=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch === dobey_ is now known as dobey [00:40] darkxst: hey... just installed ubuntu gnome trusty alpha 2... looking nice. === tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson === duflu_ is now known as duflu === Zachary_DuBois|A is now known as Zachary_DuBois === Zachary_DuBois is now known as Zachary_DuBois|A === Zachary_DuBois|A is now known as Zachary_DuBois === Zachary_DuBois is now known as Zachary_DuBois|A [07:28] desrt, thanks ;) [09:05] morning [09:12] Laney, hey, how are you? [09:12] good morning desktopers, happy post-ff friday! [09:12] hey seb128, I'm alright thanks [09:12] been rearranging the sitting room because rosie bought a piano which is coming today ... [09:13] such jenkins spam [09:13] how are you? [09:16] I'm good thanks, looking forward having (hopefully) a quiet friday, after the ff crazyness [09:16] oh, a piano, nice ;-) [09:17] not that I play or read music :P [09:17] except the final fantasty fanfare, I can do that one [09:17] haha [09:21] we didn't do that for the wedding, but were tempted :p [09:21] you geeks! [09:22] that would have been too obvious, hiding those 3 musics was better :) [09:26] It's nice to see so many FF-fans here ;) And I don't mean feature freeze! [09:26] heh === mpt_ is now known as mpt [09:26] apart from the 11 and 14 (mmorpg), I played them all but the 4, what I need to fix :) [09:27] seb128: just saw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1282847 [09:27] Launchpad bug 1282847 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "desktop ui scale is huge even though the setting is set to a scale of 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] [09:27] Laney, seems like NOTABUG [09:28] By 4 you mean the original 4th game? With Kain? I played that one on the emulator in my FF-madness youth [09:28] Laney, but yeah, for some reason the Unity scaling seems to not work [09:28] Trevinho_, bregma: ^ is that known? [09:29] his terminal looks a bit big to me, but yeah the ui should be matching anyway [09:29] well, look at nautilus [09:29] it's a bit big as well [09:29] harder to tell there, for me anyway [09:29] but the GTK scaling is only by int numbers [09:29] so the screen is HiDPI a x2 kicks in [09:29] which gives that result [09:30] 1.5 would be better but that's not possible for GTK [09:30] the issue in that report is that unity doesn't scale [09:30] actually that UI scale slider does nothing for me either [09:30] you can maybe add that the behaviour of Unity/GTK not respecting the same setting is confusing [09:30] right [09:31] hikiko, hey, do you know if the slider you added to to the display config is supposed to make unity change it's scaling? it seems to not work [09:34] seb128, it works with a new branch we have, we just didnt merge it because there are some other issues to be done first (like panels etc) let me give you my branch [09:34] hikiko, so it mean the feature missed ff (which was yesterday)? [09:35] https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity/unity.ui-scale-factor [09:36] yes, because when we integrated everything we found 1-2 things that need fixing [09:36] so we didn't do an MP [09:37] It's a bit strange that we got the slider which doesn't work [09:37] it works, unity doesn't work yet [09:37] the slider only updates the setting [09:39] that's not working from a user perspective really [09:39] as you can see it confused the guy who reported the bug I linked to earlier [09:42] :/ [09:42] you confused me as well [09:42] I though that the Unity in landing ask had HiDPI support [09:43] that's quite disappointing [09:43] Trevinho_, bregma: ^ [09:43] I know, but we couldn't merge before getting sure that panels and decorations look fine [09:43] you could have [09:44] default factor is 1 [09:44] and users playing with the slider and not having a perfect result is ok [09:44] it's easy to put back the slider to 1 [09:44] does something set the g-s-d scaling factor? [09:44] Laney, g-s-d itself :p [09:44] or, mine was 0 - does that mean autodetect? [09:44] yes [09:48] hikiko, anyway thanks for the work, those comments are rather directed to bregma than you ;-) [09:48] is there any syncing with the org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor value? [09:49] I don't think so [09:49] the issue is that the scaling-factor works only on int values [09:49] which is a poor granularity [09:50] that's what gives you nautilus being too big on that screenshot [09:50] it's either too small or too big [09:50] mmm [09:50] the unity factor has been precision [09:50] which works fine for unity and qml [09:50] been->better [09:50] but I guess it does nothing for gtk stuff? [09:51] no [09:51] so that's going to be weird in the other direction [09:51] well, it's going to be weird anyway, even if we couple both options [09:52] if you set 1.5 that's going to be work fine for unity/qml but what do we do for GTK? [09:52] set 1 or 2 ? [09:52] one or the other though [09:52] override the auto detection [09:53] yeah, that makes sense I guess [09:53] it's just going to be weird, going from 1.49 to 1.51 some stuff are going to scale nicely, and GTK is going to do a jump [09:53] got to work with what you're given [09:54] right [09:58] Laney, we should probably put https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/commit/?id=260359bc74dda450dda6bff1c4a17dd126a61b18 back in u-s-d [09:59] e.g disable the autodetection [09:59] then teach the u-c-c slider to write the config to 1 or 2 [10:01] moin! [10:01] Sweetshark, hey, how are you? [10:01] you mean revert that? [10:01] Laney, yeah, put the code back I meant [10:01] hmm [10:01] well "code", "workaround" [10:02] you'd just replace the function with 'return 1' [10:02] right [10:02] well, the if block [10:03] does unity do its own autodetection? [10:04] seb128, I can do a MP right now I think or when bregma's day starts [10:04] Laney, I don't think so [10:05] hikiko, having a mp is the first step toward getting that landed, that would be nice, thanks ;-) [10:05] but there are some artifacts when you scale up the desktop and I think bschafer knows how to fix them [10:08] hikiko, well, other commits can be pushed later or other branches added to the landing [10:09] ok [10:10] seb128: 4.2.1 is done, Im happy. [10:10] ;) [10:10] Sweetshark, hey [10:10] Sweetshark, congrats ;-) [10:12] seb128, maybe wait for bregma and then start landing? [10:12] k [10:13] thanks :) [10:15] because my day is over because bregma's and I am not 100% sure that there weren't other blockers after I left [10:15] :s/because/before [10:29] xnox_: I feel like you asked me to look at something, but I forgot what & where you asked [10:29] halp [10:35] Laney: i think seb reviewed it already ;-) [10:35] and robert [10:35] suh-weet [10:35] what was it anyway? [10:37] ah, reviewing FFes, I've missed you [10:37] xnox_: I found it [10:37] why duplicate the code and not put the png in some shared package? [10:38] heelp [10:38] i lost printscreen [10:38] it doesn't take screenshot anymore [10:38] oh wait... now it did [10:38] nevermind :) [10:38] wait, mine doesn't work either [10:38] help ME! [10:38] Laney: the code is slightly different, a logical place to put pngs into base-files, but i don't think a vala or compiler dependency is wanted there. [10:39] ubuntu-artwork or something [10:39] seb128: re:vala dependency it depends on all gtk stack anyway, thus vala is just small icing on the cake. Doing it in python would have increased dependencies more... [10:40] I just looked at the FFe for the new lock screen [10:40] they want the logo there too [10:40] Laney: maybe when we go high-dpi and switch to svgs, i'll put it into ubuntu-artwork. [10:40] so that'll be three copies? [10:40] Laney: lock screen -> is that ubiquity-greeter package or something else? [10:40] similar [10:41] replicating the UI rather than reusing it [10:41] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/166229067/Screenshot%20from%202014-02-13%2023:40:36.png [10:42] Laney: no, svgs will just go into e.g. ubuntu-artwork and the rest just depend on it.... [10:42] but right now everybody just copies the code? [10:42] xnox_, yeah, fair enough [10:42] Laney: they should just be launching stand-alone unity-greeter in that mode for the lock-screen, instead of redoing it. [10:43] you can assume that was thought of [10:43] aka --test-mode, but --lock-mode [10:43] =) [10:43] ok. [10:44] Laney: the logo from unity-greeter, can be fetched from unity-greeter.... just load up /usr/share/unity-greeter/logo.png... [10:44] right [10:44] that's not the best dependency though [10:44] so at least I'd have a -data package or something [10:50] * xnox_ ponders if one new package metadata is bigger than the two pngs combined.... [10:51] Laney: i don't mind how it's packaged, as long as i see up-to-date digits where-ever i look =) [10:51] zI commented [10:52] I think the project is decent, just want to be careful to avoid duplication if we can [10:52] :-) [10:52] Laney: btw answered: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1282590/comments/3 [10:52] Launchpad bug 1282590 in Ubuntu "[FFe] standing freeze exception in trusty for Ubuntu Touch-specific packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] [10:52] the schema one seems a bug to me and the desktop version shouldn't use the touch source [10:54] nope [10:54] they're shared between touch and desktop [10:54] the source is named -touch though :p [10:54] we just renamed the binary packages to have no -touch in them, the old ones are transitional packages now [10:55] source rename will happen at some point [10:55] ah [10:58] anyway, I guess adding a new key to a schema will be a feature coming from another package [11:00] indeed === tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter === ochosi_ is now known as ochosi [11:13] aha [11:14] Laney: yeah, avoiding duplication would be good with these logos.... alas i have other near-miss FeatureFreeze things to attend to =) [11:15] (unity-settings-daemon:31101): media-keys-plugin-WARNING **: Failed to save a screenshot: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMetho [11:15] d: No such interface 'org.gnome.Shell.Screenshot' on object at path /org/gnome/Shell/Screenshot [11:16] Laney, weird, keys are working fine under unity here [11:16] oh, it's for screenshots [11:16] yeah [11:17] looking [11:18] Laney, g-s-d's fix_screenshots_on_unity.patch is missing [11:18] or not [11:18] hum [11:19] oh [11:19] if (!manager->priv->have_legacy_keygrabber) [11:19] gsd_screenshot_take (type); [11:19] Laney, we need to drop the if/else in do_screenshot_action() [11:19] just always use the else case [11:20] since the first one is g-s specific === lool- is now known as lool [11:21] Laney, if you come with a fix/mp, I'm happy to review/approve ;-) [11:21] building it to check [11:22] I wonder if there are other similar paths [11:24] looking through the have_legacy_keygrabber mentions I think not [11:30] yeah, that fix works === vrruiz_ is now known as rvr [11:31] I don't know why it started working for mhr3 though [11:34] seb128: libaccount-plugin-1.0-dev used to be available on ppc64el from src:gnome-control-center-signon, now that has a hard-build-dep on qtdeclarative5-dev and thus libaccount-plugin-1.0-dev is not build =( [11:34] seb128: but libaccount-plugin-1.0-dev doesn't appear to be qtdeclarative thing... [11:35] xnox_, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center-signon/0.1.7~+14.04.20131126.2-0ubuntu1 [11:35] no it didn't [11:35] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/157678738/gnome-control-center-signon_0.1.7~%2B14.04.20131126.2-0ubuntu1.diff.gz [11:35] seb128: hm. something i'm looking at is lieying to me. [11:35] +Architecture: i386 amd64 armhf arm64 [11:35] seb128: sorry, ignore me then. [11:51] How is nautilus started in Unity nowadays? I would expect the session to require nautilus-classic, but that's not the case. === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:03] mitya57, /etc/xdg/autostart/nautilus-autostart.desktop [12:10] Laney, I just approved your mp, feel free to put a landing ask for it === hikiko is now known as hikiko|lunch [12:12] mitya57, /etc/xdg/autostart/nautilus-autostart.desktop [12:12] sure, do you have anything else? [12:12] seb128: thanks [12:13] Laney, no, I'm working on u-c-c atm, I'm probably going to have a look to backport some g-s-d fixes but I doubt it's going to be today [12:13] okay [12:14] * mitya57 wonders why that doesn't work in bug 1224217 then [12:14] Launchpad bug 1224217 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "50_ubuntu_sessions.patch causes gnome-flashback sessions not to load" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1224217 [12:14] darkxst: ^ Any thoughts? [12:16] seb128: whom can I ask about https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/indicator-applet/ftbfs-allow-deprecations/+merge/206999 ? Maybe you can mark it as approved? [12:17] seb128: ok, so the icon I have in my unmaximized window is the one I'm getting when setting adwaita by default [12:17] I need to run strace again I guess [12:17] didrocks, yeah, just strace and grep for png [12:18] mitya57: I just approved it [12:21] seb128: thanks! [12:21] * mitya57-mobile is trying to make all flashback stuff less broken [12:22] seb128: so, nothing in ~ [12:23] the only icons opens that are similar (but hard to say if they are the same) are the dash ones [12:23] didrocks, it's puzzling, you say it doesn't happen to other users/guest? [12:23] btw, some designers have the same [12:23] yeah [12:23] and same for them, only in their session [12:23] compiz user config? [12:23] I tried to remove those [12:23] without any result [12:24] k, I guess it needs debugging from Trevinho_ then [12:24] seems like everybody is getting some sleep after ff rush though [12:24] which seems fair enough ;-) [12:26] yeah, I'm at loss right now, really don't understand… [12:26] tried to change the theme [12:26] the wm theme? [12:26] yeah [12:26] got a warning that a close.png wasn't found [12:26] so I guess it falls back to a default [12:27] but I don't see which/where it does find it… [12:27] and why it fetched it for unmaximized app [12:27] * didrocks is happy at least, to not be lonely in that case [12:29] where do you get that warning? [12:29] is close.png listed in your strace? [12:29] ok, not a svg either [12:29] yeah [12:29] the one in unity theme [12:30] (which is shown when apps are maximized for me) [12:30] the warning is in stderr [12:31] is the warning a gtk one? [12:32] no, for instance, it's: [12:32] WARN 2014-02-21 13:31:38 unity.decoration.style DecorationStyle.cpp:373 No Window button file for 'Adwaita/unity/close.png' [12:32] when I load the Adwaita theme [12:32] (and so, it falls back to that icon, even for maximized) [12:33] seb128: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/capure_buttons.png [12:34] (btw, already saw some bugs with lim) [12:34] I don't have those warnings [12:34] (like?) [12:34] I don't have those by default [12:34] (seems to work mostly fine for me) [12:34] only if I use the Adwaita theme [12:34] like click on a menu [12:34] then use the keyboard [12:34] to navigate (left/right) [12:34] it's jumping to the gobal menu [12:35] wfm [12:35] thunderbird? [12:36] doesn't work in chromium for me as well [12:36] works there [12:36] hum, maybe there is more magic and I need to restart the session [12:37] well, I'm at loss with those icons (and I have no env variable that's in the code path) [12:37] let's see once Trevinho_ is around [12:37] yeah [12:42] /nick hikiko === hikiko|lunch is now known as hikiko === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [12:54] seb128: whoops, I now have two network indicators [12:56] mdeslaur, uninstall indicator-network? [12:57] seb128: ubuntu-system-settings depends on indicator-network (>= 0.5.0+13.10.20130918) [12:57] mdeslaur, well, why do you have ubuntu-system-settings installed? [12:58] that's the phone's settings [12:58] seb128: I have no idea, something pulled it in :) [12:58] one sec, let me see [12:58] do you have unity8 installed? [12:58] seb128: yes [12:58] there was a brief sad when that got pulled in [12:58] yeah, see the ML ... [12:58] [ubuntu/trusty] webkitgtk 2.3.90-1ubuntu1 (Accepted) [12:58] WOOOOOOOOO [12:59] there was one day this week where u-c-c was outdated and the phone stack would be pulled in as an alternative [12:59] ogra_, what ml? [12:59] seb128, desktop ? [12:59] "call for testing unity-control-center ..." [12:59] right, that's different [12:59] that doesn't pull unity8 on your desktop installs [13:00] no, the guy had unity8 installed which pulled in powerd and libhybris [13:00] (kai mast) [13:01] seb128: so I can uninstall all the unity8* packages? [13:01] yes === gatox is now known as gatox_brb [13:03] seb128: ok, besides indicator-network, ubuntu-system-settings, unity8*, ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, account-plugin-ubuntuone and unity-scope-click, anything else come to mind as being unneeded? [13:03] no, but autoremove should help there [13:04] oh, right, autoremove [13:04] thanks seb128 [13:04] yw! [13:08] seb128, Laney: happy day-after [13:08] glad you both survived :) [13:08] desrt, hey, happy friday! thanks -;) [13:09] seb128: hm. i see your nose got damaged in the battle yesterday [13:09] hey desrt [13:09] lol, indeed :p [13:09] guten freitag [13:09] ++ [13:09] ogra_: hope everything went nicely for you too :) [13:09] desrt, btw, I've been watching some curling on TV, it's actually somewhat fun to watch ;-) [13:10] YES [13:10] oh yes [13:10] curling is the shit... seriously [13:10] * Laney is timing lunch right today [13:10] desrt, my nemesis is still up ... MWC only starts on monday ;) [13:10] Laney, let's see if the rain manage to get you again! [13:10] 'MWC freeze' [13:10] seb128: it's a lunch of staying in and watching team gb :P [13:11] well, touch has a standing exception :) [13:11] Laney, +1 for that ;-) [13:11] although all curlers seem to be scottish [13:11] also: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/winter-olympics/26257895 [13:11] Laney: i guess all scottish curlers are probably scottish? [13:12] i assume that to be the case [13:12] https://imgflip.com/gif/724jp [13:12] hahahah. david attenborough narrates. that's so perfect. [13:12] curling is just like a nature flick [13:13] relaxing and majestic... until all hell breaks loose [13:16] Laney, yeah, the french commentators keep saying "the scottish team" following by "sorry, they are members of the scotisch team usually, but they play for gb during the olympics" ;-) [13:16] haha [13:16] we have the "national ice centre" here, maybe I could try it there [13:16] i think it might be a bit the same with curling everywhere [13:17] typically the team is one particular club from the country that has beaten all of the other clubs in the country [13:17] so they're usually all from the same city, in fact [13:18] i was following the scotties during the sprint -- that's the canadian women's.... each province had a team (plus a team for yukon+NWT) plus the winners from last year playing as "team canada" (who were from ontario) [13:18] ontario won, of course :) [13:18] hehe [13:19] (hmm.. "scotties"... maybe this scottish theory has something to it....) [13:20] "scottish theory"? [13:20] 08:11 < Laney> although all curlers seem to be scottish [13:20] oh [13:21] the stones are coming from Scotland at least [13:21] mick jagger would disagree [13:30] Sweetsha1k, hunspell-fr synced btw, you need to MIR it next I think === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g === Pici` is now known as Pici [13:56] XklConfigItem now returns a list, instead of a bytearray in the name properly. [13:56] (property) [13:58] sorry for interrupting, but *thanks* for the integrated Unity menubars! [13:58] these make the app menus of several gnome apps feel 99% less awkward, and work much better with multi-window apps like gimp and empathy [13:58] denisw: thank Trevinho_ :) [13:59] Trevinho_, thanks! love your work :) [14:01] larsu_, and yours too, of course ;) will there be more apps converted from app menus to classic menus, or are these changes not allowed anymore after feature freeze? [14:01] denisw: yw ;) [14:01] I hope it will be still posssible till UI freeze [14:01] Laney: uh oh.... === Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho [14:02] xnox_, is http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libxklavier/commit/?id=115a22dfff5ea59cdcf8a5a7f8e15ffd71164c1c your issue? [14:02] larsu_: about that, is there something planned for nautilus? :) [14:02] Trevinho, larsu is working on it [14:02] seb128: yes, that's nice. i want that in trusty. [14:03] seb128: let me test-build it and check that it helps. [14:03] i guess nautilus is pretty difficult, having looked at the code a few days ago [14:03] denisw: I'll try to get an exception [14:04] xnox_, k, let me know (and blame pitti for the g-i changes ;-) [14:05] larsu_, cool :) any way to help on this? [14:06] (the coding, i mean) [14:06] oh, a larsu_ [14:06] larsu_, good morning ;-) [14:06] larsu_, happy friday! [14:06] hey :) [14:06] you too! [14:07] denisw: thanks! I'm afraid not, it's just some tedious gtkaction -> gaction porting. I'd be happy about tester, though :) === larsu_ is now known as larsu [14:08] Trevinho, bregma: do you plan to do a landing today to enable hidpi? [14:08] (3nd end) Canada 2, GB 1 [14:08] seb128: I still don't have a clue how I couldend up with the wrong u-c-c branch. I'm rebasing my patches right now. [14:09] desrt: morning :) [14:09] morning :) [14:09] desrt, trolling Laney? ;-) [14:09] seb128, working on it [14:09] seb128: laney's TV is trolling him :) [14:09] seb128: i wonder if grouper tablets are good to test unity7 desktop, based on old images =) [14:09] larsu, ping me when you need one ;) i'm going to hang around here as regularly as i can in the future [14:09] larsu, yeah, that's a mystery to me as well... [14:09] denisw: awesome [14:09] seb128: bzr sucks! [14:09] lol [14:09] * larsu hides [14:09] oh, it's friday [14:09] :p [14:09] (larsu says) git 1, bzr 0 [14:09] I would have said this on any other day as well :P [14:10] desrt: what is this, 2010? [14:10] the count is quite different now [14:10] seb128: no idea, I've not checked the work on it yet :) [14:10] (with negative points for bzr) [14:10] Trevinho, I'm pretty disappointed that the landing from yesterday didn't actually enable the feature, you guys need a ffe now [14:10] bregma, ^ btw, need a ffe now [14:11] seb128: really? The feature is there, it's only missing the config... [14:11] it was in the news, so it has to get an exception now! [14:11] neat plan btw ;) [14:11] Trevinho, no, the feature is not there [14:11] Trevinho, if it's not active it's not tested, so it's not there [14:11] is it on by default? [14:11] no [14:11] it's not possible to enable either [14:11] hm [14:11] it needs code patch to be enabled [14:11] weird [14:12] larsu, you can go to the display capplet and try to move the slider and see how nothings happens :p === gatox_brb is now known as gatox [14:13] seb128: I've to check but I think the code landed is actually possible to enable it [14:13] seb128: by setting the UI factor [14:14] Trevinho, no, that's what the u-c-c panel does [14:14] at least that was the last branch I sent [14:14] that has no effect [14:14] Trevinho, hikiko said it was disabled on purposed because some bits are still buggy [14:15] Trevinho, https://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/unity/unity.ui-scale-factor/+merge/207610 here's my branch [14:15] when I merged my code to lim [14:15] hikiko: ok [14:15] the decorations had some artifacts and delayed to update sometimes [14:15] seb128: btw per se the feature is usable, it only needs to connect to proper options, I wouldn't call this a feature.. but ok, if we need a FFe... [14:16] Trevinho, well, there is no obvious way to test the feature so I would say it got 0 testing [14:16] Trevinho, the purpose of the freeze is to make sure we don't enable new codepaths/start testing things late [14:17] Trevinho, but let's not argue about it, it's just slightly disappointing the option didn't get actually connected to the setting in the landing from yesterday, I landing the control center expecting unity would use it [14:17] seb128: yeah, i want that patch. should i upload with or without version change in configure.ac? i was thinking without. [14:17] Trevinho, now we get bug reports than the slider doesn't work [14:17] one can test if the method exists easy enough. [14:18] (in any language) [14:18] Laney: looking bad... [14:18] seb128: or let me work it out in ubiquity. [14:18] seb128: I understand that [14:18] xnox_, you might just want to take their new tarball/update? there is like 5 commits on http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libxklavier/ [14:19] seb128: yeah, i'll do that. [14:19] seb128: and it will make ubiquity code simple. [14:19] good [14:20] xnox_, what are you hacking in ubiquity? [14:20] seb128: bug #1282640 [14:20] Launchpad bug 1282640 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "ubiquity crashed with AttributeError in item_str(): 'list' object has no attribute 'find'" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1282640 [14:21] oh, so bug fix, not new feature [14:21] seb128: the field in question changed from a bytearray to a string, so i have options to reassemble a bytearray from the list and continue use old hacks to extract a name str. [14:21] seb128: or update the library and get the name with like .get_name() which will return a proper string to me straight off the bat. [14:21] at the moment ubiquity does not launch. [14:22] (4th end) Canada 5, GB 1 [14:23] desrt: yeah, pathetic..... first cleared our own stones out of the house, then didn't quite clear all the canadian stones.... [14:23] desrt: are you canadian? [14:23] yup [14:23] i should note that i have no particular sense of attachment to this specific team... [14:23] i clearly should get back into curling.... these lads are crap =) [14:31] i love british commentry "I'm not sure what else could possibly go wrong." [14:34] seb128: however setting org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor mostly work for now (except text) [14:36] it doesn't impact on unity though [14:36] desrt: the pain! [14:37] Laney: sorry dude [14:38] seems your guys are having an off day :/ [14:38] the commentators are trying to be positive [14:38] kinda funny [14:38] * desrt was hoping for a more interesting game [14:39] well... here's something to be positive about [14:39] if you did manage to pull through, it would be amazingly awesome [14:39] one for the books, to be sure [14:39] maybe that's the plan all along? [14:42] desrt, nice one on the women's hockey btw, coming back from 2-0 in 3 minutes and winning in overtime [14:43] seb128: ya.. that's another one for the books, indeed :) [14:43] ;-) [14:46] desrt: why win easy, when one can win it HARD?! [14:46] =) [14:46] HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD [14:47] * xnox_ sings: we can go hard or we can go home.... [14:48] if it gives you guys any consolation, this will be a hollow victor for me :p === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley === charles_ is now known as charles [15:34] (8th end) Canada 8, GB 3 [15:35] hand shake time [15:35] * desrt shakes Laney's hand [15:36] sorry about that :/ [15:36] well played [15:36] =( [15:36] i think your guys just had an off day, unfortunately [15:37] silver is nothing to scoff at, though [15:37] well if your 4th is not making the shots.... there is not much else that can help. [15:37] i quite want to try it now [15:38] Laney: well, then we've all won :) [15:38] curling is a lot of fun [15:38] haha [15:39] the nearest place on trycurling.com is in wales, 79 miles away [15:40] i played curling in canada it was a lot of fun. [15:42] * jpds wonders if Laney's part of http://newsthump.com/2014/02/21/british-curling-hooligans-decimate-sochi/ [15:42] haha [15:43] http://newsthump.com/2014/02/20/britain-to-petition-winter-olympics-for-inclusion-of-longest-pavement-skid/ [15:53] Laney, do you have some time to review (or just ack changes for me? ;-) [15:54] seb128: yeah shortly, do 'request review' so i get emailed [15:57] Laney, ok; 2 u-c-c reviews sent your way, attached to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/1283115 [15:57] Launchpad bug 1283115 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "[ffe] backport of some 3.8 improvements and bugfixes" [High,Confirmed] [15:57] ty [15:58] thank *you* for reviewing ;-) [16:04] hmm [16:04] how do I get the osk layout to go to chinese? [16:05] Laney, you go to the settings language panel and select chinese? [16:05] I didn't try but you should be able to change from there [16:06] yeah, it's still in english [16:06] even after rebooting [16:07] was going to look at that chinese search bug, but i probably wouldn't be able to figure out how to type the right things anyway [16:07] Laney, btw about that logo bug, the login screen and c-c don't use the same logo, the c-c one has the orange circle with the lable bellow it, the greeter has one line [16:07] yeah [16:07] so we can't share 1 image [16:07] but the code is almost the same, it can be made to generate both [16:07] we would generate the bunch of images in ubuntu-artwork though [16:07] could* [16:07] that's the plan [16:08] good, I like that ;-) [16:08] Laney, chinese osk, I wonder if there is a plugin for the osk to install that is not on the default image? [16:09] no idea [16:09] it's offered as an option [16:10] the button in the bottom left is chinese [16:10] right, same here [16:10] I guess ask bfiller&co [16:12] 吃 [16:12] well, works on the desktop [16:12] that seems rather a toolkit/osk issue if it doesn't work, we use a standard widget [16:13] works to search? [16:13] true, I could try that on my desktop [16:18] Laney, works to input chinese through pinyin [16:18] the report says "It doesn't able to input Chinese" [16:18] it might be what you said, the osk doesn't input chinese [16:18] ah [16:18] nice, I thought it was a searching bug [16:18] HAH, U-S-S WINS AGAIN [16:18] ;-) [16:21] Good morning [16:21] nobody is here today [16:21] bah! [16:21] hey pitti [16:22] pitti, good morning! how is California? [16:23] seb128: haven't really seen much of it since Sunday, been stuck in the hotel and working long hours all week :) [16:23] hey Laney, how are you? [16:23] :-( [16:23] when do you fly back? [16:24] pitti: I'm alright, had a cough but it's on the way out now [16:24] also a beer festival tomorrow: http://nwaf.org.uk/ :-) [16:24] seb128: tonight, will be back home tomorrow night [16:25] seb128: hmm, I can switch to azerty [16:25] k, no hangout around in SF on saturday then [16:25] blaming osk for now, will ask the reporter what he means though [16:25] Laney, that feels good right ;-) [16:25] yeah, I would blame the osk/ask for details as well [16:25] it was a bit buggy though [16:26] ok, I've been sticking to the computer all week with the ff madness, today I can actual go do some exercice [16:26] like it said '2' and wouldn't let me deselect english [16:26] :-( [16:26] then I quit u-s-s and restarted it [16:26] and it said 'français' there [16:26] s/f/F/ [16:26] those a coming from gsettings I think? [16:26] but feel free to register a bug if you can easily reproduce [16:26] ok, I'm out for an hour for some exercice [16:27] ya [16:27] ok, have fun [16:27] then going to land u-c-c (if I got the reviews/ffes by then ;-) and do a nautilus upload [16:27] then calling it a week [16:27] thanks [16:27] pitti: cool on the new adt arches [16:28] indeed, nice work there [16:28] did you see anything like https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/trusty-adt-glib2.0-ppc64/1/console ? [16:28] ok, bbiab [16:28] Laney: will take a bit to sort out the fallout, but surprisingly most of the faillures are not really arch specific [16:28] but missing dependencies or insufficient isolation from a container [16:28] /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: /lib/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.17' not found (required by /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst) [16:30] Laney: argh, did you see that in a recent log? [16:30] there are only two logs there [16:30] but it's in both of them [16:30] Laney: I thought I fixed all the containers yesterday, but that broken glibc version keeps coming back on wolfe-04 [16:31] I killed the lXC cache, the containers, rebuilt them from scratch [16:31] they're not 'recent' [16:31] Laney: oh, -ppc64 [16:31] Laney: yes, they are old [16:31] ack [16:31] pitti, it is an old build, you fixed it afterwards [16:31] Laney: the current ones are -ppc64el, I sent an RT yesterday to remove all the -ppc64 logs [16:31] okay [16:31] it's the one I got an email about ;-) [16:38] seb128: thx, will take care of that. [16:49] doping control! [16:49] -ECHAN [16:50] seems appropriate [16:54] hey, that option to have menu in the window decorator is awesome. Nice job :) [16:57] didrocks, you can now turn off bug tracking for https://launchpad.net/light-themes [16:59] mpt: done [16:59] Thanks! [17:03] yw [17:06] didrocks, and the same with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-artwork [17:18] Hey mvo! [17:23] mpt: (was in meeting) done [17:36] Trevinho: so if I maximize a window, and then unmaximize it, menus stay in the title bar...is there a bug filed for that? [17:37] mdeslaur: I can't reproduce, but I think no [17:37] mdeslaur: as for that positioning fix I 've a fix, although I've to improve that [17:37] darkxst: hey... hitting some gdm issues. know anything about that? [17:38] Trevinho: so what do I file the bug against...compiz? [17:38] Trevinho: or unity? [17:38] no, unity [17:38] all is unity now [17:38] mdeslaur: what apps? [17:39] all of them...firefox, gnome-terminal for sure [17:39] mdeslaur: however, having the output of [17:39] gdbus call -e -d com.canonical.Unity -o /com/canonical/Unity/Debug --method com.canonical.Autopilot.Introspection.GetState "/Unity/PanelController/UnityPanel/MenuView/" [17:39] can help [17:39] (when restored) [17:39] Trevinho: the menus go away as soon as another window gets focus === dbarth__ is now known as dbarth [17:44] Trevinho: filed bug 1283156 [17:44] Launchpad bug 1283156 in unity (Ubuntu) "menus switch to window title when window is unmaximized" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1283156 [17:44] Trevinho: this new feature is awesome BTW, congrats on landing it ;) [17:44] mdeslaur: thanks ;) [17:45] mdeslaur: have you able to get that debug output? [17:45] Trevinho: Error: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface 'com.canonical.Autopilot.Introspection' on object at path /com/canonical/Unity/Debug [17:45] mdeslaur: mh ah. [17:45] wait [17:45] mdeslaur: install ... [17:46] mdeslaur: libxpathselect1.4 [17:46] mdeslaur: restart unity.. and it should be there [17:47] Trevinho: is there an easy way to restart unity without interrupting what I'm currently working on? [17:49] Trevinho: actually, nm, I'll just restart my session, one sec [17:49] mdeslaur: oh, yeah [17:49] mdeslaur: nohup compiz --replace & [17:50] ah, cool, thanks [17:50] Laney, I'm back, saw your comment about the history not working for you [17:51] Trevinho: ok, pasted output to bug [17:52] Laney, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=692253 has some debugging hints [17:52] Gnome bug 692253 in User Accounts "user-accounts: empty login history window" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [17:54] mdeslaur: indeed... That's an issue that I fixed, but it seems it got reverted by a merge :/ [17:54] Trevinho: whoops :( [17:54] mdeslaur: thanks for point it out [17:54] np! :) [17:55] seb128: does it work for you? [17:55] mdeslaur: feel free to remove that lib you installed if you want [17:55] mdeslaur: ah, that log was when the window was restored, right? [17:55] Trevinho: yes, when the window was unmaximized and the problem was active [17:57] Laney, now that you mention it, in a buggy way, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/users.png [17:57] Laney, e.g it's missing records for sure ... I'm going to debug it [17:57] Laney, I guess that landing can wait monday anyway [17:58] yeah, no rush [17:58] you can land the bluetooth one if you want [17:58] thanks [17:58] & the artwork thing [17:58] I'm going to land ... that [17:58] ;-) [17:58] cool [17:59] thanks for the review&testing&pointing that commit for the warnings [17:59] $vcs blame for the win [17:59] I cleaned all the other warnings I was getting but I wanted to go for exercice and pushed what I got [18:00] for all of its failings, i love that bzr has 'bzr praise' [18:00] that's seriously clever [18:00] haha === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW [18:00] they're both aliases to 'annotate' [18:01] it's just so polite! [18:01] bzr -- the kind person's vcs [18:01] bzr - vcs for ubuntu being [18:01] :) [18:01] my code is what it is because of what all the other people's code is [18:01] needs moar naked people [18:02] (a statement which is very true, by the way -- and is really the essence of the ubuntu spirit, if you think about it) [18:03] i might hate on x11 or whatever, but if it didn't existed, then the code that i wrote is kinda pointless [18:05] that is a good note to begin a weekend on [18:05] au revoir desktop pals [18:05] Laney: go check out a curling rink :) [18:05] beer festival & parents visiting [18:05] that works too :) [18:05] have a good one! [18:05] & climbing of course [18:05] you too! [18:05] Laney, have a nice w.e! [18:06] darkxst: i take it back... dist-upgrade and gdm seems to be happy again. [18:06] (actually I just bought game dev tycoon, so I'll be 'here', just in a different position :P) [18:06] xnox_, want to update https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/unity-control-center/versioned-logo/+merge/207574 to change the string? [18:07] feel free to stack one on that and self approve imo [18:07] classic -- apport pops up a dialog "System problem detected" just as i press 'Y' on 'apt-get remove apport' [18:07] yup apport -- you have indeed detected a problem... FOR YOURSELF [18:07] seb128: it looks ugly with LTS [18:08] "Just what do you think you're doing, Ryan?" [18:08] Laney: ;) [18:08] apport 9000 [18:09] we could use a 'developer mode' [18:09] like "i know stuff is crashing -- and it's my fault...." mode [18:14] xnox_, well, it's the name of the distro :p [18:15] xnox_, or the version rather [18:15] desrt, there is a checkbox "don't bug me again about that software" no? [18:15] this was "system problem" and it had no such checkbox [18:15] just cancel|report [18:16] seems that ubuntu on the touch laptops is not perfect... [18:16] lots of errors on startup and lots of non-working features (screen brightness, etc) [18:17] Trevinho: seems popey also has (some other) close window button theme issue [18:17] Trevinho: and as I talked with seb128 earlier, some designers as well [18:17] i do [18:17] Trevinho: so, there is really a bug ;) [18:17] desrt, the Xorg.0.log is spammed with input xorg backtraces for me [18:17] Trevinho: http://i.imgur.com/XNAV67E.jpg [18:18] seb128: ok, all fixed. [18:18] seems mlankhorst needs one of these laptops ;-) [18:18] xnox_, thanks [18:18] yeah [18:18] seb128: i don't seem to have that problem, at least [18:18] seb128: gnome is running nicely -- nicer than fedora, even [18:18] desrt, what binaries have an apport? [18:18] seb128: i don't know -- apport is already gone :) [18:18] if you press report then it should give you the normal dialog [18:18] desrt, I don't see any user visible issue, I just happened to open the xorg log the other day and noticed all the errors [18:18] desrt, ls /var/crash [18:18] o.O [18:19] that means that it wants your password [18:19] seb128: xserver-xorg-video-intel :) [18:19] k [18:19] and ya... lots of them [18:19] oh btw I already have a preliminary lts backport [18:19] lot of xorg? [18:19] no. [18:19] * didrocks waves good evening and good week-end [18:19] desrt, can you pastebin the list? [18:19] but i don't understand how i get reports about xserver-xorg-video-intel [18:19] didrocks: goodnight [18:19] bye didrocks! [18:20] why? [18:20] thanks, you too desrt, Laney! [18:20] seb128: it's only the one thing: over and over the intel driver [18:20] ah, k [18:20] so it's what I was saying :p [18:20] seb128: because it's not a binary -- just a module for another binary [18:20] ie: the x server [18:20] well, almost [18:20] apport knows where to reassign [18:20] depending on what hits the error [18:49] popey: also before LIM? THat's weird anyway :o [18:49] * Trevinho wonders where these textures come from [18:49] or, could be a compiz setting... in loading textures? [18:50] check your ccsm settings for opengl plugin [18:50] texture filter = good [18:51] mh, no i cheked here and seems not to affect it [18:51] mh [18:51] I'll check that later, fill a bug please... need to go... I'm laaaaaaaaaate :O [18:51] kk [18:51] against unity? [18:54] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1283171 [18:54] Launchpad bug 1283171 in unity (Ubuntu) "Visual corruption on window buttons" [Undecided,New] [19:45] desrt: hey [19:45] desrt: is there a way an application could make it impossible for a GDBusProxy to cache its properties if it has some? [20:01] cyphermox: no. that wouldn't be part of the spec. [20:02] cyphermox: and it would also be a violation of the (C-facing) interface of GDBusProxty === Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark === Zachary_DuBois|A is now known as Zachary_DuBois === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away [22:12] mitya57, nautilus-classic.desktop is not an autostart file === Zachary_DuBois is now known as Zachary_DuBois|A === Zachary_DuBois|A is now known as Zachary_DuBois