=== sevensixtwo is now known as Seven_Six_Two [15:02] Hi, I have a grub question about --target [15:06] anyone know what package I need to install for grub-install to uderstand this: --target=i386-efi [15:14] More info: what package do I need to install to be able to use --target=i386-efi in this command: # grub-install --target=i386-efi --recheck --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=grub ( LINK: bit.ly/1uAzIUg ) [15:32] LINK http://astrofloyd.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/linux-only-installation-on-2006-macbook-using-refind/ [18:15] hi, can Linux mint users join your team? [18:29] hi can Linux mint users join your team? [18:56] I don't see why not