=== timrc-afk is now known as timrc === timrc is now known as timrc-afk [05:28] wgrant: longpoll doesn't seem to be working lately [05:29] I thought it was just me. [12:27] rabbitmq-server problem: http://bpaste.net/show/we7EQafgxt46BZJZEAel/, here is /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_err: http://bpaste.net/show/gFQEpF1qG2Vprp0HYtRR/ and the /var/log/rabbitmq/startup_log is empty [12:28] i am now trying to use the chroot way to run launchpad. because i failed the lxc way and struck by the vm way. [12:32] why does the launchpad use such many dependencies? [12:55] er... http://bpaste.net/show/jdMsJi6SADj54kPTtJ5n/ [13:04] wgrant: Are you OK with my suggestion in my livefs MP to rename the livefs/livefsbuild columns to distro_series/distro_arch_series, as a way to resolve the naming inconsistency? [13:04] If so I might as well do that sooner rather than later [13:04] cjwatson: That would be my suggestion too. [13:05] OK, will do. [13:07] are you talking about my problem? i don't get you idea. [13:07] I was not talking about your problem since I don't know the answer to that. [13:08] haobug: You really should be using LXC or a VM. Running it in a chroot is going to lead to weird port conflicts and all manner of other madness. [13:08] wgrant: my vm is configured use NAT, the bridge way cannot access to internet. [13:09] Is NAT a problem? [13:12] yes i can use port mapping, but the vm guide told me to install the kvm bla bla. === rvba` is now known as rvba === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === alexlist` is now known as alexlist [14:20] I have tried to config launchpad in guest vm run on top of virtualbox, fialed again. [14:22] How about release preconfiged vmdisk file. That someone like me can get start easily. [14:24] Failed how? The documented setup processes work fine; I tested both just last week. [14:25] I am now returned from office. I can feed back to you tomorrow. [14:28] I remembered a little: rocket-setup says, can not create local rocketfeul blabla [14:29] How about to pack you working env up as a tarball or vmdisk or any other preconfiged way. |wgrant [14:30] That gets out of date easily. [14:31] We provide easy scripts and instructions to set up a development environment. [14:32] I am newbie to linux. But not that new. I have used linux for about 3 years. I can't recover form the errors. [14:35] Say, there is a dist-upgrade step in the instruction. This step itself will fail sometime. [14:41] And all steps are bond to ubuntu. I use gentoo at home, I can't try it out after i returned from work. [14:46] Think about release a working(even out of date) bundle for newbies like me please. [14:52] wgrant: Renames done now. (I need to update my browser branch, but that's not pushed anywhere yet anyway.) === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === seelaman` is now known as seelaman