as well as kde and two errors: plasma-desktop segfault and kded4 segfault. [11:10] lordievader: butI an add widgets, etc to menu bar so I guess I could recreate it [11:10] Your trying to find a workaround not a fix. What happens when you run "sudo service kdm start"? [11:14] lordievader: I am able to log in the same conditions. But just the kded4 segfault, and the kickstart menu icon is still there [11:15] jtornero2: So kdm run fine if you start it as a service? [11:21] lordievader: despite the kded4 segfault, it works fine for the moment. Able to add widgets to bar, functional menu [11:22] Kded segfaulting is a serious issue tough. [11:23] lordievader: could have anthing to do with how the partitions mount? yesterday I ended up with a single line fstab. [11:24] jtornero2: Are the partitions mounted as they should be? [11:24] lordievader: I've updated it b m own but I seriously doubt if I have set the proper options for the mounting lines in fstab. I've been looking for kubuntu default options when installing the system. And yes, they are in their place [11:25] jtornero2: Could you pastebin your fstab? [11:25] lordievader: yes [11:28] lordievader: http://paste.debian.net/130720 [11:29] lordievader: and in case it matters, the output of mount http://paste.debian.net/130721 [11:30] That looks allright. [11:31] jtornero2: Do you have pastebinit installed? [11:31] no [11:31] but it could be solved [11:32] jtornero2: Please install it ;) [11:33] lordievader [11:33] jtornero2: And then run (from your kde session) "strace -o kded4.strace kded4&&pastebinit kded4.strace" [11:35] lordievader: ok, I've run it in konsole and get an error, and nothing else happens (just konsole prompt) [11:35] (i expected some automatic-send-to-magic) :) [11:36] What error? [11:36] lordievader: paste.debian.net/130723 [11:37] lordievader: that's the complete error output [11:38] jtornero2: Does the .strace file have contents? [11:39] lordievader: yes, [11:39] But judging from your paste, dbus is broken. Did you start it from your kde session? [11:39] Please pastebin the contents of the strace file. [11:40] lordievader: to tell you the truth, i have a lots of could not connect with dbus in the past, but no malfunctions [11:40] Hello does anybody know why in KUbuntu 14.04 i don`t have anymore the /dev/disk/by-path folder filled? [11:40] Then you've allways had a broken install ;) [11:41] lordievader: mabe, from scracth... but always functional [11:41] I`m updating from 12.04 and I need that folder in order to be sure that if somebody plug a sata disk on connector1 it will be automatically mounted in a specific folder [11:41] esw: Write scripts that use the UUID rather than some path ;) [11:42] lordievader: trace in http://pate.debian.net/130724 [11:42] I can`t since I`m not the one providing the disks [11:43] lordievader: they have a couple of disk trays and they can fit in whatever disk and the system should mount the disks in tray1 into one folder and disks from tray2 in another folder. I don`t know any other way to do this. [11:44] esw: Doesn't udev supply this information? If it does two udev rules are enough ;) [11:44] jtornero2: What does "sudo service dbus status" return? [11:46] lordievader: dbus stop/waiting [11:46] lordievader: actually the /dev/disk/by-path entry were filled by udev rules.. but looking at the 60-persistent-storage.rules I don`t find any reason for them to be disappeared... I`m not so skilled in ``udev rules`` and it was much easier to mount /dev/disk/by-path links [11:47] jtornero2: Start it, see if it fails. If it doesn't restart kdm. [11:48] esw: I never dabbled in /dev/disk/by-path, but I suppose udev supplies the connector information. And writing a few udev rules ain't that hard. [11:48] lordievader: ok. b the way, looking to boot.log I see a line: Starting dbus system message bus [fail] [11:49] and now sudo service dbus starts says start:job failed to start [11:49] jtornero2: What does the syslog say about it? [11:50] where could I find the syslog? [11:51] jtornero2: In the usual place, /var/log ;) [11:51] Linux is quite logical in the file placement. === lordievader is now known as lordievader_ === lordieva1er is now known as lordievader [11:55] lordievader: in the `semplicity` of udev rules this line: ENV{DEVTYPE}=="disk", ENV{ID_PATH}=="?*", SYMLINK+="disk/by-path/$env{ID_PATH}" is already available and for me it`s just doing what I want.. but still I don`t have any /dev/disk/by-path file except for USB disks [11:57] lordievader: yes. but I am not as logical ;) Anyway, apart from a whole bunch of pulseaudio and alsa relate messages, the maybe matnhcing errors with boot time are: ltsp0 kernel [time here] init: dbus pre-start process (412) terminated with status 1. the rest messages are in the form "failed to connect ot system bus, blah, blah" [11:58] jtornero2: I'm not talking about boot time. Look at the end. The time where you just tried to start dbus. [12:01] lordievader: nothing. last logged message 14 minutes ago [12:01] (strange?) [12:01] hey [12:03] jtornero2: What happens when you run /usr/bin/dbus-daemon? [12:05] lordievader: well, DOn't have /usr/bin/dbus-daemon but /bin/dbus-daemon When running (sudo or not) it complaints about no configuration file specieifed [12:06] jtornero2: Could you pastebin the output of 'dpkg -l|grep dbus'? [12:07] lordievader: of course [12:08] lordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8866620 [12:09] jtornero2: Hmm that looks allright: dpkg-reconfigure dbus [12:10] lordievader: maybe interesting: Failed to open "/etc/machine-id" no such file [12:14] jtornero2: Did it reconfigure it though? [12:14] lordievader: no, that was the only message [12:15] jtornero2: Is there any output to "ls -l /etc/machine-id"? [12:16] lordievader: file does not exists. But a "locate machine-id" shows up the file in /var/lib/dbus and in /opt/ltsp/armfh/usr (guess there it is residual from yesterda) [12:17] jtornero2: Ok run "dbus-uuidgen |sudo tee /etc/machine-id" then try to start the service again. [12:18] lordievader: dbus start/running, process 32287 [12:19] jtornero2: Hooray, restart kdm and login again. [12:22] hi... does someone know how to install a pci usb3.0 card? [12:22] scherenhaenden: Is that pci card to add usb3 ports? [12:23] lordievader: yep, i bought 2.... both of em "should" work on linux... nothing till now [12:25] scherenhaenden: Does lspci list them [12:25] im not sure... there are TOO many things in there... i have the one that i bought today in [12:26] i did lspci... but... dont know if it is in... or not... kind of too many things [12:26] the port over it are not working... it has juice... but nothing more... [12:27] lordievader: well finally I had to rebbot. No kde at first boot, still having to do it through tty1. But now kde has prompted me to restart the sstem for update completion, let's see [12:28] scherenhaenden: Well one way is to remove the card, do lspci. Add the card, run lspci again and see if the output changes. [12:28] lordievader: but... while the computer is running? [12:28] it aint dangarous? [12:28] jtornero2: No kde at first boot, what do you mean with that? [12:29] scherenhaenden: No, pci doesn't support hotplugging... [12:29] mm... so im gonna restart then [12:29] lordievader: I mean normal boot (switch on and end up with the login screen) === kubuntu is now known as Guest36006 [12:35] lordievader: i got bad news... for myself... nothing has changed [12:36] lordievader: dunno what to do... if it has something to do that i have a nvidia card... or whatever [12:36] jtornero2: You do get to see kde? [12:37] scherenhaenden: That has nothing to do with it. But the kernel doesn't see the card appearantly, you can look through dmidecode to see if the bios does see that the slot is occupied. [12:39] lordievader: i made an dmicode > dmi.txt to compare after the restart... do u think am gonna need something else? [12:40] scherenhaenden: Err it is easier to insert the card and then read dmidecode. [12:40] yep... but i gotta restart to do that, n it? [12:40] cuz the card is not in yet... ive just unplugged to see if anything changes [12:41] lordievader: i mean... just in case... [12:41] scherenhaenden: Yes. [12:41] im gonna restart, and put the card... and reread the dmicode [12:47] lordievader: sorry I lost your message. Yes, I am not able to see it in, say so, "normal boot". But with tts1 and service kdm start , yes [12:48] Hmm, does kded still fail? [12:51] lordievader: restarted [12:51] the card is in [12:51] lordievader: yes, som errors. But it is pretty functinal. Now the probem comes with postgresql [12:52] jtornero2: It doesn't segfault? [12:53] lordievader: no idea how to know if it is there [12:53] scherenhaenden: Read the dmidecode output ;) [12:55] i read it [12:56] dont get it [12:58] at least nothing with 3.0 [12:58] scherenhaenden: Read the pci section count how many are occupied and cross reference it with how many are actually there. [12:59] lordievader: there is the problem... a lot of them has current usage as "unknown" :S [12:59] have* [13:00] lordievader: have to test again [13:01] even the x16... used by the video card... i mean :s... thats not normal.... [13:02] scherenhaenden: Well if it ain't 'available' it is in use ;) [13:04] lordievader: oh... well... id be using 2... and all of them are status unknown [13:04] scherenhaenden: All of the slots? [13:04] yep... the used... and also the unused.... should i give u pastebin? [13:05] scherenhaenden: Of that section, sure. [13:06] http://pastebin.com/CckssaPC [13:07] it might be that im wrong... im not an expert... [13:07] scherenhaenden: One of the two slots is in use, is this correct? [13:08] one is with the video card.... and one is for one of this pci usb cards [13:09] ahhh and one with an wlan card [13:09] The video card is using a PCI slot? Not AGP or PCI-e? [13:09] äh... wait let me see... it is dark [13:11] http://www.gigabyte.de/fileupload/product/2/3397/2820.jpg [13:11] on the left... both are used [13:11] both big [13:12] the first with that wlan card... the second one with the video card [13:13] scherenhaenden: The right two are pci slots... are both occupied? [13:13] lordievader: this is my one... the same as before but with this http://www.gigabyte.com/fileupload/product/2/3154/1190.jpg [13:14] wait... im gonna take a look by myself... with a lamp [13:15] sorry... the orange one... is where the nvidia card is placed... [13:15] scherenhaenden: The others don't matter (unless your usb card ain't PCI). [13:15] it is pci... but x1 [13:16] scherenhaenden: Then you should've said so, PCI and PCIe is completely different. [13:17] yep :( sorry... i used to work as integrator... but up to 5 years ago... then im just programming... i can remember that agp is kind of accelerated graphic port or something like that... no more [13:18] but... yep... it is pci express [13:20] lordievader: well. login throug ttys1, no segfaults rigth now. postgresql issue was related to running out of disk space inside /var (huge sslog files there), and fixed fortunately [13:22] jtornero2: That is good to hear. [13:22] lordievader: now im thinking... that the video card should be in the in the one near to the processor... :S [13:23] lordievader: in fact, no more complaints since I cleaned /var from logs. [13:23] scherenhaenden: Could you pastebin the output of 'lspci -k'? [13:24] lordievader: maybe I got two concurrent problems: ltsp mess and this /var space [13:25] lordievader: Normal startup issue is not critical now so I guess I can be very, ver, happy [13:25] !info ppapurge [13:25] Package ppapurge does not exist in utopic [13:25] !info ppa-purge [13:25] ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr57 (utopic), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB [13:26] lordievader: im gonna do it [13:26] lordievader: Again, thank you very much for much for your help in this two days. This is also extensive, of course, to Walex and every other people out there [13:26] jtornero2: Perhaps installing lightdm again fixes things... [13:26] lordievader: http://pastebin.com/5tU19Jvy [13:27] lordievader: yyeeeessss maybe but it will be after I have my job done with my achovy data!!! :D [13:28] scherenhaenden: From what manufacturer is the card@s? [13:28] card* [13:30] lordievader: renkforce [13:31] im trying to read what stays on the chip... it gank my eyes... [13:31] Hmm, that ain't present indeed... [13:33] with the other one was the same... as i was in the school... the school gave me a license of windows 7... i proved yesterday... and the card was in this thing called "device manager" [13:33] how da heck... it can be in windows and not in linux?... it aint possible to me to get the line into it [13:34] oh, camon, why is kubuntu so fat :( 14.04 lts 64 bit doesnt fit on a 1gb usb stick anymore [13:34] kbroulik: dont speak like that about a lady ;) [13:34] Well, it's not 2005 any longer [13:34] kbroulik: Language packs.... [13:34] scherenhaenden: Is the card very new? [13:35] meh, now I need to find a large rusb stick [13:35] yup... well this one... is the one i bought today... i didnt proved it windows... but the other one... same case... it is cracking me.... i need this ports... at least one of the cards... urgently [13:38] or is there a wifi-capable network install iso? [13:38] scherenhaenden: Are both cards undetected by the kernel? [13:39] lordievader: well... undeteced... if it is undetected by the kernel i dont know [13:39] scherenhaenden: Well if it doesn't showup in lspci ;) [13:41] ah... ok.... thanks XD! both are kernel unvisible [13:42] i dont know what to do... i need em really... is a condicio sine equa none for few things i got to do... and ive lost a lot of hours in this... dunno what to do... [13:43] scherenhaenden: Honestly, neither do I. [13:43] lordievader: im ready the driver cd of the last card... it has "linux drivers" for the kenels 2.6.x [13:46] scherenhaenden: Hmm, that makes you think it would work.. Seeing as we are now at 3.18. [13:47] lordievader: I think I found the problem... udev doesn`t fill the ID_PATH variable and so the rule couldn`t create the symlink. Now the next step is: ¨How does udev fill those variables?¨ [13:47] lordievader: im doing this sudo find / -name xhci* [13:47] find nothing till now [13:49] scherenhaenden: Running lsmod for that is easier ;) [13:50] lsmod |grep xh.... nothing [13:50] nada [13:51] esw: I suppose you want the ID_PATH variable, from a usb stick: ID_PATH=pci-0000:00:1d.7-usb-0:5:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0 [13:51] scherenhaenden: It could be that the module was unloaded as nothing was using it ;) [13:54] lordievader: mm [13:55] lordievader: 8.438907] usb 2-3: reset high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-pci ? [13:55] Sounds more like usb2. [13:56] lordievader: u right [13:56] lordievader: might u know where could i else ask? === soee_ is now known as soee [13:57] scherenhaenden: You can ask around in #ubuntu, perhaps they know. [13:58] lordievader: thanks === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt [13:59] and of course this stupid notebook wont boot from an sdcard -.- [13:59] great. now I cannot install kubuntu at all [14:09] there's a bug installing 14.10 livecd on flash [14:09] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/1325801 [14:09] Ubuntu bug 1325801 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Utopic) "failed to boot from USB disk with error: gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R Image boot:" [Critical,Triaged] [14:17] Hi folks [14:41] hi [15:01] I'm using Kubuntu 14.04. Working fine until yesterday. On log-in of my user account, desktop is responsive for ~2 seconds at which point no response to keyboard, mouse inputs (cursor moves, can switch to console). I am able to perform a guest login without issue. Any suggestions on debugging? [15:05] wth. so. Kubuntu is too fat to fit on a 1 GB USB stick, the notebook wont boot from an sdcard, and usb-creator-kde wont allow me to use a partition on an external HDD?! wth. [15:06] that --allow-system-internal exposes my /dev/sda and /dev/sdb but not the external usb hdd [15:06] kbroulik: Use a dvd. [15:06] if I could I would [15:07] garrettkajmowicz: might be related to some wrong configuration on your user account === murthy_ is now known as murthy [15:26] soee: I was thinking that. I don't recall making any changes of note to my config in the past few days. I did run an aptitude update in the morning, and then things kept working for the next ~6 hours or so. [15:27] I quick look through config files doesn't show anything obviously corrupted. Is there a config file checker I can run? I can rename some config files to see if that helps if you know which ones I should try. [15:28] garrettkajmowicz: sudo debsums -a -c [15:29] garrettkajmowicz: wait till the process gives you something you want to see or wait till the process ends === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [15:39] murthy: 4 files found. 2 I've manually edited (yp.conf and resolv.conf base). I'm left with /sbin/start-stop-daemon and /usr/share/icons/elementary/.icon-theme.cache [15:41] garrettkajmowicz: There can be other reasons why this can happen not just faulty configs [15:42] lordievader: it works... i just changed the position of the video card to the pcie_x16 [15:42] garrettkajmowicz: you have to see the lightdm, xorg and kernel logs for any info [15:42] but the hub ive bought... wont be recognize :S [15:42] hahahahahaha [15:43] garrettkajmowicz: first start by checking the .xsession-errors file in the home directory [15:43] lordievader: and change the drivers [15:43] cahnged* [15:43] scherenhaenden: Heh, well what do you know ;) [15:44] i though thatd might help.... and just did it... but it is kind of crippy... [15:44] lordievader: do u know this device 2109:3431 ? [15:45] scherenhaenden: Heh, do you think I know pci IDs :P [15:45] Lets not get delusional ;) [15:45] lordievader: u right... hehehe sorry [15:46] murthy: Pretty uninteresting. Died because I manually killed it: http://pastebin.com/g408qZCn [15:48] garrettkajmowicz: are you using any graphics card with proprietary drivers? === max is now known as Guest68420 [15:51] now i gotta ask to myself... why the external usb hub wont be recognize [15:51] murthy: I don't think so. lsmod is showing the nouveau driver loaded and in use. I don't do any 3D tasks on this computer, so I haven't had a need to worry about it. How would I find out? [15:53] garrettkajmowicz: You haven't run the driver manager to install a driver any time right? [15:54] murthy: I don't recall ever doing so. I certainly have no need to do so. [15:55] garrettkajmowicz: In that case it must be something else. Can you open a new screen by pressing ctrl+alt+f1 after the desktop hangs? [15:56] scherenhaenden: Does udev see it when you plug it in? [15:56] how? [15:56] i cant see it in lsusb... but my phone works on it [15:56] murthy: Yes. I can, and input works just fine from there. [15:57] scherenhaenden: Unplug it run "sudo udevadm monitor --environment --udev" in a terminal and plug it back in. [15:58] garrettkajmowicz: Can you paste the lightdm log , its in /var/log/lightdm/ [15:59] oh yeah... it goes crazy and shows a lot up [15:59] lordievader: that means? [16:00] scherenhaenden: That the kernel detect it, could you pastebin the output? [16:00] whichone? [16:01] scherenhaenden: Which one? All of udev's output ;) [16:01] im gonna paste that last one [16:01] murthy: lightdm.log http://pastebin.com/VSBhfQYD [16:01] http://pastebin.com/en9WV354 [16:04] scherenhaenden: Should be fine ;) [16:05] garrettkajmowicz: are you using unity-greeter? [16:05] lordievader: what do u mean? [16:06] scherenhaenden: Precisely what I say, udev detects it correctly. [16:06] yep... but... äh... it does not work [16:08] scherenhaenden: Define, 'it does not work'. [16:08] murthy: A google image search makes me think that I am. Is there detailed info you'd like me to dig up to find out for sure? This is mostly a default install, with a few bits changed to use NIS/NFS for authentication and my home directory. [16:09] lordievader: everything what ive tried to used plugging it via this hub... is invisible for the computer === jeremy_ is now known as Guest78649 [16:10] scherenhaenden: Same procedure, unplug whatever is in the hub, run the udev monitor command , plug something in the hub. [16:10] need help with desktop effects on kubuntu 14.04 video driver are fine but when i enable wobble windows says 3 desktop effects can not load [16:11] Guest78649: XRender? [16:12] it was on that by default then i switched it to openglide 2.0 then say effects cannot load [16:13] i fixed it before cant remember what i did i was using linux mint and effects worked fine but went back to kubuntu and nothing [16:14] garrettkajmowicz: Normally we should not any issues even when using unity-greeter, but we cannot be 100% sure. You can check with any package manager if "unity-greeter" package is installed. In your case first try deleting the .Xauthority in the home directory of your username not the guest one and try logging into the user account again, if that doesnt work try uninstalling "unity-greeter" package and install "lightdm-kde-greeter" package and [16:14] try logging in again [16:15] Guest78649: What is the output of "lspci -k|grep -A2 VGA"? [16:15] !paste | Guest78649 [16:15] Guest78649: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:17] http://pastebin.com/zTKwiYUs [16:19] Guest78649: There is no driver loaded. [16:19] murthy: Will try now. Back in a few. [16:19] ok [16:20] how can i find driver? [16:21] Guest78649: Err, it should be loaded it is an Intel card. What does "grep intel /var/log/dmesg" return? === toscalix_ is now known as toscalix [16:25] murthy: No luck on deleting .Xauthority. [16:26] garrettkajmowicz: Tried the other solution? [16:27] murthy: Not yet. Step 2 now. Would you please repost your last so I can get the correct pacakge names? [16:28] garrettkajmowicz: ok [16:28] Normally we should not any issues even when using unity-greeter, but we cannot be 100% sure. You can check with any package manager if "unity-greeter" package is installed. In your case first try deleting the .Xauthority in the home directory of your username not the guest one and try logging into the user account again, if that doesnt work try uninstalling "unity-greeter" package and install "lightdm-kde-greeter" package and try logging in [16:28] again [16:28] garrettkajmowicz: ^ [16:29] ^_^ [16:30] garrettkajmowicz: uninstall "unity-greeter" package and install "lightdm-kde-greeter" [16:31] murthy: Got it. :-) Just about to reboot. [16:31] garrettkajmowicz: ok [16:40] lordievader you get that last paste you asked for i guess my chat froze [16:40] Err about dmesg? No. [16:41] yea [16:41] murthy: I had such high hopes. KDE greeter worked fine. I logged in and things seemed to be working. I launched firefox and the icon bounced for ~5 seconds before freezing mid-bounce. I killed that session from a console and logged into this guest session. :-/ [16:43] garrettkajmowicz: Can you check if the desktop is working properly without freezing if no application is launched manually? [16:43] lordievader http://pastebin.com/dhtPkAZu [16:44] Guest78649: Hmm, 'grep i915 /var/log/dmesg' perhaps? [16:45] murthy: After logging in I did move the mouse around and look at various taskbar items. Virtual desktops would highlight when I passed the mouse cursor over them and the tooltip text would come up. I tested this for ~10 seconds before attempting to launch an application. I can retry and give it more time. Are there any other tests you'd like me to perform? [16:45] just returns me to $ says nothing [16:45] Guest78649: Hmm, how fun. Do you bootup with nomodeset? [16:47] yes because i dont like the splash is that the problem i never had that interfere before i guess i will change it back [16:47] Guest78649: Do you mind removing that options, that is likely the cause. [16:48] garrettkajmowicz: ya, this take 2 mins before launching any application and see if the system freezes when you launch an application or it freezes anyway. Also when launching an application, run it from the console so that we can see any debug messgaes. If possible launch any kde apps instead of firefox [16:51] murthy: I've tried launching from the console before and it complains about being unable to connect to the X11 session. Do I need some special magic to get it to try and connect? [16:51] garrettkajmowicz: Then I think you have some issues with the graphics driver [16:51] lordievader hey i rebooted and it works so i cant hide the splash and have 3d effects at same time [16:52] jeremy__: You can disable the splash by removing the splash option from your kernel parameters... [16:53] ok and does it matter wether to use open gl 2.0 or 3.1?? [16:53] murthy: I was thinking it was a X11 permissions issue. I almost never run remote X applications without automatic ssh tunnelling (where magic is done for me) [16:53] Is Kubuntu Ubuntu but with KDE, or is it a complete side project? [16:54] jeremy__: Use 3.1 if it is supported. [16:55] iveevue ubuntu with kde instead of gnome same thing diff desktop [16:55] Thanks [16:55] ok thanks for the help lordievader [16:59] garrettkajmowicz: If you suspect something like that check if the policy kit related package are installed correctly [17:00] garrettkajmowicz: after re-logging in try running an application with root privileges and see if that crashes the desktop to check if your suspicion is true. example "kdesudo kate" [17:01] murthy: Okay - I'll try a few of these options and see what I find out. Back on the flip-side. === murthy is now known as murthy_ [17:15] murthy_: Well, that was uninspiring. Logging into my regular account had a useless session right away. I didn't get tooltips from anything. I started killing processes from the console and nothing made a difference. There was one time when I switched back to the X session that a small square section of the display, about 2 cursors high and 3 wide, was replaced with something else which might have been a magnified view of the [17:16] murthy_: Following up from your previous train of thought, if this is an issue with my graphics card/driver, why am I able to use a KDE guest session but not my user account? === tom_ is now known as Guest36005 === Michael__ is now known as Guest84034 === mojo is now known as Guest86396 === max is now known as Guest25787 [19:18] Just recently I have been having problems getting system settings to open up. It appears on the screen and immediately disappears. I tried opening it from the console and I get the same thing and the only message that appears is "DBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave." [19:26] Hi, I'm lookig to install Kubuntu, but I have a problem [19:26] KDE's konsole has that annoying tab at the bottom, is there a way to get ridof it? [19:27] oh, just figured it out. [19:27] toothe, how is that an installation problem? [19:27] its not, its preventing me froms topping Kubuntu vs just Ubuntu standard [19:28] toothe, you can run other console apps in kde as well [19:28] and vice versa [19:28] true, but for some reason...gnome-terminal just has problems [19:28] with transparency. [19:28] tab bar can be disabled in configuration [19:28] yah I just figured out how to disable it. [19:28] cool [19:29] toothe, i can't imagine how choosing one desktop environment over another could boil down to its default terminal app [19:29] that's a big part of it. [19:29] My linux is just Chrome + terminals [19:30] is there a way to get rid of the menu bar? [19:30] maybe something more minimalistic would be up your alley then [19:30] toothe, yes, it's in the configuration [19:31] the first option [19:31] hm..yeah, i disabled that. [19:31] there it goes...thanks [19:32] and no, i take my terminal pretty seriously. [19:32] i meant minimalistic DE, not terminal [19:32] wow, Konsole look spretty decent now... [19:33] i feel like Cinammon burns a lot of CPU [19:33] Well, I managed to fix my issue. Apparently there was something wrong with the kwinrc file in my config directory. Given that I haven't manually edited the file, this shouldn't have happened. [19:34] hello,some of my programs aren't opening.Could someone help me? [19:35] ? [19:38] Hadrian93: here is a wand [19:38] / [19:38] ? [19:38] what you mean? [19:38] you can use it with the right formula to conjure any non opening programs [19:39] if you want some actual help, explain your problem [19:41] i can't open furius iso mount and onboard for example.Just those 2 programs have problems.From what i know... [19:43] how did you install them ? [19:43] re install them ? [19:45] yeah, I'm sold on KDE now [19:45] Kubuntu, specifically [19:47] wel [19:47] well? [19:51] could someone help me? [19:52] with? [19:52] Hadrian93, did you do what rom1504 said? [19:53] Hadrian93: you didn't answer my questions [19:53] Hadrian93: Nobody can help you if you don't asnwer the questions that you are being asked [19:54] 1 sec...translating [19:56] this question?"you can use it with the right formula to conjure any non opening programs" [19:56] i don't know what you mean [19:56] [11:43:14] [[ rom1504 ]] how did you install them ? [19:56] [11:43:18] [[ rom1504 ]] re install them ? [19:56] fom software manager [19:56] and reinstalled also [19:56] nothing works [19:57] Start them from a terminal, and see what error message you get [19:57] a verry long one [19:57] Well, that is very helpful. [19:58] "" [19:58] process:10617): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. [19:58] Using the fallback 'C' locale. [19:58] 2014-11-07 21:39:41,727:WARNING:Onboard.Keyboard: Atspi typelib missing, at-spi key-synth unavailable [19:58] 2014-11-07 21:39:41,759:WARNING:Onboard.AtspiStateTracker: Atspi typelib missing, auto-show unavailable [19:58] 2014-11-07 21:39:41,805:WARNING:Config: mousetweaks GSettings schema not found, mousetweaks integration disabled. [19:58] Hadrian93 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted [19:58] * duckx0r facepalms [19:59] i've been muted for pasting the error message [19:59] Yeah, what unopaste said. [20:00] does anyone know what could cause systemsettings to crash immediately after it opens? no output to the konsole except "QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave." [20:00] duckx0r: no idea, sorry. I get that message all the time, even when stuff doesn't crash for me. [20:01] Fritigern, yeah, i assumed it was harmless [20:01] Try a reboot and see if that fixes it? I sometimes get weird crashes because i had updated without rebooting (for weeks ;-)) [20:02] Fritigern, tried that. no luck. It works fine for another user, just not this one, so it must be something in my profile [20:03] I wish i could point you in the right direction, but all i can come up with is to either play with your settings, or wipe them and hope for the best [20:03] And i admit, neither is very helpful [20:04] any other program like furius iso mount?cause i can't open this one [20:05] Fritigern, considering it's impossible to "play with my settings" seeing as that's precisely what's crashing, what would i delete to restore a default kde profile? [20:05] Fritigern, just the ~/.kde directory? [20:07] duckx0r: That dir contains a sh*tton of your settings, so if you want to try and see if deleting them would help, then i would suggest renaming the dir, so that you can restore the settings if you wish. [20:07] like a backup [20:08] Aaaan.... found it. duckx0rwait [20:08] duckx0r wait [20:08] Look at ~/.kde/share/config/systemsettingsrc [20:10] Fritigern, thanks. give me a sec [20:10] Bine ai revenit, adrian__ [20:11] ? [20:11] You're Romanian, aren;t you? [20:11] spooky :D [20:11] da [20:12] sa inteleg ca si tu... [20:12] Fritigern, i renamed that file, but it still crashes. Would i need to log out and in for it to take effect? [20:12] I used http://www.whatsmyip.org/ip-geo-location for your location, and https://translate.google.com/#auto/ro/Welcome back to translate ;-) [20:12] duckx0r: It might. Give it a shot [20:13] so.... [20:13] you're not a romanian [20:13] you tricked me [20:13] haha [20:14] Earlier, i wondered why you needed to translate, so i looked up your IP. And no, i am not Romanian. I am Dutch, i can understand German pretty well, and i obviously speak English. But that's all :-) [20:14] good to know [20:16] This is... weird. I renamed my ~/.kde directory and now plasma doesn't start [20:16] after relogging [20:17] plasma-desktop doesn't start and produces no error [20:17] back to the drawing board [20:17] i didn't undertood well a phrase,so i needed to translate [20:18] duckx0r: Aren;t you gld you didn't *delete* the directory? [20:19] I will repeat that once ducx0r is back :-) [20:19] so...who knows another program like furius iso mount?Cause i can't open this one?some ideas??? [20:20] Open Muon and look for "iso", you will find a few options [20:21] synaptic or what? :D [20:21] I said Muon. [20:21] But if you have synaptic installed, then good luck [20:21] i don't have muon [20:22] i guess that is on kubuntu [20:22] Yes, that's on Kubuntu. Aren;t you on Kubuntu? [20:22] adrian__: are you just trying to crawl the iso file system? [20:23] i'm on mint [20:23] 17 kde [20:23] Since it's KDE, you will have Muon too [20:28] adrian__: I went to http://community.linuxmint.com/software/search and searched for "iso", found a ton [20:31] ok [20:31] thanks for trying to help me [20:31] i will search [20:32] for other program,but this is still a mistery for me.... [20:34] Well, you still haven;t shown me the error message (USE http://paste.kde.org !!!!!) [20:34] duckx0r: Aren;t you gld you didn't *delete* the directory? [20:34] i tried but i've been muted for 60 seconds :D [20:35] Fritigern, I wasn't going to delete it... :P [20:35] adrian__: USE http://paste.kde.org !!!!! [20:35] Fritigern, not permanently, anyway [20:35] adrian__: are you just trying to crawl the iso file system ? [20:35] Fritigern, I got it working. It was something in ~/.kde/share/config/kdedrc [20:36] duckx0r: Cool! Glad you got it working now! [20:37] Fritigern, Thanks for yer help btw. [20:37] Well, dunno if i actually did help, but i tried :-) [20:37] Fritigern, that's good enough for me [20:38] now i'm wondering what in that file could have caused it to crash... [20:39] looks like that file contains a list of the services to enable/disable [20:39] Perhaps compare old with new [20:39] LOL! [20:39] Fritigern, there is no new... [20:41] There should be. Perhaps it's created upon relog? [20:46] Fritigern, I think you have to actually modify the services for it to be created [20:48] Fritigern, still, I would think it's a bug if disabling any one of those settings causes the settings manager to crash [20:48] err services [20:48] I agre, it shold not happen [20:48] *should [20:48] I'm going to try seeing if it does the same to a fresh user with those settings [20:52] hmm... nope, didn't crash [20:55] alright guys, see you later [21:01] hey all [21:01] can anyone help me with this? https://bpaste.net/show/17161d53f30d <== I'd like to have the ancor display as my main one, and the viewsonic as my secondary display... but when windows go full screen, they stay within their respective displays, and I can drag windows across displays. [21:04] I had it working at one point but I've since left Funtoo [21:04] er Linux [21:04] lol [21:06] pretty hard to find the solution here [21:06] where would I have better luck? [21:07] ubuntu forums? [21:07] I've looked there >_> [21:08] i'm in the same situation [21:08] maybe someone will answer you [21:08] who knows [21:08] okay === oyvind is now known as Guest14276 === murthy_ is now known as murthy [22:34] garrettkajmowicz: rename .kde folder to .kde_bak and try relogin, this is to check if some kde configuration file is causing the issue [22:34] garrettkajmowicz: I mean the kde folder in your home directory [22:35] murthy: I did that and identified the specific file at-cause. Deleting only the kwinrc file addressed the issue. [22:35] garrettkajmowicz: problem solved? [22:37] murthy: I'm up and running, thanks to your help, guidance, and helpful suggestions. I'm tempted to try and chase the KDE people down to figure out why this happened so they can fix whatever the underlying bug is. [22:39] garrettkajmowicz: that would be lovely [22:39] check in at #kwin if you want [22:40] valorie: Thank you for the pointer! [22:40] garrettkajmowicz: yw [22:40] fixing bugs upstream is always excellent [22:41] garrettkajmowicz: did you delete the kwinrc file or moved it to trash? [22:42] murthy: Neither. I renamed the original kde directory and then did a rough binary search to find out the causative file. I still have the original conveniently floating around. [22:43] garrettkajmowicz: If you have it, save it somewhere so that the devs can look into it [22:45] After updating to 14.10 from 14.04, I have to manually connect to the internet every time I login to kde instead of it automatically connecting to the default internet. My internet connection is a wired one === Guest79890 is now known as lolz === lolz is now known as Guest59623 [22:49] the option "Automatically connect to this network when it is available" is checked already [22:50] murthy: Is the interface listed in /etc/network/interfaces? [22:51] murthy: there are lots of bug reports about this === robin__ is now known as robbieC [22:52] valorie: oh? filed against 14.10? [22:52] I solved it for myself by checking "all users can connect" or some such idiotic wording [22:52] yes [22:52] So its a known bug then [22:52] unless the connection has no password, the real problem is in kwallet [22:53] I've not tackled that part yet [22:53] and I couldn't talk the devels into changing that label either [22:53] i hav a computer [22:53] valorie: Could you link the bug #? [22:54] lordievader: http://pastebin.com/NvtgaKvy [22:54] Defining eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces works for Vivid. I suppose it'll work in Utopic. [22:54] valorie: I checked with kwallet, I think its not the issue [22:55] murthy: Do you make use of the network manager other than setting up the connection? [22:55] mmm, let me look in my email [22:55] valorie: Mine is a wired connection and it has no password [22:55] lordievader: no [22:56] murthy: Then you can try and see if /etc/network/interface works out for you. [22:56] lordievader: explain [22:57] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=339674 [22:57] KDE bug 339674 in general "Doesn't Auto Connect" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [22:58] valorie: the is a new release of the network manager, I have to check it has a fix [22:59] recent release? [22:59] if so, I'm behind the times [23:00] murthy: Add "auto eth0 [23:00] http://lamarque-lvs.blogspot.in/2014/11/networkmanagerqt-0983-is-out.html [23:00] iface eth0 inet dhcp" to the file and reboot [23:01] murthy: Like the lo interface in there but with dhcp instead of loopback. [23:01] That bugreport is about wireless connections. [23:01] lordievader: What you are giving me is a workaround or the solution? [23:02] murthy: Hehe, no a workaround. [23:02] The solution requires finding out why Network manager ain't doing its job, and it is late here... ;) [23:04] valorie: I just read the bug report sgclark had said the kwallet manager does not start on login, afaik this is because the kwallet system is disabled by default? [23:05] It should be enabled by default... [23:05] not sure, but my kwallet is hosed and I've not started investigating why [23:05] or how to fix [23:06] lordievader: I am afraid of changing stuff outside my home directory, I will wait for a fix [23:06] it wouldn't help to have it enabled by default in my case because it will no longer recognize the password [23:06] Your call ;) [23:06] I agree it should be on by default [23:07] valorie: I will update the bug report [23:08] murthy: Please make a new one, this one is likely unrelated. [23:09] lordievader: Dont you think it will be a duplicate? [23:09] No, the bug report is on the link between nm and kwallet failing. And kwallet has no place in the nm -> ethernet story. [23:11] lordievader: ok, I will file a new [23:11] thanks, murthy [23:11] Thanks :) === murthy is now known as murthy_ [23:19] valorie: lordievader , I tried the solution in the bug report and it worked. Its "All users may connect to this network" option, it was unchecked, I checked it and it worked [23:20] yeah, but again that is a workaround, AND not secure === murthy_ is now known as murthy [23:20] unless there is no password [23:20] and horribly labelled [23:20] ::grump:: [23:21] :D [23:21] ya the label [23:22] valorie: any one other than kubuntu user had the same issue? [23:22] feel free to suggest something to them; they did not like my suggestion [23:22] not sure [23:22] This could be privilege issue [23:23] asda === rush_ is now known as Guest31515 [23:23] adad [23:23] Guest31515: can we help you? [23:31] * MangaKaDenza curls around muon update manager [23:31] <3 [23:49] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=340747 [23:49] KDE bug 340747 in Wired "Network manager does not automatically connected to network even when the option to do the same is already checked" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [23:53] yay === murthy is now known as murthy_