=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === maclin__ is now known as maclin [06:19] Good Morning [06:58] good morning [07:01] I am getting an error after upgrading to 14.04 , http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7248385/ [07:01] for opening core apps. [07:22] Good morning all [07:37] Good morning all! Happy Monday, and happy Look Up at the Sky Day! :-D [07:37] JamesTait: oww I only can see the ceiling :( [07:39] justCarakas, same here, for the moment. :( A result of an unfortunate combination of unpredictable weather, unpredictable internet and sadly very predictable battery life. ;) [07:43] JamesTait: didn't you forget bad visibility due monitor glare ? === chriadam is now known as chriadam|away === maclin_ is now known as maclin [08:43] bzoltan: how do we clean up (from the sdk/qtc side) the .desktop files dropped in /home/phablet/.local/share/applications/ ? [08:44] bzoltan: i have 3 blank icons on my phone because I was testing out apps from qtc, and traced these to the .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications, and using the UI on the phone to remove them (long press -> uninstall) doesn't work. [09:01] popey: have you installed those apps from click package or just CtrlF12'd them? [09:05] bzoltan: just CTRL+F12 [09:05] popey: in that case it is a bug ... darn [09:06] popey: let me sort it out [09:06] bzoltan: want me to file a bug? [09:07] popey: no need [09:07] ok [09:28] popey: you know hat is the fun with this bug? :) your apps are still running [09:47] bzoltan: unlikely given the phone has been rebooted a few times [10:06] popey: in that case they are killed... I just realized that the apps are not terminated when you close them from the UI. Anyhow I got the fix. We will not use the ~/.local [10:18] bzoltan: thanks [10:53] popey: that will land soon -> https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/desktop_file_cleanup/+merge/215636 We stop using the ~/local/share/application for the desktop files === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === maclin__ is now known as maclin === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:04] zbenjamin, how does the cmake plugin find the executable to run when hitting Ctrl+R? I've got a project that no longer runs (I get "no executable specified"), and I don't think I've done any changes to it since last week, when IIRC it used to just run with Ctrl+R === _salem is now known as salem_ === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [12:37] popey, I've just put this in a cron job: http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/ [12:38] nice! [12:38] * popey bookmarks [12:47] dpm: it looks up the exec path in the desktop file [12:48] zbenjamin, so if the exec path is: "myapp" it won't find the executable in the local build directory? [12:50] dpm: ah it wants you to set the executable manually? [12:50] dpm: check if there are other runconfigs created [12:50] dpm: there is a dropdown box on the runconfig page [12:52] zbenjamin, aha, that works, thanks! However, should QtC not set that up for me automatically? [12:54] nik90, hi [12:58] dpm: well there is no way for a runconfiguration to tell QtC it should be the default one. Only thing i could do is use some queued slot call that gets executed when control goes back to the eventloop [13:00] zbenjamin, in my case I seemed to have one runconfig already defined, but the working directory was empty, so it wouldn't find the exec in the build directory - just mentioning it in case it helps === jhodapp|afk is now known as jhodapp [14:00] fginther, joining us for the core apps call today? [14:01] dpm, I have a conflict, but I'll join if this other meeting ends early [14:03] thanks fginther [14:03] popey, let me grab my network cable [14:19] renato_, ping [14:19] renato_, after upgrading 14.04 , i am trying to run calendar app from SDK [14:19] it gives me EDS error [14:19] http://paste.ubuntu.com/7249963/ [14:19] any idea..? [14:22] mihir, on device on desktop? [14:24] renato_, desktop [14:25] mihir, very strange looks like a problem in GTK [14:26] renato_, hmm, i tried re-installing EDS but didn't work. [14:27] mihir, let me upgrade my packages maybe I can reproduce the error [14:27] renato_, sure , i just upgraded my machine day before yesterday. [14:27] and upgraded latests updates yest. === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [14:54] dpm: how often does that sponsoring page update? [14:54] popey, hourly if the cron job didn't fail :) [14:55] dpm: do rejected items not appear in the queue? [14:55] popey, I think I need to tweak the script regarding the filtering that it does. Right now it only lists branches that have had no review [14:55] ok === WebbyIT is now known as rpadovani === om26er_ is now known as om26er|food === om26er|food is now known as om26er === bfiller is now known as bfiller_afk === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [17:13] for the layouts, when the phone is flipped on its side, do I just make a custom conditional layout that detects then the width > x? [17:13] or is there a layout setting that automatically detects the orientation? [17:13] sorry, does that make sense? === bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller === salem_ is now known as _salem [20:13] Hi. Is it normal that I am currently not able to upload a new version of my App? [20:14] I always get something like: {"traceback": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/srv/pkgme-service.canonical.com/production/pkgme-service/sourcecode/../src/djpkgme/tasks.py\", line 536, in run\n logger=self.get_logger())\n File \"/srv/pkgme-service.canonical.com/production/pkgme-service/sourcecode/../src/djpkgme/client.py\", line 66, in submit_to_myapps\n raise CallbackError(url, 'PUT', response.s [20:14] alaak: that's an error [20:14] beuno: ^^ [20:15] james_w, ^ [20:16] ok. So I need to wait for a fix to be applied on the server side. [20:24] alaak: yes. [20:26] ok. thanks for the information [20:27] damn, I have no-one to pass the buck to [20:28] well, don't have the full traceback and they left === Wellark_ is now known as Wellark === jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|afk