=== TheFakeazneD525 is now known as Nagato_Yuki === Nagato_Yuki is now known as WerePotato === WerePotato is now known as DenzaKaManga === DenzaKaManga is now known as TheFakeazneD525 === TheFakeazneD525 is now known as NekoChan [02:09] G'day folks [02:09] Does anyone have any good experiences with nepomuk? [02:22] No. [02:22] I don't even know how it works :P [02:22] It's been replaced in 14.04 by baloo. We'll see if things improve. [02:22] It does however, make excelent cheesecake [02:22] Now that I didn't know. [02:23] don't ask, I actually somehow got nepomuk to make cheesecake, by somehow interfacing with an arduino [02:25] Even I don't know how I did it [02:25] Too bad, that'd be a useful contribution to Open Source (Open Sauce?). :-) [02:26] True, true [02:27] I would have licensed it under the Apache License though, if nobody minds [02:40] I'm having some issues figuring out how to make use of it [02:41] It's nice that I can tag files and the Tags shows up in Places (most of the time) but I want to search with it with KRunner and... I don't know how [02:43] There's a KRunner plugin for it but it gives no indication as to what the keyword is === NekoChan is now known as TheFakeazneD525 === richard is now known as Guest32926 === TheFakeazneD525 is now known as Denza|away [03:26] hello... how to change proxy in kubuntu?/ === kubuntu is now known as Guest44118 === Denza|away is now known as NekoChan === NekoChan is now known as TheFakeazneD525 === mars__ is now known as snuggyfoo [04:07] Alakulihal: In System Settings go to Network Settings, Proxy is the first item you can configure. [04:29] hello === jayhunold is now known as jhunold [06:28] hey people is there anyone from portugal ? [06:29] !pt [06:29] Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. [06:29] dhq: ^^^ [06:30] valorie: i dont speak portuguese but i need someone from portugal [06:30] You might find them there, though [06:30] it's rather early Monday morning there, however [06:32] valorie: well i will try thank you so much ... however your not from portugal are you ? [06:32] no, sadly I've not even visited [06:32] a friend lives there now, but he's not on IRC [06:33] valorie: :) ok thanks [06:34] yw [06:36] masih kagak bisa [08:09] Good morning. [08:12] good morning [08:14] Hey salsero|2, how are you doing? [08:18] good you? [08:18] salsero|2: Doing good too :) [08:18] you a kiwi? [08:19] salsero|2: The fruit kiwi? Perhaps I am. [08:19] i mean newzealander [08:19] a kiwi bird [08:19] * hateball pets lordievader [08:20] salsero|2: Hmm, no I'm not a bird. [08:21] lol [08:22] oops, didnt notice this wasnt -ot :o [08:30] Hello! Anyone here using dual monitor? [08:30] With 14.04. [08:39] !anyone | luc4 [08:39] ugh [08:39] !someone [08:39] oh come on [08:40] luc4: What is the real question here? [08:41] hateball: I'm noticing that some contextual menus are shown in the wrong screen... So I just wanted to know if I'm the only one experiencing that or not. [08:44] luc4: I only use clone myself, but with that info someone else might know [08:45] Yes, I'm using dual monitors luc4 [08:46] pnunn: any issues with contextual menus? [08:46] Not having any issues with that. luc4, Having problems with compositing crashing on X restart though. [08:46] or Kwin crashing anyway. What exactly are you seeing? [08:49] afk luc4. Will be back later if I can help at all. [09:02] luc4, are you using the os graphic driver or a proprietary one ? [09:10] luc4: me [09:58] my krunner doesn't calculate stuff anymore, how can i fix it? [09:59] nvm it's ok [10:02] lethu: I'm using X.Org X Server -- Nouveau display driver. [10:15] 'Morning folks [10:27] morning BluesKaj [10:28] hi lethu [10:28] luc4, try the command --> Xrandr --output CRT1 --primary [10:28] luc4, where CRT1 has to be your primary monitor identifier [10:29] luc4, this way you set the primary monitor in X [10:31] lethu: yes, I already set it. Anyway, after switching a little now the issue only happens with Skype. I can live with that. [10:31] I hope it will work after reboot... [10:32] luc4, ok [10:32] lethu: thanks anyway! [10:33] luc4, yw [11:38] hello [12:49] Hello! I installed Kubuntu 14.04 on a new pc and I notice that in the System Monitor the network history is always 0 for my eth0 despite there is actually activity. Anyone else who notices the same? [13:16] hi [13:16] the "Install default wallpapers" option in desktop settings, what package is it going to install ? [13:22] !info kde-wallpapers [13:22] kde-wallpapers (source: kde-wallpapers): set of wallpapers for the KDE Plasma Workspaces. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.13.0-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 83162 kB, installed size 87682 kB [13:22] !info kde-wallpapers-default [13:22] kde-wallpapers-default (source: kde-wallpapers): default wallpaper for the Plasma workspace. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.13.0-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 1244 kB, installed size 1586 kB [13:22] !info kdewallpapers [13:22] kdewallpapers (source: kdeartwork): extra KDE artwork wallpapers for the KDE Plasma Workspaces. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.13.0-0ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 115666 kB, installed size 117330 kB [13:23] silv3r_m00n: Probably one of those ^ [14:40] Hi everyone, I'm running a Kubuntu 14.04 64 and I have some problem while running quassel, infact when I open it it freeze my entire desktop for about 30 second, once quassel is opened plasma retsart to work as normal, any idea on how to fix it ? [14:54] AlexZion, run updates&upgrades lately? === mk is now known as Guest265 [15:36] Hello good people. I am trying to determine why Kubunutu, Xubuntu and regular Ubuntu refuse to pick up the dns settings my router is passing out. I have checked the /etc/resolvconf and all it has is the 127 address ... [15:36] I could edit it manuall, but it says ta the top this will be over written [15:36] how is this controlled now? [15:38] and .. how do I determine which servers it is using? [15:41] in which directory are the wallpapers saved ? i checked /usr/share/wallpapers /usr/share/backgrounds, but the wallpapers listed there are not the ones showing up in desktop settings [15:45] okay fine its /usr/share/wallpapers [15:59] Dragon64: nslookup === steel|off is now known as steel_afk === valentin is now known as Guest89645 === kubuntu is now known as Guest52909 [17:17] Hi ,i am trying to install kubuntu 14.04 but the installer craches at the end or when i try to update the installer [17:17] can i install kubuntu 14.04 from the command line [17:18] ? [17:19] wissam: sudo do-release-upgrade [17:19] and whatever you do [17:19] dont cancel it [17:20] TheFakeazneD525: should i run it from the live usb ? [17:20] oh, wait [17:21] TheFakeazneD525: this command upgrade the whole distro as i know [17:21] er, sorry, I misunderstood what you were trying to do... [17:21] wissam: to install, I don't know if it can be done with command line :( [17:21] sorry [17:22] the installer crashed after i format previous kubuntu version partion i can't boot anymore [17:23] can someone help me with a feature === calin is now known as crucerucalin [17:24] http://youtu.be/HQWLTJ-UnHM?t=1m41s at the part where i have selected whats the feature called when he moves the thing about === dv__ is now known as dv_ [18:09] hi everyone... im try to add a network printer via samba.... but de browse boton is not available....somebody help? [18:09] i have kubuntu 14.10......... [18:12] 14.10? [18:12] hehhe [18:13] that's like really ahead by 6 months =) [18:13] bprompt: Ain't it fun :D [18:14] =) [18:14] Which reminds me, I need to check if there are more updates for Utopic. [18:16] what is the last version of kubuntu?? [18:16] elien: Trusty Thar, 14.04. [18:16] OK... [18:16] When I boot my computer the Display is 640x480 [18:17] ok lordievader.... [18:17] i was wrong... is 14.04 [18:17] elien, how did you manage to get 14.10 or is it actually 13.10? [18:17] can u help me with this issue? [18:17] ok [18:18] bluesKaj i have 14.04... [18:18] i was wrong... [18:18] elien, what issue? [18:18] elien: Never had to troubleshoot a smb printer, I don't think I will be of much help. [18:18] im try to add a network printer via samba.... but de browse boton is not available.... [18:18] alket: Could you give a bit of background info? From what you've given I'd say it is the driver. [18:19] lordievader: it was working, I woke up to this problem [18:21] lordievader: im changing back, so it only changes again in startup [18:21] BluesKaj: do you have any idea about that? [18:21] alket: What graphics card + driver are you running? [18:23] http://paste.ubuntu.com/7354173/ [18:26] alket: Hmm Intel, that should be fine. Are higher resolutions available though? [18:27] elien, I haven't had much luck with our network printer since there no lexmark linux drivers available [18:27] lordievader: 1600x900 currently using, but if I restart computer, it switches back to 640x480 [18:27] alket: Do you happen to have an xorg.conf? [18:28] lordievader: i don't know [18:28] ok BluesKaj.... [18:28] alket: It's in /etc/X11 if present (hopefully not) [18:29] lordievader: no it isn't [18:30] alket: That's good. [18:32] Hmm, I wouldn't know what could be the cause. [18:33] lordievader: thanks [18:34] lordievader: is there a way to change display through comand line, i could add as script on startup [18:34] alket: xrandr. [18:50] I keep getting an error, "Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the netowrk require authentication?) when doing 'sudo apt-get update', the only repositories in sources.list are the official *.ubuntu.com ones. Anybody else run in to this and find a solution? [18:51] Oh, this is for kubuntu 14.04 [19:03] I keep getting an error, "Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?)" when doing 'sudo apt-get update', the only repositories in sources.list are the official *.ubuntu.com ones. It has occurred on both a clean install and an upgrade. Anybody else run in to this and find a solution? === MangaKaDenza is now known as TheFakeazneD525 === test is now known as Guest18746 === krz is now known as Guest72544 [19:36] Hi guys I just saw an error on the italian traslation where should I report it ? [19:45] Is it possible to change size of Kickoff ? [20:09] alket: yeah you can grab the corner and resize like another window [20:10] rberg_: thank you very much [20:11] Does anyone have a suggestion for a Linux based payroll software. I keep coming across GNU Cash, but niot sure how good it really is? [20:24] howdy [20:25] using t-bird chat [20:25] o/ [20:26] at a friend's place connecting thru windows7 [20:50] hi all [20:51] I have a qq I can't get internet to work on kubuntu 14.04 [20:51] i'm wired [20:52] everything is in automatic i already checked the network interfaces config [21:14] hi there : ) [21:14] I'd like to assign my own key sequence for a this behaviour: snapping applicaton to an edge of the screen, including maximizing. What is the name/default shortcut for this? [21:19] hi all === richard is now known as Guest7502 === kubuntu is now known as Guest91126 === mike_ is now known as Guest87402 [22:05] Hola, pueden sugerirme algun pregrama para probabilidad y estadistica [22:13] !es | salvador_ [22:13] salvador_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. [22:14] Ok muchas gracias [22:15] "/join #ubuntu-es [22:15] sin comillas === Frogger is now known as DarthFrog1 === administrator is now known as Guest9480 [23:58] Hi everyone [23:58] How can I make a custom keyboard shortcut in Kubuntu 14.04? [23:58] Wait. No. Found it. [23:58] Thanks [23:58] :D [23:58] There's like 8 different places to change keyboard shortvuts [23:59] Who was I speaking to about using the Super key for menu yesterday?