=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away [08:00] bigjools: I can do this: https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/ipaddresses3/+merge/221988. But I'm not sure how to improve the readability of the condition. It's not easy to split because each check depends on the previous check being true. [08:01] looking [08:02] rvba: I think a nested for might be better here [08:02] the nested list comp is uuuugly [08:03] A nested for would be much slower though. [08:03] why? [08:04] Using list comprehension means the iteration is done at a lower level. [08:04] also why not use itertools.chain? [08:04] I can do that. [08:04] are you just using sum to expand the query set? [08:04] It's basically the same. [08:04] Yes. [08:04] right [08:05] sum obfuscates it a bit [08:05] it's a bit like me getting a MatchError earlier today because "[] != []" [08:05] the joy of repr :) [08:55] rvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/deallocate-static-ip/+merge/221825 if you fancy it [08:55] bigjools: sure [08:55] rvba: and https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/macaddress_to_ngi/+merge/221984 is easy karma === vladk|offline is now known as vladk === gmb`` is now known as gmb [09:25] bigjools: reviews done. [09:48] I'm landing jtv's lint branch. It looks pretty safe but I'll deal with any fallout. [10:15] Hi All. i was able to successful install Maas on my Ubuntu Server and to Commision my first Node. Maas Show now that the Status of my Node is Ready. When i Try however to PXE Boot my new Node Nothing Happens if i do however try to PXE Boot the Node over my Router however it works! [10:15] What could be the Problem and how can i fix it? I would love to be able to Start Up the Nodes with MaaS itself instead over the Router. === vladk is now known as vladk|offline === vladk|offline is now known as vladk === vladk is now known as vladk|offline === vladk|offline is now known as vladk [13:36] designated, the .dist was created by that shell snippet. [13:36] hm.. [13:36] interresting. [13:36] i wonder if htat is busted. [13:36] nah. we are using hard links there, which might make it ocnfusing, but the script does a cp to the .dist, and then modifies the original so that should be ok. [13:45] rvba, allenap, jtv: Can I get a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/fix-commissioning-page-distro-list-bug-1312844/+merge/222010? I’m losing the ability to tell if it passes the smell test, so I’m perfectly happy with informed rejection :) [13:45] gmb: Sure. [13:45] Ta [13:46] Code smell detector activated. [14:21] rvba: Are you taking a look at that branch too then? [14:21] allenap: no, since you're reviewing it. [14:21] rvba: Would you mind casting your eye over it for the forms stuff? [14:21] allenap: sure [16:35] smoser, I'm not sure what happened but I'm going to save off all of our custom preseeds and blow maas away. I'm going to do a fresh install. One of the interesting things I was seeing on nodes being commissioned, the hwclock was being adjusted to the correct local time but the timezone was still being reported as UTC. [16:36] designated, time zones dont really matter. [16:36] the only thing that really matters is the bios clock. [16:36] is there a way to get a list of all ipmi addresses of all nodes in maas from the CLI? 'maas nodes list' doesn't list the ipmi ip address. [16:37] once you're up, a reboot will have ubuntu set the hardware clock to be utc. [16:38] designated, no. there is not. you can probalby get it fairly easily with python [16:39] https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1233158 [16:39] Ubuntu bug 1233158 in MAAS "no way to get power parameters in api" [Medium,Triaged] [16:39] word [16:40] I'll just dump them from the arp table on one of my routers and write a quick shell script to power cycle each one using ipmitools [18:19] smoser, should the DNS zone name under cluster controller be a FQDN? [18:20] i'd tihnk so. like example.com [18:20] i think [18:24] smoser, thanks === roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk === roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr [20:39] smoser, so I have a fresh load of maas, finished importing boot images, added backdoor login and tried enlisting a node. the node boots and sits at login screen, it never finishes and powers off, and is not showing up in maas. [20:40] smoser, i do see some failure messages in cloud-init.log such as: 2014-06-04 14:24:42,994 - importer.py[DEBUG]: Failed at attempted import of 'ubuntu' due to: No module named ubuntu [20:42] was this always the problem? that it was failing to enlist ? [20:43] smoser, no, it was working previously [20:43] smoser, running 1.5.1+bzr2269-0ubuntu0.1 [20:44] smoser, like i said this is a fresh build. [20:49] there is some output going somewhere probably. not sure whats happening, but if it turns off then some code ran. that output would have been to the vga console i think. so you should have seen it. [20:49] it will sit doing nothing for a while [20:50] smoser, it doesn't power off. i can try powering it off via ipmi [20:53] smoser, i powered it off and it showed up in maas. it must have failed to detect ipmi. === vladk is now known as vladk|offline [20:54] designated, oh. if it doesnt power off, then you should be albe to ssh in and look around. [20:55] (since you back-doored it) [20:55] and apt-get install pastebinit and then pastebinit /var/log/cloud-init* [20:58] smoser, i manually set ipmi settings, trying to commission it now to see if that will work. [21:00] smoser, and right back to where i was yesterday during commissioning. [21:00] OAuthUnauthorized: 'Expired timestamp: given 1401893824 and now 1401915424 has a greater difference than threshold 300' [21:22] is there a way to read the power settings from the maas cli tool? [21:23] on the gui i can see the ip, user, and pass [21:23] but i cant get it from the cli [21:27] i have power_type in read [21:28] but not the other information [21:41] magicrobotmonkey, 'maas nodes list' will show you the power type but there is no CLI command to show ipmi, ip address, username or password. [21:46] ok thanks === wallyworld is now known as Guest56344 === wallyworld is now known as Guest68975 [23:29] blake_r, smoser either one of you around? [23:30] during commissioning, it looks like it never finishes because it cannot apt-get update. I see a process running: root 1413 0.0 0.0 29008 2376 ? S 17:13 0:00 apt-get --assume-yes -q update [23:30] if i try to update it manually, i get the following: [23:31] $ sudo apt-get update [23:31] sudo: unable to resolve host vn-mgmt-0 [23:31] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) [23:31] E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/