[01:46] huwshimi: howdy, how goes your branch in progress? [01:55] rick_h_: It should be ready for a final review now. [01:55] huwshimi: k [02:59] kadams54: I had a few comments on your branch. Let me know if I'm miss understanding or if you've any questions [11:55] rick_h_: call today? [12:24] frankban: sorry, ping'd in irc yesterday. No calls today but if we need to chat let's schedule for tomorrow [12:24] bac ^ [12:25] rick_h_: no problem [12:27] guihelp: is anyone available for reviewing https://codereview.appspot.com/88090048 (GUI charm)? small branch, needs QA [12:37] happy trusty release day! [12:37] woot! [12:40] :-) time to upgrade [13:13] the nearest release party is havana. i should've gotten an invite from the loco and traveled for "cultural reasons"... [13:26] https://github.com/cmars/juju-nat very cool [13:53] hatch: yeah, i need that [14:07] hatch, you on osx? [14:07] at the moment yep [14:07] another way to tunnel into vbox is shuttle [14:07] sshuttle into your vbox and connect to the bridge [14:08] effects the same [14:08] sshuttle -r ubuntu@vagrant_box [14:08] yeah right now I create an ssh tunnel when needed [14:09] hatch, shuttle surfaces all the bridge ips and ports to the host [14:09] oh that's pretty nice - I'll have to check it out [14:09] I'm really trying to switch to Ubuntu but it's battery life on this MBP is abysmal [14:11] they say it's because of the extra GPU that's always on.....but a fix might be in the pipes [14:13] hatch, bumblebee [14:13] http://bumblebee-project.org/ [14:14] yeah I saw that, but because it was released before this computer was I assumed it wouldn't support the new hardware [14:15] but I'll definitely give it a go thx [14:41] kadams54 after the standup today do you want to go through the state stuff? [14:41] Sure, sounds good. [14:43] I think by then all the appropriate branches will have landed :) [14:43] I hope.... [14:43] heh [14:50] jujugui call in 10 [14:58] jujugui call in 2 [14:58] ^ teamwork [14:58] Hahaha [15:00] jujugui hurrowww? [15:17] kadams54 I'm just waiting for my most recent branch to land then we can chat on the most recent code [15:18] k [15:34] oh man it's taking forever [15:36] I noticed ;-( [15:36] er [15:36] ;-) [15:36] A winking frown is odd. [15:37] haha [15:37] kadams54 ok it's merged pull develop [15:38] Done. [15:40] ok creating a hangout [15:40] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7ecpjhc0eh89212908h87bhmmc?hl=en [15:45] yay, i found the self.assertRaises problem. there was code that tested 'if version' when 0 was a valid value. should've been 'if version is not None'. the version was a random int between 0 and 100 -- the very definition of spurious. [16:10] * frankban bbiab [16:15] bac ahh good find - yes very spurious [16:15] and it was his fault too [16:15] lol [16:15] Makyo do you know anything about Denver micro brews? [16:16] Yep. What do you want to know? [16:17] are they allowed to serve the beer at the brewery? [16:17] or are there any good pubs close to the conf that have them? [16:18] looks like we'll already be going to the Wynkoop Brewery [16:19] Yeah, totally. Charlie Papazian, one of the guys who helped legalize homebrewing in the 70s, is a Coloradoan, so we have one of the highest brewery-per-capita ratios in the country. Most breweries have a tour and tasting room. [16:19] Wynkoop is pretty fantastic, yeah. [16:19] ahh very awesome [16:19] ^ hazmat [16:20] Makyo, nice [16:20] also planning on hitting up some of the ft collins breweries [16:21] http://beermapping.com/maps/citymaps.php?m=boulderdenver#lat=undefined&lng=undefined&z=7 [16:21] hazmat, yeah. They're all in a row. I live biking distance from Funkwerks, Fort Collins Brewery, Odell's, New Belgium, Coopersmith's, and Equinox breweries. [16:22] oh very nice [16:48] Dogs are going nuts. Going to give them a quick walk [17:05] kadams54 huws token branch has landed now - rick had mentioned that it might conflict with yours [17:05] you may want to take a look [17:13] Yeah, thanks for the heads up. [17:43] it's an Easter Miracle...two water company employees showed up [17:44] holy smokes! [17:44] congrats! [17:57] well, they were just driving away when i got home from lunch and i had to run around the block to intercept them. [17:57] then it took them an hour to drive back around [17:57] and now they are jack hammering the side walk... [17:58] two very unhappy dudes having to work on the day before a holiday [18:09] lol [18:28] hey jcsackett could you do a cw review? https://codereview.appspot.com/88980043 [18:28] idle 10hrs. i guess not. [18:57] jujugui small review/qa plz and thx https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/245 [19:00] On it [19:03] thanks [19:08] for the size of that fix it sure took me too long to do it haha [19:12] Haha, it's fine [19:12] I kept having git repo problems, gonna take me a second to re-clone. [19:12] Code LGTM, but will QA in a sec. [19:12] sure thanks [19:20] Hopefully getting out of this house will mean faster than 67kbps net. [19:20] lol [19:20] so you're renting this place now? [19:23] No, we own it. [19:23] It's definitely a starter home. [19:23] We got it as a shortsale after the previous owner abandoned it. [19:23] ohhh right right now I remember [19:52] * hatch stepping out for lunch [20:04] bac: sorry i missed you earlier, do you still need a review? [20:05] jcsackett: no, sinzui did it. thanks though. [20:14] hello from the USA [20:21] welcome home rick_h_. did you kiss the ground? [20:21] bac: it was kind of dirty [20:21] yeah, i can see that. man, i like montreal. [20:21] it's cool, lots of diversity, very walkable [20:21] good place for the conference [20:21] kinda pricey though [20:22] but good stuff, some good wine. Very french wine centric [20:22] not much US wine there [20:23] rick_h_: hey i sent you email about that place in vegas. they're being a bit difficult. [20:23] bac: yes, got it when I landed. I'll call them up tonight [20:23] they were a pain on the phone. "just use opentable"... [20:23] haven't had but a croissant today so catching up on a late lunch [20:24] heh, well I can be a grouchy american again [20:24] or jcsackett just won't get his dinner place as I'm a "I'll take my money and spend it elsewhere" kind of guy [20:41] hmm [20:57] rick_h_ let me know if/when you'd like to go through the new cards I made to complete the inspector and state stuff [21:14] jcsackett: you still coming over monday? [21:14] hatch: yea, I was doing to say it seems those should go in project A [21:14] let me know if you've got time to chat [21:14] rick_h_: sure hope so, been doing a lot of work to hand off my current work. :p [21:14] jcsackett: coolio, counting on it [21:14] rick_h_ they are in Project A [21:14] :) [21:15] hatch: oh yea nvm [21:15] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpiganqkt7jvn3b9hb1b5a0o?hl=en [21:15] ^ rick_h_ [21:25] Makyo: got a sec? [21:38] Makyo: if you get a sec tonight can you qa huw's branch [21:42] rick_h_, yep, sure thing. [21:42] * Makyo was dogwalking, sorry [21:42] I'll do it now [21:42] Makyo: all good thanks [21:44] rick_h_, #243 - scrolling coluimns? [21:45] Makyo: yes please [21:47] Looks good. I'm assuming we know about the exponentiation of the processor size? [21:47] huh? [21:47] that's a negative, what's this? [21:47] I get 1x1.000000000000000e-180GHz for the processor. [21:47] oh, yea we can polish that stuff up [21:47] Cool. Scrolling works like a charm. [21:47] it's a mess in there. It's not looked right since the start and not looked at why yet [21:53] hatch: another reason for filtger [21:53] categories! [21:53] in the quick search, so bring that back [21:54] I KNEW there was one reason we kept that filter stuff around [21:54] so confused [21:54] oh.... [21:54] go to the quicksearch box and click in it [21:54] damn [21:54] ok, well good news is that it's all still there [21:54] those are categories, they're used to limit search [21:54] just not being used [21:54] they're a split part of the api [21:54] so they're not in the text= but in a &category=xxxx [21:55] right...I totally forgot about that too [21:55] good thing it's all still there :) [21:55] * rick_h_ grumbles about stupid memory [21:55] just needs to get set by the state stuff [21:55] right, cool [21:56] Makyo: didn't we land changes so that you could deploy a service from the ghost inspector? [21:56] Makyo: it's not working for me on coming soon in trying things out [21:57] Any flags, rick_h_ ? [21:57] http://comingsoon.jujucharms.com/:flags:/il/mv/state/ecs/ [21:57] deploy mysql, get the inspector on the left, click deploy, nadda [21:57] rick_h_, ecs needs a commit [21:57] Makyo: oh! [21:58] ok [21:58] Which I don't believe is plugged in yet [21:58] Makyo: ignore me then, sorry. Just trying to see where we're at with things. /me is catching up slowly [21:58] Makyo: after your current branch we could hook up the deploy button on the deployer bar? [21:59] rick_h_, yep. Could probably hook that in with "list uncommitted changes" too [21:59] Wait. [22:00] rick_h_ after clicking deploy open the console and type `app.ecs.commit()` [22:00] hatch, we need machines too, right? Or is that coming from mv side? [22:00] Makyo not sure I understand... [22:00] hangout? [22:00] sure [22:01] https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7acpj1d6la76uitmp004g3hpo0?hl=en [22:05] Going to split the last bit of my day off into the evening to see this house in a bit here. [23:40] good luck Makyo