[00:24] ::workspace-bugs:: [1303189] kwin crashes at launch asking for libwayland-egl.so.1 under X11 @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1303189 (by Ivan Vučica) === Daskreech is now known as skreech_ [08:18] I was wondering: did somebody escalate the discussion about parted yesterday? It is completely and utterly broken, in other words: we have currently no working partition manager [08:21] for those who didn't see this yesterday in #kubuntu: http://paste.kde.org/ppuwncvni/rlmbdi [09:31] holy cow, why can't I file a bug on Launchpad for a package that is shipped by Ubuntu? Why do I have to co through a parted mailing list that will just tell me "use the newer version" which is crippled and unusable for downstream [09:31] folks, really, we have a major critical bug here, some help would be really appreciated [10:36] 'Morning all [10:59] OpenGL and raster still not working properly, bucking up toolbar fonts in browsers and dialogs with i915 intel graphics :/ [10:59] mucking up* [11:14] BluesKaj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/1299499 [11:14] Launchpad bug 1299499 in mesa (Ubuntu) "kwin crashes on desktop startup with wobbly windows enabled" [High,Confirmed] [11:14] comment #33 [11:16] snele, kwin doesn't actually crash here, sometimes blanks a desktop for asec or 2 , but it's the fon't [11:17] fonts that bother me most, little blocks instead of letters [11:19] BluesKaj: well you can try mesa from that repository. maybe it will help. you can purge that ppa afterwards if it doesn't help [11:22] snele, already tried it, don't help in my case [11:55] Y [11:59] snele, oops, that's a different ppa than the one I used before,(it was the mesa experimental, which wasn't actually a ppa ), but seems to be working well so far, thanks :) [12:07] BluesKaj: :) [13:32] who decides what wine package is included? [13:33] kubuntu 14.04 sees wine 1.4, which is old, new stable is 1.6 and experimental 1.7 [13:39] jarkko_: trusty has wine 1.6 [14:01] it offered me 1.4 [14:01] debfx: [14:01] !info wine trusty [14:02] wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu3 (trusty), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) === rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter [23:11] * ahoneybun can't tell who is away in Polari [23:13] hey valorie Riddell ovidiu-florin_ [23:16] hey valorie [23:18] hi [23:18] how are you> [23:18] excellent [23:18] great [23:18] exciting times in GSoC [23:18] oh yea? [23:19] we turn in the requested slot numbers today [23:19] cool https://launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/+archive/ubuntu-gnome [23:19] it was a bit of a push to get all the mentors in line [23:19] like herding cats! [23:19] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk7yqlTMvp8 [23:20] apachelogger: you should see this one, if you have not ^^ [23:26] ahoneybun: lots to package in KDE! [23:26] just got throw off by the two I did try with all those licenses [23:27] Riddell: did you see bcooksley's remark about our baloo packaging? [23:28] valorie: only there was a problem, no other details [23:28] yeah, and now he's away