=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk === CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob [06:37] jtv: Where do we stand with the bootresources.yaml killage? I see a bunch of cards on the board but I assume that they’re just going to wither and die now. [06:38] gmb: the killage in itself is done. [06:42] Wewt [06:43] jtv: So we’re left with documentation and then UI stuff… What’s the word on the latter? [06:44] gmb: didn't we halt work on the latter? The documentation is really just for making people aware of the change — the new way of doing things is already documented. [06:44] jtv: Yeah, we did, but I haven’t pored through all my email yet, so I wanted to check that we’re still halted :) [07:18] jtv, gmb: ui is deeeed. long live the ui [07:18] bigjools: That’s *precisely* the conversation that I’m thinking could have happened somewhere :) [07:19] I’ve removed the UI cards anyway… we can always put ‘em back. [07:26] gmb: yeah, well... [07:27] Ruh roh [07:27] rvba: halp. django. [07:27] self.filter(ip__gte=range_low, ip__lte=range_high) [07:27] results in: [07:27] TypeError: argument of type 'IPAddress' is not iterable [07:27] dafuq [07:28] hum… [07:28] ip is a GenericIPAddressField so I guess I need to do something [07:28] Weird that you're getting the error "is not iterable". [07:29] Nothing looks like it needs to be iterable in your query. [07:29] Do you have the full stacktrace? [07:29] I am [07:29] err I do [07:29] You're a stacktrace? [07:30] Please dial 911! [07:30] http://paste.ubuntu.com/7571266/ [07:30] no such number [07:30] :) [07:32] bigjools: looks like the operators for the GenericIPAddressField expect strings (not IPAddresses). [07:32] ! [07:32] sigh [07:32] thanks rvba [07:32] bigjools: They use "':' in value" to check if the value you give them is IPv6 or not. [07:33] yeah [07:33] rvba: I also have a dilemma [07:33] rvba: my new model is called IPAddress which clashes nicely with the one in netaddr :( [07:34] Ah, right. [07:34] gonna have to rename it I think, otherwise confusion will likely ensue [07:34] +1 [07:34] unless we prefix it everywhere [07:35] suggestions for a new name? [07:35] * rvba thinks… [07:35] NodeIPAddress? [07:36] (Or is this going to be used to store non-node IPs as well?) === vladk is now known as vladk|offline [07:44] yes [07:45] I need to fix the column name called "type"... wasn't thinking too hard about that one [07:45] DeviceIPAddress then? [07:48] rvba: StaticIPAddress [07:48] since that's what it is [07:48] and no more [07:48] :) [07:48] Yeah, sounds good. [07:48] they will be used for non-devices as well [07:48] VIPs [07:49] * bigjools hax-rs [07:52] ManagedIPAddress? [07:59] they're not all managed [08:13] Hi all. [08:14] Is this the right channel to ask for a MAAS problem? :: "No matching node is available" with juju deploy nova-compute [08:22] Mosibi: yes, this is the right channel — at least for the MAAS part. It's possible that the origin of the problem is somewhere else, but let's have a look. [08:22] The error message means that a node was requested, but there was no node in the Available state that matched all of the constraints given in the request. === vladk|offline is now known as vladk [08:38] jtv: in tried several times, with and without setting constraints. [08:39] Could it be that there are constraints that i do not see? [08:39] Yes, that's quite possible. [08:39] okay... [08:39] Is there a possibility to show/extract that constraints? [08:40] Setting MAAS in debug mode did not show me anyhting more i allready knew. [08:52] Mosibi: I've seen constraints embedded in the HTTP GET URI inside one of the log files in /var/log/maas/ [08:52] I'm not sure if that's still the case but it maybe that will help? [08:55] bigjools: happy to have a pre-imp about the DHCP work now if you're available. [08:55] rvba: bien sur [08:55] Mosibi, rbasak: Yes — some clients will pass those parameters in that way — I think those would go in /var/log/apache2/access.log though. [08:55] rvba: I'll head back to same hangout [08:55] okay [08:56] bigjools: s/sur/sûr/ (sur ~= dessus, sûr = certain) [08:58] Weird place for a vestigial ‘s’... [09:00] jtv, rvba, bigjools, allenap: A review, if you please: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/maas/update-changelog-bootresources.yaml/+merge/221678 [09:00] Coming. [09:00] Had to invent the 1.5.2 release for the sake of the update… [09:01] rbasak and jtv: thx will have a look at the httpd logs [09:12] Sadly i could not find any contraints in the httpd log files. [09:13] I noticed when i force a tag on one off my 'ready' machines in MAAS and after that, do a juju deploy with --contraints tag=mytag, the deployment starts [09:15] Mosibi: did you set constraints when you bootstrapped the environment? [09:15] IIRC, that sets default constraints. There is a command to change the default. [09:18] rbasak: nope, i did not set any constraints when i bootstrapped the environment. [09:19] let me explain what i am trying/doing :) [09:20] i am building a demo openstack environment with juju and allready deployed the openstack components with juju [09:21] So i have, keystone, cloud-controller, quantum-gateway etc... [09:21] Thus i have a working MAAS/Juju env. [09:22] Now i want to deploy a nova-compute host and i have 4 (virtual :: KVM) compute nodes available in MAAS. [09:22] And that's te troubling part.. [09:22] +h somewhere :) [09:24] To me it looks like the nova-compute charm should have set some constraints (i need x mem and minimaal x CPU's), but i can not find any of that in the charm itself. [09:24] Maybe even a constraint to ensure that you get a physical machine. I guess that might explain what's happening — if we can find it. [09:25] Mosibi: you would do that in your deployment yourself, or via your bundle I think. It sounds to me that MAAS is doing exactly the right thing for you, and that you have a juju question if anything. Try #juju for more expertise maybe? [09:25] Since MAAS is returning the 'No matching node is available', i would love to see the list of contraint MAAS is working with. [09:26] No reason to show those in the error message, really. I'll file a bug about that. [09:26] No reason *not* to, I mean! [09:26] rbasak: indeed, it looks like a juju problem, but i would like a more 'verbose' notice from MAAS [09:26] jtv: :) [09:27] jtv: thx! [09:27] rbasak: also thx for your insights [09:27] I'll switch to #juju :) [09:28] Ah, we already have bug 1274085 — but the counter-argument is that MAAS returns a raw API error, and maybe it's up to Juju to show what it was trying to do (at a higher level of abstraction). [09:28] bug 1274085 in MAAS "error when maas can't meet juju constraints is confusing and not helpful" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1274085 [09:29] jtv: that's a 'he, but we aren [09:29] 't doing anything wrong' [09:30] Since MAAS is receiving the call, more verbosility would be welcome and more important: it would lower the support calls in #maas :) [09:30] Yes, I agree our message could be clearer. I can probably just fix the message. [09:31] jtv++; [09:31] :) [09:31] It may be that Juju can do a better job, but that's not in itself an argument against not doing one ourselves. [09:31] idd [10:09] allenap, jtv, rvba: anyone free for a preimp about https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1312844? [10:09] Ubuntu bug 1312844 in MAAS "MAAS commissioning page shows distributions that are not available" [High,In progress] [10:15] gmb: will be in a minute [10:15] jtv: Okay, call me when you’re ready. [10:16] Will do. [10:18] gmb: rinnggg [10:18] Total lack of notifications [10:18] Maybe I invited your wrong persona. [10:34] there's JS lint... how did that appear I wonder [10:41] There seems to be some weirdness where sometimes lint just doesn't get reported. [10:42] rvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/maas/allocate-static-ip/+merge/221702 [10:42] and now I shall EOD [10:42] jtv: do you have an IRC notification on the word "lint" ? :) [10:43] Hey, the NSA's got to be good for _something_... === vladk is now known as vladk|offline [10:44] It may be version skew, or something at a low level limiting itself to revision-controlled files, or something. === vladk|offline is now known as vladk [11:01] allenap: session-level locks... but the locking code opens and closes a dedicated cursor for each locking command. Do we know that those cursors are on the same session..? [11:08] jtv: That’s up to Django ;) [11:09] jtv: Maybe it should keep that cursor around? [11:09] Then that would explain the problem... === vladk is now known as vladk|offline [11:15] jtv: If the session is going away, then that’s Django’s responsibility I think, though it might just be going away because of garbage collection, in which case holding the cursor should prevent that. === vladk|offline is now known as vladk === vladk is now known as vladk|offline === vladk|offline is now known as vladk [11:41] jtv: Do you think it’s worth trying to validate that, or should we just go straight to keeping a reference to the cursor around? [12:02] allenap: it really ought to be the same session that's performing the locked operation. [12:05] jtv: Although Julian's solution is probably good as a first step, I seem to remember you had a better idea, to allocate new IP addresses, than select one in the allowed range different from the pool of existing allocated IP addresses. This solution is a bit racy, obviously. [12:23] rvba: not sure I fully undestand you, but that sounds like how we thought our existing scheme would work — which might work with a different dhcpd. [12:23] jtv: this is about the code Julian mentioned this morning. [12:24] The code to allocate a new IP address. [12:24] Oh, for picking a free address. [12:24] Yeah. [12:24] Right. The idea there was to cache a pool of available addresses. [12:25] cache? [12:25] This means like a weird way to second-guess the DB… [12:26] That's pretty much what caches are. The database is the source of truth, but a cache can help find efficient "guesses." [12:26] Right. Well, I guess that's probably something we can do as a second step. [12:26] Looks like an optimization. [12:26] Exactly. It's optimisation. === vladk is now known as vladk|offline === vladk|offline is now known as vladk [12:52] allenap: Is there “nice” way to untangle where a circular import is creeping in? I see errors that are utterly unrelated to where I’m working at the moment and it’s highly frustrating to have to comment stuff out, especially in a big file. [12:57] rvba, jtv: That question was for you too; I jsut wanted to engage the Gavinator… [12:58] gmb: the only solution I know is the local import. [12:58] rvba: Yeah, I know the solution, I’m trying to find a nice way to identify the actual problem imports. [12:59] Oh, I see. [12:59] So I’m working on maasserver.forms and I see things like: [12:59] File "/home/graham/workspace/maas-work/maas/src/maasserver/views/clusters.py", line 45, in [12:59] from maasserver.forms import ( [12:59] ImportError: cannot import name NodeGroupEdit [12:59] I know that maasserver.forms has the problem but it has 80 lines of imports :) [12:59] And I don’t know which one to kill with fire. [12:59] In Django, it's usually the models that are the problem. [13:00] Well, that helps a bit… It at least gives me a place to start, which is better than my current scattergun approach. === vladk is now known as vladk|offline [14:30] jtv: I have discovered that Django closes the connection when it pleases, so DatabaseLock.__enter__() and .__exit__() can run in entirely different sessions. [14:30] jtv: It explicitly closes it too, so hanging onto a reference does no good. [14:32] I feel that Django owes it to us to remove itself from the MAAS codebase. [14:45] allenap: it can't reasonably close a connection while it's in a transaction though, so if we can get a hold of our "regular" DB session, we'll be alright. [15:02] jtv: Ensuring that the _session_ lock is taken within a _transaction_ seems to satisfy Django. [15:02] allenap: satisfy in what way? [15:04] jtv: It keeps the connection open. [15:04] And thus the session. [15:04] Is that a promise? Or could there be some pool with its own eviction policies? [15:05] jtv: I’ve added a check to DatabaseLock.__exit__() to ensure that it’s actually released a lock that it held. That ought to keep us on our toes. [15:06] Thanks. At least it'll give us a more precise failure. [16:03] jtv: If you’re around, would you mind having a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/maas/database-locks-revisited/+merge/221762? [16:03] Not at all. [16:03] Thanks :) [16:09] allenap: done [16:15] Tip top, thanks jtv. I hope this will plug the problem. [16:17] As we say in Dutch, I'll help you hope. [16:20] Heh, I like that. === vladk|offline is now known as vladk [16:39] allenap: could you do a review of this review! [16:40] allenap: https://code.launchpad.net/~blake-rouse/maas/powernv-support/+merge/220840 [16:40] blake_r: Sure. OTP right now, I’ll do it later. Is that okay? [16:41] allenap: i think roaksoax was wanting it really soon, for sru [16:42] allenap: anyone else around maybe? [16:42] jtv, gmb: Either of you free for urgent review? ^ [16:42] I can take it. [16:42] jtv: thanks [16:42] Is it Blake's? [16:42] That answers that. :) [16:42] jtv: yeah [16:43] jtv: so don't be to harsh! [16:43] jtv: also jhobbs already did a review on it [16:43] I'll be harsh if it's huge! [16:44] jtv: <800 [16:44] jtv: like requested! [16:44] Took me a while that wasn't an emoticon... "obese KKK member" or something. [16:45] *to figure out [16:45] Haha! [16:51] blake_r: Jason is right about the factory convention. We try not to be fanatical about it, but it does help answer the question "where from?" [16:51] Ahem. That's a bit non-ab-ovo. I mean: we do usually prefer "make_foo" factory functions over "get_foo" ones. [16:51] Now all you need to do is read my messages in the wrong order. :) [16:52] jtv: no make_mac_address in pserv [16:53] jtv: did want to add to the line count, :) [16:53] jtv: didn't* [16:53] If it's for testing, there's one in maastesting.factory. But it follows an aberrant convention: getRandomMACAddress. :( [16:53] jtv: yep, the one i used! [16:56] On another arbitrary note, compiling regexes probably isn't useful in many situations. IIRC there's transparent caching for those million-in-a-row cases. [16:59] Not that I'm against it, but if it gets in the way, don't let your conscience stop you. === jfarschman is now known as miles_ [17:16] allenap: looks like your recent modification broke the build. [17:16] allenap: d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/MAAS/job/utopic-adt-maas/54/ [17:16] allenap: paste.ubuntu.com/7574376/ [18:09] rvba: Hey, that’s great news! Really :) [18:10] rvba: I’ll investigate this evening. [18:10] rvba: Is that CI of trunk? === vladk is now known as vladk|offline === CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away