[00:09] Hello all...I have a Canon MG3222 wireless printer and I can't get it work on wireless [00:10] I have Kubuntu 13.10 [02:37] Is there a trick to getting things to show up in Muon Discover, or is there just nothing in there? [02:42] ? [02:42] "nothing in there"? [02:43] Well, if I go to a category, Like Dev - > And then graphic interface design [02:43] It just shows a blank page [02:43] hmmm, I get 8 choices there [02:44] Glade, Qt4Designer are the first 2 [02:45] hmm [02:46] so, which version of Kubuntu are you using, Thete? [02:46] a non-supported one, which is why I'm probably having issues [02:46] non-supported, as in old? [02:47] as in nightly [02:47] ah [02:47] I needed bleeding libs for a project I'm working on [02:47] I can install stuff manually, just making sure that there wasn't something I had to do to get stuff to show up in muon [02:47] I'm new to kubuntu [02:48] It's pretty awesome so far [02:48] have you considered running a supported version, and also project neon for the bleeding edge stuff? [02:48] that's good to hear [02:49] I did upgrade to Trusty alpha 1, but I don't use that machine much [02:49] I tried the current release, but some of the libs I'm trying to use I needed newer versions of gcc and such [02:49] It was easier to just use it than hunt for packages [02:50] you can read more about project neon here: #project-neon [02:50] Thank you :) [02:50] that is dailies from KDE [02:52] * valorie goes off to read a book [03:30] I cant paste anything in this folder MrDublin: how are you accessing that file? [03:50] How??? what do you mean [03:51] I just go cliking on the folder, if thats what you are refering to [03:51] ok, because that is a folder owned by root, you'll have to edit it as root [03:52] how do I edit as root? [03:52] so the easiest way is probably `kdesudo kate` then paste in the usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/themes as the document to open [03:53] ok [03:53] the kdesudo part in the command line, either konsole, yakuake or the console [03:55] and then I just paste the folder I want? [03:55] I guess [03:57] when you choose "open" you can either put in the address to the file as you did above, or navigate to it [03:59] it says failed to add path [04:00] then just navigate to it [04:00] You'll need a leading slash. [04:00] or try with /usr [04:00] ha, great minds [04:00] * Unit193 feels sorry for valorie, then. ;) [04:00] lol [04:01] I know how to get to it, but its not allowing me to paste anything [04:01] normally the way to change themes is not the brute-force way you are trying [04:01] but via systemsettings [04:02] system settings doesnt recognize the themes, that why Im trying to do it this way [04:02] Perhaps there is something wrong in the theme, then? [04:03] yeah its a known bug, Im just trying to get around it [04:06] its not important but its a little hard for me to accept a NO in PCs related stuff, you know [04:15] MrDublin: it's possible you have to create the file; you might look at the contents of the themes folder to see what might be required [04:17] I cant create anything in that folder, I already tried [04:17] the option its gray out [04:18] thanx tho, you've been the only one trying to help [04:18] I would work with the devel of the theme to get the bugs fixed [04:18] ok [04:19] that way you are helping to fix it for everybody [04:19] good luck! [04:20] I'll give it a try. thank you. === rahul is now known as Guest84792 === Guest84792 is now known as rahul__ === kevin is now known as Guest87369 [08:33] Good morning. [09:10] Hi everyone, i would like to ask if kmail experience has become what you would call usable. My last experience a couple of years ago was the worst possible (as far as kmail is basically concerned). Has anybody been using kmail with IMAP without any problems? === dreeeepc is now known as Lcaracol [09:14] naftilos76: I have [09:14] just today, I learned of this long-term function, Disconnected Mode, which caches all of your IMAP messages locally [09:14] makes it easier to use w/o a connection [09:15] What is your experience? Does it behave normally? [09:15] Haha, normal's hyper-relative [09:15] i guess :-) [09:15] But yeah; I can send/recieve emails as well as read and tag them [09:16] I also sign my e-mails and Kleopatra does a good job of syncing with it [09:16] IMAP has been around for years. It is the best you can get out of an email client [09:17] True [09:17] But it's time for change! [09:18] I am asking because i experienced the switching to akonadi server which was a terrible thing to experience. Chaos is most probably the word to describe it. [09:20] naftilos76: how long ago was this? [09:20] Mind you, with time comes fixes and improvements [09:20] Well, i am not sure probably 2 years ago [09:21] I was running to find another email client! [09:21] you should be okay :) [09:21] if anything, Muon Package Manager's there [09:21] the beauty of choice [09:22] Tried Evolution and eventually ended up with Thunderbird which hasn't failed me so far not even once. [09:22] never been a fan of the whole XUL thing [09:22] it (seems to) completely ignore KDE/Qt's concept of theming [09:23] That is true. That was the reason i tried to stay with kmail until i got really upset after all the abnormal stuff i experienced [09:24] The bug is still in me though! [09:24] I may give it a try later [09:24] this year or the next [09:24] :-) [09:25] thanks for the chat [09:27] naftilos76: no problem [09:27] naftilos76: 14.04's coming; expect goodness! [09:28] i will try it through a usb live installation [09:29] naftilos76: 14.04 is still in Alpha2 state, it is not recommended to install 14.04 on a production machine. [09:29] A vm/test machine is the way to go ;) [09:29] no definetely not [09:30] i will wait for the final release [09:30] naftilos76: ;) === bert_ is now known as bert__ === david is now known as Guest14809 [10:45] Howdy all === riano_ is now known as riano === dzelzs_ is now known as dzelzs [13:01] Hi, anyone here who maintains the kubuntu website? [13:02] suggestion -- the www.kubuntu.com should be a re-direct to the correct .org webpage. Most of us (new folks) use ctrl+Enter in browsers for kubuntu & it gives a access denied message [13:03] mh [13:03] nidgood: thanks for point it out [13:03] * apachelogger was not even aware that we have a .com address ^^ [13:04] if we just access kubuntu.com (without the www) the re-direct works fine [13:05] nidgood: I put down a todo item [13:05] cool [14:26] Is anyone using 14.04 alpha? [14:26] Poisoned_Dragon: probably some of the folks in #ubuntu+1 [14:27] thanks, Pici. === guestQ43AWh is now known as petaat [14:36] has anybody here run kubuntu on a netbook before? what's it like,performance-wise? [14:37] It would obviously depend on what specs said netbook has [14:38] model name : Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N450 @ 1.66GHz [14:38] with 1gb ram [14:39] Well, I'm running kubuntu on a Pentium M laptop. So, and Intel Atom based laptop should run fine. [14:40] ok thanks [14:52] hello [14:53] aloha === freeflying is now known as freeflying_away [15:08] Hello all...Can anyone help me get my Canon MG3222 wireless printer to work...works on usb...but not wireless.. [15:08] Kubuntu 14.10 is my build [15:08] oops...14.04 [15:12] By chance, is the printer compliant with the Windows hostname scheme? [15:13] dont know really [15:13] If so, it might be that your hostname on your linux box is too long. Windows based can only be a maximum of 15 characters long [15:13] how would I fix that? [15:14] i am novice at linux [15:15] http://askubuntu.com/questions/9540/how-do-i-change-the-computer-name [15:16] That's one example. [15:17] Or this one... http://askubuntu.com/questions/87665/how-do-i-change-the-hostname-without-a-restart === roland_ is now known as roland === feisar_ is now known as Guest36519 === riano is now known as riano|afk === KRF is now known as kfunk [17:28] Iḿ using Kubuntu 12.04 and my browser is Mozilla Firefox. Which plugins should I be using for flash? [17:29] lars_, flashplugin-installer [17:30] Im not sure if I should use the Firefox browserś tools to install the plugins, or if I should get them from the Muon software centre [17:31] lars_, once installed it resides in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ [17:31] I already have a flash plugin installed, but it doesn work on some chat sites [17:32] it works for YouTube and pretty much everything else === mydogsnameisrudy is now known as rudyismydog [17:33] lars_, for 12.04, http://pastebin.kde.org/p21a9905c [17:34] that's the method i used and it worked for me up to 13.04 iirc === david is now known as Guest83238 [17:37] lars_, alternatively, open a terminal, 'sudo cp /pathto/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins' [17:37] yeah, may be the latter is easier cause I don know how to extract files [17:42] Wow, I just type that one line in the terminal and my flashplayer is updated automatically? [17:43] thanks Blues, I will try the latter method [17:47] Blues, it didnt work [17:48] cp: missing destination file operand after `/pathto/libflashplayer.so/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins' [17:48] lars_, just click on the downloaded file and the deb installer should install it for you [17:48] do I need to use quotes when typing Konsole commands? [17:49] usually ends up in home/user/Downloads [17:49] My keyboard cannot use quotes [17:49] no quotes [17:49] yes, the quotes never work [17:49] everything else on my keybaord works except for the quotes and the apostrophe [17:50] I already tried changing the keyboard settings several times, but nothing works, so I gave up months ago [17:51] I also physically replaced my keyboard with another one, but that didnn ¨t help either [17:51] ¨ [17:51] Oh, I can get quotes if I type the key twice, but apostrophe never works [17:52] anyway back to pushing snow ...BBL [17:52] also, sometimes, the quotes don¨t work at all, even if I press the key 20 times [17:52] ok [18:09] Why can¨t I just update my plugins with the Firefox browser tool instead of updating it with Muon? [18:15] hmm, disconn'd , split? [18:15] lars_, no quotes are needed [18:19] Reboot my whole OS or just the browser? [18:20] i left for a few mins, but I'm back now, reboot the pc [18:20] ok [18:25] Blues, I rebooted, and my plugins are for Firefox have not changed [18:26] why can¨t I update my plugins using the Firefox browser tools, Blues? [18:28] lars_, alt+F2, ksdesudo dolphiun /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, what do you have there ? [18:28] err dolphin [18:28] ok, Iĺl try that... [18:29] No command 'ksdesudo' found, did you mean: [18:29] Command 'kdesudo' from package 'kdesudo' (main) [18:29] ksdesudo: command not found [18:30] oops correction, kdesudo dolphin /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins [18:30] Yeah, Iĺl try that again with correction [18:31] kdesudo is used for opening with permissions, that's the methos used to edit files [18:32] method rather , my fingers are too phat for this KB [18:32] Oh, I see what happened [18:32] itś working now [18:32] I had installed the wrong file [18:33] the name was almost the same but the prefix was different [18:33] libflashplayer.so [18:34] I think the file I had last time was csiflashpayer.so or sth like that [18:34] and I tried installing it with the Muon Installer, and it looked like it worked [18:34] but the plugins never changed for Firefox [18:35] but now I got the libflashplayer, I see it now [18:35] so, now Iĺl try installing it with Muon installer, okay? [18:36] should I use Muon Installer or Muon Updater for that file: libflashplayer.so? [18:38] and should I let it run in the terminal or just do it in download folder? [18:38] just copy it from your Downloads file into the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins [18:39] ok [18:39] itś already in there [18:40] shouldn¨t I install it now with Muon? [18:40] when I double click on it, I can install it with Muon installer [18:41] You want me to try testing Firefox before I install it? [18:41] by the way, there were some errors after I wrote that last command [18:42] lars@linux-rfrf:~$ kdesudo dolphin /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins [18:42] Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString) [18:42] QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. [18:42] QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave. [18:42] kbuildsycoca4 running... [18:42] lars_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [18:42] QInotifyFileSystemWatcherEngine::addPaths: inotify_add_watch failed: No such file or directory [18:44] test [18:45] My plugins are still the same [18:45] nothing has changed [18:45] I think I need to install that plugin with Muon installer [18:46] BluesKaj, should I install it with Muon now? [18:48] oh , I thought you downloaded the file from the url in the pastebin I posted earlier [18:49] no, the file appeared after I typed the last command you gave me [18:50] should I install it with Muon now by double clicking on it? [18:51] oh shit, I lost it [18:51] I can¨t find the file now [18:51] now I cannot install it, I dont know where it is [18:51] look in /home/yourusername/Downloads [18:52] that's the default Firefox uses for downloads [18:54] no, it'disappeared [18:54] I cannot find the folder [18:54] I know its in a filder somewhere, but I cannot find it [18:54] ghbdtn [18:55] no need to use muon unless you didn't download the file, if not then use muon, flashplugin-installer [18:56] Itś too late to use Muon now without the file [18:56] what name did you choose as username ?\ [18:56] the file has disappeared [18:56] lars [18:56] I need to do a search to find the file in order to use Muon [18:56] ok , open dolphin, look in your downloads folder [18:56] itś not in the downloads folder [18:57] the folder was automatically generated when I used the command you gave me, I think [18:57] no, muon has the file in the package repositories [18:57] I must have closed it accidentally [18:57] best to use muon then [18:57] which Muon program? [18:58] I have a bunch of Muon applications, I think [18:59] actually, I remember the name of the folder path where I found the file...... [18:59] I think it was called user lib mozilla plugins [18:59] in the muon search bar type flashplugin-installer, then click on it , choose installation , then apply changes [19:00] I dont have a Muon search bar [19:00] I think itś called a KDE search bar [19:00] but I think I have some program called Muon Package Manager [19:00] no that path means tha particular file in mozilla pluginms means it's already installed [19:01] No, it was not installed [19:01] but it was located in that path [19:01] then it was installed [19:01] no, it asked me to install it from that location [19:02] but thatś only part of the path name, there are missing words, thatś why I canẗ find it [19:03] /user/lib/mozilla/plugins [19:03] I dont know what comes before user [19:04] hwhere is the muon search bar? [19:04] is it in the Muon Package manager? or is it part of the KDE search bar? [19:04] you copied the the .deb file to usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ? ...you shold have downloaded the file when you click on the your version in uibuntuupdates and it would have saved the file in your Downloads folde\ [19:05] you had the path name right, but the wrong file is in the downloads folder [19:06] lars_, don't anticipate, jus tfollow the instructions I postaed in the pastebin [19:06] * BluesKaj takes a break [19:06] Iĺl show you why its the wrong file, look at the name..... [19:07] kcm_adobe_flashplayer.so [19:17] BluesKaj, the flash plugin installer is already installed, according to Muon, but the only plugin I have for Firefox is Shockwave flash, and itś still not up to date [19:19] Also, I think Iḿ still missing a flash plugin, because there is another flash plugin besides Shockwave flash [19:22] Hrmmm what's the kdm equivalent of lightdm's "xserver-allow-tcp=true" in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf? I swear I knew at one point but I entirely forget now. [19:24] lars_: There is no Shockwave for Linux because it uses Windows' DirectX [19:25] ok, so it must be the wrong plugin [19:26] I need to install Adobe flash plugin [19:26] it should already be installed, but itś not on my Firefox browswer plugin list [19:27] but I know i HAVE flash [19:27] because Ive been using it on Youtube and on the news and chat sites, and for yahoo chess [19:27] but I think the version of the flash plugin I have is not up to date [19:28] Firefox says I have shockwave flash installed, but itś not up to date [19:28] and BluesKaj was trying to help me to update or install Adebe flash [19:28] but itś not really working [19:30] been bored, got a kubuntu 13.10 install booting with systemd today. [19:32] lars_: The latest Linux Flash version which Firefox can use is 11.2.202 ...this is because Adobe decided to abandon it. There are later versions which Google made but it is compiled directly into Chrome. [19:33] rberg: heh, how is it? I assume no obvious difference once it's running? [19:33] I found it [19:34] I think Muon installed it now [19:34] I will test it and see what happens [19:36] keithzg: seems fine, I have been working in a virtualbox vm so that slows everything down quite a bit [19:37] No, I still have the same plugin [19:38] the plguin for Forefox that I have is called Shockwave Flash 11,2,202,332 and firefox says itś out of date [19:38] I think there is another flash plugin I can install for Firefox, but I dont know how [19:39] for some strange reason, blues told me not to install the flash plugin using the Firefox browser, but rather with the Muon Installer [19:39] But I think I can install a new flash plugin using the Muon Software Centre [19:47] lars, i told you to download the flashplugin installer from here, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/adobe-flashplugin , you install it with FF, you download it to your Downloads folder in dolphin which FF will do by default then cklick on the downloaded file and the deb installer will install for you , then look in the folder created and copy the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins as per the instructions [19:47] correction, you don't install with FF [19:51] but too late [19:55] is Rekonq a good web browser? [19:56] How do I add my Firefox bookmarks to Rekonq? [19:56] lars_: I like it, but I also still use Konqueror often. So take my opinion with a grain of salt ;) [19:57] is Konqueror a web browser? [19:57] lars_: Go to Bookmarks, Edit Bookmarks, File -> Import [19:57] lars_: Konqueror is everything. [19:57] Konqueror is the beginning; Konqueror is the end. [19:57] which is the most secure web browser to use for Kubuntu 12.04? [19:58] Probably Konqueror, because nothing malicious will manage to run on it ;) [19:58] ok, so then, can I install Konqueror in the Muon Software Centre? [19:59] lars_: yes but you probably shouldn't. Again, I'm a crazy person. Don't do what I do. But if you want something that has lots of fancy options, is also a file browser, and may or may not work right on modern webpages, yup, you can find Konqueror in Muon. [20:00] hi all [20:01] Well then, would Rekonq provide enough security, because Iḿ sick of all these plugin problems with Firefox [20:02] I just spent 3 hours trying to get my plugins for Firefox updated, and nothning worked [20:02] I dont know why they keep telling me not to update my plugins using the Firefox Browser [20:03] we tried doing it on the konsole and nothing worked, the plugins never changed [20:03] so, at this point, Im thinking, I might as well try doing it right from the browser, in spite of their protestations [20:11] there are 3 different versions of the lastest shockwave flash plugin for linux for downloading, one of them is Yum [20:11] lars [20:11] instead install flashplayer-install plugin from the package manager [20:12] I cant find any fashplayaer plugins from Muon package manager, only the flash installer [20:14] lars_: Flash installer is what you need [20:14] I think I already have that [20:15] how do I open the muon pakcage manager? === gn is now known as seattlegaucho [20:17] lars_: K/Applications/System [20:24] thatś weird [20:25] I just asked Muon pakcage manager to upgrade my flash plugin, and it upgraded 41 packages with a total of about 43 MB of downloads === carlos is now known as Guest60774 [21:04] How do you import bookmarks from Firefox into Reconq? [21:09] lars_: when you open your Rekonq,- Bookmarks then click on Edit Bookmarks, File - Import from ..... [21:09] lars, i told you to download the flashplugin installer from here, http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/adobe-flashplugin , you do not install it with FF, you download it to your Downloads folder in dolphin which FF will do by default, then cklick on the downloaded file and the deb installer will install for you , then look in the folder it created and copy the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins as per the instructions [21:09] Edit bookmarks does not work [21:10] I already did all that [21:10] it didnt help the plugin [21:10] Then Export your Bookmark to file, and then import from file. [21:10] I also upgraded aDobe flash installer and plugins [21:10] that did not help either [21:10] in fact, it just made it worse [21:11] now my flash plugin is an even older version [21:11] ok lars_ nevermind , I'll leave you alone [21:11] that's linux :-) [21:11] Iḿ sick of firefox now [21:11] the plder version is supposed to work on 12.04 [21:11] older [21:11] itś certainly impossible to update any plugins for firefox, so I will no longer use firefox [21:12] Iḿ going to try to use Reconq instead [21:12] well, even chrome uses the FF plugin [21:12] Firefox works in Windows [21:12] But I never got firefox to work properly in kubuntu 12.04 [21:13] I suppose I could try updating to a newer version of firefox, but I doubt that would work either [21:14] You won't try you never know. You have nothing to lose. [21:14] sometimes the least expected solutions solve the problem. [21:15] it looks like the version of firefox iḿ using is 26.0 canonical 1.0 [21:16] well, I just spent like 4 hours trying to update firefox plugins, and nothing really worked [21:18] Blues, what was that command I typed when the updates almost worked, I think it had sth to do with dolphin [21:18] it actually did update, but there were like error things happening [21:19] they looked like errors but kubuntu didnt call them errors, kubuntu called them sth else [21:19] I pasted the whole thing here then got balled out for doing it [21:22] damn, I should have copied the commands into MS Word [21:22] I mean Libre office writer [21:24] the command had sth to do with dolphin and user/lib/mozilla/plugins I think, I cann¨ẗ remember [21:27] Ok, Iĺl try updating to newer version of firefox, but after that, if it dont work, Iḿ going to say goodbye to firefox [21:27] Iĺl try using reconq [21:28] or may be conqueror, hopefully their plugins will be upgradable [21:29] should I be using Muon Package Manager or Muon Software Centre to download a new version of Firefox? [21:32] personally I dumped flash [21:41] I have the latest version of firefox, so I don need to install a new version [21:41] How do you import bookmarks from firefox into rekonq? [21:42] thereś no import command in the rekonq bookmarks editor [21:46] lars_: there is if you go to booksmarks > edit bookmarks > file > import [21:47] is Konquerer a better web browser than Reconq? [21:47] itś not called Edit Bookmarks, actually, Iḿ using Reconq web browser [21:48] Well, when I click on that it takes me to the Bookmark Editor, which is really useless [21:48] Its impossible to import or export anything from the bookmark editor in rekonq [21:50] the only the the Bookmark Editor can do in Reconq is add or delete folders, you cannnot import or export more than one bookmark in Reconq¨s bookmark Editor [21:51] Does anyone use the Conqueror web browseer? [21:51] I sure hope it¨s better than Reconq, because Iḿ running out of web browsers that work. I need to find a web browser that works properly for Kubuntu 12.04 [21:52] lars: as far as I know, no one really does. I switched to chrome recently, works perfectly. (Chromium had a slight gui issue) [21:52] After years of using Firefox, I think it has finally outlived it¨s usefullness === kubuntu is now known as Guest20838 [21:53] And Reconq also appears to be a useless web browser with no redeeming qualities I can see [21:54] so, at this point, I think will have to either try Conquerer or Chrome, which web browsser works better, and which one is most secure for Kubuntu 12.04? [21:57] lars: chrome has the best support I would think, just download and install the deb and away you go [21:59] you mean install it from Muon Software Centre? [22:00] Or install if from the Muon Package Manager? Where do I install Chrome? [22:10] lars: go to the website and download the deb file directly [22:10] lars: you'll get updates directly [22:10] lars: https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/ === riano is now known as riano|afk