[03:53] Riddell: Do we know what Qt5 version we need for Vixen? === claydoh_ is now known as claydoh [06:48] shadeslayer: ping [06:51] Christ, kded4 leaks memory [06:56] hi Quintasan, how's life? [06:56] valorie: Well, mostly university stuff. [06:57] 3 management courses this semester so I'm dying mentaly here. [06:57] having fun and working hard? [06:57] ah [06:57] boo [06:57] we miss you too [06:57] mentally* [06:59] I wish I could pass the whole course at once since it's HTML & CSS [06:59] But why would they relive me of the tediousness of going to laboratories each Friday at 07:30 [07:00] there is always a certain amount of crappy, onerous, totally silly requirements [07:00] "you must suffer, since we had to suffer" [07:01] And we have to use SVN to turn in the assignements lol [07:03] oh, that's lovely [07:03] so turn-of-the-century [07:03] they've not heard of git? [07:06] why not use svn if it works for their needs? [07:07] valorie: The prof does know about git but he said people won't understand it. [07:07] Tm_T: it couldn't possibly work for their needs considering it requires special server-side software and is dreadfully slow [07:08] Tm_T: Well, At first I thought university is supposed to teach good practices. [07:08] svn never works for anyone [07:08] nevaaaaaaaaaaaar [07:08] After some time I thought it's about teaching anything [07:08] Now I'm not even sure what's this about. [07:08] sometimes it's just making it through and getting the piece of paper [07:09] seems like education is often what you yourself provide [07:09] kded why you leak memory so much [07:12] Quintasan: and using SVN isn't good practice when it needs requirements? [07:13] I would prefer git too, sure, I just don't see svn as some kind of a monster [07:13] good morning [07:13] soee: Hi [07:13] moin soee [07:13] neither do I, Tm_T [07:13] after all KDE is still using it for some things [07:14] it is the past not the future though [07:14] Tm_T: It's not like I'm saying that SVN is a monster, I'm just saying that most people and projects use git. [07:14] Hell, even the company I worked as a contractor used git and it's old as hell. [07:14] valorie: true, I have learned universities are in the past most of the time though [07:15] svn, git, they're just tools, both can be used to teach the ideas of version control, continuous commits etc [07:15] that's fine for classics, history, literature.... but not science! [07:15] I keep nagging about "commit often" to our developers here at the office, brrrrh [07:16] apachelogger: Do you recall any magic switches for valgrind if one is trying to debug kded? [07:18] Quintasan: there is a blog post on the matter of findingin memleaks in kded [07:19] Splendid. [07:19] What [07:19] I killed kded and icons in my tray suddenly have colours. [07:19] ...do not tell me that kded applies the colour overlay [07:24] http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kde-workspace-apidocs/plasma-workspace/html/statusnotifierwatcher_8cpp_source.html [07:26] Riddell: why build without systemd support?! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next/+sourcepub/4480867/+listing-archive-extra [07:26] yeah [07:26] Riddell: why not write useful changelogs? :P [07:27] shadeslayer: FWIW it might actually have to do witht he fact that if built with systemd I think sddm will use entirely differnt code paths [07:28] I am unsure, that was introduced on the 21st and stuff worked before that on the iso's? [07:29] Quintasan: pong? [07:30] shadeslayer: Was trying to debug kded4 for memleaks and IIRC you said something about it [07:31] how the hell is --leak-check=full invalid option [07:32] if yer not using memcheck it might just be [07:32] ^^ [07:35] Ah the joys of copypasting lines. [07:35] This one had --tool=massif, makes perfect sense now [07:36] so clearly valgrind was correct when it said your option is shit :P [07:36] Hell if I know if it's leaking memory now, it's taking 606 MiB [08:06] Good morning. [08:25] Riddell: ping [09:10] hi bukai__ [09:11] ScottK: no we don't, plasma team pondered if it was reasonable to require qt 5.4 in plasma 5.2 and didn't come up with an answer so delayed the decision [09:26] Hi, I have set up the ssh key should i mail it to you? [09:27] Riddell: ^^ [09:30] bukai__: put it on your launchpad account is usually easiest [09:31] I have done that too [09:33] morning [09:34] Riddell: the public key is in my launchpad account [09:43] bukai__: url? [09:43] hi sgclark, how was helping Sick_Rimmit yesterday? [09:44] Riddell: we made progress. Got to symbols and then he ran out of time. Will continue tomorrow probably. [09:46] !package kde-telepathy [09:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about package kde-telepathy [09:47] https://launchpad.net/~subho020m [09:50] Riddell: ^ [09:57] HI Riddell [09:58] Yes it went very well, I learned alot [09:58] She is very patient [09:58] Riddell: so what's with the sddm no systemd situation? [09:58] I have almost got the build of libkpeople working [09:58] Will try to complete by myself this evening, [09:59] am plpanning to hook up with sgclark tomorrow to review [09:59] Hopefully will have it all correctly packaged === toscalix_ is now known as toscalix [10:23] shadeslayer: we don't use systemd so it doesn't build with systemd [10:23] shadeslayer: I turned it off explicity incase it was thinking we had systemd incorrectly and that was the cause of logging problems but I don't think it made any difference [10:31] Riddell: well it causes stuff to break with people who boot with systemd [10:31] Bug https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next/+sourcepub/4480867/+listing-archive-extra [10:31] Erm [10:32] Bug 1384401 [10:32] bug 1384401 in Kubuntu PPA "sddm does not start with systemd" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1384401 [10:32] Riddell: maybe want to revert that ? [10:32] Or comment on that bug report [10:39] shadeslayer: it can't be a straight revert that would cause it not to use vt7 [10:39] so that patch would need to be added back [10:40] the other question is why doesn't the log file contain anything on the live image [10:40] or why didn't it when we were using ubiquity-dm [10:40] Can be fixed via the minTerm config thingy [10:40] yes or that [10:40] bukai: preferred username? [10:41] bukai: hmm you shouldn't be root user when making ssh keys I'm sure [10:42] Riddell: I was not aware of that [10:42] Riddell: anyway, mind investigating ? [10:42] Riddell: will that be a problem? [10:42] bukai: usually sudo isn't required for most of the things that you would do [10:44] shadeslayer: Ok , I will keep it in mind next time. === bukai is now known as bukai_ [10:45] bukai_: no it's a general issue not one specific with ssh keys, you shouldn't be using root in general as a security precaution [10:45] bukai_: anyway what preferred username? [10:46] Riddell: subho020m [10:50] bukai_: ssh subho020m@docs.kubuntu.org [10:55] Thanks , how do I use this to get access to the code off test.kubuntu,co,uk? [10:58] good question [10:58] it's somewhere in ~kubuntu [10:59] bukai_: nope seems to be in /home/ovidiu-florin/kubuntu_wordpress [11:00] bukai_: would you like to set it up on the server or on your home computer? [11:01] on my computer [11:02] bukai_: aye so grab those files and you should be able to do a mysqldump using the details in wp-config.php [11:02] ok, I will start with it. Once i find the code. [11:03] bukai_: it's in /home/ovidiu-florin/kubuntu_wordpress [11:08] unless it is owned by world (very bad) I suspect permission problems will arise getting that code... [11:09] shouldnt it be in some VCS somewhere? [11:11] it's owned by ovidiu, should be world readable [11:26] Thanks, I will setting up the code [11:34] anyone want to go to the tech board at 17:00UTC today? I'm away [11:38] Hey folks [11:48] who can grant me access to https://trello.com/b/3s11MoXD/15-04 [11:49] Tm_T: I probably can although I'm not sure how [11:49] heh [11:50] Tm_T: have you logged on? [11:50] I was going to move sddm comments from email discussions and here to card so it doesn't get lost [11:50] and yes I'm there as logged in user [11:50] Tm T (tmt1) [11:50] don't know why it did pull that 1 there [11:52] Tm_T: I think I just added you [11:52] you did, thanks (: [11:55] uh oh add kde-telepathy to todos :) [11:57] if the kde-telepathy developers work out when it'll get released [11:57] although there is 0.9 we need to do [11:57] btw do we have any Kubuntistas in London area? [11:58] don't think so [12:00] * Riddell upgrades to vivid [12:00] Riddell: still have to finish patch manpages to submit upstream.. this surely needs to be tested please kfunk https://launchpad.net/~sgclark/+archive/ubuntu/kubuntu/+packages qwt... [12:01] vivid is in a usable state? [12:02] Riddell: yes i was talking about 0.9 [12:02] sgclark: I guess I'll soon find out :) [12:03] lol [12:03] sgclark: remind me again what manpages to submit upstream are? [12:03] * sgclark waits [12:03] Riddell: oh a mile of manpage lintian errors and the manpages are indeed broken in that qwt package. [12:04] sgclark: testing [12:04] Riddell: so I am making a patch to submit upstream, but fighting with quilt was making this package take way to long, so at least it can be tested in the meantime [12:04] thanks kfunk, may be a second for it to publish [12:05] hm? [12:05] sgclark: he's still testing! don't publish yet it might still blow up his machine! [12:05] kfunk: wait a few, the successful build has not published sorry, I was too quick on asking to test [12:05] oh I see [12:06] it might still blow up launchpad [12:08] hm. weird. installing libqwt-dev from there wants me to instal qtbase5-gles-dev [12:09] installing that one results in a lot of "unmet dependencies" [12:09] (which then tries to remove qtcreator and friends) [12:09] it would not build without that dep [12:09] ack [12:09] well [12:09] I can disable opengl support.. [12:10] hang on gles is arm only generally [12:10] strange thing is it would build without gles on pbuilder and chroot but not launchpad [12:10] kept barfing [12:10] so don't build with gles on normal architectures use normal gl [12:12] Riddell: no qt5 opengl that I can see [12:12] yep. I think depending on gles doesn't make sense here altogether [12:12] libqt5opengl5-dev <- sgclark [12:13] thans === kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch === rahulch_ is now known as rahulch|Away [12:44] kfunk: new and improved qwt ready [12:44] \o/ [12:50] sgclark: qwt.prf ends up in the wrong directory [12:50] it's now /usr/share/qt5/mkspecs/features/qwt.prf, but should be in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/features/ [12:50] not sure how to fix that within qwt's build system, however [12:51] maybe that needs post-patching the install location in the deb === kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik [12:52] sgclark: second concern: are you sure you can call that "libqwt6"? won't that clash with the Qt4 version? [12:53] kfunk: are they suppose to be coinstallable? Riddell: ideas? ^ [12:54] kfunk: looking into prf issue [12:54] sgclark: I've got no clue how to handle these kind of things at a package manager level :/ [12:54] kfunk: this package has been a learning experience for me... I am used to KDE packages [12:55] thanks for testing though [13:03] sgclark: I've no idea depends on how it's set up [13:03] sgclark: is it 1 source which can compile as both qt4 and qt5 ? [13:09] Riddell: looks like 6.1+ does support both [13:09] * shadeslayer pulls his hair out [13:10] libqwt6-qt5 and libqwt6? [13:11] at least that's the convention in ubuntu land, isn't it? [13:13] yep [13:13] ok [13:13] and rename the source to upload twice [13:13] still have to work out .prf. [13:13] assuming we still want the qt4 version [13:14] that's a file for qmake, put it in -dev [13:14] quilt hates me [13:14] what are you patching? [13:16] * Riddell looks at telepathy 0.9.0 [13:18] Riddell: patching out the qwtconfig.pro that is putting the prf files in the wrong place and instead trying -spec switch to qmake instead unless you have a better idea? [13:19] with qmake I rarely have good ideas [13:20] ok, giving this a shot. [13:30] Qwt has a weird build system anyway [13:30] ugh [13:30] you need to touch .pro files in order to actually modify behavior [13:30] *shrug* [13:31] yeah don't think this is going to work. [13:31] * sgclark thinks [13:34] kfunk: right, but getting into ARCH dependent variable in the pro file is where things are going wrong. The options they provided do not have that result. So I need to find some system level variable, My knowledge is not that great on this stuff yet. But I am determined... [13:41] sgclark: would it work to just move the .pro files after build in the .install files ? [13:41] d_ed: ktp fail http://paste.kde.org/pkff1iedc [13:42] Riddell: if all else fails, that is the plan [13:42] sgclark: where it wanting to put them? [13:44] sgclark: did you say you'd updated libkpeople? [13:45] Riddell: /usr/local/qwt-6.1.1/features which I knew was wrong so I put in with all the other mkspecs, but kfunk says that is wrong so I am trying to put in the ARCh dependent lib directory, it is the ARCH bit that is fumbling me, but I will get it. somehow [13:49] Sick_Rimmit: you've done libkpeople? [13:51] Riddell: Not yet, have KDE Symbols mismatch to patch, will try to build again this evening [13:53] ah cool [13:53] Sick_Rimmit: what made you do libkpeople? was it needed for something? [13:53] sgclark: Picked it up from Launchpad I believe [13:54] ok cool [13:54] Riddell: had a needs-packaging tag [13:54] I think the reason for that, was it would be a good starter for me [13:54] Sick_Rimmit: well now I need it for kde-telepathy 0.9.0 so don't let me down :) [13:54] yeah I just want to make sure we're not duplicating work [13:54] I've just compiled it locally for now without any packaging [13:55] bleh forgot to update bug to in-progreess, sorry [13:55] oh maybe I should do that for a kde-telepathy bug [13:56] Sick_Rimmit: a note for future packages :) ^ update launchpad bug if there is one [13:56] sgclark: [13:56] QWT_INSTALL_FEATURES = $${QWT_INSTALL_PREFIX}/features [13:56] # QWT_INSTALL_FEATURES = $$[QT_INSTALL_PREFIX]/features [13:56] in qwtconfig.pri [13:56] you probably need to switch these [13:56] kfunk: been there, it puts it in /usr/features... [13:56] crap [13:57] heh [13:57] I am going to try and export the QMAKESPEC variable before build, wish me luck heh [13:57] I'd be tempting to just move it in the .install file [13:58] yeah. [13:59] didn't you have the same issue for the qt4 version? [13:59] * sgclark has never packaged this before [13:59] hm, there /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/ is correct [14:01] sgclark: I came up with this for fedora's qwt packaging, http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/qwt.git/tree/qwt-6.1.0-qt_install_paths.patch [14:02] fun... [14:04] kfunk: sorry, so was my original location right? [14:04] sgclark: nope. [14:05] rdieter: yeah I tried that one but for unknown reasons it put it in /usr/features [14:05] qt4: /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/, qt5: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/features [14:05] kfunk: what did you mean by this then [06:59] hm, there /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/ is correct [14:05] sgclark: that in qt4-times, mkspecs/features resided in /usr/share apparently. [14:05] ahh ok [14:06] but for qt5, that changed. not sure if that's Ubuntu's fault, or upstream [14:06] sgclark: odd, it works ok for me [14:06] * rdieter checks code [14:07] sgclark: apparently your qt build doesnt define QMAKE_MKSPECS ? [14:07] I will try again rdieter: honestly I have tried so many things I might be confused haha [14:07] qmake -query QMAKE_MKSPECS ?? [14:07] I think possibly that may have been it, echo $QMAKE_MKSPECS turns up empty [14:08] for qt4 on fedora, I get: /usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs [14:08] for you, it *should* say, /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs [14:08] so there question is, where is that variable suppose to get set? [14:09] qmake [14:09] this is qt5 [14:09] qt5's qmake no longer defines that variable [14:09] check 'qmake -query' [14:09] bleh, ok [14:09] ok so $$[QMAKE_MKSPECS]/features isn't going to work for qt5 obviously [14:09] **Unknown** [14:11] gosh no mkspecs in there at all [14:11] * sgclark sighs [14:11] should use QT_HOST_DATA for Qt5 [14:11] QT_HOST_DATA:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5 [14:12] genious. thanks kfunk [14:12] so $$[QT_HOST_DATA]/mkspecs/features [14:12] of course, *that* doesn't work for qt4 [14:12] yeah, we are splitting to 2 packages [14:13] * rdieter goes to whine in #qt [14:13] hehe [14:13] rdieter: go to whine at #qwt, if it exists [14:13] :) [14:13] seriously, their build system is a mess [14:14] yes, I got qwt upstream to include proper pkgconfig support recently, maybe this can be the next step [14:35] jmux: what do you guys used to manage your deb repos btw? [14:47] * sgclark grumbles at the new p[ile of lintian errors caused by renaming to qt5 [14:50] turns out that kde telepathy is a beast [14:50] maybe I should have merged qt4 instead :) [14:50] well [14:50] I think I ended up with twice the work doing that [14:52] * sgclark cries [14:53] doing what? [14:54] package-name-doesnt-match-sonames libqwt6 libqwtmathml6 [14:54] used the qt4 version as a base for this [14:56] oh but that's fine if you have renamed it to add -qt5 or something onto the name [14:56] just ignore it [14:56] ok [14:58] shadeslayer: DAK - heavy patched [14:58] :S [15:00] so it supports multiple repositories and I can run "updates" against external repositories, which will show new versions and I can decide which packages I want to copy to my current release [15:01] ~10 years ago this was the best to use with multiple people [15:02] Riddell: Then we've got a few weeks to figure it out. [15:03] shadeslayer: we tried a local launchpad version (also patched), but AFAIK search was / is implemented via a Google appliance rendering it kind of useless without. [15:03] I see [15:04] * shadeslayer is trying to figure out why reprepro doesn't want to accept --confdir [15:04] That was ~6 years ago. [15:04] ScottK: what what? [15:04] Riddell: Re Qt5 version. [15:05] Need to be able to tell Canonical PS what version we want by UOS. [15:05] ScottK: when is that again? [15:05] Uh. 2 or 3 weeks. [15:05] * ScottK looks [15:05] oh hah [15:05] now it works [15:05] stupid thing [15:06] Starts 12 Nov. [15:06] So two weeks. [15:06] shadeslayer: We use reprepro for our "PPA"s. I wanted to have a look at aptly. [15:06] oh yeah aptly is cool [15:06] I sent them a few PR's recently :P [15:07] Have to leave for an other meeting [15:07] cya [15:12] ScottK: the problem is that neither plasma nor kubuntu nor canonical have much of an opinion on what's best and what's reasonable [15:12] ScottK: qt 5.4 would be good for plasma for some stuff in kwin but nobody in plasma wants to make distros do what isn't reasonable [15:12] Right. [15:12] but if it's easy to do 5.4 I think that would please everyone [15:12] Yeah. [15:14] I guess we ought to discuss it and see if 5.4 is reasonable. [15:15] I did discuss it a bit with Mirv [15:15] OK. What did he say? [15:16] that a decision was still to be made I think [15:16] We should have a UOS session then. If we want 5.4, then i think it'd make sense to get the RC into the archive ASAP once it's released. [15:17] (schedule 18 Nov) [15:18] but.. if we have qt 5.4 and plasma dudes decide to stay back at qt 5.3 them trouble will ensue [15:18] rdieter: hey useful other distro person, does fedora have any opinion on what version of qt plasma 5.2 should use? qt 5.3 or qt 5.4? [15:21] Debian's going to release with 5.3, but I don't see a lot of value in sticking with it because of that. [15:21] I think for our purposes we want to pace Qt5 as closely as possible. [15:21] are they going to release with plasma 5? [15:22] No [15:22] so not very relevant [15:22] Yes. [15:22] and kubuntu is releasing in april by which time qt 5.4 will be old and people will wonder why we're shipping qt 5.3 if that's what we choose to do [15:22] True. [15:22] Also, if we get Qt5.4 RC in early, we can still influence the final if there are problems. [15:24] I'll ask on the release-team list what packagers of other distros think [15:24] kde list [15:27] Thanks. [15:30] kfunk: qwt-qt5 ready, will likely have to remove the other one. [15:33] sgclark: remove qwt for qt4? what's the overlapping files? [15:33] apachelogger: heyo dude! [15:34] you're here? [15:34] Riddell: nah, the qwt in my ppa [15:34] ah [15:38] sgclark: IIRC, qwt is pretty under maintained in Debian, so there's an opportunity to contribute there I believe. [15:39] ScottK: I worked hard on it! that would be wonderful. I need to finish up the manpage patch though [15:41] and qt4 I guess lol ugh [15:42] Are you doing qwt5 or qwt (which is qwt6)? [15:42] qwt6 [15:43] which according to the website supports both qt4 and qt5 [15:44] I would suggest emailing the maintainer and seeing if he'd like help (he's not very active, so either he won't reply or he'll say yes). Then once you're ready and he's replied, we can see about an upload to Debian Experimental. [15:45] ScottK: ok, I will work on that, thanks [15:45] d_ed: do you have an opinion on this patch to ktp-text-ui? http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/kde-extras/kde-telepathy/ktp-text-ui.git/tree/debian/patches/02_ktpchat_soversion.diff [15:45] feel free to tell him I pointed you at him. [15:45] Thanks! [15:47] It's too late for Jessie (they freeze for release in a week and are much stricter about letting things in than Ubuntu), but still worth doing. [15:52] sgclark: I can confirm the package works! [15:52] just compiled my test project against it [15:52] yipee! [15:53] thanks for testing kfunk! [15:53] np [15:53] thanks for providing the package :) [15:53] np :) I learned alot with it lol [15:54] http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/releasing/2014-October/001848.html ScottK qt 5.4 Final Release 2nd Dec 2014 [15:54] and 5.5 Final Release 28th April 2015 [15:54] sgclark: any ETA when this will arrive the repos? [15:54] Thanks. They should update their web site. [15:54] Oh, not that matches. [15:55] not/no [15:55] well manpages are broken so I would like to fix that first [15:55] * Riddell wonders what manpages qwt has [15:55] tons [15:55] * kfunk too [15:56] qtwebengine seems like trouble though. [15:56] Riddell: patch is fine, seems rather pointless given we're the only people using that lib [15:58] unversioned libraries in /usr/lib make packagers squirm [15:58] 145 manpages [15:59] tsdgeos: ScottK points out that in discussions before it's been said it's possible to have qt 5.4 in /opt even if the default packages are in /usr [15:59] Last time we had a serious discussion on Qt5 management, Canonical agreed that if they wanted a different version than we did, they'd stash there's somewhere out of the way like that. [15:59] I think it was /opt. [16:02] * Riddell syncs qt-gstreamer 1.2.0 which uses gstreamer 1.0 and thus breaks kamoso [16:28] Riddell: Hi, I am unable to access the server suddenly! [16:28] bukai_: works for me [16:28] bukai_: what are you trying? [16:31] Riddell: It worked for me too, I tried to open a file using kate it falied showed a broken pipe error message and after that i could not login using subho020m@docs.kubuntu.org [16:32] Riddell: It's working again :) [16:32] glitch in the matrix [16:32] sorry I need to run off [16:33] Sick_Rimmit: kde telepathy done just waiting on you to do libkpeople! (both in vivid and utopic) [16:33] * Riddell out [16:37] Riddell: wrt plasma-5.2, qt-5.4 is fine with me (I've already received 2 requests to backport crash fixes from 5.4.x to our 5.3.x packaging) === bukai__ is now known as bukai [19:15] Riddell: Did you see the SRU stuff in #u-meeting2 (tb meeting)? === agaida_ is now known as agaida [19:53] Riddell: ping