[12:52] guihelp: I need two reviews (no QA) for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/163 . Anyone available? thanks! [12:53] frankban: looking [12:53] rick_h_: thanks [12:58] frankban: sure [12:58] thanks bac [14:26] bac, rick_h_: thanks for the reviews [14:27] rick_h_: re machineUnitsMap, the idea is to call filterUnits only once, avoiding multiple modelList cycles for each machine [14:27] frankban: ah, that makes sense then [14:27] rick_h_: cool [14:27] heh, not enough sleep last night to see it [14:32] hatch: no luck with upstream kernel [14:32] and man, kill a cpu makes for crappy performance [14:32] :/ [14:33] guess no 14.04 for me yet then either [14:33] :( [14:33] nope [14:33] darn I was really looking forward to it [14:33] think they will get it in before release? [14:33] well, there's a bug. Let's see if it gets fixed. [14:33] no idea, I'm guessing it's a matter of seeing if it works upstream [14:34] can you link the bug so I can mark myself on it? [14:34] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1284085 [14:39] ok I guess I can't add myself to it [14:39] 'affects you' doesn't send emails and I can't add myself to the subscribers list [14:39] hatch: hmm, you're listed as subscribed [14:39] Notified of all changes [14:39] Jeff Pihach [14:40] ok maybe lp is just being busted [14:40] thx [15:01] rick_h_: hangout? [15:22] bac or benji can one of you please QA the change from Makyo? My machine just went boom and I need to get it back up. https://codereview.appspot.com/71070051/ [15:22] rick_h_: I'll take a look. [15:22] thanks [15:47] I'm trying to decide if I should land a branch which breaks things or make it even bigger [15:48] what does it break and what are you doing that's so large? [15:48] well stuff that was in the 'inspector.js' file [15:48] has been moved to mixins [15:48] which can't be mixed into viewlets [15:49] https://github.com/hatched/juju-gui/compare/juju:develop...hatched:service-config-view?expand=1 [15:49] hatch: on a call but let's chat after the standup? [15:49] current diff [15:49] sure [15:50] jujugui call in 10 [15:58] jujugui call in 2 [16:09] One of these days, I'll be able to sign into RV... [16:09] Actually, let me see about making a chrome profile with just canonical address. [16:13] That worked, whew. [16:13] lol [16:14] browser wars! fight the browser [16:15] yay calls done! /me sends blood back to his ears [16:26] rick_h_ there is another approach - I keep working on this branch making logical commits then when it's done it can be reviewed one commit at a time? [16:32] hatch: I like the dupe code. We've got a history around that I think. [16:32] I don't know I want to go through it one commit at at time [16:33] thought I guess that's something that might help in review [16:38] yeah just an idea [16:46] has anyone ever had mocha just bail after 3 failures? I'm getting 3 failures, fixing them, get three more.... repeat [16:49] bac: have you build charmworld from scratch lately? [16:50] I'm getting this: [16:50] Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement charmworldlib==0.1.4 (from -r requirements.txt (line 7)) (from versions: 0.3.0) [16:51] benji: hmm is that not in the download-cache? [16:51] benji: maybe a recent update missed the cache [16:53] rick_h_: nope, 0.3.0 is the only version of charmworldlib in there, I assume the requirement for 0.1.4 is wrong (since 0.3.0 exists) [16:53] benji: gotcha, in setup.py ? [16:53] requirements.txt [16:53] has the 0.1.4? [16:54] yep [16:55] hmm, must be a missed update then during bac's recent upgrade. [17:12] Makyo: when the QA instructions say "Get bac's bundle wiki:wiki" what do you mean exactly? [17:13] benji, sorry, one sec. I got it through pdb, but there's an easier way. [17:14] benji, /api/3/bundle/~bac/wiki/3 [17:15] k [17:15] data.services.db.charm should be cs:precise/mysql [17:15] Makyo: Internal Server Error [17:15] Erk [17:16] { [17:16] "bundle_id": "~bac/wiki/0", [17:16] "type": "no_such_bundle" [17:16] } [17:16] I don't think the ingest worked. Most, if not all, of the bundles were rejected by proof [17:16] Oh, hmm.. [17:16] Wonder if mine was out of date. Let me check. [17:17] in order for the bundles to ingest the charms involved must be loaded [17:17] so you have to make sure to get the charms that the bundle references ingested first [17:17] jujugui I need a review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/164 (big diff, big qa) [17:18] hatch: so you need two reviews then? [17:18] Oh, right, hmm. I guess I already had those loaded. [17:18] rick_h_ well....it's so much in flux still that I think I'll hold off on two until it's all done [17:18] but I definitely want to make sure I didn't introduce a regression on the service config view [17:18] I also moved the pt1 card to the review lane [17:19] hatch: huh? if it's over 400 lines it's a two review branch. How's it 'hold off on two reviews'? [17:19] Amended QA: run enque with --prefix=~charmers/charms/precise --limit=100 first [17:19] That should get charms enough for at least those bundles. [17:19] well it's mostly mechanical moves [17:19] but sure if I can get two [17:19] :) [17:19] I'm held up from continuing on until this review is done though [17:20] I can review now [17:20] oh ok cool [17:20] thanks [17:25] That's a big diff :P [17:25] I must fortify myself with more tea. [17:25] haha sorry [17:25] there is a lot of mechanical changes [17:32] I do like this better, though. [17:32] Views are cleaner. [17:32] much [17:32] trying to wrap your head around viewlet > view databinding however.....not so clean [17:32] :) [17:33] there are considerable improvements we can make to databinding now that we are using views [17:33] eta on that? never [17:33] lol [17:33] :P [17:37] haha [17:38] anyone else use evernote on android? their new 'handwriting' thing is pretty cool - now if I Could only find a quality pen/screen-pen combo === lazyPower_ is now known as lazyPower [17:50] uh oh, I've now sent 666 tweets [17:58] Makyo: still ingesting charms/bundles [17:59] benji, Alright. No rush, I have another card in the mean time. [18:03] hatch: well i hope you take a screenshot before you tweet again [18:04] should I? [18:04] benji or Makyo (now that we've claimed you as a charmworld dev), would one of you review https://codereview.appspot.com/69980054/ ? it started out simple in scope and then i got annoyed and did a bunch of drive-bys. [18:04] bac, sure [18:06] that's just under 200 tweets per year....That's actually quite a bit for me, I didn't think I tweetered that much [18:06] *cough*35,983*cough* [18:07] Getting an intelligent telephone was the worst thing for me. :P [18:08] Never realized how much I missed Rietveld. [18:10] Makyo twitter says "You follow each other" about us.....that's a little creepy [18:10] Haha [18:11] you must have two twitter accounts? [18:13] I have or help manage 14 :P [18:13] lol [18:14] I unfollow people who tweet more than a couple times a day haha [18:14] That's fair :) [18:14] which is kind of unfortunate because there is usually some gems but moreoften than not it just clutters up the feed [18:14] maybe one of these days I'll setup tweetdeck or the like [18:17] hatch: heh, you need to follow some more python folks to get these gems https://twitter.com/zzzeek/status/441637489640747008 [18:17] rofl [18:17] love it [18:21] rick_h_ I didn't get a +1 from you on the review. I've made the requested changes and pushed them up....is it A O K? [18:22] hatch: sorry, got sidetracked +1 [18:22] haha ok thanks [18:23] does anyone have any ideas for cool hardware hacking stuff? I was thinking quadcopter but also looking for other ideas [18:24] leap motion and quad copter would be cool [18:26] going all minority report flying a camo'd ar drone around the block [18:27] lol [18:47] thanks Makyo. glad i could let you relive your rietveld days. [18:49] jujugui added a bug card to critical. It looks like we've got a series regression in charm search causing it to send multiple versions of the same charm overloading the db, front end, etc [18:49] series/serious [18:49] bah [18:49] rick_h_: a charmworld problem? [18:50] bac: yes, the search api is sending back waaaay too much data [18:51] better safe than sorry? [18:51] :) [18:51] "we didn't know if you wanted cinder r15, r16, r17, r18..have them all! [18:53] rick_h_: i need to add a new card for the charm-proof change. it was tiny and i'm ready to propose it. [18:53] rick_h_ this is re the bug I filed about a 5.4MB response? [18:53] :D [18:53] hatch: yep [18:54] hatch: finally got around to looking and prioritizing them [18:54] bac: ok cool [18:54] hatch: and yea, it's not good [18:54] haha no no it is not [18:54] hey if you add a card directly into a full lane it doesn't ask you for justification! [18:54] looking for a <1s response time....got a 20s response time lol [19:10] marcoceppi: could you look at this simple change to charm-tools for 'charm proof'? https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/charm-tools/bundle-proof-warnings/+merge/209754 [19:11] Makyo: the ingest is still running; did yours take this long? [19:12] benji, no, don't think so. Can you check if you have mysql and mediawiki yet? [19:12] charms or bundles? [19:12] If so, you can kill, bin/dequeue, run the enqueue in the qa instructions, then ingest again and it'll only ingest the bundles./ [19:12] Charms. [19:13] I have both. [19:13] Should be able to just load bac's bundles, then. [19:13] the API URL for the bundle still 404s though because the ingest hasn't gotten to the bundles yet [19:14] what do you mean by "load bac's bundles"? [19:14] rick_h_ thanks for the mention on discourse re the power button lol [19:14] hatch: :) [19:14] benji, the commands in the QA instructions. If you empty the ingest queue with dequeue, then enqueue only his bundles with the enqueue command given, it should only ingest those. [19:15] lately no powerdowns because I'm using an external keyboard haha [19:15] I think that's what I did. I'll try again. [19:29] bac lgtm [19:32] Makyo: when I view /api/3/bundle/~bac/wiki/3 I still get the internal error, when I view /api/3/bundle/~bac/wiki/0 I still get the "no_such_bundle" message, however when I fetch I see a bundle definition with non-fully-specified charm URLs [19:33] benji: it needs to be ~bac/wiki/3/wiki I thought [19:33] benji: ending an api call in the revision isn't a legit api endpoing I didn't think [19:34] rick_h_: that's what I'm saying [19:34] what does return? [19:34] and what are the charm definitions in ^ (if it loads) [19:34] in the data: key [19:35] rick_h_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7045935/ [19:35] no "data" key [19:36] sorry, services [19:36] and that's perfect I think. Makyo confirm? ^ [19:36] benji: line 1113 [19:37] Yeah, that looks good. [19:37] heh, darn I searched for "data:" not '"data":' [19:37] Oh, yeah, boo JSON! [19:37] yea, it's json, must be quoted sorry I wasn't more explicit [19:37] QA passed then [19:37] but yea, all the services are legic cs: urls so yay! [19:38] land that branch and bury it please! :) [19:38] Okay! [19:38] Makyo: please make sure to update the bug if there's one on that. I don't see one associated but thuoght there was a bug [19:39] Makyo: maybe it was on the investigate card [19:39] jujugui lf a review/qa on the constraints viewlet to view changeover https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/165 [19:41] hatch: what's lf? [19:41] looking for [19:41] sheesh, when did you grow up? that's in the same tmeframe as asl [19:41] :P [19:42] heh, yea I avoided all that [19:42] I often had to google the ones gary used [19:42] :) [19:42] YMMV was a new one for me [19:43] oh <3 that one. I learned and like WCPGW [19:43] when I joined launchpad [19:43] lolwhat's that one? [19:44] "what could possibly go wrong?" [19:44] "change all those viewlets to Views, WCPGW" [19:44] lol [19:44] truth! [20:17] jujugui it's lbox submit to land a charmworld branch, correct? Or is there a different step? [20:17] * Makyo can't remember [20:17] Makyo: bzr rv-submit [20:17] Ah, thanks [20:17] using the rvsubmit plugin [20:18] Makyo: you can't mess up. if you try 'lbox submit' it will fail due to permissions. yay. [20:18] Oh, good. [20:18] yeah, unless you fire-n-forget only to discover much later it errored [20:22] Whoops, conflict anyway. [21:07] Something keeps revving up my fans. Switched back over to chrome to a notice that "Google talk plugin has crash." Promising. [21:16] yeah that thing is a huge battery hog [21:16] sometimes it'll just sit in the background burning cycles for fun [21:43] * hatch grumbles about cascading test failures [21:45] no grumbling [21:46] I'm pretty sure it's ok to grumble about this [21:47] come on, close to EOD, no grumbling :) [21:47] I supppooooose [21:51] well I gots no idears why this one is causing the failure [21:58] well THAT was a stupid mistake [21:58] * hatch blames my qa'er for missing it [21:58] what did I miss? [21:58] I even found a bug in the last qa [21:58] I was feeling good [21:59] in the viewlet base view extension I had the _eventHandles and changedValues property as prototype properties so they were shared across every viewlet [21:59] where they should have been instance level properties [21:59] oh...hmm guess I didn't test out multiple inpsectors/ghosts and noticed [22:00] it's ok I missed it and I've done 3 branches since then lol [22:01] heh, better now than figuring it out later I guess [22:02] yeah that would have been a tough one to find [22:02] so in this case....cascading test failures was a GOOD thing [22:02] lol [22:02] wheeee! [22:03] I also found out why my wifi sucked so bad sometimes (even after the new router) [22:03] the wifi antenna must be in the screen of MBP's and when the screen is closed the reception is crap (even though it shows full bars) [22:03] ? [22:03] oh, interesting [22:03] I think it just sucks myself. Every time I wake it up it takes so long [22:04] I'll test it over the next couple days to see if the slow internet issue comes back after opening the lid [22:04] I was really hoping I'd fall in love with this air because of the lennovo issues but :( [22:04] oh yeah - if it's in sleep mode half the time it won't come back hah [22:04] the good news is that it's a software issue - people who install windows don't have that issue [22:04] so a on-metal install of Ubuntu may also solve the issues [22:04] yea, I'm hoping to compare linux on it [22:04] yea, we'll see :/ [22:05] but the keyboard and wifi issues on the air really lose it poits [22:05] I really hope someone fixes that kernel bug [22:05] points [22:05] oh yeah - and the new MBP has the same keyboard - I thought it was the same as the old MBP keyboards....but I was wrong :( [22:05] I was hoping for a little more concave keys with some more travel [22:06] exactly, they're too soft and mushy [22:06] and the travel definitely needs a bit more [22:06] after a few days I go "oh, it's not so bad" [22:06] then I pull out my x230 and start typing "whoa, this is so great" [22:07] I do love the air size though. In the backpack, carrying around the house [22:07] makes me ponder that 13" xps more [22:07] yeah - it's a little sharp to carry around a conference lol [22:07] but I hear the keyboard there isn't great either [22:08] if the wifi would come back up faster it'd be a great conference machine [22:08] but you close it, go to the next room, and open it and hang for 5min before you can get into your google doc [22:08] oh mine isn't THAT bad [22:08] it just sometimes never comes up [22:09] else it's about 30s to a min [22:09] it comes up eventually, but only after it hangs and shows that 'finding signal' animation for minutes [22:11] interesting... [22:11] I wonder if that's because it's a referb? [22:11] jujugui lf a review on the ghost inspector viewlet to view conversion https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/166 [22:12] hatch: will look tonight sometime and try to qa better. [22:12] oh poop [22:12] I think I screwed up the commits [22:12] sec [22:13] ok fixed [22:13] rick_h_ you know your email is the jujugui bot email :) [22:13] yea, someone had to sign up [22:13] ohh ok I thought that was by accident instead of some secondary email [22:13] hmm, does everyone else not get the pull request messages? [22:14] nope [22:14] well.. [22:14] oh, hmm. Maybe I should try to change that then [22:14] ok no we do [22:14] sorry I just always miss them heh [23:38] rick_h_ I don't think CI is being run anymore on new PR's [23:39] https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/166 this is still showing 'Waiting to hear...' [23:39] ohh [23:39] CI is hung [23:39] heh [23:39] Started 10 hr ago [23:39] Build has been executing for 10 hr [23:40] killed that one....now lets see if it catches up over the next couple hours :) [23:43] hatch: cool yea. It did that the other day. There was a nework issue between CI and saucelabs and it just hung [23:44] ohh, are we being throttled by sauce labs maybe? [23:44] too many runs on an oss account [23:45] maybe we can get the juju logo on https://saucelabs.com/opensauce :) [23:48] ohhh https://saucelabs.com/docs/status-images