=== harlowja_ is now known as harlowja_away === praneshp_ is now known as praneshp === shardy_afk is now known as shardy [08:37] smoser: on schedule for the freeze? which projects do you need to keep on track anyway, besides this one :) === zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi === gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi === zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi === gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi === zz_gondoi is now known as gondoi [16:12] Hello. Is there an easy way to supply user data 'manually'? e.g. I am getting access to a machine that was manually installed, but I have software that is already cloud-init ready .. as a special case I'd like to write out the user data 'manually' on the machine, and kick it off .. [16:18] the 'No cloud' data source looks like what I want, but do I really have to create a .img ? [16:20] even then .. probably not. the example shows spinning it up with kvm, which isn't what I want to do [16:36] hmm, isn't cloud-config supposed to run after could-init? [16:36] the ubuntu configs seem to start them at the same time [16:39] TTimo: you can create iso and mount it on boot [16:39] the instance is already booted at that point [16:40] but it's not 'cloud-init' aware [16:40] reboot it then [16:40] with iso mounted [16:40] so I wanted to manually install cloud init, and pass it the stuff [16:40] any option without a reboot? [16:41] it's a VPS so I'm not sure what kind of options I would have on kernel parameters and a reboot [16:41] (they are working on cloud-init support .. it's not ready yet) [16:42] can't you just run the init scripts? [16:43] or like, 'cloud-init init' [16:43] yes .. that's what I want to do .. my question is probably very simple .. how/where do I put what I would normally give as 'user data' on EC2 before running cloud-init init ? [16:44] TTimo, you can feed cloud-init user-data for NoCloud via either 'seed' [16:44] hmm, /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/something [16:44] I think is what you're after [16:44] or you can put it right into /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/something.cfg [16:44] links coming [16:44] oh [16:44] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/files/head:/doc/examples/seed/ [16:44] that is "seed" (you populate the directory with 2 files) [16:45] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/doc/examples/cloud-config-datasources.txt [16:45] that shows how to do user-data-blob inside of NoCloud Datasource [16:45] which means just adding 1 file in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/my-config.cfg [16:45] nice! [16:46] also, i started 'ci-tool' https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/ci-tool/ [16:46] that does some of this [16:48] oh, maybe I'm hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1236463 [16:48] hmm [16:54] oh, dumb [16:54] apt-get update was hanging, so my scripts didn't get run [17:06] devicenull, /var/log/cloud-init-output.log will help you in such a case. [17:06] (or console output if you're on something < trusty ) [17:07] ya [17:14] smoser: on par for the freeze? [17:20] no. :O) [17:20] but ui'm working on cloud-init now. [17:21] oh cool [17:21] I was mostly asking out of interest, not because of pending ci merges :) [17:24] i may or may not make it :) [17:24] i'd not realized that i'd gotten to ~ 95 bugs open now [17:24] yuck === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja_ [17:32] damn [17:32] harlowja_: you need to fix 95 c-i bugs so smoser can focus on merging :p [17:32] eck [17:33] * harlowja_ runs for the hills [17:33] lol [17:33] lol [17:33] i think some of the bugs on https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init can be cleaned up/closed/removed [17:42] i thikn so too [17:55] i can try to close/change some of those today, will see what i can do [17:55] smoser harmw https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/TaskFlow-0.4 if u want to do some reviews ;) [17:57] harlowja_, dont really understand how we regressed here: [17:57] https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1356855 [17:57] and part of me wants to say : fix your ec2 metadata service to be ... ec2 like! [17:58] def [17:58] thats sorta nuts [17:58] i think its really boiling down to that they dont like the "list" request to have a / on the end [17:58] most web servers handle that :/ [17:58] kk [17:58] weird stuff [17:58] lol [17:59] http://paste.ubuntu.com/8108001/ [17:59] that is on oepnstack. [17:59] meta-data/ [17:59] omg a slash! [17:59] ^ //// [18:00] anyways [18:01] can be fixed pretty easily i think [18:01] but would be useful to see that persons logs first === gondoi is now known as zz_gondoi [19:51] damn, no luck with that manual cloud-init run so far. it's like it's completely ignoring my NoCloud datasource [19:56] https://gist.github.com/TTimo/1c9c7ce9686aa45c63b5 - my /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg [19:56] should .. just work? when I execute cloud-init -d init, I see it parsed up .. however nothing happens [20:00] smoser: merge! :p [20:01] TTimo, that looks reasonable. [20:01] you may have to run 'cloud-init local' [20:01] as that will remove the cached data in /var/lib/cloud/instance/ [20:01] otherwise if thats there, 'cloud-init init' [20:01] will just use the cache [20:01] ie, first run: [20:01] cloud-init init --local [20:01] then [20:01] cloud-init init [20:02] checking .. [20:04] or you mean the other way, first run doesn't need --local, and runs after that will [20:05] should I be concerned about: No 'init' modules to run under section 'cloud_init_modules' [20:06] __init__.py[WARNING]: Unhandled non-multipart (text/x-not-multipart) userdata: '#/bin/sh\necho "Test"\n...' [20:06] followed by No 'init' modules to run under section 'cloud_init_modules' [20:06] that's how the run ends atm [20:21] I don' [20:21] I don't understand what those modules are about in cloud.cfg though [20:22] is there a module I need to list to make sure user data gets handled ? [20:22] what are they useful for otherwise .. do they just add supported functionality basically [20:29] oh. [20:29] you replaced /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg ? [20:29] dont do that. [20:29] :) [20:29] yeah :) [20:29] just add stuff to it or to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/local-nocloud-ds.cfg [20:29] or something. [20:30] right .. getting a fresh vps, this one has seen enough [20:30] so the warning aobut no 'init' modules is reasonable [20:30] unhandled... that seems odd. not sure why that wouldget get picked up [20:30] where are you playing ? [20:30] just curious [20:31] digitalocean [20:32] in theory user-data is coming there. [20:33] https://digitalocean.uservoice.com/forums/136585-digitalocean/suggestions/3736274-support-cloudinit-instance-metadata [20:33] yep [20:33] TTimo, fwiw, you can do a *lot* of this with lxc containers [20:33] and clone is very fast. [20:33] docker you mean? [20:33] no. here. [20:34] http://ubuntu-smoser.blogspot.com/2013/08/lxc-with-fast-cloning-via-overlayfs-and.html [20:34] oh right. 'here' meaning ubuntu [20:34] well, no 'here' meant: i'm looking for a url, just a minute [20:34] :) [20:35] so you can do an lxc-clone, and then could just write the file into /var/lib/lxc// ... [20:36] if you us clone without overlayfs, then you'll see the whole filesystem in /var/lib/lxc//rootfs/ [20:36] make sense ? [20:36] yeah I think I see what you mean [20:36] the vps is fast and cheap, locally I'm on OSX so no native lxc etc. [20:44] cloudinit/handlers/__init__.py:206 [20:44] def walker_callback [20:44] so looks like the content_type is not in handlers [20:44] so there's no run_part [20:45] Unhandled non-multipart (text/x-not-multipart) userdata: '#/bin/sh\necho "Test"\n...' [21:01] harlowja, when you have nothing to do [21:01] https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1316323 [21:01] dont' knwo why i couldnt get that jsonpatch to work [21:01] kk [21:02] lol, marco [21:02] maybe i just assign marco to fix it (he's my manager) [21:04] alright. [21:04] i'm out. [21:04] later all [21:04] lata [21:31] DataSourceNoCloud appends a nocloud to the seedfrom: parameter passed in .cfg [21:31] it also requires a trailing / on the seedfrom [21:32] but then .. it actually looks and loads user-data etc. from /var/lib/cloud/seed, not /var/lib/cloud/seed/noclip/ [21:32] err /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud/ [21:32] :) [21:32] man it's all messed up [21:37] smoser i think the reason jsonpatch stuff wasn't getting activated is that running a single module doesn't trigger the whole handler stuff [21:42] harlowja, yeah, i thoguht that too, but i tried putting the file in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ also [21:42] and had hoped it would there. [21:42] its quite possible you're right though. [21:42] possible, the ohther josh-merging-algo approach works though [21:46] smoser btw, cloud-init will be used for all deployments of all machines at yahoo pretty sooon [21:46] *will be included in and used [21:47] it was used for openstack vms and machines & stuff but that scope is increasing to all the things [21:47] so good work, ha [21:47] all the things [21:48] :-P