=== ccar_away is now known as ccarella === ccarella is now known as ccar_away === ccar_away is now known as ccarella === ccarella is now known as ccar_away === ccar_away is now known as ccarella === ccarella is now known as ccar_away === prth is now known as prth|away === prth is now known as prth|away === prth is now known as prth|away [12:54] hi .. something is wrong with gtk inspector ... [12:54] did you try it ? [12:55] does not work properly .. try: [12:55] GTK_DEBUG=interactive gedit [15:00] Hello, I wasn't to download/install Ubuntu Gnome utopic packages that have been updated since the late September release candidate. What is the repository for this? Thanks [15:01] Err want to download [15:05] Is it http://ppa.launchpad.net/gnome3-team/gnome3-staging/ubuntu [15:05] ? [18:38] ThanhKhuu, Do you just mean utopic or do you want one of our PPAs? === prth is now known as prth|away [21:10] ok