[00:00] Raghh: i dont care what you use, friend.. i *do* use 12.04 as well.. but, if i had issues with new hardware like you are having, i would test with 13.10 [00:04] is the ssd mounted? [00:04] yes it is [00:04] im not clear on what the issue is then [00:04] if its seeing it, shrink the partition and install to it [00:05] if the installer isnt seeing it, try an alternate installer [00:05] !mini | Raghh [00:05] Raghh: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [00:05] or is something isn't letting you shrink the windows partition? [00:05] you can cover more groung with those.. since they are smaller.. there should be 12.04 [00:05] replace isn't with not [00:05] i shrink with gparted before hand [00:05] good idea [00:06] but, i already suggested that to Raghh .. to shrink with gparted before hand [02:43] hi [02:43] please [02:43] help [02:44] i just migrated from lubuntu 12.04 to 12.10, then from 12.10 to 13.10 [02:44] installation finishec, i rebooted [02:44] everything ok [02:44] login ok, perfect [02:44] then, no desktop [02:44] or only a background image [02:45] no menu bars, only right click is active [02:45] gives me a poor menu with less than 1/10 of installed apps [02:45] did you log into openbox? [02:45] no [02:45] i logged into "lubuntu" [02:45] i should have logged into openbox? [02:45] no [02:46] ok [02:46] there was several lubuntu available [02:46] can you open a terminal with control alt t? [02:46] a lubuntu, a lubuntu desktop (if i record well) [02:46] i can [02:47] then do lxpanel --profile lubuntu & to start your panel [02:48] loula@loula:~$ lxpanel --profile lubuntu & [02:48] [1] 13227 [02:48] loula@loula:~$ [02:48] ** (lxpanel:13227): WARNING **: Config files are not found. [02:48] gives me that [02:48] i logged in two times [02:48] two times it asked me if i wanted to translate my directories [02:50] the fact is for more than one year i had a lubuntu with english directories, and 1 week ago i reinstalled the os (for some dumb problem), and it gave me french directories (and i don't like it, i learned to write Desktop in the terminal, not Bureau) [02:50] so i chose to translate to english, could that be a problem? [02:51] as, it doesn't find config files in repertories whose name doesn't exist anymore? [02:52] sorry, i panicked [02:56] while i type into the terminal, with autocomplete, directory in both language seem to exist [03:08] hi again [03:09] is there a way to translate back directories when one has (in some stupid way) checked the "don't show again" box? [03:11] ianorlin, (sorry for highlighting you), what do you think? [03:22] i think i'll try again tomorrow [03:22] thanks for the help [04:15] hi guys [04:21] Anyone know anything about the Desktop Pager acting up? It will appear and then disappear, the first time to get it working I had to delete it then add it, now it's still acting up, meaning the desktop I'm on I won't see the pager for that desktop, but the others, and I have to constantly scroll back and forth across the desktop to get it to just appear on the taskbar.... [04:21] errrrr [04:22] first time I've never seen this thing work properly... [04:22] never/ever... [04:28] I think that is a bug I reported you can mark it as affects you too if that is what it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxpanel/+bug/1242135 [04:28] Launchpad bug 1242135 in lxpanel (Ubuntu) "Desktop switcher applet does not show which desktop with maximized windows" [Undecided,Confirmed] [04:35] ok thanks... [04:35] I hope this gets fixed, I really rely on it... [04:35] OH also I've seen this before on other distros with LXDE, after you close a window, you'll still have a small box appearing in the pager... [04:41] Here's another one I found too with the pager; https://bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu-artwork/+bug/1280075 [04:41] Launchpad bug 1280075 in Lubuntu Artwork "Desktop Pager - Window Box Still Appears Even Though Closed" [Undecided,New] [04:41] maybe others have seen this one too.... [07:47] hi [07:48] ? [10:57] hi [10:58] i need your help [10:59] last night i upgraded to lubuntu13.10, installation went well, then after login my desktop doesn't show [10:59] all y have is a right-click menu [10:59] which contains very few programs... [11:01] last night someone made me try to run lxpanel --profile lubuntu & [11:01] that gives me "[1] 1871 [11:01] loula@loula:~$ [11:01] ** (lxpanel:1871): WARNING **: Config files are not found. [11:01] " [11:02] so i don't know what to do [11:25] ok i found one part of the problem [11:26] i typed lxpanel --profile Lubuntu & (instead of lubuntu) and it gives me the panel that i knew [12:00] hi === brendan1 is now known as ianorlin === IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi [20:14] hi [20:14] can someone help me [20:15] !ask | zsw_ [20:15] zsw_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [20:16] i want to know how 6to use aircrack-ng [20:17] zsw_: that is not a support topic for lubuntu :) however.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=528276 [20:18] what channal is [20:21] zsw_: aircrack is a project of linux (and possibly hackers). I'm familiar with it only because I used it to learn about WEP / WPA protection :) [20:22] me to that why im lerning [20:24] zsw_: type aircrack ubuntu into google, it will throw up many results... go have a read of them :) [20:25] i did thats why im here [20:26] hmm, not sure why it sent you to #lubuntu. a better place to discuss things like this is on #lubuntu-offtopic [20:26] ok thx [20:38] #lubuntu-offtopic [20:40] hi, I'm on the 14.04 powerpc image at the moment (on a PowerBook6,8), and everything is perfect besides there being no 3D acceleration [20:40] I get this from glxgears http://pastebin.com/wkT0UNgy [21:52] guestacc: the best way to contact the ppc people is via the mailing list... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing/PPC%26Mac64 just put [PPC] at the start of the topic so people know it is ppc related :) [21:53] ah ok, thank you for that [21:54] I asked in #nouveau before, and they suggested to try mesa 9.1, 9.0, or even 8.x, so when I get done seeing what works I might have something useful :P [21:56] guestacc: that page also has links to FAQ's that you should have a read through. The ppc people are pretty self supporting and put up answers to issues that they come across as it seems only lubuntu now ship a ppc variant. [22:02] I took a look there originally but there was never any mention of this problem [22:03] 2D nouveau is actually massively improved as an aside, no corruption with the default boot settings or using plymouth === SonikkuAmerica is now known as TrainerSUSA === TrainerSUSA is now known as SonikkuAmerica