[00:48] wgrant: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/162825128/buildlog.txt.gz this problem still occurs === zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson === jamesh_ is now known as jamesh === LoganCloud is now known as Guest11876 === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Guest11876 is now known as Logan__ === mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson [06:32] question is all of lp open source now including the PPA service [06:39] DarkPlayer: Hrm, but only intermittently. [06:39] marnold: Yes [06:39] It's all open source nowadays. [06:40] sweet i don't suppose there's a prebuilt vmware appliance somewhere [06:41] There isn't. It's a fairly challenging system to run and keep running. [06:43] I need a PPA-like system for maintaining a custom version of Ubuntu [06:43] it's my personal remix with all the stuff to manage my neurological condition [06:44] You can't just use a PPA on Launchpad.net? [06:44] Running an entire separate Launchpad instance is no small undertaking, unfortunately. [06:44] I'm wondering if i can [06:44] but there's some binary blobs [06:45] that need to be in [06:45] with pre-entered license keys and the like [06:45] and cost is a factor [06:47] Have you considered just manually maintaining a local repository with a tool like reprepro? [06:47] so I'm just looking at options [06:47] that's what I've been doing [06:47] Launchpad's *possible* to run locally, but it's fairly challenging and probably total overkill for your purposes. [06:48] but it's looking like I'm going to have to do 12.04 and 14.04 in parrell [06:49] I was stuck on dapper until like it's end of life [06:49] don't want to do that again [06:50] so lp is out [06:50] next stop google [06:50] Heh [06:50] Why can't you continue using reprepro? [06:53] autobuilds for two different distros at the same time [06:53] That's easy with a tool like sbuild or pbuilder [06:53] Then throw the binaries from that into reprepro [06:53] Done :) [06:54] ok I'll look at my config files and hook scripts and see if i can hack stuff together [06:55] again [06:55] I might just publish the open stuff as a remix [06:56] and keep all the crazy kernel stuff in private repos [06:57] there's bound to be someone who likes the old brown theme, on MATE :) [06:58] thanks for the advice [06:58] Hopefully you'll find a good solution. [07:00] I know I will always do [07:01] the one thing that's hard though is giving back [07:01] I tried once had to stop due to a fall down a flight of stairs [07:02] long off topic story === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === Guest32042 is now known as RedDeath [19:33] hi, is it possible to mark an attachment as private without making the whole bug report private? [19:35] DarkPlayer, not that I know of. If the attachment is private though, then the bug probably should be, or you shouldn't be uploading private attachments. [22:08] Quick question: To assign a blueprint of an application to myself, do I need to be a member of the application drivers, maintainers or both? Thanks!