[00:07] can I just restart X / lightdm , to switch video drivers? rather than fully rebooting? [00:16] hello [00:16] Hello ^ [02:20] rww, whats up [02:21] rww, fuck you mother fucker [02:21] !ops | TheClitCommander (HFSPLUS) [02:21] TheClitCommander (HFSPLUS): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger [02:22] poor rww has no power to ban me [02:24] yay === TheFakeazneD525 is now known as libreSSL [06:05] * TheFakeazneD525 whistles innocently [06:05] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/1358966 cough cough [06:05] Ubuntu bug 1358966 in bcmwl (Ubuntu) "bcmwl-kernel-source bcmwl kernel module failed to build [error: macro "alloc_netdev" requires 4 arguments, but only 3 given]" [Medium,Confirmed] [06:10] were you hit by that, TheFakeazneD525? [06:10] ...possibly [06:11] I'm testing the patch now [06:11] sounds like the fix is in [06:11] literally [06:11] hmm? [06:11] the patch is in the .deb file? [06:12] I meant that the comments in the bug make it *sound* as if the fix has been found [06:12] yeah, im testing it [06:12] of course more testers are good [06:12] but I think i tested it on the wrong module version [06:12] so I downloaded (not going to like this) the module for Utopic [06:12] perhaps /join #ubuntu-kernel ? [06:12] they are great [06:13] 3.17 is going to be Utopic's kernel, right? [06:13] * valorie hasn't a clue [06:13] kernel chan folks might know [06:16] good morning [06:20] ooh boy [06:20] the moment of truth [06:22] Patch is not working [06:22] in fact... [06:22] generates more errors than w/o patch [06:24] fortunately [06:24] my older kernels are still herer [06:24] *here [06:28] is there any way to load a specific kernel module file? [06:30] isn't that what modprobe is all about? [06:30] TheFakeazneD525: please add your input to the bug report [06:31] alright... if i can remember my SSO pass [06:38] Good morning. [06:39] cmd: Linux DSI-NB1 3.17.0+ #2 SMP Sun Oct 19 19:53:30 PDT 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [06:40] hmm... [06:43] TheFakeazneD525: Yes, Utopic has 3.17, but I don't think it will carry 3.17.0+. Sounds vanilla. [06:43] !info linux-image-generic utopic [06:44] Should I try installing utopic's image over my own? [06:44] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB [06:44] or perhaps would it possibly work with 3.16 better === oleg is now known as Guest821 [06:45] Ah, never mind Utopic has 3.16. [06:45] should i try that? [06:45] On your Trusty machine? No, it ain't supported. [06:46] Perhaps with the .2 release Trusty will receive the Utopic kernel. [06:46] also, don't fear [06:46] i made sure to keep the working kernels intact [06:47] then why not roll back to one that works? [06:47] I wanted to test... hot off the git... [06:48] ok.... [06:48] I never test kernels [06:48] TheFakeazneD525: Then make a dual boot with Utopic ;) [06:49] Testers are allways welcome :) [06:49] limited space ;-; [06:49] well actually... [06:49] * TheFakeazneD525 checks [06:49] Harddrives are cheap. [06:49] ah, I seem to have 100~ gb free [06:50] Tada, you have a dual boot :P [06:50] but, on the previous topic... http://paste.ubuntu.com/8598461/ (also in #ubuntu-kernel) [06:52] say, why is wl listed as nonfree [06:52] is there a blob in there? [06:52] The firmware likely. [06:52] ah [07:01] argh [07:01] i'll look into it later [07:01] er... how do I prefer one kernel in grub [07:02] oh wait there's a KCM for that >.> === g_ is now known as Guest77308 === MadCommieScienti is now known as jubo2 === bob is now known as Guest365 === ed is now known as Guest1632 === TheFakeazneD525 is now known as MangaKaDenza [10:21] is there any ppa we can get the latest ktelepathy from? I see the `official` ppa hasn't been updated in a while https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ubuntu/ppa === nikil89_ is now known as nandhu === nandhu is now known as nikil89_ === doge is now known as c[_] === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa === pvoigt_ is now known as pvoigt [11:36] hi poeple.. short question: copying files from my usb stick to the computer is *very* slow any idea, whats going on here? or a hint where I should start to look for a bug or an error or something? [11:36] (I am on ubuntu 14.04) [11:38] have you checked the protocol version supported by the device/your comnputer [11:38] i.e is it in usb1/2/3 mode, etc [11:41] howlymowly: What speeds are you seeing? [11:46] lordievader: about 80Mb ~ 20 min. [11:46] hold on I am ust trying out anothe usb stick [11:48] hi - I have a semi annoying issue with kde 4.14.x (kubuntu 14.04) [11:49] 60Kb/s, that ain't much... [11:49] the brightness indicator keeps popping up after a few mins on no interaction [11:50] keep going to 15% (however brightness doesn't change) - when i interact if goes up -> 100% [11:50] (its a desktop system) [11:50] and happens on 2 completely different desktops. [11:50] only on 4.14.x [11:50] (kde) [11:51] (off to lunch in case someone responds..) [11:56] Yossarianuk: Sounds like a simple power setting. [11:58] hmm... lordievader seems like another USB stick works just fine .... [12:00] howlymowly: Good to hear. [12:00] lordievader: now that bad news: on another computer this usb stick seems to work just fine.. both computers have 14.04 installed... [12:04] lordievader: you want to know whats even funnier? now that I plugged in my old stick, the new one is working again :? [12:13] hello === max is now known as Guest54216 [12:35] Bom dia a todos.... [12:36] Há alguem que possa me ajudar localizar Drivers de Impressora - Epson L355 - Jato de Tinta? O suporte epson nao fornece drivers para Linux....Ficarei muito grato a quem puder me ajudar.. [12:51] !pt [12:51] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [13:11] someone knows if quassel is a mandatory package or may I replace it with irssi? [13:16] Hiyas all === Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa [14:14] lordievader: i'll check power settings - just a note - this issue did not occur on kde 4.13.x... === morgan is now known as Guest71063 [15:10] ciao [15:12] hi jackspada === unix is now known as Guest75820 [15:12] hi [15:13] is more time for me i don't use that! === akshay is now known as akshay_kota === jubo2 is now known as MadCommieScienti === wolf is now known as Guest91509 [16:23] hi guys! can anyone help me with video problem... when i play some video file in kubuntu or other de but not gnome i have some lines in center of video. any one know how to fix this? [16:49] #krita === Michael__ is now known as Guest57894 === Darkness is now known as Guest86970 [17:29] Is there a 64-bit Kubuntu image with +mac support like other distros? [17:30] Guest86970: The amd64 image is also for Mac [17:31] I've tried the 64-bit image, but it doesn't have the Apple EFI support soit won't install on my Macs. [17:44] Guest86970, does your UEFI/BIOS support legacy mode ? [17:45] ы [17:46] Hello [17:48] Hm, and had !ru primed now === Sauvin is now known as Bocaneri === kyle is now known as Guest32236 [20:33] Hi, I'm having trouble copying and pasting from Windows to Kubuntu via MobaXTerm [20:33] Has anyone had any experience of this problem? [20:36] n4cer502 try cp windows_file_and_directory linux_folder [20:36] in the command line [20:37] ap0c to copy and paste clipboard text? [20:39] n4cer502: In terminal you usualy use ctrl + shift + c|v for copying/pasting. [20:41] thanks lordievader, pasting to a terminal is fine, but I'm running Kubuntu X11 and I can't paste from windows into any text application on there [20:41] n4cer502: Bare X11? [20:41] I thought you were trying to copy and paste from a Windows installation to a Kubuntu installation [20:42] yeah I have Kubuntu running on a box that I'm remotely accessing via mobaxterm. I want to copy text from my windows machine into a text editor running in Kubuntu [20:43] n4cer502: You need to run some form of a clipboard in the same session if you want to do that. [20:43] Try shift-insert [20:46] shift-insert nor middle click is working [20:49] n4cer502: Have you tried setting it in mobaxterm as described here? http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/support/documentation.html#6_6_3 === MadCommieScienti is now known as jubo2 === dougiel is now known as generic-entity [20:58] thanks genii but I'm not trying to paste into a terminal, I want to paste into other apps like text editors and dev IDEs [20:59] is there any possibility to add a twitter line/feed to akregator? [20:59] n4cer502: Since mobaxterm is what's sitting between you and the application you are trying to paste to, i might still try it [21:00] genii I can paste into a regular SSH session in mobax, but not into a terminal I open within Kubuntu === malcolm is now known as malc_calc === malc_calc is now known as malcolm === malcolm is now known as malc_calc === Tabstar is now known as Tabmow === dani is now known as Guest8111 [23:00] awful lotta ppl coming and going here [23:00] but noone says a word [23:08] LinusTorvaldII: ikr [23:10] ive never seen anything like it [23:38] word [23:40] LinusTorvaldII: word :) [23:42] ty aloo_shu