[01:09] Hey === Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion [01:52] Hey [02:54] hi. what is the default keyboard input method for lubuntu? [02:55] Sorry i do not accept the terms at https//wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService by default for using this channel. [03:26] Ahmuck, if you do not accept the terms then you should leave the channel (by using the channel you automatically accept the Terms Of Service) [03:26] not legally so [03:27] to be legally binding you would need some sort of written or typed consent [03:27] based on current privacy laws [03:31] http://pastebin.com/YNTCnhqy [03:32] so, it appears there are two input methods for lubuntu. my backspace key is not operating in gnucash and i'm wondering if it is because of the two input methods [03:33] Hey all [03:36] is there a spanish lubuntu channel? [03:37] Hmm [03:41] Ahmuck: There is a Spanish channel, but it has the same terms. If you do not accept those terms, you must /part the channel. [03:57] what is the name of the spanish channel [04:01] !es [04:01] En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [04:03] doing a search for xim input method using aptitude does not show it installed. [04:18] Should have lxinput and xinput installed. [04:19] the error indicates that only one input method should be installed but also indicates that two are. ibus and xim [04:20] i assume i should be able to remove *xin* [04:25] Ahmuck: dont assume.. just try removing, and see what depends on it [04:27] ya, the problem with that is things tend to break [04:27] Ahmuck: *if* something breaks, put it back [04:27] as i recall i noted a problem with networking in 14.04 and was told it wasn't a problem and then it showed up as fixed in the bug tracker. i was right the first time [04:28] while ubuntu plebs told me i was the one with the problem [04:28] Ahmuck: i would just leave it in place, if you are concerned.. why are you trying to remove it? hard drive space? look at see what size it is [04:28] which, btw, there is still a problem with dup icons in the system tray, battery, network, etc. [04:28] Ahmuck: what is an "ubuntu pleb" ? [04:28] Ahmuck: i dont have duplicate icons.. [04:28] i'd like to understand the process of the system tray and how those icons are added [04:29] well, seeing as you were the one telling me it wasn't broke when it clearly was as indicated by the bug reports, i would assume you are an ubuntu pleb [04:29] Ahmuck: one thing that can be happening for you is, you have had an issue, and tried to add or autostart applications or services to "fix" things [04:29] Ahmuck: ? [04:30] it's got to be in the log of this channel i am sure [04:30] Ahmuck: what is an "ubuntu pleb" ? i didnt say nothings is broken.. im saying, nothing is broken here for me.. and i would be glad to volunteer some time explaing what i think could be happenging to your system [04:30] Ahmuck: friend, im asking you now.. what you mean by "ubuntu pleb". i am unfamiliar with that term [04:31] "nothing is broken", not "nothings is broken". [04:31] i'm not going to pursue it [04:32] Ahmuck: i would like to explain to you plusible scenarios where, for only your hardware case, things can be broken [04:32] Ahmuck: i literallly *cant* persue it.. i dont know what "it" is yet, and i dont have your hardware, and the behavior is not the same on my machines [04:32] Ahmuck: i would need you to read.. [04:32] !bug [04:32] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [04:32] and, i would need to konw the steps by which you get to what you got to. and try and replicate it [04:33] Ahmuck: have you been able to get anyone else to replicate it? do you have other hardware to try and replicate it on? [04:42] Ahmuck: otherwise, i consider "pleb" basically name-calling, and i suggest you consider the voluntary nature of *all* the persons in this channel when trying to recieve assistance.. i understand you are frustrated, but, let us try and maintain a constructive attitude [07:55] Hi. I got one big problem, Im new in linux, got installed Lubuntu on 3.0 ghz 2gb ram and ati radeon 9200 video card, but I think sistem is lazy like snail [07:57] i try install drivers from ati site, but I dont know how, I try with catalyst and fglrx and same result all over [07:59] I find few answers "radeon 9200 is not supported in catalyst and flgrx and must install open drivers, but here Im stuck [08:02] I find solution on upstream git [08:02] but I dont have any idea how to install something from there ? [08:04] is anyone here who know how I can make that radeon 9200 usable ? Thank you [08:09] loto [08:11] lol sorry I put google search here [09:27] hi i have messed around with lxpanel settings like adding the application launch bar and i have removed it, and now what used to be icons on the right side on the panel are now in the middle, how do i get them back to the right? [09:34] bong1: you have modified more than only the deleted item - you can right-click on a free panel-space and in the panel-config-window select the panel-addons and check the list, special the end of the list, because there might be still something taking the space - and feel free to look with google-search for more info about lxpanel-configuration [09:42] testdr: there is nothing at the end of the list. and also when i open a program , theres two windows of it running now. [10:07] testdr: ok i have looked at it long and hard and i have found that it contains 2 instances of TASK BAR (WINDOW LIST ) running. i removed the last one and now all is back to what it should be. thanks. [10:09] bong1: fine - so the list of addons in the lxpanel was not empty - and maybe as a hint, if you will try more desktop-config-changes it is better to create an additional user and do those tests with such a "dumb" user (that can be deleted completely) [10:16] ok. i have another issue now.. in my messing around, i have also deleted pcfm and the browser icons in the panel which came preinstalled, how do i get them back? [10:23] bong1: first, dont forget to check some simple docs for lxde -- about icons for programstarts in the panel, same procedure: right-click on free panel-space and add a starter-entry and for this starter-entry you can add programstarters (like for pcfman, firefox, terminal..) [10:25] bong1: this is a double procedure. You need to add such a starter-addon to put the startprograms(incl.the icons that appear) -- and from your question about double-started-programms: a icon-starter in the lxpanel is started with only one (1) mouse-click and 2 mouse-clicks will start double [10:25] bong1: you may check: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/LXPanel [10:34] testdr: when i right click on the panel, there is nothing that says add a starter entry. [10:35] bong1: warning for this procedure! You can reset the lxpanel to the default, if you "cat" the default over your local config like this: cat /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel .config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels/panel [10:35] bong1: after this "reset" you have to logut and login - (instead of killing the panel) [10:37] bong1: sorry for my bad english - i dont know the exact name of this panel-addon (for program-starter-list) in the english version [10:38] bong1: and the "cat"-sample-command above is missing the > to overwrite your user-panel-config -- cat only display the content in the terminal [10:41] testdr: is what youre saying the same as 1 down vote accepted [10:41] [10:41] Copy the default config [10:41] sudo cp /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels/panel ~/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels [10:41] Change owner:group to the local account from root. [10:41] sudo chown owner:group ~/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels/panel [10:41] now restart the panel [10:41] lxpanelctl restart [10:43] bong1: using chown needs your user-account and group-account, not this dummy-entry owner:group [10:44] bong1: thats why i suggested to do a "cat" (=copy the content over the content of your panel-config), because then the owner and group rights would not be changed and still be yours [10:45] bong1: in the other way - you may end with an readonly panel-config, that you as the user cannot change [10:52] bong1: after some search found this (and the last entry without sudo seems better): http://askubuntu.com/questions/64631/how-to-restore-the-default-lubuntu-panel [10:53] Correct, dropping 'sudo' is a good choice. [10:55] just logout, not shutdown? [10:56] logout and back in would do it. [10:56] bong1: yes - this is better than this lxpaneltctl restart thing, because this sometimes ended with 2 running panels [10:57] ok will try this. [11:02] beautiful. that did it. thanks testdr and unit193. [11:07] Congrats. [11:08] there was once a web page to change the date formats. where was that again? [11:11] http://manpages.ubuntu.com/strftime [11:11] Something like that? [11:16] yes i remember strftime but its kind of automatic. just select what we want and copy paste it to digital clock settings. === rafaellaguna- is now known as rafaellaguna === rez is now known as Guest28337 === ochosi_ is now known as ochosi === ochosi__ is now known as ochosi === rafaellaguna- is now known as rafaellaguna === Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion === dkessel_ is now known as dkessel === Pici` is now known as Pici [22:13] hello - can't login after update to linux-headers- - login screen returns back to login screen - xsession-errors unable to open display ":0" No protocol specified [22:13] no errors in Xorg.0.log [22:16] talsamon: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/85782/error-no-protocol-specified-when-running-from-remote-machine-via-ssh [22:16] phillw, no i am starting not from a remote machine, normal boot [22:17] i have reinstalled xorg xserver lightdm nvidia - doesn't help [22:18] talsamon: you have done a sudo operation, which really breaks the system [22:19] i make apt-get update apt-get upgrade - next boot i can't login [22:19] linux-header- was half-installed [22:19] we can battle, or you can bite the bullet... [22:20] f... complete reinstall ? [22:20] !xhangs [22:20] If the GUI hangs after logging in, use to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority [22:20] ubottu, I have also tried this... [22:20] talsamon: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [22:21] talsamon: Can you try the guest account? [22:21] no [22:21] talsamon: I'd suggest a seperate home 1st... makes re-install much easier as you keep all your stuff. [22:21] just a moment i will try [22:22] Unit193: I'll leave talsamon in your tender mercies :) [22:23] ok, bye : [22:29] talsamon: do not run away :) we're here to help. [22:30] wait a minute a testing something [22:33] talsamon: be careful of saying such words... Borg mode now enforced.... [22:33] ?? [22:35] talsamon: you will be absored into the collective.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg_(Star_Trek) [22:36] don't believe i am indigestible (unsure my english is not very good) [22:36] Hi, i have on lubuntu 14.04 (with updates) in kvm/libvirt/qxl/spice a lubuntu 14.04 guest-install and i sometimes get font errors in my display. but on launchpad i just find errors for $ubuntu 13.10? [22:36] phillw: How about we leave that for the offtopic channels? [22:36] any idea? [22:38] that font error is really frustrating.. [22:38] Unit193: you tell me (23:13:27) talsamon: hello - can't login after update to linux-headers- - login screen returns back to login screen - xsession-errors unable to open display ":0" No protocol specified [22:39] phillw: What? [22:39] menace: What errors exactly?? [22:39] I see it as a lubutu bug [22:40] like that: http://imgur.com/r/linux/aG2dL6u [22:40] it is a *ubuntu bug in my view [22:40] but that is not my imgur [22:40] Hah, oh dear. [22:41] urgs.. my lady wants to go to bed.. [22:41] gn8 [22:41] menace: I'm just a tester and Unit193 is a boss on IRC, so he can tell people to go away. [22:42] ... [22:42] Unit193: well, that is one less person to report bugs... well done. [22:43] talsamon: Were you able to test another account? [22:43] Unit193, guestaccount also not works [22:44] I have tried reinstall xorg, xserver, lightdm and nvidia-driver [22:45] Unit193, after updated to linux-header- - i cant'login, linux-header- was half installed [22:45] Mmmm, this sounds like a but I remember somewhere. If you switch to a TTY, you should be able to fix that. 1. Is lightdm-gtk-greeter fully up to date? 2. What session have you selected? [22:45] I purged it and reinstalled it without problems, but this all nothings help - I am back on the login-screen [22:46] Unit193, I had openbox [22:46] have [22:46] Top right there should be a session selection, is that what it says now? [22:47] talsamon: you can do a complete install of kernel... not too much fun, but do-able [22:47] hmm [22:48] If try this and something...I consider a complete new install, I think it's faster [22:49] talsamon: try http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=35 [22:50] it was written by the now defunct UBT team It is safe. [22:51] Thank, I will try it [22:57] talsamon: if that does not work, please do ask. [22:58] In moment I make a disc-check... [23:02] talsamon: waits [23:23] bye for the moment, i will back later... ;-))