=== Guest70819 is now known as wallyworld === wallyworld is now known as Guest14539 === Guest14539 is now known as wallyworld === wallyworld is now known as Guest41478 === Guest41478 is now known as wallyworld [02:00] potentially stupid question, but how do I manage which two-factor devices are associated with my SSO account? [02:01] the login.launchpad.net account details page has an 'Authentication devices' section, but no way to manage (or list) which ones are associated [02:03] jk-: all the ones listed are associated with that account [02:03] dobey: not here :/ [02:04] - there's no list [02:04] jk-: an empty list means no authentication devices are associated [02:04] there should be an "add" button [02:05] but if you have 2fa enabled, and have no devices, you might have a hard time doing that [02:05] dobey: I just logged in with one (I can't login without 2FA). No 'Add' button either. [02:05] logged in where with it? [02:05] launchpad.net [02:06] oh i guess you can't manage them on login.launchpad.net [02:06] oh, you can [02:06] but i guess there's a bug in the page styling for the launchpad.net ui [02:07] jk-: login.ubuntu.com is the main sso site, you can manage them from there [02:07] dobey: yeah, that's what I'm looking at. [02:07] https://login.ubuntu.com/device-list [02:07] ah! [02:07] * jk- looks [02:07] or https://login.launchpad.net/device-list will show the same list, if you know that device-list url [02:08] awesome, thanks. [02:08] seems the launchpad.net version of that site is indeed broken [02:13] so the login.l.n/device-list interface worked fine to manage devices (just removed an old one and added a new one), I just didn't see any links to it anywhere. [02:13] yeah [02:13] the main page of login.launchpad.net is broken [02:14] there should be some menu items there which aren't [02:14] and there are a couple other anomalies on the page when compared to login.u.c [02:15] ah, right. [02:15] dobey: thanks for your help. === djanos_ is now known as djanos [12:02] Hmmm, https://code.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk has been saying "Updating branch..." for about 10 minutes now [12:02] is launchpad broken? [12:08] chrisccoulson: Looks like that scan failed due to some transient failure I've never seen before the next push should fix it. [12:08] s/before the/before. The/ [12:08] wgrant, thanks [12:09] wgrant, i just did an empty push and it seems to have fixed it [12:10] Great. [12:10] wgrant, although, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~oxide-developers/oxide/oxide.trunk/revision/617 gives a 503 error [12:10] That's unrelated. [12:10] ah [13:35] hi there [13:35] could anyone please clarify to me something about launchpad internals [13:36] working with launchpadlib to pull bugs from launchpad project [13:36] it's not clear to me the difference between entities 'bug' and 'bug_task' [13:36] anyone? [13:39] a bug is the bug itself, a bug includes a bug_task for each project/package the bug affects [13:39] aha, so it's for bugs affecting multiple projects [13:39] concise and quick [13:39] thx a bunch dobey! [13:40] well no, even on a bug that affects a single project, there will still be a single bug_task for that project [13:42] yeah, gotcha [13:43] thing is i took a random bug from a project [13:43] and pulled a bugtask [13:43] and was getting pretty much related info to 'bug' [13:43] didn't think about bugs affecting other projects [13:43] now it all makes sense :-) === andreas__ is now known as ahasenack [14:51] hello! any idea on how I can create a recipe using a private branch?? [14:53] mandel: you can't [14:53] mandel: launchpad recipes can't build private branches currently [14:54] dobey, :( [14:54] because the recipe builder checks out the code anonymously [14:55] it doesn't have free access to all private branches [14:55] i'm sure there are some security concerns there, which is why it doesn't do it === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara