=== menn0_ is now known as menn0 === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [08:49] morning === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away === ming is now known as Guest79564 [10:16] Do anybody have the problems with last IPMI. The freeipmi do not see the /dev/ipmi0 devices, so maas cant get all inventory properly [10:17] ezobn: which freeipmi version? [10:21] rbasak: freeipmi-tools amd64 1.1.5-3ubuntu3.1 - just what was automatically downloaded from the repo yesterday ... [10:30] ezobn: could you try downgrading to 1.1.5-3ubuntu3 please? I'm very interested to know if this is a regression. If it is, we can pull the update. [10:31] ezobn: you can get the binaries directly from here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeipmi/1.1.5-3ubuntu3/+build/5382555 [10:31] ezobn: you should downgrade the package for all of those listed that you have installed. [10:33] I need to run. Back in around two hours. [10:33] rbasak: I will - just will need to boot the server from something ;-) Just now server boots with maas and it downloaded all this automatically ;-) [12:32] /wi/win 12 [13:26] if any one is avaliable could I get a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~blake-rouse/maas/bootresource-simplestreams-endpoint/+merge/230375 [15:55] is there an api call for extracting the lshw output from ready nodes in maas === jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver [18:02] I need to bring up an additional network interface during a fastpath-based installation. I also need for it to be the default gateway. What would be the recommendation to do that? I have tried modifying curtin_userdata to add a command under 'network_commands' to write out an /etc/network/interfaces that has both interfaces specified. However, I also need to do something to take care of the default gateway. [18:03] ^ I was going to try to use ifmetric, but I have a chicken and egg problem getting it installed. === roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk === jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver [19:28] I tell maas that the network is and that it should handle dhcp and dns. How on earth does it think that it should manage DNS for [19:29] * lamont writes up the bug === roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr === jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver === jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver === jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob === cmagina_ is now known as cmagina === jfarschman is now known as MilesDenver === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away